#just straight up telling them is out of the question
luveline · 3 days
Hotch’s little sister x Spencer, they gang up on her about her safety or health or something, and she’s like “I’m happy you’re getting along, but don’t love getting ganged up on” 😂
You thought that when things between Spencer and Aaron finally became less awkward again, things would be easier. It was never your intention to drive a wedge between them, but perhaps it’s not your fault. 
After all, Spencer’s the one who chose to date his boss’s younger sister. That was his idea. 
Of course, you ate up his flirting and agreed to all your dates, but still. Spencer’s fault for sure. So why are you in trouble? 
“Honey, I’m honestly a little surprised with you.” Aaron takes a deep breath. “It was a completely unnecessary course of action.” 
Surprised with you is more apt than he realises. “Wait a second, what?” You’d known you were in for a scolding from his weird text, but you have no idea what he’s talking about. 
“You went for a walk in the city alone at midnight?” Aaron frowns. “Have you learned nothing from me?” 
“How do you know I went for a walk?” 
Aaron raises his eyebrows. You look out of the window of his office and straight into the guilty face of your boyfriend. He has the decency not to look away, at least. “Spencer told you that?” 
“He did.” 
You meet the big, soft, beautiful brown eyes of your lovely boyfriend and quirk a finger at him for him to join you in the office. 
“Don’t start, honey.” 
“Aaron, I’m allowed to go for a walk.” 
“In the city? In the middle of the night?” Aaron gives you another unimpressed eyebrow raise. You glare at him, not fond of being questioned. 
“I had my phone.” 
He pinches his brow. 
“Aaron, what’s up with you? I’m well within my rights to go for a walk. I wanted to clear my head. I didn’t go down any side alleys.” 
“You realise you’re being defensive with me because you know it was a silly thing to do.” 
You bristle. The door opens and honestly seeing Spencer’s little frown makes you more annoyed than you had been. “Spencer, why would you tell him my business?” 
“It came up in conversation?” he tries. 
“I was concerned! You can’t just walk around at night in the city by yourself! Who knows what could’ve happened to you, and Hotch agrees with me, it’s too dangerous…” He bites his lip. “I didn’t mean to tattle, and I don’t want to tell you what you can or can’t do.” 
“But I can,” Aaron says. “We all know you’re aware of the danger you put yourself in. Please, don’t do it again.” 
“I feel like I just went back in time a hundred years,” you say. 
“It’s an antiquated attitude, but it’s, you know, grounded firmly in reality,” Spencer says, and you’re surprised to find he isn’t shying away from you now. “It’s reckless. I don’t want to see you get hurt.” 
“It would destroy me,” Aaron says without preamble. “Honey. Please, you can’t do that again, especially without telling someone where you’re going. What if somebody hurt you?” 
You pause to digest what he’s saying. He’d profiled you correctly before —you’re defensive because you already knew you were taking a risk, and you knew if he found out this is how he would react. You hadn’t suspected Spencer would rat you out, but it’s not like he’d been very happy when he learned about it for the first time either. 
“Is this how it’s going to be?” you ask. “You’re going to gang up on me whenever I do something stupid.” 
Aaron’s smile is forgiving and a little bit sorry, too, “I didn’t say stupid, did I?” 
“Reckless,” Spencer supplies. 
“Well. At least you’re both getting along again.” 
“That’s yet to be seen,” Aaron says quickly. 
You wave a hand at Aaron in the universal sign for shut up and turn your full attention to Spencer where he’s laughing in the doorway. You push him out by the chest, not bothering to wait for the office door to close before you start in on him. “That was confidential information, Spencer Reid, which you were privy to as a boyfriend, and not my brother's colleague and conspirator.” 
“I’m sorry.” He smiles, and he’s sincere. “I just knew you’d listen to him.” 
Ugh. Stupid profilers. “Sure, I’ve listened. Now I’m extremely upset and in need of lunch.” 
“Where do you wanna go? I’ll buy,” Spencer says immediately. 
That’s more like it. 
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itneverendshere · 3 days
maybe wheezie or even sarah needing rafe to pick them up from school or attend a back to school night. like the school calls rafe to pick up sarah after getting in a fight. or the teacher calls him in to discuss that wheezie struggling in math
thank you for the request!!! 🫶🏻🫂 i think rafe's always had a soft spot for wheezie so i did this one for her cause i personally can see their dynamic being really cute.
 we're both older now - r.c
pairing: rafe x pogue!reader (bartender!reader universe)
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Sitting in the passenger seat of Rafe’s truck, you couldn’t help but sneak glances at him. His hands were on the wheel, jaw clenched just enough for you to notice, but not enough to freak out.
It’s been months since rehab, and you swear, you’ve never seen him like this before—so focused, so... responsible. It’s kinda hot.
But that’s not what you’re here for. Not right now.
You’re headed to Wheezie’s school because, apparently, she’s been struggling with math. She didn’t want to tell Rafe because Ward’s rarely at home these days and she didn’t want to bother him. When you found out, you could’ve smacked her. You get it—Rafe’s been under a lot of pressure lately—but you don’t think she realizes how much he cares about her. That’s why you two are heading to a parent-teacher meeting like it’s the most normal thing in the world. It’s not. 
“I should’ve known something was off,” Rafe mutters, breaking the silence.
You look over at him. “You couldn’t have. Wheezie’s good at keeping stuff to herself.”
He shakes his head, his grip tightening on the wheel just a little. “I’m her brother. I should’ve noticed.”
You reach over, resting your hand on his arm. “You’re doing your best, baby. That matters.”
He lets out a breath, his tension easing under your touch. God, sometimes it’s hard to believe he’s the same guy who used to pick fights at every chance he got just a few years ago. It’s been almost a year since his last relapse, but every day you see him fighting to be better—for himself, for you, for his sisters. And honestly? It does something to you, seeing him like this. 
You pull into the school parking lot, and he parks the truck, turning off the engine. For a second, he just sits there, staring straight ahead. You know what he’s thinking. He’s wondering if he’s good enough to handle this, to handle all of it.
“You got this,” You say softly.
Together, you walk into the school, and after a quick conversation with the receptionist, you’re led to Wheezie’s teacher’s classroom. The room smells like dry-erase markers and stress, the kind you remember from my own high school days.
Except, this is a private school, completely different from what you were used to, and back then, you loved school. You were good at it too—really good, actually. Straight A’s, honors, full ride to a decent college…but life had other plans.
You look at Rafe as you wait for the teacher to start the meeting. He’s sitting up straight, listening intently, and your chest tightens a little.
The same guy who used to blow off any responsibility now sitting here, laser-focused, ready to step up for his little sister. The teacher starts talking about Wheezie’s grades, how she’s been falling behind in math, and you can see the guilt in his face. You squeeze his knee under the table, trying to ground him, but honestly? This was hitting a little too close to home for you, too.
“I can help her,” You hear yourself say before you’ve even really thought about it. Rafe turns to look at you, surprised, and you shrug like it’s no big deal.
The teacher blinks, probably not expecting the girlfriend to jump in with a solution. “What did you score on your final exams?”
You move in your seat, not expecting the question but not exactly shy about your answer either. "I got a 1600 on my SATs," You said, trying to sound casual about it, even though you could see Rafe’s eyebrows shoot up next to you. 
The teacher’s eyes widen slightly. "That’s impressive," she says, "You must’ve had a lot of options for college."
You shrug again feeling that familiar feeling of bittersweet regret. "Yeah, I had a full ride to a few places.”
“And you didn’t go?”
The way she says says it—like she can’t imagine why you wouldn’t go—hurts a little. 
"Yeah, well... life happened." You try to brush it off like it doesn’t bother you.
Rafe’s hand slides over to yours under the table, interlocking your fingers and giving you a gentle squeeze. It’s subtle, but it’s enough for you. To remind you that you made the right choices, even if they weren’t easy ones.
The meeting wraps up pretty quickly after that.
The teacher gives Rafe some advice on how to help Wheezie stay on track, and you both thank her before heading out of the classroom. As you walk down the hallway, he stays quiet for a bit, and you can’t really read what’s going through his head.
By the time you get back to the truck, he turns to you, his brow furrowed slightly, like he’s still processing everything. "You got a perfect score on your SATs?"
Three years into the relationship and he’s still learning things about you every day.
You let out a small laugh, brushing some hair behind your ear. "Yeah. It’s not a big deal."
"That’s kinda insane," he says, looking at you like he’s seeing a whole new side of you. “Why didn’t you ever tell me that?”
You shrug for the millionth time today, suddenly feeling a little shy. “I don’t know. It just never came up. It’s not like it matters now, anyway.”
"It does matter." His voice is firm, and when you glance over, you can see how serious he looks. "You gave up a lot to help your sister. That’s not nothing."
Your throat tightens, and you have to swallow down the emotion rising inside you. The way Rafe says it, like he actually gets it, means more than he probably knows. "I just did what I had to do."
He nods slowly, like he understands that feeling all too well. "You didn’t have to offer to help Wheezie today. But you did.”
You don’t want to make a big deal out of it. "I want to help her. She deserves it."
Rafe doesn’t say anything, just looks at you with this soft, almost disbelieving expression. Like he can’t wrap his head around the fact that you’re still here, beside him, helping his family without a second thought.
"You’re amzing, y’know that?" he murmurs, his voice low and warm in that way that makes your stomach flip.
You feel your cheeks heat up, a shy smile tugging at your lips. "Stop."
"I mean it." He reaches over, cupping your face gently with his hand, thumb brushing lightly across your cheek. His eyes soften as they meet yours, filled with so much adoration it makes you want to hide. "I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m really fucking grateful."
You bite your lip, glancing down at his other hand on your knee before looking back up at him.
"You’ve been working hard. For yourself, for us. I see that."
His jaw tightens just slightly, and he looks down, almost like he’s not sure how to take the compliment. But when his eyes meet yours again,
"I’m trying," he says quietly. "I’m trying to be better."
"And you are," you whisper. "Every day."
The months of hard work, the late nights when you’ve held him through his doubts, the mornings when he’s shown up for his family even when it was hard. It’s all there, between you, unspoken but understood.
Rafe leans in, pressing his forehead to yours, his breath warm against your skin. "Thank you," he whispers. "For everything."
You close your eyes, letting the moment settle around you. "I’ll always be here," you whisper back. "We’ve got this."
“I don’t think I would’ve made it this far without you.”
You swallow hard, trying not to let it hit you too deep. But it does. Because for all the mess you’ve been through—his ups and downs, his relapse, his constant fight to be better—it always comes back to you. To this.
“I’ll always have your back,” You remind him quietly. “You know that, right?”
He nods, like there’s absolutely no doubt in his mind. “I know. You’re really good with her," he says after a beat. "With Wheezie. And with Milo."
You smile, leaning back in your seat. "Yeah, well, someone’s gotta look after the kids, right? Might as well be me."
Rafe’s lips twitch into another smile as he leans over, pressing a soft kiss to your temple, "Thank you, baby.”
“For what?”
“For sticking around,” he says, pulling back slightly to look at you. “Even when I didn’t make it easy.”
 “You make it worth it, Rafe. You always have.”
Because seeing him like this—happy, strong, responsible, and healthy—it’s more than just him trying. It’s him becoming the person you always believed he could be, from day one on that stupid country club. And that? That’s something you’d stick around for any day.
When you and Rafe pull up to Tannyhill, the sun’s already setting. You grab your bag from the backseat, and he takes a deep breath, his hand hovering near yours like he needs to hold onto you just for a second longer. When you step into the house, you’re greeted by the usual stillness that fills the place. It’s huge, but it always feels too quiet.
Wheezie’s sitting at the kitchen island, hunched over her phone, clearly trying to distract herself. Her leg’s bouncing nervously under the stool, and you don’t even have to say anything to know that she’s been dreading this moment.
As soon as she sees the two of you, she freezes, eyes wide, "Hey," she greets, her voice shaky.
Rafe glances at you, and you give him a small nod. You know he’s trying to figure out how to handle this—he’s never really had to play the role of ‘responsible older brother’ before. But he’s doing it. He’s trying. And that’s what matters.
"Wheeze," Rafe starts, as he walks over to her, and you can see the panic rising in her eyes as she sits up straighter like she’s preparing for the worst. "Why didn’t you tell me?"
She bites her lip, glancing between the two of you. "I-I didn’t want to bother you," she mumbles, her voice small. "You’ve been dealing with a lot, and I thought— I don’t know. I thought I could handle it on my own."
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. He’s quiet for a second, and you can feel Wheezie’s anxiety practically buzzing out of her. She’s probably expecting him to yell, to go off on her, but instead, he takes a step forward and pulls her into a hug.
"You ever keep something like that from me again," he mutters into her hair, his tone firm but warm, "and you’re grounded."
Wheezie’s eyes go wide in shock, like she wasn’t expecting that at all. Her arms wrap around him a little awkwardly, but you can tell she’s relieved. She pulls back after a second, staring up at him with those big brown eyes of hers. "You’re not mad?"
Rafe shakes his head, but his expression is serious. "I’m not mad. I’m worried, Wheeze. I’m here, okay? I got you."
"I’m sorry," she whispers.
He sighs again, rubbing a hand over his face before looking at her. "Don’t be sorry. Just don’t do it again."
She nods quickly, and you step closer, offering her a small smile. "You’re not in trouble, Wheezie. I’m gonna help you with the math stuff, okay? I promise."
Wheezie looks over at you, clearly surprised, and then back at Rafe. "You’re… really not mad?"
Rafe rolls his eyes but in that big-brother way that’s full of affection.
"No, Wheeze, I’m not mad. But next time you’re struggling with something, tell me. That’s what I’m here for."
She nods, relief washing over her features. "Okay. I will."
Rafe reaches out and ruffles her hair, something so casual and brotherly it makes your heart swell.
"Good. Now go do whatever you do, and remember—grounded if you pull that shit again."
You slap his arm, “Will stop cursing in front of her?”
He shoots you a half-smirk, looking completely unbothered. "Please baby, she’s sixteen. You think she doesn’t curse?"
Wheezie lets out a small laugh, covering her mouth as if she’s trying to keep it together, but you can tell she’s relieved. 
"Yeah, but maybe not in front of her big brother," you tease, raising an eyebrow at him.
Rafe shrugs, looking like he couldn’t care less. "If she’s smart enough to hide it from me, more power to her."
Wheezie giggles again, and you can’t help but smile. "Yeah, yeah," you sigh, rolling your eyes at him playfully. "You’re a great role model, Rafe Cameron."
He groans, “Please don’t use the full name.” The corners of his mouth tug up in a grin that makes your heart skip. “Alright, no more big brother lectures tonight. We’re good, yeah, Wheeze?”
Wheezie nods, still smiling. “Yeah, we’re good.”
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Musician Age Gap AU Pt 16
Esme throws the front door open and sprints full tilt across the lawn to throw her arms around Kara.
"Hey there," Kara greets.
Pulling her face back to look at Kara with wide eyes, Esme gets straight down to business.
"Tell me *everything*."
Kara's exhausted on the couch by the time Esme runs out of questions. She softens the blow of having left Esme so long without updates by letting Esme watch her video recording of Lena's new song. Oh, Esme has already seen the bootlegs of the song spread online, but none of those were taken from backstage.
The hard conversation doesn't come until after dinner, when Esme goes upstairs to finish her homework and leaves Kara alone with Alex and Kelly. They both gaze at her with soft, but expectant eyes.
"I'm fine," Kara tells them.
"No one is saying you're not," Kelly assures her.
Alex is less gentle. "Doesn't mean we can't be worried."
Two days ago, Kara would have taken offense. Today, she recognizes the validity of Alex's concern.
She sighs. "I don't think it was the wrong decision."
"Neither do we," Kelly says. "I don't think choosing happiness ever could be."
"But going half the way across the world at the drop of a hat is bound to be jarring." Alex's voice isn't sharp at all. In fact, she's far more calm than Kara expected her to be.
Kara glances at her suspiciously. "You don't approve."
Alex shrugs. "It doesn't matter what I think. The fact you made the choice tells me it was the right decision in the moment." She lifts her glass of wine to her lips, eyeing Kara over the rim. "But is it sustainable?"
Biting her lip, Kara considers the question. She doesn't regret her choice, and the past few weeks have been a whirlwind of excitement and novelty on all fronts. But what happens when the shine wears off?
"I'm still happy," she says carefully. "And Lena has been amazing. I just... don't know what my role is."
Kelly offers a soft smile. "Growing pains is natural, especially in a situation like this where you've been thrust into an unfamiliar industry and an intense career like Lena's. And learning to navigate the personal stuff is requirement of any relationship. It's just going to be harder with Lena than with anyone else."
"Why?" Kara demands, defensive at the implication she would be daunted. "Because she's famous?"
"Yes, Kara!" Alex leans forward, features lined with concern. She sets her wine down, and scrubs her hands over her face. "I don't-- it's not that she's famous, it's the fact that she can't meet you halfway."
Kelly nods. "Successful partners find the common ground-- a spot where they can meet in the middle. What Alex is trying to say is that Lena can't do that."
"Look at what's happened so far," Alex elaborates, gesturing towards the door. "You uprooted everything and got dropped into her world. She hasn't-- she *can't* do the same for you."
Kara looks into her glass, pensive. Again, Alex isn't wrong. Lena's single foray into her life had been coffee in the park-- in disguise. Meanwhile Kara has been thrust into the deep end of Lena's own life. Her career, her family and friends...
Could Lena ever find the same kind of assimilation into Kara's life? Would she *want* to?
And does Kara care if she doesn't?
"I don't think it would be fair to either of us to end things before even trying."
Before anything else can be said, Esme's door slams open upstairs and teenaged feet pound down the stairs at a breakneck pace, only to screech to a halt at the threshold of the living room.
"Aunt Kara?"
Kara sits up from her slouch, concern leeching over her. "What's wrong?"
"Yeah, you okay sweetie?" Kelly asks.
Esme's features crease in apprehension, her anxious gaze flicking between Kara and her phone.
"Um... there's something you should see."
Kara reaches for Esme's phone when she offers it. She shoots her sister an uncertain glance, then turns her attention to the glowing screen.
She blinks at the list of breaking news results on the search screen, jaw tightening. She clicks on the first. A photo fills the screen-- and Kara's heart plummets.
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tsukius · 19 hours
Cute moments with your bllk bf
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featuring: isagi yoichi, nagi seishiro, bachira meguru, kunigami rensuke, chigiri hyoma, kaiser michael
author’s note: first post, kind of nervous eheh. I hope y’all like it, and feel free to leave ideas to write.
"thanks for taking a break from training to hang out, yoichi," you said, smiling at your boyfriend.
it was rare you two got to go on real dates since the blue lock program kept him busy.
"of course. I wanna spend time with you," he said shyly, scratching his head.
isagi was always determined on the field, like a compltetely different person, but got embarrassed or flustered easily in normal life or just around you.
both of you wandered the shopping district, window shopping and chatting. a moment later, you spotted a cute sundress on display.
“ooh, i wanna try that on!” you requested, already pulling him by the arm.
oh, but isagi never complained, he found you adorable.
in the fitting room, you slipped on the floaty yellow dress. it had tiny white flowers and felt so summery. taking a breath, you pushed back the curtain.
“well? what do you think?”
isagi’s eyes went wide as saucers, cheeks flushed crimson. he stared at you with his mouth gaping open like a fish.
“yoichi? you ok?” you asked, giggling, doing a little twirl.
he shook his head vigorously.
“y-you look beautiful. like the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen.”
he really was the sweetest, and you swore you could melt under his affectionate gaze. posing playfully, you questioned him again.
“you sure? i don’t look weird?”
“not at all, you look..perfect,” he insisted.
isagi might've been an egoist on the field, but was reduced to a lovesick mess around you.
grinning, you turned around to watch him in the mirror. “i’ll take it then, thanks for your input.”
and when you went to pay, isagi grabbed the dress from your hands. “i’ll buy it, don't worry.”
you kissed his cheek, thanking him. “my hero. now come on, let's get ice cream.”
your football star sure was a softie at heart.
it was a nice sunny day, so you and nagi decided to hang out walking around downtown.
but your boyfriend was way taller, so even with his lazy stride, you were struggling to keep up with his long legs.
you two wandered in a peaceful silence, just enjoying each other's company. but after awhile, you were getting out of breath from jogging every few steps. and nagi never seemed to notice you kept falling behind.
rounding a corner, he suddenly turned with a puzzled look.
"why you breathing so heavy? we didn't run or nothing."
you chuckled, panting a little. "it’s fine, it’s just you have longer legs, so i'm working hard just to walk beside you."
he tilted his head thoughtfully, like he never considered your height difference before. "huh. sorry ‘bout that."
you grinned, catching your breath.
"don’t worry about it, i don't mind the exercise."
he simply shrugged, hesitantly reaching out to gently ruffle your hair. then to your surprise, nagi noticeably slowed down so you could match his pace with ease.
it was really a sweet gesture, even if he'd never admit he was being considerate.
you smiled and slipped your arm through his as you continued on together, no longer feeling out of breath. your lazy boyfriend might act like he doesn't care, but little things like this proved he pays attention in his own quiet way.
you and bachira were lounging on his bed after school, relaxing together in his room.
you knew your boyfriend loved telling dumb jokes, even when no one understood them.
"hey hey, i got a good one!" he said with a mischievous glint, always that bright smile on his face.
you braced myself, used to his nonsensical humor by now.
"okay, okay. why can't a bicycle stand on its own? because it's two tired!" bachira bursted into contagious giggles at his own joke.
normally, his silliness went straight over your head. but the way his eyes shined with pure joy, you couldn't help but laugh along too.
his happiness was so infectious.
"i don't get it, but you're cute so i give you that." you chuckled.
bachira's face lit up at the sound of you laughter. before you knew it, he launched himself at you with a flying tackle.
"gotcha!" he shouted, peppering your cheeks with messy kisses between giggles. you tried to fend him off halfheartedly as his attacks tickled.
"meguru stop ! that tickles!" but he was relentless in smothering you with affection.
having bachira as a boyfriend was sometimes hard to keep up with, but it was just his way of saying i love you.
finally he paused to beam down at you, out of breath. "i love making you laugh! you have the best laugh ever."
you smiled, pecking his silly nose. this boy brought you so much joy, even if he didn't always make sense. And you loved him for it.
the sun was low in the sky when you saw kunigami exit the gym, his training session finally over. leaning against a lamp post, you gave him a little wave when he spotted you.
his serious face broke into a soft smile, eyes lighting up at the sight. in a few long strides, kunigami reached you and wrapped his muscular arms around your smaller frame.
"hi baby." you giggled.
he brushed gentle kisses across your cheeks and nose, his stubble tickling your skin.
"what are you doing waiting out here? it’s freezing."his husky voice was laced with concern.
you smiled up at him, glad to see his reddened cheeks meant he worked hard.
"i figured my big strong boyfriend might appreciate some company walking home. did i guess right?"
Rensuke didn't deny it, simply pulling you into his side where you fit perfectly.
your fingers laced together as you two started down the empty sidewalk in comfortable silence. he gave your hand a squeeze, letting out a sigh.
he then smiled serenely, the stress of the day washing away as you enjoyed each other's company.
sometimes it was the little things that said everything, like this football boy letting you care for his tired heart after pushing his body to the limits.
sundays were always hair care days for you and chigiri since you both liked keeping your hair soft and shiny. after washing and conditioning, you two snuggled up in his cozy bed.
you leaned back against the fluffy pillows as chigiri rested his head on your lap.
your hands slowly stroked through his damp hair, detangling the silky strands. he made cute content hums, barely audible but enough to show he liked it.
"you know, i've never told anyone this before," he murmured, eyes closed in bliss.
you knew chigiri didn't share personal things easily so your ears perked up.
"but i think you might be the only one who would understand...i use an extra leave-in conditioner after washing. keeps the frizzies away," he confessed playfully.
you couldn’t help but chuckle.
“don’t worry babe, your secret's safe with me." you teased, kissing his head.
you loved that he felt comfortable enough to share even silly little details.
his pink locks really were like silk between your fingers. chigiri grinned up at you, a rare true smile on his lips.
"only you get to do this, you know. touching my precious hair."
you smiled back, heart swelling to be trusted so fully by this boy. you both stayed cuddling as the daylight faded, bonded by more than just great hair care but the closeness you found in each other.
it was getting chilly in the apartment as evening fell. kaiser and you were curled up on the couch, him intently watching an old soccer game on his ipad while I read quietly beside him, your legs resting on his lap.
you could feel his azure eyes staring at you rather than the screen but pretended not to notice at first.
finally glancing over, sure enough kaiser was gazing at you with an unreadable expression.
"what?" you questioned with a playful smirk.
as usual, michael's eyes seemed to pierce right through you, assessing and calculating.
you let him look his fill, used to his analytical nature by now. you two understood each other without many words.
after a long moment, he just shrugged and returned to his match like nothing happened. but i'd seen a flash of uncertainty in his ocean-deep gaze, almost like worry.
your smile softened as you understood what was bothering him, sitting correctly and wrapping an arm around his, pulling you two closer on the couch.
you knew kaiser's childhood made him paranoid anyone who claimed to love him would disappear.
he just wanted to be loved, after all.
leaning your head on his shoulder contentedly, you peered at his face to see the subtle tension leave his features as your eyes met once more. in your steady gaze, he found reassurance that you will always be right here.
michael's answering smile was tiny but genuine as he relaxed into your embrace. some things could never be put into words for someone like him, like the emperor.
luckily, your silent understanding ran deeper than that.
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yawneon · 2 days
hcs for
percy jackson hcs for hogwarts color houses? (if you wanted to - maybe for reader too?)
(this has been marinating in my drafts for MONTHS)
- im a firm believer in percy being harry in another universe
- if harry wasnt a BBBBBITCH
- gryffindor prefect whether you like it or not. (turned head boy, lily and james situation over here.)
- 1/3 star trio (somehow percy’s in it)
- would and could beat the shit out of harry potter
- probably a seeker or a chaser but im getting off topic
- hes a prefect that all the first years look up to yk
- like those cool older students that you want to be when your fresh in high school.
- “percy is so cool!“ “i wanna be a prefect like percy!”
- loves the attention ngl
- sneaks around to ravenclaw table to sit with annabeth (or you) and then when he gets caught he goes “i was just asking her something!” when he knows damn well he was flirting with her.
- you can tell by the shit-eating grin on his face. ^
- definitely is in a organised wand fighting club
- most likely is a pain in the ass for the teachers but he gets good grades (thanks to his girlfriend) and he probably has saved the school from some sort of magical monster once or twice
- secretly avada kadavra’d a fly once (felt bad afterwards and held a funeral for the fly)
- ravenclaw head girl.
- 2/3 of the star trio
- everyone loves annabeth, shes like the star student.
- “ask annabeth she knows.” “annabeth can you help me with this question?”
- gods shes smart but shes more than that.
- she likes to hide away in one of the towers and she makes castles ans structures out of toothpicks she steals from the tables at breakfast, lunch and dinners.
- also a student alot of the first years look up to.
- but mainly the girls like annabeth.
- the ones who felt they weren’t ever going to be smart enough or were never going to amount to enough.
- annabeth would smile sweetly at them and remind them to believe in themselves.
- is the only person percy really listens to.
- percy could be messing around and not listening in a class and the moment annabeth even mutters a word starting with p hes sat on a chair, hands in his lap, posture straight and mouth SHUT.
- now i don’t want to stereotype… im not that type of girl.
- hufflepuff prefect
- he loves his house and takes so much pride in it
- i don’t think he’d like playing quidditch but he would be in the front row seats cheering on hufflepuff
- and if his house wasn’t playing he’s there cheering for percy
- 3/3 of the star trio.
- grover “my bf” underwood is a hufflepuff.
- alot of the younger kids look out for grover in a crowd
- especially the misbehaving gryffindor kids that are running away from clarrise
- if they can’t find percy they cower behind grover
- and grover being the big hearted boy he is he stands guard of the kids despite shitting his pants himself
- he loves his house.
- he loves comb care of magical beasts class
- all the new hufflepuff kids IN GENERAL always go to him for directions which makes him 1 too many times late to class. but im like so sure the teachers know and love him so they let him off with just a soft warning.
- “i’m so sorry professor! i was helping a first-“ “just sit down underwood.”
- to all those fans that watched fantastic beasts, grover is 100% using a tower like newt did with new beasts he finds.
- has probably accidentally wandered into the forbidden forest with annabeth and percy by chance. (he wanted to find a unicorn)
- some random slytherin kid picked on a hufflepuff first year and grover ripped the kid a new one. hes loyal to his house 💔
- he had to get a new wand once or twice because he used to chew on it in exams (when he got especially anxious)
- despite her being sometimes rude
- i do think she’d also be in gryffindor 😭
- kinda like an arrogant, “im better than you” gryffindor
- like how she is in the show and most of the books towards percy
- but underneath her hard exterior shes soft towards the ones she loves and is close to
- also a quidditch GOD
- the most exhilirating beater to watch in quidditch.
- alot of first year girls also admire clarrise
- more so the ones that want to be strong and join quidditch.
- “i think slytherin is co-“ “GRYFFINDOR IS THE BEST HOUSE SHUT UP”
- extremely prideful of her colours and her house
- a little bit too much sometimes
- when someone loses house points you better pack it up and run because miss girl is hunting for you (looking at you percy)
- erm
- slytherin head boy
- “luke is so cool!” “and hes hot..” “but percy’s better!”
- theres luke people and then theres percy people
- luke is alot more cunning in the sense that he openly does things to capture more hearts and beat percy in this ongoing war (he will be the hottest prefect.)
- probably descended from a line of gryffindors but then he popped out
- seeker in qudditch but also is a good chaser due to his build
- THE slytherin boy.
- he is so unbelievably good at quidditch and leads slytherin to most of their wins.
- another star student here
- “why can’t you be more like luke?”
- maybe has possibly been an inside spy for he who can not be named. (voldymort)
- definetly in that chamber of secrets fucking shit up
- such a helpful head boy.
- like he loves his house and will die in green
- this guy probably has every single passage in hogwarts mapped out perfectly like dimensions and all.
- may or may not be plotting something in the forbidden forest.
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Tom catches Evans trying to sneak into the Restricted Section for the third time that week a couple days later.
He knocks on the door frame – the element of surprise did him no favours last time – and leans against it casually. “Hard at work, Evans?”
Evans looks up at him with a glare that could strip paint, before turning the glare back to his book.
“It must be serious, to demand so much of your focus.”
No response.
“Perhaps I can help you with your research,” he offers. “I’m quite good at it.”
“What do you want, Riddle.” From the frustrated tone to the tense body language, it’s clear this is not really a question. More of a muggle sirens-and-lights warning.
“Why are you so convinced that I want something from you?” 
“You’re a Slytherin, of course you want something.”
Tom doesn’t bother to point out that Evans is also a Slytherin; he gets the sense it’s a sore spot.
“And yet you don’t exhibit such scorn for either Malfoy or Black. What makes me so deserving of your suspicion?”
Evans snorts. “Those two couldn’t disguise what they’re really after if their lives depended on it. And neither of them is trying to get into my pants.”
“Well, more fool them.”
Evans sputters, flushing up to his ears.
“Piss off, Riddle!” The boy stands up, flinging the book closed (time magic, Tom notes – something to consider later) and almost falling over in his rush to leave as he gets tangled in his chair.
Tom darts a hand out and grabs onto Evans’ wrist before he can escape.
He narrows his eyes and considers the evidence. It’s a disproportionate reaction to an innocuously flirtatious comment. Tonight's efforts to take Evans to bed (or the table, or against the wall – he’s not picky) might be a wash, but perhaps he can learn something to improve his chances in the future.
“What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong?” Evans scoffs, looking increasingly distraught. “Everything’s wrong! And you being weird doesn’t help.”
“Weird?” Tom says, a little offended. “If my advances are unwanted, just say the word, but there’s nothing weird–”
“Stop playing with me!”
“Why do you think I’m playing with you?”
Evans snorts derisively. “As if someone like you would be interested in someone like me.”
That brings Tom up short. Is something so trivial the only obstacle?
“Do you think so little of yourself?”
“My self-esteem is neither here nor there,” Evans says irritably. “And jesus, how big is your ego – I don’t want you, so there must be something wrong with me?”
“I didn’t say that. What did you mean by ‘someone like you’ and ‘someone like me,’ then?”
“I’m a nobody, Riddle,” Evans says after a brief pause. “No fortune to speak of, no connections in high places, no real future prospects. There’s nothing exceptional about me. And you,” he hesitates, weighing his words. “You are exceptional – you would accept nothing less for or from yourself. People expect great things from you, and I have no doubt you could achieve them.”
The boy looks straight into his eyes. “But I do doubt your ability to tell the difference between ‘great’ and ‘terrible.’” 
Tom feels a shiver slide down his spine, his breath catching in his throat. He wants to peel Evans open and find out what he knows, why he thinks that, who the hell he thinks he is to say such a thing to him. At the same time, Tom wants to get as far away from the suddenly strange boy, and that’s far more manageable at the moment.
He casts a quick obliviate and returns to his dorm. Sleep is long in coming to Tom that night.
(Tom Riddle’s Guide to Repeatedly Failing to Get Laid in the Restricted Section)
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caitchercatlady · 3 days
He'll Have to Go Through Me
-Heartslabyul Version
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle is busy planning the next Unbirthday Party when he gets tired of seeing Ace and Deuce moping around the dorm. When he gets the "What's wrong with the both of you?" answer out of them, he's both confused and concerned about you refusing to visit the dorm as originally planned. This is indeed unusual.
He stops you out in the hall the next school day, hoping for answers. Riddle mentions how depressed your friends have been, praying that'll get you to say something. You finally reveal that. you can't go back to Heartslabyul because a second year student had been scaring you and stalking you when Ace and Deuce aren't looking. Riddle is not one to let an accusation like this go unchecked.
"Give me a day, and I will make Heartslabyul safe for you once more. Never fear, for I shall handle this the proper, Queen of Hearts manner."
The next day, as you are arriving to class, Ace and Deuce catch up to you in a better mood than they have been. Their snickering has you curious of what's going on. They tell you that Riddle would like you to come see him at Heartslabyul dorm after classes are over, for he has something important to discuss over tea. You're afraid, but you can't refuse Riddle's invitation unless you had a "valid" excuse.
After class, the boys take you to the dorm, and what washes over you is a strange sense of relaxing quiet. As you walk past the rose gardens, you see from the corner of your eye your bully with the recognizable heart-shaped collar around his neck, being watched over by a group of third years to paint every rose in the garden by hand, a painful chore experience. Once in front of Riddle, you notice he's giddier than usual. That's when everything clicks for you. Riddle tells you not to worry as the two week's worth of chores punishment should set your stalker bully on the straight and narrow. You can't thank Riddle enough for doing so.
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Trey Clover
The Vice Housewarden knows a bully when he sees one, and with Riddle as Housewarden, he has been taught the tools on how to stop a bullying situation in its tracks. Trey notices that you're been less passionate about baking for the upcoming Unbirthday Party, and he presses why. You start to question if baking was really a fun activity or if it's just for "girls," and he pushes on where you got this idea from. You confess that a Diasomnia freshman saw you with the muffins that the two of you baked the other day and mocked you for it. You felt so bad that you were contemplating on quitting the hobby all together.
Trey tries to tell you not to give up hope. He'll see to it that there is worth in what you love to do after all. The next school day, you are in the cafeteria, studying and eating the leftover sweets you made at the same time. However, as you are about to indulge, trouble comes back a-knocking. The bully from Diasomnia crushes your sweets and starts bad mouthing until a certain Vice Housewarden comes from behind to stop the whole thing. Trey demands the bully to pay up for destroying the snacks they worked so hard to make. The bully snorts and guess that they cost like what...five thaumarks?
"Well, considering how much flour, milk, eggs, and sugar costs, our batch was worth 150. If we only account for the Prefect's batch, that'll be twenty. Considering how we get reimbursed by the dorm's treasury, either you drop the twenty thaumarks or you'll have to speak to Housewarden Riddle about repaying your debut. Which one is it?"
The bully quakes in his boot as he coughs up the twenty thaumarks from his wallet and leaves, swearing to leave you alone. You look at Trey and try to say that the cookies you guys made would never be so expensive. Trey smirks and tells you that you can buy whatever you want with your new twenty thaumarks instead. What a day, indeed!
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Cater Diamond
MagiCam has not been an issue for you before since that's hwer eyou post all of your fun photos and projects for the Photography Club. However, for the past week, your posts have been receiving some not-so-friendly comments. You do your best to ignore them at first, but this troll has been nothing but persistent. You do the next best thing: Block them, but that doesn't stop them from making backup accounts to continue the torment.
This stress has caused you to take a massive social media break, which is only disappointing in regards to your favorite hobby. While alone in the library, Cater comes along, wondering why your MagiCam art has been absent from blessing Night Raven College. You show Cater the evidence of your stress, and nothing angered Cater more than a petty troll.
"You sit back and worry about you, Prefect. Cay Cay is on the case."
You're not sure what Cater meant by that, but surely you can trust him to get this troll off your back, right? At least that's what his clever grin is telling you. The next day, you walk from Ramshackle to the main campus only to see everyone gossiping about something. It's not until you get to Ace, Deuce, and Epel when you find out what happened. Apparently, your troll had been exposed an an Octavinelle student who had been axed from the school's art club. When Azul found out about it, the dorm's Housewarden wasn't pleased to hear about his freshman's trolling activities and chewed him out. Epel shows you what they mean, and. you can't help but smirk along with them.
You text Cater a thank you, and he replies that he doesn't know what you're talking about with a cheeky winking emoji at the end of his message.
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Ace Trappola
When it comes to who's allowed to tease you out in public or private, it's always been Ace, and you've always been comfortable to let him know if a joke is too far, and criticism is always applied on his end. One day, you're out to meet up with your friends when Ace calls out to you with one of his many new nicknames he'd come up with to make you laugh. However, the moment you hear him call you "Maggy," you know it's a joke, but still, something in you snapped. Ace gets it out of you that someone has been taunting you in between classes for being magicless, and when he hears that it's been going on for the past two weeks, Ace won't stand by it.
Later in the day, you and Ace are in the cafeteria when your bully decides to act bold. The moment "Maggy" comes out of their mouth, Ace slips into the counter attack with how jealous the bully must be because a layperson knows more about magical education than he does. Ace and the bully go for a verbal smack down, and with each turn, Ace outdoes his opponent and himself.
"Even if my own Housewarden doesn't like me, at least I have family and friends to tell me never to try that hideous haircut."
The bully gets laughed out of the cafeteria and Ace is celebrated for the win, proving that even if Ace is a bum sometimes, his respect for you is no joke.
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Deuce Spade
Deuce is always doing his best to be honor student material and leave his delinquent past behind. Still, deep down in his soul, he has to keep that part of him in case of "emergencies." One day, he catches up with you after class. You couldn't hear him calling you twice, so Deuce taps you on the shoulder. That causes you to have a spasm in a way Deuce had never seen you freak before. He demands to know who hurt you, and Deuce is not going to stand out you lying to him. You know Deuce is angry, but you don't want him to make your situation worse. You confess who this bully is to Deuce, but you make him swear to pretend that you didn't say anything. Deuce can't promise because this delinquent needs to be taught what for, and only HE can set things straight.
Dragging you along, Deuce stomped into the garden, where the bully and his cohorts were loafing around. Deuce challenges this coward to a fight if he was going to be so bold to lay his hands on the Prefect. The fight commences only for Deuce to overpower his opponent.
"If you wanna put your hands on me, do it all you like, but you will never EVER put your hands on them AGAIN!"
As you watch the coward and his friends make a run back for the main building, you are best assured that with Deuce proving a point, no one is going to mess with you again.
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hotvintagepoll · 2 days
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Joe Roberts (The Goat, Three Ages, Our Hospitality)—6’3” with a handlebar mustache that would impress the mightiest walrus, joe brown shows up in several buster keaton shorts, usually as the Big scrungle to match buster’s Little scrungle. 12:32-16:19 has some scrungle reaction shots and some good chase scene'ing [link], which feels important for weird guys to do for their enrichment.
Harpo Marx (Night at the Opera, Night in Casablanca, Duck Soup)—While Groucho is better-known, Harpo's physical comedy is SECOND-TO-NONE. The man is a strange mime trapped in the paradigm of early 20th century movies. Every move is a symphony and simultaneously a colony of rats in a human skin suit. LISTEN. You MUST see this man in motion. Every still photo of him looks like a combination of a sad clown and a different, sadder clown, but it's only because he put so much joy in every motion.
This is round 1 of the contest. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. If you're confused on what a scrungle is, or any of the rules of the contest, click here.
[additional submitted propaganda + scrungly videos under the cut]
Harpo Marx:
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Harpo is mute in all of the Marx Bros movies and so his body language and facial expressions are SO over the top but he's also got fewer braincells than a goldfish while often being the emotional heart of the Marx Bros and he's just A Guy!!
Every scene with Harpo Marx is a treat! Just like watching a seagull steal a stranger's hotdog at the beach, it is a joy to watch him frustrate the hell out of all the other films' characters! Harpo Marx is the zenith of unhinged in all of his appearances, making any other funny man a straight man by comparison. (A fantastic feat considering he starred in films with his brothers Grouch and Harpo, who sported a shoe polish mustache and questionable Italian accent, respectively). The scrungliness of the little guys he plays come from his guileless, wide-eyed expression, curly blond wig, and the extreme ability to annoy others, despite never saying a word. Is he malicious? Most definitely, but hard to tell because he has a dopey grin on his face most of the time. Communicating through other sounds like honking horns and whistling, he is a force of chaos in every Marx brothers film! Also an accomplished harp player, the beautiful calm moments where Harpo plays juxtapose the zany, making him all the more scrungly. His visual style of comedy is timeless; Duck Soup had me rolling with laughter as a six year old and is still just as funny today. ///
In my opinion Harpo is the funniest of the Marx brothers because he is so good at slapstick comedy. Since he never speaks in his film appearances his performances are very physical, which contributes a lot to his scrungliness. He was fully committed to being wacky at all times. All of his hilarity is based on him being weird.
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He's like if a clown was a hobo was also somehow a classically trained harpist, his face is always in some kind of contorted silly shape, feral curly haired ninnymuggins always doing weird things to people  
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He's just a weird little guy who causes chaos everywhere he goes, and then sits down and plays a beautiful harp solo! He steals the show from his very chatty brothers without saying a word, and was surprisingly ripped under that old raincoat
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All of the Marx Brothers are Scrungly to a degree, but Harpo is the scrungliest! His outfits are so big he gets lost in them, his pockets are full of everything, and because he never speaks, he always uses physical comedy. Also he's an incredible musician.
Joe Roberts:
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cosmicpearlz · 2 days
yours for the time being |4|
summary: what happens when your academic rival of years proposes an offer of fake dating? pure chaos.
pairing: gryffindor!jude bellingham x slytherin!reader
a/n: only one more chapter after this one! i wanted to stretch it out, just so everything made sense timeline wise. anyways, enjoy <3
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everyone knew. it seemed like the word traveled fast around the school halls. jude couldn't take the staring or the countless whispers among the students anymore. y/n was nowhere to be seen, missing in action. oh, how the gryffindor boy wished to catch another glance at her. to have her next to him, giggling as he made the worse jokes known to man. just so that she'll smile, and it worked every time. to feel her hand in his once more.
"jude, you've been quiet lately," harry turns towards him. "anything you wanna share with the group?"
"mate, you've completely shut down. does it have something to do with y/n?" ron questions. jude's face drops and his brows furrowed. as if y/n leaving him wasn't enough, his friends had to bring up her name. not saying 'the snake' like they usually did but saying her name.
"i think what harry and ron are trying say is, we're here for you whenever you're ready to talk."
"she broke up with me, alright! she's clearly stated that she wants nothing to do with me and i just have to accept that."
"oh jude, i'm sure she didn't mean-" jude shakes his head, cutting hermione's sentence off.
"you weren't there. just leave it alone and leave me alone while you're at it."
jude stands from his seat and leaves the library abruptly. the more he thought about the situation, the angrier he got. angry that y/n gave up before even exploring what could've been. angry that it seemed so easy for the girl to just leave. his heavy footsteps ringing throughout the castle halls.
"jude!" lavender yelled out. the boy halts his movements and quietly curses to himself before turning around to face her. it's been a while since the gryffindor girl bothered him.
"what do you want?"
"y'know, since you and y/n broke up. i was wondering if you wanted to go out," lavender steps closer, rubbing her hand on his arm. jude felt disgusted. what didn't she understand by no?
"are you seriously asking me that?"
"well yeah. i just thought that i could help you get over the breakup."
"please leave me alone. i'm not interested and i'm pretty sure y/n told you that!"
before jude could get another word out, he glances over lavender's shoulder and sees y/n. he hasn't seen her in days and the only thing he could think of was how beautiful she looked. her eyes weren't as bright as they normally were. now replaced with a dull sunken look and the puffiness that followed.
as much as jude wanted to reach out, he couldn't bring himself to. he couldn't force the girl to love him or even reciprocate those feelings that he held for her.
"just forget it," jude mumbles, turning around and walking in the direction he was originally heading in once more.
you were dying. certainly, sure of it. you couldn't go to your classes, preferring to do as much work as you could from your dorm room. not being able to stomach seeing his face around the campus. the face of the person whose heart you broke. you knew you had feelings for the boy, but you couldn't act on them. at least that's what you kept telling yourself.
the endless tears that pansy, theo and blaise had to dry. they've never seen you so sad. it was weird for them. not sure on how to cheer you up. truth was, there wasn't anything they could do to cheer you up.
"come with me to the kitchens. we need to sneak things for the party on saturday," pansy says with a smile.
"do i have to?"
"yes. no questions about it." you groaned but got up anyways just to please your friend. you watched as she jumps while clapping. pulling your hand and dragged you straight to the destination.
the walk through the halls was quiet. you kept your hand laced with pansy's. not minding the friendly gesture, although it reminded you of a certain gryffindor boy.
"is that jude? with lavender?" pansy whispered. you stopped dead in your tracks. head whipping around to see if your friend was lying or not. of course, she wasn't. you watched as lavender rubbed his arm, almost smiling to yourself seeing him visibly disgusted by her.
"we should go before we won't have a chance to get the supplies."
"you don't wanna speak to him?"
"i'm sure he doesn't want to speak to me. i broke it off with him."
"you could tell him that you didn't mean it. i mean, look at you! you're miserable because he's not in your life anymore. you clearly like him a lot."
"pansy let it go," you whispered softly, turning around and facing the opposite direction. you tugged the girls' hand to follow you.
while each friend group had no idea on how to individually cheer the two up, it didn't stop them from continuously brainstorming ideas. which eventually lead the slytherins to face the fellow gryffindors tuesday afternoon.
"we need to talk," blaise speaking for the group and facing the three gryffindors. harry and ron's eyebrows raised in question. hermione sat there, as if she already knew what they were going to say.
"we need to get jude and y/n to talk."
"how did she know what we were going to talk about?" draco mumbled to pansy.
"because she's hermione. mione knows everything pretty much," pansy throws a playfully wink towards the girl.
"well, have a seat i guess," harry gestured to the empty seats. theo, pansy, blaise, and draco gladly sit down.
"let's get right into it. y/n has been miserable since they broke up. crying her eyes out almost every day and-"
"she's the one who called things off!" ron cuts theo off. theo huffs and rolls his eyes.
"i know that you dimwit. if you let me finish, i was gonna say that she clearly really cares about him. whatever happened between them, we need to undo it."
"but how?" harry asked.
"we're having a slytherin party on saturday. you guys are welcomed to come but bring jude," blaise began to explain the plan.
"then what? are we going to lock them in a room?" hermione chuckles, looking around the table. her chuckles fall mute due to the silence. "wait, are you joking?"
"no. it's the only way they're gonna talk," said pansy.
"no way that's actually gonna work," ron shakes his head at the thought of it.
"it doesn't hurt to try. the party starts at 9, don't be late," theo ends the conversation there. nodding his head at the three gryffindors, he stands up along with pansy, blaise and draco.
the group of them head out, leaving the three to themselves. the silence being loud as they sat thinking about how to get jude to the party. the boy barely wanted to talk about y/n and going to her common room for a party? it might take some heavy convincing.
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fountainpenguin · 1 day
I've been working on some other posts that delve into the rich families in FOP, so take some thoughts that've been eating at me out of context.
It is unfathomable to me how much better of a parent Dale is than both Remy’s parents combined.
Timmy wished for Remy to have more time to spend with his parents, and the universe decided that meant shipwrecking them together was the only possible way they wouldn't question spending time with their son. And according to Remy in "Remy Rides Again," that worked for 3 seconds before they ditched him despite all being shipwrecked on an island together, fighting for survival.
Dale just spends time with his son for free. He is paid $0 to do so... Yes, he's distracted and inattentive to him, but he lets Dev be near him. He gives him tasks... He explains things when Dev asks him questions. He greets his son when he comes home from being outside and asks how his afternoon was.
Wishing Dale had more time for his son is no guarantee good things would happen, but I don't think a shipwreck would've been required. He'd just... come out of his room.
Dale can absolutely be a better parent, and his neglect should not be excused, but comparatively... he is a functioning parent.
I think Remy's parents would pay someone to bury their son unmarked in the woods, but I do not think you could convince Dale to do that to Dev no matter how much you offered him. He's messed up, but he's not THAT messed up. That's his little guy! He's a Dimmadome...
Family history - and family future - is important to Dale in a way that it's straight-up not to the Buxaplentys, and that makes all the difference. Dale sends Dev to a private school (implied) and canonically makes donations to that school ("28 Puddings Later").
Like… Remy KNOWS his parents think he's a waste of time and space. They make this clear to him when they remind him he's not worth more than 2 minutes per day of their time. They can't even remember his name. At the end of "Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary," Remy was delighted his dad called him Liam. Because it's wrong, but it was better than nothing.
Remy is literally the reason his parents survived. He foraged for food for them while they counted the money that survived the shipwreck. He's 11... That should not have been his responsibility.
Dale is always calling Dev by name. He also built the au pairs to look after him (implied), he takes Dev to events, he remembered his birthday this year and made an attempt to do something nice even if he couldn't be there in person…
Dev appreciates his dad and tells us flat-out he thinks he's cool... That's why finding out his dad cared more about boots broke his heart.
Remy wouldn't have bat an eye because it wouldn't have surprised him that his parents care more about money. He makes it very clear that he was still wearing rags when his mom opened a hotel. She was too, but still... He was just out there wandering the beach with a ripped-up shirt and no shoes and all she thought about was money...
Holy flip, the Buxaplentys are so bad...
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atlasthegreatest · 3 days
Cards on the Table/ Barbara Gordon x Gambit!Female Reader
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Barbara finally introduces Y/n as her girlfriend to the Bat-family. And despite their initial skepticism, Y/n charms win them over, earning her place in their life.
Word count: 2630
A/n: This was requested by an anon. Thanks for this ask, I like Barbara (she’s best girl #2). Enjoy it!
Barbara Gordon had done the impossible. She’d kept a secret from Batman.
It wasn't easy. Bruce had the instincts of a bloodhound when it came to anything involving his allies, especially his family. But this one — her relationship — she'd managed to shield, mostly because she wanted to savor it before the inevitable Batfamily grilling. That time, though, had come.
Barbara straightened her jacket as she glanced over at her girlfriend, who stood beside her, casually twirling a deck of cards between her fingers. She wore a mischievous grin, her hair hanging just past her shoulders, and her eyes sparkled with an energy Barbara knew all too well. Y/n LeBeau. Known for her powers of controlling kinetic energy and her alias as ‘Gambit’ among the fighting crime community — and the same Southern charm mixed with a playful recklessness. Barbara couldn’t deny the magnetism. It was exactly what had drawn her in from the beginning.
Y/n winked, flicking one of the cards with her thumb, causing it to glow softly before the charge dissipated. "You sure they're ready for me, chérie?"
Barbara let out a small chuckle. "Honestly? I don’t know if anyone's ever ready for you, but we have to do this sooner or later."
The Batcave was bustling tonight. Dick and Damian sparred in the training area, Jason leaned against the Batcomputer like he was holding it up, and Bruce was, predictably, deep in thought, reviewing something on the screens. Tim was nearby, tinkering with one of his latest gadgets. It was the usual chaos.
As they approached, Dick was the first to notice, flipping over Damian and landing gracefully, wiping sweat from his brow. “Hey, Babs! What’s up?” His eyes flickered to the woman next to her, eyebrows lifting. “Who’s this?”
Barbara took a breath. "Everyone, this is Y/n. She's... my girlfriend."
That got everyone's attention. Bruce turned from the computer, Jason stood up straighter, and Damian stopped mid-kick.
Dick's smile widened immediately, genuine and warm. “Oh, wow! Nice to meet you, Y/n.” He extended a hand, always the friendly one.
The girl in question took his hand, her grip firm, but she couldn’t help but smirk, sensing Dick’s slight wariness despite his welcoming demeanor. “Pleasure’s all mine, sugar.”
Jason folded his arms, his eyes narrowing as he sized Y/n up. “Powers?” He was blunt as ever.
Y/n’s grin widened as she pulled out a card, charging it lightly with a pinkish tone. “ I make things go boom,” She said casually, tossing the card in the air before catching it again. “ But only when I wanna’. ”
Tim, ever the tech head, stepped forward, eyes intrigued rather than suspicious. "How does the kinetic charging work? Is it limited to objects or can you charge other things?"
Barbara stifled a laugh as Y/n leaned in a bit closer to Tim. “Oh, I could explain it, but then I’d have to kiss ya.” She winked, teasing him just enough to cause a blush to creep up Tim’s face.
Tim cleared his throat, clearly flustered, retreating to the safety of his gadgets. "R-right, got it."
Jason, arms still crossed, glanced at Barbara. “Seriously, Babs? Gambit? Couldn't be anyone else?”
Barbara rolled her eyes, knowing Jason's brand of skepticism well. “Yes, Gambit. And for the record, she’s her own person, Jay.”
Before Jason could retort, Bruce spoke, his voice cutting through the atmosphere. “How long has this been going on?” Typical Bruce—straight to the point, no frills.
Barbara met his gaze evenly. “Six months. I didn’t tell you because… well, I wanted to figure things out first.”
Bruce's expression was unreadable as his eyes flicked between Barbara and Y/n. “And now you’ve figured it out?”
Barbara’s heart pounded in her chest, but she didn’t flinch. “Yes, I have.”
Y/n, ever the wildcard, stepped forward, hands in her pockets, and met Bruce’s gaze directly. “Look, I know this ain’t exactly what you were expectin’, and I know how much ya care about your family. I respect that. Babs means the world to me, and I ain’t here to cause trouble—unless it’s the fun kind, of course.” She flashed a grin that only half-diffused the tension.
Bruce’s eyes narrowed, as though he were mentally running a thousand scenarios. He looked at Barbara again, his voice softer this time. “Is she good for you?”
The question wasn’t an accusation but genuine concern, and Barbara felt a swell of emotion at how Bruce, despite everything, always tried to protect her. She placed a hand on Y/n’s arm. “Yes. She’s good for me.”
There was a long pause before Bruce gave a curt nod, his acceptance not verbal but understood. “Just don’t blow up the Cave.”
Y/n’s laugh echoed off the cavern walls. “No promises, big guy.”
Damian, who had been silent this entire time, finally stepped forward, arms crossed and an annoyed look on his face. “If you attempt any indecency in this cave or distract us from missions, I’ll have no choice but to—”
“Lemme guess,” Y/n interrupted, stepping toward Damian and looking down at the shorter boy. “Gut me?”
Damian's glare was fierce, but Y/n’s grin was fiercer. “You got spirit, kid. I like that.”
Barbara held back a chuckle as Damian scowled. “Tch. You’re intolerable.”
“And you’re adorable,” Y/n fired back with a wink, which only deepened Damian’s scowl as he stormed off to the training area.
Jason let out a bark of laughter. “Oh, I like her.”
Dick nudged Barbara with a grin. “I think she’s gonna fit right in.”
Barbara finally exhaled, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. It wasn’t the easiest introduction, but that was how the family worked. Y/n had passed the first test, and Barbara could feel the weight lifting. Whatever came next, they’d handle it together.
“Well,” Y/n said, stretching her arms behind her head. “Now that the formalities are outta the way, how ‘bout we have some fun?”
Barbara shot her a playful glare. “No charging the Batmobile.”
Y/n raised her hands in mock surrender. “I’d never dream of it, here. Maybe.”
Later that night, after the tension of introductions had simmered down, the Batfamily had gathered in the common area of Wayne Manor. For once, the cave was quiet. Bruce had gone back to work at the Batcomputer, Damian had stormed off to train, but the rest of the family stayed to linger, intrigued by Barbara’s new relationship and by Y/n’s effortlessly bold personality.
The woman had kicked back on the couch, lounging in the most casual way possible, legs propped up on the armrest and a deck of cards still in her hands. Barbara sat next to her, occasionally rolling her eyes at Y/n’s endless card tricks but unable to hide the fond smile on her face.
Dick, ever the conversationalist, broke the silence. “So, Y/n, how’d you two meet? Was it a daring heist where you swooped in and stole Barbara’s heart?” His tone was playful, but there was a genuine curiosity behind his words.
Y/n grinned, tossing a card in the air and catching it without looking. “Almost, ‘cept it wasn’t a heist. Was more of a… rescue mission, wasn’t it, Babs?”
Barbara nodded, leaning back into the couch. “We were after the same target—some low-level metahuman causing trouble in Blüdhaven. I was running recon and she… well, she just appeared out of nowhere, charged half the warehouse with her powers, and made the guy panic.”
Y/n chuckled, clearly enjoying the memory. “He started runnin’, I gave chase, and Babs here swooped in with that fancy grapple line of hers. Next thing ya know, we’re workin’ together.”
Jason, sitting on the edge of a chair, raised an eyebrow. “And just like that, you two were a team?”
Barbara glanced sideways at Y/n with a small smile. “Not exactly. She tried to flirt with me, mid-mission. I thought it was a distraction tactic at first.”
Y/n’s smirk deepened. “And yet, here we are. Guess I’m more persuasive than you thought, Chérie.”
Tim, now more comfortable, looked up from his tablet. “So, you control kinetic energy, but you do…what? Vigilante work? Or just solo operations?”
Y/n shrugged, not one to overexplain herself. “I dabble in a little of this, a little of that. Worked solo for a while—figured the streets didn’t need another caped crusader. But I saw potential in what Babs was doin’, helpin’ people. Got me thinkin’ maybe I could make a difference.”
Barbara leaned in slightly, her voice softer but confident. “She’s been working with me, quietly. We’ve handled a few cases together. She’s smart and tactical. And yes, she blows things up, but she’s precise about it.”
“Mostly precise,” Y/n corrected with a wink. And a laugh was shared between her and the redhead woman.
Dick’s face lit up, looking between them. “Sounds like you’re a good team. Honestly, Babs, it’s nice seeing you with someone who’s got your back. I mean, besides all of us.” His tone was sincere, his big-brother energy kicking in as always.
Jason snorted. “Yeah, as long as she doesn’t blow up Wayne Tower or something, I’m sure it’ll all work out.”
Y/n tossed him a charged card, just enough to spark in the air before fizzling out in his lap. “Only if I’m bored, Red.”
Jason gave a mock glare but couldn’t help the small grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Alright, alright. I like her attitude, at least.”
Barbara felt a warmth spread through her. Despite the initial grilling, she could see they were coming around. Y/n was a lot to take in—flamboyant, flirty, and unpredictable—but she was good at her core, and the family was beginning to see that.
“Hey,” Dick said suddenly, “how’s Bruce taking all of this? I mean, he didn’t say much after ‘don’t blow up the cave,’ but you know him. He’s always got a million thoughts running in the background.”
Barbara sighed, her shoulders relaxing now that the worst of the night was behind them. “He’ll be fine. You know how he is—he processes things quietly. He doesn’t always show it, but… I think he trusts me.”
Y/n, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, smirked. “Or maybe he’s just scared I’ll charge his Batsuit when he ain’t lookin’. ”
Tim snickered from the other side of the room. “I think he’s more concerned about the Batmobile.”
Barbara shot her girlfriend a mock warning glare. “I told you. No charging the Batmobile.”
Y/n raised her hands innocently. “I’d never, Babs. Promise.” Then she winked, her mischievous streak still fully intact.
The conversation drifted into more casual territory, with Y/n and Dick exchanging light-hearted banter while Tim and Jason grilled her with a thousand questions about her powers. Y/n took it all in stride, even offering to give them a demonstration of her skills the next time they were in the field together.
As the night wore on, Barbara found herself leaning against Y/n, her hand casually resting on Y/n’s knee, feeling more at ease than she had in months. The introductions were out of the way, and, surprisingly, everything had gone better than expected. Even Jason, who had a habit of being skeptical about everything, seemed to be warming up to Y/n’s chaotic energy.
Eventually, the family began to disperse. Dick was the first to leave, giving Barbara a quick hug and offering Y/n a friendly salute. Tim followed soon after, muttering something about needing to finish a project, while Jason stayed a bit longer, still intrigued by Y/n’s powers.
As they all left, Y/n turned to Barbara, her smirk softening into something more genuine. “That wasn’t so bad, was it, Mon Cher?”
Barbara smiled, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from Y/n’s face. “No, it wasn’t. I think they like you.”
“Even Bruce?” Y/n asked, raising an eyebrow.
Barbara chuckled softly. “Even Bruce. He’s just… Bruce. Give him time. He’ll come around.”
Y/n grinned, leaning in down to press a soft kiss to Barbara’s lips. “Well, if I can win over Batman, I reckon I can do anything.”
Barbara felt her heart swell, knowing that, despite the rough edges, Y/n fit. Maybe not perfectly, but in the way that only someone like Y/n could—in the way that challenged her, pushed her, but also made her feel alive. She squeezed Y/n’s hand, feeling content, knowing that this—whatever this was—was just the beginning.
And whatever came next, they’d face it together.
The next time Y/n hung out at the manor, it didn’t take long for things to get... interesting.
They were all sitting in the living room. Dick, Tim, and Jason had stuck around after a brief debrief with Bruce, casually lounging while Y/n shuffled her ever-present deck of cards. Barbara sat beside her, relaxed, while the guys were trying — and failing — to follow Y/n’s story about one of her old missions.
“So dere I was,” Y/n said, a mischievous glint in her red eyes, “down in Nawlins, right by da Quarter. I spot dis guy, a real boug crescent, lookin’ like he ‘bout to fricassee up somethin’ nasty.”
Dick blinked, his face a mix of polite confusion. “A… what?”
“Fricassee? Like the dish?” Tim asked, frowning slightly as he tapped on his phone, probably looking up Cajun terms as she spoke.
Jason leaned back, arms crossed, and raised an eyebrow. “Did she just say ‘crescent’? What does that even mean?”
Y/n didn’t miss a beat, casually tossing a card in the air before catching it. “Yeah, y’know, a lowdown varmint. Crescent. Ain’t gotta be a bayou native t’know that, cher.” She threw a playful wink at Jason.
Jason just narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out if Y/n was messing with them or if this was actually how she talked. He was leaning toward the former.
Dick shot Barbara a look, completely lost. “Are we supposed to be getting this?”
Barbara chuckled, used to this by now. “She means she was tailing a shady guy who looked like he was up to no good.”
“Ohhh,” Tim said, his face lighting up with realization. “Okay, yeah, that makes sense now. Fricassee, huh.”
Y/n nodded like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Right, so dis boug, he thinks he’s sneaky, right? But I ain’t no couillon, I see ‘im clear as day, tryin’ to lagniappe his way outta da Quarter.”
Jason blinked, leaning forward slightly. “Couil—what? Lag—what did she just say?”
“Couillon,” Barbara translated with a grin, “means idiot. And lagniappe is… like, getting away with something extra.”
Y/n laughed, clearly enjoying watching the three of them struggle to keep up. “Y’all need t’spend more time down south. Get a little Cajun spice in ya.” She winked at Barbara, who smirked back.
Dick shook his head, amused but defeated. “I feel like I’m watching a foreign movie without subtitles.”
Tim nodded in agreement, giving up on trying to translate Y/n’s speech in real time. “Seriously, how do you follow all of that?” He asked, turning to look at the redhead in front of him.
Barbara shrugged, an amused smile playing on her lips. “I guess I just got used to it. After a while, it makes sense.” She glanced at Y/n with fondness in her eyes, while caressing her hand — that was now on her lap— with her thumb. “Plus, half the time I can just tell by the look on her face.”
Y/n grinned proudly. “Told ya I was a good communicator.”
Jason leaned back with a smirk. “You’re somethin’, alright. But if you start throwing out any more of these ‘crescent varmint’ types, I might need a translator app.”
Y/n winked at him. “Aww, don’t worry, Red. I’ll take it easy on ya.”
Dick chuckled, shaking his head. “I think we’re all gonna need Barbara here just to get through half of these stories.”
Barbara smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her. Sure, they might not always get Y/n’s colorful phrases, but they were trying, and that meant the world to her. Y/n just had that effect on people, throwing them off balance but winning them over all the same.
“Well,” Y/n said, leaning back with a satisfied grin, “guess I gotta keep y’all on your toes, don’t I?”
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loverstrings · 1 day
Just sulking.
fatherfigure!aaron hotchner x gn!reader
summary: In a confused state, Hotch reminds you what lead to it. warning: HEAVY ANGST, happy/hopeful ending, reader dissociated, cheating (not by reader or hotch), reader calls hotch 'dad', hotch calls reader 'sweetheart' and 'honey', no use of y/n a/n: RAAAA gaud sometimes my own writings got me fucked up. I hope you enjoy reading this one the way I enjoyed writing it. I was also listening to Decode by Paramore so that’ll be mentioned in the fic hehehe. I didn't really proofread it, sorry for grammar errors.
You snap back into the conversation when you notice your heart racing, tear stains drying on your face and your palm throbbing in pain. Why are you standing? You look around you and see papers and trinkets that lived on your desk now on the floor next to you. Why does every part of your body feel strained? After looking at the aftermath of your desk you look straight ahead to see Hotch, eyes soften, he’s standing, why is he standing your tissue box in his hands. You try reading it, trying to make a profile of why he’s in your office and why Paramore was playing in the background.
“Hotch” You whisper. Slowly losing your composer, the cracks of vulnerability showing. Something you promised yourself you wouldn’t ever show Hotch. He already takes care of so much, you barely wanted him to take care of you too. Hotch didn’t dare to speak until you asked your question. He saw the gears turning in your head. He saw the anger that was once there fade into confusion and fear. So he gave you a soft hum, so you know that he’s acknowledging you. 
Tears start to trickle down your face. A small sound came out of your mouth, almost like a whimper. You didn’t understand, what happened? How’d you end up like this? And what the fuck happened to your voice?
With all the courage you can muster, your frail voice chokes out “H-hotch, what happened?” More tears start to slip out, you sniffle them back and continue. “Please, I don’t understand. Dad, please I don’t I-” The confusion and fear completely taking over your speech. Now tears are streaming down your face as you slip further into feeling fearful of yourself   
In that moment Arron’s closed off professional personality completely shatters when you call him ‘Dad’. You and Hotch aren’t related, he was just a father figure for you since you joined the team at 24. He hasn’t seen you dissociate this quickly since the first heavy case you experienced years ago. Here you both are, standing in your home office with papers and gifts scattered on the floor.  Hotch came to visit and drop off some food, he and the team realized you hadn’t been at work and knew something was up. So they sent their resident dad to the rescue knowing Hotch had a softer spot for you the same way he had one for Jack. 
He tells you all of this while sitting you down in your office chair. He continues explaining that with the extra keys you gave him. He let himself in to drop the food and card that Jack and the team wrote up for you. Expecting you to be too sick to get out of bed, but he saw your office door open, lights dimmed and Decode by Paramore playing a little louder than he expected.
In true BAU fashion Hotch took out his gun to clear the rooms in your house before slowly entering the office. He heard you before he saw you, you were humming to the song. Lowering his gun and holstering it he knocked on the wall and announced himself while calling out for you. You give him a quick ‘yeah’ in response as you continue what you were doing. Hotch walked closer to see what you were so in trance with. That’s when he saw you sitting at your desk looking at your phone. He peered his head over to see what exactly you were looking at and saw you scrolling through instagram. He notices there is no purpose with scrolling and you look stunned. 
He softened up, “Sweetheart, what are you looking at?” Leaning over your desk so you can hear him a little better.
Slouching further in your chair you mumble, “Nothing, just sulking today.” Hotch didn’t believe you so he pushes and asks you “What did you find out?”
You look up from your phone to make eye contact with Hotch. “They've been dating for about 5 months. Well that’s what the instagram story says.” You can barely look at Hotch because you see him, you see Aaron and not Hotch and it utterly breaks you. You have promised him that this guy was different and Hotch approved. Ever since you joined the BAU, you have always looked for his approval. His word  was the one that meant the world to you.
“We broke up 5 months ago, something felt wrong and I tried to profile him but he used me and this team as an excuse to break up. There was never a conversation about why he just left. ” You rise from your seat, hands pressing into your desk, making intense eye contact with the man in front of you.
“Hotch, he lied to me. He lied about everything and before we even broke up faked his love for me but I was so fucking love sick to notice. I should have noticed something, right?”  You don’t realize you raised your voice as you continued talking. “I’m a fucking profile at the BAU for god fucking sake how come I didn’t see it coming.” Pacing from behind your desk, you run your hands through your hair while tears fall onto your cheeks.
“I can’t believe I let this happen to me.” You scuff to yourself, Hotch still standing in front of you. He kept his mouth shut, if he says anything it could possibly antagonize you. So he lets you continue until you can’t anymore, it looks like you’ve hid all this hurt from him for a long time, longer than 5 months. “You know what” you’re pointing at Hotch now, eyes look like they’ve lost life and rage took over.  Hotch sees you dissociating now, he tries to respond to your question but you cut him off. 
“Everytime we’re on a mission, he doesn’t pick up the phone. He would text and say he was busy.” Your voice is straining from raising it, something Hotch thought he’d only see in the field. “So I call who I thought was my best friend because after cases I want something to feel normal, you know. I wanted to talk to someone who doesn’t know what we’ve seen. And god how can I be so fucking stupid. S-she would keep secrets when talking about her day and I didn’t push it because I trusted but god fucking damnit Hotch it was all there. All the evidence was there.” You’re choking up now, the tears streaming faster than you can think, the music seemed to hit harder. “She was supposed to be my best friend. I told her how he didn’t love me once, I told her so many secrets about him so she knew how fucked up he was. But she took his side, she defended him while caring for me.” 
Now you feel insane because you laugh, you let out a crazed laugh. Running your hands through your hair again you look at your desk. 
Hotch is watching you intensely now, feeling like your next move will harm someone in the room. He moves back and watches you contemplate something, raising your hands you push all the contents on your desk with a loud “Fucking asshats. How can you do that to someone you care about?” The screaming and yelling turned into confusion and fear. Which leads to your current state. 
“Woah, I said all of that.” You mumble out, Hotch is kneeling in front of you, hand in his as he cleans your wound.
“Yeah, I’m sorry that happened to you sweetheart. You know outside of this room is some ramen I got from your favorite spot and a card from Jack and the team.” He looks at you now, the light in your eyes start to come back so he pushes another question “How ‘bout I call everyone for a small movie night and you can talk to the girls about what happened.” You look at him with hope and nod, explaining that them coming over would be nice. 
“Sounds good, honey. I’ll call them right now” He says while rising to reach for his phone. Before he calls he turns back to you and says “Don’t worry about the mess, Reid and I will clean it up. I bet he knows exactly where everything was.” You let out a sad chuckle because Hotch is right, Spencer has taken hostage of your office because his words ‘the atmosphere is the same but completely different from his home’.
An hour later, you’re sitting on your couch. A blanket over your lap, as you eat the ramen Hotch brought for you. The team is spread out around your kitchen and dining table, you realize they also brought over everyone’s ramen order to make you feel less guilty for being the only one eating it. During that time, Spencer completely reorganized your desk and left you one of your favorite candies for you to find the next day. The rest of the team came bearing beers and wine, giggling that today is finally the day a team sleepover happens. 
Still in your head you don't notice the slight dip in the couch until you look over and see Emily with a glass of wine in her hand. “So my love, tell me everything.” You giggle and tell the whole group to gather around, yelling that you don’t want to repeat the same story 6 other times. 
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rockybloo · 22 hours
tell me more about mean nana im all ears
I am so happy to have been asked to expand on mean Nana because I love to blabber about her.
And mean Nana is one of my favorite Nana states. It feeds my mean girl brain as well as makes Red Beans even sweeter because I love tough people softening up because they get exposed to pure love.
ANYWAYS - Nana isn't mean in the exact same way Pin is, where he might say some blunt or rude shit and sometimes not even mean it - that's just how he talks since he learned from the worse growing up.
You'd actually get an apology out of Pin.
The chances of an apology from Nana are slim to none.
In the past, Nana used to only visit Briar Patch for important things, typically to see Mr. Baba or Miss Castor and bail out as soon as she was done. She rarely ever dabbled in any shenanigans anyone in town was up to. And sadly, Briar Patch isn't very experienced in her specific type of introvertedness. That's not to say there are no introverts in the village but Nana was a special kind. Like the final boss, in a way.
Her and Maple would bump heads often - not in the fighting and argument way but in the "Maple is very into including everyone in things and Nana is very into not participating in shit"
She was (and low key still is) a menace to sensitive society. Nana knew everyone in Briar Patch meant well, but she had a low tolerance for fuckery and she preferred her own company and solitude.
Because of this, anytime she was asked a question - it'd be straight to the point response. Sometimes one word, sometimes one sentence. And if she wasn't in the mood, she'd make it known by just straight up stating it. She doesn't sugar coat unless it's hella necessary.
It's important I say that Nana didn't hurt people's feelings on purpose. There wasn't anyone in Briar Patch that she hated or actually disliked and she never went out of her way to be shitty to someone. She'd actually save mental notes of who to avoid if she was in an especially bad mood that day so she could spare some souls.
In present day, Nana can still be mean. Her tolerance for others has increased quite a lot thanks to Jack, Pin, Ashe, and Kai, but she still has her limits and if anyone pushes them - she will make it very known. Sometimes she'll drop a "Someone get them before I hurt their feelings" type of warning to the team.
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odditycircus-2002 · 2 days
A moment between Mother and Daughter
Random Scenario that came to mind based on those asks with Scorpion marrying a reader insert who is Quan-chi’s daughter, and then had a daughter with. And this clip:
*D/N: Daughter’s Name
Since you gave birth to your daughter, Hanzo wanted to keep her safe. So safe in fact, that your husband has explicitly banned D/N from leaving the walls of the compound, going so far as to instruct every guard he keeps stationed around the walls the same thing. This was not an issue when D/N was still a baby since the compound may as well have been the entire world as far as she knew. Yet, as she grew older, D/N became more aware of a world outside of her home and, like all children, found the idea of something they can’t have irresistible. But Hanzo denied his daughter's initial request to travel outside the compound, not wanting to risk his only living child's safety.
Similarly, you are wary of outside forces harming your daughter and want to keep her safe just as much as Hanzo does. However, you didn’t wish D/N to feel trapped within the compound’s walls and ignorant of the outside world. While you didn't like to go behind your husband's back, when D/N was five, and Hanzo felt more comfortable being gone for extended periods, you took it upon yourself to be your daughter's guide to the world outside.
Firstly, you swore your daughter to secrecy for this little trip, saying it'll be something just between you both. You then convinced the more sympathetic guards to let you and D/N slip past you, assuring them that you would travel quickly and are prepared for your small excursion. When you and D/N took your first steps outside the compound, your daughter was understandably cautious in stepping foot in new territory. That caution is thrown to the wind as D/N adjusts to the new sights and sensations, likely to run off if you weren't holding her hand the whole time.
Being her mother's daughter, D/N had a lot of questions about everything she saw, her curiosity boundless. Unlike Quan-chi, you didn't discourage these inquiries and did your best to answer everything your daughter had to ask. You explained to her how the bees collect nectar to make honey, why the small animals stored food, the mountains you lived on, the village far off in the distance, and why the Shirai Ryu had to stay hidden. You and D/N stumble across her father's namesake at some point, even pointing out as much. The scorpion was engaged in a life-and-death battle with a colony of ants determined to protect their home.
After briefly watching the scorpion fighting against the seemingly endless waves of ants, your daughter asked,
"Mama? Why is the scorpion fighting when there are more ants than it?"
You kneeled beside your daughter as you watched one of the many battles in nature.
"The scorpion you see is much like your father. They are both strong and swift, true. But do you know why the scorpion is feared?"
When D/N shakes her head, you give a patient smile.
"It's will."
The scorpion gives one final mighty swipe against the anthill, finally giving it the opening it needs to escape. You then place a gentle hand on D/N's back as the rest of the ant colony gives chase.
"Life is cruel, D/N. It cares not for where you hail from nor creed. Yet, that doesn't mean you have to be vicious as well. It's willpower that makes your life your own."
You use a bit of your magic to move some rocks to block half of the ant colony from further pursuing the scorpion. You then turn to face your daughter.
"Promise me, that you'll remember that cruelty is not always the answer."
D/N nods earnestly.
"I promise, mama."
You brush back a strand of your daughter's hair before standing up straight. You then glance towards the sun to see it dipping down, causing the shadows to lengthen.
"We better be heading home, we don't want your father to wander where we are. And remember,"
"Not to tell him where we've been."
D/N dutifully finishes. You nod, satisfied, before you take D/N's hand in yours and begin your trek home. You both then make your way back to the compound. Midway through your walk, you stop mid-step as your sensitive ears pick up the sound of leaves shuffling and light steps. Noticing your hesitation, D/N speaks up, her voice groggy, as she rests in your arms, exhausted from walking all day.
"Are we there yet, mama?"
"Not yet; I just wanted to stop and appreciate those orchids, as they've bloomed a bit too early. Can you see them?"
D/N scans the forest in front of her, spotting none of the flowers you spoke of.
"They're there, just keep looking."
You kept your tone light and nonchalant as you finally saw what you'd been hearing. Blending into the treeline is a mountain lion crouched against the ground, its haunches tense and its amber eyes fixated on you both. You frown deeply at the large feline, meeting its gaze unflinchingly as you tighten your hold on D/N ever so slightly, reminding you how tiny she is.
With a flash of hellfire from four eyes, a show of fangs, and a screech so high-pitched that D/N wouldn't be able to pick it up, the mountain lion immediately turned tail and scrambled off into its territory. The sound catches D/N's attention, who couldn't find any of the orchids you mentioned seeing.
"What was that, mama?"
"Just a wild animal passing through; we best be going as not to disturb them. It's their home, after all."
D/N accepted the answer, and you two could return to the compound without further incident. You replied when your husband later embraced you and asked how your day was.
"Nothing much happened."
Playlist while writing this:
"More Than Anything" from Hazbin Hotel
"You Will Be Okay" by Sam Haft
"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" ver by Dead Space
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m0chisenpai · 17 hours
Armand killing the chef who cooked pork on accident for reader is something very domestic to me
Very cutsey, very demure, very mindful that their journalist is eating well. See how he makes sure she is eating more fruits because he can tell she is dehydrated and only allows her coffees to be served in the afternoon cause she gets headaches from drinking caffeine before water?
She's on an eating schedule without her knowledge she just knows as soon as she's awake there's bone broth, tea and water waiting for her and she drinks it without question. And she's given three meals a day that according to Armand and Louis orders she must eat.
She didn't finish her plate? Fire him
He sent pork out? Fire him
Woke up with a stomach ache? Fire him
She had to tell them stop firing the chefs stuff like this is out of their control and they're human. (Or are they....)
Green juice, or some other pressed juice with her lunches and a sleepy time tea prior to bed.
He sneaks dark chocolates in her deserts and treats. Iron rich meals, leafy greens, but the chef makes her plates colorful because she's just that picky
Fishes and meats straight from farm to plate. And the produce is just the same.
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dannystheone · 2 days
more lee deadpool!!!!! i love how u write him and wolverine sm<3
aww thank you so much! It took me a second to think about what I wanted to write lol but here it is!
this is just a little somethin somethin nothing special lel
and sorry this took so long to come out I haven't been feeling motivated to write and I've been taking dress to impress on roblox very seriously LMAO
WARNINGS: SPOILERS FROM THE MOVIE/ Cursing, shenanigans, fourth wall breaks, nastiness, mentions of alcohol, mentions of BDSM
A Who Dun' It Mystery! (Lee Deadpool/Ler Wolverine)
Logan wakes up to find all his beer gone from the refrigerator without knowing who took it! Can Logan withstand all of Wade's antics to get a straight answer?
Birds flew out of their nesting places and whole houses shook on their foundations from the roar uttered on this peaceful morning. Squirrels, bugs, birds, pretty much the whole cast of Bambi ran for the hills to escape the terrifying beast.
Aside from one simple sleeping man and his adorable companion. That simple sleeping man was none other than Wade Wilson, otherwise known as the Merc with the Mouth, Marvel Jesus, People's Sexiest Man Alive in 2010- although in my opinion he was snubbed for 2008- and his adorable companion was Dogpool, of course.
Now, sleeping soundly, dreaming of Vanessa, Thor, and a certain web-slinger- Deadpool snored contently while the angry footsteps of the terrifying creature stalked to his bedroom. The angry creature better watch where he steps because Wade turned his room into a snow globe last night! And no, not the kind from the gift shop, although I'm sure if you ask politely, the gift shop worker would be more than happy to help you make this kind of snowglobe with a crisp 20 dollar bill-
The door was thrown open with a slam; the terrifying creature was revealed to be The Wolverine! Now is this story the one where the boy gets the monster at the end? Maybe an intermission of some kind-
"Shut the fuck up." Logan stalked toward Wade on his bed, careful not to step in a certain spot of something on the ground, and grabbed the papers Wade was reading aloud. Logan flipped the papers around to see the cover page, 'A Who 'Dun It Mystery!' Written by dannystheone''. Logan growled and threw the papers to the side of the room. Wade put his hands up innocently and looked at Logan.
"Someone's delightful this morning. Did you finally catch the bad kitty you chase in your dreams boy, huh? Or did you find my stash of catnip? Do you have more dog energy or cat energy? Let's ask the audience." Wade turned towards the camera, but Logan grabbed Wade's jaw and forced him to look him in the eye.
"Who the fuck, in this godforsaken household, drank the last of my beer?" Logan asked with a deathly calm. Wade lifted an eyebrow at the suggestive hold Logan had him in and spoke with his cheeks squished in his grip.
"If I answer the question, that'll take up one of your three wishes granted by the great and powerful Genie-Pool! And no, we're not using Robin Williams's rights for this one, but we can use Disney's. Would you like to use the wish to answer that question? Remember, one of my rules is I can't make anyone fall in love with you, even me, pretty boy~" Deadpool blew him a smooch as Wolverine snarled and pointed a finger in his face.
"A real. Fucking. Answer. You fucking moron. Who the hell drank my shit? Or I'll get the answer out of you." Logan threatened. Wade giggled like a girl, fanning his cheeks at the suggestive implications. Well, what Wade interpreted as suggestive anyway.
"Oh, you naughty little honey badger! Now I'm starting to think of what you'll do if I don't tell you~ Do we have a Tek Knight-type setup somewhere in the house? I should really invest in something like that-" Wolverine's temper got the better of him as he unsheathed his claws and thrust them forward. Deadpool jumped as he sacrificed a unicorn plushy to take the brunt of Wolverine's claws. The unicorn's fluff puffed out everywhere as Logan's claws stabbed the plushy.
"Nah ah ah! No claws in the house mister! We can't make all the furniture in the house red to cover up the bloodstains that come from claw-related incidents- although that would certainly be on brand. Could you imagine a couch designed by the guys who made the Deadpool X-Box controller? I might need to patent this million-dollar idea." Wolverine stared at him incredulously as he sheathed his claws. Deadpool looked to the broken unicorn plushy with a sigh and tossed it to the side.
"Jesus Christ, you're a yammering idiot. Your ADHD has ADHD, for God's sake. Will ya just tell me who drank my fucking beer already? I'll only hurt them a little bit..." Wolverine was clearly exasperated, but Deadpool had energy for days when it came to messing with his Wolvie-bear.
"Mmmm, I dunnooo... what do I get if I help you? A gratuitous turn-down service, perhaps? Almost as gratuitous as that lovely callback~ I hope you all at home reading this enjoyed that-" Deadpool said lovingly.
"Alright, that's it," Logan said aloud. Wade was cut off as Logan threw his legs over Wade and straddled him damn near on his ribcage with his arms pinned to his sides, effectively trapping him.
"Woah woah woah big boy! Establish the safe word first before you engage! We went through the BDSM guidelines together! You disregarding everything the BDSM subreddit taught us makes you no better than P-Diddy!" Deadpool looks to the camera. "Too soon, you think? I think it's in good taste."
Wolverine rolled his eyes as he begrudgingly started wriggling his fingers in Deadpool's ribs. Deadpool was currently wearing a white t-shirt with cartoon cats all over it and classic white boxers with red hearts all over them. His usual attire that gave him a little protection from Wolvie's tickle attacks was at the dry cleaners after the last job he had.
Logan realized very early in his 'relationship' with Wade that sometimes Wade needed to be tickled to be cooperative. He had no idea why, he had never met someone like Wade before so he assumed the weirdness and the absurdity of it came with the territory.
Additionally, with the no blood rule in the house and an elderly woman as their other roommate, this was the closest thing to 'violence' that Wolverine could use to take his aggression out on Deadpool. Wolverine had to admit, it felt good sometimes to take it all out on him like this. Logan's fingers scribbled and scratched in Wade's ribs, Wade immediately breaking out into peals of laughter.
"L-Lohohogahahan!! Wahahait wahahait wait!" Deadpool was caught by surprise, and thank GOD he was wearing his mask because he was blushing redder than the material his mask was made of. It always caught Deadpool by surprise when Wolverine randomly tickled him like this, only because it was so out of left field for his character. Almost as if this isn't a regular thing that would occur in the MCU and only occurs in the minds of degenerates on the internet.
"I WIHIHISH thahat wehehere the cahahase!! If ihihihit wehehere, I wohohouldn't behehe gehehetting tihihihickled rihihight nohohow!!" Deadpool yelled at no one in particular. Wolverine sneered as his fingers dotted Deadpool's ribs with an accuracy only experience could give. He wasn't feeling playful this time around, he just wanted an answer to where his beer had gone and he feared this was the only way he could get it.
"You wouldn't be getting ti-... be getting this treatment if you would just tell me who drank my damn beer. You always make it hard on yourself." Logan sighed and continued to tickle the merc. Deadpool swished from side to side on his bed as well as he could with a whole hunk of Hugh Jackman and adamantium skeleton on him.
"Awhahahaha!~ Yohohou stihihihill cahahan't sahahay thehe wohohord?! Yohohou're sohohoho cuhuhuhute!~" Wade teased, causing Logan to bristle and dig his fingers in further as retaliation. Even when Wade was in the throes of being tickled, he still managed to fluster his Ler. It was a superpower at that point.
"I got a different word I can say. Who the hell drank my goddamn beer?" Wolverine snarled, Deadpool still twitching and shuffling from side to side as the tickles came from either side of him.
"Nohohohot a wohohord! Thahahat's ahaha sehehentence! Haharvard DOESN'T wahahant yohohour lohohocation!" Deadpool laughed more genuinely now from his own joke than the tickles he was receiving. Logan growled from not having his question answered again and forced his fingers into the small spaces of Wade's armpits and vibrated his fingers into them. Wade shrieked and started belly laughing now.
"How about you tell me the location of my beer, huh? Think you can do that, Bub? Did Al drink it? Did you? Answer me!" Wolverine shouted over Deadpool's loud laughing. Deadpool tried squeezing the spaces that held Wolverine's fingers, but it just made the fingers tighter and closer to the skin, so either way it sucked.
"I dohohon't drihihink beheheer! I ohohonly drihihink thehehe fihihinest Aviahation Gihin!-" Wolverine's hands were lifted from Deadpool as Deadpool turned to the camera with a bottle of Aviation Gin appearing in his hands. -"Which you can now purchase from any local liquor store near you, including the Limited Deadpool Edition. Thank you for choosing Aviation Gin. Sincerely, Ryan Reynolds." Wade put the bottle back from its mysterious spot where it was before and assumed the exact same position he was in before with Wolverine's hands back in his armpit spaces.
"Then who the hell drank it? This can aaaall be over as soon as you tell me who did it!" Wolverine asked again. You would think he was beginning to lose his patience, but Logan was actually calming down from his previous place of anger now that he had an outlet to take it out. Wade was the unfortunate (or fortunate, whatever floats your boat) recipient of that, however.
"I cahahahan't! I wahahahas swohohorn tohoho sehehecrecy! I swehehehear!!" Deadpool sounded genuine this time, but Wolverine wasn't having it. Logan took it a step further and took his fingers to slide them up Wade's signature mask and started fluffing his fingers over his neck and the bottoms of his ears. He knew this was a secret spot that wasn't touched very often and found it by mistake, so it should be doubly effective here.
"Yeah? Well, I've done plenty of interrogating in my day, breaking down my victims and having them submit. S'aaall a matter of time now..." Logan attempted to sound intimidating but to Wade, this was just silly.
"PFFT! Hahahahaha! Ohohokahahay, whahahatever yohohou sahahay, Fihifty Shahades Of Grehey! Ohoho I'll suhuhubmihit ahahalright! Ihihif thahahat's whahahat yohohou wahahant!~" Deadpool couldn't help but laugh at his own hilarity, which just pissed Wolverine off.
Logan took his fingers from Wade's neck and took them down to his collarbones, to which Wade exploded. Wade was weird in the sense that his ticklish spots were never consistent. One spot would barely get him to laugh in one tickle session, and the next session that same spot would break him. Only ever adding to just how bizarre he was.
"You'll submit it you don't want to die first. Looks like you already got one foot in the grave from how hard you're laughing. Who swore you to secrecy huh?" Logan started gently pinching Wade's collarbones, which drove Wade up the wall. His legs started kicking and his head started whipping back and forth (with Willow Smith just out of frame).
"NOHOHO nohoho no! Okahahay okahahay stahahahap!! Ihihihit wahahas DohohohogPool! Wehehe rahahahan ohohohout of wahahater sohohoho I gahahahave hihihihihim the beheheheer!!" Deadpool spilled his secret, causing Wolverine to stop.
"You did what? You gave my beer to the sock puppet?" Wolverine got off of Deadpool, standing up and off to the side to let the merc breathe. Wade held a hand up to his chest while he caught his breath and turned to Logan.
"FIRST OF ALL- the gorgeous munchkin's name is DogPool, or- alternatively, the Messiah, if you'd like."
"Never calling him that-" Logan interjected.
"-Second of all, I only did it to be the best caregiver I could possibly be, without going to the store or getting any sort of grocery delivery service. Have you seen what a DoorDasher will do to your food if you don't tip? It's enough to make a 4-Channer fall to his knees, and that's saying something." Deadpool hauled himself up into a sitting position at the edge of his bed while Wolverine stood with his hands on his hips.
"You're ridiculous, you know that? Why couldn't you give it water from out of the tap?" Wolverine asked, sounding genuine. Deadpool gave him an incredulous look even through the mask.
"What kind of Fantasy/Disney/Fairytale-Land do you live in where we're rich enough to have drinkable tap water or rich enough to own a Brita? You think any of the money from the movie actually made it into our pockets? Ryan, Hugh, and Shawn pooled all the money the movie made together to fundraise Ryan to get back on his feet after the absolute disaster that was 'IF'. Regular tap water isn't good enough for my ray of sunshine, so I chose the next best option." Deadpool picked up DogPool sleeping right next to his bed and offered him to Wolverine to hold.
"Don't you want the best for the little chicken noodle?" Deadpool asked sweetly. Wolverine quirked an eyebrow at the dog with the tongue sticking out of his mouth. Dammit, it was so ugly and pathetic looking it was somewhat... cute. He didn't know how the dog managed to do it, but whatever his tactics were, they were working. Wolverine rolled his eyes and gave the dog's head a pat. Deadpool squealed at the display.
"Yaaay! My kitty and my puppy making up. Oh, we're all happy, aren't we? And yes Wolvie, your next six-pack is on me when I do eventually go to the store. Those 1000 bottles of baby oil aren't going to buy themselves. Two jokes in one fic folks. How we feeling about that? Go ahead and tell Danny in the comments or reblogs below." Deadpool said, putting DogPool back on his oversized bed.
"You're going to the store immediately if you know what's good for you." Wolverine threatened. Deadpool stood up from his bed and looked at Wolverine sympathetically.
"Oh, honey bear... when have I ever known what's good for me?" Deadpool asked in a loving tone.
Wolverine answered with a deadpan expression and merely unsheathed his claws quickly with a loud SNIKT.
Jumping with a loud yelp, Deadpool hurriedly ran out of his bedroom, hopping over the puddle of mysterious liquid on the floor before leaving the house for the grocery store.
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