#kaiba... his “slifer”... and your “obelisk”.... will WHAT!!!!!
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gx-gameon · 4 months
Gx rewatch - school duel arc
Episode 20
The introduction of the school duel.
And the introduction of Blair. (Or Rebecca 2.0) And her crazy stalker tendencies
Syrus is already worried about being replaced.
Jaden being willing to keep Blair’s secret as long as she duels him. “A duel always reveals the truth”
Not the first time we hear Avians voice is him being in love for Blair’s card
Not Sparkman to!!
Zane roasting Syrus for having a crush on Dark Magician Girl.
Jaden is very lucky Burstinetrix is either A) loyal to Jaden only. On B) that she’s not a lesbian. Also he calling the boys pathetic is a mood.
Jaden not making her tell him her secret because “I learned everything g I need through your duel.”
Oh thank you Alexis and Zane for letting the kid down easy.
Not her leaving with a crush on Jaden.
I know in the dub she’s 8 but in the sub she’s 11 and that feels a lot better considering she comes back in season 2 (12) as a student in year 3 (13)
Episode 21
It’s announced that North academy is using a 1st year and Zane nominates Jaden to be their competitor. Everyone agrees but Crowler (of course) who wants Bastian. (Not like their are several other obelisk students who could do it)
Love the friendly rivalry between Jaden and Bastian.
Not the reporter dressing up as a Slifer and getting disrespected. Jaden calling him old right off the bat. (Au Jaden knows this is a spy/reporter as soon as he sees him and keeps him close so he can’t mess with Oto-San’s school)
Oh no he’s got beef with Skyscraper.
Jerad is such a mess.
I love Chumley saying that he got good at dueling because he started hanging out with Jaden and Syrus.
Jerad asking about missing kids and Jaden almost giving everything away before he catches himself.
Jerad you are a full grown man don’t sneak up on Alexis (14) at the abandoned dorm in the middle of the night with no one around. I don’t like this at all. Like I know he’s just looking for his story but this situation makes me very uncomfortable.
Zane Simms it up best. “Instincts vs Intelligent”
“We teach the Slifers well when they don’t skip class”
Again why couldn’t we have more chemistry dinosaurs from Bastian’s deck? Maybe it’s because I love chemistry and have a special interest in dinosaurs but I want this.
Bastian dealing Jaden’s fusion card is such a good move. What a way to shut down Jaden’s deck.
Episode 22
Not the reporter hacking in to find the missing students
Zane being impressed by Bastian and repeating Syrus previous statement “fusions are how Jaden wins all his duels” the brother really are more a like then they think
Jaden excited for the new challenge of finding a new way to win. Love the positive attitude buddy
The reporter having second thoughts about ruining duel academy because Jaden got into his head
“You make your moves at home I make mine in the field” Jaden I love the confidence.
I forgot about his carbon and diamond card. Yugioh give me more chemistry cards!!!
Jaden getting out blade and using skyscraper to help out. I love the strategy! (Also him giving the reporter war flashbacks
I forgot how fun this duel is. It’s a good back and forth I love how Jaden is still having fun.
Not Jaden winning with a hyper specific equipment spell. Only in the anime would you get the hyper specific equipment card with the particular monster.
I love Bastian’s respect as a duelist.
Not the reporter falling in love with dueling again. And giving Alexis the info about the missing students.
Jaden is representing the school.
I know au Jaden had told his dads about the match before hand. The probably steamed it and watched with the whole family/friend group. Joey and Tristian were cheering. Serenity Téa Mokuba and Mai are cheering but not as obnoxiously as the prior two. Seto, Yugi Atem, Duke and Bakura are all discussing strategy and how well both Jaden and Bastian are doing.
They are all thrilled about Jaden completing big the school duel. (Maybe Kaiba will have to schedule a trip to watch the school duel in person this year. It’s his school after all)
Maybe in the au Jaden tell his Zoro-san about the reporter and Kaiba picks him up. He’s original going to pay the guy off to stay quiet but because of his passion to find the missing students he lands a job with Kaiba Corp. (I’ll have to see if the reporter pops back up, I don’t remember)
Episode 23
I love everyone offering their favorite cards to Jaden to use in the school duel. Very classic yugioh. But could we not phrase it as “you have to win or you’ll embarrass the school.” And phrase it as “we’re here to support you, you’ve got this.” Like Jaden’s obviously feeling the pressure already. Don’t compound it.
It’s an obvious difference between DM and Gx in DM in a scene like that they would offer Yugi the cards and build up his confidence and reassure him, they believe in him. But in Gx they remind him of the pressure and how he can’t fail. It makes them offering their cards feel more like they want credit for helping him win and not because they genuinely want to support him.
Although “I want to help you be alone.”-Bastian and “you can’t be alone all by yourself.”-Alexis are iconic
Belowski! He can see duel spirits and speak Kuriboh which is great.
I love that he starts talking about how the colors are just the man’s way of keeping them down and Jaden is over it so fast. “Whatever let’s just throw down.” Aka please stop talking (about my too-san’s color system)
Is Belowski using ‘shadow powers’? Since his Moki Moki cab makes people sleepy.
I love how annoyed Jaden is with his friends fawning over Moki Moki and how great the other duelist is
“Who are you rooting for?” - Jaden “isn’t it obvious Moki Moki” - Bastian
Honestly that has to hurt. To have all of your friends root against you for seemingly no reason.
Love that Jaden realized that their weird behavior was caused by Belowski
I’m sorry but the kid was left at Duel Academy as a baby? This school is less than 10 years old how does that work? Is that the back story in the sub?
He is the first duelist who can summon real monsters in this series which is very cool. Not loving that he lives in a jail cell on campus
Au Jaden has so many questions for his Oto-san. Why is this kid kept in a cell for the same ability Atem and Yugi have?
Love that Jaden is the only student not affected by Moki Moki powers. I’m going to check it up to his own powers. Jaden is the supreme king and user of the Gentle Darkness. I think he has more power than Belowski. I also love that Belowski is surprised by this.
The explanation that Jaden loves to duel so much he just got ramped up he couldn’t sleep. No. Dark powers.
Episode 24
It’s the Chazz episode!!!
He is stranded in the ocean and he imagining Jaden with a pink and floral background? And a rainbow background? Incredible
Him falling into the ocean and blaming figment Jaden
It’s the intro of Ojama Yellow!!!
Not Chazz getting rescued. The ‘rescuer’ dumps his cards in the water the ruin them and then starts asking about Jaden. How does he know about Jaden? Chazz talks about him in his sleep.
I’m living for figment Jaden.
“Talk is cheap.” “Ya well I’m rich!” You go Chazz live up to Kaiba’s crazy rich boy talk
Dude just tried to drown him, shot him out of a submarine into a frozen wasteland. Are you trying to kill this boy?
The answer is yes as they send him in a quest through the tundra to get 40 cards
Not Chazz trying to buy the cards.
Like is the the best way to teach Chazz that money isn’t everything? No they are trying to kill him. But it is effective. He’s going to learn to cherish his cards.
Chazz found 41 so that he could give the old guy the extra. He’s a sweet heart. Though he did try to get ride of Ojama Yellow. Love this duel spirit.
“I have two brothers who are lost!” Love the set up also the reflection of Chazz’s own family. He is one of three brothers as well, but his brothers don’t treat him well. The ojamas really are the brotherhood Chazz could have had.
Oh no he only had forty! What a sweet boy. Figment Jaden “when you do nice things nice things happen to you.” And Chazz getting his last card from the ground.
50 man duel gauntlet! Chazz isn’t even fazed. Oh that’s all?
Also him winning against 50 duelist with a deck he cobbled together with cards he found in the tundra is mad impressive. Not to mention taking on the top 5-2 duelist at the same time to prove a point.
Chazz finally respects his cards!! And is talking to duel spirits!
Chazz as much as you say you don’t like Jaden you sure think about him a lot. He’s literally your inner voice.
Not the Chancellor saying he never liked his top student Czar
Is there only 50 kids at this school? Or is that just the freshman class? Or is it just the dueling gauntlet
Episode 25
Chazz it up! Chazz is up!
Love him getting not only his iconic black coat but also the ‘best deck’ from North Academy.
Love Jaden just summoning his monsters because “I have the best monsters!” Yes king I love how much he loves his deck.
Runs right in up to the two chancellors. “Where’s my opponent?!?” He’s so excited.
Chazz came with a squad “I transferred when I stoped getting the respect i deserved!” He’s read for a verbal smack down and is ready to be king
Jaden over here “I think the match is sold out.” “Oh are you the referee?” “Wait when did you switch school?” The whole grudge has flown over his head. He’s just happy to be dueling and to see Chazz again. They are here for two very different events
Au Jaden sees the helicopters fly in and thinks “my Dads are here? I hope uncle Joey doesn’t blow my cover.” The. He sees Chases brothers and is confused but sure we’ll roll with this.
Then they tell him they are live streaming the duel. And in cannon he’s excited but in the au he’s so stressed. He spent most of his childhood abounding being on camera. What if someone recognizes him and puts together he’s the Prince of Duels? Play it cool Jaden. Play it cool.
The Princeton brothers suck. Not them calling Chazz a slacker and putting all this stupid extra pressure on him. And throwing a deck at him he’s never played talking about how it’s expensive so it will win. Good sirs he already has a deck and strategy he’s been working on the whole way here and you want him to change it last minute? That’s not how you win.
Not Jaden think about how he should have brushed his hair. Or shower. Hah to be empty headed
Not Chazz having a panic attack and break down and Jaden just watching
Cannon Jaden might be starting to understand why Chazz is the way that he is but Au Jaden understand right away. He also feels pressure to succeed but his family never puts it on him. It’s all internal. Chazz is getting it externally and it’s crushing him. Too-San doesn’t talk about his childhood but from what Jaden’s leaves together from Uncle Mokuba Seto was in a sillier situation growing up
Crowler get your fake butt out of here. “I love both of these duelist.”
Chazz really does know how to work a crowd. And I’m glad the North academy kids respect him.
The armor dragons are here!!!
“I’m sorry Burst. My bad.” Not Jaden apologizing to burstinetrix I love this.
He also just got Yeeted and laughed it off. Your doing great Jaden
It took his brothers THIS long to realize Chazz isn’t using the cards they gave him.
Jaden being giddy at how great their duel is. Chazz repeating his brothers’s mantras is so sad. Can’t wait until til you learn to be silly
Chazz I love you but “you go bye bye” isnt as threatening as you think it is
Episode 26
Winged Kuriboh is here and so is Ojama Yellow!
Love Jaden immediately asking about Ojama Yellow.
Chazz you just yelled about a spirit and chasing it all over the stage in live tv. You’re not doing a great job hiding.
Jaden you shouldn’t be talking about people being weird for talking to themselves. But way to put it together that Chazz’s brothers suck.
He just wants to show Chazz that dueling is fun.
Chazz just trashed Jaden and mocked him on live tv and Jaden just laughs and talks about how much fun he’s having even though he’s losing and that Chazz should have fun to since he’s winning.
Not them cutting the feed when Chazz loses
Not Chazz’s brothers publicly disowning him. And roughing him up in front of both schools!
Way to go Jaden! Stand up to these guys.
And the whole crowd cheering for Chazz! I love this
Au Jaden is so over these two. He’s grown up around the best siblings of all time (the Kaiba brothers and the wheelers not to mention Yugi and Atem.) he knows how siblings should act. And while all the siblings he met at Duel academy so far are all crazy and different (I’m looking at you anti-Kaiba bros the Trusdales) these two are a new low.
He knows his Dads watched the duel. He’s sure he can reach out and explain somethings about the situation.
He still stands up to them and tells them off for Chazz.
But he also reaches out to Oto-san and questions how quickly they can buy their whole company. (The answer is very fast) He makes sure it won’t negatively affect Chazz before he unleashes his over protective Oto-san/#1 big brother Seto Kaiba on them.
I love Chazz deciding to stay and he was so polite talking to chancellor Sheppard.
“See you next year!” And we never see them again
Ahhh Chazz got dropped down to Slifer
I love how casually Jaden and Syrus mention the cockroaches and rats in the dorm.
“My new family is already difunctional” Chazz I love you.
Over all the school duel arc is pleasant. I’m glad we will know have silly Chazz and I have a tone of ideas for my future fics.
The DM cast were absolutely pumped for Jaden taking place in the school duel. They flew out to watch him duel. None of them were impressed with the Princeton brothers b it they were impressed by Jaden and Chazz.
Jaden sneaks away from his friends to go celebrate with his family after they get Chazz all set up in his room.
Chazz it up!
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ink-insanity · 7 months
Aster: You hear someone say to a boy with brown hair not too far from you "Nice to meet you Jaden my name is Aster." Aster said. You walk over and he sees you. "Hi there my name is Aster." Aster said. "Hello my name is y/n." You said.
Jack: Your really good friends with Yusei. One day while you were helping Yusei with his Duel Runner he says: "Hey y/n I want you to meet my best friend Jack." Yusei said. "Sure Yusei." You said. 5 minutes later... "Jack this is one of my really good friends his name is y/n." Yusei said. "Nice to meet ya y/n." Jack said. "Nice to meet you too Jack." You said.
Jesse: You see Jaden talking to a boy with blue hair and a southern accent. "Hey y/n, this is my friend Jesse!" Jaden exclaimed. "Pleasure to meet ya y/n." Jesse said.
Seto: "Hey dweeb, come here." someone said. I walk over to him. "The names Seto Kaiba don't forget it." Seto said.
Jaden: You were running late to class. You're not watching where you're going and you bump into someone with a red uniform on. "Oops sorry. Nice to meet ya the names Jaden Yuki. Whats yours?" Jaden asked. "My name is y/n." You said.
Yusei: You're driving your Duel Runner untill... "Oh my god I'm so sorry are you okay? By the way the names Yusei." Yusei said. "My name is y/n." You said.
Yami Yugi: "You see a guy who looks almost identical to your best friend Yugi. Just a little taller. "Hey Yugi- Oh hi. Whos this?" said the taller version of Yugi. "Yami his name is y/n hes my best friend." Yugi said. "Cool. Nice to meet you y/n." Yami Yugi said.
Yugi: I'm walking to my first class when- "Oops sorry I didn't mean to bump into you." A boy with tri colored hair said. It's alright. My name is y/n. Whats yours?" You asked. "My name is Yugi." Yugi said.
Chazz: You're a Slifer red. You're walking down the hall and you hear someone say: "Hey Slifer slacker." I turn around and notice he has spiky black hair. "You're new here. Just telling you I'm the Chazz!" Chazz exclaimed.     
Zane: Todays your first day at Duel Academy you have short hair and are about average height. You walk around on the island looking for anyone that could show you the way to the Obliesk blue dorm. Finally you see a tall guy with dark blue hair and you walk over to him and look up. "Excuse me sir... do you know where the Obelisk blue dorm is?" You ask. The dark blue haired male nods "Yes I do I can show you the way if you want. I'm Zane Truesdale." Zane said. "Oh it's nice to meet you Zane I'm Y/n L/n." You said Zane had a frown on his face.  "Its nice to meet you too Y/n I'll lead you to the Obliesk blue dorm since we are in the same dorm" Zane said pretending to be unfazed by you.You nod happily as Zane leads you to the Obliesk blue dorm a thought goes through Zanes head. Y/n seems like an interesting guy. 
Authors Note: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my Yugioh Male x Reader I'll post one chapter maybe two chapters a day.
🔥Ink Insanity❄️
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kcuf-ad · 2 years
Yugioh GX Rewrite: Chapter 12 - Beach Episode
A mandatory Beach Episode of the gang.
Also on my Wattpad, AO3 and Fanfiction.site (Name: kcuf_ad)
“So…what am I seeing exactly?” asked the new Slifer Red, Chazz, towards Syrus. 
It was a Saturday in Duel Academy, where it was extremely hot outside, and the staff decided to change sandwich day to another day.
What Chazz was seeing was that both Jaden and Celina were on a cart, fishing for an Eggwich sandwich, the best one by far. They were not happy that they keep getting horrible sandwiches almost every other week. 
Last week, Jaden pulled a sock out of a sandwich while Celina got worms inside of it. How did Seto Kaiba even allow this is a miracle in itself. 
“They are trying to get a Golden Eggwich from the crate.” answered Syrus as Chazz clicked his tongue.
“Gotcha, gotcha.” 
They are all following what the Golden Eggwich of Ra said to them, look for a medium sized wrapper, not too big or too small, and once they grab it, squish it to see if it's soft and they do as they were told. They looked at each other before taking a bite to see their reaction. 
Their faces spoke more words than if they spoke. Their faces lost colour and turned into a disgusting shade of green. They managed to swallow it, without puking it. 
Both of them saw the ingredients and both of their faces wore a disgusting look. “Cream!? Who in the heck puts cream in a sandwich?” Jaden asked as he threw it in the trash. 
“You think that’s bad?! I got spoiled milk! Why do they give us this type of crap!” Celina threw the wrapper, as Raizou and Taiyou walked in. 
“And then Pippin was like “I take offense to your remark!” to Geoffrey as then Geoffrey was like “I take offense to you taking that offe- YOUWCH!” Taiyou was hit by the wrapper and was knocked out. 
“Taiyou, are you alright?” Raizou yelled as he ran up to him.
The gang didn’t hear them as Chazz walked towards the downed Slifer Reds, “Psh, let The Chazz show you how it's done!” He walked towards the crate and took a random wrapper. He took a bite. 
“Carrots?!” He spitted out, “I hate carrots! Ha!” He yelled as he threw the sandwich. 
“Are you okay man?” asked Raizou as he pulled the other Obelisk Blue, who nodded, “Goo- OH DEAR!” He yelled as he got hit by the carrot sandwich, making him fall to the ground. 
Chazz then fell down to the floor with the rest of the Slifers as Syrus sweatdropped, “How does he keep getting the Golden Eggwiches!? He’s like a god at this!”
“I know right?!” agreed Jaden. 
“This shouldn’t be possible!” yelled Celina as then she turned her head as she heard a certain Ra Yellow walking entering the cafeteria, making most of the Ra Yellows bow down, making the Ra Yellow somewhat nervous. 
“It’s him!”
“The Golden Eggwich of Ra!”
“The Eggwich God!” 
Bastion left out a nervous laugh, “Yeah, it's me. But please don’t worship me like a deity in some mythology. Please.” He said as most of the Ras nodded and they waited for him to get the Eggwich. 
“Hello, guys. Gotten the not so good sandwich?” he asked, as all of them, sans Syrus, nodded as they looked at him in the eyes. 
“Bastion, how do you do it man?” 
“This is impossible!” 
“You really are a God at this!” all of them yelled at the same time as Bastion gulped. 
“Look, I told you guys on how to get the Eggwich 3 times already, I don’t know what to tell you guys about this.” He sighed, “How about I show you.” Every person in the cafeteria looked at Bastion thinking to get the perfect sandwich, and then about half a minute later, he took one of them, squished it, took out the wrapper and took a bite. He then showed everyone, more specifically everyone that didn’t worship him like a God, the insides of the sandwich and sure enough, it was the Golden Eggwich.
“I swear, how does he keep doing this!?” 
He nervously continued eating the sandwich. 
“Come on, guys! You can’t be down just because you didn’t get an Eggwich.” said Syrus as he and the rest of them, sans Bastion, walked with their heads down. 
“You don’t get it, Sy! Bastion gets the Eggwich for the last,” Jaden used his fingers to count all of the weeks Bastion got a Golden Eggwich, but Celina continued. 
“Eight weeks.” Jaden turned to her. 
“Yeah that much!”
“Man's cheating.” suspected Chazz as the Ra that defeated him looked at him. 
“How?” asked the Ra Yellow. 
“I don’t know, probably with your sciencey stuff!” said Chazz as Bastion deadpanned. 
“Chazz, you know as much as I do that isn’t the case and all of you should stop picking random sandwiches and look for the minor details.” said Bastion as the three Slifer Reds looked at him. 
“Dude, they are the same size!”
“Even if I pick the small ones and squish ‘im, they are the wrong ones!”
Bastion sighed as they were reaching for the exit of Duel Academy, “It can’t be helped can it? I guess that all of my formulas have just been inserted into my daily routine so I can always get the one I need.”
Everyone stopped in their tracks. 
“What.” said Syrus as Bastion shook his head. 
“Nothing.” He opened the door as he went outside, “If you chaps need anything, be sure to tell me. I am, how some might say, free for the time being.” He went towards the Ra Yellow dorm, wiping the sweat from his forehead. 
“I swear, he has to be making this stuff up sometimes.” said Chazz as they walked out of the Academy and then, the almost Summer’s heat hit them hard as all of them started sweating hard. 
“Oh yeah, it’s almost Summer.” said Jaden as started fanning his hand trying to cool himself down. 
“Darn it and just when I forgot my fan.” Syrus wiped the sweat out from forehead. 
“How did we not notice it until now?” Chazz started taking his jacket. 
“Beats me, but if we can survive Crowler’s exams, then we can survive this heat.” Celina tried to cheer herself and the others up. 
As almost heat stroked Slifer Reds reached the Slifer Red dorm, they nearly fell down on the stairs, but continued onwards to their rooms. “If you Slackers need me, I am in my room.” said Chazz as he entered his room as he began the AC on. 
“Sure man, just gotta go to our dorms.” said a tired Jaden as the rest nodded, weakly, as they entered into Chumley’s room, and even Celina did as the AC was the strongest there, “Hey, Chum. Mind if Celina stays here for a while?” he fell down. 
“Hm? Oh, hey Jay. Sure, I don’t mind at all.” said Chumley as he opened the mini fridge. 
“Thanks man, I owe ya’ one.” Celina said as she took out her jacket and began fanning herself, with the younger Truesdale did the same. 
Hating the fact that this wasn’t even the worst temperature and wishing that sweet death takes them. 
Their heads were like stones as they wanted to lift up, but were too weak from the heat outside. 
Until they heard a cool drink being poured down on some cups. Their heads instantly jerked upwards as they looked at what Chumley was doing, “Oh, I am pouring lemonade for you guys and for myself.”
“You are a lifesaver, Chumley.” praised Syrus. 
“Can’t thank you enough.” said Celina as she took the cup and chugged it down faster than Usain Bolt could run. “Ahh, refreshing.” 
“Like Bastion would say “I conquer”.” said Jaden as he placed the cup down the floor. 
“It’s concur.” all of the other Slifer Reds in the room said at the same time. 
“What did I say?” he asked, confused. They just silently groaned. 
After about half an hour, the Slifers were refreshed. “I can’t take this heat anymore.” said Syrus, on the floor with a PDA on his phone. 
“Same here. I don’t even want to finish my grilled cheese.” said Chumley as his plate of grilled cheese was a few inches away from him, but was too tired.
“Does anyone have a good idea how to deal with this?” asked Celina as she looked at all of them, “I will take anything, honestly.”
A small lightbulb appeared on Jaden’s head, “How about we go to the beach? With the gang as well?” He looked around as most of them thought about it, but then they thought about it for a little bit and they looked at him. 
“Yeah, great idea, Jay.” 
“That idea is lischus.” complimented both Syrus and Chumley at the same time.
However, Celina had something in her mind, she liked the idea, but one thing was on her mind, “Do we even have clothes for the beach?” She really wanted to go there, but she didn’t think of taking the clothes with her when she came to this monkey experiment, letting students use rituals, duel spirit summoning  school. 
Most of the people dropped their heads, but Jaden was giving up, “No, but there is a clothes shop in Duel Academy.”
Celina looked at him, “No there isn’t.”
“There is.”
“No, there isn’t.”
“I am serious, Celina, I am not joking around this time.”
“Jay, even I think you are making this up and I have been here for the longest.” said Chumley as Celina looked at him. 
“See, even he thinks you are making this up,” said Celina. 
“I’ve been there, well once by accident, but still I have been there.” said Jaden.
Syrus looked at him, “When Jay?”
Jaden looked at his buddy, “Why do you think I was late on the promotion exams?” 
“I thought it was because you helped out Dorothy?” Celina put her two cents in. 
“Oh that I did, but after I was done I ran towards the classroom, didn’t pay attention to my surroundings and BAM! right towards the clothes shop, they even had different types of clothes for all types of the year.” he said, “So you wanna go or what?”  
Celina shrugged her shoulders, as the rest of them did, “Sure, but I swear on Ra, I will beat your ass if you are lying.”
“We’ll see about that,” he said with confidence. 
“I will notify Bastion,” said Chumley as he took out his phone. 
“Ahh, come on, that means I have to notify Chazz.” groaned Syrus as Jaden patted him on the back. 
“Don’t worry, Sy, we will all notify him.” he assured as Celina texted Alexis that they will go to the beach, to which she answered that she was already there. “Alexis is already there.” 
“Sweet! Now to go with Chazz,” he said as exited the room and knocked on Chazz’s room, “Chazz!” he knocked again, “Chazz-man!” he knocked once again, “Chazzarino!” he knocked once more, “The Chazz!” he wanted to knock again, but the door opened with an angry expression. 
“What do you want, Slacker!?” he asked. 
“You wanna go to the clothes shop for the beach?” Jaden asked as Chazz had a confused expression. 
“Sure, but there is a clothes shop in this school?” 
“Apparently.” Syrus said as he exited the room, with a bottle of frozen water. 
Chazz sighed, “Why not, better then listening to one of the Stooges.” Ojama Yellow then appeared on his shoulder, “Hey Boss, that’s mean!” he said crying anime style, “Shut up!” He yelled as he slapped his palms together. 
They decided to ignore that he just swatted the air and yelled at nothing, well only Jaden didn’t. 
1 hour later
As the Slifer Reds were walking in the hallways of Duel Academy, since it still wasn’t closed, towards the clothes shop, following Jaden’s lead. Which, of course, made them get lost as they were near the Card Shop. 
“Oi, Zoro, I think we are lost.” Chazz joked as some chuckled at the joke, but Celina turned to him. 
“You watch One Piece?” she asked as Chazz shook his head.
“Nah, I just like making that joke.” He explained as she ‘ahh’ed. 
“Come on, I know it's here somewhere.” pleaded Jaden as he went all over the school grounds just to get here, but then he remembered something, “I remember!” he yelled randomly as all of them got a little frightened “It’s near Crowler’s classroom! Come on, I will show you guys!” He grabbed all of their hands as he dragged all of them at the same time. 
It took a couple of minutes, and many complaints along the way, but they finally got there and were shocked that, for the first time in the school year, Jaden was right on the nose. 
“See! I told you guys, I wasn’t lying!” he told them, with a little smugness in his voice. 
“Nice, Jay.”
“When did this become a thing?” 
“Dang, so the Slacker knows something that we don’t.”
“Well I be damned.” said Syrus, Chumley, Chazz and Celina one after the other. 
Jaden opened the door, only for him to change directions and look at the others, “Are ya’ goin’ in, or no?” Many shook their heads and entered the clothes shop. 
It was…actually very nice. The clothes all contained either very popular monsters, duelists or duelists and monsters at the same time, with clothes that can go in either the winter, the summer or in between. 
All of the clothes had different colours, but most of them came in either in red, yellow or blue, with the Duel Academy symbol on them. And the students in any rank, get to pick the ones that represent their dorms. Even on the swimming trunks. 
“You know, this is actually very cool,” said Syrus. 
“I gotta agree with the shortstack, this is not bad.” whistled Chazz as the smallest Slifer Red turned to him. 
“What was that punk!?” he yelled at Princeton. 
“You heard me midget!” yelled back Chazz. 
“No one should call me that!”
“Well I do! And what are you going to do to me?! Punch my knees?!”
“Oh that is it!” yelled Syrus as he jumped at Chazz, with the bigger boy returning the favour as he began throwing hands. All of them sweatdropped. 
Chumley sighed, “I will go and split them up, while you two grab some clothes for us. Okay?”
“Sure man.” said Celina as she went into the women’s section. 
“Yeah, Chum, go ahead. I promise to find one to fit just for you.” waved Jaden as he went into the men’s section with the Slifer Red clothes. 
“Thanks!” Chumley yelled as he walked over the two fighting Slifers, “I don’t get paid enough for this.” he muttered, as he then widened, “Wait a minute! I don’t get paid at all!” He walked towards them and grabbed the two of them, “Alright! Alright! Break it up! Break it up!” 
But they didn’t listen as they charged at each other and continued fighting. 
“I will sit on both of you, if you guys don’t stop.” warned Chumley as both of them stopped fighting. 
“Hell no! I am not trying to die!” 
“Me too!” Both of them yelled at the same time as Chumley picked them up and they got on their feet. 
Meanwhile, Jaden was going all over the designs of the Slifer Red swimming trunks as he couldn’t decide to pick out the crimson coloured one or the checker style with two different shades of red. 
While he was walking around, with swimming trunks for the appropriate sizes of his pals in between his shoulder and chest, he accidently walked towards a student. “Oh sorry man, didn’t see you.”
“It’s quite alright, I didn’t feel it.” said the familiar voice as Jaden looked at the person, and it was the Golden Eggwich of Ra himself, Bastion. In his hands were two different sizes of swimming trunks. One is medium, and one is large. 
“Hey, Bastion. What are you doing?” Jaden asked the Ra Yellow. 
“Well I got the message from Chumley about going to the beach and I decided why not? So I went to this shop and I am trying to figure out if I should wear medium or large.” asked Bastion, not taking his eyes from the trunks as he then looked at Jaden for advice, “Which do you shall I wear?” 
Jaden put his hand to his chin, as he looked at Bastion’s eyes, “You should wear a medium, it will not only fit you, but also it won’t make you uncomfortable and won’t slip off when you are swimming or playing games.” He said, shocking everyone that he said something that smart about this. 
Bastion nodded as he put down the clothes, but then looked at him, “Thanks Jaden, but how do you know that all? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Oh, my mama is all about clothing, and is a designer for a lot of clothing. I had to be a model for her everytime,” Jaden explained as Bastion nodded as they both went to the counter to pay for it, with Celina close to them with her own clothing, “But hey, I got ice cream any time I helped with and get to spend time with her, so all is good.” 
“Alright, nice to know.” Bastion said as he put down his clothing on the counter, “Can’t wait for the beach, but I will be a little bit late since I do have to get some sunscreen.”
Most of them widened, “CRAP! WE FORGOT THAT PART!” most of them thought, as Jaden put down his clothes and Celina’s 1 piece Slifer Red bathing suit on the counter, “Oh, don’t worry about that part, since there is also a shop for it too.”
“Wait, what?” asked Celina as she looked at him, dead in the eye, “There is also a shop where you can buy sunscreen?” Jaden nodded. “When? How?” 
“Why do you think I was late for getting a ticket to get to see Yugi’s deck?” he asked as Chazz mentally cursed himself for not seeing that deck. 
“I thought you were extremely slow.” admitted Bastion as he looked at the counter, “Are you…really okay of buying all of this?” 
Jaden waved his hand, “Don’t worry about that, man, I will just use my weekly allowance.” He said as he placed a 100 dollar bill on the counter as the cashier began scanning all of the items while Celina was thinking just how much of a circus this school is sometimes. 
Most of them stared at the counter, looked at the items, only for them to be perfect sizes as then they look at Jaden, who was having a conversation with both Celina and Bastion at the same time, possibly talking about something with the beach or something else, they couldn’t really focus on it. 
Chazz bit his lip, “...I always forget that he is somewhat rich.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“Same with me.” agreed Syrus and Chumley. 
Something in Chazz didn't really set right with him. He couldn’t let that Slacker make him feel like he was the poorer man, so he took out his phone and ordered something online, with his brothers’ credit card that he may or may not have stolen from. 
As soon as they were done, all of them grabbed their respective item and went towards the shop. Celina was in the front, while Bastion, Chazz and Jaden were in the middle and Chumley and Syrus were in the back. 
“Hey,” whispered Syrus towards Chumley, with enough volume so Celina doesn’t hear them. 
“What, Sy?” asked Chumley in the same volume. 
“Remember when she said that Alexis is gonna be there right?” Bastion and Chazz knew what they were about to talk about, due them being closet perverts. 
“Yeah wh- oh I get it.” Both Chumley and Syrus got perverted grins.
“We get to see two girls in bikinis.” he silently laughed as Celina stopped in her tracks. 
“Oh shit.” thought everyone that wasn’t Jaden or Celina. 
Celina cracked her knuckles, “What did you guys say?” as Syrus and Chumley took a step back. 
“About the birds!” quickly yelled Syrus. 
“Really now?” She wasn’t convinced at all as she looked at Chumley, “What kind of birds?” 
“Uh, uh, chicks!” And then a second later he knew he messed up, “Wait no!” 
Celina then gave her 1 piece bathing suit to Jaden as she looked at Chumley and Syrus, “Run.” 
And run they did, as both of the Slifer Reds ran faster than they could ever as Celina ran after them. 
Chazz shook his head, “Idiots and now they are going to be punished for their stupidity.” 
“I concur, at least don’t voice your opinion.” agreed Bastion as he looked at Jaden, who was confused. 
“I don’t get it. They were just talking about girls in bikinis, so why did she react like that?” he asked as the two remaining duelists looked at each other before looking at him. 
“We’ll explain it to you when you’re older.” said Bastion as Jaden was even more confused. 
“But all of us are the same age.” 
“We’ll explain it to you when you’re older.” assured Chazz as they could hear a loud SMACK and two boys groaning from the pain. 
A Few Minutes Later (Aka 45 minutes) 
Syrus and Chumley were still rubbing their heads while Chazz was silently laughing the whole way through. On their way to the beach, they bought towels, sunscreen and a sun blocker to shield their eyes. 
They were currently towards the beach as they saw a sun blocker covering two people from the sun as they were on a bench, drinking drinks from a small table. Once they got close they saw the two figures. 
It was Zane, wearing Obelisk Blue shorts with the Duel Academy symbol on the bottom with black sunglasses, and the other was Alexis, who was wearing a 1 piece Obelisk Blue bathing suit also wearing yellow sunglasses. 
Jaden was the first to speak up, “Lex? Kaiser? What are you guys doing here?” he asked as the two Obelisk Blues turned to him. 
“Oh, hey guys.” started off Alexis, “We are just sitting here for a couple of hours,” she shrugged her shoulders, “talking about our school work and such.” 
“Wait. I sent that text 2 hours ago, and you are still here?” Celina asked her only female friend. 
Alexis turned to her, “Jazz and Mindy forced me too, but an hour later they left and here I am.” Celina nodded to that as Syrus looked at his older brother. 
“I never knew you were into beaches, bro.” he said. 
The Kaiser turned to him, “She forced me, Sy, I had no choice.” he said without a joking tone whatsoever, making most people chuckle that out of all the people she forced to being here with her, she picked the best duelist there. 
Bastion turned around to see a place where they can change into their swimming clothes and pointed at it, making most people followed with him, but Celina felt a disturbance in the force as she can practically feel the perverted thoughts coming from Chazz towards her friend so she at him and gave him a nice and hard SMACK on the head. 
Syrus laughed, “Not so funny now is it, Princeton?!” Chazz rose up. 
“Oh, I will give you something funny!” he ran at him, and the two created dust clouds. 
Chumley sighed, “I will get them.” 
Couple of minutes later
As all of them were done changing, Chazz and Syrus stopped fighting each other. When they were done, Jaden could feel a little heat coming in his cheeks when he saw Celina as he tried to ignore it. 
Chazz took a towel that had the Obelisk The Tormentor on it, and sat on it, “If you don’t mind me, I will be sleeping, so don’t bother me at all.” He then laid on it and began sleeping. 
Bastion respected his sleeping so he took out a stick and began writing formulas on the sand, while Celina looked at the volleyball court, ball, net and poles and had an idea, Jaden tried to race by swimming with Chumley, while Syrus had a different idea. 
“Sy, what are you doing?” asked Zane as he looked at his younger brother.
“Playing a prank on Chazz.” he said as he started digging up a hole just enough to fit Princeton. 
“Why?” asked Alexis. 
“Because, I want revenge for calling me short.”  Both of the Obelisks cringed at the sound of that, even the cockiest of Obelisk Blues don’t make fun of his height.
“Okay, just don’t kill him.” said Zane as both he and Alexis left to lay on the benches as Syrus continued to make the hole bigger. 
When Syrus was currently doing the hole, Celina was setting up so they could play volleyball, Jaden and Chumley were swimming around and Bastion was still doing his formulas. 
After he was done, he was quiet as he put Chazz in the hole, thank god he was a heavy sleeper, as he was pulling his body to it and placed him there. He then picked up all of the sand and then built it up. He placed a hat on the former Obelisk Blue/North Academy student. 
“Hey guys!” All of them stopped on what they were doing as they looked at Syrus pointing at Chazz as his head was the only visible thing. All of them started laughing, making Alexis chuckle, but Zane was cold as usual. 
“Oh my god!” Celina was laughing as she nearly hit herself on the equipment. 
“That is hilarious!” laughed Chumley as he was floating on the water. 
“Great one, Sy- oh dear!” Jaden almost drowned as Chumley picked him up, “Thanks Chum.” 
“Quite humorous, but,” everyone turned to Bastion, “What happens if he wakes up?” 
Syrus opened his mouth, but then closed it. He had nothing when he wakes up and gives him a can of whoopass. He then shrugged his shoulders, “Might as well enjoy it as long as this lasts.” 
After a while of them during their own thing, and Jaden and Chumley cleaning themselves after they were swam, they then heard, sans Bastion as he was too focused in his math. “Hey guys! Look what I have made!” 
They then turned to see Celina with a completed volleyball set and a volleyball in her hands, “Wanna play?” 
Both, Zane and Alexis, respectfully shook their heads, wanting to just rest in peace. 
Jaden, Chumley and Syrus all shouted, “Yeah sure!” 
“Great, now let’s-”
“Hold on,” heads were turned towards the Kaiser of Duel Academy, “Shouldn’t there be a person to keep the scores in check?” 
Jaden snapped his fingers as he looked around, “True, true, Kaiser. Hey, Bastion you want to-” he turned his head to see Bastion too busy with his formulas as he went further and further away from the group, almost directly where Wheeler and his family were chilling. 
“Oh dear he is near the monkeys.” said Jaden as he ran towards him.
“We need to stop him.” Syrus ran with him, with Chumley, begrudgingly, running with him. 
“Great, just when I almost forgot about them.” groaned Celina. 
“I am sorry, the what?” Zane was confused as he was the only one here that didn’t know about the monkeys. 
“We’ll explain it later.” Alexis told The Kaiser as they saw Jaden walking towards Bastion, with a grin on his face. 
He shushed everyone, as he got closer to him, who mumbled something about how to fix his Magnet Warrior deck, as he then got picked up, shocking everyone. “Hey, what the Ra are you doing Jaden?!” 
Jaden said nothing as he threw him in the waters, chuckling as Bastion raised up from the water, “Sorry, Bastion. It was the only way to get your attention away from the monkeys.” 
“Why didn’t you ju- Wait, monkeys?” Bastion turned to see at least 3 monkeys swinging from tree to trees. “...What is this place?” 
“Same question.” Bastion turned to see Celina, with a volleyball in her hands, “Do you want to keep scores?”
Bastion shrugged, “Might as well, since I don’t want to get anywhere near monkeys.” He stood up, drying himself with a towel and walked towards the chair and kept scores with the game. 
It was Celina and Chumley versus Jaden and Syrus. Despite Syrus lack of stamina, and Chumley’s slowness, and Jaden’s and Celina’s want to win, it was a game that could go either way. No matter who was in the lead, just like in a duel, someone could make a fantastic comeback. 
This lasted a good 40 minutes, with two of the players down for the count, Syrus looking like he was Yamcha when fighting a Saibamen and Chumley laying face first on the sand, and Bastion’s closeness to the game, the scores were almost always even. If one team won a point, the other will win it back in a few seconds flat. 
The game got so intense that some could even feel fire when it was hot, like it went super sonic. But right now, it was a tie, 49-49. One more point, and either team wins the entire game. 
Jaden threw the ball and then smacked it back to the opposite side of the court, with Celina jumping and slamming it on the ground. 
Before Jaden could react, a guy in a delivery suit came in, by a boat with two very big packages on, “Is anyone here by the names of Chazz Princeton?” 
“Huh?” poor Jaden was cut off guard, that the ball hit his side of the court, making him and Syrus the losers, “Dang it! No!” 
“Gosh darn it.” groaned Syrus as he picked himself up. 
“Boom! How do you like that!?” Celina did small dances as she picked Chumley back up, “Anyway, what’s with Chazz?” she asked as the delivery boy looked at his list. 
“It says right here that a person by the name of Chazz Princeton ordered two jet skis on a location by the name of Duel Academy. So is he here, or?” the delivery said as he looked around as most of them dropped their jaws, sans Zane who was most likely asleep. 
“Give me a sec.” said Celina as she got up to the sleeping former Obelisk Blue/North Academy student and slightly kicked him, not enough to hurt him, but to wake him up.
“Hey! What’s the big idea?!” Chazz yelled as he tried moving his legs and arms, but then realized that he was trapped. “Who did this?” he asked calmly. 
“I don’t know.” Syrus said as then everyone else, even his older brother said. 
“Syrus/Sy.” they said that at the same time as Chazz looked at him with a not so friendly look on his face. 
“Well then, come here, Sy buddy. I won’t hurt you.” he said with the most calmly violent voice possible. Syrus ran towards his older brother, making him stand up with a tired expression on his face. 
“Please, protect me from him, big bro.” he whispered to Zane, as he walked away, Syrus following him like a puppy as the rest began taking off the sand away from The Chazz. 
“You did this to yourself, Sy.” he mumbled out of his breath, “Fine.” He then stopped, turned around and crossed his arms with a fierce expression on his face that not even a bloodthirsty monster would fight him, Syrus hid behind him. 
Meanwhile, as the rest were taking off the sand away from the winner of the School Duel, as the curiosity got the better of the Hero player, “Why did you buy this, Chazz?” he asked as he grinned, feeling his arms and legs again. 
“I wanted to prove that you are not the only rich person here.” he said with a grin as some of them looked at him weirdly. 
“Chazz, not to burst your bubble, but my dad owns a hot sauce company.” Chumley as Chazz’s grin lowered a bit. 
“My parents are scientists.” explained Bastion as Chazz’s grin was lowered even more. 
“My mum's a therapist while my dad is a chef.” said Celina as Chazz’s grin was returned by a frown. 
“Same here with my parents.” said Alexis as Chazz’s frown was made worse. 
“Damn it,” he cursed under his breath, as the delivery boy sat on the seat playing Subway Surfers on his phone waiting for the delivery. 
As soon as he was freed from the sand, he stood up, waiting to beat up Syrus, but then saw Zane glaring at him with Syrus behind him. It was like a mother hen protecting her baby chicks. 
Chazz dropped his head, knowing it was incredibly stupid to even anger the Kaiser of Duel Academy, so he walked towards the delivery boy, who got the papers and Chazz signed it. 
The delivery boy then got the two jet skis and put them on the shore. He bowed his head, started the engine and went back to his work place, leaving the students of Duel Academy with two jet skis that the school would most likely never know about. 
Bastion walked up to him, “Question; how did you pay this? I mean, you don’t have any money on you, don’t you?” he asked as Chazz looked at him with a grin on his face. 
“With my brothers’ credit cards.” Everyone did a double take on that. 
“What?” Alexis asked. 
“How did you get permission?” asked Zane. 
“More importantly, how did you get them?” asked Celina as Chazz had a bigger grin on his face. 
“Who said I got permission?” Everyone looked at him, “I stole them.” 
“When?” asked Chumley. 
“When they ran at me after the School Duel after I won.” he wiped his bare chest with his hand, as Jaden sweatdropped “He won’t let that go, will he?” 
“I wonder how they will react to you using their credit cards.” said Syrus as he got closer to the person he trapped with sand, as Zane glared at Chazz to not even try anything. 
At the Princeton residence
While Slade was busy drinking his coffee while reading the news about Johnny Steps beating Duke Devlin, he was then interrupted as Jagger ran into the room. “Slade, big brother! You have to hear this!” 
“What is it now, Jagger?” he said as he placed his newspaper down as his younger brother ran at him with the phone on and gave it to him.
“It’s your bank account, they need you.” he said as Slade answered the phone. 
“What do you want?” he asked, rudely.
“What?! What do you mean I spent 12 000 dollars on my bank account!?” 
“A couple of hours ago?! I don’t remember buying those jet skis!” He started arguing with the person on the phone for a couple of minutes as he finally hung up. He slung on his chair as he groaned, “What idiot could’ve done this?” 
He then remembered feeling something coming onto his pants and something being stolen when the School Duel ended, by his youngest brother. 
Back at Duel Academy 
Suddenly Chazz and the rest of the gang could hear Slade finishing on his sentence, “-FUCKER!” He then closed his eyes with a smile on his face, “I sometimes love having thieves as my monsters.” 
Somewhere in Chazz’s room, all of the Dark Scorpions felt the urge to cry as they thought they heard something nice from the Boss. 
So after the shock that heard a noise coming from hundreds of miles away they asked him if it were alright if they borrowed his jet skis, which he allowed as long it wasn’t damaged, while Zane and Alexis continued to sit down and talk about how calm it is for them to enjoy the day.
Bastion and Chazz decided to use the jet ski for a while, while the rest used it as well. After around 40 minutes, they arrived back at the shore, while the two students were still using the jet ski. 
“Ahh that was nice.” said Celina as she stretched her back. 
“I know right, I haven’t felt that nice with a veichle in a long time.” agreed Chumley. 
“Couldn’t agree more. Right Sy?” Jaden turned around to see his little buddy, but to his shock, he wasn’t there. “Oh dear.”
“What do you me- Oh my.” Celina turned around and much to her shock she also saw nothing. 
“Oh no.” That was all that the senior Slifer Red could say. 
“Guys, is something wrong?” Alexis asked as they saw the worry on her friends’ faces. 
“Where is my little brother?” asked Zane, as they could feel his anger rising up. 
“Uhh, right here! Just give us a couple seconds!” yelled Jaden as he turned the thing on and went straight towards Syrus, who thankfully wasn’t dead. 
For the rest of the day, they decided to play games like being blindfolded and smash a watermelon, that was also in the shop that they were in, with a bat, also from the store, and Jaden was the winner of that, since most of them weren’t successful. 
Zane didn’t want to participate, Syrus was hitting people by the knees, Alexis BONK!ed Chazz on the head, Celina might or might not have hit one of the guys in between them accidently, Chumley threw the bat accidently and destroyed one of the skis, which explained the 6000 dollar deposit from his dad’s bank account which he had to ask for, Bastion missed every hit and Chazz thought he didn’t need help as he hit the ski accidently, destroying it. 
When Jaden hit the watermelon, most of the crew were in a photo, from Alexis’ phone.
After that disaster, they decided to play Never Have I Ever? which even Zane participated in, begrudgingly, told stories from their stay at this crack head of a school and more. 
As the sky turned, they got dressed, with the stuff with them, but Zane felt a presence…watching them. He turned around and he swore a figure with green hair with a mask covering his eyes with a dark trench coat, but as he blinked, the figure disappeared.
“Are you coming, Zane or what?” asked Syrus to his older brother. 
Zane shook his head, must have been his imagination, “Yeah, I am coming, but I swore I saw something.”
Somewhere in an unknown location   
In a location, there were 6 figures sitting on their respective chairs. Three of them were sitting on the left side, one was sitting on the middle and two were sitting on the right side. 
The one that was sitting on the leftmost chair on the left side of the table was a male with bright orange hair that was snazzy and was all over the place. He had a mole below on his right eye, to which they were green. He wore a mask that was similar to the design of an Ancient Gear monster. His clothes were oddly coloured. On the left side was orange coloured while the other was light blue. He wore a purple tie. He also wore black pants with orange shoes. “Hmm. Is he late? A shame really, I wanted to show all of us some entertainment.” 
The one that was sitting on the middle chair on the left side of the table was a female with a dark tan and impressive physique. She wore dark red lipstick. Her hair was purple, and was tied by a ponytail. On her left side of her face, there was a two line scar, most likely from a fight. She had greenish-blue eyes. She wore a spiked choker. She wore a dark blue tank top, battle pants, two gauntlets on her arms and two belts around her waist. She looked at the smaller duelist, “Don’t be hasty, now. Just because he is late, doesn’t mean he isn’t a part of us.”
The duelist on her right side scoffed, “Good riddance I say. Less of you and the more duelists I can get, the better.” She said. She was on the rightmost side of the left table. Her appearance was more gothic than the others. She had long green hair, down to her hips. She wore a long red blood dress, with around her legs were little strands of the cloth. There were two gauntlets or bracelets around each of her hands. She had bats on both of her legs and on her chest. LIke the other, she wore dark red lipstick. She had brown eyes, two earrings that looked like vases and a choker with an eye on it. 
On the middle of the table a man that has covered his mouth in bandages, a mask on his face that covered his eyes, a beige cape, a red scarf both on his neck and hips with amulets on them looked at the third duelist, “That is no way to talk to your subordinate. Even if he is late, you still must treat them with respect.” The man also had a long black outfit that covered his bottom and top area of his body. He wore a gauntlet on his right side. 
A man on the middle seat of the right area of the table closed his eyes, with his arms crossed, “So what? He knew that this was important for the beasts so why does he think he needs to be late? Frankly, I think we should start this off without him.” The man has two different colours of hair. On the back was yellow, but on the front, it was dark green. He had silver eyes. He wore a tight purple, black jacket that on the inside was red, with green lines all over his jacket. He wore a watch that was the same look as that of the other’s choker, almost like a relic. He wore white pants and black boots. 
“Now, now, old friend. Let’s not get too angry, you don’t want to upset your brother, don’t you?” the man scowled as the man next to him waved his finger at him with a smirk on his face. The man on the leftmost chair on the right side of the table had two different shades of purple, with short purple eyebrows and purple eyes. He wore a red cape, a purple suit like a commander and wore white pants and black shoes. The yellow green haired man wanted to fight him for pressing a nerve, but he knew that would be foolish. 
“Sorry, I am late.” Everyone turned to the final duelist, who entered the room and sat on the rightmost chair, “I was busy seeing what our opponents looked like. Only one of them caught my attention.” For some reason, he felt a strange connection with the blue haired duelist. 
“That’s quite alright, Nightshroud, don’t make that mistake again.” Nightshroud nodded his head, “Now. We all know why we are here, right?”
“To summon the Sacred Beasts.” said the purple haired duelist. 
“That’s right, and tomorrow, we will send one of us, Shadow Riders, to duel the Key Keepers for the gates of the Sacred Beasts.” the man explained as he looked around the duelists, “Which one of you, will go first?” 
“I really don’t mind going first or last, as long as I give them an entertaining show when I defeat them.” said the red haired Shadow Rider. 
“As long as all of you will spare one of the men, I will be pleased.” said the warrior type Shadow Rider. 
“Quite honestly, I don’t care which of you goes first, as long as I accomplish my mission, I will be satisfied.” said the yellow green haired Shadow Rider. 
“As long as I see the dread of their faces when all hope was drained, I will be glad.” said the purple haired, sadistic Shadow Rider. 
“Understood.” the cloaked Shadow Rider nodded as he looked at the vampiric Shadow Rider and the green haired Shadow Rider, “Which one of you will start?”
“I will sta-”
“I’ll go.” stated the green haired man as he stood up, making the vampire duelist shocked. 
“Are you kidding me?! You come here late and all of a sudden, you want to start first?!” she exclaimed as the green haired duelist turned to her. 
“I…have some business with one of the future Key Keepers, so don’t stand in my way.” he said as he exited the room, making the vampire duelist’s blood boil. 
“And that settles it, Nightshroud will begin first and the rest of you will choose if you will go once he is defeated.” The cloaked man said as he exited the room by a different door. The rest of the Shadow Riders stayed in the room they were in. 
At Duel Academy
Chancellor Sheppard was shaking in his sleep, having horrible images of his students falling, one by one, screaming in agony as they lost to a duelist wearing a Shadow Charm. It reminded him of several other dreams of this kind, but this was the most extreme, like it was near. 
He woke up, sweating and breathing like he didn’t before. He looked at his room and then at his hand, then at the ceiling with eyes widened, “They are coming,” he said under his breath. 
Authors Note: 
And done! That was quicker than I thought! Sorry if it was shorter than I could write, since there was no duel, I decided to add some story stuff to this chapter. And do you guys hear that?
It’s the Shadow Rider arc! One of my favourite arcs in Yugioh (despite its many problems)! I wanted to make this arc ever since I started this thing, and here we are, a couple of words away from it! 
Just so you guys know, I, obviously, changed the roster. Not a huge change, but different from the usual roster in canon. I let some of them stay, but the others went bye-bye. Guess who they are! 
Some duels are gonna have different victors, some have different duels, like different changes, most of all, some changes to the game itself. (You will know what I mean, soon enough.)
Before I end this chapter, I want to recommend two stories to all of you since they are currently my favourite Yugioh fics at the moment. 
One is Tag Force: Heroes and Villains from ToBlazePurple, a huge fic that finished season 1 and is currently in season 2. It follows an OC (Wilona Konami) and her many adventures of her visit to Duel Academy. The story is interesting since it has characters from different series, different summoning methods and elements from both the manga and anime. I highly recommend it if you want a story that follows the canon, but also makes a different spin on it. 
And the other is Yugioh Zexal: Feeling the Ultimate Flow from Star-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. It follows the story of Rio Kastle, if she wakes up earlier than in canon and becomes close friends with Yuma. I will admit, I am not the biggest fan of Zexal, despite it being my 3rd favourite Yugioh spin off, only beaten by 5ds and GX. But the story is interesting and has some changes to the canon. I am only on Chapter 3, but let me tell ya, the chapters are even bigger than mine. 
Well, hope to see ya’ guys later!
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ofthepuzzle · 3 years
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@youtriggeredmytrapcard​ said: Random asks go-- Favorite Egyptian God Card, if you had to pick favorites? [[Answer IC or OOC, whichever!]]
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      “Hm. I don’t really like playing favorites,” he’d think it’s appropriate if all three God cards are equally favored.
     “All God cards are mighty and have their own unique effects.”
     Now, admittedly, he could somewhat feel himself being pulled towards Osiris/Slifer. An instinct. That may be because technically his attachment to the card is greater, considering Ra was longer in Marik’s possession and Obelisk in Kaiba’s.
     He’s thinking about the cards’ special effects. He does like Slifer’s the most, though. He doesn’t need to sacrifice his life points unlike Ra. Obelisk also delivers quite the powerful punch, too.
     “… It depends on your circumstances. What God card would help you the most in the current phase of your dueling standpoint.”
     One would also need to create it so it’s favorable to use the power of a God. It all lies in the strategy of the duelist and what they have in their hand.
     “Anyways... It’s Osiris.”
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falloutstasis · 4 years
Third Semester
summary: its all fun and games until you sense evil within a scary looking professor named viper. takes place during season 3!
“Rip!” Chazz yelled out, catching Ripley off her tracks. He saw her bringing her belongings on her way to the Obelisk Blue Dorm. The weird part was he knew that she was well on her way to the Obelisk Blue ranks because of the Promotion Duels a few days ago, but she was heading towards the boy’s dorm.
“Wrong dorm.” He said, pointing across the lake behind him. “You should be heading over there.”
“Uh, no. I’m in the right dorm.” Ripley let out a nervous laugh. Oh boy, she was going to tell him about it wasn’t she?
He squinted his eyes at her with a frown. “You look like you have something to hide.”
“Ha, ha. No, I don’t.” As she said this, she tucked the handles to her backpack and she slowly made her way to the door’s of the Obelisk Blue Boy’s Dorm.
“Hey, wait!” Chazz rushed towards her and stopped her when he grabbed her by the shoulder. “What’s the deal? Why don’t you tell me why you're going to the boy’s dorm instead of the girls?”
“Well, you see…” Ripley kicked off the dirt from the ground and placed her hands behind her back. “I talked to Chancellor Shepard and Dr. Crowler about going to the girl’s dorm after I told him that I was...you know…Agender.”
“Oh.” That was all Chazz said, which kind of surprised her. “So you wanted to go to this dorm because you were uncomfortable being in the girls dorm or what?”
“Not really. I don’t identify as a girl or boy, but I feel like I’ll be better suited in the boy’s dorm.” She admitted, still looking at her boots.
Sensing that he wasn’t going to stop her, Ripley finally had no trouble making her way towards the boy’s dorm. But as soon as she held the handle to the door, Chazz called her again.
“Hey, you got any pronouns?”
Ripley opened the door as she turned to Chazz. “Uh, just she and her. Or Them and They. Whichever of those is fine.”
Finally, with no further questions, she entered into her brand new dorm. But she couldn’t stay there long. There was a prep rally happening in a little bit, so she just had to drop off her belongings in her new room and get the rest of her stuff later.
Duel Academy: Main Classroom 11:00 AM
Rumors were being spread that transfer students were coming to Duel Academy. Hopefully, it doesn’t end like the other transfer, who decided to make a cult out from a dorm. All the students took their seats in the classroom, where everyone was looking at the Chancellor, Dr. Crowler, and Bonaparte. Ra Yellow Professor and head of the Ra Yellow dorm Sartyr and head of the Obelisk Blue Girls Dorm and Duel Academy’s Nurse, Fonda Fontaine were both at the side of the platform, waiting for Chancellor Sheppard to speak.
Ripley sat next to Alexis and Syrus, taking the chance to talk to them before Sheppard spoke to the students.
Ripley felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Bastion...in an Obelisk Blue uniform.
“Bastion! You’re in Obelisk Blue! That’s so cool!”
“Thank you. Congratulations on being in Obelisk Blue as well. Glad we moved up dorms at the same time.” He raised his fist for a fist bump, in which Ripley gladly gave to him.
“Alright, settle down.” He said, stopping the students from talking further. He talked about being in a brand new year meant being in brand new adventures and possibly brand new friends to meet. After his beginning year speech, Blair Flannigan, a female Slifer Student, began to repeat the academy’s pledge. It confused some of the students, because they didn’t know they had one.
Once she was done, she walked away and gave one look at Jaden to wink at him. It’s safe to say that Alexis caught that because she frowned at her.
“I guess she got over her crush on Chazz.” Syrus carefully stared at Alexis.
“Pardon me, but didn’t she have a crush on Jaden?” Bastion asked.
“She still does.” Ripley chuckled at the sight.
“Now then. As I said, with each new year comes modification and improvement. Here at Duel Academy, we strive on perfection. To keep each of you at the top of your game, we’ve invited a few new students to join you. In fact, they represent the top students from each of our four Duel Academy worldwide branches.”
“Oh, from South, East, North, and West.” Ripley whispered. She did remember that there are four other Duel Academy Schools across the globe. At the very least, Ripley was indeed excited because there are going to be new duelists to face.
“Now it’s time for introductions! Visiting us from all the way to East Academy, Adrian Gecko!”
Adrian Gecko walked out of the left entrance and stood next to Shepard.
“And hailing from West Academy, Axel Brodie!”
Axel Brodie waved at the students before returning to stand next to Adrian, placing his arms behind his back.
“Next, joining us from the South Branch, Jim Crocodile Cook!”
The next thing everyone knew, Jim Crocodile Cook came rushing in the room while he was holding up a crocodile. Even though the students clapped, they were also caught off guard because they didn’t know if the crocodile was real or not.
“Hello, mates!” He cheered.
“And now, leading the pack at North Academy, it’s Jesse Anderson!”
The students clapped, but after a moment of waiting for Jesse Anderson, he didn’t come into the room at all.
“This is awkward.” Dr. Crowler said.
“No. It's just plain rude.” Bonaparte couldn’t believe someone would be so rude to not show up. Especially in front of the Chancellor.
Several minutes later, Jesse managed to open one of the doors that led to the other side of the room, where the students were. He looked like he was out of breath.
“Sorry folks! This school is a lot bigger than ours! I guess I got lost!”
“Hey, I recognize that voice!” Jaden stood up from his seat and waved at Jesse.
“Hey, Jaden! I guess this is that prep rally thing!”
He nodded at him. “Yup! By the way, you see a guy named Jesse?”
“Yeah! Sure did! You’re looking at him!” He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry, I never properly introduced myself. I was so excited to meet you, I just forgot.”
“Ah, don’t worry! I get that alot.”
Chazz rolled his eyes. “Yeah, no kidding.”
“Let’s start over then, shall we?” Sheppard asked, seeing Jesse walking towards him and the other Overseas Champions.
“Joining our school from North Academy, Jesse Anderson!” This time, Jesse responded by waving excitedly at the students as they clapped for him. He felt bad for stalling the rally and making them wait, so the least he could do was at least be here for the rally.
He turned to greet the other students from their respective schools.
“Thanks for wasting everyone's time, pal.” Adrian, of course, was joking. “Just kidding.”
Jesse let out a nervous laugh as Axel stared at him.
“G’day.” Jim said, holding out his hand to shake. “The names Jim. And this,” He pointed at his friend that was hanging around his back. “...is Shirley.”
Shirley responded with a low tone growl that only those standing on the platform can hear.
A professor would soon approach behind Dr. Crowler and Bonaparte, who jumped a bit with his sudden appearance.
“Oh, yes! Last but not least! I like you to meet our visiting professor all the way from West Academy! Say hello to Professor Thelonious Viper!”
The minute Thelonious Viper faced the students of Duel Academy, Ripley’s eyes glowed bright red. To refrain from everyone catching her do this, she crossed her arms and hid her eyes on her arms. Alexis, Syrus, and Bastion all caught her eyes glowing, meaning that something bad was up.
“Hey.” Alexis whispered, lowering her head to be at her level. “Is something wrong, Ripley?”
“That guy.” She had an uneasy feeling about Viper, but she didn’t know what it was. “That guy is bad news. I don’t know what it is.” The reason why she was able to pick up on this terrible energy was because of Draco. That was one of her passing abilities while she was wearing the bracelet. With the amount of times she uses this ability whenever someone evil shows up, it manages to save her, Draco, and her friends.
“Aw man.” Syrus whined. “Just what this school needs, another maniac.”
“And I suppose that ‘there’s a method to my madness’ should be a red flag right?” Bastion asked.
“Clearly.” Alexis responded.
Draco couldn’t tell what was going on with Viper as she flew in front of him, knowing that she wasn’t going to be seen by him. She was just glad that she wasn’t the only one who felt this way. She flew back near Ripley and watched him continue with his speech.
“Now then, why don’t we kick off the year by holding an exhibition match right now.”
Everyone in the room was shocked at the type of duel match he announced, including Chancellor Sheppard. It became a little too rowdy for the professor’s liking.
“Simmer down so I can choose the competitors.” ‘Or should I say victims.’ “We will have a series of four matches. One for each day. When I call your name, I would like you to stand please.”
Viper looked around the students, trying to look for it’s top students of Duel Academy. He looked around for Duel Academy’s top students and when he did, he smiled. “Syrus Truesdale.”
Syrus almost didn’t want to stand up, but against his better judgement, he did anyway.
“You will be facing Axel Brodie.” Axel turned to Syrus, not thinking much of him since he looked scared to duel him.
“Why do I always get the tough looking ones?” Syrus whispered to himself.
Viper turned away, took a few steps to his right to stare at Chazz.
“Chazz Princeton.”
Chazz stood up with a grin on his face. He was hoping to get a duel with Jesse Anderson, since he was a former North Academy duelist himself. He wanted to see what the Crystal Beast deck was all about.
“You will be facing Adrian Gecko.”
Chazz was caught off guard by this, but was more angered at the fact that he was facing another rich kid.
He walked towards the spot he was at moments ago and looked around that side. It was only a mere moment when he stopped and stared at Ripley.
“Ripley Kaiba.”
Right away, Ripley stood up. She was already starting to feel nervous when other students stared at her.
“You will be facing Jim Crocodile Cook. That duel starts tomorrow.”
Jim turned to Ripley and smiled at her. Once again, her nervousness struck her again, quickly looking down at her feet.
‘Draco, he’s looking at me.’
Draco grinned at her. ‘Then stare at him back.’
Ripley’s eyes returned to Jim, who simply waved at her.
“Hey, do you have a crush on this guy?” Alexis giggled. “Love at first sight?”
Ripley turned to Alexis with a mix of panic and anger on her face. “Y-Yeah, right!”
Then for the final two students, he looked right at Jaden.
“Jaden Yuki.”
Jaden quickly stood up with a smile on his face. The other students had already been picked, so he put two and two together quickly.
“You will be facing Jesse Anderson.”
“Sweet! I get to duel Jesse and his Crystal Beast deck!” Jaden cheered.
“Would the chosen students please come in front of the classroom? This goes for the Academy representatives as well.” Viper called and held out these bracelets with a dark blue crystal on it. Since Ripley’s wrist held Draco’s Bracelet, she held out the opposite arm where Viper placed the bracelet around her wrist and did the same with the other duelists.
“What are these?” Jesse asked.
“Just a little welcoming gift.”
‘Or maybe just tell us what you are planning!’ Draco yelled out, floating next to him. She pointed at him and said, ‘We got our eyes on you…’
The bracelet closes around the group’s wrists. The bracelet wasn’t tight around the wrist, just enough for it to not be loose. For some strange reason, she felt a slight bit of warmness around her wrist, but Ripley brushed that off.
“The exhibition duel with Jesse Anderson and Jaden Yuki will begin shortly. And not a minute late.”
Duel Academy: School Hallways 11:19 AM
For some reason, the other students did not get the same bracelet as she and the others did. Viper mentioned before everyone else went to the Duel Field is that it was to test the bracelets to see if they were working. Before she joined her friends to watch Jaden’s duel with Jesse, she had wandered off to the school hallways where she was talking with her Spirit Partner, Kaibaman. This led her to being late to watch the duel, but everyone left to the Duel Field so no one was there to catch her walking in the hallways and notice she was talking to herself. She couldn't care less about getting Viper upset or mad about being late.
“I don’t like this one bit.” Ripley said, her hands are on the pockets of her purple sweater with yellow star patterns. She raised her wrist to her so she could see the bracelet that Viper gave her. Around her wrist, she can still feel the warming sensation that she felt earlier.
“Just be careful around him.” Kaibaman said. “I sense that he has some malevolent energy with him, but it’s faint.”
“Yeah, that’s what Draco picked up too.”
“You know where to find me when you're in trouble.”
“Of course.”
And with that, Kaibaman faded away from Ripley, letting her walk by herself within the hallways. Now, Ripley was trying to find her way back to the Duel Arena so she can meet with her friends to watch Jaden’s duel with Jesse.
When she was about to head out to the entrance she spotted Jaden dueling, with his Elemental Sparkman on his field. She didn’t see Jesse, but she assumed that he had some monsters on his field. Before she was at the doorway, from the corner of her eye, she saw Jim walking her way. Once again, she felt a little nervous.
“Oh, hey!”
Jim waved at her. Once he was near her, he said, “You must be Ripley, right?”
“Uh, yeah!” She said nervously. “Ripley Kaiba! It’s nice to meet you, Jim.”
He held out his hand for the two to shake, in which Ripley accepted, rather a little antsy like. Jim didn’t mind, rather he didn’t make a comment on it.
“This is Shirley.” He pointed to his crocodile friend that was hanging out on his back. Shirley glanced at Ripley’s direction and heard a soft rumble from her. Maybe it was trying to say hello?
“So what were you doing out in the hallway? Your pal Jaden is dueling out there.” He said, looking at the duel Jaden and Jesse were having.
“Yeah, I know.” Ripley said, looking down. It would sound crazy to Jim if she told him that she was talking to a dueling spirit.
“I was just shaking some nerves that’s all. Viper being here kinda made the air a little heavier.” Ripley shuffled her feet a bit before looking back at Jim.
‘Ah, that’s why she’s feelin’ a little nervous.’ “I can see why he would give that kind of energy.”
“So what are you doing here?” She asked with a smile.
He pulled out a small packet of wrapped bandages from his pocket. “I was getting new bandages for my eye.” He said, holding them out for her to see.
“I was looking for the nearest bathroom before I head to the Duel Arena. Do you know where I can find one?”
“Oh!” Ripley looked behind her and said, “I just passed one. Follow me!”
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hyotenhyakkaso · 4 years
[Please tag your answer with #kcxmasdeliveryevent2k20 and @kcchristmasdeliveries as well as @tenaciousthief ! (they submitted your url to the event) Happy holidays!]
And the next one on the list is…
’ Kaiba thought to himself while looking at the list in his hands, and he pulled out the gift’s package. Jounouchi, yet another name he hasn’t seen or heard of in a long while. The brunette immediately frowned upon the sight of it, but his brother quickly made him quit with that attitude. It was obvious, he would be the one doing the delivery this time around. Seto made no objections about it, and simply sat back on his seat.
As such, the younger Kaiba hopped out of the vehicle with the gift in his hands once they had reached their destination. The young man was being accompanied by a handful of bodyguards that served his brother, he had a bit of trouble to locate the office describe- indicated by the note they received. Thankfully, his brother’s henchmen proved themselves to be very helpful in that regard and they found the one they were looking for! Unfortunately, it cost the entrance’s door- which had been kicked down by them when they stormed into the office.
“Oi, Jounouchi! Uh– I’ll try to convince brother to try and pay for the door, sorry about that!” Mokuba exclaimed, as he rushed into the office with a gift package in his hands- there is a small tag with the sender’s name on it. “Sorry, I can’t really stay and talk! Merry christmas Jounouchi, see you around man!” The young man said while handing out the package. Then he, alongside with everyone else were gone just as fast as they had showed up. They left the whole mess, for the poor blond to take care of by himself.
The gift is a beautiful lapis and gold bracelet with a special tag on it that actually has Jou’s name in hieroglyphs on it, the name Bakura can be found on the tag as the sender’s name.
It had been quiet before the door came busting down, a part of him feared it was the cops or the FBI- but when the smoke cleared..... Well shit it was Mokuba- with body guards. He flinched at the ‘Oi’ and tilted his head as he was given a...... Gift? “You’re fine- Merry Christmas Mokuba-!” 
And with that- they were gone. Leaving- he slammed his head against the desk when he saw the door in shambles. Yeah he was going to have to clean that up before his boss came back. How would he explain this? ‘Yeah my old classmate’s younger brother came bursting through the door to play Santa!’ that’d hold up well. 
He sighed, looking down at the present in his lap, from Bakura? What did his boss get him...? And he’d have to scramble to get a gift for him and others, because he’d not only forgot that it was December but he’d also forgotten that it was Christmas Day. God he was a mess this time of year. 
Jounouchi nearly threw the package when he saw what was inside. Ra, Obelisk and Slifer- that must have cost a fortune! He picked it up gingerly and smiled softly. “He really spoils me...” He murmured, putting it on and admiring it for a moment. 
Before jumping up and running out the already opened door. He’d have to thank Bakura later. But for now- he had presents to give that he hadn't yet.
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chronomally · 5 years
What’s up everybody we’re grading the rivals’ clothes (under the cut because I put pictures and I don’t want this to stretch out your dashboard)
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Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Iconic. Timeless. Fashion was invented for this. When you think of Seto Kaiba, you probably picture him in this outfit from Battle City. Sleek outline, powerful shoulders. Lots of belts and buckles everywhere because fuck you it’s an anime and also Takahashi decided to make the clothes bondage-themed for some reason. Kaiba Corp logo on his belt buckle because he IS the owner of the company and don’t you forget it. Tasteful muted accents to offset the harsh contrast of the bright white and black (what is that, leather? Vinyl? I don’t know). This look says I’m tall, I’m skinny, I’m rich, and I’m a little bit of a bitch - and that’s exactly what Kaiba is. 10/10, it’s all down hill from here folks
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Chazz Princeton (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)
Chazz originally wears his Obelisk Blue uniform, but after being cast out by his family (three shitty older brothers who control the Princeton conglomerate and all the money that goes with it) and doing a bit of soul searching, he returns in THIS (we’re ignoring the all white outfit he wears after being brainwashed by Sartorius or whatever the fuck that plot line was about). Chazz is a bit of an emo drama queen who thinks he’s too cool for school, and that’s exactly what I get from the disheveled coat (not in Obelisk Blue, Ra Yellow, OR Slifer Red, the colors of the school uniform), the black pants, and the dark purple shirt. Unfortunately, the brown shoes (boots?), as practical as they might be in North Academy’s icy landscape or Duel Academy’s many jungles (why are there so many fucking jungles), kind of kill the vibe. 6/10, it’s nothing to write home about but it’s fine
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Jack Atlas (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s)
Jack Atlas wishes he was Seto Kaiba and when you compare this outfit to Kaiba’s Battle City look, this outfit wishes it was that outfit. The white coat (but missing the shoulders), the boots (but no buckles), the logo on the belt buckle (but it’s just his last name, not the name of the company he ripped out from underneath his abusive foster father), the muted color scheme (somehow too coordinated to really hold the attention), the wrist cuffs (not metal). Stylish, but not ICONIC. However, the coat comes off and the rest of the outfit is very practical for riding and fixing up motorcycles, which Jack spends a lot of time doing (riding, I don’t think he fixes his own shit, and I’m not just talking about his bike). 8.5/10, respectable and extra points for practicality, which is probably the only time that’s ever going to happen
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Reginald “Shark” Kastle (Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal)
I couldn’t find a normal full-body picture of Shark which sucks because that means we’re missing out on his very good Liberace shoes (they’re the same design as his white cuffs and yes, the gems ARE included) and the finer details of his outfit, but this gets the idea across. Shark is basically a Power Ranger but if the Power Rangers were cops, and in case you couldn’t guess, he’s the purple one. He’s also a rich asshole, which I think the diamonds get across nicely, and his deck is water-based, which I don’t think really comes through except for the sea green of the gems. 7/10, his hair is supremely stupid even for Yu-Gi-Oh! but the addition of the cursed Power Ranger amulet saves it
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Declan Akaba (Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V)
I’m about to end this man’s whole career. What the FUCK are we doing here, folks. Folks. This man is the president of the Leo Corporation, which also owns and operates the Leo Institute of Dueling, and he looks like he did Guy’s Grocery Games but for Wal-Mart clothes. He looks like he got dressed in the dark using the contents of someone else’s closet. He looks like his top half and his bottom half are going to two separate places. Waist up says “January in Miami”, but waist down says “severely colorblind heir getting ready for summer in Maine without the help of his personal stylist and oh my god the jet is leaving in 10 minutes.” We have SNOW WHITE pants cuffed to the mid-calf (casual) with IVORY dress shoes (business). This man is matching his scarf to his glasses and the rest of the outfit can get FUCKED. The whole is so much less than the sum of its parts and the more I look at this the angrier I get. -1000/10, I can’t believe I’m looking at a Yu-Gi-Oh! character whose hair is the BEST part of their design
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rwhalzili-a · 5 years
"So, are you some kind of really powerful duelist or something?"
     || unprompted || @chazzedup
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     “Tsk… I should tear out your soul for not knowing the ANSWER to that question,” Spoken so casually, the shadow leaning against the wall, “Of course I am~”     A foot presses against the wall before pushing him to a standing position. Slowly, METICULOUSLY, Marik approaches, “A GREAT duelist such as yourself should know about the Battle City Tournament–such an EPIC to be told!” His gaze rises, grinning as a tanned hand is waved, “Battle of the most POWERFUL cards in all duel monsters! Keh heh…”     Marik begins to circle around the other, a SHARP stare piercing the soul, “You should know of the Egyptian God Cards: Obelisk the Tormenter, Slifer the Sky Dragon and–the best and most powerful out of them, of course–The Winged Dragon of Ra… I’ve heard that little ACADEMY has used them for whatever those factions are called.” Why bother learning what they are called? Not like it has any use to him.     He snickers, “Litlle Kaiba seems to be still so arrogant to make OBELISK the best despite how WEAK it is compared to Ra.” The predatory circle stops, the shadow of a man lingering behind.
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     “Hmmm~ I’m losing track,” Marik muses, “Where was I…? Ah yes, the Battle City Tournament. You’re looking at the one who was the runner up–” His voice lowers to an angry mumble, a DANGEROUS growl slipping out, “–the winner if not for the weakness of that fool Malik–” then raises his voice back to normal, “–barely defeated by Yugi Muto.”     Giving a sharp grin, Marik chuckles, “I am Marik Ishtar, the TRUE wielder of The Winged Dragon of Ra. Strong enough to put any of the duelists you know to SHAME~”
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liveblog: yugioh! s548-552
okay y'all this now begins the end of this series and am i prepared? yes and no.
ep548 - "the final journey"
ugh fuck that title
atem looks.. so good
tristan reminding joey to be more sensitive
so atem has to lose a duel
kaiba came in and was like "this is my time to duel you for once and all"
and yugi's like no i have to do this
"not that bargain basement deck you use"
i'm dying
kaiba even offered to have yugi build his deck from his own collection and yugi said nah
this was an episode just to take a moment to reflect on everything
ep549 - "the final duel, part 1"
shit let's sooo
yugi has put the items back in the stone!
okay so now that kaiba has literally seen how yugi and atem are separate beings then how is he gonna reconcile this
wow we wasted no time in starting this duel okay wow
we're three (?) turns in and atem's played obelisk
this duel is EXCITING!!!!!
they both played trap-magic cards and now atem has summoned slifer!
he summoned slifer and ra in one turn love this
this is so sexy of atem wow
"only fate can defeat the outcome of this battle"
kaiba is ready to go since all three god are on the field and how isyugi gonna win?
"wrong. i only want to see you get crushed if i'm the one doing the crushing"
but kaiba has also proven time again that kaiba is the only one who wants to (and probably can) beat yugi and he's always turned his head when yugi starts losing against someone that kaiba deems "lesser"
oh wow kaiba's been convinced to stay
honestly isee how rivalshipping is a thing
atem and yugi talking about when they learned from each other :')
oh another good turn
actually i would love to see kaiba duel against all three gods at the same time
time to believe in the heatrt of the cards!!!!!!!
yugi's gonna make a move next episode!!!!!
doing laundry and i don't like the new washing machine we have because the normal cycle takes more than an hour and it should NOT take so long to was some fucking clothes
"for though i held the most powerful cards in existence, i knew i would need more"
atem KNEW that yugi was gonna defeat the egyptian gods!!
this is great
hell yeah dark magician let's gooooo
hell yeah it's MAHAAD!!!!!!
this os honestly an exciting duel and i'm getting caught up in it
"we should've sold tickets to this"
haha thanks mokuba
nice way to get around marshmelon's special ability
kaiba's actualyl a really great duelist because he knows card combos for a duel he's watching that can e played on either side
and since he knows the duelists so well, and their decks, kaiba actually can figure out what would be good moves
i will forever be upset that we never got more dungeon dice monsters
dark magician girl <3
atem used monster reborn to bring back slifer
"i guess yugi and i weren't destined to separate"
oh shit hahahahahahahaha
yugi's magic trap from turns ago was monster reborn so slifer actually goes bye-bye
yugi won the duel :')
yo i'm dead tearing up right now
"a champion doesn't belong inhis knees"
"i'm gonna miss you" "you do realize we'll never truly be apart, right?"
ohmygod atem!!!!!!!
me as everyone crying
i'm not physically crying but my mind is
"true friends maybe be hard to leave, but they're impossible to forget"
"you're not oging anywhere! because everything you've given us is gonna stay right here in our heart!"
he walks away with his thumb up, transforms into his pharaoh garb
yo i'mhonestly sad right now i miss him already
but ut was for the best - atem's reunited with those from his past
well, time to fucking go since the place is collapsing!
oh hey shaadi
"permantely" sealed i'm sure
the ishtars are freed from their duty
"at leat make one of your little wrap-up speeches, yug"
it... it jsut ends like that? liek... it jsut ends like that????????
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thosewhoruleegypt · 6 years
What Followed the High Priest Home (Chapter 7)
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh!   Characters/Ships: Puzzleshipping/Blindshipping (Atem/Yugi); Gemshipping (Thief King Bakura/Ryou Bakura); Puppyshipping/Revertshipping (Priest Seto Kaiba/Jounochi); Atem, Yugi, Thief King Bakura, Ryou Bakura, Priest Seto Kaiba, Jounochi Katsuya Rating: M (WARNINGS for steamy fade-to-black moments, banter of a sexual nature, and some abuse of lotus wine) Length: Chapter 7 / 7; 2200 words
Upon his homecoming, Priest Seto Kaiba certainly didn’t expect to find a statue of the Thief King in the middle of the palace courtyard, right where the Pharaoh’s statue ought to be. He also didn’t expect the stray puppy he picked up on his travels to follow him all the way home.
In the meantime, the Great Royal Husband, Yugi Mutou, makes a new friend, one Jounochi Katsuya, and Pharaoh Atem wonders when the power dynamics around his palace got so difficult to navigate.
Sequel to “For Love of Pharaoh and King;” “The Pharaoh’s Lotus Garden—Part I” accounts for the time between the two works. Can be read separately, but will make more sense with context.
Full Story Begins Here! Read on AO3 Previous Chapter – Next Chapter (next part coming soon~)
Chapter Seven: Return, in Truth
There was a feast—a feast the likes of which hadn't been seen since the royal wedding. Pharaoh Atem spared no effort in celebrating the return of his cousin and High Priest, Seto Kaiba, and the whole of the royal city rejoiced with their Pharaoh. The commoner Jounochi Katsuya, friend of the Great Royal Husband and consort of the High Priest, enjoyed a seat of honor at the banquet, beside Priest Seto. The Thief King made no mischief to speak of. 
That night, everyone in the palace enjoyed a peaceful, exhausted sleep. When dawn came, the air was undisturbed by human movement and filled only with early morning birdsong. 
A single person broke that stillness—one Jounochi Katsuya, making his somewhat meandering way through the courtyard of the palace. And, as he neared the front gates, a second approached from behind him; called out. 
The young man turned; tilted his head. "Oh. Hey, Yugi." 
The Great Royal Husband halted; took in Jounochi's determined expression and the bag slung over his shoulder. With a sinking heart, he asked, "Where are you going?" 
Jounochi smiled. "Back home. I never thought Seto'd change his mind, or anything. I just hung around for one last night with him, and that's that. That's how it is, between us. I get that. I always knew that." 
Yugi frowned; reached out and took one of Jounochi's hands in both of his. "I don't know about all that—I can't speak to your relationship with Priest Seto—but I would like it if you stayed." 
"Thanks for being my friend, Yugi," was Jounochi's reply. "You're the best one I've ever had. I mean that." 
They embraced, tightly; Yugi clung to Jounochi, knotting his hands in the other's shirt, and then they parted.
"Come visit any time," Yugi said. 
"Thanks. I think this is goodbye, though." 
Yugi nodded. "I... understand." 
"Say 'bye' to Bakura for me," Jounochi said, backing up as he did so. "Tell him I'm sorry we never got that proper fight, okay?" 
"I will..." Yugi took a single step after him, but stopped there; watched as Jounochi took one slow step back after another. 
"And don't even bother to tell that bastard Seto 'bye,' for me!" Jounochi called, then waved. "Thanks for everything, Yugi!" 
"We'll still be friends!" Yugi called after him, and Jounochi's smile faltered. 
"Yeah... yeah, friends forever!" he yelled, then spun and began to run; Yugi saw one arm rise to cover his face, as he did so. 
"Friends forever!" he called. "Goodbye, Jounochi!"
... ... ... 
"Obelisk the Tormentor... and Slifer the Sky Dragon..." Atem murmured.
His High Priest nodded, standing before him at the side of the throne room. It was mid-morning, the day after the banquet. "Two of the Three Lost to Time. Two of the three god cards. The third has eluded me." 
"Finding even one of them is a feat thought impossible, by many..." Atem murmured. "You've done well. Far beyond well." 
Seto nodded. "My Pharaoh honors me, with such words." And he offered the two cards on upturned palms. 
Atem considered them, then picked up Slifer the Sky Dragon. Seto looked questioningly at him. 
"My Lord?" 
"Obelisk is yours, Cousin. You've dueled well, with it, and are deserving." 
Seto looked perturbed. "They're both yours, by rights, Pharaoh. I left to find them on your behalf." 
"Then consider Obelisk a gift, if you must," Atem replied. "Either way, it is yours." 
Seto hesitated, for another moment, and then pulled the card back toward himself. "Thank you, Pharaoh. You honor me." 
Atem smiled. "I do. But you needn't be so formal about it." 
Seto still dipped his head when he said, "You honor me, Cousin." 
"And you didn't leave on this mission on my behalf," Atem scoffed. "Don't try to feed me such lies." 
Seto's head snapped up. "It's not—!" 
"You left because you were running away. From what happened." Atem's voice wasn't harsh; his expression was gentle and open. "What's done is done, Seto. There's no need for that, anymore. You're home, and I hope you'll stay." 
Seto shifted; began to turn, and said, "Excuse me. I have business to attend to."
"Stay, Seto."
Seto bent his head again, though he didn't turn back. "If that is my Pharaoh's command." 
"It's not a command," Atem said, softly. "It's a request." 
And Seto replied, after a moment, "I'll stay, Cousin..."
... ... ... 
"It looks like it hurts..." Yugi murmured, running his hands gently along the bruises that mottled Atem's chest. They, along with some scrapes about his shoulders and face, were the extent of his injuries from his duel with High Priest Seto. Mentally, though, the Pharaoh had taken less damage from the final attack than was to be expected—there had been no fear, on his part, or malice on Priest Seto's, at the moment of impact, and that had softened the blow.
"It's fine," Atem murmured, kissing Yugi's shoulder; working his way along the collar bone, and then hovering above Yugi's throat. He kissed the hollow at the base of Yugi's neck, then ran the tip of his tongue lightly up; nipped his jaw. Yugi shivered. 
"Really... I wish you hadn't taken that last hit..." Yugi breathed, although his breath kept hitching. 
Atem nibbled, then sucked at Yugi's neck, just below his jawline, leaving a scarlet mark before replying. "I had to, love... We had to settle it. And now it's settled." 
"No more fighting? Really?" Yugi asked, stubbornly refusing to be distracted. 
"No more fighting..." Atem breathed; kissed Yugi's mouth, quickly, and breathed between kisses, "No fighting... unless Bakura... starts it..." 
Yugi shoved Atem's chest, at that, and Atem grunted softly in pain. Yugi, remembering the bruising, gave an alarmed squeak. "I-I'm sorry...! I wasn't thinking...!"
"If you weren't thinking, we wouldn't be having this conversation... Stop thinking..." Atem growled, giving up on spoken words as he attacked Yugi's mouth again. Yugi's body arched involuntarily, despite his whine of protest. 
"We're not done talking about this...!" he said, and then groaned into Atem's mouth. 
"We can talk about it later..." was Atem's reply, as his fingers sought out each sensitive spot on Yugi's body. 
"I'm sure it'll come up again. I got Seto to say he's staying. I almost thought he wouldn't."
Yugi felt Atem's distress bubble up, with that thought, and wrapped his arms around the Pharaoh's neck; kissed him back, to soothe him. "But you got him to stay. So don't worry."
"Right... it wasn't just because of me that he stayed, though. I'm sure."
That made Yugi pause, and for a moment they both stilled, short of breath and with passion halfway begun. "What? What do you mean?" 
"The boy. Jounochi." Atem matched Yugi's verbal speech, for a moment, and Yugi sensed his lingering dislike for the young man in question. Atem reverted to telepathy, for efficiency's sake, to convey without words how Priest Seto had left in search of the god cards; how he had sworn it was on his Pharaoh's behalf; how Atem had always known it to be an excuse, for the palace had become an uncomfortable place for young Seto Kaiba. "But he only found two of the three gods, so he could've stayed away, according to his own pretext. He came back because he wanted to. He came back because of the boy."
"Couldn't he have just been homesick? After all that time?"
Atem's head was turned slightly, his gaze distant. "No... not my cousin. We may not appear it, but we know one another well. He's not the type to suffer from ailments such as homesickness."
"So... Jounochi?"
"Mm. I don't know his motivation, exactly... but that's the only thing I can think of. That's the only variable that could've changed his mind, for whatever reason."
Yugi frowned, then said aloud, "I hope he comes back, then." 
Atem looked down in surprise. "'Comes back?'" 
Yugi nodded. "Jounochi. He doesn't think... I mean, he left, this morning." 
Atem smiled suddenly; began to laugh, the sound soft and warm. 
Yugi stared up at him, surprised. "Atem?" 
"Don't worry, Partner..." Atem leaned down; kissed him, and so passionately that Yugi had no choice but to respond. "It's been taken care of."
"What do you mean... Pharaoh...?"
"We cousins may not appear it, but we know each other well. It's been taken care of."
"Pharaoh, please explain...!" Yugi's whine, as Atem's hands began again to wander, suited the pensive thought. 
"Later, Partner... we said we'd talk about this later..."
"Later, my love."
"Later... Pharaoh..."
... ... ... 
Jounochi Katsuya sat in a dingy tavern at the very edge of town—the next town over, from the royal city. It had been a couple of days since he'd covered such a distance in one day, so his legs were a bit achy, and he propped them up on the empty chair across the table while he drank his beer.
"Aah..." Leaning back, Jounochi let his head hang; closed his eyes. He was strangely comfortable with the fact that his time as Priest Seto's... whatever he had been... was over. But he had no idea what would be next for him, then. He would return to his family; try to find work... and what? Perhaps take a wife, for the sake of meeting social expectations; perhaps not. Perhaps he'd never take another lover, and keep instead to whores and one-night-stands for company. 
Maybe that jerk Kaiba's wrecked me... for good... Jounochi smiled, when the thought occurred to him. Maybe...
The chair was jerked suddenly out from under his feet, and he gave a shout of surprise as he bolted upright. A familiar shape thudded down across from him, waving for the tavern staff. 
"Wine, please," the newcomer said. "The best you have." 
"Wh-Wha..." Jounochi tried, then stood and spluttered, "Wh-Wh-What?!" 
"Have some dignity, pup," the man said, with a motion. "Sit down." 
Jounochi slumped back into his chair; stared at Seto Kaiba, even as the High Priest thanked the serving girl for the wine. He poured two bowls. 
"Drink. You look like you could use it." 
"You... you came after me?" Jounochi breathed, and Seto narrowed his eyes. 
"Don't ask questions with such obvious answers." And he sipped his wine. Jounochi, at a loss, did the same. 
After they'd both finished their drink, Priest Seto stretched across the table; grabbed the front of Jounochi's shirt and kissed him, more insistently than passionately. Upon drawing back, he bit Jounochi's lip hard enough to make the other yelp; to draw beads of scarlet blood. 
"Come home, pup. Don't make me chase you all the damn way back to the start." 
Jounochi's breath caught, and he grabbed Seto's wrist as the High Priest went to retract it. Seto regarded the display with slight amusement. 
"You jerk. Stealing my shtick." 
"You're the one who ran away, this time." 
Jounochi drew a breath, then let it out with a chuckle. "It's already dark. We'll have to spend the night here, for sure. I'll decide in the morning, whether I'll keep running or not. What'd'ya say?" 
But Priest Seto shook his head. "I'm through sleeping anywhere but my own bed." He stood; used the grip Jounochi still had on his wrist to pull the other up, as well, and led him toward the tavern's door. 
Jounochi was drawing breath, once again, to object, but again let it out before speaking. Seto motioned almost demurely to the chariot waiting outside, all but blocking the street. Several palace folk stood by the horses, and Seto motioned one of them over. 
"Go pay the tavern owner," he instructed the servant, then said to Jounochi with a smirk, "You can't expect the High Priest to go looking for his lost puppy on foot, now can you?"
Jounochi grimaced at him. "That's how I always had to come after you."
"You and I aren't quite of the same privilege," Seto replied. "Or the same breeding, or the same social standing. And yet..." he threaded his fingers through Jounochi's hair, startling the young man, "here I am, come to retrieve you anyway." 
"And you still manage to be a jerk while doing it..." Jounochi muttered, but didn't resist when Seto shooed him on ahead toward the carriage. "I haven't decided yet, y'know," Jounochi objected, as he was bundled inside. "I may be gone again tomorrow morn—aah!" 
The High Priest gave him a rather hard shove, sending him crashing face-first into the carriage's cushioned seat. Seto was on top of him before he could right himself, pinning him down, and the carriage door shut behind them with a soft click. 
"Don't be so disagreeable," Seto ordered, close to his ear; Jounochi shivered. "It just makes me want to put you in your place..." 
Jounochi tried to think of a retort as his ear was bitten; as his trousers were pulled down in one swift motion. He felt the carriage begin to move with a gentle lurch, the sounds of horses' hooves an echo behind Seto's harsh breathing. 
"What do you want, Joey? Anything... I'll do anything you want... For this carriage ride, the High Priest will be your servant..." 
Jounochi gave a breathless chuckle. "That's a weird thing to say, when you've got me pinned." 
"I know what you like..." Seto rasped. "That's why..." 
"And if I had something different in mind?" 
"Then I am your servant." And the High Priest bit his neck; sucked, then licked the spot as if in apology. 
Jounochi's whole body shuttered. "Maybe... after... y'know. After y'know what... then I'll think'a something... different..."  
"As you command, Lord Joey..."
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gx-gameon · 5 months
Gx watch through continues
This is the part of Gx where they start throwing things at the wall and see what sticks. It makes the show both endearing and ridiculous
Episode 12
Jaden your a butthole. Walking three batters so he can get the chance to pitch to Bastia and get even. I love your competitive spirit but my boy rein it in.
Crowler why are you putting down Chazz to put up Bastian? Like I get you want and obelisk blue to beat Jaden but to publicly humiliate Chazz and tell him you will drop his dorms if he loses all because he lost to Jaden is wild. (Like I want Chazz to become a better person but Crowler stop bullying your students)
I love Bastian getting Jaden and Syrus to help him paint his dorm and hang out. Also I love how much they support Bastian.
Meeting Chases brother for the first time. I hate them just as much as I remeber
I love Bastian coming to sleep over at the Slifer dorm. (This is setting up for all the students who start living there in season 2)
I love Dorthy coming to tell Jaden about Bastian’s cards getting thrown into the harbor. I love Jaden’s worry for his friend. (Chazz that’s such a dirty trick)
I love Alexis and Zane coming to rat out Chazz’s actions. (But Alexis why didn’t you get the cards out of the water? Like I get it it’s dark and harbor deep but Joey Wheeler jumped off the side of a moving ship to get Exodia. You knew those were someone’s cards and you act like your deck is your life, so why not try and save a few? By the time Jaden gets there they are ruined but not when Alexis is there. Obviously the current is nonexistent if the cards haven’t moved between Chazz dumping them and Jaden finding them. Fl just jump in!)
Love the reveal that Bastian has six decks strapped to him at all times.
I love Bastian’s chemistry deck. I wish they did more with it. Making creatures based on the elements of the period table and then creating fusions for compounds would be sick. (I know they have something similar but I want more of these element themed dinosaurs)
I love Jaden and Zane (we will throw Alexis in to) complementing Bastian’s dueling skills to Syrus
Bastian proving that Chazz stole his cards by showing the formula he wrote on one, amazing “Chazz you stole you cheated, you lost, you deserve to be demoted.” Why didn’t we get more of this Bastian?
Also Bastian refusing to become obelisk until he’s the number one duelist in the freshman class. And then turning to Jaden and saying that’s you.
Episode 13
The monkey looks like and Xenomorph with the helmet and wires on it.
Chazz leaves the school. Jaden calling out how awful Chazz’s friends are. Then they all decide to go and look at him.
A dueling monkey named Wheeler. Enough said.
In this au this episode is summed up with a picture of Jaden and Wheeler going in the family group chat. “It’s me and Uncle Joey.” Joey is high key offended, how could his littlest buddy betray him like this. The. Jaden tells them what happened. Joeys still mad but now at Kaiba.
Jaden also tells them about how the scientist were going to take all of the monkeys and the student if Professor Banner didn’t come to their rescue. Seto’s furious. “Oro-san I never ask this, but can you fire these guys?”
Episode 14
I love the duel spirit is showing up this early.
Jaden not going home for the holidays shows that his cannon parents and him aren’t close. In this au I think he stays because Syrus and Chumley are staying.
Using jinzo to call back to the DM show (Joey’s getting so many shout outs)
Jaden offering his soul to save three other people, it’s very heroic, but Jaden please work on your self-sacrificing attitude before people (your friends) take advantage of it.
I love that Jinzo see Kuriboh and is surprised Jaden has a duel spirit beside him. Jaden’s “he’s a friend first and a spirit second.” I love them.
Jaden ending the episode knowing that duel spirits are real, and dangerous. Great set up.
Episode 15
This dumb episode.
Why are we dueling over Alexis? To be her fiancée? Her and Jaden are first years and this guy is a third year. (It’s giving ‘where my hug at?’ Energy)
Alexis saying the only reason she’s still there is to see if Harrington is as strong as Zane. Fair. But also I wish she was more active.
I already said that Jaden doesn’t know what a fiancée is in this au because Yugi and Seto skip that step. But I also see him being very upset at the way Harrington talks about Alexis. He was raised around Mai and Téa. He’s not taking this.
He was already annoyed with the way Harrington kept interrupting their conversation with his over possessiveness. I think when Harrington challenges him and says ‘winner gets to be Alexis fiancée,’ Jaden might not know what that means but he’s not a fan of this guy trying to make decisions for Alexis. He turns to Alexis and points at the guy. “Do you want to duel him or do you want me to?” Harrington is upset because he challenged Jaden! But Alexis is touched that Jaden puts the ball in her court.
Harrington is throwing a fit so Alexis tells Jaden he can duel but she’s not going to be anyone’s fiancée. After the match Haden goes over to her and asks ‘what’s a fiancée anyway?’ Which surprises everyone and allows Alexis to responded with “it doesn’t matter. We’re friends.” And Jaden just shrugs it off. If Alexis doesn’t care why should he.
Episode 16
Crowler being stressed about his obelisk’s losing duels and having Antes with are against the school rules. (Didn’t Chazz’s first duel with Jaden have an Ante? Look how many rules that boy broke)
Also him comeing to Jaden to fix his problem. (And so it begins, Jaden being the school aron boy.) “no homework for you and Syrus for the rest of the year!”
Chumley asking Jaden “do you even know how to say no?” And Jaden looking confused that’s it that’s the root of all of Jaden’s problems
I love how much more active kuribih is. And that there is a track in the academy for kids who want to design games, not just play them. Since that is what Seto and Yugi do they grow up to make games/game tech.
Jaden you did not just put Winged Kuriboh up as an ante. Atem is going to lecture you hard when he finds out
Jaden figured out the duel giants identity in less then 24 hours. Anyone who says Jaden isn’t smart is wrong. He just has tunnel vision.
These two losers being willing to sacrifice their dreams for each other. Jaden not turning them in because he knows what it means to be made fun of. I wish these two were reoccurring characters. Jaden is such a good person
Also the two returned all of the ante cards. Way to go Jaden.
Episode 17
Unlabeled sandwiches! This place is ridiculous
A whole episode to practice the destiny draw.
Over all thoughts for the au
These probably won’t get full chapters
Bastian’s duel probably will as will Alexis. And the jinzo episode defiantly will get covered.
but the duel monkey, duel giant and destiny draw episodes will be covered in text messages between Jaden and his family.
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Yami Yugi Role-play Deck
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This week I decided to do a build for Yami Yugi or Atem from the Duel Monsters run of the Yugioh anime. This build is as anime accurate as I can get it, combining some of the characters best cards and strategies. I will state that I am not very good at Yugioh; I just like having fun and building fun decks and this deck is intended for nothing more than roleplaying. Below is the current deck recipe.
Dark Magician x 1
Jack’s Knight x 1
Beta the Magnet Warrior x 1
Gamma the Magnet Warrior x 1
Queen’s Knight x 1
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts x 1
Alpha the Magnet Warrior x 1
Obelisk the Tormentor x 1
The Winged Dragon of Ra x 1`
Slifer the Sky Dragon x 1
Valkyrion the Magna Warrior x 1
Buster Blader x 1
Dark Magician Girl x 1
Berfomet x 1
Celtic Guard of Noble Arms x 1
Skilled Dark Magician x 1
Magician’s Valkyria x 1
King’s Knight x 1
Breaker the Magical Warrior x 1
Obnoxious Celtic Guard x 1
Big Shield Gardna x 1
Kuriboh x 1
Magician of Black Chaos x 1
The Eye of Timaeus x 1
Sage’s Stone x 1
Polymerization x 1
Thousand Knives x 1
Dark Magic Veil x 1
Monster Reborn x 1
Dark Magic Curtain x 1
Black Magic Ritual x 1
Magical Dimension x 1
Multiply x 1
De-Fusion x 1
Dark Renewal x 1
Mirror Force x 1
Magic Cylinder x 1
Spellbinding Circle x 1
Seven Tools of the Bandit x 1
Magic Jammer x 1
        Extra deck
Dragon Master Knight x 1
B. Skull Dragon x 1
Amulet Dragon x 1
Dark Paladin x 1
Gaia the Dragon Champion x 1
Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight x 1
Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast x 1
 Side Deck
Gaia the Fierce Knight x 1
Summoned Skull x 1
Curse of Dragon x 1
Sorcerer of Dark Magic x 1
Catapult Turtle x 1
Obnoxious Celtic Guard x 1
Electromagnetic Turtle x 1
Black Luster Soldier x 1
Double Spell x 1
Diffusion Wave-Motion x 1
Black Luster Ritual x 1
Mage Power x 1
Lightforce Sword x 1
Shift x 1
Magical Hats x 1
   This deck is made using cards Atem has actually been seen using or has had listed in deck profiles. Essentially it’s focused on getting Dark Magician to the field or a god card. Your DM pieces are Dark Magician Girl/Sage’s Stone, dark magic curtain, dark magic veil, dark renewal or Skilled Dark Magician. All of those cards are fairly solid, giving you quick ways to get a 2500 beater on board. It’s when you move over to the gods that things get a bit shaky.
 First off all three god cards are in the deck (pretty obvious since this is a deck based around Atem’s cards), each requiring three tributes each which means you’re not going to be summoning more than one or two in a duel. The shakiest would be the poker knights since they require such a specific order to use the special summoning ability. You have to have Queen’s Knight already on the field when you play King’s Knight which will then let you special summon Jack’s Knight from the deck. So you have to play the other two and not draw Jack in order to activate King’s special ability to give you three tributes. Next up would be the Magnet Warrior combo which is a lot better considering you can play them in any order and combine them to get a stronger monster, then just uncombined them to get your three tributes back.
 Typically you’ll use Obelisk since he’s kind of an all-purpose for this deck. Slifer would be a decent option as well but since his power relies on having cards in your hand you might want to consider opting for a strategy of limiting what you use in your hand. Ra is kind of hard to use unless you can summon the beast early on when you still have high life points and shoot for game.
 Alternatively, you could switch out the god cards for any of the cards in the side deck. Such as Gaia and Curse of Dragoon. However Gaia the Dragon Champion only has 2600 ATK points. Alternatively, Dark Magician is way easier to summon and only has 100 points less than Dragon Champion, also with the way deck is set up Dark Magician girl can easily match Dragon Champion with DM and Magician of Black Chaos in the grave. Dark Magician can also can a hefty attack boost with Mage Power since there are a few quick plays and all the traps are offensive you’ll be setting a lot. If you’re in a role-play and you have to tag duel with a Joey then you could toss in Summoned Skull for a B. Skull Dragon play. Or bring in BLS to summon Dragon Master Knight if you’re tag-teaming with a Kaiba role-player.  I have MBC in there to add to Dark Magician Girl’s ATK. You could also swap out the Celtic Guards or Magician’s Valkyria, Celtic Guard of Noble Arms allows for a couple of draws depending on how many Celtic Guardian monsters on your side of the field. Magician’s Valkyria could easily be swapped out for Electromagnetic Turtle and that’s probably the better option I just like Valkyria.
Multiply merely allows for a wall, with these slower role-play style decks your opponent is typically not going to clear your field in one turn so it will buy you some time to pull better plays to your hand. The spell cards are fairly basic and most of them work to bring out Dark Magician or a dark spellcaster. While the trap cards are counters, like Spellbinding Circle or Mirror Force.
The extra deck is really lackluster if I’m being honest, with a few fusions the deck can actually create on its own Amulet Dragon and Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight being your main fusions by means of the Eye of Timaeus, Dark Paladin is also a decent option but you’re only really going to summon it if you’re facing someone who’s playing a bunch of dragons. Chimera isn’t a bad option either if you’ve got the materials, and if it dies then you can get one of the two beasts fused back allowing you to do something else.
 To conclude that’s really about it. It’s a bricky deck that’s not going to win you a lot of games unless you’re using it in a role-play where everyone else is playing at a slow speed as well. Of course, if you have any suggestions or things to add feel free to comment. I may come back and improve upon this at a later point, and make it better.
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kcuf-ad · 2 years
Chapter 8 of Yugioh GX: Rewrite!
Some wacky adventures in Duel Academy. Aka Celina regrets coming in this school.
On my Fanfiction. site, AO3 and Wattpad. (Name: kcuf_ad.)
Chazz was currently packing all of his things in a suitcase. His clothes, his money, his phone and his annoying deck with his annoying duel spirits trying to cheer him on and they even tried to steal from Chancellor Sheppard, but he didn’t care at this point. He waved his hand and looked at the Dark Scorpions, “Look I know you are trying to cheer me up, but please leave me alone.” 
Don Zaloog tried to protest, but knew nothing would change his mind. He looked at the rest of the Dark Scorpions with a saddened face, and they knew what that meant. They disappeared from Chazz’s eyes. 
Truth be told, Chazz always could see them and talk to them and when he told other kids and even his brothers, they thought he was crazy and called him an idiot. Monsters aren’t real they said, and that was when they started treating them like dirt. 
Nothing more. Nothing less.
He looked at his Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba poster he had on his walls, the two people he respects most in the world. The people that were the only reason why he even duels. He sighed as he took the posters off the walls and into his suitcase. 
He looked all over his room, well used to be his room, and took a deep breath as he went to his doorknob, pulled the door and exited the Obelisk Blue dorm, Chazz took his phone out and called for a boat to a different Academy. The closest would do, but he wouldn’t care which one. 
“Goodbye, Duel Academy.” thought Chazz as he went to the docks, also hearing a monkey? He didn’t care about that as the boat arrived, and then he left Duel Academy.
Jaden and Celina were currently in Professor Marco’s Duel Linguistics class, and it was BORING for both of them, but only Jaden wanted to show how boring it is by sleeping it. Celina was bored too, but she didn’t want to fail his class. 
“Okay, so I have to know the difference between If and When in the card names. Okay seems simple enoug-” Celina’s thought process was ruined when Syrus opened the doors running towards the sleeping Slifer Red. 
“Jaden this is awful!” Syrus woke up Jaden, catching his attention, “Chazz is missing! We need to find him!” 
“And that’s awful how?” asked Jaden. 
“Yeah, how is that awful?” asked Celina, “Isn’t that good news?”
Syrus thought for a minute before looking at them, “Well isn’t he supposed to be your duel rival?” 
“Nah, I have Jaden on that.” answered Celina as she looked at Jaden, but he was shocked at the truth. 
Jaden jumped out of his seat, causing a scene, “That’s right! We need to get him back, right Celina? Celina?” but to his dismay, she was on her seat paying attention, “Are you going or what?” 
“No, he is a prick, also I thought we were duel rivals?” said Celina, a bit offended that Jaden would call a jerk like Chazz a rival, rather than a friend. 
“What, I can’t have more than one duel rival?” Jaden asked as then Bastion, Zane, a North Academy student and a guy in a gray suit somewhere in Domino City then sneezed, “Besides, what Sy said was true, I can’t do that to my rival so let’s go!” 
“Sorry, but no thank you.” said Celina as she sat on her seat, but then a lightbulb went up inside of his head. 
“If you don’t come, I won’t duel you.” And that was all that it took to make Celina go with them. They walked towards the door of the classroom until Marco looked at them. 
“And where do you think you are going?” Marco asked as all of them got stiff as a rock. “Crap, we forgot we were in a classroom!” 
“Ahh, you see, Professor,” started off Syrus as he looked at Jaden, “Me and Jay were going to the bathroom because…”
“Sy has diarrhea.” stated Jaden and it took all of him and his indigo haired friend not to burst out laughing. 
“Because I have diarrhe- What.” Syrus glared at Jaden, who had a cheeky grin on his face. He sighed, “Yes, because I have diarrhea.” He rubbed his cheeks as he can’t believe that was the reason why they would leave. 
Marco nodded, “Alright, I will excuse you two, just notify me before you go, understand?” Both the Slifers nodded, “Good, now what is your reason, Ms Boyle?”
Celina quickly answered, “That time of the month.” 
“I understand then, take your time, just return to class after you are done, okay?” Celina nodded, “Alright then, you three are excused.” Said Professor Marco as he continued his lecture. Alexis and her two Obelisk Blue looked at the door and then each other. Yep they have followed each other. 
The entire class was then shaken when they heard laughter as soon as the door was closed. Most likely from Jaden and Celina. 
A while later
Jaden and Celina were nearly done laughing as they exited Duel Academy with tears in their eyes from too much laughter. “I am sorry, Sy! I couldn’t help myself!” 
Syrus didn’t say anything as he continued walking as they heard three figures behind them, “You know, if you continue like that, the entire school is gonna hear you.” all of them turned, only to see Alexis and her two friends behind her, Jasmine and Mindy. 
“Oh, hello, Alexis, why are you outside and how did you get out?” asked Celina.
“Same excuse that you used,” all of them ‘ahh’ed, “And because while Chazz is a jerk a lot of the time, he is still an Obelisk, and we can’t let that slide.”
“And because he is hot!” stated Mindy with Jasmine nodding to that. 
Alexis sighed, of course they would focus on that rather than actually help an Obelisk. “Do you need help with finding him?”
Jaden grinned, “Sure, Lex! The more the merrier!” 
“Why not?” said Syrus. 
“I don’t mind.” said Celina 
A while later
The three Slifer Reds and Obelisk Blues continued searching for Chazz. They looked for them, tried using bait, tried using fried shrimp on a box like they would catch a skunk in an old cartoon, they even tried yelling “Chazz!”, which was their way right now to get his attention. 
“Come here, Chazz!”
“Get here, Chazz!”
“Come out wherever you are, Chazzarino!” yelled Syrus, Jasmine, Mindy and Jaden and then everyone looked at Jaden like he grew two more heads. “What?” 
Celina took a deep breath, “Chazz, come out! Come on! Stop hiding, you no-good, money-hogging, card loving, big headed, egocentric, short tempered, Ojama humping, butt munching asshole!” Everyone then looked at Celina, “What? Better than nothing.” 
Alexis put her hands on her hips, “You know what? I am tired of this!” she took a deep breath and then, “CHAZZ COME OUT YOU LITTLE BEEP OR I SWEAR ON GOD IF YOU DON’T, PRAY THAT WE DON’T FIND YOU!” 
“Wow, and I thought I had a temper.” muttered Celina as they heard  a rustle in the bush, straightforward of them.
“Hey did any of you hear that?” asked Mindy.
“Yeah, I heard that too.” admitted Jasmine. 
“Kinda sounds like an animal,” said Syrus.
“Huh, I wonder what is tha-” then from the bushes came out a monkey! That also wore metal parts that looked like armour? They didn’t pay attention to that as the monkey went towards them, “HOLY KURIBOHS!” 
The monkey then tackled all of them at the same time, creating a small comical sized dust cloud that covered all of them at the same time. From it, there were punching and kicking sounds. 
“Ahh, someone kicked me in the knees!”
Someone then punched someone in the face, “Oww! My face!”
After a minute or so of whatever that happened, the monkey then grabbed Jasmine! The monkey then began running away when it heard, scientists!? And one of them held a gun! What is this school!? 
“Shoot Wheeler, now!” commanded the leader, who looked like the same size as Syrus, who actually looked like a monkey. The man had a long black beard and long black hair. He wore square glasses.
“Don’t worry!” yelled the scientist that had a gun in his hands, “I will get that banana munching, knuckle dragging, trash swinging, feces throwing, ugly frickin’ SON OF A-”
“Just shut up and shoot it, you idiot!” The scientist then aimed the gun at the monkey, but couldn’t do it as the monkey ran towards a cliff with a tree on the very edge. The scientists then ran after the monkey. 
The group that were getting their butt handed to them by the monkey finally got the idea that they should run after the monkey. All of them got up, but Celina was the only one who voiced her opinions, “Okay. Am I high, or did I just see a monkey wearing a duel disk with armour that got Jasmine?”
“No, you aren’t. That was reality.” said Syrus as Celina was reevaluating her life choices of going to this school.
Begrudgingly they went to the monkey, who was holding Jasmine hostage. The scientists try to shoot the monkey, but couldn’t do it since they would be shooting the girl. Jaden looked very closely and saw that the monkey had something. 
“Hey guys look at what the monkey is wearing!” Jaden pointed at the wrist of the monkey and Celina’s brain short circuited, “A duel disk! Either that or a very funny looking banana.” 
“Jaden, what is wrong with you?” asked Mindy of all people. 
“Nothing, why? But I do have a plan!” Jaden walked in as Celina was feeling brain death. 
“Jaden, please don’t tell me you are gonna duel that monkey.” 
Jaden didn’t say anything, he merely walked towards the monkey, a duel disk in his wrist. The scientists looked at Jaden, “Wait you are gonna duel Wheeler? This might be great for hi- where are you going, girl?”
Everyone turned to see Celina leaving, “I am not seeing Jaden duel a FUCKING MONKEY that is the same name as Joey Wheeler! I absolutely REFUSE to see that stupid duel! Good Luck! I am going back to class!” 
And so, Celina walked to Duel Academy, hearing explosions on the way and monkey screeching, now named Wheeler, with a face that just spoke “Do not talk to me, I am in a bad mood.” 
She walked into Professor Marco’s class, apologized for being late and sat on her seat. “Seto Kaiba, what is wrong with your school?”
“Man, Professor Banner knows how to cook.” Celina stretched as she finished dinner made by Banner himself and exited the dining area of the Slifer Red dorm. It was night time, and she decided to rest in the dining area after the incident with the monkey, by either play testing her hand or fixing her deck. 
As soon as she stepped on the stairs, she saw a certain brunette and bluenette, and then she realized how they explained that one to Chumley of why they were late. “Hey, wait a sec! We gotta explain what happened!” yelled Jaden, trying to wake up every other Slifer there. 
She waited for them for about a minute as they showed up, close to her dorm room. She sighed, “Okay, what happened after I left?” She asks with caution. 
“Oh nothing much, just a helmet that reads the monkey’s mind!” said Syrus, and Celina regretted even asking that question.
“Yeah, and the fact the monkey, Wheeler, had a family and Banner swooped in and saved the day!” said Jaden enthusiastically as punched the air. 
Celina rubbed her forehead in frustration, these guys are gonna give her a migraine one day. “Okay, what about Chazz? You know, the whole reason why we even left class in the first place?” 
Jaden bit his lip, he sorta forgot to notify her after hearing that, “Oh…that. He left Duel Academy as he used his family’s yacht.” 
Celina deadpanned. She took a deep breath and opened the door of her dorm room and closed it, without saying a word. She didn’t care at this point anymore. She needed sleep and she will get it by jumping on her bed, making her fall asleep. 
A week later
It has been a week after the incident that Celina wishes she would forget for the rest of her life, and it was the final week of the first semester of her freshman year. She decided to stay like Jaden, Syrus, Chumley and Zane. Alexis and her two friends and Bastion decided to leave the island for the break and to stay with their family. The rest of the students left because they wanted to get off the island, which she wouldn’t blame them if she was honest.
To her knowledge, Jaden stayed because his parents were busy all the time and they only get breaks during the summer, since the business in Industrial Illusions was overwhelming this time of the year and his mum was with her modeling business, Syrus stayed because he wanted to stay with Jaden and his parents were fine with that as long as they got pictures and information about his well being and Chumley stayed since his dad’s hot sauce business was taking the life out his dad.
She didn’t understand why Zane stayed on the island, but for some reason around 22 o clock every night, he would walk in the forest, talk to himself about someone called Yusuke or Atticus, was that the name of Alexis’ brother, she really couldn’t remember and be disappointed whenever he didn’t find anything.  
She stayed because she wanted to stay without her embarrassing family, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t communicate with them over the phone with texts or calls. 
As such, she was currently on the call with Rin in her dorm room, “So yeah that’s the reason why I am staying in Duel Academy. I wanted to spend some time with friends and take a break from all of these tests.”
Rin was currently in her apartment while Yugo was in the garage fixing their motorcycle that they both use every day to either drive to work, grocery store or just driving around while the other is sitting with them, “I understand, but it would be a shame without you being there. How did uncle and auntie react to this?”
Celina shrugged, “Oh you know, my dad was an emotional wreck, my mum trying to reassure him that everything will be alright and Zuzu was, well I couldn’t tell from her grammatical and spelling errors.” She did that all in text, and explains that Zuzu was on the family computer since she was too young for a phone.
Rin chuckled, “Yeah, I kinda expected that, if I am being honest. But we will miss you.”
“Yeah, I will miss you too.” Celina sighed, but then she remembered something that happened last week, something that she swore to forget, “Do you know what happened last week? Well me and my friends were going to see where a certain prick was, instead we saw a monkey with an armour and a duel disk with several scientists trying to catch it. Also the monkey was named Wheeler.”
“...What drugs are you on?” asked Rin. 
“No, I am being ser-”
“And can I have some?” 
“RIN! NO! I am being serious!” said Celina as she reached for her phone, “That actually happene-” and then she heard the door of the dining room being crashed, twice. It must be the two doors that Banner put for some reason, “I am sorry to cut this short, but I heard the door crashing. See ya!” Before Rin could ask what was going on, Celina canceled the call. 
She opened the door and ran towards the dining room only to see an Obelisk Blue student, with a brown mullet down to his shoulders with square glasses on the floor while Jaden and Syrus stopped the duel, Chumley stopped eating his grilled cheese sandwich and Banner looked at the down student. 
The now down Obelisk looked at Banner, “Why do you guys have 2 doors?” 
“I thought it would look great.” said Banner as he looked closely at the Obelisk, and realized that was one of his students, “Torrey? What are you doing here?”
“Also why do you look like you saw a ghost?” asked Celina as Torrey looked at her with a shocked expression. 
“That’s because I did!” exclaims Torrey as Celina deadpanned, the Obelisk then turned around towards Banner, “We used your studies to summon a monster in real life without a duel disk. Me and my friends wanted to see if it would become true so we tried bringing Jinzo to life and he wanted 3 sacrifices! We thought he wanted cards, but he wanted much more than that. My friends were sacrificed, but then he wasn’t satisfied by that so he wa- where are you going?” 
The Slifers and Banner looked at Celina going to the stairs with disbelief written all over her face, she then turned around to see them, “I am not being involved with this. I am not seeing Jinzo come here, threaten us, almost kill us because some idiots tried to summon a monster used by Joey. I still have war flashbacks with the monkey. Have a good night.” 
“Huh, she did the same thing last week.” said Jaden as Syrus looked at him.
“Jay, you dueled a monkey…that spoke… and played a monkey deck. I don’t blame her.” said Syrus as both Torrey and Chumley looked at them confused, but then the power was then cut. 
Celina was in her room, looking at her phone, and tried to watch a Duel Monster guide on the Red Eyes archetype, but she saw the power was out so she went to her contacts and tapped a contact that was named Lulu. And so they began a conversation. 
It was normal. They talked about how Shay was doing, who was now in house arrest, how Yuto was doing, who was in a full body cast, how she was doing in Duel Academy, how Lulu was doing with her job as a vet, why she wanted to stay at Duel Academy, which now she regrets ever going here and now they were talking about the summoning of the Duel Spirits. 
“And so yeah, they tried to summon Jinzo and were shocked that he was summoned.” said Celina, tired like she went through war. 
Lulu looked at her phone, “Are you on drugs?”
“I am shocked that I am not on them, if I am being honest.” she looked at the ceiling and heard footprints on the steps, “I have to hear what they went through, see ya later.”
“See ya.” Lulu canceled the call as Celina got out of her room and looked at her friends.
“So, what kind of crack head thing happened this time?” she asks. 
“Well, Jay had to duel Jinzo.” 
“He nearly lost all of his body and soul to the duel.”
“And then he possessed Torrey!” exclaimed Chumley, Syrus and Jaden one after the other, while Celina took a deep breath. How is this possible? “But don’t worry! He and his friends were saved by me of course!”
Celina looked at the cliff and thought about jumping from it, this is too much. What is wrong with this school? She needs something to cool her off and then it hit her. “You know what? How about we have a deal? You don’t talk about anything that happened today and last week and you get to watch Demon Slayer: Mugen Train with me? Is that good?”
Jaden beamed at the sound of that, while the two others were fine with that, it was a good movie, but for Jaden, he could feel himself something in Kyojuro. He couldn’t put his finger where, but he just wanted to watch it. “Sure! No more of those memories! Come on, let's go!”
Both the Slifers shrugged their shoulders and they went in, they couldn’t wait to watch Rengoku die for the 5th time. 
Meanwhile at the abandoned dorm 
“Come on. There has to be something here.” said Zane as he went through the same place that Titan and Jaden dueled. He looked over the right side while Honest looked over the left side of the cave. 
While yes, the only thing that they found from either Atticus or Yusuke was Honest and a picture of Atticus, there was still hope for both of them. 
To one of them, it was their Master, the person he swore to protect when the tragedy happened to Yusuke, the person that loved duel spirits and wanted to make friends, but the only thing keeping him back was that he was terrified of being forgotten. 
But to the other was his two best friends that were irreplaceable. Both of them were like brothers to Zane, both played pranks on each other, learned their secrets and childhood, even the most embarrassing things about them and their memories put a smile on the Kaiser’s face. 
No matter what happens between each other, he knew that their bond would never be broken, no matter what. Zane would be happy even if one of them were alive, but something in him wanted both of them alive. 
He wants them back, and it won’t stop him from doing anything to break that concentration. He promised himself and Honest that he would bring them back, no matter what.  He thought he heard a demon growling so he turned around only to see Honest looking all over the place with a confused expression. 
Maybe it was lack of sleep, maybe. 
He looked at the angel, “Have you seen anything yet, Honest?”
Honest shook his head, “No, I am afraid not, Zane. It appears that everywhere we look, we can’t find any traces of either Master Fujiwara or Atticus. But we must lose hope.”
Zane sighed as he looked at the duel spirit, “Who said I am giving up?” Honest had a smile on his face as he said that. It was good enough to hear that someone other than him was determined to find his Master. 
He remembered all of the stories of the three Obelisks fooling around, dueling each other, trying to escape their fangirls, well Zane and his Master tried, watch movies together, talk to each other about anything in their life. 
He knew how much they meant to Zane, and that made them determined to find even just one of them, or any of their traces. He tried looking at Atticus’ room, but he didn’t find anything there, most likely Duel Academy gave them to Alexis after he left. 
Before he could remember Yusuke putting him in the box was a conversation with Banner about certain books and rituals, but he couldn’t remember it well. He thought he heard a demon growling, he turned around, but saw Zane still doing his searching. He shrugged his shoulders, maybe it was some hallucinations from too much paranoia. 
A few weeks later
Over the course of their winter breaks, the Slifer Red gang decided to help out Dorothy by cleaning the classrooms, the gym, stocking the cards and packs on the shelf, putting the new sandwiches in the storage. The reason why they did that? Because they were bored and they wanted to help her. 
Not to mention they also watched and finished the Classic story of Naruto and started Shippuden. They also played some board games, like Uno and Monopoly, and shockingly Chumley was the winner most of the time. They played games like Fall Guys, Minecraft and some fighting games like Dragon Ball Fighterz, to which, shockingly, Syrus was the king of. 
They did not know that they were gods of these types of games, never in a million years. 
When their friends, Alexis and Bastion, and the rest of the students arrived back on the island. The gang either gives them a pat on the back and/or gives them a handshakes and tells them how they spent their winter breaks, but Celina dragged them into the lighthouse to tell them the Jinzo incident. 
Their reactions were the same as her cousins, “Are you on drugs?” 
She should get used to that question whenever she tells them stories about this school. 
Anyways, since it was the first week of the second semester of the school year, the staff decided to put all of the students, from freshman to senior, from Slifer to Obelisk, play a sport where everyone could participate. They decided to pick tennis for one student in senior in Blue, because his parents were rich. 
Right now, Jaden and Celina are playing tennis back and forth. The ball hasn’t stopped since the game started. It was originally supposed to be Jaden and Chumley vs Celina and Torrey, but they quickly moved as they realized that if they don’t move out of the way, the ball will destroy them. 
It was going on for like 20 minutes and the ball hasn’t stopped once, both of them were on 0 - 0. The students who weren’t playing tennis, the majority of the students, were placing bets on who would win. It was a very close game, and it could go either way. 
While they did dislike tennis, they couldn’t let the other one win this and their competitive spirits were off the roof. Unfortunately, Jaden accidently hit the ball towards Alexis, still not finishing the game, but was stopped by an Obelisk Blue senior that had a brown mullet. 
The senior hit the ball away from Alexis, but at a cost, went towards a certain professor. “And that was the last time I got hit by a ball- OH DEAR!” Doctor Crowler was knocked out of his seat and fell flat on the floor with a ball covering right eye, mirroring the time Bastion threw the ball on him. 
The students either felt sorry for him, Bastion, or are straight up laughing at him, Jaden and Celina, but Crowler quickly stood up with rage in his eyes, “OKAY! WHO THREW THAT BALL!?” 
The Obelisk Blue senior raised his hand. “I know who threw that hand, Doctor Crowler! It was him, as he threw at this beautiful lady!” yelled the Obelisk as he pointed at Jaden, the students that were friends of Jaden were in shock. Sure he did throw that ball, but he didn’t mean to hit Alexis, it was an accident. Alexis then rolled her eyes, of course someone would say that. 
Zane, or any other student, tried to speak up, but Crowler was louder than them, “Alright! Thank you, Harrington! I want everyone out, except Jaden! And you,” he then pointed at Celina, “You are getting 2 weeks worth of detention!”
Celina was taken aback, “What did I do?!”
“For laughing at my pain, that hurt my feelings!” Crowler heard Celina saying, “pussy.” He then looked at her again, “That’s two more weeks!” 
“Damn it!” yelled Celina as she, and the rest of the students, went to the exit of the gym, leaving poor Jaden with Doctor Crowler alone. 
A few hours later
Normally detention lasts an hour or two, but that was only for Banner if you get detention by him. It all depends on who gives you detention. 
If it's Marco, you would get an hour and a half. Professor Stein, you would get at most 45 minutes. Fonda, you would get two hours. But the worst is Crowler, the least hours will be 4 hours if he was nice enough, but the worst one is 8 hours. 
Poor Celina got the worst teacher for detention, making her wait for 4 hours. She didn’t have her PDA, her phone, her deck or even her homework. She had to sit there, doing nothing.  
As soon as it was done, she ran towards how Jaden was doing, and if he was with Harrington, he would get slapped around from one side to a different side in a couple of minutes. She wished she can get a bowl of popcorn so she can see how Jaden is destroyed by a tennis match. 
He is extremely clumsy if it weren’t battling a friend and that was fun to watch. As soon as she entered she saw Harrington running with tears in his eyes with an arm covering them. And then saw Alexis facepalmed with Mindy and Jasmine trying to comfort the poor Obelisk Blue while Syrus was giving Jaden a massage. 
“Oh dear, something stupid happened, didn’t it?” Celina thought as she approached, “What happened this time?” she asked as Mindy and Jasmine looked at each other and then Alexis.
“Lex, why don’t you tell her?” 
“You can do it, Lex.” said both Jasmine and Mindy.
“Something happened.” thought Celina as Alexis looked at the only female Slifer Red in the eyes and then at Jaden, “Jaden, what do you think is a fiancee?” 
Celina’s jaw dropped bigger than Greece’s GDP as she looked at Jaden who looked at both of them. He just smiles, “A friend! Like Syrus, Bastion, you and Celina. Why do you ask? You explained it to me.”
Alexis looked at Celina, to which she fell anime-style so hard that it made a dent on the floor. Safe to say, she needed to go to Fonda’s office for this while muttering “you idiot.”
At night 
Zane looked at the night sky at the lighthouse, with Honest joining in, looking at it. It was nice to relax after a month of searching in the abandoned dorm. All that they could find was a card of Red Eyes Black Chick, but that was it. 
Nothing more. Nothing less. But it was better than nothing, they supposed. 
And then they heard footsteps coming closer, he looked at the figure by the corner of his eye and he saw Alexis with a disappointed face. He knew something bad happened to Jaden, as he knew that she was getting closer towards the Slifer. 
He glanced at her, “Did something happen to Jaden?”
Alexis leaned on the lighthouse with the same face she wore when she came here and looked at The Kaiser, “Yes, something did happen. Jaden dueled your classmate,” Zane sighed, he knew it was Harrington, “and the winner would get me as their fiancee.”
Zane pinched his nose while Honest looked at her in disbelief. Humans could do arranged marriages during duels. He knew that they could do it with money and a contract, but with a card game?! “And then what happened? Please tell me he won.” 
“Oh he did, that part didn't made me mad.” He looked at her confused, “After the duel, he went towards me and looked me in the eyes, and asked “So what does fiancee mean, any how?” I wish I was kidding.”
She looked at Zane and he facepalmed so hard, his hand was visible on his face, and she thought she heard something else facepalmed, must be her imagination. 
The Next Week
The rumors. There were several rumors about this Giant, that duels students, more specifically Obelisk Blue students, that wore a coat made out of the jackets of the defeated Obelisk Blues, using the ante rule which was banned in Duel Academy. 
Ante Duels are duels where the two, or more, opponents wager their cards, or even their entire decks, if they lost the duel. The reason why it was banned cause it promoted gambling and Seto didn’t want to remind himself of his loss against Yugi in the semifinals. 
The rumors began after one Obelisk lost to him, but then soon after only a few days, the rumor began spreading like wildfire. Obelisks left to right, dropping like flies. And they couldn’t catch him, he dueled in the night and was bigger than a house. 
It also made Obelisk’s look like jerks that can’t hold a deck properly and got in because of their parents, which were partially true. And Doctor Crowler did not like that, not one bit. 
Celina was walking with her friends after school, the classes were finally done and she can relax in detention, but unfortunately she had a horrible start to this. First of all she woke up after Jaden, which he wakes up almost 5 minutes before the class starts, so she had to go up fast. 
When she tried to clean her teeth with her toothbrush, there was no toothpaste so her breath would stink worse than Chazz’s Obelisk Blue jacket.
On top of all of that, Obelisks decided to make her day worse, by placing water buckets on the door, giving her fake gum that electrocuted her when she tried to take the piece of gum, took her seat when she tried to sit and she fell, almost stealing her deck and so much more. 
Jaden tried to calm her down by saying they will watch the Entertainment District Arc, and that the others will bring snacks. So she calmed down. 
She went to the group of 4 Obelisk Blue students and tried being friendly with them, “Hey, guys. What’s up?”
The group looked at her, and then she remembered that they were the ones making her day worse, “Oh, look it’s the Slifer Slackers!”
And then like a branch, she snapped, “What! You wanna say that again?!” she yelled out making everyone take a step back, “You wanna repeat that!? You BEEPing prick! Huh!? You wanna BEEPing start something?! Come on! Let’s go! Four on four! RED VERSUS BLUE!  No camp kills, I will FUCK you up!”
The Obelisks looked at each other, maybe it wasn’t a good idea to make her angry of all people. One of them stepped out, “Ju-just calm down.”
“SHUT THE BEEP UP, TED!” Celina threw hand out to the student, “WE are all pumped! We are all fucking ready! Let’s go!” The Obelisks decided that they would rather run in the halls and away from her to be the safest option to be away from her, but that won’t stop her. Nothing will, “YOU ARE NOT ESCAPING AWAY FROM ME!” she ran after them. 
What did her friends do to stop them? Nothing. They did not want to face her wrath. Smart choice. 
But the indigo haired duelist was unlucky as Crowler saw her chasing the scared Obelisks. He grabbed her shoulder, “Do I hear another 2 weeks of detention with 8 hours!? Cause I do! Two extra weeks!” He then pushed her towards the same room for the students that had to go to detention, she groaned. 
8 hours later
After the most agonizing 8 hours of her life, she thought on how did he get a teaching license. The man hates kids and punishes the wrong people. Sometimes she thinks that he bribed the school to let him work there. Won’t be a shocker if she was honest. 
She exited the building to see Jaden, Syrus and Chumley hiding behind the statues that resemble that of Obelisk The Tormentor. She sighed, “I’ll bite, what are you guys doing now?”
“Oh we are trying to catch the Duel Giant, well Jay is.”
“He wants me to challenge him to a game of checkers.”
“And then I come from nowhere and duel him!” said Syrus, Chumley and Jaden. This was way more tame than before, but this does beg the question. 
“I don’t think the Duel Giant plays checkers.” Celina said as then they heard someone yelling in pain, but it was most likely from a duel. 
“Hey, where are you going, Celina?” the brunette asked as he almost began running. 
“I am going to be straight with you, this is most likely a duel from an Obelisk and due to my shitty day with them, for all I know, let them suffer. Have a good night.” Celina said as she began walking off, while hearing the rest trying to stop her, but to no avail.
It only took her a couple of minutes to come to her room, she got dressed and landed on her bed. Dreaming about beating those Obelisks that annoyed her the entire day. 
The Next Day
Celina heard that the Duel Giant was defeated in a duel and returned to their respective owners and some Obelisk Blue were now nicer than before when they got their reality checked, but the Giant was never revealed. 
Which explains why Jaden and Syrus were doing their homework in blazing speed that every second they were doing it, they started a new one, in her detention time. Chumley was here for moral support.
Crowler was going from left to right, with an angry expression on his face, “So let me guess this straight. Not only did you beat the Duel Giant, without the Ante duel rule, which the other Obelisk Blues did, but you let him escape?!”
“Did I say escape, more like he ran to a giant peastock and hid there.” said the brunette as he continued writing his homework. 
“Alright, if that was true, then how did the cards return to the duelists without them noticing?” asked Crowler. 
“Maybe they magically appeared after he left Duel Academy.” 
Celina turned towards Chumley, “Okay, so what really happened?”
“Well, Jaden found the Duel Giant, wagered his Winged Kuriboh, summoned Rampart Blaster to take off the cloak, revealed two Ra Yellows, Brier and Beauregard, he defeated them and left them go after they explained how much they meant to each other.” explained Chumley as he and Celina looked at the two Slifers who continued writing their homework.
Celina nodded, “Alright, shockingly one of the more normal moments in this year.” Both of them nodded to that.
The Next Week 
It was currently break time at Duel Academy, so they had around 20 minutes to relax before class started again, so Celina decided to get a sandwich in the cafeteria, hoping to get the Golden Eggwich. 
You see, every week in Duel Academy, a Monday or a Wednesday, there are wrapped sandwiches in which they had different food in them and they can either be good, delicious or absolutely disgusting. 
Some flavours include: strawberry, fish butt, pizza, grilled tongue, ostrich eggs, grilled rock, steam dust, actual meat, salad, Crowler’s toenails, buns inside of the buns, tomatoes and so much more. Last week, she pulled a sandwich OUT of a sandwich. She couldn’t really describe what it tasted like. 
But there is a type of sandwich that is the top of the group, a Golden Eggwich. It only happens once a week when a roster, not a chicken, lays a golden egg and they use it not to sell it and gain profit, but to make it into a sandwich, which were mouth watering good. 
There is one downside though, you can only pull one sandwich a week so if you get one disgusting flavour, that’s what you get to eat until next week so everyone either has to be really lucky or be careful to pick one. 
And today she felt lucky, so she took one sandwich, took off the wrapper and took a bite. She chewed it and it was good, but not an Eggwich, it was more like beef than anything, but she couldn’t complain. It was really good so she continued eating the sandwich. 
Celina then heard the magnet of trouble and his sidekick, Jaden and Syrus, came running in. “Come on, Sy. I can’t be late for today and it is sandwich day! I hope to get the Golden Eggwich!” he then looked at Celina, “Hey, what did you get?”
Celina swallowed what she was eating, “Oh, beef. Not bad, it’s actually pretty good.” 
Jaden nodded his head, “Okay, that means I have a better chance to get the Eggwich!” he took off the wrapper and took a bite, “And here it comes…Uh.”
“Is something wrong, Jay?” asked Syrus as he looked at  his friends.
“It can’t be that bad. Can it?” asked Celina
Jaden looked at the other Slifers with tears in his eyes, “I got sardines!” he fell down, trying his best not to puke. They knew how much he hated fish, that was pretty much the only things he would not eat. And he ate styrofoam. 
“Don’t worry, Jaden, you can always give it to Pharaoh.” said Celina, but Syrus looked at her. 
“You would use it to catch him, wouldn’t you?” Celina turned to see the very interesting wall while eating her sandwich, rather than to answer Syrus’ question. 
“Better to get a bad draw here rather than in dueling, am I right?” asked Alexis as she walked in with two sandwiches in her hand, one of them must be from one of her fanboys, Harrington most likely. 
“Alexis?” Jaden looked at her and noticed that she held two sandwiches in her hands, “Oh I get it. One of them must be the Eggwich so you can have lunch with me, huh?” he halved-jokes, meanwhile Celina did a spit take, only in a food form aka she almost choked on her food. 
“How could he say that!?” Celina thought as for some reason she was…envy? No, it must be from the shock from the question. She turned around to see Syrus with a shocked expression, the other students' jaw dropped and Alexis blushed. “Wait, blushed?!” 
“No, I did not! I was trying to practice my draws!” argued back Alexis. 
“Sure you were.” 
“I was!” 
Dorothy came from the counter of the Card Shop to defend the poor Obelisk Girl, “She is telling the truth, Jaden. No one has drew an Eggwich for weeks now.”
“Weeks? How is that possible?” asked Celina, but Jaden already had a plan. 
“I have a plan!” yelled out Jaden, in the Card Shop, catching everyone’s attention. “How about we wait until night to see what happens with the Eggwich, so when we see what happens we can report it to Sheppard?” 
“Great idea, Jay!” agreed Syrus with Dorothy and Alexis joining on the idea as well, and then they looked at Celina who threw the wrapper in the trash. 
“Hmm?” she turned her head towards everyone, “Oh sorry, I can’t join. Would have like to, I am being honest, but detention.” Everyone ‘ahh’ed at that, understanding what she meant by that. 
The school bell rang, meaning break time was finished and they had to go to the classroom. So they went in towards Professor Banner’s Alchemy class, which was an excuse to see him making explosions, which backfired, a lot. 
A Few Hours Later
After the classes were finished, Celina decided to see what was happening in the Card Shop and if they have made any progress whatsoever. She opened the door and walked in, “Hey, guys sorry I am late, but I want to see what are you guys doing right now and I didn’t mean to distur…”
What standing there was something way more shockingly she could imagine. The man had no shirt, no shoes, but thankfully he did have some pants on. He had long brown hair that reached to his butt and had gray eyes. She also saw just how muscular this man is, he must go to the gym at least 5 times a week. 
And what did the man do exactly? Open a metal door, that was shut closed, get to the place where there were wrapped sandwiches. When he saw her, the door that was on the other side of the Card Shop was opened revealing everyone trying to stop this man, but the man was crazy enough to push  the cart away so hard that it destroyed the metal door with ease and everyone went after him. 
She looked at her hand, “Am…Am I on drugs?” She then looked at the clock and decided that what she really needed was sleep. “I am going back to bed.”
The Next Week
It was sandwich day, and this time she is going to get the Golden Eggwich! She was walking with Jaden, and this Obelisk Blue kid that was actually the guy that destroyed the metal door, now known as Damon. 
Celina rubbed her forehead, “So let me get this straight, Damon, you are the same person that I saw last week, and because you had horrible luck drawing cards you decided to go out in the wild, train yourself to the end, practice drawing your cards and pulling Eggwiches so you could perfect drawing cards?” 
“Yeah pretty much. And then Jaden beat me and I returned to Blue!” said Damon as all three of them entered the Card Shop and to the cart, “Alright, Jaden I will use your advice and believe in myself!” He took a sandwich, took off the wrapper and took a bite. He then fell down on his knees, “I got grilled rock!”
Both Celina and Jaden patted his back, but Jaden took a wrapper, “Don’t worry, Damon, I am sure you will get it next time! But this time it is my turn!” he took off the wrapper and took a bite of the sandwich. He then fell to his knees, “I got sardines again!” He cried anime style. 
Celina patted both of their backs, “Don’t worry, you all will get a chance next time since I am taking this one!” She yelled out, taking a random sandwich, taking off the wrapper and taking a bite.
She then fell down on her knees, “I got steam dust!” She then hit the floor. 
“Oooh, what’s this?” asked a familiar sounding voice, Bastion, as he walked in, seeing two Slifers and 1 Obelisk on the ground, they probably took the bad sandwiches, “Golden Eggwich day? I don’t see why not.” He walked towards the crate, taking a closer look at all the wrappers and saw one of them much softer than the others. 
He squeezed the sandwich, and sure enough it was soft like it had a broken egg in it. He took out the wrapper and took a bite and the ones that were on the floor looked at his reaction to see what he got, but he just nodded, “My, they really are exquisite! No wonder they are worth eating!” He looked at the down students, “Sorry, but good luck on the next chance you get!”
Bastion walked off the Card Shop and the three students’ heads dropped.
The Next Week
It was only a few minutes away from the start of the day for the school, but Celina really needed to get the tickets to something very special. Tickets to see the King Of Games, Yugi Muto’s, deck!
Yugi Muto doesn’t need any introduction, not one bit, but for the two students in Duel Academy that don’t know his legacy, here you go; He started off as a lonely teenager, the only friend he ever had was his childhood friend, Tea Gardner, and they were inseparable. While he did like her company, he really didn’t like the treatment he got from his former bullies, now best friends, Joey Wheeler and Tristan Taylor. They bullied him, took his lunch money and even threw away a piece of a puzzle that his grandpa, Solomon Muto, gave him. 
One day, he saw the Hall monitor, Tetsu Trudge, beating them up, and he tried defending them, even after what they did to him, and with that Joey and Tristan had a change of heart, and returned the piece of the Millenium Puzzle. One night, as he finished the puzzle, he wished for one thing. Not money, not fame, not power, but friends. Unsepearple friends that will be together forever. 
And with one wish, his entire life changed, for the better. He was better at Duel Monsters, better at gaining friends, more confident and like he gained a different personality. He faced many powerful opponents such as Seto Kaiba, Maximillion Pegasus, Noah Kaiba, Yami Marik, Yami Bakura, Dartz and much more, with the help of his spirit pal, Yami Yugi. 
Yugi later realized that Yami had a different name, Atem, and that he was the reincarnation of him. They dueled Bakura and Zorg for the fate of the future, and after it was all and done, he had to return Atem back to the afterlife if he won the Duel. 
The Duel was tough, for both sides, with one side using monsters as the Egyptian Gods where their dorms were based on, Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl and the other used monsters like the Magnet Warriors, Buster Blader, Summoned Skull and more, but at the end, after all of that, Atem’s journey was over. 
He lost to Yugi fair and square, and sent his goodbyes to all of his friends, and passed the torch to Yugi as the King Of Games. 
Yugi is now the best duelist and current King Of Games, waiting for a successor to pass the legacy of the King Of Games, and it was even rumoured that he had the Egyptian Gods in his deck and had a relationship with Tea Gardner. 
The story of him will never be forgotten and inspired that anyone can change history for the greater good. It showed that even a nobody like him, could be proven legendary. It showed that a silly little card game made by Pegasus can make unbreakable bonds that could never be broken. 
It brings tears to many people that started off as nobodies and inspired them to be legendary. 
There was no question why so many Pro Duelists, students, Chancellors and even Duelists in the Top 10 respect him. He was the King Of Games. 
Celina loved seeing him and his deck duel it out against Joey, Mai, Keith, and most importantly, Seto Kaiba. Celina wanted to be just like him, to be the King, or shall we say, Queen Of Games. The images of people loving her stories of this bat shit insane Academy is giving her a smile on her face.
She walked in the Card Shop, a day after Eggwich day, and saw Dorothy and Sadie putting up a sign that said ‘A TICKET TO SEE THE KING OF GAMES’ DECK!’ She walked in, “Hey, do you guys have tickets for Yugi's deck?” she asked nicely.
Dorothy laughed, “Of course we do, sweetie! We just opened! Sadie, please give her one of the tickets.” Sadie nodded as she dug her hands into the box and gave Celina the ticket. “Here you, go.” 
Celina smiled, “Thank you.” As then the bell ringed, it was the start of classes, that she was unfortunately late for, “OH CRAP!” she then started running in Professor Banner’s class, and opened the door. All eyes were on her, even from Banner, “Sorry, I was…getting a ticket for tomorrow’s viewing of Yugi’s deck.”
“Wait, that's today?!” yelled a random Ra. 
All of the students, sans Jaden who was currently asleep, then started going wild, almost running towards the Card Shop, but they were stopped by Banner, “Now, now, students. I know all of you want to see his deck, but please, after the class, alright?” All of the students looked back at him and gave him a nod.
They returned to their seats as Banner gave a smile, “Thank you, now where was I?” Banner asked as he looked at his desk and saw all of the chemicals, “Oh right, combining all of the elements here could be symbolic of Duel Monsters. As such, while combining these elements,” took some glass and put liquid into different glasses, “Could create a completely different element as such.” 
The liquid then started to change colour, making some students aww at the sight, but then it started shaking, almost like it was ready to explode, Banner took note of this, “Oh dear.”
It created a small explosion, still not making Jaden wake up, that covered bits of the classroom. Banner stood up, full of ash and almost like he went in a fight, and lost horribly. “And that’s how *cough* a combination could become real.” He then fell down. 
It certainly was a start of the day, to say the least. 
A School day and 8 hours later
Celina was tired, to say the least. Since it was a Friday, she had to go through Banner’s class, then two hours with Stein, Marco’s class, break time, Fonda’s PE class and two hours of Satyr’s English lessons. She did hear that Syrus did managed to beat a Ra Yellow using Crowler’s Ancient Gear Golem deck while sounding just like the doctor. 
Unfortunately for her, she still had detention with Crowler, meaning 8 more hours with the teacher of Math. All she did doing that time was looking at the ticket in her hands and think all of the cards that could be in that deck like Apple Magician Girl, Lemon Magician Girl, Silent Swordsman and so much more. 
When her detention was over, she walked out of the classroom and exited the Duel Academy building, she saw Jaden, Syrus and Chumley walking towards the building. She sighed, of course they want to do something, “Alright, why are you guys here?” she asked
Jaden looked at her, “Well, we want to see Yugi’s deck early, so do you want to join us?” 
She looked over to see Syrus and Chumley nodding, and for once she liked one of his ideas, but sadly, she was dead tired, “Honestly, I would like to, but I am just too tired, and I need sleep. Sorry, guys.” She walked off. 
“Okay, see ya later!”
“Good night!” 
“Don’t let the bed bugs bite!” said Syurs, Chumley and Jaden as she went off towards the Slifer Red dorm, opened her dorm room, closed it and landed on her bed, sleeping nicely. 
The Next Day
Celina woke up, and saw her clock was 10:15, not early, but not late. The exhibition doesn’t start until 11 o'clock, so she decided to shower and watch some Mob Psycho 100 clips until it was 11 o'clock. 
She went outside, with her Slifer Red uniform and went out to the exhibition, but at the forest she heard some strange noises. She went to see what was happening and saw Jaden. Well not actually Jaden, first his uniform was more cleaner than usual, second his hair and uniform was darker, third his eyes gray, not that beautiful chocolate brown eyes, and finally he did not sound like he was from Brooklyn.
He was pointing his middle and index fingers at some trees, “Gotcha!...No, that's not it.” he muttered as he tried his best to make a Jaden impression.
“Okay, what the hell am I seeing?” asked Celina as the fake Jaden turned around to see her, “Why do you look like Jaden?”
“Ahh, Serena! Good to see you, pal!” the fake Jaden said as Celina got confused, “I, Judai, was looking for you with my pals Sho and Hayato! Where were you?”
“First, my name is Celina, not Serena, second, their names are Syrus and Chumley, don’t know how you messed up their names that bad, and third, who are you?” Celina looked ‘Judai’.
“Ahh, come on, Ser-Celina, how can you forget your friend Judai!” ‘Judai’ said as Celina decided that she didn’t want to lose all of her brain cells to this guy. She sighed as she went towards Duel Academy, “Where are you going?” 
Celina looked at him, “To powder my nose.'' She lied as ‘Judai’ ‘ahh’ed and let her go. “Well, he did get his stupidity down to the point.” she thought as she entered Duel Academy to see the entrance of the main room where the exhibition was. 
The halls and even the floor was covered by Yugi merchandise, such as posters, carpets and even plushies. She opened the door to see Yugi’s deck in a display case, and the walls were covered by Yugi posters, from his Battle City look to his current look, which made him look like Atem. 
Celina looked around for a specific Slifer, but not a second later she saw him with his two buddies, Chumley and Syrus, holding a Yugi Muto poster, most likely. She walked towards him, “Hey, so why is there a guy impersonating you in the forest and keeps calling himself ‘Judai’?” 
“Aww, it’s Dimitri again!”
“That is so not lischus! We need to get him to snap out of it again!” 
“Dang it, Dimitri!” yelled out Syrus, Chumley and Jaden as they went out of the exhibition room and most likely Duel Academy to get Dimitri to snap out of it. 
She shrugged her shoulders as she walked towards the display case and see all of the cards used by the great Yugi Muto; Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl, Chimera The Flying Mythical Beast, the Fruit Magician girl archetype, the Magnet Warriors, Buster Blader, Black Luster Soldier, Dark Magician of Chaos, the Gadgets, Silent Swordsman, Silent Magician, SIlent Paladin, Marshemellon and so much more. The only monsters that weren’t there were the Egyptian God cards, Obelisk The Tormentor, Slifer The Sky Dragon and Winged Dragon Of Ra. 
She took her phone out of her pocket and took several pictures, to which she sent them to her family. She loved this and this deck, so a way that she could remember it is by buying a Yugi poster that had him against Seto Kaiba dueling out in a tournament. For some reason, she felt a furball watching the display case and the monsters waving at her, must be her imagination. 
The Next Week
It was currently a week away from March in Duel Academy, and a few weeks away from their annual school duel with one of the four Duel Academies from different directions. One from North, West, South and East. This year, like the previous two years, the school duel will be against North Academy. It would soon be revealed to all of the students the next day, but today they had a new student. 
“Everyone, please be quiet, eyes forward, Chumley stop eating with your mouth open!” said Banner, with Pharaoh in his arms, as he caught everyone’s attention in the dining area. “Today, we have a new student here, so please welcome him with open arms.” 
On the side of Banner there was a small…boy? Yeah boy, wearing a gray hat, with short blue hair and caramel brown eyes. “His name was Blair Flannigan. He is a transfer student that couldn’t be here earlier due to him being sick on the entrance exams. Please, welcome your new classmates, Blair.” The boy in question looked at Banner, then at the students, as he then gave a small wave. 
“Man, he dresses goofier than me, smaller than me, cuter than me, my sidekick thing is done.” Syrus said as Jaden gave a pat on the back, the one that said “Nah you are wrong, buddy.”
Jaden stood up from his seat, “Come on guys, let’s give him a warm welcome. Slifer Style!” Everyone around him shook their heads, “Alright, I will begin alone. S-L-I-F-E-Something, Slifer!” He threw his hands all over the place while the rest facepalmed, including Banner. 
“Idiot.” Celina muttered as she got a good look at Blair, who was confused about this illiterate idiot. She stood up from her seat and gave a nice handshake, and got a good look on the guy and he looked slightly…girlish? “Nice to meet you.”
“Same here,” said Blair, shyly, but Jaden ran towards the new guy, “Come on! We gotta show you where your place for the next three years!”
“Now, hold on a second, Jaden. Blair won’t be a Slifer for too long, in fact he will be a Ra extremely soon because of his high grades.” Banner explained. 
“Then why is he in Red?” asked Syrus as he walked up and gave a hand shake to the guy.
“Because it’s the Academy policy that any and all transfer students start of in Slifer, but they can be promoted with their high grades.” Syrus and Celina, so did the rest of the Slifers nodded, while Jaden was disappointed because he wanted to the new guy to stay in Slifer, “Now, Jaden, you don’t mind sharing the room with Blair do you?”
The reason why he couldn’t stay with Celina, was because girls, if they aren’t in Obelisk, can not share rooms with anyone other than with other girls. Jaden beamed up as he jumped into the air and grabbed Blair by his hand to the dorm, without asking either Chumley or Syrus. 
“Something is off with Blair.” Celina thought as she reached for her room. 
The Next Day
Classes were over, there is no more school for the day, and it’s a Friday, so why are students from all of the years and dorms still here in the classroom, other than those who have detention cough Celina cough? Well because it was a special announcement from Chancellor Sheppard. 
Sheppard coughed in his hand to catch their attention, which he did when the life sized TV was on, and started off, “Hello my students. As some of you who don’t know, our annual school duel with one of the Academies from North to South, West to East is fast approaching, in fact, for 5 weeks or 1 month plus 1 week, we are going to have the school duel with North Academy for the third time in a row.” 
While Sheppard was going on about North Academy and how they should study hard, Syrus wanted to share a fact with Blair, “Hey, Blair, did you know that Zane is my big brother?”
Blair was looking at Zane the whole time, but then towards Syrus, “Really?” he asked with stars in his eyes. He couldn’t imagine having THE Zane Truesdale as a big brother. 
“Yep! He may have more skill than me and confidence, but I have something over him!” said Syrus as Blair, Jaden and Celina looked at him, “He NEVER beat me in a game of hide and seek! No matter how easy I made it for him.”
“How easy are we talking about, Sy?” asked Jaden. 
“I had a lamp shade over my head for 2 hours while he was watching TV! He was really bad at that game.” explained Syrus with confidence in his voice. 
“Kinda sounds like he was ignoring you.” said Celina as Blair nodded his head. 
“Or…he couldn’t find me.” 
“Oi, shut up, Sheppard is talking.” said a random Obelisk Blue student. 
The group then watched Sheppard who looked at all of his students, “Now study hard my students, any one of you could represent us in the school duel.” Sheppard then logged off, the students then exited the room, all sans the group and Zane, who was looking at a certain Light Fairy monster in his hands, thinking about something. 
“It’s gonna be me!” yelled both Jaden and Celina at the same time, but then they looked at each other, “What!? No way! I am gonna be the one dueling!” 
Syrus wanted to diffuse the situation while Blair got nervous, “Gu-guys calm down, it’s probably gonna be Zane again.”
That made Celina stop, even though she has a lot of confidence in herself, she knew that she couldn’t defeat Zane in a million years, Jaden however, “What? What does he have that I don’t?”
“Seriously, we saw you lose to him in turn 6!” both Syrus and Celina thought at the same time while Blair actually pointed at some good points, “Well, he has more experience and overall a stronger deck.”
Jaden dropped his head in shame, that was a really good point, “Yeah, I guess.”  
“And big beautiful ocean blue eyes on a shining day on hot summer days.” Blair said as all of them imagined all of that and yeah he eyes do look like that, but what does that prove anything?
“I guess?” he was confused. 
“And that long flowing hair that I want to put my hands through.” said Blair, they could agree to that, his hair looks and feels soft, but again what does that prove anything? Beauty won’t give you an advantage in a duel. 
“I…guess?” Okay what was happening.
“And those long strong arms to keep me warm on those cold winter nights.” Blair…moaned silently? As he imagined Zane cuddling him in a wooden house, some candles on the bed, some petals on the bed and soft music to his ears while it was snowing outside for the perfect night. 
Jaden, Syrus and Celina looked at each other, he has some serious issues for him, he then looked at Blair, “....yeah.”
Syrus wanted to put an end to all of this, he didn’t want to hear all of these images of his older brother doing any of that as he remembered all of the things he did when they were little, “Trust me. Those arms are good for two things; headlocks and bodyslams.” Syrus was confident that will shut him up, but to his dismay, Blair bit his lip, thinking all of those images could make him happier. 
“Oh he can slam me all he wants~.” Zane widened his eyes and he began walking away from him as far as possible, while the rest, including Jaden this time, dropped their jaws so wide you could fit an entire 60 card deck. 
“I…would love to go to detention right now,” it spoke volumes that Celina would rather spend 8 hours of her life doing nothing rather than be near Blair and his…fantasies. Unlucky for her, which should be lucky for her in any other situation, this was the last day for her detention. She took a deep breath and went in. 
8 Hours Later
Celina was in deep thought hearing Crowler writing a poem about Ancient Gear Golem for the 7th time this hour when the clock rang, meaning she has to go to the Slifer Red Dorm with him. Crowler looked at the clock and sighed, “Well, would you look at the time, it’s your time to go back to your mouse infested dorm! Now sho-sho!” 
“No! Let me stay here!” Celina grabbed the desk not wanting to meet with him so she hoped to stay here, but thanks Crowler’s Herculean strength, he pulled her out of the desk, and took the desk out of her hands and thus, she made it at her dorm, begrudgingly. 
When she looked at the cliff, she saw Zane and Alexis standing while Chumley and Syrus were laying down on the ground seeing the duel beneath them. “Hey, what’s going on?” 
Zane looked at her, “You should see it for yourself.” he said, unable to explain it. 
“Okay?” she walked towards the cliff and looked down to see what was going on. She saw Jaden dueling Blair, who…was a girl. She slapped her forehead, “Now it makes sense.” she then looked at the field and it consisted of Sparkman, but on her side of the field she had a Maiden card and…Avian? Maybe it was an effect. And then two monsters then started to fight for her hand in marriage? What is going on!? “What the hell am I watching?”
“A duel between the new kid and Jaden, she used her monster's effect to steal Avian away from her, and he obliged because he was in love with her, and then Sparkman joined in.” Chumley quickly explained. 
“Oh, and that she isn’t of legal age to be here,” said Syrus.
“He means that she is too young for this school.” explained Zane as Alexis added on. 
“And she did all of this because of love, most likely. Judging by her deck of course.” said Alexis as then Sparkman and Avian struck Jaden directly. 
“...What is this school?” 
Blair then took off her hat to reveal her long blue hair and put an orange bandana in her pockets, “You can’t defeat me, Jaden. I am dueling for love.” 
“For love? Doesn’t she mean with love?” asked Zane as Celina and Alexis put 2 with 2 together. Celina sighed as she went down to their level, “You explain it to him, while I can explain it to her why she shouldn’t do that.” 
Alexis nodded as the Slifers and Zane were confused on what they were talking about, “Zane, don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.” Zane looked at her confused, “You really don’t do you? I mean think about it, she broke the rules, got into campus, said all of those weird things about you, broke into your room, rubbed your cards and said she was dueling for love. Face it, Zane, she is in love with you.”
Zane sighed and looked at her, “You really are like your brother aren’t you?” He looked down to see Jaden summoning Burstinatrix and using Burst Return, “Looks like this is the end, we must talk to her about this.” Everyone looked down to see the brunette summoning Flame Wingman. 
Everyone got up as they stood up and went down to talk to Blair, but Celina was faster than them. She saw the holograms disappearing and Jaden pointing with his two fingers stuck together. Blair looked at the winner of this duel, “I guess I have to tell you our secret then.” she said as Jaden looked at her. 
“Nah, I think I know what your secret is and I think our spectators also know it.” said Jaden as Blair turned around Celina with her arms crossed. 
“Alright, explain why you are here. Now.” she said in the most commanding voice possible.
Blair yelped and could barely look in Celina’s eyes, “We-well, I wanted to come here for love, Celina! To see my love in life! My one true love, Zane~!” she sang that last part, as Celina shivered, remembering that last sentence about slamming. 
Celina put her hands on her forehead, “Look, Blair, I understand what you are talking about. You are in love, something that is normal to anyone, but that doesn’t mean that it is okay for you to make your parents worry for you, being in a school with people that are older than you by 5 years isn’t what you do when you are in love.” she said, but Blair couldn’t take that as an answer. 
“No! You are not true! You are lying! I will do anything for love!” she yelled, but Celina wasn’t having any of that. 
“Listen to me right now. You are in love, that’s fine, you want to spend time with that person, that’s fine also, you could be in love with anyone you want to and that would be fine as well. But what isn’t fine is you wasting your own money, or your parent’s money, to go to a school that doesn’t allow kids less than 13, to be in here, where you are going out of your way to make everyone you know worry for you just because you are in love. I understand that, but you must understand that there is a limit to what you are gonna do with love.” 
“I couldn’t say it myself, Celina.” Everyone turned around to see Zane, and the rest, walking towards them, “Look Blair, I understand that you are in love, but that doesn’t excuse you for going to Duel Academy. Even if you came here legitimately, there would be 2 problems with that.”  
Blair looked up, “And what are those?” She asked sadly. The group, sans Jaden, had a sad expression. 
“Well for starters…”
“He is almost 18 years old while you are too young for dating someone that old. And he doesn’t want to go to jail because of it.” Zane nodded on what his younger brother said. 
“Not to mention you two would be in a long distance relationship. I don’t think Zane is the type to date someone too far from him.” said Chumley as Zane nodded to that. 
“O-oh.” Blair dropped her head in shame, of course something like this happened, but Jaden wanted to argue against this. 
“Oh come on, guys! Just because of all of that, doesn’t mean she has to go home!” Everyone looked at him, confused, including Blair. 
“Jaden, you don’t understand.” Celina said as she rubbed her forehead again. 
“Understand what?” 
“She can’t stay here, she is too young.” tried to argue back Alexis, but he still couldn’t understand. 
“Jaden, she is in the 5th grade.” and just like that all of the brunette's colours went pale, literally. Some couldn’t help, but chuckle while Celina was laughing at his reaction. 
“You mean… I almost lost to an 11 year old girl!?” yelled Jaden as he dropped to his knees. 
“Hey, I am turning 12 next week!” yelled Blair, as that didn’t fix the situation. Not one bit. 
“Oh my god that is hilarious!” Celina used some rocks to keep her in place so she wouldn't fall to the ground laughing. 
Zane left the group to handle the situation on their own, while snickering at the reactions, “I will go tell Sheppard to get a boat ready for her.” 
The Next Day
After everything was set and done, Zane called Sheppard to get a boat for Blair to get in, Celina stopped laughing her ass off and Jaden got his spirits back up after watching Mirio beating Class 1a.
The group was at the shore to return Blair to her home and family, while some of them telling her that they would miss her, Celina giving some advice on how to beat up someone and Jaden getting weird looks from Blair. 
The boat came to the shore, and without a second thought, Blair got off and waved at everyone, “Bye, guys! I will see you guys later! See you Syrus, Chumley, Alexis, Celina, Zane and my beloved Jaden!” Everyone did a double take on the last words of her sentence, but then she sent an air kiss towards the poor brunette, but he was too shocked by what he just heard to move out of the way. 
Zane watched in amusement, Syrus and Chumley watched in shock that he got two girls in love with him already, the other one is Grace, in like 3 months, “We gonna tell Bastion this.'' That was the thought of Syrus. Alexis didn’t like that, but knew that this was more likely a phase, and Celina was having a difficult time choosing either laughing at this once again or…jealousy? No that was not it, she wouldn’t. Right?
Meanwhile In An Unknown Location 
Two. That was the number of bodies floating around in this deep dark, silent place. It was like the ocean, but if blue was swapped with black. The air pressure was so strong that it would knock out anyone within seconds. 
One of the figures had long brown hair that was down to his shoulders, he had dark brown eyes and wore the inverted Obelisk Blue uniform. 
The other had green hair that was also down to his shoulders, but not in a straight way. They were covering his eyebrows and ears, while being both at the back and on the front of his body. He had dark gray eyes. Like the other figure, he wore the inverted Obelisk Blue uniform. 
Above the figures was that of a god. It had a goat’s head as its head. It wore a dark cloak that covered the entire body and even the head. Its eyes shined blue, like the deepest part of an ocean.  It also showed its rib cage, showing it was no ordinary monster or a human. “Soon, I will show myself to these mortals, making that fool of a mortal, Kagemaru, think I was on his side of these, Shadow Riders. But I do need a host so I don’t show my true self. Now which one of these I will pick?” The monster said to itself. 
It looked over the two bodies, both of them were very useful, both of them could show the power of Darkness, its world. Both of them had an unbreakable bonds with one of the possible Key Keepers, Zane. 
Key word; almost. 
The monster thought for a couple of minutes, before choosing the right host, the right vestige for his plan. “Let’s see how useful you can be, Yusuke Fujiwara.” 
Authors Note: 
And that’s about it for this chapter! I am pretty happy with how it turned out! I wanted to do the fillers, but the entire thing. The main point is to write on how Celina reacts to all of this nonsense. 
I wanted to write something about the school duel, like how the duelists train and study for the school duel, but I decided to write that in the next BIG chapter. And when I say BIG, I really mean it. Look forward to that. 
I decided not to write any duel, because I plan on making certain chapters with no duels, and I think this was a good attempt. What do you guys think?
Before we end this, I wanted to be serious for a moment. On the day I started writing this chapter, I heard the tragic news of Kazuki Takahashi’s passing, and I want to write this to him. 
Kazuki Takahashi, I want to thank you for everything you have done to my life. Without you, my life wouldn’t be the same. I wouldn’t make great friends, I wouldn’t be happy as I am today, I wouldn’t be here without you Kazuki Takahashi. Thank you for creating an amazing story, characters and card game that everyone, from all countries of the world, would play and watch the show. I want to thank you for everything. 
Thank you, Kazuki Takahashi.
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tangerine-55 · 6 years
Please talk a bit about some of your yugioh OCs
Okay,right now I have 6 OCs with character design (I don’t count OCs like Tenshi andMariko in) and one more without a design but a name.
What you should know about all my OCs:-  All my Yu-Gi-Oh OCs are the sisters ofthe main character and their names begin with “Ryu” (except Lacy). They’realso known as key-girls since all of them have a birthmark somewhere on theirbody that looks like a key. - Important information is also that all their Ace-Monsters are made up so theydon’t really exist (Mostly because I’m very bad in duels and I don’t understandthem. I just enjoy the ygo shows a lot and collect the cards, I can’t duelmyself).- Another thing is that the original Stories of the animes are a bit changed soit would work out with my characters. 
So, let me introduce you to my girls:[Important note: I use the german names of the official Yu-Gi-Oh characters,the only exceptions are the ones where I know the Japanese ones and when Ialways use them]
1.  Ryu- Own Character for the Show Duel Monsters- The sister of Yugi- She has a millenium item which is a ring, but not like the one of Bakura buta real ring she wears around her finger-> Just like in Yugis there is a spirit inside, her name is Ryu too andshe’s the sister of Atem-> She’s the reincarnation of a Goddess- She’s in a relationship with Kaiba- In DSOD she works partly for him while still going to school with her brother- Her Ace Monster is ‘One Eyed Pharao Dragon’- She looks like a cinnamon roll but can actually kill you
2.  Ryugi- Own Character for the show GX- The sister of Juudai Yuki- Her Ace Monster is ‘One Eyed Crystal Dragon’- She’s in a relationship with Johan (But still ships him with Juudai)- She was able to get to obelisk blue but got into slifer red because she didn’twant to leave her brothers side- At the end of the anime she leaves together with Juudai- She can see Duel Monster spirits - She always believes in her brother - She looks a lot like him
3.  Ryumi- Own Character for the Show 5D’s- The sister of Yusei - She has her own D-Wheel - She was in the facility with her brother and her mark is on her nose- She has the mark of the Dragon on her back -> That’s because the dragon uses her Energy to be summoned- She’s in a relationship with Jack-> She already was when he still was in satellite but when Jack left theyautomatically broke up. They later ended up together again after Ryumi couldforgive him- Her Ace monster is ‘One Eyed Elementary Dragon’- She is as big as Crow- She’s good in thinking about strategies and a good coach in dueling- Children Love her - She hates it when people don’t take her serious
4.  Ryutari- Own Character for the show Zexal- She’s the sister of Yuma - She’s in a relationship with shark - Her Ace Monster is ‘One Eyed Dragon of Light’- She is the Reincarnation of a Goddess-> That Goddess is called Naryu-> Naryu lived to the time when Nash and Vector had war. She was on Nashsside and protected him. She’s also an adviser for him- She was by his side when he fought Vector and gave her last life energy tohelp him-> She loses the memories of Naryu - She remember her life of Naryu when Shark regains the memories of Nash- She punshs him when she sees him siding with the Barians- She is in Yumas class - Her best friend is Trey
5.  Lacy- Own Character for the show Zexal- She’s the adoptive sister of Yuma and Ryutari - She’s in the same age as Kaito- She’s in a relationship with Kaito- Her Ace Monster is ‘One Eyed Dragon of Darkness’- She and Orbital 7 constantly fight - She’s good in hacking and owns a motorcycle which can be used as D-Wheel- She’s horrible in cooking. Like REALLY horrible. When she’d actually be inthe show her food would be censored- She’s best friends with Vector because they’re soul mates- She’s the reincarnation of a Goddess of the dragons -> The Goddess name is Lacie -> She looked after Vector since his birth -> Just like Naryu for Nash, she protected Vector and was an adviser-> Her Mind got manipulated by Don Thousand thou. She knew Mizael since she’sthe Goddess of Dragons-> After Vectors ‘death’ she continued living but later was burnt in avillage because the people thought that she was a witch- Mizael is in love with her and therefore Kaitos Love rival- She has a mole under her left eye
6.  Ryuya- Own Character for the show Arc V- She’s the sister of Yuya- She’s in a relationship with Shingo Sawatari (I actually like his name in Germanbetter. It’s Sylvio here) - She resembles her Brother a lot- Her Ace Monster is ‘One Eyed Pendulum Dragon’- As a child she once cut her hair short so people would mistake her for herbrother. Like that she protected him from bullies- Additionally they played pranks on others like that- She’s a tsundere- She dies in the show (I still didn’t watch it completely and therefore don’tknow when exactly or if this really should happen)(-> She still would be able to manifest her soul around Yuya since they’retwins)- She doesn’t wear the usual school uniform for girls. She made her own-> Even thou she’s usually not allowed to wear it, she does wear it.- She has a Pendulum that resembles Yuyas a bit. She wears it as a braceletaround her right wrist- She also wears glasses like the ones Yuya has but she has a heart on hers
7.  Ryuji- Own Character for the show Vrains- She’s the sister of Yusaku - When Dueling in LINK VRAINS she’s known as Paradox
Rightnow I don’t have more to Ryuji’s character (It’s possible that her name maybechanges through the time or when a character in the anime appears with the samename)
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demonicsinc · 4 years
Reshef of Destruction text review
...GEEZ how did they make this game hard!!!?
ok, so Reshef of Destruction is the sequel to Sacred Cards. it has the exact same mechanics and features. one thing i forgot to mention in the other review is that. these games started something that im still a bit miffed at that continued for a while. and that’s having to buy cards you input passwords for! for those that dont know Yugioh cards have a passcode on the bottom corner of the cards, you can use these to put the cards you own into video games. but only one copy of each...for some reason. so if you ran 3 blue eyes too bad you only get the one! but in a good chunk of the games you just got the card for free. however in specific games after these you had to pay for them with in game currency. just a tad annoying but something i figured i should bring up.
now for the story. After winning Battle City yugi wakes up to find that his PUZZLE IS MISSING! and runs to tell everyone else including you! soon enough you find out it was this guy that suspiciously looks like maximillion Pegasus calling himself Sol Chevalsky which honestly sounds a million times better. pretty soon you do learn that yes this is Pegasus being mind controled by the being Reshef its not even subtle. you duel a host of really familiar faces if youve seen the anime. and if you’re manga only the anime kept Pegasus alive for some reason blame 4kids not me. The first of Sols minions is... PaniK? Yeah that one eliminator guy from season 1 who yugi beat using the “Catapult turtle gambit” for those that know. for some reason PaniK shows up a lot in games i dunno. after beating PaniK hes killed by dark shadi, (its just shadi in black clothing. you know he’s a badass from my DSoD review.) who challenges you to a duel, win and you get the millennium necklace. you then go and duel a manga only character WTF IS GOING ON HERE yeah ventriloquist of the dead shows up. all of these duels by the way act like the spell card Yami is on the field btw. After fighting Jean Claude Magnum (not a bad guy but a total duche) you find the millennium key, and shadi comes to give you a message dressed correctly this time. after that you get slifer the executive producer from ishizu who, im not giving this back to you again ishizu! so the next old characters you meet are Bonz, who died in battle city or was supposed to because Yami Bakura/zorc or whatever kills him to get his locator cards. hes not a bad guy in fact he helps you and you find a trio of actual badguys waiting. bandit keith, strings the mime, and GASP RARE HUNTER! yeah that guy at the begining of battle city who played the exodia deck with marked cards. never had a name. wasnt important enough to. but he shows up here! after kicking in their butts you find the millenium ring, and i wanted to chuck the fuck out of it the moment that asshole came out and screamed about chaos! next is china, we meet para and dox have a tag duel and get the millennium eye, where its revealed gasp shock horror not at all surprisingly that Sol Chevalsky is Pegasus! 
then we have free time, now i didnt talk about the first kind of non story quest you can do cause, its really just there you can do it if you want. but this one you have to do. so. remember that filler i talked about in the last review. with Noah. well apparently that did happen off screen for everyones sanity and the big five are...somehow back in the real world and begging for their jobs back. weird. well here we get to see them dress up as their deckmasters from said filler and fight them as KAIBAMAN! cause kaiba would be that freaking vain! THEN WE GO TO CANADA! nothing could possibly go wrong there! oh hey Rex Raptor so this is where youve been hiding since espa roba kicked your butt! We get the millennium rod and see marik dont know why it was in canada but ok woulda made more sense to go to egypt to get this. we go to the galapogos islands next and fight legasp Atem! no wait its just that fatass clown mimic from season one who mascaraed as ghost kaiba. oh that was kaiba’s evil half? coulda fooled me. we get the Scales and, WHO HAD THIS ONE? WE NEVER LEARN ANYTHING ABOUT THIS ITEM THIS SINGULAR ITEM IS MY BIGGEST FRUSTRATION! shadi pops up to say hi again and we go back to ishizu to get ra, what happened to obelisk, kaiba stole it after it woke back up. but for some reason...they turn back to stone! hope you werent planning on using slifer as your main boss monster. you can go and do a side quest but just duel for a bit and talk to ishizu and it’ll progress the plot. beat the neo ghouls who are terrorizing the town and then save your allies from around the world who are being harrassed by them and beat kieth who stole Ra! and you’ll get the puzzle back for Yugi and after that and a few more quests that are kinda weird, you get ot see good guy marik who helps get ra under control. then go beat pegasus, and then you fight reshef. HOLY shit the power of friendship scene! every games gotta have one! so beat that and credits roll with you being forced to give up the godcards again.
all in all reshef is better than sacred cards for the story alone, its a lot of fun if a bit convoluted in places. the hard factor of the game comes from just. not being able to build a decent deck. the card limits so hard to raise that its just a pain to. and also late game bosses having 3 copies of stuff like raigeki and change of heart!
if youve read this far thank you so much for reading and i hope to eventually put these into video format!
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