#just taking myself out w me own angst w/e
hythlodaes · 1 year
i’m in the process of putting all my fics back on ao3 purely for ease of access and bc ffnet is what it is :o) it’s just gonna take a hot minute bc i want to reread everything + make edits before posting and idk how to shut up when i write lol
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waywardnerd67 · 1 month
I Trust You
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Title: I Trust You Summary: A chance meeting leads to midnight confessions and overcoming your deepest fears. Main Characters: Glen Powell, Reader Pairing: Glen Powell x Reader Rating: E - Everyone Warnings: RPF/Fluff/Angst w/ mentions of: touch deprivation, touch aversion Word Count: 3103 A/N: Trying to work out some feelings.
The party was in full swing. People were dancing, drinking and making out throughout the house. I happened to find a secluded corner in the backyard that no one seemed to notice. Still nursing the original beer I grabbed when I arrived hours ago. Watching all the celebrities and models mingling had me sinking further back into my little corner. I didn’t belong among the rich and beautiful, but my best friend insisted I come with her. Taking a look around, I found her sitting on some guy’s lap with her head thrown back in laughter. She belonged here.
I pulled out my phone to see if I could order an Uber home. It wouldn’t have been the first time I left a party without her. She meant well, trying to pull me out of my shell. It had been over a decade since I last felt like the woman I once was and going to some Hollywood party wasn’t going to change me back into her. I had been broken completely and beyond repair.
“Planning an escape?” A low, smooth voice said beside me.
Looking up, I was taken back by the handsome man standing there. Living in L.A. you get use to seeing movie stars walking down the street, but he happened to be one of her favorites.
“I’m Glen, by the way.” He held out his hand.
“(Y/N).” I said, taking his hand and willing mine to stop trembling, “And yes, I think it’s kind of obvious that I don’t belong here. Plus, I’m sure my friend will be taken well care of.”
His bright green eyes followed her pointing finger, “Ah yes, it looks like she has one of my friends wrapped around her finger. He’s harmless and won’t do anything stupid with her.”
“That’s good to know. She’s also a big girl and can take care of herself.” I forced my eyes to look away from him and back to my phone.
He squatted down beside me, “You know if you want to leave, I’d be more than happy to take you home. I haven’t been drinking tonight so consider me your DD.”
I smiled, “That’s kind of you, but I don’t want to pull you away from your own party. That would be kind of rude of me.”
Realization shined in his eyes as he chuckled, “So you do know who I am.”
“Oh yes. You’ve had quite the year with three major movies coming out. Hitman was in the running for my top movie this year until I saw Twisters. Can’t resist a tornado chasing cowboy.”
His laugh covered my skin in goosebumps, “I like that though you could just call me the Tornado Wrangler.” He let his full Texan accent come out, making me smile.
“I prefer cowboy to wrangler. Anyway, I should probably finish ordering this Uber and head out front. It was nice meeting you, cowboy.” This time I held out my hand to him.
He shook it, “Are you sure I can’t convince you to let me drive you home. It would be no problem and then that way I don’t have to worry about you ending up on the ten o’clock news kidnapped by a serial killer.”
I laughed as he still held my hand in his, “Are you sure? I live about thirty minutes away.”
“Let’s go.” He pulled me up from my spot and led me back towards the house.
I sent a text to my best friend letting her know I was heading home. I left out the part that it was Glen Powell who was taking me home. She replied with her usually be careful and talk tomorrow.
Glen handed his phone to me, “Type in your address.” I did, handing it back to him and he took off towards the highway.
It was a beautiful night for it being in August. The cool night breeze felt wonderful after a scorching day. Looking over, I found myself taking in every inch of Glen driving beside me. He had on a Texas Longhorns hat backwards, black tank top and orange colored swim trunks. One arm was resting on his open window while the other held onto the steering wheel. His long fingers kept beat to the song he was playing.
There was a comfortable silence between us and for the first time in a long time I felt relaxed in the presence of another person. Even with my friends or co-workers there was always an underlying layer of anxiety. The need to run from people always being my first gut reaction. Maybe it was the small amount of alcohol I had in my system or a miracle but I found myself drawn to Glen. Or it could be I had fantasized about being with him for years and my inner fangirl was showing herself more than ever.
“Everything okay?” He asked, glancing over at me.
I realized he must have caught me staring, “Yeah, everything is fine. Sorry if I was staring. Sometimes my inner fangirl shows more than I want her to.”
His smile was breathtaking, “Quite alright. Not everyday I can meet a fan who isn’t screaming, crying, throwing up.”
We both laughed, “Has a fan actually thrown up in front of you?” I asked.
He shook his head, “No. Just trying to keep up with all the cool sayings the kids say.”
“You make it sound like you're old and you're not.”
He touched his hand to his chest, “Why thank you for thinking I’m young. I will have you know that I’ll be thirty-six this year.”
I scoffed, “Meh, been there and done that.”
Glen took the exit for my house, “What? There’s no way you’re older than me.”
“Afraid so, cowboy. I will be turning thirty-eight this year. So respect your elder.”
His laugh filled the car, “Wow, I would have never believed you were older. What the hell is your secret?”
The answer was out of my mouth before I could even think about it, “I have no children and no spouse.”
It was the answer that I always said inside my head but never out loud. People asked me all the time how I could still look like I was in my late twenties. I always told them I had a baby face. The real answer was I lived alone and didn’t let anyone close to me. Hence, the no kids or spouse.
“So, no kids and no spouse. Does that also include no boyfriend/girlfriend?”
His question sent a shiver down my spin, “Uh… yeah. There’s no one except for Winchester, my maine coon. He’s all I’ve needed these last few years.”
Why was I being so open with him? I always avoid questions about my personal life with everyone. I looked over to see my house coming into view. A brief moment of relief swept over me knowing I would be safe inside my four walls of security soon. Then a sickening feeling pooled in my gut as Glen pulled into my driveway and shut off his car.
“Thank you for the ride. I appreciate you leaving your own party to take me home.” I unbuckled my seatbelt and placed my hand on the door handle.
“(Y/N), can I tell you something?” He asked, placing his hand on top of mine resting on the seat.
I tried to control my body flinching, but there was no use in it. Touch was always the one thing that set my nerves on edge. If he had noticed me flinched then he didn’t let on to it.
“I’d been working up the courage to talk to you all night. The moment I saw you walk in, I asked my buddy who you were. He told me about your friend being a model and asking about bringing you to my party. Your friend told me that you were shy and to be aware that you don’t often talk to anyone outside your core group of friends.”
My heart was hammering in my chest, “She told you that? What else did she tell you, huh? That I’m a recluse and avoid all social interactions. That my ex completely broke me as a person. That I can’t stand to be around people or to be touched. That I’m all kinds of fucked up and damaged.”
I got out of the car and headed to my front door. My heart shattered into pieces from my best friend telling my darkest secrets to someone, especially to a man like Glen Powell. I made it to the door before I realized my keys were still in her car back at his house.
“Fuck!” I yelled, sliding down to the ground.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry, I swear that’s all she said to me.” He sat down in front of me, “What’s wrong? Other than the obvious.”
I sucked in a shaky breath, “My keys are back at your house in her car. Now not only am I completely embarrassed in front of one of my favorite actors but I’m completely locked out of the only place I feel safe.”
“Do you have an alarm system?” He asked.
“What?” I looked up at him confused, “No, why?”
“I promise I’ll pay for the repairs.” He said before he took off his tank top wrapping it around his fist and sending it through the window next to her door.
“What the hell are you doing?!” I yelled watching as he cleared out the glass then reached inside.
The familiar click of my deadbolt unlocking then Glen pulled out his arm twisting the door knob. It swung open freely and I could feel the tension in my chest release. Standing up, I noticed the blood dripping onto the ground.
“Shit, you’re hurt. Come inside and I can clean you up.” I said carefully walking over the broken glass on either side of the door.
I went into my bathroom to grab the first aid kit while Glen was sitting down at my kitchen table. Unwrapping his shirt from his hand, I found small knicks and shards of glass in his tan skin. The bleeding was coming from a gash on his arm from when he smashed through the window.
“You might need stitches.” I said, cleaning the cut on his forearm.
“You know, it looks way easier and cooler on TV.” He chuckled, “Ow.”
I wrapped his arm with gauze only then realizing he was sitting there shirtless. His well toned chest and abs on full display making my body ache in ways it hadn’t for years. The overwhelming desire to touch him nearly made my knees give out.
“Are you okay? You look like you might pass out.” He asked, grabbing a hold of my hips to balance me out.
A second realization hit me harder than the first. He had touched me and I didn’t flinch. I didn’t jerk away. I couldn’t remember the last time that had happened.
“(Y/N), you’re scaring me.” He whispered, his grip on my hips tightening.
“Y-You’re touching me.” The words were barely above a whisper.
He reached over to grab another chair and guided me onto it, “I’m sorry. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t fall.”
I shook my head, unable to put the correct words together, “I… It’s just… I don’t know how to explain.”
His hands were resting on top of mine, “Whatever it is you can say it. I won’t take offense or have any judgments.”
I had no idea what kind of spell the man in front of me had casted but I found myself wanting to explain everything to him. Looking into his concerned eyes, I just knew I could trust him. Suddenly, I had tears falling down my cheeks.
“(Y/N), you don’t have to tell me anything. I just want to make sure you’re okay.” His thumbs were rubbing against my knuckles sending waves of heat over my skin.
“When I got divorced, I swore off dating. I wanted to work on being on my own, rebuilding my life and not focusing on a relationship.”
He smiled, “That’s smart. I’ve been doing the same thing these last few years.”
“One year turned into two and before I knew it a decade had gone by. No relationships. No kissing, hugging, cuddling, and definitely no sex.” He nodded, continuing to rub my hands as I continued, “What turned from learning to live alone became being alone. I desire to have someone in my life and have even tried to date, but it always turns out wrong.”
“How so?”
I took a deep breath, “Any time I thought about going out on a date I would have a panic attack. The thought of trusting someone to be with them that would lead to touching and that would send me into a complete spiral.”
Glen looked down at our hands, “Is this okay?”
I nodded, “Yes which is why I’m having a deliriously happy and panicked moment right now. I haven’t been touched by anyone in years. Sure, I will half heartedly hug my friend or family but it is always at some kind of distance. Hugging to me is the most intimate form of touch that isn’t sexual.”
His eyebrow arched curiously, “Go on…”
“Think about it. When you hug someone, you are trusting them with your whole body. Their arms wrapped around your body completely. Their whole being being pressed against yours. A hug is sex with your clothes on.”
He smirked, “I have honestly never thought of it like that. I don’t think I’ll ever see hugging in the same way again.”
“Humans need that intimacy. They need to feel that trust in their very soul and act it out physically. I…” I paused, looking into his eyes, “I haven’t felt that in over a decade. My therapist calls it touch deprivation that has formed into touch aversion. I’m desperate to touch someone and be touched, but my brain simply won’t let my guard down enough to allow someone in.”
I watched as his bottom lip disappeared beneath his teeth in deep thought, “The fact that you haven’t flinched or moved away from me is a big moment for you?”
I nodded with a fresh batch of tears flowing down my face, “Yes. I don’t know if it’s because you genuinely seem like a good person from all the interviews I’ve watched or from the good guy characters you’ve portrayed. It could very well be my fangirl delusion masking the pure panic waiting to come out. I don’t know. All I do know is I feel safe around you.”
I looked away feeling my cheeks burning. I had practically told my whole sad truth and ended with a lame love confession. Slowly, the panic was starting to seep through the joy and my hands began to tremble within his.
Glen squeezed my hands then stood up, pulling me up with him, “You feel safe?”
I nodded, not trusting my voice.
“Do you trust me?” He asked as I nodded again without even thinking twice about my answer.
He lifted my hands up behind his neck, interlocking my fingers. I knew what was coming and the rope around my chest began to tighten. My breaths were coming out in rugged puffs as his arms wrapped around my waist. They tightened around me as his head buried into the crook of my neck.
“I got you. I’m not going to let go or let you fall. I’ve got you.” He whispered and a strangled sob escaped my lips, “I’ve got you. I promise nothing will happen to you. I’ve. Got. You.”
My grip around his neck tightened and I pressed my face into his chest. He kept repeating his mantra that he had me and I could feel the rope around my chest being cut away. Finally, I took in a long breath feeling all the tension vanish from my muscles. Glen pulled back enough to look down at me with a brilliant smile on his lips.
“How was that?” He asked.
I could feel my lips spreading into a wide grin, “I… I hugged you. I actually hugged you. I can’t believe it.”
He scooped me up, picking my feet up off the ground and spinning me around. A loud giggle erupted from my lips that surprised me.
“That giggle is music to my ears. Proud of you! I know that must have been a big step to take and I’m grateful you trust me to take it.”
Seeing how happy he was for me stirred up a new emotion, a new line to cross and I found myself pushing myself up on my toes and kissing him. I felt his body tense up and immediately I backed away.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry. I got caught-”
Glen pressed his lips firmly against mine once again. The kiss was simple, sweet and ignited an ember of passion within me. When he pulled away, resting his forehead against mine I knew he was holding back.
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“You never, ever have to apologize for kissing me. I’m honored you trust me with your hugs and kisses.”
“I’m really scared I’m going to wake up tomorrow and find this all to be a dream.” I whispered.
He leaned in kissing me once more, “Tell you what. I will sleep on the couch and when you wake up tomorrow I can remind you that this was all very real.”
I knew I shouldn’t push myself any further, but the thought of him being on the couch while I was in my bed didn’t sit right with me. I bit into lip fighting with the urge to lead him upstairs to my room or to agree with him, leaving him downstairs.
“What’s the battle going on in your head?” He chuckled.
“I’m taking a leap of faith.” I said, grabbing his hand and leading him towards the stairs.
Glen stopped us at the bottom step, “(Y/N), are you sure? I don’t want you to feel pressured into anything. I’m fine sleeping on the couch.”
Standing on the step, I was equal height to him, “I’m not saying that there will be cuddling or anything more. The thought of you sleeping down here doesn’t feel right.”
He leaned in, kissing me briefly, “Okay, but I’m going to apologize now if I happen to cuddle you in my sleep. I’m definitely a cuddler.”
“It’s okay. I trust you.” I laced our fingers together and continued walking up to my room.
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cxsha-sicily · 4 months
he broke my heart, so why did i run back?
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synopsis: you're biker ex-boyfriend helps you get back home from a party. Do you run back or leave him in the past.
paring: geto suguru x reader
w. fem! reader, biker! geto suguru, fluff, angst, modern AU
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i just got back from a late night party and was walking out of the carpark alone when i heard a sudden engine roar. I didn't even bother to look back because i already knew that familiar sound all too well. my ex-boyfriend, Geto sugure
geto drove in-front of me, blocking my path before i could even make the next step. His gaze shifts down to my dead phone. i gave him a glare and he chuckles before flashing his cocky smirk.
"hop on" he says to me, patting his bike.
i didn't have any other options. My phone was dead so i couldnt call my friends to take me home and walking to my house would be a pain. i hopped on the back of the motorcycle.
geto felt his heart skip a few beats when he felt my arms around his waist; holding him tightly. he put his hands over mine and gave him a gentle squeeze before taking off. he felt like he was in paradise as he feels me hugging him from behind. he was always calm around ,e, but he was always shy when it came to his feelings.
he was a huge introvert. He wasn't exactly someone who could hold a conversation. it took him so long to say the big three words to me, and it took him even longer to find the courage to even look into my eyes.
i just hopes he knows that im only holding onto him so that i dont fall. Not because i wanted to. If i had another way to get home then i would use it.
it was quiet during the whole ride. All i could hear was the engine noise and the wind rushing in my ears. i felt the night breeze blowing against my face. His body heat made me comfortable, though it was still cold at night.
when he finally arrived at my house, he turned off his motorcycle and put down the stand, letting me get off his bike. he took off his helmet off and shook his hair a little. It was almost as if he still looks good even after a simple action like this.
i said a quick thank you and hopped off his bike.
he gave a simple smile and a nod in response. He was a man of few words. But as soon as i turned around to walk to my home, he called out to me. I could tell that he really didnt want to part ways, not yet
he called out my man so suddenly, but it came out softly like honey.
i turned my head. i was shocked that he called me by my first name. he used to call me n/n.
"will you at least sit with for a little, for old times sake?"
he said, He knew he was being selfish. He knew he felt me, but he couldnt help but wonder if he was still the one who made me laugh, smile, cry. He hated how much he missed me and how much he wants to be with me. He felt lonely and cold without me. This is the closest he's been in almost a year.
i thought for a second. Do i really want to sit with him? A man i worked so hard to get over? someone who left me broken and crying in my bed for day on end? before i could think about it, my mouth moved on its own.
why would i say that? he left me bent and i had to mold myself back. I promised myself that i wouldnt run back to him.
he let out a silent sigh in relief. He wasnt exactly sure whether i'd say yes or no. To be exact, he wasn't expecting me to said yes. He felt his heart thumping loudly. He gestured to the spot next to him as he patted beside him.
he felt his heart racing again as soon as i sat down next to him. The first time we've had been so close after nearly one year of no contact.
i walked to the spot next to him and started looking at the moon and the stars.
he stares at my side profile for a while. my hair moved in the wind beautifully and he watched me quietly under the dim light from the steetlights. He felt a small smile creep up on his face as he kept admiring my features.
" do you wanna talk or did you want us to sit here in silence"
it didnt matter to him, really. He was more than happy just being next to me. His hand inched closer to mine. the urge to hold my hand was becoming too unbearable. He finally placed his palm on my hand and squeezed it. He knew i would pull away, or snatch my hand away, but he still tried anyways.
i want to pull away, i really did but i couldn't. his hands were just as cold and rough as i imagined them. They matched my soft warm hands.
i was screaming at myself for letting myself get here. Why couldn't i just raincheck this? Why did i have to agree? do i even have it in my to disagree?"
he noticed that i didn't pull my hands away. He took it as a sign. his thumb gently traced small circles on the back of my hand. He tried to keep his cool and act casual, but he knew he was blushing like crazy right now.
"you still remember the first day we met back when we were both in college?"
he asked, trying to start a conversation. His mind couldn't find anything else to talk about, he just knew he wanted to hear my voice.
i nodded my head. How can i forget the day when i met my first love? the first time i laid my eyes on him, i new he was all i wanted.
He smiles when i agreed and the memories of the day came back to the both of us.
the both of us were in the college library. He was working some part time job at the library while i was studying for an upcoming exam. i dropped a bunch of my book all over the floor and he helped to pick them up.
i remember his asking to get lunch together, and the rest was history. Those were the days, when neither of us had a care in the world.
we were together for nearly two years before we broke up. i also remember that day like it was yesterday. I was in our shared apartment, and got a text saying we needed to talk when he got off work. After one hour later, he got off work while i was doing our laundry.
he didn't hug me and he didn't kiss me like he normally did. He sat me down and told me that we needed to breakup. Some girl from his highschool enrolled in our collage and caught his eye. he explained that he didn't hold the same amount of love for me like he loved her.
i guess they were right when they said first loves dont die.
" i also remember the day we broke up"
he held his breath when i mentioned the break up. it was difficult for him, because even though he left me, he still felt like he never stopped loving me. He was devastated knowing that he was the one who put me through it all and ruined me. He didn't deserve my love, and he never will. He let me go because he didn't want to see me hurt
"can i ask you a question?"
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midnightstar-90 · 1 year
Mindy Meeks Martin x Fem! Reader
Taglist | Requests | Wattpad
Main Masterlist | Scream Masterlist
Requested by Anonymous: “Mindy and y/n are dating and anika is about to fall of the ladder and y/n grabs anika before she does and pulls anika up, and after they all go to the hospital and get patched up and, Mindy does a stab marathon w y/n bc mindys proud of her :)”
Summary: Ghostface attacks the group, and somehow everyone survives.
Warnings: SPOILERS, SPOILERS, SPOILERS Angst, Gore, Stabbing, Blood, Signs of PTSD
A/N: I hated writing this on my phone, but I guess that is what I get for being clumsy. 😩
Anyways, this request was fun to write. I did change a few things from the movie, but not too much. Minor details.
Don’t read if you don’t want Scream 6 spoilers.
And I hope you guys enjoy it. ☺️
Words: 3.4K
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A day that emits a constant fear out of me. Thanks to Gale’s books that she continues to write (no matter how many times she gets punched and ridiculed for it), and the Stab movies that follow, Ghostface costume sales have gone through the roof. Everywhere I turn, a Ghostface is lingering nearby, and it doesn’t help that the killings were starting up again. It takes a lot out of me not to pull out the small pocket knife that I’ve been carrying since the Legacy killings back in Woodsboro.
After Sam and Tara were attacked at a bodega, Sam insisted on the whole friend group staying over, including our friends who didn’t fall victim to the events that happened a year ago. So Chad and Tara were in the process of making dinner for everyone, and Mindy and I decided to help out by preparing the table. Everyone else was off doing their own things, all around the house.
I place the last set of utensils that I had in my hand down on the table and look up at Mindy. Everything about her was mesmerizing to me. From the day I met her, I knew I didn’t deserve her, but she chose me, in the end. And the way her mind works, as if everything was a movie, intrigued me. Her thoughts were what made Mindy Mindy, and just the thought made me smile. Nothing had changed about Mindy, besides her hair.
‘I love her.’
Those 3 words are all I could think about when I am around Mindy. But I couldn’t admit that to Mindy, because the last time I admitted my feelings, I was stabbed right after.
That night at Amber’s house constantly replayed in my head.
“I like you, Mindy,” I said with a blush. I shyly looked over at the girl next to me. A shaky breath left my mouth as my Y/E/C eyes met her beautiful brown eyes. The original Stab movie that we were watching reflected off the iris in her eye.
I watched as Mindy’s blank face slowly shifted into a grin. I could see the gears turning in her head as her soft fingers caressed my cheek. “Oh, my naive little Y/N. You are so cute when you act all shy. You know, not all my movie knowledge is in the horror department. I know the basic signs of romance. The tensing of the body whenever I get close. The constant blushing anytime I speak directly to you. The-”
“You could have just said that you like me back,” I spoke with a sigh as my head shifted away from the girl. I hear a soft chuckle before a pair of soft, plump lips press against my cheek. She slowly pulled away, making my body fill with heat. “I like you too,” She mumbled into my ear.
“I-I have to go to the bathroom. Brb.” I nervously stood from my spot on the couch and walked out of the room. Mindy was left confused as I rushed down the hall and into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.
I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, hoping that maybe I could give myself some confidence, but it didn’t work. The sound of someone trying to open the door echoed through the bathroom. “Someone’s in here,” I called out to whoever was at the door, but then they began to knock. I assumed it was Mindy trying to get me back to the movie. I still wasn’t ready to face the girl, so I responded with, “Mindy, this isn’t funny. I told you I had to go to the restroom. Cool your jets. We can finish the movie in just a sec.” My voice was still a little shaky as I looked at myself in disappointment.
But it didn’t stop there. I realized it wasn’t Mindy when whoever was at the door began to pound causing me to swiftly turn around and open the door. “Hey, I said-” A cloaked hand covered my mouth as I felt a sudden pain in my abdomen. It was the worst pain I had ever felt in my entire life. Ghostface stood in front of me with a knife wedged in my stomach. He pulled the metal weapon out of my body and I grabbed my stomach in pain. Blood pooled through my fingers, leaving my hands stained. I felt a scream leave my throat before Ghostface tackled me down to the ground, and everything went dark.
“Y/N,” Mindy calls out to me. I was back in Sam and Tara’s apartment, and Mindy was standing across from me. I looked down, inspecting myself for any stab wounds or blood, but nothing appeared to be wrong. ‘I must have zoned out,’ I thought to myself, looking back up at Mindy.
“You good?” She asks, giving me a concerned look. I nod, trying to ease her worry, but it didn’t. “You zoned out,” She says, grabbing ahold of my face, turning it from side to side to see if anything was wrong.
“I’m fine, Mindy,” I mutter as I push away her hands. I can tell she doesn’t believe me, but she ignores it. I don’t blame her. I knew that if she did something like that, I would be worried too, but ever since I checked out of the hospital last year, I hated when people asked me if I was okay. I felt as if I was being coddled, and I hated that feeling.
Mindy’s gaze moved from off of me and onto Chad and Tara. I watched as her frown became a smirk. “Look,” she repeats, aggressively slapping my shoulder. I wince in pain as I grab ahold of the shoulder she slapped, and I turn around, facing the direction she was pointing at.
Tara and Chad were talking it up in the kitchen. They weren’t physically showing affection for the other, but you could tell by the look in their eyes that they had feelings for each other. It reminded me of how Mindy and I looked at each other before we got together.
“They’re so cute together, and they don’t even know it,” I said, staring at the two with a loving smile.
Mindy began to cringe at my comment. “It’s not cute, it’s annoying, and disgusting to watch.” She then began making gagging sounds, catching the attention of Chad and Tara. I elbowed Mindy for doing what she did, and shaking my head in disbelief, but she continued to speak. “Will you two just make out already?” She asked.
Chad fires back, “Mindy, that is so inappropriate, dude.” Mindy throws her hands up in surrender and I just watch in amusement. “Okay- Whatever. Just hurry it up,” she groaned.
We made our way to the kitchen with Chad and Tara, right Sam walked in with a bottle of wine. Mindy tried telling Sam that we didn’t need to be here, but Sam didn’t agree. “Oh, please,” she scoffed at Mindy. “You and Y/N just want to be alone together.” Chad and Tara laughed as Mindy and I shrugged and gave each other knowing looks.
The conversation then went on to how we would all be safe as one rather than be in separate locations. Chad looked around the group before saying, “This’ll be so fun. A little sleepover with the Core 5.” Everyone looked at Chad, questioning him about the nickname he just gave the group.
He passed a high five around to everyone, hoping to confirm the nickname, which everyone disagreed with. But when he got to me, I cringed at the nickname, but I felt bad. Being the “people pleaser” that I am, I high five the boy back in pity, but Chad didn’t see it that way. “Yesss,” he cheered as the 3 other girls began to berate me for agreeing with the boy.
Anika calls us into the living room where the tv screen shows a news report. It spoke about how the police’s main suspect in the murder against Jason and Greg was Sam. I look over at Sam, giving her a sympathetic look as I begin to notice that her body is tense and she looked as if all the air had been knocked out of her.
I look back at the tv when a video of the frat party came on. Sam quickly moves from behind the couch to turn off the tv, and goes to sit at the dining room table. Tara’s the first one to engage in conversation with the girl before Chad, Mindy, and I join in.
We talk for some time, trying to cheer the girl up. Chad reminds all of us why we all came to New York together, which sparks something we never thought we’d hear. “We are the Core fucking Five,” Mindy says, prompting Chad to pull Mindy and I into a hug. Mindy and I give each other a look before rolling our eyes with a smile.
“Yeah, we are,” he cheers. I shake my head “no” at the boy as Tara and Sam watch us, also wearing a smile. We try to get Tara to say it, but she’s too stubborn.
“I’ve been sleeping with cute boy, from across the hall,” Sam says out of the blue. We all give each other a look before cheering.
“I knew it. I knew it. I fucking knew it,” I say over everyone else’s confirmations. We all stick our hands into the middle of the table, initiating what Chad called a “Core 5” high-five.
It wasn’t until Sam’s phone went off for all of us to go bizarre. It was Danny, AKA cute boy from across the hall. Tara grabs Sam’s phone and acts as if she answered the phone. “So, uh, what are your intentions?” She asks, earning laughs from all around the table.
Sam tried grabbing her phone from her sister, but Tara was quick to push her hand away. When she gets the phone back she declines Danny’s call, saying she’ll call him back.
Moans began to sound from Quinn’s room, just as Sam put her phone down, which made for another joke at the table. When banging sounds started, all our phones went off, signaling a group text. We open our phones to a picture of Ghostface strangling Quinn in her room, and suddenly time just stopped.
I sat in my seat, frozen. I continued to stare at the image as everyone stood up. I felt as if I couldn’t move. As if I was paralyzed. It wasn’t until Ghostface threw Quinn’s dead body out of the room, and revealed himself for me to finally look up.
When my eyes met the dark eyes of the Ghostface mask, I could feel as if whoever was under there was staring me down. I could practically see the smirk on their face. I had a bad feeling about tonight.
Tara and Chad quickly ran out the door as Mindy ran towards the masked killer. Ghostface slacked Mindy’s arm and she fell in pain. I quickly stood from my spot and ran towards Mindy. “Mindy!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.
Ghostface was beginning to attack Mindy again, but Anika moved the attention off of her by attacking them. Ghostface began to choke Anika, stabbing her in the stomach. I froze in my spot, next to the table as I began to remember the pain I felt when Richie stabbed me the same way.
“Y/N!” I heard Mindy scream. Her screams quickly pulled me out of my trance. I grabbed a dining room chair and made my way over to Ghostface and Anika. The girls screams filled the room as Ghostface dug deeper into Anika which their knife. I lifted the chair over my head and broke it against Ghostface’s back, causing the killer to topple over.
I helped Mindy and Anika stand as I passed Anika off to Mindy, and told her to run. Mindy did as I told her before a cloaked hand grabbed my shoulder and slammed me into the wall. Ghostface stood in front of me, staring at me for a second before stabbing me in the stomach. All the pain that I felt last year rushed back to me as I screamed in agony.
Ghostface twisted the knife in my stomach before yanking it out, causing me to scream louder. I held my stomach in pain, as blood poured out of me. Somehow this felt worse than the first time. Ghostface raised the knife, ready to attack when Sam came up behind them and smacked them over the head with a knife block. Ghostface toppled over, causing the knife to drop off of their hand. The knife slashed my shoulder and I cried out in pain.
“Shit,” I cried as Sam helped me up. We rushed into Sam’s room, where we found Anika and Mindy holding themselves in pain. Sam locked her door before Ghostface could enter. When the banging stopped, Sam remembered the bathroom door was still open, and with Mindy being the closest, she told her to close it.
“Ah, fuck, that guy’s dead,” I heard from Mindy. She began to scream, so I moved as fast as I could to help her. She was struggling to close the door as Ghostface attempted to slash her with their knife. I pulled Mindy back into the room, allowing for Sam to close and lock the door before Ghostface could enter.
Sam and Danny made a plan to escape while Ghostface banged against the door. Mindy held the door shut as I pushed the dresser against the door.
Danny passed a ladder over, telling us to climb over. Sam called me over, but Mindy and I were busy trying to keep Ghostface out. We both urged Sam to go first, which she did hesitantly.
When Sam got over, I turned Mindy and looked her in the eye. “I don’t want to lose you. I don’t know what I would do if you died and I lived. You have to go first, Mindy,” I said through my tears. Mindy shook her head and continued to mumble “no” repeatedly as she cried. I wiped her tears with my bloody fingers as I nodded yes. “You have to go, Mindy. If not for me, then do it for Chad.”
She stared me in the eyes for a total of five seconds before she gave me a soft, yet passionate kiss on the lips. I pulled her closer almost like a goodbye kiss, but she pulled away and said, “I’ll see you on the other side.” I saluted her as she exited through the window.
I waited a few seconds before making sure the door was secure. I made my way to Anika. “It’s okay. We’re gonna get you to a hospital. We just have to get you over to Danny’s. Come on,” I said, helping Anika walk over to the window with her arm around my shoulders.
She pulled herself away from me, leaning against the wall. “No, Y/N, you go. I’ll be fine. Go first,” Anika spoke through her pain. I watched as her blood Oozed from her stomach, where she held herself.
I refused to take no for an answer. I grabbed the girl and basically pushed her out the window. She was in the most pain, so she took longer to climb over.
I looked over at the door, seeing Ghostface was almost in. I hurriedly began to climb out the window, even with Anika still climbing over. I rushed to be directly behind Anika as the shouts from Danny’s got louder. I looked behind me, seeing Ghostface standing at the window. When I looked toward Mindy, the ladder began to rattle. I look back at Ghostface, seeing them shaking the ladder.
“Anika, we have to move quicker,” I spoke, trying to hold my balance. Anika sat frozen on the ladder. “Come on, Anika.”
“I know. I’m scared,” she cried. I noticed that her grip wasn’t holding on as well as mine and that with one more shake she’d be done for. I looked at where Anika was and where we were from Danny’s apartment and I took a leap of faith. I gently pushed Anika close enough to grab Sam’s hand.
She quickly pulled her in before another shake came to the ladder. I crawled a little more before feeling myself start to slip. “You got this Y/N,” I heard Mindy call out. But between the constant shaking and the major loss of blood, I didn’t feel like I had this.”
I felt my leg fall through the gap in the ladder as another shake came about. I slipped, feeling myself scream and close my eyes, but I didn’t feel myself falling. I’ve been on enough drop towers to know that this certainly wasn’t it.
I opened my eyes and there I was, holding onto the ladder as if I was on the monkey bars. I laughed at my amazing reflexes, but it didn’t last long for another shake. I tried my best to ignore the pain from the stab wounds and I began to climb. I felt like a little kid again. Like I was at the playground. I tried channeling those thoughts before I made it to the last bar.
Danny reached his hands out from between the bars. I accepted his help and shakily grabbed his hand. He attempted to pull me up through the bars, which proved to be more difficult than I thought. As my body slipped through the bars, my stomach slid against them causing me to scream in pain. Danny didn’t flinch, only mumbling “sorry” over and over again, continuing to pull me up. Sam joined in and I eventually made it through, but I’d lost so much blood that I just passed out.
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I woke up in the hospital. Mindy was the only one in the room. She sat next my bed while holding my hand, but her attention wasn’t on me. It was on the tv, which was playing the original stab movie.
“You’re not finishing the movie without me are you?” I questioned with a raspy voice.
Shocked, she looked over at me, pulling me into a hug. I groaned in pain causing her to quickly let go. “Sorry, I’m just happy you’re awake,” she said, looking down at me with a happy smile. Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched me. I watched her also, noticing that she only wiped her tears when she sniffled.
“Where is everyone?” I asked, looking around.
Mindy smiled, “You missed everything, babe.” I looked at her confused before telling her to continue. “Well, how do I start? You’ve been in a medically induced coma for 3 days. Doctor said Ghostface really messed you up, and that you almost didn’t make it. But here you are,” she said, adding flare with her hands.
“So is it over?” I questioned, eager to hear about everything.
“Yes, Ethan, Quinn, and Officer Bailey turned out to be the Ghostfaces taunting us. And-“
“Wait… Quinn was one of the Ghostface? I thought she was dead.”
“And that’s why you shouldn’t trust someone with a cop for a father. They faked her death with Officer Bailey arriving first to switch the bodies,” She explained.
I shook my head in disbelief. I took my unused hand and tried to hide my face in it. Mindy squeezed the hand she was holding before continuing. “You saved Anika. She probably wouldn’t have made it if you didn’t push her through. She also stayed in the hospital. In the end, Gale and Kirby almost died, but they survived. I was stabbed on the subway. Chad somehow survived a shit load of jabs at his abdomen, and Sam and Tara ended up getting stitches. So far, everyone is getting discharged tomorrow.”
“That’s good,” I softly spoke before my face scrunched in confusion. “Wait, you were stabbed?” I asked, concerned.
“Yes. Keep up, babe,” she said quickly as if she didn’t want to talk about it. “Want to have a Stab marathon, like old times?”
I smiled at the girl and rolled my eyes. “Sure. But we are talking about this later. Understand?” I scowled at her.
“Yes, mom,” she mocked with a salute.
Mindy restarted the first stab movie, sitting back into her chair. As soon as the movie started, I pulled her into the hospital bed with me, and we started our marathon.
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A/N: So, I rewatched the movie to write this, and it took me two watches to realize how much these mfs be fucking Ghostface up, and yet the mfs behind the mask don’t have no bruises, wounds, or nothing. I’m sooo confused.😐🤷🏽‍♀️
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trulybetty · 1 year
Sunday | Week In Review IX
I feel like I just wrote the last Sunday Week in Review five minutes ago and like six years ago at the same time. Short work weeks and coming off the back of vacation really do mess with your sense of time.
Another short week ahead too, Canadian Thanksgiving tomorrow, happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canucks who observe this holiday! 🧡
October has brought so many good stories to my dash that my drafts list is out of control and I still have so many good fics I haven't finished reading yet! Having said that, I've enjoyed the pause to jump in with these October x 500 prompts. It's been a jolt of inspiration/creativity that I needed.
Having said that, on with the week in review!
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T R U L Y  U P D A T E S . . .
october x 500 (masterlist)
oct' x 01 - ruffled hair (joel x gn!reader)
oct' x 02 - apple scent (chiffon!dieter x bryony)
oct’ x 03 - full of colours (tim rockford x f!reader)
oct' x 04 - walks in the forest (strings!joel x reader)
oct' x 05 - autumnal (dieter x gn!reader)
oct' x 06 - falling leaves (gold rush!joel x charlotte)
oct' x 07 - chestnuts (chiffon!dieter x bryony)
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W H A T  I  R E A D . . .
On Deck (One Shots) (Jack AU) by @something-tofightfor Just when I think I’ve gone through someone’s master list, I manage to find a gem and this is one of them. I have no clue about baseball, went to a game and had no idea what was happening no matter how many times someone tried to explain. However, I am 110% positive that if Jack was to explain the rules to me, I’d know him inside and out, oh and maybe a bit about baseball too. Gotta make sure those lessons get stretched out…
Bloom (Joel AU) by @penaonthestreets-javiinthesheetsThis was such a delightful opening chapter! Reader has their own flower shop, and just so happens our favourite Texan pays a visit. The characterization of Ellie almost steals the show from Joel’s meet-cute with Reader - I’m not going to spoil it, but I had to pick myself off of the floor after - just saying…
Working Title | Chapter 13 (Dieter) by @rhoorl I’m so rooting for these two! Both deserve a happy ending (in more than one sense!) and yet it seems there's those who want to bring them down or stand in their way. This update was a little angst, incredibly sweet and the last bit, well - I can't wait to read the next update!
Kinktober Day Two (Frankie) 🌶️ by @youvebeenlivingfictional I love the whole fun roleplay trop between established couples and this one does an excellent job of doing just that! Reader and Frankie are out at the bar having fun and, I'm not going to spoil it - go enjoy it for yourself!
Tip Your Server (Dieter) by @nothoughtsjustmeds This is just the best! Dieter and wife!reader on the night of his Oscar win and it’s just so much hilarity, sweetness & spice and the banter between the two is just the best. Please go read it, you won’t be disappointed, I promise! 
Kiss Me Quick (Dieter) by @secretelephanttattoo This, how I love this so! It’s a love letter to the British seaside and is told through a day at the beach with the one and only Dieter. It managed to not only invoke laughter but homesickness too. I’d go to the seaside for a stick of rock any day of the week with Dieter. 
Sofa So Good (Frankie) by @secretelephanttattoo This was cozy, domestic bliss wrapped up as tight as my fingers would be in Frankie’s hair. This was a sweet slice of life and so done so well. A perfect cozy Sunday read if you’re looking for one!
Video Nasty I & II (Joel) 🌶️ by @sin-djarin I don't think I've recovered from these two yet... Oof, incredibly hot, incredibly Joel and incredibly read-again worthy! Also provided a fun memory of mine working in a video store and will Marcus be forever associated with a poorly titled porno? Yes. Yes he will be.
Paranoid Heart (Javier P.) by @goodwithcheese This was such a great opener and introduction to our main character and Javi. Now, if you're thinking you need to watch Narcos to read this, take it from me, Ms. Truly 'I think I've watched six episodes now but can't remember' Betty, you don't need to, because Megan is so good at immersing you in her characters worlds that you'll be well taken care of. Can't wait to see where this story leads us!
A Month of Sundays(Various) by @gnpwdrnwhiskey I love each and every one posted so far! There’s something to be said about drabbles, little slices of life etc., six-sentence fics - because they’re not as easy to write as you think. There needs to be some establishing of what’s going on, and while not a resolution - something to end on. These are all great insights into some established characters and some we’ve not met before and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the month brings!
No Panties, No Problems (Frankie) by @blackfemalenerd Frankie is an A-grade menace here and, oof is this hot? Please do yourself a favour and go read it and leave your comments - because I think we all deserve some more of this Frankie!
Delta Landscaping | Chapter 7 (Triple Frontier Boys) by @rhoorl Jess really knows how to weave multiple stories and character backgrounds together and take you through from start to finish and never feel like you've missed something or added confusion. This week's installment is no different! We've got it all packed into this chapter and I don't want to spoil anything, but please go check it out!
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M E M O R A B L E  P O S T S . . .
The next guest appearance on Mulefalls Court @rhoorl
the grey sweatpants revelation
hands, hands and more hands
a visual from @maggiemayhemnj that I won't be forgetting anytime soon, and this one here where I might still be on the floor from
a good Tumblr 101 + reblog etiquette post from @morallyinept
Bob's Burgers fest started by @darkroastjoel
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B R O U G H T  T H E  J O Y . . .
Just how lovely this community is - this week I've had so many great interactions with equally amazing people and I'm so happy to have found a home in this little corner and appreciate every one of you who comes and interacts with my blog and me in whatever capacity 💕
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F R A N K I E  C A T ™️ . . .
I missed last weeks update, so here’s an update on Frankie Cat - she’s very much settled in. She is pretty laid back as her name sake, but sometimes her tiny humans can get on her last nerves, but baby Truly #2 and her are BFF’s (mostly because baby Truly is forcing Frankie to love her, like I would the actual Frankie…)
She also has to go back to the shelter today for treatment, as she’s not 100% a Truly until her spay (which if anyone has tips for care after I’m all ears) - hopefully she doesn’t get excited and think she’s finally getting away from us… sorry Frankie Cat, you’re one of us now. Even if you do rip my feet to shit. 
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T H I S  W E E K ' S  J A M . . .
Back in my Sons of Anarchy feels as I finally work my way through season seven (no spoilers or talk please, I've gone this long without a spoiler, I'd like to finish it out the same way)
Happy Sunday all! Here's to another great week! Feel free to share your favourite posts, stories, thots and whatever and never hesitate to tag me in it 💕
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Meet Me In The Hallway, Chapter Five:
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pairing: frankie morales x roommate!oc (Dylan Jones)
rating: E (18+ only, feelings of inadequacy/insecurity, touch of angst, these two yearningggg, one shitty customer, oral sex (f rec), unprotected piv, creampie)
wc: 5.3k
series masterlist | frankie masterlist
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Frankie was up earlier than he’d normally be on a Saturday, the nerves of his date tonight forcing him to rise along with the sun.
Along with tonight’s plans, he also had a few meetings with a couple of potential nannies to help with taking care of Rina while her uncles were busy. Though truthfully, the thought of a stranger taking care of his daughter five days out of the week made him feel like a failure, or at the very least an absent father, just like his own.
He thought deeply about the chaotic state of his life as he sat at the patio table drinking his coffee and watching the sun rise. How could Dylan want anything to do with his mess? She knew him well enough by now to see the cracks in his foundation, to see just how better off she’d be with someone else. Someone who had their shit together.
“Someone’s up early,” Dylan’s voice sounded from the sliding glass door that led into the backyard. He turned his head quickly in her direction, offering a sincere but tired smile that made her frown as she walked over to sit beside him. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, just…” He took a deep breath and shrugged. “Just thinking.”
“Hopefully not overthinking,” she said, bringing her hand to smooth over his t-shirt covered back. Frankie eased into her touch as though he was a walking illness and she was the antidote.
“You know me too well,” he said, turning to smile at her. “Just thinking about how often I’m going to be gone…how it’s gonna affect Rina.”
“We’ll be here for her,” Dylan offered, smiling softly at him.
“Yeah,” he nodded. “But it’s not the same. I’ve already been so absent these last couple years. Leaving her with my mom, only seeing her on the weekends. And then now…leaving her with you guys.” He took a deep, shaky breath and shook his head. “Told myself I’d never be like my dad and look at me.”
“Frankie,” Dylan cooed and frowned. She reached for his chin and guided his eyes to hers so that he could really see her as she spoke. “You’re not your dad. The fact that you’re up at five in the morning fearing becoming him is proof of that.”
Frankie gave her a pursed smile and nodded, trying his best to believe in what she was saying.
“And it’s not forever,” she added, her eyes studying the hairs beneath her fingertips as she trailed them along his jaw. “Right?”
“I mean I guess the dream is working a normal job, but…” he shrugged. “Don’t know what I’d do.”
“You can always come work for me,” she joked, earning a more wide smile.
“Oh yeah? Think I’d be any good at baking?”
Dylan nodded and shrugged before saying, “I think you’re the kind of guy that’s good at everything. All you gotta do is try.”
“Trying’s the hardest part, hermosa.” Dylan chuckled and nodded, lowering her hand from his face to his knee to give it a squeeze. “What do you have planned for today?”
“Working until four,” she replied, her eyes locked on the fabric of his khaki cargo pants beneath her fingers as she drew circles on it. “Then I’m gonna go out with this guy I’ve been crushing on for months now.”
“Months?” Dylan’s eyes lifted to Frankie’s as she smiled.
“Yeah. Ever since I met you, really.” Frankie stared at her, speechless. Though clearly he knew she was interested in him, he assumed it was a recent thing, not a months-in-the-making kind of thing. “Is that weird? You’re looking at me like it’s weird.
“No, no,” he shook his head and managed a boyish grin. “I’m just kicking myself for not making a move sooner.”
“Well…you could still make a move.” She bit her lip, drawing his eyes to her plump pout.
Frankie tended to overthink these types of things to the point of talking himself out of it, but Dylan had a way of grounding him in the present and wiping his worried mind clean like no one else he’d met before. Leaning in close, he gave her the chance to pull away from him in case he was reading things wrong, but of course, she didn’t. Her hand rested on his cheek as she closed the distance between their lips, kissing him soft and sweet and slow. So slow that when they finally pulled away from the kiss, he felt like time was moving at half-speed. All that the world consisted of for a few perfect seconds was him and her and this blossoming fondness between them, and it felt like absolute peace.
“I’m—“ Frankie started to speak but paused to shake his head in awe at her as she smiled at him like he was her favorite person in the world. “I’m so fucking into you, Dylan.”
“That’s nice, ‘cause I’m so fucking into you, too, Frankie.”
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“We’re unfortunately sold out of our triple chocolate chip right now, I apologize. But we still have our double chocolate—“
“She wants the triple,” the thirty-something year old man standing at the bakery counter with his tween daughter barked at Dylan as she stood trying to help him. “How long does it take to make a new batch?”
She chuckled in disbelief at his audacity, as if it were an easy task to go in the back, whip up a batch of cookies, bake them, all while handling the line of customers waiting behind him.
“We have the double chocolate chip and regular chocolate chip—“
“Are you hard of hearing? It’s her birthday and she wants—“ His voice was drowned out as the doorbell chimed, Frankie and Rina’s smiles instantly brightening up the store as they waved at her and stood at the end of the line. “Hello? You fucking stupid—“
Frankie’s brow furrowed at the sound of the man’s booming voice and the vulgarities that escaped with it.
“Sir, I apologize but I can’t just go make another batch. I’m the only person here, and as you can see, there’s a line of people behind you.”
“None of that is my problem. My problem is the fact that you have a sign up here advertising the cookie of the week, and there’s none left. Now, it’s my daughter’s birthday and she wants the triple—“
Dylan sighed, her eyes flickering to Frankie’s as he stood ready to intervene at any moment. “It’s going to be at least twenty minutes.”
“We’ll wait.”
Frankie must have sensed her need for an extra set of hands because not even a second later, he was rounding the corner of the counter, his hand holding Rina’s.
“Can we help?” he asked in a whisper.
Dylan hated that she needed to ask this of him, that she couldn’t even run her business properly without needing outside help, but she truly had no other option. This customer wasn’t leaving without his fucking cookie.
“Yeah,” she sighed and frowned at him. “I’m sorry, I’ll make sure to pay—“
“Shh,” he silenced her worry. “I’ll handle shit up here.”
Dylan mustered a grateful smile and nodded at him before turning to go into the back, the sound of Frankie’s voice as he helped the next customer easing the tension that ached her muscles.
In a strange way, a very tiny part of her almost wanted to thank the nasty customer for forcing her back here and inadvertently giving her a break and a chance to channel her stress and anxiety over the chaotic state of her life. Baking had always been her favorite form of therapy, the meticulous work forcing her out of her head and giving her a chance to breathe.
The only other thing that ever made her feel that way was the man out there, laughing and flirting with the old ladies who were in line just to make their day, even when by the look of him earlier that morning, he was struggling.
Dylan sighed at the memory of his exhausted face, the lines on his forehead telling a story that he couldn’t find the strength to. She yearned to see him at peace, to know for certain that all the demons and cobwebs and skeletons in his closet were gone for good, but every time she attempted to help carry the weight of his heavy load, he pulled back. He had such a way of pouring into everyone else but never allowed anyone else to fill his cup.
After the line had gone away—every customer happy, even the prick—Dylan turned the sign on her door from “open” to “closed” and locked the deadbolt with a relieved sigh.
Frankie remained by the register, Rina propped up on the counter beside it, and wore a grin on his face as Dylan slugged up to him.
“Sorry, we’re closed,” he said, pointing at the sign on the door. “Kick rocks.”
“What amazing customer service you give, Frankito,” she teased as she rounded the counter to walk over to the nearly empty display case.
“You’re doing well,” he commended, tipping his nose at the case. “Selling out is good, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” she chuckled. “It’s good. It’s also really annoying because, yeah, I’m making a lot of money, but I still don’t have enough profit to hire an actual employee. I’ve got my lease and inventory and now my second oven isn’t working so I have to replace that—“
“So much going on in that beautiful mind,” he said, interrupting her for the better. Dylan smiled shyly at the way he could see right through her and sucked in a refreshingly deep breath before exhaling it. “There you go. Now admit to yourself that you’re fuckin’ killing this shit.” He reached over and grabbed one of the day’s leftovers, an oatmeal raisin cookie that Dylan adored but everyone else seemed to loathe, and popped it in his mouth. “Because you’re fuckin’ killing this shit. This is oatmeal fucking raisin, and it’s so good.”
“No hating on oatmeal raisin in my store,” she scolded with a grin on her face. “And fine. I’m kinda killing it.”
“See, not so hard.” Dylan rolled her eyes and walked past the swinging metal doors that led to the kitchen, Frankie and Rina following behind like puppies.
“Can you teach me to make cupcakes?” Rina asked, her eyes wide as she took in the “forbidden” room with excitement. Dylan chuckled and shrugged, turning to look at Frankie with a smitten look before softening her smile for Rina.
“If your dad says so, I’d love to teach you Ri.”
Frankie seemed to swoon, his head shaking in reverence at her. “That a yes or a no?”
“It’s a yes.” There was weight in his words, or at least the way he said them. Yes, you can teach my daughter. Yes, I trust you with her. Yes, this feels right.
Rina’s squeal of excitement at the thought of getting a cupcake pierced the weight of the moment, pulling your eyes from Frankie’s but not ridding you of that smile you seemed to wear just for him.
“Kay, Ri. First we gotta put on our aprons.” Dylan walked past Frankie, her pinky brushing across his, and grabbed her well-loved apron before finding a spare for Rina. “I think it’s gonna be too big. Can you figure out a way—“
Frankie was already taking it out of her hands to fold it in half before tying it onto his very hyper daughter.
“Cool,” Dylan chuckled. “Totally would’ve thought of that eventually.”
“I’m sure you would’ve,” he huffed out a breath of laughter as he stood up and looked at her for a beat before gesturing at his body. “Where’s mine?”
“Oh,” she laughed. “I didn’t think you’d want to help.”
“You kidding? A masterclass from the cupcake god for free?” She rolled her eyes at his flattery and giggled before grabbing him an apron, the sight of him putting it on and wearing it doing more for her than she thought it would. With heated cheeks, she turned to Rina.
“What kind do you wanna make?”
“Strawberry and lemon and whipped cream with chocolate sprinkles.” Dylan and Frankie shared an impressed look.
“Sounds like you’ve been thinking about this for a while,” Dylan joked before moving to grab everything she’d need to make this little girl’s dream come true.
“Yeah, I think about cupcakes every day,” Rina said.
“Same,” Frankie agreed under his breath, unintentionally widening Dylan’s already aching grin.
“Maybe you’ll be a baker one day,” Dylan replied, nudging the little girl playfully.
“Daddy, can I be a baker like Dyllie?” she asked, looking up at her father who stood on her other side.
“Course you can, baby. Anything you wanna be, you can.” He combed his hand over her forehead. “Besides, if you become a baker, I’ll get to have all the leftovers, right?”
“You can have one,” she held up her little finger.
“Only one?”
“Yeah,” she nodded as though her word was final, and Frankie laughed because truthfully, it was.
“Fine, only one.”
“Dyllie gets two.”
“What? How come she gets two and I get one?”
“Because she taught me.”
Dylan and Frankie looked at each other with the same adoring frown at the little girl’s words.
“That’s a very good point, Ri,” he said. “Dylan deserves two.”
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By the time Dylan made it back to the house—Frankie and Rina had one last meeting with a potential nanny—it was six o’clock, leaving Dylan only an hour to shower and get ready for their dinner and a movie drive-in date that she’d been nervously awaiting all day.
“Hey,” Lennon called from the sofa as she laid with Benny in their usual spot.
“Hey,” Dylan greeted, kicking her shoes off by the door before walking over. “Where’s everybody?”
“Frankie and Rina are out, Pope’s over at Imelda’s tonight, and Will and Cass went to Orlando to visit her parents,” Benny answered. “You guys just wanna order pizza or something?”
“Actually…” Dylan bit her lip as Lennon quirked her brow at her in interest. “Frankie and I are going out tonight.”
“Out?” Benny repeated in a chuckle. “As in a date?”
“Yeah,” Lennon added.
“Yeah,” Dylan nodded. “Going to a drive-in.”
“So 1950’s of you,” Lennon teased. “You nervous?”
“A little,” she shrugged. “Just because if all of this doesn’t work out, I’m going to have a very awkward living arrangement.”
“Don’t be nervous,” Benny chuckled, turning to look at his roommate. “That boy is in love with you.”
“Babe,” Lennon scolded, swatting his chest. “Gonna scare her off.”
“How?” he laughed.
“Because we’re wounded orphans who are scared of love,” she replied, making Dylan chuckle.
“You said it easy enough,” he retorted.
“Yeah, I guess I did,” she grinned back.
“Anyways,” Dylan stood up as Lennon leaned in to kiss her boyfriend. “I’m gonna go get ready.”
“Make sure to shave!” Lennon called.
“Shut up,” she called back with a smile.
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Frankie was a nervous mess as he waited for Dylan to make her way out of her bedroom. Benny and Lennon were already playing babysitter for the night, keeping Rina entertained with a showing of Finding Nemo and pizza, the three of them a stark contrast to Frankie who paced around in the same room as them.
“Jesus,” Benny teased after five minutes of watching his friend. “Sit down, I’m begging you.”
“Yeah, daddy,” Rina joined in, patting the seat beside her on the sectional. “Sit down, you’re ruining the movie.”
“Alright,” he managed, taking the seat offered to him.
“Nervous?” Lennon asked between bites.
“Just—“ he shrugged. “Just want things to go well.”
“He’s actually sweating,” Benny teased, pointing at Frankie’s face. “Chill out, man.”
“That’s very helpful, Ben, thanks. That really puts the mind at ease—“ Frankie’s rant was interrupted by the sound of Dylan’s door clicking open. He stood up and smiled at her through his nerves, the sight of her in a light sundress, her hair in waves, and her makeup done up in a way that made her literally glow commanding his full focus now.
“Sorry I took so long,” she said, fidgeting with her bracelet. Frankie let out the breath he seemed to be holding since he asked her out and chuckled.
“Don’t apologize, you look—“
Giggles sounding from the couch made him roll his eyes and save his compliment for the car.
“How about we head out?” Dylan suggested, just as embarrassed by their audience as he was. Frankie nodded and gave a kiss to the top of Rina’s head before walking out of the house with Dylan leading the way.
Now that there was no one to tease them, Frankie felt more at ease openly eyeing her as he walked her to his old truck.
“You look so good.” Dylan instantly flushed at the compliment, that bashful smile that made him fall for her growing on her face.
“Look who’s talking,” she replied, tugging on the hem of the loose button down he was wearing. “Getting all dressed up for me.”
“Haven’t dressed this nice in years,” he laughed, nervously running his hand over his chest before doing the same to his hair. “Feels weird not wearing my hat.”
“You can go put it on,” she offered, reaching her own hand up to twirl one of his waves around her finger. “But I like you like this, too.”
Frankie let out a shaky chuckle as she combed her fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp at the nape of his neck.
“I’ll keep it off,” he said, low and flustered. “Since you like it.”
She smirked at him as she let her hand fall back to her side so that she could open the passenger door.
“Wait—“ Frankie gently shoved her hand away from the door handle so that he could open it for her, earning a playful eye roll. “Gotta pull out all the stops.”
“I don’t know,” she giggled and climbed into her seat. “Your competition is a dude who honked his horn at me to pick me up.” Frankie shook his head and sighed.
“What a cunt.”
“Total cunt.”
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Dylan couldn’t stop picking at her nails the entire ride to the drive-in, even when conversation flowed naturally between them. It wasn’t this part that she was nervous about—they were good friends, best friends if she really thought about it, and they’d always have a good time together hanging out. But when she began to think about what would hopefully come after, her stomach stormed with insecurity and anxiety.
What if she was so rusty that it turned him off? Or, a much crueler thought, what if he changed his mind after finally getting her out of his system?
“They’ve got really good burgers here,” Frankie spoke up as they arrived at the drive-in, breaking her out of her hypotheticals. “I always get the cowboy one. It’s got like barbecue sauce and these fried onion things—“
“Could you—“ Dylan paused after interrupting him, debating the sanity behind her request before settling on asking anyway. “Could you kiss me?”
Frankie turned to her with a confused smile as they sat in a line of cars buying their tickets.
“I just—I’m so fucking nervous and I need to, I don’t know, be…grounded? Sounds stupid when I say it out lou—“
Frankie’s lips pressing against hers forced her to shut up and just feel. Feel him, feel that this was happening, feel just how nervous he was himself.
When he pulled away, his lips still parted from the kiss and eyes lidded with desire, Dylan felt like she could finally breathe. Chuckling at the worry that consumed her just minutes before, she bit her lip and smiled at him.
“Thank you,” she said.
Frankie parted his lips to speak but a honk alerted him to the fact that he’d been holding up the line. Facing forward, Frankie tried to control his blush as he pulled forward and paid for the tickets before driving into the giant parking lot.
“Hope you don’t mind our shitty view,” he sighed, realizing that they should’ve come earlier as all the best spots were already taken.
“I don’t mind,” she shrugged, turning her head to look at him to find him already staring. “I have a nice view of all I want to see.”
“Cheesy,” he teased, making her eyes roll, her hand reaching over to swat his arm. “I’m into cheesy.”
“Speaking of cheese, my stomach is growling.”
“Come on,” he chuckled and swung his door open. Before he could make it around to open Dylan’s door, she was already standing and smoothing out her dress. “I’m supposed to do that for you.”
“Fix the wrinkles in my dress?”
“Open your door,” he corrected with a breath of a laugh. “Chivalry and all.”
“You fingered me in a dive bar,” she retorted. “I think we’re beyond chivalry.”
“Guess you’re right,” he smirked to himself. “Can’t believe I did that.”
“Well you did, and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since.” Frankie shook his head and sighed as he reached for her hand, intertwining their fingers together as they walked.
“You’re gonna kill me if you keep saying shit like that.” Dylan looked over at him with a smirk, proud of the blush her words formed on his cheeks. He turned to her, letting out a laugh at the look on her face, and gave her hand a squeeze. “At least it’ll be a happy death.”
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Frankie was glad he picked a movie he’d already seen before because, for the life of him, he just couldn’t take his eyes off Dylan. She sat in the passenger seat, switching between her box of sour patch kids and the bucket of popcorn seated on her lap.
“Can I have some?” he asked, watching as her eyes turned to meet his, the giant projector screen casting a colorful glow over their faces.
“Of?” she asked, a smirk growing as she flickered her eyes to his lips.
“Not fair,” he chuckled and grabbed the bucket out of her lap. “There’s still an hour left in the movie. Don’t torture me.”
“Let’s go, then,” she suggested, biting her lip as she turned her entire body in her seat.
Frankie laughed. “Really?”
“Really,” she nodded, scooting across the bench seat to rest her hand on his thigh. “I’m done waiting.” Her hand crept upwards, sliding over his jean clad thigh until her fingers were dancing towards the faint outline tenting the denim. “I’ve been patient. Let you take me out, treat me like a lady…but now—“ Frankie gasped as she pressed her hand against him, his brows screwed together in pleasure. “Now I want you.”
“Fuck,” he breathed, lifting his hands to cup both sides of her face and pull her in for a searing kiss, the kind that left them panting and breathless when he pulled away. “Put your seatbelt on.”
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Dylan gasped as Frankie pinned her against the closed passenger door, one hand gripping her hip and the other cradling her jaw as he kissed the breath from her lungs. They’d barely made it to the driveway, their wandering hands and excitement causing Frankie to swerve on more than one occasion.
“I want you so bad,” she breathed out against his lips as she hugged his neck to keep him close. Frankie groaned at the confession and pressed himself against her even more to relieve the building ache of his arousal.
“Gotta make sure Rina’s in bed,” he replied, resting his forehead against hers as he attempted to calm his rapid breathing. Dylan let her hand rest on his face before tilting it back so that he was meeting her eyes. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.”
“I’ll wait for you in my bedroom?” she asked.
“Okay,” he nodded, kissing her once more before pulling away so that they could head inside.
As expected, Benny and Lauren were still awake and in the middle of a makeout when Dylan and Frankie entered the house. Frankie cleared his throat, drawing Benny’s attention.
“Hey,” he greeted the two of them with a wide smile. “Go well?”
Dylan excused herself from the awkward interaction with a soft breath of a laugh, retreating back to her bedroom to mentally hype herself up for what was to come.
She quickly freshened herself up, applying more deodorant and popping a piece of mint gum in her mouth before hurrying into her dresser to find a lingerie set she’d purchased a year ago on a whim but never wore. She bit her lip as she found the yellow lace corset set before hurrying to exchange her plain bra and thong for its sexier counterpart. Lastly, she gave her neck and wrists a spritz of perfume, then walked over to the full length mirror in the corner of her room to examine herself one final time.
“Alright, she’s aslee—“ Frankie let himself in without knocking, catching Dylan as she stood with her back turned to him, watching him through the mirror. “Jesus—“ He quickly shut the door before making his way over to her, his hands almost trembling as they rested on her hips. “You’re insane.”
“Why do you say that?” she laughed.
“Because you’re so out of my league, it’s ridiculous. When’s the last time you got your vision checked?” Dylan rolled her eyes and swatted his thigh to scold him for being so self critical.
“You’re beautiful, Frankie,” she said, turning in his arms to face him, one hand burying in his mess of waves while the other rested on his cheek. “Those eyes. Your nose. Your lips. This little patch in your beard.” She leaned in to place a kiss there. “S’all beautiful.”
Frankie kissed her, wet and slow and maddening, holding her frame against his as he backed himself against the foot of the bed before pulling her onto his lap. Dylan broke the kiss to reach in between them and undo his belt, pulling a moan out of him when her knuckles brushed over his length.
“We have to be quiet,” he groaned as though the fact physically pained him. “Fucking hate that.”
“We should get a hotel room next time,” she half-joked with a smirk as she popped the button on his jeans and tugged the zipper down.
Frankie stood up, guiding Dylan to lay back against the mattress as he stood between her thighs at the foot of the bed. He undid the buttons of his shirt as quickly as he could manage with the shaking of his hands as he watched Dylan cup her lace covered breasts, squeezing them together just to put on a show for him.
“So fucking—god,” he chuckled. “You’re turning me stupid.”
She giggled and opened her legs for him, showing him the damp spot on her panties just to torture him all the more.
“Fuck it,” he abandoned shucking his jeans off in favor of dropping to his knees and pulling her panties to the side so that he could get a taste of her, pulling a loud gasp from Dylan that had Frankie raising an eyebrow at her. “You want everybody to hear, baby?”
“Just feels good,” she hushed her moans so that only he could hear, her fingers burying in his hair to pull his tongue back to her clit. Frankie smiled as he dived back in, working her over and over until her toes were curling and fingers were clawing at his scalp. “Frankie, shit.”
“Tastes so fucking good, baby,” he moaned against her cunt, his fingers gripping her thighs to keep them open as they tried to clamp shut around his head.
“Frankie,” she whined, her head rolling against the mattress. “I’m going to—“
“Fuck yes,” he slid his finger inside of her and curled up until she came undone around him, her thighs shaking and clamping around his ears as she tried to hold in the sounds of her climax. He pressed a kiss to her inner thigh as he watched her chest heave with pride.
“Frankie,” she called, reaching for his arm to tug him up her body until he was hovering over her. “I want you.”
“Yeah?” he asked, desperate and reverent. When Dylan nodded, he quickly tugged his jeans and briefs down just enough to free his cock, letting it slap against her swollen cunt.
“Shit,” Dylan gasped as she looked down between their bodies to admire his cock. “Only makes sense you’ve got the world’s prettiest dick.”
Frankie laughed and shook his head at her, grinning as he leaned down to kiss her. Dylan reached down and positioned his cock at her entrance, rubbing the tip over her slick before urging him with her ankles digging into his lower back to put it in.
“Fuck,” he groaned, swallowing down her moan as he slowly slid inside of her. “Not gonna last long, baby.”
“You feel so good,” she whined, her arms reaching to wrap around his broad shoulders as he fucked her like he was making love to her, slow and sensual.
“Baby, fuck,” he moaned into her ear. “I’m gonna fucking cum. Where—“
“Inside me,” she begged, linking her ankles around his waist to keep him close. Frankie buried his face in her neck, his fingers clawing at the bedspread as he fucked her with more purpose now, the burn of his size mixing with the blinding pleasure to make her see stars.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck—“ Frankie pumped his hips once, twice, and then pressed himself deep inside her, crumbling into her arms and onto her chest as he filled her up. Dylan couldn’t be bothered to care that she hadn’t come a second time, not when he did such a good job with the first one.
“Fuck, that was—“
“Mindshattering?” he interrupted, lifting his head to give her a pleasure drunk smile. Dylan laughed and nodded, accepting the kiss he left on her chin with a wide stretched smile on.
“Well worth the wait,” she said, moving with him as he rolled off of her and onto his side. “You’re very talented with your tongue, you know that?”
“I’ve always been a big fan,” he admitted with a boyish smile. “But you…” he pulled her tight to his body, smoothing his hand across her back until he was squeezing her ass. “You’re gonna turn me into an addict. So fucking sweet.”
“Can’t wait to repay the favor,” she smiled, leaning in for a kiss only to get interrupted by soft knocking on the door and Rina’s small voice.
“Shit,” he sighed, raking a hand over her face. “She gets these nightmares—“
“No, I understand,” Dylan let him climb out of bed before sliding under her bedsheets to cover her body while Frankie changed back into his clothes at the foot of the bed.
“I’ll try to sneak back over once I get her back to sleep?” he asked as he finished buttoning his shirt, walking over to give Dylan a soft peck.
“Sounds good, but if she needs you tonight, it’s okay,” she assured, earning an adoring smile from Frankie.
“I—“ Dylan held her breath as she watched him stop himself from saying the three words that played on the tip of her own tongue. “I like you, Jones.”
Chuckling, she reached up and pinched his chin. “I like you too, Morales.”
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thedeathdeelers · 3 months
Okay firstly sorry for being unhinged and replying back like straight away loll
Secondly yes to everything you said 😌 (and omg pls dont apologise for your essay pls keep writing them hehe 😁)
And also just the desperation and fear in his voice when he calls out for Sol, he's so scared he's gonna lose her again 😭😭😭 like wheeeeww his performance was top notch man. Like you said he's confused and overwhelmed but just the way he calls out for Sol in that desperate voice like it's instinct ohhh *insert someone sedate me gif* I never want to get over this drama ever 🥹
Oh oh that scene after where they're cuddling on the couch is ssoooooo darnnn cutteeeee the way they're hugging it's just all tooo cutteee 🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Kim Hye Yoon was phenomenal too, I loved every single bit of her performance. Her silly antics, the anguish and pain at losing her legs, and later at losing Sun jae, ohhh my heaarrttt it's been ages since a drama was this gooooodd I think last time I was this besotted was Strong Girl Do Bong Soon. Like park hyung sik was a loser too but he was kind of cool loser you know 😂😅 oh also Shooting Stars, loved that one as well. But man, did lovely runner do a number on me 🫡🫡
oh no please don’t apologise!!’ i know what it’s like to be excited about something it’s fine 😌 sorry that i’m replying a bit late!!
the fear of losing her just as he starts to remember her!!! nearly getting hit by the car, by our very own taxi man — even tho he doesn’t know sunjae in this timeline fate still tried to intervene but!! he was saved!! and now he’s desperate to get to her in case fate repeats itself and just as soon as they’re about to be together it takes everything away
plus. he doesn’t want to waste anymore time. he’s already wasted 34 years….😭
honestly the micro-expressions and just the eyes!! the eyes!!! so good 😭
the LR writers really said “ok youve had enough angst have some fluff” and then have us the fluffiest fluff to ever fluff 😭 they win at everything i love them sm
it’s the soft, quiet moments that make the best fluff- just then sat with their arms around each other cause that’s all they need- each other. aaAAH
the show wouldn’t have been as good as it was without both leads- kim hye yoon’s acting was phenomenal- switching between silly as heck to the most heartbreaking facial expressions you e ever seen- her eyes as she stares up at college student sunjae when he tells her she doesn’t have to run away from him anymore??? that it’s okay??? killed me. makes you understand why sunjae is willing to gamble him life away for her, fr
and like you said- sometimes i can’t believe the same actress did sol pre-time travel, ie sat in that hospital bed, and sol going to eclipse concert and sol accidentally shoving her fingers up sunjae’s nose. the raaange, honestly!
but yeah same! it’s been a longgggg time since i’ve obsessed and loved a show from start to finish this much! apart like the examples you’ve mentioned (loved sh**ting stars!) and strong girl with the best park hyung sik (i myself like to call him Elf Man), i always love and still carry in my heart Doom at your Service, crash landing on you, W (altho i haven’t watched that one in a hot minute), tail of the nine tailed and alchemy of souls (altho alchemy of souls is so different from everything else haha)
but yeah..lovely runner…,kinda feels like it’s in a league of its own tbh ♥️
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|| Wish These Snakes Were Your Arms ||
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Matt Murdock x succubus!reader (and if you're into this ship check out Le Belle et le Bad Boy)
Tags/warnings: Matt's in a bad place, think season three but worse. Sexy whump/angst, biting, blood, sadomasochism, p in v. E 18+
Word count ~3700
A/n: I've been waiting to use this title from the lyrics of Kimdracula by Deftones, and the fic was inspired in part by the song Hypnotize by Sleep Token.
The pain is both a balm and penance for the pleasure he feels as her claw-like nails shred him open.
Blood leaks and drips like a maroon banner over his pale skin, a warning that he doesn't see but he can feel.
It's warm and wet but then so is she, delicate, raging and addictive even as he's being torn apart. He could stop, sure… but he won't, it's what he thinks he needs, it's punishment for his sins and he wants to receive it all. It hurts, and he's getting off on it.
I bleed only for myself.
He faintly hears you mocking him with his own words. He's halfway broken but you need to break him all the way before he can rise up again.
"You're lost, Matthew."
"Not when I'm with you." He claims desperately, the words falling over your skin like rain as he pants against your neck. He needs this, he needs this…
"I can't give you what you need, you have to find it yourself."
"You are what I need, just… make me forget."
His muscles ripple under your bloody hands every time he moves against you.
"You know it doesn't last, you need something real to live for. Find your faith."
"Stop talking." He hisses, his fingers digging harder into the meat of your thigh and dragging you closer. "You're not my fucking priest."
You almost laugh then. "Aren't I, Matthew? Don't you unburden yourself with me, don't I forgive your sins?"
He whines as you roll your hips up taking him even deeper inside you. He always feels so good.
"This is the last time." You tell him, lips trailing across the top of his scratched shoulder as he ruts into you.
Teeth puncture the skin and rip a tortured and perverse groan from his throat. You feel him throb inside you moving faster, holding onto you more tightly, urging you to keep going as the blood flows.
You sigh. "This isn't fun for me anymore."
"No… no no, I need this, I need you- fuck!"
'You've made me your whore."
He lifts his head at that as you lick across the wound, almost stopping fucking you but you know he won't. "W-what? No, I lo-"
You don't let him say it, smothering the meaningless words with your kiss. His own blood spreads over his tongue and you hope it reminds him of what you are, what he is supposed to be.
He tenses, still driving relentlessly towards whatever it is he thinks will fix him and for all your words you let it happen.
"God. Do it again." He spits. "More."
You flip him easily, pinning him to the bed and scoring fresh red marks over his chest as you ride him. He winces, reaching up to grip around the base of your neck, his eyes fluttering shut, so near the edge.
You grab his hand and wrench it away, pinning both wrists above his head as you lunge for the other side of his neck and bite down. The crimson banner unfurls, he can see it this time. He cums instantly as you split his skin again, grunting loud with the flood of pleasure and pain, moaning, jerking and spilling violently as your teeth are still embedded in him.
You eventually release, sitting up and swiping your tongue over your bloody lips.
A single tear rolls down over his cheek.
He tries to pull you into his arms, to hold you more for his comfort than yours, but you climb off him.
The silence is heavy as you carefully clean his wounds, your eyes scanning over the many scars that already marr his skin. Another couple won't make much difference. You know he's strong enough, but does he?
"You have to be the person Hell's Kitchen needs, not this."
Hunched over with his head in his hands at the side of the bed, you hear him sob.
"Get up, Matty."
He hears you, and echoes of Stick. His father's voice.
Get. Up.
Matt tags: @saintmurd0ck @mindidjarin @castlesnchurches @peterman-spideyparker @pastafossa @mattmurdocksscars @mattmurdockspainkink @marvelswh0re @munsonownsmyass
Hi! If you enjoy my fics please consider reblogging, it means that others get to enjoy them too! I also love to hear if there's anything in particular you liked, please comment! Thank you so much for reading 💕
@hellskitchenswhore @pedrito-friskito @sweetieswiftie @briefcasejuice @shedaresthedevil @freshabogados @e-dubbc11 @father4giveme @idrinkcoffeeandobsess @imperfxctly-me @stress--relief @murnsondock @stupidthoughtsinwriting @whistle1whistle @tea-and-wine @emiemiemiii @imherefordeanandbones @m0nster-fucker @creatingjana @echos-muses @lazyxsquirrel
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stevie-petey · 20 days
ok hi took some much needed time to process the chapter & im here for insights !! (absolutely despising this rn cuz of s4)
first things first, i have come to a conclusion, im not gonna survive s4, you gave us the somewhat fluff in this chapter after the first one, but i can feel it's all downhill from here.
i was expecting some more angst lol, i HATED it but i also LOVED THE ANGST (i think im my own worst enemy) but it's okay i will take the happy stug crumbs when i can get it !
i thought dustin would still be mad at her or sumn but when upside down is in question, all goes out the window truly. missing my fav sibling duo just vibing together though :( it's already been so tense between them and it's just been two chapters (i hate that they grow up :/)
love robin, love how she says OUR girlfriend like so true baby and love how she makes steve understand in the most robin way <3
#scared because there was nothin bout jon, that's gonna be insane to deal with in the future chapters.
PROTECTIVE BUG !!!!!! that scene was genuinely so hot, she will actually stab someone who messes with steve, stay away !!!
and in natural bug manner, how she eased up to eddie was so cute :(((
also p. s. i miss will & nancy interactions w bug so much :(
agh okay so that's all for insights, be back (probably balling) when the next chapter's out ! and really, thank you for ur service, u are literally insane with how you wrote that long ass chapter in one day !!!
alright byeee love you <3
oh trust angst is coming but rn steve and bug have to sold some murder mysteries before confronting their demons again :( and ROBIN <333 bug really is her gf steve cant deny that he knows its how the world works: if steve dates bug, so does robin
and bug IS a hot gf who defends her bf <333 she cant kill bugs but she can stab a guy in 3 seconds if steve is in danger. shes so real for that. her getting to be more aggressive this season is so <333 thats my girl !!!
thank you for reading <333 and as always i LOVE hearing what you have to say :'))))
i have no clue how i wrote the entire chapter in one day. i scare myself fr
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
BakuDeku angst w/ happy ending
Aged Up AU
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Most are SFW … check tags.
Gif not mine - created by @fiery-lune
Note: if you read any of these stories and like them, please leave a kudos and/or comment for author!
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Can You Hear Me by crescendmoon
Summary: When a powerful villain puts Izuku in a coma, Bakugou is there to watch over him. He knows he must be strong for Izuku's sake, but he can slowly feel the magnitude of the situation closing in on him, breaking down his walls. At this point, he'll believe in anything if it means Izuku wakes up.
One Shot | Pro Hero au
Fact Not Fiction by SecretKiwi
Summary: Some of Izuku's old notebooks were better left out of sight, and Katsuki stumbles across something he wasn't supposed to ever see.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
DOG FIGHT by Wildish_Gambino
Summary: Dog Fight (noun) - a practice between men, in which all compete to see who can get the ugliest date.
Rules: 1) You must be polite
2) You must buy your date a drink
3) You have to get a dance
The man with the ugliest partner wins.
— — —
Or Pro Hero Katsuki brings nerdy next-door neighbor Izuku to a dogfight...but ends up falling for him in the process
Complete | 5 Chapters
Pro Hero Baku x Quirkless Deku
Rated - Mature
Why do you say that? by spookyserpent
Summary: “You can’t live without me,” Izuku says, quietly. “But you won’t live with me.”
Warm hands clench into fists.
“I love you, Katsuki,” Izuku says. “But I’m not going to hurt or hide myself for you.”
“Izuku,” Katsuki breathes. “Don’t.”
-- -- --
Or: Izuku goes to America and Katsuki realises his drunk confessions hold more truth than he’d like to admit.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Don't Leave Me Behind by Sol_Morales707
Summary: All their lives, from elemental, middle to highschool, Katsuki Bakugou has been popular. Fame follows him, be it by his Quirk or leadership, while Izuku was the shadow following him. Always left behind, a kicked pebble that yearns to be a part of Kacchan’s life.
There’s nothing in the world he wants the most.
Ten years and nothing has changed.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
The Deku-Shaped Hole by SaysiWrites
Summary: Katsuki had few regrets in his life, but most of them revolved around one person: Deku. He'd made a lot of mistakes, and knew deep down that he should probably make amends.
He never expected the opportunity to be torn from his fingertips.
Complete | 15 Chapters
Rated - Mature
You're the Only One for Me by WriterKichi
Summary: While shopping for a Christmas gift for Katsuki, Izuku happens to see him with Eijirou by the jewelry. He knows that they’re just friends, but he can’t help but let his imagination run wild…
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
The interview by silverynight
Summary: "But I mean if you like him romantically."
Izuku is suffering, he knows the answer to that question, has accepted it a long time ago and has decided he's more than okay with being Katsuki's friend. Of course he doesn't like him romantically, even though Izuku does.
He knows Katsuki is going to deny it; he'd probably say they're just friends.
The color slowly vanishes from Katsuki's face, it almost seems like he's panicking.
But then...
"Like him? We're not even friends!"
Complete | 2 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
our own abyss by ContraryBee
Summary: On the verge of a hurt-fueled, world-ending fight, Katsuki does the brave thing and takes a sharp left turn into healthy communication.
“Kacchan, you are breaking my heart right now,” Izuku’s bottom lip trembles but he’s not sure if it’s in anger or hurt, “What’s /wrong/?”
One Shot | Pro Hero au
Rated - Explicit
Tell Me You Love Me, Show Me You Love Me (Don't Let Go) by MJBunnyLuv
Summary: “You’re upset,” Katsuki spoke, finally breaking the silence. It wasn’t a question.
Izuku turned, finally taking in the blonde’s sharp features. The angled strip of light from the tall lamp post accentuated his high cheekbones, the intensity of his eyes as they stared out the windshield, the tension he held in his jaw. It hurt the freckled man to think about saying anything, to see that his boyfriend was trying to piece together where he went wrong. But that was the entire problem…Katsuki rarely seemed to know where he went wrong, not until a screaming match ensued. Sometimes insults were thrown, the kind meant to hurt, to stab and twist the knife just to get the wanted reaction. But Izuku was tired of those kinds of conversations. “I think we should take a break.”
— — —
OR After a night of miscommunication and failed expectations, Izuku & Katsuki argue about their devotion to each other. Claws come out and painful words are exchanged, sending them into a week of hell, their relationship hanging in the balance.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
Piano In The Dark by Kvngloki9
Summary: It’s Katsuki’s 25th birthday & he’s not really in the mood to celebrate. It’s been a shitty few months and he’s not really feeling it. He comes home to his boyfriend who disappeared post argument 3 months ago simply cooking dinner with threats of breaking up. Now all Katsuki can think of is how to make him stay.
One Shot | Pro Hero au
Rated - Explicit
What I love about you today by keyhimura
Summary: After a miscommunication causes the most stupid fight of their lives Katsuki tries to find a better way to convey his feelings, stumbling in a bunch of colorful papers that despite seeming dumb end up giving him the strength to make things right.
— — —
(Or the one in which Bakugou realizes he's eloquent as a frog and steps his game up in order to fix things between him and Deku)
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
I Belong Nowhere But In Your Arms by lucif5er
Summary: Katsuki tries to win Izuku back after years of being broken up and apart with some angst on the side.
{One Shot}
Quirkless Midoriya | OmegaVerse
Rated - Mature
selfish by ladyofsnails
Summary: “An official partnership?” Katsuki clarifies, and Izuku nods. Katsuki feels his heart sink, shoulders slumping with sudden exhaustion. This idiot. “People can’t back out of that, Deku, at least not with a shred of decency or pride left. It’s a permanent thing. We become permanent parts of each other’s lives.”
“You don’t want that?” Izuku’s voice warbles, just barely, his expression of hurt so deep and his words so wrong Katsuki can’t even look at him anymore.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
My Hero Merchandise by DekusCheriPop
Summary: Katsuki is confused and a little pissed. Wasn't he supposed to be someone closer to him than AllMight? Someone that shined so brightly in his eyes? His vision of Victory? Wasn't that what he was screaming about at Ground Beta years ago? Then why.....
Why isn't there a single merch of him in the nerds apartment?!
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
The Ghost of a Touch by CrunchySnow
Summary: Izuku and Katsuki attend a late night show, a game of dares resulting them into getting closer. They both react very differently to that, which makes both of them feel like they’re being rejected by the person they've been in love with for ages.
Complete | 3 Chapters
Rated - General Audiences
It's rotten work. Not to me. Not if it's you. by ElStark
Summary: “I know I like you more than you like me,” he lets out a sigh, wet, trembling, and heartbroken. “It’s okay, though. I don’t mind as long as you like me enough to be with me,” Izuku’s fists close around Katsuki’s shirt. “I love you so much, Kacchan,” he rubs his face against Katsuki’s chest, tears dampening the fabric, “So much.”
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
Never or Forever by s_the_queen
Summary: Izuku's heart breaks every time Katsuki says he’s busy. They’ve been together five years, but it looks like the end is in sight.
Katsuki is in love with the smartest man he's ever met. It makes him paranoid when he starts to make...plans.
— — —
-or- Our idiot boys love each other but they're so bad at understanding each others' feelings ffs
Complete | 5 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
Seeing you by CrunchySnow
Summary: Izuku has reconsidered being Katsuki’s hero partner, refusing to explain himself. Katsuki is making up his own mind and he doesn’t like the answer he finds there.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
Jealous Much, Deku? by bkdkwritingsdump
Summary: Izuku sees Katsuki kissing a fan after a rescue mission and assumes the worst.
Katsuki thinks Izuku is blowing him off for no reason and gets angry instead of talking to him.
All of this could have been solved if they'd just admitted they were dating beforehand.
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
He Made the Big Mistake of Dancing in My Storm by potatopie
Summary: “No one could put up with Kacchan the way Midoriya does. Someone remind me again how the biggest asshole on the planet wound up with Japan’s sweetheart of all people?”
After being reminded a few too many times that he's a difficult person to be with, Katsuki starts to question why Izuku would want someone as complicated as him in his life.
Complete | 4 Chapters
Rated - Teen & Up
Don’t Go (Without Me) by amarisllis
{One Shot}
Rated - Teen & Up
🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤
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Gulps…, hellohi.. confession I’ve been daydreaming about angst recently and that cult leader Geto drabble u wrote only made me think about it even more… <///333 ignore that I’m a little bit obsessed with the mentally ill/traumatised reader + stsg trope but… can u really blame me ☹️ they would be so good and I think they would be the best comfort u could possible have :((
Ok but. more specifically reader with a rough childhood (a lil like sugu.. he def has some sort of daddy/mommy issues i will die on that hill) or some sort of abandonment/trust issues that has a habit of self sabotaging or intentionally distancing themselves. More specifically maybe grown up stsg where they’re a little more mature and have more of a grasp on how to help you better.. maybe reader has a nightmare or something, goes out for a smoke on the balcony etc etc.. sugu meets them out there n. They just have a good old fashioned talk like :( just being honest and vulnerable because it’s late and u just need a hug most of all :(( def ends with him carrying reader back to bed n playing with ur hair until you fall back asleep GODDDD KILL ME NOW ☹️☹️ moments of tenderness/vulnerability are my absolutely favourite thing in writing/shows/etc ESPECIALLY when it’s from characters that usually don’t display those sort of feelings because you just know it means there’s such a strong bond between them…. Can u hear my heart breaking
^^ either this one or reader with trust issues that’s a little cat-like personality wise (which I think fits so beautifully because stsg are the most wolf coded boys ever) who’s fully convinced they’re better off on their own, they don’t need friends or people to rely on. Until they meet stsg!!!!! Because suddenly there are two irritatingly charming losers following you around and worming their way into your heart and you just. Physically cannot bring yourself to deny them, even if it’s a little scary allowing people in. And god i think it would make them feel SO special once you started warming up to them. Allowing satoru to greet you with hugs or pinch ur cheeks… letting sugu baby you a little…… (distant screaming)
THIS HAS BEEN ANOTHER YAP SESSION BY ME ^_^ it’s literally so late at night rn I don’t know why these ideas always come to me just as I’m about to sleep ffs ☹️ N E WAYYYSSSS im looking forward to that satoru fic/drabble thing u were talking about :3 a mix of scared and excited ngl I feel like I gotta prepare myself incase it’s angsty….. but WHAT HAVE U BEEN UP TO?? It’s literally just been grey n windy where I am so I hope ur getting better weather where u are 😞😞 I HOPE U HAVE BEEN HAVING FUN N TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF!!
(Also irrelevant but I was just about to add a silly image to finish and I stumbled across this image of satoru and I’m laughing my ass of why is he so lanky?????? I could NOT be his friend I would just make fun of him for being built like a fucking STICKBUG 😭😭😭 LOOK AT THE RESEMBLANCE)
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(Yes I made the second image myself what do you think of my artistic talent ^_^ ignore the flag)
HELLO HI MY DEAREST OLLIE i am gulping right with you ……… this made me so insane 😔😔
i’ve said it before n i’ll say it again . ariollie STAYS synced up i’m convinced we share a brain……. your scenarios always make me feel so ill (affectionate) and this scenario just means sm to me :((( they really would be the best!!! a reader like that would be treated so tenderly and with sm understanding…. especially since suguru and satoru had rough upbringings too!! (not canon for sugu maybe but i agree w you 100% ollie i literally can’t see his childhood being anything but messed up…. he def has both mommy and daddy issues i know my own kind 🙏🙏)
aaaaa just!!! yeah. reader isolating themselves when they feel down and overwhelmed and being taken care of so effortlessly… stsg just wouldn’t let you face your struggles alone. you’re a team!!! and yeah grown up stsg would for sure be the best at this. i think that as teens they won’t know exactly how to help/might be a little overwhelming….. but as adults they’re more mature and grounded and have a better understanding of your struggles and their own!!! goshhhhh the balcony scene 😔😔😔 ollie do you want my heart to shatter (also what if i told you that exact scenario has popped up in my head multiple times we’re so linked) suguru would just be so vulnerable and patient and caring :(((( our papa bear…. carries you to bed and lulls you to sleep. for sure makes you a warm cup of tea too… sighhh i need him i fear 💔💔
AND AND ANDDDD a catlike reader 😵‍💫😵‍💫 one of my personal favs. independent and a little distant….. used to being on their own……. very picky with who they allow close. it’s just PERFECT for stsg (WOLFCODED BOYS SO TRUEEE)… ollie the way you describe it all makes me feel ILLLL they really would feel so honoured 😭😭😭 cue satoru melting into a puddle when you finally wrap your arms around him….. suguru literally grinning like an idiot (he’s trying DESPERATELY not to but it’s impossible) when you shyly ask him for affection. yeahhhh their hearts would explode i think
ANOTHER BANGER YAP SESSION FROM OLLIEEE i look forward to them sm yknow!!! i can always trust you to have the tastiest stsg scenarios ready to go 🙏🙏🙏 i’m a lil late to this BUT i hope you had a cozy sleep my friend <3 AND WAHH i’m so glad you’re excited for bfb!satoru!!!! i’m gonna try to get it out by next weekend…… i promise not to make it angsty hehe it’s just a lil bittersweet!!! a tiny bit!!!! (depends on how you feel abt the unrequited love trope though 😭😭) IT’S GRAY N WINDY HERE TOO i’m hoping for more sunlight soon………. and i’m doing well hehe i’ve been playing a bunch of pj sekai + watching my favorite streamer play zero escape >:33 WHAT ABT UUU OLLIE what have you been up to?? good things i hope!!! pls remember to rest up and take care of yourself as well <333 it’s what stsg would’ve wanted!!!
(also PHDKDVDJDJYFU NOT THE SATORU SLANDER?????? 😭😭😭 LEAVE MY STICKBUG ALONE???????? i snorted so loud thank you for the free art it’s beautiful <333 i’m gna print it and hang it on my wall.)
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ballblender · 1 year
Selfish - A KagaKuro Angst
Preface: hello hello i know i have not posted in a while, but I AM GONNA MAKE THIS A COMEBACK (maybe)
This can be interpreted as a ship post, or not, it doesn't really matter imo, kagakuro is cool tho.
cw: angst (obviously), kagami + kuroko are in their second year, selfish kuroko and kagami, both people are at fault, more story-central than relationship-central, kagami doesn't have a good relationship with the GOM.
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"Hey, where's Kuroko?"
It seemed at if saying that question was just part of what made you a member of the Seirin basketball team. Nobody could count the amount of times that the team would go out, whether it be to train, to play a match, or even the hot springs, and have Kuroko go missing as soon as they leave.
"Kagami, do you know where he went?" Koganei asks.
Kagami sighs and shrugs. Despite having a good relationship with Kuroko, he still views him as an enigma.
"Seriously, we can't go out without him sneaking off. It's getting ridiculous." Riko admits, tapping her shoe on the sidewalk in frustration.
Kagami grunts softly. He knows it's true, but he can't help himself defending Kuroko at every turn, even if he did used to get equally angry in situations like these, especially earlier in their first year.
Hyuuga sighs, "He's not picking up his cell either. Come on, let's all split up and look for him. Meet back here in 30 if you haven't found him." The team groans, but obeys, splitting up.
Kagami wanders down the street, scanning passersby for that unique shade of baby blue hair.
It doesn't take long for him to spot Kuroko, practicing his dribbling and shooting in a public court.
However, instead of meeting Kuroko with the usual smack over the head, followed by a collar-pull back to the metting spot, Kagami walks over, calmly but solemnly. Honestly, it's a bit scary.
"Hey, Kuroko."
Kuroko flinches, and turns around.
The two of them stand in silence, Kuroko's eyes fixated on Kagami's face, as Kagami's eyes fixate on the ground.
After a moment of silence, "...are we meeting up with the other-"
"Why are you so selfish?"
"E-eh?" Kuroko flinches, "W-what do you mean...?"
Kagami stares at him, his eyes filled with, a sort of anger, one that mixes with a subtle sadness too.
"You...y-you can't do this all the time."
"Do what...?"
Kagami scowls.
"Do...this. Sneaking off on us all the time, and having to have our seniors and classmates look for you. It's not fair on them."
Kuroko looks to the side, conflicted.
"I'm only trying to improve myself, for the team." He remarks, though softly.
"But don't you realise how selfish you can be?"
"Stop calling me that."
"But you know that it's true. You know it, even when we started out, you already told me how I'd be 'The Light to your Shadow', and overtake the Generation of Miracles. But you didn't actually care about me, knowing them now, I fucking hate those guys, don't want to be anything like them. You just promised me that so you could get your revenge on them for how they decided to play back in middle school, that's selfish."
"T-that's not true, I-"
Kagami starts to tear up, "And now that I've been thinking about it, basically everything I've done related to basketball in the last year was because of you. It's like I have no control over my own playstyle. Even though winning with the others feels great, it's like I can't play without them."
"...why is that a bad thing?"
"Think about it. Our strength as a team has already decreased ever since Kiyoshi left because of his knee. And what about our seniors? They gradute this year, and once they're gone, we're the ones who have to build the team back up again. I've trained so hard to get to where I am now...but you. You've essentially kept the exact same style as you have from middle school up until this point, and you don't think that's selfish?" Kagami practically yells.
Kuroko scowls, his voice starting to uncharacteristically increase in volume, "That isn't true. I've trained just as hard as you have."
Kagami wipes his furious tears. He knows Kuroko is right, he has trained a lot, and opened Kagami's eyes to a whole new perspective when playng basketball, but inside of him, there's still that urge within him to completely dominate the court through sheer force alone, like he did in America. So how is it fair that Kuroko can maintain his own playstyle, and not him?
"...find your own way home today, I'm leaving." Kagami mutters, leaving Kuroko alone on the court, his own tears starting to brim in his eyes.
"Did you find him?"
"...no, I didn't."
a/n: I hope you enjoyed, I am a massive fan of the characterisation and motivations of the KNB cast, and wanted to show some of that here! <3 (hope i did them justice)
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bccksmarts · 2 years
NAME: Pom ( Pommy, PomPom, Pommei, Pomione, you get the idea )
PRONOUNS: She / Her ( they is fine as well! )
TAKEN OR SINGLE: Taken and have been for nearly 6 years w/ my dumbass of a BF ✨
I've got way over 40+ Pop figures. You could say I have an obsession, but I say I'm just passionate with collecting things
I have a triple art diploma which I don't do fuck all with. I just draw Hermione Granger or Marinette Dupain-Cheng most of the time 🙈
I actually find cropping icons, making graphics and theme editing quite therapeutic?? I know, it sounds almost psychopathic, but I actually like getting into the nitty gritty of codes and how to add more things to them, like I did with the drop downs on Hermione's about page.
PLATFORMS USED: I started out on Facebook at the age of 9 years old. I know, what a pro play move. I was young, stupid and that was the only platform I really knew about. Then I came to Tumblr, been on and off of here for years but I've been consistently here for about... 7 years?? Give or take??
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: I like all three, actually. Winging it and Memes kind'a fit into the same slot when you really think about it, I like how spontaneous things are and the directions things can possibly go into, it's mysterious and I love that. I DO love plotting too, most times my head is just goldfish and empty but when we get started, I generate ideas so fast so we can bounce off of each other!! It's fun and I'm for it. So yes, definitely all of those options.
GENDER: Me, myself, write females!! The odd male sometimes, I guess the exception would be Crookshanks in this case, since he's just a cat.
MULTI OR SINGLE MUSE: This is a single muse blog but I DO run a massive multi muse blog which is kind'a dead at the moment, so both really.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S): Eh, I've got no preference. I like the FC's I have, and it's each to their own who they pick for their muses.
ANGST: See above. Gotta love a tad bit of pain.
SMUT: Rare, but I don't mind it! Suggestive things have been fine to mess about with, like dirty pick up lines, but y'know, I'm still "recent" in that area.
Tagged by: @toxicmalicex ( thank you lovely!! )
Tagging: Whoever would like to!! ♡
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hops-hunny · 3 years
When He Sees Me
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x Chubby!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 4.3k
Request: N/A
Summary:(Y/n) always thought she was too rational for love, until she wasn’t. (Based off of the song When He Sees Me from Waitress)
Warnings: Slight negative thoughts and angst but vast majority fluff and pining! Oh and positive use of the word fat.
A/N:  Fred is a little OOC in this?? But I honestly just imagine him as the type of guy to be sorta whipped if he really falls for someone.
I stick with real things
Usually facts and figures
When information's in its place
I minimize the guessing game
(Y/n) had always been a rational girl. In her younger years at Hogwarts, as all her friends began to giggle and blush at their crushes, she kept her nose in her books. Although she was curious of what they were experiencing, the thought never lasted long in her mind due to what her mother had told her from a young age.
(Y/n) was about the age of 6, sitting on the floor near the couch as she colored humming to herself softly. She had noticed her mom was in a bad mood due to her being sprawled out on the couch many upon many empty bottles of alcohol littered the table. She wasn’t sure why her mother was so upset but ever since they had seen her father at the park with her babysitter last week her mom had been in this mood and her father hadn’t been back.
“(Y/n) dear, promise me something.” her mother muttered to her half asleep. The girl turned around smiling at her mom. Her mom gave her a weak smile back as she pet the top of the girls head. “Never give your heart to a man. He’ll only leave it in pieces.”
At the time, the girl obviously had no clue what she meant but the older she got and the more she saw the people in her life get their hearts broken time and time again she had developed a clue. So, she simply focused on anything that wasn’t romance. School, plants, knitting, you name it and that’s what she gave her attention to. Even though it wasn’t a conscious action, it still affected her deeply.
I don't like guessing games
Or when I feel things
Before I know the feelings
How am I supposed to operate
If I'm just tossed around by fate?
Like on an unexpected date?
Although her friends described it to her many upon many of times, she still found herself absolutely clueless of what feelings of love was like. That's why when she saw him, she was confused by what was happening.
“Oh he’s simply lovely! He does this funny little things with his hands where-” Although (Y/n) was focused on her coursework, she was still listening to Diane as usual. She liked to listen to her friends retelling of experiences with lovers, soaking it in like a cheesy romance movie. She looked out the window needing a quick break from her work. Her breath hitched quietly as she placed a soft chubby hand over her heart feeling as it raced wildly in the chamber of her chest. Her body had a tingling sensation all over that she had never felt before as she felt herself get dizzy.
“W-who’s that?” she said in an airy tone, causing her friend to follow her gaze. There he stood, laughing and joking around with his friends pushing each other around. His ginger locks blew in the wind slightly and his skin glowed in the soft afternoon sun. 
“You mean you don’t know who that is? That’s Fred weasley! He’s like one of the most popular guys in our year. I can’t believe you just asked that.” She snickered some, teasing her friend. She stopped once she noticed the girl who was usually quick to snap back was unusually quiet. She smiled softly at her expression, noticing that look in her eyes. Whether (Y/n) knew it or not yet, she was absolutely enamoured with none other than Fred Weasley.
“I don’t like him. He makes me feel funny.” she said, however the way she looked out the window still said otherwise.
“Funny how?”
“I don’t know, just funny.”
“Like laugh funny or like funny funny?”
“Obviously not laugh funny, are you an idiot?” She asked, glaring at her blonde friend. She looked out the window once more. She noticed him look back causing her to gasp, eyes wide with shock. He winked at her causing her to scoff, pick her things up before shutting the library blinds and run off to who knows where.
Diane laughed to herself as she began to pack her own stuff up to go after her friend. She sighed before running quickly out the library to catch up.
“Ah, young love!”
With a stranger who might talk too fast
Or ask me questions about myself
Before I've decided that
He can ask me questions about myself
He might sit too close
Or call the waiter by his first name
Or eat Oreos
But eat the cookie before the cream?
“For the last time Diane, I’m not talking to him!” she said, slamming her book closed as she tossed it on the table in front of her. Her, Diane and a few of her other friends found themselves in the common room as they usually did on friday nights talking and gossiping about anything that came to mind. Today’s topic of discussion was the girl’s apparent “crush” as they called it. Considering she had nothing to base off of whether that’s what the funny feeling she had mentioned earlier in the week was, she decided to trust her friends in them saying that’s what it was.
“What? Oh come on, give me one good reason why you won’t.” Molly said, facing her friend her sharp green eyes boring into (Y/n)’s (e/c) ones. 
“Oh I can give you a PLETHORA of reasons why not!” the (y/h/h) girl exclaimed as she stood up. She began to pace, trying to rack her brain for good reasons on why not. “Aha! What if he butters both sides of his toast? Or-or what if he asks me too many questions on why I’m talking to him? Or if he’s as popular and well known as you say, what if he takes that as an excuse to ignore personal space boundaries and gets handsy?” 
“He’s a teenage boy, not a serial killer. Someone’s been watching too much muggle crime specials.” Molly said as she rolled her eyes, sighing as she leaned back into the couch. (Y/n) glared at her friend, letting out an exasperated sigh as she facepalmed. It wasn’t like she didn’t wanna do anything about these feelings. She most certainly did. Whatever would get rid of them the quickest is the route she wanted to take.
“Well, you could always let him know another way!” Ronnie said as they looked up at their friend. “You’ve got so many skills and talents, why not take advantage of it?” Although Ronnie wasn’t very talkative, whenever they opened their mouth they always said something that made perfect sense.
“As per usual Ronnie, you’re the voice of reason. Merlin bless Ronnie for all of eternity!” (Y/n) exclaimed dramatically as she got on her knees, pretending to worship her friend like a god. 
(Y/n) had been doing just that, making herself known to Fred without making herself known. The (y/h/h) girl had wanted to be anonymous about it, leaving things without her name however Diane pointed out the fact that (Y/n) had “the presence of a ghost” and that “even ghost had more of a presence then her” which meant that even if she did attach her name to the things left Fred would have no idea who it was. Because to be frank (Y/n) was, well, a nobody. 
She noticed this little ‘talent’(if you could even call it that) first year when her teachers would mark her as absent despite her being in the front row of the class and having some of the highest marks. She seemed to fly by unnoticed by all but her small group of friends which they all found funny, especially with Diane being one of the most popular girls in their grade if not all of Hogwarts. 
So, she started off small. She’d leave little notes for him in places she knew he’d find them, usually his first or last class of the day, and his seat in the great hall. She would watch him as he’d read them, flushing sometimes as he read them. However, his usual response was to read them out loud to George, bragging about how a pretty girl was leaving him notes.
“Ah listen to this one, Georgie! ‘Here’s a quidditch tip for you Fred. I noticed that when you’re on your broom you have a habit of going to the right which is why you often get stopped. Try switching it up sometimes! However, that’s not the only thing I’ve noticed. Somehow despite being in that dorky quidditch outfit, you still look just as fit as usual. Yours truly, (Y/n).’” He smirked at that part, a chorus of ‘ooo’s from his friends.
“Although she may be blind to say that, she does know her quidditch! Sounds like a catch if you ask me. I’m surprised she didn’t go for me, the better twin.” George said, choking on his toast as Fred smacked him on the back of the head.
Diane nudged her friend, glancing at her. She laughed as she saw her friend’s round face buried in a book to hide the overwhelming amount of shyness that was overcoming her. Even though this had become a regular thing, she still couldn’t stop the way her heart would race every time Fred would read one of the letters aloud. 
To avoid the notes becoming repetitive, she started to switch it up every once in a while. Baked goods, hand knitted scarfs and gloves, even flowers with meanings behind them made their way into Fred’s ownership. However, the more things he got the more not only him but other people became curious. Who was (Y/n) (L/n)?
But what scares me the most
What scares me the most
Is what if when he sees me, what if he doesn't like it?
What if he runs the other way and I can't hide from it?
What happens then?
If when he knows me, he's only disappointed?
What if I give myself away, to only get it given back?
I couldn't live with that
Molly was currently trying to catch up to her soft friend, a sympathetic look on her face. “Why not? I think you should just go up to him and tell him! So many other girls have tried, claiming to be you.” she said, catching the other girl’s attention. She bumped into her as the (h/c) girl abruptly stopped. She turned to look at her friend with tears in her eyes causing her to look down at her agape.
“Do you wanna know why I haven’t just gone up to him yet? Do you really?” She said above a whisper as she looked up at her tall friend, silent tears making their way down her cheeks. “It scares me. It scares me even fucking more than what I feel for him does. Fred is just so..he’s funny, talented, popular. Who wouldn’t want him?” she choked out, looking away. “What if when he sees me, he doesn’t like me? Whenever he reads my notes or gets one of my gifts he always mentions how beautiful (Y/n) must be.”
“Let me finish Molly. When he says that, he probably means some tall leggy blonde like Diane. I’m just me.” she lets out a dry chuckle, sniffing as she wipes at the tears streaming. “Sure, I find me beautiful, you guys find me beautiful, but the world doesn’t. I don’t look like anyone he’s ever been with before. Fred is always surrounded by tons of gorgeous women. If he saw me, he’d only be disappointed. If I gave myself to him and he rejected me, I couldn’t live with that. Now I see what my mom was talking about.” she said as she walked off leaving Molly confused by the last part of her statement. She frowned hearing her friend’s words but she knew her better than to chase after her when she was upset. She turned the other way, walking quickly in hopes she’d make it to her lecture not too late. However, a flash of red hair out of the corner of her eye didn’t go unnoticed but it did slip her mind when she saw her friend later.
So, I'm just fine, inside my shell-shaped mind
This way I get the best view
So that when he sees me, I want him to
(Y/n) sat in the library at a table by herself. It was a friday, usually she’d spend this time with her friends in the commons. However, after the never ending pestering to just talk to him, to face him she told them she wasn’t feeling well and that she’d be retiring early. It wasn’t a lie, she had completely planned on getting some much needed rest but as she lay in bed tossing and turning her restlessness turned into frustration leading her to read a bit to clear her mind. Reading was what she enjoyed doing when she wanted to clear her mind or simply escape the insufferable reality she was living in. But after she found herself reading the first line to chapter three 10 times she placed her bookmark between her pages, looking out the window.
It was if the universe was taunting her from the sight in front of her. There he stood, talking to another girl from their year. She couldn’t recall the girls name but it wasn’t that important, she was beautiful. She sighed as Fred laughed at something the girl said, patting her head before walking away. ‘It’s better this way. He can’t see you which means he can’t reject you which means you won’t get hurt’ is what she kept telling herself. However if that was the truth, then why did she feel so empty inside?
(Y/n) laughed along with her friends as they sat in the empty common room. Everyone from their house was Merlin knows where at this time as they all shared their intimate horror stories.
“Oh come on, that did NOT happen.” she said through laughs, eating another chocolate from the box on the table. Her cheeks hurt from the amount she had been laughing. Diane was in the midst of telling what happened during her recent sexual endeavor with some guy from her herbology class.
“I swear he did! His face was green and everything! Next thing I know he was blowing chunks off the side of the bed. I offered to take him to the infirmary but he didn’t hear me through his tears so I just made my exit as swift as possible!” she said laughing as well, face red from how much she had laughed through the telling of the story. They all continued to howl with laughter, someone else’s laughing triggering someone else to laugh even more. (Y/n) was the laugh one left laughing as her friends all began to grow quiet. 
“G-guys? Why’d you stop? Who’s next?” she said, looking at Molly who was on her left and Ronnie who was on her right. 
“Um, don’t look how (Y/n) but Fred Weasley is coming this way.” Diane said, causing the girl to stop breathing briefly.
“W-what?!” she whispered loudly, eyes growing wide.
“Yeah and um don’t freak out, but he’s looking directly at you. No pressure though!” Molly said, giving her a rough pat on her back as she offered the girl a smile. The (h/c) haired girl glared up at her. As Fred grew closer, their voices grew quieter.
“Why wouldn’t that make me nervous?!” she said through gritted teeth as she pulled on Molly’s curls causing the girl to let out a quick ‘ow!’. She chuckled nervously. “Well, we have nothing to worry about! It’s not like he knows who I am!” she said as she relaxed some, closing her eyes as she leaned back. She heard footsteps stop in front of her causing her eyes to shoot open as she looked at the ground. Huh. Those shoes didn’t look like Ronnie’s shoes. Matter of fact, they didn’t look like Diane’s either. Or Mo- oh no. She looked up, arms folded across her abdomen self consciously as she looked up at the man in front of her. She couldn’t help but take in his appearance.
He was in a white shirt, some spots see through from what she assumed was a mix of sweat and water. His flaming hair was mostly dry but damp in some spots and he adorned a pair of sweatpants that made him look quite godly in her opinion. If she had to guess, he had just gotten back from quidditch practice. It was weird for her to be this close to him intentionally. The only time she found herself close to Fred was when they’d walk past each other in the hall or when their classes would go by each other due to a required location change for the lesson. Therefore she had never been able to see the freckles on his knuckles, the barely noticeable acne scars that adorned his forehead, or even the way his Irish spring’s shower gel smelled oh so heavenly.
“I’ve been all around the castle for weeks, months even. I think the main reason it took me so long was not only the fact that I haven’t really seen you up close before, but all the other birds claiming to be you. It was like that one muggle film, what’s it called? Cinderfeller?” he pondered for a moment looking off.
“I-it’s Cinderella.” Ronnie chimed in, giving him an awkward smile. They were all quite stunned. Although they all knew that this wild goose chase couldn’t go on forever, they didn’t expect it to be Fred of all people to approach first. They were sure (Y/n) would reveal herself on her own time but it seemed that they weren’t the only one’s getting impatient with the girl’s excuses and whys.
“Right, thank you. So I set off, making a list of every girl in our year in the castle- with the help of George and Dean of course- and we spoke to quite literally all of them. It was easy to weed out the fakes because they couldn’t answer questions related to some of the gifts I had received. So by the process of elimination that leaves you, love. Are you (Y/n)?” He said, crouching down to her level. As hues of brown met hues of (e/c) it was much too intimate for the girl to handle. She sat there, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
“W-well I am a (Y/n). I’m sure there’s plenty of others in the castle!” she retorted letting out a forced laugh, wiping her sweaty palms on her skirt. Was the common room always this warm? 
“If I recall correctly, weren’t you bragging the other day about being the only (Y/n) in the castle? You said and I quot-” a quick stomp of (Y/n)’s foot on Diane’s caused the blonde to quickly stop whatever she was in the middle of saying. Fred looked down at the (h/c) hair girl with a quirked brow and knowing smirk. She was caught red handed. Without another word, he quickly pulled her off the couch with ease, dragging her along with him. She tried protesting and looking at her friends for help but they all simply waved and smiled at her, making kissy faces and noises. ‘Idiots’ she thought as she rolled her eyes. Fred continued to guide her, the path to where they were going looking awfully familiar until they arrived at the astronomy tour.
“Listen Fred, I just wanna say I’m sorry. I know you were probably expecting (Y/n) to be someone who looks like Diane, or hell, even Molly’s dumbass but I’m not. I’m just me.” She began as she walked to the edge, looking off the balcony. “I know now that you’ve seen me you’re probably disappointed. I’ve seen the girls you hang around all the time and they’re bloody gorgeous and-”
“So are you.” he whispered, causing her to whip her head around quickly.
“Pardon?” she responded with glassy eyes. The girl wasn’t too sure why her eyes began to water from three simple words. They weren’t the usual three words that cause or evoke such an emotional response but they felt like the missing piece of a puzzle. Her eyes followed the lanky guy as he walked over to her, tucking a few pieces of hair behind her ear as he interlocked their hands. Long, skinny and defined calloused hands meeting her soft thicker but smaller ones.
“So. Are. You. Beauty is such a fluid thing. There’s no one way to be beautiful, lovely. Museums have many unique and beautiful forms of art and so does life.” He let his hands wander on her sides, gliding up and down her love handles, waist, and hips. He took one of his hands to tilt her head up oh so gently. “If you were a sculpture, you’d be made of the finest of marble by the most talented of sculptors. Hell, if I wasn’t so bloody bad with art I’d sculpt you myself but I don’t think I’d be doing you much justice. It’d be a monstrosity.” he said, shuddering at the idea of him doing anything art related. (Y/n) found herself giggling at that.
“If only you applied this verbiage to your coursework. Perhaps you’d actually be doing decent.” she remarked as she continued to laugh. Fred gasped a bit before joining in as well with his own laughter. As the laughter died down, he lifted a hand caressing her cheek, thumb sweeping across the smooth skin. She found his eyes to see they were filled with adoration. “Fred Weasley, are you whipped for me?” she spoke softly as if she had said it any louder, that he’d simply disappear.
“I have been since the first time I saw you.” He responded, his own cheeks flushing a bit with a light crimson. She looked at him puzzled a bit before her eyes widened slightly.
“You remember that? That was months ago!” she noted. He grinned at that, pulling her closer.
“Of course I do. Imagine my delight when I found out that beautiful girl who slammed the blinds shut on me happened to be the girl my heart was slowly going out to with every note and kind gesture you sent my way. Merlin is definitely on my side.  Although I must be honest,” he looked away for a bit before lookin back at her. “The list was a huge help, but I also couldn’t help but overhear your conversation in the hallway that day. However I knew then wasn’t the right time to approach you, I assumed you would’ve just been more upset over the fact I was eavesdropping a bit.” he mumbled. She opened her mouth to question what conversation before she recalled what she had said to Molly that day in the hallway.
“Let me finish Molly. When he says that, he probably means some tall leggy blonde like Diane. I’m just me.” she lets out a dry chuckle, sniffing as she wipes at the tears streaming. “Sure, I find me beautiful, you guys find me beautiful, but the world doesn’t. I don’t look like anyone he’s ever been with before. Fred is always surrounded by tons of gorgeous women. If he saw me, he’d only be disappointed. If I gave myself to him and he rejected me, I couldn’t live with myself. Now I see what my mom was talking about.”
“Hearing you speak so lowly about yourself upset me quite a bit. I wanted to plan out what I was going to say a bit more and also make sure it was actually you.”
“I’m sorry you had to hear me say those things about myself. I usually don’t say such things like that, I’m very confident in the way I look. To me, fat and ugly aren’t synonymous but I know everyone isn’t so open minded.” she admitted, dropping her gaze to the ground. “I’m also new to this whole feelings thing. You’re the first guy I’ve ever had feelings for.”
Now, it was Fred’s turn to become speechless. He couldn’t believe his ears, he had the honor, no, the privilege of being the first guy to be such a sublime goddess of a woman? He felt his ears heat up and he knew he had to look absolutely ridiculous. “I don’t blame you, I am one hell of a guy!” He said, flexing his arms as he flashed her a cheeky grin. (Y/n) scoffed some, shoving him away as she rolled her eyes playfully. She pondered for a second before standing on her tippy toes planting a kiss on his cheek...or at least that’s what she had planned. Fred being Fred turned his head last moment wrapping his arms around her waist as he pressed his lips into hers. She gasped softly, chills running up her spine again as her body tensed.
Even this was her first time having a kiss, she could tell this was a feeling she’d be craving nonstop. (Y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling Fred down to her height. The ginger boy smirked into the kiss, trailing his hands all along her soft frame practically melting at the feeling. His hands snaked their way down to her ass, cupping the pillowy flesh between his large hands causing the (y/h/h) to moan softly. The Gryffindor pulled away, biting and pulling her bottom lip along with him.
“So, I have a question for you then…”He started, pressing his forehead against hers. She felt the warmth of his minty breathe hit her face as she looked into his eyes expectantly. “Do I really have a tendency to go to the right when I play quidditch? Because in my opinio-”
“Fred! Really?!”
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cheesy-cakey · 3 years
note this is a hatter au from a wattpad book I wrote.
You Weren't there
Kalim X Reader Angst
We had graduated.
We got married.
He inherited his family's riches.
We had a son.
We were happy...
I gazed out the window of my quarters.
I was no longer a Hatter... I was now an Al-Asim.
The Hatter name had died out the moment I decided to be a part of Kalim's family. I still owned our land and property. But I had no use for it.
I thought that this was going be our happily ever after.
Holding the one I love close. Kalim embracing me and our son.
But I guess reality doesn't have a happy ending... Especially us Hatter's.
As I watched the scene out the window.
In the garden was Kalim... With his 2rd wife and daughter.
Yes, that's right. I may be Kalim's first wife... but that doesn't mean I'm the only one.
I watched as he held her hand while with the other he carried his daughter.
I moved away from the window and sat on the plush bed of my quarters.
"How could I be so stupid. How could I be so blind. why did I think... That out of all the people in the world. I would have a happy ending." I muttered to myself as I leaned back on my arms tears pricking out of my eyes.
I went back to the window watching them hold each other close. I traced my hand on the glass feeling the coolness of the material.
I kneeled on the floor hand on the window sill while the other was on the floor.
"If happy ever after did exist~" I sang as I wrapped my arms around myself.
"I would still be holding you like this~"
"All those fairy tales are full of sh*t"
"One more f*cking love song I'll be sick" I sobbed as I was never meant to have a happy ever after.
3rd POV
Little did Y/N know that someone came to visit.
Watching through the crack from the slightly opened door.
Ali Al-Asim watched as his mother broke down crying.
"Why... why of all people... why does it have to be mother that suffers?"
He walked away knowing that it's better to not disturb her like this... He knew seeing him would just remind her of the happy ending she could've had.
He returned to him quarters and sat in one of the chairs in his room.
"Mother... You shouldn't be suffering like this... You told me father loved you... You said he loved you more than the stars in the sky... then why... why does he treat you this way? why does he neglect you? weren't we happy? weren't you happy?" He leaned his head back as tears pricked out his eyes.
"I never get to see you smile anymore. The smile that could shine brighter than the sun. Your eyes became dull... no longer full of hope and happiness like the stars."
he slammed his first into the table Infront of him as tears fell from his face.
The 15 year old couldn't bear to see his mother like this...
He's seen her cry too many times...
-Time Skip-
It was Ali's 16th birthday.
Which means a big celebration...
But his mother as much as she wants to attend she couldn't bring herself to leave her room.
The Hatter that used to be full of life, laughing, singing, dancing. The Hatter that enjoyed parties and seeing her friends smile... lost her spark.
-At the celebration-
"Happy Birthday, Young Master, Ali!" The servants cheered.
"Happy birthday, My son!" Kalim exclaimed as he greeted his first born.
"Thank you, Father!" Ali exclaimed with a smile.
"You're 16 now, which school do you wanna attend, Ali!?" His father asked excitedly.
"I want to go to Night Raven College! That's where you went to right, Father?"
"Yes, I did! Me and your uncle Jamil went there together!"
"Then it's settled, NRC it is!"
"I could have the headmaster make you dorm head as well!"
"No, Father. I wish to become dorm head with my own skills." He stated.
"Haaaah? fine, if that is what my son wants. Now everyone! enjoy the party!"
he walked away as he went to meet other guests.
A lot of people were here. His uncles from NRC. His Friends. even his half sister.
But there was only one person Ali wanted to be here.
Ali stood up from his seat and sneaked away.
He went to the quarters of someone he held dear.
he knocked on the door and heard a come in.
"Good evening, mother" he said with a soft smile.
"Ah! Ali, Happy Birthday" She replied with a tired but loving smile.
she was sitting by the window with it being wide open allowing the wind to enter.
He went closer the his mother and kneeled beside her.
"How are you feeling?" Ali asked.
"I'm feeling very well. So how is your birthday?"
"Nevermind the birthday. I just want to stay here with you" he said as he buried his face into her dress resting his head on her lap.
The lady giggled at her son's statement, watching him with caring eyes.
"I have a present for you" She said as she brought out a box.
Ali raised his head.
"Mother... you didn't have to" he said as he received it.
"Oh, but I do. this is something I've been meaning to give you"
Ali opened the box to see a top hat, a golden silk snake wrapping around the hat with a single Jasmine flower.
"It used to be mine. Sometimes in the Hatter family we give it to the person we marry but sometimes we also keep it. But this time it's time to pass it on to the descendant. I redecorated it for you. do you like it?" The elegant lady smiled as she remembered her memories with the hat and proud to be able to hand it down.
Ali looked as the hat.
"I love it... thank you mother" He thanked as he lied down on her lap once again.
"I'm glad you do, my dear son" She placed a hand on his white hair exactly the same as his father's.
Sher stroked his head gently as the moon shone down on them through the window.
It was now time for Ali to go to Night Raven College. He said farewell to everyone and as he was about to get on the Ebony Carriage he looked up to a window to see his mother smiling at him. he smiled back and entered.
-at the dorm sorting-
Ali was up next to be sorted.
"State thy name"
"Ali Al-Asim"
"The shape of thy soul... I see you best improve in Scarabia."
He stepped away from the mirror and joined the other students that were sorted into Scarabia.
He will make his mother proud.
-Time skip-
It had been a week since he had arrived. And just like that he had became a dorm head not from money but from skill.
He was currently in potions taught by Professor Crewel.
His phone then suddenly rang.
"Excuse me, Professor. I need to take this call"
"Of course, pup. but next time I won't be allowing it."
Ali answered his phone and it was one of the servants.
He was analysing his potion while he answered.
"What is it? I told you not to call me around this time because I'm in class."
"Apologies, young master. But it's about Lady Y/N"
"Mother? what about her? does she miss me? tell her I'll visit this weekend."
"It's not that sir"
"what is it then?"
"she umm"
"spit it out"
"The lady has passed away"
Ali suddenly dropped the beaker shattering it to a million pieces.
"Al-Asim! bad pup! what are you doing!?"
Ali stood up knocking his seat over. He slammed his hand on his desk that still had the shattered glass and spilled potion. good thing that the potion doesn't give much effect since it wasn't finished.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN PASSED AWAY!?" He yelled as tears pricked from his eyes.
"Al-Asim?" his professor called out worried.
"I mean what I exactly said, young master. The lady passed away earlier this morning. when the servant went to serve her breakfast she didn't wake up. they tried waking her up then realized she wasn't moving. they called a physician... and he said the lady had passed away"
"no... you're lying"
"Ali Al-Asim, what's wrong? Get your hands off the desk your starting to bleed." Crewel said as he took the boys hand from the broken glass and started cleaning it.
"Mother... is she really dead?"
"yes, sir"
"wait... your mother?" his professor asked
"As in... Y/N? she's... no longer with us?" his eyes wide as saucers.
Ali fell on his knees tears spilling not showing any signs of stopping any time soon.
"Mother... no... no... no no no NO! SHE CAN'T BE GONE!" He sobbed.
"Ashengrotto, take him to the infirmary to clean his wound up. The rest of you dismissed. I need to speak with the head master."
"Yes, professor"
-time Skip-
currently Ali was in the head masters office.
"Al-Asim. I heard what had happened. I'll let you go home for as long as you need. I apologize for your loss. You can use the mirror to go home." Crowley said as he watched the boy sob.
he himself wanted to cry since one of the most lovable students he had, had passed away.
"Your mother... was an incredible woman. Not only as a student but as a friend to the rest. It's a shame she... had to leave us so early. I thought that maybe... I'd be dead by the time she leaves."
"Thank you, headmaster... I'll be... heading out now" Ali exited the room and went to the mirror and went home.
Once he had arrived he was greeted by the servants but he just walked right pass.
His sister also greeted him, but he continued walking.
soon he arrived at his mother's bedroom. He saw her... looking like she's sleeping soundly... knowing she's never waking up again.
He walked to her bed side. held her now cold hand and feel to his knees and sobbed uncontrollably
During her funeral, all her friends from NRC came. Tears spilled everywhere as they found their dear friend no longer with them.
they approached Ali who just stood by her coffin.
"Sorry... for your loss... Ali"
He just kept silent.
For the long duration of her funeral... Not once did his father... the man his dear mother loved and longed for, show up.
This had made the boy even more upset. but that did not overpower the sorrow he had.
-Time Skip-
The funeral had long ended...
His mother was buried...
he returned to school but barely spoke.
"Al-Asim... pup. I suggest you go meet with Professor Yuu. You need it"
Ali merely nodded as he went to his magicless professor who taught about monsters and health.
"Ali... take a seat"
Ali sat down across him.
"You haven't been sleeping have you... you have bags under your eyes. You look pale. Ali"
He just sat there.
"I know... I know you're depressed... Your mother was my vice prefect back in our school days. she was a wonderful woman to be with... she laughed... she sang... she smiled... but you know what I love most about her?"
Ali looked up and looked at Yuu.
"She makes people around her smile as well. She wouldn't want you to act like this. Y/N, She too lost a parent in her younger days. But that didn't stop her from being happy... She always had joy in her eyes... and you know you have her E/C eyes as well"
"So please... Don't let this bring you down. Your mother... Be like her. someone who smiles, laughed and most of all makes others do the same. sure reality doesn't have a happy ending. But you're writing your own story so make sure it leads to one."
Ali thought about it. looks back down... looks at the mirror in the room and looked straight into his E/N coloured eyes.
"You're right, Professor. Even if mother is gone... I should make her proud" Ali stood up with smile.
Ali bowed.
"Thank you, Professor Yuu!"
"Just call me, Yuu."
Ali smiled and ran off back to his dorm and to his room.
Yuu on the other hand stood up and went to the window and looked at the sky.
"I wish... I could've held you one last time... Y/N... I loved you so much" Yuu said as he let the tears fall.
Ali pulled a box from under his bed and opened it...
It may not fit his outfit but it doesn't matter.
he stood up holding the object and went to a mirror.
He looked straight at it and placed the hat he was given on his head.
"I'll prove... that I can give us a happy ending, Mother"
and with that Ali changed... He changed for the better. all the old staff watched him... and it reminded them of someone who they once cherished in this school.
-Time Skip-
it's been 2 years since Y/N's passing. Ali Al-Asim was now 18 years old. A third year.
But what's interesting is. when his 1st year ended the mirror had announced something... He was transferred to a different dorm.
Just as they were all about to leave.
"Wait... It seems someone's soul had reshaped into something new." the mirror had stated.
"What? but that's not possible" Crowley said in surprise.
"Ali Al-Asim... Step forward"
Ali hesitantly stepped up.
"Yes... it seems your soul had reshaped... though you are still suited to be a part of Scarabia... Your heart... Is perfect for the Ramshackle Dorm"
"Isn't that"
"Your mother's old dorm... well it seems like you're becoming just like your mother" Crowley smiled as he placed a hand on the boys shoulder.
-end of flashback-
And since then he became the dorm head of the Ramshackle. His hat suited his outfit. he was happy.
And right now the 18 year old was going to make a decision that'll change his life.
Currently standing Infront of his father, Kalim Al-Asim. wearing a somewhat butler outfit somewhat similar to that of what his mother wore back in her younger days as a Hatter.
"Father... I don't wish to be an Al-Asim anymore."
"What? could you repeat that?"
"I don't want to be an Asim."
"But son! you're my eldest! you're my successor!"
"And I don't want to be your successor!"
"I want to continue mother's legacy!" Ali yelled as he gripped his wrist behind his back while looking down.
"I want to be a Hatter! I want to carry on the Hatter name! I want to do this for mother! it the least you could let me do"
"the least I could let you do?"
"Yes! The most you could do was probably be there for her!"
"You left her all alone! making her cry every night! every night for you!"
"She didn't get her happily ever after! Cause you weren't there there for her! you weren't there for us!HECK She would've been contented with just you being there even if you didn't love her anymore!"
"I know you are aware that You're naive, gullible, oblivious and all that. but please... just see it... the least you could do" Ali looked up and looked Kalim straight in the eyes.
Kalim staring back into E/C colored orbs that was exactly the same as his wife that had recently passed away.
He looked down and took a deep breathe
"I'll... let you go..."
"yes... as you said... it's the least I could do for not even attending the funeral."
"Thank you... father" Ali smiled as he walked away.
this was a new start for Ali... Becoming just like his mother. Writing a happily ever after for them.
We can't say the same for Kalim though.
He sat at his chair.
His 2rd wife entered the room and sat beside him.
"What did he want?" she asked.
"To leave the family"
"He... wanted to become a Hatter to continue Y/N's legacy."
"I see... don't worry I'm here... and besides I'm sure we can make a new heir."
"I'm not in the mood"
"But, dear~"
right then and there Kalim snapped.
"THAT'S WHY I KILLED HER SO YOU WOULD ONLY LOOK AT ME- MPH!" she clasped her mouth shut trembling from what came out.
"what? WHAT did you just say?"
"I-I didn't mean to!"
Soon Jamil entered the room. in truth he was about to enter till he heard screaming and heard the entire thing.
"Yes, Kalim"
"Take her away. make her confess EVERYTHING that she had done. After that could you call Azul? I want to have a talk with him to deal with something."
"Yes, of course" Jamil left with the 2nd wife being taken away by guards.
As they all left the room Kalim sat down and tears started running down his face.
"Why was I so stupid? thinking I could protect you without having to hurt anyone but as a result I ended up hurting you... then lost you. I should've dealt with them from the start. I should've just been there for you... now I not only lost you... but I lost our son too... haha! why am I so stupid?"
For the rest of the night Kalim just cried. knowing can never bring you back.
"isn't that an interesting timeline."
"Didn't know that there would be a bad ending to their story. I hope this timeline won't stick it would be so sad~" a voice said as she closed a book that's titled 'You Weren't there'
soon the book started to become grains of sand.
"oh? what is this?"
"The timeline is disintegrating"
"I guess that means that story won't be sticking around."She then pushed up her glasses as she looked back at the millions of books being written each having a pen that glows with inspiration and life."I wonder who's story would be finished next~ would the story disappear? or will it be part of the official collection?"
"Let's see what endings are in-store~ After all"
"I am the story keeper~"
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looooooooomis · 4 years
F I N A L  G I R L  |  T H R E E
Tumblr media
You were his final girl.  And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
p a r t   t h r e e  |  j e a l o u s y
masterlist here
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader word count: 4.3k warnings: angst tbh. and not the healthiest relationship but ya know what it’s billy so we persevere, unwanted advances, more angst x
I had a request for a jealous billy, so I hope you like my take on it x
That was the third time in the last thirty minutes that Steve Shit-For-Brains Orth touched you. Three fucking times. The first two times he was willing to look past but the third? Fuck no. The asshole, who was sitting with his clunky arm on the back of your chair, had not-so-casually rubbed his thumb along your spine, inciting a rather surprised look from you and a rather murderous one from Billy.
Of course, Steve couldn’t see the rage practically oozing from Billy, but boy was it there. Especially when you went out of your way to lean further into your desk as though to avoid his grabby little hands.
But that didn’t stop Steve.
Billy could see the frustration on your face as you fought to keep your cool in front of your classmates as his hand dipped beneath the desk to give your thigh a firm squeeze.
The same thighs that Billy’s face had been buried in just this morning.
All Billy saw was red as you pushed Steve’s hand away, muttering something to him under your breath before raising your hand to excuse yourself. With an anger so palpable radiating from his every pore, Billy watched you leave the classroom and thought of the various ways he could kill that fucker before you returned.
“Billy,” the girl, Sam, he’d been paired up with groused, “are you even paying attention?”
“No,” he simply said, barely hearing her above the sound of his own blood coursing to his ears. “Sorry.”
He wasn’t sorry, of course, only irate. The vein in his neck pulsed against his skin as his blood pressure skyrocketed. This was the type of thing that drove him to the brink of insanity when it came to having to keep the two of you a secret for the sake of his plan. It was bad enough that he couldn’t parade you around like he wanted to, even worse that he knew, deep down, that your little arrangement hurt you beyond belief – but this? Watching you get pawed by these dickheads all the while he was forced to take a backseat?
He couldn’t stomach it.
His knuckles were white from the grip he had on his pencil but even as he felt it splinter off into his palm, his grip never waned. Not for a second. It was either that or kill Steve Orth and, while that sounded great, he couldn’t. Not yet, at least.
Just as the pressure of the pencil in his hand got to be too much, you waltzed back into the room with your head held high, seemingly unfazed by the naked eye – but Billy saw right through it. He knew you, more than either of you would like to admit, and he could see the irritation as clear as day in those gorgeous eyes of yours as Steve smirked playfully up at you from where he sat.
Subtly, you gave Billy a gentle nod, silently talking him down from doing anything stupid in the middle of the classroom, before taking your seat yet again.
Thankfully, Steve managed to keep his hands off of you for the remainder of the class but, unbeknownst to both you and Steve, that assholes fate had been sealed. Billy might not have been able to do anything to him yet, but he would. And he was going to enjoy every second of it.
The bell eventually rang out and Billy, wasting no time at all, pushed himself off of his desk and walked up beside you. “You okay?” He asked, but his eyes were trained on Steve who was much too busy high-fiving one of his friends to notice Billy’s murderous stare.
“I’m fine, Billy,” you laughed, “he’s an idiot, but he’s a harmless idiot.”
“Harmless?” Billy’s voice was low and impressively tame considering the fact that beneath it all, his blood was boiling. “He has no right to touch you.”
Glancing over your shoulder you smiled at one of the other cheerleaders before looking back at Billy. “I appreciate the concern, Billy, but I’m fine.”
That casual tone of yours just about killed him every single time. It was a punch to the gut compared the woman he had all to himself behind closed doors. This version of you, this censored version, was just a part of the charade, he knew that much, but that didn’t mean he had to like it.
The rest of your classmates slowly filtered out of the room, eventually leaving you and Billy alone as you tossed your notebook into your bag. That weighty stare of his was ever present, but you pretended not to notice in fear of someone walking in. Billy Loomis was a lot of things, but subtle, he was not.
At least where you were concerned.
“That’s bullshit,” he seethed, “someone ought to show that fucker he can’t just go around touching what isn’t his. He—”
“What isn’t his?” A bitter laugh tumbled out of your lips. “I’m not a piece of fucking meat, Billy. I’m not his, sure, but I’m not yours, either.”
You watched the muscle in Billy’s jaw clench and that vein in his neck that always seemed to swell whilst he was under pressure visibly strained and pulsed before your very eyes. “I didn’t say you were,” he muttered, “I just meant that he needs to learn some respect.”
“He does,” you agreed, “but that’s not your job to teach him.”
Leaning against the desk, he ran a hand through his hair and glowered across at you. “I could tell it bothered you, so why the hell are you defending him?”
You rolled your eyes and swung your bag over your shoulder. “I’m not defending him, Billy. Steve’s an asshole, we all know this, but I don’t want you to get in shit thinking it’s your job to defend me. I can look after myself, Billy. I promise.” With another futile glance towards the door, you reached forward and gently ran your thumbnail against his bottom lip. “Besides, you’re too cute for a fistfight.”
Upon dropping your hand back down at your side, Billy caught it and gave it a squeeze. “I can’t help it if I get heated about all these assholes. Look at you.”
“You can help it, actually,” you laughed. “Don’t engage, first off. And, secondly,” you leaned in a little closer so that your lips were dangerously close to his ear, “try to remember who it is I’m fucking at the end of the day, hmm?” You pulled away and offered him a quick wink before walking out of the classroom. “See you at lunch, Loomis.”
“All I’m saying is that if he didn’t want me giving sage advice to those renting a fucking movie, then why hire me in the first place?” Randy asked with a casual shrug of his shoulders.
You, Tatum, Sid and Randy were all outside eating at the fountain whilst waiting for the other two idiots to join. Pushing your sunglasses further up your nose you smirked across at Randy. “Randy, you told the guy not to rent the movie. Your job is to make people want to watch these movies.” You popped a carrot into your mouth. “How you’re still employed is truly a mystery.”
“That’s the thing,” he laughed, “he fired me!”
“Shocking,” Sid chuckled, “what did you say when he fired you?”
Randy stole a celery stick out of your Tupperware container and bit down. “Nothing, I kept working. Fire me? Not on my watch. No thanks.”
With a shake of your head, you stretched out your legs on the concrete slab of the fountain and found Stu bounding towards you with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Did you guys hear?” He asked, swooping down to kiss Tatum’s cheek. “Our man, Billy, snapped.”
You froze mid-bite and immediately looked at Sid who had sat up looking concerned as ever. “What?” She asked in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Billy and Steve, man,” Stu laughed and snatched a carrot stick from your stash. “The two of them got into it during one coach’s drills and Billy just,” he bawled his hand into a fist and slapped it against his other hand. A resounding smack echoed out around you. “Clobbered him, man. It was awesome!”
With your appetite long gone, you slowly swung your legs back onto the ground and pinched your brow. You were raging. Not only had the idiot ignored you by engaging with Steve, but he’d gone ahead and fought him, too.
“What?” Sidney croaked. “W-Why would he do that? He’s never been the type to just fight someone like that. Did Steve do something to provoke him?”
You chewed on your lip and stared ahead as Stu merely shrugged. “Don’t think so,” he stole another carrot and grinned at something in the distance. “Ask him yourself, here he comes.”
Your blood was boiling beneath your skin as you watched Billy casually waltz over to your group as though he wasn’t wielding one hell of a fucking bruise on his cheek, accentuated perfectly with a small, clean slice along his cheekbone that would almost surely scar. The fucking moron.
“Billy!” Sid gasped, jumping up to tend to her boyfriend’s injuries.
You, on the other hand, forever the other woman, remained dutifully planted on the edge of the fountain. Not that you would have tended to him in any way, shape, or form in that instance. In fact, you weren’t sure you could trust yourself not to add to the mess on his face.  
“I’m fine,” he muttered, giving her hand a quick kiss as she gently observed his cheek. “Things just got heated on the field, is all.”
“You should see the other guy,” Stu beamed, “I hear Steve lost a tooth!”
Your anger swelled, momentarily blinding you as the rest of your friends laughed and asked for a play-by-play of events. Not quite trusting yourself, you pushed yourself up from the edge of the fountain wall and grabbed your bag. “I’ll see you guys later,” you hummed, not looking up at the bruised idiot in fear or snarling at him.
“You don’t want to stay for story time?” Stu asked, looking between you and Billy in amusement.
“Can’t.” Smacking on what you only hoped was a convincing smile, you shook your head and gestured to the school. “Forgot I had a meeting with Miss Wills about getting my biology grade up.”
Just before you turned on your heel to head back into the school, you just managed to catch Billy’s eye as he dutifully sat beside Sidney. She was leaning into him, gently prodding the scar along his cheek with a concerned frown marring her pretty face. He, on the other hand, was staring evocatively across at you with a small frown of his own.
Clearing your throat, you waved them off rather quickly before heading back inside of the school. You were too angry to care about how you felt the weight of his stare all over you before finally disappearing from sight.
You locked your bedroom door that night and closed your curtains to avoid rolling over and seeing the idiot that was currently plaguing your every thought staring back at you from the second story of your house. In fact, that was what you did for the next three nights all the while managing to avoid Billy Loomis as much as humanly possible whilst at school.
So far, he had tried on four separate occurrences to get you alone. Whether it was subtly nodding towards an empty classroom with the gang around or lingering by your desk after English in hopes of pinning you down for a chat, it was obvious that Billy was desperate to talk with you. To smooth things over. To move on from this rather ugly display of jealousy.
But you weren’t. And, honestly, you weren’t sure if you were going to be any time soon, if at all.
A small dose of jealousy was only normal every once in a while. Not healthy, by any means, but a normal part of any relationship. Only this relationship you and Billy had was anything but normal. He had a girlfriend. A lovely, kind girlfriend who would have given him the world three times over if he asked. So just how Billy was the one with the audacity to be jealous made no sense.
Whenever you thought about it, you got mad. The injustice of it all was truly something you couldn’t wrap your head around. Just how Billy Loomis, the one with a girlfriend, could get jealous of a guy you were barely even acquaintances with really threw you for a loop. And yet you, the asshole who had somehow fallen in love with him, had to quietly take a seat and watch him dote over another girl in public.
Dote over your best friend.
Oh, the irony was delicious.
Tossing the book you’d been reading aside, you let out a quiet groan and closed your eyes as you heard the familiar jiggle of your window. It, like it had been for days, was still locked, thankfully, and your curtains still drawn in fear of seeing him.
The commotion tonight, was brief. He only tried for a second or two before you heard him meander his way back down to ground level. With an annoyed sigh, you reached for your book only to stop dead in your tracks when your doorbell rang out through your whole house.
Shooting up from your bed, you immediately lunged for the door and held your ear to it as your mother quietly complained about just who it could possibly be at this hour of the night.
Please be anyone else, please be anyone else, please be—”
“Oh, Billy,” your mother gushed. She’d always liked Billy. The traitor. “It’s awful late, is everything okay?”
Furling your brow, you pressed your ear further into your door and heard Billy’s deep voice say something – something probably charming – before your mother’s voice called up to you.
“Y/N, sweetie,” she beckoned, “Billy Loomis is here.”
You opened and shut your mouth several times over as you thought of your next few words. Somehow swearing at him from where you stood didn’t seem like the best idea with your parents in the house so, instead, you opted for the next best option.
You said nothing.
Holding your breath, you stood at the head of your room in nothing more than your flannel sleep shorts and tank top while hoping beyond hope that Billy would be ushered out of your house.
“I’m afraid she might be sleeping, dear,” your mother sympathetically cooed, “was there something you needed?”
Pressing your ear tighter to the wood, you barely made out the words ‘book’ and ‘homework’ before another sympathetic cluck escaped your mom’s lips. “And it’s due tomorrow?”
You panicked. His ploy was obviously to come up here and search for a book that didn’t exist all the while your parents carried on with their regular scheduled programming downstairs – but your parents weren’t dumb, nor were they naïve. Surely, your mother would offer to come up and root around for whatever it was he lied and said you had before she would inevitably have to wake you up in order to deliver the goods to the lying Loomis.
Your anger pulsed as realization dawned on you.
You had to go downstairs.
“Did you say something?” You asked, feigning innocence as you pushed your door open and made your way down, barely glancing at Billy who still stood in your entryway. “What are you doing here?”
Billy licked his lips. “I, uh, wanted to swing by and pick up the book for our English assignment. I think you must have grabbed mine, too, when you were putting your stuff away.”
“Nope,” you shrugged, “I don’t have it.”
Billy awkwardly smiled across at your parents before looking back at you. “You sure?”
“Positive,” you replied coolly. “Maybe you left it at Sid’s house?”
His shoulders briefly fell at your tone and, for a split second, you felt your heart fall into your stomach. You knew you were hurting him with the callousness of your words, but you had to stick to your guns this time around for your own sanity.
“Guess I must have misplaced it,” he wryly admitted. “Sorry for the intrusion, Mrs. Y/L/N.” His eyes flickered to you. “See you tomorrow, Y/N.”
You nodded, prepared to watch him leave, but before he could get a foot out of the door, your mother stopped him.
“Wait, Billy,” she ran out of the living room and into the kitchen, leaving you and Billy alone for all of three seconds before she shuffled back in. “Here,” she held out a dish packed to the brim with Shepard’s Pie. “I know your dad’s been working a lot of late nights so dinner’s might not be the most well-balanced, but a growing boy has to eat.”
Feeding the enemy. Typical.
“Y/N made it,” she bragged, unwittingly fanning the flames of annoyance in your chest. “It’s delicious, too.”
Touched, Billy grabbed the Tupperware container from your mom before glancing at you. He knew you could cook, you’d cooked for him several times in the span of your friendship – long before the two of you began��doing whatever it was you were doing – but as he accepted the container, there was an emotion there that was much too raw and real for you to try and decompress.
You realized, slowly, that your mother’s offering of Shepard’s Pie was probably the first time a maternal figure had paid him any mind since his own mother had walked out on him all those months back.
Your stomach dropped at the thought.
“Y/N is a great cook,” he agreed. This time, his voice was much quieter. “And thank you again, Mrs. Y/L/N.”
Once again, you watched him turn on his heel to leave the house but, with that niggling feeling of guilt twisting inside of your belly, you opened your mouth before you could so much as think to stop yourself.
“I’ll walk you out,” you muttered, flashing your mother a fleeting smile. “Be right back.”
Slipping on some shoes, you ignored Billy’s obviously surprised face as he lingered in the doorway before finally looking across at him. “Let’s go.”
The night was brisk as the two of you strolled towards his car in silence. You shivered absentmindedly as your pajamas offered no real sense of protection from the chill before glancing at Billy. Naturally, his eyes were already on you.
“Do you think your mother’s watching us right now?”
“Knowing her?” You shrugged. “Probably.”
He swallowed hard. “We should talk about what happened.”
“No,” you shook your head, “I know what happened. You saw Steve touch me and got irrationally jealous over it and, rather than deal with it like a grown man, you punched him and he lost his fucking tooth.”
A flicker of anger crossed over his handsome features. “It’s not that simple, Y/N, he—”
“That is probably the only simple thing about our little situation, Billy,” you acknowledged quietly. “You got jealous and you punched a guy. Doesn’t get simpler than that.”
“He deserved it,” he argued. “He’s a moron and shouldn’t have touched you. Do you know how hard it is to see that and not defend you the way I wanted to while it was happening?”
“Defend me?” You sneered. “Or stake your claim on me? No offence, Billy, but the entire male population of our school could ask me on a date tomorrow, and you’d have no fucking say in the matter. Whether they touch me or ask me out or anything, because you and I aren’t a thing.”
Billy chewed on his bottom lip as his grip on the Tupperware tightened considerably. “Yes, we are.” His voice was eerily calm despite the panic surging through his chest. “I love you, I told you that at the cornfield and I meant it. I fucking love you, Y/N.”
“You did,” you said, “and my feelings haven’t changed but you can’t be blind to the fact that this isn’t working, Billy. You getting jealous over me getting unwanted attention from a guy all the while expecting me to sit there and watch you and Sid flaunt your shit all over town?” You could feel your eyes begin to water as your emotions got the better of you, but you wouldn’t cry in front of him. You wouldn’t dare. “I’m supposed to sit there and trust what you’re telling me. That you will break up with Sid, that you do love me, that, if things were different, it would be me you’d be with and only me. But one guy squeezes my thigh and you lose your shit? Where’s the fucking sense in that?”
“I fucked up,” Billy admitted, his bravado long gone. “I see that now, I fucked up. But --”
“But,” you scoffed. “See, there it is. An excuse. I don’t want your excuses anymore, Billy. I want you and while I thought that was enough, I’m seeing it’s not that easy anymore. Not if you get to act like this unhinged asshole whenever I get a sliver of attention.”
You watched Billy’s eyes search your face as his hands trembled. He wanted to reach out and cradle your face, you could tell that much, but – tale as old as time – with an audience, even if it was just a possibility that it was your mother, he remained still. “Don’t do this to me, Y/N,” he pleaded, his voice shaky. “Please. I’m sorry, okay? I’m so sosorry.”
“I just think we need to take some time away from each other,” you muttered. “For our own sanity.”
“No,” Billy argued, stepping towards you in desperation. “No, Y/N, I need you. Please don’t do this.”
“I think you need to either make a decision with Sid or be more open with me about what the fuck is going on inside of that head of yours. You can’t go around punching people because you get jealous, Billy. And, until you figure your shit out, I think we should stop this. Whatever this is between us.”
“It’s a relationship,” Billy’s brows furrowed in outrage. “Two people who fucking love each other is a relationship, Y/N.”
A sad smile broke out across your face as you stared up at the starry sky above you. “Two people who love each other but can’t show it. Who have to hide whenever people are around in fear or being seen as anything more than good pals.” You shook your head and met his frenzied stare. “That’s not a relationship, Billy. That’s fucked up. We’re fucked up.” You sniffed and gestured down to the Tupperware in his hands. “Enjoy your food. I’m going back inside now, and I meant what I said. We need some time apart so, please, don’t come around here anymore. At least not until…” you let the sentence hang in the air, unsure of your next few words.
“Until what?” He was clinging to your every word but there was an anger so palpable radiating off of him that made you take a small step back. “Until you decide that you don’t want me anymore? Walk away and leave me like my mother did?”
You cocked your head to the side and hoped like hell the hurt you felt at that accusation didn’t directly show on your face. “If you truly think I would do that, Billy, then we’re even more fucked up than I thought.” You sniffed and began to turn back to your house. “I have a lot of faith in you, Billy, and a whole hell of a lot of trust. It’s about time you showed me that same consideration.”
The raw emotion on his face was jarring and almost made you hang back long enough to console him like you would any other time, but you couldn’t. If he couldn’t trust you, what the hell hope did either of you have at this becoming a real thing? Walking back to your house, your heart broke and any emotion you fought so desperately to keep down began to bubble to the surface. But you wouldn’t break down though, at least not yet.
You always had your cards on the table when it came to Billy Loomis and it was about time that he started showing his, as well.
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