adaftoldman · 7 years
@justinfcley ⊱ from here
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           “  bro,  how  STONED  are  you  right  now  ?? “
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“Not at all! Why would I need to be stoned to like juggling? Everyone loves juggling!”
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piinkperfection · 7 years
@justinfcley [ x ]
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If the girl would’ve known how much a fool she was making herself, she would’ve ran in the opposite direction a long time ago. But there she was, standing right by the side of the car, in front of the boy with an enchanting smile and somewhat of a mischievous glint in his eyes. Was that because of her question ? Still in obvious confusion, Betty nodded.
      ❛ Uh-- sure. I mean, I’m guessing its a place around here, right ? ❜
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stcndcll-a · 7 years
@justinfcley || CONTINUED
( sms;; alex ) you saw me last night ( sms;; alex ) don’t get soft on me now, standall
[ text; Justin Foley ]: but i wsbt u [ text; Justin Foley ]: like rel bsd 
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crowneddarko · 7 years
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     jughead jones never in a million years would have thought that a murder would bring in such a following.  it was like the town of pep was the town of new residence.  at least that was what it felt like when new faces came walking in to town.  he had that thought now as he watched a new face at pop’s.   @justinfcley
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sheriis · 7 years
justinfcley: what do u want to do
be a lazy fuck and not make graphics for each individual verse ;-;
swmmrboy: i always have multi verses.
liKE VERSES IN VERSES? i’m so lost what even is rp what are verses what’s a timeline
thcsecond: yolo
you’re right, fuckin yolo
vixxen: nope. not allowed. it says so in the tumblr indie rp rulebook. haven't you read it? sheesh
you know, there are helpful responses and then there are your responses.
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graveyardiary · 7 years
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     Liberty  High’s  Halloween  Carnival  was  an  average  high  school  dance  like  any  other.  Full  of  dancing,  drinking,  and  probably  plenty  of  other  things  they  shouldn’t  actually  be  doing  there.  After  being  his  escort  for  basketball,  Justin  and  Elena  decided  they  would  attend  the  dance  together  as  a  bloody  doctor  and  nurse.  She  had  gotten  their  costumes  together  for  them,  and  even  added  some  fake  blood  to  their  faces  and  necks  to  pull  the  look  together.  After  picking  up  two  cups  of  punch,  Elena  headed  back  over  to  the  dance  floor  where  Justin  was  to  hand  one  over  to  him.  With  her  free  hand,  she  reached  into  her  pocket  and  pulled  out  a  flask,  opening  it  and  pouring  the  liquid  into  each  of  their  cups.  ❝  I  figured  we  could  both  use  a  buzz  at  this  point,  wouldn’t  you  agree?  I  have  plenty  at  my  house  should  we  need  to  refill  and  come  back.  ❞
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bottlebroken · 7 years
MOST of their interactions take place at parties, but it is never unpleasant.  they share similar friends ( bryce, monty, and zach )  but because they play different sports,  jeff tends to gravitate toward the baseball team members elsewhere.  the parties - typically hosted by bryce - is the perfect opportunity for them to fuck around.
justin was the one to convince jeff to smoke for the first time.  with a sheepish grin,  he took the bong and had a hit - only to erupt in a series of coughing.  he didn’t really like it that much, but there are occasions where he will smoke with justin.
jeff thinks justin is a good guy.  yeah, he hangs out with questionable people - but so does jeff!  from his experience, justin may be a little ruffled, but he has a good heart.  so when the picture of hannah baker had been leaked to the whole school, he knew justin hadn’t been the one to hit send.
even though he’d refer to justin as more of a “party friend,” jeff did invite him to dinner on more than one occasion.  of course,  he’d also invite some of the other guys, too, but that was more so an appearance for a casual hang out.  ( jeff may not know EXACT details,  but he was highly aware that justin’s home life wasn’t the best.  he never pried. )
4 relationship headcanons  // NO LONGER ACCEPTING
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she gathers her books out of her locker , tossing whichever subjects she had homework in into her bag . she hears him talking to the side of her && she’s half listening ---- half remembering her homework . grades were important to her so she didn’t want to miss any homework . which was why she wasn’t surprised when justin asked for homework help .  ❛ which subject was it again ? ❜ the blonde asked , not wanting to be rude && him think she was ignoring him .
                                                @justinfcley // sc
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helmctboy-blog · 7 years
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         “  mmm,  i  think  not.  Basketball  isn’t  really  MY  THING  foley,  lunchtime  for  me  is  sitting  at  the benches  not  playing  basketball.  plus  these  girls  are  staring  at  me  like  a  HAWK  because  i’m  with  you right now.  ”
here you go fake ┆ @justinfcley
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girldeniala · 7 years
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Dear Mr. PORTER, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you’re crazy to m a k e us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us  in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we f o u n d out is that each one of us is
an athlete… …and a basket case… …a princess… …and a criminal… 
Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club.
as penned by ash, ara, kelsey, emily
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thcsecond-blog · 7 years
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jessica didn’t know much about wine, but she did know quite a bit about getting trashed. when they’d stumbled upon the wine tasting, they had to crash it. the opportunity was too good to pass up. now they found themselves tipsy off of wine samples, jess giggling into her glass and slouching into justin’s side as the people surrounding them shot them side glances. chin tilted up to look at him with bright eyes and a smirk as she spoke, her words a sad excuse of a whisper. “y’think they can tell we’re fucked up?” 
+ @justinfcley for reasons
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  @justinfcley gets scared easily , pass it on
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sheriis · 7 years
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TAPE ONE & NINE, SIDE A / TAPE FIVE, SIDE B.                          3 out of 13 reasons why.
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helmct-blog · 7 years
“I’ll walk you home.”
he couldn’t take the sound of the party anymore , not even knowing what led him to try and socialize with the party goers . it being another large party . that jeff had invited him too , tagging along , and immediately being left behind by jeff .
he didn’t blame jeff , not really wanting to be social at the party , just be a wallflower , and make an apperance , for the few people he knew at the party . but here he was standing in the kitchen , not really interacting with the person who was talking to him , nodding , here and there sighing , he gulped down what was left in the red cup , swallowing hard , but relieved when he could at least feel the little buzz from the drinks he had that night .
waving bye to the other , he pushed off the wall , and walked past a few people . bumping into one of them , only to see it was justin , ❛ sorry ❜  he quickly apologized , slurring the ‘s’ slightly , justin must have heard it as well , but he didn’t expect him to say anything , so turning on his heels he made eye contact with the door , right ahead and he’d have to walk the 3-4 blocks back home . he was stopped by the others voice , and what was said surprised him .
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❛ thanks ---- i guess ❜ it was rather odd , because the two hadn’t had much interaction before hand , making the sudden request that much more confusing . ❛ you don’t -- ❜ he paused , seeing as justin , was already saying bye to the small group he had before been talking with .
walking out the door , and down the steps ( very slowly , not to fall ) he looked over at justin ❛ so -- was there like a reason --- or did you just want to get out of there , like me ❜ the drunken boy asked    / @justinfcley
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