#kakashi nearly runs into a wall and gai pulls him away
Modern au
Gai is the type of dude who you’ll see at the gym walking around the track on his hands. This leads to a lot of people just wanting to walk/run right by him without saying a word because he looks weird as f***
But then one day this new guy shows up at the gym. Someone Gai has never seen before, with silver hair, a mask over the bottom part of his face and his hair covering one of his eyes.
Gai doesn’t think much about it. Just another person who will probably walk right by him
Except… he doesn’t
The guy gets onto the track and immidiatlly catches up to Gai and then falls into step.
Whatever speed gai goes, he goes.
He doesn’t say anything, too wrapped up in his book to really speak, but he’s there. Someone not afraid to walk alongside Gai.
It’s exhilarating.
The two of them get off of the track at the same time and Gai returns to standing on his feet, and which point the new dude closes his book, looks his way, and says ‘ah, so you do have two working feet’
Seeing an opportunity from prime embarrassment, gai sits down on the nearest bench and procceds to take off his prosthetic leg
An action that is rewarded almost instantly with stuttering, a flushed face, and a very clumsy apology.
This is how Gai ends up meeting one of his best friends and who he later refers to as ‘Rival’, Hatake Kakashi
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kakashiswilloffire · 3 years
hey friend! i saw you are taking requests and would love to submit one if you're up for it!
would love something fluffy and sweet for kakashi. maybe some lazy day off shenanigans with his s/o and his ninken? bonus points if snuggling in a dog pile is involved at some point. reader can be gender neutral.
thanks and congrats on 100!
thank you so much!! i'm not really a dog person so i struggled a bit but i hope you enjoy!!
words: 2.4k
warnings: none!
It was the first day off you had both had in nearly a month. Team 7 kept Kakashi busy, if not with missions, then with training all day. On top of that, he was still in the on-call rotation all jonin were required to keep their names in, though his shifts were less frequent due to his status as a sensei. You had recently been promoted, and with that, your responsibilities were upped and you had been asked to step in for one of your colleagues who had recently run into some unexpected health issues. The time you had been able to share at home together had been limited to early mornings and late evenings, and frequently, there had been nights where the apartment you shared had remained empty entirely. Your fiancé had been counting down the days until your schedules finally overlapped, and you had exactly twenty-six hours in which you both had no obligation to the outside world.
You were awoken by the fire alarm screeching and a handful of swear words, followed by a crunching of plastic and sudden silence. Gaze flickering to the side, you noted Kakashi’s two-thirds of the bed empty and grinned, holding back a chuckle.
“Everything alright, babe?” you called out.
The reply came with an air of resignment. “Did I wake you up?”
You brought your arms over your head, feeling your joints re-align and pop lightly as you stretched.
“Not necessarily, unless you need help cleaning up?”
“No!” He replied quickly, and you heard the broom skitter across the tiles, dragging the remains of the smoke detector with it. “Go ahead and go back to sleep, I’ll come wake you later.”
Not one to deny the opportunity to rest after how late you’d gotten in last night, you snuggled back into your pillow with a small smile. It only took a moment before you were drifting off again, although not as deeply as you had been. You were dimly aware of the sound of teapot being filled, the burnt toast smell wafting through the open door, and your fiance’s graceful footsteps as he danced through the kitchen.
You raised your head up slightly, freeing both ears to focus on the sound of the Copy Ninja’s footsteps. His weight wasn’t distributing evenly on each step and the pattern of his footfalls was irregular. Bringing yourself to a sitting position, you suddenly realized that he was humming absentmindedly in the small kitchen.
Kakashi was not known for his stoicism, but the level of professionalism he established outside of the copy of Icha Icha attached to his palm was carefully maintained even in his downtime. When you went out together for dinner or drinks with friends, he told few jokes and mostly at Genma or Asuma’s expense. Gai’s repeated challenges to karaoke contests, both in locations with and without a karaoke machine, had always been flatly denied in favor of watching you and Kurenai choose the heartbreaker duet of the week to belt out. When you found yourself at the rare club, it only took light coaxing to bring him onto the dance floor with you, but anything more than swaying to the beat was out of the question. As long as he was having fun, you didn’t mind him not joining in the way the others teased him to do, but you had wished that he would be able to let go of his responsibilities long enough to really enjoy himself one day.
You slinked out of bed, keeping your movements as fluid as possible as you wrapped the comforter over your shoulders. As silently as you could move, you travelled into the hallway and through the living room, the smell of something acrid and burnt slowly getting stronger. You flattened yourself parallel to the wall, though not touching it to prevent the noise of the comforter dragging along, once you approached the doorway to the kitchen. He was certainly humming, and you couldn’t repress a grin, realizing he must be nearly skipping from the counter to the pantry from the way he moved. As slowly as you could, despite your excitement, you leaned around the corner to check on the man in the kitchen.
Kakashi was wearing boxers and a binder, his most comfortable outfit when secure inside your shared home. To your delight, he had chosen one of the binders without a mask attached, and you had a clear view of the slightly silly grin plastering his face as he shifted intermittently from humming to light, mumbled singing, punctuated by murmuring the ingredients he was using as he reached for them. He was stationed at the stove, stirring a medium pot and tasting from it in between verses of his song, reaching for more salt or minced garlic to adjust. He closed his eyes, bobbing his head side to side at a line he took a particular interest in, the morning sunlight catching glints of silver in his messy hair.
Taking advantage of his eyes being shut, you whipped back around the doorway into the living room, quickly tiptoeing away. You were so in love, and so happy to see him carefree, your mouth fell open in a silent scream and your hands, corners of the comforter still held in each, flew to your face.
You had to tell someone. No one would ever believe that Kakashi Hatake, master of a thousand jutsu, could be so sweet and cute behind the former ANBU exterior. Quickly, you crouched to the floor, abandoned the comforter, and made the required handsigns, pausing for a moment to remember if it was hitsuji or uma that came after saru, then gently pressed your palm against a squishy couch cushion. With a puff of smoke that evaporated almost as quickly as it was created, Pakkun sat before you.
You brought your finger up to your lips in a shushing gesture immediately. The tiny dog squinted, but nodded his agreement after a beat. This was your third or fourth time summoning him, and the first time you had done with without Kakashi. Animal summons were not your strong suit, and you had never particularly been a dog person, a fact that Pakkun had keyed in to almost instantaneously upon meeting you when you had no more than polite “my boyfriend’s pet” level interest in his paw pads. They were as soft and supple as he claimed, but you didn’t quite understand the appeal of man’s best friend.
You made the simple gestures required to convey that there was something to see and led Pakkun quietly toward the entryway to the kitchen where you could hear the rice cooker being sealed and started. Kakashi had switched to a different song and was now vocalizing the instrumentals softly, occasionally pausing to mime playing the instruments he was mimicking. Your hand found its way over your mouth, your heart melting with the gentle domesticity. Then you jerked away, feeling a soft scratch at your feet.
The pocket-sized grizzled dog glared at you until you bent down, when he pointed upwards toward a mess of hair. You felt a pang of guilt as you realized from this angle, all you could see was the shinobi’s calloused hand pushing silver strands out of his face, the black engagement band glinting dully on his finger. For the wedding in four months, you had managed to arrange custom bands for you both with the Hatake crest engraved into the matte surface. Kakashi didn’t know yet, and you knew that with how mission work was, he wouldn’t get to wear it often, but he would have a piece of his clan’s legacy with him whenever he did wear it.
The feeling of disappointment radiated off of the dog with the headband as you absorbed the fact you hadn’t considered him not being able to see over the counter. After a moment, you held out both your hands cupped together, fingertips resting on the floorboards. Pakkun regarded this, looking from your hands to your face, which you tried to humble appropriately. He sniffed at your exposed palms, then delicately stepped into your arms.
Bringing him up to your chest as you stood back up, you felt him stiffen. Had you moved him too quickly? Were you holding him too tightly? You ran two fingers down the back of his head instinctively and were surprised to find him relax. Kakashi tasted the cloudy liquid from the pot again and nodded firmly, turning toward the doorway. You whipped around, placing your back against the living room wall and clutching Pakkun tightly to your chest. You both held your breath, waiting to see if you’d been caught.
He sang to himself, “almost ready!” and you released your breath. Quickly, you snagged the blanket off the floor and made your way back to the bedroom.
“What’s the occasion?” Pakkun demanded as soon as you had the door shut behind you, jumping onto the bed.
“There is none! It’s just our first day off in a while, and he thinks I’m still asleep!”
Pakkun considered that quietly. “His pa, Sakumo, used to do the same thing. If he thought no one was around, he’d put on a whole concert for himself. Kakashi used to join him, up until his death. Then I didn’t catch him humming again till about a year after Minato’s death. Life had been rough for the poor pup up till about then. But he’s been in there all morning singing to himself?”
You nodded, pulling the gray comforter tighter around your shoulders. You knew your fiancé had been through more than most people should ever have to go through, but to think he might be making a breakthrough with his depression and trauma—to start singing again?
Pakkun made an odd noise that reminded you of a sneeze, then pawed at his eye and seemed to clear his throat. “I gotta tell the others. They’re gonna lose it.”
“Yeah, you should definitely head back and let them know the good news. I’m supposed to be asleep after all, he’ll probably come wake me up in a minute or two.”
The sly dog hesitated, then a wicked glimmer flashed across his eyes. “Or…”
Before you could react, you were engulfed a thin cloud of smoke that smelled vaguely of grass, and your bed began to creak. You jumped up, gasping at the number of variously sized dogs that had appeared in the room.
Pakkun addressed the crew before anyone could ask any questions. “Stay quiet. We’ve got a stealth mission ahead of us. Everyone, this is Kakashi’s partner, the one he’s marrying soon.” He then turned to you and pointed out the pack members in a line. “Bull, Urushi, Shiba, Bisuke, Akino, Uhei, and Guruko.” They were all undeniably adorable, and you’d have to ask your fiancé when he had the time to commission them all matching vests and headbands, but you were still shocked to see so many dogs. Did he really have eight summons? When most shinobi had one, if any?
“Name of the game is observe without being detected. Target: Kakashi. Location: kitchen. Standard formation. Questions?”
With no questions being posed, Pakkun lept up onto Bull’s head and led the way. You marveled in how quietly such a massive dog could move and trailed the pack as they made their way through your apartment.
You heard the timer on the rice cooker ding, then the seal breaking and relished the scent of the steam drifting through the air. There must be a stick of lemongrass in the rice this morning. You could see that Kakashi was beginning to set the table, gathering everything for a cozy breakfast for two.
He was also singing, audibly, with some degree of confidence.
One by one, the dogs all stopped and froze in awe. Akino and Uhei stepped around to the other side of you, and Shiba—or maybe it was Urushi?—popped their head between your knees to try to see. You were surrounded on all sides by the ninken, and you started to feel comforted by their warmth. Together, you all listened to your man serenade chopsticks and bowls as he spun to the small table, breaking into a mock tap routine as the china hit the wooden surface. You felt your head tilt to the right as you let the waves of love rush over you as you watched him carefully adjust the oily, burnt pan in the sink so he could wash his hands.
“Alright, love—breakfast is ready!”
For just a moment, you forgot that you were supposed to be in bed. You didn’t move as Kakashi rounded the corner, freezing when he saw nine sets of puppy-dog eyes gazing wistfully back at him from the middle of the living room, all heads tilted to the right and dreamy smiles plastered on each face.
“Ah! Uh, how long have you, uh…?”
Together, you moved as a pack toward your loved one, tackling him in a ten person hug. When you wormed your way past Uhei, you cupped Kakashi’s face and brought him in for a deep kiss, feeling butterflies in your stomach. He blushed slightly, tracing his thumb along your jawline.
“I love you, and I’m so glad that you feel safe and happy and loved with me,” you whispered fiercely, trying to beam the intensity of your emotion at him without being too aggressive.
He smiled, Sharingan deliberately taking the whole scene in as he lay on the floor with you, pulling you into his arms. Pakkun trotted over to sit on his chest while he brought you in for a firm, tight hug.
“Me too. And I’m glad you got to meet the rest of the clan.” He let the Sharingan fall shut, relaxing against you.
“Would’ve made more miso soup if I’d known everyone was coming over. Have you seen the dog bowls around anywhere?”
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 4 years
What You Do to Me
Kakashi Hatake x F!reader Smut
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Warnings: oral sex, suggestive themes, lots of swearing, mention of violence/death
Cheers to the first story for the horny blog. Let’s see how this goes. Plot here follows an ANBU reader that is returning home. They are referenced as female, but could be any gender in a dress. Hope you enjoy 🖤
The leadership position was an honor— one you had fought tooth and nail for, even. You stood apart in how willing you were to climb to the top, to become the best of the best. However, it had its downsides.
You struggled making genuine friendships. You could be polite, sure, but so many people didn’t seem worth the effort anymore. It was easier to catapult all of your efforts into your training and work life.
It did make the good friends you had all the more special to you, though. You loved them dearly, and time and time again they proved their loyalty to you. Thankfully it didn’t waver whenever you were away for extended timeframes.
You had been sent away for an assassination. Somewhere nearly across the map, in a remote scavenger village where trouble had been brewing for the Hidden Leaf Village politically. It had done a number on you. You could recall the screams of the warlord’s wife when she found him in his bed with his throat cut.
As you settled into the routine of being home again, you found solace in Kurenai Yuhi. She was the friend that had been with you the longest, since the academy. You witnessed each other’s growth throughout your short lives and had been there to celebrate with and uplift the other whenever needed. That being said, she had also been quick to notice the subsequent depression that fell over you after your latest mission.
“When was the last time you went out?” She asked you flippantly.
You had come over to her home for tea the moment you had turned in the paperwork to the Hokage’s office. You shook your head.
“I’m here now, aren’t I?”
She flicked your shoulder. “That’s not what I meant. Honestly! For fun. Something that doesn’t keep you holed up in your apartment. You know, with people.”
You gave half a laugh. “You’re scheming.”
“And if I am?”
You sighed. “You’ll rope me into it somehow. Just nothing too wild, please.”
She says it’s for your own good, and she’s probably right. Kurenai arranges dinner at a local bar with your peers, and the other jonin accept their invitations quickly.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. These are people you really loved and appreciated. It would be good to let loose for a bit. And then Kurenai comes to your door to get ready with you as promised, and she throws black fabric in your face immediately.
“WHAt the fuck—?” Scrambling, you take it off your head and your eyes bulge.
It’s a beautiful black dress. Nothing outrageously fancy, but simple and refined without looking like you were trying too hard. You snorted, and Kurenai called out to you from the bathroom.
“Kakashi’s coming, too!”
“Goddamnit... Kuri—“
“Just try it on! I promise it’s not itchy. And you look good in black.”
And as it turns out, you did. The dress hugged you in all the right places without suffocating you, and fell loosely just above your knees.
You and Kurenai looked at your body in the mirror almost surprised.
“Okay, I really like it a lot.” You admitted with a small smile, and she gave a playful smack to your ass.
“I told you!”
Everything falls into place accordingly, and as you both approach the bar, you can feel a familiar fire burning in your chest.
You were happy to have time with your friends, but you were itching to see one in particular. You hadn’t seen Kakashi since weeks before you left to execute the assassination.
God, how to describe how you felt for this man and where to begin? He was within your circle of true companions, many of whom you’d known since childhood. But Kakashi— he was different.
You’d admired him from afar as children, intrigued by his protege-level talent, until you had been roped into Gai’s shenanigans along the way. In truth, you think you shocked him by not being so intimidated by his prowess.
Ultimately, you could see he was lonely. You’d had your own losses yourself, but it was hard to imagine everything he had endured. You gained an honest respect for him, and you’d protected him beyond your time together in ANBU. But nothing could deny the pull you felt to him, or how much you wanted to be the person to put a smile on his face.
...Even if you couldn’t see it.
As you wait with your posse, your eyes find him first when he is (of course) the last to show up. You can’t help but observe him greedily when no one else notices, and you can’t help but stand a little taller when you notice his brows rise when he takes in your dress.
And from there, the night is history. You all pile into a cramped booth and order several rounds of drinks and food to last the night. Everyone has something to contribute, laughing, teasing, and bickering the night away. It warms your heart; finally,
you feel like you’re back home.
Your mentality becomes stronger too as you feel the warmth from the sake hit you. With precise aim you manage to toss a piece of sushi into Gai’s mouth from across the table and your audience applauds.
Yet despite your sport, you can’t ignore the looks Kakashi has been giving you even before you laughed in triumph. He’s been particularly quiet for some time, but you can’t tell if it’s the booze or the atmosphere getting to him.
When the waitress comes to gather your third round of empty drinks you can feel your mood shift. She’s a lovely girl,
thin and with pretty doe eyes. You can’t pick it up through the noise, but she makes a comment to Kakashi and you can make out a smug smile through his mask. He holds out cash between two pointed fingers to her, and she happily takes it and bats her eyelashes at him.
Something begins to boil in your blood. It wasn’t like you to get jealous— that couldn’t be it. But you swear you see his eyes dart to follow her hips as she leaves. And it irritates the living shit out of you.
You’d yearned after this man for what? Your entire adult life? How dare he. Disregard the fact you had never had the guts to confess to him.
Fuck him. Fuck him and his pretty eyes, and his stupid soft hair, and his feathery laugh—
God, you were in so deep. Your seething turns into pouting in your head. Sitting on the sidelines sucked.
And even still... something in your resolve is building. It could be impatience, or the fear you were nowhere near drunk enough to pull this off and forget about it if it went sour. But as the waitress eyes him from the bar, you excuse yourself to the restroom while the attention is on Asuma at the other side of the table.
With Kakashi on the outer seat, it’s easy to carefully but firmly hoist his vest into your hand so you can easily whisper in his ear.
“Outside in five, Hatake.”
He could easily find you when he got outside to see you weren’t directly by the entrance. You had snuck into the side alley to patiently wait, like a cat waiting for a mouse to show itself from the underbrush.
Your nerves are broiling over while you idle, and the heat in your gut is burning you alive. But just as you’re ready to talk yourself out of it, he sneaks around the corner.
“This is some rendezvous, don’t you—“
He can’t even finish before you’ve swiftly backed him against the wall. You hold his wrists firmly in place by his shoulders, though you’re aware he could quickly break your hold if he tried.
“What the hell’s wrong with you Kakashi?” You pitifully laugh. “Do you think I’m not paying attention to you?”
Your words are more vicious than the defeated sound of your voice.
He playfully arches an eyebrow. “So, you have been watching me?”
“Of course I’ve been watching you, jackass! How could you even— but I know we’re not— but still—!”
Your resolve is quickly dissipating while his expression becomes more amused. Damn him.
“I think that was a confession if I’ve ever heard one,” he calmly adds. You glare at him.
He thinks he’s won, and gets ready to leave, but you press your knee between his legs. He can’t move, and there’s not enough pressure beneath his crotch to hurt, but he then has your attention.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me, Hatake?” You dangerously whisper to him.
Now, you see him sweat. His eyes look away, and that won’t do. Not anymore.
“Every night I was away, all I could think about was you.” You breathe into his collarbone, kissing over his clothed neck until you reach his flushed ear.
“I’m tired of playing games. You know how much I want you. Only you.” You suck on the lobe of his ear and grin when you feel him inhale sharply.
Your hands fall down to his hips and grip them harshly to ground yourself. With closed eyes, you have to steady your breathing to calm yourself. “If you don’t want this, tell me. You don’t have to.”
He’s ripped out of his haze by the sincerity of your tone. In the dim light, you can see him pull his mask down with a finger to take you in fully. His smile is so breathtakingly, beautifully raw.
“I do want you, and all of this. Now kiss me already.“
And like that, your heads are tilted and your lips are locked. The fire in your belly explodes to the rest of your body and you feel it amplified every time you touch him.
He moans deeply when you begin to push against him, reveling in how this wasn’t a dream. One of his hands cradles the back of your head through your hair, and you grin when the other trails down to grope your ass.
You gently rub your knee into his crotch, and he keens while you run your hands up his toned stomach and over his tight chest. When you’re to his face, you lower your knee to push your hips together and pull his hair as you slip your tongue into his mouth.
He submits to you willingly, openly, and freely. And it drives you wild.
Your kisses become more desperate as your tongues interlock, and he feels up from your thigh to your ass when you wrap a leg around him for balance.
His grip tightens around the back of your legs. “Jump,” he says, breathlessly.
You smile. “No.”
The wild look in your eyes sends a shiver down his spine.
He goes to ask you why, but then you’re on your knees in front of him and he swears he double-takes. You pause when your hand is at his zipper and he swears he’ll scream.
“You can stop me at anytime.”
“I don’t want to! Please,” he rasps, fingers trying to find purchase at the top of your head.
His begging sends the heat within you straight to your core. So you indulge, and pull down his pants and underwear enough to let his cock bob out into the night air.
He hisses at the cold initially, but almost chokes when he feels the flat of your tongue press against his cockhead. Your eyes are dark with a sinister lust when you stare up at him, and it takes his breath away.
“Fuck, Y/N, please,” he whines, his voice catching.
You flick your pointer finger up and trail it from between his balls up his entire length, not removing it from his now fully erect shaft.
“Please what? Use your words baby.”
He bucks his hips forward trying to get close to your mouth again.
“Please Y/N, blow me,” he pants. “Fuck me with that pretty mouth of yours.”
Did you wickedly grin once more? Probably. But you close your eyes and take his entire cock down your throat at once and he nearly seizes.
You start at an agonizing pace, making him wanton and needy for you. But just as he’s tiring, you speedily lick your tongue around his shaft and deeply suck him, making him yelp in the process.
“AH!— Holy shit!” He gasps and tightens his grip on your hair.
You hum around his cock, happy with his response, and he gives you a low, drawn out groan to follow. It’s enough to distract him while your hands hook around the back of his thighs to hold him in place.
You run your nails down his thighs just as you begin to swirl your tongue over his sensitive head, and then you take him as far back into your throat as you can once more.
Kakashi’s eyes are rolling into the back of his head, completely at your mercy and enjoying every minute of it. His silver hair frames his pearlescent skin so well in the darkness, which must contrast well with the weeping cock in your mouth.
You come up for air, and give him fast, sticky pumps as you look up at him cheekily.
“How are you feeling handsome?”
“S-So good, holy fuck.” He tries to catch his air as well, but he shakes his head. “Please, let me fuck your mouth. You feel so fucking good, please let me.”
Who were you to refuse?
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obithoes · 4 years
Your breeding fic with Naruto and Sasuke was... just Amaxing, I’m at a loss for words. ❤️😫 I want so badly. But anyways would it be possible to request a similar Threesine Breeding fic with Kakashi and Gai 👉🏻👈🏻 🥺
one of our own: kakashi hatake x reader x might gai
authors note: thank u for this!! i love gai and kakashi. i want them to wreak me!! also i got carried away writing this as you can tell (since you asked to be tagged here you go queen @elysianseraph )
word count: 1176
You were walking through the village, hand in hand with Gai and Kakashi returning from your weekly lunch date. They were discussing the details of a mission they would be leaving for soon when the sudden loss of your touch made them pause. Their attention shifted to where you walked off to and were met with the sight of Kurenai and baby Mirai snug in her arms.
You quickly engaged in conversation with Kurenai about her bundle of joy, gushing at how adorable she is and jokingly saying you were going to steal her. She couldn’t help but laugh and offer you to hold Mirai once she noticed Gai and Kakashi approaching. They each gave her a warm greeting, followed by Gai questioning how she was holding up, asking if she needed any help with Mirari.
She waved them off stating she was doing just fine. Glancing over at you she took note of how well Mirari was taking to you and couldn’t help but mention how much of a wonderful mother you would make. Kurenai’s comment caused your cheeks to grow red while Kakashi and Gai to share a look before fixing their gaze back on you, watching you cradle and fawn over Mirari.
They never gave the idea of having their own child too much thought. Sure Gai would frequently barge in the house with a stream of happy tears cascading down his face as he shared his fondness for Lee. Kakashi rarely shared his feelings towards his students. Yes he thought of them as bunch of brats but that didn’t mean he didn’t like them. He cared deeply for his students — his tone was always warm whenever he would talk to you about them.
However there was something about watching you coo at the small infant in your arms that caused a fire to ignited inside of them. Simultaneously they began to picture you caring for their child, then adding two more into the picture. Both men were brought back to reality at the sound of you biding a goodbye to Kurenai, mention that she should be expecting a visit from you soon.
Who knew running into Kurenai and Mirari would lead into your current position.
Sandwiched between Gai and Kakashi, your sappy walls suctioning around them, pulling them in deep. Tears were building up in your eyes, your clit was throbbing from the sensitivity, it’s never been like this before. You’ve been intimate with them like this but never for this long, for nearly two hours they’ve been stretching you out, stuffing you to the point where you were gushing out with every thrust.
The side of your face pressed against Gai’s as he pressed wet kisses against your jaw. His large hands softly caressing your sides as he slid into you with ease. Choked sobs racked through your body at the intrusion, it felt too good to stop. “There you go flower, absolutely ravishing, isn’t she Kakashi?” Gai sighed as he left another kiss on your jaw.
Kakashi’s hands roughly kneaded your ass, spreading your slick skin apart, watching your tight opening stretch around him. The sight alone almost made him cum. He let out a deep groan before speaking “She is the prettiest — imagine how gorgeous she’ll be with a swollen stomach” Kakashi’s hand snaked around your waist, firmly pushing his palm against your stomach.
You were wetter than before, you could feel it. The mixed cum shared between the three of you was pouring profusely out of your sore cunt. The pressure Kakashi was applying to your stomach along with their desperate pace only made you leak even more.
Wet kisses trailed all over your back and front. Kakashi left open mouth kisses up your spine — telling you how much of you good girl you are for giving them a baby. Gai kissed up the side of your neck up to your ear, whispering how much more beautiful you’ll look with a ball of youth growing inside of you.
Your mouth was hanging open, broken whimpers fleeing hastily. You were completely fucked out, your words were slurring and your mind felt fuzzy but you needed this. Not only for them but for yourself.
The thought of building a family with Gai and Kakashi was something you deeply craved. You wanted to have their cute loud mouth babies, watch joy overcome them knowing they finally have children of their own. You couldn’t do anything except let them take and give as much as they needed to.
Your body writhed between them, your hips snapping back against Kakashi’s as broken cries left your mouth. Tightly clamping down on them your orgasm wrecked through you. Your nails scratched down Gai’s chest — like a caged animal searching for an escape. Your head snapped forward pushing your forehead against Gai’s as he held you in place coaxing you through your release.
“That’s it angel let go for us — we’re going to fill you up so good.” Gai’s hips worked feverishly against you before he felt himself cumming. His grip on your face tightens, holding your face against his. Plunging himself deep inside you one last time Gai cums with a loud roar. His vision is clouded with specks of white, making him delirious almost. Broken groans continue to spill from his lips as he drives his hips forward burying his seed deep.
Kakashi briskly followed after Gai. The feel of your sponges walls gripping him tightly with each thrust along with feeling Gai brush against him was enough to send him. His nails digging into your hips leaving crescent shapes as he drilled deep inside of you before finally tipping over the edge, groaning as he went slack. His head feel against your spine from his mind blanking out.
Pulling out Kakashi watched his white flood drip down, he weakly brought it hand up generously spreading it where you and Gai were still connected. Flopping himself down on the bed next to the two of you Kakashi tiredly throw his over his face.
Lazily rolling yourself off of Gai you laid squished in the middle, blissfully absorbing the heat their bodies gave off. Without warning Kakashi raised, lowering himself until he was eye level with your stomach; pressing tender kisses across it, stopping at your bellybutton. “I can’t wait to see you pregnant” he dreamily breathed out.
A loopy smile stretched across your face once realization hit you “Yes cute little babies that will have unruly sliver locks and wear green jumpsuits” At this Kakashi lifted his head up and gave you an unimpressed look at the mere mention of the jumpsuit he despised.
Before you had the chance to speak up again you let out a gasp as your felt your self being suddenly pulled into Gai’s chest. At your description he began to cry “They’ll be so beautiful” he shouted out before crying out into the crook of your neck. Meeting Kakashi’s gaze you both shared a look before stifling your laughs, not wanting to upset your boyfriend.
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skdubbs · 3 years
Dancing Child
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A/N: While I am dealing with a lot of family medical stress, I humbly give this random story. I've had this in a notebook for a few years and felt compelled to post it. I hope to get back to other stories in the near future. Ambition to create new work has been hard to find while coping with my family’s current situation. And before anyone asks, the content of this story isn’t my current mindset. I've just always loved this random one-shot I wrote one day at work and it seems fitting to finally post it. 
Pairing: Maito Gai x OFC
Warnings: Fluff, declarations of love, angst. Serious discussion about past contemplation of suicide, please tread carefully. 
She wasn't surprised when she found him in the jounin lounge. Nor was she surprised to see him surrounded by his former teammates and other comrades. A brief cursory glance showed that the room was unusually filled for that day. Even his eternal rival, Kakashi Hatake, was slouched on a couch, reading one of his Icha Icha novels.
The kunoichi internally shuddered. She had finally come to a decision on how to proceed and, of course, practically everyone of his generation and hers had to be present for it.
I could always wait until he’s off training by himself….Maiko mentally shook herself. No, she would do this now, or else she never would.
With renewed purpose, the eighteen year old strode into the lounge. A few heads noticeably turned to see who had come in, while she knew the rest marked her entrance as well. You didn’t become a jounin without knowing how to check your surroundings unnoticed. Maiko ignored them all, her focus on the small group of male jounin standing off to the side near one of the walls.
They noticed her approach and all smiled in their own way in greeting. However, his was the brightest, as usual.
“Maiko-chan!” he greeted with youthful enthusiasm. “And how are you faring this fine and most glorious of mornings?”
The young woman stood in front of him, staring at the face she never would have thought capable of putting her mind through so much turmoil and unrest. She could feel how the others became confused and started to tense at her prolonged silence.
Maiko closed her eyes and sighed. “Right,” she mumbled. There was no better time than now. Opening her eyes, Maiko braced herself, then acted. What happened next was not what anyone had been expecting.
Maiko abruptly grabbed hold of Maito Gai’s shirt and pulled him down, meeting his surprised face in an unexpected kiss. The resounding shock from everyone was palatable.
Gai froze. Genma dropped his senbon. Ebisu and Raidou’s jaws dropped, eyes bugging out. The other jounin assembled weren’t any better. Asuma Saratobi dropped his habitual cigarette. Morino Ibikki spit out his tea, as did several others. Anko walked into a wall. And Kakashi….the bastard had the nerve to sigh and quietly exclaim to the room at large, “Finally!”
After a few seconds, Maiko let Gai go and stepped back. The Green Beast of Konoha had a frozen look of shock on his face, his black eyes fixed on her, yet unseeing. The rest of the room was utterly silent.
However, Maiko didn’t pay the stunned crowd any mind. Her attention was focused on the warmth that suddenly filled her. It wasn’t embarrassment. On the contrary, it was something quite wonderful. The sensation made Maiko feel as if she were glowing from the inside out. And for the first time in a long while she truly felt herself. The kunoichi broke into a small smile, her eyes softening. “Well, that answers that question.”
Then, without waiting for anyone to respond, walked back out the door, a smile still on her face and feeling extraordinarily pleased with herself.
“What…..just happened?” Raidou managed to sputter out.
Genma glanced at a still frozen-in-shock Gai. “I think Yashida-san broke Gai.”
“Bu-but why?” Ebisu asked. “Why would someone like Yashida-san want to….”
As Ebisu trailed off, everyone turned to look at the object of Maiko’s apparent affections.
“Mah, for shinobi, you all really are blind,” Kakashi remarked, bringing his book down just enough to reveal his one visible eye and a mocking smile. “Yashida-san has had romantic feelings for Gai for several months now. I was starting to wonder if I’d have to shove her into him before she’d decide to act.”
All heads turned to Kakashi, dumbfounded. Kakashi merely raised an eyebrow, then went back to reading.
“Alright, but how did you notice?” Genma demanded to know, his senbon finally back in place. The others in the room silently wondered the same thing.
Kakashi lowered his book once more and looked at all those gathered as if they were extremely dense. “Because she only smiles when Gai is around.”
Genma rolled his eyes, as did a few others. “That’s not a real reason. Yashida-san smiles around everyone.”
Kakashi stared at Genma, then sighed and finally put his book away. “Then she’s managed to fool you all,” he declared. “Allow me to rephrase. Yashida-san only genuinely smiles when Gai is around. She’s putting on an act for the rest of us. A rather convincing one it would seem.”
When Genma made to comment again, Raidou stopped him. “Think about it,” the scarred shinobi said. “Why else would Yashida-san regularly join Gai for training? Or spend any extra time with him than she’d have to outside of training or missions? They go to lunch together nearly everyday.”
Now that they thought about it, Maiko did spend an awful lot of time with Gai. In fact, she probably spent more time with the green jumpsuit clad shinobi than anyone else in this room. Genma, Raidou, Ebisu, and many others started to feel rather idiotic to have missed something so obvious. But really, why would they have ever thought differently? No one honestly thought a woman would be capable of coping with Gai’s…..enthusiasm. His former teammates appreciated him as a good and loyal friend, the kind of person who had the back of all his fellow Konoha shinobi. But Gai’s personality and eccentric ways made it hard for most to spend more than a small amount of time with the man.
“With all the time Yashida-san has been spending with our dear friend, I’ve hardly had to accept any challenges,” Kakashi quipped. “So, now the only question is, what’s Gai going to do about all this?”
Everyone looked at Konoha’s Green Beast. Yup, still frozen in place, his face holding the same surprise he had since Maiko kissed him.
Ebisu poked Gai’s shoulder. “Gai-san?” There was no response. Ebisu pushed up his sunglasses in irritation. “He can’t possibly be that shocked. Surely he must have noticed something.”
Genma, Raidou, and Ebisu paused for a moment, realizing who they were talking about. They all grimaced. Then again, Gai was usually looking out for others more than himself. He likely mistook Maiko’s friendship for just that and her desire to train with him as a means to better her skills.
Genma scrubbed a hand down his face in frustration. “Alright, do we need a med-nin in here or does anyone else have any ideas on how to--”
Suddenly, Anko rushed past the three shinobi and punched Gai straight in the face, sending him hurtling into the opposite wall. He crashed into it, then fell over. However, the stunned man still didn’t react. Gai merely lay on the floor in a crumpled heap, his face remaining unchanged from its frozen expression.
Some looked at Anko in disbelief while others simply shook their heads.
“Huh,” the prickly kunoichi muttered. “You’d think that would have worked. What did Yashida-san do? Put a genjutsu on him?”
“Maa, he’s just shell shocked is all,” Kakashi replied. “The copy nin stood up and walked over to Gai’s prone form. After a moment of contemplation, he squatted down and flicked Gai in the forehead. Unlike Ebisu and Anko’s attempts, Kakashi allowed a spark of chakra to flow into the movement. “Gai, get up.”
With that, Gai finally came to. He blinked a couple times as if waking from a daze. Then suddenly, the overly exuberant shinobi flipped to his feet and charged out the door, leaving everyone staring after him.
Kakashi rose, dusted off his pants, then went back to the couch to continue reading. He pointedly ignored the others.
“Huh,” Genma remarked.
No one said anything, because all of the jounin in the lounge realized there really wasn’t anything else that could be said.
Gai ran all over Konoha in search of Maiko. His mind was still reeling from what had happened, his youthful spirit soaring high with elation. She had kissed him. His precious Maiko-hime had kissed him! And she didn’t do it in a secluded spot, where privacy would have hid her affections. No, Maiko kissed him in front of his former teammates, his Eternal Rival, and so many more of their jounin comrades.
The happiness Gai felt continued to fill his heart to the point of bursting. He had not dared to hope his precious cherry blossom could ever reciprocate his guarded feelings. Honestly, how could he not love her? Maiko was such a fierce, compassionate, and hard working woman. Truly, one of the most beautiful creatures to ever grace the world. The fact she could possibly feel the same….
Gai had to hear her declaration, to know for certain where she stood. He only hoped to find her before the day was gone.
So, what spot for such a momentous day would make sense? Knowing Maiko as he did, Gai knew it had to have some sort of significance. It would have to be a place that held meaning to them if she meant to wait for him to--
The sudden revelation had Gai putting on the breaks and coming to an abrupt halt. Could it be that simple? Konoha’s Green Beast turned toward the carved faces of the hokages. Maiko once said she considered the monument the birthplace of their friendship. Perhaps…..
Gai took off again, this time heading straight for Hokage Rock. The more time he spent running toward the mountain, the more certain Gai became in his deduction. This is where he would find her. Hei ran up the rock’s side, leaping and flipping among the faces of the former hokages until he landed on solid ground at the top. Bracing himself, Gai looked around.
And there she was. His beautiful Maiko-hime, sitting cross-legged near the edge while she looked over the vastness of Konohagakure. Her black hair was loose, free from its habitual braid as it blew with abandon along the breeze. The very sight of this unassuming and humble creature never ceased to mesmerize him. Truly, the very presence of Maiko was all it took to ignite Gai’s youthful spirit. She was a kunoichi he would always be proud to fight alongside, a friend to protect, and with any luck--
“I wondered how long it’d take you to find me,” Maiko remarked, her voice quiet as it often was when they were alone. There were no pretenses to uphold. She was not the She-Wolf of Konoha in this moment, but simply Maiko. The blue-eyed kunoichi turned her head to meet Gai’s gaze. Then, she smiled, as she only ever did for him. “I must admit, a part of me was starting to worry you might have forgotten.”
“I could never forget anything you’ve ever told me, Maiko-chan,” Guy declared, although anyone who only knew the boisterous version of Maito Gai would be surprised at how softly he spoke. “But I am ashamed at how long it took me to realize where you would wait. It’s the only possible place really.” Gai knelt down, his head bowed as he raised a fist, his inner disgust at his own sluggish deduction making itself known. “As penance, I will complete whatever challenge you deem worthy of such a transgression!”
Maiko chuckled, shaking her head at his usual dramatics. A fond smile played at her lips. “Gai, it’s alright. I knew I probably left you a little befuddled back there, so don’t be too harsh on yourself. But,” Maiko’s face took a mischievous turn, “If you really feel you must make it up to me, you can sit with me and watch the sunset. Deal?”
Gai raised his head. Maiko continued to smile at him, waiting for his decision. An answering grin came forth. “Yosh!” he cried, giving her the expected thumbs up. Gai quickly moved, settling in beside his beautiful cherry blossom as she’d bid. They watched the sun begin its descent, as well as the village below their feet transition from day to night. A companionable silence reigned between them. And while a small measure of unresolved tension existed, Gai made no move to fix it. Maiko had made the first move. He would allow her to make the next one, despite all the burning emotions and questions he desperately wished to voice. Eventually, Gai’s patience was rewarded.
“I meant what I said, you know,” Maiko quietly remarked. “This is where our friendship started, at least for me, nearly two years ago.” She was silent for several moments, contemplating her next words. It was obvious whatever she wished to say was troubling her. “I never told, but I had planned for that to be the last sunrise I ever saw.”
Startled, Gai glanced at Maiko with some alarm. He had suspected something of that nature when he’d spotted the kunoichi at the time, but never voiced his concerns. It’d been a beautiful morning, the sun having just risen above the horizon. Gai had gotten an early start to train, as he always did. And on a whim he’d decided to take a path that led to the top of Hokage Rock, not his usual route. Or so he’d thought. He wasn’t sure anymore if fate hadn’t stepped in that day. The sight waiting for him on the mountain never left Gai. A kunoichi who looked dead on the outside, yet her heart still beat. Her lungs stil drew breath. Those beautiful blue eyes that sparkled for him now had been dull and lifeless. He’d hardly recognized the living wraith in front of him for the she-wolf he’d once fought alongside. “But you didn’t.”
Maiko’s smile took a self-deprecating turn. “No, I didn’t. Because of you, Gai.”
The shinobi’s eyes widened in surprise. What?
Maiko reached over and took hold of his hands, gently grasping them in her much smaller ones. “You don’t really realize what you did for me that day, attacking and challenging me out of the blue. I thought you were quite mad, to be honest. But you kept me distracted from those dark thoughts I couldn’t shake.” A shuddering breath escaped the kunoichi. “You know why, don’t you?”
Gai nodded, not needing her to elaborate. Maiko had been on medical leave for several weeks. It didn’t take much digging to find out why. A mission gone wrong had left deep mental scars. Sadly, collateral damage was sometimes a part of a shinobi’s life. Knowing that didn’t make the fact she’d killed a child any easier to bear. He couldn’t imagine the guilt she still carried. He gently squeezed her hands in comfort.
Maiko cleared her throat, suppressed emotion threatening to overcome her. “I still can’t quite believe you managed to beat me that day. And then you kept showing up, finding me no matter how hard I tried to avoid you and you kept winning. I honestly wasn’t sure in the early days if I hated you or not.” Maiko huffed a laugh, shaking her head. “Yet it gave me something else to focus on, a reason to keep going. I couldn’t leave without beating you, I kept telling myself. What kind of shinobi would I be if I admitted defeat?”
Another silence stretched between them. Gai waited, his focus solely on the woman bearing a secret part of herself to him for the first time. Slowly, Maiko continued, her attention sliding off to the side.
“What kind of shinobi would I be if I admitted defeat….it took me a while to realize that’s exactly what I’d been doing. I never would have realized that without you.” Finally, Maiko brought her gaze back to Gai’s, those blue orbs shining with unshed tears. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that you helped save me Gai. I know it started out with needing to beat you, but it morphed into something more. You made me realize I could still be happy no matter what happened before. Yes, there will be dark days, but I can overcome them.” A single tear slid down her cheek.
Gai reached a hand up, gently swiping it from her face. Maiko smiled, leaning her head into the caress. Gai’s breath stuttered.
“Whenever we fought, you made me happy. Eventually, just spending time with you made me happy.” A soft giggle escaped Maiko. “Even your endless declarations about the springtime of youth made me happy.”
Gai nodded, his gaze soft. “Yosh, the springtime of one’s youth must always be nurtured and embraced.”
Another giggle escaped, her own eyes softening. “I’ve found myself again, since that day. I remember what it means to be a shinobi, the good and the bad. And I know I want to keep on living, so I can protect those who are precious to me.” Taking a deep breath, Maiko continued. “I guess what I’m trying to say is….thank you, Gai. For helping me and for being my friend. I wouldn’t have made it without you.”
A small part of Gai’s elation deflated at her words of thanks. While it warmed his heart to know how much his friendship meant to her, Konoha’s Green Beast could not help the disappointment he felt. Her kiss was only gratitude for all he had done, nothing more. It seemed a rather strange way to him to express her thanks, but Gai was willing to accept the kiss for what it was. Such an act had meant so much to him and he would cherish the memory. However, his own dashed feelings aside, Gai would continue to be the friend Maiko needed. If he couldn’t be more than that, he would content himself with being someone precious to his Maiko-hime, in whatever way necessary.
“There is nothing to thank me for!” Gai declared, his usual white grin taking over. He pulled away from Maiko as he stood, striking one of his dramatic poses. “It warms my heart to know I could help chase away the darkness and bring light once more to the world of my most precious cherry blossom. The power of youth must never be diminished even in---”
Suddenly, Gai found himself cut off as Maiko pulled him down to her level and kissed him. The Green Beast’s mind went blank, his body frozen from this unexpected but exceedingly welcomed assault. His beautiful Maiko pulled back, although she didn’t release him. Her blue eyes danced with humor, that smile she only ever made for him spreading her lips wide. When Gai could only stutter in response, she giggled, a sound of pure joy.
“While normally I love your declarations Gai, you’re not letting me finish,”she teasingly reprimanded. “I’m trying to tell you that I love you, silly.”
She loves me? As he stared at Maiko’s face still dancing with amusement, Gai finally recognized the deep affection she held for him. The green clad shinobi’s eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets, a thousand watt smile overtaking his face. She loves me!
Without warning, Gai cupped her face, pulling Maiko to him and claiming her smiling lips in a fierce and passionate kiss. Gai poured everything he felt in that moment and the woman who held his heart responded in kind. By the time they broke apart both were out of breath. And grinning like a pair of deranged fools.
Gai kept his hands on her face, cupping it as his thumbs gently stroked her cheeks and allowing all the love he felt to pour out of his eyes. “My most precious Maiko,” Gai whispered, his emotions overrunning him. “You can’t imagine how much I hoped....just how happy you’ve made me. I feel as if the fountain of my youth is overflowing, that it will never run out with just those three words!”
She continued to grin at him, a few stray tears escaping again. The only difference was this time they were tears of joy. Gai could feel answering ones clouding his vision as he tried to blink them away. He didn’t want anything obscuring his sight.
“I love you, Yashida Maiko. The most beautiful woman the kami ever designed. From this day forth, I will endeavor to prove my love to you in any way I can.” At this, Gai took hold of Maiko’s hands and held them over his heart. “For from this moment until my last, my heart is yours.”
Unshed tears glossed over his love’s eyes, causing the last light of the setting sun to glint off of them in a spectacular way. Gai could hardly breathe. This unworldly creature loved him. She was his in as many ways as he was hers.
“And you have mine,” Maiko whispered. “From this moment until my last. Because you’re my light, Gai. You prove to me that even in the darkest of hours there is always hope for tomorrow.”
Gai understood and accepted. He was her reason for hoping, to look toward the future. Over time, Maiko had become something similar for him. They would be each other’s rock, the pillar of support even if the entire world were crashing down around them. “Are you sure that’s not just your own blossom of youth finally coming out?” He teased.
Maiko let out a short laugh, then fell victim to another, then another until she was gasping for air from the laughter that had overtaken her. The merriment of the moment claimed Gai as well, and within moments the two were holding each other as their sides shook, tears of joy ran freely, and their smiles grew so big it hurt.
It was then that Gai wondered if he could ever be happier than what he felt there upon Hokage Rock, the vanishing sun encasing them in the last of its colorful hue and Maiko wrapped up in his arms.
Apparently, as Gai soon learned, he could.
Two months later, Maito Gai and Yashida Maiko were married at the fire shrine. No one who had seen the kunoichi’s bold actions in the jounin lounge were surprised. It even came to light that the Third Hokage and Kakashi had kept a running bet going on how long it would take for the two shinobi to finally get together. Unfortunately for Kakashi, he found himself handing over 50 ryo. The copy nin made a promise to be more scrupulous in the future.
Then, barely nine months later, Maito Natsumi was born. Ahd she became the newest reason for her mother to continue finding joy in the world. Before even another two years passed, the little girl was joined by her sister, Harumi. By the time Gai was assigned a genin team, little Izumi had also come along. And their happiness was complete with the arrival of the youngest, Ayami.
Years later, after the Fourth Shinobi War, Madara’s defeat, and Gai’s retirement, Maiko would reflect on how happy and full of love her life had become. And in spite of everything, she had never feared the darkness again. Nor would she. After all, she had many brilliant beacons of light shining to guide her way.
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raendown · 6 years
Commission for @miramise, whom tumblr will not let me tag. Rude. This story is a sequel to Chapter 137 of the Soulmate Story Collection.
Pairing: MinatoKakashi rated: G Word count: 2214 Summary: Older now, Minato and Kakashi have been meeting in their dreams every night for twenty years. After so long together there's only one thing between them they've never addressed. Minato doesn't want to think about how long it would have taken them to talk about it if not for one perfectly innocent misunderstanding.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the blog header!
Florid Flows The Dream
Minato was waving goodbye to Kushina when he spotted the tuft of silver hair not quite out of sight over the crest of his roof. With a smile he turned and pushed a little chakra in to his jump, bringing him up on to the edge of warm tiles where he could peek over the roof to see the back of Kakashi’s head. He took particular note of the paw prints crisscrossing underneath his feet despite the current lack of any dogs capable of getting up here. It seemed his soulmate had given himself company while he waited.
He opened his mouth to greet the other but Kakashi beat him to it at the last second.
“Did you two have fun on your date?” he asked, voice quiet enough that the wind almost blew it away. Minato cocked his head to one side with a bemused look.
“It wasn’t a date.”
Kakashi shrugged. The motion was perfunctory and when his shoulders fell back in to place Minato could see that he was holding a lot of tension there. In fact, despite the casual way he lounged on the terracotta as though nothing were amiss, every line in his body was tight with a tension Minato couldn’t understand. When they had seen each other earlier that day there had been nothing wrong other than perhaps the lingering headaches they were both suffering from celebrating Kakashi’s twentieth birthday with perhaps too much sake.
Shuffling forward until he was level with the younger man, Minato carefully lowered himself until he had settled on the tiles as well. His roof always had a great view of the sunset but something told him that the scenery was not why Kakashi was hanging around up here.
“Didn’t she ask you out to dinner?”
“Well, kind of. Not really. She asked me to meet her for dinner but that’s not the same thing.” Minato frowned, leaning over until their arms brushed together. “Kakashi, are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” He would have been much more convincing if not for the way his shoulders kept hunching tighter and tighter around himself.
“Are you sure? Because you seem…off. You know you can talk to me, yeah?”
The vague feeling that something might be wrong was proven right a moment later, settling firmly in to worry when Minato saw Kakashi turn away from him for the first time in a very long time. When they were younger there had been a period in Kakashi’s life when it seemed everything was doomed to go wrong, the people he loved dropping around him like flies, and his first instinct had been to pull in to himself in the hope that it would hurt less when he lost Minato too.
It had taken Minato several weeks to get it through the idiot’s thick skull that he wasn’t going anywhere. He wasn’t going to die and he certainly wasn’t going to leave. Not even his duties as the Hokage could keep him busy enough that he forgot to make time for his favorite person. Working their way through those hurts together had brought them closer than ever before and they had been all but attached at the hip ever since.
Seeing Kakashi turn away from him again now stung more than he expected. Unsure what he might have done wrong, it hurt to think Kakashi might not trust him to stick around – especially considering the feelings he had been thinking on more and more lately, feelings he hadn’t quite figured out how to bring up in conversation.
“Maybe I should…go find my own dinner,” Kakashi mumbled finally. “Goodnight, Minato.” He was gone a moment later, hopping down without waiting for a reply.
Finding himself suddenly alone and scratching vigorously at the back of his head with bewilderment, Minato gave some thought to watching the sunset by himself, a lonely thought since they usually sat together around this time and traded gossip about what they had both done that day. He discarded the idea quickly. Without Kakashi here at his side the very notion seemed empty and pointless, the sunset pale and colorless. He was frowning as he dropped down on to the front porch and let himself inside. It looked like tonight was going to be an early night for him, dinner and then bed right after with no staying up to read the book waiting on his nightstand.
He wanted to fall asleep as soon as possible. As much as he knew Kakashi’s patterns and he knew the man always stayed awake for as long as possible when he was upset, unable to fall asleep with his mind twisting itself in to unnecessary knots, that didn’t matter. Minato had always tried to make sure he fell asleep first so he could be there to greet his soulmate in the one place they could both be their whole selves.
Well, the one place where they should have been able to be their whole selves. He himself was guilty of keeping secrets; he was hardly in a position judge if it ever turned out the other man was doing the same.
Sleep came quickly once he laid his head down and calmed his chakra. It was a skill he had picked up from Kakashi, ironically, and they had both used it countless times to catch a bit of shuteye in the middle of long missions when there was little time for rest. It served him well now, sending him down in to familiar darkness within minutes. When his eyes opened again he was standing on the shore of an endless lake with his toes buried in soft white sand that never clung to skin or clothing. This world was what they made of it.
They had made paradise from a warrior’s eye. Even if it were possible for others to enter this world he was sure no civilian could possibly find rest here. This place was tailored to them specifically, empty of the many traumas that came with the shinobi lifestyle and filled instead with the few things that brought them comfort, influenced occasionally by mood or a new desire.
Although he had known that he would have to wait, Minato still found the empty hours that followed nearly unbearable. Just thinking about Kakashi being upset with him for some reason ate at his insides until he couldn’t keep still. Worry sent him wandering along the shore until he turned aside for a change of scenery and ambled through the range of mountains they had lifted so Kakashi could feel the pure air on his face and know that there were no walls around him for miles and miles. Eventually he came to rest in a field of wheat dancing in a gentle wind that never faltered, running his fingers over through the grain and letting the beards tickle his skin. This field had been Minato’s idea, a terrible joke on his partner’s name.
He was still there when Kakashi fell asleep at last to join him here in their private dreamscape. One moment he was alone with his thoughts and the next his other half stood at the edge of the field with a smudge of darkness looming over him, not quite a storm cloud but certainly not a clear blue sky.
“In case you were wondering,” he grumbled when Minato hurried over, “chocolate covered coffee beans are delicious but not enough to keep me awake all night.”
“Please tell me what’s upset you – and don’t say nothing.” With one stern finger he pointed up at the darkness gathered around Kakashi’s head, watching with some exasperation as the younger man waved it away like smoke. It took a few minutes of Minato waiting with both hands on his hips before finally he offered something.
“You went on a date with her.”
That hadn’t been at all what he was expecting. Minato scratched his head. “Who? I haven’t gone on any dates.”
“Kushina,” Kakashi ground out from between his teeth.
“I told you, it wasn’t like that! She wanted to meet me for dinner because she had something important to talk about and she always bribes people with food when she needs help. Honestly I think her stomach runs her head; she seems to think the whole world is as obsessed with ramen as she is.”
Rather than look assured Kakashi only hunched further in to himself. “Oh. So…it wasn’t like…a romantic thing?”
“Not in the slightest. I would never – no.” Minato coughed in to his hand and cursed his stupid mouth for almost spitting out that he would never want anyone else the way he already wanted Kakashi. He knew there was no chance he hadn’t been super obvious about it but he still cringed when he felt a sharp stare boring in to him, a nervous titter escaping as he made a half-hearted attempt to deflect. “Well, glad we got that cleared up! So what did you do today? Did Gai ever find you for that rock throwing contest like he said he would?”
“Wait, go back a second. You would never what? Go out with her? Or go out with anyone? Is she just, like, not your type or something?”
“Um…” Uncomfortable, Minato chewed on his bottom lip and tried to figure out how to respond, searching Kakashi’s face for guidance until it finally hit him. He knew exactly why his soulmate was so upset. “Are you…jealous?”
The way Kakashi reeled back told him everything he needed to know, even without the blush that exploded over top of that ridiculous mask he never went without.
“Oh my god you are jealous!”
“Shut up!”
“But why?”
“Why do you think!? Oh my god, stop being embarrassing or I swear I’ll find a way to wake myself up.”
Minato laughed, feeling lighter than air, and lunged forward before Kakashi could escape to pull him in to a tight embrace. “That wasn’t very clear, sorry. I meant that you have no reason to be jealous. When I said I would never I was trying to say…never with anyone but you.”
He just barely managed to move his head in time to avoid a rapid collision when Kakashi jerked his own up to stare, wide eyed and disbelieving in a way that was somehow both comical and heartbreaking.
“You–? Me? Really?”
“I mean, we are soulmates. Is it so surprising?”
“Well you, uh, never said anything about this before.” Kakashi puffed out one cheek with embarrassment.
Minato lifted his chin to press their foreheads together across that single inch difference in their heights. “Oh, well excuse me. Are you really going to stand there and accuse me of doing the exact same thing you were doing? If you can fall in love and not say anything then so can I.”
He would have tried for a smug look if he weren’t flying so high on the incredible relief of knowing that Kakashi felt the same as him, that his secret didn’t have to stay secret anymore. Between the two of them they had both read enough terrible romances to recognize this moment for what it was and Minato knew damn well that he should be going in for that first big romantic kiss. Too full of emotions, his body twitched until he could stand it no longer and he was moving before he could think better of it.
The sound that slipped out of Kakashi when Minato lifted him off his feet in an over-enthusiastic bear hug was one neither of them had proper words for. It was probably meant to be some sort of protest, words choked off at the sudden movement, not quite a gurgle and too close to articulate to be called a groan. Minato couldn’t help himself; he laughed so hard that him arms loosened and Kakashi got his wish, gently dropping back down on to his own two feet.
“You are terrible at romance, I will have you know,” he accused.
“Well,” Minato cupped his soulmate’s cheek and peeled away that one last barrier between them. “I would hate to leave you with such a terrible misconception. Let’s see if I can change your mind, hm?”
Knowing Kakashi the way he did, Minato was sure that later he would be facing a whole lot of teasing for this, keeping the attention on him so neither of them would have the time to stop and think about how poorly Kakashi himself had also handled the situation. He didn’t mind, really. Not when they both groaned in to their first kiss, too long in coming, hands pulling at clothing to keep them close while the breeze tugged at their hair and set them both giggling over how badly the tickling sensation ruined the moment.
Around them the sky that had darkened to night with Kakashi’s mood now brightened until it was something comparable to high noon. It was appropriate, Minato thought, that their first kiss be here in the place that was only theirs.
He couldn’t wait for morning so he could lay claim again once they woke up, so he could show Kakashi that he would love him in any world – in their dreams, in this life, and in the next.  
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majesty-madness · 6 years
How Could I: Book 1 (Kakashi’s fate)
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13-Damsel in Distress
-Back In The Woods- ~Gai's POV~ I sat quietly next to my rival. He had fallen asleep and my guess was probably because his previous battle exhausted him. I could even see a few bruises, which was a rare thing. There could have been more but I couldn't see them. Kakashi was strong and ever since Obito and Rin died he would never show his emotions, he was just stare out into space with an expressionless face but ever since he meet Kana, he's been acting different. Maybe she managed to get through to him but I don't know, I could be imagining things. He'd been sleeping for a while, so I made sure to keep on my guard and make sure nothing would try to hurt him. I glanced back at Kakashi to see he was awake, "Finally! You're awake!" I shouted with a grin growing on my face as I quickly stood up from my sitting position. Kakashi cringed as I yelled and even covered his ears for a moment, "We need to find Kana and soon. I have a feeling that she's gonna need us." he said as he managed to balance himself. "Yeah but... how are we going to track him down?" I asked, my grin slowly waning. Kakashi then bit his thumb and weaved a few hands signs, "That won't be a problem" he planted his hand to the ground "Summoning Jutsu!" Several ninja suddenly hounds appeared right in front of Kakashi. I chuckled "Oh I forgot, you've got your ninja hounds." He nodded then turned to Pakun "I need you to find the scent of a guy named Masaru." Kakashi explained while all the hounds sniffed around. It took a while when one hound lifted up their head and howled. I looked to Kakashi "Does that mean they found Masaru?" I asked hopefully because I really wanted to help Kana get back home. I considered her a friend now. Kakashi's expression changed from nearly relaxed to almost anger, "Let's go!" He ran off with Pakun who lead the way, I quickly followed him deep into the forest. "Hope we find Kana soon" I said aloud. "Me to...." Kakashi whispered, but I heard him. "I promise Kakashi, we'll find her and bring her back gome. I don't break my promises." I wore on my life that we would get Kana back. ~Kakashi's POV~ After several minutes of dashing through the trees, Pakun finally stopped. There was a tunnel that seem to lead underground. Masaru had to be there and if he was then Kana would most definitely be. The tunnel was the only way in and there was a possibility that there were many traps awaiting us. "Alright Kakashi, Masaru is this way" Pakun said as he ran through the entrance. We were very cautious heading in but I had a feeling that Masaru would, hopefully not be expecting us. We ran down the main hallway where many candles shined in the darkness. "Are we getting any closer?" Guy asked, while I lead him through the hall with Pakun leading us both. "Yes, he's most definitely here. I think he's been here ever since he left the area where Kakashi last fought him" Pakun stated then suddenly stopped again. I looked up. Two hallways now, one lead to the left and one to the right. Now we'd have to separate which could be our best chance in finding Kana. "Damn it, now where do we go?" Gai whined as he kept looking back and forth between both directions the hallways lead to. I stood there, thinking for a second. I quickly turned to Gai. I had a plan in mind "Pakun, can you smell Kana's scent here?" I asked. My heart pounded out of my chest and my nerves tingled with anxiousness. I didn't want to wait anymore, I wanted, no...I needed to see Kana. Pakun sniffed around for a minute then pointed to the right hallway, "I found her, she's that way." I sighed in relief. "Alright Guy, you go to the left. I want you to try and find Masaru, and if you do one of my ninja hounds will come find me, then I'll come back you up if you need me." I explained to him. He must have noticed that I was eager because he smiled and patted me on the shoulders "Got it. Now hurry and go find Kana, she needs you" He gave me a thumbs up, then ran down the hallway with all the other ninja hounds except Pakun. Pakun stayed with me, leading me down the hall. 'We're so close.' was all I could think about. Kana was on my mind the entire time, I pictured her face, her eyes, her beautiful smile when she would look at me. I missed her so much, my heart pounded harder and harder ever second we continued to run. It was so sudden but I remembered that my heart hadn't beat this hard since Kana and I's first time. Soon Pakun and I arrived at a wooden door. It didn't seem like a important room to leave a hostage. "I'll be fine from here, go to Guy and tell him I found Kana." I said looking down at Pakun. He nodded his head, soon running back to find Gai. I slowly grabbed the door knob and pushed the door to the side. As much as I wanted to see Kana, I tried to be as careful as I could. Then I carefully stepped into the room, closing the door behind me and walked further into the room. Part of me hoped that she wasn't in that room because to be honest, it made me uncomfortable. The room was dark expect for the candles lined up on the wall, the walls themselves were red, and rose petals covered the floor. Just the way it was all arranged made me feel uneasy. I turned my head a little to a huge bed in the upper corner of the room. The bed frame had thin see-through black drapes surrounding it, when I stepped closer there was figure sitting on the bed. My heart skipped a beat, at first I froze not knowing what to do but when I finally gathered enough confidence, I moved the drapes out of the way and I saw the figure perfectly clear. "Kana..." I whispered in surprise. She turned her head to look at me and I was immediately greeted by her beautiful blue eyes. Tears were falling freely down her face, she stared at me with shock "K-Kakashi?" She stuttered, I could bare to hear so much sadness in her voice. "Kana..." I couldn't help myself anymore. I hugged her tightly, keeping her as close to me as I could. I, unfortunately, didn't feel the return of my embrace "K-Kakashi....is that really you? Are you really here?" She asked with a begging voice. "Yes it's really me. I'm really here" I reassured, holding her closer to me. I never wanted to let go. Within in seconds, I felt her arms wrap around my neck, "Kakashi! I missed you so much!" she sobbed as she buried her face into my shoulder. "I missed you so much too Kana! I'm so glad that you're alright!" I cried out with joy and relieve. I slightly pulled away so that I could see her breathtaking eyes. "I love you so much, Kakashi." she smiled through her tears, tighten her grip around my neck so that our lips almost met. I reached up for my mask, pulled it down, then wrapped my arms around her waist "I love you so much too Kana." And with that I crashed my lips onto hers. We shared the most passionate kiss I've ever had the pleasure of feeling. I would never stop loving her, she was everything I'd ever wanted, she's the one I always wanted to be with, no one else, and I would gladly be her's for the rest of my life.
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raendown · 7 years
The Sound of Silence
@letliv3 *pokepoke* Hey guess what? The conspiracy continues! @thetoxicstrawberry and I thought you could use a present as well so we cooked up a little more MadaKaka using #179 from these prompts, “First one to make a noise loses.”
Hope this makes dealing with this apartment issues just a little bit easier to deal with! 
Under the cut or also available on AO3!
Madara’s grumpy anger could be felt from three streets away so Kakashi wasn’t really all that surprised to have the man corner him up against the wall behind the ramen stand. He gave a content little hum and a happy smile.
“Maa, is there a problem?” he asked. Madara snarled and bared his teeth. Kakashi was glad of the mask that covered his amused smile.
“What is it about that disgustingly cheerful green nincompoop that keeps you running back to him?”
His mask was also good for muffling the tiny chokes of laughter that he couldn’t keep contained. Kakashi tilted his head as if confused.
“Huh? Oh you mean Gai? I’m not sure I know what you mean, Madara.” There was very little Kakashi enjoyed more than teasing this man. Coming back to life after decades of being dead didn’t phase him. Being imprisoned in the village he had once abandoned didn’t phase him. Having his chakra sealed away possibly indefinitely didn’t phase him. But watching Kakashi ignore him in favor of taking part in the latest ridiculous challenge with Gai drove him absolutely up the wall.
“I mean I want to know what it is about that loud buffoon that encourages you to ignore me – me!” Madara looked about two second away from stomping his foot like a child. “It was I that asked you to dine with me yet you spend the entire evening bending to his juvenile whims!”
“He’s my friend.” Kakashi shrugged nonchalantly, undaunted by the way Madara was looming over him to trap him against the wall. “We like having contests. Challenges. It’s fun!”
He could almost physically watch Madara taking the bait, puffing himself up as if the idea that just struck him was his own inspiration. “If a challenge is what interests you then I am more than capable of matching you in whatever contest you desire.”
Hook, line, and sinker. Kakashi’s smile turned in to a feral grin as Madara shoved his own foot in his mouth without even realizing it.
“Indeed. Challenge me; I’m surely a better match for whatever you have in mind than that…man.” Madara uttered that last word with such disdain that it was comical. He truly hated Might Gai for no reason other than the fact that Kakashi was good friends with him.
The two of them had been dancing around each other for months in what was possibly the strangest courtship that Konoha had ever seen. Kakashi was more than aware where they were heading but he was having much too much fun with this stage to try and push for anything more. Watching the other man get jealous and snap at him for not paying him as much attention as he wanted was the highlight of his every day.
Not to mention, teasing Madara was just plain fun. He liked to think he was smart but he just made it so easy – too easy for someone like Kakashi.
“Alright then. First one to make to a noise loses!”
Not laughing at the absolutely flabbergasted expression on Madara’s face was extremely difficult but he managed, arranging his expression in to a happy, carefree beam. Madara’s jaw nearly dropped right off his face as he stared, stunned. He opened his mouth to say something and froze with one finger raised, about to make a point. Kakashi waggled his eyebrows teasingly. Mark this round down as a point to him.
Madara ground his jaw in frustration. Kakashi didn’t seem to be taking him as seriously as he had wanted but he did set a challenge and Uchihas do not back down from a challenge, especially one as simple as this. He glared, filled with determination. He was going to win this challenge and then he was going to set Kakashi straight about just who he should be spending his time with. Idiotic green…idiots…were not worthy of someone like the last Hatake, not when Madara himself was available and willing and very much desired all of Kakashi’s attention for himself.
He twitched suddenly at the feeling of something pressing in to his side. Looking down he saw Kakashi’s hand, one finger extended, and watched as it poked him in the side again. When he looked up to give the younger man a flat, unimpressed look he saw mirth dancing in Kakashi’s eyes. He was enjoying this. He was enjoying his attempt to make a fool out of the man who had once brought entire clans to their knees.
Kakashi poked him a third time and Madara snapped a hand out to grasp his wrist, taking hold of the other one as well when it tried to come in from the opposite direction. The two of them stood there and stared at each other in silence, each willing the other to cave first and make some sort of sound.
When Kakashi’s fingers wriggled around to tickle at his wrists Madara decided that if he was going to win then he was going to win big. He pushed Kakashi’s wrists apart until his limbs were spread in a half spread eagle position and stepped in between them, bringing his body close to that of the man he had trapped before him. Kakashi’s eyes widened at the sudden proximity but he stayed quiet. Madara planned to change that.
A soft thunk could be heard when he leaned forward and Kakashi reflexively leaned away until his head hit the wooden slats behind him. Their faces hovered only inches away from each other, both unable to say anything to break the rising tension as Madara smirked, getting closer and closer. He took another step forward, bringing their chests just close enough that he could feel the quickening of Kakashi’s breath and the racing of his heart. He had never been more grateful that he was no longer allowed to wear his armor around the village.
His own eyes fluttered shut as he pressed their lips together for the first time through the layer of that damnable mask and the moment they kiss Madara can already taste victory. More satisfying than that, though, was the feeling of Kakashi’s fingers clenching around his own and the way he seemed to curve his entire body in to Madara’s in an involuntary effort to get closer.
Still no noise, however, so Madara stepped up his game. He put everything he had in to that first kiss, briefly squeezing Kakashi’s hands before releasing them and settling them on the younger man’s waist, thumbs reaching up under his vest to stroke the skin there in small circles. Kakashi shivered under his touch and latched on to his arms, nearly bruising his biceps with the tightness of his grip. He was pressing back in to the kiss with encouraging fervor and Madara wished he could remove the cotton barrier between them so he could lick his way inside Kakashi’s mouth, suck on his tongue, bite at his lips – anything, everything. He wanted to devour this man. He wanted to crawl inside of him and make a home right next to his heart where he could feel the love he desperately hoped was there for him.
While his thumbs had elicited quite a nice reaction it hadn’t exactly been the moan or whimper he had been hoping for. Time to dial it up to eleven. Madara wondered just how far he could take this before he would be stopped. Their little hiding spot wasn’t too far out of the public eye and with no words there was no way to ascertain the boundaries of whatever their relationship had just upgraded to.
He had always been one for pushing boundaries, however, so he felt no qualms with tugging at the ties holding Kakashi’s trousers on his hips. He felt the younger man’s spine stiffening and his hands clenching tighter yet no move was made to stop him as he tugged the material down. His fingers brushed bare skin underneath as he did so and he couldn’t contain a shiver of his own. Kakashi, apparently, had not worn underwear today. How delightful.
The look on Kakashi’s face when Madara suddenly backed out of his grip and dropped to both knees was something he wished he could activate his Sharingan and memorize forever. But he couldn’t so he didn’t wasted time with wishing. Instead he lowered his eyes to the half-hard cock now level with his face, admiring the shape of it, the way the pale skin was nearly translucent. He leaned forward without warning and took it in his mouth, sucking it down like the sweetest of treats.
Kakashi went up on his toes, spine arching backwards and hands flying out to weave in to Madara’s thick hair with a deathly tight grip. Air rushed out of his mouth in an audible exhale but Madara figured that didn’t really count. One couldn’t help breathing, really. So he ignored that miniscule transgression and bent himself to his task, bobbing and sucking, fondling Kakashi’s balls with one hand while the other stroked and pressed on his perineum.
It was mere moments before Kakashi was trembling beneath his touch and when he looked up he could see that pretty silver head thrashing from side to side. Part of his mask had been caught in his mouth as he harshly bit at his own lip in an effort to stay silent. That simply wouldn’t do, Madara noted. He’d told Kakashi he was man enough to win this challenge and win it he would!
He lengthened the motion of his bobbing head, sinking lower on his delicious treat only to pull back until just the tip was encased in his lips, allowing his tongue to swirl around the frenulum with teasing licks. Kakashi’s hips worked with his rhythm even as he felt the younger man trying to hold himself back. The hands in his hair pulled and tugged, each tiny jolt of pain only serving to excite him. He swallowed Kakashi down with more enthusiasm than he’d given to anything in a long time, paying no mind to the way saliva had started to drip along his chin and run down to Kakashi’s sacs.
He felt the quivering of the thighs surrounding his head and worked faster, taking one of his hands away to reach up and encircle the short length of cock that wouldn’t fit in his mouth, stroking in time. Kakashi panted above him and thudded his own head backwards a few times, almost like he was trying to hold on to sanity using any method he could.
It didn’t work.
Madara’s hand twisted around Kakashi in a firm grip, his lips sank down with a swirling tongue following after, and his other hand pressed firmly against that wonderful point just behind the testicles. Kakashi’s entire body went rigid and as he doubled over with ecstasy he lost their challenge with a single breathy cry.
The man in question felt a surge of wild triumph rip through him even as he felt hot cum spurting down his throat. He didn’t even hesitate to drink it down, lapping and sucking to milk his companion for every last drop. Kakashi jerked and shook, small whimpers slipping out now that he had already given in.
He waited until Kakashi had softened in his mouth to pull away, craning his neck to look up at the other man and still feeling twenty feet tall. He smirked, a vicious expression that made Kakashi’s eyes roll back and thighs clench all over again.
“I win,” Madara murmured quietly. Kakashi didn’t answer, still gasping and shaking. “And I think since I won your little challenge I should get some sort of reward, yes?”
He stood from his kneeling position and captured Kakashi’s mouth in a victory kiss while his hands idly tucked his lover back in to his trousers and pulled them in to place. Kakashi kissed him back without hesitation, docilely allowing himself to be manhandled and redressed. When they parted he looked more than a little dazed.
“Reward. Yeah. ‘Kay.” He blinked slowly, looking completely wrecked even with so little of his face visible. “Wow.”
Madara preened. “That was only the beginning, love.” If that was all it took to impress he couldn’t wait to show off what other skills he had in his arsenal.
“I wasn’t expecting that,” Kakashi admitted. He seemed to be slowly regained the ability to form coherent thought as he narrowed his eyes playfully. “What sort of reward did you have in mind?” Madara chuckled darkly and lifted Kakashi chin with one finger.
“I think we would need a more private venue for me to show you that,” he said. “Wouldn’t want to alarm the general public when you start screaming my name.”
An eager light appeared in Kakashi’s eyes and Madara felt a rush of affection.
As they disappeared in a puff of smoke to seek out the privacy he had suggested, Madara sent a silent thanks to Might Gai as well as a smug jeer of victory. Kakashi belong to him now and no idiotic green eyesore was going to separate them, challenges or no challenges.
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