#his comment about sleeping on his back is just me i’m a side sleeper it’s fucking sucked so far
Soap got shot in the face. It’s not so bad, it was a close quarters, clean shot. By some dumb luck the fucker managed to get him from the inside out, so the most damage he’s got is two broken teeth and and large hole in his cheek.
It’ll heal fine, by some miracle it hadn’t even gotten infected (probably because it bled like an old slasher film). But now Soap, one famously chatty John “Soap” Mactavish, is stuck unable to talk for roughly a week.
He’s going fucking insane by the second day he’s fully lucid. His journal is filled with rambles and doodles and eventually just scribbles when his brain ran too fast to even form words.
He could watch videos, if only on mute because he’s got a fucking ice pack strapped around his head. It would be fine aloud but he’s stuck in an inbetween room in the med ward, and he does know some curtesy.
Normally he’d pester Gaz, but he and the Captain are on a mission half way around the world from their current base. And besides, even if Gaz were awake, he’d hardly be in the mood for Soap bitching about a few stitches.
His salvation comes a dose and too many ice-alterations later to count, in the form of one masked lieutenant.
He’s sure his eyes light up like a puppy, but he’s too wound up to care by that point.
“Nice to see you conscious, Sargeant.” Is all Ghost says as he drops himself into the chair besides Soap’s cot. Then Soap sees the objects in Ghost’s hands, his nose scrunches up.
“Paper work.” Ghost states, and drops the offending parchment and clipboard in Soap’s lap.
Soap can’t voice his opinion on the matter, but Ghost seemingly reads his mind. Or his nose wrinkles.
“Your hands still work, far as I’m aware. Price will want the report. I’m sure he’ll just be dying to hear your voice again, even in writing.” Ghost’s normal monotone breaks as he says the last bit. Smug fucker.
Soap, using his still very functional hands, socks Ghost on the shoulder. It earns him a proper, stilling chuckle out of the man. A reward for his suffering. He smiles a bit at that, then winces as it pulls at his cheek. His mouth is still full of coppery taste and a hint of gunpowder, but a fresh trickle of blood makes itself known at his mistake.
Ghost makes to get up and Soap panics. Bored out of his mind and still on some not insurmountably strong painkillers, he grabs Ghosts wrist. Thoroughly attention-gotten, Ghost tilts his head at him.
“Something I can help you with?” He asks, and watches Soap scramble for one of the notepads a diligent nurse had been using to ask him his pain level.
‘I’m bored.’
Ghost tsks as he reads it, giving Soap an unimpressed look.
“Lucky for you, you’ve got the world in your hand right there. And a charger, even.” He says, and points to the phone in Soaps unoccupied hand. Right, he was still grasping Ghost’s arm.
Soap lets go and looks away with a groan. He almost opens his mouth to complain before he thinks better of it and turns back to the paper.
‘Wifi’s shit here, and I haven’t got anyone to talk to.’
It takes Ghost a minute to decipher Soap’s increasingly slanted script.
“Even if you did, could hardly talk to them, aye?” Soap lets the slight at the end slip past him, in favor of very emphatically writing:
‘Can still write. Or text, if they know how to use a phone.’
The last bit is a slight break in character. Usually he’d poke at Ghost for pretending to be tech-illiterate. But his current vocabulary is limited by his already shaky hand-writing.
“Well, handy for you I just might.” Ghost says, and gestures for Soap’s phone.
He’s unlocked and handed it over to Ghost before his words even hit. With Ghost currently occupied by… whatever he’s doing on Soap’s phone. Soap opts to tap his knee and give him a confused look.
“I do have a phone.” Ghost says, eyes twinkling with something like mirth. He hands Soap his phone back, and to Soaps astonishment he finds that Ghost’s entered his phone number.
“Can’t promise I’ll respond quickly, I’m handling two sets of paperwork after all.” Ghost says, and stands up and just walks out like he hadn’t just handed Soap something worth more than gold.
Soaps first thought, when his brain catches up to what had just happened, is to change Ghost’s name. He’d entered himself as simply ‘Ghost’ which went against Soaps sorting system for contacts. He quickly alters it to one ‘Lt. Simon “Ghost” Riley.’
Someone who didn’t know him would assume he was a proper respectful soldier boy for entering every one of his contacts’ ranks. Really he just couldn’t be fucked to remember them on his own.
His second thought, after that was fixed, was to focus on what Ghost had said while Soaps brain was still loading.
“Two sets of paperwork.” He’d said. And, upon further inspection, Soap finds the forgotten clipboard in his lap only has the barest minimum papers in it. Soap feels something warm settle in his chest. He decides to text as much to Ghost.
-taking my work was nice
-you really need to work on your coldness
-have a reputation to keep after all
Against his word, Ghost’s response is near instant.
-Not nice, tactical. You’re still technically high, can’t have you fucking up anything important.
Soap notices the punctuation immediately. The image of Simon carefully typing it out on his tiny phone with his large hands makes Soap laugh, before he winces as it pulls at his cheek.
-Also, full name I notice there.
It was the barest of sentences but Soap could just hear the overly-serious tone Ghost would’ve grumbled it in.
-if you’re worried about a security risk lt just know it’s how i put every one in
Ghost types for a long time after he sent that. Soap has to put a careful hand over his mouth to resist the grin forming on his face pre-emptively to the chewing out hes about to get.
-Well, I guess compared to the rest of you that’s the least of our worries.
Soap squawks at that one.
-what’s that supposed to mean??
He knew to wait patiently for Simon to finish agonizing after his grammar this time. Even though he wants to break his bed rest and run to the lieutenant’s office to demand an answer.
-I mean you’re so desperate to talk you’re texting me about fucking paperwork, Sargeant. Also, an excessive amount of question-marks.
Soap could only roll his eyes at that. He was starting to get drowsy though. It was near nighttime, and a Nurse had come in between texts to give him some of the good stuff so he could really sleep.
-maybe if you visited and told me something you’d find the conversation more interesting
It was bold, but he could blame the drugs and exhaustion. Seemed stupid, how tired he was when he hadn’t been on his feet in at least 48 hours. But healing was hard work, apparently.
-Fine, I’ll eat breakfast with you tomorrow. Can’t promise I’ll have much to tell, but I’m sure you’ll fill the space.
Huh, that was easier than Soap would’ve expected. He doesn’t bother answering, just starts to drift off until a Nurse comes in to dim his lights. He wakes up slightly to give them a thanking nod, then properly sets about falling asleep. Thank god he normally slept on his back, he doesn’t know how else he would manage otherwise.
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d0youc0py · 7 months
heyy - 🍄
Can you write something with 141 reacting to the reader going to sleep alone in another room? like just the reader wanting to be alone or they fought. the way you prefer
Hurt/comfort ♥️ your writing is my favorite
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Hi! 🍄Thank you so much! I absolutely loved this prompt!
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He thought you were being dramatic. Too sensitive. And he made sure to let you know.
“It was just a joke, sweetheart. Nothing more. I’m a light sleeper, you know that.” His voice was careful, yet firm.
Even though he had assured you he hadn’t meant anything by it, here you were, staring at the ceiling as pm turned into am. He had his arm snug around you, tucking you under his chin. Normally this position had you out like a light, but now you were just focusing on trying not to breath too hard.
Earlier that day the two of you were relaxing on the couch when you commented on his yawn.
“You’ve been yawning a lot, Si. Should put you to bed early.” You snickered.
“Your fault.” He yawned again. “Movin around every five second.” His tone was teasing. His fingers even brushed up and down your foot that was resting in his lap. Despite this, your heart dropped. Were you really that uncomfortable to share a bed with?
Laying in bed was growing increasingly uncomfortable. Your side ached from you spending too much time on it. Your nose hadn’t stopped itching and it took everything in your power not to scratch it every five seconds. Even your quieted breathing felt like it was shaking the bed. The guest room was sounding more and more inviting. You’d be able to flip over whenever you wanted. Scratch that nose of yours, all without having to worry about stirring the sleeping giant behind you.
You carefully gripped his arm and squirmed your way out from under it. He woke up halfway, holding his arm up for you.
“Sorry, Si.” You whispered, guilt already tugging at you.
“Don’t even think about it.” He assured in a groan. He watched with curious eyes as you disappeared down the hall, instead of going to the bathroom like he assumed you were. You must be getting water.
One minuted turned into three, then three turned into five. He huffed, rubbing a hand over his face, your side of the bed already growing uncomfortably cold. His socked feet sunk into the plush carpet as he made his way down the hall. The kitchen light wasn’t on, but the guest bedroom that was normally shut was wide open. Even in the darkness he could make out the lump of your body- already asleep.
The realization was instant. And it hurt.
“Sweetheart.” He knocked at the open door. He didn’t feel too bad about waking you up. He needed to. You gasped awake, your head springing up from the pillows. It seemed even your absence kept him awake. “What do I have to say for you to get out of that head of yours?” He hummed, plopping down next to you. He leaned over you, pressing a slow kiss against your forehead.
“I just feel bad knowing I’m constantly waking you up.” You murmured, rubbing at your eyes.
“Sweetheart, waking up to you isn’t something to feel bad about. It’s nice, being woken up just because someone wants to be closer to you. Now we are going to knock it off with all this ‘afraid to wake me up shit’ and go back to our bed, you hear me?”
You did hear him.
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“John, enough! I’m tired of arguing with you, I’m ready to go to bed.” You growled. He followed closely behind you towards the bedroom, unbuttoning his white dress shirt.
“Yeah, let’s just go to bed and forget all of this happened.” He mumbled from behind you. You began tugging off your clothes, throwing a glare his way.
“Don’t do that.” You chided, throwing you clothes on top of his in the hamper.
“Do what?” He gruffed back.
“Mumble things under your breath.” You explained. He tsked and rolled his eyes at you. The action caused another flare to ignite in your stomach. He reached into his dresser and pulled out a nightshirt, tugging it over his head. He reached back in and grabbed one for you, holding it out to you expectantly. It was your favorite shirt of his to wear.
“I’m not wearing that.” You spat, turning away from him. You marched to your shared bed and grabbed your pillow, beginning to make your way down the hallway.
“Where are you going?” He stopped you. His large frame taking up the whole doorway.
“Love.” His voice was calm and you hated it. He should be more upset. Upset that you were upset with him. “Don’t go”-
“Why should I liste”-
“You need to stay in bed with me. That’s where you belong.” He said it as though it was a fact. “I know you’re not too happy with me right now, but you aren’t sleepin away from me tonight, honey. Now let’s go brush our teeth.”
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*this is so dramatic*
Johnny had fucked up. He admitted it too. Yet it seemed no matter how many apologies flowed from him- you were determined to put a rift between the two of you. At least that’s how he saw it.
You yawned next to him on the couch, your hand brushing some hair out of your eyes.
“Gettin sleepy?” He hummed. You smiled softly, nodding your head.
“Should probably head to bed.” You yawned, stretching as you stood.
“You remember where it is?” It was a snotty comment. Distasteful. You had been sleeping in the guest bedroom for the past week. He was able to choke down his hatred for it the first few days, but after you referred to it as “your room” all grace had been lost.
“You just can’t help yourself can you?” You growled, not bothering to wait for an answer.
“Just don’t understand why you’re so hell bent on punishing me.” He shouted after you. You stopped, turning on your heels.
“Punishing you?” You snarled. “The only one getting punished in this situation is me John. I know to you I’m being dramatic but I really don’t know how I can trust you after all those shitty things you said to me.”
His chest twisted and his hand scratched at his shirt.
“I don’t know what else to do, sweetheart.” His voice was uncharacteristically soft and it made you feel worse than you already did. “I’ve apologized in more ways than one and I’m still not getting through to you. I’m not saying I’m giving up, I just miss you. I know lashing out at you isn’t the answer.” He sighed rubbing at his face. He was exhausted- that was evident just by looking at him. You were his safe place- his favorite person in the whole world and he hurt you. “I made a mistake saying nasty shite to you, but I hope you remember everything before that. We’ve been together for years and I hoped I’ve showed you just how much I love you in that time.”
By the end of his speech tears were rolling down your cheeks.
“Dammit, Mac.” You huffed. You moved forward quickly, practically flinging yourself at him. He reciprocated immediately, wrapping his arms tight around you with no intention to let you go. He wouldn’t let go till you forgave him.
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You woke up to two arms wrapping around you.
“Ky.” You grumbled sleepily.
“You took so much medicine, I didn’t think you’d wake up.” He whispered back. You were sick and the last thing you wanted to do was get Kyle sick. He rubbed his hands over your stomach, the action already lulling you back to sleep.
“I just don’t want to make you sick.” You murmured. He ‘tsked’ at you, pulling you even closer to his warm body. You wished it was easier to stay away from him. He was the perfect temperature for your chilled body and he smelled like vanilla and coffee.
“I’d wear it like a badge of honor.” He smiled against you. You rolled your eyes.
“You just always find a way to make everything romantic don’t you.”
“Well I had to get you to fall for me one way.”
“Are you going to be this cheeky when you get sick?” You hummed.
“I wasn’t planning on it, but challenge accepted.”
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samandcolbyownme · 3 months
We need more demon!Colby or vampire!Sam 👀
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Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, swearing, demon!colby, talk of death/dying, kind of a dark aesthetic, talk of demons, angels, etc. demonic attachment?, compulsion, mentions of police, kissing, hair pulling, choking, biting, scratching, unprotected sex, oral (f rec), filth - please read with care 🖤
With the way I wrote it, the reader is hinted at being bisexual - if you have an issue with that, please just move on. No hate or rude comments will be tolerated,
Word Count: 5.4k | Unedited
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You walked into your apartment, saddened by yet another break up.
You never had issues with dating before. You never had any issues keeping anyone’s attention. But, for the last few months, you’ve been noticing a trend.
You meet a guy, or girl, and it’s going well for the first few days, sometime a few weeks, and then you’re back to square one because you felt like you needed to break things off, or they just said it wasn’t going to work out.
There’s never any clear reasoning either. It’s always the, it’s not you it’s me, I promise, and then you both go your separate ways.
You made your way to your bed, ripping the covers forward so you can climb in and pull them up over your body.
You sniffle, allowing the thoughts to take over completely.
Am I boring? Why does this keep happening? Am I annoying? Do I talk too much? Bad breath? Did I say the wrong thing? Am I not pretty enough? What’s wrong with me?
You let out a sigh, begging for the thoughts to just shut up, and eventually they do, you start to feel more relaxed, and eventually you fall asleep.
Colby stood over the woman’s sleeping body for hours, keeping her dreams on the happy side as he manipulates himself into it. He tilts his head, watching you as a small smile spreads across your closed lips.
“Just relax, my love. You’re going to be fine.”
Your phone buzzing in your sweatshirt pocket wakes you up. It takes a few seconds to register what’s happening as you roll over and rub your eyes, but eventually you pull your phone out, “Hello?”
“Where are you right now?” Your closest friend, Brooke, practically yells into the phone, “Are you home?”
You keep your eyes closed, still half a sleep as you mumble, “M’home. Sleeping.”
“Do you have someone there with you?”
Your eyes snap open and you sit up, “What did you just say?” You reach over, turning your bedside lamp on and you look around as she speaks, “I’m going to take that as a no, so just stay where you are. I’m on my way up, I’m going to call the police.”
She hangs up before you can say anything else and you’re left in silence, your heart racing faster at the thought of someone being in your apartment without your knowledge.
A few minutes later, your phone lights up and you instantly answer, “What did they say?”
“They’re sending a unit over, probably a few minutes. I’m unlocking your door now.”
You kick the blankets off, walking over to your door. You look out, watching as Brooke makes her way through and you hang up, “What exactly did you see?”
“Okay, so you know how you can see the parking lot from your bedroom window?”
You nod and she raises her brows, “Well I pulled in, and I seen like this shadow figure behind your curtain, and it was a lot bigger than you would be if you stood there. By the time I went to get a picture or a video, it was gone.”
“How many times did you call me?” You pull your phone up, going to the call log, “I woke up on the third call, but you’d think I’d wake up? I’m a light sleeper.”
“No I know, which is why this is so fucking weird.” She sighs, jumping when there’s a knock on the door, “Police.”
You sigh, “Okay, we’ll just let them do a sweep.” You walk over, opening the door to reveal two officers. The blonde one nods, “We’re here about a possible break in? I’m officer Golbach and this is Officer Webber.”
“Yes, I called. I’m Brooke, this is y/n.”
They walk in and Golbach turns towards you while Webber walks around the space, “What exactly happened?”
“We had plans for a dinner and movie night, so I come over and when I looked up at her apartment, because you can see it from the parking lot, I seen this tall, probably, almost six foot figure in the window.”
“What time was that?” Golbach asks, “Did, ah, it move or anything? Walk away, turn? Anything?” He adds as he writes down what Brooke is saying, “Probably about Seven, seven thirty? And No.” She shakes her head, “It was just standing there still, and when I went to take a picture. It was gone.”
“You’re the one who lives here correct?” He points to you and you nod, “Yes, I do.”
“Okay, and what were you doing while all of this took place?” Golbach asks and Webber comes out of your spare room, “It’s clear. No sign of forced entry on any of the windows by the fire escape.”
“I was asleep.” You state, “I woke up to my phone buzzing in my hoodie pocket.”
“Okay.” He nods and continues jotting stuff down, “Are you a light sleeper?”
You nod, “Yeah, you can ask Brooke. I wake up with the slightest noises. I hate it.” You look over at her, “Did you look at the right window?”
“Did I look- yeah, I know which windows are yours, y/n.” She sighs, “Also, how in the hell are you so calm right now!?”
You didn’t realize it, but you were way calmer than anyone else would probably be in a situation like this, especially with it being your apartment.
But it is weird because you would normally freak out just thinking about something like this happening.
“I don’t know.” You shrug, “I’ve had a day, okay. I-I just got broken up with for no reason, again. I came home after sitting in the parking lot of the convenience store down the street for an hour eating ice cream, and then I came home and went right to sleep.”
You were blowing off steam, and Brooke knew that.
“It doesn’t sound like it, but I have to ask. You don’t think this person should broke up with you would come here, do you?” Golbach raises his brows as you sigh, “No. They seem to not want anything to do with me, so.”
You see Brooke’s face fall, “Y/n.”
“Like I said, there’s no sign of forced entry. Did you lock your door when you got home?”
“It locks automatically each time it closes.”
Webber nods at your words, “You’re staying here tonight, right?” He looks to Brooke and she shrugs, “Do you think it’s safe to stay here, tonight?”
He nods, “I’ll go down and check the cameras in the office, but I’d say you two gal’s will be alright.” He makes his way over to the door, checking the lock, “You didn’t pass anyone on your way up or down the steps did you?”
Brooke shakes her head, “It was just me when I came up.”
“Okay.” Webber leaves and you look back to the blonde officer, “This is my card.” He hands you a white rectangle, “I’ll do a few drive-by’s tonight, I’m on the clock until six a.m., call if you need anything.”
You nod, “Thank you for coming. I appreciate it really.”
He nods, “Not a problem, now I just need a few more things from both of you, and the. We’ll be out of your hair.
You answer the questions, full name, social, date of birth, etc., same with Brooke.
By the time you’re finished, Webber comes back up, “Cameras were clear. There was no one on this floor, even after you got home.”
“Maybe you just got unlucky with a haunted apartment?” Brooke laughs slightly and you roll your eyes, “Yeah, just my fuckin’ luck.”
A while after the officers left, you were sitting on the couch, moving on to your third movie when you hear this light whisper.
You look over at Brooke, “Did you say something?”
She looks over at you, shaking her head, “No. I’ve been waiting the tv.” She points with her finger and you nod, “Oh, okay.”
You shake your head, “I thought you said something. It must be on the tv.” You check your phone, letting out a sigh, “I think I’m -“
“No. You’re not going to bed.”
“Why not?” You whine, “I’m tired.”
“No. You’re avoiding talking about what happened with Jace.” Brooke sits up, “I gave you time, now talk.”
You sit up, moving your blanket to cover your legs more, “He said, and I quote, it’s not you, I’m just not feeling like I need a relationship right now, end quote.”
Brooke nods, “And how does that make you feel?”
You laugh slightly, shaking your head. Your mood changes, “I don’t know what happened, Brooke.” You look over at her, “I never had this happen before. It’s like.. the universe is trying to keep me unhappy. Or something I don’t-“
She tilts her head, “I think you need to focus on yourself. Do you really need a boyfriend anyway?”
“It would be nice to not have to come home every night, alone. You at least have Liz, speaking of. Where is she?”
“She got stuck at work, they didn’t have enough people to cover third so she got mandated to stay.” She rolls her eyes, “But anyway. I think you need to take a little you time, focus on whatever it is that you need to focus on, and come back better than ever.”
You nod, chewing on your cheek. After a few minutes of nothing but the tv in the background, you take a deep breath, your voice quiet, “Maybe.. I’m just too fucking complicated for anyone to love.”
“No, y/n. That’s not true.” She moves closer, “not even close.” She turns towards you, “Probably unprofessional on his part, but you should go for officer Golbach.”
“No.” You shake your head, “Wait. Didn’t you just tell me to-“
“Shh, we’re starting over.” She laughs, “I seen the way he cared for you more than he would anyone else.”
“You don’t know that.” You shake your head, your stomach slowly turning at the thought of even thinking of the officer.
“I’m telling you.. fuck what I said before, give it one last try.” She leans in, “He’s an officer, y/n.”
You feel like you could puke, “Stop.”
“What? Does thinking about him ma-“ She stops talking as you rise to your feet, “I’m going to bed. You can stay, but I’m just..” you sigh, “I need to be unconscious for a few hours.”
She raises her hands, “I’ll be out here if you need me.”
You give her a nod, “Sorry I’m ju-“
“You don’t need to apologize, y/n. I overstepped.” She sighs, “You deserve happiness, and I promise we’ll get you to it.”
“Thank you.” You smile and head for your bedroom, stopping when you smell something vaguely familiar - Sandalwood vanilla.
“Do you smell that?” You look back at Brooke and she tilts her head, “Smell what?” You shake your head, “Nothing. Goodnight.”
“Night.” She calls from the couch as you close your door. You stand there for a second before turning around to get into bed.
You let out a sigh as you nestle your head onto the pillow, staring over at the wall that’s lit up by the full moon.
You roll over, staring out the window at the sky, just wishing you’d be able to fall asleep, and your wish was granted.
His hand runs through your hair, calming every vibrating nerve in your body, “I’m here, my love.” You kept your eyes closed, letting out a sigh, “I love you.”
Your eyes open, meeting bright blue ones. A deepish voice follows, “I love you. I will go to the deepest depth of hell and back for you.”
His lips press to yours and quickly move down your neck, biting and nipping your skin, which causes you to whimper out.
“Louder, my love. I want you to be louder.”
You comply, moaning out louder when you feel a hand slide down your body to stop between your parted thighs. His fingers drag up and down your folds, fingers circling your desperate opening, “P-please.”
“Please what, my love?” His fingers slowly push in and you gasp-
You sit up, looking around as if someone was actually there with you, but maybe it was just a dream, right?
You sigh, getting out of bed to walk out to the living room where Brooke is no where to be found. You furrow your brows, looking around for your phone to see if she texted you.
Liz got off early, heading home. Call me when you wake up.
You scroll down on your notifications and see a text from an unknown number, Just figured I’d check in. Any more disturbances at your place? It’s Sam by the way Golbach, officer Golbach.
You smirk slightly at the obviously nervous, text and click it, Nothing to report, sadly.
You sit down, seeing the bubbles immediately pop up then disappear, Sadly?
You lean back, biting down on your lip as you think about what Brooke said to you, but then you suddenly feel like this is wrong.
Not wrong as in flirting with the law, but wrong in the, I don’t belong to this person, kind of way.
You let out a sigh, “Fuck!” You throw your phone over your shoulder, absolutely sick of feeling like you… well, you didn’t know how you felt, exactly, but your interest changes when you don’t hear the clatter of it hitting the floor.
“You shouldn’t throw things that are important.”
You stand up, whipping around as you immediately start backing away. Your voice is gone, banished with fear as the figure that spoke walks towards you, phone in his beautiful, ring clad hand.
His voice rings in your head without him moving his lips, “You know me. I’m not going to hurt you, my love.”
“We’ll get to that. But right now, I’m going to need you to tell Sam, that you’re a little busy right now.” He speaks and hands you back your phone.
A chill goes down your spine as your fingers brush against his to take it, and you begin typing, I’m a little busy right now.
“Good girl.” The man speaks, reaching up to run his thumb over your bottom lip, “I have been waiting ever so patiently to meet you.”
“Who are you?” Your voice is low, but you don’t shy away from his touch as his fingers gently brush over your cheek to push hair behind your ear, “I’m just Colby to you.”
“Colby.” You repeat and his hand pulls you closer to him, “Yes. You know me.”
“How.” You furrow your brows and he gives you as second to think, but you shake your head, “I don’t-“
Colby reaches up, cupping your cheeks with his hands as he stares into your eyes, “Think.”
Suddenly, Colby floods your brain with all the times you’ve seen him.
You’re sitting on the beach, fishnets ripped and a cigarette between your fingers. You turn your head slightly at the sound of a voice, “You know, there’s no smoking on the beach, right?” You scoff, watching the ashes fly down to kiss the sand, “What are you, beach patrol?” You laugh slightly and stop when he moves to sit next to you, “Beach patrol would be a lot easier for you to believe, my love.”
“I’m actually meeting somebody, so I’ll just take a wine while I wait.” You smile at the bartender and she nods, “One red, coming up.” You let out a sigh as you look around, waiting for Seth to appear. After some time, you decide to text him, but to your surprise, he’s not coming.
“This seat taken?”
You look up, smiling at Colby, “Actually.. no.”
“What do you mean that it isn’t me? That is the most..” you scoff, “Just tell me. Did you find someone better? Am I.. am I.. fuck, Nathan, just-“
“I just don’t feel anything anymore. I don’t know what more you want. I would love to like you, but I just.. we aren’t compatible, y/n. I’m sorry.”
You watch as Nathan leaves your apartment, tears falling as soon as the door shuts. You walk over to your window, jumping back with a loud gasp as a crow lands on the sill, but you suddenly felt better.
“Those were only a few times, I’ve been around a while.” Colby’s hand slides back, his palm flat on your cheek, “Are you scared?”
You stare up at him, “I.. don’t even know what’s real anymore.” You shake your head, “You’re not..”
“Go on, my love. Say it.”
“Why don’t I remember ever seeing you?” You ask but Colby makes you look at him, “One thing at a time, sweetheart. Please.”
It takes you a few seconds to even muster up the means to allow the words to roll off your tongue, “You’re not human.. but-“ you slide your hand up his arm, “You feel human.”
“Wait. You.. you were there after every breakup I had.” You step back, “Nathan, Seth, Taylor, Francesca, I-“ you bring your hand up to lay on your forehead, breathing heavy as you feel like you are about to pass out, “The crow.. I-“
“Shh, hey.” Colby moves to you, wrapping his arms around your body as your head rests on his chest.
You feel calm.
Like this is where you belong.
“Do you remember what I told you in your dream yesterday afternoon?” Colby asks, “I told you that you’re going to be just fine.”
He tilts your chin up, “I mean that.”
A knock on your door causes you to jump, and Colby’s grip tightens, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Y/n, it’s officer Golbach. Just doing a check in.”
“I can g-“
“No, I’ll handle this.” Colby walks you over to the couch, “Sit.” You plop down, watching as he walks over to the door and opens it.
Sam doesn’t say anything, he just stares at Colby, nodding his head, but you don’t hear anything. Sam turns and walks away, leaving without any kind of fuss.
“What did-“
“I just told him that he needed to come back at another time.” Colby walks over and sits next to you, “I need your full attention, my love.”
“You can make me do anything, can’t you?” You keep your stare on him, “Is that what yo-“
“No. Y/n, okay. The only thing that I have made you do, is text officer dingdong, and break up with that asshole loser, who we both know would have only ruined your life.”
You raise your brows, knowing he was talking about Mitchel, who now has a bad rap with things you didn’t need, “Yeah. Thanks for that one I guess.”
“Oh, and your dreams. But other than those three things, my focus is on keeping you for myself.”
“Why me?”
“What do you mean by, why me? Look at yourself, y/n. You are beautiful.” He moves closer and shift towards you, “I would never make you do anything you wouldn’t ever want to do.”
“My dreams.. you.. last night..” you swallow as you think about the sex dream with him, and he nods, “There’s others.. but I figured I’d just give you the less detailed one to test the waters, you know?”
“But why?” You stand up and Colby reaches for you but you turn, walking away, only for him to appear right in front of you, “Don’t shy away from me.”
You step back, looking up at him, “None of this, is making any sense to me, Colby.”
“Because I love you.”
“You don’t e-“
“Yes I do, y/n. I know you more than you know yourself. Considering I’m a demon and all, I know that there are devilish thoughts in the minds of the most angelic, and y/n..” he steps towards you, his hands moving to your cheeks, “I know that you have some wicked desires..”
His eyes move from your lips to your eyes, “So, let me ruin you.”
“Colby I-“ You shake your head, “Can you just.. I don’t know what you do, but just.. I need a second.”
He nods and by the time you blink, he’s gone with a slight feeling of regret settling in your stomach, but you push it away as you sit back down, face in your hands as you try and figure out what exactly it is you need to figure out.
Colby was gone for a two or so. You were on edge, trying to figure out if he was in your apartment or not, in the walls. In your head.
You were jumpy, nervous, but above all, turned on.
Evil, above all, is truly seductive, and you found yourself missing a part of Colby, but then again, you were also second guessing everything you thought, felt, or heard.
“Am I able to see you?”
You look around, letting out a sigh, “Yes.”
Colby sits down next to you, “How do you feel?”
“Don’t you already know?” You avoid looking at him, but you feel like you need to, so you do. His eye lock with yours and he takes a small inhale, “I need..”
He stops and you turn towards him, “Colby?”
“You’re going to freak out. I can already see it.” He laughs weakly, “I’m in line to rule the underworld, but I can’t do that if I-“
“No.” You instantly stand up, backing away from him, “I don’t-“ you feel tears in your eyes, “I don’t want to die.”
He’s instantly behind you, arms around your body and that calm feeling settles in, but it’s only for a moment and you push him away, “No. no. No.”
Colby stands there, eyes on you as you pace, “Why? Why me? Out of all the people in the world, you just had to come and fuck up my life?”
He remains silent as you continue your ranting, “I have so much to live for. I can’t just- what would I tell my parents my best friend, I-“ you stop, taking a deep breath, “Can’t it be anyone else?”
You look up at him and he shakes his head, “I’ve already left my mark on you.”
“Mark? On me?” Your hands start to feel your own body but Colby walks over, “Not a physical mark, sweetheart. The others just know to leave you alone.”
“There’s others?” You scoff, “Of course there is.”
“Y/n, my love.”
“Why do you call me that? Seriously, I just..” you shake your head, covering your hands as you groan into them.
There was this strange entity standing in your living room, a stranger. But in reality, you knew him just as well as he knew you, you just needed a slight nudge to know that.
“I chose you because you’re just so..” he presses his lips together, gently reaching up to brush your hair from your face, “You.”
“Yeah because that explains it.” You roll your eyes and Colby clenches his jaw, “You know me. I know you. Say the word and I’ll prove it.”
“Prove it.” You shrug and he nods, taking your cheeks between his hands as rests his forehead against yours, “Close your eyes.”
You close your eyes and the memory of you and Colby at dinner one night replays in your mind.
He shows you sitting across from Colby at The Whiskey Well, having dinner and talking about anything and everything. That eventually led into Colby telling you about his, what you didn’t know at the time, human life.
You swore you fell in love that night.
“Did you?” Colby asks as he moves his head back slightly.
“Did I what?” You ask, knowing damn well why he asked. He tilts his head and you nod, “Yeah, but then you made me forget, so what’s it matter?”
“It matters because I need you.”
“Well I don’t need you, so..” you step back, “How do I break this.. I don’t even know, curse?”
“I’m not here to make your life hell, y/n.”
“That seems to be exactly what you’re doing, Colby.” You chew on your cheek, “Did you mess with my dreams again while you were-“ you air quote, “Gone?”
He shrugs, “Only the second night. The rest was you.”
You couldn’t lie, going from knowing that he’s always been there, to knowing he wasn’t there at all, hurt. It felt like a piece of you was missing, like you lost your security blanket or something.
“I’m not here to hurt you, unless you want me to.” A smirk twitches on his lips and you shake your head. Colby scoffs, “You may look like an angel, but I know that there’s a fire deep inside that pretty little body of yours.”
His words caused a chill of excitement to shimmy down your spine, “You know.. I thought for so long that the universe was so ugly for being against me..”
Colby tilts his head and you lock eyes, “But in reality it’s a gorgeous looking demon with a bit of an obsession problem.”
He cocks his jaw, nodding his head as he chuckles, “I mean what can I say? You’re the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on.”
You smile, looking down as your mind begins to race again. Colby walks over, lifting your chin, “Don’t do that to yourself. If you want answers, ask.”
You take a deep breath in through your nose, “I hate this. I hate the thought of having to lea-“ you stop, taking in a shaky breath.
“There’s ways around it, y/n.”
“I hate this. I hate even thinking about it.” You avoid looking at him, mainly because there’s more to it, and you know he’d get you to say it regardless.
“I just hate..” you look up, “That I fell in love with the way you touched me, without even using your hands.”
He licks his lips, smirking as he tilts his head, “So what? Are you saying yes?”
You chew on your lip, swallowing before you take a breath, “I need to know what it feels like when you do actually touch me.”
You walk over to him, hands sliding up his chest, “Are you controlling me?”
He shakes his head as his hands slide to your hips, “This is all you, my love.” He pulls you in, lips on yours and you instantly need more. You fist his shirt, pulling him closer as you whimper, “Please.”
“You have the control now, baby.” Colby whispers, lips trailing down your neck, “As I said, I will go to the deepest depths of hell to make you happy. I will be your sickening desire. I am yours, and you are mine.”
His words are low as he bites down on your skin, “Mine.”
He lifts you up, arm around your waist as his lips find yours, “Mine.”
He takes you to your bedroom, laying you down on the bed, “Whatever you want. Whatever you need.” He whispers, pushing up your shirt so he can kiss your stomach, “I’ll get it for you.”
“I-I-“ you gasp as he pulls down your sweats, “no more making me do anything.”
He nods as he looks up at you, “Anything you want, baby.” He kisses back up your body, “I promise. You’re the only body I need. Your souls was meant to be mine.”
He moves his way in between your legs, “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to get my hands on you.”
“How are you real?” Your hands slide up his shoulders and rest against his neck, “Like I-“
“This is the body I died with, but trust and believe I can be anything I want to be.” Colby leans back, his eyes staring into yours, “But I just want to be everything you want and need.” His lips are on yours again, “Every inch of my darkened being aches for you.”
You whimper, hooking your legs around his waist, “I want to feel you. I need to feel you.”
He nods as he stands up, “Undress for me.”
Your eyes are on each other as you finish taking off the rest of your clothes, “You’ve seen me before, haven’t you?”
He nods, “But it still doesn’t compare to this moment right here.” He moves onto you, hips resting between your thighs as he slowly guides his cock into you without warning.
You gasp, throwing your head back as your nails dig into his shoulders and chest, “Fuck, fuck.” You moan loudly, chest rising and falling quickly as you feel yourself stretching to accommodate his cock, “Fuck you feel so good.”
“Words can’t even explain how you’re making me feel right now, baby.” Colby groans lowly, his hand sliding up to cup your throat.
You play your hand on his, urging him to squeeze, “You know me well enough. Just do it.”
His eyes darken and his thrusts are instantly punishing, ripping loud moans and pleasured screams before his hand cuts off all sound from your throat, “You sound even prettier than you look, my love.”
He groans, sliding a hand down to grip the outside of your thigh, “Do you like that?”
He looses a his grip just enough for a slight, “yes” to squeak out and he smirks, “Of course you do.” His lips crash onto yours and he groans into your mouth, “I fucking love you.”
Your back arches as he keeps your neck pinned to the bed, your cheeks start to heat up and you feel the tingling settling in as your vision starts to fade out, but all you focused on was Colby.
He lets go and you gasp out, “I love you.”
He stops, staring down at you, “You mean that.”
You nod and he shakes his head, “No, I mean. I can feel how much you mean that.” His thrusts resume, but they’re slower, “Fuck, you’re going to make the best Queen.”
Your heart skips a beat, but you’re not scared.
“I trust you.” You swallow, pulling him in to kiss, “This feels right.”
“I promise. I will take care of you.” Colby shakes his head, “Fuck, you’re the most important thing to me. The best thing I’ve ever got to touch, smell, taste.”
He pulls out, quickly moving down your body to throw your legs over his shoulders. His tongue immediately pushes between your folds and your hand flies to the back of his head, “Colby!”
He groans against you, gripping your hips roughly as he pins you down.
Your vision goes blurry as you arch your back, coming undone quickly with just the tip of his tongue, “f-fuck, fuckfuckfuck!”
“That’s it baby. Let it all go.”
Colby’s tongue guides you through your high, collecting every drop of your precious arousal before he kisses back up your body, “So fucking delicious.”
He pulls you on top of him, rolling onto his back as you straddling his waist to sink back down onto his cock with a loud moan.
You knew you were going to be littered with fingertip shape bruised, but that made everything hotter.
“That’s it.” Colby breathes out, “Fuck, just like that, my love. Look at you.” His eyes scan up your body to meet yours.
His hands slide up and down your thighs as you bounce, moaning louder and louder as you feel yourself coming closer to another orgasm.
Colby interlocks his hands with yours, bucking his hips upward and you squeeze his hands to hold yourself steady, “S-so close. Don’t stop, don’t stop!”
You throw your head back, screaming out as you feel yourself cum once more. Colby let’s go of your hands, sitting up to lay you back. His thrusts resume, guiding you through your high.
His thrusts come to a slow stop and he pulls out before laying next to you, “Brooke is going to be here any second.”
“She didn’t tell me she was-“
“Y/n? You home?”
You look over at Colby and let out a sigh before answering her, “Be out in a second.”
“Hurry up! I have to tell you something!” She yells back and you look at Colby, “You’ll come back right?”
“My love, I never leave.”
Thank you so much for being patient. I hope this is up to par and as always, I love you, and I will see you in the next one! 🖤🖤🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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togamest · 4 months
hello! I’m so happy to see more wind breaker content it feeds my fan girl soul. may I request suo hayato sleeping headcanons please? a million thanks if you do 🫶
-> sleeping angel | 708 words. gn!reader, really just fluffy nonsense.
author’s notes: i feel like this guy just doesn’t sleep, and he’s not a napper, so when he does nap/sleep, that mf is EXHAUSTED. it’s tiring telling white lies every day :/ LMAO, enjoy!
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I have a strong feeling that Suo is not a big sleeper. He doesn’t really seem to get tired, and he’s always on alert even though he makes you seem like he’s not. It’s so hard to creep around him, because he’ll pop up with a smile on his face and a “where you going, darling?” falling from his lips.
He does sleep with you at night, of course, but you’ve noticed he spends more time staring up at the ceiling instead of curling up with you and falling asleep. His brain gears moving are so loud for you that you end up barely sleeping, too worried about him and what he could possibly be thinking about. You don’t comment on it at first, as its really not your place, but as your relationship gets more serious, you can’t help but ask.
“Why don’t you sleep with me at night?” you blurt out over dinner once. The silence that follows has your face reddening in embarrassment, looking down at your food to avoid Suo's gaze. When you do look back up, he’s staring at you with an appreciation that makes your heart flutter. He closes his eyes with a smile, his head slightly tilting to the side. “How did you notice?” he asks, and you sigh, your fork clinking against the plate as you lean back, arms folding across your chest. You didn’t want to tell him this, but he’s driven you to it, and you need to be honest; your sleep is being affected. “I can’t sleep with you thinking so loudly,” you say, gently, as if worried he’ll snap at you, “and I want to know what’s wrong. You know, so I can help you. It’s okay to ask, Suo.”
His eyes go wide, then, and the smile drops to an expression of shock. It’s almost like he didn’t know that you were up all those nights, because you hid it so well. That, or he was too busy thinking about himself, as usual. “I’m sorry,” he says, reaching across the table and grabbing your hand, “I just don’t sleep very well. I get nightmares and I don’t want to wake you up.” He looks genuinely upset that he’s wrecked your sleeping schedule, and that expression is something you can’t deny. You sigh, squeezing his hand. “Alright. But you need to start sleeping. I don’t care if you have nightmares, I’ll help you through them. I’m here to help you, okay? Please don’t forget that.”
His nightmares, you discover, are horrendous. He’s constantly sweating, cursing under his breath, twitching and squirming; but you’d rather him go through this than not sleep at all. You often curl around him, petting his hair and kissing his forehead, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. You know he can’t really hear you, but feeling him relax into you, eventually, is more rewarding than anything else. He doesn’t talk about the subject of them, and you don’t need to know; he’ll tell you when he wants to.
Now that he’s sleeping better with you, his nightmares not occurring every night the longer you snuggle with him and take care of him, he doesn’t nap much anymore. Although, sometimes you’ll find him on the couch, his phone at risk of falling out of his hand, a silly video of Sakura and Nirei playing on it. His gentle breaths fan against the hair falling into his face, and you brush it out of the way as you press a kiss to his forehead. He’ll smile in his sleep, too; he knows it’s you.
You have so many photos of him sleeping in odd positions when he does end up taking a nap; one of them is him curled up in a chair like a cat, another is him spread-eagled across the couch leaving a fraction of space for you to sit to watch a movie, and yet another is him sleeping on a bus with you, cheek pressed against the window, eyelashes flat against his cheeks. You rotate them with your phone home screen wallpaper; the Furin boys eventually take notice, but say nothing. Suo would have their heads if they did; you are his exception.
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divider credit: @/benkeibear networks: @enchantedforest-network
disclaimer: DO NOT copy or repost my works for any reason. translations are acceptable, but please ask for permission first!
© togamest 2023-2024
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mrsevans90 · 4 months
Puppy Love-Epilogue
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 19
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Warnings: Flash forward, fluff, smut, handjob, fingering, squirting, P in V intercourse, oral (f), creampie, innuendos, language, pregnancy romantic love making.
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading!
Part 18
Flash Forward in Time:
I wake up with a gentle bump against my side and hazily blink my eyes to allow them to adjust to the darkened room. Emma is still blissfully unconscious as her head rests against my chest and her nude body is draped against mine. I tend to get warm but this woman somehow always seems to be cold. I don’t mind one bit as I’ve spent the majority of my life sleeping alone and I sleep so much better with her body against my own. I smile at my perfect woman and gently move her disheveled hair from her face before I feel another gentle nudge against my side. Our baby boy seems to have woken up and it won’t be long until he wakes his mother up too. Luckily, she’s a heavy sleeper but I’d imagine having a human being rolling around in your abdomen could wake up most anyone. I reach down and caress her swollen belly to acknowledge my little boy and hopefully soothe him back to sleep by rubbing her tummy. Emma is almost eight months along now, and needs every bit of sleep she can get. As I touch her tummy, I think about what life will be like once our little guy finally makes his appearance. We haven’t nailed down a name for him yet, but Emma keeps admitting she likes the idea of naming him after me and calling him AJ, for Austin Junior. I’m pushing for him to have his own name and identity, certainly not wanting him to feel like he has to follow in my shadow. I like the names Luke, Hudson, Grant, and Bradley, but ultimately, I’m going to leave it up to Emma to choose her favorite. She’s doing all of the hard work after all. After a bit of gentle caressing on her belly, our son seemed to calm and Emma messily rolled over and wrapped herself around the giant pregnancy pillow that’s taking over her entire side of the bed. I won’t complain because I’ll give her anything to help her be more comfortable. I decide to ease out of the bed and get the day started because somehow in all my years I can’t shake the early wake up times that the military instilled in me. I quietly corral Mills and let him out in the backyard to use the bathroom. Aika passed away early last year and I’ll be honest, I took it hard. My nightmares started coming back more frequently and Emma convinced me to talk to my therapist at the VA about it. I still miss that sweet girl but know that she had such a fulfilling life here with us. She’s buried out in the backyard under a large oak tree so that we still feel her spirit close by. Mills also really struggled in the first month after her passing, constantly looking around the house for her. He always adored her and was used to following her lead but he’s doing well as he’s matured from the puppy stage. I spent some time training him after our wedding and now he knows all of the commands that I had taught Aika which is helpful, especially now with a growing family.
I start up the coffee pot and know I’ve only got a short window of time before responsibilities call, so I sip on a cup of coffee while I start making breakfast. As I’m plating the pancakes at the table, I hear movement upstairs and know I need to intercept quickly. I bound up the stairs and open the bedroom door to our three-and-a-half-year-old twin girl’s bedroom. Molly Grace and Maggie Kate are out of their toddler beds and already digging in their princess box regardless of the fact that it’s not even half past six on a Saturday morning. They squeal when I scoop them up and place kisses along each of their cheeks.
“Da Da! Ouch!” They giggle as my beard scratches against their cheeks. 
“Sorry little darlins” I respond before tickling their tummies. 
“Now what do we have here, already getting into the princess box?” 
“I want to be Tiana!” MG says followed by MK who declares she is going to be Ariel. “Well, if I get you girls dressed in your princess gowns, y’all gotta promise to be quiet on the way downstairs so we can let Mama sleep in. Is that a deal?” I ask.
Both curly headed girls nod their heads fervently. I’m certain that won’t last long as my daughters tend to be a bit exuberant, but I’ll take what I can get.
“Alright then, bring me the dresses and then we have to brush your teeth before your dragon breath knocks me out.” I joke. 
A somewhat endless feeling half hour later, I successfully have both girls dressed and with clean teeth. Their hair is still a disaster but I’m working on learning. God, if the old me could see myself now. Googling videos of how to braid hair or make a ponytail. Emma usually does their hair and tries to show me a thing or two when she has time. The girls have dirty blonde hair, not quite as light as Emma’s, but they both got my wild curls which Emma adores. 
I’ve got them set up with chocolate chip pancakes, fruit and milk cups as they tell me about what movie they want to watch later and constantly interrupt each other as they ask for this and that. 
“Nana and PawPaw want y’all to come over today to help Nana bake a cake. Does that sound good?” I ask knowing that the girls are over the moon anytime they get to go to my grandparents’ house. It’s hard to tell who loves it more, the girls or my grandparents. I’m grateful for a potentially quiet afternoon with Emma, since we won’t have too many of those in the future anytime soon.
“Oh yeah! I want to do that! Can we make cupcakes?” 
“That’s all up to Nana. Y’all just remember that she’s old and y’all don’t want to wear her out.”
“Yeah, Nana’s real old but PawPaw is even older. He’s like 104.” Maggie says.
“No he’s not! He’s only like 23 I think.” Molly retorts. 
“Y’all really have no idea about numbers yet and I find that adorable.” I chuckle to myself as I hear Emma making her way down the hall.
“Good morning, Sugar. Hope we didn’t wake you, I was trying to let you rest.” I kiss my girl sweetly while rubbing her swollen belly.
“Wasn’t you, your son decided to dance on my bladder.” She grumbles and I chuckle. Even all this time later, she still isn’t a morning person. She shuffles further into the kitchen and the girls jump up and give her what I’m sure are sticky syrup covered good morning hugs and kisses. I pour Em a cup of coffee, adding her creamer and she holds it with both hands with a grateful sleepy smile.
“So Ariel and Tiana, what are we talking about this morning?”
“How Nana’s old.” Molly announces and Emma almost chokes on her coffee.
“Who told you that?” Emma asks and both girls point directly to me. Little narcs.
“Well, she is! I was just telling the girls to take it easy on her today.” Emma rolls her eyes at me before walking to the table
“Don’t tell Nana that she’s old.” Emma tells the girls.
“But she is old, mama.” Maggie refutes.
“Yes, but it’s still not nice to say. We don’t want to hurt Nana’s feelings.”
“Does Nana not know that she’s old?” Molly asks inquisitively.
“I’m sure she does baby, but spending time with you girls helps her feel young. Now, how about you girls work on making Nana and PawPaw some more drawings for their refrigerator? You know how much they love those!” Emma directs.
“I want to draw Mills chasing chickens!” Molly shouts.
“I’m going to draw PawPaw riding a cow!” Maggie exclaims.
I chuckle as I watch them scurry over to the little kiddie table off of the kitchen that Emma has made as their art station and get to work.
Emma has shifted to working part time and it’s been great. She stayed home with the girls at first, taking an extended maternity leave after they were born but found that she missed the vet clinic and working with animals. We decided on sending the girls to a “Mother’s Day Out” program where they attend half days so that Emma and I can both work. Our jobs give us the flexibility to be able for one of us to pick them up at 1pm each day and have them home in time for an afternoon nap.
Emma relaxes back at her chair at the table and starts eating some breakfast.
“Little man let you get decent rest last night?” I ask her and she shrugs while chewing her food.
“I felt like I got up more times to pee or roll over than I actually got rest, but I suppose that’s just going to prepare me for the newborn stage of having him up every two hours.”
“Hell, just think about how much easier it’ll be with only one baby this time.” I think back to how exhausted Em and I both were in the first few months home with the girls. We struggled to get them on the same feeding and sleeping schedules. It felt like as soon as we got one to sleep, the other was screaming and waking everyone up. Em and I were so tired we basically just roamed about the house like zombies during the night. I feel like I coped a little bit better than Emma since I was used to insomnia, but she was determined to breastfeed and didn’t want to mess up her supply. After a few months, I finally convinced her to pump some milk for night feeds so I could help more with a bottle feed during the night and let her rest. 
“Gosh, I hope so. They were worth it all, but damn I hope this baby sleeps.” Emma sighs.
“Given any more thoughts on what you’d like to name this handsome fella?” I ask. 
“I still like AJ, but I’ve been thinking about it and I also really like the name Grant ever since you brought it up. Grant Syverson just sounds like a future star quarterback.” She says and I smirk as I munch on a few berries.
“I like that a lot, Sugar. It’s a very strong name. One he can be proud of. Perfect for our boy.” 
“I was thinking the middle name could be Joseph after PawPaw?” She suggests and I have to take a moment to just awe at this woman. PawPaw was always a taciturn man with a steely exterior but when Emma became part of the family he opened up to her more than I ever imagined. Always imparting words of advice and stopping by to check on her when she was pregnant with the girls and I was working. Nothing could have prepared us for the absolute mush that man turned into when the girls were born. PawPaw seemed to get a new lease on life as he dropped everything to spend time with his “grandbabies”. He wanted to teach them all about the farm and loved showing them all the animals. He was wrapped around their fingers and we all joked about it. 
“I don’t think anything could make him prouder. I love that idea, baby girl.”
“Let’s wait until he’s born before we tell him.” She suggests and I agree.
“Walt doing okay now that he’s back at work?” Emma asks.
“He’s having a hard time focusing, which is understandable. He’s itching to get home every night to Cassie and baby Carter.”
“Yeah, Cass mentioned he’s got terrible FOMO when I was over there last week. He’s afraid he’s going to miss something.” Emma responds.
Walt and Cassie really hit it off at the wedding and before long were in a serious relationship. She moved to Texas with him about eight months into dating. They got married a little over a year ago and just had a little boy, Carter, who made Walt light up in a way he hasn’t since Faye was little. Emma loved having Cassie close and it was nice having Walter so happy and working more reasonable hours. Faye came to visit as often as she could which was also good for Walt. They only lived about ten minutes from us and Emma had been over every day last week to help Cassie since Walt was on his first week back to work from paternity leave. I remember how hard it was to leave Emma and the girls to go back to work.
“It’s tough to leave your wife and new baby and go back to work but I’m sure he’ll adjust. I remember facetiming you like every hour that first week just to check in.” I reminisce.
“I remember.” Emma giggles. “My big strong army man was a nervous wreck about missing any moment with his girls. It took some time but I think we found a good family/work balance that keeps us fulfilled.” 
“I keep you filled.” I mutter with a smirk.
“Austin!” Emma feigns shock. “Clearly you have.” She murmurs as she pats her round belly and I look at her with smug pride. 
“Think Nana and PawPaw would keep the girls for a night?” She wonders aloud even though we both know that they jump at the chance to keep the kids.
“You know they would. Got something in mind?”
“An impromptu night alone with my handsome man sounds pretty perfect to me.” Emma bites her lip and I feel the surge run through my body as I quickly grab my phone to call Nana and confirm that the girls can sleepover with them tonight. Emma heads upstairs to pack the girls an overnight bag and before we know it, we’re loading them up in the truck and headed to Nana and PawPaw’s.
After a lively drop-off and quick visit with Nana and PawPaw, Emma and I were back in the truck and driving out of their long driveway. 
“I feel like we’re teenagers who just got permission to go out for the night.” Emma joked. 
“That mean I get to cop a feel? I ask as I pull Emma closer to me and run my big hand across her exposed thigh gently dragging her sundress higher.
“Thanks to these pregnancy hormones, you’ll be feeling more than that.” Emma smirks and I groan. Our sex life has always been incredible, but having two toddlers that seemingly always want something, and a very heavily pregnant wife who struggled with morning sickness longer than expected made us slow down a bit. Emma finally got to feeling better and the hormones lately had been keeping her extra needy which I was more than happy to accommodate. 
“Lunch date at Gia’s?” I asked and she nodded enthusiastically. Baby boy had Emma craving pasta all the time so I knew she’d be excited. 
After eating a nice meal, we made our way home and smiled at the rarity of quietness inside our home. Even Mill’s seemed excited about staying with my grandparents for a night of chicken chasing and homemade treats from Nana. The house was all to ourselves and I was ready to get Emma naked and spend the rest of the day in the bed.
I reached for Emma and pulled her into a kiss. 
“I love you, beautiful darlin’.” I told her between kisses. Her swollen tummy had me leaning a little further than I usually do for these types of kisses, and I couldn’t help but lean down and place a soft kiss on her belly too. 
“I love you too, baby.” She replied as she pawed at my abs in an attempt to take off my shirt.
I pulled my shirt over my head and Emma’s nails immediately sunk into my chest hair as she gently scratched up and down my torso.
“Let’s get to our bedroom so I can properly get you naked, Sugar.”
I led her upstairs to our bedroom and took my time undressing her slowly before laying her down on the bed. She has been feeling a bit self-conscious lately as her body stretches and swells to accommodate our growing son, but I do my best to reassure her.
“You’re so pretty, Darlin’. Every bit about you is perfect.”
“Sy, I’m huge. Be truthful.” She sasses.
“No, you’re pregnant and growing my kid. That I put into you. Something about that turns me on even more. Plus, your tits are huge and I can’t wait to sneak a taste of them when your milk comes in again.” I smirk at her devilishly.
“Austin, you are downright depraved.” She giggles as my hands paw all over her body.
“Only for you, Sugar. Now, let me finally make love to my bride without any interruptions.” I say as I plant kisses along her collar bone, sliding down to her belly and then the juncture of her thighs where her perfect pussy is already glistening in anticipation. I rub my calloused hands along her thighs and spread her open for me as I lick a long stripe up her folds. Emma is extra sensitive lately and jumps at the sensation with a loud moan before her hands find the short strands of my hair and grab on. I lick, kiss, and suck on her delicate pearl before sliding two fingers gently inside her and curling them. A few minutes after I began my ministrations, Emma screams her release as she squirts and her fluids coat my chin and forearm. I drink down everything she gives me so I don’t waste a single drop of her honey. I begin to place gentle kisses on her thighs as I work her through her high before I kiss up her body to check on her. I’m greedily tempted to work her to another orgasm, but know that she’s extra sensitive right now and it might be too much for her. I make my way up to her neck and place soft kisses under her ear as she reaches and grabs on to the scruff of my beard.
“Fuck, Austin. That was amazing.” She mewls with her eyes still closed as I place gentle kisses on her eyelids.
“Yeah? Feel good, Sugar?” I ask as she catches her breath.
“The best. Now I need your cock.” Emma almost whispers as her fingertips trail down my abs before wrapping around my raging erection. She squeezes just like I like before running her thumb across my slit to collect the bead of precum that’s already dribbling out in anticipation and I thrust myself further into her grasp with a groan. I watch as Emma removes her hand, spits into her palm before grabbing me again and jerking me. Between deep kisses, I glance down at her delicate little hand working my large member and can’t help but thrust against her. If she keeps going, I’m going to blow my load before I even get inside her warm cunt.
“Darlin’, I need to be inside you.” 
“Fuck me, Austin. Please baby.” I grunt as I manhandle her onto her side, conscious that this may be the best position to keep any pressure off of her growing womb and slide up behind her before lifting her thigh around me. I gently ease the tip of my cock into her warm channel and Emma pushes down against me, sucking my cock inside her wet heat in the best way. When my pelvis is fully seated against her ass cheeks, I groan and Emma arches her back which gives me the perfect angle to her g-spot. I start thrusting slowly as I suck and lick against the spot under Emma’s ear and she wraps an arm around my neck thrusting her fingers into my hair and tugging. 
“Fuck, you feel so good. So wet and tight. Just like the first time I ever fucked you, baby girl.” I grunt against her neck.
“Mmm, Austin! You feel so good inside me. So big and full.” She mumbles as I thrust into her.
“God, we fit together so good. You were made to be mine.” I murmur as I appreciate the tight, wet heat surrounding me.
“Harder, baby.” She moans and I’m so tempted to start jack hammering into her perfect cunt but am worried about hurting her more than my desire to fuck hard.
“I don’t want to hurt you or the baby, Sugar.”  “You won’t, I promise. Fuck me please!” She moans and I can’t help but pound into her a bit harder as she claws down my arm that’s holding across her perfect tits. I have the perfect view to watch them bounce over her shoulder as I fuck her from behind and can’t help but start gently tugging at her nipples which earns me a louder moan from her.
I remove my arm from her breasts before I shove two of my fingers in her mouth. She sucks fervently before I reach down past her tummy and start rubbing them against her swollen clit. She’s so easily stimulated that I have her cumming in a matter of moments. Her tight pussy clenched me so hard that I couldn’t hold back my own orgasm and found myself releasing deep inside her before I had intended too. I stilled my hips and shoved my cock as deep as I possibly could as I finished before collapsing back down onto the sheets, not caring how sweaty we were. Emma and I laid perfectly still basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking as the ceiling fan whirled above us before I slid my softening cock from her body and she whined at the loss.
Emma clumsily rolled over to face me and laid her head against my chest, her fingers combing through my chest hair as my fingertips trailed up against her spine.
“What are you thinking about?” I asked her as we basked in the silence.
“I’m thinking that I want you to fuck me like that again before the night is over… and I want to take a bath with you… and I might also be thinking about the chocolate chip cookie dough in the refrigerator.” Emma replied as I croaked out a hearty laugh at how her thoughts were all over the place.
“Why, what are you thinking?” She asked.
“I was honestly just thinking about how grateful I am for you. I never thought I could have any of this. I was just this broken, shell of a person who went through the motions of everyday life. I swear, I never really thought I’d find love like my grandparents and then I met you. I’ve always been so independent and now, I swear to God, I can’t imagine being away from you for a single day. You completely changed me for the better and gave me so much love and passion. It’s like you woke me up and I started finally living life. Oh, and not to mention our babies. God, I love them so much even when they are being little brats. You and our kids just complete me. I can’t wait to see how our son joins in the mix with our baby girls. I’m just so glad I found you. I’ve never been this happy in my life.” I tell her honestly as I think about how my life has changed in just the past 5 years before I hear her sniffle.
“Now I feel like an ass for thinking about eating cookie dough when you were making this big declaration of love.” She sobs as the tears flow down her cheeks and I can’t help but laugh out loud.
“It’s not funny, Austin! That was the most incredible thing I’ve ever heard and you know I feel the same way.” She laugh/cries as I bite my lip to keep from chuckling at the absurdity of her pregnancy hormones. She looks up at me with tears still in her eyes and can’t help but start laughing herself. I finally allow my laughter out and we spend the next few minutes laughing so hard that Emma has to get up and waddle to the bathroom to pee which just makes me laugh even harder.
I head to the bathroom after her and start filling the bathtub and lighting candles before helping Emma step in. I make a quick run downstairs to the kitchen and get us some waters and the entire roll of cookie dough with a spoon before I head back up and present the princess with her snack. 
Her eyes fill with tears of gratefulness that her beloved craving is about to be satisfied which has us laughing all over again as I join her in the tub to what we jokingly still call marinating in our ‘body juice soup.’
Emma rests her back against my chest as she feeds me bites of her dessert and I can’t help but feel more fulfilled than I ever have before. My future now is not some bleak possibility, but filled with excitement and joy. I owe it all to a bit of puppy love that became the love of my life.
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Taglist: @shellyshellshell, @henryownsme, @caramariehurst, @beck07990, @mollymal, @kingliam2019, @syversonswife, @identity2212, @starfirewildheart, @hannah9921, @wa-ni, @kneelforloki, @cutedoxie, @enchantedbytomandhenry, @foxyjwls007, @geralts-yenn, @courtlynwriter, @corrie1013, @squeezyvalkyrie, @summersong69, @livisss, @mayloma, @uunotheangel, @warriormirkwood, @sofiebstar, @wetzilly, @ashbrat488
A/N: Y'all, it's finally here! I'm so so sorry that it took me so long to get this written and posted but #lifehappened and I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I wanted it to be right. Thank you all so much for following along on Sy and Emma's love story. Your support and encouragement has lifted me up more than you realize. I'm so grateful to everyone that's followed along! I'm super sad that it's over but there may be a one-shot or two in our future for them! Love you all!
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hulhudhonado · 1 year
hi! may i request the sumeru men reactions to the reader asking for a hug?
Note: This is the first time I got a request. I was so excited I basically dropped everything else I was already writing to make drafts for this! I did my best I hope you guys like it, especially you random user! Thank you for the request! Please feel free to like, comment or reblog! I love hearing from you guys and engaging helps the posts reach a wider audience! Enjoy! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
CW: A bit suggestive but it's very safe for work! Some swearing in wanderer's part.
HC: Reader is gender-neutral, Reader does not have a vision. Established relationships but it's in the early stages (Aka you guys just started to date).
Characters: Al Haitham, Cyno, Kaveh, Tighnari and Wanderer
Al Haitham
 “Absolutely not.” 
You never felt so defeated. It seemed that no matter where, when, or how you asked, he almost always refused to hug you. It wasn’t as if you were asking much from him either. It wasn’t like it was a kiss or more. It was just a hug, and here you were being rejected by the person that you had planned a future with.
“Why not? It’s normal for people who are DATING to do it!” Al Haitham hummed, almost in agreement but he refused to answer. You huffed, before tossing your arms up in the air in a rage. “You can’t just ignore me either! Why are you dating me if you want to do nothing with me?” 
Al Haitham raised an eyebrow, cocking his head to the side. “I’m supposed to do something with you if we are dating?” You couldn’t help but stare in disbelief. “YES! THAT'S WHAT IT MEANS TO DATE!” He hummed again, and you could feel yourself fill up with rage.
“But we already do things together, “ He nonchalantly said, pulling out a list from his pocket. “ You slept over at my house, ate food off my plate and even took sips from my glass, borrowed my clothes and took pictures of me multiple times without my knowledge. So it’s pretty clear that we do ‘stuff’, as a couple.”
You groan, hands falling on your face in defeat. “It’s different! We barely do anything intimate! I want to hold you! “ You sigh. Arguing with him always felt like pouring water into a bucket with holes, no matter how much you fill it up it all goes to waste.
“Intimate you say?” Al Haitham mumbled, setting the list from his hand to a side before making his way to you. “Oh, we have been very intimate.” You squinted at him. He must be joking right? You guys don’t even hold hands! 
“Don’t joke about this. I’m being serious.” “Do I look like someone who would joke?” You unconsciously began to step back, why was he getting closer? You didn’t like that. It didn’t take long before you bumped against a wall and there was barely an inch between the two of you at this point. Al Haitham looked at you and all you could do was nervously stare back. Did you go too far this time?
He leaned towards your ear, and since the distance had shortened you could feel the heat coming off from his body. You spoke trying to ease yourself. “When have we ever been intimate?” Al Haitham scoffed, making you flinch as he was too close to you now. Everything was too loud. His breath was too loud, and you could feel the breeze on your neck, sending chills all over your body. Your heart was also beating too fast, you were certain he could hear it as clear as day and you knew he was going to make fun of you for being so tense around him.
“You clearly don’t remember but of course I do. I’m quite a light sleeper.” With that, you felt a hand slide up your back, and you felt your body jolt up. “Maybe you don’t remember the times when you would feel me up like this? I’m trying to sleep after a busy day and then I can feel your hands slowly creeping up.” His words were almost a whisper but his actions were loud. Another hand circled your waist and slowly both hands pushed you close to his body. Chest to chest, you could almost feel his heartbeat as loud as yours. 
“I don’t mind, it does feel nice to be held once in a while. But no one wants to hug someone the entire day.” He slowly put his face to the crook of your neck. The hand that was once sliding your back now holding your head in place, while his other arm circled your waist making sure you couldn’t leave his grasp. “Tell me, is this not intimate enough?” He chuckled, nipping at your neck.
You lost it, immediately pushing him away. You have never felt so hot and you could still feel your heart racing. The parts where he held you felt cold but the sensation continued to sting. You couldn’t believe that you had been feeling him up while you slept. All this time you had been hugging him and it seemed Al Haitham had a limit for it. This was the most embarrassing thing you had to find out about yourself. You had no idea how to defend yourself.
“Well? Is that not intimate enough? Do you want to do something else? Your quota for hugs is up but I’m up for doing more.” He suggested a light smile on his face. You couldn’t handle this.
“NEVERMIND! PRETEND I SAID NOTHING!” And with that you bolted out of the door, leaving Al Haitham alone in the room. He chuckled to himself once more, picking up the list he had set down before looking through it once more.
“One more thing added to the list I suppose.”
“If you win a match against me, I will consider it.”
You stared at him in shock. He must be joking right?  “You’re joking right?” You ended up saying what you had been thinking. He shook his head. “Do I look like I am joking right now? I’ll tell you a joke later but right now I’m being serious.”
You sighed. You always refused to play a match with him. He always got so intense about genius invocation TCG and it also didn’t help that you were hopeless at card games. So in short he was setting you up for failure.
“I can’t believe this.” You mumbled to yourself, your hand pinching the skin between your eyebrows as you frowned in defeat. You can’t believe he would stoop this low just to play a card game with you.
“You know I can’t win.” “You won’t know until you try.” You huffed, an irritated smile on your lips as you looked at him in annoyance. “You already know I suck at card games. I lost at gin rummy, I always got last place in go fish and I even had to forfeit a match against Kaveh in poker! The man who always loses money! I lost to him!” You tried not to get embarrassed but who wouldn’t get embarrassed when they had to defend themselves by mentioning how much they have lost?
“Genius invocation TCG is different,” Cyno said, still refusing to budge. You could feel yourself wanting to throw a tantrum, but you decided to be the bigger person. You took a deep breath, calming yourself before you spoke up once again.
Who were you kidding, you were a petty bastard. “Well, I guess we can never hug or be close to each other. We can be the first couple in Sumeru that has any intimacy! Oh, parents will be so proud to tell our stories to children! “ 
You glared at Cyno who remained unphased. You sigh once more. “Whatever, I don’t have time to argue with you about this.” You began to turn around to leave but Cyno spoke up.
“What if I teach you?” You look over your shoulder to see if he was joking once again. He stood proudly, a face showing how confident he was in his ability. You groan, turning to face him once more. You didn’t want to argue with him.
“Fine.” You say, making your way towards him. “Let’s play a match.”
You don’t know what you expected when he said he was going to teach you how to play. You were not prepared for the fact he made you lean against him, his head resting on the crook of your neck while you both sat on the couch. Cards displayed in front of you lay in a mess.
You couldn’t think straight, his voice was right next to your ears, going on about which cards were the best supports and which character cards were the best. Wasn’t this technically a hug? He had his whole body wrapped around you. His entire body was interlocked with yours and you could feel the heat from his body radiate on yours.
His arms circled over yours, hands pressed on the back of your palms to make sure you held onto the cards correctly. His legs forced you to shut yours so he could sit behind you with ease. He had never been this close before. You never felt his voice this close to your ears.
You wondered if he noticed. Maybe this was what he planned from the start. Maybe he wanted to tease you a bit because of how much you tried to avoid him before. You decided to prod. “You know, If this is how we are going to play cards, maybe I won’t mind playing a couple of matches with you.”
Cyno stopped talking. You wondered whether he realised you caught on. Maybe he wanted to be this intimate with you and was just embarrassed to say it directly to your face. You waited for his answer. It almost felt like an eternity. Both your bodies are so close, almost as if you both were one. He finally spoke up.
“We can’t play cards like this. Otherwise, I will see your entire deck when we play an actual match.” 
You never wanted to hit someone so badly.
You blink confused. “I just asked for a hug?” You question yourself, did you say something wrong? Kaveh stared at you, before replying with a nervous chuckle. “Ah yes, of course. A hug! Sure sure! Come here!” He said, extending his arms towards you.
You could see he was shaking a bit. Was he nervous? You almost felt bad asking him for a hug. He was shaking like a wet dog. “You know, it’s ok if we don’t hug? We can take our time with this.”
Kaveh blinked, his nervousness disappearing and replaced by sudden guilt. He dropped down on the couch, face covering his hands. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make it a big deal.” He mumbled, refusing to look up at you.
You sat across from him, waiting to see if he would continue to speak. When you realised he wasn’t going to budge you sighed, speaking first. “Is something wrong? You always overthink these things so I would prefer if you just told me outright.” You ask, you always considered communication as an important role in a relationship. Kaveh was one to put up walls whenever you tried to initiate any form of intimacy, whether its words or actions. You just wish he could tell you why.
“I just..” He cut himself off. Suddenly he sat straight up, placing his hands on his knees before taking a big breath. “I haven’t been hugged in almost years.” Now it was your turn to be shocked. “What?!” Kaveh flinched at our outburst.
“What do you mean you haven’t been hugged?” You ask more confused than ever. “Ha well, you see I haven’t seen any of my family in years. And you know my friends, they aren’t your typical huggers.” He chuckled nervously, trying to play out what he said as a joke. Seeing that you didn’t laugh with him, he coughed in his hand in embarrassment. “ So, physical touch is not something I am used to.”
You both stayed in silence. Which made Kaveh more nervous. You could see how his leg would bounce up and down impatiently and how he refused to look you directly in the eyes. “I’m not going to be mad at you for not hugging me. If we have to take baby steps to help you overcome it then it’s fine. So if you want, we can start now or later.”
He finally looked at you, a calm smile dancing on your lips. You extended your arms out to him, encouraging him to take the first step. “It’s all up to you. We can stop at any time.” Kaveh anxiously looked at your arms, before slowly inching towards you.
It took a while but he embraced you. You could hear how loud his heartbeat was, and the heat rising on his cheeks felt warm on your neck. You thought he was immediately let go but to your surprise, he clung on a bit tighter. You took this as a sign to wrap your arms around his back. He felt very warm to your touch.
The tension on his shoulders loosened. As he slackened a bit you could suddenly feel his entire weight on your body. Unable to hold him up you felt yourself slowly pushed back on the couch. “Oof!” You let out, when you finally collided on the couch, Kaveh’s full weight fully pressing you down on the couch.
The minute you yelped, Kaveh immediately pushed himself off, now facing you as you lay beneath him. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to push you down like that!” You let out a slight chuckle, your hand instinctively pushing a strand of hair out of his face. His face was already red from how shy he got from the hug but it seemed to get redder the more you played with his hair. 
“Don’t worry about it. See? It’s not that bad.” 
“I don’t mind but is this really the right time?”
To be fair he wasn’t wrong. You both were currently patrolling amongst the forest floors in Gandharva Ville and just finished clearing up a fungi infestation that was expanding nearby. So now you both were covered in mud and dirt, sweating profusely while making your way back to the Ville. So in theory, this was not the most ideal place to hug.
However, Tighnari barely has any time for you! Sure you guys are dating, but it’s very clear you both value your jobs too much! Anytime he is free you’re already back in Sumeru City to give the reports to the higher-ups and when you could finally make time for him he is already out patrolling before night comes. The minute you both come back you guys are so tired you immediately fall asleep where you stood. Heck, one time you had passed out near the entrance while he somehow ended up on the roof!
To put it simply your jobs were ruining any chance of you both from having any physical contact and now it was driving you insane. It didn’t help that Tighnari’s fluffy tail was always teasing you from a distance. You could kill if it meant you could hold it even for a second.
Today you both were finally able to patrol together after having your schedules never align for almost weeks. You even begged Collei to stay back just so you could have some alone time with him. You know you shouldn’t try to do anything inappropriate while doing your job but desperate times call for desperate measures.
You both were heading back to the Ville anyway. You’re certain the minute you guys reach and finish your reports you both would be too tired to do anything together! This was your only chance! “I know it’s not ideal but we barely have any time for each other! Please just for a minute!” You pleaded, begging he would budge.
Tighnari was one to do his job, he rarely deviated from his goal till he was done with it. But you were right, even he was getting impatient about how little you both could do together. He sighed. “Fine, just a hug.” You could almost hear angels sing the minute he agreed to your request.
“Anyway make it quick-” Before he could continue, you already pounced, cutting him off. Unable to hold your sudden weight, you both fell to the ground, more mud spilling to the sides. “Ew…” Tighnari groaned. You didn’t care about the mud or the fact you both were sweating like pigs. You had your arms already wrapped around him in an instant. Your face on his chest, listening to his heartbeat steadily. Who knew such a simple gesture as a hug would bring you such comfort?
Tighnari looked down to see you grinning happily. He couldn’t help but smile as well, wrapping his arms around you as well. He stroked your head and rubbed circles on your back. It was pretty clear you both needed this. He wasn’t sure how long you both stayed like that but he could see the sky begin to turn shades of orange and yellow, indicating the sun was setting.
“We should really get going now. “ He said, looking down at your form. To his disbelief, the sudden warmth and comfort you had gotten from his hugs had caused you to fall asleep. “Oh, you gotta be kidding me….” He groaned again, remembering that you were in fact, a heavy sleeper.
He had to carry you back to Gandharva Ville by himself. Lucky for him even in your sleep you refused to let go of him while he piggybacked you there. He began to take a mental note that maybe you both should request fewer hours of patrol and align your schedules together. He was not risking you falling asleep every time you both embraced. But for once you both will be able to go to sleep in each other’s arms.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?”
You honestly weren't surprised that was his response to you when you had asked for a hug. The day was tiring enough and all you wanted to do was cuddle with your partner after working all day and that was the response you had got.
Wanderer, Hat Guy, or whatever he was called was technically your partner. As in, he agreed to date you when you ended up blurting out that you found him quite attractive, however, he was far from a good partner. He didn’t like to hold hands. He refused to hang out with you in public. He won’t even eat with you!
Now here you were again, getting rejected once more by your ‘partner’. “Why would you say it like that?” You mumble, feeling embarrassed you thought he might have had a change of mind. Of course, to no one’s surprise, he didn’t. He scoffed. “What are you talking about? You humans always want to focus on such fickle things.”
You glared at him. You couldn’t believe you were dating this fool. Maybe it was your mistake of ever thinking he was cute. “It isn’t ‘fickle’. It’s what couples do!” You try to defend yourself. He, of course, was the outlier when it comes to dating. You weren’t sure if he had ever dated before. Even if he did, he was probably terrible at it even then. “If you don’t want to do any of these things with me then why did you agree to go out with me?”
He raised an eyebrow, he remained unphased with your outburst. “And it’s important to you?” You wanted to strangle him. He must be joking right? “Of course, it is important to me! I want to feel like we are a couple…” You huffed. Talking to him felt like smashing a wall with a hammer, only to find out he had already built another layer on the other side. No matter how many times you smashed it, he already had another one ready to piss you off.
He hummed, and all you could was stare, wondering whether he would respond. Seeing that he was not responding to it, you sighed. “You know what? Never mind, pretend I didn’t ask. Maybe we shouldn’t date, I don’t think we have the same values.” He immediately shot up, his entire attention now focused on you.
“Now wait a damn second” He started but you immediately cut him off. “Face it! We have nothing in common and you don’t want to do anything I want. Not only that, you have no plans for me too! “ You could feel that you were probably going to start rambling. But the minute you start it’s almost impossible to stop.
“You don’t want to do anything with me! Especially in public, we haven’t even gone out for that long but surely a walk together around the city wouldn’t be a bad idea? Not only that, you don’t even want to be seen with me at all! Am I that embarrassing to be around?” You continued to babble about. Unbeknownst to you, he already made his way towards you.
Before you could continue your rant, he wrapped his arms around you. You yelped, suddenly realizing he had picked you up as if you weighed nothing. Not only that, you were clearly levitating off the ground. You began to panic, trying to push him away, only resulting in him hugging you tighter, refusing to let you go.
“Let go of me!” You whined, trying to kick your feet, your hands on his shoulders trying to push him off. He was cold. A hug usually felt warm, but against your warm body, he chilled you down. As you begged him to let you go, he finally spoke. “I’ll let you down if you stop complaining. Deal?” You nodded eagerly. You were not a fan of heights and you didn’t want him to fly any higher.
“Good.” He said, slowly descending back to the ground, however even after he put you down he refused to let you go. “Now listen here you idiot, I don’t know what your plan is but I don’t plan on breaking up with you over something so minimal. However, if you think these things are important I’ll try to do them often. But before that let me make everything clear.”
He put his forehead on yours, closing any gap you had between the two of you. While your face began to burn up due to the realization of how close you both had become, his face remained unchanged. Unconsciously your hands slid back to his back, pulling him closer to you. 
“Firstly, I don’t eat, especially because I don’t need to eat to maintain myself, so I consider it a waste.” He spoke in such a hushed tone now, you couldn’t believe how gentle he was at the moment. You weren’t even sure if you could concentrate on what he was saying. His words echoed in your ears like a siren, bouncing on the walls inside your mind. 
“Secondly, I am being constantly monitored, due to reasons, and I don’t want a certain person to realize that we are together because she is not going to let me hear the end of it. “ For once you could see a faint redness on his cheeks, however, there was almost no heat that radiated from his body. He looked like a doll, and for once you began to realize how pale he was.
“Finally, you are the first person I have ever ‘dated’. I have been amongst humans for a very long time, but this is the first time I have gone beyond friendship. So this is a first for me. “ He pushed you back. You almost let out a whine, refusing to leave his embrace but he was going to overpower you in that sense. You missed the chill he gave you, now only surrounded by the warmth your own had produced.
While you pondered on how you missed his touch, he continued to speak. “I’m rude and blunt. I am not someone who understands why humans want to do certain things, however,” he grabbed your hands, squeezing them tightly in his palms, almost as if he didn’t plan on letting go. “ If these things are important to you then I will try to do them. I apologize for frustrating you. There, you happy now?”
You stared at his hands which grasped yours. Wanderer frowned, unhappy with how you have refused to respond to his speech that he did his best to articulate. “Well?” He impatiently asked. You looked up at him, a cheeky grin on your face.
“I’ll be happier if you hug me again!”
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vitaminkyeom · 11 months
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PAIRING || Jeonghan x Female Reader
GENRES || Fluff
WARNINGS || swearing (reader calls jeonghan a dumbass)
WORD COUNT || 0.6k
A/N || i just cannot write jeonghan as a menace TT
TAGLIST || ​@romeosbreastmilk @y00nzin0 @cecedrake2217  @candidupped @ashkuuuu @hanicore @alyssng @amethyistheart @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @weebotakuboy @angelfeverdream @aaniag @sea-moon-star @jjeongddol @k-drama-adict @thepoopdokyeomtouched [if you want to be added to my taglist, fill in this form!]
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“you gremlin.” you muttered, when you opened your eyes and looked at your body, finally realising why you were feeling so cold. turning to your side you found your suspicions being confirmed, as you found your boyfriend completely wrapped up in your blanket.
as much as you hated yoon jeonghan right now, you knew he had a busy schedule the next day and that he was a light sleeper. so you reached out slowly and tried tugging the blanket off him, only for him to let out a grunt and wrap it even more tightly around him.
you gave another gentle tug but all you earned from your boyfriend was a whine and turned to face you, clearly disturbed by your actions, immediately making you feel guilty. but for a man who looked like the wind could blow him away, he sure was strong enough to hog the entire blanket and not let it go.
you tried closing your eyes, forcing yourself to go back to sleep but you just couldn’t because of how cold you were. maybe it was your imagination, but you could swear you could feel the temperature dropping by each second.
finally, you gave up and once again tried taking the blanket from him, this time choosing a different tactic.
“hannie.” you softly whispered, moving closer to him. “hannie. baby. you are hogging the entire blanket, my love.”
jeonghan frowned a bit, but within a second his expression relaxed, moving closer to you so that now your faces were just inches apart.
“jeonghan? my love?” you tried again, before pressing a soft kiss on his forehead. you heard your boyfriend grunt as his eyes fluttered open finally, frowning at you as though asking you why did you wake him up.
“i’m so, so sorry hannie but-” you began, before pulling the blanket towards you (which he let go easily this time) and wrapping yourself in it. jeonghan immediately wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to him as you finally basked in his body heat. “-you had taken the blanket completely.”
jeonghan gave you a lazy smile, which at normal times would have given you the urge to strangle him but now it just made you want to kiss him because of how attractive he looked. “did i? sorry, babe. you should have woken me up before.”
“didn’t want to.” you murmured, burying your face in his chest. “you are a light sleeper so i tried taking the cover from you as quietly and gently as i could.”
“you could have frozen to death.” he chastised, voice still groggy, causing you to giggle lightly.
“oh yeah. what would you do if i became a frozen statue?” you joked back, looking up at him with a small smile. 
jeonghan smiled back at you fondly, gently tracing the curve of your cheek before capturing your lips in his. he kissed you softly and then broke apart, but not moving away from you too much so that your noses were still brushing against each others. “a true love’s kiss will save you.”
“it was an act of true love, you dumbass.” you sneered but jeonghan just shrugged. 
“fine. then hugging you should be enough, right?” at this you whined, wrapping your arms around him to engulf yourself completely in his warmth. jeonghan laughed lightly before pressing another kiss on your forehead, before leaning in to kiss you. 
“don’t worry, my love. i’ll make it up to you tomorrow for stealing the blanket. okay?”
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A/N: Please do tell me what you think about this story!! I worked really hard on it and I would love to know everyone’s thoughts on it~ Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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© 𝐆𝐘𝐔-𝐄𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
What would be Aaron’s reaction to reader just climbing up on his bed and cuddling him and telling him ‘I’m sorry for everything I’ve done to hurt you’ like I need a genuine sweet moment from these two 😭
Or like baby reader asking Aaron or Rio why her mommy doesn’t love her the way mothers love their daughters
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Aaron was a light sleeper, he when he heard your door from across the hall creek open he knew it was either to get a glass of water, or to pace back and fourth as you sometimes did to sooth yourself from aching thoughts, like Diana would, but instead of the sound of the tap pouring or the sound of small feet pattering across the floor your feet grew ever closer to his door. He heard the small push and heard the creek of his door open and though he was not facing you could sense you were looming in the doorway, waiting for something.
After several moments right before Aaron was going to flip over to face you he felt the weight of the bed shift as you sat on the end and shuffled yourself under the blankets with him.
Y/n: "Pa...Are you awake?" You whispered.
Aaron: "Y/n...Why are you up so late? Take your self back to bed"
Y/n: "Can I sleep with you tonight?" He heard you sniffle and shifted himself to face you, the room was dark but he would see the shadows framing your distressed face wet with tears.
Aaron: "What's got you upset? You have a nightmare?"
Y/n: "No...I was just worried"
Aaron: "About?"
Y/n: "You said last night that...It was me who made Diana the way she is...dose that mean you'll be like her?"
Oh...Oh no He thought, he knew kids were just sponges but he had hopped he could just brush that comment under the rug and you would forget.
Aaron: "Oh no baby no, I was was just mad...But it's not your fault, listen your Mom had problems when we met, long before you and I should never had said that, and I will never be like Diana I love you"
Y/n: "Dose Diana love me?"
Aaron really didn't know at this point, she cared enough to pick you up weekends but not enough to engage with you, but only expose you to her darker sides. But he wasn’t about to tell you no, what kind of parent would he be if he did?
Aaron: “Yeah baby, I think she loves you but you know your moms got problems she’s not doing to great right now but she’ll get better”
Y/n: “I’m sorry”
Aaron: “about?”
Y/n: “ about hitting myself and making you look bad to the school”
Aaron: “I don’t care really what the school thinks of me I just get scared-“
Y/n: “that I’ll end up like her?”
Aaron: “Yeah…also you know how CPS can be”
Y/n: “ are you getting tired of me?”
Aaron: “never baby, I love you, okay? No matter what Diana or Phil tells you, I and Tita Rio and Uncle Jeff and Miles, we love love you so much”
Aaron can feel you tense again this chest as your curl up into a ball, sometimes you would respond negativity to being told you were loved and push it away, he worried this would be one of these times where it set you off to hurt yourself so he instinctively pressed you closer to his chest.
Aaron: “shhh shhh it’s okay baby, I got you”
Y/n: “ no no I’m fine”
Aaron: “ You not gonna do anything stupid?”
Y/n: “No im good”
Aaron: “okay then” he loosened his grip on your back only for you to tighten his grip on his shirt.
Y/n: “ can we stay like this please?”
Aaron: “ sure” he muttered as he wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head lightly already drifting off to sleep with his child in his arms he allowed himself to slip into slumber where he knew that no matter what, happened between him and Jeff, or You and Diana he always, always had you his baby.
Request are wanted, hope ya like!
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rkvriki · 2 years
— being interrupted by the other members ! (maknae line)
hey everyone!! here is the maknae line of this post, i hope you enjoy it !!
make sure to leave feedback . my asks are open and so is my inbox so let's talk!!
WARNINGS ! this is not proofread, might have grammar errors; contains light cursing. a/n: i hate this one !! i was out of inspiration to write this, i'm so sorry :( still i hope you can enjoy it !
word count: 1.5k !
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sunoo didn't mind any comments made by the others about him, but if you were involved it's another story.
sunoo and you would be in his bed at the dorms, spending some time together since he just came from tour.
you were doing the new face masks he bought for your weekly skincare sessions.
“i saw these cute masks with bears on them and they reminded me of you!!” sunoo told you as he carefully put one on your face, spreading it evenly while gently massaging it. 
after he was done you kissed his lips gently, making him smile tightly at you showing his crescent moon shaped eyes.
as you were doing your skincare routine, you two went on about what happened while he was on tour, which was mostly you rambling about something bothering you at college.
“...and I couldn't believe she really said that straight to my face!”
“yes, how cruel is she!!” sunoo said agreeing with you even though he didn’t even know who you were talking about.
as you went on with your rambling, sunoo was just staring at you and i swear if it were a cartoon he would have hearts in his eyes.
“...so as i was about to give in my test he literally- what? is there something on my face?” you said, grabbing your phone to look at your reflection. sunoo let out a giggle and hugged you in his arms leaving you confused.
“no, you’re just so pretty and i’m literally in love with you!” he said, keeping you in his safe embrace. (pls i would kill to have sunoo like this)
you pulled away from his arms looking at him, admiring his features, and pulled him into a sweet kiss.
sunoo giggled as you two were kissing, making you smile into the kiss.
“two new episodes from the series we were watching came out this week, we should watch them.” sunoo said as he started laying down in his bed and grabbing his ipad to open the series.
you agreed and laid next to him, cuddling his side. 
“i bet they are arguing now and then be alright in the next episode, it’s always like that!” you said watching as the two characters were having an intensive argument.
“i don't know, maybe they will only make up in the last episode just to leave us on a cliffhanger.” 
it’s been almost an hour since you were watching the series and you started feeling your eyes getting heavy as the time went by.
you finally gave in to sleep and let your eyes flutter shut and you listened to sunoo’s calm and soothing heartbeat.
“see! i knew they weren’t-” sunoo stopped talking when he realized you were fast asleep in his arms. laughing softly at you, he admired your sleeping state. how your eyelashes rested against your cheeks and how your lips were slightly parted, letting out soft noises, that he found so cute.
turning off his ipad, he set it on the bedside table and let his own eyes shut and drift off to sleep.
“oh my god jake, this is perfect black mail.” niki said as he took pictures of you and sunoo sleeping with your maks hanging half off your face.
jake was trying to hold in his laugh while he watched niki.
“pls send that to the group chat, this is so good!”
sunoo eyes shot open as he started listening to voices in the room. niki quickly put his phone away, trying not to laugh, while jay ran out of the room while laughing.
“what are you brats doing? get out before she wakes up!” sunoo told niki and he went straight out of the room.
sunoo looked back to check on you and you were still in your deep sleep, making him wonder how you could be such a heavy sleeper.
sunoo smiled and went back to sleep with you after taking both of your masks off.
sunoo is so boyfie omg
jungwon minds it, you on the other hand don’t.
he had invited you to spend the evening with him at the dorms so you guys could have a sleepover.
everytime you came over jungwon would have a whole routine planned, so nothing could ruin your time together. nothing excluding his members. they could ruin it.
“wonie!! i missed you so much, baby!!!” you hugged jungwon tightly as you greeted him. jungwon smiled as he gave your lips a peck, making your heart flutter. 
you both got in and sat on the couch as you chatted for a while. 
"let's play mario kart!!” jungwon suggested starting your fun day together at home.
he got the game ready while you went in the kitchen to get snacks and drinks to feed you throughout the game.
you both sat on the couch, grabbing the controllers, as you got ready to play the game.
“let’s use mario and princess peach to match!” you told him happily, already choosing princess peach as your character. jungwon playfully rolled his eyes but still chose mario, just to make you happy.
“jungwon stop leaving banana peels please, how am i supposed to win!!!” you complained as your character slided through another banana peel, making you fall some places behind. 
jungwon just laughed at you, smirking proudly as the screen showed he was in the first place. 
seeing his proud expression, you kicked his leg lightly, making him wince dramatically, to which you rolled your eyes.
as you were playing, you heard the front door opening, the boys arriving from wherever they were.
they reached the living room and their eyes landed on you and jungwon playing.
“y/n!!! HIII!!” sunoo said greeting you.
“hi sunoo!! haven’t seen you in so long!!” you greeted him back loosing focus on the game.
“y/n, pay attention you are gonna lose!!” jungwon told you making you focus back on the game.
“oh y/n! hi, long time no see!!” heeseung said, greeting you as he sat next to you on the couch.
“oh! hey seungie! how’ve you been?” 
you and heeseung started engaging in a conversation making you forget about the game.
jungwon looked at you but you didn’t even notice him as you were so into the conversation. 
he started huffing and rolling his eyes, as he closed the game and by the looks of it you didn’t even notice.
“...and we did many things and-” heeseung suddenly stopped talking about the tour and started looking behind him. you looked in that direction seeing jungwon glaring at the older boy with an annoyed expression.
you giggled at that, seeing he was slightly jealous you weren’t giving him your attention.
jungwon looked at you and rolled his eyes, grabbing his phone and ignoring you making you laugh even more.
on day of peace for leader won please 🙏
with riki it wouldn’t exactly be interrupting.
he invited you to go out and for a sleepover.
he was touch deprived from tour and wanted nothing more than your presence so you served his wishes.
you both were in his room in the dark, ready to sleep, in the comfort of his blankets and warm bed.
you had your eyes closed, ready to drift to dreamland, when you head niki shaking slightly.
“niki are you ok-” you were interrupted as your boyfriend started laughing making you confused.
“what can be so funny at 2 30 in the morning in the full darkness?” you asked him with an annoyed tone, but honestly you weren’t that sleepy.
“nothing, it’s just- i can imagine how your face looks in the dark.” he told you, still laughing at you.
you sighed at his behavior and got up to turn on the lights as he wouldn’t stop laughing.
“niki if you don’t want to sleep you could’ve just said so.” you told him rolling your eyes and sitting back in bed.
“let’s do something else, please. i’m bored and i don’t feel like sleeping.”
“ok, like what?”
that’s how you found yourselves in his room with his computer positioned in a high place as you were in the fifth youtube video of a just dance choreography.
you were both laughing loudly, not noticing the clock already struck 3 am and the others were all sleeping.
“niki you’re going the wrong way dumbass!!” 
“shut up im not!!”
you two kept going at it until the door open revealing and messy haired jungwon with a not-so-happy expression, looking rather annoyed.
you both stopped pretty much in a 🧍 position, as you were getting ready to get scolded.
“do you guys know what time it is?? you kids go to sleep now!” jungwon told you as you and niki got under the covers, waiting for him to close the door.
as you heard the door click, you both started laughing quietly at jungwon’s scolding.
niki is a brat and jungwon doesn’t stand for that!
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hannahssimblr · 2 months
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A slamming door startles me awake. It rattles the beams in the house. Then there’s a thud. And another. Voices converse cheerily in the kitchen upstairs. 
“... pizza…a few cans of Sprite, or?” I catch snippets of the conversation. 
“... God’s sake! Someone has to clean the bloody fridge already!” That’s Jen. The low, incomprehensible mumbling that follows is Shane. I rub my eyes. 
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I can’t have been sleeping for too long. The day is still bright and clear, and people are lazing about down on the beach. As a yawn escapes me, I turn to Evie. She’s still here, sleeping soundly. 
“Hey,” I murmur. “Do you want to get up?”
She doesn’t respond. 
“Evie?” I shake her gently. 
She grumbles and rolls over onto her back. She’s dead to the world, flat out, possibly even dreaming. 
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“Here,” Again, I shake her, “You might want to wake up.”
A knock comes. “You in there, Jude?” 
“Yeah, Jen, just a second.” I poke Evie in the hip, and she turns back onto her side. Damn, okay. She’s a heavy sleeper. 
“We were wondering if you wanted to order some food.”
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“Yep.” I sit on the side of the bed and rub my face. I have napped for too long, because now I feel like I’ve been hurled off a carousel. My skin is boiling under the sun’s magnified glare through the windows. I go to the door. 
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“Looking rough,” Jen comments, and I don’t bother to respond. 
“We’re thinking of pizza. We picked up some cans of Sprite on the way home and thought we’d all watch a movie tonight. What do you think?”
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“Yeah,” I rub my eye with my fist, “Have fun at football?”
She snorts, “No, I was shit, as usual. I don’t know when they’re all going to realise that I’m too lazy to play and let me off the hook. It’s like-” she breaks off, and her eyes widen. “Wait, is that Evie asleep?”
“Yeah, so?”
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“Jude! Did you just,” she lowers her voice to an almost inaudible level, “hook up?”
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“Jesus, no!” I step out and pull the door closed behind me. “No, why would you ask me something like that?”
“Then why is she in your bed?”
“We were hanging out on it.”
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“When have you ever hung out on your bed with a girl without, you know,” she makes a hole with her thumb and finger and pokes her index through it. 
“You and I do,” I remind her, “All the time.”
“Only because I don’t like boys. Look at you, you’re all sweaty too.”
“It’s hot in there!”
“Yeah, because there were people f-”
“Shut up, Oh my God.”
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“What is she doing here? Where did you find her?”
“Why do you have to say it like that? Like I went out and found her wandering the beach like a stray cat and brought her home to-”
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“Fightin’ again,” Shane says, at the bottom of the stairs with Claire. They are holding hands, which would be interesting if I wasn’t much more interested in learning about the exact kind of operator Jen thinks I am. 
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“It isn’t like that,” I hiss. “It’s never going to be.”
She shrugs. “Well, I’m going to be watching out.”
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“What’s going on?” Shane says. 
“He’s got Evie asleep in his room,” says Jen.
He looks at Claire, face draining, then at me. “What’s she doing in there?”
I sigh, “Sleeping. We were talking.”
“Is that all, yeah?” He’s squaring his shoulders and going on the offensive, but I don’t have the energy for it. I roll my eyes. 
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“Relax, man. God. I made her listen to all my stupid CDs until she fell asleep out of sheer boredom, okay? I wouldn’t touch a hair on her head.”
Yes, you would. A voice floats into my consciousness. I bat it away. 
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“Well, Claire could ask her.”
She pulls a face. “I’m not asking her anything.” 
I drag my hand down my face. “I’m just here for the pizza and a can of Sprite, to be honest.”
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“She’s fine,” Claire tells him softly. “She can take care of herself.”
“She can’t really,” he mutters, but mercifully, he lets it drop. 
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When she emerges from my room twenty minutes later, dishevelled, with creases from the pillow imprinted on her cheek, she cuts our discussion about whether to watch Ice Age 3 or The Hangover, which are the only universally acceptable DVDs in the house, to an abrupt halt. 
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“Rise and shine,” I say, as everyone else stares at her. The fact she is still in my T-shirt isn’t exactly doing anything to help my case. 
“Suppose I was tired,” she says, and I nod. 
“Do you, um… We’re thinking of ordering pizza.” I cannot explain why it’s so extraordinarily difficult to be normal around her, but everyone is looking at me now, and my face is getting hot. 
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“I can’t. I have to go home.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, thanks though. I’ll see you guys soon.”
We stare at one another for a beat, then she spins around and clambers up the stairs, every footstep thudding, across the kitchen floor and out onto the porch. She slams the door. 
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A brief silence follows. I snatch the remote before anyone can make the sort of comment that would damage the last threads of my meticulously curated, nonchalant personality. 
“Ice Age,” I say. “We’re watching that, okay? Everyone shut up.”
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Later, as I’m pulling the wet laundry out of the washing machine and cramming it in the dryer, Jen comes in to talk. She’s got that sly smile on her face. 
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“That her bikini, is it?”
I snatch the little orange scrap off the top of the washing basket and sling it into the drum. “Yeah, and her t-shirt and her towel. She showered here, alright? Do you have something worthwhile to say about it?”
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“Good. And we have to start cleaning this house.”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to s-”
“Yeah, well, I’m saying it now. Starting tomorrow. I can’t live like this anymore.”
She shrugs. “Okay.”
“Yeah, I said okay!”
I slam the machine door with a hollow thunk. 
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Beginning // Prev // Next
Corresponding LG Chapter
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cloudcountry · 1 year
Genre/Tropes: Childhood Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Royalty AU, Forbidden Love.
Summary: You've fallen for your personal guard, childhood friend, and closet confidante, Deuce Spade. Except you're royalty, and royalty do not marry lowly guards.
Author's Comments: WHEREVER I WRITE FOR DEUCE ITS LIKE 4K WORDS. love that guy, he's so neat. also this was inspired by ceroro's delighted guidance which is a royal au fic with rook!! i wrote this in like a day so this is unedited LMAO
You often fell victim to many bizarre dreams.
They usually centered around the legends your subjects kept alive over centuries. Tales of monsters in the dark parts of the forest and shadows that would swallow you whole. Stories that often frightened you, as the world of Twisted Wonderland was an unpredictable one. There was no telling when something like that would happen, and you would be in danger because of it. Thankfully it wasn’t your responsibility to worry anymore, though your previously self-centered worry now had another target.
Deuce Spade, your childhood friend and appointed guard.
He used to be able to run into your room whenever you screamed and comfort you by waving his hands around and yelling about how he’d beat up anyone that dared to harm you. His mother would often scold him for his violent behavior, but if nothing else it did make you feel safer. Eventually, you were even able to persuade your father to place his family’s room right across from yours, where you and Deuce could hang out whenever you wanted.
If only things could still be that way.
Instead of having dreams about monsters in the woods, you have dreams of faceless royalty vying for your hand and towering over you, their faces splitting open in sickeningly sweet grins as they grab at you. You always seem to wake up in a cold sweat from those, clutching your blankets to your chest like a lifeline. Tonight is one of those nights.
You slip out of bed and throw the bed sheets to the side, the slippers resting at the foot of your bed shielding your feet from the cold. It isn’t hard to navigate your room in the almost complete darkness, and you reach the door in no time flat. The guard currently posted outside your door is not Deuce Spade, but he doesn’t question it when you creep across the hall so he’s fine enough. He just follows you, stopping outside the Spade family’s door without a single indicator as to what he’s thinking.
It doesn’t matter if he thinks I’m pathetic. Deuce doesn’t. His opinion is the only one I care about.
You twist the doorknob and the door swings open. It isn’t safe, you think, but you know people like Deuce and his mother can’t afford to have the amount of protection that you do. The polished wood groans as you step into the room, and you freeze with a wince. Deuce is a notoriously light sleeper, and you just woke him up.
The door swings shut behind you, and shuts with a soft click.
You’re left in darkness.
“Deuce?” you whisper, creeping towards the edge of his bed and crouching down to his level, “Deuce, it’s me.”
“My Liege...why are you awake?” he mumbled, sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes, “Did you have another dream?”
“Mhm.” you hum, grasping at the corner of the bedsheets and tugging them off his body, “Let me in. I can’t sleep in my room.”
Deuce sighs and complies, scooting over so you have room. You plop down beside him and feel a wave of warmth wash over you. He takes extra care in tucking you in but turns around so his back is facing you once he’s done making you comfortable. You feel a stab of rejection in your chest but try not to dwell on it.
His duty is not to care about you.
“Goodnight, My Liege.” he whispers, the sound insignificant to him but worth more than a thousand diamonds to you.
“Yes, goodnight Deuce.” you say, shutting your eyes.
It’s disappointing that the distance between you hasn’t changed, even though you snuck across the hall for him.
The next morning you wake up early when Deuce has already slipped out of bed to begin his rounds. You blink slowly, wishing you could have savored sleeping with him a little bit longer. A frantic knocking on the door spurs you awake, and Deuce’s mother rushes to answer it. It’s the guard that covers your late night shift, and by the look on his face, he'd been searching frantically for you. You almost feel bad.
You smile at Deuce’s mother and thank her for letting you stay over so often, but she just shakes her head and bows to you. If the guard wasn’t here, you know full well she would have swept you into her arms and pressed a kiss to the crown of your head.
You’re convinced Deuce’s mom is the greatest woman alive.
You exit the safe haven you’ve built up over the years, stepping back into your royal chambers. There’s only so much you can do to hide your exhaustion when you see a few handmaidens and a tailor standing in front of your giant full-length mirror.
Frankly, it’s disturbing how prophetic your dreams can be sometimes.
As the handmaidens talk, it occurs to you that your father must have announced a ball to be held in honor of something or other (not that he ever needs a reason to party anyways, as he will always find a way to throw a party more extravagant than the last.) There’s no doubt in your mind that many suitors from neighboring kingdoms will come to vie for your hand, and it doesn’t matter if your eyes are locked onto one of your guards or not because love is politics in royalty.
There’s a handmaiden currently fluttering around you, and she’s assisting the tailor your father called over to fix an outfit for you. Even though you resent the idea of participating, you can’t help but admire the fabrics that you’ll be wearing for this event. You can’t admire them freely though, because it just so happens that right now is when the late-night guard switches with the early-morning one, and that early-morning guard is none other than Deuce Spade. To make matters worse, because of the guests in your room, he’s stationed inside (which wouldn’t be so bad if you were alone, but if that was the case he would never enter just because.) The thought of him seeing you in all this gaudy fabric makes you feel shameful, even if they are beautiful swatches.
“Oh, My Liege...” one of the handmaidens sighs, clasping her hands in front of her chest as she looks at you adoringly, “You’re going to look so lovely! Everyone will be tripping over their feet to earn a dance with you!”
You don’t look at Deuce. You don’t think you can right now.
“Oh, you think so?” you say mildly, absentmindedly continuing the conversation.
She nods a little too enthusiastically, and you hold back a sigh. Why is everyone so eager to marry you off to the first royal heir that comes knocking on your door?
“Oh, absolutely My Liege!” she beams, her round cheeks turning pink with pride, “I’ve been working for your father for a long time, I’m certain he’ll establish the best future for you!”
Economically, maybe. But emotionally? His understanding is lacking.
“I’m delighted that he’s going such lengths for me. Really, I’m spoiled.” you say through clenched teeth, and you hope your grimace passes for a smile.
Judging by the way the handmaiden is nodding vigorously with hums of approval flooding from your mouth, you’re pretty sure you’ve nailed it.
It’s so hard to ignore Deuce like he’s just another guard, like he isn’t the only one in this palace you can trust. Most of what occurs here is for appearances, but he’s never cared about that sort of thing. Even when you fell in the mud or scraped your knees or got a papercut he never scolded you for being out of line or not acting like royalty. There was no speech about you being the next ruler, he just fixed you up and vowed to protect you better next time. You always thought that was funny when you were a kid, but now you yearn for those days.
Things were so much better back then.
Brow furrowing with sorrow, you can’t help but look at Deuce in the mirror.
Your breath gets caught in your throat when your eyes unexpectedly lock with a beautiful pair that look just like the ocean on a sunny day. He’s looking at you.
Your opinion is the only one that matters is what you try to convey to him using only your pleading gaze. I don’t care what the other royals think is pretty or what my father thinks or even the handmaidens. I just want you to think I’m lovely.
You don’t know if he gets the message.
The ball is in full swing, and you feel like you might pass out.
You put in a formal request for Deuce Spade to be your bodyguard for the event, and you’re glad it was granted. Your mind is running a mile a minute not because you want to impress the dazzling royalty that are spinning around the palace’s ballroom in dresses and suits that would blind a man, but because you keep trying to come up with excuses to leave with Deuce. You don’t want to be here and he knows it, but he can’t do anything about it.
“Oh, I’m so warm.” you sigh loudly, and you feel a sense of accomplishment when Deuce snorts quietly beside you, “I must take a break, I’m sorry Prince Rosehearts.”
“That’s quite alright.” the young boy bows, looking like he’d rather be anywhere but here as who you can only assume to be his mother is breathing down his neck, “Take your time, you highness.”
You wave, forcing a smile as you make your way to the gardens. A spike of irritation stabs you at the base of your throat when another prince jumps in your way, his expression bright and happy. He immediately starts yapping about how nice the festivities are as his companion stares into space with a harsh glare. You shiver and pray that glare will never be directed at you tonight.
“Kalim, I’m sure they want to rest.” the boy beside him says flatly, “Why don’t you go sample their drinks, since you’ve already had your fill of their food?”
Wow. That’s the first time you’ve seen a prince and his companion with such a close relationship. They must be childhood friends.
Just like you and Deuce, and yet not like you two at all.
“Oh! That’s a good idea, Jamil!” he laughs, waving goodbye to you with a flimsy bow, “I’ll see you later, your highness!”
You grimace and wave back, hoping that’s not the man your father will have you marry. He seems to be far too much to handle and not quite hard-working enough.
Or maybe you just need to stop comparing every man you see to Deuce.
With the Asim heir out of the way, you continue to the gardens without another interruption. Your shoulders sag with barely masked relief as the flowering bushes come into view. They’re the same bushes you fell into far too many times in your childhood, and the same bushes Deuce and his mother had to fish you out of. 
“Aren’t these flowers so pretty?” you ask, slotting a stem between your ring and middle finger. You cup it with reverence, as it’s one of the only tangible things you have from a better time. One of the only things you were allowed to touch.
You look over at Deuce.
“Yeah, they are.” he sighs, kneeling next to you with a soft smile, “They always did remind me of you.”
Your heart flutters in your chest at his words, and you feel your face heating up. There was nothing any of those royals could give you that would ever take your heart back from the boy in front of you. You turn your head to face him, staring into those deep blue eyes. He stares back, a pink flush steadily growing darker on his cheeks. You wet your lips and lean a bit closer because this moment is right, you two are alone, and you don’t think you’ll ever get this chance again.
He stands up and clears his throat. Your approach stalls halfway, and you feel as though you were just doused in icy cold water.
“I’m sorry, My Liege.” he mumbled, avoiding your questioning gaze with bright red cheeks, “I...I can’t. It’s improper.”
“Deuce?” you whisper, the sound so weak and pathetic that you hate yourself for it.
“Um...My Liege, please get up. It’s...not fit for royalty to be crouched on the ground like that.” he says, the words sounding so wrong on his tongue.
It doesn’t change the fact that he said them.
“Deuce...do you hate me?” you ask, shakily rising to your knees, “You’re always so distant when we used to be so close, and when I climbed into bed with you last night you didn’t even look at me before you fell asleep. Please just tell me if there’s nothing there because I don’t think I can stand to have this uncertainty surrounding us.”
You’re also certain that a broken heart would make it even worse for you.
“I can’t let...feelings get in the way of protecting you-”
Whose feelings?
“-because you’re...My Liege, and it’s my duty to protect you-”
I want to be more!
“-so I can’t act...I...I’m sorry.”
“Can’t act on what?” you persist, clasping your hands over your heart as if that will protect it.
“I can’t say.” Deuce looks away, shifting uncomfortably on the spot.
It doesn’t stop you from pushing.
“Why not? You used to say exactly how you felt when we were kids. Does being royalty make it that difficult...?” you take a step back, braced for the worst.
“It does, My Liege.” he confesses, and a sickening feeling wells up in your stomach.
Your heart shatters in your chest.
Your head is spinning as you stumble away from Deuce with a grimace on your face, unable to focus on anything except for the mixture of emotions you feel.
“I...I need to think.” you mumble, stumbling over yourself as you turn on your heel and start to run.
“My Liege!” Deuce yells after you, taking off behind you.
“Don’t follow me! That’s an order!” you cry out, throwing yourself around a tree trunk and through a patch of briars. Your precious clothing was torn in seconds, the fabric catching and yanking on the thorns.
You kept running.
Deuce’s footsteps were still trailing you, but he hadn’t caught you yet. You wished he was following you because he was worried, not because it was his duty to keep you safe. You wished you two could still have fun together. You wished he cared about you like he used to. You wished you could spend your days with him and his mother inside his room, playing silly games and eating those delicious chicken sandwiches she made.
You wished you could be a Spade.
A loud crunch is the last thing you hear before you go plummeting into a creek, your formal wear doing nothing to protect you from the shocking cold. A sharp pain travels up your ankle and you curse whatever divine force made you sprain it.
You are suddenly keenly aware of every sound within these woods. the slight moment of a branch on your left, the whispering of the tree’s leaves on your right, and the skittering sound of leaves billowing around the woods. A sudden fear overtakes you, a foreign emotion that you never had to face due to your upbringing. 
“Deuce?” you call out, feeling like an injured child again, “Deuce!”
“My Liege!” he calls back, and you feel relief rushing through you when he bursts through the greenery hiding you from view.
Your previous heartbreak is immediately forgotten when his expression of pure fear melts into relief. He splashes towards you without a care in the world for his pristine uniform and gathers you up in his arms with one swoop. You gasp as you’re crushed against him, his hand cradling the back of your head like he’s never planning on letting you go.
“Shit, don’t ever do that again. I’m sorry I hurt you that much. I thought I was saying the right things and that I was protecting you, but-” he gasps for breath, holding you closer and closer until there’s no space left between your bodies, “Fuck. Please, never do that again.”
“Deuce.” you sob, feeling the tears roll down your cheeks before you can stop them, “It’s okay. I was the one acting like a child. I think I’m just so used to getting what I want that when I can’t have you I...”
You don’t say anything. You can’t find the words, but Deuce knows. He understands.
“You should know that you’re precious to me.” he murmurs, a forbidden confession that you know he could never make in the palace, “Nothing will ever change that. Even if I wasn’t your guard, I’d still want to protect you as much as I can. I want to be better for you.”
“I don’t want to leave here yet.” you beg, clinging to his uniform, “Please, can we stay here for a while longer?”
His expression softens even more at your plea, and Deuce allows himself to squeeze you. It’s a tender gesture that sends your heart into a frenzy again.
“Of course.” he murmurs, and it’s then that you realize how close he is to you.
“Deuce.” you whisper, leaning in again, hoping against all hope that this is the right moment, “Can I...kiss you?”
He sucks in a shaky breath at your request, but this time he doesn’t pull away. You wait patiently, for a few beats, staring into his eyes as the creek’s chill helps to minimize the heat of your face.
“My Liege...” he furrows his brow, mouth curving downwards in a frown, “I can’t.”
“Please. Please, Deuce. I want to kiss you.” you mirror his expression.
“I do too.” he whispers, flinching at his own words, “I want to kiss you so much. I want to kiss you all the time.”
“Then please.” you cry, every cell in your body desperate for just one kiss, “Please.”
Deuce sighs, but you can see his composure breaking.
He whispers your name—your actual name, not My Liege or your highness, just your name and it’s the most beautiful whisper of your name you think you’ll ever hear and his mouth slots against yours.
You gasp, pushing against him to get more and more of him because this is a fleeting moment and you know you'll probably never get to do this again.
You will never get to kiss Deuce Spade again.
He presses a hand against your lower back and holds you close, the other one still cradling your head. He’s leaning in too, kissing you just as desperately as you’re kissing him, and just that fact alone has a joyful lightness filling your heart. You feel like you could fly right now and take Deuce with you away from the palace and your responsibilities and the title that keeps you two apart.
It’s over too soon.
You’re convinced your father didn’t need to scold you as much as he did. Even though Deuce didn’t want you to, you still took the blame for what happened. Your father would have thrown him and his mother out if you hadn’t, and you don’t know how you would live if Deuce wasn’t around.
The memory of the kiss is still floating around in your head, and it still makes you feel just as light as it did when it happened. You swear your guard used some sort of magic on you because your brain is entirely captivated by him.
Though, you suppose with a giggle, that is nothing new.
Your joy doesn’t last long though, as memories of what happened after the kiss creep into your head.
“I hate this distance between us.” you said as you trailed a hand down his cheek, “I just want to be close to you. I want to be your best friend and your closest confidante and...I want to marry you, even. I want to be with you forever.”
“My Liege, you can’t marry a guard.” he protested, and your heart ached at the return of honorifics, “Why would you want to do such a thing?”
“You know, you try too hard to stick to the rules. You rarely did that in our childhood.” you huffed, “I want to marry you because I love you. Surely you knew that?”
“That’s why I can’t marry you My Liege.” he sighed and looked at you with such sorrow that it broke your heart again, “I need you to have the approval of the people and to find a husband. I need...I need to be better for you and my mother. I need to follow my duties so neither of you get hurt again. I’m sorry.”
You try to bring back the happy memory of the kiss, but your mood has already soured.
And so you greet your handmaiden halfhearted as she rushes you into your bathroom. She's chattering on and on about how dreadful it is that your clothes got ruined, but that you still look stunning no matter what. You say nothing. She scrubs and scrubs and you try to wipe the memory of those hurtful, honest words out of your mind to no avail. You’re relieved that your father sent all the guests home early because of your little “stunt,” as he called it. At least now you don’t have to converse with royals who could never hold you or care for you or kiss you like Deuce Spade does.
Dinner is spent in silence as your father croons about how lucky it was that you weren’t hurt, since there are many wild animals on the castle grounds and oh, by the way, did you hear about his most recent hunting expedition? He’d be delighted to relive the tale of him shooting this large boar he found-
You excuse yourself with a weak smile and your father waves you away, content to use the handmaidens and butlers as his audience. Your handmaiden follows you back to your room, where she helps you change into your pajamas. You wave her away the second she’s done.
Flopping down on your bed, you can’t help but feel empty. You wonder why that is.
Today has held many emotional twists and turns, and perhaps it was too much.
Despite your better judgment, you get back up out of bed and head towards the door. The guard once again says nothing as you walk across the hall and knock on the door belonging to the Spade family. Deuce’s mom opens the door immediately and welcomes you in with that same happy smile, and that alone tells you she knows nothing.
“I hope the festivities didn’t tire you out too much, dear.” she hugs you, the comforting warmth of her seeping into your expensive pajamas, “I’ll go make you some tea. I’m sure your father means well, as he’s trying to secure you a happy future, but if you ever need a break from it all our door is always open.”
A happy future?
You look over at Deuce, only to find him already looking at you.
There’s a sharp pang in your heart at his saddened expression.
You were so close.
You were almost there.
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sugarjar · 4 months
What I’ll do 2 |Jey Uso
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Synopsis: Things change, people change and we all make mistakes, what matters is what we do to fix them.
Warnings: Nothing
📢: I know the teaser alludes to knowing who the mystery person is but I ended up changing it but it’ll still be the same drama.
Please like and comment and all feedback is welcome enjoy
Also not proofread but what’s new
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A few months later
Cleo and Joshua have been having a nice period between the two of them, they’d hang out at each other’s houses have mind blowing sex and really stayed under each other.
They honestly acted like a couple and when in public they often got mistaken for one. They’d laugh it off and say thank you but it had Cleo thinking about what they were actually doing.
Were they together unofficially?
Were they just friends who fucked?
But she wasn’t going to be the one to ask lying down, with Jeys arms around hers in his bed, 47 meters down uncaged playing on the big screen television.
Feeling something burning into the side of her head she turned her head to see Joshua, quickly snap his head away from her, causing her to burst out laughing.
“Boy, not I just caught to staring and drooling.” She said clapping her hands falling onto the soft arm rest of the couch.
Joshua smacked his teeth “ain’t nobody drooling you just had something on your face.”
“Right, then what I have on my face then?” She said in between laughs.
“Mane I ain’t got to explain myself to you and stop calling me boy I’m a grown man!” He said
“A grown man that caught drooling over me.” Cleo said standing up laughing harder, and Joshua taking chase behind her, going around and around the island as the chase went on before he caught her and threw her on the bed.
Pinning her to the comforter, both of their chests going up and down, hearts beating neither was sure if it was from the run or the way they were looking deep into each other’s eyes.
Cleopatras eyes falling down to his plump lips and then back onto his eyes and Joshua’s eyes fell at her lips and stayed there.
Drawing each other in before one at a time pulling away before they finally leaned in and kissed each other deeply and gently.
Lying in the bed Cleo’s left leg slung across Joshua’s in the warmth of his bed, keeping them in a much needed sleep.
The heavy banging on her door only stirred cleo a heavy sleeper but made Josh jump up. Lost and upset as to who was banging on the door standing up and covering his naked body looking through the frothy peephole and then his heart dropped in his feet.
Quickly stepping outside before the banging could continue he stepped outside.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
This was the last one of peace so enjoy it
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d0youc0py · 1 year
Can I you do the 141+Konig (or whoever you’d like) realizing that reader feels safe with them?
Love your work!!!!
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To outside eyes it was something so simple- but to him it was the highest form of a compliment.
The group was sprawled out all over the living room preparing for the weekly movie night and somewhere between Gaz and Soap arguing who’s turn it was to pick the movie- you had fallen asleep.
Not just that- you had fallen asleep on him. His arm had been draped over the back of the couch and when you could no longer fight back sleep, his side was the perfect pillow. He knew you probably didn’t mean too, but just the fact your bodies natural instinct was to fall in his direction was enough to send a warm buzz through his body.
Sleep had always been a touchy subject for Ghost and Simon. He was lucky if he slept more than four hours a night. Being a light sleeper and falling victim of night terrors made nighttime his least favorite time. He disliked the vulnerability of it.
So the fact that you trusted him in your most vulnerable state was rather precious.
And a mission he wouldn’t take lightly.
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Your skin had been crawling for the last fifteen minutes. You���d hope that by ignoring his unspoken advancements he would take a hint, but you were wrong. You peaked at him from the corner of your eyes. He wasn’t unattractive. He had nice features- chiseled but still approachable. Yet something about him just twisted your stomach. Maybe it was the way his eyes were glued to your ass.
Could you handle it yourself- absolutely. Did you feel like having to prove yourself in a bar full of people that you could take care of it yourself- not really. Especially not when you had a Big Bad Captain who could handle it with just a glare. You quickly excused yourself from the rest of the 141, heading over to where Captain Price and Laswell were gossiping.
“Sorry if this is confidential, but a guy over there is giving me the creeps.” You explained.
“The one in the blue jacket?” Price smirked. You went wide eyed and nodded your head wondering how he knew. “Been eyeing you since we walked in. I’ve been keeping an eye on him.” He held out his arm for you and you quickly linked arms with him. The simple action was enough to cause the man to sneer and grumble something to himself. You shot Price a smile and he shot you back a wink.
“That’s why I come to you when I’m scared.” You complimented. You didn’t know it but that comment was the ego boost of a lifetime for him.
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Your vision was starting to turn foggy. Buildings became less sharp, people became blurry figures and the ground was looking mighty comfortable. You hands gripped your abdomen the other pressed against the wall.
Your eyes scanned the area, hoping to come across a familiar mohawk. You thought the best route would be to follow the sound of explosions, but that was just bringing you closer to the action.
“Y/N?!” Johnny boomed from behind you. You sighed in relief your back hitting the wall. He caught you before you could sink down completely. “Steamin Jesus.” He grumbled. He worked quick, tearing off a piece of his sleeve and holding it tightly against you wound. He called for an evac. “Why didn’t you call for help?” He scolded. You rested your forehead against his.
“I wanted you.” You mumbled. His hardened face softened- a smile almost ghosting his features. You were sure if you weren’t bleeding out he would’ve made some snarky comment, but neither of you had the energy.
“I’ve got you.” He whispered, letting you rest against him.
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You don’t know why you agreed to this. Well technically you all voted and you lost but you probably could’ve put up a bigger fight. You hated horror movies. You’d think they wouldn’t bother you given your line of work but you were wrong. You had your sweater pulled up to your forehead trying to block out the urge to take a peak at the TV.
You eventually caved and peaked just in time for a jump scare. You heard a stifled chuckle come from the couch across from you. Kyle was biting back a smile, mouthing a ‘you good.’ You nodded feeling determined to not let the movie get the best of you. That plan was sort lived as a scene so brutal even Ghost had to look away, crossed the screen.
“Don’t be babies!” Soap yelled. You had had enough. While the others were engrossed in the movie you quietly crept over to Kyle’s side of the couch.
“Can I sit with you?” You mumbled. He quickly nodded his head expecting you to sit near him- not press yourself against his side. He chuckled softly, removing his arm from the back of the couch resting it around you.
“You know, performing an exorcism has always been on my bucket list. You’d be in good hands.” He’s always so cheeky.
“Not nice.” You grumbled, sending him a glare. He put his feet up on the coffee table and relaxed against the couch. The calmness in his body started to spread to yours, and pretty soon you had fallen asleep. He was absolutely going to tease you about this later- but for now he was enjoying the prideful bubble in his chest. You had chosen him.
Price tried to take a picture of you two but his flash went off causing everyone to scream.
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“Colonel.” You hummed, knocking at the door. His eyes shot it away from his IPad trying to adjust to the darkness of the room.
“What’s wrong?” He questioned, beginning to stand up. You shook your hands.
“Nothing.” You lied. You had a nightmare. One so bad your body was still trembling.
“It’s three in the morning. What’s wrong?” He pressed. He stood up, cracking his back. His eyes had finally adjusted enough to see your tear stained face and shaking shoulders. Suddenly he realized. He had woken up enough times like that himself. He walked around his desk and grabbed a spare blanket from underneath the couch. “Come here.”
You did as you were told, smiling softly as he wrapped the fluffy blanket around your body. “You can sleep in here. I have to pull an all-nighter anyways.” He grumbled that last part to himself.
“I won’t bother you?”
“No.” He assured, grabbing a pillow from under the couch. “You’re not the only one who could benefit from some company right now.” You could hear the smile in his voice. You snuggled into the couch and he trudged back over to his desk.
“Thanks Konig.” You mumbled before you finally fell back asleep. He took a moment to stare at your sleeping form. There had been many times he wished someone was there for him in moments of weakness. He was honored you had chosen him to be that person for you.
Thank you for your kind words!
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meganwritesfanfics · 1 year
Don't Know Much
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Next Part
Joel Miller x freader
This series is going to be a retelling of The Last of Us series but with the reader added in. I'm so excited for this I have had it milling around in my brain for a while and I finally got it written down. Please leave comments and share with your other Last of Us loving friends.
Her nice dream was rudely interrupted but the sound of a phone vibrated against a wooden nightstand. Next to her, her boyfriend slept soundly. One thing that Y/N envied about Joel was his ability to sleep through everything. She was a light sleeper, and her constant state of nausea definitely didn’t help. “Morning sickness should be renamed all day sickness.” She thought.
“Joel,” She groaned as she shoved his sleeping body. But he didn’t move. The phone continued to vibrate and she heard it fall off the nightstand landing on the floor. “Joel.” She said louder as she pushed him even harder. 
“Hmmm,” He groaned as he turned over and pulled Y/N into his arms. “Five more minutes.” 
“Your phone is ringing,” She replied as she tried to wriggle out of his arms. 
He growled as he reached over to his bedside table without actually looking. His hand slammed against the table where his phone usually was, but found nothing there. 
“It fell on the floor.” Y/N yawned as she turned over trying to fall back asleep. 
She could hear him feeling around on the ground before he finally got a hold of it and answered. 
“This better be good.” He sighed as he flopped back on the bed rubbing his eyes with his free hand. “They are offering how much?” He quickly sat up, and Y/N sighed knowing there was no way she was going to fall back asleep. And just as she accepted this thought, she felt the ever familiar waves of nausea hit her and she bolted from the bedroom out into the hall and into the bathroom. 
After a few moments she heard the heavy footfall of Joel make his way into the bathroom. He knelt beside her with one hand holding back her hair and with the other rubbing small circles on her back. This had been their routine almost every morning for the past three months.
“What did Tommy want?” She said as she leaned back into Joel’s arms, her eyes closed tightly as she tried to get a handle on the nausea. 
“He has a job for us,” He sighed as he kissed the side of her head. Joel hated seeing his girl in pain. He had gone through this once before with Sarah’s mother, but this was Y/N first kid, and her body seemed to have taken the pregnancy much harder. 
“But it’s your day off.” She groaned and Joel moved so that his arm snaked its way under her legs. He carefully lifted her up and carried her back to the bedroom. 
“I know darlin’ and I wouldn’t usually take a job on a day off, I want to spend as much time with you and Sarah as possible. But Tommy said they are offering a lot of money. And with this little one on the way.” He placed his hand on her stomach. 
“I know, extra money would be nice.” Y/N buried her face in his neck. “Just promise you will be home for dinner.” She kissed his cheek as she began to make her away off of his lap rubbing the back of her neck wiping away the sweat. 
“I will try my best.” He smiled as he watched her walk around the room with pure love in his eyes. 
“Good, you better, I’m making cornbread tonight.” She teased as she pulled her shirt off reaching into the dresser. 
“Oh well then I will run my way home.” He rushed forward placing his hands on her stomach as he wrapped his arms around her. “Are you going to be nice to mommy today?” He ran patterns with his fingers over her exposed skin. 
“Hopefully she will let me keep down some food today.” Y/N giggled slightly as Joel hit a ticklish spot. She grabbed one of Joel’s shirts and threw it on. His hands didn’t move but stayed underneath the shirt. 
“Call me if you need anything.” Joel said as he backed away and began to get changed as well. 
“Joel, honey, I love you, but you are the worst at answering your phone when you are on a job.” 
“I will keep my phone on so loud.” Joel insisted. 
“Ok, baby, sure.” Y/N laughed as she pulled on some pants. 
Before she had a chance to look back up at him she felt arms wrap around her as he dragged her back to the bed. 
“Joel!” She squealed as quietly as she could but she was silenced by Joel’s lips finding hers. 
“I love you. You know that. So damn much.” He said between kisses. 
“God you two are loud.” A voice said. Joel and Y/N sat up to see Sarah leaning against the doorway with a smile on her face. 
“Oh shit,” Joel laughed as he fell back onto the bed. 
“Oh Sarah, I’m sorry did we wake you?” Y/N said as she made her way towards her. 
“No, Mercy has been barking for an hour or so, I have been up for a while.” Sarah said. “What are you doing up Dad, you are never up this early?” 
“Uncle Tommy called and he has a job he wants us to go work.” 
“But it’s your day off,” Sarah whined and Y/N quickly reached over and rubbed Sarah’s arm gently. Y/N had been in Sarah’s life for as long as the young girl could remember. And for all intents and purposes, Y/N was her mother. So when Y/N and Joel had told her that was going to be a big sister, she couldn’t help but be ecstatic. 
“I know babygirl, I’m sorry. But Y/N said she would make cornbread tonight so you best believe I will be rushing back as fast as possible.” Joel said. “And I will let you pick whatever movie you want for tonight.”  
“We are so watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding tonight,” Sarah laughed as she turned and went into the bathroom. 
“Oh God, what did I just sign up for?” Joel laughed as he came up behind Y/N again. 
“You did this to yourself,” Y/N said as she turned back and kissed him again. “Now you hurry off to work so that you can come back and watch that movie with us.” She teased. 
Sarah had spent most of the day working on homework in front of the tv, while Y/N graded papers. She was a high school English teacher and her kids had just read The Great Gatsby and had to write papers about it. 
“Have I mentioned how much I hate math!” Sarah called from the living room and Y/N couldn’t help but chuckle as she took off her glasses and rubbed her tired eyes. 
“Honey, if I thought I could be of any help I would love to help you. But there is a reason I became an English teacher.” Y/N called and she was just about to start back in on reading when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She froze for a moment but just as quickly as it appeared the pain was gone. “What’s going on in there baby?” She whispered as she rubbed her stomach. 
As she continued to read every once and a while she would get hit with another flash of pain but it went away, so she didn’t think anything of it. After the last incident caused her to double over, she finally took off her glasses and stood up. 
“I must just be hungry.” She thought hopefully. “Sarah, sweetie why don’t you take a break and I will make us some lunch.” 
“Can we watch Buffy while we eat!” Sarah exclaimed excitedly. The two had been watching Y/N’s vhs copies of the show every day after school, it was a nice bonding moment for them while they waited for Joel to get off work. 
After making sandwiches, Y/N and Sarah sat on the couch and started the episode they had left off on. 
“Buffy is so badass,” Sarah said as they watched her take down a dozen vampires. 
Y/N laughed when suddenly she was hit with another wave of pain. She doubled over as she gasped. 
“Are you ok?” Sarah asked her eyes wide with concern. 
The pain subsided and Y/N sighed. “Yeah, it’s nothing.” She had just started to lean back when another wave of pain hit her again. 
“Ok now I’m scared. What’s going on?” Sarah asked as she quickly turned the tv off. 
“I…” Y/N started when she doubled over in pain once more. “Sarah, I need you to call your Uncle Tommy.” 
“Shouldn’t I call Dad?” 
“He won’t hear his phone,” Y/N said as she began to stand up. 
“Ok I…” Sarah started when she froze. “Your pants.” She gasped. 
“What?” Y/N said and she looked down to see blood starting to appear. “No, no, no, no.” She cried as she bolted for the bathroom. 
“Y/N!” Sarah yelled as she took off after her. “Mom!” But Y/N had already gotten to the bathroom and slammed the door. 
“Just call Tommy, Sarah. Please.” 
“But Mom, I…” 
“Just do it!” Y/N screamed again in pain. 
Sarah ran for the phone, her hands shook as she tried to dial the number. She messed up the first few times before she finally calmed down enough to dial it. 
“Hey kiddo,” Tommy answered after a few rings. “Lucky you called when you did, I just happen to be on a break and I…” 
“You and Dad need to come home right now.” She hurriedly said. 
“Woah woah woah,” Tommy responded, his voice changing tones quickly. “What's wrong? Joel!” She heard him call out. 
“It’s Y/N, she… she was in pain and bleeding and she locked herself in the bathroom, I don’t know what to do.” Sarah said, her voice cracking. 
“Fuck,” Tommy breathed. “Ok, we are on our way.” 
Sarah sat guard outside the bathroom door, she could hear Y/N crying inside but no matter how much she pounded on the door, Y/N wouldn’t open it. It felt like an eternity before she finally heard the sound of the truck pulling in the driveway. 
“Sarah!” She heard her father scream as he burst in. “Y/N!” 
“Up here!” Sarah cried as she stood up. 
Joel appeared, his face full of worry as he bounded up the stairs two at a time before he reached Sarah pulling her in for an embrace. 
“What happened?” 
“I don’t know, I mean I think I know but I’m hoping I’m wrong and… Mom locked herself in the bathroom, I can hear her crying, I tried to find the key, but it’s gone…” Sarah’s words were quickly drowned out by her tears. 
“I’m here now it’s ok, everything is going to be ok.” He said and he gently moved her to the side as he faced the door. “Y/N, it’s me. I need you to open the door darlin’.” 
There was no response. 
“Ok, Sarah I need you to back up alright,” Joel said as he backed up so his back was against the hallway wall and then used all the strength he had to kick open the door. 
As the door swung open Joel felt his heart shatter as she saw Y/N in the tub her knees pulled up to her chest and he could see blood on the toilet and a bloody handprint on the tub and the wall. 
“Tommy take Sarah downstairs.” Joel said as he slowly inched into the room and shut the door behind him as best he could. 
“I yelled at Sarah,” Y/N said as she looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears and her face covered in them. 
“It’s ok,” Joel said quietly. By the time he reached the tub tears had already started to fall onto his cheeks. Y/N looked so broken. 
“The baby Joel… I lost…” Y/N started when she crumbled into sobs. 
Joel cautiously climbed in the tub and pulled Y/N into him. 
“No, Joel the blood you’ll…” She tried to say but Joel just held her tighter. 
“Shh,” He soothed but his voice cracked as buried his face in Y/N hair. “I’m so sorry Y/N.” He sobbed. 
“I don’t know what I did, I followed everything the doctor told me I…” 
“No,” Joel quickly said as he pushed her back and grabbed her face in his hands as he made her look at him. “This is not your fault don’t you dare even think that.” He said. 
“Oh Joel.” She sobbed and she wrapped her arms around him burying her face in his chest. 
Joel didn’t have any words to comfort her, his own heart was broken both for Y/N and the pain she was in, and for his own loss of a child. They stayed in the tub for a while before Joel helped Y/N get undressed and showered. He stayed in the shower with her, fully clothed and helped wash her. Neither said a word as they stood under the water, just fully absorbing what had happened. They knew they would have to go to the doctor at some point, but neither were ready to hear the word actually said outloud. Miscarriage. 
After the shower, Joel grabbed Y/N one of his t-shirts and helped her change, before he carried her back into the bedroom and laid her on the bed. 
“I’ll be right back.” He said as he kissed the side of her head and made his way back towards the bathroom. 
“Dad,” A small voice called from downstairs. Joel turned and saw Sarah and Tommy at the bottom of the stairs looking up at him. 
“Uh,” He cleared his throat as he wiped his face. “Tommy will you take Sarah to go get some ice cream or whatever she wants.” 
“Is mom ok?” Sarah asked and Joel could tell from how red and puffy her eyes were that she hadn’t stopped crying since he last saw her. 
Joel felt the lump in his throat grow bigger. He looked down at his feet because he knew that if he kept looking at Sarah he would completely lose it.  “She’s um…” He couldn’t even form cohesive thoughts at the moment. He wiped his face again. “We will need to go to the doctor to be sure, but we are pretty positive that she lost the baby.” 
Sarah let out a small whimper and Tommy quickly put his arm around her shoulder. 
“I will sit down to talk to you more about it when you and Tommy get back but right now I need to take care of Y/N, ok babygirl.” 
Sarah just nodded. 
“Give me another hour Tommy.” Joel asked as he looked back up and made eye contact with his brother who had tears in his eyes. 
“I’m so sorry Joel.” Tommy responded and Joel nodded. “Come on Sarah, we can go get whatever you want.” 
Before they left Sarah bolted up the stairs and wrapped her arms around his middle and squeezed him tightly. “I love you daddy.” She said and Joel had to bite his lip to hold in a sob. 
“I love you too Sarah.” 
“Tell mom I love her.” She replied. 
“I will.” Joel leaned down and kissed the top of Sarah’s head as she let go and ran back down to Tommy. 
The minute that Joel heard them leave he crumpled onto the stairs into sobs. He let himself have a moment before he made his way into the bathroom. He made quick work of cleaning it as he wanted to get back to Y/N. 
As he entered the bedroom once more he could hear Y/N quietly sobbing as she lay curled up on the bed. Joel kicked off his shoes and crawled in next to her pulling her into him so she was against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. 
“Was Sarah ok?” Y/N asked between her sobs. 
“She confused and scared but I will talk to her more when she gets back. I had Tommy take her out for a little while.” Joel said as Y/N intertwined her fingers with his. 
For the next hour they lay together and cried, mourning the child they would never meet. 
Next Part
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mollymauk-teafleak · 2 years
I'll be with you all along
Sometimes we just need to write pages about the heartbreaking parallels between icemav and hangster.
For my gorgeous gf @nb-fearneas all of my Top Gun fics are because they just wouldn't exist without them!
Please reblog and leave comments over on Ao3!
Tom Kazansky had always been a light sleeper. It made him hell to share a bed with but it made him a good admiral, a job where your phone could ring at any and all hours and god only knew what would be happening at the other end.  
So when the silence of a warm, still three in the morning was shaken by his phone rattling rhythmically on the side table, Tom was sitting up and reaching for it in moments. Or at least, as much as he could sit up when one arm was still trapped under a stubbornly sleeping Maverick. 
“Kazansky,” he rasped without looking at the screen, his mouth awake before his eyes. 
There was a moment before the person on the other end spoke. A moment where Tom was already mapping the quickest path to his uniform, the shortest route he could take to work at this hour, the fastest way he could get a fairly decent coffee, if there would be time for that. He was already preparing himself to be Admiral ‘Iceman’ Kazansky. 
“Uncle Tom?”
All of the thoughts collapsed, insignificant. Because Tom had forgotten he had another job, besides being an admiral, one just as unpredictable and significantly more terrifying but so much more important. One he’d been so scared he was failing at. 
“Bradley. Hey kid, it’s good to hear your voice.”
That voice was small and fragile, shaking like it could break at any moment, “Yeah. Good to hear yours too. I…I’m sorry to wake you, I just…”
“You know I don’t mind,” Tom tried to carefully dislodge his arm from under Maverick, “Is everything okay?”
He knew the answer. There was never going to be a good reason why Bradley was calling this early in the morning, if history was any teacher it was either because he was drunk or he was upset. And the kid didn’t sound drunk right now, though his words were a little slurred, he just sounded as fragile as glass. 
There was a hitching breath on the other end of the line, like the words had hurt as they left him. 
“Me and Jake. We’re done. We broke up.”
Tom closed his eyes and exhaled softly, the agony in Bradley’s voice hitting him so hard it became his own, “God, kid…I’m so sorry…”
“Don’t,” the words were wavering, breaking, shaking in a way that had nothing to do with the line, “It’s my fault, I fucked up, I ruined everything…”
“Bradley. Breathe.”
Tom had to raise his voice to be heard over his kid’s rising panic, enough that Maverick stirred next to him. Almost on automatic, he rested a hand gently on his husband’s head, stroking a thumb across his hair, trying to soothe him back to sleep. He didn’t want the hurt to spill any further, not if he could help it. 
Whether it was because the command was coming from his admiral or his uncle, Bradley listened, taking a thin breath that fought him every moment. But it was enough, the sobs breaking through cleanly now, like blood finally welling up from a wound. Even as much as Bradley had grown, those cries had never changed, hearing them now Tom could have been in the corridor outside Carole’s hospital room, on hard plastic chairs outside the principal's office after another fight, sitting on a hospital bed of his own before his surgery when they hadn’t known if it would be enough. 
All he could do now was what he’d done then. 
“I’m here, Bradley,” Tom promised, his own voice shaking, “Just let it go, I’m right here.”
He couldn’t see the kid but he knew the way his shoulders would be shaking, his face would be etched in lines of pain, his hands would be grasping at anything they could reach, his shirt or his sheets or his own curls. He knew he needed someone to put steadying hands over his own to release their grip, strong arms to lock tight around him so he’d know he wouldn’t shake apart entirely. That was Tom’s job, it always had been, but right now Bradley was miles across the country at flight school, pushed beyond his reach by the navy and this thing between him and Maverick.
Well, fuck that.
Hoping Maverick had sunk back into the deep sleep Tom envied, he stood, legs protesting more than he’d like, and made for his office, “Keep breathing, that’s it. I’m here, Bradley, I’m listening…”
Bradley stopped trying to form words, just sobbing in the way you only really could after your first real heartbreak. Ice’s hands itched to hold him, to coax those shuddery gasps into something smooth and even the way he’d always done, one hand on the shoulder and one on the chest. He felt every mile between them, between him and the terrified, stricken little boy he’d promised to protect so many years ago. 
Seeing as he couldn’t reach that far, Tom refocused his hands, one pressing the phone to his ear so hard there would be indentations in his fingers, the other rattling on the keys of his computer to buy the next plane ticket to Florida. 
“I’m coming, Bradley, okay? I can be there…tomorrow midday. Well, today, technically,” Tom promised, eyes scanning the screen.
Bradley’s words were thin and raw, bending under the weight of need he was struggling not to admit to himself, “I…you’ve got to be crazy busy…”
“Kid…” Tom’s voice softened, “You come first, you always do. If you need me, I’ll be there.”
How something could be such an indelible truth to him but Bradley could doubt it, Tom would never understand. It was like gravity to him while his kid was always terrified of floating away. 
“I need you,” Bradley eventually managed to choke out, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise,” Ice set his jaw against a yawn and bought the ticket, “You know how much that means to me.”
There was a weak, watery kind of laugh that gave Tom a glimpse of hope, “Well, you’re fucking welcome, I guess. At least someone’s got a reason to smile tonight.” 
Tom leaned back in his office chair, finally having a chance to rub the sleep from his eyes, “Do you want to tell me about it, kid?”
“Not much to say,” Bradley’s voice broke, threatening to collapse into sobs again, the frantic moments of clarity only cloud breaks in the storm, “I fucked it up, Uncle Tom.”
I’m sure you didn’t. That was probably what Tom was supposed to say but he made a point of not lying to Bradley, no matter how kind it would sound. 
“If you want to leave it at that for now…” he murmured instead, leaving the door open. 
For a few minutes, only Bradley’s trembling breaths told Tom he hadn’t just hung up “...he told me he loved me.”
He said it the way he’d confessed to getting detention as a teenager, to breaking the kitchen window with a baseball, like it was a bad grade on a test. 
“Bradley…” Tom murmured softly, aching for him. 
“I…he said it was fine if I didn’t say it back, he wasn’t asking me to,” Bradley gasped, like he was being pulled under water every other word, “But I panicked and…and I don’t know where it came from, I just got so scared and so angry…”
“You panicked,” Tom rubbed the bridge of his nose where his glasses would be sitting at a reasonable hour of the morning. 
“I…I don’t know what happened. Jake was just looking at me like he’d given me something but fuck, I didn’t know what to do with it, it felt so heavy and I couldn’t…I just couldn’t…”
Tom leaned forward, face pulled down into grief, “Bradley…”
“I just couldn’t believe him,” he moaned, voice splintering. 
Tom knew what had happened. A young man who’d had everyone he was supposed to rely on die or let him down or be too far away to see had the terrifying realisation that he needed another person. Because he did love Jake Seresin, whatever words he had or hadn’t said, he loved him and as far as Bradley knew, that meant getting hurt again. The only kind of love he knew was one that ended like broken glass so he’d tried to lash out and break it first. 
And he’d succeeded. 
“He looked so hurt,” Bradley sobbed, “Everything his family put him through, everything he ran away from, he trusted me with it all and I’m the one who hurt him worst. I shouted at him, Uncle Tom, he told me he loved me and I threw it back at him and now it’s ruined…”
“Why couldn’t I say it, why couldn’t I just fucking say it, what’s wrong with me-”
“Bradley. You need to breathe. In and out, come on.” 
Finally, Tom heard him, thin and shaking but he heard him, one breath in and one breath out. He took him through another and another, talking like his Admiral but loving him so hard, the way only family could. 
“You’re coming right? Soon?” Bradley gasped. 
“Very soon,” Tom promised, “I’ll be there, kid.”
It was all he could promise. 
“I need to shower, Bradley but I’ll call you straight after, alright? We’ll talk while I pack and on the drive to the airport.”
Tom could tell the kid was just being brave when he said that was okay and ended the call.
So he moved quickly to the bathroom, his brain easily slipping back into planning and organising, breaking down the next few hours minute by minute, figuring out how to have the fewest number of seconds between this one and the one where Bradley Bradshaw was in his arms. Cold tile under his bare feet and warm water hitting his skin, Tom barely noticed any of it. 
Until he turned to grab the soap and nearly collided with Maverick. Tom should have been more surprised but it wasn’t the first time his husband had followed him into the shower, half asleep. The first time he’d done it, Tom had screeched and been about to throw him out, at least until Mav had yawned and mumbled that he’d just wanted to be where Ice was. 
“Baby…” Tom murmured, hands moving on automatic to hold him. 
Mav burrowed against his chest, voice soft and muddy with sleepiness or emotion or both, “You’re leaving…”
It wasn’t a question so Tom didn’t treat it like one, “I’m sorry. It’s the kid, Mav.”
The body pressed against his own went tense, “Bradley? What happened, is he okay?”
“Ah. He and his boyfriend ended things. Messily by the sound of it…”
Mav made a soft, pained noise. If Tom felt helpless, he couldn’t imagine how his husband was feeling, unable to even give him words. Bradley still didn’t want anything to do with the man he’d used to call Uncle Pete, even now he was past USNA and into flight school on his own merit. He’d just left him with the anger, the hate, the hurt he’d thrown at him the last time they’d spoken. 
And now Tom had to leave his wingman behind to run to the other side of the chasm between him and Bradley. They could tell themselves over and over that this was the compromise they’d found but still, it hurt, and they both knew it. 
But his brave, brilliant, stubborn Pete Mitchell turned his face up to Tom and found a smile somewhere. It was small, thin and it shook at the edges but it was there. 
“Of course you’ve gotta go. The kid needs you, Ice.”
Tom remembered being a younger man, a lot like his Bradley. He remembered being terrified of the depths in his own heart, like if it held too much he would drown in it. He remembered his broken, angry home leaving its scars and sending him out into the world thinking he’d never love or be loved and that was the safest way to play the game. He remembered meeting Maverick and love hitting him like a fist to the teeth, setting him on the defensive, bristling through him. It had taken nearly dying, Maverick refusing to abandon him, to be brave enough to take all the anger and fear, strip it away to find the love that hid inside it all. 
And as soon as he did, Tom had regretted every moment he’d wasted not being in love with Pete Mitchell. 
Right now, the kid might need him. But in the end, he’d need his own Maverick. Tom had hoped Jake would be it but he supposed not, not everyone was lucky enough to run into the love of their life thanks to deployment papers. 
“When I come back, let’s go somewhere. I’ll take some vacation time and we’ll go on a trip together, just you and me.” 
Mav blinked in surprise, though his smile picked up, “Okay, yeah. That sounds fun…but why?”
Tom gently cupped Mav’s face, admiring, not for the first time in his life, how perfectly his jaw fit into his palms, how his thumbs rested just so in his dimples. 
“Because I love you. I love you so fucking much, Pete and I don’t say it enough,” Tom’s voice broke, startling him, “And I want to have some time where I’ve got nothing to think about except loving you.”
Maverick just nodded, eyes wide and soft as he rose up on the balls of his feet to kiss his husband, knowing that would help fill the gaps in their words, the things they just couldn’t say. 
“I love you too, Tom,” he murmured. Because he could say that, no matter what they’d been told for years. 
For a moment, Tom was terrified he wouldn’t be able to do it. The thought of leaving him here, flying to Florida, doing so much as letting go of Maverick’s arms, it felt impossible at that moment. 
It was up to Maverick to step back, pat Tom on the arm and brace himself, water running down his face that could have started in his hair and could have started in his eyes but they weren’t going to ask. 
“I’ll help you pack.”
Only then did it feel like Tom could move. The rest was simple, clothes thrown haphazardly into a bag, some pulled onto his back, hair and teeth brushed, frantic swallows of a coffee that was still too hot in between it all, only just remembering his keys when one foot was already out of the door. Only the barest necessities coming with him apart from Maverick himself, leaning in the doorway in boxers and Tom’s old USNA sweatshirt. 
He still lingered, leaving Maverick with the softest, gentlest kiss he could give, feeling the old hurt of so many times he’d had to leave the man he loved. He could tell himself it wasn’t like those times, that they’d hopefully left all that behind them, but his chest knew the ache like it had never really left. 
Mav kissed him back, resting their foreheads together, “Go on. Your kid needs you.”
“Our kid,” Tom murmured, finally turning to the car.
He didn’t take his eyes off Maverick until a turn in the road took him out of the rearview mirror. Tom felt the wrench of it, sighing, swallowing hard and trying to focus on Bradley. 
He had a long way to go. They all did.
Tom always felt a rush of excitement standing at Bradley’s front door. The thought that in a heartbeat he’d have the kid standing there in the flesh, in another heartbeat he’d be in his arms and the distance between them would shrink to nothing. 
He still felt it, or at least the ghost of it, even now he lived two blocks down the road.
Tom turned over his shoulder, “You coming, baby?”
Halfway down the path, his husband fussed with the lapels of his jacket, trying to get them to lie straight, “Yeah, just…yeah, I’m coming.”
Tom smiled gently and closed the distance between them in a few strides, catching Maverick’s hands in his own and holding them still. Bradley wasn’t going to care whether the lapels on that old, tattered thing were flat and he suspected Mav knew it too. 
Visiting Bradley gave him the ghost of excitement. But for Maverick, it was guilt. 
“Come on,” Tom smiled, pressing a kiss to his forehead, “Our kid’s waiting.”
“Kids,” Maverick corrected, his usual grin reigniting on his face. 
Tom gave a bark of laughter and wound his arms around his shoulders, gently steering him towards the door, “Damn right.”
He let Maverick knock, keeping a steadying hand on his shoulder. Tom knew patterns and with it being before noon on a Sunday, with both boys on leave, he wasn’t expecting an answer anytime soon despite the fact that they’d been invited. So it was something of a surprise when the door opened immediately and Bradley Bradshaw stood there grinning. 
He threw himself forward, shoulders broad enough to hold them both, gripping tight. Tom smiled and let his eyes close, his hand finding Maverick’s across the kid’s back. Breathing always came just a little easier like this. 
Jake Seresin hovered a little further in the hallway, in the way he did that had a lot to do with him and very little to do with them. Tom hugged him just the same and never said anything when the kid always held on a second longer than was normal. 
The rest was all familiar, something of a tradition since Maverick retired and Ice scaled back his hours, since Bradley and Jake had settled close by. The radio playing softly in the corner of the kitchen, the Californian sun coming in through the windows, someone who wasn’t Tom cooking breakfast until it started to go inevitably wrong and Tom took over. The smells of coffee and butter melting into warm bread, warm sugar and a day with nothing to fill it except what they chose, a luxury to guys like them. Maverick pulling Ice in to dance whenever a slow song came on, Bradley booing and telling them to get a room, Jake joining in but with a softer expression like he meant it less. Sharing food, sharing time, feeling like a family. 
They were used to slow, easy, golden mornings like this. But something was different this time. Tom glanced across to Maverick as he stood at the stove, flipping slices of french toast, seeing his husband sipping coffee and watching the two kids. He felt Tom’s eyes on him, glanced over to share his knowing smile. 
Jake and Bradley were up to something. 
Maverick raised an eyebrow but Tom shook his head in response. Whatever it was, whatever was behind Jake’s bouncing leg and Bradley’s fingers tapping on the counter the same way Goose’s used to when he was nervous, they’d share it when they were ready and they’d just wait until then. His perpetually impatient husband pouted a little at that but Tom just flicked powdered sugar in his face, bringing his smile back. 
He knew they wouldn’t be waiting long. 
Bradley’s fingers were still tapping on the table even as he cackled at his own story, “I swear, absolutely no hesitation, straight in the fountain. Face first.”
Jake covered his face as Tom and Maverick laughed, pink and grinning behind his fingers, “Look, they shouldn’t just have a fountain around drunk college students…”
“I think they expect the students at USNA to be a little more disciplined,” Ice chuckled raspily, sipping his coffee, “Incorrectly, of course, but they do.”
“Yeah, discipline kind of goes out the window after you’ve shot gunned your fourth can,” Jake groaned in his own defence.
“Ah, kid,” Maverick managed to speak through his laughter, wiping at his eyes, “You weren’t the first and you won’t be the last…”
Bradley pulled Jake’s hand away from his face, knotting their fingers together on the table, “Yeah, don’t worry, baby. These two probably did way worse shit before they got their wings…and probably since. Maybe more since?”
“Since I got married to the Commander of the Pacific Fleet and realised I could get away with more? Absolutely,” Maverick grinned, nudging Tom, “Though I think I’m doing it for the both of us, Ice has probably never put a toe out of line.”
“Hence why I’m the Commander keeping your ass out of trouble,” Tom gave him a wink.
“So you never had any bent rules, Iceman?” Jake hummed, his thumb gently tracing the valleys of Bradley’s knuckles. 
“Well…aside from the obvious?” Tom grinned, sliding an arm around Maverick’s shoulders, making him laugh.
“It doesn’t count if the rule is stupid,” Maverick shrugged, leaning into him. 
“See, this is why I have to bail you out so many times…”
They were laughing but a glance had passed between Jake and Bradley, a squeeze of their hands. 
“Actually,” Bradley cleared his throat, “Speaking of your general respectability, Uncle Tom? We were wondering if you’d do us a favour?”
“Anything kid, you know that,” Tom nodded, though he couldn’t keep the curiosity out of his voice and he could feel Maverick nearly vibrating where he leaned against his chest. 
The words left Bradley in a rush, the way they used to when he was a kid, like they had to get out of his mouth quickly before he lost his nerve and his teeth snapped shut again, “Could you maybe write me and Jake a letter of recommendation?”
Tom blinked, tilting his head, “Of course. What for?”
Bradley’s eyes flickered nervously to Jake, who gave him a soft smile that was encouragement, shared nervousness and a promise all in one, that was hey, it’s okay, I’m here. How many times had Tom only been brave enough to do something because Pete Mitchell had given him a smile like that? 
Bradley met Tom’s eyes and grinned crookedly, “A recommendation letter for the adoption agency. You two fancy being grandpas?”
Tom wasn’t very good with words. So he didn’t even try. There was nothing else he could do but get to his feet, move around the table and fold Bradley into the tightest, warmest hug he could manage. And as he did, he thought of all of the versions of the kid he’d known, the cheeky, bright smiling toddler, the scared, angry teenager, the young man who’d smiled and joked to hide how lost he really was and this warm, confident adult who’d grown taller than Tom somewhere along the way. He held every single one of them in his arms and shamelessly soaked Bradley’s shoulder, crying in sheer relief that he really had been okay in the end. 
“Thanks, Uncle Tom,” Bradley’s voice was thick, his grip on his shoulders down enough to hurt and they both knew he wasn’t talking about the six page letter Tom would eventually write, “I love you.”
“I love you too, kid,” Tom smiled against his shoulder. 
His arms were already open to welcome Maverick and Jake when they joined them, wondering how much longer he’d be able to hold his whole family in one embrace. He hadn’t wanted Jake and Bradley to have the life he’d lived with Mav. He’d wanted more for them, he’d wanted things to be better, the world to be kinder. And here they were, getting something he and his husband had never been able to even consider. The world didn’t feel that much kinder but they, at least, felt stronger. 
Tom took a deep steadying breath. 
They’d come so far. 
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solitaireships · 9 months
Untitled Investigative Minds Ficlet
Alright, final fic for the night, thank you all for dealing with the influx of pieces from me lol. Yes this is another very personal one bcs this is basically me living the fantasy of my f/os comforting me when I'm getting really bad period cramps bcs the ones that wake you up in the middle of the night truly are an evil creation
Also, the debut of me shipping with Strahm! This takes place in an AU separate from the usual Missing Piece canon, with this being a modern AU. I don’t have the full specifics of the AU, but Mark and Shepard are married in it and Strahm is Mark’s bf and Shepard’s qpp
Rating: Teen
Genre: Fluff
Words: 768 words
Divider by saradika
Content warning: periods + period cramps
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The first night of Shepard’s period is always the worst. It’s not unusual for her to wake up in the middle of the night feeling like her insides are tearing themselves apart— something that happened tonight at 3 in the morning. The time she spent in the bathroom barely helped with the pain and nausea, and the Advil she took hasn’t kicked into effect as she made her way back into bed. 
Getting back into bed is harder than it used to be. Shepard shared a bed with just Mark for years, but now that she shares a bed with both her husband and his boyfriend, she has two people to navigate around to get to her spot in the middle of the bed. Mark is snoring, and she’s pretty sure that Peter’s asleep, but it’s hard to tell for sure. She knows Mark’s a deep sleeper, so she climbs over him, slotting in between him and Peter and hoping she didn’t bother either of them. 
She cuddles up to Mark’s side, hoping the painkiller she took will take effect so she doesn’t keep feeling like she’s about to throw up. Maybe then it’ll be easier for her to go back to sleep. 
Shepard lays in silence for a moment, trying not to get too caught up in her discomfort. She can’t help but let out a soft, pained noise that she tries to muffle against Mark’s shoulder. She must not have completely silenced the noise, though, because she feels a hand brush against her side and Peter shifts closer to her. 
“Are you alright?” he grumbles, his voice rough with sleep. 
“I’m fine. Sorry if I woke you up,” she says. 
“You were in the bathroom for a while,” he comments. “What’s wrong?”
Shepard feels a pang of guilt in her chest at that. She must have woken up him when she got out of bed originally. That had to have been thirty minutes or so ago now. She hopes he got at least a little sleep before she just woke him up again. 
And she hopes that explaining what’s wrong won’t be too awkward. She hates having to talk about this with people.
“Sorry. I… I’m on my period,” she says. 
“Cramps, then?” Peter asks. 
“And nausea.”
“I don’t think mine ever got to the point of waking me up in the middle of the night. At least not often.”
“You’re a lucky man,” Shepard says, as dry as she can. 
“Even luckier now that I don’t have them anymore,” Peter says.
“God, yeah.”
Peter cuddles closer to Shepard. She can feel his breath on the back of her neck with how her hair’s pulled back into a bun, and the warmth of it is pleasant. 
Just being with Peter is pleasant, though. Shepard hadn’t expected getting close to him like this. When Mark started flirting with him, she had figured what they had would stay between just the two of them, with Peter being able to fulfill Mark’s needs in ways that Shepard couldn’t. But things evolved between the two of them, going from coworkers-with-benefits to boyfriends, and as Peter got more involved in Mark's life, he also got more involved in Shepard’s. And, like she did with Mark, she ended up liking him a lot more than she expected. 
Shepard doesn’t love Peter in the same way, though. What she has with Mark is romantic. Her and Peter’s relationship is better described as queerplatonic. It’s still new, but it’s exciting. At least when she’s not regretting her entire life because of cramps. 
Relief floods over her though as Peter wraps his arms around her, sliding his hands under her shirt. They’re warm, and he rubs gentle circles into her stomach. The combined pressure of Peter against her back and Mark to her front is soothing too, allowing her tense muscles to relax. 
Shepard sighs. “Strahm.”
“Is that good for you?” he asks. 
“Great,” she says. 
“Then close your eyes and go to sleep. I’m not going to do this forever,” Peter says. His tone is snippy, but she knows he’s just putting on an act. 
Peter likes to go through life with a prickly outer shell, keeping anyone from getting too close. But Shepard knows him well enough to know he would keep doing this as long as he had to, even if he would complain about it. He’s nicer than even he likes to admit. 
“Thank you,” she says. “And good night.”
“Good night, Shepard,” Peter replies. He plants a quick kiss on the back of her neck. “Now go back to sleep.”
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