#justin murisier
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f1reakingout · 1 month ago
wengen 2025 just keeps on giving
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parimass · 3 months ago
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niemernuet · 3 months ago
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mentally still living here
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game-set-canet · 3 months ago
a Justin Murisier win? for me? 🥺👉👈
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ticiie · 2 years ago
week 4: "I don't know what I'm feeling but there's a lot of it"
prompt from the off-season winter sport fandom challenge
length: 841 words
characters: Marco Odermatt, Loïc Meillard, Zoé Chastan, Gino Caviezel, Justin Murisier (mentioned)
author's note: happy 92 days anniversary of one of the best days in swiss sport-history! decided to take a few changes on it just because i can and also because i miss the ski himbos being happy himbos
Zoé's knees gave in the second Loïc had crossed the finish line. He had been the last one to start in the second run, Marco had already shown his best, leaving the third on the podium more than a second behind him and, now that it was official, so did Loïc. Her colleagues were too tied up with screaming in joy to understand the significance of Loïc's timestamp. But when Marco came running towards him, his force knocking them both over, one single mess of limbs and skis and happy tears, realization hit them with a sudden burst. There was no holding back. And Zoé was unable to stand, with all the pressure gone from one second to the next, all she could do was to cry. Many staff members came hugging her first before losing themselves in their frenzy. Through the veil of tears, she eventually saw her boyfriend’s face projected to the big screen. Behind them, volunteers started setting up the podium for the unofficial winners’ presentation. 
“Congratulations to this victory, Loïc Meillard and Marco Odermatt! How does it feel to be a world champion?”, the interviewer asked. The swiss fans were almost loud enough to drown her out. Marco was distracted by someone in the crowd, Zoé couldn’t tell who exactly he was waving at so eagerly, so Loïc took over answering. “Uh, I don’t know what I’m feeling but there’s a lot of it. I personally didn’t expect it to turn out like this, I was glad to have made it into the second run, let alone to stay first, I- I have no words.” 
“You really deserve it; your performance was incredible. What about you, Marco?” Loïc nudged Marco’s side to draw his attention to the camera and the journalist. His smile was bigger and brighter than the sun that was fighting itself through a layer of clouds. 
“Sorry, what was the question again?” 
Everyone laughed, including the interviewer. She showed mercy with the two athletes and only asked Marco this one question before they were allowed to leave the stage for a few minutes until the broadcaster was ready again. Marco and Loïc both hurried across fences and through the crowd of other athletes and operatives until they finally reached the spot their team had gathered. Zoé didn’t see how but Loïc managed to escape dying of suffocation and instead found her, wrapping her up in a bear hug. He was aware of the cameras that were probably pointed at them this very second but for once, he didn’t care about it at all. Having Zoé pressed to his chest, hearing the team rejoice, was enough to tear down each and every single wall inside of him. He felt the tears streaming down his cheeks. Marco wasn’t doing any better either and considering the fact the pressure on his shoulders had been quite a bit larger than what Loïc had experienced, it wasn’t a surprise at all to find him still standing, but sobbing. Zoé was the first to regain her composure. She let go of Loïc only so much she could look at him.  
“They’re waiting for you; you need to get back-” Loïc interrupted her with a kiss. Marco didn’t remember half of what followed, someone awarded him a flower bouquet and he assumed he had sung along the national anthem but he wouldn’t have wanted to bet money on that. His body acted on his own accords while his mind was somewhere else, still trying to wrap itself around the fact that Switzerland had just conquered not one, but two gold medals in a single race. He did as he was told, gave an interview here, smiled into a dozen cameras there, answered the same questions repeatedly when all he really wanted to do was to be with Gino and also Justin because victory tasted best alongside cheap beer and terrible music, he remembered that much from China. And finally, after what felt like an entire year, all TV stations uttered their contentment. Marco was out of the building in a matter of seconds. He had lost an overview on their obligations that followed a victory this big about two or three glasses of champagne ago and therefore had no clue where Loïc was. Marco had felt his phone vibrating in his pocket throughout the entire last interview and now found it covered in texts and pictures, all regarding the party that was going down in the house of Switzerland. 
Gino was waiting for him at the back entrance. He met Marco halfway once he saw him coming and didn’t miss another second to finally kiss his world champion. The world around them slowed down, allowing Marco to breathe. He felt nothing else than Gino’s lips on his, Gino’s arms around him, Gino, Gino, Gino. And when they parted again, their foreheads pressed against each other, both trying to savor every last fracture of the moment, Gino asked how Marco was feeling. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been happier than this very second.” 
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rackets-and-fuel · 3 years ago
Alpine skiing fan things: being able to tell all the skiers apart when they're wearing the same clothes without looking at their faces, cause you've memorized what brands and colors their equipment is.
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Like my first thought was: aww, Odi & Loïc next to each other as always; and: oh - Beat Feuz is not there
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forza-lara · 4 years ago
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Sölden // Men’s Giant Slalom // 18.10.2020
Justin Murisier in the leaderbox
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niemernuet · 2 years ago
It must kill him on the inside that, no matter how hard he tries, he'll never be like Sepp or Infantino.
Also same, I don't really see the benefit of another competition, especially bc the season when snow sport events can happen is getting shorter and shorter. 🙄
Though that's not even the dumbest idea he's had so far imo. Apparently one of his ideas is to abandon the national teams and have the athletes start in teams of brands (like...skis...I guess???). Though I don't know if it's just a rumour, the article I read doesn't really have a source other than "Neureuther thinks it's a bad idea". Otoh I hope it's really just a rumour but otoh I also hope some journo will ask Justin Murisier about Eliasch one of these days for the fun of it (also bc I have a bingo-slot for Justin causing a shitstorm).
Have you read the new of this fis-games ??? I have to say i’m not a fan, especially because it’s not about the sport but about money.
It is another competition for the athletes and honest it’s getting to much, they need rest. Wintersports are not F1, the sports are not that big and we got everything we need.
Just like the FIFA i don‘t see a difference so eliasch you‘re just like infantino corrupt and disgusting.
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parimass · 3 years ago
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niemernuet · 5 months ago
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20 DAYS!!!
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at-utd-today · 5 years ago
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ticiie · 2 years ago
later that night
characters: Gino Caviezel, Justin Murisier, Marco Odermatt, Loïc Meillard, Mauro Caviezel (mentioned)
pairing: Marco Odermatt/Gino Caviezel, Justin Murisier/Mauro Caviezel (implied)
length: 617 words
author's note: due to the recent events in Lake Louise, I had to get this out in order to hopefully comfort my mutuals and myself a little. All the best to Mauro Caviezel.
The lobby is barely lit when they return, only the small lamps that stand on the coffee tables around the open spaced floor cast their warm light across the walls. Therefor Gino at first doesn’t take notice of the huddled figures lying on the sofas close to the window. Justin reaches them first and nudges Marco’s shoulder. He wakes up immediately, the pattern of the pillow printed to his cheek, hair standing up in every direction.
“How is he? Did you see him?”, Marco asks.
Gino doesn’t answer, instead he wraps his arms around Marco’s middle who quickly returns the hug. Up until now, Gino hadn’t allowed himself to cry. But when Marco places a kiss to the top of his head and runs his hand soothingly across Gino’s back, he can feel his walls tumbling down. The corners of his eyes start to burn. He doesn’t want the others to see so he buries his face in Marco’s chest, taking in the comforting scent of oranges and laundry detergent.
“It’s okay. I’ve got you.” Marco’s voice is hardly more than a whisper, stained by his own fight against the tears. Meanwhile Justin is talking to Loïc about what happened after the helicopter had left.
“They did a couple of tests on him and they wouldn’t let us see him. Then only Gino was allowed in his room because he’s family. I don’t know who he bribed but they eventually let me in the room as well. Mauro was conscious the whole time, the doctor said that’s a good sign. He doesn’t remember crashing though. They’ll take him back home on Monday for further examinations.”
With a sigh, he lets himself fall onto the sofa. Loïc sits next to him and Gino untangles himself from Marcos embrace but keeps one arm around his waist. He needs Marco’s steadiness or the waves might crash over him, pull him under where hope is lost and Mauro is damned to never fully recover again.
“Why were you sleeping down here anyways?”, Justin eventually asks, one hand fidgeting with the quilling of the pillow. Loïc and Marco exchange a look. “We were waiting for you. We figured you’d tell us more than Hannes and we didn’t dare to ask Vitus, he seems quite shaken still.”
None of them says anything for a while. The only noise that fills the lobby is the steady ticking of the grandfather clock that thrones in the corner next to the reception. Outside, the night lays calm. The snow and wind from earlier today have stopped, a thin blanket of fresh snow covers the tables and chairs on the terrace, glittering in the light that’s shining down from the upper floors. Gino sits down on the edge of the coffee table. The exhaustion that hits him comes without any warning; he feels as if the day had lasted at least a year. The images of Mauro’s motion less body flood his mind, of how he had stood up but staggered, with blood streaming down his face. Gino flinches at the memory and Marco kneels down in front of him. He places his hands on Gino’s cheeks and forces him gently to look at him. Gino’s eyes are glazed with tears.
“He’s going to be fine”, Marco whispers and Gino clenches his jaw but nods.
“Can we-“ Justin starts but breaks off. The others look at him and Justin blushes a little when he starts talking again. “I don’t want to be alone right now. Can we bunk together?” Loïc giggles and they all agree. It’s the least Marco and Loïc can do for the two men that are probably the most important people in Mauro’s life.
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flauntpage · 7 years ago
Hirscher klaart ook tweede klus: goud op reuzenslalom
Hirscher klaart ook tweede klus: goud op reuzenslalom
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Marcel Hirscher heeft zijn tweede olympische titel binnen. De 28-jarige Oostenrijker won al eerder de combinatie en voegde daar goud op de reuzenslalom aan toe.
De zilveren medaille ging naar de Noor Henrik Kristoffersen die dankzij een voortreffelijke tweede run oprukte van de tiende naar de tweede plaats. De Fransman Alexis Pinturault, die op de combinatie het zilver voor zich opeiste, moest genoegen nemen met brons.
De 28-jarige Hirscher, heersend wereldkampioen en de leider in de wereldbekerstand, liet al in de eerste run zijn klasse zien. Pinturault, de eerste achtervolger, was 0,63 langzamer. Justin Murisier, Manuel Feller en Luca De Aliprandi dreigden nog wel Hirschers tijd te verbeteren, maar gingen allen onderuit.
Ook in de tweede run vloog Hirscher naar beneden. Alleen Kristoffersen was nog een fractie sneller (0,04), een prestatie die de Noor uiteindelijk beloond zag worden met de tweede plaats.
The post Hirscher klaart ook tweede klus: goud op reuzenslalom appeared first on FHE | Gratis eredivisie voetbal streams, en buitenlands voetbal streams.
Hirscher klaart ook tweede klus: goud op reuzenslalom published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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blogstmoritz2017-blog · 8 years ago
Rennanzug statt Uniform
Zwei Drittel der Schweizer Teilnehmer an der Ski WM 2017 in St. Moritz sind Sportrekruten, Sportsoldaten oder Zeitmilitär-Spitzensportler. Die Schweizer Armee darf sich also ebenfalls über einige Medaillen freuen: Luca Aerni, der über eine 50% Anstellung als Zeitmilitär-Spitzensportler verfügt, gewann mit einer sensationellen Leistung die Goldmedaille in der Kombination, 0,01 Sekunden vor dem Österreicher Marcel Hirscher und 0,06 Sekunden vor dem Sportsoldaten Mauro Caviezel. Michelle Gisin, WM-Zweite in der Kombination, hat ihre Spitzensportler-Rekrutenschule bereits abgeschlossen und wird regelmässig für Wiederholungskurse in den Dienst als Sportsoldatin aufgeboten. Denise Feierabend, die als Zeitmilitär Spitzensportlerin in einer 50% Anstellung beschäftigt ist, verpasste Bronze in der Kombination als Vierte nur hauchdünn.
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In den umliegenden Alpenländern ist es schon lange Tradition, dass Spitzenathletinnen und -athleten von Armee und Polizei unterstützt werden. Diese Unterstützung gilt auch in der Schweiz. Unter den Schweizer Athleten in St. Moritz waren elf von insgesamt 13 solche, die den Rennanzug regelmässig mit der Uniform tauschen. Neben Aerni und Caviezel war das zum Beispiel der 21-jährige Zürcher Niels Hintermann, der vor knapp einem Monat sensationell seinen ersten Sieg in Wengen feiern konnte. Hintermann absolviert seinen Militärdienst bei der Spitzensport-RS 2/17 - 1/18. Auch Loïc Meillard ist beim Militär beschäftigt. Er macht die Spitzensport-RS 2/16 - 1/17.
Die anderen neun Athleten haben bereits erfolgreich die Rekrutenschule abgeschlossen und werden regelmässig in den Dienst aufgeboten, um ihre Dienstleistungen als Sportsoldaten zu absolvieren. Unter ihnen Justin Murisier und Carlo Janka, Olympiasieger im Riesenslalom in Vancouver 2010 und Weltmeister in der gleichen Disziplin bei den Weltmeisterschaften in Val d'Isère 2009, sowie Gewinner des Gesamtweltcups im Jahr 2010. Neben ihnen ist auch Patrick Küng Sportsoldat - Abfahrtsweltmeister in Vail/Beaver Creek 2015. Auch er verpasste eine weitere Medaille als Vierter denkbar knapp. Diese Teilzeitbeschäftigung ist dafür konzipiert, die Sportler dabei zu unterstützen, ein olympisches Diplom oder eine Medaille bei den Olympischen Spielen erobern zu können. Auch bei den Frauen ist der Militärdienst beliebt. Von insgesamt elf Athletinnen absolvieren sechs den Militärdienst. Riesenslalom-Spezialistin Simone Wild ist in der Spitzensport-RS 2/16 – 1/17, während Corinne Suter die Spitzensport-RS 2/17 – 1/18 machen wird. Wie Michelle Gisin haben Joana Hählen und Jasmine Flury, die regelmässig im Schweizer Weltcup-Kader mit dabei sind, ihre Spitzensport-RS bereits abgeschlossen. (Quelle: www.armee.ch)
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fisicol92 · 8 years ago
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Hirscher wins it all and writes history
On this last regular race before the Finals in Aspen, Marcel Hirscher was unbeatable and took everything that was on the table for him: he secured both the Overall and the Giant Slalom globe and claimed the GS win.
Before heading to Kranjska Gora, only two athletes had a shot at the Giant Slalom globe: Marcel Hirscher was leading 96 points ahead of Alexis Pinturault. The Frenchman, who already had a bad serie at the World Championships, struggled to find the rhythm and skied out in the first run.
The path was cleared for Marcel Hirscher, but the Austrian didn’t gamble and earned a sizable margin of almost a second (+0.96) in the first run, over Henrik Kristoffersen (2nd +0.96) and Justin Murisier (3rd +1.10). But in the second run, the cards were redistributed and the behind Hirscher, two Scandinavians managed to land on the podium.
In third place, Matts Olsson scores his second career podium in giant slalom, only a few weeks after his second place in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Since he came back from a severe knee injury last season, Olsson is fired up and keeps beat his own personal records, what allows him to claim the 8th place of the current giant slalom standings.
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teleindiscreta · 8 years ago
Hirscher agranda su historial con el gigante de St Moritz
Fuente original: Hirscher agranda su historial con el gigante de St Moritz Puedes ver más visitando Teleindiscreta - Las mejores noticias de actualidad, famosos, salud, belleza, cocina, motor, música y mucho más.
El austríaco Marcel Hirscher, ganador de la Copa del Mundo del esquí alpino de forma ininterrumpida entre 2012 y 2016, es el nuevo campeón mundial de eslalon gigante, tras imponerse este viernes en la prueba disputada en St Moritz (Suiza).
Hirscher, de 27 años y que se encamina esta temporada hacia una inédita sexta Copa, sumó así el quinto podio mundialista de su carrera. Fue campeón de eslalon en 2013 y de la combinada en 2015, además de subcampeón de gigante en 2013 y 2015.
Apuntaló su triunfo de hoy en la manga inicial, con 26 centésimas de ventaja sobre su compañero Philipp Schoerghofer y 35 sobre el francés Alexis Pinturault.
En la bajada definitiva fue otro austríaco, Roland Leitinger, quien impuso el ritmo. Le bastó para ser segundo en el podio, pero no para desplazar a Hirscher, que completó la prueba con un margen de 0.25.
Completó el trío de cabeza el noruego Leif Kristian Haugen, a 0.71.
Hirscher sucede en el palmarés de la disciplina al estadounidense Ted Ligety, ausente por lesión.
La segunda manga sufrió un retraso de media hora debido a que una avioneta del ejército suizo derribó el cable de una cámara aérea de televisión, que cayó sobre la pista. Nadie resultó herido.
Clasificación final de eslalon gigante:
.1. Marcel Hirscher (AUT) 2:13.31
.2. Roland Leitinger (AUT) 2:13.56
.3. Leif Kristian Haugen (NOR) 2:14.02
.4. Henrik Kristoffersen (NOR) 2:14.07
.5. Philipp Schoerghofer (AUT) 2:14.16
.6. Matts Olsson (SWE) 2:14.24
.7. Alexis Pinturault (FRA) 2:14.29
.8. Justin Murisier (SUI) 2:14.30
.9. Mathieu Faivre (FRA) 2:14.36
10. Riccardo Toneti (ITA) 2:14.47.
Fuente: AS
La entrada Hirscher agranda su historial con el gigante de St Moritz aparece primero en Teleindiscreta.
from Hirscher agranda su historial con el gigante de St Moritz
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