#just splayed against ggs back??
jrueships · 6 months
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a successful ceo of socks taking a photo with his old kindergarten school teacher whose finger he bit off in a fit a rage because she interrupted him trying to play house as his friend's pet dog ( she's still scared of him )
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literally !
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lesbianjackies · 2 years
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nina zenik x (implied) fem!reader (r has long hair & nina calls her pretty and i wrote this with the intention of the reader being fem but like. u could read it & imagine any gender probably skdjsk)
word count: 408
warnings: uhhh none i think? wait no nina mentions food in her head like once
summary: waking up with nina <3
taglist: @gg-is-a-loser @puppy-coded @starstruckwillows @sw34terw34ther @katsukis1wife @manyfandomsfanvergent @writingmysanity
a/n: for @princess-charmingx <3
Nina thought you looked like an angel in your sleep. She didn’t know how you did it—she splayed out like a starfish and snored with her mouth gaping open, all the sex appeal she had in her waking moments lost to the night. You curled up on your side daintily, hair spread-out around your head like a halo, body pressed against hers all soft and smooth. Saints, you were perfect.
It wasn’t often Nina woke up before you, but she savored the times she did like a home-cooked meal, gazing at the way the sun shone on your face through the window in total silence, just admiring your soft, feminine beauty. She loved you more than anything, and it scared her sometimes, but it was worth it for you to love her back the way you did, all softness and devotion and quiet intensity.
You murmured in your sleep and she stroked your hair to soothe you—ineffectively. Your eyes hazily opened and you blinked a few times before grinning at her. “Morning.” You leaned over to press your lips to hers, soft and slow and lazy like the sunlight. Nina drank you in, moving gently against you with fingers in your hair, kissing away your just-awoken grogginess.
“Morning,” she replied when you broke apart. “You slept late today.”
“Did I?” You leaned against her.
“Mhm.” She wrapped her arm around your body. “It’s already twelve.”
“Oh my.”
“Yeah. Kaz has been working you to death, though; you needed it.”
You didn’t argue, much to her delighted surprise, just hummed and nuzzled your face into the crook of her neck. “You smell good,” you mumbled.
“Do I?” Her grin was audible.
“Mhm. Like roses.”
“I think you’re delirious.”
“Maybe.” You kissed the spot of skin below her ear. “You still smell good.”
She laughed and rolled over so she could face you. “Hi.”
You bit your lip to suppress a grin, flushing. “Hi.”
“You’re so pretty,” she said, twining a strand of your hair around her finger.
“Not like you,” you replied, eyes locked into hers.
“You’re prettier.”
You shook your head but she ignored you, leaning in to kiss the corner of your mouth, your cheeks, your nose, your lips.
“I love you,” she whispered, tracing the curve of your jawline with her thumb.
“I love you too,” you whispered back, then leaned in to kiss her again.
You were an angel, and Nina was in heaven.
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theshinobiway · 5 years
Cuddling with Members of Team Guy
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Might Guy
Ø  Cuddlebot Master 2000
Ø  Guy’s favorite times to cuddle are often early in the morning before he gets up for training or right after dinner when you all are usually spending quality time together.
Ø  The first time you ever cuddled was probably when you fell asleep on him that one time while watching the sunset after a long day. He put an arm around you and was glad to let you stay there until you woke up. Was he sore from staying still for so long? Yes. Worth it.
Ø  He’ll keep a firm but gentle grip on you and hold you close, but if you all are chatting and he gets really excited or happy about something he’ll give you the occasional death squeeze.
Ø  If you say something really cute or endearing to him he’ll cover your face with kisses and you’ll get another death squeeze.
Ø  He puts off a decent amount of body heat and he’s super chill about you putting cold limbs on him (if you do get cold easily) but he’ll playfully yelp if you do to tease you.
Ø  Loves saying little things to tease you and will immediately give you long hugs afterwards
Ø  Loves extended body contact, will find excuses to hold you whenever you’re around the house or he gets the chance.
Ø  Will put his arm around you when he gets the chance, even in public
Ø  Falling asleep with Gai usually looks like your head on his chest or in the crook of his shoulder with his arm around you, his other side will be completely splayed out starfish-style.
Ø  Gai usually sleeps in the starfish position, but he gladly modifies his position to accommodate you
Ø  If you cuddle on the couch you’ll likely be pulled into his lap and both of his arms will be around you at all times. The optimal position for more intimate cuddling, if you catch my drift.
Ø  Literally down to cuddle 24/7. Will find a way to cuddle while training with you. May also use cuddling as his personal reward for completing a training exercise.
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Rock Lee
Ø  This sweet boy loves cuddling as much as he loves breathing, but actually probably loves you more.
Ø  Probably has told you this in the past and emphasized his point by telling you he would hold his breath all through a cuddle session just to prove it. He is so extra but tbh you have to love just how open he is about caring for you like omg?? Sweetest boy alive.
Ø  First time cuddling with Lee probably happened when you put your head on his shoulder one day after a date, and he just put an arm around you without hesitating. After that, he made sure to give you more hugs, especially from behind, and would hold you longer than normal until you progressed into full-on cuddle sessions.
Ø  His favorite times to cuddle are sitting around while taking a break from training or in secluded spaces while on a date. He’ll keep holding your hand throughout most of the day, but he’ll be respectful of PDA. (Loves it when you hug his arm while walking, though.)
Ø  He keeps a moderate grip on you or a tight grip, no in-between. Must remind him occasionally that air is a thing, Lee forgets because he “already can’t breathe when he’s with you, (y/n)” like FREAKING DAWW OKAY LEE
Ø  Walking furnace. Cold limbs? What?? No, you aren’t cold once you reach in 2 inches of proximity of this boy, he’s like the sun. You warm up before impact.
Ø  Once you’re alone and cuddling in an apartment or your place, he can be his extra self but he turns into extremely sweet Lee who will tell you the most honest but sweetest things you’ve ever heard. Doesn’t matter if you’ve been together for years, he never turns down for romance.
Ø  Will have you in an octopus hold if you’re ever sleeping in bed. He loves showing you how much he cares and holding you is the way he does that. Big spoon to little spoon ratio is 80/20
Ø  When you do get to be the big spoon, it’ll likely be because he’s feeling down or needing reassurance. But his heart will go through the roof and he’ll love every minute of it.
Ø  Cuddling with Lee means tangled limbs, hands through hair, gentle nuzzling, and numerous kisses all the time. You’ll fall asleep like this too. To take it further, just keep kissing him. You’ll rile him up eventually.
Ø  If you cuddle on the couch it’ll be with you sitting side by side, but he’ll have both arms around you or vice versa.
Ø  Also down to cuddle 24/7, but he’ll get flustered more often in public. Small gestures in public, bigger ones when you’re alone.
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Ø  Tenten, surprisingly enough, is the least big on cuddling out of her entire team (unless we’re talking about early relationship Neji, but we’ll cover him later)
Ø  Tenten is really independent and any partner for her would be aware of this well before they start dating, but she still has instances of being downright adorable and clingy, but it’ll be balanced out by her general non-touchy-feely nature.
Ø  Still, the first time you cuddle she’ll be in one of her moods and you’ll have been getting closer to each other for a while. She was exhausted and in need of comfort and you offered to let her lay her head on your lap, to which she was bashful about but once you reassured her she went for it. She fell asleep while you gently played with her loose bangs, and you noticed in the days afterwards she was more fidgety around you, until one time when you hugged her while you both were alone she didn’t let go. Like no, more hugs. And you were like ???? but it was ridiculously sweet so you stayed there.
Ø  If you ever stroke her back while you’re cuddling she’ll straight up die. In fact, if you ever want to get her in a cuddling mood just massage her or gently rub her back. If you’re at the point where you’re more intimate together, she LOVES it when you gently run your nails along her back, especially where her bra would dig in. It might even get you more than cuddling, wink wink.
Ø  When falling asleep she usually prefers to cuddle before and then stay on your respective sides. Just her preference, but she’ll still touch butts or feet or hold hands, keeping some small body contact even if it isn’t full cuddling. She feels comforted knowing you’re there.
Ø  She keeps a scroll specifically by her bedside in case you try to put your cold limbs on her. Don’t you freaking dare
Ø  The scroll contains a bucket of ice water. Doesn’t matter to her, it’ll be dumped on your side anyway. Gg no re
Ø  She’s 50/50 big spoon/little spoon. With a female partner she will likely be more big spoon.
Ø  She keeps a loose grip on her partner, preferring to use her hands to caress them rather than hold them. But if you want her to, she’ll gladly hold you tight.
Ø  Lots of nuzzling. Tenten, when she is affectionate, doesn’t prefer to just sit still. She’s more of an ‘active cuddler’
Ø  Cuddling on the couch is a lot of head-in-lap action or head on shoulder. She loves leaning against you even if she’s working on something.
Ø  When she’s working in her workshop (Tenten definitely has a weapons workshop) and you come up to her and hug her, she’ll let you stand there for a while while she’s working. She might complain a little if she’s all sweaty, but if you insist she doesn’t gross you out she’ll find it really endearing. According to her, you’re her good luck charm and you being around makes her work better.
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Neji Hyuga
Ø  Neji is the most surprising—he’s completely different at the beginning of your relationship versus later on. His levels of affection directly correlate to his levels of trust and comfort.
Ø  So Neji keeps a sizable bubble early on, but he’ll warm up to being closer to you if you have events that cement his trust in you. But he won't reach out first because he’s got an internal war waging—Do I touch? Do I not? Do they want it? Please just tell this boy straight out you want a hug. Don’t let the external discomfort fool you. He wants to hug you, but anything with vulnerability makes him retreat. His worst fear is doing something that makes you uncomfortable (and your response), which is why he holds off.
Ø  Do not try to initiate physical contact unless you are alone, he cannot stand PDA. His affections are for you and only for you, and he wants no one to see that side of him but you. Plus, it’s completely improper to him. Will pull away rather harshly if you try, will lecture you in private later. “That was not the time, (y/n)”
Ø  His gestures of physical affection pre-cuddling are putting a comforting hand on your shoulder or gently brushing something off of you, like a leaf or stray hair. That being said, if you are alone when he does one of those things and you take a step closer, he’ll freeze for a second and make eye contact. Like questioning “do you want something more…?” He’ll tentatively reach for you but stop halfway. Once you see him go for it, go for it. He’ll warm up to a hug really quick and give you a gentle squeeze, making sure you definitely don't see how much he's blushing right now. It won’t last long, but it’ll start the gears to making sure he’ll want to cuddle, because he loved being able to embrace you. It flustered him to no end, though.
Ø If you’re a more assertive s/o and catch the jump on him and go for it, he’ll freeze when you try to hug him and let out a small yelp, but he’ll nervously smile and let you. Any sort of jump in affection will scare him even if he likes it, poor boy. His family was never physically affectionate, so he feels bad for wanting it. He might snap at you early on as a reflex but he will feel so bad about it after because he isn’t angry at you, he’s upset at himself for being unable to communicate what he really wants with you. He needs patience and time.
Ø  Your actual first time cuddling was likely during a moment of vulnerability for one of you. If it was him, you wrapped your arms around him from behind and he felt some weight fall off his shoulders the minute he knew you were there. He squeezed your hand to let you know he appreciates it so much, and you both stayed like that for some time. If it was you, he was likely feeling helpless to help you and did the only thing he could: he instinctually embraced you and held you, letting you bury your face in his chest/shoulder. He would have always been nervous about physical contact, but nothing would stop him from making sure the person he loved knew he was there for them.
Ø  You progression into cuddling will be very slow, but often times he’ll start to hug you from behind if he’s feeling particularly confident while you’re doing something else, or you’ll realize when he’s in closer proximity of you and stays there that’s his way of asking for a hug. Can’t really vocalize his needs and will keep his normal stoic expression, but you’ll catch on quick.
Ø  If you initiate cuddling on a couch with him he’ll be super flustered, but he won’t protest, but he has no idea what to do with his hands. Where is appropriate again?? Guide him please, he cares for you so much and needs to show you but doesn’t know how. If you fall asleep on him he'll internally die of happiness and maybe will take a nap with you
Ø  Might be stiff at first but the more your progress in your relationship the more natural contact will become for him.
Ø  He gets touch starved after a while, and especially if he’s been gone on a mission for a long time he’ll come back and embrace you and you can tell he doesn't want to let go. He missed you so much he was aching for your touch. Please don’t leave again? Okay I know we both will have to leave again, but don’t leave, please.
Ø  Doesn’t mind if he’s reading or relaxing and you curl up next to him. Might even pull you closer and read around you. He enjoys having you near him even just in proximity. He might prefer some space if he’s meditating, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t mind you occasionally putting your head in his lap while he is. He learns to meditate even in your presence.
Ø  In bed he’ll pull you into a tight embrace, your head likely on his shoulder and both arms around you. He’ll press a gentle kiss to you as you’re both falling asleep and you’ll hear him sigh in contentment. Around this time is when you’ll hear him whisper how much he cares about you.
Ø Neji is will be big spoon a majority of the time but he will never in a million years admit he actually likes being little spoon just as much. You might put two and two together eventually when you realize how often he loves settling between your legs, leaning/laying on you with his arms around you, laying his head on the crook on your neck. Caress his hair while he does this and he'll be out like a light
Ø  Neji has the capacity to be extremely affectionate but it has to be done at his pace and he needs positive encouragement and time to get there. Cuddling is one of the ways he can quietly affirm his love for you when he has a hard time voicing his feelings.
Ø Neji's body heat is fairly even, not too hot or cold. If you try to warm up on him he'll throw a blanket around you and call it a day because no thanks, no cold limbs on me, nope. If you pout he might give you a hug while you're all bundled up in a blanket. Now if you're the kind of person who's always super warm the tables are turned: he'll find any excuse to snuggle up to you because he loves it just so gosh darn much.
Ø Bonus: if you attempt to put your cold limbs on him without warning Neji will yelp and leap out of bed, likely tumbling over in the process. You'll have to decide if the laughter you'll have at the ridiculous display is worth the stern silent treatment you'll get over the next few days
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nonbinarygaster · 7 years
Day 23 - Shibari
Characters: Raspberry (@sinisor’s sans) GG (My Grillby)
I’m open for art commissions
The smooth rope against his body had GG shivering with anticipation. He was patiently sitting on the bed. His eye were covered, blind to the movements Raspberry was making.
The other’s fingers brushed his formed breasts as Raspberry made the first knot there with the rope going under them, then he tied them around his abdomen and then his hips.
The length of the rope was pulled up his back, wrapping back over the top of his breasts. Raspberry gave the rope a slight tug, making sure the rope was nicely in place.
GG gasped, his body shivering at the sensation. He could feel Raspberry’s rib cage press against his back.
“Is this okay?” Raspberry asked gently and GG nodded.
“Good. Could you lift up your arms?”
GG obliged, raising up his arms above his head. Raspberry took them by the wrist and moved them behind his head in place. He wrapped the rope around the wrists and around his arms to fully secure in place.
GG felt Raspberry move back. The tie was snug as Raspberry looped the rope in between each knot; then pulling them in place. Raspberry moved to sit in front of GG and ran his fingers up and down his bound body.
“It’s not too tight is it?” Raspberry checked.
“It’s fine Raspberry.” He replied with a smile, “It’s not too tight.”
Raspberry smiled “You’re brilliant, GG.”
GG blushed and couldn’t help smiling wider. Raspberry moved in to kiss him, their tongues curling together. But it ended far too soon for GG, he was loving the taste of the monster’s magic.
He wasn’t able to see what came next, so he was surprised as he was somewhat forcefully pushed down to the bed. The pull of the rope had him shifting, feeling his own magic respond. Raspberry saddled over GG and rubbed his fingers over his breasts, playing with his nipples. He watched as GG’s started to take deep breaths.
GG moaned quietly, pushing up against the smaller monster. Raspberry's eyes flickered down to his face. A beautiful sight, and seeing him all tied up, it worked at his magic. He moved his hand down GG’s body, just under the rope around his hip.
“Raspberry…” GG gasped, his blindfold making everything Raspberry does a surprise, his senses heightened. The hand at his groin feeling so wonderful on his goopy body.
His member was formed in a short moment and as soon as it was, Raspberry’s hand was around it in an instant. GG’s whole body shook.
“Ahh!” GG moaned, thrusting up into Raspberry's hand. Raspberry moved back a little to keep him from moving. “R-Ras…” GG squirmed, “Please~ Ah, I need you.”
Now that was nice to hear. He gave GG a few more pumps before getting off of him.
“Nhh, Raspberry.” He could hear him shuffling about, but without being able to see him, he didn’t know what he was doing. Next thing he knew, Raspberry was back on top of him, gripping onto his cock. “Ahh~”
He felt the head press up against the entrance of the other’s wonderful magic. It had him moaning for more. Raspberry placed his other hand on GG’s chest, fingers splayed across it. He leaned in and pressed a little skeleton kiss to his goopy cheek.
He lowered himself a little, he felt the head of GG’s cock begin to enter him. His magic taking him easily. GG pulled at the ropes.
The skeleton lowered himself a little more, and a little more, until finally the entire length of it was inside. Red magic hugged around him, squeezing it. Such a nice fit. Raspberry's mouth was open as he panted.
GG wished he could move, but it was difficult with the way Raspberry was on top of him. He was breathing deeply, the slowness of Raspberry’s movements leaving him breathless. Again, he pulled at his binds, desperate to hold on to Raspberry.
Raspberry noticed and began to move slowly lifting his hips and then lowering himself again on GG's cock. Each time he took it all back in he let out a moan, feeling like he was rapidly being brought to completion again despite the slowness of his pace.
“Raspberry~” GG moaned. He really wanted to hold on to him, but his arms were wrapped nicely behind his head.
When Raspberry move up, he was also able to move, thrusting into him as he raised his hips. He squeaked at GG's thrust, feeling overwhelmed already. He moaned and whimpered, gripping at the rope running around GG's chest.
They were both starting to move faster, both in sync. Both thrusting in and out in one smooth, fast paced motion. Raspberry shuddered at the feeling, repeating the motion as pleasure was building.
GG gave a few hard thrusts, burying his cock deep within Raspberry’s walls, causing the smaller skeleton to scream in ecstasy. It wasn't long until he came around him, squeezing so tight around GG. The skeleton panting heavily.
GG took in a sharp breath and his back arched as he felt Raspberry clench around him. He was so close, but  Raspberry had stopped moving.
"Nhh,R-Raspberry," He groaned, trying to move. "I'm...hnn, I'm c-close-"
Raspberry was only able to raise his hips a little off GG, but that was enough for GG to start rocking into him again, his thrusts becoming more erratic and frantic.
"S-stars, Ras~, I'm- hah... g-gonna-" he stuttered, and let out a loud growl as he came, lifting his hips up as high as he could, maybe a little too forcefully.
As GG hit his climax, Raspberry buried his face between the goopy monster's neck, clinging to him. GG's release shot inside of him and he hugged himself tighter against his goopy body, his own thin frame shuddering against him.
They both started to relax, Raspberry drifting off. GG rocked his body as much as he could. “Umm, Ras? Could you um
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