#kai and zane are but. they are so so little
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destinysbounty · 8 hours ago
Ramadan Fasting Headcanons because I said so:
You're probably expecting me to say Zane spends hours putting together a big, elaborate iftar spread. And you're right, he does, he's a one-man potluck and its fantastic. BUT. He is also a diehard believer in the importance of breakfast, so he puts in just as much effort - if not more - into making delectable suhoors for everyone. He'll wake up hours in advance to make a full meal with carefully measured out health proportions to make sure they all get enough protein, fiber, etc to sustain them through the day.
....unfortunately, half of the team doesn't even eat it.
Cole and Wu are probably the only people who fully appreciate and eat Zane's fancy suhoors. Wu because he usually wakes up that early anyways and sometimes helps Zane out with it, and Cole because he has a healthy respect for all things food.
Kai, however, rebukes the fancy suhoor that was specially crafted to maximize health and energy, because he insists he knows a Better Way. Is convinced all he needs is a protein shake to get him through the day. Inevitably burns out by Asr and has to sleep the rest of the day, but is unwilling to swallow his pride and admit that maybe his method isn't working.
Jay is constantly oversleeping and ends up missing suhoor. Like, almost every morning. Even when they wake him up, he still winds up falling back asleep a few minutes later. Yes, he's a big baby about it.
Nya also forgets suhoor a lot, but not because she slept through it. She's usually working on some project or other and accidentally skips it unless Pixal comes down and reminds her. You would never know she missed suhoor by how she acts though - or really that she's fasting at all.
To that matter, you would never know she had broken her fast for her period. She completely stealths it.
Lloyd sometimes hides in his room eating junk food and sugar (and an absurd amount of candy) for suhoor instead of anything healthy. Zane inevitably catches him about half the time and drags him down to the kitchen for something more substantial.
Lloyd forgets and accidentally slips up a lot. But he always feels really bad about it, so everyone just pretends they didn't see anything.
Wu also forgets a lot, usually by accidentally drinking tea out of habit, but they know better than to tease him about it.
Wu also goes easy on them during this month, letting up on training aside from some early-morning warmups to keep them in shape.
Cole is the King of Naps. He is constantly nagging everyone to take naps, slow down, go easy, and lay down for a while. Once he's down for his afternoon nap, you Will Not see any trace of him until Iftar - at which point he will mysteriously spawn in the kitchen the very second the adthan goes off.
They manage their crime-fighting schedule around who has the best energy at what time of day. Kai and Jay are always the first to crash so they take a shift earlier in the day. Cole and Zane both go in the afternoon, right before Cole's nap. And then Nya and Lloyd are on patrol right before iftar, because they feel like having food around the corner motivates them to give that extra little push.
Jay, meanwhile, was already in the kitchen half an hour ago, impatiently waiting for it to be time for iftar - and complaining to Zane every few minutes that it smells so good, why can't he just eat it nowwwww
Pixal often helps Zane with iftar, and will make all sorts of passive aggressive comments to Jay until he "offers" to set the table. These comments all go over Zane's head, of course, so he's just pleasantly surprised to see one of his friends taking extra initiative with meal prep.
Kai usually gets a second wind right before iftar, and will go on a nice little evening jog right before. Zane insists he pack dates and water with him in case he's not back in time to break his fast, but he almost always is.
The question of whether being a nindroid technically counts as a medical exemption is the source of frequent theological debate around the dinner table. They eventually concluded it is, since nindroids do not synthesize food into energy and therefore fasting doesn't really have any point to it - but Pixal took this as a challenge and has since been trying to find a way to re-engineer herself with the ability to eat.
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numberonepartyboy · 1 year ago
redrawing the 'jay i'm still here' art and i think i improved + a s6 jay thing idk if i'll finish lmao
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potatobugz · 3 months ago
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ninja doodle dump go...
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starlingstalk · 2 months ago
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Warmth isn‘t safety and the Cold is not the absence of Warmth
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triangular-dude · 2 months ago
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I salute you, Opposite fans
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aroninshonour · 1 year ago
Anyone else love watching ninjago out of content videos because it'll go from Garm brushing his teeth with a knife to an elevator blowing up to Nya dying(again) to Zane turning on his funny switch to Kai talking about Wu's moving snake beard while under that venomari spit stuff to the Jay standing in the darkleys elevator to a Zane being a detective to Cole screaming in yangs temple to Jay almost falling asleep in the elevator to an elevator getting exploded again to Kai freaking out about Jay not freaking out to Jay constantly saying "Brou-Bruoo goo Goouuuu" to Kai proposing to J-
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saline-coelacanth · 7 months ago
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This meme immediately made me think of BE!Oppo, it just fits them super well
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summertide-treehouse · 18 days ago
season 1 review im really dead on tumblr but expect alot of ninjago art asap.
It only took me a year ( don’t let me procrastinate on ts again ) but I finally finished Season 2 of my Ninjago rewatch, heres my review.
Similar to Season 1, there was a lot of things that I ended up liking more than I remembered even though there were some inconsistencies.  I think the pacing worked really well.  It did drag a little bit in the first few episodes, but it worked since they were still finding themselves again after Season 1’s finale, and the transition from Season 1 villains to Season 2 villains worked really well.  I’d probably have more to say if I didn’t stop watching half the season for almost a year ( I graduated and just.  Life </3 ) but from all I remember and wrote down, I definitely liked this season more than the last.
I know a lot of people don’t like Misako for their own reasons, same as Wu, but I loved Misako here, and her chemistry with Wu and Garmadon.  She is so smart and always brought a new and different approach to situations, and she always reassured Lloyd that his father does love him, even if its someplace far away.  It may not be important to a lot of people, but’s such a powerful message for me; having to confront a parent who’s harmed you when you don’t want too, but you need to anyway, and your other parent, who’s been hurt the same, stands with you without villainizing the other.   Misako and Garmadon themselves are so deeply tragic as well, there was absolutely love between them at some point.  I like to think there still is, but it’s clear they miss what they had rather than what they have, especially in Misakos case, since she told Garmadon that he “is not the man she married”, and although Garmadon still loves her the same, he doesn’t understand that he could never be a good husband/father, let alone a good person, by selfishly going through with the plans he was making, completely destroying the chemistry they once had.  It is SUCH a realistic dynamic that I’ve seen growing up.  There is love, they do not hate each other- but they are not good for each other, it can only be salvaged if the one at fault makes a positive change, but nothing can be done to fix the damage, even if things are at their best.  I think this ties into why Misako is so close to Wu.  I’m not a big Wusako person myself, but it makes sense why she would seek him out; he is the closest thing to what Garmadon once was, and there is absolutely security with him since she knows Wu won’t change the same way Garmadon did. 
On the topic of Garmadon now, I found his growth interesting.  I feel the same in Season 1, it’s kind of hard to root for his redemption since we are constantly seeing him regret and hesitate when it comes to fighting Lloyd, but as soon as his motives are questioned he goes through with it with more energy than before.  In spite of the venom, we’ve seen him fight it before, and not act on those urges, so there’s no reason he can’t when it comes to fighting Lloyd.  Although it’s a bit ‘bittersweet’, for lack of a better word, once he realizes the Overlord lied to him and takes possession over him, and seeing Garmadon finally take initiative and fight back was absolutely a real step in the right direction.  It should’ve been Lloyd or his family that should’ve been what convinced him, but it’s still a kids show, and the fact it was “destiny” made things a bit inevitable, so I don’t totally hate how that was his final straw.  I did enjoy how Lloyd defeating the Overlord was what cured Garmadon of the venom, I just think that’s too soon of a redemption arc for him.  With how long he’s been evil for, I don’t think he suddenly would’ve “felt good”, old habits definitely would’ve stuck that we should be able to see him work through to continue to make positive steps, but they make great headcannons even if its not canon.
Overall, I really loved the villains, all the character growth the Ninja and other characters go through, there was A LOT to unpack in this season and it was really fun.  You can really tell that Ninjago is beginning to discover itself here and I feel hooked into this show all over again despite me being a huge fan since 2018.  Solid 8.5/10
Also is it just me or did Kozu sound alot like Count Orlok.  I giggled everytime he was on screen
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denkilightning · 5 months ago
also i love how much jay hated every second of the quest to FSMs tomb except for flying. literally the only thing he was actually excited about throughout the entire journey until he got lloyd back.
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jays-supersonic-dynamo · 1 year ago
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and i never stopped thinking about drawing them. never ever forever. happy 3 years‼️‼️
( og post - 2020 / redraw 1 - 2021)
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neptunic-saturn · 10 months ago
Today I asked my friend which ninja to draw and they said blue so I drew jay
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Also extra art
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spork-supremacy · 4 months ago
Feeling pretty bored so I think it'd be fun for asks to be sent in.
I don't know if there should be a type of theme here here I'm just a person who loves answering questions.
granted this is a very ninjago centric blog so...
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starlingstalk · 2 months ago
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Bright colors cus everybody loves himmmmm
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localguy2 · 2 years ago
(sorta DR spoilers, And also a headcanon)
Okay hear me out.
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Zane finds out Arin makes really good pies and he starts helping Arin out, by giving him tips on how to improve them even more for the next Crossroads Carnavel, so maybe Arin can finally win for once.
But along the way, Arin shows interest in Zane's food after staying with the others for a few days, they need time to cool down after the whole "Batteling your way out of Imperium" thing yknow.
So he asks Zane how he does it.
And this is Zane's dream come true because someone FINALLY is actually going to learn from his cooking skills.
And every single day when Zane starts making food, he calls Arin over and just starts teaching him to do stuff.
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razzle-zazzle · 2 months ago
another fun fact about my dumb little ninjastuck au is that, bc she was raised by kai/the occasional sympathetic ignacian, nya knows very little about troll culture. colton, who had a lusus and some influence from his ancestor, takes it upon himself to teach nya all the things she missed (jay also tries to do this to varying levels of success. they are both idiots <3).
this results in colton crushing pale on nya btw <>
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hickoryblossom · 2 years ago
Happy Pride!!
(I know it's like the end of June, this took longer than I wanted it to)
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