#just. in case. apparently hahahaha.
22degreehalo · 3 months
SO in the wake of regaining entry to Livejournal I've started saving the fics I read there for posterity, which given that this is almost entirely a pre-AO3 zone means going through the Very nostalgic process of continually highlighting the given chapter's text, copying and pasting it over to a Word (well, Libre Office) document, and saving n.n;
I had the journal when I began my House/Wilson phase, so that is the clear majority in terms of fics recced there, haha. (I even completed a rec_50 challenge with them!!) And so far, I've been able to save almost everything I linked there, which is honestly amazing! (Albeit with some searching around for mirrors e.g. on fanfiction.net or squidgeworld or just good ol' Wayback Machine.)
So, I should have no reason whatsoever to complain!
...except. :')
There is this one PARTICULAR House/Wilson fic that, for whatever reason, just... lodged itself into my brain, and even all these years later I still think about it sometimes. It wasn't long (only a few thousand words long), or all that original, but it the emotion in it was just so perfectly captured! A very particular kind of emotion that I can only really fully appreciate now that I know I'm aro!!!
Except I... just can't seem to remember the name of it?! (I remember so many other fic's names...) And from what I've seen so far - and I'm making serious headway through them - none of the linked fics look like they are the one I am thinking of... :')
which. How exactly do you ask for help finding a fic published almost fifteen years ago?! I have no idea how to contact the House/Wilson fandom who would've been around back then... I do not think that anybody is checking the comms anymore :')
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blueteller · 1 month
Hello, Blueteller-nim! I just want to ask what's happening rn in tcf part 2? Who are the new gods that have been introduced (and how many of those newly introduced gods became Cale's enemies)? How many hunters Cale already defeated (and how many more should he defeat)? Is there any news about the Fake Hilsman? Did Cale adopted a new kid? (Pls say yes I want him to adopt more lol)
Hi! I believe this exact question was sent to me before? Sorry it took me so long to reply! Every time I started writing, new lore got dropped and I ended up re-writing this reply from scratch. There's a lot to cover, so brace yourself for tons of SPOILERS
I made a post about TCF gods once already, but turns out, parts of it are outdated! Some new information got revealed that directly contradicts my old assumptions about several of them. But we'll get to it.
First of all, the Hunter families. The plot of Part 2 so far consists of Cale going to different dimensions to deal with them.
So there were originally seven, but by current time there were only five left to deal with. Let's quickly run by each of them one by one.
Black Bloods; residents of the planet Xiaolen – specifically Xiaolen 1 – named Huayans (Fayence in the first raw translations, just in case you've seen that version before), led by Redok. They were human Black Mages who specialized in "White Magic", meaning their variant of Black Magic was more powerful and it looked white. Pretty neat. They flooded Xiaolen with dead mana in order to sacrifice the world and gather its energy called "Karma". Still little detail on how Karma works exactly, but we know it can be gathered by either killing or saving tons of people – guess which method the Hunters use. Cale got a dramatic fire power boost because of some universal balance rules, and defeated them pretty easily. (Xiaolen citizens made Cale a statue in his honor, much to his despair lol)
Blue Bloods; residents of Central Plains, a pretty young world from what we know. They were known as the Blood Cult, lead by a female leader called Blood Demon. They created hundreds of thousands of zombies called Jiangshi and planned to cause a 3-way civil war in order to do the same thing Black Bloods were trying to do. Cale got a water power upgrade because of a dead Dragon and defeated a tsunami with a tsunami and got a splitting headache because of some third eye mumbo jumbo – long story. They were a little harder to defeat than Black Bloods, but they managed in the end. Choi Han got to personally slay the Blood Demon. (Central Plains citizens turned Cale into a folk story/legend and apparently there's already a cult for him hahaha)
Purple Bloods; resident of Aipotu – who consists entirely of Dragons and Dragon-bloods, led by Dragon Lord Neo (yes I'm pretty sure the name is a Matrix reference – love the irony of it so much). Purple Blood's specialty was getting to "inheriting" Dragon powers via some very questionable blood transfusions and heart transplants. Nasty stuff. Neo's Attribute was time, or something quite similar to it, and he used his time powers to mess up Aipotu and the World Tree, intending to transfer himself and all his followers/slaves into a Virtual Reality the Hunters planned to make their own new world. Cale had to use Instant to defeat Neo, turning his own broken plate into dust and eating it to survive (VERY questionable method, Cale!!). Dragon Half-Blood also had to sacrifice himself so Cale set him up as an NPC in the Virtual World and he gets to be reborn from an egg as a legit Half-Dragon named Eden Miru. These has been the most recent events in the story (also Aipotu residents built Cale a church under Clopeh and named it Five Colored Light religion HAHAHAHA). Speaking of Virtual Reality…
Transparent Bloods; residents of Earth 3 – the world where Anh Roh Man lives, the guy who made Alberu's Taerang; leader unknown so far. Apparently ARM's parents are the one who made the Virtual Reality, and the Hunters bought/stole it (and named it "Raising My Very Own Precious Omnipotent God!"??? Which is just hilarious…) So the game wasn't originally designed by them. That matters a lot, because it seems like not only VR is sentient like every other world so far, it has even created an AI specifically against the Hunters and their influence. It seems that VR is, in fact, a real world, capable of containing real people and their souls. So Cale will definitely be heading there next to save it from Transparent Bloods. But before we get to them…
Five-Colored Bloods; no apparent residence, but I have a suspicion… We found out very recently their leader is called the "Wanderer King". Which just screams to me of the whole "Mercenary King" invented by the White Star – the exact same brand of arrogance, really. Their specialty seems to be collecting and transferring power; that's how Dragon Lord Neo was able to get so much power to influence an entire world and the World Tree. They will be a pain to deal with, because they seem to be allied both with certain gods and demons. Which is why, btw, in the most recent chapters Cale went to the freaking Demon Realm. But more on that in a bit~!
White Bloods; all we know about them is from Choi Jung Gun in Sealed God's Temple Test of Sloth. To directly quote him, "The White Blood family betrayed the Hunters and escaped!" (chapter 730) – which I actually mixed up in the past, my bad; I thought it was the Red Blood family that betrayed them and escaped. Speaking of which:
Red Bloods; also known as Thames, last known member being Jour Thames (or is it Drew Thames in the EAP translation? Whatever, I prefer Jour…) and the "Fake Hilsman" who stole Cale's retirement fund. Judging from Jour mentioning her brother when Cale got the Annual Rings of Life Ancient Power, I think it's safe to assume it's that guy. CJG said to Cale that " The Red Blood family perished a long time ago", but he also said that "The Red Blood did not perish", so I think they also betrayed the Hunters and faked their death.
If you're still with me after ALL of that exposition, let me now actually address the actual question: the gods involved in the plot of in Part 2.
There are 5 gods we must talk about, and why I need the Hunter families context first will become clear in a moment.
God of Balance; apparently female, wears heels, and approaches people from behind for intimidation. I'd call her the "gentle in disposition yet extremely scary" grandma type. Basically forcefully summoned Cale to meet her after defeating the Blue Bloods on Central Plains (Cale did not see her face) and told/threatened Cale that he should become a god. One of the "Five Ancient Gods", which seem to be one of the if not THE oldest Gods around who did not retire yet for some reason. Seems like a real piece of work, though doesn't seem evil? More like a strict law enforced or corrupt politician. She did beat up the God of Death over giving Cale the dimension-transporting mirror Divine Item that one time. She also wrote a rulebook on universal balance, apparently. That's why most of Cales powers were sealed and weakened during the Central Plains arc.
God of Hope; I don't believe their gender was ever specified. I think some people assume she's female too, but I found no evidence for it so far? I might be wrong. Anyway – thanks to them visiting Cale to "scare away" the God of Balance, we got tons of info. The God of Hope said: "Including Balance, Chaos, and I, there are a total of five Ancient Gods. We have continued to protect these seats without ever handing it over to another existence. My my, we are all quite greedy. We all desire power as well." So the five Ancient Gods seem to be Balance, Chaos, Hope, and I think the last two are Fate and Blue Wolf? [EDIT: The last two were revealed to be Justice and Injustice in the most recent chapter. My mistake!] Anyway – the God of Hope is sometimes stronger than Balance and that pisses her off. They seem to be one of the most reasonable gods we've met so far, not only admitting that they did not wish to become a god at all but were forced to, but also sincerely cheering on Cale's dream, explaining that Balance wanted Cale to replace Hope and be her lackey. No thanks, Balance, that's never gonna happen. …I mean Cale might still end up a god, with how things are going, but. Definitely not working for Balance.
Blue Wolf; I'm also unsure if the gender ever got specified, though I got the impression that they're probably male so far? In any case, they showed up during the battle on Aipotu. One of the evil Hunter Dragons tried to summon them with a corrupt Divine Item and Lock ended up swallowing a blue flame (yes it was exactly as weird as it sounds). They seem to be the reason why Beast People are able to control their Berserk Transformations at all? Which is quite interesting. Little to no depth on this god's character so far, though, except for apparently liking Lock and making him a successor of some kind.
God of Chaos; we found out a couple of things about them so far in the Aipotu arc. One, their followers are complete freaks; like, Shou Tucker from Fullmetal Alchemist level of messed up.  Their followers experiment on people AND themselves, like re-sewing limbs and creating chimeras (which explains lots of Hunter experiments honestly). Two, their representatives are able to use some weird similar-to-Dominating-Aura power which involves creepy Eldritch Horror Eyes? And Cale's gonna try and replicate that with the Donating Aura himself?? Well okay then…? Three, that god's power seems to be characterized by grey color (Dragon Lord Neo intended to use grey stuff to kill Aipotu with. Also worth mentioning; Choi Jung Gun apparently got poisoned by it, so now he's unconscious, slowly turning gray and dying. We'll see if Cale finds a way to save him.) Which – plot twist!! Actually came up in Part 1!! Looks like Sky Eating Water herself was subdued by that very god's power?! Together with God of War, no less, which brings us to the final god on the list…
God of War; turns out they're a double agent, if not a triple agent!! It's quite difficult to figure out what their deal is. Before, I kinda assumed they had to have some good intentions, because they helped created shelters and Cotton was their Holy Maiden and stuff. But nope. God of War is either working FOR or WITH the Hunters, although I'm inclined to think the latter. There seems to be something going behind the scenes, some personal agenda we don't know of yet? We know from Part 1 that God of War gave the people of the north a river, which the Sekka family hoarded selfishly for themselves, turning it into a lake. The God of War emptied the lake in retribution and sent a Divine Item that was a watering can full of fury. However – despite apparently all that good stuff and "breaking the slave chains" from Sky Eater Water, they also forced her to work for them as a Judge, which she hated so much she ran off. We now found out in Part 2 that God of War must have wanted to control Sky Eating Water, because she was so powerful she probably could have defeated the Ancient White Star by herself!! So, God of War teamed up with God of Chaos and chained her down in the lake in the Eastern Continent where Cale eventually got the Ancient Power from. A tragic end for her, but shows how merciless God of War was for his very own chosen one, in the end. God of War was also involved in giving Neo the knowledge on how to control Aipotu's power and the World Tree. There seems to be a lot more going on with the God of War we EVER knew, and the fact that the grey color has been set up back when Cale got Sky Eating water is straight up thrilling for me. I can't wait to find out more!!
So we finally covered all the Hunters and all the gods so far – goodness I'm sorry there's so much, but in my defense, that's about 300 chapters of context for it.
I roughly covered what happened so far through the two lists, but I'll add a few more things:
Cale defeated 3 out of 5 Hunter families so far: Black, Blue and Purple (like beating someone up and leaving colored bruises lol), with Transparent and Five Colors left. Also the ever-mysterious Hunter Leader called "The King's Successor", no idea if that's the Wanderer King or not, but I kind of doubt it. We'll see… (I also totally hope Cale kicks the a** of the God of Chaos, because they're a creep and deserve to burn in hell)
There seems to be another faction aside from Hunters & their supporters, or anti-Hunter gods like God of Death and non-affiliated people – there's a group called "Arbitrators" (raw translation, EAP did not get so far yet), which include Demons?? We don't know what their exact deal is yet, they seem to be about specific Divine/Demonic politics maybe? And Cotton is one of them because she turned her back on God of War?? And now Cale is in the Demon Realm, meeting a middle-aged demon princess named Aurora (whose father got dethroned and another guy took his place so Cale's probably gonna dethrone yet another monarch soon), and it turns out that the Arbitrators are totally BROKE, which kinda explains why Fake Hilsman stole Cale's money if he's one of them… Now Cale is scared because they want him to sponsor them HAHAHA – Alberu is gonna love the irony
No Cale did not officially adopt more kids sadly, but there's been some adorable kid characters showing up, and there's DEFINITELY a ton of new loyal Caleism followers – much to Cale's despair, as they're starting to worship him across dimensions… And with the Virtual Reality apparently being able to connect worlds, it's only the matter of time before Cale's slacker life is utterly screwed by multi-dimensional religion starring him as their Lord and Savior LOL
…So anyway, I hope it's what you've been asking for? Thank for reading this freakishly long post about my rambling on Part 2!
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epersonae · 2 months
five fic friday
I haven't done this in ages, and honestly I meant to last Friday but [waves vaguely at idk whatever]; I have quite the backlog of things I like that I want to share, so! looks like this week is a batch of post-s2 fic:
Fortunate (T, 3797) by @jellybeanium124 - oh man. the first of a pair of "Stede's having a time post-canon" fics, and this one I had to read on two separate occasions because I was having a time the first time and just kinda froze. hahahaha stede's doing great everything's fine nope no issues at all (lying). it's very good.
gonna build you up, gonna help you believe (T, 7936) by @saltpepperbeard - the second on that theme: I think I've read this one like four times. the way that a social interaction kicks open all of Stede's anxieties, mannnnnnnnnn.
Caution: Spider on Board (T, 2756) by @yergink - I love the way this kind of silly story about Ed and spiders becomes a really thoughtful meditation on danger and fear and identity.
I hope that someone gets my... (T, 1545) - a lovely little piece about remembering why you love someone and getting through boring little stresses, featuring one of Stede's letters.
The Inn By The Sea (M, 21k) - A truly fantastic plotty innkeepers era fic, the story is compelling, the narrative voices (both Ed and Jeffery Fettering!) are incredibly vivid, the dialogue is sharp as hell. THIS IS SO GOOD AND I NEED EVERYONE TO READ IT IMMEDIATELY. I'm genuinely angry, not at anyone, but just that the vibes were apparently such that the author felt they needed to stop posting. Apparently the rest of the story will be available as a Google Doc? I believe I remember who the author is on here, but out of respect for the anonymizing that happened after I started reading, I'm not going to link them. In any case, I am legit obsessed and I need y'all to join me in my obsession.
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lutawolf · 10 months
The Sign Commentary Review Ep 2 part 1 & 2
We start off right where we left off, with Phaya listening in to the conversation that the instructors are having. He tells Tharn to take Yai back, but is anyone surprised when Tharn doesn't listen?
Phaya, I got to ask. What kind of life you have been living that you can pick a lock? Though to be fair, I unlocked my sister's bedroom door with a butter knife more than once.
Phaya makes his way in and intensely looks around. Guess they don't have security cameras. Anyway, he finds what he is looking for and takes photos with his cell phone.
These two. I love them so much. "Why are you so close?" While smirking. The other facing down his current bedmate with annoyance. "I can't see. Why didn't you find a better place? Someplace with more space?"
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They discuss the case while cuddling under the blanket. They weren't under there for warmth and seriously, even Yai couldn't turn this into hiding. Those coconuts are cuddling! Convince me otherwise!
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Phaya says how he doesn't think that the victim tied his ankle knot himself. "How do you know?" "I just know." Hahahaha! Know a little something about knot tying do you Phaya. So we are looking at a wrap and cinch, aka a quick cuff. Now he was floating in water so that has to allow for some rope give but notice the pull section is in the back. If he were going to quick cuff himself, the pull would be in front so he could yank it himself
How the hell are you going to hide two people under that blanket! I got to see this. Oh wow. 😂😂😂
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Tension! Damn, but they got some good chemistry!
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"I'm not leaving until you tell me."
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HAHAHAHA I'm dead. Phaya taking advantage of the situation is my favorite thing ever.
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Now back to training. Where we see Phaya paying attention to everything, and then we get to the classroom. Have I meantioned how much I love Yai?
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Look at that guilty face. Homeboy can deny all he wants, but his face says it all. Hahaha!
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Then the looks that Tharn and Phaya give each other. Screams confusion on Phaya's part and guilty on Tharn's. I'm loving it. Speaking of faces.
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Someone is suspicious of our boy Phaya.
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More training, with a sprinkling of flirtation. Then hand holding!!!
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Ohhhh, yeah baby, break out the rope. Phaya is showing Tharn exactly what I mentioned earlier.
They are contemplating what move to make next and how just the two of them can do it when the Scooby gang shows up. You decide who is who, but they are the Scooby gang for sure. Yai brings up valid points as to why not to investigate, but Phaya says he can't ignore this and be a cop. Which everyone agrees with but Phaya, but now I know why. He was protecting his brother. I love Yai and his fierce loyalty.
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I love them both so much. They are a good balance. And Captain suspicious is for sure watching them. The Captain follows them around to figure out what they are up to.
Now for some well deserved eye candy. Thank you, director, for knowing what us thirsty bitches want.
Now we are to the part where Phaya sneaks out to look for evidence at the beach.
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A female voice begins calling out his name. Telling him to come this way. She appears in the water, beckoning to him. Meanwhile, Tharn senses something and wakes up. Checks Phaya's bed and sees that he is missing. He takes off, seeming to know where he will be. He finds Phaya in the wadding in the ocean in an apparent trance.
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This is also around the time when they get caught by the instructors. Please let one of them be smart enough to come up with an excuse.
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Apparently not. He threatens to expel all of them who continue with the investigation.
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After punishment, Phaya talks to the guys in the barracks. Telling them that he is really sorry. It's at this point that we realize that Thai was the smart one of the group earlier. That the Captain was right. For them to be good cops, they have to stick to the rules and pass the exam.
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And that's that for this part. On to the next. I'm breaking them into two posts because... Well, I like to add all the pictures. 💜💜💜
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starleska · 2 years
stop all this wholesome >:( I wanna know your hcs on Dark!Wally. Explore how evil he is. What kinda horrible agenda he has goin on. Your choice if its still a x reader im just curious how you'd interpret it- ... Dont feel forced to do so btw feel free to ignore this if it aint yer cup of tea ToT
hahahaha, this gave me a great laugh!! you've caught me, anon - i am very much a fan of evil, devious, villainous, morally bereft and just plain dreadful characters. you'll see from my f/o tracker that i'm quite the bad guy connoisseur - i just haven't explored that with Wally yet because we know so little about what his agenda is!! it's Wally's ambiguity that makes him so fun to play with;;;
i'd love to fill this out with some potential theories, if you'll humour me 😉 gonna pop this under a spoiler tag as well just in case this speculation turns out correct, and for the warnings!!
content warnings for potential Welcome Home spoilers, scopophobia, stalking, murder, cannibalism, and cults:
Dark!Wally (or potentially, just Wally) Darling headcanons:
⭐ Wally is using us as food. ever since we found out about Wally eating with his eyes, i haven't been able to get this idea out of my head. everything from everyone looking up at the tracker on the website, to Wally watching us from the other side of the screen, has me wondering exactly why he loves us so much, and why he seems happy to engage with all of us pouring in to look at the site. i'm wondering if Wally is something of a psychic cannibal - someone who is able to devour essence through attention, particularly through eye contact. there is something he's getting from us interacting with him on the website, and i feel like his love is of the possessive variety...he needs us for something that we don't understand yet. ⭐ Wally 'fed' his neighbourhood friends to his Home, and is play-acting as if his friends are still alive by interacting with us. some eagle-eyed fans noticed recently that in one image, Wally's armchair has a stitched-on patch that looks suspiciously like Barnaby's skin. likewise, there's a very strange file name on one of the drawings Wally did on the Guestbook, in a comment talking about Eddie, where he says he 'runs too much'. we know that Home is alive, and that Wally talks to Home. we also don't know why Wally's house is the only one with apparent sentience. my question is...how is Home fuelled? and why is Wally the only one talking to us through the Guestbook if his puppet-self is alive - where is everyone else? my (very thin) speculation is that Wally may have sacrificed his friends to keep Home alive, but suffered a mental breakdown as a result, and wants to preserve their old life through the website as if nothing is wrong. ⭐ Wally is a vain attention hog who wants to be back in the spotlight. this one is bare-bones, but hear me out - this can go a couple of ways! if we choose to believe the Wally speaking from within the website is, somehow, a sentient puppet (or his consciousness is infused with the website), we could also believe that he may miss his apparently peaceful, love-filled life from another time. perhaps Wally was alive during the original run of Welcome Home, and somehow remained alive following its cancellation. perhaps he feels spurned now he's no longer the friendly neighbourhood host of the television show long-forgotten to the public...where better to try and gain a new audience than online, under the guise of a restoration project? we could even make a potential cult leader argument here... again, this is all pure speculation!! we have no idea at all what Wally's agenda is at this stage, and that's a good thing;; it's going to be loads of fun learning more about Wally and what his intentions are. i'd love to hear people's theories 😉
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Dungeon Meshi rewatch ep 10 notes
so I always play the intro and outro because I love them so much and another thing caught my eye that might be nothing but is there a reason the women and men are reaching up, with Falin and Laios the ones in the center, and then them grasping hands? it feels meaningful anyway
ah it's the frog costumes ep hahahaha
they've reached the stairs they have to take to reach the 5th basement floor, near the orc's settlement (where the orc leader told them the red dragon was seen, hanging out and causing problems)
but the staircase is filled with tentacles so they can't just stroll down lol
Chilchuck is upset bc the tentacles mess with traps making it even harder to disarm them
KENSUKE SHOOK ALERTING THEM AGAIN but Laios didn't react fast enough and poor Kensuke got SNATCHED by froggy bad froggy let Kensuke go!
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LOTS of notes for ep 10 so imma cut it off here
aw bye bye Kensuke (and Marcille's staff is called Ambrosia bye bye Ambrosia)
lol Senshi calling Chilchuck a kid again
he saves the day by using frog skin to wrap his hands so that tentacles don't hurt him smart kid hehe (sorry Chilchuck)
Marcille's weakness as a fashion girlie exposed lol
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lol the frog skin is stuck to them hahaha
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(Chilchuck and Senshi's faces tho akjfiashioaghoa they look like Russian dolls help)
Namari gets motion sickness from the return spell portal thingie (bitch, same, that would totally be me, I get motion sickness from walking a little faster lol)
ahhh right right grumpy mcpants works for the "lord of the island" (ig the dungeon is on "his land"?)
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hmmmmmmmmmm dwarf mines you say 👀 is that how Senshi got into the dungeon before it officially got discovered?
anyways, he's suggesting to the haughty looking dude to deploy troops in order to take care of the orc "problem"
hm lord haughtypants calls dwarfs "abominable" and says they're like moles
OH LORE ok let's see
so the dwarfs and elves were at war (no reason stated) and
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not sure what that means exactly but I'm guessing the elves went to the west and the dwarfs to the east?
the dwarfs hid in the lands (where haughtypants is a lord now ig) and waited for the elves, and even after the war they continued to dig tunnels WHICH ALLEGEDLY SWALLOWED THE GOLDEN CITY AND TURNED IT INTO A DUNGEON wait wasn't that the dark evil crazy magician's work (allegedly)? hmmmmm interesting
he also says that the surviving dwarfs are responsible for the dungeon's continued expansion
grumpy mcpants says (his name is Mr Tansu just in case you think I am using the dumb nickname bc I don't remember) that rumor can't be trusted
ok so he copied a magical circle, I'm guessing before they met Senshi & friends bc afterwards they just bailed right? and it's in elvish, the same individual as before
AHA so his theory is that the crazy evil magician is an elf and these magical circles are his work, interesting (he says the work is beyond the abilities of dwarfs and tall-men)
OH EVEN MORE STUFF wow how did I manage to miss all this I'm such a clown
anyway, the western elves are sending letters now being like "the dungeon is ours we want it back" (well, our "heritage" is what they said, which is interesting bc weren't the king and Delgal tall-men?)
oh EVEN MORE INFO so they won the war with the dwarfs? bc they took the land from them and gave it to humans bc they apparently "didn't know what to do with it" (their king granted it himself even)
this evil magician, if it is an elf the only one I can think of is the crazy eyes elf from the living paintings, so I wonder if it has something to do with him
lordy mcislandpants doesn't want to give them back the island bc he wants the treasure that must still be in the depths of the dungeon lol
MAN we're getting so much lore and theories and everything now, the hamster in my brain is being pushed to his limits
grumpy mcpants says that the elves aren't after the treasure but the immortality spelll that's been cast on the dungeon (that does seem more valuable lol)
he tells mr lord to get his hands on the blueprint of the spell before they do and then he'll finally be treated as an equal, or even their superior
he says the lord of the dungeon possesses it (is that the evil magician or does he mean whoever "beats" the dungeon?), and tells him to keep supporting adventurers and not to cut down prices for hunting monsters etc
oh he'll issue a reward for taking down the orcs (that does not sound good)
ah yeahh I remember, Namari goes to the resurrection office and she asks about Falin (no luck of course)
on the 5th floor, outside the golden castle is the castle town (now abandoned and in ruins)
right, so Laios did mention that the red dragon is supposed to hunt once a month and then sleep until the next hunt but this red dragon has been active nonstop, even going as far as getting the orcs to flee their settlement which Marcille finds odd (but it's also no good for Falin bc she's getting digested faster)
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aw cute detail look at Shuro all blushy as he's looking at Falin here hahaha
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fun fact: the weak spot of a dragon is the underside of his neck
there she goes again saying her protective magic isn't as powerful as Falin's. She was the best in school, right? It's making it seem like something either happened to her or the school didn't have any good students in it hahaha I mean, I don't really have anyone else to compare her to (besides Falin who is apparently better than her in everything magic related) so I can't tell if it's just normal for her not to be able to do this stuff or what.
ALSO not me just realising Falin is a tall-(wo)man and aren't tall-men supposed to be weaker in magic than elves by default? hm
listening to their plan of trapping the dragon now after I know what happens makes me think that they should have known this wouldn't work out. they're all humanfailures
hmmmm I don't think anyone has mentioned this before but where are dragons normally bc apparently not on the 5th floor lol my guess is lower? hm does that mean something chased it up, like the orcs were chased up by the dragon WAIT IS WHAT SENSHI WAS TALKING ABOUT ACTUALLY HAPPENING????? Did something fuck up the ecosystem? 👀
Senshi guarding his special knife hehehe
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and oop the red dragon is here
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random screengrabs:
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them in Mr Tansu's imagination tho LOL
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Idk about you but I ship Senshi x bread 100%
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same Chilchuck, same
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paused and laughed
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his timing is impeccable truly I love him
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betterfettered · 2 years
Hiii there 😚💌💌
If the requests are still welcome then I wonder how would a character your choice of: Lucifer/satan/diavola would disguise(?) their yandere tendencies. Like a scenerio where they pretend everythings domestic and nice when its obviously not
Thank you in any case :)
(Gn!reader x AMAB!yandere)(18+ readers only please, mdni)[This is fetish content and abuse is disgusting and inexcusable in real life.] Hi there yourself!
This is such an interesting question! Assuming that you mean trying to disguise it to other people, I actually think that because of the particular brand of weirdoness that these three have, they actually wouldn’t see a…need to disguise it? Hahahaha wait hear me out!! Like in yandere!Lucifer’s case, he has already decided (without your unnecessary input) that the two of you are going to marry. If someone questioned the way he was treating you, I imagine he’d explain that it was perfectly normal for a husband to instruct his spouse in proper decorum, such as never leaving his sight (ever). He’d explain that there isn’t a double standard, either, and you could instruct him in etiquette as well if you wanted to. That would actually be true – even if you told yandere!Luci to do something ridiculous or fussy, as long as it didn’t conflict with his expectations for you he would absolutely do it, being your dutiful and loving husband. He is devoted to you in that way. If someone brought up your apparent unhappiness, he would say it’s just you getting used to the devildom, and if they protested further he’d inform them that he simply does not care about their opinion.
Diavolo in general doesn’t have a lot of experience with his whims being obstructed, so he’d probably be surprised by someone questioning your relationship. At first he’d just be kind of bemused, but then he’d think about it in terms of his public image, and want to make things appear wholesome and stable. The thing is, yandere!Diavolo is always really ecstatic to be around you, because even if you’re upset or silent your presence makes him feel whole and loved. So things that seem bizarre to other people, like you sitting across his lap during tea, shaking with stress and fear beneath the suffocating amount of silks he always has you draped in, would seem like heart-warming romance in his eyes. It’s fine if you’re a little nervous – if he just has a little patience, and drowns you in a little more TLC, you’ll be back to your normal happy self in no time.
Barbatos knows how delusional he is but only looks at you like “wow u hate to see it” LOLL
Satan doesn’t really recognize when he gets too angry and flies off of the handle, like you can see in the Be You Devilgram, so he is another one who wouldn’t even realize that the way he treats you would be horrifying to other people. If someone brought it up, his main thought would be that it’s bad manners to make a scene like that, so he’ll try to keep the unsavory stuff with you private. If you start making him angry in public, he’ll just leave instead of retaliating in the moment. This would not be because he thinks its wrong, though, and if someone asked him about your relationship he’d be pretty honest about what it entails. If someone started telling him that he was wrong for doing so, he’d just fly into a rage at them instead.
Unlike the other two, though, I think Satan has enough self-awareness (?) that people saying he’s horrible to you might make him feel insecure about your relationship. He might arrange a date for the two of you, and blushingly tell you how much you mean to him. It probably wouldn’t be very effective but he also may try to treat you better. Still, what other people think wouldn’t motivate him to try and put up a bluff in front of them.
Do you agree? Disagree? Think I’m a big dummy???
By the way, if you meant trying to hide it to convince their darling that they are normal and not at all seven slices of deli roasted chicken short of a sandwich (what do you mean that’s not an expression!? I can say whatever I want!!!!!), you can ask again! Send meeee more requests and asks 🙇🏾‍♀️
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thelunarfairy · 11 months
i saw your post about Yugi's twins sad love this made me think did he cause all this chaos for tsukasa? Knowing amane will kill him do you think he went crazy because of that why does he tell hanako that he loved his face when he killed him who does hanako react when tsukasa tells him that he secrificed for him
Tsukasa feels rejected by Amane, we don't know exactly why, but apparently it happened when young Amane pushed him saying that he didn't need any of that, but he wanted the health that his younger brother had.
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Tsukasa interpreted that Amane hated him. He decided to sacrifice himself to fulfill his brother's wish, and he didn't mind leaving because he believed that Amane wouldn't miss him, because he hated him.
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All of this happened due to a lack of communication and sincerity. Tsukasa, before leaving, even asks Amane if he loves him, as a last hope and to find out if the "gift" that Tsukasa gave made Amane happy, he was healthy now.
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So, he did all that for his brother. He fulfilled all his wishes, gave toys, books, and life itself. He was sure he had done everything to make Amane happy and he would live to be an adult.
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But, he finds out that it was all for nothing when Kou tells him that Amane killed him and took his own life.
I imagine that Tsukasa must have been very confused at first and was curious to understand why Amane had done that. He was already dead anyway, what would it be like to die again for him?
Amane/Hanako has a lot of difficulty saying what he feels, or rather, he doesn't. The only way Tsukasa found to find out how his brother was feeling was his expressions. That's why he says he liked the expression on his face when Amane killed him, because he was finally sincere, even if in a negative way.
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Here, we see how Tsukasa tries to see Amane's face after saying that he liked the expression on his face when he killed him, and you clearly see that Hanako tries to hide it. The expression on his face is screaming how sorry he is, how bad and guilty he feels for remembering the day he killed Tsukasa.
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And what does Tsukasa say to him when he can finally see his older brother's face?
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He understood what Hanako was feeling, you could understand it too, right?
He understood from the expression on Hanako's face that he felt guilty for killing him, so Tsukasa says that he loves him, because he knows that Amane regrets it.
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Tsukasa likes to show people their most sincere side, he doesn't like to see people holding back or pretending to be something they're not, the same applies to Hanako.
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Tsukasa didn't go crazy, he was just deeply hurt by what Amane did to him.
Have you ever imagined? Put yourself in his shoes. You have a twin who is on the verge of death, you are still a child and you don't know what to do to save your brother, so you try to make him happy with things that you believe he likes. In Tsukasa's case, because he was a child, he believed that Amane wanted toys, because Tsukasa loved toys (like most children).
So you spend a good part of your childhood just trying to please your twin, and finally you actually manage to help him, but to do so you would have to sacrifice yourself. You love him so much that you don't think twice. You do, and hope he was happy that now his twin had everything he wanted….
But one day someone says that your twin will kill you in the future. And take his own life, yes, the one you tried so hard to save.
How would you feel?
Tsukasa laughs after finding out he's going to be murdered, it's not a laugh of "pleasure" or "joy" it's a resentful laugh.
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"hahahaha he's going to kill me??? but I saved him! This time it was you who messed up Amane, you weirdo!"
Laughing to keep from crying.
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The only thing I see in this scene of Tsukasa in the middle of the flames and laughing happily, was a deep resentment. At the same time he discovered the truth, he made a point of sending Nene and Kou back, he no longer wanted to talk or "play" with them, now things were more serious.
Make no mistake about Tsukasa, contrary to what some people think, he has feelings, and baby Tsukasa is the version of him that shows this most often. It turns out that he has a different way of demonstrating it, I imagine that has something to do with that creature.
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So, to answer your question, I think Tsukasa was hurt, and that's why he wanted to understand why his brother did this to him, even after trying so hard. He wanted to know who his real brother was. He came back to understand Amane, and apparently to help Nene understand too.
"We are the same"
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Two naive people who love an idiot who doesn't have the courage to say how he feels, and who does wrong things with "good" intentions. Hanako was going to kill Aoi to save Yashiro, Hanako killed Tsukasa… for what reason? Was there a good intention behind it?
That's the answer Tsukasa was looking for, and he's already found it.
He still loves Amane, doesn't he? Yashiro still loves him, even though he did all that, she still loves him.
The two are the same.
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smooshi-graysimp · 6 months
I feel that there can be potential darkness in Larry and Lawrie and I will not not cook about it even if it’s trash
I’ve seen people draw L+L silly, goofy all that stuff and it’s not wrong it’s fun still. Thing is I think people think that L+L are 100% good (maybe I don’t think I seen enough L+L content tbh).
But I have a question, do they have morality?
You see in their voicelines they’ve never said they’ll do it for the good of people only that rules are the best and people should follow the rules.
Now listen Morality can equal to laws but laws can’t be equal to morality
For example, there could’ve been laws that hurt a certain minority or laws that would’ve shield people away from the truth of their country or something. You know dictators control.
And personally I think they’re more laws than morality or at least choosing laws over people/morality.
In my HC they prob see the world in a black and white situation. You’re either good or bad and though while there may be some cases that it’s gray I think they wouldn’t think about too much or they’ll follow the rules even if they care.
(Though this is a bit of a bad take since I HC Lawrie as trans but then again apparently there’s Transphobic Trans People soo there’s that but there’s still plenty of ways to explore this though)
And with this, this is why I like contrasting or have them interacting with Willow and Angelo.
Both Willow and Angelo are unapologetically themselves, yes they are mean and toxic but they’re themselves enjoying what they like.
And with their toxicity L+L have to control them the very thing that Willow and Angelo don’t like.
Which is why I like thinking interactions of them, it’s mostly comedy but I think there can be potential well say foils or opposite viewpoints ish.
Again Angelo and Willow are unapologetically themselves mean and toxic but what if I told you there can be still morality ish to them?
Ex: They can be mean to other mean or even worse people.
Plus they could have gray viewpoints (or I guess black ish gray they’re more in the selfish side)
Ex: I feel like both of them (or Angelo) would know that no matter what people will still hate you. You may be absolute perfection doing nothing wrong following rules and being a good person overall. People will still hate you. And plus you have yourselves you don’t need anyone to approve of what you are, you have yourself to be approve of. And so they don’t have to be nice to everyone. Yes selfish, but so everyone else is actually. And that person you hate that also hate you? There could be a very valid reason that they hate you. Heck you’re maybe the problematic one here. (Long story short basically the song Villain by Stella Jang)
And with their contrasting viewpoints L+L would be like “we’re just trying to help people and have them follow rules!” And Willow and Angelo “rules mules do you have any idea that they can be bad and toxic too?” L+L “I see you have chosen death” Willow and Angelo “see here you are wanting to help people but wanting to kill us? Aren’t we people too? Monsters can be human and human can be monsters. Anyways ew we’re speaking like we have morality so like- HAHAHAHA NOPE FOR FUN 4EVER FOOLSSSS”
Or if Willow and Angelo have a sad backstory (in my HC Willow getting taken advantage of and Angelo being rejected and hated by bigotry and yes that does make them hypocrites when doing the same to others but victims can be a holes too, maybe internalized hatred arc?) “then why didn’t people like YOU help us prevent from being THIS?” L+L “O_O, damn we’re sorry we can help-“ W+A “Ha? Help? Nahhhh we got this covered lmao we don’t neeeeeed help we have ourselves.”
(Also it has just occurred to me that L+L and W+A both have something to do with control so there’s that)
Oh and ig it also makes sense for the Starr park lore where Larry and Lawrie seemingly good is actually controlling people.
Other than that, that’s my rant, I feel like I badly explain this esp with Angelo and Willow morality thing part, and esp that there’s prob but most likely better people with gray morality thing (though it has just occurred to me… that Gray would’ve been the one DAMN IT- yea I see Gray as being part of Gray morality) but I do hope I get my point across people.
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godmerlin · 9 months
Ok so finally after all these years I've got my dad to watch Merlin with me. After years of my mom saying he'd like it. I managed. I'd like to think my mom knows and is really happy about this but also feels a bit mischievous the way I do because I already know he's going to HATE me when the show is over. 🤣 we watched the first 3 episodes. Going to watch more tomorrow. But first episode he's like "I didn't know Arthur was such an ass" and im like give it time....by second episode he's like "ok I see arthur's appeal" 🤣🤣🤣 my dad's an arthur girlie apparently but at one point I can't remember which episode it was in he paused it and stopped turned to me and wad like "is this a gay thing? It feels like a gay thing" 🤣🤣🤣 then he's like I don't know though the girls are quite cute and Merlin seems smitten. And then he's like why does Arthur have thr hots for his sister? I had to explain she's not technically his sister and it's a plot that quickly disappears hahahaha but he was like "so that's what the kids are calling it these days...destiny" hahahaha I was laughing so hard. Watching stuff with my dad is always a riot his commentary has always made me laugh but with this show its even more so. I told him to brace himself for the next episode tomorrow since it's episode 4 and we all know what happens in that episode. I can already tell my dad's going to be a confused multi shipper. 🤣 but he was just like "oh boy" hahahaa oh ajd when uther made Merlin arthur's manservant my dad was a bit like did he just make Merlin his sex slave and I burst out laughing im like no just his own personal servant and he's like but aren't they a bit historically sexual and im like there were cases yes. And he's like destiny, eh. I'm like oh my God. He's like you always like the gay things I shouldn't be surprised you and your people! 🤣🤣🤣 I'm like I promise it's not just a gay thing. And he's like sure okay and im like it's going to be all the things combined. Just wait. Watch it. Embrace it. Wait for the pain. 🤣🤣🤣 he's finally gonna understand after all these years and it amuses me to no end. I feel like cackling. When my dad made a quip when merlin yells out needing a straight answer to kilgharrah I knew this was gonna be a show for my dad. Lmfao
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lazulisong · 1 year
i have had genuinely the stupidest customer service experience i have ever had in my life.
when i got run over in january, the runner overer gave us his info but i never put a claim in because workers comp paid for everything
either SAIF sent them a request for reimbursement or someone found a file shoved somewhere, because about a week and a half ago GEICO became aware that i existed and one of their customers was responsible for me spending a very unpleasant evening waiting for x-rays
oh shit, said GEICO, we should probably give this person money so they don't sue us
after an elaborate and exhausting game of phone tag, they offered me money and i accepted it
the agent forgot to get my email address
the agent then failed to answer or, apparently, listen to the voicemail where i was like "hey did you guys need my email? here it is just in case" OR multiple messages like "hey i was unfortunately raised a lady so i won't say 'what the fuck happened to that email with deposit directions' but i sure mean that"
i also messaged their twitter support who swore an agent would reach out. they did not.
i reach one of her coworkers instead of her. he informs me that since they didn't have my email, they have sent a paper check. i did not say "in the year of our agony 2023, you sent me a PAPER CHECK?"
i get a guilty follow up message from the original agent, which i do not return
on monday, the check comes. "oh boy!" you are thinking, "now the saga concludes!!!"
hahahaha HAHAHA haha
i deposit the check via mobile
USBANK, with no notice or explanation, puts a hold on the funds, not the regular one! the entire caboodle
i not unnaturally go to my local branch on my lunch break and ask the very nice cashier what was going on
(i got to pet a retriever puppy, the only thing that saved my temper)
cashier calls their service line. service line informs her that the check is on hold until. april 11.
there was no notice or note in the mobile app OR the cashiers program to note this
i realize another GEICO agent had left me a voicemail (i think i got kicked upstairs) and i call her back like "well it can't hurt"
she then proceeds to spend twenty minutes conference calling USBANK to figure out what happened
fraud guy: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we didn't think it was real ig sorry about the trouble also lol no we can't release the hold! why would we do that?
me: ಠ_ಠ
this agent literally had to request a stop payment on the paper check and get my email address (finally) to send me the direct deposit instructions
success! but in the most irritating way possible
if i think about how if only the initial agent had fucking remembered to get my email OR check her messages i could have not spent the time i did dealing with it, my eye starts spasming again
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youthkenworld · 9 months
Mark Javorka...
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13 minutes ago
This is how the Fact Checkers Fail to tell the WHOLE TRUTH while claimint ot provide the WHOLE TRUTH LOL and they provide a CHERRY PICKED list a Resources they Absolutely know is bullshite LMAO ! Yes this 2021 meme is vague and misleading in its accuracy but it's FAR from "False" in its speaking the Truth. as seen in Pic (1) below
Lodriguez Murray, vice president of public policy and government affairs for the UNCF group told The Associated Press that the post circulating online makes layers of false claims that he called “despicable.”
“There is not any indication of going back on anything that has been moved forward with so far,” Murray said of Biden’s plan. “What disturbs me the most is that someone dares to use UNCF’s good name, HBCUs and populations that have been traditionally held down by systemic racism to make an erroneous case.”
Biden’s administration has openly stated that it plans on continuing to support HBCUs. During her confirmation hearing, Neera Tanden, the president’s pick to lead the Office of Management and Budget, told Sen. Jon Ossoff that supporting HBCUs “is a priority for the president and the vice president,” adding, “I welcome the opportunity to work with you on those issues in support of HBCUs and the vital role that they play.”
Also, Vice President Kamala Harris is a graduate from an HBCU. And on Jan. 26, during a speech on racial equity, Biden urges his audience to imagine if HBCUs “had the same funding and resources of public universities to compete for jobs and industries of the future.”
OH BUT that's a damn lie now isn't it Lodriguez Murray, vice president of public policy and government affairs for the UNCF group. Biden Pledge and Promised The UNCF 20 BILLION with a "B" and in the end Congress approved only 2.7 Billion across all 50 states. In typical Democrat Socialist fashion The threats to NOT Support Biden went flying from all angles but to NO avail. LOL as seen in Pic (2) below
In Summary EVERY Fact - Check group was quick to point out that President Trump's EO was "Just" Reinstating the Funds allocated to UNCF that Congress had previously allowed to lapse.
"Allowed to Lapse ??????"
Yes that is what that the author of the False Claim stated and then EVERY Fact Check outlet "Lifted Her Words and Reposted her article WORD FOR WORD yes, word for word except for the "WORDS" where the TRUE author apparently unknowingly PROVES BIDEN AND COMRADES FAILED THE UNCF BY ONLY SECURING 2 Billion in Total OUT OF 20 BILLION with a " B" Through congress You Know . . . THE at that time in 2021, both House and Senate MAJORITY of Congress shot Biden down and ALSO Failed to tell WE THE PEOPLE in their HASTE to debunk any thing President Trump every did hahahaha. THEY, the 99% Marxist Democrats and Establishment Socialist RINO'S propaganda Media machine Repeatedly put out these Fact Checks KNOWING they are full of "Hillary killary/Barry Boy King/Creepy PEDO Joe Bull- Shite" TOTALLY going against the One and Only Reason THEY THE MEDIA are SUPPOSED to exist. "To be the Last defense of Truth in information for WE THE PEOPLE" Not only are the Shills for deep state traitors in Washington DC? They conduct themselves absolutely believing We The People are too dumb (Republican voters) or too indoctrinated (Democrat Voters) to ever figure out that "THEY" most of them in Congress are not representing and or carrying out the will of their constituents, That would be YOU who voted them in office nor have THEY who made SPECIFIC campaign promises to you followed through on even ONE of them.
They all have ONE THING IN COMMON They look us all straight in the eye while the bull-shite squeezes out their pie holes as seen in motion in .gif pic (4)
Mark Javorka
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atamascolily · 11 months
princess tutu re-watch, episode 11
Drosselmeyer (to Edel): Remember, I am the puppetmaster here! Only I am allowed to mess with peoples' feelings in this show! Back you go to the normal world and none of your 'improvisations' now!"
okay, they spent all the budget this episode on Fakir's angry solo dance scene and it was money well-spent. He looks FANTASTIC in black with the shoujo sparkles and silhouetted against the windows, A++ work everyone.
oh, he's pissed that Ahiru is Tutu, apparently she brings out the artistry in him, hahahaha
also, I'm still so delighted that Neko-sensei teaches all his students to dance en pointe regardless of gender or species, Fakir ROCKS here with those fouettés and pirouettes!!
I keep looking for Lamp-chan in Ahiru's room and not seeing it, but I THINK it's on the shelf by her bed (which is a good place to put it).
Lille poking Ahiru's cheeks to give her a duck-like bill is so funny
Mytho: "How do you do, fellow kids! What are these… 'gifts'… you speak of?"
Neko-sensei: "Fakir, would you like to take my course on love along with Mytho?"
Fakir (through gritted teeth): "I RESPECTFULLY DECLINE."
Ahiru: "Okay, so Fakir knows I'm Tutu! What if we combined our powers and triumphed thanks to the power of friendship!"
(Ahiru doesn't believe it for a moment because she knows Fakir is a huge softy inside)
Mytho gets the "Love" stone from Edel at Rue's suggestion, because crows love shiny things
Rue has gone from "Evil" to "Not evil, I just want to be loved" to "Evil again" (but really, she just wants to be loved and she believes she is unworthy of Mytho's love because she is a crow).
Rue borrows the stone to perform witchy crow magic involving a dead crow on it so whomever Mytho gives it to is cursed. Drosselmeyer approves.
Mytho: "Fakir, please promise me you won't stab Tutu if you see her again."
Fakir: lol nope.
Mytho makes a sad face but Fakir has years of practice and refuses to budge.
Mytho: I want to find Tutu, but I don't know how, so I'll, uh, just wander around and put myself in danger until she shows up! That usually works!
Ahiru: oh shit, he wandered off, better check the river just in case he fell in again
the umbrella she gives him has a duck on it because of course it does
It turns out the "Love" gem is Mytho's heart shard!
"Love": oh thank god, it was so dark and scary in there with all the crows!
Tutu: crows? wait, what--
Drosselmeyer rambles about the dangers of stepping out of one's narrative role and how he's set everything up so that none of them can easily do that without sacrificing something else they care about until Kraehe decides to roll with being the villain.
Fakir gets some good lines before he is carried off by a murder of crows, lol.
Kraehe rips the "Love" shard out of Mytho in a gorgeously animated sequence and they vanish while Tutu watches helplessly.
Drosselmeyer: hahaha, you're so fucked now!
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rainbowangel110 · 1 year
Hey Dagger. It's me Rainbow.
.... So it's been a week since we've last seen you. I know why you're gone but still. I miss you. We all do. Someone asked @angelcloves about you actually, they were worried why you haven't been posting. Fae was kinda polite and discrete about it, don't worry.
Nothing much has been going on really, more of the same actually. @el-fandom-birb and @stars-and-birds had a lovers quarrel over a meme (???) and now they're being dorky vampire/werewolf lovers. Send help. @haystarlight has been tagging Human as per usual. OH! Charolette is gonna make a continuation to that chess match fic between Papa Titan and Caleb! (Still don't know much about chess but I thought you'd appreciate it.)
Speaking of fics, remember that one post I reblogged with a looot of tags talking about a potential AU? I asked Charolette for some advice and fae were really nice! Still have yet to do anything for it, haven't even written the draft yet hahahaha
...... Moving along
We got a ToH PostHoot and everyone has been going nuts over the new info (Huntlow is bi4pan, Raine's palismen was in their violin, Evelyn was Flapjack's witch, Caleb and her were friends (cuz he was really interested in magic lol) but ya know how that goes lol, she was also a Clawthorne but no one knows apparently and a lot more I'm blanking on)
Fun fact: I made pasta today :D I'll dave some for you when you come back.
..... I'll admit, my dash feels pretty empty without you actually. I knew that would be the case when you told us you'd be gone for a while but still. It feels weird not seeing you in my notes as part of the "Biggest Fans" line up. You had a solid spot on there for a while. I miss you a lot.
PS: came up with a new tag lol, #just posting (cuz I reblog a ton so whatever I actually post doesn't really have a spot.... so why not!)
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Working and single parenting is not easy. Andy needs to find a nanny for his son Jacob. Annie, an education degree student at Lasell University, comes to their lives just in time for the big changes in Andy’s life.
Warnings: none… I think.
A/N: I don’t know anything about laws in the States (I don’t even know the laws in my own country). Also, According to Google Auburndale is one of the thirteen villages within the city of Newton, so I assume the Newton police can also work in cases in any other of those villages… if not, I’m sorry hahahaha, remember, just a work of fiction.
Also, apparently it will take a week or two to acquire a restraining order, except in severe cases, if the person is at risk the order will be issued and approved the same day.
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 2379
GIF not mine, if its yours, please let me know to give you credit :)  
Annie was sitting at the passenger sit, while her brother was on the back. Her leg was bouncing and her hands were shaking. Andy´s hand rested on top of her thigh.
“Honey, relax” He intertwined his fingers with hers “Remember, he is not there.”
“Do you think there will be any problem if we go to the police here? I mean, the whole thing happened back in Auburndale.”
“No, is still part of Newton so it really doesn’t matter if you talk to the police here or there.”
Tom didn’t said a word, looking at the interaction between Andy and his sister, they definitely had a relationship beyond boss and employee. They didn’t let go to each other the entire trip to the police station; but at least Annie wasn’t shaking anymore.
Once at the police station, they walked directly to Pam’s office. Once inside Annie sat, while the other two remained stood behind her.
“Alright.” Pam took out the folder from one of the drawers in her desk, “Do you wanna see the pictures?” She asked directly to Annie and she shook her head. “Very well, don’t worry, you don’t have to see them. I assume Andy is here for legal support.”
“Yes, Mrs. Duffy.”
“Good. So, the results from the lab said there are not traits of semen.”
“He didn’t… you know…put it in”
“You have to know that everything that is said here and happens here is private, you have the last word on what you want us to do. If you want to go against your attacker, we will follow through.”
“What if I don’t want him to go to jail?”
“My god! I cannot believe you.” Tom said with no patience.
“Tom, I told you we couldn’t force her.” Andy said.
“Look, all I want is to have my things back. Andy said we could have a restraining order, and that’s what I want. I suppose if I try to take him to jail it will take time, we will have to go to court, and even then he could be free if they bail him out. I don’t want to face him anymore!” Everything was silent when Annie stopped talking.
“I will give you an order for you to go and take your stuff, Andy can take care of the rest.”
“Honey,” Annie turn to see Andy, “I will need Daniel’s full name and his address.”
Once Annie gave the information, Andy left to the court house and to his office. He needed to have that document ready before they left to pick her things up. Given it’s a Saturday, the place was almost empty, Except for Lynn who came for a couple of hours. He hurried and passed in front of Lynn’s office and explain why he was there and that he needed her signature for the order. He kept walking to his office as he saw a figure inside.
“What are you doing here?” Andy looked at Stacy who had the picture frame he had with Jacob’s picture on his desk in her hands.
“Oh Andy! Hi! What are you doing here on a Saturday?” Stacy answered with a fake smile on her face.”
“I work here.” He said dryly “What are you doing in my office?”
“Nothing” she put the picture back to its place “How is your wife and kid?”
“They’re fine, thank you.”
“You know I’m very confused. Your wife looks very young, how old is she? 18, 19? Did she had your kid when she was 15? Sounds a bit creepy. Also, no wedding ring.”
“None of your fucking business.”
“Oh! There is no need to be rude Andy.”
“I think there is. You are talking about my kid and my family dynamic, whenever I had my kid is my problem, not yours. Now, get the fuck out of my office if you don’t want me to tell Lynn I found you sneaking and snooping here. Cuz in case you haven’t notice I don’t like you, and I’m not interested in you”
“Ouch! Who says I’m interested in you Barber?” she said with a lifted eyebrow, “I’m just working.” She fully smile “I’m going to go, have a nice weekend.”
Andy took a deep breath and sat at his desk, he will deal with Stacy later, for now he needed to finish that order.
An hour or so later, Andy had the restraining order already signed by Lynn and headed back to the police department. Annie and her brother were sitting at the entrance along with Anthony.
“Hey man!” Anthony greeted Andy. “Pam told me to go with you, in case things get messy. Do you have the order?” Andy lifted the paper. “Let’s get going then.” Anthony walked to his car and followed behind them to Auburndale. Once outside they were outside the building Annie froze.
“Honey, you don’t have to do this. We can go in, take your things and leave.”
“If you go in, he can’t get near you, I won’t allow it.” Anthony said.
They walked inside, Annie in the front, followed by Anthony, Tom and lastly Andy. They went to the 3rd floor and knock on the door with the letter C on it. It took only a few seconds for Daniel to open the door.
“Hi! Dove! I’m so glad you came back.”
Anthony step in front of Annie. “Newton police, I’m detective Mackie. We have an order to take Miss Johnson’s things, and this is for you.” He handed Daniel the restraining order, and all of them walked into the apartment.
“You put a restraining order against me? Babe I’m you boyfriend!” Daniel reached Annie’s right arm as she walked pass him.
“Hey man if you don’t want me to take you into custody I advise you not to touch her.”
“She is my girlfriend! You have no right to be here!”
“We do” Andy said “That’s why we gave you those papers. I’m sure you understand them.”
“Dove, it was a mistake,” Daniel ignored Andy and walked towards Annie “I’m sorry ok? We can talk, fix this. I promise it will never happen again.” Daniel grabbed Annie’s wrist.
“Alright man, I warned you.” Anthony put Daniel against the wall. “Don’t move.”
“Honey, go get your things.” Andy said with love in his voice, she nodded and Tom followed her.
“I just wanna talk to her” Daniel said trying to loose Anthony’s grip with pleading eyes.
“Well. I’m gonna level with you, man.” Andy stared at him “I don’t give a shit what you want.”
Daniel face changed, he was angry, “Did you fuck her?” Daniel asked out of the blue. Andy turned around anger going through his veins.
“What did you say?”
“Did… you… fuck…her? That pussy was made to be bury inside her for days, but you should know that by now.”
Andy push Anthony aside and grabbed Daniel by the shirt and slammed him against the wall.
“You are lucky she fucking cares for you, if it was for me I would’ve put you behind bars.”
“Andy let him go.” Anthony interfered.
“She is nothing like you, and you don’t deserve her love. From now on, you won’t get near her, you won’t touch her and you won’t even see her, or I’ll make sure you spend a good time in jail. Is that clear?” Andy said through gritted teeth.
“Andy you will get into trouble.”
“I´ll also make sure you won’t get a job any time soon, at least not in Massachusetts. So you should probably start thinking to move out of here once you graduate.” Andy let him go “And don’t worry Daniel, I will take care of her.”
30 minutes later, Annie and her brother came out of the room, she was carrying a suitcase and a backpack, while her brother had another suitcase and a duffle bag. Andy was standing by the door, and Anthony was still standing in front of Daniel.
“Do you have everything?” Andy asked her helping her with the suitcase. “Your phone?”
“Yes, it was on the nightstand.”
“Perfect, are you ready? You good?” Annie smiled and nodded.
They walked to the door and Annie turned to see her apartment and her ex once more.
“I hope you have a good life.” Daniel stared at her for a moment. “Thank you for showing me how you truly are.” And with that she closed the door and left.
They loaded Annie’s things in the truck of Andy’s car and drove back to Newton.
------------------(     )--------------------
The three of them walked into the house to be greeted by Jacob and Annie’s friends.
“Dad!” Jacob ran towards Andy’s arms and he lifted him. “I flyed!”
“You flew?” Annie asked confused.
“What you mean you flew?” Andy said.
“Yeah! They threwed me in the air! And they catched me!!!!!”
Both Andy and Annie turned to see Sharon and Mark.
“You threw Jacob???” Annie asked them.
“We didn’t know what to do, he said we were boring!” Sharon said offended.
“You fun!” Jacob jumped off Andy’s arms and ran towards them “again!” he said putting his hands up.
“Maybe later Jake” Mark said “When your dad is not watching us preferably.”
Andy shook his head and smiled “Thank you for entertaining him.” He took off his jacket “I know he can be a bit much some times.”
They all sat down in the living room, Sharon and Mark still didn’t know exactly what had happened. When Tom sat down he let a sigh of relief, he felt exhausted, but his sister was safe.
“So, what now? Where are you going to live?” Tom said turning to her sister.
“Ammm, I haven’t thought about it. Maybe I could stay with Sharon while I look for something cheap, Or maybe I can ask if there are any dorms available on campus.”
“Karen went home for the summer, so if you want to stay with me, I’m sure she won’t mind if you use her room.” Sharon said with a smile.
“I was thinking you could stay here, honey.” Andy said and everyone turned to see him in disbelieve.
“Here?” Annie said.
“Yeah, I mean is summer break. I will need extra help with Jake, during the morning you know, and we have an extra room…” everyone kept staring at him. “What are you all looking me like that?” Sharon, Tom and Daniel smiled to each other.
“I think Mr. Barber’s idea is fantastic.” Mark said. “Is just for the summer.”
“Right! You can leave whatever you want.” Andy said.
“Ammmm” Annie looked at Sharon who was nodding at her, “Are you sure there is no problem with me staying here?”
“Of course not! You are more than welcome! Right Jake?”
“YES! And den we cun haf a fort!” Jake while trying to climb on the couch
“How can I say no to a fort?!” Annie laughed and helped Jake “I think I could stay.”
“Perfect! I will take some stuff I have in the guest room to mine. Come on Jake, help me.” Both the Barbers ran upstairs.
“Sooooo” Sharon said, “Are you telling us what happened?”
Annie told them a quick summary of the situation she went through the day before and how Andy helped her go to the hospital and to have a restraining order against Daniel. She will be lying if she said she wasn’t sad. Daniel was her boyfriend for almost 3 years, and not once she thought they will come to this.
“I’m sorry darling” Mark said “You should’ve told us to come with you.”
“I thought he wasn’t going to be there, and I didn’t want to bother you guys.”
“The important thing is you are safe, and he won’t be bothering you anymore.” Tom said and then stand, “I need to go home. Martha keeps texting me, asking for you.”
“We are leaving too, you need to rest. Try to relax for the rest of the day.”
“Thank you for coming, and to worry. I love you.” Annie hugged her friends and they left.
“Say hi to Martha and kiss Denisse for me please.” She hugged her brother.
“If you need anything, just call.”
“I will be fine.”
“I’m sure of it. He will take care of you.” Annie was confused at her brother’s statement “Ladybug, you are smart, use those pretty eyes momma gave you and see. Andy likes you.”
“He is just being nice, I’m her nanny.”
“Exactly, I have friends with nannies and none of them call them “honey”, jeez if we had a nanny I’m sure Martha will have killed me by now if I call her honey all the time.”
“He doesn’t do it all the time.”
“Sure, sure.” Tom kissed her “Be good. Love you.”
Annie waited until her brother’s car turned around the corner and then closed the door.
“Ready to see your room?”
“Sure, lead the way.”
The guest room was right in front of Jake’s room. The walls were of a light peach color, two windows to the backyard, the headboard of the bed was between the windows, two nightstands, and a lamp on the right one, a small vanity with a mirror, and to the left of the room was the closet.
“Welcome to your room!” Jake was jumping on the bed
“You will have to use the bathroom in the hall. I hope that’s not a problem.”
“No, of course not! The room is perfect.” She said while sitting and bouncing a little on the bed. “Comfy.”
“You can decor more if you want.”
“Thank you Andy” Annie walked towards him, “for everything you did last night and today.” She stood on her tip toes and kissed Andy on the check, right on top of the mole he has.
Andy close his eyes when he felt her lips on his face. “I will bring your things,” Andy took a step behind and tripped a bit “Shit, the carpet,” Annie giggled, “Be right back.”
“Your dad is funny Jake.”
“Yeah!” Jake giggled too “why?”
“No reason. Wanna play hide and seek?”
The boy nodded and let himself fall in the mattress before Annie started counting and then he ran out of the room to hide.
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worldsentwined · 6 months
oooo 1, 7 and 17!!! what fascinating questions!!
Right?? These questions are fascinating but they are also COMING FOR ME SO HARD hahahaha
1. what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are? Here is another one for my therapist lol, I feel like I am in a constant state of picking apart what made me Like This. In a fun turn of events, I now have 3 asks in my inbox and all of you asked this question, so each of you is going to get one third of this answer in your ask. So here's Thing Number One!
First and most Obviously Traumatic is getting diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 10, which has had a huge impact on how I think and how I manage my life. Pros: this has wired my brain to Stay On Top Of Things* and go to the doctor regularly and create routines that will support my overall health etc etc. I'm very good at managing it, to the point that I don't even realize how much extra work I'm doing until someone points it out, and it also makes me predisposed to handle other things in a similar way. Cons: if any piece of this careful system gets disrupted (lose my job and therefore health insurance, forget to pick up a prescription, insulin pump breaks**, etc) I WILL DIE. Or at least, some of these things could kill me, so that is what my anxiety tells me whenever anything disruptive happens. Additional con, I have SO much anxiety. Apparently this is what happens when your brain has to do the job of your pancreas. *while typing this last night I realized something had gotten Very Fucked Up with my insulin pump supply order, which so derailed me that I had to save this as a draft and come back to it a day later. Which gives a bad impression of the competence I'm describing, but the supplier for my insulin pump supplies is so incompetent that it negates all of my efforts on a regular basis. **my insulin pump breaking and the ensuing anxiety spiral around choosing a new one is the thing that finally got me to find a therapist. Which, thank god I did, but still.
7. what scares you the most and why? I didn't mean for the last question to segue into this when I started answering it, but see above for one of the top contenders. I'm afraid of a lot of things, to the point where I can't often articulate what specifically scares me about a situation, but "catastrophic failure of the medical device keeping me alive" is pretty clear-cut. The fact that I've been through it once and survived it does not seem to help. I do actually have contingency plans in place in the event of something like that happening again (I have to keep a whole separate kind of insulin around that I keep throwing away without using it just in case my pump breaks and I have to go back to injections. Which makes me furious, but that's another post) but it's still terrifying.
17. name 3 things that make you happy Thank god this question is last haha, I need to recover from the first two.
Singing! And music in general, but getting to be Part Of The Music is a nice bonus. It has been really good to have a group of people to sing with on a regular basis, and now that I live by myself I can just wander around the house singing whenever I want.
Going for walks in the park. I was so mad when I accidentally tricked myself into having a regular exercise routine a few years ago (this was also for diabetes anxiety related reasons) but yeah it turns out that going outside for my silly little lunch break walk is good for my mood as well as my blood sugar. Also sometimes I get asked for directions by tourists and it feels nice if I can actually help them.
Weirdly specific one, but people remembering my dietary restrictions (have to eat gluten free in addition to being diabetic) and cooking me food or choosing a restaurant to accommodate them without having to be reminded. Some of my friends (who cook a lot of stir fry and other rice-based stuff) keep a bottle of tamari around specifically so they can use it instead of soy sauce if I'm coming over.
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