#kakaobi rin
OOO HI HELLO. 25 on the writing prompts for kkobym if u will :333 CONGRATS ON 600 ILY!!!!!
hello my friend! That was some angsty prompt you gave me there! I had this in mind right away, I hope this is sooort of ok, I know you have your own brand of OBKKRIN so who knows if you like this, but I tried!
Hatake Kakashi / Uchiha Obito /Nohara Rin
2900 words
Ao3 Link [x]
for @rinweek2022 Day 1: Everybody Lives Au.
prompt: “It hurts…” “what?” “Loving someone who doesn’t love you…”
Rin wonders why it pains her so much that her two best friends are dating each other.
Rin was always busy, it was one of the many negative feats of her lifestyle. With the Three Tails as her constant companion she had to learn chakra control, figuring out her new abilities, how to use her increased healing techniques, then of course studying new medical jutsu and her general education as a doctor she hardly had any time at all. Apart from that she travelled a lot, saw the world, met the other Jinchuuriki, learned healing practices in the most remote places of the mountains in the Land of Earth and brought them back home. She functioned like an ambassador for Konoha abroad, the girl who had become a Jinchuuriki against her will in the war and now advocated for peace and healing.
She was almost too busy to understand when time moved forward, too away to see the people she had been a child with growing up. To her it sometimes seemed like people just turned into adults out of the blue. Voices lower, shoulders broader and body height taller from one blink to the next, while she, at least in her eyes, stayed largely the same. Maybe that was because she actually got to see herself in mirrors and water surfaces almost every day. 
One day she sat opposite of her two childhood best friends at a cafe just nipping at some kind of sweet bread she had bought for herself. In the time in which she had been too busy to notice Kakashi and Obito had gotten quite the reputation separately, but mostly as a duo as well, learning how to work their twin sharingan eyes to perfection. Rin had never really seen them fight alongside each other, but with each time she returned to Konoha from a long trip and they took her out for food or a movie or just to hang, she noticed how much closer they had become.
It felt like ages ago when they had done nothing but arguing. Rin felt like no time had moved since then to her, but now the two boys often sat close by each other, knee bumping against each other as if they couldn’t keep a tiny gap between them for a second of their lives and somehow she knew what it meant. “You guys are dating, right?” she stated and with that cut off a very long winded story that Obito had started about the son of their teacher Minato and playing a prank on him. 
Both guys looked a little found out, like a deer in a flashlight, but only Obito blushed. Kakashi, as always, pulled himself together much quicker. “How…how.. I mean… no we are not,” Obito stammered, but Kakashi elbowed him in the side. “She already figured it out.”
Obito then bowed his head a little: “I’m sorry Rin, I know you liked Kakashi…. “ 
Rin moved her head from one side to the other and thought of that. She had not thought of her childish feelings for Kakashi for a long time, almost like some other person had felt them in another lifetime. She forced her mouth into a smile: “Don’t worry, it is totally fine! I’m happy for you guys.”
She could not quite explain the pain she felt after this. Was it because she had actually, secretly enjoyed Obito’s feelings for her? That she had always kind of thought if Kakashi would date anyone it would be her? After all, couples coming out of Genin teams weren’t so unusual. But then again a couple did come out of their Genin team, she just wasn’t included.
The heavy heart would not subside when she left Konoha for the Land of Water again. When both friends hugged her goodbye and then snailed their fingers around each other Rin averted her gaze from them. She hated herself for how sour the taste on her tongue felt, how angry the view made her, when they had done nothing to deserve it. 
Kakashi and Obito had grown up and grown out of being interested in her in her absence. That was the price to pay for being the busy travelling jinchuuriki of Konoha, well technically Konoha. Kushina-sensei had employed her to stay around, telling her she need not feel so responsible for the world just because Isobu was inside of her, but Rin had insisted. Now she was left out of changes among those she held the dearest because of her own stubborn mind.
“You are just worried you will be left behind,” Isobu snarled from inside her. “That they will forget about you more and more and then don’t need you anymore.” She hissed him out of her mind, but knew that he was only saying what she was feeling deep down inside. They were connected to each other after all. He could hear all she could hear, see all she could see and feel all she could feel.
Maybe she had been gone too long. Kakashi and Obito had inside jokes now that she didn’t understand. She stopped walking in their middle and walked by their side, often a step behind them, to give them the space they apparently demanded as a couple. There were a lot of “Oh that’s such a long story” and “You had to be there” things they laughed about. Things Rin had missed and would continue to miss, but maybe it was better this way for them to have their privacy.
The aching would grow stronger, even months after she figured out the two of them were dating. Dreams of either of them and sometimes both of them haunted her. It had never been like this before, not when she had a crush on Kakashi either, that overtly romantic themes were invading her mind so much. 
She dreamed of the three of them together on a tatami floor playing video games, legs tangled over each other. After the first time she saw both of them kiss each other Rin dreamed of kissing them both, Obito first, Kakashi second. When she woke up the pit in her stomach felt so deep and so empty that she cried.
The Land of Steam was soothing and terrible with its many hot springs that were loved by couples and families. Rin was tasked to find a herb that was rare and study it in relation to a healing cream that might help with severe burns. She took the time in the country to also relax, sit in the hot water of a stream or two and let her numb limbs take a break. 
But that also meant having to deal with all of the signs of love and romance around her and her mind could not help but cycle back to Obito and Kakashi. What would they do if they could be here with her? Would they have shared a private room? Maybe with an onsen that they could all get in together without the gender separation? And why was she thinking so much about this now?
These thoughts and feelings ruined it all for her. The comfortable lifestyle of travelling and studying that she had put up through her late teens and early twenties suddenly felt lonely and terrible. She knew she could return to Konoha permanently whenever she wanted, work in the Hospital alongside Shizune and report back to Minato for missions that required her chakra control, but she was too scared to go back permanently. Plus, what was there for her to return back to? Kakashi and Obito clearly didn’t need her.
The pain just got worse each time Rin saw either of them back in the village. Each time either of them would wrap their arm around her, tell her a story, buy her food, tell her to come over to watch some movie, everytime they were kind to her. Obito’s constant smile, the way he acted like he had no depth perception with his one eye and walked against lampposts and post boxes just to make her laugh. The way Kakashi could have the deepest, calmest discussions with her about what she had seen on her latest mission, while also blushing deeply at the sign of his favourite dirty book.
In these moments she was happy to experience them, feeling elated and relieved at having been there with her friends, but then the deep pit opened and drowned her again. Reminding her that her bond with them was not as great or important to either of them as their bond with each other.
Part of her wanted to stay away, do longer missions and leave them alone, but Minato-sensei kept calling her back as if he could somehow feel that she was done with the travelling lifestyle, at least if she was honest with herself. So she found herself in Obito’s and Kakashi’s company more than she had previously and the sting she felt each time they were holding hands, kissing or even touching in front of her became almost unbearable.
“You should absolutely come, Obito is terrible,” Kakashi said one afternoon as they sat together at Ichiraku ramen. “He bought this game and now he can’t even finish one mission. Just like in real life.”
Obito blew his cheeks up: “I know Kakashi would have died last mission if I did not save his ass through Kamui. This sir doesn’t have the chakra to use that jutsu effectively enough.” Then he paused and added “But you absolutely should come, our new apartment is great.”
Rin kept up the weak smile on her lips. Obito And Kakashi had recently moved in together, without her of course, because she was still not officially back in Konoha. They had asked her to move in with them, but she knew they were just keeping up pretences, they much rather would have liked her not to be there too. She looked up into Obito’s wide uncovered black eye and could read his expectations in them. “Sure, I’d love to come before my next trip.” It was like someone else spoke that was not her.
Despite what she had told her friends Rin tried to get her next trip moved up to be spared the fate of visiting them. It was rude of course, a little terrible of her to deceive them like that, but the dread she felt just at the thought of seeing their apartment together, their lives together, without her, was too much. However, no matter how much she begged Minato-sensei and Kushina or even the director of the hospital, there was nothing for to do. She was to stay in Konoha for a bit. She assumed Minato had his hands in this, but she could not prove it. With her excuse out of the window, she had no choice but to go to the boy's apartment.
It didn’t surprise her how neat it was with Kakashi being one of the tenants, what surprised her was that apparently even Obito was keeping his clothes cleaned away in either the bathroom for washing or his closet. No dishes in the sink, no dirty socks on the floor, the only room that was a little messy was the living room. A blue cough was aimed at a small tv and a gaming console in front of it. Open games were littering the floor in front of it, as if someone had gone through each of them and tried them out. 
“What do you think?” Obito seemed excited to show her.
Rin sighed at the sight. The pictures of their team at the wall, the little Mr. Ukki plant Kakashi loved so much, the little dog bed for the Ninken. “It feels like home.” It was the first thing that came to her mind and it almost bit her tongue when she realised what she had just said. It was, after all, not her home at all.
Kakashi now stepped next to her, one arm on her shoulder to move her to the left to another door there. “Go there, open it.” She looked at him and narrowed her eyes. “You aren’t pranking me, are you?” she asked. To which Kakashi only laughed and then pushed her forward.
She walked to the door and opened it slowly, still not convinced that this wasn’t a prank of some kind, but no bucket of water fell on her head. Instead the room in front of her was painted in a light violet, had white furniture and a bed, a little desk and a closet. She stared at it speechless.
“We know you don’t want to move here permanently because you are travelling so much,” Obito said and blushed a little as if he were shy, “but we thought you might want to have a space to live in if you are back home anyway. Something close to us.”
The door crashed close as Rin let the handle go and stepped back. Her head was spinning and she could feel the tears burn in her eyes. They were pitying her of all things. Pitying the lonely girl who had grown apart from her family and community and village and best friends so much for the sake of gaining a reputation. They were pitying her and were letting her stay in their lives that they had long since continued without needing her.
“I - I don’t think…” her lips were quivering, “ I don’t think I should.. Get in the way of your guy’s relationship.” She didn’t know how else to say it.
Kakashi looked at her from the side, the visible eyebrow furrowed: “You wouldn't - Rin, is there something wrong with you? You have been so absent lately. “ He stopped for a moment in which Rin bit her lip to stop herself from crying. “Do you have issues with this relationship? Are you uncomfortable with us dating?”
“No! I’m very happy you are happy.” Her voice shook as she looked up. She now no longer could hold back the tears. “I - I just - I just… I just don’t think I belong anymore…and it hurts…”
Obito bowed over to put her face between his hands, wiping the tears away as they came streaming down. She wanted to push him away, but found him too strong to do so. “What hurts?” he asked softly.
The reality of her situation crashed over her. “It hurts to love someone who doesn’t love you back.” Rin spoke with clarity, as if she had understood and known this for ages now, even though it all had just clicked into place seconds ago. The pain in her heart, the jealousy, the anger, it all made so much sense so suddenly.
The two men seemed too stunned to speak. Obito let go of her face and moved back a little. “Who… who is it you love… Kakashi? Because I asked you and –”
“Yes, Kakashi.” She said and looked at the whited haired man. “I’ve always loved him.” Obito opened his mouth again, but then she cut him off by pushing a fist against his chest. “And you, Obito. I love you too.” She let out a breath of relief. It felt so wonderful to finally understand and admit this reality. How had it taken her so long to figure it out? “I love both of you.”
There was stunned silence, so Rin continued: “And I know you guys love each other and that I am not… not part of…this, but I need you to know so you understand that I can’t…” She felt her lips quivering again. “- can’t stick around you anymore.”
She waited with bated breath for a reaction, but what did come surprised her. Kakashi put his head into his neck and breathed out. “My god, I’m so glad that is what it is…” Obito drew her into a hug. “Never worry us like this again.”
“What? You… you don’t think I’m weird?” Rin held on to Obito’s sweater, her elation turning to confusion.
Obito shook her a little in his arms. “When you grew more and more distant we thought something might have happened to you that you can’t talk to us about.  We were so worried.”
“Or when you declined moving here with us we wondered if we had done something to offend you, if maybe we insulted you by suggesting you stay in the village.” Kakashi now wrapped his arms around Rin from her backside, effectively trapping her in the warmth between them.
Rin could now no longer move. She kept her head pressed against Obito’s neck. “I really wanted to say yes, but I thought I would be in the way.”
“Sage, Rin, it’s always been the three of us together. Why would you think it would be different in this regard?” Obito knocked his forehead into hers. “How could you ever think for a second that just because we love each other means we don’t love you?”
Kakashi, his head on her shoulder, hummed a little. As always, he left the big speeches to Obito, who had an easier time articulating his feelings. “Just move in with us, dummy,” Obito said and grabbed her a little tighter.
Rin could feel the tears again and this time she did not hold them back. She grabbed Obito tighter too. “Yes, of course. I really want to”, she said and though her voice was shaking the large pit in her stomach was nowhere to be felt.
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obkkseeker · 7 months
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obito loves his personal space, kakashi loves obitos personal space
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maireyart · 1 month
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His friend, his savior, his hero. ||| My doujins |||
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
Obkk ghost marriage fic where after kannabi bridge, the Uchiha decide Kakashi can keep the eye but only if he agrees to marry Obito's ghost in a traditional ghost marriage.
(This also means he officially joins the Uchiha clan. Maybe lean into how he knows very little ab his own clan history, so there's like some minor complexes playing off of that as he ultimately takes up the Uchiha name and traditions, effectively abandoning his own -> which could also play interestingly into his negative views of his father at that age. This also means he moves out of his clan compound and into the Uchiha district— which is actually really good for his mental health)
Kakashi doesn't argue, he sees it as the ultimate atonement actually. He's incredibly dutiful but especially so at that age. He'd take it dead fuckin seriously and be the best ghost bride possible. Instead of constantly going to the memorial stone he has like a proper shrine to honor him in the house where he leaves his favorite foods n stuff
Like little 13 year old widower Kakashi w Rin as his witness rip
I'm not the biggest Rin fan bc her canon characterization feels like that usual boring "girl crush turned martyr" (naruto misogony strikes again rip) and I've yet to find any interpretations that really strike me— with one exception.
I don't remember the fic, and Rin only showed up for part of it, but I remember being rlly taken by her in it. It highlighted her being as struck by Obito's death as Kakashi, with her an official mednin working overtime in the hospital as the war ramped up. Also it gave her a smoking habit!! I can appreciate a well played addiction to cope in text. Idk I just read it and kinda went "woah she suddenly feels like a real person to me"
But like, that for Rin here. She's working triple overtime in the hospital, day and night. The war is getting worse and worse and some nights she comes home w her gloves still stained in the blood of her patients from back to back surgeries where her patients died on the table. They have her listed for eye trauma specifically after her successful transplant for Kakashi, and she's proving to be invaluable for the patients w eye based kekkei genkkai. She wants to go into specifically researching and healing for eye bloodline limits, but is struggling to convince the clans to allow her access to that information.
Kakashi's new home is closer to the hospital that Rin's parents, and stuff w her parents is starting to get... tense. It hurts them, to see their daughter struggling like this. To see her coming home with dulled eyes and bloodied hands. To be waken by her nightmares and then not know how to comfort her.
Rin slowly starts staying over with Kakashi more and more and after a while she's just kind of fully moved in, but neither of them actually really talk about it
Let them be best friends w a kind of codependency on eachother that would be concerning if not for how it's very clearly keeping both of their heads afloat as days go on and things get worse.
Queerplatonic besties Rin and Kakashi sharing the same bed so when they wake up screaming they can help eachother go back to sleep easier. Rin likes it when Kakashi summons his ninken to sleep w them. They sleep easier w eachother bc they feel safer knowing they're there to have eachothers back, just like they would on the field
Anyways, Kakashi moves out of his clan compound and into the Uchiha's. He's neighbors with a little 6 year old Shisui and is kind of picked up by the scruff by a lot of Uchiha who have really weird complex feelings ab Obito's death (many of them feeling bad ab not having reached out before to him / seeing him die so young, and then projecting that onto Kakashi)
Kakashi and sometimes Rin kind of accidentally becoming a babysitter for Itachi both bc of proximity and bc Mikoto is friends with Kushina
On that note -> Minato does not really get the ghost marriage thing. He's civilian born, and the practice is really old and hasn't really been used since like, warring states era. So Minato is kind of weirded out and very "uhhh. Are you SURE this is what you wanna do?" But Kakashi seems set, and like, if it helps him cope???
He is however very supportive of getting Kakashi out of the fucking tomb of his father's house and into the much more populated and lively Uchiha clan compound
Minato makes Kakashi ANBU and designates him as his home guard specifically to keep him off the battlefield. He lowkey does the same to Rin (minus the ANBU part) positioning her in the hospital and making sure she's getting that good good mednin education. If pressed on why she doesn't go out as a field medic, he insists it's because she shows too much promise as a healer to risk— not now that they've lost Tsunade. If Rin can grow to be even half as good as she is, it'll be worth keeping her away from the fighting.
Neither Kakashi nor Rin feel very good about this decision (tho hypocritically, they agree w it when it comes to the other, bc ofc they do)
Rin doesn't die bc I say so and Obito does a comedy spit take when he inevitably learns he's legally married to Kakashi under the eyes of the Sage, Amaterasu and all.
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ferymary · 5 months
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Just because I can, yo @komihoyinsblog
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hazardous-who · 1 month
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Do you see my vision ? Do you ??
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shirii · 17 days
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one more kakaobirin doodle of bito ordering them a round after a successful mission 🍻💞
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yowyowyaoi · 8 months
Obito: So you know the whole worm question thing? When people ask if their partner would still love them if they were turned into a worm?
Kakashi: Yeah?
Obito: Do you ever think of how convenient that could be for certain people, if it happened?
Kakashi: What do you mean?
Obito: Okay, say that me and you were dating. And somewhere along the line, you cheated on me. And I found out, but you didn’t know that I found out.
Obito: And one day we’re out together and we have the worm conversation. And I assure you that I’d always love you no matter what you are.
Obito: And then a witch or something comes down and decides to test our relationship by actually turning you into a worm.
Obito: And you’re terrified because even though you’re a creature now, you still have your human brain and you’re aware of everything going on.
Obito: But at the same time, you have trust in me, because you’re sure that I’m still going to take care of you.
Obito: But then, while I’m holding you in my hand, I casually bring up that I know you cheated on me. And your tiny little heart starts to pound. So I take you with me to your secret lover’s home, and make you watch while I erase him from existence.
Obito: And then I go out into the woods to bury him. And I take you off of my shoulder and throw you into his open grave. And I explain that this is the best way I can love you; leaving you to feast on that person’s soon to be rotting body. And then I finish the job and leave you alone with the person you jeopardized our relationship to be with. Hoping that you feel it was worth it, to do that to me. 
Obito: Wouldn’t that be poetic? Wouldn’t that be a thing of beautiful, divine justice?
Obito: Anyways … want to go get some ramen with me? My treat!
Kakashi: …
Rin and Minato, standing nearby: …
Itachi, having come with the medicine that Obito forgot to take that morning: …
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professionaleraser · 1 month
Kakashi, Francis Forever
An idea for an animation I had since last year :’)
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squeeegs · 2 months
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hey guys it's squeegs back at it with my bullshit
art of @yellowocaballero's role swap AU because these guys make me physically ill :D
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protectbatson · 1 year
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baby masked boy found out he was bisexual and just decided he should end the world
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kdjojo · 3 months
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I have some chibi naruto pics your honor.
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charleett · 2 months
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Some silly doodles
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itischeese · 4 months
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Obito trying to be cool for Rin and attracting only Kakashi is my Aesthetic
Bonus tiny kakashi being tiny:
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(the text reads "he's having an allergayc reaction)
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riveliha · 3 months
Rin: kakashi, is it true that you're seeing someone?
Kakashi: what? no, i'm not seeing anyone.
Rin: did you hear that, obito!?!??? he's as lonely as the wind in the field! so can't you go out and ask him out like a man now????
Obito, hiding behind a tree: fuck, fuck, fuck.
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uchihaculture · 2 years
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— New NARUTO illustration.
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