mikiafina · 1 year
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I do not own the characters mentioned in story below, I had this idea earlier and thought that it might be fun to imagine if it would really happen.
The reader's pronouns in this oneshot are not mentioned, but female reader is on mind while writing. Do point out my typos if you ever noticed one!
My apologies if this was too short, ‘m not really fan of writing in a long amount of time.
P.S: Read the mentioned stories made by kunichigo first before reading this.
Trigger Warning:
Ooc, grammatical errors, misspellings, typos, possibly curse words, suggestive content (sort of), mature-ish content (is that even a word?), Informal use of language
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After reading a oneshot-series of Genshin SAGAU made by one of your adored author, you felt a sudden desire to see your babies, husbandos and waifus. As soon as you logged in, you arrived at the entrance of mondstadt as you greeted your beloved babies and husbandos.
While doing your daily commissions, the topic that your sister were talking about went from another game named ‘Roblox’ to the story that you have previously read. And without your knowledge, my oh my. Your beloved acolytes are seemed to be listening with your conversation, oh sheeshhh.
What a disaster.
Genshin Characters x Reader
Dedicated to & Inspired by:
My favourite and underrated author, Kunichigo!
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“[N/n] let's play roblox, I'll let you borrow mama's phone later for you to be able to read, for now play roblox with me.” Your sister tries to persuade you, even going to the lengths of letting your borrow the phone later as a bargain just to quote o' quote, play with her.
"Hm.. Alright, but make sure to let me borrow mama's phone. Or else.." You reluctantly opened the second computer as you placed your mother's phone on the side, while waiting for the desktop to load, you engaged in a conversation with your sister on what games to play.
"We can play Evade or Shoot out if you want, we can also play the games you play, uhh.. Arsenal? Was it?" Your sister habitually tilt her head in an insure manner, you hummed in confirmation at her question.
Despite the talk that you and your sister had made, you both weren't able to play roblox because you noticed the time and remembered that you have yet to finish your commissions and quests. So after setting up your recording software and opening up your preferred browser (Opera GX y'all), you launched Genshin and waited for it to finish loading.
"Oh by the way, have you read kunichigo's latest post? It was so good and underrated, like damn." Your sister squealed in delights as she proceeds on controlling her chosen character, Zhongli.
"Ah, you mean 'Cherry Red Lips?' and 'Terrible, Terrible.' if you mean those two, I did. But on the 'Cherry Red Lips?', she said she's inexperienced with those types but she narrated it sooo good! Like the way Kaeya shamelessly raised his voice to let everyone outside their beloved creator's chamber know that he's being pleasured by her is soooo— Aghhhh! It's so juicy! Like imagine if Aether really is withering and shaking underneath us while we suck on their blood? DAMN! I'd kill to see such sight under me! And don't get me started about Kaeya, that man is a walking menace! But that's one of his hot traits! Like— like just imagineee!" You fangirled while controlling Razor, running and teleporting around mondstadt doing commisions.
"Right?! It's just ashame that the author didn't make a detailed scene about Diluc withering and panting under his beloved creator's touch! But Lisa's scene was so lit, despite being written so short. But man, Aether's really well narrated, the author made it clear that he's a babygirl." Your sister added, fangirling as much as you do. The both of you continued on squealing as you played Genshin together, having fun and making it clear that whatever is the "story" you two were talking about, is what made your day better.
Unbeknownst to the both of you, the oh so said characters are listening to your conversations. My oh my, what in teyvat did they just listen on to?
In the land of teyvat, Zhongli cannot believe what just reached his ears. Did he hear it right, are their ears working right? Did they hear it correct?
Much to Diluc's dismay, the conversation about the story that you both read did not end with just Kaeya and Aether being mentioned cause it seems like he was too, in the story. The mentioned characters can't help but feel blood rushing to their face, ears and neck due to either embarrassment or whatever human emotion you are supposed to feel in such situation, even those who weren't mentioned were flustered at the topic of their creators, despite this, they aren't sure whether to pity the others or to get jealous cause they're the topics of the beloved creators, nonetheless, they still feel the second-hand embarrassment for the others.
Meanwhile back in the Serenitea Pot, Xiao, Tighnari and Ayato looked at Diluc who's face is crimson as his hair, attempting to have the floor of the abode swallow him alive. He doesn't know whether to be thankful for kuni- or whoever the author of the story is for not writing a detailed scenario of him or he'll probably ask the Geo Archon to have the floor swallow him on the spot.
Kaeya who's sitting just right beside Diluc, laughed at his semi-miserable state, and honestly speaking, Kaeya is tad bit embarrassed but he'd be lying if he said that he denied that he's proud of how the author wrote him. Chongyun who has been silent for the whole time, almost choked on his ice cream if it weren't for Heizou and Thoma helping him unclog the small piece of popsicle on his esophagus.
Zhongli, who's being possessed by one of the creator and who's listening on the conversation from the very beginning, did not know how to react. Razor, who's beside the Geo Archon is quite confuse and worried, was the traveler, cavalry captain and librarian of knights of favonius sick or in pain? Poor boy doesn't really understand his creator and their sister is talking about, if the said people are sick then why are his beloved creator, squealing? Is there something he's missing?
Needless to say, it was an eventful day for both the vision holders and the creators. The boys are just thanking the archons that the girls aren't in presence and are having a peaceful picnic somewhere in Sumeru, or else they wouldn't be able to handle the embarrassment, much less, face nor confront them.
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® mikiafina
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mikiafina · 1 year
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“Exotic Life Form — II”
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I am finally free from Title Defense, now I can relax-ish but unfortunately I have to revise my group's paper because of too much mistake.. Anyways, the reader's pronouns in this story is not really mentioned but the reader I have in mind as I write this is female, so be warned.
Dear @genshinarchives, if you ever stumbled upon this work of mine and were felt like I stole your ideas and didn't like this posted anymore, we can talk about it peacefully so feel free to message me if so.
Trigger Warning:
Grammatical Errors, misspellings, typos, ooc, possibly curse words, incorrect lore, slow burn, slight sagau(?), use of informal language and not proof-read
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The exotic blob that you have found in an alleyway woked you up and helped you with your day, albeit curious at everything you do.
Inspired by:
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After the incident of investigating a ruin that mysetriously appeared out of nowhere as well as being blinded by a strange orb that he found at the end of the ruin and arriving in an unknown place in addition to being transformed from human into a seelie is not a desirable series of events that Aether was looking for but at least the human that he was founded by was kind to say the least. Had he not been found by the human, he wish not to dwell into the next scenario if so. Aether did his best with helping the human that took him while gathering some information around their home, connecting the dots only to get even more question than answer.
Dusk arrived as Aether felt the fatigue begun swimming in his small liquid-like body from roaming around your home nonstop for hours in search for answers and clues, but to his wonderful luck, the only things he found is more question and confusing equipments. The only thing that made sense to him is the simple furnitures like the sink, couch, sofa, wall frames, tables, chairs, plates, spoon and fork and other various stuff.
After a few minutes of Aether sitting in silence as he watch the sun waking up from its slumber he decided to also wake you up from your sleep. Floating towards your sleeping form, Aether placed his tiny liquid-like hands on your forearm as he muster up every strength he has and begun shaking you awake. Aether stopped shaking you as he flew a few step back when you swat him away with your hand, mumbling ‘few more minutes..’ as you do so.
huffy and dismayed with your automatic response, Aether returned to your side and continued shaking your sleeping form awake. You groaned in exasperation as you sat up from your laying position and covering your mouth with the back of your hand while you yawn, as if the 4 hours or more of sleep is not enough for you. After remaining still for a solid minutes, you rubbed your eyes to reduce the sleepiness in them then you looked around and wondered why you were sleeping on the couch but as soon as your eyes landed on the small strange liquid-like creature in front of you that is seemingly pointing its miniature hands outside your window made you realize what had happened last night.
Distracted by your thoughts, Aether tugged at your sleeve as his small liquid-like body trembled while he squeaked frantically and loudly. His miniature liquid-like hand soon pointed out the window once again when he caught your attention, deciding that you'll indulge the little one's antics you looked out the window and tilt your head to the side in confusion, not seeing what the strange creature is trying to show nor tell you.
"What? What are you trying to show me, little one?" you query.
As if the strange creature answered you and floated towards the window and pointed repeatedly outside eliciting a confused ‘huh?’ from you, Aether got more huffy when you couldn't understand what he's trying to point outside so he looked around your living room trying to find something that may resemble the sun.
When his vision landed on one, Aether flew above you towards it and pointed at the sun that were drawn in the painting, you raised a brow and racked your brain for clues of what he may be telling you.
"Sun? Are you pointing at the drawing of the sun?" you query again.
Aether bounced in delight as he returned to the window and pointed outside again, this time you looked closely on where he was pointing and saw that the sun is out.
"Ahh, the sun is up. Wait.. What..? The sun is up?!" you shriek.
Looking up towards the wall clock above the entrance between the living room and the dining room, you saw that the big hand is pointing at number 8 and that the small hand is pointing between 8 and 9, telling you that it is already 8:43 AM, which means you are late for school. Frantically, you rushed off the couch and run up the stairs to your bedroom, taking a quick shower before wearing your school uniform, grabbing your bag from the bed and taking a loaf of bread from the cupboard then biting the half end of it before running out of your house with Aether following suit behind you.
When you arrived at your school you didn't notice that Aether was following you so you were walking towards your classroom with Aether flying just above you in the corner of the ceiling.
As soon as you stepped in the classroom you sighed in relief when you saw that your professor was also running late so you hurriedly went to your seat and pretended that you weren't late, after the third bell rung, your professor came in and the homeroom begun.
During in the middle of the homeroom, a classmate of yours gently tapped on your shoulder and threw a crumpled piece of paper in front of you. When you picked it up and looked at your classmate who's sitting on your right behind you, they gestured that you uncrumple the paper. Albeit confuse but obliged and read the written message inside;
[Heyyy, may I borrow your notes after homeroom? My hand hurts so I can't write the lesson right now, please? If you lend me your notes, I won't tell our professor that you went in minutes before her! Like just this once, please? Thank you! <3]
After reading the message, you looked at your notes then looking at the paper, repeating the cycle for a good seconds before crumpling the paper in slight annoyance. You can't believe they have the audacity to borrow your notes and blackmailed you while lying to you at the same time, you curled your first on the crumpled paper and threw it back to them but as soon as you did so, your professor saw you and called you out.
"Ahem. Ms/Mr. (L/n), I would appreciate it if you pay attention to my lesson and not passing garbage to your fellow classmate. After class, I'd expect you to stay for a little talk, are we clear?" your professor demands.
The slight irritation you had earlier were now stacked as you lowered your head, looking at floor.
"Yes, Mrs. Santiago. I'm sorry." you murmur loud enough.
Pleased with your response, your professor dismissed you and told you to pick up the crumpled paper and hide it in your bag, telling you not to pass your own garbage to someone else before scolding your classmate who gave you the paper in the first place.
After the whole incident, you ignored your classmate and continued on writing down notes and highlights as you grit your teeth in annoyance. Pissed off that you were called out for something you didn't do and got to stay after class. To say the least, your day was already ruined but it got even more ruined by your classmate. Great.
Few more minutes passed and the bell rung, your professor dismissed everyone except you. She beckoned you over the chair in front of her desk, sitting in hers whilst she clean her stuff.
"Now, tell me Ms/Mr. (L/n), what did really happen? You are not usually like this, you are one of my star pupils. What happened?" your professor query.
Albeit contemplating as you chew on your lower lip in habit, eyebrows furrowed as you stare at your professor. Sighing before you decided to take out the crumpled paper from your bag and handing it to your professor as you leaned back on the chair before crossing your arm and showed clear annoyance.
"A classmate of mine threw this in front of me while tapping me repeatedly on my shoulder, I tried ignoring her but she was distracting me so I have no choice but to look at her and get it over with. I planned on declining her request and giving her trash back, but I wasn't able to do so because you stopped me and told me to hide it it my bag. Which.. Became helpful because I was able to use it as an evidence.." you explained, murmuring at the middle to the end.
You expected her to be disappointed but to your surprise, she wasn't. Instead, she apologized for calling you out earlier in the middle of the class and told you that she'll talk to your classmate because it seemed that you're not the only one that's been bothered by her.
After the little talk you had with your professor, you went to your next class to the last until it was time to go home. For the remaining of the day, you hid Aether in your bag after you found out that he was following you since first class when you were eating lunch on the rooftop of your building. You made sure that your stuff is all in your bag and not one missing before going home with your bag in front of you as Aether stayed surprisingly comfortable inside.
When you got home, you kicked off your shoes and placed it on the shoe rack before slipping on the indoor ones. You gently put your bag down beside the couch and went straight to the kitchen to cook a decent dinner with a few desserts leftover from your previous baking. Aether is floating beside you, helping you with the cooking and preparing the dinner table as he ate dinner across from you even though he didn't need to do so.
When the two of you finished your dinner, you played tag with Aether trying to take the sponge from his tiny liquid-like hands. After successfully taking the sponge from him, you made him take the desserts and beverages from the dining table and bring it up to your room if he can. Amusing to say that Aether was determined to take all of the desserts and beverages to your room, seeing the tiny creature doing its best filled you with warmth and serotonin making you melt at the sight.
After washing the dishes, you grabbed your bag from the side of the couch and tread your way upstairs to your room and sat on your gaming chair, bringing out your notes and homework to the vacant table beside your computer. You also made Aether his very own chair on the table where he can view almost everything from his point of view and as if thanking you, he snuggled on your cheek, squeaking in a high pitch making you giggle softly in response.
It was already past 10 PM and you were almost finished with your homework and projects when you decided to take a break by doing an art commission from one of your clients before playing various games and of course.. Genshin impact.
Aether watched the whole time you were doing your homework to doing your work to playing many games until you play genshin impact where he saw his self, Aether squeaked uncontrollably beside you while his miniature hands pointed at his own model. Assuming that he wanted a name and heard you saying the protagonist of the game you were playing and got infatuated with it.. Wrong.
"Ahh you want your name to be Aether? I don't mind giving you that name, it suits you to be honest." you query before deciding.
Aether frantically bounced in front of you, pointing at his model. Amused with his reaction as you took it with him just being overly excited of his name, giggled as you caressed on what you assumed is his head.
Realizing that there would be no current way on telling you what he really thinks so he gave up temporarily, relaxing back into the haven of a seat that you made for him.
Needless to say, the day was rather tad bit eventful on Aether's side. He discovered lots of things in just a day and he knows exactly what to do next time.. That's a lie, he still don't know what to do, but at the least he has an idea what to do now compared yesterday morning.
Now, his priority is to stick by your side at all times second to his goal of finding out everything about the game you are playing, genshin impact.
‘I hope the others are doing okay.. Oh Paimon.. Lumine.. Even the others are in this.. Game. Hahh.. Let us just hope nothing bad happens from this day onwards..’
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® mikiafina
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mikiafina · 1 year
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“Exotic Life Form — I”
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Greetings. This story were inspired by @genshinarchives from their work, of seelie!gn!reader x genshin characters.
Dear genshinarchives, if you ever stumbled upon this work of mine and were felt like I stole your ideas and didn't like this posted anymore, we can talk about it peacefully so feel free to message me if so.
The reader's pronouns in this story is not really mentioned but the reader I have in mind as I write this is female, so be warned. Also, masterlist are gonna be posted and pinned soon so stay tuned!
Trigger Warning:
Grammatical Errors, misspellings, typos, ooc, possibly curse words, use of informal language and not proof-read yet
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Genshin characters who were minding their own business, going through their day like any other normal occurrence of their life. When for some huge coincidence or just pure horrible luck— they were yeeted into your world, the modernized world.
How would they fare in a world they have no knowledge of? Will they last? How would they get back to their own world?
Inspired by:
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“[Name]! Over here!” Your friend waved you over their table when your roamed your eyes around the interior of the café, walking over to them as you clutched your backpack's strap tighter.
“Yo, sorry ‘m late. Didn't notice the time, I was too preoccupied with my work.” You smiled as your friends shrugged off your unusual tardiness, warmth filled you as butterflies swirled around your stomach in a warming way.
“Yeah, it's fine. We know you're busy, its even amazing to think that you could find a free time despite of your cramped schedule. Multiple works in everyday as routine, heck, its amazing just imagining that you can multitask in such advanced level.” One of your friends chimed in, apparently in a state of amazed at your skills. After all, not all could do what you do as an everyday normal occurrence in life.
“Working multiple jobs ain't hard and stressful if your work is also a hobby of yours, instead, it'll be a fun work. Enough of that, any updates? I haven't been able to come out of my house for quite some time, even checking my personal accounts are too much so, spill the tea.” You brought out your laptop and tablet along with your favourite sketchbook and notebook, placing them all in the table and in your lap.
“Seriously? You're gonna do work even here? No wonder the bag that you chose to use is a backpack. Take a break sometimes, you need a vacation!” Like a rebellious kid who's being reprimanded, you weren't listening and continued where you left on sketching the draft of your commission.
“Speaking of vacations, you said you want tea, I have a tea. I recently found this website through an ad, it seems pretty legit so I tried it. The website is all about promoting an island that seemed to be ‘granting’ wishes, multiple feedbacks claimed that their said to be wishes were granted.” [Friend name] showed the said website's homepage, earning a scoff from the rest of your friends.
“Seriously, they believe the feedbacks? For all we know, they might be bought by the developers of the website. They're just planning to scam us of our moneys!” One of them claimed, slamming their hands on the table. People inside the café turned their heads towards your group making you sigh, you had no choice but to calm your friend down and apologize for the commotion and distraction that your table had caused.
“I had my fun, thank you for inviting me you guys. Take care on your way home and be careful!” You waved them goodbye and went on your way home, tugging your jacket closer to your shivering frame.
Huh? Squeaks? Did you just hear squeaking? Where did it come from? What in the world would create squeaking noises?
Many questions swirled around your pretty head like a raging tornado, you slowly walked in to an alleyway where you assumed the noise came from. Looking around, you shone your phone's flashlight to provide at least a little of vision.
In the corner of your peripheral vision, you saw a wornout box shook frantically. When you stalked closer, abruptly, the box's lid slammed open eliciting a shriek of fright from you as a blob of liquid? Substance? Fluid? Floated in the air in front of you, what?
The blob floated closer to your frame and seemed to be in distress? The way it shook that causes its fluid body to shook along is what you assumed to be a body language of distress, upon closer look, the blob's appearance is strikingly similar to genshin's pet seelie.
As you were focused on the blob of fluid in front of you, your wrist phone rung as it vibrated. Startled, you snoozed the alarm and checked the time, only to realize at how late it is. Without any thoughts running in your mind, you tried to gently tuck the blob of fluid into your bag before wearing it on the front.
In hopes to get home as quick as possible, you run like your life was depending on it (well sort of, its late and you never know what kind of evil guys are lurking. Stay safe everyone!). You gently clutched the bag as you run to ensure that the blob of fluid wouldn't fall to the speed that you are running.
Upon arriving inside, you put your backpack down the floor softly as you slump on to the soft cushion of your couch. Leaning back as you let your tense muscles relax against the couch, completely forgetting about the blob you took home with you.
Minutes passed and you fell asleep without noticing, the blob of fluid wiggled its way out of your bag. Seeing that you fell asleep on the couch, the blob of fluid grabbed the folded blanket on the one-seat couch and pushed you to lay down comfortably in the couch, draping the blanket on your frame to prevent you from catching cold.
"Oh traveler! Just right on time, I received a commission and I know that only you can solve it. Another adventurer stumbled upon a ruin, and they claimed that outside the ruin, there's a huge group of abyss mages. They said that the device they have also grasped an unusual elemental activity going on from the ruin's direction, can you do the commission? I can assign someone who can take it if you won't." Katherine put a hand on her chest in a gentle manner, smiling at Traveler softly.
"Alright, I'll do it. I'm going out anyways, might as well do some commission while I'm at it." Traveler mumbled to himself as he took the paper from Katherine's hand, reading over the quest's information.
'Hmm.. There aren't much written information about the ruin.. I guess I'll end this quick, I still need to look for clues about Lumine's whereabouts..' Traveler thought as his lips formed a thin line, walking away from Katherine with Paimon bidding farewell to her.
"Traveler! Behind you! Look! There's a strange orb!" Paimon screamed, attracting me more abyss mage in their direction. Aether can't help but to click his tongue in annoyance, Paimon noticed Aether's mood and hid.
'Where do they keep coming up?... This is annoying me already.. I still need to find Lumine..' Aether defeated the abyss mage without letting any escape, feeling his temper boiling uncharacteristically, he stalked closer to the said strange orb and examined it.
"Uh.. Traveler..? Are you alright now?.." Paimon quietly asked as she appeared beside Aether who's inspecting the orb, seeing that his lips are still in a thin line, Paimon stopped talking and floated few steps back, not wanting to annoy Aether.
"What is this? Shall we submit this to Alhaitham or Kaveh? This thing look suspicious.." Aether lowly asked as he turned to Paimon who gave no response. Paimon got startled and panicked in her words as she answer Aether, doing her best not to cause any more further annoyance to the blonde traveler.
Just as the two were talking, the strange orb glowed brightly causing Paimon's and Aether's sight to be temporarily disabled. The whole situation cause Paimon to shriek in surprise and floated few steps back further in attempt to lessen the blinding light that's hitting her eyes. When Paimon's vision went back, Aether was no where yo be found and the dull blade that he was holding were left behind under the strange orb, laying in the orb's shadow.
Crying and panicking, Paimon flew back to Sumeru and stumbled upon Alhaitham, Kaveh, Cyno and Tighnari. The floating albino(?) raced through the air towards the four men, slamming herself against Tighnari's hold. She cried as her tears kept falling like river and her voice cracks ever so often, Paimon tried to explain what had occured in the ruin within her best but the only thing that the four men grasped in her explanation is that Aether suddenly went missing and that there's a strange orb inside a strange ruin.
"Wait- wait Paimon! Aether went missing? And what are you talking about? There's no such ruin like you mentioned in the outskirt of the forest, I would know if such ruin exist because me and the other forest rangers frequently patrol the whole territory." Tighnari made an attempt to calm the crying floating creature as he asked her numerous questions.
"Like I said! Aether and I were investigating a strange ruin! And Aether suddenly disappeared when this light from the strange orb that we found at the end of the ruin blinded us! All I heard was Aether groaning in surprise followed by his sword clanking on the ground! Then when Paimon opened her eyes, Aether were no longer beside her!" Paimon explained more cohesively as she cries harder, scared for her best friend's safety and location.
Alhaitham calmed Paimon down and suggested that they go to the Adventurers guild and post a commission on finding their blonde traveler, asking people on the way for clues and leads. The search for the Traveler had went on for 5 days and still no lead and clues or fruit in their search, the only clue and lead they have is the ruin that Paimon had mentioned so they decided to investigate the ruin themselves and find out the truth.
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® mikiafina
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