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Take Flight
Brad confronts MJ about her and Peter's relationship on the plane ride home to NY as Peter watches the conversation from afar.
MJ was happy she told Peter everything and that they were now... whatever they were now. Okay? She was happy, is happy.
But, she's not going to lie and say she isn't just a teensy bit scared by the newness of it all. She's barely had any friends in the first place and what, now she had a... boyfriend??? This was completely uncharted new territory for her and while it could be construed as an exciting exhibition on one hand, it could also be called a plunge into a deep dark abyss on the other.
Which was why after MJ got back to the class, and they all made sure everyone was safe, MJ texted Peter that she wanted to talk. It didn't have to be right at that moment or night though, they literally almost just died, they can take some time to just take a breather before figuring out the mechanics of their relationship.
And that's exactly the reason why Peter Parker was currently snuggled next to MJ, sound asleep, 4 hours into their 9 hour flight. and although, MJ admits that her shoulder's started to transition from sore to losing all form of sensation completely, MJ can't help but feel really happy for Peter. He's finally getting some well earned and deserved rest, and even though MJ knows she has no way to truly know what Peter's actually thinking... he seems happy to be with her, doesn't he? "Because I mean, I am. I'm happy I'm with Peter" MJ thinks to herself. Maybe MJ's just happy Peter's happy to be with her.
However, as happy MJ is being with Peter, unfortunately, her bladder isn't so happy. Suffice it to say, she desperately had to pee, no matter how cute a sleepy cuddly Peter Parker by her side looked. And so with almost surgical precision, MJ proudly thought of herself, she carefully lifted Peter off of her arm and shoulder, and lied his head down a pillow. The operation seemed successful enough, the patient was still sound asleep. And so, after making sure Peter was all good, MJ jetted the hell out of her row and quietly sprinted down the aisle as fast as she could to get to the bathroom.
After MJ relieved herself in the bathroom, she stood just outside it to stretch her limbs some. She had just been sitting and been repurposed into a human pillow for 4 hours, she needed to jolt her limbs back to life.
But, as she sees Brad Davis shyly waving to her as he heads towards her direction, MJ thinks maybe she should have just let her limbs stay dead after all.
"Hey, MJ"
"Hi, Brad"
Untolerable awkward silence ensues for a few seconds that feel like forever.
"Oh sorry, uh did you need to use the bathroom? Heh completely forgot I was blocking it"
MJ tries for a quick escape, hoping it was the locale Brad was here for. Though, MJ knew it was probably for naught.
"Actually..." says Brad, grabbing MJ's elbow which earns an instinctive glare from her.
Brad quickly lets go and says "Oh, sorry."
"Uhhh I just thought I could ask you something?"
Here's the thing with Brad fucking Davis, okay. There's the very well known Fight or Flight instinct that occurs in the face of being forced to confront a problem. However, there's another F that also occurs when being forced to confront a problem, Freeze. And that's exactly what MJ did in the face of interacting with Brad; she didn't run away nor did she nip the problem in the bud, she just... did nothing. She let whatever happen happen between them because there didn't seem to be any harm in it. Until now. Shit.
MJ merely sighs and nods in defeat. Well, she would have had to have this conversation at some point, might as well do it in the front of an airplane bathroom stall. Just rip the fucking bandaid off already.
"Yeah, sure, Brad. Hit me with it."
"It's just that, I saw you were sitting next to Peter and you guys were holding hands..."
"Uhm yeah, yeah we were in fact... doing all those things."
"Sooo..." phrased Brad as if he wanted MJ to finish his sentence for him.
"The hell I will" thought MJ, Brad can finish his sentences himself.
"You still haven't asked your question."
Brad simply sighs, exasperated MJ's had him forced to actually ask her what he's been dreading instead of her just telling him off the bat.
"Does that mean you guys are together now?" Brad asks, sneaking a look at the seats Peter and MJ were occupying.
The action makes MJ take a look as well, and in a blink and you'll miss it moment, (but this is MJ we're talking about, of course she didn't miss it) MJ spots a pair of suspiciously widened brown eyes and scruffy bed head airplane hair peeking out of her aisle seat and then immediately detracting back into the seats.
"This boy sometimes..." thought MJ. It truly was a wonder why she felt the way she felt about him. Goddamn Peter Parker.
MJ merely lightly chuckles to herself, Peter was just too fucking ridiculous and cute for his own good.
And so, despite the fact that they haven't even really talked about it yet, MJ feels brave enough to take the plunge for herself and say
MJ looks back again to the seats, and once again, Peter was trying and failing to sneakily take a peek.
MJ smiles at her boyfriend's actions, shakes her head in adorable exasperation, looks back at Brad Davis and says "Yeah, we are."
"Uhm was there anything else?"
Brad's dissapointed demeanor could not be missed but it seems he's accepted MJ's answer and replies "No, no there wasn't."
"Okay, bye then. I'll just... see you in school, I guess"
"Yeah. See you," says Brad waving goodbye to MJ.
MJ waves bye back, turns around, and heads back to her seat, breathing one big sigh of relief.
God, she's glad that's over.
MJ finally makes it back to her seat and of course Peter would be pretending to be fiddling around his phone when she got there.
"Oh! Hey, MJ! Did you... go to the bathroom or something?" Peter asks in what could possibly be the most try hard fake oblivious one could muster.
MJ had no words, only the irl facial expression version of this (-_-) to say to Peter.
"Out with it, Parker" MJ says, lightly smacking Peter's chest. "You and I both know my bathroom escapades isn't what's on your mind right now."
Peter chuckles at that, but it didn't help lessen his nerves over what he was going to ask.
"What did Brad want?" asks Peter, his tone completely serious, devoid of any chill whatsoever, and maybe just a tinge of genuine fear and nerves.
MJ chuckled at Peter's reaction, maybe a jelly Peter was just a little cute. But then she thought that Peter may genuinely be confused, and if MJ was being honest, so was she. Well, maybe confused isn't the right word, more... unsure. Maybe they really needed to have this talk.
But then again, Peter was being too cutely nervous and jealous for his own good right now, fidgetly waiting in anticipation to find out what she and Brad were talking about. She had to mess with him about it. She was only human.
"Peter Benjamin Parker, are you being jealous right now?" asks MJ in the most fakely shocked tone she could muster.
And despite the fact that their altitude is like a couple of hundreds of feet up in the air, inside a metal air conditioned vehicle where he was just previously all cuddly and snuggly like in his blanket, Peter felt like it just got 100 degrees hotter in here and is desperately flubbing and flustered and has seemingly forgotten any word in any language.
"NO!! I mean... yes??"
Peter was still panicking and figuring out what to do and MJ just can't help herself, she really just can't.
"Because you know jealousy is the most common motive in murders and considering the fact that you already told me that you almost got Brad killed, plus the fact that-"
MJ leans in to whisper closer to Peter, looking around them and making sure no one's listening for dramatic effect.
"-you're the spider-man vigilante who beats up criminals, gang members, and super villains on a daily basis"
MJ finally leans away to talk normally now.
"that I just, I'm a bit concerned, Peter" MJ says, barely able to keep her laughter in check, but is able to nevertheless.
MJ's pretty sure she might have just broken Peter.
"OhmyGod MJ, NO! i dont i dont wanna kill Brad!"
It's a miracle the passengers of the entire plane didn't look at them with how loud the nervous Peter Parker shouted that out of context very incriminating line.
Luckily, Peter regains some of his common sense back and starts to speak in hushed softer tones.
"I mean do i dislike the guy? yeah maybe a little but it's just cause you have no idea what he was going to do MJ. Did i tell you why i almost killed him? Because really it was just an accident and i only meant-"
Peter blabbered on, explaining himself, when MJ thought okay, enough was enough, MJ said to herself. She can let Peter off the hook he is currently dangling himself in right now.
"And then the agent just took her gun out while i was still half naked and-"
MJ merely sighs in exasperation and decides to kiss Peter, grabbing him by the collar of his science pun shirt, just to shut him up already before his head explodes.
And of course it shuts him up, him almost kissing back immediately even despite the slight confusion over what just happened.
MJ smirks a slight grin before pulling away from the kiss and Peter is left with an airy smille and a slightly confused but mostly happy expression on his face.
"I'm so confused," says Peter, chuckling, "What just happened?"
MJ lightly chuckles as well, shaking her head, and says "Look, Peter, I know we haven't really... talked about anything yet. And if I'm being honest, I'm still also confused or maybe just unsure about a lot of things as well. But the one thing I am sure on is that... i really like you. I couldn't care less about Brad Davis if i tried. As far as I'm concerned, he's irrelevant."
And finally, for the first time since he woke up and saw MJ talking to Brad, Peter can actually breathe properly.
"Oh okay. That's that's good cause I really like you too," says Peter with an ear to ear grin on his face.
"Well okay then, now if you excuse me, it's my turn to sleep, your turn to have numb limbs so skootch" says MJ with a yawn and gesturing for Peter to move.
Peter simply smirks, does as he's told, and replies "Gladly", making space for MJ to lay her head on his shoulder this time.
And as MJ felt her eyes slowly start to droop, and her finally starting to feel the sweet slumber of sleep overtake her, she holds and grabs onto Peter tighter, and she thinks to herself that she can actually sympathize with Peter's feelings of jealousy. As she feels herself start to fall asleep, lying her head onto Peter's shoulder, MJ is really glad to have this idiot that she can call hers. MJ only hopes that Peter feels that he can call her his as well.
Because as Peter watches MJ asleep, peaceful and at ease, he still can't help but feel that MJ deserves better than him. He finds himself at awe that the girl of his dreams is right here sleeping next to him and not, tall hunky quarterback Brad Davis who knows all her books and off the cuff literary references.
"Hey, MJ, I know you're probably asleep right now. But I just want you to know I'm really glad you're with me. You deserve so much better than me or even, Brad. I'm glad I get to be with you. I- really, I just think it's unbelievable that you actually like me."
MJ's heart warms, consequently melts, and her eyes shot up open at Peter's confession.
MJ has this vulnerable look on her face and she can't help but kiss Peter again, but this time it isn't rushed and unexpected, done to shut him up, it's for her to tell him something she can't put into words just yet.
MJ breaks away from the soft slow kiss, looks Peter in the eyes, and says "I told you, Peter, I actually like it better broken. I wasn't just talking about the necklace."
MJ looks at Peter with a sympathetic reassuring smile on her face and this time Peter kisses MJ now. After it ends, they don't need to say anything more, maybe they don't even really need to have their talk now. They both know what they both mean to each other, and they don't really need to say anything more than that.
So after their kiss and they both just share a lingering look, realizing just the importance of what they have, and not really needing to say anything more, since they both already know, MJ gets back to Peter's shoulder and closes her eyes one more time.
But just before MJ sleeps soundly for good, she says this without even opening her eyes.
"Hey Peter," her statement stifled by a yawn "if we still have a couple of hours, after i take this nap, we should watch a movie with that splitter of yours."
Peter perks up over the idea of him getting to do his plan after all and is happily surprised over the fact that MJ somehow found out.
"Oh, great idea, MJ. What do you wanna watch?"
MJ begins to suggest a plethora of true crime thrillers that has the murderer killing someone out of jealousy and Peter laughs. Peter jokes about how "you're never going to let this go, are you?"
"What do you think?" asks MJ before finally actually going to sleep for reals now this time, the last time.
"But you know what though, I actually kinda dig the jealous look on you, Parker. Kinda hot."
Peter chuckles to himself as MJ struggles to keep the smile forming on her face in check.
There is a very well known phenomenon that occurs when one's forced to confront a problem. In the case of confronting the pragmatics and mechanics of what Peter and MJ's relationship actually was, let's just say they took flight.
haha ok whew fuck im glad that's over and done with. this was supposed to be for day 5, any pick of fanfic topics, and the topic i chose was ya guessed it, jealousy haha (altho i actually had the idea for the fic first and then i thought it could be applied for day 5 hehe)
omfg im so glad im actually finishing these things now. thank gods for the weekend hahaha.
and thank uuuu @tare8chan for helping me figure out how mj would react to a jelly peter. her connecting that to murder is PURE GENIUS AND U DESERVE ALL THE CREDIT FOR THINKING IT UP SO REALLY THANK YOU SO EFFING MUCH.
a bunch of ur ideas made it into this fic because they're so effing great so tytytytyty THANKYOUUUUUU
i cant fucking believe spideychelle month week 2 is over, folks, it's been quite a ride so far :') <3
3000 hoorahs for more spideychelle yalls woohoooooooo
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agentbarton12 · 5 years ago
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ᴘᴇᴛᴇʀ ᴘᴀʀᴋᴇʀ x ᴍɪᴄʜᴇʟʟᴇ ᴊᴏɴᴇꜱ
Spideychelle Week 2019
Spideychelle Month 2019
AU, Trope, Prompt
come morning light, you and i'll be safe and sound
kiss me, kiss me
Old People Teenager Watchers [completed]
Sticky Business [on hold]
ꜱᴛᴇᴠᴇ ʀᴏɢᴇʀꜱ x ɴᴀᴛᴀꜱʜᴀ ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴏꜰꜰ
AU, Trope, Prompt
ʙᴜᴄᴋʏ ʙᴀʀɴᴇꜱ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Die Hard or Not At All [ongoing]
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ᴠɪᴄᴛᴏʀ ꜱᴀʟᴀᴢᴀʀ x ᴀɴᴅʀᴇᴡ ꜱᴘᴇɴᴄᴇʀ
and we started something by mistake
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ʟᴜᴄᴀꜱ ꜱɪɴᴄʟᴀɪʀ x ᴍᴀx ᴍᴀʏꜰɪᴇʟᴅ
cause wherever you are is home
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spiderman-homecomeme · 6 years ago
Spiderman-Homecomeme’s Spideychelle Month Masterlist
(lmao say that five times faster)
Hey guys! So I’ve decided to just put all my contributions to Spideychelle Month here, on this one list, so it’s a little more organized for myself (and also bc i’ve been slacking on actually posting them eek) 
There are some old ones that I’ve written that I thought matched the prompt well, and new ones, and some that will be coming soon!
Day one: Future!AU 
When in Vegas - series, in progress
Day three: College!AU
Quiet Hours
the one where MJ thinks Peter is a serial killer
poco a poco cresc. (a music major AU series of oneshots) - coming soon!
Day four: Parent!AU
Misconceptions (a Juno AU) - series, in progress
the one where MJ gets mad at Peter for following little Ben to school
Day five: AU of choice
Hidden Connections (a secret relationship AU)
Day one: angst/hurt/comfort
Remember Me 
Day two: fluff (I posted a new chap of Misconceptions for this, but I’ll add some of my fav fluff pieces here!)
“I love you.”
Day three: smut
Web Shooter (non-explicit)
????? - coming soon! (lol)
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unspokenfaith · 6 years ago
I’ll Love You Too Tomorrow
Pairings: Peter Parker/Michelle Jones (mention of Ned Leeds/Betty Brant) Rating: M (really just for strong language idk) Word Count: 2330 Prompt: College AU (Spideychelle Month Week 1 - Day 3) Summary: After two months without seeing Peter, and minimal contact, MJ refuses to become the “crazy girlfriend,” no matter how upset she is. Betty’s party invite seems like the perfect opportunity to forget about him for the night. 
I know this is a day late, but it’s longer than I expected it to be. I thought I was going to do an actual college au where they’re first meeting, but this is pretty canon compliant after FFH with Peter and MJ having been dating since then :’)
It took two and a half years and many pep talks in the mirror, but Betty finally summoned the courage—or the stupidity—to use her fake ID. 
Unlike MJ, who refused to let the college scene affect her in any way whatsoever, Betty saw it as an opportunity to reinvent herself, to start over. From what, she wasn’t so sure. Being the perfectionist she was, she took it upon herself to order self-care journals, watch inspirational TED talks on YouTube, and read articles about how a new haircut is the start to a new you—all before move-in day. 
Although she couldn’t bring herself to get more than a trim, MJ was impressed with the “new Betty.�� No more plaid skirts and cardigans. Now she exclusively wore ripped jeans and tank tops. It was edgy enough for Betty, and she seemed comfortable with herself, so who was MJ to judge? 
What MJ couldn’t get behind, however, was the excessive partying. She never judged anyone for how they liked to have fun. In fact, MJ often enjoyed herself when Betty dragged her along, but only if she was drinking, which she only did to avoid standing awkwardly in a corner and wishing she never came in the first place. 
Betty was far from being an alcoholic, but on more than one occasion in the three months they had been at Yale, MJ would have to pull her from the bathroom and walk her back to their dorm, only for Betty to vomit all over the carpet. In their tiny shoe box of a room, the smell wouldn’t go away for days. But since Betty apologized profusely every time, and MJ could never stay mad at her for more than a minute, she never held it against her. 
MJ didn’t even know why she agreed to go with her to a party at a house off campus—something neither of them had done before. Truthfully, the idea scared her, but she wasn’t about to let Betty know that. 
Still, maybe her friend’s newfound you-only-live-once attitude rubbed off on her just a tiny bit. And maybe she just couldn’t spend another night sitting alone in their room missing Peter so much it ached. 
MJ pressed the power button for the radio before remembering Betty’s car had been off for too long. She was beginning to worry that her friend finally got in trouble for the fake when she saw her coming out of the liquor store.
“You look kind of pale. Are you cold?” Betty asked, getting into the driver’s seat. “You could’ve turned the heat on.”
“You took the keys with you.”
“Oh, right...sorry,” she said. “You know, I’m really glad you’re coming with me tonight. I don’t think I’d be able to find this house without you.”
“You wouldn’t be able to find anything without me,” MJ said, looking out the window. “Will you be really disappointed if I change my mind?”
“What?” Betty nearly stopped the car. “Why would you change your mind?”
“I don’t know if I’m up for it.”
She rolled her eyes. “You are not sitting alone in our room tonight. I know you want your ‘me time’ and all, but this will be the third weekend in a row. You promised you would go.”
“What if I promise to go next time?” 
MJ’s phone lit up and she quickly grabbed it. It was Peter.
Have fun with Betty tonight. Love you :)
Betty gave her a look as she turned her phone back over on her lap. 
“This is about him, isn’t it?” 
“No it isn’t! Believe it or not, my life doesn’t revolve around a boy,” MJ said, sinking into her seat.
“A boy that you haven’t seen in two months. Look, I know you don’t like to talk about it, but if you want to, I’m happy to listen.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Okay,” Betty drawled. “But it’s not good for you to keep all of this to yourself. I know you miss him. And I know it’s hard with him being like three hours away, but you should just tell him—”
“I said I don’t want to talk about it!” MJ snapped.
Betty frowned, but kept her mouth shut and her eyes on the road. MJ regretted it as soon as she said it. The only thing she hated as much as talking about her feelings was hurting Betty’s.  
“I’m sorry,” she said, then after a pause, “You’re right.”
“No, I’m sorry,” Betty said. “I know you don’t like talking about it. I just wish you would because I hate seeing you so upset, you know? It’s hard being in a long distance relationship. I get it.”
MJ gave her a look. “You see Ned every two weeks.”
“Well…” She appeared to be thinking about it for a moment, then sighed. “Yeah, okay. But I still get it. You miss him everyday. Like you can’t concentrate on anything in class because you’re just thinking about when you’ll see him next, or the last text he sent you, or—”
“I get it,” MJ mumbled.
“I’m really not helping, am I?”
“No, it’s really not you, Betty. I promise,” she assured her.
Betty smiled. “Just don’t be sad forever, okay? You’ll see him soon. It’s Peter, remember? He’s the furthest from a….a fuck boy I’ve ever met.”
“I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say the word ‘fuck,’” MJ said. “And I’m going to tell Ned you said that.”
If Betty thought she was joking, she sure didn’t after MJ took out her phone and started typing. 
“Please don’t! You know how fragile he is.”
“He isn’t answering me!” 
MJ threw her phone across the bed and heard it clatter on the floor. That would be the fourth time this week she cracked her screen. 
“You’re beginning to sound like high school me,” Betty said, straightening the final strand of her hair. 
“You realize your hair is already straight, right?” MJ raised an eyebrow at her.
She set the straightener down carefully on her desk with a sigh. “It’s a party. I just wanted to do something a little extra. Want me to do yours?”
“I’m good, thanks.” MJ leaned over the bed to retrieve her phone. 
This was exactly what she never wanted to be when she came to college. Never in a million years did MJ think she would become the crazy girlfriend. She always hated that term anyway. Invented by men who don’t have the balls to own up to their mistakes when women are upset with them. 
She knew the distance would be hard, Peter being nearly 3 hours away at MIT. Still, they had been together since the end of junior year, and maybe it was foolishly optimistic, but MJ believed they could make it. Peter wasn’t just her boyfriend. He was her best friend. He understood her better than anyone else. And even when he didn’t, he listened. He loved her, and she loved him. And even though she knew the same could be said for so many high school couples who broke up in college, MJ knew what they had was special.
The fact that she was beginning to second guess herself, that she was getting upset over nothing, was what drove her insane more than anything. As much as she loved Peter, he wasn’t worth all the strain.
MJ was going to be upfront, and if that made her psychotic in Peter’s eyes, she wouldn’t give a damn.
“What are you doing?” Betty asked, nervously eyeing MJ on her phone. 
“Texting Peter.”
“And...what are you saying?” 
“Just that we haven’t seen each other in months and we need to talk face to face or I’m going to dump him.”
Betty blinked. “Uh, okay. Maybe don’t say that last part. You’re going to scare the shit out of him.”
MJ groaned, falling back on her pillow. “I know, okay? I’m sorry. I’m just mad.”
“And I don’t blame you,” she said. “But you’re getting way too ahead of yourself. Just ask him when he can talk.”
“I’ve been asking him that for weeks,” MJ said. “It’s always ‘Soon, I promise. I’m really really sorry. I miss you. I love you. Blah blah blah.’ I’m busy, too, but at least I’m making an effort here.”
She bit her lip, at a loss for words. “Let’s just go to the party. You need to get your mind off this for a while. Text him later.”
“I’ll be drunk later,” MJ mumbled. “Maybe that’s a good thing though.”
Betty rolled her eyes, then grabbed her arm and pulled her up from her bed. “Come on. We’re going.”
Betty wasted no time when they showed up at the house, which she never would have found without MJ’s help. But to her credit, if it weren’t for her astounding confidence, they wouldn’t have made it into the party at all. Although they looked like freshmen, anyone would think they were seniors the way Betty walked in like she owned the place. Luckily, she happened to know one of the girls who lived here from the radio station. 
“Betty! So glad you could make it!”
“Alicia!” Betty hugged her, and Alicia disappeared into the crowd shortly after. MJ felt Betty grab her hand and pull her through the crowd to the table with drinks. Already a littered mess. Betty, ever the white girl, grabbed a white claw. The entire walk here, MJ debated whether or not she should drink anything. On the one hand, it probably wasn’t a good idea with where her emotions were at. On the other, that seemed like the perfect excuse.
MJ grabbed a plastic cup and poured herself whatever jungle juice they were serving. Normally she was more picky about what drank, but tonight she didn’t care. 
“You’re drinking that?” Betty looked at her in disbelief. 
“Yep,” she replied, taking a large sip. “Try it. It’s good.”
“I’m good, thanks.”
MJ turned away so she couldn’t see the concerned look on her friend’s face. Betty could afford to give MJ one night where she was the wasted one. 
Unfortunately, that meant catching the eye of a boy leaning on the wall on the other side of the room. Maybe it was her drink, which was a lot stronger than she was expecting, but he looked a lot like Peter. He smiled at her in a way that made her want to throw up. She downed half the cup. 
When she turned around again, Betty was laughing with a group of girls from their calculus class. Some guy brushed past MJ, nearly knocking her off her feet, and mumbed a half-assed apology. She resisted the urge to mouth off on him. 
The other half of her cup was gone by the time she walked to the other side of the room. She somehow ended up standing in front of the boy standing by the wall, who appeared far too smug. 
“You know, you’re one to laugh right now,” she spat.
“Uh, okay.” He was standing so close she could smell the alcohol on his breath. She flinched when he reached out to touch a curl hanging down the side of her face. “Cool hair.”
MJ grabbed his hand, pushing it away with more force than she intended. He yelled when it hit the wall. 
“Fuck off,” she said, leaving him clutching his hand as she squeezed herself through the crowd until she was by the front door. Everything was dizzy now, so she leaned on the wall for support and tried to concentrate. At this point, MJ needed to find Betty and get out. She knew her limits and finishing a whole cup of mystery alcohol in less than 10 minutes definitely exceeded them.
MJ moved her hand along the wall until she found the door, pulling it open to be met with a comforting breath of fresh air. She stumbled outside and sat down on the front steps, holding her head between her hands. 
She thought she was seeing things again when she looked up and saw Peter standing in front of her. There was no way he was actually here.
“MJ, are you okay?” He kneeled down in front of her, brushing her hair out of her face. His touch was warm, familiar. Peter.
“What the—” She blinked, focusing on his face. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to surprise you. Betty said you guys would be here.” MJ must’ve looked completely ridiculous because Peter was grinning ear to ear. “You don’t look so good.”
“You don’t get to laugh right now, Petey.” She meant to cover his mouth, but she spread her hand over his entire face. 
“Petey?” Peter lowered her hand, holding it with his own. “I know. You’re right.”
“We haven’t seen each other in months, Peter. And you come here expecting everything to be okay just because...just because you came here.”
Peter looked down, stroking her hand with his thumb. He knew that always calmed her down. “I’m really sorry, MJ. I know I screwed up. I never want to be that kind of...I don’t want to be…”
“A fuck boy?” 
“Yeah, exactly. I don’t want you to think that’s what this is. That I just got bored after high school and I was trying to get rid of you or something. I know you’ve been busy too, and that’s no excuse. I promise this will never happen again. I promise I’ll—”
MJ put her hand on Peter’s nose. “Can you just shut up and take me back to my room please? Apologize to me when I’m sober, okay?”
He nodded vigorously, lifting her up and wrapping an arm around her waist. “I love you. You know that, right?”
“Yeah, whatever. I’ll love you too tomorrow.”
Peter smiled. “What did you drink anyway?”
“I have no idea, but it was terrible.” 
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classic-vision · 6 years ago
Apartment Hunting
Been super busy but wanted to get this out for the weekend. Thanks to @justaleapoffaith and @leia321 for voting on the prompts.
AO3 Version     Enjoy
“It’s not…that bad.”
“Which part? The roaches on the floor, or the ants on the wall?”
“Come on, MJ.” Peter says, brushing his shoulder off from the wall he was just leaning on. “I’m just trying to stay positive.”
She scoffs, scooping some dust off the counter with her finger. “We don’t have time for that. Why don’t we go somewhere nicer?”
“Because we don’t have money for that. This complex is our last hope.”
School is starting two weeks and they still hasn’t found an apartment. Unlike his previous years, Peter’s scholarship only covered tuition not housing. So much for being smart. He wishes he could’ve gone the athletic route. Now here he is finally experiencing the toughest part of being a New Yorker. Rent.
Good thing is, he has someone to split the rent with. Bad thing is, it’s is on and off again girlfriend throughout college. Peter and MJ still remain close, but somehow only seem to work better has friends. And somehow, he convinced himself that living with her in a platonic setting was a good idea. Senior year was getting off to a rough start.
“I thought Ned and Betty were supposed to help us,” Peter says, stepping over the roaches. “What are they doing?”
“I’d say that depends on whether or not Ned has protection.”
Though, she was probably right.
“We’ll just have to downgrade to a one bedroom.”
“But there’s two of us.”
MJ nods to him slowly, not wanting to waste breath on the obvious. Peter squints is eyes at her, playing out the situation in his head. He’s about to ask her until a spark lights off in his mind.
“H-How would that work?” he stutters. “I mean, I’m sure we can make it work. Wait, I mean definitely works. I just didn’t know you would want it to. But if y-”
“Peter,” MJ interrupts, “Don’t go all male on me. We’ll still sleep separately.”
“You’ll just have to take the couch.”
“Oh nice, carpeting.”
Peter and MJ make their way into the next unit available in the building. It was an improvement from the previous one. But…
“There’s a stain in the bedroom.”
“I’m sure it’ll wash out.”
“The toilet water’s low,” MJ shouts from the bathroom. “Bad plumping. You can say goodbye to pizza night.”
Peter shook his head, trying to ignore her complaints and moved to windows. “These are some nice blinds.”
He twists the knob twice to get a better view and instantly it snaps off in his hand. He wanted to yell, but instead, he takes a deep breath to compose himself.
“There’s a couple mouse traps left in the closet.”
Peter wasn’t going to let that bother him. It’s New York City after all. Rodents should be their friends.
“The point is, there’s no ants or roaches,” he comments softly.
“One of these traps is occupied.”
Peter throws down the broken knob and storms out of the apartments. MJ chases him down the hall but can’t catch him until they’re out of the he’s in the elevator.
“Where are you going?”
“This isn’t going to work, MJ. I’m sorry I have to go.”
It’s not often that Michelle Jones is caught off guard about anything. But here she was stunned as the elevator doors closed on her and Peter leaves the building.
The complex is stunning. A gated building, standing tall and wide with blue and orange patterns around the glass windows. Inside, the lobby has marble flooring surrounding the beautiful water fountain complimented by jazz music in the background. Each and every apartment on every floor is luxurious, spacious, and comfortable. To top it all off, there’s a rooftop bar with a pool and great view of the city. It’s perfect, it’s a dream, and most importantly to Peter Parker…it’s a big waste of time.
“Dude, why did you bring me here? There’s no way we can afford this.”
“I told you, man.” Ned finishes chugging his complimentary water bottle he got from the lobby and sat up from the lounge chair by the pool. “The whole point of living in New York City is to live big. Right Hoggy?”
The tour guide gives an annoyed sigh and rolls his eyes. “It’s Happy.”
“Wait, your name is Happy? I thought they-”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it all and relayed it to my parents. Are you guys gonna put in an application or what?”
Ned puts an arm around Peter, cutting him off before he can speak. “Of course, we will. Because I live across the street.”
Ned lived with his girlfriend Betty. Unlike Peter and MJ, they had their relationship figured out, and then some. The two were inseparable from each other. And take PDA to a new level.
“I wish I could afford to live in your building. Little alone, this place,” Peter pouts.
“Someone’s gotta chase the dream, Peter. I’ve been trying to Betty to move over to this building but she’s always talking about budgets and expenses and crap.”
Peter scoffs sarcastically, “Yeah, who cares about any of that.”
He hates the way things have been going lately. Money was super tight and the last thing he wanted to do was let MJ down. Students loans can only go so far so Peter decided to sell some of his personal items to help with living expenses in preparation for rent. The toughest one to let go was his Nintendo Switch. MJ doesn’t know about it, but he figured it would be worth the sacrifice. At least that’s how he felt at the time.
“By the way, what’s up with you and MJ? Back together yet? Because we kind of have a little bet going?”
Peter squints his eyes at his best friend, but quickly writes it off. At least someone had confidence in his relationship. Or whatever it was.
“I don’t know, dude.”
“Okay!” Happy shouted, tapping his finger to his watch. “If you two don’t make a decision in five seconds, I’m gonna assume it’s a no and get back to my meatball parm.”
Peter takes one last look around the rooftop. He always thought that his first apartment hunting wouldn’t be limited by a budget. He would be a graduate with a high paying chemist job. But here he is watching his dream start to fade.
“Ned, I want to live here.”
“Great!” Ned threw his fist in the air and gestured out to the view of the city. “This is the dream!”
Peter laughs and cheers with his friend. “You really think we can afford it?”
Ned shrugged. “You don’t know until you ask. Hey Happy, how much for a two bed room?”
“If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.”
Peter and Ned walk out of the fancy complex with their heads down. Peter takes a step forward when Ned’s arm blocks him from moving forward. Peter questions his friend who seems to be lost in a daze until he looks in the same direction. And that’s when he sees them.
Coming towards them, are four girls jogging in place. Two of them he recognizes from class. As they get closer, the tallest one smiles politely at their gazes.
“Hi you guys,” Liz Allan says.
But they’re both too stunned, and embarrassed to speak. So, Peter just waves as the group of girls move pass them and enter the luxurious complex.
“Hi, Ned!”
Two of the girls, Betty and Liz ran back out of the complex sipping bottles of water.
“Hey, honey.” Ned says, kissing his short blond girlfriend.
“I was just about to head home. You helping Peter and MJ out with the apartment hunting?”
Before Ned can answer, Liz interjects.
“Peter, I didn’t know you and MJ were back together. That’s great!”
Peter gulped at the tall sweaty girl in front of him.
“Well, not exactly. But who can afford to live alone in New York?” he joked.
Liz wipes another beat of sweat off her head. “I hear you. One of my roommates kind of bailed on us. Boyfriend stuff. Anyway, we’ve got a spot open now. A couple of people are interested but, I felt like it would be rude if I didn’t ask you.”
Peter gulped again. He knew what he should say, but for some reason it was taking along time to say it. Perhaps he wanted to accept the offer. He could finally live the good life. A new life and new girl. Maybe it was time.
“Thanks, but I got my living situation covered,” Peter says, surprising himself.
“Oh, great. Well, I guess I’ll see you guys on campus.”
Liz waves at him and then to someone behind him before jogging back inside the building. Peter turns around and sees MJ standing there with her arms crossed.
“MJ, how long have you been standing there?”
She shrugs, “Long enough to see you drool your own pool.”
“I told her no.”
“Yeah, after like an hour of hesitation. That’s the life you want?”
Peter sees her getting tense and doesn’t like where things are going. But he’s not sure what to do. There still not even technically together.
“I just kind of wanted to see what it would be like for a minute,” he says honestly.
MJ scoffs again. “Let’s go, Betty”
The blond girl lets go of Ned’s hand and gives an apologetic smile to Peter before following her friend.
Peter watches MJ walk off. He still doesn’t know what they were. He doesn’t know if they could live together. He doesn’t know if they could be just friends. But the one thing he knows, is that he has to make things right. Because seeing Michelle walk off was too painful.
Peter and Ned arrive at Ned’s apartment about an hour after the girls. Ned thought it would be a good idea to let things cool down a little before going over there. That hour felt like an eternity to Peter. He needed to talk to MJ.
He rings the door bell and Betty lets them in. MJ’s sitting at the counter when she sees him and hops off to greet him.
“We’ll give you two a minute,” Betty says, shoving Ned out the door as he mutters something about it being his house.
Now it’s just the two of them. MJ shifts her feet a bit, stopping the silence. Peter exhales and decides to just dive into it.
“I’m sorry I stormed out. It had nothing to do with you. I just hated the idea of us living in crap.”
MJ laughs a bit and Peter is instantly relieved.
“It was crap,” she says. “But I didn’t have to be so blunt about it. I’m addicted to telling the truth. Even at the worst time.”
“It’s fin-”
“No, Peter,” she interrupts. The issue had been weighing on her mind apparently. “I know this can’t be easy for you either. “Things between us aren’t exactly ideal.”
This time Peter laughs. “Since when is anything about us ideal. That’s why I like you. You’re not normal.”
To anyone else, that would have been taken as an insult. But it brings a smile to MJ’s face. Peter takes the opportunity and puts his hands on her shoulders, standing close.
“You’re weird in the best way. I want to make this work. I want us to work.”
MJ wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him even closer and gives the best compliment she can think of. “I think you’re weird too.”
And kisses him. For the first time in too long, Peter Parker is kissing the girl he loves. He makes a silent vow to himself that he will make things work this time. Because she’s too good to let go.
He pulls away from her only to look at her face and that pretty smile she rarely shows.
“Thanks. Because I don’t want to be someone I’m not. I’m good with who I am.”
“Hey, I got a surprise.”
MJ pulls Peter out of the apartment and straight to the one next door. Inside, is a wide-open floor of a two-bedroom unfurnished with clean counter tops and clean walls.
“I know you’re not crazy about wood flooring, but we can get big rug.” MJ runs over to the other side and gestures from corner to corner as if rehearsed. “I figure we can put the TV on this wall next to your video game stand. Then we can have my bookshelf at the edge on the way to my room.”
Peter walks around the actually livable apartment pleasantly surprised. “Good ideas but I don’t think we’ll need my game stand.”
“Sure about that?”
He turns to see MJ holding a small wrapped box out to him. He looks at her in disbelief until she gives him a nod of approval. Then he rips the box open like a kid on Christmas morning. His eyes grow big and legs to bounce.
“You got me a Nintendo Switch! I can’t believe it. I had to sell mine at Gamestop last month for $140
“Funny, I bought mine at Gamestop last month for $160.”
“I’m kidding. Well, not really. Never sell to Gamestop, dude. But anyway, Ned told me about what you did. I had to get it back for you.”
Peter smiles brighter than he has the entire day. For the first time, everything was coming together.
“I love this. Can we really afford it?”
“Apparently we can. The landlord told me it’s been vacant so long that she knocked off $500 off the rent for us.”
“Wow, that’s great! But why is a place like this vacant?”
“Well, it’s next to Ned and Betty’s…”
“The walls are thin.”
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‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ Behind The Scenes
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curseofimmortality · 6 years ago
Finally published the first fic I mentioned before! Just in time for @spideychellemonth day 6!
Summary: Peter tried to blink away the pungent gasoline, but his face was too much of a bloated, open sore; he could hardly move his eyelids. Blood clotted in his hair and his face, seeping in between the shredded mask and open wounds. It pooled in his mouth and clung to his skin, deathly cold. 
Is it over? Thank God.
Length: 5.3k words
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The Black Dahlia
MJ delivers a presentation on the black dahlia murder for history class and at the end of the class, spots a mopey Peter Parker still in his seat.
welp, guess i’m just a comfort slut am i? i never thought i’d like friend peter and friend mj so much :’) <3 this feels very reminiscent of my own experiences of comforting my friends and us just ending up in a vicious cycle of thanks, adoration, and appreciation hehe 
MJ was just about to leave class when she finds Peter, head hunched over on his seat's table, moping in his own self-pity spiral right there.
Part of her wants to run away, knowing she would probably want to try and comfort him; an act that she is never comfortable with because let's face it, she's shit at it.
She promptly heads over to his seat, pokes him on the head, and asks him "Alright, what's wrong, Parker?" anyways. MJ had problems with self-control sometimes.
"Nothing, it's stupid," Peter says, half his face muffled by both his arms hunched around him as he lays his head on the table of his arm chair.
"You wouldn't have that mopey expression on your face if it was just nothing, Peter."
MJ grabs the seat nearest, drags it closer to his, and lightly smacks his shoulder.
"Come on, spill."
Peter gives MJ a sad self-pity look. MJ gives him one right back that says just fucking tell me already.
Peter sighs and removes his head from its sad mopey spot on the chair's table and just sort of lies down in a lazy position on his seat.
"It's just that I had this whole presentation planned. And I was even really excited about it, really nervous too, but mostly just excited to do it and maybe do well on something that I had to actually work hard on - cause I basically know zilch about history - and it just..."
Peter sighs and buries his head under his arms.
"...went to shit"
Peter removes his arms from his head and looks back at MJ.
"And I just, I thought things would be different but now... I feel like I'm just back to square one."
"I just thought that I was doing better," says Peter lastly, burying himself back to his first self-pity spiral position on the chair's arm.
MJ didn't really know how to react. She'd seen Peter be his mopey self probably more times than she should have, but that was all from a reasonable distance where she wasn't really obliged to intervene. This was actually the first time where Peter seemed to be opening up to her about what was troubling him. (probably because it wasn’t spider-man related but that's beside the point). Right now, she needed to say something and quick. Fuck. What the hell made her good authority to get pep talks from anyways? She. doesn't. know. what to say.
"Peter... I don't really know what to say to you. To be honest, I'm kind of surprised you actually told me."
That makes Peter lift himself off of his self-pity pile because THAT is ridiculous.
"But why?"
"Well, I'm not exactly the most comforting type aren't I?" admits MJ, not looking at Peter when she does.
"What!? Of course you are! You've been a really good friend to me, MJ. How could you say that?" says Peter genuinely shocked.
"There's more to being a good friend than giving you notes and keeping you informed on what you miss, Peter," says MJ with an awkward smile, in an almost self-deprecatory, but mostly just shy tone.
"Okay first, that is not all our relationship is. How dare you?" says Peter, sarcastic accusatory tone overtly over the top, pointing fingers and all.
It makes MJ smile and consequently roll her eyes and shake her head in exasperation to try and hide said smile.
"But even if it was, who else does that for me? I mean Ned's been my best friend since like forever so us having each other's backs is kind of just automatic by now. But ever since I can remember knowing you, you've always been really nice to me for some reason, or at the very least you didn't shit on me like everyone else did. But really though, we've gotten kind of closer over the past year, haven't we?"
"Yeah... I guess we have," MJ says, smiling, after a beat of contemplation over their past year.
"So, as my friend, you aren't allowed to talk shit about my friends, deal?" Peter says, handing out his hand to settle their agreement with a handshake.
And even though MJ finds it incredibly corny and probably against everything she stands for, she finds herself smiling to herself, grabbing Peter's extended hand, shaking it, and saying "Deal."
It was impossible for anyone to be this nice immediately thought MJ as her hand was still linked to Peter's.
"Goddamn it," says MJ, now she's burying her face with her hands.
"I was supposed to be comforting you and you just ended up comforting me," says MJ taking her hands off her face to look at Peter.
"Hey what'd I tell ya? Stop talking shit about yourself," Peter says, straightening himself up, crossing his arms to make sure MJ knows he's serious.
And it was like a switch inside MJ just flipped, because Peter had unknowingly unintentionally just challenged her and her intuitive whip smart one liner self was finally back on the wheel again.
"I'll stop when you stop," she suavely replies, even mirroring his crossed arms.
"What?" Peter falters, his serious demeanor just snapped away like that.
MJ braces herself and takes a breath, she was about to make Peter Parker eat his words.
"Peter, a few minutes ago, you were just going on and on about how-"
MJ proceeds to do an angsty brooding over the top impression of Peter.
"You are such a disappointment to yourself. You're the worst. You thought you were better than this."
MJ doesn't even want to acknowledge that she made Peter laugh with her corny impression of him.
"When you literally just managed to cheer me up and comfort me despite the fact that you were the one who was all mopey in the first place."
And MJ merely huffs in frustration, Peter was too fucking ridiculous.
Simply put, Peter's speechless. She completely had him played.
But after a beat, MJ's tone shifts.
"You are better than you give yourself credit for, Peter Parker," MJ says with all the genuineness she can muster. She needs Peter to know this.
And at that, Peter's heart just turns to putty and he has an overwhelming urge to just reciprocate the appreciation he can't believe he's hearing from MJ right now.
"Right back at you, Michelle Jones," says Peter with the stupidest grateful smile MJ has ever seen.
She just can't.
"Uughhh okay okay. We have to stop with all these gooey feelings talk," MJ says, literally standing up and taking herself out of the intimate close space.
"Unless of course you still need to talk though? Are you okay? Ya still need some..." MJ shudders in disgust, "ughh heart to heart pep talks?"
Peter laughs at that.
"No no you have officially fulfilled your friend duties for today, MJ" says Peter, feeling as if a weight has just been lifted off of him.
As freeing and happily surprising as it was to get her feelings off her chest, MJ breathes a big sigh of relief over not having to do any more of these feelings shit.
"Ok, good, cause I don't think I can handle more than two vulnerability talks in one day."
MJ looks outside the classroom's door and sees the next class starting to head there.
"Wanna head out together?" MJ asks pointing her head towards the school's exit.
"Yeah, sure," Peter replies, trying so hard to keep the smile on his face over MJ's invitation in check.
"Oh hey, I was too busy moping about my own presentation that I completely forgot about yours," Peter says, walking alongside MJ at midtown's hallway.
"You did really really well, MJ. If I'm being honest, I kinda hate you for it."
"Ha thanks, Peter," says MJ smiling at Peter for the briefest of moments.
"Although, I gotta ask. Out of all the murders that I know you know, why'd you choose the black dahlia?"
"Okay, you know what? Fuck it, I'm gonna do this," MJ says, making a big deal to stop walking and turn around to face Peter.
"Do what?" Peter asks, completely unaware of what is happening.
"Peter, I could easily tell you all the amazingly gorey nitty gritty details of what makes the dahlia so fascinating. But in honor of us hitting what, I think, is a major friendship milestone today, I'm gonna tell you the truth."
"Ooohh... a look inside the mysterious depths of the great MJ," Peter says on instinct; he loves playfully making fun of MJ, he loves that he can do that with her.
"Alright, fine. You won't find out then." And MJ immediately just starts walking again. Two can play at this game, Parker, MJ thinks to herself.
"No no no, come on tell me," Peter runs after her, grazing M J's hand with his by just the briefest of moments in the process of trying to get her to come back.
MJ looks down on the floor and doesn't look at Peter when she curses and just quietly mumbles "The flower."
"What?" Peter asks, genuinely not hearing what she said.
By this time, MJ's spent with Peter. She was not going to do that again, and so MJ summons all her coolness and intelligence to support her embarrassing personal reveal.
"The flower, okay? I know that it seems way too superficial of me to like a murder because it's famous for the flower used. But come on, think about it, what other famous flower gets recognized for being involved in a series of grisly murders? None, so you know what? I actually stand by my reasoning. The black dahlia's fucking badass," MJ says all at once, slightly out of breath from all the words she just said so fast, but her posture still no nonsense, her arms crossed.
Peter. finds. MJ. so. fucking. cute. This is impossible to deal with right now Peter thinks to himself.
“Well, what? Now you know, Parker. You wanted to know so the least you could do is... say something,” MJ says, her insecurity starting to creep into her voice and mannerisms. Why won't Peter just fucking say something already? MJ nervously kept thinking to herself as Peter processed MJ's cuteness.
“Well... nothing, if anything i think it's really sweet that you liked the murder because it's famous for using a flower” Peter finally says, boyish smile and look of adoration on his face.
MJ's shyness quickly turns to frustration at Peter's misinterpretation and simplification of her rationale.
“No! Okay, you know what no. You are taking this completely the wrong way,” MJ says completely serious and quick to rapid fire defend her reasons for liking the black dahlia.
Peter's chuckling. MJ's so cute when she opens up like this and rambles about something she cares about.
“I like the fact that the flower is not just beautiful in and of itself, but it also has a darkness and richness to it that one you don’t see any other people appreciating enough, and two that the flower can be beautiful despite being involved in such a horrid messy thing. I'd argue it makes it even more beautiful because it's involved in something so macabre. Its imperfections making it seem realer and truer to life than any other idealistic pretty meaningful flowers.”
By the end of her rant, MJ is smiling to herself because she really does care so much and she’s really glad to get this off her chest and to have someone to talk about this with.
Peter's in awe. “Wow so you're telling me...”
MJ revealed something deeply personal to her that she was incredibly shy about; there was only one course of action.
“Michelle Jones has a favourite flower” Peter says with the biggest shit eating grin on his face.
“Okay, you know what? I’m done, you can walk home on your own” MJ says immediately jokingly walking away frustrated but also like not really; more embarrassed and she wants Peter to shut up completely, but also she's really happy right now. It's hard to explain.
“Whaaat? MJ, come on,” Peter says, still left standing where he was when MJ started walking away.
“Like you said, your imperfections make you more beautiful” he semi-shouts, making his voice louder, as he follows MJ.
And as MJ simply kept walking away, flipping him off as she does, Peter really can't help but feel that he actually did mean what he said, and he hopes he just had the guts to admit it to her.
Fuck he's falling and he's falling hard, man. He really had to do something about this soon.
whew fuck ok so it’s late sunday at my place rn and so it seems like i didn’t post anything for spideychelle month week 3. which was totes unintentional and out of my control cus i lost internet and was not able to post a planned post (that i consequently lost) huhu.
but hey even if sunday’s technically the start of a week, it’s part of the weekend for a reason, right? so yay spideychelle month week 3 prompt.
this was a fic inspired by a headcanons post on how peter fell for mj before ffh that i was planning on posting for day 1, but like i said, i lost it. i really was planning on posting stuff but oh well life. (i still might haha, cram it all for the last day-ish haha)
i cant believe spideychelle month is almost over folks huhuhu. onto week 4. it’s been quite a ride, let’s just try to keep things hopeful and celebrate our two fave why awkward weird dorky teens in love. all hail spideychelle toot toot :’) <3
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5 gifts peter got for mj and 1 she gave him
im still alive bishes haha. am i really just choosing to participate in a different prompt that i barely have anything planned out for instead of finishing the one i was late in following up on? yes i am. prep urselves for some gift giving spideychelle to develop their relationship pre-ffh hehe
after hoco and peter starts to gain a work spidey life balance, he finally starts to notice that mj apparently... cares... about... him???
it wasn't obvious at first, hidden under a layer of deadpan sarcasm and witty comebacks, but the interest seemed to be there
which was why every time peter would miss a meeting, he'd actually feel bad this time because he really did want to be there this time
he'd feel terrible every time mj would ask him where he was, why he didn't show up. she was hoping he'd show and he let her down.
the first couple of times it happens, mj's understanding enough.
but it happens a couple of times too often and back to back and something snaps
you see, peter and mj have developed a bit of a rapport over the couple of months after hoco.
peter finds out mj likes coffee and tea, she read a stephen king book one time, he noticed, and they talked basically all week about king (and some of the issues surrounding him, his work, and their adaptations ofc)
soon enough their talks extend beyond school and they start meeting up in the library, at their places, at coffee shops, pizza places, an arcade one time where mj managed to beat peter at air hockey. her lil energetic whoop and almost doing a victory dance (before realizing she was in public) was worth losing for.
but admittedly, peter was just a tinge bit stressed and overextended and he unfortunately let his time with mj fall by the wayside.
he'd accidentally left her at seen for days after he completely forgot she sent him a message. she called, he answered, a robber was currently running away from some cops, he hung up on her...
suffice it to say, peter became a bit of a bad friend and he completely understood why mj reverted back to their previous relationship, he did it first
which was why peter decided enough was enough
mj has been a great friend to him, a true one, and an underappreciated one at that
which was why he decided he'd spend as much time, effort, and thoughtful gestures necessary trying to make it up to her
problem was, they were currently on clipped one word reply speaking terms right now. mj barely looked at him, she went back to sitting all the way to the other side of the farthest table during lunch again...
he needed a way in
so he went back to basics, the next day, he knew mj had a 7 am class so peter went to school at 7 am too, just to give mj some much needed caffeine
trouble was, was that mj was running late and when he gave the coffee, she left just as quick as she came
she said a quick "thanks, parker" and swoosh she sprinted to class
and peter was left there with 3 hours to spare til his next class. oh well, at least the effort made her do that quick lil toothy smirk
his efforts would work eventually won't it?
but if an omniscient narrator were watching him for the following days, they probably would have said no, no they wouldn't
one of those days, peter brought a thermos of tea only to find that mj had brought her own
"great, i thought the point of these gifts were to make things less awkward between us" peter thought to himself as he winds up walking away in slight shame from the awkward interaction
he winds up sharing the thermos with ned instead, who promptly responded "wow i get your secondhand gifts, you sure know how to make a guy feel special, peter"
"shut up, ned, do you want some or not?"
"no, come on, give it to me. free drinks are free drinks even if it's essentially just warm leaf juice. besides, i heard this helps with a sore throat."
"well, at least someone's happy with my gift"
they clink their cups together and peter begins brainstorming his next probably bound to fail gift idea
as he was walking home from school that day, and saw mj heading to the library, said idea lights up in his head in the form of bookmarks
those were cute right? and mj would probably use em all the time cus she reads so much and she reads multiple books at a time, so she'd probably use multiple bookmarks as well, right?
bookmarks it was, peter decided
he thought he'd print a bunch of personalized ones. ones that were photos of them, had quotes from significant historical female figures, and of course science puns
he knew mj didn't appreciate them as much as he did, but a part of him thought she'd like them nevertheless and would think of him when she'd use them
peter knew this gift giving crusade would be... heavy on his wallet, but as he stared at the price for laminating a couple of personalized bookmarks. he concluded lamination was a scam and believed mj would be careful enough with her books, and consequently, her bookmarks, to not need some flimsy piece of plastic to protect it
so peter opted for some folders and cardboard to make said bookmarks instead
it's only later after he got tossed into a sewer by a dude in a mechanized rhinoceros suit that he learned a valuable lesson: always laminate bookmarks
ok he was kidding (lamination was still a scam and bad for the environment and you couldnt write on the things after you laminate em)
but really tho, he did learn something. he realized he hasn't had the best of luck keeping his gifts intact in time to give said gifts to mj
so he decided to employ reinforcements
once peter's saved enough money to buy his next gift (a sketch notebook that he saw at a cutesy old crafts store), he decides that he should take ned with him when he buys it and that ned should just give it to mj instead
(better safe than sorry)
but peter still wanted mj to know the gift was from him tho, so he decided to write a letter and insert it within the notebook.
so he writes, or more like incoherently rambles and apologizes really
but peter thinks he got to the crux of the importance their relationship had to him and really, he just wanted to make things up to mj
that's what mattered
here's the thing tho, halfway thru writing said letter, he realized that having ned give it to her was kind of a cop out.
not to mention, not giving it personally but writing this long ass sort of confessional letter?
pfftt peter liked to think he was better than that
talk about sending mixed messages
so peter decided that he would still have ned keep the notebook and the letter, right up until the point that he was going to give the gifts to her.
and finally, peter parker, in this whole gift giving crusade, is finally given a fucking break.
at lunch time, the three of them are now all sitting at the same table
(peter and mj's relationship have mostly improved in the time it took him trying to give all those gifts, but he still felt guilty and he still wanted to show his appreciation for her)
ned "slyly" (mj saw it, how sly could he have been?) passes peter the notebook under the table
and peter braces himself
"i can do this" he repeatedly quietly mutters to himself until he finally approaches
"hey, mj"
"greetings, parker" casually replies mj without so much as looking up from her book
"i uh... got you something"
"is it something ned gave you?"
"cause if it is, he can give it to me himself, you know" says mj in a semi shout to ned as well (ned looks at peter with a facial expression that said dude wtff?? how did i get in the middle of this???)
"what? no no no this isn't from ned. i bought you this."
"so why did ned have it?" says mj in her cool suave investigator mj interrogatory tone
peter had officially maybe five? six? seconds to decide whether to share his embarrassing tales of failed gift giving woes to mj or to make up something on the spot
screw it, embarrassing failed gifts it was instead. truth shall set you free and all that, right? plus maybe it'd help him practice for when he tells her his biggest secret
peter sighs in defeat and tells mj in an almost quiet mumble "all my other gifts were destroyed when i kept them so i decided to have ned keep them instead"
"i'm sorry what?"
"it's just that the last time i tried to get you a gift, it just wound up getting ruined so i thought i'd just have ned hold onto it until it was time to give it to you."
peter can barely look mj in the eyes, the cafeteria just seems so interesting all of a sudden.
that made peter look back at mj cus she seemed... shocked?
mj is.... shocked????
"soo... you bought that... for me?"
and god forsake peter parker because mj just gave him the cutest shyest little happy smile that he never knew she was capable of having.
"yeah yeah i did" and peter finally gets to give mj his gift/s (im counting the letter as the 5th gift cus im lazy af hahaha) and all the other trials and errors and failed gift attempts completely made the end result worth it
until ofc mj opens the damn thing and finds said letter that peter had completely forgotten at the moment was there
"what's this??" mj asks in an overly sarcastic teasing tone that kinda makes peter want to die
as mj opens the letter right there during lunch in the school cafeteria, peter suddenly lunges to block said letter's contents from mj's sight
"petet what the hell are you doing?" asks mj with the sweetest laughter that peter would totally googoo eyes about at any other moment had he not been focused on trying (and obviously failing) to keep his dignity intact
"uhhh can i ask that you just read that some other time, mj? and uh not right here, right now, in the cafeteria? it's just really embarrassing" peter shyly requests of mj, scratching his neck and looking at everything in the cafeteria but her
to that, mj simply has a sympathetic look on her face in reply
"sure, peter" says mj with a reassuring smile
and with that, peter breathes a big sigh of relief and finally lets go of his feelings letter for mj
mj closes the notebook up, keeping the letter safe inside it in the process, and secures the notebook safe inside her bag inmediately
suffice it to say, for mj, that notebook is precious cargo and she shall treasure it as much as she is capable of treasuring something
because peter parker felt guilty over not getting to spend time with her as much as they did and kind of pushing her to the sidelines and so it was just a genuine thoughtful gesture that showed peter valued their friendship/relationship as much as she valued it
but speaking of said cargo...
"hey peter"
peter had gone back to his seat right next to ned
"sooo what was the other gift you tried to give me?" asks mj, getting back to their playful teasing banter ways
mj's question sends peter facepalming himself with the table
"don't think i've forgotten about that, i'm probably not going to stop investigating til i find out so might as well just spill the truth, parker"
peter stops his repetitive headbanging onto the table and sighs
"fine, mj"
and peter goes on to explain his bookmarks idea beginning all the way from the thermos incident
the three of them spend the rest of their lunch looking at the photos peter was going to use for the bookmarks, fondly recalling memories upon looking back at the some of the photos and laughing at all the corny science puns peter had planned on using as well
things were finally back to normal, if not better than ever.
time for some cliche corny af happy end quote ending about how their friendship and the memories they shared together was the real gifts they had buuuttt i did mention mj would be giving peter a gift didnt i? soooo mj pov epiloooggguuueeeee
here's the thing, mj had an inkling peter parker was trying to attempt something
he was at school at the same time as her crack of dawn class and gave her some much needed caffeine
he tried to share his thermos of tea with her
it seemed like peter was trying to make amends and it really was sweet and thoughtful so ofc lil by lil she began to soften back
but as mj was printing the bookmarks peter had planned to give her
mj requisitioned the idea for herself since they actually were good ideas if she's being honest
tho she would never tell peter that, ESPECIALLY the science puns one
she'd reserve those for only when she's at home, the least likely place peter could ever see her use that
ok so back to- as mj was printing said bookmarks, she began to appreciate peter's thoughtfulness
and it is totally not because of any feelings said gifts and gift attempts gave her
but right now, as she had finished printing bookmarks and got nostalgic and reread the letter of peter confessing to her how much their relationship meant to him again, she suddenly had the unscratchable itch of needing to sketch peter
and a balancing of the scales gift idea was born
because you see, rn, peter had the upper hand in terms of the morality of their friendship and mj couldnt have that nooo
mj was sketching a screen cap of a video she took of the class while they were waiting for a professor and peter gave her that impossibly adorkable smile
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because she HAD TO
she couldnt let peter hog all the gift giving glory
she didnt do it because of feelings or whatever ppfftt
this was just to balance the scales, mkayyyy???
or at least that's what mj told herself once she's finished her sketch and proceeded to look for all her old ones of peter
just to even things out
and that's exactly what mj told him as she shoved said sketches that were currently inside a plastic envelope onto peter's hands
(1. less likely for them to be ruined that way. 2. she was not going to have those sketches out in the open for everyone to plainly see wtf)
"this is just to make things even between us, no need to make a big deal about it"
peter was in awe for a while, his jaw slightly dropped, but he smiles in adoration of the girl of his dreams and gives a genuine "thank you, mj"
"you're welcome, peter."
mj even smiles a little before the bell rings and she hightails out of there
mj lightly sprints away, still slightly in shock and unsure of what she just did and what just happened
while peter is left looking at mj's direction fondly and looking back at her gift for him
and as he peeked inside the envelope to see its contents and saw all those sketches of him
peter felt like he truly didn't deserve someone like mj
and he felt like all the gifts in the world he could think of and muster up wouldn't be able to make up for that fact
holy fucking shit i cant believe i actually finished one of these things again. it's like pulling fucking fingernails and teeth at the same time, i tell you
but honestly i'm just really really happy i finished it and it's so pure and fluffy imo and nothing im just. i love these two sm.
this fic was supposed to be for 5+1 things day but since they're also a bunch of headcanons i like to think i'm just posting these in advance for headcanons day tomorrow hahahaha
and i have a couple of fics left in me so whew keep a lookout for those if they decide to come hahaha
all hail spideychelle everybody. i'll be back i dunno haha
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how peter fell for mj
ok let’s do this one last time, folks. spideychelle month week 3 has a day for your fav moment and honestly one of my faves that don’t get the cred it deserves is mj’s sly subtle takedown of flash on the plane. i love that scene so goddamn much. it was literally all i needed to buy peter crushing on mj from the get go. mj cares about him and he dug that and i couldnt fucking blame him that he did, especially since he’s school outcast peter parker.
but since apparently ~some~ people have higher standards than me, i decided to fill in the blanks for them and so this headcanons post was born. (it died but i’m remaking it again instead of finishin a wip cus i dont effing want to finish it hahaha)
after hoco, peter’s decided to take his time in trying to be an avenger and just settles for now on staying on the ground as the friendly neighborhood spider-man.
since he isn’t as eager to prove himself anymore, settled on just being spidey for now, he starts to transition back to getting some semblance of his old normal high school life which meant getting back to academic decathlon.
after he actually spends more time again on academic decathlon and he actually winds up attending a competition again, that they manage to win because of him, leading to him sharing an awkward hug-shake with mj,
he’s suddenly knocked on the head by the realization... holy shit are mj and i, friends???
it just happens slowly of course. peter starts to notice mj’s blatant if you actually stop and think about it for a while observation of him and finds himself paranoid doubting himself and wondering if they actually happened at all.
think of him as being the real life equivalent of the sunny conspiracy meme in regards to mj’s lil look and glances
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you know, that thing in highschool where you’re so unsure whether or not someone’s actually interested in you so you end up overanalyzing everything they do
“because i mean when i glanced at her direction, i could have sworn she was looking at me, but then i did a double take and she wasn’t anymore. it’s probably nothing, right?”
“yup” ned replies, not even taking his eyes off of the game on his phone. he’s mostly tuned out peter’s musings by now and just on autopilot replies yup and i don’t know every now and then
“but then what if it was???”
this has gone on for quite a while. one could sympathize for ned’s autopilot mode.
peter starts to notice how nice mj is to him and how they’ve actually spent quite a bit of time together what with decathlon, sitting together or around each other at lunch, and mj coincidentally being at detention every time peter is there as well
she tells him she’s there to draw people in crisis and has been doing so long before peter found himself there
but then peter stays at school a little longer than he plans to since he forgot he ran out of web solution and had to make some more, but when he passed by the detention room that time, mj was nowhere to be found
“WAS SHE ONLY THERE BECAUSE OF HIM???” peter tortures himself thinking
but seriously tho, peter finds himself at awe that mj doesn’t have more friends since she is so genuinely kind and fascinating to talk to
“she hides her kindness under a layer of dry sarcasm and deadpan jokes, but it’s there alright”
peter thinks that with his hectic double life superhero schedule, it’d be much more efficient to cut him off from the team, but mj insists that it’s fine and makes efforts to keep him updated on what happens and what he missed and what he should study up on
and honestly, peter is just at awe every time he talks to mj.
“i feel like i just binged the buzzfeed unsolved series and selection of netflix documentaries, and read the entirety of reddit, and 10 huffington post articles from just a couple of hours of talking to mj”
she knows so much more about the dark comings and goings in the world than him, an actual “superhero”
he is just so starstruck over the fact that someone who knows that much could just fly by everyone else’s radar like that
so basically i just think that peter just finally notices and responds to mj’s affection for him and because of such, starts reciprocating it and admiring all her cute lil eccentricities and quirks as well.
btw this kinda goes along with my black dahlia fic. like i say there, it was inspired by me making a prev hc post that got lost huhu
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agentbarton12 · 6 years ago
Purple Highlighters
AN: daay 3!! college!spideychelle. get ready 2k words of fluuuffff!!
It has been six months since Peter arrived at college and he already come up with some sort of system—routine, if you will.
He spent most of his time attending classes and completing tasks (don’t forget his swinging side gig), so he rarely has time for himself. He can’t remember the last time he saw Ned in the flesh. (Okay, it had been, like, two weeks, but Peter still wasn’t used to not seeing his best friend every day.)
Despite this, Peter knew it was necessary. He knew he had to make some sacrifices if he wanted to do a good job so he could get one.
But just because he rarely has time for himself, doesn’t mean he has no time for himself. Because that’s not true. Because he has an hour twice a week, every week where he can just relax.
Where is he during this time? you may be asking. In the library, he would answer. And yes, he understands that being in a library studying during his time off does not count as relaxing.
But, it does when he’s watching MJ.
Two months into his new school year, is when Peter cracked his new schedule and he went into the library to revel in his new peace.
Of course, he took a textbook with him, but it wasn’t because he needed to study, but because he felt like it. Oh, it felt good to say that.
So, he set his stuff down at an empty table because everyone else who had a break was not spending their time in a library, so it wasn’t really difficult to find one.
He plugged in his earphones and listened to music while working. His volume was on the lowest setting, because thanks to his superpowers, he could hear it perfectly.
Peter was lost in his own world of no worries and he knew that it would only last for another fourty-five minutes, but he intended to enjoy this as much as he could.
His solitude was interrupted by someone dropping a stack of books on the table across from him and pulled out a chair and flopped down.
They did not look at Peter or acknowledge that he was there at all. They opened one of their books and began taking down notes.
While they paid Peter no mind, he could not tear his eyes away from them.
She was gorgeous.
Absolutely perfect.
Peter has read about love at first sight and he’s heard what it felt like, but he’s sure—no, a hundred percent certain—that this is not it.
No, no. This is something else.
If there is a word for being so completely and utterly astounded by someone or something that you have only just laid your eyes on, it would not do this moment justice.
His mouth fell open just a fraction, not enough to be noticeable, but Peter could feel it.
He stared at the girl for a few seconds later and committed her everything to memory. He feels that it would be superficial to focus only on her face, when Peter is fascinated by every aspect of her.
He memorised the way her eyes squinted as she brought her face closer to whatever textbook she was reading to see clearer. The way her wrist flicked out with each stroke of her pen. He analysed the stray curl that hung defiantly from the bun on her head.
He loved every inch of what he saw, and what he had yet to know.
The girl—Peter understands how rude this sounds, but he doesn’t know her name yet and this the best he come up with—must have felt his staring, because she stops writing.
The tip of her pen hovers precariously over the page as she slowly glances up at Peter and looks at him.
Peter swears his heart stops.
Or starts beating a thousand times faster.
Maybe both at the same time.
She said nothing, just raised her eyebrow at him in question, and Peter thinks this must be what a stroke felt like.
When it became apparent that she was going to get no answers from him, she went back to her book.
No, Peter wanted to say, I still need to know how many freckles you have on your face, if you have any. (She has none. Peter knows this now.) But his mouth had yet to catch up with his brain, and when it did, it was too late.
The girl was packing up her stuff and getting ready to leave. Before she did, she shot him another curious look.
Since then, for the past four months, the two have met in the library every Tuesday and Sunday for an hour. It’s not like they planned this, their schedules just happened to line up perfectly to allow this, and Peter wasn’t going to question it.
In all this time, Peter and MJ—as he found out was her name when one of her friends called her to hang out—have never spoken a word to each other. Peter has never seen her on campus and if it was not for these weekly meetings, Peter would have thought she doesn’t even go to the school.
Beside all this, Peter is sure he knows almost everything there is to know about her. Not in a creepy way, just in a I-don’t-really-pay-attention-to-things-but-I’m-really-observant-when-it-comes-to-you kind of way.
He knows she’s right-handed, although she is practicing drawing with her left. She is an English major and is taking an Art History course. She has a beauty mark just below her left nostril and a streak of purple in her hair. It took Peter about a month to spot that and when he did, he almost fell out of his chair.
Peter also knows her birthday was June 10th and didn’t really like celebrating it.
Another thing Peter found out was that MJ was crazy organised. Unlike Peter, who lost a different backpack every week, MJ had her life together.
She carried at least five pens with her, two erasers, five pencils and fifteen different coloured highlighters. Peter didn’t know highlighters came in that many colours.
(They don’t. Peter Googled it. They come in thirteen.)
Point is, MJ is put together, and prepared.
The list of things he knows about MJ is way longer, and gets way more intensive around number twelve, but that is everything he can pull from the top of his head.
Peter has a test coming up, so—unfortunately—Peter actually had to do some studying and not just sit and watch MJ. Yeah, he’s bummed about it to. And the concussion he may or may not have from patrolling the night before made this hard.
He has his earphones in again, and his face scrunched up slightly as he summarised notes from the textbook he was reading.
“Hey, uh, can I borrow a highlighter?”
The sudden voice threw Peter off, and he jerked his head up so fast that he thinks he must have snapped it.
(He didn’t, he’s just dramatic.)
He found MJ staring at him expectantly and it was then that Peter realised that it was her who spoke. To him.
Now, he wishes he could go back in time and replay it again so he could properly hear each and every vibration in her voice.
He got his wish when she repeated her question. “Can I borrow a highlighter?”
Peter wants to try and sound poetic and say that her voice sounds like honey; soft and thick. But, that would be false.
No, MJ’s voice sounds like coffee; creamy and rich. Her voice sounds rain; rhythmic and hypnotising.
Peter could write a sonnet about her voice. He would, actually, as soon as got to his dorm.
He internalised the way her mouth curled around words as she let them roll of her tongue.
But here’s the thing. MJ is the most organised person Peter knows. Granted, he doesn’t know that many people, but out of those he does, MJ has to be the most put together.
And Peter knows she has at least a dozen highlighters on her right now. And it is because of this—and his stupidity—that he says, “But you have highlighters.”
MJ’s eyes widen in surprise and Peter realises what he’s said and tries to backtrack. “Sorry! What I meant was that you have a lot already. You usually do. Have a lot. Of highlighters.”
“Oh.” MJ says, ducking her head, some of her curly hair falling like a waterfall around her face, giving Peter a glimpse of her purple streak. “No, you’re right, I do have one. A highlighter.”
She pulled one out of her pencil case and continued studying.
Peter let out a soundless scream of frustration and pulled at his hair, the motion upsetting his spinning head.
He continued watching MJ and wondered all the different ways he could have handled the situation better.
Deciding to not think about it to much—a first when it comes to MJ—he opened his mouth again. “I’m not mean!” She looked up from her notes in surprise. “Like, I wasn’t trying to be. It’s just that I’ve noticed you always have a lot of stationery with you.”
She smiled nervously. “You have?”
“Yeah, I have. And I think it’s really cool, MJ, because I can’t even remember when the last time I used a pen was,” he admitted equally as nervous. His stomach was doing crazy flips. He could not believe he was having an actual conversation with her.
MJ’s head tilted to the left slightly and she asked, “You know my name?”
Shit, shit, shit! Peter thought anxiously. Fix this!
“Uh, yeah, I heard one of your friends say it. Not that I was listening to your conversations! Just that I could hear you guys. That’s not to say that you speak loud, my hearing is just super good.”
Not what ‘fix this’ means.
“Peter.” He looked up at her. “It’s okay, I know your name too. I just didn’t think you were paying attention.”
Peter almost snorted at that. “Of course I’ve been pay attention.”
“Yeah?” He nodded. “What have you noticed?” she asked genuinely curious.
Don’t screw this up. “That you drink tea every Sunday; each of your notebooks is some variation of blue; even though you literally own all the colours, you only ever use the purple highlighter.” And sure enough, the purple one was in her hands and she blushed as she looked down at it.
This made Peter smile.
“I’ve done my share of observing too,” she admits.
This surprises Peter. There is no way she has been watching without him noticing, what with how much he’s been watching her.
MJ nods. “Yeah. Your study diet seems to only comprise of Sour Patch Kids and Powerade; you have a new backpack every week you’re here; nine times out of ten, you come in here limping, with a bruised lip or a sprained wrist. Which has lead me to believe that you are either apart of some Fight Club—”
Peter laughed. “I have no time to be hanging around with Brad Pitt.”
“—or you’re a vigilante.” Peter sputtered. “Like, it’s been on my mind for a while now and I thought I’d have come to a conclusion by now, but I got nothing.” He almost fell out of his chair at her comment, but he tried to make it look like he leaned to far back.
“I am not a vigilante.”
MJ shrugged.
“Uh, MJ?” She nodded slightly, tilting her head to the left again. Peter memorised her mannerisms and little idiosyncrasies. “Were you...were you only watching me because you though I was a vigilante?”
Peter watched as the actual meaning behind his words reached her and she sat up straighter. She didn’t answer for a while, and Peter didn’t get his hopes up.
But then, MJ cleared her throat slightly. “Yeah. Why else would I be watching you?”
“Oh.” That stung, Peter will admit. It hurt to know that to her, he just a puzzle she needed to solve.
Two weeks passed by and Peter aced his test and MJ and Peter hadn’t spoken since.
It was Sunday and MJ was nowhere to be found. It had been fifty minutes and she hadn’t shown up yet. Peter tried not to be affected by it—it’s not like these are official meetings and she needs to call ahead or anything—but it didn’t make it hurt less.
He was getting ready to leave, when he heard voices coming from outside. MJ’s voice. Even after two weeks, he could still pinpoint it.
“Liz, stop it!”
“No, Michelle. You’ve been pinning for months now, and then you finally get your shot and you blow it. You are going to march in there and fix this. I love you, but we need to work on your self-destructive tendencies.”
After a silence, MJ responds with, “You’re right.”
Peter stops listening after that. His bag is slung over his shoulder and he is making his way to the door when MJ walks through the door. They stood a few feet away from each other, just staring.
MJ broke the silence first. “Hey, Peter.”
He nodded back. “MJ.” He will never get used to the weight of her name in his mouth and he doesn’t think he wants to. He wants to say her name and have it feel like the first time all over again.
He begins to walk past her and makes it to the door before stops him.
“Wait.” For some reason, he does, with his back to her. “I lied. I wasn’t only watching you because I thought you were a vigilante.”
Peter turned at that.
“I asked you for a highlighter because I wanted to talk to you. I still do. So, if you’ll forgive me, I’d like to start over.”
He mulls this over. “I’m Peter,” he says sticking his hand out with a smile that could reach the ends of the Earth.
MJ’s smile was not as big, but her eyes and the crinkle in her nose gives her away. “I’m MJ.” She takes his hand in hers.
“Nice to meet you. Well, it’s a beautiful Sunday, and I happen to enjoy great cups of tea on Sundays.”
“What a coincidence. I happen to know one of the best tea places in the city, if you’d like to tagalong?”
“I’d love to.”
They walked out together. He never let go of her hand.
So, maybe, just maybe, there might be something about this love thing.
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Hot Chocolate
Marshmallows, the aliens franchise, and spider-pigs. I present to you a long time in the making spideychelle sleepover fluff piece fic yalls, aka Safehouse Sleepovers. This totally doesn’t have underlying in complete denial of it hidden angst here somewhere. Totally 100% angst less ;D
// start //
So MJ is now sleeping or at least attempting to sleep at her boyfriend’s bed. Big deal. She tells herself that it was the unexpectedness of it all which was why she was still awake at 1:28 in the middle of the night. She was just still getting used to it all. It was a spontaneous thing, she couldn’t expect herself to be immediately falling asleep in a different bed. Yup, just that. It was the BED that was keeping her awake, not its owner and usual user. The bed and the different place; her sleep schedule was thrown off by adjusting to the new environment. It had nothing to do with the fact that this was the first time she’d actually be spending a night at the Parkers’ as Peter’s girlfriend. Pfftt NOTHING…
“Okay, this is ridiculous,” MJ says to herself before frustratingly shoving her face down on her pillow and shouting one muffled "AARRGHHDHDGKDHDKSJDJ."
MJ lambasted herself. She shouldn’t be this on edge about anything happening that night because a. for all she knew, the dork could be freaking drooling in his sleep on their couch right now, and b. if anything were, to happen, that is, MJ’s pretty sure it would be perfectly fine and lovely and disgustingly sweet and gooey and nice. Like pretty much every romantic moment she and Peter have had ever since he actually finally saw her. Ugh, gross.
MJ was still busy trying to monologue herself to sleep when she hears Peter shout her name. That makes MJ sit upright so quick, she hits her head on the upper bunk bed.
“Owww,” MJ says, massaging the bump on her head. MJ briefly thinks whether or not Peter’s had this happen to him before, considering his height, when she hears a faint disgruntled “MJ, where are you?” from the aforementioned boy just outside the room.
MJ warily leaves the bed and opens the door as quiet as she could to first just survey the living room, only surprised to find Peter nowhere to be found.
She opens the door wider to call out to him in a whisper, “Peter, are you there?”
But nothing.
MJ finally steps out of the room and tip toes outside it, whispering “Peter? Where are you?”
“MJ…” Peter drawls and MJ manages to trace the sound back to… the couch. Peter’s still asleep. He’s sleep-talking. Huh.
MJ does this thing where she kind of steps outside of her body and sees in her mind’s eye what she’s doing from an outside perspective. And in trying to figure out what to do about a sleep-talking Peter Parker that MJ is currently just staring at right now, MJ can definitively conclude she feels so creepy. She’s watching him sleep.
She isn’t sure whether she should like try to comfortingly caress his head or if she should just leave and get back to bed or if she should wake him up… what the hell does she do?
She’s once again, taken out of her thought process when she hears Peter say “MJ, no. Where are you?”
MJ looks at Peter with a sympathetic sad smile and finally decides to just stay and watch over him for a bit to make sure he’s okay. Hell, she wasn’t going to be able to sleep anyhow, might as well do something useful with her time.
Peter looked so confused and unnerved in his sleep, MJ truly felt her heart ache and wished she could do something to ease his pain.
“Mysterio, just stop already! Where’s MJ?” Peter says, slightly panicking and fumbling around a little in his sleep.
“MJ, where are you???” says Peter, starting to grasp around him and MJ immediately comes to his side to hold his hands.
“Peter, I’m right here. Peter,” says MJ, worry evident in her voice, holding Peter’s hands so tight in one hand and trying to gently shake him awake on his shoulder with the other.
“MJ!” gasps Peter, finally being woken up from his nightmare, and she was right there in front of him, kneeled down and holding his hands. Peter is still struggling to breathe.
“I’m right here, Peter,” MJ says, her voice slightly wavering, her one hand still holding onto his tight, but the other now moved to his head, gently caressing his hair.
“MJ… oh, hi,” Peter says with a nervous fluttery smile, “I thought that-” Peter gulps and looks down at MJ’s hand holding both of his. He grabs it with his and breathes the biggest sigh of relief, closing his eyes, and leaning his forehead to hers, says “I thought I lost you.”
MJ laughs a sad chuckle. She closes her eyes too, squeezes Peter’s hand that was currently still tangled with hers, brings his face closer to hers with her other hand, and says “You won’t get rid of me that easily, Parker.”
MJ finally opens her eyes, and so does Peter. She leans away just the slightest to get a better view of Peter’s face and asks him “Are you okay?” with genuine worry and concern.
Peter just tiredly chuckles, caresses her hand in his, and almost as if he’s trying to hold something in, he looks MJ in the eyes and with all the seriousness he can muster, says “I am now that you’re here.”
MJ… doesn’t know what to say to her boyfriend who literally just woke up from a nightmare and his first reaction was to say a god. damn. Pick up line.
Peter fucking chuckles and MJ hates it but she fucking does too, saying “I hate you” while playfully hitting Peter on his shoulder.
After they stop giggling like a couple of idiots though, MJ still repeats her question. She wasn’t going to let Peter go that easily.
“Are you sure you’re okay though?” MJ asks seriously again, looking Peter in his eyes, her thumb slightly caressing his hand.
Peter merely lies his head back down on his pillow, tiredly smiles, and says “What are you talking about, MJ? I completely meant what I said.”
The look of worry still doesn’t leave MJ’s face so Peter replies an emphasized “I’m fine.”
“I barely remember what I dreamt about, anyways. It was probably just about spider-pigs again,” he shrugs off. He smiles a tight lipped smile at MJ and pulls his blanket further up his body.
MJ gets the hint; Peter doesn’t wanna talk about it. She understands, more than anyone. She decides to drop the topic, reluctantly because she wished she could make Peter feel better about what was troubling him, but she knows what it’s like to not want to feel vulnerable and bare and open to anyone at times. Even if it’s to the people you love, maybe especially them.
So even if MJ knows for a fact that Peter had literally just told her a few minutes ago what his nightmare was ("I thought I lost you") so she knows he remembers it, MJ simply sighs and sadly smiles. She finally leaves her spot on the floor to move to the couch, taking her rightful spot next to the dork and says “Yeah, you’d think in a universe where talking trees and raccoons are a thing, there’d be the wonder that are spider-pigs but alas, they’re only just a dream, for now at least.” MJ smirks at Peter at the end of her statement and he smiles back.
He’s really glad to have MJ here. Had she not been, he probably would have still went to her in some way; reread their messages, looked at their pictures, sent a late night shot at the dark text in the hopes she was still awake. But he’s really glad he got the real thing right here next to him. He squeezes her back in a semi-embrace to show his gratitude and love. He’s really glad to have MJ here.
MJ is now snuggled up to Peter, and... she wished- she wished she could respect what Peter wanted but fuck she just couldn’t help herself. Peter scared the hell out of her sometimes so yeah, she’s going to be a hypocrite; it’s probably already well established by now but oh well. She had to say this at least.
“Hey, Peter, you know I love you, right?”
And in a moment where Peter’s funny quipster persona defense mechanism actually cracks, Peter laughs one sad tired chuckle that’s just teeming with underlined battle worn angst, and doesn’t look at MJ (he can’t) when he quietly says in almost a whisper, “That’s what I’m afraid of.”
MJ couldn’t have this.
“Alright that’s it, get up,” MJ says, standing up, leaving Peter’s side as quick as she got to it.
Peter whines and burrows himself deeper into the couch, which MJ didn’t even think was possible. “But I’m so cooommfffyyyyy,” Peter pulls his blanket up to his face and closes his eyes.
MJ was now trying to pull Peter off the couch by his arms, to no success. MJ was struggling and tugging Peter, “Come on, you dork, I’m not going to make hot chocolate all by myself.”
Peter’s head perks up over the mention of the warm sweet beverage, “Oooh hot chocolate?”
Peter was now sitting upright and MJ internally high fives herself for managing to wring the lazy boi from his hibernation cave couch.
“Yeah,” MJ lets go one of her hands that was tugging Peter, but keeps one still waffled right onto his, “aren’t those the standard sleepover drinks?”
Peter finally stands up, “Yeah, but only if they have those little marshmallows.”
“Peter, I’m not a fucking idiot. I had zero plans of drinking hot cocoa ala carte, marshmallow-less. Are you kidding me??”
Peter laughs which makes MJ genuinely happy and smile to herself at managing to do that, and hands intertwined, the couple head to the kitchen to make each other some hot chocolate with marshmallows. They weren’t idiots.
Actually scratch that, they completely were. Idiots are people who play with marshmallows, throwing them in the air and catching them with their mouth, like Peter, in an attempt to show off to his girlfriend his, in his words, “sweet sweet skills/spider reflexes.”
But key word being idiots, as in multiple, plural, an idiot is also someone who scoffs at first idiot’s “basic comprehension and understanding of direction and spacial movements that literally everyone has”, her words. And proceeds to eat her words, but sadly not marshmallows, since said idiot manages to lose half a bag in truly embarrassing attempts of trying to prove other idiot wrong multiple times. Only finally succeeding by throwing so much marshmallows that she HAD to have caught at least one just by the sheer number.
The former idiot is really glad to have the latter idiot here.
So they wind up talking and drinking and laughing and cuddling and wiping off chocolate moustaches off their faces on the living room couch, snuggled together in a heap of blankets and pillows. Unfortunately, talking and laughing for long periods of time while drinking ridiculously sweet chocolate beverages do not mix well for their throats (and not to mention belting out pop ballads at the top of his lungs, for Peter's case) and Peter’s voice accidentally winds up being gruff and dry which unexpectedly makes MJ chortle too hard but she almost doesn’t care.
“Alright, that’s it. We have to go to bed eventually,” says MJ moving away from her spot next to Peter and sitting upright, “By tomorrow, you’re gonna wind up sounding like Darth Vader.”
“Oh come on-” Peter says his voice still dry and gruff and cracking which still makes MJ laugh. Peter consequently clears his throat, his voice finally back to normal.
“Come on, MJ, we don’t have to talk. We can just, you know, watch something instead,” says Peter, tugging slightly at MJ’s hand that was still laced to his.
MJ rolls her eyes, sighs, and “reluctantly” goes back to Peter’s side. “Fine. It’s not like I’m gonna fall asleep with just that one pillow on your bed, which by the way,” she says pointing her index finger as she grumbled, “feels more hardwood floor than pillow.”
“Hey, I like that pillow. You can’t say that, you might hurt the safe house’s feelings.”
“Peter, literally all you talk about with us is how much you hate this place. I’m pretty sure if the safe house had feelings, it’d be one of your sinister six by now.”
Peter was about to reply when MJ cuts him off and just asks “Alright what do you wanna watch?” having managed to grab the remote, mid conversation.
“Lord of the Rings? Star Trek? Harry Potter? Friends??? Just pick something comforting to fall asleep to, Parker, we both know you’re the all-nighter light weight between the two of us,” MJ asks lightly patting his chest in an attempt to get Peter to hasten his decision.
Peter was probably going to quip back some “hurt” line about how he's literally spent nights on patrol but the perfect movie pops in his head just as he looks at MJ and he smiles so widely as he says “I’ve got it,” and excitedly yanks the remote from MJ’s grasp.
MJ shakes her head and sighs at her loser/dork/idiot’s dumb excitement. She just felt so full, the tired fulfilled happy you get at the end of a good jampacked day. Being with Peter was simple and easy, and yet tiring and exhausting, but always always completely worth it.
Slow synth music plays as the wide shot of stars on the pitch black void of space plays on the screen and MJ knots her forehead at Peter’s film choice, “Wait, Alien? That’s your big brilliant movie choice? I said comforting, Peter. I told you to pick something to help us sleep and you pick one of the most infamous horror movies of the century?”
MJ sees Peter flash a shit eating grin, like he knows something she doesn’t, and she braces herself for what this boy could possibly have to say now.
“Well, I don’t know, MJ, watching a badass intellectual woman survive and defeat a xenomorph all by herself in space seems pretty comforting to me. Kinda reminds me of another badass woman I know," Peter says with the proudest grin MJ's ever seen.
By the end of Peter's not so subtly veiled compliment, he has this smug expression on his face directed right at MJ, like he knew what he said and he meant it and MJ was just about to actually kiss him when Peter decides to live up to his idiot name.
"May," Peter dreamily sighs and intentionally veers away from MJ who was about to kiss him.
"Did you know her hair was actually kinda like Ripley's in like the 70s?" Peter barely manages to say because he was bursting out laughing while MJ was now hitting him over and over again with a pillow.
"You. make. it. so. hard. to. love you sometimes," MJ says, enunciating her words with a pillow hit to her dork every single time.
MJ spends the rest of the movie on the other side of the couch, and Peter spends it trying to cuddle her on her side now only to get hit with a pillow in return.
But little by little, in the mostly dim litted living room of the Parkers' safe house, Peter and MJ just wound up going to each other's side as they watched the iconic science fiction horror movie together, clinging together and at each other during all the scary gorey parts and jumpscares, being the gross cliche idiots in love that they were.
However, an unexpected spontaneous sleepover, private concerts, nightmares that one refuses to acknowledge, hot chocolate and horror movies in the middle of the night was quite a lot for two teens to handle all in one night so of course they both eventually fell asleep right there in the Parkers' safe house living room couch.
And true enough to MJ's prediction, Peter was the one who got knocked out first and was now currently sound asleep just as the only other remaining woman on the ship was killed.
Now, MJ had a choice, she could finish the movie, and go back to an actual bed that actually fitted her so she could hypothetically sleep properly that way. Or she could feign tiredness, claim she fell asleep too, turn off the tv, and lie her head onto Peter's chest, fall asleep listening to his relaxed heart rate, feeling so calm and at peace, it almost serving as a lullaby to lull her to sleep.
And even though MJ has spent most of her life stuffing her bed with almost every type of pillow in existence just to feel even the slightest bit of comfort in her own bed, surrounding herself with artificial warmth and cottony softness, virtually making any other bed that has less than 2 pillows in it seem like a cold concrete floor to her soft sensibilities, as she lies her head on Peter's chest in the cramped couch of their bare bones safe house, her long legs dangling slightly over the edge of the other side of the couch, MJ merely breathes in Peter's something smell and lets her eyes flutter close, and she thinks to herself that she has never felt more at peace or comfortable in her entire fluffed pillowed life, than she has snuggled next to this warm short raggedy brown haired boy dressed in science puns shirts galore and was a not so secret superhero. She had never slept better in her life.
MJ"knew" she had nothing to worry about but she admits, it's nice when life kind of finally just unexpectedly works out like that. She's going to sleep with a smile on her face. How often can you say that?
// end //
you know the warm deep and yet sugary sweet feeling hot chocolate gives you on a rainy day? that's what pj does for me. and that's pretty much how this entire series of fics have been for me tbh. a post ffh denial bubble hahaha. (told ya it was angst-less xD)
@missjordie i don't kno if u remember me, but you were apparently my first submission on something i actually cared about and we chatted bout pj for a bit and then u sent me a prompt inspired by that im3 pepperony scene and then i wound up writing a whole ass fic idea based on that just one lil prompt and then it just got even bigger from that hahahaha. (i wrote like 2 fics of backstory and 1 musical number intermission fic before i finally got to the scenes ideas i had when you sent me the prompt hahaha, which is what this fic is hahaha so technically these whole series of fics go back to u in a way hahaha)
this took so long (and so stressful) to make but the end result also just makes me so fucking happy hahaha :')
i kinda feel like this fic is a good summarized ending to these crazy couple of months that also kinda alludes to everything that came before it hahaha.
and that's a wrap folks. this is officially my last wip from spideychelle month. sigh and it feels so good to get it off my chest. i'm glad i get to kind of put a really nice happy ending pin on all of this just until i've gotten the rest i so desperately want and need hahaha.
my spideychelle fic train is temporarily going to be at rest at its last station for now, folks hahaha. but this will definitely defiantly NOT be the last fic ever hahaha.
i sincerely desperately hope for the best for our two favourite idiots in love. gods i hope happy endings arent reserved just for fics. gods i do.
all hail spideychelle toot toot i'll be back. smells out, peace :') <3
(also i wanted to post something to celebrate ffh coming out hehehe)
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10 things i hate about you!spideychelle au pt 2
UUUGGHHHHHHHH i cant believe i'm the only one who sees 10 things i hate about you as the beauty of a spideychelle au i see it as
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so FINE to prove to you guys how so fucking perfect this movie is for spideychelle, here's a list of scenes from that movie as incorrect spideychelle quotes because that movie is literally just one big incorrect spideychelle quotes movie
and if no one here is brave enough to shout about it then fine
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peter, arriving late to class: what'd i miss?
mj: the oppressive patriarchal values that dictate our education
peter: good *leaves immediately*
mr harrington: hey wait!
principal morita: so I hear you were terrorizing mr. harrington‘s class. again.
mj: expressing my opinion is not a terrorist action.
principal morita: the way you expressed your opinion to eugene thompson? by the way, his testicle retrieval operation went quite well, in case you're interested.
mj: i still maintain that he kicked himself in the balls.
peter: hey mj, make anyone cry today?
mj: sadly, no... but it's only 4:30
peter: we're so screwed
ned: hey, no, hey. i don't wanna hear that defeatist attitude, i wanna hear you upbeat
peter: we're screwed! :D
ned: there you go!
peter: so liz says that the fact that I noticed -- and this is a direct quote - "really meant something."
ned: you told me that part already.
peter: i've been thinking about it all the time...
ned: stop being so self-involved for one minute. how do i look?
peter: you look like my great uncle milton.
ned: you think i should lose the tie?
peter: yeah.
ned: maybe you’re right. i’m just so nervous. you know? And i’m also very excited. i’m nervous and i’m excited. it’s all very mixed up. i don’t know...
peter: okay, alright. just calm down. alright.
ned: the last party i went to was at Chuck-E-Cheeze. you wanna talk about some fun? (he snorts happily) that’s a good time.
peter: *helping a drunk mj walk by holding her up*
mj: you're so patronizing
peter: leave it to you to use big words when you're smashed
mj: why are you doing this?
peter: i told you, you may have a concussion
mj: you don't care if i never wake up
peter: sure i do
mj: why?
peter: well then, because i'd have to start taking out girls that actually like me
mj: like you could find one
peter: see that, there? who needs affection when i have blind hatred?
mj, taking down a prom poster: can you imagine who would go to that antiquated mating ritual?
liz: i would, but i don’t have a date.
mj: do you really want to get all dressed up so some Drakkar Noir-wearing Dexter with a boner can feel you up while you’re forced to listen to a band that by definition sucks?
liz: alright, alright, we won't go. it's not like i’ve got time to buy a dress anyway.
mj: you're looking at this from entirely the wrong perspective. we're making a statement.
liz, sarcastic: oh, goody. something new and different for us.
peter: so what's your excuse?
mj: for?
peter: acting the way we do.
mj: i don't like to do what people expect. why should I live up to other people’s expectations instead of my own?
peter: so you disappoint them from the start and then you're covered, right?
mj: something like that
peter: then you screwed up
mj: how?
peter: you never disappointed me.
mj: tell me something true.
peter: something true? i hate peas.
mj: no, something real, something no one else knows.
peter: okay
peter, kissing mj's cheek: you're sweet
peter, kissing her neck: and sexy
peter, wiggling his eyebrows: and completely hot for me.
mj, chuckling: you're amazingly self-assured. has anyone ever told you that?
peter: i tell myself that every day, actually.
and lastly, i'm going to leave ya all with the lyrics one of 10 things' great songs that is such a spideychelle mood, FNT by Semisonic
Fascinating new thing
You delight me
And I know you're speaking of me
I'm surprised that you've never been told before
That you're lovely and you're perfect
And that somebody wants you
Fascinating new thing
The scene makin
Want a temporary savior
I'm surprised that you've never been told before
That you're priceless and you're precious
Even when you are not new
if no one sees what i'm talking about yet after this, my brain will explode. i can't believe i'm the only one who's a fan of this film, ships spideychelle, and sees so much of them in that film. 10 things is iconic, yalls! why does no one know what i'm talking about? 😭😭🤣😟
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agentbarton12 · 6 years ago
Remember Me (In the Morning Light)
A/N: here is my fantasy!spideychelle contribution for day two :). this was supposed to continue, but this was already so long. let me know if i should do a part 2!
Honestly, wizards suck.
Like, they think that just because they can cast spells, and make random stuff apear out of thin air that they’re “superior” or something, and Michelle was having none of it.
No one asked them to be gifted and whatnot, so why did they have to shove it down everyone else’s throats?
It didn’t help that almost Michelle’s entire family was made up of magical beings. Her father, the king, was a mage. Her mother, a witch. All her siblings were younger than her and had yet to find out what they were.
As Princess of Queensland, Michelle got a lot of perks. Free anything in the markets (although she insisted she pay), all the food in the nine realms, spells and potions—it was all pretty neat.
The only downside of all this was the fact that she was a princess. And somebody somewhere decided that princesses by nature have to have a hard time.
Which is why she’s cursed.
That and the stupid wizard that cast the spell.
According to old laws, every princess of every kingdom in all the realms had to be cursed, locked in a tower, half-dead or, put simply, in a position for princes to “save them”. Apparently it builds their courage and bravery, performing an act of heroism like that.
But, the thing is, Michelle curse is just the worst.
Like, she would have prefered to be asleep for the rest of her life until her ‘true love’ came and saved her like her friend, Princess Elizabeth of Brant House. (Lucky for her, her prince was her best friend and she was only asleep for a week before Prince Ned kissed her. Michelle wishes she could be so lucky.)
The worst part about Michelle’s curse, is that she has no idea what it is.
All she does know, is that on her twelfth brithday, every sunset (very original), she falls asleep and wakes up somewhere else and stays there until the next sunrise. The only way to end this cycle is to have her true love present himself when she’s a princess and when she’s a...whatever she is during at night, and for her to recognise him.
And to make things even more interesting, she never remembers what happened during the evening when she’s back to herself.
Also add to the fact that she has no true love and you get yourself the worst. Curse. Ever.
So, Princess Michelle tries her hardest to do everything in the short space of time before she falls asleep.
This tends to be difficult, because the curse does not care what she is doing before kicking in.
(Once, she was swimming in the Enchanted Lake with one of her ladies-in-waiting, and as the last hue of orange was cast, she promptly fell asleep in the middle of the water. It gave her father quite the scare.)
Today, Michelle went out to spend time with Betty and Princess Liz of Allen House in the villages. They didn’t spend much time out because they were aware of Michelle’s curse. Hell, the whole kingdom knew about it.
After a fun afternoon with her friends, Princess Michelle retreated to her chambers where she got comfortable and and awaited the inevitable sleep that would wash over her.
In that moment, Michelle learned that just because you know something is coming, does not make you any more ready for it.
The first time the princess woke—or as she prefers to be called around him, MJ—up in his workplace, Peter was not the least bit decent.
He had stripped his shirt since it was dripping with sweat and making it very uncomfortable to work. His back was to her, so he did not notice her until she let out a slight shriek of surprise.
“What are you doing here? Who are you?” a younger, smaller Peter asked as he reached for his shirt and held it up in front of him. Her cry had caused him to jump in surprise and knock over the cauldron he was working on.
She sputtered, eyes wide, looking almost as lost and confused as Peter felt, and he softened. He offered her food and water, to which she accepted gratefully and it was then that realisation struck Peter. This was the princess. The princess of Peter’s home was in his workplace. But, if you had looked from far, you would never have noticed. She was dressed in commoners clothes; a simple dress, and workers boots.
“Where am I?” the princess asked. Peter knew about the curse. The whole kingdom knew about the curse and Peter figures that Princess Michelle’s must have started now.
Peter shrugged. “My workshop. My uncle gave it to me,” Peter admitted with a swell of pride. He was missing a tooth. The princess smiled.
He realised that, technically, she was not a princess at the moment and be needed to know what to call her. “I’m Peter,” he greeted, sticking his hand out.
She just stared at his hand and for a second, Peter thought he had just broken some royal rule, before she shook it and said, “MJ. I want to be called MJ.”
Now, when MJ wakes up, Peter is not the least bit surprised. He set up a little corner with a mattress and a few blankets so that when she arrives, she’s comfortable.
He stood over his workbench welding a piece of armour for his mentor, Tony Stark—the best blacksmith in the realm. MJ does not announce her presence, instead opting to watch Peter work.
It was a fascinating thing to watch.
Although Peter was a warlock—not a wizard, there’s a difference. At least according to Peter—he prefered building things with his hands. And MJ wasn’t complaining.
When she approached creepy level staring, MJ stood up and stretched, alerting Peter of her presence.
He turned around and a large smile spread across his face. “You’re here.”
MJ grinned. “When am I not?”
Every day, Peter wanted to say, but he couldn’t. Because to her, it wasn’t true. MJ wasn’t a princess. MJ was not cursed. MJ believed she was Peter’s best friend and spent every waking moment with him and Peter wasn’t going to be the one to tell her otherwise.
So, Peter jokingly says, “Oh, right, you never leave.”
MJ rolled her eyes. “Shut up, Parker, you love it when I’m here. I add value to your life.”
“Nuh-uh,” Peter shakes his head, “my job adds value to my life.”
“Right,” MJ drawled. “What’s it like being a wizard? You must be really popular with the children.” She moved to the table and leaned on her elbows on it.
“Funny, really funny. Have you ever considered being a jester?” She snorted. “And I’m a warlock, not a wizard. And it’s not my job.”
“What’s the difference?” MJ shrugged.
“Warlocks are cooler and far more superior to wizrads. They have better powers and get cool outfits. Have I mentioned that warlocks are cooler?”
“You have, it just confuses me how you’re one.” Peter glared at her and splashed water at her that he conjured from thin air. MJ laughed.
MJ hovered around Peter as he worked on the armour, handing him things he needed. Her work was not that important as she was completely out of her depth when it came to building.
When she gave Peter a tool, she accidentally lowered her onto a scolding hot piece of metal. MJ jerked her hand away immediately and cried out in pain.
Peter dropped what he was doing and hurriedly grabbed her hand and conjured water and poured it over her palm where she was burnt.
MJ squirmed in his hold, but he made sure to keep it firm, all while not hurting her too much. After cooling it, he dried it and began to wrap it. “Does it still hurt?”
She retracted her hand slightly as he added pressure and winced. “No,” she lied. Peter looked up at her with an unimpressed look and his eyebrows creased together. MJ stared back at him. Something fluttered around in his chest and Peter looked away quickly, returning back to the task.
MJ’s eyes never left his face.
When he finished and looked up, he noticed how close they were to each other. She was almost practically sitting in his lap. Peter’s heart pounded against his chest and he worried MJ could hear it.
Peter was in love with MJ.
He knew this. He really did.
But there was nothing he could do about it. Would actually.
Princess Michelle was destined to fall in love with a prince who could and would save her from her curse. And even though MJ wasn’t technically the princess, technically, she was. And pursuing anything wouldn’t be fair. On the faceless prince that would one day marry her, on her herself, and on Peter. When MJ would leave again. For good.
It is because of this that Peter clears his throat and moves back a little. “All better now.”
Numbly, MJ nods. “Thanks.”
The rest of evening passes with Aunt May coming to call them into the house for dinner. MJ shot Peter looks all throughout the meal and Peter ignored them.
When it was nearing the time MJ had to leave, she went back to her spot and curled herself on the mattress facing the wall, her back to Peter.
The action broke his heart a little. They always talked to each other until sunrise.
“Hey, Em. Can I draw on your hand? The bandaged one?”
Peter expected her to ignore him and pull the blankets over her head, so when she held out her arm for him, he was surprised. She kept her back to him, though.
Peter was no artist. He left that to MJ. She drew littles images of him on pieces of partchment she found lying around. His finished product is nothing to celebrate, but Peter is very proud of it.
He gives MJ her arm back and pulls the blankets up to her shoulders.
“See you tomorrow.”
When Michelle awoke, her left arm instinctively reached for her right. It was covered in cloth; a bandage.
She sat up and held her hand up in front of her face. There were drawings covering the bandage. Hearts and circles, little lines and arrows adorned the cloth with bright colours. On the palm of her hand, was what caught her attention.
She didn’t know an MJ. She wasn’t an MJ. So, what was it and who put it there?
After getting up, Michelle decided that it was far to early to ponder anything and took a nap.
During the day, she went out with her younger brother Miles to have lunch with a dutchess or countess about betrothal or something dull like that.
It was not Lady Gwen’s for her complete disinterest in the conversation. No, no, the princess blamed her bandaged hand (and the old men that thought having their daughters strive to be married off to continue their bloodline purely for monarchy sake instead of achieving something worthwhile was a good idea). Her mind was simply elsewhere.
Where did I get this? How was I injured? Who drew on me? Who is MJ? Am I MJ? These thoughts elicited an unwarranted gasp from the princess. She apologised profusely before excusing herself.
She wandered around the streets aimlessly, trying to calm her racing mind to no avail. She passed street vendors and purchased some candy for Miles as an apology for abandoning him.
While walking, a young man around her age yet significantly shorter, bumped into her.
“I am so...sorry.” He stopped moving all together as his eyes found hers and they looked strikingly familiar.
“It is perfectly alright. I didn’t see you either.”
The man merely nodded, shock evident on his face and said nothing. His eyes trailed down to her bandaged hand and widened. Then, he turned on his heel and walked away abruptly.
Michelle tried not to think too much about the interaction. Lots of people get flustered around her, it was normal.
But this turned out to be a fairly difficult task when Michelle laid down, ready to fall asleep, at sunset and nothing happened.
She stayed in her room and the sun went down and Michelle was awake to see it for the first time in nine years.
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is this my entry to the first day of spideychelle month? yes it is. does it even vaguely follow the prompt for said day? probably not. am i doing this cus i’ve got a desperate case of the fomos? HELL YEAH, you know i do
i had this idea and thought that a couple of months after ffh was good enough to count as the future hahaha hope yall enjoy folks
Weirdly enough, the easiest problem to tackle in the hot steaming pile of garbage that Mysterio dumped on Peter and co.’s lives, was apparently the drone strikes allegations.
It was easy enough because stark tech was involved in the allegation and Ms. Potts was eager enough to clear her company’s name on any and all involvement in peter’s alleged crime, thus clearing his name in the process.
No, the hardest part was the adjustment period; the world now knew who Spider-man was and Beck had now effectively put a target on each and every one of Peter’s loved ones. MJ and Ned had hired bodyguards following them wherever they went (fortunately enough, no criminals had thought of to kidnap them or something, but better safe than sorry, peter thought).
Meanwhile, Peter and May were now living in a remote well hidden secret location safehouse. Peter and MJ were supposed to be dating now but maintaining a relationship isn’t really that easy when half the city’s criminal underlife wanna kill you. Suffice it to say, the entire affair sucked.
The point of the whole secret identity thing was so that peter could still have a normal life but now… it seemed like the possibility of getting back that life was completely destroyed. And he can’t even bring the man responsible to justice. Yeah, the whole thing just sucked.
There had to be a way out of this, and there probably would be, he’s already thought of a couple possibilities that were subsequently shot down (track down every single possible threat and have them arrested or threaten that they would be, create another fake spider-man so people wouldn’t think it was peter, give up being spider-man). But as long as that miracle epiphany hadn’t come to fruition yet, until there was a full proof plan that would guarantee everyone’s safety and help peter keep the spider-man name, this crap pile of a safety strategy was all they had for the moment.
And so yeah, for what seemed to be the longest time being, it was safehouse safehouse safehouse aanndd yup, you guessed it, more safehouse.
But, there was still one glimmer of hope left, despite it all. It was the monthly visit from Ned and MJ. Peter lived for those visits; he’d prepare everything they could possibly need beforehand and would pace their living room until one of them arrived at which point he’d give them all the biggest bear hug.
They all gave each other updates on what happened, so it was mostly just Ned and MJ talking about what was happening on the outside world, but Peter didn’t mind, he was just so happy they were there. And so they talked, caught each other up on how the other was doing, until eventually they were sick of talking and just decided to watch movies instead, this time they decided to binge the og star wars trilogy.
Lando and Chewy had just flown off in the Millennium Falcon when Peter “slyly” (MJ noticed it, Peter wasn’t fooling anyone) gave Ned a look.
“Oh wow, will you look at the time, I’ve gotta head home. My parents need help with this… thing, it’s really important,” says Ned who already left from his spot on the couch and was now packing up his stuff.
“Really? What thing, Ned?” asked MJ, with an amused smirk on her face.
Peter gave Ned another look which also didn’t pass by MJ. She knew why they were doing this, might as well just mess with them about it.
After a brief awkward silence where Peter was silently pleading to Ned to just think of something. Ned wouldn’t be able to explain why the next word he said was the first that popped in his head.
“BED! Uhhh they… need my help to flip a bed. It’s no big deal actually but, you know parents, do what they say and all that. Welp I’m out of here. Bye, Peter. Bye, MJ. Have fun!” and with a slam of the door, Ned hurried out of the apartment and left Peter and MJ alone in the living room.
“Bye Ned! Stay safe!” Peter remarked to the door, as Ned had jolted out of the place before Peter could say bye back.
“Must be some bed, huh,” Peter told MJ as he looked back at her.
MJ couldn’t help but laugh at the excuse.
“Peter, you know I know why you guys are doing this so why bother even making up excuses about it?” says MJ as she lies her head on the couch, but with a smile on her face, equal parts amused and exasperated at Ned and Peter’s whole routine.
“I have NO IDEA what you’re talking about, MJ, you heard Ned. He said he had to help his parents flip a mattress. That’s really important; those things are heavy, for you guys at least.”
“Mmhhmm yeah right, just like they needed his help watering plants, cleaning the roof, oh and what was it last time, walking their dog?”
“Ned’s a good son, MJ, I don’t see anything wrong with that,” said Peter with a shrug.
“Peter, Ned’s allergic to dogs, his family doesn’t have one.”
It takes Peter a beat to come up with “Maybe they were dogsitting??”
MJ just laughs out of exasperation.
“Fine, I’m done, just so you know, you guys aren’t fooling anyone and you guys are just doing this for your own benefit. Let’s just watch Return of the Jedi already,” says MJ as she snuggles up next to Peter.
“Once again, MJ, I have no idea what you’re talking about” says Peter with an amused smirk on his face while MJ just rolls her eyes at him.
“Ned’s just being a good friend- urgh I mean son. Good son heh,” as Peter awkwardly doesn’t look at MJ and just stares at the TV screen.
MJ just looks at Peter incredulously but fondly.
“Yeah, I can’t say I disagree with you on that,” says MJ with a fond smile on her face as she leans her head on Peter’s shoulder.
Peter finally looks back at MJ and just smiles. Yeah, he’s glad to have a guy in the chair, wingman, and best friend like Ned. And Peter and MJ finally just watch the movie in a comfortable silence, appreciating each other’s company without having to dial down their level of affection for one another.
But soon enough, the last film of the trilogy ends just as the blue sky outside was now turning a blazing red. The sun was setting, which meant it was going to be dark soon, which meant MJ was going to leave.
Peter always dreaded this part.
As the credits roll, Peter looks at the clock, and then looks back to MJ.
“I guess you have to go now too, huh?” asked Peter with an obvious sad demeanor, as he runs his fingers thru hers.
“Yeah” MJ looks down at their intertwined hands “I guess I have to.”
MJ reluctantly breaks away from their intertwined hands and starts to pack her stuff up and head to the door while Peter’s a few feet away just watching her do this, walking her to the door; all of this done in an uncomfortable sad silence.
Peter and MJ are now both at the door, both just waiting for the other to say something and pull the plug on their rare chance of meeting in person.
“I-” “I-” Peter and MJ both begin to say and both of them just giving an awkward chuckle at their synchronicity.
“You go first,” says Peter with a smile, waiting for what MJ was going to say.
“Heh just- just wanted to say…” MJ begins to say, before she just dives in and hugs Peter as tight as she could.
“I’m gonna miss you, Peter” says MJ burrowing her head onto Peter’s shoulder.
Peter hugs MJ back and burrows his head onto her shoulder, MJ’s hair is right onto his face but he actually likes it, smelling that faint aroma of lavender from her pretty curls.
“That’s actually what I was gonna say too heh” says Peter in a sad chuckle.
“I’m really gonna miss you, MJ” and at that Peter tightens his hug, in a sad attempt to almost stop her from leaving. But MJ loosens her hug and so Peter does too; MJ wipes her eyes in a preemptive strike to prevent any tears from falling as she does and just sadly chuckles too.
“Bye, Peter.”
She was just about to turn and walk away when MJ hesitates in doing/saying something and before she knows it, she just leans in and gives Peter a soft chaste kiss on the lips, her sadness pouring out of her goodbye kiss.
Her hand that she used to hold Peter’s face as she kissed him was the same one she used as she held Peter’s hand for the last time as she said “Goodbye, Peter” with both of their eyes closed and their foreheads still leaning onto each other.
She reluctantly breaks her hand free from Peter and quickly walks away without looking back, leaving Peter alone by the door, his fingers ghosting his lips, as he closed the door. He leans against the door once he’s inside, his forehead in a frustrated knot, eyes closed, sighing as he tries to summon the courage to pretend he’s fine.
He’s found himself leaning at the door for a couple of minutes now when May suddenly speaks, having erupted from her office, interrupting Peter’s self-pity spiral.
“Pete, you okay?” asks May, even though she already knows the answer.
Peter sighs and stands up properly, no longer leaning on the door as a crutch.
“I’m fine, May” says Peter with a sad smile.
“It’s just” Peter looks back at the door. “MJ left again.”
May looks at her nephew sadly and slowly approaches him.
“Oh Peter, I know you miss her a lot,” says May as she hugs Peter.
“Heh” Peter just sadly chuckles and agrees. “Yeah, yeah I really do,” says Peter as he hugs back his aunt, taking the comforting gesture as it is.
Peter braces himself for May trying to cheer him up again, a message of hope about how this will all end sooner than you think, and that it’s for the best, etc. Peter obviously knew May’s heart was in the right place but right now he just felt sad and pissed over always having his time with MJ cut short. So he sighed, as he tried to muster his appreciation for his aunt’s, while kind, unfortunately for naught, gesture.
“But we both know it’s for the best,” says May with a sad smile as she breaks away from the hug and looks Peter in the eyes and keeps her hands on his shoulders.
“We just need to do this for a little longer until-”
“Peter, wait!” screams an out of breath sweat drenched MJ busting out of the apartment door.
“MJ?” exclaimed Peter happily as he tore himself away from May’s hold and turned around to face MJ.
“You’re- you’re back,” Peter said in a happy couldn’t believe it reaffirmation that MJ was indeed here. Until he realized he didn’t know why she was back at which point concern flooded his mind.
“Wait, why are you back?” asked Peter, more confused than anything but his fear starting to bubble up, as he began to walk towards MJ and close the door behind her, while checking if there was anyone in the hallway.
As MJ hurriedly walked down the stairs of Peter’s building, she found herself questioning her actions. Each time after they met, she’s found it harder and harder to say goodbye and by now she was just so sick of leaving when all she wanted to do was stay, which was when she decided that enough was enough.
Buying Peter and her a little more time for just one night wouldn’t kill them. They’ll have the rest of the year (or god knows how long) to stick to their stupid arrangement, so for now, she was going to spend the night with her boyfriend and nothing on earth was going to stop her from doing otherwise.
MJ, having ran up how many flights of stairs that she had just gotten down from, couldn’t explain herself to Peter just yet as she was busy trying to catch her breath and maintain her upright position as she held onto her knees for support.
May looks at her nephew with fondness as he caresses the back of the girl of his dreams as she tries to catch her breath. May knew what to do next as she remarked that she was going to get MJ some water from the kitchen and proceeded to leave the two teens alone. Peter leads MJ to the couch as her breathing returns back to normal.
“Are you okay, MJ? Is anything wrong, did something happen?” asks Peter, still worried MJ might have been in danger or something but MJ merely waves him off and lies her head on the couch.
Peter simply sits next to her, unconvinced, waiting for verbal confirmation which causes MJ to give a small incredulous chuckle.
“I’m fine, Peter,” says MJ looking at Peter fondly, always appreciating his constant concern for her wellbeing.
“Are you sure? You’re not here cause you saw someone suspicious or anything?”
Suddenly, MJ looks at Peter with guilt and sympathy, sad that one of Peter’s first thoughts over her coming back was that because she was in danger.
So MJ caresses the side of Peter’s face in an attempt to comfort him or ease any of his worries, looks him straight in his eyes, and says “I’m safe, Peter” in the most unwavering voice she could muster.
Peter lets go of the breath he didn’t know he was holding and finally lets himself smile over his girlfriend coming back to him.
May finally returns with the water she promised and hands it to MJ.
“Thanks, May,” says MJ as she grabs the glass May offers her. “Sorry for dropping in suddenly by the way.”
“Oh it’s fine, honey. Your parents know you’re here?” says May
MJ merely nods as she gulps down the water, and after finishing her drink, just says a quick little “Yup.”
“Okay, good, I’ll just go and… make dinner then. What do you guys want?” May asks the two teens.
Peter and MJ just brush May off, saying whatever’s fine and just like that, the Parker matriarch left and went to the kitchen, leaving Peter and MJ alone once again. But just before she enters the room, she shoots Peter a cute little wink and thumbs up, just happy to see her nephew happy again, and Peter just lets out a small amused chuckle. May has always been supportive and though it was really awkward at times, this time he can’t help but feel the same happiness her aunt has for him as well.
“Soooo, MJ, what are ya doing here?” asks Peter with a smile on his face, trying so hard to play it cool, but failing amazingly at it, because he’s being honest, he didn’t even care. MJ was actually here and it didn’t even matter why she was. He was just so happy to get to spend more time with her than he expected.
MJ knows why she came here and she knows for a fact that Peter probably does as well. But it doesn’t mean she was ready to admit she did something romantic spontaneous and unexpected just because she wanted to spend more time with him. And so despite very well knowing she’s being a complete hypocrite for doing this, she says this next.
“My parents were suddenly out of town on a business trip.”
Peter’s jaw drops the slightest and then one of the most shit eating grins he’s ever had starts to form on his face.
“Really?” asks Peter in an almost sarcastic tone.
MJ rolls her eyes. She probably shouldn’t be surprised to be regretting her decision this immediately.
“Yeah, loser, my mother got to go to this audition she thought she lost. They told me I could stay over at a friend’s house just for tonight if I wanted. It’s no big deal, just get over it already,” says MJ in her completely dead pan tone with just a hint of frustration and shyness.
Peter is so happy right now. He knows it’s ridiculous to be this happy just because his girlfriend is now doing the same thing he and Ned were doing, but he just can’t help keep the smile on his face in check. MJ surprised Peter in the most unexpected and wonderful ways he couldn’t imagine and just for a second, Peter thinks this safehouse thing might not have been so bad after all.
yaaayyy ok so i know it didn’t really follow the future spideychelle au mechanics, but i’d argue that this didn’t really deal with the problems caused by ffh. it’s like they’re putting all those problems on pause and they’re in this little safehouse bubble hehe
this will have 2 follow ups which imma post for week 2. one will be a prequel to this, and the other a straight up follow up hehe. this fic was really just supposed to be backstory/set up and it just got away from me haha
i’m gonna continue to try to be as much of a part of spideychelle month as best i can cus i really really wanna participate in it. i’m so excited just to actually be a part of something like this for the first time ever.  i hoped yalls liked this, cus i really did even despite all the mistakes/inconsistencies n all haha. thank ya alls if you actually read this whole thing and hooray for spideychelle hahaha yaay
oh and ps quick shoutout to @tare8chan, she was my beta on this and without her, i never would have changed the ending of this. her advice totally made it better imo so thank you so much for the notes and compliments and support and stuff huhuhu
looking forward to more spideychelle fics yalls. this gonna be real fun :’) <3
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The Mummy!spideychelle au
Ok so I know that a fantasy au should probably be a more fantastical universe where magic seeps from every vestibule but I just couldn’t get this au out of my mind and I mean, the mummy has mummies, curses, end of world apocalyptic signs, and spell books. I’d say that’s pretty fantastical, isn’t it?
Plus I’m sorry but I just can’t stop imagining our favorite trio as the trio in this film and so I present… the spideychelle mummy au that I don’t know if someone else has done before but oh well.
oh and i should say i’ve only seen the first mummy hahaha and it’s been a while since i’ve watched it so i barely remember anything about it haha. i just thought i’d share the couple ideas i’ve had about this au hehehe
Peter Parker is an american vigilante who found himself being a mercenary in egypt after his secret identity was revealed to the world. 
Michelle Jones is an intelligent and beautiful researcher and librarian whose parents are both legendary adventurers which is why she yearns for adventure herself. She knows all about the mythical stories and legends, the pyramids, pharaohs, curses, and basically anything magically ancient in egypt.
Remember the scene in the mummy where rachel weisz's character gets fired by her boss in the library because all the shelves fell because she was trying to organize the books properly? i can totally imagine MJ doing the same rant about how she's just doing her job properly and how her boss is such a conceited rude and arrogant dbag haha
Ned Leeds is MJ's fedora wearing gambling but intelligent as well brother. He's tricky and clever and has a dorky confidence in him that manages to let him win all the games he partakes in (mostly)
MJ being the only one intelligent enough to crack where all the ancient magical books are is something i can definitely see our MJ pulling off
and really the main reason why i think the au works is because the dynamic of the trio in the film can totally be applied to our own favorite trio hehe.
Peter as his snarky and confident self, MJ being very very smart and yearning for adventure, and Ned just having fun along the ride haha. just seems like a fun prompt is all haha
and also, i know i said it was peter but because tom is british, i can’t help imagine a version of the scene where rachel weisz’s bro (who is british) was scoffing at the americans during their shootout getting reversed. so it’d be a british rick o connell character scoffing at mj and ned for trying to participate in a shootout when he’s supposed to be the tough guy in all this.
did any of that make sense? i have no idea. like i said, just wanted to share a couple ideas i had about the au because it’s an idea i had that i thought could be applied to a spideychelle month prompt hehehe
my hope is for someone to actually make a fic of this au someday, i feel like i’d be really interested in reading it (who knows, i might write it myself haha). but for now, spideychelle day 2 is DONE. won’t be back til like day 5 i think haha lez keep this spideychelle month train going, people, woot woot
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