#kabeh talks
janettkabeh · 6 months
My name is Janett Kabeh (kah-bae), but my peeps call me J, Big dawg, or Ms. Jackson if ya nasty 😂.
I moved to Los Angeles to continue with my fashion brand but boredom set in. Even though I made a decision to not make clothing at the time, I still wanted to work with and manipulate textiles.. and I really like denim.
My first piece was a denim tapestry, and even though I love it, it truly wasn’t satisfying. So im sitting in my apartment, starring at this picture of an elephant I drew in college, and looking at a bunch of denim on the floor and wondering how I can combine the two.
Before getting into it, I did tons of research to see if it has already been done and I couldn’t find anything. Am I a… Jeanius?
This piece has been on my mind for four years… let me explain.
Back in the days (lol) Alim and I would always engage in various art talks, and one conversation in particular, I told him how I wanted to evolve as an artist and get into portraits.
But I wasn't quite there yet. I had to continue working on my skills, that would eventually align with my ideas.
There’s absolutely no way in bomboclaat hell that this piece would have turned out as such four years ago. It's a testament to the journey of growth and dedication.
Take your time as an artist.
There’s no rush.
We gon be here for a while ✨
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askthemanorresidents · 4 months
The Siblings Finally Talk
(TW! Descriptions of violence and death, along with attempted sororicide and a mental breakdown)
Melati stands right on the dining table, Keris (Alya) in hand as she stared down at Aditya, bound in white string.
"Ayo" Aditya began, avoiding eye contact, "Rampungake aku. Iku sing dikarepake, ta?". Melati sighed, "Aditya-" "Opo? Arep nyoba lan alesan karo kula? ngethok, Nur".
"kowe ngerti Nur, aku biyen kepingin weruh kowe mati. Aku tansah kepéngin ndelok kowé keselak getihmu déwé sing nyuwun pangaksama. Aku biyen kepingin nempelake tanganku ing wetengmu lan njabut njeromu siji-siji……." still avoiding eye contact, Aditya turned his head towards his older sister, scowling. "…… nanging kayane ora bakal kelakon, ora karo sampeyan ngapusi lan njebak aku. Dadi, ayo, rampungake apa sing wis diwiwiti Nur"
After a brief moment of silence, Melati finally took a deep breath.....
And cut the string keeping Aditya at bay.
Aditya, who was half expecting Melati to either cut his neck or seal him away, was stunned. And right before he could say anything, Melati tossed the sacred dagger hosting Alya to him, leaving the Kuyang confused.
"ayo dik, mateni aku kaya sing tansah diimpi-impi"
Aditya was still shocked, but gradually he became suspicious. "Nur, apa rencanamu?" he asked, eyeing both the Keris and Melati. "Ora ana apa-apa" Melati replied, "sampeyan ngerti yen akeh kekuwatanku asale saka Alya. Ora ana sing bisa daklakoni saiki"
Aditya was still doubtful, still, he took the dagger (and Alya) in his hands. Yep, it wasn't a fake, it's Alya alright. "Kenging punapa?" Aditya asked, in complete disbelief, "A kurban tentrem. Ing ijol-ijolan kanggo safety kabeh wong kene, Aku bakal menehi sampeyan urip. Getih kanggo getih, urip kanggo akeh … "
Aditya, after a brief pause, finally steps forward, gripping Alya harshly. "Yen ngono….." he said, right before dashing towards Melati and stabbing her in the stomach with the dagger three times. Not once during the event did Melati flinch, if anything the shaman simply stepped forward, burying the blade deeper into her stomach. After the third stab, Melati collapsed onto the floor, blood pouring from the open wound, Aditya standing over her with..... nothing in his eyes.
Staring at the blood-stained dagger, Aditya was silent, and then, he laughed uncontrollably. "Aku…. akhire tak lakoni…. aku nyuduk adhikku dhewe, getih dagingku dhewe…. nanging kok?" Aditya falls onto his knees.
"kok……. kok rasane dadi….. kosong. Peteng, sengsara, sepi, pathetic, njijiki, jijik. Akhire aku bisa mbales kabeh kasangsaran sing ditimbulake dening dheweke…… kenapa? kok koyo ngene iki? kok ora krasa mardika lan bebas? Kok aku krasa luwih elek? Kenging punapa kasangsaran punika taksih wonten? Kenapa?"
With a ear-piercing shriek, Aditya crumbled onto the floor and disappeared, along with Alya. Leaving Melati to bleed out onto the floor.
Translation :
Aditya : Go ahead, finish me, that's your plan isn't it?
Melati : Aditya-
A : What? Still trying to reason with me? Cut the crap. You know Nur, I've always wanted to see you dead. I've always wanted to watch you as you choke on your own blood, I've always wanted to stick my hands into your stomach and pull out all your organs bit by bit. Alas, that isn't happening is it? Go ahead, finish what you started.
M : Go on, dik (short for adik, a term used to refer to younger sibling), kill me like you have always dreamed.
A : Nur, what are you planning?
M : Nothing. You know most of my power is from Alya (the dagger). There is nothing I can do now
A : Why?
M : A peace offering, In exchange for everyone here, you can kill me. Blood for blood, a life for many.
A : Is that so?
A : I... I finally dit it. I harmed my own sister, my flesh and blood.... why?
A : Why does it feel so wrong? Why does it feel so empty? Why? Where is the feeling of satisfaction, freedom? Why do I feel so horrible?
A : WHY? (X Multiple times)
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kabeh · 5 years
It’s been a LONG while
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Rich: Everyone’s super supportive of me, so that’s rad!
Jeremy: Of course we are!
((Thanks a bunch to @kabeh/@ask-squiphigh for drawing this ask!! Check out her ask blog, it’s hella cute :3c ))
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Friendship ended with Hurricane Irma Hurricane Maria is my friend now
Irma ended a while ago but now Hurricane Maria is gonna whoop Caribbean ass ;v; I plan on posting today tho! Got my computer back but in about a few days I'll have to go off again because hurricane Maria is gonna be here soon h
-Mod Kabeh
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octualy · 3 years
The Beauty of Pura Besakih, Mother of Temple
Mystical aura due to its great elevation and breathtakingly stunning, seemingly endless views from the top. Well-known as the Mother Temple of Bali - the grandest temple on the island, Pura Besakih.
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It was in the month of February 2021. I was on my short trip to Bali after my final test in college. My dad was already there for work and the rest of our family decided to go there. We arrived at Ngurah Rai International Airport in the afternoon and went straight to my dad's house. We were able to see our dad again after he worked there for a while.
We hung out to many places near the house, talked a lot, and took a family photo. One day, I decided to visit one of the famous temples in Bali. Pura Besakih is located close to Gianyar. We had my older brother drive the car and arrived at the temple at 3 pm. Even though it's still a pandemic, this place has started to open and can be visited by tourists.
At first, I was amazed by the view at the temple. I can feel the aura of spirituality from the temple. This temple is a collection of 18 small temples and one main temple. Pilgrims can reach the top by a giant stairway decorated with carved figures from the Ramayana and Mahabharata. The temple's dedication to Shiva, Hinduism's destruction god, is marked by multicolored banners flying around.
When I was standing near Pura Penataran Agung, which is the epicenter of the temple district, I could smell the scent right away. The smell comes from the incense smoke of guests who come to the temple to worship and do pujas. One of the Pura Besakih's festivals is Batara Turun Kabeh. The 10th lunar month's eve symbolizes the culmination of a full month's festivities.
The culmination is known as "the gods descend together". During Batara Turun Kabeh, the Balinese believe that the gods of all Pura Besakih temple shrines descend to earth at the same time, and villagers from all over the island gather to offer sacrifices and celebrate. Balinese people are walking across the temple, carrying heirlooms and holy things to the temple's holy waters.
As I went home, it was already 6:30 pm. Surprisingly, the sky was still bright. Unlike in Jakarta, it was getting dark around 6 o'clock. It was fun, I would like to visit Bali again for the next trip. Another temple, maybe? 😉
– Fairuz Hasna Q, 18B, Introduction to Creative Writing.
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Hazrat Horr (as) the most lucky martyr of Karbala 💔A story that does not let us despair of God's mercy 💯💯
Horr was the name of one of the high-ranking commanders of the army of Omar-e-Sad who faced the grandson of the Prophet of Islam.
Hussain-ebn-Ali, with orders from Yazeed-ebn-Muawiah to either get Hussain's allegiance for his corrupt Khalifat, or kill Hussain and all his friends. It was Horr and his army who first faced Imam Hussein, and then kept them under siege, preventing them from getting water.
On the day of Ashoura, Horr made a huge decision.
Right before the battle started, he left his position and the army he was commanding, and joined Imam Hussein, and was the first to be killed in the way of Allah, by the army he used to be a commander of just a few hours earlier. The name Horr means free, freeborn, noble, freeman.
The fate, sometimes, plays a game. The factory of creation, constantly producing uncountable things, stones, trees, rivers, animals, insects,human beings, sometimes shows a scene of humor, creates an innovation or an exception: it writes a poem, paints a work of art, does something unique...
In one word, it can be said that these items have a character. From among the houses, Kabeh, from all the walls, the China Wall, from the planets orbiting the sun, earth, and....from all the martyrs: Horr.
The artistic hands of destination have composed this scene with utmost precision, and as if to emphasize the importance of the story, have selected all the characters of the play from the absolutes, to make the story most effective.
The story is about a choice, the most important manifestation of the meaning of human being. But what kind of choice? We are all faced with several choices in our everyday life: career, friend, wife, house,major..
But in this story, the choice is much more difficult: the good and the evil. And even so, not from a philosophical, scientific, or theological perspective.
Instead, the choice here is between the truthful and the deceiving religion, between the just and unjust politics, with life being the price to pay.
To further emphasize the sensitivity of the situation, the author has not put the hero of this story in the middle, equally between the right and the evil. Instead, the hero is the head of the army of the evil. On the other hand, the director of this play has to find symbols for his story to make them most effective.
Should he have Promete on one side and some demons on the other side? But this makes the story too mythical...Spartacos and Crasios? no...this makes the story nationalistic and gives it a class dependent nature.
How about Ebrahim and Namrood? Moses and Feroh? Jesus and Judas? no... again, for most of the people these are metaphysical and heavenly characters different from common ordinary people.
Having them as heros reduces the effect of the story, and causes people to admire them, but never think about following their examples in their everyday life. However, the main purpose of this story is to teach, to show the ability of the man to change, to show how it is possible for a common and even sinful man to reject all his social, family, and class ties and show a god-like change.
The history of Islam is full of contradicting features. The two lines starting from Habil and Ghabil, existing throughout the history side by side though in different faces, have also continued in Islam. Now, both these streams are dressed in Islam, but in opposite directions. Ironically, our hero is faced to choose between the most extreme end sin each of these parties:
Yazid, and Hossein.
Indeed, had this story been created by an author, he should have been recognized for his genuine and art...
What is the name of this hero? For a historic figure, what is important is the role he plays, and not his name, since his name is something chosen for him by his family, according to his parent's taste..On the other hand, if the story is created by an ingenious writer,he would choose a name which is relevant to the role of his hero.
In this story however, our hero has been named by his mother, Horr,as if she has been able to foresee the sensitive role his son is going to play. And thus, when the Imam of freedom attends his bloody body, just before his death, tells him: O Horr! God bless you! You are free both in this world and in the world to come, just like what your mother called you!
Although Horr has played a unique role in the history, the essence of his role is not just confined to himself. The meaning of his action, in fact, includes all human-beings, and indeed defines humanity.
It is what distinguishes the human-beings from other creatures, underlining the responsibility of man with respect to God, people, and himself. And Horr has not played this with words and concepts, but with love and blood. If one grasps the depth of this saying from Imam Sadegh(AS) that All days are Ashoura, and all places are Karbala, and all months are Moharam one readily feels the extension: and all human-beings are Horr!
Our history, starting from Habil and Ghabil, is the manifestation of the eternal conflict between the two poles of God and Satan, though in each period of time these two poles have disguised differently. Therefore, in each period of time, every human-being finds himself just in the same position as Horr did: alone, in the middle, hesitating, between the same two armies.
On the one side, the commander of the army of evil shouts on his soldiers: O Army of God! attack! and on the other side, an Imam, with a voice echoing throughout the history asks -and not commands- Is there anybody who wishes to assist me? and you, the man, should choose.
It is by this choice that you become human. Before this choice you are nothing, you are just an existence without essence, you are standing in the middle.
Thus, the man who has found existence through birth, finds essence through choice. It is by this choice,that the creation of man completes, and this is exactly when the man feels this heavy burden on his shoulders and finds himself alone,as God and the nature have left him on his own on this dangerous decision.
Now we can evaluate our hero, we can feel what a long journey he has gone through in what a short time, to change him from a Yazidian Horr, to a Husseinian Horr. If he stays with the army of Yazid, his world is guaranteed, and if he joins the small army of Hussain, his death is eminent.
It is the morning of the day of Ashoura, and although the battle has not yet started in the fields, Horr realizes that the opportunity would not last. Time goes by fast, and the moments count. The storm has already started within him.
From the beginning, Horr was hoping that the events would not lead to war, but now war seems to be unavoidable. Human-beings have limited capability in tolerating shame and scorn, except for those who are genius in this respect and can tolerate disgrace unlimitedly.
Horr never had thought that being an employee of the government of Yazid would mean collaborating in Yazid's criminal acts. For him his job was just a source of income without having anything to do with politics or his religion.
Horr now realizes that adding his position with his religion is impossible. Thus, hopelessly and as a last resort he talks with the commander of the Army (Omar-ebn-Sa'd) who like himself is reluctant to get in a war and has accepted the mission to become the governor of the province of Ray and Gorgan. What would then be better than coming up with some sort of a solution without getting involved in the blood of the grandson of the Prophet and his family.
Horr and Omar-ebn-Sa'd both have come all the way from the palace of Yazid to Karbala together and they share the same status and social class. Horr asks Omar:
Can't you find a peaceful solution for this situation?
You know that if it had been up to me I would have done as what you propose, but your master Obeid-Allah-Ziyad did notaccept a peaceful resolution!
So are you going to fight with this man (Hussein)?
Yes, by God, I will fight a battle the least consequence of which will be separated heads and broken arms!
Now, it is evident that no longer can he play games with his religion. Now, the two separate their paths.
For Horr, Yazid's army of tens of thousand is now nothing more than a bunch of faces, without meaning. A crowd of men without selves, a group of people without hearts, those who shout but don't know why, fight but don't know for whom.
Now the Jesus of love and conscience cures a blind and resurrects a dead, creating a martyr from a murderer. In a journey it is not enough to ask for the destination, but one should also ask from the origin.
Thus, the length of Horr's journey becomes evident when one realizes from where he started, and to where he ended, all in half-a day's time. In his emigration from Satan to Allah , Horr did not study philosophy or theology, nor did he attend any lectures or schools.
He just changed his direction, and it is in fact this direction which gives meaning to everything: art, science, literature, religion, prayers, hajj, Mohammad, Ali...
Having started his journey, and riding his horse, he slowly leaves his Army toward Hussain. Muhajer-ebn-Ous, who sees him agitated and worried asks:
What's wrong with you Horr? I am puzzled by your case, by God if I were asked about the bravest man in our army I wouldn't hesitate to mention your name, and now you are so disturbed and worried?
I find myself between the Hell and the Heaven, and I have to select between them, and by God I will not choose but Heaven, even if I were cut to pieces or burnt to ashes!
The creation of Horr was completed and the fire of doubt has led him to the verity of certitude. He slowly approaches the camp of Hussain, and as he gets closer he hangs his boots from his neck, and keeps his armor down (as a sign of remorse)
I am the one who closed your path O Hussein. He didn't accept Hussein's invitation to rest for a while..
Is there a repentance for me? He can't wait any longer, he returns to the front and attacks the army of Omar with the most severe and bitter words, letting his ex-army and ex-commander know that he is no longer a slave, he is free, he is Horr.
Omar-ebn-Sa'd, his ex-commander, responds by throwing an arrow and yelling
Be witness and let Amir-ol-momenin know that I was the one to throw the first arrow at the army of Hussain!
And this was how the battle of Karbala started.........
انا للہ وانا الیہ علیہ رَاجعُون 💔
Maqtal vol. 02 page 301
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nicovd · 3 years
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heniro · 5 years
however, once, Widya was once told by the residents, if this Sinden
there is a guard.
he said, this Sinden used to, often used for bathing by him. he who is being talked about, has never been called a citizen, but what is suspicious of this case is, the name Sinden, is Sinden twins.
Twin Sinden. Widya always repeats that sentence.
Sinden twins, making Widya more curious
the reason why Pak Prabu put this into a proker is, so that river water can be flowed to this Sinden, so that citizens no longer need to go far to fetch water into rivers whose land is steep, but, as if something is odd
That night, Ayu gathered all the children, regarding the problems they faced, almost half the residents who helped their proker did not want to continue their work. the reasons are varied, busy gardening until everything hurts.
of all the children who had suggestions, only Bima was not as enthusiastic as the others.
that same night, Widya remembered what Wahyu said, every night, Bima went out of the house, who knows what he was doing.
Widya, intentionally stayed up late just to be sure, and it turned out to be true, that night
Bima goes outside the house.
Widya entered Bima's room, there was Wahyu and Anto, the first Widya did, waking Wahyu, though reluctant, Widya continued to force him, after Wahyu was completely awake, Widya told him that Bima had just come out.
Wahyu only looked at Widya in astonishment,
"I don't know how to say" (I told you Jing)
"Yes, let's go in tutno, Arek Iku Aruk" (he did, that's why, let's follow it, where did the kid)
"gawe opo? at least omahe prabu, dress up the 'bambu'ne'" (why, take him to the prabu house, fix his bamboo trash can)
"yo wes mboh" (that's up)
Widya came out of the room, then he went after Bima, alone.
Bima is the most religious boy, just like Nur, because they are already close on campus. but, Anton often told me, if sometimes, he caught Bima Onani in the room, and that was not once or twice, the problem was, when Bima did that, there was a female voice
Widya did not accept Bima in the words by Anton, Widya also asked how he knew Bima was masturbation?
"heh, mbok think i ra eroh wong masturbation iku yo opo?" (You think I don't know how guys masturbate?)
Widya is still silent, listening to Anton's explanation.
"Sing Dadi Trouble Iku Boo Onani woof" "Kabeh Lanangan certainly know masturbation, I'm not a hypocrite, trouble, onok voice wedok'e, ??"
(The problem is that it is not Bima masturbation, all boys must have, I'm not a hypocrite, the thing is, there is a female voice. ??)
"When it's not easy, Sopo Arek Iku, Grandma is not your crew, definitely Ayu is not Nur, but, Ra Onok Sopo Sing and the room collapsed cui Kui" (when I wait, who is that woman, I thought it was you, if not ayu or nur, apparently, there is no one in the room with him)
"Then" Widya asked.
"Suoro Sopo Sing is not rungokno leku waiting for you?" (whose voice did I hear that time)
"problem, I often go deaf, must, onok suoro iku" (the problem is, I have often and always heard that voice)
Anton's story changed Widya's perspective, and that night, he saw Bima walking far east, the direction to a place that often made Widya shudder when he looked at him.
Tipas Talas.
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shima-draws · 7 years
If you're still doing the Top 5 thing, then Top 5 Vocaloid Songs?
Ask me my “TOP 5” anything!
GOOD ASK…funny, I was actually talking about this yesterday with @kabeh, we had a fantastic conversation about Vocaloid songs!!
I’ll link them all so you can listen to them too ^^
The Synesthesia GhostA Happy Death AgainNinaJealousyCowardly Montblanc
I love all these songs so much… :’) (Also Nina is Elias and Gi-bot’s theme song lol)
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lanakelana · 7 years
When engineers talk
Alkisah, pada suatu acara makan-makan dengan mahasiswa kerja praktek yang akan kembali ke kampus, tersebutlah 3 (tiga) orang engineer muda beserta pasangan masing-masing mengobrol cukup seru. Berhubung lokasi tempat makannya adalah rumah makan seafood dengan menu yang tersaji adalah olahan kepiting, cumi, udang besar, dan ikan bakar, maka tema obrolan kali itu adalah tentang mengolah masakan seafood. Ah, ya... ditambah lagi, ada istri salah seorang engineer muda yang cukup lihai memasak, maka obrolan pun mengalir lancar.
“Dek wingi aku bar tuku kepiting nang Tanjung Limau, Kang. Penak banget kang kepitinge, gedhi-gedhi, seger, tur manis rasane.”
“Oh yo kah? Pironan? Mbok masak opo?”
“bla bla bla... bla bla bla...”
“bla bla bla... bla bla bla...”
“Tapi mas W nggak berani matiin kepitingnya, mbak. Jadinya malah aku yang matiin kepitingnya sebelum dimasak.”
“wkwkwkwkwk... bla bla bla... bla bla bla...”
“bla bla bla... bla bla bla...”
Obrolan pun berlanjut. Topiknya berganti. Dari mengolah kepiting ke masakan ikan tipe lain.
“bla bla bla... bla bla bla...”
“bla bla bla... bla bla bla...”
“Nek iwak, aku ki luwih seneng nek dimasak A. Rasane luwih penak. Luwih seger, menurutku.”
“Oh podho. Aku yo ho oh.”
“Tapi kan ra kabeh iwak iso dimasak A. Ra kabeh cocok.”
“He eh. Cocoke mung ge iwak-iwak sing radial.”
Eh. Apa? Apa? Ikan radial??  Apa pula maksudnya ini.....        -____________- wkwkwkwkwkwk :b
“Eh, maksudku ki iwak-iwak sing awake bulet, koyo tongkol, bandeng, layang, ngono. Udu sing pipih, koyo kakap, gurame, bawal, bawis.”
“Nek bulet lonjong ngono kan istilahe awake dhewe nang pabrik kan biasane radial, hehehe...”
Wkwkwkwkwkwk. Beliaunya ngralat sendiri omongannya. Karena kayaknya beliau ngerasa aneh sendiri juga setelah menyebutkan istilah ikan yang radial :b
Kalau ikan bulat itu ikan radial, berarti ikan yang pipih itu ikan axial, dong? hhahahaha... :b
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kabeh · 6 years
Kind of back
I downloaded Tumblr again and it's still so disfunctional
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(I'm just gonna come right out and say it: Both of you are amazing artists and I love y'all 💞💞💞💞)
Mod sky: Holy heck thank you??? So much??? We started this blog only a while ago and all the love and support that we’re getting is just,,, I feel like every single compliment directed towards us is written with full fuckin purity
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kabeh · 7 years
Trilingual Michael!! Read maybe? :0?
Okay so I have this idea to do a thing w/ Trilingual Michael, like maybe a small comic with a few panels with him speaking Spanish, Tagalog and English- I of course can only rlly provide Mike speaking Spanish properly and Google Translate isn’t reliable at all! So if anyone would be interested in helping me translate a few things from ENGLISH to TAGALOG hmu please!! ;0!!
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kabeh · 7 years
Hopper better not fucking die
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kabeh · 7 years
When a really good artist draws shri0 x k3ith >:Y
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