Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) on Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.) ❤️
*Every one who visits Husain (a.s.) weeps for him.*
*Every one who could not visit him feels sad for him.*
*Every one who could not witness him burns regretfully.*
*Every one whose eyes fall on the grave of his son next to the side of his feet in a desert where there is neither relative nor close friend will definitely sympathize him.*
*He was deprived of his right; the apostates supported each other against him until they slew him, violated his rights, exposed his body to the beasts, prevented him from tasting the water of the Euphrates, which even dogs can have, and violated the right and instructions of Allah’s Messenger about his household and him.*
*He was eventually abandoned in his grave and struck down on layers of dust among his family members and Shia.*
*_He is alone and far away from his grandfather (s.a.w.a.), after having been near him. He is alone in the house, which is not being visited, except by those whose hearts Allah has tested for faith and who are aware of our rights._*
• Kamil al-Ziyarat p 325-326
• Wasail al-Shia 10 p 251-252
*Allahummal An Qatalatal Husain Wa Avladehi Wa Ashabehi*
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Who is the divine family of Ahlulbayt (as) ❤️
One of the great post in our account ❤️
Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) is a phrase meaning People of the House, or family. In the Islamic tradition it refers to the household of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Ahlul Bayt (Ahle Bait) in simple terms is to put trust of guidance to Aal-e-Muhammad [descendents of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)], through Fatima Zahra (pbuh) and Imam Ali (pbuh) and their descendents. Bayt is to give the Oath of Allegiance to Imam Ali (pbuh) and accept his guidance.
Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) or household members of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) refers to his daughter Fatima Zahra (pbuh), his successor and son-in-law, Imam Ali (pbuh), their two sons Imam Hasan (pbuh) and Imam Hussain (pbuh), and the nine Imams from the lineage of Imam Hussain (pbuh).
Ahlul Bayt (Ahl-e-Bait) in Noble Qur'an ❤️
The Purified Ones: The Highest degree of purity means to be kept constantly away from all the causes of impurity. This is termed as the state of infallibility in knowledge, character and action.
It could have been applied generally to the whole mankind who are keeping aloof from all the impurities as the word of Allah (SWT) commands; but, Allah (SWT) expressively has confined His order to certain group of individuals by excluding the rest of the mankind from it in His divine will by declaring Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) as the persons purified by Him to be constantly in touch with the Noble Qur'an in its original, hidden, well protected, exalted and purified form.
It was Allah's (SWT) wish to remove all blemishes from them, as mentioned in the Verse of Purity (Ayat Al-Tathir) in the Noble Qur'an:
The Verse of Purity (Ayat Al-Tathir): "... Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! And to purify you a (thorough) purifying." Noble Qur'an (33:33)
The above verse from Noble Qur'an, is known as Ayat Al-Tathir, refers to the members of the household of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), which include exclusively Prophet Muhammad, Imam Ali, Fatima Zahra, Imam Hasan, and Imam Hussain (peace be upon them all).
Hence Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) other offspring, wives, sons of paternal uncles, and dwellers of his house are not to be called as Prophet Muhammad's Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt).
The argument is based on the genuine and authentic traditions narrated by Sahaba, companions of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) recorded in both the Sunni and Shia sources.
Ahlul Bayt (Ahle Bait) in Hadiths ❤️❤️
1. Hadith-e-Kisa (Hadith of the Cloak):
It is narrated from Umm al-Momineen, Umm Salamah that once Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was in her house lying on a mattress, covered with a cloak from Khaibar when his beloved daughter Fatima Zahra (pbuh) entered with a dish called al-Khazira (a kind of food).
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked her to call her husband, Imam Ali and her two sons, Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain.
Fatima Zahra (pbuh) called them and as they all sat together to eat, Allah (SWT) revealed the following verse of purity (Ayat Al-Tathir) to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). "... Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! And to purify you a (thorough) purifying." Noble Qur'an (33:33)
Verse of purity (Ayat Al-Tathir) ❤️❤️
Upon this Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) covered them all with his cloak and lifting his hands towards the sky said: "O Allah (SWT)! This is my family and the nearest of my kin, keep away from them uncleanness and keep them pure as pure can be."
Umm al-Momineen, Umm Salamah adds that thrice Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) repeated these words and when she poked her head under the cloak and asked him, Am I with you? In a refraining gesture, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said twice: "You are (also) among the righteous."
Thus it is clear from above discussion that Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) daily habit of stopping at his daughter Fatima Zahra's (pbuh) house and addressing her household as Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt), was not without reason.
In fact he was expounding the meaning of the term Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) and practically explaining to the Muslims the verse of purity (Ayat Al-Tathir) and the particular persons meant by it.
To be more precise, he was drawing the attention of the Muslim nation towards the significance of his Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) and their leadership after him so that the Muslims should love, obey and follow them.
2. Mubahala Tradition or Incident of Mubahila (Imprecation):❤️
In the south of Arabia, there is a place called Najran. There lived the Christian tribe of Najran who staunchly believed that Prophet Isa (pbuh) i.e., Jesus was the son of God.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) invited them to accept Islam. In response to that, a delegation of their priests and elders came to Madina. They wanted to discuss religion with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Their argument was that Jesus was born without a father through Virgin Mary, so he was the son of God. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) explained to them that just as Allah (SWT) created Prophet Adam (pbuh) without a father or even a mother, in the same way He created Prophet Jesus (pbuh) without a father.
Hence Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was a servant of Allah (SWT) as was Prophet Adam (pbuh). The Christians did not agree with this simple truth. Christians stuck to their belief that Jesus was the son of God. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked them to wait. Then came the following Revelation (message from Allah (SWT)):
But whoever disputes with you in this matter after what has come to you of knowledge, then say: Come let us call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and our souls and your souls, then let us be earnest in prayer, and pray for the curse of Allah on the liars. Noble Qur'an (3:61)
It was then agreed that the Christians seek Mubahila (Imprecation) with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The meaning of Mubahala is that both of them invoke from Allah (SWT) that he, who speaks the truth, may survive and he, who is not speaking the truth may perish.
Mawaddat al-Qurba (al-Mawaddah Fil-Qurba)On the day of Mubahala, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) took with him his grandsons - Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain, in place of his sons. In place of women, he took his daughter Fatima Zahra.
In place of his souls, he took his cousin and son-in-law Imam Ali. But on seeing the radiant faces of these sinless members of the household of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the Christians got scared. They decided not to seek Mubahala any more but accepted their defeat. They agreed to pay tribute and returned home.
This is how Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) showed to the world, who the true and real members of his Ahlul Bayt (Ahl-e-Bait) were.
3. Mawaddat al-Qurba (al-Mawaddah Fil-Qurba) or Expressed love for the close of kin:
In this Last Word of Allah (Noble Qur'an), Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is being commanded to ask the believers to love his kith and kin (that is his Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt)) and that would be the return of his apostleship. Hence, to Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) has been obligatory (wajib) command of Allah on every Muslim.
Say (O Muhammad, unto mankind): I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives. Noble Qur'an (42:23)
Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masood (RA) narrated: One day, we were accompanying the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in one of his journeys when a Bedouin with an orotund voice shouted at us, "Muhammad!"
"What do you want?" answered the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
"What is it if an individual loves a people but he does not imitate them in deeds?" asked the Bedouin.
"One will be attached to the one he loves," replied the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
"Muhammad," shouted the Bedouin, "Call me to Islam."
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "You should declare that there is no god but Allah (SWT) and that I am the Messenger of Allah (SWT), offer the prayer (Salat), defray the zakat, fast during the month of Ramadan, and perform the hajj to the Holy House."
"Muhammad," asked the Bedouin, "Do you ask for wage for so?" "No," replied the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), "I do not take any wage except that you must regard the relatives." "Whose relatives? Mine or yours?" asked the Bedouin. "It is my relatives," answered the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
The Bedouin said: "Give me your hand so that I will declare allegiance to you. No good is expected from him who loves you, but not your relatives."(Bihar ul-Anwar)
4. Hadith al-Safinah or Safinah Tradition: ❤️
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has compared his Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) to Noah's ark. Whoever loves and follows them will attain salvation and whoever violates their sanctity will drown.
While holding the door of Holy Kaaba, Abu Dharr told that he had heard Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) say, "My family among you is like Noah's ark. He who sails in it will be safe, but he who holds back from it will perish."
Hadith al-Safina ❤️
In another place Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "The parable of my Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) is that of the boat of Noah, whoever gets aboard it is saved and whoever stays away from it is drowned."
5. Hadith al-Thaqalayn or Saqlain Tradition (Hadith of the two weighty things):
Prophet Muhammad - may Allah (SWT) bestow peace and benedictions upon him and his pure Progeny - said: "Verily, I am leaving behind two precious things (thaqalayn) among you: the Book of Allah and my kindred (itrah), my household Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt), for indeed, the two will never separate until they come back to me by the Pond (of al­Kawthar on the Day of Judgement)." [Hadith-e-Saqlain]
Hadith al-Thaqalayn ❤️
Since the Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) carry as much weight in the eyes of Allah (SWT) as the Noble Qur'an, the former has the same qualities as the latter. Just as the Noble Qur'an is true from beginning to end without the shadow of untruth in it, and just as it is incumbent (duty) of every Muslim to obey its commands, so also must the Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) be perfectly true and sincere guides whose commands must be followed by all.
Therefore there can be no escape of accepting their leadership and following their creed and faith. The Muslims are bound by the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to follow them and no one else.
Imam al-Shafi'i, one of the four Imams of the Sunni school of thought, in his famous verses says, "Let everybody know that if the love of Prophet Muhammad's descendants means to be a Rafizi, I am a Rafizi."
Imam al-Shafi'i also says, "O Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt)! Allah (SWT) has made it obligatory in the Noble Qur'an to love you. It is a matter of pride for you that without invoking blessing on you, prayer is not valid."
Again he says in his verses, "After having seen that the people have chosen different ways which have led them to the Ocean of deviation and ignorance. I have, in the name of Allah (SWT), embarked the ship which may lead me to safety.
The Ahlul Bayt of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) are that very ship, we have been ordered to hold fast the rope of Allah (SWT), and that rope is their love."
Conclusion: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his Ahlul Bayt (Ahl al-Bayt) sacrificed all the worldly comforts and even their lives in order to convey the true religion of Islam to us. In return of their sacrifices, we are commanded by Allah (SWT) to love them.
The aim is that through their love, we follow their footsteps. We follow the true teachings of Islam taught by them, so that we live a good and decent life in this world and earn the pleasure of Allah (SWT) in the life hereafter.
The fourteen stars vol. 01 p. 23
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Martyrdom of Abbas Ibne Haider
the brave son of Ali Ibne abi Talib , hashmite moon , hope of Sakina , standard bearer and loyal brother and back of Husaynعلیہ سلام On request of Sakina to bring water to her Abbas marched out of camp with sword in one hand , the flag in the other and Sakina’s mashq (bag of water) hung on his shoulder. In no time he reached rivulet, filled bag with water to brim and jumped back on his horse , seeing him galloping towards tents someone said: “if Husayn and his people get water it would be difficult to face them in battlefield." Abbas fought them with valour even being hungry and thirsty from days. He charged on them and scattered them. the army resorted to a barrage of arrows. When arrows were coming from all sides , Abbas had one thought — “how to protect water bag?”One treacherous foe hid behind sand dune rushed out and dealt a blow on his right hand and cut it off. Abbas transferred the sword to left hand and he hugged the alam to chest. Another blow from enemy severed his second arm.Abbas held the bag with his teeth and protected the bag with his bent chest on horseback. One cursed person threw an arrow and it pierced the bag and water started gushing out. “Was it water that was flowing or the hopes of Abbas ? one of them came near him and struck a mortal blow with an iron mace. He reeled over and fell from the horse and in pain he shouted: “O my Master , do come to me before I die.” Moula’s one eye was blinded with an arrow and the other-was filled with blood so he couldn’t see he felt footsteps near him.
He felt his Master kneeling down beside him , lifting his head and taking into his lap. Abbas had the wish to see his master for the one last time so Imam cleared his eyes which was filled with blood.Imam sobbingly promised to carry out his last wishes and said Abbas I too have a wish he added:
“Since childhood you have always called me master. For once at least call me brother with your dying breath.” Abbas and Husayn looked each other and Abbas was heard whispering, “My brother , My brother” , and with these words he surrendered his soul to his Maker; Hussain fell unconscious on the body of Abbas with a cry ; “O Abbas who is left to protect me and my Sakina after you.”
O Abbas who’s left to protect Zaynab’s veil who left Medina on your hope.
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On his deathbed, Amir al-Momineen (as) asked Abbas to come near him and gave his hand to his second son, Imam Husayn (as), saying “Husayn, this child I am entrusting to you. He will represent me on the day of your supreme sacrifice and will lay down his life in defending youand your dear ones.” Turning to Abul Fadl al-Abbas, Imam Ali (as) said: “Abbas, my child, I know your unbounded love for Husayn. Though you are too young to be told about it, when that day dawns, consider no sacrifice too great for Husayn and his children.”
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Hope had lost it’s meaning when Abbasع was carrying Alam with no arms💔😭.
aur musaib ki inteha yeh hai ke sakinaس koozay liye rah tak’ti rahi💔😭
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It is narrated that Abbas [as] was so tall that His feet touch the ground while sitting on His horse (Ashal) but His grave is just as short as a baby like Ali Asghar [as]. How cruelly Hussain's [as] backbone was killed that Imam had to gather His scattered pieces...
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‏امام صادق (ع) کی نظر میں نو اور دس محرم کو روزہ رکھنا.
‏عبد الملک نے امام صادق (ع) سے نو اور دس محرم کو روزہ رکھنے کے بارے میں سوال کیا کہ کیا ان دو دنوں میں روزہ رکھا جا سکتا ہے؟
امام صادق (ع) نے فرمایا کہ: نو محرم کا دن وہ دن ہے کہ جب میدان کربلا میں امام حسین اور انکے اصحاب کا اہل شام نے محاصرہ کیا تھا۔‏ابن مرجانہ عبید اللہ ابن زیاد ملعون اور ابن سعد ملعون اپنے لشکر کی زیادہ تعداد دیکھ کر بہت خوش تھے اور انھوں نے اس دن امام حسین اور انکے اصحاب کو کمزور شمار کیا تھا اور اس دن انکو یقین ہو گیا تھا کہ اب کوئی بھی حسین کی مدد کرنے کے لیے نہیں آئے گا.‏پھر امام صادق نے گریہ کرتے ہوئے فرمایا کہ: میرے ماں باپ اس حسین پر قربان ہو جائیں کہ جسکو کمزور شمار کیا گیا اور وہ پردیس میں تھے!!‏یہ وہ دن ہے کہ جب امام غم و مصیبت میں مبتلا ہوئے اور زخمی حالت میں اپنے اصحاب کے درمیان زین سے زمین پر آ پڑے اور اس دن انکے اصحاب کے اجساد بھی برھنہ حالت میں انکے ارد گرد گرے ہوئے تھے، کیا اس حالت والے دن روزہ رکھا جا سکتا ہے.‏خانہ کعبہ کے خدا کی قسم بالکل نہیں رکھا جا سکتا، یہ دن روزہ رکھنے کا دن نہیں ہے، بلکہ یہ دن حزن و غم و مصیبت کا دن ہے کہ اس دن تمام اہل آسمان و زمین اور تمام مؤمنین غم و مصیبت سے دوچار ہوئے تھے۔‏روز عاشورا، ابن مرجانہ، آل زیاد اور اہل شام کے لیے خوشی و شادی کا دن ہو سکتا ہے، خداوند کا غضب و غصہ ہو ان پر اور انکی اولاد پر، عاشورا وہی دن ہے کہ جب سرزمین شام کے علاوہ تمام زمینوں نے گریہ کیا۔‏جو بھی اس دن روزہ رکھے یا اس دن کو با برکت شمار کرے تو خداوند اسکو اس حال میں آل زیاد کے ساتھ محشور کرے گا کہ انکے دل مسخ ہو چکے ہوں گے اور ان پر خداوند کا غضب و عذاب ہوا ہو گا۔‏جو بھی اس دن اپنے گھر میں خوشی کی حالت میں کوئی چیز ذخیرہ کرے تو خداوند اسکے دل کو نفاق میں مبتلا کرے گا، یہاں تک کہ وہ اسی حالت میں خدا سے ملاقات کرے گا اور برکت کو اس سے اور اسکی اولاد سے دور کر دے گا اور شیطان کو ان سب کے ساتھ شریک قرار دے دے گا۔
‏حوالہ جات:
بحار الأنوار (ط - بیروت) ج45 ص95
وسائل الشیعه (آل البیت)، شیخ حر عاملی، ج 10، ص 460.ح 13847
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The first Friday of Muharram is celebrated all over the world as Yaom e Ali Asghar. 💔
The Story of Six months old baby Ali Asghar ibn Hussain (as) 💔💔
Ashura came to the land of Karbala.
One-by-one, Hussain (A.S)'s friends and companions were martyred.
Aun & Muhammed, Qasim, Abbas and Ali Akbar went to the battlefield and were martyred.
By noon time Hussain (A.S) was left alone.
The time had come for Hussain (A.S) to go to the battlefield. Hussain (A.S) said good bye to everyone.
Hussain (A.S), with his sword Zulfiqar on his waist, mounted Zuljanah, his horse.
Hussain (A.S) rode his horse to a small mount, he then called out loudly:
“Is there anyone to help me? Is there anyone to help the grandson of the holy prophet?”
With this call, the grandson of the Holy Prophet was giving one last chance to Yazid's men, the men who called themselves Muslims - the followers of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P).
Hypocrites! That's what Yazid's men were.
No one answered Hussain (A.S)'s last call. But Hussain (A.S) heard the sound of crying coming from his camp.
Hussain (A.S) turned around and returned to his tents.
"Zainab (S.A), your brother is still alive. Why are you crying?"
"My brother Hussain (A.S), when you called out,” Is there anyone to help me?” Ali Asghar fell from his cradle."
Hussain (A.S) knew what Ali Asghar was trying to say.
Hussain (A.S) went to Umme Rubab. Ali Asghar was on her lap.
He was crying and Umme Rubab was trying to comfort him.
Hussain (A.S) picked up baby Ali Asghar and whispered in his ear. Ali Asghar stopped crying. He looked up at his father and smiled.
"Umme Rubab, I am taking Ali Asghar to the battlefield with me so that I can get some water for him."
What did Hussain (A.S) whisper in Ali Asghar's ear? What made Ali Asghar stop crying, and to smile? Hussain (A.S) had whispered:
"My son, Ali Asghar, do you want to come to the battlefield with me? Asghar, do you want to show your strength on the battlefield? Come, let us go, my little soldier, Asghar."
Umme Rubab changed Ali Asghar's clothes.
Imam Hussain (A.S) carried Ali Asghar to the battlefield. It was very hot. Ali Asghar was thirsty. Hussain (A.S) covered baby Ali Asghar with his Cloak, to protect him from the scorching sun.
Yazid's men saw Hussain (A.S) approaching with something in his hand.
"Look, Hussain (A.S) is coming with the Quran.
He has no one left to help him. With the help of the Quran he is hoping to win."
Hussain (A.S) walked to Yazid's soldiers. By moving his Cloak he uncovered Ali Asghar.
He held Ali Asghar high with both his hands and said:
"O soldiers of Yazid, you feel I have offended you, but what has this little child done to you? His mother's milk has dried up. He has not had a drop of water for three days. He is dying of thirst. I beg you to give water to this innocent little child."
Not one of Yazid's soldiers brought any water for Ali Asghar.
Once more Imam Hussain (A.S) said:
Maybe you think that when you bring water for this child, I will drink it too. I will put this little child on the ground. You can come and give him water yourself."
Hussain (A.S) placed Ali Asghar on the burning sand of Karbala.
Ali Asghar lay quietly on the hot sand of Karbala. His turned his head and stared at Yazid's men.
No water came for Ali Asghar.
Hussain (A.S) picked up Ali Asghar and said:
"My son Ali Asghar, my darling, you are too young to fight with a sword or a spear. My little soldier, you are a grandson of Ali (A.S). Ali Asghar, fight with your tongue."
Little Asghar stuck his dry tongue out and moved it over his dry lips looking towards Yazid's men. He fought with his tongue.
The little soldier shot a strange arrow - his dry tongue.
It hit the hearts of Yazid's soldiers who had children of their own. They became restless. Some started crying.
They spoke amongst themselves:
"Hussain (A.S) is saying the truth. What has this child done to us? Why is he punished like this? Let us give him some water."
Umar ibn Sa'ad got worried that his soldiers will turn against him.
The little soldier's fight was very effective.
Umar ibn Sa'ad ordered his best archer:
“Harmalah! What are you waiting for? Silence the little child! Don't you know he is a grandson of Ali (A.S)? Hurry, shoot your arrow, before it is too late."
Harmalah aimed an arrow at Ali Asghar. A small arrow for a little child? No! An arrow not with one head, not with two heads, but with three sharp heads.
Why? Why an arrow with three heads for such a small child?
My fellow Hussain (A.S)! You will not be able to stop crying when you hear what happened next.
An arrow with three sharp heads flew across the desert of Karbala. It was heading for Ali Asghar. Hussain (A.S) saw the arrow coming. He covered Ali Asghar with his arms.
The arrow reached Hussain (A.S).
The arrow went through Hussain (A.S)'s arm and lodged in the tiny neck of Ali Asghar.
Ali Asghar died instantly.
Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar!
Poor Hussain (A.S), the poor father, who came to get water for his little child.
Instead of water, Ali Asghar got an arrow in his neck.
What shall Hussain (A.S) do now? What shall Hussain (A.S) do now?
Hussain (A.S) gently pulled the arrow from Ali Asghar's tiny neck.
My fellow Hussain (A.S), put your hand on your heart and imagine the scene a father removing an arrow from his child's neck. What a tragic scene!
Blood gushed out from Ali Asghar's neck.
A voice came from the ground:
"No, Hussain (A.S), do not let Ali Asghar's blood fall to the ground, otherwise no crops will ever grow from this earth." Hussain (A.S) looked up at the sky.
A voice came from the sky:
"No Hussain (A.S), do not let the blood gush towards the sky, otherwise, no drop of rain will ever fall from this sky."
What shall Hussain (A.S) do now? What shall Hussain (A.S) do now?
The sky is refusing, the earth is not happy to accept Asghar's blood.
Poor Hussain (A.S) wiped Ali Asghar's blood on his face.
Hussain (A.S) started walking towards his tents.
He saw Ali Asghar's mother - Umme Rubab - standing by his tent. A mother anxiously waiting for her baby.
Hussain (A.S) thought:
"How can I face Umme Rubab? What shall I tell her? How can I tell her that her baby has been martyred without water? How? How?"
Seven times, Hussain (A.S) went forward and then turned back, Saying:
He finally reached the tent where Umme Rubab was standing. "Rubab, come and take your Ali Asghar. Rubab, your little soldier has died for the sake of Allah."
Umme Rubab took her little child, Ali Asghar. She hugged him and cried.
"Come with me Rubab. Enough, Rubab, enough. Let us bury our baby Asghar"
Hussain (A.S) and Umme Rubab walked to the back of the tents.
Hussain (A.S) dug a small grave with his sword, the Zulfiqar.
Umme Rubab placed Ali Asghar in the small grave.
My fellow Hussain (A.S) why should we not cry tonight?
Have we ever heard of any other father and mother digging a grave and burying their own child?
Where can Hussain (A.S) get water to sprinkle on Ali Asghar's grave? There is no water to sprinkle on Ali Asghar's grave.
Hussain (A.S) sat by the grave crying.
Tears poured on the grave. Ali Asghar's grave was sprinkled with Hussain (A.S)'s tears.
Tareekh e Karbala vol. 03 page 124
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Qazi Shureh the hypocrite person 🔥🔥
On Muharram 4th, 61 hijra, Qazi Shureh (Chief Justice) issued fatwa upon the orders of Yazeed (l.a) & Ibn-e-Ziyad (l.a) that
'Hussain (a.s) has refused the allegiance of Caliph therefore he has been declared as insurgent against caliphate & is deserved to death.'
After which 18,000 so called religious scholars signed the documents & copies were dispatched everywhere.
Blind people who were blindly follow their scholar bowed their heads Infront of fatwa & agreed on the Killing of I'm Hussain (a.s) despite of the fact that Imam was from the household where religion Islam was completed.
In short, free of costs swords were distributed everywhere in Kufa & the army of Syrian force consisted of 10,000 Yazeedi soldiers were reached to Karbala to fought against 72 men Army.
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Ashura / عاشورہ A Lesson in Freedom ❤️❤️
The month of Muharram brings with it the memory of a sacrifice the like of which is difficult to find in the history of Islam, indeed of mankind. Imam Husayn (AS) and his family and companions emerged victorious in a battle that they seemingly lost in material terms.
The cost of this victory was immense, a period of great suffering which ended for the martyrs on the tenth day, the Ashura, but was to go on for much longer for the family members who
were taken captive.
Imam Husayn was the grandson of the Prophet (PBUH). He and his brother Hasan (AS) had been declared leaders of the youth of Paradise.
So how could people calling themselves muslims turn to kill him? Their problem was the age old one of ignorance and greed.
They were either not aware of his high merits and noble lineage or were more attracted to the worldly benefits that a successful battle against him would bring.
In order to remove any misconceptions in the minds of his opponents, the Imam addressed them on the day of Ashura before fighting commenced.
The tone of his voice was so loud that most people heard, "People, listen to my words and do not hurry me so that I may remind you of the duties you have toward me and so that I may give you reasons for my coming to you.
If you accept my reasons, believe my words and give me justice, you will become happier through that, and you will not have any cause against me. If you do not accept my reasons and give me justice of your own accord as individuals, 'Then agree upon your affair and call your associates.
Let not your affair be in darkness to you.' [Cf. Quran 10:71] Indeed my guardian is God, Who sent down the Book. He takes care of the righteous.' [Cf. Quran 7:196].
The Imam continued, "Trace back my lineage and consider who I am. Then, look back at yourselves and remonstrate with yourselves. Consider whether it is right for you to kill me and desecrate my inviolability.
Am I not the son of the daughter of your Prophet, the son of the executor of his will and his cousin, the first of believers in God and the man who first believed in what His Apostle brought from his Lord?
Was not Hamzah, the leader of the martyrs, my father's uncle and Ja'far at-Tayyar my own uncle? Have you not heard the Prophet of God's saying concerning myself and my brother: 'These are the two lords of the youths of the inhabitants of heaven'?
"If you believe what I am saying - and it is the truth for, by God, I have never told a lie since I learned that God hated people who told them and that those who opposed Him grieved Him ...
If you still regard me as a liar, then there are still to be found people who would tell you the truth if you ask them. Ask Jabir b. Abdullah al-Ansari, Abu Said al-Khudri, Sahl b. Sa'd, Zayd b. Arqam and Anas b. Malik to tell you what they have heard from the Apostle of God concerning myself and my brother. Is this not sufficient to prevent your shedding my blood?
"If you are in doubt about this, do you have the slightest doubt that I am the son of the daughter of your Prophet? By God! There is no son of a prophet other than me among you and among the other peoples from east to west.
Tell me, are you seeking retribution from me for one of your dead whom I have killed, or for property of yours that I have expropriated, or for a wound that I have inflicted?" Dead silence reigned over the whole army and nobody uttered a word.(3)
The speech of the Imam had an effect on those hearts that still had some remnants of humanity left in them. The classic struggle between 'Ruh' and 'Nafs' began. Where goodness won, the men found themselves in the ranks of the Imam, willing to fight the enemy to certain death.
The foremost of these men was Hurr b. Yazid. A commander in Ibn Sa'd's army, he had intercepted the Imam's contingent at Dhu Husum, where he addressed the Imam, "Husayn, I remind you of God with regard to your life, for I testify that if you fight, you will be fought, and if you are fought, you will be killed."
He replied, "Do you think that you can frighten me with death? Could a worse disaster happen to you than killing me?
I do not know what to say to you. I can only address you as the brother of al-Aws addressed his cousin when he met the latter as he was going to help the Apostle of God. His cousin said to him: 'Where are you going, for you will be killed?' He replied:
I will depart, for there is no shame in death for a young man whenever he intends right and strives as a Muslim, And has supported righteous men through the sacrifice of his life, abandoned the cursed and made alliance with the consecrated"
These words must have resonated in Hurr's mind. A decision had to be taken before commencement of hostilities. True to the meaning of his name, Hurr opted for true freedom. Little by little he began to approach the Imam's camp. One of his tribe Muhajir b. Aws asked him, "What do you want, Ibn Yazid? Do you want to attack?" He was silent but a great shudder came over him.
Al-Muhajir said, "By God! Ibn Yazid, your behaviour is suspicious.
By God! I have never seen you act like this before. If I was asked who was the bravest of the Kufans, I would not ignore you. What is this I see in you?"
Hurr answered, "By God! I am giving my soul the choice between heaven and the fire of hell. By God! I will not choose anything before heaven, even though I am cut to pieces and burnt."
He whipped his horse and joined the Imam. He said, "May God accept my soul for you, son of the Apostle of God.
I was the one who intercepted you and made you stop in this place... I have come repenting to my Lord for what I have done, and offering you my life as consolation so that I may die before you. Will you accept that as repentance from me?"
The Imam replied, "Yes, God will accept your repentance and forgive you... You are the free man (al-hurr) as your mother named you. You are a free man in this world and the next."
The battle began. All who fought lost their lives, though what they won was worth much more. Not only did they secure a place in Paradise but they also set an everlasting example of justice and morality, of patience and sacrifice, and above all, of freedom for generations to come.
The story of Hurr is a story of this freedom - freedom from the other-than-God and from the ungodly. It is the story of hope for you and me, an opportunity to reexamine our lives to see where we stand in this world, where both the opportunity for piety and wretchedness exists. Do we obey the commandments of Islam and identify ourselves with Imam Husayn? For, as Sana'i said:
Religion is your Husayn, while desires and hopes are pigs and dogs - yet you kill the first through thirst and feed these two. How can you keep on cursing the wicked Yazid and Shimr? You are a Shimr and a Yazid for your own Husayn!
1.Tabari, Ta'rikh, II, 328
2.Tabari, Ta'rikh, II, 329
3.Tabari, Ta'rikh, II, 330
4.Tabari, Ta'rikh, II, 302
5.Tabari, Ta'rikh, II, 333
6.Tabari, Ta'rikh, II, 334
7.Sana'i, Diwan, 665
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Hazrat Habib ibn Madhahir ع old martyr of Karbala 💔 the tru friend of Moula Hussain ع
Hazrat Zainab (S.A) said to her brother: "Brother Hussain! Thousands of soldiers are gathering to fight you.
We have hardly 72 men with us. Do you not have anyone to come to your help?"
My sister Zainab, many wanted to join me during the journey from Medina to Karbala.
I politely discouraged them because their intention was not truthful. Many joined and have run away during the journey because they were scared of dying."
He continued: "Zainab! My sister! Falsehood can buy many supporters, but truth has only a few friends. The soldiers on the other side have been bought. They prefer happiness in this world than in the world hereafter.
My 72 truthful men prefer happiness in the world hereafter and that is why they are with me." That night, Imam Hussain wrote a letter to his childhood friend, Habib ibn Madhahir, who was in Kufa.
Kufa was blocked off and nobody was allowed to leave. Habib ibn Madhahir did not know the whereabouts of Imam Hussain until the letter from Hussain arrived at his house.
At the time he was having breakfast with his wife and a young son. Habib read the letter from Hussain.
He kissed it and tears began to flow from his eyes. His wife asked him what was wrong. Habib said: "I have received a letter from my master, Hussain. He has asked me to join him in Karbala.
Yazid's soldiers have surrounded him and are after his life." Habib's wife said: "Habib! Your childhood friend has called you. Your master needs your help. What are you waiting for?
Go Habib, before it is too late!" Habib's worry was how to escape from Kufa without being seen. He instructed his slave to take his horse to a farm outside the city and to wait for him there. The slave did as he was told. The slave took Habib's horse to a farm outside the city.
He waited for his master. His master was delayed. The slave started talking to the horse: "O horse! Master Hussain is in trouble. He needs help. He has asked my master Habib to join him. Master Habib is late.
Horse If he does not manage to escape from Kufa, I will ride on you and go to Hussain’s help." At evening time, most of the men were in mosque. Habib managed to reach the farm where his horse was waiting.
He quickly mounted his horse and said to his slave: "Go, my friend, Go! I am freeing you from my services" "Master! You are not being fair.
I have served you faithfully for years. Now, I have a chance to serve the son of Bibi Fatima, and you are asking me to go. Why are you denying me a place in Heaven'?"
Habib was taken aback by the words of his slave. He was pleased to hear that he had recognized the difference between the truth and the wrongful. He wanted to sacrifice his life for truth. Habib asked his slave to mount his horse.
Together they galloped towards Karbala. Habib reached Karbala late in the evening. Imam Hussain greeted him with great affection. Hazrat Zainab heard that Habib had come. She asked her maid, Fizza, to convey her greetings to Habib. When Habib heard that Bibi Zainab had sent greetings to him, he screamed out in grief and anger. He threw his turban down on to the ground. He slapped his face.
Tears rolled down his cheeks as he spoke: "What a sad day! What has happened to the household of Bibi Fatima?
The princess! Grand-daughter of the Holy prophet, the daughter of Ali and Fatima is sending her greetings to an ordinary person like me! Yazid! You beast, you tyrant! What have you done to the household of Bibi Fatima?"
At dawn, Ali Akbar gave Adhan for the last time. Yazid's soldiers blew the trumpets to start the battle. One-by-one, Hussain’s companions went to the battlefield and gave their lives for Islam. Between noon and evening time, Habib ibn Madhahir came to Hussain.
He said: "My Master, Hussain, allow me to go to the battlefield. Let me sacrifice my life for Islam." "Habib, my childhood friend. Stay with me. You give comfort to me, my friend."
Habib persisted with his request. Eventually Hussain gave his permission. Hussain mounted his friend, Habib, on the horse. Habib ibn Madhahir rode into the battlefield. He fought bravely but was finally over-powered.
He fell to the ground. As Habib ibn Madhahir fell to the ground, an enemy soldier came over and cut off his head. All the martyrs of Karbala had their heads cut off, but Habib's was the first to be cut off by the enemy.
Habib's head was not hung on the spearhead like that of the other martyr's. Habib's head was tied to a horse and pulled along the land of Karbala. Later on, in Shaam, Habib's head was tied to a horse's neck.
A young boy, called Qasim, followed the horse wherever it went. One day, the man riding the horse asked the young boy Qasim: "Why are you following me around? What do you want?
Qasim just looked at the head hanging from the horse's neck. The man asked again: "Why are you staring at the head".
This head is the head of my father, Habib ibn Madhahir; please give it to me so that I can bury my father's head." Habib's head seemed to look at his son and say: "My son Qasim, you are thinking of burying my head. What about the head of Hussain on that spearhead?"
Dastaan e Karbala vol. 02 page 252
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Forty Hadiths in honor of Imam Hussain ❤️❤️
With authantic references and sources 💯💯
The Heat of Hussaini Love ❤️
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: Surely, there exists in the hearts of the Mu’mineen, with respect to the martyrdom of Hussain (A.S.), a heat that never subsides.
Mustadrak al‑Wasail vol 10 pg. 318
Ashura ‑ A Day of Grief 💔💔
Imam Redha (A.S.) said: The one for whom the day of Ashura is a day of tragedy, grief and weeping, Allah The Mighty, The Glorious, shall make the Day of Judgment, a day of joy and happiness for him.
Bihar al‑Anwar, vol. 44, pg. 284.
Muharram ‑ The Month of Mourning 💔💔
Imam Redha (A.S.) said: With the advent of the month of Muharram, my father Imam Kadhim (A.S.) would never be seen laughing; gloom and sadness would overcome him for (the first) ten days of the month; and when the tenth day of the month would dawn, it would be a day of tragedy, grief and weeping for him.
Amaali Saduq, pg. 111
Laughing Eyes ❤️❤️
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: O’ Fatimah! Every eye shall be weeping on the Day of Judgment except the eye which has shed tears over the tragedy of Hussain (A.S.) for surely, that eye shall be laughing and shall be given the glad tidings of the bounties and comforts of Paradise.
Bihar al‑Anwar, vol. 44 pg. 193.
Reward of the Martyred Companions ❤️❤️
Imam Redha (A.S.) said (to one of his companions): If you desire that for you be the reward equivalent to that of those martyred along with Hussain (A.S.), then whenever you remember him say: ‘ Oh! Would that I had been with them! A great achievement would I have achieved’.
Wasaail al‑Shia’h, vol. 14, pg. 501.
The Customary Mourning ❤️❤️
Abu Haroon al‑Makfoof said: I presented myself before Imam Sadiq (A.S.) whereupon he said to me: “Recite for me a poetry” and so I recited for him. He said “Not in this manner. Recite for me as you recite poems and elegies over the grave of Hussain (A.S.)” and so I recited for him (again).
Bihar al Anwar vol 44, pg. 287.
Reward for Reciting Poetry/Elegy about Hussain (A.S.) ❤️❤️
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: There is none who recites poetry about Hussain (A.S.) and weeps and makes others weep by means of it, except that Allah makes Paradise incumbent upon him and forgives his sins.
Rijal al‑Shaikh al‑ Tusi pg. 189.
Elegies Reciters ❤️❤️
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: All praise is for Allah, who has placed amongst the people, those who arrive in our presence, and recite elegies about us. Wasail al‑Shiah vol. 10, pg. 469.
Poetry Recitation during the Period of Mourning ❤️❤️
Imam Redha (A.S.) said (to De’bil, a poet sincerely devoted to the Ahlul Bayt): I desire that you recite for me poetry, for surely, these days (of the month of Muharram) are the days of grief and sorrow, which have passed over us, Ahlul Bayt.
Mustadrak al‑Wasail, vol 10, pg. 386.
Shias‑The Companions and Associates ❤️❤️
Imam ‘Ali (A.S.) said: Surely, Allah has chosen for us followers (Shias), who assist us and are happy at our happiness and are sad in our sadness.
Ghuraral‑Hikam vol. 1, pg. 135.
Paradise ‑ The Recompense of Mourning ❤️❤️
Imam ‘Ali Ibn al‑Hussain (A.S.) used to say: Every Mu’min, whose eyes shed tears upon the killing of Hussain Ibn ‘Ali (A.S.) and his companions, such that the tears roll down his cheeks, Allah shall accommodate him in the elevated rooms of Paradise.
Yanaabe’al‑Mawaddah, pg. 419.
In Remembrance of the Children of Fatimah (A.S.) ❤️❤️
Imam Sajjad (A.S.) said: Surely, I have never brought to mind the martyrdom of the children of Fatimah (A.S.) except that I have been choked with tears due to it.
Bihar al‑Anwar vol. 46, pg. 109.
Mourning in the Houses ❤️❤️
For those unable to go for the ziarat of Imam Hussain (A.S.) on the day of Ashura, Imam Baqir (A.S.) mentions the manner of performing A’zadari as follows: He should mourn over Hussain (A.S.), weep for him and instruct the members of the house to weep for him. He should establish the mourning ceremony in the house by exhibiting lamentations and grief over him; the people should meet one another in their homes and offer condolences and consolation to each other over the calamities which befell him.
Kaamil al‑Ziyaraat pg. 175.
Ali (A.S.) Weeps While Grieving the Martyrs of Karbala ❤️❤️
Imam Baqir (A.S.) said: Amirul Mu’mineen (A.S.), along with two of his companions, happened to pass by Kerbala and as he did so, tears filled his eyes. He said (to them), “This is the resting place of their animals; and this is where their luggage shall be laid down; and it is here that their blood shall be shed. Blessed are you O’ Earth, that the blood of the beloved shall be spilled upon you.”
Bihar al Anwar, vol: 98 pg. 258.
Tears ‑ Barrier of Hell 💯💯
Imam Baqir (A.S.) said: He who remembers us, or in whose presence, we are remembered, and (as a result) tears flow from his eyes, even though they may be in the measure of a wing of a mosquito, Allah shall construct for him a house in paradise and make the tears a barrier between him and the fire (of hell).
Al‑Ghadeer vol. 2, pg. 202.
Twenty Years of Weeping! ❤️❤️
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: `As for A’li Ibn al‑Hussain (A.S.), he cried over Hussain (A.S.) for twenty years (after the tragedy of Kerbala); never would any food be placed before him except that he would begin to weep.
Bihar al Anwar, vol 46, pg. 108.
The Etiquette of Mourning ❤️❤️
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: When Ibrahim, the son of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) died, tears filled the eyes of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), whereupon he said, ” The eyes are tearful and the heart is anguished (but) we shall not say anything which shall anger the Lord. Surely we, O’ Ibrahim, are grief‑stricken for you”
Bihar al‑Anwar vol: 22 , pg. : 157
Tearful Eyes ❤️❤️
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: He in whose presence we (and our miseries) are mentioned and, as a result, his eyes pour out tears, Allah shall make his face forbidden upon the fire of hell.
Bihar al Anwar vol. 44, pg. 185.
Hussaini Gatherings ❤️❤️
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said to Fudhail: Do you sit together, talk and discuss amongst yourselves? Fudhail replied: Yes. The Imam then said: I approve of these sittings. So keep our `issue’ (Imamate) alive. May Allah exhibit mercy on those who revive our issue and mission!
Wasail al‑Shiah , vol. 10, pg. 391.
Invaluable Tears 😭😭
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said (to Masma’, one of those who mourned over Imam Hussain (A.S.)): May Allah have mercy upon your tears! Do know that you are regarded as being of those who are deeply concerned about us and of those who are happy at our happiness and aggrieved at our sorrow. Do know that you shall witness the presence of my fathers near you at the time of your death.
Wasail al‑Shia, vol., 10, pg. 397
Scalded Hearts ❤️❤️
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) (while sitting on the prayer mat prayed for the mourners and those going for the pilgrimage of the Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) as follows): O’ Lord, have mercy upon those eyes, which have shed tears in compassion for us; and upon those hearts, which have been restless and blistered for us; and upon those wailings, which have been for us.
Bihar al‑Anwar vol 98 , pg. 8.
Tears over the Oppressed State of the Shi'as❤️
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: He whose eyes shed tears for our blood which has been shed, or for our rights which have been usurped, or for the humiliation meted out to us or to one of our Shias, Allah shall accommodate him in paradise for a long time.
Amali Sheikh al Mufid, pg. 175.
Weeping of the Sky ❤️❤️
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: O’ Zurarah! The sky had cried for forty days over (the martyrdom of) Hussain (A.S.).
Mustadrakal‑Wasail, vol 1 pg. 391.
The Holy Prophet and Weeping over the Martyrs ❤️❤️
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: After the news of the martyrdom of Ja’far Ibn Abi Talib (A.S.) and Zaid Ibn Harithah reached the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.), whenever he entered his house, he would weep profusely for them and say: ” They used to converse with me and were intimate with me and (now) both of them have departed together”.
Man La Yahdhuruhu al‑Faqih, vol. 1, pg. 177 ❤️
Sympathy for Ahlulbayt (as) ❤️❤️
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: The breath of one who is aggrieved upon the injustice and oppression subjected to us, is tasbeeh (glorification of Allah), and his grief for us, is i’baadat (worship of Allah) and his concealing our secrets, is jihad in the path of Allah.
The Imam (A.S.) then added: This tradition ought to be written in gold.
Amaali al‑Shaikh al‑Mufid, pg. 338.❤️❤️
Mourning Angel's ❤️❤️
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: Allah has appointed to the grave of Imam Hussain (A.S.), four thousand anguished and grief‑stricken angels, who weep over him (and shall continue to do so) up to the Day of Judgment.
Kamil al‑ziyaraat, pg. 119.
Weeping over Hussain (A.S.) ❤️❤️
Imam Redha (A.S.) said (to Rayyan Ibn Shabib): O’ Son of Shabib! If you have to cry over something, then do so over Hussain Ibn ‘Ali (A.S.) for surely, he was slaughtered in the manner in which a ram is slaughtered.
Bihar al Anwar, vol. 94, pg. 286.
Gatherings in Remembrance of the Imams ❤️
Imam Redha (A.S.) said: He who sits in a gathering in which our affairs (and our path and aims) are discussed and revived, his heart shall not die on the day (Day of Judgment) when hearts shall die (of fear).
Bihar alAnwar vol 4 pg. 178.
Benefits of Weeping over Hussain (A.S.) ❤️
Imam Redha (A.S.) said: Those who weep should weep over the likes of Hussain (A.S.) for surely, weeping over him does away with one’s great sins.
Bihar al‑Anwar vol: 94, pg. 184.
Forgiveness of Sins ❤️❤️
Imam Redha (A.S.) said: O’ Son of Shabib! Should you weep for Hussain (A.S.) in the measure that tears roll down your cheeks, Allah would forgive all the sins committed by you, whether they be the great sins or the small sins and whether they be meagre or immense.
Amali Saduq, pg. 111.
Intimacy with the Progeny ❤️❤️
Imam Redha (A.S.) said (to Ibn Shabib): O’ Son of Shabib! If it makes you happy (and you desire) to be with us in the elevated ranks of paradise, then be sad in our grief and happy at our happiness.
Wasaail al‑Shiah, vol. 14 pg. 502.
Day of Ashura ❤️❤️
Imam Redha (A.S.) said: One who refrains from seeking his (worldly) desires on the day of Ashura, Allah shall grant him his desires of this world and the hereafter.
Wasaail al Shiah, 14, pg. 504.
Pilgrim of Hussain (A.S.) ❤️❤️
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: The zaair (pilgrim) of Imam Hussain (A.S.) turns back (from his pilgrimage) such that not a single sin remains upon him.
Wasaail al‑Shia’h, vol 14, pg. 412.
Hussain (A.S.) Seeks Forgiveness for his Pilgrims ❤️❤️
(Regarding someone who goes for pilgrimage to the shrine of Imam Hussain (A.S.)), Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: One who weeps for Imam Hussain (A.S.), surely, the Imam (A.S.) observes him and seeks forgiveness for him and requests his holy fathers to (also) seek forgiveness for him.
Bihar al‑Anwar vol. 44, pg. 181.
Intercession on Day of Judgment ❤️❤️
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) (said to H. Fatimah (A.S.)): On the Day of Judgment, you shall intercede for the ladies and I shall intercede for the men; every person who has wept over the tragedy of Hussain (A.S.), we shall take him by the hand and lead him into Paradise.
Bihar al‑Anwar vol. 94 pg. 192,
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) on Day of Ashura ❤️❤️
A’bdullah Ibn Sinaan says: I arrived in the presence of my master, Imam Sadiq (A.S.) on the day of Ashura and found him pale and grief‑stricken, with tears streaming from his eyes like falling pearls.
Mustadrak al‑ Wasail, vol 6, pg, 279.
Neither Angels nor Prophet's ❤️❤️
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: (On the Day of Judgment, a group would be seen in the most excellent and honourable of states. They would be asked if they were of the Angels or of the Prophets. In reply they would state): “We are‑neither Angels nor Prophets but of the indigent ones from the ummah of Muhammad (S.A.W.)”. They would then be asked: “How then did you achieve this lofty and honourable status?” They would reply: “We did not perform very many good deeds nor did we pass all the days in a state of fasting or all the nights in a state of worship but yes, we used to offer our (daily) prayers (regularly) and whenever we used to hear the mention of Muhammad (S.A.W.), tears would roll down our cheeks”.
Mustadrak al‑Wasail, vol 10, pg. 318.
Visiting the Shrine of Imam Hussain (A.S.) ❤️
Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said: He (Imam Hussain) sees those, who come to his shrine and he knows them by their names, their father’s names and their ranks in the eyes of Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious, better than you know your own children!
Wasaail al Shiah vol 14, pg. 411.
Isa (A.S.) Weeps ❤️❤️
Imam ‘Ali (A.S.) said to Ibn Abbas: (Once when he happened to pass by Kerbala), Isa (A.S.) sat down and began to weep. His disciples who were observing him, followed suit and began weeping too, but not comprehending the reason for this behaviour, they asked him: “O’ Spirit of God! What is it that makes you weep?” Isa (A.S.) said: “Do you know what land this is?” The disciples replied: “No.” He then said: “This is the land on, which the son of the Prophet Ahmad (S.A.W.) shall be killed.
Bihar al Anwar vol 44 pg. 252.
All Creatures Weep over Imam Hussain ع ❤️
Abu Baseer narrates that Imam Baqir (A.S.) said: The humans, the jinn, the birds and the wild beasts (all) mourned and wept over (the tragedy which befell) Hussain Ibn A’li (A.S.)
Kaamil al‑Ziyaaraat, pg. 79.
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The Story of Six months old baby ❤️ Ali Asghar ibn Hussain (as) 💔💔
Ashura came to the land of Karbala.
One-by-one, Hussain (A.S)'s friends and companions were martyred.
Aun & Muhammed, Qasim, Abbas and Ali Akbar went to the battlefield and were martyred.
By noon time Hussain (A.S) was left alone.
The time had come for Hussain (A.S) to go to the battlefield. Hussain (A.S) said good bye to everyone.
Hussain (A.S), with his sword Zulfiqar on his waist, mounted Zuljanah, his horse.
Hussain (A.S) rode his horse to a small mount, he then called out loudly:
“Is there anyone to help me? Is there anyone to help the grandson of the holy prophet?”
With this call, the grandson of the Holy Prophet was giving one last chance to Yazid's men, the men who called themselves Muslims - the followers of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P).
Hypocrites! That's what Yazid's men were.
No one answered Hussain (A.S)'s last call. But Hussain (A.S) heard the sound of crying coming from his camp.
Hussain (A.S) turned around and returned to his tents.
"Zainab (S.A), your brother is still alive. Why are you crying?"
"My brother Hussain (A.S), when you called out,” Is there anyone to help me?” Ali Asghar fell from his cradle."
Hussain (A.S) knew what Ali Asghar was trying to say.
Hussain (A.S) went to Umme Rubab. Ali Asghar was on her lap.
He was crying and Umme Rubab was trying to comfort him.
Hussain (A.S) picked up baby Ali Asghar and whispered in his ear. Ali Asghar stopped crying. He looked up at his father and smiled.
"Umme Rubab, I am taking Ali Asghar to the battlefield with me so that I can get some water for him."
What did Hussain (A.S) whisper in Ali Asghar's ear? What made Ali Asghar stop crying, and to smile? Hussain (A.S) had whispered:
"My son, Ali Asghar, do you want to come to the battlefield with me? Asghar, do you want to show your strength on the battlefield? Come, let us go, my little soldier, Asghar."
Umme Rubab changed Ali Asghar's clothes.
Imam Hussain (A.S) carried Ali Asghar to the battlefield. It was very hot. Ali Asghar was thirsty. Hussain (A.S) covered baby Ali Asghar with his Cloak, to protect him from the scorching sun.
Yazid's men saw Hussain (A.S) approaching with something in his hand.
"Look, Hussain (A.S) is coming with the Quran.
He has no one left to help him. With the help of the Quran he is hoping to win."
Hussain (A.S) walked to Yazid's soldiers. By moving his Cloak he uncovered Ali Asghar.
He held Ali Asghar high with both his hands and said:
"O soldiers of Yazid, you feel I have offended you, but what has this little child done to you? His mother's milk has dried up. He has not had a drop of water for three days. He is dying of thirst. I beg you to give water to this innocent little child."
Not one of Yazid's soldiers brought any water for Ali Asghar.
Once more Imam Hussain (A.S) said:
Maybe you think that when you bring water for this child, I will drink it too. I will put this little child on the ground. You can come and give him water yourself."
Hussain (A.S) placed Ali Asghar on the burning sand of Karbala.
Ali Asghar lay quietly on the hot sand of Karbala. His turned his head and stared at Yazid's men.
No water came for Ali Asghar.
Hussain (A.S) picked up Ali Asghar and said:
"My son Ali Asghar, my darling, you are too young to fight with a sword or a spear. My little soldier, you are a grandson of Ali (A.S). Ali Asghar, fight with your tongue."
Little Asghar stuck his dry tongue out and moved it over his dry lips looking towards Yazid's men. He fought with his tongue.
The little soldier shot a strange arrow - his dry tongue.
It hit the hearts of Yazid's soldiers who had children of their own. They became restless. Some started crying.
They spoke amongst themselves:
"Hussain (A.S) is saying the truth. What has this child done to us? Why is he punished like this? Let us give him some water."
Umar ibn Sa'ad got worried that his soldiers will turn against him.
The little soldier's fight was very effective.
Umar ibn Sa'ad ordered his best archer:
“Harmalah! What are you waiting for? Silence the little child! Don't you know he is a grandson of Ali (A.S)? Hurry, shoot your arrow, before it is too late."
Harmalah aimed an arrow at Ali Asghar. A small arrow for a little child? No! An arrow not with one head, not with two heads, but with three sharp heads.
Why? Why an arrow with three heads for such a small child?
My fellow Hussain (A.S)! You will not be able to stop crying when you hear what happened next.
An arrow with three sharp heads flew across the desert of Karbala. It was heading for Ali Asghar. Hussain (A.S) saw the arrow coming. He covered Ali Asghar with his arms.
The arrow reached Hussain (A.S).
The arrow went through Hussain (A.S)'s arm and lodged in the tiny neck of Ali Asghar.
Ali Asghar died instantly.
Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar!
Poor Hussain (A.S), the poor father, who came to get water for his little child.
Instead of water, Ali Asghar got an arrow in his neck.
What shall Hussain (A.S) do now? What shall Hussain (A.S) do now?
Hussain (A.S) gently pulled the arrow from Ali Asghar's tiny neck.
My fellow Hussain (A.S), put your hand on your heart and imagine the scene a father removing an arrow from his child's neck. What a tragic scene!
Blood gushed out from Ali Asghar's neck.
A voice came from the ground:
"No, Hussain (A.S), do not let Ali Asghar's blood fall to the ground, otherwise no crops will ever grow from this earth." Hussain (A.S) looked up at the sky.
A voice came from the sky:
"No Hussain (A.S), do not let the blood gush towards the sky, otherwise, no drop of rain will ever fall from this sky."
What shall Hussain (A.S) do now? What shall Hussain (A.S) do now?
The sky is refusing, the earth is not happy to accept Asghar's blood.
Poor Hussain (A.S) wiped Ali Asghar's blood on his face.
Hussain (A.S) started walking towards his tents.
He saw Ali Asghar's mother - Umme Rubab - standing by his tent. A mother anxiously waiting for her baby.
Hussain (A.S) thought:
"How can I face Umme Rubab? What shall I tell her? How can I tell her that her baby has been martyred without water? How? How?"
Seven times, Hussain (A.S) went forward and then turned back, Saying:
He finally reached the tent where Umme Rubab was standing. "Rubab, come and take your Ali Asghar. Rubab, your little soldier has died for the sake of Allah."
Umme Rubab took her little child, Ali Asghar. She hugged him and cried.
"Come with me Rubab. Enough, Rubab, enough. Let us bury our baby Asghar"
Hussain (A.S) and Umme Rubab walked to the back of the tents.
Hussain (A.S) dug a small grave with his sword, the Zulfiqar.
Umme Rubab placed Ali Asghar in the small grave.
My fellow Hussain (A.S) why should we not cry tonight?
Have we ever heard of any other father and mother digging a grave and burying their own child?
Where can Hussain (A.S) get water to sprinkle on Ali Asghar's grave? There is no water to sprinkle on Ali Asghar's grave.
Hussain (A.S) sat by the grave crying.
Tears poured on the grave. Ali Asghar's grave was sprinkled with Hussain (A.S)'s tears.
Tareekh e Karbala vol. 03 page 124
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𝗟𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗢𝘄𝗹 🦉 𝗼𝗻 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗺 𝗛𝘂𝘀𝗮𝗶𝗻 (𝗮) ❤️❤️
Husain bin Abi Ghabdar says: Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a) asked, “Has anyone of you ever seen it (the owl) in day time?”
It was said, “No, it never appears during the day. It only appears at night.”
Imam (a) said: The owls previously dwelled in only developed structures but when Imam Husain (a) was martyred, they refused to stay in developed structures and refused to take
anything but ruins as abodes.
Indeed, the owls fast during the day and are aggrieved until nightfall. At night they lament on Imam Husain (a) till the morning.
Husain bin Ali bin Sa-ad Barbari, who was the caretaker of the tomb of Imam Ali Reza (a) said: My father mentioned to me:
When I went into the presence of Imam Ali Reza (a), he asked: What do the people say?
I said: Maula, we came to inquire something from you. Then Imam Ali Reza (a) said: Can you see these owls?
During the period of my grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (s), they used to inhabit houses of people and their camps.
And when the people sat down to have dinner, they landed near them and the people fed them crumbs and they lived on that. Then they
drank water and returned to their nests.
After Imam Husain (a) was martyred the owl stopped living in houses and moved to ruins and mountains. They said: “You are the worst of the nations, because you martyred the
grandson of your Prophet; now we do not trust you.”
Husain bin Ali Mithami has narrated from Yaqub that he said: Imam Ja’far Sadiq (a) said:
Yaqub, have you ever seen an owl during the day?
No, I replied. Do you know why it is so?
When I replied in the negative, Imam (a) said:
The owl observes fast during the whole day and at night it ends the fast with the sustenance sent by God. Then it continues
to recite Nauhas on Imam Husain (a) till the morning.
Al-Kafi vol.6 p.548, Al-Bihar vol.44 p.305, Kamil Al-Ziarat p.197, Wasa'el Al-Shia vol.8 p.379
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#Beautiful Hadith by Imam Ali Ibn Musa Ar Reza(as) ❤️❤️ Imam (as) says..
Doing 6 things without doing the other 6 things is self-mockery.
* Asking forgiveness from Allah verbally without repenting with the heart.
* Asking for Allah's help without undertaking any effort.
* Making a firm resolution to do something without taking due precautions.
* Beseeching deliverance from hell fire without refraining from lusts.
* Asking Allah for paradise without enduring related hardships.
* Remembering Allah without anticipating to encounter him.
Imam Raza (AS) also said, "Nothing will weigh more heavier in the mizan than good morals"
* "Listening to Music is one of the major sins"
* "Meet one another so that affection may increase"
Reference: Majlisi, Bihārul Anwār, vol.75, p.162
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Hazrat Horr (as) the most lucky martyr of Karbala 💔A story that does not let us despair of God's mercy 💯💯
Horr was the name of one of the high-ranking commanders of the army of Omar-e-Sad who faced the grandson of the Prophet of Islam.
Hussain-ebn-Ali, with orders from Yazeed-ebn-Muawiah to either get Hussain's allegiance for his corrupt Khalifat, or kill Hussain and all his friends. It was Horr and his army who first faced Imam Hussein, and then kept them under siege, preventing them from getting water.
On the day of Ashoura, Horr made a huge decision.
Right before the battle started, he left his position and the army he was commanding, and joined Imam Hussein, and was the first to be killed in the way of Allah, by the army he used to be a commander of just a few hours earlier. The name Horr means free, freeborn, noble, freeman.
The fate, sometimes, plays a game. The factory of creation, constantly producing uncountable things, stones, trees, rivers, animals, insects,human beings, sometimes shows a scene of humor, creates an innovation or an exception: it writes a poem, paints a work of art, does something unique...
In one word, it can be said that these items have a character. From among the houses, Kabeh, from all the walls, the China Wall, from the planets orbiting the sun, earth, and....from all the martyrs: Horr.
The artistic hands of destination have composed this scene with utmost precision, and as if to emphasize the importance of the story, have selected all the characters of the play from the absolutes, to make the story most effective.
The story is about a choice, the most important manifestation of the meaning of human being. But what kind of choice? We are all faced with several choices in our everyday life: career, friend, wife, house,major..
But in this story, the choice is much more difficult: the good and the evil. And even so, not from a philosophical, scientific, or theological perspective.
Instead, the choice here is between the truthful and the deceiving religion, between the just and unjust politics, with life being the price to pay.
To further emphasize the sensitivity of the situation, the author has not put the hero of this story in the middle, equally between the right and the evil. Instead, the hero is the head of the army of the evil. On the other hand, the director of this play has to find symbols for his story to make them most effective.
Should he have Promete on one side and some demons on the other side? But this makes the story too mythical...Spartacos and Crasios? no...this makes the story nationalistic and gives it a class dependent nature.
How about Ebrahim and Namrood? Moses and Feroh? Jesus and Judas? no... again, for most of the people these are metaphysical and heavenly characters different from common ordinary people.
Having them as heros reduces the effect of the story, and causes people to admire them, but never think about following their examples in their everyday life. However, the main purpose of this story is to teach, to show the ability of the man to change, to show how it is possible for a common and even sinful man to reject all his social, family, and class ties and show a god-like change.
The history of Islam is full of contradicting features. The two lines starting from Habil and Ghabil, existing throughout the history side by side though in different faces, have also continued in Islam. Now, both these streams are dressed in Islam, but in opposite directions. Ironically, our hero is faced to choose between the most extreme end sin each of these parties:
Yazid, and Hossein.
Indeed, had this story been created by an author, he should have been recognized for his genuine and art...
What is the name of this hero? For a historic figure, what is important is the role he plays, and not his name, since his name is something chosen for him by his family, according to his parent's taste..On the other hand, if the story is created by an ingenious writer,he would choose a name which is relevant to the role of his hero.
In this story however, our hero has been named by his mother, Horr,as if she has been able to foresee the sensitive role his son is going to play. And thus, when the Imam of freedom attends his bloody body, just before his death, tells him: O Horr! God bless you! You are free both in this world and in the world to come, just like what your mother called you!
Although Horr has played a unique role in the history, the essence of his role is not just confined to himself. The meaning of his action, in fact, includes all human-beings, and indeed defines humanity.
It is what distinguishes the human-beings from other creatures, underlining the responsibility of man with respect to God, people, and himself. And Horr has not played this with words and concepts, but with love and blood. If one grasps the depth of this saying from Imam Sadegh(AS) that All days are Ashoura, and all places are Karbala, and all months are Moharam one readily feels the extension: and all human-beings are Horr!
Our history, starting from Habil and Ghabil, is the manifestation of the eternal conflict between the two poles of God and Satan, though in each period of time these two poles have disguised differently. Therefore, in each period of time, every human-being finds himself just in the same position as Horr did: alone, in the middle, hesitating, between the same two armies.
On the one side, the commander of the army of evil shouts on his soldiers: O Army of God! attack! and on the other side, an Imam, with a voice echoing throughout the history asks -and not commands- Is there anybody who wishes to assist me? and you, the man, should choose.
It is by this choice that you become human. Before this choice you are nothing, you are just an existence without essence, you are standing in the middle.
Thus, the man who has found existence through birth, finds essence through choice. It is by this choice,that the creation of man completes, and this is exactly when the man feels this heavy burden on his shoulders and finds himself alone,as God and the nature have left him on his own on this dangerous decision.
Now we can evaluate our hero, we can feel what a long journey he has gone through in what a short time, to change him from a Yazidian Horr, to a Husseinian Horr. If he stays with the army of Yazid, his world is guaranteed, and if he joins the small army of Hussain, his death is eminent.
It is the morning of the day of Ashoura, and although the battle has not yet started in the fields, Horr realizes that the opportunity would not last. Time goes by fast, and the moments count. The storm has already started within him.
From the beginning, Horr was hoping that the events would not lead to war, but now war seems to be unavoidable. Human-beings have limited capability in tolerating shame and scorn, except for those who are genius in this respect and can tolerate disgrace unlimitedly.
Horr never had thought that being an employee of the government of Yazid would mean collaborating in Yazid's criminal acts. For him his job was just a source of income without having anything to do with politics or his religion.
Horr now realizes that adding his position with his religion is impossible. Thus, hopelessly and as a last resort he talks with the commander of the Army (Omar-ebn-Sa'd) who like himself is reluctant to get in a war and has accepted the mission to become the governor of the province of Ray and Gorgan. What would then be better than coming up with some sort of a solution without getting involved in the blood of the grandson of the Prophet and his family.
Horr and Omar-ebn-Sa'd both have come all the way from the palace of Yazid to Karbala together and they share the same status and social class. Horr asks Omar:
Can't you find a peaceful solution for this situation?
You know that if it had been up to me I would have done as what you propose, but your master Obeid-Allah-Ziyad did notaccept a peaceful resolution!
So are you going to fight with this man (Hussein)?
Yes, by God, I will fight a battle the least consequence of which will be separated heads and broken arms!
Now, it is evident that no longer can he play games with his religion. Now, the two separate their paths.
For Horr, Yazid's army of tens of thousand is now nothing more than a bunch of faces, without meaning. A crowd of men without selves, a group of people without hearts, those who shout but don't know why, fight but don't know for whom.
Now the Jesus of love and conscience cures a blind and resurrects a dead, creating a martyr from a murderer. In a journey it is not enough to ask for the destination, but one should also ask from the origin.
Thus, the length of Horr's journey becomes evident when one realizes from where he started, and to where he ended, all in half-a day's time. In his emigration from Satan to Allah , Horr did not study philosophy or theology, nor did he attend any lectures or schools.
He just changed his direction, and it is in fact this direction which gives meaning to everything: art, science, literature, religion, prayers, hajj, Mohammad, Ali...
Having started his journey, and riding his horse, he slowly leaves his Army toward Hussain. Muhajer-ebn-Ous, who sees him agitated and worried asks:
What's wrong with you Horr? I am puzzled by your case, by God if I were asked about the bravest man in our army I wouldn't hesitate to mention your name, and now you are so disturbed and worried?
I find myself between the Hell and the Heaven, and I have to select between them, and by God I will not choose but Heaven, even if I were cut to pieces or burnt to ashes!
The creation of Horr was completed and the fire of doubt has led him to the verity of certitude. He slowly approaches the camp of Hussain, and as he gets closer he hangs his boots from his neck, and keeps his armor down (as a sign of remorse)
I am the one who closed your path O Hussein. He didn't accept Hussein's invitation to rest for a while..
Is there a repentance for me? He can't wait any longer, he returns to the front and attacks the army of Omar with the most severe and bitter words, letting his ex-army and ex-commander know that he is no longer a slave, he is free, he is Horr.
Omar-ebn-Sa'd, his ex-commander, responds by throwing an arrow and yelling
Be witness and let Amir-ol-momenin know that I was the one to throw the first arrow at the army of Hussain!
And this was how the battle of Karbala started.........
انا للہ وانا الیہ علیہ رَاجعُون 💔
Maqtal vol. 02 page 301
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Muharram 2021 Topics ❤️ on Ahlybait's Stories
1)Day One: The ideology of the Ahlulbayt (ع)
2)Day Two: The life of a believer and the
gathering of Imam Hussain (ع)
3)Day Three: The movement of Imam Hussain
4)Day Four: The role women played in Karbala, and their role in today’s society
5)Day Five: Contemporary issues Muslim’s face on today’s society and the life of Muslim Ibn Aqil
6)Day Six: The true meaning of brotherhood in Islam through the companions of Imam Hussain (ع)
7)Day Seven: Courage in today’s society through Imam Al-Abbas (ع)
8)Day Eight: The deceiving reality of life, through the eyes of Al-Qasim ibn Al-Hasan
9)Day Nine: The important of self evaluation and the camp of Imam Hussain (ع)
10)Day Ten: The concept of patience and relying upon Allah, through the last hours of Imam Hussain (ع) life
These lectures are selected inshaAllah from 1st to 10th of Muharram we will share it with you all.. ❤️❤️
All these lectures will be delivered live by Agha #Mohammad_Hourani from Sydney, Australia
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