#just solidifying this with new pieces of information
reginrokkr · 1 year
𝐗𝐗𝐕𝐈. Opposite reflections in one same mirror: Ether and Void.
Outside the realm of the seven elements exist two different and mysterious energies of a different order that may exert power over them, thus they stand in a higher place in the order in terms of rules.
The nature of the 'Abyss' [Void] is essentially irreconcilable with the elements. However, even the elements of gods can be entrapped and distorted before they are subsumed to become tools of the abyssal will. Moreover, albeit their powers may cause irreparable damage to all living beings due to its main characteristic which precipitates everything to death (unless one receives its blessings, giving them the category of transcendent one) or the magnification of ill sentiments harbored in a negative heart, harnessing the power of the Abyss is not as different as doing so with any of the seven elements.
The nature of Ether [Khvarena as the local denomination in the Realm of Farakhkert], on the other hand, assimilates whatever materials and energies it comes into contact with it as opposed to the Void which entraps and distorts them. Furthermore, it has the ability to eliminate or reverse the influence of the Abyss —a type of annihilation reaction—.
Despite their differences, just as they both stand at the same level in terms of rules, they both harbor the capacity to re-write the rules as well as both have a will or a form of self-recognition.
As the Light Prince before him, Dáinsleif was born with Ether within him which, unlike the Abyss, it re-writes the rules of this world in such a manner that brings benefits: reinvigoration of other living beings around him standing at the highest with the undeniable aura around him that continued in his stay in Khaenri'ah. Among its capacities to re-write the rules of the world, he also counts with the ability to defy gravity in performing telekinetic abilities (such as when he seized an Abyss Herald in a strong grip), matter (as when he retrieved the eye of the first Field Tiller through its carcass without damaging the Mechanical Warden), enhance his own speed, heal to a small extent and reverse the effects of the Abyss to an extent. Furthermore, he is capable of using elements within his vicinities by assimilating them with Ether at will.
His connection to Irminsul magnifies greatly his capabilities with the etheric power in a moment in which Void exceeded its present within his body than Ether, as a result of the curse he bears and the corruption. It is thanks to his connection to Irminsul that not only his initial Ether was restored, but increased. With it, he acquires a complete ability to eliminate and reverse any Abyssal traces, to heal at a major extent so the treated wound doesn't become mortal and ensure with absolute certainty that death will not occur and, lastly, the assimilation of elements without the need to resort to elements in his strict vicinities. Given that Ley Lines carry the seven elements and they are Irminsul's veins, he can touch upon their power by making Ether assimilate them on his own volition.
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biteyoubiteme · 3 months
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fem!reader x hyunjin 
synopsis: you get tattooed by your favorite tattoo artist. 
warnings: !!!🔞!!! tattooartist!hyunjin, tattooing, needles, pain, oral (f!rec), use of teeth, overstim, multiple orgasms (f!rec), squirting, fingering, pussydrunkvibes, subspace kinda, prob forgot some sorry 
wc: 5.2k
an: I want a new tattoo </3 feedback appreciated! [m.list] not proof read sorry ;-;
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You didn’t think you would ever get a consolation let alone an appointment with redlightdesign. For over three years you have been submitting a request anytime their books were open. You set timers for when the form dropped to make sure you were one of the first to be seen but everyone was doing the exact same thing. 
redlightdesign would make an announcement that the submissions were closed an hour later saying they were booked solid for the next three months. The process repeats itself and every time you pray you get a response. 
Thirteen forms later and you finally got an answer. Your dream tattoo will be underway in a matter of weeks. You made sure to keep the perfect space open for the piece. Not a single artist is the right fit to do your idea justice the way Redlightdesign could. 
Before you read the email you didn’t even think you would ever be picked, your thigh would just always be bare for the possibility that never would come to fruition. But sitting in a coffee shop on a Sunday morning avoiding finishing your homework for Monday's class you jump on the opportunity to check your phone when it dings. Post notifications for redlightdesign on since you started following them. Every time they announced open books or a dropped appointment you jumped to put yourself up for the running. You remember the magazine article Redlightdsign had been featured in that started your obsession. The anonymous tattoo artist is based in Seattle and New York, traveling across the states to get a wider audience. Not that they needed the help, they were globally known, with people submitting forms all around the world, purchasing plane tickets after they confirmed an appointment. 
It was stiff competition and the anonymity of the artist was sacred to each client. There was barely any information about Redlightdesign on the internet besides the finished product, and the address to their studios was only given out just before your appointment. Once the details of the New York studio had been doxxed online and redlightdesign had stopped working for a year, packing up and shutting down in well deserved retaliation. When they came back to their socials they made it clear the next time they wouldn't stop for a year but quit entirely. No one shared any information after, only stating that Redlightdesign was one of the nicest people they have ever been tattooed by and a photo of the beautiful work after. 
But there sipping on an almost empty drink avoiding work that needed to be done you felt your pulse race just like every other time you've submitted a form. Only this time your stomach bottomed out seeing the email that popped up in your inbox a few minutes later. 
h.rldesign/gmail.com Hi, I love your idea and sketches. I think this would transfer perfectly in my style. If we are to do the piece on the thigh at the size you want I think it's best we split the work into two appointments. My open slots for this would be January 9th and 10th. Let me know if these dates work for you and then I can get started on designing and cleaning up your idea. -redlightdesign 
even just knowing their email address was shocking enough, seeing a response could have sent you into a coma. If Redlightdesign needed you on the 9th and 10th you would do everything in your power to be right at their door. You didn't care if you had to call in sick, you would put on the most convincing fake cough known to man; you would sell out stadiums with the performance if need be. 
You couldn't type a response fast enough, needing to send in a confirmation just to know it was solidified. Within seconds you got a link for a deposit to hold the dates and a promise that Redlightdesign would be working on your piece asap. You were too excited to even think about your work anymore, sitting in the coffee shop staring down at your phone in disbelief. 
It was only a few days later when the first drafts of the tattoo you would be getting were sent over for you to approve. You could tell the work had been drawn in a sketchbook and scanned to send in an email, the charcoal lines and highlights showing the detailed work. It was everything you could have hoped for, redlightdesign taking the amateur rendering of your idea and turning it into the masterpiece sitting in your inbox. They promised to have perfected versions ready when you arrived early on the ninth, reminding you that they would transfer it into the stencil and use a pen to finish drawing the finishing touches to make sure it flowed with your body just right. Make sure to eat before the appointment and don't wear any lotions on the tattoo area. Take care to remember we can take as many breaks as you want you have the day booked up with me so no need to rush through just to get it over with. 
You made sure to dress appropriately. A pair of shorts you didn’t mind getting ink on in case any decided to ruin them. It was cold the morning of the ninth, a drizzle setting in as you made your way towards the address you had been sent before you had woken up. Even just seeing the street name and knowing this whole time you’ve been a fifteen-minute walk away from Redlights studio was bizarre. How many times have you driven by the building without ever knowing? 
The email with the address had said the door would be open and to take the stairs up to the loft. The separate space on the ground level was a bakery, the sign flipped to closed. But as you felt the first droplets of rain you pulled on the handle for the door only for it to not budge. You check the address again to make sure it is right, you can see the windows to the studio above but the curtains are pulled shut. You were running over the email you could send to redlightdesign, reading it over once more when someone reached past you making you jump. “holy shit you almost gave me a heart attack,” you breathe your phone pressed to your chest. 
The soft laugh of the person beside you is muffled behind the black medical mask they wear, long dark hair hanging on their brow leaving only smiling eyes glancing over you. “I'm sorry I was running late and didn't make it in time to beat you here,” they push their key into the lock twisting until it clicks, painted nails wrapping around the handle to hold the door open for you. 
You give a weak thanks stepping into the little hallway leading to the stairs waiting for them to step in and follow. 
You're trying hard not to make it seem like you're staring at them but it's almost impossible not to. Right in front of you is the person whose identity has been hidden from the public for years. You've tried to imagine what redlightdesign looked like since you read that magazine article. Now with the early morning mist still stuck to their hair you were seconds away from knowing exactly what they were like. Watching how their long fingers flipped over the keys looking for the one to unlock the loft door, how they used their shoulder to push open the door turning back to give you smiling eyes, waving you in. 
They moved around to pull open the long cream-colored curtains, the gray light pouring in revealing the space. The walls have tacked up charcoal drawings, painted landscapes, and oil pastel flowers. A worn brown leather couch pushed to one side, heavy white blanket pushed back like someone had taken a nap there against the throw pillows. Tattoo bed next to rows of inks and past designs. On another wall a cluster of polaroids, stepping closer you can see its every tattoo that redlightdesign has done here. You're excited to see ones they haven't posted on their socials, so distracted you don't hear a closet door opening and the wheeling of a cart behind you. “I wanted to be set up so we could get started right away but,” when you turn you see them shrug. The view outside of the waterfront off in the distance matches some of the paintings done during different times of the day. 
“It's okay I can wait, we're booked all day right?” 
“yes that's right,” they go through their bag pulling out a large sketchbook, “here take a seat and we can go over some of these together,” 
they sink into the couch pushing back the blanket to make room for you to follow. Your thighs touching before they hand over the sketchbook. You're amazed by the craftsmanship, and the detail put into each variety of the tattoo idea you have given them. No other artist has given you so many possibilities, maybe one of two but a whole spread dedicated to small details was never on the table. redlightdesign had taken time working through this with passion. “Wow,” you breathe not knowing where to look first. 
“do you like it? It's a big thing, a tattoo of this size, and I wanted to make sure it really had all the elements you wanted in it while also not being too chaotic and messy. You see this one has less shading and seems more open but this one is heavy-handed if you're into that kinda style. I see you have other work done on your arms and if you want to go that way style-wise I think this one would be perfect,” they point at the one you've been focused on knowing that it was exactly what you wanted. 
“It's amazing, they all are, I'm so impressed redli-“
“Hyunjin, you can call me Hyunjin,” they chuckle, “I should have introduced myself earlier but I was late and it slipped my mind I'm sorry,” 
“no, it's okay thank you hyunjin,” you try the name in your mouth, “I think this is exactly what I want, better than what I could have imagined,” 
“great I'm happy to impress let me get this printed in a stencil and we can add anything else after we find the right placement,” you watch as they stand moving to the corner with a desk, you can't see their face but know they've taken their mask off as they turn on the printer. “Do you live around here or was it a commute?” 
“oh I live right up the street, I was surprised to see how close it was to my place actually,” you say over the sound of the scanner. 
“that's good, sometimes I have people coming from all over it's fun to finally have a local visit,” 
“I would have come out to New York if that's where you would have been,” you admit. 
“I haven't been out there in a while, they are doing construction on the street the studio is on so I've been located here for a while now,” he states pulling out the stencil sheet. “I did a few different sizes to start with,” 
he turns around and you're shocked at how beautiful Hyunjin is. In all the time you've thought about redlightdesign never did it cross your mind to account for prettiness but if you did your scale would be broken. You're still seated when he comes over and kneels in front of you. 
“Can I?” he asks looking up at you, your hands in your lap covering your thighs.
“oh yeah sure,” you're flustered lifting your hands away. 
“left or right?” he asks, holding two of the stencils over each leg. 
“right,” your hands sinking into the couch as Hyunjin wipes his thumb over your bare thigh. He shows you the three different sizes and you decide on one before he asks you to stand in front of the mirror so he can place the stencil on. 
“Here,” he mutters, being gentle to get the placement right in the first go. “We can always print more if you don't like it here,” he blows cool air over the purple lines traced on to make sure it's dry enough for you to move. He slides his hand behind the pit of your knee tugging your leg. You reach out to steady yourself with his shoulders, the backs of your hands feeling the tickle of his long hair hanging past his ears. He lifts your leg enough so that your foot is resting on his thigh, his hands slipping over your skin checking it looks good. 
You love the way he's found the perfect spot on your thigh so that it flows with your body, “I think you got it first try,” 
“Look in the mirror first just to make sure,” he lets you go, pulling himself to stand behind you so that you can see yourself. 
“yes it's perfect,” and he nods, grabbing a purple pen. 
“finishing touches then,” he gets back down in front of you lifting your foot back to his knee so that he can steady you. The marker is cold on your skin as he draws, adding lines and shading in spots to make the work blend better. When he blows on the wet lines of ink you shiver especially when he draws on your inner thigh, your skin so sensitive you swear you could imagine his fingers tracing shapes instead of the pen. “Perfect,” he states, giving your knee a tap letting you know he's done. “Let me set up and if you need the bathroom before we start I'd go now. I have water and a kettle for coffee over under the desk, and we can stop for lunch around let's say twelve or one-ish?” 
You nod, taking your seat on the tattoo bed. He's set it up so that you're slightly leaned back but still sitting up. You watch him pull on black gloves and get all of the inks and needles ready, following a system you've seen done before. He clicks on a stereo the soft song playing in the background just loud enough for us to talk if we wanted to or just to listen. you adjust in your seat when you hear the sound of the tattoo gun whirring, hyunjins free hand stretching your skin in preparation, “The hard part will be around the knee so let's get that area out of the way,” 
you nod watching as he starts, the familiar burn of the needle digging in but not too painfully. He was right that it was worse than some of your other tattoos but not unbearable. What distracts you is how concentrated he looks leaning over your leg, hair pushed back behind his ears but one strand hangs across his forehead, the corner of his lip between his teeth. 
He starts to ask you small questions about yourself, the conversation leading to learning about him and how he got into tattooing. He talks about his art and the little things he likes. Both of you are so invested in one another that you don't even notice how far you've come in the day, lunch already rolling around before you know it. He's gotten through more than half the outline when he starts the loose wrap to keep it clean while you go out for lunch. The bakery is just downstairs offering lunch deals you can't refuse and when you get back upstairs both of you sit on the couch and continue your conversation. Giggling over nothing much but being comfortable in each other's company more than what you could have asked for. 
redlightdesign could have been a total dick but you were blessed enough to get someone so genuinely kind and talented. And when you got back in the chair to finish the day's session you were sad to know that tomorrow would be the last time you saw Hyunjin unless you somehow got another appointment. The idea in it of itself was making you dread leaving. 
“Could you tie my hair up?” he asks lifting his wrist up to you, a hair band waiting for you to take off. You lean over taking the tie from him and running your fingers through the dark strands. He hums as you brush the hair from his face gathering it all to tie into a ponytail. “thank you,” he nods letting the end bob up and down, a sweet smile teasing his lips before he goes back to the linework. 
When he finally declares you done for the day you sigh, his thumb smoothing over the ends of the tape he's put to hold the wrap he put over your thigh. His finger slips across your inner thigh making you jolt harder than when the needle was to your skin. “sensitive?” he asks and you nod, not wanting to think too much into it. You were definitely sensitive but not from the pain, watching his long fingers work over your skin didn't put the cleanest image in your head. 
He starts to break down his workstation, cleaning up and wiping everything to disinfect. While you put on your coat he asks, “Do you want to get dinner?” you turn to make sure he is not on the phone but he is in fact asking you, “I know this great spot a block over it's not that far a walk if you're up for it?” 
“Sure,” you nod and he rubs the back of his neck. 
“You know if you're not busy or anything I don't usually ask clients out for dinner but we were having a good chat and you know if you don't want to,” he drags on his ears pink, it was cute to watch him flustered. 
“I'd love to go to dinner with you hyunjin,” you smile following him out. 
You share an umbrella as you make your way to the small cafe-style restaurant, outdoor seating covered with a canopy so you won't get hit by any rain. Sitting across from one another, Hyunjin asks to see your other tattoos. You lay one arm down on the table, hyunjins fingertips ghosting over your skin as he traces the lines of all your other work. “I think I've seen this one before, did you get it from Felix? Or what's his username…”
“youg.ink?” you nod, “I actually got it because I saw you mentioned them before and it introduced me to their work. instantly fell in love with this when he offered it up,” 
hyunjins not even paying attention to the tattoos anymore as he lets his fingers glide over your smooth skin. Most times after a client was done for the day in his chair he walked them to the door, waved goodbye, and worked in the studio on the next person's design. Most times he had people who he didn't mind not seeing again but you and your laugh, your gentle conversation, made him want to break his own rules for once. He walks you home after dinner and promises to see you tomorrow at the same time. 
When you show up for your second session you're double fisting two iced coffees; the door is already unlocked as you make your way up the stairs. Hyunjin is sitting at the desk with headphones on sketching away before he sees the movement in the corner of his eye. He gives you a big smile, all teeth and is so cute. He tugs his headphones off letting them hang around his neck, “you got me a coffee?” 
“Maybe or maybe I have a caffeine addiction,” you joke, handing over his cup. You look over to see what he's working on and he leans back to give you a better view. 
“The next client wants their back done, it will be spaced out over the next four months. first sessions tomorrow,” 
“I wouldn't even know where to start on something that big,” 
“the same way I started yours,” he looks down at your legs, the wrap still in place only today you're wearing a skirt instead of shorts. The only other clothing item you felt would give him space to work today. Hyunjin looks back to his sketchbook, shutting it and standing. “let's get you up on the chair and get started,” 
you follow his instructions, sinking back into the chair and letting your skirt bunch between your legs to expose your thigh. Hyunjin starts to set up his station, pulling on his gloves after flipping to the sketch of your design to have to glance at while he works. “might hurt today with all the shading if you need any breaks let me know we can go as slow as you need,” he peels away the tape before cleaning your leg with a towel and watered down soap. “It already looks good,” he nods, pressing around the tattoo. 
“I think I can handle it,” 
“Okay, we can work the bottom to the top again today, get the area closest to the knee and get the most painful bit first,” 
and you think you can handle it and you can for the most part but the dragging of the needle over the still red outline from yesterday is painful today. Your hand bunching in your skirt as you remind yourself to breathe. You let your head roll back in the chair not able to watch anymore, focusing on the music playing, the dull hum of the tattoo gun usually comforting you but now a reminder that you're here for a while. 
hyunjin is trying to concentrate, he's great at what he does, but what's testing him is how you're flashing your panties at him. he was going to say something, bring up a conversation about anything but when he looked up, a simple glance he was face to face with the dark grey fabric, the outline of you silencing him. You didn't even notice, your neck exposed as your free hand not holding your skirt gripped the armrest. 
Tattooing people made nudity and almost nudity normal. It was why Hyunjin preferred his private studio so that he could make people feel comfortable, it was better than having someone who wanted a hip tattoo strip in a shop where anyone could watch. But with you sitting in front of him he forgot that he shouldn't look so close. Because instead of ignoring the view he was imagining ways that he could make your pain more bearable. Imagining how if he reached over and brushed where he knew your clit would be waiting you wouldn't be moaning in pain. 
It's not until lunch that your skirt is let go but it's done the work of keeping Hyunjin hard for the entirety of the progress he's made toward the tattoo. When he sprays the tattoo down with the soapy water beads roll back up your leg because of the way the chairs are angled. The cold water feels great against your hot skin and Hyunjin apologizes for the mess passing you a paper towel to wipe any that got too far. You slightly lift your leg to wipe your inner thighs, the movement flashing Hyunjin again only this time the droplets of water had dampened your panties. The gray fabric was dark where he had been fantasizing they would be. 
He doesn't even want to think about standing from his stool knowing that the second he does he will have to adjust himself only drawing attention to the fact he is very hard. He tries to make a list of things in his head as he wraps your thigh. To think about how it's almost over, that you will be gone in the next hour or two but that only makes it worse. You would be gone when he was this needy? He wanted to make an excuse to have you come back for another session. But it was quite obvious he would be dragging out the appointment when he only needed to do a small section when the two of you were done with lunch. He could have waited and finished, pushed your lunch back, and waved goodbye but no. 
He swiveled his chair away from you, taking a sip from his almost empty cup of coffee as you slid down the bed to stand. Hyunjin takes a breath and prays you don't notice but it's the first thing you see when he turns, the strained outline not very well hidden. You pretend to look out the window, feeling your cheeks get hot. All you can think about is if it was your noises that did it, all the whimpering wasn't usually how you handled tattoos but this one was the biggest piece you've gotten, and didn't know two sessions would make your usually composed self break so easily. it would explain the silence compared to yesterday. So you toy with the idea, how far would he go if you made yourself available? 
You grabbed lunch together, hyunjin putting a pillow over his lap to steady his plate of food but both of you knew that wasn't the real reason. And when you were back in the chair you intentionally let your skirt roll up this time. It doesn't help that he's now working on the part of the tattoo closest to your center, how he wraps his hand around your thigh, pushing your legs further apart to reach a spot on your inner thigh. Gloved fingers brushing over your panties for the smallest second, your hips sinking into the seat to keep yourself from moving. Hyunjin noticed but needed to get through the rest of the tattoo, if he stopped now he wouldn't know when he would start again. Your lip between your teeth he watched as you tried to close your legs again to block your exposed panties, now wet with your slick and nothing else. He could see the spot and almost ripped his gloves off as soon as he finished his work. But now he was teasing you. Cleaning the tattoo down and wiping it down. He doesn't even bother with the normal photos he would take right away instead putting on the second skin to protect the tattoo. As he smooths the thin film over your inner thigh he lets his fingers slip up brushing against your center to see your reaction. 
Your head rolls to your shoulder watching him through your lashes as he takes off his gloves and tosses them on the cart. He lifts the armrest on the tattoo chair before reaching behind your knees to pull you to the edge of the seat so your legs are dangling off the side. “how is it someone can make the prettiest sounds and sit so still for me?” he leans down and plants a kiss on your tattooless thigh, “because all I could think about was how I wanted to see your legs shaking for me while you whined like that,” 
you tried to draw your knees together but he was in the way, kissing up your inner thigh, nipping at your skin with his teeth. When he reached your skirt he flipped it up with a lazy hand giving you no time before his thumb was over your clit rubbing a harsh circle over the fabric. You felt the shock run up to your stomach, your voice breathy as you whimpered his name. He followed the wet line down the front of your panties before hooking his finger along the seam to pull them back. He wanted one taste, needed one taste but knew he wouldn't stop at just one, not when you looked this edible and ready for him. 
He ravages your clit, your hands shooting to his head burying your fingers in his hair as he sucks. He's careful of your tattoo but your other thigh is fair game for him to wrap his arm around and push you open, fingers bruising with how he spreads you. His free hand prodded your entrance, circling in your wetness before slipping in knuckle deep. “Hyunjin,” you whine, your hips rocking against his lips, feeling the build up of your orgasm. He curls his fingers pressing up into you enough to make your legs jerk from the new angle. 
You're seeing spot before too long, hips stuttering as he gives a final hard suck, fingers still as you clench around them. You're moaning so loud you're sure someone will hear but you don't even care. Hyunjin doesn't stop the flick of his tongue against your clit making you cry out, “I said I wanted to see them shake,” devilish smile covered in your slick before he latches on to your clit again. Fingers pumping in and out of you before he presses deeper into you. You can feel tears at the corners of your eyes, and when he pulls away slightly to let his teeth brush your clit you're done for, legs trembling as you cum. He is persistent and you have to tug his head away, a slight smile stuck on his wet lips as he watches your body shake from the overstimulation. “once more?” 
“I can't- I can't do it,” you shake your head but he drags his fingers out slowly before inching them back in, your hips jumping. 
“I know you can, you've been doing so good for me already, one more time won't hurt,” he hums, dipping his nose down to brush over your nub. Jolting at the feeling he turns his head to kiss your inner thigh, slowly building up speed with his fingers, “can't you do just one more?” it's the way he asks so softly, the heavy gaze under heavier eyelids that makes you nod. 
You're so sensitive that one lick has you shaking, your orgasm feeling so far and yet so close all at once. His tongue laps through your folds circling your clit. Hyunjin is obsessed with the taste of you, completely under the spell of your pussy and how it responds to his touch. He could go all night eating you out, watching as you fell apart again and again before him. Your cries are getting louder and before you know it your back is arching into him almost coming off the seat, your orgasm so intense you don't expect the clear fluid to squirt out of you until it has. 
You're breathing so labored you place a hand over your chest to try and calm yourself. hyunjins pleased grin is the only thing you see before he pulls his fingers out of you and sticks them in his mouth to clean them. Every once in a while your legs jerk from an aftershock, the delight in his eyes worth how tired you feel. Your thighs are sticking to the leather seat under you as Hyunjin pulls your underwear back into place leaning down to leave a ghost of a kiss over your clothed clit. “next time I want you to cry this pretty for my cock okay?”
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pin-k-ink · 5 months
star-crossed // goshiki tsutomu
CW: a little suggestive, goshiki being adorable and borderline possessive
The volleyball team watched with knowing smiles and barely contained laughter as Goshiki, a wide-eyed first-year student, fell head over heels for you, the team's beloved manager. It was amusing, to say the least
From the moment your eyes met, Goshiki was utterly smitten. Your motherly nature and unwavering loyalty to the team had earned you the respect and admiration of Coach Washijo, who had handpicked you for the role. But it was your enchanting beauty that truly captured the attention of the players, especially the impressionable Goshiki, whose heart raced every time you drew near.
The first time you praised his incredible cut-shot during practice, your melodic voice sending shivers down his spine, Goshiki's heart soared to new heights. Your gentle head pat, your fingers lingering just a moment too long in his hair, solidified his devotion, turning him into putty in your hands. From that moment on, he sought your approval at every turn, his eyes constantly searching for your face in the crowd, yearning for your gaze to meet his.
Goshiki's affection for you was as clear as the blue sky above, yet you remained blissfully unaware of the depths of his feelings. The team marveled at your obliviousness, wondering how you could possibly miss the way Goshiki's jaw would go slack in your presence, his eyes drinking in every curve of your body when he thought no one was looking. It was a miracle, they thought, that you hadn't noticed his obvious adoration, the way his cheeks flushed crimson whenever you drew near.
As time passed, Goshiki's mood began to revolve around you, his happiness tied to your every action. He would wait with bated breath for your nod of acknowledgment after scoring a point, his heart pounding in his chest, his smile only appearing once he received your subtle praise. The team couldn't help but wonder how he would cope when they learned of your impending absence due to illness, a development that threatened to shatter his delicate emotional state.
Chaos ensued on the day you were away, Goshiki transforming into a version of Ushijima, but with an added layer of despair that bordered on the comical. He was all over the place, his mind consumed by thoughts of you, constantly glancing at the gym door, hoping for your arrival with a desperation that was palpable. When someone other than you handed him his water bottle, he was on the verge of tears, his bottom lip quivering as he fought back the urge to cry out for you.
The team found his behavior comical, stifling their laughter behind raised hands, but Ushijima seemed to be the only one who was genuinely concerned. It was for the sake of the team, he said, his brow furrowed in contemplation. In an unexpected gesture of kindness, he provided Goshiki with your address, a piece of information that the lovestruck boy treasured like a sacred artifact.
Goshiki spent an hour practicing his words in front of the mirror, his heart hammering in his chest as he mustered the courage to visit you at home. He stood before your door for fifteen minutes, his finger hovering over the doorbell, unaware that your amused parents were watching him through the peephole, their eyes twinkling with mirth.
Your mother, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, finally opened the door, feigning surprise as Goshiki nearly leaped out of his skin, his face turning a delightful shade of red. She ushered him inside, her hand on the small of his back, and led him to your room, where you lay resting, your beauty undiminished by your illness.
Goshiki stood stiffly beside your bed, his heart racing as he extended a container of homemade soup with shaking hands. When your fingers brushed against his, a jolt of electricity coursing through his body, he nearly fainted, his knees threatening to buckle beneath him. You invited him to sit, patting the space beside you on the bed, and as the day progressed, his laughter became more natural, his words flowing with ease as he lost himself in your presence.
The team noticed the growing closeness between you and Goshiki, the way your bodies seemed to gravitate towards each other, the lingering touches and meaningful glances. Shirabu predicted that you wouldn't be able to handle a clingy Goshiki for more than a month, a statement that proved somewhat true, but vastly underestimated the depths of your patience and affection.
It wasn't just clingy Goshiki you had to contend with; it was also possessive Goshiki, his eyes narrowing whenever another boy dared to look your way, and will-you-marry-me-Goshiki, whose declarations of love grew bolder with each passing day.
The latter became a disaster when, on a sweltering day after practice, a prankster drenched you with water as you entered the gym, your clothes clinging to your body in a way that made Goshiki's mouth go dry. With your jacket and shirt soaked through, revealing the tantalizing curves beneath, Shirabu offered you a spare, his eyes lingering just a moment too long on your form.
But Goshiki intervened, nearly shredding the garment in his possessiveness, his eyes ablaze with a fire that made Shirabu take a step back. He raced to the storage closet, throwing the door open just as you lifted your drenched shirt over your head, the sight of your lacy bra and bare skin causing his heart to stop.
You were oblivious to his presence, lost in your struggle with the heavy, clingy fabric, and Goshiki could only stare, his nose bleeding as he took in the vision before him. In a panic, he tossed his spare shirt in your direction, his voice cracking as he exclaimed, "P-please wait until we get married, senpai!" before slamming the door shut and fleeing, his face burning with a mixture of embarrassment and desire.
From that moment on, Goshiki insisted that you two get married, claiming that since he had seen you nearly naked, you were ruined for any other man. You brushed off his determination as a joke, unaware of the depth of his feelings, the way his heart ached for you with every fiber of his being.
The team placed bets on how long it would take for you to tire of Goshiki's overbearing nature or for him to realize he had no chance with you. But exactly a month later, they stumbled upon a scene that left them stunned, their jaws dropping in unison.
In the gym, you sat on a bench with Goshiki kneeling between your legs, his hands resting on either side of your hips, his fingers tantalizingly close to your thighs. Your eyes were closed, your lips locked in a slow, sensual kiss that made the team's cheeks burn with secondhand embarrassment.
Ushijima's soft mumble of "Oh my, how scandalous" broke the silence, and chaos erupted, the team's shock giving way to a mixture of laughter and disbelief. Semi bolted towards Goshiki, ripping him away from you and shaking him back and forth, comical tears running down his cheeks as he lamented the loss of his innocent kouhai. Tendou snuck up behind you, his grin devilish, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he whispered suggestions in your ear that made your face turn a delightful shade of pink.
Goshiki's demeanor had changed, a newfound confidence radiating from him as he held you close. He was calmer, more levelheaded, but still utterly devoted to you, his eyes following your every move with a hunger that made your heart race. He would ask to hold your hand, his fingers intertwining with yours, and kiss your forehead, his lips lingering just a moment too long, a promise of more to come.
When Shirabu pointed out that Goshiki hadn't properly asked you out, the boy spent a week devising the perfect plan, his brow furrowed in concentration. But the moment he saw you dressed up for your date, all his carefully laid plans vanished, his heart taking over as he pulled you close and captured your lips in a searing kiss that left you breathless.
As your graduation approached, Goshiki was a mess, the thought of spending two years without you making his heart ache with a physical pain. But you reassured him, promising to visit every weekend and holiday, to call him every night, your voice a soothing balm to his fractured soul. It was only then that he reluctantly let you go, his eyes shining with unshed tears as he watched you walk away.
Long-distance relationships never worked out.
Or at least that’s what they thought. But five years later, they found themselves invited to your wedding, their jaws dropping once again as they watched you walk down the aisle in a stunning white dress. Goshiki, standing at the altar, teared up at the sight of you, his heart swelling with a love that had only grown stronger with time.
As you exchanged vows, your eyes locked on each other, the team realized that true love did exist, and that the definition of soulmates was standing right before them, a testament to the power of young love that had blossomed within the walls of Shiratorizawa Academy. And as Goshiki pulled you close, his lips claiming yours in a kiss that held the promise of a lifetime together, they couldn't help but smile, their hearts full of joy for the two of you, the couple that had defied all odds and found happiness in each other's arms.
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kaszuma · 3 months
Bad Habits | Hoshina Soshiro
Part 6 of “Certainly Yours”
pairing: Hoshina Soshiro x fem!reader
summary: Soshiro wanted to set things right by you, so he planned a date that would've gone perfectly. Had a Kaiju not appeared in front of you.
warnings: Mentions of Blood, heavy detail on Injury and Pain. Breathlessness and lots of claustrophobia related to crowds, Angst, Hurt/No Comfort, Slight Kn8 Manga Spoilers
wc: 6,552
note: Please inform me if I missed any warnings, It has descriptive injuries so I don't want to trigger anyone who's willing to read this.
Part 7 will be a direct continuation of this. So that's why I dubbed it as a Hurt/No Comfort fic for now. The comfort will come in another part because things have been going too smoothly in the relationship. And I don't want that. Anyways, look forward to the next part. I will be adding a tags list. So if you want to be tagged. Please tell me.
Also, thank you for a hundred followers 🫶
Today was the day Soshiro had decided to finally make it up to you.
After weeks of moving between bases. Handling Number 10’s strange quirks in its new prototype suit. It had been an understatement to say that he had kept himself rather busy in the wake of his occupation. His attention often divided between the lousy paperwork stacked against him, as well as his individual training.
One that he had always upheld to keep his body sturdy and his reflexes sharp. Not once acting careless in his response to a Kaiju attack. Especially now where he was equipped with a powerful and sentient combat suit, bloodthirsty for war. Willing to pick a fight with anything remotely breathing in his direction.
By all means, Soshiro could not afford to slack off. And if there was a miniscule chance that he did, he'd be minced alive for sure.
Just when his hard work had started to pay off too.
Now that he had been recognized as a numbers wielder no less. He'd be one of the few melee specialists that Japan could rely on in the case of an emergency. The proof of his existence. That he wasn't just a reject of the Hoshina Family's line of descendants.
That he was more than capable to wield a blade that could slay Kaijus that came after him. And he had succeeded. He had fulfilled his place in the hierarchy. His place solidified beside Captain Ashiro who was an even stronger ally than he was.
But despite his successes. Despite the satisfaction he got from climbing to the top with only the swing of his blade.
That had not been enough for him.
It had not been enough to prove his existence to the world.
And although that had been a major goal of his. To surpass people's expectations of his limits. His boon to keep fighting. To keep swinging his sword despite the odds stacked against him, had also been the downfall of many past relationships that could not blossom because it had gotten in its way.
And you had been the first to stay.
The first to understand his sentiments.The first to clear a path for him when everyone else had all but given up.
And yet here he was. Being a stellar lover and prioritizing everything else above you.
It had been weeks. Practically an entire month since he's spent some quality time with you. Sharing the occasional kiss in the hallways where you'd start your day off. Or acknowledging each other briefly when he had been stuck in the confines of the training rooms.
Beating the lessons right into rookies' bodies when you'd pass by. Or better yet, the daily coffee you had somehow managed to squeeze in despite your equally tight schedule. His favorite blend had always been waiting for him. Ready at his office on the days he burned the very wicks of the midnight oil.
And what had he done in return?
Not since that incident with Kaiju no. 10 at least. That of which he worked so hard to erase any evidence left in its wake. The fake report had at least been a piece of cake to do. And they had to do over the entire prototype testing just to make sure Number 10 was usable in its current state.
And unfortunately for him, it proved to be a much more difficult task to complete. Day by day he had not once made progress in raising the Suit’s combat power. Leaving Kaiju no 10 to mock his defenses and other battle related tactics whenever it could. But that had been the least of his worries.
In all honesty, he had been feeling guilty since that day.
Although he'd be remiss to say he didn't enjoy the feeling. Soshiro had not been in the right sound of mind when he found himself getting closer to you. Drunken by your scent, he had practically seen images flash by his mind. Courtesy by the Kaiju that had seen through his desires. And one thing led straight to the next. He found himself in a troublesome situation that he had been afraid to know the consequences of.
He had desired her. Yes. That much was clear. But he wanted the relationship to evolve slowly. At your pace. One that made you most comfortable.
But he had breached that space. The inch you had given him had turned into a mile. And he was lucky he still held some sort of restraint before he did something stupid and regretted his past actions.
And somehow, you still forgave him.
You enjoyed yourself even. Welcoming him with open arms for the next time around when they had managed to squeeze in the time between work. Open to the idea of a more sensual intimacy. In the privacy of someplace else. And Soshiro had wanted that too.
He wanted to correct his haste. To properly love you right.
But not everything had been picture perfect in the way he had planned. His bad habits showed in the ways he'd prioritize everything but you. And just when he built up his courage–Built up the resolve to face you. To do right by you.
Of course, things just had to get in his way.
Things always got in his way before he could properly apologize and make it up to you. Or atleast, that was the excuse he'd find himself feeling guilty of.
And that is where he found himself outside the premises of the Tachikawa base. Strangely out of uniform and in his civvies that he had managed to find beneath the sweatpants in his closet. Dappered in a simple black turtleneck and a white overcoat. Befitting of the cooler weather Japan had been facing in recent times.
He had been waiting for you to show up with a picnic basket in hand. A few paperback novels that he thinks you might enjoy. Added with a few sweets that he hoped would lighten up your day perhaps.
The plan had been simple.
He’d already done the nerve-wracking part. Stopping you midway as you finished giving him the stack of blueprints for the Combat Suit you had worked on upgrading. His hand reached to touch the soft skin of your knuckles. An action that made you look back at him in turn.
“Is something wrong?” You had asked curiously. The softness in your voice remained. One that made Soshiro want to melt into a puddle.
He smiled. Somehow the words got stuck on his tongue. And he had to remind himself that you were his lover. Who of course would agree to a date. Should he suggest it, Right?
He gulps. Suddenly feeling a little irritated at the way his stomach had dropped and a plethora of nervous butterflies had resurfaced.
Normally he'd have no problem taking out hordes of Yoju that came his way. Boasting the highest individual kill count for slaying midsized Kaiju of his generation. Yet somehow, his reason had gona askew. And he found this situation a little more terrifying than he anticipated.
“Hey, I was thinking..”
“Uh oh- That's not a good sign.” Your comment makes him smile. His eyes rolling to give your shoulder a playful squeeze.
“-That you and I need to have a talk.”
“About what?” You had replied with a tilt on your head.
“I got a few paperbacks in the mail yesterday. I was hoping we could grab a bite to eat while we read through ‘em?” He smiled. His usual grin did not falter in the way he spoke to you. Though you could tell that he had an inkling of nervousness by the way he reached up to scratch the side of his cheek.
“Oh. And here I thought I was in trouble.” You chuckle. “So you're finally inviting me out on a date, Vice Captain?”
He had moved to stand much closer to you. Hand already at the shape of your hip, habitually writing his name on the waistband of uniform. “Is that a no I hear from ya’”
“Now when did I say that?” And it makes you smile knowing he had been trying despite the busy schedule he had.
You had long since understood his place in the hierarchy. Soshiro may have not realized it, but he was far too important of a person in the Defense Force to have been kept away from duty.
His life alone had been the cost of a thousand who'd live due to his sacrifices. And whether or not his insecurities had blocked his view of his own self-worth. You were able to see it clearly.
So despite the difficulties. Despite the yearning you felt for his proximity You did the usual and prioritized his work. Letting him handle things when command had already put so much weight into his daily responsibilities. Not that he seemed affected by it, no doubt already used to the pressure of a hectic battlefield. Much less a hectic work environment.
But of course, you wouldn't reject an offer out on a date with your lover. Not when he so sweetly asked.
And if he had the occasional free time to invite you out. Who were you to say no to his offer?
“Soshiro!” You had called out. Appearing just beside him who stood nearest the entrance of the underground metro station. And he smiled turning towards you with his usual cheeky and cat-like grin.
“You shoulda’ texted me. I would've picked you up by the train stations.” He had moved his free hand to pinch your cheeks. And it makes you chuckle. Revealing yourself completely to him.
Where his eyes had raked over the surface of the cute outfit you decided to purchase the day before. Hand already twirling a strand of your hair before tucking it behind your ear. Admiring your very soul. Your entirety in front of him.
“And miss your startled face? Fat chance I'd miss that opportunity.” You laughed.
Soshiro had rolled his eyes in turn. His heart pounding as his free hand immediately intertwined with yours.
“If it makes ya’ happy Sweetheart.” He didn't waste this opportunity to gently pull you close. Kissing your temple which had been nearest his lips. “You look pretty.”
His compliments had made you brighten. Your face visibly beamed when his eyes drank your figure. “Damn straight. I wasn't about to let you one up me in the looks department.”
“Alright, alright.” He found himself chuckling. “Let's get moving before the desserts I bought ya’ go bad.”
You had half a mind to drag your feet while he took you out of the metro line. Acting stubborn just to stall and ruffle his feathers for a bit. As payback for neglecting you all those days ago.
But you had decided against it, the crowded train station was far too busy in the early hours of the afternoon. And you would not risk losing each other and wasting the rare day Soshiro had all planned out for the both of you to do.
“Lead the way.” You had smiled, giddy at the mere thought of a time well spent together. And Soshiro had shared that very sentiment. Already leading you away from the busy horde where lines of people had been waiting for the next train stop.
Upon your words, he had gently walked forward. Leading you by the hand.
His grip on you was firm and you can see the way his back had engulfed and weaved through the crowd much more easily than you ever had. Broad in his strides as he tried not to go too fast. Matching your pace since he knew you weren't as built in stamina as he was.
You had admired the little details of his nape. The one mole peaking through the skin of his turtleneck, where his hair had shown every detail of his jugular. One that you had marveled at when he wasn't looking.
Just as you were about to offer your help. Reaching for the sling of the basket on his free hand.
A shiver ran down your spine. The hand that had tried to reach for the basket had paused in heavy response.
And you had suddenly flinched as a loud gust of wind had blown past you. Making the indoor lights of the metro begin to pop and flicker abnormally. An eerie buzz emitting from each light source as if the electricity had all short circuited, simultaneously.
The temperature underground had strangely heightened. Unusual for the cool metro station during this time of day.
And the crowd that had busied themselves passing each other by, had all but stopped. With people's stares directed behind the both of you in a frozen and frightened state. You look around, almost confused. And Soshiro had gripped his hand harder against yours. As if he already knew the exact dread that overcame him.
The exact thing that had been staring right back at them.
And somehow you had that inkling too.
But denial had only been your first problem. And the rest of your body seemed to know the truth. Your very palms began sweating like bullets, and you had hesitantly looked behind you. To prove to yourself that it had not been what you think it was.
But Soshiro who had somehow read your mind. Had moved much quicker than you had.
Pulling you behind him, already pushing you to the exit when people had started panicking. Screams had been the accompaniment of hasty footsteps. With people of all different ages, running in the same direction. Away from the stairs leading down the metro line.
A mere glimpse is all it took for the hair on your skin to rise. And the face of a humanoid Kaiju had looked in your direction. Its skin peeled like oranges, unlike the gritty leathery texture that surrounded its cheeks. And although it had a terrifying grin on its face. It remained calm. Observant. It seemed ecstatic in the way it reveled in the attention it had gotten. Whilst Soshiro had pulled you from your trance.
“Run. Get going!”
Soshiro had strangely screamed. Already pushing you to evacuate, weary that the Kaiju could attack you at any given moment should it wish to. But the Kaiju had a strange way of showing its excitement. Gurgling at every noise it heard. And Soshiro's yell had all been reduced to a mere whisper against your ear. The sound of a panicked crowd was all too encompassing for you to actually make out his words.
Soshiro had kept a firm grip on your shoulders. Still trailing close behind you with his gaze fixated on the Humanoid Kaiju.
Its legs had hovered mere inches above the ground. Crinkled like an old vegetable that was left out in the freezer for too long. It had double the arms, one that resembled old branches with no leaves. And although it looked sickly and frail, he was sure the damn thing was capable of major damage given the right opportunity.
But instead of grabbing onto the nearest person like Soshiro had anticipated. It surveyed the area. Weary of its nearest surroundings.
It's molars and gums chattering against each other. Echoing throughout the underground halls of the metro station. It looked as if it was occupied with something. A far off look in its beady eyes. As if it were communicating with someone.
Perhaps it had something to do with Number 9? Shit.
If that's the case, Soshiro needed to get you out of here as soon as possible.
“I can't get through. They're all pushing..” You had gasped. Feeling yourself stumble back when another person pulled at your shoulder and leaped forward. Using you as leverage to get to the exit.
Soshiro, who had seen this, was quick to catch you before you could fall. Your back against his chest in a protective stance.
He couldn't move. Not yet at least.
More than anything he'd like to handle that thing as quickly as possible. But to leave you nearby in such close proximity too? There's no way in hell he was going to let that happen. So all he could do was fixate his eyes on that Kaiju.
This thing was clearly sentient. Soshiro had seen the way it lingered to read one of the signs nearest the exit. But I didn't seem interested in conversing, let alone leave if he had asked. And he wasn't about to take his chances.
He needed to get rid of that thing now.
“Hoshina here.” He had fished out the white earpiece that he hid on his overcoat's back pocket. Pressing the small item down to his ear to contact operations.
“There's a Daikaiju sighting in the Tachikawa-Kita Station. Requesting permission to use Number 10 to neutralize it.” He spoke seriously. Unlike the usual light hearted conversations you'd have with him. And it makes you stare up at him with raised eyebrows.
It had been weeks since you had worked on Number 10. It was still far too early to be used as a plausible weapon out in the field. And yet here he was, indirectly telling you that he had worn it out in public.
“You what?” You had gasped out. Eyes blown wide whilst his hand remained on the small of your back.
Much to your dismay, Soshiro had not answered you.
Simply moving you closer to the wall, to let other people get through. His hand still pressed against the intercoms whilst he waited for a reply from Operations.
Soshiro had been focused on shielding you for the most part. The crowd was pushing, but it seems they had still been making progress in evacuating the area. Save for a few rumbles that had happened when the Kaiju had suddenly implanted its branch-like fingers onto one of the pillars. Cracking the surface of the solid cement that held the pillar in place. And you couldn't help but worry at the close proximity you both had been.
Right in range of where the Kaiju was looking at.
“Permission granted.” Okonogi’s faint voice could be heard. Likely already booting up Number 10's system underneath Soshiro’s civvies. The bioweapon would slowly regain energy which kept it from its usual conscious state.
“Do you, or Do you not have Number 10 on?” You had asked incredulously. Prying his arms off of you to peel off his shirt. And his larger hand stops you before you could see the peak of red in the place of where his skin should be.
“As a precaution m'dear.” His reply was immediate.
And he suddenly grabbed you by the wrist. Ushering you forward along with the thinning crowd. The stairway had all been emptied now. Save for a few runaways that had tripped or were pushed earlier.
“Higher ups wanted me to get used to it. Releasing this thing’s combat power, I mean.” His voice had been an octave lower. His smile, although present, had not been enough to reassure you. And you had a feeling he was trying not to have you panic on him.
“That is stupid. Command shouldn't have let you wear it. Number 10 is still unstable. What if you go berserk and lose control?” You sighed, running your hand through your hair.
“You did try to argue with command right?”
Soshiro did not answer you. Already pacing to drag you out of here before things could escalate.
Meanwhile, you had all but looked at him once over. Now it made sense why he chose to wear an overcoat when the weather had only been a little chilly this afternoon. It had surprised you that he was able to hide its tail from emerging from his legs. But then again, he probably had his blades tucked away in that too.
“Listen, I'll explain things later. Take this and get to the nearest shelter. I ain’t havin Number 10 going berserk. I'll be fine. Just let me handle the Kaiju first, okay-” His sentence was cut short by your scream.
A broken chunk of the large pillar had been thrown towards you. And it had startled you enough to drop the basket he handed you. Soshiro had been quick in his motion to shield you. Wrapping his arms around your shoulder to let his back hit the brunt of the pillar.
But before it could hit and crush the two of you to bits. The faint sound of number 10 chuckled inSoshiro's suit. And its weaponized tail lashed out to strike the pillar back. Destroying it before it could scratch you both from its debris.
The sharp end had all but ripped Soshiros overcoat to shreds. And he was quick to remove the unnecessary fabric on top of his combat suit. Revealing the distinct eye hollowed out in the middle of his chest.
“Lucky this bonehead woke up on time.” Soshiro had chuckled darkly. And it was followed by its immediate reply. Tail haphazardly swinging around from behind him.
“Stop with your meaningless trifles and get to fighting swordsman! My patience is thinning.” It sounded almost like a child. Though its voice had been a deep and rambunctious chatter like usual.
“You heard the darn thing.” He sighs, pushing you forward before another attack could come in.
And you shook your head, placing your firm hands against the suit of his chest. Just beside Number 10's glowing eye. Your gaze fixated on his usual smile, one that you had grown accustomed to hearing cheery laughs from. “Are you serious? This thing isn't ready for an actual fight.”
“Do not mock us Woman. By the time you have escaped our opponent would have been ripped to shreds by me.” It screamed.
Making you roll your eyes in turn. And Soshiro had all but chuckled. Already letting you get a head start as you stepped out of the underground Metro line. “Just go. I promise you I'll be jus’ fine.”
“I’ll come find you later.” He had spoken. Already turning his heel to grab the swords he had hidden on his back.
You knew this was his job. The unavoidable was bound to happen. And as much it pained you to leave him alone with a Daikaiju with only a misaligned prototype of a suit as an ally. There was bound to be trouble afoot. But what can you do other than run?
You weren't a fighter like he was.
Your use was only in the presence of a laboratory, as a technician. Paving the way to enhance his equipment. To heighten his chances of survival, even if it was a measly one percent of it.
That had been better than none after all.
So with a heavy heart. You nod. Glancing at his form for a second longer before you began running. Taking careful steps to the opposite direction where you knew the nearest shelter would be at. There was never a shortage of Defense Force Officers there. Maybe they'd be willing to let a few assist Soshiro before things could go awry.
Captain Ashiro had always made quick work of any Kaiju that appeared. The third had always been quick to respond to action. Not once arriving late when the Tokyo district needed them the most.
Soshiro would just have to hold out before then.
Deal with Number 10's strange habits and hopefully manage to unleash the suit's combat power which had proven to be a tricky feat for a while now. And if he were lucky, maybe he wouldn't need backup at all.
The optimistic side of you wished to see him make quick work of the Kaiju. Have him return to you, maybe with a couple or bruises to sport but nothing serious.
He'd smile at you. Holding peace signs with his fingertips out as a form of comfort. To tell you that he had been fine and the Kaiju had easily accepted defeat, ending the story in a clean neutralization.
You'd even be willing to hear Number 10's inflated boasting in the background. Telling you that they had sliced it to ribbons before you even had the chance to reach the shelter.
At least that's what you hoped to imagine.
Just as soon as you arrived at the familiar street. You passed by the multitude of shopping districts in the area. And you see the familiar crowd of people being ushered into the sturdy underground bunker of the shelter. Far away from the premises of the Metro Line where Soshiro’s battle had taken place.
You had immediately stepped up. Trying to fall in line with the rest of the crowded spaces that led up to the entrances of the bunker.
But somehow the temperature rose once more. And you feel the familiar rumble in your chest as a gust of wind had blown behind you. Your hair going in all sorts of directions before your eyes settled on the familiar looking Kaiju floating in the very back of the crowd. Nearing you inch by inch.
What was it doing here?
Everyone who had equally felt the same tension had been paralyzed from fear. Its beady gaze had been burning holes unto the crowd. And its neck cracked as it tried to tilt its head to the side.
This had been enough to get rid of the stupor on everyone's expressions. And another wave of panic ensued. Leaving you and a few others to be pushed around in the wake of everyone's panic.
“Report. Kaiju has been spotted here in Shelter 1121. Requesting permission to engage.”
You had heard one of the Defense Force Officers yell. The few that had been present were already aiming their firearms at the chattering Kaiju. It's head convulsing as it floated ever so closer towards the crowd. Its branch-like fingertips grazed the road. Eerily dragging its long limbs down the cement. Its pace is slow and tantalizing as if to tease your inevitable demise.
You had groaned.
Feeling yourself be pushed down to the ground. Palms hitting the coarse texture of the cement roads. Knees scraping the rough surface as you stopped yourself from falling face flat onto the floor. Luckily the crowd had been mindful enough not to trample you. With most of the citizens already crowding the entrance as Soldiers had blocked the Kaiju's path from going any further.
But you saw the way it moved.
In a blink of an eye the Kaiju had made quick work of the Officers. Sweeping them off like insects thrown to the side. Their bodies hitting the nearest surface available in the area. And you had tried to back away. The itching pain that had surrounded your knees was like putting salt on an open wound. Still fresh from the poor landing you had from earlier.
But there was no time to focus on that. Its beady gaze already staring at you and his next target had been made clear.
Just as you had tried to get up, you saw the way a car had been thrown right above your head. And you had been a hair away from being hit by the force of its pitch. Landing on a few people who had crowded up against the entrance of the base.
Likely crushing a few people in the process.
The dizzy unease you felt had all but dazed your mind's eye. And somehow through the fire and the panicked screams. A force had thrown you off the ground.
And suddenly your body had slumped against the nearest wall. Your back landing on the very glass of a fashion boutique. Your weight had shattered its surface upon impact when you were thrown against it.
A shockwave on the ground had likely thrown you a few feet back. And you whimpered. Feeling the shards of glass puncture your shoulder and arms. A few cutting your legs that had shamelessly bleeded against the floor.
You could feel a much larger injury on the small of your back. But as it stands, you couldn't really focus on a specific area. Not when it had hurt all over.
It had hurt to stand up. Let alone to crawl away.
You were not in the safety of the base. And Soshiro had not been here beside you. Even if it hurts like hell. You knew that you had to move. You had to get away and find some help before the situation got worse.
But somehow, it had only gotten much more difficult to breathe. Your eyes which had blurred from the blood flow on your head had suddenly cleared a little bit. Just enough for you to inspect your surroundings. And you noticed it had gotten significantly darker upon your landing. Everything, even within the confines of the boutique, had been covered in a thin layer of smoke that you could've sworn wasn't here before
The scent had been weird. Both earthy and a little rusty for your liking. But it had a distinct bitter smell, like something had gone rotten in the area.
And suddenly your throat lurched. Coughing at the sheer difficulty your lungs had inhaled. Like suddenly oxygen had all but ran out and you were left with a gas that had been invading your system entirely.
Your hand had shakily reached up your throat. Trying not to panic as the breaths you made had gotten shorter and shorter.
Was this poison?
Did the Kaiju have anything to do with this?
Where was Soshiro? Was he dead?
Only panicked thoughts plagued your mind. Not entirely aware that the pain had made you almost delirious as you try not to cry from all the overwhelming sensations you felt.
Your only thought had been to gather your bearings and find Soshiro. Damned the injuries that weighed your body. Damned the poison gas that made you want to throw up your lungs.
All you needed was Soshiro.
Yet somehow, you find yourself back on the ground. With your cheek pressed up against the shattered glass. Eyes slowly fluttering to a close from the sheer exhaustion alone. And your body, had never accepted sleep more than this moment had.
Who knows how long you've been laying there. A few gunshots sounded out from the distance before it ultimately quieted down. A roar rumbled to the far east of where you had rested. But the sounds had gone silent a few minutes after.
And here you were, dizzy from a concussion. Bleeding from your arms and legs. And your breaths barely audible from the amount of toxic gas you had inhaled.
You didn't know whether or not your lungs were barely functioning anymore. But with the slow rise and labored falls of your chest, you were sure you had still been okay. Though it's a miracle you were still half awake.
You could still make the odd gasps and silent plea for help. So you couldn't sleep. Not yet at least. Not when help could so easily arrive and your chances of actually surviving would lower.
The smoke had not cleared up from where you had laid. And for a moment, you see the shadow of a figure step hastily through the broken boutique. Staring down at you with gritted teeth.
“Found you..”
Your breath hitched. Suddenly the blinding numbness had been replaced with a fresh bout of soreness and burning pains. And Soshiro, who had stood above your half-conscious body, had stumbled a bit.
Not used to the way your body stood so still. Arched upward from the shard of glass punctured nearest the back of your waist. His breath was stolen away, as he could only imagine how the pain must’ve felt when you were thrown off balance to crash a building no less.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, c'mere.” Soshiro's familiar voice was much clearer now that he had stepped much closer to you.
The clang of his blades had dropped beside you as his hands were already fumbling to remove the straps of his respiratory mask. Rushing to place it atop your mouth and nose. Hoping it would help you breathe properly.
“Someone get the medic. Get the medic.”
Soshiro screamed. Glancing behind him for a moment before his focus had been fixated on you. His other hand gingerly lifting your head from the ground to assess the injuries you sustained.
And his eyes. The wine color of his eyes…
You could've sworn it had darkened. Brimmed with the fear of losing you. A cacophony of unshed tears that would usually be closed and cat-like in its features.
“..Soshiro?” You croaked out. Voice a little raspy from whatever gas that Kaiju had decked out. And your lover immediately pulled you closer. Rocking your body to keep you awake.
His first instinct was to secure the straps of the respiratory mask on your face. Letting you take a few filtered breaths before you try to speak once more. Though he hushed you right after, in the case you’d drain the little energy you had left in you.
And from the deadweight he felt. He somehow feared the worst.
“Hey, hey, Shhhh. You're okay.” He spoke with a shaky voice. As if he were assuring himself more than he did you. “I'm here now. We're gonna fix ya’ up brand new. I promise.”
His words had been loud. Desperate even. But for some reason, it went in and out of your ears. Not entirely sure if he had been screaming at somebody else, or he had been talking to you in particular. His reassurances got softer and softer from the minute your ears began to ring.
The sound of his voice, which you would normally find comfort in. Had your head spinning around. Making you wince in turn.
You had wanted to reach out. To pull him close and check for his own injuries. But your arms and shoulders would twitch in pain anytime you had tried to move a muscle. The poison in your system had made it all the more heavier for your body to move. Chained to the ground as if restrained by your own powerlessness of the situation.
“You're done?” You had managed to groan out. Wondering if the Kaiju had been neutralized.
And his immediate response was to nod in your direction. Pulling you much closer so that his leg would be able to support your weight on the ground. Away from the edged shards of glass that had scattered about.
“I'm okay baby. Yer’ the one that needs the help here..” He lets out a dry chuckle. Not entirely convinced that his jokes were actually landing. His panic was more evident in his tone than it had usually been, and for some reason. That hurt more than the physical wounds you endured.
“I know.” You hissed. “Hurts all over..if you couldn't tell..”
“Shit. Medics are on their way. I'm gonna lift you up okay? You'll be fine. Just gonna meet em’ halfway..” He had started. With Soshiro gently hooking his arms underneath the knees of your legs. And just as soon as you were an inch off of the ground. You winced.
Your teeth gritted together as you tried not to cry from the pain you felt when your body had raised from the ground. His hands, although they had been careful, were far too firm against the cuts on your body.
And the pain on your back, where the glass shard had punctured your organs, had a burning sensation you wished would go away.
Soshiro who had seen the way you panicked. Stopped in his actions. Putting you back down on the ground where his leg had cushioned your bleeding head.
“I know, I know jus’ bear with me, alright? Keep your pretty eyes open.” The string of curses never left Soshiro's lips. And his hand which had gently held the cheek where the respiratory mask met the skin of your pale face. Hoping that your breaths would get steadier. The mask recording all the slow inhales you'd take.
In and out. Labored but at least it was still there.
“Breathe..jus’ breathe for me, okay?”
Your eyes had tried to blink rapidly to remove the fatigue you had felt. But somehow, you were fighting a losing battle. And you couldn't help but give into the darkness. The fatigue would feel much nicer since you didn't have to worry about the pain. And with your lover here. It was okay to relax now. No longer did you need to have your guard up to combat the fight or flight situation.
And Soshiro found himself panicking even more at the way your eyes grew distant. Screaming at his intercoms for a medic on-field. Likely already on their way to the location he had sent to Operations moments prior. Okonogi in particular was trying to reassure the Vice Captain, but to no avail.
Not when his focus had all but fixated on your wellbeing. Eyes already closed as you drifted to an unconscious state.
His hand had reached down to your cheek. Already running circles against the bags of your eyes. Running across the dried tears that brimmed your eyes. Denying that this moment had a possibility to be your last.
And without hesitation, he started lifting you up again. This time not a peep from your mouth.
He was gonna fucking take you to the neareat hospital himself if he had to.
Like hell he was going to let you die. Right?
“Shit. This ain’t funny. Wake–Wake up!”
He hears Okonogi speak on the other side. Something about how a few officers had already turned the corner nearest their location. And he found himself running to their direction, your head leaning against his shoulder leaving small blood stains on Number 10's plated armor.
Help was close. But Soshiro's mind wasn't eased by that fact. Not at all relieved.
Not when your head had still been bleeding and a shard of glass as large as his hand had been punctured just below the small of your back.
And as he ran, he had wondered what he could've done to avoid this.
Should he not have asked you to go out today?
You had been far too eager for this moment. It had been his fault for neglecting you. For not prioritizing the wave of affections you gave him in turn.
He had promised himself that he was gonna cherish you. Dedicate entire days just for you.
And yet here he was. With his plans, ruined beyond repair. And he finds himself going back to the root of his bad habits.
His work, his ambition to be seen as someone capable. Someone who existed in the hands of the world who did not see his strength and dedication. It had held him by the collar, forcing him to face elsewhere. Trapped him from doing right by you.
And now?
His bad habits had now suffered the consequences of his actions. No longer did he have the chance to do everything once over.
And his apologies had fallen to deaf ears. Hoping for the chance you'd get to hear him again.
He had a bad habit of doing you wrong. And now, he hopes you'd be awake so he can set things right.
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tomriddleslove · 7 months
i still look for you.
✩Theodore Nott x Reader
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Summary: Theodore cannot wait to start the next chapter of his life, moving in with you. Alternatively: Memory is a fickle thing.
Warnings: Brief allusion to alcoholism if you squint
Songs: Never find u - Sombr
I bet on losing dogs - Mitski
I wait for you - Alex G
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The date reads the 2nd of May, 2002. Theodore looks down at the calendar and for some reason, a horrible feeling of dread pools in his stomach. He can’t exactly tell why.
He shakes it off, yawning lightly as he sits up in bed. He runs a hand through his messy hair, eyes adjusting to the dim morning light as he looks around his now bare room. His feet touch the bedroom floor, and he sits on the edge of his bed for a second, staring off before getting up.
There was no time for zoning out, he had things to be doing.
With a gentle sigh, he pushes himself off the bed, the warmth of the sheets still clinging to his skin. As he pads into the kitchen, his bare feet lightly brushing against the cool floor tiles, he catches sight of the empty firewhiskey bottle on the counter.
A furrow forms between his brows as he reaches for the bottle, his fingers brushing against the smooth glass surface. Memories of the previous night flicker in his mind, hazy and fragmented.
He must have indulged more than usual.
Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he meanders back to the bedroom, where cardboard boxes lie in disarray. He reaches into one of the unsealed boxes blindly and tugs on the first thing he finds, a grey knitted sweater and a pair of black slacks. He wanders out of the bathroom, brushing his teeth as he tosses the few stray things that lay here and there, things he had forgotten to pack the day before.
Theodore, albeit a little hungover, was thrilled. Today was the day he was due to move into his new apartment with you. You would be meeting him in the evening because you had work, however Theodore had a day off, so he would do the bulk of the moving process in the meantime. He’s just slipping his shoes on when the doorbell buzzes. He walks over to the intercom, buzzing the person in.
Theodore presses the button on the intercom, expecting to hear the voice of the moving truck driver but Instead, there's silence.
Frowning slightly, he presses the button again, but still, there's no response.
Yet another thing to solidify his choice to move out of this shitty apartment, as if the prospect of living with you wouldn’t be enough.
“Get- This- Stupid- Fucking- Thing- To- Work-” Theodore grunts, banging his fist into the intercom. Finally, the buzzing sound rings, and he can see the driver entering the flat through the small camera.
With a resigned sigh, Theodore hurriedly shrugs on his jacket. He jogs over to the door as a knock echoes through the apartment, cursing as he almost trips over a box. Kicking it to the side frustratedly, he opens the door.
"Sorry about the intercom," Theodore apologizes as he reaches the driver. "It's been acting up lately."
The driver nods understandingly, offering a sympathetic smile. "No worries. Let's get these boxes loaded up, shall we?"
They spent the next half an hour carrying the ridiculously heavy boxes down 4 flights of stairs because the elevator had stopped working. Theodore wipes the sweat from his brow as he sets down the last box with a thud, the weight of it nearly causing his arms to tremble. He takes a moment to catch his breath, chest heaving with exertion. He reaches into his pocket and hands the driver what Blaise had informed him to be a form of muggle currency, a flimsy piece of paper with “£50” written on it.
“Thank you for your help,” Theodore says, breathing slightly laboured. The driver was merely doing the job Theodore had paid him to do, but he couldn’t help feeling slightly sympathetic for the clearly older man who had broken out in a sweat by the time they had bought the first two boxes down. The driver frowns as he looks down at the note, then back up at Theodore.
Was it not enough? Had Theodore given him the equivalent of a single sickle?
His misinformed panic quickly subsides when the balding man grins, extending a hand out to Theodore.
“No worries mate. Bit of a drive, isn’t it? How are you getting there?” The man says, and Theodore pales for a second.
What exactly did muggles use again?
“Car,” Theodore blurts after a second, and the man nods, pocketing the £50 note into his shorts.
“Well, I reckon you’ll arrive before me. Should be close to 8 hours, had to tell the missus I wouldn't be home for the day. Had her questioning whether I was working or down at the pub!” He chortles.
Theodore chuckles nervously, feeling slightly out of his element with the man's casual banter. He nods along, trying to appear as though he understands every word, despite the thick accent throwing him off.
"Yeah, the drive should be fine," Theodore replies, forcing a smile. "Thanks again for your help. Really appreciate it."
With a final nod of farewell, Theodore watches as the man heads back to the truck and drives away, leaving him standing alone in front of his old apartment.
Casting one glance around the barren area, he apparates away, appearing in the corridor of his new house in no less than 4 seconds. He truly does pity muggles and their transport, for he couldn't even entertain the idea of having to spend 8 hours trapped in a car.
He walks around the empty house, a small smile tugging at his lips as he imagines the countless things you’d do here. The idea of building a life with you, so grossly domestic, brought a grin to his face.
You had been a saviour to Theodore, a burst of sunlight on a cloudy day.
He can still recall the day he had first met you with frighteningly precise clarity, though to Theodore it was only natural that he did, for he was sure he only started living when he had met you. He was only ever bound to fall deeper in love with you from the very first time he had seen you looking up at him with that slightly lopsided grin that sent shivers down his spine and warmth flooding his chest. It was as if the world had suddenly become brighter, more vibrant, simply because you were in it.
Whether it was studying together in the library, sneaking out for midnight strolls around the castle, or simply sitting in comfortable silence, Theodore found himself falling deeper and deeper under your spell.
He snaps out of his daydreams, looking around as he checks his watch.
This would be the perfect time to go out and explore the town a bit, perhaps find a supermarket.
The driver was due to get here around the same time you would finish work, and Theodore was sure you’d be exhausted. He decided to make you some dinner, knowing how late shifts at the ministry drained you.
Navigating the winding streets, Theodore takes in the sights and sounds of the town, marvelling at the quaint shops and charming architecture. It's a far cry from the bustling streets of Glasgow, but Theodore finds himself drawn to the peaceful atmosphere of the small town.
After 2 hours of finding himself sidetracked by a variety of different shops, he finally finds a supermarket. He heads in and emerges later with his wallet considerably lighter and a handful of bags filled with an unnecessary selection of snacks, and produce.
It was only a further 3 hours later, after Theodore had procrastinated reading a book as he lay sprawled across the remarkably comfy bed that came in the refurbished apartment that he realised for the abundance of cabinets and chairs that the place came with, there would not be a single pot or pan in sight. How Theodore planned to cook tomato soup without a pan, or a chopping board, or a knife at the very least, was beyond him.
With a begrudging sigh, he accepted the financial loss of having to venture back into town to get the necessary culinary equipment. At least now by the time you’d be back from work, the soup would just about be ready, so you could enjoy it nice and fresh.
With the attention span of a 5-year-old, it was only natural for what should have been a 30-minute store run to turn into a 2-hour shopping spree, but Theodore couldn't help it when he saw a second-hand book store and a florist stand that sold green - yes green - tulips (which so happened to be your favourite flower). Entering the apartment once again having sworn to himself that he is not to spend for the next month, Theodore sets down the bags and rolls up his sleeves, washing his hands as he prepares to cook.
Theodore sets to work, chopping vegetables and simmering soup on the stove. The savoury aroma fills the air, mingling with the scent of fresh herbs and spices. It's a labour of love, preparing a meal for you after a long day, but Theodore wouldn't have it any other way.
Thanks to his admirable procrastination skills, Theodore had managed to pass an impressive 7 hours doing nothing and was only midway through dicing some garlic when a resounding knock echoed through the empty house.
Moving the sizzling pot off the stove, he makes his way over to the door, wiping his garlic-smelling hands on his trousers as he opens the door. The same man stands before him, a truck parked outside as he greets Theodore.
“Cor, smells lovely. Must have gotten here well before me if you're already cooking” The man chuckles, and Theodore nods, fumbling for an excuse.
“Relatively smooth journey.” He nods, haphazardly slipping his shoes on as he follows the man to the empty truck. No longer living on the top floor of a dingy apartment building, the process of moving the boxes was far easier, and no longer than 10 minutes later the driver is (to Theodore's relief), waving goodbye with the large wad of bills clutched in his hands. Theodore sighs as he shuts the door, setting the final box down on top of the coffee table. Boxes lay strewn around the living room, which was connected to the kitchen in an open-plan configuration. Quickly finishing off the last of the cooking so he could leave the soup to simmer, he makes his way over to one of the boxes, ripping at the tape.
He reaches for a picture frame tucked away in one of the smaller boxes. With a tender smile, he carefully removes the frame, revealing a picture of you and him taken during one of your adventures at Hogwarts.
You had just spent the day out in Hogsmeade, and after successfully smuggling 5 bottles of fire whiskey back into the castle, you both sat on the sofa in the common room, a blanket thrown over the two of you. You had a red scarf wrapped around your neck. You loved that scarf, wearing it absolutely everywhere despite Theodore’s protests that you were repping the rivalling house.
You were curled up into Theodore's side, a grin on your face. Mid-laugh, your cheeks and the tip of your nose red as you were looking beyond the camera. It was a simple candid shot taken by Pansy and one that you had found incredibly adorable and immediately framed.
Gently dusting off the frame, Theodore carries it over to one of the shelves in the living room, setting it carefully down.
He hears the sound of the door opening behind him. Turning around, Theodore's heart skips a beat as he sees you standing in the doorway, a tired smile on your face as you kick off your shoes and step inside.
"Hey," you greet him, your voice soft with exhaustion but filled with warmth.
Theodore's face lights up at the sight of you, and he can't help but feel a rush of excitement. Dropping the box he's holding, he rushes over to you, enveloping you in a tight embrace.
"Welcome home," Theodore whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I've missed you."
You return his embrace eagerly, burying your face in his chest as you breathe in the familiar scent of his cologne. It's a comforting embrace, and you can’t help but cling to him a little tighter.
You pull away, a small grin tugging at your lips as you look around your new home.
The space may be filled with boxes and scattered belongings, but it already feels like home with Theodore by your side.
"Wow," you murmur, your eyes wandering around the room. "It looks amazing, Theo. You've been busy."
Theodore beams with pride at your words, his heart swelling with happiness.
"I wanted everything to be perfect for when you got home," he says, his voice filled with affection. "And I thought we could celebrate our new place with some homemade tomato soup."
You can't help but smile at his thoughtfulness, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over you. Theodore always knows how to make you feel special, even after a long day at work.
"I love it," you say, crossing the room to wrap your arms around him once more. "And I love you."
You momentarily break away from the hug, reaching over for the ladle, You sneakily take a sip of soup, ignoring Theodore’s gasp of indignation as you groan.
“And I fucking love tomato soup,” You groan, and Theodore can’t help but laugh.
“Go and change. I’ll plate it for us.” Theodore says, moving over one of the boxes labelled ‘Crockery’.
You hum, wandering off to the bathroom. Your voice resounds off the bare walls as you speak.
“Start without me, love. I need to shower and I want to go to bed as soon as possible”
Theodore frowns, ignoring the slight disappointment but agreeing nonetheless. He indulges in a hearty bowl of soup, one set for you on the counter as he leans against the kitchen island.
About 20 or so minutes later, Theodore is washing his bowl, and his attention is drawn to the sound of the bathroom door opening. You emerge, still clad in your work clothes, a tired but content expression on your face. Theodore's eyebrows furrow slightly at the sight, a hint of confusion flickering in his eyes.
You had said you were going to shower, so why haven’t you changed? Perhaps you were simply so tired you had forgotten to bring some other clothes, or you didn’t realise. Theodore shrugs it off, far too enamoured by you to ponder on it for long.
You pad into the kitchen as a gentle acoustic melody fills the area, and you look over to see the record player propped up on a still-sealed box, alongside a stack of records. You can't resist teasing him about unpacking the vinyl player first.
"Really, Theo? Out of all the boxes, you had to unpack the record player first?" you tease, a playful glint in your eyes.
Theodore rolls his eyes playfully, but there's a smile tugging at his lips as he pulls you into his arms. "Hey, music sets the mood," he defends himself, swaying you gently in a makeshift dance.
You can't help but laugh at his response, feeling the warmth of his embrace enveloping you.
You shake your head in mock exasperation, but there's a fondness in your gaze as you look up at him.
As the music plays softly in the background, Theodore and you begin to sway to the rhythm, your movements slow and synchronized. The dim light of the kitchen casts a warm glow over the scene, illuminating your faces as you gaze into each other's eyes.
Your hands find their place on Theodore's shoulders, while his hands rest gently on your waist, pulling you closer to him.
Theodore's gaze is soft as he looks down at you, a small smile playing on his lips. A small giggle resounds through the kitchen area as he pulls back, hands holding yours as he spins you around.
A small yelp escapes your lips as he dips you, his laughter mingling with yours as you dance with one another. You slow down slightly, resting your head against Theodore's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat as you move together. The song slowly fades into the next track, and you pull back slightly, resting your chin on Theodore’s chest as you look up at him.
“It’s perfect. It’s everything we spoke about back when we were at Hogwarts” You murmur, and he smiles softly.
“It is” He whispers against your lips, as he leans down to kiss you.
This. This is what home felt like.
It was simple, but it was belonging, and it was belonging with you.
Theodore yawns, and a small grin tugs at your lips as you look at him.
“Go to bed. I’m gonna quickly eat and sort some things out then I’ll join you.” You reassure, pulling away.
He goes to protest but yawns, and realises that he truly was quite tired. With a sheepish smile, he nods, kissing your forehead as he disappears off to the bedroom.
Around half an hour later Theodore's eyes flicker open at the sound of you entering the room.
You settle under the covers, nestled close to each other, sharing the warmth.
"So, how was your day, love?" Theodore asks, his voice gentle as he strokes your hair.
"It was good," you reply with a soft smile. "Busy, as usual, but nothing I couldn't handle."
Theodore nods, his expression filled with understanding. "I'm glad to hear that. You always handle everything with such grace."
You chuckle softly, feeling a pang of bittersweet emotion tugging at your heart. "Well, you know me, always trying to keep it together."
There's a moment of silence between you, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. Theodore feels a sense of longing, as though he is yearning for something he can't quite grasp.
"You know," he begins, his voice barely above a whisper, "We should go out to town tomorrow. I found a nice cafe you’d love.” Theodore mumbles, sleep overtaking him as he fights to keep his eyes open.
You remain silent, running a hand through Theodore's hair as his head rests on your chest.
“We’ll see.” You whisper, reaching over to switch off the bedside lamp.
Theodore frowns, slightly confused. He speaks through his half-asleep state.
“Do you have work tomorrow? It’s a Sunday, you never work on Sundays,” He mutters.
You pause, your heart skipping a beat at his words. A pang of sadness washes over you, but you push it aside.
“We’ll see tomorrow.” You say softly, pressing a kiss to Theodore’s forehead.
Theodore hums, curling into you closer as he wraps an arm around your waist.
“You make it sound like you’re going to disappear.” He mumbles into your neck. A small smile tugs at your lips as you wrap your arm around him and let your eyes flicker closed.
“I love you, Theodore.” You whisper, before you both succumb to sleep.
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Dawn breaks, the gentle glow of the morning sunlight casting a serene glow on the bedroom. As Theodore wakes up in the morning he reaches out, sleepily fumbling around for you. His hand reaches out but finds only empty space, the other side of the bed cold. Groggy and disoriented, he blinks away the remnants of sleep, trying to shake off the fog that clouds his mind.
With a heavy sigh, he sits up in bed, rubbing his eyes as he takes in the quietness of the room. It's too quiet, he realizes as if the very absence of sound weighs down on him.
Pushing himself out of bed, Theodore pads across the room, his footsteps echoing softly against the floor. He wanders through the empty house, the silence feeling oppressive now.
“[Name]?” He mumbles out, looking around.
No response.
He frowns. Today was a Sunday. You never worked on Sundays. Surely, if you were working, you would have told him.
His phone pings and he’s momentarily distracted, looking down at his home screen.
Blaise: We’re always here for you. It might not get easier but we’re all here to help. Sending you love.
Theodore frowns, utterly confused. It was such a morbid message from Blaise out of the blue.
He doesn’t have much time to unpack the meaning, however.
Entering the kitchen, Theodore's gaze falls upon the untouched bowl of soup on the counter. Confusion furrows his brow as he approaches it, a sense of unease settling in the pit of his stomach.
"[Name]?" he calls out, his voice echoing in the empty room. There's no response, just the silence that seems to press in on him from all sides.
Becoming more awake now, Theodore's movements become more frantic as he searches the house, calling out your name with increasing urgency. But there's no sign of you, no trace of your presence anywhere.
Panic begins to rise within him, checking each room as your name falls from his lips in desperation.
Stumbling back into the living room, he walks to the corridor but pauses when a glimpse of a white card catches his eye, poking out from the box laying atop the coffee table. He feels inexplicably drawn to it, a nagging feeling telling him to pause his searches for you.
Frowning, he tugs it out of the box, and his eyes roam over the small, A5 sheet of card.
In Loving Memory of [Name] [Last Name]
14/04/1981 - 3/05/1998
Theodore's heart lurches in his chest as he reads the words on the card, a cold shiver running down his spine.
He reads the dates again, his mind struggling to grasp everything.
Theodore sinks onto the nearest chair, his hands trembling as he clutches the card tightly. Tears blur his vision as he struggles to come to terms with the truth, the weight of his grief crashing down on him with a crushing force.
It all makes sense now. The inexplicable moments of confusion, the nagging feeling that something wasn't quite right. He had been living in a dream, clinging to a reality that no longer existed.
Grief may have been cruel, but love was crueller. Grief made him acknowledge that you were gone, that you had been gone for four years, but love made him think you’d walk through the door any moment with a tired smile tugging at your lips. Love made him think he could cook for you and sit down with you at the end of the long day. Grief made him accept you would never be here again but love? Love made him look for you.
Tears blur his vision as he struggles to come to terms with the reality of your absence, a hollow ache settling in the pit of his stomach. How could he have been so blind, so foolish to believe that you were still here with him?
He feels suffocated by the emptiness of the house, the silence echoing like a constant reminder of what he has lost.
His movements uncoordinated and shaky, he stumbles as he walks over to the kitchen. He haphazardly throws open cabinets as he reaches for the bottle of whiskey, his fingers fumbling as he struggles to twist off the cap. Taking a massive swig straight from the bottle, he welcomes the burning sensation that courses down his throat, momentarily dulling the pain that constricts his airways.
Theodore stumbles back to the bedroom, the bottle of whiskey clutched tightly in his hand. As he navigates through the maze of boxes, he knocks one over, its contents spilling out onto the floor. He curses as he knocks it over, and in a cruel twist of fate, a red scarf is sent tumbling out of the box.
His breath catches in his throat as he picks up the scarf, his fingers brushing against the soft fabric. Somehow, it still carries the faint scent of your perfume, a haunting reminder of your presence that lingers in the air.
“Fuck!” Theodore shouts, smashing the bottle of whiskey against the kitchen counter as he holds onto the scarf.
Curses and shouts of anguish tear from his throat, echoing off the walls of the empty house like a sick symphony . He smashes the contents of the box with reckless abandon, the sound of breaking glass filling the air.
But as suddenly as his outburst began, it comes to an abrupt halt; Theodore's chest heaves with exertion. Panting heavily, he stares blankly at the wreckage around him, the full weight of his actions sinking in.
For a moment, there's only silence, broken only by the sound of his ragged breaths.
He wanted none of this. None of these stupid things, or this stupid house. Everywhere he looked, he was reminded of you. Perhaps it was because everything he did, was for you. Whether you were in this life or the next.
He kicks the scattered mess around him, walking off to the bedroom.
Tears well up in Theodore's eyes as he collapses onto the bed, clutching the scarf to his chest with a desperate grip. His body racks with sobs as he holds onto the memory of you tightly, and he can only pray that he’ll wake up and you’ll be there.
Grief may have been cruel, but love was crueller. And with the way Theodore loved loves you, he was only ever bound to such a miserable demise.
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@mildlyuninformative @chgrch @gillyweeds @anti-hero03 @schaebickel @lillywildly @batmandabest @always-reading @multifandom-worlds
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fourmoony · 5 months
Just thinking about Sirius trusting reader enough to do his hair :,) or maybe she experiments with putting his hair in curlers/curling it. I could even imagine Sirius owning a Dyson airwrap to have the best blowouts 😭💀
Sirius would 100000% own the dyson air wrap!!! Thanks for requesting, babe!
cw: none
750 words, modern au
You're not sure where Sirius learned his money managing skills from (or if he even has any), but the pleased smile and child-like excitement over his brand new hair dryer is something you refuse to admonish. Though, you're sure even if you tried, you'd fail.
Your boyfriend bounces happily on the balls of his feet, hair sopping wet and plastered to his face. Water droplets seep into his grey shirt but Sirius doesn't seem to care. Not when he's too busy making bedroom eyes at the unopened box on the bathroom counter. He'd been so happy when John Lewis finally had the Dyson Air Wrap back in stock, had dragged you out of bed this morning to drop an easy five hundred quid on it. Your head had spun with the realisation of just how rich your boyfriend actually is.
He's not flashy with his money. Irresponsible, yes. But being there to witness a classic Sirius-Black-Irresponsible-Purchase had really solidified the knowledge that your boyfriend is filthy rich.
"Okay, I'll grab a stool and you set it up." He says, turning to make for the stool that sits under your dressing table.
"Wait, you want me to do it?" You yell after him.
Sirius makes noise everywhere he goes. He's loud and abrasive, jagged around the edges. He loves so loud that it only makes sense his entire personality is the same. There's thumps and grumbles as he bumps into things all the way along the hall, the tell tale sounds of the stool scraping along your freshly painted hallway. "Well who else would do it?" Sirius rounds the corner, flashes his teeth in a wide grin that he knows will make you fold.
"What makes you think I'm qualified?"
Sirius shrugs, "The fact that I'm one hundred percent not. You're good at everything, sweetness."
He knows flattery works like a charm, especially when he pairs it with his best flirty eyes. You sigh, reaching for the box and unravelling all of the corresponding pieces. It's high tech, incredibly high tech. Sirius fidgets on the stool as you watch a video on your phone, lips curled between your teeth in concentration.
It takes a while to get the hang of, and you're sure you'll get better in time. Sirius softens and relaxes as much as he ever allows himself to as your fingers work through his hair, as you brush and comb and dry it. He hums and sighs and even closes his eyes. It's peaceful and intimate and it allows you to come to a startling realisation that Sirius has never asked you to do his hair for him before.
He's not prissy about his hair. He'll let anyone touch it. He actually begs for people to play with his hair. But he's never outright asked you to fix it up for him, prefers to get it sitting perfect by himself because he believes it to be his best asset. You'd have to disagree with him on that. His eyes never fail to amaze you, nor his smile.
"All done." Your voice seems to pull him out of a daydream.
His eyes open and he smiles wide, turning in the stool in an instant until he can take your hands in his. "Bad news, sweetheart, you're going to have to do this every day." He informs you, standing until his hands can reach your hips.
He pulls you into him, a little roughly, but catches you with his own body, lips ducking down to press to your forehead. You resist the urge to tell him you'd be happy to do his hair every day, if only to feel the intimacy and pride of being the one person he trusts to style his hair.
"Such a travesty." You feign indifference, lips pressed to his collar bone where it peeks out of his shirt.
Sirius shivers at the contact. "Easy, sweetness. I know my hair is super hot and stuff, but we have dinner reservations with James and Remus. They'll get pissy if we cancel to have sex."
"Again." He adds after a second.
You scoff, pushing your boyfriend away whilst he barks with laughter. Heat creeps up your neck as you exit the bathroom, ignoring Sirius' shouts down the hallway that he could make an exception for a quickie.
"Thanks, baby!" He calls a moment later.
You can't fight the smile that toys at your lips as you pick out an outfit for dinner.
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roosterforme · 11 months
The Younger Kind Part 36 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley is finally happy, and he knows it's because of you. The way you want to try new things with him in bed makes him feel wild. And the way you love his son makes him feel calm. But when you read a piece of mail before he's ready for you to see it, your reaction has him feeling something new.
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, smut, anal sex, butt plug, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4800 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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Bradley anxiously awaited for his appointment with Tracy to begin. He wasn't sure if it was a good sign or a bad sign that she asked him to stop by on his way home from work, but he was here now. And he had his checkbook with him. 
"I owe you some money," he said when she finally called him back.
"Sure, but we have other things to talk about," she said, ushering him over to her conference table while she opened up a Red Bull.
His stomach lurched. "It is about Meredith? Is it bad?" He was finally starting to be able to enjoy every day he spent with you and Noah. He didn't have to worry about things constantly, because you were happy to help him with his son and his house. When he got home with Noah the other day, you were changing that lightbulb on the front porch that he'd been meaning to get to. And you kept trying to help him pay his mortgage. 
"Yes, it's about Meredith. Just have a seat."
Bradley sat and looked at her expectantly. "Has she been released or something? Do I need to call my girl?"
"No, no," she said, waving him off as she took a sip. "She's been sentenced."
Now Bradley's heart was really pounding. Tracy had told him that Meredith would most likely get five to fifteen years for the fraud charges. Five would be devastating, simply because Noah would still be a minor when she was released. Fifteen would be ideal. Noah would be over eighteen and a legal adult. A fight for custody or money would be a moot point. And well, if Bradley had another child with you, that would have nothing legally to do with his ex at all. 
"Please tell me this is good, Tracy. I just want to solidify my life right now exactly as it is. No more messing around with protective orders and broken windows. My kid is happy, and I am happy."
She smiled and said, "You're about to get even happier. Fifteen years." 
Bradley was out of his seat with his fist in the air immediately. "Hell yes! Any chance at parole?" he asked. 
"There's always a chance. We'll keep an eye on things." 
She and he talked for a bit after that, and he felt his body ease back comfortably in the seat. Bradley wrote out a check and left it with Tracy, and then she handed him a folder full of information on adopting a stepchild in California. And a second folder with a preliminary copy of his updated will.
When he got home with his checkbook in his hand, he found you and Noah in the kitchen, and both of you were wearing more peanut butter than the carrots on the cutting board in front of you were. But you were laughing, and so was he, and the house smelled like dinner was cooking.
"I'm home," Bradley said from the kitchen doorway, and you spun in surprise. 
"Hi, Daddy," you said as you rushed for him with your messy hands held out at your sides. "You're already done with Tracy?"
"Mmhmm," Bradley hummed, leaning down to kiss you as Noah brought him ants on a log. "Fifteen years," he murmured, and you leaned in for another kiss with a soft, pleased laugh. 
"We can talk more later," he said, keeping one arm around your waist as he lifted Noah up and opened his mouth for the messy carrot stick. He kissed Noah while he chewed and then said, "Thanks, Bub. Did you have a good day?"
"Yeah. We did a puppet show," he said before squirming out of Bradley's arm to go make a bigger mess. And that left Bradley holding you and his checkbook. 
"Casey asked me to say hi to you when I picked Noah up," you whispered with a little grin on your face as you reached for the checkbook. "I told her I would if my mouth wasn't otherwise engaged this evening."
Bradley snorted. "You didn't."
"I did," you confirmed, waving his checkbook in the air between two fingers before tossing it onto the counter. "Who are you writing checks to, old man? I already told you, everyone uses payment apps."
"Tracy," he said. "I'm pretty sure she's older than me."
"Nobody is older than you, Daddy," you whispered, and Bradley took your wrists and guided both of your hands to his mouth. He watched your lips part silently as he licked the healed scar on your palm before sucking your thumb into his mouth. You squeaked as he cleaned the peanut butter from each of your fingers individually as you stepped a little closer to him. 
"Who you calling old?" he asked before kissing your palm and squeezing your hip. He made a show of switching to the other hand as you rubbed your core against the front of his pants. Your eyes rolled back as you moaned for him. "Shh," he scolded. "Behave." 
But you were only wearing thin scrub pants, and Bradley didn't actually want you to behave. One glance at Noah proved that he was absorbed with emptying a large canister of raisins onto the counter, so Bradley finished with your hand and then palmed both of your butt cheeks at the same time. He squeezed, really enjoying the feel of you as he whispered, "Are you wearing it?"
"No," you gasped. "I just got home from work!"
Bradley shrugged. "You've been wearing it around the past few days. Here and there."
You glanced at Noah over your shoulder before you whispered, "It makes me horny. I can't wear it to work! I'll get fired!"
Bradley chuckled and then he tightened his grip on your ass and said, "Go put it in."
Your teeth immediately sank into your lip. "Now?"
"Yeah," he replied softly. "Like my good girl."
You scampered off to the bedroom, saying, "Take the casserole out of the oven," as you went.
You knew to take your time with your silicone plug now. Use lots of lube and relax. As soon as you finished inserting it, you were practically moaning for Bradley to put his cock in your pussy. You were kind of addicted to the way it felt when he and the toy were both inside you at the same time. With a few deep breaths, you eased your underwear and your scrub pants back up your legs and made your way back to the kitchen. 
Bradley and Noah were sitting at the table with the casserole dish, and when you met your boyfriend's eyes, he was grinning. "Well?" he asked, reaching for your hand. 
"You know it, Daddy," you replied, and even though you weren't trying to, your voice took on a needy edge. 
He grunted softly, his eyes half lidded now as he patted the chair next to him. Noah was already eating his dinner, and thankfully he didn't seem to notice the way Bradley was looking at you like you were for dessert. You eased yourself onto the seat and whimpered softly as Bradley leaned in and pressed the softest, sweetest kiss to your lips. 
"I love you, Baby," he murmured before brushing your cheek with his nose. "I can't wait to take you to the lake house next weekend. We'll pack your little toy."
He started kissing along your neck, and you didn't think you'd make it through dinner at this rate. Your nipples were hard, and he was barely even touching you. Desperate for a distraction, you tried to reach for the casserole without rolling your hips too much.
"Daddy?" Noah asked. "Can we get a dog?"
"A dog?" Bradley asked, his attention shifting slightly from you to his son. "I already got you a Mommy, isn't that enough?" You snorted with laughter, but Noah was undeterred. 
"I want a dog."
"Noah, if we get a dog, somehow it will end up being my responsibility. Maybe when you're older," Bradley said. But he was pouting, and he looked like he was going to cry. 
"Daddy," you whined softly with a little grin. "I always wanted a dog, too." 
Now Bradley was looking back and forth between you and Noah, before settling on you. "Are you really going to do this to me right now? You could probably get away with murder at the moment, Princess."
"Isn't that always the case?" you asked sweetly as you shifted a bit in your seat and served yourself some dinner. 
Bradley groaned and held his forehead in his hand. "Can we talk about this later?" he begged, glancing at you between his fingers. But you were busy smiling at his son. 
"We'll work on it, okay sweet Noah?" you whispered. 
"Okay," Noah agreed softly before he started eating again.
But teasing Bradley about the dog definitely backfired on you later on the couch. Noah wanted to watch a Disney movie, so Bradley sat in the middle of the couch with your head resting on one thigh and Noah's on the other. The Princess and the Frog was playing, because Bradley insisted you deserved a princess movie. And everything was perfect. His hand was heavy on your side, stroking you through your clothing in the most delicious way.
When the movie was nearly finished, Bradley murmured, "Noah's asleep," as his hand skimmed along your hip. Then inch by inch, his fingers worked their way along your butt until he was cupping you with one big hand. Then you felt him prod you through your clothing, running one long finger across the base of your toy. 
"Fuck," he grunted as he very gently pressed it further into you. Full. You were so full. After days of wearing it for an hour here and there, you thought maybe you were ready for more. 
You looked up at Bradley over your shoulder and wiggled against his hand. The way he slowly shook his head and licked his lips made you feel like you were in control of this. But you supposed you always were. Then he eased his hand up to your lower back and teased at the waistband of your pants and underwear before dipping it inside. 
Rough skin on yours had your eyes fluttering closed. "Look at me, Baby," he whispered, and you clenched for him. "Look at me while I touch you."
You did as you were told, but he subtly let you know you were still in charge. His brown eyes were sincere and open as he cupped your rear end, moving the plug incrementally. Pushing, pulling, tugging and teasing. When you whimpered, he pushed his fingers forward to your pussy. 
"Daddy," you gasped as he pushed his rough fingers through your folds.
He spanked your pussy lightly until you were afraid you'd start getting loud. "Go get yourself in bed," he instructed. Then he withdrew his fingers and licked them clean. When you rolled onto your belly, your cheek and hand rubbed against his cock in his pants. "I'll come take care of you in a minute."
"Yes, Daddy." You kissed Noah's cheek and then leaned down to taste yourself on Bradley's lips. Then you ran into the bedroom and tossed all of your clothing into the hamper, replacing all of it with a new matching bra and thong you paid for with his credit card. "Damn it," you whined. The toy was making you squirm for release, and you were half tempted to touch yourself. You were nervous, but only slightly, because you knew Bradley would do whatever you told him to. So you grabbed the lube from your drawer and settled onto your beautiful, new bed. 
Shit. You were already touching yourself when Bradley walked into the bedroom. Black lingerie, your purple plug peeking out, and you on your back with your fingers in your pussy. "Jesus Christ," he groaned, ripping his shirt off and tossing it on the floor. You looked so young and innocent, even with your ass full of that toy. Bradley couldn't believe the words he was about to speak out loud. "Will you let me fuck you in the ass?"
Wide eyed and writhing around on your back on the bed, you nodded at him. "Yes." He was determined to do this just right. He never wanted to hurt you. He always wanted you to feel good when you were with him. Carefully he removed his jeans and joined you on the bed with his cock hard in his briefs. 
"You've been teasing me with that toy all night," he whispered, pressing a feather light kiss to your lips and pulling away so you'd chase him for more. "Time to see if you can handle something a little bigger."
You whined for him as he kissed down your body. "You're a lot bigger," you gasped when he nibbled on you through your bra. "You'll go slow?"
Bradley hummed against your skin, stretching up to kiss your neck. "I'll do whatever you want. Anything you want. And if you tell me to stop, I'll stop."
"Okay," you whispered. "Just go slow."
He could hear the slight edge of apprehension in your voice, so he took your face in his hand and kissed your cheek. He wanted to be sure this was a good type of nervous, not a bad one. "You are under no obligation to do this, Princess. You already give me more than enough." 
"I know," you replied, meeting his lips with yours.
But he pulled back and forced you to look him in the eye. "Tell me one more time that this is what you want. And tell me that you trust me."
You nibbled on your lip before you said, "I always trust you. And I want to try this. Now make me feel good."
Bradley was grinning as he slipped his hand down your belly and tucked it inside your black underwear. The swirl of his fingers on your clit had you gasping, and soon he pulled your underwear off. You were already wet when he put his mouth on you, and then Bradley thought about edging you to make you squirt for him. But your fingers were rough in his hair, and he knew he would be too far gone to be as gentle as possible if he did that. So he took his time, burying his nose and mouth in your sweet pussy, and licking you everywhere until you came for him. Then he licked all around that plug and admired the tight pucker of your hole wrapped around it.
"Fuck," he gasped, placing a kiss to your inner thigh. He was going to find out just how tight you were. As you rode the little jolts of pleasure still going through your body, Bradley carefully wrapped his arms around your back and got you onto all fours. "Try it like this?" he asked, caging your body in beneath his.
Your words were a little incoherent as you bucked back against him, and he could feel the base of your toy against his cock through his underwear. Oh hell, he needed to pull himself together. He needed something familiar to calm himself down. Bradley unclasped your bra and pressed his chest to your back, watching the strap slide down your arm. Your hips were rocking back, and he moved in unison with you, planting his left hand on the bed and rubbing your tits with his right. 
He kissed along your spine and moaned, "You'll put me in an early grave, I swear it." Your soft giggle had him dragging his lips along your shoulder until he was kissing your neck. "I love you, Baby."
"I love you too, Daddy," you whispered, and it was the sweetest thing. So Bradley stood on his knees behind you, admiring the way you and that toy looked as he spread your legs wide. When he slid his underwear down, his cock bounced up to tap you, nudging the plug and making you groan. He didn't know how this was going to work as he pumped his hand along his girth before slipping himself into your pussy. And that was the familiar thing he needed, clearing his mind as you whined, "I feel so full. My toy and my Daddy."
Bradley smirked and rubbed himself against the base as held your hips. "Just wait," he warned playfully. The pretty curve of your back had him running his hand up and everywhere along your silky skin. Your hair smelled like wildflowers when he kissed your back. And then you were begging him to do it. 
He reached for the lube and drizzled it all over you before coating his cock liberally. Then he fucked your pussy with steady strokes as he carefully eased the toy out of you as you gasped. Your perfect hole gripped along the plug, and Bradley had to count to ten to calm himself down. "Baby," he groaned, tossing the toy aside. "You ready?"
His cock was shiny and slick, resting on his palm, and then he was pressing himself to your asshole, convinced you were going to tell him to stop. You were so tight, he had to bite down on his lip as he pushed. And then you were whining, "More. More," as you squeezed the tip of him so much, he was afraid he'd black out. 
"Princess," he growled, head tipped back as he pushed slowly. So slowly. He was dizzy from it, the slow pace driving him to the edge. "So tight. Holy hell." And then you turned to look at him over your shoulder. Your eyes were glazed over with need, and your lips were parted softly. 
"Feels good," you gasped, and he reached out to run his thumb along your lip. You kissed him. You were perfect. He pushed himself a little deeper, and you kissed his thumb again. He looked down to see himself buried inside you as you licked his thumb. 
"God damn it," he cursed, and you squeezed him a little tighter. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He dipped his thumb into your mouth and whispered, "I can't last like this. Too fucking good. So tight." He was shaking his head, but you were nodding and swirling your tongue along his thumb. He withdrew an inch and thrust, and you started keening. 
If Bradley managed even ten strokes inside your ass, it was a miracle. He went slowly, but it was too much. And you were loud, spurring him on with his thumb tucked between your lips and pressed to your tongue.
Every time you tightened around him, he knew he was going to cum. He was just biding his time for a few more seconds, and then it was too much. He tried to keep his movements steady and fluid as he came inside you, but they were a little jerky. He was grunting your name over and over, trying to get himself under control. "Are you okay?" he asked, voice rough as he slipped his thumb out of your mouth. 
"Mmm, yes," you moaned. "It only hurt a little, and then it felt good."
Bradley brought both hands to your hips and stroked you as he started to gently withdraw from your body. And then his jaw went slack as you were puckered around his tip. It was going to look so pretty, he just knew it. 
"Baby," he whined when he pulled himself free. His white cum was at your opening, and he watched that first droplet as it slid down to your pussy and dripped onto the bed. You were oozing with his finish, and he was transfixed. 
You said his name and made to roll over, but Bradley kept you still with his big hands on your thighs. "Shh," he coaxed as another long drop fell to the bed. And then he licked you clean as you mewled and whimpered. He lapped up every bit of his cum as it leaked out of you, and he cleaned up your pussy as well. 
"Bradley," you whispered as he gently rolled you to your back. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he settled on top of you, careful to keep his full body weight from hurting you. The fucked out, exhausted expression on your face made him smile.
"You did so good, Baby."
"I know," you agreed. "I liked it."
His lips were ghosting over yours as he asked, "Do you need anything? Want me to get a shower ready for us?"
"In a couple minutes," you replied easily. And then Bradley rolled you both to your sides and snuggled you against him with one big hand on your ass.
You were just trying to get through your day at work on Thursday. You just needed to make it to Friday morning when the three of you would be driving up to the lake house to meet Mav, Penny and Amelia. But two of your coworkers were out sick, and you had to pick up all the slack. You even had to text Bradley and let him know you wouldn't be able to pick Noah up or start dinner. 
Bradley Daddy Bradshaw: Take your time. I'll make sandwiches for dinner. See you at home.
Once you had all of the exam rooms cleaned and disinfected, Dr. Kelly found you and said, "Go home. Enjoy your long weekend with your family. That little Noah is the cutest thing."
You laughed and nodded. "Oh, he knows he's adorable. It's getting to be a problem. See you next week." 
Then you made your way to your car and thought about how you and Noah were most definitely going to wear Bradley down, and soon enough you'd have a dog at home. You'd even been working on a shortlist of names for when that fateful day arrived. You picked up a few pet themed coloring books on your lunch break, and when you pulled into the driveway, you took the bag from the front seat. 
The mail truck was just pulling up to your house; he must have been having a late day, too. You walked to the curb to meet him, and he handed everything to you with a wave. As you walked up to the porch, you picked your envelopes out of the stack and left Bradley's separate. Great, your student loan statement was here. You couldn't wait to see how your last payment barely put a dent in things. 
"Hi," you called out as you walked through the living room. "Sorry, I'm so late." But when you looked into the kitchen, Bradley was still in his uniform, calmly making a turkey and cheese sandwich and cutting it into little triangles while Noah colored. 
"Nothing to be sorry about," Bradley rasped, and you kissed his shoulder through his shirt. "I'll make your sandwich next." But you'd already moved on to Noah, smothering him in kisses while he laughed. 
"Check out this dog themed coloring book," you said loudly, earning a glare from Bradley as you set it down in front of Noah. "Isn't this little brown puppy on the cover just adorable?"
"I want a dog," Noah whined as he opened the cover and got to work. You were betting you'd have a dog by next month. 
"Relentless," Bradley groaned, and you wrapped your arms around him from behind. "Did you have a good day?" he asked. "Ready for the lake?"
"Yes. And definitely." He tried to hand you a sandwich on a plate, but you said, "Let me go through my mail first before I forget. I want to make sure I log in and make my student loan payment tonight before we leave in the morning." You took the sandwich from him and noticed that he looked a little timid now. "What's wrong?"
"Well. Nothing's wrong," he said quietly as you bit into the sandwich and then set it down again to open up your envelope. But he had you distracted, and you realized too late that you had opened a piece of his mail from Tracy by mistake. You skimmed along the page and you gasped as tears welled up in your eyes. 
I, Bradley Bradshaw, a legal adult of sound mind and competency, do hereby declare this to be my last will and testament (hereinafter, “Last Will & Testament”) and do hereby revoke any and all wills and codicils heretofore made jointly or severally by me.
In the event I shall die as the sole parent of minor child(ren), then I appoint as guardian over minor child(ren)
You stopped when you read your name and dropped the papers to the floor as you burst into tears. "Bradley," you gasped, and he looked up from where he was putting mayonnaise on a slice of bread. You bent to pick up the papers, but you were so emotional, you could barely see, so you just sat on the floor next to them and looked up at him. 
"What's wrong?" he asked, kneeling down and cupping your face in his hands. "Princess, tell me what's wrong."
You swiped at your tears with your hands and whispered, "You trust me that much?"
"What are you talking about, Baby?" he asked, and then he reached for one of the papers on the floor. "Your student loans?"
He was about to realize what you had read, so you quickly said, "I didn't mean to open it, I tore into the wrong envelope. I thought it was my student-"
Bradley silenced your sentence with a kiss as you sobbed. When he released your lips, you could still feel his nose on your cheek as you tried to get your breathing under control. "Yes. I trust you that much. If something happens to me, I know you'll take care of Noah."
You threw your arms around his neck and pushed him back onto his butt and climbed into his lap. "I would. I really would."
He held you close and softly said, "I was planning on telling you this weekend. The paperwork isn't finalized yet, but I can call Tracy's office and have it completed at any time."
You kissed him and said, "Call first thing tomorrow morning."
"Okay. I'll call first thing tomorrow morning." He was smiling as you let your forehead rest against his. 
"Why are you on the floor?" Noah asked, leaning over the table to look at you both. 
Bradley scooped you up as he stood and set you down on your feet, but you kept your arms around him. "Mommy was just being silly, Bub. How about you put the crayons down and eat your sandwich." Then he kissed your hair and said, "You better eat your sandwich, too."
You took your plate and the mail to the table and sat down across from Noah. You watched him sip his milk through a straw cup and then eat all of the cheese out of the sandwich first. He was perfect. And you'd never have to be without him. Bradley trusted you with his child more than anyone else. And you knew he wanted to have another one.
As he sat down next to you with his own sandwich and a beer, you opened your student loan envelope and started to read. But you could feel his eyes on you as he sipped his Heineken. 
"You okay, Daddy?" you asked softly, wiping at at stray tear.
"Just read your mail," he replied. When you looked back down at the paper in your hands, you saw that instead of nearly ten thousand dollars, your balance due for nursing school was zero.
"What did you do?" you gasped, looking him in the eye. 
He just shrugged and bit into his own sandwich, smiling as he chewed. "Paid off your loans. Your interest rate was so high, you'd still be paying on them by the time you're my age. Which is dumb when I have the money to take care of it now."
"Bradley!" Your eyes were welling with tears again as you said, "You didn't have to do that!"
His voice was stern as you crawled into his lap again. "I trust you with Noah, one hundred percent. The money doesn't matter as much as that."
You let your head rest on his shoulder as you straddled his thigh, and his big hand was rubbing your back. "You still didn't have to," you whispered. "But thank you. And now I can help you with your mortgage and bills instead."
"You just save your money, and we'll figure it out later."
But you already knew you'd talk him into letting you pay for something. And the rest could go into a savings account for school for Noah. And anything leftover could be used to plan for the exciting future you were going to experience with the two of them. 
Daddy keeps on winning now. And Princess doesn't have to worry about the things that shouldn't matter. Next up, the lake house. Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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brokenmenswhore · 2 months
betrothals & brothels | aegon, aemond, & jace
part 4
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pairings: aegon targaryen x stark fem!reader, aemond targaryen x stark fem!reader, jacaerys velaryon x stark fem!reader
series summary: aemond targaryen tells the realm that you, the lady of house stark, are to wed him and secure a partnership in the north. in protest, you agree to marry jacaerys velaryon, affirming the north’s allegiance to rhaenyra. when the news hits king’s landing, aegon decides it’s better to have you under his watchful eye until the political partnership is solidified, but doesn’t realize you have a life away from your duty as a stark
chapter warnings: smut!! (MDNI 18+), slapping (non-sexual, brief)
a/n: alright y’all, i think i’m gonna make this thing 6 parts? i’m really shit at writing ongoing fics because i never know how to wrap ‘em up but i storyboarded it i’m thinking we’re halfway through riiiight NOW
series masterlist
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“Seven hells, are you alright?” the Madam asked, “you look like hell.”
You scanned the room, only calming down when you were sure there were no recognizable faces, specifically Targaryens, in the vicinity.
“I was just locked in a dungeon cell, thank you for asking,” you responded, making it clear that your annoyance was at your predicament, not at her.
“A dungeon?”
“His Grace does not favor my sharp tongue.”
The Madam’s eyes widened. “My Lady, do you mean to tell me you are in trouble with His Grace King Aegon?”
You mentally cursed. You wholly forgot that this woman had no idea of your reasoning for being in King’s Landing, having left any unnecessary piece of information out of your employment deal.
She saw your frustration, and decided not to pester the question further. “I suppose you would fancy something to calm the senses?”
You gave her a soft smile, accepting the cup the moment it was handed over to you. Taking one giant gulp of liquid courage, you said, “I need you to allow me to reside here for a while. I fear this may be the only place I’m safe.”
“I do feel obliged to tell you that I cannot guarantee His Grace never come here again. His brother, Prince Aemond, is a frequent visitor of this establishment. This may very well not be the safest place for you.”
You knew Aemond came here. You had followed him in here upon your first visitation. You also knew it couldn’t be too difficult to avoid him if you tried.
“Just a few nights, then,” you bargained, “until I find something more permanent.”
“Is the situation truly so urgent?” the Madam questioned in concern.
“May we speak in private?” you asked.
The Madam pulled you to a private room and closed the door. You explained the entirety of your situation, sure to leave in each and every gruesome detail that further proved how urgent this truly was. She listened in awe, unaware of all that had been happening in the Red Keep. She knew that Aemond, a frequent visitor of hers, had announced a betrothal, but Aemond had told her it was purely political, and to not ask any further questions on the matter. Therefore, the Madam never thought to ask who the proposal of marriage was intended for. The Stark name never raised any flags for the Madam, and she never thought anything of it.
The Madam agreed to let you rest in one of the typically unoccupied rooms toward the back of the brothel, in exchange for openness of your clientele. It still remained somewhat selective, the Madam not allowing anyone from the North near you, and of course, no Targaryen men.
You discarded the Targaryen gown the moment you were alone, happier with what was underneath. It was still quite a lot, covering most of your body, but its appearance did not strike one as wealthy.
Any affection Aemond was beginning to hold for you was swiftly removed from his heart the moment he saw your cell unoccupied and the door swung open. He enjoyed a challenge, but even you were beginning to be too much for him. He was beginning to fancy you, and he was jealous of how you treated Jacaerys compared to how you treated him. He knew that, regardless of his emotions, you were the only person who made him feel like he met his match.
However, he was growing tired of the games. If you truly detested him so much, what was the point of all his efforts? He suspected why you asked him for access to the brothels; he had heard the rumors about you at night in the North. Was he truly ready to set his pride aside and marry a whore, even with a title?
He decided that while you may be his betrothed, you were no longer his responsibility. If you fought against this match, there was no point in him fighting for it. He was not even sure he truly wanted it anymore. The family certainly outgrew the need for it; the moment Aemond accepted that you truly had found a way out of your cell, he knew another northern alliance may be necessary. Houses Bolton, Mormont, and Glover had bent the knee to Aegon after a mere show of force from Aemond atop Vhagar. While none were quite as large or as powerful as House Stark, they would do well as northern allies.
Aemond chose to remain calm and collected and do his best to forget you and your attitude ever existed. Aegon, however, coped in other ways.
Aegon liked your quick wit. Though all you did was bicker, Aegon couldn’t help but remember his moment of vulnerability with you. You could have walked away, but you comforted him, despite being so adamant about hating him. He was mean to you because you were mean to him and it hurt his feelings, not because he truly did loathe you, despite what he had told you the very last time you two had spoken.
You were defensive, confident, outspoken- all the things Aegon truly wished in the depths of his heart that he could be, but knew deep down he wasn’t. Aegon desperately wanted to appear as confident and cocky, the smartest in the room, but most could see through the facade, including you. He hated how vulnerable you could make him feel. He loved how it felt when you saw that vulnerability, and chose kindness instead of cruelty. You were everything he wanted to be. You were everything he wanted.
Aegon was fueled by rage immediately after learning of your escape. He sent the King’s Guard through the streets of King’s Landing in search of you. He slammed his fists on tables and bellowed toward his brother, demanding to know where Aemond had taken you when he let you free, but Aemond would not confess, lest he leak his own private details.
The men of the King’s Guard were only employed as such due to their friendship with Aegon, and many had not actually seen you, and admittedly were not sure what you looked like.
Aegon, furious and drunk, had also made the mistake of describing you in the clothes they had provided at the time of your imprisonment, the thought that you may have taken the gown off never crossing his mind.
The men of the Guard had asked around a few brothels, but most became distracted and threw away their task in favor of a pretty girl. You were not nervous when you heard the clanging of armor, for you knew that most of these men couldn’t identity you with a name tag.
The King’s Guard was forced, after two days of searching the streets, to report to Aegon that they had no sign of you whatsoever. Aegon considered that you may have taken passage on a ship to Essos, perhaps somewhere further, but doubted that you would so easily forget Winterfell. He thought of flying there, but knew you had no way to get back home. He also thought you had no way of escaping the dungeons, and he had a consistent habit of underestimating you.
It had been nearly a full moon since Aegon and Aemond last saw you. Aemond refused to revoke your betrothal due to his own pride, at least until he could find a suitable alternative.
Aegon thought of you often, but tried to keep the thoughts at bay. He fought to not let it impact how he ruled, but his friends in the King’s Guard most certainly noticed the change in his demeanor.
They convinced him that he needed a proper night out, him and his best mates drowning in cups and whores, leaving their daily lives behind and choosing pleasure over pain for a night. Aegon agreed, knowing he truly needed to blow off steam.
His friends directed him through three brothels before landing on one, one of the men nearly deafening the room from the sound of his armor as he raised his arms and yelled for libations.
A woman brought a round for the men, taking a bow when she noticed The King. Aegon downed the drink with one swallow, slamming the cup down on the table as he said, “alright, let’s find someone.”
The men cheered, throwing their arms around Aegon’s shoulders as they directed him from room to room.
Aegon himself pushed back a curtain and stopped short, the shock of the sight rendering him unable to move.
You were standing tall, nearly naked, a man with curly brown hair knelt on the floor in front of you, his head between your legs and your hands in his hair.
You were used to people interrupting for a moment, in desperate search of an unoccupied room, so you didn’t even turn toward the sound. The man between your legs, however, pulled back and, upon seeing Aegon, knelt fully over on the floor, his hands out in front of him in a deep yoga-like bow.
You watched him in confusion before turning your head to see who he was pointed toward.
You were panting, skin slightly glistening from sweat, a tiny hint of shock that Aegon had never seen before in your eye.
Neither of you moved. Neither of you spoke. You just stood and stared at one another as the rest of the men in the vicinity noticed the tension and hastily cleared out.
Once you two were alone, you insisted on speaking first. “Your Grace,” you mimicked a curtsy, sarcasm coating your words.
Aegon took a deep breath, trying his hardest to collect himself. He was feeling a mixture of emotions: shock at the sight of you still in King’s Landing after nearly a full moon’s cycle, anger at you for escaping and running away, confusion at what you were doing fucking in a pleasure house, and most prominently, he was turned on at the sight of you.
“You’re still in King’s Landing,” was the best he could come up with.
“I’ve been trying to make arrangements back to Winterfell,” you said, picking up your small clothes from the floor and covering yourself as you spoke, “but unfortunately, the easiest route is via dragon, yet only a select few here have dragons, and I didn’t wish for them to know my whereabouts.”
“And now that they do?”
You sighed, finishing clothing your body with your small clothes and a robe as you stood tall once again. “I should hope I can count on their discretion.”
Aegon snickered, “and what makes you think you can? Did you forget what you did?”
“I only had to escape because you imprisoned me. Did you forget that?”
Silence filled the room. Aegon felt a bit bad for imprisoning you, and wasn’t sure where the conversation was headed. He instead changed the subject to what truly peaked his curiosity.
“What are you doing here?” he questioned.
You could lie. You could tell him anything that made even an inkling of sense, but you were living room-by-room in a brothel, no surefire way to get home, two men vying for your hand and only one honest, and you, quite honestly, had nothing to lose.
“I work here,” you shrugged as if the confession meant nothing.
Aegon laughed genuinely. He continued to laugh until he caught your gaze and noticed your features were stoic. “You’re not serious?”
“I know you’ve heard the whispers about me, Aegon, you cannot truly be so shocked.”
“You were going to wed my brother without your maidenhood? Was your plan to play pretend as if it hurt?”
“If you recall, I never had any intention of marrying your brother,” you retorted.
“Is this where he took you?” Aegon pressed further, the questions falling off his tongue the moment they popped into his head, his brain seemingly not able to keep up with the pacing of new questions appearing in his thoughts.
“The details of any time I spent with Aemond are none of your business.”
“They are, aren’t they?” he continued, finally taking a few steps closer to you, “did he take you here to fuck you? Did he want to ensure you could never truly belong to our little nephew?”
“No,” you scoffed. You did not owe him details. “He does not have my maidenhood, nor has he ever had me. I would hope you think higher of me.”
“You think you’re so strong, but I see right through you,” Aegon began, as close to you as he could be without physically touching you, “you and Aemond came here to fuck, and when you ran away, you came back here because it’s the only place you knew of. You were desperate for passage to Winterfell, and you needed coin to afford such a journey, hence the employment here.”
Aegon was confident in his accusation, which is what made it hilarious enough for you to audibly laugh.
“I truly wish you understood how ridiculously incorrect you are,” you said through laughs, your hand coming up to cover your mouth to hopefully mute the sound and cure Aegon of some of his embarrassment.
“Don’t laugh at me,” he spoke.
“You think I fucked your brother?” you continued, your laughter growing at the thought.
“Stop laughing at me,” he said again.
“You are so far off,” you could barely catch your breath, you were nearly leaning over from the intensity of the laugh in your stomach.
“I said don’t laugh at me!” he raised his voice, a hand coming to strike your face.
You immediately stopped, standing up straight in disbelief as your hand instinctively held the side of your face. He had hit you. All bets were off now. You did not care about striking a royal if he struck you first.
You moved to hit him back, but he quickly caught your wrists, anticipating the action. You were caught off guard, unaware he could move so swiftly. He swung your body around, slamming your back against the nearest wall, your wrists in his hands as they pressed against your chest.
You stared at each other in a moment of heat before he crashed his lips to yours. Your body took over your mind as you kissed him back, relishing in the feeling of his body pressed against yours.
All of the arguing, crying, shouting, and vitriol between the two of you had crescendoed up to this very release.
Aegon dropped your wrists and instead found your waist, grabbing the flesh there to pull you even closer to him as your hands found their way to the back of his head, fingers intertwining in his hair. He groaned into the kiss at the feeling, prompting you to pull even harder. Neither of you were gentle people, and now was not the time to try to be.
Aegon pulled one of your legs up to his waist, allowing you to feel his clothed hardness against your core. Aegon used his other hand to, with immense difficulty, untie your robe as he continued to kiss you with a fiery passion.
He only pulled his mouth away from you to push your robe open, allowing him to see your body, covered only by your small clothes. He breathed heavily, head down, gazing at you for longer than you would have guessed before he returned his lips to your neck, sucking a sweet spot just below your earlobe. You whined in response, and the sound drove Aegon mad.
Aegon moved the hand unoccupied with holding your leg up down to your core, rubbing over your small clothes. There was an evident wet spot that brutally reminded Aegon that there had been another man in between your legs just minutes ago. It also didn’t escape his thoughts that the man had longer, darker, curly hair and prominent features, much like Jacaerys.
Consumed in his thoughts, he pulled away from you, and you could tell something was wrong as he felt the wetness.
“Uh uh,” you snapped him out of his thoughts, “that wasn’t there before.”
Aegon nodded in understanding, grateful that you automatically knew what was bothering him, and slightly intimidated by that fact.
Aegon toyed with the waistband of your small clothes before dipping his fingers beneath them, eliciting a small whimper from your lips as he went back to sucking on your neck.
Aegon ran a finger between your folds, collecting the wetness there before slowly inserting a finger into your hole. Despite the ferocity of the situation, Aegon refused to miss an opportunity to hear the sounds you made when he moved excruciatingly slow.
Above all else, Aegon had an irrevocable desire to be needed and wanted. He loved to make his whores beg, even if it wasn’t genuine, because he could convince himself he was needed to satisfy them. He desperately wanted to see you vulnerable and begging, but you were too headstrong. He knew hearing any version of ‘please’ come from your lips would be damn near impossible. Damn near was good enough for him to try.
He watched your face contort as he pushed his finger in and out, curling when he hit a particularly sweet spot in your walls. You were whiny and breathy, head back against the wall, but that wasn’t enough for Aegon. He added another finger, the ring that adorned it leaving a cold sensation with each pump.
He kept his head on your shoulder, but was no longer kissing you, instead opting to rest his cheek there, gazing up at you as he watched what he was doing to you.
When he hit that special spot, your eyebrows creased, and he continued hitting that very spot so long as your face gave away how good it felt.
“Fuck,” you breathed out, your face beginning to turn a slight hint of red from the heat of it all.
“Not so tough now, are you?” he whispered in your ear.
You choked through strangled moans, “I’m still in control of myself,” and you meant it. If you truly wanted this to stop, or if you truly wanted to be more dominant, you knew you could.
“Doesn’t seem as such,” he replied, fucking you even faster with his fingers and giving himself a small, prideful smile.
He was moving in and out fast now, sounds of your wetness filling the empty space as you braved yourself against his shoulders. You were becoming lost in the pleasure, but you were too stubborn not to have the last word. “You think- fuck- you think I’m not?”
You pulled his hand away from you. It was mostly because you didn’t want to come quite yet, but you were happy to let him believe it was entirely for a show of power. Aegon was surprised, having felt your walls begin to squeeze his fingers just moments before.
You took his moment of surprise as an opportunity to grab his wrist and lead him over to the bed, pushing on his shoulders until he fell backward, the backs of his legs hitting the bed frame and dangling off the bed as he laid.
You considered pleasuring him briefly, and you could see he was hard beneath his breeches as he looked at you expectantly.
You untied and tugged at his breeches, pulling them down until he was only in his small clothes. You then knelt down in between his legs as he propped himself up on his elbows to watch you pull his small clothes down, place a teasing kiss on his inner thigh, and then stand up as if you had no intention of touching his most needy area.
Aegon stared at you, evidently disappointed at the loss of contact.
“Uh uh uh, you haven’t earned that. You don’t deserve it,” you spoke in reference to giving him the oral pleasure he expected.
Aegon tried to snap back at you in protest, but you caught his lips with your own, climbing atop him and straddling his hips. The friction of your clothed heat on his bare length was driving him crazy. He leaned forward to deepen the kiss, gripping your hips as he began to grind up against you, desperate for some kind of contact. He whined into the kiss as he did so, and despite your better judgement, you let him use your body for the moment.
When you had enough of him getting what he wanted, you pushed his shoulders until he was pressed back against the mattress again.
You took his cock in your hand, giving it a few strokes before you moved your small clothes to the side, beginning to sink down on his length.
He threw his head back in pleasure, but looked back up at you when you pulled away from him. You maintained eye contact as you began to sink down again, and Aegon took the hint, locking eyes with you as you allowed him to bottom out inside of you.
You sat atop of him for all too long without moving.
“You gonna move?” he asked, desperate.
“Not unless you ask me to.”
Both you and Aegon were in a power play now. It was turning you on even more.
“Should be the other way around,” he breathed out, erratic and heavy.
“I could sit here all day.”
Aegon would never admit it, but he enjoyed it when he didn’t have to be in control, and he was only more excited by your dominance.
He sat upwards, his cock shifting within you as his face became level with your breasts. He used one hand to free one of your breasts from the confines of your small clothes, running a finger across your nipple before encapsulating it in his mouth.
The heighten mood calmed, the act of Aegon’s mouth on your breasts causing the fiery lust to shift to pure intimacy.
Aegon sucked at one breast while the hand that wasn’t holding on to your back moved to fondle the other breast. His tongue swiped over your nipple in between sucks, his eyes closing as he lost himself in you. He swiftly removed your remaining small clothes over your head before returning to his previous position, praising your chest with his hands and mouth.
He only pulled away when you tugged at his top, the removal leaving you both fully naked in front of one another.
You moved a hand to the back of his head, gently stroking the hair there as he sucked. His eyes fluttered open and he looked up at you, never detaching from you, lightly moaning into your breast as you made eye contact.
You threw your head back and whimpered, your sighs driving Aegon crazy. Your position was so intimate, his cock inside of you as he sucked your breasts, and watching your pleasure from his mouth on your nipple was nearly enough to make Aegon come.
Aegon tested the waters of your movement, moving his hands to grip your hips and push you upward, prompting you to move slightly.
You allowed his efforts to work, very gently grinding your hips against him and pushing yourself up enough to feel pleasure, but not enough to move your breasts too far away from Aegon’s face.
He noticed, and he didn’t like it. He detached from your nipple, his chin resting on your chest right between your breasts. “Don’t hold back,” he demanded.
“I don’t take orders from you.”
You smiled so that he knew you were still playing with him, not genuinely mad. You figured he would continue this back and forth game, but instead, his vulnerability showed through. “Please.”
He was looking up at you through hooded eyes as your hips moved back and forth against him, his gaze glassy and desperate. He was prepared to beg.
“Please what?” you asked, teasing him further.
“Please don’t hold back. Please, I need you to not hold back. I need you.”
His pleading was enough for you. You began to lift your hips higher, your knees bending with each drop of your hips. Aegon reattached his lips to your breasts, challenging himself to hold on with his mouth as they began to bounce.
Aegon couldn’t help himself, he started to thrust up into you as much as he could in his upright position. It wasn’t much, but with the combination of you riding him, the movement was enough to make you sweat.
You held Aegon’s head against your breasts, your fingers intertwining themselves through the strands of his hair, lightly pulling when he gave a small bite to the flesh of your breasts.
He looked up at you and smiled. You thought the moment would be brief, but instead of immediately continuing his demonstrations, he kept watching you as you rode him.
You knew what he wanted. He wanted to see what he was doing to you, he wanted to be the reason for your pleasure- he wanted to feel needed. It’s why he was moving so slowly with his thrusts: you knew he wanted you to ask for more.
You leaned down and kissed Aegon, the kiss more intimate and personal than previously. You pushed him slightly as you leaned forward, allowing him to lay down as you lay on top of him, the position making it much easier for him to rock upward into you.
Instead, he stopped moving.
You flattened your palms against the bed on either side of Aegon’s head. “Give up already?” you teased.
“I’m not moving until you beg me.”
You scoffed. “I could just get up, Aegon.”
“Don’t,” he protested, still needy, “I wouldn’t believe you truly wanted to, if you did.”
“Aegon, move,” you said, needy yourself, soaking wet and much too ready to be fucked hard.
“Beg me.”
“Do you truly think me-“
“Beg me,” he said, his tone growing dark.
“You don’t scare me.”
Aegon fisted a hand in your hair, pulling your head backward as he placed a kiss on your neck, biting down hard on the skin. You hissed at the pain. “I said beg me.”
You decided to give in, but not quite how he anticipated. “Do that again,” you said.
Aegon bit down on your neck again, sucking on the now-bruised skin to soothe the pain right after. “That’s not enough.”
You sighed. “I don’t beg anyone for anything.”
Aegon’s hand harshly slapped your ass, jolting you upward in surprise, causing you to move on his cock. He grabbed your jaw in his hands, forcefully positioning your head so you were looking directly at him. “Fucking beg me.”
His tone was too much for you. You didn’t want to completely break your walls down, but it was too hot. You wanted him bad. You wanted to give in.
“I need you to fuck me Aegon,” you whined, “I want you to fuck me. Please.”
Aegon growled and kissed you hard, one hand moving to press down on the small of your back as he lifted and dropped his hips.
“F-fuck,” you moaned, the consistency of his strokes a brand new feeling, and so, so good.
Aegon kissed you to swallow your moans. You bit gently on his bottom lip, pulling slightly as you looked into his eyes, the feeling causing his eyes to blow out with lust.
He began to fuck you ruthlessly, moving in and out of you as fast as he possibly could, your back instinctively trying to straighten in an effort to brace yourself, but Aegon’s hand was pressing down too much on your back to keep you in place.
He grabbed both of your wrists, swiftly moving them behind your back as he held both with one hand, the other gripping the flesh of your ass to help move you against his sharp, vicious thrusts.
You could wriggle out of his grasp, or even purely strengthen yourself out of it, but you didn’t want to. It all felt too good, and you relished in the feeling of men taking control of you in bed. It was rare the men earned it, and right now, it felt right.
Your body was rocking back and forth against Aegon, and you were no longer able to control any way that your body was moving. You were completely at Aegon’s discretion. You contemplated if it was smart to trust him with your body, but you could tell he needed your body just as much as you needed his.
His hips were snapping against yours at a violent rate, his grip on your ass almost certainly preparing to leave a bruise.
“A- Aeg-“ you started, the words losing themselves on your tongue.
“Fuck, yes, say my name,” he begged.
“Ae- Aegon!” you cried out, nearly squealing.
“Sounds so good when you say it,” he spoke through erratic, hectic breaths, his forehead glistening with sweat as he used you to get himself off, fucking his cock in and out of you as fast as he could.
“Shit, Aegon, I- I can’t-“
Aegon threw his head back, the mere idea of you nearly coming causing his cock to twitch. He couldn’t wait to know how good your walls squeezing against him would feel.
He kept his head back against the bed, using the pressure to anchor himself as he tried to move faster and faster, if it was even possible.
You took the opportunity to kiss his neck, sucking a sweet spot just below his earlobe.
“Fuck,” he moaned, the intensity of the sex mixed with the intimacy of your kisses causing him to worry that he would come first if you didn’t come momentarily.
“Need- need you to come,” he begged, “wanna feel you first.”
“I’m gonna,” you responded, his neediness pushing you closer and closer to the edge as you squeezed his cock like a vice.
Your high crashed over you, your legs shaking from the intensity of your orgasm.
Aegon kept up his ruthless pace, chasing his own high. The feeling of your orgasm mixed with the feeling of your legs shaking around his hips was too much for him, his final few thrusts hard enough to bruise your skin as he shot his seed inside of you.
His cock twitched as his body relaxed against the bed.
You used all of your strength to sit up and move one leg upward, swinging yourself off of his lap and collapsing on your back next to him.
“Aegon, did you just- inside of-“
“We have remedies, don’t worry. I’m sorry, you just felt too good.”
You both laid in silence for a moment, breathing and energy recovering from the ferocity of the sex as you both thought of what you had just done.
“I can’t return to the Red Keep,” you said, breaking the silence, your thoughts consuming you as you almost couldn’t help yourself but ruin the moment.
“I have no intention of forcing you to,” Aegon replied.
“You would allow yourself to take your leave as if you did not see me here today?” you clarified.
“I do not wish for Aemond to experience what I have just,” said Aegon, “if he knows of where you reside, he will continue to force your hand.“
“Was such a match not your idea?”
“It was,” he admitted, “but it is no longer necessary. I am acquainted with you now, and things are-“ his voice trailed off, and he was searching for the correct word, “different.”
“How so?”
Aegon turned to look at you, your eyes locked together momentarily before Aegon sat upward. “I must return,” was all he said before collecting his clothes and exiting the room.
────── ☾ ──────
tags: @torchbearerkyle @dracaryxzs @hangmanscoming @callsignwidow @velvetcrowbarcherry @kravitzwhore @darlingisntit @not-neverland06 @albionfay @cluz1babe @flusteredmoonn @sab-falco @ajanauia
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blackkatmagic · 29 days
For the ask game: Agen Kolar
“I expected you to be an earthbender,” Faie says, flat. “Since your personality is…like that. Sir.”
It is, Agen reflects, likely an improvement, given that Faie wouldn’t have said anything at all a few months ago. Agen taking over the battalion from Krell managed to change that much, at least.
The sir tacked to the end of whatever bit of insubordination Faie decides to test on him is always amusing, at least.
“Earthbenders being stubborn is a vast oversimplification of a large group of people who are all individuals,” he says, guiding a thin tendril of metal back into the heat with a gesture. “Whatever one’s personality is, there is no proof it is linked to the element they control.”
Faie gives him a flat and deeply unimpressed look from across the makeshift forge, though his gaze doesn’t leave the whirling curl of metal for long, flickers back almost immediately. “You’ve met Bly,” he says blandly, and then, like he can’t stop himself for even a moment longer, “You don’t bend like he does.”
Maybe that’s the reason for his attention. Or maybe it’s the secret, vicious joy the clones take in their own bending, their hunger for any information, any new skill they weren’t allowed or provided with on Kamino. Faie isn't any type of earthbender, but he’s been watching Agen's bending since the moment they were first deployed together, like Agen's metal holds secrets that will feed his firebending.
“The metal can move like water. Moving it like stone seems a waste,” Agen says, and draws the glowing strands back, sweeps them up and back down, reaches for his hammer. When he brings it down, the metal solidifying just before the ringing blow strikes, Faie's breath catches, and the sparks whirl in his dark eyes, a spray of molten light in the darkness.
The parts are meant to repair several of the walkers, but—
There will be pieces left over, when Agen is done. Enough to make a pair of vambraces, a few patches for worn places on Faie's armor. He may not accept them, but offering feels right, when he’s so caught by the act of forging.
“Hotter, if you can manage, Commander,” Agen says, and Faie breathes in, breathes out, and the fire leaps higher.
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ohnococo · 8 months
Dating Your JJK Co-Workers - Restaurant AU
[Headcanons for Gojo, Geto, Choso, Toji, and Sukuna in a Restaurant AU - some SFW some NSFW]
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Satoru Gojo
This 37 pieces of flair ass motherfucker. Jokes with customers like he knows them, slides in next to them in the booth while taking their orders, is WAY too enthusiastic about singing the non-copyrighted birthday song to people… you can’t even be mad though because holy shit does he rake in tips. 
When you first meet him you’ll think he’s a helpful, but harmless goody-two-shoes. Always making his tables smile, helping the equally well-liked new guy Yuuji learn the ropes, just always chipper and never seems like he hates his job too outwardly. You learn that he doesn’t even drink and it just solidifies your first impression of him.
Then you get to know him and realise he’s a little messy. If there’s any gossip that might be pertinent information, he’s the one who knows it. He’s not out here telling anyone’s secrets that have been entrusted with him, of course, but he just always seems to know what’s happening, where it’s happening, and who it’s happening with. It makes him fun to talk to during breaks or when you have a moment in the back. 
Then you go on a night out with the staff after work and realise… oh. He doesn’t drink, no, but when he does cut loose he’s out to party. Give him a little something else and he’s ready to go. He’s hard to keep up with too, going all night until sun up and then somehow showing up for work looking like nothing had happened the night before, bright and early. You’re not sure if he even slept, but there he is ready to do his job and anyone who hadn’t seen him off his head several hours prior is none the wiser. 
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Once he realises he has a thing for you, he’s pulling strings to get you two on the same shifts as much as possible. Helping run things to your tables and checking on them when your section is busy (but making sure you get all of the tips, of course). Satoru generally just looks after you in your day to day job.
You’re going to have to be okay with PDA once you’re dating him. If he isn’t actively checking on his tables or bringing them things, he’s hanging off of you. Hand in your pocket, chin on your shoulder watching you key in an order. He’ll pout if you don’t want to spend your break making out.
“I miss you…” “Satoru, our sections are right next to each other. We’ve been running into each other all day.” “Yeah but I miss you…”
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Suguru Geto
The bar is his domain, his own little island separate from the drama and chaos of the rest of the restaurant. It’s the perfect place to stand for a second when things are getting to hectic, and he’s happy to let that happen, pretending that he needs to run the drink orders for your table by you to buy you a few seconds of not being shouted at or having to run around. 
He isn’t overly flashy, but has a good read on people so he knows when to show off while making drinks, when to chat with people, and when to leave someone be.
Suguru is pretty strict on checking IDs and not over serving as well. He won’t hesitate to escort someone out himself if they’re getting pissy over getting cut off. It doesn’t happen too often, it’s a casual place where the food is the main focus, but still. 
Generally stays out of the staff’s messiness, which makes it even more surprising that the person he’s closest to by far is Satoru Gojo, who absolutely does not stay out of everyone’s business. Gojo can often be found sitting on top his bar, and can be found getting told to get off his bar too. 
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You first get an inkling he likes you by how often he calls you over when you seem stressed. If it’s really bad he can convince Gojo, with his endless amounts of energy, to check in on your section for a few minutes while you get your wits about you.
He has a way of calming you, even if it’s just by watching him pour drinks and pull beers. 
He’ll sometimes ask you to sit at his bar during your break if it’s pretty dead. He makes you a mocktail with a cute little umbrella in it too, giving you a smile that gives you immediate butterflies as he slides it over to you, pretending you’re a patron while you get off your feet for 15 mins. 
When he asks you out he takes you somewhere very different from where you work, somewhere with soft music and drinks way nicer than the standard things he has to serve day to day. He’s soft with you, patient, and once you’re his, that's that. 
The same way he’s the calm in the middle of the storm at work is the same way he is as your boyfriend. You can breathe with him and it’s nice. Sometimes when you’re stressed at work and way too busy to have your usual moment with him he’ll bring a drink out to a table for you instead of you having to retrieve it from his bar. He’ll give you a reassuring squeeze of your hand in passing and it calms your mind even as it sends butterflies through your stomach - reminding you to breathe as much as it reminds you of the very same way he squeezes your hand when he’s buried deep inside you. 
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The back of the house is BAD fucking energy. The three cooks have tension for various reasons and Sukuna is just a messy bitch that lives for drama. Choso, however, might be the nicest of them all, despite being a little different. He's officially a line cook but winds up doing a bit of everything.
He’s divisive amongst the staff. For some he's the epitome of that “I just wish you would stop saying odd shit.” meme. The others that get him, get him. He’s harmless though, and the wait staff especially appreciate his work ethic.
Choso is good at his job, doesn’t fuck around, and he likes cooking. Things that are monotonous and have some set expectations help the day go by fast for him. He actually enjoys focusing on chopping vegetables or making sauces even if he’s doing it all damn day. He takes his job fairly seriously and doesn’t mess around on the clock. Except for the way his half-brother Yuuji’s tickets get priority if the restaurant is busy… and eventually maybe yours do too.
He’s usually quiet other than the odd non sequitur, but sweet to basically everyone he works with in his own way, other than Sukuna. He even gets on with Toji, who is the reason Choso winds up working so many extra hours. When Toji does show up he’s efficient, clean, respects the kitchen, and doesn’t make Choso have to try and be sociable. That suits him just fine.
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See, Choso just doesn’t always pick up on social cues the way people seem to expect him to, so it’s easier just to focus on his work. When he meets you though… it’s enough to distract him when you come to grab orders, or ask him a question about a dietary restriction or daily menu. 
The first few times you talk to him it catches him off guard, and he stares at you like a deer in headlights. He’s grateful for your patience every time though, and he does eventually snap out of it and answer you. After a while he even goes out of his way to thank you when you pick up your plates. Not that he needed to… that was weird and unnecessary but he takes every chance he gets to speak to you. Especially since he’s usually rushing around back there and sometimes misses seeing you.
When he decides to just tell you he likes you (he might as well, half the staff seems to mess around with each other, so it’s okay since he really really likes you, right?) he asks his brother for advice. It’s weird for him, being the older brother he expects to be the one giving his younger sibling advice, but these things don’t come easily for him and they absolutely do for Yuuji. He’s grateful to his brother for being so non judgemental with him, and even more grateful that the advice he was dubious of - being honest, being himself - pays off when you agree to hang out with him after work. 
The advice stays in Choso’s head, and makes your budding relationship easier for it: he’s always himself with you, always honest. Telling you when he’s nervous, telling you when he wants to kiss you, telling you when he wants to be your boyfriend, to spend all his time with you even if it was just sitting in the same room doing separate things.
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Toji Fushiguro
No one really knows exactly how this motherfucker still has a job. 
He’s a cook and he's good at it, don’t get me wrong. You could even call him a chef if he weren't slinging cheap food. He's efficient, runs a tight kitchen, but he just doesn’t even show up half the fucking time. Or he’ll be gone for like a month (and none of you have that kind of time off) and everyone thinks he’s finally actually fired but then there he is one day, dicing onions like he’s on iron chef or something.
He’s that one guy on staff who has been there for years but no one knows shit about him. Or they think they do but it might just be rumours that someone heard from someone else who used to work there. Never volunteers information, never goes out with everyone after work (unless someone else is paying…), and IF he shows up he’s gone the second his shift is over - do not ask him questions, do not talk to him, BYE. 
Still, he’s friendly enough when he’s at work. He’s a relentless flirt when it comes to some of the staff, but in that kind of easy, confident way where you think he’s not really serious. Especially flirty with the older manager which, come to think of it, maybe that’s why he’s still employed…
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When you start working there you don’t expect to be the one that starts actually getting to know Toji. Like, actually know him. Know about him. It surprises you the first time it happens. You’re having a little back and forth at work, flirting a little, laughing and hitting his arm when he teases you because of course you try to get a feel of his biceps even in a way that seems playful. Then he mentions something about his childhood. Something innocuous, tinged with a little sadness, but you might not have caught it if you hadn’t gotten used to his little micro-expressions. You don’t draw attention to it, you just continue as normal, as if it weren’t some kind of breadcrumb, and hope it happens again.
It does, a few times, and eventually one of those breadcrumbs he drops is him asking you out for a drink. On him. It’s how you learn that Toji likes to take care of people when he really likes them. He just doesn’t really like that many people.
You eventually even find out that he disappears from work so often because he’s taking up different odd jobs, not liking to be bored, not liking to be idle or feel trapped. He always comes back though, he has a little rotation of places he chooses to be, things he chooses to do. He has to force himself into a routine, even if they’re broken up into different routines every now and again.
The first time he brings you back to his place it feels like something special and the first time you two have sex, well, that is something special.
As far as everyone else at work is concerned, nothing has changed. Toji still doesn’t open up to others, he’s still out of the kitchen the second his shift is done, but he waits in the parking lot. He waits for you.
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Ryomen Sukuna
Also a cook in the kitchen, and has beef with eeeeveryooooone. He’s always running his mouth, always late, and generally doesn’t give a shit. Wait staff are scared when someone sends their food back and he’s who they have to ask to remake it. 
Not even his brother is exempt from his attitude, in fact Yuuji gets the worst of it.
He fucks around most of the time and it pisses Choso off. It doesn’t help that Choso has weird feelings towards him because he’s full brothers with Yuuji and doesn’t seem to have that same protective streak (or appreciation of their shared parent). Things just get tense back there because of that. 
Sukuna can’t fucking stand how Toji doesn’t show up half the time and they end up busting ass to make up for it. It’s pretty hypocritical of him considering he shows up very, very late for his shifts and dicks around out back or in the walk-in constantly. 
There’s always an argument when Toji finally does show up, but it doesn’t last long because neither of them are the type to raise their voices. It’s just tense energy, sarcasm, and lots of face pulling between the two of them. It's a weird one because they both will have a problem with someone on sight… but also both don’t give too much of a shit about anything really.
Honestly he only has the job for a more steady income stream and something legal on paper, because it's definitely not his only income, so to speak.
You know that co-worker you warn newbies about? Especially if those newbies are pretty girls who don’t always know how to spot a scumbag? Yeah, that's Sukuna. With his sharp wit, handsome face, and unusually nice car. He gets a little thrill out of fucking a cute waitress in the walk-in fridge (or his car in the parking lot if they’re shy). He doesn’t care how awkward it is once he starts ignoring them at work, and not answering their texts. Good thing there’s a high turnover rate here…
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You get warned about Sukuna, hell maybe even see him in action. Flirting, clearly hooking up with, and then ghosting another new hire. Still… you can’t help having a thing for him.
So you decide it’ll be casual, and God does it seem worth it. He’s fun, exciting, and he fucks like an animal. You’re surprised at the things he gets you to do, but you love every second of it. If only you weren’t sort of kind of starting to catch feelings.
“Dating” Sukuna is more of a situationship, to be honest. Yeah you flirt at work, yeah he playfully asks “where’d you get all those cute little hickeys on your neck” in front of everyone, yeah he eats you out in the walk-in, and yeah he gets pissy if he happens to see you being what he considers flirty with a customer (aka being friendly and trying to actually get some tips). You argue with him often, getting his hackles up and acting as if he doesn’t even like you if he feels like you’re implying he might be jealous. But then the very next night it’s business as usual and he has an arm over you at all times while you spend the night in his bed - grumbling in his sleep if you try to move anywhere but as close to him as possible. It’s complicated. 
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The energy in the kitchen is weird. If it’s one person on shift at a time it’s fine, or even if it’s Choso and Toji. But all three? You just don’t even want to be there half the time, grabbing plates of food and heading back out front asap. 
When it’s Toji and Sukuna though… it’s interesting. Bad-interesting half the time, but you can’t help being fascinated by that odd tension between them. 
You tease Sukuna about it one night, laying in his bed naked, and it plants a seed in his head. Toji had flirted with you a little when you first got hired, because of course he had. He hadn’t stopped once it was clear you were fooling around with Sukuna either. Not that he minded, he wanted to fuck your as soon as he met you, of course Toji had too. He was smart. Flaky, sure, but smart. And you had flirted back…
The next day at work the two men seem to be getting along, and it’s almost more unsettling than when they hadn’t. You don’t know that they’ve had a little chat of their own, cutting to the chase as they usually did with each other because you can’t bullshit a bullshitter, can you? 
You don’t know just how much they find out they have in common after their little chat, just how many of their interests align. 
You don’t know that they’re planning on stuffing you full of their cocks that very night. 
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armored-angel4798 · 4 months
Steve knew, the moment he saw Eddie’s first message that he wasn’t going to like what they had to say.
EdM0112: Are you busy?
KingSteve: no, why?
EdM0112: I have some silly little news to give you. It’s nothing bad!
KingSteve: what is it? Wait, let me guess, YOU’RE PREGNANT!
EdM0112: hahaha, no, nothing like that.
KingSteve: so what?
EdM0112: I am engaged!
KingSteve: oh, really? That’s Great!!!
It was, in fact, not great. Steve felt like he couldn’t breathe. His chest felt so, unbelievably heavy and tears started pouring, unbidden, down his cheeks. Robin. He needed Robin, she would know how to help him. She helped him the last time his pesky feelings came out of the hole he had buried them in.
See, Eddie and Steve had never been good together. Steve was well aware of this fact, thanks to endless hours of talking to Robin. They were teenagers when they first got together, and neither of them had any clue how a relationship should work. Eddie was figuring themself out and they weren’t comfortable with Steve’s easy affection or deep wells of devotion and love. Steve had been too much. He had loved much too hard and much too fast and it ran Eddie away. They had never been good at the communication side of the relationship either. They were never on the same page or even in the same book most of the time. Yet, none of this had stoped Steve from giving his heart to Eddie. None of this made him think for even a millisecond that they couldn’t figure it out, that they couldn’t be together, that they wouldn’t be together forever.
Steve had always thought that he would be the one putting a ring on Eddie’s finger. Until Eddie handed his heart back to him in a million tiny pieces.
“Eddie, please. I love you, Eddie.”
“Steve, we aren’t good for each other, can’t you see that? We haven’t done anything other than hurt one another this whole past year of dating.”
“You don’t have to do this Eddie! I can be better, I can be whatever you need me to be, just please don’t leave me.”
“Steve, the fact that you don’t see how fucked up that is only solidifies that this isn’t good for either of us.”
Steve was sobbing. He was sobbing and Eddie was mad at him. He just needed to know what he was doing wrong. He could fix it. He had to fix it. If Eddie left it would just prove what his parents had always shown him. He is unloveable. He is never good enough. Never strong enough. Never caring enough. Never enough. He just wanted to be enough.
“Steve, this has to be over. For both of us.” Eddie sounded so exasperated. So tired.
Steve nodded, still sobbing.
“I’m… I’m sorry that I couldn’t make you happy, Eddie. I’m sorry. Please, I love you.”
“And I’m sure I will always love you, but I’m leaving. I have to go. I can’t be myself here, Steve.” Eddie was whispering now, running their cool hand down Steve’s cheek. Steve watched Eddie’s tears roll down their own cheeks as they wiped his away. “I’ll still be just a phone call away, but I have to move on.”
Steve grabbed Eddie’s wrist and nodded. Giving up hurt worse than anything but he couldn’t keep causing Eddie pain. He couldn’t keep them here if they would be unhappy and anything other than wholly themself. Eddie moved across the country that day and never looked back.
Steve isn’t really sure when he called Robin, but he apparently did because she was here. She was picking him up off of the floor that he had sank to, his phone still on the couch cushion behind him.
“Hey, hey, Steve” she patted his cheeks and he blinked. “There you are. What happened Stevie? You called but never said a word so I came to check on you. You don’t look good. Why are you crying?”
Steve brought his own hand up to his cheek, it came back wet.
“Eddie is getting married.”
“Woah, okay. I didn’t even know they were dating anybody.”
“Me either” Steve whispered.
“And how are you handling this information?” Steve gave her a glare that he’s sure lost some of its sterns by his no doubt puffy eyes. “Yeah, so not great.” Steve snorted. “Do ya want to talk about it.”
“I thought I was done with this. I thought I had moved past it. Why? Why did I break the moment they told me that they were engaged.”
“I’ve gotta be honest here, Steve, the situation you put yourself in wasn’t the best. You knew Eddie was moving on. They told you they were. You never really let them go. You stayed close and kept your own hopes up. This just crushed them.”
Steve flopped his head over on her shoulder.
“Why cant you be my therapist, again?”
“Conflict of interest, babe. I would be too clouded by my love for you to give you the advice you need.”
“It’s never stopped you before.” Robin chuckled and ruffled his hair. “I don’t think I ever actually let myself work through my heartbreak. I just kind of shoved it down far enough that it wasn’t a problem to keep talking to Eddie as if they’d never broken my heart. I still wanted them to be my best friend. Eddie knows me better than almost anyone, besides you, and it felt harder to lose that than to bury my feelings.”
“Yeah, you’ve buried more than you would ever let anyone you love even think of going through. Don’t you think you’ve held on to enough? Just let it go, Steve. It’ll be okay. I’ll be here.”
“You won’t leave me too?” Steve’s voice sounded so so small, even to himself.
And Steve broke.
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jesperweidemann · 4 days
Writing Engaging Introductions and Compelling Conclusions Part 3: Understanding the Intention of Conclusions
The Purpose of Conclusions
Conclusions are the final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the reader. They serve several critical functions:
Summarizing Key Points: A conclusion should succinctly summarize the main points discussed in the piece. This helps reinforce the information and ensures that the reader leaves with a clear understanding of the key takeaways.
Reinforcing the Thesis: The conclusion should restate the thesis in a new way, reinforcing the main argument or purpose of the writing. This helps to solidify the reader’s understanding and agreement with your perspective.
Providing Closure and a Final Perspective: A strong conclusion provides a sense of closure, wrapping up the discussion neatly. It also offers a final perspective, leaving the reader with something to ponder or act upon.
Elements of a Strong Conclusion
An effective conclusion typically includes the following elements:
Restating the Thesis: Paraphrase the main argument or thesis statement to remind the reader of the central point. This should be done in a way that feels fresh and not repetitive.
Summarizing Main Points: Briefly revisit the key arguments or points made in the piece. This summary should be concise and focus on the most important aspects.
Final Thoughts: Offer insights, implications, or a call to action. This is your chance to leave the reader with something meaningful to think about or do.
Techniques for Effective Conclusions
There are several techniques you can use to craft a compelling conclusion:
Echoing the Introduction: Refer back to the introduction to create a sense of symmetry and closure. This can be done by revisiting a story, question, or quote used in the opening.
Including a Call to Action: Encourage the reader to take specific action based on the information or arguments presented. This can be particularly effective in persuasive or argumentative writing.
Ending with a Quotation or Provocative Thought: Use a relevant quote or thought-provoking statement to leave a lasting impression. This can add depth and resonance to your conclusion.
Reflecting on the Broader Implications: Discuss the broader implications of your topic, considering its impact on a larger scale. This can help the reader see the significance of your writing beyond the immediate context.
Common Pitfalls to Avoid
When writing conclusions, it’s important to avoid common pitfalls:
Introducing New Information: The conclusion is not the place to introduce new arguments or evidence. This can confuse the reader and undermine the sense of closure.
Being Redundant: Avoid simply repeating what has already been said. Instead, aim to synthesize and distill the main points in a fresh way.
Ending Abruptly: Ensure that your conclusion provides a sense of closure. Avoid ending too suddenly, as this can leave the reader feeling unsatisfied.
Examples and Analysis
To understand what makes a conclusion effective, let’s break down some examples:
Example 1: Echoing the Introduction
Introduction: “When I was ten years old, I discovered a dusty old book in my grandmother’s attic. Little did I know, that book would ignite my lifelong passion for history.”
Conclusion: “Just as that dusty old book sparked my passion for history, I hope this piece has ignited your interest in the past and its lessons for the future.”
Analysis: This conclusion echoes the introduction, creating a sense of symmetry and closure. It ties back to the initial anecdote and reinforces the main theme.
Example 2: Call to Action
“Now that you understand the importance of daily exercise, I challenge you to incorporate at least 30 minutes of physical activity into your routine. Your body and mind will thank you.”
Analysis: This conclusion includes a clear call to action, encouraging the reader to apply the information in a practical way. It’s motivating and actionable.
Example 3: Quotation
“As Albert Einstein once said, ‘Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.’ Let’s keep moving forward, embracing change and growth.”
Analysis: This conclusion uses a relevant quote to leave a lasting impression. The quote is thought-provoking and ties into the theme of the piece.
Example 4: Reflecting on Broader Implications
“The impact of climate change extends far beyond our immediate environment. It affects global economies, health, and future generations. By taking action now, we can create a sustainable future for all.”
Analysis: This conclusion reflects on the broader implications of the topic, helping the reader see its significance on a larger scale. It’s insightful and forward-looking.
Crafting Your Own Conclusion
When crafting your own conclusion, consider the following steps:
Restate the Thesis: Paraphrase your thesis statement to remind the reader of the central point. Ensure that it feels fresh and not repetitive.
Summarize Main Points: Briefly revisit the key arguments or points made in the piece. Focus on the most important aspects and avoid unnecessary details.
Offer Final Thoughts: Provide insights, implications, or a call to action. This is your chance to leave the reader with something meaningful to think about or do.
Create a Sense of Closure: Ensure that your conclusion provides a sense of closure. Avoid ending too suddenly and aim to leave the reader feeling satisfied.
Revise and Refine: Review your conclusion to ensure it is clear, concise, and impactful. Don’t be afraid to make changes to improve it.
Additional Tips for Writing Conclusions
Be Concise: While it’s important to provide a thorough summary, avoid being overly verbose. A concise conclusion is more likely to leave a strong impression.
Stay Relevant: Ensure that all the information in your conclusion is relevant to the main topic. Avoid tangents or unrelated details that might confuse the reader.
Use Clear and Simple Language: Avoid jargon or overly complex language that might alienate the reader. Clear and simple language is more effective in conveying your final thoughts.
Create a Smooth Transition: The conclusion should smoothly transition from the main body of the writing. Ensure that the last sentence of your main body leads naturally into the first sentence of your conclusion.
Engage the Senses: When using descriptive language, engage the reader’s senses by describing sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures. This can make your writing more vivid and memorable.
Reflect Your Personality: Let your personality shine through in your conclusion. Whether you’re writing in a formal or informal style, your unique voice can make your writing more engaging and relatable.
Remember, the conclusion is your final opportunity to make an impact, so take the time to craft it carefully and thoughtfully.
< Part 2 ||| Part 4 >
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warsamongthestars · 3 months
Since i Don't Like the TBB set up, how bout some health alternatives?
The idea here is that Rex hasn't ever been a main character. He's been support only, reactive to other stronger personalities. A show that centers around Rex Could be beneficial to his character, and be a clone centric show.
( I woudln't trust the TBB writers with it--but there's someone out there that can pull it off. )
In this story, instead of following the BBs, we replace them with Captain Rex. The story goes is that, after the crash of the ship, he reinfiltrates Kamino to see the situation from the homeworld, and runs into Omega.
Instead of BBs having Omega, Rex does. ( Justified by the fact that Rex, has in fact said on screen with the full implications, that he wanted kids. Perfect match I think. )
Rex is building a rebellion and was high ranking--of course he would know about informants like Cid. He would work with her to build contacts, which justifies meeting Guest Characters and slowly building the rebellion, whilst on the side trying to raise Omega.
It comes to a head in Season 2 when the Empire takes interest in Rex.
And season 3, the final season, ends with Rex facing the Tantis project, just one of many horrors that occurred to Clones.
Your Crosshair arc could be replaced with Cody. Positions of the side teammates being Wolffe and Gregor as the show progressed, to match up with Rebels.
And suddenly, everything clicks.
The shallow impact of the BBs would be immediately covered by the fact that Rex has had 7 years to be developed and solidified as a character, and wouldn't require either introduction or set up, just to get him to where the story needs him. Same with everyone else.
Even Omega taking the spotlight wouldn't take so much issue, beacuse as a new character she needs development to solidify her position in the Galaxy Far Far Away as a character, and it wouldn't be any skin off Rex's teeth.
CLONE FORCE 99 (As opposed to the "Bad Batch")
Instead of occurring in a post Order 66 era, its a series of complication arcs that occur at various times over the course of the Clone Wars involving The Bad Batch. It explores character histories and dynamics, missions and backstories, of course exploring the Galaxy Far Far Away.
And the last season introduces Echo, and then we End at Order 66. The purpose is that Order 66 leaves the BB's fate ambiguous.
No ending has to be happy, or known. Tragedy has its place, and is even needed to make a piece relevant.
A show that actually centers around Omega, and a few select cadet characters. In the narrative style of Rebels, young cadet and odd clone Omega now has to navigate a new galaxy, post Order 66, and what her purpose in the Kaminonian "Omega Project" is...
No Bad Batch this time, no overly despairing themes. This is explicitly a kid's show.
If you want to Focus on Omega, then focus on Omega. She doesn't bring anything to the Bad Batch that doesn't diminish them in some way--so just give her, her own show. Boom, problems solved.
So yeah, there's three shows that could've been made from the TBB rough draft mess.
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I do not know who is studying this, but someone should be - how tumblr managed to create an entire movie overnight with characterizations, plot lines, and a soundtrack which is terrifyingly coherent and internally consistent. How the heck did we manage internally consistent plots without prior planning?
Oh I am absolutely fascinated by the whole thing, and can definitely imagine its potential as a future case study for any number of topics.
This is just me spitballing here, but I think the speed and consistency is in large part to wanting to feel a part of a community. People in general really like stories and they really like games, and both of those things are best when shared with others.
People are engaging with the Goncharov content because it's fun. You get to participate in this big informal storytelling project/game where we're all coming up with bits and pieces of ideas in a very non-linear way. The rules are rather self-explanatory: whatever new content you create, try to have it make sense with whatever you've seen other people create already. No one had to "write" this rule; it evolved on its own. Since the first people to interact with it kept the basics of the story relatively consistent, the people playing in this sandbox realized they'd have to maintain that consistency to keep the game going.
And I think another reason it's been fairly consistent is how fast it's going and how sharing information works on this website. If people were only occasionally seeing little bits of others' Goncharov content, I think there'd be a lot less overall internal consistency. Because it all happened so quickly, the central ideas managed to get solidified right away - if you logged on just a few hours after the meme started, there were already some well established elements to build off of. We're already starting to see discrepancies in a lot of the details, and personally I think that's part of the fun too.
And and, I think because people are aware of how this evolving as such a nebulous thing, I've noticed a lot of posts being intentionally vague on the details. It literally started as people pretending to have watched a film that doesn't exist; the discussions of Goncharov are vague because part of the joke is the assumption that people have already seen it (people talking about, say, Rocky Horror Picture Show aren't going to list out all the plot and character details because the assumption is that anyone seeking out Rocky Horror content is already going to know that information).
This is mostly just stream-of-consciousness thoughts from the past day, but yeah. Those are my thoughts so far.
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whatwouldvalerydo · 2 months
A gentleman at heart
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And we are finally here for the 1st day of the @hphm-ship-week Prompt I chose for today was DANCE, because what else fits Talia Crane and Felix Rosier? Enjoy :)
When Felix first laid his dark eyes on Talia, he could not have fathomed how dear she would become to him. It started out small, curiosity mostly. The woman with fire in her eyes and few words off her tongue drew him in with an inexplicable force. As if she was a book just within his reach he wished to know, secrets underneath his fingertips, alluring yet also dangerous.
He knew what danger looked like, he was no stranger to it, however on some days he would much rather have preferred the company of dragons than trying to tackle the subject of getting to know her. Because she offered so little. So infuriating at times.
But Charlie trusted the stranger in their camp, talked to her as if they had known each other for years. He always said she was as new to him as she was to Felix, however he always took everything with a grain of salt.
However, as days passed and all three of them grew closer, he started learning more about her, reading what few hints she would provide, breadcrumbs leading into the dark.
He knew when she was annoyed, like she was in that moment, sitting at his desk inside his tent, enjoying a cup of coffee, but not the book he gave her about dragons. But she had to learn, she had to at least be able to differentiate one breed from another. There was tension in her shoulders whenever she forced herself to keep still and straighten her back more, a rigid posture, mechanical almost as she blinked trying to refocus on the boring text before her eyes.
“You have to keep going, I will quiz you later.” He taunted, knowing fully well it would bite him back.
The dramatic eye roll was not lost on him, Talia letting out a heavy sigh “Bet you were a blast in school.” Resting her hand on the backrest, she turned to him, her eyes narrowing “Oh wait, you weren’t.”
“How do you know?” he asked before taking a small sip of coffee, his eyes closing for a moment as he enjoyed the strong taste coating his tongue “Not like you were there with me.”
“I was sometimes.” She had already let slip she had been in Ravenclaw, eventually telling him all the schools she travelled to, years on her back slipping one by one as she ventured everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
Felix looked at her, mind recalling their conversations. He had yet to produce the image of her inside the Hogwarts walls, so he ventured once more, trying to not ask a question she could easily avoid “Yes, you mentioned, but I think I would remember a girl with fire in her eyes galloping down the halls.”
“Excuse you?” she said, slamming the book shut, her lips quirking slightly when he blinked rapidly.
“You could not have seen me, because I would have noticed you. Despite you being in a different house, believe me, you would have stood out.”
Talia let the idea roll inside her head, choosing to indulge him. It wasn’t like he would have actually, she was taught to keep her head down, blend in even in a crowd “I now chose to stand out. I was a ghost back then.” She noticed him steal a glance at the scars she carried over her heart, his eyes softening, for a moment Talia feeling the fury of her powers dwindling slightly, eyes averting, catching a shinny surface that assured her the fire was still present within her.
“Good.” There was honesty dripping from his mouth, no denying it. Felix was like that, if sometimes blunt despite the somewhat remains of a rigid nature due to his upbringing. Another dark family, just like hers.
“In my first year I took classes during the night. When everyone was asleep, I had professors guiding me away from prying eyes.” He remained quiet, taking in her words, the mystery surrounding her solidifying further despite the new pieces of information “I would during the day when I wasn’t sleeping, sit on the highest roofs or inside the room and watch the people below me as small as ants interact. I couldn’t hear them, only create stories. Who were friends, enemies, lovers. All were stories to me, far, far away. I didn’t notice you then, but later.”
“Fourth year, one semester.” He received a nod from her.
“Very good Rosier, how smart you are.”
“Do not patronize me.” He bit down on his cheek, fearing he made a mistake, said something to make her retreat in her shell once more, deny him further words “When then?”
“The ball.” She attempted a smile, yet halfway through, her features froze, mind conjuring a memory she pushed back with a series of fast blinks “You were in your last year if memory serves me right. Several girls followed you close by as you barked orders at students for breaking rules. You didn’t even acknowledge those poor things as they fought for your attention, so set in your ways.” Tilting her head to the side, she finally offered him a small smile “I like you better now, at least you stopped wearing your hair in that obnoxious way.”
“Only obnoxious thing I see here is you.”
She waved him off with a dismissive hand before returning to her book, opening it back up at a random page “Freedom looks good on you Rosier.”
He smiled “When will you stop calling me that?”
“It’s your name and family is something we can rarely escape.” She traced her scars in an absentminded gesture before turning the page, frowning at the small text filled with information.
Walking towards the desk, a flick of his wand set down the needle to the disc, music filling the tent. He did not know why she tensed when he came in her peripheral view, Felix slowly inhaling before he extended an open hand to her “May I have this dance Talia?” she cautiously lifted her gaze, from his hand to his face, searching for something he could not place.
“Since when do you dance, you rigid man?”
She taunted him, she always did, pushed something inside of him, further more with the strength of her eyes. She had that power, making even someone as rigid as she called him, squirm under the intensity of her gaze. Like looking into dangerous flames before they engulf you, like a dragon thrusting fire from its belly, traveling up its throat.
“I always have. Part of the family teachings I am afraid.” He continued to hold out his hand, leaning in slightly “Indulge me. Or would you prefer I actually quiz you now?”
There was hesitation as she slowly extended her hand, placing it in his, waiting for his fingers to clasp down around her skin like a vice, however he didn’t flex his fingers, instead just stepping aside, leaving her room to get up from his desk. He watched her, hesitation encompassing her liked the music surrounding them, cradling their bodies between gentle tunes.
He led her to the center of the tent, pressing a gentle hand against her lower back, her hands positioning like a well-rehearsed unspoken verse between them. His fingers finally wrapped loosely around her hand, Felix swallowing down the nerves threatening to rear their ugly heads.
It was his idea, he had to follow through. Focusing on the tempo of the music, he started slow, testing how she would follow, if she let him lead and to his surprise she did. Gliding with him on the floor on silent feet, step by step, each pirouette as if easing the tension in her muscles and his the same.
Moments turned to minutes as the songs changed their tempo, bodies in tune as if singing to one another, fueling their souls. Cheek to cheek, body to body, a rhythm rehearsed, yet theirs just the same.
“Thank you for dancing with me.” He said as they swayed together, lost to the subtle sounds, voice just a whisper as if afraid to break the spell between them.
She looked up at him, smiling, so close to his face that the raging inferno in her eyes reflected in his “No need to thank me, it was a very welcomed surprise Rosier.”
Little did they know in that moment that dancing will be their only means of escape in the trying times to follow.
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lunar-years · 10 months
and like, the thing about the amsterdam james lore was that if they wanted a james redemption, they could have used that as an opportunity to soft launch it! "my dad took me to amsterdam and we actually had a good time, but after we got back home he started drinking again and things got bad again." i still dont think thats justification for jamie reconnecting with him, but at least we could have canon evidence he was an okay dad when sober. but no, they doubled down, and made trying to kill a main character somehow *not* the worst thing james had done
Yeah I think what's most crazy is that scene solidified in my own mind so many missing pieces in my own headcanoned Jamie lore. We learnt SO much in that scene and not one single piece of information pointed towards "this is a character who is going to not only recover but act as a non-negative presence in Jamie's life."
New information I gathered from the Amsterdam scene:
As you pointed out, physical/emotional abuse of his son and nearly murdering Beard are not the topmost crimes on James Sr.'s scorecard.
leading into, Jamie is a csa victim
Jamie doesn't remember it happening. we've discussed at length what that could stem from and yes there are multiple explanations but. well. uhh. none of them are good. i think.
Others disagree, and that's completely fine, but I very much think the scene is coded as This Is The First Time Jamie Has Told Anyone What Happened and Roy is Now the Only Person Who Has this Information.
At the time of taking Jamie to Amsterdam, James Sr. was trying to get back together with Georgie and playing up the "Superdad" routine
Others disagree with this as well, but I read that line as Jamie implying it was neither the first nor last time James had tried those tactics (and possibly been successful at one or more points, we don't know one way or another)
Georgie allowed Jamie to go to Amsterdam with James and then presumably allowed James to continue seeing Jamie afterwards (we're given no information to the contrary, anyway)
So taking all of that together, to me it's not just the confirmation that the abuse Jamie suffered at his father's hands was even more abhorrent than we thought or that Jamie's trauma runs deeper than we previously thought. It's also evidence that Jamie has never been in a position where he's felt comfortable with confronting that trauma and has yet to unpack all of the things he has gone through.
Furthermore, the scene hints that what we see at the end of s3 is (imo quite possibly) not the first time James has been in rehab or at least claimed to have sobered up or shown signs of recovery, only to fall back into his old ways shortly afterwards. This is indicated by Georgie allowing him to take their son out of the country, which (considering we meet her later in the season and get a sense of her character, including her deep love for her son) I cannot imagine her doing had James been obviously still a drunk. This is also why I personally believe Jamie hasn't told her what happened, because he continues to see his father after he returns. I just can't see Georgie allowing that had she known.
None of this sets the scene for a successful James recovery arc. In fact, for me it makes the whole thing worse and so unlikely to end for good because 1) Jamie forgives his father before even processing everything his father did to him, and without informing any of the people closest to him, let alone consulting an actual professional. This to me does not indicate Jamie is in the right mental place to be embarking on this new journey. 2) There is absolutely a more-than-plausible chance James Sr.'s current rehab stint will follow the same cycle as times previous: he's better for a while. he's superdad! until he's not. and Jamie as usual becomes collateral damage.
I therefore am forced to conclude Jamie could very well be opening himself up to more hurt and more pain at his father's hands, when he hasn't even dealt with his current backload of hurt and pain. If we were supposed to feel hopeful in the final scene where Jamie visits him--I have to say, because of what THEY told us and wrote about their backstory, I feel anything but.
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