#kakashi ic
hatredcurse · 6 months
Thin, emaciated wrists felt like mere feathers upon Kakashi's calloused palms. Total and utter shock prevented him from enclosing the trembling anatomy with security and warmth, his own skin crawling with a nitrogenous cold. Whatever heat held in the pads of his fingertips receded into his bones along with the spirit beheld by the central body.
"I'm-... Sorry, what did you say?" he said, sheepishly, regaining his sense as many guardian eyes bore into his shoulder with bewilderment," hungry, right. We can get you fed."
The rest of whatever the woman said faded into the obscurity of his mind. Nothing said was sticking to his mind and everything was lost like a downpour of vocabulary into a waterlogged dictionary.
"Where have you- What did you say your name was again?"
Plotted starter — @bladedhunter
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whoishotteranimepolls · 4 months
"Who's Hotter?" Battle of the White Haired Characters
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rafasbiscuits · 1 year
and that's on white/grey haired x black haired gays
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hazardous-who · 1 month
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Rough ideas of how I picture Obito & Kakashi in Among Ice & Snow
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ink-ghoul · 1 year
It's incredible funny how much Etho likes 'Blue Fire', so much so that he makes it a main feature of his base and his special attack on TCG
and yet hermitblr has done NOTHING with this information
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yaoiconnoisseur · 9 months
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Worst (best?) roadtrip ever
meme reference
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kankuroplease · 1 year
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A little graph of Naruto’s escapades in the TSAU that explains why Kakashi would call a shop meeting about it because some of these happened at the shop✨
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shizukais · 2 years
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themidnightguardian · 5 months
I mean, now feels like the right time to say that I have a little oneshot Naruto crack-fic idea brewing that's a Yuri on Ice AU with Kakashi x Obito.
Hatake Kakashi is the best figure skater in the world. A natural prodigy. A 5-time World Champion. An Olympic Gold Medalist.
He’s also been drifting for years now. His apartment is cold and empty except for his dog. There is no life for him outside of skating, and he’s not sure there’s anything left for him on the ice either. He’s 27 and the most exciting thing that’s happened in the past year was the release of the latest book in his favorite romance series.
And then, at the Grand Prix banquet, a drunk Uchiha Obito calls him an idiot, tells him off for having a stupidly pretty face, challenges him to a dance off (and wins), and then asks him to be his coach.
Kakashi’s pretty sure he’s in love.
Uchiha Obito doesn’t understand why the best figure skater in the world is in his family’s onsen.
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And to follow up on my previous post about Dany and Sasuke, the main difference between the two characters is the fact that Dany is being written by an author who understands that the only way to dismantle oppressive systems is through violence, whereas Sasuke’s author doesn’t.
The shinobi system as shown in the anime and manga is cruel to almost every character that we encounter, from the main heroes,- Naruto, Kakashi, Tsunade, Sakura, etc., and our anti-heroes/villains, like Pain, Madara, Obito, even Orochimaru. It preys on child-prodigies to use as tools to further the broken philosophies of the hidden villages.
Itachi massacred his entire clan at thirteen years old, because the people in power in his village gave him the order, and manipulated him into thinking he had a choice.
Nagato Uzumaki lost his entire family at the hands of shinobi wearing his family emblem on their backs.
Our main character, Naruto , was made into a vessel for an ancient demon by his father a few minutes after his birth.
The shinobi system is one that operates on violence and oppression. How else can it reformed or disbanded, if not through violence?
And there is a popular misconception about Daenerys’ last chapter in ADWD, the violence she will enact will not be towards the people of Westeros, but rather the slave masters, who have disregarded the lives of the people enslaved by them.
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hatredcurse · 9 months
[ SHELTER ]: receiver hastily guides the sender to a nearby shelter for them to wait out the storm together safely. — Chitose || @shinobinvku
It was the same as it was any mission. The terrain no more than distance that needed to be traversed and the destination a place that they needed to be at. Kakashi kept their goals and expectations mind-numbingly simple with refusal to contingency. The mere suggestion of other possibilities often invites them in, he believes, as foolhardy and careless it sounds.
And it was. Halfway to their designated camp in Takigakure, day became night, and the heedless pull of the moon swept up the winds and ushered in a relentless cold. The temperature dropped as well as the clouds, the Earth now slated in inches of snow piling ever more each minute that they toil around out on the open road.
Were he by himself, he was overconfident in his ability to push through the stiffening of his joints and the numbness claiming his ankles and wrists. Timeliness was paramount to him and he'd see to it without delay. However, this time he was accompanied by a smaller, thinner child than himself. Her nature not of fire and her skin running colder than his own.
It took more effort to not notice the shiver in her bones and twitching of her shoulders, trying to shield herself away in the thin cloth cloaks that administration was so generous to provide. Had it been anyone else, anyone with tenure and not so young, he would have forced them along, but a hypothermic ( not to mention foreign ) partner would throw a wrench in this multi-person task. So instead, he grabbed onto one of those thin, boney elbows and trudged through the snow to this dilapidated cabin.
The roof caved in through one corner where snow had already began to cascade into a steady pile. The rest of the one-room shed ( he is calling it that because it really was so pathetic and underkept to be considered a house ) had an unlit fire place, also filled with snow, and an old bed that was chewed through from vermin and birds.
"Let's make use of this," he said, releasing her to the room as he inspected it for anything salvageable.
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whoishotteranimepolls · 2 months
"Who's Hotter?" White Haired Characters
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mtnikolle · 8 months
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Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Kakashi and Iruka
Modern AU, teens
WC: 1048
“So? You gonna come or not?” Iruka blurts to his friend when they meet up at lunch time.
Kakashi isn't quite sure what to make of this question. He doesn't recall talking with Iruka about going somewhere in their recent conversations—and he's pretty sure he didn't accidentally tune him out during any recent rambles, either. He looks at Iruka closely, trying to make heads or tails of it. Iruka is slowly turning red. His posture is getting stiff. And that scowl isn't the one he wears when he's angry, it's the one he wears when he's nervous. Kakashi bites the bullet.
“Where would we be going?” He asks.
Kakashi’s not sure how it's possible, but Iruka turns even redder. And face palms.
“Ummm, sorry. There's a fair in Senju Park this week. Mom said I can go tonight. And stay late, since I did so well on my last report card. So…” and Iruka takes a big breath in, “…do you want to come with me?”
This is unusual. Not the going out part, they do that all the time. This nervous, blushing, asking-in-person part, rather than a quick text.
“Would this be a date…?” Kakashi asks. And he's not sure how he feels about that.
Iruka goes from bright red to dead pale in an instant.
“N-n-n-no,” he stutters out. “Not— not—”
Yes, it was absolutely meant to be a date.
They meet up at the park a few hours later. Kakashi spent more time than he wants to admit to trying to figure out what to wear. His dad laughed at him. Especially when, in the end, he wore the same basic clothes he usually wears—comfortable jeans, sneakers, tshirt, and comfortable hoodie, but the green one that Iruka likes, rather than the red one he was wearing at school today.
Iruka has changed, too. He's wearing Kakashi's favourite top—the one that shows off his forearms. And suddenly Kakashi realises that he's been looking at Iruka for a while. They've been friends for… well, almost ever. When did this happen? How did Kakashi not realise it before? Kakashi knows exactly how he feels about this now, and he is so, so happy now that Iruka was courageous enough to ask him out tonight.
They stare at each other kind of awkwardly, which is bullshit because they've known each other forever.
“Shall we…?”
Iruka passes him a bright yellow wristband and leads him into the park.
Together they pick some rides to try. Iruka’s a bit of a daredevil, so he wants to go on the Drop of Doom and roller coaster immediately. Kakashi is somewhat less so, so he convinces Iruka that they should warm up with the Octopus and Monster rides, instead. Iruka agrees, and they laugh so hard and have so much fun that it breaks up any awkwardness remaining from their knowledge that this is a date. Kakashi feels really, really okay with that now.
An hour of rides later, Kakashi is more than ready for a break. Iruka reluctantly agrees, and they make their way to the food stands and carts that have been set up for the day. They find a truck they both like the look of and stand in line. A long line had to mean good food, right? Kakashi sure hopes so—he’s all about comfort in food and never ventures too far from his favourites.
Between them, the teens consumed one loaded chili dog, the greasiest hamburger Kakashi was sure he'd ever seen, a bucket of poutine, and a giant bear claw. Since the rides hadn't done him in, he is sure the food will. Then Iruka bounces up from the bench they've been resting on.
“There's one more place I want to check out!”
Kakashi isn't sure he can move yet, but he’ll try for Iruka.
“Let's go.”
Iruka helps haul him up from the bench, and Kakashi is surprised he can stand. And then surprised he can walk. He has no idea how Iruka is bouncing around the way he is—Kakashi is sure Iruka ate more than he did!
They meander through the crowd for a while, waving at the occasional classmate they see, but making no move to join any of them, when Kakashi sees the stand a little ways away and balks. It is an ice cream stand. The concept of ice cream now is okay, but this isn't just any ice cream. No, the Golden Scoop is the ice cream shop on the other side of Konoha that Iruka has wanted to try since they opened. Kakashi on the other hand…
The thing is, they make all these weird flavours, and they don't sell vanilla or chocolate at all.
Iruka turns around when he sees Kakashi isn't beside him any more.
“Are you okay, Kakashi?”
Kakashi doesn't want to ruin this for Iruka, but he's honestly not sure if he can make himself go over there. Curry Thai Chili ice cream just isn't something he can make himself eat…
“I don't think I can eat that,” Kakashi explains. “Why don't you go ahead? I'll wait here.”
“Are you too full?”
Iruka is offering him the perfect out, but Kakashi knows him, and if he takes it, then Iruka won't go.
Kakashi wants him to go—Iruka's been wanting to try the Scoop's ice cream for ages. He hesitates to answer. Long enough that Iruka notices. Kakashi watches his face light up with understanding.
“Oh. Oh!”
Iruka holds out his hand to Kakashi.
“Do you trust me?” he asks.
Kakashi knows a trap when he hears one. Or, well, it would be a trap from anyone but Iruka.
Iruka holds out his hand.
“Take my hand. I know they'll have something you'll like, too.”
Iruka is so sincere when he says it that Kakashi believes him. So he puts his hand in Iruka's and lets Iruka pull him toward the stand.
Iruka walks away with a double scoop cone with lobster and strawberry chive flavours. Kakashi ends up with extra virgin olive oil ice cream. Iruka was right, they did have something he likes.
They continue on wandering the fair, looking at the craft vendors, eating their ice cream, but now with fingers slotted together.
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hazardous-who · 2 months
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[ What You Think You Know, Among Ice and Snow ] "The demon let the heart fall to the ground without a care, discarding the organ as if it was nothing but trash. It angered Kakashi, but he did nothing but sit and stare, every bit of fight fading from his system as he considered the position he was in. He was going to die, and there was nothing that could be done to stop it." Read it here ! - > *Click*
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blindsighted · 7 months
Mourning Dove
A storm was brewing far in the distance. Thunder rolled in the valley, still twenty miles out. Grey clouds set back the sunrise by an hour, and young Kakashi wakes all alone in his father's bed. He shivers. It feels empty in the house. He grips the covers tight just under his eyes, wide awake and alert.
pit pat
The first drops of rain fall against the glass in large splatters. It's going to be a big one. Kakashi shivers.
A low rumble creeps ever closer; ten miles out, and Kakashi sits up all at once, just in time for a bright flash of lightning to illuminate the still and shadowy space around him. It looks like his home, but with the color washed out. His eyes are round with large black pupils that disappear into a dark iris. They scan from left to right, searching for what is missing.
Another droll of thunder lifts him to his feet. They hit the wood grain with a soft slap and the cold jolts him a little more awake. His heart thud thud thuds against his chest and he swallows a dry lump to try and keep it from leaping out.
Something is wrong.
The smell of iron clings to the electricity in the air and Kakashi shifts one foot forward, then the next. His eyes stare wide and fixed across the hall and into the living room, where an unfamiliar dark stain just broaches the edge of the doorframe.
His feet carry him, one shuffling step after the other, closer and closer, until he's standing in the doorway. He can't make out the identity of that shadowy lump, so he steps closer...
A flash of lightning and a sharp bang shatters the darkness, and in that instant, Kakashi's world falls to pieces.
A fragile breath shakes loose from his constricting throat, but the boy doesn't move. His heart is frozen. It stabs through his chest and sends waves of ice and fire through his veins, till Kakashi can no longer stand. His knees give out and he collapses there behind his father's slumped over shape.
A timid hand reaches for him, the unfamiliar hand of a child, and when it touches his shoulder, he feels the solid touch of ice, far removed from the once warm and comforting presence of the man he'd known. The hand pulls back and disappears, and Kakashi sits still. Everything has stopped.
He exists here, and nowhere, for the person he was before has died. In his place, emptiness lives on.
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