#kakagai family
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The most normal conversation with Might Guy on character ai
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poele-sexuel · 6 months ago
Okay so funny idea-
Rivalry is the only way to court a Hatake.
Being rivals with a Hatake means you are courting them.
Kakashi : *waiting for Gai, for almost over 20 years (!), to finally give him any fucking gifts that he could accept, signifying they would now be mates*
Kakashi : *silently crying in his head*
Kakashi's ninken : *sigh in pain*
Gai : *has absolutely no idea about Hatake courting* ? :D
In the pure world :
Sakumo : *wincing for his son* aouch... My poor little pup...
Dai : *annoyed at his son obliviousness* SAGE DAMNIT SON-
Also... The Senju brothers being half Hatake.
Izuna : Aha ! We meet again rival !
Tobirama : Pardon !? since when ?! *Blushing shocked*
Izuna : Eh ??? *Confused*
Hashirama : !!! You didn't tell me Tobi ! :0
Madara : Izuna you moron ! They're half Hatake !!!
Izuna : !!! OH UM- NEVERMIND ! *blushing embarrassed*
Hashirama : Aw :'( *disappointed*
Tobirama : ... *Is secretly disappointed too*
Touka : *is laughing like a hyena*
Hikaku : *is sighing in exhaustion*
The rest of the Senjus and Uchihas fighting : *Stop fighting to observe bemused at the interaction*
During the summer where Hashirama and Madara meet... :
Madara : So are we rivals now ?
Hashirama : Ah- um... Maybe...? If you wanna, I wouldn't mind... *Is fidgeting, shy and blushing*
Madara : *looks at him confused* ???
Hashirama : I'm half Hatake...
Madara : OH- hhhhhhh... No. Sorry... *Looks away blushing, actually sad he has to say no*
Hashirama : Oh... ;'( *Sad little puppy*
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keijidraws · 8 months ago
I love your art style!💙Could you please dray Guy and Kakashi
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This was such a quick sketch 😬
I’ve always been intimidated to draw Guy because my art style never seemed compatible with his look but I’m so pleased with him! Hope you enjoy!!
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Six days left to go before Kakagai week 2024 officially begins!
Is there anything you’re looking forward to seeing or contributing?
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kalablueandevergreen · 16 days ago
Day 4: Alternate Universe
Chapter four of Kings of Hearts is up!
I had so much fun with this day and I gave myself a pressure ulcer on my left butt cheek from typing this bad boy out in one sitting.
(Y'all think I'm joking. I am not)
P.S. Does anyone know how to upload individual chapters from AO3? I am struggle-busing.
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yaboirezzy · 1 year ago
"Oh my gosh! can we keep them?"
"Are you serious? of course not!"
"They keep them..."
(duo/couple + random lost/stray child = one of the best found family dynamic)
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 10 months ago
Summary: Kakashi lives in the darkness, which is more than he deserves, but for Naruto he'll step into the light.
Author: @chrononautintraining
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velvetwyrms · 2 months ago
Happy new year folks! Here’s an update of what to expect from my blog in 2025.
I’m making an effort to draw more traditionally, despite people seeming to like my digital art more, so that I can improve upon and push myself and my artwork.
With this, I’m also broadening my horizons while getting back to some old fandoms that I love dearly. Expect to see lots of GaaLee, Team Shinki, a continuation of my Sand Family askblog: @ask-the-sand-fam, more JayVik and some good ol’ X-Men, my oldest fandom 🥰💖
I’m going to be writing more fanfic, aiming to update all three of my main ones this year as often as I’m able to, while taking time to make them as good as possible:
• Summertime: A Cosmic Horror, Alien Invasion + Found Family JayVik AU inspired by Cloverfield.
Also features: TimeBomb (+ adopted Isha), CaitVi, and Sevika as a disgruntled ex-boxer beer aunt. Focuses on the 60+ft Cosmic Eldritch MH version of Viktor btw.
Premise: The strangest summer of Jayce Talis’ life started with him sleeping through the apocalypse. Somehow, the events that followed just got weirder.
• Falling Fast Through Fragmented Universes: A Sci-Fi planet-hopping + They We’re Roommates GaaLee AU.
Also features: InoSaku, NejiTen and KakaGai.
Premise: An epic monsterlover romance ft. Alien!Gaara who is on a long, arduous journey through several universes, which Lee gets swept up in as a result of saving his life, with a few twists along the way.
• A Reminder: The one and only fic in the Nightcrawler/Scarlet Witch/Toad tag on ao3 🤣💖 This fic is my baby. I’ve been updating it for 6 years and it’s still going strong with the second arc concluding very soon!
Also features: Rogue/Shadow Cat, and Talia Wagner as a major plot point. This AU combines several timelines in one. Starts with X-men: Evolution that realistically develops into the first 2 X-men movies, and beyond, while remaining in-character. If you need prompting to read it, then I’ve received incredible feedback over my years of writing it 🥰😭💖
Premise: 15+ years after parting ways, Wanda and her family get an unexpected visit. Toad learns to be part of a family, and works to reconcile and move past his own demons, and some new, daunting feelings swept under the rug along the way.
Questions for you all: While I’m not asking permission to draw whatever I want, and will do so regardless of the answers, I’m curious to get to know my followers more. I have 3x questions for you all that I’d love to get feedback on:
1. Would you be just as hyped if I drew fanart traditionally as well as digitally? If so, stick around!
2. Are you excited that I’m going to be getting back to creating Naruto & some new X-Men fic/artwork? Fear not, I’m still into Arcane! Also, does OC stuff appeal to you?
3. What would you like to see more of from me this year? No promises, but I’m curious to hear back from you!
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trans-duckling · 18 days ago
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KakaGai Valentine 2025: To hold you again
They were twenty and twenty-one years old. By the shinobi society’s standards, they could be starting a family. Instead, Gai was carrying an exhausted Kakashi against his back —both soaking wet due to the storm above them—, unsure if he wanted to kiss or kick his best friend.
The mission they had been sent to was not an easy one, but being the pair they were, it ended up being successful. With the Hatake near to chakra exhaustion and the taijutsu master’s muscles screaming, but successful. If they could just get back to Konoha alive, it would be great.
Grunting, Gai changed his hold on Kakashi, to which the other young shinobi answered with a groan. He was still conscious, but that may not last long. Which meant they needed a place to hide from the rain and where they would be safe. Luckily for them, they had passed a village on their way and by his estimations, Gai guessed he could reach it within the next hour.
Above them, the sky roared again and the drops falling from it became harder and more painful against their bodies.
“Welcome to Teiko’s Inn. My name is Umei, how may I assist you?”
The voice sounded disinterested, and the woman behind the reception of the small inn didn’t show any intention of helping them, even if it was evident that Gai was struggling to keep the both of them on their feet. Since the village where the building was situated was rather small, he guessed she was used to see half-dead shinobi all the time.
“Good evening, Umei-san” the taijutsu master said, adjusting the weight of Kakashi against his side. “We would like to rent a room for the night.”
“Of course” the woman responded, bringing out a thick book and opening it a marked page. “I can offer two as well, if that would be a better fit.”
“One will be enough, thank you.”
Even if the mission had been successful, they were in no shape to stay separated in case another enemy appeared. Nodding, the woman wrote something down before turning the book around and offering Gai a pen.
“Sign here.”
He did as indicated, which was rather difficult with Kakashi playing dead next to him and the muscles of his hands spasming due to the use he had made of them just an hour ago. Then, he fetched the money they had received for the mission from his back pouch, and paid the agreed price. Just a moment after, Umei produced an old key for him.
“Second room to the left” she indicated. “Please keep it quiet, my other clients are already asleep.”
Gai nodded, taking the key and drawing the Hatake with him to the room they would be sharing that night. The door cracked when he pushed it open, but the place was big enough for them and their bags, even with a small sofa in the corner and a coffee table next to it. A wardrobe continued the wall of the door, so he guessed the one just in front of it leaded to a private bathroom, which was great.
Honestly, for the paid price Gai was rather surprised with the condition of the room. There was only one slightly annoying detail: the solitary double bed just in the middle. He sighed.
“Come on, rival, we need to get rid of these clothes.”
Kakashi mumbled something against his shoulder, but nothing he could understand. Therefore, he continued his way into the bathroom still carrying his friend. Once there, he first got rid of their backpacks, which were dripping just as much as them. Then, he removed his own jumpsuit and sandals, staying just in his underwear. Which was equally wet, so he ended up tying a towel around his hips and then taking the thong out for drying.
In the meantime, the Hatake had stayed where he had left him: sitting over the toilet. As he wore several layers of clothes, removing all of them took some more time. It also brought him back some memories he had been trying very hard to forget for the last couple of months.
Even if he had already seen —and admire, and cared, and kissed— his rival’s face before, he moved Kakashi so he could remove the under t-shirt without looking at it. Afterwards, he tied a small cloth over the bridge of his nose before keep undressing the Hatake, a second towel being attached around his hips. Through it all, his friend stayed put, letting him do whatever he wanted.
The obvious reason for this, one may think, was that Kakashi was too exhausted to do all of that by himself, but the truth was that the other man had recovered fairly enough as Gai carried him. The way he looked at him —black, intense eye shining in the dark— was clear proof of that. Still, he helped him to get up and reach the bed, where his rival finally showed a reaction by hiding under the sheets and turning his back to him.
Sighing, Gai turned around to reach the wardrobe in search of a blanket for himself. There was only one and not in a very good state, but it would be enough for the night. Then, he walked towards the tiny sofa of the room as he thought of ways to lay comfortably on it.
“What are you doing?” the voice of his friend, rough due to all the screaming that day, asked.
“Going to sleep” he answered.
“Don’t be stupid, Gai” his rival half growled. “Come to the bed.”
As a second nature, his hands became fists.
“I thought you didn’t want to share a bed with me anymore.”
It was cold, he was tired and his body was begging for some rest. With another sigh, he turned again and climbed onto the small mattress. Back to the same side he had been taking for over a year and just until a few months ago. The sheets were rough against his naked skin, but the pressure of them over the sore muscles helped him to relax.
Gai wanted to turn around, away from the dark eye looking at him, from the man he loved but was afraid of loving him back. But Kakashi was shaking, and he still had imprinted on him the need to make him feel comfortable and safe.
With silent movements, the taijutsu master crawled closer to the Hatake, until he was within arm reach and he was able to extend an arm over the other man’s biceps. After a second in which the contact was not rejected, he pulled his rival closer to him, until their bodies connected skin-to-skin.
It was a very bad idea, to allow himself to hold Kakashi like that again. To interlace their legs and bury his face on white hair. To breathe that scent again. And still, his body did all of that and more, arms hugging the Hatake closer and brushing up and down his back.
“You’re freezing” he mumbled against his scalp.
“And you’re a furnace.”
The comment pretended to be a complain, but his rival had not rejected any of his movements, and even his arms had ended up coming around Gai’s to hold their position closer. He may be right; the taijutsu master had a high body temperature, but even if so he wanted to use the excuse of huddling for warmth to hold his ex-boyfriend one more time in his arms.
As he closed his eyes, he chose to think of the past. To imagine they were hugging after a marathon-sex in the afternoon. To force the memories of kisses and dates back to the front of his mind. Because, maybe, is he tried hard enough, it would become true.
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captainscoffee2311 · 11 days ago
So, I've been chipping away at a fic for months now, and I'm starting to lose my will to keep writing.
I know I'm not the best writer. I know that the first couple of chapters are a little clunky (it's my first time writing something like this). But I also know that I've improved dramatically.
It's not the standard kakagai fic, I get it. It doesn't fade to black with a happily ever after (yet). With later chapters, the scope expands and so does the number of POVs. I get all of that. And still, I just wish... it was getting a little more love, you know?
Anyway, if anyone wants to check it out: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60931207/chapters/155646508
It deals with Gai and Kakashi's relationship, them adopting a kid, Kakashi's duties as Hokage, the technological revolution after the war, politics, and everyone in this found family being lovably insane. The kid actually grows up and is the reason why Kakashi's hair is white.
Oh, and in chapter 55, Kakashi is lying on the floor in his office, re-evaluating his life choices, while Tsunade drinks to taunt him, and Gai is rocking a beard and a turban in Kumogakure.
Anyway, sorry about all of... this. I've just been having feelings. Back to staring at my screen.
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The most kakagai thing I have seen this week
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ludwigplayingthetrombone · 8 months ago
You have such a good way of writing your kakagai comics. Breathing life into these characters. It really feels like you add the extra life and energy that they often lack in the source material. Its very satisfying and lovely to read. Not to mention the beautiful and natural forms in your artwork. I adore them so much! Just wanted to say that your recent comic brightened my day !!
WOWZA, thanks so much im honored! such great compliments!!
i adore found family tropes, and there was some of that in og narts, but not nearly enough for all those neglected kids/ orphans, especially bc so many got terrible endings, so i always prioritize community and platonic bonds especially outside of battle. i love that shit
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aura-uzumak1 · 2 years ago
My Sand Family AU:
Ships: Leegaa Kankukiba Shikatema
Kankuro and Kiba have one daughter called Kurai
Shikamaru and Temari have Shikadai
Gaara and Lee have three kids: Metal Lee, Shinki, and a little sister of Himawari's age called Jasmin
Shinki and Metal are twins
Gaara is a trans male
Kurai is of the same age of Shikadai, Metal and Shinki
Araya and Yodo are in the same team of Kurai, Metal and Shinki bc their teammate died before become genin
Shinki loves Black Metal
Jasmin sings and play different instruments like flute
Jasmin looks like Gaara so red hair and teal/green eyes, but the eyes are a little bigger and round than Gaara's
Metal has green eyes and a neo on a cheek
Gaara has freckles but he cover them bc he doesn't like them. Gaara also plays piano
Kurai has a lil dog called Aki. Kurai wear pink/fuxia paint
Kankuro is literally the babysitter of everyone comprehended Araya and Yodo
Rock Lee has long hair
Kiba doesn't have beard
Jasmin hates Boruto and Kawaki, but She really like Himawari
Gaara's hair are a little messier
Metal has anxiety and Gaara is camera shy
I mostly don't ship Kakagai but Lee kids call Gai and Kakashi grandfathers
Gaara is still a Jinchuriki and Shukaku loves Gaara's kids bc he has become really fond of Gaara's family
For Shikatema family Is all canon
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edai-crplpnk · 2 years ago
didn’t the self-rec ask say five favorites? are there not four more?
So it appears I know how to write but I do not know how to read haha. Thank you for letting me know.
I'm gonna copy paste my first answer so we get all five in one post!
1. Silhouettes: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38185219
It's a fic centred around Shikaku, Ionichi and Chouza's first Chuunin exam as kids. It's been over a year and I still really really wanna write more fics in this universe with them.
There are fic that I am maybe more emotional about, but it's one where I've never been like "okay this isn't optimal, but I'm gonna go with that" while writing. I'm really happy with how I could explore intergenerational relationships in Konoha, both on an interpersonal level, and on a political level with how quick the world has changed and how each generation has lived through extremely different times.
Also I don't often write fights and I had several here and I think they're good? I'm happy about them at least.
2. In You: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36072856
I think it's a fic from the moment where I was really starting to fall in love with bittersweet ambiences and mundane daily life (I have not changed since then). It's a KakaGai fic about Kakashi's routine after Gai's death and his state of mourning. I promise it's not that sad. I love it a lot.
3. Take Your Heart Above the Water: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38403286/
It's a Blank Period NaruHina and SasuNaru fic that explores their respective relationships to family, love and home, as they try to figure out if and how they want to be/stay with one another.
I am very soft for Naruto wanting to be a dad.
4. The Smell of the Rain: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46041961/
This one hasn't always been easy to write but it's my biggest worldbuilding baby. Full of headcanons about Konohan legal structure and history, clan politics in Konoha and Suna, Kankurou's relationship to puppetry, Sand Family dynamics, Aburame clan history and traditions... Plus some sweet sweet uncle Kankurou and uncle Shino content and cute babies.
This series has done a lot for how my writing process and style and interests have evolved this past year and I'm very glad it did.
5. Before a Doll: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43038387/
Honnestly it's hard to chose a fic from this series because I love all of them to pieces, and the current WIP might over take this one when it's done, I don't know, but yeah.
KankuShika modern AU, I got to write several scene about their respective relationshipd to gender and sexuality and queerness and coming out and I was very happy to get the space to do so much on that front.
I'm really loving writing the Sand Siblings dynamic in this series too, I think they have a great balance between struggling to make it work between them because they are very different and it's hard, but also genuinely wanting to put in the effort because they care deeply. Love them.
That's 5 this time! Most of my fics belong to series. They can usually be read independently (if not it'll be in the notes), but that means if you like anything you can usually find more to keep going afterwards haha
Edit: now I did five more here!
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depressedhatakekakashi · 1 year ago
Kakagai fandom missing out on that Spy Family X cross over goodness.
Where’s my Loid Kakashi, Yor Gai and Anya Sakura content?
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neveralarch · 9 months ago
Hello I've spent the last month writing kakagai mpreg. Trans man Kakashi, probably not going the direction you expect.
We Are All Flesh Fandom: Naruto Rating: mature (see tags/notes for details) Characters: Kakashi & Gai (trending toward Kakashi/Gai) Wordcount: 8400ish Summary: "Your clan has produced two great geniuses," said Koharu. "It is your obligation as Hokage to expand on this success and reestablish the Hatakes as a substantial presence in Konoha."
Kakashi doesn't care much about the family name, but he does want kids. A family. People to protect. Technically he has the capability to make that happen. The only problem is that he doesn't have a partner, and also the thought of getting pregnant makes him feel sick.
Luckily, Gai has a solution.
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