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🌪️ The wait is finally over, Stormlight Archive fans! 🌪️
The long-awaited explosive climax to the first arc of the #1 New York Times bestselling Stormlight Archive is out now!
Cover Art: Michael Whelan
🌟 Don’t wait, airsick lowlander—get your copy of the hardcover, audiobook, and ebook here.
#let's kill gavilar kholin one more time#torbooks#bookish#bookstagram#bookstagrammer#igreads#SFF#TBR#currentlyreading#brandonsanderson#stormlightarchive#thewayofkings#thestormlightarchive#rhythmofwar#oathbringer#wordsofradiance#fantasybooks
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Shallan Davar as Radiant from Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive.
#shallandavar#stormlight archive#radiant#pattern#knights radiant#sword#shardblade#artnouveau#digitalart#shallan#wordsofradiance#cosmere#lightweaver#illustration#brandon sanderson#oathbringer#spren
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» what author takes up a whole lot of space on your bookshelves? hello my friends, @brandsanderson takes up so much space on my shelves. Not that I’m complaining. I’m on a mission to collect as many copies as I can. I’m really tempted to start hunting down some foreign editions here soon. » hashtags:. #brandonsanderson #cosmere #wayofkings #wordsofradiance #oathbringer #brandonsandersonbooks #mistborn #warbreaker #elantris #stormlightarchive #bookworm #booksofinstagram #authorappreciation #bookcommunity #booklove #bookphoto #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #vscobooks #bookstack #stackofbooks #stack (at Boise, Idaho) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBb26hPBFk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Cosmere Inktober – 22 energetic This one turned out a bit more experimental. The stormforms and their lightning from Words of Radiance.
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Read this part in #wordsofradiance just recently and thought it was so adorable! Kaladin riding a horse for the first time and Syl making fun of him. Just had to do a quick sketch of it. Now maybe I can get my real work done... . . .#stormlightarchive #kaladin #kaladinstormblessed #syl #fantasyart #fantasy #sketch #illustration #brandonsanderson @brandsanderson #art #sketchbook #drawing #cosmere https://www.instagram.com/p/CCUHI0_BN2y/?igshid=1d0m3cw6b73qs
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shallan when she becomes veil and finds kaladin attractive:

#books#kaladin#brandon sanderson#kaladin stormblessed#dalinar kholin#shallan#shallan davar#oathbringer#the way of kings#wordsofradiance#words of radiance#adolin kholin#cosmere#the stormlight archive#stormlight archive#cremposting#crempost
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#WordsOfRadiance, book 2 of #TheStormlightArchive, written by #BrandonSanderson (@brandsanderson), first published #OnThisDay in 2014 #CoverArt by #MichaelWhelan (@theartofmichaelwhelan) #CoolArt #Art #Books #BookCover #BookCoverArt #KaladinStormblessed #ShatteredPlains https://www.instagram.com/p/B9T2K5BAUzE/?igshid=17xzg7fuvtxry
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March Wrap Up
March was a very bad month for myself & my family. We sadly lost my grandmother this month. Most of this month i spent in California with my family. So reading did not really happen. But what i did read i really enjoyed. So thats a positive for all of this.
Words of Radiance Pt.1 - Brandon Sanderson ★★★★ (re-read) Goodreads No Reivew
Warbreaker - Brandon Sanderson ★★★★.5 (re-read) Goodreads Review
Okay I also want to mention that i will not be posting on here for the next month. I need to take time to grieve. See ya’ll soon.
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10. Catifa vermella abans blanca
Sis anys enrere
El món s’havia acabat i la Shallan en tenia la culpa.
—Fes veure com si mai no hagués passat —va dir el seu pare en veu baixa. Va eixugar-li alguna cosa humida de la galta. El dit se li va tornar vermell.— Jo et protegiré.
L’habitació es sacsejava? No, era la Shallan. Tremolava. Se sentia tan petita. Abans, tenir onze anys li havia semblat ser gran. Però només era una criatura. Tan petitona...
Va alçar la mirada cap al seu pare, estremint-se. No podia pestanyejar, tenia els ulls desencaixats.
—Als abismes tu dormiràs, la foscor t’acarona... —va dir el pare en veu baixa, contenint les llàgrimes.
Una cançó de bressol que coneixia, aquella que ella sempre li cantava. Al fons de l’habitació, uns cadàvers enfosquits jeien a terra. Una catifa vermella abans blanca.
—De pedra i por el teu llit serà, ara dorm, petitona.
El pare la va embolcallar amb els braços i va sentir com la pell se li recargolava. No. No, aquell afecte no estava bé. Un monstre no hauria de rebre amor. Un monstre que matava, que assassinava. No.
No podia moure’s.
—S'acosta ja la tempestat, el vent et bressarà...
El pare va passar per sobre del cos d’una dona vestida de blanc. Hi havia poca sang. Era l’home qui sagnava. La mare estava boca avall i la Shallan no podia veure-li els ulls. Els ulls horribles.
Fins i tot, la Shallan podia imaginar que la cançó de bressol era la fi d’un malson. Que era de nit, que s’havia despertat cridant i el seu pare li cantava perquè es dormís...
—Cristalls amb llum resplendiran, ara dorm, petitona.
Van deixar enrere la caixa forta que el pare tenia ancorada a la paret. Brillava intensament, i la llum s’escapava per les escletxes de la porta. Hi havia un monstre a dins.
—I amb una cançó el temps passarà, i t’adormiràs, petitona.
Amb la Shallan als braços, el pare va deixar l’habitació i va tancar la porta als cadàvers.
#cosmere brandonsanderson thewayofkings wordsofradiance translation shallandavar worchapter10 catalan literature#cosmere#brandonsanderson#thewayofkings#wordsofradiance#translation#shallandavar#worchapter10#catalan#literature#catalantranslation
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It was only when you left I felt my life has purpose.
j. grey
My website.
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Way of Kings is so cool. It’s like Final Fantasy and A Korean pop band got together and had a Robert Jordan novel as a baby. Super knights with ancient tech, pacts with the fae realm, giant crustacean kaijuu, soul-severing swords, all set in an awesome Cambrian era-style world. Read this book. #brandonsanderson #cosmere #stormlightarchive #wayofkings #wordsofradiance #oathbringer #shardplate #shardblade #chasmfiend #shatteredplains #adolin #elhokar #conceptart #storyart #scifiart #fantasyart #procreate
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The fancomic I created for Brandon Sanderson’s “Words of Radiance” called Bridging Chasms. Tumblr wouldn’t let me upload all the pages in one post - so here’s the first 9 pages. You can download the completed comic on my Gumroad page for free! I hope you like it!
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» favorite series of all time? hello friends, It’s no secret that The Stormlight Archive is my favorite. I will never get over how truly epic this series is. I never want it to end. ♡ 30ish hours left on this amazing kickstarter! @brotherwisegames recently announced the last stretch goals & I could cry. My Sanderson shelf is only going to get more amazing because of them. ♡♡ you can swipe to see some close ups of some of my fave miniatures! Can’t wait to try to paint them. » hashtags:. #brandonsanderson #cosmere #wayofkings #wordsofradiance #oathbringer #rhythmofwar #thecosmere #thestormlightarchive #brandonsandersonbooks #mistborn #warbreaker #elantris #booknerds #stormlightarchive #bookworm #homelibrary #authorappreciation #bookcommunity #booklove #bookphoto #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #bookstack #stackofbooks #stack #bookstacks #bookcollection #bookcollector (at Boise, Idaho) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjoCC51v974/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Warning: Spoilers in the back cover description.
#wordsofradiance#thestormlightarchive#cover#i apologize#digitalart#brandon sanderson#szeth son son vallano#kaladin
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Here are the promised colors!! Swipe to the right for process video.-> From the original sketch post: Kaladin and Shallan in the chasm scene in #wordsofradiance from @brandsanderson ‘s #stormlightarchive book series!! Truth be told, I was reading #midnightsun and then read this scene right after and the romance of it all hit me extra hard... and I had to draw it! Colors coming later. . . #sketching #sketch #sketchbook #art #brandonsandersonbooks #bookstagram #fantasyart #illustration #illustrationartists #illustrator #kaladin #shallan #cosmere #cosmereinktober https://www.instagram.com/p/CFP6XCEBS5M/?igshid=1cer5xcygv5zw
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Embark on a journey with dragons , mythological creatures , and ancient dieties exclusively on kindle unlimited. The link is on the page bio. #epicfantasy #fantasyreads #wordsofradiance #fantasybooks #fantasybookcover #booklover #booklove #booklovers #somanybooks #yabookstagram #scififantasy #booksbooksbooks #bookshoarder #bookdragon #booksobsessed #booksobsession #bookphoto #bookcommunity #bookcoverreveal #beautifulbooks #yafiction #readingislife #readingbooks #books #yareads #booksarelife #bookalicious #readingbooks #readingislife #booktime #bookworld #libraryofbookstagram #booknerds #ilovetoread #bookoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/BvEDzLAHwVI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y6crqk2wxz87
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