#k i'm going to bed lmao
I didn't think I was going to get so emotional over this Big Country video/performance, but I did and it's...not pretty.
I'm not gonna post this video, but I actually watched it in spite of wondering why literally all of them are shirtless (not that I'm, uh...exactly complaining), and aside from that, when Stuart says "So when you're going [around?], going home tonight, to your nice, safe, warm cars, take a good look around you - there's a great, [brave? grave?! that beautiful accent befuddles me], big world out there, and all of us are responsible for it" he then gives...a smile. But it's an incredibly, deeply resigned (almost polite) smile. And it's going to haunt me for the rest of my days. I wish I was joking. It upsets me a lot, actually, because I believe from his facial expressions and everything (including a pause where it's clear he's not quite sure what he's going to say, but it seems like he's searching for something to say that will have an impact on the audience - which is part of why this is so painful) he's being sincere about his brief speech, but then he, like, very briefly moves his mouth away from the microphone (I think because he's fully gauging that he's about to not get any kind of reaction from the audience) and then moves his face again so his mouth is mostly hidden by the microphone and gives that resigned smile (those deep dimples!!!) which says...oh god, everything. To me, it says: "I know what I just said meant nothing to you all [or I would've had at least some reaction (from the audience)]," "Sorry for wasting your time," "Oh, how funny of me to think that any of you would catch that I'm calling you out on your privilege - my bad," and finally, "Hello EXISTENTIAL DREAD, MY OLD FRIEND". 😭 All of that plays on his face in that like not-even-two second span of a smile. And. Oh god. Yeah. I'm just gonna be...haunted. By it.
I don't say any of this at all negatively, by the way - I do not think less of him for that. But then again, I appreciate when my favorite artists give little, like...motivational speeches and stuff at their concerts, actually, because no matter what anyone else thinks, THEY'RE PRETTY MUCH ALWAYS RELEVANT. Stuart's speech was relevant because of what "Rockin' In The Free World" is about! I mean, okay, maybe it was a bit redundant because, with a song like "Rockin' In The Free World," we get it. It's presented very plainly, lyrically, why it was written - what its intent is. BUT, he still makes a good and not-quite-as-strongly-implied-by-the-song point about privilege WHICH, TO SAY AT A CONCERT, IS KINDA BALLSY, NOT GONNA LIE! And clearly it didn't go over with that audience, but does that mean he just shouldn't try at all? So I do think he had reasonable motive (that was actually not totally unnecessary) for saying his spiel. I give him props for trying to give people something to think about, even if they're not going to think about it while they're at a rock concert, lmao...still! Why not take the risk?
Anyway. I don't know if his face there is going to haunt me because of the audience, or because it's like...my empathy just went, "Oh fucking SHIT that hurts, ahaha"...because I can imagine it being both.
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yelenasdiary · 6 months
If you weren’t planing on writing it (and as your request are still open I’m going to take advantage of that sorry) can you write your idea of reader being Peggy and dottie daughter and dating Nat but mostly dottie gets overprotective?
Meet The Carters
Pairing: Peggy Carter x Daughter! Reader, Dottie Underwood x Daughter! Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Reader || High School AU.
Summary: When your mother, Peggy, discovers you have a girlfriend, she asks you to bring her to dinner. When your other mother, Dottie, lays eyes on the girl you've been dating, things take a turn.
Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of Red Room, Overprotective Parent?? Slight Mention of Child Abuse (reader being abandoned and malnourished), Nat is 17, Reader is 16 | K
AC: I finally got around to writing this! At first, I was writing it as a drabble but I got carried away and now it’s a full fic lmao! I hope you enjoy! x
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You were unpacking your study books from your backpack when your mother knocked on the door, chewing on an apple slice, she smiled softly at you. 
"Who was that you were hugging just now?" She asked in her thick British accent as she leaned against the door frame. Your cheeks felt warm as you turned to face your mother. "Just a friend" you replied. 
You've been dating Natasha for a few months now, it was still rather new and not a lot people knew, just a few friends. Natasha is a year older than you and you weren't too sure how your mothers would react to the small age gap or how they would react to you dating in general. 
"Oh, come on sweetie, I know a friendly hug when I see one and that wasn't one" you Peggy tease as she took a seat at the end of your bed and watched as you set your homework on your desk ready to tackle after an afternoon snack. 
"Were you spying on me?" You asked with a cocked brow. Your mother chuckled, "I'm afraid that noticing things is a huge part of my job that now just comes naturally outside of work. So, come on, who is she?" 
You couldn't help the growing smile that took over your face, you took a seat next to your mother. She was always the one you got along with a little better. You loved Dottie but sometimes you felt she was a little harder to connect with than Peggy. "Her name is Natasha" you answered, blushing more than you wanted to show. 
"Natasha" Peggy repeated, "How about you invite her to dinner tonight, we'll have pizza and a movie. I want to meet this girl who's making you turn redder than tomato" she added. Playfully, you rolled your eyes but agreed to ask her. 
When Dottie came home from work, she hugged you tightly as if it would be the last time she would hug you but you didn't think too much of it and asked how her day was. 
"It was, well, work. How was your day?" she replied. She never spoke about her job or what she did. In fact, you never knew what she did for a living, you once asked when you were around six years old, and she told you she as like mommy and helps take the bad guys off the streets, but her job was super-secret and only mommy knew about it. You never asked her about it again after that.
You were only a year old when Peggy found you abandoned in a dark alley way. She took you to the hospital and called child services, she stayed by your side the entire time you were in the hospital. You were malnourished and very underweight for a baby of your age. When the time came for you to be released from hospital and into the care of child services, Peggy couldn't bare somebody else taking care of you and that's how Peggy became your mother. You were two years old when Dottie and Peggy got married and now you have two mothers. 
"Oh you know, school is, well, school" you replied to tease.
"Very funny" Dottie cocked a brow, "why has mom got the dinner table set?" She asked when she noticed the table was set for four instead of three. You sat down on the sofa and picked up the television remote before working up the nerve to tell her who was coming over. "Uhm, well, my girlfriend is joining us for dinner tonight, it was mom's idea" you replied quickly turning the TV on. 
"Girlfriend? Since when?" Dottie frowned. You chewed your bottom lip, "Since four months ago" you kept your eyes on the TV only to be saved by Peggy just before Dottie could ask anymore questions. 
"Honey, your home!" She smiled, placing a kiss on her wife's lips. 
"Who is this girlfriend that is coming over?" Dottie asked before Peggy dragged her into the kitchen. You couldn't hear much but little whispers here and there. You knew that Peggy was telling Dottie not to overreact and that there would be a time when you would bring somebody home to meet them. 
You tried to listen more but a knock at the door made your stomach flutter with nerves as you got up to answer it. Natasha smiled softly in her leather jacket, jeans, and black tee. "I hope I'm not late" she spoke. You shook your head, "early actually, the pizza hasn't arrived yet" you smiled as you invited her in.
"Just a heads up, Peggy is excited to meet you and Dottie, well, I'm not too sure how she feels. She just found out a moment ago that I had a girlfriend" you rambled. Natasha placed a kiss on your cheek, "it'll be okay" she whispered. 
Your mothers came out of the kitchen, Peggy smiled instantly while Dottie's eyes widened. You didn't want to say anything, but it disappointed you that she wasn't even ready to give Natasha a chance to show how amazing she was. 
"You must be Natasha, it's lovely to meet you" Peggy greeted your girlfriend. 
"Y/n didn't mention you were English" Natasha replied, lying of course. 
"Oh, yes. England born and raised" your mother smiled once more, "this is my wife, Dottie. Don't mind her, she's had long day at work" she added as Dottie stepped forward to shake Nat's hand. She noticed the look of worry on your face and for your sake gave the red head a soft smile, "it's lovely to meet you" Dottie said. 
"Thank you both for having me over tonight, it's a pleasure to meet you both" Natasha replied. 
You and Natasha sat across from your parents while the four of you chatted and ate pizza, neither one of your mothers were great cooks so you were glad it was take-away night for Natasha's sake. 
"You mentioned you moved to Ohio, where were you before that?" Dottie asked. If looks could kill, Natasha would've been dead the moment your mother laid eyes on her. During the entire dinner you noticed that your mother was very focused on Natasha while Peggy was more laid back and enjoyed your girlfriend's company. 
"I was actually born in Russia and my family moved to Ohio because of my father's work" Natasha replied, keeping strong eye contact with your mother who didn't seem to relax. 
"Well, Y/n didn't mention you were Russian!" Peggy commented with a chuckle as she referenced Natasha's first comment to her earlier in the night. Natasha chuckled, "Russian born and raised, kinda" she replied. Dottie excused herself from the table, using the excuse to use the bathroom but you knew it was just a way for her to leave the room. You followed after her, Peggy taking a deep breath and offered that her and Nat go outside and enjoy some fresh air. 
"What is your problem mom?" You asked, following Dottie into your parent's bedroom. She turned to you and shook her head, "She needs to leave and you're not to see her again. Do you understand me?" she said sternly. You closed the door behind you to prevent Natasha from hearing anything that left your mother's lips. 
"No, I don't understand! You've known her for a few hours, and you haven't even tried to give her a chance!" You snapped. 
"I don't need too; I know this is hard for you to understand but this is for your safety"
"My safety?! Natasha isn't some criminal you and mom need to take off the streets!" You frowned. 
"She's worse that that! She's exactly the type of person I don't want my daughter around!" Dottie snapped; you've never heard this tone from her before. Her eyes were full of worry which took you back, your mother had never looked at you with so much fear before. "What is it mom?" You asked in a calmer tone. Dottie shook her head, "you need to ask her to leave, and you can't see her again, I need you to trust me" she repeated. 
"No, if you want Natasha to leave, you ask her" you replied before leaving the room to join Natasha and Peggy outside. "Everything okay love?" Natasha asked, placing a hand on your hip while she brushed a lock of hair behind your ear. "Yeah" you sighed, "can we go get some ice cream or something? I don't want to be here right now" you added. 
"Honey, your mom just needs a little time to get used to that fact you're growing up" Peggy inserted herself. 
"No mom, she didn't even give Natasha a chance and you know it!" You looked over at your mom with tears of frustration filling your eyes. "I think I know what this is about" Natasha replied softly, "let me go talk to her" she added, placing a kiss on your forehead. 
"Don't say another word" Dottie's voice made you turn to the back door where she stood. 
"Dottie!" Peggy snapped, "Leave it alone" she added. Your mother's words made you frown, "no, why can't Nat say anything? What is going on?" You demanded answers. 
"I'm not going to lie to her, Dottie, you might but I won't" Natasha looked at your mother before turning to you, "Your mother and I have the same job, it's not even a job. We don't get paid. We're trained at a place called the Red Ro-"
"Natasha!" Dottie interrupted with a stern tone while her eyes burned into Natasha's. "Can I have a word?" She asked. Natasha nodded and followed your mom into the living room while Peggy did her best to keep you from following them. 
"I hoped this day wouldn't come so soon" your mom started. 
"What do you mean mom? Please, can you just tell me what's going on?" you asked with arms crossed over your chest. Peggy sat down on one of the outdoor chairs on the porch, she patted the seat next to her and you took a seat beside her. "Your mom used to work for an organisation called Red Room. I've been working endlessly to try and find the location of this place but it's almost impossible. They take girls, from the street, pay for them and brainwash them. Your mother was trained to kill people…" Your mother went on to explain. 
Tears streamed down your face by the time Peggy had finished explaining everything to you. Now you know everything and the reason why your mother never told you how work was because she's been trying to stay in the organizations good books to get back to head office to give Peggy the location. Natasha is what they call a widow, she's on a mission and being with you was never part of the plan. 
You went inside, not caring about what Nat and your mother were talking about, you walked by Natasha and hugged your mother tightly. She hugged you back just as tight before you let her free and turned to Nat, "so how about that ice cream?" You asked with a soft smile. Natasha read between the lines and nodded, "do you guys want to come?" You asked looking at both your mothers. 
"You know what, ice cream sounds really good right now" Dottie smiled softly, "Natasha, what do you drive?" She asked. 
"A motorcycle" Nat replied. Dottie looked to Peggy then back to Nat, "How about I drive us" she suggested. 
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causenessus · 3 months
Congrats on 1k!!! Well deserved! May I request fluffiest of fluff of 🏠 with Kenma? Just like him and reader’s everyday life after becoming newlyweds or something
Thank you ☺️
domesticity. | kozume k.
kenma x f! reader
written in 2nd pov
one word prompt from 1k followers event: 🏠 -> domesticity
"let's skip to the wedding, let's stay past the ending, i'm gonna be good to you <3" from let's skip to the wedding by eyedress
word count: 1.1k
notes: fluff!! and written as headcannons i hope that's alright <3 it was just kind of the way my brain immediately took the request. thank you so much for requesting! this was adorable to write i hope u enjoy <3 also, a mention of 10 cent bag rule that some states do lol. just wanted to explain it beforehand so no one is confused, it's just something mandatory some states do where either you bring a resuable bag or pay 10 cents for a plastic bag! also sorry for any weird formatting, tumblr is having a FIT rn
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you guys are finally married!! what does your life as newlyweds look like? <3
kenma did NOT get up the day after your wedding. and he didn’t let you get up either. you guys cuddled the entire day and then got up at like 6pm to get takeout for your first meal as husband and wife LMAO
that was basically your honeymoon but if you want to actually go somewhere, that’s totally fine <3 he’ll go with you
but his love definitely comes out most in just plain domesticity
and if you guys started living with each other even before getting married, you’ve definitely gotten a taste of that simple life
domesticity with kenma looks like you guys sharing a lot of chores
if he washes the dishes, you put them away and vice versa
and he actually enjoys doing the dishes (maybe slightly just bc you squeal and can’t help but kiss his cheek every time you see him roll up his sleeves and tie his hair back. just maybe)
on the other hand, LAUNDRY is the bane of your guys’ existence which means folding + movie nights are a STAPLE in your household
you both definitely take turns picking out movies while folding clothes or while you mend his old nekoma sweats
laundry makes him feel like years are being taken off his life though. he loves being on stray sock duty (pulling out your giant bag of stray socks and trying to find matches when the pile gets big enough) or sometimes he just ends up cuddling you instead. usually its with his arms wrapped around your waist, and he loves putting his head in your lap
sometimes it gets hard folding laundry when he does that
but you can’t complain, watching a movie and cuddling? suddenly laundry’s not that bad
and he’s just so comfortable and has this crazy effect of always making you feel sleepy that you guys have fallen asleep countless times on the couch
although this also leads to you guys waking up and the most random movies playing most of the time
like the one time you guys woke up to the shining theme playing and literally thought you were about to die (IK I MENTIONED THIS IN COLD KISSES BEFORE BUT IT IS STILL SUCH A FUNNY MEMORY TO ME)
sometimes you guys throw in a blanket while drying your clothes just so that while you’re both folding laundry you can be under a warm blanket too <3
you definitely binged like all the conjuring movies while folding laundry too
my guy cannot be trusted in the kitchen but he will try his very best if you ask him for help
will for sure keep you company in the kitchen no matter what though
is sometimes on music duty or will just play his switch while you’re cooking and you both enjoy the peaceful moment <3
he can also make tea or coffee for both of you while you're cooking!! he's very good at that <3 and definitely helps grab plates when you're both ready to eat
and sometimes gets out of bed early in the morning so he can bring you a cup of tea while you're still waking <3
especially on cold mornings. will 100% get out of bed for you. you're both cold? you want the heater up? okay <3 he'll get out of bed to turn it up before getting straight back into bed and pulling you close, nuzzling his cold face into your warm neck
he’s very good in grocery stores
at pushing the cart.
and holding your grocery list if you really trust him
please don’t leave him he’ll literally go into panic mode and stand in the middle of the bread aisle until you come back
or he’ll do that thing where he walks past every aisle trying to find which one you’re in and then you guys will see each other from opposite ends
to be honest he’s more of a basket guy anyway
like you walk into the grocery store and he's immediately picking up a basket (bc no way is he letting you hold it)
“kenma we need like a week’s work of groceries they’re not all gonna fit in there”
“yeah it will. i'll make it fit.”
most of the time he can't LMAO or something ends up getting squished but it’s okay
bc you know why he likes baskets?
so he can hold your hand <3
loves loves loves to play with your wedding ring, fiddling with it or just running his thumb over it while holding your hand
at first he hated grocery stores bc there’s so many inconsiderate people and it just make him feel anxious but he started to like it when he came with you
he likes following you around because you always know where you're going and he's just there for the ride
and he likes being there so that whenever you put something in the basket and ask “what’s next on the list?” he can tell you <3 he takes his job as grocery list holder very seriously
also surprisingly good at remembering to bring reusable bags (or will insist on holding everything. he is NOT paying 10¢ for a bag)
he may also sneak a few snacks into the basket/cart (if you forced him to get one) which is always okay <3
dinner looks like him stopping everything to eat with you or inviting you to watch/play with him while you guys eat
because again quality time is such an important and prominent love language in your guys’ life
he loves to just have you there with him and it’s all you need as well <3
but especially by marriage, if you want one-on-one time he will absolutely give you his full attention. why would he pass up on a chance to stare at his wife's pretty face and listen to her talk?
his chat and fanbase are also definitely well acquainted with you and adore you
they’re always melting over your interactions and sometimes when you walk by the camera and they see you they’re all freaking out like “OMG IT’S Y/N!!!!” “CAN WE SAY HI TO Y/N”
he always laughs when he sees his chat, because sometimes he doesn’t even notice you walking around in the background but he always complies. “babe?” he’ll call out
“what’s up?” you ask, coming back into the room
“my chat just wants to say hi,” he answers and you always smile, walking closer to his desk and leaning over his shoulder to say hi
it literally warms his heart to see his wife interacting with his chat <3
and when his followers found out you guys were getting married? #ynxkenmaendgameishappening went viral on twitter
and nearly everytime he refers to you as his wife his chat still blows up
you probably join him for q&as most often, and he once again is usually holding your hand in his lap, fidgeting with the pretty ring on your finger while you talk to the stream
at night he’s definitely a late sleeper, but you’ve scolded him about looking at screens in the dark too many times for him to count
so oftentimes you’re curled up at his side, your face nuzzled into his torso to block out the light while he has a small lamp on and an arm resting you, holding you close
and when he finally goes to bed, he never fails to press a kiss to your head before wrapping his arms around u <3
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blkgirl-writing · 10 months
I love your touch starved Gale so much 😭❤️ honestly it's so tender and yum haha
Do you have an A-Z/Alphabet NSFW thing for Gale??? 🙏
I do now!!! I totally forgot abut Alphabet stuff, if ya'll want one for every character let me know, I'm working on Astarion right now!
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Gale Dekarios NSFW alphabet (x reader)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Gale is kind and caring, he will always make sure you get what you need before he really relaxes. Sex isn't over for him until you're taken care of, aftercare is a part of the sexual experience to him.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Creampie every time, though after eating you out he has stopped to cum on your thighs.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Not that much of a secret since anyone who looked at his underwear knows, it's self jerk off underwear. Honestly I think he's used them during battle when you look extra hot. Trying really hard not to show that he's pleasuring himself.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Gale is fairly experenced, having a few mortal hookups/relationships and obviously a long fling with Mystra that left him a bit sexually traumatized (and generally very traumatized). He's had enough sex to know what he wants but still open to try new things.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Side fucking is his favorite for sure, it's easy to get away with while camping with the others as well. Also plowing you from behind while you lay on your stomach is a favorite, as he can kiss your neck or hold down your waist.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Very serious. Once he gets in that mood there's no getting him out of it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He's trimmed for your pleasure, otherwise he'd definitely just forget.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Gale is a great mix of romantic, passionate, and filthy. Everything does hand in hand very well, he can absolutely run a train through you in astral protections with gangbanging you with literally just clones of himself, but he will still whisper sweet and romantic things, still check if you need to stop or if anything is too much.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Gale cry jerks like all the time lmao. Guilty masturbation is something he has mastered. Thinking about you before you get sexually involved? he will feel guilty.
How he jerks off is two different ways. The only way he can really cum is by grinding on something, his hand, the bed, his enchanted underwear, etc... But he doesn't need to cum. So he also jerks off with his hand behind the rocks near the beach in act 1s camp.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
This is gonna be a hear-me-out kind of situation.
Semi public sex kink. in front of windows, on balconies, middle of the forrest, etc.
lil bit of a jealousy thing, leaves hickies on your neck to show that ya'll fuck good.
he wouldn't do anything to harm you, so anything thats too 'harsh" is a no no for Gale.
thigh fucking kink?
sweaty kink?? cause battling? that whole speech was one of the most sexually charged things I have read.
lil bit of a breeding kink, not with actually getting pregnant, but definitely the deep creampies and keeping his cum in you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Gale cannot WAIT to fuck you in every single inch of his tower. Whenever he pictures fucking you, he pictures you in his home. It's kinda romantic.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly, any glance at you will get him going. Like an instant hard on. If he looks at you too long, boner. if he looks at your thighs or butt? Boner. Slightly low cut top? Boner. Battling? Boner.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would never do anything to hurt you, the most he'd do is wax play.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving. This man GIVES. He fucks to serve. He wants your pleasure, he doesn't cum til you do, no matter what. If that means he won't cum, then he won't cum. If he could spend all day between your legs he would.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Sensual but fast and hard. This man pounds.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He hadn't ever been able to not last a while before you, now, he can actually do quickies, which infatuates him for a while so you have a lot of quickies for a time. But usually everything lasts an hour or so.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Gale is down to try just about anything you'd want, but he definitely already knows what he likes most.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Shockingly he can go for awhile. He will need to just lay for a while because he definitely isn't made for long sessions, he just ignores his knee and back pain for you until he absolutely can't.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
We all know he will, can, and has used magic hand during sex. Does copies of him count as toys as well?
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Gale isn't one to tease much. Verbally, sometimes, yes, telling you how hot you are, how good you look, etc, while having no time to slip away to fuck.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
I feel like Mystra wanted him silent, so he's working on getting more vocal during sex. But he doesn't moan loudly, sometimes whimpers or gasps.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Gale absolutely reads smut. We know this kinda from his diagram books basically, but I think he has a whole bookshelf dedicated to smut. His favorite being wlw.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Said this before but honestly? I watched something and that dick that was shown just screamed Gale to me, so I'm revising my HC and saying Gale is 7 inches, girthy, and curved upwards and slightly to the left, it absolutely fucks. Like tied with best dick of the group, tied with Wyll and his ribbed cock.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Gales sex drive is very dependant on you. If he's thinking about you or around you? very high. On his own? slightly above average.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends. After a long fuck, literally instantly after he checks to see if you need anything. after astral fucking he feels energized, after a quickie he feels a bit tired but fine overall.
@shyminnie07 @makers-breath @claryvoyantfray @black-sapphic @fapqueen
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pantherxrogers · 4 months
Pookie since you’ve made a sugar daddy Yunho version, might as well do a Seonghwa. Plss pookie 😩😩 I’m on my knees. 💵💵💳💳I’m begging youu
blurb: sugar daddy!Seonghwa x fem!reader
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🖤 pairing: seonghwa x fem!reader
🖤 warnings: slight angsty, reader is kinda bratty, mostly fluffy/cute, a little suggestive
🖤 summary: even though she failed her driver's license exam, Seonghwa can't help but spoil his wife 🤭
🖤 a/n: POOKIE!!!! I’m so sorry that this took so long 😭 it’s been a busy week for me. I hope you love it! Thanks for your request! 😘
Seonghwa gives husband material, so he's a sugar husband lmao. Enjoy!! ☺️
my masterlist
This is a work of fiction and is not meant to represent real events or the actual personalities of any K-pop idols mentioned. All characters and situations are purely imaginary. This story is created for entertainment purposes only, and no harm or disrespect is intended toward the idols or their fans. Enjoy!
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The soft chime of the alarm system makes your cheeks burn with embarrassment. You nestle further into the duvet, ashamed to face Seonghwa.
But, of course, your husband already knows. His heart aches when he sees you, a ball under the covers, used tissues littered across the silk sheets.
"Hi jagi, you okay?" He hums, sitting next to your swaddled form.
"I am an idiot." It comes out muffled, your face buried in the bedding. The rational part of you knows he'd never be upset with you, but you can't help feeling ashamed.
"You're the smartest person I know," he coos, slowly pulling the covers away from your face. His heart shatters when he takes in your features.
Your eyelids are slightly puffy, obviously caused by tears. Your lively curls are smushed down, a blatant sign that you've been in here for hours, stewing in your despair.
"I'm an adult who failed a driver's license exam," you cry out, feeling the tears well up again.
"You're my sweetheart who failed a very difficult driving exam in a foreign country," he tries to reason with you, wanting to take away your sadness.
“I’m never going to be able to drive anywhere,” you sob, nestling further into Seonghwa’s warmth. He pulls you into his lap, his suit be damned.
He almost chuckles to himself, knowing that you won’t be driving anywhere regardless. Your personal driver takes you wherever you please, but he knows how important this is to you. So, it’s important to him too.
The only sound in the bedroom are your soft cries and sniffles. Seonghwa’s hands draw slow circles on your back, doing his best to comfort you. Of course it’s working.
He’s always had a naturally calming energy. It’s what drew you to him in the first place. Eventually, your breaths level out, chest rising and falling in time with his firm one.
“I've got an idea,” he murmurs, standing up while cradling you in his arms.
“Hwa, I don't feel like shopping right now,” you cry out, hiding your face in his neck. Inhaling his cologne is almost like a grounding exercise. The woody, clean scent brings you comfort.
“I know, baby. I know.” He’s walking you down the hallway now, towards the front door of your estate.
"Then, where are you going?" you mumble, not in the mood to fully articulate anything. Normally, shopping would be a quick fix, but not even a new pair of shoes can help you now.
He ignores your question, still making the long journey towards the front door. Finally, arriving at the bottom of the marble staircase, his heart leaps in anticipation of the surprise. He's sure this will be able to pull you out of your funk.
“Fine, ignore me then,” you grumble, but sink further into his hold. It’s nice to have a change of scenery, even if he is just walking you through your home.
“You smell good, jagi,” he hums, making a show of sniffing your neck, inciting your giggles. “Maybe I should just take you back to the bedroom,” he grunts.
“Well, now I want to know what you were planning!” You huff, knowing he’s joking but also wanting to see this surprise. He chuckles in response, finally reaching the front door handle.
Once outside, Seonghwa gently places you on your feet, your Versace slippers protecting you from the hot stone. “I can’t see,” you whine out, already feeling agitated from the heat.
Seonghwa instinctively raises his hand above your brow, shielding you from the sunlight. The simple gesture warms your heart, prompting you to place a kiss on his shoulder.
It takes a while for your eyes to adjust to the bright day light, but Seonghwa’s makeshift shade speeds up to process.
He falters when you let out a high pitched shriek, chasing after your smaller form running towards the new car in your driveway.
“You got me a PORSCHE 911?!” You exclaim, eyes locked on the smooth, red paint. It’s the car of your dreams. Sporty, sexy, sleek and perfect.
“Anything for you, jagi,” he hums, pleased by your reaction.
“Hwa, it’s beautiful!” Your voice is still louder than normal, but you can’t help it.
The bad mood from the failed test is a distant memory. Your mind conjures up images of driving around in the car, curls blowing in the wind while Seonghwa’s hand rests on your thigh.
Warm, strong arms embrace you from behind, Seonghwa nestling into your neck to place a soft kiss.
"I'm glad you like it, beautiful," he murmurs, inhaling your scent. His nose traces along your neck, the light sensation causing goosebumps to arise on your skin.
"I love it," you breathe out, overwhelmed by the feel of him. The way his lean body shields you from the sun, wrapping you in his love makes your heart beat faster. The excitement from the new car is still there, but your mind clings to your love for your husband.
"Then, let's take it for a spin," he hums, reaching into his pocket for the keys. The reminder of your failure almost dampens your mood, before Seonghwa leads you over to the driver's seat. "No pouting, jagi."
"Get in, please," he commands, opening the door for you. "I'll make sure you pass that test."
He closes the door softly, walking around to take his place in the passenger seat. When you start up the car, you feel a warm hand on your thigh, making you smile to yourself.
Maybe you won't be sailing down the streets with the top down today, but you're certain your husband is going to help you accomplish that soon.
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reivrze · 1 year
drunk confessions w/ enha omg
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a/n : i didn't add niki as he isn't of legal age to drink yet, i'm not sure about jungwon but i think he mentioned having tried drinking recently and the legal age to drink in south korea is 19 years old so i guess he's allowed to
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pairing : enhypen ( w/o niki ) x gn!reader genre : fluff ( ? ) warning : mentions of alcohol, slightly suggestive for heeseung's and jake's part ( minors skip lmao )
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l. heeseung . ⁺
heeseung would get really flirty when he's drunk, it was getting late and heeseung and you were alone in your living room. he was looking at you with hooded eyes full on staring at your lips while biting his own. you'd be just babbling on about any drama going on in your life when he suddenly pushed your hair out of your face, tucking the strand of hair behind your ear. your face flushing a deep red at the sudden intimate act. heeseung would lean over close to you, and whisper "you're beautiful" fuck me oops sorry
p. jongseong . ⁺
jongseong gets that drowsy dreamy look in his eyes and that slight smirk on his face. he gets all quiet, just staring at you and each of your little mannerisms. as people started leaving your house as it was getting late, it was only you and jay left and only then did you realize how he was looking at you.
"what are you looking at?" you giggled out, too drunk to take it too seriously.
he took one look at your lips and leaned in,
"can I kiss you?"
s. jaeyun . ⁺
jake gets clingy and all touchy when drunk. once the alcohol takes control, his hands can't stay to himself and are now all over you. he'll keep one of his hands on your lap and the other one on your shoulders. you were now playing truth or dare with your friend group while jake had pulled you over to sit on his lap. he had his arms wrapped around your waist and his head laying on your shoulder.
"you smell good" he whispered as he pressed his nose behind your ear.
"don't ever leave me, please?"
p. sunghoon . ⁺
sunghoon and you would be out with another one of your guy friends. the night had been spent eating and drinking altogether. it was getting late and you were all pretty drunk by now. your friend was taking your wrist, telling you that he could take you home, a smirk on his face. sunghoon sees the look on his face and feels the sudden urge to keep you away from him that night. sunghoon protested your friend's attempts as he grabbed your forearm and brought you close to his chest. your friend too out of it to argue, rolled his eyes and walked away, trying to call a cab.
"y/n? let me call you a cab okay?" sunghoon said to you, slightly amused at seeing your drunken state as you rested your head on his chest.
"y/n..? ahh.. why are you so cute.."
k. sunoo . ⁺
sunoo when drunk has no filter. he's loud and happy. you had invited sunoo over for a drink to celebrate his birthday and within the first few drinks, you were both already pretty tipsy. sunoo had proposed going over to the karaoke place a few buildings down and you couldn't deny the birthday boy so you guys made your way to the place.
once there, you and sunoo had picked one of your favourite songs to sing, as you two started singing your hearts out, sunoo approached you and invited you to dance along to the song with him. as you guys were dancing, sunoo couldn't help but feel overjoyed as the sight of happiness radiating off you. with no warning, sunoo had leaned in and given you a quick kiss on your lips.
y. jungwon . ⁺
jungwon gets all sleepy when he's drunk and seeking affection from his favourite person, you. you were trying to help jungwon get home from a friend's party. you were in the cab together, jungwon had laid his head on your shoulders. the car had come to a stop as you arrived at his apartment. getting jungwon out of the car was definitely a workout. he kept whining, trying to lay his head back on your shoulder to get more sleep.
after a while you had finally made your way inside his home. as you were trying to put him to bed, he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you over him, as he whined,
"don't leaveee, stay here with me tonight?"
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© miyu 2023 - do not copy, translate, repost or plagiarise my work anywhere !
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thetxtdevil · 23 days
tbh i have a really recurring fake scenario of rich gf mc , like imagine her going to korea to see kai whenever she wants (or HE wants, sometimes letting his horny and dom self take over him lol).
So i have a request with that idea but i cant decide between it being abt Kai being all gloomy bc he saw a little too much of ppl commenting abt him in social media and the boys talk to mc to quickly come and her comforting kai (i think this is more a sub!kai idea lmao) oooor Kai being so horny that he asks her to come and she pops up to her private jet almost immediately
Any of both scenarios is fine or even if ur beautiful mind comes up w something else is fine i just want to read your writing with that idea lol
Please and thank you xoxo
Went with the gloomy subby/switch kai and reader "comforting" him maybe in the future I'll fulfill your second part 😏
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content: smut, restraint, a bit of spit, edging, mirror, switching roles, and no one care about protection...
word count: 1.2k
Kai's rich girlfriend is Kai's sugar mommy, she's Kai's female version of Christian Grey. You absolutely adore him, when you first met the tall idol you thought you'd have to pull an intimidating front until he absolutely folded in front of you. He's so cute.
Although Kai is in a respectable K-pop group and gets paid good money, you buy him everything. You found out the boys were still sharing rooms with bunks, you bought a penthouse for them and so you can get dirty alone with him. You saw that Kai broke the screen of his phone, you bought him two new phones. one for everyday use and one to keep both yours and his nudes AND whenever he wanted to visit you, you always had expensive cars and jets take him whenever he pleases. The only condition is that Kai is to not share the relationship with the public because what would it do to your boss girl business reputation if people found out you were down bad for him.
Worst part about being an idol is that people share everything that is on their mind especially rude comments. They have the freedom to say what they want but sometimes the words were too cruel. Kai is already insecure with his looks but when the comeback photos came out his mind bolded the hate comments among the many good ones. Nitpicking every comment, he got gloomier, smaller, distant. He stopped picking up your calls, stopped texting you, and you were quick to contact Soobin asking if Kai is safe.
For the comeback there was one interview held at a conference room at a hotel. Questions upon questions finally the session came to a close. The boys were set to go back to the company's building but someone stops Kai from leaving. A man in a suit looking like a secret agent to others but Kai knew exactly who he is. "Ms. y/n requests to see you."
"She- she's here?!" Kai had different emotions going through his mind. Initially excited to see you but then he remembered that he was basically ghosting you. Breathing deep to calm his nerves Kai follows your assistant to a room on the highest level of the hotel. Kai looks at the door then looking back at the assistant who stands there with no emotion detected on his face. Twisting the handle Kai opens the door to be welcomed by darkness.
A huge hotel room with window walls looking out above the city of Seoul. He steps closer to look at the view in awe and realize a figure sitting at a lounge chair near by. There you were, your pin-striped pants exaggerated the length of your legs crossed as the matching blazer adorned your arm holding your head up. Kai's eyes meet yours noticing your annoyance, the disappointment.
"I-i'm sorr-" Kai starts but is cut off by your abrupt movement out of the chair. You walk further into the room Kai following behind. "As much as I want your explanation" you say as you halt in front of the king sized bed, "I think we should go straight to business." You turn to look back at Kai his dark bushy hair covering his wide eyes. Smirking at his gaped lips you pull him into a kiss. Kai immediately melts into your touch bending down to get closer to you.
Your hands brush through his hair on his neck, slipping down lower on his chest, grabbing onto the material of the jacket to take it off. Detaching your lips you stare deeply into Kai's chocolate orbs, "on the bed now." Kai is obedient, he lowers himself on the bed to get another surprise of a reflection of himself. "Do you like the view?" you say grinning wildly, "I've been seeing the disgraceful things people are saying on the internet, they're not true."
You coo as the man's lips turns into a frown. Leaning down connecting each others lips, each kiss was separated by reassurance and love yous. Taking his tie off along with all his clothes you take the silky material of the tie wrapping it around Kai's wrists. He whines and squirms as you restrain him. You leave him spread out for you to admire. Getting a taste, kissing, biting, from his collarbones down to his happy trail. You softly wrap your cold hands around his warm hard dick. "A-ah y/n-" you shush him as your thumb rubs the precum on his tip. "So handsome you know that right?"
Kai looks down, the darkness didn't do justice to hide his reddening face. You were fully clothed on top of his very naked restrained body. A trail of spit from your mouth goes down lubricating Kai's thick cock for you to jerk him off. You eat up every sound the man makes letting him fight the tie on his wrists and buck his hips into your hand. Just as Kai's moans get frequent and pitched you let go.
A long whine fills the room Kai pouts even harder. "Be patient, my love." Standing up from the bed Kai watches you undress. He licks his lips seeing your matching lacy white lingerie, as stark difference to your dark attire. Knowing how much Kai loves this set on you, you leave it on straddling his hips. His chest rises and falls fast as he watches your dainty fingers push the panties to the side to have Kai's tip feel how drench you are. The sight of Kai leaning his head back in pleasure is heavenly. You so badly wanted to leave possessive marks on his sculpted jaw but you can't, you shouldn't.
Finally letting your cunt swallow Kai's length whole you rock your hips. Your head then falls back, the fullness electrifying your body. Opening your eyes to see yourself fucking Kai, you huff "Kai, look up." Kai slowly opens his eyes to witness what you were seeing.
This fueled his fire, you yelped in surprise when your whole body was slammed onto the bed. Then you reflection was of you surrounded by white sheets and Kai's toned back and bottom on top of you. You watch as Kai slips out of his tie then to put his hands the sides of your head. Kai wastes no time to thrust deep and fast into you. Kissing you deeply surly bruising your lips. His hands caress your legs guiding them over his shoulders to have his dick hit a sweet spot. You couldn't help but to cling onto his broad back, scratching it until it tore skin. The disconnection from the two of you were being realized as you both tire your bodies.
It seemed that Kai forgot the deal as his head buried into your neck. Teeth biting down at a spot that made you whimper. You didn't care at that moment the way he was making you feel was too good. He thrusted harder, reaching down to rub your clit getting you close. Your pussy clenches with each friction of your sensitive nub making it difficult for Kai to continue. Cumming on his cock it wasn't long until he came undone.
Kai flops down rolling to the side to not to squish you. You turn your head to look at him and he does the same. Brushing his bangs out of his eyes you say, "don't ever ignore me again." Kai nods making you smile and give him a peck on the forehead. Now you need your assistant to find the best make up team to cover up your hickey and maybe Kai's hickeys after tonight...
A nuisance,
TxT's Devil
taglist: @inkigayocamman, @naoristerling, @incogrio
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gojos-thot-patrol · 2 years
🌶️ nsfw HCs for jjk men 🥵 general sexy times~ what are they like in bed?
Now Presenting...
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Starring Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, and Ryomen Sukuna.
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Sugru Geto
Cigarettes and feelings keep me Laughing when everything is all fucked up
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He sees himself as dirty and ruined and he needs to see that in you too. 
His loves how you look when you’re choking on his cock
He loves it so much he’s gonna take a picture! He’s big on recording you in your most vulnerable moments
Mirror on the ceiling so you can watch him fuck you stupid
I hope you have a degradation kink cause he's going to call you his stupid fucking whore
But hey! At least you’re his stupid fucking whore!
He needs to push your limits. He needs to see how far you’re willing to go for him, and what you're willing to do to get his praise.
Unlike in your daily life, his praise is rare in the bedroom. That’s what makes it so intoxicating when he finally does give it out. You’re still going to have to work for it though.
CONTROVERSIAL TAKE: he hates to be called daddy. Call him literally anything else, but the moment you say “Daddy” he’s over it
Now Sir on the other hand? Sir will always make him act up, use it strategically, lest you get pounded in a dirty bathroom.
He gives me the vibes of someone that would convince you to drop ex or acid then fuck him for a “religious experience.”
IDK maybe that's just me seeing the cult leader in him.
All of that being said, I also think Suguru has mastered the art of aftercare
During the act he’s a monster, but after? Nothing but praise and love. He’s worshiping your body while cleaning you up, cuddling with you for as long as you’ll let him. 
You need water? He’s getting it. You want a bath? Say no more he’s running it for you.
He never wants you to think he’s just using you for your body.
Even if he is.
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Satoru Gojo
Set my alarm, turn on my charm That's because I'm a good old-fashioned loverboy
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My most controversial Gojo take is that he’s actually not all that experienced
This man has spent his entire life either as a child or raising a child he didn’t have a lot of time for romance.
Not only that, but having sex with someone is an inherently vulnerable position to put yourself in. Man’s got too many enemies for that.
BUT that does not mean that he isn't willing to learn for you!
Gojo is above all else adaptable, and his main goal in the bedroom is to get you off. He’s willing to do whatever you need. 
Honestly, that’s probably his kink. Overstimulation. He wants to make you feel so good you're delirious, he wants to make you cum so hard you forget anything other than his name. 
He is the king of oral. It’s his favorite thing, eating you out through multiple orgrasam until his face is soaked in you. And he’s good at it too. He knows exactly how to make you  melt under him.
His dick isn’t thick, but it is long, and weirdly pretty for a cock. He also uses a ring light to take dick pics. Tell me he doesn’t, you can’t.
He’s also very vocal. He likes when you're loud, it’s how he knows he’s doing something right. So, he’s pretty vocal as well, wanting to let you know just how amazing you make him feel
when he's not telling you about how good you feel, he's kissing you. He LOVES kissing you, its like a drug to him.
Gojo struggles a lot with the feeling that people don’t really like him, so he has a praise kink. On both the giving AND receiving end
I also feel like he’s really into lingerie, and has no problems dropping a paycheck on a new set for you. 
Definition of “There’s a difference between fucking someone and making love.”
God, I hate that phrase but I'm genuinely not sure how else to get my point across lmao
When ya’ll are just fucking, he tries to play the part of a big tough dom, dirty talk galore, overstimulation to the point of tears, the man is a beast.
But in your quiet moments, when you’re, for lack of a better word, making love, there’s a 63% chance he's going to cry.
He gets overwhelmed by his love for you, and the realization that you love him for him, 6 eyes or not. It gets to him. 
And the best part? He’s not even embarrassed by it, because you don’t shame him for it. He’s truly safe with you
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Kento Nanami
Hey pretty baby can you feel that heat? You got me twitchin to the edge of my seat
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Dare I say daddy kink?
I do, I do dare. Nanami knows the type of person he attracts (riddled with daddy issues) and has decided to play into it. 
I feel like Nanami never loses his composure, even in the bedroom. He could be giving you the ride of your LIFE while calmly explaining the stock market to you. It’s part of why teacher Nanami is so appealing to me I’M SORRY-
“Are you paying attention? This is going to be on the test.”
He says as he's skullfucking you into oblivion 
Despite his calm composure, he's big on dirty talk…mostly as a way to ask for consent and gauge how you’re doing at the moment. He’s still Nanami
“You like that Princess?” “Beg for me.” “Tell me what you want,” All phrases that pop up commonly in your bedroom
He’s a panty snatcher, there I said it. He’s taking your panties with him when he leaves your place. You can get them back the next time you two get together. 
He is prone to taking out his frustration on you in the bedroom when he’s had a bad day.
Not that you're complaining, nothing like his thick cock splitting you open after a rough day, amiright?
Public sex. Nanami loves covertly fucking you, in various ways, and watching you try to keep your composure. Be it him finger fucking you under the table, or reminding you that you have guests downstairs while he rails you in your bedroom, he likes to test your volume control.
In a similar vein, phone sex! He’s away on “Business” a lot, so late nights on the phone with you are basically a necessity for him. 
M A R K I N G. You think it’s  childish? He doesn’t fucking care he needs EVERYON to know you’re together
Hickies everywhere, dark ones that don’t budge for days, even weeks
Brat tamer. No, I won't explain, look at him. 
He’s probably the best dom, even if he is a softer dom. He's going to discuss your hard and soft limits, safe word, and discuss the red yellow green system. Your comfort and safety is his number one priority. 
Going hand in hand with that, Nanami has mastered the art of aftercare. Anything you need, he’s got, anything you need him to do, he’s doing. He’s showering you in words of affirmation while trying to rehydrate you.
Also He’s cuddly. He wants you to fall asleep resting on his chest while he traces lazy patterns in your back. It’s his ideal way to go to sleep.
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Ryomen Sukuna
My whole existence is flawed You get me closer to God
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BESTIE idk how many different ways I can tell you not to go near this man, but let's find out
For one, he’s incredibly selfish, prioritizing his pleasure over yours every time. 
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t at least try to get you off though. Nay nay, getting you off is a part of his pleasure. Because it strokes his ego. 
Daycraphillia. Be it from pleasure or pain, he loves to see your tear soaked face.
This man is PACKING btw. It hurts at first everytime no matter how ready you are for him. The king of curses has the dick to back up all the shit he talks, you can’t convince me otherwise
He’s got four hands and he’s gonna use them all. Fingers in your pussy, on your tits, in your mouth, in on your ass. You're going to feel like you’re drowning in him.
Degradation. You're a filthy little whore, the only thing you’re good for is being a hole for him to fuck.
Does he actually mean this? I mean…shit, maybe! Depends on where you’re at in the relationship honestly. 
He will summon mouths in random places when fucking you. On his palms, above his cock, anywhere. Be prepared to feel a random tongue in random places.
…..breeding kink.
Honestly, I don’t think he’s proud of it. But something in him wants to fuck an heir into more than he wants to breath.
Also, blood and marking kink. These go hand in hand as far as he’s concerned. He will bite you until you bleed with no issue. 
He may not truly love you yet but the moment he stuck his dick in you, you became his. Which means no other man can touch you. Hence why he clearly marks you as his.
Aftercare who? He doesn’t know her, you’re lucky if he doesn’t immediately kick you out of the bed when he’s done. 
The exception being if you somehow managed to rope him into a “real” relationship. I still don’t think he’d be an aftercare king or anything, but he would at least cuddle with you until you passed out. 
Sukuna likes to find your limits, and then push you past them. He needs to see how far you’re willing to go for him, even if that breaks you.
God, this mf is so toxic. Why do I love him?
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obsessivestar · 17 days
'What If It's All A RomCom?' - a Ted Nivison x Reader
{{-Here's Chapter 9! Sorry for the delay, next Chapter will be spicy to make up for it, promise ;^) enjoy y'all-}}
//General Warnings: 18+ Fic (MINORS DNI), Reader implied to be afab and under 5'5
Chapter Warnings: Lots of flirting, sexual thoughts, hints of Dom Teddy, Smash Bros mentioned (the game LMAO)\\
Word Count: 4.2k
@k-k0129 & @callsign-scully
☆Love ya to death☆
*gif made by me*
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Chapter 9: Hey Baby
Ted and I eventually got out of the pool so we could dry off enough to film the next scene. Putting on his white hoodie honestly made this one of my favourite scenes to film, strictly because it smelled like him. Pine and vanilla. It was such a distinct but subtle smell and the warmth of the hoodie felt like he was giving me a gentle hug. I couldn't stop smiling but I had to keep my cool in front of the film crew, I didn't want them knowing about Ted and I just yet. I'm not even sure if I'll ever want them to know, if I can help it. It's not really any of their business. However, one of the members of the wardrobe team seemed to notice that there was a difference in my demeanor around Ted, commenting on how I had grown more comfortable in scenes with him. I didn't mind it, I don't think they were implying anything. Even if they were, Ted didn't seem to care, so neither will I.
The rest of the day went by fairly quickly after that, mostly because Ted and I needed to be completely dried for the next couple scenes, only to have to get right back into the pool for another kiss scene once the sun had set. They had given him some some funny looking swim trunks and gave me a full one-piece bathing suit, so at least we'd be in the proper attire this time. We were filming quite late at night, the only thing lighting the area were the bright blue lights in the pool and a few LED panels Tanner had set up by the cameras. It was a simple but very romantic scene. Ted would swim over to me and pull me in by my waist near the shallow end. I'd loosely wrap my arms around his neck and we'd share an intimate, longing kiss. Ted let out a content hum in a particular retake of the kiss, his thumb caressing my skin under the water. That wasn't for the camera, that was for me. It made my heart flutter.
When the night ended, the crew helped dry off Ted and I one last time so we could turn in for the night and change into our PJ's. I had a quick shower to wash out any chlorine that might've been in my hair, then moved into my room to change and settle into bed. I'm sitting in bed, still sort of drying my hair with a towel when I heard a knock at my door. I look over and furrow my brows in confusion. Who could that be?
"Come in." I call out to the door, sitting up a bit more and setting the towel aside.
It's Ted. Again, in a white tank top and some dark, loose pajama pants. "Hey, you're never gonna believe this.." Ted's giving me a cheeky smile, leaning a little against my door frame. "Tanner fell asleep in my room again.."
I raise a brow at him, giving a suspicious smirk. "Oh yeah? He took your bed again?"
"Yeah, he did." Ted confirmed without hesitation, keeping his hand on the doorknob.
"Really?" I let a little chuckle escape me, crossing my arms. "Two nights in a row?"
"Yeah. And my laptop is still in here."
"Mhmm, yes it is."
"So I could...do more work in here."
"You could do more work in here?"
"Just work?"
"...maybe a little more. Can I come in?.."
I give him a knowing smile and roll my eyes. Last night I believed him. Tonight? Not so much. "So Tanner's in your room right now?" I ask, pointing down a little.
"Yeah. Fast asleep." Ted confirms again, toying with my door a little.
"So if I were to..get up and go check your room, he'd be in there?"
"Oh, you wanna check out my room, princess?"
"To see if Tanner's there, yes. I--"
"If you'd rather go in my room, that's perfectly fine. Mine's got cleaner sheets."
An annoyed groan leaves me as I lean my head back, smiling and rolling my eyes. This motherfucker. "Fuck you, I replaced my sheets earlier and you're not ruining these ones.."
"Ok, I didn't ruin them, you did." Ted gestures over at me with a confident grin. "I'm not sayin' I'd deny a second round if you wanted it, but that ain't what I'm here for."
"So what are you here for?"
"My laptop. To do some work."
"But you can't go in your room to do it."
"Well, If you wanted to go in my room instead, I could arrange that."
"I thought Tanner was in there?"
"I could kick him out for you."
I sigh deeply, looking over Ted's self-assured smile before shaking my head, patting the empty side of the bed with a defeated chuckle. "Get over here, you moron.."
Ted's grin widens as he steps into my room, closing the door behind him. I thought maybe he would reach for his laptop that was under the bed and sit down next to me, but he comes right for me instead, climbing onto the bed to crawl over top of me somewhat. I feel my cheeks burn up, moving my hands back to hold my body up when he'd go in for a kiss, a nervous hum leaving me in response.
"I thought--" I talk into the kiss, causing him to move back a little with a curious tilt of his head.
"Mmm? That's new for you.." Ted teased with a purr
"Shut up.." I try to resist the urge to smile, but I fail big time, looking away from him for a moment. "I thought you were getting your laptop to work..."
"Oh, that thing? Nah, it's dead. I'll charge it tomorrow. I'm here for you."
"Oh you motherfucker. I hate you.."
"You don't hate this.."
Ted brings his hand to lightly grab my jaw, forcing me to look his way once more so he could kiss me again, holding himself up with one of his arms. I let out a flirty chuckle as I kiss him back, loosely wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him more into the bed. We don't go all the way tonight, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to. Just being close to this man like this causes all kinds of me to purr. We made out for a good little while, at one point I had nearly straddled his thigh, but we had an even earlier morning tomorrow and couldn't risk doing any more, so we fall asleep in each other's arms once again.
The next morning was still a drag, even with the good sleep I got. Waking up in Ted's embrace again was nice and all, but I was grumpy for most of the morning and he wasn't making it any easier. Ted is definitely a morning person. Me? Not so much. He was all bubbles and sunshine once we got downstairs. I was the complete opposite. Besides some groggy 'goodmorning's, I didn't say a single word to anyone until I got that first cup of coffee and even then it was difficult to film some of the bright and early scenes with him. He'd speak a line perfectly, I'd completely forget mine and he'd tease me about it with this big, stupid smile on his face. It's like he knew something about today that I didn't and he was toying with me. He was purposely trying to get on my nerves without crossing any lines.
"Look...I...I like you and all, Ted, but I--"
"You just called me Ted again."
"...Fuck me, did I? I did?" I look over at Tanner and the film crew with a tired smile as they start snickering and laughing. Poor Tanner gives me a quiet nod, a chuckle leaving him as well. "What the fuck is your name supposed to be again?" I ask with a weary cackle, trying to rub my eyes without smudging any makeup.
"Mason." A bunch of people speak out his character's name at the same time, including Ted. After pouring a second cup of coffee for myself, we were able to get through the scene. As much as I tried to power through it, it was not a good morning.
It got a little easier once I was given an early break to go over the script and brainstorm some ideas with Tanner in the kitchen while the wardrobe team brought Ted over to that little tent in the living room I went in yesterday.
"Is it Ted's turn to wear 10 different brands of foundation?" I joke with Tanner, sitting at the kitchen table with my legs crossed.
"No, he's going through different suits." Tanner explained, leaning back against his chair. "We're kinda torn between a couple outfits for the ballroom sequence. The team wants to see what aesthetic fits him so we can decide on the era."
"I thought you guys already had an idea?" I ask, taking a peek at the script. "We were gonna go with fantasy, weren't we?"
"We were, when it was you and Conner. I just don't think fantasy fits Ted. We're shooting for realism this time. More...50's-60's era. Maybe a little older."
A knowing smile spreads along my lips, taking a sip of my second cup of coffee. That's actually kinda perfect. Ted and I are essentially going to be cosplaying one of my favourite eras of the real world.
"You guys wanna see Ted in his first suit?" Joe peeks into the kitchen with a big grin on his face. "We need help with voting.."
Tanner and I look at each other with excited expressions, for our own reasons of course, before immediately getting up and moving into the living room to watch this little fashion show. Joe and Tanner moved the couch back a little so Ted could simply step out of the clothing tent to show off whatever he had on
"Did you bring fucking everyone over here, you asshole?" Ted curses at Joe from behind the dark partition, peeking up passed the top of it. He was taller than the damn thing so we could always see his hair and some of his forehead behind it, unless he squats down.
"Of course I did! You need voters!" Joe chuckles, sitting down on the couch next to Tanner and I.
"They're just different colored suits!" Ted chuckles, holding out a bundle of different colored suits in one hand. "What's there to vote on? They all look the same!"
"I mean, some of them are different colors..." Tanner added, pointing at the bundle of suits Ted was holding out.
"Ted if you wrinkle up any of those fucking suits, I swear to God.." Joe huffs, getting up to swat Ted's hand away. "They're meant to represent different decades of history. Put one on."
"Is that why one of these have a duck flap in the back?"
"Is that the one you have on right now?"
"Then come out and show it already!"
I hear Ted let out a little huff, stepping out from behind the partition to show off the first suit. It looked like a normal black and white suit, fitted with a blue and white striped tie and a sleek black jacket with a longer section in the back. He looked...a little goofy.
"I feel like..." I pause, leaning forward a little as I look over the suit with my eyebrows slightly furrowed.
"I feel like it's missing something." Tanner finishes my thought for me, giving the same slightly confused expression.
"He could wear a top hat. We could get him a top hat." Joe suggested with a little smirk, but no one really liked the idea. Tanner and I shake our heads.
"I look like I belong in a Panic At The Disco music video.." Ted chuckles with a little shrug, looking at everyone's visible disapproval.
"Alright fine, next suit." Joe huffed, playfully pushing Ted back behind the partition so he could change into the next suit.
The next hour was spent waiting for Ted to change into the next suit so he could come out and show them off, always getting mixed responses regardless of what he was wearing. He came out in a light brown plaid suit with a dark brown tie, Joe liked it, Tanner and I didn't. He came out in a baby blue suit, Tanner liked it, Joe and I didn't. He came out in an all white suit, I kind of liked it but Joe and Tanner weren't impressed and finally, he tried on a dark brown suit and none of us liked it, Ted included. It started to feel like we were putting too much thought into this.
"Why don't I put on just the regular fuckin' black suit we have back here?" Ted asks from behind the partition, tossing the brown suit jacket to the side.
"I just--" Joe sighs, sitting back down on the couch with Tanner and I "I'm worried it's going to look boring."
"Black suits aren't fuckin' boring, Yo-seph." Ted replies, glancing over the partition at Joe. "They're only boring if you make them boring."
"I feel like it depends on who's wearing them.." I add, crossing one of my legs over the other. "Like, Tanner could probably wear a grey suit and look great."
"Awe. Thanks." Tanner gives me a genuine smile. "I could probably wear a grey suit and look great. I think Joe would look good in the baby blue suit."
"Maybe. I liked the lighter brown one.." Joe admitted with a little shrug. "I might steal it when we're done. Are we allowed to steal stuff from set?"
"I mean..." Tanner pauses, glancing up as he thought about it. "Probably, as long as the college doesn't yell at me about it, take whatever you want."
Our conversation is cut short by the sound of Ted stepping out from behind the partition one last time, showing off the next fit.
🎶Hey baby, hey baby, hey!
Girls say, boys say
Hey baby, hey baby, hey 🎶
Ted comes out in a simple white button up shirt with a loose black tie attached and black slacks held up by a pretty black belt, holding the black suit jacket over his shoulder with one hand with his other hand in his pocket. Joe and Tanner have completely perked up, talking with Ted with excited smiles. I can't focus on anything they're saying, my eyes completely fixed on Ted's attire. I don't know why, but this outfit did something to me, REALLY did something to me. I felt my body physically react when he first stepped out, my eyes lingering over the outfit. I had to cross my legs. The sleeves were rolled up a little, and the shirt was tucked into his pants nicely. The entire fit looked comfortable. My gaze wanders along Ted's hairy arms and electric watch, noticing his hand fidget in his pocket. My eyes fix onto his belt for a moment until I can hear my name being repeated, a light blush appearing on my face when I realize Ted's been looking at me. If he caught me staring at his belt, I'm gonna kill myself.
"I think they like this one.." Joe's giving me a knowing grin, raising his brows at me when I look at him.
"Oh yeah, she's lost in it. This is the one." Ted snickers a little, adjusting his round glasses on his face.
"Don't--" A nervous chuckle leaves me, tucking a little of my hair behind my ear. "Don't patronize me, he looks...he looks fine. It works."
"This is literally just the outfit I wore for my barbie video, minus the jacket." Ted admits, hooking the suit jacket over the top of the partition.
"I mean, if that's what you want to go with, that's perfect for Mason. Glad to see everyone approves." Tanner smiles and gives a single clap, standing up from the couch. It seemed like Tanner had no idea why Joe and Ted were teasing me, he was just happy we had all finally agreed on something.
"Should I change out of this?" Ted asks, picking at the front of his shirt a little.
"Do you want to?" Tanner asks, raising a brow at Ted. "You're done filming today, so you could.."
"Oh yeah, I want to." Ted smiles with a little nod, glancing at me briefly. Oh he knows. He knows.
"Sure. Go right ahead." Tanner shrugs and nods back before gesturing Joe to help him move the couch back.
Ted may have been done filming today, but I wasn't. I worked alongside Tanner and Dan during the rest of the afternoon with more silent establishing shots where I was supposed to be thinking and stressing about my character's relationship with Mason, pacing around the living room in some scenes while sitting and thinking by the kitchen counter in other's. Fitting, somewhat. Ted was there to watch every take, keeping his eyes on me throughout all of it. Every now and then, he'd do little things that would catch my attention. He'd slip his hands into his pockets, he'd sway a little in place, he'd glide his tongue along the inside of his mouth and check me out. Whenever Tanner and Dan weren't paying attention, I'd shoot Ted a glare or even flash the middle finger. I was trying to show that his silent flirting wasn't doing anything, but God was it hard not to swoon.
I don't even know what was happening to me. Ted showed us the barbie video a couple nights ago, I've seen this fit, it didn't affect me at all before. Now, I find myself taking any chance I can get to look at the belt he had on when he isn't looking. I think about how it'll sound to unbuckle it, I think about his hands being in my hair, grabbing my jaw, caressing my cheek, praising or even demeaning me. I'd kill to get this version of Ted in my room.
Man, am I fucking ovulating or something? What the fuck is wrong with me?
The moment it got really bad was closer to the end of the night. Everyone was packing up the wardrobe tent in the living room while I made myself a cup of tea in the kitchen. I was fully facing the counter so I couldn't see anything going on behind me, my attention fixed on my phone. I thought I heard someone walk behind me, but I figured it was Tanner or something just trying to walk by me. Boy, was I wrong.
I feel something slightly press up against me from behind. "Watcha watchin'?"
I hear Ted's low purr in my ear, and my face immediately heats up, quickly turning myself around to see Ted was right there. Right in front of me.
"Y-You scared the shit out of me.." I huff, slipping my phone into my pocket. "It was just TikTok.."
"You feelin' alright? You've been all over the place today.." Ted gives me a confident smile, leaning in a little more to rest his hand on the counter behind me, slipping his other hand into his pockets.
"T-Ted.." I feel my face heat up a little more, trying to lean away from him. He had me cornered once more, though this time we weren't alone. "Th-The crew is still here..."
"What about em'? We're just talkin'." Ted shrugs casually, glancing down at my lips. "Nothin' wrong with talkin.."
"You're not lookin' at me like you wanna be 'talkin''" I glare at him, resting both of my hands back on the edge of the counter.
"Oh, I definitely don't." Ted doesn't hesitate to agree. "I don't think you wanna be talkin' either.."
"What gives you that impression?"
"The way you've been lookin' at me."
"I haven't been looking anywhere." A chuckle leaves me and I roll my eyes. "I've been doing my job today, Ted."
"Mmm, and staring at my pants was part of your job today, yeah?"
I can't hide the heavy blush that spreads along my cheeks, locking eyes with Ted with a defeated sigh. I hate this man. I hate what he does to me. "I was looking at your belt, actually..." I corrected, giving him a small smile.
"Ohhh, you don't even deny it this time.." Ted purrs at me again, his hand slowly moving from the counter to inch closer to mine. "You wanna help me take it off later?.."
Ted and I are interrupted by the sound of Tanner calling out to him from the living room, asking him to come help with packing away the camera's. Ted let's out an annoyed huff and pulls away from me, slightly trailing his hand along mine briefly. "Oh we ain't done here, princess.." Ted looks me over one last time before finally moving out of the kitchen to go help Tanner, giving me a chance to breathe properly.
Once the crew had gone home, Tanner, Ted, Dan, Joe and I were hanging out in the living room, sitting together in the same spots we were the night we played Jackbox, which meant Ted was right next to me, still wearing that stupid fucking hot ass formal fit. Since everyone here knew we were seeing each other, he wasn't afraid to sit close by and rest of one of his arms behind me, occasionally moving his hand to touch my shoulder and caress my upper arm when he knew no one was paying attention. It was driving me nuts. The only real break I got from all the little looks and gestures was when Tanner suggested we play Smash Bros. Ultimate, making Ted sit up more so he could focus. Ted and I bonded over our love for the series, often having to fight for 1st during every match, though Tanner, Joe and Dan weren't half bad at it either. I wouldn't say any of us were competitive levels of skilled, but we were all good enough to put constant pressure on each other.
"I swear to god, if you spike me one more fucking time.." Ted grumbles at me, the only other sound in the room besides the game being the clicking of our respective controllers.
"Just don't get spiked, Ted." Tanner teases him with a big smile.
"Yeah Ted, don't let them spike you." Dan joins in with a little chuckle, looking over at how focused Ted and I were on this match.
"I'm gonna chokeslam you two if you don't shut the fuck up." Ted growls playfully with a big smile on his face.
"No guys, keep going, distract him for me.." I laugh a little, leaning forward to focus on the match. There was a good minute or two where we couldn't get a single hit on each other, continuously shielding, dodging and parrying attacks like our life depended on it. Truthfully, I just wanted to beat him as a way to punish him for teasing me so much, and boy did I work for it. I lost a whole stock to set up the perfect spike off the edge, and when I got it, I was so proud.
"YES!!!" "FUCK!!!"
Ted and I both shot up from the couch as we shouted. I can't help but start laughing happily, raising my controller up above my head as the others start excitingly talking over each other about the match. I point and laugh at Ted as he sits back down, glaring playfully at me.
"You fucking bitch.." Ted curses at me with a grin on his face, playing his hands in his lap. "You little cunt.."
"Get fucked, Teddy! Get shit on! Get absolutely dogged on!" I gently throw my controller onto the couch next to him, moving my hands into my hair as I try to catch my breath. God, that felt good.
"You're gonna fuckin' pay for that, mark my fuckin' words, princess." Ted shakes his head and points at me, ignoring the others as they start to clean up. "Watch your ass.."
"I can't hear you over my fuckin' victory, Ted." I wiggle my fingers at him in a flirty wave, sticking my tongue out.
"Yeah yeah. Just you wait.." Ted mumbled under his breath, standing up off the couch to help Tanner bring everything upstairs.
We all split off for the night, this time I got to see Tanner actually walk into his bedroom and close the door. No way could Ted make the same excuse 3 nights in a row. I move into the bathroom to wash the makeup off my face, taking a moment to look at my reflection with a smirk. I take a deep breath as I look into my own eyes, running a little mini experiment. I think of the most random things, keeping a close look on my small pupils. When I allow my thoughts to shift to Ted in that formal fit, I watch my pupils enlarge quite a bit, smiling to myself with a slight chuckle. Yeah, I'm down bad.
I exit the bathroom and move into my bedroom for the night, sort of nibbling on my lower lip as I turn around and slowly close my door. When I feel the door shut, I don't immediately turn around, keeping my hand on the doorknob for a moment. I smile to myself. I had a feeling this was going to happen.
"I tried to tell ya, princess.."
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 (smut) || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 10 (smut) || Chapter 11 ||
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simplysedusa · 17 days
Do you have any silly head-canons for the rrb. And I mean downright ridiculous.
I'm so sorry this took a while to answer. The original one that I was gonna talk about turned out to be a bit..angstier than I realized and I figured it'd be best to save it for a ficlet idea I came up with. 😉😈
So, here's some other silly headcanons:
I stated in another post talking about the Rowdyruffs that Brick's guilty pleasures are boy groups. This also applies to K-Pop groups. He's into K-Pop (but he listens to other genres of music as well) and only Boomer and Butch know because they hear his tone-deaf ass mispronouncing every other Korean word in the shower. Both Boomer and Butch decide to keep this info to themselves because 1.) they want to live and 2.) who'd believe them? Brick's got private, secondary stan accounts with VPNs locating him in the Bermuda Triangle, pretending to be some 15 year old girl named "Becca". He's mostly a boy group stan (NCT, Ateez, Stray Kids) but a few girl groups managed to catch his interest (Dreamcatcher, G-Idle, Twice). And no, he's not above arguing with twelve year olds about record sales or popularity.
I'd imagine Bubbles stops by the Ruff household and catches Brick humming a very familiar tune to himself, and she's the one who casually tells others whenever the situation calls for it. Much to Boomer and Butch's chagrin, no one bats an eye.
After the events of "Bubble Boy", Boomer suggested getting revenge by having them dress up as the Powerpuffs and causing chaos across town. Originally, Brick and Butch were against it, but then considered the "evil acts" they could get away with and were suddenly on board. Unfortunately, they couldn't find the right dresses (plus Boomer and Butch's hair would NOT cooperate) and they gave up.
Halloween is their favorite holiday. Scaring people and free candy were great, but the boys really loved wearing costumes that they stole from the Halloween Party stores downtown. Their favorite group costume was of the Ministry of Pain (and the looks of Townsville citizens' faces as they arrived at their doors made it all the better for them).
Boomer's a dog person, Butch is a cat person, and Brick's neutral. The three had discussed wanting a pet to play with while under Mojo and HIM's care. They both reluctantly agreed so long as the vote was unanimous. Boomer and Butch damn near fought to the death to try to convince the other or Brick to change their minds. Boomer decides to let the matter slide. He finds a Beebo and keeps it a secret until after they move in with Ms. Keane.
Since receiving their new hairstyles in "The Boys Are Back In Town", the boys are very particular about their hair. They started to wear color-coded silk bonnets to bed after getting the idea from Sedusa when they broke into her place by sheer coincidence one night and spotted her wearing one.
RANDOM BITS OF KNOWLEDGE IN REGARDS TO SCIENCE AND ROBOTICS. The boys may struggle with finding the atomic weight of a certain element, but they know chemical reactivity (what elements will react to one another without exploding) like the back of their hands. Blueprints for death rays are like memorizing phone numbers for them. They were kicked out of the robotics club on their first day (and almost expelled entirely) after demonstrating how to build an actual laser and for rebuilding functioning, miniature Mojo robots from scratch. Blossom nearly considers going back to homeschool when she learns that she shares all of her A.P science classes with all three of the Ruffs.
It takes everything in Butch to not make another Rowdyruff once he learns of Bunny and Bullet. Brick likes the idea but thinks it's too much work, while Boomer is completely repulsed at the idea of having another brother. (He might just help make a Rowdyruff pet however, but his Beebo and Valentino are enough of a handful. 😉)
That's all I got at the moment, but if I have more, I'll be sure to share lmao.
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stillfrownyclownlol · 9 months
Fucking...ship alphabet crap because I'm gonna go insane- (Ashlyn x Aiden)
Aiden Clark
A = Affection
Aiden is really affectionate with Ash, he has a hard time keeping in how he feels about her so he's constantly complimenting her, touching her, kissing her if she will let him, etc etc. He's just soooo in love with her he can't keep it in- 🫠
B = Best Friend
Ngl Aiden was like the closest thing Ash had to a best friend before they started dating 🤡 he's not that different besides the fact that he can keep his emotions a little more in check (like friend boundaries). Very protective, encouraging, and does his best to listen ^_^
C = Cuddles
Bless him he is touch starved and cuddling is like a feast to him. He LOVES cuddling. Definitely clingy and likes rubbing her arms or back. Man ascends whenever Ash glomps him.
D = Domestic
Aiden likes the idea of settling down, he would like to live with Ash at some point, especially cuz he grew up in an empty house. It's kinda unfortunate since he sucks really hard at domestic tasks 💀 he's never had to cook or clean a day in his life and he's not very inclined to learn lmao. He's super messy and pretty much banned from the kitchen 😭
E = Ending
Um he would literally rather die 🫠 he will fight tooth and nail to be with her and if he HAD to break up with her it would be like, under pressure that somebody was going to kill her or smth 😭 and then he'd kill the person who threatened her and go get his girl back.
F = Fiancé
He doesn't really care about getting married as long as Ash stays with him :P He likes how his ring looks on her finger tho.
G = Gentle
He's not very good at that haha. He's very...um, intense with all his feelings oop- He's not very good at being soft (verbally/emotionally) in the moment, it's something he needs to give thought too. He can be pretty tender physically tho, likes to kiss her forehead :)
H = Hugs
Loves loves loves hugging, especially if Ash initiated. Totally into squeeze hugging and lifting her off her feet. He kinda hovers around her in public and puts his arm around her so he's constantly "loose hugging" her.
I = I love you
He said it pretty quickly. He doesn't see why he should hide how he feels :p. He probably said it when she was just doing smth, like with no buildup or anything. It was just a very sudden feeling on his part and he vocalised it right away
J = Jealousy
Pretty consistently 🤡 he has attachment issues can you blame him? 😭 (you can). Very not cool with other people (that he doesn't know) talking, touching, hanging out with Ash and he will be hate-watching them the entire time. With Ash he gets a lot clingier and starts complimenting her even more, but if Ash gets weirded out/annoyed by it he tends to react pretty poorly and can get upset with her.
K = Kisses
His kisses vary, but they can be kinda aggressive/intense? lmao. He is just having BIG FEELINGS and he needs to express himself- if hes stressed he'll just. Grab her face and mash their mouths together (jumpscares Ash fr) He really does not care where he kisses Ash like everything is good for him, but when Ash kisses him first on the mouth that's soooo... he goes to heaven fr.
L = Little Ones
Pretty good with children actually! He has some experience with Lily and he vibes pretty well with kid energy, especially if they're hyperactive like him lol. Great with games and stuff. Babies like him a lot for some reason, they always start laughing when he holds them.
M = Morning
He gets up at like 4am all the time to do crap because he's an insomniac. Usually goes to exercise or play a video game/puzzle. Ash is not a morning person, but sometimes she can convince him to crawl back into bed and snuggle 😌
N = Night
He does go to bed really late 💀 He has an EXTREMELY hard time falling asleep so he just stays up till he passes out. Ash and him have been trying stuff to help him sleep better so they drink tea and talk to each other without looking at their phones.
O = Open
Absolutely not open with his history lol. he pretty much blocks out most of his past and he won't talk about it unless Ash insists or he feels like he needs to tell her to clarify his feelings. Doesnt say more than he needs to.
P = Patience
He has none for everything 🤡 he hates waiting, he hates putting in a lot of effort into something, he hates spending a long time on anything- (except his friends). He kinda has some hidden anger issues, he looks really easy going but like fr. He has problems.
Q = Quizzes
UM it's kinda creepy how much he remembers about Ash 😭 He has an entire space in his brain dedicated to her. He knows how she likes her coffee, her daily schedule, the exact time of her birth...he likes knowing about her sue him.
R = Remember
It's hard to pick his favourite memory cuz he's such a fan of her, even during the time she kinda hated him :> One of his top moments would probably be when she first said "I love you" back to him though.
S = Security
He's soooooo overprotective, the first time he saw her get seriously injured it was his fault and he never let that go. He knows Ash can handle herself but he still wants to keep her safe if he can!!! If somebody hurts her they are never seeing the light of day again ^_^ He always swoons a little when Ash tries to protect him too.
T = Try
His relationships are like one of the only things he actually puts effort in so. He spends a lot of time thinking on gifts, what they can do on dates, etc etc if it involves Ash. Helps her around the house if she lets him.
U = Ugly
He has sooooo many bad habits. He's super addict prone and his BPD means he will do a lot of self-sestructive stuff. Smoker (he hates it), drinker (he hates it even more), joyrider extraordinaire (just kill him now) :/ Working on it at his therapy sessions but he relapses sometimes.
V = Vanity
...I mean, he's concerned about how he looks, but not in a "looking good" way. He dyes his hair consistently because he wants to look like that, same with his contacts. Otherwise he's not like doing beauty routines for his skin or anything lol.
W = Whole
Yes he has an unhealthy attachment to Ash so he would feel incomplete without her 🫠
X = Xtra
Ash isn't his first 'relationship' but she is the first one where he actually felt something. He was pretty easy going so if somebody asked him to be their partner he almost always said yes, but he never seriously cared about any of them...🫠 Ghosted people a lot when he moved oop
Y = Yuck
He knows he has a lot of issues so like he's not gonna judge somebody a lot if they have their own vices. He would probably dislike if Ash started acting like himself lmao (you hate somebody because they reflect the worst parts of yourself) 🫠 For smth she actually does, he doesn't really like how cold she can be sometimes, but he knows she can't help it so he doesn't comment on it.
Sleeps with like 4 different blankets and he doesn't really like wearing pyjamas, he'd sleep in his boxers if he could. The blankets are like, good texture stim on his skin :D
Ashlyn Banner
A = Affection
Not good with it let's be real. Still figuring out her boundaries and what she's comfortable with. She generally just let's Aiden set the pace and if she doesn't like it she'll say something, but it's rare for her to initiate, when she does its usually something lowkey like holding his hand (prefers physical over verbal).
B = Best Friend
Ash hasn't had friends. Ever. Until suddenly she got five that she got bonded to for life 🤡 As a bestie she is generally very loyal and protective, even if she isn't very good with emotional stuff, she tries to show her support in whatever way she can.
C = Cuddles
Not really something she thinks about a lot? She doesn't mind cuddling with Aiden but he is very touchy so she gets overstimulated quickly. She prefers just lying on top of him without him grabbing her.
D = Domestic
She always imagined living by herself so the idea is a little intimidating ngl, but she's ready to give it a shot when the time comes :> Good at household chores, her parents are ex-military so she's well disciplined with making the bed, cleaning her area of the house, and she's a decent cook. Trying to teach Aiden how to do his own chores to since nobody ever taught him.
E = Ending
She would end things if she felt like Aiden wasn't getting better, she can't keep letting his bad behavior slide her entire life. Could see them getting a divorce if they had a kid together and he was still acting like that (we hope not). Definitely the type of exes to still see each other though, he's nothing if not persistent, and she can't quite seem to quit him ^_^"
F = Fiancée
She didn't even think she'd ever get married lol. She doesn't really care about labeling their relationship like that but she did ask him for tax reasons. And he was happy too, so that's a plus :>
G = Gentle
She's said it herself, she's not good at that. She's generally pretty brash with Aiden and she has a hard time being vulnerable. She's also not a very physically gentle person either, she usually initiates contact if she's stressed/upset so it's kinda intense. She's working on it!
H = Hugs
Pretty rare, she doesn't mind if Aiden hugs her, but Jesus, sometimes it feels like he's going to break her ribs 💀 Not that her hugs are much better tho 🫠 Tends to bury her face in his shoulder and grab his hair.
I = I love you
It's soooooo hard for her omg. She can't explain why she just feels really weird/dumb saying it 😭 she usually only says it during the heat of the moment. To compromise with Aiden, she usually writes it down on a sticky note and gives it to him. Writing is easier.
J = Jealousy
Sometimes the autism rejection sensitivity flares up haha 🫠 she's waaaaaay less jealous than Aiden but sometimes she wonders if she's just a passing fancy to him because he's so intense and quick about it (before reminding herself hes loyal to a fault). If other people talk about it (like if Aiden has been spending a lot of time with somebody) she's more likely to get jealous since she will kinda internalize their thoughts (like very "what...? Do you think I *should* be jealous?")
K = Kisses
Supremely awkward. Doesn't understand what she's supposed to do with her mouth aldhlwhd. She likes kissing his cheek because its a very simple gesture and he gets very happy. Will combust if Aiden kisses her forehead ❤️
L = Little Ones
Not the besttttt...she generally finds children to be too emotional and she doesn't understand what they're feeling. Babies are scary to her, they're so...delicate...
She doesn't hate them or anything but she's not volunteering to babysit.
M = Morning
She is CRANKY when she gets up and you can't talk to her before her cup of coffee or she's going to bite your head off. When she gets to sleep in she's waaaaay more affectionate in bed, grabs onto Aiden so he won't leave :p
N = Night
Night owl, which is useful since Aiden has trouble sleeping. She'll keep him company until he can fall asleep, but usually she falls asleep on his shoulder or smth and Aiden has to take her to bed ^_^
O = Open
Not at all. Doesn't like revealing more about herself than necessary :> She only tells Aiden things if he asks her about it. They're both very closed off which is great combo 💀
P = Patience
She's more patient than Aiden, but that isn't saying much. She gets irritated very easily but she's a lot better at managing her emotions so she doesn't lose her temper very easily, even if she's constantly annoyed.
Q = Quizzes
She's not forgetful or anything about Aiden but it's also not something she thinks about a lot. Like if somebody asked her smth about him she'll just answer it without thinking and be surprised with herself lol.
R = Remember
She just likes spending time with him, they don't have to do anything grand or amazing for it to stay in her memory, her favourite moments are the little things. Aiden genuinely laughing/smiling, the look on his face right before he figures out a puzzle, the calluses on his fingertips when she holds his hand...she's actually very sappy :>
S = Security
She is overprotective because. She watched him die. And she's just like that. But she constantly feels like she's failing him since Aiden gets hurt so frequently. Protective in a more subtle way, like if she thinks he's going to spiral she locks his meds away and won't leave him alone for anything. She gets stressed out when he tries to protect her because he can go overboard :p
T = Try
She tries so hard you guys. All of this is VERY new and scary for her, so. Baby steps. Tries to do her part in the relationship; she likes the act of planning dates even if choosing what to do stresses her out, tries to surprise him because she knows he loves that a lot (she's not very good at it).
U = Ugly
Bad habits: Sometimes everything is a lot so she will just. Not communicate with him for a long time which freaks him out. (Like he doesn't do this too 🫠) Hard time talking about her feelings and sometimes relies on the gang to solve their misunderstanding. Sometimes doesn't know where to draw the line and can be too harsh on him.
V = Vanity
Only her hair. She's very careful with it. Otherwise she doesn't care at all.
W = Whole
She's kinda bonded to him for life cuz of all the trauma so yeah she wouldn't feel "whole" without Aiden, but she would handle it a lot better than he would.
X = Xtra
Talks to Taylor about her relationship problems; Tay thinks she just has bad taste 🤡
Y = Yuck
Really hates all of Aiden's bad habits (the self destructive stuff, his own apathy towards himself, how obsessive he is with her)
When she becomes comfortable sleeping with somebody on the same bed, she'll let her hair loose, otherwise she's gonna keep the braids.
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santacarlatourism · 2 years
hi i liked the way you write, could you do something about the first kiss between reader and kevin katchadourian? i hate loving this boy
You had no way of knowing what this would spawn lmao, but I ended up running with this idea of doing a little ficlet/scenario series drawing inspo from Taylor Swift song lyrics about kissing.
So, here is the first one!
I feel like this is a goes without saying sort of thing if you're reading fucking kevin x reader fic but warning for toxic relationships & manipulation
screaming and fighting and kissing
Pairing: Kevin Khatchadourian x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
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[…]Screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain It's 2AM and I'm cursing your name I'm so in love that I acted insane And that's the way I loved you Breaking down and coming undone It's a roller coaster kind of rush And I never knew I could feel that much
You know that Kevin is bad news. He practically had it plastered across his body. It was present in every step he took, every sentence he spoke, every time you caught his eye and he looked at you like he could see straight through your flesh and into something much more grotesque. You had noticed it all the way back at your middle school dance, when he told that one classmate of yours– what even was her name? You can’t remember– something so awful that she ran off the dance floor and you didn’t see her at school until two weeks later.
You’d never figured out what Kevin said for sure. But you didn’t have to in order to get the point, to learn the lesson: stay away from Kevin Khatchadourian. Or so you had thought. Because against all better judgment, you had started hanging out with Kevin. At first it was going along with him and that little goon of his, Lenny. From the start, you could tell that Kevin also didn’t think much of the guy. You like to think that you’ve been a bit more subtle in your dislike than Kevin has been, though, so why the two continue to hang out is a mystery to you.
But then you began to hang out with Kevin alone. Ostensibly, him inviting you to hang out one-on-one should mean that he likes you and enjoys your company. The thing was, however, you haven’t been able to tell if he actually does. For one thing, Lenny was an example that for whatever reason, Kevin would hangout with people he didn’t even like. For another, as you learned, Kevin can be incredibly inconsistent. Sometimes when you arrived at his house, he wouldn’t even be home like he said he would be. If he bothered to actually let you know when he was canceling plans rather than simply standing you up, the text or phone call always arrived last minute. Sometimes they even came in when you were already en route to your destination.
So, why had you put up with it till now? The very simple answer, you regretted to admit, was that at some point along the way you had caught feelings.
You aren’t sure exactly when those feelings began developing. But you remember the first time he was talking to you and you felt yourself get lost in those big brown eyes, and once he realized you had zoned out and weren’t listening to what he was saying Kevin had rolled them and turned back to his computer.
And you remember the first time that his inconsiderate behavior had actually caused you to cry in your car. It was two in the morning and you’d made plans to drive out for a late night meet up at Waffle House, only for him to text you that he wasn’t coming. It’s something you’ve never told him about and never plan to. You just sent a “k” back and, once you composed yourself, drove back home and went to bed. You remember one time when he grabbed you by the shoulder to move you out of the way, and even though it was a brief touch, you felt your face heat up.
And all though perhaps you became a little bit of a pushover as a result of your crush, you did have your limits, as Kevin was now finding out. This time when you came over, he was home. You had resolved on your drive over that if he was there he would be getting an earful.
“Kevin, we need to talk,” You say, the moment you shut his bedroom door behind you.
“Do we?” He asks, not bothering to turn his head from his computer to look at you.
“Yes,” You reply, standing behind him. You keep your voice as calm as you can, not wanting to seem too emotional or irrational. “You treat me like shit.”
“Do I?” And that’s when you realize he’s not taking you seriously. You pull out your phone and start tapping on it. When he doesn’t hear your retort, he speaks again. “And is that all?”
“I’m blocking your number.” You say. “I’m tired of your shit, Kevin.”
“Really? You had to drive all the way over here just to block my number?”
It infuriates you that he assumes you’re bluffing, assumes that in a few days you’ll come crawling back. “Yes, because so far, the only thing that’s come of our quote unquote ‘ friendship’ is you using me for your own amusement to see how fast I’ll come running,” You tell him.
“And?” He asks. He sounds bored with this conversation, with you, as he continues working at whatever he’s doing. Playing around with one of his viruses, maybe. “You always have.”
That’s when you snap. You like to think that in most circumstances, you’re a bit more mature. That if it was anyone else, you’d simply walk out of that bedroom, slam the door, and not look back. But he’s gotten under your skin now like he always does. It’s not in the way he’s clearly become accustomed to being under your skin though– the way you’ve grown so tired of, where he keeps baiting you back to him, giving you just enough semblance of a friendship to make you question if you’re overreacting to his negligent behavior.
This time he’s not toying with you from afar over text messages and phone calls. This time Kevin is directly provoking you, and you do not respond kindly to it. You step over to his computer and push his computer monitor off the desk and onto the hardwood floor. The glass breaks.
You’re silent for a moment. There’s not a moment in this where you look like you’ve lost your composure, where your face is contorted with rage or where you’re screaming. It’s like your body acted of its own accord. “Shit,” You grumble, after a minute.
Kevin finally stands up. You step back. “Don’t worry. Mumsy can always buy another one,” He remarks of his dearly detested mother as he takes a step closer to you.
You feel almost like he’s sizing you up, and despite his calm demeanor you wonder, for a second, if he’s planning to hit you. But then he takes another step and then you’re pressed against the blue wall of his bedroom and he’s kissing you. Everything is silent except for wet mouth noises and the occasional sound of shoes sifting through glass and Kevin Khatchadourian is kissing you.
It’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you, but it’s not entirely unwelcome. Even if perhaps it should be entirely unwelcome in every way possible considering the conversation you just tried to have.
He finally pulls away after a moment. You see something in his eyes you haven’t seen before. You’re not sure if it’s a reciprocation of your crush, of your feelings, or if it’s more so a bodily sort of hunger. Either way, you’ve ignited something in Kevin that you haven’t noticed there before. You take pride in it.
“Do that again,” You say, voice low. He complies.
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hannahbisssssss · 5 months
SO UH….. could i maybe request some hc or a drabble whatever about josef (creep 2 cause god damn he ages like wine) with a dom s/o?
uh i like thinking abt him being his weird, possessive protective, feral ex-theater kid self during the day but sex makes him feel really awkward (virgin ass) so if it’s just him he’s super willing to let you take the lead, however if he’s peachfuzz he’s a little more feral and animalistic. basically a bratty pup, being stubborn and aggressive with the deep desire to be corrected and forced to submit and be a good boy. (even in a non sexual setting, peachy wants to be told to sit on the floor by your feet if he wants attention, but ofc he’s still peachy so he tries to scare you and does his weird little mannerisms totally not so you have a reason to punish him later)
prob has a collar/harness kink. peachfuzz definitely wants to be manhandled and thrown around a bit, but weather he’s josef or peachy his eyes go all soft and starry and his body clearly reacts positively to being treated like a dog, tell him he’s a “good puppy” and he might accidentally cum.
(also im so weak for leg humping, its so cute but so humiliating and dehumanizing uwu)
also sorry if this is too much (im a f r e a k) if youre not comfy totally ignore this lmao im shameless
(- @bloodnhunny 👁️👄👁️)
Josef x Dom! Reader (HUGE NSFW WARNING)
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As shown by the GIF, he's an awkward kind of guy.
When he meets up with you for the first time, he's shocked by how IN CHARGE you are.
You already have the camera rolling, trying to get the best footage possible.
When Josef tries to hijack some of your ideas, you're a no-nonsense kind of person.
He's taken aback when you say "no" to him for the first time. It was when he asked you to film him jumping off the bridge into the water.
"That's too dangerous."
You were sort of... Protective of him?
He likes that.
Even though the two of you barely knew each other, he LOVED the way you took charge.
After he comes clean to you about everything. His tapes, victims, and even Peachfuzz, you're shockingly alright with it.
"Try to kill me and I'll curb stomp you."
That was hot to him.
The first time the two of you have sex, it is ELECTRIFYING.
You're taking the lead, making sure he knows he's in his place.
When he's Peachfuzz, he's a little bit more naughty.
You once swatted him for trying to hump your leg.
"You're being such a bad boy, Peachfuzz. Stop it."
His boner was visible within seconds.
That didn't stop him from trying to hump your leg.
He does it constantly now.
He once did it in your sleep and you slapped the mask off his head.
Josef tried to act like he didn't know what was going on.
You couldn't help but laugh.
Every time he's Peachfuzz in bed, he BEGS to be collared.
You secretly love to do it.
Josef cums quickly when he's Peachfuzz, as you know just how to treat him.
A little swat on the dick never hurt anyone.
Stroking him off while he's wearing the mask is one of Josef's favorite things.
Howls when he cums.
Is it cringe? Yes. Do you love it? Yes.
You occasionally let him hump you when you're turned on by it.
(You don't hide the fact that you like it.)
Being dominant with Peachfuzz comes just as naturally.
Yank on his collar a bit, call him a bitch, and bite his ear.
He's going to EXCLUSIVELY wear the Peachfuzz mask.
Alright that's all bye.
You buy a wolf mask to see his reaction.
Holy fuck.
He instantly grabs Peachfuzz and starts to wrestle you.
I'm talking he RAN into the room to start fucking you.
You won't give up without a fight.
You wrestle one another, and finally pin Josef down.
He's instantly hard.
You begin to hump him and stroke him off as you're on top.
Bro LOVES it.
10/10 you do this all the time now.
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💙Chaz Thurman NSFW alphabet💙
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Ah yeah back on my bullshit let's go. I'm writing this under the impression that his partner/the reader actually means something to him lmao
[Warning: NSFW obviously, but I kinda go in detail at some parts]
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
After sex it's just a matter of time before he's knocked out. He'll pull you closer to him and cuddle, but really that's it on his part
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
This is gonna be a shock to most of you, but his favorite part of himself is his dick. I'd think his favorite part of his partner would be their body, no matter the shape or size
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
I see him as a greedy lover (of course he is) so he's pretty much chasing his own climax. He'll cum anywhere on or inside you if that's what you're into, but he's honestly aiming to cover you in it
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Not so much a secret, because everyone and their brother knows Chaz is a manwhore, but he just doesn't really want to bring up past relationships with you. He'll openly brag about his sex life to pretty much anyone that isn't his partner
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Too experienced, who hasn't he slept with? If he's banging "half the people he's in a room with" then it's safe to say he knows what he's doing, now whether or not he's good is up for debate
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Literally anything, he'll do whatever you're up for. His default is taking his partner from behind, mostly so he doesn't have to deal with the closeness of his partner looking at him (he's embarrassed, leave him alone)
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He's fucking silly. If he's trying to sing to you to get you into bed with him, I mean it might be good, but are you really gonna take it seriously? I don't think Chaz would realize how goofy it is though, he's deadass trying to be seductive...just go with it, it makes him happy
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Chaz takes pride in his appearance. Looking at him, he doesn't have any body hair..because he's a shark duh
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Getting him to feel feelings that aren't purely sexual is no easy feat. I think he plays up the romantic aspect because it's what gets people to sleep with him. Maybe occasionally you can get him to take it slow, with soft kisses instead of heavy make-outs, and gentle touches that don't leave bruises in the morning
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He masturbates often, or at least when he can't find someone to have sex with. No doubt that he takes pictures of you two fucking and then gets off to it later
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Goes without saying that he's down for anything, but I think with him being in the mafia, he would like roleplaying that sort of thing with you. Ropes, handcuffs, knives- used on his partner or him. It gives him power he doesn't actually receive in the mafia, or he gets off on giving the control to you
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
In the backseat of his car, or in your shared apartment. But honestly he could fuck anywhere
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly he's just horny like 24/7 nothing really provokes him, that's just how the man is (relatable). Though if your goal is to intentionally turn him on, sitting in his lap, whispering in his ear, kissing his neck- all of these are good ways of getting him hard, and he'll 100% return the favor
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I really can't think of what this horny bastard might not like. Unless it's really gross: use your imagination for what that might be
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Since Chaz mostly focuses on his pleasure, he'd have a preference for receiving, but if you're topping this man then please do not hold back. You know that one scene of him in the episode? Yeah go ahead and shove your cock down his throat, this slut can take it
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Chaz is used to rough, mind breaking, fast sex. It's just what he enjoys most.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Most of the time, sex with him is just a quickie. Since he's down to fuck practically everyday, it can't be passionate or kinky every single time.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Considering he thought fucking around with the mafia boss's son was a good idea, yeah he's known to take risks. Trying to stay unnoticed while fucking you in a public area is super fun to him
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He's got the stamina to fuck multiple times a day, but he's gonna need a shit ton of time between rounds 'cause the man is gonna be drained after lol
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Hell yeah..well he only owns a couple, he's kinda too broke. If you're buying em though, he'll for sure use em. They mainly get used on himself, I mean "why fuck a toy when my dick is huge enough" Right? Anyway, spoil him with a strap on bigger than him, I think Chaz deserves to be fucked senseless into the mattress
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Chaz doesn't really see the point in teasing if you two aren't role-playing. He just wants to get straight to it. I mean..teasing the hell out of him until he's a whining, begging mess would be super cool though
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Apparently loud enough he can be heard from another room. I'd think if he's the top then it's just grunts and dirty talk from him, but when subbing all he can get out are higher pitched moans
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Doting on him during sex is actually a quick way to his heart. Sitting on his lap while teasingly stroking his cock and showering him in compliments, might make Chaz feel more things than he'd like to admit
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I hope his word is to be believed. I really do hope his dick is huge
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is too high (relatable)
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Kinda depends on when he has sex. If it's at night, then yeah I'd give him like a minute before he's out cold. During the day, he's gonna be worn out but not enough to fall asleep
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curi0us-gh0st · 7 months
𖤐⭒๋࣭ 6 REASONS ༘ *
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kinktober is right here .ᐟ pairings: seulgi x fem!reader. word count: 0.4 k genre: smut. summary: seulgi separate some tapes to tease you. a/n: wow, I did that quickly, I'm dead, is the life of a young adult really that difficult? lmao
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Her eyes focused on Seulgi's skillful hands picking up the satin ribbon, her face frowning as she sat on the bed in just her lingerie, when the woman came towards her, her cheeks flushed as she caught her looking at her.
"What are you thinking?" Seulgi asked in a calm voice as she climbed onto the bed, sitting on his lap.
“Well, I… Oh, I… I’m curious.” She confessed, as her gaze innocently roamed Seulgi's body.
“I hope you like it, sweetie.” She pulled her hands up, securing them to the headboard with the satin ribbon, the cute little pink bow binding her wrists.
"Strong?" She asked about the binding.
"All good…"
Seulgi nodded, while her own hands went to her back, unclasping her bra, throwing it anywhere. Her beautiful soft mounds were at her eye level, swallowing hard as she watched, struggling to focus on her face.
"What do you think? Do you want to touch them? Do you want to feel? Or rather, do you want to suck?” Seulgi teased, massaging her own breasts, her mouth salivating, her only reaction was to nod her head in agreement.
“Uh-huh. Words, baby.” She cupped his chin to look into his deep brown eyes, full of desire and passion.
“Y-yes… I want to touch them, I want to feel them and I want to suck them. I-I think they’re wonderful.” She stuttered embarrassedly as her eyes twitched.
“Too bad you can’t do that, behave for me.”
Before any reaction, Seulgi sat on one of your thighs, rubbing her own pussy covered by the thin fabric on your bare thigh, spreading her own moisture while letting out small moans, stimulating something inside you that made you want your hips to lift. for some friction.
“Behave, little girl.” She rubbed her breasts against hers, while holding her waist tight. “So, I’m going to have to restrain your legs, you don’t want that, do you?”
“N-no, sorry…”
Seulgi smiled roguishly, moving away as she kneaded her own breasts in view of her, the nipples hard and pink, red from the pinching and pulling that Seulgi did with them, her thigh was soaked by Kang's liquids. On impulse, you lifted her leg, causing more friction on Seulgi's pussy, making her rub herself more while she moaned louder, making her cum on your thigh.
“Damn, you are so difficult.” She spoke as she tried to catch her breath, pulling away to pull out two more satin straps. “Sorry baby, but you will get your punishment.”
Taglist: @moonjixed (Comment if you want to be tagged in posts.)
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themarsbar · 5 months
Get to Know Me Tag :)
ahhh muito obrigada sophia @sillylittleflower ! 🌸💜 i'm loving reading everybody's answers to this
do you make your bed? nah
what's your favourite number? mmmh, 3 maybe?
what is your job? if you are/have been a university student and you've ever been like "ugh those idiots at the students' office never know the answers to anything", i'm the idiot at the students' office who never knows the answers to anything.
if you could go back to school, would you? probably not. i like the learning part but i don't think i could take the being evaluated part again.
can you parallel park? absolutely not.
a job you had that would surprise people? idk i hosted at a crab house in maryland? that's as surprising as it gets from me lmao
do you think aliens are real? if by aliens we mean other forms of life out there, sure!
can you drive a manual car? nope. i did miraculously manage to get my driver's license way back when (on a manual car, that is) but i am terrified of driving so i didn't do it for almost a decade and now i can only drive my purposefully tiny automatic car and for only a couple of routes.
what's your guilty pleasure? this is hard. i honestly don't know.
tattoos? yes, i have 5.
favorite type of music? according to my spotify wrapped through the years it's mostly pop in different flavors of soul, hip-hop, r&b and rock. musical theater too sometimes.
favorite color? blue 💙
do you like puzzles? sure!
any phobias? making decisions? grasshoppers?
favorite childhood sport? i loved artistic rollerskating, i miss it a lot.
do you talk to yourself? i'm constantly having conversations inside and outside my head, but it's not with myself as much as The Audience™️. or you know specific people from The Audience™️. i hope this makes sense lmao
what movies do you adore? heart-warming and queer. heart-shattering and queer. sometimes both at the same time! anything that is queer and reaches into my soul to rearrange my dna.
coffee or tea? both but coffee a little more.
first thing you wanted to be growing up? an archeologist
Onward tagging: i don't know who's been tagged already, i hope i'm not spamming too much! @skibasyndrome @grapehyasynth @k-pepp @bigalockwood @allthefakepeople @belly-aches @wilmon
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