#kaladin herald
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mistywitcher · 3 months ago
finished wind and truth about 2 hours ago and I have just finished crying enough to compose some thoughts.
my heart is broken for Dalinar, and watching everyone grieve for him. I kinda felt like it was coming, but I refused to believe it, and when it did happen, I don't think I've sobbed like that over a book since Mistborn era 1.
I take back what I said about Adolin being angry in a different post. I still agree he got to be angry and that was valid, but never seeing Dalinar again and his last interaction with him being so awful absolutely killed me and oh fuck I'm crying while writing this. I'D ONLY JUST MANAGED TO CALM MYSELF.
Kaladin. KALADIN. that hurt too, In a bittersweet way. I fucking bawled at the idea of everyone thinking he's dead, and Szeth burying him. ruined, I won't recover from this for a long time.
I am beyond pleased he got such a wonderful ending and set up for the next arc, cannot wait to see everyone's faces when he fucking shows up as a HERALD!!!
Adolin fucking princeling wonderful human best guy Kholin was probably my favourite part of this book. His stunning relationship to Maya. His whole arc was incredible, his courage, his acceptance and realisation, FORMING THE UNOATHED. What a fucking baller move, so proud of my pretty boy, I didn't think it was possible to love him more but I do.
Shallan was brilliant as well, although she didn't feel like as bigger part as I expected for this ending, I feel like she was set up brilliantly for Arc 2 and I cannot WAIT to see how she escapes Shademar.
Also I could be so so so wrong, but I feel like, maybe, just maybe, she may, perhaps, could be... pregnant???? idk why I get this feeling but I do. only time will tell.
Renarin and Rlain absolutely shone in this book. I loved every second of it. Was so glad to see how much time they both got! As a neurodivergent, gay person, it was a fucking honour to see myself represented so much and so well in Renarin's chapters. beautiful, stunning, can't wait to see what happens next with my fave gay boys.
Poor Jasnah, those last chapters of hers were so rough. I felt so sad for her, and also so taken with how Sanderson wrote her failure, in such a compelling, tragic way. I can't wait to see what she does next.
Szeth, oh my sweet man Szeth. I wasn't that bothered about Szeth before this book but now I would die for him. I LOVED his chapters and flashbacks, I loved his journey, I simply loved him.
GAVINOR!!!! that twist at the end, with him being a grown man now, I look forward to seeing more of him, and honestly I found his child character to be massively entertaining and so so lovely.
there is so much more I could say, but I am so tired, I read for 7 hours straight with no breaks and then cried for 2 hours, and my head hurts.
so in conclusion, I am slightly broken right now, intimidated by the huge wait we all have, grieving for Dalinar, but ultimately, incredibly satisfied with that ending to Arc 1.
Life before Death
Strength before Weakness
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escargay28 · 2 months ago
Everyone on Roshar during the timeskip:
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Kaladin during the timeskip:
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curlyradiant · 2 months ago
The post WaT herald therapy sessions are going to be so wild from Kaladin's POV.
Like first we have Chana, who is going to end up sobbing admitting that she selfishly tried to kill her daughter and set her up as replacement for herself. Then Kaladin is going to learn that said daughter is Shallan. HIS Shallan.
Then he's gonna be helping out Battar and she's gonna mention spiking some guy for Odium and it's gonna turn out to be Moash, who Kaladin last saw when he murdered Teft.
Then while talking to Nale they are gonna circle back to the Davar family and talk about Helaran being sent to kill Amaram to THEN have Kalak jump in and mention that he told Amaram to enslave the soldier who killed Helaran so Amaram could take the shards. Said soldier being KALADIN HIMSELF.
Like, our boy is going to discover that a bunch of his life's messes are due to the meddling of his new immortal coworkers.
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mirisogni · 1 month ago
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Nale's Therapy.
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ahhfear · 2 months ago
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Nale and Kaladin arguing was one of my favorite parts of Wind and Truth i’m not going to lie
[ID copied in alt text: a drawing of Nale, Kaladin, Syl, and Szeth. Nale is in the foreground with a neutral expression saying “I’m done with this conversation.” Kaladin is seething in the background, syl is looking at nale with a look of concern for his mental stability. szeth is watching kaladin with nightblood on his back.]
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cuneiformkey · 9 days ago
Kaladin has to eliminate swearing from his vocabulary. Not because he’s now holy, but because when he stubs his toe and exclaims “Ash’s tits!” Or “Jerezin’s balls!” It makes convos over stew awkward.
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redeemed-wren · 28 days ago
I had an Image of Kaladin Stormblessed sitting in the grass, making stew for nine immortal heralds and suddenly I am more okay
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piojotoxo · 2 months ago
what if things happen between chana and kaladin and when they return shallan is like YOU FUCKED MY MOM??? because kaladin has a type
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l3st1b0urn3s-707 · 5 days ago
I'm sobbing uncontrollably over "Kaladin, Herald of second chances".
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natavinsmoke06 · 15 days ago
It will be interesting the waves of information for when Heralds come back. Like I hope we see all the characters slowly get the news that not only Kaladin is alive but a herald, like yeah I didn't care for the heralds in these books but the thought of Kaladin coming back in these hard times and now he's here, in front of me against all logic and sense but he's there, spear up, defending me. Just imagine the smile of Adolin when he knows. Lopen wouldn't make a whole deal of it, saying the dumbest joke ever. I would think even Vasher would be happy to see him again, although worried for his new invested situation. The point is I think everyone even if they didn't know him best, I think everyone who ever heard about him would feel hope or just something positive, if the Eternal Sorrow holds up it's name something to bring you hope is the best. As they say in the darkest moment is when something shines brighter
Just imagine the kid that wanted to be a Wind runner because of Kaldin. He will have grown by the time he comes back. He maybe forgot about his ambition. Maybe took his father's profession. Maybe he tried to become a soldier anyways the dream he has passed a long time ago. It's rough times and there's no time for that. But then he sees him again alive, in flesh and bone, dark eyes and something in the soldier changes like a spark of an old bonfire just lit up again.
That's what I expect from Kaladin when he comes back I know he hates being a deified but he makes it so hard not to
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escargay28 · 3 months ago
Incredibly funny that every single time Kaladin Stormblessed is presumed dead and/or defeated he just comes back more immortal and more un-defeated…
Anyways, which Herald do we think is going to fall in love with him? My vote is on Nale
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spacetimeaccordionfolder · 2 months ago
Does Kaladin know Kalak is Restares. When Kalak mentions or someone else mentions Kalak has used the name Restares with the Sons of Honor does Kaladin connect the dots to more than "oh Amaram was in that group" or does he remember that Amaram specifically said that Restares had the right idea before having the stormwarden brand Kaladin. Does Kalak remember telling Amaram to brand some guy to keep the shard blade. Does Kaladin remember that Restares was mentioned right before his remaining four men were killed. how does that conversation go. Does that conversation happen or does Kaladin just not mention it to anyone but Syl.
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wellwhatnowlove · 2 months ago
The longer I sit with the ending of Wind and Truth, the more I think it’s really funny that
Kaladin is just hanging out with Chana, with absolutely no idea that she is Shallan’s mother. Because like… he has a weird amount of information about the Davars…. Like about Shallan’s dad and the abuse in their home and also he killed Helaran… who is apparently a bastard… but still viewed Chana as his mother…. And also if Chana was at Shallan and Adolin’s wedding.. do we think she knows how close Kal is with her daughter?? I keep imagining Kal putting the pieces together during a therapy session with Chana and the dawning realization of just how INSANE Shallan’s secrets are or even wondering if Shallan KNOWS that her mom is a herald and also like NALE TOLD CHANA THAT IF SHE DIDNT KILL SHALLAN THEN HE WOULD and that’s not completely related but like HOLY SHIT. and okay fine I could sit on this for 7 years and still not have time to unpack all of this.
Or MAYBE ITLL NEVER COME UP. AND ITLL ONLY COME OUT WHEN THEY ALL HEAD BACK FOR THE DESOLATION AND SHALLAN WILL LOOK AT CHANA AND BE LIKE “hey mom:)” and Kaladin will be like “😶” …. Assuming Shallan somehow gets out of Shadesmar or like idek who has what information or if anyone has any information? I have no clue but i am sure having fun with it.
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capricandoitall · 2 months ago
Rereading Rhythm of War and realizing that Kaladin did go to Braize ala Odium nightmares. So he can relate directly, at least in a tiny way, to the Heralds' oathpact trauma. Wonder when in the group therapy someone will put that together???
Just, Ash asking, "Uh, Kal, can you describe those nightmares again...?"
Also, do you think he had any clue THAT was what he was risking if sunshine Spiritual Realm uber-fix didn't work?
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thephilosophersapprentice · 2 months ago
Kaladin "I have more faith in the humans around me than I do in divine beings" Stormblessed, meet Herald "stop worshiping us" Ash.
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eggplantlive · 1 month ago
Woke up & remembered that Adolin Kaladin & Shallan will probably not be having that drink together that they promised in day 2.
No I am not okay.
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