#juzy lives
m0n1q · 9 months
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They got caught making out next to the corpse spire🤭🤭🤭
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axinitewolf · 11 months
nuzi should kiss juzi should kiss vuzi should kiss n and v should kiss n and j should kiss v and j should kiss i think they should all kiss and live happily ever after
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the-mighty-e · 4 months
what's your favorite MD shipp?
Hehehhee okay sooo
My top one is Nuzi cuz I'm so Uzi and I need an N in my life, their relationship is so perfect.
Then there's Vuzi cuz I can't live without yuri
Then Nuziv, they all deserve each other :3
Then... These are all together but, Envy, Solverlilies, Nhad, Dizzy, Oilrose, Juzi, Khori and Jessa.
Then all the others :3
I'm a multishipper and don't mind most ships, but my tops are the first three I mentioned hehehe
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snugglesquiggle · 21 days
the closer i come to going wild with juzi the more the gods curse me with burnout and immobilizing depression. we truly live in a society
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duffylin · 4 months
the chicago resident, doreen “duffy” lin, was heard blaring don’t delete the kisses / wolf alice this morning . the twenty six year old is a bartender / veterinary student in the city & has lived the west tower for nine months. since being here, they have been told to be stubborn, but also devoted, i guess we'll find out soon !
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tw: parental death
name: doreen 'duffy' lin.
nickname: duffy. duff. dove. anything except doreen. whos that? don't know her.
gender: cis woman
pronouns: she / her.
age: 26.
date of birth: november 25th
place of birth: donegal, ireland.
spoken languages: english, cantonese, irish.
occupation: bartender / veterinary student.
education: zoology degree, currently a grad student
romantic orientation: bisexual.
sexual orientation: bisexual.
relationship status: single.
parents: enya lin (50), flynn duffy (deceased).
siblings: daria lin (23), julian (half brother), some ex step-siblings.
maternal extended: sylvie lin (aunt), sebastian jelley (uncle-in-law), joy jelley (cousin), leo jelley (cousin), connor jelley (cousin).
paternal extended: ciaran duffy (uncle), maeve duffy (aunt) + cousins, doreen duffy (grandmother), keith duffy (grandmother).
pets: juzi + dubh (her two cats) - would love more.
faceclaim: havana rose liu.
accent: mix between a donegal + dublin accent, softened since moving to the states
height: 5'5.
build: slim, muscular.
eye colour: jade green
hair: reddish - brown, wavy and cascading down to her back. very rarely puts it up outside of work.
tattoos: a couple scattered about.
piercings: ears.
distinctive features: freckles across her cheeks, more noticeable in the summer.
star crossed lovers are often bound by tragedy. and, enya lin and flynn duffy were no exception. from the moment the lin family moved in across the duffy's, flynn was smitten. enya was utterly oblivious to his affection, but they quickly became inseparable friends. they always seemed to find their way back to each other, even after endless ups and downs. it wasn't until university that enya reciprocated his feelings, following a string of toxic relationships. but, once all their cards were on the table, that was it.  
marriage was never in their plans. it was one of the many things they always agreed on; money was better spent on their future. instead, they opened a small music venue in the heart of donegal. it was something they'd always talked about, but never imagined actually going.
a year after opening, enya discovered she was pregnant. her family were far more enthusiastic about the prospect than flynn's. his mother was still in hysterics over their decision not to marry, but mellowed after she found out the child was named after her. they welcomed doreen lin nine months later.
donegal is where she spent the three years of her life, surrounded by people who loved her. it's all a blur to her now, a distant memory, but they were some of the best days of her life. she was a tad spoilt, both sides of her family were to blame for that, and she adored being in nature. she was always bringing home little 'gifts' for the family, which typically included a newt or mouse or whatever little critter she stumbled on.
a trip to dublin is where disaster struck. since it's inception, the business had been thriving and they were even talking about expanding elsewhere in the country. flynn had gone down to meet an old university friend about potentially helming a new venue for them in the city. everything had been going smoothly until a wayward driver crashed into their car. a few hours later enya received the call that would change everything.
flynn's death broken enya - her mind, her soul, anything that held so tightly together by his presence shattered in an instance. he was her soulmate, a ribbon sewn into her very being that was slowly being undone and thrown into an abyss so dark it nearly consumed her. a darkness save one for one small light - doreen. so much of him was in her, so much that it almost pained her to look, and yet she couldn't look away. everything he had left, he'd left in her, from the locks he'd sworn weren't really ginger to the freckles that danced across her cheeks and impossibly emerald eyes.
to then discover she had a second child on the way, she would have burst into flames if it wasn't for her family. her younger sister was born, and the world became even heavier. she was named her daria, after the titular character, and she grew to be very much like her namesake as she got older.
for enya the business, as important as it had been to her, became background noise. it was now a painful reminder of everything she had accomplished with flynn, one she couldn't bare for much longer. she tried to keep afloat, for those around her and herself, but she was starting to drown. so, she sold up. she'd always hoped that the venue would stay as it was, but not long after she'd heard it'd been turned into some worker men's club.
duffy, as she now went by, was five years old when her mother packed up their stuff and moved them to dublin. her jobs frequently changed, so they often found themselves moving from town to city - it was a rather nomadic childhood from then. it was just the three of them, and it was perfect. until her mother had to ruin it by dating again. men that would steal all their money and leave them penniless, or would just treat them both like garbage. or worst of all, try and act like her dad. there was the rare instance of a good one slipping through the cracks, but they didn't last long.
she was fifteen when the promise of a job brought them to new york. her aunt, sylvia, had moved there to start up a magazine, and needed some help getting it off the ground. it was the change they needed. the three of them got a small apartment and settled into life there. the work paid enough to cover cost of the apartment, but to support themselves better, duffy ended up getting a job at the local zoo where she found her passion for animals grew.
duffy planned to go to university in new york, study zoology and stay home to save on accommodation (and because she'd miss them too much). after that, get a job working in animal rescue and get a place close by. the plan changed when her mother got married, which had come as an absolute shock. her mother had always been so anti--marriage and she just assumed dale was another failed relationship waiting to happen. when she'd been told of their engagement, she almost laughed. surely, he must have pushed her into it, she always thought - he always seemed like a walking pile of red flags to her. kids included. and, now she had a new baby brother. it was like a fever dream.
after graduating, she and her sister got a place together and she started working back at the zoo. finding rescue shelter jobs that weren't volunteer was extremely difficult, and as much as she wanted to take a step away from that area of the animal industry, she needed the money. so she decided to go to save up and go to veterinary school. chicago seemed like a viable option - it did help that her mother had just relocated there with her husband.
being near her mother again, it was like coming home. being near her step-dad, was not. they often clashed when she visited on weekends. and she always picked up on little things he did, and the way her mum changed around him. not a good change. and it wasn't just her noticing this, but her sister, and even enya herself - despite getting defensive when anyone said anything remotely close to the subject. but, she couldn't lie to herself. she was unhappy. she wasn't herself. his children hated her. her children weren't fond of him.
after one fateful chat (after one too many wines) with duffy and her sister, they all came to the conclusion that the reason she wasn't happy in many of her relationships was because she was gay. it was a truth accepted so easily, just like she had accepted duffy all those years ago. and, it explained so much, but it didn't change the love she had for a number of men in her life, including duffy's father - it was just not quite the love she thought.
both duffy and daria pushed their mother to tell dale. he may have been an absolute leech with terrible children, but surely he'd be understand. and in truth, duffy would never forgive her mother for not being true to herself. they had not expected dale to explode the way he had. he felt lied to, is something he kept repeating. the divorce, still ongoing, has been messy to say the least. mostly the custody of duffy's little brother.
nine months ago, duffy moved in with her enya at marina towers to support her through the divorce. it also happened to coincide with duffy's eviction notice after their partner destroyed their apartment during a party whilst she was away, not that she's going to let anyone know that. it's not something that she needs people worrying about. she recently got a job bartending to help out with extra cash on the weekends, whilst trying not to worry about what she's going to do after graduating in a couple years. she's doing too much, and it's starting to take a toll - she's trying not to let the cracks show.
duffy, for as long as anyone can remember, has always been a devoted daughter and friend - to the point of perhaps being overbearing, especially in regards her family. she would drop anything for the people she cares about, even if it means sometimes neglecting her own needs. though, that can be a good excuse for ignoring problems in her own life, like breakups. why deal with your own problems, when you can deal with others? she's always fine even when she isn't basically. she's got a habit of putting way too much on her plate. working, studying, taking care of her family, trying to juggle a social life. she has a schedule and she likes to stick to it to manage it all, but lately it's becoming too much even for her. she's quite good at hiding her struggles but she's not been great - sleeping late, waking early. deep down, she doesn't know how much longer she can keep this up. she's outgoing but burns out after a while. she's always needed quite time, but she's been needing it more lately - just a place to escape, even if it means just sitting in silence with someone. her room is an organised mess which she prefers, so people touching her things is a no. if she believes she's right, it will take a lot of convincing to change her opinion.
she wants to open her own veterinary clinic or go work as a nature reserve after graduating. she hasn't made her mind up yet.
has 2 cats, dubh and juzi.
she and her family travel to ireland twice a year. on her dad's birthday and the anniversary of his death. her mother had to skip his last birthday because of dale. boo. we hate dale.
lactose intolerant queen
hates to shop at lush in person - it's so utterly overwhelming in there for her so she just avoids it at all cost, which really sucks cause she loves their bath bombs.
barely ever sleeps and then wakes up super early - either from working late on weekends or studying late - it's starting to have a massive effect but she refuses to believe it and would rather people didn't worry. coffee / redbull fuels her at this point.
really wants to live on a houseboat like she did briefly as a kid.
became vegetarian after watching a documentary when she was eleven.
grows herbs and veg on the balcony of their apartment. she thought it'd be a good idea for her and her mother to do together when she's not working or studying.
pinterest (will add link soon)
mother dearest! - she and her mum are insanely close. and i'm going to be putting a wc out for her.
ex (really bad) - she's had two recent break ups. she got out of a relationship around the time she moved in with her mother. quite a bad breakup. the person they were dating had a party whilst they were away and pretty much destroyed their place and led to them getting evicted - she's avoided mentioning this to her mother for nine months.
ex (sorta bad) - this was in the last nine months, but quite short relationship. it ended because she wasn't investing enough into the relationship. they had a blast together, but they noticed she'd been putting to much on her plate with her family and school and work, and neglecting what they had as a result.
friends! i would love her to have some friends. whether that's surface level that she just sees around the building or something deeper. her mother is quite affable, so maybe people who she's met through her.
people who come into the bar she works at on weekends
friends to lovers - i'm a sucker for it. like, so much. her mother always taught her the basis for love should be friendship - not that she ever set a great example with that her dad.
if i think of anything else, i'll add it, but honestly, i'm down to listen to anyone else's ideas too!
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wowieacoolusername · 2 months
Ayee intro post :D
So hi, there. You found this blog probably from a post/reblog or comment I made. And you want to check out my page, so here is me info-dumping about myself!
*ahem hem*
Name: NettZo / Gray / Z / Logan (masc)
Age: Not telling lol, but just know I'm very much a minor
Fandoms: Murder Drones (only one rn, but I'm looking for other fandoms)
Favorite characters: Tessa, V, J, Uzi, N
Favorite musical artists: Will Wood, Jack Stauber, Sushi Soucy, Evelyn Evelyn, Rio Romeo, The Front Bottoms, Cavetown, Conan Gray, NOAHFINNCE
Sexuality: Lesbian/Grayaromatic
Gender identity: Genderfluid
Languages I speak: Indonesian & English
Pronouns: She/They/He
Side blogs: @starsalot @nett-is-feeling-angsty @live-laugh-love-uzi
Other socials: C.AI (@Nettz0_LikesPotatoes), Wattpad (@That1AuthorNett), Discord (@nett_wuz_here), Pinterest (@idek_why_im_here_actually_lol), Roblox (@feravux_q)
My MD OCs: Serial Designation Q, Serial Designation K4V, Serial Designation L7, Theo
Fanfics: A Bunch of J x V Oneshots, 4 Things, Roommates (dont read it plz), Why Her? (dont read that too, plus its not like im updating it anytime soon lmao)
Character I kin: Serial Designation N
Stuff I will post: Art, just random things/shitposts
Personality type: ISTP (I think idk)
Sign: Leo (I don't really believe in astrology I just wanna put it here but it's completely okay if you do)
Birthday: 26th July
Nationality: Indonesian 🇮🇩
My favorite Youtubers: RAVON, The Click, Faline San, Chad Chad, Samantha Lux, Not Even Emily, LaurenZside
My ships: NUzi (N x Uzi), eNVy (N x V) (Manor version, idk I just don't vibe with current eNVy personally), VUzi (V x Uzi), Jessa (J x Tessa), NUziV (N x V x Uzi), Oilrose (J x V), JUzi (J x Uzi)
My OTP: OILROSEEE (I was devastated after episode 8 😔😔)
My tags: "#netts daily yap session", "#unfunny shit nett made", "#netts OCs" & "#one and only au"
Pronouns.cc page: https://pronouns.cc/@Hey_ItsNettAgain3102
Im WAY too active on here lmao so yeah, prepear for the shit load of posts if youre planning on getting notifs when i post
Do you do commissions?
No, I don't. But I am planning on that maybe sometime in the future.
Do you take art requests?
I do! Just state your request in my ask box, though do be aware it is not guaranteed to be done. (Ask box are off currently right now though)
Do you post fanfiction here?
No. But maybe I will share some ideas.
How did you start doing art?
I liked drawing since a very young age, but then stopped. After that though I decided to start again.
How do you feel about DMs?
I'm completely open for a conversation! Just keep it SFW and no business deals please lol.
How do you feel about asks?
I would very much appreciate it! (This is "NettZoian" for: Please, I beg of thee, send me an ask. I am very desperate.)
How do you feel about people reposting/using your art?
I'm okay with it I guess. Just please give credit.
How do you feel about people tagging you?
Feel free to do so!
DNI List:
- Anti-LGBTQ+
- Conservatives
- P3d0s, z00s
- Pro-Israel
- NSFW accounts
- Racists
- Ableists
- Proshippers
- Anti-Furry/Therian
Yeah, that's about it for now! Have a good day.
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kenzoishikawa · 1 year
Father’s Day in Japan Means Honoring the Man Who Has Been Your Friend, Philosopher and Guides All Through the Ups and Downs of Your Life
Father’s Day is just around the corner and the best way to show your unconditional love to him is by sending him an exceptional Gift from Japan. Whether you want to surprise him with a bottle of Classic Wine or you want him to dip in the enjoyment of relishing delectable Chocolates or you prefer gifting him a Bouquet of Fresh Flowers, you can have options in abundance to present stunning Gifts to your dearest Dad. This content explores some of the finest Gift Ideas that you can choose from and send to Japan and how you can ensure that the Gift reaches your Father’s doorstep on time. So, go on reading and start making plans to arrange a unique Father’s Day surprise.
Father’s Day gives you the scope to honour your loving dad for his contribution to your upbringing. It is the day to honour Fatherliness and paternal bonds in a thankful gesture. There are countless traditional Father’s Day Gifts to choose from and one such Gift is A Traditional Yukata. This traditional Japanese Dress can be worn both indoors and outdoors, especially throughout warmer months. Yukata being symbolic of the onsen culture it’s an ancient Dress and serves as a perfect Father’s Day Gift. You can also gift him a valuable Book on Japanese Culture or a Book on the history of Japan. Gifting your Dad from these types of Gift Ideas shows your interest in your Father’s heritage and your keenness to explore it further. If your Father prefers having good quality Food and Wine then the Japanese Gourmet Gift Sets are a perfect Gift Idea to present him. Send Father’s Day Gift Baskets to Japan. You can choose the best Online Japanese Wine Gift & Gourmet Gift Store to buy wine Hampers to surprise your Dad on Father’s Day. You can also choose to gift him the High-end Japanese Gourmet Basket. The Basket is filled with high-end Japanese products like Juzy Juice, Sadachi Juice, Miso, Haku Shoyu, Sakura Cherry Blossom Soy, Black Garlic Salt etc.
On the other hand, if your Father loves gardening then the famous website has a lovely display of beautiful Potted Plants as well as Flowering Plants that will serve as perfect Gift Ideas. Cherry Blossoms in Clusters will also make an ideal gifting option if your Father is a nature lover. They have also an ample selection of Flowers in Bouquets and Baskets designed for special and popular occasions. Whatever Gift you choose to surprise your Father this Father’s Day, your Gift must highlight your appreciation for everything your Father does for you. Father’s Day Gift Hampers Delivery in Japan has become easier these days. There are Online Gifting Websites that deserve special mention in shipping to countries like Japan. Thus sending Gifts to Japan has become easier no matter in which part of the world you live.
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psychowittek · 3 years
jeff via ughitsjoe’s instagram post | july 6, 2021
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Guide to Banana Culture Entertainment (TANGRAM) PART I (PART II)
Let’s get to know TANGRAM′s Qiu Zhixie, Lu Dinghao, Lin Chaoze, Bei Honglin, Li Ruotian, Jiang Jingzuo, and Gao Maotong (ft. Nine Percent’s You Zhangjing and Lin Yanjun)! (more member info)
Previously known as TRAINEE18
Reality TV Shows (Complete SUB)
Korea Trip (Episodes 1-6) ♡: RAW | SUB
Thailand Trip (Episodes 1-8) ♡: RAW | SUB
Germany Trip (Episodes 1-12) ♡: RAW Episodes | RAW Extras | SUB Episodes | SUB Extras
Music / Music Videos
TRAINEE 18 ‘Rock the Show’ ♡:  MV | Dance Ver. | English Lyrics | Official Download
Lu Dinghao ‘Mercury Records’ MV
Lin Chaoze (ft. Liu Jun) ‘WHISTLE’ MV
Lin Chaoze (ft. Liu Jun) ‘JUMP!’ MV
Jiang Jingzuo ‘7 Years’ MV
Li Ruotian & Qiu Zhixie ‘说散就散’ MV
TANGRAM ‘Rush Forward’ 向前冲 OST: MV | QQ Music | Spotify | English Lyrics
TANGRAM ‘Radiant’ ♡: QQ Music | Netease | Debut Stage | English Lyrics | MV | Fanchant Guide
TANGRAM ‘FOCUS’: QQ Music | Spotify | Yo! Bang Stage | English Lyrics | MV | Dance Practice MV | Fanchant Guide
TANGRAM ‘The Painting from a Dream’ 画从梦中来: QQ Music | English Lyrics 
TANGRAM ‘Stay With You’ 陪在你身边: QQ Music | English Lyrics 🌟
180406 K-MEDIA Interview Lu Dinghao, Jiang Jingzuo, Gao Maotong
180417 Exaggerated Intel Interview: Lin Chaoze & Li Ruotian |  Qiu Zhixie, Bei Honglin, & Gao Maotong | Lu Dinghao & Jiang Jingzuo | BTS
180421 Idol Planning Centre EP10 Lu Dinghao
180426 I Heard Big Names: Part 1 | Part 2
180427 Hey Idol Interview Lu Dinghao
180430 Fanafanafan Interview (SUB) (~6:00 mark) Lu Dinghao, Lin Chaoze, Jiang Jingzuo
180430 iQiYi Fan Carnival Interview Lu Dinghao, Lin Chaoze, Jiang Jingzuo
180509 O!What Interview
180524 Lin Chaoze “WE” Interview (SUB)
180530 Youku Omni Entertainment News
180531 BAZAAR Interview (SUB) Lu Dinghao, Lin Yanjun, You Zhangjing
180607 Super Fan Club
180608 Leyu VIDEOS (SUB) Lu Dinghao, Lin Chaoze, Jiang Jingzuo ♡
180609 WE Fans Interview: YES Game CUT (SUB)
180613 Zodiac Loves to Kill Lu Dinghao
180613 Fanaidou Interview
180621 Idol Has Arrived: Part 1 | Part 2
180622 QQ Music Interview: Dance BTS | Profiles (TRANS)
180705 EasyIdol Interview (SUB)
180706 Juzi Fashion Interview (SUB) Lu Dinghao, Lin Chaoze, Jiang Jingzuo
180710 Juzi Fashion Bags Lu Dinghao, Lin Chaoze, Jiang Jingzuo
180718 iQiYi ‘Debut coming soon, group name still a mystery’ (SUB)
180721 Jiangsu Entertainment Headlines (SUB) (TANGRAM’s 1st Interview)
180727 Lu Dinghao Birthday Interview
180803 WeChat Interview
180815 O!What Interview Lu Dinghao
180823 Sweet Donut Photoshoot Interview (CC)
180830 Vivi Interview (SUB)
180918 Migu Music Interview
181123 QQ Music Interview (SUB) 🌟
181116 iQiYi Idol Hits Research Lab Interview CUT (SUB)
181116 iQiYi Idol Hits Speed Q&A (SUB)
181116 iQiYi Idol Hits Paopao Interview (SUB)
181129 Jiang Jingzuo Birthday Interview (SUB)
181211 Mimei Super Nova Games Interview: Lin Chaoze Part 1 (SUB) | Part 2 | Lu Dinghao
190102 Liulishuo English APP Interview (SUB) 🌟
190129 Doujiekai Interview (SUB) 🌟: Reading Fan Comments
190212 Upflow Interview 🌟
190305 YO! BANG TalkTalk Talk Interview 🌟
190306 Dabang Duang Interview: Part 1 | Part 2 🌟
Livestreams / Radios
180319 KilaKila Li Ruotian, Jiang Jingzuo
180401 Netease Live Lu Dinghao, Li Ruotian, Jiang Jingzuo (TRANS)
180403 Lizhi Radio Lu Dinghao, Gao Maotong (ft. other IP trainees)
180404 Star Special Mission Lu Dinghao, Jiang Jingzuo: Birthday Surprise CUT (CC)
180428 Star Special Mission Idol Producer Graduation CUT
180519~180521 Ximalaya FM: Qiu Zhixie & Jiang Jingzuo | Bei Honglin & Gao Maotong | Lu Dinghao | Lin Chaoze
180520 Netease Live Lin Chaoze
180529 Lizhi Radio Lu Dinghao, Lin Chaoze
180603 Star Special Mission
181014 Let’s Meet Up Radio (Debut Song Day) (SUB)
181027 Let’s Meet Radio
181230 Let’s Meet Radio
190329~190331 “Stay With Me” Livestreams: Lin Chaoze | Qiu Zhixie & Bei Honglin Part 1 / Part 2 | Jiang Jingzuo & Li Ruotian 🌟
Guest Appearances
180615 Star Laboratory Lu Dinghao, Lin Chaoze, Jiang Jingzuo (~33:00 mark)
180621 I am a Great Beauty Lu Dinghao: Dance CUT
180630 Fanafanafan Episode 5: Banana Dorm Sudden Morning Call (SUB)
180728 The Best of Us: Rock the Show CUT | BTS
181014 YO! BANG ‘Radiant’ Debut Stage (SUB): Performance + Backstage | Gashapon Game
181101~181111 Super Nova Games
181116 iQiYi Idol Hits (SUB):  Performance + Backstage | BTS #1 | BTS #2 | BTS #3 | BTS #4
181117 iQiYi Diary of Idol Hits 打榜日记 CUT (SUB)
181223 Orange Entertainment Newcomer (SUB)
181230 YO! BANG ‘FOCUS’ Stage + Backstage (SUB)
Pre-Idol Producer
Idol Producer
Daily Life
Trainee18 Daily (SUB/CC): First Day Returning to the Company  | Gao Maotong’s Birthday Celebration | Give Our Banana Friends A Call! | Lu Dinghao Returns From Idol Producer | Lin Chaoze Leaving Idol Producer | Lin Chaoze’s Birthday Celebration  | A Surprise From Jam Hsiao 
Dance Cover: Ei Ei
Vocal Practice: 24K Magic
Lu Dinghao & Jiang Jingzuo Youth Story (Return to Zero Films) (SUB)
FUNer “Internship Dad Lu Dinghao” Encounters a Strange Child 
Dreaming Back to Dachang (SUB)
BABE Food Unboxing: Episode 1 (SUB) | Episode 2-3 (SUB) | Episode 4 (SUB) | Episode 5 🌟
Celebrating the Lantern Festival with Tangyuan (SUB) 🌟
Please give this post a ❤️ if you found it useful! 
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contributed by nini (@tanqram​), rachel (@linyan9un) last updated: 190407  (🌟 = new links) (♡ = recommended)
© officialninetyonepercent. Do not redistribute or claim this guide as your own work.
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talented-musicians · 6 years
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New Guitar Gif dance, live, jump, concert, guitar, clap, crowd, bass, confetti, violin, klatschen, accordion, konfetti, gitarre, juzi, juzimusik, geige, akkordeon, die jungen zillertaler via Giphy https://ift.tt/2C4aqsa
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afrojuke · 3 years
Kae Chaps – Gehena (Prod. King Chief) (MP3 DOWNLOAD)
Zimbabwean musician who grew to change into known after a are living performance of his song Juzi went viral on social media platforms, Kudakwashe Chapepa, popularly called Kae Chaps is here with a designate current banger tagged Gehena. RELATED: King 98 Ft Diamond Platnumz – Kachiri (Prod. S2kizzy) QUOTABLE LYRICS You stated you received my inspireUchiziva hako you’re gonna hobble awayKundisiya ndichiudza […]
AfroJuke - Download Mp3, Latest Naija Music, Latest Bongo flava, South African, Ghana Music & More!
from AfroJuke https://ift.tt/PWjHUtS
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redheadedafrican · 6 years
Crack in the ceiling
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Its a hard knock life, for us, its a hard knock life, for us, instead of treated , we get tricked, instead of kisses, we get kicked, its a hard knock life. ( Im pretty sure you're all- probably my avid seven or nine readers- hearing the song in your head)
Otoko, translated to mean man(you should hear the way they say it in anime. So macho, so strong, such a hero, I guess as all men should be). I come to you (in peace), and with a troubled heart. Among your lot of happy go lucky hopeful and motivated normal individuals, I beg the question... Is there a place for a man, devoid of ambition, in this world. Ambition or purpose or drive, juzi my pastor said a goal is the most important thing in life, but, what happens when you achieve it, what next, have you completed your lifes purpose, have you left a mark significant enough as a man? I think its all about the drive to set an even bigger goal, a larger dream, that ambition to always yearn for more.
What about that idiosyncratic man. He who fails to see the bigger picture that the entire world supposedly visualizes so definitively, he who cannot for the life of him find his purpose, does he wander around his entire life looking for his purpose, does he give up and simply watch life unfold before him and sway to the motions, does he transcend it all and. Enjoy the due process untill he finds his way, is he to be judged for this...
Society (his mom) begs him to get a grip, go out there and get a job(get a life as some call it, but is work really your life, shouldn't there be a disparity between the two?) so he takes up the "normal" cause of life and lives on just like any other happy go lucky android. Devoid of purpose, living as the master (society) commands. So caught up in fulfilling these expectations that he forgets to find out why he's doing all that and if there really is something more up his stream that identifies him and who he is as a man.
In a world filled with all sorts of achievers:  child geniuses, billionaire techpreneurs, people who defied all odds such as the every day streets to mansions story (thugnificent already took rags to riches so I'm at a loss), heroes of their own tale, where is this man's place. What is his fate, even his greatest achievements feel like the ordinary part of the system, like they're negligible because its just something he did. He doesnt feel any particular pride in it because, how could he, its not like he set it up to be his goal and obsessed over achieving it all his life, and can now fully claim it,  no, he studied medicine simply because he had the grades for it, specialized in neurology and obviously became a neurosurgeon, the president ended up on his operating table and, well he studied it, so he saves the presidents life. Goes down in history but, he doesn't revere in the achievement, its just something he did in his short stay on earth.
So, that begs the question, is he to leave earth with his head hung low with that constant nagging feeling that there was that one thing, that one point of life that he missed. Is the 20 year old looking upon his achievements to be swayed by the expectations of society to be like him  and should he folliw suit also miss this point. Is there hope for each of these individuals to find that thing that gives them the drive they need, shall they ever admit their fears to society. Shall they live on as puzzle pieces, remodeled to fit? Not knowing if they were a sidemirror of the headlight?
It truly is a hard knock life living like a broken clarinet in a jazzband.
This message is sponsored by my bed, my drained laptop and one cold May afternoon.
Man means mankind for all you shrewd sagacious feminists. The way God intended it to mean.
Love Vinnian.
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groupiesmusic · 6 years
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New Picture GIF dance, live, jump, concert, guitar, clap, crowd, bass, confetti, violin, klatschen, accordion, konfetti, gitarre, juzi, juzimusik, geige, akkordeon, die jungen zillertaler via Giphy https://ift.tt/2EqOF6u
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alethia000 · 7 years
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170325 Juzi Entertainment Interview with Nichkhun
Nichkhun: I went to Sanya twice. It was really beautiful. All the nice resorts and nice beaches. Too bad I went there to work both times and I didn’t have free time to go around and explore.
Nichkhun: I grew up with Chinese food in the family because my grandmother came to Thailand when she was young. They still keep the Hainanese traditions. Every Chinese New Year we will get together and eat Chinese food. They would often cook chicken over rice and the noodle. Soup is a bit dark. It’s more like a beef stew or pork stew.
Nichkhun: I have been trying to challenge myself into cooking more because I live alone and sometimes I get lazy and just order food to eat.
Nichkhun: Lately, I've been really into Lao Gan Ma (chili sauce) so much it should be forbidden for me. Sometimes when I am hungry, I just like to eat very simple. Sometimes I would just fry some eggs with some rice. And Lao Gan Ma would be the end of my meal.
Nichkhun: My favourite would have to be Xiamen. It felt really nice to be able to feel that. The weather was really beautiful. Where I can see the ocean. When I wake up in the morning, I can come downstairs and go walk on the beach and maybe take a swim. It has to be close to the market where I can go out and enjoy the street food.
170326 Juzi Entertainment Interview with Nichkhun 2
Nichkhun: Actually, the first time I came to China, I didn’t really know what to expect. As soon as I landed at the airport, a lot of fans came to greet me. That was very overwhelming and surprising. That really gave me a strong impression of how passionate Chinese girls are. So that was the first thing I saw when I came to China and it played a really big role in my first impression of China.
Nichkhun: It gets really tiring and there’s a lot of pressure in that. But I consider myself a workaholic. Taking care of my image and myself have become a part of me, a part of way of life for me now, not just things I have to do for work.  It gets less and less stressful, trying to be good, trying to be perfect. As time goes by, as I grow older, I have started to realize that perfect is not a reality. It’s not possible. The fans will love me for whatever flaws I have, whatever mistakes I make, as long as I remain true and honest and remain a good person to them.
Nichkhun: I think about my fans. I think about my family. I think about how far I have come. How lucky I am to get to come to where I am now. Just so many good memories along the way. The future as well. It’s not always going to be bad. It’s not always going to be tiring. There are going to be some rewards, some vacation time, or some happiness. So not too serious.
Nichkhun: It is something very easy to do but a lot of people overlook it. Some people don’t challenge themselves to try it out. Public service is… public, you know. Something you can do any day, anytime, anywhere. Helping an older lady crossing the street or helping her with grocery shopping bags. Helping other people to have an easier life, a happier life, a more fulfilled life.  Just anything that you can do. Maybe you can say a nice something to someone who is feeling down. That’s a public service. You don’t have to spend money. You don’t have to give anything. Just give them a smile and say “You look beautiful today. Have a good day.” Just anything that will make someone’s life easier. 
[Interview transcript by Daffodil0624]
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shiyanghe · 5 years
FMP Research_Blessing in Chiese
发四喜: 福字添来喜冲冲,福缘善庆降玉瓶。福如东海长流水,恨福来迟身穿大红。 禄星笑道连中三元,鹿叼灵芝口内含。鹿过小桥松林下,六国封相作高位官。 寿星秉寿万寿无疆,寿桃寿酒摆在中央。寿比南山高万丈,彭祖爷寿高永安为康。 禧花儿掐来插满头,喜酒斟来瓯几瓯。喜鸟儿落在这房檐儿上,喜报三元独占鳌头。 架子曲: 一上台来细留神儿 一边儿财神儿,一边儿喜神儿, 财神儿手托着摇钱树,喜神儿怀抱着聚宝盆儿, 聚宝盆儿到有着金马驹子在, 金马驹子以上还(huan)站着金人儿, 金人儿手托着八个字吧您内, 愿诸位招财进宝,日进斗金儿诶。 一门五福啊三多九如, 七子八婿满床笏(hu), 胜似那文王百(bo)子图 寿星佬儿跨鹤在云端舞, 龙头拐杖相衬着紫金葫芦. 葫芦里面飘仙气吧您内, 飞出来十万八千个燕蝙蝠。
Send four happy: the word add to be full of joy, good fortune to celebrate the jade bottle. Happiness as immense as the Eastern Sea running water, hate fu to wear red. Lu xing laughing even three, deer ganoderma mouth containing. Deer under the small bridge pine forest, six countries for high officials. Longevity bingshou longevity, longevity peach wine in the center. Live as long as the southern mountain high ten thousand zhang, peng zu ye shou gao yongan for health. Jubilee flowers pinch to insert full head, wedding wine poured to ou several ou. The lucky bird landed on the eaves, and the good news came out first. Shelf: a power to fine to keep the claw side mammon, side like the claw, the god of wealth, hand hold cash cow, like the claw holding cornucopia, cornucopia son to have gold Ma Juzi in gold still stood Jin Rener Ma Juzi above, Jin Rener hand hold eight characters within you, wish you a thriving business, make son. A door five blessings ah more than nine such as, seven sons eight son-in-law full bed wat, more like the king wen hundred children figure longevity guy son cross crane dance in the clouds, dragon head crutches with purple gold calabash.
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talented-musicians · 6 years
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New Guitar Gif dance, live, jump, concert, guitar, clap, crowd, bass, confetti, violin, klatschen, accordion, konfetti, gitarre, juzi, juzimusik, geige, akkordeon, die jungen zillertaler via Giphy https://ift.tt/2UnOzU1
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