#just villains being sleepy snuggly villains
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glitchy-npc · 2 months ago
Pillow Talk - Mortumstep - 310 words
You glide you fingers gently over Mortum’s collarbone, tracing lazy patterns on his skin where the cool light of his phone mixes with the warm light of the holographic display showing sunrise in Los Diablos. The distraction is mostly for you, an excuse to stay in bed while the good doctor reads – genius rarely sleeps it seems.
“Merde.” The swear is soft and annoyed but you doubt it's aimed at you.
“What is it?”  You mumble sleepily, though you know he’ll spit it out eventually. 
“I can’t believe Dr. Armstrong is still publishing for the Scientific American.” There's vitriol in his voice you rarely hear and while his thoughts are often too quick to catch what bits you can feel agitated. “The only thing that man has a doctorate in is brown nosing and plagiarism.”
“He sounds like an asshole.” 
“You're not wrong.” He continues to scroll through the article, huffing a little at each new incredulity he forces himself to read. You wonder if it's an old grudge, from the good doctor's academic career, before independence. Before villainy.  It feels like it. 
You know how he gets and if you want to avoid him being in a sour mood the rest of the morning, you need to act fast. You press your lips against his neck and mumble the words against his throat.
“I could blow up his office if you want.” You smile knowing he can’t see it but can probably feel it, just to make it seem like a joke if he wants it to be.
His laugh is bright and happy and he turns into you to plant a kiss on your forehead. “That's sweet of you…we’ll see how I feel after coffee.”
That's the thing about the good doctor's sense of humor, you can’t tell if he is kidding or not. After all, you weren’t.
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tangledbea · 1 year ago
I was just thinking about Wish and all the blatant references in it. I remember watching it in theaters and at first I thought "Okay cute, the friends are the dwarves, that citizen wants long hair, funny homage, Asha's looking at the stars like Tiana, that's nice..." then it all went downhill to "Just. Stop." by the climax. Especially the Asha/Fairy Godmother theory: as a POC I find that very offensive. Then I realized... Tangled was the 50th DAC movie, and it also had lots of references. (1)
There were all the hidden items in the tower, Pinocchio in the Snuggly Duckling, and the books in the library referencing other Disney movie covers. Not to mention the New Dream scenes that were similar to other DP couples, like the boat (Ariel/Eric), the dying love confession (Belle/Adam) and the whole princess + thief premise (Aladdin/Jasmine). And yet, those easter eggs didn't stop Tangled from being its own unique film. Same goes for Encanto, the 60th movie, and it referenced others, too (2) I think both Encanto and Tangled can still hold up as classic, rewatchable movies despite the anniversary celebrationz because the writers/directors/general crew put the references in the background. They were fun to find out about, but you don't need to know about them to still enjoy it. Wish, on the other hand... I feel like you would have to literally watch all the DAC movies and then some (Mary Poppins) before it even begins to hold up to the standards of the previous 'celebration' films (3) And even then, the story relies on the callbacks to get you to enjoy it. If I stripped Wish of every single Easter egg it had, I'd be left with barely a shell. Meanwhile, if I did the same to Tangled, the result would be pretty much the exact same movie. TLDR: Tangled is a much better anniversary movie than Wish, and that's a fact. So those are my thoughts, thanks so much for reading all this, I appreciate it! :D (4)
The thing is, the other movies you mentioned (Tangled and Encanto) were markers of "how many animated movies they've released" milestones, while Wish was 100 years of the Disney company. It's not the same kind of milestone at all, because it was marking time rather than progress. Not that this is excusing Wish of its disappointing story, but expressing the difference between the movies and the studio's approach to them. Tangled and Encanto (which, by the way, is my second favorite Disney movie from recent years) weren't written to be the 50th movie and the 60th movie. They were written to be their own things and happened to fall in line with the 50th and 60th release. In fact, some numbers had to be fudged a little in order to make Tangled line up with the 50th release, and Encanto was the tenth one after Tangled. Disney didn't even expect Encanto to do well, and were blown out of the water with surprise when it became a smash hit. Where as Wish was "crafted" (I use the word loosely) to be the 100 year celebration of the company.
Every time I find out more about earlier concepts of the film that they opted not to use (the Star being a prince, the king and queen being a power couple villain duo) I get very frustrated and angry about what we could have had. They had some really solid, interesting concepts in there, and they threw it all out the window in order to cram as many references as they could into it. Asha has seven friends (for example), to be the seven dwarfs, but their characters aren't developed at all. They had to tell us what the deal was with color coordination, alliterative names and gimmicks that lined them up with the dwarfs instead of focusing on them at all and making it clear through that who they were supposed to be. Just, "Get it? There's seven of them and this one wears glasses and Asha calls her 'doc' and this one's always sleepy and this one's always sneezing and this one's kind of dopey and this one's grumpy, get it?!?!?!"
I like Alan "I went to Julliard" Tudyk, but not only does he not need to be in every single Disney movie these days, they really didn't have to make Valentino, you know, a thing. "Get it? This is the origin of talking Disney animals, get it?!?!?!?!?!" And they really gave him way too much screen time. I'm often not a fan of the comedy relief animal sidekick as it is (there are some exceptions - some I really like and some I'm neutral to), but boy howdy did they overplay Valentino and make me actively dislike him.
The interesting thing is, I'm not a fan of Raya and the Last Dragon. I don't hate it, but I'm not a fan. I gave it a shot, I watched it, but it left no impression on me. It felt very... Millennial check-listed. POCs, found family, no overt romance but if it's there it's LGBTQ, dragons (cause who doesn't like dragons?), etc. Raya is fine. But for me, it's forgettable. I've only watched it the one time, I barely remember what happens in it, and I have a lot of trouble remembering the characters' names.
But Wish? Wish, I think about often. I have never been so disappointed in a Disney movie as I am with Wish, because Wish has the bare bones potential to be something great. And instead, it's that. What Disney should have done for its 100 year anniversary was make a movie that was finely crafted to show everything they've learned about animation in the past 100 years. I made an observation on a different blog that, when to you take a step back, King Magnifico is a stand-in for corporate Disney, and the whole movie is the crew railing against the corporation stripping the creativity from its workers and not valuing art, even though it’s in the art business. They just want everyone to love them, because everyone always has. Magnifico wants to hoard the wishes the way that corporate Disney wants to hoard talent, and the citizens willingly give up their talent and work because they believe something good will eventually be done with it. It feels to me like the climax of the movie is the artists and animators fighting the good fight against their corporate overlords the same way that actors and writers were striking for so much of 2023. It felt like a battle for the soul of the movie. But although the heroes of the movie win in the end, it was actually corporate who won, because the movie was stripped of all of its heart and soul in order to cram in more references. The artists did what they could, but they still had to follow orders if they wanted the movie to get made.
Oh, and as a side note, you can't just make a mortal human be a literal fairy by giving her a magic stick. That's not how that works.
Anyway, for my money, Once Upon a Studio is a much better homage to 100 years of Disney than Wish ever will be. Anyway, sorry for this incredibly long-winded rant.
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celesteleoves · 2 years ago
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dabi/touya todoroki x reader.
warnings: mentions of touya’s burns. that’s it i think!
summary: a rough day of hero work leaves you drained and wanting your boyfriend touya. luckily, touya gives killer massages.
as a pro hero, days never came easy. but now with the constant reminder that all might was no longer the symbol of peace for japan, it has been chaotic and villains now think they can do what ever they want.
as a pro hero your days are filled with fighting and arresting villains; some are easy to handle and some are not, leaving you coming out of battle with aches and pains.
it drains you beyond belief but you tell yourself that if you just keep pushing yourself till the end of the day, you could go home to your blue eyed boyfriend.
and here you were, lazily pulling out your keys to your condo that you had got only a couple months back to keep touya away from the eyes of stalking pro heroes and civilians.
you pushed through the door as the smell of ramen filled your nostrils and the quiet humming of your calm music playlist as you sighed. this is where you want to be day and night.
placing your hero items on the ground and taking your shoes off felt so insanely uncomfortable and all you needed right now was to be in his arms.
trudging into your kitchen you spot touya at your stove, silently stirring away at the ramen he had learned to make after many trial and errors along with your kitchen almost being on fire. we don’t bring that up…
you reached his back and slithered your arms around his waist with a content sigh as you rested your head on his back that was extremely warm. touya flinched slightly when you did so. i guess he didn’t hear you walking through the door as he was too focused on not burning the ramen.
“tough day, hm?” he said, his tone of voice low and soft with you. a tone he only ever used with YOU.
“mhm. just wanted to come home and be here with you.” you watched as he shut off the stove and spun around so you could look at his face.
a small, gentle smile coated his lips as he brought his hands up to your shoulders, massaging them softly and placing kisses all over your face.
he laughed slightly as he said, “i made ramen and i didn’t burn down the kitchen this time.”
you let out a laugh that only he could bring out when you are this tired. your eyes brightened as you scanned and admired his burnt face that held so much trauma beneath it yet still looked so beautiful despite it all.
“you’re so pretty.” you sighed as he continued to massage your shoulders, “and you give killer shoulder massages. i feel like i’m in heaven!”
the tip of his ears turned slightly pink at your words.
“only for you.”
grabbing your hands softly he lead you to your couch, laying down sideways and tugging you to lay on top of him snuggly while pulling a blanket on top of you. as soon as you nestled your head into his chest, you could feel the sleepiness you had been pushing away all day finally hit you.
you felt yourself succumbing to sleep as he massaged your scalp and quietly talked about his day.
you let yourself drift off to sleep but not before hearing three words come out of touya’s mouth.
“i love you.” he said, thinking you were asleep.
“love you too, touya.” his eyes widened at your words but before he could say anything you were already in a deep slumber.
it was moments like these when he wished there was no such thing as heroes or villains, where it was only you two living peacefully in this harsh world.
A/N: hi my loves! bnha is probably my second favourite anime so i haddd to make this in honour of our burnt mans little traumatizing dance he did in the latest episodes, it was beautiful. I am forever a touya todoroki defender!!!
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stayinurlaneboi · 4 years ago
Brainrot fics tm
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last updated: April 14,2022
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Twisted Wonderland
fem!mc at nrc
RSA Bound
Having a realistic dream where their s/o breaks up with them
he’s not used to s/o’s specific kind of love
Haikyuu’s Manager
Karasuno Karasuno pt2
Seijoh but as a 1st year
Nekoma Nekoma but she sleepy
Into the Spiderverse
Jefferson finds out his sons spiderman and is v supportive
bf!reki & bestie!langa accidentaly hurt ur feelings
s/o falls asleep on him
s/o loses her quirk and memory
s/o loses her quirk and memory
Kaminari ver.
bubba 😡
wanting to be babied
katsu gets piercings 🥵 
katsu’s beautiful fuckin laugh
haunted by the idea that katsu’s so enamoured that he can’t even hide it
he realizes he likes to spoil you even before you get togeather
frostsmitten/figure skating au
hes a cuddle fiend once he gets a taste
his s/o gets kidnapped
he’s just a boy in love your honour
he doesn’t know what love looks like until you
dreaming and feeling safe
helplessly needy 
your shirt would look better on my floor
he notices e v e r y t h i n g
snuggly babie
sho wants a kith
turning into a plush doll
todoroki/bakugo ver.
pro hero hc part 2
“i want to see your cute face”
s/o gets kidnapped by the lov
Midoriya/Todoroki/Shinso/Tamaki/ Kaminari
cuddling while they’re gaming
pro hero s/o gets transported into the past and meets their past selves
kiri gets k.o.’d bc of their spicy ass food
his s/o’s phone background is him
reverse age au/they get hit with a quirk that ages them up and uses it for evil 
their partner gets injured in battle
they get turned into a doll
turning into a doll ver2
love and relationship hc
missing their s/o when they go off on their internship
how they’d be as a bf
s/o gets mortally wounded but lives
Midoriya/ Bakugou/Mirio/Aizawa/Hawks
they get hit with a quirk that makes them live through their biggest fear
hawks ver.
reuniting with his crush after graduation
fav bougie perfumes
freudian slip ups
how they are after you break up 
being protective while they’re at I-island
how they’d be touch starved
finding m*neta in your room
when your doing something mundane and they realise they’re in love
he’s so outclassed in Liyue its not even funny
jealousy hc but your not togeather
MIA s/o
MIA s/o
half dragon hc
just a moment longer
s/o goes missing
asking to sleep over
falling asleep in their arms
Jason Todd
happy birthday
jay with a crush
Tim Drake
the cookie thief
Damian Wayne
ladders, tinsel, hugs
he likes your bed more than his
painting his family
batman may have started from pain, but his would be a legacy of love
Tim Drake/Damian Wayne
ice cream for dinner
4 times they broke in and 1 time you let them in
the tenderness in the mundane
the family mannerisms
you fall asleep on them
when the rogues find out that bruce wayne is their benefactor 
Lancelot Kingsley
“I trusted you”
Ikemen Mousette
1 2 3 4 5
pragmatic villains
batman’s core is being a child’s idea of what the world needs
lucifer an mc’s relationship is peak enemies to lovers
lucifer the type to seduce you with his honesty
you dont believe anyone can kiss luci and not fall in love
that one trope where p1 is falling in love but doesnt realize it yet 
obey me comic based on satans human world clothes ft. solomon
falling in love hc for the demon boys
touch starved mc w/ the demon boys
aether smells like an archon magnet
the RMS Carpathia and the Titanic
the red army full of prestige and the black army full of hooligans
aragorn and the genteel passing dirt boy
sebastian an mc gossiping but told in the pov of Comte
ily in any other language is just too fuckin deep an thats the tea
quotes that hits different and you’ll never guess from where
death is eternal and inevitable
fake relationship au but it’s with a king and his harem ver 1 ver 2
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Take Flight
Brad confronts MJ about her and Peter's relationship on the plane ride home to NY as Peter watches the conversation from afar.
MJ was happy she told Peter everything and that they were now... whatever they were now. Okay? She was happy, is happy.
But, she's not going to lie and say she isn't just a teensy bit scared by the newness of it all. She's barely had any friends in the first place and what, now she had a... boyfriend??? This was completely uncharted new territory for her and while it could be construed as an exciting exhibition on one hand, it could also be called a plunge into a deep dark abyss on the other.
Which was why after MJ got back to the class, and they all made sure everyone was safe, MJ texted Peter that she wanted to talk. It didn't have to be right at that moment or night though, they literally almost just died, they can take some time to just take a breather before figuring out the mechanics of their relationship.
And that's exactly the reason why Peter Parker was currently snuggled next to MJ, sound asleep, 4 hours into their 9 hour flight. and although, MJ admits that her shoulder's started to transition from sore to losing all form of sensation completely, MJ can't help but feel really happy for Peter. He's finally getting some well earned and deserved rest, and even though MJ knows she has no way to truly know what Peter's actually thinking... he seems happy to be with her, doesn't he? "Because I mean, I am. I'm happy I'm with Peter" MJ thinks to herself. Maybe MJ's just happy Peter's happy to be with her.
However, as happy MJ is being with Peter, unfortunately, her bladder isn't so happy. Suffice it to say, she desperately had to pee, no matter how cute a sleepy cuddly Peter Parker by her side looked. And so with almost surgical precision, MJ proudly thought of herself, she carefully lifted Peter off of her arm and shoulder, and lied his head down a pillow. The operation seemed successful enough, the patient was still sound asleep. And so, after making sure Peter was all good, MJ jetted the hell out of her row and quietly sprinted down the aisle as fast as she could to get to the bathroom.
After MJ relieved herself in the bathroom, she stood just outside it to stretch her limbs some. She had just been sitting and been repurposed into a human pillow for 4 hours, she needed to jolt her limbs back to life.
But, as she sees Brad Davis shyly waving to her as he heads towards her direction, MJ thinks maybe she should have just let her limbs stay dead after all.
"Hey, MJ"
"Hi, Brad"
Untolerable awkward silence ensues for a few seconds that feel like forever.
"Oh sorry, uh did you need to use the bathroom? Heh completely forgot I was blocking it"
MJ tries for a quick escape, hoping it was the locale Brad was here for. Though, MJ knew it was probably for naught.
"Actually..." says Brad, grabbing MJ's elbow which earns an instinctive glare from her.
Brad quickly lets go and says "Oh, sorry."
"Uhhh I just thought I could ask you something?"
Here's the thing with Brad fucking Davis, okay. There's the very well known Fight or Flight instinct that occurs in the face of being forced to confront a problem. However, there's another F that also occurs when being forced to confront a problem, Freeze. And that's exactly what MJ did in the face of interacting with Brad; she didn't run away nor did she nip the problem in the bud, she just... did nothing. She let whatever happen happen between them because there didn't seem to be any harm in it. Until now. Shit.
MJ merely sighs and nods in defeat. Well, she would have had to have this conversation at some point, might as well do it in the front of an airplane bathroom stall. Just rip the fucking bandaid off already.
"Yeah, sure, Brad. Hit me with it."
"It's just that, I saw you were sitting next to Peter and you guys were holding hands..."
"Uhm yeah, yeah we were in fact... doing all those things."
"Sooo..." phrased Brad as if he wanted MJ to finish his sentence for him.
"The hell I will" thought MJ, Brad can finish his sentences himself.
"You still haven't asked your question."
Brad simply sighs, exasperated MJ's had him forced to actually ask her what he's been dreading instead of her just telling him off the bat.
"Does that mean you guys are together now?" Brad asks, sneaking a look at the seats Peter and MJ were occupying.
The action makes MJ take a look as well, and in a blink and you'll miss it moment, (but this is MJ we're talking about, of course she didn't miss it) MJ spots a pair of suspiciously widened brown eyes and scruffy bed head airplane hair peeking out of her aisle seat and then immediately detracting back into the seats.
"This boy sometimes..." thought MJ. It truly was a wonder why she felt the way she felt about him. Goddamn Peter Parker.
MJ merely lightly chuckles to herself, Peter was just too fucking ridiculous and cute for his own good.
And so, despite the fact that they haven't even really talked about it yet, MJ feels brave enough to take the plunge for herself and say
MJ looks back again to the seats, and once again, Peter was trying and failing to sneakily take a peek.
MJ smiles at her boyfriend's actions, shakes her head in adorable exasperation, looks back at Brad Davis and says "Yeah, we are."
"Uhm was there anything else?"
Brad's dissapointed demeanor could not be missed but it seems he's accepted MJ's answer and replies "No, no there wasn't."
"Okay, bye then. I'll just... see you in school, I guess"
"Yeah. See you," says Brad waving goodbye to MJ.
MJ waves bye back, turns around, and heads back to her seat, breathing one big sigh of relief.
God, she's glad that's over.
MJ finally makes it back to her seat and of course Peter would be pretending to be fiddling around his phone when she got there.
"Oh! Hey, MJ! Did you... go to the bathroom or something?" Peter asks in what could possibly be the most try hard fake oblivious one could muster.
MJ had no words, only the irl facial expression version of this (-_-) to say to Peter.
"Out with it, Parker" MJ says, lightly smacking Peter's chest. "You and I both know my bathroom escapades isn't what's on your mind right now."
Peter chuckles at that, but it didn't help lessen his nerves over what he was going to ask.
"What did Brad want?" asks Peter, his tone completely serious, devoid of any chill whatsoever, and maybe just a tinge of genuine fear and nerves.
MJ chuckled at Peter's reaction, maybe a jelly Peter was just a little cute. But then she thought that Peter may genuinely be confused, and if MJ was being honest, so was she. Well, maybe confused isn't the right word, more... unsure. Maybe they really needed to have this talk.
But then again, Peter was being too cutely nervous and jealous for his own good right now, fidgetly waiting in anticipation to find out what she and Brad were talking about. She had to mess with him about it. She was only human.
"Peter Benjamin Parker, are you being jealous right now?" asks MJ in the most fakely shocked tone she could muster.
And despite the fact that their altitude is like a couple of hundreds of feet up in the air, inside a metal air conditioned vehicle where he was just previously all cuddly and snuggly like in his blanket, Peter felt like it just got 100 degrees hotter in here and is desperately flubbing and flustered and has seemingly forgotten any word in any language.
"NO!! I mean... yes??"
Peter was still panicking and figuring out what to do and MJ just can't help herself, she really just can't.
"Because you know jealousy is the most common motive in murders and considering the fact that you already told me that you almost got Brad killed, plus the fact that-"
MJ leans in to whisper closer to Peter, looking around them and making sure no one's listening for dramatic effect.
"-you're the spider-man vigilante who beats up criminals, gang members, and super villains on a daily basis"
MJ finally leans away to talk normally now.
"that I just, I'm a bit concerned, Peter" MJ says, barely able to keep her laughter in check, but is able to nevertheless.
MJ's pretty sure she might have just broken Peter.
"OhmyGod MJ, NO! i dont i dont wanna kill Brad!"
It's a miracle the passengers of the entire plane didn't look at them with how loud the nervous Peter Parker shouted that out of context very incriminating line.
Luckily, Peter regains some of his common sense back and starts to speak in hushed softer tones.
"I mean do i dislike the guy? yeah maybe a little but it's just cause you have no idea what he was going to do MJ. Did i tell you why i almost killed him? Because really it was just an accident and i only meant-"
Peter blabbered on, explaining himself, when MJ thought okay, enough was enough, MJ said to herself. She can let Peter off the hook he is currently dangling himself in right now.
"And then the agent just took her gun out while i was still half naked and-"
MJ merely sighs in exasperation and decides to kiss Peter, grabbing him by the collar of his science pun shirt, just to shut him up already before his head explodes.
And of course it shuts him up, him almost kissing back immediately even despite the slight confusion over what just happened.
MJ smirks a slight grin before pulling away from the kiss and Peter is left with an airy smille and a slightly confused but mostly happy expression on his face.
"I'm so confused," says Peter, chuckling, "What just happened?"
MJ lightly chuckles as well, shaking her head, and says "Look, Peter, I know we haven't really... talked about anything yet. And if I'm being honest, I'm still also confused or maybe just unsure about a lot of things as well. But the one thing I am sure on is that... i really like you. I couldn't care less about Brad Davis if i tried. As far as I'm concerned, he's irrelevant."
And finally, for the first time since he woke up and saw MJ talking to Brad, Peter can actually breathe properly.
"Oh okay. That's that's good cause I really like you too," says Peter with an ear to ear grin on his face.
"Well okay then, now if you excuse me, it's my turn to sleep, your turn to have numb limbs so skootch" says MJ with a yawn and gesturing for Peter to move.
Peter simply smirks, does as he's told, and replies "Gladly", making space for MJ to lay her head on his shoulder this time.
And as MJ felt her eyes slowly start to droop, and her finally starting to feel the sweet slumber of sleep overtake her, she holds and grabs onto Peter tighter, and she thinks to herself that she can actually sympathize with Peter's feelings of jealousy. As she feels herself start to fall asleep, lying her head onto Peter's shoulder, MJ is really glad to have this idiot that she can call hers. MJ only hopes that Peter feels that he can call her his as well.
Because as Peter watches MJ asleep, peaceful and at ease, he still can't help but feel that MJ deserves better than him. He finds himself at awe that the girl of his dreams is right here sleeping next to him and not, tall hunky quarterback Brad Davis who knows all her books and off the cuff literary references.
"Hey, MJ, I know you're probably asleep right now. But I just want you to know I'm really glad you're with me. You deserve so much better than me or even, Brad. I'm glad I get to be with you. I- really, I just think it's unbelievable that you actually like me."
MJ's heart warms, consequently melts, and her eyes shot up open at Peter's confession.
MJ has this vulnerable look on her face and she can't help but kiss Peter again, but this time it isn't rushed and unexpected, done to shut him up, it's for her to tell him something she can't put into words just yet.
MJ breaks away from the soft slow kiss, looks Peter in the eyes, and says "I told you, Peter, I actually like it better broken. I wasn't just talking about the necklace."
MJ looks at Peter with a sympathetic reassuring smile on her face and this time Peter kisses MJ now. After it ends, they don't need to say anything more, maybe they don't even really need to have their talk now. They both know what they both mean to each other, and they don't really need to say anything more than that.
So after their kiss and they both just share a lingering look, realizing just the importance of what they have, and not really needing to say anything more, since they both already know, MJ gets back to Peter's shoulder and closes her eyes one more time.
But just before MJ sleeps soundly for good, she says this without even opening her eyes.
"Hey Peter," her statement stifled by a yawn "if we still have a couple of hours, after i take this nap, we should watch a movie with that splitter of yours."
Peter perks up over the idea of him getting to do his plan after all and is happily surprised over the fact that MJ somehow found out.
"Oh, great idea, MJ. What do you wanna watch?"
MJ begins to suggest a plethora of true crime thrillers that has the murderer killing someone out of jealousy and Peter laughs. Peter jokes about how "you're never going to let this go, are you?"
"What do you think?" asks MJ before finally actually going to sleep for reals now this time, the last time.
"But you know what though, I actually kinda dig the jealous look on you, Parker. Kinda hot."
Peter chuckles to himself as MJ struggles to keep the smile forming on her face in check.
There is a very well known phenomenon that occurs when one's forced to confront a problem. In the case of confronting the pragmatics and mechanics of what Peter and MJ's relationship actually was, let's just say they took flight.
haha ok whew fuck im glad that's over and done with. this was supposed to be for day 5, any pick of fanfic topics, and the topic i chose was ya guessed it, jealousy haha (altho i actually had the idea for the fic first and then i thought it could be applied for day 5 hehe)
omfg im so glad im actually finishing these things now. thank gods for the weekend hahaha.
and thank uuuu @tare8chan for helping me figure out how mj would react to a jelly peter. her connecting that to murder is PURE GENIUS AND U DESERVE ALL THE CREDIT FOR THINKING IT UP SO REALLY THANK YOU SO EFFING MUCH.
a bunch of ur ideas made it into this fic because they're so effing great so tytytytyty THANKYOUUUUUU
i cant fucking believe spideychelle month week 2 is over, folks, it's been quite a ride so far :') <3
3000 hoorahs for more spideychelle yalls woohoooooooo
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caffeinatedtimdrake · 6 years ago
Hey There, Hot Tea
A/N: 3k of Dick Grayson/Nightwing fluff in which Nightwing doesn’t spill any tea but Dick Grayson doesn’t know how to keep secrets. 
When I awoke on that fateful Thursday night to the sound of incessant scratching against my bedroom door, my first thought consisted of several profane words. My second thought wondered what ungodly hour the clock read (barely past three, witching hour). My third thought manifested in an agitated grumble of my cat’s name. Rolling out of bed, I cursed at the sudden loss of my warm cocoon. “This is why you can’t sleep in here, Chip. Because you’re annoying.” I told him, opening my door so he could scamper out into the living room. “You play with my heart and make me think you want to cuddle, but no! You wake me up at three a.m. because you want to sleep in your own bed.” I continued to gripe ineffectively through my mouth guard, squinting through the dim lamp lighting at Chip’s canine sister, Dale, snoring blissfully on the couch. “Why can’t you be like your sister, huh?” “Meow.” I chugged half a glass of water and turned to hightail back into my bedroom and snuggly cocoon, only to be interrupted by more scratching. This time, Chip clawed at the front door to the apartment. A flash of panic ripped through me and my thoughts flew to the baseball bat beneath the couch and the butcher knife in wooden block on the kitchen counter. Dale raised her head, ears barely perking up as she glanced towards Chip disinterestedly. When Chip’s ceaseless pawing was met with neither intimidating banging nor a mafia member from the Bronx ordering me to open up, I crept cautiously towards the door. “Dale, if this is how I die, because Chip wants me to let a murderer inside, please tell my mom I love her.” I squinted through the peephole for several moments before concluding that I was blind without my glasses and that there was possibly a man unconscious in the hallway. Though countless horrific news stories of young women being murdered in their homes played through my head, it was absolutely impossible for me to disregard someone in need. You might call it my kryptonite. Perhaps that was why I chose nursing as a profession, not neglecting the fact that I get to wear absurdly patterned scrubs. I ditched my mouth guard for proper vision and fuzzy slippers, pulling my hair back into a ponytail. Once again, I glanced through the peephole to confirm my suspicions. Indeed, there was a man slumped on the floor of the hallway just outside my room. As a matter of principle, I yanked the baseball bat out from underneath the couch and placed it against the wall near the door. Just in case. With a shameful, sheepish smile, I realized that this presented an opportunity to knock on the door of my devastatingly handsome neighbor, Mr. Richard Grayson, for help. The prospect of spotting him in his pajamas – no matter that my own consisted of panda flannel pants and a worn tee that told the world I survived my first trip to Central City – made my stomach lurch. It seemed that in the past few months, I’d developed a mild crush on my neighbor, something that caused me equal parts anguish, fear, and excitement. I scolded myself for it often, but no matter how intently I tried, I couldn’t quite shake the warm affection I felt when he flashed me that sweet smile or told me good morning in his sleepy urban drawl. Our periodic interactions were barely substantial enough to constitute a friendship, but I took what I could get. We often bumped into each other in the mornings, sharing the elevator, equipped with steaming mugs of coffee and friendly smiles. Though I wasn’t much of a morning person, his gregarious energy and charming mannerisms quickly changed my opinion of seven-thirty a.m. for the better. Once, we even got stuck in the elevator together. We were both half an hour late to work, but I embraced that mishap because it allowed me to learn that he worked as a detective downtown, enjoyed old horror films, and substituted copious amounts of breakfast cereals for proper meals occasionally. He was chivalrous and pleasantly flirtatious and very easily filled the spot in my heart reserved for feeling weak around handsome and polite young men. Plus, Chip seemed to adore Dick. This was impressive because most humans offered him minimal intrigue and Chip would sooner bite your ankle than purr and rub his head against your legs. (Dale believed that no human harbored ill-will, but that’s why she wasn’t a guard dog.) I shoved my cellphone in my pocket, should the seemingly unconscious man warrant a 9-1-1 call and took a deep breath, switching on the lights. I cracked the door open slowly, peeking through the opening not unlike a groundhog. The man, lanky yet well-built, was sprawled out against the opposite wall. He was clad in inky black and…leather? His face was angled towards the wall, dark hair tousled. I broke the eerie silence of the hallway. “Uh...hello?” My greeting received no reply, unless you count his heavy breathing. Gingerly, I inched closer and nudged him with my foot. “Jesus Christ,” I whispered. “He’s like a rock.” His frame was so toned – or maybe it was this suspiciously leathery suit – that the pressure of my fuzzy slipper against his side barely made him budge. Though he could certainly be a serial killer praying on young, independent women, he seemed groggy enough that if need be, I could dive back into the safety of my apartment and call the police. I kneeled down, arm’s length away, and tapped his shoulder, which was also brick-like. And very, very warm. Something about that shaggy mop of hair and sturdy frame was awfully familiar, nagging at the pit of my stomach, but I was still too tired to register the gut instinct – or, maybe, I felt silly for admitting that the unconscious man before me reminded me a bit of Richard Grayson. Inhaling deeply, I leaned over and tugged his opposite shoulder to flip him onto his back. When he groaned, I gasped and stumbled backwards, banging my head against the wall. “Holy shit.” The man in front of me was, in fact, not my hot neighbor. The blue silhouette of a bird nearly glowed against his broad chest. “Well, Nightwing, I guess I’m glad we’re meeting here, while you’re passed out in front of my door. Not because I’m being mugged in a dark alleyway.” I laughed nervously to myself. He groaned again and I jumped again, but his eyes were still shut tightly. His mask didn’t give much away, save for that sharp jawline and slightly parted lips. Hesitantly, I patted his face. “Um. Mr. Nightwing?” Nothing. Forcefully, I shook his shoulder. “Maybe you should get out of the hallway?” I received a pained sigh in response. “Should I, like, call an ambulance? Do superheroes like their well-being treated institutionally? Do you even have health insurance?” I continued babbling, further perplexed about how to proceed. Inhaling deeply, I did the only thing I could do. I pinched the underside of his arm. A startled yelp left my mouth, but not before a strong hand encircled my wrist and I ended up flat on my back in the middle of the hallway, the breath knocked out of my lungs with a sharp wheeze. “No, no, and...yes.” His voice was a low rasp, one that left me reeling, no matter that my head had recently collided with a wall and the ground in the recent past. I blinked up at the ceiling, paralyzed by both fear and embarrassment. “Okay.” I croaked. He appeared above me, hovering. His gaze was warm and sky blue. When he smiled, it lit up his whole face, even beneath the mask. “Sorry.” He apologized sheepishly, helping me sit up. There was that nagging feeling again in my stomach and I shook my head, more for my sake than his. “Oh. It’s fine. Getting flipped over by a superhero? I can check that off my bucket list.” He helped me to my feet, hand lingering for maybe a moment too long against the small of my back, still smiling bashfully, looking much more like a flustered teenage boy than the savior of this city. “Are you okay?” I couldn’t help but snort. “Are you okay? You’re the one who was just passed out on the ground!” I clapped a hand over my mouth. “Wait! I’m sorry. That sounded rude. I don’t want to seem mean. Thank you, Mr. Nightwing, for protecting our city.” He chuckled lowly. “It’s no problem at all, sunshine.” Sunshine? I squinted at him. The only other person who calls me sunshine and laughs quietly like that is Richard Grayson each time I end up with him in the elevator. “Am I allowed to ask how you ended up…here?” I quirked an eyebrow, smiling at him shyly. He deadpanned, but his mouth twitched playfully. “If I can get a cup of tea, you might just find out.” I pursed my lips. “Deal. But if you, noble Nightwing, try any funny business, my dog will end you.” His laugher filled the hallway with light. “I’ll keep my hands to myself.”
“Hey there, hot tea?” He read off the mug. In spite of myself, I blushed. “It was a gift. Would you prefer the cat one?” “No, thanks. This one is flattering.” I didn’t expect to spend the early hours of Friday in my kitchen conversing with a superhero, but my mom and Disney always taught me to expect the unexpected. The sleepiness had faded, but I still felt a little delirious. Chip was perched happily on his lap, purring like Nightwing had all the tuna world. However, I easily learned that Nightwing smelled more like earth and the stars and gracefully worn-out nylon, not like canned fish, as he leaned across the island just barely dancing on the fringes of my space. “I am not in your building because of villainous activity, if that’s any consolation.” He told me. “Right. Because that explains why you were knocked out in front of my door.” He smirked, glancing down at the mug dwarfed between his palms. “I was just…checking in. But I guess I’ve had a rough night. Little aster, lots of disaster.” His eyes flickered up to meet mine, silvery and dancing. “It’s definitely gotten better though.” Is a superhero flirting with me? I cleared my throat, heat rising in my cheeks once again. I turned to put my own mug in the sink and shrugged. “Glad to be of assistance.” “Want to be a nurse off the clock?” “Of course.” And then I froze, gazing at him with wide eyes. “How do you know I’m a nurse?” He wrinkled his nose slightly, before he beamed and placed his forearm on the table, dark gash caked with dried blood. “I’m just in the loop, you know?” I frowned but grabbed the first aid kit from my cabinet. “Superhero connections and all that jazz.” The memory of Richard explaining his vast knowledge of the best coffee shops in the city and their owners played across my mind. “Nothing can top my five-year-old coffee pot and store-bought cream.” He smiled at me warmly. “You gotta try Duke’s. Or Cool Beans.” “Am I supposed to trust your word?” “Yes. I’ve learned all the best coffee spots. Detective connections and all that jazz.” I felt uneasy, but not necessarily uncomfortable. He rolled up the sleeve of his suit easily, wincing. I dampened a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol. “This is gonna sting.” “I’m sure I’ve felt worse than – OUCH! That burns!” I blew against the wound to dry it faster. “I’m sorry! I did warn you!” He huffed unhappily. This fine specimen, radiating heat and masculinity, morphed into someone boyish when he jutted out his bottom lip and, of all things, pouted. I wrapped his forearm tightly in gauze. “It’s not too deep, but it is long, so try to take it easy, okay?” Nightwing placed his opposite hand over my own as I taped the gauze. His skin was warm, fingers calloused, and I couldn’t help the little shiver that ran down my spine. “Thank you.” His Atlantic eyes bore into my own. A few moments of silence followed, but his eyes spoke so many words, deep and dark. Looking at him was like looking at a word search. I knew if I looked close enough at the letters, I might be able to decipher what he wanted me to know. I swallowed hard. “You’re welcome, Nightwing.” He smiled, but this one was sad. “I should get going.” I nodded slowly. “Right. You should. With a city to save and all,” He opened his mouth to speak before shutting it again when I walk him to the door. “You sure you don’t want to launch yourself through my window? Wait, actually, don’t. That wouldn’t help your arm.” “Yes, ma’am.” He saluted, winking. There was a pause, and my heart jumped into my throat. “Take care of yourself.” He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. “You too, sunshine.” He disappeared down the hallway in the blink of an eye and I drifted to sleep to the sound of his laughter ringing in my ears.
The next time I woke up, it was to the sound of my alarm blaring beside my head. Barely raising my head, I fumbled around before I managed to slam my hand down on the OFF button. I debated skipping out on my morning jog, but Dale woofed encouragingly, and I didn’t want to break the two-week streak I had going. I must have pleased the powers that be, because I had the day off from work. I washed up and almost convinced myself that last night was a weird dream until I walked into the kitchen and the flirty mug was in the sink and my first aid kit remained on the counter. There was a little frost on the window, but once I was outside and running, I found that the cold air was refreshing. I welcomed each deep exhale, crisp air creating a slight burn in my lungs. I allowed the run to sort through my jumbled thoughts, plagued with charming smiles and sparkling eyes. By the time I dragged Dale and myself up to the eighth floor, we were thoroughly winded. “Good work, Dale.” I congratulated her, the memory of the unconscious superhero barely bothering me as I lugged myself down the hallway. Until the door across the hall swung open to reveal a humming Richard Grayson, carrying a basket of laundry and, maybe, the key to my heart. The humming ceased and he looked almost startled to see me. I wondered if it’s because he was hoping to break into song and I disrupted that, or if it’s because I look like a hot mess after several miles of jogging. Self-conscious, I ran a hand over my hair, hoping to quell the disobedient flyaway curls. “Hi, Dick.” I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across my face. The leash fell from my grip and Dale bounded over to him, tail wagging furiously. He set the basket down and leaned over to rub her ears and coo her name. I approached them slowly, praying that I put on enough deodorant. He glanced up at me through warm honey eyes and I froze. “Hi, Y/N. And hello to you too, Dale.” I nodded at his pile of clothes, trying to disregard the plaid boxer briefs at the top. “Long day of laundry ahead of you?” He smiled affectionately and my stomach churned. “Three more loads after this. I’m lucky I’ve got the day off.” “Good. You’re such a workaholic, you deserve the break.” “Says the nurse who works the late shift. What are your plans for the day?” “Nonexistent. I think I wanna crawl back into bed after a hot shower and some oatmeal.” He smirked. “Good. You’re such a workaholic, you deserve the break.” Dick mimicked me and I could only blush in response. I clicked my tongue at Dale. “Dale, let’s leave our nice neighbor to do his laundry.” “Dale, you can keep me company anytime. And your sweet mom, too.” My face burned, and I ducked my head. “Well, maybe, if you’re not busy tonight and you want some company and like Chinese, there’s this – ” I started asking if he wanted to grab dinner, but then I saw the gauze wrapped around his forearm. My mouth ran dry and I could not stop from staring, though I knew I really needed to. He followed my line of vision and cleared his throat. “Chinese is good. You have good taste. I trust your opinion.” I snapped out of it and blinked at him. “I, uh, yeah. Chinese. For dinner maybe?” I sounded breathier than I would have liked, but last night’s events were playing over again in my head rapidly. He smiled, but it was tense. “I’ll let you know.” Disappointment flooded my chest. “O-okay.” We were silent for a few moments. He stared at me, calm and level, but I practically gaped at him. The hallway was empty, and I couldn’t help but wonder. My voice was shaky, but I still asked. “Dick, how’d you hurt yourself?” His gaze remained measured, but his eyes flashed intensely. My insides twisted. “I had a rough night last night.” All I managed was, “Oh.” He straightened his posture, glanced right, glanced left, and promptly yanked me inside his apartment. I yelped, stumbling forward into his chest. Dale sniffed curiously around the kitchen while I stared at my neighbor, paralleling her curiosity – but I was tainted with rising panic. I breathed deeply, all earth and stars and cinnamon. Richard Grayson might be Nightwing. So what? I scolded myself, talking down the instinct to panic. Dick ran a hand through his thick dark hair, stepping back from me only a little. His bangs flopped onto his forehead, cheeks flushed. “When I told my dad that I wanted to get to know the cute nurse across the hall better, this isn’t exactly what I meant. This is a disaster, emphasis on dis.” He told me bashfully. I continued to look at him, perplexed, but then his words registered. “Wait, what?!” He rubbed the back of his neck, laughing nervously. “Got any more of that hot tea, hottie?” “If I can get an actual explanation, you might just find out.”
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3laxx · 7 years ago
Hello previous anon here who send you prompt that you put title "love square rejected" here is my request prompt. An AU where adrien and marinette is married but 1day lila came to adrien life to steal him from marinette. She(lila) will do anything to get her adrien no matterwhat even erasing his memory. Ofcourse in the end marintte will die. (I am sorry i am suck in english. This is not my 1st language anyway Just make more angst between mari and adrien hehe)
Hi Anon, that’s right, I remember!
It’s just-… That’s an awfully specific prompt? I mean, I wrote it, sure, but I don’t really like antagonizing Lila like that? She doesn’t really give me a reason to dislike her, the character itself, I mean, and even in an AU I find it really hard to make her a villain?
Anyway, I wrote something and I hope you like it regardless.
(Also, a little advice to you and all other followers who wanna request something:I’m always linking the two prompt lists under my prompts. It’s a thousand times easier to write to a number + ship suggestion than to such a detailed storyline that gives me little room to really write but rather work off plot points. That being said, I’d appreciate if you could check the lists out and send me a number + ship suggestion with a little idea in which direction it should go ;P And a please would also be nice after all I’m writing something for you)
Ao3 / FF.net
  Marinette groaned as she sleepily reached out to the other side ofthe bed.
“Mmmmh Adrien?”, she mumbled, not bothering to keep her eyes opensince her eyelids were too heavy, “Adrien… Please… Emma’s crying…”
The cries of the baby sounded eerie in the dark night butMarinette was used to it. Normally she got up just fine just-… Today, her legswouldn’t move.
“Adrieeeeeeeen…”, she whined, now finally opening her eyes with asigh as her hand still patted over the empty mattress. He couldn’t lay this faraway from her…
Instantly, her mind switched to worried as she didn’t find Adrienon his side but still heard Emma crying. Was he having problems with the baby?With another groan she sat up, swinging her legs out of the bed and yawningbefore standing up. She swayed and caught herself on the wall in front of her,furrowing her eyebrows. She was feeling dizzy and uncoordinated. But she hadn’thad any alcohol in the evening, she was still breastfeeding.
Hm, maybe just her circulation, that could happen sometimes.
She took a minute to steady herself, then slowly straightened up.Somehow, she felt drugged but that couldn’t be. Emma’s cries still soundedthrough their apartment and she slowly inched towards the door, rubbing hereyes while walking on shaky feet.
“Mmmh, don’t worry, sweetie, Maman’s on her way.”, she huffed,then tried again after another glance back to the empty bed, “Adrien, are youalready with her?”
Leaning against the doorframe she listened into the hallway.Emma’s cries began sounding weird and instantly, Marinette’s worry woke her upentirely. Sleepy or not, she was a mother and her baby needed her. With fasterbut still wobbly steps she walked down the hallway, reaching the nursery theyhad made for Emma. One glance into the dark room made an icy shiver run downher spine.
Adrien wasn’t here.
She stepped inside and to the crib to look down at her daughter.The infant screamed and cried, somehow in weirdly high-pitched tones so shequickly reached inside and lifted her up, laying her against her shoulder tocuddle her tightly and bounce her up and down a bit to calm her.
“Shh, shh, kitten, Maman’s here. I’m here, sweets, I’m here, noneed to cry, shh…”
The baby only slowly calmed down, to the point where hiccups shookthe little baby, until then Marinette was fully awake and had shaken off theheavy feeling. With careful steps she explored their apartment, the babysecurely pressed against her chest. Adrien was nowhere to be found.
Now scared she jogged back into their bedroom, about to grab herphone and call him but before she could reach her nightstand she stepped onsomething. It cracked and suddenly a hot pain stung up her leg, causing her tocry out. In an instant, Emma began crying again and she softly placed herdaughter securely in the middle of their bed before switching on Adrien’s lampon the nightstand to inspect what had hurt her.
Dimmed light enabled her to kneel down on the floor and make out ashattered syringe, small glass shards lying embedded in the carpet.
With furrowed eyebrows she sat back and looked down to her barefoot, grimacing at the blood she saw on her sole.
But before her mind could even switch to caring for her wound herhead shot up, realizing what’s happened here. Adrien and her went to bed in theevening after bringing Emma to bed. He wasn’t here anymore and she found asyringe on the floor. She felt drugged when she woke up.
Oh-… Oh god…
With a swift movement she sat on the edge of the bed again, onehand finding to her daughter’s stomach to calm them both again but also to makesure she was still there. The baby still cried but it had turned into softsniffling and helpless flailing.
After she was sure Emma would be okay she grabbed her phone andcalled the police.
“And you’re sure he’s not just run off? I dunno, maybe he had a weirdvibe in the middle of the night and just had to-…”, Alya made a helplessgesture with her hands, “… Go?”
Marinette sighed tiredly, shaking her head while leaning back onher best friend’s couch.
“Alya, I already told you, I stepped into a syringe on the floor.He left his phone there and nothing of his clothes is missing. Plus, we had togive up our career for Emma months ago and we both don’t miss it. I doubt the urgeto-… I dunno, go out at night hunting stayed. It’s-… It’s just so obvious…”
“I know, I know…”, the brunette huffed and let her head fall back,“I just-… Tried to find a nicer option than kidnapping…”
The woman shook her head and shrugged.
“Well… It’s-… I know he has some people who’re not really fond ofhim, with being a model and having a famous dad and all that.”, she sniffledand brushed over her eyes another time, “I just-… I never thought… I thought wewere… And I n-never, I mean-…”
Alya quickly slid closer and wrapped her arm around her bestfriend’s shoulders, snuggling her closer. They leant their heads against eachother so that Marinette could still watch Nino walking around with the tinybundle that was her sleeping daughter, trying to make her sleep for another fewhours after tonight’s happenings. Before a tear could roll down her cheekMarinette managed a small smile as Nino cooed down to the slumped bundle in hisarms, fully unaware of the two women watching him.
“It’s gonna be okay, Mari…”, Alya mumbled, fondly watching herhusband take care of her best friend’s child, “We’ll find Adrien in no time.I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
Marinette sniffled another time before hugging Alya back, buryingher face in her best friend’s hair.
“I-… I hope so…”
Nino came over to the couch and readjusted Emma to lay snugglyagainst his chest, steadied by his arm while brushing over her back with hisnow free hand.
“I know so, Mari. It’s gonna be okay.”
He leant closer, wrapping his arm around both women and lettinghis hand come to a rest on Alya’s shoulder, resting Emma’s legs on Marinette’sthigh. The young woman huffed a snort and turned a little away from Alya toplace a hand on Emma’s knee, smiling at the contact with her daughter. It wasreassuring to have her friends caring for both of them like this.
“… Thanks, you two…”
They stayed tightly entangled on the couch until Marinetteeventually passed out on Alya’s shoulder as well.
“Still nothing?”, Marinette sighed. Adrien had been missing forthree days now and the police still didn’t find a clue.
“We’re very sorry, Mrs. Agreste, but we’re doing the best we canto find Mr. Agreste as soon as possible.”
Marinette remained silent for a moment, feeling a tear roll downher cheek. Then she straightened her shoulders and nodded.
“Alright, thank you.”
The policeman hung up and the woman slumped against the kitchencounter, rubbing over her face with both hands after putting her phone away.Alya stepped into the room, Emma securely in her arms, and pressed her lipstogether as Marinette shook her head.
“… Oh…”
The two remained silent until a little sniffle sounded fromMarinette, causing Alya to turn to her and carefully place the baby in herarms.
“It’s gonna be okay, Mari, promise. We’ll find him and if we haveto turn Paris upside down.”
The woman solemnly cuddled her child close, burying her face onEmma’s tiny shoulder as the infant chortled and flailed around a bit. She heldher closer before lowering her down to lay in her arms again.
“I-… I just don’t know where I should take the hope anymore. Thepolice don’t have a clue, Adrien would never leave me and-… I-… I just don’tknow how to raise a child w-without him…”
“Hey, wow, wow.”, Alya’s stern expression startled Marinette alittle, “Nothing is set in stone yet. We’ll find that idiot and you’re gonna behappy with him and have at least two more children and everything’s gonna bealright. You don’t know where to take the hope? Well, take it from myreassurance. If I’m telling you it’s gonna be okay, it will be. Understood?”
She hesitantly nodded, carefully bopping Emma’s tiny nose to makethe baby smile. As she giggled the corners of Marinette’s mouth rose as well.
“Thanks, Alya…”
It was three in the morning when Marinette got startled out of hersleep because of a knock on the door. With a dizzy and sleepy mind, she got upfrom the couch, stretching and yawning before taking a step.
She wasn’t really sure if she should go check the door since itwas still her friends’ apartment but a glance into Nino’s and Alya’s bedroomtold her they were still sleeping.
Before she went to at least check the spyhole she went to throw aglance into the makeshift nursery her friends had set up in Alya’s office. Emmawas comfortably tugged in and Marinette smiled when she gently brushed over herdaughter’s cheek. The baby sighed in her sleep and her little fist twitched,causing the woman to bend down and press a little kiss to her forehead.
Only then, she approached the door, unsure at the hour. Maybe shehad misheard? Surely there wouldn’t be anyone out at three in the morning, especiallynot wanting something from them so early. But maybe it was the police? Maybethey had found something!
Forgetting the spyhole in her eager hope, she opened the doorafter hearing another knock sounding. But when she recognized who stood infront of her door, her heart stopped beating momentarily. The blonde hair wasthe first thing jumping at her with full force. Then these radiant green eyes.
“Adrien…”, it fell from her lips before she could restrainherself. Tears welled up and she stepped forward but froze immediately at acold, hard thing pressed against her temple.
“Not another step.”, a female voice warned and Adrien shrugged,smiling.
“What-…”, Marinette forced out, trying to look to the side to see whowas holding her at gunpoint.
A cold wave washed over her back as she recognized Lila, smirkingevilly.
“… You.”, the woman heard herself say, her voice suddenly turninginto a hateful snarl. Lila laughed as she stepped between Adrien and Marinette,the gun staying pointed at her head.
“Yes, surprise.”, the brunette grinned as she squared hershoulders, “After all that you’ve done it’s finally my turn. Do you reallythink I wouldn’t be able to sniff you out after you put down your hunter careerto become a mother? Do you really think I’d be that dense? But I gotta say, yourcover was even good enough to fool your friends.”
“My friends know of Adrien and me.”, Marinette growled, her fistsclenching, “Speaking of, why’s he here and-… So-…”
“I erased his memory.”, Lila shrugged, “He doesn’t have a clue whohe was or who you are. But I wanted you to see him while I destroy you.”
A tear rolled down her cheek as Marinette’s attention drew back toher husband who dumbly smiled at her.
“Adrien-… Adrien, please-… Emma’s inside. You-… You’re a father. Ineed you, please, please snap out of it…”, she pleaded but Lila merely cackled,shaking her head.
“Not a chance, hunter. And now say goodbye to him. I’m sick ofseeing you in this world.”, she grinned, “Bye, bye.”
And then she pulled the trigger.
The empty clicking signaled Marinette to loosen her shoulders andshe waited for a little moment, then she grinned.
“Holy shit, you scared me.”
Lila laughed, lowering the prop and immediately going to hug her.
“Gosh, you scared me!Your acting is sometimes too well for your own good.”
Adrien chuckled, patting both women’s heads as he was taller thanboth of them.
“I seriously had a shiver running down my spine as you two saidyour lines. It was so hard to keep smiling!”
“Pfft, says the model boy who literally smiles to earn money.”,Marinette mocked as she parted from Lila, jumping off the set, closely followedby her two co-actors.
“Hey, that’s something entirely different!”
“Uh-huh, sure.”
Lila breathed through and rolled her shoulders, giving the prop toa set assistant and thanking them.
“Woah, what a season finale. Get the squad together and go for adrink now? I really need to celebrate this.”
Adrien grinned, slumping his arms over both women’s shoulders.
“Yeah, killing is hard, isn’t it?”
Both women rolled their eyes and laughed, Lila quickly spinningout from under his arm.
“Don’t tempt me, Agreste. And now let’s go celebrate the finale!”
Feel free to send me a prompt! Own list, reblogged list or anything you’d like!
Wanna buy me a coffee?
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