#k and i laid in this area for like an hour just people-watching and relaxing after the fireworks
thatdamnokie · 4 months
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main street, u.s.a.
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remsmoonlight · 3 years
— title : brownies n’ breaks
— word count : 2.2 k words
— pairing : daryl dixon x reader
— summary : cooking is your love language and it’s time that you are able to finally make something for Daryl, protected from the high walls that alexandria boasts of are you finally able to bring that vision to life
— warnings : absolutely nothing, except sickly sweet fluff
oooo another daryl request if you’re willing!!! maybe once they get to alexandria reader makes daryl some homemade brownies or some shit because she knows he’s never had much homemade food if any just some domestic cute shit??🥺🥺♥️
          ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  requested      /    requests are open   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Sweetness flows throughout the air of your new home, sliding into every corner it can find to fill and warm. The smell of domesticy is something you thought perished long ago when the world died, but here you stand.. with a fresh batch of brownies in the oven baking as if life rebooted and got set back to factory settings. You move from the oven, small steps to the door to be able to survey the kitchen area once more, blinking as if to erase it from your vision, to be greeted with the punishing sun and the dirt filled roads lined with ghosts.
A cozy yellow glow is snug in the pit of your stomach as you think about who the sweet bake belongs to, Daryl has been nothing less than golden. From Atlanta, all the way to Alexandria.. he has always been one to step up without even thinking. You’d shared many secluded moments together, talking about your pasts and while he has never explicitly said anything, you have created a picture in your head about what he has gone through. The love not shared healthily to someone who will always put his family first. Even prior to the downfall of society, you loved to cook for everyone you knew.
You settle yourself with a book on the window ledge close to the kitchen, awaiting the arrival of Daryl, a giddiness that could be likened to a snowfall of glitter falling gracefully within you.
“ you know, when we finally find a new home. I will make you the best brownies you’ve ever had! “
“ if y’don’t burn ‘em first. “ he replied, the corner of his eyes crinkle so delicately as he chuckles lowly.
“ don’t be so fucking mean! here I am trying to do something nice.. it won’t kill you! “ you argue humorously, your fist balling up to punch his arm with little force.
Laughter and carelessness had been a rarity after surviving Terminus, your focus on trying to find safety.. no matter how much of a dream it may be. The journey to coming to terms with the fading faces and memories of the prison has been a painful one, comfort was not something that could easily be found, yet you found it in the least conventionally affectionate person you knew.
“ if anythin’s gonna kill me, it ain’t gonna be your cooking. “
“ actually, I cook very well. it will be a good day when I finally get to show you. “
An airy smile brightens your features, the burdenless weight unable to keep your lips stuck together. Many memories you have with him are of the fond kind, of course, the course of your bond with him runs deep but never has it been a calm sea. There have been moments where you wonder if it’s one sided, if you are inventing a picture that you wish to bleed through to reality, then you are proven wrong and he does things that you know in your heart are true. It has taken losing friends, a home, finding new hope to strengthen that bond and while you would prefer to take the easy road, you know that nothing will ever split the two of you into shards of glass that will never be able to be repaired. You’re both strong people, but stronger together.
A figure clad in black and covered in grime makes their way up the flawless road to where you rest, your vision could be awful but you can make out his being anywhere. The book you hold is laid to rest, your feet already carrying yourself to the door to meet him. Days had past since you last saw him and you can now feel the chords of longing pulling as you had missed him.
Your hand encloses the door handle, swinging it open to finally land your gaze on his form, feeling as if it had been years you’d not done so, as opposed to a few days.
“ took you long enough. “
“ yeah, yeah. quit your complainin’.  “
You move aside, Daryl taking the cue from you and entering the house that bares no soul at that present moment. Everyone is out with their own agenda or job, leaving you to potter about to your own devices.
Some peace and privacy for even a few hours is something you are thankful for, two things that had been incredibly rare from your journey from Atlanta. Though, the noise that comes with your family reminds you of the moments you couldn’t wait to be rid from as you grew up are ones that you no longer fail to appreciate.
“ did you find anybody out there? “
Daryl shakes his head, you see the trouble that he wears often become even more apparent as it overwhelms his features intensely. Knowing Daryl as well as you do, you know that while he won’t admit it out loud, every time he goes out there with Aaron to find people and finds no one wounds his spirit more and more. While his desire to save everyone is admirable, it’s often a concern to you that it might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back and he’s often met with your comforting energy of it being simply an unsustainable trait.
“ you know you won’t always find people, right? “ you ask him softly, tucking your legs underneath you as you seat yourself on the sofa.
Daryl refuses to sit, it’s a thought that regularly finds itself bouncing around your mind as to why he can’t relax even behind the walls of Alexandria.
“ yea’, still sucks though. “ he wipes his thumb across his nose, an unconscious habit on his part, discussing his thoughts and feelings has never been easy, raised in a home full of toxicity stunted him emotionally, something he still wrestles with when the occasion arises.
“ there’s going to be a day where you’ve gone and saved everyone! there won’t be anyone left for you to bring back! cut yourself some slack. “
Daryl doesn’t respond, knowing there is truth in your words but he has seen so much death already, the world gripped by dark and dim choke hold, a little dusting of life is something that has been lacking since it died. Avoidance of feelings is something Daryl flees to when the conversation gets tough, he can deal with  words full of anger and rage, but topics so delicate still feel so alien to him.
“ wha’ y’been up to? “ the male questions you, seemingly interested in what you have been up to, watching you from the otherside of the room.
As if a switch had been flipped, your eyes ignite with excitement and joy as you have finally been able to fulfil your unofficial promise to him.
“ remember when we were talking about my cooking? when you insulted it? “ the sides of your lips gently lift with a soft innocence, you feel the elation slowly warming the entirety of your body at the simpleness of it all.
“ y’ain’t gone and poisoned sumn’ have ‘ya? “ asks Daryl, turning to face you from across the floor where he stood. His tone holds a ‘ blink and you will miss it ‘ humour threaded into his words.
“ I should have! “ laughing at him, you fit your fingers between his and lead him into the kitchen with you.
Touch is still something that sends an uncomfortable shiver to travel the distance down his spine, but with everything you have been through and all the time you have spent together, touch is something he’d never turn from when thinking of you. Your relationship has been a strange, never formal one, but it is perfect for the two of you. Unspoken words full of warmth and fondness are a solidity in each one’s souls, and while you both never shared the extent of what the two of you have with the group, they have their suspicions and theories. But if they know one thing, it’s Daryl’s affection for you runs deep.
“ brownies! “
He peaks into the oven that you have opened, the rich smell of cocoa and heat baking the treats hit him like a brick, a pit forms deep in his stomach. This is different from past meals beforehand. You had gone out of your way for him, of all people. Never could he mentally grip why you have been so kind and benevolent with him but it’s something he treasures deeply. In the beginning he was more abrasive with you more than anyone else, but it used to be his go to defense mechanism with everyone in your family. Softness never being something destined for him was beaten into him for a young age, learning only how to loathe and to only say words in anger. It wasn’t until you came along and took your time with him did he let you in, something you have been grateful ever since.. especially since you have been able to discover the colourful soul that resides within him.
“ y’didn’t have to. “ he replies, his mouth watering at the mere smell of the brownies that are close to being fully baked.
“ Daryl… “ a softness in your response that is only reserved for him is heavy, your eyebrows furrowing in dejection. You know enough of his history to be confident in your placed hurt for him being unable to experience kindness in a positive manner. Your hand trails up his clothed arm and rests on his shoulder lightly, allowing for him to decide whether or not to accept the physical affection. He doesn’t shrug it off, if anything he leans more into your touch. “ you know I’m doing this because I want to, you deserve something nice! “
“ thanks. “
“ and they’re nearly done, so you best take a seat. “
Daryl follows your order with little encouragement, a smirk that he conceals from your view and sits at the lengthy dinner table. He’s having trouble connecting the dots of the dead walking and civilisation ended and the pure normalcy of him sitting at a dinner table about to eat home cooked brownies. Even back when the world was bustling with life and people working their nine to fives were home cooked meals a rarity.
“ so this is what y’spent your day on? “ he asks as he watches you with a spark of fondness in his eyes as you work in the kitchen.
“ cooking is therapeutic. “
“ y’ a weird person. “ Daryl quips, staring at you right in your eyes. His expression gives nothing away, though his eyes speak a thousand words and paint a thousand colours that you understand fully.
It’s lucky you know him so well to understand when he’s being serious and when not.
“ but you like it! “
The squares of the baked treats are uneven and jagged, your features contorting into a confused frown at how they could so well until the end. You blame the knife for the imperfection and flaws of the appearance of what lays before you, however your heart knows it’s your inability to present your dishes artistically.
“ now I apologise they don’t look good but they do taste good! “
“ y’never have to say sorry for anythin’ “ he thoughtless says, his mind to preoccupied with the food laid before him.
A picture painted by his mind long ago had you as the perfect person, it’s comforting to know the flaws you have are nothing short of charming in your own little way. With the lack of elegance associated with him, his fingers dig into the irregular shape of the brownie and shoves half of it  into his mouth.
You watch him with your breath holding itself, never have you been a person who has wanted to impress but when it comes to Daryl? You find yourself wanting to do that and more.
“ well? “
He nods with his mouth full, unable to formulate his words. His jokes about your cooking being bad have been nothing more than that, jokes. But even as he’s consuming the small squares he’s surprised at how good they taste, better than he could even imagine.
“ ain’t half bad. “
“ in Daryl speak that means they’re pretty damn great, huh? “ you question him rhetorically, amusement dancing on each word you speak as you gaze steadily on his form.
“ well y’didn’t burn the house down. “
Your mouth opens and eyes widen considerably as your expression twists from being filled to the brim of affection to one of shock, aghast at his jovial words. The laughter tumbles carelessly from your lips as you reach across to swat his arm playfully.
“ you are so rude! “
He joins in with your laughter, a sight so infrequent that you wish you could burn the image into your mind with no chance of being erased by time. It’s moments like these, where you truly feel like the only two people in the world, stolen moments you hold close to your heart. You hope that you will reach a space where you both will be able to freely express your feelings, while the mutual affection is known between the both of you, sometimes you want to use words. So he knows, because it’s something he deserves. To know how much he is loved, without cowering away from the subject.
“ nah I’m just kiddin’. thanks, I mean it. “
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aquietwritingcorner · 3 years
Sicktember Day 13: Appendicitis Word Count: 1587 Author: aquietwritingcorner/realitybreakgirl Rating: G/K Characters: Olivier Mira Armstrong Warning: NA Summary: Olivier isn’t feeling so well. She really should have gone to Doc sooner. Notes: I did minimal research. Hopefully nothing is too egregiously wrong! AO3 || ff.net
“Hm?” Olivier looked up from the report that she, Miles, and Buccaneer had been going over.
“That’s the sixth time you’ve pressed that spot. Are you alright?”
Miles was looking at her with, what she could read on his usually controlled face, concern. Olivier’s eyes traveled to Buccaneer. He looked mildly concerned as well.
“It’s nothing,” she said dismissively. “I must have pulled something while training.”
Truth be told, she hadn’t realized that she had been pressing at the place again. It had started hurting a couple of days ago, a dull sort of ache that started around her navel. Recently, it had traveled to her side. She hadn’t thought too much of it. Honestly, she had expected the pain to travel to her back, and, eventually, to spread there as her period started. Those were usually painful and difficult, so she had assumed that this was a side effect of that.
The pain had been getting sharper, though.
“Begging the general’s pardon,” Buccaneer said, “but you didn’t show any signs of pulling anything during your training.”
“What, were you watching me?” she growled out. “As if you didn’t have anything better to do!”
Buccaneer grinned at her, that cheeky grin of his. “You know well, sir, that watching you train is a treat.”
She snorted, a harsh snort that started from her belly, and immediately regretted it. It made the pain flare more, and her hand automatically went to it again.
Miles set his report down. “You’ve not been eating either,” he said, with a pointed look at the food that was sitting to the side on her desk. “And you seem to be cold, if the temperature you’re keeping it in here means anything.”
Olivier scowled. “You’re not paid to keep track of my eating habits, Miles. Or monitor the temperature I keep my office.”
“He kind of is, sir,” Buccaneer said. “But he brings up a good point. Are you feeling alright?”
Olivier’s temper flared, and she shot to her feet, suppressing the desire to press on the place again. Standing up like that caused a sharp, stabbing pain to center right on the place, but she refused to show it, letting the pain fuel her irritations and anger instead.
“I’m fine!” she snapped out and turned to head towards the small potbelly stove that was warming the room in the corner. It was warming a teapot, and it was her intention to go over there and pour herself a cup of tea. It would help the nausea she had been experiencing, not that she was going to tell them that.
However, she had barely taken more than three steps before an excruciating pain ripped through her abdomen. She staggered, hands flying to her side, and felt herself dropping to one knee.
“General!” “General!”
Both Miles and Buccaneer called out to her, and she could hear their footsteps rushing over to her. One of them reached her, hands on her shoulders to help guide her the rest of the way down, and she grit her teeth against the pain, grunts and gasps of it still escaping her. It hurt to move. It hurt to be moved. It hurt to breathe, the pain blocking out her awareness of almost everything else, and what was happening around her was quickly becoming nothing more than a blur.
Buccaneer had made it to General Armstrong first, catching her as she went down, his hands holding her and helping to lower her to the ground. She didn’t seem aware of it to either of the men, but instead let out gasps of pain, and curled around her side—around the place she had been pressing on earlier.
Miles, who had also rushed to her side, bolted up and grabbed the phone on her desk. “This is Miles! Get a team from Sickbay up to the General’s office immediately!”
He barely waited for the acknowledgement before he was slamming the phone down and heading back to her side. He didn’t have to ask anything before Buccaneer was speaking.
He had brushed her hair back, his fingers on her pulse point. “Her pulse is fast and she’s hot,” he said. “She’s in pain.” He looked over at Miles. “What happened?”
Miles shook his head. “I don’t know.”
“Next time, we make her see Doc immediately,” Buccaneer growled out.
They both clung to the hope that there would be a next time.
It was only minutes later that footsteps rang in the hallway, voices shouting ahead for people to clear the way. Within minutes Doc was bursting into the room, her medical team on her heels. She wasted no time, heading straight for the general, kneeling at her side.
“What have we got?” she asked brusquely.
“Not sure,” Miles said. “She hadn’t been complaining of anything, but she acted like she was hurting here, on her right side,” he mimed where it had been. “She got up, took about three steps, and then went down.”
“She fell slowly, like she was sinking to her knees,” Buccaneer said. “I caught her, helped her down, but she’s been in pain the whole time.”
Doc had her stethoscope out and was taking Olivier’s pulse when she realized what Miles and Buccaneer had said. Abandoning that, she reached out for Olivier’s right side, looking for the specific area and finding it even though she hadn’t been told where to look. She pressed down, and Olivier let out a strangled sort of cry. Doc cursed.
“Load her up,” she ordered. “Call ahead and have them prep the OR.”
“What’s wrong with her?” Miles asked, as he and Buccaneer moved back out of the way of the medical team.
“With what you’ve described I’m going to guess appendicitis—and there’s a likely chance it’s ruptured.” She shook her head. “I’ll let you know more after the surgery. Appendicitis or not, something is going on in there.”
The two men moved out of the way, letting Doc and her team work, Olivier letting out sounds of pain anytime she was jostled the least little bit. They had her on the litter and whisked away within moments, Doc leading the way.
And then it was just a waiting game.
News spread quickly throughout the fort, and soon all of the men knew. A blanket of concern fell over the fort, something the senior staff of Briggs felt keenly.  No one went in to see how Doc was doing. They all knew that she was doing her best, and to interrupt her would be dangerous. But that didn’t stop people from hovering outside the door a bit.
Finally, hours later, she sent for Buccaneer and Miles. Doc looked tired when they arrived, but she gave them a smile.
“She’ll be fine,” she said, and both men relaxed a bit.
“What happened?” Miles asked.
Doc sat in her chair, reaching for the teapot and a cup. “It was like I thought. Appendicitis. And it had ruptured.”
“How bad was it?” Buccaneer asked.
Doc shook her head. “Not the worst I’ve seen, but definitely serious. I removed her appendix, and then I had to clean up her bowels. I had to cut her open a little more than I wanted to, but it was better than getting in infection.”
“Is that still a possibility?” Miles asked.
Doc nodded as she poured herself some tea. “It is. I’m going to keep her here for at least a week. She’ll give me the usual ‘Armstrongs are fast healers’ bull, I’m sure, but I don’t want her pushing herself too much and I want to watch for infection. You two can keep her busy with paperwork, but nothing strenuous, understand?”
“Yeah, we gotcha, Doc,” Buccaneer said.
Doc waved her hand in the direction of the recovery bays. “You can see her when you want to. I don’t expect her to be awake for a few hours, at least.”
The men both nodded and then, with a look, they headed back to check on her.
They were both there a few hours later when Olivier began to stir.
“Mm… what happened?” she asked groggily.
“You’re in sickbay, General,” Miles said. “You collapsed in your office. Your appendix burst. Doc had to do surgery. You’re going to be alright.”
For a moment, Olivier said nothing. And then she sighed. “Well, this is going to slow down our plans by a couple of days.”
Buccaneer snorted. “Doc said that you’re going to be laid up here for a week.”
“A week?” Olivier snarled. She started to try to sit up, but quickly aborted the motion. “Armstrongs are fast healers. I’ll—”
Buccaneer grinned at her. “Doc said that you’d say that.”
“She was firm on what she said,” Miles said. “And I can’t say I disagree.”
Olivier glared at him.
“However,” he continued, “I’m sure that as long as you’re resting, Doc won’t object to some paperwork.”
Olivier let out a light snort. “…We’ll see,” she said.
“In the meantime, rest, General. We’ll keep watch on the Fort.”
Olivier narrowed her eyes. “You had better.”
Buccaneer grinned at her. “You know we will, sir.”
Olivier just hurmphed and rested back into the bed.
“Catch me up. What’s happened while I was out.”
Miles and Buccaneer began filling her in on the little that had happened while she had been unconscious, and Doc, listening in, let them be. Olivier’s men knew her well, and they would keep her in bed while she healed.
Looking out for each other was the Briggs way, after all.
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geekywritings · 3 years
JUNGKOOK X READER PART 2 - Is this real life or am I in a drama?
Part 2 of my little Jungkook x Reader story. For all who need a recap of Part 1: You are a young vet, just trying to make your way home from work when suddenly Jungkook falls right into your car, taking refuge from a group of sasaengs. You give him a ride home and he exchanges contact details with you, promising to stay in touch.
The prompt for part 2 is: “It’s pouring rain, why are you here?”
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For the next few days, all you could think about was that meeting. It still seemed so very surreal. And you didn’t even dare tell anyone about the incident, because who would really believe you? Even your best friends and work colleagues would just raise and eyebrow and shake their heads most likely. Such things simply didn’t happen to people. They were part of k-drama scripts or popular web toons and after a week, you did start to wonder if it had all been some kind of strange dream.
But exactly that evening, when you had just come out of the shower to enjoy a cup of tea and a new episode of your favourite show, your phone beeped with a new Kakao Talk message. You gave your phone a lazy glance and then almost dropped your mug when you saw it was from none other than Jungkook.
JK: “I’m sorry for the late reply, Miss Vet. Things got kinda hectic. But I have not forgotten my promise. I still owe you that thank you.”
You had to reread that message a few times and for a second you wondered if it was a scam perhaps, but who else would now about that event but him? For a second you wondered what to answer before typing:
Y/N: “No problem. You are an idol after all. And you did already thank me.”
It took only a few seconds until his answer popped up.
JK: “It still doesn’t feel like enough.”
Wow, did he know how cool that sounded? 
Y/N: “You don’t have to worry. Really. I’m glad I could help.”
This time he took a bit longer to reply.
JK: “Do you like flowers?”
Y/N: “Yes of course. Who doesn’t?”
JK: “Which ones are your favourites?”
That one was harder to answer. You liked quite a few and just named them all, allowing him to make the final choice.
JK: “Great. Can I send them to your workplace? I don’t think florists deliver late in the evening.”
It was sweet that he was so dead set on sending you flowers as a proper thank you and while part of you was delighted, the other part wondered how to explain the bouquet to your colleagues at the vet office. Still, you typed in your adress and sent it out. 
From then on you thought the conversation would end, but apparently Jungkook was in a talkative mood. He revealed that he had a free evening and was just relaxing on the couch with a good meal, before asking you what you were up to. You told him about the drama and he suggested watching at the same time, sharing comments through text. 
You had never done anything like it before, least of all with a stranger, but Jungkook seemed so nice and it didn’t feel so intimidating to write with an idol over messages. And after the first few shared comments, you actually started to really enjoy it. You two ended up talking throughout the entire episode, which was almost an hour long and then even half an hour on top until Jungkook announced that he was heading to bed. Noticing the time, you realized it was time to hit the pillows yourself. 
But as you laid there in your bed, you kept reading through the chat history, as if making sure it was still real. Especially that “Goog Night” with the cute little emoji brought a smile to your face, before you finally turned off the night light.
For the next two weeks, he kept writing texts every other day. Sometimes it was just a random “How are you?” or a comment to your recently posted Kakao Story that he didn’t dare post publicly. But sometimes he would ask if you were watching that drama again to share comments in real time. It had become kind of a ritual when the third week started and a day without his messages felt weird. You still couldn’t tell anyone about it, but your friends and colleagues did start noticing your smiles and your eager grabs for the phone. But whenever they teased, you just said it was some guy online. Their would never believe the truth and you didn’t want to put Jungkook in trouble either. You had seen how crazy his fans could be, so the last thing he needed was your chats to become the topic of online gossip. Besides, it was kind of exhilarating to have a secret like that. At this point, you had already totally forgotten about the flowers.
During the fourth week of knowing Jungkook, you were staying late at the clinic, taking your regular night shift to take care of your little patients. You had just made your rounds, giving all the animals their medicine and checking on their bandages, before sitting down in the reception area, in case of emergencies coming in. But it was a super quiet evening, so you took out your phone. Almost on cue, a message popped up: “Finished work?”
Y/N: “Nope, having a night shift today.”
JK: “Oh, sounds tough.”
Y/N: “Not really. It’s quiet tonight.”
Nothing came after that and you put the phone away again, turning your head to the entry, the glassdoor giving you a perfect view of the rain shower outside. It really was coming down hard today. Bored, you took another round visiting your furry patients, giving them an extra round of cuddles. Suddenly the sound of the door tore through the hallway and you were quick to place the cat with the broken paw down to go and check on the new arrival.
You were utterly stunned to see Jungkook standing in the half opened door, dripping wet and with a huge bouquet of your favourite flowers in hand. 
“It’s pouring rain! Why are you here?!”, you exclaimed, approaching him with a shake of your head. 
“Well, florists dont deliver at this hour.”, he said cheekily with a shrug. “So I came personally.” 
He held out the dripping bouquet to you, which you took gratefully, enjoying the heavy fragrance of the flowers.
“You really shouldn’t have, but thank you. They are gorgeous.”, you said, sending him a smile, before inviting him to the staff room. 
“Let me make you a tea and grab you a towel.”
“You got coffee instead?”, he asked, running a hand through his hair. It had changed color, you noticed, though you also instantly thought that you prefered it black. 
A few minutes later you came back with a small towel and a steaming cup of coffee, taking a seat across from him at the small table. The entire room was tiny, but it was enough for the team.
“So this is where you work, huh?”
“Yeah, it’s a good place. It has nice people and I like how we truly take our time for each patient.”, you explained. You knew that not every clinic was like that, having done internships elsewhere during your studies. 
“Aren’t you busy though?”, it was now your turn to ask him a question.
“I am most nights, but we do get our time off as well.”, Jungkook replied. “Our agency is a good place too.” You nodded, having read up a bit about Big Hit since your meeting with one of their idols. You also realized that you did know and enjoy quite a few of BTS’ songs, even though you had never been able to put a face to them. Now you enjoyed them even more.
“Do you want a tour?”, you asked, after a minute of silence fell between you, during which Jungkook tried to dry his hair. He agreed with a nod, before following you around. There wasn’t much to show, but he did spend some time in the patient rooms, giving the animals some pets and cuddles. He was good with them, you notcied and they seemed to like him in return.
“You have two cats at home, right?”, he asked, his hand still stroking a fat tabby, who was at the clinic because of stomach problems. The owner insisted something was wrong with him, even though you had determined that he just needed a change in food and a consistent diet. 
“Yeah, Mr. Paws and Pogi.”, you replied. “I got them both from here, when the owners didn’t want them anymore.”
Jungkook’s eyes snapped to you, one of his eyebrows raised. “People do that?”
“Sometimes, unfortunately. Mr. Paws has a missing paw, ironically. We had to amputate it and the owner thought his cat would need special treatment because of it. And Pogi just needs regular medication and special food.” Small things really, but some owners just couldn’t handle it. 
“I saw pictures of them and I never notcied the missing paw.”, Jungkook said.
“I don’t make a point of making it the focus on pictures.” 
You ended the tour back in the staff room, where Jungkook took his coffee for a few sips, the drink instantly helping to warm him up. 
“I have to miss our drama this friday.”, he suddenly announced. “So you have to give me detailed updates or at least a good summary.”
“You could just watch the rerun online.”, you suggested.
“It’s no fun alone. So unless you can wait a day for the new episode...”
“I make no promises, since the last episode ended on a cliffhanger.. but I’ll try to be patient.” He smiled at your humor, but you were serous. The show was more enjoyable with him. 
“How did you get here?”, you eventually asked.
“I took a cab, but told them to let me out in front of a restaurant nearby. From there I walked.” In the pouring rain no less. Probably so the cab driver wouldn’t tell where he went. It was a clever ruse, but it was a shame that it was even necessary. 
“Need a ride home?”, you asked. “I think I’m not a bad driver and I have some minor experience with idol passengers.”
His smile grew even wider at that. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“But I do stil have to work for an hour before I can take my break.”, you said, glancing at the clock on the wall.
“Just a break? What time do you go home?”
“This is just like a hospital with normal night shifts. Usually they are covered by our senior staff, but because some are on holiday, the task falls to me. So today, I’m staying till 7am. But I get the next day off.”, you explained. Those almost 24 hour shifts were draining, but rare, so you didn’t mind them at all. 
“Oh, I think I will need loads of coffee to make it until 7am...”, he said.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I might as well keep you company. That will be the perfect way to show my gratitude.”
“You really don’t have you...”; you started. 
“I have a free day tomorrow as well, so I don’t mind.”, he insisted casually. “Besides, we get a chance to talk about that drama in person. It’s easier than typing.”
You still didn’t get why he wanted to stay. Somehow you could not imagine that it was because he simply started to enjoy your company through your online talks.
For almost the whole night, you just talked and drank copious amounts of coffee. He followed you on your patrol rounds, helping you with minor tasks whenever he could. And although it was strange, it was the best night shift ever. Most of the time, it didn’t feel like you were hanging out with an idol, but just with a really nice guy. A really handsome one at that. 
“This is nice.”, Jungkook said, voicing what you had been thinking. “But I do need another coffee.”
“You could also just take a nap.”, you offered. “I’ll wake you before it’s time to go.” It was already 4 am at this point. 
He seemed to think about the offer. “Ok, but we will grab some breakfast together to make up for lost time.”
Did he really feel like he owed you all this time? You weren’t quite sure what to answer, so you just nodded and went to grab him a blanket. There was a small sofa in the staff room specifically for the nightshift or patients who could not see blood. 
“Goodnight, Jungkook.”
“Goodnight, Y/N”
Hearing it live was so much better than reading his text you decided. And with a smile you made yourself another coffee to last the remaining hours. 
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Day at the Beach | Karasuno, Shiratorizawa
Groups: Karasuno, Shiratorizawa
Genre: fun, crack?
Request: “I’m the anon who asked if your request are open ! Hi can request some hc for going to the beach with Karasuno boy and shiratorizawa boys” - anonnie
Author’s Note: thanks for requesting! I hope this is okay anonnie~ happy reading! 
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One word: chaos
Everyone met up in the early morning outside the gym
of couse noya was talking to tanaka in his stoic voice like: “ryu, we must protect kiyoko-san and ya-chan from all the dirty eyes today,” while tanaka was kneeling in front of him like that one scene at the training camp bbq with yamamoto 
Things were actually, surprisingly calm, that is until Hinata rolled in with his volleyball
puppy mode activated. he kept nagging kageyama to toss for him right then and there in the parking lot while everyone just sighed all around
Daichi had to stop them from breaking into the gym to play before it was time to go even though Suga and him had the keys
Tsukishima was obviously grumbling about how annoying they were and how much energy they had with Yamaguchi and yachi beside him
On the way there: everybody. Knocked. Out. It took a couple hours and it was early so might as well catch some z’s
It was quiet like on the way to matches or wherever as a team
When there was about an hour left before arriving, everyone slowly woke
Chaos ensued near the back with the first years plus nishinoya and Tanaka playing uno, the other second years chilling and watching
While the third years just vibes toward the front
Occasional yells, glares, and threats sent from daichi when they were too loud
Nishonoya was winning the game of course, cheering the others on while feeling like a god 
Hinata said uno reverse and was the one calling Kageyama boke for not getting a grasp of the game
he also sent a lot of skips and plus cards his way to piss him off even more
Hinata honestly almost died. the amount of times kageyama grabbed his skull made everyone wonder how his skull hadn’t been split yet
The bus ride was honestly really funn despite hinata almost dying at kageyama’s hand~
Hinata was of course the first one to notice the ocean after placing second in the game after yachi followed by tsuki, Tanaka, yamaguchi, noya, and finally kageyama losing
after finding a good spot, everyone got out and hinata and kageyama practically bolted, their swimwear already on and other clothes shoved into their bag 
tanaka and noya were also almost like them. keyword almost. but as soon as they spotted another man, they were guarding yachi and kiyoko already 
everyone else grabbed their belongings and slowly made their way toward the general area where kageyama and hinata had dropped their own belongings and were already diving into the water 
the entire day was filled with fun 
lots of swimming, playing all sorts of games in the sand
especially beach volleyball in the sand courts there were 
even here, despite the ground being completely different from the normal gym floors, kageyama and hinata’s energies were drained, everyone’s were but they were of course still going at it 
soon it just became a one on one 
everyone watched from the side, relaxing under the sun
tsuki brought a book of course but he also just vibed with the music, in charge of the aux 
tsuki, yams, and yachi were sat near the shore at the edge where the water came right at the edge, the two of them looking at the little crabs and seashells while tsuki just sat and watched, observing with the two sane people he actually liked out of everyone else 
kiyoko helped takeda and ukai grill some food as the sun set, setting up food for everyone to eat 
daichi, suga, and asahi went to a market area around and brought back bags of drinks and ice for the cooler 
as the day went on, the beach cleared leaving just the team 
everyone gathered around the firepit eating their dinners, laughing about the season and funny moments and memories
they never wanted the day to end, the memories to end 
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things were actually super chill 
the beach days were the one day they could all truly relax and not give a care about anything in the world 
the bus ride there wasn’t too long and everyone just did their own things
some got shut eye, some listened to music 
tendo read his shonen jump like the king he is as ushi gazed outside, his eyes fixed on the crops, sighing in satisfaction at how good the soil was this year akjsdhjaks
everybody else just vibed tbh 
goshiki sat behind ushijima of course, sometimes making conversation with shirabu beside him 
semi listened to his music, taking up a whole pair of seats since the bus was large enough for there to be a lot more vacant seats even with the team riding it 
getting there, the beach was somewhat full but no bother 
a few already had gotten changed/ most already had their trunks on on the bus 
you already know that as soon as these men were already walking down the beach to a vacant spot, they were catching the attention of numerous people 
they caught even more when they took off their shirts akjsd
of course ushi being the most built and drooled over, everything, all the comments and even a few whistles from older women went right over his head or even in his ear and out the other
tendo, ushi, semi, and goshiki helped open a tent, burying the poles deep into the sand 
everyone paired off and put on sun screen on each other’s backs of course 
there was some playing in the water but it was the volleyball team 
of course they were going to play 
ushijima first watched this group play and ended up subbing in 
it was a lot different for him but he got the hang of it since there wasn’t anything about this he couldn’t handle 
literally almost broke someone’s nose playing askdja and then gradually, it became the team’s court 
it was a mix of fun while also being serious and each side trying to win 
the sand itself was definitely a different feeling for them than the gym floor but it was a lot more fun to dive around and just being free
goshiki got buried by tendo and reon 
they gave him b00bies and wouldn’t let him go despite all his cries, talking about feeling something pinching his feet 
washijo told him to suck it up askdjh
tbh seeing all these tall bois intimidated the hell out of the kiddos there but it was all fun and no one cried ah ha ha 
when it was emptier, semi pulled out his speaker and played his bops his mixtape 
but the day was mainly filled with beach volleyball and when things got intense, people actually started to gather and watched and some even wanted to sub in
that is until they saw ushi’s bone breaking smeck 
to relax, tendo and ushi actually laid beneath the sun getting their tan on
around sunset, to let off some steam, the team walked along the boardwalk 
of course, catching the eyes of almost everyone since they didn’t really wear shirts- well they did but more like muscle tanks that showed off their tanned and toned arms 
and their shorts were very similar to they volleyball ones that showed off their thunder thighs 
they went into shops and tendo got everyone to try on the wacky shirts and fun glasses, snapping some pics for fun 
goshiki tried to act v mature for some reason but let himself go when he glanced over to see ushijima with his stoic face wearing heart sunglasses and a rainbow sombrero that tendo and semi had put on him 
everyone lost it akjsdajhds
the day ended with a nice dinner out at the end of the pier and then a calm bus ride home with their own bags of goodies 
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @osamuonigiri @sam-ate-giorno​​​ @1-800-wholesome​ @realityisoftendisapointing@plantisnotplant @k-eijiakaashi​ @pink-panda-pancakes​ @differentballooncollection​ @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction​ @euphorihan​
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eddieeatsass · 4 years
Leave Me Breathless
Summary: "Eddie had been standing in his foyer for over twenty minutes trying to leave. As per usual, his mother was trying to find any excuse to keep him home. She'd reluctantly agreed to let him go to today's festivities, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to fight him every step of the way. A car honked outside, signaling his ride and his savior. He breathed a sigh of relief at his torment finally being over." Pairing: Reddie Rating: M Read On AO3
"Do you have your inhaler?"
"Yes mom."
"And your pills?"
"Yes mom."
"And you have my number? And the number for poison control? And the one for the hospital? And-"
Eddie had been standing in his foyer for over twenty minutes trying to leave. As per usual, his mother was trying to find any excuse to keep him home. She'd reluctantly agreed to let him go to the wedding today, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to fight him every step of the way.
A car honked outside, signaling his ride and his savior. He breathed a sigh of relief at his torment finally being over.
"Sorry mom, Bill's here, gotta go!" Eddie rushed out of his house before Sonia could get another word in, bounding down the walkway towards the red Ford Fiesta.
Bill let out a slow whistle at the sight of Eddie's attire. Eddie simply rolled his eyes, getting into the front seat and trying to ignore the buzzing anxiety that laid just under his skin.
Bill noted Eddie's apprehension and reached over with a reassuring pat to his leg.
"Don't worry, Sonia suspects nothing."
"Yeah Eds, don't sweat it sweet cheeks." Richie's voice projected from the backseat.
It was slightly muffled from where he laid under a blanket, completely covered up in case Sonia had decided to follow Eddie out to the car.
 When Eddie had asked his mom if he could go to a wedding, he hadn't been entirely honest about its whereabouts. As far as Sonia was concerned, Eddie was just tagging along as a friend to Bill's aunt's wedding. But in reality, Eddie was Richie's date to his cousin's nuptial.
Given that Sonia hated Richie more than any of Eddie's other friends, he'd figured using Bill as a scapegoat was his best bet.
 Bill was silent as he pulled out of Eddie's driveway, waiting until he got around the corner to finally erupt into victorious laughter.
"We did it! We fooled the troll!"
"Oooh what's on the other side of the bridge!?" Richie cheered, flinging the blanket off himself and straightening up. He finally got a look at Eddie for the first time and his eyes widened like saucers.
“A beautiful maiden, apparently.” Richie answered himself.
“Call me a maiden one more time, Trashmouth, I swear to god-”
Eddie was cut off as Richie grabbed his tie to pull him forward, kissing him with enough force to send all complaints out the window. If Richie was gonna kiss him like that, he could call Eddie whatever he wanted.
Bill cleared his throat, reminding the two of them that they weren’t alone.
Eddie pulled away blushingly, shooting an apologetic look to Bill who just smiled.
Their friends had been infinitely supportive of their relationship, even going as far as to help Eddie lie to his mom so he could spend time with Richie. However, the losers had sat them down a couple weeks ago to have a discussion about ‘PDA amongst friends’, and since then Eddie had been making a concise effort to keep things toned down around everyone else.
“So how long did it take you to get out of the house this time?” Richie asked, buckling his seatbelt and settling into the backseat.
Eddie let his eyes roll back into his head as he let out an exhausted groan.
“She’s getting worse.” Bill winced.
“I think she suspects something.” Eddie sighed, slumping down in defeat.
“Do you think she knows we’re dating?” Richie inquired worriedly.
“I don’t think so.”
“Thank god. If Miss K. catches on, that could make it real awkward between us in the bedroom.”
Bill laughed at their antics, making a right turn and slowing to a stop in front of the library.
 Bill hopped out of the car, rounding it to meet Richie where he exited.
“Don’t crash my car.” Bill warned.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Richie promised.
“Don’t have sex in it either.” Bill added as an afterthought.
“Now that, I already dream of.”
“I promise! I promise! No fucking in your car!” Richie raised his hands in surrender.
“Thank you. What time will you be back?” Bill asked as he began climbing the steps to the library doors.
“Wedding ends at 9:00.” Eddie answered from his open window.
“Alright, have fun you rascals.” Bill disappeared through the double doors and Richie leaped into the front seat.
“Okay now that Bill is gone can I please kiss the life out of you?” Richie pleaded. He barely waited for Eddie’s response before pulling him in for a searing kiss, drawing it out until Eddie was completely pliant.
Eddie made a noise of contempt when Richie pulled away, but Richie just patted his cheek.
“We don’t wanna be late for the wedding, Eds.” Richie teased.
With a final defeated sigh, Eddie resigned himself to sitting back in his seat as Richie pulled away from the curb, starting towards their destination.
 The venue was breath taking, covered head to toe in periwinkle decor. Guests crowded just about every inch of the floor, so it was a miracle they even spotted Richie's parents.
Maggie waved them over with a grin, her warmth always a comfort to Eddie.
Richie's parents had been extremely supportive of the shift in their relationship. Maggie had made sure that Eddie knew he was always welcome in their home, no matter what came of him and Richie's future. Wentworth had been a little less overt about his support, but he had made a comment over dinner one night about how Eddie was a good influence on Richie, so he counted that as a win.
"Don't you both look handsome!" Maggie greeted them as they walked up.
"Glad you could make it, Eddie." Wentworth commented with a curt nod and a smile that seemed genuine.
"I'm glad too." Eddie responded, squeezing Richie's hand where they were connected.
"Richie, dear, why didn't you wear the shirt I picked out for you?" Maggie tsked, adjusting the collar on the shirt he was wearing. Richie swatted her hands away.
"I like this one better." He grumbled, fixing it himself.
Truthfully, Richie would have looked good in any shirt, but Eddie knew he picked this one because Eddie had once mentioned liking it.
The notion that Richie would dress specifically for Eddie did little to relax his racing heartbeat.
 The ceremony started not long after they'd arrived. They filed into a room lined with fancy white chairs and claimed seats in the back, separating from Richie's parents who sat a couple rows from the front.
Eddie had been to a few weddings, and they were always the same. He'd prepared himself to sit through an hour of biblical references and awkward vows, so he was surprised when things didn't unfold as usual.
The bride walked down the isle sporting the biggest smile Eddie had ever seen in his life, and she was wearing a pantsuit. She was also covered in tattoos, and half of her head was shaved like Cyndi Lauper, (who was Eddie’s favorite singer despite the fact that Sonia had forbidden him to listen to her). Eddie thought she might be the coolest woman he'd ever seen, next to Beverly, of course.
The groom was a big man, probably tall enough that he needed to duck under doorways. As the bride joined him at the altar, they shared a chaste kiss, which Eddie wasn't even sure was allowed. It made him like them even more.
 The ceremony commenced and Eddie could already tell that the man officiating the wedding wasn't a pastor, or at least not like any pastor he'd ever met. The man cracked jokes, went off script, and teased the bride and groom when they fumbled over their words. It gave the entire room a welcoming aura that Eddie sank himself into.
When they began exchanging vows, Eddie found himself getting choked up. They seemed so in love with each other, so happy to be getting married, it made something that had long been frozen in Eddie's heart begin to defrost.
No one in his family had seemed to marry for love. It was usually the product of two lonely people choosing to be lonely together, he’d never seen a wedding that had actual emotion behind it.
He felt Richie squeeze his hand, and when he looked up, he found him already watching Eddie with matching tears in his eyes. Richie didn't cry often, in fact, Eddie could count on his hand the amount of times he'd seen him shed tears. Wordlessly, Richie brought their conjoined hands up to his face and placed a kiss on the back of Eddie's hand.
"I love you." He mouthed, lips brushing against Eddie's hand.
The rest of the room fell away until it was just the two of them, and for the first time since they'd gotten together, Eddie allowed himself to visualize a future with Richie. A future where they could have their own wedding, where Richie's family could become his family, where Eddie didn't have to hide who he was.
"I love you." Eddie mouthed back, completely breathless.
He knew that the moment would pass soon, that they’d fall back into light-heartedness and pretend this never happened, but for the moment Eddie relished in it.
 They didn’t even notice the ceremony was over until everyone began cheering, rising from their seats and blocking the view of the altar.
Richie leaned in close, resting his forehead against Eddie’s, and suddenly the energy shifted. There was a mischievousness in Richie’s eyes that hadn’t been there a moment ago.
“Now that we’re done with the compulsory part of being here, wanna see if we can find a coat room to sneak off to?”
Eddie’s responding grin felt almost feral, his pulse beating loudly in his ears.
“Follow my lead.”
 They filed out of the ceremony room with everyone else, back into the lobby where guests would wait until the room was rearranged into a dining area, but Richie and Eddie didn’t wait with the others.
Eddie followed Richie as he weaseled his way through the crowd anonymously, all the way to a tiny door that was labelled ‘basement’. They slipped inside unnoticed and bounded down the stairs until they came upon several open rooms. Some contained guests’ coats, some contained extra furniture, and some seemed to be washrooms at the far end of the hall. They chose the room closest to them and tumbled inside, already connected at the lips.
“Fuck this god damn shirt.” Eddie huffed, beginning to unbutton Richie’s offending garment.
Richie laughed deeply and Eddie felt it in his bones. He pulled Richie closer by his lapels.
“I’m gonna marry you some day.” Eddie said mindlessly, kissing down Richie’s exposed neck.
“Not if I marry you first.” Richie shot back without missing a beat. He was making quick work on Eddie’s belt, trying to get his pants down as quick as possible, but Eddie stilled him with a hand against his chest.
Richie looked up at him with wild eyes.
“You know I’m serious, right?” Eddie asked a bit timidly.
Richie brought his hands up to cup Eddie’s cheeks.
“Edward.” He said, unfaltering. “I would marry you today if I could.”
The statement was so genuine it took Eddie’s breath away, leaving him completely speechless. With nothing else to say, and too much love in his heart, he made it his mission to take Richie’s breath away too.
Eddie got to his knees, looking up at Richie through hooded eyes as his shaky hands undid Richie’s pants.
And with more determination than Eddie had ever had in his life, he promised himself two things.
He was going to marry this man one day, and right now, he was going to make this man lose his mind.
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liliesoftherain · 5 years
32. “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you.” and 30."It was you the whole time" for Bakugou please
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Katsuki Bakugou:
“Honestly this party is over (y/n), we should get going.” 
“No I don’t wanna go.” You took another sip of your drink, loving the burning feeling it gave when it travels down.
Mina sighed, giving your shoulder a squeeze but not wanting to take no for an answer.
“You can’t drink your feelings away.”
“I’m afraid of being sober.” You whispered out. 
Even though you were heavily intoxicated, enough to speak your feelings anyways, you still had your mind set on one goal. Not being alone, not being sober enough to remember everything.
Mina didn’t know what to say, so she opted for lifting you up and helping you stumble away from the counter. You were at a party at some random house and Mina wouldn’t let you go alone. She even called Kaminari a while ago to help get you out of this place, you had finally calmed down from earlier and instead of dancing and meaningless make-outs, sitting at the counter where the drinks were. 
“Your ride is here ladies?” Kaminari came up, helping Mina catch you when you stumbled forward. 
“You guys alright?” He directed his question to Mina, but it annoyed you, and you ended up shoving them both off. 
“I’m fine.” You tried to even out your voice but it was wobbly. 
“You’re not hun, let me help you home at least-”
“I’m fine Mina. Thanks. I’ll go home on my own.” 
You tried walking away but Kaminari caught your upper arms gently and you didn’t have the energy to push him off again. You let your friends walk you out and you shivered when the cold air touched your burning skin. You hated being cold, he was always so warm. 
Mina and Denki shared a look when they got you in the back seat. You laid down and willed yourself not to grab your phone and call the one person you wanted to be with the most. Kaminari leaned against the car with a sigh, looking at you through the window.
“This is a mess.” 
“I know. She’s been acting out for weeks now, I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen her sober.” Mina crossed her arms and rubbed them, for the warmth it provided in the chilly air and for the comfort she sought. 
“That ass won’t admit it but he’s dying inside too.” Denki shoved his hands in his pockets. 
Talking amongst themselves since they believed you fell asleep, neither one noticed you silently slip out of the car. The music blaring from the house Denki was parked in front of helped you sneak off. You hated running away but you couldn’t stand to be near their pitting gazes and words right now. 
You were walking, more like stumbling, for a good half hour before you found yourself at the spot you’ve been avoiding since the breakup. The walk had caused you to sober up slightly and you felt the emotions flowing back. It may look like nothing more than a park to many, but to you it meant so much. Standing under your tree, you run your hands over the carving he made for you. It was corny, and he didn’t want to do it at first. 
You remembered the scowl he had when you asked, and then the blush that rose after your kissed him as a thank you for doing it anyways. It was one of those cheesy hearts with a large ‘K + (f/l)’.This tree had meant a lot to you both once upon a time. First date, first kiss.. Now they were just fading memories you were supposed to forget. How were you supposed to move on.
The sound of footsteps running made you turn, sobering you up the rest of the way. You put your hands up defensively, before you froze. Ash blonde hair and ruby red eyes took your breath away as they stopped in front of you, breathing heavily in return.
“K.. Katsuki?”
Bakugou was sulking on his couch before Kirishima got the call. He really wasn’t the same without you, but his damn pride had made sure he never tried getting you back. He stuck to senseless hookups and hiding away as his coping mechanisms. Tonight however, he didn’t have the energy to move, and pretended not to care when he overheard Kaminari going to pick you and Mina up from some random party. Either you both were really bad at dealing with things or you moved on already. 
The thought alone you moved on made his heart squeeze painfully and he had to close his eyes. Awhile after Kaminari left Kirishima sat next to him, and Bakugou didn’t care to acknowledge him. 
This made Kirishima sigh, he was really hurting for his two best friends and hated seeing you both like this. It was even worse when he lived with one of them. He knew Bakugou was too scared of his feelings to try to do anything, even if he acted tough. Kirishima knew deep down Bakugou was crying just as bad as you were. 
But he knew it was best not to say anything, the young man would only get defensive and rage instead of being honest with himself. Kirishima wished there was something, anything, he could do.
That’s when his phone went off, and he was glad for a little distraction. He looked and saw Denki’s name flash across the screen.
“Kaminari? What’s up?”  Kirishima answered, and Denki’s name caught Bakugou’s attention. 
“Is (y/n) there with you?” The phone was so close Bakugou could hear everything he was saying, and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“What? Why would she be here, weren’t you picking her up from-”
“I did! Fuck, of she’s not there then-dammit-” His voice sounded muffled like if he pulled the receiver away. 
“Kaminari what’s going on?”
“Fuck dude I don’t know where she is.”
“What do you mean you don’t know where she is?”
“Me and Mina got her in the car and-and when we looked back after a minute, she was gone! The door was open and- fuck we thought she was passed out cause she was wasted!”
“You left her in the car by herself? What the hell were you two thinkin-Bakugou where are you going?”
Bakugou heard enough. Those two fucking idiots left you by yourself and you were gone. Were you taken? Or did your dumb ass just wander off? Why would you wander off on your own when you were fucking drunk as hell, it made no sense. 
His mind was going a mile a minute as he panicked. He threw his shoes on and sprinted outside of his shared apartment. He had no time to think about the cold as he looked everywhere he could for you, his mind jumped to the worst conclusions. 
He started to think of you and your years together and he thought of your special place. It was his last resort, and if you weren’t there-
Bakugou didn’t let the fear get the best of him as he ran towards the park. Finally reaching the area, he saw someone-saw you-under your tree. He relaxed as you spun around, eyes wide. Bakugou stopped right in front of you and was taking large breaths as his name spilled from your lips. Hearing your voice was so bittersweet, his heart thumped painfully in his chest.
“What are you doing here.” Was all he could manage out.
You wanted to cry, all you’ve been wanting for weeks was the chance to talk to him again and here he was! But you can’t bring yourself to say anything, you willed your mouth to move, begged your thoughts to be heard, but it was pointless. You looked away, and felt the tears come to your eyes.
“(y/n)..” He took a deep breath, eyes hardening.
“That was stupid. Really stupid, what the hell were you thinking? You can’t just fucking run away from-”
“You mean like how you ran away from us.” You finally muttered out, not looking for a lecture.
His jaw locked as he felt anger welling up, the fight that broke you two up in the first place coming to the forefront of his mind, the pain still fresh.
“Don’t you dare bring that up, you ran too!”
“Because you were pushing me away!” You cried out, feeling the tears falling down your face. “I’m supposed to be one of the people you trust the most to be here for you to catch you when you fall. You want to do everything by yourself and you don’t want to let me in! I want to help you grow! I want to be with every step of the way! Being without you is killing me Katsuki.” Your voice broke, and Bakugou swore his heart did too.
“Me too..” He looked away.
You stared up at him through wet lashes.
“Then what do we do.. I can’t keep doing this to myself. I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you.”
“I love you.” 
“You heard me, I’m in love with you.”
“Then why’d you leave me?” You gripped your chest, hoping some of the pain would ease.
“I..I want, I-fuck.. (y/n) I don’t need anyone else in my life, okay?” Bakugou ran his fingers through his hair, shaken. “ In the heat of the moment I might’ve said some stupid things, I know I did. I need you and even though I said.. I know I said I wanted no one to push me, no one to be there for me, but I do. I did have someone.. It was you the whole time. You’re the reason I try so hard.”
You bit your lip, walking closer so you were almost touching chests.
“I’m tired of waking up and being lonely, checking my phone to see you haven’t tried calling. Katsuki do you really want this? Want me?” 
“Yes.” He answered without hesitation, voice breathy. “I.. I’m scared. I want to tell you all these meaningful things, these beautiful words that’ll make you swoon, I want to hold you and take care of you. I just want to make you happy. I don’t know If I can do that.”
More tears fell and you wrapped your arms around him, he pulled you closer, his face buried in your hair. 
“You make me happy. You Katsuki. Please don’t go.. I love you.” 
“Never again.” 
You both sat under the tree, snuggled into each other’s arms. Watching the stars and basking in shared warmth. You looked up at him and Bakugou looked at you, a smile on his face. 
“I’m glad you found me.”
“I’m glad you waited for me.”
I feel like this was rushed and I don’t really liked how it turned out but here it is! Enjoy!
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Slides and Serendipity
Part One (4.7 k)
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AN: Here it is!!! (At least the beginning of it). Quarantine has finally given me the time to write something that I’ve wanted to for a while. I want to start off by saying that English is not my first language so I want to say sorry for any mistakes in advance. I have decided against using Y/N (so sorry) because it’s going to be long and I need the character to be developed so I might as well name her. There’s also some smut planned but I’ll put a warning when we’ve reached that point. Feedback is always appreciated and with that said, let’s get down to business.
Warnings: language 
It was a beautiful day and the Dallas sun was truly living up to its reputation, beating down at everyone spending their time at the dog park. I had brought along a blanket and watched Yogi run circles around the trees to my left. Even with my light summer dress I was feeling the heat and just as I was considering moving to the shade something bright jumped on my blanket before zooming off.
I hadn’t even fully registered what was happening when a guy literally jumped over me, chasing after what I now recognized as a Labrador.
“Gerry stop that! Drop it right now!”, he was yelling but the dog didn’t listen at all. This caught Yogi’s attention who was now all over the place trying to figure out what caused the commotion surrounding his mom.
It was only then that I realized that one of my slides was missing. I’d taken them off half an hour ago so I could lie down and properly relax in the sun. I cursed before springing to my feet and following the dude that was still chasing his dog around the park, Yogi at my heels. When I finally caught up to him, I couldn’t hold back and said: “You know if you keep chasing him he’s only going to keep running away because he thinks it’s a game.”
He finally stopped running to turn around and for the first time I got a good look at him. I barely reached up to his shoulders, tiny next to his muscular build and even though he hid his eyes behind sunglasses, I couldn’t help the feeling of recognition that surged me. I knew I had seen him somewhere before, but my mind hadn’t caught up yet. 
The lab had now dropped my shoe several feet from where we were now standing and looked up to his owner expectantly.
“What would you propose then?”, he asked while looking down at me with raised eyebrows. For a second I considered sending Yogi after my slide but I wasn’t entirely sure that he’d get the command right and would instead start chasing the lab. Then I remembered his treats in my small cooler.
“Give me a sec, I might have something that could help.”
I had made some dog ice cream last week and after commanding Yogi to stay put I jogged over to my spot and pulled out a baggie with a self-made ice cream sandwich that I had brought to cool my dog off after spending the day in the sun.
“I try to get him over here with this and you go and grab my slide. Don’t worry this is dog-friendly”, I assured him before taking the sandwich and crouching down. Yogi whined when I didn’t give the treat to him but stayed put, even at four months old he was very disciplined.
“His name is Gerry”, the guy next to me explained and I started to call for the dog, cooing for him to come over. After a few seconds he finally realized that I had food in my hands and happily abandoned my slide for the deliciousness that I was offering. Not soon after my hand was covered in slobber and the ice cream sandwich was gone.
“He got your shoe good, I’m so so sorry this happened. I don’t know what’s going on with him today”, the guy apologized before holding out my now ruined slide. He had managed to chew the side in a way that made the top come off at one side. I sighed at the loss of one of my most comfortable pairs of shoes.
“Ugh, this is what you get for wearing Givenchy to the dog park, I should’ve known better”, I responded defeated but I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped me. The situation was so absurd.
The guy started laughing as well and extended his hand to me to introduce himself.
“These aren’t the best circumstances to meet but I’m Tyler and this is Gerry as you know already, only usually his behavior is at least a little better, I swear. He hasn’t chewed on shoes in months.”
The name was the last piece that I needed to place him and I shook his hand, knowing full well who was standing across from me.
“I’m Olivia and don’t beat yourself up about it, at least your dog has enough taste to go for designer. This is Yogi by the way”, I mentioned to my dog that was now excitedly sniffing Gerry. At least Yogi had taste as well because if he had to make new doggy friends, they might as well belong to famous hockey players.
“They seem to be getting along rather well”, Tyler laughed at the way our dogs were now circling each other before chasing each other around the park. I came here to tire Yogi out so there was no way I was interrupting his play time now. I contemplated for a second before inviting Tyler to sit with me. We moved my blanket over to the shade before sitting down next to each other. I offered him a drink out of the cooler.
“You certainly came prepared”, Tyler commented with a smile before gulping down large sips of the cool water. Relying on my shades to keep me covered I openly ogled the way he swallowed, which was hotter than one might think. I never would have thought that my day would look like this but I certainly wasn’t complaining with that view.
“Yeah Yogi has a lot of energy so I was planning on letting him run around until he was tired and knowing him that can take hours”, I laughed lightly, watching him run away from Gerry at full speed, the poor lab had no chance.
“What kind of dog is it? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one like him before.”
“I actually don’t know 100%. I found him with the rest of his litter abandoned when I was on vacation in Greece. From the coloring of his siblings we know that one of his parents had to have been a Husky and my guess is some kind of Shepherd-Collie mix for the other one but I don’t know for sure. He’s the only one with a white coat and I knew I had to take him with me”, I explained and leaned back onto my elbows, enjoying the few rays of sunshine that hit my face through the trees.
“Aw. I think it’s great that you rescued him. Did his siblings find new homes as well?”
It was sweet that Tyler was showing such an interest in Yogi and soon after we were trying to trump each other with stupid dog stories.
“One time I was walking into an arena when I saw a super cute dog and, me being me, I stopped to pet him when the little shit jumps up and bites my ass in front of everyone there. It was so embarrassing”, he relayed and at this point I was wiping away tears from laughing so hard.
“Okay you win I give up. I can’t possibly top getting humiliated in front of fans”, I responded, only realizing afterwards that I’d given away the fact that I knew who he was.
“So you know who I am”, Tyler simply stated and I nodded my head.
“I may have only moved to Dallas last week but even I can’t escape the obsession with hockey. I lived in Denver before and I’ve even seen you on the ice a couple of times, but at first I thought you were some football player though.”
“Why football?”, it was now his time to laugh.
“I don’t know. I recognized you from somewhere and your build told me you must be an athlete. Even with you towering over me you’re not super tall or lanky enough so basketball was out, I literally don’t know any American soccer teams or Baseball players and I forgot about ice hockey so that only left football, although I don’t really follow football.”
“I’m just going to ignore the fact that you forgot hockey because the more important question is: Do you follow ice hockey?”
“I’m slowly starting to understand the obsession with it”, I responded, knowing full well that my statement could be interpreted as me flirting, even though I was actually talking about the speed of the games that I sometimes missed in other sports. Partly at least.
Tyler beamed back at me and pushed his hand through his hair, a move I had come to cherish. Before he could say anything else though, Gerry came bouncing over with Yogi in tow, dropping a stick in front of our feet, both looking expectantly at us. Tyler got up first and then extended his hand to pull me up beside him.
“Do you want to do the honors?”, Tyler asked and held out the slobbery stick to me. We took turns throwing it as far away as we could and it was no surprise that his throws were way longer than mine. At some point we’d finally managed to tire the dogs out so we laid back on the blanket, the dogs resting at our feet and sipping some water from the bowl that I had brought.
Tyler and I continued our conversation, soon talking about more personal things than hockey.
“I gave myself four weeks to adjust before starting to work again and I’m really glad I still have almost three of them left to explore the city. I’ve been outside every day just walking around and Yogi has been loving it. We haven’t hit any of the sights though because I wanted him to adjust first”, I explained and pushed up my shades to properly look him in the eyes as he’d done the same minutes ago.
“I can show you around if you want. I mean I’ve lived here for quite a bit and I know all of the best doggy friendly places and if you want to do something without them I know some great spots as well.”
I was surprised at his offer, an international superstar athlete being my guide around the city was something I would’ve never seen coming. Nevertheless, it was a great opportunity because even though I knew some people in the area from college I still wanted to make new friends.
We exchanged phone numbers and seeing as he was off for a bit as well we decided to go hiking together tomorrow.
“Is it okay if I bring Gerry’s brothers as well?”, Tyler asked me as I was folding my blanket.
“He has brothers?”, I asked in surprise because I may have recognized him, but didn’t actually know that much about his personal life besides the stuff that he’d told me.
“Well they’re not actually brothers, but I have three labs in total. Cash and Marshall were just too tired to come with me today. They’re probably wondering where we are though, I was only planning to be gone for like an hour or so”, he added sheepishly, again sliding his hand through his hair before rubbing his neck.
I had ignored my phone for most of the day, but a quick look told me that we had spent four hours talking on that blanket. I hadn’t even noticed how far the sun had travelled across the blue sky until now. Before I could apologize for keeping him he waved me off as if reading my thoughts.
“Don’t worry, I had a great time though”, he assures me with a big smile. A smile that I had come to appreciate over the course of the afternoon. I looked down smiling and it was only then that I realized that there was no way that I could walk back in my ruined shoes, knowing full-well that the hot pavement would burn my bare feet.
Tyler looked down with me and quickly understood my dilemma.
“Don’t worry, I can give you a lift home, it’s the least I could do. I am somehow responsible for this after all”, he laughed and I smiled at him. I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d smiled and laughed this much in one day.
We leashed the dogs again and made our way over to where he’d parked his car. As soon as the grass gave way to burning hot concrete he motioned for me to jump on his back.
“You’ll hurt yourself if you walk on this, trust me I know from experience”, he pleaded and crouched even farther down after handing me Garry’s leash as well. I swung my cooler over my back, grabbed both leashes in one hand and hopped on, quickly wrapping my legs around his torso. He straightened up and wrapped his hands around my thighs for stability. For a second the feel of his big hands on my naked thighs was clouding my thoughts. To my defense, with the move and everything it had been a while since I was last touched like this by a guy.
Tyler didn’t seem to notice anything and kept up our conversation all the way to his car. I raised my eyebrows at the black G wagon.
“You know you’re gonna get fur all over those seats, right?”, I asked skeptically because I know full well that this was not a cheap car. Tyler just laughed and opened the door on the back, exposing his trunk that was covered in blankets.
“It’s fine, my dogs sit back here all the time and the blankets make it easy to clean.”
After putting everything and everyone away we hopped in the car and Tyler asked me to type in my address.
“You’re shitting me, right?”, he exclaimed and seeing my confused look he went on to explain “That’s like two streets over from where I live”
I couldn’t believe the coincidence, this was too much, right?
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I woke up early next morning, the sun streaming through the big windows in my bedroom and hitting me square in the face. The layout of the house made it possible to watch both sunrises and sunsets from my bed but even with me being a morning person, sunrises were a rare sight.
Yogi started wagging his tail as soon as he saw me and I wasted no time in letting him out into the backyard. The size of the well-kept area was one of the reasons I had bought this house weeks ago and with some furniture changes and other small adjustments I’d truly made this place my new home, loving the way it turned out.
I looked at my phone to see a text from Tyler, still not 100% convinced that yesterday actually happened.
Tyler: Pick you up at 11? Gotta finish my workout first
We had decided that he’d drive again because I knew that there was no way I could fit four dogs into my new car. Even with the G wagon it would be a tight fit.
Me: Sounds perfect. I’m bringing some snacks so do you want me to make some for you too?
The sound of my mixer tuned out the notifications, so it wasn’t until after I’d poured myself my smoothie that I saw his next message, even though he’d only taken seconds to respond.
Tyler: Sounds amazing as long as there’s no olives involved
Me: Olives aren’t a good hiking snack and besides they’re absolutely disgusting
This time it took him a bit longer to reply so by the time my phone pinged I had already finished cutting apples and bananas into my porridge.
Tyler: That sentence just made you 10x more attractive than you already are but I gotta go now, see you later
After my comment about starting to understand the appeal of hockey our conversation had never really lost the flirty undertone, so this wasn’t totally out of place but nevertheless it was unexpected.
With a smile I grabbed my breakfast and sat down on the patio furniture, enjoying the sun and laughing as Yogi chased a butterfly across the yard. I snapped some pictures for social media and my friends and found myself missing my Denver girls all of a sudden. I needed to find new friends here asap.
After some cleaning to waste time I found myself in my closet, trying to figure out what to wear. Even with August coming to an end, Dallas was still very hot and I still hadn’t gotten used to the subtropical climate here. There was no way I’d make it through the day in anything that covered my arms or legs. I finally decided on some running shorts and a light top over a sports bra, praying that the airy materials would help with the heat. To avoid a sunstroke I put on a matching baseball cap, pulled my ponytail through the hole and messed up some strands for that ‘effortless’ look, that was never truly effortless.
Yogi was still in the background by the time I made my way downstairs again, this time heading back to the kitchen. The big kitchen was another reason to buy this house, as I loved to cook and knew my way around the stove. Cutting lemons and cucumber for the water I put two bottles into a backpack and then moved on to cut carrots in sticks and the stuff I needed for sandwiches.
I had just finished stuffing everything into the backpack when my doorbell rang. Yogi started barking of course, a habit I hadn’t gotten him to drop yet, and followed me to the door. Tyler was casually leaning against my entrance and smiled as soon as I opened the door. I let Yogi sniff him, finally deeming him to be safe before reaching out and hugging him. His arms around me were gone too soon though as he bent down to greet his new friend. I grabbed a harness and a leash and followed Tyler to his car.
“I hope it’s okay that I’m gonna put Yogi in the trunk with Gerry. It’s not that I don’t trust him to sit on the backseat with Cash or Marshall, in fact he’s probably already raised better than any of them but I just thought…”
“Tyler it’s fine, it’s your car anyway and besides Gerry and Yogi already know each other”, I interrupted his rambling and waved him off. He opened the backdoor and two labs hopped out before sniffing first Yogi then me. As soon as everyone got acquainted, we loaded up the car again and Tyler pulled out of my driveway.
“See, over there that’s my house”, Tyler explained, pointing to a house on our left as we drove by.
“No way, I’ve walked past this house almost every day because it’s on the way to the park.”
“Just admit that you’re stalking me woman”, Tyler laughed and I hit his arm before laughing as well. The rest of the drive continued with friendly banter and music before he finally pulled into a parking spot. It was a bit of a struggle to finally get a leash on all four dogs and I offered to take one of the dogs to even things out.
“Here, take Cash. He isn’t as crazy as Gerry so you don’t have to worry about him pulling or anything.”
I grabbed Cash’s leash from Tyler and crouched down to pet him, soon surrounded by all four dogs pawing at me because they wanted a share of my attention. Tyler just laughed at my misery without making a move to help me, instead taking pictures of me almost being pushed down. At least he offered to carry the backpack after I’d finally gotten all furry friends to calm down.
Even with it being a weekday, we passed lots of other people enjoying the sunny weather. Tyler was wearing a snapback and sunglasses to avoid attention but we still didn’t get very far without him being recognized by a group of girls. He mouthed a ‘Sorry’ to me while handing me the other leashes. The girls seemed to be in college age and were curiously looking me up and down.
“Do you want me to take pictures of you?”, I asked politely and the girls nodded excited. I tried my best to keep the camera still with the leashes in my left hand but Tyler kept snickering at me pushing the dogs away from me. The girls were surprisingly nice and as soon as they were done they continued walking, only to stop shortly after to ogle Tyler and me.
“Water break?”, Tyler asked and I nodded, walking around him to grab the bottles.
“Damn you even put stuff in it, I’m not used to such luxury”, he joked about the lemon and cucumber slices but I gave him a pointed stare. We both knew that he was used to a lot of luxuries, even if detox water might not be one of them.
The group of girls was still standing a couple of meters away from us and I was pretty sure they were now, rather unsuccessfully, taking sneaky pictures of us. Tyler noticed as well and sighed.
“I’m sorry about them, every time I’m seen with a member of the female species the fans go crazy”, he apologized but I waved him off.
“Honestly it’s fine, it’s a part of your life. I know how fangirls work and while I’m not overjoyed that my picture will be all over social media, I don’t really care because I’m having a great time”, I responded, squeezing his forearm at the last part. I knew I was pushing it, with the girls still watching, but I needed him to know that I wouldn’t let this ruin our time together. Tyler was funny, constantly making me laugh and it didn’t hurt that he was easy on the eyes as well. I was determined to not let this put a damper on our day.
He squeezed my shoulder in return before muttering a thanks and turning around so I could put the water bottles back. We then continued our hike as if nothing happened, only being stopped by fans a handful of times. After a particularly steep slope Tyler looked down at me in surprise.
“How are you not out of breath at all? We literally spent the last five minutes practically crawling up that hill”, he exclaimed, sounding a little bit winded. I guess even the stamina of athletes had its limits and I started laughing at his incredulous expression.
“I’m used to hiking in mountains Tyler, this is nothing compared to them. Besides, Denver’s altitude is well over a kilometer higher than what we’re currently at. My lungs are still used to a lot less oxygen”, I explained, still smiling. We continued for a little bit before he suddenly stopped in his tracks, almost making me smack into him.
“Wait, you said kilometer, not feet. I can’t believe I haven’t asked this before, but are you not American?”
I looked at him for a second before bursting out laughing again. We’d literally talked over almost anything and everything but somehow my hometown had never come up.
“No I’m not. I’m actually German, I moved to the US when I was 18 and lived here ever since. First in Cambridge, then Denver and now Dallas.”
“But you don’t have an accent?!”, he sputtered, making me laugh even harder.
“Not all Germans have that terrible accent that’s always in the movies. I started learning English almost twenty years ago and I lost the accent at some point. It still comes out a little bit when I’m drunk or angry though”, I told him and he did another double take.
“Now I have to get you drunk to hear for myself but this leads me to another question, and again I can’t believe I have to ask this only now, but how old are you?”
“I’m 25. In Germany they’re big on foreign languages so we started learning English in school when I was 7 or 8.”
After that our conversation seemed to only focus on my home country but I was happy to answer all of his questions. His interest in the culture was kind of cute and he tried his best to remember and pronounce the few words of German he’d picked up from his time in Switzerland. It was no surprise at all that most of them were anything but PG-13 but it was still very entertaining. I only hoped no one else understood him saying that he wanted to hook up with me in terrible German.
At one point we stopped to eat the lunch that I’d packed for us and the dogs were happily munching away on their treats.
“Mmm this is good”, Tyler praised after taking the first bite out of his sandwich. I only smiled at him because I had my mouth full and we continued our conversation between bites.
“So you like to cook or do your abilities only extend to delicious sandwiches?”, he asked me afterwards before throwing three carrot sticks in his mouth at the same time.
“I love cooking and making all kinds of food. In Germany people don’t get takeout as often as Americans so the habit of preparing home cooked meals has stuck with me over the years. It also helps with healthy eating. I don’t diet or anything like that but I still like to keep it clean.”
“So next time I’m hungry but too lazy to make food I’ll just walk over to your place?”, he asked jokingly but I told him that he’d always be welcome and I meant it. Not only was I in desperate need of any kind of social interaction but I’d never turn a hunky hockey player away from my doorstep.
All day I’d secretly checked him out, mesmerized by the way his thigh muscles moved below his shorts, his broad shoulders, and those strong tattooed arms. This guy was the walking definition of a hunk and while having him in my kitchen wasn’t where I wanted him the most, it was definitely a start.
 “About getting you drunk, I’m having some people over for a party starting tomorrow afternoon. You should come if you’re free”, he told me as we were driving back to our neighborhood. I didn’t even need to think about his invitation because there was no way that I’d turn down spending more time with him.
“Of course I’ll come. Do I need to bring anything with me?”
“You should probably wear a swimsuit underneath your clothes, most people end up in the pool at one point.”
By the time Tyler pulled into my driveway it was almost time to start preparing dinner and I had an idea.
“You want to come in and help me cook? I’m not really in the mood to eat alone again.”
It was a risky move but I really hoped he’d take me up on my offer. Eating by yourself night after night could get pretty boring. My friends in the area had all been busy with work during the week and I was sick of Yogi being my only company, even if he was adorable.
“Sure. I should probably shower first though but I can come back after that.”
I told him I’d text him as soon as I was finished cleaning up myself and then he pulled out of the driveway again. I tried to keep my shower as short as possible but the cool water had felt way too good on my overheated body so I’d ended up taking longer than planned. Afterwards I pulled on some yoga pants and a t shirt, leaving my hair to air dry before texting Tyler to come over.
Not even five minutes later he was standing in my doorstep again, now dressed in sweats and smiling down at me. 
Tyler was a great sous chef and while he chopped vegetables, I prepared everything else. The easy flow of conversation continued all the way through dinner and even though you’d think that at some point we’d run out of topics we just kept on talking, never having any awkward moments in between. I was almost sad to see him go after we finished cleaning up but I knew that he was probably exhausted after his morning workout and being on his feet for hours and to be honest I was just as tired.
Part Two here
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chiimmchiimm · 5 years
❝𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 !¡ 𝐸𝓁𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃 ❞
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CHAPTERS “  01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 -  11  - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 “  
The northern jail was the most dangerous in the country, social scum, thousands of criminals were locked behind their bars. Who would tell poor Blair that he would end up there because of his father’s mistake. The problem was not the lack of hot water, but that inhuman obsession that many of the prisoners had for “new toys.” Rookies had two options; be submissive and abide by veterans’ orders or suffer the dangerous anger of those disturbed minds. It all started one night when Blair had the bad idea of ​​going to shower alone. 
𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔: Jungkookoffender au x (female: Blair). 𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒:  smut.(later), offender au, fluff, angst. 𝒲𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈: 7.6 k 𝑅𝒶𝓃𝓆𝓊𝒾𝓃𝑔:  +18   𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔:   dirty language, lies, mood swings, spectacular bodies, jk abs, muscles, biceps, problems, very big problems, threats, future friends, jealousy, fellatio attempt, a forced rescue. 𝒜𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇’𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒:  I am sorry that it took a long time to upload a new chapter but I was really busy. Now there is a reporter in which I am free and I have time to write. I hope you accept my apologies with the long chapter. Enjoy the chapter. Many kisses...
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  A week had passed since the last time we had spoken. Uncertainty is the most overwhelming feeling a person can feel. Choking you by stealing your oxygen until there is nothing left of you. Not knowing if your way down the hall is going to end with a knife stuck in the throat, if the steps you hear are the invention of your paranoid head.
    I was fully aware, and now more than ever, of the problem I had gotten myself into. But he would not back down, Shanghai was the queen bee of a swarm that fed on the pain of others. At some point someone had to stop his feet. Was that someone me? I did not know, I did not know it. I guess I would find out in time.
What I did not expect was that this discovery would occur in less than I expected.
    The cold marble in the bathrooms greeted the patella of my knees with a chilling moisture when I placed them on the floor. The small puddle of water just below me only gave rise to thinking that the pipes were full of leaks that they did not want to fix. He groaned in anticipation, the curtain of my eyes pulled down so I didn't have to see him. A heartbreaking tear ran down my cheek drawing a path of anguish. I tucked my abdomen in to prevent the retching that was beginning to threaten deep in my throat from taking shape and making an appearance.
"You can start whenever you want, for the part that you like the most." His voice was darkly inserted between the strings of lights scattered by the poor quality of the bulbs due to the habit of turning off the power generators at night. My head was still downcast, keeping my gaze lost somewhere on the floor wondering if this really was necessary. I didn't dare look at him because I didn't want him to notice how much this situation affected me. I felt disgusted with myself for falling so low, for having accepted this situation. Sweaty fingers gripped my chin so hard forcing me to look down at his horrendous perverted grimace. Her lips peeled off with a snap that made her swallow again quite nervously.
                                                                                                     24 hours before
   Cross your legs with one hand resting on my upper thigh area to support my head. The air she breathed was getting thicker, she was having an anxiety attack but she was so tired that she had no energy to run to the infirmary. My body was under so much stress that the pressure on my chest would be my companion throughout the day. Many cramps of incessant and annoying punctures in my stomach had me a little curved as I squinted by the intense rays of the sun that made it difficult to see the crowded door.
   When I dazzled his yellow jumpsuit from afar, my feet fell heavily to the ground alone. He swatted the door aside, not caring about the guard's watchful gaze. On instinct, my chin was lifted up as my eyes followed every detail of his walk. Safe and passive, in a dance too intimidating. The instant his dark eyes like night perceived my small figure in the distance, his mouth was endowed with a strange smile impregnated with mischief. She tasted nervous to me even though it was practically impossible for her to notice her hands from afar. Still, he read me with complete familiarity as if it were an open book. That was one of the countless things that disturbed me most about him, he could look at you, analyze you and guess in a second what was going intimately through your head while he penetrated you with his calm gaze tasteless.
    With your lead feet, move towards your position. On high alert, without taking his eyes off mine although it will be too difficult for me, taking the risk of stumbling over my zero attention.
Thirteen laid his back on the fence that separated the basketball court from the bench area. Then he brought his cigarette to his mouth so turtily slow. Upon arrival, I began to visualize a glow on the surface of his iris that was very curious to me. He seemed anxious and the relamer of his lips brought my theory closer to success.
    Despite the clarity of the sun I was able to visualize in great detail the cloud of smoke that it made when I exhaled. He straightened up slowly, imposing his height on purpose. I was forced to lift my neck higher to look at him. One of his hands cleared a pair of loose strands, his tattooed forearm came into view as a symbol of attraction. He wore the yellow jacket rolled up to the elbows causing the part of his biceps to widen due to the accumulation of fabric.
“Nervous?” She spoke, her voice hoarser than normal. He puffed on his cigarette again and blew the smoke aside. His well-formed jaw was exposed to my restless eyes that could not stop looking at him when he was close. I felt an overwhelming need not to miss the detail of his muscles contracting, to relax later when the smoke left his body. Where had that curiosity come from? Really, since our little talk at the gym the uncertainty had created a big question mark in my head about him.
“Does smoking kill you know?” He chided at his outlandish way of fucking my lungs. Thirteen frowned as she held the cigarette with her lips.
"Since when do you care about my health?"
"Since your damn smoke drops down my throat," he coughed as an irritating itch began to manifest itself at the unexpected intrusion of smoke. Of course, I do not understand how there are people who can find something as suffocating as pleasant. Thirteen lips parted to let out his typical mocking laugh. I was so entertained trying not to drown that I didn't realize how close I was until I felt his breath on my ear, then I was paralyzed by the brush of his wet lips.
"I know something much better to make it go down your throat ..."
  My breathing was caught in a dangerous game when I stopped controlling it. I widened my eyes when I understood his damn pun. Demanding my personal space I stepped back to meet her newly formed half smile. Hands flew to my jug-shaped waist, and my eyes frowned on his stupid mania for saying things too raucous so sporadically. He was laughing just like a child enjoying his hooliganism. My heart was hitting so hard against my ribs as if trying to run away. The nerves he provoked in me kept me fully aware of his reactions.
"Thirteen." A deep voice made us both turn to meet his soul friend; Taehyung. I discovered her real name just after leaving the infirmary. It was unmistakable before my eyes, he had such a characteristic expression, I only had to ask the nurse. Anyone would know who he is if he just described his square smile. His height gave him such an imposing figure. Not to mention his face that seemed to have been sculpted by the greatest prodigy of sculptors.
   Thirteen threw the cigarette on the floor and then stepped on it scattering a black stain of ash. Taehyung stared at me through too apparent confusion that managed to attract his friend's attention. I raise an eyebrow and pursed my lips for an explanation. So, look at Thirteen in confusion from the highest. He clicked his tongue as if he knew it was his fault and his bad memory, when really, he hadn't told them anything because he didn't want them to know.
"He's going to do the math for me, you know that was never my forte."
"Suga has always done the math."
"Suga is busy with another matter." Besides, damn, when did I ask your fucking opinion? ”He growled annoyed as he hit his shoulder as he passed. Taehyung frowned in fascination with the hypocritical attitude his brown friend was wearing. Thirteen stopped halfway and turned in my direction. Her gaze looked so cold I could even swear she managed to freeze me with it. "Come on, you little bitch."
   My features relaxed instantly leaving me petrified. My mouth opened. Taehyung sighed in relief as he shrugged at me before following his friend's steps. My stomach flinched so much when he turned around and continued on his way. But it was all my fault. My damn guilt for thinking there might be something good inside him, clearly not.
   So, with dignity touched but not sunk, I decided to take the opposite path but a jerk brutally dragged me forward. I grasped my fingers at his large, wrist-wrapped hand digging in the few nails he had while screaming furiously.
   My resistance only made him growl and drag me close to his mouth to make sure it was only me who heard what he had to say.
"It's for your own good, dammit, behave yourself."
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  Apparently the card game was the most acclaimed among the bored criminals in jail because within minutes they began to form a large circle around Thirteen and his opponent. A blue-eyed blonde with a scar on his wrist and an expression of few friends.
    I didn't understand the purpose of having me sit here with my arms crossed. He literally carried the entire game idly as he watched the deck go down the level.
  Thirteen seemed so focused and engrossed, analyzing in detail every gesture the blonde made. As if really looking at him so much solved the enigma that would give him victory. His friend Taehyung was behind him, standing, covering the letters so that no one could see them and give any clue to the ash blonde.
  Then something happened that turned the game around. The blonde smiled triumphantly as if he knew it was all done. Thirteen was still impassive, showing absolutely nothing that could give him away.
  How could he maintain so much self-control?
   There was security in every movement, so much tranquility. It all came to an end when the ash blonde unveiled all his letters. Taehyung, who had remained calm until then, began to expand his eyes to the maximum and open his mouth as if what he has just seen was not real.
"I've won," added the ash blonde to record the situation even though it was already known. Some began to bitorea the winner, others to maintain an expression of total surprise. Thirteen was the only one who hadn't shown his reaction by standing still. He didn't seem affected by the fact that he had just lost, he just didn't seem affected by anything.
 Until, in an act that surprised me, he suddenly got up and grabbed the ash of his neck until he stamped his face on the stone of the bench.
"Barbie, come here." My name is.
 I slowly get up from my place and walk on an oppressed stomach. His voice sounded so serene and so aggressive at the same time, that if he wasn't crushing a face with such intensity, he could even swear he was in a good mood. The arm that was holding her anatomy lay tensed, exposing her perfect muscles. As he leaned down, the white shirt fell slightly showing his clavicles and his thick neck where it was possible to discern how the marked vein gave a clear image of his anger.
    Really, Thirteen was intimidating.
"Take the letter out of his arm."
 The ash tried to break free but Trece tightened his grip and his cheek was literally hit harder. He groaned instantly. One of his friends, in a panic, started running out of there, but didn't get very far since Jimin intercepted him with a hand on his shoulder. Putting aside the fact that everyone was waiting for me to move. With great modesty I put my fingers inside the sleeve of the arm that Thirteen kept folded against his back. When my fingers touched something, I pulled it out.
   It was a fucking letter.
   Immediately, the ash and his friend looked fearful. The rest of the prisoners began to leave while they insulted the game and the two cheats. Thirteen smiled impatiently when he confirmed with my own hand the bad move they had tried to make. The one who tried to escape began to clasp his hands in a kind of plea but Thirteen did not change the darkness of his eyes, fire came out of them.
  Nodding towards the door, Taehyung took his place. The two friends were abruptly lifted. Then, they began to carry them around the courtyard comfortably with one arm over their shoulder. Concealing the guards who were watching the situation with too much attention.
"Wait ..." I was almost forced to stop him when I tried to get out of there. Thirteen turned around. He put his hands in his pockets and raised an eyebrow. "What's going to happen to them?"
   My sudden question seemed to cause him a lot of fun as he started to laugh, not normally, but with a laugh stained with something dark that I managed to decipher in anticipation.
"Don't worry about them. Well done."
   Then, I realized myself that I really didn't want her to answer the question. My conscience would not let me sleep at night.
   Because after all, I got the letter out. It had been part of his game.
    Did that make me a bad person?
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   The money I was hiding in my pants was dirty. It was stained with the blood of those two bastards. Because as much as I tried to convince myself that nothing happened to them, that it was just a warning. I couldn't ignore the fact of seeing his knuckles with wounds. Thirteen had assured me with a smile that they had taken what they deserved for cheats.
    Was this the price I had to pay for a little money?
    Since when had I become someone without feelings?
   I had heard something in a conversation between two prisoners as I returned to my ward. I was forced to follow my path too affected when I heard that one of them had to be rushed to the hospital, and that the other was not known if he was still alive or dead.
 In the end, I was able to sigh quietly when I saw the start of my cell.
"For your own good, you better not say anything."
  I almost fell disoriented when a body much larger than mine collided directly against me. I looked up, confused, greatly surprised when I recognized the person. Gutiérrez, he looked at me with contempt before ignoring my state and moving on. I frowned annoyed at his lack of finesse as he passed me. When I entered, I found Lucy standing in the middle of the cell, staring blankly at the entrance.
"It will be stupid," I commented as I rubbed my arm to ease the pain. Lucy looked at me immediately with a scared expression. Alarmed, she approached me in a stride full of anxiety.
"Have you heard something?"
"No. Practically she had just arrived when she rammed me ..." Her sigh of relief fills me with curiosity. Worried, I purse my lips. "What was I doing here?"
"Annoy. You know what the guards are like in this prison. They live on our misfortunes. It seems that they are paid more to screw us up."
"Yes, well ... I have the money."
   I reached into my pants and pulled out the paper bag. Thirteen warned me to bring my hands up to avoid any search. I decided to listen to him because, well ... He seems to be an expert at pretending what you are not.
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  I was never so eager to see someone. We had been waiting a couple of minutes for the Asian to appear. Minutes that seemed like an eternity. Time seemed to slow down because of the low bathroom lights.
   The door swung open. Two Asian women and the brunette who was attached to Shanghai entered and stood in front of us. His contemptuous glances did not divert me from my main objective, since when I enter Shanghai through the door. My gaze was quickly drawn to her.
"Are you bringing mine?"
  Lucy showed the paper bag making the Asian smile with her yellow teeth. I observe in a quick movement the brunette, who took the money from her almost by force. Lucy and I looked at each other in unison as if trying to calm down.
 Really, a fight would not be right now.
"There are a thousand," the brunette announced to Shanghai when she stopped counting. Suddenly, the Asian woman increased her smile. I recognized that smile, it was the same one that made me my first night, when he threatened me in the bathroom before Thirteen came. I took Lucy's hand knowing what was coming next.
"It's only fair." Lucy spoke.
"And the interests of your delay?" You know the rules, Dallas.
"I know the fucking rules but ...
 Shanghai raised his hand to silence her. So, I started to get nervous when I finally understood what I wanted.
"How much are we talking about?"
   All eyes turned to me but I only paid attention to one. Shanghai understood that he was speaking to her directly, that he wanted her to get out of the loop and would start listing all the absurd things she would claim. I felt the fear take over each of my movements clouding me for a few moments. I wondered if it had been a good idea for me to decide to get so involved in this. Of course, it was never a good idea and it would never seem so. Something inside me had changed, although I couldn't say exactly what. I no longer trembled when intimidated (or at least not so much anymore). I had learned to cope with my reactions to protect myself. I suppose he owed that to Thirteen. Because in a way, it felt like he was going to look for his memory to take out my courage by imitating him.
 Shanghai replied with a concise smile.
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"Why did you have to open your mouth? Now you're in on this too. Shit, Blair you don't know what you've done."
      Was I aware of where I had gotten into?
 I guess I would find out very soon. After getting out of those smelly bathrooms let Lucy rest in the cell. As soon as I saw his eyes closed, I shot out to look for him. I know you shouldn't do this. But really, this was going down too dangerous a path. Did that make me a sneak? In a traitor? Probably yes. But shit, there were no options. A couple of hours ago I had run out of ideas and the only one that came to my mind was too mean.
  But at the same time, so perfect ...
  Thirteen had already saved me from that psychopath once. Why wouldn't he do it with his sister?
  The guilt seized me so hard that I was hanging with my knuckles on the door of his cell. I didn't know for sure if it was remorse or fear of telling him about it that kept me from ending this. It was clear that things would not end peacefully, or at least not for Shanghai.
  Also, this was my problem, why the hell did I run for his help?
     When had I become so dependent on his protection?
“What are you doing in my cell?” A rather raspy voice interrupted my little mental gloom. Exhale a little air before turning to the person. I recognized him immediately. He was the boy with the minty hair who was always glued to Thirteen's back like a second skin. He was taller than I was if I had to look up to find his gaze sharp as a cat in heat. He wore the regulation jumpsuit, if not, it covered his entire body but you could see perfectly how strong he was despite how thin he looked. His features were too soft and pale, yet he exuded as much annoyance as boredom that any thought of tenderness was far from related to him. The menthol peeled his lips so that the silence ended with his snap. He couldn't understand why he was so annoyed by my presence. "I asked you a question." Have you tried so much semen that your neurons have collapsed?
"It's also Thirteen's cell," I replied, trying not to sound too abrupt. I was disrespecting him and in normal conditions I would have already turned his face with a slap, but really time was a factor that was against me and I couldn't lose it. My response felt like a bowl of cold water because he immediately rolled his eyes and passed by me as if he didn't exist. When the cell opened and my eyes came into contact with it I was really disappointed when I found it empty.
"As you can see he's not here." So, get out.
  Ignoring his bad tone I go after him.
"And do you know where it might be?"
"I'm not his fucking babysitter. If you want to find him so bad, you better start now." I suggest you start with getting out of my cell, girl. ”He let out low growls in a menacing tone, then collapsed on his bed. My eyes grew small when I watched him from the doorway.
"Why are you so edge?"
    I haven't done anything to him.
 My question made him jerk upright on the mattress as if he had heard the worst blasphemy in the world. Actually, he seemed surprised but he instantly disgusted me with his gaze. He placed his hand above her knee as he pulled her leg up onto the mattress.
"You are going to be the cause of all this going to hell."
Than? But what is he talking about?
"Good morning." Another voice stood in the cell, although this second one seemed much more lively than the one my old conversation partner had. Taehyung passed by me with all the happiness in the world until he saw me, suddenly stopped and looked at the menthol. He made a gesture with his hand before he dramatically dropped his body onto his bed.
"I'm looking for Thirteen," I repeated, but this time towards Taehyung. The brown-haired man frowned somewhat self-consciously. Damn, was his whereabouts so secret that everyone would think twice whether to tell me or not?
"I already told you that larg ..."
 But it was interrupted by the highest.
"He's with Jimin at the gym."
   Sighing grateful for a bit of information, I ran out of the cell, but not before, thanking Taehyung with a little tap on his shoulder. I heard from afar, as I went downstairs, the screams coming from the menthol but I didn't care too much.
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    The gym area was really remote from all other facilities (if the patio could be called that despite its terrible lack of space for all inmates). It seemed like the most protected room in all this shit of a place. Maybe because of the heavy metal-filled instruments that could transform into a weapon if your imagination was creative. He had even heard that most of the prisoners were vented in a small ring in the middle of the gym. I had only seen him from afar because I never had the courage to approach him, much less when he was being busy. It was too intimidating. The thought that faces had been broken in that place gave me great and deep respect.
  I came to think at one point that Taehyung had lied to me and that he had only told me that to accomplish what his friend had failed to do, get me out of there. It was full of prisoners training but not the prisoner he really wanted to find. When I finally gave up and spun around, a loud crash from a falling body made me retrace my steps.
    So, I found him. There. Climbed in that ring that scared me so much while hitting the protections that Jimin had in his hands.
   I fell into the serious mistake of coming to look for him when I found he was only wearing his uniform pants. My pulse quickened immediately as my unconscious caught all of my control and my eyes began to run through all of his muscles. It was the first time I had seen him like this, so naked. So exposed. The rational part of my head was screaming at me to turn around, to stop looking at him. And yet my body did not want to obey me. I couldn't stop looking at him. It was so perfect. So strong. So admirable was the attractive shape his muscles took when, in an act of outburst, he cunningly struck. His arms were wonderful no matter where you look. Long and thick, with the proportions that not many in years of training would achieve. His was genetic. It should be a crime to be so attractive. Long ago I had delighted (though I will never accept it out loud) from the broad muscles of his back. Now, he couldn't stop going down the marked line that separated his pecs, not very marked, but enough to steal his breath. Of course her abdomen was something else. The muscles lay so gracefully drawn in symmetrical squares in pairs of two.
    My lip was brutally attacked by my teeth when I was finally able to regain control of my actions and look away.
   Suddenly, the banging stopped being heard. I started to show a tickle in my stomach when I found out that he had noticed me despite not looking at him. I started to feel little cramps all over my abdomen. It is that uncomfortable feeling you feel when you know they are looking at you but you don't have the courage to do the same. A large part of me was tempted to leave, but a smaller part seemed to want to stay and keep looking.
  I knew that I had finally reached my last days when a shadow completely covered mine.
“What are you hiding from?” I whisper, leaning directly into my ear. I didn't know at what point he had gotten so close but I did know that when the wet surface of his lips brushed the skin of my ear, I turned my startled face and stared at him with wide eyes. Fortunately, she had put on a tank top that although the sweat didn't leave much to the imagination, at least it didn't stimulate so much the beginning hormones in my body.It was a damn tank top, it really wasn't that big of a deal. Removing the fact that he exposed his great arms and the wonderful details of his tattoos. I realized that it was the first time I saw them all. His right arm was full of them, it was so striking to see that in one arm he had nothing and in the other he lacked space for more. I could only look at the tattoo of a flower by the ink softer than the rest, this one covered a phrase that I could not discern due to lack of time.
   Then, having regained even the ability to speak and breathe of my own free will. I decided to look him in the face. He looked tired, well, he looked more like a damn sweaty pig. But the reflection of the lights against the drops on his face was so charming that it prompted you to dive into it again. He was disheveled, implying that his training had been moved and that he had not had many truces. Her chest moved rhythmically with up and down movements in an attempt to catch her breath. When he opened his mouth to increase the oxygen level in his body, I thought I was dumb again.
"Honey, if you wanted me to be agitated I can think of more than one way you could get him to be."
   Practically, the breath left my body when in a burst of laughter, its hoarse sound caressed my nose. She literally looked like a hormonal teenager who sighed every time she opened her mouth.
   I strenuously denied when the wires in my brain reconnected, I remembered, or rather forced myself to remember, the real reason for my visit.
"We have to talk," I said a little abruptly from the recent connection of my consciousness. Thirteen raised a curious eyebrow as he ran a hand through his wet hair to clear his splendid pearly forehead. I swallowed hard to keep the slime from overflowing from the corners of my mouth. His bicep bulged too close to my eyes ...
     Dammit. Enough, woman.
  He seems so comfortable making me nervous that I'm starting to think he does it on purpose.
"I hear you."
    Buffet, to calm down a bit before speaking. I really had no idea how to start.
"Gongjunim, don't worry, I bite. Unless you want me to, of course."
"Stop, this is serious," I replied in an attempt to calm me down in the process. It didn't help to hear his damn two-way phrases. I tried to focus on the conversation. Carefully analyze in my head the possible paths this could take. Basically I came to two conclusions: The first, to help me and his ... Anyway, you know. The second (although it seems much more extreme to me) is that it can be a possibility if we consider that Thirteen is not a mentally stable person, is that he retaliates much more seriously than giving him a little money. Dammit. Would I really be able to kill someone? Well, not for a good person, he went to jail and still couldn't find out what he had done to get him put here. And worst of all, to be sentenced to a permanent sentence. So, I found that little difference between the two. While I was an open book with people I considered to be trustworthy. He was more like a safe with a key that was impossible to crack.
  But the people who keep secrets are in turn the ones that attract the most because of that aura of mystery that they give off.
  Maybe that's why I can't stop thinking about him, despite how badly he treated me the first few weeks.
  Did you really want to be the cause of another transfer to the hospital?
 Because if there is one thing that can be made clear from the poker episode, it is that Thirteen is so terribly unpredictable that I am even afraid that he will change his attitude towards me again. I started to feel pretty bad. My head began to fill me with pros and cons that I did not know how to differentiate.
  There were two paths and for once I would take the easy one.
"I need money." I was aware of how overwhelmed my voice had come out, at the time, and emphasizing how nervous I was, I opened my mouth to cut the uncomfortable silence that had begun to reign. Thirteen raised his eyebrows in an act that I think could be a mixture of surprise and confusion. Slowly, he unraveled the smile until it became a straight line. There was an air of disappointment in his eyes. Why was you disappointed when you found out you were looking for him for money? Why would I look for it if not? And why the hell is my heart beating like it just ran a marathon?
“What did you do with the one I gave you?” Ignore the fact that its natural tone had been modified on a deeper level by the recent exercise. I was also forced to ignore how quickly she had recovered because I began to feel empty realizing that it hadn't affected her as much as I thought. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised because Thirteen is a good teacher in controlling his emotions.
 Will you ever let me see what you really feel?
"I need more," I added, trying my best to change the course of the conversation. But I really underestimated him too much.
"For what?"
"Personal business." My answer seemed to bother him a little because his shoulders tensed. Let's see, mine were also too tense from the pressure but obviously it was more intimidating in him. I started to feel the sweat on the palms of my hands when the nerves started to block me too hard. I had spent so much time thinking about how to tell him what had not fallen into the small detelle that I was obviously going to ask for explanations. I should have told him the truth but it was too late to back off. Looking a little anxious, I resumed the conversation as I could. "I need an advance. Come on, Thirteen, don't tell me that nobody has ever asked you for an advance on ..."
"Well no, they don't have the eggs to ask me. And the truth is, if I am intrigued enough what the hell did you do with the thousand dollars I gave you yesterday."
"I don't have time for this." Damn it, I really didn't. "I've only asked you one question. If your fucking ethics stop you from leaving me, well, that's fine, I'll manage on my own."
   Try to run away from there before I will be discovered or I would be the one to give you away in a panic attack. But his hand caught my wrist and held me tightly in place. Instinctively I looked down at our union, feeling a little strange to feel tickling from the area that stuck to my skin. The heat it transmitted was so comforting that when I took it off when I realized what I had just done, I left my body in such a way that I felt an innate anxiety to feel it again.
“Are you in trouble?” There was so much concern in his tone that I completely knocked down my defenses. I was about to fall. Really nothing. But the fear was stronger.
"What? Why are you saying that?" I tried to sound stable enough to convince him. But Thirteen was also a master of lies.
"In jail you only ask for more money for two reasons and I certainly don't think you pay someone to satisfy you sexually. Do you owe someone money?"
"No." I whispered.
   But he tilted his head, showing me how unconvinced he was about it.
"Tell me who it is." Truthfully, she wasn't quite sure if it was worry or anger camouflaged with some warning. I rolled my eyes to get more of his attention. Clearly, my bad performance did not help him to give up. I cross his big arms imposing the strength of his great anatomy, I felt small next to him. How I grasp my faithful intentions to keep quiet. This time it was he who rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue in exasperation. "Hey ..."
“Why are you trying so hard to help me?” I asked rather confused. I didn't want to sound as harsh as it sounds but really this thing made me very nervous.
"Gongjunim." His voice was so grainy when he changed languages.
"No, it's just that I really can't understand how suddenly you behave so well with me. That you want to help me ..."
  Thirteen closed her eyes and pulled her neck back as she blew hot air out of her mouth. His Adam's apple was exposed before my eyes leaving me completely unarmed. When I straighten her head she looked at me with an expression so tired, dull and depressed that I decided to let her speak.
"You are like a sister to Lucy, but you are also like a little sister to me."
You're like a sister to me.
  Why has my chest tightened so much when he called me sister? Is that really your reason to protect me or just a damn strategy for you to let your guard down and get the answer you wanted?
   Damn it, and why did it bother me so much to know that in her eyes she was just a child? His look confused me so much ... I did not know the origin of this discomfort nor did I understand how it was possible that with just one sentence I could lower my self-esteem in that way.
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"Blair London go to address."
   Actually, I was never more grateful to a stranger. That voice had saved me from a situation from which there was no viable way out.
  The principal's secretary greeted me with a smile. I appreciated that he will be so gentle with me without caring that he was wearing the prisoner jumpsuit. Knock on the door. When the director indicated with a calm voice that it could happen, I did.
 I entered the office being quite disturbed by the strong aura change. The contrast in the perfectly carved custom furniture was not comparable to the dining tables littered with splinters and randomly scattered stains of moisture. I could even swear that the sofa at the end of the room with a small table in front of glass and two armchairs next to it, would be more comfortable than the moldy mattress where I tried to sleep every night.
"Normally these privileges are not usually given but considering that your behavior has not given to talk. I have decided to make an exception with you."
 When the director's voice broke the silence that I had imposed on myself when I entered, I looked towards her, completely abandoning my little sporadic exploration. The woman smiled, but it was not a sincere smile like that of her secretary, this was full of commitment. In a pathetic gesture, he tried to hide a black bag under his legs. I stifled a sarcastic laugh when I realized that her small gesture had been bought.
  He leaned his well-painted red fingers to pick up the phone from his drawer on the side of the desk. Then she slid it across the table causing him to continue his movement with a frown.
"You have two minutes."
 I didn't understand what I was looking for him to do until a number suddenly came up on the screen that I recognized instantly. Of course, accept his little trick. Although I must admit that when the screen of the device cooled the cartilage of my ear I began to wonder if I had really done well.
"Blair ..." My eyes were automatically closed at his sweet voice assaulting my tranquility. Of course I met her instantly. Who would not recognize his mother's voice? Although I admit that my stomach sank when I heard it so ruined.
"What do you want?" I swallowed to suppress a sob. "No, you better not tell me what you want." I really don't want to hear it.
"Honey ..." I deduced from his trembling tone that he had begun to cry. And shit, that completely disarmed me. "How are you?"
"It's jail, mom." Make your own conclusions.
"Blair ...
A screeching noise causes the audio to begin to distort. I pay much more attention to the background noise, hardly realizing that I was in the car when I heard from a distance the voice of my mother's driver arguing with someone.
"Mom, what's up?"
"Nothing, love. A man who started cleaning our windows when we stopped at the light. Jorge has kicked him out right away, I'm fine."
   I don't know why but the uncertainty eats me up inside.
"A man? What man?"
"An Asian with drunken pints. Don't worry my love, I'm ...
"Mom, come home right now and don't go out in a couple of days."
"Honey, you're scaring me." Something happens?
  I grab the bridge of my nose when anxiety keeps me from controlling my tone and end up screaming at the top of my lungs.
"Do what I say."
   I hang with my heart popping out of my mouth.
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  My chest was swelling too quickly as I circled around the room. It had been more than half an hour since I had put my hands to my head and I couldn't get them down. I stopped for two seconds and began to hysterically observe the bars on the door. Perhaps it had been a coincidence, that is, there are many people on the street who are looking for money in order to survive. Maybe he was just a drunk as my mother had originally thought, or maybe ...
  When I thought I couldn't get any more nervous, I began to imagine the impression on my mother's face. I brought the nails to my mouth and started attacking them with my teeth.
“Do you have the money?” Lucy's unmistakable voice distracted me a little but not enough for me to let my ride go round. Apparently he noticed the scared face he was wearing that he deduced the result of his answer. Immediately, his shoulders dropped level and his chest began to destabilize like mine. "We can ask for more time ...
“I don't want to sound pessimistic but Lucy would be really naive if you really think that that psychopath is going to take pity on us and give us more time.” I am aware that right now my pessimism is the last thing we need, but the language It comes loose on my own when I get nervous. Lucy collapses into her bed too depressed. And shit, I can't stop thinking that this really is my fault ...” Lucy she doesn't want you ...” I immediately gained her gaze. “She wants to fuck me because I didn't want to be her fucking camel when I arrived.”
"I suppose he's going to do it now. Fuck us, you know ...”
  I sighed too exhausted from holding all the shit that was piling up on my shoulders.
"Damn what a nice word to express yourself, right?"
  Lucy turned frightened towards the door finding the owner of the voice. The black mane I saw on my back gave me the answer I needed. I also turned around and faced her with a serious look.
"We still have twelve hours."
 Lucy was speaking to her but she kept her eyes on my body.
"Let's be honest among women." We know you are not going to get me the money. I've come to an agreement before the situation gets uglier ...
“What do you want?” Lucy sounded too hysterical compared to the calm in Shanghai's voice. When I noticed that his gaze did not detach from me despite everything, I knew what he wanted.
"Lucy come out, please." The girl looked at me too confused. He raised an eyebrow worrying about the neutrality of my voice but finally he nodded and left the cell. When I was sure no one was listening, I told him the real reason for all this shit. "You want revenge on me, don't you?"
  The dramatic snap his tongue exudes only makes it clear that I was right.
"Thirteen told me you asked him for money," he says, laughing slightly as he tries to keep his tone steady. I frowned. Senti, an unpleasant sensation that pressed against my stomach when it got in the way of our conversation. "That is very pathetic, Barbie." What's more, did you really think he would give it to you?
   I grab the bridge of his nose as he deepened a laugh that was too high-pitched, and too excruciating. I closed my fists accordingly. In less than a second I was breathing erratically through my nose. I didn't know very well if I was losing control of the situation because he was belittling me, but it had bothered me a lot that he thought I was taken advantage of. Although in a way, I started to feel that way.
"Do you miss me so much that you have to be watching every step I take?" Oops, Shanghai I didn't expect you to be so cute.
"I didn't need to watch you." You see ... - after sighing in a longing scream began to haunt me like an animal waiting to jump for its prey. I felt cornered between his prickly gaze, yet I kept my constants steady and my chin erect. "... men after orgasm become very touchy."
    My gaze stayed embedded somewhere on the scratched floor. I felt bad. I was disappointed. An accumulation of strange sensations began to nest in my chest when I understood his damn answer. I tried to make it so I wouldn't be noticed but I hadn't counted on the Asian woman dropping the bomb because she knew how she was going to react. I knew he had done it to cloud me, to distract me from the real turning point of the conversation. And yet, knowing it consciously, she had let me take me down the path she herself had marked out for me. Was I really going to believe him? Also, Thirteen could do whatever she wanted with her body since it was hers. I didn't have to be mad, then, because my hand was shaking when images of the two of them in a bed began to drill into my head?
“What is it you want?” I dialed an aggressive tone, finding myself having so many turns and swampy phrases.Shanghai left his route and ended up placing himself where he was initially, in front of me with his gaze fixed on mine.
"I want you to avoid the terrible act of having to kill your mother because you weren't strong enough," I whisper reassuringly, imposing checkmate. He had me on the ropes and he knew it. I swallow hard, wrapped in rage that forces me to channel. Then, taking a step towards me, I end up placing his fine mouth on my ear. "Tonight. Where it all started.”                                                                                                                          
"Open your pretty mouth, bitch."
"Come on!"
  Unbearable screams coming through my ears. He kept his eyes closed accentuating the other senses. He felt, his hands flooded with sweat. Cold, clammy knees on the wet floor. I bit back an arcade when one of her hands grabbed my wrists to bring my hands to the elastic of her pants.
"Yes ..." he groaned delightedly. I opened my eyes knowing that I would not like the image I would have to observe. A tear rolled down my cheek on a salty path to my mouth where I savored it. Notice the sweat on his big hands as he covered mine to make them pull his pants down. Observing the string of bushy hairs that ran down her skeletal abdomen was and an unpleasant image. I felt the nice cold in one of my hands when he stopped pressing it. However, the released one went to repair at the beginning of my hair to comb it back, bathing my hair with its filthy sticky fluids. His chilling voice rang out in a happily anticipatory howl. "You're going to eat all of my cock until your jaw drops ...Yes, shit. And then...”
    But the banging of the door swinging open caught his attention. My eyes snapped shut at the scare. I was only aware, when I opened them shortly after, of those dark eyes and that vein in the neck.
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biaswreckingfics · 5 years
No Exit: Part 14
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Author: biaswreckingyourlifefics
Genre: Mafia AU - Warnings? Everything that goes on in a mafia AU
Word Count: 3.1k
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Baekhyun's POV
When Baekhyun left your room, his head was spinning. There was so much more to you than any of them realized. The things you've seen and endured... He wasn't sure if he could wish them on his worst enemy.
As he walked back to his room, he knew there would be no going back to sleep after this. All he could think about was everything you had told him. It was a big jumbled mess in his head, and a lot of things about your story had bugged him. The first being that Hosung was there the night your parents were killed. If he was there, does that mean it was an EXO sanctioned kill?
Yet, that didn't make any sense because there were Baem members there... Why was Hosung with them? The only thing that made sense was that he was a part of the leak... They knew an Elder was involved, but nobody suspected Hosung. He had flown under their radar and acted like he really cared about them. Yet, he was working with the other side? Could this be bigger than they originally thought?
Baekhyun walked into his room, shutting the door behind him, and sat down on his bed. He stared at his plain bedroom wall and tried to build a mental map of everything you had told him.
Hosung was connected to the Baem, and if you were right about the timeline, then he had been working with them for nearly 15 years.
The second thing about your story that bugged him was the familiarity of it. It sounded so much like Suho's family story. Too much. However, Baekhyun couldn't just go up to Suho and ask him about it. In all of the years Baekhyun had been here, Suho refused to talk about his family. He had only been told bits and pieces from Jongin, who was the only one besides Xiumin that had been around long enough to know what happened to Suho's family.
The men didn't even know Suho's real name, but Baekhyun was betting it was Kim Junmyeon, and there was only one way to find out. He needed to talk to Jongin.
Your POV
It had been four hours since you told Baekhyun about your past. 240 minutes of you staring at just about everything in your room to distract yourself. After he left, you had laid in your bed, waiting for what, you didn't know. Had he immediately gone and told Suho what you said? You doubted that because you knew Suho would've come to you by now... What was Baekhyun thinking?
Remembering back to his face when you had told him everything, you couldn't put a finger on his thoughts. He hadn't shown any recognition towards the names of your family, but something had crossed his face. A thought or idea, but it was gone so quickly you couldn't grasp what it was.
Sighing, you roll over onto your side. Had you made the right decision sharing your secret? Should you have stayed quiet and pretended you had never seen Hosung..? It seemed like the Elders were going to stay quiet about it since they had only told Suho to get rid of you... Well, there was nothing to do about it now. You would have to deal with the consequences.
Bringing your hand up to your pillowcase, you run it along the bottom until you can feel the outline of the "K" on your necklace. Immediately taking comfort in it, you begin to relax until a knock on your door has you shooting straight up. Your heart starts pounding, and a sick feeling settles into your stomach.
"Yeah?" You call out quietly, hoping whoever it was wouldn't hear you, but you knew you weren't that lucky when the door begins to open.
Holding your breath, you stare down the doorway until you see Chanyeol's fluffy hair pop out from behind the door. You let your entire body relax and let go of the breath you had been holding in.
"Morning..." You eye him suspiciously. Had Baekhyun really not told anyone? Chanyeol didn't look like he knew any secrets, and nobody else had come to talk to you...
"Get dressed and meet me in the hallway."
Your heart stutters at his words. Maybe Baekhyun did say something...
"What's up?" You ask with as much indifference as you could muster.
"Look, I know it's early, but I'm forcing you to come with me to the store."
A look of bewilderment crosses your face, and you didn't bother to hide it. "Excuse me?"
"I'm taking you out of the house and forcing you to go to the store with me," Chanyeol tells you, crossing his arms over his chest with a look of determination on his face.
"But why?"
You hadn't left the house in months, only exploring the backyard when you found the motivation to do so. At first, you stayed because they wouldn't let you leave, but now you didn't want to, so why was he forcing you to go?
"Being completely honest, I'm worried about you. After I saw you outside of that door... I don't know, I just feel like a change of scenery will be good for you. Also, there's no point in saying no because I'll literally just force you anyways." He responds with a shrug.
So that was what this was about... Chanyeol was worried about you since he caught you listening to a man being tortured. Made sense if you thought about it.
"Is it even safe for us to go out after the attack?"
"It's never safe for us to go out, but they need more supplies for Jongin's wound, and we also need food, so it's gotta be done. Plus, Chen has been keeping watch on the area, and there hasn't been any suspicious activity in days."
After thinking about it for a minute, you decide it wouldn't be so bad to leave the house and see some new faces. "Well... alright. It'd be nice to pick up my own things for once."
"Believe me, we're all thrilled we don't have to buy your womanly products this time." He jokes with a smirk.
"Get out."
He heads to the door and throws out a "five minutes" before shutting it.
You quickly get dressed and meet Chanyeol in the hallway. A part of you is extremely relieved when you leave the house without seeing any of the other guys. ___________________________________
As the two of you were shopping, you quickly noticed the attention Chanyeol received. He, however, was completely oblivious to it, or he was damn good at pretending not to notice. He continued on his merry way scanning each face for a threat and then continuing your conversation. You became used to all the looks and learned to ignore it by the third store, but that didn't stop you from teasing the absolute shit out of him.
"Eight people have checked out your ass so far."
Chanyeol groans and looks up at the ceiling. "Shut up."
He walks out of the last store, leaving you trailing behind him, but you quickly catch up to him on the sidewalk to continue the teasing.
"I mean... it is nice."
"Are you trying to hit on me?" He smirks.
"Mmm. Personally, that's not the line I would choose."
Waving his arm in front of him, he says, "Well, go ahead then. Wow me with your pick up lines."
You open your mouth to respond to him when you notice Chanyeol stiffen, causing you to snap your mouth shut and immediately go on guard.
"Listen to me carefully." He tells you in the most serious tone you've ever heard from him.
Peering up at his face, you notice that any joking expression he had was long gone. Dread fills you because you know there's only one reason for him to act that way.
"We're being followed, and I need you to stay calm and do exactly what I say."
Baekhyun's POV
Baekhyun occupied himself until he couldn't stand it anymore. If Jongin wasn't awake, which odds were good he wasn't, Baekhyun was going to have to wake him up himself.
He quickly made his way down to the younger man's room and opened the door, not bothering with knocking. To his surprise, Jongin was awake and channel surfing on the TV.
When he looked over to see who had barged into his room, his face lit up with relief at the sight of Baekhyun.
"Please say you're coming in here to tell me I'm no longer on bed rest."
"Jongin, you just had a kidney removed two weeks ago."
"Yeah, and these last two weeks have been boring as hell. Please tell me I can leave." He leans closer to Baekhyun and puts on a pouty face.
Baekhyun waved him away and sat down in the chair next to the bed, wanting to talk about why he came down here. "I'll check you out later. Right now, I need to talk to you."
Jongin's eyes lit up, and he pulled himself into a sitting position. It took everything Baekhyun had in him to not yank him back down into a laying position so he wouldn't pull at his stitches, but he let it go.
"What's up?"
"First, I have to know... What's Suho's real name?"
A look crossed Jongin's face, and Baekhyun knew he was going to try to get out of telling him, but there was no way he was leaving this room without the answers he came looking for.
"Stop with the secrecy, man. I'll tell you why after."
Jongin sighs. "You better not say it around anybody because I'm not trying to deal with a pissed off leader."
"He's always pissed off, so that's nothing new."
Jongin nods in agreement before saying, "His real name is Junmyeon."
Baekhyun knew it. He fucking knew it.
"Was his father’s name Kim Jungsik?"
Jongin freezes, and his eyes narrow in on Baekhyun, confirming all of his thoughts. You were their leader's sister, and you were supposed to be dead.
"What the fuck is going on, Baekhyun?"
Baekhyun sighed and rubbed his hand down his face. How was he supposed to convince anyone else of your story?
"Y/N... She's his sister."
Jongin made a disgusted sound. "That's not fucking funny."
"I'm not fucking laughing." Baekhyun countered, meeting his glare.
"Seoyeon died over a decade ago."
"Really? Because I'm pretty sure she's upstairs."
Jongin was becoming visibly angry, and Baekhyun knew he was going to have to do damage control.
"Is that what she's saying? Because she's a fucking liar if she is."
"No, that's not what she's saying. I'm saying it. She doesn't know anything about this."
Jongin stared at him completely lost, and Baekhyun sighed.
"She told me about this nightmare she's been having about the night her parents died. Her parents were tortured and killed right in front of her when she was younger. Her father, Kim Jungsik, was a mafia leader, but she apparently didn't know which group. Her older brother, Junmyeon, hadn't been home when it happened, and she later figured he had been killed."
"She told you that? She's lying. Someone fed her information."
Baekhyun tilts his head at Jongin, giving him a "really" expression. "Jongin, it's Y/N. We've befriended this person. Does she seem like she'd lie about something like this? Or decide to try and trick us after being here for how many months now? Not to mention the only people who know the whole story are you, Xiumin, and Suho."
Jongin considered his words, while Baekhyun sat and watched the battle on his face, before he slumped, the fight leaving his body. "So she's..."
"I'd bet my life on it, but she has no idea. Neither of them does."
Jongin looked down at his hands and processed everything. Baekhyun was watching him when a thought crossed his mind.
"Did you know her when you were younger?"
He nods. "She hung out with us a few times when we were little, but then Jungsik stopped bringing her around... Are you seriously telling me Y/N is Seoyeon?"
"Yeah... and that's not all I have to tell you."
An exasperated look fell on his face like he couldn't believe Baekhyun could drop another bomb like the one he just did. "What the hell else?"
"She was telling me about the night their parents died... Do you remember the Elder’s reactions to her being here?" He waited until Jongin nods to continue. "She remembered Hosung being there that night, and he was with Baem members."
Jongin shot up so fast, a look of pain crossed his face for a second. "He's our leak?"
"He's definitely part of it."
Jongin leaned back in his bed with a "what the fuck" look on his face.
"But... Janghoon and Xiumin's dad reacted to her too... That must mean they know who she is too..."
Now it was Baekhyun's turn to sit back. After thinking about everything you had told him, that was the one thing he had neglected to remember.
"Do you think all of the Elders know about this?"
Jongin shakes his head and says, "It's too early to process all of this."
"Dude, I've been up since four," Baekhyun replies.
Jongin meets his stare. "We need to tell Suho. Now."
Chanyeol had just told you that the two of you were being followed and to stay calm. Ha. Yeah, okay.
"Don't look. Don't turn around. Just listen to me. There are two men at our 7 o'clock."
Realizing the men are behind you, you nod your head and manage not to turn around. "Okay. What do we do?"
"When I tell you to run to the car. Go. Don't stop for anyone."
Run? You could do that. "What about you?"
"There's only two of them, and they're probably only tailing us. I can take them."
"But I can help!" You turn to him and whisper loudly. Leaving him behind to fight two gang members didn't sit well with you at all.
"Don't. Don't you dare try to be the hero. I know what I'm doing. This is my job, and I refuse to let whatever happens to you be on my conscience."
You knew there would be no arguing with him about this, and to an extent, he was right. He was the one who had been trained to deal with this type of thing. "Damn it, Chanyeol."
"If I take too long, get in the car and drive. There's a cellphone in the console with the guy's numbers programmed in it."
Running away to the car, so he can focus on what he needed to do was one thing, but completely abandoning him on his own was something you refused to do. No matter how mad he got.
"I'm not leaving you."
"You're going to do whatever you need to do to stay safe. Got it?"
You would tell him what he wanted to hear, but on this, you were going to be stubborn as hell.
Chanyeol picked up his speed, and you followed his cue. From your peripheral vision, you could see him subtly watching the men while also scanning your escape route. When you got to the end of the block, he took a sharp right around the corner, momentarily hiding you behind a cement building.
Suddenly, his hands are thrusting the keys into yours, and he says, "Run. Now."
Pushing off with all your might, you take off in a sprint. Listening to Chanyeol's words, you don't look back and trust that he has it under control. You run across the street toward the parking lot where you left the car and push yourself to keep going.
As soon as you made it to the parking lot, which was almost at the end of the block, you took a chance and looked back at Chanyeol. What you saw had your heart stopping.
A third man had joined the other two, and they were hitting Chanyeol with various objects. He was putting up a fight, but you could tell he was quickly losing the battle. He needed backup, so you needed to get to the car and call for help.
As hard as it was, you turned away from the scene to retrieve the cellphone and to search for a weapon. Chanyeol had to have a gun or something in his car. That was the only way you could help him right now.
Damn it! You shouldn't have left him! Maybe you could've been a distraction or something! Angry at yourself and the entire situation you head towards the car, only to stop dead in your tracks.
A black van was blocking Chanyeol's car in his parking spot, and if that already didn't send up red flags, the fact that you couldn't see anyone in it did.
You didn't know what to do. Do you take the chance that it was empty and get to the car? Or do you try to find help a different way?
Not wanting to waste time, you decide to take a chance and go for the car. The only people who could help him now were EXO, not a random person who would be dragged into this mess.
You walk around a few vehicles so you could approach the car from the opposite side of the van and take note that there was no movement around you. Quickly, you walk up to the driver's side door and look through the keys for the car key.
Finding it, you start to put it in the keyhole when an ominous feeling washes over you. Before you can look up and search for whatever was giving you bad vibes, a hand reaches into your hair and slams your face into the window.
Pain blinded you and traveled down your body to your toes. For a second, you were stunned, only seeing a blinding white followed by black spots in your vision. Confusion crossed your mind until the hand pulled your head back painfully and whispered, "Hello, Seoyeon".
Before you could correct him and tell him you weren't Seoyeon, two gunshots traveled through the air, stealing whatever breath was left in your lungs.
The man behind you chuckles deeply before slamming your head into the car even harder than before.
You felt your body begin to slump and helplessly watched as darkness swallowed you whole.
Tagging: @nothingbutadeadesceane @spiltkpop @cina-bunn @kaykaystay17 @sehunnies-hunnie96 @meryljill-111192 @atwoodscott @azul23blue @exosnoona29
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killerswonderland · 5 years
The Goddess of Death
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Summary: You always taught you were going to have the job you wanted. But in Gotham it was never like that. Will the goddess of death continue to reign or will she finally succumb and lay to rest in her deadly world.
Warnings: Language, minor violence, mentions of death.
Word Count: 2.2 k
A/N:  OMG!!! Thank you everyone who liked my previous fic! I fucking cried. You guys are amazing!
This one is a little weird. Hope you guys like it!!!
The clicking of your heels sounded rhythmic against the pavement. Every move you make, every breath you took, every look sent to the passing gothamites was carefully calculated. Hiding in plain sight was your specialty. The suitcase you carried was heavy, but you didn’t let that manifest, lightly swaying your hips so you could maintain a balanced walk through the path you had chosen. You got to your destination quickly, entering the high office building, the wall full of glass causing a light reflection in your eyes as you passed through security, nodding and giving the guard a small smile.
You got in the elevator, pressing the button for the last floor. As the sudden motion began, you watched as the walls of the elevator turned from black to a skittish grey, the clarity of the outside world infesting the little glass cage. Gotham was a big city, a big monochromatic grey city.  The downtown area was packed, the buildings extending through miles, the streets looking like pathways for ants, as people shuffled in the sidewalk, mindlessly following their routes, the anxiety coursing through their veins. Although you held an apathetic gaze you knew the feeling. The desperation, the panic, the depression of the city that surrounded you. You broke it as your heard the  gears slow down, turning to the doors and walking straight out when they opened it.
The stairs were one of the worst things of your little career, slightly loosing to the main action of your contract. You never thought that you would follow the line of work you had. You see, you had always been a good girl, a smart girl. You took your SATs, you passed through university like it was the easiest thing to do and did your Bar Exam, and still, after all of that, you didn’t got the job you wanted as a minor lawyer at Wayne Enterprises. You got the job it was offered, not only doing what you got a diploma for, but also for doing something else.
As you opened the doors the winds pushed you backwards. You took long strides to the ledge of the roof, seeing the covered sun setting, the myriad of unusual colors mixing with the polluted grey of Gotham’s skies. You took a breath, turning to one of the building that surrounded you. Now, you were in the tallest building in the area so you knew no one could see you. You knelt onto the ground, laying your suitcase and opening it, staring at its disassembled contents, a sigh of uneasiness leaving your lips as you picked up the part of the lower receiver, clicking the trigger mechanism, twisting in the bipod and locking it in place. Allowing the bolt carrier to come forward, you positioned the upper receiver, grasping lightly and releasing the charging handle slowly, fully closing the bolt, and finally attaching the scope and the suppressor. You laid onto the floor, position ready, breath held. You take a shot and you can hear the screams even from the distance. You raise yourself, clicking, twisting and snapping the rifle, disassembling back into its harmless form, closing the suitcase and leaving the building.
Hel, that’s what you were called. The heir of Loki. The nordic Goddess of Death and ruler of the land of the dead. Your boss was the great crime lord Black Mask, and you were not only his lawyer, which sounds ridiculous since he only deals with criminals, but also his number one markswoman. You hated the job, but the sum of money you received was enough for you to become calloused with the deaths.  
As you enter your apartment complex you feel a tranquil sensation overtake you. You lived in a small but comfortable studio apartment, as you didn’t liked the opulent style your boss and colleagues flaunted. It also helped you feel more human, knowing your neighbors, hearing their talks about how the prices of tomatoes were raising. “You seem tired sweetie” you hear the softly spoken voice of your elderly neighbor Nanci say as you get to your door. Tiredly looking at her you just give her the most sincere smile of your day and she responds with a sympathetic one as you opened your door, getting promptly inside.
Taking your shoes of you walk through your living room and past your bed, entering the bathroom only to peel your clothes like they were hazardous and enter your little bathtub. In days like these you felt relieved your boss gave you the rest of the night off as a reward for a job well done, and always sunk in your tub, darkness engulfing you, warm water washing your sins. You guess you laid there for an hour, the flames of the candles you lit slowly extinguishing, until you decided to leave the warm comfort. As you raised you felt the brisk air, coming in contact with the water that trickled down your body, you shivered, quickly going for a fluffy black towel and drying yourself so you could put on the old silk robe your grandmother had given as her parting gift.
When you left the bathroom the apartment was dark, the penumbra settling in. Not that it was uncommon for you to leave the lights off, enjoying only the lights that came from the city. You moved to your dresser, putting your light flannel pijamas on and laid in the bed, a drained sigh escaping your lips as you closed your eyes, waiting for another dreamless night to take you in.
You guessed it was 3 a.m when you heard a thump, eyes opening immediately as you shudder from the chilly autumn air. Even though Gotham was a cold city, your apartment was never cold as it was now, so you knew something was wrong. You felt as someone, or something, was observing you. You breath hitched in your throat when you saw the tall figure through the wooden carved divider and you slowly made your way to the wall of your wardrobe, gently removing the ebony wood, getting the pistol you left hidden for the day someone would try to get their revenge on you.
You walked calmly towards the living room where you saw the shadow, positioning yourself so if you needed to take the shot it was going to be certain.
“The only thing I don’t understand is how someone as smart as you is working for someone as dumb as Black Mask” the shadow tonelessly said, a red helmet shining as the city lights entered you apartment. He turned to you, the blue electronic gaze clearly analyzing your stance, gloved fingers brushing the gun in his holster.
“And I don’t understand why the most psychotic vigilante broke into my apartment”, your caustic tone dripped from your tongue. Breaking your stance you lowered the gun, returning the hammer and putting the safety on as you sit on the sofa, putting the pistol in the coffee table between you and the vigilante. “That wasn’t my first option of a job, you know,” you point it out, the tiredness in your voice making the stance that he held soften.
You stood there, a comfortable silence setting as he took his gun from the holster and, imitating you, left it on the small table and leaned his back on the wall, still staring at you. You closed your eyes momentarily, taking a deep breath as you raised your body from your couch and moving to the kitchen “You can sit down, if you want Red Hood. I guess we have a lot to talk and if I don’t have a coffee you better just die before I get to the gun again” you confessed, hearing a light mechanic chuckle coming from the living room. You start to boil water in your stove as you hear hard footsteps, “And please take the shoes off, leave them by the door” you demanded and soon later heard the a slight “ompf” as the heavy boots dropped to the ground, with that you smiled and thought that at least you would die in the hands of a considerate vigilante.
When he got to your the kitchen island he sat down in one of the stools while you were putting the grounded coffee beans in a paper filter, covering with water as the dark liquid filled a thermic bottle, and not even the helmet could stop the smell of fresh coffee of reaching his nose. You poured it in two cups, sliding one back to him as you pulled your body up until you sat in the cold marble counter, holding the cup with your two hands and slightly blowing the steam coming from the scalding liquid. You hear the small gears of Red Hoods helmet twist and a light pop as he detached the crimson helmet and put by his side.
“Does the other mask serve as a dramatic effect?” you jokingly ask as you study his face. The chiseled jaw and the soft skin begging to be touched by your hands and the chapped lips begging to be kissed by yours. You shake your head, taking the indecent thoughts ou of your mind as he passes his hands through his raven hair and you thought you could see a clear white streak hiding between the dark locks.
“Yes” he answered giving you a sheepish grin and taking the cup of coffee into his hands, smelling e taking a small sip, a distorted quiet moan leaving his lips as he closed his eyes, muscles seemingly relaxing “You know, my partner would love this. He never sleeps so he needs caffeine all the time” he tells you.
“The secret is in the way you prepared it, fresh, saying no the the machines” you instructed, taking a gulp of the hot beverage, the sensation of the burning awakening you. Again you two sat in silence, the only sound being the almost silent swallowing. “I can’t leave” you mumbled, attracting his gaze from the cup back to you, eyeing you with curiosity. “I can’t leave, I signed a contract, I sold my soul to him. I know what I did is wrong, but it was the only way I could survive Gotham,” you said louder, your grip in the mug tightening, “I do the job and in return he keeps me safe and pays me a good amount. And if one day I decide to leave…” you stop, the panic arising on your mind, reflecting as you bite you lower lip and you see his jaw tighten.
He raised himself from the stool, his hands tightened into fists as he got closer to you, slightly looking down so the could see you in the eye since you jumped of the counter. “I can’t help you” he began “I was sent here to do a job. You see, I do get some gruesome jobs sometimes, after all, I do have to pay the rent so I don’t blame you there” he revealed, a dark tone lingered in his voice. You closed your eyes, hunching your shoulders and twisting your lips in a half, sad, smile. You heard him turn, walking back to the living room and picking the heavy pistol, pressing the hammer down. “What I can you, is kill you” that was the last thing you heard as the ringing in your ears started. The loud bang startling you as you felt the raging pain in your leg, warm crimson liquid leaving your as you fell on your knees.
You held the scream of pain, looking as Red Hood, face hidden once again by the helmet, walked back to you and kneeling onde he got in front of you. “Pack a bag,  go away. I’ll take care of the rest and after I’m finished they won’t have a doubt that you’re dead” he calmly whispered, touching your wounded and spreading some of the blood in your sofa. He turned to you, helping you to your feet and you limped back to your wardrobe, getting the the bag you prepared when you first entered the job. You opened it to see all your money money, fake documents and some clothes laid neatly in it. You entered the bathroom, scattering on your cabinet for your first aid kit and promptly arranged a tourniquet, also popping some painkillers in your mouth. You keep hearing crashing coming from the kitchen, glass being shattered and now suppressed gun shots in you wall.
It was a misunderstanding to say that it was repairable. Your apartment was in shreds as Red Hood got closer to you, opening the fire escape so you could pass through it and both of you got down to the alleyway that stood in the middle of your and the neighboring building. The next thing you know you were hugging his back tightly as the motorcycle roared and speeded thought Gotham’s streets. The lights passing so fast you thought you were going to vomit. As the bike came to stop you noticed the neon lights mark the way to the bus stop.
“Get as far away as possible, and never come back. Gotham always remembers.” he says as a restrained mumble, never sparing you the look.
“Thank you” you said, lips quickly coming in contact with the cold steel of his helmet.
He watches you until you disappeared, never once turning to look back.
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When I Was Older (Irondad Fic Exchange 2019)
Peter Parker never thought that something like this would be a problem, he always imagined with the spider-bite came a sort of overall health and wellness... well besides being shot at constantly. So when this terrible illness bites down on him suddenly, how will it effect the few days he has left?
Peter Parker contracts an illness that he has never heard of then learns that it has no known cure... will he lose his mind before getting the chance to say goodbye to the ones he loves?
AHH! I am so ecstatic for this!! I worked so hard on this, and I am very very proud of this work and I hope that elevators_not_worthy enjoys this work! I chose her, Author's Choice prompt and came up with this guy! It was a labor of love and I cannot thank @justme--Emily  & @seek-rest enough for taking the time to Beta read this work and help me round it out!
Warnings: This is a very sad fic, but no MCD! It is disorienting and could be upsetting to people. No major panic attacks or anything of the sort, just know that it is a bit intense!
Also, shoutout to @irondad-fic-exchange for helping this writer with the computer parts of posting this (I may be a millennial and I may be on my computer all the time but Im so bad with them)
**Tags: ** @irondad-fic-exchange @unfathomable-universe
Please enjoy!
         Peter smiled at MJ across the lunch table, tossing a potato chip at her. Her hair was loose around her face today, and he thought it made her look exceptional.
“Eat your lunch, loser. We only have five minutes before class.” She said, looking back down at her book.
He glanced down at his plate, frowning at the half-eaten sandwich. He hadn’t been hungry for several days, he’d still been forcing himself to eat, but it hadn’t been much. He had hypothesized that his body was finally watering down the spider bite’s crazy side-affect that had him eating like an elephant every day.
The bell rang and the Ned, Betty, and MJ all headed in different directions. Peter waved them all off and stood up himself. His feet led him down the tiled floors of the cafeteria. He stepped into the hallway, about to head to his class. It was time for… Peter stopped, staring at the floor. What class was he going to? He racked his brain, thinking as hard as he could to no avail. He shook his head, remembering that he had read that doorways cause you to lose your train of thought. But it was March of his senior year of high school, he should remember what class came after his lunch period.
           A laugh shook him from his stupor, Olivia Yung grabbed shoved his arm, a smile on her face. “Come on, Parker! We’re going to be late to Western Civ! You don’t even have your notebook, geez! You Americans! Come on, you can borrow a piece of paper and pen from me. We have a quiz on Thursday, you better start taking some good notes!” She tugged him along, and Peter shook his head. Olivia was really nice. She was a genius Foreign exchange student and had quickly joined the Decathlon. MJ and her really got along on account of Olivia was obsessed with politics and her and Michelle could talk about current events for hours.
           Peter sat down in class, a bit shaken from the weird memory lapse thing, but he just pushed it away, and began to take good notes. Mr. Harrington wasn’t the best chaperon, but he was pretty good at teaching. So good that Peter struggled to keep up with the points the man was making about the reformation. Peter looked up at the projection and paused. There was a misspelled word on the board. He stopped, furrowing his brows. He looked around, why was no one else noticing this? The word wasn’t even a real one, why would Harrington put it up? Peter looked down at his paper, then looked back up. He dropped his pencil while he re-read the sentence. It said, “Martin Luther posted the 95 These on the Wittenberg church.” The word Peter hadn’t been able to place was _church. _How the hell had he been so confused about that? Peter shook his head. This was getting a bit too weird for his liking. But he figured he would talk to Mr. Stark about it that afternoon at the internship.
           Peter got in the car with Happy, but the man was on a business call, so he had the partition up. Peter pulled his mask out of his bag and slipped on over his head. “Hello, Mr. Parker.”
           “Hey, Karen. Weird question for you.” He said.
           “Anything that I can answer I will.” She responded.
           “Um, have I hit my head recently on patrol?” Peter leaned back and waited, already knowing the answer, but needing to double check.
           “I have no record of you hitting your head recently. I am automatically required to alert Mr. Stark of any and all head injuries upon incident. I have not alerted him in exactly three weeks, and last time you hit your head it was nothing but a migraine inducer.” Peter gnawed on his lip, trying to come up with a reason behind the strange things that had gone down earlier in his day.
           “No reason, K.” And he pulled the mask off. He hadn’t gotten much sleep that night, maybe that was it. Peter closed his eyes. With the New York traffic, they’d be at least another forty-five minutes to the tower. His last thought was _that’s just enough time to take a nap. _
           It had been three hours that Peter and Tony had been in the lab when Mr. Stark turned to Peter with a look of annoying amusement on his face.
           “Kid, you’ve been tapping your fingers on the table for the last ten minutes and if you don’t stop, I’m going to absolutely rampage.” Peter looked up, and smirked.
           “Yeah, yeah, sorry Mr. Stark.” He stopped his fingers, a bit confused as to how long he had been tapping them anyways. Truth was, Peter could care less about the work in front of him. He and Mr. Stark had been doing updates to FRIDAY, and Peter’s attention span had been waning for the last hour and a half.
           Peter rolled his neck, the muscles in his back stiff as he looked at the clock. He still had three more hours of time in here. Normally it was too short of a time with Tony in Peter’s eyes, but right now, he just wanted to lay down.
           He cried out suddenly, dropping the pen he was holding. “What the heck?” He blurted, short gasps of air coming from his mouth as his arm locked up.
           Tony looked over at Peter, concern in his eyes. “What’s up kid?” Peter hunched over, laughing through the pain.
           “My arm is like- ow- spazzing!” He laughed through the pain, it didn’t hurt enough for him to scream, it felt like the one time on patrol when he had been shocked with a woman’s stun-gun when she thought he was trying to grab her. It didn’t necessarily hurt, just locked his joints up a bit. Tony just rolled his eyes and went back to work.
           Peter spent the night at the tower. It was Friday night, and May was on a weekend shift. Peter would normally either stay with Ned or Tony on these weekends, and Ned had called Peter saying he had come down with a cold. So, Stark tower it was. He sat opposite of Steve and Bucky who were watching the newest Yankees game. Peter felt exhaustion pulling at his eyes, but he forced himself to look back down at the homework he had been working on. Tony was on some conference call that Pepper had forced him to take, and he could hear Clint and Nat in the kitchen arguing about how to properly cook spaghetti while Wanda just laughed.
           The Avengers floor had a large commons area. There was the television, kitchen, dining area and a couple of video games. It was a flat and open space. It had two sides to it. The left side led to the bathrooms, and training area. The right side led to all of the bedrooms. Tony had offered to put Peter on his private floor, but Peter just shook his head. He liked being a part of the team like that.
           As the night wore on Tony and Pepper filled into the commons room. Clint had ruined the Spaghetti, don’t even ask Peter how because he didn’t know that was possible. So Tony had grumbled and ordered pizza from the nearest store.
           Peter looked at the food on his plate and sighed, his appetite still completely gone. He forced himself to take a couple of bites before he set it down, wincing at the tightness in his jaw. He began to tap his fingers on his leg, there was an itch in the back of his mind like his hand was being forced to move. Peter watched the movie in front of them. Wanda had gotten to choose tonight, and she had wanted to watch Chasing Mavericks. It was a movie Peter had never seen, but so far, he had kind of liked it. It was about this guy that, against the bad hand the world had dealt him, had found a father figure to replace the lack of his own. The older man, Frosty, took Jay under his wing, teaching him how to not only surf some of the largest and most dangerous waves in the world, but also how to be a better man.
           Peter couldn’t keep his eyes from flicking over to look at Mr. Stark. The older man had Peter’s feet laid over her legs, an arm around Pepper and a pen twirled in his fingers. As Peter watched the movie, seeing as Frosty lost his wife, and Jay helped him back from his guilt and grief, he felt every emotion that the characters felt. He saw as Frosty watched, heart in his throat, as Jay almost died surfing the mavericks. Then, the pain in Frosty’s eyes when Jay did die, taken too soon by his own drive for greatness.
           The movie ended, and Peter saw Tony, wiping his eyes as he leaned back. Natasha had passed out, sitting with her back up against Bucky’s legs. Bucky and Steve had been squished onto the couch together, looking a bit uncomfortable but relaxed, nonetheless. Clint had fallen asleep with his head on Bruce’s shoulder, who in turn had his chin on Clint’s head. The two would freak when they saw woke up.
           Peter went to sit up and frowned at the tightness in his limbs. He felt like his joints had been bolted together and were unable to bend. Peter cracked his jaw and rolled his shoulder. He was still a bit too emotional from the movie to talk, so he stood up and sighed.
           “See you tomorrow, kiddo. I was thinking that we could just have a lazy day at home. Watch some movies, fool around in the lab. The works.” Tony said as he helped pull an exhausted looking Pepper to her feet.
           “Great sounds, Mr. Stark.” Peter turned to go to his room, stopping at Tony’s chuckle.
           “Yeah, you do need to go to bed if you’re talking like that, Pete. G’night.” Peter didn’t know what the older man was talking about, so he just continued walking towards his room.
           And with that, the boy made his way stiffly to his room, fumbling for the king-sized bed and essentially collapsing onto it. School and patrol had really been kicking his butt recently. It had totally zapped his energy, so he was pretty glad to be able to just relax this weekend. Peter closed his eyes, and that was it.
           After the weekend at the tower Peter had finally felt rested. He went to school on Monday happy as could be to be there. Then of course it all went to hell. He had been having a fine weekend. His memory had been a little short, and he kept getting his words mixed up, but Peter had just attributed it to him having been so tired. And, no one had seemed to notice so it wasn’t a big deal anyways.
           He was at Decathlon practice when it happened. Peter had been sitting beside Flash and Betty, answering question after question when there was a strange _popping _sensation in the back of his head. Peter sat up a bit straighter, but he just ignored it, waiting for the next question.
           “Uh- Peter?” He looked up to where MJ was standing with the flashcards in her hands, a strange expression on her normally straight-laced face.
           That’s when he heard the dripping noise and felt liquid on his mouth. Peter put his hand up to his nose and pulled it away. More shocked and annoyed by the sight of the bright red liquid than anything. That’s when he noticed that it wasn’t just dripping, his nose was pouring blood.
Peter pulled his jacket off, holding it up to his nose as he pushed his seat back clumsily.    
“Mr. Parker, do you need to go to the nurse?” Harrington asked in his normally panicked voice.   “No, I-I’m…” He frowned, completely losing his train of thought as the jacket in his hand kept getting wetter under his nose..  “Bathroom, I’m going to go to the bathroom.”
He pushed past the others, bending his knee in annoyance at the stiffness it held. It made him think of his old bike. The kickstand had been rusted, so he could flip it down easily enough, but whenever he tried to pop it back up it would just stick down, aching and squealing in protest as he forced it upwards.
           Peter walked, albeit gimpily to the bathroom. He opened the door and stepped into the fluorescently lit room.
           And his mind blanked. Why was he in the bathroom? Why was his hand pressed to his face? And why on earth did it feel so sticky? Peter turned to leave, pulling the jacket away from his nose when he stopped. His nose was bleeding? When did his nose start bleeding? It didn’t feel like he had gotten punched and he was still at school, so he shouldn’t be having any injuries from school.
           Peter grabbed a couple of paper towels and bent over the sink. He closed his eyes, waiting for the bleeding to stop. It just continued gushing, running down the sink. He breathed out, praying it would stop soon.
           “Peter!” Ned’s voice had Peter snapping his head up. He opened his eyes and looked at his friend, his head pounding. When he looked at himself in the mirror he stopped. Under his nose was a smear of dried blood, and there was a deep red mark on his forehead from where he had been leaning against the edge of the sink.
           “What, jeez, Ned! Don’t scream at me like that, you’re going to give me a heart attack!”
           “Dude, you’re Spiderman and me saying your name is going to do you in?” He said in a voice that made Peter pause. Ned had this tone to his voice that he only got when he was freaked out about something.
           “Ned!” Peter looked around in wild panic as he dampened some paper towels to wipe the blood from his face. “Someone is going to hear you!” Ned just looked at him. His friend’s face was completely slack and dumbfounded.
           “Peter… it’s been two hours! Tony called me, and I told him you had to have goen home because you never came back to practice! I thought you’d gone home after the whole nosebleed thing. Then- then I just come in here to pee before I go home and you’re just like- dude, you were in some freaky trance! Eyes closed, bent over the sink! Are you okay? Is this, should we like, call Mr. Stark about this?” Ned asked so many questions that he just frowned.
           “No, no I’m ok, Ned. I think- I think I’m just tired. I need to go, ok?” Ned just watched as Peter pushed past him. “I’m fine, really! I’ll see you tomorrow!” He said, bringing his hand up to his jaw as he began to rub it again. God, his bones felt so stiff.
           Peter stepped outside and pulled his phone into his hand. His heart plummeted. Twelve missed texts from Tony! He was so dead!
           Hey kid, you still coming to work on the new update for Karen today?
_ _
_            Yo- you ignoring your old man now? I’m completely offended._
_ _
_            Blink once if you are in trouble. _
_ _
_            Peter, kid? You’re friend Ned said you left to go home? Everything peachy clean?_
_ _
_            Alright, I’m kind of panicking. Please call me. _
_ _
_            Now._
_ _
_            Kid, I mean it. Like NOW!_
_ _
_            Ok, your phone is saying it has no signal. _
_ _
_            So help me GOD if you turned off your tracking again_
_ _
_            PETER!_
_ _
_            Alright, I’m sending the avenger’s out now. _
_ _
_            Call me!_
_ _
_ _
_            _He didn’t get service in the bathroom he had been in, and Peter hit the call button. One ring later and Tony was yelling in his ear.
           “Mr. Stark.” He winced again, pulling the phone from his ear. Something was wrong. He couldn’t think. Peter looked around him and stopped. He was in front of some massive building. He could see a football field and stairs. The building behind him looked somewhat like a prison as Peter turned in a circle. “I’m-” He lost the word for it. “I don’t k- I can’t think!” He finally forced out of his increasingly uncomfortable mouth, rubbing his jaw once more.
           “Ok, your tracking is on now.” Tony’s voice was deadly serious as he picked up the predicament his kid was in. “Your friend said he found you bent over the bathroom sink, Bucky is closest to you, but I’m on my way.”
           Peter wanted to speak, but he was hit by a wall of fatigue. He heard someone calling his name, but his phone clattered to the ground as his hand fell limp at his side. He felt like a puppet whose strings had been completely cut.
He swayed. Peter heard yelling, but he couldn’t comprehend the words. He was exhausted, feeling as though he had been running for three hours.
He fell. Unable to hold himself up on his shaking knees anymore. Then he felt arms on his,
lowering him to the ground.
           “Hey, woah- woah kid. Hang on, Tony’s almost here. Geez, what did you smoke?” He heard Bucky above him, and Peter could feel as the ex-assassin sat him up, leaning Peter back against his chest to keep him supported.
           “I- Buck- I can’t think- I don’t. Working, words aren’t.” He could feel the man looking at him, but Peter just wanted help. He was so confused, and nothing was making sense. And what was this happening to him?
           He heard the sound of repulsors and felt more hands on him then Tony’s worry ridden face was in front of him.
           “Kid, what’s going on?” It was then that Peter realized he was crying.
           “I don’t- Tony- I can’t- I can’t- I can’t-” The older man held his hand out, eyebrows creased heavily.
           “Okay, alright. Brucy is waiting on us at the tower, and he’s going to get you all figured out. I swear, if you have alcohol in your system, I’m going to lose it.” Tony’s voice was deadly serious, but Peter knew he was just teasing to work through the anxiety he was feeling.
           “Where- where- are? Where am I?” He stuttered out, looking around, his eyes doing everything they could to put two and two together.
           Tony jerked his head to look at Bucky, he was still holding Peter’s limp head up. “Did he hit his head?”
           “No, I caught him when he fell. I looked, no dilated pupils or bumps on the skull. I have no clue what’s going on.” He said, concern evident in his voice.
           “Kid, we’re at Midtown right now.” Peter blinked. Midtown. That was his school. Terror began to grip at his heart and Peter looked around him. He had walked these sidewalks for years. He had been going to midtown for four years, and now he couldn’t even recognize where he was.
           “What’s wrong with me?” He whispered. Saying it so quietly that only Tony heard. The man bent down, hands around Peter’s face, looking him dead in the eye.
           “I don’t know, buddy. But I am going to figure it out, okay. You just relax. We are going to get everything taken care of.” Peter just stared at him; eyes wide. Tony then stood up, one hand on Peter’s bicep and one on his forearm. Bucky also shifted around, doing the same on Peter’s left side. He was completely limp, muscles absolutely exhausted as he was pulled up. Peter’s legs were completely straight as he stood. Bucky and Tony were the only reason he wasn’t falling flat on his face.
           “Think you can walk, Kid?” Bucky asked from next to him. Peter grunted, moving his legs forward carefully. It was like he was being forced to walk through a mud pit, his limbs feeling as though they weighed thousands of pounds. He could see the car pulling up, a worried Steve and Clint watching him from the front seats. They leapt out, opening the door closest to the trio.
           “Hey, kid. You’re looking like you had a bit too much to drink.” Clint quipped as he helped bend Peter’s knees to get him into the seat, but Peter knew he was terrified. The more time you spent with Clint, the more you realized that his humor covered up all other emotions that he felt. Bucky slipped to the other side of the car, helping to pull Peter through.
           He leaned his head back, sinking into the leather seats as Tony and Bucky supported him on both sides, hands hovering as they wondered what to do. Suddenly a sharp pain jabbed into his thigh. Peter cried out, hunching over. Hands were on him immediately, sitting him back as he continued to cry out.
           “What’s going on?” Steve asked from the driver’s seat. Tony and Bucky were bracing Peter back, holding him up against the seat as he continued to squirm in pain.
           “I don’t know, just get us to Bruce!” Tony kind of yelled, the team just knew that whenever someone Tony loved was in harm’s way, he got like this. Tense, agitated, and quick to snap. But, no one cared. They all knew that it was only because he cared so deeply and couldn’t stand to see anyone he loved in pain. Strangled cries came from Peter’s mouth, and a hand quickly cupped the back of his head.
           “Kid, we are going to get all of this figured out. Hang on for us, alright? I think you’re having a muscle spasm right now, good ole’ Charly Horse, yeah? No big deal, guys that play football get em’ all the time. They hurt like a bitch, but just try and relax.” Bucky said as Peter just let his head go limp. He was so, so tired, everything around him seeming to sap every ounce of energy he had.
           “That’s a good idea. Kid, just try and close your eyes and relax, alright?” Peter grunted, whether in agreement or agitation he didn’t know. His eyes closed, but his mind stayed awake.
The conversations making less and less sense to him as he drifted somewhere else.
           “I don’t know what this is.” A panicked voice started.  “He’s been acting weird the past couple of weeks, losing his train of thought and stuff but, God, this? He just, he seems completely out of it. He didn’t know where we were, and I- God, if I didn’t know better it seems like the same thing that happened to my grandmother.” Tony said from beside him. Peter listened, but he didn’t hear.
           “Like what?” Steve asked from the front.
           “Like- I hate to say this…” Tony paused, obviously deep in thought. “It’s like Alzheimer’s”
           Peter woke up to Bucky and Tony pulling him carefully from the car. Natasha was holding a wheelchair in place, her normally placate face creased with worry at the sight of the teen who could hardly stand on his own. It as something straight from a nightmare.
           “Bruce is getting a room prepped for him. He wants to start him on an MRI scan first.” Her flat tone said, but her hand found Peter’s face and she gave him a soft stroke.
           “Can- can you guys, s-s-s…. quit talking about me. Like I’m not h- like I’m not here.” Every word felt like a struggle to get out. It was like his tongue had been twisted and tied and his brain was doing flips in his head. Like reaching into a bowl of random words, looking for one specific one. Natasha bends down at this as the men get Peter settled into the wheelchair.
           “Kid don’t worry. Bruce and Cho are the best out there, you know that. Whatever is going on with you, we will get it figured out.” Peter rarely saw Natasha look anything other than stone-faced, but right now, her eyes had an air of concern and gentleness that soothed his soul. He relaxed as he was wheeled into the tower.
           “How are you feeling, Pete?” Bruce asked when they made it to the med bay. The man looked concerned, but calm as Peter was helped to sit on the reclined hospital bed.
           “I don’t- I can’t- it’s…” He stopped, taking a deep breath. He couldn’t think. And he was going to go crazy. Before he realized what, he had done, Peter’s phone was laying on the floor, a mirage of broken glass.
           “Alright, alright. Listen, you just relax. We are going to take an MRI, I think it’s possible that you hit your head, and this is just a severe concussion, alright? I’m going to get this done as quickly as possible, you just relax. If you get uncomfortable or feel off just let me know.” Peter just nodded, his eyes hot with tears, finding Tony’s as the man stared at him with worry creasing his features.
           “M-m-may?” Peter stuttered out. Tony nodded, understanding completely.
           “Yeah, I know. I want to wait and see what Bruce says. She’s going to be sleeping right now. Once he lets us know what’s going on, we will give her a call.” Tony ruffled Peter’s hair as one of the nurse’s brought him a hospital gown.
           “I don’t think.” His voice stuttered. “I can’t do it a- a- by myself.” Tony, sad eyes and firm lined mouth, nodded.
           “I know. I’ve you kid. I’ve got you.”
           The MRI was torture for Tony. He stood, watching through the one-way glass, his heart in his throat. The kid had exploded, slamming his phone into the wall on the opposite side of the room with enough force for it to completely shatter. Tony and Bruce had held a brief conversation about a sedative, but since Peter had calmed down, they’d decided to hold off.
           “Tony.” Bruce’s voice was low, and he jerked his head to look at the man. Everyone else was somewhere in the tower, awaiting news. He had sent Happy to get May when Bruce relayed the fact that it would be wise. Something as serious as this, it wasn’t a physical issue. He hadn’t fallen from a building, or been slammed upside the head. This was neurological. And that was scarier than anything else that could’ve happened. Peter was laid out, looking utterly too still as he stared at the white machine above him.
           “Bruce.” Tony’s voice wavered, completely uncertain, and painstakingly terrified. He had risked everything; the team had risked _everything _for that kid. To stop Thanos, to save that boy. That boy who looked completely horrified and unaware of his body. Who was moving like an elderly person, whose brain could hardly place a thought. Tony could not lose him. Tony would _not _lose him. Not now, not ever.
           “I think we need to sit down.” Bruce said gravely. Those were the exact words he had dreaded hearing. Tony just continued to stare at the man. Bruce, who was hiding behind his glasses, his face white as a sheet. And Tony suddenly felt the urge to vomit.
           “Tell me.” He said, unable to say anything more without his voice breaking.
           “Let’s si-”
           “_Bruce.” _He said forcibly.
           “It’s, God, Tony it looks like…” He paused, rubbing his hands over his eyes. He looked
as though he were about to drop to the floor. “It doesn’t make sense, but it looks like- Frontotemporal Dementia.” His voice was a hush, hardly a whisper, but Tony just stared at him like he was a foreign language.
           “_Dementia? _Bruce, he-he’s eighteen. He doesn’t have Dementia!” Tony exclaimed, throwing his hands. Because no matter how much he argued the point, it wouldn’t matter. Because Bruce wouldn’t have said that if it couldn’t happen.
           “It’s rare, Tones. But, it’s the only type of Dementia that can affect young people, and… Tony I think that the advancement that the spider bite gave him… I think that it is working against him and speeding up the process. His symptoms started until last week, and it just doesn’t move this fast.” Bruce gestured to the kid. “This is- it’s moving too fast.” Tony took a deep breath, feeling as though he was underwater.
           “What’s going to happen?” His voice was deathly low, but Bruce heard.
           “It looks to be in a more advanced place. He’s going to have problems holding things, moving, walking. We need to be careful and watch that he doesn’t fall. It will become hard for him to eat, and drink, his muscles essentially will start cramping or seizing up, he won’t be able to move. He… it’s not fatal in itself. But, God-” Bruce’s head fell into his hands. “There’s essentially no way to keep him from getting pneumonia. He will stop being able to move, and when the body lays in one position like that, it just- it’s not good.” And Tony felt like he was dying. Right then and right there. And he grabbed Bruce’s arm, because he couldn’t stand up.
           “Tony, I need you to breathe.” Bruce’s voice filled his brain as Tony sank against the wall.
           “I can’t- Bruce- I can’t lose him.” Bruce kneeled in front of Tony.
           “I will figure this out. Be there for him. Don’t act like he’s dumb or missing something. Treat him as normally as you can. I want him to stay on the Floor with everyone until… as long as he can.” Bruce grimaced as he stood up. “I’m going to give you a minute, and I’m going to go
talk to Peter. Talk to his aunt. I won’t stop until I can find a way to fix this.”
           There were tears and denial from everyone. Peter didn’t understand half of what Bruce told him; he just knew that whatever was going on was bad. It was bad for him, and everyone around him was upset. Bruce promised to not stop trying. Whatever that meant.
           May was there. She was crying and kept holding his head to her chest. Peter was sat on the couch with a blanket up to his chest. Tony was standing in the kitchen, and he had been looking down at the same cup of coffee for the past twenty minutes. Peter blinked heavily, his head dropping towards his chest.
           “Why don’t you take a nap, Pete?” May’s voice was soft as she played with his hair. Peter did feel exhausted. He leaned his head against her arm.
           “It’s like-like a …” He couldn’t think.
           “It’s okay, just relax right now, baby.”
           “It’s like a storm.” He muttered. May tilted her head, looking at him with tears rimming her eyes.
           “What?” His eyes were closed as he released a deep breath. He felt Tony’s hand on his hair, and he sighed.
           “This. ‘s like a storm.”
           It only got worse. Tony had called in every single doctor he could think of. He had called in Cho, Strange, even doctors from Thor’s world. No one could find a cure. Tony was sat with Peter today. May had a double shift at the hospital, and he had Peter duty. The kid was staring at the television. Nothing hurt Tony more than the silence from his kid. Peter had always been the chipper, chatting one. He was the one that was talking when Tony had been anxious or stressed about something. Now, Peter hardly spoke. The dementia was progressing faster than any of them had been ready for. The kid could hardly speak without stuttering. He was constantly confused, and he could hardly eat or drink anything, choking to the point that they had put in a feeding tube and he was now connected to an IV of fluids at all times.
           Tony looked at the kid, biting his lip as he bent his head, doing everything he could to hold back a sob. Peter’s face was void of any emotion as he sat, and Tony couldn’t handle it anymore. He needed an ounce of recognition, a hint of a smile.
           “Hey, Pete. Do you want to go outside? I’ll take you for a stroll?” Peter made eye contact with Tony before offering a stiff nod. “Alright. Let me grab you a jacket and the wheelchair.” Peter just stared back at the television as Tony pushed himself off the couch. The kid hadn’t been able to eat much before the feeding tube, and even with it he was losing weight, which meant he was always freezing. As Tony walked from the hallway with the items, he needed his heart dropped.
           “Pete!” He raced forward, the teen lying face down on the ground, trying and failing to push himself up, the IV had been ripped from his arm. Tony grabbed him and got him in a sitting position. “Are you hurt?” The boy just stared at him; no recognition is his eyes. Tony felt his blood running cold. “Peter, are you hurt?” He pronounced each word very bluntly, but the boy shook his head, his body shaking slightly.
           “Need’d you.” He forced out from his locked jaw. Tony grinned, knowing it didn’t reach his eyes.
           “That’s okay, kiddo. I’ve got you.” He managed to get Peter into the wheelchair, tucking the sweatshirt he grabbed, which just so happened to be his MIT one, over the boy’s head before slipping the IV back into the teen’s arm. He decided to tuck a blanket around the kid as well, making sure he stayed warm.
           It was dark out, and the lights of the city blinked at the two of them. Peter’s favorite spot was on the roof, looking over New York. They hadn’t talked about spider-man since Peter got sick, but he knew the kid missed it drastically, could see it in the boy’s face.
           “M’ scared.” Tony looked down, seeing tears in the kid’s eyes. He knelt next to him, touching the boy’s face gently.
           “It’s going to be okay, Pete.” Heart being torn from his chest.
           “Miss it.” A tear dropped down his cheek and Tony’s thumb caught it.
           “I know. I know you do.” He needed a cure, God let Bruce find a cure.
           “M’ lost, T’ny.” And that did it. It was a sledgehammer straight to his heart. Tony’s calloused hands cupped the teens face, and his distant eyes focused in.
           “You’re not lost. It just feels like you are. Bruce isn’t- we aren’t going to let you go somewhere that we can’t follow.” Each word dripped with emotion. Peter nodded. He was more coherent right now than he had been in the past several days, and Tony was soaking it all in. He pulled the kid from the chair, sitting both of them on a couch that he had set up outside, just for these moments. He grabbed a blanket and pulled a hat on Peter’s head for him. The two sat, listening to the soft music that FRIDAY had turned on, and for a second- one split second- everything was normal.
           Then Peter coughed.
           Ton sat at the table of the commons room, staring at his food and trying to force himself to eat. May was with Peter and Cho, working on finding a way to bring his fever down. Let’s just say, when Peter got sick, he got sick violently. He was coughing up a lung and you could read the discomfort in every labored breath he took. What had the medical team so worried, was the levels of his fever. The kid was racked with chills, and his fever was verging on 104, and Tony ached to see the kid’s hazy eyes.
           He felt a presence behind him and looked up. Helen stood, looking exhausted as she watched him.
           “How is he?” Tony knew, but he still dreamed that he would ask that question and it would be, _He’s healed, Tony! _And he would never have to let the kid get out of his sight again.
           “Not good.” Cho sat, sipping the tea that she held. “I don’t know how much longer he has, to be honest with you.” Tony felt his entire chest darken, running a hand over his mouth.
           “How did this happen? No one in his family showed signs of it, Helen! I looked into his family’s medical records; they show nothing like this! Not a single one of them had anything close to dementia or Alzheimer’s, and I’m just supposed to expect that this is completely random?” He dropped his face into his hands.
           “I wasn’t going to tell you this, because nothing came of it.” Cho looked down. “When Peter first came in and we took his blood, there were… abnormalities in it. A strange chemical mixture that I couldn’t quite make out.” Tony sat up straighter. “I still have the sample, and I’ve been looking into it, but nothing has come of it. If it were-” She stopped herself looking down, and a burning anger filled his chest.
           “If it were what?” She bit her lip.
           “It was foul play,” and his breath was torn away from him. “then it wouldn’t matter right now, because I haven’t been able to curate a way to stop this anyways, and I’ve been trying. I had Natasha looking back to see if Peter ever got hit with any kind of dart or injected with anything, she’s been looking since he came in last week but nothing’s come up.” Tony’s hands were shaking as he watched her. “I- the pain he’s in… I need to start him on Morphine.” Tony felt his chest tightening.
           “Morphine is a death sentence.” He choked out, unable to breath.
           “It- it doesn’t look good. He’s in pain right now. His body is shutting down and he’s sick. I’ll give you until the end of the day, but Tony- I won’t let him suffer any longer than that.” She said firmly, as Tony stared at the wall in front of him.
           “I will fund whatever you need. I will get you every scientist in the world. Get my boy back.” He stood, completely abandoning the food on the table.
           “Where are you going?”
           “I’ve got a very unlucky person out there waiting for me to hunt them down. Someone did this to my kid, I just know it. I have to find them. I have to do something.”
           He took Clint, Natasha, and Bucky with him. He needed to be sure that he had a team of people willing to do whatever it took to get this son of a bitch. Tony had scoured every ounce of footage from Peter’s suit, and he had found it. There was a man that Peter had fought, of course he had won, but the man had gotten a small cut onto Peter. Of course, the kid hadn’t thought anything of it, but as Tony had FRIDAY read into who the man was, he found out that he was a scientist from OSCorp, and there was no way that he was completely innocent.
           They had found his home and waited until nighttime. When they ambushed, it had only taken Natasha three and a half minutes to get the cure from him. Tony had already called SHIELD. Whenever the psycho, who said he wanted to see how Peter’s Spider DNA reacted to the Dementia, got out of the hospital, he would be in prison for a very very long time.
           Tony raced back to the tower, stopping in his tracks when he heard May weeping. _I’m too late. _He thought to himself. Peter was dying a terrible, painful death, and he was too late. Bruce came sprinting around the corner, his face pale and sweating.
           “Please tell me he-”
           “Not yet, but God- I would never give him something like this without testing it, but we don’t have time. I just pray that it kick starts his healing factor, because. Well, I’m not going to lie to you, without it he doesn’t have long. His fever is too high and with the way his muscles are shutting down, he’s losing his ability to clear his airway by coughing. Helen’s going to administer Morphine in twenty minutes if this does nothing.” Tony gave the man the vial and followed as they raced to the room, ignoring the growing shaking of his hands.
           May was weeping, Her face laying in Peter’s hand on the bed. The ventilator hissed as it did everything it could to do the job his lungs couldn’t. His face was ghastly pale, the bags under his eyes dark enough to look racoon-ish. He looked so thin, and weak. Tony hated it. He hated every second of seeing his kid look like this.  
           “Okay, Peter. If you can hear me, we have something to give you.” Helen said from where she entered the room behind Tony. May looked up, tear stained eyes that held a haunted hope. Because if this didn’t work- they knew the outcome.
           Helen prepped the needle and walked to the port in his left arm. She bent her head down, saying a quick prayer. Tony did the same. She inserted the honey-looking liquid in. And they waited. Nothing happened.
           The respirator hissed. The pulse ox beeped, dangerously low, and the heart monitor seemed to be counting down the seconds. Everything seemed to slow down drastically, as Tony rubbed his hand over the boy’s forehead, hand gripping his kid’s tightly.
           Then doe brown eyes slipped open. And they held more recognition and love in them than Tony had seen in weeks. And he thought his knees would buckle.
           Tony gripped the boy’s hand, staying out of Cho and Bruce’s way. They began examining him, giving him his pain medications that would work now that his metabolism was working again. The boy may at least be awake, but he was still sick. His metabolism working the way it was, had him beginning to fight the ventilator that he was on, and Tony put a placating hand on his shoulder, steadying the kid best he could. “We’ve got you Pete, we’ve got you.” He said over and over as the boy squeezed his hand, brown eyes blown wide. He knew this would be terrifying. He knew Peter would have a long road of recovering ahead of him, but they could do this.    
           By the time Cho and Bruce left, Peter was falling back asleep with exhaustion. The respirator would stay in until his lungs cleared, which, with his healing rates, shouldn’t take longer than a couple of days.
           May had stepped out to go shower when the boy fell back asleep, Tony having promised to stay with him. He had pulled a chair closer to the teen’s bed, tucking a blanket into his lap as he waited for the boy to wake up.
           “I missed you, kiddo. God, I was terrified.” He whispered as he sat, running his fingers through the boy’s hair. He hadn’t expected the kid to wake up with the amount of drugs he was on, but he felt the hand tightening around his own.
           Soft brown eyes forced themselves open, and Peter was looking at him, trust filling his eyes, and Tony knew he would never again take him for granted. “Hey kid.” Peter’s hand tightened on Tony’s. The man leaned forward, shushing Peter gently as he blinked. “Just rest, Pete. I’ll be here when you wake up. I’ll be here for the rest of your life. Whenever you need me.” Peter had tears in his eyes, and Tony just hushed him once more, running his thumb across the boy’s cheek. “You’re not lost anymore, Pete. We found you.” He closed his eyes as Tony continued playing with his hair. “We found you.”
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ausblack · 6 years
Feline instinct | k.th
Request: Badboy Tae and Shy oc enemies to lovers? Ps ur work is soooooooooo amazing
Pairing: Leopard hybrid! Taehyung x Cheetah hybrid! Reader 
Genre: Fluff, hybrid!au, Enemies to lovers!au, Roommates!au
Word Count: 6.4 k
TW: Strong language as always
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“Why are you still here?” You jumped at the sound of your coworker’s voice, turning around to face her with the sponge in your hand. It was way past your working time and nobody was supposed to be in the café since everyone had already went home apart from you. The room full of shiny tables was illuminated by the lamps on the ceiling since outside the light sun was no longer there. You looked at her with wide eyes, ears perked up in your head for the surprise. 
“God, why would you scare me like that.” You responded, hissing lightly before turning back to clean the small table in the corner of the room. She was already wearing her own clothes, meanwhile you had still on your apron. Confusion was pasted on her face as she looked down on her watch before opening her mouth to speak again.
“It’s ten past nine, shouldn’t you already be at home? Your shift ended one hour ago.” She said, moving to sit down on the table that you were currently scraping with your small sponge.
“You should be at home too, why are you here?” You asked back, sighing softly before sitting I front of her – wiping your wet hands on the white piece of cloth that you had wrapped tightly around your waist.
“I forgot my phone in the kitchen so I came back to take it.” She said and you nodded, yawning before explaining yourself.
“I’ll go home in an hour and a half.” You told her and she looked at you even more confused than before.
“But...Why? Troubles with your boyfriend?” She looked at you with her wide eyes and her own ears perked up in curiosity. Dog hybrids were the noisier types.
“What boyfriend?” You asked her confused, but she just shrugged. 
“You always have a male scent all over you so I guessed that it was your boyfriend.” She explained but you shook your head.
“My roommate will go to work at 10 pm, I don’t plan on meeting him when I come home.” You explained and she stood up, heading to the kitchen ready to prepare a coffee for you. 
You silently thanked her for that, feeling the need to put something hot in your stomach. Everyone knew that felines hated to be cold.
“So what’s the deal with your roommate? You don’t get along? She asked crossing her arms as she waited for the dark liquid to fill the small white cup.
“I don’t even know why I decided to live with him. I guess that it’s a comfortable position and the rent isn’t that expensive but he’s just…unbearable.” You took the hot cup that she had placed in the table in front of you and you smiled at her – blowing on his before touching the coffee with your lips, to see if it was too hot to drink or not.
“Is he an hybrid as well?” As those words left her mouth, you sighed.
“He’s a leopard.” You said, already knowing what she was about to say.
“I mean...What’s the problem? Aren’t you a leopard too?” You grumbled at her words, shaking your head with a pout in your face.
“I’m a cheetah.”
“Isn’t it the same thing?” She added innocently and you looked at her annoyingly, shaking your head one again.
“We’re the complete opposite. I’m fast, he’s slow. I like fish, he likes meat. I’m tidy, he’s messy. I’m quiet, he’s loud. His scent it’s so irritating you have absolutely no idea.” She furrowed her brows at your words and you gulped a large sip of coffee before responding her question.
“Why are you still his roommate if you can’t even stand him?”
“The bill isn’t affordable by myself, we’re staying together because we both work in the same area. We thought it would be easy because I work during the day and he works as a bartender during the night.” She nodded slowly as you spoke, before talking again.
“So you never see each other?”
“On the weekend but I don’t really like staying outside of my room. You know how we are. We don’t like staying with other people. He, on the other hand, is something else. Always hanging out with his friends, coming home with tons of different scents on himself. I get headaches when he does.” You said, already grumbling at the thought of him.
“Why don’t you speak to him about it?” She asked and you chuckled.
“He likes to drive me insane, that little shit.” Standing up to wash the cup after you finished your coffee, your friend followed you – continuing to talk while you wet your hands on the sink.
“I guess it’s just a feline instinct. He feels a competition between us.” You shrugged and she laughed, hugging you before speaking up. 
You knew that dog hybrids were touchy so you weren’t shocked by her sudden skinship.
“I think you two would eventually go along. Just give it a bit of time.” You smiled faintly at her before stretching your arms.
“Just go home, don’t worry about him. You’ve been working since this morning. Just go and rest.” She caressed your shoulder and you nodded – feeling like you should’ve taken her advice.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Taking off your apron you headed towards your cabinet – taking off your bag before saying goodbye to your coworker and going back home. 
You wished Taehyung wouldn’t have been at home when you arrived, but after opening the front door, the irritating scent of him came all over you – indicating that he still hadn’t left the apartment and you had to deal with him until he went out.
Throwing your bag on the couch, you lied down – closing your eyes to relax, only to be interrupted a couple of seconds later.
“You stink Y/N, go take a shower.” His low voice came to your ears and for a moment you tried to restrain yourself from yelling at him.
“I don’t stink.” You replied but he scoffed, looking at himself in the mirror.
“You smell like a dog.” At his words you opened your eyes, looking at him as he got ready to head out. You were sure that smelling like your coworker was far better than having on your body his scent. 
You weren’t going to lie; Taehyung was one of the hottest guys you had ever laid your eyes on. 
His body was built, his hair was dark and covered partly his eyes and his lips were always rosy and moisturized. A cigarette was held tightly in between them and grey clouds of smoke were coming out of his nostrils as he buttoned up his shirt.
“Stop smoking inside the house. How many times do I have to tell you that I hate that smell.” You got up, glaring at him and he chuckled – blowing a cloud of smoke towards you, causing you to cough.
“God, I can’t stand you.” You muttered before heading towards your room, locking the door behind your shoulders.     
He loved to tease you, driving you crazy by doing things that you hated – like pouring sugar on your glass of water even though you hated sweet stuff, or turning on the speaker on his phone when he listened to music, although he knew that you preferred to stay in a quieter environment. 
You couldn’t say that you didn’t reply back to his teases, since before you had ruined plenty of his shirt by accidently throwing them on the washing machine along with your red sweaters – turning them into lovely pink clothes. The one between you two was an open war that started as soon as you two started to live together. 
You weren’t sure about the reason; it could be both the difference between your personalities or the fact that you two were predators – big cats that despite the differences, were both hunters and powerful. 
Throwing yourself on the bed, you stared at the white ceiling with sleepy eyes – feeling tired and completely done after the week of work that you had just experienced. 
Your room was completely tidy and clean, differently from the rest of the house that looked like a mess thanks to the leopard who was currently getting ready for a night out. You slept on a king size bed, covered in warm blankets that you used to create a small forts every night – enjoying the warmth that you could feel in it. Every morning you also woke up with the light of the sun, that reflected a nice sunspot on your bed filtered by the window. It was truly your safe house. 
Closing your eyes and wrapping yourself around the soft blankets that surrounded your body, you let out a small purr at the comfort of your mattress before starting to doze off and eventually to fall asleep. 
However, the relaxing time didn’t continue for long and you found yourself groaning in displeasure at the sound of giggles and moans a bunch of hours later. 
You opened your eyes, watching the clock that laid untouched on your desk and a loud growl came out of your throat at the sight of the time.
It was currently 3:38 am and you had just been awakened by the sound of your roommate having sex with some random girl that he had brought home after his shift at the club where he worked. It wasn’t like he had never done that before, you were aware of the fact that Taehyung wasn’t exactly so pious – he liked to go out, drink and sleep with different girls – but you never cared much about it as long as that didn’t stand in your way. 
The high pitched cries irritated you but, you weren’t going to lie – Taehyung’s low moans were starting to turn you on the more you listened to them.
You could smell the scent of arousal mixed with Taehyung’s hormones from your bed, but you tried to shake it away from your nose before covering your head with a pillow and falling asleep again. 
The next morning your shift at work began later than the usual, so you took the time to get up slowly and prepare yourself a coffee while sitting in the couch with crossed legs and a book in your hand. It was peaceful and the silence that surrounded you was almost dream-like, causing you to think for a moment that Taehyung had left the house earlier. 
Nothing seemed to bother you, until a loud gasp attracted your attention, making you look up annoyingly from the book. The girl that had spent the night with Taehyung was currently standing in front of his room, half naked with a shocked expression stamped on her face. She had two dark ears on her head and a black tail that moved quickly behind her legs. You guessed that she was some kind of wolf hybrid, considering her strong – but not stronger than yours – scent. 
“Who the fuck are you?” She snapped at you and you raised your eyebrow at her audacity, without replying back. Taehyung was already hurrying out from his bed to get her, so you let him do all the work without bothering. 
Taking a sip of your coffee you looked at the girl that was still waiting for an answer as Taehyung grabbed her shoulders, looking at you with apologetic eyes and messy hair. He wasn’t wearing anything apart from his sweatpants, but you tried to divert your eyes – not looking at his shirtless body. 
“Baby I think you should go.” His low, morning voice spoke up but the dark haired wolf hybrid was still glaring at you without moving or changing her stance. 
“You never told me that you had a girlfriend! I thought you brought me here because you liked me!” She said, screaming in a high pitched voice that made you furrow your brows in annoyance. Taehyung was trying to deal the situation with politeness, but you could tell that he was annoyed too. Maybe this wasn’t worth a good fuck.
“She’s-“ He tried to talk, pulling her back inside his room to get her in another place far from you  – scenting your annoyance with his great sense of smell.
“I don’t care who she is! You told me so many nice things yesterday and now I’m finding out that you have some bitch living in your house.” She was livid as she screamed but as soon as the word bitch left her mouth Tahyung stepped out, furrowing his brows at her. 
“Hey, watch your mouth.” You smirked as those words came to your ears, setting down the cup of coffee in front of you before standing up – looking at the two in front of you seriously. 
The girl stepped back at your movement, hitting Taehyung’s chest, and the boy stared at you without saying anything. 
A low growl came out of your throat and you could hear a small whine coming out of her. 
Walking towards her, you stopped when she was standing in front of you and with a small smile you opened your mouth – letting her hear your voice for the first time. 
“Listen up wolfie. You have exactly five seconds to go out of my apartment before I get pissed off.” She tried to put on a brave face by scoffing, not managing to hide the scent of fear that her body emanated. 
“O-Or what? Tae brought me here, who are you to tell me to go away?” She said and you looked up at Taehyung, meeting his dark eyes with your before facing the girl once again – snarling at her. 
“I’m his girlfriend so get the fuck out of my house before I show you what a cheetah can do to a wolf.” You growled and this time, her whine came loudly to your ears as she walked back to Taehyung’s room to pick her things up before going out of your apartment with her tail between her legs. 
As this scene happened, Taehyung stared you down – shocked to see this side of you and smirking to himself as the word boyfriend went out of your mouth.
That was hot.
As soon as the door closed shut, a warm chuckle made you roll your eyes and turn around, to pick up your book and your empty cup before heading towards the kitchen.
“Boyfriend uh?” He teased, leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen as you washed the cup without looking at him in the eyes. 
“Just thank me and shut the hell up.” You muttered, making him chuckle again. 
“I mean…I could handle her pretty well but I’m glad that a feisty cat felt the need to take care of it.” You scoffed at his teasing with a small blushed on your cheeks before turning around and heading towards your room – hurried to go and start your shift at work. 
“Go take a shower, you smell like a dog.” You looked at him, sniffing slightly the air and making him laugh before closing the door of your room – blushing even further as his words came to your ears from the other side of the door. 
“Whatever you desire, girlfriend.”
“So then he called me girlfriend...Do you believe that?” You muttered angrily as you scraped the dirt off the table – finding yourself in the same situation of the day before, with your coworker sitting on the table next to you as she listened to your tantrum. You had just experienced the worst day of work in your whole life so, the anger wasn’t easy to dissolve.
“I think he likes you a bit.” She said, eyeing you with a small smirk as she leaned against the wall with crossed legs. A couple of clients were still sitting on their table, but the shift was about to end so you felt free to talk a bit with your friend as they waited for whatever they’ve ordered.
“Bullshit. He doesn’t let me even breathe, he loves to make me feel bad.” You answered, looking at her with a soft sigh before taking off your apron and throwing it on the counter.
“Plus, he’s a le-“
“Keep the hybrid shit out of it Y/N, my friend is a wolf and he’s dating a bunny hybrid. As love is in the air who cares about the law of the jungle.” You chuckled at her words and you sat down in front of her, looing at her puppy-like expression.
“Honestly, I don’t hate h-“
“Hey, Kitty!” Your words had been cut off by a loud, low voice behind you and you jumped in your seat by the sudden noise.
Turning around, you faced the costumer in his table where he was sitting with his friends – a cocky expression stamped in his face. Giggles were coming out of his friends as they looked at you, watching the situation as if it was some kind of show.
“Could you bring us a glass of water, pretty please?” He asked and you nodded, looking confused at your coworker before getting up and filling a cup for the man that had asked for it.
They weren’t hybrids and that’s was a huge red flag for you, because humans thought of your workplace with hybrid employees as some kind of fucked up maid café – as if they had the freedom to treat you like you were at their all disposal.
As you laid down the glass of water in front of the boys, you froze at the filling of a hand wrapping around your tail – jerking it quickly and causing you to yelp loudly at the sudden pain.
“The group of boys started to laugh as you jumped back with stoop up ears and flushed face from the anger that they were causing.
A loud growl came out of your throat and their laugh only came out louder, until a hand touched your shoulder, caressing it slowly.
“Hey, don’t worry about it okay? Just go home I’ll deal with them until the end of my shift. Yours ended anyways.” You smiled faintly at your coworker before nodding and taking your bag before heading outside.
Outside the sky was dark and the air chilly - but that wasn't the reason why you were currently shaking with crossed arms and red cheeks: the stress had been too much to handle, and just the thought of coming home and dealing with your Taehyung for the whole weekend was making you sick. You just needed to relax a bit, but that's exactly what you wouldn't get at home.
While you walked home, you tried to erase those thoughts from your head, trying to think about what you could do to avoid complications that weekend, but when you arrived home, you realized that probably none of those options would have worked with Taehyung.
A loud sigh escaped from your lips as you unlocked the door and got in.
You immediately felt his scent, and as you walked to the kitchen to get something to eat, it got stronger.
You threw your bag on the couch, before opening the fridge and taking out your dinner.
"Look who's here, my favorite girlfriend" Taehyung’s voice sounded out - mocking you. His eyes were fixed on the screen of the laptop on the kitchen table.
You breathed, trying to calm down: you didn't reply, hoping that he would get the hint.
You weren't in the mood.
As you waited for your dinner to heat up in the microwave, you walked to your room and changed, putting on your pajama and tying up your hair in a bun. That's when a strong smell of burnt hit your nostrils.
You ran to the kitchen and opened the microwave only to see your burnt food.
"Oh fuck off, that's the only fucking thing I didn't need today" you whispered, and you let the swear words flow off your tongue throwing your dinner in the bin.
Taehyung watched you, and if at first he was amused by the situation, he was getting more and more concerned as he saw you slumping on a chair, your face in your hands. Sniffing lightly the air, he sensed a male scent on you and that’s when he furrowed his brows. It wasn’t the scent of an animal, but the scent of a human.
At first he didn't know what to do. Should he help you? Should he let it go?
You two weren't exactly on good terms but he didn't want you to be in such a bad mood to almost breaking down in front of him.
"What's wrong? " he said quietly as the pushed the laptop out of the way, trying to see if you were crying, but when you got up there weren't tears in your eyes. Still, he could feel the tension and stress.
"I'm so fucking stressed, work's getting more and more tough and I can't seem to get a second of peace even at home. " you said while walking back and forth in the kitchen, your hand running through your hair.
Taehyung felt a bit of guilt piercing him, but he knew what you needed, and it was the same thing he wanted.
"You know what? There's one thing to do when you’re stressed. I had pnas tonight but I guess that doing it here and doing it outside doesn’t really make much of a difference.” he said getting up of his seat with a smirk stamped on his face.
You watched him suspiciously as he brought the laptop out of the room.
"I'm not fucking you, Taehyung. Get it out of your mind" you said annoyed as he came back with hands hidden behind his back, holding your head up with your hand.
A loud laugh escaped from his lips as he responded "I was talking about drinking, Y/N, but in case you want to do other stuff I won't complain " he said winking at you, letting you see amount of beer cans that he had bought.
"I'll stick with drinking, but thank you baby." you said with an obvious exaggerated sweet tone.
You sat down on the couch, Taehyung followed and sat next to you as you opened your first can – closing your eyes and letting every thought out of your mind.
You were at your third beer when things around started to feel clouded.
Your head was spinning a bit, words came out confused out of your mouth, but you couldn't care less.
Taehyung hadn't touched his can, and was telling you about the craziest encounters he had during his nights out. Your tipsy state made everything around you seem hilarious and you were laughing like crazy as he spoke.
"I swear to god I haven't laughed this much in ages" you said stammering between giggles as you looked at your roommate.
He felt a smile come on his face just by looking at you – he had never heard the sound of your laugh and it was almost addicting.
"At least you're crying from laughter, aren't you?" he said looking at you with a small smile.
After a couple of hours passed drinking beers, Taehyung brought in the living room some other bottles of alcohol that you didn’t bother to read – drinking the transparent liquid despite not knowing what it was.
You tried to pour it in a cup but you completely missed it, spilling it on the table.  
"Jeez you really can't handle alcohol. " he laughed at you, wiping the liquid off with a cloth as you giggled drunkenly while looking at him.  
You seemed free,  completely empty-minded and happy as you smiled at his words.
"I-It's not true, I can handle it better than you, fucker" you mumbled, and he couldn't help but shake his head "Whatever you say, Y/N”  
"Then start drinking and we'll see how much you'll last" you said while pushing a shot in his hands. The boy took it while looking at you and swallowed it in the blink of an eye.
You two kept on drinking whatever Taehyung has put on the table, and your words were becoming more and more confused as time passed.
You kept on laughing at whatever the other was saying, and for a second you forgot that he was the same boy you hated not even an hour earlier. Alcohol made you less boring and way clingier than how you usually were, so as you head leaned onto Taehyung’s shoulder, the boy couldn’t help but smile with a small shake of his head.
"You know, you don't even seem that bad when you're not growling at me" he said with a smile on his lips, and you couldn't help but to admit he looked adorable with his glossy big eyes.
"You're not that bad yourself when you don't try to make my life feel like hell" you answered with a small yawn, but for a second Taehyung really thought he had hurt you with his behavior.
You sensed the change of his mood by the smell of his scent, so keeping your eyes closed you you added.
"It’s not that bad. I mean it can get really funny and absurd when your hot roommate is a cheeky mess."
You weren't thinking about what you were saying, you just mumbled those words loud enough for him to hear them and he looked at you with wide eyes. He knew that you were completely drunk but his heart started beating faster nevethless.
"So...You don't hate your hot roommate?" he said shamelessly while grinning.
"No Taetae. I don't hate you." you said feeling extremely tired by the amount of drinks that you had ingested, and he let out a soft laugh "I think the main reason why I didn't grow fond of you is because we're totally opposites. And people with opposites behaviors and habits tend to not get along." You added but he was quick to respond.
"But opposites attract, don't they? " he said while looking at you with the softest eyes and a genuine smile on his rosy lips.
Opening your eyes you looked at him, finding his gaze already on you and you stayed still for a moment. He started feeling something in his chest as you stared at each other and both seemed to drown in each other.
The contact broke when something came to his mind, and quietly he asked.
"Why did you have a male scent on you?" The question came out as a whisper and you tensed at the memory of the early shift at work.
Taehyung felt it, and added "Is it why you feel so tense?" His hand was brushing yours on the couch as you finally spoke, feeling safe in his presence.
"Yeah...earlier at work some people didn't seem to understand the fact that harassing hybrids is not okay". As soon as you let that out his hold tightened and his lips twitched a bit, before curling back in a small smile.
''You don't have to worry. You're a cheetah, one of the most beautiful and powerful species of predators. You have the ability to defend yourself, you just have to learn to make people respect you. You don't deserve to be treated like that". You blushed at his sweet tone, and at the words he used to describe you. Beautiful.
You smiled back at him and without noticing you let out a quiet yawn, your hand still on his.
"We should probably go to bed...it's almost 2 a.m. " he said while looking at the clock on the wall behind you.
You nodded and tried to get up, but your legs apparently didn't want to cooperate, so you ended up slipping on the ground.
A loud laugh escaped both your mouths, and it didn't seem to stop as you both kept on laughing at your drunken state.
He helped you get up and suddenly you felt him picking you up, an arm around your waist and one one under your legs.
He chuckled as you let out a yelp and he said "Jeez you're wasted. You can't even walk".
You kept om giggling as he tried to get you to your room without collapsing.
The warmth of his body was something new, and suddenly his scent felt much more comfortable and good, almost intoxicating.
You leaned in his chest and inhaled his scent, and he couldn't help but smirk as he noticed.
He laid you down on your bed covering you up with your blanket.
"Sweet dreams, baby. And if those bad guys try to bother you again, they'll have to deal with a leopard.".
You laughed at those words, that in your head sounded more like a joke,
“Sure Tae, goodnight.” You replied with a chuckle before closing your eyes and instantly falling asleep.
But he wasn't joking. From now on he would have protected you. He didn't know how, or why, but something snapped in him that night. Something that felt so good to him.
Hetook your hand in his, brushing your knuckles with his thumb, and left your room with a soft smile, after inhaling your sweet scent before closing the door.
Ever after that night spent with Taehyung, the relationship between you two changed completely.
Every day you woke up with a cup of coffee with no sugar inside already prepared on the kitchen table. The fridge was always stocked with fish and you tried to buy more meat for him, so that you two could eat both without having to insult each other’s favourite food. The heater inside the apartment was turned on more and you noticed that Taehyung would change it every time he saw you shivering while walking around the house. Living with him was starting to feel more like luck than misfortune.
That morning you woke up with the alarm of your phone, ready to have breakfast and head to work – where your friend was probably waiting to hear how things were going between you and Taehyung.
“Good morning.” You muttered with a small yawn as you noticed Taehyung’s presence on the couch.
“Morning.” He said in response while looking up from his phone.
“Why’re you up so early? You came home late yesterday.” You asked drinking your daily cup of coffee.
“Couldn’t sleep.” He shrugged and you nodded, thinking about the changes that he had made after you got drunk. You remembered clearly what had happened but you hadn’t talked about how you had called him hot, or how you had confessed that you didn’t hate him, not even one bit.
“I’m going” you said as he got up from the couch – walking towards the window where he lighted up a cigarette before blowing the smoke outside. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and he looked like a god as he brushed his long hair back – keeping in mind that you hated the smell of smoke.
You stood there, looking at him in awe until he noticed that you were watching him – giving you a questioning look.
You shook your head before saying bye and you headed outside as soon as you could, feeling heat coming to your cheeks.
The more he cared about you, the more you fell for him.
“So, you’re basically in love.” You punched lightly the arm of your now almost best friend as you confessed what had happened in the morning – cheeks still red from the embarrassment
When you had told her what had happened during the weekend, she couldn’t help but smile – already sensing some feelings coming from you towards him.
“I’m sure that you two will end up together.” You shook your head at her, taking the beverages from a table while cleaning up. She was standing at the counter of the café, talking to you as you brought the dishes in the kitchen while your costumers ate happily the food and drank the beverages that you served.
“Shut up. He’s just kind because I basically told him that he made my life seem like hell.” You explained ad she laughed, before looking behind you.
“Do you like him?” She asked without looking at you and you hesitated, before sighing.
“I mean, I think so? I wasn’t feeling like this before but now I think that I kinda do.” You confessed and she smiled, picking up the menu from the counter – giving it to you.
“Well, might as well just tell him now because he’s sitting over there and he’s looking at you.” You froze at her words, widening your eyes before turning around – encountering the gaze of the leopard that was smiling happily at you.
You smiled back, walking towards him – speaking up as soon as you got closer.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, placing the menu in front of him and he just smiled, taking something off his pocket.
“You forgot your phone at home and I decided that I wanted to have breakfast here.” You laughed at his words, taking it from his hands with a thankful look and he looked down on the menu.
“I’ll get your order in a bit okay?” He nodded and you smiled at him before turning around – facing your smirking friend once again.
You ignored her look as you went inside the kitchen to pick up the order of one of the costumers before heading back outside.
“What did he want?” She asked and you showed her your phone without talking, watching as her smirk became bigger on her face.
“So cute.” You rolled your eyes at her and she laughed.
“Shut up.” The ring of the door attracted your attention and as you turned around, your ears perked up – body freezing on the spot.
“Fuck.” Your friend cussed as the boys from the other day came inside the café, one of them smirking at you as he walked closer.
Taehyung sensed the tension from you and as soon as the smell came to his nose, his head perked up – eyes narrowed as he looked around to see what was happening.
“We came back to see my kitty.” He said as he walked closer to the counter where you were placed, moving an arm around your shoulder.
As soon as his skin touched your shoulder, a loud growl resounded around the whole café and you didn’t have to look up to notice who had made it.
You growled as well, moving away from his touch and behind you Taehyung was starting to get up from his table – walking towards you.
Smelling the anger coming from Taehyung’s body, you moved in front of him to stop him from doing anything that could put either you or him in trouble.
“What’s going on? Cat got your tongue?” He teased you as you stayed silent before noticing the broad Leopard hybrid that was standing behind you. He widened his eyes a bit at first – feeling intimidated by his dark gaze and his serious stance, but he tried to hide his feelings.
He probably forgot that hybrid could sense them even if he tried to hide them.
“Who are you?” He asked – his friends watching from the side without talking.
“I’m here fucking boyfriend so you better step away from my girl before I snap you in half.” He said roughly as another growl came out of his mouth and you grabbed his wrist, squeezing it a bit to calm him down.
You friend smiled widely despite the situation but you stayed serious, standing between the two man.
“Dude calm down, she’s just a waitress. It’s all jokes.” You shook your head in disbelief and Taehung brought a hand to your waist – squeezing your skin lightly and breathing heavily to calm himself down.
“You should get out, we don’t stand people who harass our workers here.” Your friend spoke up and the man puffed, ready to talk back when Taehyung snarled at him – causing him to jump back.
“Okay chill, I’m going.” He put his hands up while stepping back before heading outside, followed by his friends.
As soon as the door closed behind the, you let out a huge sigh – relaxing your body and turning around to face Taehyung.
You looked at him in the eyes and he brought his hands around your waist, pulling you against him. You hugged him back, heart beating faster at the touch of his nose on your neck and he smelled your scent deeply before kissing lightly your skin, causing chills to roll down your spine.
“You should go back to your table.” You whispered smiling and he did the same, a grin creating on his face.
“You still haven’t eaten and I think that we already lost too much time…” He nodded as those words came out your mouth before walking back to the table, grinning stupidly without looking away from you. You kneeled down next to him, ready to write down whatever he said and you tried not to blush at the feeling of his face close to yours.
“Did you decide what you want?” You asked with a small giggle trying to ignore the tension and he smiled before nodding.
You felt his hands cup your cheeks and you felt your heart beat faster at his actions. His eyes were stuck on your lips his teeth were biting down on his own as he breathed.
He leaned in, his forehead against your own with shaking breaths.
“You.” His voice wavers, exhilarated from the tension between you as he leaned in brushed your warm lips with his own. You kissed him back, feeling you heart skip a bit and you two pull apart only to take shaky and shallow breaths. You felt the eager as he bit down on you lip while pushing you further against him dropping the notebook on the floor and he held you close to him – hands steady on your neck. You brought your hands in his hair, caressing his ear as a low purr came out of his throat.
It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. You felt his feelings through it and his hands moved, resting below your ear, his thumb caressing your cheek as your breaths mingles. 
“Do you want to go on a date?” He asked as he pulled back, breath still heavy and dreamy eyes.
You chuckled at him, smiling widely at him before speaking up.
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agustdomain · 6 years
Running Circles Through My Mind
Synopsis: You weren’t sure when he started to become a regular thought in your mind. It was subtle, yet inevitable. The only problem was perhaps the feeling wasn’t mutual after all.
Word Count: 12.7 k 
Genre: Best Friend!au, Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Language
Member: Jaemin, ft. the other Dream boys
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“Hey! Hey you! I know you hear me calling you.”
You huffed underneath your breath, opting to raise the volume on your headphones instead. However, ignoring this particular friend never ended well, because he was the most persistent of them all. He proceeded to rip your headphones out of your ear, your annoyed glance meeting his equally frustrated one.
“Can I help you?” You groaned, reaching for them but with no success as he gave you an unimpressed look. You and Renjun were good enough friends to have learned how to communicate through facial looks, but more often than not you often found yourselves bickering for seemingly unimportant reasons.
“Why do you have to be so anti-social? You saw me walking over here. Who puts their headphones in when someone is approaching them?”
“I do.”
“Maybe that’s why you don’t have that many friends,” He grumbled, giving up by placing your headphones down and taking the seat across from you at the table. It was early morning, the air slightly brisk and the sun hidden somewhere in the clouds. You were midway through first hour, but luckily it was your senior year and you had miraculously managed to score a free first hour. Renjun happened to be one of the smartest guys you know, and had the smallest schedule possible, getting to leave campus around 2:10 in comparison to your 4:00.
“What do you want? You’re usually on your way to school at this time,” You mindlessly throw out there, sliding one headphone in your ear and leaving the other out to be courteous. You nibbled on an apple slice as you eyed your friend across from you.
You and Renjun had known each other most of your high school career. When you were tiny freshmen, you had a couple classes together, and rode the bus to and from school together. Your friendship really hadn’t sparked up until halfway through junior year, when you heard Renjun singing one of your favorite songs on the bus ride home. You don’t know where your spark of courage had come from, but at some red light you joined him at his seat- remembering his startled face still made you chuckle to this day- and said, “Seems to me like you might have some good music taste.” To figure out if that was true, you guys had spent the rest of the ride to his stop comparing artists you like. The rest was history.
Though you only had one class with him this year, you spent a chunk of the day missing him. You would never admit it to his face. But he was one hell of a friend.
“I want some acknowledgment once in a while. A text. A ‘How are you, Ren?’ I’m doing well, in case you were wondering.”
You just blinked at him, his antics not at all unfamiliar. After all, he was well known for his dramatic attitude, and it didn’t at all surprise you how he used to that to his advantage in the one class you guys had together: Theatre.
“No, but seriously. You never come this early. What’s up?”
He just sighed, looking around at the slightly vacant campus before slyly commenting, “I’m hanging out with some people this Friday and I was wondering if you wanted to join.”
“Ren, are you talking about that pizza place we were all thinking about hitting up?”
“You know about that?” He was genuinely surprised.
“I’m in the same group chat as you. And last time I remembered, we have the same group of friends.”
He rubbed his neck sheepishly before throwing out there, “You’re the least active person in the group chat. Don’t blame me for wondering whether or not you knew.”
“I have things to do. I can’t spam the group like Chenle and Hyuck half the time.”
“Okay. What do you have to do? Watch dog videos and talk on the phone with Lisa?”
“I don’t judge you so you don’t judge me, got it?” You pointed an apple slice at him, his hands raising up in surrender before losing your attention to your notebook. “So, why did you feel it was so important to come see me before school starts and tell me about this get-together.”
You glance up, not failing to see his little grin before letting himself hide it. He proceeded to announce in a funny voice, “I may or may not know that a certain someone will be joining us for the special occasion.”
“Spit it out. Come on.”
Renjun cleared his throat, pausing once more for dramatic effect. Just as you were about to reach across the table and grab him to shake some sense into him, he exclaimed, “A very tall and broodingly handsome guy who goes by the name Hyunjin told a little birdy he might be down to try a new pizza spot.”
Your eyes grew as wide as saucers. You spluttered, trying to form a sentence, but your mouth failing to work properly. Renjun stood up briskly, bowing as if he were performing before motioning as if he were quieting down an audience. “I know, I know. No need to thank me. In fact, I don’t even know how I did it. He’s usually so quiet in our math class. Kid barely smiles. Yet, when I see him with his friends he literally smiles like it’s a job. Anyways, he heard Mark and I talking about it in class and asked if he could come. Strange, right?”
“Are you messing with me now?”
“You promise?”
“Geez. Ask Mark if you don’t believe me. You know he can’t lie for shit.”
“Ren,” You reached over, grabbing onto his arm aggressively. He gave you an annoyed look but didn’t say anything, “What do I do? I’m so embarrassing when I’m around him! I can’t go with you guys anymore!”
“Dude, relax. It’s not that serious. Just act like he’s one of us. Besides, I thought you said you were over your crush on him.”
You threw your head back, groaning in frustration. “Renjun! You’re so dense sometimes for being an actual genius! I had no choice. I approached him and literally embarrassed myself! He rejected me, remember?”
Renjun raised a finger in the air for his next point. “Technically he didn’t reject you.”
“He indirectly did.”
“No. He just told Mark, “Are you trying to set me up with one of your friends? Because if you are, don’t.”
“That’s telling me that I approached him for no reason and he let me down nice and easy before I decided to approach him a second time.”
“Okay. So what’s your point?” Checking the time on your phone, you just shook your head, feeling unnecessarily stressed about the entire situation. You could recognize that there was sense behind Renjun’s words. But you just couldn’t get your embarrassment out of your head. This was Hyunjin.
Hyunjin was a guy you hardly came across at school at all. In fact, it was your senior year and you only found out about his existence this year. He was cute, funny, and seemed quiet. Hence, why a pep talk from Donghyuck and Mark a few months ago had inspired you to approach him and ask him if he wanted to get to know each other better. He had agreed, and advised you to get his number from one of your mutual friends- which was Mark since they often did sports together- but much to your horror, only a couple days later, Mark had approached you and told you that Hyunjin had instructed him to stop trying to set him up with people he didn’t know. You were mortified, to say the least. A few months into the future, and here you were now, trying to avoid any interaction with Hyunjin at all costs.
Taking note of the bell ringing in under five minutes, you started packing up your stuff. Your silence seemed to tick Renjun off, and he childishly crossed his arms across the table. “So you’re telling me you’re going to handle this like a child and not come to hang out with your friends simply because you feel embarrassed?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying!” You stood up, feeling satisfied with that being the end of the conversation. Just as you waved at him and started to walk off to your class, you heard Renjun call, “We’ll see about that.”
Lunch rolled around that day, and you began to feel like this was the longest Monday you had ever experienced in your life. However, the last classes of your day were the most laid back- one of them being theatre- so you had hope that it would be more fun than draining.
“-And then I proceeded to whoop his ass in the next three rounds,” Donghyuck’s proud voice travelled over to your ears as you approached your signature lunch table. The way your high school was set up, half of the lunch seating area was in the cafeteria and the other half was situated outside under ramadas. Since freshman year, your group of friends opted to sit outside, no matter how hot or cold the weather could become.
“Dude, how are you going to sit there and lie to my face? You did not win those rounds in Mario Kart. First of all, who the hell plays with Koopa Troopa?”
“Me, asshole. And guess what? I kicked your ass with him!”
“Oh, shut up! I want a rematch as soon as possible-”
“Bring it on, wannabe wario-”
“Y/N! I’m so glad you’re here,” Lisa announced, drawing the attention of the others. She got up to hug you briefly before whispering, “I’m so tired of their arguments. They’re so ridiculous.”
“We can hear you, you know. We’re right next to you,” Donghyuck deadpanned, staring at her as he sipped on his chocolate milk.
She just rolled her eyes before patting the seat next to her. “It’s days like these that I wish we had classes together. Today is so long,” She complained.
You definitely agreed, reaching over and ruffling Jisung’s hair who grumbled and kept his attention on the game he was playing on his phone. “I bet this will be recorded as the longest Monday in the book of world records.”
“Hey Y/N. Where’s Ren? I need to borrow a dollar.”
“He’s working on a project in the library. He’s not eating lunch today.”
“Hyuck, you need to stop mooching off all of us. We’re not going to be around forever. Learn how to save money,” Mark pointed out, spreading ketchup across his burger. Donghyuck began scarfing down his fries, mulling over Mark’s words.
“I have money. I just leave it at home so I’m not tempted to spend it.”
“Then proceed to spend our money?” Mark amusingly said, shaking his head.
“It’s not like you guys tell me no.”
“He’s right,” Lisa said, shrugging her shoulders. Mark opened his mouth to speak, but decided against it. You just shook your head, slipping your headphones in and turning on one of your favorite playlists. You bobbed your head to the music, your thoughts trailing to other things, like a movie you recently watched and the cute boy you saw at the grocery store the other day. Your thoughts halted when you heard Lisa mutter, “Here comes lover boy and his princess.” The last word, she said bitterly, because as much as she pretended to be bothered by Jeno and his girlfriend, she actually found them adorable and just felt sad about her last relationship failing.
“Hey guys,” Chaeyoung said softly, waiting for Jeno to place his stuff down at the table before following suit.
“Hey Chaeyoung. How’s our boy doing? Is he being a pain in the ass like usual?” Donghyuck asked casually, smiling in the face of Jeno’s glare.
“You’re so annoying,” Mark commented loudly, his smile a contradiction to his words.
Chaeyoung looked genuinely confused, her eyes trailing to Jeno before looking back at Donghyuck. “No. He’s always kind and sweet to me.”
“That’s new.” Jisung speaks up for the first time, his gaze glancing up shyly over his glasses before returning to his game. Jisung was the youngest out of your group of friends, only a sophomore. It made you sad that he was going to be left here for two more years while the majority of your friends, including you, would be starting the next chapter of your lives in the upcoming months. At least he had Chenle for another year though, since he was a junior.
“Don’t listen to them. They just like to tease.” Jeno smiled at her sweetly, before shooting everyone a glare.
Lunch went on for a few moments in quiet chatter, everyone finishing up slowly and one by one. Jeno and Chaeyoung were lost in their own little worlds, Jeno taking the time to shower her in affection and spending almost every moment making her laugh. Donghyuck and Mark had their heads bowed together, looking at who knows what on Donghyuck’s phone and snickering here and there. Lisa would walk away from the table to go talk to other people then come back and talk to you for a little before heading to the vending machine and disappearing for longer than necessary. Jisung opted to read a book after getting bored of his game. This was your guys’ typical lunch routine.
“Where’s Chenle? And Jaemin?”
At the mention of Jaemin, your ears perked up, actually wondering the same as Mark about where he was at. You hadn’t seen or heard from him all weekend and was looking forward to seeing him.
“Chenle wanted to play soccer so he’s at the field right now,” Jisung quietly said, flipping a page from his book.
“I don’t know where Jaemin is. Y/N, do you know?” Jeno inquired. You two were the closest to Jaemin, so naturally one of you would typically know the answer to the question. However, you didn’t know either so you just shrugged. “He’ll show up eventually. That’s how he is,” Jeno said with finality before turning to Chaeyoung.
“Jaemin owes me a candy bar. He lost that bet on Friday, and I am expecting my damn candy bar-”
“Is there ever a moment where you’re not demanding something?” Mark said exasperatedly.
Suddenly, two hands covered your vision, and you reached up to feel them. They were soft and familiar, and you felt an uncontrollable smile grow on your lips. “Guess who,” a voice sang as you recognized it immediately. Even though he was trying to mask it by using some ridiculous high-pitched voice, you could recognize him anywhere.
“Nana! We missed you!” Donghyuck hollered, Jaemin’s presence instantly disappearing and you swiveled your head to catch him pushing Donghyuck’s arms off of him.
“Thanks, Hyuck. I missed you guys too even though I saw you this morning.” He looked down at you then, gracing you with a soft smile as he reached down and tugged your ear. That was his thing- or both your things. You don’t know when or where it started, but it was his way of saying he was happy to see you. It was never hard, only gentle, but it always made you happy when he tugged on your ear.
“Good to see your face. Today has been painfully long,” He muttered, taking the seat beside you.
“Aye. That’s Lisa’s seat.”
“You mean ‘Ghost Lisa’? Because I don’t see her sitting here now.” Jaemin silenced Donghyuck immediately, causing Mark to laugh at his priceless facial expression. You watched as Jeno and Jaemin did a handshake as a greeting, the latter flashing a friendly smile at Chaeyoung before turning to you. He raised his eyebrows at you before inquiring, “Why so quiet? You’re usually talking Mark’s ear off. Actually, I take that back. These days you’re as quiet as Mouse over here,” he gestured to Jisung by hooking his thumb towards him.
Jisung sent him an unamused look before returning his attention to his book.
You just shrugged. “Guess I’m not in the mood these days to talk.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, chewing the bite he just took of his burger before swallowing and saying, “What have you done to Y/N? You’re not her.”
You just tsked, pushing his head slightly before causing him to chuckle and shake his head. You guys sat in silence for a while, enjoying each other’s presence. Lisa came back, greeted Jaemin, then grabbed her stuff and went off who knows where. Since Jaemin was there, you didn’t really feel like listening to music anymore so you put your phone and headphones away, yet you still sat in silence.
You had known Jaemin the longest. You met him freshman year, and became friends within the three weeks you first met. He was so easy to get along with, at least you thought so. He was witty, but not in a rude way. He loved to make you laugh, and vice versa- and you two constantly laughed about the same things since you had a similar sense of humor. He was shy once in a while, but vocal about his opinions when the situation called for it. He had a way of being attentive that it felt intimate, like there was no one around but you when you were talking. He was amazing in every sense of the word, and just like Renjun, you missed him like crazy when he wasn’t around. Without him, these last four years would have been one hundred times worse.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked, his eyes flickering to you before returning to his yogurt he was currently eating.
“You,” you calmly voiced, his eyes widening at the one word. You watched as his face flushed, as he spluttered, trying to gather his words coherently. You relayed it back to how you must have acted this morning when Renjun had told you Hyunjin was joining your friends on Friday to go eat.
You reached out and squeezed Jaemin’s forearm gently before adding, “Relax. I was just thinking about what you said the other day. When you mentioned going on a small trip with your family. Like camping, right? Is that still happening?”
Jaemin had taken the time you were speaking to pull himself together, returning to his normal self. You oddly found it super adorable how randomly flustered he had gotten. He was the most composed guy you knew, at least majority of the time. “Yeah, that’s still happening. I’m leaving school early on Friday to hit the road. I sort of don’t want to go, but oh well. I’ll be back by Tuesday.”
“You’ll have fun. Don’t be bummed out.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Jaemin scraped at his yogurt cup, his thoughts overtaking his mind, it seemed, before he checked his phone and cursed. “I need to go see my counselor. I’ll see you in class, okay?”
He gathered his stuff quickly before saying goodbye to everyone and leaving. It was just like him to see his counselor every waking moment he got, and you envied how dedicated he was to the task. College was nearing in the future quicker than you would like to admit, and though you were practically jumping with excitement for graduation, you still felt the inevitable goodbyes starting to weigh on your chest. But you had almost an entire semester left, and you were going to cherish what little time you had with your friends until you went your separate ways.
“Hey, so who’s going on Friday?” Jeno said, glancing around the table. “If anyone needs it, I’ll pick you up.”
“Aren’t we going straight after school?” Donghyuck asked, confused.
“I don’t know. Who planned this?”
“And of course he’s not here. Okay, so who’s riding with me to the pizza place?”
“I will,” Donghyuck said, then added, “Lisa probably will too. Jisung, what about you?”
“Yeah, sounds good,” He quietly said, turning to you, “Are you coming, Y/N?”
“Um,” You said, looking for the words as everyone’s gaze turned to you.
“What do you mean, ‘Um’?” Donghyuck sassily asked, raising his eyebrow as if he were your mother accusing you of lying.
“I don’t think I am.”
Mark immediately looked concerned, knowing you never liked to miss out on hanging out- when pizza was involved, it was most definitely a yes from you. “Is it about money? I got you covered if it is.”
“No! It’s not that… I’m just… not feeling it?”
Everyone grew quiet, gazes being exchanged between everyone.
“What?” You asked, looking around and feeling as if you missed something.
“You? Not feeling pizza?” Jeno offered, with no emotion laced into the words.
“You’re lying. Tell us the truth,” Mark announced.
“Is Mark pissing you off these days? Is he annoying you? Because I understand then if that’s the reason you’re not going- Ow! Mark, that hurt!”
“It was meant to hurt, dumbass! Cut it out! You’re not even funny! Y/N loves me! Right, Y/N?” He said the last part, sounding hopeful and a little self-conscious.
You shook your head and said, “It’s nothing like that. And of course I love you, Mark. I just... Got a lot going on. I’m tired and I want to take the weekend to de-stress.” You’re not necessarily sure why you didn’t tell them it was because you were embarrassed that Hyunjin was coming, because you knew Mark would more or less understand and Jisung supported mostly everything you did. And you knew Jeno would probably brush it off, leaving Donghyuk to make fun of you. But you just couldn’t bring yourself to explain the situation. And the only ones who technically knew about it were Renjun, Mark, and Jaemin.
“Well, if you change your mind, let me know,” Mark said seriously before smiling and proudly saying, “Besides, we all know it’s going to be lit in my car if it’s just Chenle and me.”
“Excuse me while I go barf,” Jeno said. Mark threw a carrot at him, causing you to laugh and allow your thoughts of your embarrassment fade away.
It was your final class of the day, and you had to admit, it indeed was the longest Monday you had ever had. Of course, you were being dramatic, but now you were tired and grumpy and your last class happened to be math, your least favorite subject. However, the upside was one of your favorite people happened to be in this class.
See, you had depended on Renjun to make your class right after lunch fun, but he spent  whatever chance he got to pester you about coming on Friday, which in turn made you snap at him and cause him to give you attitude back. Eighth hour dragged on too, and here you were at your last class. Your class with Jaemin.
“Hey,” Jaemin’s bright smile directly contrasted with the tone of the day, his eyebrows raising at your grumble in response. You slid into the desk next to his, your head finding its way to the cool desktop. “You’re looking rough.”
“Because I am. Today sucked. And we have four more to go until the weekend.”
“Think of it as three. Friday never really feels like much work, does it?” You moved your head to rest your cheek on the desktop, so you could view Jaemin instead. He was looking right back at you, his pretty features quite literally knocking the breath out of you. You couldn’t fathom sometimes just how beautiful this guy actually was, and whenever you pointed it out he would just brush it off. Watching you silently for a moment, he proceeded to make a silly face and cause you to laugh, adorning a smile to brighten up his facial features.
“Attagirl. That’s better. What’s got you so down?” He asked genuinely, leaning on his hand and turning on that attentive charm that secretly you were a sucker for; you didn’t know how he did it, but he was another shade of what it means to be a friend. A beautiful friend.
“I don’t know. First off, it’s a Monday. Mondays tend to suck,” Jaemin simply hummed in agreement, “And school’s been kinda rough in general anyways. I just keep having this sinking feeling that somehow I am going to mess everything up, fail every class, my college retracts my enrollment, and then I drop out and get a job where I miserably work for the rest of my life,” You took in a deep breath after that statement, feeling oddly relieved for expressing what sounded like a ridiculous worry.
Jaemin took in your words for a moment, the minute bell ringing signalling there’s one minute left until class begins. He reached over then, gently caressing the side of your head before patting it and saying, “Y/N, I know how you are. You tend to get caught up in irrational worries. I know you’re struggling with classes right now, and I see how much your stress is taking a toll on you. You probably think no one notices, but I do. We all do, but everyone else probably won’t say something until it’s too noticeable. I’m not like everyone else though.”
He leaned closer then, your heart suddenly stopping as you unconsciously held your breath, not expecting his close proximity. His head was tilted at an angle to match your resting head atop the desk, his facial expression more serious than you’re typically used to, and his eyes immediately drew you in- not that you weren’t listening before.
“You’re one of the most resilient people I know. Don’t forget I’ve known you for four years, seen you when you’re struggling with stress and schoolwork. And you always pull through. This time isn’t any different. Keep your head up and keep it on straight,” He proceeded to tug on your ear and flash you a gentle smile, your throat suddenly feeling dry at his actions, “We’re almost at the finish line. Before you know it, we’re going to be graduating and moving on. And I know you can’t wait, because I can’t either.”
The bell rang then, seeming to signal the end of the conversation and begin your teacher’s lesson. You raised your head and directed your gaze to the teacher at the front of the classroom, your attention nowhere near the math she was writing on the board. Because for whatever reason, you couldn’t describe why your heart was racing and your throat felt so dry.
“I must be going crazy,” You whispered, feeling uneasy at the thoughts surrounding Jaemin, and why your heart reacted to that. In the end, you just decided to ignore it.
After the bell rang, Jaemin walked you down the stairs and to Chenle’s locker, waiting for the latter to meet you there and walk to the bus with you guys. You guys stood in silence, but it was comfortable as he looked around at the people walking by and you scrolled through social media on your phone.
“I heard from Ren that you’re not going to eat pizza on Friday. That’s not like you,” Jaemin said with innocence. You stopped scrolling, not feeling the annoyance that came with Renjun’s pestering. You blamed it on Jaemin’s tone and the way he executed his sentence, not because it was Jaemin himself. Definitely not because it was just Jaemin.
“It is like me. Because I plan to binge-watch some criminal show and eat ice cream for dinner.”
Jaemin tilted his head, looking at you curiously before retorting, “Yeah. I suppose you’re right. You want to tell me the reason you don’t want to go?”
You sighed. “You already know why. You don’t have to play innocent.”
“I’m not playing innocent. I don’t know your reason why. Yeah, I heard what Ren thinks is the reason. But I want to hear it straight from your mouth. And you know how he is when it comes to explaining things that upset him. It’s more complaining than about the actual situation.”
You leaned your head back on the locker you were standing in front of, cursing Chenle for walking so slow and probably chatting up Jisung about some show they’re both watching.
“Do I have to?”
He looked away from you, quiet for a moment before saying gently, “Of course not. But I think there’s more to your side of the story. And maybe you’re not as dramatic as the situation is painting you to be.”
You had to admit the situation did seem dramatic, and Jaemin wasn’t one to sugarcoat how he looked at a situation. So you decided maybe it was a good idea to confide in him and see if he thought you were overreacting. “I’m sure you know that Hyunjin is tagging along,” You waited for his nod before continuing, “Which, I mean, is totally fine. I have nothing against him personally. It is a little weird to me considering Ren and Mark don’t know him too well and just decided, ‘Hey. Let’s invite a stranger to hang out with our friends.’ But I mean, I guess Mark does know him because they played basketball and baseball together. Whatever. Point is, I have nothing against the guy. He seems cool, I guess. I just…”
“I’m assuming this is about what happened a few months ago?”
Your phone dinged, and you looked down to see a message from Chenle letting you know he was riding with Jeno today to run some errands. You let Jaemin know and you guys began your walk to the buses, replaying his question in your head before answering. “Yes. I guess that’s really it. Look, I know it might sound like I am being a big baby about it. I’m choosing my embarrassment over hanging out with my friends. But if I could control my emotions, I would. Before I approached Hyunjin in the past, I used to never see him around. And now it’s like life is messing with my head. Because I see him everywhere around school now. And he seems to recognize me too, but I just ignore him and try and get far as quick as possible. The embarrassment is unreal.”
Jaemin nodded as you talked, and you took his silence as a comfort, causing you to feel comfortable enough to continue. “I could go out with them on Friday. But I would just feel self-conscious, and worried Hyunjin would bring it up and then embarrass me more. Then Donghyuck would find out and never let go of it and I just- I don’t want to deal with it.”
You let yourself end there, because you didn’t know what to say anymore. It was quiet for a while, the bus stop nearing as you wondered what Jaemin was thinking. You peaked at him, his dark brown hair resting on his hair in fluffy strands, looking particularly bed-headish today. You took note of his slightly tired face, and wondered how he could be so lively on days where he was tired.
“May I tell you what I think is actually the problem? And you can correct me if I’m wrong.”
His words caught you off guard, not sure where he was going with this, because after all you didn’t feel any other way about it. At least, you thought. You motioned for him to continue, him proceeding to nod and collect his thoughts before continuing.
“I think… You might still like Hyunjin. Or, have a crush on him is probably a better phrase,” You gave him an incredulous look but he held a hand up as if to to signal for you to wait, “And that’s probably why you feel so passionate about not going. I know how you are. If a situation affects you emotionally, you will retract yourself from said situation. Simple as that. If you didn’t care about it, then you wouldn’t go to the extremes of being so adamant about not going.”
You immediately shook your head. “But it’s not because I’m still crushing on him. It’s because I’m-”
“Embarrassed. Yeah, I get that. But you have been embarrassed all the time around us and that has never stopped you from hanging out with us.”
“I don’t personally know this guy though. What if he brings it up in front of everyone?”
“What if he does? It’s not like you made a fool of yourself. You told him if you wanted to get to know each other. He said yes. Then he went back on his word and told Mark to not set him up with anyone. That’s on him. Why are you letting a stranger hold you back from hanging out with your friends?”
“And why is everyone pestering me about going? It’s not that serious.”
“Exactly.” He poked your temple, causing you to swat his hand away and that familiar smile to creep on his face. As you reached the bus stop, you turned to him and met his gaze, his eyebrows raising as if to ask you a silent question. He broke the silence instead, letting you know what questioning thought was plaguing him. “So you don’t like him then?”
“No.” In your head, it had sounded firm, but it sounded unsure coming out of your mouth. His face became serious, and it weirded you out, because he was usually smiling. It gave you an odd feeling in your stomach.
“If you do, there’s nothing wrong with it. It would make more sense, because then the embarrassment would be justified. And if that’s the case, then you should explain that to Ren so he stops being so annoying. You should also consider maybe going and showing this Hyunjin guy what he decided to miss out on. You’re pretty amazing, after all.” His words were nonchalant, but his face stern. That feeling that crept up on you earlier in class started to come back again, and it almost felt similar to being sick in a weird way. Your stomach flipped, watching Jaemin drone on about the situation, his words hardly registering in your mind anymore. Your throat felt dry again, your eyes traveling the expanse of his straight nose, following his dark and very slightly curved eyebrows. His hair was a bit on the messy side today, which was unlike him, but you disregarded that. He was truly beautiful. “Y/N? Are you listening to me?”
You blinked, the feeling fading away as quickly as it came.
“I hear what you were saying,” It wasn’t a complete lie. “And I guess you’re sort of right.”
“So you do like him,” He tilted his head, his eyes trailing to the pavement beneath your guys’ feet. His words sent a panic fleeting through, jumping to deny it.
“No, Jaemin- I can’t like him. I don’t even know the guy. Gosh, this is so frustrating. Why do I have to keep having this conversation? I thought you were the person that understood me the most. Don’t you think I would tell you if I actually liked him? If it’s so important for everyone that I show up on Friday, I will.”
As if on cue, the bus turned the corner and slowly made its approach.
Jaemin opened his mouth to speak, but you held your hand up, wanting the conversation to end. “It’s okay, Jaemin. You and Ren are right. It’s not that big of a deal. I’ll just pretend that nothing happened and I’ll pretend I’ve never talked to Hyunjin before Friday. It’ll be a fresh start.”
He just shook his head, a sigh of exasperation slipping past his lips. “You’re missing the point here. Of course.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? The vibe I’m getting from you is that I’m being dramatic and I should get over it and just go on Friday.” The bus rolled up then, and you were never more grateful than now. Just as you turned to climb into the bus, you caught Jaemin motioning by waving his hand over his head and uttering, “Went right over your head, of course. Unbelievable.”
And as you boarded the bus, and took your seat, watching through the window as he stalked off in the direction of his house, you couldn’t shake the nasty feeling that was left behind by the conversation you just had. And on your ride home, it was Jaemin on your mind. Unbeknownst to you, it was not the first time he was plaguing your thoughts. You couldn’t shake whatever it was you were feeling, all you knew is you didn’t like how you and Jaemin had ended off the conversation. Because that wasn’t how you guys were at all. And you hoped it wouldn’t start being like that. You were proud of your dynamic with Jaemin, and it wasn’t like you guys to end a conversation on a sour note. But maybe you were overthinking it. Maybe you were always overthinking about Jaemin, and you just didn’t know it.
It was around 11:30 that night when you received a text from Jaemin. He was saved under Minnie Mouse, because you thought you were clever as a Freshman and you never changed it considering you enjoyed how it made Jaemin cringe.
Minnie Mouse:
Hey. You up?
You know I am. I’m watching a show on my phone. But I am surprisingly getting sleepy. It’s so early tho…
He didn’t respond for a few minutes. You shook the feeling off, and tried to focus on your show, but you immediately clicked the notification when he responded almost fifteen minutes later.
Minnie Mouse:
I’m sorry about earlier. I was being really intrusive, which isn’t like me. I stand by some of what I said, but the way I worded it was bad. If you don’t want to go, don’t go. Don’t listen to Ren, and don’t listen to me. I understand what you meant by everything you said, and if it were me, I’m sure I wouldn’t want to put myself in that situation either. Remember not to put your life on pause though based on your embarrassments. If that is the only thing keeping you from going, then think about it a little more before outright rejecting the idea. But you’re one of my best friends, and I don’t want you to be miserable on Friday. Again, I’m sorry.
You read it over a few times, feeling anxious for some reason. Your eyes skimmed it, continued to re-skim it before trying to type out a response. However, everything you tried to write didn’t sound right or it was awkward, so it took some time to eventually be semi-satisfied with what was written. You sent it and tossed your phone to the side, wondering why you kept replaying that moment with Jaemin earlier. Seeing his frustration. Being the cause of his frustration. You didn’t like it at all. You liked making him smile, making him laugh. You even liked seeing him flustered during lunch. You didn’t ever want to be the reason behind him being upset. You reached for your phone slowly upon hearing it vibrate.
You don’t have to apologize, Jaemin. You were being yourself. You were curious about why I was being so dramatic. And everything you said made sense. Though I don’t agree with everything you said, you had a point. I did a lot of thinking since our conversation earlier. And I’ll go on Friday. I think even without talking to you, I might’ve reached this conclusion myself. Maybe I wouldn’t have… you tend to be my voice of reason when mine isn’t working. I think I just needed to take a moment and get over my embarrassment.
Honestly, it was months ago. I’m sure he doesn’t even remember. And if he does, it’s not a big deal. And I do want to have pizza. I want to hang out with my best friends. I’ll just treat him like one of you guys. Be friendly. And there’s no reason for me to halt my chances of having fun just because of a cringey moment in my past. Thanks, Nana. Sometimes the sense you knock into me is one of a kind <3 Ren definitely would’ve just made it worse haha
Minnie Mouse:
It’s what I’m here for, to knock some sense into you.
Minnie Mouse:
But honestly, don’t force yourself to go if you don’t want to. What you want and what makes you happy is the main priority.
This will make me happy.
Minnie Mouse:
Good. I want you to be happy.
You stared down at his text, your fingers hovering over the screen. You licked your lips in thought, wondering why you felt stuck at his words. In fact, you hardly ever had a conversation with Jaemin where you didn’t know what to say. Conversation always flowed naturally with him. Today really must have been an off day for you.
Likewise, Nana. I think I’m going to get some shuteye now. Goodnight. Sweet dreams.
Minnie Mouse:
Sweet dreams, Y/N.
You prepped for bed, replaying the conversation in your head. You thought back to today in class, when Jaemin heard what you thought were ridiculous worries, but made you feel sensible. He comforted you about worries you never voiced aloud. He said what you needed to hear, and he was always good at that. He smiled his dazzling smile at you, granting you a stress reliever by the simple tug of your ear. He was incredible in every sense of the word, and you were so grateful to have him.
As you laid in bed, the last thing on your mind was Jaemin. You were too tired to notice, or perhaps it was something you never bothered to notice at all.
A couple days later, it was Wednesday and it was the dead middle of the week. A day that your friends sometimes like to utilize as an excuse for desserts after school.
“Hump day!” Chenle hollered, pumping his fist into the air as you all walked towards the parking lot.
“Hell yeah! I’ve been craving a banana split all week,” Donghyuck groaned, dragging his feet.
“You’re a banana split,” Chenle called back to him.
“That doesn’t make any sense!”
“Okay, who’s riding with who?”
“I’m going with Mark!” Chenle declared, dashing over to the passenger side of Mark’s small little white car.  Jisung silently followed him.
“Ride with me and Jeno?” Jaemin asked you quietly, his arm falling across your shoulders. You froze, instantly stiffening up at the gesture. You gazed up at him, a small smile curving his lips and his eyes as attentive as usual.
Your throat felt constricted for a moment, before you felt your body relax and a smile grace your own. “Of course. Is that even a question?” Something strange happened then. Jaemin’s small smile faded, his face taking on an odd look. You didn’t realize your close proximity, but his face was closer than you expected. You waited for something, anything from him, but only watched as he wiped the odd look off his face and turned his attention to Jeno, shouting at him to hurry up and kiss Chaeyoung goodbye already. His arm was still slung around your shoulders. And you found yourself too lazy to look away from his face. At least that’s what you thought.
“Hey. I’ll ride with Jeno too. So go with Mark, Ren.”
“No! I was already here!” Renjun said sassily, leaning back on the car to make a point. Lisa stepped toward him and crossed her arms. That didn’t faze him, however, and he only proceeded to straighten himself out. Their height difference was very slight, but Ren still managed to make himself seem taller as he looked down at her over his nose.
“I don’t care if you were here already. I want to ride with Y/N.”
“No one’s stopping you.”
“It would be crowded with you in here. So ride with them.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were my boss.”
She rubbed the bridge of her nose, sighing in frustration. “Why do you have to be so annoying all the time?”
He grinned. “The feeling’s mutual.”
Jaemin shook his head and stepped in, placing a hand on Ren’s shoulder. “Dude, just ride with Mark. Before you kill the vibe for everyone.”
“What?! How am I- Whatever. I don’t have the time for this,” He strode over to Mark’s car without another word, sliding into the backseat. Both you and Jaemin watched as Mark pulled the car out, Chenle rolling the window down and blasting the music, shouting, “Y/N! This is my jam! This is the song I was telling you about! I- Stop, Ren! Anyways-” By that time, Mark was pulling out the parking lot and he couldn’t shout at you anymore.
You smiled fondly, shaking your head and glancing at Jaemin who was watching you with an emotionless look. You just brushed it off, wondering where Jeno was. Lisa must’ve been wondering the same thing because she continuously kept on calling him, with no luck in him answering.
“Literally all the guys we hang out with are so frustrating! If it’s so hard for him and Chaeyoung to stop sucking faces, then bring her along!”
Jaemin responded with, “I’m not frustrating. I’m the coolest guy you’ll ever meet.”
“Sure. Keep dreaming, sweetheart,” She said.
“Wonder what’s bothering her,” Jaemin uttered near your ear, his breath fanning over your ear and over a sliver of your neck that your sweater left exposed. You looked up at him, watching him as he watched Lisa with curiosity. You started to notice just how much you stared at Jaemin these days, and you didn’t know what to make of it. You just wrote it off on being attentive to him constantly talking.
“There you are! Let’s go! I want a burger.”
Jeno jogged over, whistling and smiling like the giddy lover boy he was.
“I’m surprised your lips aren’t back with Chaeyoung,” Jaemin commented, causing you to laugh. He shot you a smile, but Jeno wasn’t too happy with the comment, leaving Jaemin locked outside the passenger seat for longer than necessary.
The ride there was relatively quick, but Jaemin kept stealing glances at you, a smile on his lips every single time. Lisa and Jeno filled the silence with their chatter and endless banter, but it was like you and Jaemin continued to have a silent conversation of your own. Whenever Jeno would say something that could have a double meaning, Jaemin would glance back at you with wide eyes, as if to say, “Did you catch that?” and you would shake your head and smile as if to say, “I did. And it was hilarious.” And if Lisa would say something weird or more than unnecessary, he would send you a, “Did she really just say that?” by raised eyebrows or a pointed look. And you would either shrug, shake your head, or just rub the side of your head in mild annoyance. But none of those moments were your favorite, no. It was the brief quiet moments. With soft music playing low on the speakers and floating in the air of the car. And the A/C blowing softly, to keep it cold enough that you weren’t freezing in your sweater. And there wasn’t any reason for Jaemin to look over his shoulder at you, but he would anyways. He would just send you a soft smile, his eyes light and carefree. The last time he looked back, when you were nearing the diner where you were to get your desserts, his lips weren’t curved with a smile. His expression wasn’t serious, but it was attentive as usual. However, it wasn’t like it usually is. He eyebrows were slightly drawn together in thought, his lips a bit pursed. His eyes scanned your face, before his lips parted and his expression relaxed. When his eyes came to rest on your own, he was shameless about his staring, and for some reason you weren’t bothered nor embarrassed. You boldly met his own gaze, holding it and letting the music travel to your ears.
No one spoke in the car. Nothing was heard but the soft music and the soft blow of the A/C. And you and Jaemin were having a conversation in a language you couldn’t decipher, but couldn’t get enough of as you let the moment wash over you. None of you couldn’t find it in you to look away, and it felt more intimate than any other time you guys held each other’s gaze. You didn’t know what it meant, but you knew that whatever it was, you wanted more of it.
Jeno spoke to Jaemin, and Jaemin answered him, glancing at him briefly before looking back at you. His eyebrows drew together again, his face more on the stern side, which was unlike him. You wondered what you looked like to him. Jeno continued talking to him, and Jaemin had no choice but to look away. And when he did, it was like you could breathe again. All you could think was, you didn’t know why you were feeling this way for Jaemin, and you didn’t know what you were going to do.
Thursday night. It was around midnight this time when you got a text from him. Lucky for him, you were wide awake. And you didn’t want to admit to yourself that it was because he was plaguing your thoughts.
Minnie Mouse:
You awake?
Of course. What’s up?
Minnie Mouse:
Wondering why I procrastinate like an idiot. I’m nowhere near finished packing for my trip tomorrow.
Sucks to suck.
Minnie Mouse:
Haha. Real funny. Want to keep me company?
You stared down at the text, confused. Another text came in from him though, and it made more sense, a smile uncontrollably reaching your lips.
Minnie Mouse:
By video call, I mean.
Warning, I look pretty rough. After 11, I start resembling a hot mess, instead of the solid 11 that I am.
Instead of responding, you figured he signed into his account on his computer, so you followed suit. Sure enough, after you logged in you saw the little verification that showed he was online. You called him, waiting for him to answer, which didn’t take long whatsoever.
You waited for the call the connect, your heart rate picking up for seemingly no good reason. You glanced at yourself, seeing how tired and messy you looked. But this was Jaemin, and he had seen you at both your best and worst. When the call connected, you first noticed how his room was lit up by the light being on. His computer was set on top of his desk, which basically let you see a poster-clad wall that also had award plaques and shelves with books, trophies, and other things lined at the top of the wall. You could see a slit of his bed to the left and a small percentage of his walk-in closet that was cracked open with the light on in the back right corner. You always adored seeing his dark blue walls, longing for the same color to be for your room. Instead your room was a boring and dull brown.
The second thing you noticed was how even though it was late, Jaemin looked good. His hair was swept up and off his forehead, sticking up here and there in odd places but mostly in order. He was adorned in a slightly baggy black t-shirt and some gray sweats. He was leaned down in view of the camera. He smiled upon seeing you and waved, then started to move around his room, carrying things from out of view towards his bed.
“I see you at least started the process of packing,” You said, carrying your computer to your bed and treading over to your lights, hitting them, before walking back to your bed. You sat on top of your comforter, watching him move in and out of view. You spent some time in the dark using the computer screen’s light to study your nails. You altered between watching Jaemin and letting your thoughts occupy your attention. A chunk of your video call was just spent in a comfortable silence, with an occasional comment from Jaemin here and there. You enjoyed this, and you liked this time with Jaemin. As selfish as it sounded, it wasn’t often that you got to spend time alone with him. So you were going to drink it in as much as possible. It was because you enjoyed your talks with him, not because you were into him. That’s what you were telling yourself.
You glanced down at your pajamas, pulling your black hoodie sleeves over your hands
to keep them warm. You started getting sleepy, but blinked it away. You wanted to keep Jaemin company through the tedious process of packing. So you moved around on the bed, switching positions. You eventually decided on drawing your knees into your torso and wrapping your arms around your legs. You laid your head on top of your knees, slowly falling asleep.
“Y/N,” Jaemin sang, your head slowly raising and spotting his facial features close to the computer. You didn’t understand how he looked so rejuvenated as his face brightened at the sight of your face. “If you’re sleepy, you should get some rest.”
“I want to keep you company, Nana.”
He looked down in what you thought was shyness, a shy chuckle falling past his lips. He ran his hand through his hair, puzzling you immediately at how good he looked this late at night and how you never noticed that this hairstyle fit him so well.
“As much as I want you to be here with me, I don’t want to be the reason you’re falling asleep in class tomorrow.”
Your breath felt like it disappeared into thin air at his words, but you shook it off and blamed it on sleepiness. “No, I’m good. I promise.”
He just took a moment to look at you, before resting his head on his hand and puckering his lips slightly in thought. “Let’s talk then. If you’re going to stay up with me, I don’t want you to be miserable as you fight off sleep. I want to make your night.”
He said things so innocently, yet they held such strange meaning to you that you just knew would replay over and over in your mind long after the conversation ended. Something about Jaemin was changing the way you looked at things, that way you looked at him. Or maybe you always did look at him this way, it just took a bit of time for your mind to catch up to your heart. Whatever it was, you knew you were going to keep it to yourself.
“Okay. What do you want to talk about?”
Jaemin simply smiled again and the continued his packing, calling out, “So are you looking forward to tomorrow?”
“What about tomorrow?”
“The new pizza place. Hanging out with everyone.”
“Oh. That.” You actually hadn’t thought about it much, and looking back on it, you were only a little nervous to say the least. You would’ve felt way better if Jaemin was going to be there, but you would live. You figured you would just spend your time talking with everyone. “It would be better if you were going to be there. But I’ll survive. I hope the pizza’s good.”
“I heard it was,” Jaemin was quiet for a moment, and you just figured he was distracted but upon speaking again, you figured it was because he was probably thinking of how to word his next question, “So you’re feeling okay about Hyunjin being there?”
You rubbed your hands in thought, massaging them as if they held the answer to your question. Your heart jumped as you heard Jaemin zip up his suitcase then move it to the floor. You waited for him, letting him finish things before turning out his lights and getting into bed like you.
His surroundings were shrouded in darkness, his face lit up by the computer screen. You couldn’t decide if it made him look angelice or eerie, but when he graced you with another smile, you decided it was definitely angelic. He was on his side, his head in his hand. And you realized you indeed were screwed, and you were definitely crushing hard on your friend Na Jaemin.
“So. Hyunjin?”
“Right. I mean, I guess it feels just like it did right before I first approached him the first time.”
“Oh. Really?” Jaemin asked quietly, his face serious.
“Of course, it’s a little different. Considering I’m not showing him my interest in him. It just feels a little nerve-wracking.”
“I would feel the same. It’s not everyday your closest friends invite someone who you used to have feelings for.”
“That’s true.”
You basked in silence for a moment, both you and Jaemin looking at each other through the computer screens. Although you guys were a distance away from each other, in different houses and merely seeing each other through the use of technology, the moment felt as intimate as the one in the car. Maybe even more so now that Jeno and Lisa weren’t around.
“You know,” Jaemin’s voice got quieter, and you may have imagined it being a little more deeper than usual, “You run through my mind. A lot.”
Your heart rate picked up, gauging his facial expression for any signs of joking. Your mind was racing, trying to decode his words, figure out his angle, read his intentions. But it was late at night, it felt wrong to kill the moment by overthinking, so even though you may regret in the future, you decided to let the late night tired buzz take over and let you speak your mind without holding back.
“I’m glad I’m not the only one.”
He hummed, his eyes getting sleepy and his words becoming more like a lull. “It’s hard not to think about someone like you.”
You felt like your appearance directly mirrored his, but you wanted to soak in his peaceful features, so through your sleepy daze, your eyes did its usual sweep of his facial features. You thought to yourself how could you possibly not be head over heels for this guy.
“Who wouldn’t be crazy over you?”
His eyes were closed now, his breaths deep and slow. You thought he fell asleep, so you slowly moved your mouse to hover over the end call button. Just as you were going to click, you heard his soft and sleepy voice mutter, “Wait for me, Y/N.”
“What do you mean?” But he was out like a light. And you were too tired to demand an answer. So you ended the call and went to sleep.
You didn’t know what was so different about this particular Friday, but the feeling in the air was vastly different from how you felt on Monday. This day, you felt warm, filled up, and every smile felt effortless. You were dressed nicer than you normally would be at school- nothing too fancy, just a white shirt, black jeans, and your favorite boots with a jean jacket to complete the ensemble. You were wearing a necklace Renjun bought you back at the beginning of the year and your hair was up, which was unusual for you. You even had some light makeup. Your friends would probably assume it was for Hyunjin when he would come out to eat with you guys. It wasn’t for him though. It wasn’t even for Jaemin. It was for yourself.
You felt wide awake when you woke up in the morning, a feeling so foreign to you. A smile graced your lips as you picked out your outfit, as you proceeded to get ready. You were in a good mood on the way to school, when you got there, and when you sat to eat breakfast. You were happy through your morning classes all the way to lunch. And maybe it was a little because of Jaemin, but it was mostly because it felt like some weight that was previously on your chest had disappeared. Or so you thought.
“Woah, someone’s looking fancy today,” Chenle commented when you walked up with your lunch.
“Are you dolled up for someone?” Mark inquired, his curiosity imminent as he glanced up from his applesauce.
“No. Just in a good mood. That’s all.”
“Is that so? That’s weird. You’re the grumpiest person on this Earth.” Donghyuck said, earning a punch from Jisung. You smiled at Jisung before shooting a glare at Donghyuck who only muttered under his breath,
“Hey. When does Jaemin leave for his trip?” Chenle asked the table. “We have class before lunch together and he was still here.”
“He’s getting picked up right now during lunch. I’m sure he’s going to say bye then leave,” Mark informed the table. And he was right- to an extent.
Shortly afterward, Jeno and Jaemin approached the table, both their faces oddly serious. It was so strange to see not only Jaemin, someone who genuinely smiles a lot, but Jeno, the prince of smiling, with no emotions flitted across their face. Jeno had food in his hand, but you assumed Mark’s assumptions were right because Jaemin was empty-handed.
“We were just talking about you! Are you leaving now?” Chenle asked, getting up and hugging Jaemin as a form of greeting.
“Yeah, actually, I am. I just came over here to say goodbye.” You were hoping he would do his usual routine of smiling over at you and tugging your ear, but you immediately knew something was wrong when he avoided looking anywhere in the direction of where you sat at the table.
He looked painfully gorgeous today. His hair was swept up and off his forehead once again. He was wearing a button up striped shirt, the sleeves rolled up like he didn’t know the air had a chilly bite to it. It slightly confused you that he was dressed like that when he was going to camp, but you dismissed it as his outfit for school.
Everyone simultaneously stood up and began saying their goodbyes, you hanging back a little bit to be the last one to say goodbye. You were worried about the way he didn’t look at you when he approached the table, but you figured it was because his mind was on the trip, not you. You watched as he had a little chat with Mark and they clasped each other’s hands, doing a one-handed hug. Mark said something to make him laugh, but you didn’t catch what he said.
Jeno was the last one to go before you, Jaemin’s expression becoming serious again. Their voices were low, and their conversation was brief, but they still hugged. You let Jeno move to sit before you took a step in Jaemin’s direction. Hiis eyes found yours for a brief moment, his lips pursed, before he began walking backwards in the direction of the office. You froze in your tracks, your mind going blank as you realized he was leaving without saying goodbye to you. He waved slightly at you guys, hollering, “See you guys Tuesday!”
Your eyes stared in the direction he left, still staring long after he was out of view. Your friends were quiet, obviously noticing what had just occurred. You found it difficult to turn to face your friends. You told your throat to stop feeling so tight, your eyes to stop being so sensitive, and you pushed it all down. Your friends know you a little too well. As you turned to them, Mark immediately said, “I’m sure he was just in a rush, Y/N. He wouldn’t do that on purpose. Especially to you.”
But you knew better. You knew Jaemin. It was what he didn’t do that mattered. And you knew that it was completely intentional.
The moment had come, the day you had been dreading and looking forward to all at the same time. Since lunch time, you hadn’t really felt like yourself, but you pushed it all to the back of your mind and anticipated going home later that night and crashing.
Like Friday, you were walking toward the parking lot for Jeno’s car. You were accompanied by Ren and Chenle, and they were chattering about something that happened in class earlier on, but you weren’t paying attention. You couldn’t help it, but whenever your mind trailed, your brain decided to torture you and replay what happened with Jaemin during lunch.
It was so painfully obvious what it meant, and how it conveniently happened the day after what you guys had said sleepily on the video call. Not only did it hurt, it made you angry that this was the way he was addressing what you both said. You deserved more, and if he truly decided to be rude about it, then so be it. You weren’t going to let it bring you down.
Reaching the parking lot, your heart uncontrollably jumped at the sight of Hyunjin standing at Mark’s car. His stoic gaze traveled over to you and the guys, and thankfully there was no sign of recognition in his gaze. Chenle bounded over, thrusting his hand out to greet Hyunjin. You watched their exchange, and watched as Hyunjin laughed over something Chenle said. He looked nice when he laughed. You shook off the thought before getting into Jeno’s car and waiting for the rest of the night to unravel, a certain boy running through your mind.
Through the car ride, you noted how Jeno was unusually quiet, and not his usual smiley self. You connected how he was acting with the way he was during lunch and made a note to ask if was okay later, before letting your mind wander elsewhere.
Eventually you reached your destination. The pizza place, not cleverly, was called Peek-a-Pizza, and was not necessarily impressive in appearance. It was small and didn’t look busy at all, which was weird since it was relatively new, but none of that fazed you or your friends as you entered.
You quickly found a booth, your heart literally jumping to your throat when you were second to last to slide into the booth and it left Hyunjin to be the one on the outside, right next to you. You had to admit, he looked as handsome as you remembered. His hair was as dark as ink and laid across his forehead in a oddly neat way for appearing a little messy. His face was quite intimidating when he had no facial expression, and past you would have been fawning about how potentially hot he looked. He was dressed in a baggy black long sleeve and ripped black jeans. You watched through the corner of your eye as he fiddled with the shaker that held Parmesan cheese. He twisted it in his hands, his eyes trailing around the small establishment. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, his eyes found the side of your face, no expression hidden in his features whatsoever. You tried calming down your racing heart, thankful that your expression was fixed and calm. Your eyes met his, just as silent as him and waiting for his reaction.
He just snickered before looking away, leaving you perplexed and turning away. As you waited for your pizza, you chatted with Lisa and Chenle who sat across from you. Hyunjin and Mark talked mostly to each other while Jisung sat on the other side of you, which caused you to naturally strike up conversation with him.
Everything was running smoothly so far. The food arrived, and it didn’t disappoint as you all dug in, feeling hungry and satisfied with every bite. Conversation only sparked up again after people started not feeling hungry anymore. As you were grabbing another slice, your ears perked at the mention of Jaemin’s name from Donghyuck’s mouth. You hadn’t caught the beginning of the conversation, but you froze in the middle of biting your pizza when you heard what they were actually talking about.
“No, me too. I’m surprised too.” Donhyuck exclaimed, quieter than usual.
“Especially Jaemin. You know how he is. His focus is school or Y/N,” Renjun said casually. You made it seem like you weren’t listening, your head facing Lisa and Chenle, but listening on the other boys’.
“I think it’s good for him. He needs to get out there and experience life already. We’re about to graduate, and honestly I’m all for it. Dahyun is a pretty girl. And she’s funny. I think she’s perfect for him.”
“I just didn’t see this coming. I thought he told you just last week that he wasn’t interested in dating Dahyun,” Donghyuck asked, a tinge of disbelief in his tone.
“Well, his feelings must’ve changed. I’m telling you what he told me, okay? I just gave him her number and he went on his merry way. He didn’t really give me details. He just said, ‘I thought about what you said. I think I’ll go on a date with Dahyun.’”
“What about…” Renjun didn’t finish his sentence, but you felt like you were going to throw up when you saw him flicker his eyes towards you to indicate who he was talking about. Immediately their voices lowered, as if you weren’t sitting at the same table as them. You felt like you were going to cry, and you felt pathetic, but you just sat there and tried to pull it together.
“What about her?” Jeno asked.
“Come on, dude, it’s obvious. Even I see it, and I’m me,” Donghyuck offered up.
“I don’t think it’s what he wants. And her either. They’ve been close this long and nothing’s happened. He can’t wait on her forever, and the same goes for her. Maybe they’re just meant to be friends.”
You heart felt like it was ripped out of your chest by Na Jaemin, and you willed yourself not to cry like some heartbroken fool in front of all your friends. You were stuck, frozen, as you tried so hard to think about something else and not let one single tear fall. The sound of Hyunjin’s voice called your attention.
“Why did you never reach out?”
“Huh?” If he noticed your red eyes and slightly quivering lips, he didn’t say anything, and you silently thanked him as he regarded you with an emotionless look.
“You asked me if I wanted to get to know you. I agreed. And I told you to get my number from Mark. But I never got a text.”
You were blown away, absolutely astonished that he had the audacity to play oblivious. And you were already not in a good head space, so you couldn’t prevent your face and tone from hardening. “Are you seriously asking me that?”
“Does it look like I’m joking?”
“You told Mark you didn’t want him meddling in your life.” “I did.”
“So there’s your answer.”
“I didn’t tell him to not give you my number though.”
You blinked, not realizing your voice slowly began to raise, “I’m sorry, but you don’t get to play dumb in the situation. Whatever game you’re playing at, I’m not interested.”
You realized that the rest of the table had fallen silent, but you didn’t care. You opened your mouth to speak, but Hyunjin smoothly exclaimed, “Let’s talk outside.”
“Why should-”
“Because I think you need it,” He said it low enough for only you to hear. And you realized that he was indeed saving you from embarrassing yourself even further, maybe possibly even crying and making your friends upset. So before you knew it, you were stood outside with Hyunjin of all people.
You were facing the side of his body, your tears immediately falling without a foreseeable end as he kept his gaze trained ahead. He was quiet, letting you cry it out until you felt like you could calm down and stop crying. Your crying eventually turned into sniffling and then silence. It was only until there was complete silence that he spoke.
“Feel better?” He looked over at you, his face as emotionless as ever. He stood stock still, which would’ve been unsettling if it was anybody but him. It was so fitting for him. He was definitely an enigma in terms of his physical appearance.
“Crying is usually a hit or miss when regarding your emotions.”
“Why did you help me back there?”
“I could see you were trying hard not to cry. I assumed it was because you didn’t want your friends to know. So I thought of what I could say that could get you to come ‘talk to me.’ Bingo, bringing up the big elephant between us was the answer.”
You don’t know how you managed, but you laughed at his words. He stared at you, a small quirk at the side of his lips before his deep voice filled the slowly darkening sky. The sunset glow naturally fit his facial features, but did not suit the persona he was putting up.
“You don’t have to force a laugh if you’re not happy.”
You nodded, turning your body to face the same direction as his body. You both looked out at the mostly vacant street. It was peaceful, and it was odd that out of all moments throughout the day, the moment you felt at most ease was standing with Hyunjin alone in some parking lot.
“This is odd. But not bad.”
Hyunjin quirked his head and had a grin on his lips, showing his amusement. “That’s definitely how I would describe myself.” You laughed again, glancing over at him and catching a small smile before it disappeared. Without looking at you, he said, “Whenever you’re ready, we’ll go back.”
You don’t know what spurred you on; maybe it was standing with Hyunjin and being surprised that he isn’t who you expected him to be, or it was the conflicting emotions that filled you to the brim, but you impulsively pulled out your phone and typed a text that you knew Jaemin would only get when he would have service on Tuesday.
Falling for you was my mistake. It’s best we forget what was said last night.
His response came sooner than you had expected- two days earlier to be exact. You came to the conclusion that he came back a day earlier, which meant that he saw your message earlier than you anticipated. On Sunday night, when you were laying in bed and heard your phone buzz, a part of you knew it was him. There was no one else who would reach out to you this late but him. You collected your thoughts as you stared into the darkness of your room, ignored your racing heart, and reached for your phone. Your assumption was right, the name Minnie Mouse lighting up your screen. Wordlessly, you clicked on the notification and read the message.
Minnie Mouse:
I’m sorry you feel that way. Thursday was… something else. But I agree It’s for the best that we forget Thursday night.
You shook your head, a painful laugh falling from your lips. You choked back your tears, wondering why you were so sad and getting angry because of it. You felt childish as you changed his name to Jaemin in your contacts, the first time in four years that it was touched. As you laid in the darkness, you couldn’t help but feel as if something had shifted between you and Jaemin. And it wasn’t good, it was the exact opposite of what you wanted. It felt like a piece of you had run off, and all you could do was sit there and put a brave face on for the spiraling situation. You were angry, because you were sure he was calm and over at his house, falling asleep without you in mind. And the saddest part was, even after what was said and done, and even though you were upset at the one person you didn’t want to ever feel this way towards, he was still running through your mind.
Falling for him was your mistake. A mistake you would secretly have to live with as he brushed it off like it was nothing.
>>> Next part <<<
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Behind Trinity Lines - Chapter Three: Welcome to the Jungle
Tags: @embracetranquilityson, @eintausendschoen, @roxlovescommanderourke4ever
Cozumel, Mexico
 It was early afternoon when Lara and Jonah arrived in Cozumel. The sun was shining, and the sky was bright blue with fluffy, white clouds. On the way into the village, Lara couldn’t help but marvel at the stunning scenery. White sandy beaches, turquoise blue waters, and vibrant green foliage surrounded them. Lara promised herself that once her business with Trinity was finally done she would take some time to just relax and enjoy life. She’d never been to Mexico before, but she already found herself quite fond of it.
“Where are we meeting your contact, Jonah?” Lara asked as the taxi came to a halt.
“A little place called La Casa Mexicana,” Jonah said. “I know the chef there.”
“Didn’t you eat on the plane?” Lara joked.
They exited the taxi, and Jonah led Lara toward a deserted courtyard. Lara immediately saw the darkened neon lights on the building ahead of them. La Casa Mexicana.
“There it is,” she said. “Let’s go.”
They were seated in a corner on the upstairs balcony overlooking the courtyard. They had only just ordered a round of drinks when Lara saw a short, heavily-built man in an apron and a ball cap approaching them.
“¡Oye, Jonah!” he called. “¿Cómo estás?”
Jonah stood and shook the man’s hand. “Lara, this is Hector Riviera.”
Hector joined them at the table, barely acknowledging Lara’s presence. She didn’t mind—she wasn’t exactly a people person anyway.
“You have some info for us?” Jonah asked.
“Dr. Dominguez has been searching for the entrance to a temple here for many years,” Hector said. “I think they are getting close. They have been bringing in more and more reinforcements.”
“Dr. Dominguez is here in Cozumel?” Lara asked. The name was familiar. She’d seen it in her father’s journals; they’d been friends before his death.
“No, I hear he is in Brazil right now. The man has fingers in many pies. The one in charge here is named Rourke. I’ve only seen him a handful of times, but he is a real pendejo.”
“So what is so important about this temple?” Lara asked.
Hector shrugged. “We do not know. Everything is very hush-hush.”
“Can you get us into the digs?” Jonah asked.
“Jonah, my friend, Dr. Dominguez and his men have been a great help to the people of this village, but they are not messing around. You need to be careful," Hector said.  “All I can do is give you the locations." 
“Is there anything else you can tell us?” Lara asked.
“I’ve had eyes on the dig closer to the city. I think that’s where their base camp is. I thought I had the front gate guard’s schedule down to a science, but they stuck a new guy up there today. A big guy with a creepy, scarred up face. Looks like he wants to strangle everyone he looks at.”
Jonah laughed. “Sounds about like Konstantin, doesn’t it, Lara?”
A wave of unease washed over Lara. She didn’t want to admit that the thought had already crossed her mind.
“I should get back to the kitchen,” Hector said. He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and tossed it down onto the table. “I’ve written down the locations of all the dig sites. Good luck, my friends.”
Lara watched Hector leave the table, and she stared down at the bottle of beer a waitress had just placed in front of her.
“Something bothering you?” Jonah asked.
“What if Konstantin is here, Jonah?” Lara asked quietly.
“Don’t you trust him?” Jonah asked.
“I—I don’t know,” Lara muttered. “I want to trust him, but I’m not sure that I can.”
Jonah shrugged. “If he is here, there’s not much we can do about it . . . is there?”
Lara sighed. “I guess not.”
Jonah patted Lara’s shoulder and said, “Then don’t worry about it unless you have reason to. Let’s go back to the hotel and catch some sleep, and we’ll start checking out those dig sites tomorrow.”
“Sounds good,” she said. She pulled her cell phone from her pocket and said, “I’ll be right up.”
Lara unlocked her phone and started composing a message. K, we made it to Cozumel. Trinity is here in full force.
She sent the message and waited for the delivery notification, but it didn’t appear. Either his phone was off, or he was out of range. Konstantin always had his phone on, so Lara was once again hit with a wave of unease. If he really was there in Cozumel, she would find out sooner or later.
 *                    *                    *
  Trinity Base
Mobile, Alabama
 Commander Rourke wandered across the airplane hangar with his hands stuffed in his pockets. They were set to leave for Mexico in a matter of minutes, and he was waiting for the rest of the team to board the chopper idling outside.
The night before, for the first time in almost three years, Rourke slept in his own house in his own bed, and it felt damn good. He had never considered himself to be much of a homebody—sometimes he had trouble remembering what home was even like—but he decided that at that point in his life, at thirty-seven years old, putting down roots was sounding better and better.
His patience with Dr. Dominguez was growing thin. Dominguez had sent him on a wild goose chase all over Central and South America since the botched mission to find the Divine Source, and after almost a decade in the Special Forces, he was growing weary with living out of a duffel bag. He was always moving around, living somewhere new with new, unfamiliar people.
Rourke thought of his family back in Providence. He hadn’t seen or spoken to them in nearly ten years. He had long been seen as the black sheep of the picture-perfect Rourke family, but he was virtually disowned and disinherited when he decided to leave the Army to join the ranks of Trinity.
Trinity had changed everything for Rourke. He was respected, even revered, for his accomplishments and was put in a position where he could use his talents and experience accordingly. He didn’t have anyone to impress or satisfy. He was able to create an identity for himself that he was pleased with.
He watched from afar as Jo entered the hangar cautiously. She too was dressed in Trinity’s standard-issue hot weather uniform. Despite the masculine cut of the combat fatigues she wore, she looked incredible. Her shirt was casually unbuttoned, and Rourke could see the tiny gold cross necklace she’d worn for as long as he could remember.
Her saw her face go white the moment she laid eyes on the black utility helicopter nicknamed Cardinal Two. He felt bad for a moment; she’d told him over a year ago that she was done with Trinity, and he pulled her back in despite everything that had gone on in Siberia.
When Rourke finally boarded the chopper and gave the order to move out, he sat down in the empty seat beside Jo. As they prepared for take off, he heard her draw in a deep breath as she stared at the seat directly in front of her.
“You okay?” Rourke asked as he buckled himself into his seat. He knew she wasn’t.
Jo shook her head. “The last time I was on one of these birds . . . it was crashing.”
She pulled her duffel into her lap and fished around inside it until she found a bottle of pills. She popped one into her mouth and clenched her eyes shut.
“What are those?” Rourke asked with concern.
“Benzos,” Jo muttered. “How long is this flight?”
“About four hours,” Rourke said.
“Fuck,” she said under her breath. “Jesus Christ, why did I agree to this?” Jo said.
Rourke reached toward her and offered her his hand.
Jo ignored his gesture and said, “I’m fine. I’m perfectly fine.”
She was clearly not fine.
The cabin rocked slightly as the chopper ascended, and Jo drew in a sharp breath. She grabbed Rourke’s still outstretched hand and clenched her eyes shut.
“You’re gonna be fine,” Rourke said.
Jo squeezed his hand tightly and said, “I will be so happy when this thing lands.”
“Jo, look at me,” Rourke said earnestly.
Jo slowly opened her eyes and turned to face him.
“You’re safe,” he reassured. “You’re not alone.”
Jo nodded her head slowly and turned her attention back onto the empty seat across from her.
“Hey,” Rourke said, “do me a favor and don’t throw up in my lap this trip.”
Jo groaned. “I’d almost forgotten about that. Thanks for reminding me.”
Rourke laughed softly. “No problem.”
“So what are we doing in Cozumel?” Jo asked, her voice still trembling.
“Dr. Dominguez is running a few digs on the island.”
“Dr. Dominguez?” Jo asked with surprise. “So this must be a pretty big deal for you and him both to be running things.”
Rourke sighed and rubbed his beard with his free hand. “Honestly, Jo? There aren’t many of us left. Croft has been a busy little bitch the past year.”
Rourke felt Jo bristle next to him at the mere mention of her name.
“So is that why you called me, too? Because there was no one else left?”
“No,” Rourke said. “I wanted you back.”
Jo met his eyes again.
“We used to be so close, and then with the Army and med school, we lost a lot of time.”
Jo gave him a small smile. “I see what you’re saying—in your long, convoluted way of putting it. I’ve missed you too.”
Rourke smiled to himself as Jo turned away from him again.
Jo closed her eyes and finally let herself relax in her seat. “So I hope this assignment is like 95% working on my tan and 5% actually treating patients.”
“I hope so, too,” Rourke said a little uneasily.
He knew that once they arrived in Cozumel Croft wouldn’t be far behind.
 *                    *                    *
  Cozumel, Mexico
 Konstantin shielded his eyes from the scorching sun and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. He was wearing heavy cargo pants and a tactical vest—far too many layers for the current weather in Mexico. He had only just arrived a few hours before, and he already didn’t appreciate being volunteered for watch in an open area during the hottest time of day. He supposed Rourke was punishing him by giving him all the duties no one else wanted to make some sort of an example out of him.
He was starting to get lightheaded from the heat, so he stripped off the vest, tossing it to the ground. Getting shot at that point would’ve been sweet relief from the damn heat. He rolled up his sleeves and wiped his face again. He sighed with irritation as he glanced down at his watch. He only had an hour left until someone else came to relieve him.
Konstantin was scanning the treeline, looking for anything interesting, when he heard footsteps approaching him. He turned to see a tall, very tan, and very well-groomed man in an officer’s uniform. His eyes dropped to the name patch on his chest. Winters.
Winters shielded his eyes from the sun and said, “Commander Rourke sent me to tell you that your backup got detained, so you’re going to have to stick it out a few more hours.”
Konstantin clenched his jaw and said, “Yes, sir.”
Winters smirked at him and said, “You got a problem with that, Miller?”
“No problem at all, Winters,” Konstantin said through gritted teeth.
“It’s Commander Winters,” he said smugly. “So I guess you won’t mind pulling a double, then?”
“Even better,” Konstantin said. He tightened his grip on his rifle to keep himself from taking a swing at him.
Winters’ radio crackled. “This is Rourke. Winters, I want all dig sites rigged with explosives. I don’t want anyone getting inside unless they’re supposed to be in there.”
Konstantin’s gut wrenched into a knot. He knew that Lara was probably already in Cozumel, and it was only a matter of time before she found her way into Trinity’s business. He hadn’t yet taken the time to consider what he would do if they crossed paths. He knew he was going to have to figure out where he stood with all of it before they found themselves face to face, or he knew it wouldn’t be pretty.
Konstantin watched Winters walk away and then turned his attention back to the gate.  Just then it rolled open, and he found himself staring straight at her.  It was Jo, staring right back at him, just as surprised as he was.
Jo wrapped her arms around herself uncomfortably. “Konstantin.”
“How are you?”
“I’m well,” Jo said.
“How long have you been here?” Konstantin asked.
“I just got here a few hours ago,” Jo said.
“I had no idea you’d be here.”
A strained silence fell between them before Jo finally said, “Listen, I’d love to catch up, but I’m late for . . . a thing.”
She started to walk away, but Konstantin yelled after her. “You could’ve taken my calls! I’ve been trying to find you for months.”
Jo stopped and slowly turned to face him.
“I had no way of knowing if you were okay,” Konstantin said sternly.
Jo put her hands on her hips and cocked her head. “Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
He braced himself for her worst. “Maybe this isn’t the best time to talk about this.”
“This is the perfect time to talk about it since you brought it up, Konstantin. Where should I start?”
Konstantin stared at her blankly.
“You fucked Trinity’s Most Wanted. You forced me onto that chopper with you. You hit me. You put my life in danger.”
Konstantin frowned. “Jo, you are being overly dramatic about all of this.”
“I almost fucking died, Konstantin!” Jo shouted.
“I never meant to hurt you.”
Jo pointed her finger at him and said, “I was nothing but loyal to you for six years. I was always there for you, and I never asked for anything in return. I never bothered you with my problems. But I guess I was expecting too much to think that you’d show some loyalty to me. I loved you for six years, Konstantin. For six years. And you knew. But you didn’t give a shit. So, no, I didn’t take your calls because I thought it would be for the best that we don’t talk anymore.”
“Everything okay here?”
Konstantin and Jo both turned abruptly to see Rourke standing behind them.
Jo backed away from Konstantin and joined Rourke. “I was just leaving.”
 Once they were out of earshot, Jo rounded on Rourke.
“So did you forget to mention that he would be here, or did you do it on purpose?” she demanded.
“I don’t know what went down between you two, but it must’ve been some serious shit.”
“Yeah, it was,” Jo said darkly.
“I didn’t tell you because I knew this is how you would react,” Rourke said with annoyance. “I’ll make sure you don’t have to deal with him again.”
“You better,” Jo said. She poked him in the chest and said, “Or I will rip your dick off and shove it so far up your ass that you’ll taste cock for the rest of your life.”
He smirked and said, “So . . . we still drinking tonight?”
Jo rolled her eyes and walked away.
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chatoyism · 6 years
assistance ; young k smut
; summary: your boyfriend is in need of a little help, but being frustrated from work and in a low mood, he won’t be left unattended without assistance.
; genre: smut, romance, 
; pairing: young k x reader
; word count: 6,643
; warnings: smut and sexual content with plenty of foul language, only for 18+ 
; notes: this is my first smut that i’ve written in a long time so I may not be the best, but despite that, I do advise that this is only for 18+ and only read if you are willing to take the risk of A LOT of sexual interaction
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It was pitch black outside that night. The tall lamps along the sides of the roads were the only things illuminating down the street, cars occasionally driving by as workers headed home for the day, rolling into their driveway and making their way inside.
Cold as usual, everyone’s blinds were down and people were already off to bed. It was almost midnight so people had to sleep to gain back some energy since tomorrow was the weekends. The whole neighborhood was empty, dark and enveloped into nothingness as the only house illuminated by the living room lights and the TV screen was your own house.
You groggily drove onto your driveway, opening up your garage and pulling your car into the tight and compact space before turning off the ignition and stumbling your way out the door. Spending hours and hours on end at work, you were on the verge of collapsing at any second since your whole body was drained from its powers. You would’ve slept right then and there on your driveway if it wasn’t for the cold atmosphere and the smell of dust, paint buckets and spray chemicals fuming up the place.
“I’ll freaking kill my boss, I’ll kill him if I have too…” You clenched your teeth and muttered under your breath, staggering towards the front door as you closed the garage with your bag strapped to your shoulders filled with documents and pulled out your keys, making your way inside.
As per usual, your boyfriend sat on the couch, sprawled on the grey cotton sofa in his baggy sweatpants and casual white tee, one of his legs off the side and his arms resting on the armrest and the back pillow.
It was his usual attire, nothing really differed every day though you loved the look on him. He found it comfortable and you found it stunning. His white shirt was stretchy, but it somehow perfectly defined his body underneath, curving around his muscles on his abdomen and shaping his chest muscles as it tightened around that area.
You watched as your boyfriend turned towards your direction, the changing lights of the TV screen flickering on and off which illuminated his facial features as he smiled brightly, perking up at the sight of your figure back home. You usually greeted him with a smile, but today felt different. You weren’t in the mood.
“Hey, Y/N.” He smiled, showing his bright set of teeth as the TV screen lights shone on them. “How was work?”
All you could do was let out a deep and thoughtless sigh, not caring about answering that much since all you could focus on was getting to bed to get rid of your inner frustration and stress. You wanted to do nothing but rest since you were tired and couldn’t hold yourself up any longer.
“Well, work was fine I guess.” You let out a frustrated groan and kicked your high heels off your feet, placing them on the foot rack before tossing your heavy bag off your shoulders and hanging them on the hook on the wall, just beside the key holder.
“You sure about that? You look a little disgruntled.” He asked, sitting up from his slouched position and looked over at you with concern. Straightening himself, he watched as you rubbed the side of your head, stressed out and fuming with anger. 
“Yes, yes, I’m fine Younghyun, no need to worry about me.” You answered, stumbling through the living room in your grey work attire while he raised an eyebrow.
“You’re not usually like this, you look a little tired.” He bit the corner of his lips, looking at you deeply as if he knew what was going on inside of your head. You were clearly not alright and he read your expressions like an open book. “Do you need to eat, do you need to drink water or get some rest?”
You turned your head to face him, clearly not in the mood as your eyes pierced through his, indicating to him that you weren’t in the mood for talking.
“I said before, I’m fine. I’m just a little tired Brian.” You spoke a little louder, turning to making your way up the stairs to the living room when Younghyun stood up and stopped you.
“I know you’re angry Y/N, you can just explain it to me. It has something to do with work doesn’t it.” He grabbed your wrist tightly, only for you to quickly knock his hand out the way and looked up at him, dead straight into his eyes almost bursting into a fit of anger.
“I need space, okay? Work made me really cranky and I’m just not in the mood and tired that all I can think of is just going to bed in peace. That is all I’m asking for so stop annoying me.” Your tone of language shocked your boyfriend, the look on his face almost devastated by what came out of your mouth as he held back and watched as you walked around him.
Trying to get away from him to get to your own comfort zone, Younghyun quickly wrapped his arms around your shoulders, quickly back hugging you and trapping you in place as he stopped you from walking any further.
“Let go of me Brian.” You muttered, scratching at his pale and smooth skin, only to feel something hard and long, poking at the end of your butt. It jabbed a little, poking you continuously as you were silenced for a few seconds before looking over your shoulder at Younghyun who was smirking from the corner of his lips.
“You need to stop being so angry just because of work. Work is just a place to feel angry about and sit in front of a desk tapping away at your computer when you can just relax. Get it out of your mind, it might not be that bad.”
You growled loudly and tugged his arms off from your neck that was trapping you, turning to face him as you noticed the large bump in the lower region, basically sticking out begging to collect some freedom. It was large, very much waiting for surprises that it might earn in the future. However, in your situation, you weren’t having it.
You needed to rest.
“You have no clue Brian, my boss has been nagging at me all week to get these documents inside my bag to get finished by Monday. And if I don’t do a good damn job, I’ll have to work twice as hard and 12 hours is already torturous enough.” You argued at him as he kept the same low hanging facial expression.
“You can just — off and deal with your own business and not mine.”
“Yah, Y/N.” Younghyun called your name sternly, only to get in response a back towards his direction before turning the corner and footsteps heading upstairs to the bedroom.
“This attitude of yours is not going to help me. I have something to deal with and it’s definitely going down itself.”
“Do it another time then. I’m not going to do it with you tonight so find some other time. I told you before, I am really not in the mood.”
Younghyun cursed under his own breath, climbing up the stairs and followed you from behind, keeping watch as your figure walked into your shared bedroom with a loud groan before quickly removing your work attired off your body. Your attitude towards him was slowly disturbing him on the inside, he knew how much you loved it when he took your frustration out of you but today was much different, much more complicated and harder to get you into falling for his own pleasure.
“Yah, Lee Y/N.” He called out your name, closing the bedroom door behind him and locking it, only to lean on the door frame and watched as you grabbed a set of pyjamas and undergarments before walking into the bathroom.
“Don’t talk to me Kang Younghyun. I’m fed up with having sex all the time now.” You turned to look at him one more time before shutting the bathroom door closed.
“Fucking work…” You mumbled, removing your bra and panties as you got into your shower, cleaning yourself up from the warm water as it soothed your skin before getting out and drying yourself, wearing your chosen pyjamas and walking out towards the bed.
Younghyun laid down on his side of the queen sized bed, grasping his mobile phone in his hands texting a friend of some sort before he noticed you coming out of the shower in messy damp hair. Perking his head up, he watched as your attention was drawn to the size of his boner that was sticking up from his boxers, almost so harshly that the red boxers he wore was showing from the thin fabric of his sweatpants.
Standing up to have his turn, he didn’t dare to speak a word to you as he made his way to the bathroom, shutting the door close. Slipping into the covers of your bed quickly, it wasn’t long until you found your eyes closing shut, your mind slipping out of consciousness as it was only a few seconds when you were already knocked out into a deep and undisturbed sleep, covered in your thick blankets from the cold. All you needed was well deserved rest.
That was all.
You let out a harsh and tempted moan escape past your lips, a feel of pleasure running down your spine as your body, eyes that were tightly shut closed and mind in unconsciousness and still in sleep, felt a wave of sexual desire as a wet dream seemed to creep up on you.
“Ahh, Y-Younghyun-n…” You moaned out loudly, rolling your head back, still not knowing what was truly happening as a wave of pleasure traveled down your body towards your abdomen. You were too tired to open your eyes, too tired to realize the truth as all you could do was squirm around where you were as the continuous feeling spun circles in your lower region.
You felt excitement, rushing to get the feeling flowing through your body faster as you wanted to gather your climax and let it out on your high. As sounds escaped past your lips, moan after moan never failing to be held back and kept away in secret, your dream came to a sudden end and realization when a sudden jab of your entrance poked you awake.
Eyes shooting wide open, you woke up in a sweat, a pool of wetness drenching your back as a rush of cool breeze brushed against your skin. Turning towards the digital clock on the bedside table, it read:
3:14 AM.
You slumped your head back against the pillow, patting the side on the bed beside you in hopes of feeling your boyfriend’s body, only to feel an empty and cold space before your mind came to reality when your body was sent into another world of pleasure at your nether region. You let out a long and outstretched moan escape your lips, a tune coming from your mouth as you gasped at the sudden change of reality from your dream.
You were wide awake now. Wide awake, undressed, sweaty, a moaning mess and a very angry, naked and vigorous boyfriend digging right at your sensitive areas.
You suddenly pulled back, sitting up from your sleeping position as you noticed how bare you were. Your breasts were no longer covered by your shirt, your pants long gone and on the floor along with your panties as you tried to adjust your sight to the new darkness, a hint of light coming in from the moonlight outside your bedroom window.
You rubbed your eyes, getting used to the new light as you felt a weight shift on the bed closer towards you, a new warmth leaning in to your bare body as the figure’s soft and quiet breath tickled your skin.
“B-B-Brian?” You wondered consciously, trying to pull the blanket that was kicked away from you, over your body to cover yourself up, only to have it torn away from your grip and your boyfriend shutting your voice off with a sudden attack to your lips.
Indulging his own soft, plump ones into yours, they molded perfectly into your lips, locking together as one as he was in the mood, closing his eyes and licking at the bottom lip making way for entrance. As you widen your mouth accepting his invitation, his tongue darted for your own, entangling it into a well fought war with each other, both of your sweaty bodies rubbing against one another while you both fought for dominance.
You gasped and pulled away for air, opening your own eyes to see the lust, the deep message in Younghyun’s eyes piercing into yours as he looked fierce, angered, tampered with and needed a way to wash himself out; but it wasn’t easy matter tonight.
“Brian, I’m really tired, this isn’t the right time. It’s 3 AM—” Cutting your words short, Younghyun shut you off with a quick peck on your lips, gazing into your eyes as his face showed one clear expression. The strong desire of pleasure.
“Shhh, don’t speak Y/N. You’ve already done enough talking today, and I’m not going to let you have the upper hand this time.” He smirked, showing it on the corner of his lips as he crawled on the bed down towards your legs as you watched him, gulping a lump in your throat as he began to grasp his hard and erect member and pumped it slowly.
“I told you before it was hard for this thing to go down by itself without some attention, I couldn’t sleep without having the need of you touching me.” He chuckled a little and leaned over your body, hovering and towering over your shivering figure as knots were building up inside the pit of your stomach.
“Y-Yah, I told you before. I’m not in the mood today because of my fucking boss who decides to pressure my entire week, that’s why I’m so frustrated.”
“Have you thought about talking to your boss about this? Maybe he’ll soon understand once he feels the pain that you’re in.” Younghyun told you, placing his soft and smooth hands on your thigh and rubbing it on the inside walls, getting closer and closer towards your entrance. “Maybe before you tell him next week, I could get your mind off it somehow. Maybe, a little sense of… Adventure?”
You could hear the smirk in his voice as you leaned forward in an attempt to respond to him, only to roll your head back on the pillow and your eyes closing shut when his fingers found their way to your clit, rubbing softly but in strong round motions, sending you into a sudden ride of euphoria.
“O-Oh my god, Y-Younghyun, a-ahh…” You let out a moan, your legs naturally spreading wider hoping to get your boyfriend’s touch to cover all over your body when he leaned into you, his breath brushing against your skin and placing pecks right on your collarbone.
Starting off small, his rubs against your round bud was just the beginning, his lips that were attached to your skin were sucking lightly, his plump lips pressing at your skin before they turned into harsh sucks that clearly became into visible hickeys all over your neck and collarbone.
“Y-Younghyun…” You mumbled, calling out for your boyfriend’s name as he hummed.
“I-I-I want you in m-me…”
Immediately objecting to your thought, the feeling of his hands on your sensitive region was removed and your feeling of pleasure was soon washed away. Younghyun gazed deeply into your eyes, a little sparkle or maybe a glint almost as he looked into you deeply, pulling a loose strand of hair away from your sticky and sweaty face.
“Weren’t you frustrated earlier? What happened to the old Y/N?” He asked and tilted his head like a child, waiting for a response.
“I-I just need you in me, Young K, I want your cock in me…” You mumbled, only to get a grunt from him.
“Since you were a little angered earlier and needed space, I will do what you say, however, on one condition.” He asked and peered over at you.
“You will do whatever I tell you to do and you will obey me, otherwise, face consequences and receive punishment. After all, you’ve angered me at the same time as well and must deal with what has been given to you. Agreed?” Younghyun gave you a stern look while you gulped a lump in your throat and nodded.
With a soft smile, Younghyun looked into your eyes filled with lust and desire, proceeding to crawl over to your legs and spread them widely apart until he was right at the entrance of your aching but wet vagina, the corner of his lips curling up into a smirk as his eyes sent daggers into yours.
“Will you obey me? Will you do what I say?” A hint of mischief and lust dripping in the corner of his lips, his piercing eyes looking at you fiercely, the brown pupils dilating under the weak light source illuminating through your window.
“J-Just do it already… U-Uugh…” You tried to hold back a moan escaping from your lips when Younghyun leaned closer to them, his breath brushing past your delicate skin as he sent pleasure running down your spine with the touch of his thumb on your clitoris, rubbing it with a slow and consistent motion.
“You’re not to make a sound, Y/N. Not even a little squeak.” He moved to your ear, keeping up the pace near your soaking entrance as he bit your ear lobe sensually. “Remember what you got yourself into. If I can’t help with what I do, then I’ll do anything to let you fix it, and that also results in punishment.”
His pace fastened as he bit softly on the heated skin of your ear, letting his tongue lick it softly before detaching himself and leaving a line of saliva to trail in his path. The slow but increasing change of speed made you shake under his touch, the way they moved and played with your clit sent you into euphoria, making sure you bit your lip to prevent yourself from accidentally letting out a loose moan.
You tugged at your soft and plump lips, your peachy colour being tightly bitten on resulting in a dark cherry tone as Younghyun’s thumb continued to play at your nether region.
“Don’t make a sound, love.” Brian curled his smirk in the corner of his lips at your nickname, reminding you of your punishment as he watched your expression change every once in awhile with his every touch.
You fought hard, hoping and grabbing ahold of the bed sheets tightly as his remaining hand that wasn’t occupied took an object to hold, immediately finding themselves rising into the air and grabbing your breast and rubbing them softly, sending your head to fly back onto your pillow with sweat building on yours skin with extra pleasure.
He nipped at your bud, his fingers twisting and pinching your erect nipple as he leaned down onto your other breast, attaching his smooth lips around your skin and swirling his tongue on your sensitive areas. Your lips were on the verge of being victims of your abuse, your teeth sinking into them deeply, a dark red completely colouring them as you twisted and turned with Younghyun’s every move, he drove you insane. Everything about him drove you insane.
You held back words and moans of pleasure, moving under his touch as you felt your lower region start to cover with your wet and sticky lubricant. He smirked as his thumb grazed the entrance of your vagina, his other hand on your breast moving round faster as you felt bundles of nerves exploding in the pit of your stomach from his touch. You were going crazy from this, you needed him. You needed him right now.
Younghyun took his lips off your nipple after playing with it quite some time, leaving his saliva to glisten in the moonlight. He looked up at you, your eyes tightly closed, hands clenching the bed sheet tightly while your knuckles were turned almost pearly white. He loved watching you fight under his touch, he loved it when his hands would just have a mind of their own and his eyes looked at your beautiful features as they moved according to where he placed his hands and mouth.
“You’re good at being quiet, I see.” Younghyun lowered his voice, a deep and raspy tone emitting from his vocal cords. You opened your eyes to see his black hair dangling in front of his eyes, some of the dark strands sticking to his sweaty forehead as you heard his loud breaths, inhaling and exhaling with each breath. “Are you really sure that you can take further?”
Without warning or any signs to indicate a change, Younghyun’s thumb let go of your clit before his hand next to your entrance outstretched and before you knew it, two of his fingers were inserted into your wet ---, thrusting in and out with fast speed making you to let out an unexpected moan.
With your legs wide apart, your chest rising and falling rapidly, your body covered in sweat and Younghyun’s sweat in yours, you watched with soft eyes as Young K chuckled, immediately removing his fingers from your entrance as a stream of your wet lubricant was painted on his fingers.
“N-N-No, p-please don’t let go now…” You whimpered slightly, shaking under the lose of contact from his skin as he removed both his fingers and hand on your breast away from your body.
“I told you before, Y/N,” Young K spoke deeply, taking his two fingers into his mouth and sucking your wetness clean and pulling it out. “You weren’t allowed to make a single sound, and this was what you were given in return.”
“P-Please, I won’t moan this time. Please Brian, please…” You were needy, your begging getting more persistent as your body was no longer shut down from the frustration of your boss’s nagging earlier. You didn’t care about that at all.
Your body was no screaming for Young K, and Young K only.
Lifting up your hips and bucking them, you attempted to find some way to bring some contact onto the lips of your entrance or your clit, hoping to find some way to feel pleasure. You hand your free hands that were gripping the sheets but you knew that if you were to make a move with them, Young K would punish you more.
That exact thought lit a spark in you.
Since Young K watched you silently as you bite your lip, your hand were removed from the bedsheets and found themselves rubbing on your pussy, your fingers inserted into your wet core as you pull them in and out quickly, moans roughly escaping out of your mouth as all you could do was get yourself into ecstasy.
Younghyun’s dick was hard, perfectly erect as he leaned on his arm, watching you fuck yourself loudly with moans emitted from your lip left and right. He found it hard not to fondled with himself as his girlfriend was touching herself from his own punishment.
He couldn’t except it though. He won’t let you go that easily.
Within only a few seconds of playing with your entrance and breast, Younghyun’s deathly grip of his hands grabbed your wrists and pulled them away from your body, his arm muscles pulling you up from your sweaty position and you sit up with a big brush of cold air on your back before you found yourself with wrists quickly and tightly bound together with a strip of cloth.
“Obey.” Young K only said, tying a knot on the cloth as your hands were tightly stuck together behind your back, restricting your movement. He did not go any further, not blindfolding you or strapping you with a gag or even a vibrator inserted into your wet hole.
“You will do as I say, or else the punishment gets worst, love.” Younghyun smiled, leaning closer towards you and that innocent glint in his eyes looked onto your own, waiting for a response.
“Y-Y-Yes, Brian.” You said his name with the touch of his fingers on your chin, a small giggle coming out past his lips as he gave a quick peck on your lips and before long, Younghyun was standing up and grasping his long, hard member in his hands and pumping it up and down.
With your head and the tip of his dick right in line with each other, the grin on his smile soon began to widen and spread as he watched the pupils in your eyes start to grow. He knew he had dominated and was in total control.
“Suck.” He indicated, watching as the tip of his hard and erect member was pressed against your red and bitten lip, jabbing at your skin as he awaited your action.
With his orders written onto you, you immediately obeyed and did as he said, lips widening and opening up into a hole as you wrapped them around the his member, your tongue covered and licked saliva all over the tip of his dick before your entered slowly and bobbed your head back and forth. Younghyun’s head leaned back beyond his neck, the wave of pleasure running through his body as each bob of your head, his member inserting into your war mouth before pulling out sending him into a sense of pleasure and a feeling of euphoria.
“Ahh, just like that Y/N…” Younghyun moaned, his voice not trapped behind bitten lips or inescapable breaths of air as he freely groaned and moaned as much as he liked. You were jealous of him, how he could be playing at you like this as if you truly deserved it. You knew he was bad at pleasuring himself, and could only do it if you were there to help him. In a situation like this, you couldn’t have imagined it.
“Fuck my dick, just like that…” Your tongue twirled around his the tip of his member as he began to pick up the pace of his penis and helped you assist on your blowjob, his hand placed onto your hair before grabbing it harshly and soon bucking his hips into your mouth.
He let out a loud groan, the tip of his member starting to reach deeper into your mouth as you felt it touch the entrance of your throat. His length entered and pulled out fully, his size blocking you from breathing in some air before he thrusted himself back in, making you gag.
You were almost begging to be touched, you were moaning with each thrust of his dick in hopes of him to pleasure you in some way and tell him, “I need you to fuck me right now.” You were persistant, too persistant as your legs that were kneeling on the white blankets parted ways, a brush of cold air hitting the yet again wet pussy of yours.
“You’re so amazing, Y/N, oh my god.” Younghyun moaned loudly, his thrusts becoming faster and quicker with each motion and without warning, the feeling of his member twitching inside of your mouth told you a sign, a few more thrusts in before Young K let out a long, outstretched moan as a hot stream of cum filled up your mouth.
The bitterness of his warm cum tingled at the back of your throat as he pulled out his member, letting his body dropped down after standing up on the mattress for so long and went to reach the same height as you. Breathing heavily as each exasperated breath made his chest rise and fall, you looked up at him as he leaned in and whispered into your ear with his cum in your mouth.
“Swallow.” He told you, brushing his slick and smooth finger across your sweaty cheeks as he heard the sound of you gulp down his contents, your breath finally regulating after struggling to receive oxygen from the blowjob from earlier.
You bowed your head to place your forehead on his chest, the amount of light coming in from the open window shining on the surface of Younghyun’s skin as it traced every bicep, every chiseled abs on his abdomen and his strong, thick thighs that were rock hard after using them to thrust into your mouth earlier.
“You’ve been a good girl, haven’t you, treating your boyfriend like this and obeying my rules like I told you.” He smirked and chuckled, reaching his hands behind your back to untie the tight cloth that was binding your hands together. Not realizing how severe your twisting and twirling was, as soon as Young K finished unraveling the cloth from around your hands, the purple and blue bruises were painted on your skin from your attempt to break out of them as you finally got used to the non-existence of the cloth in the way.
“You kept torturing me, Younghyun.” You let out a low sentence, soothing your wrists by rubbing them softly as Young K went to take your hands in his, leaning in to leave pecks on your skin to help aid your pain.
“That is what you are given if you don’t give what is meant to be returned, Y/N.” Young K smirked and gave you a wink, only to get a sudden shock when you pulled him into your body, arms wrapped around his neck as you swiftly switched places with each other.
With eyes wide open and a gasp leaving his mouth, Younghyun found himself being swapped around with your place as you pressed your palm onto his chest, making him fall back onto the pillow and bed sheet.
“You aren’t going to leave me unattended, Kang Younghyun.” You dropped an octave on his full name as your boyfriend tried to move from your deathly press, only resulting in him getting turned on by your sudden but shocking dominance on him.
“What do you think you’re doing, Y/N?” He said your name, watching with curious eyes as you leaned your naked body over his own bare one, your lips coming closer to attached themselves to his as they bit on the bottom lip, tongues brushing against each other and his hand soon rubbing the back of your head softly.
“I’m obviously doing what’s right, Brian.” You smirked, breaking the quick kiss before your lips started to head down his body, leaving behind soft pecks on his skin, from his collarbone, to his pumped up chest muscles, his abs and eventually, the area close to his member.
“Fuck, you’re going to make me hard again, Y/N, please don’t do this.” He confessed, getting eager to feel your lips touch his aching member again as all you did was let a shallow breath brush against the tip of his dick.
You stopped right where you were as soon as Young K had said that sentence.
“Well, I don’t see a reason why I should if after all, you’ve already come once and I haven’t.” You smirked and giggled when you noticed Younghyun’s face fall into an expression of realization. “I’d expect it to be opposite but it turns out that I am yet to feel that wave of pleasure rush through me again.”
With a sudden motion, you quickly sat yourself up above his member that was already rock hard from your slow teasing and dirty word play earlier, your core dripping with your love juices when you lifted up his dick, and without a word or sign, you immediately bounced down onto him, the size of his cock penetrating deep into your pussy as you let a long and awaited moan leave your lips.
Young K moaned in time with yours, your heat warming up his dick as he felt your walls tightened around his length as it had been a long time since he last fucked you hard right on the very spot. Both of your eyes closed, your heads leaning back in bliss as it had taken you only a few seconds to adjust to your boyfriend’s enormous size before beginning to bounce on his length.
“F-Fuck, Y/N, oh my god, Fuck!” Young K let out a stream of curse words to leave his mouth as he had let his voice do all the talking, his mind going completely blank as you rode his dick with every bounce, leaving your wet pussy completely before inserting his member fully back in.
You rode his member at a slowly increasing speed, your moans often leaving your lips at his size as you focused on your pleasure. It was something like never before. You had sex with him all the time and yet, you had never felt any pleasure like this until now.
“Ahh, Younghyun, shit, you’re so fucking big…” You moaned loudly with curse words leaving your lips, starting to go faster as sweat dripped down your forehead one by one, your hair becoming a mess and sticking to your skin. Younghyun’s hands were placed on the side of your hips, helping you bounce on his length when you were struggling  to keep up with his own bucking hips. As his thumbs jabbed at your hipbone, encouraging you to go faster, your voice began to let out a cry.
“Unng, Brian, I-I’m going to c-cum…” You cried out and with another two more thrusts, it wasn’t long before Younghyun’s member would be covered in your cum as you recovered from your orgasm, a long ride as the pleasure washed through your body.
“Hold on, Y/N, I need some help here too.” He asked and tightly grasped onto the side of your body. Using his strength, he flipped you over and in a second, you were underneath his body as he towered over you and his sweaty, glistening naked figure in the moonlight was fierce, pumped with large muscles as you knew a surprise was coming your way.
“If you got to cum, then I’ll make you cum again if it means I get to orgasm as well.” Younghyun told you with a hint of a smirk in his words before thrusting his entire length into you suddenly, letting you scream out his name with your head thrown back in pleasure from his thrust.
“Oh my god, fuck, Young K, please, please!” You yelled, not a care in the world if your neighbours next door or down the road would wake up to sound of you and Young K’s moaning voice at 3AM in the morning.
“’Please’ what, Y/N? I can’t hear you properly.” He jokingly asked you, leaning in as if pretending not to understand your cries from before as each deep thrust inserted his member into your aching wet core, making a line of your juices drip onto the perfectly white blanket.
“Please, please fuck me, fuck me so hard that I cum, I want to cum with you.”
With that order made on your command, he smiled and used his fingers to brush a strand of hair from off your face that covered your eyes.
“As you wish.”
Immediately speeding up his pace, you were already on the edge of orgasming as each thrust sent your body into a mixture of all sorts of feelings, knots tied inside your tightening pussy as pleasure, bliss and passion was flowing through your blank mind, Young K’s thrusts going at a speed that you thought was deemed impossible for someone to go so fast.
“Ahh, Y/N! Fuck!” Young K yelled loudly as he clenched his teeth, digging them into his lips as his hard dick entered and pulled away at lightning speed, the walls of your pussy slowly begin to tightened around them as you scratched at his back.
“Make me cum, make me cum…” You muttered into his ears as his fast pace was consistent, it never lost energy, it never lost it’s pace as it had never slowed down in the process. Pulling his body closer to yours, your skin was rubbing against his own as his thrust took a turn and before you could tell him to move a different direction, you felt the tip of his dick jab at a certain spot of your core walls, making you scream and dig your sharp nails into the skin on his back, positively sure that they were leave obvious marks there.
“Oh my god, Young K! Right there!” You could only say his name as you were letting out moan after moan with the new sensation washing into you as your boyfriend repeatedly thrusted into that spot, Young K’s thrusts bringing you into a point where you felt that familiar tying knot in the pit of your stomach.
As his thrusted with all his energy, Younghyun let out a strong groan as he lifted his head up in pleasure.
“I’m going to cum!” You called out, yelling into his ear as you were close.
“Me too, Y/N, me too.”
With another thrust or so, you felt your body fall weak and motionless as you let out a cry, riding out your orgasm with Younghyun’s member still inside you, feeling his cum start to fill you up inside with each twitch that came from his dick.
You breathed in and out with no words to describe that feeling you experienced just then with your boyfriend. Feeling your boyfriend’s member slowly start removing from inside you, he pulled out his entire length leaving a pool of cum to fall from your entrance. Using your remaining energy to turn your weakened body around, your eyes landed on the digital clock sitting on the bedside table, slightly shifted in place from what you expected to be your fun time with Young K.
4:02 AM.
Your boyfriend dropped down beside you, his heavy breathes could be heard clearly as you turned to wrap an arm around his sweaty, sticky and bare waist.
“That was uncalled for.” You laughed and poked a finger at his skin.
“Yeah, it was honestly.” Young K giggled too and rested his hand on yours. “I literally didn’t expect it to go this far, that was until you pulled that move on me and we resulted in this.”
“Who’s going to clean the bed sheets?” You questioned looking up at him.
“Why don’t we both do it together? A majority of this problem goes to me.”
“Oh come on, I made it this messy. It just felt too good you know.” You confessed to Young K’s doing which made him smile with that cheeky grin of his.
“See, I knew I would win you over eventually. You can’t beat anything over pleasure, Y/N.” You laughed at his statement as he went to boop a finger onto your nose.
“Are you feeling much better now though?”
“So much better. I don’t feel so frustrated anymore.” You told him, raising an eyebrow realising one certain problem you had to face. “I may not be able to walk in the morning though, that’s the thing.”
Young K just laughed it out and pulled you into a hug, grabbing onto the edge of the blankets and pulling it over both of your naked bodies before pressing his forehead on yours.
“That doesn’t matter, as long as you’re not frustrated, stressed or anything else, then I’m fine as well.”
With a tug on the corner of your lips, you looked into his eyes that were shining in the moonlight.
“I love you so much, Brian.”
“I love you so much more.”
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