#just since smaller ones take a lot less time to finish
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snepfeathers · 10 days ago
to do:
background and shading on pwyw pieces
finish formatting Nyx's ref
flat colors when this sketch comm's lines are approved
take out the trash
rearrange the fishtank because the pleco keeps piling up gravel and uprooting plants
put together a new commission price sheet probably. not so much for price changes, mostly just layout + reminding people that I'm still open
maybe running a sale/ych for sketch style sequences? I kind of really need to build savings back up and I'm in the mood for sketches + sequences tbh
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marvelwitchergilmore · 4 months ago
Longing Looks to Something More
Summary: Tyler Owens x Fe!Reader -> You and Tyler have been friends for a long time, but one day things begin to change.
Disclaimer: Steamy moments, swearing, fluffy moments, oblivious idiots in love, love confessions (kinda), lots of pining. Not Proof Read.
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You heard his boots scuffing the barn floor before he pulled out a chair next to your desk. 
“Here.” Looking up, you found where he’d placed a fresh cup of tea beside you. “It’s too late for coffee, and Cathy said it’s good for sleep.”
“I don’t need sleep.” You lifted the mug. “But thank you.”
Tyler sat back in his chair, watching you as you went back to your work. You’d been sitting at that desk since four o’clock in the afternoon, and that hour was long gone. 
“When was the last time you got some decent shut eye?” Tyler asked, picking up a folder you’d finished looking at so he could make the conversation feel less like an interrogation. 
He smiled as he saw the small scribbled in the margins. 
“Before college properly.”
He shut the document. “I’m being serious, Y/n.”
“So am I,” you said, holding in a laugh. But then he gave you the look. 
Sighing, and relaxing your shoulders, you leaned to look at him. “I appreciate your concern, Ty, I really do. But I’m okay. I promise.”
He watched you for a moment before taking half of the scribbled notes from you and using the folder as something to lean on. 
“What are you doing?” You asked, watching him. 
He looked at you. “You need sleep and I’m not leaving until you do. And that won’t be until you finish. Twice the people, half the work.”
You would have fought him on it, but in truth, you’d spent so much time looking at the calculations and data you thought you were starting to think in them, instead of words. 
And he was right. 
Whatever work you’d been distracting yourself with was as wrapped up as it could be until you gathered some more data. And by the looks of it, the tea was working. You’d been giving into your yawns rather than trying to fight them off. 
Tyler had seen you do this for years. He was just glad they had Kate’s barn to work out of when chasing. You all finally had a home base now. 
“Right, come on.”
Tyler practically hauled you from your seat. 
It was easier than previous nights to get you to move away from your work and head down to the farm house. There were three places to sleep on the farm. Inside the main house, which was where Kate stayed with Cathy and someone else would take the guest room. Then there was the guest house, with a couple different rooms which everybody had slept in at least once. Whoever fell asleep first, got the first pick of a room. Then there was the smaller guest house. It had one bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, a small sitting room and enough of a wooden stand in the back to be considered a porch. 
That was where you and Tyler would be tonight since you were the last to go to bed. 
“I brought your stuff down here earlier. I’m gonna brush my teeth.”
“Okay,” you yawned. 
By the time you’d gotten dressed in your pyjamas, these days consisted of a random t-shirt which you were sure had belonged to one of the boys at some point, and cotton shorts. You joined Tyler in the bathroom, brushing your teeth whilst he washed his face. 
Turning off the bath tap, he wrung out the face cloth before throwing it over the towel rail to dry. 
“Come on.” 
Finally rinsing out your mouth, you heard the clink of your toothbrush in the cup and wiped your mouth. 
Tyler’s hand hovered by your hip as he led you out of the bathroom, turning the light off behind him, across the small living room and into the bedroom. 
By that point, Tyler had practically wrangled and tucked you into bed before laying down beside you. For years, you’d shared a bed. You’d both shared a bed at least three times with each member of the crew. There was always a motel somewhere that didn’t have enough space. 
So it didn’t freak you out to think you’d be sharing a bed with Tyler. 
By the time the lights cut out, it wasn’t long before you were fast asleep. 
When you woke up, you felt secure. Like you’d been wrapped in a weighted blanket. Only when you opened your eyes did you realise it was Tyler’s arms. With your back against his chest, his arms held you securely against him. He was fast asleep. His breathing even, soft snores coming from him as he held onto you for dear life. 
It took you a minute but you eventually pulled yourself from his arms and headed for the bathroom. By the time you’d finished, you could hear him walking around the place before you heard the pans being moved around. 
He was making breakfast. 
Tyler looked over his shoulder as he scrambled the eggs. “Hey, how’d you sleep?”
“Good. Better than college.”
Tyler smiled. “Good. Eggs’ll be done soon.”
“Thanks. Want some coffee?”
Tyler nodded and you started brewing it from the pot, grabbing two mugs and setting them beside each other. 
After breakfast and coffee, Tyler headed for a shower and you got changed into some fresh clothes. You’d also found his inside one of the closets so, after pulling back the bed covers, you laid his clothes out at the foot of the bed. 
“Hey, Ty? I’m gonna head up to-”
You’d been focusing on tying the bottom of your shirt up as you walked the short distance out of the bedroom and past the sofa, ready to call through the door to him. However, without looking up, you ran into something. 
At first, you figured it was the door, but when the door suddenly grew arms, steadied you and spoke, you realised what had actually happened. 
Stood, his waist wrapped in a towel, his hair still dripping a little from the water, Tyler had opened the door. 
And there you stood, suddenly dumbfounded, in his arms, unsure of what to do. 
“Uhh, sorry. I-I didn’t.” Your mind seemed to take a mental picture of the Tyler that stood in front of you in that moment, and for the life of you, you couldn’t understand why. 
“You okay?”
Clearing your throat, you stepped back and out of his grasp. “Yea-yep. Yes. All good. I was just gonna…”
You forced yourself to look at his face before he thought you were checking him out. 
“I was gonna head up to the barn. I’ve, uhh, I’ve left your stuff in..in the bedroom.”
You started to make a break for it towards the front door and Tyler remained in his position, watching you. 
“Sure you’re okay?”
You nodded firmly. “Just peachy.”
Tyler couldn’t help but smile a little as he watched you leave after getting so flustered. But, shaking his head, he turned back towards the bedroom. He hadn’t meant for that to happen, but something inside of him was glad it did. 
The rest of the day, you tried to keep your mind focused on your tasks rather than constantly replaying what had happened that morning. Tyler. His arms. His grip. His body. His eyes. His voice. Him. 
None of that was helped when you saw him walking up the small hill towards the barn, his wranglers being filled in all the right places. 
“Stop it.” You told yourself over and over and over again. Even more so when he leaned over you from behind your chair, asking about the data collection. How was it that a man could still smell so good hours after taking a shower? Immediately, your mind projected the towel-wrapped image of him from that morning. 
“Stop it.”
Tyler hummed a response, not having heard you. 
“Nothing,” you brushed it off. And he just shrugged. 
However, you weren’t the only one confused by your sudden replay of the morning going over in your head. 
“Stare at her any longer and somebody might think you’re in love.” 
Tyler turned and looked back at Dexter. “What are you talking about?”
Dexter smiled. “I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at her. If you’re not looking around this barn for her, you’re looking at her.”
“No, I’m not.” Tyler tried to laugh it off. But then he found himself looking back at you. Your reaction to him coming out of the shower kept playing on his mind. As did the feeling of you being in his arms this morning before he woke up again. 
Standing and leaning behind you as you sat at your desk allowed for your shampoo to fill his senses. And it took him right back to being in bed with you after ushering you to bed. He’d woken up just a little before the sun had come up. His arms were already around you, but he wouldn’t have moved in fear of waking you considering you were holding his arms to you. 
Calming himself down, your shampoo filled his senses and imprinted the feeling and image of you in his mind. So, when he stood with you, that feeling came right back. 
He must have fallen back to sleep, too, because when he woke up, he heard the sink running in the bathroom. 
“Dex, can I ask you something?”
“Sure. So long as it’s not how to read Y/n’s handwriting. What does this even say?”
Leaning over him, Tyler read it. “Continued on page five.”
Dexter nodded, a little shocked. “What’s your question?”
“When…” He looked back at you for a moment before tearing his gaze away. “When do you know something is changing?”
“Is this about you and Y/n? Because I have to say, I think you might be the last to know.”
Dexter started listing things off. “The way you look at her? The way she looks at you? The fact you’re the only one she’ll listen to, or you’re the only one who can read her handwriting?”
Tyler shrugged. “You get used to it after a while. But, I…”
“Did something happen?”
Tyler shook his head. “Technically, no.”
“But you wish it had?”
“That’s the thing. I don’t know if I did or not. We’re friends. We’ve only ever been friends. Why would things start changing now?”
“Maybe now is the time.” Dexter said. “It’s like you say, a tornado is part science, part religion. Some things, or at least part of them, can’t always be explained. You and Y/n have a deep connection. You’re friends. Maybe now it’s time to explore things further.”
Taking one final look over at you, Tyler didn’t know what to do. 
Tyler wrestled with the idea for a week or more. You’d both been friends for a long time. And, sure. Maybe he’d checked you out once or twice over the years. He wasn’t blind. You were beautiful. Why you were still single baffled him. And, yeah, maybe he’d felt a little jealous when someone from a bar would ask you to dance with them. But that didn’t mean he was catching feelings, did it?
Except, the longer time went on, the more he could feel them becoming more noticeable. He kept catching himself looking at you throughout the day, His heart and stomach kept doing a weird ‘hop, skip and jump’ thing every time he saw you. Except, it had started to be whenever he even thought about you. Whenever he saw you in one of the guy’s t-shirts that wasn’t his, he felt a pang in his chest, but when he saw you in his…he had to leave the room for fear of the extent of his emotions showing up in front of everyone. 
And just when he thought he was getting better at hiding his feelings, Boone asked him a question. 
“When are you gonna ask her out, dude?”
Tyler, who had been on the roof of his truck since you got back from another tornado chase, stopped what he was doing and looked down at Boone. 
Pausing where he was in the book you had given him only a few hours ago to keep him occupied, Boone looked at Tyler. “You’ve been watching her all day.”
Tyler looked back at his work, rather than back at you. You were a short way across the farm, helping haul some bags of feed from the truck and into the barn. 
“No, I haven’t.”
Boone just laughed. “Come on, man. We all see it. Hell, I’ve seen it since you first met her. D’you know you get this funny look on your face when you look at her? Had it then, have it now. Just louder.”
Tyler just shook his head and mumbled; “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
This time, Boone stood up. “You’re my brother, Tyler. So I’m gonna tell you straight. You’re in love with, Y/n. So rather than sitting here, thinking about her. Go over there and do something about it. Or else Me and Lily are gonna have to start watching Parent Trap to take some more notes.”
Tyler looked back at Boone. “More notes?”
Boone cleared his throat and shook his head, scuffing his feet on the ground. If Tyler or you knew the lengths they’d gone through to get either one of you this far…
“Dude, just ask her out.” 
As he went and sat back down, he watched Tyler look back down the field towards you. Except, that was interrupted by Dani and Dexter heading up the road. 
It was from their announcement that everyone found themselves getting dressed up to head to the local bar for a night of country dancing. 
However, that caused one problem. 
Smelling just as he did a few weeks ago when you ran into his freshly showered, towel-wrapped body. 
Filling out his jeans in all the right places. 
With a crisp white t-shirt. 
And you caught him from the moment he’d taken his backwards cap off his head, throwing it onto his dash and pulling his cowboy hat out, fixing it onto his head. 
And the way he was looking at you as you walked down the steps of the house, dressed in your only pair of denim shorts that didn’t need washing, a t-shirt you’d borrowed from Kate since the one you planned on wearing still had motor oil on from when you were helping Dani with the camper, and an oversized checked shirt, along with your cowboy boots; it was giving you more ideas than you needed in your head when it came to Tyler. 
 “Ready to go?”
Tyler had to look away from you, letting his gaze land on his feet as he nodded and opened up his passenger door for you. “Yep.”
For a moment, you could have sworn he looked nervous. But considering you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him any longer than a second and a half in fear he’d see exactly what you were thinking when you looked at him, you couldn’t be sure. 
And when he grabbed your hand half way through the night to bring you onto the dance floor, holding you close to him as you both two-stepped across the old wooden floor, those feelings that had been bubbling inside you for weeks; you could feel them pouring over whatever container you tried to shove them into. 
The feeling of his hand on your lower back, the feeling of his hand in yours, the feeling you got when he looked at you, and the way his voice sounded, so close to your ear. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“It’s kinda personal.”
You were confused. “Okay?”
Now he just had to find the last shreds of courage to ask you. “Is something…has something…between you and me…is there…”
Each time he said a word, your head rushed around the million different things he was trying to ask you. 
“Just spit it out, Tyler.”
“Do you like me?”
No. I love you. 
“How’d you mean?” You asked. 
Tyler had a few seconds to think how to phrase his question as he spun you out before pulling you back. 
“Like, more than usual.”
Now he was starting to confuse himself. “I just…am I imagining things here, or is something…different? Between us, I mean.”
It was your chance to think. Had he been feeling it too? The way the room felt a lot more claustrophobic, in the good way, when it was just you two? Did he feel your touch as strongly in his bones as you did? Did he…did he love you the same way you did for him?
“It’s just…I feel like I woke up one morning and…I don’t know. You’re the person I’d talk to about this kinda stuff, so…I just thought I’d ask you about this, too. Is there…Is there something changing between us?”
The song slowed and you were completely against Tyler, standing in his space as he stood in yours. Looking up at him and meeting his green eyes, you told him the truth. 
“I think it already has.��
From the table in the corner, the others watched you and Tyler slow down and just simply look at each other. 
“Think he finally told her?” Lily asked, turning to the other hoping they saw what she did. 
“I think she told him.” Dani said, grabbing a handful of chips. 
“I think they’ve just told each other.”
Everyone looked at Dexter before turning to look back at you and Tyler on the dancefloor. 
You watched as Tyler registered everything you said and after an eternity, he looked up and around the room. You didn’t know what or who he was looking for, but after another moment, he grabbed your hand. 
“Come with me.”
You led you towards the back of the bar and out of the doors, the cold air hitting both of you all at once. The sound of the music and people drowned out as the door swung shut behind you both. 
“Ty, where are we-”
Swinging you around, you felt Tyler stop you in your tracks before he looked at you. Really looked at you. 
“Do you trust me?”
“Of course.”
From day one of meeting Tyler, you knew you could trust him. And you knew you always would. 
Brushing the hair from your face, he seemed to finally breathe. And you slowly leaned into his touch. “Y/n…”
He swallowed nervously before asking the question that had been on his mind since the first time he’d woken up with you in his arms. 
“Can I kiss you?”
Drawing his eyes from your lips, he looked into yours. You knew if you said no, he would walk away. He wouldn’t question you, he wouldn’t push. 
But you wanted him to. 
“Are you su-”
You cut him off, standing a little higher on your toes, you took his face into your hands and pulled him in to kiss you. His hands held you steady at your hips before snaking around your body and holding you flush against him whilst your own arms did the same around his neck. 
Parting for a breath, Tyler’s hands were quick to lift you up and you locked your ankles around his hips before your back was up against the cold brick wall. 
A small moan left your lips which forced Tyler to pull his lips from yours for a moment. 
“Are you okay?”
“Shut up and kiss me, Cowboy.”
Tyler smirked with a small chuckle. “Yes, ma’am.”
One hand holding you under your ass and another pushing through your hair, Tyler kissed you as if your life depended on it. 
You died with his kiss, and he brought you back with the next. God, you never wanted it to end. 
However, it was forced when you both heard the back door to the bar swing open and crash against the wall before a pair of drunk laughs getting closer. 
Thankfully, it wasn’t anyone on the team. Otherwise you and Tyler would have been caught in a very compromising position considering you could feel all of Tyler against your body at that moment. 
Looking back at you with a half drunk smile, which you were sure you owned the other half to, Tyler kissed you quickly once more. Before giving you another, and another and another as you slowly unhooked your legs from him and he lowered you to the ground. 
“We better get back inside.”
You smiled. “I think the others already have an idea on what we’re doing out here.”
“Still. If we’re gonna go any further, I’d rather make love to you someplace that isn’t behind the back of a bar.”
You blushed. “Make love?”
Tucking a stray hair behind your ear, Tyler leaned down and kissed the shell. 
“Would you prefer for me to fuck you? Because I can do that, too, Sweetheart.”
Tyler watched as your cheeks heated. He didn’t have to look at you to know what you were thinking about. Because he was thinking about it, too. 
“Come on. We better get inside.”
Pressing a final kiss to your lips, Tyler took your hand and led you back into the bar. You were pretty sure after his question, your brain had been completely fried with thoughts of Tyler fucking you. 
Not helped by the fact that when he walked you back inside, he pulled you to stand in front of him, his hands on your waist. “I’m gonna get a drink, you want one?”
You still couldn’t speak so just nodded. 
Tyler smiled a little and kissed your temple. “You keep thinking about my question, Sweetheart.”
You felt his hand tap your ass lightly before he walked away and towards the bar and you were left to walk back to where the team had been sitting in the corner. Thankfully, most of them apart from Dexter were up dancing. 
“You two finally talk?”
You felt yourself blush. You were glad most of the lights were directed onto the dancefloor or behind the bar. “A little more than that.”
Dexter smiled before taking a sip of his drink and handing you a small sketch. 
“Dexter, you’re the only person I know that brings a pad and pencil to a bar.”
He smiled. “Never know when inspiration will strike. Plus, I think you’ll like this one.”
From his pad, he pulled a small piece of card, no bigger than a beer coaster. In the middle stood the outline of two people. 
You and Tyler. 
Just moments ago, when you were standing on the dancefloor together. 
He smiled. “You keep it. I’m gonna go to the gents.”
Standing up, Dexter walked away just as Tyler reached the table and handed you your drink before sitting beside you with his arm over your shoulders. 
“Look at this.”
“It's us.”
You smiled as you watched Tyler take hold of it and examine it for a moment. You could hear the cogs turning in his head but you weren’t sure why. But then he removed his hat and fixed the picture in place on the inner band. 
He fixed the hat back onto his head. “Well?”
You smiled. “You look handsome.”
Tyler smiled before leaning in to kiss you, and as he pressed his lips to yours, you both heard the hollering and whistles being blown by the rest of your team on the dancefloor. 
You felt yourself blush and chuckle, Tyler doing the same except as you hid your head for a moment on his shoulder, he waved his hands at the other to get them to stop. 
Looking back to you with a rested smile on his face, he leaned down and kissed you once more. 
“Ready to go home?”
You nodded and went to stand. 
“The offer still stands, Sweetheart.”
This time, as he remained seated, you turned back and pressed your knee into your chair, leaning over him as he looked up at you. 
“I want both,” you told him. Then you leaned in closer. “But if you’re gonna fuck me, you better fuck me like you mean it.”
It was his turn to blush, but you didn’t get away with not for long because Tyler’s hand came to your hip holding you steady when you kissed him. 
“Think you can take me, darlin’. Might need to get you ready first.”
You felt yourself smirk. “After those words and everything that happened outside, I’m already halfway there.”
Considering another tray of drinks made their way to the table in Dexter’s hands, Tyler told Tyler the others wouldn’t be leaving for a good while.
Tyler pressed one last kiss to your lips before he stood and took your hand in his, leading you back through the bar and towards his truck. 
“We’ll have to see about that.”
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choccy-milky · 3 months ago
I was out with my mom at the store and saw this beautiful picture! I instantly thought of Clora and imagined her walking through a flower field with Seb trailing behind! Ahhh! So pretty!! ❤❤
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(I can imagine this piece being from Seb's perspective, or he commissioned someone to paint it for him. We love a simping man 🥰)
thats bc it IS clora 🌼🌿
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but that painting is beautiful AND IM SO HONOURED U THOUGHT OF CLORA WHEN U SAW IT??😭💖 and i love the idea of it being from sebs POV too...him taking her to a field of flowers and just watching and smiling as she twirls and frolics around and brings a truckload of flowers back with them....GRAHHH MY HEART🥹💖💖
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@fulica-atra AW😭😭 i rly do have SO much fun drawing clora and seb all the time BAHHA so im happy if that can come across in my art as well🥹and im glad i could help inspire you too!! omg i was working on a webtoon before HL consumed me, and creating your own universe/characters/original world is definitely a challenge (but a fun one) and im with you there on daydreaming as you fall asleep...its the best part, tbh😤 GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR STORY!! and THANK YOUUU💖💖
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hi and thank you!! so the first 2 times that smut happens in my fic i DO put a warning in the beginning notes, but overall, FROM WHAT I REMEMBER, smut happens in chaps 16 (not a sex scene tho...just some solo seb BAHHA), 23, 26, 27, and 32. there could be more im missing tho/smaller scenes i dont remember, so if you wanna be absolutely certain, you could also read it on ffnet! that site doesnt allow explicit content, so i cut the scenes out before uploading it there. (but i honestly would recommend just skimming past the smut on either ao3 or wattpad, since the ver of my fic that's on ffnet is a lot less polished/not edited💀 and sometimes dialogue happens before/after the smut, but i think i just cut it out entirely in the ffnet ver, i cant remember...) BUT ANYWAY, if you do get around to reading it, i hope you like it!!🙏
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LMFAOOOO speaking of smut...truly the duality of man....i guess this is a sign i should finish the nsfw wips i have rn👀
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BAHAHA THE WAY I THOUGHT THIS WAS GONNA BE SCATHING WHEN I FIRST GOT THIS ASK and saw the preview of 'im trying so hard to get through it..." LMAOO im sorry for making you put up with bitch ass lawley😔🙏 BUT THANK YOUUU AND IM GLAD YOU LIKE IT/ARE SO INVESTED💖💖💖
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and your anon immediately afterwards made me laugh LMAOO. all better now!!! 🥰lawley who???
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@vaiotai bc thats how men SHOULD be when theyre in love🥰i dont make the rules🥰🥰(except for when i do😇)
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earlysunshines · 11 months ago
after hours
myoui mina x fem!reader ; fluff
synopsis: what happens after work is the reason you power through it all 
warnings: basically none ; meeting mina's parents ; brain rotting fluff (my roots!! my specialty) ; reader is head over heels for mina ; IM head over heels ; not proofread
a/n: i'm extremely late for her bday, hopefully this makes up for it? enjoy
!!! cont/side story of "slow dancing"!! ( i suggest you read it first :-P ) 
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“any questions, comments, remarks?” you ask, eyeing every man in the room.  
they sit in their seats, teeth clenched and posture straight as you speak. they watch you place your hands on the table and lean over, feeling smaller as you do so.  
a shake of all seven heads leads to a forced smile on your lips, then you clap your hands together.  
“great, we’ll wrap things up with mina’s final additions and remarks. the profits have been booming.” you finally say before mina takes the spotlight. 
she goes on for less than three minutes, earning raised brows from surprise and approving nods from all the men before she dismisses them. they’re all quick to leave, they’ve been quite wary since your last reprimanding when one of the shareholders decided to second guess your — mostly mina’s —success. 
as soon as they leave, you make sure there’s no one to intrude. mina is placing papers in her folder, then hums in surprise when she feels a hand on her chin and lips on her own. 
she sinks into the kiss, pressing deeper into you as her hand softly lands on your forearm.  
you pull away, grinning. mina rolls her eyes and punches your shoulder.  
“someone could’ve seen us.” 
“i’m pretty sure they all know.” you giggle, turning over to grab the laptop plugged into the hdmi. “they’re all just scared of us. mostly you though, boss.” 
“you’re so annoying when you call me that.” 
“can i kiss you to make up for it?” you ask, smirking. 
mina scoffs, but immediately she’s walking over and messing up your hair before pecking your lips quickly. “you’re an idiot.” 
“yeah, an idiot that’s asking to grab some dinner with you tonight?” 
she pushes the folder in her hand against your chest, silently making you carry it for her before responding,  
“have you forgotten about our dinner plans already? my parents have reservations with us, remember?” 
“that’s today?” 
“tonight, and you’re my ride there.” 
mina turns over and heads out the door, leaving you with a jolt of realization—you're meeting her parents for the first time, tonight, in a few hours. the reminder hits you like a ton of bricks, and suddenly, nerves start to gnaw at your insides. you had completely forgotten about the upcoming meeting, but you have to at least try to convince yourself that it won’t go terrible. 
when mina returns to your shared office, she greets you with a devious smile, fully aware that she's shaken you up. despite feeling a pang of guilt for rattling your nerves, she can't help but find it amusing to see you all serious and focused. and maybe – just maybe – mina is a little evil for thinking this, but you look absolutely adorable like that.  
you're cleaning up your workspace, tucking papers back into folders and it’s clear that something clouds your mind. mina walks over to you while you finish up something on your laptop, then places a kiss on the top of your head. 
“you’re stressed.” 
“a little.” 
mina laughs softly. “a lot, don’t lie to me.” 
“i completely forgot, i thought next friday.” 
she stands next to you and runs a hand through your hair, sliding her hand down to your cheek. you suconciously lean into her touch, pouting lightly. 
“you’ll be fine. my parents are wonderful.” 
now you’re smiling a little, just a little less nervous now. turning into her hand, you kiss it softly before leaning back into your office chair. 
“i’m sure.” it comes out as almost a whisper, “still, i'm just nervous.” 
she leans down, her lips gently meeting yours, and you feel a surge of warmth spread through you. her fingers graze your neck as she kisses you, which nearly melts you. your nerves seem to dissolve into nothing, surrendering completely to mina.  
after pulling away, she presses a kiss to your forehead. “you shouldn’t be. besides, we’re just going out to some diner, nothing too fancy.” 
“i’ll trust you on that, boss.” you mutter, earning a roll of eyes and a flick to your forehead. 
the two of you go back home to change, and soon after you’re back in your car to go pick up mina. 
mina had texted you to wear something casual, and it sparked a whole crisis of indecision about what was appropriate. she couldn't help but smile upon seeing the flurry of texts from you, feeling a twinge of guilt for how nervous you were—still are—before sending a picture of what she’s wearing. 
mina: attachment: 1 image. 
you pause at the image because woah, just woah is all you can really think. you find yourself sitting on the edge of your bed, gazing at mina's reflection in the mirror as she stands there, holding the phone. she's wearing something simple, really casual, actually, just a t-shirt and jeans, but still, she looks wonderful. 
you: oh, so you actually meant simple 
mina: y/n, what else would i mean 
you: :-( 
you: i'm over thinking things 
you: a sweater and pleated pants are okay, right? 
mina: i'm not going to answer that 
you: mina please 
mina: just go with what you think is right 
you groan after reading her text, flopping down onto your bed and staring at your ceiling before picking your phone back up.  
you: you’re evil 
on your bed, you’re huffing dramatically as you look at the picture she had sent earlier. you decide that you can’t actually be mad at her. you can’t see mina, but she’s grinning at her phone, rolling her eyes at the text you had just sent. 
you: evil and beautiful 
mina giggles at the phone, smiling to herself. 
mina: pick me up in ten? 
you: yes lovely 
you're parked outside mina’s place, and right as you’re about to call her, you see her emerge from the door and look for your car. rolling your windows down catches her attention and the two of you smile at each other at the same time. 
she walks over and opens the door, sitting in the passengers side. 
the picture she sent had you completely enamored but seeing her in person was a whole different level. the simple t-shirt under her zip up, the navy wide-legged jeans—and that smile of hers? it was absolutely priceless. how pretty. 
“ready to go?” you ask. 
she buckles her seatbelt before responding, “i should be the one asking you that.” 
rolling your eyes, you shift the stick and start to drive to the restaurant mina has typed into your phone. once the route is visible on the screen of your car, it shows that it’s only ten minutes away. still not enough time to compose yourself, but oh well. 
as you reach the place, you're struck by how casual and simple it is. the first time mina had even mentioned her parents, scenarios of meeting them ran through your head. you had expected to meet mina's parents somewhere fancier in all of them, but the simplicity of the diner setting actually makes you feel more at ease.  
after you park, mina places a comforting hand on yours. as she looks at you, it's with an expression that makes you feel like you're her rock and she's the luckiest person in the world. her touch on your cheek is always soothing, her soft fingers grazing your cheekbone, calming your nerves instantly. then, with a reassuring smile, she says, "you'll be fine." and somehow, with her by your side, you believe her. of course you do when she’s looking at you like that. 
she leans in and kisses you, something she loves to do when she can’t really conjure up any words to describe what she’s trying to convey. it's enough to get the message across, and you’re forever grateful. 
minutes later, you find yourself holding mina's hand, her thumb gently rubbing against your skin in a subtle gesture of comfort. together, you approach the man at the front counter and request a table for four. soon, you're led to a table outside, where the weather is perfect and you’re able to take in the view of the environment as you wait.  
just as you begin to think you have a moment to compose yourself, mina's phone rings, and she receives a call from her mom. the conversation is short, but waht you catch from what she says during the call tells you that her parents have arrived and are searching for your table. panic flutters in your chest as you realize that they’re here, you’re meeting them soon—now. 
mina kisses your cheek quickly, it makes you feel a little better, even if your heart beat stays beating a little quick. 
seconds later, mina turns her head and stands up, you watch her smile at the woman who walks out the door. 
you feel obligated to stand too, following mina as she walks towards her mom and dad. mina hugs her mom tightly, their smiles mirroring each other's, both gummy and wide. then, it's her dad's turn. he gives mina a comforting hug, planting a gentle kiss on the side of her head, and you can't help but feel a swell of warmth, smiling yourself. 
they greet her quickly before looking at you, which makes you tense up a bit. her mom looks at you, still smiling as she examines, taking in your presence. 
“you must be y/n?” you nod in response, smiling respectfully. 
“yes. it’s really nice to meet you.” 
her mom tilts her head, staying silent for about three seconds – grueling, really, the worst, most nerve-racking three seconds of your life probably – before speaking again. 
“gosh, you’re beatiful. mina wasn’t lying, i mean she’s shown me a brief picture but wow honey, you’re adorable.” her mom says before pulling you in for a hug.  
you freeze up a bit before reciprocating, smiling even bigger.  
once her mom compliments you a couple more times, you turn towards her dad. he has a friendly face, a small smile gracing his aged features. he simply puts his hand out, which you shake, and then pulls you in for a small hug. 
he looks at you dearly after that, smiling bigger. “thanks for making our daughter happy, she mentions you a lot.” 
you turn to mina, cheeks dusted pink. “is that true?” you ask teasingly, earning a small punch to your shoulder. “sorry.” 
the small interaction earns a giggle from her parents, they look at each other with proud smiles. 
back at your table, menus spread out in front of you, you all decide over what to order. when the waiter arrives and asks about drinks, and knowing mina is quite timid, you place the orders: a sprite for herself, a sweet tea for you and her mom, and a water for her dad.  
when the waiter leaves, her dad begins the conversation. 
“so you’re her assistant?” 
your head perks up from the menu. “oh, yes.” 
“and how’s working with my daughter? she’s stubborn sometimes.” 
you giggle lightly before looking at mina, then back to her dad. “i mean, i wasn’t used to such high position and--” eyeing mina, you continue, “vast workload, but overtime working became great. i think we make a great team, she’s really good with handling everything.” 
her dad smiles. “that’s my girl.” 
the waiter returns with your drinks, setting them down on the table before retrieving a notepad. he asks if you're all ready to order, and you confirm that you are. you opt for a chicken sandwich and fries, while mina chooses a cheeseburger. her mom orders tenders, and her dad selects a deluxe sandwich. as for appetizers, you decide on some onion rings and salads for everyone to share.  
as you all dive into some small talk, mina's parents ask simple questions about you—like if you have any siblings, your hobbies, and your aspirations. you're glad to find that they're genuinely interested in getting to know you, and talking with them isn't as difficult as you had feared. in fact, the conversation flows nicely, and the best part is hearing some small stories from mina's earlier life. you share laughter with her parents, and you can't help but notice how it makes mina all flustered and blushy in return.  
moments later, mina excuses herself to the restroom, catching you offguard. you watch her get up and walk back inside the building, and now you’re left with the myoui’s alone. 
there's a short silence as you sit there, trying to find out how to keep the conversation you had going before mina left. her mom beats you to it. 
“you’re wonderful y/n, really.” she says, placing her hand on yours. “mina adores you.” 
smiling, you respond, “i’m glad. i adore her too, twice as much probably.” 
her dad chuckles, looking at you with narrowed eyes. “we’re glad to hear. mina calls us every week and most—actually, all of the conversations have included you.” 
“really?” you ask, feeling your cheeks warm. her dad nods and you grin. “that’s great to hear.” 
“mina used to complain about work a lot, it worried us.” her mom starts, “and then she mentioned this new assistant that irriated her, but then a week or two later she’d call back saying you were like a gift from heaven.” 
the heat on your cheeks intensifies as you process the words. "really?" you question, genuinely surprised. as far as you remember, mina had been distant and pretty (very) cold towards you for at least a month before gradually warming up. the thought that she had been gushing to her parents about you so quickly, already enamored despite her earlier act of annoyance, flatters you, makes you fall deeper in love honestly.  
“yeah, it takes time for her to warm up.” her mom explains, laughing. “she went from stressing to talking about you whenever work was mentioned, and now that i get to meet you in person—it’s understandable that she’s grown fond of you.” 
you're speechless for a moment, trying to process all of this new information that might just make your heart burst. her parents look at each other and grin before you catch mina in the corner of your eye, walking back towards the table and sitting down. 
“everything alright?” mina asks, looking at your features etched into surprise. 
“yeah, perfect.” you mumble, looking at her with a warm smile. 
dinner goes well, it’s amazing.  
the food was truly flawless; your chicken sandwich was perfectly crisp, with the mayonnaise, lettuce, and soft bread complementing each other perfectly. judging by the satisfied expressions around the table, it seemed like everyone's meal was cooked to perfection. as you all ate, the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the scene and providing a pretty backdrop to your meal and conversation. 
throughout the evening, you learned so much about mina from her parents, gaining insights and anecdotes that you hadn't heard before. the smiles on their faces and the small, proud, and appreciative glances they exchanged with each other hinted that everything was more than alright—it was wonderful. in that moment, surrounded by good food, good company, and a beautiful sunset, you couldn't help but feel grateful for this, for her appreciative parents, and simply for mina. 
after finishing your meals, you all decide to linger a bit longer, savoring each other's company. the moon was out now, casting a soft glow over the scene. eventually, mina's dad decides to call it an evening, putting his arm around her mom in a gesture of affection.  
“alright, we should get going soon.” he says, fishing for his wallet with the other hand. “we’ve got to drive fourty-five minutes to get back to our place.” 
you wave your hand and shake your head, dismissing him. “no, stop, i've got it, really.” 
“no, it’s fine, really. let me pay for my daughter and her wonderful girlfriend.” 
“mr. myoui, really, please. i've got it.” 
“are you really arguing with your girlfriends dad?” he asks, his tone is playful. he raises a brow, looking at you dead in the eye. 
“if it means getting the bill instead, then yes.” you challenge, earning a chuckle from him. 
“i like you a lot, y/n.” he says, “you’re perfect for my daughter, but please, let me get it.” 
before you can even argue, mina places her card down quickly and calls over a waiter. you and her dad exchange puzzled frowns, both of you clearly surprised by her sudden decision. mina and her mom share a laugh at the identical expressions on your faces. 
“mina!” you groan, “why would you--” 
mina places her hand on the crook of your neck. “you two are so stubborn sometimes.” she says, then looks at her mom. “it’s always like this, fighting for the bill. you and my dad are so stubborn when it comes to this.” 
her dad laughs and adds a last remark, “take care of my daughter, lots of care.” 
mina's mom and dad give you hugs, muttering thankful comments and praises before departing. 
you and mina walk back to your car, and you open the door for her to get in before heading to the driver's side yourself. once you're both settled in and the door is closed, you find yourself leaning back against the seat, exhaling a sigh of relief. you're content, so, so relieved. 
your girlfriend laughs at you, holding your hand. “i told you there would be nothing to worry about. they love you.” 
a small “mhm” is hummed as you really take in all the events, and then you turn to her lips turned up into a smile. 
“i’m just glad they’re fine with me dating the most stubborn, prettiest boss in the world.” 
mina rolls her eyes playfully before leaning in to kiss your knuckles, a gesture that makes your cheeks warmer and body relax. you lean your head closer, your gaze lingering on her lips before you press a kiss. 
as you pull back slightly, you find yourself taking in her features, illuminated by the soft light above. each contour of her face seems to emphasize the very features that drew you to her, making your heart swell with affection. you grin like an idiot.  
you kiss her knuckles. “seriously the prettiest boss in the world.” 
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anim-ttrpgs · 2 months ago
Eureka is an absolute masterpiece of a ttrpg with so much thought and care put into it. I really can't say enough good things about it. I do want to know if you have made/plan to make any other ttrpgs? I would love to see more genres besides supernatural urban mystery from you because of how quality your work is (but it's completely understandable if you have no plans to do other things).
Thank you! It’s taken us years to refine Eureka’s rules to this level of polish, and I do think it shows! A warning to all other aspiring TTRPG designers, though, don’t make your first project something this big! Keep it short! Not “one page rules” type of short, but don’t be like us and make your first real project a full-on trad TTRPG with this many different moving parts.
If you have aspirations to make something as crunchy and fleshed-out as Eureka, maybe try to execute the concept in a more simpler “OSR” style, and then after you’ve gotten more experience under your belt, maybe made some money and/or gotten a team together, then maybe try that concept again with more crunch. Call it “Advanced [Your Earlier Game Title]”
As for the future of A.N.I.M., we are planning to continually release adventure modules for Eureka, and probably also add-ons like extra Traits, Monster Traits, etc. I would love to include some playable monsters from cultures outside “the west” too, but I wouldn’t want to half-ass them, I’d want to give them as much research, attention detail and themes, etc. that I’ve given to all the other monsters. That’s just a lot harder when the best sources aren’t always in English.
Speaking of shorter games, I already wrote a little tiny game on the side called Edge Hedge Arena.
This is a game where you google “[Your Name] the Hedgehog”, choose one of the many Sonic OCs that are likely to come up, then give them stats and battle them against those of other players using the rules provided.
Since I basically have no more rules to write for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy and I’m mostly just waiting for other members of the team to finish working on their parts, I’ve partially moved on to working on A.N.I.M.’s next big game, too!
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We’ve learned our lesson, it’s not going to be anywhere near the page count or crunch level of Eureka, even though you know I love crunchy games. Well, actually, it’s probably only slightly less crunchy than Eureka, but it’s about much more specific scenarios, so it’ll still overall have less mechanics. The scope is much smaller.
This is a dark comedy/satire game that kind of takes the Forgotten Realms “evil sexy matriarchal bdsm slavery society ruled by warriors who fight in lingerie” dark elf concept and asks the question of “What kind of society and circumstances would actually produce this?” (Though it doesn’t actually take place in Forgotten Realms or any other D&D setting)
And then makes the comparison to 20th and 21st century American capitalism. “No, these aren’t slaves, they aren’t chained up and are allowed to leave any time they want. But they only get food so long as they keep working, and if they disobey then can get beaten.” It started out as a joke, but we are probably going to add "media literacy" to the list of requirements alongside dice and stuff hahaha, like, the ability to understand that the world of this game is not supposed to represent the author's idea of a perfect society. We might add that to Eureka too.
Silk&Dagger is about class, gender roles, different ways that forced labor can manifest in a society, and most importantly surviving all of those things.
Going forward to understand what I’m saying you have to know that in this setting, “Drow” is a title, referring to the ruling warrior caste. Most Drow are dark elves, but not all dark elves are Drow. This society is structured a bit like ancient Sparta, with a very small ruling caste of warriors, and a very large servant caste. Social mobility between these castes is possible, but rather than getting into it in detail and making this post super long, let’s just say that many servants consider themselves temporarily embarrassed Drow.
A typical “party” in Silk&Dagger is will consist of one Drow PC and any number of servant PCs working for her. There are regular chores that need to be done around the palace, which provide challenges, but scenarios will also throw major issues into the mix.
A Drow’s Reputation is everything, if the Drow PC’s Reputation stat reaches 0, that is the failure state for the entire party, because it basically means no more food. (Even the servants, for lore reasons that I also won’t get into)
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So a typical scenario will be like “Somebody very important is coming to visit, but the lower floor of the palace is starting to flood for an unknown reason.” We’re going to have multi-part tables where you can randomly generate these, but we will also have more in-depth adventure modules for it in the future.
We ran a playtest the other day basically based on this scenario. The intended comedy of the game really came out as we kept switching perspectives, with the Drow upstairs having to constantly come up with new ways to impress her guests and explain away that splashing sound while the servant worked down below trying to find and plug the leak.
So, the PCs will have to deal with all that while also making sure that all the chores get done, and the kicker is, they can’t easily communicate with each other. The massive gulf between the two castes is the real enemy here, along with the behavioral expectations placed on each.
They could’ve gotten a head start on dealing with the flooding if the servant had had permission to speak earlier and could’ve told the Drow that the lower floor is flooding, but
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There’s a big list of behaviors that a servant has to fulfill when interacting with a Drow, which are basically designed to be impossible to follow and just get them in trouble, and a Drow who doesn’t strictly enforce this etiquette risks losing Reputation for it.
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On the other side, Drow also have to constantly embody a list of six features, which basically means acting as evil as possible, their Reputation depends on it.
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One other unique feature of Silk&Dagger is that it is a two-GM game. One GM does most of the normal GM stuff, while the other GM represents the ever-present societal expectations weighing on all the characters, subtracting Reputation points and important things every time the PCs do something that makes them look bad in the eyes of this society.
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There may come times where PCs will just have to take the hit to get things done, or find clever ways to make it look like they’re upholding the status quo while secretly treating each other like equals when nobody’s looking.
You can expect, like, an alpha or beta version of this game to come to the patreon in probably January or February, and maybe even itchio if it is far along enough by then. It was actually supposed to be out on the patreon in December, but some personal issues and illnesses really held it up. I am really going to try and make it less than 200 pages.
I'll end the post with one of my favorite little bits from the setting/lore. One of the reasons that Drow dress like that is because it helps them identify each other by thermal vision in the pitch black tunnels. Unique patterns of covered and uncovered skin serve as a sort of personal heraldry.
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Elegantly designed and thoroughly playtested, Eureka represents the culmination of three years of near-daily work from our team, as well as a lot of our own money. If you’re just now reading this and learning about Eureka for the first time, you missed the crowdfunding window unfortunately, but you can still check out the public beta on itch.io to learn more about what Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy actually is, as that is where we have all the fancy art assets, the animated trailer, links to video reviews by podcasts and youtubers, etc.!
You can also follow updates on our Kickstarter page where we post regular updates on the status of our progress finishing the game and getting it ready for final release.
Beta Copies through the Patreon
If you want more, you can download regularly updated playable beta versions of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy earlier, plus extra content such as adventure modules by subscribing to our Patreon at the $5 tier or higher. Subscribing to our patreon also grants you access to our patreon discord server where you can talk to us directly and offer valuable feedback on our progress and projects.
The A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club
If you would like to meet the A.N.I.M. team and even have a chance to play Eureka with us, you can join the A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club discord server. It’s also just a great place to talk and discuss TTRPGs, so there is no schedule obligation, but the main purpose of it is to nominate, vote on, then read, discuss, and play different indie TTRPGs. We put playgroups together based on scheduling compatibility, so it’s all extremely flexible. This is a free discord server, separate from our patreon exclusive one. https://discord.gg/7jdP8FBPes
Other Stuff
We also have a ko-fi and merchandise if you just wanna give us more money for any reason.
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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fanfiction4sooya · 1 year ago
Call her now (Karina x Fem!R)
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Just wanted to write something to open my year of writings!! Just had this idea and well... you will know more once you read it. Hope ya'll like it! 💖💖💖
Ps: thanks to each one of you who enjoy my works and engage with it. I really appreciate each one of you babies 🥹💖
cw: fingering, humping, fingering, strapons, a tad bit of voyeurism, yves is here too and she is an asshole, girl on girl action, swearing, aggressiveness, light stalking, possessiveness, nipple play, etc.
You always wondered what exactly what was that girl's job. She came in at the bank you worked for to deposit a lot of cash every week and you just asked for her ID and did the transaction, but those questions ate you alive. It wasn't anything illegal otherwise the bank wouldn't approve her transactions; Stripper? No, the bills are big and strippers usually get smaller ones thrown at them. 'Maybe she works something more expensive...' You thought for the 10th time as she left your work place with a small nod and a charming smile.
You were staring at your computer a week later, a complete wreck since you and your girlfriend broke up and your life turned upside down. She was obsessively trying to talk to you since then, following you everywhere. You were honestly not feeling very safe. but the only way you had was come into work like everyday. You still had to pay your bills after all.
You didn't even realized when Jimin sat down to the other side of your desk, her leather purse full of cash with her as always.
"Good afternoon" Her voice broke you off from your trance, making you slightly jump.
"Oh, jesus" You closed your eyes, startled.
"I didn't mean to scare you" She said. "I've been sitting here for about two minutes and you seemingly didn't see me" Polite and cold as always, but this time she scanned you.
You felt the need to hide from her sharp gaze, run away. You knew you probably looked a mess and you didn't want to appear like that in front of the yoo Jimin.
"Are you okay?" You lowered your eyes, shy as ever and she stared at your buzzing phone. You turned the screen down.
"yes, thank you for asking" You smiled, fixing your glasses on your face and trying your best to keep your composure to 1: not melt at how intensely she was staring at you and 2: not lose it because of the many times your ex has called you since your client was in front of you.
"Bad ending?" Jimin said, once again taking you from your own mind. A simple transaction that supposedly would take less than five minutes was taking way longer.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Your phone buzzed about 6 times already and before you turned your screen down I saw a trash can emoji followed by 'Ex'" She leaned against the chair, her brown overcoat slightly opening and revealing a black leather dress under it. You gulped, looking away. "So I imagine someone is wanting another chance"
"Uh... yeah" You looked at your computer screen again, finishing her transaction. "Apparently she can't take no for an answer" You said, closing your eyes and mentally slapping your forehead. Too much information.
"She?" Jimin smiled, amused. You gave her the deposit receipt and she got up. "Glad to know I have a chance" She smiled, turning away and stopping at your office's door. "Have a good day, Ms" And she left without waiting any response from you.
You spent the rest of your day thinking of what she said. Was it possible? That woman could be described as a doll, an angel, anything but human and well, not that you thought you were ugly but she was another level of pretty. Your phone buzzed again, but this time you picked it up since you were leaving the bank.
"I told you I don't wanna talk to you" You sounded stern but deep down you were scared. Ha Sooyoung could be menacing when she wanted to.
"But I wanna talk to you" You heard her voice loud and clear right behind you. You turned around and of course she was there, leaning against her motorcycle. That fuckboy attitude present as ever.
A few days prior that would be considered attractive, now it just added to how juvenile her mind could be. Looking back she never took you seriously, you were the least on her priorities but you were too enamored with her to realize all that. Only when she broke up with you saying she needed to "get her freedom back" you came back to your senses.
"please baby, why are you being like this?" She stepped forward so fast she caught your hand without you even realizing. "I said I'm sorry, I wasn't in my right mind" Her eyes scanned you, her nostrils slightly moving as she took in your scent. "I miss you in my mouth" She whispered and your legs almost gave up. Sex with her was really good, another reason for you staying with her for so long.
"First of all, take your hands off of me" You gritted your teeth, pulling your hand away from her grip. "Second: I don't care how much you miss me, I am not going back to you because I can't deal with your indecisiveness anymore, so please leave me alone" You tried to turn around but she held you again.
"Are you going to tell me you don't miss me? Me? The one who taught you what pleasure is?" She sounded more like a jerk than ever. "I know your body with the back of my hand baby..." She got really close to you, everyone that passed you two staring a bit. "You can't find anyone better than me" She spat, letting your arm go in a pushing motion.
It hurt your ego more than your arm have her saying that to you, specially because she knew you very young and inexperienced.
"Hello love, I was waiting for you" You heard her voice before seeing her. Out of nowhere jimin had her arm around your waist, pulling you in for a kiss. You were on your tippy toes because of the height difference, her lips firm against yours as it lasted a few seconds. She let go of you with a smile and soon you heard the other one clearing her throat. Jimin's eyes darkened a bit, defiant. "Who is this, love?" She continued the act and you knew you were profusely blusehd.
"She is..."
"I am her girlfriend" Yves said, pulling your arm and you pulled it back to make her let go of you.
"Oh, is she the trashy ex we were talking about?" Jimin showed her teeth in an imitation of a smile, 'whispering' to your ear. "Oh yeah, not worth it at all" Loud enough for yves to hear. The woman was so astonished she couldn't even think of a proper reply when the taller woman held your hand and you took off with her, taking you to her car. You knew it was a porsche due to your ex's obsession with those fancy cars.
She opened the door for your surprised self, delicately closing it behind you and going around to enter the vehicle. Turning the engine on she waved goodbye to yves (who still had her jaw dropped) and took off.
You were just so surprised that no sound came out of you for a few minutes as you saw the city in a flash of lights due to her speed. She noticed your surprised face, of course.
"You can breathe now" She said, side eyeing you and your pencil skirt, your glasses on the tip of your nose.
"Oh, yeah..." You finally allowed yourself to move. After a moment of the most awkward silence ever known to men you spoke. "Thank you for that..." You started, looking at her direction for one millisecond before blushing too hard. She was so attractive it was maddening. "You didn't have to lie to cover for me..." Your voice sounded small.
"I didn't lie" She stared at you now, turning her head at your direction with her hand still on the steering wheel.
"What do you mean?" You blurted out.
"I was waiting for you to get off work so I could take you home" She stared ahead. You were silent for a moment, thinking.
"You waited for hours just to take me home?"
"That's insane. Weren't you bored?" You said feeling bad for her waiting for you all that time.
"The thought of you entertained me" She half smiled at you.
"What... You are a natural sweet talker" You said, honestly amazed, trying to sound offended but of course you sounded playful.
"I'm a pro at it, love" She kept staring at the road, her side profile prettier than anything you've ever seen. "My place or yours?"
"W-what?" You gripped the side of your skirt, wetness already seeping through your panties with just that question. Jesus, that woman was hot.
"If you wanna go to your place its understandable, I'll gladly take you there and we can grab dinner another time" Her right hand let go of the steering wheel and she placed it on your thigh, looking intensely in your eyes. "If you come with me to my place we are going to fuck all night and tomorrow I'll drop you off at work if you'd like"
You stared at her for an eternity, a million thoughts going through your mind. You thought of saying no; excuses and excuses flowing through your head. You opened your mouth, her warm hand in your thigh making your panties damp.
"Your place"
The lights turned on as soon as you stepped inside; actually, as soon as she stepped inside because now she had your legs trapped behind her back, her hands holding you by the ass and your clothed core grinding hungrily against her stomach. You moaned against her lips when your back finally met the wall and you could really feel the weight of her body against yours.
Her tongue felt so good against yours it was really insane. How did that woman learn how to kiss like that? You tried to chase her lips again when she moved away from yours, whining when she ghosted them over yours just to teasingly smile. You rolled your eyes, scratching her shoulders under the brown overcoat.
Without much effort she kept her way to her bedroom with you on her lap, still holding tightly on her shoulders. She carefully placed you in her bed, straightening her back to look at you, her head cocked to the side like a curious feline as she measured you up and down. To your beautiful face and swollen lips, a mean smile on her lips.
"Fuck I wanted this so bad, love" She crawled to you, your panties were ruined at this point.
For some reason you didn't feel shy at all; not shy, not nervous... anything. You only felt wanted. No, not wanted. You felt needed.
She swiftly pulled you by the ankles, placing herself between your legs and staring from your face to the wet path on your underwear, a glint of arousal visible on her face too.
"you are so beautiful, fucking hell" You throbbed when she said that, her voice raspy and low as if she was speaking to herself and not entirely to you.
"Says the actual goddess over me" You bit your lip, embarrassingly out of breath.
"yet you never seemed to be interested in me" She pulled you by the nape, kissing you hungrily while unbuttoning your blouse all the way down, her fingertips grazing your tummy and making you whimper. "I usually don't go for anyone but I need to have you" she pushed you again to lay down, her tongue swirling against yours made your pussy throb like crazy.
Her tongue and teeth never stopped their assault on your lips, all you could do was whimper and scratch her arms when she traced her fingers down to your drenched cunt. You gasped when she touched your hard clit over the fabric, biting her lip a little too hard.
"Jimin, oh god" Was all you managed to say when she circled your clit a couple of times, rolling your hips each time they moved.
"yes princess, keep calling my name while I make you feel good" She lowered her assault to your neck, knowingly that would give you at least one hickey, smiling when you held her arm to keep it from going away.
It felt too good, and too much at the same time. You body felt feather like and the way she moaned while her hand kept working on your clit made you start convulsing, not really understanding why the fuck were you already cumming when with your ex you only could do it by penetration and clit stimulation.
"jimin, t-too much" you started saying but she kept rubing your swollen clit, a particularly harsh bite making you tip over the edge, squirting all over your panties and her hand. You kept rolling your hips, coming down from your high. "I've never squirted before..." You knit your eyebrows together, a bit surprised.
"Fuck, that useless asshole never made you squirt?" she devilishly smiled, biting her lower lip. She sat on her heels, pulling her dress over her head, her big breasts fully on display now as she quickly undressed you as well, pulling your dripping panties from you with and audible moan. "fuck now I want you squirting all over me" She kissed your thighs, placing herself between them to kiss your mound.
"No, it's your turn..." Pulling her to kiss you again, you thought how much you wanted that woman to be lost in you. "let me touch you, please. I don't really know how to but I wanna make you feel good" You stared into her brown eyes, her doll like features a bit more prominent from up close. She touched your face with her knuckles and that alone made you melt.
Nine times out of ten you bottomed with your ex, which didn't teach you a lot in the matters of being a top. She understandably nodded, softly smiling at you.
"Of course, love" She kissed you again and now you finally had the chance to do something instead of only let her do them to you. "It's okay, take your time" She patiently cooed and you shivered. That was arousing, oh so fucking hot.
You flipped her to be under you, straddling her hips and moaning against her skin when your boobs touched hers. She rolled her eyes and you quickly realized that was a soft spot for her, so you trailed your way down with your tongue, latching on them.
"oh, fuck" She pulled your hair a bit when your lips connected to her nipple. "Harder princess, no need to be soft with me" Jimin said, giving you directions and you clenched around nothing thinking of how hot that felt one more time.
Just now you understood how patience was something you needed in a partner. That guidance and lack of judgement... It gave you a boost of confidence.
You pulled on her nipple with a soft 'pop' and she whined, her eyebrows knit together as she rolled her eyes.
Her hips rolled on their own against yours and you ended up moaning too, sucking harshly on her right nipple while pinching the other. You started to grind down, her clit and yours perfectly grazing each other on that sinful position. She closed her eyes, tossing her head back and holding your hips to bump her clit on yours better while you kept working on her boobs.
"This feels perfect princess, k-keep going" Jimin managed to say between broken moans, the skin slapping sound loud and clear that somebody was fucking.
You were both so wet you could feel it between your legs every time she pushed your hips up to pull them down again against hers. You felt her tightening her grip. Time went both slow and fast, it was insane how turned on you were even by the lightest of touches coming from her.
"I'm gonna cum in your pussy baby, fuck fuck fuck" She gripped even harder, leaving her hand prints on your hips, deeply breathing with her eyes closed, your shiny eyes looking up at her in the most adorable way ever. You looked down to where you were connected and you could literally see how you both creamed on each other.
Coming down from her high jimin smiled at you, pulling you up for a deep kiss. Your heart was thrumming in your ears, that kiss alone making you feel things you didn't feel for the longest time, maybe never.
"Are you feeling okay?" She kissed your neck with you still straddling her and you hummed in response. "Good" She sat down, kissing your lips even more fervently than before, pushing one hand between your bodies to finally touch your pussy. "You are soaked, love" You rolled your eyes, hugging her shoulders when two of her fingers invaded you in one go. "Let's take care of that, hm?" She touch your spongy spot, pumping her fingers hard in and out of you.
You heard your cellphone buzz inside your purse somewhere but not that it mattered now that the most beautiful woman you've ever laid your eyes on was literally fucking you hard enough to take your breath away.
"Can't she take a hint?" She said through gritted teeth, speeding up her pace.
"She'll stop..."You managed to say between a moan. "Eventually" She rolled her eyes.
"God, her insistence makes me wanna fuck you even more" She bit your lip. "Makes me wanna strap you down just so you can call her while calling my name" She said, knuckles deep inside you.
The temptation was too much, the thought of you doing such dirty thing making you clench viciously on her fingers.
"Oh, you want that" She growled, her fingers going to a full stop as she pulled them out of you, taking both to her lips and sucking it to gather your taste on her tongue. "I won't take long" She kissed you and got up. "Pick up your phone and wait for me with your legs open" She commanded.
"Y-yes, ma'am" She went to her closet and you quickly fished for your phone in your purse. In fact, a few missed calls from Sooyoung.
Jimin came back wearing a harness with a strapon, putting on a condom on the big thing. For safety reasons, you assumed.
"And your phone?" She asked, eyes glued on yours.
"She isn't calling anymore..." You said a bit out of breath when she knelt between your legs pulling you to her and laying on her stomach. Her tongue swirled between your folds and your clit, ripping a gutural moan from you. "Jesus"
"Call her now" She said, slurping on your juices. Her tongue in and out of you while her nose bumped your clit.
You did as she said, gripping on the phone for dear life when she turned you around placing you in all fours for her, holding your hips with one of them to play with your folds with the tip of the strap, slapping your clit a few times to make you jolt. Finally the other side of the line picked up.
"Where the fuck are you?" She practically shouted and finally jimin slipped in taking you by surprise and you did your best to swallow the sinful moan you were about to let out.
"I am not at my ap- fuck" You let out when she gave you a particularly hard thrust, the whole thing slipping inside you.
"You look beautiful like this, baby" She said loud enough for Yves to hear.
"What the fuck is going on? Where the fuck are you? I swear to god-"
Jimin picked up pace pulling you into her, your face completely smashed against the expensive sheets as you babbled some incoherent words. She picked the phone from your hand, never stopping what she was doing.
"Oh, hi" Her voice sounded poisonous, her free hand slapping your ass with force and making you cry out. "She is a bit busy now..."
"Jimin, please" You cried out loudly, completely forgetting anything else, the toy hitting your womb was too much to handle. "Please I'm gonna cum, please don't stop" you bit the back of your fingers, the urge to cry getting stronger by the second every time she pounded you.
"No need to scream, friend" She pulled you by the hair, your body now completely against hers now. "She is mine now, can you hear that?"She lifted the phone while slamming the dick inside your hole to make your moans even more audible for the other woman. "Bye bye" She said to your screaming ex, throwing your phone on the bed and finally hugging you against her. "I knew it was worth the wait..." She licked your ear lobe then your neck, reaching her hand to your clit, thrusting hard as you came screaming, squirting again all over her legs.
She kept the pace, humping the toy up while holding you for a long while. Her embrace felt strong and protective in some way.
Oh you were doomed.
When she finally took it off you fell onto the bed, limp and sweaty and so wet. She took it off, hugging your limp body and pulling you to lay on top of her on her chest and kissing your forehead, then lips taking in your scent.
"Are you feeling okay?" She said after a while.
"I'm feeling light as a feather" You nudged on her neck, feeling somewhat protected. She was warm and passionate and you really liked that. (authors note: Karina is a fire sign after all)
You finally looked around, taking in the luxurious place you were at.
"Can I ask you something?" You said and she hummed. "Don't get me wrong but I've been dying to ask you..." You placed your chin over your hands on her chest, puppy eyes looking up at her. "What do you work with?" You said making her burst out laughing. After a while she finally managed to pull herself together, looking at you.
"I am a professional domme, love" She said and you went 'Oh'. "Does that bother you?" She asked and you quickly shook your head no.
"No that's not it..." You said. "Now I'm just really thinking... are you taking any applications? I could be an intern..." She laughed out loud, caressing your hair.
"Well I am looking for a business partner..." She pulled you in for a kiss. "But you need to take some mandatory classes first" Her tongue swirled against yours and you whimpered. "Are you still interested?" She said, smiling against your lips.
"Oh you can be sure I'll be the best student you've ever had..." You sat again over her pussy, slightly grinding down and you both moaned, searching for that satisfaction one more time.
Your phone buzzed the whole night until it ran out of battery...
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icumpinkglitterxo · 8 months ago
I'll take care of you
a/n: mightve projected a little in this one 🦈enjoy ★
warnings: i think this counts as fluff?depression, mentions of scars, showering together (no smut)
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You and Slash had been dating a while. It wasn't really casual, but it definitely wasn't serious either. Or at least you were both too afraid to admit you wanted a serious relationship. You both knew a lot about each other, but you found it far more meaningful that he knew so much about you than he did.
You had suffered with depression for a while, even before meeting Slash, and it was starting to get worse, and Slash noticed.
He noticed the more obvious things, like the scars on your body, and he noticed the less obvious things, like your growing lack of sleep. It had been a while since you had seen each other, and Slash noticed the change immediately. At first, he thought you just needed time alone, but the more time passed, the more worried he got.
It was 11PM and you weren't even sure what day it was. You had only checked the time because someone was banging on your front door. You got up after a while of hoping they would give up and go away.
You opened the door, and Slash's voice rang through your ears, "where the hell have you -" he cut himself off mid sentence when he saw just how awful you looked. "Baby..?"
You don't bother to look at him. You can't even bring yourself to be nice, "what do you want?" He looks hurt, but he reminds himself that you're sick and need help. He lets himself inside your apartment and closes the door behind him, "I've been so worried about you..."
You shrug. He sighs, "I haven't seen you in at least a month..." You stay quiet and he sighs again.
"When was the last time you ate?" You stay quiet. "Alright...when was the last time you got proper sleep?" You stay quiet still. He takes a step closer to you, "Baby, I'm really worried about you." You look down.
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a tight hug. For some reason, this makes you break down crying. He holds you tighter, "shhh...It's okay...I'm here," he says softly. He picks you up and carries you into your bathroom. "You think you can take a shower for me?" You sniffle and nod, even though in your head you were repeatedly saying no. He turns the shower on and starts taking off your clothes, making sure to be gentle.
When you're completely naked, he starts taking his own clothes off, knowing you might need some help. He walks you into the shower and lets your hair get wet.
He grabs the shampoo and starts scrubbing your hair with it, rinsing it, then repeating. "Close your eyes, okay? I don't want to get soap in your eyes," he says. You tilt your head back and close your eyes. Even though you had been putting off showering, it was nice having him do this for you. It made you realise just how much he cared about you.
Once he finishes rinsing the soap from your body, he grabs a big towel and wraps it around you, a smaller towel for himself and an even smaller towel for your hair. "Do you feel any better?" You nod, "a little," you mumble. He smiles and walks you into your bedroom. He sits you down on the bed and goes over to your dresser, grabbing clean underwear and a t-shirt (which happened to be one of his).
He helps you dry off and get dressed, then he grabs a brush and starts brushing your wet hair out. "Do you want me to dry it?" You shake your head. "Do you want to dry it?" You shake your hear again. He rests his chin on your shoulder, "are you sure? You could get sick..." You lean into him, "I do it all the time. I'll be fine," he kisses your cheek and looks at the clock. 12AM. "You need to get some sleep," he says softly.
You want to protest. You hadn't been able to sleep in so long. But you knew he wouldn't take no for an answer, and you also knew it would be easier with him there.
He helps you into bed and pulls the blanket up around you. He cleans up your room a little, then drys himself off and pulls on some clean sweatpants he found in your drawer. They were his. He chuckles softly and crawls into bed beside you.
He could tell you were starting to overthink, and he also knew that you were still struggling. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close, "don't worry about anything right now, sweetheart," he whispers in your ear. You were slowly starting to fall asleep. You were right. It was easier in his arms. He made you feel loved, and he made you feel safe.
"Just get some rest, I'll take care of you."
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yoyowrites · 3 months ago
shen jiu waking up in a new world and he's a magical girl(boy/man)(this would be right when he died in svsss, as in right before sy wakes up). he has a tiny little hamster with wings (sqh) that acts as his companion and his own very annoying system. he now must fight evil or forfeit his right in the reincarnation cycle. as a bonus, the more monsters he fights and the more miasma he clears up, the better his next life will be.
sj wants nothing to do with it. why was he even there? it isn't his business to fight others battles.
he's walking aimlessly (sqh is back in the room he woke up in) when he comes across the last face he ever wanted to see. it's not quite the same.
luo binghe, the bane of his existence, though much older and broader taller. though just as pathetic. luo Binghe was being pushed around by people much thinner and smaller than him. it was three against one.
shen jiu wanted to turn around and leave them to their business. nothing good comes from him playing hero.
he can't help it. its only because they were in the way. he turns back around and now it wasnt just lbh and the three stooges, there were also monsters.
shen jiu didn't have a chance to panic because the system turned on and gave him his first mission.
sj turns into his magical form, defeats the monsters, and scares off lbh's assailant. he wants to ignore lbh, but the fool is just staring in to space looking lost and while he may hate him, shen jiu was his shizun (well the other him). so, in a very selfless and out of character move, he calls out for lbh to follow. he leads him to the place he's staying at. (he is still in his magical form mind you.) sqh acts very oddly when seeing lbh but sj stocks up to the hamster being a coward.
shen jiu gives lbh a look over and determines the other to be fine. he berates him ("are you a fool? is all that height and muscle for show? why allow yourself to be degraded? if you're a masochist then do it behind close doors if not fight back or at least run away.") then gives him some tea and kicks him out.
unfortunately, this raised a flag for luo binghe. lbh is actually not weak at all. he has a lot of control of the monsters that have been popping up in the village. by a lot of control, i mean he creates them and they react to his desire. he grew up in this village, being ostracized, taken advantage of, and shunned by others. he can't help it. once they appear, he can't make them disappear but they still respond to his emotions. his resentment boiled over and the monsters appeared. his mental health had been rapidly declining and he was on the verge of letting his resentment take over when shen jiu appeared. he was in an odd outfit and despite his harsh words, he was the first person since his mother to extend sympathy to lbh. now, luo binghe is attached.
meanwhile, sqh realized that this was an au he had written but never finished nor even published. he knows that luo Binghe is supposed to let his resentment and hatred take over and become another sort type demon that can only be saved via a group of magical women. they have magic to get rid of the animals and can heal his resentment via smex. they eventually fall for him (another harem bc if it aint broke). so sqh's very stressed when shen jiu appears with luo Binghe in tow and his heart nearly gives out when sj is so outwardly rude.
so then the rest of the time, sj decides he may as well try to get rid of the monsters though he finds that they become less and less hostile to him. he also keeps running into lbh and despite himself, he grows fonder of him. luo Binghe is stalking shen jiu. shang qinghua needs a fucking break
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mindless-existence1 · 6 months ago
Summery: Training has been hard all day and it's been wearing Iida down, so when you guys get back to the dorms you take care of him. Readers quirk isn't specified but it is described to be less physical and reader is apart of class 1-A.
REQUESTS OPEN PLS SEND (I fear I'm desperate)
Authors note: That summery sounds like smut but this is pure fluff (you dirty dirty dogs). Reader is gender neutral and Iida's partner. Also this is for my friend, I'm so sorry I took forever to write this. I'm so sorry my bookie 😔
Masterlist Link
Ectoplasm was putting class 1-A and B through the wringer trying to get them to master their special moves. For the past week the classes have been pushing themselves to the extreme, past their limits.
For you it wasn't too straining since you're quirk wasn't very physical, Iida on the other hand was practically dying by the end of the week. His engines felt fried and in general his whole body was aching. Sore in places he didn't even know he could get sore.
The worst part was his legs, Iida had been pushing his limits on Recipro Burst and it was causing serious strain on his engines. That's what brought the two of you making your way from the common room to his dorm.
It took a lot, and I mean a lot, of convincing to get him to let you help him. He didn't like worrying others, especially you.
"Y/n I'm truly fine, to be a hero I have to get stronger. This is just what being a hero involves." Iida spoke with a stern voice, underneath his words though was an undertone of tiredness you didn't miss.
"I just want to help out, being a hero also involves asking for help Tenya." You're tone soft, you could see through his 'I'm class president everything is fine' attitude. "Please? For me?" You asked, knowing he wouldn't be able to say no.
Iida looked over at you and for a split second you thought he'd decline again, but instead he sighed and looked away. "Fine, but you need to take care of yourself as well." Showing his vulnerable side was never something he liked to do, it made him feel weak and unworthy of the "Ingenium" title.
The smile that came to your face was enough to make him forget about his worries. He couldn't help but match your loving grin.
Opening Iida's door you were met with the same boring room you've come to enjoy. He went to change into comfier clothes while you got a show ready to watch on your phone. Iida had changed and was now laying beside you, he watched as you chose a show the two of you had started together per your request.
Iida searched for the soothing cream you had gotten him a while back for cases like these, it took a minute of rummaging in his bedside drawer to find it. You happily took it from him when he pulled it out the drawer. "Alright honey how do you want to do this?" You asked sitting criss cross (applesauce) next to him, ready to move to a better position.
"You can sit like that and I can put one leg on your lap at a time. Is that alright love?" He almost seemed shy when he asked, you nodded your head and set your phone down infront of the two of you. Him laying on his side, one leg on your lap the engine facing you, and you sitting criss cross (applesauce) next to him.
The position was a bit awkward but it worked best when on a smaller bed like this. You opened the container and rubbed a bit onto your fingers, the cream was designed to help sooth muscles for athletes. Iida's calfs were too sore to take the engines out but you could still touch the outside.
Starting with the right leg you gently massage the tense muscles with your soft fingers. Iida let out a sigh and relaxed into your touch, slowly giving himself to you. Iida leaned his head on his hand and started to close his eyes. Your gentle touch lulling him to sleep.
Carefully rubbing your fingers around each engine you made sure to get the cream everywhere. After a minute of massaging you finished up with his right leg. "Tenya I've finished up you can switch legs." You rubbed in the last of the cream on your fingers and expected him to respond, with a glance to his face you saw his eyes shut.
You smiled at the soft snores escaping his parted lips. You can finish the other leg tomorrow when he was more energized. Pausing the show you slowly lift his leg off your lap, careful not to wake him. Tiptoeing across the room to turn off the light and make sure the door was shut all the way.
You slipped yourself back into the bed, cautious not to wake up your sleeping boyfriend. "Good night Tenya, I love you." You mumble before snuggling yourself into the sleeping man beside you.
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kahluacoco · 5 months ago
Making Mychael's Horns
My mom likes to celebrate Halloween with a family dinner in costumes. This year I decided to have a Mushroom Oasis inspired outfit. I found a peach mushroom sweater very similar to Mychael's in day three, and his gloves, but I knew what I really wanted to try was to wear his horns! I haven't done a craft project in a while, and I haven't done any cosplay before. This is documenting the process and has some accompanying pictures.
Before the essay starts, (I wrote a lot!) here's the finished product! It was lightweight and fun to make!
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Here are the materials I used. Since I made this across multiple days I took some pictures for fun. I didn't expect to make this into a blog post but here we are! Sharing this out in case you want to try and make this. The products I noted here are not to advertise anything, I just tried to find the cheapest materials I could use. I also noted the prices.
Total Cost was ~$22 USD but that includes extra material for other projects. I bought all this at Walmart.
Acrylic Red Paint (Apple Barrel Matte Flag Red) $0.58
Acrylic Yellow Paint (Apple Barrel Matte Bright Yellow) $0.58
Acrylic White Paint (Apple Barrel Matte Snow White) $0.58
Acrylic Blue Paint (Apple Barrel Matte Too Blue) $0.58
Mod Podge Matte-Mat-Mate $4.94 for 8 fl oz
Foam Brush (optional for blending) ($1.48 for 4)
Some paint brushes (a few sizes for basecoating and details - $2.98 for 3 brushes)
Thin wood dowel $0.42 around 1/8 diameter maybe?
1 Foam Block (Medium/Small - Used as a base to hold the horns upright while working/drying) - $1.97 for 2
Blue artificial flower pick $0.50 (I got one on sale at Walmart that had some purple, white and blue flowers with green leaves. Feel welcome to grab a couple picks just in case)
2 Craft Foam Rectangular Blocks (FloraCraft Foam - I used DryFM green blocks that aren’t as porous. They’re usually used for keeping water for flowers. I got rectangles that were a bit larger than 5 in H x 3 in L x 2 in W. $1.07 for each block.)
Soft Fabric Headband (I used Goody Fabric Covered Headbands in neutral colors. You can get one similar to your haircolor $4.48 for 3)
Hot Glue Gun (I owned one already)
Dinner Knife
Gloves and Face Mask
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Here are the steps. I added in a lot of notes for gotchas/oopsies that I ran into.
Carving the horns
With the large foam rectangular blocks, draw out the shape of the horns on the two widest sides gently with a pencil. This will help guide carving.
With the serrated knife cut gently along the areas around the lines to form the rough shape of the horns.
Don’t cut directly along the line. Cut out from the rectangle a rough polygon shape to start that is a bit bigger then the drawn lines. Then slowly start carving closer like carving a fruit and curving the knife. You can cut larger shavings for the rough shape, but try to cut smaller shavings as you get closer to your drawn lines so that you can get more detailed easily. The less you cut, the easier it is to fix. If you cut more, then you aren’t able to add foam back. Take your time cutting. See drawing on process.
Since the foam is soft, you can optionally cut the rough shape and use your fingers to smooth the edges and curves of the horns
Once you’ve completed one horn, you can work on the other. As you carve, compare the two horns and try to make them similar in width, height and length.
Line your work area with a bag for easier cleanup.
I recommend wearing a face mask and gloves so you don’t breath in the fine dry foam as you’re working with it. It’ll get messy if you cut fast. It’ll cling to your hands and maybe clothes.
Be careful with the knife, I ended up using a small serrated dinner carving knife
Treat the foam gently, it can be easily squished if you grip it too strongly
If you want to buy an extra block to practice carving a 3d shape, it might be helpful
No worries if the two horns aren’t exactly the same. Imagine that a horn is like a thumbprint, no two are alike :)
After all the carving, the horns were roughly 5 in H x 3 in L x 2 in D. Feel welcome to make them smaller or larger.
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Strengthening the horns
Gently clean away with your gloved hands as much of the foam dust as you can from the exterior of the horns.
Cut up the wood dowel into a couple of small pieces. This will be used to prop up the horns so they’re upright and allow them to dry. Gently poke through the bottom of the horns with the dowel, and poke the dowel through the base foam block.
Pour some mod podge into a reusable cup and with a medium/large brush coat the first layer on both horns. Paint all over the horns including the bottom.
Wait for it to dry and continue to coat the horns with additional layers until it isn’t porous anymore
Since the foam is porous and soft, some mod podge or similar material will help fill in the holes and strengthen it
Even though the exterior is strengthened and prepped for painting, the foam can still be squished if too much pressure is on it (squeezing it strongly, hitting it with something, etc). I chose this foam since it was lightweight and would be easier to wear, but that is the main downside.
You can use a blow dryer on low heat to help speed up drying. I think I waited at least 15-20+ minutes in between layers. I would go about and do some other stuff around the house and come back to it.
I coated the horns with about 2-3 layers of mod podge.
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Painting the horns
To cover up the green foam, paint a base coat with the darkest red of the horns. You’ll need about 2-3 layers of base coat to cover all the horns in red. Let the horns dry a bit in between coats.
After the base coats are fully dry, prepare the three horn colors to make the gradient. Paint the darker red at the top, the orange around the middle, and the soft yellow near the base and bottom. Feel welcome to blend with a brush or even some gloved fingers! Let the horns dry a bit and apply additional coats as need until you get the desired result.
Once the gradient on the horns is fully dry, make the spots color and plan out where your spots will be before painting them on. Have fun with it! You can try to match the spot positions in the character reference sheet or make your own. You’ll probably need to let it dry a bit and paint a few coats until they are a nice solid color.
For steps 1-2, you can use the blow dryer until fully dry or let this dry overnight. I waited overnight until the next day in between each step.
If you have a spray on mod podge or other sealer, feel free to spray the horns to lock in and protect the paint colors! I didn’t get a chance to do this. This would be the last step.
Refer to Mychael’s character reference sheet as a color guide. His horns are a gradient of three colors with a fourth lighter color for spots.
You may want to practice mixing colors a bit to get the hang of it before creating larger quantities. For the quantities I made about 1/4 cup or so? I don’t know the exact proportions I used since I eyeballed it to the best of my ability. Here is a rough approximation:
The darker red at the top is like a vermillion. I used mostly red, with a few touches of blue (no more then 10%), a few touches of yellow (no more then 10%).
The orange was a mix of maybe 60% red and 40% yellow.
The softer yellow for the base was yellow with some white and a bit of peach (no more then 15/20% for the white/peach colors).
The spots were made with some of the soft yellow and extra white
The red paint I purchased was the strongest color, so keep that in mind when creating the oranges and yellows. The paint I used is a bit thin so I had to paint multiple coats.
I ended up painting a base coat with the darkest red color a few times to cover up all the green foam.
I mixed each of these in different reusable cups.
You’ll want to paint the gradient all at once to blend it.
You can use a blow dryer on low heat to help speed up drying. I think I waiting at least 15-20+ minutes in between layers when applying multiple coats. Then I waited overnight to let it fully dry.
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Creating the headband
Choose a fabric headband that’s closest to your haircolor (or Mychael’s if you’re wearing a wig!)
Mark faintly with a pencil where the horns will be on the headband. I placed the horns a little less then 2 inches apart from the center of the headband. Feel free to adjust to your liking.
With the glue gun, add some glue to the base of the horn and hold down firmly. Be careful for any excess glue that may spill. I added in extra glue and made sure it was pressed firmly on the hairband to secure it.
Repeat with the second horn a few inches away from the other one. Dry it with a blow dryer on the low cool setting if needed
Optional for the flowers
Carefully remove all the fabric flowers from their stems on the flower pick. Remove the plastic base and leave the stamens. Use the scissors to cut some of the back stem if needed.
Apply some glue to the back of the flowers and carefully attach them to the headband around the base of the horns. Feel free to mix around the colors and leaves as you’d like.
Be careful with the glue gun. If you add too much glue onto the horn, you may burn your fingers when pressing it down onto the headband.
The flowers hide the base of the horns where it’s glued. This is optional if you prefer the horns as they are. I did this since my glue gun work was a bit messy and I thought it would dress up the headband and help blend the horns to my hair. I didn’t wear a wig.
I used 5 blue flower, 3 white flowers, 3 purple flowers, 6 leaves and 5 little fuzzy blue and yellow stems I used some leaves on the sides of the horns and the back. I glued the leaves first, and then some additional flowers on them. I tried to position the flowers at slight angles around the base of the horns in the back and front of the headband.
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Here's how they look once they're ready! If you do end up making these, please share! It was so much fun dressing up, maybe next time I can try to go green and make a tail.
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bryngmemoney · 1 year ago
Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
⭑story masterlist link
tw: death joke, worms (maybe?)
lots of Writing between Messages!!
🪡Chapter Twenty-seven: Fixing him
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“Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” you didn’t notice it , but he tightened his grip on the wheel, his other hand that was by his side he used to pinch the fabric of his pants.
“You just seem quiet, what’s on your mind?”
“Nothing, but you never told me where we were going.”
“Oh right!” to be honest you had completely forgotten you hadn’t told him, and you did promise you’d say where the morning of. “It’s a little book cafe! My friend recommended it to me, I thought it seemed fitting.”
“So, you’ve been here before with them?” he questioned. “Nope, we can try it out together.” He smiled a little, and you did notice that, happy to at least get a little more emotion out of him.
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“Hi! Welcome in,” A girl with a short brown bob looked up to you and Megumi walking in, adjusting herself at the front of the counter next to a bakery display waiting for you to approach.
“Hi,” you greeted back.
“Do you two need help with anything?”
“Not looking for anything particular, thank you though,” you answered, turning to look at Megumi only to see him already looking around the place, specifically staring off towards a shelf of books.
“Ok, well let me know if you need anything.”
You nodded as the girl went back to her previous task. There were only a couple of other people inside the place, probably less than ten. It was larger than you expected it to be from the outside exterior, but still very homey. You had just begun to take a few steps in, only for Megumi to grab your hand and lead the way.
“Look,” he said once stopping in front of a shelf, picking a book out and handing it to you. “One of my favorites.” You were a little taken aback, but just smiled looking at it, front and back, trying to figure out what it was. “How is your eyesight that good you saw this from the entrance?”
“Can you do that again?” You looked up, only to see him pull out a smaller camera from his jacket’s pocket. Smaller than the one you had seen him with before. How did you not notice he was carrying that?
“Uhm, okay,” and you repeated your action, feeling slightly strange, but at least he seemed more alive now.
“Thank you.” His smile at that moment was contagious, seeming genuinely happy.
“Was that just for you or for your project?” you asked, mirroring his expression.
“Do you want your hint for the day?”
“Yes please.” He leaned his camera towards you, showing you the four photos he took, “They are for the project,” he informed.
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“What’s wrong with your loaf?”
“What?” Megumi looked up from his page, eyes wide full of confusion.
“The pastry you ordered, you took two bites and haven’t touched it since.” You had been watching Megumi for the past thirty minutes he’s been sitting across from you. Although you both originally started with conversation that had slowly filed down into you guys reading what you had chosen. You thought back to what Nobara had said over text and couldn’t help but think maybe she was right. He’d probably be happy if you had just taken him outside then given him a book.
“Oh,” he looked down next to him, starring at the piece of bread on the small plate, “It’s just.. too sweet.”
“Too sweet?”
He looked back up at you, shrugging before picking up his mug taking a sip of his dark coffee. “I’m not really a fan of sweets.” He placed the cup back down, then went back to reading.
“You’re such an interesting man Megumi.”
“Really?” he questioned looking back up to you.
“You’re interesting to me.” He just looked at you, both of you making eye contact for a few seconds, and he failed to look away on time so you wouldn’t see the pink dusting his face. “Thanks I guess.”
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Author’s Note: concrete🎀
um so complications irl, am not able to finish the next chapter today, will post two chapters for tomorrows update promise 😊🤞
hope you guys enjoyed!!
Taglist below, feel free to comment or dm me to be added!!
@iridescentrays @gumimegz @maya-maya-56 @mamafly @lunavixia @swissy23 @coltsgf @m00nglad3-mp3 @etsukis @xosren @qtnfer @oengleli @harek89 @y-sabell-a @morgyyyyyyy @getolvr @liliumaraneae @k3lbade @aiieera @dancedancey @get0sfav @chuyasthighs0 @hyssoplampflickers @kpopanimen @sad-darksoul @vivi-loves-penguins @kasumitenbaz @talkingsperm @nymphsdomain @inlovewithlondonn @rzcnlb @enchantingkitty @fuyuzemi @lysaray @ni-ki-ismyluv @renemy @frumira @mixzimi @miralunaela @dreamxiing @p3achiee @anianurst @nishii28 @arguendo @samutoru @hallothankmas @invisible-mori @aiserex @all-in-the-fandoms @milza12 @nyxlai @daintyminho @tokyodarlng @molovs
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pencileraser1 · 10 months ago
dead poets society theater au headcanons
so for context, i'm a stagehand, i've worked for events as well as in community theater, so this is mostly based off of that. doing my part to add dps to the dps tag, and this was what i could come up with
ok they're all involved in a small community theater production of the tempest over the summer
neil is an actor, he's playing ariel, this is one of the first roles he's landed. he'd done theater in school as puck, which didn't go so well, but it's been a while since then. he's graduated college recently after studying medicine and is finally somehow at a point where his father has less control over him. despite this, he's somewhat unsure what he wants to do now, if he wants to continue with medicine cause it's what he knows, or try to make it in theater.
todd is the assistant stage manager, he was really unsure about taking the job, but the stage manager, cameron, who he was pretty good friends with, and who he'd worked on a crew with before, specifically wanted him. despite this, he's worried that he's too anxious and not assertive enough to do it
cameron is the stage manager, and a bit of a hardass, which means the crew loves him and a decent chunk of the actors hate him. he's good at his job, he's very organized and really good at getting shit done and people together, but he'll also chew you out if you fuck up
meeks and pitts are lights and sound respectively, they've worked on a ton of shows together before and are pretty close. every show they work together, they bring a bag of snacks with them for the crew to eat during performances
charlie is the prop master, and a stagehand. he has a knack for finding weirdly useful shit in random places, and is brilliant at constructing props. despite this cameron is constantly having to bug him to get his stuff finished on time. he and cameron have a sort of love/hate relationship, they clash really bad at times but they both understand that the show would not be as good if either of them weren't there
keating is the director! he works really well with newer actors, i'd imagine he's pretty similar to peter weir in a lot of ways. he can take a little too long to reach deadlines, as getting the show perfect is a lot more important to him, which annoys cameron a bit
knox is also an actor, he's playing ferdinand and is convinced that he and chris, who plays miranda, are destined to be together or something. chris doesn't see him like that though
chris is miranda, she was originally interested in the tech/design aspect of theater, but a while back they needed more actors, and she ended up volunteering. she started as crew when ginny first started acting, because ginny was nervous to do it alone
ginny is iris, she has more free time this show since her role is smaller, but is always at rehearsal whenever chris is there, so she ends up sitting around and watching a lot. she quickly becomes friends with neil, who is similarly always around todd
anytime he's not busy, neil is hanging around todd. he's started doing parts of todds job for him, getting batteries, taping doors, sweeping the stage, doing other miscellaneous errands. he spends so much time with todd that he somehow ends up as crew in the program in addition to ariel. he starts getting to the theater early when the crew shows up just to spend more time with todd. cameron has started treating him as an extra stagehand
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wowcatboys · 1 year ago
Hooray! Requests are open! And I rush like the wind into your abode with my idea! How about this idea? Heartsteel!Kayn x Gothic singer!Reader? Reader is the leader of the Gothic rock band the band. In their video, as well as in the songs themselves, there is a lot of gloom, mystery, and also a lot of creepy themes. There are a lot of cemeteries, abandoned buildings, etc. And in the main life Reader likes to visit cemeteries and abandoned buildings (just like me. Because there you can relax from the hustle and bustle of the city. Peace and quiet). In the clips, Reader often acts as a vampire. I would like to know the dynamics in their relationship) Thank you very much!)
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GIF by thedemonlady
HEARTSTEEL KAYN: GOTHIC/SINGER PARTNER HEADCANONS ♡ Gender Neutral ♡ Light to mid-NSFW sprinkled throughout... couldn't help myself (but I KNOW none of you bonk-deserving DEGENERATES mind much 0-0 ) ♡ TW: Slight Sexual Content ♡Keyes write less than one thousand words about Kayn challenge (GONE WRONG) (GONE SEXUAL) (TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE)
Yone's the one who "introduced" you to Kayn, in a way. After seeing one of your music videos, Yone had a feeling Kayn might like your style and sent him a link. What Yone didn't foresee was Kayn becoming instantly fucking obsessed with you. But how was he supposed to resist? You, with your blood red lips and your black lace everything and your haunting, creepy voice...how could Kayn be anything but instantly, painfully in love?
Since your group was much smaller than Heartsteel, it wasn't hard for Kayn to get you to notice him. Sure, maybe the guys teased him for DM'ing you around the clock and turning up at all your shows like a damn groupie until you told him he could take you out sometime...but he's the one who bagged the goth hottie in the end, so who's the real winner?
Kayn keeps a mini silver bat keychain clipped to his bag, a constant reminder of you. Even though your aesthetic is gloomy and, frankly, a little ominous, he still says that your little bat is his good luck charm.
Of course Kayn knows that you scream in your songs—he listens to them religiously, after all—but the first time he heard it in person? Holy shit, he got chills. He knows he shouldn't interrupt your band practice. It was already nice enough of you to let him sit in and listen. But he can't. fucking. help it. "That was the hottest shit I've heard in my life," he tells you after you finish the song. "You're so fucking cool." When the band takes a five-minute break halfway through rehearsal, Kayn tugs you into the nearest bathroom and shows you just how sexy he finds you. Needless to say, you get a bit more screaming practice than you bargained for...
Typically, Kayn prefers the stage to the crowd, but even he can admit that being in the audience at your shows is a really fucking good time. The low, moody lighting, the smoke machines belting fog across the stage, groups of your fans proudly sporting plastic fans and screaming the haunting lyrics to your songs? The atmosphere is fucking impeccable. Plus, in a crowd like this, he can easily get away with going full Rhaast. (He's even started a mosh pit or two...or more. Probably best not to keep track.)
Kayn's favorite part of your vampire-ensemble? A pair of silver tooth caps, shaped like fangs (naturally). When he steals you away from rehearsals or pulls you into a dark backstage corner after a show, Kayn's quickly licking his way into your mouth, tongue dancing along the edge of the metal. "Bite me," he often growls into the edge of your ear as you're kissing down his neck. At first you thought he was kidding, so you'd always give him a light nip and then find your way back to his hungry mouth. But, one time, he smacked your ass as you were working the soft flesh of his neck and you, surprised, really bit down—hard. The way Kayn squirmed into you, panting and whining as a dark bruise started blossoming to the surface of his neck, told you that's definitely what he'd been wanting all along.
Since Kayn's been in the industry for a long time, he's a lot more used to dealing with paparazzi than you are. Whenever you come to him for advice on dealing with the cameras and harassment, he scoffs, instantly annoyed. "Oh, those fucking assholes? If you get in their faces enough, they'll back off." Don't worry, though, he'll do the 'getting in their faces' part for you. If you're out with Kayn and the two of you start getting mobbed, he's not afraid to elbow a reporter or two, or break a few camera lenses. Your management is pissed by the bad press, of course, but it's done wonders for your privacy.
Kayn's favorite pet-name for you is his 'baby bat'. He often calls you that after you do something cute. "Ugh, my baby bat," he says, squishing your cheeks with his hand and planting a kiss on your puckered, smushed-together lips. "So fucking adorable."
Your music taste has earned you the great honor of sharing a Spotify account with Kayn. You're the only person he'd ever even consider allowing to add songs to his playlists, or influence what music the algorithm spits through the radio while he's driving. Just don't steal the account while he's listening (he gets pouty).
Whenever the two of you are hanging out Kayn tries to snag your notebook, flipping through for a glimpse at your newest song concepts or music video ideas. He can't help being curious! You're one of his favorite artists (the fact that you kiss him a lot helps with that), so he's always eager for a sneak peek at your next creative endeavor. Your brain fascinates him, and he can't wait to see what ominous project you put out next.
Anytime you've got a photoshoot, count on Kayn to show up. He loves to see you in full vampire-mode, looking flawless in you Tim-Burton-esque makeup and your platform boots. He's got an eye for edgy photography and iconography, too, so he's a great person to draw inspiration from (even if he tends to annoy the photographers—he's not afraid to tell them if their photos are shitty). Some of his best photo ideas? A boudoir-esque shoot centered around a velvet-lined coffin, a Halloween photo-set with charmingly-poorly-carved jack o' lanterns (carving credits to Heartsteel), a birthday party in a graveyard. Not all of his ideas are so extravagant, of course, and some of his best are the most simple. He's taken a simple shot of his neon eye that you loved so much, you made it the cover art for one of your singles.
Kayn has you saved in his phone under a black heart and a bat emoji.
While the graveyard might be a little too quiet and still for his tastes, Kayn's glad to accompany you on trips to abandoned buildings. He's committed arson in explored his fair share of old warehouses and factories, so he knows what to expect when the two of you break into an abandoned building on a date. He's got a full toolkit—flashlights, a crowbar, lockpicks. Whenever you've got to smash a window or crack a lock to move forward, Kayn eagerly volunteers to clear the way. "You know, since I'm a gentleman," he smiles, sweeter than sugar as he kicks down a door. (You have to physically restrain yourself from rolling your eyes at that.) The two of you spend hours wandering through old buildings on your days off, brushing through years of old, quiet dust. When it's time to leave, Kayn breaks a bottle of spray paint out of his bag. He always tags the building before you clear out, one little symbol for each of you; his Rhaast-grinned Heartsteel icon, and a bat next to it.
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localwhiskeyuncle · 1 month ago
I recently finished all four books in Thomas Harris' Hannibal series and boy do I have some thoughts about the perception of Hannibal Lecter.
All four books everyone tried to convince you that he is evil and scary but in all honesty, I don't think he is (evil, that is, I'm sure he's plenty scary when he wants to be). Every psychiatrist is like 'oooooh he's a sociopath/psychopath' but actually no, he isn't, he shows a great deal of empathy - it's just highly selective. Are we not all guilty of some modicum of selective empathy? I know personally I'm going to feel a lot less empathy for a predator than I do for a victim, you know?
And that's the thing about Hannibal - the large majority of his victims were not victims in life, they were only victims in the context of Hannibal. Even as young as twelve years old, he was strange and violent, yes, but he was only violent to those that picked on people smaller and weaker than them. And if you look through his list of victims there's only a handful that make you question his morals, in my opinion (outside of the obvious moral quandary of murder).
But honestly, the biggest thing for me? Aside from how crazy intelligent and insightful he was, I was struck by how funny he was; that man was a silly goose the entire time and no one ever appreciated that. I can't imagine what it would be like to be the funniest man alive and no one ever acknowledged that. He finds so much joy in the tiny things - to the point where he can live entirely in his mind palace for long stretches because he's filled it with beauty and fascination - that he can find the humor and beauty in just about any situation, no matter how dark. He is able to enjoy his own company happily because he has created a rich tapestry of interests and appreciation for life.
He shows over and over again that he is, overall, very thoughtful and respectful - especially to women. In fact, in the books anyway, he is not attributed to killing any women. Not that the law knows about, not that we've seen from Hannibal's own POV (but the nurse! you say. I mean she didn't die lol but mostly it was just a matter of coincidence - it just happened to be her, he'd have done that to anyone as a matter of self preservation, even Barney if he let his guard down). The women that knew him socially from before his arrest all said he was courteous and incredibly complimentary, and not in a creepy way, in a very genuine way that showed appreciation. He remembered birthday's. He personalized gifts to each person's interests. In the books, he frees trapped animals even if it's inconvenient to his plans. He's kind to children even though most people would never expect him to be.
There's a couple of neat passages in Hannibal where Barney talks about Hannibal's character and motivations but this is already getting long so I'll make that another post for another day. The big take away from those passages, is that Barney is the person who spent the most time with Hannibal for almost ten years, and Hannibal spoke to him more candidly than he did anyone else (there were points where Hannibal didn't speak at all, in SOTL Chilton makes a comment about how long it's been since he's heard Hannibal's voice. In Hannibal, Barney tells Clarice sometimes he wouldn't speak for months at a time). But essentially, it is clear to Barney that Hannibal is capable of empathy, respect, and admiration. He is capable of feeling warmth and affection. The one quote from Barney that I will drop here is: "One quality in a person doesn't rule out any other. They can exist side by side, good and terrible."
Is he a good person? No. But I don't know that you can say he's an evil one either. He isn't the big bad wolf. He isn't the devil the entire series tries to make you believe. He's a man - more complex than most - but just a man nonetheless.
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perfectlysanexd · 2 months ago
How do you do your Final Fantasy edits?
The hard way, my friend. No AI is used here, I do it all by hand. 🥰 I assume you mean the screenshot manipulations I create? I'll try and give a simple summary... First, I boot up Remake on PC and use a "free camera" mod(you can find the links to the mods I use on my archive pages for manipulations, which is on my pinned post) to take a couple screenshots that I think will work well together. Sometimes I change my mind and choose a different one. It can be hard to match the camera angles and lighting, so sometimes I have to mess with that later, as well. But it's easier if they fit together from the beginning. We'll take my current WIP as an example. I started with these two screenshots:
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I open them in the free program GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), which anyone can download at gimp.org. Then the first thing I do is choose the base image. In this case, they're both facing the same way, so I choose to flip Sephiroth(you can't really do that with Cloud easily because of his earring, and his hair is less symmetrical). Since the camera was closer up on Cloud, and he's the smaller one, I usually choose Sephiroth's to be the base image. With that decided, I roughly cut Cloud from his background and paste him onto Sephiroth's image as a new layer. Then I position him, resize him, rotate him, whatever I need to do until he seems to be in the desired place, which ends up looking like this: (I ended up adding snow for this preview, so it would look more complete than it is when I showed it to my server, haha)
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If you look at Cloud, you can still see a thick outline of his old background around his head. Once he's positioned properly, it's time to remove the rest of his background(I use a size 10 eraser with 100% hardness and zoom in about 5 times). Then I need to think about where they're connected, and how to make them look like they're touching, as well as layering to make them seem intertwined, as if they're truly occupying the same space together.
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I cut away some of Cloud's shirt, and the rest of that effect will come with shading later. If I wanted Cloud even closer, I would make a duplicate of Sephiroth and erase his background, so that his lock of hair would appear to go over Cloud's face. I could also make it semi-transparent, so you could see the outline of Cloud's face through his hair. You can see I have some small game defects to fix, such as Cloud's hair clipping through his ear. I leave those tiny details for later, typically. Sometimes, because of their height differences, I have to "rebuild" missing parts of them from scratch, such as I did for this other manipulation:
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It's a delicate process that's mostly the clone tool(to keep the textures) and some freehand drawing, but I don't have an art tablet, so I use my mouse for everything, which can be quite challenging. I've had a lot of practice from translating doujinshi, where I'd erase the words, rebuild the missing part of the image, and then place the translated words over that spot.
In any case, I decided I wanted more out of this manipulation than just leaning against each other. I wanted Cloud to be reaching up towards Sephiroth, and perhaps for Sephiroth to be pulling him closer. To do that, I needed pictures of their hands/arms like so:
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I've taken hundreds of shots, so I looked through what I had first, but it wasn't the right angle, or was the wrong outfit for Cloud, so...then you open up those images and cut out the parts you want. After that, you work on positioning and things like that again. I haven't finished with that part yet, so it looks a little awkward. (And when you're doing these kinds of things, color matching is very important, but that's a bit advanced.)
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I'm not fully satisfied yet, so I'll probably remove the rest of the background from the arms and then mess with the placement. As for Sephiroth's hand, I intend to thread it in Cloud's hair, so Cloud will need to be duplicated in order to create that layering effect, as mentioned previously. Which should end up looking similar to this one:
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(I had to draw in most of Cloud's hand because I didn't have the camera mod back then, and the Sephiroth shot was provided to me by Coeurlwhiskers.) After that, it's a matter of shadows and highlights, remaining details, and finishing up the colors, etc. It's a long and difficult process, and can take many hours to complete, depending on how ambitious I get with it. Most of that stuff would be a much longer tutorial, and I did used to do some actual artwork a long time ago, so I...kind of know what I'm doing?? I probably do a lot of stuff the hard way(like not using layer masks) because I just don't have the time to teach myself more than the basics. 😅I know it may seem daunting, but it's really fun! I hope I managed to answer your question properly. Feel free to ask follow ups~
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𝕺𝖚𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Summary: Whenever Steve was sick before the serum, you were there for him. But all these decades later, he finds just how much time he wasted back then.
Note: This is my submission for day one (drugging/sick/poisoned) of @ailesswhumptober! Does this count as whump? Probably not! Either way, I really wanted to be able to put something out, so here we are!
Warnings: Sickness, technically main character death (??), mention of medicine.
ʙʀᴏᴏᴋʟʏɴ, 1930ꜱ
“For fuck’s sake, Steve. You’re sick. Now sit your ass down.” Bucky sighed, rubbing his hand over his face. The three of you, you, Bucky, and Steve, had been a trio since practically birth. You’d helped each other through a lot. Bucky always had his sights set on some beautiful lady, and your sights were set on Steve. You know, if he’d notice it. 
“‘M not sick.” Steve slurred out, and you resisted the urge to laugh. His fever was high, and the pain medication only amplified the effects.
“Steve, you’re burning up and shivering at the same time. Just..at least sit on the couch.” You attempted to bargain with him. “Please? For me?”
“Fine.” He grumbled, plopping down on the couch. You glanced at Bucky, who was looking at you. Bucky shrugged slightly, not sure what to do. 
“Thanks. Buck’s gonna go get you some soup, okay?” You sat down next to your smaller friend as Bucky walked a few steps away to the kitchen.
“M’kay.” Steve yawned. 
“Are you feeling better? At least, compared to earlier?”
He nodded, still a bit loopy. Bucky came back with a bowl of soup, setting it down on the coffee table. “Eat up, punk.”
After he finished eating, you walked him to his bed, hoping that he wouldn't resist. And he didn’t, opting to quietly lay down. You sat on the edge of the bed, staring into his beautiful blue eyes.
“Stay?” He asked quietly, his small and ice-cold fingers finding their way to yours. 
“Course I will, Steve.” Rubbing circles into the back of his hand with your thumbs, you let out a sigh. “I always will.” 
He smiled at that. “I like you a lot, Y/n.” 
“I like you too. A lot.” 
He drifted off to sleep, his hand tucked in yours.
ɴᴇᴡ ʏᴏʀᴋ ᴄɪᴛʏ, 2016
Steve’s eyes drifted away from his notebook at the faint sound of sneezing. A younger couple, maybe in their early twenties, walked hand-in-hand down the street. A woman and a man, the man significantly smaller than the woman. Steve noticed the way he looked at her, eyes filled with love and admiration. Her eyes were bright and excited, and she looked at him every so often as she talked about something. 
They were both dressed in their cold weather clothing, scarves and gloves and hats and jackets. Steve smiled softly, imagining you like that. 
The man coughed, more of a wheezing, painful sound. Steve winced. He didn’t have to imagine himself like that. He could remember it clearly, the struggle to breathe, his throat feeling like it had been clawed by a raccoon. 
He missed you. He misses you every day. He was lucky to have Bucky back, and he was grateful. But that didn’t stop him from wanting you. Your kind smile, your gentle gaze. The way you made him feel less…less. 
But you weren’t coming back. He was sure of it. Hell, he’d found your gravestone. You’d died unmarried, with no children. You’d become a nurse at a children’s hospital, which he'd found out from Natasha searching for information about you online.
Steve felt a pang of sorrow as he watched the couple walk farther down the street. With them, it felt like his past and everything he knew was walking away too. He wished he’d had more time to spend with you, to tell you how he’d really felt about you back then. He yearned for you, to be able to take back all of those times where he could’ve kissed you, yet didn’t. Before he knew it, he’d run out of time to spend with you. He couldn’t replace you. Not with Sharon, or Natasha, or Sam, or even Peggy. In a world full of people, people who idolized and adored him, people who dedicated their lives to collecting his trading cards, he still felt alone. 
He truly was a man out of time.
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