#just some stupid lil headcanon of mine ^^'
officersnickers · 2 years
Headcanon Time! 🎉
I consider today‘s date, the 14th of March, to be Matilda‘s birthday, and I gonna tell you why 🤭
calculating her Identification Number (60684) with a fitting birth date in relation to Isabella and Krone‘s brithdays and ID‘s
it‘s pi day as well as Albert Einstein‘s birthday, and if you try to tell me Matilda wouldn‘t love such a fitting coincidence, we sadly can‘t be friends
one of the suggested names for 3/14 is actually Matilda and all its variants!
We „only“ got two canon birthdays for March by now and none of them are for female characters! time to change that!
On top, side characters always need more development, and assigning birthdays onto them is always great fun (at least for me)
So Happy Birthday, Matilda! You earned it! 🎁🎉🎂
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montimer · 1 month
Can I request goofy evil scientist!reader x joker headcanons?
Like the reader is still quite a beginner in being a villain and is not that good. More seen as a joke villain rather then a threat, they just mainly rob banks, steal stuff, the normal cartoony villain shenanigans. They also have a goofy evil laugh.
And I wanna see how the joker will think of that (idk how to phrase it)
Idk really, sorry (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
Sure sure!
Joker x scientist!reader
Gn!reader, reader is a beginner villain
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A new villain in gotham. A new pain in the butt for the police. And a new soon to be obsession for our prince of crime.
You are a beginner and for whatever reason you turned to the evil side, you want to make others suffer for it. And their wallets
You begin with simply robbery. Your weapon is either a gun or some toxin, maybe both.
Gotham didn't fail to notice how clumsy and new you were. The other villains just ignored you for the most part. But not him.
Back at the asylum, joker was watching the big tv from one of the rooms. Thats when he noticed you. You looked so different, so unique, so silly! Now you got his attention. The tv showed ur latest crime. And a clip too.
There you were, a bit far away from the camera. He almost got up from his seat to take a better look until- he heard ur laugh. It was so goofy but evil like. It made him crack up. His smile widened upon seeing you. He wanted to know you better, and more about you.
He randomly showed up at your crime. You think hes here to steal before you can. He tells you "You gotta catch me to earn these sweets" he waves the pearls in his hand. You run towards him and he giggles to himself as he watches you chase him.
"Hahahaha! You got this, keep up dear!" He just runs too fast, you can't catch up
You're getting annoyed and choose to stop in your track. "Ah whatever its just some pearls" you turn back to see what else to steal.
He stops too as he notices that you aren't chasing him anymore. He puffs and scolds you. You just ignore him until you hear something. O-oh. Its the cops
He motions his hands for you to run with him and in your hurry you decide to go with him.
Hardly but the two of you escape.
You pant as you stare up at him. "Y-you! Cuz of you i could barley focus, now we only got that stupid necklace.." you stare at it. He giggles as you angrily look up at him.
"You're so cute when your angry, i like ya sweets. Oh, heres your pretty lil necklace" before you could object he put the necklace full of pearls around you.
"Consider it a gift!"
Oh now your mad. "It was mine to begin with! Plus its not for wearing, this thing cost-" he put his fingers to your mouth to shush you up.
"Shhh, ofc its for wearing. You wouldn't sell a gift now would you?" You give him a tired look.
He smiles and pets your head.
"Good good. Well would you look at the time? I gotta slip! See you around!" He bows and waves as he runs to the other direction.
You just watch him until he disappears, he seemed to like that since he took one last look back. Oh well, maybe next time you'll succeed. Wait..did he said see you around? Oh god no
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dootznbootz · 2 months
Have you ever read a fic/headcanon post you liked so much that it influenced your characterization of Odypen?
I love this ask so much, Dear Anon, holy shit. Thank you so much! I'm so excited to talk about this!
Because...I...I purposely basically shut myself OUT of the fandom until I had MY own characterization down because I wanted to basically have a read of the texts, and then have my own ideas/opinions.
I actually had so much fun with it too!!! :D I wanna ramble about it lol
Ngl, I noticed a SHITTON of like, "hivemind fanon headcanons" in the fandom. Or at least a lot of people sharing the exact same one.
And while there is NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT, I also know that people sometimes will just be a "Yes Man" with ideas and that MAYBE that's a bit of fanon. And that my own reading could be completely different.
I REALLY love this story/myth and so I just really wanted to go into it "blind". I even just RESEARCHED on my own. I have not read a single translation introduction ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ THAT'S how much I wanted to really form my own beliefs before anything else.
And I just had so much fun reading and studying and ANALYSING the texts so then I could really pinpoint exactly WHERE I get a certain headcanon from (most of the time. lol some headcanons are simply for fun and don't have too much textual evidence)
I mean...How many Penelope's have you seen that are feral? 👀 Who is prideful, snarky, reckless, stubborn, ruthless, etc.? (I HAVE read some angry Penelope fics yes! And they're wonderful! ...But that's not necessarily MY Penelope. My Penelope curses and says "Bet" before rushing at something 10x her size. Mine has a temper and WILL lash out. She was just extra careful with the suitors.) Yes, she's intelligent and patient and thoughtful...but Odysseus ALSO has those traits somewhat as well.
THEY'RE LIKEMINDED. BOTH are a person of "many twists and turns". It's why they're fucked up lil soulmates 🥹
There's a few HEADCANONS that I really love that I plan to use and try to credit the OG person though! Just that they're small-ish and not really a big thing on characterization.
My fellow fuzzy worm, Char, (@fangirlofallthefanthings) has OdyPen call Telemachus their lil "droplet" which is super cute.
Someone on tumblr, (I think it was nerdygirl2023??? Idk for sure though, I'll have to recheck later lol) mentioned how Amphitrite kind of helps Odysseus about the Oar quest which I REALLY love. (please let this sad lil fuck rest ;~; I want him in Penelope's arms PLEASE. If I don't go with that idea, Penelope goes with him. Either way, I'm not separating them for at most a few days.)
Other than that and maybe some small things from other works that SUPPORT my headcanons. (Odysseus' behavior towards Circe in Epic kind of supporting my "Odysseus is asexual/demisexual" headcanons, etc.) but most of my stupid silly stuff is from my own silly head :P
It's not like I don't like anyone else's headcanons lol xD It's just that certain things would not fit well with my lil weirdos as it would be out of character for THEM, you know?
Ngl, I sometimes get a lil embarrassed by how DIFFERENT my ideas are from others :') Or even just how few I've seen that are like my own. I love my ideas but it's like I'm a lil bee outside the hive where everyone else is working 🙃 I don't like that I'm so "picky" about my ideas but I just am ;~; (Especially about Penelope's characterization.)
I've seen some posts and "incorrect quotes" that fit my sillies but that was still AFTER I've established my weirdos :P
...I almost wonder sometimes if folks are inspired by MY Sillies 👀 as I've seen some stuff that really makes me wonder lol
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nymphachilles · 2 months
Headcanons of mine or my Au idk yet😍 (Hades Game x Iliad and a bit of tsoa)
this is stupid ik...and probably terrible😭 BUT PLS READ ANYWAYS
1.Achilles was a total bitch ass in life and we all know it, but what if Thetis tried to save his son ass one last time, she told Zeus to give her son another chance in the afterlife and Zeus tells Hades to make Achilles train his son, Zagreus (refering to Hades game). I can just imagine Hades, leterally giving Zag off to Achilles, that has a weakness for kids but he is not good with them, so he starts panicking, but tries to teach him a couple of things, how to behave and not do his same mistakes, since the regret he feels. Also when he and Patroclus meet again in the underworld, Patroclus sees Achilles and could tell he changed, that he was a bit calmer, even tho he still had some beef in him.
2. I thought this at 4 am so if its weird i was feeling freaky💞..But, i feel like Hades, when Achilles firstly arrived at the House of Hades, not only was made Hades royal guard, but Hades probably mistook him for Persephone at least from behind..I though this bc of my design of Achilles, i wanted to make sure to keep that devine look of his, so i find it funny that Hades mistakes him for his wife since he misses her a lot..
3. Antilochus and Deidamia were both so gay for Achilles. (Pat did not wanna share with Antolochus) [Anti had a lil crush on Pat too]
4. Hades got drunk and told Achilles to put Persephone's clothes (Still weird thoughts of 2 am, was feeling delulu)
5. Apollo for pure fun would curse Achilles to be a girl and fail bc Achilles was already in disguaise once, he loves dresses and feeling pretty.
6. Achilles and Patroclus bullied whole troy and Greek camp, the only ones that saved themselves were Briseis and Antilochus.
7. Since Polygamy was a thing, all the women Achilles, in the iliad, like Penthesilea (i hope i wrote her name correctly), fell in love with, surely pegged him. He is a bottom every situation, no matter the gender. Deidamia pegs him def..
Ok done for now🙏 sorry😰
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hungry-n · 9 months
Hiii, it's Idea-anon. Such a nice feeling to post here some ideas again hehe. Let's start with the usual: how's your day going? I'm glad that you like my ideas :3 !! Btw I'm here to introduce the idea of mine! Since I really like N and waiting him become hungry-feral in show, behold my lil headcanon-
✨️N's eating cravings/instinct✨️
Uzi: I think, N is being so..weird this time..he good? Or like he finally realized what's depression is? But I feel somethin' is.. comin'.. no good comin'..
J: *chewing ripped off some worker drone's arm, and then gulped it whole to answer back* Tbh I really don't care.
Uzi: bitc-
*A sudden scream is heard*
Uzi: !!..we gotta check up! Quick!
J: ...meh
Uzi: *points the somehow pulled out of N's stomach railgun*
J: Ok! Ok! Jeez...
*they sneak very quietly towards the source of the cry*
Uzi: ...N..? W-what-
J: Oh fuk..not now..
*N, with big X on screen, is swallowing a worker drone by a moment! He turns around, and is seen his big belly that growls and gurgles. Many of his preys are kicking to being let out. N pulled out his big yellow tongue with saliva on it. He looks so..hungry and full at the same time*
J: His hunger back.
Uzi: ..huh?..
J: Y'know he suck at hunt and useless and stuff- but- not to die from hunger, he has the strongest "Eating-hunting instinct.exe" program. I have one, V does..but N's more visible with his stupid and useless personality.
Uzi: ... *her eyes are rings (like this: 00), don't know what to do for the first time*
J: and y'know, we like..gotta run. Cuz during his last and first eating cravings he almost ate me and V-
After sh*t been happened, N was so sorry and apologized a lot to mentioned recently drones.
and it would make sense… cuz n can’t be completely useless. So I could DEFINITELY see him being programmed with a more powerful predatory instinct, to word it that way…
And n the thought of n awkwardly apologising afterwards is so funny yet kinda cute… im giggling asjdjsjo 😭
Just kinda like…
"I’m very sorry 3:" but he just resembles a sad, sopping wet kitty so much that the worker drones would feel so guilty if they didn’t forgive him… even if they were a little wary and hesitant to do so. AND I IMAGINE J JUST STANDING THERE SUPERVISING AS WELL AND N JUST LOOKS AT HER, 1. FOR APPROVAL, AND 2. IN A WAY THATS LIKE "haha plz don’t hurt me"
Thanks again for sending an ask, idea-anon!!!!
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oh-surprise-its-me · 1 year
Lil' headcanon of mine, Ron is fluent in several different languages (sure, Tom is too, as compacflt he has to, but there had been cases when Ron had to stop him before he accidentally said the wrong thing. In good faith, but still wrong, Tom please you've almost insulted that Chinese commander holy fuck please shut up). Chris is very much surprised when he hears him teaching baby Jake. He's surprised when he hears Tom and Ron switch languages. (Mav is confused too.) Now they both stare at their boyfriends and one son speaks different languages. (Bradley finds out during that faithful mission. He's not entirely sure of what it does to him... well, it does something indeed!)
Oh my god Aki you’re brilliant. (I don’t speak anything besides English and some American Sign Language sooo there won’t be any actual different language spoken.)
Tom can speak Polish, Spanish, and Russian bits of Mandarin and some sign language because him and Mav like to talk shit across rooms.
Ron can speak Polish, Spanish Russian, Mandarin, French and bits and pieces of others. He loves learning new ones.
They were in the backyard. Chris and Ron have been dating for about a year. Tom is staying with them until they’ve gotta go back. Ron started speaking fluent Polish to Tom, Chris thought he was going to pass out. He’s always known Ron is hot but lord.
Three weeks later they were in a restaurant on a date, a guy started speaking Spanish to the waitress she kept shaking her head until Ron leaned over and translated. Chris threw cash on the table and dragged Ron out of there and into a bed so fast.
Chris didn’t know how hot he’d find Ron switching through languages but goddamn. It’s hot.
When Jake started talking it was incredible. They had taught him some sign to say when he was hungry or thirsty or cold but him talking? Adorable. They cried when he first called Chris daddy.
Chris loved watching their kid learn what different things were.
When Jake one day suddenly asked for something in Polish he got a bit confused.
He blinked down at the little three year old. “Baby what?” Jake said it again and pointed. Chris had no idea what he’s saying. “Come on let’s go find papa he’s clearly been speaking Polish around you”
They go into the office that Ron uses when he’s at home. Chris bounces Jake. “Say it again baby.”
Ron looks up when Jake starts talking. “He’s doing it! Chris oh my god he’s doing it!”
“Hon. Love you and how excited you are. Did you not think about the fact that I can’t speak Polish.”
Ron looks confused. God bless this man. Somehow he’s got navy secrets up in that head of his. “Baby maybe wait until he’s a bit older and understands he needs to speak English at me and Polish at you.”
Ron goes a bit pink. He stands up and goes over to them. He kisses Chris, “and French.”
Chris blinks. “French.” “Maybe Tommy and I have been thinking about teaching him Russian also.”
Ron takes Jake from Chris. “Our son can’t save you from stupidity.” Ron lifts him onto his shoulder “yeah he can.”
Chris smiles, he leans closer and kisses Ron again. “Yeah you’re right he can.”
The first time Bradley sees Jake speaking a different language it’s Spanish with Javy on the ship after they landed. He didn’t know it at the time but Jake was talking about how he just wanted to kiss Bradley.
Two weeks after the mission they’re all together at Tom and Mav’s house. Jake is sitting up on the counter in the kitchen, he’s watching Tom and Ron cook like he always used to. He didn’t know how much he missed it.
Bradley is leaning next to Jake’s hip. Tom starts speaking to Ron. Bradley blinks, he’s not heard Tom speak Polish in years.
Jake chimes in. In Polish.
Bradley knows he’s staring. He can’t help it. “You speak Polish?”
Chris laughs from the doorway, he comes into the kitchen, he’s covered in grease. Chris goes up on his toes and kisses Ron. “He spoke polish more then English when he was four. Forced me to get a goddamn Polish to English dictionary.” Jake goes a bit pink. “Dad cut it out.”
Chris gets that look on his face that Bradley used to see on Mav sometimes.
It’s the ‘I could be more of a dick but I’m choosing to be nice today’ face.
Tom laughs and says something else. Jake goes redder. Ron slaps Tom, Chris snorts and loops an arm around Tom. Jake shakes his head, “Y’all are horrible to me I’m gonna find Mav.” He hops off the counter but drags his hand across Bradley’s stomach as he passes.
“Never thought I’d find you speaking a different language so not.” - “baby you think everything I do is hot.” - “shut up Jake come here and ride me.” - “yeehaw cowboy.”
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shjiyemis · 1 year
Warning!!! Gonna mention topics like racism and transphobia, and internalized versions of them. Heavy subjects that we know are going on with these characters are not being ignored just not going into them fully!!!
Ok guys get ready for trans guy Bro Strider concept with a side of Dirk and Dave, it is a novel so look out LOL
This is an interpretation and concept I made up for fun with my headcanons, a theory even. So don't put words in my mouth. None of this canon nor am I saying it is. (but it's definitely canon in this head of mine, leave me be GJVFHCHF)
This is not me making excuses for Bro either, I am simply giving him a backstory and more layers.
I headcanon Bro Strider as a trans guy (bc I headcanon Dirk as trans-masc), but like a trans guy who's lives in the down-low about being gay but completely hides that he's trans. I imagine he strayed away from any family he had before transitioning and was like, never gonna go back lol. Im pretty sure Bro was like a young adult around the 70s or 80s too so like we all know what was going on around those times tbh, plus the general prejudice that happened during those times (and to this day) can definitely imagine him dissociating from that in general.
IT ALSO ADDS ON BC I HEADCANON HIM AS BLACK SO LIKE black trans gay guy, pls that'd be a monstrosity of trauma whether it was indirect OR direct. 😱😱😱
My whole idea is that Bro was dissociating from most of that, probably met Mom Lalonde at some point in the past (like not romantically or sexually or anything of the sort). He's always been smart and a strong guy and able to work around shit but I think later on he actually starts becoming successful in the p0rn industry. Kind of where he was at his high but yeah, after he started gaining such popularity and success during that time is where Dave comes into the picture.
Uses training that he's seen in anime (stupid idiot) and as well as like Lil Cal guidance,,, let's not forget that puppet possessed in the beta universe... (And honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Bro Strider had an already general idea of extreme physical training before hand btw) Also like.... Bro is an asshole btw,,,,, A HUGE ONE!!! empathy is low, just cares about solutions but not really process, as long as it gets good results it doesn't matter.
Generally a shitty guy who won't give most people the time of day, unless he's getting something out of it.
I skipped a lot of things that are like more important to Homestuck bc I'm mostly talking about Broooo rnnnn so if you were like "there's stuff missing" it's bc I skipped it GJCGJVGVJGVJ
I also headcanon Dave as a trans guy, which is funny because all the striders really hopped on the trans ur gender train lololol
Dave's transness is way more different from Bro's though, more through experience. Dave was simply raised and he believed himself to be a boy because Bro was a boy and he also liked the stuff aligned with it. He never went to public school, he was homeschooled but he walked in the city alone alot, probably made a few friends in parks or near school grounds but was never IN school.
He was a boy no one really questioned it, so it only came up that he could be societally aligned with girls later on, like probably 10-12. But was probably pushed out of any traumatic shock by Bro about it and Bro was probably giving Dave a lot of like "man up" mentality. He was never actually able to process it much so it just never bothered him until later on in his life (probably mid-meteor ride).
Like the trans Bro kind of came up one day when I was hyperfixating on Dirk (whom I headcanon as trans-masc, not a trans guy persay but he definitely leans into man label, I've been playing with his dislike for labels and kind of putting him under queer haha!) which is also fun and interesting to play with Bro because that also implies he's non-binary but like doesn't understand that label on the slightest nor cares enough to identify as anything else but as a guy!!
(Also quickly wanted to add that a good label that aligns with Dirks gender /for ppl who need it/ would be nonbinary guy/demi-guy/trans-masc nonbinary, Dirk just doesn't strictly label it, nor does he want to)
Like a few friends I've talked to said Bro would definitely be a transmed and honestly he probably is but more to the degree of not understanding ppl that go against the transmed ideology but like not caring bc it's not business (in my whole concept anyways), he's not interested in it or most people so he doesn't really blurt out about it. He'd probably think people like Kalvin Garrah and ppl similar to him are dumb as hell bc like, "cis ppl have always hated us wtf are you on?" But he also doesn't involve himself in any LGBT politics/problems, at most keeps up with stuff so he gets his down low business done safely.
Dave would be considered to literally be a stud if he was known to be afab, he also has small breasts like Dirk/Bro too so a compression shirt would do the trick easy. He never actually medically transitioned until probably post-game, as an adult.
Upon actually going through puberty Dave was simply given the pill. Bro didn't raise Dave as a trans kid, he raised him as a boy without transness in mind!
Bro didn't educate Dave about trans ppl or anything of the sort, he simply raised him. Dave was a boy and still a boy, just not the same way as Bro, expression-wise and in experience.
Will also definitely say this too, Dave did not know that Bro was trans.
Bro was like literally living and identifying as a cis man and his down low life was more about being a gay black man rather then a TRANS gay black man.
There's definitely a possibility he ran into a few trans men/trans-masc ppl and felt more comfortable with exposure with a few of those individuals but like yeah he kept his transness in the down-low bc even gay who were cis looked down on trans gays
Especially as someone who grew up in the 70s-80s where's trans ppl in general were seen as weirdos even within the lgbt community in certain areas AND racism. Both of those existed inside and outside the trans community.
So yeah, like. He couldn't really hide the fact he was black (though can't say he was ashamed of being black the same way he was ashamed of himself being trans, but he probably does have some slight internalized racism in general), but it had gotten "better" atleast a couple years prior of Dave arriving. His transness tho is very easy to hide. He did not need any top surgery bc he had already had small breasts and testosterone can make your breasts decrease in size as well, along with his very heavy increase in muscle? All of that made it so he didn't really need surgery at all and he made his own bottom prosthetics for himself for easy hiding during any possible sexual encounters.
Hope y'all enjoyed feel free to send asks about this if you want 🥺
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lynxtopia · 4 months
Stupid headcanons for Anne my dear beloved lesbian with several disorders.
oh and like some of them are suggestive I guess?? I'm not entirely sure at this point
Also a lot of these are shared by a friend of mine too.
Jack The Upper is actually a manifestation of guilt that wants forgiveness from Bess but cannot get that and it feeds and feeds on her, eventually resulting in her going mad. Over time the only way to cope with it in Anne's eyes is by becoming her. She would've most likely done the same with Cammy had the book's canon not gone the way it did.
She's a closeted lesbian, but everybody already knows/ has a suspicion. "No straight woman would dress like that!" And it's just a big coat.
Prior to the book, she did get involved in street fighting (the first time someone in the games has actually done that) but usually only won because she carries brass knuckles everywhere. There are a lot of teeth that have been knocked out by her right fist alone.
A lot of scars, mostly on her arms and legs. But she likes it when partners kiss them, because it makes her feel safe and loved, treatment she never got in the books grrr.
She has stolen numerous items of clothing from Cammy. She likes how they smell like her.
Older than Cammy by about 2-4 years, depending on who's writing her. But in most she is older than her.
On the topic of her age, most people actually assumed she was in her 30's due to her outward appearance, which is typically quite dishevelled. Luwanda is still in disbelief that she's in her twenties.
Not very many friends 3: (I would be her friend)
She knew the other Dolls prior to being sent out, although they were in the primary training set, which meant none of them could be sent out on the mission with her.
Smokes occasionally, she got recommended it as a thing for anxiety back when she was a teenager.
Accidentally downed a whole bottle of everclear at 2 in the morning.
Freckles everywhere. Although they're only on the bridge of her nose in canon, I just want to believe she has more freckles, even if it's just on her shoulders and chest in reality.
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I'm so sorry
also the lil as-q was done with my finger at like 10pm a few nights ago so she looks off her shit I know.
+ the image quality I SAVED IT AS A PNG I SWEAR.
Thank you for coming to my talk.
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Okay so i dont post  anything here since valentine days, i gona probably try to post a  some kisekae thing here and there to keep this blog going ,but i hope i can post some headcanons soon, so i can do this was inteand intended too when i start with this lil gabarge can of mine here on tumblr. For now so i dont let this just a an  text comment of  me complaining how I haven’t posted anything in a while, i gona try to post something, so  here  is some old shitpost i did for my ship chart for the characters that were not in a relationship ,as i personaly dont feel like forcing to 2 character to be together in a ship on prospect of they being “alone” with when im not super into it the ship to begin with. I guess the fun of being open to see what close people do with my setings in the new pespective they add with their own things, especialy for ships, hell i found enjoyment in oc x canon with some original characters, so maybe this stupid meme work also as a ‘’ singles ready to mingles’’ for some people lol ( although i’m also love to see ho people work different ships from the ones i already going for in my setings ,is just fun to see what people can imagine for a au im working on, even if is diferent from my own) . Well now im start rambling so is beter me to end in there.
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laugtherhyena · 4 months
Idk if anyone asked this already but What are your headcanons for kizuna and ayame?
Surprisingly I had never reviced an ask like this before so much so that it took me a lil while to think of stuff since my headcanons tend to fall more into character interpretation territory so here's the more headcanon-y ones, if that makes sense.
-Ayame's red jacket is comfort object for her hence why she always keeps it around despite barely wearing it, specifically over the shoulders since it's kinda like having a blanket wrapped around you.
-Ayame is named after a flower so i always liked the idea that one of her parents is a florists/gardener of some kind and that's where the name came from. I also like the idea that she resembles her father way more than her mother, i feel like that could tie into her being self-conscious about femininity n stuff.
-A friend of mine (Hi Poi) headcanons her as having a pet dog and i love that idea a lot and even made sprites for the little man. Her parents got it for her when she was a kid since Ayame never had many friends growing up, as you can expect, her favorite activity was to race with the dog around the neighborhood tho she doesn't do it as much anymore by the time she becomes a part of class 79 because the dog is pretty old by then.
-Same friend also headcanons her as being somewhere in the autism spectrum and honestly? The more i think about it the more i start love the idea, i feel like sports/running is probably her special interest seeing how focused and knowledgeable she is on it + how Ayame seems to love the idea of sharing that with someone/her friends to the point she can go a little overboard with training without even realizing (Aka making Yuki run around the school with her for 2 hours in her FTEs)
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-going off this line from her FTEs, i feel like aside from not being into it another reason why Ayame tends to not dress girly is because she feels as if those clothes would just look weird on her, like she puts on something more feminine and can't shake off the feeling that she's "doing it wrong" and thinks she just looks stupid and that putting it on was a terrible idea.
-HATAMORI JUMPSCARE💥💥 Despite being a socially awkward person Ayame is a very affectionate partner, hugging, cuddling, picking up/carrying her gf around, kissing her on the cheek and that sorta stuff because that's her go to way of showing love. Sometimes this want to display affection bypasses her awkwardness, sometimes it doesn't, but That's no problem when Kizuna is the queen of physical affection and won't think twice before wrapping her arms around Ayame ang hugging her tightly like she's a giant stuffed animal.
Anyways speaking of her uhh hi Mrs.Tomori
-She first got into cheerleading out of the status and spotlight it would being to her in her school's social hierarchy but started to genuinely enjoy it overtime because jumping and twirling and pulling out those stunts is just really fun for her, so much so that she'd suggest crazier/more elaborate choreographies out of really wanting to try it out and if it will make her stand out from the other girls even more that's a bonus.
-Kizuna is a pretty impulsive person, hence why she tends to say whatever comes to her mind without a second thought most of the time. Getting that star tattoo on her face was an impulse idea because she just thought it would look super cute then proceeded to rethink her life choices for the following days after getting it because the face region is one of the areas where it hurts the most to get a tattoo on and she did not know that. + Tattoos are not only generally seen in a bad light in japan but she shouldn't be getting one in the first place since she's still a teen, so you bet Minako scolded her for days over it which wasn't very fun either. (looking back on all that Kizuna would say it was totally worth it tho)
-After a lifetime of window shopping on fancy stores and boutiques Kizuna knows a lot about fashion and would jump right into helping one of her classmates pick something like that up if asked despite her unwillingness to grow closer to them. It's an excuse for her to look at a bunch of clothes and ramble why they're so pretty and how they'd fit this specific person, tho she would be pretty bitchy if the person didn't like her suggestions or thinks they know better than her on the subject.
-KIZUNA/KANATA BESTIES INTERLUDE‼️Sometimes Kizuna will randomly go to Kanata's house initially talking about some random unimportant thing but Kanata knows her well enough to be able to tell that something's bothering her but Kizuna being Kizuna has a hard time opening up from the get go, this visit almost always turns into a sleepover where after easing her into it Kanata gets Kizuna to talk about what's been getting under her skin and does her best to try helping her with the problem or just comforting her.
-She's a comphet lesbian (i will die on this hill) who thought that it was completely normal for her not feel anything towards the guys she messed with because dudes are just replaceable and only really serve to buy her things or bring her to cool places, besides girls are competition so for the longest time she's never even considered the idea she could be anything but straight. When she does realize she's into girls she has a mini freak-out and thinks back to the times she was jealous of the other girl's physical attributes wondering if it wasn't some weird form of attraction in disguise.
(Stemming from the previous headcanon, I imagine it was Kanata who first asked her she's into guys at all while trying to help her move on from her shitty habits and hearing about the things she did. Subsequently, she was the first person Kizuna came out to, albeit in a "oh my god what do i do" way.)
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ill-say-this-fast · 1 year
Hi! Idk if you're still taking scarletsilver/maxicest asks but I'll just shoot my shot I guess.
Idk if I'm alone in this or not but one of my biggest maxicest headcanons is that if Wanda didn't magically create her twin babies... she still would have had them... with Pietro. (Ya know what I mean).
I know, I know, I know. There's plenty of reasons why it sounds illogical. BUT! I feel like if Wanda never loved Vision (or just said "frick it" and just elopes with her brother) or if she really really REALLY wanted to have babies (the 'traditional' way) and asked Pietro... you know that man is 1000% gonna go with whatever his beloved sister wants whether he likes it or not.
Another reason why is because I want them to raise my boys Thomas/Tommy and William/Billy. Especially our lil speed. Baby boy deserves all the nice things. We already see how Wanda interacts with her boys as their mother-not-mother. But imagine if Pietro was their actual dad and how he would interact with the boys?? So many possibilitiessss
And if Wanda and Pietro did raise them, they would also train/mentor Billy and Tommy with their powers early on which would probably make them more powerful or at least more in control in their powers.
Anyways, sorry for the rant! Just wanna know what you'd think of this headcanon of mine and anything you'd like to add really! :)))
I'm never not taking asks, thanks for sending this!
i love having them all as a family. for tommy especially. the kaplans are good parents, but tommy never got to have that and that sucks because wanda loved him so much the whole time and ughh they could have been happy. i would love more wanda and tommy stuff in canon or otherwise. but i also love pietro being more a part of tommys life. not sure if pietro is more competitive or concilliatory with him? bit of both probably. seeing himself in tommy and whether that creates friction or pride or pity.
like in 616 i feel like they have major old cat vs new hyperactive kitten energy and idk if that would be the same if pietro helped raise him from birth but i do love it. pietro's slightly put-on long suffering exasperation and tommy's overwhelming need to annoy this one guy in particular but underneath pietro's really fond of him and tommy's looking for attention and for someone to appreciate him and care that he exists. but they should also get to have stupid fun at high speeds (and together cause i imagine its usually pretty isolating).
in 616 i go with the headcanon that billy and tommy are pietros genetically, like wanda made them as if they were his, but it was still done magically and he just had to see it from afar. theyre the children she always imagined having, the ones she really wanted. so i have no qualms about just making them fully biologically his in AUs, its the way the rebirths and subsequent life experiences affect their personalities that i have to work around.
im working on (slowly) a 616 post childrens crusade fic where the two of them sort of readopt tommy. and they form this kind of nuclear family but dont talk to each other about it really because theyre all afraid the others will reject it. 100% happy ending they get the family they were supposed to have eventually.
also something i probably wont write but have as an idea. a very lighthearted fox xmen au where billy and tommy exist and theyre like 12-14 and pietro (peter i guess) has to keep juggling his job of Saving the World(tm) with dealing with whatever bullshit the boys have done. like the phoenix force is out of control and we need to do something to stop jean from destroying the world, but billy really wanted to see a dinosaur and now theres a time rift in the garden and pietro cannot let his coworkers find out about his children and their godlike powers, so he's bouncing between some really deep placatory conversation with jean and trying to find enough cages to put all the velociraptors in before wanda gets home and finds the house in a mess.
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menlove · 2 years
hi i’ve been on tumblr since 2011 so here’s some of the stupidest discourses i’ve been involved in (and fret not, people are still fucking stupid)
when frozen came out there was a really popular frozen fanfic in which elsa was a modern depressed teenager on reddit. i’m not joking. it was everywhere. i said it wasn’t that good. the author deleted bc of this one piece of mild criticism in a sea of praise and fanart. they were an adult, i was like 13. i got death threats and people telling me they hoped i got cancer.
one time when i was like 15 or 16 i made a post saying "tag the state you think sounds most made up mine is oklahoma" very obviously meaning had cryptid vibes/whatnot. i got at least 5 essays from white people telling me i was being racist towards native americans for mocking their languages. my grandma is navajo and mexican.
one time i called luke skywalker gay and the post broke containment. straight people were livid. mara jade fans wanted my head. i was sexist, homophobic, biphobic, racist, a snowflake, everything else.
another time i called a canonically gay male character gay instead of bi and people lost their fucking minds. i'm bisexual.
another time (and bear with me this gets a lil weird if you weren't in the fandom) i had a headcanon that a demon from good omens was a fallen archangel. it broke containment and became The headcanon. people wanted to see me hung and quartered for this. someone said i was being a capitalist. i was blocked by many people for this headcanon. neil g*iman himself responded to it but someone sent the wrong archangel name and this caused more discourse.
one time i made a post asking if you were an xyz gay but the theme was fanfiction and ppl said i was saying every gay person on earth read fanfiction, mocked me for being a virgin (i was not), and accused my friend of pedophilia bc they responded to them. a 19 year old.
made a shitty uquiz saying "pick some men but it gets progressively worse" and got accused of hating men bc i said abusers were bad actually and made light fun of benedict cumberbatch. also one result was "do you like men? if you do you just have the same vibes as lesbians which is a compliment they're cool" and got called all sorts of things for that one. again, i am bisexual.
there is so much more for every post that has gotten more than 1k notes i can promise you there is the weirdest discourse you have ever seen in your life hiding in the notes
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mythvoiced · 2 years
# for the foxy bros :D
@jeoseungsaja | cell phone headcanons
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone The struggle here was to determine the level of 'insulting' Rang would go for KLDGFJKLHJHKL i think it might have changed depending on affection level, where it started out as 'asshole' then moved onto just his name 'Wang Yeo' and then circled back to 'ugly bastard' but this time with a subtle affectionate undertone; later down the line, Yeo calls and someone's looking over Rang's shoulder like 'who is ugly bastard' and Rang's 'my stupid annoying loud ridiculous embarrassing older brother whom i hate', then he picks up and just 'hyung?' in the softest lil brother voice
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone Somehow I don't think Rang would ever snap a picture of Yeo or god forbid ask for one, so, unless Yeo ever drags him into a picture, as in, ropes him into taking a few together, Rang would probs just put a meme or something insulting, I'm thinking either something along these lines or these KDLGJFHJLG
- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone SO proud fans of the wonderful Alex Cinematic Universe and the particular corner of it dedicated to the wonderful Wang Yeo recall that he + travelling via boat/ship = nopesters, so you MUST believe me when I say that Rang, the moment he finds out about this, would put some random sea shanty as his ringtone just to spite him; doesn't make much sense because Yeo isn't around when he's calling, technically, you'd assume that, but Rang hears it, so it's good enough.
- my muse’s last text to your muse [ txt | ugly bastard | 03:36PM ] where are u
[ txt | ugly bastard | 03:39PM ] i'm freezing my ass off here if you had other stuff to do you could have said so
[ txt | ugly bastard | 03:43PM ] are you getting mauled by something again ffs
[ txt | ugly bastard | 03:51PM ] i'm siccing yuri on you if you don't answer in 5 mins
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faorism · 2 years
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BILLOWS BEAT OFF WHISPERED WINGS: A DAEMON AU: i will be posting more of this series here and on ao3! i might change the title, who knows
hardison is an eastern red bat named t'pris (they thought it was spelled teepris until they watched star trek and were like AH designated trekkie by birth name). settled age sixteen. he is a witch that traveled dimensions when he was young, triggered by when he felt particularly lonely. then he got to nanas and he was :(( so he had the look in his eye and Nana was like OH NO YOU DONT and turns out she is a witch too. he does age at a human rate, unlike nana. 
parker's is a raccoon named jack, settled age nine. he had taken to rabbits and hares when she was very small, because they loved bunny. she was convinced he would be a jackalope (hence, why she think she gave him the name jack, but they cant remember if that was his given name in the first place). settled when her foster father took Bunny and jack needed lil clever thief hands to steal bunny back. they are stretched but not separated, so that jack can help out with thievery.
eliot has a cecropia moth, which is the biggest n.american moth. her name is hazel (although eventually hazel will use they/them, but im not sure when that will start). settled age fifteen. hazel and eliot are severed by age twenty-four, as is typical with elite soldiers and contractors and such. they do not have a good relationship, because age twenty-eightish, eliot abandoned left hazel with toby because eliot knew he was getting into some bad shit and didn't want her hurt.
MORE HEADCANONS ABOUT THE OT3 (but mostly hazel since the series would be mostly in her pov) IN THIS VERSE BELOW
when hazel realized eliot wasn't coming back for her, she begged toby to bring her to aimee. (partly because his daemon and her didn't mesh, partly because hazel missed aimee, and partly because she didn't want eliot to ever find her if he decided to drag his ass back.) 
when the crew does the job for the martins, aimee and her horse daemon hickory tell hazel she has to go back to eliot because (1) he's changed, give him a chance but mostly (2) aimee has to move on. hazel is Not Happy, especially when she learns eliot carries around a prosthetic dormant cicada in a bug case claiming thats his daemon.
hazel ignores eliot but does go to his apartment to grouse, and when they make it to boston she strictly hangs out at nates. 
since shes always there, hazel gives comfort to parker when parker comes crying after the psychic job, landing on her knee. parker is like. oh. i can feel how fuzzy your body is, i really like that, you probably feel... and hazel tells parker she can pet her. parker gets a couple strokes in before starting to cry, the last time she touched another person's daemon being her little brother's. 
hazel quickly falls into trust/in love with parker, who kinda just is like. okay so i guess hazel is mine now. everyone is like UM THATS NOT HOW THIS WORKS. but hazel, parker, and even eliot are like. hazel is her own daemon and can do what she wants independent of eliot (they are so stupid omg). hazel starts to go out on jobs grifting as parkers daemon, staying in her hair like an elegant headpiece while jack goes and does thievery.
later, hazel tries to get cozy with hardison but alec is like ABSOLUTELY NOT, STOP FLIRTING WITH ME, I AM NOT TOUCHING YOU. and then parker is like, duh, go ahead? we are dating and even though jack isnt ready, hazel is and she is independent. but alec is like, okay that's nice but also eliot is involved in this IM SORRY HAZEL, HE IS. so consent is not obtained. 
eliot eventually catches him and is like. hazel came to talk with me, saying you wanted "both coparent's" permission. just.... you have it. and alec is like. .......... internally: goddddddddsd I wanna kiss him so badddddd
when Alec is buried, poor t'pris was left behind, clinging to nate's coywolfs fur. She won't let go, so she ends up in the car with nate and eliot. they go in one direction and she starts freaking out, yelling that it's the wrong direction, they are gonna break them apart. they turn around immediately but t'pris is inconsolable. the coywolf and hazel both are like, come back here now eliot, she needs human warmth. eliot refuses to touch her, so he scoops her into his beanie and cradles her to his chest. 
after the ordeal, t'pris absolutely wants to be cuddled by eliot all the time as her and alec are dealing with The Trauma, so eliot gets one of those phone cases that goes on a belt or lanyard, and carries her that way. eliot has no right to laugh at the sling alec uses for jack once he warms up to being held.
the three of them freak leverage international newbies the fuck out who are like.... dear god if we join is there just daemon socialist anarchy???! and the answer is no but also technically kinda yes? everyone thinks hazel is parker's, t'pris is eliots, and jack is alecs.
it takes two years post s5 for the ot3 to get together despite them and their daemons being all over each other. they are awful and so very stupid.
t'pris likes to tease hazel about how eastern red moths' diet mainly consists of moths. hazel just pointedly flaps her wings and says GODDAMN. TRY. ME. t'pris does not try hazel.
eventually hazel and eliot make up, but it's probably telling of me that i am not sure how. eliot in the meantime is extremely deferential to her, and basically this verse is a love story between them two (aka, eliot and his soul) wherein (as @redgoldblue described) "eliot finds himself in his new family (as very explicitly pointed out in the two horse job) but he hasn’t FOUND himself yet it’s a process so his daemon… who also, separately, finds a home in the same family before ever coming back to eliot"
since the two fliers of the group have bodies about three inches long, jack loves using his weird lil hands to double fist his daemon partners' fuzzy lil bodies. 
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majimemegoro · 3 years
kinda tired of how yakuza characters all have like the same boring body just with slight tweaks in proportions so here are some body & eating/exercise headcanons for a few characters.
kiryu is probably the closest in my head to how he looks in canon, with the caveat that when he gets ‘out of shape’ in between games, he does actually lose some muscle tone. when hes in his most muscled form during the stressful main events of each game, he really does look LikeThatTM, but he doesn’t really do it on purpose. he just... drinks too many energy drinks and not enough water. kiryu youre dehydrated please take care of yourself kiryu please. also he eats stupid nonsense but somehow still has a hollywood-style body. his arms are SO good. has forgotten to eat vegetables for a whole month before. he has several gunshot-wound scars and also scars from the torture and the abdominal stabbings. [if anyone wants to go through the history and make a ‘map’ of the places on kiryu’s body where he would have scars, that would be amazing. i plan to do it myself but probaly wont have time for a few years.]
nishiki is a bit vain about his body. so hes the Health Conscious One [canon, y0 intro scene]. he doesnt diet exactly and hes always happy to eat a huge delicious meal while out on the town, but on his own he tries to make really balanced meals and stuff. his exercise regimen is second only to his haircare routine. he follows it strictly, but it’s nothing too intense. like kiryu, he’s pretty naturally good at being muscly and toned. hes never as bulky as kiryu though.
nishida is a small guy. stronger than he looks, but not shredded at all, hes just a normal pretty strong guy. loses weight in times of higher stress than usual (i.e. 100000 instead of 10000 stress, which is nishida’s daily level). tattoo is a Buddha and lotus flowers.
majima really freaking cares what he looks like. hes starved-shredded and hed do it on purpose if he had to, he wants to look ripped. he eats like garbage [canon, kiwami smile burger majima everywhere event] or just forgets to eat even though hes hungry. really disorganized and a mess but he looks good??? I guess????? hes passed out before possibly from eating only staminams for two weeks straight malnutrition, but it’s hard to say for sure what the cause was because he also... doesnt.. sleep. his joints are in surprisingly good shape, but his knees always crack when he stands up from his lil crouches. long legs. most impressive body part is probably his thighs and shredded abs. his butt is “the great plains”
its been said before but akiyama has. dad bod.
saejima eats a lot [canon, y5 gourmet substory with the girl] and exercises a lot, and gains weight really easily, muscle and fat. so hes super super bulky and well muscled, but not that shredded. like he often has visible abs but theyre meaty abs, not shrink-wrapped abs. he doesnt care what he looks like, but he wants to be  s t r o n g e. he doesn’t really like western food, and he refuses to even try smile burger. will pretty much eat anything else. despite his iconic eyebrow scar he doesnt really scar easily, most of his wounds heal without leaving too much of a mark. his boobies are one of the seven wonders of the world. also one of the few characters with a bodacious butt.
okudera is quite small, especially compared to the giant-size protagonists. maybe like 5′6″? he’s also one of those people who naturally doesnt get that hungry, and combined with his experience of starvation while dealing with trauma & guilt, the guy never eats enough. still in good shape from trekking all over the mountain day & night, skinny but really compact and sinewy. hes also mega scarred up [canon for his face]. not tattooed. his joints are in phenomenal shape for someone of his age and disregard for his personal wellbeing. gets sick pretty easily though.
kashiwagi. hes muscular but never shrink-wrapped like kiryu sometimes gets, but he has broad shoulders and a naturally snatched waist. his torso still looks like that no matter how many cold noodles he stress-eats. doesnt care at all what he looks like but people find it hard to believe because if they see him shirtless they think he has to be a narcissist (bc theyre jealous). has a really big tattoo (im thinkin full sleeves, etc) but idk what its of. actually only has a few scars aside from the facial scar.
please add your own, on new characters or where your headcanon on these characters differs from mine! i’d love to hear !!
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falloutjay · 3 years
Woah. I see you have many requests, but I’m going to try anyway.
Mine is simple, headcanons please. It can be short, I don’t mind.
E.T.Cartman and passive-aggressive reader.
In classes he could see reader letting bits of anger on some guy who’s the “wanna be funny” type.
All! Stay hydrated
Sorry that it took so long, but ayy, I'm back, starting with a lil Cartman post. This is more written like headcanons, I hope that's fine. ^^
Im sorry that I was gone for so long, I simply had loads of stress and also had a huge creative block when it came to SP. But with all the new content I felt a lot better ayy <3
I hope it is to your liking dear anon and stay tuned for more post following soon!
Cartman x passive-aggressive!Reader
For him it was a normal day, he went into the class, as usual, feeling tired from not sleeping well last night.
So he decides the day shall just pass him by. He can’t bring up the energy today.
Class begins and he of course does everything but work. Not like the teacher is gonna choose him to present.
His eyes threatened to close, as he’s hit by a paper airplane.
Crushing it in his fist he turns around to see who did it. And of course, it was that one new student, who thinks he’s a comedic genius of some sort.
Cartman was about to unleash his pent-up vocabulary when he heard someone mutter under their breath.
“Wow, I’m throwing paper around wooo. I’m so funny.”
Eric looked at the student who made the snarky comment and Eric would lie if he said he wasn’t interested. He had never talked to them but hearing them make fun of that dumb idiot made him smile.
When it came to presenting, the class clown screamed a loud “Nice!” when one of the solutions was 69. Eric rolled his eyes, even that was under his standard and to his surprise, he heard the same student from earlier behind him.
“God, someone’s humor didn’t evolve past age 4.”
It made Eric chuckle and so he decided to talk to them after class.
He caught them outside of class near his locker, talking to them about the comments.
“It was really funny. Nice to see someone else see the things just like I do.” He said and the two got talking.
Soon enough the two sat together in class, making their remarks as soon as they had an idea for one. No one was save from the two.
When hanging out together after school, the two would often talk about their favorite remarks by one another.
“When you told Scott that you didn’t know Diabetes can also make you stupid, I laughed so hard! How do you think of that?!” They proclaimed while walking beside him and laughed hard.
Eric knew then and there that he adored them from the bottom of his heart.
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