#kai parker au
moremaybank · 1 year
𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 bartender!kai …. idk why but this came to me in a vision and i need to see it
— 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫!𝐤𝐚𝐢 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 ✧
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wrenniebaby · 2 years
let's hold hands and forget we hate each other
reluctant soulmates w kai !!
bounty hunter! reader x kai parker. slow enemies to lovers.
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Y/n: Hey, Kai, can you help me with my zipper?
Kai: Yeah, I’m on it!
Y/n: UP, Kai.
Kai: Right, sorry. Force of habit.
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Anatomy Class
kai parker x reader
summary: kai + magic + boredom = trouble
tags: high school au, siphoning, magical fingering, masturbation (semi-public)
word count: 1.8k
a/n: i tagged this right next to my dad; you're both 18 in this!
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“You have to promise to use this wisely and not get caught with it. Not in school, and certainly not at home,” you reiterate to Kai for maybe the third time in twenty minutes. 
“I know, I know! Trust me, princess, I know the risks.”
“If it runs out, I can give you more, but if my parents suspect something’s up, they’ll find a way to contact yours.”
“But what if I run out before the day’s over and it’s just wasted? If I don’t use it, it drains.”
You sigh. “What are you suggesting?”
“I don’t know… can’t I just play with it a little? I can’t do that much damage during school hours. Worst I could do is make some kid trip over his shoelaces.”
“I’m kidding! But seriously, Y/N…”
“Okay, I see your point. Do whatever you want with it, just don’t get caught.”
“And if I run out, you’ll give me more?” He hates to sound greedy, but he’s desperate.
“Of course. I can’t imagine what it’s like to not have permanent access, so as little as I use mine, I might as well give it to you.” He nods. “But again, be careful.”
“I will.”
“Okay. We’re coming up on the school now. Take my hand.”
He does, and then you nod to him to siphon. “Tell me when to stop.”
Your hands glow, but it doesn’t hurt. Kai says when he siphons his siblings, it hurts them. But you don’t feel any pain. If anything, your body warms with a tingly, pleasure-like feeling. After about thirty seconds, you start to feel a little dizzy though, and decide that’s a good time to cut him off. 
He drops your hand immediately. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. No pain, just a little dizzy.”
“Okay,” he confirms. He’d hate to hurt the one person who’s ever given him any love and attention. 
“How do you feel?”
Kai smiles as the magic runs through his veins. He lets out a small moan that settles in the pit of your stomach. “Good,” he finally answers. He then takes the pencil you’ve stuck behind your ear and makes it float in the air. 
“Good,” you say, stopping for a moment to kiss the side of his face. You take your pencil back as the school comes into view. “See you in class?”
The two of you walk up to the doors together, then part ways for your first class. 
You have third period together, but Kai sits all the way in the back, while you’re in the middle row. The teacher assigned the seats, and rudely placed his kids by favoritism: most engaged in the front; most uninterested in the back. Kai’s incredibly smart, but that comes to his disadvantage in school. Most of the lessons are boring; he passes them with flying colors and faces little challenge completing them. He finishes early, or already understands the material, and ends up tapping his foot or fingers during class. Mr. Peters interprets this as disrespect and boredom. 
Today in class, you’re reviewing the different systems in the body. Yet another topic that Kai has practically memorized. The final exam is in three weeks, though with the material being as difficult as it is, Mr. Peters has decided to start studying early. The material isn’t too much of a challenge for you, though Kai still has you beat in that matter. 
The man makes a list of topics on the chalkboard, then slowly goes down his list asking and answering questions about each one. He asks something and the class responds, but every so often, someone asks their own question, and he launches into a huge explanation for it. It’s during one of your classmate’s questions that you suddenly start to feel a heaviness in the bottom of your stomach. 
Immediately, you put a hand to it. Your mind races to think of what could’ve caused it. You hadn’t eaten anything weird that day, nor have you had any aches or pains all week. In the middle of your train of thought, the feeling shifts lower. There’s a pressure traveling south. In the next moment, it feels like circles being rubbed down along your body. Intentional pressure. Kai. 
Your brain provides the reason as soon as you recall your morning: you gave him magic. 
“Do whatever you want with it,” you had told him. 
Well, he sure is now. 
Slowly, you turn to face him. His hands are hidden from sight, inside his desk, but the smile creeping on his face is unmistakable. He’s certainly messing with you. 
Stop, you mouth to him. 
The bastard only winks. 
You turn back around and cross your legs over each other, squeezing them tight. There’s no freaking way he’s doing this in the middle of class. 
The pressure suddenly increases. You can almost feel the pads of his fingers touching you - one on your clit, two brushing your folds. You bite your lip so hard it might bleed. Your hands are clenched into fists underneath the table. 
“Kai, stop,” you think, hoping there’s even a point one percent chance he can read your mind. He doesn’t, though, and if anything, mimics dipping between your folds, feeling your walls. 
“The organs involved in the endocrine system are- Y/N,” your teacher stops mid-sentence to look at you, “are you okay?!”
You release your fists, hoping to look less suspicious. “Yeah. I have a stomach ache. Do you- do you mind if I go to the restroom?”
Mr. Peters hurries to his desk for a hall pass. “Not at all. Go to the nurse if it doesn’t feel better in ten minutes.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you.” You take it and hurry out the door.
You spare a glance at Kai on your way out. He smirks at you when you look at him, but then looks back at his hands, clearly focused. The feeling sharpens, and you dash out the door. 
As soon as you reach the bathroom, you fling yourself against the wall in the nearest stall. You’re still biting your lip not to moan, but don’t fight the need that brings you to unbuckle your belt to relieve some of the built-up tension. Criminally, it seems Kai can still control you despite the distance. You can still feel his finger-pads petting your walls. The pressure is still on your clit, and it only grows by the minute. 
“Fuck,” you mutter, feeling yourself getting close. 
You drop two fingers to your clit, rubbing it yourself. Your knees almost buckle, and you have to push your toes against the edge of the toilet to not slip. 
“Goddammit, Kai.” It’s a whisper, but you really hope no one else is in the bathroom right then. 
You focus on the way he feels on you, as well as the added pressure you’re giving yourself. Within two minutes’ time, you come. It hits you hard. Your knees almost give out, despite the way you tried to hold yourself upright. Your chest heaves; the sensation sends pleasure throughout your whole body. Your vision gets spotty, and soon, your lip starts to bleed. It’s overwhelming in all the best ways. 
After another few seconds, Kai seemingly retracts his fingers. You curse him the minute he does, remembering you’re in school, and you’re supposed to be studying in class right now. 
The moment you get your bearings, you stumble to your feet and towards the sink. You wash your hands and grab onto the solid material to ground yourself; your brain is still swimming in post-high fuzzies. 
“Fuck you, Kai,” you think, again telepathically, hoping he can hear you. If he can, you’d bet your life on the fact that he’s wearing his signature smirk. 
When you finally recover, you make your way back to class. You offer Mr. Peters a half smile and report that most of it is gone. “Must’ve been something I ate this morning,” you lie. 
He replies with his own smile and a nod, and goes back to teaching. 
The moment you sit, you turn to see Kai, who is, in fact, smirking at you. You give him a playful roll of your eyes before turning back to the lesson.
Luckily, that’s his only shenanigan for the day. During lunch and your other classes together, he dares to act innocent. You would scold him for it during lunchtime, but Jo is sitting with you today, preventing that entirely. 
The walk back to school provides the perfect timing. 
“Malachai Parker,” you say in your best authoritative voice.
“What? Did I do something wrong?”
“Did I do something wrong?! Did I do- you know what you did.”
“I don’t recall.”
“Third period. You and your magic fingers. You-”
“Oh,” he has the nerve to laugh, “that. Did you like that?”
“Did I like that?! Kai, during class?!”
“You said I could do whatever I wanted as long as I didn’t get caught. I didn’t get caught.”
You scoff. “I did not mean for you to do that!”
“But you liked it. What’d you do in the bathroom?”
“Why’d you go to the bathroom?”
“To hide the fact you were fingering me in class! What do you think I went for?!”
“Did you come?”
“Excuse me?”
“Simple question, princess.”
“I did not-”
“Don’t lie to me now.”
“Fine,” you bite your lip, “I did.”
He smiles. “Got you. Knew you liked it.”
“That was so inappropriate! I’d never think you’d be so bold. And when did you know when to stop? You did, like, ten seconds after I finished.” 
He chuckles like it’s a game. “The last five times I’ve fingered you, it’s taken you five minutes on average to come. I watched on my watch; three minutes happened in class, two in the bathroom. I gave ten seconds to spare to either get you there if you needed extra time, or to ride you through it. Turns out, I’m pretty spot on.”
“Putting your brain to great use,” you mumble, “and my magic.”
Suddenly, he looks nervous. “You’re still gonna give it to me, right? I didn’t lose my chances to have it, did I? Because I can behave. Y/N, I promise. It won’t happen again.”
You change your attitude to match his. “Oh, baby, no. No, I’m not like that. Don’t you worry about stuff like that. I’m still gonna give you magic, even if you use it in questionable ways.”
“Okay. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. But one condition.”
“Yes ma’am?”
“Wait until actual study time, like in the library, to do it. Not in class. Unless we’re watching a movie.”
“I love you, you little weasel.”
He scrunches his nose at the nickname. “I love you, too.” Then he chuckles. “I fingered you in class.”
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shadowcatgirl09 · 5 months
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chronic-escapixt · 8 months
His Rose ~ Part 1
(Kai Parker x Bennett OC fanfiction)
content warnings/tags ~ Dark fiction, CNC, dubcon, yandere, murder, abuse, trauma, smut, stalking, innocence kink, dacryphilia, manipulation. Minors DNI
I don't claim ownership of The Vampire Diaries or its characters. All credits go to the rightful owner(s). I only own my original character(s).
Word count: 1.6k
K.P. Masterlist
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Bonnie's life was on the line.. again.
The Other Side was collapsing, time was running out and as the anchor to the crumbling realm, she knew she wouldn't be spared. She stopped at her home and let Rose know. The news absolutely crushed her sister. Rose felt like she just got her back from when she died last summer. Becoming the anchor was her second chance at life but now it was being ripped away. Rose didn't even have time to argue a solution before she squeezed her in a tight hug and said goodbye. She was out the door, dashing off to pull Elena, Damon, and the others back from the Other Side.
Rose watched as the door shut behind her, wiping the wetness from her eyes before charging into Sheila Bennett's in-home study. From her life as a practicing witch and occult studies professor, their late grandmother had shelves full of ancient grimoires, scrolls, texts and items so she ought to have something that could save Bonnie. As the minutes ticked by, the piles of useless books stacked around her grew with her desperation.
"There's nothing here!" she muttered, slamming the heavy grimoire closed. The force rattled the desk and the shelf above it, knocking a scroll down in front of her. Rose blinked away her frustrated tears and lifted the dusty scroll, blowing it with her breath to reveal the Latin handwriting and symbols.
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After pulling her friends back to the living world, Bonnie anticipated the approaching light. She glanced back, meeting Elena's solemn gaze. They all gathered behind her, no words left to say as they watched their beloved witch meet the very fate she had saved them from. She knew she couldn't save herself and she accepted that. She only hoped that within the next few moments she would find peace with her grams and father.
The moment she closed her eyes, she felt a jolt of energy lance through her. Something changed. When she opened them, she was amongst the others but Rose stood a few feet away, the wind of the collapsing dimension tossing her brown curls, the white light reflecting off her face.
Horror gripped her when she realized she was no longer linked to the Other Side, Rose was.
She offered Bonnie an apologetic smile as she watched tears bead down her shocked face.
"I love you, Bonnie," she uttered just before the light consumed her completely...
and she was gone.
The brightness subsided as the wind around her settled to a calm hush. Rose could finally open her eyes and found that she was standing in the same place, at the boarder of Mystic Falls but everyone had disappeared.
She dashed around town calling out Bonnie's name, looking for her, their friends or anyone but it was completely deserted. She stopped to catch her breath in the middle of the town square, the usually bustling epicenter was empty. That's when panic set in, worrying that she was actually dead, though this didn't seem like the “peace” described or even hell. For that matter, she didn't feel dead, in fact she felt very much alive something she realized when her stomach growled. “Dead people don't get hungry," she told herself as she walked into the Mystic Grill. Much like everywhere else, the Grill was desolate. She made her way into the kitchen and found it fully stocked with alcohol and food that seemed up to date, so the town couldn't have been abandoned too long ago, she thought. Rose made a quick sandwich and walked toward the bar when her eyes fell upon the bulletin board. She nearly dropped her plate when she read the date on the calendar.
May 9th, 1994.
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It didn't take long for him to notice that things were different. After 18 years of complete solitude, he grew accustomed to the consistency of the realm. His strong ability to detect the presence of magic, made it all the more obvious to him when the young Bennett witch touched down in his prison world. He tracked her down to a Virginian town called Mystic Falls where he first saw her in the living room nose deep in a grimoire. He slipped through an unlocked door and watched her silently out of her view. He figured she was looking for anything that would explain where she is or how to escape but she likely wouldn't find anything in those texts. Luckily for her, he planned on revealing everything...
In due time.
Just over a week passed and unbeknownst to her, Kai was watching the entire time. He’d stay up while she slept, curled up with her fuzzy plush lamb she called lamby. Most nights she’d clutch the stuffed toy to her chest and just cry herself to sleep. Like a sad shelter commercial, he enjoyed the pathetic display, though he hated the little white lamb with a passion, fantasizing about how much more she’d cry if she woke up and it’s head was cut off.
He observed everything, from her tendency to talk to herself to the she way she put tension in her lips when she was concentrating on the Latin of her texts. Clearly, she was a beginner and her general naivety would come to his advantage once he finally decided to make his move.
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Rose swayed her hips as she rounded the corner, pushing her grocery cart while singing along to ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody' by Whitney on her Walkman. He sat in a fold up lawn chair in the center aisle of the otherwise empty market, munching on a bag of pork rinds and watching with an amused grin, wondering when she would finally notice him. After deciding on a box of Count Chocula, she finally turned from the shelves and their eyes met. Her mouth fell open as she paused the tape and lowered the headphones from her ears. He smiled and gave a slight wave.
“Were you there the whole time?” She blurted breathlessly, taking him in. His face had a pleasant balance of soft and sharp features that made him both cute and intimidating and a mischievous glint in his blue eyes. The dark brunette wore a hooded jacket styled over a graphic tee, denim jeans and worn out converse.
“Yeah, I didn’t want to interrupt. You sounded amazing by the way.”
Her cheeks burned, “t-thank you… umm who are you?”
“Sorry, manners, I’m Kai. Nice to meet you.” He set aside the bag and stood up from the chair. Her eyes followed his ascent until he stood fully, towering over her. “And you are…?”
Her ears got hot. “Oh right! Rose- I’m Rose… excuse me, I haven’t spoken to another person in a while. I promise I’m not normally this awkward…” she sighed and averted her gaze downwards.
Kai shoved his hands in his pockets, “can’t be any worse than me I've been here since the very beginning.”
“You’ve been all alone for 18 years?" she uttered in disbelief.
Kai forced a laugh, “It's not so bad. There’s no traffic, everything’s free and privacy isn’t an issue… now, there is the crippling loneliness but that only creeps in once in a while.” He casually plopped back down on his chair and grabbed his chip bag.
“There’s no way out of here, is there?” She sighed.
"Nope, not unless you happen to be a Bennett witch…” he scoffed as though the thought were incredulous and popped a rind in his mouth.
Her eyes lit up. “Wait, I am! I am a Bennett witch.”
Kai grinned, “well then the odds just got a lot better.”
“So, is Kai short for something?” She asked as they walked back to her place. Kai offered to push the cart for her.
“Malachai,” he replied.
“Malachai,” she practiced softly.
“But I prefer Kai,” he tagged on.
“What about you, Rose is short for what? Rosemary or… Rosalie?”
She giggled. "You’re close, it’s Rosalina but I prefer Rose.”
“Rosalina... that's pretty, much more fitting if you ask me.” The way he said her name made her want to bite her lip but she opted to return his smile instead.
“This is me,” she announced when they came to her house. She led him inside where he was kind enough to help her put away the groceries.
“So, what is this place?” she asked.
“One of many prison worlds created by the Gemini coven. Anyone who opposes them is gifted their own personal hell dimension. I got mine on my 22nd birthday.”
“Why would they do that to you?”
He sighed, “most of it is coven politics- what you know and who you know, ya’ know? Long story short, my family betrayed me for more power. I don’t really like thinking about it.”
Rose understood and decided not to pry. “So, you know how to get us out of here?”
Kai leaned forward on the counter while he explained the Gemini coven always left a back door to their prison worlds and it was called an ascendant. Under the direct light of a solar eclipse a Bennett witch is to use her magic and blood to activate the device and transport them back to the real world. “We’re going to need a locator spell to find the ascendant. Without my magic, I haven’t been able to find it.”
“When is the next eclipse?” Rose asked.
“Time works a little differently here… the month of May repeats itself over and over, starting with the 9th. Every third time May 9th comes around the eclipse happens.”
"The last eclipse just passed a few nights ago… that means we have about three months to wait.”
“On the bright side, we have plenty of time to find the ascendant,” He noted with an optimistic air. It amazed her how he managed to be so hopeful and positive even after being trapped for 18 years. “After all this time, 3 months is nothing,” he murmured.
She thanked him for helping her with her groceries. “Well, I’m going to make stuffed chicken for dinner. You can stay if you want.”
“You just met me and you’re asking me to stay for dinner… I mean, I could be a serial killer,” he finished with a charming smirk.
“You’re too nice to be a serial killer,” she put matter-of-factly while taking out the chicken breasts.
“Ted Bundy was nice,” he retorted.
She smiled at his wit. “Are you staying or not? Because I need to know if I’m making one chicken breast or two.”
Kai relented, “Oh, alright. How can I say no to stuffed chicken?”
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so-long-soldier28 · 6 months
Idk if this makes sense but thoughts on ceo Kai parker with assistant reader???
are you ready for my longest response to an ask yet? because here it is...
so i'm currently working on a bonkai with a workplace AU that i've admittedly forgotten about that was requested in october. but working on that gave me inspo for this... and then i took it in a whole 'nother direction
fluff & smut below!
this could go 2 ways (or it could include both)
we've got the one where he's super sweet on her.
or we have him teasing & being super sexual until she gives in.
we also have possibilities for the reader to be more shy or more confident, and that majorly changes things.
kai will be kai no matter what, but there will be variation in how he reacts to her.
if she's more shy, i think he'd be a lot more teasing with her. gentle, bc he doesn't want to scare her off, but definitely pushes sometimes.
if she's more confident, he would be taken aback (and definitely turned on) from that. he recognizes that she won't take shit from anyone & respects that about her.
with the shy reader, her co-workers sometimes do try to take advantage of her, but he snaps back at them & checks on her after.
shy reader
he instantly has a liking towards you.
you're quiet and respectful, but do your job well.
you do things in a timely manner & treat others appropriately.
going above and beyond to make his job easier.
kai, at first, doesn't want to overstep your boundaries.
he's gentle towards you & thankful for your hard work. is very appreciative.
calls you names like "darling," and "sweetheart," or even "peach," that always make you blush.
he means it as innocently as you receive it.
… at first.
with time, feelings grow.
you both push them down to maintain a professional work environment, and even go as far as to deny they are there at all.
there's talk in the office, but no one is bold enough to mention it. plus, there's no proof of anything between you guys.
hold on, i have a side story for this, since it's december, and this just sounds so cute to me.
okay so kai has a holiday party he has to attend, but no one close enough in his life to bring as a plus one.
his mother demands he brings someone, and if he doesn't, she'll set him up with her best friend's daughter.
kai doesn't want to get stuck in that awkward situation, so right before break, he asks a huge, huge favor of you.
"i'm, uh, not quite sure how to ask this, y/n, but i have a huge favor to ask of you."
"anything you need."
"it's okay to say no, i completely understand if you don't want to, it's totally your choice."
you giggle, closing your eyes, and his heart races. "i'm sure it's fine."
he grimaces, "would you mind accompanying me as my plus one to a holiday party? it's on the 23rd and local, only about thirty minutes away. it's just between friends and family, but if i don't have a plus one, my mother will set me up…. i just… actually, this is, i shouldn't have asked. i'm sorry, y/n."
you're surprised at first, a little confused, but not ready to reject the offer. your boss begins to ramble about how inappropriate it was of him to ask, and while he may be right, you don't want him to be in such a situation with his mother. you know how family can be.
"sure, i'll go with you."
"i'm- wait, what?"
"if the offer still stands, i'll be happy to go."
he stops. "you're positive?"
"just give me the time and place."
kai does more than that. when he tells you the dress code (relatively fancy), he offers to buy you a dress, but you say you already have one. he then picks you up at your apartment and immediately compliments the dress you wear. he notices your eyes, and how well your makeup compliments their color. his eyes linger on your lips, bold with a shade of red. he tries not to look at your body, but sneaks a glance that you totally catch.
he insists on driving you to the event, and gives you a rundown on the attendees on the way. those in his family who are crazy and that you should avoid, those to whom he's closest, those who have a weak understanding of personal space, and those who will not come within six feet of an unknown person. he tells you about his favorite cousin and the questions he may ask. he prepares a speech about you being his assistant, and not a girlfriend. you practice this speech together, bouncing off one another, about when you started, what you do, and how appreciative he is of your help.
you expect his mother to be stern and strict, but when you meet her, she turns out to be a very sweet lady, despite her high expectations for her family.
she's clearly not convinced that you're a work friend / assistant and not his girlfriend, and no one in his family is convinced, either.
he takes you around the house, introducing you to the necessary people, but never lingers in any one group for long. he knows you're shy and this must be difficult.
after you finish introductions, he pulls you into the garage to check on you.
"doing alright, darling? i know my family is huge. just take a moment to breathe."
you're thankful for this, and hold his hands while taking deep breaths.
after you settle, he promises food and brings you to the snack table.
there's no judgement about how much you eat; no one comments about you eating too much or too little.
alcohol is offered, and you grab a drink only to calm your nerves. he drinks one to "tolerate family" but promises it won't affect his driving later that night. promises, right there, to keep you safe. you believe him completely.
after snacking for a while (and being thankful it's not a sit down dinner), you go back to talking with his family.
you sit on the couch with a couple aunts as one plays a piano. to your left, kai talks to one of his nephews, no older than six, and your heart warms at the sight.
one of his aunts enters and comments he's next to have kids, then looks at you.
the two of you erupt into your "coworkers, not dating" spiel, and she scoffs with a roll of her eyes. "could've fooled me."
neither of you look at each other after that for a moment. you turn back to the conversation you were in, but his nephew runs off, leaving him alone.
kai watches you talk to his family. all those buried feelings rise to the surface and his throat dries. he takes a second look at how beautiful you are. your smile, despite however tired you must feel, respectfully never falters. your small fingers grasp your cup, once filled with a festive party drink, now with coffee as the end of the night draws near. your dress fits your frame perfectly, and your heels match the exact shade of your dress.
several members of his family catch him staring. his nephew whispers something about love in his ear. he hushes the child quickly, but his tinted cheeks give him away.
kai isn't the only one caught staring, though. his mother watched you visibly sigh at the sight of him with his nephew, a smile tugging on your lips. his father saw the way you relaxed when he brought you away to the kitchen, checking on you a second time. his cousin heard the stutter when you told him kai was just your boss and that there was nothing going on between you two.
when the party isn't filled with talking and laughter, the silence is filled with lingering stares. bated breaths and twinkling eyes. the urge to cross the line between a boss and his assistant.
you disappear for a couple minutes to help his mother clean up after the party. kai talks with his father about "business" but you wonder if that's really the topic.
his mother is nosy, but polite about it. she asks about work and asks if he treats you well on the clock. you reply that he certainly does, and that you're grateful to have a boss that cares about you like he does.
she then double-checks that you're not really dating, and doesn't miss the cloud of sadness in your eyes when you insist that you are not.
she then tells you he's been single for a while because trust doesn't come easy to him. she mentions the blueness of his eyes. how it's been a bright, baby blue all night; a stark contrast to the gray tinted blue she's grown used to seeing. she doesn't elaborate the reasoning, but you don't need her to to know what she's hinting.
by the time you leave the party, most of his relatives have grown comfortable enough with you to hug. the six-feet apart one gives a wave. his mother's hug is the tightest; his father gives a firm handshake, but then draws you in for his own hug. his nieces and nephews attach to your legs and make you promise to see them again. you agree, not wanting to break their little hearts.
it's dark by the time you begin to drive home, and it has been for a while.
kai wants to hold your hand in the center console. he refrains. you rest your elbow there, hands close, but not touching.
you rehash the night, speaking highly of his family. he checks up on you a third time to make sure you're not overwhelmed, but to your own surprise, you feel okay. happy, even.
he apologizes for anything his aunts or mother might've said, but you promise every conversation was good.
eventually, the mention of the various comments came up. a count of how many times you had to tell people you were just friends, co-workers, and not dating. you share a laugh over it, but the walls are down already. whatever feelings had been buried have now resurfaced. kai internally curses himself, afraid of your reaction.
your mouth opens to say something, and his throat goes dry again. his heart would break if you are uncomfortable by it all.
"thanks for the invite, but i think i should transfer," he fears, "we shouldn't work together any more".
instead, you turn to him. "thank you for the invite. i had a good time."
"thank you for accompanying me."
it's silent for the last couple minutes, then he walks you to the door of your apartment. he stands outside, forcing words out of his throat while you stand in front of him, bathed in the gorgeous warm glow of your porch light.
"thank you again. i'm glad my mother didn't scare you off. it would've been so boring without you. see you at work."
you nod, "see you at work," but then as he turns to leave, you can't bear to let him go. you reach out to grab his coat and he turns. you make up an excuse about his scarf not being straight, though that doesn't really matter, and in the next second, you pull on it gently to bring him closer to you.
his eyes dart down to the grip on the wool between your fingers, and then to your face. you wear an expression equal of shyness and determination. he translates it into the consent he needs to cup your face in his hands and press his lips to yours.
warmth travels throughout both your bodies immediately. the kiss deepens to you pulling his coat closer, his steps forward, backing you into the wall behind you. he kicks your door shut and your hands bury into his hair.
kai's hands start to feel your body, but then he breaks it off. he doesn't want you to think he's only wanting you sexually. he wants something real. he's wanted it for ages.
he admits this. you shyly, admit you feel the same.
but while sex is put on pause, kai locks his car and you invite him in. you share a glass of wine and spend the night talking, growing closer.
the next day at work, it's hard to hide your blushing faces and giddy attitudes. all of your co-workers know immediately, but they also saw it coming for a long time. a couple congratulate you, some ignore the lovesickness like it's a disease, but no one makes a fuss.
maybe kai will be the next in his family to have kids after all. you're certain you've found something good with him, and you're determined to keep it.
now, onto a different path where i could take this idea… get ready, because this is a complete 180 degrees from the previous little bit.
ceo kai with a respectful yet confident assistant.
something is definitely brewing between these two. there are feelings to be felt. …even if neither of you recognize them yet.
kai is incredibly protective over you. you are his assistant, and if anyone needs your help, they must ask him first.
he doesn't want you being overworked or taken advantage of.
you also defend him when co-workers talk shit.
"i don't know why boss is making us do this stupid shit," someone complained once, "it's not like it matters, it's extra work."
"it's in your best interest to complete the task assigned to you. it'll make your job ten times easier when quarterlies roll around."
the coworker rolls her eyes, but kai, who could hear from his open-door office, smiles to himself. he's glad you see the tasks he assigns have purpose, and is grateful for you to try and help others to see that.
there are rumors going around that you sleep together, but he shuts them down immediately.
it's not even on your minds to have a relationship outside of work.
until that one night where he asked you to stay late to help him finish something.
you had seemingly hundreds of paper stacks to grow through, and he was on phone call after phone call.
he ordered food at some point for the two of you, wanting to take care of you since he was needing your help.
you're always eager to help, and even though it's a lot of work, promise to help until the job is done.
when it happened, it was an accident. a complete and total accident.
kai had been watching you sort through papers for too long and didn't even notice he was growing hard until he had to shift.
you looked so beautiful from where he was sitting. hair, once neatly tied up in a bun, now messily falling around your face. your shirt sunk further down every time you stretched to grab something on the other side of the table, exposing your chest a little more each time. your heels were kicked off to the side, and one foot was tucked under your lap.
earlier, he had asked you to enter the room whenever his phone went off to come and take notes.
on your way in, you accidentally make eye contact with the bulge that formed underneath the table.
that phone call is a particularly difficult one to focus on.
after it, you try to shuffle out of the room to give him privacy, but he knows you know and asks you to stay so he can apologize.
he accidentally gives tmi and talks about how it's been so long, and being there with you, looking so beautiful, got him worked up.
instead of shying away, you offer to help rid him of the problem.
not a lot of words are spoken, but somehow you find yourself giving him a bj under the desk.
he's so focused on your doe eyes and the shape of your lips and the way your mouth feels on him. your hands grasp his length & squeeze with the perfect amount of pressure. you jerk off what you can't fit. a string of drool connects your lip to his cock when you pull off for just a moment to admire him. his hands dig in your hair and urge you on, but he doesn't push. never pushes.
quiet moans escape his lips between praises, but you ask him to be louder for you, craving to hear the sounds he's holding back.
getting him off earlier than he expected, and you swallow it before it can hit the floor and leave evidence.
he then pulls you up on the desk, welcomes a kiss, and then moves down to taste you.
feelings he held back & feelings you didn't know you had come bursting out of the floodgates, making for an emotional experience combined with pent-up sexual desire.
supports your back as you come down from your orgasmic high, and fucks you on the desk as soon as his refractory period is over.
has impressive sex drive and says he spent most of his early twenties studying to prove himself.
now reaps the rewards with not only a high-up position, but a perfect assistant.
no motivation for work afterwards. enjoy the rest of your takeout and then he makes sure you get home safely.
the next couple days are awkward until he finally requests you to his office to talk about it.
this talk includes feelings that you had time, by now, to mull over. you both share them and find you feel the same thing for each other.
decide to try a hand at a relationship, starting slowly and keeping it on the down low (minus HR).
grow more comfortable with it & it blossoms into something good & healthy for you both.
now, a handful of smutty office scenarios to shuffle through. i can certainly expand on any of these upon request ;) (or i might anyway)
fooling around after hours. him laying you down across the desk or over top of it. having you on his lap while he answers phone calls.
blowing him under the desk when he's trying to focus on an important call.
sending him dirty texts or nudes from the bathroom when you're both supposed to be working.
itching for your lunch break to come already so he can finally have his way with you.
maybe even being so bold to snap the blinds shut, slap a hand over your mouth, and take you during work hours bc you wouldn't stop teasing. your co-workers all know exactly what's happening, but have lost the will to care.
retrieving him coffee but accidentally spilling it in his lap & trying to dry it with a thin paper towel.
wearing short skirts or low tops on purpose for him.
accidentally sending him a nude that was meant for a tinder date & having to talk about it the next day.
brushing past him on your way back to your seat & getting a little too close - on purpose or on accident.
rubbing your foot on him under the desk whenever you sit across from him.
and that's all i have for now! i'm deeply considering making that holiday party a one-shot, maybe, or taking these other scenarios and expanding on them. i also have way more ideas for this topic but made myself stop because i'm pretty sure this response hit 3k words.
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imalittler3dbird · 9 months
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''I would ask you to stay here, I would come back and erase everything that made us this way.''
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nightingale2004 · 1 month
TVD next generation: Bonkai version
Abigail "Abby" Lucille Parker Bennett
Faceclaim: Zendaya Coleman
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Abigail is the firstborn daughter of Malachai Parker and Bonnie Bennett
She is next in line to become leader of the Gemini coven (Kai is the current leader)
She takes after both her parents in appearance, but she is more like her mother in personality
Bonnie did not leave Kai in the prison world for the heretics, but they still found a way out. During that time, Kai was under strict surveillance by his coven and his sister Jo
Jo still died (by the heretics this time), Kai became the new leader of the Gemini coven with Bonnie at his side (she is the true mastermind)
Like her dad, she is a Siphoner witch.....and she also inherited his dark humor
Her dad helps train her and the Saltzman twins to control their abilities (and not siphon the life out of a person)
Abby's mom is currently pregnant with twins
Kai, Bonnie, Caroline, and Alaric are searching for a way to stop the merging process
Abigail is incredibly smart and sneaky.
She knows how to manipulate her way out of the situation
Loves her family very much
Teases the twins out of love
Abby loves to test the limits of magic due to her curiosity
Sheila Amelie Parker Bennett
Faceclaim: Madison Pettis
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Sheila is the second daughter of Bonnie Bennett and Kai Parker
She is younger than her older sister Abby by 2 years, 3 months, and 16 days (she keeps count for some reason)
She takes after her mother in looks, but she is more like her father in personality entirely
Unlike her father, she is a witch like her mother
Sheila often lets Abby siphon her
Will not hesitate to use her magic on someone who threatens her family
She is terrified for her cousins and for her unborn siblings due to the merge
She and Abby try to look for information at the Salvatore boarding school
Abby and her dad call her Shey Shey for short
Abby and Sheila have secret contact with their mom's side of the family
Sheila and her family try their absolute best not to get too involved in vampire drama (it's not going well)
Sheila is best friends with Rosabella
Bonnie sees a lot of her grandmother in her daughter Sheila (not just because of her name)
Damon calls her a "mini Bonnie"
Sheila and Abby explore the mysteries of magic together and even have their own grimoir
Both her and Abby tease their dad on how whipped he is about their mom
Kai loves his family very much and worships not just Bonnie but his two daughters as well and is a hard core feminist with his girls
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retrointhenow · 1 year
Broken Barrier : Peter Pan X Reader
Author's Notes: This is a story based off one of my recent tiktoks. My tiktok is retrointhenow, the same as my tunblr here! I have tried shifting before and have yet to be successful. I don't have tips for shifting. I'm also not interested in making a part two for this so please don't ask.
"Come on." I groaned staring at my ceiling. It's been about a week since my last shift to Neverland. Things went exactly as I wanted them, I set my timeline as a nice calm period. I had everything I wanted. The boys were nice, the mermaids haven't tried to drown me yet, and life was good. Recently I've had trouble shifting back, time moved slowly in Neverland compared to my actual reality, but I think Peter is starting to catch on.
There was a two month break between shifts and Peter heavily questioned where I was. Thankfully I was able to blame the met,aids but I couldn't use that excuse again. Sometime I forget that the language dialect is different that what I'm use to so I'll slip up when I'm talking. I think that's part of what gives me away. At least I wrote down in my scripts that my clothing was different.
Finally I was able to relax and dream of Neverland. It's hard to describe how I get there. But it's like someone turns on a light and then I'm there.
The island was hot and humid today. I analyzed the terrain surrounding me and noticed that I wasn't to far from dead man's peak. A long hike back to base camp. Without a doubt Peter knew I have arrived. He knew everything that happened on his island.
"Y/n ? That you?" I heard someone call. I walked toward the voice and Devin ran around a tree.
"Oh hey Dev! Beautiful day today isn't it ?" I smiled and joined him on his duties. Devin was my best friend, without me writing that in. He was the first to greet me and actually welcome me to the island.
The boys were a little skeptical about a girl arriving in Neverland. Of course Wendy was there, but Peter only kept her as collateral for the Darling boys. Peter had no agenda for me though.
"Don't tell him I said this. But I think Pan has been worried about you." Devin picked some berries.
"How so ?" I worked at another bush. Of course I wanted Peter to like me, but I decided to let it happen naturally. It's my own desired reality where I could control anything but I wanted something to feel real. Besides, I want to know how he would really feel about me.
"He's been running around the island searching for you. He's had quite the bad attitude as well." He frowned and stood up. "If I didn't know better, I'd say Pan cares about you." I passed my bowl to him and rolled my eyes.
"I would like to think so, but Peter has quite the attitude without me being present. Besides, we was probably doing his island perimeter checks." My heart swelled with joy at the though. Could he actually like me ? No, no he's too busy. But Devin wouldn't lie to me. Then again he is a boy. Best not to get my hopes up.
Together Devin and I made to long trek back to the camp. We talked about what happened since I left last. Fortunately he was easy to gaslight and confuse about my whereabouts. I just took pieces of what he said and included them into 'my' story about where I was. From what I gathered Felix has been running the camp as Pan hasn't been around recently. Could that be because of me ? No, I'm stretching to read between the lines.
"Hey Y/n, long time no see huh?" Felix greeted me. I felt myself flush with worry.
"Not such a long time. I'm never too far away." I tried to play it off. It's hard to live two realities simultaneously. Sometimes I mix up my realities and say the wrong thing. One time I was talking to my real world friends about Felix, forgetting that he doesn't truly exist.
We all hung around camp for a while, tidying up and finishing up the daily chores Pan had set for the day. Pan had yet to make his grand appearance since I've shown up.
"Rumor had it, Y/n, that Pan is avoiding you." Jack, one of the older boys, nudged me.
"Huh? What do you mean avoiding me ?" I picked my head up from the fire and looked at the lost boy.
"I don't know, but no one has seen you for a good two days. Since then he's had this twisted look on his face. Kinda perplexed." He threw sticks into the fire.
You know the saying " speak of the devil and he shall appear"? I tend to think that's true, cause right after Jack said that Pan waltzed in. Everyone went silent, only the crackling of the bonfire could be heard, Aline with the island creatures too.
"Carry on." Pan said. Slowly the noise picked back up. He walked to his tent. The boys started dancing as the sound of the Pan pipe started. Peter played a slow and mesmerizing rendition of the iconic 3 note Peter Pan melody.
"You should go talk to him." Felix sat next to me. I peeled my eyes open as I started to fall asleep.
"About what ?" Pan continued to play soothing songs. He knows how much I love listening to him play.
"Come on. I'm not stupid. I know you like him, and I believe with a best friends intuition that he likes you to." He gave me a comforting smile.
"It would never work anyway." I shrugged.
"You never know. He fronts whoever he's near you. Tries to act tough. But behind closed huts, he thinks about you." Felix stood up and brought me with him. "If things don't work out you can alway, according to Pan "go back to your world". " I felt my body stiffen. No way. I mean, yes Pan somehow knows everything, but he can't know about my world. Or that I even exist outside of Neverland. Might have to make a note about that when I wake up.
I drug myself to Pan's hut and nervously opened the tarp.
"Need some company?" I poked my head in.
"I think you're gonna come in anyway." He sat his flute down and walked to his desk.
"Observant I see." I fully stepped into his room. I had seen his hut before but never fully pictured it. He had a small bed and a decent desk cluttered with papers. He whisked his arm over the desk and the parchment disappeared, most likely to his desk in the Thinking Tree. The thinking tree is his actual home, he only stays in the camp hut for temporary reasons.
"Is there something I can help you with ?" He sighed and turned towards me. Looking directly at me for the first time today. His Forrest green eyes searched my being. I made my way around the hut before sitting on the twin sized bed.
"You haven't spoken to me today." I crossed my legs and cleaned the dirt from under my fingernails. I heard the creaking of his wooden desk from him sitting on it.
"Where do you go ? When you leave here ?"
"I don't-"
"Bullshit." He stopped me. "I know everything Y/n. You often forget that." I folded my hands together and chewed on my lip.
"Something's are unknowable. Even unexplainable." I held my breath and hoped he wouldn't be able to figure anything out. He cracked a smile, he got me. I know magic can pass through the fairytale realms, even to a place where magic certainly doesn't exist ?
"I know you're not really here. In Neverland. You go somewhere else when you disappear for days at a time. Especially that time you left for two weeks. I feel it." He hopped off the desk and walked towards me.
"I'm right here. Sitting in front of you. You're looking right at me." I challenged him. If I learned one thing, it was how to battle with Pan, verbal and physical. I felt my face heat up, my tell.
"I might be looking at you Y/n, but I'm not seeing you. You have this thousand yard stare and sometimes it's like you're not even here." Thousand yard stare ? I just get lost in my own mind sometimes. Unfortunately I fell weak to Peter Pan, no matter what. I could hang with Peter and his games just long enough but I always fell short just before the finish line. Always fumbling the bag.
"You always knew too much for your own good." I smiled sadly. Would I break his heart if I told him he wasn't real in my life ? Even though I had been visiting Neverland for months it felt like years. I felt like I had a second family, I had real fun being with the boys, living in a land of magic was indeed enchanting.
"I know that if we lived in the same reality that maybe we could be together like you want." He stroked my hair and lifted my head to look at him. I tried my hardest to not look at him. He knew, and it broke my heart instead. "Look at me Y/n." I slowly dragged my eyes to look at him, tears filled my waterline.
"Do you think that could actually happen ? Us being together if I was truly here ?" My voice faltered with each word. It feels wrong to ask that. Knowing it's not real to me. I have a real life, not this made up fabricated dream world.
He had moved his index finger from under my chin to my cheek to cup it. He gently stroked his thumb across the area, catching a stray tear. "I think friends don't look at each other the way we do unless we wanted something more." His voice was soft and soothing.
I leaned into his touch and closed my eyes. Everything felt so real. "It could never work. It wouldn't be real. For either of us." His other hand held mine.
"For what it's worth. It feels real when we're together."
So was it wrong for us to lead each other on like that ? Pretending what we had was real ? Maybe so, but neither of us had been happier than in the moments we spent together.
But eventually I went back to my reality and left Peter in his. I still get visions in my dream of him, but that's all they are. I haven't even tried to shift in months. But we knew this would happen at some point. You can't postpone the inevitable. Now it's time to move on. Move on from something that never truly happened.
Peter's POV
"She's not coming back. Is she?" Felix stood next to me, staring at her empty hut.
"No. But she'll never forget us. We're always going to be a part of her." Felix nodded and walked off to join the other boys. I'll find where she came from, I'll search for her and bring her back.
Until then I'll watch her hut. Waiting for her to walk out, waiting for her to come home.
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paradiecircus · 2 months
You guys ever see fanfic writers that you follow posting and completing stories that you haven’t gotten around to reading yet (or you tried them but they’re just not your vibe) & like, you’re so proud of them for keeping up with writing in the first place, like look at you, getting them stories done! 👏🏽 🙌🏽 🙌🏽🙌🏽
I am also guilty of both of those, probably gonna post a new story before I finish the one I’m THIS CLOSE 👌🏽 to completing because life 😫😫😫
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thecrackshipdiaries · 11 months
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Chris Wood and Crystal Reed
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thefudge · 2 years
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bonkai au: where kai crashes prom because he wants to steal the prom queen
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Y/n: Don’t you miss the vivid imagination of childhood?
Kai: I never had one
Y/n: An imagination or a childhood?
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wearesociety · 2 years
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gossip girl au
gossip girl here, looks like our favorite incestuous group has returned from their summer homes and private islands and the tips have been rolling in, so many pictures of our favorite.
caroline forbes we see you no need to hide under shades. how was the summer fling with tyler? done pinning over stefan already?
our girl next door smiling so bright. maybe the exes are back together? now elena please don’t try to hide it… my spies always find out.
our resident party boy. oh how’ve we missed you. Too quiet are the days since your last party. pretty please tell us if rebekah is doing well, coke is such a nasty habit. lets hope her nose remains clean this year.
last but not least, welcome back B. some may have forgotten but our dear Bonnie was once the belle of the city, that is until her mother went to jail for embezzling. nut daddy dearest is back running for mayor.. how will old friends react to this return? I seem to remember how cosy kol and bonnie were. but I don’t think davina wants anyone remembering . And wasn’t the last citing of Bonnie when she was caught kissing our prince charming, stefan salvatore? Some say he still thinks about it.
the friend group might be on it’s last leg with the lies and the backstabbing but I fear Bonnie’s return just may break the camels back. no way will caroline give up her hard earned spotlight, and how could elena forgive the best friend that didn’t even come to her parents funeral? and even though it was before they dated can elena welcome her back knowing her prince charming might still hold a torch for bonnie?
Only time will tell with this group. Everyone take cover as we head into an explosive school year.
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shadowcatgirl09 · 2 months
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