#just started investigating in turnabout serenade
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places in ace attorney that have no music playing are soooo off-putting
#just started investigating in turnabout serenade#and man can some music play please im getting scaered#ace attorney#apollo justice
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Analyzing Klavier's Behavior Because I Am Nothing If Not Predictable*
*But also I made this post at 2am and am determined to see it through
Alright so a few days ago I posted this reblog of a response to a post I made mentioning that Klavier's behavior that is so commonly poked at as "Klavier, there was a murder" could very well be a coping mechanism. As you'll know if you've read the essay I wrote on the parallels between Ryulock and Homumiko, I really like to analyze fictional characters. So I have decided to analyze Klavier Gavin's behavior throughout his appearances because there's implications in there that I think aren't talked about enough.
(Also important to note because I feel like it'll come up; this is all my interpretation of Klavier's behavior based on a combination of personal experience and just how I read his behavior. I am not going to claim my analysis to be objectively correct.)
Part 1: A Brief-ish Summary of Klavier's Canon Appearances
Klavier's only canon appearances are in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney and Turnabout Academy in Dual Destinies (which is a shame but that's not my point). In the latter, he's not acting as Prosecutor Gavin, he's acting as Rock God Klavier. I still think, for the sake of context, it's important to go over these appearances and how he acts during each one.
Turnabout Corner
Our first introduction to Klavier is in Turnabout Corner, the second episode of Apollo Justice. He's introduced as a cool, suave prosecutor that likes to throw his weight around a little (as indicated by him overriding the police and allowing Trucy and Apollo to investigate People Park), and it's easy to (correctly) assume pretty early on that he doesn't really care about giving information to the defense like every other prosecutor in the series (something that will come up later). In Turnabout Corner, we also learn about Klavier's status as a rockstar, and how he usually acts during court proceedings. Apollo's first impression, which carries over into Turnabout Serenade and is still part of how he sees Klavier into Dual Destinies, is that Klavier tends to not take things very seriously.
Turnabout Serenade
Turnabout Serenade is... interesting. We see a side of Klavier that he seems to want to keep under wraps at first — he's a perfectionist when it comes to his music, and his focus is on Daryan's missed cue, not the fact that a murder happened at his concert; notably, he's focused on Daryan's fuck-up, when he's not the only one who messed up during the concert. He comes off as irritable during investigation segments, seeming to put on a mask of his usual confident and carefree attitude when Apollo and Trucy show up.
This is also the first time Klavier starts to get honestly pretty mean when even the implication that something he didn't want to be true is true is suggested. The second Apollo implies LeTouse was murdered during the second set (which is when he first presents the igniter) Klavier gets mean ("Herr Forehead, don't destroy what little respect I have for you!" which implies he never had much respect for him in the first place, which I'd argue is not the case but I'll get into that later). We get into Daryan's testimony once it's made clear that Daryan's a suspect, and at that point he's less mean to Apollo and tearing into Daryan instead. Turnabout Serenade alone shows that Klavier's views of people can and will change on a dime.
Turnabout Succession (2019 section)
I'm gonna get it out of the way now, Klavier is a brat during the 2019 section of Turnabout Succession. This is relevant; he seems to have grown out of this by Turnabout Corner, but he's still prone to being a dick. Klavier's also much more egotistical during the 2019 section of Turnabout Succession; most notably, he brags about the success of The Gavinners multiple times during the trial (which Phoenix describes as an "utter lack of humility"). As a 24/25-year-old, he's not normally an egocentric asshole; this trait only really shows itself during times where he'd be stressed. Again, we'll get to that.
Turnabout Succession (responses to Kristoph's involvement)
The first reaction to Kristoph's involvement is when Vera mentions the commemorative stamp with Troupe Gramarye on it, and he gets intense about asking Vera about what the first forgery she made was. He actually scares Vera and concerns the judge:
And this is where he first breaks down. Trucy gets concerned, Apollo has to tell him to calm the fuck down because he's badgering the witness (at which point Klavier calls Phoenix Apollo's "soiled, sullied mentor"), and then Vera collapses from atroquinine poisoning and the trial ends. I cannot imagine what the next span of time before the trial continued was like for Klavier.
Once Kristoph actually takes the stand, Klavier's quite quiet for a while, aside from defending Kristoph when you press certain statements (and even then, Kristoph will not hesitate to talk over Klavier). Apollo even mentions that Klavier's acting different, and decides it's because Kristoph's in the courtroom. Klavier gets so upset that he can't even function properly, which Kristoph blames on Apollo ("My, my. You've upset my poor brother to the point of uselessness."). Klavier does eventually snap out of it and accuses Kristoph of bluffing, and the rest of the trial he works with Apollo to convince the jurists that Kristoph is behind Drew and Vera's poisoning, not Vera (although he does tell Apollo he's leaving the case if he can't prove Kristoph is behind forging the evidence in the Zak Gramarye case).
Klavier's behavior in the 2026 sections of Turnabout Succession very much remind me of 17-year-old Klavier, and his breakdown sprite does not help this (which I've also done an analysis on. Parts of that analysis will be relevant later). Again, this will come up later.
Turnabout Academy
I personally think Klavier's behavior in Turnabout Academy is also similar to his behavior when he was 17, although in the complete opposite direction from Turnabout Succession. Looking at Klavier's behavior in Turnabout Succession's 2019 section vs his behavior during Turnabout Academy, I am immediately struck by similarities. Notably, Klavier exhibits some degree of inflated self-confidence (he calls his own voice "godlike" if you present the tape recorder to him, tells Apollo and Athena to find the Gavinners banner, leading Athena to wonder if he just wants his banner back, claims the burnt fragments of the Gavinners banner is a "challenge directed at [Klavier] and Gavinners fans everywhere"), which leads him to put down Apollo specifically (telling Apollo that the role of a fledgling lawyer is one he was "born to play," calling Apollo a wet blanket, "That feigned swagger does not suit you in the least," probably jokingly accusing Apollo of destroying the statues of Klavier and Phoenix).
It's all behavior that feels like it should come from 17-year-old Klavier, not 25-year-old Klavier, at least not under most circumstances.
Part 2: A Slightly More In-Depth Analysis of Klavier's Behavior
Klavier's behavior, notably, changes depending on the circumstances he's in. I think it's important to figure out what the baseline for adult Klavier's behavior is before we go any further however.
I, personally, think the baseline for Klavier's behavior is most clear in Turnabout Corner. He doesn't have any personal involvement in the case beyond Apollo getting Kristoph thrown in prison, and he's pretty chill the entire case. It feels like, at the very least, he's adhering to his rock god persona (and I don't think it's a stretch to assume that's at least partially what he's like when he's not masking anything). Turnabout Corner serving as the baseline for Klavier's behavior also makes sense from a writing standpoint. So, I'm going to use Turnabout Corner as a baseline for Klavier's behavior. Now that we have that out of the way, let's analyze Klavier's behavior.
Part 2.1: Turnabout Serenade
So, first of all, let's look at the transition from Turnabout Corner to Turnabout Serenade. Klavier's having fun, he's at a concert and performing with someone he looks up to and admires. Then, tragedy strikes. A murder happens during the third set. The pianist for the second set is arrested. Daryan missed a cue he shouldn't have missed. This is the first time Klavier is aggressive. It's the first time we see perfectionist Klavier. The second Apollo and Trucy show up, he starts acting like he did during Turnabout Corner. To be completely clear, I do think he was genuinely happy to see them. I don't think his behavioral change when Apollo and Trucy show up is entirely a front. At worst, he's pretending everything's fine by acting like he normally would. Two explanations I can think of for this:
Maybe he just doesn't want Trucy and Apollo to see him like that.
Maybe he doesn't actually care how Trucy and Apollo see him, and he pretends everything's fine by instinct.
Additionally, this is the first time we truly see the extent of how egocentric Klavier can get. He opts to completely ignore the fact that a murder happened at his concert and instead focuses on Daryan's missed cue. That's what we see, at least.
By the end of the case we find out that missed cue was crucial evidence. That missed cue had implications for the entire incident. It's also implied in Turnabout Corner that Klavier is always multiple steps ahead, and in Turnabout Academy he suggests that the missing Gavinners banner is relevant to the case, and it ends up being crucial to the case. Exactly like Daryan's missed cue.
I don't think Klavier was just being an egocentric asshole here. I think he knew that the missed cue was somehow relevant, especially if he noticed Lamiroir and Machi's mistakes during the second set. If he did notice the mistakes Lamiroir and Machi made, then noticed Daryan's missed cue, I don't doubt he'd think they were somehow related. The one thing saving him was that the entire case, both the defense's side and the prosecution's side, hinged on the murder taking place during the third set, so he gets fucking mean when it's implied the murder might've happened during the second set, because there goes any plausible denial. Once Apollo suggests the murder happened during the second set, Daryan's alibi goes out the window, and he becomes their prime suspect. Basically, Klavier's aggression in Turnabout Serenade, and potentially how set on figuring out Daryan's missed cue he was, was very likely him getting defensive.
Part 2.2: Turnabout Succession
Not gonna talk about the 2019 section of Turnabout Succession much here. Klavier's behavior in Turnabout Succession is very much like his behavior in Turnabout Corner. That is, until Kristoph is made a suspect in Drew Misham's murder.
Klavier's pretty much the same as he was in Turnabout Corner for most of the first trial of Turnabout Succession. He's enjoying himself (a fact Apollo and Trucy mention), he's having fun teasing Spark Brushel a bit.
And then Vera brings up the commemorative stamp with Troupe Gramarye on it. As I mentioned above, he gets so intense about finding out what Vera's first forgery was that he scares Vera, concerns the judge, concerns Trucy, and has Apollo telling him to calm the fuck down because he's badgering the witness. Even taking 17-year-old Klavier into account, that's incredibly out of character for him. 17-year-old Klav was a bit mean to witnesses, sure, but he never badgered them. This exact moment is where, upon replaying AJ:AA, I was like "holy shit, you can pinpoint exactly where and when Klavier realizes Kristoph's involved in this."
During the next trial day, he's out of character on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, by which I mean he's too quiet. Klavier's usually talkative and flamboyant. He likes to test Apollo and Apollo's theories. He likes getting under Apollo's skin. But the second Kristoph's on the witness stand we don't get any of that. He's just quiet and he lets Kristoph talk over him. Kristoph's presence is enough to make him uncharacteristically quiet (which makes me wonder what the fuck their history is, especially with Klavier's "Spinning out of whose control? Mine? ...Or yours?" line after Kristoph says he's spinning out of control and the fact that what triggers Kristoph saying that in the first place is Klavier saying "Let's clean out the family closet" and Kristoph claims Klavier's going to say something he'll regret, but that's a different post for a different time). Klavier eventually gets so desperate for proof that Kristoph killed Drew and tried to kill Vera that he literally begs Apollo to prove it. Once Klavier has seen evidence that would indicate that Kristoph is guilty of Drew's murder, he's mostly back to his normal self.
Part 2.3: Turnabout Academy
Turnabout Academy is interesting because Klavier's behavior still feels off but you aren't playing as Apollo; you're playing as Athena, who doesn't know what Klavier is usually like. Klavier's a lot nicer to Athena than he is to Apollo (he is still a bit mean to Athena at points, just to be clear). I personally think it's because Klavier knows Apollo but doesn't know Athena well, but that's just an assumption, I don't think there's really evidence to support it.
Anyway, Klavier's behavior during Turnabout Academy feels pretty similar to when he was 17 in my opinion. He is brutal with Apollo. Klavier:
Tells Apollo that the role of a fledgling defense attorney is one he "was born to play"
Calls Apollo a wet blanket
Calls Apollo a stick in the mud
Accuses Apollo of destroying the statues of Klavier and Phoenix TWICE (probably jokingly but that's still mean, Klavier. This is also, notably, reflective of Klavier accusing Apollo of setting his guitar on fire in Turnabout Serenade)
17-year-old Klavier, while he doesn't target anyone specifically, is a fucking brat. He's irritating and he likes harassing people (like how 17-year-old Klavier was ever allowed in a court of law is beyond me. Granted this is the same court system that let an 18-year-old with a whip prosecute cases but I digress). In some of 17-year-old Klav's dialogue, we also get a taste of just how egocentric he could get at 17. Some of 17-year-old Klavier's lines in the 2019 section of Turnabout Succession that had me like "wow, never has a more irritating 17-year-old existed":
"Herr Detective, this is my stage. Can the antics."
"And I haven't proven anything yet, beyond my good looks, and startling record sales."
"...Would you hold me accountable for a mistake made in my youth?" "That was just this morning!" "...I am still young."
"I would hope the defense refrains from its customarily broad, sweeping accusations."
"...Truly, there's no substitute for experience. Nothing blinds one to the truth so effectively."
I can 100% see some of those lines also coming from Turnabout Academy Klavier. That then begs the question; if Klavier had evolved past acting like this by the age of 24, why is he back to acting like that by the age of 25?
Simple; it's very likely the same reason his behavior was the way it was in Turnabout Serenade. Constance Courte had personal significance to Klavier and quite literally shaped how Klavier prosecutes cases. Klavier says this himself; "She may have taught the judge course, but she had a huge impact on me. She was fond of saying, 'The end is only justified through proper means.' She wouldn't tolerate dishonesty and always revered what was right beyond all else." From the beginning of the case, it's had more personal significance than any of the cases Klavier prosecuted (while other cases did have personal significance to him, it was only ever clear near the end of the trial).
The thing about Turnabout Academy is that, in terms of Klavier's role in the story, it is incredibly similar to Turnabout Serenade. Here's a list of similarities just to show what I mean:
Both cases involve Klavier having Apollo and the individual he's investigating with figure out something that doesn't seem to be significant to the case but is actually crucial evidence (Daryan's missed cue in Turnabout Serenade and the Gavinners banner in Turnabout Academy)
Both have personal significance to Klavier in some way (Daryan was the culprit of Turnabout Serenade and his mentor is the victim of Turnabout Academy)
You would not be blamed for saying "Klavier there was a MURDER" every time he shows up in both cases
Klavier's roles in Turnabout Serenade and Turnabout Academy are similar enough to me that it caught my attention almost immediately (in fact, I tagged the screenshot I posted of Klavier telling Apollo and Athena to look for the Gavinners banner as "turnabout serenade ass behavior"). That also means that his behavior is similar in both cases; the primary difference, in my opinion at least, is that Klavier's more intense and mean in Turnabout Academy (which was obvious to be quite quickly).
Part 2.4: Klavier's Shifting View of Kristoph
(This isn't important I just wanted to bring it up)
It's made pretty clear in Turnabout Succession's 2019 section that Klavier has a positive view of Kristoph. Klavier takes Kristoph at his word that Phoenix is going to present forged evidence and keeps him anonymous when he mentions that he gave him the tip that Phoenix would present forged evidence. He was excited to go against him in court (which just makes the fact that Kristoph forged evidence to beat him a lot more sad), something he even acknowledges when it's made clear that Kristoph forged the diary page that got Phoenix disbarred ("...Kristoph! We were supposed to face each other in that trial! A fair fight, brother to brother! I deserved that much! You let me borrow the victim's belongings... ...You showed me all your research on the case!").
We can literally watch this crumble during Turnabout Succession. He knows Kristoph is a good defense attorney; when Apollo first meets Klavier in court, Klavier says that he's prosecuting the case because he wanted to see the true strength of "the little boy who bested" Kristoph, which at the very least implies he respects Kristoph's skills as a defense attorney. That's completely crumbled by the end of Turnabout Succession, with Klavier literally telling Kristoph "You're not needed anymore." It's honestly really sad to watch too. It makes you wonder what was going through his head during that span of time during Vera's trial where Klavier's just not as talkative as he usually is and Kristoph's on the witness stand.
(To be clear, I think Klavier knew Kristoph was a piece of shit before Turnabout Succession. I don't think Kristoph's emotional abuse of Klavier started during Turnabout Succession, and I very much think Klavier knew that Kristoph was a piece of shit because of it. However, I don't really think he would've expected anything that came out during Turnabout Succession, which is why he reacts how he does. I also think it would be safe to assume that either Kristoph only started emotionally abusing Klavier after Zak's trial or Klavier realized that's what he was doing after Zak's trial, due to Klavier's attitude toward Kristoph holding the implication that if Kristoph was actively being abusive at that point in time, Klavier didn't realize it)
Part 3: What We Can Conclude About Klavier Based On This Information
I've mentioned it before (in fact it's in the Klavier breakdown animation analysis I linked earlier in the post), but Klavier's behavior comes off as him not having been able to properly grow up, whether because he became a celebrity when he was 17 or for some other reason. It's like he regresses back to 17 during traumatic situations, or possibly has some sort of relapse if we assume he got mental health treatment between the 2019 section of Turnabout Succession and the start of Turnabout Corner, and his behavior supports that, which is fucking heartbreaking. It's like he's putting on a mask of maturity because he was forced to. By who? Could be anyone. He could've felt obligated to do it by his status as an international celebrity. He could've been pressured into it by the Gavinners' record label (assuming they weren't indie). Kristoph could've pressured him into it because Klavier had eyes on his every action on a global scale. He could've experienced some kind of psychological trauma that caused it. There are so many potential explanations here and they're all fucking heartbreaking.
Part 4: Conclusion
So. 3.3k words later. This is longer than my Ryulock/Homumiko essay. Anyway, conclusion: I don't think Klavier's ever been flanderized. I think people are misreading his primary trauma response (that being, some form of regression or relapse). He's not even the only person this happens to in the series (*stares at Athena*), it's just not obvious with Klavier if you don't consider ALL his behavior together, including his behavior when he's 17 because that's really what explains his behavior in my opinion. Klavier's behavior isn't easily explainable in a nearly 3.5k word essay without knowing how he was at 17.
And yes, you could argue that this is all coincidence. You could argue that none of this was intentional, especially when you consider how Ace Attorney is written. Someone who goes into Dual Destinies without playing Apollo Justice first won't get the additional context required to recognize the full extent of Klavier's behavior.
I would beg to differ however. Some of Phoenix's bitchiness from Apollo Justice is still present in Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice, and I very much think that was intentional. Apollo's behavior in 5-4 and 5-5 are very much indicative of him having trust issues as a result of everything that happened with Kristoph and that's a hill I'll die on. Simon still acts the same as he did in prison, likely as a result of either trauma, habit, or both.
If you think Ace Attorney doesn't reference past games in characters' behavior, you're underestimating Ace Attorney's writing. I absolutely think Klavier's behavior in Turnabout Academy and his behavior in Turnabout Serenade are meant to be reflective of each other. I'd be genuinely surprised if that's not an intentional parallel and if it doesn't indicate something about Klavier's response to traumatic events. Even worse, I am quite sure that Kristoph has put him down over this. Hell, you could argue that his comment about Klavier being stressed to the point of uselessness is him putting Klavier down for how he copes with trauma. It explains why he was so quiet while Kristoph was on the witness stand, actually.
I also don't think Klavier's as egocentric and quite as much of a perfectionist as he lets on. I think it's part of what I referred to earlier as Klavier relapsing. I very much think he might've been like that at 17, but much like his other behavior at 17 it feels like he grew out of it, and he has a tendency to fall back into it during traumatic situations, whether it's as a defense mechanism or just how his brain responds to trauma.
Essentially this causes traumatic situations for Klavier to turn into him bottling everything up, which comes across to other people (including anyone who decides to play Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies) as irritability. This happens to me too; I'm prone to emotional overreaction but I've gotten to a point where I tend to bottle it up instead of doing literally anything else.
Capcom, please for the love of the Holy Mother give Klavier therapy.
#i worked on this for six hours pls reblog it if you think it's worth anything lmao#(nobody asked but this is almost 4k words. of just me talking about klavier)#also deepest apologies for any inconsistencies. when i do stuff like this i tend to think while i'm typing which leads to inconsistencies#ace attorney#apollo justice ace attorney#dual destinies#klavier gavin#ace attorney analysis#character analysis#aa4#aa5#apollo justice spoilers#dual destinies spoilers#aa4 spoilers#aa5 spoilers#tw abuse mention#long post
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Hey i finally finished Apollo Justice :D and with it i have finally played by myself all the ace attorney games i had watched a gameplay of
Fun fact i actually came in contact with ace attorney first throught apollo justice, it was the firs AA game i watched a gameplay of
So here are my thoughts after experiencing it by myself
I liked it if im being honest, like a lot , i missed the feature of being able to present profiles to people, and also wanted more characters to reacto to me presenting the attorney's badge, also would have loved to mantain the prints dust, luminol testing for all the cases, instead of like, trying out a different tool to investigate every case, but I still enjoyed it
Im still mad about the logic of turnabout serenade and turnabout corner, wtf is that, the cases were fun but i mostly tried to ignore their logic for acussing the defendant, specially with machi tobaye
I love trucy a lot, as a character, like, she acts so childish and yet you can see that she understands almost everything happening around her far better than the majority of people around her. One of my favorite examples of this (i consider this as an example taking in consideration what we learn about her trhought the game) is on scene at the beggining of turnabout corner, when phoenix its trying to get apollo to work for him and he goes like "oh well, if you dont help, trucy wil have to change of school, again" and then trucy its like "oh no, i just had started making new friends...", like, i have a feeling trucy understood very well what phoenix was trying to achieve there and decided to act her part bc she is a performer, and I actually think that bc of that she and klavier understand each other quite well
Like he was the one acknowledged trucy the most during the trials whenever she demostrared to have a deep observation of the case, not only that but we have the fact that we know Klavier also acts as a performer, showing a smile, acting all relaxed, but then being really perfectionist.
Anyways i could go all day talking about klavier and trucy but, the post its not about them and it would have to be in spanish bc I dont think i can express everything i think about them
Then we have apollo as a new lawyer. I like him, i like his chords of steel, i like that his color is red, i like his design, i love the bond he crestes with trucy, i really want to see him develope in the same way we saw phoenix grow as a lawyer
As i said in other post a love this phoenix, he has this so morally dobious and depressed energy around him that i like so much, and his tension with kristoph its just great
I will maybe draw krisnix in the future but i cant assure anything bc it kind of feel like phoenix being a cheater
Now i finally will continue with the great ace attorney!!!
I stopped mid game bc im the kind of person who likes to leave the tasty thing to the end, and although i love apollo justice my obssesion with tgaa its bigger, and also, it has misteries i dont know anything about (mostly), and my new wife, kazuma
About spirit of justice and dual destinies... I dont think i will be plsying them in the near future, for various reasons, jut the main three are:
1. I dont have the money for that, like i was able to afford tgaa bc it was the cheapest of all the collections, and it was on discount, like yeah, no, i cant afford that, and even if i could i think that investigations would be my priority
2. Its bc im not very convinced by what i saw when i watched a gameplay of DD, mostly bc I wasnt expecting phoenix to go back so quickly to baing an attorney, like, I was watching the first case, and was like "ooh cool, we have a new lawyer along side apollo", and when athena had that kind of panic attack and phoenix appeared i was like "cool, we will have him as a co-counsel, helping athena ground herself and giving her some asistance throughout the case", but then i saw him take the lead as the defense, and have athena as co-counsel and I was left so disapointed, like this is a tutorial case, why arent we continuing it the rookie new lawyer?, so yeah, i will probably watch a gameplay of it, but Im not sure i will try to play it
3. Is that im way to used to seeing these characters of the main games in pixel art style, im fine with tgaa bc they arent characters I have met before, with them its still hard, but its easier to get used to see them in 3D, but im not ready to do that transition with, phoenix, trucy or apollo
Anyways this is my comentary of apollo justice, we will soon continue with me getting all excited over a dance of deduction
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I finally played through The Turnabout Serenade and yes, I can totally get why it is considered one of the worst cases in the franchise (Turnabout Big Top is still rank 1 for me, simply because it makes no sense AND I hated everybody). There are good things in that case : I liked the mixing board parts, even if the performance/music was a little too long, some twists were genuinely good and I liked getting a better look at Klavier's life. With that being said :
Machi being the defendant makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Yes, he wasn't blind and could speak English, but they didn't know that when they arrested him. The premise for at least the first half of the case was that the prosecution honestly believed that a fifteen-year-old BLIND teenager somehow managed to shoot a far bigger man with a gun with a high caliber, and somehow, despite two people arriving on the scene seconds after the shooting, managed to get out of sight, climb a ladder, get in an air vent, and crawl to another place, and some time later managed to drag a body on stage, and then passed out on the platform for no apparent reasons, all of that without anyone seeing or hearing him. I know that we've had twisted plans from culprits before in the Ace Attorney franchise, but this one makes absolutely no sense!
The twist that the shooting took place in the second act and not the third one is clever at first glance, until you realize that Lamiroir was apparently so stupid that she didn't realize that the shooting taking place when Machi WAS ON STAGE was fucking relevant! And when she said "no one asked me... and I didn't understand why I wouldn't be able to hear anything if the window was closed...", what she couldn't volunteer the information?? Fot the boy she claims to consider her son?
Lamiroir being blind and not Machi was just stupid! There was simply no good reason for it. They try to justify it with some marketing "Lamiroir-is-the-painter-of-landscapes" nonsense but I don't buy it.
The case draaaaaaags so much! The greater part of the first part of the second-day-trial is to figure out the "magic trick" behind the disappearing act, a trick that the witness, the prosecution and the assistant know! And somehow protecting a magician's secret (not contractually I might add, it was just an oath) was more important than saving a teenager's life.
I don't buy the resolution/moral of the case. Apparently, this case was meant to prove that the justice system was flawed because it relied too much on evidence and thus protected the culprits. But first, this is the first case where this is a problem, and second, I get that evidence can be twisted to write the story you want, but I don't see an alternative that wouldn't have serious drawbacks. I get that it's meant to be an introduction to the jury system that Phoenix will implement in the next case, but still, it doesn't sound right to me. Third, correct me if I'm wrong but they would have had actual evidence if the police/prosecution did their job properly, like not piling up on the fifteen-year-old teenager, for example. If anything, this case shows that cases go to trial far too quickly and don't give enough time for the police and the prosecution to investigate properly and explore different alternatives, which is a far bigger problem to me.
The more I write, the more Lamiroir pisses me off, which I'm actually sad about because I feel like I was meant to like her. At the end, when she says that some darkness seems to have taken hold of Machi, bitch please, you don't know why he needed the money, and excuse him for trying to save a life, even if it went against the laws.
So far, I don't hate Apollo Justice (the game, not the character. I like the character) but I am starting to agree that the execution isn't great. I like many of the new ideas and the new characters, but the execution is... flawed. At this point, I am mostly going through the motions until I get to the next game and hopefully have a better time (I can't wait to meet Athena).
#apollo justice ace attorney#apollo justice#klavier gavin#lamiroir#turnabout serenade#ace attorney franchise#video games
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i think the wright anything agency having an old abandoned twitter account from when apollo joined the agency would be hilarious because the 2 people running it would be trucy 90% of the time and apollo whenever he felt like it (he put the phone number verification in)
i think trucy would just upload short clips of cases they had to investigate , for example turnabout serenade(?) like it would go
*video starts*
apollo: trucy i dont think we're supposed to record in here, at all
trucy: reLAX we dont have any followers i checked
apollo: ok but still, we signed a waiver
trucy: waiver shmaver, lets get movi--
*video ends*
and some photos of random stuff they find with terrible captions
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Ace Attorney case tier list
so, in the past year, i finished replaying games 1 through 5 for the first time in forever, and also played game 6 for the first time ever
so here’s where i ruthlessly rank each of the cases based on that most scientific metric of all, My Opinions:
S-tier: Turnabout Trump (4-1). I already knew this case, and I still gasped with surprise when Phoenix showed up, and when Kristoph showed his true colors, and when Apollo realized OH SHIT OH FUCK I REALLY AM ACCUSING MY BOSS OF MURDER HUH... what a wonderful, splashy, shockingly concise case to open up the post-O.G. trilogy world. Marvelous.
A-tier: Turnabout Memories (3-1). Seeing Mia Fey (finally!) in action is a long-awaited delight; seeing Phoenix being a total dumbass was an unexpected-yet-perfect and fitting delight.
B-tier: The First Turnabout (1-1). Solid lil’ case with some conventional-but-well-executed humor. I’ve got a soft spot for Larry Butz.
C-tier: The Lost Turnabout (2-1), The Foreign Turnabout (6-1). The former’s fine but a little forgettable; the latter has some fun gags (Payne’s ridiculous new outfit, dude absolutely shredding on the mandolin, etc) but is marred by how uh... kinda silly the game’s core conceit is, lol
E-tier: Turnabout Countdown (5-1). The context surrounding this introduction is just sloppy (badly handled in media res + let’s lowkey retcon game 4 isn’t a great setup), and also the case itself is just. irksome. ted tonate is just fundamentally irritating to look at
S-tier: Bridge to the Turnabout (3-5), Turnabout Goodbyes (1-4). No explanation needed. God they fuck so hard
A-tier: The Cosmic Turnabout + Turnabout for Tomorrow (5-4 + 5-5), Turnabout Succession (4-4).
The former two cases are what makes AA5 worth it, and they make for a tremendously fun ride. It fumbles the execution in some notable ways (Apollo’s sudden j’accuse moment feels a little forced/awkward/inadequately foreshadowed, and damn it sure would’ve been nice to know Clay Terran at all before he died, and also The Phantom’s final meltdown could’ve used a bit more emotional heft)... but okay let’s be real, I’m here for Simon Blackquill, and this case gives me so much of him so who gives a shit. (And Aura! Condescending obnoxious engineering queen! I love her!)
As for Turnabout Succession... while I earnestly wish the game had explored more of Klavier’s feelings about this whole setup, and some more emotional beats for Apollo, the case still makes for such a satisfyingly twisty and fun investigation overall (the poison stamp! what a ridiculous murder method! I love it!) that it’s a more-than-worthy finale.
B-tier: Turnabout Revolution (6-5), Farewell, My Turnabout (2-4).
The former does some cool stuff—I particularly like the opening half, where Apollo’s being real snippy and coping with Frankly Bizarre Dad Feelings, and giving Apollo a chance to finally throw down against Phoenix is a blast. The latter half of the case starts feeling a little... ridiculous? cramped? idk? like, they didn’t do nearly enough foreshadowing about Nahyuta’s whole deal for me to care about his drama, this justice system is so obviously silly and the manner in which the revolution is playing out strains my already-suspended-sky-high disbelief... fun, and flashy, but more noise than signal in the last part, I guess.
As for Farewell, My Turnabout: of course I love Edgeworth rolling back into court goin’ through SOME kind of bizarre emotional arc of Hey I’m Totally Healed Now and obnoxiously preaching about Truth TM. And it’s cool that the game set up a case where you want to lose. But the net result is a bit strange tonally—it’s trying set up some kind of message about It’s Not Just About Winning, It’s About Pursuing The Truth, but it feels really muddled when that’s combined with Okay But Maya’s Literally Being Held Hostage Like Right Now, Surely A Reasonable Justice System Has A Process For Dealing With This Obviously Complicated Situation, Right?
but also Franziska takes a fucking bullet (how did I forget about that) and then gets to roll in like Ms. Save The Day so, really, lots of good shit here
S-tier: Reunion, and Turnabout (2-2), Turnabout Beginnings (3-4). Look, the first one gives me all the Fey family drama a girl could ask for, and the latter gives me young Edgeworth being a total shit in an obnoxiously shimmery outfit. The whole enchilada is here
A+ tier: The Magical Turnabout (6-2). DELIGHTFUL! MAGICIAN! SHENANIGANS! Like you get to guess the trick behind a magic act as part of the case, how fucking fun is that, and also the Apollo & Athena duo’s chemistry is perfect, the villain is a FANTASTIC bastard, and even the bit characters you meet during the investigation are total delights... Probably the best “standalone” case in the series, in that it doesn’t rely on any emotional connections to previous cases (unlike 2-2 and 3-4) to still totally and completely rule.
A tier: Turnabout Samurai (1-3), Turnabout Reclaimed (5-DLC).
For Turnabout Samurai, I remembered before this replay how delightful the TV SHOW STUDIO investigation and actor-fandom stuff was; I had TOTALLY forgotten Vasquez calling in her mob connections to try and wreck you. What a fantastic villain; what a fun case.
Turnabout Reclaimed is just good solid goofy nonsense. Probably receives a boost for me in particular because, yeah, Simon Blackquill. But then again who isn’t giving cases a boost on that account; they are MISSING OUT
B tier: The Stolen Turnabout (3-2). Ron and Desirée are so great sighs into hands
C tier: Listing roughly in order of preference: Turnabout Academy (5-3), Turnabout Serenade (4-3), Turnabout Sisters (1-2), Recipe for a Turnabout (3-3), Rite of the Turnabout (6-3), Rise from the Ashes (1-5).
Four of these (5-3, 4-3, 1-2, 3-3) are perfectly solid cases; I just don’t love them quite as much as “thievery hijinks” or “Hollywood hijinks” or other such particularly delightful flavors. Everyone has a favorite flavor of Jolly Rancher and all that.
Rite of the Turnabout is interesting and connected with the larger themes of the game in a cool way, and makes good use of the divination mechanic. However, the last bit gets twisty enough to actually be kind of confusing, and said larger themes of the game are... kinda hard for me to take seriously... which, yeah, leads to it feeling a little stilted when it really should be singing.
Rise from the Ashes landed awkwardly for me. I know it was added well after the first game’s release, and it does a good job of continuing some of the cool stuff from that game—it’s neat, in isolation, to see Phoenix and Edgeworth working together (while still sniping at each other!), and some of the DS-specific mechanics are neat. However, I just didn’t feel like I learned quite enough about Ema and Lana to care about them like I should, and retconning “(almost certainly true) rumors that Edgeworth was involved in Shady Shit TM” into “actually Edgeworth was totally ignorant of Shady Shit TM, like at worst his crime was willful ignorance / incuriosity, he was just been manipulated by the Police Chief”... makes Edgeworth less interesting to me! Like, it’s cool to see Edgeworth caught off-guard and under pressure, but I wish the circumstances had been different? Also Gant’s theme song is annoying as shit, which is petty but hey this is my blog post so
D tier: Turnabout Storyteller (6-4), Turnabout Corner (4-2), Turnabout Big Top (2-3), The Monstrous Turnabout (5-2).
Turnabout Storyteller has some fun gags with My Dude Simon and also Taka, but was heavily marred by Everyone Talking Down To Athena The Entire Fucking Case Oh My God Can You All Just Shut Up.
Turnabout Corner has... lots of fun elements but... look the fucking stolen-panties setup just grates ok
I don’t think I hate Turnabout Big Top the way most people seem to, but I did find the final murder setup more annoying that I remembered this playthrough—bro you were really sure the dude was going to conveniently stand right there and the heavy statue was definitely going to strike a killing blow and not just give the guy a concussion? ok lol
The Monstrous Turnabout suffers mostly from poor puzzle/investigation design, being too hand-hold-y, and also having a core gimmick/setting that just wasn’t really my thing. Alas!
#ace attorney#obviously these are just opinions. love what u love#but this was entertaining to type up lol
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About the so-called "Third-Case Syndrome"
I've been in the Ace Attorney fandom for a few years now, and there is a story I've heard more times than I can count: the story of the "Third-Case Syndrome." After joining the Danganronpa fandom, I realized - not without surprise - that a similar "Third-Chapter Syndrome" had admittedly cursed the series. However, I do believe that, in both cases, it would be wise to exert caution: things are never as simple as they seem. Now, even if this seems evident to me, I'll say it just to be sure: this is only my opinion. You might disagree, but please do not be toxic about it.
Before we proceed, I'd also like to warn you all: spoilers ahead for the entire Danganronpa and Ace Attorney series (even the Investigations and DGS games). Now, let's begin.
Ace Attorney:
AA1 - Turnabout Samurai:
To start off, we have 1-3. I agree with most of the fandom that it is slightly too long and the investigation segments drag out. Going from Studio One to Studio Two, to the Detention Center, etc. is quickly boring. However, its cast is solid (especially Powers and Oldbag), Dee Vasquez's motive (self-defense) is original, the Steel Samurai's theme slaps, and Edgeworth gets the first bit of his character development! I believe it outweights the negative aspects of the case and make it enjoyable. I believe it is far better than 1-1 and 1-2 (with its obvious twists and rushed ending), although it doesn't compare with 1-4 and 1-5, of course. But it's definitely not the case that people point the finger out when arguing about the "curse."
JfA - Turnabout Big Top:
I'll definitely be playing Devil's advocate on that one, but I like 2-3. Of course, the whole "love triangle" thing was shit, but the rest of the case was fine! Regina sucks, that I can agree with, but Moe was funny (in my opinion), Max got some quality character development in the end, Ben & Trilo were a nice duo, and Acro... Acro is one of the best culprits in the series, hands down. His theme is amazing and he is one of the most tragic characters in the series. Knowing that he unknowingly killed the person who had helped him is just sad, and his motive for trying to kill Regina, while not excusable, is understable. Losing the two people he was closest to, and him explaining that he couldn't "up and leave" (literally, too) before Bat had woken up was just sad. Also, while 2-3 isn't amazing like 2-4 (my favorite case) is, it's miles ahead of 2-1 (which objectively sucks) and 2-2 (which lasts for hours with an annoying and predictable culprit). Besides, the plot twist at the end with Edgeworth appearing sets the tone for the upcoming final case. In my opinion, Turnabout Big Top gets some undeserved hate.
T&T - Recipe for Turnabout:
3-3 is really good, no questions asked. The mere fact that it's better than 3-2 (predictable culprit, forgettable victim...) is obvious to me. But it also features the return of Maggey, and the first (and only) appearance of amazingly comical characters like Furio Tigre and Victor Kudo (who both have amazing theme songs). The victim might be a little forgettable, but he at least gets some development, unlike Bullard in The Stolen Turnabout. Of course, Tigre is obvious as the killer, but he's meant to be this way, and the way you corner him is amazing. The reveal that Godot can't see red on white matters in 3-5, and the case is hilarious. Special mention of Viola Cadaverini, who's underrated by the fandom, in my opinion. 3-3 is probably the strongest third case in the Trilogy, and it is definitely not the worst case in T&T.
AJ - Turnabout Serenade:
Okay, this case sucks. I dislike it very much and I can't find anything that would redeem it. The victim is boring, Daryan is obvious, Valant isn't good enough, the mini-game is tedious, and the "Phoenix saves the day" thing is repetitive. However, 4-3's biggest flaw is the defendant, Machi Tobaye. Lamiroir is an enjoyable character, and the plot twist surrounding her eyesight isn't bad, but it doesn't make Machi good enough not to ruin the case. This case is the weak point of a great game, but fortunately, 4-4 more than makes up for it.
DD - Turnabout Academy:
Dual Destinies is my least favorite game in the main series, but it has some solid cases, 5-3 being one of them. The trio of Juniper, Robin, and Hugh is amazing (even if the twist around Robin was pretty obvious), the WAA trio works very well, and we even get a chance to see Klavier again (his objection clip sucks, though)! It is definitely a strong case, even if Means was a bit obvious, and while it doesn't hold up to the great ending of DD, I do believe that 5-3 is better than 5-1, 5-2, and maybe even 5-4.
SoJ - The Rite of Turnabout:
Maya's comeback makes this case good, albeit not great. It is better than 6-1 for sure (drags on too much for a tutorial case) and probably 6-4 and 6-6, but it pales compared to 6-2 and 6-5, of course. Nayhuta is the weak point of 6-3, but everything else about this case is pretty good! The "new" Maya is a right balance of her former self with some more maturity, Datz is funny, Beh'leeb Inmee was a really emotional character, and while I don't like Tahrust too much, the plot twist around his death was pretty cool. Also, this case also makes it clear why Phoenix did what he did in 6-5 when Inga blackmailed him: he can't lose Maya. It could have been better, but this case is solid, and definitely not part of a "curse" of any kind.
AAI - The Kidnapped Turnabout:
Unfortunately, AAI kinda sucks. The first three cases aren't that good, and while I1-3 is probably better than I1-1, I'll admit it's terrible. It's long, the Amanos sucks, Lauren Paups isn't that great, and if it wasn't for Kay, the case would probably be the worst in the series.
AAI2 - The Inherited Turnabout:
Is there anything bad to say about I2-3? I mean, you play as Gregory freaking Edgeworth, so what more do you want? Ah, yes, it also has DL-6 development, the exceptional Katherine Hall and Jeffrey Masters, plot twists, flashbacks done right (!), and while the villain isn't great, he is satisfying to catch, and he matters in I2-5. Honestly, this case would probably be enough to prove my whole argument.
DGS1 - The Adventure of the Runaway Room:
After a somewhat disappointing second case (in my opinion), DGS1-3 is really good! Megundal (I'll use the names from the fan translation, since I'm used to them and like them better) is quite the interesting character, and the Engarde-like plot twist surrounding him is amazing. His death in the final cutscene is also good and ties in nicely with the final case. Ryunosuke's first trial in England gives him cool development, and damn it, Barok van Zieks! His legslam, glass throw, and objection clip suffice to make him an amazing character, and there's more to him that just that. This case is better than DGS1-2, DGS1-1, and maybe even DGS1-4 if you don't consider its link to DGS2.
DGS2 - The Return of the Great Departed Soul:
While not as good as the two following cases in my opinion, this case is definitely above-average. Gina's comeback is just great, and her new mentor-protégé relationship with Gregson is nothing short of wholesome. Enoch Drebbler is one of the best culprits in the duology, and Courtney Sithe's character is very good, too. She gives a confident vibe that really serves the case. Benjamin Dobinbough (because his canon English name is one I refuse to acknowledge) is a great clueless defendant, and his relationship to Barok is quite nice! It definitely makes the case trickier! Rozaic has a really mysterious and enjoyable atmosphere surrounding her, and finding Herlock standing like statue at the wax museum was amusing. Of course, the best thing about this case is Asogi's return. It is handled well by the game that doesn't try to cover the obvious plot twist.. The final cutscene is just *smooch*. I also can't forget the Joint Reasoning with Herlock when looking for Enoch. Again, this case is definitely not part of a "curse" of any kind.
Overall thoughts:
I don't think the Third-Case Syndrome holds for Ace Attorney. Some third cases weren't good (4-3 and I1-3) but most are either good (1-3, 3-3, 5-3, DGS1-3) or excellent (I2-3 and DGS2-3). I know Turnabout Big Top traumatized most of the fandom, but I don't think it's that bad, and definitely not bad enough to start a curse revolving around third cases.
Trigger Happy Havoc:
Chapter Three of THH is... good enough. The pointless argument between Taka and Hifumi is annoying, to be sure, and Celeste did us a favor by getting rid of them. And her plan wasn't bad, either! It could have worked if Makoto and Kyoko had not been there. However, I do believe that this chapter is too boring before the first murder. The motive is also... meh. The plot twist oh Hifumi waking up and remembering Celeste's true name was enjoyable, though. 1-3 isn't amazing by any means, but I think it's better than 1-5 and 1-6, but it stands no chance against 1-2 and 1-4.
Goodbye Despair:
Well, this one sucks. I think it's the only DR chapter that literally has a plot hole. The "Despair Syndrome" motive is probably the worse in the series and this case pretty much ruined Mikan's character. Her execution is lame, Ibuki shouldn't have been a victim (seriously, why?), the culprit is obvious, and the timeframe to execute her plot doesn't work if you aren't Sonic the Hedgehog. Also... that attempt at fanservice was cringe, and it almost killed Hajime. The only thing that redeems this chapter a bit is the name "Titty Typhoon" but that's it. This one definitely alimented the "curse," and rightfully so. In-between two great cases, 2-3 doesn't make a good impression.
Killing Harmony:
3-3 is a chapter I have mixed feelings about. On the one hand, the atmosphere was excellent and fitting of the killer, and Kokichi's prank had us all freak out at first. I don't like neither Angie nor Kiyo (sorry, Kiyo fans), but somehow, it didn't make the chapter worse for me. On the other hand, the Necronomicon motive sucks almost as much as the motive in 2-3. It could have worked in DR2 considering the Killing Game happened virtually, but in V3, the motive was just an outright lie from Monokuma, so it doesn't work. Also, Kiyo was a bit too obvious: the music, the theme, his sudden importance in the plot, the séance... it was just a bit too much not to make him suspicious. Finally, this chapter's major flaw, which I can sum up in one word: sister. That, was traumatizing. Without even going in details, everything that happened after Kiyo's "sister" appeared during the Class Trial ruined it. I'm also curious to know if the writers at Spike Chunsoft are mentally stable, considering Kiyo's relationship with his sister and the fact that they ship Monotaro and his sister Monophanie in the next case. It's not a bad chapter at all, but it has its flaws, unfortunately.
Overall thoughts:
While I wouldn't call it a "curse," it's true that third cases in Danganronpa aren't amazing, especially in DR2. You'll also notice that I didn't mention UDG simply because it's too different a game to be compared to THH, DR2, and V3. If we ever get another Killing Game, I hope that the third chapter will be better, because we've yet to have an awesome Chapter Three so far.
Final thoughts:
I don't believe there are curses revolving around third cases/chapters, neither in Ace Attorney, nor in Danganronpa. However, it's true that in the case of Danganronpa, on average, third cases are the weakest, while Chapters Four and Five are almost always great. Third cases in Ace Attorney definitely get an unfair treatement, though.
Thanks for reading, and I'm open to discussing all of this if you disagree!
#ace attorney#danganronpa#headcanons#ace attorney spoilers#danganronpa spoilers#dai gyakuten saiban spoilers#the great ace attorney spoilers#ask if you want something tagged and I'll add it
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Ace Attorney fave case list
okay so I wanted to write about my fave AA cases but in like. a weird award list sort of way. so I assigned each of my fave cases some top-tier totally unbiased awards!
(there will be spoilers)
(also this is just the main games. the AAI games, the Layton game, and DGS all should get their own categories) (and I haven’t played either DGS games yet)
Best Protagonist Showcase --
> 2-4!! Farewell, My Turnabout!
This case has some great tunes and is a very, very good look into Phoenix Wright as a character. This is probably the best look into our playable character the games have ever given us. I mean, AAI2 got close, but seeing Phoenix struggle against both himself and the case (and Edgeworth) is just. *chef’s kiss* Perfection, I love it more every time I come back to it.
Best Prosecutor Showcase --
> 1-4!! Turnabout Goodbyes!
This is still the only case we’ve gotten where you defend your rival prosecutor and it is very near and dear to my heart because of that. I feel like this is the reason why Edgeworth is such a popular character, because all of his angst and depth comes out here and it is amazing. Making a rival character like Edgeworth whom we learn about to this extent and can connect to so much? Genius. And we see babies!! That’s important to me.
Best Villain --
> 1-5!! Rise from the Ashes!
Look you cannot tell me there’s been a better villain than Damon Gant. Chief of Police for two years after manipulating a serial killer case, making Edgeworth present forged evidence and throwing the Chief Prosecutor under the bus for it. He got too comfortable in his seat (as Von Karma did before him) and found out the hard way that committing a crime is a lot harder than it is to catch a criminal! (Also Phoenix really came into his own in this case, it’s beautiful.)
Best Assistant Showcase --
> 6-4!! Turnabout Storyteller!
okay you can tell I’m a sucker for the chance to work with your prosecutor buddies because holy shit, the only reason I stopped hating SOJ so much was because this case happened (and it only gets better from here). It’s just so nice to see Blackquill adjusting to life now that he’s not on death row! Having friends he wants you to defend! And then GRABBING YOU UP IN A THREAT!! Holy shit words cannot describe how awesome it was to see that.
Best Bait and Switch --
> 3-5!! Bridge to the Turnabout!
Oof okay so setting up the whole Dahlia mystery and then taking Phoenix out entirely for the first day of the trial?? Honest to goodness genius move, holy shit that was such a game changer for the series. This case has a lot of bait and switches happening, but that one. That one is my favourite.
Best Mess --
> 4-3!! Turnabout Serenade!
This one was a real close call between it and 6-2 (or 3-1, if I’m being honest), but watching the concert video over and over again has the same vibes as watching the Blue Badger in 1-5 and therefore it wins out This case sucks on all logical levels, but it’s fun and I like the progression it takes for the characters, so it is the best mess hands down.
Best First Case --
> 4-1!! Turnabout Trump!
Holy shit this one is such a gut punch, what a way to start off a game. First setting up the scene, in which it’s been seven years and Phoenix was mysteriously disgraced as a lawyer. Then it builds, giving us Kristoph being just a little suspicious, enough so that the player is steered towards suspecting him for the big reveal. And then!! The bloody ace!! The betrayal!!! This case is meant to throw everything you know about the original trilogy on its head and it does it so well that it’s just. The best.
Best Final Case --
> 6-5!! Turnabout Revolution!
Listen okay 2-4 is so good and 3-5 is also great, but 6-5 really steals the show. First ever appearance of a Civil Case?? And it’s against Phoenix Wright??? Amazing. All the investigation beforehand exploring Apollo’s very mixed feelings on his foster dad?? Perfect. And then the investigation in Khura’in and the trial after!! Holy shit, this entire case was such a showstopper that I will adamantly tell you to please play SOJ if you, like me, skipped it because it was digital only.
(the mmd models are the only thing that I actively hate in this case, but your mileage may vary on that one. I personally think mmd models look so damn awkward anytime they show up and it just ruins any and all tension the scene is trying to set... XD)
and, of course,
Best Turnabout --
> 1-3!! Turnabout Samurai!
Honestly, this award could go to any case (and 1-2 is a close second in my heart), but seeing Edgeworth realise right at the end that Phoenix’s arguments are making sense, that he’s right, is just so good. I like this case a lot more than a lot of others do I think just for this reason alone. And all the Gumshoe friendship building is also important. Dee Vasquez deserved better.
....and that’s all I got! Try this out for yourself if you want, I like hearing people’s opinions and I’d like to see what all awards and reasons others might have for their own favourite cases.
#Ace Attorney#spoilers#fave cases#Momo talks about games#please play the Ace Attorney games#they are very good#not perfect#but very good#I love all the characters very much#as you can see here
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Okay finished the first investigation of “Turnabout Serenade” and the trial is gonna start, but first, a quick summary on it so far:
* I love that we actually get to see more of Klavier’s rockstar-job. It’s nice to see more of the prosecutor right from the beginning – and it’s nice to see him invite Apollo and Trucy (against a little money still LOL)
* First thought on Lamiroir – she’s really pretty, and I want her cape because it’s awesome. XD
Second thought – she ALSO reminds me, model-wise, of Apollo and Trucy, and this is just getting creepy. Either I’m losing it, or that’s one big family we got here LOL
* The bickering between Apollo and Trucy continues to be awesome. It’s this sibling-esque, not really-badmouthing-but-almost that I love so much.
* I think Ema’s reaction to Klavier just hilarious. Yes, he’s a rockstar. Yes he’s very aware of his status and his fans. Yes he gets perfectionistic with his rock star business. But funnily enough, he’s neither the most glimmery, flashy character I’ve seen in the series so far, nor the most arrogant, and when she’s working with him, she does so when he’s the prosecutor – where he’s calm and cool, most of the time. To me, her reaction is kind of understandable – very different natures meeting here – but also a little over the top, so far. And given it’s Ema, and I have not seen her pout quite like that so far, I’m very bemused-amused about it. XD
* I think this is actually the first time we WITNESSED the death (or my memory is horrible I dunno). Poor Apollo – I don’t wish for anyone to see someone die in front of them, trying to keep them awake only for them to slip away, but might I point out – I also forget often –that Apollo is still fairly young and somehow I always think that a little more horrible when you have to witness it when still so young
Eh wait what? The investigation is over already? I have not even talked to the defendant yet! – Which you know, is mostly because he does not speak English, apparently. Man I think that was the shortest first part ever. I got almost nothing here. Let’s go wing it, Apollo XD
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(Song in Letter)
Dear iamnotthensa,
Co-Mod: I’m inclined to agree with you, but it also has a bit of a Professor Layton vibe to it. Maybe it’d be a good fit for the next Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, if we ever get one?
Mod Paups: I really enjoy it! it gives me detective vibes, kinda reminds me to Hotel Dusk... but I hear more as an AA Investigations soundtrack more than anything.
Dear mungeondaster,
Co-Mod: Not a problem, and thanks!
I don’t know how it got started, but I’m sure glad it did. The word “essay” used to turn me off before I started reading and enjoying the Mod’s character essays. They provide a nice in-depth look at a character’s story, personality, development in the game (if there is any), and things the casual player might not have noticed about them.
I’m equally glad that I got into them myself, since it gives me a chance to review the best (and worst) things about a character, and what makes them stand out from the others. I just wish I could post them a little more often, but in the words of Ace Writer Snoopy,
Thanks to everyone requesting them for your patience, by the way.
I’ve seen a few different Ace Attorney-related videos -- playthroughs, song covers, reviews, *twitch* Phoenix Wrong videos, etc. I recommend checking out iKiwed’s videos if you enjoy creative things made from Ace Attorney resources, and the Random Encounters musical is a pretty fun experience. Oh, and let’s not forget CMSPyrowolf’s Boot to the Head video. That one’s a classic.
Best wishes to you, too!
Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: *blink blink* Really. I wasn’t aware he had any of those.
My guess is that he spent the rest of his life in prison (or most of it, at least), and gradually came to appreciate the so-called “third-rate” people and realize they’re not all that different from himself. That’s just a best-case scenario, though. If he doesn’t kill that attitude of his soon, someone else might do it, and take him along with it.
Mod Paups: I used to be a big fan of Wellington when I first played Ace Attorney! But yeah, what Mod said... it’s probably that. *shrugs*
(Referenced Post)
Dear Anon,
Co-Mod: That’s correct. Sorry if my previous response was misleading. Thanks for clarifying that for everyone.
Dear Anon,
Co-Mod: *does some quick research to see who that is* Yep, that’s pretty sad, all right. It’s hard to imagine where our favorite ace characters and their story might go without him on the team, but miracles do happen, so I’m not prepared to accept this as the series’ end just yet.
I also just learned that Buddy Faith’s appearance reportedly modeled after him. I think I speak for a lot of fans when I say we’re sorry to see you go, Buddy.
Mod Paups: Oh no... I actually had no idea about this, that’s quite sad. I really do hope someone else will take over to keep AA going as long as it can, I still want to see more...
Dear mungeondaster again,
Co-Mod: I hadn’t really thought much about it, but I could be convinced either way. Whether Edgeworth was elected by his peers or hired by the Bar Association, his record speaks for itself, so who wouldn’t want him for that position? Besides the criminals, I mean.
Dear mungeondaster again (again),
Mod Paups: Well, while I do understand your point, I would by no means call Godot a villain. Godot was a good man whose’s life began to get worse and worse by the seconds, and his antagonism was a byproduct of his situation and suffering. By what you’re saying, Blackquill could definitely be considered a villain as well.
Now, to the last part of the question, I think maybe it’s time for a little change, to have like an actual villain prosecutor maybe? or maybe even an evil judge, that’d be a cool plot-twist in my opinion. I also wanna say, I do find characters like Blackquill or Nahyuta more appealing than Klavier, so I wouldn’t be mad if we got another one like them.
Co-Mod: I’ve always enjoyed seeing bad guys undergo a change of heart and eventually become good guys (or at least better guys), so if I had to choose, I’d go with a sympathetic prosecutor. I also enjoy seeing a corrupt one get their just desserts as much as anyone, but if there’s any chance of them joining the side of justice, that's an even bigger win in my book.
And you’re welcome!
(Referenced Letter)
Dear skibot99,
Co-Mod: She only mentions “Bullets the Magic Cat” once in AJ:AA, if you examine the barrel of the revolver in Turnabout Serenade. I couldn’t find any pictures of it, but you can find it in this game script on GameFAQS.com. I’m surprised someone remembered that, to be honest. Mod Paups: I... I actually cannot remember it myself... You really have to check every nook and cranny huh.
(Previous Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: No need to apologize for being human. I still make mistakes on this blog fairly often, even after being here for roughly three years. I’ve made my share of dumb moves too, for that matter.
Your modified letter should be posted by now (since I didn’t know of a way to change it and leave it in the inbox), so no worries.
Dear Starry,
Co-Mod: I’ve seen the drawings, and I have to say, they’re pretty amazing. I always love anything artistically creative, especially in the form of fan art, so thank you for sharing it! That kind of support goes both ways, so thanks for that, too.
-The Mods
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Since I started replaying Turnabout Corner, I started thinking about how it will take some finessing to make the plot work in the Bullshit Defense AU, but here’s how I’m mapping it out:
The first problem is that like...the location of Phoenix’s office in proximity to the scene of the noodle theft and the murder is a big point, but in this AU that technically would be Mia’s office still.....unless at some point she and Diego were like “yeah we’re thinking of looking for some new real estate that’s not in such close proximity to Salt Hell Noodle Stand and the gangster park” and Phoenix is like “well I like Eldoon’s, so Miles and I can take this location off your hands” and Miles resigns himself to death at age thirty from a salty noodle-induced heart attack
Second problem: Apollo already works for Ray. Where’s Ray’s office? Who the hell knows. Solution: Trucy just crashed on Ray’s doorstep that day since she doesn’t want to hang out in the hospital with her dads and on Apollo’s lunch break she ropes him into investigating the noodle stand theft and magic panty snatching and then she somehow gets him a client.
Apollo calls Ray to tell him that he’s got a client and Ray was just about to call Apollo to tell him that Ray has a client. “I think you’ve got this without my help, Pollo,” Ray says. “Trucy-pie’s a smart cookie so don’t count out her help. I believe in you kids.” He hangs up. “There’s a 30% chance they’ll both die.”
Ray’s case/trial wraps up in a day so he’s able to assist Apollo and Trucy in their Day 2 investigation. Klavier meanwhile has been laboring under the mistaken assumption that Apollo works for Phoenix and he has a ???? moment when Ray introduces himself.
Klavier and Ray get along a bit too well. Apollo is suffering.
Ray is not a totally vague useless mentor of the sort that Phoenix is, but he is....hm, how shall we say, he looks like he’s completely zoned out when he’s acting as co-counsel. Apollo does not understand because he’s been Ray’s co-counsel in cases before and Ray is sharp and always on-the-ball. Then Apollo will reach a point where he’s getting stuck and even before Klavier can throw him a bone, Ray will just give him the next piece of information and be like “Okay, here’s the next fact that you’re missing, now if you use that, where do you go from here?” and Apollo realizes that he’s actually about five steps ahead of where the trial is.
I keep imagining in Turnabout Serenade, once Daryan’s up on the stand, Daryan’s like “I have a rock-solid alibi, I was up on stage when the murder happened!” and Ray’s just like, leaning on the bench, his head propped up on his hands, and he’s like “Your alibi only holds if we continue making the unproven assumption that the murder happened during the third act, which we don’t have any hard evidence for, and I see exactly how someone could’ve rigged it so that we think that the gunshots were in the third act. Alright Pollo you take it from here.” and Apollo’s like “wait hang on back up” and while Daryan’s like “what the fuck are you talking about, old man?” Ray goes “I think you kids keep forgetting I’ve been an attorney for as long as you’ve been alive.”
“Why don’t you ever tell me how things happened instead of just that they did?” Apollo asks and Ray’s like “Well how else are you going to learn?”
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every multiple of two for the ace attorney ask!! (if thats Far Too Many you can choose when to stop ahahaha ;>!)
2. The Grand Turnabout. Such a well crafted case that built off of every other case AAI2 had.
4. It’s a tossup between Miles Edgeworth and Sebastian Debeste. Been leaning towards sebastian more and more lately.
6. Gregory Edgeworth... cause... damn man.
8. Kay Faraday. I must protect my daughter
10. “You may have hated me till the very end. But I always looked up to you. Thank you for everything up until now. And goodbye.” ~Sebastian Debeste
12. Turnabout Storyteller. See, outside of Uendo Toneido, there was nothing memorable about that case. And for me, that’s the cardinal sin of a case. Even a case like big top, despite it’s annoying elements, was memorable for those elements. Storyteller... had nothing really.
14. Nahyuta Sahdmadi. His whole schtick got old REAL FAST. I see what they were trying to do with him. But Edgeworth did the stoic thing better, and Blackquill was better at being a jerk. Heck, Justine Courtney even did the whole “Devout Rival” thing better.
16. Zak Gramarye. God what a platinum douche.
18. I can’t really think of an assistant I disliked, so this really will be a “least favorite” So I’ll say Marvin Grossberg.
20. Probably the moment I got through turnabout storyteller and realized “Oh god. This case is filler.”
22. Trucy Wright. The precious bab.
24. Hobo Phoenix. Way funnier.
26. Ace Attorney Investigations. Investigations 1 was my first ace attorney game ever, and AAI2 is my favorite game in the franchise.
28. I’d say original trilogy... though I kind of count AJ as being part of that trilogy... kind of. Nintendo DS Era games? Yeah. DS Era Games
30. As she is in Apollo Justice. RFTA Ema is just kind of a Maya clone with a SCIENCE skin.
32. I enjoyed the first case of DGS, was indifferent about the second case, and am waiting for more of the patch to be released. Of course... capcom COULD just release the game in the west GODDAMN IT.
34. Give ma boy miles another spinoff game. Maybe do a bit more with sebastian and kay *wink-wink nudge-nudge*
36. The atmosphere of the original series TBH. Well, I enjoyed the atmosphere of the investigations and AJ games a bit more, but Capcom has shown they want to forget those games even exist.
38. GOD NO PLEASE... though on the other hand, that means there’s no more changing status quo for fan content... so that’s a silver lining. It’s not like this franchise left us with a shortage of content.
40. I mean... we got one. Would I like a better produced one with a bit more in the way of resources poured into it? Yeah
42. Yeah. Playing the prosecutor has always been a fun concept. We’ve never really played IN COURT as a prosecutor except that one segment in the grand turnabout.
44. It... complicated. It’s clear capcom is trying to set something up... but until they do, I’m not too happy with it. It feels like there aren’t really any good hints to her identity in Serenade, and elements of the backstory don’t really line up.
46. Give me a Justice for All movie you COWARDS.
48.GHOST TRICK. GIVE ME THAT SWEET SWEET GHOST TRICK CROSSOVER. Don’t even get me started on this one. I’ll go on for DAYS about what I want out of this crossover and all the little details I want.
50. Eh... kind of? The nightmare face (you know the one) was pretty bad, and there was a decent amount of blood, but it doesn’t really feel like it went all the way.
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