#doctor crowler
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zexalisliving · 3 months ago
@darlingasta-not and @pileofrocksjh, you both know what time it is.
“Jaden!” A voice called from in Slifer Red. 
“W…what is it, Sy?” 
Syrus rushed over to Jaden’s bed. “I’ve been trying to wake you up for 5 minutes, Jay! I thought you’d be awake by now, cuz today’s the day!”
Jaden sat up. “Today’s the day for what?” he asked.
“Dr. Crowler is gonna’ teach us something called… ‘Synchronized Summoning’?” Syrus said. 
Jaden chuckled as he recalled what Syrus was talking about. He got out of bed. “Synchro Summoning, Sy.” he said.
“My bad.” 
Jaden changed into his normal Slifer Red attire before leaving the dorm room. Syrus followed him out. 
“Aren’t you excited, Jay?” he asked. 
“Totally, Sy! It’s always sweet to learn new dueling stuff!... except that I have to sit through class to learn it!”Jaden chuckled, scratching the back of his head. 
He and Syrus arrived at Duel Academy’s entrance and went inside. 
Jaden waved at a variety of students, which included Chazz, who scoffed and rolled his eyes. 
“Typical Chazz!” Jaden said, walking past him and into the classroom.
Once everyone had sat down, Dr. Crowler began his teaching. 
“As you all know, well, maybe except for Jaden, today I’m supposed to teach you about Synchro Summoning. But there’s something else that you don’t know, and I’d like to keep it that way.”  
Bastion stood up. “Um, if you don’t mind, Dr. Crowler, why on earth would you bring that up if you weren’t going to tell us what it was in the first place?” he asked.
“Don’t defy your teacher, young man! I can say whatever I want!” Crowler snapped.
Bastion sat back down.
Jaden bumped Syrus’ side with his elbow. “Hey, Sy!” he said. “This ‘something else that we don’t know about’ sounds really cool, right?” 
Syrus nodded, but he was clearly worried about something. 
“Is everything alright?” Jaden asked. 
Syrus looked at him. “Well… what if this thing is something we don’t want to know? I mean… imagine it, Jay. Chancellor Shepherd could be quitting his job, or maybe Dorothy will quit making fried shrimp! Mm… fried shrimp… b-but that’s not the point! We could be in for something horrible, Jaden!”
Jaden patted Syrus’ back. “Oh, Sy, you worry too much. Everything’s gonna’ be fine!” he assured him. 
Dr. Crowler was anxiously biting his nails. The whole classroom filled with mutters and quiet discussions, likely due to his comment on the mysterious subject, which he didn’t like for a variety of reasons.
“Attention, class!” he said at last. 
Everyone stopped and turned to him. 
“Enough of your muttering! I’m the one who’s supposed to be speaking, not you!” he said. 
“Uh, why?” An Obelisk Blue asked. 
“Because I’m your teacher.” Crowler replied simply. “Now anyways,” he pointed to the chart behind him. “This is a Tuner monster. They can be used with other non-tuner monsters in order to synchro summon. This action is called ‘Tuning’.”
It was a long day in class. In fact, everytime Dr. Crowler taught it was. 
Jaden was talking to Syrus  and Alexis on his way back to Slifer Red. 
“Whew! At least that’s over!” he sighed. 
“Oh, please!”Alexis said. “You slept through most of it!” 
Syrus still wasn’t talking. He hadn’t since Crowler started teaching. 
“You okay, Sy?” Jaden asked him. 
“No, Jay,” Syrus answered.
“Then what’s wrong?” Alexis asked.
Syrus sniffled. “T… the friend shrimp. The poor, poor, helpless fried shrimp…” he began to cry.
“Woah, Sy! Calm down, dude! It’s just shrimp–” 
Syrus began bawling louder. 
“A-and I’m sure Dorothy won’t stop making it!” Jaden said, in hopes to cheer him up. 
And it worked. “Really? You’re sure?” Syrus asked. 
Syrus wiped the tears off his face with the sleeve of his Obelisk Blue jacket. “Man, that’s good to know,” he said. 
Alexis went back to Obelisk Blue a little while after talking with Jaden and Syrus, and a few minutes later, the two arrived at Slifer Red.
“Hey, soldiers!” Hassleberry said once they had entered their dorm room. 
“Hey, Hassleberry!” both said in unison. 
Syrus sat at the desk. 
“Hey, did ya’ hear about the event that’s gonna’ happen tomorrow?” Hassleberry asked.
“No, what is it?” Jaden asked, changing into his nightshirt.
“The Duel Academy Boys are playing their new hit called “He’s In The Moonlight At Midday”. Apparently it’s gonna’ make millions world-wide!” 
Syrus gasped. “The Duel Academy Boys?! I love them!” he pulled out a poster from a stack of papers on the desk. It was of the three Duel Academy Boys dressed up as Duel Ghouls. “I even wrote an article on them!” he said proudly.
“Oh, really?” Hassleberry asked, a hint of sarcasm in his tone. 
Syrus didn’t pick up on that, however. “Yeah! I’ll show you!” he pulled out his Duel Academy-issued newspaper and passed it to him. It read:
“The Duel Academy Boys are  three guys from, as their name suggests, Duel Academy. They created a band 2 years ago after they were turned into Duel Ghouls. 
The idea originated when they sung ‘Duel Me’ when they were Duel Ghouls, but they actually created the band a week after that incident. 
Their first song, called “Duel Academy”, was a huge hit. The first person to buy a record of this song was Chazz Princeton, the same day it was released. 
Their members include–”
Hassleberry stopped reading, looking over the extremely long article. “I’ve always liked the Duel Academy Boys, but that’s a lot of info, Sy.” he said. 
Syrus nodded. “Yep!” he said. “Just how I like it!” he took the papers back. 
“So, Jaden,” Hassleberry began. “Where do ya’ think we can find some Synchro monsters?” 
Jaden thought about it. “Maybe Dorothy gives em’ out, or maybe they come in Duel Academy booster packs!” he said. 
“Or we could go to Mr. Muto’s game store!” Syrus added. 
“Yeah, but I suggest that we get some shut-eye before we go synchro huntin’.” Hassleberry said. 
“Say, you’re right,” Jaden yawned as he stretched. 
“Yeah. Goodnight, guys.” Syrus said, climbing into his bed. 
After a while, the three fell asleep.
The next day, about 10 minutes before class, Jaden and Syrus went to the card shop that Dorothy ran. Hassleberryhad already visited earlier that day.
“Hey, Miss Dorothy!” Jaden said. 
“Hello, boys!” Dorothy smiled. “So what brings you two here?” 
Jaden browsed the shelves, as did Syrus.
 “We came for some Synchro monsters.” Syrus said.
“Ooh, sorry boys, but we’re all out. We have been since 6:00!”
Jaden sighed. 
“Aw, man!” Syrus said.
Dorothy looked at them for a brief moment before digging around in a box on the counter. She pulled out two cards and held them out. “Well, here’s this.” she said, giving them to Jaden and Syrus. “Though they aren’t Synchro monsters, they sure are Tuners! I hope they make up for it.” 
Syrus flipped his card over. “Woah!” he said, looking at a new holographic “Roid” monster.
At the same time, Jaden gasped as he looked at his card as well. “Mr. Happy Kuriboh! I heard about his release last month!” he exclaimed.
Dorothy chuckled. “Now go on before you’re late!” she said. 
The two put their cards into their pockets and ran off. “Thanks, Miss Dorothy!” Jaden called behind him.
On the way to the classroom, Chazz stopped them in their tracks by stepping in front of them. “Hey dorks.” he said. He took a card out from within his pocket and held it, the back facing Jaden and Syrus. 
“Hey Chazz.” Syrus said.
“Can you move? We’re gonna’ be late!” Jaden said, running in place.
“Oh, what’s wrong? You in a hurry? That’s fine, cuz a quick guessing game with The Chazz won’t take long.” 
Jaden stopped and stood still. “Alright!” he said. “I’m always up for a challenge!” 
Chazz smiled. He was obviously up to no good. “What’s in my hand, Jay?” 
“Simple! A card!” Jaden said. 
“No, Jaden. Guess again.” 
“Um… A replica of a card…?” 
“No!” Chazz said angrily. Then he cleared his throat. “It’s a Synchro monster.” he flipped it around. “Do you want to know something?” 
“Sure, Chazz!” Jaden said.
“You don’t have one!” 
Chazz walked off, snobbishly laughing up a storm. 
Syrus started to cry loudly. “Oh, Jaden! He’s making fun of us!” he sobbed. 
“Come on, Sy! It’s alright. We’ll get synchro monsters some day…” 
This caused Syrus to sob further. “Oh, why Jaden, why?”
“Now let’s get to gettin’ otherwise we’ll be late!” Jaden grabbed Syrus’ hand and ran towards the classroom. 
Syrus was still sniffling by the time Dr. Crowler got ready to start teaching. 
Crowler smiled. ‘It seems the students forgot about my little mishap yesterday. That was a close one for sure! They nearly figured out about the Duel Academy Boys. Now that would be a disaster!”
Class continued as it normally did, but little did Crowler know, almost every student knew about the concert that was going to happen later that day. 
After class, most of the students went behind Obelisk Blue, where the Duel Academy Boys were going to be performing. 
And a couple of minutes after everyone had seated themselves, Crowler arrived. 
A shrill noise caught everyone’s attention. Turns out it was Crowler, who had screamed of anger. His plan was to keep the entire performance to himself, but obviously it didn’t work. 
“Hey, Dr. C!” Jaden said. 
Crowler stomped his foot. “How’d you all know about this?!” he demanded. 
“Well, Dr. Crowler, it’s kinda’ easy when they put up fliers all around,” Hassleberry said.
“But I took all of them down! You shouldn’t have known!” Crowler yelled.
A smug look on Hassleberry’s face made him think otherwise. 
“W-wait, huh?!” he looked around furiously, only to find many posters hung up on the walls.     
Hassleberry chuckled and then bursted out laughing, followed by many others.
It was then that Crowler left, stomping his feet and mumbling something.
Chazz, who was of the many people who laughed at Crowler’s outburst, closed his eyes and turned around. “What a loser.” 
The Duel Academy Boys arrived about a minute later to set up their equipment. 
Jaden sighed as he stretched out by his seat next to Syrus, who couldn’t shake the feeling that something… strange was going to happen. 
Jaden smiled. “Another typical day at Duel Academy.”
Thus concludes chapter 3.
Not to give anything away, but... next chapter it gets good!
And for those of you who may be wandering "who are the duel academy boys?" if any of you remember that episode in GX where everybody turns into duel ghouls and there are those three guys who pop out of the lockers or whatever and like sing something? That's who they are. I created the concept when i was naming music disks in Minecraft, (oh, do i have some great stories about minecraft) and that occurred to me. so there's the lore behind that.
But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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yugirl · 6 months ago
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GX tober Day 7: Doctor Vellian Crowler
Oh Doctor Crowler- or Crow-Dogger as Mum and I call you now- I love you but I hate you but I love you
Ironically, I don’t have many AUs to shove him in to. I kinda… kept… forgetting… to cast him.
Oh well, at least I did have a role for him in the Princess Jaden AU, as the princess’ long suffering Royal Tutor. Looks like Jaden’s snuck out of lessons again. How troublesome.
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twothpaste · 14 days ago
you know paula is on ratemyprofessor dot com leaving long-winded thoughtful in-depth reviews of every college professor she's ever had the pleasure or displeasure of interacting with. essay-length reports, capped off with a concise bullet point list of pros and cons.
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bluggluglfgh · 1 year ago
Hi! I hope it's okay to ask what are your thoughts on Yugioh GX so far~?
oh my golly golly gosh i love it SO MUCH to be fair i havent actually gotten through a lot because of work and christmas and all that but im a bit scared for season 3 based on what people tell me
however, JADEN IS SO AWESOME and i think him and chazzy wazzy are one of my favourite ships now OOPS
and dr crowler. I dont care if hes mean hes me every school morning and he is an ICON
also its so funny to me how kaiba made slifer the worst dorm because he was salty about losing ahsjdjdje
ANYWAYS THANK YOU FOR ASKING ME i need people to talk with about ygo but i live in an unforgiving society where no one near me irl knows about it 😞😞😞😞
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boredwritergirl · 11 months ago
Day 4 - Duel Spirits
Hey everyone, a weird one for you today. I just did a writing sprint with @sapphicdesiress and I somehow accidentally made a fanfic of Yu-Gi-Oh GX. I've never made a fanfic before and idk if I'll ever do it again, but as with all the previous stories, I'm open to make a follow up if there's a desire for it. Also, while this is technically a fanfic, i must stress that it doesn't take much show knowledge to follow and honestly, I don't believe I properly represented the show nor the Character Alexis Rhodes. I imagine many of you would claim somethings are out of character and kind of mean spirited and I completely agree with that. But It's still something I wrote, and I think it works as a standalone story, so it's likely that people with only a vague knowledge of the show would like it more than die hard fans. Maybe I will make a more faithful fanfic sometime, But I'm perfectly ok if this is the only one I ever make. Also, I did take the time to edit this since I was in a writer's sprint, making shit up off the top of my head, typing fast on a phone, so yeah, It needed A LOT of editing, but it's in a decent state to share with you all now. Thanks for reading and hope you catch tomorrow's story.
Duel Spirits
The school was never pretty, but it looked especially daunting at night time. It felt wrong, like I was doing something against nature. But as I rummaged through the principal's office, I knew I needed to find it. I couldn't leave one stone unturned. I needed to see what he was hiding.
I made a complete mess of that buffoon's office. I just know he was hiding something. I just know that he knows what happened to my brother.
I took a deep breath before taking a look out the door, making sure no one's lurking in the hallway.
It has to have something to do with the abandoned building on the edge of the campus, the one place on this island that's forbidden to attend.
That must be where I go next, into the forest, into the abandoned dorm where my brother and 5 other obelisk blue students disappeared. I'll never give up on finding Atticus, even if I do get caught.
As I began to step out, I immediately closed the door as I heard footsteps in the distance. As I listened out, I could tell who it was. It was unmistakably the footsteps of the flamboyant Dr Crowler, I almost didn't recognize it without the accompanying sounds of his entitled gloating from earning a doctorate in playing Duel Monsters.
He was likely on his way to find some other way to mess with Jaiden, but I couldn't worry about that now. Atticus could still be out there, needing my help at this very instant. 
It's a shame I have to operate in the dark like this. As the highest ranking woman duelist in the academy, a lot of eyes are on me. Not as many as are on Zane, but I can't afford to slip up, because any mistake caught will be campus gossip before I could know it.
Then I heard the sounds of Dr Crowler coming back, this time his hand trying to turn the knob on the door. 
I made my escape through The giant window behind the Principal's chair and slowly climbed my way down from the building and onto the ground beneath me.
I immediately booked it, running to the abandoned dorm, through the dark forest of the night. 
But then I got lost. I looked and looked all around, not being able to see anything other than trees, endless trees!
I had no choice but to keep running and running, until I saw something strange… winged kuriboh.
Winged Kuriboh was one of Jaidens cards, but what was it doing here? And how was it physically in front of me? I didn't see a duel disk lying around, so it couldn't have been from that. Perhaps there was an old Industrial Illusions hologram generator around but those were outdated anyways, besides there's no chance Kaiba Corp would allow another company's tech at their campus.
The little furry winged beast beckoned to me, not able to speak, but gently cooing and pointing behind it. It wanted me to follow it.
I did so, going deeper into the woods following a duel monsters card come alive.
But then I stood shocked, dead in my tracks as I saw them… my deck. All of the monsters of my deck had come alive, and there was something wrong with them. Their eyes were blood red, their skin was rotten and foul. The cute and feminine deck I used to have became perverted into this monstrosity… I immediately ran away for my life, being chased by them. Their howls echoed through the night.
Blade skater and cyber gymnast zipped through the trees effortlessly, Cyber tutu and Etoile Cyber jumping from tree branch to tree branch trying to take me down while Cyber prima and cyber petite angel chased me in mid air.
I kept running, my legs not stopping for an instant. My face was soaked with sweat and my breaths were short and rapid, my heartbeat going at the pace of an F1 formula racer.
This couldn't be real, this can't be happening. Duel Monsters aren't real, it's just a children's card game! This makes no sense.
Of all the monsters, oddly enough, it was Cyber Petite angel that managed to get the jump on me. grabbing the duel disk on my arm and smashing it into the tree, completely shattering both the duel disk and my bones.
I let out a scream of terror and pain as I came to a collision, my arm now out of its socket. 
I tried to crawl away with the one arm I had left. All of the monsters I won my duels with smashing the duel disk until it was nothing but miscellaneous scraps of metal and wires.
But I didn't stop moving… I couldn't stop moving. I crawled as much as I could, but it was fruitless. 
My most powerful monster, Cyber Angel Dakini stood before me. He held his javelin to my face, lightly scraping my cheek to make me bleed.
It was obvious what was to come, what was to happen, that I'd never find Atticus again, that this was the end of Alexis Rhodes
But then suddenly, Jaiden Yuki Showed up. He's a great duelist from the Slyfer dorms. And of course. He did what he does best, say a bunch of heroic crap, tell the spirits to “get your game on!” And starts dueling my deck to save my life.
I couldn't pay attention at all to the fight, my eyes were focused on my arm. Knowing Jaiden, he probably just used his Elemental Heroes so he can fusion summon Elemental hero flame wingman, set up his skyscraper card to boost it by one thousand attack points and win with his special effect just like always.
When he won, he took me to the nurse. They did all they could for me, but nothing was ever the same after that. 
I tried to go back to classes, But everyone looked at me differently. Before I was Alexis, the girl everyone wanted or wanted to be… but now, I'm just a victim. Status never mattered to me before, but it hits differently when you have nothing left.
Maybe I'll never find my brother, but I figured I could make another deck and go back to my dueling studies, but no… every time I saw a card from my old deck, I'd just freeze in terror. I'd lose over and over again until I was demoted from obelisk blue, all the way down to Slyfer red. 
I finally got kicked out after a couple Of years. I just couldn't go back. No matter how hard I fought, I'd just lose, lose, lose.
I felt so pathetic. I couldn't save Atticus anymore than I could save myself. I finally admitted to myself that I'd never find him, and that my career was just as lost as he was.
Atticus deserved better and I used to think I deserved better too, but now I'll settle for just a single night where I don't have to relive all of that in my dreams.
I'm sorry, Atticus Rhodes… but you deserved A better sister. It should have been me who vanished in that abandoned dorm instead of you…
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kanthia · 9 months ago
okay so i know i pointed out that Background NPC #10 grabs the mic from goku but i was listening to this guy talk shit to yusei about his tiny ass motorcycle and i was like,. this guy sounds familiar
turns out he's also voiced by goku???????
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kcuf-ad · 3 years ago
Chapter 8 of Yugioh GX: Rewrite!
Some wacky adventures in Duel Academy. Aka Celina regrets coming in this school.
On my Fanfiction. site, AO3 and Wattpad. (Name: kcuf_ad.)
Chazz was currently packing all of his things in a suitcase. His clothes, his money, his phone and his annoying deck with his annoying duel spirits trying to cheer him on and they even tried to steal from Chancellor Sheppard, but he didn’t care at this point. He waved his hand and looked at the Dark Scorpions, “Look I know you are trying to cheer me up, but please leave me alone.” 
Don Zaloog tried to protest, but knew nothing would change his mind. He looked at the rest of the Dark Scorpions with a saddened face, and they knew what that meant. They disappeared from Chazz’s eyes. 
Truth be told, Chazz always could see them and talk to them and when he told other kids and even his brothers, they thought he was crazy and called him an idiot. Monsters aren’t real they said, and that was when they started treating them like dirt. 
Nothing more. Nothing less.
He looked at his Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba poster he had on his walls, the two people he respects most in the world. The people that were the only reason why he even duels. He sighed as he took the posters off the walls and into his suitcase. 
He looked all over his room, well used to be his room, and took a deep breath as he went to his doorknob, pulled the door and exited the Obelisk Blue dorm, Chazz took his phone out and called for a boat to a different Academy. The closest would do, but he wouldn’t care which one. 
“Goodbye, Duel Academy.” thought Chazz as he went to the docks, also hearing a monkey? He didn’t care about that as the boat arrived, and then he left Duel Academy.
Jaden and Celina were currently in Professor Marco’s Duel Linguistics class, and it was BORING for both of them, but only Jaden wanted to show how boring it is by sleeping it. Celina was bored too, but she didn’t want to fail his class. 
“Okay, so I have to know the difference between If and When in the card names. Okay seems simple enoug-” Celina’s thought process was ruined when Syrus opened the doors running towards the sleeping Slifer Red. 
“Jaden this is awful!” Syrus woke up Jaden, catching his attention, “Chazz is missing! We need to find him!” 
“And that’s awful how?” asked Jaden. 
“Yeah, how is that awful?” asked Celina, “Isn’t that good news?”
Syrus thought for a minute before looking at them, “Well isn’t he supposed to be your duel rival?” 
“Nah, I have Jaden on that.” answered Celina as she looked at Jaden, but he was shocked at the truth. 
Jaden jumped out of his seat, causing a scene, “That’s right! We need to get him back, right Celina? Celina?” but to his dismay, she was on her seat paying attention, “Are you going or what?” 
“No, he is a prick, also I thought we were duel rivals?” said Celina, a bit offended that Jaden would call a jerk like Chazz a rival, rather than a friend. 
“What, I can’t have more than one duel rival?” Jaden asked as then Bastion, Zane, a North Academy student and a guy in a gray suit somewhere in Domino City then sneezed, “Besides, what Sy said was true, I can’t do that to my rival so let’s go!” 
“Sorry, but no thank you.” said Celina as she sat on her seat, but then a lightbulb went up inside of his head. 
“If you don’t come, I won’t duel you.” And that was all that it took to make Celina go with them. They walked towards the door of the classroom until Marco looked at them. 
“And where do you think you are going?” Marco asked as all of them got stiff as a rock. “Crap, we forgot we were in a classroom!” 
“Ahh, you see, Professor,” started off Syrus as he looked at Jaden, “Me and Jay were going to the bathroom because…”
“Sy has diarrhea.” stated Jaden and it took all of him and his indigo haired friend not to burst out laughing. 
“Because I have diarrhe- What.” Syrus glared at Jaden, who had a cheeky grin on his face. He sighed, “Yes, because I have diarrhea.” He rubbed his cheeks as he can’t believe that was the reason why they would leave. 
Marco nodded, “Alright, I will excuse you two, just notify me before you go, understand?” Both the Slifers nodded, “Good, now what is your reason, Ms Boyle?”
Celina quickly answered, “That time of the month.” 
“I understand then, take your time, just return to class after you are done, okay?” Celina nodded, “Alright then, you three are excused.” Said Professor Marco as he continued his lecture. Alexis and her two Obelisk Blue looked at the door and then each other. Yep they have followed each other. 
The entire class was then shaken when they heard laughter as soon as the door was closed. Most likely from Jaden and Celina. 
A while later
Jaden and Celina were nearly done laughing as they exited Duel Academy with tears in their eyes from too much laughter. “I am sorry, Sy! I couldn’t help myself!” 
Syrus didn’t say anything as he continued walking as they heard three figures behind them, “You know, if you continue like that, the entire school is gonna hear you.” all of them turned, only to see Alexis and her two friends behind her, Jasmine and Mindy. 
“Oh, hello, Alexis, why are you outside and how did you get out?” asked Celina.
“Same excuse that you used,” all of them ‘ahh’ed, “And because while Chazz is a jerk a lot of the time, he is still an Obelisk, and we can’t let that slide.”
“And because he is hot!” stated Mindy with Jasmine nodding to that. 
Alexis sighed, of course they would focus on that rather than actually help an Obelisk. “Do you need help with finding him?”
Jaden grinned, “Sure, Lex! The more the merrier!” 
“Why not?” said Syrus. 
“I don’t mind.” said Celina 
A while later
The three Slifer Reds and Obelisk Blues continued searching for Chazz. They looked for them, tried using bait, tried using fried shrimp on a box like they would catch a skunk in an old cartoon, they even tried yelling “Chazz!”, which was their way right now to get his attention. 
“Come here, Chazz!”
“Get here, Chazz!”
“Come out wherever you are, Chazzarino!” yelled Syrus, Jasmine, Mindy and Jaden and then everyone looked at Jaden like he grew two more heads. “What?” 
Celina took a deep breath, “Chazz, come out! Come on! Stop hiding, you no-good, money-hogging, card loving, big headed, egocentric, short tempered, Ojama humping, butt munching asshole!” Everyone then looked at Celina, “What? Better than nothing.” 
Alexis put her hands on her hips, “You know what? I am tired of this!” she took a deep breath and then, “CHAZZ COME OUT YOU LITTLE BEEP OR I SWEAR ON GOD IF YOU DON’T, PRAY THAT WE DON’T FIND YOU!” 
“Wow, and I thought I had a temper.” muttered Celina as they heard  a rustle in the bush, straightforward of them.
“Hey did any of you hear that?” asked Mindy.
“Yeah, I heard that too.” admitted Jasmine. 
“Kinda sounds like an animal,” said Syrus.
“Huh, I wonder what is tha-” then from the bushes came out a monkey! That also wore metal parts that looked like armour? They didn’t pay attention to that as the monkey went towards them, “HOLY KURIBOHS!” 
The monkey then tackled all of them at the same time, creating a small comical sized dust cloud that covered all of them at the same time. From it, there were punching and kicking sounds. 
“Ahh, someone kicked me in the knees!”
Someone then punched someone in the face, “Oww! My face!”
After a minute or so of whatever that happened, the monkey then grabbed Jasmine! The monkey then began running away when it heard, scientists!? And one of them held a gun! What is this school!? 
“Shoot Wheeler, now!” commanded the leader, who looked like the same size as Syrus, who actually looked like a monkey. The man had a long black beard and long black hair. He wore square glasses.
“Don’t worry!” yelled the scientist that had a gun in his hands, “I will get that banana munching, knuckle dragging, trash swinging, feces throwing, ugly frickin’ SON OF A-”
“Just shut up and shoot it, you idiot!” The scientist then aimed the gun at the monkey, but couldn’t do it as the monkey ran towards a cliff with a tree on the very edge. The scientists then ran after the monkey. 
The group that were getting their butt handed to them by the monkey finally got the idea that they should run after the monkey. All of them got up, but Celina was the only one who voiced her opinions, “Okay. Am I high, or did I just see a monkey wearing a duel disk with armour that got Jasmine?”
“No, you aren’t. That was reality.” said Syrus as Celina was reevaluating her life choices of going to this school.
Begrudgingly they went to the monkey, who was holding Jasmine hostage. The scientists try to shoot the monkey, but couldn’t do it since they would be shooting the girl. Jaden looked very closely and saw that the monkey had something. 
“Hey guys look at what the monkey is wearing!” Jaden pointed at the wrist of the monkey and Celina’s brain short circuited, “A duel disk! Either that or a very funny looking banana.” 
“Jaden, what is wrong with you?” asked Mindy of all people. 
“Nothing, why? But I do have a plan!” Jaden walked in as Celina was feeling brain death. 
“Jaden, please don’t tell me you are gonna duel that monkey.” 
Jaden didn’t say anything, he merely walked towards the monkey, a duel disk in his wrist. The scientists looked at Jaden, “Wait you are gonna duel Wheeler? This might be great for hi- where are you going, girl?”
Everyone turned to see Celina leaving, “I am not seeing Jaden duel a FUCKING MONKEY that is the same name as Joey Wheeler! I absolutely REFUSE to see that stupid duel! Good Luck! I am going back to class!” 
And so, Celina walked to Duel Academy, hearing explosions on the way and monkey screeching, now named Wheeler, with a face that just spoke “Do not talk to me, I am in a bad mood.” 
She walked into Professor Marco’s class, apologized for being late and sat on her seat. “Seto Kaiba, what is wrong with your school?”
“Man, Professor Banner knows how to cook.” Celina stretched as she finished dinner made by Banner himself and exited the dining area of the Slifer Red dorm. It was night time, and she decided to rest in the dining area after the incident with the monkey, by either play testing her hand or fixing her deck. 
As soon as she stepped on the stairs, she saw a certain brunette and bluenette, and then she realized how they explained that one to Chumley of why they were late. “Hey, wait a sec! We gotta explain what happened!” yelled Jaden, trying to wake up every other Slifer there. 
She waited for them for about a minute as they showed up, close to her dorm room. She sighed, “Okay, what happened after I left?” She asks with caution. 
“Oh nothing much, just a helmet that reads the monkey’s mind!” said Syrus, and Celina regretted even asking that question.
“Yeah, and the fact the monkey, Wheeler, had a family and Banner swooped in and saved the day!” said Jaden enthusiastically as punched the air. 
Celina rubbed her forehead in frustration, these guys are gonna give her a migraine one day. “Okay, what about Chazz? You know, the whole reason why we even left class in the first place?” 
Jaden bit his lip, he sorta forgot to notify her after hearing that, “Oh…that. He left Duel Academy as he used his family’s yacht.” 
Celina deadpanned. She took a deep breath and opened the door of her dorm room and closed it, without saying a word. She didn’t care at this point anymore. She needed sleep and she will get it by jumping on her bed, making her fall asleep. 
A week later
It has been a week after the incident that Celina wishes she would forget for the rest of her life, and it was the final week of the first semester of her freshman year. She decided to stay like Jaden, Syrus, Chumley and Zane. Alexis and her two friends and Bastion decided to leave the island for the break and to stay with their family. The rest of the students left because they wanted to get off the island, which she wouldn’t blame them if she was honest.
To her knowledge, Jaden stayed because his parents were busy all the time and they only get breaks during the summer, since the business in Industrial Illusions was overwhelming this time of the year and his mum was with her modeling business, Syrus stayed because he wanted to stay with Jaden and his parents were fine with that as long as they got pictures and information about his well being and Chumley stayed since his dad’s hot sauce business was taking the life out his dad.
She didn’t understand why Zane stayed on the island, but for some reason around 22 o clock every night, he would walk in the forest, talk to himself about someone called Yusuke or Atticus, was that the name of Alexis’ brother, she really couldn’t remember and be disappointed whenever he didn’t find anything.  
She stayed because she wanted to stay without her embarrassing family, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t communicate with them over the phone with texts or calls. 
As such, she was currently on the call with Rin in her dorm room, “So yeah that’s the reason why I am staying in Duel Academy. I wanted to spend some time with friends and take a break from all of these tests.”
Rin was currently in her apartment while Yugo was in the garage fixing their motorcycle that they both use every day to either drive to work, grocery store or just driving around while the other is sitting with them, “I understand, but it would be a shame without you being there. How did uncle and auntie react to this?”
Celina shrugged, “Oh you know, my dad was an emotional wreck, my mum trying to reassure him that everything will be alright and Zuzu was, well I couldn’t tell from her grammatical and spelling errors.” She did that all in text, and explains that Zuzu was on the family computer since she was too young for a phone.
Rin chuckled, “Yeah, I kinda expected that, if I am being honest. But we will miss you.”
“Yeah, I will miss you too.” Celina sighed, but then she remembered something that happened last week, something that she swore to forget, “Do you know what happened last week? Well me and my friends were going to see where a certain prick was, instead we saw a monkey with an armour and a duel disk with several scientists trying to catch it. Also the monkey was named Wheeler.”
“...What drugs are you on?” asked Rin. 
“No, I am being ser-”
“And can I have some?” 
“RIN! NO! I am being serious!” said Celina as she reached for her phone, “That actually happene-” and then she heard the door of the dining room being crashed, twice. It must be the two doors that Banner put for some reason, “I am sorry to cut this short, but I heard the door crashing. See ya!” Before Rin could ask what was going on, Celina canceled the call. 
She opened the door and ran towards the dining room only to see an Obelisk Blue student, with a brown mullet down to his shoulders with square glasses on the floor while Jaden and Syrus stopped the duel, Chumley stopped eating his grilled cheese sandwich and Banner looked at the down student. 
The now down Obelisk looked at Banner, “Why do you guys have 2 doors?” 
“I thought it would look great.” said Banner as he looked closely at the Obelisk, and realized that was one of his students, “Torrey? What are you doing here?”
“Also why do you look like you saw a ghost?” asked Celina as Torrey looked at her with a shocked expression. 
“That’s because I did!” exclaims Torrey as Celina deadpanned, the Obelisk then turned around towards Banner, “We used your studies to summon a monster in real life without a duel disk. Me and my friends wanted to see if it would become true so we tried bringing Jinzo to life and he wanted 3 sacrifices! We thought he wanted cards, but he wanted much more than that. My friends were sacrificed, but then he wasn’t satisfied by that so he wa- where are you going?” 
The Slifers and Banner looked at Celina going to the stairs with disbelief written all over her face, she then turned around to see them, “I am not being involved with this. I am not seeing Jinzo come here, threaten us, almost kill us because some idiots tried to summon a monster used by Joey. I still have war flashbacks with the monkey. Have a good night.” 
“Huh, she did the same thing last week.” said Jaden as Syrus looked at him.
“Jay, you dueled a monkey…that spoke… and played a monkey deck. I don’t blame her.” said Syrus as both Torrey and Chumley looked at them confused, but then the power was then cut. 
Celina was in her room, looking at her phone, and tried to watch a Duel Monster guide on the Red Eyes archetype, but she saw the power was out so she went to her contacts and tapped a contact that was named Lulu. And so they began a conversation. 
It was normal. They talked about how Shay was doing, who was now in house arrest, how Yuto was doing, who was in a full body cast, how she was doing in Duel Academy, how Lulu was doing with her job as a vet, why she wanted to stay at Duel Academy, which now she regrets ever going here and now they were talking about the summoning of the Duel Spirits. 
“And so yeah, they tried to summon Jinzo and were shocked that he was summoned.” said Celina, tired like she went through war. 
Lulu looked at her phone, “Are you on drugs?”
“I am shocked that I am not on them, if I am being honest.” she looked at the ceiling and heard footprints on the steps, “I have to hear what they went through, see ya later.”
“See ya.” Lulu canceled the call as Celina got out of her room and looked at her friends.
“So, what kind of crack head thing happened this time?” she asks. 
“Well, Jay had to duel Jinzo.” 
“He nearly lost all of his body and soul to the duel.”
“And then he possessed Torrey!” exclaimed Chumley, Syrus and Jaden one after the other, while Celina took a deep breath. How is this possible? “But don’t worry! He and his friends were saved by me of course!”
Celina looked at the cliff and thought about jumping from it, this is too much. What is wrong with this school? She needs something to cool her off and then it hit her. “You know what? How about we have a deal? You don’t talk about anything that happened today and last week and you get to watch Demon Slayer: Mugen Train with me? Is that good?”
Jaden beamed at the sound of that, while the two others were fine with that, it was a good movie, but for Jaden, he could feel himself something in Kyojuro. He couldn’t put his finger where, but he just wanted to watch it. “Sure! No more of those memories! Come on, let's go!”
Both the Slifers shrugged their shoulders and they went in, they couldn’t wait to watch Rengoku die for the 5th time. 
Meanwhile at the abandoned dorm 
“Come on. There has to be something here.” said Zane as he went through the same place that Titan and Jaden dueled. He looked over the right side while Honest looked over the left side of the cave. 
While yes, the only thing that they found from either Atticus or Yusuke was Honest and a picture of Atticus, there was still hope for both of them. 
To one of them, it was their Master, the person he swore to protect when the tragedy happened to Yusuke, the person that loved duel spirits and wanted to make friends, but the only thing keeping him back was that he was terrified of being forgotten. 
But to the other was his two best friends that were irreplaceable. Both of them were like brothers to Zane, both played pranks on each other, learned their secrets and childhood, even the most embarrassing things about them and their memories put a smile on the Kaiser’s face. 
No matter what happens between each other, he knew that their bond would never be broken, no matter what. Zane would be happy even if one of them were alive, but something in him wanted both of them alive. 
He wants them back, and it won’t stop him from doing anything to break that concentration. He promised himself and Honest that he would bring them back, no matter what.  He thought he heard a demon growling so he turned around only to see Honest looking all over the place with a confused expression. 
Maybe it was lack of sleep, maybe. 
He looked at the angel, “Have you seen anything yet, Honest?”
Honest shook his head, “No, I am afraid not, Zane. It appears that everywhere we look, we can’t find any traces of either Master Fujiwara or Atticus. But we must lose hope.”
Zane sighed as he looked at the duel spirit, “Who said I am giving up?” Honest had a smile on his face as he said that. It was good enough to hear that someone other than him was determined to find his Master. 
He remembered all of the stories of the three Obelisks fooling around, dueling each other, trying to escape their fangirls, well Zane and his Master tried, watch movies together, talk to each other about anything in their life. 
He knew how much they meant to Zane, and that made them determined to find even just one of them, or any of their traces. He tried looking at Atticus’ room, but he didn’t find anything there, most likely Duel Academy gave them to Alexis after he left. 
Before he could remember Yusuke putting him in the box was a conversation with Banner about certain books and rituals, but he couldn’t remember it well. He thought he heard a demon growling, he turned around, but saw Zane still doing his searching. He shrugged his shoulders, maybe it was some hallucinations from too much paranoia. 
A few weeks later
Over the course of their winter breaks, the Slifer Red gang decided to help out Dorothy by cleaning the classrooms, the gym, stocking the cards and packs on the shelf, putting the new sandwiches in the storage. The reason why they did that? Because they were bored and they wanted to help her. 
Not to mention they also watched and finished the Classic story of Naruto and started Shippuden. They also played some board games, like Uno and Monopoly, and shockingly Chumley was the winner most of the time. They played games like Fall Guys, Minecraft and some fighting games like Dragon Ball Fighterz, to which, shockingly, Syrus was the king of. 
They did not know that they were gods of these types of games, never in a million years. 
When their friends, Alexis and Bastion, and the rest of the students arrived back on the island. The gang either gives them a pat on the back and/or gives them a handshakes and tells them how they spent their winter breaks, but Celina dragged them into the lighthouse to tell them the Jinzo incident. 
Their reactions were the same as her cousins, “Are you on drugs?” 
She should get used to that question whenever she tells them stories about this school. 
Anyways, since it was the first week of the second semester of the school year, the staff decided to put all of the students, from freshman to senior, from Slifer to Obelisk, play a sport where everyone could participate. They decided to pick tennis for one student in senior in Blue, because his parents were rich. 
Right now, Jaden and Celina are playing tennis back and forth. The ball hasn’t stopped since the game started. It was originally supposed to be Jaden and Chumley vs Celina and Torrey, but they quickly moved as they realized that if they don’t move out of the way, the ball will destroy them. 
It was going on for like 20 minutes and the ball hasn���t stopped once, both of them were on 0 - 0. The students who weren’t playing tennis, the majority of the students, were placing bets on who would win. It was a very close game, and it could go either way. 
While they did dislike tennis, they couldn’t let the other one win this and their competitive spirits were off the roof. Unfortunately, Jaden accidently hit the ball towards Alexis, still not finishing the game, but was stopped by an Obelisk Blue senior that had a brown mullet. 
The senior hit the ball away from Alexis, but at a cost, went towards a certain professor. “And that was the last time I got hit by a ball- OH DEAR!” Doctor Crowler was knocked out of his seat and fell flat on the floor with a ball covering right eye, mirroring the time Bastion threw the ball on him. 
The students either felt sorry for him, Bastion, or are straight up laughing at him, Jaden and Celina, but Crowler quickly stood up with rage in his eyes, “OKAY! WHO THREW THAT BALL!?” 
The Obelisk Blue senior raised his hand. “I know who threw that hand, Doctor Crowler! It was him, as he threw at this beautiful lady!” yelled the Obelisk as he pointed at Jaden, the students that were friends of Jaden were in shock. Sure he did throw that ball, but he didn’t mean to hit Alexis, it was an accident. Alexis then rolled her eyes, of course someone would say that. 
Zane, or any other student, tried to speak up, but Crowler was louder than them, “Alright! Thank you, Harrington! I want everyone out, except Jaden! And you,” he then pointed at Celina, “You are getting 2 weeks worth of detention!”
Celina was taken aback, “What did I do?!”
“For laughing at my pain, that hurt my feelings!” Crowler heard Celina saying, “pussy.” He then looked at her again, “That’s two more weeks!” 
“Damn it!” yelled Celina as she, and the rest of the students, went to the exit of the gym, leaving poor Jaden with Doctor Crowler alone. 
A few hours later
Normally detention lasts an hour or two, but that was only for Banner if you get detention by him. It all depends on who gives you detention. 
If it's Marco, you would get an hour and a half. Professor Stein, you would get at most 45 minutes. Fonda, you would get two hours. But the worst is Crowler, the least hours will be 4 hours if he was nice enough, but the worst one is 8 hours. 
Poor Celina got the worst teacher for detention, making her wait for 4 hours. She didn’t have her PDA, her phone, her deck or even her homework. She had to sit there, doing nothing.  
As soon as it was done, she ran towards how Jaden was doing, and if he was with Harrington, he would get slapped around from one side to a different side in a couple of minutes. She wished she can get a bowl of popcorn so she can see how Jaden is destroyed by a tennis match. 
He is extremely clumsy if it weren’t battling a friend and that was fun to watch. As soon as she entered she saw Harrington running with tears in his eyes with an arm covering them. And then saw Alexis facepalmed with Mindy and Jasmine trying to comfort the poor Obelisk Blue while Syrus was giving Jaden a massage. 
“Oh dear, something stupid happened, didn’t it?” Celina thought as she approached, “What happened this time?” she asked as Mindy and Jasmine looked at each other and then Alexis.
“Lex, why don’t you tell her?” 
“You can do it, Lex.” said both Jasmine and Mindy.
“Something happened.” thought Celina as Alexis looked at the only female Slifer Red in the eyes and then at Jaden, “Jaden, what do you think is a fiancee?” 
Celina’s jaw dropped bigger than Greece’s GDP as she looked at Jaden who looked at both of them. He just smiles, “A friend! Like Syrus, Bastion, you and Celina. Why do you ask? You explained it to me.”
Alexis looked at Celina, to which she fell anime-style so hard that it made a dent on the floor. Safe to say, she needed to go to Fonda’s office for this while muttering “you idiot.”
At night 
Zane looked at the night sky at the lighthouse, with Honest joining in, looking at it. It was nice to relax after a month of searching in the abandoned dorm. All that they could find was a card of Red Eyes Black Chick, but that was it. 
Nothing more. Nothing less. But it was better than nothing, they supposed. 
And then they heard footsteps coming closer, he looked at the figure by the corner of his eye and he saw Alexis with a disappointed face. He knew something bad happened to Jaden, as he knew that she was getting closer towards the Slifer. 
He glanced at her, “Did something happen to Jaden?”
Alexis leaned on the lighthouse with the same face she wore when she came here and looked at The Kaiser, “Yes, something did happen. Jaden dueled your classmate,” Zane sighed, he knew it was Harrington, “and the winner would get me as their fiancee.”
Zane pinched his nose while Honest looked at her in disbelief. Humans could do arranged marriages during duels. He knew that they could do it with money and a contract, but with a card game?! “And then what happened? Please tell me he won.” 
“Oh he did, that part didn't made me mad.” He looked at her confused, “After the duel, he went towards me and looked me in the eyes, and asked “So what does fiancee mean, any how?” I wish I was kidding.”
She looked at Zane and he facepalmed so hard, his hand was visible on his face, and she thought she heard something else facepalmed, must be her imagination. 
The Next Week
The rumors. There were several rumors about this Giant, that duels students, more specifically Obelisk Blue students, that wore a coat made out of the jackets of the defeated Obelisk Blues, using the ante rule which was banned in Duel Academy. 
Ante Duels are duels where the two, or more, opponents wager their cards, or even their entire decks, if they lost the duel. The reason why it was banned cause it promoted gambling and Seto didn’t want to remind himself of his loss against Yugi in the semifinals. 
The rumors began after one Obelisk lost to him, but then soon after only a few days, the rumor began spreading like wildfire. Obelisks left to right, dropping like flies. And they couldn’t catch him, he dueled in the night and was bigger than a house. 
It also made Obelisk’s look like jerks that can’t hold a deck properly and got in because of their parents, which were partially true. And Doctor Crowler did not like that, not one bit. 
Celina was walking with her friends after school, the classes were finally done and she can relax in detention, but unfortunately she had a horrible start to this. First of all she woke up after Jaden, which he wakes up almost 5 minutes before the class starts, so she had to go up fast. 
When she tried to clean her teeth with her toothbrush, there was no toothpaste so her breath would stink worse than Chazz’s Obelisk Blue jacket.
On top of all of that, Obelisks decided to make her day worse, by placing water buckets on the door, giving her fake gum that electrocuted her when she tried to take the piece of gum, took her seat when she tried to sit and she fell, almost stealing her deck and so much more. 
Jaden tried to calm her down by saying they will watch the Entertainment District Arc, and that the others will bring snacks. So she calmed down. 
She went to the group of 4 Obelisk Blue students and tried being friendly with them, “Hey, guys. What’s up?”
The group looked at her, and then she remembered that they were the ones making her day worse, “Oh, look it’s the Slifer Slackers!”
And then like a branch, she snapped, “What! You wanna say that again?!” she yelled out making everyone take a step back, “You wanna repeat that!? You BEEPing prick! Huh!? You wanna BEEPing start something?! Come on! Let’s go! Four on four! RED VERSUS BLUE!  No camp kills, I will FUCK you up!”
The Obelisks looked at each other, maybe it wasn’t a good idea to make her angry of all people. One of them stepped out, “Ju-just calm down.”
“SHUT THE BEEP UP, TED!” Celina threw hand out to the student, “WE are all pumped! We are all fucking ready! Let’s go!” The Obelisks decided that they would rather run in the halls and away from her to be the safest option to be away from her, but that won’t stop her. Nothing will, “YOU ARE NOT ESCAPING AWAY FROM ME!” she ran after them. 
What did her friends do to stop them? Nothing. They did not want to face her wrath. Smart choice. 
But the indigo haired duelist was unlucky as Crowler saw her chasing the scared Obelisks. He grabbed her shoulder, “Do I hear another 2 weeks of detention with 8 hours!? Cause I do! Two extra weeks!” He then pushed her towards the same room for the students that had to go to detention, she groaned. 
8 hours later
After the most agonizing 8 hours of her life, she thought on how did he get a teaching license. The man hates kids and punishes the wrong people. Sometimes she thinks that he bribed the school to let him work there. Won’t be a shocker if she was honest. 
She exited the building to see Jaden, Syrus and Chumley hiding behind the statues that resemble that of Obelisk The Tormentor. She sighed, “I’ll bite, what are you guys doing now?”
“Oh we are trying to catch the Duel Giant, well Jay is.”
“He wants me to challenge him to a game of checkers.”
“And then I come from nowhere and duel him!” said Syrus, Chumley and Jaden. This was way more tame than before, but this does beg the question. 
“I don’t think the Duel Giant plays checkers.” Celina said as then they heard someone yelling in pain, but it was most likely from a duel. 
“Hey, where are you going, Celina?” the brunette asked as he almost began running. 
“I am going to be straight with you, this is most likely a duel from an Obelisk and due to my shitty day with them, for all I know, let them suffer. Have a good night.” Celina said as she began walking off, while hearing the rest trying to stop her, but to no avail.
It only took her a couple of minutes to come to her room, she got dressed and landed on her bed. Dreaming about beating those Obelisks that annoyed her the entire day. 
The Next Day
Celina heard that the Duel Giant was defeated in a duel and returned to their respective owners and some Obelisk Blue were now nicer than before when they got their reality checked, but the Giant was never revealed. 
Which explains why Jaden and Syrus were doing their homework in blazing speed that every second they were doing it, they started a new one, in her detention time. Chumley was here for moral support.
Crowler was going from left to right, with an angry expression on his face, “So let me guess this straight. Not only did you beat the Duel Giant, without the Ante duel rule, which the other Obelisk Blues did, but you let him escape?!”
“Did I say escape, more like he ran to a giant peastock and hid there.” said the brunette as he continued writing his homework. 
“Alright, if that was true, then how did the cards return to the duelists without them noticing?” asked Crowler. 
“Maybe they magically appeared after he left Duel Academy.” 
Celina turned towards Chumley, “Okay, so what really happened?”
“Well, Jaden found the Duel Giant, wagered his Winged Kuriboh, summoned Rampart Blaster to take off the cloak, revealed two Ra Yellows, Brier and Beauregard, he defeated them and left them go after they explained how much they meant to each other.” explained Chumley as he and Celina looked at the two Slifers who continued writing their homework.
Celina nodded, “Alright, shockingly one of the more normal moments in this year.” Both of them nodded to that.
The Next Week 
It was currently break time at Duel Academy, so they had around 20 minutes to relax before class started again, so Celina decided to get a sandwich in the cafeteria, hoping to get the Golden Eggwich. 
You see, every week in Duel Academy, a Monday or a Wednesday, there are wrapped sandwiches in which they had different food in them and they can either be good, delicious or absolutely disgusting. 
Some flavours include: strawberry, fish butt, pizza, grilled tongue, ostrich eggs, grilled rock, steam dust, actual meat, salad, Crowler’s toenails, buns inside of the buns, tomatoes and so much more. Last week, she pulled a sandwich OUT of a sandwich. She couldn’t really describe what it tasted like. 
But there is a type of sandwich that is the top of the group, a Golden Eggwich. It only happens once a week when a roster, not a chicken, lays a golden egg and they use it not to sell it and gain profit, but to make it into a sandwich, which were mouth watering good. 
There is one downside though, you can only pull one sandwich a week so if you get one disgusting flavour, that’s what you get to eat until next week so everyone either has to be really lucky or be careful to pick one. 
And today she felt lucky, so she took one sandwich, took off the wrapper and took a bite. She chewed it and it was good, but not an Eggwich, it was more like beef than anything, but she couldn’t complain. It was really good so she continued eating the sandwich. 
Celina then heard the magnet of trouble and his sidekick, Jaden and Syrus, came running in. “Come on, Sy. I can’t be late for today and it is sandwich day! I hope to get the Golden Eggwich!” he then looked at Celina, “Hey, what did you get?”
Celina swallowed what she was eating, “Oh, beef. Not bad, it’s actually pretty good.” 
Jaden nodded his head, “Okay, that means I have a better chance to get the Eggwich!” he took off the wrapper and took a bite, “And here it comes…Uh.”
“Is something wrong, Jay?” asked Syrus as he looked at  his friends.
“It can’t be that bad. Can it?” asked Celina
Jaden looked at the other Slifers with tears in his eyes, “I got sardines!” he fell down, trying his best not to puke. They knew how much he hated fish, that was pretty much the only things he would not eat. And he ate styrofoam. 
“Don’t worry, Jaden, you can always give it to Pharaoh.” said Celina, but Syrus looked at her. 
“You would use it to catch him, wouldn’t you?” Celina turned to see the very interesting wall while eating her sandwich, rather than to answer Syrus’ question. 
“Better to get a bad draw here rather than in dueling, am I right?” asked Alexis as she walked in with two sandwiches in her hand, one of them must be from one of her fanboys, Harrington most likely. 
“Alexis?” Jaden looked at her and noticed that she held two sandwiches in her hands, “Oh I get it. One of them must be the Eggwich so you can have lunch with me, huh?” he halved-jokes, meanwhile Celina did a spit take, only in a food form aka she almost choked on her food. 
“How could he say that!?” Celina thought as for some reason she was…envy? No, it must be from the shock from the question. She turned around to see Syrus with a shocked expression, the other students' jaw dropped and Alexis blushed. “Wait, blushed?!” 
“No, I did not! I was trying to practice my draws!” argued back Alexis. 
“Sure you were.” 
“I was!” 
Dorothy came from the counter of the Card Shop to defend the poor Obelisk Girl, “She is telling the truth, Jaden. No one has drew an Eggwich for weeks now.”
“Weeks? How is that possible?” asked Celina, but Jaden already had a plan. 
“I have a plan!” yelled out Jaden, in the Card Shop, catching everyone’s attention. “How about we wait until night to see what happens with the Eggwich, so when we see what happens we can report it to Sheppard?” 
“Great idea, Jay!” agreed Syrus with Dorothy and Alexis joining on the idea as well, and then they looked at Celina who threw the wrapper in the trash. 
“Hmm?” she turned her head towards everyone, “Oh sorry, I can’t join. Would have like to, I am being honest, but detention.” Everyone ‘ahh’ed at that, understanding what she meant by that. 
The school bell rang, meaning break time was finished and they had to go to the classroom. So they went in towards Professor Banner’s Alchemy class, which was an excuse to see him making explosions, which backfired, a lot. 
A Few Hours Later
After the classes were finished, Celina decided to see what was happening in the Card Shop and if they have made any progress whatsoever. She opened the door and walked in, “Hey, guys sorry I am late, but I want to see what are you guys doing right now and I didn’t mean to distur…”
What standing there was something way more shockingly she could imagine. The man had no shirt, no shoes, but thankfully he did have some pants on. He had long brown hair that reached to his butt and had gray eyes. She also saw just how muscular this man is, he must go to the gym at least 5 times a week. 
And what did the man do exactly? Open a metal door, that was shut closed, get to the place where there were wrapped sandwiches. When he saw her, the door that was on the other side of the Card Shop was opened revealing everyone trying to stop this man, but the man was crazy enough to push  the cart away so hard that it destroyed the metal door with ease and everyone went after him. 
She looked at her hand, “Am…Am I on drugs?” She then looked at the clock and decided that what she really needed was sleep. “I am going back to bed.”
The Next Week
It was sandwich day, and this time she is going to get the Golden Eggwich! She was walking with Jaden, and this Obelisk Blue kid that was actually the guy that destroyed the metal door, now known as Damon. 
Celina rubbed her forehead, “So let me get this straight, Damon, you are the same person that I saw last week, and because you had horrible luck drawing cards you decided to go out in the wild, train yourself to the end, practice drawing your cards and pulling Eggwiches so you could perfect drawing cards?” 
“Yeah pretty much. And then Jaden beat me and I returned to Blue!” said Damon as all three of them entered the Card Shop and to the cart, “Alright, Jaden I will use your advice and believe in myself!” He took a sandwich, took off the wrapper and took a bite. He then fell down on his knees, “I got grilled rock!”
Both Celina and Jaden patted his back, but Jaden took a wrapper, “Don’t worry, Damon, I am sure you will get it next time! But this time it is my turn!” he took off the wrapper and took a bite of the sandwich. He then fell to his knees, “I got sardines again!” He cried anime style. 
Celina patted both of their backs, “Don’t worry, you all will get a chance next time since I am taking this one!” She yelled out, taking a random sandwich, taking off the wrapper and taking a bite.
She then fell down on her knees, “I got steam dust!” She then hit the floor. 
“Oooh, what’s this?” asked a familiar sounding voice, Bastion, as he walked in, seeing two Slifers and 1 Obelisk on the ground, they probably took the bad sandwiches, “Golden Eggwich day? I don’t see why not.” He walked towards the crate, taking a closer look at all the wrappers and saw one of them much softer than the others. 
He squeezed the sandwich, and sure enough it was soft like it had a broken egg in it. He took out the wrapper and took a bite and the ones that were on the floor looked at his reaction to see what he got, but he just nodded, “My, they really are exquisite! No wonder they are worth eating!” He looked at the down students, “Sorry, but good luck on the next chance you get!”
Bastion walked off the Card Shop and the three students’ heads dropped.
The Next Week
It was only a few minutes away from the start of the day for the school, but Celina really needed to get the tickets to something very special. Tickets to see the King Of Games, Yugi Muto’s, deck!
Yugi Muto doesn’t need any introduction, not one bit, but for the two students in Duel Academy that don’t know his legacy, here you go; He started off as a lonely teenager, the only friend he ever had was his childhood friend, Tea Gardner, and they were inseparable. While he did like her company, he really didn’t like the treatment he got from his former bullies, now best friends, Joey Wheeler and Tristan Taylor. They bullied him, took his lunch money and even threw away a piece of a puzzle that his grandpa, Solomon Muto, gave him. 
One day, he saw the Hall monitor, Tetsu Trudge, beating them up, and he tried defending them, even after what they did to him, and with that Joey and Tristan had a change of heart, and returned the piece of the Millenium Puzzle. One night, as he finished the puzzle, he wished for one thing. Not money, not fame, not power, but friends. Unsepearple friends that will be together forever. 
And with one wish, his entire life changed, for the better. He was better at Duel Monsters, better at gaining friends, more confident and like he gained a different personality. He faced many powerful opponents such as Seto Kaiba, Maximillion Pegasus, Noah Kaiba, Yami Marik, Yami Bakura, Dartz and much more, with the help of his spirit pal, Yami Yugi. 
Yugi later realized that Yami had a different name, Atem, and that he was the reincarnation of him. They dueled Bakura and Zorg for the fate of the future, and after it was all and done, he had to return Atem back to the afterlife if he won the Duel. 
The Duel was tough, for both sides, with one side using monsters as the Egyptian Gods where their dorms were based on, Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl and the other used monsters like the Magnet Warriors, Buster Blader, Summoned Skull and more, but at the end, after all of that, Atem’s journey was over. 
He lost to Yugi fair and square, and sent his goodbyes to all of his friends, and passed the torch to Yugi as the King Of Games. 
Yugi is now the best duelist and current King Of Games, waiting for a successor to pass the legacy of the King Of Games, and it was even rumoured that he had the Egyptian Gods in his deck and had a relationship with Tea Gardner. 
The story of him will never be forgotten and inspired that anyone can change history for the greater good. It showed that even a nobody like him, could be proven legendary. It showed that a silly little card game made by Pegasus can make unbreakable bonds that could never be broken. 
It brings tears to many people that started off as nobodies and inspired them to be legendary. 
There was no question why so many Pro Duelists, students, Chancellors and even Duelists in the Top 10 respect him. He was the King Of Games. 
Celina loved seeing him and his deck duel it out against Joey, Mai, Keith, and most importantly, Seto Kaiba. Celina wanted to be just like him, to be the King, or shall we say, Queen Of Games. The images of people loving her stories of this bat shit insane Academy is giving her a smile on her face.
She walked in the Card Shop, a day after Eggwich day, and saw Dorothy and Sadie putting up a sign that said ‘A TICKET TO SEE THE KING OF GAMES’ DECK!’ She walked in, “Hey, do you guys have tickets for Yugi's deck?” she asked nicely.
Dorothy laughed, “Of course we do, sweetie! We just opened! Sadie, please give her one of the tickets.” Sadie nodded as she dug her hands into the box and gave Celina the ticket. “Here you, go.” 
Celina smiled, “Thank you.” As then the bell ringed, it was the start of classes, that she was unfortunately late for, “OH CRAP!” she then started running in Professor Banner’s class, and opened the door. All eyes were on her, even from Banner, “Sorry, I was…getting a ticket for tomorrow’s viewing of Yugi’s deck.”
“Wait, that's today?!” yelled a random Ra. 
All of the students, sans Jaden who was currently asleep, then started going wild, almost running towards the Card Shop, but they were stopped by Banner, “Now, now, students. I know all of you want to see his deck, but please, after the class, alright?” All of the students looked back at him and gave him a nod.
They returned to their seats as Banner gave a smile, “Thank you, now where was I?” Banner asked as he looked at his desk and saw all of the chemicals, “Oh right, combining all of the elements here could be symbolic of Duel Monsters. As such, while combining these elements,” took some glass and put liquid into different glasses, “Could create a completely different element as such.” 
The liquid then started to change colour, making some students aww at the sight, but then it started shaking, almost like it was ready to explode, Banner took note of this, “Oh dear.”
It created a small explosion, still not making Jaden wake up, that covered bits of the classroom. Banner stood up, full of ash and almost like he went in a fight, and lost horribly. “And that’s how *cough* a combination could become real.” He then fell down. 
It certainly was a start of the day, to say the least. 
A School day and 8 hours later
Celina was tired, to say the least. Since it was a Friday, she had to go through Banner’s class, then two hours with Stein, Marco’s class, break time, Fonda’s PE class and two hours of Satyr’s English lessons. She did hear that Syrus did managed to beat a Ra Yellow using Crowler’s Ancient Gear Golem deck while sounding just like the doctor. 
Unfortunately for her, she still had detention with Crowler, meaning 8 more hours with the teacher of Math. All she did doing that time was looking at the ticket in her hands and think all of the cards that could be in that deck like Apple Magician Girl, Lemon Magician Girl, Silent Swordsman and so much more. 
When her detention was over, she walked out of the classroom and exited the Duel Academy building, she saw Jaden, Syrus and Chumley walking towards the building. She sighed, of course they want to do something, “Alright, why are you guys here?” she asked
Jaden looked at her, “Well, we want to see Yugi’s deck early, so do you want to join us?” 
She looked over to see Syrus and Chumley nodding, and for once she liked one of his ideas, but sadly, she was dead tired, “Honestly, I would like to, but I am just too tired, and I need sleep. Sorry, guys.” She walked off. 
“Okay, see ya later!”
“Good night!” 
“Don’t let the bed bugs bite!” said Syurs, Chumley and Jaden as she went off towards the Slifer Red dorm, opened her dorm room, closed it and landed on her bed, sleeping nicely. 
The Next Day
Celina woke up, and saw her clock was 10:15, not early, but not late. The exhibition doesn’t start until 11 o'clock, so she decided to shower and watch some Mob Psycho 100 clips until it was 11 o'clock. 
She went outside, with her Slifer Red uniform and went out to the exhibition, but at the forest she heard some strange noises. She went to see what was happening and saw Jaden. Well not actually Jaden, first his uniform was more cleaner than usual, second his hair and uniform was darker, third his eyes gray, not that beautiful chocolate brown eyes, and finally he did not sound like he was from Brooklyn.
He was pointing his middle and index fingers at some trees, “Gotcha!...No, that's not it.” he muttered as he tried his best to make a Jaden impression.
“Okay, what the hell am I seeing?” asked Celina as the fake Jaden turned around to see her, “Why do you look like Jaden?”
“Ahh, Serena! Good to see you, pal!” the fake Jaden said as Celina got confused, “I, Judai, was looking for you with my pals Sho and Hayato! Where were you?”
“First, my name is Celina, not Serena, second, their names are Syrus and Chumley, don’t know how you messed up their names that bad, and third, who are you?” Celina looked ‘Judai’.
“Ahh, come on, Ser-Celina, how can you forget your friend Judai!” ‘Judai’ said as Celina decided that she didn’t want to lose all of her brain cells to this guy. She sighed as she went towards Duel Academy, “Where are you going?” 
Celina looked at him, “To powder my nose.'' She lied as ‘Judai’ ‘ahh’ed and let her go. “Well, he did get his stupidity down to the point.” she thought as she entered Duel Academy to see the entrance of the main room where the exhibition was. 
The halls and even the floor was covered by Yugi merchandise, such as posters, carpets and even plushies. She opened the door to see Yugi’s deck in a display case, and the walls were covered by Yugi posters, from his Battle City look to his current look, which made him look like Atem. 
Celina looked around for a specific Slifer, but not a second later she saw him with his two buddies, Chumley and Syrus, holding a Yugi Muto poster, most likely. She walked towards him, “Hey, so why is there a guy impersonating you in the forest and keeps calling himself ‘Judai’?” 
“Aww, it’s Dimitri again!”
“That is so not lischus! We need to get him to snap out of it again!” 
“Dang it, Dimitri!” yelled out Syrus, Chumley and Jaden as they went out of the exhibition room and most likely Duel Academy to get Dimitri to snap out of it. 
She shrugged her shoulders as she walked towards the display case and see all of the cards used by the great Yugi Muto; Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl, Chimera The Flying Mythical Beast, the Fruit Magician girl archetype, the Magnet Warriors, Buster Blader, Black Luster Soldier, Dark Magician of Chaos, the Gadgets, Silent Swordsman, Silent Magician, SIlent Paladin, Marshemellon and so much more. The only monsters that weren’t there were the Egyptian God cards, Obelisk The Tormentor, Slifer The Sky Dragon and Winged Dragon Of Ra. 
She took her phone out of her pocket and took several pictures, to which she sent them to her family. She loved this and this deck, so a way that she could remember it is by buying a Yugi poster that had him against Seto Kaiba dueling out in a tournament. For some reason, she felt a furball watching the display case and the monsters waving at her, must be her imagination. 
The Next Week
It was currently a week away from March in Duel Academy, and a few weeks away from their annual school duel with one of the four Duel Academies from different directions. One from North, West, South and East. This year, like the previous two years, the school duel will be against North Academy. It would soon be revealed to all of the students the next day, but today they had a new student. 
“Everyone, please be quiet, eyes forward, Chumley stop eating with your mouth open!” said Banner, with Pharaoh in his arms, as he caught everyone’s attention in the dining area. “Today, we have a new student here, so please welcome him with open arms.” 
On the side of Banner there was a small…boy? Yeah boy, wearing a gray hat, with short blue hair and caramel brown eyes. “His name was Blair Flannigan. He is a transfer student that couldn’t be here earlier due to him being sick on the entrance exams. Please, welcome your new classmates, Blair.” The boy in question looked at Banner, then at the students, as he then gave a small wave. 
“Man, he dresses goofier than me, smaller than me, cuter than me, my sidekick thing is done.” Syrus said as Jaden gave a pat on the back, the one that said “Nah you are wrong, buddy.”
Jaden stood up from his seat, “Come on guys, let’s give him a warm welcome. Slifer Style!” Everyone around him shook their heads, “Alright, I will begin alone. S-L-I-F-E-Something, Slifer!” He threw his hands all over the place while the rest facepalmed, including Banner. 
“Idiot.” Celina muttered as she got a good look at Blair, who was confused about this illiterate idiot. She stood up from her seat and gave a nice handshake, and got a good look on the guy and he looked slightly…girlish? “Nice to meet you.”
“Same here,” said Blair, shyly, but Jaden ran towards the new guy, “Come on! We gotta show you where your place for the next three years!”
“Now, hold on a second, Jaden. Blair won’t be a Slifer for too long, in fact he will be a Ra extremely soon because of his high grades.” Banner explained. 
“Then why is he in Red?” asked Syrus as he walked up and gave a hand shake to the guy.
“Because it’s the Academy policy that any and all transfer students start of in Slifer, but they can be promoted with their high grades.” Syrus and Celina, so did the rest of the Slifers nodded, while Jaden was disappointed because he wanted to the new guy to stay in Slifer, “Now, Jaden, you don’t mind sharing the room with Blair do you?”
The reason why he couldn’t stay with Celina, was because girls, if they aren’t in Obelisk, can not share rooms with anyone other than with other girls. Jaden beamed up as he jumped into the air and grabbed Blair by his hand to the dorm, without asking either Chumley or Syrus. 
“Something is off with Blair.” Celina thought as she reached for her room. 
The Next Day
Classes were over, there is no more school for the day, and it’s a Friday, so why are students from all of the years and dorms still here in the classroom, other than those who have detention cough Celina cough? Well because it was a special announcement from Chancellor Sheppard. 
Sheppard coughed in his hand to catch their attention, which he did when the life sized TV was on, and started off, “Hello my students. As some of you who don’t know, our annual school duel with one of the Academies from North to South, West to East is fast approaching, in fact, for 5 weeks or 1 month plus 1 week, we are going to have the school duel with North Academy for the third time in a row.” 
While Sheppard was going on about North Academy and how they should study hard, Syrus wanted to share a fact with Blair, “Hey, Blair, did you know that Zane is my big brother?”
Blair was looking at Zane the whole time, but then towards Syrus, “Really?” he asked with stars in his eyes. He couldn’t imagine having THE Zane Truesdale as a big brother. 
“Yep! He may have more skill than me and confidence, but I have something over him!” said Syrus as Blair, Jaden and Celina looked at him, “He NEVER beat me in a game of hide and seek! No matter how easy I made it for him.”
“How easy are we talking about, Sy?” asked Jaden. 
“I had a lamp shade over my head for 2 hours while he was watching TV! He was really bad at that game.” explained Syrus with confidence in his voice. 
“Kinda sounds like he was ignoring you.” said Celina as Blair nodded his head. 
“Or…he couldn’t find me.” 
“Oi, shut up, Sheppard is talking.” said a random Obelisk Blue student. 
The group then watched Sheppard who looked at all of his students, “Now study hard my students, any one of you could represent us in the school duel.” Sheppard then logged off, the students then exited the room, all sans the group and Zane, who was looking at a certain Light Fairy monster in his hands, thinking about something. 
“It’s gonna be me!” yelled both Jaden and Celina at the same time, but then they looked at each other, “What!? No way! I am gonna be the one dueling!” 
Syrus wanted to diffuse the situation while Blair got nervous, “Gu-guys calm down, it’s probably gonna be Zane again.”
That made Celina stop, even though she has a lot of confidence in herself, she knew that she couldn’t defeat Zane in a million years, Jaden however, “What? What does he have that I don’t?”
“Seriously, we saw you lose to him in turn 6!” both Syrus and Celina thought at the same time while Blair actually pointed at some good points, “Well, he has more experience and overall a stronger deck.”
Jaden dropped his head in shame, that was a really good point, “Yeah, I guess.”  
“And big beautiful ocean blue eyes on a shining day on hot summer days.” Blair said as all of them imagined all of that and yeah he eyes do look like that, but what does that prove anything?
“I guess?” he was confused. 
“And that long flowing hair that I want to put my hands through.” said Blair, they could agree to that, his hair looks and feels soft, but again what does that prove anything? Beauty won’t give you an advantage in a duel. 
“I…guess?” Okay what was happening.
“And those long strong arms to keep me warm on those cold winter nights.” Blair…moaned silently? As he imagined Zane cuddling him in a wooden house, some candles on the bed, some petals on the bed and soft music to his ears while it was snowing outside for the perfect night. 
Jaden, Syrus and Celina looked at each other, he has some serious issues for him, he then looked at Blair, “....yeah.”
Syrus wanted to put an end to all of this, he didn’t want to hear all of these images of his older brother doing any of that as he remembered all of the things he did when they were little, “Trust me. Those arms are good for two things; headlocks and bodyslams.” Syrus was confident that will shut him up, but to his dismay, Blair bit his lip, thinking all of those images could make him happier. 
“Oh he can slam me all he wants~.” Zane widened his eyes and he began walking away from him as far as possible, while the rest, including Jaden this time, dropped their jaws so wide you could fit an entire 60 card deck. 
“I…would love to go to detention right now,” it spoke volumes that Celina would rather spend 8 hours of her life doing nothing rather than be near Blair and his…fantasies. Unlucky for her, which should be lucky for her in any other situation, this was the last day for her detention. She took a deep breath and went in. 
8 Hours Later
Celina was in deep thought hearing Crowler writing a poem about Ancient Gear Golem for the 7th time this hour when the clock rang, meaning she has to go to the Slifer Red Dorm with him. Crowler looked at the clock and sighed, “Well, would you look at the time, it’s your time to go back to your mouse infested dorm! Now sho-sho!” 
“No! Let me stay here!” Celina grabbed the desk not wanting to meet with him so she hoped to stay here, but thanks Crowler’s Herculean strength, he pulled her out of the desk, and took the desk out of her hands and thus, she made it at her dorm, begrudgingly. 
When she looked at the cliff, she saw Zane and Alexis standing while Chumley and Syrus were laying down on the ground seeing the duel beneath them. “Hey, what’s going on?” 
Zane looked at her, “You should see it for yourself.” he said, unable to explain it. 
“Okay?” she walked towards the cliff and looked down to see what was going on. She saw Jaden dueling Blair, who…was a girl. She slapped her forehead, “Now it makes sense.” she then looked at the field and it consisted of Sparkman, but on her side of the field she had a Maiden card and…Avian? Maybe it was an effect. And then two monsters then started to fight for her hand in marriage? What is going on!? “What the hell am I watching?”
“A duel between the new kid and Jaden, she used her monster's effect to steal Avian away from her, and he obliged because he was in love with her, and then Sparkman joined in.” Chumley quickly explained. 
“Oh, and that she isn’t of legal age to be here,” said Syrus.
“He means that she is too young for this school.” explained Zane as Alexis added on. 
“And she did all of this because of love, most likely. Judging by her deck of course.” said Alexis as then Sparkman and Avian struck Jaden directly. 
“...What is this school?” 
Blair then took off her hat to reveal her long blue hair and put an orange bandana in her pockets, “You can’t defeat me, Jaden. I am dueling for love.” 
“For love? Doesn’t she mean with love?” asked Zane as Celina and Alexis put 2 with 2 together. Celina sighed as she went down to their level, “You explain it to him, while I can explain it to her why she shouldn’t do that.” 
Alexis nodded as the Slifers and Zane were confused on what they were talking about, “Zane, don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.” Zane looked at her confused, “You really don’t do you? I mean think about it, she broke the rules, got into campus, said all of those weird things about you, broke into your room, rubbed your cards and said she was dueling for love. Face it, Zane, she is in love with you.”
Zane sighed and looked at her, “You really are like your brother aren’t you?” He looked down to see Jaden summoning Burstinatrix and using Burst Return, “Looks like this is the end, we must talk to her about this.” Everyone looked down to see the brunette summoning Flame Wingman. 
Everyone got up as they stood up and went down to talk to Blair, but Celina was faster than them. She saw the holograms disappearing and Jaden pointing with his two fingers stuck together. Blair looked at the winner of this duel, “I guess I have to tell you our secret then.” she said as Jaden looked at her. 
“Nah, I think I know what your secret is and I think our spectators also know it.” said Jaden as Blair turned around Celina with her arms crossed. 
“Alright, explain why you are here. Now.” she said in the most commanding voice possible.
Blair yelped and could barely look in Celina’s eyes, “We-well, I wanted to come here for love, Celina! To see my love in life! My one true love, Zane~!” she sang that last part, as Celina shivered, remembering that last sentence about slamming. 
Celina put her hands on her forehead, “Look, Blair, I understand what you are talking about. You are in love, something that is normal to anyone, but that doesn’t mean that it is okay for you to make your parents worry for you, being in a school with people that are older than you by 5 years isn’t what you do when you are in love.” she said, but Blair couldn’t take that as an answer. 
“No! You are not true! You are lying! I will do anything for love!” she yelled, but Celina wasn’t having any of that. 
“Listen to me right now. You are in love, that’s fine, you want to spend time with that person, that’s fine also, you could be in love with anyone you want to and that would be fine as well. But what isn’t fine is you wasting your own money, or your parent’s money, to go to a school that doesn’t allow kids less than 13, to be in here, where you are going out of your way to make everyone you know worry for you just because you are in love. I understand that, but you must understand that there is a limit to what you are gonna do with love.” 
“I couldn’t say it myself, Celina.” Everyone turned around to see Zane, and the rest, walking towards them, “Look Blair, I understand that you are in love, but that doesn’t excuse you for going to Duel Academy. Even if you came here legitimately, there would be 2 problems with that.”  
Blair looked up, “And what are those?” She asked sadly. The group, sans Jaden, had a sad expression. 
“Well for starters…”
“He is almost 18 years old while you are too young for dating someone that old. And he doesn’t want to go to jail because of it.” Zane nodded on what his younger brother said. 
“Not to mention you two would be in a long distance relationship. I don’t think Zane is the type to date someone too far from him.” said Chumley as Zane nodded to that. 
“O-oh.” Blair dropped her head in shame, of course something like this happened, but Jaden wanted to argue against this. 
“Oh come on, guys! Just because of all of that, doesn’t mean she has to go home!” Everyone looked at him, confused, including Blair. 
“Jaden, you don’t understand.” Celina said as she rubbed her forehead again. 
“Understand what?” 
“She can’t stay here, she is too young.” tried to argue back Alexis, but he still couldn’t understand. 
“Jaden, she is in the 5th grade.” and just like that all of the brunette's colours went pale, literally. Some couldn’t help, but chuckle while Celina was laughing at his reaction. 
“You mean… I almost lost to an 11 year old girl!?” yelled Jaden as he dropped to his knees. 
“Hey, I am turning 12 next week!” yelled Blair, as that didn’t fix the situation. Not one bit. 
“Oh my god that is hilarious!” Celina used some rocks to keep her in place so she wouldn't fall to the ground laughing. 
Zane left the group to handle the situation on their own, while snickering at the reactions, “I will go tell Sheppard to get a boat ready for her.” 
The Next Day
After everything was set and done, Zane called Sheppard to get a boat for Blair to get in, Celina stopped laughing her ass off and Jaden got his spirits back up after watching Mirio beating Class 1a.
The group was at the shore to return Blair to her home and family, while some of them telling her that they would miss her, Celina giving some advice on how to beat up someone and Jaden getting weird looks from Blair. 
The boat came to the shore, and without a second thought, Blair got off and waved at everyone, “Bye, guys! I will see you guys later! See you Syrus, Chumley, Alexis, Celina, Zane and my beloved Jaden!” Everyone did a double take on the last words of her sentence, but then she sent an air kiss towards the poor brunette, but he was too shocked by what he just heard to move out of the way. 
Zane watched in amusement, Syrus and Chumley watched in shock that he got two girls in love with him already, the other one is Grace, in like 3 months, “We gonna tell Bastion this.'' That was the thought of Syrus. Alexis didn’t like that, but knew that this was more likely a phase, and Celina was having a difficult time choosing either laughing at this once again or…jealousy? No that was not it, she wouldn’t. Right?
Meanwhile In An Unknown Location 
Two. That was the number of bodies floating around in this deep dark, silent place. It was like the ocean, but if blue was swapped with black. The air pressure was so strong that it would knock out anyone within seconds. 
One of the figures had long brown hair that was down to his shoulders, he had dark brown eyes and wore the inverted Obelisk Blue uniform. 
The other had green hair that was also down to his shoulders, but not in a straight way. They were covering his eyebrows and ears, while being both at the back and on the front of his body. He had dark gray eyes. Like the other figure, he wore the inverted Obelisk Blue uniform. 
Above the figures was that of a god. It had a goat’s head as its head. It wore a dark cloak that covered the entire body and even the head. Its eyes shined blue, like the deepest part of an ocean.  It also showed its rib cage, showing it was no ordinary monster or a human. “Soon, I will show myself to these mortals, making that fool of a mortal, Kagemaru, think I was on his side of these, Shadow Riders. But I do need a host so I don’t show my true self. Now which one of these I will pick?” The monster said to itself. 
It looked over the two bodies, both of them were very useful, both of them could show the power of Darkness, its world. Both of them had an unbreakable bonds with one of the possible Key Keepers, Zane. 
Key word; almost. 
The monster thought for a couple of minutes, before choosing the right host, the right vestige for his plan. “Let’s see how useful you can be, Yusuke Fujiwara.” 
Authors Note: 
And that’s about it for this chapter! I am pretty happy with how it turned out! I wanted to do the fillers, but the entire thing. The main point is to write on how Celina reacts to all of this nonsense. 
I wanted to write something about the school duel, like how the duelists train and study for the school duel, but I decided to write that in the next BIG chapter. And when I say BIG, I really mean it. Look forward to that. 
I decided not to write any duel, because I plan on making certain chapters with no duels, and I think this was a good attempt. What do you guys think?
Before we end this, I wanted to be serious for a moment. On the day I started writing this chapter, I heard the tragic news of Kazuki Takahashi’s passing, and I want to write this to him. 
Kazuki Takahashi, I want to thank you for everything you have done to my life. Without you, my life wouldn’t be the same. I wouldn’t make great friends, I wouldn’t be happy as I am today, I wouldn’t be here without you Kazuki Takahashi. Thank you for creating an amazing story, characters and card game that everyone, from all countries of the world, would play and watch the show. I want to thank you for everything. 
Thank you, Kazuki Takahashi.
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300iqprower · 3 years ago
Random reminder that Doctor Crowler kicked out a third of the student body for not respecting their pronouns. Power move of the millennium.
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spiritsncrystals · 5 years ago
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I’ve no words to that 2nd bit.
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angeltannis · 5 years ago
autistic Angel and nonbinary Tannis are my two most self-indulgent headcanons and ill take them to my grave
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starlightshadowsworld · 3 years ago
Yuri watched with thinly veiled amusement as Crowler paced throughout Sheppard's office. He was cursing under his breathe and despite his best attempts, green goo still covered him.
He knew Selena probably felt guilty for him taking the fall for their experiment but Yuri had known it'd get pinned on him either way. The teachers, especially Crowler wanted any excuse to expell him.
Yeah because Grandpa Seto was going to allow that happen.
This was really for their pride, something he was suprised the faculty still had.
"Sorry we're late!" Said Jaden, bursting through the office, Jesse behind him with a sheepish smile. "You'd think you'd be taking this more seriously..." Said Crowler lightly, Jaden shrugged "we were kinda busy but oh well we're here now, though you'd think you'd have used that time to clean up." He said, going over and hugging Yuri whole Crowler seethed.
"You good?" Asked Jaden, Yuri snorted at his dad's protectiveness but welcomed it all the same. "I'm fine, one of my plant experiments just got a little out of hand that's all" he explained, Crowler looked ready to throttle him than and there but Sheppard stepped in.
"Yuri created a very dangerous plant that he set on Doctor Crowler, this is no laughing matter." He said, giving the boy a stern look. A look of realisation set on Jaden's face "ahhh so you finally got it to work out? That's awesome bud" he praised.
Yubel materialised beside him, giving Yuri a proud smile, he'd followed their instruction well it seemed.
Crowler glared "your little spawn nearly got me eaten alive! That is not awesome at all, why no wonder he's like this being your kid!" He snapped, his infamous temper rising. Seeing Jaden again making it shorter than usual.
"And yet your fine" said Jesse, who'd been silent up to that point. He met Crowlers glare with his own "you've survived worse, and made it out alive so I doubt a hungry plant would've gotten to you. And besides isn't that some sort of activity he should be supervised on, by you I believe since your the head of Obelisk dorm, are you not?" He said coldly, surprising Jaden with his rage and Yuri had to stop himself from smiling.
Jaden may have forgiven everyone for what he went through at Dual Academy but Jesse and their friends never would. And for them to try and do the same to Yuri... Well that wouldn't stand with either of them.
"Hey yeah you're right, he wrote to you asking for permission and you gave it didn't you?" Said Jaden, remembering the message from his son.
Crowler paused, knowing that was in fact true but he hadn't bothered to actually do it. Sheppard gave him a look that he couldn't answer to.
"Huh? So really you could've avoided all this if you had listened to your students and actually paid attention and done your jobs... Who would've thought?" Said Jesse uncharacteristically coldly to the duo who couldn't even look at him. "Yeah, if anyone had actually gotten hurt other than you getting lightly slimmed... you wouldn't have called us in at all. Just left Yuri to deal with it, right?" Said Jaden, already knowing the answer.
He sighed, getting to his feet before either could respond "we're taking him home and if this isn't sorted by tomorrow you'll have my dad to answer to because I'm not letting you do this again." Said Jaden, eyes shifting to Yubel's and back while said spirit nodded angrily.
With nothing else to say, Yuri smiled at his teachers, a cold smirk and a wave before leaving with his dad's.
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citizen-zero · 3 years ago
I haven’t watched YuGiOh GX (I’m debating doing so) but I feel like we don’t talk about that Dr Crowler guy enough…..like you’re telling me this man is not only a teacher of dueling but has a whole PHD? in Duel Monsters? he’s a juris doctor of dueling? I DEMAND to know what that fucking dissertation was about and who approved it like I’m literally going insane about this. I do have to respect the flaming homosexuality apparent through his attire though my man has dangly earrings and purple lipstick and pink ruffles
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draconicmaw · 4 years ago
"I hope the boar didn't trample you."
"Ah, no."
"Some students uh, accidentally transmuted Doctor Crowler into a pig," the old man chortled. "I'm sure he's going to go wee-wee-wee all the way to the dean's office."
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elemental-daddy-neos · 5 years ago
YGO! Questionnaire
Tagged by @cipher-wise
Pleasantly surprised to be in one of these, so let’s go
Favorite series: *Gestures to icon* Is it any surprise I’ll be picking GX? I love GX with all my heart and soul. The story’s pacing is very good and never feels like it’s dragging its feet to get to where it’s going, most duels are over in less than a full episode with the longest one being three, there are so many good characters to get invested in, and this boy right here is your protagonist.
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Look at him blow kisses to the audience after beating Crowler, how could anyone not love Jaden Yuki? I care him so much. Even the filler episodes in GX are pretty fun to watch most of the time, and it’s the good kind of filler that may not advance the plot much or at all, but it’ll give you plenty of good memories to take with you. Who could possibly forget the eggwich thief? Not to mention the soundtrack fucking slaps.
Favorite protagonist: I mean...
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Yeah it’s Jaden. GX hooked me immediately when I started watching it because of how much I loved this boy. He’s that perfect mix of cocky and sweet when it comes to dueling because he’s confident in his own abilities, but he never stops having fun and being amazed at what his opponent can do, he cares about all of his friends and does his best to help them with their problems, he’s kind to strangers, and he has exactly half a brain cell. 
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I feel the gif speaks for itself, but Jaden’s dialogue when he turns around here is “I’m such a sucker for things like this! I’ll help you, ma’am!” Dorothy says “No, you’ll be late... Don’t you have a test today?” And Jaden replies with “Who cares if I’m late? I couldn’t leave a lady in trouble!” Jaden Yuki is my absolute favorite protagonist.
Favorite rival: Oh man is that a tough one. Am I allowed to pick two? It’s a hard call to make between this dumb edgy bitch-
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And this dumb gay bitch
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Honestly they’re tied for favorite rival in my book. I absolutely loved Chazz when I watched GX, and I thought his arc about breaking through his inferiority/superiority complex and learning to accept loss as a part of life without letting it define him was wonderfully written, and seeing him grow as a person throughout the show just made me feel happy for him. Shark... I really thought I wasn’t going to end up liking Shark at first, but god he just gets so much better as Zexal goes on, starting out as this mean spirited middle school bully in episode one, and slowly ending up as Yuma’s boyfriend closest friend. It’s incredible to look back at how Shark acts when he’s first introduced and compare it to... season 3, I think it was, where just hearing the words “Yuma’s in danger” is enough to send him running to his rival’s side. Chazz and Shark. They are my favorites.
Favorite BFF: Him
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Crow Hogan is an absolute treasure and he was my favorite part about watching 5Ds. This little bird man first gets introduced by stealing cards for his kids and clowning on Sector Security, and he’s a source of so much good throughout the show. Excellent best friend (technically brother but I’m counting him), wonderful father, 10/10 person all around. Plus the fact that the only thing stopping him from berating his bitchass brother even more was Yusei having to literally pick him up and pull him away is definitely extra points in my book. What a powerful little bird. His only weakness is people that are taller than him, which is unfortunately most people.
Favorite GFF:
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Yuzu. Have I actually watched Arc V yet? No, but I’m still picking Yuzu for my number one here. Tea and Tori are just awful characters, I’m neutral towards Alexis, and Akiza... Did have potential to be something interesting on her own, despite how uncomfortable she made me in seasons 1-2 of 5Ds, but her relevance is alllll downhill from there. I’ve seen one clip of Yuzu yelling at a man eating pie and calling him a 100th rate duelist, and that was all I needed to know she would be my favorite. (Clip here) 
Favorite villain: Oh boy
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The fuckin carrot is my favorite villain, and I say this as someone who fully believes he didn’t deserve to be in the last episode. Vector did some fucked up shit in his day, and he only continued to do fucked up shit in Yuma’s day, but I have to say he was pretty effective when it came down to his goals. He got things done and went right for what he wanted by taking direct action to seize Don Thousand’s power, and he manipulated Yuma perfectly by preying on his kind nature and love for Astral to use him to further his goals. 
...Plus I mean just look at his subbed dialogue God he’s such a slut. Evil slutty alien.
Tl;dr Vector was a horrible horrible person, but he was a good villain, and he was so entertaining whenever he was on screen that it was impossible not to like him. Still kinda wish he got what he deserved though, and what he deserved definitely wasn’t another chance.
Speaking of Don Thousand though, can we talk about how unfairly pretty he is? If I had to pick a runner up villain in terms of looks alone, it would definitely be him.
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God it was not fair how pretty the big bad of Zexal was. He’s fucking gorgeous, and in my opinion, the best looking villain at the very least.
Favorite card: *Sweats in Duel Links* Favorite? There’s so many cards out there to pick from, but since I’ve already broken the rules with my two favorite rivals, I’ll be picking two of each card type: Spells, traps, and monsters. One for the aesthetic, and one for how often I make use of it.
First up, the Aesthetics group
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What can I say, Vampiric Koala is such a cutie, Dwimmered Path has some really pretty card art, and Rainbow Life is an eternal flex on any heteros I may encounter while playing Duel Links. Nothing better than a gay trap card.
Now for usability
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Dragon Knight of Creation is suuuper helpful in any dragon themed deck and has a permanent slot in my decks for Mokuba and Kaiba, PoG is always a fun way to boost up weak monsters to ridiculous heights, and Dark Bribe just lets you block your opponent like “Okay I know you wanna hurt me but I will let you draw another card if you do not do that thing”, and they can’t refuse you.
Favorite episode: I’ll be copying cipher’s format here and picking one for each series, but this will still only total out to five for me since I’ve yet to watch past Zexal ^^; Soon I’ll get to Arc V! One day...
Season 0: Episode 16:  Turnabout by a Hair's Breadth - The White-Robed Crisis I’m a sucker for my son Joey, and this was a good Joey episode about him and his sister, plus it was nice seeing that doctor get what he deserved :) Duel Monsters: Season 5, episode 12-14:  The Deciding Match for Duel King - Yugi vs. Leon/Golden Castle of Stromberg/KC Grand Prix Ends  Probably a weird batch of episodes to pick, I know, but a lot of DM was kinda forgettable to me, and these are some of the few episodes I do recall. I just... really felt for Leon’s situation, and I wanted good things for that boy. I care him. GX: Season 3, episode 34: Dark Fusion! Inferno Wing!! Jim. Jim Jim Jimmmmm. This was the episode that finally made me understand why saviorshipping was a thing because it hits you with all these memories Jim has of Jaden and shows how they bonded before all this Dark World shit happened, and the whole thing was very emotional. 5Ds: Season 4, episode 2-3:  Recollections, Entrusted with a Friend's Dying Wish God Crow, my precious bird son. I really liked the backstory they gave him, despite how much it hurt. It was probably the best character development he got in the whole of 5Ds, and let you see a side to him you probably wouldn’t expect. I loved watching him get his justice. Zexal II: Season 2, episode 5-6:  Alito the Silent Fighter - Reunion of the Passionate Duelists!/ Be Revived! The Duelist Soul That Transcends Life!! I picked these episodes for Nistro and Nistro alone. He was one of my absolute favorites in Zexal, and seeing how well he and Dextra were doing was good for the soul. Just look at this good lion man right here.
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Look at him!!!
Favorite decks to use: Elemental Heroes, Aromages, Red Eyes, Six Samurai, and Crystal Beasts.
Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum, or Link: I’m a simple girl, I love fusion/tributes for how easy they are, but synchro can be pretty fun, too
Years in fandom: ??? Even I don’t know the answer to this one, friends. I used to be in the fandom when I was in middle school, wrote/read a few fanfics here and there, but then I fell out of it for... Well I’m 22 now and only got back into things 6 months ago? I started rewatching the abridged series of Duel Monsters in March, and from there I just wanted to consume actual Yugioh content and never went back.
Who am I tagging: @finding-fallen-petals @dizziedaikonn​ @chazzaroo​ Go wild y’all
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osirisduelist-a · 4 years ago
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Osiris and Ra do not have a female dorm. My Judai follows this canon detail. If you have seen the anime perhaps you remember the character who was part of Osiris that was nearly expelled and blacklisted why? SHE WAS A GIRL. IN A BOY’S DORM. (sidenote: a really good ep, watch it if you can) Osiris and Ra canonically do not have FEMALE DORMS. Females either failed the entrance exam or they’re in Obelisk Blue, no exceptions In the event I interact with any female character who is placed into Osiris or Ra, Judai will genuinely not know them if they’re in Osiris (will even deny that it’s their dorm) or be REALLY SHOCKED if they’re in Ra and might question when Doctor Crowler changed the rules. added note(s): Any girl who just wants to VIBE with Ra or Osiris is allowed though, they just wouldn’t canonically be in those dorms for this blog.
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kanthia · 5 years ago
before i dive any further into season two and what appears to be the bizarre plot of a professional quidditch player enrolling at hogwarts because a tarot card reader told him to, just want to reiterate what a bizarre fucking year that must have been for doctor vellian crowler, department head of card games, 6′6″ descendant of lorenzo de’ medici, and fashion icon:
ninth grader shows up late to his entrance exams and for all intents and purposes has forfeited his right to try out that year. crowler intends to make an example of him but instead is humiliated by a stroke of dumb luck. after snapeing about for a bit, up to and including literally bringing the paradox brothers out of retirement,  he’s called into the head principals office and explained that weapons of mass destruction are buried under the school and ought to be protected by a team of two teachers, three ninth graders -- one of whom had just returned to the school after a short but enlightening sojourn in siberia -- one girl, and zane motherfucking truesdale. after briefly losing his soul to a vampire and being forced to substitute teach on his day off, he learns that the villain who wants to steal the wmds is the superintendent of the school in a doctor octopus style contraption. the ninth grader learns that the heart is more important than intelligence, chumley huffington graduates into the warm embrace of maximillion pegasus, and that one spirit rider who was a pharaoh once again proves that the egyptian afterlife is literally just a place you can walk to.
give this man a raise. what an absolute fucking legend. this is now a doctor vellian crowler appreciation blog
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