#kaeya is so underrated
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a-bit-kaleidoscopic · 2 months ago
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this is the ultimate genshin malewife alignment chart. i take no criticism.
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amarisrosalette · 9 months ago
Hey, don’t you think it’s a coincidence that this year’s Father’s Day is in correlation with Venti’s birthday? Look.
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Let me rant.
The fact that it’s also Venti’s birthday is no coincidence to me, because Venti is technically a “father” in a sense.
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I would like to add more photos where Venti was actively playing his role as an archon but the sources are a little difficult to find again because they’re mostly statements and quotes from the game.
Although not a “father” in a literal sense, we can safely say that he is a dedicated god to Mondstadt, and looks after them in a way a father would. He dotes on them regularly, as seen many times in various events and quests such as with the case of Klee or Sister Grace in Kaeya’s hangout event. He thinks of Mondstadt as his children and actively does what he can to help from the sidelines, and bring about little changes of hope.
He also values his children’s wishes and never tries to dilute or shame them for it, regardless of how “childish” it might look as seen in Klee’s case, showing that he viewed them as growing individuals, not people deserving to be punished. Speaking of such things, Venti was also betrayed several times by his children like the Lawrence clan straying from their oath to freedom and rise to tyranny, and from Signora despising him and outright disrespecting him while stealing his Gnosis. Yet, he had so much graciousness to still consider them children of Mondstadt, and that takes a lot of strength than people might think. His love is unconditional and flows in everything he does for his people.
There were so many times when Venti had treated Mondstadt and the Traveler with nothing but kindness, but gets repayed and portrayed by the fandom as nothing more than a lazy drunkard or a “useless” archon. Venti is such an underrated character but gets awfully mischaracterized by the fandom and his character is understood as nothing outside of his alcoholism.
People can come at me for this but I partially blame Paimon for misleading people with the drunken bard jokes, and for the rest of the fandom for having NO media literacy to even scour for the actual lore of his character. I swear some people can be so dense-minded when it comes to characterization.
Going back to my point, I’m saying that if we just remove the close-mindedness to his character and look deep enough, we’ll see that Venti truly is a wonderfully written character on the inside and deserves much more than the treatment he’s getting.
Venti’s done so much for his people, and for that he truly deserves to be recognized as a father in this special day. I’m waiting for people to recognize this and maybe write or draw more content of him being a father figure to his children in Mondstadt.
Venti deserves the title of a father because he loves his children like one.
People I wanna tag just because: @ventisslut @carmendeiact2whenplz @windcarvedlyre @lanternlightss (feel free to share your thoughts in the tags!)
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windcarvedlyre · 9 months ago
Venti Week day 2: Alternate form
Venti Week prompts here!
Technically this is late by UK standards but it's on time in America. Have some short but sweet Kaeven fluff! The ship is criminally underrated and I feel a duty to spread it. This was so much easier to write than the piece for yesterday.
Kaeya yawned and stretched, sunlight gently warming his back from behind his kitchen table. Venti sat across from him, engrossed in his breakfast. The two of them were having pancakes courtesy of Kaeya. There were still soot stains on the wall from Venti's attempt the previous weekend.
As Venti drizzled even more syrup onto his stack, his eyebrows furrowed adorably in concentration, Kaeya couldn't help but stare. Mornings like this, where neither had work to go to and his braids glistened different shades of teal in the sun's rays and his expression was unclouded by his past, were his favourite.
Last night Venti had finally felt comfortable showing Kaeya his archon form. He'd been jittery with anxiety, Kaeya holding him and stroking his wings and murmuring sweet nothings to him, hoping it would- if only a little- help gently untangle the millennia of baggage he'd accumulated. He knew Venti was a god. Seeing him like that drove it in more, but despite literally glowing last night he looked far more radiant in this little moment of domesticity.
Venti glanced up from his stack- now half the height it was before- and gave him a bemused look.
"What are you thinking about?"
Kaeya shot him a smug look back. "You."
Venti snorted, looking away in a poor attempt to hide the blush dusting his cheeks.
Kaeya was tempted to say nothing and not ruin the moment, but there were things he needed to ask.
Venti looked back at him. "Hm?"
"About last night."
Venti's expression curdled. "What about it?"
"Don't worry, I meant everything I said back then." Kaeya hastily replied. "Nothing has changed."
Venti hummed. He didn't sound convinced.
"I was just wondering..." he continued, "if that's your true form, is that what you're most comfortable in? Do you only go around wingless to maintain an image? If that were true I wouldn't mind if... you know..."
As he trailed off- archons, he was still awful at sincerity- Venti's shoulders relaxed again. He put down his fork and hummed thoughtfully.
"Technically neither are my true form. I don't really... have one? Unless you count how I looked before ascending, but even that was an ephemerally-formed concentration of anemo for the convenience of other-"
"Hang on. How you looked before you ascended?"
Venti shifted awkwardly in his chair. "Right. Well. I didn't always look like this."
Kaeya raised his eyebrows. "You didn't? I know you're not human but none of the specifics; what were you?"
Venti sipped some of his apple juice. "A small spirit coalesced from a thread of the Thousand Winds. I couldn't even play the lyre at the time; I don't know how I managed."
Kaeya leaned in; it was rare to hear much about Venti's past. "Is that why you made yourself look human, then?"
Suddenly Venti's expression darkened. He looked down at his pancakes, something unreadable in his eyes. "Not exactly."
Ah. Difficult subject?
"We don't have to talk about that now," Kaeya said softly, "or any time soon. Don't worry about it."
"Thanks." Venti replied, a little stiff. The atmosphere was still off. He should distract him.
"Your old form, though. Can I see it?"
Venti was still focused on his plate but his expression shifted slightly- was he blushing again?
"It's a bit embarrassing."
Now he had to see. "Nonsense, I'm sure it's majestic."
Things were still awkward but Venti's expression was less clouded now. He could afford to push a bit.
"I'll pay for your drinks for a week? But one bottle max per night, I know how you are."
Venti furrowed his brows again, torn between preserving his dignity and the offer Kaeya knew he couldn't resist.
He sighed.
"Anything for you, mein Liebling."
Kaeya opened his mouth to reply but flinched and covered his eyes as Venti disintegrated into teal light. A soft breeze, simultaneously warm and cool like Venti's skin was to the touch, emanated from his form as it shrank and recoalesced above the table.
The light cleared. Kaeya blinked its echoes from his eyes. Another tiny pair of eyes blinked up at him.
Holy shit, he was adorable.
The dark amorphous face those eyes sat on, half the size of his palm, was framed by a frilly white cloak with teal accents, crowned with two pieces of fabric that reminded him of his usual cecilia accessory's leaves. Tiny teal legs dangled in the air as a vaguely winglike trio of floating things fidgeted behind his back.
Kaeya couldn't stop a laugh from escaping his throat. He slapped a hand over his mouth but couldn't hide its widening corners.
Venti was unimpressed and tried to give him a deadpan look but it made him even cuter.
"Don't laugh!" he said in what Kaeya could only describe as a chirp. Dear Celestia, he was going to asphyxiate. He couldn't hold back the laughter anymore.
"I'm sorry-" he forced out between inhales- "it's just too much! You're like a kitten. I want to smoosh your little face."
He reached out and poked Venti teasingly. He was soft like a marshmallow.
Venti sighed, his deep exasperation done no favours by his higher pitch. "I'm not going to hear the end of this, am I?"
"Nope!" Kaeya replied, grinning. "You can have your dignity back in a second, but can I do one small thing first?"
Venti moved his eyes in a vague impression of rolling them. "Fine. Sure."
Standing from his chair, Kaeya leaned over the table and planted a kiss on the top of his head. Venti's face flushed teal; Kaeya smiled even wider, gazing at him fondly.
"You should take that form again. I'd love to do that more often."
His lover turned his face away from him, but something about him made Kaeya think he'd be smiling if he was able.
"...Maybe I will."
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mikiafina · 2 years ago
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I do not own the characters mentioned in story below, I had this idea earlier and thought that it might be fun to imagine if it would really happen.
The reader's pronouns in this oneshot are not mentioned, but female reader is on mind while writing. Do point out my typos if you ever noticed one!
My apologies if this was too short, ‘m not really fan of writing in a long amount of time.
P.S: Read the mentioned stories made by kunichigo first before reading this.
Trigger Warning:
Ooc, grammatical errors, misspellings, typos, possibly curse words, suggestive content (sort of), mature-ish content (is that even a word?), Informal use of language
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After reading a oneshot-series of Genshin SAGAU made by one of your adored author, you felt a sudden desire to see your babies, husbandos and waifus. As soon as you logged in, you arrived at the entrance of mondstadt as you greeted your beloved babies and husbandos.
While doing your daily commissions, the topic that your sister were talking about went from another game named ‘Roblox’ to the story that you have previously read. And without your knowledge, my oh my. Your beloved acolytes are seemed to be listening with your conversation, oh sheeshhh.
What a disaster.
Genshin Characters x Reader
Dedicated to & Inspired by:
My favourite and underrated author, Kunichigo!
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“[N/n] let's play roblox, I'll let you borrow mama's phone later for you to be able to read, for now play roblox with me.” Your sister tries to persuade you, even going to the lengths of letting your borrow the phone later as a bargain just to quote o' quote, play with her.
"Hm.. Alright, but make sure to let me borrow mama's phone. Or else.." You reluctantly opened the second computer as you placed your mother's phone on the side, while waiting for the desktop to load, you engaged in a conversation with your sister on what games to play.
"We can play Evade or Shoot out if you want, we can also play the games you play, uhh.. Arsenal? Was it?" Your sister habitually tilt her head in an insure manner, you hummed in confirmation at her question.
Despite the talk that you and your sister had made, you both weren't able to play roblox because you noticed the time and remembered that you have yet to finish your commissions and quests. So after setting up your recording software and opening up your preferred browser (Opera GX y'all), you launched Genshin and waited for it to finish loading.
"Oh by the way, have you read kunichigo's latest post? It was so good and underrated, like damn." Your sister squealed in delights as she proceeds on controlling her chosen character, Zhongli.
"Ah, you mean 'Cherry Red Lips?' and 'Terrible, Terrible.' if you mean those two, I did. But on the 'Cherry Red Lips?', she said she's inexperienced with those types but she narrated it sooo good! Like the way Kaeya shamelessly raised his voice to let everyone outside their beloved creator's chamber know that he's being pleasured by her is soooo— Aghhhh! It's so juicy! Like imagine if Aether really is withering and shaking underneath us while we suck on their blood? DAMN! I'd kill to see such sight under me! And don't get me started about Kaeya, that man is a walking menace! But that's one of his hot traits! Like— like just imagineee!" You fangirled while controlling Razor, running and teleporting around mondstadt doing commisions.
"Right?! It's just ashame that the author didn't make a detailed scene about Diluc withering and panting under his beloved creator's touch! But Lisa's scene was so lit, despite being written so short. But man, Aether's really well narrated, the author made it clear that he's a babygirl." Your sister added, fangirling as much as you do. The both of you continued on squealing as you played Genshin together, having fun and making it clear that whatever is the "story" you two were talking about, is what made your day better.
Unbeknownst to the both of you, the oh so said characters are listening to your conversations. My oh my, what in teyvat did they just listen on to?
In the land of teyvat, Zhongli cannot believe what just reached his ears. Did he hear it right, are their ears working right? Did they hear it correct?
Much to Diluc's dismay, the conversation about the story that you both read did not end with just Kaeya and Aether being mentioned cause it seems like he was too, in the story. The mentioned characters can't help but feel blood rushing to their face, ears and neck due to either embarrassment or whatever human emotion you are supposed to feel in such situation, even those who weren't mentioned were flustered at the topic of their creators, despite this, they aren't sure whether to pity the others or to get jealous cause they're the topics of the beloved creators, nonetheless, they still feel the second-hand embarrassment for the others.
Meanwhile back in the Serenitea Pot, Xiao, Tighnari and Ayato looked at Diluc who's face is crimson as his hair, attempting to have the floor of the abode swallow him alive. He doesn't know whether to be thankful for kuni- or whoever the author of the story is for not writing a detailed scenario of him or he'll probably ask the Geo Archon to have the floor swallow him on the spot.
Kaeya who's sitting just right beside Diluc, laughed at his semi-miserable state, and honestly speaking, Kaeya is tad bit embarrassed but he'd be lying if he said that he denied that he's proud of how the author wrote him. Chongyun who has been silent for the whole time, almost choked on his ice cream if it weren't for Heizou and Thoma helping him unclog the small piece of popsicle on his esophagus.
Zhongli, who's being possessed by one of the creator and who's listening on the conversation from the very beginning, did not know how to react. Razor, who's beside the Geo Archon is quite confuse and worried, was the traveler, cavalry captain and librarian of knights of favonius sick or in pain? Poor boy doesn't really understand his creator and their sister is talking about, if the said people are sick then why are his beloved creator, squealing? Is there something he's missing?
Needless to say, it was an eventful day for both the vision holders and the creators. The boys are just thanking the archons that the girls aren't in presence and are having a peaceful picnic somewhere in Sumeru, or else they wouldn't be able to handle the embarrassment, much less, face nor confront them.
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® mikiafina
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asideoftrashplease · 6 months ago
I absolutely adore your 'Venti Can Do What He Wants" fanfiction! Kaeya and Venti's relation has so much potential and yet is such an underrated topic in the fandom, so thank you for writing this!
The cliffhanger in the last chapter is killing me tho, do you know when will you be posting the next chapter?
Hello! I'm SO VERY excited to hear that someone out there enjoyed Venti Can Do What He Wants <3 when I wrote it, I didn't know if many people would be interested in a Kaeya & Venti fic haha.
I'm actually hoping very VERY hard that we will get a Weinlesefest event this year. If we do, the final chapter will definitely come out during the event. If we get no news about Weinlesefest in the coming weeks, however, I'm told that Weinlesefest is based on Oktoberfest which starts in September and ends in the first or two week of October. I hope to get it out during this period, so before mid-October, but no 100% promises because my work is going to be busier than usual this month and next!
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meili-sheep · 2 years ago
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So this is from our good friend 🐱 anon! And while this isn't like specifically harem, I'll probably cover the Harem and extras. And we'll start with Nation so
So Albedo. Would instantly start asking diluc questions and start performing tests. For Hexenzirkel Mom Diluc, Albedo probably tries to see if there is something from Diluc's mother at play. Probably test Klee's strength as well, just to be safe. He probably starts looking for a connection between pyro energy and physical prowess as well. So he would have a rather mundane reaction and just go into him being well Albedo.
Now for Eula. She's probably heard about former Captain crazy strength but most likely dismissed it, thinking it was just an exaggeration. Then he flips a fucking Ruin Grader. She probably has just a moment. I mean, I can't blame her, though. I'd need one too. Specially because right after, he'd go into sweetheart mode and start asking if she's ok. And generally acting very sweet and kind despite the fact HE JUST FLIPPED A FUCKING RUIN GRADER. Of course, after such an embarrassment like this, she will need a little revenge and make sure Diluc knows who's top dog.
Now main ships outta the way, let's talk about Venti. Because you can't tell me that either Ragnvindr or the Red-Haired warrior could do the same thing. And it's something Venti rather casually forgot. In general, he forgets that Diluc is his equivalent to Zhongli's General Alatus, like if Xiao was more chaotic and had an issue with authority. And Flipping a Ruin Grader would be a very good reminder for Venti.
Moving on, I also want to briefly mention Rosaria and Kaeya. Mostly because Rosaria knows Diluc has a lot of surprises, but she was not expecting that. And Kaeya. He's been dealing with this bull since they were kids, so just them at the bar, and Rosaria is just still stunned.
"He flipped. A whole. Ruin Grader..."
"Really? Glad he's still in condition then."
"Huh? What do you."
"I once saw him hug a boar when we were kids... He hugged it so hard he broke the poor thing's ribs. And would not stop crying about it."
Starting with Zhongli. He'd probably have the most normal reaction out of everyone, and that's probably because. Zhongli sees himself as a normal human, or he wants to. So weird like that he is very used to playing it off as normal human things. He really does applaud Diluc's form, though. Probably makes some suggestions.
Now to Xiao. This would really be a heartthrob moment for Xiao, tbh. And he's gonna deny it like his life depends on it. Like NO It definitely wasn't hot that his human boyfriend flipped a whole ruin grader over his shoulder! Definitely not! And he still probably frets over Diluc after words and makes sure he didn't get injured.
So Yelan is getting put here because I see her and Ningguang and friends of Diluc. I particularly see them as members of the underground network. And Diluc doesn't report to either. He respects them a lot. They both would be incredibly impressed, but here is the thing with these two. They see Diluc as their "cute" junior. So despite having taken down a Ruin grader with his bare hands, he now gets cooed at by these two women telling him how proud they are. It's embarrassing but he can't do anything but take it.
Now on to the others. And here is my favorite underrated dynamic, Diluc and Yanfei. She is his lawyer, and no one can tell me otherwise. They are both the more serious of the Pyros and the only ones who can control the chaos. But ummm. Yanfei forgets Diluc is also chaotic. And after seeing him flip a Ruin Grader, She probably starts working on a damage claim argument centering around Diluc being unable to control his ridiculous strength. She did end up using it. and it did keep Diluc out of jail.
Thoma, much like Kaeya, grew up with Diluc's bull. So he isn't really surprised when he sees Diluc flips a ruin grader but probably offers him a snack or something afterward, making sure he's ok and didn't strain himself or anything.
Now I'm putting Ayato and Ayaka together. Because, well, I imagine that Ayaka is constantly dealing with a love-struck brother. And this would be another case. And this would be a case where Ayato would start in on how of course, Diluc is the strongest because Ayato only like the best of the best and has the most incredible tastes, and Diluc is simply the greatest. And Ayaka is in shock that a human can even do that, and everything her brother is saying is just going in one here and out the other. As she just sits there stunned and makes a mental note to make sure no one upsets Master Diluc.
So Itto is a hype man. And this would send him into overdrive. While his whole gang is just stunned, they just have to go along with what Itto it telling them because, well. That guy just took down a ruin grader barehanded. Like yeah, Itto can do that. But he's an oni... but Diluc... Diluc's just supposed to be a regular guy.
But after the shock wears off. They totally join Itto in the hype team and praise Diluc to the sun and back. He is very embarrassed about it all and well.
Al Haitham. You can't tell me it doesn't work out like he does it mostly to stay healthy. But he's probably stronger than people give him credit for. But seeing Diluc do that...
That's a whole different level. He probably pulls a little bit of an Albedo and goes into investigative mode. But, um, a little more creepy and just watches Diluc in his daily routine. Probably ends up coming to the conclusion that Diluc... mostly likely has some supernatural ancestry that he's managed to inherit and levels it there.
Kaveh. He'd nearly have a heart attack. Like he would deal with it in phases.
Stunned silence.
realization of horny
a bit of shame about the horny a bit of embarrassment about the horny
acceptance of the horny
So as the newest Bully Memeber, I gotta put Tighnari here. And let me say he would go mildly Albedo but then start probably going feeding Diluc weird plants and testing them with Diluc's strength. And they would become a chaotic NIGHTMARE.
Now Dehya is another Big Sis I give to Diluc. And I can not tell you how proud she would be. I mean, she would instantly suplex him to assert dominance, but that's ok She's still proud.
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midnights-wish · 9 months ago
who is your favourite genshin character and why? 🖤🌹
oooh, it's sucrose! ♡
there's three reasons, which together they basically boil down to 'good, unique, & fun to use skills, cute design, identify with the personality given to her in some way', but i'm gonna be 'a little' more specific because i like the question & i don't get to talk enough about her:
her design; although i have to admit that i kinda had to overcome the fact that her ponytail reminds me of a horse's tail. so while i thought her design overall was the best out of those released at the time (i started playing when eula had her first banner), i was also kind of distracted by the fact that she kind of reminded me of a horse at first. ^^'
i identified with her a lot when i first started the game. for one, i too have always been curious about anything around me, but most importantly, i was very, very shy back then as well. nowadays she reminds me a lot of my younger self & a little of how i behave in my 'weak' moments.
last thing, & most importantly for me because otherwise i wouldn't have mained her, are her skills: i tried them out in a domain, loved it because they fit her character so well (while, most others at the time, i felt didn't really, tbh) & also because they're incredibly practical. also, & i'm gonna go on a bit of an unrelated tangent now, i feel they're very underrated, & that out of all the older characters in the game, they're still the most original; back then they all kinda copied each other - f.e. kaeya & xiangling, xiangling & amber, chongyun & rosaria, klee & xingqiu in some aspect, as well. while sucrose's still are unique for the most part; i've heard kazuha being compared to her. & i guess i'm gonna agree that he is probably a stronger character, although her crowd-control is much better imo, but that's besides the point. what i was gonna say is that, even though she gets compared to him, their skills aren't too similar; their elemental skills may be a little similar, but the execution is still different enough that their only link is the crowd-control (which again, i think she does better - rest obviously comes down to play-styles). so, summarized, her skills are still pretty unique, very useful, keep most enemies in one place, make decent to pretty good damage (mine at least, i'm sure she could do even better if i got her better artifacts), & above all, they're a lot of fun.
anyways, shortly after i tried her in the domain i got her, & i've been maining her ever since. only thing i hope for is that they'll change her hairstyle a little when she gets her new skin. >.<
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noname-nonartist · 1 year ago
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Answer this foooor: Satosugu, YuutaMaki, ShuAke anddd any genshin ship of your choosing!
Aye-yoooooo! Hey CC!
Been a while since I’ve done this bingo ship thing! Well, let’s see if I can accurately concave my thoughts lol~
Let’s goooo! (My thoughts on these ships under the cut)
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Okay, sooo like I really do like this ship! I really do!
It’s got all the things that I love within a ship dynamic~
The pinning, the angsty, the tragedy! The gaynesssss!!!
However, I sometimes feel like the jjk fandom tend to mischaracterize both of them too much mannn…
Like. I feel like the fandom sort of sand away their flaws and what makes them so interesting to me. Ya know?
But that’s just me tho, so I could be wrong. My media literacy skills aren’t the best tbh. So who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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To be fair. I think it’s mostly underrated due to Yuit’s not having that much screentime in the main anime series so far. :oc
Especially since NobaMaki is the more popular ship in the fandom iirc.
But yeah! Love them! They be opposites, but also similar in a way. Ya feel me?
And their dynamics and ideals conflicts be compelling to meeee~
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Hoooo boiiiii.
These two… these two mannnn!
The one sided rivalry. The complicated feelings they have towards each other! The angst! The Tragedy!!! The GAY!
Mannn, I love this ship so much man. Like both be two side of the same coinnnn~
Both could have been genuine friends and more, but fate said “no” and- Ahhhhh~
So much feels~
*ahem* I’m very normal about them.
For Genshin Ships thooo.
It’s been a while since I’ve played it. There are some ships that I do like (e.g. Chongyun x Xingqui and Ei x Yae Miko), but tbh.
I’m more interested in the more platonic (maybe queer platonic too) and familiar relationships.
Such as Kaeya and Diluc’s strained relationship. Ei and Scaramouche’s complicated relationship. And Furina and Neuvillette long and yet sort of distant relationship.
Kk! That’s all! Thank you for those who decided to read this!
And thank you CC for the ask! It was fun!!! ^w^/
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ichore · 3 months ago
baby 🌸 1, 4, 9 & 14 for the genshin ask game heheh
50 genshin asks
1. First main dps?
My first very unbuilt main dps was Kaeya, he slayed so hard with his entrance that I wanted to see him 24/7. My first serious main dps that I actually put time into building is Ayaka, and I still use her every day.
4. Who are you pulling for next?
Neuvillette. That gorgeous man has to be mine ♡
9. Underrated character in your opinion?
Sucrose. I know Kazuha is everyone's go-to anemo support, but I genuinely like her kit and she's very easy to build and fun to play.
14. Favorite Archon?
Morax. I started the entire game because of him and he did not disappoint. He's such a cheeky old man, I love him.
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glacialheart · 1 year ago
tank + amber :>
tank: which character do you feel is criminally underrated?
criminally underrated? in terms of hoyo giving us content i'm saying kaeya and albedo THEY'RE SO INTERESTING THERE'S SO MUCH POTENTIAL
amber: is there a commonly disliked character that you actually really like?
cyrus /j i don't think there's anyone like that!! but i do get donna day-dreaming about diluc bc i'm like that with my fictional crushes (real ones and all idk)
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lewcouwa · 2 years ago
I love Lindsey, she needs more recognition!!
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First off, the name fits perfectly
The images in my head told me THIS is his song alr? You can’t change my mind.
Im always right.
There are parts that literally sound like a bird screeching, (MY DESCRIPTION IS SO BAD BUT HEAR ME OUTTT)
His burst is a literal phoenix like… Hellooo???
This piece is so intense, I get goosebumps everytime I listen to this.
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And then it becomes so crisp after the start!!! Like good crisp.
You can feel the anger, the betrayal, the sadness, the HURT
You feel the exhaustion of being let down so many times.
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I beg you do not sleep on this one. I get goosebumps everytime.
It’s so intense.
And we all know that Kaeyas backstory is so intense despite his careless and composed personality.
Yes I think about the fight he had with Diluc when I hear this. And now you will too.
The hurt. The mixed emotions. The sadness. The horror. All the feelings he felt going up against his precious brother back then.
La signora
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Waltz - Lindsey Stirling
(Underrated masterpiece btw. Couldn’t even find it in the music feature)
You can hear the pain in this piece
Her backstory is so so sad.
At least she’s back with Rostam now lmao
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Intense. Asl.
Yes I know I say everything is intense but srsly. When did I lie?
No matter what he has no choice but to keep pushing forward.
Like c’mon, I know this ginger smiles n shit but let’s be realistic—
Being a harbinger is hard.
Most of the people who are in the fatui don’t even like to work there but it’s the only option for them.
Bro doesn’t even like his coworkers like..??
It’s a hard life he has.
Keeping it all a secret from his family too.
Who knows how many peoples blood stains his hands.
His life is a mess.
Arataki Itto
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Good vibes ONLY!!!
It fits so well with his optimistic personality
I love him so much 💔
Idk what else to write.
The song is just a dead giveaway. It’s so Itto bro.
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Got the “hear ye hear ye☝️😀” vibes yfm?
So happy and youthful
Makes me wanna do folk dance fr
This is just fitting
Bard music fr
Goes hand in hand with Venti’s juvenile vibe
Good vibes only‼️‼️‼️
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Don’t deny it, we all know she’d perform to this and EAT IT UP.
All I can think of is her dancing to this.
I know the audience will be left with goosebumps all over their body
What can I say?
It’s flamboyant, mesmerizing, absolutely breathtaking.
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clearaeipathy · 8 months ago
"In Teyvat, the stars will always have a place for you" or something like that
Is there like a chair floating in the cosmos, just waiting for me to somehow float up there and relax??
[Just some random weird side thoughts on Genshin Impact]
If the Knights of Favonius are at my service, does that mean they can do my homework?????? Jeannnnnnnn explain the meaning of math pleaseeeeeee
Okay so hear me out if Katheryne is a robot, who built the robot? I know I've heard stuff like the fatui is actually in charge of the adventurers guild but then do they control katheryne? Is it like raiden shogun and ei sorta
if Celestia is a floating island/Jade chamber thingies, does it have a conscience of its own?? Or is there a being that controls it?? Because it would be really weird to hear like a booming deep voice with the echoey effects coming from a floating island
And what kind of island has powers to obliterate a nation? Personally I wouldn't be too confident in the world's safety if a floating island was overseeing the entire universe. Can it think for itself or is it like programmed like the raiden shogun? What if one day Timmy was walking and he gets shot down like I shoot his pigeons??
And why Timmy have a ruin guard as an imaginary friend??? Anything but a ruin guard!! How does he even know what a ruin guard looks like
And on a serious note hoyomix needs to stop sexualizing the female characters so much and giving them such tiny skirts!! I know a lot of females are pretty much adults but I don't like looking at ei from the front even though she's my favorite character
Also I don't simp cause I like to believe I'm above that but kaeyaisfineeeeepleasewhycanttherebeakaeyaonthisworld
why is my other post not showing up when I click on the left side bar???
The troubles of being new to Tumblr 😭😭
anyway my tangent of a rant that hopefully no one will ever find....
And why are all the usernames that I want taken already?? Seriously there's a lot of people on Tumblr
Wait I got off topic
Genshin impact train of thoughts here I come!!!!
Why are some of the best tracks of genshin not a spincrystal
Also mondstadt you are my favorite nation (by 0.00000000001 pts) but why don't you have any five star polearms????? You only have like one polearm, and Rosaria isn't that good!!!!
A lot of people really like zhongli's theme but I don't get why
Like it's okay but personally not my style
Eula's is better in my opinion
And why does everyone like diluc so much?? He's good but Kaeya is the underrated brother
I truly don't understand what is so appealing about diluc, unless people really have a thing for serious and strict yanderes minus the yandere creepy attitude
also kaeya and diluc deserve a theme song!!! I'm so mad hoyomix didn't give them one. At least make symphony of boreal wind and charge fearless warriors their song bc they fit together perfectly
If you haven't heard the combination of those two songs you don't know genshin music at all
Kaeyasimp has saved many lives with their video
I wish hoyomix would give more theme songs to mondstadt characters
Mondstadt characters are some of the most beloved characters so it doesn't make sense ad to why they would exclude them
Im so excited for natlan!!!!
Also why is wanderer so loved too?? I mean his plot arc is amazing and so very angsty and tragic but his character is a bit less than super nice
Do people really like tragic and gruff characters??
But I do respect those opinions though like whatever you like you like 🤷‍♀️
Also can we get some canon ships that would make my heart warm a bit
Okie time to play genshin enough nonsensical ranting
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anantaru · 2 years ago
God I just need some kaeya content like he's so underrated but lawd he's HOTTT and ur writing style?? so unbelievably chefs kiss like the skillssssss I could NEVER. amazing spectacular, jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring; just WOWOWOWOW. anyways I would love some fluffy smut, anything really, but anals a no no, gives me the heebie jeebies. Thinking about domestic praisy kaeya like 🤤🤤🤤. ANYWAYS I LOVE YOU ANANTARU YOU MAKE MY DAY ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥😩🥰😍 WHAT A LEGEND
BHAAHAHAHAHAHA THE ANAL THING IS SO FUNNY because i don’t like anal either tho nothing against people who do like it, it’s preference 🤰🏻but alsoooo, hello love 🤭💕!! i agree, yes omg kaeya is so sexy 😏 i have a bunch of kaeya thirsts in my drafts so stay tuned for that 💕💕 and you‘re very cute, thank you🙇🏻‍♀️
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kaelumizine · 1 year ago
Interest check results + title reveal!
Hello, lovely KaeLumi fans ~
I have the interest check results here! There was a total of 20 responses (it says 21 but someone submitted again due to forgetting to checkmark an additional role -- so charts will be off by 1). That may sound really small, but that was a whole lot more than I expected. I was going to go through with a small scale zine if I got just 10 responses (if at least half were interested in contributing), it was stuck at 6 for awhile, then the last week it just EXPLODED all of a sudden because someone happened to browse the KaeLumi tag and found the IC (thank you for reblogging it, I owe the influx of responses to you!)
Now, without further ado, let's take a look at what we have here!
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^ You're all pretty interested, this makes me smile.
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^ We got a lot of writers on board, but a good amount of artists too! No MMD artists, so I guess I'll be the only one in that department, lol (and possibly a friend of mine, if she's not busy during production). I write as well so.... you guys are gonna have quite a bit to read haha.
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^ This was quite a close split, but overall, having solo illustrations of Kaeya and Lumine as well has won out. We will have at least (1) of each of them! Maybe (2), but due to the close split, we will not have (3).
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^ Pretty much everything basically passed but headers. So potential Merch Artists will be able to make anything for the above except headers. I doubt we'll end up with one of everything, but the options are there. Phone wallpapers and Chibi PNGs were most popular!
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^ Medium scale won out! But I must say, bold of some of you to select large scale. We probably won't have enough contribution for such a scale, but I like your vision. This will still depend on the amount of contributors we actually get, but we do have enough for small scale and possibly the minimum for medium if some contributors submit more than one piece (don't worry, I've set a piece limit + you have to finish your primary piece as a safety net to make sure you actually get at least one of your ideas done).
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^ I guess we're all really starving for content, huh? Haha.
Now, as you know, the zine has been currently untitled, so I asked within the interest check for title ideas as well! I received some lovely suggestions, narrowed it down to two, but this particular title stood out from all the rest. I just thought it sounded perfect. This was submitted anonymously so I cannot say who actually came up with the idea, but whoever you are, thank you -- I love it.
The title of the zine will officially be ----
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Frostwind Star!
I just put a background so the words would actually show up against a white background haha. But yes, "Frostwind Star", will now be the official title of our zine! (Made the logo with clipart from Pixabay by OpenClipart-Vectors. Font used is Cougette). Thank you to whoever suggested it, I just thought it sounded really pretty.
Thank you to everyone again for your responses! Again, it was a lot more than I expected. I know it looks like a really low turnout compared to other zines out there, but for me personally, it was a splendid turnout considering how underrated this pairing is. So, I'm just really happy that this little zine can go through! Nobody out there was making one, and none prior seem to exist, so I thought to myself; well, if no one else will do it, I will. No harm trying, right? If it fails, I'll just make a personal zine of them. But it turned out even better than I expected, so thank you ^^
Look forward to contributor apps opening tomorrow! I already have it set up, I'll just be giving it another once over before making it public.
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adiluv-moved · 1 year ago
hi from your secret santa!
do you mind if i ask you what your favorite genshin characters are, as well as type of x reader fics you like to read ❤️ i’ll probably be back with more questions in the future!
aah omg hello! wonderful to have you here! ໒꒰ྀི˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ྀི১ 🎄🥛🍪
i actually have so many favs now that i'm thinking about it, but i'll do my best to keep the list short!
wanderer + any and all of his iterations! he is so. he. he is my bbg i love him. i am so normal about him it's insane. i write about him only a normal amount and do not have merch of him otw. ꒰lie꒱ ♡
kaeya! just a nice guy + my main from day one! unrelated, but super excited about the possibility of him becoming a major player in the late-game! he is so interesting, would love to study him under a microscope! ꒰affectionate꒱
lisa! she's sadly quite underrated, but her backstory is honestly super sad </3. also unrelated, would also love to see her take on a more major role in the late-game and show the true extent of her abilities!
... and some honorable mentions go to la signora, childe, zhongli, and furina! shrinking them all down and carrying them in my pocket like that one spongebob episode fr!
as for the fics that i personally enjoy—honestly? pretty much anything! shameless fluff, hurt/comfort, pining, yandere, modern/other aus, i eat them all up like i'm at one of those fine dining experiences! the only thing that i personally tend to stay away from is sagau, mostly just because i don't understand it all that much ໒꒰ྀི;´∀`꒱ྀི১
honestly, though, i'd be happy regardless of whoever and whatever it is that you choose to write! did not mean to ramble on that much, either—hope it wasn't too overwhelming!
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idyllic-affections · 2 years ago
Ikrr, not to mention, platonic stuff is sooo underrated.
Sometimes the traction it gets is so shIt even though it's like the best thing you've ever read 😭
sometimes im very proud of my content, only for it to get like... 90 notes (all of which are likes and not reblogs or comments). this is ESPECIALLY true for my kaeya content.
i do my best to rb other platonic creators' content because it's always SO GOOD and yet only has 20-30 notes???? like??!?!??? it's so upsetting. tbh, i'm so tired of romantic content. i really just want to see more platonic/familial content. the ratio of romantic content to platonic content is so insane. i personally don't understand the appeal of romantic content; i used to, but after working through my feelings, i've come to understand that i was never romantically attracted to the characters i like. it was always platonic.
i basically own the platonic genshin x reader tag at this point /lh /j
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