#stormlight fics
sorchasolas · 9 months
This is mostly inspired off of the fact Kaladin is wearing a havah in The Art of Devotion
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dearherondale · 26 days
I like to think most of us prefer aroace Kaladin as canon (me included) but ngl the thought of him having to go to his tippy toes to kiss leshwi after just trying to kill each other is just *chef kiss*
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there's something sadly funny about the way that Kaladin goes into literally every situation thinking "Too bad I'm not cool anymore 😔"
I mean. I get it. Depression fucks your brain up and you feel detached from yourself and any skills you have or had. The PTSD and chronic fatigue are keeping him from doing things he once managed with far less effort. And it's rather impossible to feel like you can just... do things like you used to when you're struggling at a basic level to simply be.
Still, literally everyone who knows him is like "Kaladin you're so storming cool" and he goes "They're referring to the person I was, who is dead. I'll never be cool again. I'm sorry."
The most hilarious thing? He walks into these moments, thinking 'too bad', and then he does the most objectively amazing thing possible while everyone else just watches in awe.
Kaladin, three seconds after absolutely changing everyone's outlook on life: Aw, it's too bad the person I just was died again. Guess I have to find something else to be cuz I sure can't pull that off anymore.
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cosmereplay · 8 months
I'm rereading Elantris and thinking about similarities between Sarene and Adolin:
Considered embarrassingly old to still be unmarried (mid-twenties); Adolin was forced to import a potential bride and Sarene was forced to export herself as a bride, both times to someone they hadn't laid eyes on yet.
OH ALSO both of their failures in courtship sound ludicrous. No man in Teod wants to marry the princess because she's tall and outspoken? Seriously? No woman in Alethkar can stand Adolin, cousin to the king? Really? As the Americans say, come on.
Forced to spend time in a bloodthirsty court that they hate, with people who hate them
Love swords and duelling
Trained diplomats
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stew4 · 1 month
The best part of stormlight modern aus is thinking about all the different bridge four incarnations.
school club? Dance team? Literally any kind of sport team? Factory workers? Apartment floor? Diner workers? Backstage crew? Just some guys?
someone has thought it
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Sanderson was so real with that shower scene. One person wanting to batter off their epidermis with a Highstorm. The other person wanting to boil away their flesh with magma. Neither person really being able to share the stream because of both space limitations and fundamental discontent with the aforementioned temperature and pressure. Thinking shower sex is a great idea because you’ve never done it…Oh, Adolin, my dear sweet summer child… 🥹
At first, I said I wouldn’t write a fic about it because the reality of shower sex sucks and the only hot thing about it is the water, when you’re the one lucky enough to be under it (assuming you’re not the one being burned), but maybe I will write one just to show why it sucks. Shallan and Adolin are about to find out that almost anywhere else is better for fucking than in the shower…
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nevertheless-moving · 6 months
aromantic/asexual Kaladin. Shallan/Adolin mad horny.
once they realize he's sincerely not interested they back off (not sure if he ever noticed them coming on in the first place) and just, you know, sometimes fantasize. Not making it his problem. maybe they talk with eachother about how unreasonably hot he is, it's ok they're married, if there's anyone you decompress with about inappropriate horniness its your spouse. Not sure who breaks first and pitches the idea of, ah, bedroom lightweaving. But would he be mad? or worse, hurt? It's not like he'd ever find out...but storms what if he did? is it wrong even if he never knows? Can we ask for permission? Would it be worse to ask?? It would so much worse to ask.
I wrote it. They ask. Shockingly wholesome.
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Asking for a friend does anyone have Kaladin/Shallan fic recs thats is just the two of them please? I need them😭🙏🏽
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listen. all I'm saying in that if you assume for a second that kalmoash is real (even bare minimum moash has a crush on kaladin), moash and adolin BOTH lost their partners when kaladin and shallan fell into the chasms in WoR. They both stood there, in full shardplate, and watched their partner fall to their supposed death while they couldn't do anything to save them.
And I dunno I think they should've dealt with that really unhealthily with each other
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i can't remember if an interaction ever happens like this, (probably) but imagine Kaladin being as stoic as ever, he's on duty (idk if this is during Words of Radiance or just before Rhythm of War, so he's either in the warcamps or Urithiru probably. If warcamps then its after the chasms. actually yknow what this is both fanfic and random bullshit, i do what i want and say fuck canon)
So he's standing guard like he's supposed to, except Shallan decided that a productive use of her time is to go and bother him. Radiant thinks it's rude and the respect she has for both him and any soldier means she hates this, but Veil is totally in on it.
So she's just pestering him for his entire shift, and he's standing there, not looking at her, completely dead-faced, offering the occasional clipped answer, and generally being incredibly annoyed, but at some point, she says something either humorous, heartwarming, or both, and without really thinking about it, just COMPLETELY UNCONSCIOUSLY, his face breaks into a small little grin. Not a sarcastic one or a bitter one, just a little smile of joy that breaks through his perpetual storm. The moment he realizes, of course, he very quickly hides it, but of course Shallan catches it.
And she just gasps playfully but also genuinely surprised, but she keeps it lighthearted in the hopes she sees it again. "Storms, what was that? Captain Kaladin? Was that a smile from the Captain Kaladin, whose scowl could curdle milk?"
And he glares at her, because he wasn't smiling and he was on duty and frankly, she had been annoying him for ages and he wanted her to shove off. But she grins up at him.
"Oh, come on, Captain, don't make all the troops run off in fear now! You have a lovely smile, it's wonderful!"
And she pokes him in the side, just to get a little twitch and a deeper frown.
"Aw, that usually works on my brothers. Well then. I'll have to figure out something else, won't I?" Her mischievous expression softens a little, and she just tells him, "You really do have a lovely smile. I don't know why you try to hide it." And she just sits down and spends the rest of his shift telling jokes and ridiculing passerby, no longer trying to annoy him, but just there to keep him some company and maybe make him smile again.
And if a grin broke through his stormy facade every once in a while, well then, she wouldn't point it out. She just took a Memory and carried on chattering loudly about axehounds and lavis polyps and how Adolin had worn his shirt backwards and that lady's hat over there looked like a pile of cremlings had eaten too much and died on top of it, hoping that smile might stick.
(Later, Shallan finds Adolin and runs up to him, screaming, "I MADE KALADIN SMILE!" and Adolin's like "WHAT IN THE ALMIGHTY'S GOOD NAME, I DIDN'T KNOW HE KNEW HOW TO DO THAT" and they just freak out about it and generally make fun of him. That night, Kaladin has a dream about Tien and wakes up crying, only to wonder what reminded him of the time Tien had visited him in the clinic for hours on end, talking and keeping him company as he tried and failed to get his stitches as perfect as his father's.)
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sorchasolas · 7 months
Everyone should send me their favorite Kaladin fic/THEIR Kaladin fic
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blindradiant · 1 month
ask game: 20 with rlainarin? (╹◡╹)♡
I’m sorry it took me so long to get to this, but I finally wrote something tonight!
Rlainarin, on a scar. Rated Teen, 650 words. This has a couple references to grief in regards to lost family members and entire cultural groups.

Rlain hovered his finger over Renarin’s arm, tracing it near his skin without actually making contact. He hummed quietly to the Rhythm of Peace, noting each of Renarin’s small arm hairs. They were black speckled with yellow, just like the longer strands on his head. Rlain also admired the constellation of freckles scattered across the parts of Renarin’s body that weren’t hidden by his clothing. Each time Rlain thought he’d learned as much as he could about Renarin, he always found more to discover. Tonight, that discovery was Renarin’s individual beauty.
When Rlain had first met and interacted with humans, he’d thought that their monochrome skin and lack of marbling made them indistinguishable from one another. Now that he’d taken the time to look closer, he realized how wrong he had been. It was true that humans had no marbling, but the blending colors of Renarin’s head and arm hair were almost like marbling of his own. Humans weren’t monochrome, but were covered in small variations, like Renarin’s freckles.
Rlain’s finger encountered a mark much larger than the rest of Renarin’s freckles. It was near the heel of his left hand, and ran in a short, jagged line between the bass of his thumb and his wrist bone. Rlain kept his finger there, but still didn’t touch Renarin. “What is this?” he asked to Curiosity.
Renarin glanced down. “It’s a scar I’ve had since I was a child,” he said. His words were faintly spoken to the Rhythm of Consideration. He was getting very good at that.
Rlain hummed a few notes of Curiosity. “How did you get it?”
Renarin looked away, tapping the fingers of his right hand against his knee. “It isn’t interesting. I was out with mother one day. We were walking through the gardens in my uncle’s palace, when I had a fit. I think I tried to catch myself before I hit the ground. One hand landed on a rock that had been broken in a storm, and I was left with that scar.”
Rlain pulled his hand back from Renarin’s arm, resting it on his own knee. “Do you think your Stormlight didn’t heal it because you’ve had it for so long?”
Renarin pulled his box from a pocket and rolled it in his fingers. “I think...I think I still have it because it’s a physical reminder of my mother. Even when I can’t remember specific things about her, I look down and see that scar, and know that she was real.”
Rlain attuned Mourning. He knew how deeply the hurt of a loved one’s death could run. He’d once believed that he was the only surviving member of his entire species. Yes, he intimately knew the type of pain Renarin spoke of.
He nearly let the conversation die, but a sudden thought occurred to him. He attuned Confidence to give himself courage. “Can I kiss your scar?”
Renarin looked up, his eyes widening in clear surprise. “Why do you want to do that?” Another human might have asked the question with judgment, but Renarin only seemed curious and slightly baffled.
“You said the scar reminds you of your mother,” Rlain said to Remembrance. “I want it to make you think of me also.”
Renarin’s breath audibly caught. “I... It’s that important to you?”
“It is,” Rlain said to Resolve.
Renarin swallowed, tightly wrapping the fingers of his right hand around his box. “Just a short kiss,” he said. His voice came out weak, and attuned to no Rhythm at all. “And, um, no licking.”
Rlain hummed to Appreciation, then leaned down and brushed his lips against the scar. He sat up, and Renarin stared down at the spot, as if he could see some change Rlain couldn’t.
Renarin finally looked up. “I don’t remember her well,” he said to Remembrance, “but I think she’d approve. Of us.”
Rlain matched his Rhythm to Renarin’s, bolstering and strengthening his song. “Thank you.”
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shayberri789 · 2 years
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Source: [x]
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cosmereplay · 2 months
For those who can't wait for more Renarin content, I've updated my fic Renarin's Special Interest (rated General, 2000 words, RoW spoilers) to include a piece of commissioned art, done by chickengk aka thebridge4chicken on instagram! Check out their Stormlight art!
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itsyaraz · 3 months
Has anyone here considered Cognitive Shadow! Tien as a viable theory? Because I am VERY convinced of it and will be devastated if it ends up not being canon.
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So I’ve been thinking a lot about the chasm scene from WoR, can you imagine if they lived in our world and Kaladin was sharing his experience in the military and mentioned “bootcamp” and then Shallan is all like:
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