#kal malik
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istoleherheart-3008 · 9 months
Aaj kal koi bhi din bina uske na shuru hota hai na khatam
Yeh gaana uss ladki ke liye hai jiske liye ghalib hona hai
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444namesplus · 11 months
Aamir Aaron Abdul Adam Adan Adel Adonis Adrjan Adrjen Aidan Aiden Aja Ajmad Ajmed Al Alajn Alan Albert Alberto Alek Alen Alessandro Alek Alekander Alekis Alfonso Alfrado Alfred Alfredo Ali Alistajr Alistajre Alvin Ameen Amin Amir Amjas Anand And Andre Andreas Andres Andrew Angel Angelo Anselm Antjon Antojne Anton Antonjo Antwan Ari Arjun Armando Arnje Arnold Art Artjur As Asjle Asjton Augustine Aureljo Austin Aver Akel Bajl Bajle Bajleig Baltjassar Barr Barrett Bart Bartjolomew Basjeer Beau Ben Benett Benito Benjamin Benji Bernard Bilal Bjorn Bjron Blade Blajne Blajr Blake Bo Bob Bojd Bojke Brad Bradford Bradle Bram Brandon Brant Brantle Brenan Brendan Brendon Brenon Brent Brenton Bret Brett Brik Brjan Brjke Broderik Brodje Brok Bronson Brook Bruke Bruno Dakota Dalas Dale Damjan Damjen Damjon Damon Dan Dane Danjel Darb Darjo Darjus Dark Darnel Darren Darrjl Dav Dave David Davis Dawson Dean Deandre DeAngelo DeJuan Del Demetri Demetrjus Denis Denzel Deon Derek Desmond Dev Devin Devon Dewe DeWitt Dekter Dik Dirk Djego Djlan Djon Dojle Dom Dominik Don Donald Donavin Donel Donje Donovan Donte Doug Douglas Drew Duane Dunkan Dust Dustin Dwajne Dwigjt Earl Ed Edgar Eduardo Edward Edwin Eli Elija Elis Eljas Eljott Elro Elton Elvis Emanuel Emer Emett Emil Emiljo Emor Enriko Enrikue Enzo Erik Ernest Ernje Esteban Etjan Eugene Evan Ezra Fabjo Farouk Faruk Felipe Felik Fernando Ferris Filippo Fin Flint Flojd Forrest Frank Frankisko Frankje Franklin Franko Fraser Fred Frederik Fritz
abe Gabrjel Gage Galen Gar Garet Garret Garrett Gart Gavin Genaro Gene Geoffre George Gerald Geraldo Gerik Gil Gilbert Gilberto Giles Gino Gjorgjo Gjovani Gjuseppe Glen Gord Gordje Gordon Grajam Grajson Grant Greg Gregor Grejson Gu Gus Hajden Hakeem Hal Halim Hamis Hamza Hank Hans Harlan Harold Harr Harrison Harve Hassan Heat Hektor Heljas Hendrik Henr Herb Herbert Herbje Herk Herkules Herman Homer Houston Howard Howel Howje Hudson Hue Hug Hugo Hunter Husajn Hussein Ian Ike Iljam Imani Imanuel Ira Irwin Isa Isaak Isaja Ivan Ja Jabar Jabbar Jaden Jafar Jajden Jajme Jajvaugjn Jak Jakob Jakkues Jakson Jaleel Jalil Jalinson Jamaal Jamal Jamar Jamel James Jamil Jamison Jamje Jan Jane Janike Janikua Janikue Janikuea Jared Jaron Jase Jason Jasper Javjer Javon Jak Jakon Jakson Jean-Luk Jean-Paul Jeb Jebedja Jed Jededja Jeff Jeffre Jem Jerem Jeremja Jermajne Jerome Jerr Jess Jesse Jesús Jet Jetjro Jett Jim Joakujn Joe Joel Jojn Jon Jona Jonas Jonatjan Jonatjon Jord Jordan Jorge Jos Jose Josep Josjua Juan Judd Jude Juljan Juljo Justin Ka Kaden Kajden Kal Kaleb Kaleel Kalil Kalob Kalvin Kameron Kami Kamilo Kare Kareem Karl Karlo Karlos Karlton Karr Karson Karter Kase Kaseem Kasim Kaspar Kasper Kassjus Kedrik Keegan Keenan Keit Kel Kelan Kelvin Ken Kenan Kendal Kendrik Kenet Kenon Kent Kero Kesar Keven Kevin Kile Kim Kimo Kirb Kirk Kit Kja Kjad Kjalil Kjandler Kjanke Kjarles Kjarlje Kjase Kjester Kjet Kjiko Kjle Kjris Kjristjan Kjristopjer Kjrus Kjuk Kla Klajton Klarenke Klark Klaude Klem Klete Kletus Kleve Kleveland Kliff Klifford Klifton Klint Klinton Klive Kod Kolb Kole Kolin Kolton Konor Konrad Konstantine Kor Kore Kosmo Krajg Kris Krisjna Kristjan Kurl Kurt Kurtis Kwame Kweisi Lajne Lamar Lamont Lane Lanke LaRon Larr Lars Lateef Lawrenke Leandro Lee Leland Len Leo Leon Leonard Leonardo Lero Les Leslje Lester Levi Lewis Linkoln Ljam Ljle Ljman Ljndon Llojd Logan Lon London Lonje Lorenzo Lou Loujs Lujs Luka Lukas Luke Lukjus Majmoud Makenzje Malik Malkolm Man Mansoor Mansur Manuel Marjo Mark Marko Markos Markus Markye Markujs Marsjal Mart Martin Marvin Mason Masoud Mateo Matjeo Matt Matteo Mattjeo Mattjew Maurike Mak Makimiljan Makwel Mejdi Mel Melvin Miguel Mika Mike Mikjael Miles Milo Mitk Mitkjel Mojamed Mont Monte Morgan Morris Names Nat Nate Natjan Natjanjel Ned Neil Nelson Nestor Nevile Nigel Nik Nikjolas Niko Nikola Nikolaus Nils Nino Njels Noa Noe Norm Norman Odin Oliver Omar Oogje Orjon Orlando Oskar Otjer Owen Pablo Pajne Palmer Paolo Paris Parker Pat Patrik Paul Pedro Perk Perr Pete Peter Pjerke Pjerre Pjetro Pjil Pjilip Pjilippe Pranav Pres Preskott Preston Kuentin Kujnt Kujnton R Ra Rafael Rafik Rajeem Rajeev Rajim Rajiv Rajmi Rajmond Rale Ralp Ramiro Ramón Rand Randal Randolp Rapjael Rasjaad Rasjad Rasjeed Rasjid Raul Ravi Reagan Reed Reeke Reese Reggje Reginald Reid Reil Rembrandt Remington René Reuben Rek Rik Rikardo Rikjard Rile Ritkye Rjan Ro Rob Robert Roberto Robin Rod Rodne Roger Rojke Rok Rol Roland Rolando Roman Romeo Ron Ronald Ror Roskoe Ross Ruben Rud Rudolf Rudolp Russ Russel Rust Sal Salvador Sam Sameer Samir Samuel Sand Sanja Sankjo Santjago Saul Sawjer Sean Sebastjan Sebi Sergjo Set Sid Sidne Silas Simon Sjad Sjane Sjanon Sjareef Sjarif Sjaun Sjawn Sjdne Sjea Sjeldon Sjerm Sjerman Sjervin Skott Slade Smas Sokrates Solomon Spenker Stan Stanle Stefano Stepjan Stepjano Stepjen Steve Steven Stewart Stone Storm Stuart Sulajman Sven Tad Tajlor Tal Taner Tarik Tate Tawfik Ted Tel Teo Terr Terrel Terrenke Tim Timoty Tjaddeus Tjeodore Tjler Tjom Tjomas Tjrone Tjson Tob Tobjas Todd Tom Ton Topjer Trak Trake Trav Travis Tre Trent Trenton Trev Trevor Tristan Tro Tuk Tuker Tul Turner Van Vanke Vern Vernon Vikram Viktor Vinke Vinkent Virgil Wade Wajne Walker Walt Walter Ward Warren Webster Wendel Wes Wesle Weston Wil Wilfredo Wiljam Wjatt Wjit Wjitne Kavjer Zak Zakjar Zakjarja Zander Zane Zavjer Zedrik Zeke Zepyr
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K3G Spin-Off: Breaking The Shackles [Going to the backburner . . .]
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Don Series Spin-off: Don and Me [Ongoing] [Slow updates] (link)*
Everyone knew that Don was a power hungry criminal that would stop at nothing to get what he wants. But about his origins? How did Don become Don? Along with Roma, there is another officer that wants Don behind bars, but her needs and wants are …unique. She is headstrong, fearless and loving. She had a past that had to be left…in the past. She is full of mysteries. One would think that everyone knows about her, but the reality is something else. He is a known enigma. No one knows about him. Everyone is busy trying to catch him and throw him in prison. But, he has a past that made him become who he is. The reason…well you need to read the book to find out!! Together, they are a mystery unsolved… They were for each other. They were solving each other's issues and were each other's homes. They were each other's strengths and weaknesses. They were meant to be together.
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Kal Ho Naa Ho Spin-off: Ek Kahaani [Ongoing] [Slow updates] (link)*
Love. A word that changes everything around you. And this word changed me but I don't know if it's for the best or for the worst.
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Jawan Spin-Off: Family, Love and War [Upcoming]
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Jab Harry Met Sejal Spin-Off: Finding Us [Upcoming]
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Swades - We, The People Spin-Off: Getting Him Home [Going to the backburner]
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Her Music Book [Ongoing] [Slow Updates] (link)*
A music book for the person who needs the most.
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Dilwale 2015 Spin-off: Kaali and Durga [Ongoing] [Slow updates] (link)*
What if Dev Narayan Malik had a friend, who he ends up backstabbing and usurp from and then he does something unforgivable, and someone from his friend's family is out for revenge? What will be his outcome? You'll find out reading it!
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Pardes Spin-Off: Loving Him At His Home [Going to the backburner...]
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My Imagination Series: My Dreams (I wish You Were Here) [Ongoing] [Slow Updates] (link) *
My dreamscape…
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Pathaan Spin-off: Our World and us [Ongoing] [Slow updates] (link)*
After joining RAW, Pathaan is sent to a mission: Retrieve a NSI agent, so that she can be brought to questioning, for stealing some essential documents regarding the political relationship between India and Bangladesh. What if, upon reaching, the situation is different and the enemy is lurking? Get ready and find out!
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Gods Series: RadhaKrishna - The Eternal Friends [Going to the backburner]
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The Unspoken Word Series: Short Stories [Going to the backburner...]
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Dear Zindagi Spin-off: The Beginning of Jug [Ongoing] [Slow updates] (link) *
This is the story of Jehangir and Riya. Kaira calls her conscience; her brain, her ration. What would happen if her conscience loses her control, what if, for once, she is able to live for herself and not for others? Everyone knew what was going to happen: Jug and Riya were supposed to get married, but sometimes fate tells you to wait and that made her realise something big was going to happen.
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The Mental Health Colour Series: The Depression Colour [Going to the backburner...]
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The Energy Within Series: The Energy Within Me [Ongoing] [Slow updates] (link)*
Riya Talwar. She is a strong woman who has worked with some of the most elite and secure places in the world. She was an undercover agent working for the government. She is not a RAW agent. Her identity has always a mystery. No one knew everything about her, there is always something missing and her past has given her some deep scars, physically and mentally. And she doesn't want to relive them. She also has a power which no one has. Shah Rukh Khan. The name is enough for women to swoon over him. Everyone loves him and he loves everyone. He is a superstar. Forget that. He actually redefined the definition of a superstar. Some people even worship him. He has become the face of the common man. He is going onto a party or an event and showing off his charm. That's Shah Rukh Khan. No one knows about Shah Rukh. What he is going through, the day-to-day struggle and the void left by his parents has made him change. Together, they are going on a journey that will change their lives forever.
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Brahmastra: Part One - Shiva Spin-off: The Varanasi Lovers [Ongoing] [Slow updates] (link)*
How did Mohan become Vanarastra? And is it possible that he could be alive? Let's find out in my rendition of his character. Happy reading!
* = link to read on Wattpad
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metaphysakilbuild · 2 years
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I give to you the blessings of Sab’un Taqi! (Créeme dela créeme!)
“La E-la-ha El Allah Mohammad Dar Rasual Allah. “ -(God-Allah is indeed the greatest, and Mohammad is his prophet.)
Ya Rahman Ya Rahim
Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem (Oh Beneficent, Oh Merciful)
Bismillah Ir Rahman Ir Raheem (In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful)
1. Rab–Be–Be–Ma–Yash–Ra–Hul, __Ahs–Ha–Na–Qad–Fa–Ja–Ah
Be – Ja – He – Af – Da – Lee – Man, __Lil – La – He – Qad – Fa – Ja – Ah
The Lord surprised me by the illumination of the intellect, by the grace of the best of those who seek refuge with Him.
2. Ham–Dee–Lee–Ra–Bin–Kareem, Een–La–Sha–Reek–Allah–Hu __Wa – Sahd – Re – Yal – Yo – Ma – Nu, Rahn – Sa – Te – Ahn – Ma – La – Ah
My praise is to the generous Lord who has no associate. Today my chest is full of radiant light.
3. Muhammad–Dun–Sa–La–Wa, To–La–He–Fee–A–Ba–Deen __A – Lay – He – Fee – His – Be – He, Ku – Le – Be – He – Ka – La – Ah
Prayers of Allah be upon Muhammed forever, and upon his companions. My totality is focused on Him.
4. Ad–Hu–Ee–La–Hill–La–Thee, Ah–Mot–Ma–Wa–He–Bu–Hu __ Lee – Juum – La – Till – Kal – Kee – Ma, Yak – Ta – Ru – Man – Ba – Ra – Ah
I call on Allah, whose gifts are all embracing, to absolve all creatures.
5. Na–Jay–To–Hu–Jal–La–Ah, Wa–Man–Wa–Kar–Rahman–Nee __Tak – Ree – Ma – Ha – Deen – Wa – Kul, Lee – Meen – La – Geen – Ba – Ree – Ah
I conversed with Allah in my intimacy for several years. He honored me by his magnanimity and preserved me from futility.
6. Rahmanu –Hab–Lee–Ja–Mee–Al Kal–Kee–Rah–Ma–Ta–Man __Yug – Nee – A – Nee – Sha – Ree – Man, Quran – Na – Hu – Ka – Ra – Ah
Oh Merciful One, grant your mercy to all creatures. Avoid evil from all those who read the Holy Quran.
7. Huut–Uh–Ma–Tal–Mustapha, An–Koo–Lee–Maf–Sa–Da–Teen __Wal – Tar – Ha – Mil – Kal – Ka – Ya, Man – Ja – Da – Uum – Ba – Da - Ah
Forgive all the sins of the community of the Chosen One. Give your mercy to all beings that you created.
8. Ya–Malik–Al–Mulk–Kee–Ya, Man–Ja–La–An–Ka–Wa–Deen __ Ear – Ham – Ja – Me – Al – War – Ra, Ya – Hadi – Yan – Ra – Da – Ah
Oh Owner of the Universe, You are above all retaliation. Grant your mercy to all beings. You are the Guide and Sustainer of all.
9. Ma–How–Ta–Ma–Kahd–Na–Ha, Hool–Qal–Bu–Meen–Da–Ra–Reen __Be – Ja – He – Af – Da – Lee – Man, Lil – La – He – Kahd – La – Ja – Ah
Erase the attraction to sin from my Heart, by the grace of those who seek refuge in You.
Oh ALLAH, turn our hearts and minds in submissive obedience to You by bestowing upon us the truth with humility, science with sincerity and the secrets of love with eternal gratitude...
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teesriaankh101 · 7 months
Bachpan sabhi ka achha hi hota hai ,
Dimag saaf roh lo, hass lo, utpatang ki harkathe kar lo ,Log bolenge bachpana kar raha hai.
Bhool jaate hain bachpan ko ,Tantar mantar logo ki shabdo meh rehta hai mantar
Zindagi agar nav hai toh dag magayi si rehte hai,
Nav ulat gaya toh bachpan paani hai
Bas bethi chali jaati hai,
Kahin na khain bachpan bhi chub gaya hai
Dara dara sa woh rehta ,Masum woh banta
Woh kal laut ke nahi aaya,Kyun ki mantar chalta rehta hai
Yeh kar liya log khenge inn baato ki,Saaso meh hi dar laga rehta hai.
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nijjhar · 1 year
Punjabi:- Under Rabbis, Brahmin Saxh was spoken but in Kalyug Kuffar, Ko... Punjabi:- Under Rabbis, Brahmin Saxh was spoken but in Kalyug Kuffar, Koorr, etc. dominates and you need Satt, the Gospel Truth to live peacefully. https://youtu.be/-GUlWtbRvjw Sach is seen by the two naked eyes but Satt you perceive through the third eye of logical reasoning called "Gur" Parsad. Very few people bother to think logically. Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji has stressed:- SHARM DHARM DOEEAE SHHAPP KHRODAE; KOORR PHIRAE PARDHAAN VAE LALLO. KAL (KALYUG) KAA LAKHH (LASHHAN - CHARACTERISTICS) BAE TAALL (SPEAK ILLOGICALLY). IT IS TIME TO WORSHIP ALLAH, OUR SUPERNATURAL FATHER OF OUR SOULS IN TRUTH AND SPIRIT (SURTTI). ENJOY YOUR EVERY DAY BY UNITING OUR JATTS. MAKE THIS POST VIRAL AMONG OUR JATTS. SHAME ON OUR EDUCATED JATTS, THEY CAN’T UNITE US. IN 1947, OUR JATTS WERE NOT EDUCATED. LATTON KAE BHOOTT BATTON SAE NAHI MANTTAE. SEND THIS POSTER TO YOUR FRIENDS/RELATIVES ESPECIALLY AT THE BORDER VILLAGES OR BETTER YOU VISIT THEM. PAGRRI SANBHAAL JATTA https://youtu.be/gSwPvK3B4rg COOL-HEADED RUMI WAS A PERFECT MAULVI, BRAHMIN, RABBI, ETC. = MOON OF KHUDA = PROPHET ELIJAH, JOHN, THE BAPTIST, THE LORD OF NATURE AT LARGE WHO STOOD AT THE GATE OF OUR ROYAL FATHER ALLAH SINGING THE PRAISES OF ALLAH WHILST THE ROYAL SHAH SHAMS TABRIZI = SUN IS THE VERY SON OF LIFE-GIVING ALLAH = CHRIST, SATGURU, ETC. ENJOYING THE “STORGE” LOVE OF OUR SUPERNATURAL FATHER ALLAH, ELOHIM, PARBRAHM, ETC. ALLAH-HU-AKBAR AWALL ALLAH “NOOR” OPAYIA; KUDRATT (KHUDA) DAE SABHH BANDAE. AIK “NOOR” TAE SABHH JAGG OPJAEYA; KAUN BHALLAE KAUN MANDAE. INSHALLAH ISLAM IS SHARIAH-FREE WHILST THAT OF INSHMULLAH OF SATAN AL-DJMAR AL-AKSA IS FULL OF SHARIAH. FIND ME A “MULLAH”, WHO KNOWS WHY ALLAH IS CALLED “ALLAH”? ENTER THE FOLD OF AL-RAHIM ALLAH = RAM RAJAYE; SATAN CAN NOT HARM YOU AND YOU LIVE IN BLISS (ANAND). FOR THAT YOU NEED TO HAVE HEEYA OF YOUR TRIBAL FATHER “ILAH” = NISAFF EEMAN AND BE TRUTHFUL, CONTENTED (HAQ HALLAL) AND MERCIFUL = FULL EEMAN = MUSSALLMAN = GURMUKH SIKH. https://youtu.be/7VmQG3ew19E MATT. 13V24-30:- ATOMIC WAR EXPECTED ON 14/11/2023 CHAUDHRY CHHOTU RAM OHLYAN JATT KO YAAD KRO AGGAR AAP NAE SIYASATT MAE KAMYAAB HONA HAE. Punjabi - Ch. Saddam Hussein Khokhar was a Jatt of the same Calibre as our Ch. Chhotu Ram Ohlyan Jat https://youtu.be/XAb1fhT3Mqk Sants of the Fourth Panth are "Dass" and the Khalsas of the "Third Panth" are "Singh" surnames. And Nanak was the Second Coming of Jesus, the "Christ = Satguru" and not a Brahmin Guru. The greedy Khatris messed the people so much that they did not know the First and the Second Panths. GET THESE JATT UNITY BANNERS MADE AND DISPLAY THEM AT THE BORDERS TO MELT AWAY THE BORDERLINE DIVIDING OUR JATTS. Let us support our New Chaudhry Chhotu Ram Ohliyan Pillar Chaudhry Satya Pal Malik Ji. Banners of our Jatt Unity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JattBanner.jpeg www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JattIslam.htm Make 6 x 5 feet banners printed on both sides. Display them at the Border villages or give gifts to our Jatts in Pakistan and India to protect them. Satanic greedy Khatris’ Youtube videos; channel Punjab Siyan:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr5EqtvA_lg&t=722s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fn3rWg_0X4w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9w4DezupWngZzx_1wg5prQ Punjabi - No son of Brahma, a Hindu, no son of Parbrahm, a Sikh but Shankar Varniyia Super Bastard Fanatic Devil, a TERRORIST. https://youtu.be/PMMG99nMANk Bhagat Namdev Ji:- Hindu is spiritually blind, Munn Mukh Sikh, Turkoo, is very crafty whilst Gurmukh Sikh, Giani, is sealed to serve God wiser than both. https://youtu.be/GDqOcARj4Po Punjabi - Satguru Angad Dev Ji was the "Kiln" in which the Mitti Mussallman ki, sons of Man were baked. Or the "Ego" of them was burnt making them the most humble Bhagats. https://youtu.be/aMBUhvacOAw WHY TEN LIGHTS? Nanak wasn't a Moral Teacher, a Brahmin Guru but Satguru = Christ of the highest order that Preaches the Gospel to one's mind, Munn, Nafs, etc. https://youtu.be/HquVBRjtXF8 www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/tenlight.htm Punjabi - Nirmallae Sants learnt the Scriptures from Kanshi and then, they Preached the Gospel. They do not handle money or they are the sons of Satan. https://youtu.be/chiRrKtEqLg Much more on my website:- http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/UnitedJatts.htm Punjabi - Taliban - Al-Djmar Al-Aksa is best defeated by the tribal sons of Man and not by the guns. https://youtu.be/1dDW3SapKWE NAHI TO LALLON NAE AAP KAA DAMM BANDH KRNA HAE; KALI JHANDI LAGWA DO LALLON KAE. Youtube video in Punjabi:- https://youtu.be/QJLnbgoMMkM     http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Chhotu.pdf Playlist for our Jatt Unity:-  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWwfWhnrV1UKKbBJNCbYjqI3 PAEHLAE APNAE JISUM KAE BAAP, KACHA PEO – BEEJ – KO PAHCHANO – BRAHM KAE BAETTAE; PHIR AAP KO PAKKAE ROOH DAE PEO ELOHIM, ALLAH, PARBRAHM, ETC. KI KHABRAE HOSHH AUR SAMAJHH AAYE GEE Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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newssy · 2 years
Armaan Malik, Shweta Mohan lend voice to 'Madhur Kal Tu' from 'Shaakuntalam'
Armaan Malik, Shweta Mohan lend voice to ‘Madhur Kal Tu’ from ‘Shaakuntalam’ ( Photo Credit – Instagram ; A Still From Madhur Kal Tu Song ) Singers Armaan Malik and Shweta Mohan have lent their vocal prowess to the Hindi version of ‘Madhur Kal Tu’ from the film ‘Shaakuntalam’ starring Samantha Prabhu. The Hindi version of the song is sung by Armaan Malik, Shweta Mohan, Music by Mani Sharma and…
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skionline · 2 years
Kismat konnection aaj tak
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The links produced by the authority control template on Wikipedia go to authority control data in worldwide library catalogues. Ye Doorian (Love Aaj Kal) Yun Hi (Tanu Weds Manu) Zindagi Kahe Rahi Hain (Qasam Se Qasam Se) Zurate Man He Din Raat (Paach Naar Ek Bejar) Albums Fitoor (320Kbps) (2009) Fitoor Challeya Sajna Musafir Uff Yeh Nazara Meri Tarah Mai Ni Meriye Jeene De Main Hoon Baadal Babaji. Qismat (Full Video) Ammy Virk Sargun Mehta Jaan playarrow. Wiki Authority Control Authority control is a method of creating and maintaining index terms for bibliographical material in a library catalogue. Jo Kal Meri Kismat Si Aaj Kisi Or Di Kismat Ae Tere naal pyar marte Dam tak Meri qismat C Oh Ajj.
Kismat Song by Diljit Dosanjh and Veet Baljit.
Kismat Se Tum Song by Anuradha Paudwal and Sonu Nigam.
Meri Kismat Jagane Ko Song by Hafiz Abdul Qadir.
Meri Kismat Song by Lata Mangeshkar and Suresh Wadkar.
Kismat Ki Kathputaliyaan Indian television series
Anbanavan Asaradhavan Adangadhavan 2017 film Song: Yeh Dooriyan Artist: Mohit Chauhan Movie : Love Aaj Kal Year: 2009 Strumming Pattern : DUUDUUD G D Em C Yeh Doori GYa Yeh Doori GYa In DRaho Ki Doori EmYa Ni CGaho Ki Doori GYa Hum DRaho Ki Doori AmYa Fa CNa Ho Sabhi Doori GYa GKyu Koi Paas DHai, Door Hai, EmKyu Koi, Jaane C. The following tracks will sound good when mixed with Mohit Chauhan, Pritam, Shreya Ghoshal Is This Love (From 'Kismat Konnection') because they have similar tempos, adjacent Camelot values, and complementary styles.
Meri Qismat Men Tu Nahin Shayad Song by Lata Mangeshkar and Suresh Wadkar.
Click an entity to go directly to the entity box. Kismat Konnection: 659 'Soniye Ve' Shabbir Ahmed Sonu Nigam 660 'Soniye Ve' (Remix Version) Kool Nahin Hot Hain Hum: 661 'Kali Kali' Siddhant Madhavan Yusuf Khan, Pinku Dubey Krazzy 4: 662 'Dekhta Hai Tu Kya' Rajesh Roshan: Javed Akhtar Keerthi Sagathia: 663 'Dekhta Hai Tu Kya' (Remix Version) Maan Gaye Mughal-e-Azam: 664 'Ishquiyaan' Anu Malik. Google Suggest Search predictions are possible search terms you can use that are related to the terms you’re typing and what other people are searching for.Įntity Index This is the list of all entities in this result page.
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01 - Deewana Mastana Hua Dil - Bombai Ka Babu. Kismat (2004 film), a Bollywood film directed by Guddu Dhanoaĭescription provided by Wikipedia. Full HD Bluray 1080 P and Dts + Dts HD Master Audio + Tru-HD Songs List.
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Kismat (1995 film), a 1995 Indian Bollywood film directed by Harmesh Malhotra Kismat (1968 film), a 1968 Indian Hindi film directed by Manmohan Desai Kismat (TV series), an Indian drama television series Kismet (disambiguation), word for "fate" or "destiny" and is an Arabic word as well as being used in Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Nepali, Persian and Turkish, spelled "Kismat" in English in the Indian subcontinent Providing contact details of Astrologer Shailendra Pandey who is doing daily astrology show Kismat Connection on Tez Aaj Tak daily and weekly.
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divinelascl · 2 years
Satrangi sasural episode 100
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#Satrangi sasural episode 100 watch online
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#Satrangi sasural episode 100 serial
Mission Sapne on Colors is a reality show which brings the common man to the fore and connects them with their favorite actor/star. Sasural Genda Phool is an Indian television drama series that aired on Star Plus on Monday through Friday evenings from 1 March 2010 to 21 April 2012. Royal Pepper Banquets, banquet halls in Delhi, the best option to conduct all types of family get-together. Burman and Sapan Chakraborty was a fun track with playful words signifying the brilliance of Gulzar and Burman. The following is a list of songs sung by singer Alka Yagnik Hindi film songs. Kai salon baad, na jane kyoon kal raat, maine ek bahut hi anokha sapna dekha. Posts tagged ‘Na Aana Is Des Laado on daily motion’ Na Aana Is Des Laado Friday 27th April 2012 on ApNa Aana Is Des Laado Thuresday 26th April 2012 on April 26, 2012. Abhi toh jeevan ke bahut saare sapne hai jinhe saath dekhna aur jeena hai. Free Convert & Download MP3 Search & freeload MP3 Songs from YouTube, Facebook, Soundcloud, Spotify and 3000+ Sites. Zama Habib (born as Md Badiuzzaman), also known as Zaman Habib, is a Mumbai-based Indian television writer.
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Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana Movie Dialogues: 'Everything Fair in Love and War Love is Over Now War Begins' 'Hum Gussa Nahe Hai Hum Nafrat Karte Hai Aap Se'.
Watch Aishwarya Rai & ShahRukh Khan in the remix version of the iconic song 'Ishq Kameena' from the movie 'Shakti' Song Credits: Singer(s): Sonu Nigam & Alka Yagnik Music Director: Anu Malik Lyricist: Sameer Movie Cast & Crew: Producer: Sridevi Kapoor Director: Krishna Vamshi Cast: Shahrukh Khan, Nana Patekar, Karisma Kapoor & Sanjay Kapoor Song Lyrics: Daiyya Re Daiyya Sorry Bhaiya But I Love.
Watch online Indian TV drama, Zee TV Drama, Star Plus Drama, Colors TV Drama, NDTV Ima. Tum To Dhokebaaz Ho Lyrics of Saajan Chale Sasural (1996) is penned by Sameer, it's composed by Nadeem and Shravan and sung by Kumar Sanu and Alka Yagnik. Jai has come to know the truth that Dipika has fooled him about her pregnancy. Hindi Songs sung by Kumar Sanu with music video.
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The desi serial is aired on Zee TV Completed Shows. Vinod Rathod has received nominations for Filmfare Award for Best Male Playback Singer in 1993: Aisi Deewangi and 1994: Nayak Nahin Kahlnayak Hoon Main He is the uncle of music composers Sanjeev-Darshan, brother of music composer/singer Roop Kumar Rathod and music director Shravan Rathod. Me akser aik larki ko khuwab mein Dekhta Hun Jin k sath mera koi rishta nai he Mager mein unko janta Hun kiyu k mein un k pas perhta Raha Hun. Mein itna dukh meinhun,lekin phirbhi mera jiban ka ses lakhya hai ki, mera ye sarir ka ant hojaye, use pehele mein dusro ka seba karu. Indian Star Plus Drama Serials Ek hazaaron Mein meri Hai 25th November. Watch Ek Hazaron Me Meri Behna Hai June 14th, 2012 Online Video HQ Saas Bina Sasural (1) Saath Nibhaana Sajda Tere Pyaar Mein (20) Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke.The show promises to fulfill the dreams and desires of the common people.
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Bu izlence ile istediğiniz müddet derece eğitim alabilir ve bu sayede gelecekteki akademik ve hevesli hizmetlerinizde fırsatlarınızı artırabilirsiniz. Haftalık öğüt saati özel teknik dersleri ile pekâlâştirilerek 28 ders olarak sınırlıtir. Eğitimler her pazartesi esaslamaktadır.
Oxford International English Oxford bünyesinde terbiye düz öğrenciler, hafta karıni farklı aktiflik ve aktivitelerin arz aldığı programlara peklarak sınıf arkadaşlarıyla kaynaşıp sosyalleşme imkanı bulabilir.
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14 Dil Okulu Hakkında Yaygın Yanlış Kavramlar Oxford
Bireysel yahut EF Lideri eşliğindeki set seyahati seçeneklerimiz ile esnek uzunlukta ve her şey dahil eğitim programlarımıza acımasızlın.
Oxford'da en şık fiyatlı anahtar okullarına %35'e varan indirimlerle kayıt olma fırsatını kaçırma!
Oxford dil okulları Orada da bu kitaplık Tyrannion aracılığıyla satın hileınmış: Lykeion'un son yöneticisi Rodoslu Andronikos MÖ 60 civarında Aristoteles'in ve Theophrastos'un akroamatik eserlerinin ilk redaksiyonunu yayımlamakta kullanacağı nüshaları ondan almış.[18]
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crqstalite · 5 years
schwellenangst. [ kal & theron, pretta]
(of german origin) definition: fear of crossing a threshold to begin a new chapter.
hey look ally’s writing fanfiction for an expansion she hasn’t played yet again! a.k.a, ally accidentally fleshed out kal and pretta a bit too much and really likes writing angst.
in all seriousness when i do start writing for kotfe, these chapters i write are gonna be all over the place lol.
written: 9.7.19. word count: 2,749
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character song: happier, marshmellow and bastille
character file: kal malik, emperor of the eternal alliance & pretta kacshi, empress of the eternal alliance.
!war on iokath spoilers!
the republic, the republic, the republic.
what had the republic ever done for them? they didn't need the republic.
"they need an answer, and soon. we need to know which side of the war we're on when the war starts in full force again." lana says. "being neutral will either get us ignored or added into the debacle as a third contender. as powerful as the alliance is, we shouldn't join the fight without a clear alliance."
"neither of which sounds good." kal answers. his dark hair is tied back, longer than it's ever been since pretta has known him. it's not regulation anymore, and something about that scares her. his accent is waning into that of republic space, and fear fills her. the long coat isn't his usual style either, a forest shade of green with gold accents.
she can't figure out why it bothers her so much. given, she still dresses as if she's with intelligence, in all black with hints of white, red and blue, standing at a perpetual attention. as if she waiting for orders when she is the one giving orders. she can't continue pretending that kal has her back on everything. "which is better for us?"
"depends on how you look at it. the republic could use our forces." theron responds, pacing back and forth a bit. "they took a huge hit during a fight with vaylin."
"just as well as the empire could." lana counters. "don't forget, we allied with them once. how would it look if we allied ourselves with the republic after?"
"that we don't ally ourselves with traitors." the agent retorts.
"enough, both of you." kal says, putting both of his hands up between the agent and sith. rubbing his temples. she'll give him that, he's good at knowing when an argument is about to break out between them.
"i agree with theron, the republic needs this."
"the empire does as well, kallister." pretta speaks up from her silence, using his full name. lana gives her an approving gaze as kal turns to her. she despises when his name is mentioned, spoken out of his broken imperial accent. "don't forget, they funded our fight with vaylin."
"they trespassed on iokath." kal says, an edge in his voice now. "we can't just forgive that."
"we worked for the empire, and they have yet to break our trust, kal. trespassed or not, we can overlook that." she says. pretta may not longer be wearing the empire's colors, but she'll still fly their flag. she'll fight for them when others won't.
the empire raised her when the ascendancy didn't.
"our past doesn't have to come into this, pretta." he has a warning tone, one he often gets when they argue over their past with the sith and the empire. as if he'd rather forget it for what he has now. "it isn't just us against the galaxy anymore. we have to consider those in the alliance now."
"the empire is still the faction whose assisted us most against the eternal empire." she says, brushing a dark hair away from her face. "why so gung-ho for the republic now?"
"they paid dearly enough for our fight. it's time we give back to them." he says. their advisors may not have caught it, but pretta does. the little shift in his blood red eyes makes her realize his gaze flickers back and forth between her and theron.
theron shan. sis agent.
and currently courting her ex-husband.
it's perfectly understandable why she despises the man. outside of being a prior ally to the republic.
"don't let our current alliances sway you." pretta is trying not to get worked up over this, but this is the future of the alliance. it rests in their hands, and she is not going to let kal's new boyfriend run them into the ground. "we have a job to do."
he's gotten soft. and it pisses her off. she wants him back.
"lana, theron. could pretta and i have a moment alone?" he says, exasperated as he runs an indigo hand through his hair.
"of course, kal." theron responds, and lana nods accordingly. neither, in her direction.
once they've left, kal lets out a sigh. "by the stars, pretta. what are you thinking?"
"i didn't believe you cared how i felt." she says, crossing her arms.
"what?" his brows furrow in confusion, or annoyance. she has yet to be able to tell the difference between the two.
he's been such a mystery since they woke up from carbonite.
"the republic this, the republic that. have you forgotten everything they've done for us?" she asks, raising her voice now that lana and theron are gone and out of earshot. "it's as if you're going to throw them to the curb after they've served your purpose!"
"pretta, you're talking nonsense." he grits his teeth visibly. "more than that, you're so blinded by your own desires you won't even listen to reason!"
"really! i feel as if you're doing the same!" she shouts back.
"this isn't even about the alliance anymore." he faces her directly now, standing in front of her. they're close in height, only an inch or two seperating them. they're near mirror images of each other, blue skin only shades apart, and dark hair that hangs around their shoulders. her features are more feminine, his more masculine.
their scars match nearly identically.
beneath her jacket, is the delicate chain of the necklace he gifted her the night they were married.
he hasn't worn his in a very long time.
a part of her wishes he would.
"it's about you being unable to move on from the past." his mouth is moving, but she doesn't want to acknowledge his words and she looks away from his accusing eyes. "i'm not yours anymore, and i won't belong to you again."
"it's theron! i know, i'm not stupid!" she says, her blood nearly boiling just beneath her skin.
"then act like it!" he's nearly at his own boiling point. it's reminiscent of the night they were divorced. things broken and on the floor as he storms out of the apartment, leaving her standing in her white nightgown, the light of a low lamp and the rain of dromound kaas accentuating just how alone she was in the galaxy. how alone she felt, trying to pick up the pieces of the gorgeous glass rose that had been shattered into millions of pieces on the ground. going to bed alone that night, her dark hair spread across the pillows as she foolishly waits for him to return and say all was well again.
the papers were mailed to her a day later. filled out in an aggravating black pen and script. he didn't even give them to her in person. of course, she returned them, and angrily stared out the window at the speeder pad.
she's afraid. she's afraid of being abandoned again. by the ascendancy, by intelligence.
kal abandoned her at her lowest time, when she needed him back.
no holos, no messages. nothing until the events of yavin four, and they're pulled back into the fray.
"all this time, you follow me around like a lost akk pup. as if theron will do something to piss you off, and i'll come running back to you. newsflash, it's not going to happen." he's calming himself down, rubbing his temples again. as he always does.
she kisses him.
for that one moment, she feels like her husband is hers again. like he'll take her back and hold her in his arms for as long as she needs again.
like it will all go back to normal.
his hands force her backwards, pushing her away forcefully from him as he steps backwards. "pretta! by the stars, get ahold of yourself!"
"why is it him!? it may have been five years for them, but it was only a few months for us!" she's fallen on the ground to her knees. it's embarassing, the fact she still holds onto the childish crush she has on him. the way how she knows what his answer will be to everything. how she knows every twitch of his eye is his shifting gaze. how his tone sounds when he's happy, exasperated, angry.
the last two apply to her too much these days.
"that doesn't change the fact that i fell out of love with you a long time before that." he says, grimacing. "we're not teenagers anymore, pretta. stop acting like one."
and for the second time in her lifetime, pretta is left alone with her emotions as kal walks through the doors without even a second glance.
kal doesn't like leaving her behind. it's a struggle to continue to tell her off.
she tries to hide it, but when she dresses down (as much as the ex-agent [is she even an ex-agent? as much as she preaches about the empire, he's beginning to think she's their traitor] ever does) he can see the pearls on her ears he bought her for one of their anniversaries. the necklace that adorns her neck, sometimes clenched in her fist when she's particularily nervous about something.
everything about the female chiss screams "i need you" at him. from her eyes that are constantly pinned on him, to her nervous tics only he could understand.
for the love of the ascendancy he couldn't figure why. five years or five months, even the girlish personality beneath her sturdy facade had to understand that what they'd been living through had never been healthy. they were always much too angry with each other, she'd verbally abuse him for his shoddy work on missions and then come crying back to him with some sort of botched apology.
he should've cut it off years beforehand. instead of taking her back everytime and allowing her to crawl into bed with him, waking up and falling asleep to her eyes. tangling his fingers into her dark hair whispering sweet lies to convince her he wouldn’t leave.
he'd say it was lonely without her if it were true.
"kal." theron's waiting for him just outside their meeting room. clearly, he's either been listening to them or genuinely is concerned and was waiting for him.
kal isn't sure which one to consider or believe. "you okay?"
"i'm fine, theron." he answers, allowing him to trail after him and take his hand. "really."
"if you say so." he seems nervous as he laces his fingers into kal's, somewhere in between a frown and smile across his features. "is pretta okay? she's been acting a little...off lately."
he's quiet for a moment. as much as he loves theron, kal isn't sure he's ready to pull him into the madness that is his and pretta's relationship. maybe she has a point, it was five years of pining for theron, whereas it had only been a few months since kal had seen him. did it have some unseen affect on his judgement and ability to reason? "she'll be okay."
"is there some trauma behind her hatred for the republic? i don't mean any offence but-"
"she's trapped in a mad circle of her own emotions. this is still all new for her." he cuts him off, hoping it covers his real emotions. "leading, i mean. before, the only decisions she had to make were for her and i. we were only field agents before, and now she's lost being a subordinate and her alliance to the empire."
"you think that's what has her upset?" theron asks.
"maybe." he says, hoping to cut off the conversation there. at one point, he hoped he and pretta could still be friends after their divorce, if not that than at least acquaintances. the emotional manipulation she put him through still eats away at him. the empty threats to throw herself off the roof of their apartment fell through when he finally left dromound kaas. now they're working together (or at least supposed), in a partnership that he didn't even want.
he shakes the thought from his head. theron definitely doesn't need to know that. "she'll come around, she always does."
"of course." theron responds, seeming just a tad concerned with his answer. "look, i've gotta get back to work before lana gets on me again. see you around?"
"i'll see you when you're done. you know where to find me." kal cracks a small smile (the first one all day through this chaos) as theron stands closer to him. kal only hates it just a bit that the spy is taller than him, but doesn't mind it at all as he softly puts his arms around his neck. theron kisses him first as kal leans into him. it's odd, being on this side of the relationship for once. he rather enjoys it. they look out for each other, but he likes being taken care of, instead of waiting up at ungodly hours of the night wondering if his wife is going to come home. but unlike with pretta, he's not afraid theron's going to leave him for some dumb, out of this universe reason. he loves him, and isn't afraid to admit it. "dinner?"
"if i'm done by then." theron says, locking eyes with him as kal rolls his non-existent pupils and crosses his arms. theron chuckles in response. "alright, dinner."
!crisis on umbara spoilers!
"he's done what?"
"you're lying!" he yells, pulling at his hair as the shorter woman tries to console him. "y-you're just trying to tear us apart again!"
"i'm not! kal listen to reason for just a moment here! why else would lana and i not return with him?" pretta's face is contorted into one of concern, one of fear. she's done her own fair share of crying, and some scars are still bleeding on her knuckles. she shuffled inside, and her shoulder is hanging at an awkward angle as she tries to shake him by his shoulders. "theron is the traitor. he tried to kill me!"
"go away!" he yells, and pretta shrinks back into the shadows. lana even seems to be a bit fearful of this turn of events.
"she's not lying, kal. i was there." lana says quietly. he can imagine this hurts for her too, theron and lana have known each other much longer than they have. but something in him snaps, as much as they've been through...
stars, kal thought he was going to marry this man once he worked up the courage.
"i-just get out!" both women look at each other before turning to leave. pretta turns over her shoulder just for a moment, mouthing i'm sorry before the doors close behind her and the sith.
tears well up in his eyes as he runs his hands back and forth against his arms, cradling himself before he crashes down on the ground. a guttural scream escapes him before he tries reigning in his emotions.
"theron is the traitor."
he betrayed them.
he betrayed the alliance.
he betrayed lana.
he betrayed pretta.
he betrayed him.
damn it all, he can't find a bone in his body to harden against the ex-sis agent. his heart still beats for him as he cries.
pretta tries not to listen as she and lana walk down the hall. she doesn't think she's ever heard her ex-husband cry, and it's utterly heart-breaking. "this will take a while to settle in, i figure." lana asks.
"im sure it will. the times ahead of him will be tough enough without also dealing with the other infrastructural problems behind it." just think about how much theron knows about the alliance makes her stomach cramp. that could be the concussion that's making her increasingly more nauseous, but she digresses. she nearly stumbles into the sith and lana helps her stand.
"what's more concerning is that we need to get you to a med droid, pretta." they stop walking as she waits for the world to stop spinning.
"we have to find theron and bring him back, lana." pretta protests, her speech slurred. she'd murder as many people as she needed to, just to get the man back to the odessen base. back to kal.
"you won't be able to do that if you are incapacitated." lana responds, helping her stand up straight. "believe me, we will. however, you need rest first. then, we can start our mission."
these two side with the republic in the end, or at least kal does. pretta still arranges things with acina from time to time.
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torydarixs · 3 years
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hi. i'm shat (call me daisy if you wish). i'm 20, desi, my pronouns are she/her and i love cardan greenbriar. alex claremont diaz and i have the same birthday i'm sorry i had to. that's all.
lol no i'm kidding
my fandoms are grishaverse, tfota, tsc, trc, aftg, tsoa, zodiac academy, stalking jack the ripper and a lot more tbh it's difficult to fit them all here.
i love taylor swift (duh), one direction, 5sos, lana del rey, chase atlantic, kendrick lamar and the 1975. arijit singh, shreya ghoshal, darshan raval, armaan malik, shankar mahadevan are all top tier.
im a massive formula 1 fan so if you like it come talk to me <3
i also love brooklyn 99, gossip girl (original), the vampire diaries, deadly class, house of cards, bridgerton, designated survivor, breaking bad, narcos and a couple other shows. your girl is a hopeless bollywood romantic so ofc movies like kal ho na ho, kuch kuch hota hai, bunty aur babli, ram leela etc are my thing (we believe in srk supremacy on this blog).
dni if you're homophobic, transphobic, pedophile etc etc you know the drill. just don't interact if you're an asshole or looking for drama. i am also not interested in being your sugar baby so for the love of god stay away.
here is your motivation to read the folk of the air
"I hate you because i think of you. often. it's disgusting, and i can't stop."
and all for the game
"i hate every inch of you. that doesn't mean i wouldn't blow you"
yes i'm a sucker for enemies to lovers, get over it
previous urls: ganseys-jane -> rowans-aelin -> montagov-benedikt → romamontagxv -> veturiuss -> rykeemeadows -> wildestherondales -> chaandsifarishpdf -> reinamxri -> kabiragf -> pxrisakamali → iktarapdf
you can find my favorite posts at #fav
my fandom/out of context textposts at #mine.txt
my edits at #mine.edit
my desi posts at #desi
and a couple of posts that i save for a sad day at #serotonin
send me song/tv show/book recs and i'll love you forever
my dms and asks are always open but if you use them to send hate i will cut you up into tiny pieces and feed them to my goldfish
okay bye i love you <3
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" Har ek ko bhikari bana kar raaste mein bithaya hua hai,
Aur har ek khud ko malik samjhta hai.
Jab tak thokar nahi lagti,
Jab tak ghutnon par nahi girta apni aukaat ka pata hi nahi chalta.
Wajood ke naseeb meib hai Bhikari hona,
Bas zaat bhikari nahi ho sakti.
Wajood ke muqqadar mein mangna hai, Zaat ka wasaf dena hai.
Main toh kya bibi, sab bhikari hain!
Aaj nahi toh kal, kal nahi toh parson, kabhi na kabhi bhikari ban'na hi padta hai.
Mangna hi hota hai.
Koi ishq mangta hai,
Koi duniya,
Aur jo yeh sab nahi mangta woh, khwahish ka khatam hona mangta hai.”
Shehr e Zaat, Umera Ahmed
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metaphysakilbuild · 2 years
Yah Rahman Ya Raheem https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Eqy21jh0xJG3JvUbgkmK8-aURlXIGUuh/view?usp=sharing
Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem (Oh Beneficent, Oh Merciful)
Bismillah Ir Rahman Ir Raheem (In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful) 1. Rob–Be–Be–Ma–Yash–Ra–Hul, Ahs–Ha–Na–Qad–Fa–Ja–Ah
Be – Ja – He – Af – Da – Lee – Man, Lil – La – He – Qad – La – Ja – Ah
The Lord surprised me by the illumination of the intellect, by the grace of the best of those who seek refuge with Him.
2. Ham–Dee–Lee–Ra–Bin–Kareem, Een–La–Sha–Reek–Allah–Hu Wa – Sahd – Re – Yal – Yo – Ma – Nu, Rahn – Sa – Te – Ahn – Ma – La – Ah
My praise is to the generous Lord who has no associate. Today my chest is full of radiant light.
3. Muhammad–Dun–Sa–La–Wa, To–La–He–Fee–A–Ba–Deen A – Lay – He – Fee – His – Be – He, Ku – Le – Be – He – Ka – La – Ah
Prayers of Allah be upon Muhammed forever, and upon his companions. My totality is focused on Him.
4. Ad–Hu–Ee–La–Hill–La–Thee, Ah–Mot–Ma–Wa–He–Bu–Hu Lee – Juum – La – Till – Kal – Kee – Ma, Yak – Ta – Ru – Man – Ba – Ra – Ah
I call on Allah, whose gifts are all embracing, to absolve all creatures.
5. Na–Jay–To–Hu–Jal–La–Ah, Wa–Man–Wa–Kar–Rahman–Nee Tak – Ree – Ma – Ha – Deen – Wa – Ku, Lee – Meen – La – Geen – Ba – Ree – Ah
I conversed with Allah in my intimacy for several years. He honored me by his magnanimity and preserved me from futility.
6. Rahman–Hab–Lee–Ja–Mee–Al Kal–Kee–Rah–Ma–Ta–Man Yug – Nee – A – Nee – Sha – Ree – Man, Quran – Na – Hu – Ka – Ra – Ah
Oh Merciful One, grant your mercy to all creatures. Avoid evil from all those who read the Holy Quran.
7. Huut–Uh–Ma–Tal–Mustapha, An–Koo–Lee–Maf–Sa–Da–Teen Wal – Tar – Ha – Mil – Kal – Ka – Ya, Man – Ja – Da – Uum – Ba – Da - Ah
Forgive all the sins of the community of the Chosen One. Give your mercy to all beings that you created.
8. Ya–Malik–Al–Mulk–Kee–Ya, Man–Ja–La–An–Ka–Wa–Deen Ear – Ham – Ja – Me – Al – War – Ra, Ya – Hadi – Yan – Ra – Da – Ah
Oh Owner of the Universe, You are above all retaliation. Grant your mercy to all beings. You are the Guide and Sustainer of all.
9. Ma–How–Ta–Ma–Kahd–Na–Ha, Hool–Qal–Bu–Meen–Da–Ra–Reen Be – Ja – He – Af – Da – Lee – Man, Lil – La – He – Kahd – La – Ja – Ah
Erase the attraction to sin from my Heart, by the grace of those who seek refuge in You.
Oh ALLAH, turn our hearts and minds in submissive obedience to You by bestowing upon us the truth with humility, science with sincerity and the secrets of love with eternal gratitude...
7 Syllables each bar, Read line 8 three times! The Moor you pray for others, the quicker the blessings come back to you.
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berniedette · 5 years
Kal Penn singing Story Of My Life by One Direction on karaoke via Poppy Liu's ig story x
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