#just so. open and vulnerable and so much stronger for it
suzukiblu · 23 hours
WIP excerpt for Mango Bat; “tactile take it”. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
Kon makes the noise again. Adjusts his hips for Tim’s view again. Keeps working himself open, even though he’s definitely more than open enough for–for whatever Tim might want. At least–he must be, right? He doesn’t really know how this kind of shit actually works, admittedly, but he’s already so–it’s already so– 
“How much do you think you can take, Kon?” Tim murmurs, and for the first time it’s not a request, but curiosity. A question, analytical and considering and ready to take notes on the answer. Kon knocks his head back as his eyes roll back and bites down on his wrist as hard as he can without breaking skin. 
Tim wants to know how much he can take. Tim wants to know how much he will take. Tim wants . . . 
Kon’s dick drools precome and his hole clenches up and his TTK trembles across his skin in flashes, flickering and pulsing and erratic and leaving him as close to vulnerable as he gets. 
Not inside him, though. Inside him it’s all irresistible, unceasing pressure. Inside him it’s spreading him open, and he feels exposed and embarrassed and doesn’t even really get what Tim thought was so hot about this idea anyway but also can feel Tim’s dick–Tim’s whole body, with them on the same bed and so close, but specifically his dick is the entire goddamn center of his attention right now–and how hard it is; how it’s pressing into the zipper of his jeans and straining against the fabric over it. 
He could put it in him, Kon realizes distantly, still feeling hazy and blurry and throbbingly hot even past the embarrassment and uncertainty. He’s–he’s open enough, right? Stretched enough? So Tim could just slick his dick up and . . . and he could just . . . 
Kon’s hole clenches up reflexively around his TTK again, and his TTK just–reshapes itself, a little. It feels like just as much of a reflex; like something he’s not even actually doing himself. 
He can feel Tim’s body, like this. Can feel his dick, and the condition that it’s in, and every single ridge and curve and vein. 
And he can make his TTK any shape he wants to, if he wants to. 
So he–does that. Or it does it itself, maybe. 
But either way, then he’s got the best imitation he can make of Tim as what’s inside him and stretching him open, not just–not just something featureless; not just something shaped however’s most convenient in the moment but nothing else, or . . . or anything like . . . 
Tim’s inside him, Kon registers hazily, and then he snaps his eyes shut and digs his teeth into his wrist and comes again, clutching up and clenching down and making himself tight around–making himself tight for–
For Tim, he thinks, cutting crystal-clear through the haze, and the shuddering, stuttering aftershocks are almost stronger than the actual orgasm was. 
“Kon,” Tim says, his voice breathless and a little strangled. “I need you to actually fuck yourself now.”
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spadeprincesss · 2 days
I forget how to send asks so I hope this is the place
Who goes to who for advice or just to get things off their chest? Is there someone each wouldn’t go to for advice? Do they all go to Zelda? Like maybe blue wouldn’t go to Zelda for certain things/ all the time cuz idk maybe he wouldn’t want her to know he’s struggling with something? (even though we all know, she already knows when something’s up with her links)
This was sent in by @saltyskychild as a submission and idk how to answer other than editing so my answer below the cut!!!
Gonna start with a list of who goes to who for advice the most and the least!
Zelda - literally for everything, she knows all his secrets and he knows hers
Blue - to confide in, if he needs a shoulder to lean or cry on and Zelda isn’t available he knows Blue will have his back (and also beat up whatever made him upset)
Vio - for a practical response, he trust Vio and he knows that if he’s lost as to what to do then Vio will have an answer for him
Red - also for emotional support, but he can be a little reluctant because he hates that if he goes to vent and starts crying then Red will cry too and he hates making Red cry
Shadow - don’t get me wrong Green cares for Shadow a whole lot but he knows Shadow doesn’t understand his own feelings most of the time so he doesn’t want to burden Shadow with his own
Vio - Red often goes to Vio first to find a way to just rant without having to put his thoughts in order, Vio just lets him get it out before helping him sort it all out
Blue - Red LOVES Blue, but he hesitates to confide in him at times because he worries Blue will get a tad too protective and go straight to punching whoever made him sad. He IS Red’s first option when he needs optimal comfort though, like if he feels he needs a hug he will run to Blue (Blue gives the best hugs fight me)
Shadow - mostly to gossip LMFAO, Shadow also gives great hugs and always offers to kill anyone for him, Red has yet to take him up on the offer
Green - Red loves going to Green for comfort, he always listens intently and waits until he’s done to give him his input much like Vio does, Red just hates burdening him because Green is always so busy
Zelda - same as Green, hates burdening her but trusts her 100%, crying on her shoulder is a healing experience
Red - Blue knows he can always go to Red, it’s always hard to get him to open up because of his pride but when he does open up it’s always to Red first. He knows Red would never judge him for being vulnerable so when it’s time to break down he only wants Red to see him
Green - Green is Blue’s closest friend, he trusts Green to always keep his secrets and give sound advice, but Green is also going to be his King soon and that makes him want to be even stronger so he can always keep Green safe from inevitable threats
Zelda - Blue has an immense respect for Zelda, as his friend, as a ruler, and as a person overall; he watched her rule her kingdom from a young age and keep the peace all six of them fought hard for. However as his queen he’s sworn loyalty to he tries not to bother her, keeps a respectable distance that Zelda herself tries to narrow
Vio - Blue and Vio’s relationship can seem complicated from an outsiders perspective, they poke and prod, they tease, but as they’ve grown and matured they’ve each learned when its ok to make fun and when you need to back off (it took a lot of trial and error throughout the years trust). Much like the others if Blue needs an answer to a question he will go to Vio, but it’s hard for him to open up emotionally to him because Vio always seems to kept together and he doesn’t want to fall behind
Shadow - to Blue Shadow is super fun to be around, they used to get into a lot of mischief together when they were younger and although they’ve matured a lot they find trouble one way or another. They’re both good friends, but Blue and Shadow are the masters of bottling things up so you won’t catch them having a heart to heart very often
Shadow - the love of his life, Shadow knows things about Vio that Vio himself wishes weren’t true. Shadow sometimes understands what Vio needs before he even says it; and Vio doesn’t cry often but the times he has it’s been with Shadow there to put him back together
Red - Red is a great confidant, and Vio’s best friend, and although Vio considers himself the smartest in the group he knows Red has him beat in emotional intelligence, so when it’s his turn to be vulnerable (which he hates) Red helps him prepare for it
Zelda - Vio loves Zelda’s company, she’s smart and witty, yet completely honest with him; in Zelda’s rare free time they’ll sit and have tea together and talk about anything and everything. Vio would never admit it but Zelda is the funniest person he knows (he doesn’t want to hurt Shadow’s feelings)
Green - Vio trusts Green wholeheartedly, he’d put his life in Green’s hands in a heartbeat, but Vio doesn’t like how Green tends to hover so he hesitates to show any distress around him
Blue - as mentioned before Vio and Blue’s relationship is complicated, Vio doesn’t like showing vulnerability around Blue because he knows it makes Blue feel awkward seeing him as anything less than perfectly kept together. However not to say Blue wouldn’t be there for him, he would, they both would, but they try to keep strong in front of each other, it gives them a sense of normalcy and security they often need
Vio - just like it is vice versa, Vio often knows that Shadow is feeling down or overwhelmed before he himself knows, and although Shadow thought he would hate that he doesn’t. Vio is the one who taught him how to feel more than just anger and scorn, Vio gave him his first real laugh of joy, his first tears of sorrow and heartbreak, and even after all that Vio made up for it and taught him that he was able to feel all of that because he was in love. There’s no secrets between them
Zelda - to many people’s surprise Zelda is Shadow’s best friend, when he was first brought back he gravitated towards her, wanting to repay her for making him realize he wasn’t just a puppet of darkness but his own person. She took his emotions in stride and alongside Vio taught him so much about what he feels, so he confides everything to her
Red - Shadow and Red are very close, when Shadow needs a laugh or a smile he’ll rush to Red, he always has kind words for Shadow no matter what, confiding in his isn’t as easy as it is with Vio and Zelda but Red has always understood that and it helps put Shadow at ease. Again they gossip a lot together
Green - Shadow doesn’t go to Green often, much like Vio he doesn’t want him to overly worry and hover, but while he isn’t Shadow’s first option, he always brings a sense of belonging that means a lot to him
Blue - like mentioned earlier Shadow and Blue are masters if bottling things up, most of the time when Shadow goes to Blue it goes “hey this person made Red/Vio/Green/Zelda sad wanna go beat them up together?”
Green - that’s her soulmate, her other half; Green knows Zelda’s deepest fears and worries that she can’t allow herself to share with anyone else. He knows of her visions of the future and her past lives, of how much past wars haunt her, and he holds her through it all, when he proposed he promised to always keep her and her people safe, he would always be a hero worthy of her
Shadow - Zelda loves Shadow, you’d think she’d be scared of him given he was once her kidnapper, but as she’s always said “I wasn’t scared of you then and I’m not scared of you now”. Shadow is only slightly disappointed, but loves how she’ll ask for him when she’s overwhelmed, saying she needs someone who won’t try to sugarcoat anything from her. Zelda knows Shadow would move mountains for her and she would do the same
Vio - Zelda made Vio one of her advisors early on, she values not only his practical knowledge but his resourcefulness as well, they’ve spent many a late night pouring over documents together and its led to deep conversations. Vio takes as much workload off her shoulders as he legally can and she in turn forces him to take breaks
Red - Red is the little brother Zelda always wanted, as a single child who had to grow up too fast having someone so kind and fun to be around is something she cherishes so deeply. When she needs a hug she’ll seek him out, she knows she’ll always leave an encounter with Red with a smile on her face
Blue - Zelda knows she can trust all her boys with her life, and Blue is no exception, they don’t often confide in each other, but let’s just say that after a certain encounter that leaves Green in a terrible state Zelda learns Blue is not as cold hearted as she feared he was, and she’s made an effort to break down his walls. No knight should have to face monsters on their own, wether they be external or internal
So long story short these six idiots all love each other, but as you could have guessed they have certain people they go to for certain worries/situations. I can’t wait to share more on their relationships with one another!
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star--anon · 10 months
never mind I'm not normal
imagine Newt sneaking into the Map Room and gently hugging Minho from behind as he peruses the Maps with a blind frenzy
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drusic · 1 year
i just know that dream and louis would absolutely get each other FUCK
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gatorbites-imagines · 1 month
Logan begging for it.... so sweetly we cant refuse..... when he knows reader needs his sleep..... taking it in his even when it stays soft...... cockwarming reader while we sleeps.....
Yes im writing whis as I fall asleep
Logan Howlett x male reader
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I was gonna write a longer thing, but a migraine decided to kick my ass all of a sudden, so here I am simply rambling about this.
Imagine having a normal but exhausting day job. You’re no hero, no vigilante, no nothing, you’re just a guy. And you somehow ended up charming the pants off of The Wolverine of all people. How? You have no idea
Dating Logan is a real treat, even with his roughness and sometimes standoffish personality. When you guys really get close, he starts to get more vulnerable.
Along with vulnerable emotionally, he also starts to get a much stronger libido, seeing as he has a partner now. Him having a healing factor doesn’t help you in this case, since it means he has very little recovery time.
Seeing Logan, one would think hed be the dominant one, something you assumed in the beginning too. That was until you guys got intimate the first time and he shoved you onto your back to ride you instead.
There were no complaints from you obviously, because who’d mind having someone like that riding you? Logan in his broad, hairy and so very heavy way, lifting himself up and down on you like it was barely a workout.
You have to remind him to be careful though, multiple times, seeing as his bones make him extra heavy, and your poor hips are that of the average person.
Having a partner with a libido like that though, also means Logan is always raring to go, almost waiting for you by the door when you get home from your shift, like an old gruff dog waiting for affection.
The first week or two of you coming home dead on your feet and passing out on the couch the moment you sat down passed… as well as they could for Logan. He wouldn’t force you to do anything you hadn’t agreed with, but God, is he starting to get antsy.
After way too long, in Logans opinion at least, he finally can’t take it anymore. Being the Loverboy he secretly is, he at least brings you to your shared bed before clambering on top of you again.
You’re just too exhausted to do much other than pet at his thighs, eyes already drooping, but his almost timid but so desperate begging keeps you awake longer than other days. When you sleepily agree, Logan kisses you so hungrily you almost lose your breath.
You stay somewhat awake in the beginning as he works your clothes off, being kind enough not to rip it even if logan really really wanted too. He knows its your work clothes, and you’ve scolded him enough times about ripping up your clothes at this point.
It was hard to even really stay awake as Logan worked you hard, just enough for him to slide down on you, his groans sounding like he was a starving man having his first bite of food in weeks. Had you not been struggling to keep your eyes open, you might have teased him.
When Logan leans forward and just rests his weight on you, that was the last straw. Who could stay awake with such a warm heavy weight pressing down on them, like your own personal weighted wolverine blanket.
Logan didn’t even really feel the need to ride you or get himself off, he just wanted to be close to you like this, to feel you inside him and press up against you. So having slowly doze off under him wasn’t a bother, especially as you mumble for him to just keep going.
Most of the night is majorly used by Logan to just tuck his face into your neck and huff your scent, or rub his own against you. You will wake up with beard burns, sorry but those at the rules. Theres probably some chew marks and hickeys mixed in there too, Logans possessive.
You do wake up with very sore hips the next morning. In the comics he’s 300 lbs, but that’s with his comic height, so if were going off of movie Logan he weighs even more. And no matter how much you work out, that’s gotta make you sore.
You don’t really mind though, especially as Logan makes sure you massage your hips in ways you didn’t even know were possible. This also just gives Logan an excuse to lick and gnaw at you more, and to rub more of his scent into you, and yours into him.
Yes, you limp that day, and probably the day after. Luckily you’re able to work from home. This of course also means you have Logan on your dick the entire time, even if its just your mutant lover crawling under the blanket to get his mouth on you.
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sednas · 2 years
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i wanted to write something nasty but it ended up being quite sweet, don't blame me i just need love
⠀ૈ☆ ex-husband nanami x fem!reader
𓏲 ࣪₊♡ tw: [n]sfw, breeding kink, jealousy, possessiveness, fluffy ending
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it only took one look, just one look across the room full of guests to reignite something that had never really been extinguished.
nanami's grip around his glass of wine got a little tighter, his eyes flashing at you and his heart starting to beat fast.
he became more muscular since your divorce, his shoulders looked stronger, carrying him with much more confidence and charisma than before.
maybe he finally quit his shitty job, you thought to yourself, trying to act cool as you saw him coming closer...
yeah he definitely quit his job, you think to yourself again, laying on your back while his cock is splitting you open.
"I missed you so much my love..."
familiar goosebumps hit your skin and his hands slide along the curves of your waist, the tip of his cock pushing against your cervix.
all you can do is take it, unfocused eyes watching your ex-husband thrusting inside your dripping pussy. nanami grunts, his body pressed against your own, his breath fanning over your neck, and you can't help but moan his name and wrap your legs around his hips, trying to meet his thrusts.
"'missed you too kento..." you try to speak, your hands reaching out to hold his face.
you missed everything about him, the warmth of his skin, his cologne scent, how messy his blond hair gets when you run your hands through it, and the way he knows every single one of your weak spots.
he never fucked you this hard in the past, of course he was rough sometimes, but you can tell something has changed, snapped.
not that you're complaining about it.
your back arches off the bed, making his pelvic bone touch your spasming clit.
"this time I'm not letting you go angel..."
his eyes get darker, thinking about the potential men and women who had you since your divorce, it makes him fuck you harder, deeper.
"mine..." he whispers, more to himself than for you to hear.
he takes your hands to pin them above your head and smiles when he hears you whine.
"you're gonna cum angel?" he asks, not slowing down his thrusts.
he knows you by heart, and he smiles when you nod, his mouth starting to suck on the soft skin of your neck, marking you.
"that's okay, I'm gonna cum too..." he says, and you can feel his hot breath hitting your skin.
he keeps rubbing your sweet spot, completely lost in the feeling. god he missed that feeling, you're the only one who can make him lose his mind like that, he can't believe he let you go when you're this perfect.
"you're still not on birth control?"
and he smiles again when he sees you shake your head. so perfect.
"gonna put a baby in you yeah? gonna make you a mom... will you let me angel?"
you mindlessly nod your head, wrapping your legs tighter around his waist, your whole body is trembling and you feel his cock twitches inside of you.
"please... breed me..." you sweetly asks, and he can't deny you.
your vision gets blurry, your eyes roll back and you violently cum around his cock as he does the same in you, still thrusting to push his cum deeper. you both stays silent for a few seconds, nanami's head buried in your neck, inhaling your familiar scent, closing his eyes of content when he feels your hands rubbing his back.
"I love you, I've never stopped loving you, even after six years..." he whispers, his voice sounding almost vulnerable as he kisses your shoulder.
you ruffle his hair, and you whine a little as you can feel his cock still pushing against your cervix.
"I'm here now, I won't leave."
he hums, his arms wrapping around your waist and you can feel yourself slowly drifting off to sleep.
this time you both won't let go of each other.
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jjk masterlist
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yanderestarangel · 1 year
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ㅤ𔘓 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ㅤ𔘓 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Johnny Cage, Bi Han, Reiko, Shang Tsung, Shao Khan, Kuai Liang, Kenshi, Rain, Kung Lao, Quan Chi.
Riding your dominant boyfriend's cock to the breaking point, your pussy on his fat, throbbing cock, you were so tired, but so satisfied. He never got tired of seeing you like a little slut on top of him, desperate for more and more, he controlled himself so much so as not to simply fuck you with all his might and leave you unable to walk the next day. You would see his muscular abs totally sweaty and the tremors of his muscles every time your pussy met his cock over and over again, whispering sweet things and promises of a future together.
"-That's so good my sweet, just keep going, you're so beautiful and yes- hmph- fuck baby, you're so tight I-" -He tries to speak, while crying with pleasure, it was the first time that your big man, so strong and fearless for everyone, he cried desperately because of you, because of the wonderful work that your little body did on him, he could be bigger and stronger than you, but the way your pussy rode and sucked his dick, the way the way your soft breasts bounced in his face, the way your face contorted with pleasure making his cock your private playground, it was too much for him to handle, he was so used to always being on top of you, eating your beautiful pussy and denying your orgasms, but this time it was different, he was vulnerable, crying, like a little whore, with his cock buried in your soft and velvety walls, he just wanted to cum, to release the load pent up for hours, all inside you.
"-P-Please my love... I just want to cum inside your uterus... I just want to cum, I can't take it anymore, please I beg you-" -He doesn't even have time to finish the sentence, while you ride on his dick roughly, he finally reaches the peak, moaning hoarsely and whimpering even more, saliva dripping down his mouth, lips half open and his thick, calloused hands find the soft flesh of your hips, pushing his dick even further towards you, the pulsating head of his dick kissed your insides with each last thrust, a last requirement for him to tremble and ride the waves of orgasmic pleasure that you provided him, his spent cock still inside you.
"-Thank you... I needed that my sweetheart..." -He gave you a kiss on the cheek, while you dried his tears with your thumbs, making him smile slightly, your rude boyfriend, wasn't that tough after all.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ㅤ𔘓 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Liu Kang, Syzoth, Tomas Vrbada, Raiden.
Being fucked roughly by your submissive boyfriend, while he was already tired of being so affectionate and servile to you, breaking you and making you cry beneath him because you were overstimulated, your clitoris was sore and your pussy was full of cum, but he wasn't going to stop until you are completely satisfied. He buries his dick in your pussy with all his might, he really wants to see you tremble, suffer for his dick. He starts to move, his thrusts aggressive and relentless, bringing you closer to the edge. His hands hold your hips tightly, leaving marks as he pounds into you, he wasn't going to let you cum yet, he was going to appreciate every wet sound and harsh, suffering moan that left your lips, a delicious revenge for all the times you denied him an orgasm.
"-Look at me, you slut." -He ordered, squeezing your face tightly, slapping your cheek hard while smiling, hearing you moan. "-Fuuck... Look at you, completely wet, just begging for my cock, you're mine, that damn perfect pussy is mine, hear my whore?" -He hit his hips hard against your pussy again, roughly massaging your clitoris, there was no affection, just a lustful and degrading punishment while his balls hit the flesh of your ass.
"-You're a mess, this is where you belong, my little toy. Under my control, at my mercy." -The combination of his words and the intensity of the moment drove you further into submission. Your wet pussy continued to drip, proof of your excitement and need for more. Everything about this encounter, the pain, the pleasure and the degradation, fueled your desire for him, intensifying your pleasure with each passing moment, he saw that you were close to cumming, taking his dick out of your pussy and slapping you strong on the sensitive flesh, making your clitoris burn.
"-You're not going to cum until I tell you to, now be a good boy/girl get on all fours on the bed and open that slutty pussy wide."
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cvnt4him · 3 months
i’m talking practical hearts in his eyes and like a complete puppy dog🙏, this gorgeous and strong boy on his knees and at your side at every beck and call, would do anything for attention and praise. god i love him
- 😼♡
writers block be gone 😞🙏🏽
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Izuku midoriya. Your puppy like, babyfaced, adorable, loving, compassionate boyfriend who'd do anything for you. That's the kind of man you wanted, and once you finally got him you were in shock. There was no way this perfect Demi god of a man was yours?!
You constantly tell him how surprised you are at how you bagged him, but truth be told he's even more surprised that he managed to bag you!!
He always dreamed of holding you and kissing your face, he spent so much time fantasizing about you his grades started slipping. He began drawing you and even thinking about you before bed. He wouldn't admit it to you now that you two are dating but he has sexy drawings of you, he also used to think about you and stalk your social media while stroking his cock.
It was embarrassing to think about so he viewed to never being it up to you. EVER.
Izuku wasn't the jealous type, he had no reason to be. He knew you were loyal and he was more than loyal. He stayed by your side all the time and assured you knew where he was when he wasn't. He hated being away from you, leaving your side made him feel lonely, cold.
Cuddling you was his favorite thing in the world!!!! Holding you close and wrapping his large muscles around your figure, he was so much stronger than you and he knew that. He loved when you called him your "big strong man" it made him so hard and flustered. He knew that if he wanted he could snap your neck like a twig, he loved that. The fact that you still got an attitude with him on some occasions and even ignored him when he accidentally angered you despite knowing what he's capable of made his cock twitch.
He loved how you couldn't give a flying fuck that he could destroy the whole world within the blink of an eye. Yet that wouldn't stop you from rolling your eyes at him and making him sit at the eye of your bed while you plunged your fingers inside of you.
Izuku loves going shopping with you, you'll never have to worry about getting lost or losing hm because he won't dare to leave your side. He wouldn't even think of it. He likes watching you giggle and get all excited about spending money and buying new jewelry or clothes. The way you jumped up and down and how your boobs bounced with every jump. How you let him watch you change in the changing room.
See, it wasn't even the fact that you let him watch, the fact that he seen your boobs spill from your bra. It was the fact that you trusted him enough to watch you in such a vulnerable state, he could've taken a picture and sent it to all his friends or made jokes about your body but he didn't and that's why you trusted him. Your trust in him made him so excited, if he were a dog his tail would be wagging like there's no tomorrow.
You and izuku had gotten in trouble for sleeping in one another dorm. It wasn't allowed, but izuku just couldn't stand being away from you!! His heart aches just thinking about how cold his side of your bed must've been next to you! How you must crave his warmth next to you. How he yearned for you to snuggle your face into his neck, the hot breath that you fanned his freckles neck making him hold back a moan.
He snuck out of his dorm quietly and crept his way to yours, sneaking inside of it without you even noticing. You seemed to be asleep, no matter, he knew you wanted him there whether you could say it or not! Nothing would stop him from getting to you!!! Izuku grabbed your body and yanked you into his larger figure, broad shoulders curling themselves around you. Your eyes shoot open as your slowly turn your head back to see izuku with his eyes closed and a dumb smile on his beautiful chubby face. For fucks sake.
Izuku loved when you needed him, when you'd call him for help because you can't get something or can't find something or just want him to buy you some food, hell do it no questions asked. He apologizes to you for you feeling like you even had to ask!!
Izuku was nothing more than like a dog, it was like he was part dog or something, like some sort of hybrid. He shook his head sometimes, his shaggy curly hair moving all around his face. The way he'd turn his head when he was confused, and that dumb smile he'd give you when he was happy. Eyebrows furrowing and his eyes blown wide, hearts forming shape in his pupil.
His eyes were glossy as he was in his knees, watching you touch yourself in front of his face, he waited for you to say he could taste you, please you. He was a good boy! And he'd continue to be your good boy until the end of time!!
His mouth opens as he inhales at the same time as you, his breaths matching yours while you tease your throbbing cunt. He moans and bites his lip his eyes staring directly at your wet squelching hole. He wanted to lick you clean, he wanted to devour you whole.
"please please please... Oh..!"
He inhales at the end of his sentence, a moan leaving his mouth at the same time as you. You moan and throw your head back, the way he looked at you like you were the last meal on earth was so sexy.
You stop your movements, simply to see how he would react and to your surprise he whimpers and whines and shoots his wide glossy eyes up to yours, a pouty frown forming on his pink lips. He turned his head to the side and let another desperate whine out for you. God this was quite the sight, you knew he liked to please you but there was no way he actually liked watching you get yourself off? Did it make him horny as well?
Yes it did but that wasn't why he wanted you to continue. He wanted you to cum hecsuse he wnyd you to feel good. He didn't care about his pleasure or if he even got to cum at all tonight, he wanted to make sure you came at least 5 times before the end of the night, whether it be his doing or your own. He wouldn't put up a fight. He liked watching.
You giggle before closing your legs and crossing them, another whine leaving his lips this time much louder and bitchy than before. You smile and motion for him to come closer. Without hesitation he crawls towards you slowly, you lay your crossed thigh and he lays his chin on it. He turns his head and drives his cheek up against the fat of your thigh, whimpering under this breath.
You raked your fingers through his messy curls, fingers slightly getting caught in the naps and kinks in his hair. He lets a moan escape his lips as he bites his lower one, a smile forming on his mouth as he looks up at you with lust filled eyes.
"want a taste, zu?"
He couldn't speak, he was sure to embarrass himself if he even tried due to his dry throat from the lack of speaking. He nodded aggressively with low whines leaving his throat. He nudges your legs open with his head before burying his face in between your thighs, the warmth that was held in between fanning all over his face.
He takes a big sniff of the aroma that leaves your cunt, he was such a disgusting perv. Getting off to smell alone was the dirtiest thing he could possibly do. He groaned before licking a long slow strike up your cunny. You throw your head back before lifting one of your legs over his shoulder which he happily held onto, he knew he'd need to, things always get pretty intense when he eats you out. Mostly on his party bc he js loves the taste of you, he always gets so pussy drunk.
He shakes his head whilst being in between your legs, slurping and licking up everything that you leak out. Izuku takes it as high praise when you moan for him and tell him what you want, how could he even attempt to be cruel and deny you of what you want?
You moan as your hand find themselves in his hair pushing his head deeper into your pussy, he obviously obliges and tries his hardest to bury himself deeper and deeper into you, his nose rubbing and brushing against your sensitive clit. When he shakes his head his nose rubs your clit in the best way that had your pussy squeezing around his pink muscle delving in and out of you at a fast pace, he then decided to add two of his thick fingers and plunged them in and out of you in repeated motions.
God being stuffed with his scarred thick digits was so good, you could only imagine how much he was enjoying himself. Sure be was a pervert but at the end of the day he was yours and you wouldn't trade him for the world.
"mmph~, c'mon zuzu, make me cum baby boy, c'mon be a good boy f'me~"
You choke out a groan, the pleasure beginning to be far too much for you to handle, you feel that impending coil inside of you threatening to break every time he moans into your cunt, sending vibrations all the way up your body. He hadn't moved back to take a single breath yet, you were surprised but honestly you knew even if he couldn't breathe he probably wouldn't even think about stopping the pleasure he was giving you. He'd rather die than deny you of pleasure, especially if you were letting him make you feel good. That was like the highest honor besties upon him. Making you feel good.
He moves his mouth to focus on your clit, sucking it in between his lips. He lets his tongue prod and poke and kitten lick it lightly while he shoves his fingers inside of you, never letting up the intense speed he had. You feel your arms begin to weaken inside of his hair, your whole body shaking and shivers above him , eyes rolling back from the way he moaned around your clit.
Izuku lolled his tongue out and gently licked stripes up and down your clit, hot breath making the sensitive bundle of nerves feel even better, the sounds that left him were so hot and dirty. The way izukus moaned as if he were the one being pleasured in such immense ways. He loved getting head from you, sure, but there was nothing better than giving you head. Hell he'd dare even say that not even sex itself was better than getting to eat you out.
He gives your clit one last long suck before you choke out a loud breathy moan and fall back onto the bed, body spasming and shaking underneath him while he worked his magic from on his knees. Izuku moans inside of your cunt and licks and sucks up everything you give him, his fingers slow down as he fucks you through you orgasm, letting tiny mewls and gentle words out.
"mm- thank you-- s'much, so good..~"
He was trying his hardest not to overstimulate you but he couldn't help it, he just couldn't pull his mouth away from you. You tasted so sweet and so good he just couldn't even try to.
You kick izukus head away shaking and twitching from the overstimulation before falling back onto the bed. He catches his breath and just stares up at you, the way your chest raised and lowered in a rhythmic pattern
Izuku is, was, and will always be enamored with you. He just loves you so so much!
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AN: I wanna post more OC art chat but I'm scared, like my art style has been going through... Some changes.. and I'm js afraid that no one will like it😞
Also if you don't already know this shit is not proofread there will be no warnings and yeah!!!!! Like all of my fics 💀
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anantaru · 11 months
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kinktober 2023. — masterlist | ao3
𖧡 — including — blade, jing yuan
𖧡 — warnings — fem! reader, first time, virgin! reader, taking your v card, soft & passionate, pussy drunk hsr men
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the jammed breathes blade expelled from the top of his lungs evidently showcased the current emotions he had been experiencing— and despite him taking his time with his darling, letting you adjust to his throbbing cock without actually hurting you, knowing it was the right route to take, he applauds his self control for being so strong and resilient.
blade doesn't thrust into you after he slides his inches into you, rather did he take dazzling delight in traversing over your thudding desire— he coughs and it's followed by a muttered curse, whilst your own short, pitchy whines were muffled into his neck as they echoed on his flesh.
still shaking from the intrusion, your hips had a mind of their own and tremble as you jerk up a little, desperately seeking more contact of him, you need him faster, stronger, to water down the slight, lingering burn on your creamy hole, a raging fire wavering on his cock when you begin to constrict and let go, clamp on his length before milking him with your warmness.
"b-blade.." your voice breaks into delicate trembles, "you can move now.."
he nods at you, most handsome and alluring before tightening his arms around your body, idle musing being acted out as blade plants a kiss on your forehead— fuck, everything felt different now, especially since you're completely open to him and he doesn't know how to react, or how you're vulnerable from inside and out and blade practically floats at the feeling of a deep satisfaction matching your own.
"how does that feel?" he was continuously content with you, never once looking back to view his own sentiments, the brightest hues of his vulnerabilities exploding inside the humidity of the room— through soft fingertips and passionate gazes, through a steady breathing rattling over your lips and through those sweet words, sinful noises, all combined into one giant sensation weighing above you.
you pant, scrunching your eyes together before folding your arms around his back, "g-good," you whisper, "you feel.. nice," and he smiles at your words, as if your existance was the key to his soul, silencing the gruesome whisperings of doubts in him.
his cock throbs at your mewls, the length hot and wet when he begins to pick up on pace, eagerly gazing down in between your bodies as you took him in, bathing the swelling vehemence of his frame when you accepted him wholly— before blade, your handsome boyfriend, clenches his fists around the silken sheets at the pressure of just how much he loved and craved you.
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you always knew that you won't ever regret giving yourself to someone such as jing yuan— you'd never look back at it with any form of remorse, not one bit, because you utterly loved him and were certain that he was the one.
a breathless heave follows a murmured swear as jing yuan bucks his hips into you, to get a feeling for the situation and reach some guise of control, even though he could barely contain himself right now— for one, the thought about you being, untouched, and him being your first in basically everything, was holding his heart in a choke hold, a bristling warmth on his chest perfectly slotted against your own.
the general loved you so much, realizing that he will forever be in love with you, and between his body and mind, it was an honor to be chosen by you.
"oh... fuck! my love, you're so tight," he grunts, swallowing down the assemblage of saliva in his mouth before kitty licking across your bottom lip, surrendering to your warm pussy trapping him in between, not wanting this moment to end and go on forevermore.
jing yuan was confined inside the tenderness of how good you felt touching him up, taking his inches and gushing around his shaft— but he wants more, he needs to feel more and begins to rock his hips deeper— your creamy arousal sousing over your wrecked insides before dribbling down his balls with every new drag in and out, his head silently slanting forward to have his lips placed on the crown of your head before you both cry out in a plethora of salacious sobs and hasty whispers.
but he still wanted more, needed everything, everything. everything.
it's incredible and your legs ache at his hips keeping them parted with the stinging nerves on your hole shrieking and twisting from being penetrated for the very first time in your life, fusing with the bliss touching you like pins and needles on your wet sex— jing yuan carries on to move in and out, stretching you flawlessly with his weighty dick dripping his pre on your warmness, throbbing against your walls all the while slamming his body on top of yours, your little pussy doing all the work, stroking his hard length— sharp, frantic jerks battering your cunt as you remained enclosed in each others arms.
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©2023 anantaru's kinktober do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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sugar-grigri · 6 months
How is Chainsaw Man the scariest without being the strongest?
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It's still a very succinct analysis, but I find it fascinating how this whole chapter is irrigated by an idea that will only be verbalized at the very end.
How to make a decapitated teenager fearsome: by placing him in the demonic hierarchy.
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Demons are closer to the animal kingdom than to the human, or rather, humans are merely the demons' prey, placed after them on the food chain.
But this food chain still exists within the demons themselves, and the law of the strongest naturally prevails.
So this chapter very effectively places us in this hierarchy by means of a key element: reminding us just how strong Guangxi is.
This is most effectively established by the arrogant nail fiend, who flatly submits to Guangxi's plea for mercy before she attacks.
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More classically, this is underlined by the speed with which Katana Man was sliced open. The discrepancy being made by the fact that Katana man was transformed when she is not, even in her human form, she remains stronger.
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Third element: the relationship with death. Guangxi has the same nature as CSM, weapons that know no finitude. This gives the impression that they're both in the same category and, given her power, puts her above Denji's more chaotic, instinctive abilities.
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Which she recognizes. She's obviously stronger than CSM. But this one is more frightening.
Even in his most vulnerable state, human and decapitated, Denji acts like a malevolent totem, pushing an overpowered weapon like Guangxi to bend.
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But all this seems confusing because CSM's golden rule is that the scarier a demon is, the stronger it will be. So if Quanxi is scared of CSM, why isn't CSM logically stronger?
The chapter answers this: Guangxi allows Yoru to kill her. In other words, the most logical conclusion to a physical and combative power struggle : death is not what frightens Guangxi. So what is it that frightens Guangxi?
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Chainsaw Man is bad luck. When Guangxi faces the more vulnerable Denji, she remains stoic, as if she doesn't want to awaken a curse.
Once again, the answer is in the chapter. What's more frightening for beings who aren't afraid of the logic of the food chain because they don't know death? The death of their loved ones.
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The food chain does not allow us to identify the hierarchy between several individuals of different species. How can such a miserable human be the superior of such a strong weapon? Because he holds something precious in his hands: her loved ones. Chainsaw Man is just as much a threat to them, so Guangxi, however strong, doesn't go near him.
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Symbolically, this man who had little empathy or respect for his wife doesn't understand the reaction of a demon who refrains from offending Chainsaw Man : Guangxi who clings to the bodies of her lovers like lost treasures.
Seeing Chainsaw Man is a painful memory for Guangxi, as he is the mark of the mission that cost her the lives of her girlfriends.
Even if Chainsaw Man is not the direct result, he is an abyss around which stronger demons sometimes gravitate, but above all a black hole into which loved ones sink.
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Denji himself is proof of this, isn't he? He's merged with this curse. His relatives have all paid the price.
Guangxi is actually in the same state as Denji. Decapitated, her lace bandage symbolizing a false scar, a false scar for a being who can't have one, an unhealed mourning.
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Denji is once again subject to this curse. For a clue was slipped last time that this one had a bottom of conscience.
What did Denji want to do? Helping Nayuta, no? What stopped him?
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When we see Chainsaw Man, we see the scariest thing of all.
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bunny-1111 · 18 days
Can you write something on theo nott like how he becomes vulnerable with y/n
By the way love your writing style❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much! and thanks for the request, I hope you enjoy <3
Theodore Nott was nothing if not private.
He kept most thoughts to himself and his secret buried deep within.
It could be endearing sometimes, but when you looked at his face, the look telling you he has something he wants to say, something that's eating him up, something he wants to talk about, and yet, he says nothing. A small frown hinted at the corners of his lips, and a wishful thought threatened to spill from his tongue.
Whenever he got close to dropping his guard, he rebuilds his walls ten times higher, and stronger.
His worries, unbeknownst to you, became your own.
What's he thinking about, what's wrong, why won't he talk to me?
You tried to get him to talk to you, and tried, and tried, and tried again.
All your troubles were met with radio silence from Theodore.
While lying in bed, covered in blankets and body heat, the two of you spoke—well, you spoke, and he listened.
"And then, Pansy looked at me in front of the whole classroom and called me a bitch. Can you believe that, my own best friend?" You sniffled through your rant
"No, I can't believe that; she shouldn't have. It's gonna be ok though, I promise you, I won't leave your side for a second tomorrow, alright?" he comforted, wiping your tears and rubbing circles on your shoulder
"thank you Teddy, I'm so lucky to have you" You frown up at him "No, I'm lucky to have you" He smiled, kissing your slightly puffy cheeks
"I wish I could help you too if you ever need to talk about anything" you sighed
By the end of your sentence, you felt his body stiffen.
You didn't ask again.
You had accepted that it wouldn't come quickly or easily from Theo, but you were patient, so you finally let go of expectation, maybe you would never see your boyfriend vulnerable, maybe he was invincible, you just didn't know.
But out of protest, you stopped telling Theodore your own problems, you stopped confiding in him for even the smallest things, you couldn't constantly give and not take, you thought.
Only then did it hit Theodore, that he had accidentally pushed you away by not giving you a glimpse into his mind.
Sitting on the cold leather couches of the common room, you ranted to Draco about Snapes lesson
'Why the fuck is she telling him and not me?' Theodore thought, watching you go on about your teacher. He took a deep breath in and did what he always does. Left.
He ventured out into the cold night, finding a seat beneath the courtyard, lighting a cigarette, his head against the brick.
Why the fuck won't she talk to me, even about bloody Snape?
Why the fuck does she think Draco can help her, when I'm right here?
What else hasn't she told me?
His mind raced against him until he reached his unusual conclusion of panic. His heart beating hard against his chest, his head pounding with worry, "Holy shit" he muttered, this is exactly how you felt when he pulled away from you.
He took one last long drag of his smoke, dropping it, and stomping on its remaining ash.
It was now well past curfew, and he knew it; the last thing he needed was to be caught sneaking into the girl's dormitories, so he raced against the speed of his own feet until he found himself knocking on your door.
You crept out tired, "Hey" you yawn, shocked to see him without notice, he wasn't usually spontaneous at showing up to your dorm, always announced, never the less, you of course open the door wide to let him in.
"Are you ok?" you ask, doubting you would get an honest answer, but you ask anyway.
"No" he admitted, you almost think you didn't hear him correctly, he had made you stop dead in your tracks.
Turning to him instantly
"What's wrong, teddy" you begin, gently placing a hand on his face, he takes your hand in his.
He doesn't say anything back yet, just pulls you into a tight hug, OK, you think, this is at least, a start.
Your face must've shown what you were thinking, compassion, as your brows furrowed, you pleaded with your eyes, open up to me
To your surprise, he begins to talk, now sitting, facing each other on the edge of your bed, "I so fucking overwhelmed, and my fathers being a pain in my ass, constantly sending me letters about Merlin knows what, and I haven't even started studying for exams, and I don't want to go home for the holidays, it's so cold and lonely in my fucking house, and I miss you, I feel like we've drifted apart lately and I know it's my fault" he quickly spills out in one go.
You had to gasp for air yourself, he had held so much in, you didn't know what to process first. By the time you went to open your mouth, Theodore shot up, racing for your door, hands nervously running through his hair "This was dumb, I'm sorry, forget everything I just said." you rushes
"No! No, Theo, please, sit back down", you plead. To your surprise, he listens, though he doesn't look up, but that's ok as long as he stays? Baby steps, you thought.
"You don't have to reply to his letters, and if you really think you do, I'll help you write one back politely telling him to lay off, that you need to focus on your studies. Theo, you don't even need to study, your the smartest in every class, but you and I, can stay in the library every Friday night so you can get into routine" You started, he was looking at you now.
"You can come home with me for the holidays, or I'll come with you and if you don't want to leave! We will stay here, alright?! And Teddy, we will never leave each other, that, I promise, because we're fixing things, we're finally talking" your smile laced with sympathy
He watched you for a while, his eyes wide, his breath caught, his body practically frozen, until it wasn't, until he dropped his head into your chest, until he realised how easy it was to talk to you, that you actually had a solution.
"I'm sorry that I've never done this before, you know, open up. It's not easy for me," he says muffled, cringing at what he was confessing
"I know, my love, I hope this is helping, Teddy, I'm here for you for a long as you need me," you say
"You know, usually, I just save this all for my mum. When I get home, I visit her grave and I tell her everything I'd never said out loud, but it's so hard to get there most of the time and being at school for so long I just-" he says, as he looks up he see your eyes filling with tears
"Hey, no no, I didn't mean to make you cry" he says now holding you too
"Theo, that's horrible, I'm here. I'm here" you insist
"I know that now, I haven't done this before, I always thought it was wrong to, I don't know, communicate" he almost laughed.
You scruffled his hair, lacing your hands through his slightly tangled brown locks.
"Let me take those thought of yours, I'll kept them safe in my mind from now on, let me share the heavy load with you, we can help each other" you smile
He went on about everything else bothering him, and by the end, he felt a sense of relief, of lightness, of peace.
Even after almost a year together, that was the beginning of a new stage of your relationship. Trust was built, and now Theodore knew, even though he had previously resisted, all he had to do was find you, and you'd be there.
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P.S, it's almost 1am for me so, I'm tired. This might not be the best lol, not edited or reread <33
Message for any requests, as always, comments, likes and reblogs are appreciated my loves <3
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cosmicanakin · 6 months
𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐔𝐏 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐒 ⟢ | dean winchester.
adult content | minors do NOT interact.
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⟣ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. dean winchester x female reader.
⟣ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. a heated argument with dean leads to a vulnerable confession of your long-held feelings.
⟣ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒). angst arguments implied sexual tension mild language season 1 dean ( yes that's a warning ) mature themes.
kari's corner ⟢ ݁⋆ back with a new fic whaaaat?! i recently started rewatching supernatural to mend my broken heart after the season 15 finale… they deserved so much better & just thinking about it pisses me tf off. anyway i was listening to stairway to heaven for hours on end while writing this (that song is my childhood.) enjoooooy!
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you stared out the window of the impala, watching the roads and scenery fly by as led zeppelin played softly in the background. the familiar rumble of the engine and the comfort of the leather seats usually provided a sense of peace, but today all you could feel was tension.
you and dean had gotten into a nasty argument earlier, one that had been brewing for a while now. it was about his careless flirtation with other women, even when you two weren't officially exclusive. you couldn't help the feelings you had harbored for him over the years, feelings that only seemed to grow stronger the more time you spent together on the road. and it hurt to see him so freely give his attention and affection to anyone but you.
you tried to push those thoughts aside, to focus on the music and the drive. but it was impossible to ignore the way dean kept stealing glances in your direction, the way his hand would occasionally graze your thigh in a move that had become comfortable and familiar between the two of you. each subtle touch sent a jolt of electricity through your body, a painful reminder of what you couldn't have.
as the familiar chords of the song played on, you closed your eyes and tried to will yourself to sleep, to escape this tense situation, even if just for a little while. but just as you felt yourself starting to drift off, dean's hand suddenly landed firmly on your inner thigh, sending your eyes flying open as your heart raced.
without a word, dean pulled the impala over to the side of the road, putting the car in park before turning to face you. the intensity in his green eyes made your breath catch in your throat, and you found yourself unable to look away.
"we need to talk," he said, his voice low and serious.
you swallowed hard, every fiber of your being telling you to run, to avoid this conversation at all costs. but you knew it was inevitable, that the tension between the two of you had been building for too long to ignore any longer.
"okay," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper.
dean studied you for a moment, his gaze searching your face for something you couldn't quite decipher. finally, he let out a heavy sigh and ran a hand through his short, spiky hair.
"look, i know things have been...tense between us lately," he began, his eyes never leaving yours. "and i know a lot of that is my fault."
you opened your mouth to interrupt, to argue that it was his fault, that his reckless flirting had hurt you more than you cared to admit. but he held up a hand, silencing you.
"please, just let me say this," he pleaded. "i'm not good at this whole...feelings thing. you of all people know that. but i've been thinking a lot about what happened earlier..." he paused, his brow furrowing as he struggled to find the right words.
"i'm sorry," he said finally, his voice sincere. "i never meant to hurt you, i swear. it's just...old habits die hard, you know?" he hesitated, his gaze dropping to his hands, which were fidgeting nervously in his lap. "i guess i was... afraid."
your eyes widened in surprise at his confession, and you couldn't help but lean forward slightly, your curiosity piqued.
"afraid of what, dean?" you asked softly.
he let out a humorless chuckle, shaking his head. "afraid of this," he said, gesturing vaguely between the two of you. "afraid of... of letting myself feel something real, something that could actually last."
your heart ached at his words, the raw vulnerability in his voice cutting you deeper than any of his careless flirtations ever could. you knew, deep down, that dean had been through more than his fair share of pain and loss in his life, and the thought of him being afraid to open himself up to you only made you love him more.
"dean..." you began, your voice trembling slightly. "i... i had no idea."
he looked up then, his green eyes meeting yours, and you were struck by the raw emotion you saw there. "i know," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "and that's my fault. i've been pushing you away, because i'm scared of what this could be. of what we could be."
you felt your heart skip a beat at his words, hope and fear warring within you. "what are you saying, dean?" you asked, fiddling with your thumbs.
he reached out to you, his calloused hand coming to rest on your thigh again, his thumb brushing against it in a gentle caress. "i'm saying that... i care about you, more than i've ever cared about anyone. and i'm tired of pretending that i don't."
you felt your breath catch in your throat, your eyes flooding with tears as the weight of his words settled over you. "dean... i care about you, too. so much," you whispered, your voice shaking.
a small, tentative smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and he reached up to gently brush a stray tear from your cheek. "i know," he murmured. "that's what scares me the most."
you nodded, understanding dawning on you. "because you're afraid of losing me, too," you said softly.
he nodded, his hand moving to cup your face, his thumb caressing your cheek. "yeah," he breathed. "i've already lost so much in my life, sweetheart. i don't think i could handle losing you, too."
you leaned into his touch, savoring the warmth and comfort of his hand on your skin. "you won't lose me, dean," you whispered. "'M not going anywhere."
he studied your face for a long moment, his green eyes boring into yours, before slowly leaning in. your heart raced as his lips brushed against yours, soft and tentative at first, before deepening into a passionate kiss.
when you finally broke apart, you were both breathing heavily, your foreheads resting against each other. "i love you," dean murmured, his voice barely audible but you heard him clear as day.
"i love you, too," you whisper, your fingers tangling in the short strands of his hair.
for a long moment, the two of you simply sat there, lost in each other's embrace, the tension and pain of earlier melting away. but then, a thought occurred to you, and you pulled back slightly, your brow furrowing.
"what about sam?" you asked, your voice tinged with concern. "i mean, we're on our way to pick him up from stanford, and i don't want him to feel... i don't know, awkward or anything."
dean chuckled softly, his thumb tracing the curve of your jaw. "don't worry about sammy," he said, a mischievous glint in his eye. "he's been rooting for us to get our heads out of our asses for years."
you couldn't help but laugh at that, the tension in your shoulders finally starting to ease. "i should have known," you said, shaking your head in amusement.
dean grinned, pulling you in for another kiss, this one deeper and more passionate than the last. when you finally broke apart, you were both breathless again, your hearts racing.
"so, what does this mean for us?" you asked, your voice soft and uncertain.
dean's expression turned serious, his hand moving to intertwine with yours. "it means that i'm all in, baby," he said, his voice low and sincere. "no more flirting with other women, no more pushing you away. i want this, us, more than anything."
you felt your heart swell with emotion, tears of joy threatening to spill over. "me too, dean," you whispered, squeezing his hand gently. "i'm in, too."
he smiled then, a genuine, warm smile that lit up his entire face, and you couldn't help but lean in and kiss him again, savoring the feeling of his lips on yours, the warmth of his body against yours.
as you pulled apart, dean's expression turned mischievous once more. "so, what do you say we give sammy another day and find us a nice, secluded spot to... celebrate?" he asked wiggling his brows, a hint of suggestiveness in his tone.
you couldn't help but laugh again at what you were hearing, playfully swatting his arm. "dean winchester, you are such a hornball," you teased.
he grinned, his grip on your hand tightening. "maybe so, but you love me anyway," he said, his voice filled with a quiet confidence that made your heart flutter.
"that i do," you murmured, leaning in to kiss him once more.
as the impala rumbled back to life and dean guided the car back onto the open road, you couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and contentment wash over you. the tension and hurt of earlier had been replaced by a deep, abiding love and trust, and you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you and dean would face them together.
you nestled closer to dean as he drove, your hand still intertwined with his, and stairway to heaven filling the air, you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to bask in the feeling of pure, unadulterated happiness.
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born-of-flames · 6 months
Picnic Date Idea...
(Trigger warning, read if you enjoy CNC)
You look extra needy this evening, dressing up and twirling around in your cute dress I bought with you.
The one with the floral patterns that is just short enough to cover your ass.
When you spin I catch a glimpse of that metallic plug in placed into you hours ago.
"Come on baby, we are going on a little drive, wait for me in in the car."
"Ooooh, are you taking me out for a date!? Are we going to go to a restaurant or shopping!?"
"Just head to the car and get in, I'll be out soon princess."
When I leave the house and turn to lock the door, you notice I'm carrying a backpack on my back.
"Daddy, are we going on a picnic at the park!"
"Oh, something like that..."
The entire car ride, I have my hand on your thigh, moving it up and down your soft skin and teasing you as we snake down the country roads, deeper into the woods.
At one point I stop abruptly and turn off the car, just off the road, nobody around us and no car has passed us for a good long while.
"Get out, get the FUCK OUT OF THIS CAR!" My voice erupting in a commanding fashion.
"D-daddy... What's going on, what do you mean?"
I grab you by the base of your hair and pull you close. "I SAID, GET OUT THIS FUCKING CAR, NOW!"
You freeze, paralyzed by fear and yet, there is a sparkle of excitement in your eyes.
I push the drivers door open, climb out and quickly get to the passangers side. I grab you by the hair again, and you struggle, pushing me away and begging for me to stop.
It's no use...
I get you out the car, push you to the floor away from the car and climb ontop of you so you're pressed into the ground by my weight and strength.
You fight, kick and scream, trying desperately to get yourself out from under me.
It's no use...
I finally collect your hands and handcuff them together behind your back and lift you to your feet and slap your ass nice and hard before spinning you around, pulling you close by the hips and planting a passionate kiss on your lips.
The fear fades for just a second before you're brought back to reality.
"Home is down this road, it's a two hour walk. Good luck."
I step away, climb back into the car and speed off down the road leaving you stranded, alone and afraid.
Your heart is racing and your dress is soiled, yet your pussy has left your thighs drenched.
"What the actual fuck, how can I be this horny from such deranged treatment, fucking hell I'm a mess."
Down the road you walk, for about 10 minutes, the minutes feel like hours and all of a sudden, from behind you, the sounds of a unfamiliar vehicle.
"Oh god, this can't be happening..."
You are so vulnerable, so exposed and fucking drenched in arousal that any feral animal could smell it from miles around.
The car slowly drives by, you barely get a glimpse of the driver, it's at this point you think you got away without being taken notice of.
It's no use...
The car slows, brakes engaged and you're breathing quickens, "Fuck, maybe they will help me, take me home, fuck. How is this even happening."
Reverse lights, and the car stops infront of you.
Before you can even speak, the door opens and a masked hooded man steps out the vehicle and rushes up to you, grabbing you by the throat and pushing you chest first onto the trunk of the car.
"No, no, no NO! Get off of me! Please, stop! Please!! Just help me."
It's no use...
He is stronger, bigger and you're weak to what's to come.
His hand lifts your dress to expose your ass cheeks and he is grabbing at them as he unbuckles his pants and shimmies them down and shakes them off.
A knife, drawn and pressed into the side of your neck which makes you freeze and tremble at the thought of being so helpless and vulnerable.
He rubs you up and down, feeling how absolutely soaked and slippery you are.
Trying so hard to want to fight back and yet his hand holding the knife to your neck is applying so much pressure you can't do much.
To make things easier for him, he removed the knife and grabs you to flip you around so you're facing his masked gaze.
Holding you firmly in place with the unrelenting deep feral breathing and treat of a knife which he uses to cut away at your pretty dress.
After you're truely in shambles he pushes you back into the trunk with your chest against the cold metal body and reapplies the knife to your skin and caressing your folds with his fingers.
One finger, two fingers, three...
Pumping into you as you whine and sob, shaking uncontrollably.
Begging for it to be over and for him to leave you alone...
It's no use...
Just before his tip touches your folds, and you're penetrated, he speaks.
"You really think I'd leave you alone, for someone else to come along and take advantage of you, you think I wouldn't have the best date planned for us?"
"Daddy, you are cruel and twisted, now please fucking use me, pump me, rail me, ruin me, I need this, I need you!"
"There is my good little slut. The picnic spot is just up the road, it's all set up, before that though..."
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edenesth · 8 months
[7:29 PM]
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Stumbling into the shared apartment with Yeosang, you swiftly covered your mouth to suppress any whimpers upon seeing your boyfriend peacefully napping on the living room couch.
After carefully placing your heels by the shoe rack, you quietly tip-toed past his slumbering figure and slipped into your shared bedroom, closing the door behind you with utmost care to ensure he wasn't disturbed from his much-needed rest.
It was only upon reaching the sanctuary of your room that you collapsed onto the bed, tears streaming down your face as you cradled your injured arm close. It had been a horrible day, marked by a minor accident at work amidst ongoing tensions with your boss and difficult encounters with customers. Throughout the day, you struggled to keep yourself together, merely waiting for this moment to release all pent-up emotions.
As you sobbed into your pillows, the door to the room creaked open, causing you to panic. Swiftly wiping away your tears, you sat up, trying to compose yourself.
"Darling, you're back already? Why didn't you come say hi to me first, hm? I've been waiting," Yeosang's voice greeted you as he entered the cosy space, "You know you could've just woken me up..."
His words trailed off as he noticed your bandaged arm and tear-stained cheeks, "I-I'm sorry, Yeo, it's just—" You couldn't stop the sobs escaping your lips at the sight of his concerned expression, cursing yourself internally for being such a crybaby.
Hearing your anguished cries, his heart clenched, and he swiftly moved to join you on the bed. He pulled you close, showering your head with tender kisses, "Hey, hey, it's okay. What happened to your arm? Are you alright? Please, talk to me, darling."
Your sobs only grew stronger in response to his care. Nestling your head against his neck, you stuttered out, "One of my c-colleagues didn't see me approaching and accidentally s-swung her envelope opener toward me. I tried to shield myself with my arm, and that's how..." You gestured to your injured arm, feeling miserable.
"I'm so sorry, darling. Why didn't you tell me? I could have picked you up from work if I had known you were hurt. And don't try to hide it from me; I know that can't be the only reason you're upset." He whispered, his lips gently pressing against your temple as he offered a comforting squeeze, careful not to worsen the pain in your arm.
The following words that left your lips broke his heart, "I d-didn't want to burden you with something so trivial, Yeo. You're already s-so busy; my work troubles must seem insignificant compared to yours."
Drawing back a bit, he cupped your face, meeting your tear-filled gaze, "What did I tell you about thinking like that? Your problems, no matter how minor you think they are, bother me if they bother you. I never want you to keep things from me again, understand? Promise me you'll always come to me first, no matter what."
He couldn't help but chuckle when your only response to that was an adorable wail, finding your vulnerability endearing as you nuzzled your face against his shoulder once more, "Y-you're the best boyfriend ever, Yeo. I l-love you so much."
Placing a gentle kiss against your hair, he grinned softly, "I love you too, darling. More than you can imagine. Now, I want you to tell me every single thing that happened at your workplace today. I'm not usually one for aggression, but I won't hesitate to deal with anyone who dared make you cry."
With a light giggle, you pulled away slightly, "Oh, you wouldn't, you little Maltese."
You squealed as he playfully tackled you onto the bed, glad to see you lightening up and teasing again as he leaned in for a firm kiss.
"A Maltese, huh? I'll show you a Doberman."
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ATEEZ Masterlist
This was super self-indulgent. I had a horrible day and ended up getting hurt in a rather similar fashion yesterday. Also wanted to show Yeosang some love after all the hate he's received for his role in my current Seonghwa series HAHA
Speaking of which, part 14 of The Way to His Heart should be out by this weekend! Hang in there, my lovelies! As always, thanks for reading and lmk your thoughts! <3
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 @evidive @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr @cheolliehugs @ho3-for-yunho @cereal-simp @itstheghostofmypast @vantediary @green-agent @sharksandminhos @writingwieny @heyitsmetonid
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eli0004 · 5 months
Rain, Rain
Sub!Levi x Gn! Reader
Synopsis: not much of a plot, just messing around with Levi in an office while it’s storming outside.
Warnings: hand job, fist-fucking, praise, very slight pain pain play, love confessions, very soft sappy shit
A/N: This was finished way sooner than i thought it would be, i got carried away 😭 also i couldn’t think of a title that wasn’t cringe, please ignore how cliche that one is.
Before everything went to shit, this kind of rain was the biggest inconvenience for the people within the walls. Closing down market stalls, turning the grass all muddy and the sky bleak and grey. You could almost hear it, the grumbling and moaning on the streets about when this dreadful weather would pass. Nowadays, however, no one bats an eye.
You’d never minded the rain, and truthfully, neither did Levi. It’s good weather for reading indoors, or lulling you both to sleep on nights when your mind is particularly active. Often, the two of you find yourselves sitting by the window, watching the storm clouds rolling in and lighting flashing, commentating to one another every now and again when a particularly loud rumble of thunder cracks through the silence. And the rain is especially lovely when it allows you to tangle up together after particularly difficult expeditions, soft touching and gentle kisses to the sound of the droplets drumming on the window panes.
Almost as if thinking of him summoned him to your door, Levi emerges with two steaming cups, placing one on the desk in front of you.
“It’s really coming down out there.” He gestures towards the window, bringing the cup to his nose and softly inhaling the fragrant aroma before taking a sip.
“It is, isn’t it. I wonder how much longer it’ll go on for.” You respond, glancing down at the black tea in front of you. “Have you got a new one?” You ask. He nods once.
“New shipment, i like this one more than the last one i got. It was dreadfully weak.”
You chuckle softly, taking a sip and nodding. “It is stronger, hm?”
There’s a moment of silence before he speaks up again, and you notice how he has subtly inched himself closer to you.
“The rain made me think of you this morning. I wish we could’ve just taken the day off.”
He doesn’t look away from the window, but you know him well enough by now to know that there is subliminal meaning behind his words. Levi has been missing you.
“I’m glad you’re here now, let’s spend some time together, forget about today.” You reach out to beckon him closer. He willfully obeys, placing a hand on the arm of your chair and leaning down to kiss you. But you pull him in closer, and he rests his weight on his knees, placing them on either side of you. Cupping his cheek gently, you brush a thumb over his lip, leaning in once more.
Your lips meet his, ever so softly, and Levi feels like he’s floating. Nimble fingers find their way, trembling slightly, to the roots of your hair as he allows himself to melt into you completely. Your arms snake around the curve of his lower spine, pulling him down so that he is no longer hovering above you, but now sitting firmly on your lap, knees straddling your thighs. At this, he lets out a soft whimper, but it’s nearly inaudible- disappearing where your lips connect.
Levi is no stranger to this, the two of you have engaged in this sort of heavy kissing in the dark many times, but at this moment he feels strangely vulnerable. Desperation is slowly chipping away at his resolve, and suddenly he’s thinking about how it feels- having you touch more of him, peeling off his clothes. He can almost feel the warmth of your palms against his bare skin. It’s in that moment that he realizes he wants all those things. Levi wants you.
You take notice in this shift in energy, if not by the eagerness with which he’s kissing you, needy and open mouthed, then by the hardness of his cock pressing into your stomach, now noticeable through his uniform pants. You don’t push, opting to see just how far he takes things on his own initiative.
You bring one hand up to the back of his head, affectionately tugging at the thick, inky-black strands of hair. His grip on your own hair tightens at this, and he groans softly against your lips, breaking the kiss only for a moment before returning again with three times the desperation. Returning your hand to his waist, you attempt to pull him impossibly closer. Close is not enough.
Levi gasps, breathing air straight from your lungs as the motion of your adjustments sends him slightly forward, his erection pressing deliciously against your lower stomach. The feeling sends his mind reeling, and he experimentally rolls his hips forward again in attempts to replicate the feeling. At the sight of him unraveling before you, so sensitive to every touch, you raise a brow, smirking against his lips.
“You ok, Levi?” You whisper, eyes meeting his in the darkness for only a moment before he casts them downward again. He hesitates, as if he’s about to make a decision that will change the course of his entire life, hands dropping from your hair and down to his lap.
“Yeah, i’m fine. Do you think…tonight would be a good night to…y’know…” he feels his cheeks burn, fingers fidgeting with a loose thread on the chair-cushion as he awaits your response. You grin softly, rubbing your palms up and down his thick thighs, softly kneading at them.
“I’m not sure i do, what is it you’re asking for?”
“Tch…you do know, I’m being serious.” He scolds you, rolling his eyes. “I want to.”
Your eyes finally meet his as he absentmindedly leans in a bit closer, and you take notice of newfound vulnerability that shines through them. His gaze is soft and longing- a stark contrast to his usual laser-focused expression- and you bring a hand up to trace a finger, softly over the wrinkles it’s left behind. Over the crease between his brows, the crows feet by his eyes, the dark bags beneath them from his many nights of exhaustion. He leans into your touch, and you speak through the silence.
“I love you.”
Levi is unable to stop the small smile tugging at the corners of his lips, and he crashes them against yours once again before you can comment on it. His kisses are heated, almost aggressive, and for a split second you’re taken aback by it, closing your eyes and letting your grip on his thighs loosen.
His hands find your shoulders, sliding up your neck, cupping your cheeks gently before re-tangling his fingers into your hair. You hum softly against his lips, and he slips his tongue into your mouth just enough to tease. Unsatisfied, you allow one arm to pull him snugly against you again, bringing your other to grip the back of his neck, deepening the kiss and forcing your tongue past his lips. He moans softly at this, exhaling through his nose.
Levi grinds himself forward against your stomach once again, languidly rolling his hips and pressing his dick firmly against your abdomen. By now, your mind is reeling with the thought of having him do this without those god forsaken pants to get in the way. Breaking the kiss, you look down, snapping open the buckle of his belt and nearly tearing the zipper of his pants down. He lifts himself up off your lap to shimmy out of them, tearing off his shirt in the process, as you peel off your own shirt.
Once restrictive fabric is discarded, Levi re-positions himself on top of you, shivering slightly as the air nips at his bare skin. You don’t notice the chill, already busy pressing open mouthed kisses to his bare shoulders, over his collar bone, the skin of his neck. Levi tilts his head back ever so slightly, arching his back as you trail your fingers, feather-light, down his spine. How desperately you want to leave marks there on the column of his throat, not as an act of possession, but to serve as a reminder of this moment for you to look back on tomorrow morning when the two of you must get up and dressed before sunrise. To watch him anxiously adjust his collar, making sure to hide the evidence from any wandering eyes.
Breaking away from him, you drop your gaze down to observe the wet spot seeping through the front of his underwear. You take a minute to admire the product of your ministrations, before bringing a finger to trace the dampness there. He gasps, head falling forward and bangs flopping over his eyes.
“Don’t tease, damn it…please” he breathes, shakily against your ear. “I want you.”
“I can tell.” You chuckle. Deciding against waiting any longer, you hook your index finger into the waistband of his underwear, pulling it forward to let his cock spring up against his lower belly, smearing that slick wetness below his navel, before letting go and watching it snap against his length like a rubber band. He jumps, surprised at the sting. “Hah…ouch!”
“I want these off too.”
He lifts once again to kick off the final layer, leaving him fully exposed, returning to you to present himself at your mercy. His tongue is poking through his lips as he watches you curiously, as if to try and predict your next course of action.
You place a hand on his hip, smoothing a thumb over the bone and gazing up at him lovingly. Your other hand finds its way to his stomach, open palm and fingers splayed, running it all the way up to his chest and up to his jaw, gently forcing him to look at you.
“You’re so beautiful, every inch of you, I’m enamored by it all. You know that?” He rolls his eyes, and you wrap your other hand around the base of his cock, squeezing slightly.
“Hnn..ah!” He chokes out, squeezing his eyes shut.
“You know that, Levi?” He nods, frantically, and you’re unsure if he even remembers what you’re asking, his body is melting into you, hunching forward. Chuckling softly, you begin to slowly slide your hand up and down, languidly. Thumb circling his tip every so often, spreading the pre-cum down his shaft.
Levi lets his head fall against your shoulder, huffing against your neck, his rib cage expanding and contracting with every breath. You trace over his chest, over his peaked nipple, pinching and rolling it gently between your thumb and forefinger as you continue to stroke him off, and his breath catches in his throat.
“F-fuck~” he whimpers out, jaw slackening as you speed up your pace and tighten your grip. His hips lurch forward and his hands are searching for something to hold onto, settling on gripping the back of your chair with white knuckles, snaking his other arm around your neck and pulling you closer to him, almost in a hug. You can feel his abdominal muscles beginning to tense, and you slow your pace, but Levi isn’t willing to wait any longer. His hand falls from the back of your chair to grab onto your wrist.
Holding it steady, he begins thrusting his hips forward, fucking your hand like it’s sheer instinct. Any other time, you’d stop him, but seeing him so fucked out and desperately humping into your closed fist is what prevents you from doing so. This isn’t something you see often.
Levi is dangerously close, moaning against your ear long and drawn out. Holding him close, you press your mouth against his ear and whisper “good boy, so good. You need to cum? Let go for me, ok?”
His eyes roll back, lids fluttering closed as he freezes, holding his breath for a second as his hips stutter “ah-ah oh god, fuck, i love you, i love you, i love you” he rasps out, gushing thick, creamy ropes over your fist, his body trembling with the force of his orgasm as it tears through him. You smile softly at his confession and it’s timing, allowing him to guide your fist over his length to milk himself of any last drops.
And as his breathing slowly returns to normal, his tired body slumps against your own. The rain outside has begun to die down, now only a soft drizzle. You hold him there, as long as he needs, tracing shapes over the skin of his bare back. In the end though, it’s Levi who breaks the silence, whispering against your skin
“let’s get to bed, we can…uh…spend more time together there.”
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madschiavelique · 1 year
hi can we get some fluff drabble with girl reader + miguel where he finds himself unexpectedly enjoying being a small spoon but rather die than accept it. if you want you can turn it into a soft smut where he is a whimpering mess because she jerks him off from behind while massaging his chest and leaving small kisses across his neck and back
i loved writing this (i might relate a bit too much to miguel in some paragraphs of this fvdsbjsqdhfds)
summary : miguel enjoys being a little spoon (not proofread)
content warnings : fluff at the beginning that turns into SMUT (18+) minors dni, handjob, praise, miguel is so horny for your touch omg, no use of y/n, fem!reader word count : 1,6k
tag list : @fandom-ash
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As on many evenings, Miguel had come home late. His professional commitments meant that your life and his could sometimes be out of sync. He was exhausted, and gently laid down on the bed without waking you, lying beside you and kissing your forehead.
He laid down against you, acting like the big spoon as he drew you closer to him in his embrace. Coming back to his flats every evening and finding you there, in bed, all peaceful, was the ray of sunshine that caressed his heart after his day. He closed his eyes, surrendering against you as he drifted off to sleep.
It was only a few hours later that he woke up, his eyes had opened on their own and he had no idea why. Perhaps he was having insomnia? That would be the crowning glory of his exhausting day. Even in his sleep, didn't he deserve a little respite?
Then he wondered if perhaps this awakening was due to his Spidersenses being alerted by something. And that's when he felt it, that pressure against his back, the sensation of something around his waist.
You were pressed against his bare back, your steady, even breath landing tenderly on the back of his neck as your hand rested on his stomach, close to his navel.
He was almost tense, completely alienated by this kind of intimacy, but he was slowly trying to relax, to simply enjoy the feel of your body pressed against his.
He was used to being the one who was the big spoon, the one who protected, who formed a shell of his whole body to protect those he loved. He'd already lost so much, so he couldn't afford to lose you, and that translated into many actions, which of course included being the big spoon.
And the back is a sign of vulnerability. Showing someone your back was proof that you trusted them enough to let them have free rein without fearing that you'd be stabbed in the back.
But he felt so... good, he felt safe, like this, in your gentle arms. In fact, he felt that he could be vulnerable, and that little feeling that he could never admit aloud was starting to grow stronger and stronger in his veins:
It felt like he was taken care of, and he liked it.
Why was it so hard for him to admit that he liked, no, wanted to be taken care of? He was always the one who took care of others, not the other way round, but he couldn't help sighing softly. He was comforted by the touch of your skin against his, by your unconscious embrace of him.
You shifted gently in your sleep, your hand accidentally touching a little lower than his navel, on his groin, just a few centimetres away. His breath became a little shakier, the sensation making him quiver and boil at the same time.
You breathed in deep suddenly, as all sleepy people do from time to time, and what he felt gave him the impression of melting: as you breathed out, he felt your breasts pressing against his back.
Now it was going to be difficult to keep his composure. Every breath you took let him feel your breasts on his back, even if they were covered. He swallowed, trying to concentrate on not...
But it was too late, he was starting to feel himself getting hard, his erection rising little by little.
He mentally insulted himself as your hand, with every breath you took, constantly brushed against his skin. Shit, he was getting way too horny. Your breath on his neck, the feel of your body against his, his hand so close and yet so far away.
He let out a little moan as your head moved close to the back of his neck. He had to do something, move perhaps, get out of the embrace, but he didn't want to move away from this sweetness that was being given to him.
He moved a little, just to get your hand away from him and save him from further torment.
"Babe?" your slightly sleepy voice froze him in place, "are you all right?"
Damn, with all his emotions he'd woken you up.
"Nothing's wrong nena, go back to sleep," he whispered, his breath coming in fairly ragged gasps all the same, trying to relax and breathe normally.
You moved slightly, raising yourself gently and accidentally letting your hand rest a little more against his skin, the sudden change from brushing against his lower belly to touching it immediately drew a groan from his throat.
You frowned, waking up a little more.
"Are you sure you're okay ? You seem all so tense..." you asked as you straightened your face until your lips brushed his jaw.
His breath trembled, his back arching.
"Mhm, everything's alright," he said, trying to contain himself even though the urge was growing, "go back to-"
"Miguel," you asked simply, your tone astonished, "are you... hard?"
He bit his lip, his nose wrinkling as he tried to concentrate. But all the sensations you were giving him were preventing him from staying still. He felt almost guilty that he couldn't contain himself, that he was simply being aroused by the mere gesture of you hugging him from the back.
"It's okay," he swallowed, softly, "go back to sleep, it's fine."
He didn't want to disturb you, and he felt guilty that just by you spooning him you'd managed to turn him on.
"You had wet dreams?" you murmured softly, starting to feel more and more awake and aware of the situation.
If only that was all it was, but no, it was completely and utterly you. Your simple touch, your breath, your body, everything.
He hesitated, was admitting that the reason he was horny had simply been the fact that he was the little spoon? Or was he going to make up a trifle? He couldn't even admit to himself that he was immensely affected by your embrace, without it even becoming erotic.
You gently kissed the corner of his jaw, pressing yourself against him.
"What is it," you said, your breath catching on his cheek as he sighed, "hmm?
Your hand drifted down to his erection at last, caressing him with your fingertips, his back arching as he let out a sigh of relief.
"You're so hard..." you remarked softly, whispering against his ear as you placed little pecks on the back of his neck, "I wonder what got you so turned on..."
If only you knew... Your fingers skimmed the length of it, letting the fingertips run down to his balls, caressing them gently. Miguel breathed in deeply, his lips parted.
Your fingers wrapped around him, snaking around his head, letting your thumb make circular movements as the little drops of pre-cum glistened on his tip.
"Would you look at that, so horny..." you mumbled as your other hand slid down his back, tracing the line of his spine as you kissed his shoulder blades.
He let himself be touched, the sensation of your hand slowly and softly pumping his cock as you let your lips and fingers travel up and down his back felt so good it was like he was dreaming.
The warmth of your body, your voice, your presence alone and everything you brought him completed his sensations until they took him to paradise.
You were taking care of him, and he loved it.
He swallowed, the moans multiplying in his voice as you kissed his back.
Your hand took on a slightly faster rhythm, putting slightly more pressure into your stroking when coming back up his head, spending more time just underneath his crown tracing sinuous patterns, his voice trembling as you twisted your wrist while jerking him off.
"Does that feel good?" you asked, kissing his ear, nipping lightly at his lobe as a dark growl rose from his throat.
All those kisses, all those touches, he wouldn't last long.
"Mhm," he nodded, his voice quavering, "increíble, nena."
His hips began to move of their own accord, one of his hands coming to rest on your hip to pull you closer to him. He wanted to eliminate any space that separated his back from your torso, intoxicated by the physical sensations, the exceptional feeling he had in his lower back.
Your kisses were tender, your words sweet, your hand taking him perfectly and touching him wonderfully in all the right places. He felt himself melting under your touch, the friction you were giving him so perfect that he could already feel himself coming.
"So good, muñeca," he breathed, his hips accelerating, his pelvis undulating to fuck your hand, "so good..."
His breath quickened, and with a loud groan, he came, spurting over your hand. His hips jerked as you gently slowed the pace, tenderly caressing his hard skin as you kissed his neck, murmuring tender words.
He turned to lie on his back, watching you. He came over to kiss you, almost as a thank you, but mainly because you'd just given him such wonderful sensations.
You brought your hand to your lips, licking them gently.
"I wonder what made you so hard," you said in a murmur, coming back to place your head on his torso.
You had eventually understood the reason for his arousal and globally his delight, and from then on, as soon as you were both in bed, you would take him in your arms like a good little spoon against you. Because he had shown you how vulnerable he was, and because he too had the right to know that there was someone there who cared about him and would protect him at all costs.
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