#kaladin fic
joonipertree · 1 month
ok I'm gonna send my prompt by ask so it's more formal HIHIHI I'M SO EXCITED. idk how's gonna appear for you (if its my joel account), but here is @yujichoso 😭
ok so I was thinking about injured!reader (they are already in a relationship but it's not out yet) going to the clinic and it's Kal who's in charge of taking care for her and they're all flirting and saying doctor kaladin is kinda sexy and if you could add a kiss somewhere I'd love it too, a kiss that disoriente his system for the rest of the day 😭😭😭
You had half a mind to just go home and have Kaladin patch you up when he got back the second you stepped into the clinic. But alas, you loved seeing your beautiful doctor boyfriend at work. The only thing gnawing in your head was how worried he would get, just like all of the other times you'd gotten sick or injured.
With a little hobble and a lot of energy, you got to the front desk of the reception where a man sat looking over a computer.
"Is Kal- Dr. Kaladin in?" You asked.
The receptionist looked up and smiled politely before checking his watch. "He'll be free in a while, I'm afraid. He's running a bit behind. Is this an emergency?"
You shake your head, " I just fell hard but nothing besides that. I'll wait, okay?"
The man looked at the bruise that was slowly forming on your cheek before he leaned in, "I'm sorry if it's not the case but we're mandated to ask...did someone do this to you? A partner?" He whispered.
You shook your head vehemently, "No, no! Never, my boyfriend would never."
The man took a second to analyse you before he nodded, "Fill this form and take a seat okay?"
With slow limped steps and the realisation that the added weight is causing your other ankle to hurt, you sat down and waited patiently. It did cross your mind that you could just text or call him but you also knew that Kal might be busy and that this didn't really qualify as an emergency.
And Kaladin just got his lunch break, you'd prefer he'd eat first rather than fret over you.
"Hey, Sigzil." Your head whipped up at your boyfriend's voice.
Kaladin looked as fine as ever, even if he would disagree in that moment. With his long shoulder length hair braided back, tan skin and angular features with a defined nose. And oh he looked extra tall that day, in his white coat.
"I'm going on my break okay?" Kaladin said, deep voice with a tinge of exhaustion coming through.
Of course he didn't go on break yet! That man is always stalling for it, thinking of how he can treat others than take care of himself. It made you feel guilty for coming in before he could eat and not bringing anything but, maybe he wouldn't notice you?
Hah, Kaladin not noticing the love of his life was the biggest joke because he instantly clocked you in afterwards, doing a double take. His neutral face went from happy to confused to worried, being able to tell when something was wrong with you.
He strode forward, struggling to keep things professional and his anxiety from showing. No one really knew he was in a relationship and that you were his partner. And as much as he would love to be open about it, paranoia held him back from being openly affectionate towards you. But still, he crouched down so he was eye level, something that multiple people would probably recognise as unusual.
"You're hurt." He stated more than asked.
You nodded, "Sorry, I know you're going on your lunch break-"
"I fell."
With a quirk of his eyebrows, you grimaced and continued, "So there was this mini hiking trail and I just sorta was climbing on a big rock and then next thing I knew, I was on a bunch of smaller rocks."
Kaladin stared pointedly at your fucking sandals that were inappropriate for any kind of adventurous walking. "You are a goddamn idiot."
"But....yours?" You made sure to whisper in case he didn't want anyone else to hear it.
"Hon, you should've called me immediately. Did you come here on your own? Were you waiting for me??"
You looked sheepishly at him, "well, I mean....I'm just following the law."
Kaladin's head dropped with a sigh before he got up, "the law between you and me is you call me when you get hurt, okay? Don't be a dumbass, stay here."
After a minute, he came back with a wheelchair and you felt a heat on your cheeks because oh fuck that was way too serious for a rolled ankle.
But you let your boyfriend help you up and put you on the wheelchair before carting you away. You leaned back and looked up at him, his face still looking good from that angle. You kicked your feet like a child, excited to be taken care of.
When you were in the privacy of a room, he didn't hesitate to pick you up bridal style and plop you onto the medical table. You swooned a bit at the feeling of his muscles flex against you.
But Dr Kaladin kept it professional for the most part, inspecting your ankle by pressing on them, you felt pain and it was inflamed but it seemed most likely a sprain.
"I'll have to lift your shirt up." He murmured, careful gloved hands doing so and prodding at your ribs.
"Take me to dinner first." You murmured and he rolled his eyes with a smile.
"I was thinking Pad Thai?" Kaladin played along, making quick work of his inspection.
"Are you this forward with all your patients?"
"My partner would kill me if I was."
"Boooo." You said with a giggle.
And while it was utterly unprofessional of him, Kaladin couldn't help but plant a kiss on your forehead before taking out the bandages.
"You're lucky it's only a few scraps and a sprain. I hope I don't have to convince you of wearing proper shoes to hike?"
"Won't make that mistake again, doctor!" You saluted.
"You stress me out."
"Thank you!"
He took care to wrap you well, patting your head afterwards. You patted his in return because really, he did all the work.
"Okay so now I suppose I should walk outta here like we've never met each other in our lives right?"
"Hmm?" He said as he took off his lab coat, showing a black dress shirt underneath, "no I'm taking you home and we're having Pad Thai."
"You have a few more hours of work, why would you take me home?"
"Because you're hurt and someone has to take care of you."
"I can do it on my own!"
"You shouldn't have to when I'm here." Kaladin said sternly, packing his bag for the day.
"You have a job--"
"I don't have any more appointments and everyone can handle the walk-ins. My staff is more than capable. Now, do you wanna piggy back or get a wheelchair?"
"I can wa--"
"That's a very dumb thing to say to your doctor."
You grumbled for a second before accepting defeat, asking for a piggy back since he was offering.
Kaladin called in to the desk and let them know that he was off, he could hear the smirk in their voice but didn't bother commenting on it.
Once you were on his back, you melted into him and realised that maybe getting injured wasn't the worst thing in the world.
"You're a pain in the ass."
"I'm yours."
"I need a refund."
A/N: Im sorry this is rushed but i hope its what u wanted!!! I am always open to more requests.
Also...yes i did try to hike in sandals....very bad idea....I am kaladin's worst nightmare.
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dearherondale · 26 days
I like to think most of us prefer aroace Kaladin as canon (me included) but ngl the thought of him having to go to his tippy toes to kiss leshwi after just trying to kill each other is just *chef kiss*
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there's something sadly funny about the way that Kaladin goes into literally every situation thinking "Too bad I'm not cool anymore 😔"
I mean. I get it. Depression fucks your brain up and you feel detached from yourself and any skills you have or had. The PTSD and chronic fatigue are keeping him from doing things he once managed with far less effort. And it's rather impossible to feel like you can just... do things like you used to when you're struggling at a basic level to simply be.
Still, literally everyone who knows him is like "Kaladin you're so storming cool" and he goes "They're referring to the person I was, who is dead. I'll never be cool again. I'm sorry."
The most hilarious thing? He walks into these moments, thinking 'too bad', and then he does the most objectively amazing thing possible while everyone else just watches in awe.
Kaladin, three seconds after absolutely changing everyone's outlook on life: Aw, it's too bad the person I just was died again. Guess I have to find something else to be cuz I sure can't pull that off anymore.
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stew4 · 1 month
The best part of stormlight modern aus is thinking about all the different bridge four incarnations.
school club? Dance team? Literally any kind of sport team? Factory workers? Apartment floor? Diner workers? Backstage crew? Just some guys?
someone has thought it
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nevertheless-moving · 5 months
aromantic/asexual Kaladin. Shallan/Adolin mad horny.
once they realize he's sincerely not interested they back off (not sure if he ever noticed them coming on in the first place) and just, you know, sometimes fantasize. Not making it his problem. maybe they talk with eachother about how unreasonably hot he is, it's ok they're married, if there's anyone you decompress with about inappropriate horniness its your spouse. Not sure who breaks first and pitches the idea of, ah, bedroom lightweaving. But would he be mad? or worse, hurt? It's not like he'd ever find out...but storms what if he did? is it wrong even if he never knows? Can we ask for permission? Would it be worse to ask?? It would so much worse to ask.
I wrote it. They ask. Shockingly wholesome.
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So I’ve been thinking a lot about the chasm scene from WoR, can you imagine if they lived in our world and Kaladin was sharing his experience in the military and mentioned “bootcamp” and then Shallan is all like:
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Asking for a friend does anyone have Kaladin/Shallan fic recs thats is just the two of them please? I need them😭🙏🏽
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i can't remember if an interaction ever happens like this, (probably) but imagine Kaladin being as stoic as ever, he's on duty (idk if this is during Words of Radiance or just before Rhythm of War, so he's either in the warcamps or Urithiru probably. If warcamps then its after the chasms. actually yknow what this is both fanfic and random bullshit, i do what i want and say fuck canon)
So he's standing guard like he's supposed to, except Shallan decided that a productive use of her time is to go and bother him. Radiant thinks it's rude and the respect she has for both him and any soldier means she hates this, but Veil is totally in on it.
So she's just pestering him for his entire shift, and he's standing there, not looking at her, completely dead-faced, offering the occasional clipped answer, and generally being incredibly annoyed, but at some point, she says something either humorous, heartwarming, or both, and without really thinking about it, just COMPLETELY UNCONSCIOUSLY, his face breaks into a small little grin. Not a sarcastic one or a bitter one, just a little smile of joy that breaks through his perpetual storm. The moment he realizes, of course, he very quickly hides it, but of course Shallan catches it.
And she just gasps playfully but also genuinely surprised, but she keeps it lighthearted in the hopes she sees it again. "Storms, what was that? Captain Kaladin? Was that a smile from the Captain Kaladin, whose scowl could curdle milk?"
And he glares at her, because he wasn't smiling and he was on duty and frankly, she had been annoying him for ages and he wanted her to shove off. But she grins up at him.
"Oh, come on, Captain, don't make all the troops run off in fear now! You have a lovely smile, it's wonderful!"
And she pokes him in the side, just to get a little twitch and a deeper frown.
"Aw, that usually works on my brothers. Well then. I'll have to figure out something else, won't I?" Her mischievous expression softens a little, and she just tells him, "You really do have a lovely smile. I don't know why you try to hide it." And she just sits down and spends the rest of his shift telling jokes and ridiculing passerby, no longer trying to annoy him, but just there to keep him some company and maybe make him smile again.
And if a grin broke through his stormy facade every once in a while, well then, she wouldn't point it out. She just took a Memory and carried on chattering loudly about axehounds and lavis polyps and how Adolin had worn his shirt backwards and that lady's hat over there looked like a pile of cremlings had eaten too much and died on top of it, hoping that smile might stick.
(Later, Shallan finds Adolin and runs up to him, screaming, "I MADE KALADIN SMILE!" and Adolin's like "WHAT IN THE ALMIGHTY'S GOOD NAME, I DIDN'T KNOW HE KNEW HOW TO DO THAT" and they just freak out about it and generally make fun of him. That night, Kaladin has a dream about Tien and wakes up crying, only to wonder what reminded him of the time Tien had visited him in the clinic for hours on end, talking and keeping him company as he tried and failed to get his stitches as perfect as his father's.)
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cosmereplay · 2 months
Sometimes I think I'm normal about Shakadolin again and then someone mentions Shallan and Adolin feeding a pastry to Kaladin and I realize no no I'm still insane about them actually
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itsyaraz · 3 months
Has anyone here considered Cognitive Shadow! Tien as a viable theory? Because I am VERY convinced of it and will be devastated if it ends up not being canon.
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sorchasolas · 9 months
This is mostly inspired off of the fact Kaladin is wearing a havah in The Art of Devotion
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joonipertree · 1 month
Kaladin x reader!
Modern Day!AU, Kaladin is a veteran in this but it isnt that explored, sunshine x moonshine couple. For the two (2) people who wanted this @huntsphury @yujichoso
A sleek black cat with oak brown eyes clambers on top of Kaladin as he naps on his couch, dark long hair strewn across the throw pillow that you added for a decorative touch. It was comfy, plush and soft enough to leave his defenses down. Thus, the cat's able to jump him and knead into his stomach. If Kal had been awake, the cat wouldn’t have gotten as lucky. But it did mean that Kaladin had woken up, eyes squinting open as his hand automatically patted Syl’s head. 
His body was stiff, back aching and bones weary, skin not settled in just yet with drool dripping from the side of his mouth. When he looked down, he noticed a blanket gently draped over him and it made his heart squeeze. An act of kindness for an asshole like him? What a treat. He didn’t have to wonder who it was, Syl had no opposable thumbs and if anyone broke in, Kal would’ve killed them by now. 
So he got up, let Syl trot off with a huffy look. Kaladin scratched his stomach as he tried to catch sight of his partner who had strictly decided a while back that they were angry at him. Not that it was unjustified, just that you had contradicted yourself in the span of one night. 
Kaladin dragged his feet against the wooden floor towards the only bedroom in the apartment- the one the two of you shared. Kaladin glanced outside at the potted plants out on the balcony, a space not wide enough for a lot to be done but the two of you had spent plenty of nights sitting there, huddled together while the city quietened down to a car passing by. You'd just murmur to him about your fears and he would intertwine your fingers with his. On some nights, there was laughter that echoed back from the concrete.
Kaladin passed by the kitchen, an open space with colourful and chipped mugs and plates, mismatched cutlery and a fridge that held week old reminders with magnets and a picture of the two of you together. It was from a polaroid camera, the two of you having just been to your third date four years prior. You held a toothy grin, arm as high above as you can go with Kaladin lowering himself to fit beside you, staring up with dark eyes and a perpetual grimace. 
Kaladin smiled with his teeth when he remembered that day, he’d gotten done with practice where he’d fallen and busted his lip open. It was something he was used to but when he met you for coffee, your eyes were so full of panic and your hands were having a hard time deciding where to go. Kal had brushed it off, listened to you ramble and chide him because he liked the sound of your voice. By the end of it, you’d taken the very brave action to kiss him square on the lips, making sure you didn’t touch the injury but doing so as a form of ‘get better’. 
The two of you had kissed a couple of times before but you still turned red and apologised but he didn’t have any of it, kissing you back as gently as he could so that you didn’t have to taste the wound. In the picture, the lip still looked fucked but in Kaladin’s head it had healed that day. 
Kaladin walked into the room, staring at the lump that lay in the far right of your bed, illuminated by the lines of streetlight that came through the blinds. He watched your steady breathing, hyper aware that there was life in you. And you were, as you should be. So with his mental checklist ticked off in his head, a list that he kept tabs on less and less as time went on, he took off his shirt and laid down on the bed.
The movement disrupted you enough that you scooted closer to him, finding his warmth despite the night breeze being a bit too humid. Kaladin opened his arms, placing his chin over your shoulder and letting you meld into his body. There was a flutter of your eyelashes on his shoulder as you opened your eyes and then an intake of breath when you realised what you were doing. 
You were supposed to be mad at him. 
And you were.
The second his rough calloused hand placed itself on the small of your back, you decided that your body wouldn’t let you make the mistake of moving away from him. So you breathed him in and let yourself relax, not really expecting anything else to happen.
“I’m sorry I pushed you away.” His low voice was gravelly from lack of use. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you how I was feeling. I’m sorry I raised my voice at you.”
Silence, for a beat then another. Before you opened your mouth, and spoke with a croaky voice hoarse from crying, “I don’t like it when you yell at me.” 
Kaladin’s grip tightened around you, pulling you deep into him and burrowing his face into your neck. “I know baby, I’m sorry.”
You wrapped your arms around him, snuggling in to let him know that it was okay, ensuring that sentiment with kisses along his shoulder. And Kaladin withered in your hold, feeling loved unconditionally. ‘Unconditional’ was a type of love that he never wanted to subject himself to, feeling broken and too fucked up to deserve something like that. He always had to prove to himself that he should be loved but you did so without a chance for him to justify it. Your kindness seeped into his skin and overflowed from his eyes. 
Pretty soon you were on your back and he was above you, hardened lines visible in the dim room setting. They smoothened the second he saw your pretty eyes look up at him. Kaladin’s chapped lips met yours, calloused hands cradling your face as his hair cascaded down the sides. You felt safe like you always did, not a single fear in your heart as he nipped at your lower lip and massaged your sides so you could melt into a puddle. 
When Kaladin moved back, it was only an inch away, not wanting to be any further from his beloved. 
“I’ll make you some chocolate chip pancakes in the morning, okay baby?” He whispered, patting your head as you sighed and giggled at his words. Kaladin held onto the giggles and threaded it into his memories so that the next time he was upset, he knew what he was going to ruin if he ever fucked up. 
“I get mad at you and you suddenly think that pancakes are the best breakfast food in the world?” You booped his nose, feeling the little spark of brattiness ignite as the tension dissipated. 
“Hey, all I said was that having chocolate chip pancakes the majority of the mornings was not a good decision. Having it when I’ve fucked up seems to be the perfect excuse no?” Kaladin said, peppering in kisses between his words to hear that little giggle of yours more.
“Whatever, you little gremlin.” You gave him kisses as well, feeling your eyelids get heavier. 
Kaladin settled back into bed, pulling your body over his and letting you sink into his solid form. 
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kaladinsspear · 5 months
Have some rambling fandom thoughts :)
Okay, cards on the table, I hc Kaladin as aro/ace. My opinions on who he ends up with in cannon are ambivalent at best. Mostly i'd be curious as to how Sanderson manages to squeeze another relationship in with all the plot going on. This may just be wishfull thinking on my part, but my honest prediction for book 5 is that Kaladin ends up in multiple committed and fulfilling relationships, just not a romantic one.
All that being said, cannon is about 65% of my enjoyment of a story. There is something delightful about picking the story apart and reassembling it like papier-mâché. Sometimes you get incredibly transformative art that has almost no resemblance to the cannon you constructed it from. Omega Dalinar weathering an unexpected menopausal heat is definitely something you could choose to create with your papier-mâché project, or you could create a flawless immitation of cannon which explores some of the off screen Kaladin/Leshwi interactions. Both are what I love about fandom. ^_^
So yes, Kaladin is aro/ace, but Shakaladolin is my jam and I will happily play with all the ships.😌
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sweatersexual · 18 days
y'all . . . I am maybe becoming a trans woman Kaladin truther
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kitsunekage88 · 4 months
So, I had a very strange dream. I might have been reading The Stormlight Archive a bit too much. But Adolin was an archeologist who, after a war, went to a valley to examine a strange statue he had found but had to ignore during the fighting. Only when he went to touch it to get a better look Kaladin just kinda fell out of it. So he did the reasonable thing. He scooped him up and hauled ass out of the valley because there's no way in hell that was a safe place to be.
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Ok, so here's the thing...
I've been thinking a lot about Kaladin's story arc since Chapters 1 & 2 were released and I can't shake the feeling that he's gonna end up some noble sacrifice and it kills me for ONE REASON. Remember that scene in Oathbringer when he held Oroden for the first time? It was beyond precious, right? Now can you imagine if he were holding his OWN CHILD?
Here's the Oroden scene I'm talking about for reference:
Kaladin trembled, then pulled the child tight against him. Memories of this place had not broken him, and seeing his parents had not overwhelmed him, but this … 
Here's the first clincher:
He could not stop the tears. He felt like a fool. It wasn’t as if this changed anything—Bridge Four were his brothers now, as close to him as any blood relative. And yet he wept. “What’s his name?”
“Child of peace,” Kaladin whispered. “A good name. A very good name.”
I might be paraphrasing here a bit but this is basically what happens between the first and second clinchers...
Kaladin says: "FATHER, IT'S THE DESOLATION (whoops, shouldn't have said that, I should not have said that...in front of everyone). Oh well."
Naturally, this starts a panic, but don't worry, Kaladin reassures everyone, as only Kaladin can and says:
"You know the people who betrayed humankind in the last Desolation? The Knights Radiant? Yeah, we're back bitches!"
To punctuate this statement, he draws his Sylspear and sucks in some stormlight to levitate for dramatic effect, then says:
"Don't worry. We gotcha this time, fam. Sorry, gotta fly though, the king in that fabled city that no one really believes exists anymore needs me back in said fabled city."
Then, as he's departing, he looks at his little brother and here's the second clincher:
You I will protect, little one, Kaladin thought at the child. I will protect them all.
Then he's like "later bitches" and flies off into the sunset.
Just kidding. It was nighttime and raining, but I digress...
All I'm saying is what kind of chest-aching delight would it be to see Kaladin holding his own child? I feel like he would be grimacing hard trying to hold back until he finally just...broke. Then it would be this gorgeous raw outpouring of emotion, like full-on ugly crying, but comprised of nothing but happy tears and I love that for him. My heart would explode and I would drown in my own happy tears.
I just realized when writing this post that Kaladin's happiness is my happiness. Welp, I might have to go write a fic about this, for my own perfectly selfish reasons...I'll write you a happy ending, my dude ❤️
*grumbles in untamed ADHD* As if I don't have enough unfinished WIPs right now...
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