#just wanted to do a lil bump for the new followers :D
sixteenth-days · 1 year
hey if you enjoy my hermit archives work you might also like my other silly little fics
tempering - 3,800 words - twoshot about Grian, Jimmy, Martyn, and Watchers, which eat what they love.
“You’re not actually Grian, are you?” Jimmy asks, suddenly, while they’re sitting side by side on a bench in Tumble Town.
getting possessed by your minecraft base: tips and tricks for dummies - 5,900 words - two-fic series (so far) centered on Tango.
Decked Out is a game for everyone. To keep it that way in the midst of a war, Tango negotiates treaties, agreements, truces, and backroom deals. Also he gets a little possessed, but that’s normal.
teeth on a string - 11,000 words - three-fic series about cannibalism. fundamentally lighthearted but RATED M FOR GRAPHIC VIOLENCE.
People eat Bdubs. That's just natural, because he's delicious.
grianmc - 1,000 words - oneshot, COMPLETELY unrelated take on the Watchers from the above one, very meta.
“You know,” Grian says again. “Your- Watchers.” Techno squints for a moment before understanding visibly dawns behind his eyes. “Ohhh, you mean Chat?”
cmon mumbo don't tell me you've never heard of a stable time loop - 3,000 words - oneshot about Grian and Mumbo resolving Mumbo's season 8 soul problem in the dumbest possible way
"Grian," says Mumbo, "your soul sucks."
no hat, head empty - 4,900 words - threeshot, comedy/slice of life. Scar can't find his hat.
Scar! That was his name! Okay, okay, good. He was getting somewhere. “So, this is a tiny bit embarrassing,” he confessed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Can you tell me where I am?”
the game plays us for fools - 5,600 words - two fic series. when your life is bound to someone else, sometimes things get a little strange!
"Grian was looking a bit disoriented?" tries Tango, which doesn't seem to help. He shifts Jimmy's grip to his hands. "What I mean is, I think being soulmates is like, a trait sharificator."
oh well, whatever, either way - 1,000 words - oneshot, Martyn post-Limited Life encounters Witchcraft SMP Cleo.
"Oh, it's you," says a voice Martyn can't place, won't place, until the ghost of a string wraps itself around his heart and pulls. He wrenches his eyes open against the searing not-color, and looks back at Cleo.
a matter of time - 5,500 words - oneshot, character study of Witchcraft Cleo.
Cleo’s very expansive definition of Time includes such disparate things as alternate universes (pretty much a synonym of alternate timelines), space (basically the same thing as time), explosions (energy, light, time, same difference), hexcasting (a pattern of meaningless shapes, ascribed meaning), and the fabric of narrative itself.
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lollytea · 2 years
After months of living together in HR i can t help but imagine Hunter s tiny lil part being afraid/nit wanting to come back. It s illogical and very rarely "speaks up" in his head. But as much as he s concerned for everyone at home he also wants to keep the other kids safe. And even tho he d never admit that it s so nice to live w them and finally not be alone. When they come back and/if everything goes well at all the rest of the kids will come back to their homes and loving families (amity would disagree here but shh) meanwhile he Doesn t have a place he could call home.
That said most of the time hunter would focus on the goal of getting everyone to BI n ignore such thoughts. He strikes me as somebody who tries to act/do something in order to avoid thinking about upsetting stuff.
I think Hunter loves the Boiling Isles with all his heart. It's where magic comes from, it's where all of his passions are. So I don't think he would ever be able to see himself never returning home. But at the same time...what even is "home" to Hunter? I feel like this is something that will only start to sink in once he's in the Human Realm for a few days. His room is gone, the castle he lived in is gone and even if it wasn't gone, it been contaminated by the memory of what it represents and Hunter would never be able to sleep soundly in the place anyway.
Those two days before the Day of Unity, where did Hunter stay? At Hexside? With Bump? My own headcanon, that I believe with every fibre of my being, is he stayed with the Porters, in Gus's room specifically. But he absolutely saw that as a temporary arrangement, until after they had solved the Belos problem. So while he really DOES want to return to the Boiling Isles, a part of him is dreading having to find somewhere new to put himself, while his friends easily fall back into the arms of their families and are taken home. It's bound to hurt just a little bit, no matter how determined he is to bring them home BECAUSE they have families. (Of course he's thinking about all this as a problem to face AFTER they solve the omnipotent Caillou problem.)
HOWEVER this way of thinking probably won't last long.
I feel like Hunter's relationships with the other kids can only get stronger with the time spent in the Human Realm and while that MAY make him hesitant to leave, it might also reaffirm his confidence that these are his friends and they're not going to leave him and if they return to the Boiling Isles then he's going to follow them there. His home is Gus, Willow, Luz, Amity and Flapjack. And if he has to find his own place to live just so he can be close to them, so be it.
It appears in Clouds on the Horizon that Willow and Gus have welcomed Hunter with open arms and I'm pretty sure they fully intend to hold on to him once they get home. Gus is probably under the impression that his home is also Hunter's home now and he figures that it's so obvious that he never really CHECKS if Hunter understands that too. But at some point they're reminiscing about the Boiling Isles and Gus just sighs and says "I can't wait to sleep in our room again..."
And Hunter's just like "What do you mean "our" room?"
"Mine and yours, dingus."
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Reality check
Fandom: DC Pairing: Damian Wayne x reader Word count: 4.1k Summary: It was a normal day for you when the sidewalk literally opens up and swallows you whole only to spit you back out into a world that you thought only existed in comics before. There you meet a certain Vigilante and things get more complicated very, very quickly... Warning: I think this classifies as angst, not sure though, Definitly almost drowning tho, also multiple instances of unconciousness, lil bit of fluff if you squint, also me trying to be funny and failing Requested by the incredibly, amazing, breathtaking @dudeidkwhattoputformyusername: Hi! I love your work! is it possible for u to do a Damian Wayne x reader one shot, where reader comes from reality and bumps into Damian in Robin form. Then u can develop from there anyway u like! preferably fluff tho. thank u!!!!!!!!!!
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Everything was blurry and your head was throbbing like someone was working on it with a jackhammer. The pain was the first thing that you felt during the process of waking up, no other sense quiet activated yet. Next was the realization that your body was shivering uncontrollably and wherever you were laying definitely wasn’t a bed for as far as you remembered, beds weren’t usually wet, cold and stone-hard. Following was your eyesight that finally returned to you, alongside with your smell and hearing, and as if they were high-school bullies who were teaming up against the local geek in a 90’s sitcom, they all came crashing up upon you like a train. Now theoretically seen, you were able to see, hear and smell again, but practically seen, asking you to do either of the three was like asking someone to find a needle in a needlestack, or a single straw of hay in a haystack. It was just too much, definite sensory overload. A few minutes you couldn’t do anything but lay there, shivering and cold and miserable, before slowly your brain started to work through all the input and sort through it until you were able to comprehend it. The first thing you noticed was the smell. It wasn’t a very pleasant one, it smelled like you fish, water and something rotten and if you had any more control over your body you probably would have thrown up. The sounds that you could hear now put the smells a little bit more into perspective. What sounded like screams and the end of the world before was now identifiable as the screeching of seagulls, the honking of boats and the soft crashing of waves. So you were near a harbor or port? The last puzzle piece was the view you got when you opened your eyes. The cold, wet, stone-hard ‘not-bed’ that you had been lying on was in fact a concrete jetty. Only a few feet away from you was the cold dark sea and above you was the night sky. How long have you been lying here? What happened? How did you get there? As you were staring up into the sky something about it made you uneasy, the way the stars were shining, the darkness of the universe, the fullness of the moon- Wait, wasn’t it a new moon just a few days ago? You sat up suddenly, immediately regretting it when the pain shook through your head again, re-starting the throbbin at 100%, and - after you could open your eyes again - looked down at your body. You were wearing a soaked through sweater that you had bought a few days prior and just as soaked through jeans and socks, your shoes nowhere in sight. The sea was restless and splashed against the sides of the jetty, dops landing on your sleeves and face. For some reason, the sensation of the liquid against your skin brought forth a flashback that completely blinded you. It was like you were watching from above as you relieved the last thing you remembered, how you had been going home after your part-time job at the library when the floor had literally peeled open below you and you fell into a cold nothingless, only for water to come crashing down at you from all sides. When you finally realized that you were not on the sidewalk a few blocks away from your home anymore, but in raging water, somewhere below the surface you were already only seconds away from drowning. With all the power you could muster and adrenaline rushing through your veins you managed to fight your way upwards and upwards until your hand finally broke through the water’s surface. The breath that you took when you made it up completely must have been the best and somehow worst gulp of air you had ever taken in. The adrenaline was ebbing off and the exhaustion made its way through all your muscles, but when you saw the lights in the distance you managed to keep on going until you had managed to pull yourself up a concrete jetty where you finally blacked out. Your mind made its way back into your body and you grasped the situation, even though believing it still wasn’t the easiest task. I mean the earth quite literally swallowing you up? That doesn't sound reasonable. And yet, it was the thing you remembered so you would have to live with that truth until someone could prove you otherwise. More and more questions started to swirl through your mind - an unreasonable amount of them quite honestly - but you knew you had to take things one step at a time. Okay, what did you know? You were in an unknown location so there was no new there, but your former question of ‘how long have you been there’ was now answered. Given the state of your clothes and the fact that it was still deep, dark night you couldn’t have been unconscious for long. But that didn’t help you much - you were still sitting there freezing cold and soaked with no idea where you actually were. What would you do usually when you were lost? Phone, ah, right. You patted over your pockets and actually found it, only to be very unsurprised when it only gave you a black void to stare into. Sadly you didn’t have a bag of rice to put it into in the other pocket, instead only a set of keys that you didn’t recognize along with something that looked like a keychain in form of a piece of polished wood with the letters D and (Your first initial) with a plus in between engraved into it. “Great, I can open some doors now, too bad I don’t know which,” you spoke aloud to yourself, only for the worlds to come out stuttered thanks to your teeth that were shaking just as much as the rest of you. You stuffed the keys and the broken phone back into your pockets and managed to pull yourself up and stand, even though all your muscles were screaming in despair. The thing you really wanted to do was lie back down and fall asleep again, wait for the sun to rise and dry your clothes, but you knew that with the coldness and the water all around you, you’d probably be dead or at least deadly sick by morning, so you had to find shelter, warmth and - maybe most importantly - answers. With slow, little steps you walked down the jetty, towards the buildings that looked unoccupied at that time of day, with an unknown city stretching out behind it that promised life and warmth. For what felt like hours, but was probably just minutes, you managed to walk a few feet until you were a safe distance away from the water and near a bench that must have been put there for people who wanted to watch the water or have a break from work or similar things. It looked at you so invitingly, so comfortably, so perfect. Deep inside you knew that you should probably not sit down, even if you told yourself it would be just for a few minutes, but your exhaustion took over and you sunk down onto it, falling to the side and rolling as good as it was possible together into a little roll. You’d take a nap, just a quick one, only a few minutes, then you’d get up with new energy and find the warmth you were looking for. The longer you sat there the heavier your eyelids got until you couldn’t take it anymore and the darkness enveloped you into its safety again.
The next time you woke up, things weren’t so bad anymore, it wasn’t all that blurry and the throbbing had dialed down a bit, but your body was shaking worse than before. In fact, it was shaking so bad that your shoulder thumbed against the backrest of the bench before being pulled forward again and repeating the circle, the only weird thing was that it was just your shoulder. And there was this weird pressure around it. Wait! You weren’t shaking worse, someone else was shaking you as if they were trying to wake you up. You peeled your eyes completely opened and looked into white voids surrounded by black and like your eyes were the camera of a 2000’ kids-camera they slowly zoomed out and revealed the white voids to be the eye-parts of a mask sitting on the face of a masked (duh) boy who was wearing a very, very colorful and bright outfit. It seemed familiar and the gears in your head started turning. “Habibti, you’re okay,” the boy said in a relieved tone and while he helped you sit up you mustered him with a confused look. “That’s not my name, it’s Y/N.” The way his mask contorted gave off a sense of confusion that mirrored yours, just with a little bit more worry in it, but before he could say anything else you motioned to his outfit. “What is it with the outfit? It isn’t Halloween yet, is it?” “You don’t recognize me?” he asked you and the tone of voice he used almost made you feel sorry for him, but given that you had no idea what he was talking about you would probably be able to cope. “No, sorry…” you started before the gears finally fell into place and you recognized it, “Oh, wait, I think I do, you’re playing Batman’s sidekick right? I think it was Robin. That’s so cool, I myself was always more of a Marvel fan - you know with Black Widow and all that - but both are super valid so cool hobby dude. It looks pretty rad too.” Even with the mask you could see the complete bedazzlement in his face and you wondered if your weird world-swallowing-experience had magically changed the language you spoke from English to Mandarine. “What- What do you mean?” “You’re Cosplaying right? Dressing up as a Comic Character?” you tried to explain and you could feel a slight anger building up at how stupid he made you feel without even being able to see his eyes. “I’m not Cosplaying a comic character?” he said in a questioning manner. “Yes, you are. You’re wearing the outfit and everything, like the guy in the Comics who works with Batman. I think his name was Richard or something, but you should know better, you’re cosplaying him after all,” you tried to explain yet again, seriously questioning your sanity. Now he really didn’t need the mask to hide the fact that he was seriously triggered by what you had said - even though you weren’t quite sure why. Had Robin been cancelled over twitter while you were unconscious? “I think it’d be better if I bring you to safety and get you checked out,” he averted the topic of the conversation and started to position his hands like he wanted to pick you up, but you put a stop to it when you pressed him away. “Listen, I appreciate the help, but I’ll definitely not be going with a complete stranger in a comic costume, so if you could just give me your phone so that I can call my parents or my friends that’d be great.” For a few seconds he just sat there straight, as if unsure of the best course of action, before he sight and pulled a phone out, unlocking it and handing it to you. Your fingers hovered over the keyboard as you thought about who to call, thankful that your mum had made you learn her number by heart, but when you went to dial it your whole body stopped working, like there was a physical restriction keeping you from typing. Suddenly you realized it. You didn’t know the number - you knew you should, that you had been using it for years upon years and that you definitely should know it - and your eyes grew wide. You scavenged through your head searching for more numbers, but then you realized another thing. There were none. How was that possible? You didn’t even know the area code from where you lived. “I- I don’t- what?” you looked up at the boy with tearful eyes, the reality of the situation just too much for you. “It’s okay, I’m sure it will come back to you,” he tried to sooth you, but you were too frustrated and sad to be happy about soothing from some creepy geek. “Would you please finally tell me why you’re in costume?” you asked exasperated and moved further away from him. “I-” The answer of the boy was cut short when a ‘whooshing’ sound echoed around the area and a booming voice called out: “Robin”. The boy shot you another look before shouting back. “I’m here, I’ve-” he obviously wanted to add something, but he cut himself off this time and just looked at you. A man in a black, leather suit with a black cowl over his face that you noticed to be definitely inspired by Batman and very well done came rushing towards you. Again, you couldn’t see his eyes, but you recognized the same worried look that the boy already had. “Oh no, not another one,” you sighed and pushed your hair back, “Is there some kind of Comic Convention here? Or is this a weird sexual thing?” Now the man looked at the boy even more confused, and the boy just shrugged, but instead of answering you, he brought his hand up to where his ear was under the cowl and spoke to himself: “I’ve found Robin, he’s found her, we’re going to come back now.” If it had only been the first and last part of that sentence you would have made a joke about them being into LRPG or something, but the ‘her’ part scared you for some reason. You stood up and backed away, happy that the boy didn’t keep the grip on even though his eyes were following your every move. “This was fun and all, but I’m still soaked and really cold, and I had a nice swim earlier which I want to calm down from again, so I think I’ll just go back home now, call myself a cab or something,” you turned around, more than ready to strain your muscles yet again with running away, but it never got to that point, because a second later you were ripped up from the ground and sizzled through the air. It was so surprising that you didn’t even manage to scream before you found yourself with hard ground under your feet again. You looked up at what had pulled you through the skies and found the boys face yet again and - may it have been from the scare of everything finally becoming to much - the last thing you could say before you blacked out for the third time that night was: “That’s some on point cosplay dude.”
The soft sheets of your bed gave you a sense of relief as you woke up from that weird ass dream that you were having. You were unsure about why exactly your unconsciousness was making you see these things, but you made a mental note about checking the dream meaning of getting swallowed by the sidewalk later on. For now all you wanted was to go have some breakfast and call your mom to tell her about that dream. So you opened your eyes and threw the blanket back only to be surprised by the ceiling that was definitely not yours. There was a sound beside you and you looked over to see a boy about your age, black hair standing up from his head a little spiky and green eyes focused entirely on you. “Oh for fuck’s sake,” you cursed and moved as far away from the boy as possible, “Who are you?!” “What do you remember?” the boy asked you, completely ignoring your question. Your eyes flew to the door that was right behind him and you found that there was no way for you to get to it without having to overthrow the boy - but by the looks of him he’d knock you out easily. “I was on my way home from my job when the fucking ground opened up, swallowed me, thrw me back up into the ocean and then I met two werid ass cosplayers before I woke up here.” “You still think we’re cosplayers?” “We?” “Yes,” he just nodded with complete ease. “Well, I gotta admit that flying thing was pretty rad. What was that? Are you actors and you’re making a movie? Because if so then I’m sorry for bursting onto the shooting site.” “We’re not making a movie,” he stated, still completely chilled, even though there was something else lying under it. “What then? You telling me you’re actually Robin? Because if so I’m not the only one who needs to have her head checked out,” you scoffed and rolled your eyes, arms crossing in front of your chest. The boy just mirrored your look, completely stern and serious. “You’re not serious, are you?” you couldn’t help but let out an unbelieving chuckle. He kept silent and just observed you. “You fucking are, oh my gosh.” “How can I prove it to you?” he asked, still so incredibly serious that you felt like you were a clown walking in on a job interview. “Oh, I don’t know. Call Flash, Superman and the easter bunny over so we can have tea with the tooth fairy,” you answered ironically and made a ‘cray-cray’ gesture with your hand going in circles beside your temple, but instead of being offended by your comment, he just pulled out his phone - the same phone you had tried to use earlier you noted. “What are you doing?” you asked, but he just held his hand up to sush you and raised the phone to his ear. “Hello, it’s Damian Wayne,” he introduced himself to the other person -  and you noted that he was not a ‘Richard’ after all, “Yes, could you do me a favor? Could you come to the Manor real quick? Yes, yes I know, no it’s not an emergency. The suit would be great, yes. See you in a bit. You opened your mouth again when he hung up to ask who he called over, but he kept his hand up and motioned to you to wait, while he opened up the window, even though it was still cold out. A gust of wind filled the room and suddenly there was another boy standing besides the original boy - Damian as he had introduced himself - who was wearing a cape, a shirt with a logo that was definitely Supermans and ripped jeans. “H-How the fuck did he just? Was he here this whole time? What? How?” you stuttered and looked between Damian and the other boy who looked at you even more confused than you felt, but Damian waved him off and motioned for him to leave, which he promptly did. The new boy looked at Damian with question marks in his eyes, but he just waved him off. “You believe me now?” he asked, directed towards you and you had to admit it was pretty convincing. “But how? I’m in a comic?” “Y/N, this isn’t a comic, this is reality,” Damian told you with a soft voice, but your eyes just widened and you tried to move back even further. “How do you know my name?” “In your left pocket there is a set of keys and keychains. One of these keychains is a piece of wood with two letters engraved. A D and a (Your first initial), am I right?” Your heart stopped for a second and you patted the pocket where that exact thing was still lying. “H-How do you know my name?” “What do you remember about your life, about how you ended up in the water?” he avoided the question like a pro and you decided to play along, just in hope he’d answer your question sooner or later. “I was born the daughter of Y/Parents/N in Y/H/T. I grew up normally and went to school, nothing special, got a job on the side and when I went home yesterday the sidewalk started to open up like there was an earthquake and I was suddenly in the water, I told you about that part already.” “And you have never met me in your life?” he asked and sounded almost disappointed. “No, an hour ago I thought you didn’t exist outside of paper, the internet and movies,” you huffed and tried to figure out what his endgame was with this, when he pulled his phone out again and tapped on it for a bit before shoving it in your direction. “How do you explain this then?” You moved forwards with caution until you could see the screen and your breath stopped. It was a picture of you. Of Damian and you to be precise. The two of you were sitting on a bench, laughing and smiling and obviously happy, a cute dog on the ground between the two of you where something else drew your attention. In the photograph your left hand was intertwined with his right one. “W-What is this? Some sick kind of joke?” “You really don’t remember? Not at all?” he asked flabbergasted. “Remember what? What is going on here?” you almost shouted, the frustration becoming just a little bit too much, “Please just give me some explanation, please.” “You’re Y/N Y/L/N, you really are the daughter of Y/Parents/N, but you didn’t grow up in Y/H/T, you grew up here in Gotham. You went to Gotham academy, where the two of us met and...became friends. You found out about me being Robin and my father being Batman rather quickly too,” Damian explained and even though it didn’t match up even slightly with what you remembered, it felt weirdly accurate. You went to the bed again and sucked down onto it, before thinking back to the picture and raised an eyebrow at Damian. “Not that I say it’s true what you’re saying, but if we hypothetically say it was, then we weren’t just friends, right? We’re together?” “Yes.” “Okay,” a sigh escaped you and everything was feeling blurry, but you had to continue asking, wanting to know the truth, “Then how do you explain me ending up in the ocean?” “That’s where things get a bit harsher,” Damian sight too, but obviously for other reasons, “Yesterday evening you accompanied me to a party - a family thing - on a yacht and things were going great, but something went wrong. No one had an idea that the weather would shift like that, but a storm came and the yacht was thrown around and you - you were thrown off, I thought you died, I was devastated, but- uhm...well… You remembered that keychain? I gave it to you for our first year anniversary and it may or may not have a tracker in it, so that I could find you in a worst case scenario and if that wasn’t a worst case scenario then I don’t know what is.” For a few minutes silence filled the room as you worked through all of the new information, but the sad look on Damian’s face, the seriousness in his voice, the entire situation in itself? They made it hard to doubt what he was telling you. Your gaze was stuck on your fidgeting hands when you asked the one underlying question. “Why can’t I remember?” “I don’t know, I think you must have hit your head when you fell off and your mind mixed things up - mixed reality into something else and took a few actual things and made them fiction,” Damian gave you his half-assed, definitely not medically appropriate explanation, but you couldn’t blame him for that, you had no idea either. You pulled your legs up and hugged your knees close as you looked at him, really trying to see this supposed boyfriend of yours, but your mind just turned up blank. “What if I’ll never remember? What if that’s the way it’ll be from now on?” “I’m positive that things will turn out fine, we have friends who have the best medical experience you can get, we even have mind readers who could probably help you and if not, we’ll help you make new memories, I’ll help you and I’ll wait for the memories to come back just in case.” “That’s not fair on you though, Right now I’m not the girl you’re with, you shouldn’t have to go through this,” tears were now welling up at your eyes, even though you weren’t completely sure why your emotions were so strong. “I don’t care, I really don’t, because no matter what you remember or don’t, I love you and I really hope you’ll remember that you love me too…”
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
The Fabric Roll Of Fate
So this has been sitting in my WIPs since October of last year... Finally had the time to finish it up! More like I couldn’t sleep so I finally worked on it
Hope you enjoy it!
Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo (welcome to the permanent taglist!)
It was one of those random family outings, one of those moments that Damian was reluctantly dragged to
He just wanted to stay home and train for the upcoming fencing tournament in his school, one of the few things that Damian looked forward to in the school year
Yet here he was, being held captive and listening to Garyson talk for the umpteenth time about his daughter’s latest adventure
Finding an opening, Damian slips off, walking through alleyways to escape his family, eventually arriving to the fashion district of Gotham
He decides to enter the first store he sees, seeing as his hands were starting to get cold
He hated Gotham’s chilly and cold seasons. Spring was his favorite season.
As he ventures inside the store, he starts to look at the fabric inside, now wondering why fashion designers were so picky with their fabrics
It was when he saw two identical rolls of fabric that he decided to investigate for his answer
As he runs his hands across two white fabrics (linen and velvet), he notices the slight differences, not noticing that he was starting to mumble his observations
It was then that his hand bumps into someone else’s Damian turning to see a girl his age.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to bother you!” She quickly apologizes. “You were probably in your zone and-”
“I was simply looking at them. You didn’t interrupt anything.”
Damian watches as the girl relaxes and smiles at him.
“I see. Well, if you need any help, I’d be happy to help! Is there a certain reason you’re-”
“I was thinking of hiring someone to make me a suit for an upcoming event-” Damian attempted to lie (although he technically didn’t as his family was looking for one...not like he was going to tell them about the one he just found), taken aback when the girl looked at him with twinkling eyes. What was going on
“A suit? So I’m guessing a tux, but if you want something to make you standout- but I think you don’t want that, huh?” She begins to look him up and down, quickly mumbling some numbers to herself. “Black or any dark color would suit you, but having emerald accents-no! Gold accents would suit you better.” Damian remains silent as she circles him, not once placing a hand on him. “Shawl collars, traditional or modern could work. Definitely single breast, maybe tail-oh god no. No tails.” Damian watched as her eyes filled with happiness. “A cumberbund would definitely suit you. That’s where I can place the gold!”
Damian kept listening as the girl kept listing ideas to herself, watching with awe as she kept the ideas coming, eventually snapping out of his trance when she presented him a card.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to make that suit. Of course! The decision is yours if you’d allow me to make it.” He watches as the girl points to a phone number and email address in rose gold. “Give me a call, text or email if you decide to accept my offer. See ya!”
Damian is left dumbfounded as he watches her go and pick some fabric rolls, purchase them and then leave.
“What just happened?”
Damian looks at the all black card in his hand. On one side was the phone number and email. On the other, the letters M D C were on the card, a single line going through the three letters. Simple, yet elegant.
Damian ends up accepting the offer, setting to meet the girl that Friday afternoon after his classes.
When his family attempts to tag along, he tells them no, setting on going alone.
“Welcome to my humble home.” She greets him after picking him up (she insisted despite Damian saying he had his own mode of transport) at the rendezvous and then to her flat. He was faced with one of Gotham’s most expensive penthouses, Damian wondering who exactly was this girl who can afford one of his father’s expensive hotels.
“Do you...live by yourself?”
“Yup! Although my uncle- oh! How can I forget?” The girl says, closing the door behind her. “Sorry for the late introduction! My name’s Marinette. The one behind the upcoming brand MDC. I’m currently here for a commission. Although, by the looks of it, I might end up staying here in Gotham.”
He’s heard of her, the decade’s youngest designer in the fashion world, or so he’s heard.
“Now, let’s start with getting your measurements, shall we?”
One visit became two, to then various
And they were mainly never about his suit that she was making him.
He didn’t know why he found him attracted to her place...to her
But simply felt at home with her
He quickly learns everything about her. Her old school life, her friends, her ex, her parents, hobbies, and old commissions. 
At first he thought she graduated early from highschool because of her bully, but it turns out that it was because she already had all her requirements done and seeing that there was no other reason to stay, she left. Also, having more time is what she needed if she wanted to succeed in the fashion world. So when her uncle (who he learns is Jagged Stone) offered her a hand, she took it and came to Gotham.
But Damian didn’t just listen, he also talked about himself
About Titus, his family, his fencing tournament. His opinions on Selina. His mixed feelings about his mother.
His family kept trying to follow him, but they have yet to figure out where he would go every other afternoon and evening.
Months pass, the suit already done and ready to be worn, but it still wasn’t the day of the Gala yet. But even then, Damian still stopped by, often times letting Marinette use him as a mannequin and dress form
Sometimes they would continue to talk about their mundane lives or things from the past that still ate at them, anything for Damian to simply listen to her voice because while he didn’t fully accept it, he knew he had feelings for her.
A scene that happens:
“And the worst part was that Alya knew she was lying. Lila was definitely not there because Alya was there. She was the one who saw Ladybug capture the akuma not Lila. Lila wasn’t anywhere near Paris when it even happened!” Marinette huffed as she tippy toed to make sure she was measuring the correct portion of Damian’s back. 
Damian felt her presence ever so close to him, causing him to panic. Yes, he only allowed her to invade his personal space, but this was too much for his heart. 
The aroma of baked goods always radiated from her and being this close only made Damian want to become obsessed with the smell even more. 
“So even with that in mind, this Alya decided to take the other girl’s stance?” Marinette let out a sigh, walking in front of Damian and throwing the tape measure around his neck, causing him to tense up. 
“Yeah, and I guess that’s what really made me snap to reality when it came to Alya.” Mari frowned at that, tightening the tape closer to each other to get a collar measure. 
Lord, did she have no idea how much restraint Damian had to put himself under for just wanting to kiss her right now, but he knew better than than. 
He took her hands away from the tape, noticing her eyes lacking that shine they usually carry when she’s in the crafting zone. He looked at her hands, covered in calluses and a few sewing mishaps. Even when they were covered in painful memories, Marinette hands were still gentle. “What’s gentle?” 
Damian’s breath hitched, realizing that he said that last part out loud. 
“You are.” Damian said, bringing her hands to his lips to kiss. Damian couldn’t help but feel victorious at the sight of Marinette glowing pink. “You’re a gentle and kind person. She doesn’t deserve your kindness if she was willing to quickly push you aside like that.”
Marinette looked straight at Damian before throwing herself into his chest, almost causing him to tip back. “Thank you, Damian.”
A few days were left until the gala, and it just had to be that time when his stupid brothers found out about his meetings with Marinette (and him coning to terms that he absolutely loves her)
“A girl, huh?” Jason would tease while Dick tried to gathering more information about Damian’s “friend”
“She’s simply designing my suit for-”
“The gala. Sure Lil’ D.” Grayson would say before wanting to pry more information from him. 
“Why don’t you invite her to the gala?” Bruce proposes, Damian no thinking about it
“Maybe I will.” He regrets saying
And Marinette ends up saying yes, now panicking about what to wear
“What about that dress?” Damian points to her almost completed black dress.
A high collared black dress with long sleeves was what Damian was referring to. With an open back and skirt that fell to the ground, it’s golden accents by the collar that ran across the chest...it would match his own all black suit with golden accents at the shoulders and cumberbund. 
“That.. that could actually work.”
Time skip to the gala, where when the two arrive, they steal the spotlight because not only did Damian arrive with a date, but she was stunning. Despite being three inches taller than him, Marinette was perfect by his side
“So Damian, what’s her name and how’d you meet this girl?” Jason asked first, but to Dick’s annoyance.
“Her name’s Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the one behind both of our attires.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Dupain-Cheng.” Bruce manages to say despite being surprised by Damian’s new development.
“So how-” Tim attempted to ask, but marinette cut him off.
“We met at a fabric store. A fabric roll brought us together.”
The night goes on, with it ending by Marinette asking Damian to be her boyfriend. (Damian then also reveals that he was also going to ask her to be his girlfriend)
“Of course.” He says, having to stretch to kiss her, glad to have gone into that fabric store that day.
Sure, it was weird, but Damian was glad to day that a single fabric roll decided their fate of meeting each other.
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
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➳ Wolf Hybrid! AU
➳ Impregnation/Breeding-Kink
*Prompter’s choice of Situation/Location and Kink
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Gender of the Reader: female
Word Count: 980
Genre: Smut!
Rating: 18+
Warnings: HEAVY Dirty Language + Dirty Talk; a little bit Pet-Play (the reader wears lingerie with dog ears ;D); some verbal Degradation; Praising; Body-Worshipping; Pussy Exhibitionism; vaginal Sex; strong Breeding-Kink + (consensual) Impregnation; Knotting; Mentions of Pregnancy Sex
A/N: Well, how to explain that... I don't really know if I ever want kids in my life (for real!), but omg I'm so fucking down for Hybrid Smut and Breeding and Knotting Kink! That's why I loved this request really much!🙈💕
I hope y'all filthy bitches like that too~ 🐺💦
BTS Smut Drabbles
My official Masterlist!
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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He growls so deep, it's a real animalistic one when you turn around in the new white lingerie you bought for him, wearing it together with a matching pair of fluffy dog ears. It's illegal to look so cute and sexy in that 'innocent' outfit, you dressed yourself up as a little naughty mate for your fiancé. Your eyes dropping to the floor in a nonchalant way, biting your lip. "A-Alpha? Can you please h-help me? My Body is feeling so hot... I-I think, I'm in ovulation time right now..."
The first few seconds Jungkook just stared at you in disbelief, he already noticed the change in scent when he came through the front door. When you let out a desperate 'Please...' , he didn't let any unneccessary time slip away, comes directly over to you.
Big hands grabbing your half lacy covered ass cheeks, putting you on the dining table in the living room, mouth latching yours. God, his kiss alone shows you what you're doing to him, he's hungry. So, so hungry for you as if he's a starving man. Like a starving wolf, needy for his little bitch.
He's standing between your legs, grinding shamelessly his big but still growing bulge against your sweet, drenched center.
"I'm going to breed my lil doggy bitch, wanna fuck my thick cum in that delicious pussy of yours, want to shoot so much semen into you until your womb is full with my little pups. Until your sweet hole is gaping from my fat knot and your cunt is leaking of all my creamy cum!"
You start to whine, god you love when he's talking to you like that. So filthy, so primal and so so dirty.
"Come Baby, into the bedroom. Your nest is waiting for you, I'll take care of my fertile Babygirl, make her womb really happy and satiesfied with my little babies..."
The seductive lingerie and all other clothes are gone long time ago, they found their way to the floor unnoticed. Now you are completely bare and in an almost vulnerable way spreaded open, just for your Jungkook's hungry eyes.
Your thighs don't hide anything of precious center anymore, they're laying sideways on the bedsheets and exposing your Alpha's most desired prey so deliciously.
You start to squirm under Jungkook's heavy breath, his nostrils are flaring. The smell of your aphrodisiac-like arousal activiates all of his urgest primal instincts and you can imagine, how incredibly difficult it is for Jungkook to control his animalistic behaviours.
Because you're fertile. Since Jungkook and you met years ago, today it's the first day for him to smell the scent of your pure fertile arousal.
You never informed your mate about your decision to stop taking the birth control pills, this here is your personal way to show him that you're ready to start a family with him.
Your pussy is so fucking drenched in sweetest juices, you're overflowing and your honey is literally dripping onto the mattress.
Your hand trembles a little bit when you part your swollen pussy lips with your right index and middle finger. Letting him know, how ready you already are.
There is no need to waste time for foreplay or so, you should use the following hours properly to breed a proper litter of pups into you.
"Seems like, here is someone so fucking damn desperate to get bred! Hmm, just look at you, your gorgeous body prepared everything for me and my cum. Such a wonderful healthy body to feed my babies so good while they're growing in you. Letting them grow so strong and well-nurished with all the things they need in your womb. A wonderful tummy to keep them safe, those pretty hips and look at this perfect pelvis! That's a pelvis to bear my babies in the most comfortable way ever~", growls your fiancé in the deepest timbre into your ear and sucking gently on your soft throat.
His voice is low but so smooth, lovingly praising you, his mate, with filthy words how good you prepared your body for his seeds. God, when he just looks at her and smelling her mind-numbing scent... everything screams at him, to bury many pups into her womb.
"...and then these big heavy tits, perfect for all this milk you need, to nurse my babies good. Let my babies grow to wonderful persons... fuck, you have the perfect body to get bred!", wispers Jungkook almost tenderly when he slides teasingly with his thick cock between your puffy pussy lips. Playing a little bit your clit and circling gently your entrance with his crown, looking at you in a loving way... but still bold and all teasy.
He knows about your concerns of pregnancy, body changes and having a family together. You mentioned them to him when he had his first rut after you officially get together into a relationship.
But your Alpha wants you to be proud.
To be proud of getting pregnant with his babies, to be proud to become a mom for his childrens, to be proud of having a family with him. Not to be shy to show that beautiful pregnant body.
"Baby, when I've impregnate you today, then I want you to ride me the next months with your growing baby bump! You should cockmilking me with your sweet pussy, comfort your already fed womb with a bit more cum. When you do that for me, I'll stroke your round belly, gently carressing our growing babies in your uterus. Hmm, fuck... I want to watch you so badly like that! How my beautiful fertilized babygirl is riding me with her sexy Baby Bump.", he grunts, finally sinks slowly into you and filling you completely up to the cerfix.
"Hm, Baby? Do you want that? Wanna have even more Sex and Breeding when you're already impregnated? In my opinion that sounds really great~"
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kyber-queen · 4 years
Someone New (Rex x Jedi!reader)
Summary: This is a lil prequel for the Like Real People Do universe, but it can be read as a stand-alone!! Shiny!Rex is completing additional training under Jedi!reader and he’s painfully in love, big brother Cody gives advice (Codywan if you squint), some mutual pining and confessions!! 
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Mentions of blood, mentions of blasters, awkward Rex, kithes
Author’s Note: I wanted to write something happy for this series since its ending brought me so much pain. This is an elaboration of one of the memories Rex brings up in Pt. 4 -- I hope you all enjoy!! Also-- shebs means one’s backside in Mando’a if you were not aware :D
Shots fired off in quick succession to your left, the sheer volume of the mock battle around you rattling your brain. You were holed up behind a barricade next to Rex—the other troopers you were running the simulation with had scattered themselves behind various other blockades. Their helmets were turned expectantly towards you. You glanced over your shoulder at Rex, his visor trained on your face as he waited for your command. He’d been specifically selected to complete additional tactical training, and he had proven himself to be a fast learner and a skilled tactician. He had quickly assumed the position of your right-hand man, pointing out possible troop formations that even you might have missed. Your reliance on him during training quickly extended beyond the battlefield arena—you considered him a friend, and a good one at that. You cared about him, sometimes more than you knew a Jedi should.
“Sir, we’re bogged down from the front, and they’re looking to circle around from behind. Where do you want us?”
You acknowledged Rex with a tilt of your head, scanning the battlefield and eyeing the heavy artillery cannons protected by a row of battle droids—if you could dismantle the cannons, your troops could make a final push to the citadel under lighter fire.
“Cover me—I’m going to take out the artillery,” Rex nodded as you turned to address the rest of the men.
“Stand your ground—pick off the battle droids until we can take out the cannons,” you called.
Assuring that everyone had heard your orders, you leapt up from behind the barricade and started off towards the artillery cannons with a sprint. You made it maybe ten paces before the ground in front of you erupted with a bang.
Your vision flashed and your ears rang, and your body sailed through the air until you felt something solid collide against your back. Hands came to steady your waist, and an all-too-familiar voice sounded from behind you.
“You alright, sir?”
Rex. You absorbed the feeling of his strong hands gripping your waist, looking over your shoulder to see his masked gaze focused on your face. You shook off the momentary stun.
“I’m fine—focus on the cannons,” you shouted.
“Roger that,” he called.
Rex flexed his fingers, the sensation of your waist underneath his fingertips lingering far longer than it should have. He gulped. He trusted you—far more than the average trust built between a trooper and their commanding officer. You had singled him out on the first day he was stationed with you, mentioning that the Marshal Commander had issued a glowing report of his promise as a tactician. Since then, you and Rex had become near inseparable. Somewhere in between the late nights spent developing complex battle strategies and running over military codes, Rex found you invading more and more of his thoughts. It grew beyond just friendly trust—it’s like you put some Jedi curse on him. Your face plagued him during mess, while he was sleeping, in the kriffing refresher—every kind smile and friendly touch played over in his head tenfold. He knew the butterflies in his stomach were traitorous, but when you said his name with that sweet smile on your lips, every rule and regulation went out the window.
“Rex, blast it!” You gestured your saber at an approaching battle droid, still charging ahead to the cannons.
Rex shook himself from his ruminations, silently berating himself for his distraction as he fired at the droid. He was well and truly fucked.
“You did well today,” you smiled, bumping your shoulder against Rex’s pauldron. “Keep that up and you’ll be an ARC in no time,”.
Rex preened at your praise, punching in the code to enter the locker room with a grin. The door slid open with a clank.
“Keep an eye on those detonators, by the way,” he teased. “Almost had to scrape you off the duracrete,”.
You rolled your eyes as he followed you into the locker room.
You made a beeline to the sink, splashing water onto your face, which was still flushed with exertion from the training simulation. The locker room buzzed with excitement at a battle well-won. You glanced up from your reflection in the mirror, watching as a few straggling troopers stripped off their armor before heading to the refresher. You turned back to the sink, scrubbing your face and neck clean.
When you next looked up from the sink, your gaze was returned by a certain bleach-blond trooper.
His towel was slung low over his hips, and your eyes widened as you traced a bead of water from his temple all the way down to his chest. You followed it across his abdomen, watching as the water droplet slipped underneath the towel. Your cheeks flushed. Rex was your friend. Every single thought racing through your mind at that moment crossed every line drawn by your friendship, not to mention the regulations specified for the clones and the creed of the Jedi order. You were ashamed to admit to yourself that this wasn’t the first time you had considered him in that way, either. The crease in his brow when he focused, his gentle smile when the two of you organized a successful strategy, his voice low in your ear as he leaned over your shoulder to point out a stray troop formation you had missed—he drew you in, no matter how much you resisted. On the day you met him, his force signature reached out to yours. Since then, neither meditation nor mindfulness was enough to keep him out of your head. It was just your luck that you were certain he would never feel the same.
Your eyes flashed back up to Rex’s reflection in the mirror. You both looked away.
Rex was trained to be observant—he didn’t miss the way your eyes traced his body. Your gaze was electrifying. You were a Jedi. You had enchanted him within the first week of training, and now, Rex was certain he’d do just about anything you’d ask. You had no business falling for a shiny, yet the fire behind your eyes gave Rex hope. You treated him like a person, not an expendable soldier. With every evening you spent at his side reading tactical manuals and discussing new techniques, he found himself becoming more and more entangled with you.
“Cody—can we talk?”
Cody looked up from his paperwork, shuffling a large stack into place.
“What do you need, Rex?”
Rex entered the room fully, shuffling over to the desk and leaning rather awkwardly against it. Cody noted Rex’s strained expression with a deep sigh.
“It’s not the Jedi, is it?”
Rex nodded apologetically.
Cody took a deep breath, drumming his fingertips across the other side of the desk.
“You know their code, right? No attachments?”
Rex nodded again.
“Rex—vod’ika—almost every trooper I know has had a crush on a Jedi. It works out maybe one out of 100,000 times, if at all,”.
Rex’s brow furrowed.
“I know, Cody, I just—”
He trailed off. Cody shook his head with a sigh, meeting Rex’s eyes with a sad look on his face. Cody knew the second Rex had mentioned his additional training sessions with the pretty Jedi knight that nothing good could come of it. It was dangerous for Rex and the Jedi, both—Cody knew firsthand. Still, Rex was his brother, and Cody would help him where he could.
“Alright, here. Use Mando’a—natborns’ll go wild for it. And remember, you’re a man of action. A soldier. If you think they care about you the way you care about them, do something before they lose interest,”.
Rex nodded, listening intently. His head tilted in curiosity.
“Does that work for you?”
Cody smiled softly.
“Almost always,���. The smile disappeared. “And Rex?”
“Don’t do anything stupid. It’s been a while since I’ve heard about a brother being reconditioned, but—” He trailed off, looking intently at Rex, before placing a strong hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Just—be careful,”.
Rex nodded, uttering a quiet ‘thank you’ before walking back out the door.
You leaned against the wall of the locker room, drumming your fingertips absentmindedly. You waited patiently for the troopers to clear out of the refresher so you could take a shower with some semblance of privacy. Almost all the clones had left for the barracks—except for Rex. He had lingered around the locker room today, for whatever reason. He’d been off recently, you had noticed. More skittish, less talkative. At least he wasn’t darting off to the barracks without a second glance, today. He emerged from the ‘fresher stall in the bottom half of his blacks, a towel tossed over his broad shoulders. You watched his back tense up as he reached for his blacks top in his locker.
Rex’s gaze met yours for a split second as he pulled his shirt over his head—his face was flushed bright red. You were perplexed. Rex was your closest real friend on base, and he had been acting downright strange the past few days. Did you offend him in some way? Had you managed to screw up your friendship without even saying a word? At your training session today, he had just about choked on his tongue when you got him pinned while sparring.
“Rex, you alright?”
The trooper met your gaze with a hushed breath of air that might have been a chuckle were he not so damn nervous. Cody told him to do something, right? He needed to make a move.
Rex closed the gap between the two of you with three quick strides, reaching a calloused hand up to cup your face.
“Cyare,”. His voice was hushed, almost reverent. Butterflies erupted in your stomach.
You opened your mouth slightly, but before you could respond, his lips crashed into yours. His teeth caught painfully at your bottom lip, and you jolted away with a gasp of surprise and pain.
He had kissed you.
You brought two tentative fingers to your mouth, pulling them away to reveal a tiny drop of blood. Your hand dropped to your side.
You met Rex’s eyes—it seemed as if all the color had disappeared from his face.
Rex knew he had fucked up. You were staring at him, silently, with an entirely unreadable expression across your face. This was it, he was going to get reconditioned. Cody’s words echoed through his mind. Don’t do anything stupid. And what did he do? He kissed his Jedi commanding officer, and not only that, he busted their lip open. Cody could tell him he told him so while hauling his defective shebs all the way back to Kamino.
“I-I’m sorry,”. Rex’s voice was barely a whisper.
You heard the tremor in his voice. Your heart ached, and the concern melted from your brow. Cyare—that meant beloved in Mando’a, you thought. He cared for you, too. You reached up to Rex’s face, curling your fingers around his jaw. You pulled him down to your height and into a kiss far gentler than the one before. Your lips slid softly against his, reveling in the warmth of his mouth on yours. His hands circled your waist lightly as he continued to press those soft, gentle kisses against your lips. He certainly was a quick learner. You felt his contented sigh against your cheek as you traced his jaw with your thumb. You could get drunk on kissing him. You pulled away slowly, Rex’s lips chasing yours as he stole just one more kiss from your smiling mouth.
His hands lingered on your waist, so light that you could barely feel them touching you. You rested your forehead against his. His force signature was warm and bright—more so than you had ever felt before. Rex’s unsteady voice broke the silence.
“I wanted you to know,”.
You hummed in response, your hands cupping his face as he melted into your touch.
“I care about you too, Rex,”.
His hands strengthened in their grip around your waist as he held you closer to him.
“So, what happens now?”
you searched his eyes, and warmth blossomed in your chest. All you knew was that you cared about him, and that was enough. You’d have to be careful, you noted. Pursuing this was going to be dangerous, for the both of you, and possibly painful. Your future was clouded—the force offered neither judgement nor advice.
Your thumb coasted over the apple of his cheek, and Rex let his eyes flutter closed for just a moment at the gentleness of your touch. When you next spoke, your voice was soft and hopeful.
“We’ll figure it out as we go,”.
Like Real People Do Taglist: @pinkiemme @callme-eds @porgnugget @obi-robi-kenobi
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snesdudes · 4 years
I saw what you did there anon!!! Thank you so much for your request 😍
From this list of prompts.
Pairing: Mason x f!detective (Alice Santos)
Prompt: “I’m never going to leave you. I promise.”
Warnings: SOFT MASON ALERT!!! Really, the amount of fluff is surprising even for me. Lil bit of angst as well, specially at the begining. Mason has a nightmare. Alice doesn't have any of his shit.
Words: ~2.4k
Read on ao3
Wayhaven was in silence. The streets empty, the neighbors sleeping. It was four in the morning and the birds weren't awake yet.
In Alice's bedroom, she dreamed peacefully, her face buried in Mason's chest, a cocoon of warmth created by his arms, one under her head, the other lazily resting over her waist. Their naked legs were tangled under the sheets. His breath made some of her curls sway, just in front of his mouth, an inch away to tickle his nose.
She smiled softly in her sleep. She was at the beach, and Unit Bravo was there too. The day was bright and warm and Mason was smiling. Felix's laughter filled the air and Nate and Adam were bantering. They didn't have a care in the world of her dreams.
Mason's fingers twitched against her skin. A low whimper, a frown disturbing his sleeping face. A word uttered in the darkness.
She stirred in his arms, not quite waking up, but part of her brain acknowledging his distress. She hummed and wrapped her arm tighter around his back, her other hand curled in front of her lips.
The nightmare was getting worse. It had been a while since he had felt that level of fear. Sometimes he had dreamed about Murphy. About how he bit her, how he cradled her in his arms when she lost consciousness.
But not tonight.
In his nightmare, he watched as Alice wrapped her arms around herself, hugging her frame tightly. It was as if she was trying not to break into pieces at his feet. He had said something, maybe done something, that was causing her to retreat from him. Silent tears fell down her cheeks.
He was used by now to the way she looked at him (not that it stopped his heart from jumping when he caught certain glances). Sometimes playful, sometimes mischievous, sometimes lustful… but always warm. Always affectionate… loving.
But there was none of that spark in her eyes now. They were dull, blank, as if she didn't recognize him anymore. His heart stuttered inside his chest and he reached for her, but her eyes widened and she took a step back, his fingers grasping on air. He could see her knuckles turning white at how tightly she was hugging herself.
"Don't touch me." Her voice, which he expected to be sharp as a blade, was broken and ragged, and she fell to her knees. "I can't believe…"
Mason took a step towards her, but no matter how much he tried to advance, she was not closer.
"Alice… Don't…"
She sobbed and looked at him accusingly.
"Are you happy now?" She wailed loudly.
He frantically searched around him, not quite placing where the other voice was coming from. But the kneeling Alice snarled at him.
"Is this what you wanted?"
Her arms opened to show him what he had done.
He woke up with a start, forest green eyes staring at him worriedly, her hands pressed against both sides of his face.
"Alice? You… you were…"
His senses were dampened by both her presence and his adrenaline, the beating of his heart panicked and out of control, and hers quite accelerated as well, in what he could recognize as concern. He realized he was squeezing her in his arms, maybe too tight, but she didn't seem to mind, too occupied with examining his expression.
"I'm here." She muttered, bumping her forehead against his. His eyes fluttered closed and he took a deep breath, letting her scent overwhelm his senses and cloud his brain.
He kissed her. Hard.
She grunted and let him pour his anxiety on her lips, swallowing his nightmare obediently, not recoiling or retreating like she had done on his dream.
And suddenly he was out of her reach. Alice blinked in confusion and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed, his back glistening with sweat in the dim light of the moon that poured through the window.
"It's too fucking hot in here."
He was suffocating.
She got up and padded quickly to the window, opening it and letting the cool air of the night invade the bedroom, shivering slightly when it hit her.
When she turned around he had a cigarette between his lips, the hand with the lighter trembling ever so slightly. She could have missed it if she didn't know him so well.
A minute went by in silence, only disturbed by him puffing out smoke. She was standing in front of him, fearing he would get away from her if she reached out, but dying to get close to him and comfort him, to discover what was disturbing him.
She couldn't hold back anymore and reached out to his face, but as she feared, he got up before she could touch him.
"Where are my clothes?" He asked, putting the cigarette out in the ashtray on the nightstand. He was in his boxers, looking around the bedroom.
"Um, in the living room."
His eyes found hers for a moment, and something flashed there, but she couldn't quite place it. The memories of the night before, how they shedded each other's clothes as if they couldn't stand a single second without being skin to skin? Or had it something to do with that nightmare, the one that had him whimpering her name?
"Right." He nodded, looking away from her and walking towards the living room.
Something was wrong.
Without thinking, she darted to the door and blocked his path, arms extended at her sides. His eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"What are you doing?" There was genuine confusion in his voice.
"You're not leaving like this."
He scoffed. "You know you can't stop me if I want to go."
Oh, how true were those words. Her heart jumped at the multiple implications that statement had, and Mason arched a brow at her.
"I know." She finally said, hands resting on each side of the threshold, slowly sliding down until they were limp at her sides. She met his eyes. "But I'm asking you to stay."
The vampire stared at her for several seconds - he could leave, get dressed and get out of there, but he knew it would hurt her if he did so, he could see it in her eyes - and he sighed.
"I gotta get out of here, sweetheart." He spoke, voice softer, the nickname almost a plea. She gave him a determined nod.
"Then let's get dressed."
Ten minutes later, they were driving through the streets of Wayhaven in silence. Mason had his eyes closed, as if he was enjoying every minute of peace the nighttime was bringing him. The detective stole glances at him, her concern still clawing at her stomach, but she pushed it away for his sake. She knew better than to push Mason to speak when he didn't want to.
When she turned off the engine, he opened his eyes. They had entered the forest and followed a dirt track deeper into the trees, until they couldn't keep going forwards. He looked around, at the forest illuminated by the moonlight and threw a long smirk to her.
"You brought me to a make out spot?"
She snorted a laugh, surprised, but happy to see some of his snark was back.
"It kinda is a make out spot, but I thought you'd appreciate the silence."
Mason nodded, but still said. "Let's go to the backseat?"
Alice rolled her eyes. "Really? You had me in a bed and now you wanna hook up in a tiny car?"
She expected a smirk and a reply that could make her blush, but the intensity of his gaze caught her off guard. "Backseat. Come on."
She nodded, swallowing hard, and exited the car to slide into the backseat at the same time he did. He did not grab her and pulled her on top of him, he did not devour her mouth with a kiss.
His arms wrapped around her. One around her shoulders, the other around her waist, bringing her closer until her legs rested on his lap. With her head against his chest, the surprised detective could hear the hammering of his heart, sounding as if he had just run a marathon.
He closed his eyes. Took a deep breath. He let himself get carried away until everything he could feel was her -- on his skin, her warmth. Her scent blocking every other smell and almost coating his tongue. Her gentle breathing and that heartbeat he had come to love know, the only sound he could hear. And he relaxed when her arms sneaked their way around his frame, rubbing soothing circles on his back.
This is stupid. It was just a dream.
He thought about pulling away. But she hummed in satisfaction and nuzzled his neck with her nose, and he held her tighter.
A few minutes passed in silence, until their heartbeats and breathings synchronized.
"You can ask." His husky voice broke the peace and she sighed softly.
"Are you okay?" That was her main worry. She didn't have to know what had happened if he was alright now.
"Yeah." I am now. His breath hit her forehead when he spoke, and she couldn't help but notice how good it felt to be wrapped in each other like this. It felt so intimate, in a new way she was utterly enjoying.
"Does it happen often?"
"Not really."
"You wanna tell me what it was about?"
He took a deep breath. "I had done something to you." He confessed, voice almost a whisper, and she fought the urge to look up at him. She feared the spell would break if they made eye contact. "I hurt you. You were crying and - and you had a hole in your chest. In your heart." Her eyebrows shot up and she couldn't help but look up at him, noses brushing and eyes meeting.
"That sounds messed up."
He nodded slowly, grey eyes lost. He was staring at her but she wondered what he was seeing. "I couldn't get to you. You didn't want me near you."
I had lost you.
Alice was becoming a master in reading between the lines with Mason. But she didn't have to think much about what his nightmare and his words meant, and she could have melted in his arms at the implications of it.
“I’m never going to leave you. I promise.”
His breath hitched in his throat, pulling back slightly to search her face for any hints of lies. But she never lied, he knew that already. She wore her heart on her sleeve, something that made him roll his eyes when they met, now something he cherished and respected deeply.
"You can't promise that."
To his surprise, a soft smile grazed her full lips. She raised a hand, fingertips traveling through his features - tracing his eyebrows, his cheekbones, the contour of his lips, finally settling under his chin, grasping it with her thumb and her forefinger.
"I can promise you I won't leave if you don't want me to."
The silence suddenly felt dense, tension crackling between them.
So many things unspoken.
And if I never want you to leave?
Then I will be with you forever.
Their breathings were heavier, and they couldn't tell who had moved first but they were lost in a deep kiss before they realized.
Could it be true? Could the woman in his arms remain there for eternity?
Was this real? Did he want her by his side so much?
Lips parting, tongues and teeth and whimpers, their kisses went on for several minutes, none of them willing to stop, but not trying to take it further either. They had time for that.
She broke the kiss and gasped for air, her whole body thrumming to a song only he knew how to play. He was nearly panting, letting her catch her breath, kissing down her neck and up again, his fingers grasping her tight enough to bruise - a reminder that she was here, she was his, she didn't want to leave.
"Do you really promise?"
God, the sound of his voice against her skin had her nerves alight, husky and low and deep as it was, making her shiver. But the smile on her face was amused, noticing he wanted a confirmation, knowing they were exchanging feelings more than words.
They were so clueless, yet they always found a way to understand each other.
When she didn't reply, he looked up at her grin and saw her hand between them, her little finger out, ready to make a promise.
"Pinky promise?" She chanted happily, and he couldn't help but snort a laugh.
"How are you so fucking ridiculous?" But he was laughing, and it was beautiful, so her smile widened.
"Don't leave me hanging, sunshine."
He bit her pinky and she squealed before he silenced her with another kiss, a soft one this time, gentle. It was curious how they were unaware of the fact that in that moment, they both shared the same thought.
How did I get so lucky?
"Ready to go?" She muttered against his lips, and he nodded.
"Yeah. Let's go home."
Satisfaction ran through his veins at the utter delight in her soft features, he called her apartment home - it wasn't so long ago that she would always wake up to a lonely bed. Foreheads bumping together for a moment, she sighed happily before they went back to the front seats.
She sang along to the radio on the way back and he observed her, curiosity mixing with fondness and disbelief.
The sun was starting to rise, but they still could steal a couple of hours of sleep.
They undressed and she didn't miss the way he watched her, a smirk on his lips. "We didn't take advantage of the make out spot."
"First a nap." She chuckled, sliding into the bed sheets with him following close. "Then I'm all yours."
He hummed his approval as she settled in his arms, his body covering hers in a tight embrace.
"Sounds good. Really good."
They drifted off when the first birds started to sing, knowing they would wake up tangled together. Knowing they had time to get lost in each other.
All the time in the world.
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fantastic-bby · 4 years
SKZ vs. their s/o dancing while cooking
Pairing: Reader x Member
Word count: 2k
Genre: Fluff 
Summary: They catch you dancing in the kitchen while you’re cooking 
Warnings: -
Requested by @m4rshm4llow​ (I hope you like it!)
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More often than not, Chan probably wouldn’t come home in time for dinner 
He spends so much time at the studio that he usually only leaves when it’s already past midnight or when he realises that it’s getting really really late
And most of the time, you’re already asleep when he gets home 
Chan told you he was gonna be home earlier 
So being the loving s/o that you are, you decide to cook him dinner ^-^
So you're in the kitchen, wearing one of his black t shirts which pretty much engulfs your entire body :3 
While cooking, you have one of your speakers blasting songs at full volume
Since you're wearing socks, you're gliding all over the kitchen 
You barely even hear the door opening when you're in the middle of pretending your spatula is a guitar during the guitar solo
You snap your head up and see Chan smiling while standing in the kitchen doorway
You really weren't expecting him to be home for another half an hour or so
"Is that 5sos?"
You don't answer him and instead grab onto his wrist, dragging him closer to you
"Dance with me, Channie!" 
He laughs as he watches you dance 
Chan thinks you’re so fricking adorable he’s just aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (^ω^)
"Come on, baby, you know the words" 
You eye him playfully and he chuckles
"Destination permanent vacation" 
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Minho comes home at a reasonable hour 
He'd been working so hard for the past few months with the comeback, you decided that maybe you should make him dinner rather than just ordering something like you two usually would
What Min doesn’t tell you is that he’s coming home earlier to surprise you because he wants longer cuddle hours with you 
So you dance away in the kitchen, wooden spoon in hand and the music at full volume
When Minho stands outside your shared home, he can already hear the music
Wondering what you’re up to, he steps in without saying anything since he also knows you most likely won’t even hear him
He does not expect to find you dancing in the kitchen while pretending your spoon is a microphone 
So he just stands there, watching you with the biggest smile on his face
You don’t even realise his home until you turn around and see him standing like a Sim in the middle of the doorway 
You grab onto his arm and start dancing, trying to get him to catch onto your vibe
He laughs at you and thinks you’re an absolute bundle of joy 
But Minho being Minho 
He doesn’t want to admit that he thinks it’s cute and wants to tease you
“I didn’t realise I was dating such a party animal”
“I know you like this song too, so shut up and dance”
He really can’t resist
He wouldn’t openly admit it but he loves when you’re all amped up
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Binnie usually wakes up earlier than you do 
So when you wake up and notice that not only is he still asleep, you also have time to whip him up some breakfast
You climb out of bed carefully, trying not to wake him up 
But you notice how he snuggles into himself tighter when you slip out of his cuddle and it makes your heart just go (。♥‿♥。)
Since you’re still wearing your socks, you slide around the place without actually walking 
When you start cooking, you have your phone hooked up to one of Changbin’s many speakers 
You tried to keep the volume to a minimum 
But you were starting to disappear into your own bubble so you ended up making the volume a lil bit louder
Unsurprisingly, it wakes up Changbin
It was also the musician inside of him yelling at him to follow the source of the music
He climbs out of bed, shuffling his way out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen
Where you’re dancing and gliding all over the place 
Changbin’s not new to this sight 
He’s seen you busting out your favourite hype playlist while cooking before, but it never fails to make him smile
He leans over the kitchen island and watches how you barely even notice that he’s there 
Before you whip around and almost yelp in complete shock at the sight of him giving you the most adoring smile ever 
Something like ^-^
“Binnie, come dance with me”
You extend your hand towards him and Changbin can’t resist as he rounds the counter and wraps his arms around you 
“You’re so cute” 
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It’s not a new occurrence for you to be dancing and singing while cooking 
Hyunjin knows that quite well
He’s caught you a couple times 
You usually turn around and look at him all flustered and embarrassed 
He thinks it’s so cute how you immediately stand straight when you realise he’s watching, pretending that you weren’t actually doing anything 
Makes him go all ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Hyunjin absolutely loves when you’re acting all hype and excited even if he doesn’t actually openly say it 
So when he comes home from practice to see you using your kitchen as a dance floor
He can’t help but start giggling 
“Babe, what are you doing?” 
You whip around and your smile grows 
“It just started playing TA!”
You pull him into the kitchen and it makes Hyunjin laugh even more 
He loves seeing you dance to one of his songs he thinks its so cute 
“Dance with me!” 
You beckon him over and he obliges 
Putting his bag on the kitchen counter, he makes his way over to you where you’re pretty much happily bouncing in your spot 
“You’re so full of energy today”
He wants to tease you for being so excited 
But Hyunjin doesn’t want to ruin your vibe 
He would feel terrible if he did 
So he starts dancing with you while trying not to push over the pot that’s currently boiling on the stove 
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I genuinely feel like 
Jisung would be the kind of person to have random bursts of dance in his body 
So I feel like he really wouldn’t be surprised if his partner would have the same type of spontaneous tendencies
But since you’re not really that much of a dancer, you don’t actually have the same amount of dance bursts as Jisung 
He LOVES when you do though 
Makes it feel like you’re catching onto his energy 
So when you’re cooking lunch and Jisung’s working on music in your shared bedroom
You start dancing first by just bopping your head and humming along to the lyrics 
Then the song changes to something more upbeat and you’re already starting to sway with the rhythm 
When it reaches a particular 5sos song, you’re amping up the volume 
They make really good upbeat and possible revolution leading songs I don’t make the rules here
And it catches Jisung’s attention because now you’re belting out the lyrics 
At first he’s like ?? because he thinks it’s coming from his earphones
But when he pulls them down and realises that the singing isn’t coming from his laptop he’s all curious 
So he sneakily steps out of the bedroom to see you singing in the kitchen 
He would go all (ノ°▽°)ノwhen he sees you 
Jisung also wouldn’t hesitate to bump his booty with yours 
“Babe, you’re a better dancer than I am!” 
You turn around and at first you feel guilty for disturbing him
But then you see how he’s dancing too 
So you start dancing again 
And the two of you are just dancing away in the kitchen together
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Aww this man has dance parties all the time you can’t change my mind 
He would totally be into just grooving whenever he wants to 
He hears a song he likes? 
He’s dancing (「・ω・)「
And I think his partner would have to be down with spontaneous dance parties too 
So you would just be doing your own thing 
Vibing around the apartment as you usually do 
Gliding all around the place with socks on and sliding into every room possibly 
You’re just having your own vibe
You’re shaking your lil booty while wearing one of Felix’s colourful sweaters being really careful not to spill anything on it 
Your sleeves are rolled up and you’re stirring away at a pot of pasta while 5sos plays in the background 
Felix steps into the apartment and he sees you busting your cute butt in the middle of the kitchen 
He recognises the song almost immediately 
“You’re listening to 5sos! :D” 
Every bit of exhaustion Felix felt from practice just vanishes 
Especially when you point the spatula in your hand at him like it’s a microphone 
“They say we’re losers and we’re alright with that!” 
He laughs as he pulls the spoon out of your hand 
“We are the leaders of the not coming backs!” 
He immediately moves to your side and it’s like your energy has instantly been amplified 
Because now you’re both jumping around the kitchen excitedly while She’s Kinda Hot plays this song makes me feel like leading a rebellion i stg
Felix throws his bag across the room 
For the moment you’ve both forgotten your worries and are just belting out the lyrics in the middle of the kitchen 
Completely oblivious to the fact that your neighbours can probably hear you 
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Minnie seems like the kind of person who would pretend stuff like this embarrasses him he really loves it
He would be the kind of person who would go 
“Baby, that’s so weird ( -_-’ ) ”
But he’s really just being a tease because he wouldn’t admit you’re absolutely freijashjkdase adorable to him 
You don’t mind it either 
He’s acts like he doesn’t like it but you know he loves it 
It’s also not new for you to listen to music while you do things 
Stuff like cleaning, cooking, even when you’re working, you’re always listening to music 
Seungmin takes note of it but he’s never actually seen you dancing to yourself since he’s usually away at practice when you’re really having a hype day 
But you weren’t expecting Seungmin to be home so early 
He was supposed to be home later in the night, but here you were in the kitchen while frying up dumplings 
Music’s blasting from the speakers but you can hear the sound of the front door opening 
You’re too hyped to stop dancing 
So when you turn around to see Seungmin’s amused smile 
You point at him with your spoon while singing 
It makes him laugh so hard 
He doesn’t even know how to react when you grab onto his hand and start dancing 
He just stands there LIKE A SIM before he starts laughing again
His heart’s doing backflips on the inside though 
Soon your energy starts spreading to him
“Baby, the whole building might hear your music” 
“Minnie, I don’t care”
He laughs even harder because it’s rare to see you so loose 
So he joins you 
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You would be vibing around your apartment 
Just doing your thang 
You didn’t intend to have the music blasting because it started with a lo-fi playlist since you were finishing up some work at first 
Then you switched it to a more intense playlist when you moved to cleaning 
Then it changed into your hype playlist when you started cooking 
So you’re still wearing your socks because you thought it would be more fun to move around the place with them on
And you’re just busting out moves like the kitchen is a dance floor and not a place that could be a total fire hazard 
When Jeongin comes home he’s ??? because he hears music 
He comes in and you don’t even realise the front door opened 
He steps into the kitchen and his jaw drops because you’re pretty much in you’re own world 
Jeongin goes from :0 to c: to :D real quick 
“(Y/n)! Baby!” 
You turn around and see him and you’re also :D 
“Dance with me, Innie!” 
He doesn’t really have much time to react 
Bcs you’re pulled him into a your bubble 
And he feels the hype almost immediately 
Jeongin starts to catch on to your vibes
And he goes from swaying to the beat 
To bouncing 
To pretty much using Back Door’s choreo to dance to whatever song’s playing 
So you both end up using random choreos that probably don’t even fit with the song 
It doesn’t matter tho because you’re both happy lil beans c: 
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countessofbiscuit · 4 years
What are your Bobasoka headcanons? I've already gone through all of the (criminally little) fic on ao3 and I especially loved Smothered and Covered, and I saw the majority of the fics in the tag were gifted to you so I'm assuming you're the OG shipper. Feel free to essay if you like!!
Thanks for the ask and kind words about that fic :3 
Oh, Bobasoka … where to begin? It’s a pairing that’s been bumping around in exchange requests for a few years — I figure it’d be easy for anyone invested in Ahsoka’s relationship with the clones to be compelled by the idea. Lledra used to draw Boba and Ahsoka interacting, and it was probably a few panels of their incredible Destinies comic that set my Bobasoka wheels turning. I’m also drawn to them because their journeys traverse so much canon; there’s not just a sandbox to play in, but a whole goddamn stretch of beach, stretching far out into the horizon ...  (#AhsokaLives #BobaSurvived :D)
I have to lead with the proviso that almost everything I write/daydream about/headcanon has a groundsheet of Rexsoka. Ahsoka’s interest in Boba, in my head, is intimately tied up with her attraction to and/or relationship with Rex — or, at the bare minimum, her intimate fellowship with the clones. She went through puberty (maybe with heats!) surrounded by a literal army of handsome, roughly college-aged dudes; that must’ve been a heady mix of heaven and hell. If she didn’t quench her thirst before war’s end and her (eventual) separation from Rex, she’d probably be pretty dehydrated when stumbling across Boba. As for Boba’s attraction to Ahsoka, well ... she’s very pretty, she’s potentially useful, she’s not likely to skewer him in his sleep (+2) on account of being a Jedi (-1), and now she’s the one down on her luck; if he falls in bed with anyone, why not this girl who isn’t afraid of him and stares a lot at his lips?                         
And Boba is like a hot shipping potato — satisfying, hard to fuck up, goes well (read: makes for an intriguing story) with almost everyone. And I think it has everything to do with his liminality, something he shares with Ahsoka and probably recognizes.          
Their neither-this-nor-that-ness overlap in such interesting ways, and they each bring their identity issues to the table — Ahsoka as an on-again, off-again Jedi; Boba as a clone who isn’t a Clone™, a Mandalorian by birth and bearing, but not by the book. At different points in their stories, they identify as different things, and that would affect their headspace and color their view of the other. They wrestle with themselves and each other. Force-user and bounty hunter; privileged topsider and orphaned juvenile delinquent fugitive; GAR commander and outcast clone; Jedi and Mandalorian; Disillusioned veteran and disaffected army brat; Rebellion agent and Imperial contractor.
And as much conflict is baked into these dynamics, it also generates a certain magnetism; and I believe they recognize, on some level, their shared trauma and the symmetry in their experiences. Boba and Ahsoka both have happy childhoods with very little to distress or vex them (beyond the art, I do not jive with Age of Republic: Jango Fett, a Disney-canon comic that not only doubles-down on the Jango-wasn’t-Mando nonsense, but shows him being rather cavalier about Boba’s life); Geonosis happens and their adolescent lives are dominated by war (which is how they came to actively threaten each other as space!secondary-schoolers — whaaaaatf!); they are both dubiously (even wrongfully) imprisoned; and they both suffer alienation and incredible personal loss.  
Boba was set apart from the clones before he was even pulled him from the jar, othered and elevated from the beginning. He never bonded with brothers, he does not identify as a clone. And while there are examples of clones making overtures to him, canonically his relationship with them is fraught and probably made worse when he gets banged up in Republic Central at the tender age of eleven or twelve — and of course, Ahsoka is an accessory to this, the second chapter in his tragedy at the hands of the Jedi. He needed help (whether he wanted it or not), it was not given by clones or Jedi alike (hamstrung by bureaucracy, sure, but surely some other means of intervention might have been lobbied for?), and Boba becomes a right teenage disaster, well-balanced only in the sense that he has a chip on both shoulders.
(n.b. Putting my RepComm hat on for a second, I can’t help but sniffle-laugh at the idea that the Alphas watched him get thrown in a maximum-security slammer and were like “Ah, there he is, the feral vod’ika. First time, we’ll let the little snot earn his stripes. Second time, we’ll bust him out and send him on a tough love retreat with A’den or Jaing.”)
Ahsoka, meanwhile, is part-and-parcel of the institutions that Boba sets himself against, even after she too has been cast out by circumstances beyond her control. She grows up in a supportive Jedi community and then spends some seriously formative years with a whole slew of brothers — brothers that should have been Boba’s! 
Boba, on the other hand, is a great example of the proverb that a child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth. (As he tells Hondo, “Why should I help anybody? I’ve got no one.”) 
The resentment that must create! But also, later, the quiet empathy too — maybe when Boba’s having one of his better days and Ahsoka’s obviously not. 
And all of the above is interesting enough, without also touching upon the wildcard that is Mandalore.
Boba’s relationship with Mandalore .... well, that’s contested in- and out-of-universe and I won’t allow myself to essay overmuch. I subscribe firmly to a Mandalorian Fetts construction of canon, even though Boba must be someone who struggles mightily with Mandalorian identity. He’s raised by a bona fide Mando, a solicitous, loving father who’d have no reason not to pass on his language and beliefs; but at the same time, it takes that village, and when Boba’s clan of two is shattered, he has no one else. The loss of his dad unmoors him from his only anchor to Mandalorian culture and clan.
If Boba had been close to the Cuy’val Dar, one would think he’d have turned to them rather than fall in with Jango’s criminal acquaintances; or maybe the bounty hunters just scooped him up first, and troubled lil’ Boba was shepherded through bereavement by folks who enabled and encouraged him to externalize his anger in a way that gave him a (false) feeling of agency and strength. 
Whatever the reasons, Boba does not repatriate himself to Mandalore (much to Fenn Shysa’s melodramatic dismay). He strikes me as a lapsed Mandalorian; he doesn’t exactly follow the creed besides wearing the armor (scavenged? his dad’s sans helmet? canon is confused on this point, but he doesn’t go Mando until the unfinished arcs at the end of TCW, either for lack of stature, lack of armor, or lack of enthusiasm). I feel like if someone rocked up to Boba in a cantina and had the balls to ask “hey, so you a Mandalorian?” Boba would be like “<ominously slow helmet tilt> who’s asking” and never give you a straight answer.
Meanwhile, Ahsoka gets a crash course on Mandalore from none other than someone who, at one point, belonged to a sect that wanted to expunge Jaster’s legacy from the galaxy — and at the very least, had reason to dislike clones. This isn’t the place to explore my Boba/Bo-Katan feelings, but know that they are fathomless, and I would pay good money to be a fly on the wall of that Kom’rk when Bo-Katan gives Ahsoka Mando History 101 with her own special sauce. Ahsoka is probably more up-to-speed on Mandalore than Boba, and at one point, she may even own more beskar than him! (n.b. After the crash, I think one of the first places Rex and Ahsoka bounce is just inside Mando space, to scope out the Sundari situation and maybe try to scramble a signal to Bo-Katan; she’d have the goodwill to at least get them back on their feet if she can’t help them lay low herself. For a variety of reasons worth maybe ficcing down the line, they aren’t successful.)
I don’t really have a concluding statement except, I just think Bobasoka’s neat :) They hit all my depressed-Millennial buttons.
Headcanon by bullet-point isn’t really my style, but this is tumblr so ... tl;dr:
They recognize a lot in each other, even if they’re slow to admit it, if ever. Boba’s a cagey bastard and Ahsoka doesn’t ever like him enough to be emotionally honest.
They bump into each other during Ahsoka’s walkabout(s) ‘cause Coruscant’s Underworld ain’t big enough for the two of them. Without Slave-1, Boba couchsurfs at Nyx Okami’s garage, but he does his laundry at Rafa’s. He might even borrow the Martez’s new, useful friend for a job or two. 
Ahsoka eventually matures enough to be sensitive about her use of the Force on and around clones, and she definitely doesn’t use it around Boba. Definitely not during sex.
Boba is privately weirded out every time Ahsoka uses Mando slang she picked up off the clones or the Nite Owls.
Boba absolutely kills Cad Bane in that shoot-out, keeps the hat, and lets Ahsoka have it. She shoves it out the airlock and uses it for target practice. 
So many great smut flavours! Hatesex. Acquaintances with benefits. “You’re traumatized and touch-starved and you look just like him/them, and I know how to be gentle and what to do, so maybe we could … ?” They’re both privately comfortable with their bodies and sexuality, but Boba’s got trust issues a parsec long and Ahsoka’s lost confidence; it’s always an awkward affair, but desperation wins out.
They exchange comm codes every time they run into each other, which is kind of pointless because they both use burners.
Ahsoka hitches a ride on Slave-1 more than once. There really is only one bed, so it’s either sleep upright, sleep in a pokey prisoner hold, or sleep with him.
For a few years, Boba can pass as a last-generation clone — the ones that got sold off in bulk units to slavers before Kamino sunk another three years’ food, board, and training into them. Boba pretends he doesn’t notice, easy to really, since he tells himself his helmet is his face. But occasionally, when Ahsoka can convince him there’s profit in it, he agrees to play sleeper agent and assists in liberating a few here and there. 
They don’t talk about Aurra Sing.
When an Imp really crosses him, Boba passes on intel to Ahsoka to ruin their day.
Once, when they’re both super skint, Ahsoka volunteers to get handed in to some relatively minor and out-of-the-way Imperial garrison, so Boba can collect, bust her out, and split the pot with her. It’s the closest she ever comes to telling him “I trust you” — and when he brushes the idea aside, citing something about risk, it’s the closest he ever comes to telling her “I love you.”
Boba sees Inquisitors as muscling in on his game. There are so many lousy Force-users around nowadays, it should be easy pickings, but Inquisitors get privileged information. So he makes sport out of misdirecting them, especially from Ahsoka. 
When he pisses her off, Ahsoka fantasizes about Bo-Katan taking Boba down a peg or two while she watches :)))
Boba experienced Ahsoka’s heat once, secondhand through a cabin wall. He thought he was being clever by shooting Rex up with some Nevoota stim pollen, locking him in with Ahsoka, and hijacking their locked ships. Longest three days of his life, limping on broken hyperdrives and shared fuel stores to the nearest waystation to a soundtrack of violent lovemaking : \
Bounty hunters invariably bump into spies and agents because they work in the same areas. The agents pretend to be bounty hunters, eccentric business people, sex workers, or a range of other things. Sometimes each party knows all about the other, but it’s only polite not to mention it. This happens to Ahsoka and Boba A LOT, especially once she becomes Fulcrum; rebel cells and Imperials often want the same people. Occasionally they exchange fire. A couple times Boba gets imprisoned in Ahsoka’s own brig. Once, Boba blows her cover and definitely lives to regret it. 
(this essay was originally punctuated with pics, but replies with images won’t show up tumblr tags so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) 
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pressedinthepages · 4 years
Fandom: The Witcher
Pairing: Geralt/Eskel
Rating: T
a/n:  Reader Request: [Hi *waves shyly*. I have a request for you if you're up for it. How about Geralt/Eskel where Eskel gets jealous when someone flirts with Geralt? We all know book!Geralt and game! Geralt give off a 'hoe on main' vibe. Eskel hates it and Geralt needs to make it up to him? Thanks for sharing your work, it honestly makes my day every single time ❤️] I'm softe. also, I love hoe on main geralt of rivia.
Also thanks to @sometimesiwrite​ for being a soundboard and friend :)
(There is a link on my page where you can be added to my taglist :D)
Warnings: language, pining, GWENT, jealousy, confessions
Eskel and Geralt meet up just before winter and run an errand.
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    The fire is warm on the unscarred side of Eskel’s face. He breathes in deeply, the scent of smoke and ale tickling his senses. He’s been in Ard Carraigh for a few days now, waiting dutifully for Geralt to get here so that they can continue up to Kaer Morhen together. There’s still plenty of time for them to be able to safely travel up the mountain, but Eskel has found himself arriving earlier and earlier with each passing year. The door to the tavern swings open and Eskel glances up, his lip turning up slightly at what he finds. 
    Geralt, black hood up and dripping with rainwater, pushes the door closed behind him. He walks straight to the barkeep and orders an ale and stew before turning to where Eskel sits. Eskel’s heart blooms when their eyes finally meet, and Geralt smirks a bit as he walks to sit at the table.
    “You’re early.” Geralt’s low voice crawls over Eskel’s skin. Geralt undoes the knot on his cloak, letting it fall from his shoulders to drape over the back of his chair. His silver hair shines in the light from the fire, curled and damp from the downpour outside. 
    Eskel takes a sip from his cup as the barkeep brings Geralt’s food and drink over. “Could say the same to you, Wolf.”
    Geralt shrugs before tucking in to his supper. “Need a new horse, figured I’d pick one up while we were here.”
    Eskel tilts his head, “Something happen to Roach? You’re not one to let your mount get into trouble.”
    Geralt shakes his head, slurping noisily from his spoon. “Nah, she’s alright. She’s old, though. She deserves to rest, I figured I’ll bring her to Kaer Morhen and let her retire there with Vesemir.”
    As if Eskel’s heart could melt any further. He watches Geralt as he lifts his bowl to his lips and his throat bobs as he drinks the remainder of the broth. Geralt’s tongue swipes over his lips as he returns the now-empty bowl to the table, and Eskel is sweating inside. 
    “You got a room here?” Geralt asks, sliding an extra coin to the girl who picks up his bowl. 
    Eskel nods, downing the rest of his ale. “Mhm, only got one bed though.”
    Geralt hums before rising to his feet. “Well, come on. I know I’m exhausted, and you look like shit.”
    Eskel huffs out a laugh as he stands as well. “Well, at least I don’t look like a drowned old rat.”
    Geralt bumps their shoulders as they move to the stairs. Eskel opens up the door to their room and kicks his boots off by the door. Geralt has a routine, they all do. Eskel sits in one of the chairs and sets the fireplace alight with a gentle flick of his fingers, ready to discreetly watch Geralt get comfortable. 
    His swords go next to the bed and his boots go next to Eskel’s at the door. Geralt drapes his cloak over the back of the other chair in the room so it has a chance to dry, and his gloves go in the seat. He unties a little pouch from his belt and tosses it onto the bed where it lands with a light thunk. Eskel’s eyes follow Geralt’s fingers as they pull and undo the shiny buckles and ties. His shirt is unbuttoned as he pulls the armor off, revealing the dark thatch of hair on his chest. Geralt tucks the heavy pieces next to his boots by the door, and Eskel swallows thickly at the sight of his leather-clad backside in those damned pants. 
    Geralt stands and turns back to Eskel, his hands at the buttons of his trousers. “You gonna just sit there and watch, or you gonna help?”
Eskel’s eyes dart to his face and he flushes when he sees the smirk on his lips. Dammit, caught. Well, if nothing else, Eskel has always been good at thinking on his feet. “Seem to be doing just fine from where I’m sitting. I usually have to pay for a show like this.”
Geralt rolls his eyes and divests himself of his trousers, folding them over the back of the chair as well. “Come on, Eskel. Get in the bed.”
“You sure you don’t want to stretch out? Every time that we do this, I end up hanging on for dear life off the edge of the bed while you stretch out and snore to the Gods.”
Geralt hums as he turns to the mattress. Eskel walks up next to him and cups the back of his neck, pulling him close and resting their foreheads together. Geralt’s eyes close and Eskel just listens to the sound of their heartbeats intertwining after almost a year apart. He feels Geralt’s hand on his shoulder, his warmth seeping through the thin fabric of his shirt. “I’ve missed you, Geralt,” Eskel whispers.
“Missed you too, Eskel.” Geralt’s voice is barely audible as his nose brushes against Eskel’s. They part reluctantly and Geralt sits at the foot of the bed. Eskel slips out of his own trousers before climbing in as well. Geralt reaches for the little pouch and loosens it, flipping the contents into his hand.
“Up for a game of Gwent?”
Eskel laughs, a true laugh that is so rare on the Path. Eskel leans over in search of his pack and pulls out a pouch of his own. “You’re on.”
Eskel wakes to a fully dressed Geralt looming over him at the edge of the bed. “Awake yet, Princess?”
Eskel groans as he runs his hand down his face, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He peers out of the window and sees the sun just barely erupting from the horizon. “Why are you up so early?” 
Geralt picks up Eskel’s trousers and throws them, landing squarely in Eskel’s lap. “Need a horse. Then we can leave for Kaer Morhen.”
Eskel chuckles with a shake of his head before swinging his legs out of the bed. The floor is cold under his feet as he slides his legs into his trousers, his boots following soon after. “I’ll meet you downstairs, let me grab my stuff.”
Geralt nods and shoulders out of the door, leaving Eskel alone in the room. He gathers his things and throws his swords over his back, leaving his armor in his pack for the moment. Eskel yawns with finality and follows in Geralt’s wake down the stairs. As he reaches the bottom he sees Geralt toss him something and his hand instinctively reaches up to catch it. His fingers squish the soft pastry and the sweet smell of honey tickles his nose.
“Mmm,” Eskel hums with a smile, “a sweet bun. Thanks, Wolf.”
Geralt nods as he leads the way out of the inn. Eskel stops by the little stables at the rear to set his pack with Scorpion, trying desperately not to wake Lil’ Bleater where she slumbers between the stallion’s feet. Soon enough he trails along behind Geralt as they approach a large barn at the edge of town. 
A handsome young man smiles at them as they approach. He looks to be about thirty, with a mop of dark brown hair that flops around in the breeze. He looks strong, his shoulders wide and his hips sturdy. 
“Well met, Witchers,” the man calls as they walk up. His voice is low and rich as he introduces himself as Davold. Eskel hangs back, letting Geralt do the talking. As he observes, he notices the man dragging his eyes slowly down and back up Geralt’s body. The scent of lust in the air spikes and Eskel shifts a bit, glancing around minutely. 
“Why don’t we head inside and take a look at these horses?” Davold gestures to Geralt and allows him to go inside first. Eskel sighs and follows along. Geralt walks along the stalls, listening intently as Davold tells him about each of the horses and their personalities. Eskel listens as well, hearing each and every bawdy flirtation that spills from Davold’s lips, as well as the laughter and the pick up in heartrate in Geralt’s chest. 
Something burns in Eskel as he stands in front of a tall bay mare, something low and sour that boils in his blood. He huffs and holds his hand out flat to let the horse sniff at him. She snuffles against his hand for a moment before she butts against his chest.
“Oh no, not her,” Davold strolls over, Geralt at his heels. “She’s been nothing but trouble.”
Eskel looks back at the horse as he strokes down her nose, her ears perked up in curiosity and her body relaxed. “Doesn’t look like trouble to me.”
Geralt walks up next to Eskel and extends his hand as well, but he has a chunk of apple in his palm. The mare leans down and takes the apple gently before sniffing up his arm, looking for another treat. She looks him right in the eye before butting him in the chest as well, pulling a deep chuckle from Eskel. 
“Good find, Eskel,” Geralt murmurs, scritching up the side of the horse’s neck. “We’ll take her.”
A deal is struck and before Eskel knows it they are leaving the stables with the new Roach in tow, Davold scowling in the background. The two of them return to the inn to collect the other horses and as they enter the stables, Eskel can’t help the sigh of relief that falls from his chest. 
“Something wrong?” Geralt asks as he carries his saddle to New Roach. Eskel grits his teeth as he throws a blanket over Scorpion’s back. 
“No, I just-” Eskel thinks over his words, “That Davold was really trying for you, huh?”
Geralt pokes his head around and gives Eskel a look that can only be described as several question marks in sequence. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh come on, you can’t tell me you didn’t notice it.” Eskel rolls his eyes as he sets the saddle on Scorpion’s back. “He could barely keep it in his pants.”
Eskel does up the straps and secures his pack neatly across Scorpion. As he ties everything down, his mind wanders. I could never be enough for him, he deserves someone who could really be there for him, not someone like me. 
“It doesn’t matter if I noticed or not,” Geralt rumbles from somewhere behind him. “I wouldn’t have been interested. Got someone else in mind.”
Eskel hums as his mind spins in wheels, a delicate spiral that will leave him curled up and alone for a good few days once they get to the keep. He can feel himself receding into his mind, setting up walls and barriers for any and all who come knocking.
And suddenly Geralt’s hand is on his shoulder, and he’s turning around, and Geralt is in his space, his face impossibly close, and he smells so good, and his mouth is right there…
And then Geralt kisses him. Geralt kisses Eskel, and the world comes to a halt. Geralt’s hands fall to Eskel’s waist and squeeze him, and Eskel reaches his hands up to cup Geralt’s face. He is so warm beneath Eskel’s fingers, and his lips taste like honey and hay and every drop of happiness that Eskel has ever felt. 
Geralt pulls back first, his golden eyes searching Eskel’s. “I-I have loved you for so long.”
Eskel’s chest feels full to burst and he doesn’t trust his words at all, so he just pulls Geralt back to him. It’s all tongue and teeth and desperation and Eskel wouldn’t change it for the world. His fingers trail up into Geralt’s hair and the moan that falls from his chest would make a priestess blush. Eskel leans back only far enough for a breath, resting their foreheads together once more.
“You let me pine after you for decades, Geralt,” Eskel whispers, painfully aware of how vulnerable he sounds. 
“I didn’t know. I figured you just thought of us as friends, but-” Geralt’s voice is so low and husky that Eskel can feel it in his skin, “-but I’ve figured it out. It took a while, but I figured it out.”
Eskel smiles and presses their lips together again, ignoring how his scar stretches with the movement. “I hope you plan on making it up to me.”
Geralt smiles, big and rare and just for him, “Gladly.”
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lavenderlattaes · 4 years
txt as high school au tropes
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⇒ summary: txt in a high school au setting.
⇒ [ high school! au ]
⇒ pairing: txt x reader
⇒ word count: 2.5k words
⇒ genre: fluff
⇒ warnings: cursing, mentions of fighting, parties, making out
⇒ note: hello,, yeonjun’s cover got me so emo last night that i knew i just HAD to finish this so i can finish the bad boy au i had started writing for him sksks. Also i only had a bad boy fic planned for yeonjun, but if you guys think i should write for the other members too, please send me an ask! ignore mistakes bc im a bit of a blind bat and enjoy!  \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
choi yeonjun:
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↳ the bad boy
C’mon guys, this is badboy!!!! Yeonjun!!!!
okay, so yeonjun’s definitely the leather jacket wearing, motorcycle riding kind of badboy
the one that gets into all the fights (ง’̀-‘́)ง
the one that smokes and drinks and punches his way around bc he cannot, for the life of him, control his emotions and feelings ‾͟͟͞(((ꎤˋ⁻̫ˊ)—̳͟͞͞o
he’s also hardly at school
but on the rare days that he’s actually at school, he’s always punching someone or he’s all bloodied and bruised
like,,, dude do you wanna die N O W???
the first time you met was at the nurse’s office
oh wow i wasn’t expecting that
the nurse wasn’t around but you volunteered there frequently, so you were the only one there
the door opens and you’re surprised to see someone you’re not familiar with??
he wasn’t wearing your school’s uniform,,,
who is this dude and why is he heRE
but he looked like shit and like he was gonna die
so even if he may be part of some sketchy gang
you had no choice but to patch him up pspspsps
he was covered in scratches and bruises and his lip and eyebrow were bleeding
ffs man
you told him to go sit on a bed while you went around looking for all the supplies you needed
yeonjun was being a lil shit too, bc he wouldn’t cooperate right away but eventually after threatening him that he might die if he was being choosy about who’s gonna patch him he gave in
so you started to patch him up and he was just
s t a r i n g 
he’s really attractive if he just wasn’t into fighting all the time y’know
girls still occasionally wanna try “breaking his badboy rep” 
all that cliché stuff
you get really conscious under his gaze and then he asks for your name and you ask him what happened instead psksks
he goes (◕︵◕)
so you give him your name fAM AND HE SAYS, “I’m Choi Yeonjun”
and then he tells you that he’s friends with two other choi dudes who are also really well known in your school
and then it hits you
damn y/n you’re so lost fam 
lmao so he does go to your school but you’ve never seen him before????
you finally finish patching him up and you wrap his knuckles in a gauze and his arm as well
“what kind of fight did you even get into?” (´・(´・(´・(´・(´・(´・д・`) ・`)・`)・`)・`)・`)
“the kind where I almost die???” ( ̄ω ̄;)
after getting him all patched up, you take a good look at him and whew he’s all better now
he doesn’t look like he’d die any minute 
then you smile at him like (✿◠‿◠)
“I like your smile, can I call you sunshine?”
yeonjun’s about to leave when you’re still bothered by the large cut on his eyebrow
you pull out a cute rubber ducky cartoon band-aid from your pocket and place it on top of the cut sKSKSKKS
after he finally leaves and says goodbye, yeonjun suddenly can’t stop thinking about you
and maybe, just maybe, you can’t stop thinking about him too.
choi soobin:
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↳ the rich kid
okAY so remember how badboy! yeonjun was friends with 2 other chois
Well duh who would those other two be (●´ω`●)
so soobin’s the riCH KID!!
like, he be drippin in finesse yo
(okay that was bad)
he wears gucci, channel, louis vuitton, armani, all that shit
jk you guys had uniforms
but there’s always something expensive on him
whether it be his shoes, or his bag, or maybe a ring
but he isn’t exactly the friendly type (๑◕︵◕๑)
he’s the quiet one out of the three of them and he always keeps a straight face
\|  ̄ヘ ̄|/
Like that ^^^^
despite having literally no emotion on his face whatsoever, his lips always seem to be upturned in a pout ksskskksks
and despite his cold personality, that doesn’t stop the girls from swooning over him lol
so,, y/n you’re a pretty clumsy simpleton
and you somehow,,, idk 
the world hates u
you accidentally bump into him like really hard when he was adjusting his precious Rolex on his wrist and the collision caused his Rolex...to...fly…
basically you broke his watch.
and everyone that was there was like :000
And soobin is just ( •̀ω•́ )σ
And you’re ಥ_ಥ
but he just sighs, picks up his broken watch and slips it into his pocket and walks away as if nothing happened
HNGGGGG o(╥﹏╥)o
you’re so guilty that you started to come up to him everyday asking how you could repay him and if you could,,, you know,, pay for it in six months time or some shit
and after a few days soobin’s had enough of you following him around
and ( ̄ー ̄)ノ
“can you stop annoying me? It’s an expensive watch, you can’t possibly pay for it”
wOW OKAY :///
“But i feel really bad for breaking it...( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )”
so soobin decides to make you his “servant”
and you know it’s stupid ,,, just bc he’s rich as hell doesn’t mean he can treat you like that
but he wasn’t giving you any options so you had no choice
you followed him around now and well, somehow
you got to know the real choi soobin hiding under all that expensive clothing and jewelry
the choi soobin that built his walls up so high that no one saw except his other two friends
and now, you.
choi beomgyu:
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↳ the heartbreaker
steals hearts left and right
or: also known as the fuckboy
he slept around and girls always fell victim to his charms
aside from the fact that he was just really really good looking and handsome and gorgeous and-
he was also really friendly and funny
you’d see him at parties all the time, and sometimes with soobin and yeonjun too 
there’s always a random girl on his arm too lmao
beomgyu’s never brought a girl to bed more than once before
it’s always just making out for like hours and one night stands here n there
and flings here and there
never had a serious relationship ever
and all the girls at school are fighting to be the one he decides to “do” more than once
i mean,, who wouldn’t want to be the first girl choi beomgyu ever fucks more than ONCE 
but you just can’t seem to share the same sentiment with the other girls at school
shouldn’t they be fighting over who gets to be his first serious girlfriend or sumth? the girls in your school r weird tbh
besides,, you’re too busy looking for new memes or something and aren’t fuckboys supposed to be the type to do one night stands anyway???
but you know, you’re the mc in this world y/n
and you caught beomgyu’s eye bc he’s always noticed you on your phone laughing at something or bopping your head to some cool new song
he can’t stop smiling every time he sees you do that
and get this,,, beomgyu’s never been the type to be all shy and flustered bc that’s just so not him
but then you get partnered up for a project and suddenly you’re approaching his desk with a bright smile on your face and 
“hi! I’m y/n!” you extend your hand out for him and he just
seeing beomgyu all flustered makes you giggle and he breaks out of his trance and goes back to his old self
“Hey, y/n. Let’s have a great time together(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ”
so that’s how you and beomgyu become friends
even after the project ended you still hung out and you even became somewhat friends with yeonjun and soobin
you sometimes went to parties with him too
and whilst beomgyu fell deeper for you
you remained clueless as ever
you just thought it was him being friendly and stuff bc that’s what he does
what you did notice though
beomgyu hardly made out or slept with anyone at parties now
he hung out with you and played games with you and with soobin and yeonjun
and he didn’t usually go to parties now if you couldn’t make it!!!
and everyone can clearly see how much he LIKES?? LOVES?? you 
so yeah, maybe beomgyu’s gotten rid of his fuckboy ways bc of you.
kang taehyun:
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↳ the valedictorian
name a smarter guy in your school than kang taehyun. Go
jk never gonna happen HE’S the smartest
literally breezes through his subjects like it’s nothing
idk how it works for you guys but in my school, we don’t have GPAs and stuff but anyway
he has like, an average grade of 99 (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ (and that’s a 4.0 GPA right????) 
and all the teachers love him ofc
he doesn’t have to sit in front to be THIS smart
he can sit at the back row and be all emo with choi yeonjun if he wanted to and he’d still ace a test
h o w ⊂•⊃_⊂•⊃
and not only that
he’s got a really good voice?? he’s in choir omg
he has the voice of an angel ★~(◡‿◡✿)
he hits high notes like how he breezes through his subjects
he’s the type of guy you bring home to meet your parents after one (1) date bc they’ll love him anyway
aND if he could get any more perfect,,,, he’s captain of your football team AND class president
kang taehyun best boy _へ__(‾◡◝ )>
and you?
you guys are a match made in heaven
you’re his vice president, and while he’s in choir, you’re part of your school’s journalism club
plus, you’re smart enough to go against him but you like slacking off lmao
“you have all the glory in high school tae, i’ll kick your ass in college” PSSPPS
And if taehyun’s the captain of the football team, you’re captain of the volleyball team just bc
goals? I think so too (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
but sigh,,, yunno
as smart as taehyun is, he’s a bit dumb when it comes to matters of the heart
you’ve always loved him, but you realized it only when you guys won the science quiz bee the year before ⊂( ◜◒◝ )⊃
basically, you’ve loved him for more than a year now,, sigh
and you’re just trying to find the right opportunity to confess
wHEN BOOM you suddenly remembered you’re on the school paper!!!! ⌒°(❛ᴗ❛)°⌒
v-day is right around the corner and since you’re editor in chief, you decided that it would be nice to have a lil fun in preparation for the event
so you got the whole school dropping anonymous love notes for their crush!!
and the club went around pasting them on lockers for the students so they don’t risk the chance of getting caught pspsps
totally smart idea huh !(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
all for the sake of confessing your feelings for your best friend.
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↳ the popular guy 
this boi
loved by everybody
and i mean everybody
even yeonjun and soobin who seem like they don’t give two flying fucks about anything
like literally everybody wants to be his friend !!!
there’s nothing people have to hate him for honestly
he’s in choir with taehyun 
he follows no crowd bC THE CROWD FOLLOWS HIM SKSKS
“hey, kai!”
“ey, wassup! I like your top!”
he’s a cute babie too oomf
the girls that aren’t swooning over yeonjun or beomgyu or soobin are definitely swooning over him
(with taehyun they’ve lost all hope bc they know his best friend’s the only one that’s supposed!! to!! stand!! next!! to!! him!!)
kai’s also really sweet and nice to everybody,, and i mean everybody
he talks to everyone, even those emo kids who sit at the back row
and even they can’t resist smiling :) 
he’s that kind of popular guy that’s really preppy and fun to be around
he’s the type to help girls carry their books, or help guys plan on how to ask their crushes out
everyone knows a lot about him bc he doesn’t hesitate to share and talk about his life bc he literally has no trust issues whatsoever
not in a bad way, tho!! he’s just really honest n stuff
the one thing that everyone doesn’t know about him is that he can play piano sksk ♫꒰・◡・๑꒱
they know he can sing, but they didn’t know he played piano like???
he’s never brought it up before
but one time you find him playing the piano in the music room
you’re in the art club and you guys usually stayed behind after school to work on your paintings and stuff when you were feeling like it
and it just so happened that you were staying behind bc you entered into an art competition and you had only two weeks left to complete your painting
but lately you’ve been running out of inspiration and decided to clear your thoughts first before going back to your painting
what’s that beautiful melody??? 
and it led you to him and you were surprised to see mr. popular in the room
and you didn’t mean to, but the door was ajar and you push it open even further to hear the song better
a chair was resting behind the door and it screeched on the floor spsps
Kai turned around and saw you
“oh! Hey y/n”
he stopped playing and you could see a faint blush on his cheeks ≧◡≦
“you play piano? i never knew” you decided to just step inside bc he wouldn’t mind right? rIGHT???
yeah,, if he didn't have such a big PHAT CRUSH ON YOU
“uh yeah, it helps me to clear my mind sometimes”
“i was taking a break too, i couldn’t finish my painting”
he’s always liked you, ever since you were lab partners for an entire year,,
you occasionally talked, but since he was on the more popular side and you had a smaller group of friends it was hard for him to find proper alone time with you
but life’s good to this baby and he finally got to spend his time with you.
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Bad Vegetarian | Feeding Habits #1
Hey People of Earth!
As you can see from the title, not only do we have a new series of writing updates, we have a new series of writing updates for a whole new novel that was! not! supposed! to! happen!
For any of my friends who miss Moth Work (aka myself), guess who started writing a sequel literally no one asked. :)
I’ve had ideas for spinoff stories for Moth Work (as if MW wasn’t enough of a spinoff) and was peer pressured into starting this novel by @sarahkelsiwrites​ and I’m really happy about it! I have yet to come up with a title, but the moment I do, shall inform you, but for now, we’re calling this MW2!
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This book (if it even ends up being a book) starts with chapter one, Bad Vegetarian. Unlike MW, MW2 starts in Lonan’s POV (not sure I’ll switch but I’m sure it’ll be inevitable), and I’m here for it!
I’ve been wanting to explore Lonan and Eliza’s relationship in more detail since having them come together in MW by complete fluke, and oh! is the tea piping!
This chapter really illustrates how truly dysfunctional this relationship is on both sides. Here’s a break down by scene:
Scene A:
Lonan is paint shopping with Eliza who has just gone vegetarian (which is the def the most normal thing she’s spontaneously done lately). Eliza feels like celebrating by painting their entire kitchen red.
Lonan particularly is drawn to blues, but since this ain’t what Eliza wants, they go with a brilliant red.
Scene B:
Lonan lines the kitchen with painter’s tape as Eliza bothers their neighbours for paint rollers, while trying to convince himself this relationship is still somewhat okay.
While doing this, he gets his weekly call from Unknown Woman who he’s been in contact with for the last few weeks. What for? We don’t know! They talk in code, and he realizes Unknown Woman’s situation is getting worse, and impromptu, tries to do something about it.
Scene C:
Lonan and Eliza bump into each other as he’s exiting the apartment and she’s entering, and have a short, strained conversation about why he’s leaving (she’s not aware of top secret phone calls that make this book feel lowkey like the old dystopians!)
Scene D:
Lonan attempts to drive to Unknown Woman but only knows she lives in Arizona (not great for directions lol). While in the car, he realizes it’s essentially impossible to get there without knowing where he’s going, and eventually gives up and heads home.
Scene E:
TW: blood
Lonan re-enters the apartment only to find Eliza “bleeding” in the kitchen. She’s actually just being wild and this “blood” is wall paint.
Scene F:
If we haven’t already seen the dysfunction, oh does it get worse! As Lonan and Eliza try to have a *moment* Eliza has a conversation by herself and gets a lil gaslighty.
Halfway through this, Lonan gets a phone call from Unknown Woman who we finally find out is his ex-girlfriend Glenne. Sounds like tea but he’s genuinely only helping her out of her toxic situation (which will be clarified later) though Eliza’s skeptical.
This chapter was a lot of fun to write! I wrote a majority of it today, and am really happy to have a *chill* project. While I love my other books (the three I am apparently now working on at once), it’s nice to have a place to dump my ideas with characters I know very well in situations I’m comfortable in whenever I feel like writing but don’t have tons of time/ideas/energy.
Here are the opening three paragraphs! The first sentence sets up the POV a little weirdly, but I think it works with a later sentence that sort of mimics this “reminder” kind of style:
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There are no rules, just remember, Eliza is vegetarian. She’s into earth tones, neutral tones, leafy greens, root vegetables. It’s all new. The day she announced her diet change, she also announced a desire to repaint the kitchen, to fit the new aura, to fit the new ethics, but she wants to paint the kitchen blood red, and Lonan is still a meat-eater. He reminds himself: there are no rules, just remember, Eliza is vegetarian.
In the hardware store he thumbs paint chips. They’re set up in an array, almost like checkers, dissolving in a gradient from reds to purples. Eliza wants red, “Not necessarily earthy, but the root of organism, of life,” so Lonan looks at the blues. They’re all a variant of a seaside theme—Sea Breeze, a cloud-like blue, Beach Umbrella, a wispy aqua, Seafoam Serenade, muted like the soft side of a turquoise. Repainting the kitchen matters little to him, and so do the blues, but the red section, devilish, makes him shuffle his blue deck faster.
Radio from the store’s intercom tins through the speakers, dampened by the hustle of carts, the thud of bodies against the concrete flooring. He holds many cards up to the light, Secret Getaway and Parisian Summer almost the exact shade, but still he flicks through, until half the pile is indistinguishable, and the other half are blues he likes and not reds, like Eliza’s asked.
The next excerpt sort of highlights the last six months of Lonan’s life as he’s been on this whirlwind of keeping up with all the things Eliza has tried. I have added kudzu pudding and other kudzu food just for my pals @sarahkelsiwrites​ and @shaelinwrites​ (rlly want kudzu pudding):
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Her sudden vegetarianism is not confusing to him. Eliza tries new things all the time, something he’s learned after living with her for half a year. One time, she brought home four different kinds of dried beans to make into tea, and together they drank it atop the balcony, the Vegas strip across them somehow tasting better. One time, they ate a variety of kudzu foods for a week because Eliza said invasive species had to be killed somehow, and so they spooned kudzu pudding into their mouths, kudzu root powder into their water, kudzu salads with salted almonds. One time, she put them on a warmth ban, and they ate only frozen peas, potatoes, raspberries, turned the thermostat down until every surface crackled. She liked the feeling of subtle frost on the countertops, how it jolted her when she touched it accidentally in the morning. He found her many mornings awake before him, transfixed to the table with both palms soldered to its surface, like she’d forgotten she wasn’t a part of it. One time, she paid to have the furniture in the house rearranged, not good enough for her spirit, and then reverted it two days later. “The couch doesn’t like being so close to the refrigerator,” and he could’ve asked “did you ask it?” but said, “Understandable. It shouldn’t be forced to catch a draft.” So her vegetarianism is normal. Already, she’s switched their meat supply to beetroots, chickpeas, tofu she rips apart bare-handed. For the last three mornings, they’ve both taken a shot of spinach and gingerroot, a liquid that burns to make you feel alive, as if you weren’t already.
The next excerpts kind of surprised me with their amount of humour! Not something I expect from Lonan, but I’m glad he has some sass back lol (CW: some upsetting animal imagery):
There is nothing wrong in this relationship. Everything is Eliza’s new favourite adjective—stunning. Everything is scrubbed with kitchen bleach, glittering like a plasticky pool float in the shallow end, stunning. Everything is planned, put in a calendar, a notebook, a flitter of receipts, but always planned, stunning. Everything is better, even better than better, a better that can only be described as stunning.
Lonan uses this word frequently now, rolling out a strip of blue painter’s tape and trying to find different ways it stuns. Sticks when he sticks, peels when he peels, keeps its edge when it needs to keep its edge, so it’s stunning. The bubble television is turned onto a channel about sheep, and as he lines the baseboards, outlets, catches glances of a sheer buzzing against skin, sometimes a hunting knife slicing until there’s blood. 
Eliza is asking a neighbour for paint rollers because they bought four cans of wall paint, two paint trays, a box of garbage bags, three rolls of painter’s tape, and a small paintbrush each for both of them but forgot the rollers. Stunning.
The following excerpt highlights that Lonan has a cellphone! Is Fostered just a bizarre alternate reality of a time period that doesn’t exist? Perhaps! (CW: some upsetting animal imagery):
Today, they’ll prime the cabinets, the walls, and tomorrow, scroll a coat of red onto both. The kitchen will look more like the inside of an anatomical heart, the sinks and drawers like ventricles, but this is Eliza’s vision—her tastes come alive.
The sheep are being herded by a collie. As Lonan rips another strip of tape with his teeth, he stares at the screen mounted in the corner, at the almost-naked sheep dashing across a field. How many will be slaughtered, he doesn’t know. The narrator must’ve said that, but there is no plan, really, for death. Even for sheep.
He kneels toward the kitchen vent, the tape roll linked around his wrist, and smooths a line of tape down. Eliza doesn’t want to paint the vent—it wouldn’t complete her vision—and so it will remain the original wall colour, a square of cream so worn, it’s almost grey.
Here we have some hints at Eliza’s weirdness:
He straightens and looks at her. She’s bundled in her fur coat even though she has always insisted she’s good at even Vegas’ warm winter. Since going vegetarian, she’s insisted it’s fake, even though he’s read the lining tag—100% mink. He doesn’t know why she’s needed her coat when she’s only walked up a few flights of stairs but doesn’t care to ask.
She approaches him with her thumb out, and when that thumb presses into his eye socket, he flinches.
“What happened here?” she smooths the dip of his under eyes, her fingertips cold. He smells her perfume, different today, always different, a smell like cloves and lavender. “Are you sleeping?” She presses onto her toes, examines the other side, and her frown deepens. “This doesn’t look like eight hours.”
“I’m sleeping,” he says, though they both know this is a lie. It’s taken her two weeks to notice.
“I can run to the pharmacy,” she says. “If you need a refill.”
“I’m sleeping.”
“I didn’t notice this morning—I would’ve given you another energy shot.”
Here’s a line I like because of a) skin and b) sun:
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Lonan goes nowhere. This is not his plan. Asphalt whips under the skin of each tire, the setting sun wringing him blind. 
Fully sharing this for the verb zags (and also because I accidentally roast cities tho I love them I am one of these blink-less people):
He doesn’t know where he’s going. Arizona is the only thing he knows about her, doesn’t know if she lives in an apartment, a duplex, a house—fully detached, semi-detached. As he pulls into a residential neighbourhood somewhere along the vague line he’s drawn on the map from Las Vegas to Arizona, he watches for all these options. In the distance, a jogger zags across the street with her golden retriever, children play basketball on a driveway, still in their school uniforms, another woman clips the wilted stems off a magnolia bush. 
It’s when he gets closer to the apartments that the sameness is noticeable. High-rises with pearlescent windows that go pinkish in the sunset—all of them identical. Each building evenly spaced, more like a board game than a place to live. Even the space around each building is the same—the same rose hedges, the same iron fence, the same people bustling in and out, all wearing some variation of the same pantsuit, all holding some other hand—child, partner, lover. The same haircuts, smiles, eyes like marbles, as if there’s a store somewhere that sells copies, a catalogue for eyes that don’t blink. He’s been looking into the sun for too long, there must be a difference, but the longer he looks, the more indistinguishable they become.
To get out of explaining where he wants to go when he and Eliza bump into each other, Lonan says he’s visiting his sister (Reeve), and because she’s iconic and must make an appearance, here’s a line ft. our queen:
He could make the lie true. Reeve is somewhere in the country, he imagines, dancing in a faceless city, living in a motel room, tipping everyone well. 
(^^ all true)
Here we have Lonan identifying with the animals more than anything else for the second time in one chapter (TW for more blood imagery):
Lonan hooks the car keys onto the lanyard by the front door and slings his coat across the couch. The television is set to the same channel as before, though the program has switched from sheep slaughter to birdwatching. On screen, a heron perches by a riverbed, opalescent in the sunshine.
“Did you hurt yourself?” he asks, the heron now frisking up the white bark of a tree. He glances at the fluorescent red dripping between her fingers, pattering against the tile.
“I was opening the paint cans.”
“With a kitchen knife?”
He gestures to the blade on the counter, blood-free, newly sharpened.
“It’s all I had on hand.” She pulls her wrist closer to her, runs her index finger along the injured area.
“It’s clean.”
“I washed it, Lonan.”
This next one has some blood imagery so TW for that!
The heron has moved closer to the riverbed. It watches the water knowingly, its subtle simmer of movement, and after a moment of watching, strikes its beak down so it spears a trout. He misses the part where it eats. Eliza’s clicked off the TV from behind him.
She slams the remote onto the counter so hard, its back clatters off and onto the tile. “I cut my arm with a kitchen knife while opening paint cans. It happens.”
“I don’t see a cut.”
“Why would I make that up?”
“I don’t see a cut.”
She walks toward him. He expects her to shove her wrist in his face, but she doesn’t. She just holds it, some of the blood fluorescing pink, splashes onto her toes.
“You got to see your sister?” she asks.
“She cancelled.”
Eliza clucks her tongue, examining her wrist, and then she extends her arm, revealing the full patch of pale skin gone red.
Lonan takes it, and with his fingernail carves a line through the red to reveal the healthy patch of skin, painted, uncut.
And finally, here’s the last line of this excerpt that essentially explains where the title comes from ft. predator VS prey symbolism:
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He’s reminded once more of the heron, how it plunged into the riverbed with ease, and the trout dangling in its beak, its commitment to life most fervent the moment before being consumed. 
So that’s going to be it for this update! I don’t know how frequently I’ll be writing this, but it’s been a lot of fun so far. I’m excited to explore more relationships I haven’t turned over in a while as a little side project while I do other things! Hope y’all enjoyed!
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luci-cunt · 4 years
Pad Thai / Fuck Off
[ @moonsandstarsaregay​ I’m sorry this took so long but tada! here’s your ficlet, just a lil mini from Carter’s POV. WARNING: RAVENSONG SPOILERS! but just barely :D <3333333
This is Homesong canon btw so it’s not exactly like the actual books.... there’s a bit of a..... twist >:3 you can also read it on AO3!
Contrary to the apparently popular belief, Carter did actually take his position as mayor seriously. 
So jot that one down, Joe.
If he didn’t he might actually get more sleep in his actual bed, but as it was it felt like he spent most nights slumped over the desk in his office. Well, that was actually only part of it, and most nights Carter had the forethought to move to the couch by the door. In all honesty he didn’t mind sleeping at the office, in fact he did it regularly because he didn’t mind it. 
Living in the same house with your mom and your brother and your brother’s boyfriend and the weird wolf that won’t stop following you around is--shockingly--not all peaches and cream. Besides, his office was sick, the couch was the most comfortable thing he’d ever owned and he had an entire wall of windows he usually kept all the way open so he could pretend like he was outside. 
Sometimes he missed living on his own--how it had been when he was in college--but that hadn’t exactly been alone, which was the problem. Carter couldn’t stand the idea of living completely alone, even just moving in with his roommate--a guy named Joshi--had been like getting dunked in ice water after living with his family--his pack--for his whole life. 
But even that he was sure he could get used to, no--that wasn’t the real reason why he refused to get his own place. 
Before he hadn’t quite been able to pin down why it had felt so weird to think of moving out, and then it had hit him when Kelly moved. 
He didn’t have a mate. 
Both his brothers and his Uncle had all lived in the house until they found their mates. Technically Joe was still living in the Bennett house but he’d moved in with Ox first and then moved back in to leave the house to Kelly and Robbie later. Even Mark hadn’t left until Gordo finally let him move in. 
Carter just... didn’t have that. 
Instead he had his office, and the wolf that wouldn’t leave him alone. 
Speaking of… 
“Get your fucking nose out of there,” Carter snapped, kicking the mini-fridge door closed to stop the wolf from eating the thai-food leftovers he was saving for lunch. The wolf growled at him, nosing it open again so that Carter had to stop what he was typing on his laptop to hold the door closed with his foot. “I said cut it out, peanuts make you gassy as hell and I’m not dealing with that,” he said. They stared each other down for a moment, and Carter held up a finger. “You get in there and I’m kicking you out.”
The wolf huffed a breath like a laugh and then used his paw to shove Carter’s foot away. “Fucking cunt--” Carter said as he left his desk to tackle the wolf. They rolled over the fancy rug that had been a gift from some official Carter couldn’t remember the name of, both snarling and growling at one another loud enough that Cynthia--Carter’s secretary--could probably hear them. He could imagine her rolling her eyes and turning up her radio in the room next to him, but she was more than used to this by now. 
Eventually Carter managed to get a grip on the wolf’s middle and he shoved him into the couch, scrambling over and planting himself down in front of the fridge. The wolf jumped up, growling as he stalked over. 
“I told you to fuck off, and look--now instead of writing important emails I’m playing fridge guardian,” he said, scowling back at the wolf, who blew an annoyed breath out his nose into Carters face. “Wow, you’re so persuasive,” he mocked. 
There was a pause, and the wolf sat back and seemed to melt as it shifted, and then Gavin was sitting in front of him. His face scrunched in a pout and long, tangled black hair spilled over his shoulders. 
“Ass,” he said. Carter flipped him off. 
The first few times that Gavin had shifted out of the timberwolf Carter had thought he was being haunted. It started with little things, like books moved around and cups emptied when he swore he’d left them full. He hadn’t really thought much of it--maybe it was the stupid-white-person part of him but if his office was haunted that just made it so much cooler. 
Except then the things had gotten more noticable. If he fell asleep at his desk he’d wake up with one of the stupidly oversized couch cushions under his head, and the windows would open and close themselves while he was sleeping. He’d first suspected Cynthia, but she’d just given him a weird look when he brought it up. 
He didn’t catch on until one day when a bat flew into his windows and woke him out of a dead sleep and he’d caught Gavin before he could shift back. After that he was still reluctant to shift out of the wolf, but he’d stopped doing it in secret when Carter promised not to tell anyone he’d seen it. 
He didn’t actually talk to Carter until about a month after he started shifting out enough that Carter kept a spare pair of sweatpants at the office. He spoke oddly, like he’d never actually been taught how to. It had taken some getting used to but now Carter hardly noticed. 
“Not wolf,” Gavin said, pointing to himself and then the fridge. 
“Yeah well, I lied, I just don’t want you eating it because it’s mine,” Carter said, making Gavin’s scowl deepen. 
“We literally just ate.”
Gavin shook his head in frustration. “Stupid ass,” he said.
“Right, because you’re a real Einstein,” Carter said, he pushed himself up enough to grab the sweats out of a drawer in his desk and toss them over. “And put some pants on--” 
Gavin rolled his eyes, mockingly quoting, “Man of position, blah blah,” as he did. 
“I’m the mayor, naked people in my office is frowned upon,” Carter said. “And not nearly as hot as it could be--you should grow tits.” 
Gavin flipped him off but pulled on the pants and laid on his back on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. After a moment Carter leaned his head back so it bumped against the fridge. 
“You still haven’t given me an answer, you’re like a fuckin’ fortune cookie written by a beetle.” 
Gavin wrinkled his nose. “Bugs are not good,” he said.
“Thank you for that wonderfully insightful answer, give me four to seven business days to process it properly and get back to you o-wise one.” Gavin pushed himself up so he could glare properly, Carter squinted at him. “You know what you are?” 
“No, please--tell,” he said flatly.
“An STD,” Carter said, leaning back again. “You just won’t go away.” 
Gavin frowned and shrugged like he did when he didn’t understand something. 
“A disease you get from fucking,” Carter explained. 
“So you had fun getting me?” Gavin said, with a grin. 
Carter rolled his eyes. “You were trying to kill us, I almost killed you.” 
“Yeah,” Gavin agreed, laying back down. Carter waited for him to explain more, but he didn’t. He breathed a laugh despite himself. 
“I think you’re the only one who manages to actually piss me off so much,” he said. 
“Lucky me.” 
“Well that one’s new, where’d you get it?” 
“When were you hanging out with him?” 
“My business.” 
“Oh fuck off, like you give a damn about privacy.” 
“You are stupid, it’s different.” 
“No, actually it’s not--I managed to survive almost three decades before you showed up, I think I can make it a couple of hours without supervision.” 
“Do you have any idea how long it’s been since I’ve fucked anyone. Hard for that to happen when I’ve got the worlds biggest, dumbest ankle monitor glued to my leg at all times! No--you don’t get to look smug about that, your possessiveness is not cute in any world. Don’t shrug at me--I will skin you and use your pelt for aftercare.” 
Gavin growled at him, eyes flashing violet, but it wasn’t nearly as intimidating while he was human. Hell it wasn’t even that intimidating when he was a wolf. It was a little surprising when Gavin suddenly lunged at him, successfully knocking him over and sitting on his chest so he could rifle through the fridge. 
“Hey! I just said--god how the hell do you weigh so much get--off--fucking--!” He groaned and stopped struggling as he realized it was useless, Gavin grinned down at him and slurped noodles obnoxiously. 
“I cannot stand you.” 
“Yum,” Gavin said as he dropped a peanut on Carter’s face. Carter smacked his hand away, and then sobered a bit. 
“Are you actually ever going to explain anything? Because if you’re just going to keep being cryptic let me know so I can rub it in your face when you finally crack.” 
Gavin chewed thoughtfully for a moment. “No explanation,” he said, then he grinned. “My business.” 
Carter scowled, reaching up and flicking his forehead. “Ass,” he said. 
“STD,” Gavin corrected, already focusing back on the stolen pad thai. 
“At least tell me why you won’t shift in front of anyone else,” Carter said. Gavin’s jaw clenched, “You stole my lunch, you owe me,” Carter pointed out. 
“Hard,” Gavin said after a moment. “Too many things, easier to handle as the wolf,” he went on. “And, it’s bigger--better teeth.” He bared his teeth to prove his point and Carter rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah, it’s way harder to rip out throats as an omnivore,” he said dryly. 
“You don’t like the wolf because I can drag you,” Gavin said with a laugh that made Carter roll his eyes. 
“You caught me,” he said, forcing himself to keep his mouth shut to keep the rest of his thoughts in his head. 
“Stupid,” Gavin said, smiling dopily. 
Carter opened his mouth to retort, but he and Gavin heard the sound of Kelly talking to Cynthia outside. Gavin dropped the box of pad thai and shifted before Carter could blink, and he scrambled up, growling and brushing noodles off the front of his shirt. 
“Fucking asshole,” he snapped, tossing the box at Gavin’s head. He just made a whining noise almost like a laugh and then jumped on the couch as Kelly opened this door while knocking. 
“I picked up a sandwich from Oasis, Robbie ate a few bites but--” Kelly cut himself off as his eyes landed on Carter, who was picking himself up off the ground and glaring down at his stained shirt. “Did you trip?” he asked, unsuccessfully hiding a laugh. 
Carter glared. “Something like that,” he bit out with a significant look towards the wolf on the couch, who was pretending to be sleeping. 
“Well, I’ve still got a few minutes of lunch--Tanner dragged Robbie back to the shop because apparently Gordo set the computer on fire, want me to grab you a shirt?” Kelly asked, still smirking.
“While you’re at it grab me a knife and a tanning rack,” Carter said. “Cynthia!” he called, and she poked her head in the doorway, one brow raised. She scanned the office and followed the trail of noodles from Carter’s shirt to the empty box on the floor by the couch and gave him a flat look. 
“You don’t pay me enough to clean up after you,” she deadpanned. 
“Fuck off,” he snapped, “Just get me a broom or something.” 
“That’s carpet,” Kelly said, dropping the tinfoil wrapped sandwich on Carter’s desk. 
“I didn’t ask you, did I?” 
“Your office is going to smell like peanuts for the rest of your life.” 
Cynthia wrinkled her nose and then wheeled away. 
Carter glared at Kelly. “Weren’t you getting me a shirt?” 
His brother laughed, already turning to leave. “Have fun scrubbing!” he called over his shoulder. 
“As soon as I’m done with this asshole I’m coming for your ass!” Carter snarled back. He turned to the wolf on the couch, who was watching him with one eye open. Carter jabbed a finger at him. “That’s not an empty threat, if this shit doesn’t come out you’re the replacement carpet.”
Gavin just closed his eye and curled up more. 
It made Carter wish he could actually follow through on his threats.
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oh-its-souichi · 5 years
Shigaraki X Reader 
Dabi X Reader 
This is a lil different but not really 
Warning; fluff, a--n--g--s--t, barely edited, 
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You had been out talking to Kurogiri while Shigaraki and his one year old daughter were in the bedroom. Shigaraki was on his computer eyes glued to screen as he watched a play though of a new game he was wanting to buy. D/N was sitting on the floor with a tattered stuffed animal in her hands. Unannounced to Shigaraki though, she had grown tired of playing with the toy and thought it a good idea to try and climb on top of the bed. 
The black haired little girl stretched her arms out and gripped onto the blankets, lifting one of her legs and stepping onto the edge of the bed frame. Things seemed to be going well, having made it most of the way up until she lost her grip of the blankets and fell. 
From behind Shigaraki heard a thump followed by a painful gasp.
“Hm?’ he hummed. 
Upon turning around he was met what he could only describe as a... hassle. As soon as he spun his chair around he was met with D/N’s red and bulging eyes; heavy tears streaked out of them; she clutched her wrist tightly and her small body remained completely still. He sighed scratching lightly at his neck. He didn’t know what was wrong but he definitely didn’t want to be the one dealing with it. 
Slowly he got up from his chair and knelled down next to D/N. “You’re hurt?” he said. She nodded gently reaching out to him with her good arm, a stiffled sob leaving her lips. He felt his heart wrench in his chest at the sight of her in pain and to mitigate the feeling he threw his gaze away from her and to a small crack on the wall. Her small fingers met his arm and latched onto the fabric of his sleeve, he could feel them trembling.  “You idiot” he scoffed softly picking her up and cradling her in his arms. “It hurt” she squeaked out sqeezing his shirt tighter. She buried her head into the crook of his neck and sobbed, her tears soaking his shirt. He looked down at the arm she cradled immediately spotting the angry looking bruise that was forming on her wrist. ‘Oh that looks great’ He thought to himself, standing up with a sigh. He couldn’t help be impressed though. Despite the obvious pain she was in, D/N held it together surprisingly well. 
Which made sense. 
She was his daughter after all. 
Once he brought D/N out to you and Kurogiri and explained that her arm was probably broken you had a slight anxiety attack which he expected. Taking her away from him you quickly packed somethings and had Kurogiri warp the two of you to the nearest hospital.
He was half asleep in his computer chair when he heard the two of you creep quietly into the bedroom. So quietly in fact that he would not have heard you at all if it was’t for the one squeaky floor board. He groaned swiveling the chair around throwing you a very tired look. “I’m sorry we woke you” you whispered walking to the other end of the room and laying D/N gently down on the bed. Shigaraki shrugged and stood up from the chair, stretching out his arms. “I wasn’t sleeping” he said sleep evident in his voice, You rolled your eyes looking at him doubtfully. “Oh I see” you said. The trip to the hospital had been exhausting and you were glad to be home. Carelessly you dropped your purse to the floor and began slipping out of your clothes and into the soft set of grey pajamas you kept at the end of the bed. A mischievous smile spread across his face and he sauntered over to you awkwardly collecting you in his arms before you could put the pajama shirt on. He looked at you and without having to say anything you knew what he wanted to know. “She’s fine. Its just a sprain. It will take a few weeks to heal but at least it’s not broken” you said. As you spoke he looked behind him at the sleeping little girl on the bed and nodded his head, his expression softening. You smiled and leaned forward kissing him gently on the lips. “I know you were probably driven mad with worry while we were gone” you teased. He scoffed and flicked you in the forehead. “Shut up, I barely noticed you left.” he said a bashful smile on his face. 
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The two of you had been making out in the kitchen, taking advantage having a moment alone while D/N took a bath. 
You were sitting on the counter top with your arms wrapped around his shoulders and he had been kissing your neck, hand haphazardly shoved up your shirt and just about to move his lips back to yours when he heard it. 
It sounded like a thud followed by a crunch. 
“What the hell was that?” he said, both of you freezing to listen for any more sounds. 
Suddenly there was a loud cry from inside of the bathroom. Dabi’s eyes widened and he bolted into the bathroom only to see D/N sitting against the wall holding her left arm closely to her body. There were heavy tears streaming down her small face with an expression of pure agony. 
“D/N what happened?!” Dabi said sternly scooping the shaking and crying child into his arms. 
“I jumped off the sink after I got dressed!” D/N wailed. 
Dabi felt all of the blood leave his head and down into his heart, making his chest swell with rage. He knitted his eyebrows together. “You what?! Why the hell would you do that! ” 
“I thought it would be fun!” 
“Well that’s one hell of a-” 
You walked into the bathroom with an ice pack in your hand and cut Dabi off, covering his mouth before the situation escalated any further. “Where does it hurt sweetheart” you said wiping the tears from D/N’s face. “Right here!” she sobbed pointing to her elbow. You moved closer and peered at the area quickly noticing an oddly shaped and angry looking bump. ‘Shit.’ you thought. 
“I’m going to put this ice pack on your arm alright?”
“No momma. It’s going to hurrrrt” she whined swatting at your hand with her good arm. 
“It’s going to help it D/N. How about you put it on, Is that better?” 
The child thought for a moment before nodding her head and you handed her the ice pack. Dramatically she set the solid blue pack down on her tiny elbow hissing in pain before burying her head in the crook of Dabi’s neck, crying loudly. 
With that taken care of your turned to Dabi who was fuming, you could practically see smoke seeping out in between the stitching in his skin. “I’m going to have to take her to the hospital, it’s definitely fucked.”   
“Hospital!” D/N shrieked popping up. “No! I’m not going!” 
Dabi gritted his teeth “Maybe you should have thought of that before acting like an idiot” he growled “Like it or not your going to that damn hospital. Take her I need to put my shoes on.” He shoved your daughter at you and you took the child withholding a laugh. 
Dabi stormed out of the bathroom and you stood there dumbfounded. “Where do you think your going?” you shouted out at him cradling D/N lovingly. “Where am I going? Where the fuck do you think? To the damn hospital” he growled angrily throwing on his shoes.
You walked out of the bathroom “babe you are a wanted villain you aren’t going anywhere.Just let me handle things” 
It was really late when you got home. D/N was passed out in your arms sucking her thumb while his newly cast arm lay languidly around your shoulder. You balanced her and your keys and attempted to unlock the door but before you could even turn the key the door swung open and you were met with a very intense looking Dabi. “Hi ba-” you tired to say but were interrupted. “What took so long?” He grunted peering at you with his icy blue eyes before dropping his gaze to D/N, his gaze softening. “It always takes forever at the ER” you sighed stepping into the doorway. Dabi grunted and stepped aside allowing you to step into the apartment, shutting the door behind you. You walked into the kitchen and set your purse on the counter happy to be home. Dabi cautiously followed you an almost guilty look on his face. “How is she?” he asked his voice soft. Startled by his tone you stumbled to get words out. “Um- yeah of course she’s fine. It’s just a minor break and it should heal in a few weeks.” 
He sighed and stepped closer carefully tucking some hair that had fallen in D/N’s face behind her ear. You stared at him for a moment noticing pain on his face, he looked upset. “She is going to be okay” you reassured bumping his arm gently with your elbow. He took his eyes off of D/N and looked at you briefly before planting a quick kiss on your forehead. Gently he took D/N out of your arms are pressed her to his chest. The little girl didn’t stir from the sudden move but instead relaxed against her father. After that the three of you retired to bed, Dabi holding both of you close the rest of the night. 
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aalissy · 4 years
Day 7 is done! Kinda late but I hope it's worth it haha ;). It's got a cute lil Marichat date so I hope you like it :D! Lemme know what you think :)
Marinette giggled at the superhero on her balcony, “What in the world are you wearing?”
“What, you don’t like my disguise?” Chat tilted his head up toward the bright sun, his sunglasses glinting on top of his mask. There was a red baseball cap turned to the side on his head, two holes cut out to expose his ears. It complimented his green sweater and blue jeans which had a hole cut out for his tail.
“Are you insane?!” she snorted and then gestured to his outfit, “This is supposed to be a disguise?! You look like an idiot!”
“Aw, come on purrincess,” he purred, his hands over his heart, “I thought I looked absolutely pawfect.”
Marinette snorted, shaking her head at him, “You must be blind. Actually, how can you see through both a mask and sunglasses?”
“Eh, you’d be surprised,” Chat shrugged. Honestly, most of the time it didn’t even feel like he was wearing a mask. He supposed that it was probably a benefit of being a superhero.
She stared at him blankly for a few moments before she burst into laughter once again. Gulping in breaths of air, she managed to stutter out, “S-so why did you come to my balcony dressed like this? I know it’s midday but I don’t think there was any real need for this.”
“I wanted us to go see the movie. Remember, the new one about Miraculous? I can’t exactly go around looking like Chat Noir, now can I?” 
He didn’t exactly mention he could have taken her as his civilian self. The civilian self who knew her and was friends with her. But it just always seemed like she had more fun and was more comfortable around Chat. The fleeting moments he got to spend with her when they watched Solitude together was too short and he really wanted to try it. Besides, it was really fun wearing a disguise before.
Marinette’s eyebrow rose slowly as she looked at him like he was an enigma, “Let me get this straight, you want to go see the new Miraculous movie with me, dressed like that?”
“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” Chat pouted at her.
“Nothing, nothing. It’s not like I’m an aspiring fashion designer or anything,” she said sarcastically but opened up her trapdoor, “If we’re going to the cinema, though then I want to wear a disguise too.” 
Chat chuckled but followed her down into her room. He leaned on her bed, watching Marinette as she pulled on a pink scarf before she grabbed her own pair of sunglasses. After that, she began trying to tug him off her bed, “Come on! We don’t want to be late now, do we?”
“Oh, trust me, we’re not going to be late,” he smirked at her before opening up her trapdoor and gesturing up it with a low bow, “After you, purrincess.”
Marinette’s brow furrowed, “Why are we going up here? Aren’t we going to the cinema?”
“Purrcisely,” Chat winked at her cheekily.
The designer’s frown deepened even more but she climbed onto her balcony all the same. He followed after her before she turned around, flailing her hands around their surroundings, “Mind telling me what we are doing out here?”
Ignoring her question Chat instead leaned in to whisper in her ear, “That’s a clawsome disguise, Marinette. But it’s not as good as mine.”
Her cheeks flamed but she shoved him away with a snort, “You sure about that?”
“Pawsitively,” the superhero chuckled before swooping her up in his arms, not listening to Marinette’s indignant squawk.
“What are you doing!? Put me down!” she screeched.
“Course I will. When we get there, of course,” he winked again before extending his baton, bringing the two up to the top of Paris. Marinette clutched onto him tighter, burying her face in his chest. If Chat’s cheeks turned a light pink then he would have blamed it on the intense sunlight that came from being so high up. 
It took no time at all to land them where he wanted to, setting Marinette back down carefully. As soon as he put her back down on solid ground, however, she swatted at his shoulder, scowling at him, “You could have warned me, you know!! Also, if you’re trying not to be discovered why would you ever do that?!”
“I was trying to be charming and suave,” Chat pouted at her. He watched as Marinette huffed, blowing away a strand of hair that had come loose from one of her pigtails. She continued to glare at him though and the loose hair fell back once again. Instead of watching her blow it away again, he instead brushed it back, tucking it neatly back into one of her pigtails. One of his claws grazed softly against her cheek before he brought it back to his side.
 Marinette’s mouth opened as though she were going to speak before it clamped shut. There was a brief pause of silence before she grabbed his hand, pulling him in, “Let’s just go inside. We’re getting enough stares as it is,” she muttered.
For the first time, Chat looked around their surroundings, finally noticing the amount of people staring at the two of them. Adjusting the baseball cap to fit lower on his head he followed Marinette into the cool building. With their hands still intertwined, she took him up to the counter, ordering them some popcorn as well as their movie tickets. Munching on a few bites of the sweet treat they ducked into the room, finding a pair of empty seats together. It was weird hearing his voice on the big screen. Especially when he had tried hard to make it sound like Chat’s voice but not enough to completely give it away. 
When the movie was over and they were walking back to Marinette’s bakery, they chatted about their feelings about it. It didn’t take long before she brought up his civilian self, “You know Adrien did a really good job mimicking your voice.”
“Pfft, him? I don’t know. I don’t think he’d really make a great Chat Noir,” he smirked, unable to resist the chance to talk about himself.
Marinette scoffed, bumping her shoulder into his, “He’d make a great Chat Noir and you know it! You’re just jealous!”
Though he blushed a bit at her confidence in both versions of him, Chat scoffed at her second statement, “Jealous of what?”
“That he might make a better superhero than you,” she stuck her tongue out at him.
Unable to keep himself from snickering, he brushed it off by teasing her, “Actually, I have it on good authority that he’d make an unfurtunately terrible hero. Ladybug tried to give the snake miraculous to him but he failed using it and she had to give it to someone else.”
Marinette’s face seemed to turn purple as she stared at him for a while before she finally sighed, “O-oh did that really happen?”
“Yep,” Chat popped the p.
“Well, maybe he just had an off day or something,” she waved off and before he could retort they arrived at the bakery, “Anyway, thank you for taking me to go see the new Miraculous movie, Chat. I had a lot of fun today, even if your disguise isn’t the best,” Marinette’s blue eyes sparkled up at him.
“Thanks for spending the day with me too, purrincess,” he leaned down to brush a kiss against her cheek before he pulled back. Giving her one last quick grin he extended his baton and jumped onto a rooftop, ready to race back home.
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divcs · 4 years
                            ⋮  回 ♡ ━━   ❛ ℘𝙻𝙾𝚃 𝚆. 𝙳𝙸𝚅𝙸𝙽𝙰. ❜
       HEY ! what’s up y’all ? since everyone is makin’ rounds for plots i guess it’s a good time to introduce myself and make my call so without further ado this is DIVINA THORNTON, known to most as just her first name. her prominence comes from being a members of a pop girl-group since 2010 but following their disbandment last year, she’s now a new member of CAPITOL RECORDS. falling under the modern southern belle trope, she has a sweet nature/feisty temper and is on the hunt for some connections. all basic connects are welcomed as well as collaborations ( literally anything/everything ) and i have some plots typed up as well. if interested, click the lil’ read more below and hit the lineee !!!
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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄.   —   divina priscilla thornton
𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄.   —  normani
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄.   —   july 31st, 1997.  ( 23 )
𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂.   —   leo.
𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄.   —  the queen. the diva. 
𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒.   —  leader. outgoing.  confident. expressive. stubborn. passionate. down to earth. spontaneous. bad tempered. 
𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘.  —  esfp.
𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓.   —  chaotic good.
𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓.   —   sanguine-choleric
𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍.  —  savannah, georgia
𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄.  —    2010-
𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒.   —  sashabelle. janet jackson. toni braxton. brandy. late 90′s/earlt 00s mariah carey. britney spears. paris hilton. 
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐋𝐒  —  celia foote. jodie landon. 
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍.   —  despite her big and sometimes overwhelming personality, divina is trying her best to fit into the music industry that she’s always felt outcast in due to where she’s from and what she looks like. navigating through colorism in the industry, sabotage from some people she’s pissed off, shedding the girl group image and still trying to figure out where she wants to take her career in entertainment; divina has a lot on her plate. she’s grown discouraged in a music career after being overlooked in a group for years but is doing what is expected of her. all in all she wants what most of her peers do, fame, fortune and some real friends. 
𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖊𝖘
Muse A has been an aspiring musician for years. They have finally hit it big; their music quickly climbing the charts, labels scrambling to sign them, screaming fans waiting outside venues. Muse A meets DIVINA at an industry event, and the two hit it off immediately. Muse A invites DIVINA out after the event, and they end up going home together afterward. As they continue to bump into one another at industry events over the next few weeks, the pair decides to act on their chemistry and try dating. It isn’t long before they start to fall for each other, but Muse A’s rising fame sweeps them up, leaving DIVINA, (who’s still stuck in her girl group contract) behind while Muse A travels the world. DIVINA does their best to deal with the distance and the insecurities that come along with dating a musician but, they finally reach their limit when a photo surfaces of Muse A kissing a fan after a show. Muse A expresses regret about the incident, but can’t promise that they’ll be 100% faithful while on tour. After a difficult talk, the two agree that they shouldn’t be together right now, and they’ll just have to see what happens when the tour is over. Now, the tour is over and when it’s time for Muse A to write their sophomore album, nothing is more inspiring than their relationship with DIVINA. Their first single is released and it’s a break-up song that’s all about missing Muse B. This doesn’t sit well with DIVINA, who’s now signed as a solo artist and doesn’t want their relationship tainting her new path of a career.
𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖆 𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗 
DIVINA has recently signed her own solo deal and is on the cusp of breaking into the big time as a solo artist. She has her loyal following from the group that she loves dearly, but their lifelong dream has always been to be a major headliner and to see her name lit up on the marquis of the biggest venues. Muse B is a well-known artist who is also a talent manager, looking for a new artist to lend their skills and expertise to. Muse B attends one of DIVINA’s promotional shows one night and is absolutely blown away by their magnetism and raw talent. After the show, Muse B introduces themselves to DIVINA and makes it known that they are very interested in working with them. DIVINA isn’t sure at first. They don’t want to be constantly told what to do or play and Muse B doesn’t have the sharpest personal reputation. The pair spend time together, share a few stories, their dreams and aspirations and begin to hit it off really well. Muse B offers their services, but DIVINA is hesitant to accept, even though this may be what she really needs to establish herself outside of her girl group image. After a bit of persuading and a few more meetings, DIVINA finally agrees. Muse B utilizes every resource they have to propel DIVINA into stardom. As DIVINA gets closer and closer to achieving A-list status, Muse B steers her towards more questionable behaviors (alcohol, drugs, outbursts, etc.) in order to get additional publicity and headlines. When she refuses, she begins to see a more vile side of Muse B who threatens to completely derail her career if she doesn’t take their orders. 
𝖜𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖘 /  𝖘𝖜𝖎𝖓𝖌
Muse A and DIVINA are in a lowkey ‘situationship’. DIVINA is embarking on her first national tour as an opening act. Muse A has been close friends with DIVINA since she was seventeen and they’ve been one of her biggest supporters in the industry. The pair have decided to continue ‘talking’ despite DIVINA leaving to tour. Though they talk over video chat and text almost every day, it’s just not the same as them being in the same room together. After the first leg of apart, DIVINA’s chats are getting shorter and Muse A’s calls go to their voicemail more frequently. It makes Muse A curious, especially because of publicity showing DIVINA and MUSE C; another artist touring with DIVINA who has openly expressed being romantically interested in her, growing questionably closer. When one particular  video of DIVINA and MUSE C cozied up together surfaces and Muse A can’t get in contact with with DIVINA for explanation; Muse A is deeply angered after assuming the worst. Enters Muse D, who is both DIVINA’s best friend and a collaborator of Muse A. When Muse D encounters Muse A, someone they’ve secretly cared for as more than friends, who is noticeably upset over DIVINA’s questionable behavior, Muse D takes the opportunity they’ve been waiting for. Muse D offers themselves as a confidant to Muse A, purposely fanning the flames of Muse A’s suspicion and hurt to encourage Muse A to forget about DIVINA and open their eyes to what’s right in front of them – a person who’d never do them how DIVINA was. Muse A gradually listens to Muse D and a relationship begins to blossom between the two of them. What happens when DIVINA has a break between tour dates and surprises Muse A back in L.A.?
DIVINA is offered a song by a prominent producer in the industry, the same song Muse A has already recorded and has prepared for their next release. DIVINA loves the song so much she decides to record it and prepare to release it as her lead. Once industry bugs begin getting to Muse A, they realize the song they had recorded is now about to pushed by a different artist. Of course, the producer does not disclose they offered DIVINA the song and Muse A believes DIVINA and her team made a shady business move and stole the song from under her. Muse A’s first instinct is to blast DIVINA on social media but she decides to simply record more music and put her lead out on the same date as DIVINA’s lead. The timing of the singles mean interviews, music videos and award show performances will all be align around the same team which ultimately turns into a social media feud assumption and a whole lot of comparisons as both songs compete for the higher Billboard position. When asked about this in an interview Muse A is noticeably passive-aggressive and shady towards DIVINA, who still isn’t aware of the issue. Things only boil swifter when DIVINA deliver’s a very shady acceptance speech when she wins an award over Muse A for the song. 
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