#just some lad from England look
twostepstyless · 2 years
He’s so fit it’s not funny
6 notes · View notes
thirteenfrogs · 2 months
‘hot & heavy’ — leah williamson x reader
leah williamson x fem!reader
based on hot & heavy by lucy dacus !
italics are flashbacks
not proofread and idk if makes sense
so. many. words. (7.8k)
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being back here makes me hot in the face
hot blood in my pulsing veins
england, you know, is home.
you associate that word with the country so often that it always surprises you that the dictionary definition of home isn't simply the polaroid of your house in milton keynes that you took when you were 8.
england is home even when you leave, and it's home when you come back after years away.
being back in england — specifically in milton keynes — makes your cheeks warm, and you're not sure whether it's the uncharacteristically hot sun or something deeper in the pit of your stomach that makes you all too aware of the hot blood in your pulsing veins.
heavy memories weighing on my brain
hot and heavy in the basement of your parents' place
your memories of milton keynes are varied — some are from your childhood, where you spent hours wishing on dandelions, kicking a ball around the neighbouring streets, and chasing the ice-cream van with a 50p coin you found in the gutter in the hopes of a screwball or a mr. whippy.
some memories are from your teenage years, where the bus ride to school was more entertaining than any parties your friends dragged you to in short dresses and the promise of a kiss from the good looking lad in the year above, no matter how much you insisted that you would much rather go to the cinema with your mates (and sneakily hold hands with your best friend).
few memories are from your adult years, when you decided to travel to neighbouring cities and spent hours exploring the intricacies of museum architecture and flirting to get free drinks in the new pub that opened around the corner from your secondary school.
every memory, though, includes her.
leah williamson — your childhood best friend, teenage love, and the reason why being back home feels both freeing and suffocating at the same time.
you used to be so sweet
leah used to pick flowers.
it was something that, more often than not, ended with you both being chased down the street by an angry neighbour who had fists in the air yelling that they were already on the phone to your mums and you would both be in for it when you got home.
it was always worth it, though, when after running so fast for so long you swear your legs could fall off, leah presents you with a fistful of whatever flowers were growing in that particular garden with some blades of grass and the roots still attached to the muddy bouquet. there would always be a dandelion, too, and the blonde girl would insist you make a wish just so she could pester you for hours after about what you had wished for.
and even when your mum does inevitably tell you off after the streetlights had come on and signalled your time to retreat home, the crumpled flowers you hold tight in your grasp remind you that tomorrow you'll do it all again, and the collection of wilted flowers on your windowsill will surely grow once more.
when she sees you again for the first time in almost 5 years, leah refrains from breaking into the nearest garden to steal you a flower and instead settles for a quick hug that feels more like home than any house she's ever lived in.
now you're a firecracker on a crowded street
couldn't look away even if i wanted
it’s merely a coincidence, you tell yourself, that your trip back home coincides with leah’s 26th birthday.
she invites you to a small get-together she’s having in london, and you try not to think about all the birthday traditions that have been broken in the years apart from your ex-best-friend. gone are the sleepovers you held the night before, gone are the parties your families had in your back-gardens, and gone are the shared slices of your favourite cakes.
get-togethers in hidden bars in london are new to you, but they seem familiar to leah and those she considers most important to her.
meeting up with her teammates and friends is a bittersweet experience, and you try not to think about how the leah they’re celebrating is wildly different to the leah you’re celebrating.
you look at the blonde and see the girl you once considered your better half, your extra limb, and they simply see the woman she is today.
leah’s the same as she always was, you notice from your seat at the bar, as she attracts the attention from the entire room without even trying. she’s still the same leah that was a thousand times more popular than you, and she’s still the same leah that never seemed to notice the hold she had on others.
you watch the way her eyes light up when she’s had a drink, and it takes you back to bonfire night when you were 7. when leah first held a sparkler on your crowded street, and her immediate thought was to try and cast a spell on you, giggling like a madman when you throw yourself to the floor like you had been struck.
you think the sparkle in her eyes is still there, and you pretend not to notice the way it brightens when she catches sight of you watching her. you couldn’t look away even if you wanted, and it takes a tap to your shoulder to snap you out of your leah-induced haze.
“kei!” you throw your arms around the ginger in a warm hug, and she responds back eagerly.
“hi, y/n/n, it’s so good to see you again.” keira smiles, squeezing your shoulders gently.
“it’s been a while.” you agree, letting her take the seat next to you.
you find yourself sticking with keira and other familiar faces, such alex and georgia, for a lot of the night — getting tipsy as you reminisce on shared memories and anecdotes about a certain blonde who was drunkenly serenading the entire bar.
at one point, it’s just you and keira, both equally drunk as you laugh about that time leah fell off a swing and was convinced that a ghost had pushed her.
“she was mad — still is, i think.” keira grins, glancing over to leah as she dances around the room.
“it’s a wonder i survived so long.” you agree, a smile on your flushed cheeks.
“i always thought you were it for each other, you know.” keira muses quietly, glancing between you and leah across the room.
“me too.” you take a large gulp of whatever drink georgia had forced into your hand 5 minutes prior.
“i still do.” you glance up at her in confusion, but keira’s slightly slurred words continue, “i know i’m drunk, and i know you are too, but i really think you shouldn't give up on her. she never gave up on you, not really.” at your silence, keira backtracks slightly, wincing at her own drunken word-vomit. "i'm sorry, i shouldn't have- i know you're happy in spain now, i didn't mean to bring up old-"
"i’m moving back to london soon.”
and with that, you make your way to the bar to order another drink, eyes drifting around the room and automatically landing on the woman of the hour, who takes that as her cue to stumble over for the first time that night.
“dandelion! i didn’t think you were coming!” she shouts over the song that you know was once her favourite, wrapping her arm over your shoulder and squeezing you close in a once-familiar embrace.
“neither did i.” you admit quietly, never one to be able to lie to her.
“i’m glad you did, now we can sing our song!”
“no karaoke-“
“yes karaoke!”
and like no time had passed at all since you were leah and y/n, the blonde leads you to the small stage with a firm hand.
“one song, and then i’m sitting back down.” you say firmly, and leah simply grins, pushing a piece of hair out of your face as gently as she can with her clumsy hands.
“that’s my shy girl.” she coos as she pinches your cheek teasingly, and you simply roll your eyes. "you never were one for the stage, were you, dandelion?"
try to walk away but i come back to the start
led me to the floor even though i'm not a dancer
the night before your year 11 prom was spent in leah's bed — which was practically yours too with how much time you spent there growing up — laying side by side and staring at the ceiling as if the answer to why your cheeks were so warm was written above the bed.
"what if someone asks me to dance?" it's the first question you ask that betrays how nervous you really are for the upcoming event, and leah scoffs in response.
"tell them to shove off because you've already got a dance partner." the answer is so leah that you have to take a moment to roll your eyes, and because she apparently has eyes on the side of her head, she kicks you for it.
"i don't suppose that dance partner is you, is it?" you tease lightly, bumping your shoulder with hers and watching expectantly for her rebuttal.
"who else would it be?" she turns to look at you, blue eyes searching your face for the answer she knows she'll never get.
because the answer is nobody. there's not a single other person on planet earth you would trust to dance with you, and since there aren't any martians visiting any time soon, you'll stick with leah.
and stick with leah you do.
you're attached to her side when your mums take as many pictures as their cameras can physically hold, leah's hand settled on your waist and your head leaned against her shoulder as you stand outside your house. you pretend the blush on your cheeks is from the never-ending compliments from your families and the warm sun, and not the way that your best friend squeezes your hip gently to remind you pay attention to the cameras and not her.
you remain within arm's length of leah the entire night except for the 2 minutes that she disappeared to fetch you a drink that she knew you would need in the warm room, and even then she had tried to take you with her.
your interlocked pinky fingers keep you close as you make your way around the room, mindlessly chatting to your classmates.
you didn’t go near the dance floor, though, no matter how often leah tried to drag to towards it. you had made your opinions on dancing very clear and leah swore if that she heard the words “i’d rather die” come out of your mouth again then she’d kill you herself.
instead, the pair of you mingle with all of your friends and poke fun at the teachers’ outfits as they supervise the room with eagle eyes, though the blonde never lets up in her begging for a dance.
“come on, dandelion, just dance with me? please?” the pout on leah’s face is one you’ve seen many times in your decade of friendship, and not once have you ever had the heart to deny it.
“lee,” you whine, feeling your resolve crumble further when she steps closer. “i’m not a dancer. i don’t dance.”
“i do! i’ll show you how to do it.” she looks down at you with her most pleading expression, “please?”
“i’ll look-“
“you won’t look stupid, and don’t even think about suggesting it again.” she squeezes your pinky gently with her own, and you know you’re gone. “if anyone says anything, i’ll kick ‘em right in the face with these stupid heels — and that’s a promise!” you bite your lip hesitantly with a smile and leah presses further, “come on, y/n/n, please? don’t make me beg in-front of everyone here.”
“…fine. one dance.”
“that’s all i need, my girl.”
with leah’s hand in your own, you don’t feel nearly as nervous as you would’ve normally, and she leads you to the floor where you spend the rest of the night.
you find that you don’t hate dancing so much when leah’s your partner.
ask me all the questions that your parents wouldn't answer
"did you know that olivia in your geography class has two mums?”
it’s a tuesday night and leah’s in your bed. you’re 15 and there’s not much to do on a school night other than talk about whatever comes to mind. leah’s the first, tonight, and you wonder if she’ll finally let slip the reason she’s been deep in thought all day.
“really? she’s never mentioned it before.” you shrug, unsure of where your best friend is going with the conversation. “i guess she wouldn’t have a reason to, would she?”
leah bites her lip, clearly deep in thought. you have half a mind to tell her not to think so hard or her head will hurt, but you refrain.
“hey, what’s up?” you poke her cheek gently, hoping to snap her out of whatever headspace she was in. “you a homophobe or something? because i’ll have you know my cousin’s gay and-“
“i’m not a homophobe, you dick!” leah shoves you with a huff, and you grin at your success. “i’m just curious!”
“bi-curious or just curious?” you tilt your head, knowing it would only annoy her further.
“dandelion, i’m getting annoyed here.” she warns, glaring at you as best as she can with her 16-year-old baby face. “i’m just-“ she sighs, flopping back down on your bed. “do you think it’s…okay?”
“for?” you ask, laying down beside her.
“for two girls to…y’know, have a baby? get married?”
“i don’t see why it wouldn’t be okay?”
“i don’t see why either, but…” leah glares up at the ceiling. “when you think of getting married, what do you think of?”
you blink at the slight change of subject, but conversations with your best friend often go from topic to topic, so you shrug and answer honestly.
“cake- ow, leah! don’t hit me!”
“be serious for once!”
“i’m trying!” you huff, rubbing your shoulder from where she had so kindly elbowed you. “okay, when i think of getting married i think…a white dress, and some nice flowers. i think about songs i’d like to have play too. and cake.”
“what about who you’re marrying?”
“i don’t know, i never think of that.” you shrug, wondering what leah was getting at.
“well isla in our form class is convinced she’s going to marry jack, and she says she imagines it all the time. do you?”
“do i imagine marrying jack? god, no.” you snort at the idea. “he picks his nose still, did you know that?”
“y/n! be serious!” leah groans.
“stop beating around the bush and ask me what you really want to ask, then!” you huff, kicking her shin.
there’s silence for a moment, and you risk a glance towards the blonde.
she’s already looking at you — blue eyes piercing yours. “…do you ever think of marrying a girl?”
you roll over to your side and look back at her, eyes roaming over her freckled face that seemed awfully troubled for a simple tuesday night.
you shrug, “i dreamt i married lucy liu once, but i think that was because i fell asleep watching charlie’s angels.”
“was it…did it feel weird?” she furrows her brows the way she always does, and you reach out and press your thumb between them to remind her to stop.
“no, it was nice until she went all bridezilla on my dad. i can’t remember why, though. think he said her dress was ugly or something.” you remove your hand from leah’s face, but it doesn’t go far because the blonde reaches up and intertwines your pinkies and lays your hands on the pillow between your faces.
“i’d go bridezilla on him too. just for fun, though.” leah nods thoughtfully.
“and that’s why i wouldn’t marry you.” you roll your eyes, squeezing her finger.
“no? not even if i proposed with a million dandelions?” she asks with a smug smile, and you grin as she finally seems to relax.
“hmm…if you did that and got me a pretty ring, i wouldn’t say no.” you nod.
“the haribo ones aren’t good enough for you anymore?” she smiles, her eyes flickering between your own and your lips.
“diamonds are a girl’s best friend, lee. you gotta know that if you’re ever gonna propose to someone.” you poke her nose gently with your spare hand, and she grabs it with a gentle squeeze.
“i’ll keep it in mind.”
how could i deny a diamond in the rough?
it was awfully cliché, and you're aware of that, but leah had insisted that it was a rite of passage to play dancing queen on your 17th birthday, and so you allow the blonde to twirl you to her heart's content as the lyrics blare through your house. she sings along as she always does, never one to shy away from showing her passion for music and love for singing.
your families are scattered around the house and the back garden — leah’s grandmother playing scrabble with your aunt at the kitchen table, jacob kicking a football outside with your cousins, and both your’s and leah’s mums gossiping over a glass of wine while your dads manned the barbecue on the deck. to anyone else, this wouldn’t be considered a very good 17th birthday celebration, but to you it was perfect.
your other friends don’t understand that this is how you’d rather spend your birthday over getting drunk in a field (though, you weren’t opposed to that every now and then), and so it’s only leah who you spend the evening with, singing, dancing, and drinking as much as your families allow.
when it’s time to blow out your candles, it’s leah who stands beside you with a soft smile as your families sing the song you hate so much. it’s leah who presses a kiss to your cheek and tells you to close your eyes and make wish.
‘i wish it could always be like this.’
you open your eyes as watch as the smoke rises to ceiling, blushing as everyone cheers and claps, and giggling when jacob begs for the cake to be cut already.
“what did you wish for?” leah asks quietly, eyes solely on you as you watch your dad carry the cake over to the counter.
“you’ve asked me that almost everyday since we were 6, lee.” you chuckle, leaning into the arm she has around your waist. “and i’ve never once told you.”
“i was hoping today would be different.” she pouts dramatically, “but, alas, my dandelion keeps her secrets.” the hand she places over her heart makes you roll your eyes fondly, and leah simply continues her theatrics for as long as she can before getting distracted with a slice of cake — typical.
you can’t help but feel like today is different, though. maybe it’s just because your head feels a little fuzzy from the beers your dad had allowed you to have, or maybe it’s because leah’s arm had been wrapped around your waist all day and you wonder how you’ll cope if she never does it again. either way, there’s something in the air that evening, and you feel it close in on you when leah shoves a piece of cake in your face, smearing icing across your cheeks with a laugh so loud, you wonder if you’ll go deaf.
you freeze in shock when it happens, and even though you can see everyone in the room cracking up, it’s leah’s laugh that captures your attention, and it’s her smile that you want to shove a piece of cake into.
so you do.
war is declared that night, and despite your mum’s protests about getting food everywhere, you and leah find yourselves in a cake fight that resembles the great snowball war of ‘05.
your cousins and jacob join in, like all children do, and you can hear your dad placing bets on who’ll be the first to tap out, but your attention is solely on your best friend and how stupidly beautiful she looks when she laughs. you don’t know anyone in the world who could pull off a cake-smeared face so well, but leah seems to do it in a way that has your heart beating faster with more than just adrenaline as you run around the kitchen with cake in your fists.
you know you’ll regret this all when you have to clean up later, and you know your hair will never forgive you for the amount of chocolate in it, but in those moments where cake is flying across the kitchen and out the back door, you know you’ll be okay.
eventually, your mum puts a stop to it all and orders your dad to hose you all off in the garden (something he takes sadistic pleasure in as you all scream and run away from the ice-cold water, leah even using your dog as a shield while you used her), and your aunt ends up taking your cousins home before they could catch a cold.
people start to leave slowly, giving you one last birthday wish and a kiss to the head, until finally it’s just you, leah, and your parents.
your mum sends you both upstairs with a reminder not to stay up too late gossiping like always, and you and leah simply share a look before running up the stairs and attempting to push one another down them.
after you take turns showering and changing into some pyjamas, you both settle on your bed with the lord of the rings trilogy lined up for the 4th time that month, just because it was leah’s favourite.
“that’s you.” you point to the screen where gollum currently is, like you always do, and leah smacks a pillow down on your face, like she always does. “that never gets old.” you grin.
“it never gets funny.” the blonde huffs, stealing popcorn out of your hand instead from the bowl like a civilised person. “one day that mouth of yours will get you in trouble, dandelion.”
“is that a threat?”
“it’s a promise.” she nudges your shoulder with her own. “and i’ll have you know i look nothing like gollum; i’m far more beautiful.”
“that’s not a very nice thing to say about your twin, leah.” you shake your head disapprovingly, and leah scoffs.
“that’s it!” and before you can even begin to comprehend what’s happening, leah’s attacking you.
the pillow that was once behind her head is now in her hands as she swings it down on your face, and you barely have time to react before it comes down again. leah’s laugh is loud as you squeal, trying to escape her wrath to no avail.
“i surrender!” you finally shout after far too long, and leah grins triumphantly from her place above you.
your breathing is heavy, and your cheeks are warm, but leah’s eyes are comforting. they don’t hold your gaze like usual, and instead they glance down to your parted lips with an unrecognisable expression.
“you surrender?” she double checks, holding the pillow threateningly.
you nod, trying to catching your breath.
“and you won’t say anything else about my appearance?”
“my lips are sealed.” you nod, watching as leah drops the pillow
“i can’t think of anything clever to say about your mouth,” she says, brushing some of your hair out of your face gently, “i just…”
you hold your breath as leah leans in close, lips brushing against yours, tentatively, for the first time.
you think about the first time leah ever kissed you when you were 6. when you had just learned how to ride your bike and in your excitement to show your best friend, you stopped looking where you were going. you had hit the curb and flown over the handlebars and onto the pavement. it was leah who pulled you up to your feet, and it was her who pressed a magic kiss to your grazed palm to stop your tears.
you remember thinking it was best magic kiss you had ever gotten, because it worked in taking away like the pain like all magic kisses too.
now, though, you know it pales in comparison to this.
you don’t think anything could ever live up to feeling of leah’s soft lips on yours, and her gentle hold on your jaw. nothing will ever compare to the way she slowly pulls away, smiles at you, and then pulls you back in for another.
you led me in your world until you had enough
the day after your kiss with leah, you find that she’s nowhere to be found.
you don’t wake up to leah’s arms wrapped around you like you usually do after a sleepover, and a quick look around your house tells you that leah’s not downstairs critiquing your mum’s pancakes like usual either. your dog sits at the front door whining in the way he only does when he misses your best friend, and you wonder why leah left so early and where she could have possibly gone.
you find that as the day goes on, your worry for leah increases. she hasn't responded to — or even read — the numerous texts you've sent, and even jacob had simply shrugged his shoulders when you asked where she could be.
you're pretty much moments away from reporting her as missing when you hear her familiar laugh in the park near your house. you wonder if you've gone crazy enough to start hearing things, but once glance out your bedroom window confirms that leah is, in fact, at the park. she's kicking a ball around with some girls you recognise as her friends from football, and you wonder why she hasn't invited you like she normally does.
despite every cell and fibre in your body telling you to close your window and pretend you never saw her, you find yourself clipping the lead onto your dog's collar and walking him across the road like you had a reason to be there apart from confronting your stubborn best friend on why she had seemingly disappeared all day.
leah doesn’t notice you — if she does, she ignores you — as you approach, your dog tugging the lead with the insane strength that only appears whenever he sees leah.
“hey, y/n!” one of leah’s friends waves, and that’s when the blonde finally looks your way.
leah reluctantly kicks the ball away, sending her friends chasing after it, and turns to you with an air of coldness that you had never been on the receiving end of before.
“haven’t see you all day,” you remark casually, ignoring the way she rolls her eyes dismissively. “is everything okay?”
“yeah, fine.” leah shrugs, patting your dog’s head lightly as he happily licks her hand.
“oh.” you’re not really sure what to say after that. you watch her for a moment, taking notice of the way she avoids your gaze. “did you want to talk about-“
“look, i’m really sorry but my coach says i don’t need any distractions. can you leave me alone?”
with that, your best friend (?) walks away, leaving you standing there in confusion.
“coach says i don’t need distractions.”
you wonder if leah sees you as a distraction, or simply just the kiss. you hope it’s neither, but the way she seems to avoid you like the plague for weeks after your conversation tells you it’s probably both. she spends all her time with football, and even in school she seems to find a way to distance herself.
and so you see less of your best friend as her passion for football grows, and you feel selfish when you find yourself missing her.
you don’t understand why you can’t just be happy for her, but a part of you deep down knows that it’s because you don’t want her to be happy without you.
she is, though. and that hurts more than anything. leah seems perfectly fine to spend all her time with her football friends, and you find that your late night talks have been replaced with an occasional text asking about homework that never leads to anything more than a 1 minute conversation.
leah doesn’t call anymore, and so you don’t either. she doesn’t knock on your door and beg you to come out, so you take the long way around town to avoid her house.
you still attend her matches — because no matter how upset you are at her, she’s still your best friend and you’d always support her — but she doesn’t run to you at the end of the games anymore, instead she sticks close to her teammates and barely glances in your direction.
drifting away from leah is a slow process, and yet you feel completely blindsided because one minute she was your leah, and the next it felt like you barely knew her at all.
you knew that i wanted you to bend the rules
how did i believe i had a hold on you?
losing leah feels like losing a part of yourself, and you hate that it’s because, technically, you are.
you had always been leah and y/n.
when one of you wasn’t in school, teachers would ask the other where your other half was. when your mum made dinner every evening, there was always enough for another plate because she knew that your best friend would be there whether she was invited or not. when leah’s mum booked that family holiday to spain in 2008, there was an extra ticket with your name on it because she would never dream of separating leah from her y/n. you would never find one without the other, and that’s the way it always had been.
leah and y/n.
you don’t know how to just be y/n.
you find yourself looking to your side to tell her a funny thought that popped in your head, only to be met with nothing because leah’s not around anymore.
your parents don’t understand when you tell them you’ve simply grown apart, and neither do you, because ‘growing apart’ wasn’t in the cards for leah and y/n.
leah and y/n were supposed to stay together until the very end, even when the street lights turned off. leah and y/n were meant to stand by each other’s side, even when you were being lectured for stealing dandelions from mr. miller’s garden. leah and y/n were forever and always, like you had promised when you were 7.
but you’re not 7 anymore, and leah hadn’t given you a dandelion in so long, you wonder if you still know how to make a wish.
you were stupid to think you were ever important to leah. how did you believe you had a hold on her?
you were always stronger than people suspected
underestimated and overprotected
you knew that leah joining the senior squad for arsenal was inevitable — she was an amazing player with passion for the game and a love for arsenal that could rival even the biggest gooners.
it doesn’t surprise you at all to hear through the grapevine about leah’s permanent move to london, but you think that fate isn’t on your side when you find out she lives close to your new london flat that you share with your friends from university.
you’re just grateful that your busy school schedule and leah’s packed football life means no accidental meetings in the big city.
except it does. because of course it does.
you think maybe it's because your body had been accustomed to being near leah your entire life that it seeks her out even when you know it shouldn't. you think that must be why you always seem to bump into her no matter where you go.
it certainly doesn't help that you can't resist attending her matches too. call it routine, or simply call it love, but you don't think there's a single world where you wouldn't support the girl you once considered your best friend. watching leah play football had been a staple in your life for as long as you can remember, and there had been too much change in your life for you to ever consider giving this comfort up.
you pretend you don’t notice the way her eyes always seem to find your figure in the mostly-empty stands, and you always make sure to wear a jacket over your williamson jersey just so she doesn’t know that she’s the only reason you’re still there when everyone else goes home.
after a particularly good match, a few months into the season, leah finally picks up the courage to approach you. it had been months of longing stares from the pitch, showing off whenever she was near your section, and trying to catch your eye at the end of a match, and leah was now finally ready to speak to you.
properly. for the first time since she decided to be a coward almost a year ago and tell you you were a distraction instead of saying the truth.
the truth was that she loved you.
leah had loved you for as long as she could remember, and she was sure that she’d love you for the rest of her life.
the only thing to do now was ensure that you’d actually be in her life, so she could love you up close again.
it’s after a pretty intense match that leah finally had enough to confidence to approach you (after a few words of encouragement from alex, of course). you were sat in the stands, talking animatedly with another girl about the game.
leah swallows the brief feeling of jealousy, and walks towards your seat. you look up almost immediately, like you can sense her, and your expression doesn’t change. you pull your jacket tighter over your body, and leah catches sight of the red jersey beneath.
she hopes it’s her last name across your back.
“big fan?” leah nods towards your jersey as she leans over the barriers slightly, her voice surprisingly not giving away the nerves she was feeling at being face-to-face with you again after so long.
“oh, absolutely,” you agree, your voice dripping with the sarcasm that she knows too well, “i just love vicky losada.”
leah scoffs, “you’re wearing #6, really? let me see.” she gestures for you to take your jacket off, and you shake your head.
“6 my favourite number.” you shrug.
“14 is better.” she taps the #14 on her shorts pointedly.
“ever so humble, williamson.”
“you know me well, dandelion.” the nickname falls from her lips as easily as it used to, as if no time had passed at all since the last time she said it.
like you were still leah and y/n.
she seems to think so too, because leah grabs her own jersey and pulls it over her head. “here,” she says, holding it out to you, “it’s not a #6, but one day it will be. for you.”
you hesitantly take the warm jersey, “i’ll hold you to that.”
“wait, let me sign it.” leah grabs a sharpie that someone had left in the seat beside you and you hold the jersey out for her, trying to keep your eyes solely on her hands and not anywhere else. “there.”
“how much do you think this would go for on ebay?” you ask, folding the jersey and tucking it under your arm.
“not funny.” leah frowns, the familiar crease forming between her eyebrows. “you have to keep that.”
“we’ll see.” you grin, waving goodbye as you step back.
“see you next week.” leah waves, watching you go.
it’s only when you get home do you realise what she’s written on the jersey.
‘call me?’ with her phone number attached.
your roommate wonders what has you smiling so widely for the rest of the evening.
things with leah don't go back to how they were — you doubt they ever will — but the new normal, you find, isn't so bad either. it definitely helped that leah had offered a sincere apology for what she had said and how she had been acting with a collection of your favourite snacks, your favourite movie, and a dandelion she had insisted you use to make a wish about her embarassing herself at her next match — which she seemed to think she deserved for how she had treated you.
you don't bother telling her that when you close your eyes and blow on the flower, you only wish for the best for her, like you always have.
you want the best for leah, and a part of you deep down knows that you don’t fit into that idea anymore.
you cherish the time you spend with your once-best friend, and you let her cart you around london with her teammates for months before you break the news that you’re leaving for good.
when i went away it was the only option
couldn't trust myself to proceed with caution
the job offer comes at the perfect time. if you didn’t know better, you’d probably say it was divine intervention or the years of dandelion wishes catching up to you and granting you this once and for all.
either way, you don’t dwell on what causes your boss to offer you a position in spain, you simply give a grateful smile and ask when you can start.
you try not to think about the fact that spain reminds you of leah — of that family holiday you were invited to back when you were 9. you try not to think of the hours you spent playing mermaids in the pool and getting sunburned while eating as much food as your little bodies could handle.
you think you’d be able to find a connection to leah no matter where in the world you are.
every time you walk past a group of children playing football, you’re taken back the hours of running around fields with your blonde best friend as she dribbled past you like you weren’t even there — and then letting you take the ball back moments later because she felt bad.
every time you go grocery shopping, your brain subconsciously reminds you which foods leah does and doesn’t like, as if she’ll be popping around for tea like you live on the same street again and not in a whole different country.
leah didn’t take that easily, either — the fact that you wouldn’t be within in walking distance of her anymore.
you remember the way her eyes shined with tears when you showed her your transfer email. you remember the way she begged you stay, insisting that the better pay and higher position wouldn’t matter if you moved in together. she promised she would take care of bills, and that all you’d have to do is stay.
she didn’t understand that it wasn’t like how it used to be.
leah wasn’t the sun. not anymore. your life had to revolve around something else now.
spain is quite sunny, anyway. you’re sure you’ll find something new.
the most that i could give to you was nothing at all
the best that i could offer was to miss your calls
you settle into your new home quickly, and when you ignore the constant ache in your chest, you find that spain makes you quite happy.
leah calls more than she did when you were in london, and you find yourself purposely ignoring them for the sake of letting her down easily. you lived in spain now, and leah lived in london. it just wouldn’t work.
you wish you were a big enough person to pick up the phone, but you knew that the second you hear her voice again, you’d be back to square one.
the most that you can give is nothing at all.
try to walk away but i come back to the start
and it happens over and over and over and over again
over and over and over and over again
i wish i was over it, over it, over it, over it
even in spain, you think of leah.
you always think of leah.
you watch her games whenever you can — both for england and for arsenal. you buy a williamson #6 jersey when she changes her number and you wear it proudly whenever you sit in front of the tv and watch her play the game you had become so accustomed to.
the signed jersey from all those years ago is the one you wear to sleep. leah’s message has long since faded, and it doesn’t smell like her anymore, but the comfort it brings is the same as it always was.
every birthday, you find yourself staring at the candles wondering what you should wish for. back when you had leah everything, you could always come up with something new to wish for. now, though, you don’t know. there’s only one thing you want, and you can’t have her it. when you close your eyes, the warmth of the candles in front of your face uncomfortably familiar, you only see images of leah. you see her smiling, laughing, and playing.
you wish for her happiness.
you’re not sure what that means for you.
a hidden gem, my own goldmine
you had the wide and wild eyes
leah isn’t just your favourite footballer anymore.
she’s an inspiration to thousands of people, one of the best in her field, and you know deep down that you’ve done the right thing by leaving.
she’s doing everything she ever wanted, what does it matter if she’s not doing it with you?
you’re sure she doesn’t miss you, anyway.
you pretend not to notice when leah views your instagram stories, and you act like it doesn’t make your ache to reach out to her.
but you can’t.
you were a secret to yourself
you couldn't keep from anyone else
now you're the biggest brightest flame
you are a fire that can’t be tamed
you're better than ever, but i knew you when
leah williamson, england captain. but you remember when she was simply leah, the girl with legs too long for her body and a smile too wide for someone in the middle getting told off for tracking mud into her mum's kitchen.
leah williamson, european champion. but you were there when she was just leah williamson, the teenager determined to prove herself and make her family proud.
you held her when she had a bad game, and you cheered on the sidelines when she played her first match as a gunner.
before she was anyone else, she was your best friend.
but...she had always been more than that, hadn't she?
she was always meant for more than you and your garden bouquets and your late night conversations.
she was always going to be more than that little street on milton keynes, and maybe you had always known that you were doomed for heartbreak.
leah williamson had never really been yours.
not even when you were 16, and she told you she liked you the way girls should like boys.
she wasn't yours when she tentatively pressed her lips against yours for the first time on your 17th birthday.
she wasn't even yours when she promised she was.
she had always been her own person, and you were simply the idiot on the sidelines with your arms open for whenever she felt like being someone else’s for a moment.
she had never been yours, but you had known since the day she first presented you with a stolen flower when you were 6 that you were hers.
leah wasn't yours, much like that dandelion wasn't really yours either. because she had ripped it from the ground outside mr. miller's house much like she had done to your heart when she told you that you were a distraction.
you’ve had a long time to get over leah, and an even longer time to find yourself outside of being her best friend. but either you simply don’t want to, or that birthday wish you made when you were turning 17 really did come true, because you find that leah’s the only person you want even after years apart. even after leah had broken your heart and failed to fix it, you still want her to hold you at the end of the night and tell you everything she thinks and feels, and you want nothing more than to listen to her voice and the steady beat of her heart and know that you’re home.
you think that maybe it’s not a bad thing to still want leah. maybe you can start over. you can be leah and y/n again.
it's bittersweet to see you again.
you spend most of your time home falling back into routine with leah, much like the one you had when you were 16.
and while the conversations no longer revolve around who of your classmates fancies who, or how badly you think you did on your recent exam, you feel the same warmth on your cheeks as you did when leah first held your hand so many years before.
your inside jokes still make you laugh harder than any comedy show you've been to, and leah's arm over your shoulder fits better than that tailored coat you got for your 21st birthday.
being back with leah feels right, and that terrifies you.
because it was wrong, wasn't it?
it was wrong to look at leah and see everything you could've had.
but when she catches your eye and glances down to your lips with pink cheeks, you think maybe you'll always be the girls in milton keynes, and maybe the flowers blooming the ground would belong to you once again.
the grin on her lips makes you hot in the face, hot blood in your pulsing veins.
heavy memories weigh on your brain as she presses her lips against yours like they were coming home, and you register her slide something soft into your palm as she kisses you.
reluctantly, you pull away with bated breath and open your hand, peering down curiously at what you now hold.
a dandelion.
“make a wish, y/n.”
you glance up at leah — your leah.
“i don’t think i need to.”
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It's a Match! || poly!141 x Reader
[Chapter 31] || [Chapter 33]
Pairing: Gaz x gn!Reader || Ghost x gn!Reader || 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1.3K~ cw: not angst but a bit 'angsty', fluff fluff fluff. Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you? a/n: This one made me all emosh to write ngl.
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Chapter 32: No Harm Done.
You're sitting by the sliding glass door leading out to the balcony on Sunday morning, looking out and holding a warm drink in your hands.
It's raining outside. It's always raining in England, so it shouldn't really surprise you... but it still feels like a lazy, down-sort of day regardless.
You're home alone. Johnny went to base for P.T. and a meeting of sorts, while Kyle went out to the gym himself, giving you some time for yourself.
Your phone sits in front of you, fingers tapping away, back-and-forth, between chats with friends and with the lads, your lads.
Ghost said they'd text you to let you know when they were back, a promise they'd made after they sort of just turned up at your door all injured and hurt without warning so many weeks ago.
It feels like it's been an eternity since you had them all here.
Your eyes find your chat with Simon, flittering over the last couple of texts you sent each other. Right before the boys left on their newest mission.
Regardless of what Kyle and Johnny say about Simon, he's actually the best texter out of all of them... John being the worst.
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simon: Have about 5 minutes before we have to go. you: will u be safe? simon: Always am sweetheart. simon: Don't you worry about me. you: i meant ALL of you. you: and of course i worry about u! simon: If it was about all of us, you wouldn't be messaging me separately. simon: And I appreciate it but you shouldn't. you: i hate how smart u are. you: u face death literally every day in your job simon: And I always come back. you: okay but im allowed to worry no? you: youd worry about the others too? simon: I guess so. simon: But I'll be fine. you: u dont know that. simon: I know enough. simon: Been doing this for over a decade. you: that's not reassuring the way you think it is. simon: You're very worried. Is this because of what I said?
That text makes you set down your phone when you read it again, your face warm with embarrassment at the reminder, just like it had been during that text exchange as it was happening.
He had told you he loves you. Two of them had by now.
The thought of that still makes you shiver, the words so full of emotion and vulnerability when Simon said them, never any pressure on you, just a gesture on his end.
you: maybe? simon: That's really cute of you. simon: Don't let it make you worry or overthink. simon: I'll make sure I come back to you. you: si... simon: GTG ✋ simon: Will text you when I touch down.
Kyle's, however, were a lot less vulnerable. They were sweet, sudden, driven by happiness and amusement...
Both of them came out of left field and caught you off-guard.
Both of them felt just as real, however.
You took a sip of your warm drink and glanced out of the window again, watching the droplets slide down the glass panes.
You can't help but think about how things have been going for you.
Is this becoming too much? Is it going too far? Did you finally lose the plot?
When did a silly little Tinder account you made with your friends while fighting heartbreak become a 4-way relationship and 2 out 4 men telling you they're in love with you?
You're lost in thought when the door opens behind you, Kyle making his way in.
"Hey, lovie." He greeted, causing you to jump a bit, spilling some of your drink over the glass top of the table.
"Ah, fuck." You complained as you reached for the napkin holder and started mopping up the liquid. "Hi, Ky." You added as you cleaned the mess you made.
"Sorry, did I catch you off guard?" He asked as he approached the table and began to help you.
"Yeah..." You murmured and looked up at him, finally, finding him in a grey sleeveless hoodie and black workout shorts.
You smiled softly at him as you gathered the wet napkins and moved to the kitchen to dispose of them.
Kyle seemed to catch the look in your eyes as you glanced up at him. "What's wrong? You seem strange..." He asked as you followed you into the kitchen.
"Just thinking, it's nothing." You told him as you turned after throwing out the rubbish, only to find him standing right behind you, looking at you with scrunched brows.
"Is this about yesterday?" He asked you softly. "Was it too early?" He added in earnest.
The memories of the day before come back to you sharply. The way, after he told you he loved you, you sputtered for a bit, your face burning up, your eyes wide...
And how you had come back home together, your nose still pink, his cheek still red, the both of you looking embarrassed and sheepish, avoiding eye contact and biting your lip.
How Johnny had teased the two of you, thinking you had gotten down and dirty in the car and that's why you had come home looking so embarrassed...
You look up at him with a sigh and shake your head. "No, it's just..." You trailed off.
"Was it because Soap teased us after we came back?" He reached forward and gently ran a hand over your cheek.
"No!" You added and sighed, leaning into his palm, and gently holding his forearm in your hand.
"I'm just worried... I've never... been in something like this before." You explained, as you looked into his eyes. "More than one partner and-"
Kyle nodded at you, watching you with understanding eyes and a soft gaze, like he wanted you to keep talking, communicating.
"I don't know how to act about this... I don't know..." You trailed off and looked away for a moment. "It's... a strange feeling."
"To love more than one person at once?" He asked you as his brows raised in inquiry.
You nodded in response and looked up at him. "Yeah... And to... have them love me back."
"So I wasn't the first to tell you, huh?" Kyle asked, having caught the way you mentioned 'more than one person' when it came to 'loving you back'.
Your face burned up hot in embarrassment and you shook your head at him.
"Simon was." You replied, which made Kyle's eyes widen and then a smile take over his lips as he shook his head.
"Wasn't expecting that..." Kyle admitted as he caressed your cheek again.
"Did you say it back for him? Like you did for me?" He asked and you nodded your head in reply.
"Well..." Kyle trailed off, seemingly lost in thought for a moment, as if pondering what to say, and how to say it. "It's not exactly a bad feeling, is it?"
You shook your head. It wasn't a bad feeling. In fact, you quite liked having said the words, having had the words said to you.
"Then, I'd say there's not a big cause for worry. We all knew this would happen, right?" He added. You, once again, nodded at him.
Gently, he cupped your face with both hands, his thumbs rubbing your cheeks. "Then, let's just... let it be." He chuckled.
"You and I love each other. You and Simon love each other. I love Simon too..." He admitted with a shrug. "No harm done, right?"
Smiling a bit more, you ended up nodding and gently pushed up, kissing him slowly and deeply, both of your eyes closing, his hands caressing your face, your hands caressing his forearms...
You're so into the kiss, you don't hear the front door close, nor Johnny approach, until he shows up at the kitchen door. "Greedy bastard, leave some space for the Tav, will ye?"
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taglist (CLOSED! not adding anyone else, sorry!):
@daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling ,
@tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva ,
@emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes ,
@irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @cod-z , @frescoisnotinthemilitary ,
@leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark , @xxshadowbabexx , @severenswife , @enarien ,
@l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago ,
@sodavrr , @cutiecusp , @lilliumrorum , @c-nstantine , @kneelforloki ,
@comeonatmebruh , @codsunshine , @waiting-so-long , @captainquake42 , @gazspookiebear ,
@mynameismisty , @reap3erslov3 , @reaper-chan666 , @poohkie90 , @kitwithnokat ,
@stick-the-dumbass , @mothsdrabbles , @justanerd1 , @thesinsoflust , @thriving-n-jiving ,
@blckbrrybasket , @agoodmoviekiss
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grantgustluv · 3 months
training camp - jude bellingham
pairings: jude bellingham x fem!footballer!reader
author’s note: hope you like it, let me know if you want a part 2 or send requests xxx
Jude could never stop staring when you were around. He’d always admired you. He wasn’t just in awe of your beauty but also your football skills. However, the admiring he did, or creepy stalking as Trent called it, was always done from afar. Jude was intimidated by you, even though you were 22 and Jude 20, you had still achieved so much more at a younger age in comparison to him and this drew him in even closer. At the age of 16 you had made the move from Manchester United to FC Barcelona, you had made your international debut for England at the age of 16 too, you had won the Champions League, WSL title, Liga F title, the Euros and now the World Cup. He wasn’t jealous, if anything he was proud, you were constantly proving people wrong and doing good for the women’s game and he was truly in awe of you because of this.
The sun was beating down on St. George’s Park and the men’s team had been given the afternoon off after a full morning of training in preparation for the pre-euro friendly against Belgium. A few of the players had decided to go out and watch the women’s team train. They stood by the side of the pitch observing them play, none of them could deny the fact that the Lionesses had a team made of some world class players. The full time whistle for the mini game was blown by Sarina and the girls started to make their way to get themselves a drink.
Jude noticed Gareth making his way over to Sarina and the two seemed to be in conversation for a while before the girls were called back over by the latter, with Gareth jogging over to Harry asking him to get the rest of the lads to come out onto the training pitch. Once the two teams had made their way to the training pitch, Gareth began, “Hey guys, we are aware that both of you have the afternoon off, however for a bit of a change we think it would be fun to have a mixed match,” Sarina carried on, “we’ll split you into mixed teams and carry out a mini tournament,” Jude looked over at you and caught you being nudged by Ella and Alessia, whatever they had said had caused you to grin. Jude’s heart nearly stopped when you turned around and made eye contact with him before quickly looking away and putting your head in your hands, with Ella and Alessia yet again giggling and nudging you.
After Sarina and Gareth’s announcement you felt elbows being nudged into your side. “I wonder who you want to be teamed up with?” Tooney mumbled in your ear with a teasing tone. You rolled your eyes at her, “don’t start” you warned her with a chuckle, a faint blushing growing on your cheeks. It was as if you could feel someone’s eyes burning into the back of your head as you turned round and were met with Jude’s warm eyes gazing at you. You quickly turned back around in embarrassment before you heard the teasing giggles of Tooney and Lessi from either side of you.
You had to say that you were pretty confident with your 7-a-side team. You were up in front, with Jude, Ella and Mason in midfield, Stonesy and Leah in defence and Mary in goal. Leah was assigned role of captain for your team and obviously gave a very motivational team talk before the tournament started. Not that you were actually paying attention to any of it, being too distracted by Jude’s arm wrapped comfortably around your waist in the team huddle. Jude felt like he never wanted to move from that position. He had never actually realised how small you were until he was stood directly next to you, he kept catching himself staring at you at every possible opportunity. Maybe Trent was right, maybe it was more than a crush.
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lenetaylor · 1 month
George and his "Asser"
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A letter from George Harrison to Astrid Kircherr, August 1963, on stationery from the Palace Court, Bournemouth, where The Beatles had played The Gaumont, from Monday 19th August to Saturday 24th August 1963.
There is a LOT going on in this letter (George's obsession with photos?, George writing a book??, hate for Mrs. Sutcliffe???, George's aching balls????), but what endeared me was his nickname for Astrid: "Asser", which would be pronounced Assa or Azza. It's true, Hazza and the lads had loads of Northern nicknames for their mates!
My transcription under the cut.
Do you remember me asking you in Tenerife to write to me as soon as you get back to Hamburg? You didn’t know how long you were going to stay at Klaus’ house, so you would write to me from Hamburg, then I would send you all the records and fun and games!
Betty (the great) comes to England all fat and sloppy saying, - “Vhy you no write to Astrid,” as if it was my fault, so just shut up. Anyway Asser, I bought you the records I told you about years ago, and they are still at home covered in dust, so if you have decided where about’s you are living lately, then let me know and I will send them to you with some other nice ones that you would like.
Fat Betty has seen all the Happy holiday Photos, hasn’t she? but I haven’t, oh-no. You won’t show them to me will you!
Actually if she had not come to England with King Size, then I would still be wondering which part of the world you where in!
I bought a Jaguar (car) last month, I think you would like it. I will send you a photograph of it, with the records as soon as I get back to Liverpool.
I hope you don’t think I am being funny but…..Could you look through your photographs and find some – or all of the photo’s that have the Beatles, either all together or separately, or that any of us with other people on them, in fact any photographs at all that may be of interest and then if you felt in a HAPPY ASTRID MOOD, do you think that you could either GIVE or LEND them to me. It does not matter if they photographs are terrible, as I won’t tell anybody that you made them, if you want me to.
You know that Paul and John are going to be very rich soon, when they collect the money they have made by writing all those songs, and I don’t think that you would like to see me poor and hungry, so I have decided to make a book. It won’t be a DA SADE type book, but a daft story about the BEATLES, with some photographs in it, and then I hope to sell it to all the nice people and then I can buy food with the money…Can’t I?
I would like to have some pictures that the people haven’t already seen in all the other books, so that is why I am asking you. It would be very nice of you, even if the pictures were old at the Indra and KaiserKeller and Top Ten. I know you are very particular about what you do with all the lovely photos, but if you are nice and send me some with the negatives, then I will kill Mrs. Sutcliffe for you! But if you don’t, then I will pay for Mrs. S. To go to Hamburg and see you for a Holiday!!!
What happened to Jürgen? Do you know his address? Where is Klaus now, as I still haven’t said ‘Thank you’ for letting us live in his house.
How are you Asser? Are you well, because I have been ill all week, feeling tired all the time. The doctor gave me a tonic which is like liquid preludin. My balls have been aching too, and banging around on stage!
We will be in Paris for 3 weeks in January. I will write again with the records cheerio and love from Georgie (your friend who wants the photos)
This was published in the July 2015 issue of Record Collector.
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emjayewrites · 27 days
hey there, delilah • jude bellingham (5/6)
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SYNOPSIS: Real Madrid football star Jude Bellingham has had a big crush on Delilah "Lila" Hamilton, the younger sister of Formula 1 legend Lewis Hamilton, for a while. As their budding romance unfolds, will they be able to navigate the pressures of fame and family dynamics?
PAIRINGS: Jude Bellingham x Delilah "Lila" Hamilton (face claim Rayan Xasan)
WARNINGS: cursing, f1/football b.s., overly protective siblings, eventual smut (18+/minors dni)
TAGLIST: @dreamingjude @foreverisntenough @nichmeddar @hopefulromantic1 @lettersofgold @judesbabymamas @perfecttrashface @alika-4466 @cocobutterqwueen @leilaxaliel @ispywithmylileye @vile-harlot @bellinghaalands @certifiedlesbianbaddie @yeea-nah @empressdede @saturnville @pinkcatcus @shepgurl @neewrites @trentswrld @taytropicana
A/N: Please let me know if you like to be removed/added to the taglist.
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The Weimarer Land Spa and Golf Resort, nestled in the picturesque outskirts of Blankenhain, served as the perfect base for England's Euro training camp. The luxurious resort boasted top-notch training facilities, including multiple pristine football pitches, a fully equipped gym, and a high-tech recovery center. The players also had access to an 18-hole golf course, spa facilities, and gourmet dining options to help them relax between intense training sessions.
On a crisp morning, Jude and his teammates gathered on one of the immaculate pitches for their daily warm-up. The air buzzed with excitement and nervous energy as they prepared for another grueling practice session.
The players started with light jogging, gradually increasing their pace as they circled the pitch. They then moved on to dynamic stretches, focusing on loosening up their muscles and improving flexibility. Ankle rotations, hip circles, and arm swings were followed by more football-specific movements like high knees and butt kicks.
As they transitioned into passing drills, Jude found himself alongside Trent Alexander-Arnold and his roommate, Eberechi Eze. The three young players couldn't help but engage in some playful banter as they knocked the ball between them.
"Oi, Trent," Jude called out as he received a pass, "seen your barber lately? That trim's looking a bit dodgy, mate."
Trent rolled his eyes, a grin playing on his lips. "Fuck you. Not all of us can have a personal stylist on call 24/7."
Eze chimed in, "Yeah, some of us have to make do with what we've got. Speaking of which, Jude, when are you gonna hook a brother up with that LV sponsorship?"
"Off of it," Jude laughed, deliberately misplacing his pass to Eze. "You wish, mate. Maybe if you score in the opener, I'll consider putting in a good word."
"Oh, that's how it is?" Eze retorted, chasing after the ball. "Just wait 'til I nutmeg you in front of everyone. Your LV deal'll be mine before you know it."
Their laughter echoed across the pitch, drawing looks from some of the other players. Trent was about to fire back with another quip when a sharp whistle cut through the air.
"Alright, lads!" Gareth Southgate's voice boomed across the field. "That's enough fucking around. Let's get serious and start our real work for the day."
The three friends exchanged amused glances before jogging to join the rest of the team, ready to throw themselves into the day's training session.
A grin spread across Jude's face. "Alright, Trent, I'll hook you up with my barber. Maybe then you won't look like you've been cutting your own hair with safety scissors."
Trent nudged his friend on the shoulder, earning a hearty laugh from Jude. "I hate you so fucking much."
As the training session progressed, the players were split into groups for various drills. Jude found himself waiting alongside Trent for their turn at a passing exercise.
"So," Trent began, a mischievous glint in his eye, "how's things with Miss Hamilton?"
Jude felt his cheeks redden at the mention of Lila. "She's good, yeah. Miss her though."
"Bet you do," Trent teased. "When's she coming to watch?"
"She'll be at the opener in Gelsenkirchen," Jude replied, unable to keep the excitement out of his voice. "Was texting her last night actually. She's in Milan right now, finishing up some big business deal."
Trent's eyebrows shot up. "Business deal? What kind?"
Jude shrugged. "Dunno, mate. She didn't even tell me. Said it was all hush-hush for now."
Their conversation was interrupted as it was their turn for the drill. As they jogged back to the end of the line, Trent brought up Southgate's plan for family visits.
"Heard about the visiting rules?" he asked. "Southgate's paranoid about another Baden-Baden situation."
Jude nodded. "Yeah, 48 hours after matches. Bit strict, but I get it. At least some family's allowed to stay nearby. My mum's one of them."
"Lucky," Trent muttered. "My lot's stuck with the 48-hour rule."
As they continued their drills, Jude's mind wandered to Lila. He was grateful for the time they'd have together, even if it was limited. The thought of seeing her after the opener gave him an extra boost of motivation as he threw himself into the rest of the training session.
The day wore on, filled with tactical discussions, more drills, and a practice match. By the time Southgate blew the final whistle, the players were exhausted but satisfied with their progress.
Jude headed back to the locker room, and he pulled out his phone, smiling at a new message from Lila. Despite the grueling day, knowing she'd be there soon made everything feel a bit better. The locker room was filled with the usual post-training chatter when Bukayo Saka's voice suddenly rang out above the rest.
"Oi, Dec! Play that shit!" Saka called to Declan Rice, who was fiddling with a bluetooth speaker.
A moment later, the opening beats of Central Cee and Lil Baby's 'BAND4BAND' filled the room. Several players immediately perked up, bobbing their heads to the rhythm.
"Yes, bruv!" Saka exclaimed, starting to rap along with the lyrics.
Marcus Rashford joined in, matching Saka word for word. "We can go band for band, fuck that, we can go M for M…"
Jude shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched his teammates' impromptu performance. He pulled off his sweaty training kit, tossing it into the laundry bin.
"Not feeling it, Jude?" Eze asked, noticing Jude's lack of participation.
Jude chuckled. "Nah, mate. I'll leave the rapping to you lot. I'm more of a shower singer myself."
When he headed inside the showers, he could hear Phil Foden attempting to hit some of the high notes of a song from Queen, much to the amusement (and mock horror) of the others.
The hot water was a welcome relief, washing away the grime and tension from the day. By the time Jude emerged, dressed in his team tracksuit, the locker room had mostly cleared out.
He found Trent waiting for him in the corridor, phone in hand.
"Ready for lunch?" Trent asked, falling into step beside Jude as they headed towards the dining room.
"Starving," Jude replied. He glanced at Trent's phone. "What you looking at?"
Trent grinned, holding up his screen to show the Raya app. "Just checking out some potential matches. Want to help?" Jude gave him a shrug as a response. "What do you think of this one?" Trent asked, holding up his phone to display a photo of a stylish brunette.
Jude glanced at the screen, taking in the woman's profile. "She seems nice, mate. Good taste in music by the looks of it. Into indie rock, eh?"
Trent nodded approvingly. "Yeah, caught my eye. How about this one?" He swiped to another profile, this time a blonde with a radiant smile.
"Yoga instructor, vegan chef… bit different from your usual type, innit?" Jude observed with a smirk.
"Trying to broaden my horizons," Trent replied with a chuckle.
"Dickhead," Jude muttered with a bemused sigh.
They entered the dining room, picking out their lunch - grilled chicken, quinoa, and a variety of steamed vegetables, all carefully portioned according to the team nutritionist's guidelines. Finding a table, they settled in to eat.
As Jude was about to take his first bite, his phone lit up with a FaceTime request from Lila. His face instantly broke into a wide grin.
"It's my baby, it's my baby," Jude sing-songed, making Trent roll his eyes good-naturedly.
"Go on then, lover boy," Trent teased.
Jude answered the call, his face lighting up at the sight of Lila. "Hey, beautiful! How's Milan?"
"Busy but exciting," Lila replied, her voice slightly tinny through the phone speaker. "Just finished the meeting. How was training?"
"Brutal," Jude groaned dramatically. "Southgate's working us to the bone."
They chatted about Lila's day and Jude's training. At one point, Jude turned the camera to include Trent.
"Say hi to Trent, Li," Jude said.
"Hey, Trent!" Lila waved. "Keeping this one in line?"
Trent laughed, leaning into frame. "Trying my best, but it's a full-time job. Your boy here can't stop gushing about you, by the way. It's getting a bit sickening, really."
"Oi, shut it," Jude protested, but he was grinning.
Lila giggled. "Aw, Judey Bear, you softie."
The conversation continued, filled with laughter and easy banter. Jude and Lila made plans for her upcoming visit, while Trent occasionally chimed in with a joke or comment.
As they wrapped up the call, Jude's expression was noticeably brighter. "Bye, baby. Can't wait to see you. I'll phone you later, alright?"
After hanging up, Trent raised an eyebrow at Jude. "You two are disgustingly cute, you know that?"
Jude just shrugged, unable to wipe the smile off his face. "I know."
Trent shook his head in disbelief. "I still can't wrap my head around it, mate. One minute you're crushing on her Instagram, next thing you're proper boyfriend and girlfriend. What's your secret?"
Jude grinned, taking a bite of his lunch. "Just my natural charm, I suppose."
"Come off it," Trent scoffed. "Give us your game card, then. Share the wealth."
"Nah," Jude replied with a firm headshake. "Can't let my secret weapon go public. Got to keep some mystery, you know?"
Just then, Bukayo Saka approached their table, tray in hand. "Alright if I join?"
Trent put on a mock serious face. "Sorry, mate. You can't sit with us."
Saka promptly flipped him the bird before sitting down anyway. "What are we chatting about then?"
Jude filled him in. "Just Trent being in awe of my relationship skills."
"Ah," Saka nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "Speaking of, Tolami can't wait to meet Lila. She's proper excited about it."
Jude nodded, his expression brightening at the mention of Lila. "Yeah, Lila mentioned that. They're following each other on Insta now. I reckon they'll get on well."
"It'll be nice for Lila to have someone to hang out with during the matches," Trent observed. "You know, when she's not too busy swooning over your football skills."
Jude rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress his grin. "Shut up, you mug."
Saka leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eye. "So, Jude, when are you going to let me meet the famous Lila? I need to make sure she's good enough for our star midfielder."
"Oi," Jude protested, but he was laughing. "You will meet her soon enough. Just... try not to embarrass me too much, yeah?"
They continued to talk about a plethora of things, including their love lives and excited chatter about the upcoming tournament. As they finished their lunch, Jude couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. The Euros were just around the corner, and soon, he'd have Lila by his side to share in the excitement.
Life was pretty good if he'd say so himself.
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The day had been a whirlwind for Lila. It started with an early morning photoshoot at Versace's headquarters, where she modeled pieces from the upcoming collection. The energy on set was electric, with Donatella herself overseeing the shoot and offering words of encouragement.
After the photoshoot, Lila attended a series of meetings with Versace's marketing team to discuss the rollout plan for her ambassadorship. They covered everything from social media strategies to potential event appearances. Lila's head was spinning with information, but she felt exhilarated by the opportunities ahead.
In the afternoon, she had a final fitting for the custom Versace gown she would wear to the announcement dinner. As she stood in front of the mirror, draped in the stunning creation, the reality of her new role truly began to sink in.
Throughout the day, Lila's thoughts kept drifting to Jude. She longed to share this experience with him, to see his proud smile and feel his supportive embrace. Despite the excitement of the day, she found herself counting down the hours until she could hear his voice again.
As evening approached and Lila prepared for the dinner, she felt a mix of anticipation and nerves. She was about to step into a new chapter of her life, and while Jude couldn't be there physically, she carried the warmth of his support with her.
Now, as Lila sat in the private dining room at Cracco Restaurant, surrounded by Versace's top executives and creative team, she felt a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. After months of secrecy and hard work, it was finally official - she was Versace's newest ambassador.
The space was adorned with sleek, modern decor that complemented the restaurant's innovative cuisine. Crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow over the gathering.
Donatella Versace stood to give a speech, her presence commanding the room. "I've known Lila since she was just ten years old," she began, her voice warm with affection. "She would join her brother Lewis at our fashion shows, her eyes wide with wonder. Now, to see her not only as our ambassador but also launching her own label, Petite Soeur… I couldn't be prouder. We at Versace are thrilled to begin this collaboration."
As the evening progressed, Lila savored each moment, from the exquisite seven-course tasting menu to the animated conversations about upcoming projects. Once the evening wound down, Lila's driver escorted her to a sleek black Mercedes. The city lights of Milan twinkled as they made their way through the historic streets to the Bulgari Hotel Milano.
The hotel, housed in an 18th-century palazzo, exuded luxury from the moment Lila stepped into the marble-floored lobby. Her suite, with its blend of contemporary design and classic Italian opulence, offered a stunning view of the private garden.
Lila received a notification. The official announcement of her ambassadorship had just been released across all of Versace's social media platforms. Within moments, her phone exploded with calls and messages.
Amidst the flood of notifications, Jude's name popped up. She answered immediately.
"FUCK YEAH!" Jude's voice boomed through the speaker, making Lila laugh.
"Easy there, you almost burst my eardrums," she teased.
Jude's excitement was palpable. "I'm so proud of you, Li! My parents saw the news too - they're proper chuffed for you."
Lila felt a wave of gratitude. She recalled their meeting at the Champions League match - Denise's warm embrace, Mark's kind words, and Jobe's playful banter. Their sincerity had touched her deeply, making her feel instantly welcome.
"It means so much that your family is happy for me," Lila said softly. "They were so lovely at the match. I was nervous about meeting them, but they made me feel so welcome."
Jude's voice softened. "They adore you, Li. Mum hasn't stopped talking about how sweet you are since that day. But babe," he continued. "The internet's going mental over it. You're trending everywhere!"
Lila grinned, still trying to process it all. "It's a bit overwhelming, to be honest. But in the best way possible."
"You deserve all of it," Jude assured her. "God, I miss you. Can't wait to see you this weekend and celebrate properly. You're definitely getting celebratory head."
"Jesus Christ, Jude!"
"I'm serious, Li. Fuck...I can't wait."
"I can't wait either," Lila replied softly, her cheeks flushing as she remembered their time in Ibiza. "So, tell me more about training," Lila prompted, stifling a yawn. "How's Southgate working you lot?"
She made herself comfortable on the plush king-sized bed, nestling into the soft pillows. The city lights of Milan twinkled outside her window, creating a cozy atmosphere.
Jude chuckled, the sound warm even through the phone. "Still brutal, if I'm honest. But it's good, you know? Feels like we're really coming together as a team."
They chatted about the dynamics of the England squad, Jude sharing funny anecdotes about his teammates and their off-pitch antics. Lila listened, occasionally interjecting with questions or laughter. As the night wore on, their conversation drifted to more personal topics. They talked about their childhoods, their dreams for the future, and the little things that made them happy.
"You know what I also can't wait for?" Jude said, his voice soft and slightly drowsy.
"What's that?" Lila murmured, her own eyelids growing heavy.
"To watch the sunset with you in Gelsenkirchen after we win our first match," he replied.
Lila smiled, warmth spreading through her chest. "That sounds perfect."
Their words became fewer and farther between, replaced by comfortable silences and the soft sound of their breathing. Neither wanted to be the first to hang up, content in the illusion of closeness despite the miles between them.
"Jude?" Lila whispered after a particularly long pause.
"Mmm?" came his sleepy response.
"I'm really happy," she said simply.
"Me too, Li," he murmured. "Me too."
The night deepened and their breathing synchronized, both drifting off to sleep with their phones still connected. In the quiet of their respective rooms - Lila in her luxurious Milan suite and Jude in his training camp accommodation - they shared a moment of peace, connected by the invisible thread of their growing relationship.
The last thing Lila heard before sleep claimed her was Jude's soft, rhythmic breathing, a comforting lullaby that carried her into her dreams.
lilahamilton • posted on their story 6 hours ago
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story comments:
judebellingham: no fucking way 🤯 I’m so proud of u!! 🫶🏽
lewishamilton: congrats peanut!!
fencer: that’s what I’m talking about lil sis!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
foreverjudebellingham: yay lila!!
tolami_benson: congrats babe 🥳
england: absolutely crazy! congrats lila! 🎉
versace: 💕💕
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The Veltins-Arena in Gelsenkirchen buzzed with anticipation as fans filed in for England's Euro 2024 opener against Serbia. The atmosphere was electric, with chants and songs echoing through the stadium. Flags waved, faces painted in red and white, as the excitement built to a fever pitch.
Lila made her way through the crowd, her heart racing with anticipation. She was dressed in an oversized black leather jacket, a cropped England jersey with Jude's number, high-waisted jeans featuring a red stripe and lion emblems on the sides, and Adidas trainers. Her eyes scanned the sea of faces, searching for Tolami.
Suddenly, she spotted her. Tolami stood out effortlessly in the crowd, her presence commanding attention. She was taller than Lila's petite 5'3" frame, with lustrous black hair styled in a middle part and curled, falling just below her shoulders. Her deep brown, blemish-free skin seemed to glow, and when she smiled, her megawatt grin lit up her entire face, causing endearing crinkles around her warm brown eyes.
As Lila approached, Tolami lifted her black cat-eye sunglasses, placing them atop her head in a casual, effortlessly cool 'it girl' manner.
"Lila!" Tolami exclaimed, opening her arms for a hug.
The moment they embraced, Lila felt an instant connection. Tolami's hug was warm and genuine, and Lila knew right away that they were going to be fast friends.
"It's so good to finally meet you in person!" Lila said as they pulled apart.
Tolami nodded enthusiastically. "I know! I feel like I already know you from all our chats. But girl, you're even prettier in person!"
As they made their way to their seats, they chatted animatedly about everything from their boyfriends' pre-match rituals to their own matchday outfits. Tolami's personality shone through - friendly and warm, but with an underlying strength that suggested she didn't take any nonsense.
The energy in the stadium continued to build as kickoff approached. When the teams emerged onto the pitch, both Lila and Tolami jumped to their feet, cheering loudly. Their eyes were fixed on Jude and Bukayo as they lined up for the national anthem.
When the match began, Lila and Tolami were on the edge of their seats, their hands often finding each other's in moments of tension or excitement. They gasped collectively as Jude connected with Bukayo's cross in the 13th minute, heading the ball into the net.
The stadium erupted, and Lila and Tolami were no exception. They leapt to their feet, screaming in joy. On the pitch, Jude and Trent's celebration was iconic - both dropped to one knee before placing a splayed hand over their face, a move that would be replayed on highlight reels for days to come.
"Yes! That's my man!" Lila shouted, her voice hoarse with excitement.
Tolami hugged her tightly. "And assisted by mine! They're unstoppable together!"
The match progressed, and they rode the emotional rollercoaster together - celebrating England's strong first half, then biting their nails as Serbia pushed back in the second. Tolami's running commentary was both insightful and hilarious, keeping Lila laughing even in the most tense moments.
When Harry Kane's header was brilliantly saved, hitting the underside of the bar, both women groaned in unison. "So close!" Tolami exclaimed, squeezing Lila's hand.
The final minutes of the match were nail-biting. As Serbia pressed for an equalizer, Lila and Tolami clung to each other, barely able to watch. When the final whistle blew, signaling England's 1-0 victory, they erupted in cheers, hugging each other tightly.
"What a start!" Tolami exclaimed, her face beaming with joy.
Lila nodded, her eyes shining with unshed happy tears. "Jude was incredible out there. And Bukayo with that assist!"
"We have to do this again for the next match," Tolami said as they walked out.
Lila agreed enthusiastically. "Absolutely! Maybe we can grab lunch before the game next time?"
They made their way to the area where the WAGs and other supporters waited for the players. Tolami sighed, running a hand through her hair. "This two-day post-match policy is killing me. Southgate's strictness is next level."
Lila nodded sympathetically. "I know. Jude's been complaining about it too."
As they approached the waiting area, Tolami brightened. "Oh, let me introduce you to someone. Lauren!" She waved to a blonde woman nearby. "Lauren, this is Lila, Jude's girlfriend. Lila, this is Lauren Fryer, Declan's girlfriend."
Lauren suddenly chuckled. "You know, Lila, we both have Judes in our lives." Lila looked confused momentarily before Lauren explained, "My son's name is Jude."
"Oh!" Lila laughed. "That's adorable. Judes seem to be pretty special, huh?"
Their laughter was interrupted by Lila's attention being drawn to a group of girls in the corner, whispering and giggling. Their gaze was fixed on Lauren, and their expressions were far from friendly.
Lila felt her temper flare. "What the fuck do you think-" she began, but Lauren's hand on her arm stopped her.
"Girl, it's not worth it," Tolami said softly.
Lauren nodded. "Yeah, I appreciate it, but I realized my mental health is a lot better when I just ignore them. Besides," she added with a smile, "here come our men."
Sure enough, the players were emerging from the locker room, all clad in the team's tracksuit. Some of the girls in the corner began to fawn and scream, clearly trying to catch the attention of the single players.
But Lila only had eyes for Jude. When he spotted her, his face lit up, and he jogged over. In one smooth motion, he swept her up in a bear hug, lifting her off her feet. His lips peppered her cheeks with kisses as he spoke.
"God, I missed you," Jude said, his voice muffled against her hair. "Did you see the goal? That was for you, babe."
Lila laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I saw it. You were brilliant out there."
As Jude set her down, keeping an arm around her waist, Lila caught sight of the group of girls from earlier. They were watching her and Jude with barely concealed envy. But Lila found she didn't care. She was exactly where she wanted to be, with the man she cared about, celebrating a victory that felt like it belonged to both of them.
Jude looked around at the other WAGs. "You ladies been taking care of my girl?" he asked with a grin.
Tolami laughed. "More like she's been taking care of us. You've got a firecracker here, Jude."
Jude's arm tightened around Lila's waist. "Don't I know it," he said, his voice warm with affection.
The other players joined their partners, and the atmosphere became festive. The victory had everyone in high spirits, and for a moment, the strictness of Southgate's rules seemed far away.
Bukayo approached the group, his arm wrapping around Tolami. Lila's eyes lit up, her inner Arsenal fan barely contained.
"Bukayo! Brilliant game," Lila said enthusiastically as they shook hands.
Bukayo grinned. "Thanks! And it's such a pleasure to finally meet you, Lila. Jude here won't shut up about you."
Declan Rice joined them, exchanging greetings with everyone. "Hey, anyone up for some pints and food?" he suggested.
Bukayo pulled Tolami closer. "Respectfully, I'm declining. I miss my girl and spend too much time with your stinky arses already," he joked.
Jude nodded in agreement. "Same here, mate. But next time for sure," he promised, offering fist bumps to Bukayo and Declan.
After they said their farewells, Jude led Lila away, and she glanced around. "Where's Trent?"
Jude chuckled. "Probably talking up one of the groupies, but nevermind that, focus on us," he said cheekily, guiding her towards the exit.
Outside, a small crowd of fans and paparazzi awaited. Camera flashes went off as Jude signed autographs and took photos with fans, always keeping Lila close. Finally, they made it to the parking lot where Lila's rental car waited.
Once inside the car, Jude pulled Lila into another kiss. This one was slow and deliberate, his tongue tracing the outline of her bottom lip. When he pulled back, he wore a wide grin.
"Looks like both of us deserve celebratory head tonight," he said with a wink.
Lila rolled her eyes, but couldn't suppress her smile. "You're fuckin' impossible," she said, starting up the car.
"Impossibly charming, you mean," Jude retorted, settling into his seat.
As they drove away from the stadium, the excitement of the match still buzzing between them, Lila couldn't help but feel that this was just the beginning of an unforgettable summer.
lilahamilton • posted on their story 12 hours ago
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story comments:
footballwags: yes!! we needed this duo!!
britishvogue: you and tolami are literal goals!! ⚽️ 🥅
judebellingham: thank you baby 💕🥹
tolami_benson: my baby boo 💖✨
jobebellingham: go jude!!
landonorris: get in there, jude!!!!!
f1: so happy you’re having a great time but we miss you on the paddock, lila 😢
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Jude woke up feeling on top of the world. The euphoria of winning England's Euro opener still coursed through his veins, mingling with the warmth of having Lila by his side. Last night had been perfect - a celebratory dinner filled with carbs and laughter, followed by hours of cuddling and exploring one another bodies.
Celebratory head, sixty-nine, whatever one wished to describe it....he'd enjoyed it plenty. Lila was a fast learner, eager to please him just as much as he wanted to please her. Thus far, he's been marching to the beat of her drum - listening aptly to all of her wants, needs, and desires without crossing any boundary lines. Jude knew all about Lila's lack of experience, but he also knew that being her first was serious business.
The most serious. She was sweet, shy, and curious, which he never had in any flings besides his first time and he wanted nothing but the best for her.
As he scrolled through his phone, Jude couldn't help but smile at the flood of congratulatory messages, but mixed in with the positivity were the inevitable naysayers - people questioning whether he was too young for a serious relationship, wondering if Lila was just another WAG, or worse, accusing her of being with him for fame.
Jude's jaw clenched. He was determined to prove them all wrong. This wasn't just some fleeting romance; he was committed to Lila. He'd been crushing on her for so long, admiring her from afar, and now that they were finally together, he'd be damned if he let anyone or anything mess it up.
His DMs were flooded, more so than usual. Among the fan messages were an increasing number from groupies, their advances more bold now that his relationship was public. Jude ignored them all. He had eyes only for Lila.
A notification caught his attention - Lewis Hamilton had followed him on Instagram. Jude's heart raced for a moment, and the fan in him was excited to be noticed by the racing GOAT. But reality quickly set in. This wasn't about a simple liking to Jude per se; this was Lewis keeping tabs on the guy dating his little sister.
The thought of Lewis watching his every move online was intimidating, but Jude refused to let it scare him off. He was in this for the long haul, ready to face whatever challenges came their way - overprotective brothers included.
As Lila stirred beside him, Jude put his phone down. Social media, public opinion, even Lewis's watchful eye - none of it mattered in this moment. What mattered was the girl next to him, the connection they shared, and the future they were building together.
Jude was ready to show the world, and himself, that he was capable of balancing his career and a relationship. With Lila by his side, he felt invincible, ready to take on the Euros, the doubters, and anything else life threw his way.
Lila's eyes fluttered open and his heart swelled at the sight of her.
"Morning, beautiful," Jude murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.
Lila stretched, a sleepy smile spreading across her face. "Morning. What time is it?"
"Just past eight," Jude replied, checking his phone. "Fancy some breakfast?"
Lila nodded enthusiastically. "God, yes. I'm starving."
They perused the room service menu together, debating the merits of various breakfast options.
"Croissants are a must," Lila insisted.
Jude grinned. "Agreed. And maybe some eggs? I need my protein."
After placing their order - a spread of croissants, fruit, eggs, and plenty of coffee - they settled back into bed, chatting about the previous day's events.
"I still can't believe that goal," Lila said, her eyes shining with pride. "The whole stadium went wild."
Jude felt a warmth spread through his chest at her words. "It was a team effort, really. But I won't lie, it felt amazing."
Their conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door - their breakfast had arrived. They set up their impromptu picnic on the bed, the smell of fresh coffee and pastries filling the room.
As they started to eat, Jude couldn't help but marvel at how comfortable this all felt - sharing a lazy morning with Lila, enjoying a simple breakfast together. It was a pocket of normalcy in their otherwise hectic lives.
"So," Jude said, taking a sip of his coffee, "what's next on your agenda while I'm off being a football star?" His eyes twinkled with playful mischief.
Lila rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Well, Mr. Star, I've got a few things lined up. There's a Versace photoshoot in Positano next week, and then I'm headed to Barcelona for Lewis's race."
"Ah, supporting the other star in your life, eh?" Jude teased, leaning in to steal a quick kiss.
Lila laughed, her fingers lingering on his cheek. "Jealous?"
"Of your brother? Never," Jude grinned. "Though I might be a bit envious of Barcelona. The weather there is gorgeous this time of year."
"Speaking of gorgeous," Lila said, her tone turning more serious, "you were amazing in the match yesterday. How are you feeling about the next one?"
Jude's expression became focused. "Feeling good, actually. The team's in great form, and that win has really boosted our confidence. But we can't get complacent. Every match is crucial."
Lila nodded, understanding the pressure he was under. "You'll smash it, I know you will."
Their conversation drifted between Jude's upcoming matches and Lila's projects, punctuated by soft kisses and shared laughter. Despite the whirlwind of their lives and the constant public attention, in moments like these, it was just the two of them - Jude and Lila, enjoying each other's company and planning for their future.
As they finished their brunch, Jude pulled Lila close. "I'm going to miss you when you're in Barcelona," he admitted softly.
Lila snuggled into his embrace. "I'll miss you too. But I'll be cheering you on from afar, and I'll be back before you know it."
Jude smiled. "I know. And when you get back, we'll enjoy another repeat of last night, yeah?" Lila's face flushed and she ducked shyly into her hand. "No, no, don't be bashful now," he continued to tease, removing her hands from her face. "You felt so good, babes. That fuckin' mouth of yours is going to be the death of me."
"Is it?"
"Hell yes," he growled, rolling her over to smother her with kisses. She let out a surprised yelp that dissolved into a satisfied moan when one of his hands cupped her breast. Leaning forward, he captured a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the perimeter of the bud until it hardened. As usual, Lila arched herself into him, her hips grinding to create delicious friction between herself and his boxer-covered sex. "Baby...cut that out."
Jude's murmurs against her skin made Lila shiver with anticipation. He loved her reaction to everything he did - her eyes and face were very expressive, unable to hide her true emotions, and he relished making her feel loved, cherished, and desired.
"J-Jude....p-please...." she moaned as she writhed beneath him.
"What? Tell me what you want."
"Me?" He glanced up to lock eyes with her and he wished he didn't. Her doe-like brown eyes were darkened to this seductive obsidian and filled with unbridled lust.
Fuck me, I turned her out.
And to think he didn't even give her all of the goods yet.
"Baby, please," she pleaded, jutting out her bottom lip for added effect. "Can you....uh.....lick me again?"
A small smile appeared on Jude's lips at the innocent tone of her voice. She was beginning to enjoy having her little pussy eaten, and Jude would always happily oblige.
"I'll lick you until you're hoarse and wrung out. How does that sound, babes?" he whispered, his breath hot against her skin.
Lila's eyes widened slightly at his words, a flush of excitement spreading across her cheeks. "That sounds... incredible," she murmured, her voice breathy.
Jude's smile widened, a mixture of affection and desire in his gaze. He shifted down the bed, positioning himself between her thighs. His hands gently parted her legs, revealing the glistening folds of her sex. He could see how wet and ready she was, her arousal evident in the slickness that coated her inner thighs.
He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her inner thigh, his eyes never leaving hers. "Tell me if it's too much, alright?" he said softly.
Lila nodded, her breath hitching as she felt the first brush of his lips against her sensitive flesh. "I will," she promised, her voice trembling slightly.
Jude's tongue flicked out, teasing her clit with gentle, feather-light strokes. Lila's hips lifted off the bed, a moan escaping her lips as the first sparks of pleasure shot through her body. He continued to tease her, his tongue moving in slow, deliberate circles that had her shaking beneath him.
"Jude... oh God..." she moaned, her hands tangling in his curls as she pulled him closer to her center.
He increased the pressure and speed of his tongue, licking and sucking her clit with a fervor that had her seeing stars. Lila's moans grew louder, her body arching off the bed as she felt herself climbing higher and higher.
Jude's fingers joined in, slipping inside her wet heat and curling upwards to find that sweet spot that made her cry out in ecstasy. He worked her skillfully, his mouth and fingers moving in perfect harmony to drive her wild.
Lila's breaths came in short, ragged gasps, her entire body trembling with the intensity of her pleasure. "Jude, I'm so close... please, don't stop..." she begged, her voice desperate.
He had no intention of stopping. Jude doubled down, his tongue and fingers moving faster, pushing her closer and closer to the edge. "Cum for me, Lila," he murmured against her skin, his voice a low, sexy growl.
That was all it took. With a loud, keening moan, Lila shattered, her orgasm washing over her in powerful waves. Her body convulsed, her hands gripping Jude's hair tightly as she rode out the pleasure.
Jude didn't stop until she was a trembling, boneless mess. He kissed his way back up her body, his lips lingering on her sensitive skin as she came down from her high.
Lila's eyes fluttered open, a lazy, satisfied smile spreading across her face. "That was... incredible," she murmured, her voice still breathless.
Jude chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I'm glad you think so, love. I aim to please."
She laughed softly, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down for a tender kiss. "You certainly succeeded," she said against his lips.
Despite the comfort of the hotel bed, Jude and Lila decided to venture out and explore Gelsenkirchen. There was a slight chill in the air, unusual for summer, which gave them an excuse to walk close together.
"I heard about this place called Alma Park," Jude said as they left the hotel. "It's supposed to be pretty cool - an amusement park built in an old coal mine."
Lila's eyes lit up. "That sounds amazing! Let's go!"
They made their way to Alma Park, marveling at the unique setting as they arrived. The park was a perfect blend of industrial heritage and modern entertainment, with attractions spread out across the former coal mine site.
"This is incredible," Lila said, taking in the sight of roller coasters and other rides set against the backdrop of old mining structures.
Jude grinned, excited to see Lila so enthused. "What should we do first? There's mini golf, trampolines, paintball..."
"Ooh, escape rooms!" Lila pointed to a sign. "Fancy testing our teamwork skills?"
They spent the next hour in an escape room themed around the mine's history, laughing and working together to solve puzzles. After successfully "escaping," they moved on to mini golf, where Jude's competitive side came out.
Jude and Lila were halfway through their mini-golf game, when a young boy approached with his father.
"Excuse me," the father said politely, "my son is a huge fan. Would it be possible to get an autograph?"
Jude smiled warmly. "Of course, mate. What's your name?"
The boy, no more than eight, looked up with wide eyes. "T-Tommy," he stammered.
As Jude signed the boy's cap, Tommy found his voice. "You were brilliant yesterday! That goal was amazing!"
"Thanks, Tommy. Maybe you'll be scoring one day, eh?" Jude winked, handing back the cap.
Tommy beamed, clutching the cap to his chest. "Thank you so much!"
As they reached the back nine, a group of girls in their early twenties sauntered over.
"Oh my god, it's Jude Bellingham!" one squealed. "Can we get a picture?"
"Of course," Jude said politely, maintaining a respectful distance.
He posed for the photo, and one of the girls twirled her hair. "You were so hot on the pitch yesterday," she purred.
Another chimed in, "Yeah, do you want to hang out sometime? We could show you around town."
Jude felt Lila tense beside him. He cleared his throat. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm actually trying to enjoy some time with my girlfriend," he said firmly but kindly, wrapping an arm around Lila's waist.
The girls' faces fell. "Oh... girlfriend. Right," one muttered as they walked away.
Jude turned to Lila, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "Sorry about that."
Lila nodded, her smile not quite reaching her eyes. Jude made a mental note to address this later, determined to reassure Lila of his feelings for her.
"Hey, want to grab a pretzel?" Jude suggested, hoping to lift her mood.
They found a quiet bench to sit and eat. Jude watched Lila pick at her pretzel, concern etched on his face.
"Li, what's wrong?" he asked gently.
Lila sighed. "I... I got jealous," she admitted. "Those girls were so confident, so forward. And there will always be girls like that around you."
Jude took her hand. "Lila, look at me. I'm not worried about other girls. The only girl I'm concerned about is Delilah Marie Antoinette Hamilton."
Lila's eyes widened at the use of her full name, a bright smile spreading across her face.
"My whole name, Jude? Seriously?"
"Of course," Jude said softly. "You're the only one for me, Li. Never doubt that."
Lila leaned in, pressing a quick but tender kiss to his lips. As they parted, Jude rested his forehead against hers.
"All mine."
judebellingham and 3 others - VELTINS Arena
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liked by lewishamilton, trentarnold66, england, and others
judebellingham: Good start. P.S. If you guys didn't know....she's all mine - and I'm all hers 🔒 tagged: england, lilahamilton, trentarnold66, and adidasfootball
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Lewis woke early in his Los Angeles home, the California sun already warming the air. After a long, intense run through the hills, he returned home, sweat glistening on his skin. In the kitchen, he prepared his post-workout vegan protein shake - a blend of plant-based protein powder, almond milk, banana, spinach, and a scoop of vegan peanut butter.
As he sipped his shake, Lewis scrolled through his Instagram feed. His thumb paused on a photo of Lila and Jude at the recent England match. The internet was buzzing about their official relationship status, and Lewis found himself tagged in countless posts and comments.
He sighed, conflicted emotions swirling within him. On one hand, he was happy to see Lila smiling and thriving. On the other, the protective big brother in him couldn't help but worry. Jude seemed like a decent guy, but the world of professional sports could be brutal, especially when it came to relationships.
As he continued scrolling, a comment caught his eye. Nicole Scherzinger had left a supportive message on one of Lila's recent posts. Lewis felt a twinge in his chest - a mixture of nostalgia and lingering affection. Despite their breakup, Nicole had always been kind to Lila. It was one of the many things he had loved about her.
Shaking off thoughts of his ex, Lewis's attention shifted to the flood of posts about Lila's new role as Versace's ambassador. Pride swelled in his chest as he saw images of his little sister looking confident and radiant in Versace designs. But that pride was tinged with a hint of hurt. How had he not known about this beforehand? He made a mental note to call her later to congratulate her properly and maybe gently probe about why she'd kept it a secret.
Lewis was so engrossed in his thoughts and the social media storm surrounding Lila that he almost missed the sound of footsteps. Looking up, he saw a woman walk into the kitchen, wrapped in nothing but a bed sheet. Her long dark hair was tousled, and her tawny skin glowed in the morning light. It was Amara, an Afro-Cuban model he'd been casually seeing since the new year.
"Morning," she said with a sleepy smile. "I hope you don't mind I stayed."
Lewis shook his head, offering a small smile. "No, it's fine. Coffee?"
As he prepared a cup for Amara, Lewis's mind wandered to the upcoming fundraising dinner at Emma Grede's home for the Fifteen Percent Pledge. He was looking forward to supporting such an important cause, but couldn't shake the feeling that his personal life was becoming increasingly complicated.
He thought about Lila and her budding relationship with Jude, about Nicole and their past, about Amara and their undefined present. Was he ready to settle down? Did he even want to? Or was he content with the casual arrangements that seemed to fit his nomadic, high-pressure lifestyle?
With a deep breath, he pushed those thoughts aside. Right now, he had a guest to attend to and a busy day ahead. He had to prepare for the fundraiser, make some calls about upcoming races, and somehow find time to reach out to Lila.
"So," Amara's voice broke through his reverie. "Any plans for today?"
Lewis turned to her, grateful for the distraction from his swirling thoughts. "Actually, I've got a fundraiser tonight. For the Fifteen Percent Pledge. You know about it?"
As he explained the organization's mission to Amara, Lewis felt a sense of purpose settle over him. Whatever complications existed in his personal life, he knew he could always find meaning in using his platform for good.
"That sounds exciting," she said as she took a sip of her coffee. Amara glanced at him over the rim of her mug and gave him a wink, and he smiled.
Amara, even though she was a model and influencer by trade, he couldn't deny how comfortable he felt around her. The casualness of their relationship was good for him and his busy schedule; he never had to commit or do things way out of his reach.
Lewis appreciated the simplicity of what he and Amara had. There were no expectations of romantic getaways, no pressure to attend family gatherings or red carpet events together. He could focus on his racing career, his investments, his production company, and his fashion endeavors without the added complexity of a traditional relationship.
Yet, as he watched Amara move around his kitchen with the ease of familiarity, he couldn't ignore the twinge of loneliness that sometimes crept in. Seeing his younger siblings and friends navigate successful relationships made him wonder if he was missing out on something.
His thoughts drifted back to his ex, not because he wanted her back, but because he missed the depth of connection they once shared. The fleeting endorphin rush of one-night stands had lost its appeal, leaving him craving something more substantial.
Could Amara be the answer? Lewis wasn't certain, but he kept her around for a reason. She was discreet, intelligent, and shared his values. Their pillow talk often revolved around their similar backgrounds - both raised by strong single mothers, both understanding the importance of family support.
He wondered if Lila would approve of Amara, if she'd see her as a good fit for him. The thought of introducing Amara to his family crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed it. Was he ready for that step? More importantly, was Amara?
Their relationship existed in a comfortable gray area, undefined yet meaningful. Lewis found himself curious about Amara's thoughts on their arrangement. Did she want more? Was she content with things as they were?
As he watched her, Lewis realized that only time would tell if this could evolve into something deeper. For now, he was grateful for the balance Amara brought to his life - a touch of warmth and companionship amidst the whirlwind of his career.
Lewis cleared his throat, a hint of playfulness in his voice. "So, I've got this race coming up in Barcelona..."
Amara raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"
"Mhm," Lewis nodded, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "And who knows? Will be nice to have a certain person also there...."
"Lewis," Amara interrupted, her tone amused but firm. "Are you trying to invite me to your race in Barcelona?"
He chuckled, caught out. "Maybe. What do you think?"
Amara shook her head, smiling. "Just be direct, Lewis. It suits you better."
"Alright, alright," he conceded. "Would you like to come to Barcelona for my race?"
Amara tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Well, I have a fitting and some meetings in Paris, but... I could probably make it work. When's the race?"
Lewis told her the date, and Amara nodded. "I'll see what I can do to rearrange things."
"Great," Lewis replied, trying to keep his tone casual. "I'll have my team book your flight then."
"Okay," Amara said with a teasing nod, mimicking his casual tone.
Lewis mockingly rolled his eyes, earning a chuckle from Amara.
"Now," she said, leaning against the kitchen counter, "are you going to make me breakfast, or do I have to fend for myself in this fancy kitchen of yours?"
Lewis grinned, already moving towards the fridge. "I suppose I could whip something up. Any requests?"
"Bacon and eggs will be nice," she began to joke but quickly noted his scowl, "or avocado toast."
His frown turned into a pleased grin. "Good girl. Thought I had to kick you out with that one."
"Never," Amara kissed her teeth at his thinly veiled threat. "You like this pussy too much to do all of that." She shook her hips seductively for added effect and he didn't waste any time wrapping his sweaty limbs around her body. "Ew! You stink, Lewis!"
"Let's go clean me off then," he murmured temptingly against her skin as he placed her mug on the island's counter. Lewis then led her to the bathroom.
"What about breakfast? I'm hungry!" she complained, pouting like a petulant child.
"I'll feed you this dick, baby; you'll be fine."
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madridfangirl · 17 days
Star crossed lovers (Jude Bellingham fic)
Chapter 10
(Series Link)
Jude * female reader. Mature Language in parts.
Synopsis: A chance encounter in a tiny Madrid cafe with the newest superstar of her fav club. The two couldn't be more different, yet both feel the pull toward the other. Would this girl be the one he finally falls for? Or would life come in the way of these star-crossed lovers?
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Jude was coming back from the international break today. England had qualified for the Euros, with matches to spare. And he had been the shining star of both the games. Scoring a goal and winning a penalty.
Ananya was so proud of him. But ten days apart felt like forever this time. They spoke everyday, sometimes twice a day, and exchanged messages throughout. It just wasn’t enough though, and she couldn’t wait to reunite with him.
Jude came straight to her apartment from the airport, lifted her by her waist & swung her around like a madman. Legs bumping into the furniture of the living room. She giggled away merrily, while trying to keep them from tumbling over.
‘Easy there, tiger.’
His eyes glinted with mischief.
‘Ooh do I finally get a nickname?’
‘Maybe. You like it?’
He nodded eagerly, & she kissed his nose.
‘Okay then. Dinner is ready, tiger.’
‘Are you on the menu? Coz I’d rather have you.’
‘Maybe for dessert.’
She winked as she untangled herself from his hold. While he stared after her, replaying what she had said & the way she said it. Something had been different about her lately & he was loving every bit of it.
‘Oh my god you are backkk.’
Roma emerged from her room and Jude pulled her into a bearhug too.
‘Gosh you rocked in both the games.’
‘I know right?’
He shrugged smugly and both the girls rolled their eyes at him.
‘So the modesty is only for the cameras, is it?’
Roma quipped, and Ananya chuckled from where she was setting the table.
‘Now don’t gang up on me, you two. It’s my day. Heck its my week.’
‘When is it not?’
The girls said together, looked at each other & burst out laughing. Jude pouted for a second, but joined in the banter later, sitting next to Ananya on the table. His palm never left her thigh throughout dinner.
She had cooked his favourite pasta. Exactly how he liked it. The way his mom made it. 
He leaned over & kissed her cheek, earning a sweet smile. Jude loved it when she remembered the little things & spoiled him like that.
Conversation flowed easily between the three of them, as always. Jude spoke about the new tiny Italian town he discovered where they had their camp, and the girls made plan to visit there. Roma joked about the posters the Italian fangirls carried in the match, saying ‘Marry me Jude’ or ‘Be my boyfriend’. The cameraman had some fun with it, popping it on the screen a few times. Some of the players on the field had noticed it too, & it had become quite a joke in the post match pressers as well.
Jude smiled sheepishly, while looking at Ananya from the corner of his eye.
‘Yeah, some of them came to our hotel too.’
‘Excuse me?’
Ananya’s head whipped in his direction, while Roma wondered if she had opened a pandora’s box.
‘Honest, they did. Just wanted some photos & merch. Then we hung out for a bit.’
‘Define we.’
‘Me & them. And some other lads.’
‘This is not funny.’
‘Wanna see some photos?’
Ananya just stared at him, and he lost the will to carry on the charade.
‘Jeez I left, dove. I just clicked some pics and left. Though I think the girls weren’t too happy about that; lads told me later, honest.’
The smugness & cockiness was on full show. Coupled with a dashing smile.
‘Such a heartbreaker, aren’t you?’
‘Like you aren’t one.’
Roma mutterred from her seat, sipping her third glass of wine, only realising the slip up when she felt the full force of Ananya’s glare.
Jude looked between the two, trying to decipher their code language. Failing miserably.
‘What’s going on, girls?’
‘Just had too many of these, should stop now.’
‘Yes. Yes you should.’
Ananya said pointedly. Roma took her leave soon after. She was supposed to go to a house party though something about the moment felt odd. But Jude was too happy tonight, so he let it go.
He grabbed her waist from behind as Ananya was clearing the table.
‘How about my dessert now?’
His mouth started trailing down her neck & shoulder as he pushed her towards the bedroom.
‘There is choco-fudge brownie in the fridge, your fav.’
She really had gone all out for him today. His lips curved into a smile against the crook of her neck.
‘Can I eat it off you?’
Before she could even process his words, he sat on the edge of the bed & pulled her into his lap, her legs straddling his thighs.
His hot mouth was on hers in a flash, & she forgot her last lucid thought, losing herself in his frenzy.
His hungry, sloppy kisses left a wet trail all over her face, neck & exposed cleavage.
‘Oh I missed you. All of you.’
His hands moved under her butt, kneading them with force, making her yelp into his mouth.
‘Did you miss me? Miss this?’
She threw her head back as he bit along her jaw. Everything about their intimacy hit deeper today. Like their bodies knew they were at a pivotal juncture.
‘Yes. So much, Jude.’
It was true. She had missed his touch like hell, feeling empty & starved without it.
Her breathless response spurred him no end. His large, warm hand slid up her fitted top, cupping one of her breasts. 
This was unchartered territory between them. Her eyes flew open instantly, & met his dark, hooded ones. He held her gaze, squeezed harder, making her mewl & tremble in his arms.
‘I thought about these babies every night. Touched myself thinking about doing this.’
His fingers circled the centre of her clothed boob, finding the nipple & rolling it with intent. In no mood to stop. The continued assault made her fall forward, clutching his shoulders.
Tonight was supposed to be the night where she told him she was ready for more. Ready to be fully his. The longing she felt while he was away made her see it even more clearly. 
She had planned this to the T - his fav meal & dessert, his fav fitted top on her, his fav lip-colour on her, leaving her hair open the way he liked, keeping the apartment to themselves tonight. She had spent hours in the salon too, wanting to look pretty for him. She knew he noticed & appreciated these things, & cleaned up well himself for date-nights. 
But she was fast losing control of the situation. He was taking over, with his hot & frenzied moves, dragging her along. Did he read her mind or her mood? Or was he in a mood of his own? She couldn’t tell. But his touch felt firmer tonight, his gaze more intense, filled with purpose. The spark between them more charged.
Her body was responding to him fully, but her conscience kept messing with her head. She had to tell him. Now. Before anything happened. He had the right to know. 
But does it even matter? It’s inconsequential. Why bring it up now?
She tried to debate with her conscience but it was a losing battle. It won’t be inconsequential to him. And if the roles were reversed, she would most definitely want to know this. The start of something special between them could not be done with a heavy conscience.
Her voice was barely a whisper. He was too occupied with her curves to register that. She spoke louder.
He looked up, his hands still continuing his ministrations.
‘I need to tell you something.’
His pleading puppy eyes tried to sway her, but she knew it was the right thing to do. 
Ananya gave him a few moments to compose himself. His hands came down to loosely wrap around her waist, and hers cupped his cheeks. Still in his lap, straddling him.
Jude searched her face, a sudden unsettling dread buildingin the pit of his stomach. He could tell something was coming, something unpleasant. 
She decided to let it out quickly, like ripping off a band-aid.
‘Remember our office party last Friday, the one where we all dressed up in ethnic wear?’
He already didn’t like the direction where it was going.
Ananya looked down, unable to meet his eyes for this, feeling a weird sense of guilt.
‘That night, Arjun proposed to me. I didn’t see it coming but you were right about this. About him. I-I thought you should know.’
Jude was still as a rock. He didn’t move. He didn’t flinch. She looked up to his face. It had gone cold. No expression. His eyes were shut - as if wanting to process this in some privacy.
Slowly, his arms dropped from around her, gripping the edge of the bed. Leaving her feeling empty.
She desperately wanted to pepper kisses all over his face, to make him look at her, to show him how none of it meant anything, but she wasn’t sure if any intimate touch would be welcome right now.
So she just stroked his face slowly with her fingers, waiting for him to open his eyes. He did open them, but looked behind her, almost through her.
‘How did it happen?’
His voice was cold, distant. Unfamiliar.
‘I..I don’t understand your question.’
‘When he PROPOSED to you, what did he do? What did he say?’
Her face contorted in discomfort, unable to understand why he wanted these images in his head.
‘We were dancing together and..’
‘You were dancing with him?’
His voice & tone were even but she knew his emotions were anything but that.
‘No. We were all dancing individually, but in a group. 5-6 of us. He was next to me, said he wanted to talk to me, we stepped aside and then he….then he….’
She looked at him pleadingly, to stop this torture, but he wasn’t in the mood to show any mercy right now. Defeated, she continued. 
‘He said I was looking beautiful in that sari & that he….has had feelings for me…for a while. And if I’d like to go on a drive with him.’
‘A drive? Sure, that’s all he wanted that night.’
Jude scoffed mockingly. Unable to shake the image of that leech checking her out, wanting to whisk her away to put his hands on her. 
Facing Jude seemed like such a difficult task suddenly for Ananya. Maybe coz his eyes were screaming bloody murder. And her own conscience kept making her feel like she had wronged him somehow. But she hadn’t. How was this her fault?
‘What did you say?’
Her whole body jerked at his question. He really needed to ask?
‘I-I obviously said no, Jude. Told him I’m not in the right headspace for a relationship, just wanna focus on my work.’
His accusing glare again bore a hole through her, as if this was the wrong response too. As if he expected her to say something else. But they had discussed this before. He knew this is what she was telling people.
She could tell how hard he was trying to keep a lid on his agitation, for her sake. How hard his hands were gripping the edge of the bed, knuckles going white. A volcano simmering inside him, ready to erupt any moment. 
Wanting to comfort him, she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly, wrapping her legs around his waist, kissing the side of his face. His hands didn’t move from the bed. 
‘Why was I not told immediately?’
‘You were away, baby.’
‘We spoke twice everyday. This was 7 days ago. Why didn’t you tell me that night itself?
‘You were playing Italy next day.’
‘So how could I tell you something that would mess with your mind? When I knew how important that match was and how hard you were training for it? How could I be the reason to meddle with that? I know football comes first for you.’
‘Oh don’t you throw that in my face. Don’t use that against me. Football coming first doesn’t mean I should be kept in the dark about other important things.’
‘Kept in the dark? I am telling you the first time we are meeting in person after that. How is that keeping you in the dark?’
He wasn’t the only one agitated now. Her guilt had made way for a fair bit of irritation. Everything seemed to be blowing up in her face, despite her best efforts to make the right call for everyone. 
‘Would you have told me if Roma hadn’t blurted it out?’
Jude had finally put two & two together on the heartbreaker comment. He understood that exchange now, and why Roma left so quickly after that.
‘Do you seriously believe I would have kept this from you?’
Her voice was small now, filled with hurt.
‘I don’t know. I never thought you of all people would ever hide something like this from me for so long, but you did. So now I don’t know anymore.’
He said honestly. Matter of factly. She was supposed to be different. Jude didn’t think there was an iota of deception in her. So how could she talk to him the whole week & pretend everything was ok? 
It hit her like a truck. Because she could see it was coming from his heart. And she knew he didn’t use any filters in his closed circles. 
She clutched his shirt tightly, trying to shake him. It didn’t make a dent. 
‘Jude, please, look at me. It meant nothing. It means nothing. It’s done. I genuinely thought it was the best thing to do, I couldn’t bear it impacting your performance. That’s the only reason I delayed telling you. There is nothing more to it. Please, try to look at it from my POV.’
Jude laughed a dry little laugh, which sounded almost cruel to her.
‘Your POV? Ok, let’s do that. How would you have reacted if the situation was reversed? If I had kept something like that from you.’
She was stumped. Unable to come up with a response that could further her case.
‘You would have been out of that door by now. I would have gotten zero benefit of the doubt. Guilty on sight.’
She looked down at her hands. Coz he was right. She would take taken this badly. 
‘Because you are you - above any reproach. And I am me, the quintessential slut. Right?’
Ananya shook her head in pain, covering his mouth with her palm.
‘Don’t say that, baby. Please, I can’t.’
She reached out to caress his cheeks but he flinched. The rejection felt worse than a slap in the face.
‘I should leave.’
Jude muttered in a cold voice, almost to himself, as he lifted her out of his lap, placing her on the bed.
She felt numb. Shocked at the turn of events. Broken with the hurt in his voice. 
Coming to life only when he tried to get up.
She clutched his elbow with both hands, placing her head on his shoulder. 
‘Stay. Please. Don’t leave me like this.’
Jude sighed audibly, looking at her trembling form. Fighting every bone in his body that was yearning to hold her. Comfort her.
‘It’s for the best, Ananya.’
She clutched him tighter. Her own name never sounded so foul, so bitter to her. She had gotten so used to his terms of endearment. 
‘I’ll do something, or say something I’ll regret. It’s best I leave right now.’
How did things come to this? What was this game god was playing with her? How did she hurt this precious man so much that he couldn’t bear being in her company? Couldn’t bear looking at her face without flinching? Why did it have to happen now, when she was ready to give her all to him? 
No, she couldn’t let him go like this. She wouldn’t. 
‘Say what you have to say. Don’t bottle it in. It’d be worse.’
‘You won’t be able to handle it, Ananya.’
The cold & mocking tone was back. There was only one way to get it all out of him now. Confrontation.
‘Don’t patronise me. I am a big girl.’
His head whipped in her direction. 
‘What did you say?’
‘You heard me.’
She could see her provocation had had the desired effect. Jude jerked his arm away from her hold and paced around the room.
‘Oh you are quite something, aren’t you? You refuse to listen to reason. You refuse to admit you are wrong. And I am patronising? Jesus fucking Christ what a joke.’
His tone was cutting through her but she needed to get this out of him. Else they would fall into a bottomless pit of misunderstanding.
‘That fucker - I told you from day one. I told you he wanted you. But no, you didn’t listen. Coz you think you are smarter than me. Well in many things you are. But it some things I know better. Especially when it comes to men. I am one of those men. I know what guys want when they look at girls a certain way. But you were too stubborn to admit it. You made it a matter of your independence, like I was trying to dictate your life, to control you, by asking you to stay away from  that leech. You took his calls in the middle of the night, let him bring coffee for you, calling it all harmless, when I told you repeatedly it wasn’t. YOU LET HIM THINK HE HAD A SHOT, ANANYA. When you knew, you knew I hated his guts.’
He lifted her by her upper arms, making her stand in front of him.
‘He didn’t just want to take you on a drive, he wanted to fuck your brains out. To rip that sari off of you. When it should have been me. Only me. To get to picture you like that. To get to do that to you. Just me.’
He pulled her closer for a rough kiss, pouring his frustration into her mouth. When she started moving her lips to his tune, he broke the kiss abruptly.
‘Makes me wonder if you want him as your side-squeeze.’
She choked out, still reeling from his kiss.
‘Makes sense, doesn’t it? Why you always defend him. Why you took this week to maybe think about his proposal, before telling me. What is he, a safety net? If things don’t work out between us? Is that why you have been keeping me away, not letting me have you?’
She stared at him in disbelief. Debating whether or not to really slap him - anything to get him out of this madness spree he was on.
‘You are out of YOUR FUCKING MIND if you think like that.’
‘Oh really..’
‘SHUT UP. You idiot. Fine I fucked up by not telling you sooner. But if you, even for a moment, believe that I want anyone else but you, then you are an even bigger dimwit than I thought. And then you say you can tell these things. Can you not see how I look at you? How you make me feel? The effect you have on me, CAN YOU NOT SEE ANY OF IT?’
Jude was quiet now, this rant had been unexpected. She found herself unable to stop. Grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer.
‘I spent days trying to make today perfect. Your fav meal, your fav music, and all of this.’
She pointed to herself, head to toe. All the effort she had made to doll up for him.
‘And this.’
She grabbed a paper bag from her dresser and shoved it in his arms. He looked inside, finding an RM jersey. HIS jersey. HIS name. HIS number. Something he had always wanted to see on her. Something she had said he needed to earn.
‘Any distance between us was not coz of Arjun. Or my ex. It was me. It was us. Like I always told you. And tonight….I wanted to wear this for you. Just this.’
She didn’t say more. She didn’t need to. He got what she meant. 
But Jude was unhinged tonight, letting out every thought unfiltered.
‘Pity sex? Guilty sex? That’s what I get? After waiting for ages, that’s what I get?’
’Sometimes I forget how immature you are.’
Jude grabbed her arms, locking them behind her back, caging her in his hold. Towering over her, leaning down to stare into her eyes.
‘And you are the queen of maturity, right? While I am a juvenile?’
‘When it comes to matters of emotional complexity, of adult relationships, YES.’
‘Who has more experience between us?’
‘SEX is not relationship experience.’
‘Dealing with women is experience.’
‘Dealing? Or stringing them along? Or toying with them? Or sleeping with them once & never calling them back? Or using them just for sex? I AM GLAD I don’t have that experience.’
‘Didn’t know you were making a documentary on my sex life. Is that all you do in your free time?’
‘I don’t get much free time. Given I have to deal with a child like you.’
‘And you’re so proper aren’t you? With all your rules, and do’s and don’ts for anyone to be with you.’
Ananya squirmed in his grip, wanting to break free, to smack his pretty face that was spewing garbage non-stop. Rules. He had the gall to talk about rules. 
‘Let me go.’
Jude tightened his grip further. Sure to leave bruises.
‘Make me.’
‘If you hated the rules so much, who asked you to chase me, huh? I didn’t force you to wait. To give up all the amazing sex you were getting. Didn’t force you into this celibacy. I told you it would take time, I told you on Day 1. Then what fucking rules are you moaning about, huh? Don’t tell me you didn’t indulge in these 45 days. That you didn’t look elsewhere. That you weren’t tempted. Don’t fucking tell me that.’
“I WAS TEMPTED. But I didn’t act on it. Fuck I even stopped the Insta likes. AND I wouldn’t have been tempted at all if I HAD YOU.’
‘Sex. It’s just all about sex with you.’
‘Really? I haven’t touched you in 45 days and THATS WHAT YOU THROW IN MY FACE?’
‘And you aren’t used to that, are you? Jude Bellingham isn’t used to waiting for any girl, is he? Because he always gets what he wants, whenever he wants it. However many times he wants it. Because women just fall at his feet left, right & centre.’
‘When did you become so filthy, so nasty?’
‘Since I met you.’
Jude let her go abruptly, stepping away from her. She rubbed her wrists, trying to soothe the reddened area.
‘Maybe you were right. Maybe this is too complicated. Too hard.’
The haze lifted, and she felt her heart sink to her stomach.
Jude had his back to her now. He rubbed his temple repeatedly, questioning his life choices. Maybe this relationship thing was not for him. Maybe Jobe was right, he wasn’t ready. He had tried with sincerity, but still fallen short. Or maybe they were just not right for each other.
She stayed still, waiting for his next move. Waiting for him to look at her again. He didn’t.
‘Umm…I should probably head back.’
Jude picked up his phone from her desk, paused at the door of her bedroom, torn, but eventually walked out. She heard the main door slam on his way out.
That’s when the tears finally started. She fell on the bed face down, letting it all out.
In hindsight, not a single argument had been worth fighting over. It just escalated like mad, due to both their faults, and ballooned into a point of no return. 
Was it that, a point of no return?
She buried her head in the pillow as reality slowly started to sink in.
But she didn’t have to stay there for long. The door flew open two mins later, and there he was.
Jude had tried to storm out but ended up just pacing around the living room. Unable to walk away. He had never been good at letting her go.
No words were needed. She ran to him ecstatically. And he caught her as she jumped into his arms. Pressing her against the wall as her legs wrapped around his waist.
Their lips crashed together - nipping, sucking, kissing with abandon. A clash of teeth and tongues. He won eventually, invading her mouth at will. Both gasping apologies in between kisses.
Her hands fisted in his hair, tugging & pulling, as he continued to wreck her mouth, her face, her neck. 
‘Lets not fight like this again.’
‘Done. And don’t ever walk out on me again.
They went back to the frantic kissing, but she to break for air a few moments later.
‘Jude - I should have told you earlier about him. Should have listened to you. I am sorry.’
His face suddenly turned all serious, and she wondered if she had walked into a hole again.
‘Here’s how it’s gonna go. You’ll tell him you’re seeing someone, that you’re practically living with someone. That the person is famous, so you want to keep it low profile. And then, you will stay away. No conversation outside of work. No messages. No calls. No social get togethers. I don’t want him in a 5 mile radius of you outside of work. AND, if after this, he still doesn’t get the message, you’ll come straight to me & then I will deal with him my way. And you, dove, will stay out of it. I don’t wanna hear a peep from you then. Understood?’
The absolute authority in his voice left no room for disobeying. She nodded instantly, and was rewarded with a fierce kiss.
‘Now…go & get ready for me.’
She couldn't’ think straight, with his tongue still in her mouth.
‘I was promised you in my jersey. Just my jersey.’
She had completely forgotten all else after their fight, but he hadn’t. His eyes glinted suggestively, as he set her down on the ground & patted her ass, nudging her towards the washroom.
‘Don’t keep me waiting. I have plans for you tonight.’
Phew! I posted ahead of time, yayyy!
This was meant to be angst plus smut but the angsty piece itself went on for 4.4k words. Too much fun :)
You can guess what's gonna happen next. That is the next chapter :)
As always, would love to hear your thoughts / comments / feedback. They keep me going :)
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
Heartfirst: A Ted Lasso Story - Chapter Fifteen
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Chapter Fifteen: Wembley
Plot: After a devastating blow is dealt to Y/n and Keeley, Jamie invites Y/n to join him for his England debut.
Word Count: 6.4k
Warning: f!reader, language, alcohol, allusion to smut
A/N: GUYS WE HAVE ARRIVED. I had to take an unexpected month break because I was just burning out. Thanks to all of you for staying patient and being so kind. But y’all, I’ve been looking forward to this chapter for a long time. I won’t say too much or else I’ll say everything so relax, sit back, and enjoy 💖
Y/n wasn’t sat at her desk refreshing her inbox every fifteen seconds.
Absolutely not.
She wasn’t.
Except she was.
She knew full well that Ted had the list of which Greyhounds would be playing during international break. She could pop downstairs and probably hear the announcement. But it wasn’t her place to barge in on the boys’ moment. And that was fine with her. Totally fine.
“Come on, come on, come on,” she mumbled, waiting for the league’s PR department to end her suffering.
Finally, it arrived.
Y/n leaned closer to her laptop screen and flew past the pleasantries. The names…
She exclaimed something between a gasp and a scream.
Without another thought, she leapt out of her chair, flew through the hall and down the stairs. Luckily, the team was just heading out for practice.
“Let’s go, Greyhounds!” Y/n cheered, an echoing chorus following.
She hugged and congratulated Colin, Dani, Van Damme and Bumbercatch, all of them giddily accepting her thanks. Y/n had a new appreciation for each of the Greyhounds after observing so many training sessions. They put their hearts and soul into their craft and deserved every bit of their success.
As the boys headed out to the pitch, Y/n stayed in the hall, waiting for one player in particular to emerge.
Finally, Jamie came out of the locker room nearly bursting with joy.
As if she could feel the air change, Y/n spun around, grinning. The two of them collided in a crushing embrace, Jamie lifted her off the ground.
“Oh my gosh,” she squealed into his shoulder, “Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” Jamie said. He’d taken an extra long minute fixing himself for training. He’d heard Y/n’s voice in the hall congratulating the lads and wanted to share his own moment with her away from everyone else.
He finally set her down, giving Y/n the chance to properly face him. “Jamie,” she bounced a little, gripping his shoulders, “England. Fucking England.”
Jamie laughed, still holding onto her hips.
“Fucking England,” she said once more, looking him over proudly, “This is amazing.”
They stood there, inches away from being back in each other’s arms, til Ted and Beard’s distant voices grew closer. They dropped their hands just as the coaches came out of their office.
“Hey, Y/n,” Ted greeted as he walked past. Beard nodded.
“Hey,” she smiled.
Jamie shot her an apologetic look as he trailed after them, wishing nothing more than to stay in the hall, just the two of them. Y/n smiled at him once more, sending him off with something he could hold to the rest of the day.
A 10-game streak, a stacked international break…somewhere months ago, Y/n would have been waiting for the other shoe to drop. A plane to fall out of the sky. Some natural disaster to hit.
No, all was well. And it felt damn good.
It all came crashing down a few days later.
Keeley and Y/n had met for a morning coffee before work. Keeley was back to her normal self, post-leak and post-Jack. Y/n was glad for it, the universe felt unbalanced if Keeley wasn’t her usual sunshiny self.
At the KJPR office, they waited for the elevator. Once it arrived, a casually dressed man pushed a dolly of boxes past them.
“Didn’t know anyone was moving out,” Y/n commented as they got in the car.
“Me neither,” Keeley replied.
The doors opened on their floor and they exited, coming around the corner only to nearly get clipped by two movers with a couch.
“Shit!” Keeley exclaimed, grabbing Y/n’s arm as they jumped out of the way.
Y/n eyed the rest of the room. All the desks were covered in boxes and most of their furniture had disappeared.
“Keeley…” she said lowly.
Dan, a man Y/n had only met properly once or twice, walked up to them. He was carrying a box of desk supplies in both hands.
“Keeley,” he addressed, “You are the nicest boss I’ve ever had.”
“Thank you, Dan,” Keeley replied, brows knitted in confusion.
“And definitely the hottest,” he finished.
“That’s a complicated compliment.”
Dan left with a thanks, moving past the two women.
“What…” Y/n trailed off.
Keeley led them to Barbara’s office, who was also packing up her desk.
“Barbara, what’s going on?” Keeley asked, “Are we being slowly robbed?”
“Oh,” Barbara ceased her packing, “Wait, I’m sorry. You haven’t spoken with Jack?”
“I haven’t heard from Jack in weeks.”
Barbara stammered, “But she emailed me last night to say that she was gonna reach out and tell you.”
Y/n’s stomach clenched with familiar dread.
“Tell me what, Barbara?” Keeley asked.
Barbara, for all the grief she’d given Keeley, didn’t appear to take any pleasure in delivering the news. She had to steady herself even. “The board of the VC have decided to pull funding. They’re shutting down KJPR.”
Y/n’s breath left her chest.
“What?” Keeley whispered, “When?”
“Oh, well, don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of time,” Barbara reassured, “We don’t have to be out till Friday.”
Keeley was barely audible, “It’s Wednesday.”
Barbara faltered, “Yeah, I suppose that is…quite soon, isn’t it? Especially if you didn’t get an email last night.”
When there was nothing else to say, Barbara awkwardly went back to packing her things, leaving Keeley and Y/n dumbstruck.
Somehow, Y/n made her feet move out of the office and into the main space. Her head was spinning. It had taken less than a minute to crack her world open and split it in two.
“I need a minute,” Keeley mumbled.
Too stunned to reply, Y/n wandered off into the conference room. The table and chairs were still there, she sunk into one of them.
As one of the employees, Y/n should have gotten an email like anyone else. The only factor that could have changed that was Keeley. Jack knew they worked closely together, they could be considered friends. If this was revenge on Keeley for their break-up, Jack wouldn’t hesitate to take it out on those closest to her ex. And just like that…Y/n became collateral damage.
She rested her elbows on the table, running her hands over her face. The first job she’d ever loved, and it was gone. Every part of working for AFC Richmond that she adored, had just been taken from her. No more training, no more time with the fans, no more overseeing pressers and interviews, no more coming down the hall and seeing the boys…
The tears came quick.
A few moments later, Keeley knocked on the door and entered at Y/n’s mumbled ‘yeah.’ Both women had wet eyes and snot under their noses.
“I’m so sorry,” Keeley managed over the lump in her throat.
Y/n sniffled, her hands covering most of her face. If she was being honest, there was a small part of her that resented Keeley. Never get involved with someone from work, that was corporate 101.
“Me too,” she replied. Regardless of her bad judgement, Keeley hadn’t deserved to lose the company. She wasn’t the one at fault.
Keeley took the chair next to Y/n’s, feeling like a stray tree in the wind. Swaying, ready to break at the slightest gust.
The very thought of what had to be said sent a stabbing pain through Y/n’s gut.
“I’ll, uh, I’ll pack up my things this weekend. At Richmond.”
Keeley didn’t think she could handle any more, but knowing that Y/n was losing the place that made her happiest just worsened the blow.
“Thank you,” Y/n whispered, “For…coming up to me in that bar.”
It was that sentiment that sent Keeley back over the edge, the gentle sobs returning. On cue, Y/n’s followed and the two of them twisted to grip each other’s hands, sitting knee to knee. They mourned all they had built, together and apart.
Eight months after her last sacking, Y/n was in the exact same position: sat at a bar, drinking a glass of red wine.
This time, the bar was her flat. Being anywhere around people sounded horrifying. She was content to wallow in the apartment she already feared she’d have to give up.
Unlike the other times she’d been let go, Y/n couldn’t bear to think about the next steps. The minute she’d told Keeley she’d get her things from Nelson Road, she’d banished the thought. She couldn’t bear the thought, the pain of telling the boys, Rebecca, Ted…of leaving the parking lot for the last time. Every time her mind began to try and think practically, she took another sip of the merlot.
The depressing silence was broken up by a ring of her doorbell. Y/n let her head drop as she dragged herself off the barstool. She couldn’t come up with the name of a single person she wanted to see at the moment.
Trudging down the last of the stairs, she looked through the peephole, seeing a familiar mop of mussed up hair and sharp cheekbones.
Y/n quickly wiped under her eyes, praying her waterproof mascara had done its job. If she wasn’t ready to tell anyone the news, Jamie was in a category of his own. The thought of not seeing him every day was crippling.
She opened the door, Jamie flashing a smile as soon as he laid eyes on her.
“Hey,” Y/n grinned thickly, “I thought you were supposed to be up in Stafford.”
“Yeah, just got back,” Jamie glanced back to the street where his car was parked.
“How was it?”
“Fucking,” Jamie shut his eyes, still beaming, “Mental.”
Y/n genuinely chuckled. At least one of them was doing well. “That’s great.”
“Yeah,” Jamie finally got a good look at Y/n. Her face was drawn, despite her smile. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, and her gaze was distant, despite being zeroed in on him. “You alright?”
Y/n thinned her lips in an exaggerated frown and shrugged, “Yeah, fine.”
Jamie wasn’t convinced, “You sure?”
Clearly months out of practice from hiding her feelings had left her skills dulled. Y/n sighed, leaning up against the doorframe, “It’s just been a long fucking day.”
“What happened?” Jamie’s brows knitted in worry.
“Nothing specific,” Y/n lied straight through her teeth, “Just tired.”
Jamie nodded, slightly assured that he could move onto the reason for his visit.
“Well, hey, I think I can cheer you up,” he took a breath as if preparing for something big. “Come with me to the match.”
Y/n tilted her head, “What?”
“The Wembley match. They’re puttin’ us up in a hotel tomorrow night, and the game’s on Friday,” Jamie explained, hope glistening in his eyes, “Come with me.”
If they were discussing some random away game, Y/n wouldn’t have thought anything of it. But this…this was England. This was something Jamie had dreamed of since he was a child. This meant everything to him, and he wanted her to share it with him. Y/n didn’t take a word of it lightly.
“I can get ya an extra room,” Jamie took her stunned silence as doubt, “I’ll tell ‘em I need my publicist with me.”
“I don’t think being the club’s publicist gets me that kind of privilege,” Y/n tried to ignore the ache in her chest. That title didn’t belong to her anymore.
“Does if you’re with me,” Jamie smirked.
Y/n chortled, “Right. I’m rolling with the big dogs. Forgot.”
“Look,” Jamie took a step closer, his hands resting in the space between them, nearly reaching out to her. “I really want you there. Really.”
There was a softness to Jamie’s stare that he always saved for Y/n, and a determination he wore any time he stepped on the pitch. If she didn’t want to come, he wouldn’t force her, but he wasn’t going down without fighting his hardest.
Y/n really had no reason to say no. She wouldn’t be at work, she had no commitments…and honestly, getting away sounded nice. To step outside of Richmond for a little while and get some distance before she had to deal with the reality of her situation. And more than anything, she wanted to cheer on Jamie.
Jamie’s brows shot up, “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Y/n smiled, her first true one of their conversation.
“Great,” Jamie grinned and fiddled with his hands, “Okay, uh, I’ll pick you up tomorrow, 12-ish. Drive over together.”
“I mean, I can drive myself,” Y/n replied, “You don’t need to be picking me up with everything you’ll have going on.”
Jamie shrugged, “I know.” There was no discussion to be had.
“Okay,” Y/n conceded, “I’ll be ready.”
“Okay,” Jamie smiled, awkwardly holding the silence. He didn’t want to let the conversation end, but there was nothing left to say. “Well, uh, I’ll let you get back to your night.”
“Go,” Y/n gestured to the street, “Rest. You’re only representing the whole country.”
He laughed, walking backwards to steal one last glance at Y/n. If someone would have told Jamie that eight months before, his ex-girlfriend’s new hire would end up meaning enough to him to share his England debut with, he wasn’t sure what he’d have thought. But he wouldn’t have believed it. “See ya.”
Y/n gave a small wave, matching his warm smile until the distance forced them to break. She was still neck deep in shit, but for a moment, the sun felt like it was shining.
Y/n supposed as she packed her overnight bag, that if she forgot anything important, she could just Uber back to her flat. For whatever reason, she was afraid she was leaving something off the list.
The initial excitement she’d felt when Jamie had invited her had long since died. It seemed the depression that set in after losing your job took twenty four hours of fermenting to truly come to life.
She was nearly done packing when she was sorting through a drawer of t-shirts, spotting a brightly colored blue and red one she had tucked at the bottom. She pulled it out and unfolded it.
The jersey Jamie had gifted her for Christmas.
A small smile pulled at her face, remembering the night he’d given it to her. True to her word, she hadn’t worn it to any matches. She couldn’t possibly give him that satisfaction.
Through the insanity that was working at AFC Richmond, there had been many constants. Ted’s awful jokes, Roy’s sour mood, weekly tea with Rebecca…but Jamie had l become the most unexpectedly steady thing in Y/n’s life. A safe place to land in any situation. If it wasn’t for Jamie, she wasn’t sure how she would have made it thus far.
She smiled.
Without a second thought, Y/n folded the jersey back up and tucked it in her suitcase. Jamie was the focus, and she’d amplify his joy however she could.
Her phone pinged with a text alert, the man himself messaging her that he was parked outside. Y/n zipped up her bag, grabbed her purse, and headed downstairs.
Jamie was propped against his car, spinning the keys in his fingers. He supposed he should have felt nervous, twenty four hours away from his England debut, but he felt at peace. He wasn’t entirely sure why until he spotted Y/n’s figure coming down her street.
“Jamie Tartt, do do do do do do,” she sang once she got close enough, “Jamie Tartt, do do do do do do…”
“Lovely,” Jamie chuckled before reaching out for her bag, “Let’s have it.”
“There’d better be room for it,” Y/n handed the suitcase over.
Jamie popped the boot, “How much you think I travel with?”
“I mean, hair products alone has to equate to two carry ons,” Y/n replied, “Jewelry, trainers, socks, that’s another two…the ego’s gotta take up, what, four?”
Jamie shut the boot, leaning on it as he listened. “I’m happy to leave you here. Watch the match on Sky Sports.”
“Sorry, too late,” Y/n smirked as she rounded the car, Jamie met her on the passenger side. The two of them stood with mere inches between them. “You’re stuck with me, Tartt.”
Their smug smiles melted into something far more warm, the emotional weight of the trip was too overwhelming to be ignored too long.
“Not a bad deal,” Jamie said softly.
“You’re playing for England,” Y/n whispered.
Jamie’s grin spread up his cheeks, reaching to tug Y/n into an embrace. Gentler than the one they’d shared after the news had broke, but matching in enthusiasm.
“Right, gotta get going,” Jamie broke away and went to the driver’s side, “Check-in’s in an hour.”
The traffic they hit made it so they’d arrive just at their appointed time. On the way, Y/n avoided any topic that could tie them back to work, and Jamie recounted a party he’d attended two days before.
“Wait…” Y/n laughed, “You’re telling me that Roy Kent - Roy Kent - has to wear a tie-dye shirt?”
“Swear down,” Jamie replied.
“Roy Kent,” Y/n repeated. The image was too insane to imagine. “Growling-in-the-halls, leather-jacket-wearing, black-coffee, black-clothes, black-everything Roy Kent.”
Jamie nodded.
Y/n fell back against the seat, “I don’t believe you.”
“I’m not playin’ ya,” Jamie laughed, one hand resting comfortably on the steering wheel, “Saw it with me own eyes.”
“And I can’t believe it till I see it with mine,” Y/n shook her head. “So, wait, you left training because Phoebe called you and invited you to a party for a pretend holiday for the man who makes your life a living hell?”
Jamie wasn’t sure how to explain it. How his relationship with Roy had gone from childhood idolization to rivalry to tolerance to mentor/mentee to…something almost, nearly, bordering…friendship? But when he’d gotten the call from Phoebe and her mum, Roy’s niece inviting him to Uncle’s Day, he hadn’t needed to give it a second thought. He’d even taken the time to track down a gift meaningful enough to crack Roy’s stony exterior.
“Dunno,” he shrugged casually, “Didn’t want to disappoint her.”
“Mmm,” Y/n nodded, pretending to buy it, “Nothing to do with the fact that you two are actually…friends?”
Jamie looked out the window, checking the space around them, “Right, you can walk from here.”
Y/n snorted, crossing her arms across her chest. Beyond the teasing, she found it incredibly sweet that Jamie would drop what he was doing not just for Roy, but for Phoebe. It echoed the same kindness he’d shown to Henry when he’d visited. She supposed it came from Jamie’s childhood, the same drive she had to make sure any kid she came across was happier than she’d been at their age.
“It’s cute.”
Jamie quirked a brow as he switched lanes, “What?”
Y/n shrugged, “Jamie Tartt’s got a soft spot for kids.”
The tingling in his chest confused Jamie. But knowing Y/n thought him admirable was…nice.
He played it off, of course, “Haven’t even told you about the play.”
Y/n slapped her hands together, “Oh, please God tell me it was interactive.”
“It was fucking Shakespearean,” Jamie laughed, before launching into the multi-hour long production Phoebe and Roy’s sister had staged.
Once they arrived at the hotel, they checked-in separately. It was an easy way for Y/n to keep herself out of any photo sightings of Jamie and she was extra happy she’d thought it out when some of his teammates arrived. She headed to the elevator while Jamie greeted them, loading into the car. Once he saw she was already off, Jamie rushed through goodbyes to catch the lift with her.
“Right,” Y/n said as they landed on the 10th floor, looking between her key and the door numbers, “I’m 502.”
“507,” Jamie replied, “End of the hall, I think.”
They found Y/n’s room first and paused outside the door.
“Right, so dinner tonight?” Jamie suggested, “I mean, it’ll mostly be me watchin’ you eat, but…”
“Jamie, no,” Y/n screwed her face, “We can have dinner literally any other night. Go be with the team.”
He knew that was what he was expected to do, and part of him wanted to go bond with the boys but…she was here. And as much as he wanted to hang with his teammates, everyone drifted to second priority when Y/n was around.
“You sure?” Jamie asked.
“Yes,” Y/n insisted, reaching out and taking his arm, “Go enjoy this. You earned it. I’m just gonna get room service and get to bed boringly early.”
Jamie chuckled, looking down at the ground. His skin jumped to life under her touch. “Alright,” he smiled up at her, “I got a ticket reserved for you at will call.”
“Okay,” she nodded.
“And…” Jamie searched for something, anything else to say, coming up short, “Yeah. Think that’s it.”
“Hey,” Y/n squeezed his arm, beaming with pride, “You’re gonna kill it.”
Jamie’s smile grew in the way only she could harvest out of him. Something about her belief in him made him feel like he could play the whole fucking match himself.
“I’ll see ya tomorrow,” he said, though he didn’t move.
“See you tomorrow,” Y/n echoed, rubbing his shoulder before breaking apart and unlocking her door. Jamie took it as his cue to drag his own suitcase down the hall, five doors down.
Y/n did a lap around her room, taking stock of where everything was. It was a nice fucking hotel, though she shouldn’t have expected anything else. She set her suitcase in the corner, there was no need to go to the trouble of unpacking for a two night stay.
She dropped onto the edge of the bed. With Jamie off and the room mapped out, there was nothing to do but sit with her thoughts.
Y/n sighed, her chest returned to feeling hollow, knowing this life was about to disappear. No more traveling with the Greyhounds, the endless chatter on long bus rides, her room being sandwiched between two of they boy’s and dealing with their late night shenanigans that typically resulted in a large check being written to the hotel…
She grabbed the bedside phone, dialing the corresponding number on the paper below it. She couldn’t deal with being sad sober or on an empty stomach. “Yes, room service? Can I have a bottle of wine and the chef’s special delivered to room 502? Thank you.”
It was going to be a long night.
The next morning, Y/n took advantage of getting to sleep in on Friday. The game wasn’t until noon, she set her alarm for ten. She ordered breakfast to the room and ate in bed. Sadness went well with pancakes, she found.
Eventually, she got dressed for the match. She smiled to herself as she slipped the ‘#9’ jersey over her tank top. It would be the first, and most likely only opportunity she’d have to wear it.
Wembley was close enough to the hotel that she didn’t bother ordering an Uber, choosing instead to join the crowds and walk. She’d forgotten just how massive the stadium was when she arrived at the ticket booth.
“Hi,” she greeted the guy working will call, “There should be a ticket under the name ‘Y/l/n.’”
The man fished through a few envelopes before reaching into one and slipping a ticket under the glass window. “Enjoy the match, love.”
“Thank you,” she smiled.
It had been years since Y/n had been to Wembley, the last time for a concert fresh off of graduation. She couldn’t remember the section numbers and locations to save her life.
Once she got inside, she found a security guard. “Excuse me? Could you point me towards section…” she read her ticket once more, “120?”
The guard glanced at her ticket before pointing her towards a massive staircase. “All the way down, midfield.”
“Okay,” Y/n headed off, calling back to him, “Thank you.”
She melted into the crowd and followed them down the stairs. She kept looking between her ticket and the descending rows of seats, realizing when she hit the ground that Jamie hadn’t just gotten her a seat…he’d gotten her one in the front row.
Y/n made her way down, past families and groups of friends, finding her seat was on the aisle. It allowed her a perfect view of the field, Jamie would most certainly be able to spot her.
The atmosphere before the match was a welcome cheeriness, Y/n couldn’t help but get caught up in the excitement of it. It was hard to be depressed with 90,000 people around you cheering and singing.
The teams marched out onto the pitch, their respective fans standing and screaming. Y/n was on her feet as soon as England was out, spotting Jamie towards the back. He was on the reserve squad and came out near last. She hoped he would get at least a few minutes on the field.
Jamie was caught up in the moment enough that he didn’t search for Y/n. Knowing she was there was enough.
By the second half of the match, England was up by a point, but Jamie still had yet to get on the pitch. Y/n was fidgeting more with each minute that passed, hoping that this would be the point that #9 would tire out enough and Jamie could sub in.
Finally, it happened. Jamie came off the bench as one of the refs held up the board, announcing Jamie’s arrival and his number. #24.
Y/n pressed a hand to her heart, her lips falling open in a loose smile. It was a hell of statement after their #24 had been passed over for the Nigerian league. But more importantly, it was an incredibly touching gesture. Sam had to have been beaming shyly, wherever he was watching from.
Jamie got onto the pitch and first ended up assisting in one goal. When the clock came down to the last five minutes, he shot across the field, catching the ball from one of his teammates and running it down the pitch.
“Come on, Jamie,” Y/n muttered under her breath, her eyes glued to him. He could make it.
Faking left and spinning around to the right, Jamie power kicked the ball toward the net, evading the goalie and landing a perfect shot.
Y/n shot out of her seat with the rest of the crowd, screaming as loud as she could.
Jamie looked pleased, his nearest teammates slapping him across the back in congratulations. He turned to the crowd and grinned, soaking in the moment he’d been waiting for since he was a kid. The whole stadium was cheering for him.
His eyes floated to section 120, finding the furthest seat and the woman occupying it. Their eyes met and Jamie caught the unmistakable Greyhound blue underneath her coat, his chest suddenly swelling with something deeper than pride. She’d worn the fucking shirt.
Y/n grinned at him, raising her fists above her head. Jamie patted his chest, just above his heart, smiling right back at her.
England ended up winning, of course, and Y/n felt like she was floating. She couldn’t get up the stairs fast enough, hurrying through the concourses till she found two doors with ample security stood outside.
“Hi,” she said, nearly out of breath, “I work at AFC Richmond. I need to see Jamie Tartt,” Y/n pulled out her phone as she saw the guard inhaling to turn her away, “I have proof of employment.”
She pulled up an email exchange with Higgins and held up her employee ID, matching the signature to the card. The guard nodded, “Come with me.”
Y/n followed down the hall, stopping outside the locker room as the guard instructed her to wait. The commotion inside could be heard all down the hall, chants and cheers from the boys echoing off the walls.
A few seconds later, Jamie emerged, soaked in champagne and sweat.
Neither of them hesitated to launch into one another’s arms, Jamie full on lifting and spinning her around. They were a mess of laughs and squeals and smiles.
“You did it,” Y/n grinned, her arms tight around Jamie’s neck.
“We fucking did it,” he growled happily, still twirling her in the air.
“Jamie,” Y/n laughed as he finally dropped her. She held his face in her hands, “You were incredible. You were fucking amazing.”
Jamie beamed, finally feeling whole. He’d been waiting all day to hug her.
“My gosh,” Y/n smiled, on the verge of tears.
“Not a bad seat either, yeah?” Jamie smiled.
“You just fucking played for England and that’s what you wanna talk about?” Y/n exclaimed as she lightly shoved his chest.
Jamie’s hands fiddled agaisnt Y/n’s waist, the adrenaline from the game still pulsing through. He rubbed the extra material of the shirt, his shirt, between his fingers.
He cocked a brow, “Thought you said you’d never wear this.”
Y/n shrugged playfully, “I had a compelling reason.”
There was enough electricity running through them both without the added crackling of their hands, the pure lightning that was striking between their eyes. It was a moment so full of emotion, if it lasted much longer, it stood the chance to naturally lead to something…
“Oi! Tartt!��
Jamie and Y/n dropped their hands, the outside presence causing embarrassment they didn’t know they felt. Jamie nodded back at one of his teammates, “Yeah?”
“Get the fuck back in here,” he gestured back to the room. The celebration hadn’t stopped in Jamie’s absence.
“Yeah, be in a minute,” Jamie distractedly smiled before turning back to Y/n, “Right-“
“Jamie,” Y/n shook her head, smiling knowingly, “Go. Go celebrate your moment.
He hesitated, truthfully, he didn’t want her to be so encouraging. “Yeah, but we gotta celebrate too,” Jamie reached out for her hands.
“And we will,” Y/n replied, squeezing his palms, “But now, you’re gonna go in there, you’re going to get absolutely shit-faced and create a million horrible headlines for me to issue a million and one apologies for.”
Jamie snorted and stared down at their intwined hands. Half of him was itching to get back in the locker room, the other stayed right where he was.
“Go,” Y/n repeated.
Jamie tugged her back to his chest, the two of them fitting together as perfectly as ever. He was so unbelievably glad she’d said yes to coming. Looking out into the stands, seeing her cheering for him had boosted his spirits in a way nothing else could.
Even as he broke away, he left backwards. “I mean it,” Jamie pointed at her, “We’re fucking celebrating.”
Y/n just laughed and shoved the air, staying till he disappeared back into the locker room. Jamie’s ecstasy was feeding her, the victory lifting them both up sky high. She was so glad she hadn’t turned him down.
The security guard escorted her out to the concourse and she found her way back to the hotel. Each street was echoing with chants and cheers for England, the whole of London was buzzing. It was beautiful.
Y/n got back to her room, turning on the TV to Sky Sports and watching the recap. Jamie, of course, made the conversation, both his goal and his kit number were heavily discussed.
Y/n smiled when Sam’s name came up, pulling her phone out and sending an array of appropriate emojis to the young Nigerian along with his number. He fired back a few red hearts in reply.
Roughly an hour had passed when there was a knock at the door. Y/n slid out of bed confused. She hadn’t ordered dinner yet.
She opened the door to find Jamie, hair combed, showered and out of his kit, leaning against her door frame.
“I thought I told you to go spend time with the team,” Y/n chuckled in surprise.
“I did,” he shrugged, “Now it’s our turn.”
Y/n rolled her eyes but couldn’t kill the growing grin. She wanted the day to be everything Jamie wanted, but she couldn’t deny the ever-present desire to stay in his field of gravity. If he was here willingly, she wasn’t going to fight him.
She matched his posture and leaned against the frame, “What’d you have in mind?”
“Dinner, club,” Jamie listed off the options, “Go to the top of the Shard, scream as loud as we can.”
Y/n laughed, “I can do that.”
“Good,” Jamie smiled, looking down at his watch, “You got twenty minutes.”
“Clearly you learned nothing dating Keeley,” Y/n scoffed, “Put thirty on the clock.”
“Fine,” Jamie relented, “I’ll be back in thirty minutes exactly. That’s it. Not waitin’.” He couldn’t even pretend to be that strict, a smile contradicting his words.
Y/n gave a two fingered salute, “I’ll be ready.”
She shut the door, hearing him shuffling down the hall. In her suitcase, she’d packed a dress, knowing the chances of Jamie and her going out after was a distinct possibility. She also thought she was crazy to assume that at all. Yet still, she’d gone to the trouble of picking one out, laboring over the choice far longer than it should have taken.
Within thirty minutes, Y/n managed to shower, do her hair and light makeup, slipping into the dress and her sneakers at the twenty-nine minute mark. She gave herself a once over in the mirror, giving herself a pat on the back for exceptional work in such a short time frame.
On cue, there were three knocks at the door.
Y/n grabbed her purse and unlocked the door, Jamie once again stood in waiting.
He wasn’t quite sure what he’d expected when he’d told Y/n they were going out for a night on the town, but whatever it was…wasn’t what he got. Y/n was stunning, gorgeous, in a strappy pink dress, her hair tied up. It was all in stark contrast to how she usually dressed around Nelson Road, all business attire or jeans on a casual day. This was…this was something.
“Wow,” Jamie managed, his eyes running up and down her form.
Y/n took an honest look at Jamie for the first time of the night. His usual floppy hairstyle and headband had been swapped for a blow dry and a neat side swoop. A deep blue dress shirt was unbuttoned a bit further than other men’s and a dark textured blazer layered it, finished with dress pants, actual shoes and a gold chain. He looked good.
“No trainers,” Y/n was lost for anything else to say, “It really is a special occasion.”
Jamie chuckled, still unable to tear his eyes off of her. It was going to get awkward if he didn’t stop soon.
He offered his arm, “Shall we?”
“We shall,” Y/n slipped her arm through Jamie’s and they strolled down the hall.
Once they’d slipped out the lobby, they hailed a cab and Jamie gave the driver an address. They arrived at a five star rooftop restaurant and bar and made their way to a table, the thumping music and chatter of the weekend crowd enveloping them. A fair amount of the other patrons were celebrating England’s victory heartily.
“Look at this,” Y/n smiled, a group of people excitedly describing the game as they passed their table, “You did this.”
“Wasn’t just me,” Jamie replied.
“Yeah, but you were part of it,” Y/n corrected, shaking her head, “Jeez, Jamie…you scored a fucking goal.”
“I did, yeah,” Jamie grinned and admitted, walking the line between humility and cockiness as only he could.
Y/n waited a moment, admiring the joy in Jamie’s eyes as his eyes followed the fans. It was childlike, pure and wild.
“You didn’t tell me you were gonna wear #24,” she eventually said.
Jamie nodded, “Just felt right. It’s mad they didn’t pick him.”
“It is,” Y/n agreed, looking out at the darkening London sky, wondering how Sam was actually holding up. “But that was brave, wearing it. Like you were giving whoever didn’t choose him the middle finger.”
He chortled, his eyes lingering on her longer and longer each time they found her. Jamie was losing the battle to look away.
Y/n was the first to drop her gaze. Like always, there were ghosts dining with them. She’d been itching with concern for Jamie all day, but hadn’t said anything.
“So…how was it being back? At Wembley?”
Jamie caught the meaning instantly, it wasn’t exactly far from his mind. As much fun as he’d had, being back in the locker room had inevitably triggered unpleasant memories.
“Bit weird,” Jamie admitted, “But…I don’t know. I think I was too distracted to think about it too much.”
“That’s good,” Y/n gently smiled, “Of course, now I’ve brought it up and…”
Jamie reached out and took her hand reassuringly, “And nothing.”
Y/n’s lips tugged upwards slightly, squeezing Jamie’s palm.
A horribly timed interruption caused them both to have to tear his gaze away, the waiter returning with their drinks. He took them both and handed Y/n hers.
“Alright,” she scooted forward in her seat, “What’re we drinking to?”
Jamie sighed, thinking a moment, “Well, to me, obviously,” he got a laugh out of Y/n, “To the team. To England. To Richmond,” he swallowed, “To you.”
Y/n raised a brow, “To me?”
“Yeah,” Jamie smiled coyly, “You comin’ here, cheering me on. Knowing you were there…”
The humor of the moment was gone entirely, replaced by sweet sentiment. Jamie and Y/n’s friendship had come to mean more to them than they could have guessed that first night in Sam’s restaurant. Or the time they’d run into each other at the Crown and Anchor, spending an hour pouring over apartments for Y/n. They had become each other’s north star. They were a part of one another, reflecting the best of each other back.
“To having a good night,” Jamie continued, unable to finish his last thought, “And not worrying about anything. Not thinking about anything. Just celebrating.”
Not all of the time they spent together was so serious, but one of the basis of Y/n and Jamie’s bond was their mutual pain. So many of their conversations somehow traced back to her parents, his dad, how they were the way they were because of their failures. Not to mention, Y/n had the news of KJPR’s shutdown weighing on her back. She’d have to break the news to Jamie come morning.
But tonight, tonight was a night for none of it. They would drink, they would laugh, and they would revel in Jamie’s accomplishment.
Y/n clinked her glass against Jamie’s. “To not thinking.”
And that’s exactly what they did. They didn’t think as they ordered a second round of drinks.
Or a third.
They didn’t think as they went to a club, pulling one another close to dance.
They didn’t think as they giggled their way back to their hotel.
And they certainly didn’t think as they stumbled into Y/n’s room, a collision of roaming hands and eager lips.
Heartfirst Taglist: @lalla-04p @optimisticsandwichgladiator @makingmunson94 @taytaylala12 @storysimp @sokkigarden @lightninginab0ttle @poohkie90 @alipap3 @verra-nerevarine @shineforever19 @spaceagechimera @burnafter-reading @qardasngan @cyberpvnk-enthusiast @sogoodtoheritsvicious @buckybarnex @angelsunflxwer @blueanfield @thewildestwonderland @sablecities @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @strawberryacethingz @mentalistfan @tortilla-maria1 @katdahlali @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @glitterquadricorn @jamieolivia27 @imvibin69 @katlizada @lil-tracys @fanaticalfantasist @heyitz-julia @cactajuice @peachyy-tea @notalxx @rockchickrebel @anxiety-prime-max @loveforaugust @jellycolors @actuallybarb @heletsmelovehim @lovinnscarletknight @imfalling-inlove @leslieiscrying @meg-ro @littlemisssunshine192 @beboldbebravethings @maydayfigment @spencerreidsbookclub @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @lemoonandlestars @im-a-weirdo-for-life @mindless-rock (tags cont. in comments ❤️)
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foreverisntenough · 2 months
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Summary: You were his and he was yours but what would it be like adding one more? Thrust into a whirlwind romance you never could’ve imagined that became your forever love. You continue building a new life across the pond with a very beautiful Scouser. A sequel to the ‘You’re Mine’ fic.
Warnings: This series is 18+ and will contain fluff, suggestion, SMUT (unprotected sex,) pregnancy, parenting, mental health struggles, eating disorder, self doubt, body image issues, daddy kink, angst, alcohol consumption - not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: Thank you for reading! Please be sure to like, comment, or message me what you think of the series! Try not to nitpick with any real pregnant/ baby logistics it’s better if you just read along happily :)
Chapter 28 - In My Dreams | ‘Ours’
word count - 10.7 k
You were sitting at the kitchen table on your Mac starting to figure out some semblance of a plan for how Teddy’s schooling would work. Of course the club provided a lot of assistance with this because it was slightly an abnormal dynamic but also Trent and more specifically Dianne obviously knew the area and school system well. Regardless of all of this help… you did not. You didn’t go to school ever in the uk. You didn’t even study abroad in England because you already ‘knew it’ well because of your dad. Now you were regretting that and kicking yourself for believing that having an English passport meant you knew anything. Needless to say you found yourself in a wormhole of information about dos and don’t, public, private, religious affiliation, all sorts of things fueling your anxiety and worry about making sure you’re little girl got the best but most normal experience she could. You definitely had access to a lot more opportunities than most given your situation but the anxiety was still high. You were entranced in an article until a large ‘whap’ sound echoed scaring the shit out of you.
“Holy shit!” You exclaimed really not expecting the sudden loud noise. You laid your hand over your heart to make sure it was still beating normally. A pile of 10 glossy magazines slapped down on the table next to you. You looked up to see a cheeky grin plastered to Trent’s face.
“Heard there’s an absolute sort in this issue ya know.” He cooed with a slight giggle. You rolled your eyes at him and pulled the stack to you across the slick table top. “Go on. Open one! I’ve been waiting for you. I haven’t seen it officially yet!” He exclaimed. You grabbed one copy and flicked through the magazine to find your published article.
“See that is a fucking good looking lad.” Trent continued to laugh at himself pointing to one picture with him in it. You sighed, inspecting your own appearance ignoring his lighthearted joke. He wrapped his arms tight around your shoulder from behind your chair. “Baby, you look fucking unreal. Please. You’re so beautiful. This is so exciting. Come on.” He tried to get you to be happy about the feature but you just felt critical.
“I look okay? I’m scared to even turn the page to see the rest.” You mumbled out leaning your head back into Trent.
“Y/N… UN fucking believable. I want these framed in the house also. This is so cool, baby. Please just be excited, at least for me. I’m so proud of you, yeah?” He cooed smushing his cheek to yours. You knew if he was calling you your first name he was being serious.
“Okay. It is kind of cool.” You mumbled out hating you were admitting that Trent was right but he was. This was actually a dream of yours. You were in British GQ. You were in British GQ and not just some small blurb, this was a full article, multiple pages. Photos of you and your family blown up printed on glossy paper and typed quotes of yours.you smiled reading the headline Bentley Brown actually used a that you’d mentioned to Trent before.
‘From Manhattan to Merseyside.’
From a whirlwind romance struck on a Manhattan street corner Y/N Alexander-Arnold née Y/L/N and her husband, one of football’s brightest stars, England’s Trent Alexander-Arnold captivated both sides of the Atlantic when they first were spotted galavanting in Manchester late into the night. The couple tied the knot this past summer in an equally lavish as it was relaxed ceremony on Y/N’s home soil. Family and friends only… and us. Y/N Alexander-Arnold, the epitome of glamour and high society, seamlessly blended their luxurious lifestyles, trading the bustling streets of Manhattan to a sprawling estate in the English countryside. Their story, marked by years of quiet cuddles hidden in the stands of the worlds biggest stages, designer wardrobes, and high-profile circles, has become the talk of the town, showcasing a perfect fusion of American charm and British elegance. Curious who the woman is with the pearly white smile and model figure sporting the number 66 every match week, we were too.
“Damn fucking right it’s cool. Baby look. You look so sexy in this, you sound so intelligent, the whole thing. It’s massive and you deserve recognition like this.” Trent was your biggest cheerleader and it made your heart want to leap out of your chest. He was so sweet. He pulled one of the chairs out from your kitchen table and sat down, legs spread wide, relaxing back into it picking up a copy of the magazine. He opened it to the page where the article began. He picked his head up with a devastatingly handsome smirk and patted his thigh for you to come sit. You obliged by standing up and moving to him. You sat on his strong muscular thigh in Dior silk pants and a white bralette. Trent’s big warm hands quick to wrap around your small waist squeezing you. You leaned your head onto his shoulder. “You look so fucking good. Ooff baby, I’ll tell you what that Trent Alexander-Arnold’s lad, he’s pretty fucking lucky, huh?” He joked dragging his finger over your body’s frame in one of the photos. He kissed your head with a hum.
“Thank you for being there for me, T. Really. It means so much to me like I know I would never be in a magazine if it weren’t for you.” You began to talk with a bit of a frown reflecting on the circumstances at which this feature came. Yes, it was about you but it was because you were Trent’s wife. You were proud to be his wife but of course it wasn’t the first time you’d felt like this tinge of insignificance. The magazine feature should have been 100% a good, positive, exciting thing but instead it felt like there would always be this bit of you, this percentile you couldn’t quite ever dwindle down that felt lesser than him. You remembered the fight you had before you went to New York after the FA Cup.
‘It felt like you could never measure up to the golden boy that was in the room with you. No matter where you went or what you did he was always going to look sparkly and new, fantastical and interesting and you couldn’t feel more opposite. You had been stripped of a sense of individualisation and identity. You were Teddy’s mum and Trent’s fiance. Y/N didn’t matter, anyone could fill in the blank of your name. The icing on the cake was the image you were trying to uphold all the while.’
“You know what, beautiful? I really don’t believe that. You could be a fucking centerfold.” Trent cut you off with a sincere smile as he flipped to the next page seeing arguably your favorite photo from the entire shoot. It was Trent carrying you thrown over his shoulder, Teddy chasing after you two out in your back garden. You could practically hear her giggle through the page. The photographer really captured your family beautifully. Even in your moments of feeling most insecure there would always be that silver lining, the most shiny gorgeous silver lining that was Trent and the little girl you made together.
“T…” You whined quietly trying to let him know you were attempting to be serious. “I just… I appreciate what you’ve given to me and I don’t mean the tangible things. I mean I love them.” You paused to giggle because let’s be honest the house, the cars, the holidays, the clothes, the jewelry were lovely. You smiled playing with one of the gold clovers of your Van Cleef necklace. “I just mean for how you make me feel, what you’ve done for me. Not to like get serious on you but you know I still have a hard time sometimes but it’s always okay because I have you. I have you and you made it so for the first time in my life I know that even as dark as it gets you’re there and that’s all I need.” You sighed hiding your face in the nape of his neck feeling bad that you just unloaded on him.
“You have me in the darkest and brightest moments of your life baby. I’m here for it all. And the best part about that is we got our little bestie along for the ride now too. Call me biased but that, and I'm not exaggerating, that is the cutest most perfect little girl I’ve ever seen.” Trent smiled inspecting the photo of the three of you. Ironic considering Teddy was a copy paste of him but you did agree.
“I think you’re right. You know what? I think we don’t tell Ted about this and just let her flip through till she sees us.” You laughed, turning your gaze from the magazine pages to Trent who was mindless licking over his lips. You hummed appreciating the view.
“That’s jokes, baby. Yeah, what time is it? When we wake her up we’ll show her. I want to see her reaction so don’t do it without me.” Trent cooed cupping your cheek. He stroked his thumb over your cheek looking deep into your eyes. “‘I’m proud of you baby. I know this was new and difficult for you. I am so proud of you, don’t forget that, okay?” He gently spoke, keeping his eyes locked on yours.
“Thank you, baby. That means so much to me. So huh? You’re nice, you’re cute, you’re supportive, you’re sexy, arent you just perfect?” You teased kissing his forehead. He rolled his eyes.
“I am and so are you. Don’t forget that either.” He laughed squeezing your side.
“Look who's awake. My sleepy girl, want to go give daddy a cuddle?” You cooed to a very tired Teddy snuggling into you as you held her walking into the living room from upstairs after her nap. She pouted but you put her down anyway knowing that she would want a cuddle from Trent. She was just too tired to answer you.
“C’mere, baby bear.” Trent smiled big at her and grunted dramatically picking up her light weight body when she finally made it over to where he was sitting on the couch. “My beautiful girl.” Trent cooed, kissing her. You watched Teddy’s pink lips curl into an adorable smile. “Want to show me how smart you are? Can you tell me what this says.” Trent asked Teddy, flashing your eyes to you and pulling her further into his lap whilst he leaned forward to grab a copy of the issue of British GQ off the coffee table. On the cover off to the side there was the list of cover lines featured in the magazine, one of which read ‘Meet Mrs. Alexander-Arnold’ to lead into your interview. Trent traced his finger under the headline. Teddy couldn’t really read just yet. She could get words but it wasn’t like she was going to be reading the full article or anything but Trent knew she’d be able to read her surname.
“Alszander Arnal.” Teddy tried her best to pronounce your surname. To be fair, it was a little tricky and she was getting there. Honestly though, you liked the way she kind of stumbled her way through it. It was really really cute. As she said the double barreled last name aloud though she turned her head befuddled to Trent at why she was reading her surname for him and why it was on this magazine.
“Yeah, good girl! Alexander-Arnold. What do you think is in the magazine?” You applauded her effort and then asked her. She just furrowed her brow. Trent flicked through the magazine until he got near the feature and then made Teddy turn page by page. She got to the one before and Trent started to laugh preemptively.
“Mama!” Teddy screamed as she peeled the page back. There it was the first image of you covering an entire page. “Dada! Look is Mama!!! My mama!” She yelled with a massive smile on her face. Bewildered, surprised, and ecstatic.
“And who’s that? Is that my baby bear with daddy and mummy.” Trent turned the page for her once more and there was the photo of the three of you. She just squealed, picking the magazine up to have a closer look at herself chasing after you and Trent on the turf pitch with a football.
“Is that my pretty girl?” You cooed, coming to sit next to them. Trent pulled you by the waist of your trousers closer to him and Teddy.
“Das me, Mama!!! Teddy!” Teddy shrieked whilst trying to finagle her way out of Trent’s hold handing over the copy. She climbed off the couch and stood in front of you two. She reached out with grabby hands and pulled on Trent’s joggers. “Dada go ‘side like in piture. Footie ‘side now, tay?” She incessantly pulled and pulled on the fabric until he finally sat up some more and let go of his hold of you dropping the magazine into your lap, going to live the printed picture in real life.
“Okay, okay! The Teddy Alexander- Arnold wants to play footie with me? I can’t say no to that, can I?” Trent laughed, at her greedy smile pulling himself to get up with another grunt and a kiss to her forehead. “Alright, yeah it’s my day off but yeah, I’ll play footie.” He said more to you then to Teddy. He’d do anything for her. Was he exhausted and not in the mood to chase after your toddler outside in the freezing weather? Most definitely not but he would bundle Teddy up, throw on a pair of trainers and have a little kick about if it made his little girl smile. Every single time.
“Can you imagine if there were two of her.” You giggled watching Teddy pull on Trent’s facial hair as he zipped up her tan Moncler jacket. He removed her hand from his face for her with a laugh.
“Yeah, well then mummy would also have to go outside in the freezing cold because we’d need to have even numbers. 2 v 2. Right, Ted? Would you be on mummy’s team or daddy’s?” Trent asked Teddy.
“Erm… dada.” She was quick with her response gigging cheekily. You rolled your eyes kneeing before she even responded that would be her answer. Trent stayed bent over tying Teddy’s tiny brown Adidas campers that he had gotten her so they could match. If it was possible, in anyway, Teddy wanted to be like Trent. Naturally, Trent was flattered so anytime he got PR or grabbed anything from Adidas or really any brand he’d make sure to ask if they had a size for her. It didn’t bother you the way you thought it might have. Initially after you had Teddy you were so offended by her preference but now if she latched to him and gave you a minute alone it wasn’t always the worst thing. Lately, though you hadn’t really wanted that moment alone. You liked that she was so enamored with him. You definitely understand the attachment but you also knew when it came to certain things she’d quickly drop her daddy’s girl persona and come running to you. Needs her hair done? Mama. Is tired? Mama. A Cuddle? Definitely mama. Is Hungry? Mama. And hungry you knew the two TAA’s in your back garden would be when they came back in. They played for what felt like ages outside in the freezing cold while you got started on dinner. You could hear Teddy’s squeals, giggles, and ‘dada’s’ from inside. You were thrilled knowing that she’d be exhausted after Trent ran her ragged and would fall right to sleep tonight.
When you woke up the following morning Trent was feeling particularly handsy with you. Before you had fully even come to his big hands were kneading your boobs his thumbs lightly brushing over your nipples under the lacey blue pajamas you were in.
“Well good morning to you to baby.” You breathily giggled pushing your ass back into his morning hard on thinly covered by his boxers. You turned around still keeping yourself wrapped in his arms and pushed your nose against his. Trent’s hands drifted down your body to your hips and he pulled you tighter into him.
“Good morning to the sexiest girl in the world. I had a dream about you last night and let me tell you… wow.” He spoke with a morning raspiness in his voice that was unintentionally really turning you on.
“Really? Better than in real life?” You responded back, flickering your eyes between his sleepy brown ones and his perfectly plump lips silently suggesting that you play out whatever happened in his wet dream right now.
“Well…” Trent began speaking and your eyes shot open ready to be offended. “Relax…” he squeezed you. “Hold on, was just trying to say that sometimes I’m not entirely sure I’m not just dreaming every time I’m in bed with you. I don’t think it’s possible for someone to be so good, skin to be this soft,” he dragged his fingers purposefully up and down your side sending a shiver of anticipation up your spine. “ lips be so pillowy, god..” He groaned, rubbing his thumb over your bottom lip as his other hand began to wander all over your body with much more intention. “These tits, just there's no way this is real life. You can’t possibly be real.” He rattled on with a more serious tone than you would’ve expected. You thought maybe he would have fallen into a joking manner but Trent was serious. He really felt that way. He was in a trance looking at you this morning.
“Maybe I’m not. Maybe I’m only just for you, made for you.” You teased wrapping your hands around the back of his head and gently pulling him into you for a kiss.
“Made for me. Just my real life angel, yeah?” He whispered, ghosting his lips over yours. Your lips falling into open mouth kisses. You moaned into his mouth when one of his hands dropped towards your panty covered pussy. He dragged his finger teasingly over the dampening fabric.
“If I’m your angel, baby then what does that make you?” You asked him almost out of breath pulling away from the vulgar kiss moving your lips and kisses over his jaw and down onto his neck.
“I don’t know but hell, baby you make me want to fucking sin.” Trent groaned as he rolled his head to the side giving you more room to nip away at his sensitive skin. He was in a mood the morning and you were onto it.
“I need you” You murmured against his skin desperately. You could feel your pussy pulsating and growing hot just from his teasing touch. Trent was salivating at the thought of you long before you’d even woken up. You could’ve had some sort of gradual build up or foreplay but you both were too hasty, too eager, you needed each other, you couldn’t wait. He fucked the daylights out of you. Orgasm after orgasm and yet you craved more.
“You’re just insatiable, aren’t you?” Trent smirked at you as he lined his cock up with your sopping wet entrance for round two. The sheets of your bed were practically damp sticking to your skin. You had no idea how long you and Trent had been going at for but you were thanking your lucky stars that Teddy had yet to wake up because you didn’t want this to end.
“I just want more and more of you, baby.” You begged pulling Trent by his hips into you again. He slowly pushed himself into your warm velvety pussy. You wrapped your legs around him greedily. You dragged him into a messy kiss moaning into his mouth when his cock hit deeper inside of you.
“Good, because I can’t get enough. Be a good girl and take all of me.” He pulled away from the kiss and whispered back, a soft smile lining his lips. “Fuck, baby you feel so good.” He muttered out as you did as instructed, taking every inch of him to the hilt. His voice still plagued by a morning raspiness that had you a mess beneath him. Trent bottomed out with a grunt as you clenched around him.
“T…baby.” You whined feeling euphoric in a way that it felt like you were fucking him for the very first time. You’d been so horny for him lately. Your emotions were all over the place. You were sad one minute or stressed the next hour and then happy the following day, it was constantly changing but the one thing that never shook, never faltered and would probably never change was how fucking bad you wanted Trent.he was addicting. He could see the emotions play out on your face; love, lust, pleasure, and your pure vulnerability with him. You’d let him do anything, you trusted his love for you.
“I know, baby. I’m right here. Doing so good f’me.” He whispered, leaning his forehead down against your shoulder. He slid his face up into your neck and placed gentle kisses to your skin as he began to thrust into you, creating the perfect rhythm, the symphony of your moans, his groans, the sound of your skin, pornographic. Both of you were incredibly sensitive after your orgasmic first round. You tightened your pussy’s grip around Trent’s length and he shivered. Your face falling into an ‘o’ as your brows pinched. Something about this felt different. He felt so good despite you being so sore so sensitive. You weren’t sure sex had ever felt this good, you had no idea why, it was a random weekday morning, but you were not complaining. “I know, I know, baby. So good f’me.” Trent continued coaching you through stretching you out more and more as his soft plump lips grazed over your slick skin. He breathed you in with a groan. Your scent drove him crazy. He was so in love with you. Every bit of you. Every feature had him down terribly bad. No amount of time together would ever be enough for either of you. He needed all of you all the time. As desperate as you had been feeling, you had dragged Trent into the depths of the emotion with you and right now you were both benefiting from its repercussions. Your eyes began to water from the pleasurable feeling of his strokes but more so from the eye contact you two were holding, the emotion behind his eyes had you having a hard time swallowing. “I love you so much, baby. I love you. You have no idea, so fucking much.” Trent babbled away getting lost in you, his voice certain in his words. “I love you so much it could kill me.” Trent’s thrust faltered a little. He meant that. You were all consuming to him.
“I love you, T. I love you so much. I couldn’t live without you. I love you, I love you, I… I…” You babbled back to him just the same, lost in your feelings, tears streaming down your face . Your words only halted by the gasp and sudden intake of air you sucked in when Trent’s hand dropped in between you two working his fingers in tight circles over your clit. He was pounding into you aggressively and yet he never felt more loving. He gripped your thigh with his free hand, his fingers digging into the plushness of you pushing it up to your chest. He dropped his face down simultaneously and began to suck on one of your nipples. He was doing so much at once you couldn’t focus. You were completely at his mercy, submissive to any way he folded your body and you loved every single second of it.
“I’m gonna fill you up, baby. I’m gonna cum again. Fuck you feel so good. Can you cum with me?” Trent’s words were muffled by his face buried in your tits. You could barely respond. All you could do was moan and whine out his name. “Hmm? Can you cum f’me?” He asked again as your thighs shook. You weren’t sure how many times you had orgasmed this morning. You nodded pathetically unable to even identify where you were. You were holding it together by the flimsiest of threads. It wasn’t exactly a big ask to let it snap. Your orgasm came before his, crashing over you, your pleasure always his priority. You squirmed under him as you creamed all on his throbbing cock. Trent groaned as you clenched tighter around him. He drew out his high thrusting into you still. He didn’t let you come down, he just layered a secondary orgasm on top of the last. You felt a type of blissful delirium you could never articulate with words, it was indescribably good. Trent let out a filthy groan as he hit his own climax. Your eyes rolled back and your heels dragged down his muscular back as you felt him fill you up as promised, pumping you full. His warm release leaking out between you two still connected. Trent lazily kissed you as he stilled, laying his body weight onto you. If you could, you wished he could just stay inside you forever. It was like this was the safest, most comfortable you could be. It was what you had been craving. Him. You needed him. At the beginning of your relationship with him, day one in fact Trent was adamant telling you that you were his. He’d tell you ‘you’re mine’ on repeat and you had a hard time believing it. How he knew that, thought that so early on. Sometimes you wondered how he had such foresight because right now as he rolled over and pulled you to lay on top of him you stared into your husband’s beautiful mahogany puppy dog eyes that you hard time wrapping your head around that they could also do all the dirty things he had just done with you, you knew he was right from the start. You were his and he was yours. You cupped his cheeks with your hands and rested your slightly slick forehead against his. The glow on your face had Trent pink lips curling into a tired smirk. His hands caressed your bare back up and down your spine with a hum as your erratic breaths slowly began to even out. You ran one hand over his hair and smiled.
“Even after all this time, no matter how many years go by, lifetimes we could live in, it will always be you.” You quietly told him. He hummed and kissed the bridge of your nose.
“In this lifetime and the next and even in my dreams. It’s you.” He hushly spoke with a stoic expression. “I used to build dreams about you. You’ve made my life a dream, baby. I’m not sure I’ve woken up since I met you.” He mused and you felt your heart falter.
“I will always find you, T. In each one, I’m meant to be yours.” You cooed, brushing your nose back and forth over his. “I’ve been missing this…” you sighed. “Missing you so much lately. Sometimes I feel like I was missing you before we even met.” You confessed imagining the same warm honey hue his eyes had on 78th street that they did right now.
“You are mine. My baby, my angel, my pretty girl, my everything, my whole world, my forever. You, Y/N are it.” He kept his eyes fixed on you, confirming his sincerity. He was right, you weren’t sure it was possible to be anything but a dream. This was a love you could only dream of.
“Annnndd she’s ours.” You giggled hearing a stir come from a monitor off on your bedside table. You turned the screen towards you and kissed Trent’s nose.
“I’m holding Teddy, relaxxxx.” Trent laughed as you slipped your hands under his t-shirt running your nails over his abs. He was stood holding your little girl as you stood in your laundry room on a mission to find a very specific shirt that Teddy was very clear she needed to wear today. You followed Trent around all day after that dream like morning sex.
“I can’t stop thinking about this morning.” You whispered behind the shell of his ear, pushing your body into his from behind. He rolled his eyes and moved Teddy from his hip to sit on the machine. He turned and grabbed your face rashly and you giggled uncontrollably when he began to nuzzle himself against your neck, nipping at your skin.
“I will take care of you tonight, alright? Don’t I always?” He cooed to you sliding his big hands over the curve of your ass. You hummed.
“Dada me too!” Teddy without fail felt left out. She saw the beaming smile on your face left by her dad and she was jealous. Trent turned around quickly, letting go of you, completely smitten with him, and scooped Teddy up blowing raspberries against her skin sillily.
“T… baby.” You whined, squeezing him as tight as you could, nuzzling your face into his cotton t-shirt under you. You’d been so clingy to Trent and especially after the type of sex you’d been having lately you were practically glued to him.
“Come gimme a kiss, baby.” Trent cooed as you laid in bed that night. He pulled you tight to him with a kiss to your lips first and then he kissed your temple. You wiggled your body into him to be as physically close as possible. You whined his name hiding your face in his neck. “So needy for me, huh? You promise everything’s okay, sweet girl? You’re making me a little nervous. I'm not gonna lie. I mean you’ve been eating fine I thought. You’ve been doing so well with Ted, you and I’ve been fine but it just feels…” he paused, taking a deep breath not sure how to quite articulate how you’ve been acting and why it was giving him a bit of anxiety without upsetting you. Although to be fair, he had every right to be worried after the year and half you’d had with your health.
“I just… I don’t know. You’re right everything is okay I guess. I just feel really needy like you said. Like I just want to be with you all the time and then today I just felt so nauseous all day. I’ve been waking up so fatigued. Ted has so much more energy now as well and all I want to do is just squish her and hold her with me all day and it’s kind of sad she doesn’t want that anymore. She wants to run and play which is amazing and I’m glad she’s happy and goofy but like I’m tired.” You cooed sadly to Trent wallowing in the fact that your baby girl was getting older whether you liked it or not.
“Baby, she does want that. Ted loves a cuddle with her mummy. She just also wants to learn and explore. It’s good that she’s independent and curious. You know if you really asked her she’d always come and give you a big cuddle and in between those times where maybe she just wants to mess about, you always have me. I’m here. I love a cuddle with mummy.” He kissed your lips gently with a hum. “I’m sorry you haven’t been feeling well, baby. I’ll keep my eye on you, alright? Just tell me whenever you need me. I’m always here for you.” He whispered, keeping his lips tight to you ghosting over yours.
“I know. I love you, T. Can you just hold me all night? I don’t want to be apart.” You asked him fairly sadly, feeling a bit pathetic with yourself. He hummed with his eyes closed pulling you tighter into him. “Thank you. Night, baby.” You kissed his bare chest squishing your face into him. He mumbled a ‘night, beautiful’ into your hair.
“Hey, baby, what are you doing awake so early?” Trent grumbled with a raspy voice sitting himself up in bed moving back to lean onto your headboard seeing you sneak out of the bathroom back towards bed. He frowned at you. You were an early riser but it was really fucking early, this was abnormal. He pulled the blankets down for you to get back in. “Good morning, beautiful girl. How we feeling today?” He cooed more gently watching you cautiously and slowly bring your body back onto the mattress. He pulled you back into him, wrapping you in his warm embrace.
“I’ve gotten sick twice this morning already. I didn’t want to wake you. I think I caught a bug or something.” You pouted nuzzling into Trent. “T, I feel horrible. I feel so sick. Every day I feel like I’ve gotten worse this week. I… I just..” You stuttered, getting your words out and started to cry unable to hold back the emotion. “I can’t keep up with her today. I can’t do it. I feel so exhausted I can’t manage her on my own. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I’m the worst. It’s my only job and I can’t do it” You started crying more and more, feeling horrible, admitting to the fact that taking care of Teddy seemed like it would be an impossible task.
“Beautiful, you’re doing amazing. You’re such an incredible mum. Baby, this is not your only job, you do so much. Also, this is one of the hardest jobs in the world. It is really hard. Please don’t say you’re sorry to me. I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well. What can I do?” He spoke gently to you feeling like if he raised his volume even a little above a whisper it would bruise you.
“T… I’m failing.” You croaked out embarrassed by the fear you’d be unable to take care of your daughter today.
“You’re not. Come here, sweetheart. Can you stay in bed for me today? I’ll make Ted breakfast and call my mum. I’ll ask her to take her today. She can handle that very cute bundle of energy. Just take today to rest please. I’ll make sure you’re okay, head to training a little late, and if you need me, even to just get you a tea, you call me and I’ll come right home. If not, then I’ll be home as fast as I can right after training back to my beautiful girl. Hmm?” He cooed and you sighed a sad ‘ok.’ Trent did as he said, he got himself dressed for training, he woke Teddy up, got her changed and downstairs for breakfast, then came knocking at your door a little while later.
“Mummy’s a little sleepy so we have to be quiet, okay?” You could hear Trent whisper to Teddy as they walked into your bedroom. Teddy trailed Trent clinging to his joggers as he carried a water and a cup of tea in his hands for you.
“Baby, how do ya feel?” He spoke softly rubbing his hand over your head after putting the drinks down on your bedside table. You rolled over more onto your side to get a better look at them. You just hummed with a soft smile as Teddy haphazardly climbed up into your bed and squirmed her way into your embrace.
“Mama, morning time. Why still sleepy?” She asked you and you didn’t even have the energy to try to get into your current state so you just kissed her forehead. “Know I lub you most.” She said to you with a dramatic whisper. She was trying hard to whisper the best she knew how but it was more like just speaking more breathy at regular volume.
“I know Ted. Thank you, baby. I love you the most. Mummy’s just a little extra sleepy.” You cooed meekly, kissing her cheek. “You’re going to have such a good day with Nana today though. That’ll be much more fun.” You told her hoping you could convince her that it’d be fun and you knew it would be once she got there. Dianne was amazing with Teddy, of course, but you knew Teddy well enough to know that no matter how fun something like this would be, if there was no mummy or daddy it was going to be a hard sell.
“Want stay with you, tay?” She informed you as anticipated. You gave her a sympathetic grin appreciating how attentive she was to you but you needed her to go to Dianne’s so you mustered all the strength you had to sit up a little in bed. Trent moved quickly to grab Teddy from you and plop her off the bed onto her own two feet. Your weakness and what you assumed to be a run down body was apparent to him.
“No, no, you want to go play and sing and dance, you don’t want to lay with me all day, silly girl. Plus you haven’t gotten to tell Nana all about how well you’ve been taking care of the doggies too, right?” You cooed to her cupping her cheek as she leaned her body goofily onto the bed to stay close to you. She gave you a disappointed nod of the head. Teddy had been taking it upon herself to help out more and more with your two dogs. It was sweet and she was very very proud of herself. It didn’t really relieve any of the actual duties of care from you or Trent but it was cute. “And then when you come home you have to tell me every single fun thing you did with Nana. I want to hear every bit, cute girl.” You smiled at her trying to reinforce the idea that her day would be well worth her going and leaving you.
“Will miss. Mama know I lub, tay?” She told you once more. It was cute. You knew she did but again, getting her to leave you was not an easy task. Frankly, you would have loved to cuddle up with your baby girl all day right now but that is definitely not something she had the attention span for. Your energy levels at the minute couldn’t have been more opposite.
“Okay, baby. I know, I’ll miss you too. Go ahead please. Have fun.” You cooed gently and quietly as you laid back down defeated into your pillow feeling another wave of nausea wash over you again. You had a horrible migraine that not even closing your eyes was making it dark enough for you to feel more at ease. Before Trent went downstairs you scribbled on a post it note in your room and had told him to pack something for Teddy as an aid to get her to be a bit more happy once they got to Diannes.
“Thanks mum for watching her. I told you Y/N thinks she just caught a bug or something. She was up early sick so really appreciate you taking Ted.” Trent spoke to Dianne in the foyer of her house as Teddy clung to his leg in an effort to not let him get to training. He was attempting to drop Teddy off and make it to training on time, to avoid a team fine but Teddy was being stubborn.
“No problem, hun. Everything alright? I haven’t heard that anything is going around.” Dianne brushed her hand over Teddy’s curls but kept her gaze on Trent with a raised brow. Trent gave her a confused look in return not sure what her suspicious face was for. Dianne dropped it though and smiled with a shake of the head. “We’re going to have a fun day, right my Teddy girl? What do you want to do today?” She asked sweetly to Teddy.
“Be with my mama, nana.” Teddy answered her sadly with a signature pout and puppy dog eyes Dianne was now enduring the second generation of. Teddy had inherited Trent’s beautiful face and certainly the same face that had people around them crumbling.
“Oh, I know. Mummy is the best but you’ll see her soon. How about we go play outside, we can watch a movie, we can make you some yummy food.” Dianne paused seeing Teddy’s face unchanged. Nothing she offered her was going to be better than being with you but she’d try one last effort she knew was Teddy’s latest fixation “We can color.” She drew out the word with a smile, squinting her eyes a little seeing Teddy’s face immediately respond to the option.
“Oh I know that look… I think you heard something you like, huh?” Trent cooed, coming to squat down next to Teddy, their faces now level. Teddy loved coloring and she was getting better and better at it. ‘Better’ is subjective but her progress had Trent singing her praises and she was eating it up. It was a nice activity for her and you liked how careful she was with all the markers and supplies you’d get her. She took care of it all and put everything back neatly. Trent said it was bizarre but you loved that she inherited a sense of organization and meticulousness from you. It was adorable. “Did you check in your bag we brought yet? I think there’s something special in there” He asked her as he reached behind him to grab her pink Stoney Clover backpack with her own ‘TAA’ initials on it and bring it towards them. She unzipped it slowly not understanding that this was something to be excited about. But there it was inside, a brand new pack of markers you had gotten for her, you had planned to give her at some point but no time like the present. Trent had stuck the post it note you’d written on to the packaging.
‘Show Nana how well you color, my Teddy bear. I love you so so much. Love mummy xx’
“Wow Teddy! Your mummy must love you so much! I think we should color today then if mummy gave those to you.” Dianne cooed excitedly watching Teddy’s smile grow and grow on her face and her eyes go wide, absolutely gassed about the markers.
“C’mere baby. Let’s read what mummy wrote on this little note for you.” Trent pulled Teddy into him and held the sticky note in front of them and helped her work through the worlds, essentially just Trent reading to her. When they finished, Teddy giggled and hugged the pack of markers to her chest. “Aw baby, you’re so excited. So you have to do what mummy said, yeah? Gonna show Nana how good you are at coloring with your new markers?” Trent cooed before kissing her cheek. Teddy nodded and for the first time since they entered the house took steps away from Trent. They said goodbye and Teddy took off to a little table and chairs for toddlers Dianne had at her house for her. Teddy knew exactly where it was and she couldn’t wait any longer to get there.
Trent drove home after a long fairly thought provoking training session. All day at AXA he couldn’t shake the thought of his mum’s questioning look when he said you were sick. As he was stopped at the traffic light before he entered your neighborhood, the possibility smacked him in the face. He gasped and leant his head back onto the headrest of his seat in the car, eyes wide. Trent puffed out some air and shook his head with a stupid grin. He couldn’t wait to get home.
“Beautiful, can I ask you something and please don’t take it the wrong way.” Trent asked you about an hour after he’d gotten home. He had checked in and made sure you were okay before he began his probe. You hummed not thinking about anything other than how shitty you felt today. “Ermm…” Trent paused, getting a little nervous to ask his question, beginning to second guess himself but he mustered up the courage after he took a deep breath and looked at you. He looked deep in your eyes and he sighed. He knew you. He knew you so well, he couldn’t be wrong. “When was the last time you got your period?” He asked you and you tilted your head confused and then you felt your stomach sink.
“Oh my fucking god…” You gasped and felt your soul just about leave your body. You were not being careful in the slightest in bed but it wasn’t like you’d been actively trying. You were more shocked that you hadn’t thought about this possibility though. You couldn’t help it, you just started balling your eyes out. Your tears felt like they were just endlessly flowing.”I… I… I can’t be. No.” You stuttered out the words. Trent was a little confused because, just as well as he knew you, he could tell these were not tears of joy or excitement, this was fear. Your emotions were all over the map lately and uncontrollable, it should’ve been obvious.
“Baby… Are you okay? C’mere please.” Trent sat down on the bed and pulled you into his embrace. He was holding your body up for you. You were in a completely blanked state. You couldn’t think. “Let’s just take a test alright? Let’s find out. It could just be a bug, I could be wrong. You’re gonna be okay, I promise.” Trent tried to comfort you.
“I can’t know…” You muttered out. You felt the words leave your mouth and you knew that wasn’t possible so you sighed. You squeezed Trent. “Can you come with me?” You looked up at him with teary eyes, water clumping in your eyelashes. Your bottom lip rolled into a quivering pout.
“Yeah, baby, of course. I’ll be there the whole time.” Trent cooed and helped you up from the bed. You had a few extra pregnancy tests in the cupboard of the bathroom stashed away for a situation like this but you kind of thought you’d be more prepared to take them when the time came. Trent got one out for you and handed it to you. When you took it he grabbed your hand and pulled it to him. He kissed your hand. “Whatever, absolutely whatever any test says. I love you and you will be okay.”
“Can you turn around?” You mumbled out embarrassed. Trent gave you a cheeky smirk silently saying ‘really, baby… I’ve seen you in labor. I don’t think you peeing is going to be all that big of a deal.’ It lightened your stone heart momentarily but when he did what you asked and turned around, you lost eye contact with his support and your heart hardened again. The thing was it’s not that you were massively opposed to another baby, it just was so overwhelming. There were a lot of factors at play. You were so stressed by how you would manage two babies so little when Trent had to be away for football. Today you couldn’t even get out of bed. What would happen if you had two babies and he was out of the country? Another reason, god, what if a postpartum depression came back worse this time around. Last time you were borderline suicidal.
“T, baby, I can’t… I’m sorry I’m so scared.” Tears began to fill your lash line again you stood up and Trent turned around. You placed the cap back onto the test and hugged Trent. In a backwards way his comfort triggered your tears to begin to fall again more rapidly.
“My beautiful girl, put this here.” He grabbed the test and put it on your sink counter. “You, my amazing wife, Teddy’s amazing mummy, you come with me. I got the timer. All you need to do is come and give me the best cuddle you’ve ever given me in your whole life, okay?” He moved you to come lay on top of your bed and pulled you into his embrace. He held you securely but gently whispering ‘I love you’ on repeat again and again quietly into your hair. After the alotted 5 minutes or so the sound of the alarm blaring from Trent's phone made you jump, wince, and your heart stop all at once. You were about to find out if you’d be a family of 4 and you also felt like you were about to be sick..
“Can you look? Sorry I’m being such a… I don't know I’m such a mess. I’m sorry baby.” You mumbled into his cotton t-shirt that you had now soaked with your tears.
“Baby shhh. Shhh, okay? You stay right here. I will go get it. Just you stay here and be my beautiful dream girl.” Trent let go of you and you felt like you could cry more just losing his comforting hold momentarily. He picked up the test in the ensuite and stifled his gasp. His smile was massive but he shook it off his face and looked down at a very clear positive pregnancy test. He came back into the room and he had a smile you usually hated to see one that was sympathetic and a little sad. “Y/N…” He whispered, stroking his hand over your head. “You’re pregnant. It says we’re pregnant. It’s positive, baby.” As the words rolled off his tongue Trent couldn’t suppress the smile he really felt. He was beaming, ecstatic but as you heard the words fall out his mouth you felt sick.
“Oh…” You sighed with disappointment in your voice. “Oh my god. Look how happy you are. I should be. I’m the worst fucking mum in the world. Fuck. I’m so sorry.” You looked up at Trent with swollen red eyes from all your tears. “T…How did you know?” You croaked out curious what made him think of this when you hadn’t. You felt so stupid honesty. How could you not see it. You were beating yourself up internally.
“Don’t know, baby. Just instinct. I think I know you pretty well.” He laughed shyly, running his hand behind his neck. “You were so cuddly and getting sick and It just felt like last time a little bit and baby… we…” Trent started to laugh with a gentle smile coming to give you a cuddle. “We fuck a lot.” He continued his laugh. You couldn’t help but at least crack a small smile.
“I guess better than I know myself.” You sighed realizing that Trent probably did know you better than you knew yourself. “T… it’s just… I just got my body back to a place I wasn't grossed out by.” You whimpered pushing your face into his chest upset by the idea of going through the lovely bodily changes of pregnancy again. You’d been working so hard in the gym to get fit and with your care team to get healthy.
“Baby, we’ll do whatever you need.” Trent unexpectedly told you. He was calm with his words but the sentiment was kind of insane. You wouldn’t dream of not having this baby because of something so selfish like appearance. Trent didn’t see it as selfish he saw it as your mental wellbeing. But you thought you wanted babies with Trent, plural.
“T, stop.. it’s not just my decision.” You lashed out at him pulling yourself off him in a flustered state. You felt your tears fill your eyes again. You pulled your legs up onto the bed and wrapped your arms around them, pulling your knees tight to your chest.
“I know, I know but baby we’re going to do what’s best for you though.” Trent sighed, rubbing his hand over your smooth leg. He meant it. He did. He wanted to do what was best for you but the thought of getting pregnant and then deciding not to go through with it made him a little sick.
“I need a minute alone.” You snapped standing up prioritizing your own feelings, unable to look at him. You knew the expression you could imagine was on his face would be heartbreaking. It was a really emotionally conflicting thing. He tried to call out to you but knew better and just let you go. You locked the door of the en suite and slid down the back of it, seating yourself on the floor. You cried and cried raking your brain if you were ready for this. Were you an okay mum? Would you be disappointing Trent if you decided not to have another baby? Would you be doing a disservice to this unborn baby by having him or her? You were terrified of falling back into a depressive state but as you rested your forehead onto your knees in front of you, you clocked a tiny silver frame on the marble countertop above you out of the corner of your eye. You sighed seeing matching toothy grins of the two people you loved more than anything in the world. More than yourself. You could almost hear the photo of Trent telling Teddy to say cheese. Her babbling out her attempt, something like a ‘cheebs.’ You kept crying but not because you were questioning yourself, or your abilities but because of how in love you were with being a mum, having this family. Your family was everything to you, the three of you and now the possibility of a fourth didn’t sound so bad. Another cute voice learning to ‘cheese’ in photos with the best husband and dad in the world, the love of your life didn’t sound so bad. It took you a bit of time but you eventually pulled it together.
“T…” you whispered coming back into the bedroom. You sighed and ran your hands over your face feeling guilty inspecting Trent’s body language. He was more upset than you anticipated. He wasn’t pouting intentionally, he just really wanted this. This was the best news ever for him but he was trying to talk himself down and to the fact you might want to get rid of the pregnancy. “I want this…” you cooed hugging him from behind as he laid curled up on the bed.
“C’mere, baby.” You could audibly hear him let out a deep breath. He turned to face you and pulled you tight into an embrace, tucking your head under his chin. “If you…” he began to talk.
“I want this, okay? This baby… I do.” You interrupted him, stopping what he was going to tell you, clarifying that you were certain about this.
“If it’s not the right time for us or it’s too much.” Trent was persistent with his thoughts. He kissed your head trying to tell you that no matter what he’d be there but it was breaking his heart and you could hear it in his voice.
“Stop… I really do.” You pulled your head out from against him to look him in the eyes. You were serious. You wouldn’t change your mind. You wanted a second baby.
“Yeah? You’re sure you can? You can’t do this for me.” He haphazardly got the words out not sure how to express what he was feeling. The last thing Trent wanted to do was put pressure on you.
“It’s not for you. It’s for us.” You hummed with a soft smile. Your lips began to curl more and more. Both you and Trent could feel the tension in the room evaporating. He gave you a questioning look silently so you spoke again. “I always thought we’d have like multiple kids. I don’t know. Right? Wasn’t that what we wanted?” You giggled a little trying to recall the exact plans or discussions you had had in the past. It all felt a little blurry thought. “Like not in a weird way but don’t you think it’d be silly for us to not at least try for a boy.” You smiled at him imagining a little boy.
“I think it’ll be another girl but I get your sentiment. C’mere, baby. I love you so much.” Trent cupped your face and gently pulled you into a kiss that felt like heaven. It felt like relief. You smiled into it, starting to laugh imagining another baby in the house. “Let’s have Ted sleep at my mum’s. Just need to be with my favorite girl tonight.” Trent cooed and although you wanted to correct him with a tease telling him you knew Teddy had replaced you as favorite you just hummed. “Baby… I’m really really happy. I love being a dad. I love our family.” Trent whispered into your hair kissing your head a few times.
“You’re the best daddy. Just the best, baby. It looks good on you too.” You giggled a little more picturing how good he looked carrying Teddy around, you assumed a second would only double the attraction. You were only able to kiss at his neck from your close proximity and his hold of you, limiting any movement. “T… I’m a little scared though.” You got out the obvious fear you were harboring after a couple quiet minutes embraced in a hug.
“I know, beautiful. You can be scared but you got me the whole way. You’re so strong. You can do this.” Trent tried to put you at ease with encouragement.
“Are you excited?” You meekly and sheepishly asked him, trying to divert from a more serious conversation and confessional about your fears. You could guess the answer but you wanted to hear him say it.
“I am gassed right now, seriously? Creating a life with you, having a family? It’s an absolute dream.” Trent looked at you confused with a furrowed brow. How could you not know that he thought that.
“You’re such a good daddy.” You sighed hugging him. You breathed him in. His scent wrapped around you, calming all your fears by just simply being there with you.
“Think I do okay?” He asked you with a bit of smugness in his tone. You smiled with your face still hidden pressed against his neck. You loved Trent’s cheek.
“Yeah, really the best. Ted… and I guess this little baby here are so lucky.” You cooed, moving your hand to your still flat stomach. Trent let his eyes flutter closed and moved his hand to lay over top of yours. He kissed your forehead as a silent ‘thank you.’ He could never properly thank you for giving him a family of his dreams but you were just the same. There were no words.
Trent was fucking beaming when he picked up Teddy from Dianne’s the next day. Call it a mother’s intuition but Dianne knew something was up. She easily put two and two together but bit her tongue letting you two have your privacy. You had called your doctors and made the appointment to find out for real how far along you might’ve been. Like Trent said, you had sex a lot you had no idea when this could’ve happened.
“I missed you baby bear. You had so much fun with Nana huh?” Trent cooed to Teddy looking through his rearview mirror back to her tucked in her carseat in his big car.
“Told dada.” She quipped fairly sassily. Teddy inheriting Trent’s own personality traits was biting him in the ass. His eyes widened.
“Well, I know but I’m just asking sheesh, Ted. Are you going to give Mama your pretty drawing when we get back home? She’ll be so happy to see you. I know she’ll love it” Trent continued on. When Dianne had handed over all of Teddy’s things from her impromptu sleepover to Trent she had to make sure, per Teddy’s instructions, that her artwork she’d made was kept nice and safe because it had to get to it’s recipient, you, safely. You had a museum full of Teddy drawings, each one priceless… to you. Likes squiggles on a paper to a stranger.
“Yeah huh, for my mama.” She mumbled getting distracted fixating on the little tray of her car seat filled with cheerios just moving them around. She had complained that she was hungry and couldn’t wait till she got home but evidently not enough to eat said cereal. Trent winced every time he heard Teddy crumble one up littering his car with crumbs. Anyone else… he’d be fuming.
“We’re gonna stop at the shop first, okays?” Trent told Teddy. She just gave him a ‘tay’ as expected. Trent parked his car in your local town shopping center ahead of getting back home because he wanted to get you some flowers. He held Teddy’s hand as they fumbled around the florist letting her decide the color of flowers. He knew chrysanthemums weren’t your favorite flower but Teddy was adamant that you would like the pink color which she was sort of right. In her defense, she did have the experience Trent did. She hadn’t been buying you flowers just about every month for the past 5 plus years.
“You know what, Ted? You get mummy the pink flowers, okay? And dada will get her white ones.” Trent decided two bouquets would work then, one from your babies, Teddy and your new addition, and one from your baby, Trent.
“Tay, mama like pink doe.” Teddy stayed set on the fact that you’d want the pink and Trent was wrong. It was a battle of two of the same people. Neither would concede but Trent realized he was in his mid twenties and Teddy hadn’t even hit three, so he compromised despite a tinge of confidence that he knew you liked the bouquets he usually got for you, luxurious, lavish, chic. Teddy did have the advantage of her handing over her pink cute flowers with chubby cheeks raised in a smile indented with dimples. To be fair though Trent had those dimples too. As they left the shop walking to the car two excited young men stopped them asking for a selfie with Trent. Trent was hesitant, shy, and protective of Teddy, moving his hand to her back pushing her to him but of course he obliged. “Yeah, no worries mate.” Trent ushered the kids away from him after they got the photo as Teddy stood wrapped around his leg swinging her tiny body back and forth impatiently.
“Dada, how come piture?” Teddy asked inquisitively, confused why people were stopping her daddy in the car park.
“Erm… they just know daddy from footie.” Trent answered her as simply as possible. She gave him a ponderous ‘oh’ and then went quiet as he put her into her car seat.
“Why?” Teddy pipped up again, still pressed about what just happened. You had officially entered the ‘why’ stage of toddlerhood.
“You know when you watch daddy at Anfield or when you and mummy watch the matches on the telly?” Trent cooed gently pushing a fallen curl behind her ear. “They like the way daddy plays the game so they watch dada on tv too.” Trent further elaborated for her.
“Ohs cause my dada bests.” She adorably tacked on to his explanation. Trent hummed in agreement with a soft smile. “But, dada…” Teddy cooed, continuing her thought looking to Trent who was getting into the drivers side. “Mine and mama’s, tay?” She spoke up, wanting to just cement and confirm that those guys could appreciate Trent and take a photo but Trent was in fact hers.
“Yeah, course. Only yours, baby bear.” Trent smiled back at her, kissing his hand and pressing it to her little legs dangling in her seat. He liked her possessiveness over him. “Let's go give mama her flowers and your drawing.” he cooed with a smile and a wink back in the mirror to her.
Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the chapter 🤍
Next part - Chapter 29 xx
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kteezy997 · 3 months
Can I request some Hal content 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Perhaps the reader is a lady in waiting or something and her and Hal have a forbidden relationship and the reader gets pregnant and you go from there. Agnst. Fluffy. I love your writing!!🥰🥰
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The Lady in Waiting: Part One//King Henry V
Your lady, Princess Sophia was now betrothed to the King of England. Her whole life was being uprooted as she was now to be a wife. This meant you would be going to England to live with her and accompany her as she acclimated to her new life.
You had been with Lady Sophia for several years now. You catered to her every whim, had conversations with others when she did not wish to speak, and handled all of her affairs, such as food, dresses and everything in between. It could be exhausting at times, you had to admit.
But you were excited to begin a new life in a whole other country. Word had it that England’s castle was much grander than the one you knew as your home.
The travel was long and uneventful, especially since there was no real way to get comfortable in a horse drawn carriage. It was you and Sophia all alone for days of traveling.
She had been given a small photo of her soon-to-be husband: King Henry V. She could not help but obsess over the tiny thing. He seemed to be a pale man, but with pretty green eyes and striking features. He was rather handsome. Your Lady was quite lucky. You knew so many women who were forced to marry and be bred by old, hideous men who were also horrible human beings. You hoped that since he was still young, King Henry would be kind to Sophia.
“Well he is quite handsome, at least he will give me many beautiful children.” Sophia said, hopeful.
“Yes, your Highness. I’m sure you will have a large family indeed.”
Upon arriving at the royal home of the King, Lady Sophia was taken on a tour of the castle and the grounds by royal personnel. You were left to get her things in order in her new bed chambers.
As the evening came, you were informed that Sophia's tour had concluded, and she was at supper. You finished unpacking and placing her personal things and dresses, then decided you should go and wait for her to outside the dining hall.
You found your way through the many long halls; you heard footsteps nearing. You looked around, seeing a small group of men approaching you. You felt nervous, recognizing the man leading the pack. You knew it was the King.
You stopped and bowed politely, giving him a kind smile as well. Your breath had been taken, for the photo given to Sophia did not do him justice in the flesh. He was the most bewitchingly beautiful man you had ever seen.
"Hello, I am King Henry the Fifth of England." he nodded, "You must be Princess Sophia. I am glad to finally meet you."
"Oh, no Your Majesty. I am only her lady's maid, I apologize for the confusion. Lady Sophia is having supper in the dining hall, Your Majesty." You realized that he must not have received a photo of his bride.
His green eyes widened some as he noticed the error. "Please forgive me. I am sorry for the mistake, miss..."
"Um, y/n, Your Majesty." There were footsteps coming from the opposite direction. You and the King noticed Lady Sophia, accompanied by the housekeeper, approaching.
"Your Majesty, Princess Sophia, your new bride." said the housekeeper, taking it upon herself to introduce the couple.
"Ah, yes." Henry looked at Sophia, nodding, then he looked back at you, to your surprise, "I just met y/n, your lady in waiting. And if you are half as lovely as she, then I am to be a very lucky man." He gave the Princess a charming smile.
You had to admit, you were weak in the knees. You imagined your lady felt the same sensation for the King already.
"Oh, y/n! He is so intelligent, and unbelievably charming! Ugh! And even more handsome than his picture. I think I am in love already." Sophia had spent the remainder of the evening with Henry. She was entranced by the young King, obviously.
"I am so very glad for you, my lady." you gave her an encouraging smile. "He seems wonderful. I hope he makes you very happy for years to come." You helped her into her nightrobe so that she could get into bed for the night.
"I hope that as well, y/n." she said with a gleeful sigh.
You turned down her bed for her, and she sat down on the lush sheets.
"I am so grateful that you are here to keep me company and to help me navigate becoming a Queen. There are so many things about England I need to learn. Hal will help me too." she blushed, relaxing onto the bed, letting her head melt into the pillow.
"Hal? Is that a nickname for the King?" you inquired.
"Yes, he told me to call him Hal. He said everyone close to him calls him that." Sophia yawned dramatically. “Goodnight, y/n.” she said, dismissing you.
“Goodnight, my lady. Sleep well.” you replied, leaving her bedroom.
As you walked down the hallway, you were feeling strange because you were happy for your lady, but you could not stop thinking of the way the King had looked at you. You knew it certainly wasn’t any special look. For he was betrothed to Princess Sophia. Surely, he was enamored by her, as everyone always was. You would never experience that, and most definitely not with a King.
You would most likely never marry, your whole life would be dedicated to the Princess, even more so when she becomes a Queen. You’ll have more duties to help with and the royal children to look after in the future. There wouldn’t be any time for you to have a romance, much less a marriage or a child of your own.
You were knocked away from your thoughts as you bumped into another body that you did not see coming from around the corner.
"Oh!" you gasped, looking at the other person, realizing you had collided with the King. "My Lord- I mean, Your Majesty, I am so very sorry. It was only an accident-" You began to frantically apologize, hoping that you did not offend him enough to be fired.
He only chuckled, touching your arm, "No, no. A needless apology, it was my fault, miss y/n."
You smiled kindly, he seemed a most humble of kings. "Were you coming to call on Lady Sophia? I fear she has gone to sleep for the evening."
He nodded, "Oh, well no, I was not. I was heading to the drawing room, to have some tea before bed. Would you care to join me?"
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @lixzey @bitchyunknownuser @ducktapebar @aoi-targaryen @yukideadinside @elloise0 @thatoneweirdgirl17 @mel-vaz @sammy-halpert @iwishchalamet @that-one-fangirl69 @jindongdongie @briefkittenearthquake @imnotoverlyobsessive
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heyhihellosworld · 2 years
𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀
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Mason Mount x reader
Word count: 1k
Summary: Mason wants to introduce your daughter to the squad
Warnings: Fluff fluff and more fluff, dad Mason
Notes: Planned on writing this for another player but just felt soft for Mason and also this picture, like what? 🥵 Also this is really short and not the best
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"Please y/n" Mason asked, his eyes begging you and his mouth in a pout. "Mason" you laughed, raking your fingers through his hair which made him whine in need to get an answer.
"You know it's not up to me" you defended giggling at his childish behavior as he slumped down into the couch with a groan. "I know" he sighed, pulling your arm gently to get you to sit down in his lap.
You smiled as you leaned your head back against his shoulder, his face nuzzling in your neck. You where soft for him, sighing before meeting his eyes.
"What if I drive up to you after training? That way they can meet her but it wont be on training time" you suggested, your heart fluttering as his face lit up with a splitting smile. "You would do that?"
"Of course" you hummed, raking your fingers through his hair again but this time he met it with a hum of satisfaction instead, leaning his head on your chest. "I know how important it is for you" you hummed.
You had welcomed you daughter Lyra about a year ago, Mason immediately stepping up as an great father and doing everything he could to balance his career and family life, just as you but it hadn't been too much struggle. She just fit right in your routine.
Mason had wanted to take her to training for a long time now, he had already taken her to meet the Chelsea squad a couple of months ago but he wanted her to meet the England lads as well but it was a bit trickier considering it was pretty far to the training ground.
"What time does your training end?" you hummed "Three" he answered sleepily "Okay"
It had been an easy and slow morning for you. Lyra had been sleeping long and was now laying in her baby-seat quietly in the car. She looked at you and said a few words every now and then but she was in a good mood. The drive was easy and you arrived at 15:07, perfect time and you grinned at yourself, high-fiving your skills.
You packed Lyra out of the car and walked towards the training pitch where they were still kicking balls around, just playing.
Mason perked up at the sound of your shoes against the gravel, his smile lightning up as he saw the two of you, immediately jogging over to meet you. "Hi princess" he cooed, making the little girl giggle as she kissed his cheek. "Hi to you to" he smiled, kissing your lips gently before turning back to the squealing girl, taking her out of your hands.
You walked with him to the middle of the pitch to greet the boys, hugging each of them and exchanging some words with them as Mason stood with Declan. "Oi! I want to meet her!" Jack exclaimed, pushing Declan away as he took the little girl, lifting her straight up like he wanted to inspect her.
You stepped back a few steps and sat down in the grass, leaning against your palms to watch the scene in front of you, a smile on your face as you watched them interact with Lyra.
"Oh my gosh she is adorable" Marcus squeled, scooping her up from Jack's arms who whined at his friend.
"She is, it's all thanks to me" Mason huffed cockily making you scoff.
"Oh come on man, she is maybe 80% y/n" Phil laughed agreeing with you and shoving Mason on the shoulder. "Ouch!" he whined, taking Lyra back into his arms. "She is my twin" he argued. The boys giggled at him
"Nah man, she is y/n's copy, that's probably why she is so cute" Declan cooed at the baby, making her laugh. Mason on the other hand gasped dramatically "Oi! first you say my daughter looks nothing like me and then you hit on my wife?"
Declan laughed giving you a wink as Mason gasped again not loving the joke but you could only laugh and wink back at Declan.
"No no no" Mason huffed, narrowing his eyes at your teasing grin but he couldn't help but let the smile take over his face.
You spent around an hour on the pitch before you had to let Lyra rest, her smile never intact but her eyes began to droop closed as she sat in Kyle's lap on the grass, Raheem sitting next and talking with the little girl who was spent to the limit after having stumbled around the grass with the boys who wanted to see if she could kick the ball. Mason had already announced she would be a football-star after she had kicked it very slowly into the goal on the side of Trent who had pretended to be a keeper. She had squealed of happiness, probably not because of the goal but because of the boys excitement and reactions, having caused her to tumble around in a fit of giggles.
"Can I keep her?" Raheem pouted as he held the now asleep girl in his arms, not wanting to let her go. Saka stood next to him, also pouting at the sleeping girl. "She is literally too adorable" he gushed making you grin.
"Okay okay, give me my princess now" Mason huffed, smiling as Raheem reluctantly passed her over.
"Okay, we will go now, see you tomorrow lads" Mason greeted goodbye before you both started to move back to the car. "If you don't bring her don't come!" Jack shouted after you which made you both laugh, Mason giving him the finger behind his back.
You sighed, leaning your head against his shoulder with a content smile on your face, feeling relaxed and happy. "Thank you" Mason mumbled in your ear, wrapping his free arm around your waist. "Love you" he mumbled
"Love you Mase"
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wlntrsldler · 9 months
song challenge with Jamie tartt ! The just friends one please ☺️❤️
just friends | jamie tartt
based on just friends by virginia to vegas
description: you meet jamie tartt at a gala and he can't help but fall for you.
warnings: language-- it's ted lasso, what did you expect? angst! miscommunication! drinking! making out!
length: 4K words
ted lasso requests are open | main masterlist
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When your uncle Trent invited you to a "work party," you expected maybe a private room in a restaurant in Tooting, or at most, a cocktail hour on a boat with snooty, businessmen. You did not expect a full-on red carpet gala with paparazzi, and famous footballers, and well, you got the snooty businessmen part right at least.
You knew your uncle had worked with AFC Richmond in the past. You weren't completely out of the loop. You read the book he wrote-- which was marvelous-- and watched a few of the games last season, but you didn't think he stayed in touch with the Richmond crew. Especially not to the point where he's still invited to their annual charity gala with a plus one.
Because of your lack of preparation, you felt severely underprepared for the event. You stood beside the open bar while your uncle walked around and mingled. You made the excuse that you needed some liquid courage to loosen up before you started chatting with folks who could buy half of England if they wanted to.
"Y/N?" You turned around to find a woman dressed in a gorgeous, sparkly dress, smiling at you. She outstretched her hand, which you gladly accepted. "I'm Keeley. Trent has told me so much about you."
"Keeley Jones!" You exclaimed, a smile overtaking your features. "So nice to meet you."
"Likewise," she beamed, "What ya doin' all the way over here? Come on, have you met the boys yet?"
You didn't have a chance to say no before she was pulling you towards a crowd of men dressed to the nines. You saw your uncle talking to one of them and he shot you a comforting smile as you approached.
"Lads, this is Y/N! Trent's niece."
"Nice to meet you, Y/N!" The boy beside your uncle called out, raising his beer bottle in a hello, "Name's Colin."
Then, the one next to you turned his body to introduce himself, "Hello, my name is Sam. It's a pleasure to meet you."
This caused a domino effect where all the men began introducing themselves to you. It was overwhelming, in a good way, but you knew that you would not be able to remember all of their names.
Finally, there were two boys left to introduce themselves. One had a glass of champagne in his hand, grinning brightly as he waited for his turn to speak. The other was wearing sunglasses indoors--prick-- and looked like he would rather be anywhere else but here.
"Hello, Y/N. My name is Jan Maas." The happier of the two grinned at you. "Trent did not tell us you were this pretty."
"Oi, bruv," Isaac, who you learned was the captain of the team, smacked Jan Maas on his arm, "You don't have to say everything that pops into your head all the time."
You blushed, laughing at the two men bickering. "No worries, I appreciate the compliment, Jan Maas."
The circle was hushed as they waited for the last man to speak up. When it became evident that he was not gonna say anything-- again, prick-- Roy spoke up. "And that's Jamie."
Ah. It made sense now. Jamie Tartt. You heard a lot about him from your uncle and from the sports blogs you read last season when you were trying to get caught up on all things AFC Richmond. You knew Jamie Tartt was the real deal. It suddenly wasn't so surprising that he felt like he was too good to engage in conversation with you.
But you would be a liar if you said that you didn't find him attractive. If he put in the effort to be decent, then you'd definitely be crushing on him already. He looked good. His jacket was discarded somewhere. He had the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows with a gold chain peeking out from under the collar. You had to give credit where credit is due.
You awkwardly moved on from the situation and mingled with the boys. You met Rebecca, Coach Beard, and Nate later in the night. As the gala progressed, your ability to function properly in society deteriorated with every free drink from the open bar. Before you knew it, Keeley was hanging off your arm, giggling over a stupid joke that Richard made.
Wiping your tears of laughter from your eyes, you untangled yourself from Keeley, "Okay, I'm gonna go get us some water."
You walked to the bar area, careful not to trip over your own feet. You sighed a breath of relief when you made it to the counter in one piece, "Two waters, please."
You looked to your left and couldn't help but scoff when you saw Jamie beside you. You rolled your eyes, "Prick."
He furrowed his eyebrows, "Are you talking to me?"
It was definitely the alcohol talking. And boy, was it running its mouth. "Yeah, you're bein' a prick."
"I haven't done anythin' to ya," he complained, taking a sip of his water. "What are you callin' me a prick for?"
"Where do I start?" He motioned for you to continue so you did. "First of all, who the hell wears sunnies indoors? There isn't sun in here! And it's nighttime, you don't even need it outside! Oh! And we're in bloody England, when do we ever get sunlight? Sunnies are useless."
He opened his mouth to respond, but you beat him to it, "Second, you didn't have the courtesy to introduce yourself to me. Made Roy do it. Like I get it, you're Mr. Jamie Fucking Tartt. Star Player of AFC Richmond and Golden Boy of the Champions League and gorgeous with amazing hair and I'm just Trent's niece. But would it hurt ya to say hello?"
"Sorry," he mumbled, taken aback by your bluntness. Drunk you could give Jan Maas a run for his money. He couldn't focus on anything else besides the fact that you called him gorgeous.
"'m not done," you continued, taking a deep breath. Ranting about Jamie made you lose your breath, "Lastly, you've been avoiding your teammates, your friends! I literally saw Dani frown! I didn't even think that was possible. You should be ashamed of yourself."
Jamie was stuck staring at you. He hoped you were too drunk to notice the blush on his cheeks. You were wrong about one thing, the sunnies were useful. If he didn't have them on, he was sure you'd notice the way his eyes have been heart-shaped since you first introduced yourself to the group.
He wasn't sure when he stopped being able to talk to pretty girls, but when he saw you approach with Keeley, his knees buckled and suddenly he forgot his own name. He didn't mean to be rude earlier. He wanted to introduce himself but he physically couldn't. By the time he remembered who he was, it was too awkward.
He's spent the rest of the night anxiously replaying the interaction in his head. If he had a sip of liquor, he would, no doubt, yak all over the dance floor so he stayed on the outskirts of the party, dead sober.
Before he could properly apologize for the terrible first impression, you'd already retrieved the two glasses of water from the bartender and began walking toward Keeley.
The day after, Jamie texted Keeley for your number. At first, he tried to play it off as just wanting to apologize to you for being rude the night before, but Keeley could read him like the back of her hand.
She smirked and sent your number over to Jamie.
That's how you found yourself nursing a hangover, cursing whoever texted your phone because it dinged so loud that your headache increased tenfold. When you checked your phone and saw an unknown number, you didn't think much of it at first. You knew you exchanged numbers with a few people last night so it wasn't out of the ordinary to get random texts. But when you saw the follow-up texts, you quickly sobered up.
From: Unknown
"Hi, Y/N. Got your number from Keeley."
From: Unknown
"Just wanted to say sorry for bein a prick yesterday. Promise, I'm not like that."
From: Unknown
"This is Jamie, btw."
From: Unknown
"Jamie Tartt"
From: Unknown
"From Richmond"
You laughed at his texts. Did he seriously think you wouldn't be able to deduce that it was him? You didn't know many Jamies. In fact, he's the only Jamie you knew. Plus, the prick thing gave it away.
To: Jamie Tartt From Richmond
"Figured it was you, Jamie. But thanks for the clarification. - Y/N Y/L/N, Trent Crimm's niece."
That was the start of your friendship with Jamie.
"Jamie fucking Tartt!" Your voice boomed throughout the locker room, easily drowning out the hum of conversations that the boys were having. "You're dead!"
A chorus of "oooohs" rang across the room with all the boys patiently waiting to see what Jamie did this time. You and Jamie have been engaged in a month-long prank war. How Jamie managed to be a professional footballer (who is leading the team in goals and plays a large part in the team's 5 game-winning streak) and still have time to meticulously plan pranks was beyond your understanding.
Jamie was halfway done with getting dressed when you walked in. His shirt was still folded neatly in his cubby when he turned around to greet you with a smirk, "Hey, love. Are you wrapped up?"
You couldn't help but let your eyes roam down his chest and his torso. On your scan back up, your eyes stopped at his arms. God, his arms. For the most part, you were able to control your attraction for Jamie, but sometimes, the universe tested you. This was one of those moments.
Jamie bit his lip when he realized you were checking him out. He cleared his throat, breaking you from your trance, "So, you wrapped up and ready to go?"
You remembered why you were pissed at him. "You wrapped my entire car in plastic wrap! How the hell am I going to get home?"
At your explanation, the team chuckled at Jamie's latest prank. You turned around to shoot daggers at all of them. The laughter stopped.
"Someone wrapped your car in plastic wrap?" He faked a shocked face, "That's horrible."
Two can play that game.
"Is that why you invited me to watch training today?" You gasped, acting like your feelings were hurt. You pretended to cry, sniffling as you lowered your head, "Thought you wanted to see me. Whole time you just wanted to prank me."
Jamie's eyes widened. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you towards his chest as he began to mumble a million apologies, "No, no, Y/N. I did want to see you, promise! I just thought that it would also be fun to pull a prank, but you know I wanted to see you. Always want to see you, love. Please don't cry."
For a while, you forgot you were playing a bit. All you could focus on was that your head was laying on Jamie Tartt's bare chest while his arms were wrapped around you. He was kissing the top of your head and apologizing to you for a stupid prank.
You'd been in these situations before. After a few months of being friends with Jamie, you found that he was extremely touchy and clingy, which you did not expect from him. When he'd come over to hang out and watch movies, he'd end up with his head on your lap while you played with his hair. After games where Richmond won, you'd meet him in the car park when everyone's gone home where he'd run to you, hug you, then spin you around while you giggled and told him to put you down.
But this time was different. You were in front of people who were staring at you. Their hushed whispers, traces of smiles in their voice, brought you back to reality. You pulled away from him, red-cheeked, and stuttering. You saw Bumbercatch from the corner of your eye, sending you a wink.
"Jam," you said, "I'm just kidding. I'm not really upset."
"Oi," he frowned, finally putting a shirt on. "That's not nice. I thought I actually made you upset."
"Well, I am upset because you wrapped my car in plastic wrap." You reminded him. The room started to clear out, the boys bidding you a goodbye as they exited. You waited for Jamie to get his things together before walking out with him. "Can we call it a truce on the pranking?"
"You givin' up?" he raised his eyebrows, "Didn't peg you as a quitter."
"Not giving up," you shoved him lightly, "Just don't want to hurt your feelings again. Seriously, Jamie, you nearly cried and got on your knees when you thought I was upset! Embarrassing for you."
He was about to argue when he saw your teasing smile. He shook his head, blushing. It was embarrassing, really. It was so embarrassing how he was so gone for you. The idea of making you feel bad, even on accident, killed Jamie. He never wants you to be upset.
There was something magnetic about you. No matter how hard he tried-- and he did try-- to stay away from you, or at the very least ignore his romantic feelings towards you, the stronger your pull was. Jamie can't remember the last time he woke up without thinking of you or the last time he went to bed without the thought of you in his dreams.
Ever since the night of the gala, Jamie only fell harder for you. At first, it started out with just finding you attractive. Jan Maas was right, Trent did not mention just how beautiful you were. Even if Trent did try to explain it, Jamie didn't think the English language could do your beauty any justice. As he got to know you, your goofiness, kindness, and gigantic heart, he knew he was a goner.
With you, he could act like a stupid little kid. He can have fun with you, laugh at everything, and do nothing but sit on your couch eating junk food. But he can also be vulnerable with you. He hasn't mentioned all of his past to you, half afraid that you'd run away once you get a deeper look into who he is and what he's gone through, and half nervous that once he lets you in completely, he'll never recover if you ever break his heart.
He wasn't ready to lose you. Not yet. Not ever.
"Let me help you get your car untangled," he offered, opening the door to leave the facility. "Least I can do."
"How the hell did you do this while you were at training? I literally watched you the entire time and you were on the pitch."
"You were watching me?" he asked, looking at you with a glimmer in his eye.
You scrunched your nose, feeling caught. You had a joke ready as a response but it never made its way past your throat. You looked at him, a small smile on your face. You leaned over and placed a hand on his bicep, "Always am."
Jamie gulped, the feeling of your touch making his brain short-circuit. He felt his heart beating out of his chest. He really was pathetic. He backed away from your touch before he could do something he would later regret, "I paid Kenneth to do it while we were trainin'."
Your jaw hung low, a look of disbelief now on your face. Jamie, knowing you too well, sensed that you were about to tackle him and ran away from you. You chased him around the empty car park, with your plastic-wrapped car and his obnoxious sports car as the only inhabitants, while yelling, "I'm going to get you back so good!"
This, you thought, this is a life you could get used to.
You shouldn’t have gotten used to it. 
You didn’t know how things changed so quickly. One minute, you were leaning your drunk self on Jamie as you sang a horrible rendition of “When He Sees Me” from The Waitress, the next, he was ignoring your calls and avoiding every event where you’d be in attendance. 
It’s been a week since you last heard from Jamie and you were tired of it. You marched on the pitch, ignoring Roy’s complaints. The boys halted their movements, glancing at each other with worried looks, before staring directly at Jamie. 
“Stop being a fucking prick!” You exclaimed. He huffed, continuing to ignore you. He continued the drills he was doing before you showed up, though none of his teammates joined him. “Tartt!” 
He rolled his eyes, finally stopping to look at you, “What?” 
“Oi! Tartt, Y/L/N, can you settle your lover’s quarrel in the tunnel? We have trainin’!” Roy yelled. 
“Start walking, Tartt,” You weren’t going to let him off the hook that easily. You walked behind him as he made his way to the tunnel behind the coaches. You were really glad today was a closed practice. 
By the time you made it to the tunnel, your initial anger had subsided. You just felt bad. Why did he stop talking to you? Was it something you did? You knew that he was avoiding you given how he just reacted on the pitch. What you didn’t understand was why. 
“What do you want, Y/N?” There was venom in his tone. 
You blinked, not used to that tone from Jamie. “Why’re you bein’ such a prick all of a sudden? What have I done?” 
“Seriously?” he let out a humorless laugh. 
Now it was your turn, “What are you on about? You’re the one who’s been avoiding me and I don’t even know why!” 
“Don’t turn this on me.” He ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up just enough for a few loose stands to fall in front of his face. It took all the strength in the world not to reach over to fix it for him. “You’re the one being cruel and mean. That little prank you pulled.”
“Jamie, what prank?” you took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of your nose with your fingers, “I have no idea what happened! Please do enlighten me!”
“No, I’m not going to recount the most embarrassing moment of my life for your enjoyment.” 
“Enjoyment?!” You yelled, more confused than ever. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” 
“Right,” he shook his head, looking at you. Tears were pooling in his eyes. He bit his bottom lip before continuing, “You don’t remember being in the back seat of the Uber after karaoke where you were playing with my feelings.” 
“I don’t.” 
“Oh, come off it, Y/N,” he sighed. He shut his eyes, blinking away his tears. “You know how I feel about you. Everyone does at this point! Like, I’m so pathetic when it comes to ya. So when you look at me with that look in your eye like you might actually feel the same way as I do and tell me that you want to kiss me, just to remind me that we shouldn’t because we’re just friends, you’re just being plain cruel. It’s mean, Y/N.” 
You were speechless, which Jamie mistook as another rejection. He continued to ramble on. “I’ve been so in love with you since I met you. I’ve never met anyone like you, never felt this way with anyone. And I haven’t really been discreet about it, either. Even fucking Beard have said somethin’ about how I look at ya. The lads haven’t stopped teasin’ me about you since you showed up in my kit at our first home game.” 
“Jam,” you began, out of breath like the wind was just knocked right out of you. “I don’t remember this happening in the car.” 
Jamie finally looked at you, as if the mist of anger dissipated from his vision. He looked at you intently. Your bottom lip was quivering and your eyes were trying to desperately make sense of the situation. 
“Oh, fuck,” he gulped. He scratched the back of his neck with his left hand, rocking on the balls of his feet. “You really don’t remember, huh?” 
You shook your head, “No, I don’t. I blacked out after I sang that last song.” 
“Now, I feel awkward.” 
“Yeah, you should,” you chuckled. You walked closer to him, reaching out to fix his hair. You felt him stop breathing for a second. He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them back up to see you so close to him. So close. You cradled his face in the palm of your hand, letting your thumb run across his cheekbone. “You love me?” 
The tips of his ears turned pink, “Yeah, I do.” 
“Hmmm,” you hummed, inching closer to him. “For the record, I probably did want to kiss you then even though I can’t remember it now because I always want to kiss you.” 
“Yeah,” It was your turn to stop breathing. Jamie placed his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him. “Also probably only said we shouldn’t because I was too scared to lose you, but I don’t want to be just your friend, Jam.” 
“Don’t wanna be just your friend either.” 
“Well, we should probabl-”
“For fuck’s sake,” The two of you jumped apart at Roy’s voice from the pitch. “Just fucking make out already!” 
You both looked at the pitch to see the entire team, coaches and Will included, staring at the both of you in anticipation. Jamie laced your fingers together and led you inside the facility, the sound of groans and boo’s from the team echoing through the tunnel. You laughed heartily at their reaction. As he was leading you to the boot room, Jamie looked over his shoulder and sent you a shy smile. 
He opened the door and turned the lights on with his free hand, never once letting go of yours. Before you could say a thing, Jamie pressed you up against the wall and kissed you like his life depended on it. You sighed into the kiss, tangling your fingers in his hair, and gave it a soft tug. He grunted in approval, slipping his tongue swiftly into your mouth. As things started to get heated, you felt him smile against your lips, causing you to pull back. 
After you’ve separated, he pressed a soft kiss on your lips, looking as content as ever. He gave you one last peck before giving some space between both of your bodies, “So does that mean that you fancy me too?” 
“Jamie, come on,” you pressed your head on his shoulder, unable to stop the blush from your cheeks from spreading, “You know I love you, too.” 
“Yeah, I kinda figured with how you kissed me.”
“Hey!” you protested, glaring at him playfully.
He laughed, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. His hands found your waist again. He was drawing shapes with his thumb on the small piece of exposed skin on your stomach. “I love you.” 
“So what does this make us?” 
“Well, you’re my girlfriend now.”
You pushed him away a bit, raising one eyebrow, “I don’t recall being asked to be your girlfriend.” 
“Fine,” he conceded, “I’ll ask, but it’s going to be so over the top and so ridiculous that you’ll regret that you had me ask.” 
You giggled, pulling him closer again, “Don’t think I’ll ever regret that, Jam.” 
He placed his lips on you again, slowly and passionately. When he pulled away, he had a serious look on his face. “You may not be my girlfriend yet, but I am 100% your boyfriend. I am taken. I’ve already been taken for a while, but it’s official now.” 
You grabbed his face in your hands, placing a kiss on his nose, “Of course, boyfriend.” 
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Daniel Ricciardo x HornerDaughter! Reader
part 13 - dramaaaaa y/n gets upset when reading some of the weird comments after a little group holiday goes viral and secrets are starting to be exposed. Little bit of a time jump here, I wanted to get to the nitty gritty parts. Also I realised I accidentally wrote the last chapter in first person instead of third? (Or second I can’t remember wtf each one is) oops!!!! Here’s the LINK to part 12.
warnings: mentions of sex, inappropriate touching (consensual ofc) nothing too graphic, hate?? comments& crying. Mentions of readers and Daniel’s age gap, but again the ages are up to you, I’m going no lower than 22/23 because I feel kinda weird about any younger.
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“How are you so tanned, Daniel?!” The almost-as-tanned girl sat down on the Australian’s bare lap. Hence the almost, being from England and from a ginger father, she was always naturally pale and tended to use spray tans to make up for the translucency of her skin.
“It’s called being Australian, baby.” Daniel cheekily grinned, holding her bum cheek and giving it a quick squeeze as soon as she sat. “Yeah, but…” y/n scooted forwards, playing with the strands of his hair. The Ibiza sea had somehow made his hair even curlier, even hers had a beachy wave to it that Daniel thought made her look like a mermaid (as he told her 5 times over). He thought she looked beautiful- he didn’t think she could get anymore beautiful until he saw her bikini cladded, in her natural form, cannon-balling off the side of the yacht they’d boarded for the night.
“You’re like so nice and dark, can’t you give some to me?” His eyes, fell to her chest, the baby pink pushing up the swell of her breasts. He just wanted to nuzzle his face deep inside of- “Daniel…” she warned.
“Right, sorry… yeah, I would if I could.” With his eyes back on her freckled face, she offered him a smile, nudging to leave his lap. Daniel’s hands tightened with a soft, “no.”
“What? You wanna have sex… again?” Her brow perked, Daniel felt hot under her gaze, and he couldn’t deny the semi that was growing in his swimming trunks.
“No- yeah.” He couldn’t even lie. They’d been at it like rabbits, and especially on this yacht, on the deck when nobody was watching, all over the bedroom, in the water (comment if you acc want me to write a smut based off this lmao). She was sore from the amount of action she’d had the past two days, but she wasn’t complaining, y/n just thought she needed to give certain areas of her body a rest.
“Daniel.” She groaned, head dropping on his shoulder. “Can’t help my girlfriends fucking sexy as fuck.” His lips pressed to the inside of her shoulder, at first she was about to shudder from the action, but the specific use of girlfriend threw her into a frenzy of excitement. “Oh, I’m your girlfriend now?” She tried to play it cool, but both of them could hear the giddiness oozing off her voice. “Uh huh… if you wanna be?” Daniel nodded up, a closed mouth smile growing on his face. “Yeah.” A giggle escaped her lips.
“Yeah? I already thought you were, you… sausage.” He teased, bouncing her slightly on his knee. “Mmmmh, whatever.” They shared a loving kiss, one that wasn’t helping Danny’s situation in his pants. “I’m gonna go shower.”
“Ok, babe. I’ll get in after you, I’m just gonna go back on deck with the lads for a bit…” The good thing about the pair of them was that they could spend as much time together as possible without getting sick of one another, Daniel felt like she was apart of himself that he’d been missing his whole life- not to sound cheesy. But spending their own time together was so important, and space for y/n felt vital, especially when she wanted to have silent time, scrolling through her tik tok. At least, she thought she wanted some time to herself. Things were going well until a specific video of an overwhelmingly recognisable yacht came up on a video. Her stomach immediately dropped, pictures of her and Daniel, engaging in nothing to explicit, but a few kisses, touches, hugging. Clearly somewhat intimate moments that they kept concealed to the public eye. She swiped furiously, concerned as to what else had been captured. Daniel untying her bikini top, the two of them making out…
Y/n felt her breathing intensify and skin prick with beads of sweat. The comments were what she feared the most- the exploitive pictures were guaranteed to bring unasked controversy.
A mixed response was guaranteed, of course people were shocked, some ecstatic, others doubtful of their age gap. It wasn’t that which bothered her, it was the intruding questions and statements of complete lies and assumptions that rattled her. It didn’t take long for tears to form when people began comparing her to Daniel’s ex’s. Questioning ‘what age’ the relationship started, pointing out insecurities on her body, commenting on their visible intimacy.
Y/n was shaking when Daniel returned into their bedroom. She froze, phone still in hand, automatically turning off her phone as though she intended to hide this from him. “Still in your towel?” He attempted to tease, reaching out to nudge it off her head. The lack of response had him confused, stepping forwards with a slight hesitation.
Daniel questioned if she was crying, before shaking it off, but when she sniffled he was falling to his knees in front of her. “Hey…” he crouched in front of the saddened girl. He reached out, both hands resting on her lap comfortably, feeling a punch in the chest when he caught sight of her tear stained face. “Somebody’s leaked pictures.” She blurted out, voice heavy with upset. Daniel felt his breath hitch.
Without saying another word she handed over her phone, allowing Daniel to see for himself. “Nothing like- really bad, but… I don’t know.” She watched his reaction through the corner of her eyes, using her towel to wipe at her damp eyes.
“Oh, y/n/n.” Daniel sighed. “Fuck. I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.” She let out a sad laugh. “It’s just- it’s so invasive and the comments-” her voice became choked up once again.
“Ah, babe, you know not to read them. Fuck all that, it’s not even important.” He slung an arm around her, pulling her instinctively into his chest. “Like the most people are fine- but I-i don’t care it’s just the awful ones, Daniel. How have- why has somebody followed us on a fucking boat?” Her torment was something that angered Daniel. Not towards her, but to whoever the fuck stalked them, whoever decided to be a creep and take these pictures of her- not to forget the people who sent spiteful messages.
“People just like to ruin it for their own gain. I’m sorry, baby.” Again, Daniel sighed, feeling a little lost for words as y/n cried quietly in his arms. “Don’t-dont cry, y/n/n. C’mere.” She shuffled further onto his lap, wiping at her eyes in a subtle manner. “Like now my dad has to see that, everybody’s just gonna see and-” her voice cut short to avoid becoming too distressed. Daniel felt the tension that began to grow in his muscles.
“I don’t know.” She managed to exhale after. Daniel pressed a lingering kiss to her head, and squeezed her again. There was a moment of silence which fell between the pair. Daniels mind now began lingering.
“What did they say?” He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help it.
“Just stupid shit.” He was already reaching back for her phone, glimpsing through a few of the weirder comments. “Oh, I can’t even read that shit.”
“Don’t read it then.” She muttered, biting down on her thumb. “Honestly fuck them.” Daniel inhaled, lifting up her cheek. One kiss was pressed to the rounder part of her cheek. A small, angelic kind of smile managed to peak through her sadness, even just for a second or so.
“I love you. So much, nothing in those comments will change that, will it?”
“No.” She agreed, swiping the last of her tears. “I’ll sort it out. Don’t worry.” He then nodded, a slight sense of reassurance filling her. “Are you sure?”
“Positive, baby. I’m not gonna let that slide, not when it’s upset you like this…”
taglist: @dinodumbass @mccall-muffin @allabouthappiness @benbarneslut @ricciardhoe-3 @headinthecloudssblog @f1wintermoon13 @hrlzy @topguncultleader @victoriaholland @thatsouthernblondewiththeass @j-cat @lovzmez @laneyspaulding19 thankyou guys so much for commenting and following along I appreciate it, I love reading all your comments!!
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
a tale of ice baths and hot sauce
See my full list of works here!
Placement: the day after 'a sizing mishap'
Summary: An effort is made to find out who your mystery boyfriend is during the Elementals challenge when some members of the staff see some marks on your neck that weren't there before…
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: language [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: mango mention (no really i did that here lol); bit of insecurity from Reader if you squint
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"You think anyone would notice if I just pinched a chip from the bowl?" you joked while setting up the table for the Elementals-themed challenge that a handful of the Soccer Aid players were going to voluntarily subject themselves to with Joelah, the host for most if not all the promo videos for this event. You raised an eyebrow playfully at her when she approached the table with a giddy little skip in her step, practically twirling in her outfit of relaxed fit jeans and a diagonal cut asymmetrical crop top. "Please tell me where you go shopping I'm in desperate need of cuter clothes. I mean, 'raiding the boyfriend's closet chic' is cute and all but…I also drown in fabric whenever I do it."
"Don't be so hard on yourself, Y/N, I think you're faring pretty damn fine if I do say so myself." She waved a hand at your current getup of a cropped loose olive green halter top and a black ruffle skort. "Players seem to enjoy it well enough," she mumbled with a lower tone, as if warning you that you were currently being ogled. "Oy! Eyes on the ball, you pervy lads!"
"Thanks," you told her with a smile, pulling your hair into a ribbon so that it wouldn't stick to your sweaty neck. "Now…do you wanna share with the class why you were skipping--"
"Bloody hell, Y/L/N, your neck!" she gasped, pointing at the right side of your neck and collarbone. "You didn't have that when I last saw you yesterday--Oh my lordy me, you hooked up with someone here! Is it one of the players? That social media star on the World team? One of the pros? Sam Claflin??"
"No on all fronts, Jo," you laughed off her questions. "My boyfriend's working the event, too. I was with him." Her jaw dropped to the ground with your revelation. "We're keeping things a bit…low key, you know?"
"Oh you and your secrets," she teased, still motioning toward your neck. "If that isn't a sign that screams 'Horny blokes step the fuck back', I haven't the faintest idea what is. Anyways, what were you asking earlier?"
"Ah, right. I was gonna ask why were you skipping on your way here like you were back in school and teacher just gave you a gold star?"
"Oh…Oh! Because I just got the players for the Elementals Fire and Ice challenge and Number 6 lit'rally up and volunteered to represent Team England." She made a motion fanning herself. "That godly bod dripping wet and clothes just clinging to him? Lordy me have mercy. And whoever put him in the teeniest jersey and shorts imaginable, I just wanna eurgh! Wanna grab 'em and thank 'em to the high heavens, y'know? Thank 'em for their service."
You are very welcome, you thought to yourself.
"Maybe if you leave an iced coffee on the table and go pspspsps they'll acknowledge your gratitude," you joked, once again pointing to the chips. "I'm taking a pinch. And trying out these sauces, I've been deadly curious since yesterday."
"You take the green one, I'll take one of the reds," she offered, already getting a large chip for herself and placing a few drops of the brighter red condiment. When you had placed a dollop of the green hot sauce onto your own chip, you clinked your pieces together before taking thing whole and bracing for the worst. "Fuck all that is hellish!" she mumbled around her piece, eyeing you incredulously while you just continued on chewing and letting the taste of the sauce linger for a moment or two. "How in the…"
You grabbed all the bottles and looked over the labels with a scrutinizing eye. "The green's deceptive. Makes you think you're getting the milder one but it's got the highest level of Scoville units. I feel sorry to whoever's gonna end up with that."
There was some motion from the corner of your eye, which you quickly realized were the camera crew and some other members of the staff carting around numerous 10 gallon bottles of water and 3 drums. And following just behind them were the six players slated to play this little trivia game. You gave them all a little wave and a courteous smile, making sure to hold eye contact with each of them, and saving Tom for last so you could allow yourself the indulgence of holding his gaze for a fraction of a moment longer, which he returned with a small wave and an obviously deliberate infinitesimal twitch of his two middle fingers.
"Goodness, Y/L/N," one of the staff members, Allen, bellowed. "What happened to--"
"My neck?" you finished for him. "Don't worry about it. My boyfriend thinks himself a vampire," you answered with a casual shrug, earning you a round of chuckles from the rest of the crew and the players. You motioned toward the water drums. "Should we get that all set up then?"
"Oh. Yeah, for sure." He waved his arm toward the drums as well. "Have at it."
"I could help you," Scarlette chimed in, already taking the end of the drum in front of you and jutting her chin in the direction of your neck. "I didn't see that on you yesterday when I picked up my uniform. I take it your boyfriend's somewhere in the building then?" She capped off her question with a cheeky wiggle of her eyebrows.
"Yes, and I'm not saying a single word on where and who he is. But I won't deny it if anyone guesses correctly. The only catch though…you only get two guesses each," you offered, looking at both her and Joelah.
"Claflin," Scarlette spoke immediately, causing the other one to make a motion as if to stop her but all too late.
"Aaaaand that's one wrong guess. Also makes you the second person in this place to for some reason think that I'm bumping uglies with Finnick Odair."
"I could've told you it's not Mister Clock App, or Claflin…or any of the pros," Joelah grumbled out. "We're down to three."
You two set up the last of the water drums, making sure that they were equidistant from one another, and after thanking Scarlette you moved toward the massive water bottles to start filling them up. "Let me help you," Tom spoke up, already placing his hands under the bottle, brushing his hands across yours before taking most of the weight of the bottle and leading you both toward the drum. "You reckon they'll guess me, darling?" he asked under his breath.
"Absolutely not," you answered, keeping your voice down. "I don't think they'll even consider it a possibility that I can pull you."
"Personally I think you pull me just fine," he shot back, smirking when you had to suppress a chortle from his words. "More than fine, actually."
"Menace," you hissed, trying to covertly take deep breaths while the two of you walked to the next bottle and repeated the process.
"Only for you, sweetheart."
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"Okay you must be built all kinds of different, because I don't think I coulda kept my wits about me being that close him with the guns on full display, and in close proximity to…what was it the internet called it again?"
"The mango?" you prompted Joelah, causing you both to break out in stifled giggles while waiting for the camera crew to finish setting up.
"Yes! And I saw that little hand brushing, too I mean—how were you not absolutely swooning the second he walked up to the bottle? Hell, how did you even function?"
I have been under those guns on full display and touched more than just his hand, you thought to yourself, holding your words back and instead gave her a little shrug. "Worked with him before. You get used to it," you bluffed. "Besides, I've got someone, and I'm really happy and stupid in love. So there's that, too."
"We need a hand here!" Scarlette called out in your general direction, her and Bugzy already on their feet but pointing at Tom who for some unknown reason, currently had both feet sticking up and out of the drum and putting him in a position that made it exceedingly more difficult for him to get up and out of the drum.
"How in the actual fuck did he even get like that?" you started thinking aloud. A strangled noise slipped from your mouth the second his head dipped below the water and his hands lost their grip on the edge of the drum.
You knew that he would be able to find his way back up, but it didn't stop the way your heart caught in your throat. The way that your legs were involuntarily twitching as if taking on a mind of their own and urging you to make your way to him.
If he hadn't stuck his head back out from under the water just a few seconds later, you would have been more than ready to run to him and help him to his feet, check on him the way he often checked on you when he would see you short of breath on set. You wouldn't have given a damn about the cameras capturing your every move.
But instead you were frozen in place, watching as he ascended and took a big heaving breath, shaking the water from his hair and his eyes before finding your gaze. You were suddenly acutely aware of nearly every minute movement of your body trying to fight back every reaction you had to the excessively obvious bedroom eyes he was giving you, resorting to subtly digging what little fingernail you had into the palm of your hand to at least focus on something else until he looked away.
You moved the moment you clocked the excitement on the faces of Joelah as well as some female members of the staff, already undoubtedly about to speak up that they would gladly help him out. "Can we cut?" you hollered toward the cameraman, who responded to you with a simple thumbs up, pressing a button on his equipment that stopped recording. You quickly whipped out your phone and snapped a picture of Tom in the precarious position before you reached him.
"Really, Y/N?" he huffed, feigning exasperation but you knew that tone better than any other person around you at the moment. He was amused. And you would be in trouble later tonight. You even began to doubt if you could completely walk properly in the morning or if you would walk into the briefing area with a more than slight penguin waddle.
"Had to," you quipped, shrugging your shoulders and scrunching your nose at him reflexively before placing your phone back in your pocket and holding your arms out toward him so he could brace himself. "Tuck your feet back into the drum."
You heard the slightest grumble from him before he wrapped a hand around one of your arms, did exactly as you said, and then wrapped his other arm across your shoulders while he tried to find his footing in the undoubtedly slippery interior of the water drum. "Thank you, sweetheart," he whispered under his breath, pulling you closer as you gripped the towel that was handed over to you and making quick work to spread it out and use it as a cover from prying eyes and wild cameras once his feet were firmly planted on the ground again.
The heavily curious gazes of everyone around you gave you enough pause to not wrap the towel around his waist, realization quickly dawning on you that the gesture would definitely be seen as a show of intimacy. You avoided his gaze as he took the towel from you, opting instead to lead the way to behind the backdrop, picking up his cleats and bag on the way.
You felt the irrational bristling of your skin as the sound of women giggling and commending your boyfriend on his form throughout the drills hit your ears, your hands finding it difficult to grasp the small laundry pouch you'd packed in his bag and a fresh pair of socks from the near violent shaking. When a familiar ridiculously large hand appeared in front of your face, you looked up abruptly to find Tom standing above you, the smile on his face growing brighter when you placed your hand in his and stood up.
"You're shaking," he murmured, bringing your hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to your knuckles. "Come here."
He caught you off guard when he tugged you into his arms, a small yelp escaping you before you could stop yourself that had you hoping that nobody on the other side of the backdrop heard it. "What're you doing?" you questioned him in hushed tones, holding back your giggles as he pressed the fluffy sleeves of the bathrobe that he wore to your face and neck. Your hands wrapped around his wrist when he started patting at the exposed skin of your chest. "Sweetie!" You couldn't hold back your giggles when he used his free arm to wrap around you and pull you closer to him.
"You're wet," he said simply, continuing to pat at your dampened skin.
"Well I'm your girlfriend, it kinda comes with the territory," you quipped, letting out another barely muted squeal when he pulled his hand from your grasp and grabbed the back of your head to pull you in for a kiss. Almost immediately you melted in his arms, both of you smiling against each other's lips as you wrapped your arms around him. "Private--"
"This is private, goddess," he cut you off, capturing your lips in another soft kiss. "Public would be bringing you to the center of the field and marking you again with everyone as witness so that there isn't a shadow of doubt in anyone's mind that you're mine."
The sound of the camera crew calling out for him snapped you two out of your moment. "Give me a minute," he hollered out, pressing a final kiss to your forehead before loosening his hold on you and letting you step back from him. You offered him your hand to hold himself steady while he changed out the soiled socks from the challenge. "Did you take a look at the hot sauces on the table?"
"Of course I did," you quipped, scrunching your nose at him when his eyes flickered to yours. "Don't take the green one, it's a trap."
"I'll keep that in mind," he murmured, eyeing you with a smirk when he stood upright and you took his shin guards from him. "And what exactly are you doing, darling?"
You answered him with a playful grin. "Oh I'm sorry. Would you like to try putting these on through two layers of fluff?" He answered you with a minute shake of his head. "No? Well alright then." You proceeded to crouch down and place the shin guards under the knee-high socks, only stopping when you heard a shutter from above your head and looking up at him from your position with a bemused smirk. "Really, Tom?"
"It needed to be done," he said with a chuckle, waving your phone tauntingly in his hand. "After all, you do look so tempting from this angle. Let me just send this to my phone really quick."
You made a point to audibly snap the garter of his sock against his skin, making him jump the slightest bit and squint his eyes at you as you rose to stand upright again. "Give it back," you cooed, holding your hand out. Instead of doing just that, he grabbed hold of your hand and closed the distance between you, placing your arm over his shoulder as his hands roamed down your back before settling in your back pockets.
Before you could say a single word, he pressed his lips to yours in a soft kiss and you could feel the weight of your phone back in your pocket. As well as his hand grabbing a handful of your ass before he pulled away. "I love you," he whispered, briefly brushing the tip of his nose across yours before stepping backwards, back to the set so that the World Team could have their turn at the ice baths.
"I love you, too." The sound of the crew calling out your name this time and telling you to come help in setting up the next batch was enough to wipe the smitten grin off your face and send you running in the other direction.
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A/N: Starting off my 5-day weekend strong with a new Soccer Aid piece out! I have one more that I'm gonna focus on before I give Soccer Aid Hiddles a break from the page for a while to focus on…'relinquish the crown: plans & protestations'! 😳👀 It's been too long since I've written those two blorbos and I miss them so they're next 💖
everything taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @unlucky-number-13 @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @sarahscribbles @kats72 @kikster606 @evelyn-kingsley @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @dangertoozmanykids101 @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @anukulee
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hendolish · 6 months
captain jude wins it for england in the 2026 wc and everyone is super soft and fluffy maybe
jude bellingham - it's coming home ♡
The roar of the crowd fills the air like a deafening symphony as Jude, captain of the England team, leads the squad onto the pitch for the 2026 World Cup final against France.
It's a moment he's dreamed of since he was a young boy kicking a ball around the park, and now, with the weight of a nation on his shoulders, he's determined to make it count.
As the game kicks off, Jude can't help but feel a surge of pride as he looks around at his teammates, some of whom are experiencing their first taste of a major tournament final. A lot of the lads look up to him now and he knows they're counting on him to lead them to victory. He's determined not to let them down.
The match is intense, with both sides giving their absolute all in pursuit of the ultimate dream. Memories of their defeat to France in the 2022 tournament linger heavily in Jude's mind, but he pushes them aside, focusing on the task at hand. The past is no use to him now.
Mbappe puts France ahead towards the end of the first half with a lucky goal that slips between Pickford's legs with a deflection, leaving the tension in the stadium palpable.
But, as ever, he and the lads refuse to give up, and in the second half, Phil manages to find the back of the net with a brilliant strike, sending the crowd into a frenzy of excitement and invigorating the team to impossible levels as Jude scoops up the ball and they run back to the midway line to quickly restart the game.
When there's just five minutes left on the clock, Jude can feel the pressure mounting.
Not penalties, He can't help but think even after all this time. Anything but penalties.
The thought looms over him like a dark cloud, but then he sees his opportunity. Trent sends him a perfect through ball from the back, and Jude grasps the moment with desperate hands, weaving through the French defenders with determination.
He fires a shot from long range. And it should be too far. It really should be. He barely lands these in training.
But then all of a sudden Jude is hearing the unstoppable roar of the crowd, feeling Rashy grab onto him and Phil jump onto his back, watching as the ball swishes cleanly into the back of the net past the goalie's fingertips.
It's his legs that carry him to the fans. His mind is full of nothing but images of his mum and dad flashing by and all the time and hard work they dedicated to him, of his brother and his unwavering beliefs in his ability, and of the teammates he's had throughout the years that had made an impact on him.
Jude feels a smile crack onto his face.
It's broad and giddy and the complete opposite to how he'd usually celebrate, taciturn and serious, nodding sharply after a goal to say, 'Yeah, that's right. That's what I can do.' A habit leftover from his youth where Jude had felt like he constantly had to prove his maturity and earn his right to be on the pitch.
But he's done it now. Cemented himself into history.
Jude opens his arms up to the sea of blues and whites adorning the stands and allows himself to laugh freely as his teammates appear one by one to tackle him into the ground, gripping onto his shoulders, shouting and screaming in glee, and pressing their foreheads together.
Someone yells at Jude that they love him and Jude's grin hitches into his cheeks again as he places a kiss on the cheek of whoever's nearest, the chants of the crowd engulfing him, the pounding of the drums in tune with the beat of his heart.
It's coming home.
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madridfangirl · 18 days
Star Crossed Lovers - Jude Bellingham Blurb
Jude was coming back from the international break today. England had qualified for the Euros, with matches to spare. And he had been the shining star of both the games. Scoring a goal and winning a penalty.
Anaya was so proud of him. But ten days apart felt like forever this time. They spoke everyday, sometimes twice a day, and exchanged messages throughout. It just wasn’t enough though, and she couldn’t wait to reunite with him.
Jude came straight to her apartment from the airport, lifted her by her waist & swung her around like a madman. Legs bumping into the furniture of the living room. She giggled away merrily, while trying to keep them from tumbling over.
‘Easy there, tiger.’
His eyes glinted with mischief.
‘Ooh do I finally get a nickname?’
‘Maybe. You like it?’
He nodded eagerly, & she kissed his nose.
‘Okay then. Dinner is ready, tiger.’
‘Are you on the menu? Coz I’d rather have you.’
‘Maybe for dessert.’
She winked as she untangled herself from his hold. While he stared after her, replaying what she had said & the way she said it. Something had been different about her lately & he was loving every bit of it.
‘Oh my god you are backkk.’
Roma emerged from her room and Jude pulled her into a bearhug too.
‘Gosh you rocked in both the games.’
‘I know right?’
He shrugged smugly and both the girls rolled their eyes at him.
‘So the modesty is only for the cameras, is it?’
Roma quipped, and Ananya chuckled from where she was setting the table.
‘Now don’t gang up on me, you two. It’s my day. Heck its my week.’
‘When is it not?’
The girls said together, looked at each other & burst out laughing. Jude pouted for a second, but joined in the banter later, sitting next to Ananya on the table. His palm never left her thigh throughout dinner.
She had cooked his favourite pasta. Exactly how he liked it. The way his mom made it. 
He leaned over & kissed her cheek, earning a sweet smile. Jude loved it when she remembered the little things & spoiled him like that.
Conversation flowed easily between the three of them, as always. Jude spoke about the new tiny Italian town he discovered where they had their camp, and the girls made plan to visit there. Roma joked about the posters the Italian fangirls carried in the match, saying ‘Marry me Jude’ or ‘Be my boyfriend’. The cameraman had some fun with it, popping it on the screen a few times. Some of the players on the field had noticed it too, & it had become quite a joke in the post match pressers as well.
Jude smiled sheepishly, while looking at Ananya from the corner of his eye.
‘Yeah, some of them came to our hotel too.’
‘Excuse me?’
Ananya’s head whipped in his direction, while Roma wondered if she had opened a pandora’s box.
‘Honest, they did. Just wanted some photos & merch. Then we hung out for a bit.’
‘Define we.’
‘Me & them. And some other lads.’
‘This is not funny.’
‘Wanna see some photos?’
Ananya just stared at him, and he lost the will to carry on the charade.
‘Jeez I left, dove. I just clicked some pics and left. Though I think the girls weren’t too happy about that; lads told me later, honest.’
The smugness & cockiness was on full show. Coupled with a dashing smile.
‘Such a heartbreaker, aren’t you?’
‘Like you aren’t one.’
Roma mutterred from her seat, sipping her third glass of wine, only realising the slip up when she felt the full force of Ananya’s glare.
Jude looked between the two, trying to decipher their code language. Failing miserably.
‘What’s going on, girls?’
‘Just had too many of these, should stop now.’
‘Yes. Yes you should.’
Ananya said pointedly. Roma took her leave soon after. She was supposed to go to a house party tonight though something about the moment felt odd. But Jude was too happy tonight, so he let it go.
Blurb from Ch 10. Can you guess what's gonna happen? :)
Link to Series - Star Crossed Lovers
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