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private and selective jughead jones from cw's riverdale
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crowneddarko · 2 years ago
rip to riverdale and when i use to play jughead.   remembering how it felt watching season 1 for the first time. <33
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crowneddarko · 6 years ago
i remember the password xD
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crowneddarko · 7 years ago
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❛     you  know,  it’s  funny  you  brought  the  whole          L  O  Y  A  L  T  Y         thing.  truth  is, you  were  always  more   loyal   than  i  was–––  to  your  friends,  to  the  city,  to  what  you  believed  in.   yeah.     rest  in  peace,  dear  friend.     ❜ 
         ✧  ′  ⦗  indie  &&  selective  josh  rosza  from  the  originals.  ⦘  ` ✧
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crowneddarko · 7 years ago
Crying cause I want to come back here but busy and do people even remember me?!?!? 😭
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crowneddarko · 7 years ago
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i’ll probably regret this.
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crowneddarko · 7 years ago
fifityshadesofplaid replied to your post “sarcasticprince: i’ll probably regret this.”
i know, i love that blessed child!! <3
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crowneddarko · 7 years ago
bettycoooper replied to your post “sarcasticprince: i’ll probably regret this.”
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crowneddarko · 7 years ago
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i’ll probably regret this.
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crowneddarko · 7 years ago
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dair | jeronica (1/?)
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crowneddarko · 7 years ago
✧ ′ giingerstallion:
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“You want kids?” It’s not like any of them had ever talked about having kids. They are still teenagers, after all. But, having kids was something Archie wanted too. Jughead would be a wonderful dad and he’d like to think he would do alright too. “I do too. Two. A boy and a girl.” 
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    “  yes,  of  course,  i  want  kids,  ”   he  chuckled.   he  kept  his  gaze  on  the  other.   “  but  i  want  to  do  something  with  myself  before  i  get  to  fatherhood.  ”   he  chuckled.    “  two  would  be  perfect.  ”    of  course,  he  knew  that  archie  would  be  a  wonderful  father.   he  would  care  so  much  for  his  children,  and  spoil  them  here  and  there.
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crowneddarko · 7 years ago
✧ ′ giingerstallion:
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“At least one thing’s still the same.” Riverdale and the people in it had both changed SO MUCH. This treehouse was probably the only thing in all of Riverdale that HADN’T changed. “I hope they never tear it down.” It’s full of too many memories to be torn down,.
“I’m glad too, Jughead. I’m glad tonight turned out to be good for you.” Sure, it’d been painful at first, but Jughead’s happy now and that’s all that mattered to Archie.
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      jughead  agreed  with  the  other.   this  was  the  most  bliss  he  had  felt  in  months.   he  closed  his  eyes  and  imagined  all  the  great  memories  that  he  had  here.   and  he  felt  safe.   and  part  of  that  feeling  came  from  the  fact  that  archie  made  him  feel  that  way.   he  turned  to  look  at  archie  and  he  smiled  at  him.   a  soft,  chaste  kiss  was  placed  on  the  other.      “  i  hope  they  keep  it  up  forever.  one  day  i’m  going  to  buy  this  house,  and  i  want  my  kids  to  have  this  treehouse.”
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crowneddarko · 7 years ago
✧ ′ giingerstallion:
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Fingers lace with Jughead’s, Archie could feel his heart skip a beat at the mere touch. It felt silly to be so affected by his touch, but it’s always been that way. It’s a RELIEF that he no longer had to hide his feelngs. It’s an even bigger relief that Jughead felt the same way about him
Had it not been for how real Jughead’s hand felt, he might have thought this was a DREAM.
A smile spread across his lips as Jughead spoke, “I never thought we’d get to see it again. I didn’t even think it’d still be here.”
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        jughead  nodded  in  agreement.   he  never  thought  he’d  see  this  place  again.   the  couple  that  resided  in  the  home  had  no  children,  so  the  thought  of  it  going  down,  it  was  a  high  possibility.   but  then  he  thought  about  how  this  may  be  used  on  their  future  kids,  and  that  made  him  happy  somehow,  that  at  least  some  other  kid  and  his  best  friend  could  make  memories  here  too.   he  chuckled.
      “  i  know.   and  i’m  glad  they  haven’t  brought  it  down.   and  that  they  hadn’t  touched  anything.   and  i’m  glad  that  every  happy  memory  i  have  of  here,  has  always  been  with  you.   even  tonight.  ”
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crowneddarko · 7 years ago
✧ ′ giingerstallion:
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Things will be different between them now, but it doesn’t feel that way. It feels the same, yet somehow better. It’ll be new for the both of them, but Archie’s more than okay with that. They’ll explore things together and it’ll only strengthen their bond.
 Once he was told to sit down next to Jughead, he wasted no time in complying, moving to sit down on the mattress next to him and turning his head to look at him. “Happy birthday, Jughead.”
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    jughead  watched  as  his  best  friend  sat  next  to  him.   a  soft  smile  spreading  across  his  lips.   he  was  happy.   at  least  as  happy  as  he  could  be  in  that  moment.    he  turned  to  look  at  the  other  when  he  said  happy  birthday.   “  thank  you,  archie,  ”   he  whispered  as  he  leaned  closer  to  the  other  male.    he  looked  down  at  archie’s  hand,  and  he  felt  inclined  to  hold  it.
    so  of  course  he  did  just  that.   he  let  his  fingers  slip  in  between  archie’s.   “  thank  you,  ”   he  repeated  again  as  he  kept  his  eyes  on  him.   “  who  would  have  thought  that  we  would  have  another  memory  here  in  this  tree  house.  ”
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crowneddarko · 7 years ago
✧ ′ giingerstallion:
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“Then that’s what we’ll do.” They’ll worry about everything else later. Tonight was about Jughead and only Jughead. His own feelings and questions could be answered later when it was no longer Jughead’s birthday and they’ll be forced to deal with the reality of everything.
But for now, it’s just him and Jughead, in this treehouse - without a worry of what tomorrow may bring. “We can worry about that later. Right now, it’s just you and me.” 
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    he  kept  his  gaze  on  archie  and  gave  him  a  weak  smile.   they  would  deal  with  all  of  this  tomorrow.   he  didn’t  want  to  think  of  this  today.   he  just  wanted  to  be  with  his  best  friend,  and  that’s  exactly  what  he  was  going  to  do.    he  sat  back  down  on  the  mattress  and  he  patted  at  the  empty  spot  right  next  to  him.   this  was  going  to  be  new  to  both  of  them,   being  in  a  relationship  with  a  guy.   but  it  felt  like  it  be  no  different  than  them  just  being  best  friends,  but  with  relationship  benefits.    “  come  sit  down  next  to  me,  ”   he  said.
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crowneddarko · 7 years ago
✧ ′ giingerstallion:
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Of course, he shouldn’t have expected it to be that easy. But there was no going back now. Now that he knew how Jughead felt, there was no way he could go back to being with Veronica. There was no way he could be with anyone but Jughead.
“…..What do we do, then?” Whatever it was, he hoped Jughead wasn’t going to pretend like this never happened. He didn’t think Jughead would go back to Betty and pretend like they hadn’t just confessed their love to each other, but he’d been wrong before. Who’s to say he wouldn’t be wrong agan?
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     jughead  knew  as  well  as  archie  that  this  was  not  going  to  be  like   other  times.   that  this  may  in  fact  be  the  only  person  that  jughead  wanted  to  be  with.   he  never  felt  a  sexual  desire  with  anyone.   and  he  was  close  with  betty.   that  was  just  the  case  with  jughead,  he  needed  to  be  involved  emotionally  before  feeling  anything  else  with  a  person,  and  that  was  with  archie.   and  the  kiss  was  proof  that  he  was  willing  to  be  with  him  intimately.    
      he  kept  his  eyes  on  archie  and  he  just  wanted  it  to  be  the  two  of  them,  alone,  and  forgetting  the  world  that  had  changed  them.    “  i  just  want  to  spend  my  birthday  with  my  best  friend,  and  not  think  about  the  mess  that  tomorrow  could  bring.  ”
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crowneddarko · 7 years ago
✧ ′ giingerstallion:
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The last thing Archie was expecting was a kiss. No, he’d been expecting Jughead to yell at him and tell him that he wanted nothing to do with him, but instead, lips were upon his and Archie’s instantly responding, pressing his lips back against Jughead’s to return the gentle kiss.
There was no going back now and Archie didn’t want too. He would have to end things with Veronica, and they would hurt both Betty and Veronica, but Jughead was who he BELONGED with. Jughead had always had his heart.
Fingers curl into the fabric of Jughead’s shirt gently, sighing into the kiss. “I love you.” He whispered against Jughead’s lips, as if saying it the first time around hadn’t bee enough.
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     kissing  archie  made  him  feel  all  the  emotions  he  felt  the  moment  they  were  getting  ready  for  their  roadtrip.   happiness,  excitement,  but  then  the  memories  of  archie  not  showing  up,  it  saddened  him.    he  felt  more  vulnerable  now,  feeling  the  red  head’s  lips  on  him,  than  he  has  ever  felt  before.    he  pulled  away  the  moment  that  archie  had  spoken  those  words.   he  loved  archie  too.   but  it  couldn’t  be  that  easy,  
     jughead  looked  at  the  other  male.   hand  still  on  archie’s  cheeks.   “   i  love  you  too,  archie,  ”   he  said  as  he  rested  his  head  on  archie’s.     “   but  we  can’t  do  this.  ”   he  said.   “  as  much  as  i  want  you,  we  can’t.    not  right  away  at  least.  ”
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crowneddarko · 7 years ago
✧ ′ giingerstallion:
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Maybe being with a bunch of different girls hadn’t been the smartest move to make, especially when he couldn’t give thhem what they wanted from him. He could understand why Jughead might think he was just another person in a cycle of people he’d tried to be with.
“None of them matter to me like you do and maybe that’s selfish of me. Maybe I’m a horrible person for trying to be with someone else when I know I’ll never be able to give them what they deserve. Hell, I don’t even deserve you, but you aren’t just one of them. God, Jughead, I’ve loved you ever since I can remember.”
I love you too.
He loved him? So where did that leave them? He didn’t expect forgivness, he expected Jughead to want nothing to do with him. “…..My heart has always belonged to you. Always.”
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    jughead  wasn’t  sure  what  to  think  in  that  moment.   this  was  but  another  memory  he  would  have  of  the  both  of  them  here.   a  memory  of  when  archie  confessed  his  love  for  him.   but  he  cared  for  betty.   he  cared  for  her.  and  he  cared  for  archie  too.   he  didn’t  say  a  word,  staying  silent,  feeling  himself  fighting  the  urge  to  go  to  archie  and  kiss  him.   
     so  why  was  it  so  hard.   he  walked  up  to  archie  and  he  cupped  archie’s  cheek.    he  wanted  to  kiss  him.   he  wanted  to  say  that  it  would  be  alright,  that  they  could  be.   and  hearing  say  that  his  heart  belonged  to  him,  it  solidified  the  fact  that  what  jughead  was  going  to  do  would  be  the  end  of  what  betty  and  he  had.
     the  boy  kissed  him  softly,  wanting  to  forget  for  a  second  that  the  two  of  them  were  with  other   people.  to  forget  that  their  parents  had  issues,  that  jason  blossom’s  killer  was  still  out  there,  that  their  lives  were  as  imperfect   as  they  were  the  moment  summer  ended.   but  he  kissed  him,  feeling  heat  waver  over  his  body  and  feeling  emotions  that  he  never  thought  he  would  feel.
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