#juuzou x reader fluff
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alisa-nyx · 7 months ago
A Stitch in Time
Suzuya Juuzou x Reader
Content/Warnings: sfw, fem!reader, fluff, meet-cute, embroidery, slight blood mention.
Words: 1k
Synopsis: When the café is empty you can't help but work on one of you embroidery projects. What you don't expect is for a random, and rather cute, customer to appear and take interest in your embroidery.
A/N: Suzuya is one of my favourite characters in Tokyo Ghoul and the fact that there aren't many fics for him is breaking my heart. Also I don't know how alive the fandom is (since I'm new to it) but here we go!
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The café is utterly empty except for you. Soft instrumental music playing in the background as you stay behind the counter, just in case of a customer appearing. Not like you are paying much attention to your surroundings as you are working on one of your embroidery projects, improving a simple black tank top you got some time ago. Making it more… you. And embroidery was your thing. You started a few years ago after seeing some videos online and got absolutely fascinated with it. The way you can make beautiful art with just a needle and thread, it's… It's just beautiful. Of course the first tries and the little practice projects you've done always ended with bloody fingers at how many times you pricked them with the needle. But every time you got better at it. And now you're not even stabbing your fingers anymore. Getting more confident in your work-craft that even the apron you are wearing at the moment has flowers embroidered on it.
That being said, you are so focused on your work that you don't even notice when the café's door opens, the needle in your hand being the only thing you can see, the music the only thing you hear.
"Hello?" startled you look up at the person and prick your finger as you were mid-stitch. 
"Ouch!" you whine before putting the project aside, remembering you are at work and have to do your actual job. "Ah, sorry! What can I get for you?" you ask, smiling at the dark-haired boy who only looks at you curiously. You can't help but notice the little red… tattoos…? Under his eye and lip. There's no way that's thread, no? 
"Are you okay? That looks like it hurt," he asks, looking at your hurt finger where a bead of blood already started forming. You only shrug, continuing to smile as you answer him.
"I'm fine, it's just a little prick anyway," getting a napkin you fastly wrap it around your index finger to hide it away. "So… What can I get for you today?" you repeated but the boy seemed more interested in what you were working on before, actually leaning over the counter to look at your half-embroidered tank top then he looked up at you again, more so at your apron.
"Hey, are you the one who did the flowers on your apron?" he suddenly asks, shifting to face you, his big red eyes full of curiosity and wonder. A little too close for your liking and making you flush just the tiniest bit.
"Yea—Yeah. Why?" 
"I like them! Your stitches are very precise. You must have a lot of practice." he states smiling, and that somewhat takes you off guard. In the six months you worked at this café no one has ever complimented your work. Or even noticed that you are the only waitress with a different apron.
"Oh, thank you," you genuinely thank him, deciding there's no harm in entertaining him for a while. You two are the only ones here anyway. "Do you like embroidery?" the boy's smile widens, the gesture pulling at the red lines under his lip that you are starting to think are actual pieces of thread stitched into his skin.
"Yes, something like that! I love sewing and stitching! See!" he excitedly says lifting his right arm to show you the stitches on it. And only then do you also finally notice 'x's on his neck. You freeze, slightly off put by the display, and shiver at the thought of needle puncturing skin. How can you do that to yourself? Is the first question going through your mind. Then: do they hurt? Of course, they hurt idiot… But are they still hurting after healing? Are they like tattoos or piercings? Paining you when they are done but after healing you don't even know they are there? The boy's smile slowly fades away at your stupefied gaze. 
"Do they hurt?" you blurt out before he can continue, your eyes roaming over the red thread on his arm.
"Not really," he states. "Tho I'm kinda insensitive to pain." 
You nod, slowly processing what he just said. "You sure do love stitching." just like you love embroidery. You can somewhat understand him, though you could never do that to yourself.
"Mhm. Just like you do embroidery." he hums approvingly, seeing how your face shifts from concerned to gentle. And just like that his smile returns. "What were you working on?" and his curiosity too. You couldn't help the little chuckle that escaped you.
"Just adding my touch to a tank top," you say glancing at the tambour hoop holding the fabric in place. "Do you wanna see?" 
His eyes practically sparkle at your question, an immediate "yes!" following. 
You laugh again, revealing the half-finished piece of a white snake coiled around a golden crescent moon, little stars sprinkled around.
"Wow!" the boy exclaims, leaning closer to take in every detail. "It's beautiful! The details are amazing. How do you get the stitches so precise?" you slightly flush at the compliment, smiling wider as his enthusiasm rubs on you.
"With lots of practice and patience," you answer while he still analyzes your work.
"I'd love to learn how to do that!" and you find yourself laughing once again. 
"I could teach you if you want." you offer in the heat of the moment, deciding that you like the boy and wouldn't mind spending more time with him.
"Really!?" the sparkles returned to his eyes that are now solemnly focused on you. "I'd love that! When can we start?" 
"Whenever you want. We could do it here after I finish my shift or on breaks. This week I'm on the early one and next week on the afternoon shift," you say and he nods excitedly.
"It's a deal!" he says thrusting his hand forward and you shake it while chuckling, putting the embroidery away.
"Deal," you confirm smiling. "By the way, I'm Y/N Y/L," you say totally aware of the nameplate on your chest but you still want to present yourself appropriately.
"Juuzou Suzuya!" he says, pulling his arm back.
"Nice to meet you, Suzuya!" you say, still smiling.
"Likewise Y/N!"
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tlambooku · 2 months ago
oioioi!! <3 então, seria possível fazer um Juuzou(sub) x leitor masculino, no qual eles comemoram o primeiro ano do aniversário de namoro?? ele é meu eterno husbando, e vejo que fics do juuzou x male reader são muito poucas. (nsfw msm, com direito a tudo kk) desde já, muito obrigadaaaaa
AI VEI- Demorou mais saiu! É minha primeira vez escrevendo algo do gênero então por favor relevem qualquer coisa! Espero ter feito bem o pedido e desculpa se o personagem é meio OOC, eu realmente não conheço bem ele 😭 mas APROVEITE!
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Sub! Juuzou Suzuya x Dom! Male Reader♂
𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙨𝙚: Juuzou passa muito tempo fora no trabalho até mesmo em seu primeiro aniversário de namoro, e seu namorado não muito contente com isso, decide organizar uma pequena punição para seu amante ausente.
𝘼𝙫𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙨: B4ixaria, Sangue, Jogo de Faca, Menções de Costura de Pele, Menções de Carne exposta e Bondage.
PS: Qualquer erro ortográfico ou algo do tipo por favor me deixem saber :"]
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Suas mãos quentes apertam as cordas vermelhas em torno dos pulsos do rapaz abaixo de você, seminu e trêmulo como uma vara verde e mesmo assim sorrindo com um pouco de baba acumulada no canto da boca pelos beijos quentes que ambos compartilharam antes.
—Isso deve te calar...— Você murmura, observando como os olhos de Juuzou se arregalam um pouco com sua expressão, e ele só sabia de duas coisas no momento; Que você estava furioso e que ele estava ficando louco pela vontade de te foder.
—Me solta...— Ele quase sussurra, seus olhos vermelhos fixos nos seus e seu coração batendo rapidamente em seu peito, ele queria ter forças para desfazer as amarras apertadas e só te foder em todos os sentidos, e mesmo que ele facilmente pudesse, algo em ver você tomando o controle sobre ele assim o deixou fraco dos joelhos e duro como uma pedra, o que era facilmente notável já que você estava no colo dele separado apenas pela fina camada de algodão de ambas as cuecas.
—Não agora, fofo...você foi realmente maldoso comigo me deixando plantado aqui dentro de casa te esperando, e em plena a data do nosso primeiro aniversário, me deixou chateado de verdade, Juuzou...— Você se esfrega lentamente contra a protuberância na cueca dele, o pré-gozo se acumulando ali e deixando uma mancha molhada no tecido vermelho escuro da cueca, e até combinava com ele...assim como combinava suas reações.
Ele joga a cabeça para trás em um choramingo ofegante, ele normalmente tomava as rédeas já que você era um garoto tímido e inexperiente, mas isso que você estava fazendo o estava deixando dormente dês dos dedos dos pés até a cabeça inchada de seu pau.
—N-não foi minha culpa...eu já te falei, a neve atrapalhou! Eu juro...amor, por favor!— Ele choraminha daquele jeito fofo dele que ele sabia que era irresistível, mas você estava determinado a arrancar mais palavras desesperadas dele assim, essas súplicas que faziam seu pau arder até doer por causa dele.
—Ainda assim você me deixou aqui esperando...é uma pena...vou ter que te ensinar uma pequena lição agora!— Sorrindo, você se inclina mais para trás, sua bunda roçando em seu pau faz Juuzou fechar os olhos quase como se sentisse dor, dor por não estar dentro de você.
—Isso não é justo! Você ta sendo mal e tá me provocando sem eu merecer!— Ele diz mordendo o lábio, e apesar dos guinchos e choramingos, ele estava amando tudo aquilo, fazer o quê, ele é um pequeno sádico e tudo que ele queria agora era seus dedos costurados apertando aquela carne doce e suave em seu colo, mas a porra das amarras o atrapalhavam e mesmo assim ele ainda não tinha forças para se soltar.
—Você também não foi justo comigo fofo! Logo no nosso primeiro aniversário...mmhm...mas tudo bem! Eu vou cuidar de você.— Seus olhos escarlate se arregalam quando ele observa você tirando uma faca dos lençóis da cama, sendo que antes durante a sessão de beijos e amarras ele não havia notado aquilo.
—E o quê você planeja fazer com isso em? Não são alguns cortes que vão fazer eu implorar pelo seu perdão a-a..a...— As palavras ficam presas na boca do homem, e você apenas ri enquanto desliza a ponta da faca pelo seu peito suavemente, uma linha fina vermelha aparecendo como um rastro, deixando para trás minúsculas gotas de sangue que começam a se acumular e você pode sentir seu pau pulsando atrás de você loucamente, tanto que ficou com receio dele gozar intocado em sua roupa íntima a qualquer momento.
—Você é tão estranho, sabia disso?— Você ri enquanto passa a lâmina pelos braços e estômago dele, em maioria o provocando e deixando cortes minúsculos em sua pele, quase como feridas fantasmas.
—Por isso quê você namora comigo— Ele da um sorrisinho atrevido enquanto geme baixinho ao sentir a lâmina se afundar um pouco, inclinando a cabeça com a visão turva para frente, ele sorri bobo quando vê uma pequena estrela desenhada em seu estômago.
—Aaw é o meu presente de aniversário de 1 ano, amor?— Ele sorri de uma maneira doce, lambendo o acúmulo de saliva por cima da parte costurada em seus lábios. Você revira os olhos e ri um pouco, se inclinando e beijando ele suavemente.
—Então você se lembrou...— Você murmura ao se afastar do beijo, se sentando agora nas coxas dele enquanto passa a faca por cima do comprimento de seu pau, por cima da cueca, e a quantidade de pré gozo ali era incrível.
—Você achou que eu tinha esquecido? Ooh faz sentido o por quê você está sendo mal comigo agora...— Ele da uma risadinha infantil até mas se assusta um pouco quando você passa a faca de uma maneira brusca em sua cueca, rasgando o tecido de maneira descuidada e pegando seu pau na mão, dando apertos suaves enquanto seu polegar provoca a ponta inchada e molhada dele.
Ele choraminga um pouco, implorando pequenos "Por favor" e "Não me provoque assim" enquanto você bate uma pra ele, lenta e quase dolorosa, enquanto sua faca provoca a parte interna de sua coxa com leves riscados quase inexistentes! Já quê, apesar de terem estabelecido seus limites e fetiches e você sabia que até agora Juuzou estava gostando, você ainda tinha receio de fazer algo extremamente radical.
—Sabe? Nessas pequenas loucuras, eu ainda acho que um dia eu vou sem querer te cortar inteiro como um boi no açougue— Zombando, você finalmente deixa a faca de lado e se inclina para frente, sua língua deslizando suavemente sobre sua ponta cheia de pré-gozo e por cima das pequenas linhas que costuram a carne embaixo da sua ponta raivosa e pulsante, e você sempre achou engraçado o fato dele ter um pau costurado.
Gemendo, o rapaz apenas revira os olhos e chupa a parte inferior de seu próprio lábio, te observando com luxúria naqueles olhos aparentemente inocentes, mas o carmesim escondia suas reais intenções. E apesar da piada, o pensamento de carne sendo cortada enquanto eles fodem até o teto, só para depois ser costurada em um ato carinhoso faz ele se sentir estranho no estômago, ele realmente era esquisito a esse ponto? Ele se pergunta...
—Oooh que bizarro, não sabia que eu namorava um Ghoul— Rindo, sua cabeça pende para o lado e gemidos ofegantes escapam de seus lábios quando você apenas revira os olhos e toma seu comprimento por inteiro, a ponta do pau dele batendo no fundo de sua garganta enquanto suas mãos acariciam suas bolas pequenas e pálidas.
Ele tenta mexer os quadris para afundar mais de seu pau em sua garganta, porém as amarras o impediam disso, e quando você chupou com mais força ele só se esqueceu de qualquer pensamento bizarro ou força restante para se soltar, o transformando em uma bolha balbuciante e chorona prestes a arrebentar e encher sua garganta de porra.
Seus olhos se reviram um pouco enquanto o dente duro em sua garganta, engasgando com todo o estímulo quente enquanto você mesmo sente seu pau jorrar pré-gozo em todo o lençol e cueca e seus dedos dos pés se encolherem toda vez que o chupa com um pouco mais de força, o gosto sendo incrível e até intoxicante.
Porém sentindo que ele ia gozar, você rapidamente se afasta e limpa a baba em sua boca. Juuzou rapidamente levanta o rosto, quase chorando pela perda de estímulo e com uma expressão surpresa! Seu pau se contorcia loucamente e ele só queria mais de você.
—N-não! Não por favor, por favor não para! Eu quero mais, me chupa mais, por favor-— Você logo silencia ele com um simples gesto, tirando sua própria cueca ensopada de gozo e se posicionando em seu colo.
—Shh não se preocupe, você vai me foder muito bem agora, vai ser meu brinquedinho fofo e obediente e aí sim eu vou pensar em te perdoar por se atrasar hoje, ok?— Você sorri enquanto usa seus dedos lubrificados já com baba e pré-gozo para se esticar para ele, fazendo o rapaz de cabelos brancos morder os lábios em antecipação, concordando a cabeça em juras sobre como seria bom para você e como ele iria fazer valer a pena o perdoar.
—Eu vou ser bom, eu prometo, eu prometo- Ah! Obrigado! Obrigado obrigado obrigado-— Ele geme desesperado quando sente seu pau duro entrar em seu buraco apertado, agradecendo por você ter feito isso enquanto ele move os quadris até onde ele consegue para se empurrar mais fundo, mas as cordas vermelhas ainda eram um problema que você não estava planejando em se livrar no momento.
Ignorando a ardência e a leve dor, você espera um pouco sentado enquanto sente ele pulsar dentro de você, e Juuzou hora nenhuma parava de tagarelar sobre como era bom e como sentia que iria perder a cabeça, o quê fez você bufar e pegar sua faca novamente, colocando a lâmina fria em seu pescoço enquanto começa a quicar no colo dele.
—Cala a boca e deixa eu te foder— Você geme enquanto se fode no pau dele, segurando a faca em seu pescoço mas logo logo pelo excesso de prazer você deixa ela de lado e se apoia no peito dele, seus quadris ignorando o cansaço e só se preocupando em se mover para ele, os barulhos molhados do "entra e sai" enchendo o quarto e só servindo para aumentar o tesão dos dois.
Depois de um tempo, sentindo o cansaço finalmente, Juuzou implora pra ser solto para que ele possa te ajudar a gozar, o quê você faz alegremente!
—Mmh tão gostoso assim sentando em mim, eu queria te foder pra sempre! Você é tão fofo também~ — Ele geme assim que se solta, se sentando e rapidamente pegando seu pau na mão, começando a te estimular enquanto sua mão livre segura sua cintura e rapidamente bate seu próprio membro dentro de você numa velocidade completamente nova, fazendo você se agarrar a ele enquanto sua faxada de dominante se quebra assim que sente suas bolas batendo contra sua bunda.
Não demora muito até que vocês cheguem ao clímax, fazendo uma sujeira um no outro enquanto seus corpos pegajosos entre suor, sangue e porra se entrelaçam em cima dos lençóis, um abraço grudendo e ofegante enquanto ele ainda se mantém dentro de você enquanto ambos descem do pico prazeroso que acabaram de ter.
—Você tá bem? Eu não te machuquei muito né?— Você olha pra ele, com certa preocupação agora que a nuvem do tesão se dissolveu em sua mente.
—Ha não! Foi bom na verdade, foi um lado que eu nunca tinha visto em você, até me deu medo~— Ele brinca, deixando beijinhos suaves em sua clavícula enquanto seus braços abraçam sua cintura e seu pau permanece enterrado em sua bunda. Depois de alguns segundos, ele murmura.
—Mesmo que isso tenha sido bom e tudo, acho que eu te devo desculpas né? Eu não queria ter te deixado pensativo— Ele murmura um pouco e olha para você, seus olhos escarcalate sem malícia alguma no momento.
—Mmh...não se preocupe, isso que fizemos agora compensou tudo...mas eu realmente me preocupei hoje, pensei que você tinha ficado preso no trabalho ou tivesse decidido que tinha algo melhor pra se fazer— Você bufa um pouco, não querendo realmente pesar o clima gostoso entre vocês mas mesmo assim não se impediu de comentar.
—Aw...eu sinto muito então! Mas eu prometo que vou compensar você! Depois daqui um banho quente e um jantar romântico! Que tal?— Ele sorri meio inocente, mas o seu membro ainda duro em sua bunda o fez ter outras ideias.
—Que tal um segundo Round?— Você sorri para ele, logo ficando em cima do seu colo novamente, e o olhar surpreso de seu namorado logo se tornou em um olhar travesso.
— Heh, feliz aniversário de namoro pra você também, amor~— Ele sorri antes de rapidamente te virar e te jogar na cama, ambos dando risadinhas perversas que logo logo foram substituídas por gemidos altos.
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locketsvault · 8 months ago
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pairings: jūzō suzuya x reader ፥ ayato kirishima x reader ፥ renji yomo x reader
tags: gender neutral reader, no agab mentioned, first person, fluff, cuddling/phyiscal affection
warnings: angst in ayatos, mention of parents dying in ayatos, cursing in yomos
request: Heyy, can i please ask for cuddling headcannons with tokyo ghoul guys? (Juuzou, Ayato and Yomo) (request found here.)
a/n: I’m so happy to write for jūzō I love him sm. this request was very fun to do! I do warn later on, but I’m not too familiar with yomo though I did do my best! if you have any comments or ideas about cuddling these silly men, feel free to comment or send something through my inbox. I take anons too!
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// jūzō suzuya⌇˚.༄
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⮑ You’ve managed to get him to sit still long enough to cuddle? I’m impressed.
⮑ No really, he’s hard to cuddle because of how much energy he has, not to mention the fact he always wants to be out and about. Funnily enough, not to lean into the stereotype but I 100% see him being docile if you give him sweets and snacks lmao. As long as you feed him he will remain in your arms like a good boy.
⮑ That brings me to my next point actually, he’s mostly always a little spoon. On rare occasions he’ll be big spoon, but the problem is that he doesn’t… know how. He doesn’t know how to be big spoon, he doesn’t know how to be the one comforting physically. But he tries!!! And tbh he’s pretty good with it, even if he can be slightly awkward at first. He learns, especially if you willingly help him.
⮑ I think because of his personality and upbringing, most people assume he doesn’t understand affection. While I can agree, to a certain extent, he isn’t clueless, and it doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand all forms of affection. He does, and he learns well. Even if his ways of showing affection are not traditional lol.
⮑ He does not mind pda, he doesn’t get why people are uncomfortable. He loves you, and if he wants cuddles from you while working or going around the city, then he should get what he wants no? Plus, it’s not like he’s worried about his reputation.
⮑ A solid 8/10 in the cuddle department. if he sits still long enough and is willing, his cuddles are warmth. they’re home.
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// ayato kirishima⌇˚.༄
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⮑ He must really trust you if he’s cuddling with you willingly.
⮑ Hear me out okay. I know he’s not only the whole “bad boy” persona we all see. But it is a big part of him and how he thinks. Affection is weakness, and showing weakness is asking for death. Especially in the earlier days. The idea of being vulnerable even in the safety of his own home freaks him out.
⮑ I think for the longest time he wouldn’t entertain the idea. That is until he’s had a rough day, and suddenly he finds himself burying his face in your torso, holding you between his legs. You can’t move, you’re not allowed to. Not that you’d want to; because finally subjecting himself to affection has caused him to break down. Yep, your first time cuddling involves a very vulnerable and probably crying boy in your arms. He’s back to the age of his parents still being alive in that moment.
⮑ But! Once he’s finally given himself the taste of affection, especially from you, he can’t let it go. It’s still only in private though, he can’t bring himself to feel comfortable cuddling you in front of others. Honestly it’s probably not until after :re that he feels comfortable with pda.
⮑ His cuddles are rigid at first, he can’t get himself to relax. But over time he softens up. He loves cuddling you face to face, he loves admiring you. You may even find his eyes soft and adoring. His body runs extra hot so he’s perfect to sleep with in the winter. Oh, couch cuddles that consist of you being a personal weighted blanket are also always welcome.
⮑ I’ll give him a 6.5, he’s still figuring himself out but somehow his cuddles are still nice.
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// renji yomo⌇˚.༄
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⮑ Honestly he looks like someone who gives wonderful hugs.
⮑ Now you’ll have to forgive me, I don’t really know too much on yomo, though I did try to read up a little to refresh my mind.
⮑ If we’re talking about early days yomo, when he was a little shit (sorry yomo), I don’t really see him as a cuddly person. He’s too hot headed and violent, especially after losing his sister. But if we’re talking about Anteiku and beyond yomo, I could see him appreciating cuddles very much.
⮑ And I mean it too. I think physical affection is one of his main forms of affection right next to act of service. So he’s always down to cuddle you if you ask. You’ll usually have to initiate it though, unless you’re at home. He’ll open his arms for you and pull you close.
⮑ I can vividly picture this man allowing you to lay on his chest and probably fall asleep while reading a book peacefully. And he’s willing to stay that way for hours. It’s probably very soothing to him. Especially if the room is quiet and he can hear your heartbeat.
⮑ When it comes to pda, I don’t really think he’d do it. And if he did he never initiated it. he’s a man of few words, and is reserved. His actions can speak for himself yes, but he doesn’t go out of his way to. He doesn’t care if anyone comments on it though, and is probably both amused and annoyed at the gawking of someone curled into his side at the coffee shop lol.
⮑ 9/10 as well, as long as it isn’t early yomo, you’ve got yourself a wonderful protective cuddler.
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xanderthelostboy · 1 year ago
No female reader
No female characters
This is all gay shit
Seriously, I won’t be answering shit like ‘x fem!reader’ or anything
Might do FTM reader
I do poly!couples (from the same fandom)
I do angst, fluff, suggestive, headcannons, imagines, fics and such
Metal Family (Dee, Glam)
Tokyo Ghoul (Uta, Nishio, Juuzou, Shuu, Ayato)
Twilight (Carlisle, Jasper, Aro, Caius, Marcus, Emmett, Alec)
Vampire Diaries (Damon, Klaus, Elijah, Kol, Finn)
Horror (Predator, Michael, Ghostface (Billy and Stu), Vincent Sinclair, Bo Sinclair, Deacon Frost, Eric Draven, Leatherface, Pyramid Head, Hannibal, etc.) If the character you want isn’t there, you can always request and find out.
The Boys (Homelander, Black Noir, Lamplighter, The Deep)
Kingsman (Agent Whiskey)
Creepypasta (Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, EJ, LJ, Jason the Toymaker, Bloody Painter, Ticci Toby, Candy Pop, etc.) If the character you want isn’t there, you can always request and find out
Resident Evil (Heisenberg, Leon Kennedy)
Spider-Man (Hobie, Pavitr, Miguel)
Call of Duty (Ghost, König)
American Horror Story (James Patrick March, Kai Anderson, Tate Langdon, Dandy Mott)
Obey Me (Lucifer, Mammon, Asmodeus, Satan, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Leviathan, Simeon, Diavolo, Barbatos)
Helluva Boss (Moxxie, Blitzø, Stolas, Striker, Fizzaroli, Asmodeus)
Other: Le Chiffre, Howl Pendragon, Jonathan Crane, SCPs, Billy Hargrove, Sally Face…
If a specific character isn’t here, please feel free to ask but be aware that I may either not know the character or dislike writing for them!
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despairots · 2 years ago
━━━━━━━━ do you not want anything? i’m fine as long as i’m free from this.
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pairings ━━━━━━━━ wanderer x puppet! gender neutral! reader. angst and fluff, reader is the hydro archon’s puppet made to take her place if the current hydro archon dies. wanderer finds himself in reader where as reader doesn’t understand emotions and doesn’t know why they feel a connection towards him.
at one point, there’s mention of body modifications, most likely body stitches, search up juuzou suzuya’s stitches and that’s where most of the idea came from. this was made before fontaine’s release.
reader was originally supposed to have a hydro vision but were gifted a electro one. also reader cross dresses one time, search up juuzou suzuya in a dress and that’s where the idea came from.
content warning ━━━━━━━━ it might not be seen well but wanderer does end up manipulating reader at some point, reader hates archons and doesn’t understand the concept of life, emotions and death, mentions of abuse, murder.
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is it an odd feeling? what? my tears. being the hydro archon’s puppet to take over her position when she dies wasn’t a pleasant thing, wandering for years on end to wait for your turn to be in the throne killed you.
she didn’t have time to even bother and sometimes you think there wasn’t even a reason why she created you, just to deal with abuse from people even though you couldn’t feel it.
having no idea or the concept of emotions made you just some doll to people, ignoring of the fact you’re rather intelligent and ruthless— making you apart of a group of very intelligent beings: the genius society.
due to being a doll or, what you were called, a puppet, maybe a marionette if we’re being nice, you didn’t feel pain which gave you an advantage of body modification: stitching designs on you (since you didn’t like your original design).
you didn’t have a purpose really and you weren’t allowed to go beyond fontaine but you really wanted too, and maybe, you could get that chance with a little help from travellers from different regions.
“the hydro archon? you really wanna see her?” you questioned with raised eyebrows, “obviously!” the flying fairy answered, annoyed by your lack of emotions and creeped out by your stitches.
“are you always this annoying?” you glared with crossed arms as someone lightly snickered, “paimon!” the traveller slapped the back of their companions head before nervously smiling at you and apologizing.
you shrugged, “don’t know if i’m the right one to help you with that.” “b-but the twins said you’re the only one who could help us with that!”
the traveller pointed out, “the twins? you mean lyney and lynette? i’m surprised they didn’t lie.” you placed a hand underneath your chin.
“lie?” you looked over at their other companion, “they usually lie to outsiders to get them into trouble. they must’ve thought you guys were important.”
you saw at the corner of your eye, paimon whispered something into the travellers ear.
“i’m officially creeped out by this person. i mean, look at their stitches and their lack of emotion!” paimon yelped back in surprise when you made eye contact with her to which you sighed.
“i really can’t help you with that. to be fair, i’m… not a big fan of the hydro archon, i carry a lot of restatement towards her. if you do want to see her, there’s an auction coming in two days, she’ll be there, try to sneak in.”
you pointed out, mentioning your hatred towards focalors and the auction you were supposed to be “sold” while actually you were supposed to kill the audience due to being hidden fatui.
as you were about to leave, someone yelled out for you to wait, “what do you mean you don’t like the hydro archon?” the traveller queried, head tilted and everything.
“i just hate archons in general. i think they’re selfish beings who only manipulate others to get what they want.” you explained sternly before leaving with no reason to stop at another word from them.
“jeez, what an oddball.” paimon commented and blew a raspberry.
“i heard that!”
━━━━━━━━ timeskip
“remember your plan, puppet.” you glared up at the man, your appearance completely changed into a black dress with a white glove on the right hand.
a black and white stripped socks on the right with black heels, and black tights on the left with instead of black heels, it was white.
your hair wig was black long hair that had two ribbons on each side of the head, lips covered in a light red lipstick.
“don’t call me that.” you sneered, having the hair stylist fix your hair up as the man laughed at your response.
“but you are a puppet. why be so mad at an obvious take?” you didn’t respond to that but just scoffed.
he looked down at his watch then outside the curtains, “it’s your cue. remember your weapons you have on you, don’t use your vision unless it’s entirely needed so.”
you nodded, “yeah, i know the plan, dottore.” he laughed again before disappearing like he wasn’t there in the first place.
the platform raising up with the curtains moving aside, “beautiful, young lacy i suspect will touch a chief of a very high price.” gasps were heard from the audience as you mentally rolled your eyes.
“look at that fair skin and those big eyes. they almost look like a porcelain doll!”
“may the auction start—“
“you won’t need one!” your left leg opened right at your knee, pulling out multiple knives from it you threw it at the audience with the lick of your lips, gliding over your single stitch that was an ‘x’.
“that’s!—“ paimon gasped while pointing at you who stood up with your gaze focused on the hydro archon who only nodded and left her place.
“the hydro archon is about to leave, we have to catch up to her!” the traveller pointed out whilst dragging paimon, the wanderer watching you take off your wig and leave the stage.
“you gonna stay there or what?” your voice echoed through the theatre as the wanderer saw you pause and stare up at him, “i know you have questions.” he raised an eyebrow.
“how do you know?”
“it’s not hard to read a puppet.” he’s eyes widened at your comment, surprised that you knew his origins and before he knew it, he was outside with you staring down on fontaine.
it was silent, a little too silent that if he listened a little closely, he could hear a small mechanic sound from your right leg.
“how do you know that i’m a puppet?” you turned around to look over your shoulder at him, “it’s… um, hard to explain.” you shrugged at him, making him impatient at your lack of response.
“not buying it.” he scoffed and crossed his arms, glaring down at you. “it’s because i’m a puppet too, it’s not that hard to tell you are too,” you paused and grabbed his arm harshly, causing him to flinch.
“stay still. i can tell because of your fainted joints.” you pointed out at his arm. as he looked down at what you just pointed out, he frowned, finding a little pity towards you.
“you’re a puppet too?” your body tensed in anger, “yeah. specifically made to take the hydro archon’s place when she dies but i’ve wandered fontaine for about 500+ years and nothing happened.”
you spoken through gritted teeth. scaramouche found himself in you; a puppet who was discarded by their creator, forced to deal with abuse and betrayal.
“i’ve had to deal with abuse from the people, been betrayed by the only people i could trust, just for me to be restrained on exploring teyvat. a really horrible fate, isn’t it?”
there it was. a reason to save you from your fallen fate that could possibly lead you away from his original fate. you two were the same, maybe used in different ways but still the same.
“then why don’t you come with us?” he persuaded, “come with you? i can’t do that, i can’t just leave fontaine.” you rejected the idea but a part of you wanted to accept it, leave your fallen fate.
“fontaine doesn’t need you. why do you think they tossed you around like you were nothing? they don’t need you, fontaine doesn’t deserve you.” he whispered, a hand offered to you.
maybe he was right, maybe fontaine didn’t need you after all. i mean, their hydro archon was still alive and standing, there isn’t a reason for you to stay here. you stood out like an oddball.
you placed your hand on his, taking the gracious offer, blinded by the connection you suddenly had but couldn’t grasp.
“i’ll take it.”
scaramouche smirked at your sudden blindness to his offer, saving you from your fallen fate that he couldn’t save himself from.
he was gonna protect you from anything that could possibly hurt you, especially if that meant him. the only thing in the world you needed, was him.
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citruslullabies · 10 months ago
Heyy, can i request some casual romantic fluff with Juuzou (from Tokyo Ghoul)?
I don't think I've ever written for Juuzou!
Trigger warnings: needles
Romantic/platonic: romantic
Requested by: anonymous
Category: short but sweet fluff
Ship (romantic or platonic): Juuzou x reader
Word count: 237
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You had been with Juuzou for a long while at this point, knowing how he was an investigator but even then you loved him dearly.
It was his day off, but not yours. You finally came home from work and saw him on the couch, humming as he stitched red threads through the first layer of his skin. Knowing that if he messed up he'd make his body erupt in pain and have blood spill out.
You slowly approached him, sitting beside him and pressing a kiss against the stitches on his lower lip having caught him by surprise. He looked over at you and paused, before a mischievous cat-like smile came over his face as he engulfed you in a sloppy hug.
“Hey darling!” He cooed, happy to see you home from work. He nuzzled against you, completely forgetting about the needle and thread hanging from his arm as he clung onto you and greeted you. You smiled and carefully picked the needle up, very carefully unwrapping the red thread and putting the sewing needle away. “Hi honey.” You said back softly, placing one of your hands in his fluffy white hair.
The man snuggled against you as if he was a child, despite being mentally disturbed, he was cute. Only showing you the good parts of him. He asked the common questions, getting your answers and swimming in them affectionately.
He was you’re deranged dolly.
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Thanks for requesting!
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xjulixred45x · 1 year ago
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Blue Exorcist
Lucifer x Half Angel! Reader
Lucifer Fluff Alphabet
Platonic Yandere Mephisto Pheles/Platonic Yandere Lucifer x Daughter! Reader
First kisses with Lucifer
Platonic Yandere Mephisto Pheles/ Platonic Yandere Lucifer x Daughter reader: Escape
Platonic Arthur Auguste Angel x Ex-wire!reader
Rin Okumura x Half Angel!Reader
Shiro Fujimoto, Satan, Mephisto Pheles and Juuzou Shima with a s/o who likes their voice very much
Platonic Yandere Mephisto Pheles, Amaimon and Lucifer x Ex-wire Reader
Half demon Reader x Lucifer/Mephisto Pheles/Satan/ Shiro Fujimoto: Crush and relationship
Yandere! Mephisto Pheles x Willing Witch Reader
Rin Okumura/ Renzo Shima and Juuzou Shima x Half demon Reader: reactions to know crush/gf is half demon
Yandere Mephisto Pheles/ Lucifer/Amaimon x Reader: general Headcanons
Yandere! Demon King! Rin Okumura x reader braimstorm
Lucifer x Lectora Mitad Angel
Alfabeto Fluff: Lucifer
Yandere Platónico Mephisto Pheles/Yandere Platónico Lucifer x Hija Lectora
Primeros besos con Lucifer
Yandere Platónico Mephisto Pheles/Yandere Platónico Lucifer x Hija Lectora: escape
Platónico! Arthur Auguste Angel x Ex-wire Lector@
Rin Okumura x Mitad Angel lectora
Shiro Fujimoto, Satan, Mephisto Pheles y Juuzou Shima con una pareja que le gusta mucho su voz
Yandere Platónico Mephisto Pheles, Amaimon y Lucifer x Ex-wire Lectora
Lector mitad demonio x Lucifer/Mephisto Pheles/Satan/ Shiro Fujimoto: enamoramiento y relación(TRADUCCION)
Yandere Mephisto Pheles x Lectora Bruja voluntaria
Rin Okumura/ Renzo Shima and Juuzou Shima x Lectora mitad demonio: reacciones
Yandere Mephisto Pheles/ Lucifer/Amaimon x lector: Headcanons generales
Lluvia de ideas: Yandere! Rey de los demonios! Rin Okumura x lector@
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pfpanimes · 2 years ago
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⌕ tokyo ghoul • suzuya juuzou.
like or reblog if you save use.
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an-emovision · 3 years ago
𝓒𝓾𝓭𝓭𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼 - 𝓢𝓾𝔃𝓾𝔂𝓪 𝓙𝓾𝓾𝔃𝓸𝓾
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A/N: Hi hello welcome back to another episode of Blossoms questionable taste in men. Warning(s): None ——————•°•✿•°•——————••——————•°•✿•°•—————— ❀-bestie what? ❀-You're dating who??? ❀-Good luck ❀-Im not saying this man is clingy but im saying given the chance he will be on you like white on rice ❀-Twas a cozy afternoon and where were you? ❀-Work of course where else would you be? at home relaxing? pffft ❀-Your boyfriend had taken the day off because he felt like it so that meant it would be an entire 8 hours before he saw you. ❀-He swore this was some kind of abuse ❀-He had begged you before you went to work to stay home with him ❀-To which you had to explain how unprofessional it was to call out of work 10 minuets before you were supposed to clock in ❀-He whined and pouted like a child who couldn't get what they wanted ❀-You gave him a gentle peck on his cheek and headed to work. ❀- when you did finally get home the sun was setting ❀-As soon as he heard the keys jingling in the door he jumped up and ran straight for you. ❀- Instead of a 'welcome home!' or 'I missed you!' you got "Did you bring me any sweets?" ❀-You let out a soft sigh and handed him the bag of lolipops you had picked up for him on your way home ❀-His face broke out into a grin as he took the bag from you and made his way back to the couch ❀-You stayed by the door to take off your coat and shoes ❀-As soon as you did you started for your shared bedroom, announcing that you were gonna shower ❀-Before you could get in the door he had run over and scooped you up, casually heading back to the couch ❀-"Wh- Juu what are you doing?" ❀-"You've been gone all day, cuddle with me" ❀- "But-" before you could protest he already had you on the couch and nuzzled against his chest. ❀-"You owe me for going to work today" he gave you a gentle kiss on your forehead "just for a little while okay? i promise ill let you go take your shower later" ❀- You figured just a little while with him wouldn't hurt, after all you had missed him to. ——————•°•✿•°•——————••——————•°•✿•°•—————— 𝓕𝓮𝓮𝓵 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽!
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dabis-57th-stitch · 4 years ago
SFW alphabet: Juuzou Suzuya
 I’ve been looking for a sfw version of this boy for so long that i decided to make my own 
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Juuzou typically shows affection verbally, considering he has little to no filter. He won't hesitate to tell you exactly how he thinks of you, at anytime of day. Of course this isn't always such a lovely surprise, but more often than not Juuzou has something good to say. First thing when you wake up? You know it. The middle of a high risk fight? You betcha. With his mouth half-stuffed full of candy? Oh yeah. Sometimes his comments can be a little backhanded, but he's surprisingly good at reading people and will try to learn from these little mistakes.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend?) Juuzou would be an extremely loyal friend. Though he hasn't had the best relationships, he understands that loyalty and honesty are good qualities. However, while he may be loyal to a fault, he can get a little distracted on occasion so keep him leashed when out and about.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Due to his past Juuzou isn't a very touchy person. He can stand the commonalities, and maybe a little more but generally cuddling is off limits. Now that's not to say he's never cuddled anyone, and that he doesn't want to. Every once in a blue moon, when he's with someone he trusts, Juuzou will indulge himself. He's like a deer when it comes down to it though, any sudden movements or the slightest sign of contestment and he's out. But if you're patient enough, and lucky enough, he'll slowly make his way into your lap, or better yet on top of you. He doesn't much enjoy spooning, and would rather both parties be more equals. Just as well if he's comfortable enough to cuddle with you, he's comfortable enough to do anything and very conveniently forgets what personal space is. He'll be all over you, hands in your hair or tracing patterns along your back. Oh, and a side note, he always smells of sweets and peppermint.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? ) To be honest, he doesn't even know what that means, really. He's not nearly as job oriented as some of his colleagues, but he's not family oriented either. So, supposing the idea was explained to him, he wouldn't be to interested. In other words, he has enough family at work.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) We all know Juuzou doesn't have a filter, so if he decided a relationship needed to end it would be short and sweet. This doesn't just pertain to any specific type of relation either. However, keep in mind Juuzou doesn't always know when bonds need to be broken, so sometimes, to those around him, it may seem as though he's dragging things out.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) Again, Juuzou doesn't completely get the concept of marriage, however he does understand commitment, and as aforementioned he is extremely loyal. Though it's unlikely Juuzou would ever be in some sort of adult relationship, if he did happen to date he would be an outstanding boyfriend. For the most part he's ignorant to such things, but if Juuzou knows anything about healthy relationships it's that they're supposed to make those involved happy. Just as well he's receptive to those around him, and if you happen to claim his heart he'll go to the ends of the earth for you.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Other than during combat, Juuzou is a pretty gentle person physically. Not only is he a smaller person, but he doesn't see the need for constant strength; actually he prides himself in his gracefulness. So unless you're fighting him, no need to be worried. Emotionally, most people consider Juuzou to be cold, and for the most part he is. He doesn't get attached easily, it's just not his nature. When he does cherish someone he'll let them know, and oftentimes make it his duty to protect them if they're unable to do so themselves.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) As mentioned, Juuzou isn't usually one to be openly physical. If you do happen to be one of the rare few he's comfortable with it just depends on how he's feeling. Some days he won't hesitate to tackle you, and other days he'll leave you wondering if you've somehow upset him. On the days he's especially close he can't stand to be apart from you. Whether it's holding your hand, or draping his arm across your shoulders he has to be touching you somehow.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) He will not say it first, no way in hell. However, he's quick to say it back. Once it's said, it's almost as if your relationship has gone to the next level, no matter the type. Just as well, after the first time, you'll never hear the end of it. Juuzou is the type of person to tell you just how much he cares for you in more ways than possibly imaginable. Probably the sweetest thing about this, though, is the fact that it never loses its meaning. In other words, there will never be a time when he says "I love you" and doesn't mean it with every fiber of his very being. He can really only hope that he means as much to you as you do to him, but he'll love you either way.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) He isn't really the type to get jealous, more so, he'd probably just be confused. Unless it comes to food, he will get jealous of you having sweets very easily. Sharing is caring. When it comes to relationships and flirting, he does not understand, so don't even try it. Just as well, it's unlikely he'd ever give you a reason to make him jealous.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Similar to cuddling, sometimes he's a love bug and other times he'd rather sit on the opposite side of the room as you. Traditional kisses, on the lips, aren't really his thing, he'd rather kiss you on the forehead or cheek. Just as well, he'd rather you kiss him on the forehead, or temples. When it comes to public displays of affection, he'll kiss you on the hand like a gentleman. Traditional kisses are saved for special occasions, so cherish them when they're given. An example of special occasions would be the first time you tell him you love him, and fyi it was his first.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Considering he's still a bit of a child himself, Juuzou usually gets along with kids wonderfully. This can also be a problem because sometimes he forgets that he's in fact a full grown person, and therefore can't play as rough as they do. Just as well, sometimes kids will remind him of his past, and it's not so much that he's bothered by it, more that he doesn't know how to react to certain children. Now when it comes to the question of having kids he's not so well suited, not only in the fact that he can't have children the usual way, but also in the fact that his first parental figure was not such a good one. In any sense, Juuzou would actually be worried about being a father.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Juuzou is most certainly a morning person. Up before his alarm and ready to face the world. If you're a morning person waking up next to him is splendid, full of loud, happy conversation as the two of you get ready. If you're not a morning person, its most certainly not as great, but by no means is it bad. He'll probably wake you, but he'll also lay with you longer just talking quietly or lazily stroking a hand through your hair. He's not much of a cook so don't expect breakfast in bed, but do try to give him the time of day for he's the person to share his dreams first thing so he doesn't forget them.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Considering he's more of a morning person there's chance you'll catch him dozing off. Loud noises and the like don't bother him much, but if you so much as come close to him he'll wake up. It's one of those sad things caused by his trauma that he'll never shake. Luckily if you do wake him he'll flash you a small smile, and ask that you lay with him. The thing is, while you can't change what happened to him, or the residual effects of it, you can help him cope. If he's comfortable with you chances are he'll become rather fond of your body next to his. If, and when this happens try not to push him away, this boy doesn't have much concept of self value and will likely go throwing his life away for your sake.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) He doesn't have much issue revealing things about himself, his past included. Not much really bothers Juuzou because his concept of morality isn't very constructed. That being said, he isn't one to go out and preach his life story to those who will listen either. Unless you ask him about himself he most likely won't tell you anything.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Simply put, it depends on the situation. When on the job, Juuzou tends to be patient, at least as it pertains to killing things. Most often he's patient enough that things don't always have to be happening around him, but that doesn't mean he's actually focused on anything important either. If he's preoccupied with something, like snacks, then chances are you'll have his attention. If that's not the case, then it's likely he'll be found on an all expenses-paid round trip to la-la land.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) It's safe to say that Juuzou does not remember everything. He's remembers most of the big important moments between the two of you, but every once in awhile there is some little off-hand moment that sticks with him for some reason. Just as well, he probably remembers, and thinks about a lot more than you'd imagine, but it's likely you'll never hear about such.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) It'd be difficult for him to choose his favorite moment. Naturally Juuzou cherishes a lot of your time together, especially fun ones like dates to amusement parks and the zoo. However his favorite moment is something you'd probably have forgotten about. To you it'd be nothing more than one of Juuzou's quirky, less dangerous adventures, but to him it's the time he let you in, and you embraced him. Most anyone who's been around Juuzou for more than a year knows his appreciation for heights especially ones with views of the city. All his colleagues know he goes to the roof if he's particularly distressed. His favorite memory happened to be one of those times, he was upset over a new protocol his group had to follow, and on his way to the roof you had caught him. To you, he was just showing you a good view of Tokyo, but unbenounced to you, he had just let you into his world, and you had accepted it. So yeah, that was probably his favorite memory.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) He would easily give his life for you, no questions asked. Frankly, if you were unable to protect yourself for whatever reason he'd be quite worried throughout the day. He's not one to mention it though. It's evident in his body language, but most often he feels that he's nagging you if he so much as mentions being more cautious, and Juuzou isn't one for nagging.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Juuzou is the type for fun dates over formal ones. He'd much rather smudge his face against the glass of an aquarium with you than sit down and eat. Dates are one of those times to keep him leashed, else you'll have lost him in five minutes, tops. You'd think he would be easy to spot with his fashion sense but that is not at all the case. It should be understood that he actually puts a decent amount of effort into date ideas, of course he knows what he'd like to do, but he always asks you first because he wants the both of you to enjoy yourselves. Sadly that means none of your dates are surprises, however they're always thoroughly enjoyable.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) Most of his bad habits stem from the lack of humanity he was shown growing up, so it makes most of these habits impossible to change, no matter how much you work at them. One of them would be his running off. He just simply doesn't think about alerting you of his absence because there was a point in time when no cared whether he was or wasn't. So, probably his worst habit of all is his lack of self value, most times he just doesn't stop to worry if something may damage him beyond the point of no return because he doesn't care.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) He isn't worried about whether he looks good or not, but he does have his own, extremely evident style. Obviously he likes to take this style to heights most others wouldn't dare but most of the time this isn't all too much of a worry. Just as well, it should be mentioned that Juuzou is quite cleanly. Most people consider him dirty due to his self-inflicted stitches, but in fact he keeps them, and the rest of his body, very tidy.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) He doesn't much like losing anyone; friends, colleagues, or the like, but most times he can make the cut and walk out alive. However, there is a point where he starts feeling a loss. He isn't one to let a big loss tear him apart entirely, but it can definitely drag him down mentally. A lot of times these losses are a sort of wake up call. If he were to lose you, it would be catastrophic to his emotional health, not to the point of doing anything rash, but he would definitely feel it for the rest of his life.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) Shinohara once told you, to your confusion and horror, that Juuzou would sometimes compare you to his weapon, Jason. Naturally, your superior had walked away before elaborating on whatever type of information he had just dropped on you, leaving you to ask Juuzou for yourself. You can bet that conversation was awkward, but he was happy to explain. "Yeah Osa, you're just like Jason: strong, sleek, and sexy!" He wiggled his brows at the end, and that was that. The two of you continue to giggle about that incident.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) He couldn't stand a partner who constantly tried to change him. Especially if said changes were simply to benefit their personification of him. Don't try to manipulate him into changing either. Sure, sometimes Juuzou might seem like a box of rocks, but he's no stranger to the crueler ways of the world.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) Besides his inability to sleep without your company, he has an odd habit of moving his mouth, like phantom talking. From your point of view it seems as though he's speaking to some unknown third party, however he's never actually said anything, and reading his lips is nearly impossible when his porcelain face is all squished up against a pillow. Overall, he's just super cute when he's peacefully asleep.
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lordsister · 4 years ago
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𝓢𝓸 𝓯𝓪𝓻 𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓶𝔂 𝓣𝓸𝓴𝔂𝓸 𝓖𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓵 𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓼 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓵𝓾𝓭𝓮𝓭 𝓷𝓼𝓯𝔀 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽. 𝓔𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓯𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓼𝓯𝔀 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓰. 𝓔𝓷𝓳𝓸𝔂!
Key - (f) fluff, (a) angst, (c) crack
𝓢𝓾𝔃𝓾𝔂𝓪 𝓙𝓾𝓾𝔃𝓸𝓾 ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◐ ◑ ◒
→ Keep You Safe (a)(f)
       ↳ established relationship | Juuzou’s worst fears come to pass when you encounter a particularly dangerous ghoul | hurt/comfort
→ Plush Giraffes (f)
       ↳ established relationship | when you take too long finishing work, Juuzou takes it into his own hands to entice you to come home through text
𝓤𝓽𝓪 ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓ ◔ ◕ ◐ ◑ ◒ ◓
→ Eyes (yandere)
       ↳ warnings: gore, obsession, kidnapping, character death | heterochromatic!reader
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So I noticed that tokyo ghoul was one of the fandoms you write for and was wondering if you could write something for a sleepy morning with suzuya juuzou? Soft boi needs cuddles
Sure thing, lovely anon!
Sleepy Suzuya Juuzou Morning Cuddles!
The soft, warm morning light peaked through the light curtains inside your bedroom. You started to move around before finally opening your eyes to welcome the new day. A small smile formed on your lips as you turned to see Suzuya sleeping in his usual “fetus” pose. You stayed like that for a solid few minutes taking in all of him - his messy hair, his soft mumbling in his sleep, how his shoulders were moving when breathing in such a calm way. Moving your own hair out of the way, you pressed your lips on his cheek and whispered softly:
“Suzuya, love, wake up” 
You watched happily as the investigator stretched his body in the bed and started to rub his eyes in a cute, kind of childish, way.
“Y/n, what time it is?” - He asked you with a sleepy raspy voice, followed by a big yawn. Your head turned towards the watch above the door and checked for the time.
“It’s 10:15, love” - You were met with a pout and a sleepy Suzuya throwing himself onto you and burying his head in the crook of your neck.
“Y/n! You woke me up at 10 a.m. on a Saturday morning?!” - He whined while still hugging you tight. - “Just leave me to sleep, pleeease!”
A small chuckle left your lips as you started to caress his back, while you rested on the bed board. You loved that little attitude he was always giving you when you were the one to wake him up. But just as much you loved to watch him sleep and you really adored how much inner peace it brings you, you just love his company, listening to him.
“Oh, don’t be mad. I promise, I won’t wake you up next time”
“Yeah, right! You always say that!” - The young man finally got off you, looked in your eyes, absorbing your beauty - just freshly woken up yourself, he instantly forgot that he is moody from being woken up. His pale hands found the way to the sided of your face, gently touching your soft skin before he gave you a big kiss on the lips. 
“So good morning” - You smiled as your boyfriend now pulled you into his arms and started playing with your hair. 
“Good morning!” - A big grin shined on his face. There he is, your happy Juuzou, the one you love so much!. - “Now that I think about it - being up early means more time spent with you, doesn’t it?”
“Does that mean more cuddling?” - You asked in an innocent yet teasing way.
“Of course it does! I didn’t say that we are getting out of the bed yet!” 
The room got filled up with giggles and happiness as you two cuddled and shared kisses in such an intimate fashion in your bed, focusing on each other and not on his work at least for a day - you both very much cherish moments like this and you like to have them as long as possible.
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daddysfangirls-anime · 4 years ago
Innocent pleasures
Pairing: Juuzou Suzuya x fem! reader
Warning: fluff, kissing
Summary: Juuzou spends all day kissing you
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She looked so relaxed and at peace as she slept by his side. Juuzou never considered or thought of sleeping in the same bed as a female. His co-workers did speak of the pleasures of the flesh and what a woman’s touch could do to a man and still Juuzou had no desire, that is until he meets (y/n).
(y/n) (l/n) , a 17-year-old college graduate she worked at a small café Anteiku. She had no family and her only friends consisted off of co-works. ON the weekends when she wasn‘t working she spent her time visiting the park and the zoo. That’s where they meet.
One day (y/n) saw Juuzou sitting by himself drawing the lions. She walked over to him said hello and complimented his drawing next thing she knew they were having a conversation. That’s how their relationship started.
They were both really new to the whole relationship thing. So they didn’t really know what they were doing they were just winging it so far. But just because they were winging it doesn’t mean there wasn’t any feeling any that things weren’t special. Everything more special actually because everything was their first.
The first date they spent 13 hours straight together just talking and walking around the city, the whole night was spent in bliss. The first time she went to his house she went Friday night and didn’t leave until Sunday night they spent most of the time on his couch watching tv or talking on his bed. Their first kiss, oh now that was something special.
It happened three months after they started dating, yeah they waited that long. They were on Juuzou’s couch when out of the blue Juuzou sat up and kissed her it was just a peck at first. When Juuzou pulled back (y/n) face was neutral making him think he had done something wrong but then she leaned forward and kissed him back. Their lips move in sync as they pull each other closer. Juuzou slipped his tongue between her lips he explored and tasted her.
“wow” (y/n) said
“I liked that”
After the first kiss, there was another and another and another. The two couldn’t keep their lips off each other. After that, they were always kissing.
They had been dating for 14 months now and Juuzou kissed her every chance he got. He could never get enough of her lips.
“Juuzou ...what are you doing?” (y/n) asked as she woke. Juuzou didn’t notice it but he had started to run his thumb over (y/n) bottom lip “ I love you” he softly kissed her lips.
“I love you too” she mumbled.
Juuzou let his fingers trail down her lips, her jaw, neck, shoulder, and arm. He felt her goosebumps rise. He softly kissed her should as his hands trailed her skin. (y/n) hummed feeling so relaxed in his hands. (y/n)  put her hands in Juuzou’s hair as his kisses remained on his shoulder and his arms held her tight.
Juuzou smiled to himself thinking this is what his co-workers meant this is what the experienced too. This is what they meant by pleasures of the flesh, oh how naïve he was. Such innocent pleasures.
Juuzou raised  (y/n) leg to sit on his hip as they laid on their sides. (y/n) giggled as Juuzou kissed her all over he loved kissing her, tasting her, feeling her. He couldn’t get enough of her lips. She was his and he made sure to tell her this after every kiss.
“Mine, mine, mine“
“Today is Saturday” (y/n) said as Juuzou kissed her nose
“does that mean I can stay in bed all day and kiss you all over”
“yes, it does” Juuzou grinned
“I love you” he sang kissing her more. (y/n) giggled as she let him hold and kiss her all over, all day. A kiss, it was their innocent pleasure.
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mynameseri · 4 years ago
🌸✨TG Masterlist  ✨🌸
🌶 = N/SFW
❥Akira Mado
Shy S/O HCs
🌶  HCs
F!Reader who loves to sing HCs
slight 🌶 Drabble
❥Ayato Kirishima
Relationship HCs 🌶
Having a middle sibling HCs
❥Eto Yoshimura
🌶 HCs
Sleepy S/O scenario
Dirty talk Drabble
❥Ginshi Shirazu
Shirazu and his teeth 🌶 HCs
❥Hairu Ihei
 Early morning Fluff!Scenario
Comforting the reader Scenario
❥Haise Sasaki
Haise x Reader Drabble
Reader w Over Protective Sister HCs
Ice skating Scenario
Haise has feelings for the same person as Juuzou HCs
Cuddling crying reader scenario
❥Juuzou Suzuya
S/O goes missing scenario
🌶  HCs
Teasing Reader Drabble 🌶
Owl Mission Drabble
Scars OneShot
Near-Death experience Scenario
Juuzou has feelings for the same person as Haise HCs
Reacting to someone having feelings for his S/O scenario
Reader gets him in the mood 🌶 
❥Karren/Kanae von Rosewald
General & 🌶 HCs
Karren x Reader as Moms HCs
❥Ken Kaneki 
Almost bites human S/O scenario 
❥Kishou Arima
Relationship & 🌶 HCs
❥Koutarou Amon
Prank Drabble
❥Kuki Urie
🌶 HCs
🌶 HCs
❥Renji Yomo
SFW & slight 🌶 relationship HCs
First time 🌶 HCs
Coffeehouse Smut 🌶
Reader in danger scenario
❥Seidou Takizawa
Seidou Takizawa x Reader Scenario 🌶
Reunited w Reader Scenario 
❥Shuu Tsukiyama
With antisocial S/O HCs
Relationship HCs🌶
❥Tooru Mutsuki
Mutsuki has a nightmare (one shot)
Mutsuki x Reader Drabble
❥Touka Kirishima
Angst Drabble
Having a middle sibling HCs
Relationship HCS 🌶
With antisocial S/O HCs
❥Yakumo Oomori (Yamori/Jason)
General & Romantic HCs
Updated: 03/13/2021
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amaya-writes · 2 years ago
hi! may i please request a fluffy juuzou x reader where he says "i love you" for the first time?
Notes: sort of angst to comfort? i recently finished the 2nd season so heavy spoilers for that (and a certain someone's death).
Warnings: mentions of death and gore, general themes of Tokyo ghoul, Juuzou's kind of a mess
Characters involved: Juuzou Suzuya
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
It had been an hour since a rain-soaked Juuzou Suzuya stumbled into your bedroom from the window and all but collapsed onto your bed beside you.
It had been almost an hour since the first sob wracked his body as Juuzou's weak, shaking palms reached for the lump of your half-asleep form rising from under the blankets as you tried to process the situation.
It had been almost an hour since your boyfriend pronounced the death of his beloved mentor and father figure in the dead of night as his shaking, soaked form for once sought out your comfort, something you were all but willing to give him.
You paid no heed to the water soaking your shirt and sheets as you shifted Juuzou to sit beside you under the blankets, with one of your hands shifting to flip the heater on while the other softly carded through his hair.
"Are you okay? That's a stupid question- of course you're not! I-"
He hugged you then, his loose grip being swapped out for a tight almost bruising hold as Juuzou clung to your form and allowed sobs to wrack his body.
For a moment, you remained still. But then the second passed and your arms wound around his back to pull him in impossibly closer until the tips of his white hair were tickling your chin.
But you didn't care, how could you when the love of your life was falling apart in your arms?
"I-I loved him."
"I know Juuzou, and I'm so sorry-"
He cut you off once again, but this time his tone was more rushed and crazed than before as he pulled away slightly so that you could look at his tear-stained face.
"No, you don't get it! I loved him, just like I love you!"
His sudden exclamation had you gulping back your condolences as you instead stared at the white-haired broken-hearted man before you seemingly confessing his love.
"I lost him, and it hurt, it hurt a lot but you know what hurts more? Thinking of losing the only other person I love as much. I-"
He locked his eyes with you then, with his watery eyes holding a plethora of emotions so strong you found yourself being drawn in by them like a sailor to a siren's song.
"-I can't lose you too, not like this, not ever. I- I love you! I love you and I-"
Another sob wracked his body then, but this time, you found yourself lurching forward to wrap your arms around his scrawny frame as you pulled Juuzou closer, and closer, until there was but a hair's breadth between you too.
You didn't know when you began rocking him from side to side as one of your hands slowly patted his back like your mother would often do to you as a child, but Juuzou seemed to like the movement and allowed himself to finally let go of the fear and adrenaline that got him through the night.
Instead, he found himself freely letting out sniffles and soft sobs as his shaky hands clutched the front of your shirt, never once daring to speak as he for once allowed another to take care of him.
Just like Shinohara did.
"Don't- don't leave me, okay?"
At first, his voice was far too quiet for you to comprehend, but as he shifted his head to instead rest it in the crook of your neck, Juuzou's soft voice was the only sound that occupied the room.
"I promise."
Your arms wound tighter around his frame as you replied, with tears of your own now staining your skin at the mere sight of someone you loved so dearly in shambles.
"I promise I won't ever leave you, Juuzou."
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soudamism · 4 years ago
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☆ — what i do!
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⇢ what i write:
angst, fluff, crack, anything thats sfw.
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⇢ who i write for:
haikyuu (mostly)
karasuno: tanaka ryuunosuke, nishinoya yuu, daichi sawamura, asahi azumane, yachi hitoka, sugawara koushi, kageyama tobio, tsukishima kei, yamaguchi tadashi.
aoba johsai: seijoh four & kyotani kentaro
inarizaki: miya twins & suna rintaro
others: ushijima wakatoshi, semi eita, tendo satori, sakusa kiyoomi, kozume kenma, kuroo tetsuro, bokuto kotaro, lev haiba, terushima yuji, akaashi keiji.
class 1a: izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugou, tenya iida, eijiro kirishima, jirou kyoka.
pro heros: hawks, eraserhead.
villains: shigaraki, dabi, toga.
danganronpa (mostly)
trigger happy havoc: everyone except hifumi.
goodbye despair: everyone except teruteru.
killing harmony: all
ultra despair girls: not writing for.
genshin impact (not x reader)
all of them idk.
tokyo ghoul
tg & √a: ken kaneki, juuzou suzuya, nishiki nishio, shuu tsukiyama, hideyoshi nagachika, seidou takizawa (pre ghoul), kotaro amon.
:re: ginshi shirazu, saiko yonebayashi, seidou takizawa (post ghoul),
hunter x hunter
anyone minus hisoka.
will be updated in the future!
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⇢ etc:
my account is strictly sfw so there will be no nsfw anything here.
i will not write anything including suicide, self hard, eating disorders, major character deaths, etc.
i won’t do things like character x “specific” reader unless it’s gender. tho most of, if not all of my posts will be gender neutral.
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my requests are open so if you’d like to see anything, send something in and i’ll try to do it to the best of my abilities.
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