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vampirebutterflies · 5 months ago
Put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most!
tagged by my darling shrimpy @edsbacktattoo 😚
R U 4 Me?
Die For You
Messed Up
Yellow Brick Road
I will tag ummmmmm @gremlin-soup @mungeondaster @adelidae @chupacactus @bizarrelittlemew @sherlockig @forestofsprites and anyone else who wants to play :0
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askaceattorney · 4 years ago
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Dear Mungeondaster,
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Oooooooh my, aren’t you the curious one?
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There’s so many to choose from, it’s hard to decide. I can hardly understand him half the time.
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I suppose, if I had to choose, it would be “yo girl, wanna go out to the who-za?” As for what that means, I have no idea. Though, I almost blew my cover out of laughter. I had to step into a restroom in order to get that out of my system.
- Alita Tiala
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arianwen44 · 4 years ago
Hello! I'm a new follower; you have such a neat art style! I have what may be an odd question. I make D&D 5E homebrew, which I keep on a blog, mostly as a means of organizing it and sharing it with friends; there's no Patreon, no ads, no money, etc. I wanted to ask for permission to include your fanart of Link cuddling cuccos as a way of sprucing up one of my Zelda-themed homebrews. I'll credit you and link to your Tumblr. Would that be alright? If not, I entirely understand. Thank you!
Hey!! Thank you so much!! I’m so happy you like it~ I wouldn’t mind at all as long as credit is linked!! ❤️ This sounds like a cool DnD game!
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Mia wasn’t always a coffee drinker.
She didn’t start until after losing Diego.
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shewasverynice · 18 days ago
Aww I've never been in one of these before!
@yakitori-and-eyeliner @emcheeseman @wittyandcharming @mungeondaster
positivity train!
if you see this or are tagged in it, tag a couple of your favorite mutuals/blogs and let them know you appreciate seeing them on your dash!
@h0neysugarfree @blueberrylovv @bequiteanddriveeeeeee @cherri-bomb-bomb @eg0mechan1c @fatrexicisback
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askaceattorney · 4 years ago
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Dear Everyone,
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So...I’m a guy from a video game and a blog at the same time somehow?  If I didn’t know better, I’d say that was a contradiction, but I guess ordinary logic just went out the window, huh?
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So, uh...  I guess the only thing I have to say now is “Thanks so much for playing my game!”  Just like Mario always says at the end, right?
(Where do I find a copy of that game?)
-Phoenix Wright
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askaceattorney · 4 years ago
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Dear Asexual-Deesasters,
Mod Edgeworth: 
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If you want to know the answer to that question, go to this link.
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Dear Skibot99,
Co-Mod: I’m fairly certain it was The Mod, but I don’t know for sure.  He actually had another one before it, made from an old Ace Attorney musical animation.  I haven’t been able to locate that video, unfortunately, but here’s the old banner:
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Ah...  Those were good days.  Good days.
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Dear Dawsongfg,
Co-Mod: It’s fine.  Besides, it won’t be too long before those letters are accepted, so maybe we’ll hold onto them until that time.
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Dear skibot99 again,
Mod Edgeworth: The Lost Turnabout hands down. All logic is thrown out the window the moment Phoenix had amnesia. It’s clear the Judge knew something was wrong with Phoenix, so why didn’t he call for a recess or check on Phoenix? Not to mention Wellington was annoying. He’s probably the only character I would be hesitant to play as when answering letters, if only because he was so unbearable.
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As for Turnabout Ablaze, I do agree that it is a drag to get through in the end, though the entire game of AAI was boring, aside from the game mechanics. As a case by itself, I wouldn’t put it as my least favorite, if only because I did get some funny parts out of it.  It also contributed to the overall story, whereas The Lost Turnabout could just be taken out and it wouldn’t effect the overarching plot.
Co-Mod: I’d probably have to go with Turnabout Big Top.  I honestly couldn’t figure out the part where you have to present Max’s poster without consulting a walkthrough.  Why couldn’t we just present Max himself?  Besides that, the ending was largely underwhelming -- the murder weapon was hidden under Acro’s blanket the entire time, but instead of seeing a screenshot of it there, we just have to imagine it.  Maybe it was a filler case, but that was no excuse for it to end so poorly.  Not to mention one of the witnesses was a literal puppet.
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It’s hard truth, Trilo.  Live with it.
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Dear skibot99 and Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: I… think I heard from her when the localization of DGS was announced? I know Mod Kristoph and Mod Maya introduced themselves when I came into the group. There’s a third person, but I only heard from her once. As for what’s going on with her… I don’t know.
As for the flooding the inbox, it’s fine. I won’t promise a letter or two won’t be deleted, but we may make an exception and I’d hardly consider 4-5 different letters flooding the inbox. However, I do highly suggest lowering your letter sending to no more than three a day to prevent deletion of your letters. The only time I’d say your letters are flooding the inbox is when you’re sending 10-20 of them, especially of the same letter, and we have to scroll down for a while to get to the next letter. We will only choose three out of that pile and delete the rest.
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And yes, we do have a few that send us 10-20 of the same letter to multiple characters in the span of five minutes. Geez.
Co-Mod: Mod Paups has had to remain absent for personal reasons, and sadly, has recently communicated to me that she wishes to leave the blog entirely.  Thanks for all you’ve contributed to this blog, Mod Paups, and best of luck in whatever you do next!
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear mungeondaster,
Mod Edgeworth: Since I answered this one, I shall answer your letter.
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(^ Why do I always use this sprite? ^) Actually, the localization never specified if Manfred Von Karma was born in Germany or not. In fact, we never knew the German part until Justice For All when Franziska Von Karma was stated to have flown all the way from Germany. It never specifies any reason for this and fans were quick to jump to the conclusion that it means the Von Karma family were German, which… isn’t entirely true? Manfred Von Karma never said he lived in Germany and, for all we know, Franziska could’ve lived in Germany to study law or something.
Now, the OG does give us more specific detail on this, being why I answered this the way I did. In the OG, both Von Karma’s were born Japanese, but lived in America or at least have an estate there. It specified that they were originally born in Japan, which would be translated to LA, California in the localization. While using the OG canon isn’t normal here, I will use it, if the localization doesn’t specify things. In this case, it never specified if the Von Karma’s were born in Germany or if Manfred Von Karma lived in America. Since he had to wait out the Statue of Limitations for DL-6, we can assume he lived in LA for 15 years or more. That means he’s American.
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I am still getting the hang of writing letters, but I try to stick to canon as much as possible. If you believe we’ve made an error in our letters, feel free to let us know, but also show proof, if we go against canon. We’ll be sure the letter is sent to the right mod or else fix it.
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Dear  Bluedragoncody,
Mod Edgeworth: I... don’t know how to feel about that.
Also, I accidentally deleted your previous letter before this one when trying to post it on here. I’m so sorry about that. If you could remember it, would you send it again?
Co-Mod: I’ll just respond to this with an old classic:
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Dear Aceattorneyismyjam,
Mod Edgeworth: I-I’m not a pro! I accidentally deleted an important mod question from bluedragoncody, because of my inexperience. Oof! Again, so sorry!
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Granted, I am good with digital art and writing essays, but I’m still trying to get the hang of being a mod here. Believe me, I do get corrected on several mistakes I do here. I can’t really call myself a pro just yet. I’ve only just started becoming a mod here last month lol
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Dear Dahlia,
Mod Edgeworth: I thank you for your support of this blog and my essay. Manfred Von Karma is also my favorite villain and someone I do feel is underestimated as a one dimensional villain. I think people hate him so much, because of how he ruined Miles Edgeworth’s life without looking at the bigger picture. They focus on the bad things with their black colored glasses without dissecting Manfred Von Karma’s character as a whole. 
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One thing I love about this blog, even before becoming a mod, is that no one here ever portrayed Manfred Von Karma as the one dimensional villain. He can be snappy at times, but as proven in many of our previous letters, he’s also portrayed as being calm when threatened, polite at times and absolutely loves his wife and children. Yes, he’s a terrible person, but that’s what makes him so interesting. He’s a bad, evil person that does good things from time to time. It doesn’t justify any of his horrible deeds, murder included, but it does make him human.
Co-Mod: I’m...going to assume you’re a different Dahlia.  (I’m grabbing a Magatama of Parting just in case, though.  I’m sure you can understand.)
Anyway, thanks for being such a loyal follower!  This blog’s been through a lot of changes since it began, and since I joined it back in 2017, so I’m glad it’s still a good source of enjoyment for you.  I’ve seen all sorts of cringe by now, by the way (some of which I wrote myself), so don’t worry about it.
I’m also glad that the characters still sound like themselves and not like us.  The hilarious personalities and quirks given to them by Capcom’s writers, as well as the humanity in so many of them, make them easy to relate to, and thus fairly easy to mimic.  I may have said something like this before, but I see myself in a lot of them -- in Athena’s fear of inadequacy, in Apollo’s desire for justice in a world where it’s hard to find, in Sebastian’s confusion about where to go next after his world falls apart, and possibly even in the von Karmas’ desire for perfection.  I of course identify with their positive feelings as well -- Phoenix’s smugness when he gets things right, Athena’s joy after pulling off a victory in court, Adrian’s pride after her self-confidence is restored, etc. -- but there’s something about the struggles they face that make them easier to relate to, on top of being that much more awesome in the end.
Unfortunately, I can’t promise anything about this blog continuing on in perpetuity.  For one thing, I don’t plan on being around forever (I’m fairly certain the other Mods don’t, either), and for that matter, there’s also no telling how long Tumblr will be around.  All I can promise is that I’ll give my best while I’m here, and that the love from you and everyone else who shares it here is sure to be what keeps us going.  Thank you for your contribution!
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Dear TurqouiseJavelin,
Mod Edgeworth: Hm... not bad ideas. Though, we mods choose our own mod names under the condition that it doesn’t match anyone else’s mod name.
Co-Mod: What Mod Edgeworth said.  Choosing the name “Mod Athena” may or may not increase your chances of being hired, though.  *wink, wink*
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Dear Anonymous, 
Mod Edgeworth: Actually, Gregory was stated in the Autopsy to have died by a gunshot. However, you do bring up something interesting. If Gregory Edgeworth realized he was dead and last remembered Robert Hammond strangling him, he wouldn’t think “I died by the shot of a gun.” Since the Detectives weren’t aware that victim had died unconscious, they’d assume the victim would recall being shot and killed. This makes me wonder if Gregory Edgeworth was channeled, but never brought to court to be cross-examined.
There are still holes, but I do like your aspect on DL-6.
Co-Mod: Dang...  No matter how many times you come back to this game, there’s always something new to think about.  I honestly hadn’t considered those details about Yanni Yogi’s trial.  Your explanation makes the most sense to me, but there’s one other possibility regarding Gregory’s testimony -- he may have chosen to lie about who murdered him in order to protect his son from a murder charge.  That’s all open to interpretation, of course, so your guess is as good as ours.
It’s a good thing we’re not actual defense attorneys, huh?
-The Mods
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askaceattorney · 4 years ago
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Mungeondaster,
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I guess.
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Th-That was the only thing I could think of. Mystic Maya already found out I wrote that letter, so it doesn’t matter anyways.
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Why can’t I make Mystic Maya happy?
-Pearl Fey
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askaceattorney · 4 years ago
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Dear Pearly,
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Of course not!  Everyone knows the Fey women have been blessed with feminine appeal all out the wazoo.  You just need to work on polishing yours a little.  Put on some makeup, find a good hairstyle...
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...learn how to speak politely, pay attention to your eating habits...
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This is beginning to sound like good advice for me, isn’t it?
-Maya Fey
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askaceattorney · 4 years ago
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Dear Maya,
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Now that you mention it, it’s kind of odd. I didn’t think that the position of the co counsel was that important but...I’ll have to pay more attention to the impact on the trial.
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Also, you have no right to call me old until I’m fifty. Minimum.
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askaceattorney · 4 years ago
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Dear Trucy,
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Heh...  Nice pun there, sweetie.  And thanks!
(Gee, what’d I do to deserve so much love?)
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askaceattorney · 4 years ago
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(Previous Post)
Dear guquis,
Co-Mod: Well, that’s a relief.  I thought a mass crucifixion sounded a little dark for the Pokemon universe, but you never know these days.
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear mungeondaster,
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Mod Edgeworth: Wow, I just spotted this when going through our list of letters. Your comment is appreciated, though.
Co-Mod: Glad to hear it, and thanks!  I wish I knew for sure who wrote that response, but regardless, I have to agree that it was hilarious.  I almost want to see Pearl using Edgeworth’s cravat that way now.
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(Playlist in Letter)
Dear bluedragoncody,
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Mod Edgeworth: I’m not usually one for countdown videos, but I suppose I can check these out when I get the chance.
Co-Mod: I only had time to watch the “Top Fourteen Ace Attorneys” video and I just have to say, anyone who places Athena in their top three clearly knows what they’re talking about.  I also enjoy it when someone puts effort into editing a video (especially one that involves original art), so I appreciate that as well as his insight into the characters.
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Dear Vivyn,
Co-Mod: It’s actually pretty simple.  Just click the gear icon in the top-right corner of your editing window (for lack of a better term), then go to the drop-down menu next to Text Editor, select HTML, and place the text you want to be small between the tags <small> and </small>.
Example: I’m sorry!  <small>For the way you were raised...</small>
I hope you’ll make good use of it!
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: I agree, at least in terms of class.
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(If we put aside her bad whipping habits, at least.)
When it comes to style, on the other hand...
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Sorry, but nobody out-styles the Cykester.  I welcome any challenger to her superb styles in the courtroom (as would she, I’d imagine).
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Dear Rogertheegg,
Mod Edgeworth: I’d like to have known more about Gregory Edgeworth. He’s the best Defense Attorney and Best Dad.
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Co-Mod: I'd love to know more about Detective Arme’s background, too, now that you mention it.  The attitude she displayed upon discovering Ted Tonate’s bomb-selling business makes you wonder what she was like on the job.
I’d also kind of like to know a little more about Cinder Block Cindy Stone.  I’m not exactly a huge fan of models with a bunch of Sugar Daddies, but she apparently felt some attachment to at least one of them, as pointed out by Phoenix.
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And to top it off, it’s the Butz, of all people.  That takes a special kind of girl.  I almost (almost) want to see what their relationship could’ve become if not for her cruel fate.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: Can do!  His tag is now #British Judge.  With that in mind, we may have to pick something else for the judge from Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.  That’s become my main strategy for new things here, anyway.
Mod Justice: Perfect. Thanks!
Also, regarding Co-Mod’s response above: here’s an idea for the PLvsAA Judge: “English Judge” (I mean, he DOES appear in “The English Turnabout,” after all).
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Dear dawsongfg,
Mod Edgeworth: ...... they’re alright. I prefer the ones with chocolate chip or from Dennys.
Co-Mod: I’m more of a waffle fan.  Pancakes are nice, but...kinda boring to look at, in my opinion.  Of course, that might just be because I once worked at McDonald’s, where I saw more than my fair share of them.
Mod Justice: They’re fine, but I always preferred the “Fast Food Breakfast Staple”: the Breakfast Sandwich. I especially love the ones at McDonalds with the “Griddles” as the bread! That with sausage, egg and cheese between them are definitely my favorites out of all the variations.
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Dawsongfg,
Mod Edgeworth: How about this?
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Mod Justice: You mean Little Ms. Robo-Voice? NO THANK YOU.
Although I wonder... could the AAI2 Translation Team replace that voice only?
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(Referenced Post)
Dear Dawsongfg,
Co-Mod: Hmm, how to word this...  It wasn’t really scary so much as unpleasant.  I knew Trucy wouldn’t harm me, but that didn’t make being tied to a chair and stuck in a dim, dank closet for several hours any more fun.  If she wasn’t one of my favorite cha--
Ahem...  If she wasn’t one of my favorite performers in the world, I’d probably be suing the panties off her.
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Dear dawsongfg again,
Mod Edgeworth: I personally don’t mind, but I think Mod Justice was kinda like
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Co-Mod: I’m guessing you’re referring to letters that are intentionally rude.  So long as you’re not purposefully insulting a specific person or a specific group of people, you can be as much of a troll as you want.  The good kind, that is.
Mod Justice: Yeah, we really need to get some more clarification regarding “Troll Posts” here. Don’t worry, they should be up soon enough after this post makes it out of the queue.
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Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: HOLD IT! (turns on this song) Proceed.
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Dear dawsongfg again (again),
Mod Edgeworth: Yes. In fact, I have the full set of Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth mangas, including the two casebooks.
Co-Mod: I haven’t, actually.  I might have to do that sometime soon just so I can protect my Nerdiest Ace Attorney Nerd title (which I just made up).
Mod Justice: Can’t say I have, honestly. I’m not too big on Manga anyway. Never could get into it, no matter how hard I tried...
-The Mods
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askaceattorney · 4 years ago
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: Nope, your letters are in there.  We’ve just had to slow things down with me being gone.  As long as your letters are within the rules, they should get an answer sooner or later.
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(Link in Letter)
Dear Keya Aghaei,
Co-Mod: My response to the article is simply this:
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I’ve never been a big fan of seeing new entries in a series that include a bunch of changes or seem like they’re done in a completely different style (don’t get me started on Sonic the Hedgehog), but if I had let that bother me, I never would’ve been able to enjoy disarming a crazed bomb disposal expert, analyzing witnesses’ emotions, or picking apart the last memories of murder victims, not to mention meeting one of my favorite video game characters of all time.
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Besides, change is a fact of life, so I’d say it only makes a video game series that much more real...for better or worse.
I’m also pretty bummed that Mr. Takumi had to leave the series (especially as the original voice actor for Phoenix), but the series never really lost its magic for me, even if its not quite the same as before.  Change isn’t always fun, but that doesn’t mean it has to be bad in every case.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear mungeondaster,
Mod Vera: Thank you! I’m just a beginner-level GIF editor using free online software, but I still somehow get the desired effect!
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: That was me, actually.
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What I meant is that I and Mod Maya are the only ones of us familiar with that game (and she’s been busy with real life stuff), which is why you haven’t seen responses to DGS letters in a while.  I know I’m supposed to be on hiatus, but I don’t mind answering those as they come.  Sorry again for the delay!
The Mod hasn’t been around for quite some time, though.  I wonder what he’s up to these days?
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(Links in Letters)
Dear Ella,
Co-Mod: Thank you very much!  I haven’t done very much writing lately, but I still appreciate the compliment!  A lot of credit goes to the Ace Admin for starting the blog, The Mod for making its popularity grow with his awesome writing and sprite editing skill (and inspiring us with his example), and the other Mods for adding their skills to the mix.  And to all of you who send us letters, of course.
Unfortunately, we don’t review fan fiction here, but I’ll leave the links to your stories here so everyone can take a look at it if they wish.
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Dear cosneymegundal1852,
Co-Mod: All those medals, and he needs his own holiday?
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Dear Anonymous,
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Dear Inferno,
Co-Mod: Pass.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Dead,
Co-Mod: You’re not the first to not notice that, so no worries.
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Dear Evan,
Co-Mod: I assume you’re asking about including a link to your previous letter, since replying to a character is as simple as writing to them again.  To include a link, just go to your old letter, copy the URL (at the top of your browser window), and paste it into your new letter.  Or, if you want it to look neater, highlight the part of your letter you want to be a hyperlink to the previous letter, then click the Insert/Edit Link button (shaped like a diagonal ‘8′) and paste the URL there.  I hope that helps!
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Inferno again,
Co-Mod: That’s correct!  I hope you liked how it turned out.  It went a little different from what I was expecting, but I guess that’s sort of how every interactive event goes.  Your letter also asked us to instant message you if we used your idea, so sorry I forgot about that!
I'd say it’s a little hard to go outside the box when you’re already venturing outside the fourth wall, but I definitely wasn’t expecting a letter from either of those two, so thanks for the variety.  You should consider yourself lucky no one ended up as the Proto Badger’s lunch, though.
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Dear dawsongfg,
Co-Mod: You too, huh?
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Dear dawsongfg again,
Co-Mod: Thanks, but I’m already aware.  The graphics are great, but I’m still deciding on the story.  (I got that from a YouTube comment, by the way.)
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Dear Guquis,
Co-Mod: Pretty well, for the most part.  I actually felt sort of bad for doing that to them, but it all had to be done in the name of science.  Or, more accurately, because someone sent us a letter and asked us to.  I hope you’re happy, Inferno!
Though, to be fair, the stunned silence was just part of the prank.  I imagine at least some of the characters would be able to handle such a revolution without flipping out entirely.  Like I told Mod Vera, I imagine it would be a lot like the end of The Truman Show for them.  Those are my thoughts, anyway.
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Dear Johan,
Co-Mod: That sounds pretty doable to me, so we’ll keep it in mind!  There are actually a few other ideas we’ve received, so I hope you don’t mind waiting a while.
-The Mods
P.S. More Mod letters on the way!  Thanks for your patience.
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askaceattorney · 4 years ago
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Dear mungeondaster,
Only since the Steel Samurai’s existence!
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I feel more fulfilled than ever, as a card collector, and as a human being!  I’ll look on this day with pride for the rest of my life!
-Penny Nichols
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askaceattorney · 4 years ago
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Dear Guquis,
It has indeed.  Thank you for joining me on it!
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I’d love it if I could stay a little longer, but it’s time to shift my gaze elsewhere for awhile.  My plan, as stated before, is to be gone for around 6 months, but that’s a definite maybe...which, as it turns out, is a contradiction.
Thank you very much for the well wishes!  I wish you success as well.  That goes for all of you, by the way.
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Dear Anthony,
Right you are, but this might be the next best thing to heaven (for me, at least).  Thanks!
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Dear skibot99,
Thank you!  *Trucy grin*  I’m definitely going to miss answering everyone’s letters here, but hopefully I’ll be a bit fresher whenever I return.
The idea of an eternally continuing blog is a little bit of both, actually -- cool because it would mean people could talk to their favorite Ace Attorney characters for generations, and creepy because they’d eventually be as old as they pyramids are today.  Come to think of it, that’s true about pretty much everything.  Eternity is a bizarre topic, isn’t it?
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Candance,
That’s why they say never to meet your heroes.
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Dear jnv11,
I just decided to wish her a happy birthday, as you already saw.  Just seven more years, and she’ll be bopping lawyers on the head with her staff.
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Dear Keya Aghaei,
I never got into the Dragonball series, so I’ll just have to take your word for it on this one.  I could point out that Ga’ran never went so far as to destroy a planet, but she might if she had the means to, for all we know.  And if by “pretty nice” you mean utterly catastrophic, then I’d have to agree.
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Dear asexual-deesasters,
That’s the beauty of Ace Attorney sprites -- the characters’ expressions can be reused to mean different things.  In this case, Phoenix could be feeling tired, sly, flirty, or just reading something printed on your shirt.  You can’t really tell without context.
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Dear John,
Yep, you wrote it.  I decided not to answer it because it involves a subject that I’ve placed in the “largely taboo” category (namely, same-sex attraction).  It’s nothing personal, it’s just a bit too risky of a topic for this blog.  Sorry about that.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear bluedragoncody,
I’m glad we agree there.
That’s...all I had to say about that, actually.
I’m doing okay myself -- thank God for that, too.  The biggest struggle I’ve been facing is keeping my head on straight with so many things going on at once lately (I’m sure I don’t even need to get specific there), but I'm taking it all in stride somehow.  I hope the rest of you have been able to do so as well.
The other mods are also doing well, as far as I can tell.  We don’t discuss our real-life situations very often, but we do look out for each other’s wellbeing.
And yes, they’re all still around, in case you’re wondering.  They’ve just been a lot busier than me.
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(Link in Letter)
(Referenced Letter)
Dear youngbounty,
Guess I spoke too soon, huh?  I might take a look at your story if I can find the time, but just the idea of Manfred having no choice but to hire the lawyer who ruined his perfect record and got him sent to prison to defend his wife in court intrigues me.  I hope you can make something good out of it.
And you’re welcome!  Thank you for sending us letters.  We can’t answer them if we don’t get any, after all.
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(Previous Post)
Dear mungeondaster,
I just made that pun on the fly, so I’m glad you liked it.
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And I agree that it’s good to have something to celebrate, whether in real life or the Ace Attorney timeline.
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Dear :),
Let me find an appropriate reaction sprite, first and foremost...
Here we go:
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Thank you sincerely for sharing your appreciation and understanding.  Like I said before, I’d make this a lifelong project if I could get paid for it, but sadly, that’s not the way it is.  It’s been great being able to keep it going this long, though.  The fact that we could pull it off for three years is all the proof I need that miracles exist.  Thank you for enjoying and taking part in it!
I wish the very same things for you and everyone reading this: the best of luck, joy, and health for this year and on beyond it.
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(Link in Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
-The Co-Mod
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askaceattorney · 4 years ago
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Dear Trucy,
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I dunno. I guess she just wanted to be on that side. Doesn’t really matter much in the long run which side the co counsel is on.
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Unless some crazy witness decides to shoot at the defense from the witness stand or something. Then it might matter.
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