#just thinking about how quickly he’d drop whatever he’s doing to give you attention
comatosebunny09 · 4 days
Imagine being at some sort of high-profile event with Sylus. And you’re all prim and pretty, dressed in something classy that flaunts your physique, but hides enough to leave the other attendees guessing.
And Sylus keeps an arm around your waist all night. Or a hand at the small of your back. Or smooths his fingers down the back of your arm. Maybe clasps his hand around the nape of your neck, rubs at the notch of your spine all reassuringly. Seemingly innocent gestures that leave goosebumps flaring across your skin and your lips aching with a smile. His show of possession. Fulfilling his need for skin-ship, no matter how minuscule.
And he whispers words of praise and things that make you giggle into your ear when the moment allows because everyone’s been watching you since you crossed the threshold on his arm. Sylus’ pretty, shiny new toy that holds his heart in a bind.
You look amazing in that dress. I can’t keep my hands off you. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
And maybe you’ve had one too many flutes of champagne. Maybe the glittering chandeliers overhead are too bright. And maybe you’ve spent too much time playing nice, seeing faces you don’t want to see, and donning this sociable mask like you haven’t had your fill. Or perhaps you just want some alone time with your love. You’ve shared him long enough.
At some point during the night, when Sylus is drawn into a conversation with some political figure and his pretty wife, you sidle up to him. Twine your fingers together—both hands because Sylus’ hand is huge—leaning in until your chest brushes his bicep. And you’re so gorgeous, so cute with pursed lips, murmuring into his ear on tippy-toe. Brushing your lips against the curve of it, nuzzling against his shoulder. Clinging to him like something shy. Tired.
I’m ready to go.
And Sylus doesn’t hesitate to acknowledge your plea. Excuses the pair of you, placing his champagne glass on the waiter's tray passing by. And you take his arm, smiling all smugly as he guides you from the gallery to his awaiting car. Because you have this man whipped.
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bucketsofmonsters · 6 months
Deep Water - Part 3
cw: the ocean, almost drowning, kidnapping, more tags to be added as the story continues
merman x fem reader
Word count: 5k
read on ao3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
On your first day of work, you were already regretting not pushing harder to get your siren to promise you he would stay away, glimpses of a snaking tail under the water every few hours stopping your heart for a beat every time. 
You ignored your first sighting, reporting into the office, getting a list of duties and of expected intake for the day. 
You asked when you’d be paid, part of you worried he’d say at the end of the month and you’d be stuck without a place to stay for weeks. You let out a sigh of relief when he said at the end of the week. Only two more days then. You could manage two more days. You were sent off on your way without much else said. 
No one was assigned to help you, to figure out what you were supposed to do or how to start, so you did the only thing you could think of. You went and found Finn.
His face lit up the second he saw you, dropping the box he was holding to run over to your side. 
“Hello little lady, how’s your first day going?”
You glanced back at the discarded cargo. “Do you not need to get that?”
“Is this going to take long? Okay, you probably want help, I’ll be right back.”
He rushed over to the dropped box that at the very least didn’t look like it had been damaged and hauled it over to a safer location, amidst some other unpacked boxes. 
He was back at your side before the incredulous huff of laughter managed to escape you, giving you a sheepish look. “Sorry if I’m overeager, we don’t get many pretty girls out here, I’ve gotta try and help you before someone else snatches you up.”
You gave him a humoring laugh, more polite than anything. 
You had a feeling your intentions with one another did not align, but he seemed pleasant and helpful and whatever his intentions happened to be, you could use that right about now. 
And he held true to his word. For the rest of the day, he helped you figure out your various duties, largely abandoning his own, only occasionally popping out to make excuses or run and do something that others laughed and insisted really couldn’t wait. 
The day passed quickly. The work wasn’t particularly hard, just repetitive. Finn did his best to help but once you realized he couldn’t read, it became a little more difficult. 
He still hovered over your shoulder, something that you appreciated but had the unintended consequence of you having to struggle to pull his attention every time you caught another flash of scales out of the corner of your eye. 
They seemed particularly likely to appear whenever Finn set off from his latest task he was ignoring to help you again.
You bristled at the thought, trying to tell yourself you were making up patterns, that it wasn’t anything at all. 
At least you hoped you were. If it was a pattern, you were going to kill him. 
Even once you got the hang of things, Finn refused to actually leave you, insisting that it was improper to abandon you on your first day. You just smiled and continued on, set on getting everything done. First impressions were important after all, and you needed to look just as valuable as your sister had been. 
Before you knew it, the day was over and people had begun filing out. It wasn’t empty, the dock was never really empty, but it had quieted down and you finished the last of your work, marking everything down as neatly and perfectly as you could. 
“I can take that back for you!” Finn exclaimed as you carefully looked over your work for any glaring mistakes. He seemed excited to find something he could actually help you with. 
Part of you wanted to refuse, to take it back yourself, but he seemed too excited, refusing felt like kicking a puppy. Besides, you imagined he’d have a few kind words to say about you and that couldn't hurt. 
He came darting back over in minutes, that persistent, goofy smile plastered across his face as he skidded to a halt. “Mission accomplished, ma’am,” he said with a little salute. 
“Thank you, I really appreciate it,” you said, trying to push as much gratitude as you could into your voice.
“Now that that’s done, I was wondering if you wanted to go out or something. I could get you some drinks or food or whatever, celebrate your first day being over.”
There it was, exactly what you’d worried this had all been leading to. “Finn…”
Water came splashing up through the gaps in the wood on the dock, drenching the pair of you. 
You jumped, reflexively and far too late to save yourself from any of the water. 
As you looked through the slats, you could have sworn you saw the glint of scales. 
“Yes,” you blurted out, bringing Finn’s attention back to you. “That sounds great.”
You gave him what felt like a poor approximation of an excited smile. 
“Really? That’s amazing. The ocean seems to have something to say about it. She’s nervous, poor girl. Promise I won’t leave you behind.” He spoke down to the waves, attempting to lighten the mood as he saw your face go white in your newly wetted skirts. 
You smiled, your heart hammering in your ears, and after another quiet little bit of reassurance, he scurried off, telling you to stay put while he found a coat he’d discarded earlier in the hot sun and promptly forgotten about, and then you could be off.
Simon, you guessed that was what you were calling him now, decided that was an opportune time to breach the surface of the water and look up at you with those big, golden eyes. 
An anger that had been simmering quietly inside of you at every flash of scales you’d seen throughout the day came to a head as he had the audacity to simply appear like this. “Go away,” you hissed, the words coming out louder than you meant them to. 
This wasn’t like the day before. You knew Finn would be back any moment, you didn’t have time to argue on the shore. 
He remained resolutely above the water, looking up at you with a determination that almost frightened you set across his impish features. 
When he opened his mouth, you held your hands out, trying to tell him to stop, that it wasn’t safe. 
And then he started speaking and your hands fell limp to your sides, warning him not seeming quite so important anymore. 
The words sounded different. Maybe he was singing? It was hard to tell. You couldn’t even make out the words, couldn’t understand any of it. All you knew was that he was there. Why were you all the way up here? You should be down there with him. Maybe then you could understand. 
Whatever noises he was making, ones you were too far away to really hear, wormed their way right through your ears into your head, snaking their way around inside you, taking up the space where your thoughts were moments ago. 
There was nothing but him. 
Everything else faded away until all you could see was amber eyes. 
And then, walking carefully and intentionally, you tumbled into the water, seemingly of your own accord. 
The second you hit the icy water, the warm calm you’d been pulled into dissipated. You weren’t sure if it was the shock of the water or your head going under, no longer able to hear the hypnotic noises from the siren you’d thought was harmless. At least to you. 
And what a foolish notion that was. He was a siren. It didn't matter if he'd saved you or not, of course he was dangerous. You weren’t special to him. Why would you be?
As you tried to come up for air his arms met your shoulders and pushed you deeper and you realized, horrifically, just how wrong you’d been. 
You didn’t understand why he did what he’d done, why he’d helped you before. Maybe he’d just been playing with his food, toying with you until he got bored. 
Your mind newly cleared, you fought to swim up. As you did, his tail wound around your legs and you saw a pout break out across his face. 
Panic rose in your chest and he watched, head tilted, examining you carelessly, with your legs still bound together under the water. 
He looked at you, eyes big and bright and expectant, flicking across your face as he tried to fight back a smile. 
You struggled and his hand grasped yours, keeping it in place, effortlessly keeping you under the waves. The bright look in his eyes shifted to confusion, seeming baffled as to why you’d rather breach the surface than steal a kiss from him and let the cold water invade your lungs. 
As he stared expectantly and confused at you, you wiggled just enough to free one leg, something he seemed unconcerned with as he continued to hold you under. He knew he was stronger than you, that you had no real shot of escape. You both did. 
That didn’t matter to you. You brought your knee up as swiftly and firmly as you could in the cold water that forced a horrible, sluggish feeling into your limbs, and kneed him right in his gills. 
That seemed to activate some instinct in him and he wrapped entirely around you, effortlessly countering you at every point of struggle. They were the movements of a practiced hunter. 
You kicked and fought and made every attempt to break away and breach the surface but he was too strong, too practiced at this. At holding people down. 
You wondered how you matched up to them, how hard you fought compared to his other prey, if he’d remember this at all once you were gone?
At some point in the struggle you must have kissed, in the loosest sense of the word. You missed it in the flurry of movement, just another brush of skin against skin in the struggle. It must have happened though because as your lungs burned just a bit too much and your brain forced you to inhale, you didn’t choke on water but instead felt the burning soothe and your instincts calm, despite the salt water flooding inside you. 
Regardless of your newfound ability to breathe, the fight and lack of oxygen had weakened you and your struggle slowed. 
As it did, he rose to the surface
When you breached the waves, the dock was nowhere in sight. You had no idea when in your fight he’d dragged you out to sea or how far you’d gone. 
“You can breathe,” he said, looking at you with that same quiet confusion as when you’d fought against him. “I made sure you could breathe. Why do you still worry?”
You inhaled in an attempt to answer him with a screamed admonishment and then, before a word could escape you, you were coughing up water
He sat patiently as you did, his arms wrapped carefully around you. 
The last time you’d coughed up water like this, you’d been too relieved to be alive to really notice it. You did not have that luxury this time. The saltwater burned coming up, your lungs feeling heavy in your chest as the water poured out of you. 
It felt like you were dying. You didn’t understand how you weren’t. 
He didn’t seem concerned, just holding you as you fought to empty your lungs so you could finally inhale, every attempted inhalation just stirred the churning water in your lungs, agitating them further. 
As you finally emptied your lungs, you sucked in air. Your chest filled and it hurt more than it brought you relief. 
“You have to take me back,” you forced out, the burning in your lungs exhausting you past the point of screaming at him. 
His lips pursed into a pout and his eyes darted away from yours. “You don’t even like it there,” he said, sounding openly disappointed, not even attempting to hide it. But then, why would he? You were at his mercy, he could do whatever he wanted to. 
“I like it better than I like it here,” you said, gesturing around you at the open ocean. 
He looked around at the ocean surrounding you and then returned his gaze intently to your face. “I can take you somewhere else.”
“You know that’s not what I mean, you’d better not…”
And then he was off, swimming quickly through the waves. 
He kept your head above water carefully, although you still had to keep your mouth firmly shut to avoid inhaling anything, but even that didn’t slow him down. 
And then, with no warning, you were going down, back through thick water. You didn’t have a chance to gather your bearing before it was too dark to see anything, Simon’s grip on your arm was the only thing cutting through the cold black abyss around you. 
Your arm brushed against hard rock, scraping painfully before it was gone and you found yourself disoriented in the space around you once more. You could be surrounded by rock for all you knew, inches away from it. There was no way to tell, no way to really know anything about where you were being dragged. 
Your fight renewed as your air began to run out and the darkness still imposed itself around you. You knew better, knew you couldn’t get away. Even if you did, you didn’t even know which direction was up anymore. Your instincts, however, were not so easily suppressed by silly things like facts. 
You couldn’t help but wonder if he was going to kill you. Even more than that, as your time under the water dragged on, why he was going to kill you? Maybe you’d upset him, made an unforgivable mistake when you kicked him or complained just a little too much. The way it looked now, you guessed you’d never know. You didn’t have the oxygen left to figure it out, your brain starting to get foggy. 
And still, it continued. He dragged you down and down and then your head breached the surface and as you gasped in air, the word flipped right side up once more. 
You dragged air into your pleading lungs, this time no wretched water biting your throat as you did. 
Your lungs still hurt though. A quieter ache. 
Your eyes adjusted slowly to the dark and you could barely make him out in what appeared to be a cave, the moon shining in through a few holes riddled in the rock above you. 
“You could’ve killed me,” you said, desperation creeping into your voice. 
His head tilted. “No. I know how long it takes a human to drown. You were fine.”
His words did nothing to settle your unease
“Is this better?” he asked, gesturing around to the cave you’d approached from beneath. 
The water was just a small pool in a larger cave, leading off a few feet before revealing a glimpse of the outside world through the holes that let the light in. 
You hauled yourself out of the water to look and saw that there was no other way out, only the horrible, dark path through the water he’d taken you through. 
You couldn’t get out of here on your own. 
Even if you could, you had nowhere to go. There was probably just more open water outside these walls. Even if there was land, you had no idea where you were. 
You wondered if Finn was worried about you yet. Maybe he was. Or maybe he thought you’d abandoned him, left him alone on the dock in lieu of having to go out to dinner with him. 
You weren’t sure which you were hoping for, which was better for him to believe. Which would be easier to explain when you returned? If you returned. 
“You need to take me back,” you said, trying to force some authority into your tone. 
“Can I ask you some questions about humans?” he asked, completely ignoring you. 
“No,” you snapped. “You can’t. You can take me back.”
He drifted towards you and you pulled back further onto the patch of dry land. 
That seemed to hurt him, like he couldn’t understand why you would possibly be wary of him. 
He rested his head on the rocky shore, looking defeated, slowly drying blonde hair curling up around his eyes as it was freed of some of the weight of the water, and you fought to not think that if he hadn’t just done what he did to you, maybe he’d look sweet. 
“Who was that?” he blurted out, his head lifting with his words as his jaw moved against the stone below him. 
“On the dock. He was talking to you, you were leaving with him. Who was that?”
“Who, Finn? Why do you-” A thought began to dawn on you. “His name is Finn. You hang around the dock, do you not know him?”
He shrugged in the water. “I’ve seen him.”
“And you care now? That’s kind of sudden.”
“I guess.”
“Alright. Did you kidn- Did you take me so I wouldn’t go with him.” You did your best to keep your voice measured in an attempt to get an honest response from him. 
“You’re supposed to go to the beach. You weren’t going to the beach.”
“No, you rejected my deal, remember? I thought I wasn’t going to the beach because you were just hanging around.”
He rolled his eyes just barely, enough to make a quiet irritation stir in your stomach. “Can’t talk to you when I’m around,” he said, matter of factly. “You said you’d go to the beach.”
“I know, but something came up. I’d have come back. I can’t miss one day?” you said, trying to reason with him. 
“One day? It was the first day!” he said with a huff. 
“I hadn’t even left yet, how did you know I wasn’t going to go meet you.”
“Were you?” he asked, and you didn’t have a good answer for him. 
“We’ll never know, will we? Because you decided to kidnap and almost drown me.”
“I didn’t almost drown you. I would never drown you.”
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. “Alright, well at the very least you decided to hurt me.” Sharp words bounced off the stone walls of the cave. 
His eyes widened. “I hurt you?”
“Yeah, of course you did. I couldn’t breathe. And that’s beside how bad coughing up sea water hurts.”
He shook his head. “You’re fine, why would it hurt?”
“Simon,” you said, “It hurts humans when we can’t breathe. And we aren’t meant to have to breathe water, it burns when I have to get it out.”
For someone who presumably had drowned dozens of humans, he seemed to have little idea how drowning actually felt. To be fair, he probably didn’t have many chances to learn about the human side of the experience, you didn’t imagine many survived long enough to tell him about it. 
“Oh,” he said, deflating a little. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Right, just to kidnap me.”
He nodded with no air of shame regarding his actions. “Yeah.”
You settled back against the wall of rock behind you, trying to think of what else you could say to get yourself out of there. 
He looked up at you and suddenly he seemed unbearably nervous. “You want to leave.”
“I thought we discussed this, I have to leave. I can’t just disappear, there are people waiting for me.”
“Finn,” he asked, saying the name like it tasted rotten in his mouth. 
“Yes, Finn. I told you, I can’t just disappear.”
You had to lean closer to him to hear his next words at all, his voice unbearably quiet. “It’ll hurt you.”
You slid back into the water beside him, hope sparking through you. “I’ll be fine, I just want to get out of here.”
His hands snaked around your sides, pulling you close to him. “Do you want to hold your breath or breathe the water?” You could feel his breath on your skin as he spoke. You didn’t understand how breathing worked for him, where his lungs ended and his gills began. 
You shivered as you thought back to retching up the water, how it had burned coming up, how the attempted gasps felt inside already heavy lungs. “I’ll hold my breath.”
He nodded solemnly. “I will be fast.”
You sucked in a breath before he pulled you down, a luxury you had not been granted last time. 
He was true to his words. You could feel the water rushing past you as you held your breath, clinging to him the whole way. 
When you breached the surface, your lungs didn’t hurt quite as much as they had the first time around. His grip on you was tighter than when you’d arrived, a fear present in him that wasn’t before. 
Your hands were wrapped around his neck, the desire to get yourself away from him gone now that you were fairly certain he’d bring you back, even if he wasn’t happy about it. 
He brought you to the shore, a familiar spot.
Something occurred to you as you found yourself in shallow water. “How’d you even know where to take me? When you first found me, you took me right here.”
“I know where the ships are going. Always to the same spot.” He sounded almost annoyed at the ships’ predictability. 
“Well, they have to go to a dock.”
He grumbled in response, his discontent evident. You weren’t sure how much of it was from this grudge against ships and how much was because he’d had to bring you back to shore.  
You pulled yourself out of the water and wanted just sit there for a while, regain some of your energy. 
The second you hit dry land, Simon was gone, disappearing before you could say so much as another word to him. 
You didn’t really have time to talk or rest anyway, running back onto the dock as quickly as you could, hoping Finn hadn’t left yet. 
You found him standing alone on the dock, looking dejected right until his eyes drifted towards you. His eyes widened as they met yours and his expression shifted from surprise to concern, rushing towards you. 
“What happened?” he asked, pulling the jacket he’d run off to retrieve over your shoulders. “I thought you’d gotten bored and abandoned me but a swim at this time of day hardly seems like a good idea.”
“I fell in. Guess I’m more tired than I thought,” you said with a sheepish smile, hoping it was anything close to convincing. 
His hand drifted up to push wet hair away from your face. “I’m sure you’re not feeling up to going out anymore…”
“No,” you said, not thinking of Finn at all but instead set on rebelling against the attempts to stop you from going. It wasn’t fair to Finn, but by the time that occurred to you, you’d already spoken. “I mean, you waited all this time for me, it would be rude not to go.”
He seemed too excited to notice how suspicious you were being. “Alright, but make sure you’re not overextending yourself.”
You nodded with an unenthusiastic smile and let him lead you off to a tavern somewhere. 
It was a largely uneventful evening, all things considered. He bought you some soup, something nice and hot that you could feel in your bones, creating a comfortable warmth in your core. 
Your reticence to talk was barely noticed. Finn seemed more than happy to fill the silence, letting you bundle up under the thick wool of his coat and focus on your food. 
Before you knew it, it was gone and there was nothing left to distract yourself with. 
You waited for Finn to finish whatever story he’d been telling that you hadn’t been listening to and said, “This has been lovely, but I should be getting back.”
He laughed. “What, back to work? I’m not that boring, am I?”
You started as he pulled you fully out of your head back into the tavern. “What? No, of course not.”
“So where are you staying then?” he asked.
You shrugged. “Nowhere. I’ll find an inn after I get paid but until then-”
“You could stay with me!” he blurted out before you even had the chance to finish your sentence. 
You weren’t quite as enthused. “Look, Finn, I don’t…”
“This isn’t me trying to come onto you, honest. You shouldn’t have to stay out in the cold, it’s not right. I mean, no wonder you're tired. If you don’t get some proper sleep you’ll drown, and then who am I supposed to try and impress every day?”
It was most certainly untoward, but the offer was tempting nonetheless. 
You reevaluated Finn, trying to determine how much you really trusted him. Enough for dinner, sure, but enough for this?
You thought about spending another night alone on the cold shore and decided that yes, you did trust him enough for this. 
As soon as you nodded your assent, he grabbed your hand, pulling you towards the stairs in the tavern. 
You couldn’t help but think that taking you to the tavern he was staying at felt presumptuous but the allure of a warm room and blankets were too strong for you to say anything to that effect. 
His room was decently sized, with a large bed pressed against the back wall. Reassuringly, he started to set up a space on the floor for you, moving some blankets from a chair in the corner to the floor. 
To your chagrin, he began to settle into the nest of blankets on the ground and you immediately moved to set it right. 
“Absolutely not, you will not sleep on the floor in your own room.”
He looked up at you with big, sad eyes. “But-”
“No buts, I will leave.”
He sighed. “Fine. But know that I’m not happy about it.”
You settled onto the floor and he slid another blanket off the bed onto you. You accepted it without argument, allowing him this at least. Besides, you were in no state to be turning down blankets. 
It was late and the blankets helped against your still damp form. The calm itself was refreshing and you fought the urge to thank Finn, who seemed like he’d already drifted off to sleep since you’d begun to settle down. 
You had no choice but to try and follow him. 
You slept restlessly but at least you slept.
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princessbrunette · 9 months
okok line cook jj who is absolutely obsessed with the new doe eyed pretty smile waitress. she’s always so nice and patient with the crew even if they’re behind, getting yelled at ect. they flirt and she always gets all blushy and shy, and he just loves it. one day she ends up in the kitchen teary eyed and covered in coffee from an angry customer and jj just looses his shit cause his girl is obviously upset and even possibly hurt and how dare they.
this anon had my tummy hurting and everything like omg i love it sm .
he’d fall for you as soon as he’d lay eyes on you.
jj definitely didn’t have a type and his track history was living proof— however, with all the girls he’d hooked up with in the past they tended to be a little on the sassier side, confident, bites back and can handle the loud mouth that belongs to none other than the man himself— but he’d never felt deeply for any of them, happy to part ways with them when the fun was all over. you however, you were something else entirely.
it was like watching a baby deer trying to learn how to walk when you were brought into the restaurant as the new waitress hire. clearly you’d had no idea just how busy the beachside restaurant got, but you’d tried to adapt quickly. for the first few weeks you were skittish, dropping the occasional plate, tripping over extended legs from tables and forgetting a couple of orders — but surely enough the customers took a liking to you anyway. of course they did, you were adorable, polite, pretty and young — you could have set the place on fire and your manager would probably have let you off with a slap on the wrist.
jj was dead set on getting to know you, hell— he’d even consider himself your guide, befriending you and helping you out whenever he could. he’d have your order ready first everytime, greeting you with a wink that flustered you as he’d carefully hand you the plate and watch you shuffle off to find the corresponding table. he’d gently manoeuvre you out the way with hands on your hips when he needs to get behind you in the busy kitchen on chaotic shifts, smirking to himself at the way you get all doe eyed and embarrassed whenever he did it. it never took much to fluster you, and your sweetness had apparently been just what JJ had craved.
he noticed you started to come to him for everything, and it made his heart swell with pride. toeing nervously into the kitchen during a quieter shift, not many of the staff around that evening. “excuse me, jj?” he remembers your polite voice calling from behind him as he chops some bell peppers. he’s wiping his hands on his apron as he glances over his shoulder at you before turning around fully, giving you his full attention.
“yeah?” he breathes, almost silenced by how pretty you are.
“sorry to disturb you but theres some guys arguing really loud in the restaurant and i think they’re gonna fight and the security guy isn’t in today… dont really know what to do…” you shrug, clammy hands subconsciously playing with your work uniform. he could tell whatever had happened out there has made you uncomfortable, not a fan of confrontation or big scary men yelling. he’s quick to nod, tossing the dish-cloth he was about to wipe the surface with over his shoulder and placing a hand on your arm, looking down at you reassuringly.
“hey, you’re good, i’ll handle it, yeah?” he nods, brushing past you briskly and out the kitchen doors into the restaurant. it was night time, so the restaurant overlooking the beach only had a few customers dotted around eating their meals, equally disturbed by the loud quarrel the two seemingly tipsy men were having. you follow him to the door, watching him saunter out toward them without a care in the world. you liked that about jj, he wasn’t scared of nothing.
“alright ladies, pack it up. go kiss n’make up somewhere else, bein’ waaay too loud and i don’t think these people paid for dinner and a show.” he waves them off, the two men standing at their table having their argument.
“stay outta this kid, i ain’t going nowhere ‘til he gives me what he owes me!” one of them barks back, slamming his fist down on the table making you jump as the cutlery clatters. JJ doesn’t flinch in the slightest, stepping up closer.
“yeah, i wasn’t asking. you’re disturbing my waitress and quite frankly you’re pissing me off, so again, i’m gonna have to ask you to leave.” you pushed down the way ‘my waitress’ made you feel, knowing he was likely just throwing it out there without meaning.
“you think i give a fuck ‘bout how ‘ya waitress feels? we’re doing business here. why don’t you go back to the kitchen, huh?” the other man waves him off, and you see his eyes flutter in irritation a little at the mention of you. he locks his eyes on the man, oddly calm and steps closer, staring him down.
“i’m not askin’ again. leave.” JJ warns.
“or what, blondie?”
“or I beat the shit out of you and your little friend.”
you were happy your manager wasn’t in that evening, because JJ would have gotten in lots of trouble. like that one day, a few weeks later during an afternoon shift, patrons from the nearby golf course having swarmed in for their lunch. JJ had been chatting away with another cook in the kitchen at his post, laughing and swatting eachother with the dish rags when the doors swung open, making him double take when he’d clocked on that it was you. your eyes didn’t find his with a bright smile and fluttery eyelashes like they always did, in fact you didn’t look at him at all. upon further inspection, your uniform was drenched with brown liquid, assumably coffee even dripping from the ends of your hair. your bottom lip wobbled as you headed toward the cloakroom through the back.
JJ’s smile fell off his face and he chased after you, skidding to a stop infront of you as he places both hands on your shoulders.
“hey, hey what happened out there?” he speaks gently, gentler than you hear him speak with the other cooks anyway.
“some guys coffee was cold, so— so he dumped it on me. i’ll be fine, just— just need to change my clothes and go and clean up the mess out there and—” youre wiping your tears off your cheeks, mortified, and when you open your eyes again JJ’s no longer right there, the only sign of his existence being the sight of the kitchen door swinging. you curiously follow, standing in the doorway like you did last time. his eyes had scanned the room, quickly honing in on the older, sweaty Kook in an ugly polo loudly complaining about the ‘help’ with a puddle of coffee beside his table.
he didn’t think, striding over, lips pressed in a firm line. he grabs the man by his collar and yanks him with such a force out of his seat that his chair tips back and falls, skidding along the polished wooden floor. gasps ring around the restaurant, an imaginary spotlight shining on the blonde as he grips the man with white knuckles, looking down his nose at the flailing Kook struggling to get his footing.
“you think it’s okay to humiliate my waitress, huh? you think that shits all sweet? someone oughta teach you—” he’s hissing between grit teeth with a trembling voice when the security guard runs over to tear him off.
“maybank.” the officer warns with a knowing tone and JJ lets the man go, not without shoving him back by the chest first, a spiteful, quick adrenaline fuelled laugh leaving him as he did so.
“yeah, nah, we’re all good. get this asshat out of here though.” he backs off, letting the guard escort the shaken man away to the exit, probably profusely apologising on JJ’s behalf. he pants, watching him leave before looking around at the entire restaurants eyes on him, staring in shock. he scratches his cheek before holding up his hand. “hope y’all are enjoying the food.” he calls out, making eye contact with your manager who stands leaning against the bar with her arms crossed, shaking her head at him. he swears under his breath, before storming back toward the kitchen, not even glancing at you as he storms past you, knowing he’s in trouble.
he heads towards the staff cloakroom, yanking his apron off and beginning to punch the code into his locker, clearly deciding the best way to deal with this was to take off. you follow him, standing in the doorway.
“jj, you shouldn’t have done that.” you scold him softly, watching him screw up his apron and stuff it into his locker, rooting around for his stuff.
“yeah, well i did, so…” he doesn’t turn to acknowledge you, still out of breath with a noncommittal tone.
“you’re… you’re gonna get in trouble. i don’t want you to get fired.”
he suddenly turns to you when you approach at his side. “you think i want that either?” he snaps before softening, seeing the way your eyes widened in hurt confusion. “i’m sorry. i… i just don’t like how these assholes get to roam around and do what they want. they can direct all that shit towards me, i don’t care, i can take it…” he takes off his backwards hat, raking his hands through his hair. “but… but not you! they don’t get to talk to you like that. someone’s gotta show them, you know?” he rants and you soften, stepping closer.
“thank you.” is all you say, pressing your hands to his shoulders and standing on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek. you offer him a small smile, before turning around and heading back toward the door. you turn before you leave, his body still twisted towards you as he watches you in awe, suddenly a lot calmer. “no one’s made me feel safe like you do, jj.” you state before heading away.
he sighs, turning back toward his locker and leaning his forehead against the cool metal, screwing his eyes shut for a moment just breathing. when he turns back around, you’re gone, replaced by the disapproving glare of your manager.
“you wanna talk about what just happened?” she tilts her head.
“well, no— but i feel like i don’t really have a choice.” he forces a fake smile. it was gonna be a long day for jj.
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babyleostuff · 1 year
partner privileges | vocal unit
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thank you guys for the ideas and help <3
Jeonghan takes great pride in his hair, and as much as he lets his members play and touch them, there would be one specific person he’d allow to do anything they want to them - his partner. I just know that he’d love to sit between his significant other legs and let them braid his hair, or do any type of hairstyle they’d want. He’d have different accessories and hair ties ready for them to use. Like, that would be a must activity on a stay-at-home date. Also, he’d love for his partner to run their fingers through his hair whenever he’d be cuddling them, or laying on their lap. 
Being his number one. To me, Joshua is that type of guy that would do literally anything for his significant other (all of the boys would, but with Shua it hits extra hard). They would be his entire world, like they’d be the first thing he’d think about in the morning and the last in the evening. There wouldn’t be a thing Joshua wouldn’t do for his partner, and he would do them gladly. It’s just something about having that one person that you want to spend your entire life with, making sure they’re happy and safe.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ LEE JIHOON 
24/7 availability to the Universe Factory. And that’s the biggest privilege anyone could ever get, but no one except for his partner would be lucky enough to get it. People would usually have to ask if they wanted to enter it if he weren’t there, but he would let his significant other enter the place without asking. Like, that’s so obvious to him. I feel like he’d thrive off the fact that his partner would be there with him, and for him in case he needed a break, or if he wasn’t able to finish off a lyric, he could turn to his partner for some inspiration and comfort. 
Being able to see every side of him - the good and the bad one. He is our sunshine and we love him, but he is one of those people that want to stay strong and smile, no matter how hard it gets. Sure, he’s not afraid to cry with people around, but that still doesn’t mean he’s showing “all” of him. His partner, on the other hand, would be one of the few people that’d get to see every part of him, no matter how ugly he thinks they are. When Seokmin trusts, he trusts with life, and his significant other would quickly become one of the most important people in his life. 
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ BOO SEUNGKWAN Seungkwan likes to tease his members and play fight with them, so it’s usually quite hard to get his attention when he’s busy with the bullying. When it comes to his partner though? Nah ah, they have his full attention, no matter what. A literal fire could be going on in the back, but if his significant other has something to say, they will be heard. Seungkwan would drop whatever he was doing the moment he’d hear his partner speak up, giving them all of his attention. Seungkwan’s eyes would be big, and he would constantly be nodding his head to encourage them to keep talking.
taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @eightlightstar @itza-meee @immabecreepin @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @dkswife
617 notes · View notes
starlazergazer · 1 year
Couldn't Get Rid of Me if You Tried
Pairing: Anakin x Reader
Request(s): Reader has a nightmare and Anakin stays with her / Reader can’t sleep so Anakin stays by her side / Reader hasn’t slept in a few days and Anakin notices and makes the reader go to bed, not leaving until they fall asleep
Warnings: Swearing, nightmares
Word Count: 4.9K
A/N: Long overdue but I finally finished writing something! This is a mash up of a few different requests I thought would work well together so let me know what you think!
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Anakin fixed his robes for what felt like the tenth time in the last ten minutes, part of him chastising himself for being this anxious over nothing but a bigger part of him worried that they weren’t laying properly, or that his hair was sticking up in a weird direction, or that there was something stuck in his teeth.
Not that you would ever judge him for any of that of course. In fact, he already knew exactly what you would do. You would fix whatever it was yourself, an amused giggle slipping out as you approached to rake your hands through his hair attempting to tame every stray piece until you were satisfied, a light smile never dropping from your face throughout the process.
Another part of him considered messing up something on purpose just so he could see that smile.
But no that was a bit ridiculous even for him. You were expected to land any minute now and spend the next week in meetings preparing to address the senate, and Anakin was to be your guard for the entire time. He’d have plenty of time to earn your smile, hopefully without needing to embarrass himself.
The sound of the door opening snapped him out of his thoughts. Anakin quickly jumping to his feet, holding his hands rigidly in front of him and taking a deep breath.
A loud voice sounded before he saw anyone, a list of meetings and notes being rattled off by one of your aids loudly as in strolled your own personal security guard, the man immediately noticing Anakin and giving him a small nod before scanning the room, you following in close behind him.
Anakin couldn’t help but grin as you entered the room, your attention completely absorbed by the datapad you held in your hand, eyes skimming across the screen rapidly as you read, offering small hums of acknowledgment as your aide continued to rattle off messages.
You walked right by without even noticing, going on autopilot to your desk and setting the pad down, not sitting yourself but rather standing over it, stretching your legs as you continued to read. Anakin couldn’t help but chuckle under his breath at the sight, vividly remembering your conversation with him after your last flight into Coruscant about how the long flight made your legs ache, you refusing to sit for as long as possible afterwards in an attempt to get blood flowing back to your toes.
“Allana has senator-“ and finally your gaze rose from the pad, instinctively heading towards your aide’s form but snapping to Anakin the minute you realized there was another person in the room, brows furrowed for a moment before you recognized him “An- uh jedi Skywalker?”
His lips ticked up at the near slipup, giving you a small bow “senator it’s nice to see you”
“It’s nice to see you too” and the confused expression returned to your face, eyes snapping to your guard then aide for a moment before returning “Is there something I can help you with?”
It was now Anakin’s turn to wear the confused expression “I was under the assumption that you had requested extra protection for your speech”
Your eyes snapped to your bodyguard, raising an eyebrow “Did we request extra protection?”
“We did” he nodded, pausing a brief second before continuing hesitantly “I figured it could be beneficial after what happened last time”
He could hear your sigh from across the room as your gaze snapped back to the datapad, quickly resuming your reading only making Anakin more confused.
“What happened last time?”
Your gaze snapped up to your guard, a silent threat sent across the room before your gaze connected with his, a smile painted on your lips that didn’t reach your eyes “nothing”
Anakin was already turning to Dex, your guard, a million questions on the tip of his tongue. He hadn’t been on Coruscant the last time you had made the trip out but he hadn’t heard of anything happening. What were you keeping from him? Instead of being able to ask, however, Allana spoke up, her voice slightly higher than usual as she sought to cut the tension in the air.
“Senator you’re needed at-“
You didn’t even let her finish, grabbing your datapad off the table and waving her off “of course senator Elan’s meeting thank you Allana” and without even looking back at him you were headed back out the door, your entourage filing out behind you leaving Anakin to bring up the rear, trying to edge off his disappointment from your much too quick welcome.
You were back at your desk, the same place you had been all day if not in a meeting, typing away furiously at your speech before you, not taking notice of Anakin’s approach until he set the glass down before you.
He’d made you your favorite, the same one you always had whenever you came to Coruscant, usually shared with Anakin while the two of you talked before bed. He always missed those talks, one of the few times he felt like he could really talk about himself not in relation to the jedi order, one of the few times he got to actually hear from you, not the senator.
You smiled up at him as he set it down and Anakin felt a warmth spread through his chest at that look, feeling that finally you were looking at him for the first time all day, not the curious jedi showing up in your room or the hired guard standing off in the corner, just a friend who made you a drink. “Thanks Ani”
And oh how he missed hearing that nickname from you, a grin creeping on his lips as he clinked his own glass softly against yours, rising it to his lips in an attempt to hide it as he sat down in one of the chairs before your desk, settling in as you went back to typing, finishing out a few more words before finally taking the glass.
“Where’s Dex?”
You shrugged back at him, eyes casting back to your screen as you read over whatever you had written “I told him he could go to bed, you’re up to guard me”
He nodded back at your answer, taking another sip of his drink before responding “It is rather late are you heading to bed soon yourself?”
He watched your eyes jump to the nearest clock, eyebrows jumping up slightly as you read the time, an exhausted sigh escaping as you rubbed a hand over your face “Today went by much too quickly”
He chuckled softly at you as you shut down your system, picking up your glass as you walked down around your desk to sit in the chair next to him, angling your body to face him “I guess time flies when you’re having fun” he offered.
You laughed at that, shaking your head softly “oh is that what this is?”
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you and Anakin always loved how he never felt the need to fill silences like this when they came up between the two of you, more than happy to just sit in your company.
“How’s Obi-wan doing?” You asked him, a small smile growing on Anakin’s face.
“He’s good, he’s off world on an assignment right now”
“You’re not with him?”
“No there’s this senator who requested extra protection for this speech she’s giving” he responded innocently “extra protection her team requested due to some incident she stupidly won’t tell me about”
You hummed back in response and Anakin couldn’t help but notice the way you seemed to struggle to keep your eyes open, your posture completely slumped over in your chair as you used it to support your head “maybe this senator has a very good reason for that”
“I doubt it” he responded with a soft shake of his head “maybe this senator should go get some sleep before she falls asleep in her office chair”
That seemed to snap you back to attention, your posture pushing you back up slightly as you made extra effort to make eye contact with him, groaning slightly as you did so “no I’m okay”
“oh yeah you look it” he hummed back with a smirk, pushing himself to his feet and offering you his hand.
“No come on talk to me. I haven’t gotten to talk to you in months I miss it” and he felt his heartstrings tug at your words, his smirk growing into a softer smile as he chuckled slightly.
“Then it’s a good thing you’ve got me for a whole week” he mused “but right now you look like you need sleep badly so come on”
With a small roll of your eyes you took his hand, letting him pull you to your feet. And he tried to ignore the fact that he had stood too close to your feet when he pulled you up, tried to pretend it hadn’t been his intention when your body was nearly pressed against his once you were standing, tried to disregard the way his body seemed to hum from the close contact before he stepped aside and slipped a soft hand to the small of your back to usher you forward.
“You know I think I can find my way back to my room from here” the amusement in your voice telling him that you didn’t mind.
“The council tasked me with protecting you this week and I’ll have you know I take my job very seriously” he told you, the mock sincerity in his own tone making you laugh, his heart swelling within his chest at the sound.
“I’ll be sure to leave you a glowing review with the council then, five stars for jedi Skywalker” you slowed outside your door, pushing it open but spinning around to lean against the doorway and face him, Anakin relishing the soft smile that graced your lips as you looked up at him.
“I certainly hope that your scale is out of five stars” he practically hummed the words, taking a cautious step closer to you eagerly noting the way the corners of your mouth lifted even higher as he did so.
“oooh unfortunately my scale is out of ten stars” you scrunched up your face in a grimace, a small shake to your head as your eyes bounced back and forth between his own “you lost some back there when you made me go to bed instead of staying to talk to me”
“It’s a good thing I have all week to earn them back then” he mused with a smirk, leaning softly forward.
And by this point it would be so easy, so easy to lean down and close the distance, so easy to capture your lips into his own, so easy to pull you by the waist against his chest, so so easy….so so over the line.
He halted his movements the second the thought occurred to him, the realization that any push forward would be without a doubt crossing a line. And he wasn’t just talking about the jedi’s line, he could reconcile with disobeying the code, but this would be crossing your own as well. He was your hired guard, a man whose sole responsibility it was to protect you, surely you wouldn’t want someone like that acting the way he so desperately wanted to, crossing that professionalism boundary.
It'd been quiet for too long, Anakin too in his own head to realize it until it was too late, until your smile started to slowly slip off your lips, a ghost of one remaining as you spoke, soft and sweet “Goodnight Ani”
And he tried to ignore the effect that nickname had on him as he forced himself to take a step back, giving you a small nod “goodnight senator”
“Y/N” the correction came quickly.
And he would pretend that he hadn’t done it on purpose, used your title instead of your name just so that you would correct him, assert in this moment at least that your relationship went beyond just senator and jedi guard. He would pretend that right now that was enough.
“Goodnight Y/N”
Anakin struggled to sleep that night, not that that was unexpected after what he had nearly done in your doorway, so it was no surprise that he was up early and dragging himself towards the dinning room of your apartment before the sun had even a chance to rise.
What was surprising was to see you already at the table, a piece of toast in one hand, a document you were reading over in the other.
“You’re already up?” he didn’t bother to disguise the shock in his voice, his brows furrowing at the sight.
“Had some work to get done” you shrugged, not taking your eyes off the document “figured I’d get an early start”
Slowly he made his way around the table to the chair beside you, his eyes never leaving your figure as he tried to piece out what information it felt like he was missing, his gaze quickly catching the dark bags under your eyes and the slow lethargic blinks you were giving the paper “how long have you been up?”
“Not long” another shrug, another avoidance.
“You look like you’re on the brink of collapsing” he pushed a teasing tone into his voice, hoping making light of the situation would get you to drop whatever guard you still had up “you don’t have any meetings for another few hours why don’t you go back to sleep for a little longer”
Finally you turned your head to look at him, Anakin easily seeing through your every attempt to appear more awake, the way your posture straightened, the way your gaze widened slightly, the small uptick in one side of your mouth as you forced a smile, a façade created solely for his benefit “I’m okay Ani”
“And you’d tell me if you weren’t?” he asked skeptically.
This got an amused snort out of you as you turned back to your work, a more real smile gracing your lips “probably not”
And for now he decided to drop it, to let you have whatever secret you were keeping from him, to let you have one sleepless night “next time I’m asking for a less stubborn senator”
You laughed at that, a fond shake of your head as you glanced over at him “nice try I know I’m your favorite”
You have no idea.
He found you in the same place as the night before, your head propped up lazily on your fist as you stared down at the page before you on the desk, your other hand slowly taking notes with movements that were far too large and far too lazy to be anything legible. “Senator we have got to stop meeting like this” he teased from the doorway, a brief flick up of your eyes the only sign that you had heard him “you behind your desk nearly falling asleep in the chair, me walking in telling you to go to bed. Feels awfully familiar”
“Y/N” your soft voice quietly protested; your head still propped in the same position as you ignored the rest of his sentence.
“Y/N let’s go to bed” He dropped his voice to a low, calm pitch, stepping into the room and up to your desk, watching you slowly push yourself into a more upright position.
“No I need to finish this” you objected with a sigh, digging the heels of your hands into your eyes as you stretched in your chair.
He couldn’t help but chuckle fondly at the movement, his eyes darting down to the page you were taking notes on “sweetheart your notes aren’t even legible.”
Your head snapped down to the page as well, taking in what looked like nothing more than a series of random loops that were supposed to be your notes “shit”
“yeah” he chuckled softly, head nodding to behind him as he spoke “come on you can do it in the morning.”
“No I need to-“ objections poured out of your mouth again but Anakin barely heard them as he made his way around your desk to crouch down next to you, your voice halting once Anakin placed the crook of his finger beneath your chin, pulling your gaze to him.
“When was the last time you slept?” he asked softly, taking in the way every feature of yours screamed of exhaustion “and don’t say last night I know that’s a lie”
You let out a sigh at that, pulling your face back from his grasp “I mean I did sleep some last night”
“When was the last time you slept more than an hour?” he countered.
That question silenced you, your gaze fixed on the work in front of you, your voice so soft when you finally did answer Anakin had to strain to hear it “I don’t know”
“Exactly” he sighed, reaching down to grab one of your wrists, giving it a small tug “come on you need to sleep.”
“I don’t want to sleep” and he knew it wasn’t just because of work, but he wasn’t going to push, not yet.
“Okay, you said last night you wanted to talk what if we did that instead?”
Your head rose to meet his gaze slowly, your brows furrowed slightly as you looked up at him skeptically “yeah?”
“Yeah” he nodded with a smirk “but only If you’re laying down in bed”
You groaned at that, your body slumping forward so that your forehead hit your desk.
“Come on” he laughed, using a hand on your shoulder to pull you back up to sitting position, giving it a soft squeeze before reluctantly removing it “you don’t want to sleep? Fine, but at least lay down. A compromise” he tried to convince you with a small chuckle “and here I thought you’d be proud of my negotiating abilities as a senator and all.”
That finally earned him a laugh, then another groan as you pushed yourself to your feet “can’t believe you’re using this power for evil.”
“If you weren’t so stubborn I wouldn’t have to” he hummed back softly, leading you down the hallway and to your room, giving you a chance to change and brush your teeth before ushering you to your bed and taking a seat on the ground beside it.
“You know it’s a big bed” you offered softly, sleep already pulling your voice down to a near mumble “you can sit up here.”
“I’m good right here” he responded softly as he leaned his back against your mattress, his position putting him mere inches from your resting form above.
A hand was cast carefully down over the edge of the mattress and before Anakin could think otherwise he reached up and tangled his fingers with yours, choosing to believe you offered it to him by doing so, accepting that perhaps it was just the position you liked to sleep in even as you hummed happily from above him as he rubbed the pad of his thumb lazily back and forth on your finger.
“Can we talk yet?” your voice was muffled from your position on the mattress, but Anakin didn’t complain, keeping up the rhythmic motions of his thumb as he responded in a soft voice barely above a whisper.
“What do you want to talk about sweetheart?”
“Tell me about your last mission” you supplied immediately a smile rising on Anakin’s face as he started to tell the story, barely paying attention to his own words as he instead focused on the sound of your breathing, waiting until it started to slow and deepen.
He stopped talking once it did, his thumb slowing to a halt only after he made sure you hadn’t noticed the silence, only then daring to press a soft kiss to your knuckles before pushing himself to his feet and out the door. A soft “goodnight Y/N” whispered from the doorway before he shut the door behind him.
Not long after Anakin had fallen asleep a disturbance in the force was dragging him back to consciousness. It took a few seconds to orient himself as he sat up in bed, part of his brain trying to take in his surroundings while the other part was screaming that something was wrong.
His body reacted before his mind did, his feet were on the ground and pulling him towards you before anything else, his only instinct being to get to you.
Saber hilt in hand he threw open your bedroom door, eyes rapidly scanning the empty room before falling on your sleeping form as your head whipped back and forth, soft whimpers falling from your lips as your legs tangled up in the sheets.
With a small sigh in relief Anakin set his saber down on your bedside table before making his way over to you, a hand coming to your shoulder to give your body a small shake.
Your eyes shot open immediately, a surprised yelp escaping your lips the same moment, as one foot reared up and made contact with his torso.
A grunt left Anakin as he was pushed backwards by your kick, your form scrambling up the bed to get further away from him, loud ragged breaths coming from you as you curled up defensively in a ball as far away from him as you could.
 “Hey hey it’s okay” he tried to soothe you, one hand coming up but refusing to take a step towards you yet, giving you a moment to calm down.
Your heavy breaths were the only thing filling the silence in the room as you offered no response, your form staying tightly curled in on itself as Anakin practically begged you to answer him.
“Y/N you’re safe, it’s just me, it’s Anakin” he tried again.
Your breaths halted at his words, your form remaining unmoving, Anakin risked a step forward.
“It’s just me”
“Ani?” Your broken voice had his knees shaking, Anakin having to fight to urge to rush to you knowing that would likely just set you off again.
“Yeah that’s right it’s just me sweetheart”
Another tense silence passed between the two of you before you spoke again, your voice slightly stronger “Ani? Ani, oh god I’m so sorry-“
Anakin didn’t let you finish, taking your words to mean he was okay to approach as he closed the distance between the two of you in a few steps and scooped you up into his arms as he sat down on the bed.
You didn’t hesitate to curl up in his arms, taking the opportunity to bury your face in his chest, slow shaky breaths wracking your body as you fought more tears.
“You got nothing to apologize for sweetheart” he tried to assure you, running a hand softly through your hair as he held you tightly against himself.
Your breaths started to slowly even out as your muscles started to untense, your body slowly relaxing in his hold. Only once you had completely calmed down did Anakin speak again, burying his face in your hair “do you want to talk about it?”
You didn’t respond, something Anakin certainly didn’t blame you for, simply held you against him, rocking softly as he continued to stroke your hair.
After a few more minutes you started to shift in his arms and Anakin had to fight the instinct to hold on tighter, to not let you escape. Nonetheless he forced his arms to go slack to allow for your movement, feeling relieved when all you did was shift until your back was against his chest. Anakin eagerly wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you against him once again, the two of you sitting in a comfortable silence.
“Last time we were here” your voice was soft enough that even from his position just behind you he struggled to hear “a man broke in and hid in my room”
Anakin’s movements stilled at that, his entire body freezing for a moment as his brain struggled to process your words.
“I just woke up and he was there at the end of my bed” you continued in an empty, hollow voice “I screamed and Dex came and took care of it. Nothing happened, nothing” and here it felt like you were trying to assure yourself more than him “but still I’ve been having nightmares about it ever since”
And as usual Anakin’s first instinct was to reach for anger, ire rising within him towards the jedi council for not telling him, towards Obi-wan who had to have known, towards Dex for letting him act as your guard without all the facts, towards himself for not having picked up on it sooner.
But as you shook slightly in his arms he knew his anger wouldn’t serve him properly here, lashing out at anyone wouldn’t fix anything, it wasn’t what you needed now.
His hold on you tightened, pulling you further into his chest as his chin sat comfortably in the crook of your neck, mumbling the question against your skin “sweetheart why didn’t you say anything?”
You sniffled, your cheek resting comfortably against his for a second before you answered “It’s stupid”
“It’s not-“ Anakin’s objection came quickly but your affirmation followed shortly, as if you had been expecting it.
“It is, he didn’t even hurt me, didn’t threaten me, just startled me and now months later I’m still too scared to sleep? It’s pathetic”
“You are far from pathetic” You could feel Anakins words against your skin as he spoke, his face lifting off your shoulder to press a kiss to the back of your head “A man broke into your room and you found him looming over you while you slept, that is objectively terrifying.”
He felt you sigh against him, the words clearly not fully sinking in.
“Besides its not entirely about what had happened, which I cannot stress enough is horrible, but rather the idea of what could have happened. Maker Y/N why are you even still in this room? You should’ve taken mine”
You were quiet for a bit, a deep breath inflating your chest against him before you responded “I thought if I stayed here I could force myself to get over it, to try and be braver than it”
He shook his head at that, unable to keep the fond smirk from growing on his lips at your answer “You’re plenty brave for even taking this apartment after last time, staying in the same room is just stupid”
That earned him a wet laugh, a few chuckles that had you relaxing slightly in his hold “Will you stay with me, please?”
The thought of leaving hadn’t even occurred to him “Sweetheart you couldn’t get rid of me if you tried”
Another small set of chuckles, your body further melding with his as you relaxed even further, exhaustion finally starting to take over.
“Except not here, come on lets go back to my room”
You shook your head at that, leaning it back against his chest “no it’s okay-“
“Please” he cut you off with a near whisper “for me please don’t force yourself to stay in this room”
Nothing but the feeling of your breaths against his chest for a few moments before a reluctant nod “yeah okay”
Anakin smiled satisfactorily at that, slowly, reluctantly releasing his hold on you to allow you to stand up, not hesitating before taking your hand and intertwining his fingers with yours, pulling you out of the room behind him before you could object.
Walking into his room Anakin didn’t hesitate to slip into one side of the bed, watching you carefully as you stood apprehensively at the edge of the bed on the other side, slow choppy movements in your limbs as you reached for the covers and carefully got into the other side, taking care to stay on your side.
But after tonight there was no more overthinking, no more worrying about crossing the line, no more talking himself out of things. You needed him and to Anakin that superseded everything.
As soon as your head hit the pillow Anakin scootched up behind you, throwing an arm around your waist and pulling you up against his chest, chuckling at the small gasp that left you at the movement.
But you didn’t pull away, your muscles tense for a moment as you adjusted before you relaxed against him, one foot coming back to tangle your legs with his own, burying yourself further into his chest as Anakin offered a content hum.
“For the record I really would have been okay with staying in my own room as long as you were there” You whispered back at him “you make me feel safe Ani”
He tightened the hold on you even more at your words, a smile so wide it hurt his cheeks overtaking his face as he buried it in your hair “alright we can try that tomorrow then”
“tomorrow?” you teased easily, any tension from the circumstances of your present predicament slowly fading from the room “awfully sure of yourself there aren’t you?”
“I told you sweetheart, you couldn’t get rid of me if you tried”
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twstddream · 2 years
If your request are still open can I ask for some hc of Savanaclaw trio, Octavinelle trio , and the diasomnia gang reacting to:
Twst boy: what you reading there?
Mc: *walking out of room* 101 ways to seduce a male _____" (ie. Hyena, fae or octopus) ~❤
 I’m not gonna lie, I had no clue how to write this. But, I’m giving it a shot. The MC will be more flirty, but aloof at the same time. And just for y’all Che’nya lovers, I added him to the list :)
Story outline: The boys notice you reading a book. Now they’re subjected to your interesting reading material
GN!Reader by default. No personal pronouns used besides they/them.
Ambiguous relationship with the boys.
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• Leona had few things he cared about at Night Raven College. Those being magical shift tournaments, napping under the shade of his favourite tree in the botanical garden, and you. He often found himself pouring all of his love and attention into you, and you didn’t mind reciprocating one bit.
So of course he’d notice once your attention starts to waver from him.
• You see, just a few days ago, Ruggie had approached you asking for help in returning and checking out some new books for classes. After messing around with Ruggie for a bit (and being told to quiet down more than a handful of times) you both had stumbled across a rather fascinating book. At the behest of the cheeky hyena boy, you had checked “How to Seduce Afterglow Savannah Beastmen” out of the library.
• Nothing much gets past Leona, even when’s asleep he’s somehow acutely aware of his surroundings. You knew it wouldn’t be long before he sat up and badgered you about whatever, but you wanted to control the topic today.
•  Finally stirring from his catnap, he noticed that damned book in your hands. He only stared for a few moments, waiting for you to engage with him, but you hadn’t.
• “Oi, herbivore,” Leona finally spoke up “what’s that book you have there, hm? Is it really that much more important than me?” He teased.
• Ohoho, he fell right into your trap.
You held up the still-open book in your hands for him to read.
“Nothing much, Leona. I just picked up a book I thought looked interesting today...”
Now that he can read the chapter you were on his eyes widen in shock
“... How to Seduce a Male Lion Beastman”
• “Hah? What are you trying to start here, human?” he bore his fangs lightly
• This was the time to play dumb.
“I don’t know what you mean, I’m not trying to start anything, Leona. I’m just indulging in a good book.” You replied, all while batting your eyelashes sweetly at him.
• “You’re reading that in my bed, forgive me for making such accusations.” His sarcasm did not go unnoticed. But after that he flipped over and fell asleep.
• After the initial incident, he expected you to drop it, but to his utter surprise (and slight embarrassment) you once again brought that damn book to his dorm room. What’s more, he’s seen that you’ve made significant progress in the book, 3/4 of the way finished judging by the bookmark you’ve left stuck between the pages.
• Leona lets out a heavy, laboured sigh. He knows you’re not gonna drop this until you get the reaction you want.
“I’ll indulge you just this once, herbivore,” Leona rolls over and faces towards you, laying on his side with his arms propping himself up, an expectant look on his face 
“Hit me with your best shot. I wanna see you put that rotten book to use. If it turns out that you’ve been wasting your time, I’ll be looking forward to see how you make it up to me.”
• Okay, nothing to worry about, all you have to do is uhhh...
• Being put on the spot like this has made you forget everything you’ve (jokingly) read.
• In your panic you did the only thing your malfunctioning brain could think to do. You lean in and place a quick peck on his lips, quickly retreating to your side of the bed, placing your face in your hands and curl your body away from the lion beastman now sat at attention next to you.
• Leona let out a loud and boisterous laugh, something so rarely elicited from the normally lazy and jaded prince.
"Hahahah! You really though you had something there, didn’t you?” His laughter quickly but quietly died down, and he became serious. Taking advantage of the now slightly-tense atmosphere, he trailed on,
“Hah, in all honesty, I don’t think you need some book to ‘seduce’ me. You’ve got me wrapped around your finger..” his voice died off towards the end but you heard him perfectly fine.
• “Well, if we’re admitting truths here, I didn’t think I’d get this far.” You shyly confess.
• Staying silent, but nodding to acknowledge what you said, he shifted closer to you and leaned in, a soft plea on his lips
“Do it again...”
“I’m waiting to see how you’ll make it up to me. And no more of these soft affections, I expect you to fully devote yourself to me from now on, and to honour me properly.”
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• Ruggie has taught you many things. To enjoy the small pleasures that life brings, how to efficiently utilize everything you’re given, and his most important of imparted knowledge, how to have a good laugh.
• Ruggie isn’t one for practical jokes per se, but he’s always up for messing with and teasing others’ when the opportunity presents itself (and it’s safe to do so.) He’ll rope you into his badgering on occasion, and he’s sure to share the blame with you (even if you didn’t actually do anything.)
• With all of his past jests in mind, you decide to mess with him yourself. The poor boy is so easy to fluster with genuine affection, it’s easy to come up with the method of which you’re going to torment him.
• You pick up a book from a small library on Sage Island and quickly employ all that you’ve learned. All that you’ve learned was, essentially, to walk funny. Hilarious diagrams were shown, and you were convinced you had it down pat. Now all there was to do was to, ahem, present yourself to the hyena boy. Even if it was embarrassing you were sure he’d get a laugh out of it, even if your original intent was to set the boy’s heart aflutter (through unconventional means, that is.)
• But then you decided your pride and dignity are more important than doing a funny walk. So you opted to just present the book to him.
• It was easy to track down Ruggie down in the Savanaclaw dorm. He was always running around doing various chores and tasks, ever the dutiful golden goose- er, hyena.
He notices you approaching and quickly whistles in your direction while sending you a short wave of acknowledgement.
• Time to enact your master plan. Quickly jogging over to the young boy, you pull out your prized possession and call out,
“Oi, Ruggie! I wanted to ask you some questions!”
The second year’s tail started wagging wildly behind him.
• You want to ask him a question, meaning you want his help with something? Out of everyone you went to him. Oh, he was over the moon.
‘What’s that you’re holding? A book? So you want help with studying, huh? It’s gonna cost you though. Hmm, what should he charge you, a meal at the cafeteria? Or maybe some help with shopping? Oh wait you’re right in front of him now uh oh -were you saying something?’
• His agape mouth only opened even more when he spotted the title of the book you brought along with you.
“101 Ways to Seduce a Male Hyena”
• “He- hey! What are you doing with something like that, huh?! Are you trying to start something?!”
You responded with a simple nod and a loose smile. His cheeks were dusted with a dull pink, and his widened eyes were twitching ever so slightly. A beautiful sight, indeed. Unfortunately for you, he recovered quickly, his gaze shying away and holding his hand to his mouth to muffle his words and hide his face.
“You’re more trouble than you’re worth, you know that? As compensation, I expect you to help me with this laundry.”
• Okay, fair enough. You got what you wanted. You throw the book on top of the pile of already folded clothes and get to work, Ruggie still avoiding your curious gaze.
“If you’re gonna do such a poor job then I might as well teach you myself. I’ll let you know though, I’m very much a hands-on kind of teacher, shishishi~! And it won’t be cheap either! But I guess since you’re so eager to learn, I might give you a discount. Only because we’re this close...”
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 • Jack liked his routine, it was familiar, and it helped improve what he considered essential in his life. He can appreciate that you join in on his daily training, or studying. Even if you’re not joining in, and all you’re doing is passing him his water or towel, or handing him a new pen when is runs out. You’re kind like that.
• With that being said Jack didn’t expect you to enter his dorm room holding a book with the title “How to attract a wolf beastman” because why would someone like you do that. You wouldn’t do that, right?
• He rubs his eyes and sees that he is, in fact, not having the strangest nightmare of his life. No, this is real alright.
 “Jack! Just the man I wanted to see!” You greet, inviting yourself to sit on his bed, choosing not to make a comment on the flustered state of your best friend.
 Jack is stuck in place, feeling like he just got pushed into a surprise ice bath.
• His reaction really isn’t anything other than switching between a mixture of shock, mortification, and the tiniest bit of envy. 
•  But why envy? Why I feel jealous over what is clearly a small prank. Is it that I feel insignificant enough for them to do this, but then again, in them going through with their prank does that make me special? But would they do this with just anyone? If it garnered the same result, would they try and fluster just about anyone? Agh, thinking about all of this is useless!
• Nothing prepared you for Jack crossing the room and ripping the book out of your hands faster than you could blink. He holds the book loosely in one hand, his other placed on his hips, and holding the book as far away from him as he can, all the while reprimanding you with his glare alone.
“You’re crazy, you know that? I don’t want to have to deal with the aftermath of your messes, especially when you pull stuff like this. What if it was anyone else but me? Someone less savoury and can’t take a joke or a no. I don’t want you getting hurt over such a small trick...”
“What do you mean ‘it’s only for me’!? That’s it! Out!”
• Jack couldn’t stay mad for too long and went to apologize to you for his outburst with an offer of lunch in the cafeteria. Which you found strange, he was the victim of the prank, not you? Why apologize for getting (appropriately) angry?
• He took your fucking lunch that’s why. He’s a damn scoundrel and a liar.
“What do you think you’re doing?! ..Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not flustered at all! I’m concerned for your well-being is all; carrying something like that around in Savanaclaw is sure to bring about some unwanted attention. Of course, I’ll protect you from any rowdy students, don’t mistake me for some scoundrel... I know you were looking for my attention, and now that you’ve got it, I don’t want you seeking out another’s. Heh, you’re crazy for doing this, but don’t expend that effort for anyone else. Only me, got it?”
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• Azul tries so hard to keep up his suave businessman persona, but he fails miserably. He’s slumping into himself, face red, with his mouth agape. He looked ridiculous.
• Genuinely has an anime glasses crack moment. He sits silent in his seat but quickly starts sputtering nonsense and averts his gaze, looking everywhere but you.
• It takes a monumental amount of effort to not start reading off a paragraph from the book. But you decide that Azul’s in enough agony as it is.
• “My dear, is there ah- any particular reason for your visit today?” The poor octomer looked about ready to burst, all while trying to compose himself.
“Not that I don’t enjoy your visits and our time together, no, no. Any time spent with you is time well spent! But I- you see- uhm...” He rambles on.
• Standing from your seat, you make your way over the dazed man, stopping mere inches from him, and lowering yourself to look him in the eyes (which was hard since he was doing the exact opposite of what you were doing)
When his eyes finally dart to yours, he gains a hopeful expression. It was a cute site. His faint blush, slightly ajar mouth, while he looks up at you beneath the rim of his hat with that timid expression, it truly was a marvelous site. Little did Azul know, these expressions are exactly what make you keep pulling stunts like this.
• You quickly flip his hat down onto his face, and let out the lightest of laughs, thought it was at his expense, Azul found your laugh to be simply angelic and (begrudgingly) worth the embarrassment.
• It was a quick and easy solution, his last resort to save face, Azul invites you to a free dinner at the Mostro Lounge, with him as your guest, of course. And with your eager acceptance, he begins to plan the perfect date.
“What are you laughing at? My face? You’re laughing at my face?! ... Oh. You meant my expression... Well, yes, yes, it was a funny joke, you don’t need to keep laughing so hard, please exert some effort to keep your dignity in tact. Though I’m not sure you have much left, let alone care about regaining or sustaining it...”
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• Desperate to seem actually interested in the subject of the book currently in your hands, you walked and read at the same time. Which isn’t always the best idea, as it’s left you open to stumbling into walls and fellow students alike. But then you accidentally got invested in the reading material, and you found yourself reading it for real, flipping the pages at a rapid yet steady pace.
 This is how you found yourself floundering about the empty yet claustrophobic walkways of the Mostro Lounge to your assigned table. When it hit you, literally, that you were so focused on your book that you neglected everything (and everyone) that was around you. You ran into just the eel you wanted to see.
•  “Do keep your attention and guard up around these parts, it’s quite rude to ignore those in your presence, not to mention easy to slips things by you. Not that I’m suggesting any harm shall befall upon you, but it is best to be careful. Now, may I recommend reading over our menu, seeing as you’re quite the voracious reader.” He lightly chuckles at his little comment at the end.
• You honestly did not know how you missed the presence of Jade, what with his tall stature and somewhat menacing aura, and also the fact that you were reading this damned book just for him, so he really should be the person you’re most alert to right now, but that seems to not be the case.
• The leering grin on his face clues you in on the fact that he has definitely seen your reading material, and definitely expects you to make your move. That sadist.
• He’s curious as to what you’ll do. Will you deploy any tactics? Or will you stumble over yourself in an attempt to save face? Is that even a concern of yours?
He finds your reaction and next actions endearing anyways. Whether this was all a joke to fluster him (which he’ll never admit it, but it worked) or an honest attempt to study the culture of his species, or something else, he’s enraptured by your boldness.
“I thank you for choosing to dine with us today. And trust me when I say that I’m not just spouting rhetorics, I truly am grateful to have seen you today. You and your antics... Please continue to show me such interesting things. In that regard, I am in your care”
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• Floyd didn’t like boring things. This was a fact everyone knew. So to really capture his attention and catch his interest, you decided to (perhaps) step out of character and do something spontaneous. Something that’ll hopefully catch him off-guard and get a laugh out of him.
You already held his attention and affection, of course. But what’s wrong with a bit of harmless whimsy?
• Turns out a lot, actually. All you wanted to do was show off your book to him and maybe get a chuckle out of it, but Floyd thought of this as a passion-filled chase and promptly rose from his seat and sprinted full-speed at you. Which led to you boarding yourself inside of Ramshackle with the crazed eel-man banging on your front door. Grim was wailing upstairs, telling you he knew it was a bad idea, the ghosts were arming themselves with brooms and mops. It as a disaster.
• You half-expected your door to be bust down and for you to resign yourself to your fate of being squeezed to an inch of your life, until the deafening knocking on your door quieted down to nothing. But you knew he hadn’t left, and you knew it was a bit cruel to the boy to run away like you did. However, he truly seemed like a predator chasing his prey. 
You took a deep breath in, and approached the door as you exhaled. Preparing for the violent hug of your closest friend. You closed your eyes as you turned the handle, and let out a gasp of air as you were tackled to the ground.
• “Shrimpy! You’re so mean, y’know that? Locking me out of your home when you started all of this!” The boy’s tackled hug had knocked the breath out of you, but he didn’t seem to mind your panting, as he rubs his cheek against yours and pets your head.
“You owe me something, don’t you think?” He turned serious all too suddenly, lifting his head to stare into your eyes with his mismatched own.
“How about a date!?” He cheerily proposes, his menacing air dissipating completely. 
Why not, you decide. Spending time with Floyd was what you wanted all along.
“And, you can show me all the stuff you learned. Won’t that be fun? It better be good though, I don’t want anything lazy.” There’s the Floyd you know and love.
“So about that date, I was thinking of taking you to the Coral Sea and dumping some swimming lessons on you! Doesn’t that sound fun? Hm, no? Well too bad, we’re doing it anyways! I won’t let you drown, don’t worry, but I can’t guarantee I won’t toy with you a bit. It’s only fair, you know? Accept your punishment~”
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•  The devotion you invest into your relationships is what made Malleus sure that you were the right one. The right one for what? Only time will tell, but he’s fine with anything. Your love, your disdain, your affection, he’ll gladly accept it all. So when you threw yourself into the study of his culture and home country, he felt honoured. And he knew that would understand how wonderful Briar Valley was. You just had to.
• So imagine his surprise when he catches you reading what he considers such a scandalous book. Were you, his child of man, truly interested in the courting methods of the fae?
• He’d spend many silent hours pondering on whether or not this interest was surface level, or if it delved deeper. Were you reading just to understand it from a clinical perspective? Or were you truly looking to take up a lover, and if so, who?
• Malleus hoped with all his heart that he was on your mind as you flipped through the pages, that it was his hands and fingers you envisioned when prompted with the thought of exchanging rings and vows, that it was his hair you would keep in a locket safe and secure around your neck. His body, mind, and soul belonged to you, and he knew it. He wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Child of man, I see you are studying up on the courting methods between humans and faeries, are you not? I thought as much. Tell me, does your heart yearn for another when you read these passages? Does it ache with the passion of young love maturing? I wonder, do you feel what I feel?”
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• Ohoho, has someone caught your eye, young prefect? For you to indulge yourself in reading something so improper, oh it must be someone special.
• Of course Lilia knows. He knows everything, apparently, and he knows you know that he knows. And he’s gonna give you the run-around.
It’s all “Oh, where did you pick up this book of yours?” this and Any particular reason that it caught your eye?” that. “Anyone on your mind lately, prefect? Don’t you worry, I won’t tell a soul, I promise.” He says as he throws in a wink at the end. You swear he’s not worth the trouble, but you know you’re lying to yourself in thinking that.
• Lilia now hovers around you more (literally), more than he ever has. He’ll pop in and strike up a conversation while you do the most mundane things. The old man can’t help but want to hog up all your free-time, and then some. How can he help himself? You’re just so cute in his eyes!
• I wouldn’t call him flustered per se, but he’s definitely moved by your gesture, now matter how comedic it started out as. The old bat often finds himself thinking of you, but now with the added details of a life spent together. Oh how he wishes to raise some children with you, he hopes you’ll accept that. He hopes that you’ll accept him, the real him, underneath his spontaneity and tailored youth.
“Prefect! I see you still have your nose buried in that old book of yours. Say, how about instead of some light reading, we have some fun. just the two of us, some quality time for us both. We both know the importance of time and how we spend it, at least, I do, and if you accept my offer, I can teach you the importance of time as well. In fact! Why don’t I cook us both a traditional meal, hm? Surely that will bridge the gap between us!”
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• “HUMAN! Just what do you think you’re reading?! Do you know the disrespect you are exhibiting towards the Young Master and fae kind right now by even holding that book?!” The usual volume of Sebek’s voice seemed like a whisper compared to the sheer screeching he was hurtling in your direction. The few students still lingering in the cafeteria turned towards the two of you, but quickly dismissed you both. You opted to put on a brave face, and turn your full attention towards the green-haired boy.
“Sebek! Just the man I wanted to see! Come, sit, sit!” You eagerly pat the empty seat next to you. Begrudgingly, Sebek takes a seat, posture stiff and rigid. But he seems to have a softer look to his countenance.
• “You know, Sebek, I may just be a lowly human compared to you, but I want to learn how to love you the way you want me to.” Your heartfelt confession surprised even you.
Sebek flinched at your words, though you didn’t mean them harshly, quite the opposite, actually. He cast his gaze downwards, folding his hands into his lap and thinking intently. Understanding that he needs to compose his thoughts to properly convey what he means to say, you let him take his time. Offering him a small smile.
• Suddenly, he shoots up from his seat at the table and extends his hand towards you, a determined look on his face.
“I see that I’ve been unnecessarily rude, and perhaps even offended you. Please let me rectify this oversight of mine!” The sparkle in his eyes is too endearing, you’d have accepted his apology regardless, but the genuine shine of regret and hope enchants you even more as you take his hand. 
• It’s only when he starts to lead you out of the cafeteria do you snap out of it and wonder where you’re going. But you trust Sebek not to lead you astray.
“Devote yourself fully to your studies, and it will bare fruit. Hmph! I see that this book is insufficient in teaching you all you wish to learn. Follow me! Where to you ask? To Diasomnia, of course! I’ll be teaching you myself all there is to know. Perhaps even Lilia can offer some assistance.. No! It must be me! Well, what are you waiting for? We start at once.”
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• Che’nya was rarely ever on school campus grounds, except for Heartslabyul, and he never strayed too far from there when he did visit. The only hope you had of puling a trick on the cat boy was to attend every Unbirthday Party that you could. Even then, there wasn’t a guarantee he would show up. And if he did show up, there was no guarantee that he would show himself either. All in all, you were subject to embarrass yourself every Unbirthday Party until you got your desired results.
• Now, Che’nya isn’t as sadistic as Jade, or as playful as Lilia in the sense that he’s gonna drag this out for a long time. He’s gonna milk your reaction to his antics that are a response to your antics, but he’s happy to accept this small jest and he’ll take it in stride.
• Much like a cat he takes a seat in your lap, arms wrapped around your shoulders while he dangles his legs back and forth, flashing that cheshire grin of his at you.
“Nyeh, what’cha reading there? Is it something more important than me?” He makes a show of leaning into the open book in your hands, slowly moving his eyes along the pages while letting out a small hum. He finally snaps up straight and once again leans into the personal space of your face.
“Oh! It’s for me! Isn’t that precious!” He leers in a playful manner. Cuddling himself further into your half-hearted embrace. His tail knocks the book from your hands and onto the ground with a loud thud.
“Whoops! Nyahaha now you have to pay attention to me !” His tail flicks you on your nose and continues to hover there. 
“Okay, Che’nya, you have my full attention.”
“Don’t you think that book is a bit old-fashioned? I say just do what mew want, haha! There should be nothing to worry about if it’s true love. Nyah? That was out of character for me? You’ll see that I’m full of surprises~”
I went ham on Leona’s part and then immediately fell short on everyone else.
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kissingfinelines · 1 year
High School! Nanami headcanons
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(ac: mineco000 on twt!)
(emo nanami x gn! reader)
A/N: If no one else is gonna pump out emo kento content ig I’ll do it :/
Gets teased constantly about being emo (mainly by his peers Gojo, Geto, Haibara, etc.) It’s all in good fun and it doesn’t really get to him but when he catches feelings for you it makes him wonder if he’d be your type.
He wonders if you’d like boys like him because he’s noticed that outgoing fun guys like Gojo are typically seen as more attractive.
You’re oblivious to his crush on you because he’s always quiet unless he has something worth saying. But Haibara noticed immediately because…
Nanami is usually quiet but does small gestures that show his true feelings towards someone. Like whenever you talk Nanami gives you his full attention but when you look at him he immediately turns away and just nods. Haibara notices this and giggles about it.
He’s always telling Nanami to shoot his shot w you!
H: “C’mon I’ll set up a date and everything! We could go to a cafe [as a group of 3] but then I’ll lie and say I left my stove on or something. Then I’ll leave and it would just be the two of you!”
Nanami says it’s the stupidest idea he’s ever heard (but he considers it for days.)
He doesn’t try to flirt with you because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable (but he practices what to say to you in the mirror and Haibara caught him one time 💀)
NK: “So um, Y/N, what… kind of music do you like?” He mumbles to the mirror, awkwardly fixing his hair. He tries to imagine your response in his head.
“Oh, I love the same music as you, Ken! Take me to a concert so we can rave and make out!” Haibara teases from the doorway, making his voice high pitched. He wraps his arms around himself and makes kissing sounds.
Nanami threw a pillow at him and jumped him.
But when he is alone with you…
For example, if it’s just you two on a mission, he’ll try to make small talk even though he hates it.
He’ll bring up anything he knows you like (shows, movies, music, etc.) because even if he knows nothing about it, he likes watching the way you light up when you talk about your interest.
If you’re walking next to each other and your hands touch he won’t visibly react but he will scream internally.
If you flirt with him even as a joke, he won’t know how to react and he will blush like crazy. His face will be so red you’ll ask if he’s having an allergic reaction.
Constantly fights the urge to look at any part of you
Finally confessing…
If you confess first:
He’ll ask if you’re joking. Even if you confirm that you’re not, he’ll ask 10 more times.
He’ll start to smile but quickly cover the corner of his mouth with the neck of his uniform jacket.
He finally makes eye contact with you and softly says “I like you too.”
He’d like to kiss you on the spot, but thinks it’d be more romantic to wait for the first date.
Instead, he asks to hold your hand. When you accept, he holds it tightly, wondering how he got so lucky.
If he confesses first…
It would probably be after a long mission. It’s late at night and you’re both pretty beat.
You’d be covered in scratches and cuts, bleeding lightly. But to Nanami, you’re still the most beautiful person he’s ever seen.
Without thinking, he’d reach forward and wipe a drop of blood from your chin.
When you ask him why he did that, he’d just shrug and give a small tired smile. He’s usually stoic, but how could he not smile after a job well done?
And in all honesty, he’s just glad he didn’t lose you.
It’s late and you’re both exhausted, so he suggests going to a local bakery he loves and insists that he’ll pay.
It doesn’t matter if you order a pastry or a sandwich, he’s happy to treat you.
On the walk back to campus, he watches as you eagerly chow down on whatever he bought you. He decides to use whatever adrenaline he has left to confess his feelings for you.
NK: “Hey, there’s something that’s… been on my mind for a while. I’ve tried to ignore it but, it’s pretty difficult to do when it’s about someone like you.”
He rambles on how about how much he likes you. His words sound like a poet but they’re basically verbatim with the lyrics of his favorite song.
Once he’s done he goes quiet and looks at you. “So… what do you think? I don’t expect you to feel the same, but if you do…”
When you tell him you feel the same, his knees go weak. He can’t even believe the words you’re saying.
“I’ve always liked you, Kento.” You laugh, placing a hand on his arm.
“You’re lying.” Nanami’s eyes are wide with surprise.
“I’m not, I swear! I thought I made it obvious. Even Haibara noticed.”
“He what.”
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belphiesreverie · 1 year
Can I pls get some yan Malleus/yan Lilia hcs (or whatever u want) where his crush is the mom friend™️ so they constantly have to see their crush be super caring and fussing over their friends and not just the yan? thx so much!!
Ofc ofc, tysm for the request!! 💕
TW: yandere behaviour, a bit of manipulation
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At first he’s happy to just be treated with the same care and compassion that you show to your other friends. It shows him that you’re not scared of him and consider him to be one of your friends
But as his feelings develop, that sentiment quickly changes
He’s no longer content with just being treated like the rest of your friends, he wants to know that he’s the most important person to you just like you are to him
So when he sees your other friends receiving the same treatment as him, he feels like you’re not recognising that he should hold more value to you than they do, that he should be the only one you care for
He doesn’t have much of an issue isolating you without you noticing
His imposing aura may not work on you but others certainly take note of it, and your ‘friends’ are quick to back off when his glare singles them out
And with everyone else out of the picture, Malleus gets to experience your fussing tenfold as you have nobody else to care for. And of course he’d never complain about some extra attention from you
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As a fellow parent friend, Lilia is immediately ready to use the situation to his advantage
You used to be the solo parent friend? Well now the two of you are working together as the friend group parents
Because he’s well accustomed to being a parent friend and he also knows just how you work, he’s easily able to start doting on your friends in conjunction with you
Immediately, all of your friends will start teasing the two of you; calling you mum and dad, joking about how you act like a married couple, and that’s exactly what he wants
He starts playing into the jokes, dropping the occasional “honey” and “darling” when talking to you, and he’d be over the moon when you start to reciprocate and play along with him
When you get to this stage, he can start the rumours that you are an actual couple, and he can easily play it off as people just assuming based on how you act together and not to take it to heart
But slowly and surely, he’s planting the seeds that maybe you should become an official couple. After all, you work so well together and everyone else seems to think you’re great for each other
What’s the harm in giving it a try, right? It’s not like your dynamic will change… too much
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worksby-d · 10 months
A Great Mentor: Keeper
A One Shot
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Pairing: Andy Barber x fem!Reader
Request: “I was thinking about a little blurb of Andy and reader dating for like a year (long enough for them to have said I love you) and they’re just reminiscing together one day and he cheekily asks reader what was the moment she knew he was ‘a keeper’”
Warnings: Age gap, allusion to past abortion, multiple flashbacks that I hope are easy to follow along (I love a good flashback with this couple, SUE ME)
Word count: ~2,100
Series masterlist
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The baseball game on the TV is background noise for you as you focus on the textbook in your lap. You’ve told Andy multiple times he could turn the volume up, not knowing how he’s following what’s going on if he can’t hear it. But he claims he’s fine, wanting you to be able to concentrate on studying. 
A lot of the weekends he visits are spent like this – Quiet afternoons in your apartment, Andy keeping you company while you do school work. He doesn’t mind though. Neither of you do, just happy to be spending time together in person. It sure beats the hours-long phone calls you have to settle for throughout the week.
You can feel him staring at you and you know he has something to say when he rests a hand on your legs that are in his lap. But you don’t entertain him. 
“Can I ask you something?” There’s a bit of amusement in his voice. “When did you…” He pauses as if he’s looking for the word he wants to use. “...Know?”
Rolling your eyes, you finally look up at him, laughing a little. “Know what?”
“That you liked me enough to be with me this long.”
“Oh,” you hum, teasing him. “When I knew you were a keeper?”
“I guess, yeah.” He drops his head, hiding his awkward smile from you. “Didn’t know how to say that without sounding like a lovesick teenage boy.”
Closing your textbook, you shrug thinking about it. “I think there were a lot of moments that all added up.” 
He gives you a look, kind of cocky, but intrigued. “Go on.”
“Starting all the way back when I wasn’t supposed to be falling for you.” You shoot him a playful glare. He’ll never understand how impossible he made it to not fall for him. “Like… That time you asked me to come over and I assumed it was for a hookup, but you just wanted someone to talk to.”
˗ˏˋ You would have denied it if you were asked, but you looked forward to his texts asking you to come over. It had only been a couple weeks of… whatever you'd call the arrangement between the two of you, but something about him was intoxicating, addicting, and you quickly grew to look forward to the evenings you could spend with him. 
That day his text came earlier than usual, but you figured he maybe got off of work early. When you got to his house though, you found him in his home office, still with work scattered around him. 
“Hey,” you spoke up softly to get his attention. 
“Hey you,” he grinned, but didn’t look up from his computer. 
He wasn’t giving you much to work with. You cocked your head watching him continue to work on whatever you walked in on. 
“So,” you hummed. “What’s up?”
“Just having the longest day ever,” he scoffed softly. Finally looking up at you, he saw the bemused look on your face. “What?”
“Well, do you need me to….” You were willing to offer anything really, but not say it out loud, hoping he’d fill in the blank for you.
“No, I don’t need you to do anything,” he shook his head, equally confused. “Wait, what did my text say?”
“Uh,” you chuckled. “Come over. Question mark. Same as always.”
You held your fingers up as air quotes as you said it and he mouthed a silent ‘Oh.’
“No, I’ve just had the day from hell and my first thought was just asking you to come over to…” He shrugged, not sure what he was thinking really, but he for once wasn’t alluding to sex is all he knew. 
“So you just want me to….”
“Keep me company… Hang out… Chill...” He kept looking for words and winced at the smirk you were failing to suppress. 
“Don’t hurt yourself trying to sound younger,” you teased, saving him from any more attempts at finding the word someone your age would use. “I got it.”
“I’m really sorry.” He didn’t know why he assumed you’d want to “hang out” with him. “I should have just said that instead of my usual text.”
“No, it’s okay.” You looked around the room and took a few steps back to get comfortable on the sofa across from his desk. “I like just talking to you.”
You weren’t lying. Over those couple weeks, you got to… kind of know him. It was surface level, but enough to find out how funny and kind he was. You were right on the precipice of getting to know each other deeper. You could feel it, no matter how much you tried to reject the thought.
“Right on,” he smiled. 
It felt good to know he enjoyed your presence all the time, not only when you were in his bed. ˎˊ˗
“I was kind of an ass,” he laughs, shaking his head thinking back to it. “Ordering you to come over like that.”
“Hey, I didn’t see it like that.” You nudge him with your knee to get him to look at you. “I would have said ‘no’ if I didn’t want to see you.”
He raises a skeptical eyebrow at you. “You never said ‘no’...”
“What’s not clicking?” You giggle. “I always wanted to see you.”
You miss the way he rolls his eyes as you take a careful pause before recalling another moment.
“There was also you not swearing me out of your life after…”
Your voice trails off, but you both know what you’re talking about. You don’t have to say it, you don’t like saying it. 
˗ˏˋ You broke down once you got back to his place after it was over, partly from the pain that was setting in and partly from feeling like you did something wrong. 
Barely making it through the door, he held you as you cried in his entryway.
He told you everything was going to be okay and you couldn’t fathom why he was being so nice, but you sure as hell weren’t going to risk anything by questioning it. 
Once you had no tears left, he insisted on letting you sleep in his bedroom so you’d be comfortable. 
“What about you?” You sniffled as he walked you upstairs. 
“Don’t worry about me,” he chuckled, knowing he was too worried about you to get any sleep anyway. 
While you tried to get comfortable in bed, he was asking what you needed and got everything he could think of – Painkillers, a heating pad, water. 
“Yell for me if you need anything else, okay? Or text me if that’s easier.”
You just nodded and he knew you wanted to be alone. 
“Andy,” you said softly, voice cracking, before he could shut the door behind him as he walked out.
When he turned back to you, his eyes said it again. “Stop apologizing.”
He didn’t say those words so many times over the previous days because he was upset with you or wanted to shut you up, but because he genuinely wanted you to know you had nothing to be apologizing for. 
Neither of you actually said anything, just the look you shared felt like closure at the time. Where you kept expecting to see anger, you continuously saw the look of someone who really cared about you, giving you enough comfort to drift into a light sleep that night. ˎˊ˗
You avoid the sympathetic look that you know he can’t help. You don’t need it. 
“I never would have,” he reminds you. 
Offering a small smile, you do look back to him. “I know that.”
There’s a silence before you take it upon yourself to lighten the mood. 
“Do you remember our first date?” You smirk. “I made you help me pick out my outfit.”
˗ˏˋ He wouldn’t tell you where he was taking you for dinner, so you showed up to his place with multiple outfit options.
And after not seeing each other in person for three months, you needed a way to break the ice anyway.
“Help me pick what to wear?” You asked with a hopeful smile.
You didn’t really give him an option though, finding yourself falling back into being comfortable with him like no time had passed. You gently grabbed his arm and started to walk upstairs, hoping he’d just follow you. 
He shook his head as you laid out different pieces of clothes on his bed. 
“It’s just dinner…” 
He looked amused when you scoffed at him. 
“You’re such a man. There’s different vibes at different restaurants and since you won’t tell me which one we’re going to…”
“Different ‘vibes’?” 
“You’re killing me,” you laughed. He was clueless. “Just pick something.”
He held his hands up in defense, pointing at his pick. He just hoped he got the ‘vibes’ right, whatever that meant.
When you met him back downstairs after getting ready, he was sitting on his laptop at the kitchen counter. 
“Oh, if you’re busy–” 
“No, oh God, no,” he stuttered, feeling bad that’s what you immediately assumed. “I was just trying to pass time with work instead of the nervous pacing I was doing.” 
Hearing him say he was nervous was funny. You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you.
“It’s just me,” you smiled. “No reason to be nervous.”
“That’s every reason to be nervous,” he chuckled before quickly changing the subject. “You look beautiful.”
“Thanks…” The butterflies were going crazy in your stomach as he held out his hand for you. You took it, winking at him. “You don’t look too bad yourself Mr. Barber.” ˎˊ˗
There's an amused look on your face as that evening flashes through your mind. “That was definitely one of the moments.”
His face falls in a look of faux offense. “Seeing me nervous?” 
“It was cute,” you tease. “And then I guess our second date was it for me. I think I finally let myself come to terms with the fact I had it bad for you.”
˗ˏˋ Everything was so easy with him.
You didn’t think anything of it as one thing led to another when you got back to his place after dinner. Making out on his couch turned into you straddling his lap as his hands softly roamed your back.
You felt your sweater ride up and the brush of Andy’s fingertips against your skin. 
The accidental contact brought you out of your pleasure-filled haze, goosebumps covering your exposed skin. 
“Wait,” you murmured against his lips, pulling away slightly to catch your breath. “I’m not– I don’t think I’m ready yet.”
You shook your head, resting your forehead against his. You didn’t want to lead him on like you felt you did a few weeks prior. 
“I’m sorry–” He instinctively pulled your sweater back down, noticing where his hand was. “I wasn’t trying to… Wasn’t trying to take it any further than this.”
“Sorry,” you whispered, dropping your face to hide against his shoulder. You felt bad for assuming he was trying to push you to do anything. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” he assured.
You carefully moved off of him to sit beside him instead, resting your head on his shoulder. 
“Are you hungry?” He wasn’t going to allow an uncomfortable silence. “I still have those cookies that we didn’t make the last time you were here.”
Cracking a smile is the last thing you expected to do in that moment, but he got you to do it. ˎˊ˗
“You changed the subject to making cookies so I wouldn’t dwell on it,” you pout, thinking back to it. 
He’s a little caught off guard finding out that meant so much to you. 
“That was just me respecting whatever emotions you were going through at the time…” 
“I know,” you laugh a little. “But I’m 99 percent sure any guy I was with before you would have tried talking me into feeling ready by then.”
“I never even would have thought to do that.”
“‘Cause you’re a good guy, Andy,” you tell him seriously before taking on a more teasing tone. “And I can’t believe I bagged you.”
He shakes his head. “The bar is on the floor for us guys, huh?” 
“Yeah, it is,” you laugh, finally sitting up so you can kiss his cheek and look in his eyes. “But you exceed the bar, I promise. I’ve only fallen more and more in love with you every day since then.”
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Tag list: @patzammit @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @astheskycries @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @turtoix @harrysthiccthighss @mrspeacem1nusone @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403 @raelorns21 @mrsgweasley @pandaxnienke @brandycranby @cutedisneygrl
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7ndipity · 1 year
Hello🤗 Hope you're doing well ❤️
Can I pls request headcanons for BTS members where reader thinks of them as just friends but they have a huge crush on us, then they get jealous when we ignored them for our guy best friend so they forced us to leave but don't confess because they are insecure? And can you please make it fluffy?
I know it's very specific 😅 but I would really appreciate it if you would accept my request ❤️ thank you ❤️
They Get Jealous of Your Guy Friend
Ot7 x Reader
Warnings: swearing, teeny bit of angst, not proofread
A/N: Thank you so much for this request! Oof this concept tho, I love these kinds of concepts! I haven't written an ot7 piece in a hot minute, so it was fun to get back to these! I hope you like it!
Requests are open
Jin: He would get soo sulky if you weren’t paying attention to him. He’s you best friend, how could you ignore him?!(Although, he’d deny it up and down if you ever accused him of being jealous) He would try and play it off
though, pointing out how late it was getting and ‘hey, didn’t you have some work/school thing you needed to work on?’ maybe with his help?? He’d end up taking you for ice cream or smth on the way home because he feels a lil guilty for spoiling your evening and thinks about explaining, but he’d end up chickening out at the last second and keeping his thoughts to himself, for now at least…
Yoongi: Yoongi would be point blank about it, just like his approach to everything else. He’d stick himself right in the middle of whatever you and your other friend were doing and say that it was time for y’all go, since you’d so conveniently come together(well played, Min), not even letting your friend get out an offer to drop you home themselves before he was saying your goodbyes for you and all but pulling you with him out the door. When he spots you giving him a “wtf?” look, he would just shrug it off, preferring not to explain, all the earlier bravado disappearing with you. “Idk, I just wanted to leave…”
Hobi: ‘It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine’ is all that’d been repeating in his head for a solid five minutes as he tried to be cool and let you have a good time, but he couldn’t help feeling more than a bit miffed by the fact that he was being pretty much ignored by his partner. Except you weren’t his partner. Fuck, why did he always seem to forget that when he saw you with them? The last straw tho is when said friend puts a hand on your arm, and he’s up and beside you saying something about a minor emergency and you two have to go. He wasn’t even thinking and just said the first thing he could think of, having to now come up with a ‘whoops, false alarm!’ story so you don’t get mad at him.
Namjoon: Joon wouldn’t even hide the fact that he was irritated when you and your other friend were getting a little too cozy at the club you had gone to, coming over and grumpily telling you that y’all had to go, pulling some k-drama level shit trying to pull you along through the crowd with him. Naturally, you yank your hand away once you’re clear of the people and demand to know what the fuck was his problem, not understanding his sudden attitude. He would very nearly spill it then and there, frustration making him reckless, but he would catch himself at the last second and make up some lame excuse.
Jimin: Sulky No.2, ooh boy. He’d be trying his best(ish) not to be bothered, biting his lip every time he heard you laugh at one of their jokes or smth, but his jealousy would quickly get the better of him. He’d wind his way into the conversation before winding his way back out of it, with you in tow. How he always managed to get you away from the group was beyond you, he’s the smoothest smooth talker. You’d end up going to get dinner or coffee together on the way home,talking about whatever until you catch him staring at you for the third time and tell him to quit looking at you like that. “Like what?” “Like you’re in love with me or something.” “Would that be such a bad thing?” “What?!” “Nevermind, you were saying?”
Taehyung: Tae would come up with a bold faced lie, coming over and saying that he was feeling sick or smth and could you please take him home, knowing you would instantly go into caregiver mode, worrying about him and forgetting all about your other friend. It’s kinda a shitty move, and he knows it, but honestly if he had to sit and watch you smile at him for much longer, he might’ve actually gotten sick. He’d end up half confessing to you, talking about how much you mean to him and how he didn’t know what he’d do without you, might even actually say I love you, wincing a bit when you say that you love him too, and that he’s the best friend you could ever ask for. So close…
Jungkook: Sulky No.3. This boy is about as subtle as a neon sign, if I’m being honest. He hates when you’re not right next to him and you know that perfectly well, which is why you were ignoring him in the first place. His hypocritical attitude was really starting to irritate you, as it was apparently more than fine for him to go and mingle and flirt with whoever he wanted, but not you. By the time he got fed up and said it was time to leave, you were ready for a fight, demanding to know why he was always on your case on nights like this. “Because!” He’d catch the words just before they slipped out, biting his lip. “Because I worry about you.” “It’s not your job to worry about me.” “I know, but I want it to be…”
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anqelically · 1 year
maid cafe | rin itoshi x gn!reader
word count: 0.8k
content: no manga spoilers, fluff(ish,) this is kinda just goofy tbh, not to mention probs ooc rin since this is my first time writing for him 😔
navi | bllk masterlist
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convincing rin itoshi to do something he didn’t like was difficult. most people don’t do things they dislike, but some give in if they haven’t ever had the experience. however, he would absolutely not be caught walking into this place.
“rin,” you whined, “the food looks good and isn’t a bad price! can we please go?”
he refused, “absolutely not. i’m not going in there. if you want to go, go in by yourself.”
a pout formed on your face at his rejection, “aw, you're no fun.”
you poked at him before your eyes landed on the sign outside the cafe. as cute as it was, the only reason your boyfriend refused to go inside was because of how it was a maid cafe. if his teammates had ever caught him, he was sure he’d never hear the end of it.
the thought of it being a maid cafe bothered you a bit, but it was almost nothing compared to rin’s worry. you simply wanted the food, so who was serving it didn’t matter.
“but if you really don’t want to go,” you sigh, “then fine. i’ll come back in 30 minutes tops. bye bye~”
not looking back, you skipped into the maid cafe. you took a seat in the corner of the cafe, telling them you’d be ordering for two with a smile. a couple of minutes had passed when the bell attached to the entrance door jingled. you didn’t need to look up at who sat in the seat next to you to know who it was.
“you’re lucky that you’re adorable,” rin mumbled with the tips of his ears turning pink.
with a proud smile, you giggle, “that i am. so much for not getting caught in here, huh.”
“well i wasn’t going to leave you to eat here by yourself,” your boyfriend rolled his eyes. “i wasn’t going to let anyone have the chance to approach you either.”
“are you talking about the waitresses or the customers?”
after ordering and receiving your food, you were quick to dig in. rin slowly ate his egg omelette, staring at the “i love rin-chan ♡” written in ketchup. he knew that letting you tell the waitress what to write was another bad idea.
“what’s so wrong about it?” you playfully smile at him.
he glanced at you, “she loudly gushed at me and told us how cute we were. not to mention, she called me out on...”
“on the fact you were blushing,” you lean closer to him, finishing his sentence. he furrowed his brows, but you only continued to grin at him. “come on, we’re a couple, aren’t we? i see nothing wrong with her gushing about it.”
“that’s because you love the attention.”
“… you’re not wrong.”
a few moments passed, silence ensuing between the two of you. the ends of your lips slowly turned straight as rin began to lean towards you. thinking he was going in for a kiss right there, which surprised you, you shut your eyes.
but your face scrunched up when you felt yourself kiss the fabric of his shirt. your eyes shot open to see him holding your phone, unlocking it as if it were his own.
“hey!” you whined with a frown. “you are such a tease, rin. you’d rather look at my phone than give me a kiss…”
he tapped a few things on your phone, “you thought i was leaning in for a kiss when i was getting your phone.”
you stared at him, but he didn’t bother to look back. once he finished whatever he was doing, he set down your phone.
“why did you need my phone anyway?” you asked.
rin answered, “i was deleting the picture.”
it took a moment, but you realized that rin had deleted the picture you took of him when the waitress was complimenting the two of you as a couple. you quickly grabbed your phone to see if it was true. to your horror, it was.
“you… you deleted it,” your jaw dramatically dropped. “i would’ve kept it to myself if you asked, you know. i’m sure your friends wouldn’t know you coming here if i didn’t post it.”
“but you were going to post it.”
“…you’re not wrong, again.”
the two of you eventually finished your meals, leaving with stomachs that were fuller compared to when you entered. rin was glad that the two of you were finally leaving to go to an ice cream shop. however, that relief was short-lived when you almost bumped into someone at the door.
“oh, i’m sor- bachira?”
you stared into the eyes of rin’s friend, looking behind him to see even more of them. all of them were equally surprised as you were to bump into each other. you looked at all of their faces before the realization hit both you and them.
“rin… you go to maid cafes?”
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note: hoping i did rin well enough, ty for the request anon!! (sorry for the lateness like always). after I got the two quotes in, I had no clue where the drabble was heading so here we are 😭😭
reblogs are appreciated + join my taglist !
@nagicore @er0ses @spenzitz @chuuyrr @piichuu
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stinkysam · 1 year
Peter Parker - Blind
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Warning : none
Genre : Angst ?
Synopsis : "Peter growing distant after being bit which leads to a big fight." -Anon
Reader : Male (you/yours)
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He started to always leave you during dates, quitting you sooner than planned, making you confused and wondering if you did something bad after doing it several times.
Whatever you did wrong, you didn’t mean to, so you tried to explain yourself to him, to know if something had happened but he always acted weird and awkward, telling you nothing was wrong and you did nothing bad. Giving you a forehead kiss as if it would help his case.
The first few times it worked, smiling as you told yourself you were just imagining things. But quickly you noticed the same pattern. Peter would hang out without you or leave quickly to stay by himself. When you asked him about it he denied such things. This time he was the one telling you you were imagining things.
He didn’t even notice he was growing distant. He thought he was being smooth with his “thing”. But it was too important and exciting not to put his attention to what happened since he got bitten by a spider. So he put you aside and gave no thoughts to your worries.
He frowned when his aunt mentioned how little he hung out with you now. What could she mean by that ? He hangs out with you just as much as before.
He is completely delusional.
After she points it out again, asking rather awkwardly if you two are still dating or if there’s trouble, he decides to think about it and try to change it.
To no avail.
The changes are unnoticeable. He still leaves early, cutting short your sweet moments to stay by himself. But why would he come back like he had the time of his life ? Looking exhilarated.
Then his uncle was murdered and it got worse. You thought he needed time to mourn by himself, that you could only help him if he wanted you to.
You continued to worry. You then thought the things people said about romance were true. It dies down after a certain time and you end up stopping being lovey-dovey. But this was worse than not being lovey-dovey anymore.
You didn’t want to be that type of boyfriend. The type that thinks his boyfriend is cheating as soon as the romance dies down a bit. But you couldn’t help it. You weren’t seeing one another as much as before and he seemed to enjoy his time without you much more than with you.
So you decided to be a big man about it and talk about it again to your boyfriend. You asked him what he was doing when he wasn’t with you, why he was so busy suddenly. He told you his work was taking most of his time along with his part-time job as a photographer. But you knew it was fake.
He would always rant to you about his work, his discoveries, or scientific facts about stuff he found out the day, and he’d always show you his photos, considering your point of view to know which one to choose. But these had dropped significantly.
He had stopped ranting about today’s work or asking if you’d seen his photos.
You voiced your worries, not mentioning your plaguing thoughts of him cheating on you. But he denied his distance from you. Again. And this time you had enough so you asked if he wanted to break up.
You faced a very confused Peter, looking at you with a frown as to why you would suddenly break up with him. And finally, you asked if he was seeing someone else. That’s when your voices raised.
He denied it again, slightly raising his tone as he began to feel cornered, making you speak louder, losing your temper.
He claimed he didn’t understand anything or why you were accusing him of such things and when you explained yourself once more he acted weird, fumbling over his words to find excuses. Without even meaning it he tried to make you the bad guy, saying he thought you had enough of hearing him talk about his scientific projects or help him with his photographs.
You scoffed, clearly, you had enough, not wanting to yell at him you decided to leave.
He tried to get you to talk to him, to explain why you were suddenly walking away but you didn’t respond. You gave enough explanations. If he didn’t want to hear you, it was his problem, not yours anymore.
So you walked away.
You didn’t respond to his messages or voicemails on your phone, not even after your parents told you he called on your house phone. If he wanted distance, you could give him some.
Of course, you were sad but you were mostly angry. How could he not hear your worries and keep clearly, shamelessly lying to you ?
He even came to your house, as you tried to hide in your room. You had told your parents to not let him in, saying you two had broken up. They were understanding enough to do as asked despite their concern. You heard them lie and say you were outside.
You only answered him once.
“I told you everything I had to say. I won’t repeat myself. Come back when you’re finally ready to say the truth.”
Your phone calmed down for a bit. Peter didn’t know what to say back. Should he really tell you about it ? Has he really grown that distant ? Was it that obvious ?
He tried to ask his aunt for help, telling her there was something he couldn’t tell you but the same thing was driving you apart because of it. He didn’t wanna tell you because he didn’t know what it meant. All he wanted was to find his uncle’s killer again and it was too new and unpredictable as well as dangerous to tell you.
He found himself against the wall, cornered with two choices.
It’s half reluctant he chose to tell you.
He wanted to save your relationship but he didn’t want to put you in danger by knowing what he truly did of his free time.
So he climbed to your window and knocked at the glass for you to notice him. You opened up very confused as to how he managed to climb so high. He showed you his newfound powers, spider-like as he climbed again, but this time to your ceiling.
Apologizing, he explained he was using them to find his uncle’s killer and the police were after him. And soon he had begun to go after the other criminals.
He felt ashamed he hadn’t seen how distant you two had become and apologized once more. He should’ve listened to you and come clear much sooner. He doesn’t know why he didn’t tell you when he got his powers. He wanted you to be there with him to see him discover his abilities. Yet he didn’t tell you and soon enough he got caught up in his need for revenge and it was too late.
He looked at the floor as he spoke, too embarrassed to look at you as he played with his fingers.
You didn't know what to say. This was far from what you've imagined and didn't know how to react. You wanted to stay mad, but he had good reasons. You, too, would've gone more interested and invested in your newfound powers than anything else.
So, will you forgive him and accept his excuses ?
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wonillaa · 2 years
mistranslation (?)
ni-ki x reader
summary; you ask your friend who has been secretly crushing on you to help you with learning japanese, he attempts to make you believe he’s taught you the word bro when it actually means love. he fails.
warnings; smd joke.. that’s all
genre; fluff
note; hi i don’t know japanese so if i’m wrong on the meaning or misusing the word ai please let me know 😭 also for my ✨ anon!!!! thank you for requesting <3
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to niki, no one else compared to you. as soon as he got your text, "hey, can you help with my japanese?" he canceled on sunghoon and told him he has better plans now.
"jay canceled on me too, is there something going on that i'm not invited to?" sunghoon raised his eyebrow at niki, questioning him. "there's no plans, i'm just hanging out with a friend" his mouth goes dry. "yeah ok..." sunghoon scoffs out a laugh and heads back to his room.
when you showed up at their front door he had to swallow his heart that was climbing up his throat. "hey yn, come in" he smiles and steps to the side. "hey. look at all this," you hold up your worksheets, "i hope it's fine, i'll buy you dinner" he shook his head. he’d never mind if it was you "that’s fine, can’t say no to free dinner."
an hour into the worksheets and niki started to get bored. listen. he's thought about the fact you wanted to learn his first language a million times, and he's overanalyzed your reasons over and over again. in the middle of practice he'll think about how you ask so sweetly about new words and phrases and it makes him want to lay down and cry, so he's decided he's no longer thinking about it.
"ok...next," he clears his throat, "how do you say let's go do something more fun" you scoff and look at him. "what's more fun than this..? now teach me how to say suck my dick” he fake gasps and turns to you. “like i’d give you the power of knowing that, absolutely not”
another sheet later and now he’s really bored, and if you’re joking around he will too. he does feel a little bad, but what you don't know won't hurt you…he thinks. before he can prank you into calling him pretty whenever you see him, “how do i say bro?” you ask. he’s never been the best at poker face, his smile dropping immediately, frowning like a sad puppy. “it’s ai.” he lies before he can even think about it. he thinks it over and comes to terms with telling a small lie won’t hurt. but his cheeks feel like they’re on fire as you say “ok then ai, let’s watch a movie or something, my brain hurts.” he doesn’t notice your mischievous smile as you put your worksheets away. “yeah, sure.”
your legs occupy his lap as you’re both invested into the movie you’ve decided on, guardians of the galaxy 2. you’ve both seen it plenty of times together, so you think it’s fine to break the news now. “hey niki” you whisper. his eyes don’t leave the screen. “ai?” he whips his head towards you with an open mouth. you raise your eyebrows, “uh…yeah?” his voice cracks a little. “do you think i’m stupid” “what? anyways. rocket’s on the screen now lets chat another time”
you sigh and rethink everything. is he serious? he’s the one who started this, why is he basically telling you to back off? “i know what bro is, idiot” you frown and pull your legs back in to curl under your blanket. “oh.” … “yeah oh. why are you messing with me” “why didn’t you tell me you knew i was messing with you” he throws back, trying his best to not laugh out of discomfort. or cry. “whatever, i’m telling you i know now,” you frown, “tell me what ai means. are you making me say something weird?” “you’ll have to pry the meaning out of my cold dead mouth ai”
you decide to let it go and pay attention to the movie. until your mind won’t shut off and you remember you can just look up the translation. you lower your phones brightness and quickly look up google translate, typing the word in. the word love loads onto your screen and your eyes shoot up to the boy across from you.
“riki are you in love with me” his eyes shut and his mouth opens in disbelief. “what?” “i know you are! why else would you try tricking me into calling you love?” you laugh and kick his leg. “it was just a little goofy joke- don’t even look at me. and stop laughing!” he groans and covers his face with a pillow. “don’t get embarrassed now…i feel the same about you anyway.”
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joocomics · 9 months
back into my head
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from ─ ⋆ dinna’s holiday special *ੈ✩
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pairings: gunil x virgin fem!reader
genre: smut wc: 4k
summary: your brother decides to invite his best friend who studies abroad over for christmas - the one that ruined your 19th birthday, and has gotten only hotter since you last saw each other
contains: sub!reader, virgin!reader, brother’s best friend trope, enemies to lovers trope, banter, oral sex (f!rec), pet names, praise kink, gunil acts like a sneaky perv a little, dirty talk, sex toys (use of vibrator)
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You pull your brother into the bathroom, making sure no one has seen or followed you. The pure terror that glows in your eyes pierce right through his own, as you lean back on the door not letting him escape.
“What is he doing here?”
“What, you can invite your friend over for Christmas, but I can’t?” He raises a brow suspiciously.
“My friend is not a rude, inconsiderate asshole that goes through people’s stuff behind their back!”
“Are you still not over that shit? It was a joke.”
He attempts to push you away, but you do your best to stay still.
“He embarrassed me in front of all my friends! On my birthday!”
“Jesus Christ, I’m surprised you still have any friends left.”
“You should’ve at least told me he was coming!” You shout in a whisper, while your brother’s already pushing the door handle, only rolling his eyes at you.
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“Hey,” Gunil follows your body movements, as you take your seat.
He sat next to you. Of course.
“Long time no see.”
“You’re back,” you’re just able to note through a crooked smile.
“Yeah, you don’t seem very excited about it.”
“I’m… surprised.”
“And even more beautiful than the last time I saw you.“
Although giving constant compliments to girls is a pretty known fact for your brother’s best friend, this still catches you off guard, and you feel your insides twist.
“Don’t even mention that day.”
“Why not?” His surprise almost feels sincere, forcing you turn to him.
As you remember the contours of his face, that still feel so familiar even after four years, you realise your memory is wrong. The last time you saw each other was actually when you went with your brother to drop him off at the airport for his second semester at university. You were successfully blocking out this day from your mind, as it was spent in you soaking your pillows with tears till you fell asleep. After that you decided to stop tagging along.
“You turned my nineteenth birthday into a total nightmare, remember?” You try to play it off, not expecting him to catch a thing.
“That wasn’t the last time I saw you though.” His lips slid up for a slight moment, but fall down quickly.
“Maybe it’s not, but it’s the one that’s engraved in my brain forever.”
“We made a pretty fun show, don’t you think?” He grins, turning half of his body at you.
“What are you talking about over there?” Your brother asks from across the table.
You look at Gunil challengelly giving him the opportunity to answer.
“I was just asking her about…” His lips slid upwards, as you shoot him a more warning look. ”How’s uni going.”
“Booooring.” Your brother whistles, piling his plate with food.
“I would be more than happy to drop out of the conversation, so please continue with whatever topic you like.”
“Me and your brother talk every day, but you on the other hand…” Gunil stops mid sentence, looking in another direction for a change. “You haven’t called or texted me once since I left the country.”
With eyes down in your still empty plate, because your appetite was long gone, you pray for your brother to speak up, and change the subject. But just at that exact moment you watch how one of your cousins decides to pull him by the sleeve, stealing his attention.
It starts to weigh heavy on you - the realisation that you’ll always have feelings for him. Your first crush, that started as a silly innocent possibility, but grew to be something out of control, that he’d never take seriously.
You’ll forever be his friend’s silly sister that’s so fun to mess around in hours of boredom.
“Aren’t you gonna ask how long I’m staying?” Gunil plays with his glass cup in one hand, deciding that maybe it’s time to change the direction of your poor conversation. “Your room hasn’t changed at all. Still very… pink.”
“You were in my room?!”
“Can you blame me?” He leans back in his chair, locking eyes with you. “It’s been years since I last saw you. I want to know what’s new.”
“Yes, I can blame you actually for a lot of things.”
“Such as?” His brow raises provocatively. “Wait, I know… for being too fucking handsome.”
“Oh, please just…” You turn around, trying to ignore him.
“Your neighbour told me I had a glow up.”
You scoff, pretending you just heard the biggest lie in your life.
“Got a boyfriend?”
“None of your business.”
“So still a virgin?”
Your fork falls down from your grip loudly. When did you even pick it up to hold it so intensely?
“For god’s sake… You haven’t changed at all, huh?” You glare at him and seeing his amusement makes you even more pissed. You continue your tirade, trying to speak as quietly as you can. “Still the same pervert who read my diary for fun in front of everyone. You disgust me.”
You take a sip of water, as your throat becomes dry in seconds. A sudden touch on top of your thigh makes you almost spit it out.
“Is this the only thing I make you feel?” Gunil leans close to your ear, so you’re the only one that hears him. “Are you not forgetting something?”
His fingers squeeze playfully when he catches you looking down in your lap. You immediately return your attention to the table, secretly looking around in case someone is watching. What is he thinking?
“I’m sure I’m not.” You try your best to sound cool and collected, but fail at it miserably.
You expect to hear another joke about one of the many passages you dedicated to him in your old diary, but he only removes his palm in silence.
It makes you regret for not doing it earlier yourself, but you couldn’t find a way to move a bone.
“I left you a present,” he speaks out after clearing his throat. “That’s why I was up in your room.”
“Why didn’t you just leave it under the tree like normal people do?”
“Cause it’s just for your eyes only.”
What kind of a sick joke does he have for you now?
You feel your chest and face flaming hot, as you excuse yourself.
“I have to go to the bathroom.”
Gunil watches you leaving the dinner table barely hiding his satisfied smirk.
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He finds your small figure sitting on the big bed, and softly lit by the yellow string lights hanging from your window.
When you look at his direction your face looks scandalized.
“What is this?” You hold back to urge to cuss at him, as you close the box. You can’t look at this in his presence.
“Do you like it?”
“I can’t believe you’re still mocking me.”
“I’m not mocking you,” his brows shift in a confused gaze. “This is what you wanted and I got it for you. We both know you’re too scared to do it yourself.”
“Well, you’re wrong, I don’t want it and I never did. Thank you for thinking of me though.”
Still at the same spot in the middle of the bed, you reach at him with one hand, waiting to get rid of the pink box as quickly as possible.
“I doubt those small fingers do the job.” He says bluntly, not missing a single flinch of your stunned face.
Your eyes widen, as your cheeks begin to burn. His audacity to come here and entertain himself by making fun of you leaves you speechless.
“I know it’s probably a shock to you, but I go out with boys,” you speak the words slowly one after another, so they can slide in clearly in his brain. ”I’m actually currently seeing one, so this… you can return it or gift it to some of your hook ups. I’m sure you have many to choose from.” You force a smile.
Gunil chuckles, processing everything you just told him, before speaking in a more suggestive tone.
“Who is he?”
“Just… a guy I share a few classes with,” you reply, avoiding his gaze.
“Is he any good?”
You shake your head, feeling almost exhausted from his attitude. Just when you think it can’t get any worse he spits out another question.
“How many times has he made you cum so far?” You blink at him rapidly in disbelief, while he steps closer, sitting at the edge of the bed.
He doesn’t need to look at you to know you’re making this up.
“H-he is… good.” you stutter, thinking of a response. “That’s all I’m going to say, cause anything else is none of your business.”
He grins, feeling your flustered gaze roaming all over his back. Your voice began to tremble, leading him to think that you’re either seeing someone you’ve done nothing with yet, or you’re not seeing anyone at all.
“There’s no need to lie to me, sweetheart.” Gunil turns to fixate his eyes on your flushed cheeks. Your skin is warmly colored from the fairy lights, but he could still see that you’re blushing. “Do you want me to show you how to use it?” He rests on his side, crossing fingers in anticipation, but you just roll your eyes, dismissing him.
Before you have time to react his hands remove the lid of the box, letting everything fall down on the mattress. The pink toy appears where you did not want to see it the most - between you and Gunil.
Blood rises to your face once again, as you watch his fingers wrap around the handle, pressing a button. You almost jump when you hear its sound. The fear of someone passing by your room and hearing it causes you to instantly steal the vibrator from him, but his grip is stronger.
“Relax,” he cackles at your startled expression. “It’s not that loud, see? People think about those things.” His eyes quickly glance at your hand on top of his. The fact it took you some time to pull it away even after he silenced the toy felt like a little reward to him.
“You didn’t give me an answer.” Gunil runs his heavy palm over your knee.
Your lips part, as you want to say something, but you’ve run out of words the moment he came to lay beside you. You really don’t want to just stay silent and so obviously embarrassed - it’s humiliating how every little thing he does has such a big and vivid effect on you. But the only thing you could do right now is go number under his touch.
“I-I…” You stutter under your breath. The higher his hand goes, the harder it becomes to pretend. You want this. You want him. You’ve always had. “Yes… you can show me.”
“Show you what?”
He chuckles when you look away frightened at the thought of having to say the full sentence.
You watch him moving the box and the wrapping paper aside not expecting him to come on top of you straight away. The weight of his body falls on top of yours, as his mouth instantly finds your neck. The texture of his tongue burns your skin, leaving warm and wet traces up to your ear, causing goosebumps. Before you realise, your fingers are lost in his soft hair, pulling him closer.
“You took so long to answer, sweetheart, I forgot what my question was.” His lips follow along the line of your jaw, moving to your parted mouth. “You have to refresh my memory before I go any further.”
His hot breath sticks all over you, as he speaks through his signature cocky smile.
“I want you t-to teach me… how to use it.”
“Why are you so shy?” He swipes his tongue along your bottom lip. “I’ve read your little fantasies about me there’s nothing to hide anymore.”
You’ve always wondered what Gunil’s mouth feels like. You’ve written in your diary all of the possibble ways he kisses so many times you’ve lost count. However, this doesn’t come close to any of them. He is gentle and rough; erotic and soft at the same time. The way he guides your lips radiates confidence and lust you’ve never felt before from any of the few guys you’ve been on dates with.
He takes your chin with his thumb and index finger, so he can make you open your lips wider for his tongue. The astonishing feeling of your tongues meeting makes your spine arch, begging to feel more of his body as possible.
He doesn’t break the kiss while the fingers of his right hand swiftly unbutton your cardigan.
You put a cardigan tonight, because you hated wearing bras at home, but if you had even the slightest idea that something like this was going to happen, you would’ve worn one - a pretty one that would match your panties. You gasp for air when he breaks the kiss for the first time so he can take a look of what was underneath it.
“Is this what you wear at home every day?” He asks and you swoon over how deep and intense his voice has become.
“Pretty much, yeah,” you breath out, as he keeps staring at your thin revealing top. One strip is hanging loose from your shoulder, while your nipples are poking lightly through the fabric.
He takes one boob in his hand and goes over its nipple with his thumb. The slow circles around it turn into a squeeze when he attaches his mouth against yours for a long wet kiss which he takes down your neckline.
Your lips part in awe from being suddenly struck with lost for words from how aroused you feel already.
Unconsciosly you humm in bliss when he runs his tongue over your top. Sucking harshly on your breast, he forces your sensitive nipple to perk up, which he takes as a sign to put even more pressure through more licks and bites, soaking the fabric with his spit. You grip on the cushion, as he holds your boob and quickly circles the tip of his tongue around the clothed bud.
The cute squirming of your body forces his cock to twitch eagerly every second.
“You’re so sensitive, princess,” he whispers, letting his spit drop down over your nipple before taking it between his lips again. A long muffled groan escapes his throat when you grab a handful of his hair, as he still holds it between his teeth. “Feel like you can cum just from having your nipples sucked.” He pinches the bud and you whimper, feeling the rush of it coloring your face.
Gunil pulls back to take off your pants, tossing them to the floor. He smirks approvingly when you sit up to remove your cardigan.
“Good girl.”
His hand caresses your cheek, sliding down your shoulder, before pulling away to find the vibrator.
When you hear the toy turning on, your body tenses again from the overwhelming excitement and nerves clouding up your mind. The buzzing sound fills the thick air, as the head moves towards your intimate place, making your heartbeat race. You won’t be surprised if he could hear that too.
You instantly respond to the unfamiliar thrill the moment it sneaks through your panties. The sensation lands on your clit, shooting waves of pleasure, as Gunil holds the vibrator steady in one place. The sudden contact makes you gasp vocally while clenching your tummy.
“Mmmm,” Gunil wets his lips at the pretty view of your bare plush thighs spread apart for him. The sight of your expressions changing rapidly from how good you feel turns him on even more. “Feels nice, doesn’t it?” He leaves it over your clit for a while, waiting for the feeling to take you over. His fingertips are travelling on your left inner thigh, scratching and wishing they could feel more of you already.
You shut your eyes only humming in agreement. As the vibrations sink into your pussy your legs begin to slightly move around from excitement, your toes rubbing against the fabric of Gunil’s pants. You can feel yourself get wetter from how your underwear is now sticking to your folds, and your hole is starting to clench. It feels warm, energising, and like nothing you’ve ever felt from playing alone with your fingers.
Gunil removes the vibrator without saying a word and that makes you yap from surprise, but also from desperation. You swallow down the urge to plead to put it back exactly where it was, but that doesn’t seem to matter much when he grins at your hazy eyes and pouting mouth.
“What, do you start to like your new toy?”
You rub your thighs together cause you couldn’t stand the high temperature down there anymore.
Gunil catches that in time, immediately seperating them again.
“P-please…” you mutter, going over your panties with your hand, hoping it’s going to make him put the toy back sooner.
“Fuck, you’re so gorgeous.” He pushes your thighs towards your chest, as you’re still in a sitting position just holding yourself on your palms. “Show me your tits, princess.”
You pull the straps of your top down your shoulders, leaving it around your stomach to expose your breasts for him.
He cusses quietly under his breath, placing back the vibrator on your clit, but this time pressing harder.
“O-oh… G-Gunil…” You moan towards the ceiling, as the rush floods back through your body, but ten times harder.
“You’ll learn to love it even more, sweetheart.” He says, while slowly moving the vibrations in circles, stealing even more delicate sounds from you. Watching you chew your lips almost violently in attempts to keep your pretty voice down grows his erection, making it difficult to keep it in his pants.
He brings the vibrator down to your wet hole, then brings it up again, leaving it to sit on the sensitive place. Meanwhile, the fingers of his other hand grips your leg, so his lips can travel freely on it. He starts placing wet hungry kisses all over your skin, unable to resist you.
You throw your head back with your face all scrunched up from the ecstatic delight. Every time Gunil shifts the vibrating head a scream creeps up in your throat from how amazing it feels, but you fight it back. As you tug on the sheets for support, you begin rolling your hips against the toy, reaching for your peak. That instantly pulls his attention away from your leg.
“Fuck, you’re so hot, Y/N…” He groans, running his hand over your lower abdomen, imagining the way his dick would touch your cervix. “Wanna give you my cock so fuckin’ bad, you’ll take it so well, sweetheart..”
“G-Gunil, I…” You fall on your back, as you feel like breaking down any second now.
“Princess… need you to cum for me…” Gunil pants, holding your thighs apart.
As if his words were a charm, the second they sank into your mind, your figure begins to shake, forcing him to get a hold of you in a way the vibrations won’t escape your clit.
“Yeah, baby, let it out. Good girl.”
Your hands fly to cover your mouth, but as the orgasm gradually fades out, you hide your burning face too. You can hear Gunil’s chuckles, teasing you for not being able to comprehend what just happened.
He provokes you to peek through your fingers by kissing around your bellybutton just so he can reach lower, biting on the waistband of your underwear. The sudden slap of the fabric against your skin after he drops it from between his teeth makes you flinch.
“Fuck, what do we have here?” He grins amused after he settles between your thighs.
You could feel his warm breaths coming at your leaking pussy. Subtle, yet so effective in waking up a new wave of arousal in your body, that maybe just never went away. Instead it just keeps growing stronger.
“You’ve made a big mess, princess.”
Feeling his index finger slide down between your lips, pressing into your tiny hole has you break a whimper.
“Gunil, I…” You stutter around your words, still regaining control of your breathing. “I’ve never done it before.” It would’ve took you a lot longer to admit it if you had to look at him, so you stay with your eyes squeezed shut.
“I know, sweetheart.” You sense a smile that doesn’t have the usual perky ring to it. It actually feels comforting. “It’s okay. I’ll teach you everything you need to know.”
He sucks the soaked patch of your panties into his mouth, savouring the sweet taste. The muscled tip of his tongue sends a strong rush through your core after it moves between your folds.
How is it possible to feel so intense even through the fabric?
“I’m afraid we have to return downstairs soon. People will start looking for us.”
You look at his hair, that was so neat and put together when he got here, and now is a mess; his eyelids dropping heavy like he’s intoxicated; how are you supposed to leave the room pretending like nothing has changed?
Your chest that just calmed down minutes ago begins to rise quicker again, as his palm rubs you gently while he speaks.
“I want to give you my cock nice and slow when it’s only the two of us, sweetheart.”
You shiver, but your body burns from his voice, as if you’re having a fever. Chilly air brushes at your entrance when he pulls your panties aside, exposing the view he’s been craving.
“I want to listen to your pretty moans…” his sentence stops from the way he concentrates on sliding a finger through your tight dripping hole. He sighs from relieving pleasure when it goes in, and continues his thought. “How they rise higher and higher as I fuck your silly brains out.”
Your head rises up to see his mouth going into your cunt, making its first laps at your slickness. The sudden contact makes your bones tremble, and your eyes roll back at your skull. When he suddenly moves his head left to right, teasing your clit with his tongue, you let out a deep groan, that you realised was dangerously loud way too late.
You hiss at the stimulating combination he creates between fingering and swiftly playing with your clit. His tongue caresses the nerves with strong forceful moves that at one point make you shift your hips up for even more friction.
“Ahh, s’good…”
His lips suck loudly on your clit one last time while looking into your eyes. His attractiveness in that small moment almost blurs your vision.
“Princess, you have no idea how sweet you taste…” He spreads your pussy nicely with both hands, giving it a nice look as if he wants to memorise every little detail about it. “Just like candy,” he adds, feeling his erection throbbing painfully at your tiny cunt pulsing from cute sensitivity; from needing to be filled up; needing to be stretched out.
You don’t even realise until you hear it, but the vibrator is back into his hand.
“Here, try it yourself now.”
When you take it from him without saying a word, Gunil quickly moves you in another position with ease. He guides your hand that’s holding the buzzing toy between your legs, as you’re standing on your knees. He presses your head into the mattress, then lifts your butt up in the air.
“Good girl, you look so pretty spread out like this for me.” He strokes your spine, your hair, your ass cheeks, while his hips push his huge boner into your behind. “F-fuck…” he pants, as you start to whimper in sync with his thrusts. “This is how I’ll fuck you, baby… This is how I’ll ruin that sweet pussy of yours.”
He teases your clenched hole, as you already struggle enough to hold the vibrations on your clit from being close to orgasm again. You repress your noises into the sheets when two of his fingers manage to insert your tight entrance. Slowly, but steadily they begin to stretch it out, massaging your gummy walls.
“Let me strech you out a little, sweetheart. You cannot fit even half of me in there.”
Your thighs begin to jiggle from not only the sensations that go through your core, but now from his curled up fingertips too, while the rest of your body moves back and forth from his lower body humping you.
The feeling of his rough clothed bulge pressing into your flesh makes something inside your chest flutter. He moves exactly how he would if he was gliding his dick in and out of you. Airy moans escape his mouth, echoing into your mind, as the sound of them is one of the most hypnotising sounds you’ve ever heard. You wish you could see this intimate, but filthy image of him using you as if you’re a pillow, but you can’t.
“Damn, princess.. so fuckin’ tight around me, fuck…” He cusses behind your shoulder, forcing you to melt on the mattress with his groans. “You barely let me move, baby.”
His sounds alone can make you come undone, and with the strong buzzing coating your pussy, it doesn’t take you long to whine his name over and over again.
His wrist begins to slam into your ass, as you squeeze his fingers tightly, soaking them with so much moisture.
“Cum on my fingers like the good girl you are for me, princess, come on…”
You suffocate from digging your face into the sheets, meanwhile your legs gradually collapse with your toes curled from pleasure. After you roll over on your back, feeling completely washed out, Gunil cannot resist. He spreads the sticky wetness all over your skin, watching it glisten everywhere under the yellow lights coming from the window. He swipes one finger once between your messy lips, chuckling at your legs instantly closing.
You both stay in silence for a while. If the noise of every single person of your family over talking the others counts as silence.
“So…” You whisper, glancing at him. “How long are you staying?”
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
! please keep in mind that english is not my first language. i apologise in advance for any mistakes i’ve might missed
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cloudlessly-light · 8 months
Hi! Hope you’re doing ok <3 I was wondering if maybe you could write something about shy inexperienced Aaron and Emily guiding him and telling him what to do on their first time? Thank you, have a nice day!!
A/N: Hi Anon! Hope you're doing okay too and that this is somewhat what you had in mind!
Title: Keep me close, safe and sound  Summary: Aaron hasn’t been with anybody except Haley and he’s worried that he might not please Emily the way she wants. She shows him that he has nothing to worry about. Word count: 3,7k Rating: Explicit   Warnings: Smut, oral sex, feelings, Emily takes control, shy Aaron, does Aaron have a praise kink? I think he might, mentions of alcohol
Aaron watches the bullpen through his office window quietly, watches the buzzing and mulling of people doing their job, or taking a quick break by grabbing a coffee from the kitchenette. His eyes sweep over the familiar people, people he saw every day, until they finally land on her, like so many times before. Emily was sitting at her desk, typing something on the computer, eyes locked on the screen and her tongue peeking out through the corner of her mouth. It was a subconscious thing she did when she was concentrating, a trait of hers that he had always found endearing.
He knows that his feelings for her were way past just friendship, that whatever he felt for her was unlike anything he’d felt before. It had begun almost out of nowhere after his divorce, he started to notice her, started to stand close to her just to get a whiff of her perfume, and after Foyet, she had been the one to take care of him. And their friendship grew, became stronger, and with that, his feelings did as well.
But he was grieving Haley, adjusted to a life as a single parent with a demanding job, the time wasn’t right. Until it was.
It had happened the night before, she had dropped by his apartment with a movie and cookies, had spent one of the few nights off they had with Jack and him. And then, as she was going to leave for the night, she had pressed a tentative kiss to his cheek and he had turned his face to catch her lips in a soft kiss, something gentle and careful that made his stomach flutter. When they broke apart she smiled softly, her cheeks the slightest tone of pink.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time.” Her voice is barely above a whisper, like she was afraid that if she was too loud, whatever spell they were under would break.
“Me too.” He says, a smile on his own face.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow.” He takes her hand and gives it a squeeze, that one word a promise.
Aaron is brought back from his thoughts of the previous night by a knock on his open door and he shakes his head slightly while turning to see Dave standing in the doorway, a smug look on his face.
“Slow day?” Dave asks as he walks inside his office.
“I was just taking a break.” He tries covering but he knows that Dave is already on to him. “Did you need something?”
“I was going to see if you needed some help with the files from last Friday, but I take it that you’re done considering you’re checking out a certain brunette down there.” When Aaron’s head whips around to stare him down, the older man only chuckles. “You don’t think I haven’t noticed?”
“I think it’s great. But you’ve waited long enough, and women like that deserves a proper date.” He stares Aaron down, not at all deterred by the heavy-browed look he’s getting. “Don’t you think?”
How could he argue with that?
He waits until the end of the day, until she walks in with a slightly shy look on her face as she drops of the last of her files for him to go through before he asks her.
“Do you want to go to dinner. With me?” It sounds rushed, and awkward and nothing like he’d usually speak but then she smiles, and it’s big and bright and he feels like he can breathe again.
“Like a date?”
“Yes.” He stands up from his desk and walks around it, eyes flitting towards the bullpen quickly to make sure no one is paying them any attention. “I want to take you to dinner, tonight.” His hand finds hers and she’s nodding before he’s even finished his sentence.
“Yeah, dinner sounds perfect.”
So they go on a date, and it’s not even half as awkward as he had thought it might have been. In fact, it’s effortless, long talks between sips of wine and laughing as they recall things from before they knew each other. When she laughs he can feel it in his entire body, a warmth that settles in his chest and spreads through him until it’s all he can feel.
After he walks her home and when they kiss it’s with none of the hesitation that it had been before. Her hand rests on the back of his neck, pulling him closer and his arms wrap around her as he licks at the seam of her lips, completely lost in her.
He leaves soon after, but not without a promise of more.
A few weeks go by and in between their ever-changing schedule and Jack, they manage to find time for dinner or breakfast dates, they get closer, walls that have been carefully constructed to protect themselves being broken down as they find solace in each other.
But they hadn’t spent the night together yet, something he wanted desperately but every time they got close he would stop. Emily didn’t push him, as much as she felt the disappointment she didn’t want to rush him.
It’s late when they land back in DC after another case. Jack was with Jessica and they had decided to order in a late dinner. When they arrive at Emily’s apartment he’s quick to call for a pizza while Emily goes to change. She comes back wearing a soft shirt and shorts, face free of makeup and he doesn’t think she’d ever look more beautiful.
“Hey there.” She smiles and pulls him into a kiss that he happily returns. They had been away for four days and they hadn’t had any time alone. He had missed the feeling of her lips against his.
“Hi sweetheart.” His forehead leans against hers. “Are you feeling okay?”
“I’m happy to be home.” She kisses him again and then takes a couple of steps back and he chases after her, making her laugh as he crowds her against the counter, her back against his chest. “Do you want wine? Or a beer?”
“A glass of wine sounds nice.” He wraps his arms around her middle and pulls her into him, breathing her in.
“I missed you this week.” She says with a soft sigh as she leans into him.
“Me too.” His lips by her ear makes her shiver and he smiles for a moment. They stay like that for another few seconds before he pulls away and grabs the glasses from the cabinet and Emily gets the wine and opens it.
The pizza arrives not long after and they eat it in front of a movie, wanting nothing more than to just relax in each other’s company. After they’ve finished Emily leans into him, pushes him back to lie on the couch and she lays halfway on top of him, her head on his chest.
“You hate this movie.” She muses as they watch one of her many sci-fi movies.
“Yeah, but you don’t.” He presses a kiss to the top of her head and shifts slightly as she lifts her head to look at him.
She kisses him, something that was meant to be a quick thing quickly turning deeper as his fingers tangle in her hair and her tongue delves into his mouth. The feeling of his warm hand pressing low on her back makes her moan softly, the sounds muffled against his lips. Her fingers find the top button of his shirt, his tie long gone, and she gets it undone.
He enjoys the feeling of her soft skin against his palm, holds her tight against him as he lets himself get lost in her. But when she breaks the kiss, only to kiss down his neck he tenses for a second and she immediately stops, sensing the change in him.
This is about as far as they had gotten before and every time he would freeze and as much as she doesn’t want to push him, he never gives her an explanation. She sits up and pushes the hair out her face and tries to give him a reassuring smile but he sees right through it.
“I should wash the glasses.” She mumbles and quickly stands up and grabs the empty wine glasses from the table.
He’s quick to follow her, takes the glasses from her easily and turns her to look at him.
“It’s not you.” He says quietly, eyes flitting over her face nervously and she sighs.
“Then what is it?” She asks, holding his gaze as a sound somewhere between embarrassment and hesitation leaves him. “Aaron?” She cups his cheek and he takes a steadying breath, trying to form the words that he didn’t want to say, because it felt dumb, he felt dumb.
“I- I just.” He stops and scratches the back of his neck as a dry chuckle leaves him. “I’ve only ever been with one woman.”
Her eyebrows furrow confusion at his reply at first not understanding what he means.
“Are you feeling like it’ll be a betrayal to Haley?” She finally asks as she takes a step back from him, an unease quickly settling in her belly at the thought. She had seen the turmoil of Foyet, had been there to watch him grieve the woman that he never really stopped loving.
“No, sweetheart no.” He says quickly, pulling her closer by a gentle hold on her waist. “What I mean is, I’ve only been with one woman, I don’t have the same… experience as other men you might have been with.”
As she listens to what he’s saying a scoff of disbelief leaves her before she can even think to stop it. The thought of him not being able to please her was nothing short but laughable to her.
“Aaron, do you have any idea how sexy you are?” When he shakes his head in embarrassment  at her reply she grabs his face in both hands, forcing him to look at her. “From the first moment I met you I wanted you. These last few weeks with you have been some of the best of my life. It doesn’t matter how many partners you might have had or what experiences either of us have had because this is us, it’s you and me and it’s going to be amazing because of that.”
“But what if-”
“Do you want me?” She interrupts him before he can continue down the lane of self-deprecation that he’s on. When he nods and his hands tighten around her subconsciously she smiles. “Then if you want, I’ll show you what to do.”
It’s a moment of silence before he his shoulders lower and he breathes a relaxing breath.
“Really?” He isn’t used to feeling like this, but with Emily it felt like it was okay to let go of the control he always so desperately craved. He fiddled with the hem of her shirt and when she smiled, he returned it.
“Yeah.” She takes his hand and pulls him along towards the bedroom, happy that he stays close behind her. She turns and takes off her shirt and when his eyes move over the newly exposed skin, she can feel a rush of excitement at the obvious want in his dark orbs.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers, fingers close to trembling as he touches her waist, up her ribs and down to her hips.
“Take of your shirt.” She tells him and watches as he slowly unbuttons his shirt and then lets it fall to the floor. Her eyes linger over his scars, and then she presses a kiss to the one on his chest. When he gasps she straightens and looks up at him. “I hate what he did to you, what he took, but don’t be ashamed of them.”
“I’m not.” He mumbles quietly, catching her lips in a kiss and swallowing up her moan. He feels her hands move to his belt, her nimble fingers getting it undone quickly. Together they get his pants and boxers undone and then he watches with heated eyes as she lays down in front of him on the bed.
“Take of my shorts.” Her voice is lower, breather and when he reaches for the hem of her shorts he feels the goosebumps on her skin. Once she’s as naked as he is, he can’t help but to stare at her, completely enamored by the sight of her like this.
“Come here.” The sound of her voice breaks him out of his daze and he lays down on the bed, kissing her again, this time harder, his need clear as his hard shaft press against her thigh. They don’t break apart until the need to breathe becomes too much, but he stays close, lets his lips linger against her jaw, licks over the fluttering of her pulse.
“What do you want?” She’s panting, already going crazy just by the feel of his strong body against hers.
“I want to touch you.” He tells her and she smiles.
“Then do it.” She stays on her back as he lays beside her, propping himself up on one elbow as he stays on his side. He watches his fingers as he slowly trails them between the valley of breasts, carefully traces one nipple and watches as it pebbles from his touch. Then he pinches the other nipple and she gasps and he feels more confident.
His lips are wet and hot against her neck when he starts to trail kisses along the skin he can reach, his lips going the same way his fingers had. When he laps over a nipple she arches into him, offering more of her skin to his exploring mouth and hands.
“Fuck.” She whispers, feeling like she might explode if he didn’t touch her where she needed, but she didn’t want to rush him. When he looks down at her she nods, urging him to continue.
He licks a trail from between her breasts down to her bellybutton and when he’s between her legs he can see her slick on her thighs. It’s another ego boost he didn’t know he needed.
“Can I?” He husks, voice so thick with want that it almost sounds foreign.
“Yes, please.” Her legs spread wider and the sound of her begging goes straight to his cock. She leans back on her elbows to watch him, her eyes clouded over as she stares at the hungry look on his face. “Please.” She whispers again and his eyes snap to hers.
He’s slow as licks over her clit and as Emily’s eyes drift close he does it again, this time a little quicker. The taste of her makes him groan and he moves down, experimentally pushing his tongue inside of her.
“Just like that.” She breathes, and the encouragement causes him to move faster, licking the length of her. The low groans from him makes her shiver and through hooded eyes she can see the way his hips grind into the bed in search of relief.
“Good?” He pulls away quickly to speak before he licks deep inside of her again, feeling her center tighten around the tip of his tongue.
“So good.” She keens, fingers gripping the sheets as her head falls back in bliss. “Lick my clit.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice, listening to her directive that’s being broken up by breathy moans. He licks over the little nub and Emily’s thighs clenches, so he starts to flick it quickly and in response her hips buckle against his mouth.
“Fuck, yes, do not stop.” She feels the heat in her belly, every second making it spread. “Use your fingers.”
He quickly pushes one finger inside of her, hissing at the heat of her. He curls it at the same time he sucks on her clit and she falls back against the bed, no longer able to hold herself up. He can’t help the smirk on his face at the way she’s reacting to him, his movements not stopping.
“T-two fingers.” She barely gets the words out but he hears her, ears trained on her words. When he pushes two fingers inside of her she feels her whole-body tensing, her orgasm building so quickly she feels lightheaded . “I’m close. Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop.” She pleads over and over again, until she can’t form any more words and her eyes roll back as her body starts to shake.
Aaron keeps her still with his other hand, going on instinct as she comes apart for him. The feeling of her clenching around his fingers makes him long for when she would clench like that around his cock, his entire body on edge from how much he needs her. But he doesn’t stop, not until she’s starting to relax and gently pushes as his shoulder.
When he looks up at her, she blushes at the shine of her on his lips and chin, but she doesn’t care and urges him up to kiss him. She licks the taste of herself off his tongue, finding that the mix of them was intoxicating.
“Sweetheart,” His voice is tense, the need clear as he looks down at her. “I have to feel you.”
“Yeah?” She lets her hand sneak between them and when she feels how hard he is she gasps at the same time as he grunts. “You’re so big.” She whispers in awe as she twists her wrist and his hips buckle into her touch.
“Please, I need you.” He gets out through clenched teeth, the feeling of her touch almost enough to send up over the edge already. To his relief Emily spreads her legs wider, lets him lay completely between her thighs. One of her hands trail down his waist, the other grasping the back of his neck to keep him close.
“Fuck me.” She whispers and he shuffles forward, groaning as the tip of him brushes against her wet folds. Then he hesitates for a moment and she tugs gently at the hair at the back of his head. “I’m not going to break, Aaron.”
That seems to be enough, the mix of his desperation and her sure words enough for him to push forward. The breathless groan that leaves him when he feels her tight walls cling to him is loud, slightly muffled against her shoulder as he lets himself enjoy the feel of her.
“Jesus.” He hisses, almost overwhelmed at finally feeling her after weeks of longing. In that moment he had no idea why he had been unsure, why he had stalled the inevitable when it felt this good.
“Move, I want to feel all of you.” Her hushed words against his ear makes him pull back and then he pushes as deep as he can go, the grunt leaving her only spurring him on.
They find a rhythm as hands explore and lips linger. She clings to him, her short nails digging into his skin and leaving marks that she knows might hurt but he doesn’t seem to mind, in fact he only seem to get more desperate, his hips moving faster against hers.
“You feel so good.” He pants, forehead on her shoulder as he shifts the angle of his thrusts slightly and Emily mewls in response, her legs hiking high around his waist.
“Right there, you’re doing so good, baby.” Her words are rushed and mumbled but the praise goes straight to his cock and he can’t help but to move faster, his body chasing his release.
“Emily.” Her name is a breathless growl, something deep and raw that makes her shiver. “I’m close.”
“Me too.” She promises, one hand moving from where she had been gripping his hip to between them to rub her clit, wanting them to come together. She rubs in quick circles and when she starts to tighten around his cock a sound bordering on animalistic rips through him.
“Fuck, so tight.” He moves faster, lets his body do what feels natural as he gets closer and closer. Every muscle in his body is tensing as he tries to hold off for her and when her thighs starts to quiver and only the plea of his name falls from her lips he knows she’s just as close as he is.
“Come with me.” She catches his eye and quickly continues “I’m on the pill” and he nods. She cries out only seconds before his hips stutter and his body jerks against hers. The sounds that leaves him are muffled against her neck, his teeth leaving a mark on pale skin as he comes so hard his ear are buzzing and eyesight blurs.
Emily gasps at the heat of his release inside of her, feels her own orgasm in every nerve ending of her body. As she comes down her legs loosen around his waist but stays spread, her hand moves soothingly over his sweaty back, slowly calming his body as he relaxes through his bliss.
“That was so good baby.” She mumbles and he nods tiredly. When he lifts his head a dazed smile is on his face and he presses a lazy kiss to her lips before rolling to the side.
“That was incredible.” He agrees and grabs the covers to lay over their sweaty bodies. He pulls her against him, arm around her waist as they both lay on their sides, facing each other. “Thank you, for not letting me overthink this.” He tucks some of her hair behind her ear.
“Thank you for trusting me enough.” She says softly, pressing another kiss to his lips. “But trust me, you have nothing to worry about. You were amazing.” When he blushes she feels her heart clench in adoration for him.
“I’m falling in love with you, you do know that right?” He looks into her eyes, soft and warm and everything she’s been craving.
“I’m falling in love with you too.”
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Soap got shot in the face. It’s not so bad, it was a close quarters, clean shot. By some dumb luck the fucker managed to get him from the inside out, so the most damage he’s got is two broken teeth and and large hole in his cheek.
It’ll heal fine, by some miracle it hadn’t even gotten infected (probably because it bled like an old slasher film). But now Soap, one famously chatty John “Soap” Mactavish, is stuck unable to talk for roughly a week.
He’s going fucking insane by the second day he’s fully lucid. His journal is filled with rambles and doodles and eventually just scribbles when his brain ran too fast to even form words.
He could watch videos, if only on mute because he’s got a fucking ice pack strapped around his head. It would be fine aloud but he’s stuck in an inbetween room in the med ward, and he does know some curtesy.
Normally he’d pester Gaz, but he and the Captain are on a mission half way around the world from their current base. And besides, even if Gaz were awake, he’d hardly be in the mood for Soap bitching about a few stitches.
His salvation comes a dose and too many ice-alterations later to count, in the form of one masked lieutenant.
He’s sure his eyes light up like a puppy, but he’s too wound up to care by that point.
“Nice to see you conscious, Sargeant.” Is all Ghost says as he drops himself into the chair besides Soap’s cot. Then Soap sees the objects in Ghost’s hands, his nose scrunches up.
“Paper work.” Ghost states, and drops the offending parchment and clipboard in Soap’s lap.
Soap can’t voice his opinion on the matter, but Ghost seemingly reads his mind. Or his nose wrinkles.
“Your hands still work, far as I’m aware. Price will want the report. I’m sure he’ll just be dying to hear your voice again, even in writing.” Ghost’s normal monotone breaks as he says the last bit. Smug fucker.
Soap, using his still very functional hands, socks Ghost on the shoulder. It earns him a proper, stilling chuckle out of the man. A reward for his suffering. He smiles a bit at that, then winces as it pulls at his cheek. His mouth is still full of coppery taste and a hint of gunpowder, but a fresh trickle of blood makes itself known at his mistake.
Ghost makes to get up and Soap panics. Bored out of his mind and still on some not insurmountably strong painkillers, he grabs Ghosts wrist. Thoroughly attention-gotten, Ghost tilts his head at him.
“Something I can help you with?” He asks, and watches Soap scramble for one of the notepads a diligent nurse had been using to ask him his pain level.
‘I’m bored.’
Ghost tsks as he reads it, giving Soap an unimpressed look.
“Lucky for you, you’ve got the world in your hand right there. And a charger, even.” He says, and points to the phone in Soaps unoccupied hand. Right, he was still grasping Ghost’s arm.
Soap lets go and looks away with a groan. He almost opens his mouth to complain before he thinks better of it and turns back to the paper.
‘Wifi’s shit here, and I haven’t got anyone to talk to.’
It takes Ghost a minute to decipher Soap’s increasingly slanted script.
“Even if you did, could hardly talk to them, aye?” Soap lets the slight at the end slip past him, in favor of very emphatically writing:
‘Can still write. Or text, if they know how to use a phone.’
The last bit is a slight break in character. Usually he’d poke at Ghost for pretending to be tech-illiterate. But his current vocabulary is limited by his already shaky hand-writing.
“Well, handy for you I just might.” Ghost says, and gestures for Soap’s phone.
He’s unlocked and handed it over to Ghost before his words even hit. With Ghost currently occupied by… whatever he’s doing on Soap’s phone. Soap opts to tap his knee and give him a confused look.
“I do have a phone.” Ghost says, eyes twinkling with something like mirth. He hands Soap his phone back, and to Soaps astonishment he finds that Ghost’s entered his phone number.
“Can’t promise I’ll respond quickly, I’m handling two sets of paperwork after all.” Ghost says, and stands up and just walks out like he hadn’t just handed Soap something worth more than gold.
Soaps first thought, when his brain catches up to what had just happened, is to change Ghost’s name. He’d entered himself as simply ‘Ghost’ which went against Soaps sorting system for contacts. He quickly alters it to one ‘Lt. Simon “Ghost” Riley.’
Someone who didn’t know him would assume he was a proper respectful soldier boy for entering every one of his contacts’ ranks. Really he just couldn’t be fucked to remember them on his own.
His second thought, after that was fixed, was to focus on what Ghost had said while Soaps brain was still loading.
“Two sets of paperwork.” He’d said. And, upon further inspection, Soap finds the forgotten clipboard in his lap only has the barest minimum papers in it. Soap feels something warm settle in his chest. He decides to text as much to Ghost.
-taking my work was nice
-you really need to work on your coldness
-have a reputation to keep after all
Against his word, Ghost’s response is near instant.
-Not nice, tactical. You’re still technically high, can’t have you fucking up anything important.
Soap notices the punctuation immediately. The image of Simon carefully typing it out on his tiny phone with his large hands makes Soap laugh, before he winces as it pulls at his cheek.
-Also, full name I notice there.
It was the barest of sentences but Soap could just hear the overly-serious tone Ghost would’ve grumbled it in.
-if you’re worried about a security risk lt just know it’s how i put every one in
Ghost types for a long time after he sent that. Soap has to put a careful hand over his mouth to resist the grin forming on his face pre-emptively to the chewing out hes about to get.
-Well, I guess compared to the rest of you that’s the least of our worries.
Soap squawks at that one.
-what’s that supposed to mean??
He knew to wait patiently for Simon to finish agonizing after his grammar this time. Even though he wants to break his bed rest and run to the lieutenant’s office to demand an answer.
-I mean you’re so desperate to talk you’re texting me about fucking paperwork, Sargeant. Also, an excessive amount of question-marks.
Soap could only roll his eyes at that. He was starting to get drowsy though. It was near nighttime, and a Nurse had come in between texts to give him some of the good stuff so he could really sleep.
-maybe if you visited and told me something you’d find the conversation more interesting
It was bold, but he could blame the drugs and exhaustion. Seemed stupid, how tired he was when he hadn’t been on his feet in at least 48 hours. But healing was hard work, apparently.
-Fine, I’ll eat breakfast with you tomorrow. Can’t promise I’ll have much to tell, but I’m sure you’ll fill the space.
Huh, that was easier than Soap would’ve expected. He doesn’t bother answering, just starts to drift off until a Nurse comes in to dim his lights. He wakes up slightly to give them a thanking nod, then properly sets about falling asleep. Thank god he normally slept on his back, he doesn’t know how else he would manage otherwise.
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