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X spells in magic the gathering are where the fact it was designed by a maths guy really pops. Majority of the maths in magic is "can I pay cost" or "is damage dealt enough to kill a creature/player", so playing around with that number being variable rather than fixed makes some sense, and maths has X as a default variable, so you get fireball

right there in the first set - variable cost for variable damage, 1:1. This spell is great for ending games, which makes up for it's poor rate for the time (see lightning bolt, where you pay 1 mana for 3 damage)

So now you can use X for the cost to give a linear scaling effect, such as additional counters on creatures

Where we get really mathsy next is the relatively few examples of effectively "do something X times, X times" for example:

These two cards are roughly equivalent in what they do to the previous two - but appear to scale at a much worse rate, having to pay two or three times the cost for each time you do "X" but the trick here is these aren't actually scaling linearly, they're scaling quadratically, making them much more effective than they seem.
Anyway all this to say that sometimes evaluating how good a magic card can require understanding quadratic scaling!*
*but almost never will because these effects are almost certainly intentionally costed too highly and attached to traditionally uncompetitive effects, likely so that players don't actually have to think about quadratic scaling. This is probably for the best. Also there's one card that scales exponentially (2 to the power of X) rather than quadratically (X to the power of 2). It's literally called exponential growth.

#mtg#magic the gathering#quadratic scaling#richard Garfield phd was a maths professor but maths guy gets the point across#exponential growth#maths#just throwing tags on here. hashtag whatever#i hope this auto does read more. sorry if this has taken forever to scroll past.
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For the @womenintransformers Women in Transformers Week 2025 event I wrote a fic about a few of my favorite women from Earthspark facing their trauma. Thanks so much to @deadlysoupy for beta reading for me!
March 23: Favorite
Summary: The Hate Plague has been cured, but the emotional wounds remain. Twitch’s family try to help heal the hurt Elita-1 inflicted on Twitch before it is too late, but in the end, it falls to Elita-1 herself to make amends. Takes place between the episodes "The Truth is Out There" and "Judgment Day." AO3 link for tags.
I Thought I Was the Favorite
Twitch winced at the sound of metal clashing with her sister Mo’s blade. Twitch shut her eyes tightly, but could imagine every blow. Her own blades were quivering. She tried to focus on Mo’s laughter ringing out whenever she got a good hit in, tuning out the other noise.
“Hey Twitch! Look!” Hashtag exclaimed.
Twitch yelped. Her eyes flew open. Hashtag was shoving her tablet in Twitch’s face. On screen was a frozen image on Elita-1 winking. Twitch glanced quickly between that and the real Elita sparring with Mo. Hashtag hit “play” on the tablet screen and pink sparkles, hearts, and stars rained all over clips of Elita fighting and working out as a song played loud enough to drown out all the noise in the background.
“Well? What do you think?” Hashtag grinned.
“I think you might be obsessed, Hashtag.” Twitch sighed.
“Aw, c’mon, Twitch—everybody’s got somebody to look up to,” Hashtag said. “Why not her?”
“Yeah, why not her,” Twitch muttered to herself, turning away.
But she noticed the sounds of blows were all gone. Now the only noise was the humming of the base’s lights, and the echoing thunderclaps and roaring wind of the thunderstorm outside.
Mo ran up to her sisters. She took off her helmet and tucked it under one arm. “I’m done! Your turn, Twitch.” When all Twitch could muster was a low whine, Mo tried again. “Twitch? Are you okay?” she asked gently. With her free hand, she touched Twitch on the shoulder.
Twitch spun around to face her. “Sorry, I’m just under the weather, I guess.”
Mo frowned. “Is this about Robby?” she asked. “We’re all worried about him… but… he really wants to be alone after telling Optimus everything,” she said.
“Yeah, I’m worried about Robby, too.” Twitch felt a pang of guilt. How could she be feeling betrayed? What he went through was a real betrayal! Her insides squirmed.
“But the best way to help Robby now is to help ourselves be ready for whatever the Quintessons throw at us,” Mo said.
“And if we can’t do that, we should keep ourselves busy!” Hashtag added.
Twitch could not help but smile a little. “Hey, I’m supposed to be the big sister here.”
“Uh, excuse me, I’m the big sister,” Mo said.
Before Twitch could even think about having made that error, she heard Elita-1’s heavy footsteps. “Hey,” Elita said. “Are you going to leave me without a sparring partner?” She looked down at Twitch expectantly.
“Hashtag, why don’t you go again?” Twitch asked her sister.
“Ooh, sorry,” Hashtag said, rapidly pressing icons on her tablet. “I think I need some more footage for my next fancam.”
Twitch swallowed hard, even though there was nothing to swallow, and hovered closer to the training area. But with a thunderclap that shook the whole base, the lights flickered. For a moment, Twitch saw nothing but the blazing blue—almost white—of Elita-1’s eyes staring holes into her. In the darkness, Twitch imagined Elita’s smile looked twisted and mangled, like a nasty grin splitting her face. The lights turned back on with a thud and the expression had never been there.
“I-I need to go!” Twitch hovered higher into the air. Remembering something her human family members sometimes said, she added, “To use the bathroom!” She sped out of the room and into the hall, not waiting to answer anybody’s confused questions.
As Twitch flew, she remembered how excited she had been just a little while ago, when she was given her first big Autobot mission. She had even embraced Elita—how stupid Twitch felt now. The place might as well have still been the GHOST HQ for as safe as she felt. Even though the halls were built for some of the biggest bots she knew, the walls felt like they were closing in.
With her head hanging low as she hovered, she ended up colliding with something soft. Twitch drew back and found herself in her mom’s arms. “Twitch!” Dot exclaimed. “I thought you were busy training with Elita.” But Twitch did not even have to say anything before Dot’s surprised expression softened into concern. “What’s wrong?”
“Just wondering if Dad2 and Nightshade need some help in the lab, planning? Or maybe Jawbreaker wants me to cheer for him while he’s sparring with Grimlock and Arcee. You know he gets lonely! Or—”
Dot just gave her a skeptical look. Twitch, immediately giving in, lay her head against her mom’s chest. It was never an easy thing to do, all the parts that stuck out of Twitch’s head making it a little awkward, but it always made Twitch feel like she was bathed in sunlight. “Mom, I’m scared,” Twitch murmured. “I know it’s stupid, but when I see Elita-1 I keep thinking of what she did when she had the Hate Plague.”
“There’s nothing stupid about that! It’s only natural, it scares me knowing what happened to you and I’m so glad everybody’s safe.” Dot patted the sensor on Twitch’s head. “Why don’t we go see Elita together and let her know, so she can assure you everything’s all right now?” When Twitch tensed, Dot added, “I’ll be with you the whole time.”
And that was how the two of them ended up hand-in-hand, as Twitch made her way back. Everybody was waiting, and Twitch shuffled her feet and felt her circuits sparking. Was this what her siblings felt when they were charging themselves with static electricity?
Elita-1 was still smiling, and it looked like a gentle smile, but her arms were crossed over her chest. “So, are you ready now?”
Twitch could not find her voice. Dot spoke up for her. “Actually, there’s something we need to discuss first.” She motioned for Twitch to step forward. “Go ahead, I’m right here.”
“Elita, I’d love to train with you, but I keep thinking about how you tried to hurt me when you were sick with the Hate Plague,” Twitch said.
Elita-1 knelt down to be on her level. “I’m so sorry for how I tried to hunt you down. None of that reflects how I feel about you. It was the Quintessons’ attempt to use me and the other bots.” She really sounded like she meant every word.
Mo rushed over to give Twitch a quick hug. “I wish you’d told us right away, Twitch! We get it. That must’ve been really scary. I’m sure Elita won’t mind if you train with us instead.” She paused. “But, wait… why aren’t you scared of anybody else?”
Hashtag approached Twitch from the other side. “You didn’t seem afraid of any of the bigger bots when they were mind-controlled. You never even held it against me.” Her eyes behind her bright visor looked big and sad and reminded Twitch of still pools of cave water.
Maybe it was time to “rip the band-aid off” as her human family would say. “Elita,” Twitch raised her head as she spoke, “you told me it’s all my fault—the Terrans’ fault—for everything that’s gone wrong on Earth! It really hurt my feelings. Why did you say that?” Twitch heard Hashtag gasp.
Elita-1 frowned. “I don’t blame you—any of you—for any problem we’ve faced. That would be ridiculous,” she said. “I’m sorry it made me say it. I don’t feel that way at all.” She reached out toward her. “Remember how happy I was for you to go on an Autobot mission? If I felt that way, why—”
Twitch stepped back. Her eyes narrowed. “Really? You don’t hate me even a little?”
“Of course not!” Elita exclaimed. “And if there’s anything I could do to help you feel safe again, I’d be happy to.”
Mo exhaled hard. “I’m glad you talked about it, Twitch.”
“None of you should be carrying burdens that big all on your own,” Dot said.
Twitch’s fans rotated faster, blasting air at Elita’s face. “Liar!” Twitch snapped, shooting up into the air high enough to look down at the Autobot. Twitch’s blades flared outward. “Thrash told me everything that happened on his mission! He told me when Prowl got infected with Hate Plague he went right for Bumblebee and only hated him and said Thrash and Robby should just get out of his way,” she ranted, “so that means you do hate me and you’re a big fat liar! Tell me the truth!”
Everybody stared up at her, wide-eyed. “I-I just said it would be ridiculous if I felt that way, of course I’m not lying,” Elita said.
With a scream and crackling orange energy, Twitch transformed and rushed even higher. She wanted to smash through the ceiling like she had once smashed through the family barn, but hitting this ceiling just went clang.
Too angry to feel the pain ringing through her frame, she flew out of the room, ignoring the cries of her name and pleas for her to “Come back!” She made it all the way to the hangar at the base’s entrance, and this time there was no lockdown.
She left the building and soared into the sky—and felt all her sensors be pelted with heavy rain. She could barely hear herself think over the sound of thunder and rainfall, and she was happier for it.
But then a gust of wind sent her tumbling through the air. Lighting flashed so close by she could hear the ripping sound of the lightning itself without a thunderclap. She remembered when she had nearly lost herself fighting Spitfire. Twitch wondered if she had just made a huge mistake.
With no time to spare, Mo and her mom had hurried inside Hashtag’s vehicle mode. The three of them and Elita-1, also in vehicle mode, gave chase. VAL gave Hashtag all kinds of fancy sensors that let them track Twitch’s trajectory and velocity, and Mo kept looking between all those white lines on the screens tracking her sister and the night, hoping to squint and see Twitch’s orange lights outside. But aside from the rain pelting the windshield and the faint beeping of Hashtag’s systems, everything was creepily quiet.
Hashtag was not made to be this quiet—it felt like they were in a normal pickup truck. And Mom had just said, “Don’t worry, we’ll find her,” in her Lieutenant voice when they first got in and had not said anything since. She was probably too worried and upset to talk anymore.
Through the window, Mo saw Elita-1 driving beside them. Speaking into the communicator the whole team was able to use now, Mo said, “Elita? I was thinking, maybe the Hate Plague doesn't make bots as angry at people they don't know well? And that’s why Prowl only wanted to hurt Bumblebee. Maybe you can explain this to Twitch when we find her!”
“That would make a lot of sense,” Elita’s voice said in a clipped tone.
But Hashtag and Dot still did not say anything. Mo looked up, and in all the blue light spilling from the dashboard, her mom looked as cold and hard as an ice sculpture.
“Twitch’s location has been pinpointed!” VAL’s cheery announcement got everyone’s attention. Mo smiled for a second, but her smile fell when she did not see Twitch out the windows. There was nothing but a sea of trees with shaking dark leaves out there.
Dot made Hashtag stop and opened the door, rushing outside into the woods. She had her ranger flashlight and was pointing it at the trees, checking if Twitch had gotten stuck in the branches. Elita-1 was staring up at the storm clouds, seeing if Twitch was flying up there. The rain glowed like the bolts of lightning as the water hit Elita in the visor and eyes. Mo tried to feel if Twitch was nearby, but while she felt a tight, squirmy feeling in her chest, she could not tell what direction it was coming from. It felt like it was coming from everywhere!
But all Hashtag did was kick rocks. Her feet were smeared with mud.
“Hashtag, I know you’re upset, but we’ve got to search for Twitch!” Mo exclaimed.
One of the rocks ricocheted off a tree trunk. “Why would I be upset.” Hashtag’s tone was flat. “So what if another one of my big inspirations cares more about themselves than me or my family. I should be used to it.”
The blue eyes of Elita cut through the raindrops as they beamed toward Hashtag. “I never signed up to be an inspiration for you Terrans,” Elita said. “To my soldiers and team, oh, sure. That’s just what the War required. But guiding new life was never supposed to be part of my job description. Nobody expected you.”
“Elita!” Dot hissed. She made a gesture that meant Elita should “zip it.” Lightning flashed like it was punctuating her statement.
“Oh no,” Mo said quietly. She put her hands under her armpits. Her jacket was getting soaked, she was shivering, and was really starting to wish she had Robby’s shield to block out everything.
Before Mo could try telling everybody they should be busy searching, not fighting, Hashtag spun around to face Elita. “I bet you really wish you could say, ‘Terrans, go home,’ huh? Too bad for you that you can’t ‘cause we are!” Hashtag shouted.
“Enough!” Elita shouted. She stomped through the woods, sending dirty water splashing into the air with her heavy steps. “Maybe I haven’t made it clear how much I’ve done for all of you Earthlings. Do you think I wanted to be stranded on this planet, leaving my team—my friends—back on Cybertron, not knowing if they were alive or dead, while I was stuck here with all these human vehicles I didn’t even like?!”
Mo carefully stepped backward and pressed herself against a tree to get out of Elita’s warpath. Mo was reminded of when Elita had been mind-controlled by Mandroid, but this time, her actions were all her own.
Each of Elita’s deep footprints quickly filled up with more water, looking like black holes in the ground. Her hands were clenched into tight fists. “Then there’s all the people I’ve had to suffer through.
“Watching my leader and his troops bicker like a bunch of cyber-clowns while I had to be the reasonable one every slagging time! And do you think I wanted to make stupid propaganda films?! Of course not!” she said. “But I just had to work with GHOST and follow their rules because it was all about sacrificing my rights to protect you Earth creatures. How do you think I felt when I had to watch Jawbreaker, who I taught, harass Grimlock and set him off, making the humans hate all of us even more?!”
She came to a stop before Hashtag. The two of them glared at each other. Hashtag transformed her wheels out under her feet to give herself some extra height.
Elita continued, “I broke up with Optimus because he was too weak and stupid to not let our relationship interfere with his judgment. Did you ever realize that? But go ahead, be bitter even though you always have a nice family to come home to and I don’t.”
For a while, nobody spoke. But then Dot’s flashlight lit up Elita’s face. As the water streamed down her metal, it looked like endless tears. “What exactly is it you’re looking for here, Elita? Sympathy?” Dot, with her free hand, pointed at her in a stabbing motion. “GHOST hurt every one of us. They tried to take away my kids! And now my daughter’s missing because you wouldn’t open up like a grown bot!”
Mo finally saw her moment to speak up. “Elita, we don’t have time to be sad or angry. It’s like how I can’t be stuck worrying about Robby right now. We need to find my sister.”
“It’s never time for me,” Elita said in a low voice. She turned away from Hashtag. The visor on Elita’s head lit up the leaves of the trees like a spotlight as she looked around—they looked almost like they would on a sunny day. “We will find her. And if she’s anything like me, and I know she’s like me, she already knows she can’t run off,” Elita said. “She’ll change her mind and feel bad about all the responsibilities she has to keep people like your brother safe. Even when Spitfire took over her body, she found her way back to you, and it was because she knows she has a family who loves her.”
“You’re right, I do!”
Everybody shone their light sources in the direction of the voice. Twitch unfolded herself like she was papercrafted and slid out between the branches of a tree they all thought had already been checked. “I turned my lights down, scrunched up, and waited,” Twitch said, responding to the question everybody wanted to ask. “Mom, Mo, Hashtag—I’m really sorry I scared you. But when I saw Elita was looking for me I thought maybe if I hid out long enough, she’d finally tell the truth!” She crossed her arms over her chest and gave Elita a pointed look, hovering closer to her. The rain was spraying as it hit Twitch’s fans. “You hurt my feelings but it’s okay to be upset. That’s what everyone’s taught me and my family. But I don’t know if anybody taught you.”
“Twitch…” Elita started to reach out as if to give her a hug, then stopped herself and looked down, ashamed. “I’m so sorry. I never would’ve forgiven myself if you were hurt. I—for once, I don’t know what to say.”
Hashtag frowned. “You’re the cyber-clown, Elita. Maybe you don’t have a family, but we care about you, too!” she said. “Even though you made a total… uh, you get what I mean.”
“You have to talk about these things, we want to help you,” Twitch said.
“Wait a minute!” Dot exclaimed. “I’m proud of how much you’ve grown, but you kids don’t need to take care of adults like that!”
At exactly the same time, Elita’s head snapped up and she exclaimed, “That’s not your responsibility, your duty is to yourselves and your world!”
Mo raised her hand. “This kid really wants to be taken care of by being brought home out of this storm,” she said. But she looked up and noticed that the downpour had become a drizzle, and the clouds were drifting apart and she was beginning to see the stars sparkling.
As everybody made their way through the mud and back to the road, Twitch hovered and Elita walked side-by-side. “I guess there’s nobody left to blame,” Twitch said.
“There never was, Twitch,” Elita said. “There never was.”
#transformers earthspark#Twitch Malto#Elita-1#Elita One#Mo Malto#Hashtag Malto#Dot Malto#my writing#maccadam#women in transformers week 2025
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"Welcome to Thedas!"
Introducing a 30 day art challenge where drawings, photos, screenshots, cosplay, writing, and whatever else you feel like creating is a-okay!
A simple prompt list for Dragon Age fans of all kinds. There is no pressure to do every day, in the "proper" order, or even in the same medium! I just wanted to give fans a fun little thing to pass the time while we all wait for the Veilguard drop this Autumn <3
Each prompt is up to personal interpretation- there is no right or wrong way to go about this. If you think a piece about Hawke fighting the Arishok is fitting for "Sticks and Stones" and then Sera goin' apeshit throwing jars of questionable substances for "Bees?", then absolutely go for it!
I just hope you have fun!
There's no hashtag or tagging needed or made for this, but I do enjoy seeing what you create if you DO follow any prompts from here! <3
List of prompts:
An Oath
Dragon’s Fire
Sticks and Stones
Brush with Death
Midnight Rendezvous
Healing Gift
Sharp Smiles
Dull Blades
Wild Spirit
Smoke and Song
One More Wish
Veins of Ice
Elfroot Supremacy
Blood and Gold
Broken Whispers
Date Night
Starlight Waltz
Scent of Pine
A Hoarse Voice
Clipped Wings
Ancient Vow
Into the Fire
Hidden Corners
Spying Eyes
Found Family
Well… shit.
#faewulv art#dragon age#dragon age 2#dragon age inquisition#dragon age the veilguard#veilguard#dragon age prompt list#prompt list#art prompts#30 day challenge#welcome to thedas#dragon age challenge#dao#da2#dai#datv#davg#bioware#30 day art challenge#art challenge#writing#prompts
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📩 Simblr question of the day: Do you have a process for making your simblr posts?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
This question was contributed by an anon !
oh brother everyone pull out the popcorn cuz im aboutta yap for a decade and a half
Here's Roos guide to making a youredreamingofroo post
Step 1, Be up at ungodly hours and have a sudden shock of inspiration for a render
Step 2, Write inspiration down for later
Step 3, Completely disregard "for later" and go boot up my laptop at aforementioned hours
Step 4, open up blender and throw in sim DAEs and start posing them
Step 4.5, use pinterest for pose inspo and/or spend 50 years trying to figure out how to do one thing that I wanna do but dont know how to do said thing (every explanation is explained like I should understand every inner machination of blender, which I obv dont understand) (optional)
Step 5, spend the entire time posing thinking of how I'm going to position the cameras and which chunk of dialogue will go where
Step 5.5, realize halfway through that the song I'm listening to actually fits the scene really well and so I end up listening to that song on repeat for however much longer I end up posing (Optional step)
Step 6, Set up the cameras, lighting and background, usually I don't have a scene in mind, so I just do my usual black background and colorful lighting
Step 7, have a crisis because it's 5 AM and I could've sworn it was 1 AM two seconds ago
Step 8, Render the finished products, which usually goes by fast cause I render in eevee but sometimes I do cycles (which takes fucking eons)
Step 8.5, get sick of the song I'm listening to on repeat (if step 5.5 occurred in the process)
Step 9, Throw them suckers into GIMP and edit them, by this point I'm usually tired and I'm not a huge edit-every-detail kinda guy, so editing is pretty easy, that being said, Clone tool+Heal tool are my best friends for renders cuz of hair clipping, general clipping and/or weird shadows, and I tend to edit everything to the very PIXEL (if you could see me edit, I actually do go pixel by pixel often), and then to top it off, sharpen that bad boy <:P
Step 10, Export them and go to tumblr and throw those pictures onto a post (For some reason, making the post save as a draft makes posting images a lot easier...) and wait for them to process (which takes eons cuz of my wifi), then go to patorjk for title coloring, add the title, and add whatever needs to be added under the cut (transcript, inspo, credits, etc)
Step 11, Schedule it for a few minutes later cuz why not (usually an even number like X:10 AM or X:30 AM etc etc lmao)
Step 12, Wait for it to post and schedule 3-4 TZRs (depending on when I post the renders is how I determine when to post a TZR, if I post something at 7, then I schedule TZRs for 12 PM, 6-7 PM and then 12 AM)
Step 13, profit 🤷♂️ (and by profit I mean profit in serotonin and pride)
#thank you for the ask squatty 💏💏#this is wayy too long and was a stupid idea but whatever 😭 it's 7 AM as I'm typing this and wanna get thru most of my inbox cuz-#-I have a lot of asks in there. especially SQOTDs lmao#simblr-question-of-the-day#SQOTD#simblr question of the day#yapping
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📩 Simblr question of the day: What are some of your favorite behind-the-scene screenshots? I'm throwing this out to gameplayers, storytellers, renderers and the like :)
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
HEHE yes so i have a FEW ahh i knew my unedited screenshots folder would be useful someday (i unfortunately am a screenshots hoarder)
𖦹 this is like from the very beginning of tessellate before i rewrote it but here's a picture of frances being dramatic, idk what prompted that reaction but frances does a lot of derpy things behind the scenes:
𖦹 leo for some reason loves to take naps on top of the fridge??? i mean i guess that's fine:
𖦹 kai looked so adorable, it's almost hard to believe he feelin a little evil sometimes. it was also one of the first times i tested relight:
𖦹 i was going to include a walk home prior to this post but idk it just felt like filler, i did like a lot of the screenshots but i wasn't sure if it was super necessary:
𖦹 this photoshoot was originally supposed to have this outfit but the lighting was not working (this was literally before i knew to load relight to the top) anyways i scrapped it but this was the one screenshot i was ok with:
𖦹 a compilation of the dudes just being silly little guys:

𖦹 bonus:! this was a throwaway but they look like they idfk just blew up a building:
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🍡♡ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴏᴡᴅᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴍᴏᴄʜɪ ʟᴇɢᴀᴄʏ ᴄʜᴀʟʟᴇɴɢᴇ 🍡♡
Written by NabiiePlays and Goddesssilk Me and Melody (aka Goddesssilk) decided to try and write our own legacy challenge based on Mochi named The Powdered Mochi Legacy Challenge. This legacy is to bring some new storylines to the game, and help you use elements of the game you may not have used before, and overall just have fun!
Keep in mind you can add goals, change goals or whatever you need to do to fit your gameplay. This challenge is all about having fun and being creative!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask whatever you need if you don’t understand something in the goals or rules.
General Rules: 1. Each generation will represent 1-3 colors. You must dress up your sim and decorate their house according to the colors given. 2. You may choose the gender of your first heir but for the other Gens you must choose your first born. 3. Complete each skill, career, and aspiration given unless specified otherwise.4. May use “freerealestate on” cheat to achieve your first house. Other cheats are not allowed. 5. Play on whatever lifespan you feel most comfortable with! 6. Feel free to change any storyline you see fit! I love to see the creativity people do with the storylines! 7. If you decide to play this challenge, please tag me on any of my social medias (NabiiePlays Carrd) or use the hashtag #tpml or #thepowderedmochilegacy. We’d love to see your sims and see what you guys do with this challenge! ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 1: Matcha Your founder grew up feeling like a small fish in a big, chaotic city. The concrete jungle never felt like home—it was noisy, crowded, and stifling. They spent their childhood dreaming of wide-open spaces, fresh air, and a life more attuned to nature. One day, a letter arrives from a distant relative they barely knew, informing them of a small plot of land in the countryside that had been left to them. Seeing this as their chance to escape the city and live the life they've always dreamed of, they pack their bags and move to the countryside. Here, they begin their journey toward self-sufficiency, turning their plot of land into a lush, thriving garden. Their dream is to create a sanctuary of greenery and peace, where they can live in harmony with the earth. Colors: Light Green Aspiration: Freelance Botanist Career: Gardener (Botanist branch) Traits: Loves Outdoors, Green Fiend, Vegetarian Skills: Garending, Logic, & Herbalism
Goals: -Start with an empty lot or a small, run-down home. -Master the Gardening, Logic & Herbalism. - Grow a thriving garden with at least 10 different plants, including rare or difficult-to-grow species. - Live off the grid for at least the first part of their life, relying on what they can grow or create. - Decorate the home with shades of green, emphasizing natural materials and an eco-friendly lifestyle. - Have a cowplant in the garden as a nod to the balance of life and death in nature (optional challenge). - The heir must be born in a home surrounded by a flourishing garden. ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 2: Strawberry Raised in the serene and tranquil environment of their parent's countryside haven, this Sim feels a deep longing for something more thrilling and romantic. The stories of city life, with its bright lights and endless opportunities, captivate their imagination. They move to the city, determined to experience everything it has to offer, particularly when it comes to matters of the heart. Whether they’re serenading someone in a park, planning elaborate dates, or throwing unforgettable parties, this Sim’s life is a whirlwind of romantic escapades. They’re constantly in pursuit of the idealized version of love they’ve read about in books and seen in movies, yet they struggle with the reality that love is not always a fairy tale. Will they settle down with one true love, or will their desire for romance lead them down a more complicated path? Colors: Pink Aspiration: Serial Romantic Career: Entertainer (Musician branch) or Social Media (Public Relations branch) Traits: Romantic, Outgoing, Music Lover Skills: Charisma, Comedy, Guitar Skill Goals: - Max Charisma, Comedy, & Guitar Skills. - Max the Entertainer Career or the Social Media Career. - Sign up for Cupid’s Corner and have at least 5 romantic relationships. - Complete the Serial Romantic aspiration. - The next heir must be conceived on a date and don’t say anything about the pregnancy to the Mother/Father of the child. - Decorate your house in shades of pink and romantic decor.
Optional: - You may choose to get married if you want, but this part is optional. Change the storyline how you see fit! ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Generation 3: Black Sesame After witnessing the fleeting and often superficial nature of their parent’s romantic escapades, this Sim becomes introspective and drawn to the darker, more complex aspects of life. They find solace in solitude, channeling their emotions into creative outlets like writing and painting. Their works often reflect their struggles with identity, loneliness, and the human condition. They are fascinated by the macabre, the mysterious, and the unknown, which leads them to live a more reclusive life. Their home becomes a sanctuary of creativity, filled with dark art, literature, and artifacts that speak to their unique perspective on the world. Though they shun the spotlight, their work gains a cult following, appreciated by those who understand their vision. However, their reclusive nature makes it difficult for them to connect with others on a deep level, including their own family. Colors: Black & Grey Aspiration: Bestselling Author or Painter Extraordinaire (Or you can do both!) Career: Writer (Author branch) or Painter (Master of the Real branch) Traits: Creative, Loner, Gloomy Skills: Writing & Painting
Goals: -Master Writing and Painting skills, channeling their complex emotions into their art. - Write and publish at least 5 bestsellers and create 5 masterpieces in painting. - Live in a gothic-style home, filled with dark decor and mysterious artifacts. - Have a secret room or area in the house where they write or paint, which is off-limits to everyone else. - Meet your Biological parent as a young adult. - Decorate the home in shades of black and grey, with a focus on creating a moody, mysterious atmosphere. - Become a 3 or more star celebrity due to your work. -The heir must be born in the “secret” room or a darkly decorated space, symbolizing the hidden and complex nature of this generation. ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 4: Mango The gloom and solitude of their parent's artistic lifestyle push this Sim in the opposite direction—they want to bring joy and vibrancy into the world. Inspired by their parent’s creative flair but unwilling to dwell in darkness, they find their passion in the culinary arts. With a love for bold flavors and bright colors, they decide to open a restaurant that reflects their zest for life. The restaurant becomes the talk of the town, known for its exotic dishes and lively atmosphere. This Sim is driven by a desire to become a famous chef, not just for the fame but for the joy they bring to others through their food. However, the pressures of running a restaurant and striving for perfection can take a toll on their personal life. Will they be able to balance their professional ambitions with their need for personal happiness? Colors: Yellow & Orange Aspiration: Master Chef Career: Culinary (Chef branch) or run a restaurant as a self-employed Sim Traits: Foodie, Ambitious, Cheerful Skills: Cooking, Baking, & Gourmet Cooking.
Goals: - Master the Cooking and Gourmet Cooking skills, focusing on creating unique and vibrant dishes. - Own and run a successful restaurant, earning a 5-star rating and becoming well-known in the culinary world. - Host at least 10 dinner parties, where the food is always the star of the show. - Decorate the home and restaurant with a tropical, orange theme, reflecting the vibrant and lively nature of this Sim. ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 5: Taro Growing up in a house full of cooking, this Sim always felt out of place and yearned for a simpler, more natural life. They escape to a rural area to start a ranch, dedicating themselves to raising and training animals while cultivating the land. Through hard work, they turn a rundown property into a thriving sanctuary where animals and nature flourish, finding fulfillment in the freedom and connection to the earth.
Colors: Purple Aspiration: Expert Rancher Career: Self-employed Rancher Traits: Loves Outdoors, Animal Enthusiast, Active Skill: Horse Riding, & Gardening
Goals: - Move into a rundown property and work your way to renovate it.- Master the Riding and Gardening skills. - Own at least 2 horses and train them to max skill level. - Participate in and win at least 3 horse competitions. - Build and maintain a thriving ranch with crops, animals, and horses. - Decorate the home and ranch with shades of purple, incorporating natural and rustic elements. - Host at least 3 ranch gatherings, showcasing your horses and produce. ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 6: Red Bean Growing up in a home full of animals and living in a home where everyone is happy family and all, this Sim longs for the warmth and connection of a large family. They decide to focus their life on family and traditions, creating a home that is the heart of the community. They are dedicated to raising a close-knit family, passing down values and traditions that have been lost in the modern world. This Sim’s life revolves around their children, ensuring they are well cared for, loved, and prepared to continue the legacy. They are also known in the community for their big, warm-hearted gatherings, where everyone feels like family. Despite the challenges that come with raising a large family, they are determined to create a lasting legacy of love and unity. However, the pressure to maintain family harmony can sometimes lead to tension and conflict. Colors: Red Aspiration: Big Happy Family Career: Education (Administrator branch) Traits: Family-Oriented, Outgoing, Good Skill: Parenting, Cooking, & Charisma
Goals: - Meet your Soulmate in high school and marry them once you graduate - Master the Parenting, Cooking & Charisma skills, becoming a role model and leader in the community. - Have at least 4 children and maintain strong relationships with all of them, ensuring they grow up in a loving environment. - Decorate the home with a warm, red color scheme, focusing on creating a cozy, welcoming atmosphere. - Host regular family gatherings and ensure that all family members have high relationships with one another. - The heir must be born into a loving family environment, symbolizing the importance of family and tradition in this generation.
∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 7: Coconut While their parent’s focus on family was admirable, this Sim feels suffocated by the expectations and traditions that were imposed on them. They crave freedom and adventure, and the call of the ocean is too strong to resist. Moving to a beach town, they dedicate their life to exploring the mysteries of the sea and preserving the natural beauty of the coastline. This Sim is deeply connected to the ocean, finding peace in its vastness and beauty in its simplicity. They spend their days swimming, diving, and fishing, living a life of carefree adventure. However, their dedication to the ocean and its conservation can sometimes lead them to neglect their relationships on land. Will they be able to find balance, or will the sea always be their true love? Colors: White Aspiration: Beach Life Career: Diver Traits: Child of the Ocean, Active, Loves Outdoors. Skill: Fitness & Fishing
Goals: - Master the Fitness and Fishing skills, becoming a true child of the ocean. - Reach the top of the Diver career, dedicating their life to preserving the environment. - Live in a beach house with a light and airy color scheme, decorated in shades of white and blue. - Spend at least 3 hours each day outside, either swimming, fishing, or beachcombing, connecting with nature. - Fall in love with a mermaid and become a mermaid. ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 8: Chocolate After growing up in a carefree and nature-focused environment, this Sim becomes fascinated by the concept of luxury and refinement. They dream of living a life filled with opulence and status, climbing the social ladder to become one of the most influential Sims in the city. They thrive on wealth, status, and the finer things in life, hosting grand parties in their lavish mansion and enjoying the best that money can buy. However, their obsession with wealth and social status can sometimes lead them to make morally questionable decisions. Will they be able to maintain their integrity, or will their ambition consume them? Colors: Brown Aspiration: Mansion Baron Career: Social Media (Internet Personality branch) Traits: Snob, Materialistic, Ambitious Skill: Charisma & Logic
Goals: -Master the Charisma and Logic skills, using them to navigate the world of high society. - Reach the top of the Business or Social Media career, becoming a powerful figure in the city. - Live in a grand mansion, decorated with shades of brown and filled with luxury items. - Host at least 5 grand parties, and try to earn gold status on each and ensuring their reputation remains untarnished.
∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 9: Ube Growing up surrounded by wealth and luxury, this Sim feels disillusioned with the materialistic world they’ve inherited. They long for something deeper, more meaningful, and turn to the world of art to express their innermost thoughts and emotions. This Sim embraces a bohemian lifestyle, rejecting the constraints of traditional society in favor of creativity and freedom. They live in a small, cozy home or apartment. They have the desire to be a famous popstar, sharing their music and art with the world! Colors: Lavender Aspiration: Musical Genius Career: Singer (Self-employed, focusing on a music career) Traits: Creative, Music Lover, & Cheerful Skill: Singing, Dancing & Guitar (Optional: You can learn other instruments as well)
Goals: - Master the Singing and Guitar skills. - Create a serene, lavender-themed studio for practice and performance. - Host musical performances and events. -Decorate the home and farm with soothing, lavender tones and musical elements. - Release at least 5 hit singles or albums. - Become a 5 star celebrity. - The heir must be born in an environment where music and tranquility blend seamlessly. ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 10: Rainbow With a passion for making a positive impact, this Sim is drawn to Strangerville, where they take on the challenge of uncovering and resolving the mysterious issues plaguing the town. They aim to restore hope and stability to the community, all while discovering surprising family connections along the way.
Colors: Rainbow Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery Traits: Outgoing, Good, Cheerful Career: Freelance Writer Skills: Charisma, Logic, and Writing
- Master the Charisma, Logic, and Writing - Finish the Freelance Writer career. - Write stories like your journey of solving the Mystery of Strangerville. - Focus on Solving the Strangerville Mystery, working to restore the town to its former glory. - Decorate their home with vibrant, multicolored decor to reflect a joyful and inclusive spirit. - Engage in community service and support local initiatives in Strangerville.
Optional Goals:
-Meet relatives from past gens if they are still alive or try and connect with others on your family tree.
∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ We had so much fun creating this challenge for you guys! This is the first time we've done anything like this, it was a challenge but again very fun! I hope you enjoy this challenge again if you play this legacy tag #tpml or #thepowderedmochilegacy ! Happy Simming!! Mochi Icon created by flaticon
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I’m so glad you liked what I sent in again for the Three Wishes part 2 (genie yandere)! I really like that I was able to help you cause your writing talent is way too good. (And as a fellow artist…I get what it’s like to be in a roadblock and the frustration that comes with it).
I actually really love reading more unusual or less well known fairy tales and mythology, so I could always send some more your way so you don’t have to do any research. (You can be lazy! Yay!) Though if you’re up for that, I think it’d be easier if I just messaged you privately instead of going back and forth with anon asks (if that’s comfortable with you of course).
I also like Reader’s “suffering” too in yandere stories. I always like stereotypical HEA, but my version of “suffering” is more so that the yandere wins (and Reader doesn’t die either or is heavily abused to the point where death is the better option. I hate where there is no heavy “dere” in yanderes, cause if it’s just “yan,” it’s just an abusive piece of shit).
That’s absolutely understandably about not wanting to focus on the Prince, I was just throwing it out there in case you wanted to make him a new important OC. And changing the Prince into a different profession also is perfectly fine. (Heck in the original story, pretty much the main reason the Prince was out and about was because he was scholarly-like. Having a deep and wide fascination with all the world had to offer. The dude really just wanted to go on an adventure and learn more).
And I’m glad 6.e. made your heart explode with delight! (I also have a guilty pleasure of thinking about all the fucked up things yanderes can do to their lover/others).
Do whatever you feel comfortable ask if you wanna stay anon or dms~ If you are thinking about spam this blog doesn't get many to to be fair. But yeah it is probably more comfortable in dms.
But just a heads up I personally don't know when I would actually start posting here again just yet. While I am slowly getting back to writing rn but I am taking the chance to write some longer stuff or more personal (deranged really) without pressuring myself to post like one or two fics every week. (also started another hobby of journalling soo) If you don't mind just exchanging ideas and stories then yeah~ ^^
Another reason why I dont want to deal with tags, hashtags and proofreading
But yeahhh hmm I deff placed a few readers in a "better death than this" while also adding to it that the reader in my head still has a fear of death but no real bad abuse???? I THINK- lmao Ehh I guess it is more so I love the idea of yanderes having control over where the reader is I guess, so controlling the area where they are, or maybe the controlling the mind or movements, or arranged marriages :p All my wips that i am working on currently is just that right now. Either one or a mix of them.
#mayu mailbox#currenly writing a 9 tail kitsune yandere x 1 tail kitsune reader#a platonic yan saintess who wants her son (yandere duke) to get with the saintess maid#another haunted house oneshot cause i was not satisfied with the last one and want to change it up a bit#thinking of some other stuff too#had to redo a draft like 3 times now cause i have this concept in mind of like a game kind of world were someone either reader or yandere#has the ability to open a game setting menu of each persona and just... hack them- so like for example changes in body#or maybe occupation or like human to like a monster or killing the person but reviving them again like how to explain editing npcs?#while for the most part they didnt realize what is being done to them??
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The Long Awaited Team Nathan Receipts
The majority of the repugnant behavior from When Calls The Heart fans that I’ve shown on this blog comes from the Hearties that are Team Lucas/Lucabeth fans. I’ve shown several images of people justifying this terrible behavior because “Team Nathan fans acted the same way” without ever showing proof.
Like this for example. Posted literally a few hours ago. That is until today when one Lucabeth Heartie finally delivered the receipts, showing the equally abhorrent behavior that Team Nathan fans showed years ago which will totally excuse everything Lucabeth fans have said this year and help us to truly understand where they’re coming from.
WCTH fan Fleu to the rescue. I’m sure these are going to be good.

…The hashtags are cringey as Hell and definitely something Team Lucas fans have appropriated, but this reads like more of a light-hearted joke. Come on Fleu. As the kids say “DO👏 BETTER👏”

Now we’re getting there. This reads a lot like the temper tantrums Lucabeth fans are throwing right now. Right down to the “Elizabeth has become horrible. The show’s really lost its values”. They even tagged one of the actors.
I’d really like to hear Team Lucas and Team Nathan fans explain why Elizabeth’s actions when she picked one man made her horrible, but when she picked the other man they made her good. What’s the difference? I know the answer just comes down to “the actor I think is hot is the righteous choice” but I’m curious what backwards logic they tell themselves to explain why they aren’t hypocrites.

…okay, yeah. Still cringey and still the same shit-flinging antics we’ve seen from Team Lucas fans, but I’m not seeing anyone downplay war crimes hours after they happen, then scream that they’re being bullied and “tone policed” or repeatedly go to the actor’s Instagram pages and call them slurs and tell them they’re going to Hell on every photo. Where are the Team Nathan fans harassing Erin and saying that she ruined their life? Where’s the Team Nathan fans saying that Erin’s “ugly” boyfriend “It” is the reason the show ended up the way it did?

It’s the same person talking about giving low scores to episodes on imdb. Don’t get me wrong, this looks incredibly stupid and petty and anyone caught doing this should be shamed, but surely more than one person did this.

Now we’re back on track. Angry Hearties really do sound like a broken record. At this point you can just make pre-written Rage!posts and let them fill in whatever name they want. Not an original thought or well-articulated argument to be seen.

Oh man, this one’s sad. I like how they gave themselves that stupid hands emoji. Truly a clever mind.
(You just know they didn’t come up with “Pucas” right away and had to rhyme it with every letter that came before “P”).

Well damn, there you go. That is indeed exactly how Team Lucas fans are currently acting. Can’t argue with that proof.
This is going to sound mean, but it’s true, so I don’t care. A lot of pissed off Hearties love calling the cast ugly whenever the show doesn’t go the way they want it to. I’ve seen a lot of photos of you people, especially when the Hearties Family Reunion happens. There is not one of you that should be calling anyone or anything ugly. If this was Sparta, you’d be thrown off the cliffs. Defective does not even begin to describe the genetics I’ve seen in some of you people. If you’re going to make asses of yourself online, some self-awareness would do you good.

Oh my God! The only thing dumber than caring about imdb ratings is obsessively messing with them because the woman on TV you project yourself onto didn’t pick the hot guy you will never have in real life.
So… yeah. Team Nathan fans have indeed embarrassed themselves online. But I’ve still yet to see it done to the level of what’s been shown on here.
But that’s not the point. “They acted like grotesque sub-humans, so it’s okay if I do it” isn’t the winning argument you think it is. If your children (and God help any children these fans might have spawned) behaved that way, I doubt you’d allow it. It’s embarrassing to see a child act this way, it’s 10x worse to see middle aged women do it. You people complain about the show “losing its values” every season, what does Jesus have to say about your behavior?
“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. Unless your favorite TV show makes a change you don’t like, then be as hateful and toxic as you want. Doubly so if other fans did the same thing years before.”
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…Awesome and growing…
If I have contacted you, I’ve probably directed you here, or perhaps you’re just curious!
No matter, you’re welcome to read and think about it or simply ignore it!
Have a lovely day!
#What this is for:
1. Spreading through reblogs your work!
To my knowledge, the more reblogs the better!
Additionally: I’ll throw in some comments of mine whenever I’ve got the time!
2. I’ll create a masterlist and add you to it in whatever category fits you
It will be divided for fandom so that whoever stumbles on this blog has a chance to find some new blogs for their favourite fandom!
3. I might post some events or challenges just to get your creative juices going!
All of them will be permanent so you’ll be able to join in whenever you want and you’re free not to participate in any of these or not complete them!
If there’s just one prompt, take it without worries like credit or such (though it is preferred)
#How this works:
Just tag me or use the hashtag #mtwatchthis on your edits or promo posts and I’ll reblog them as soon as I see them!
Warning: the more fandoms you have, the more @ you’ll receive, sorry for the inconvenience!
Only thing I ask is that, when you see you’ve been added, you reblog the reblog I’ll make with your @ of this post!
That is both to promote this blog and to make sure you’ve seen that you’ve been added!
After that, feel free to forget me!
Ps: Don’t worry if you are not active or stuff like that!
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Okay, so I’m gonna add the tags so if others see this it will be easier for them to follow along and contribute if they want!
In my (majorshatterandhare) last contribution to this post, where I added the bit right above this, I included the following tags (edited for readability; IE removal of hashtags symbols, addition of punction and uppercase letters, removal of categorization tags, etc):
I very much view Tsuru as Brian. I know there's nothing supporting it but AFAIK there’s nothing saying that’s not the case either, and I enjoy it that way. One more awful thing to add to Brians life ☺️ [closed-eyes, blushing smiling emoji].
THE TRAGIC THING IS [all caps: The tragic thing is] in my interpretation here that the secret spread like wildfire, I think the Spouse could’ve gotten over it; that, had he time and ideally the right support, he would've come to realize that Tsuru is the same person he always was; that he had good reason for keeping this secret; that he, the Spouse, not knowing wasn’t actually a problem, or betrayal, or hurting him, and that his husband doesn't need to tell him absolutely everything. That he is the agent of his own life and only needs to share what he himself wants to (and that the same, of course, applies to the Spouse, himself, as well). BUT HE DIDN’T HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY [all caps: But he didn’t have the opportunity]! Him being upset in the moment is understandable, that doesnt means its Right, just that I understand why he was upset. BUT HE DIDN’T GET THE CHANCE TO PROCESS IT AND COME TO TERMS WITH IT AND SETTLE BACK INTO HIS LOVE FOR TSURU [all caps: But he didn’t get the chance to process it and come to terms with is and settle back into his love for Tsuru]!
I actually think he *started* to, but didn’t get to completion before the mob took over and I also think that, as much as they are mad at Tsuru for being the catalyst for something Taboo, that they see him [the Spouse] as at fault [as well]. I don’t think that after Tsuru is punished/taken away/flees/whatever that the Spouse, in this community he's probably always lived in, was ever free of that 'sin' either. Sure he didn’t know, but he still did something atrocious, and even “how could he have *not* known, really?” etc etc. I think he was never free of the residual taboo that rubbed off on him with Tsuru not there anymore to take that fall. Such a stuck up (?) community still [needs] someone to [throw] their vitriol at, someone to gossip about, someone at the bottom of the pecking order and that becomes the Spouse.
And I think he probably does regret his reaction later. He probably does get to that point with time after the whole shebang that he just wants his husband back.
Fuck fuck FUCK! This is straight off the dome, my friend. One thought leads to another.
He made a mistake! He was shocked and upset and he just needed to process it but some ASSHOLE [all caps: asshole] eavesdropped on his conversation with a trusted friend and the town went insane and now he doesn't have the LOVE OF HIS LIFE [all caps: love of his life] and also is treated terribly [by] *his* community.
The vibes you can get from one 4.5 minute song that is *mostly* the same words repeated. Very rough count; I’m saying 56 total individual words in the song. (For reference Green Eggs and Ham has 50 different words in it)
I am sorry if i didnt respond enough to your idea I think it hurts A LOT [all caps: a lot] but then my brain when off on a tangent! it is a Good Idea!
Then @sun-shadowscast reblogged (the reblog I am reblogging this from) and added these tags (edited for readability, similar to the previous ones):
Had to run laps around my house to [calm] down after reading because MY GOD [all caps: my god] that is a heartbreaking interpretation. Also your good DW!! I get what you mean the brain needs to release because Spouse keeps referring to Tsuru as “my love” throughout the whole song I saw it as they still loved each other, just hurt from the lies and secrets, which is an understandable reaction as you said
Thinking of how similar the town in stranger sounds to the v. religious Brian backstory town. Which if Brian is Tsuru, its a hundred times worse (and by worse I mean better for the angst) maybe Brian was trying to make it right for himself: prove to himself that it was That One Place that was awful; an outlier not an example, but then it all went to shit. Word spread and it was just the same. Cast away for being Wrong; heretical; a demon. And Spouse, most likely being raised among these people, having to choose between his husband and his community. Even when he chooses community how they all see him as been changed
I wonder if they hurt Tsuru/Brian; tore him apart. I am going off on a tangent Words are hard. Because the song is so vague the amount of possibilities are insane.
Now, my response:
The Spouse continuing to refer to Tsuru as “my love” throughout is a *really* good point. He does still love him, he’s just upset!
You are also absolutely correct about this being Particularly Bad for Brian Because of His Past. Can you imagine when he finally rejoins the crew? Who’s gonna put the Drumbot back together (literally with your idea of him being torn apart!). Brian needs more hurt/comfort fic!
I actually like the idea of them trying to destroy him. As always it comes down to personal preference regarding exactly how the mechanisms (lowercase M) heal, but just- I can image maybe they think he’s just a robot; they don’t realize that there’s a human in there (not that this would be an okay thing to do to Frankenstein’s AI, either, but its harder to deny that a human is a Person), and so they are tearing him apart, planning to use him for scraps because that’s all he’s good for or whatever. But then they find his heart. And I think the Spouse isn’t there for this. This is the town mob being feral. And they realize that this *was* organic life, to some degree. But they can’t stop now! They’ve already destroyed him. So the push forward and continue. Maybe they end up putting him parts in a junkyard instead of actually using them as part of that guilt niggling at the backs of their minds, and that’s how he can be saved, because I do need to factor that in.
—Insane idea: if you believe in the mechanical parts as being self healing, they very very slowly are able to move to each other and reassemble!—
But these townspeople, they realize they did something wrong, but they can’t admit it, and they sure as Hell can’t let the Spouse find out. I think that the heart would probably be put somewhere Safe. Maybe a doctor takes it? (Doctor has, in their possession, the heart of a doctor who was revivified and doomed to immortality by a doctor for the crime of revivification. IDK there’s something there)
—Getting him back after this would be very hard but I like the idea a lot so I am barreling forward!—
So some of the townspeople, like they are the kind of people who are able to realize they did something wrong and want to make it right or ensure it never happens again, etc, but they are out numbered by the people who ignore it, potentially even denying the organic nature of Brian and the people who double down that what they did was Right actually (to clarify, these people Know that what the did was Wrong but they cannot accept that so they lie to themselve and make up reasons why they were in the right actually, etc).
In Stranger, I think Brian’s voice getting harder to hear with the other voices is meaningful.
I interpret those voices to be other people finding out and disparaging him. I think where Brian (Tsuru) is from robots are lower class and the idea that a robot would marry a human is absurd, but marrying one while lying about your identity is dastardly. But now he is on a different planet and here they do not have sentient robots. Keeping it a secret is to protect his husband so he can be as innocent as possible should they be found out and prosecuted (he’s still thinking in terms of where he used to live). A monster is semi-literal because the husband has not seen an android before and he is astonished. But people fear what they don’t know, and he becomes angry at Brian (Tsuru) for lying.
As more voices are added more people are finding out about what he did, yet failing to actually listen to him. His husband doesn’t even listen.
I don’t think the husband went and told everyone, but that he was mad and either someone found out by spying or he told one person and that person spread it and those people spread it, etc.
#i feel the need to say that i add punctuation and stuff because it can be very helpful for understand and sometimes i get confused without-#it. etc that means its beneficial to others for accessibility. i did not correct typos that read the same like ‘your’ vs ‘you’re’ or add-#an apostrophe in a situation like ‘didnt’ vs ‘didn’t’ *because it reads the same*#now because i added someone else’s tags. the punctuation is a bit of guess work!#also i do not know ifthis indented format is accessible so if anyone uses a screenreader. or knows how to access theirs and can check and-#let me know that would be awesome! i can check on my phone. but different screen readers are different.#i didnt note that it was indented because that was done for the visual breaking up of paragraphs. creating space. etc. which is something/#*i* need to help me read it.#having a great time giving brian horrible horrible trauma ☺️#the mechanisms#drumbot brian#stranger#ttbt2#if i was better and keeping my mind on track I would write brian hurt/comfort fan fic. i swear to god!
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How to Break Jimin Antis
Besties, pull up a seat.
Jimin has a song coming out this Friday. He's collaborating with an idol he admired in his youth, and he helped compose the song. It's kind of a big deal.
Now look, some folks are going to have legit reservations about supporting Taeyang considering past transgressions, and you should let them be true to their lived experience. Everyone has to answer to their own conscience here.
But some people are gonna be vile haters no matter what, and shit all over Jimin. You can expect a flood of posts attacking his lyrics, his voice, his looks, his sexuality, whatever.
Normally, I'd tell you to ignore it, block and report.
I'm not going to ask you to do JUST that, this time.
Instead, I'm going to ask you to start a new trend: co-opt their platform.
Use subversive kindness.
You see a post throwing major shade at Jimin? Don't fight. Don’t clap back. Don’t retweet to call them out. It just amplifies their message.
Take a page out of Jimin's book: be classy, but sassy.
Comment underneath hate posts is with Jimin-supporting hashtags.
"Thank you for the platform! With Jimin til the end! PJM1 is coming! #JIMIN #VIBEftJimin #parkjimin #jimin #bts @bts_twt #withyou #pjm1 Be a good human! We love Park Jimin!"
Make them regret ever mentioning Jimin.
Spam the shit out of them with positive, joyful, celebratory, supportive message for our boy. Do NOT post anything bitchy or catty; nothing that would get reported or make Jimin feel ashamed if word got back to him.
Just take those haters’ swords aimed at our artist and beat them into ploughshares.
Deplatform the haters.
Take their free real estate and turn it into fertile ground to trend for Jimin.
THEN go ahead and report and block and move on.
DO NOT GIVE ASSHOLES THE ATTENTION THEY CRAVE! Instead, keep the focus on Jimin, by being kind and positive and productive.
Take a page out the citizens of Wunsiedel's book and make the bigots work for a good cause:
Every single time an anti posts, it's an opportunity for ARMY to co-opt it for BTS. Any time a member is attacked. Any time a bond is belittled.
See a crazy cultist post misinfo or crap all over Jimin? Guess what? That's now an open invitation to cheerfully cleanse the timeline by commenting with tags you'd prefer to see.
If vile little antis are kind enough to create a post, we will happily take the space and change the message. We can even fundraise around it. One penny for every hate post toward album purchases or Jimtober next year.
After all, the best revenge is a dish served HAPPY.
Our artist is coming back to us. Let’s make sure the whole world is very clear how happy we are about it. Be so loud, no one can hear the hate.
Please feel free to reblog this, and share this idea on twitter and other platforms. We have three days to the word out.
If you come for Jimin, you’ll get more Jimin than you could ever handle.
And you'll get it politely, pleasantly, persistently... until you break.
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farewell, love.
welcome to penpal service’s first ever collab event wherein writers are welcome to participate!
since october has recently started, i’d like to celebrate my favorite month by throwing a collab event that contains nothing but angst — oh the horror !
if you’re interested (which you should be) already, please make sure to read the rules and guidelines before participating <33
deadline for requests to join: november 10, 2022
deadline for fics: november 20, 2022
guidelines –
participants should only be genshin sfw and yandere writers
your goal? make an angsty fic! happy endings are not welcome here, make your readers cry 😈😈😈😈
the deadline for your fic is on november 20, 2022 so feel free to finish it before or on the date in your timezone.
minimum words should be 500, but there’s no maximum of words so feel free to go crazy.
there are no limits on how many characters and prompts you want to write. however, you’re not allowed to write child characters if it’s romantic.
it’s optional for you to use 1-5 prompts in one fic!
any kind of formats (headcanons, drabbles, longfics, etc.) are allowed, feel free to do whatever you prefer.
send a message to either in my inbox or in tumblr chat if you’d like to join and i’ll add you to the participants list! (will reblog whenever i update it)
if you want to suddenly change your prompt, character, or etc. during the event after being accepted — feel free to do so as long as you let me know about it !
rules –
fics should be genshin character x reader !
read my dni first in my carrd before participating.
please make sure to specify if you’re doing a yandere fic or a sfw fic when you request to join so i could label it in the upcoming masterlist !
nsfw is not allowed.
if you happen to see your name in the participants list, please reblog this post with the tag #farewell-love as acknowledgment.
make sure to tag me as well as use the hashtag #farewell-love in your work/s so i can add it to the masterlist right away !
no backing out once you’ve sent a request (i’ll only allow it if you have a valid reason to leave)
make sure to specify what contains in your fic (trigger warnings, spoilers to quests, etc.) so readers can know what to expect.
feel free to ask me questions or clarifications and i’ll happily answer.
instructions –
read the rules, guidelines, and my dni list before deciding to participate.
send an ask to me in the following format:
“hi, i’d like to join in the farewell love event!
yandere or sfw:”
prompts –
“why did you lie to me?”
“i hate you! i hate you so much!”
“stop it, you’re hurting me!”
“i think… i just got poisoned..”
“i should’ve known not to trust you.”
“you’re… bleeding.”
“was it all worth it?”
“you’re a monster.”
“i wish i never met you.”
“don’t die on me.. please.”
“i don’t love you anymore.”
“you don’t look at me the way you look at them.”
“where are you?”
“you don’t love me, do you?”
“go away.”
“everything i’ve done, it was all for you.”
“why did you do that?”
“kill them/him/her.”
“i can’t do this anymore.”
“help me.”
“it’s either me or them.”
“i will never be enough for you.”
“what’s wrong with me?”
“just leave me alone.”
“i thought i could trust you.”
participants —
@scaralvr @yandere-romanticaa @vamphrs @genshinarchives @psuedo90sdreaming @teabutmakeitazure @flokali @k4iiwrites @witch-hazels-musings @teyvattales @kunikame @frozenangelheart @cherrisma @77th-hutao @minty-stays-tired @baeshijima @lov3rmir @versadies (yes im joining too hehe) @silverwritesthings @aqualesha @user-charisma @somberrock @the-travelling-witch @stormii-writes
© VERSADIES. please do not plagiarize, repost, or translate anywhere. banner in this post is made by me but i did not make up all prompts.
#farewell-love#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact fanfiction#genshin x reader#diluc x reader#kaeya x reader#zhongli x reader#albedo x reader#xiao x reader#alhaitham x reader#cyno x reader#tighnari x reader#childe x reader#ayato x reader#kazuha x reader#thoma x reader#pierro x reader#capitano x reader#itto x reader#pantalone x reader#dottore x reader#jean gunnhildr x reader#lisa minci x reader#raiden shogun x reader#yae miko x reader#kamisato ayato x reader#gorou x reader#genshin angst#ningguang x reader#beidou x reader
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☆ All gift assignments should have been sent out to everyone who signed up! Keep an eye out for the check-in on the 16th ☆
It's the most wonderful time of the year ❄ AKA time for the annual Eyeshield 21 Winter Gift Exchange (version 2022). The ES21 Winter Gift Exchange is a Secret-Santa style fandom event where you make art/fic for another fan, remaining anonymous until exchanging gifts on December 21st i.e. Sena's thematically appropriate 21-themed birth date. If that sounds interesting, read on!
A plain-text version of this post (along with copies of the sign-up questions) can be found here on Google Docs.
A quick note to people who participated last year, this year's event has been tweaked slightly so I recommend reading the whole post! (Plus you want to see my graphics, I know you do.)
We're using Google Forms (derogatory) for sign-ups; if you need to change any of your responses post-submission let me know and I'll manually change your info. for you! None of the questions are obligatory since I've had issues with that, but please make sure to respond to any/all questions that are relevant to you!
Read any extra notes on the sign-up questions! If there’s a minimum answer, for instance, please make sure you have at least that minimum. If a question doesn’t apply to you (e.g. you don’t have a preference), feel free to put N/A or just skip the question
Please let me know ahead of time (e.g. before the deadline) if you need to drop out or if you don’t think you can complete your gift. I don’t have to know specifics and there will be absolutely no judgment; I fully understand that life can throw all sorts of stuff at you but prior notice will allow me or another pinch-hitter to complete the gift for you. People who don’t do so will still receive their gifts (since people work hard on these), but will not be able to participate in further events I run
On that note: there is a check-in on December 16th. This will entail me sending you a message that basically asks if you're still alive and still participating in the event. You don't need to be done with your gift at this point, but please respond to this message within ~24 hours so I know you're still good to go and I don't need to fill-in for your gift!
Fics should be around 3k words minimum (feel free to make it longer if you so desire). Feel free to submit to the official event AO3 thread as well as posting to tumblr (if you’ve got an AO3 account, if you don’t you can just stick to tumblr!)
Art should similarly be completed to whatever completed is for you, allowing for stylistic differences (generally fully lined, colored, etc.)
Once you’re posting your gift, make sure to add the event tag #ES2022WGE (or any upper/lower case derivatives of this) so that we have them all in the same place!
At some point please reblog your gift and/or add some nice tags or comments or kudos. Doesn’t need to be right away if you’re away on vacation/celebrating holidays/can’t use the internet except on Tuesdays, but people work hard on these and it’s nice to be validated!
Obligatory: ensure that your work doesn’t perpetuate discriminatory tropes and/or attitudes. On the same note, please research before writing about places and peoples with which you’re only vaguely familiar.
Feel free to send me any questions/comments you might have anytime! Sorry for my characteristically on-brand super long post and weird acronym-y event hashtag.
I hope you decide to join us; this event is my favorite!! ❄❄❄
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I don't want to be a buzz kill over the free Iran campaign, but how does spreading hashtags solve anything? This isn't bringing back a McDonald's dipping sauce, this is changing a stubborn theocracy. Like, I doubt president Raisi and mullahs are gonna recognize religious freedom over tweet trends and a protest in Huston. So, is the hashtag activism doing any good, other than reminding us what we already know about the IR?
not much we can do from here, undeniable.
There's awareness that's a big word when these things happen, mostly pointless we're aware that being gay carries the death penalty there and nothing's really changing.
It's still really good for people to feel like somehow in some minuscule way they're contributing, maybe someone gets a picture through and some folks there that are running out of steam see some weird group of white girls with whatever makeup deal they do and frosted tips and all those weird becky with the good hair things they do, and all 3 of the girls are displaying in some way shape or form some kind of attempt at solidarity with the people of Iran and the womens struggle to choose their own clothing maybe they like wide brim nike baseball hat, nice stetson still need to keep the sun out of your eyes and Persia just layered with sunlight.
But ya, maybe something like that gets through got some people that were on their way out, can't keep up, ready to throw in the towel. Random twist of fate on the local bluetooth repeater network or whatever that was they had running in Hong Kong before the plague, weird pic of 3 random white chicks that you don't know, they don't know, nobody but the local football team really knows them, since they're kinda slutty like that, but it's ok.
Few random people about to give up, do the reverse of throw in the towel where instead you put it on your head and call it a hijab see these random people that are rooting for them, you'll never encounter them in this life astronomical odds of that but they're there back at their home thinking of you and your fight.
corny as fuck I know, tf 3 slutty beckys have to do with anything
corny like I said, super corny. Cliche too, people start chanting and Hulk Hogan suddenly can defend himself and withstand any blow level corny and cliche.
There's a reason the cliche exists, French resistance in WW2 no hash tags, no cell phones, but people managed to get messages through that folks back further where it was safer maybe folks in England were cheering for them
Then you had De Gaulle coming in on radio waves telling people they were not forgotten or abandoned.
Pretty fuckin cool huh.
Knowing there's people out there cheering for you, might just get you the inner and outer strength to slap some slave on you bruises grab your water and get ready to tell your government you're not going to put up with it anymore.
Becky cubed back in the US they somehow played a part in that by showing that they cared.
Or not, maybe nobody will ever see becky cubed, but they still get to feel like they contributed which is good for them too, people want to help even where there's not really anything they can do.
Same thing as thoughts and prayers, why I think is such a messed up thing to get annoyed over.
People want to feel like they're helping, guy working moon base alpha says a prayer for the folks trapped in a mine in Romania just wants to help and that's the way they know to do it.
So lots of reasons to do those things, in the end you may never know if you had a tangible impact but you will know you tried.
nice thing to remember in tough times
#anonymous#g'night everyone#be kind#remember to let people know what they mean to you#especially if it's good things they mean
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Oh anons flooding my inbox to tell me that I’m a conspiracy theorist for thinking there’s more to this finale than meets the eye and/or that it’s totally the writers’ fault, you have no idea how much I do not care! I’m tagging anything related as “finale theories” and you should feel free to blacklist it using whatever method you so choose. I’m staying away, until the dust settles, from drawing any conclusions about what exactly happened to the script (either to make it what it was pre-covid or post-covid) or what cut scenes might have contained, or who was at fault for how it all turned out.
To the anons who think I’m reading too much into Jensen and Misha’s relative “silence” on the finale, I have some comments. With Misha it’s harder to tell, but I am completely convinced that Jensen is deliberately not engaging with finale-related content because he’s so alienated, angry, and disappointed. I think Misha is finding ways to talk about it that he thinks will support the fandom, rather than the network, and frankly he is far more used to having to deal with the feeling of being screwed by the network but still loving the fans. But Jensen really trusted them and they did him really dirty.
Leaving aside the fact that neither Jensen nor Misha was in the CW “thank you” video--which is LOUD AF of them--let’s look at the social media angle. We already know that Jensen wasn’t happy with the finale as it was written (which likely included Dean dying and, yes, that was probably his biggest beef, but I’ll bet he had some words about Misha’s character too) and talked to several people about it. He was then told to accept it and make his peace and he did that and did the best he could. Now, since November 5th we’ve heard very little from him and definitely not in the ways you would expect to hear from the star of a long-running show like SPN.
He’s been much more forthcoming about how proud he was of the scene he shot with Misha in “Despair.” Jensen and Misha both posted about 15x18 and Jensen happily talked about it on a livestream. It meant so much to him personally (as the last scene they’d film together, or as a momentous moment in the show, or as something else) that he had someone film it on his phone just for him and admitted breaking character. They talked it through beforehand a lot. They talked about it after a lot and texted each other fan reaction videos. They were glad to be able to do something that meant so much to us and that brought the story to this point.
Over on Twitter, Misha seems pretty much his same self, using the proper hashtag (which in the old days of Twitter he used to mock Jensen for not knowing how to do) and RTing nostalgic comments from Kripke, Jim Michaels, etc. His personal tweets just tagged Jensen and Jared. The set pics he shared were from 15x18. Jensen just gave Entertainment Weekly a RT for the finale. He’s pretty much full-time on Instagram, but that’s still pretty little engagement. He liked two tweets, both on 11/5 when 15x18 was airing, by Misha and Bobo Berens, but zero tweets related to the finale. (Jared tweeted during the finale a few times and then sent some comfort to the fans. FWIW he also didn’t RT or tag any network folks. I think he’s probably less happy than he seems, but he’s a company boy doing a new show with them so his hands are tied.)
Over on Instagram, on the day of the finale Misha was busy. He posted a pic of Maise “Spon on-set props assistant” in a trench coat robe. Jensen liked that. He also posted a video recapping and asking people to tune into the finale. Jensen did not like that. THEN he posted a pic of him and Jensen filming 15x18. Jensen liked that. Pic of Misha and the kids about to watch SPN? Jensen likes it. Pic of Misha crying during the finale and saying how much he’s going to miss Sam and Dean that actually tags Jensen? Jensen does not like it. The gist? Jensen “likes” all Misha’s posts from that day except the two related to the content of the finale (rather than watching it with West and Maison...and besides, soft boy Jensen isn’t going to not like a pic of West and Maison!).
And here’s Jensen’s account. On November 3rd, Jensen posts to thank TV Guide. On the 19th he posts to thank Entertainment Weekly. On the day of the finale, he posts a pic of Dean’s boots and a video of him getting dressed as Dean “for the last time - for now.” (I think that was a clumsy attempt not to spoil anything but I will also hold onto the idea that maybe he will do his own version of a sequel. The day after the finale he posts a slightly salty photo of the piece of rebar (aka “the rusty nail”) that killed Dean captioned “Excuse me....uh, ‘set dec’!!! Can we get this removed please?!?!” and uses the hashtag “spnfamilyforever.” That’s the hashtag for us--for the fans--rather than anything official. Those posts were both for us too, showing him loving Dean and loving being Dean and being just as pissed as us about his death. (For the record, Jared posted a pic of him watching the finale, also hashtagging the spnfamily, and Jensen liked it.)
All the people that he’s not thanking reads very loudly. Contrast to all the thanks he (and everyone else) were throwing like roses at the 300th episode party. Jensen is a generous guy. He’s professional, everyone likes him, and he likes to credit everyone for their accomplishments. For him to be this silent and not write a single caption thanking ANYONE aside from TV Guide and Entertainment Weekly (who he needs to keep on his good side for his own production company)? IS SO OUT OF CHARACTER!!! Every con, every interview, he talks about how they couldn’t do what they do without the help of all these other people along the way. To not have it in him to thank those people? He must be hurting so incredibly badly.
He cares about us so he’ll do what he can for the SPN family. But it won’t surprise me if the clusterfuck of an ending alienated him so much that we don’t get things we might otherwise (more panels, for example, or cons) because he is just done working with the people who hurt him. I’m glad he was smiling in that most recent livestream because he sure doesn’t seem happy right now.
#asks#kind of#anons#spn finale#finale theories#jensen and the finale#jensen about the finale#jensen about dean#jensen feels#misha and the finale#misha about the finale#15x18#15x20#jared and the finale#cast twitter#cast isntagram#insta jen#insta mish#social media cockles#dean deserved better#jensen deserved better
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Last Chance Prompt Fest
Today is the day that our Last Chance Prompt Fest starts.
To take part, you don’t need to claim a prompt through us at all, you just find a prompt you like, create what you want to create and then tag us @the-ce-horniest-book-club and use the hashtag “CE HBC Last Chance Prompt Fest”. You can also DM your link to us to ensure we see it.
The event starts today, Friday, August 27th and ends next Friday, September 3, 2021.
Once the event has ended, we will answer the ask for the prompts that received creations. We will also have a masterlist for everything created as well.
Who can we create for?
You can create stuff for Steve Rogers, Chris Evans or any of Chris’s 18+ characters.
What can we create?
While the CE HBC is primarily a writing community, these events are to encourage creators of all types. So for this event, you can write, make moodboards, create a playlist, make a video or whatever you are inspired to create based on the prompts under the keep reading.
All of the prompts are listed below the cut and it does not matter how many things are created for each prompt.
Chris Evans Prompts
Could you do one with chris where the reader is eating something delicious and Chris hears them and tries to distract them with smutty things but the reader picks the treat over Chris. (Just had yams that tasted like my grandma used to make years ago, and I’ll pick that over Chris right now lol)
It’s hot AF where I live and we all know Chris doesn’t like the hot temps… so maybe something about trying to beat the heat
How many rounds was that? Four? God, we’re about to break our own record. With Chris? 😍
That’s a lot of sass for someone who ruined my sheets and still hasn’t apologized. With Chris?
Prompt: being friends with Chris and helping and supporting him with ASP too. When the news hit that Biden won your together and after squealing, he just grabs and kisses you.
Chris Evans brushing his heavily pregnant wife’s hair
Chris introducing you to his family for the first time
Readers reaction when Chris has to shave off his beard for a role and doesn’t tell her?
Hey i had an idea. she faked her orgasm because she has trouble cum. Chris finds out and is angry because she hasn’t said anything and doubts his abilities? then he brings her to orgasm
Chris playing Christmas songs on the piano while you wrap presents or something where he keeps you company while you’re doing something else
Ari Levinson Prompts
Cowboy Ari Levinson helping you out after he finds you on his ranch
Curtis Everett Prompts
Trying to have quiet sex with Curtis behind a curtain.
Frank Adler Prompts
Frank Adler gets a new neighbor - reader who is just as intelligent as his family and they like each other right away.
Nick Vaughn Prompts
Nick Vaughan keeping you company on the streets of New York
Steve Rogers Prompts
“I’m your Captain and you follow my orders!” “Aye, aye Cap’n!” “I said Captain, not pirate.”
“Hey Steve, what does a deaf gynecologist do?” “I don’t know.” “He reads lips.”
How about a drunk drabble based off of Right Girl Wrong Time by Jon Langston with Steve and Peggy
someone should write a steve and bucky threesome with a reader
“Yeah sex is great but have you just ever wanted to rub yourself over that fucking beard of Steve’s?”
I have a prompt for you. Steve has fallen in love with the Motown sound since Sam has played most of the genre for him. He has gone shopping, or gone for coffee and he hears you sing a song from the Supremes and is instantly intrigued. Have fun seducing him with music. https://youtu.be/HXGz8i0I2L0
It’s the first Christmas Steve has spent with y/n
Reader making Steve a heart cake for Valentine’s Day ❤️
Multiple Options Prompts
Can I get the following prompt with Steve, Colin, or Jensen? “In ancient Greece, throwing an apple was done to declare one’s love.” “How do I love thee, let me count the ways? Thump, thump, thump.” “So the mild concussion means you love me?”
Could I get “I see that you have your legal name listed as Y/n’s Daddy. That’s incorrect. You’re legal name is what’s on your Drivers Licence.” With any of Chris’ characters please?
SFW Prompts
For Chris or one of his characters, there is only one bed and they got to sleep far apart but wake up cuddling. Bonus points if they don’t hate it.
“Just tell why you did it!” “Because I’m in love with you, okay?!”
How about they’re roommates and “just friends” who develop feelings for each other
“You always say that, but I’d only see you for a day or two until you have to fly out again.”
“You don’t have to say anything, if you don’t want. I just thought you should know.”
i have been in love with you, dumbass
“If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.”
I have these… powers raging around inside me, and I have no clue how to control them.
“Hey, it’s cold. Light a fire or something. I swear, you’re a cold blooded reptile.”
that guy in the gorilla costume has been following us for the past ten blocks.
going to a masquerade ball
“So, you’re the unfortunate soul stuck with me.”
“I look at you and I think, ‘sunshine. Literal sunshine.’ It’s annoying.”
“Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!”
“What’s with the box?”
“I’m not jealous.”
“It’s not like I love you or anything.”
Merlin quote prompt: Nobility is defined by what you do, not by who you are
“Why do you keep pushing me away? I know you love me.”
“I want to go home.” “And I want to go to the moon. It ain’t happening sweetheart. Time to accept that.”
“I just want you to know I love you and I hope these roses prove that to you.”
Prompt: “if you steal all the blankets I’m going to put my cold feet on you.”
“What have we here? Bed: unslept in. Hair in… missionary disarray. And yesterday’s dress with today’s shame all over it.” Gossip Girl
Every time I’m in the same room with her, I can’t decide if I want to pick a fight with her or push her up against a wall and kiss the fuck out of her. - Falling for My Enemy by Claire Kingsley
“The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I’m still in love with you.”
NSFW Prompts
“Wet pussy is the best. I can’t get enough of the juices dripping from my mouth.”
“She beauty, she grace, I want her pussy on my face.”
“Sheathing my cock inside you feels like a jam donut being torn in half. Delicious and mind blowing.”
Twist on quarantine haircuts: couple helping each other with pubic hair maintenance
“I don’t know if you’re looking for Aztek gold down there, but if you don’t hurry up and fuck my brains out I’ll do it my damn self!”
“Have you ever noticed how eating a hot dog is similar to giving deepthroat?” “No but thanks, I don’t want to eat this now.”
Babe I can’t sleep. I know you just woke me up. Wanna fuck? I’m awake!!!
“I don’t know who you think you’re talking to but I’m about to punish that sassy mouth!”
“I love your longish hair baby. Finally got something to pull while you’re between my legs devouring me.”
Holiday Prompts
“Great, now I have to re-hide your Christmas gifts.”
“I’m not going to kiss you under the mistletoe.”
“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.”
“What are you doing?” “Hiding from carolers.”
“Santa’s handwriting looks suspiciously like yours.”
“Why does the house smell like a cinnamon roll threw up?”
“Are you Santa? Because I’d sit on your lap.”
“What the hell kind of Charlie Brown Christmas tree did you buy?”
“It looks like the North Pole threw up.”
i may or may not have gotten tangled up in the tinsel.
“If we don’t have this damn tree up before the end of the night, I’m going to kill you.”
“I’m going to tell Santa to give you coal.”
“It’s an advent calendar. You’re supposed to open one square a day, not eat half the chocolate in a sitting.”
“Why is there mistletoe in every room of the apartment?”
I got a little too drunk off of egg nog and vodka and you look so pretty in this light, and I most definitely want to kiss you right now, best friends or not.
we were going to a Christmas party but fuck if you don’t just look sinful in red, and you know what? Fuck that Christmas party.
Dad!chris (or one of his characters) and his kids at Christmas
“You’ve never had a New Year’s kiss?”
Spending your first Valentine’s Day together with any character
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