#just say you started talking to someone else it WASNT serious w us but
strawbabycowboy · 4 months
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confessions-official · 2 months
I'm so tired of my parents, listen they are wonderful people and I'm glad I have them and they aren't abusive at all but god they're so tiring
They talk about me being independent and how since I'm 17 I have to be ready for adulthood but then when I do something on my own they turn around and worry about someone else doing it for me
everyday before school they brushed my hair and picked me clothing for as long as I remember and the rare times they have to go somewhere so they won't do it they stress to my sister (mind you, she's 23 and in collage!!!!) to 'get me ready' when I'm in like, 10th grade? And I figured 'ok by the way this apartment is small and the way it's structured maybe this is why they'll stop eventually' but then they didnt
yesterday I decided to bake something so I went to the store, my sister at the time was at work and as she was coming home she was on the phone with mom and mom was seriously worried about if my sister dressed me not to look ugly, SHE WASNT EVEN THERE? and whatever I just threw something together because it's 30+ CRLCIUS OUTSIDE no one cares I was in there for like 20 minutes
And they do my homework, I'm being dead serious, this one's less """complainy""" because some people would kill for that and I get it but recently they started to only use chatgpt despite me askingif they can't, they still went with it so I don't bother, I don't bother with school cuz in reality my grades are theirs, the science teacher is weridly obsessed with ""my"" notebooks and wants to keep them (those notebooks were genially a nightmare, another story though), every teacher thinks I'm some werid super genius when in reality I myself haven't really done anything for the past 10 years, rightfully so cuz idk how to write an essay or a presentation, but I remember when I tried to write my homework my dad would erase everything and we'd do it again, my dad barges in the room to tell me everything about the lesson we had in whatever class cuz I haven't read it (mostly cuz A) I wanted to but I couldn't hastag executive dysfunction or B) there's no reason?) and he's so BORINGGG I can't hide it he's just so boring, I haven't used correctors in my life because they're worried about the Grammer being right on the first try (difficult relationship w my native toung lol)
and mind you, I don't think i need alot of support at all I'm a level 1 autistic (I don't like using the levels but it's the only way I can describe it) and admitibly I am a 'shut in' from the world (domino effect, I was the one who did it to myself, I know this is going to fuck me over in the future lol) but I am not stupid, I know how to usually get ready for the day I know how shopping works, the only real things I need support are going to places I don't know and things related to law
but I just can't, you guys preach about me having to be independent because you might kick the bucket soon and that's great! however you can't say that and then go to my sister panicking if SHE dressed ME for a walk to the STORE which is outside my HOUSE, I know you care so much for my wellbeing and I'm glad and appreciative for that even if I don't show it well but for me to overhear my parents arguing "well if we die and they take everything from her like money and houses what then" and my mom just replying with something along the lines of "that's her problem" like wow thanks you guys can't even decide if I should be independent or not because of the way you act, tired of you all
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beann-e · 4 years
Haikyu! boys reacting to their s/o flinching during an argument
Karasuno boys reacting to their s/o flinching
“ what’s the problem are you serious are you not even understanding why we’re here in the first place“
“ oh I understand—really but I just don’t care “ he moved to think before speaking
“ I actually don’t think i’ve ever had one of those cares when I hear you talk “
you fumed “ i’m so so sick of this Tsukishima i’m so sick of everything having sarcasm in it —you can’t be serious for two seconds “
he moved to throw up a peace sign before his fingers dropped one by one “ is that two seconds — i’m not sure if you meant literally because according to you I look like a grade school swim team member who doesn’t know basic communication skills”
you felt your throat beginning to hurt you’d been screaming with him for hours over his comments he’d made about the cake you ate earlier
as soon as you sat down on the couch he spoke telling you
‘ babe maybe you should’ve saved that cake for later I can feel the extra weight weighing down mine and your side of the couch ‘
“ I can’t be serious no you can’t be serious — you fucking told me that your sorry i’m so skinny that my legs look like toothpicks in the shorts that you bought me “ he screamed
“ you bought them on purpose they were a size large you know i’m a size small you just wanted to be fucking funny “
you scoffed as you two were now standing in the kitchen while he was cooking dinner. His body turning to look down on you.
you could never say tsukishima got mad at you he never did he would just get really annoyed and make more sarcastic comments then he did in his free time but right now you couldn’t figure out what was so different about him
About his voice
About his body that was making him seem like the boss at the end of a video game you just couldn’t beat
“ i’m just really tired of everything being turned into a slick comment with you tsukki and then you can’t even say a shitty sorry you just look at me like i’m crazy “
he sighed as he looked away “ look baby— “ he pushed up his glasses that were threatening to fall
“ i’m really sorry for all the mean , awful , accurate , things I said “
your body went hot as you screamed “ THATS NOT A FUCKING SORRY “
“ well why the hell would you think you’d get one from me “
he screamed at you backing you up eyes still downcast on you
“ you —annoying —child —every fucking five seconds your complaining about something now it’s how I talk ? before it was how I don’t show you enough physical affection in public are you serious “
you heart quickened as his body jerked at you almost threatening you “ what else do you want from me huh “
“ want me to fuckin—“
you closed your eyes and your body moved on instinct to cover your face body sinking into itself in a hole before standing up trying to protect yourself as the loud clack went through the house
Your breathing fast as you had all the worse possibilities move through your head that was rattling along with your body in fear
“ aw damn — their cracked anyways we gotta figu—“
his voice stopped as he came face to face with your covered body “ a-are you dancing or something why the fuck are you —“
then his thoughts clicked as his blurry eyes ran over the way your arms were above your head and body tucked in as if trying to limit the pain you would feel wherever he touched you
“uh “ he coughed as you relaxed looking at the male with wide eyes as you spoke
“ no I didn’t —I didn’t think “
“ um — so i’m not gonna take offense and instead i’m just gonna “
he moved to sit his glasses on the table before his hand grabbed your head forcefully and pushed you into his stone cold chest your body flaring up and shaking
“ yeah you totally did —I wasn’t sure because I can’t see but yeah you did “
“ I - — I didn’t mean to —it was just so loud I thought — and you were yelling “
“ I would never hit you — I would never ever hit you with anything except my beautiful words “
you pushed out of his chest with a small smile trying to seem upset “ your still joking after something like that “
“ well i’m not a soft person what do you expect I mean I feel bad really bad but — “
“ I know I know — it’s better to make jokes than make it sad and make the both of us feel uncomfortable “
he moved his head down to kiss you softly “ I promise you it was just my glasses falling I would never hurt you y/n no matter if we fight or not “
he scoffed “ I love you and all that other crap blah blah “
you ran away with your hands to your ears “ no no I feel like you just put a curse on me — you’ve hugged me , kissed me , apologized and told me you love me all at one time I have to call yams and get an exorcist over here “
he scoffed “ just call Hinata his non stop talking could pass as an exorcism “
you smiled as he whispered small apologies in your ear all night the both of cringing when he would say them knowing he hated you feeling that way but also hating how the word sorry rolled off his tounge
“ Great king that Great King this — I must beat The king — I have to beat this person and that person your always beating someone Hinata “
you cried as you stood fighting with him in the gym as he had sweat running down his forehead
you’d originally came here to watch him play a game between a team he had yet to beat that he told you they’d practiced for months to win.
Only for them to lose In a straight set of 2 that caused him to stay after and continue to practice in the same spot all night
You being the loving s/o you were decided to stay with him
only for him to take your kindness for granted and practice at the gym until 3 in the morning letting you wake up to the constant thump of the ball against the wall and your body shivering on the bench while he wore his jacket
“ of course I did “
“ then why didn’t you give me your jacket —babe I woke up freezing “
“ because I wanted it too— if I gave you my jacket what would I wear was I suppose to freeze “
you knew all rationality was thrown out the window when Hinata lost a match and right now that’s exactly what was happening
“ you can’t keep expecting me to put you first — it’s stupid “
he raised his voice “ the only thing i’ll put first is this ball in my hands and you may come in third to my team other than that — I don’t know what you want from me “
“ I want you to understand i’m here too —not just that lifeless ball Hinata “
he screeched at your words “ it’s not fucking lifeless”
“ I worked hard for this I worked hard for everything when I pick up that ball I put my energy into it when I —“
his hand outstretched as you sunk to the floor ears covered as you ducked into your knees hearing the loud smack moved to every corner of the room
“ that’s me putting life into the bal—baby where’d you go—if this is you telling me to stop—ok I get it I need to calm down “
he looked around the gym eyes finally searching the floor for the ball he’d thrown until they landed on your huddled figure
“ babe what —why are you on the floor come on its dirty get off “ you shook at his voice
“ w—why are you so scared I don’t understand come on stand up y/n “
you tried to calm down your body knowing you couldn’t tell him what just happened you knew Hinata wasnt innocent but you still didn’t want to break his heart not tonight not more than it already was argument or not
you moved to stand up as he grabbed the ball and threw it harshly to the wall for a second time
your body reacting out of control as it thought back to that moment of fear you had seeing him that angry at you and the same noise that followed after
“ y/n-chan did you just—“ his eyes creased “ baby why did you “
he said quietly thinking “ baby who hurt you “
his voice was concerned as he raced to you who shook a bit at his changing emotions taking a shaky step back to get away from him his eyes falling as he finally realized softly speaking
“ o-oh I hurt you “
he sat thinking as he pulled your arms from your face slowly “ I—i’m so sorry I don’t —it was the ball really it was the ball it went woosh and so I went weee to go get it I swear “
you straightened up cursing your body for reacting the way it did “ I didn’t mean to scare you that way I just —I was upset over a match and wanted to prove a point “
he moved to hug you tightly “ I’m so greatful for you and so lucky to have someone who would even stay with me for over 7 hours in a gym hearing nothing but loud noises and echoes —someone who’d fall asleep on the cold floor because they love me so much “
he hugged you tighter kissing your head repeatedly whispering the same line over and over “ i’d never hit you —i’d never hate you or be mad at you “
your tense nerves leaving as you sighed out wrapping your arms around his body “ I —I know and i’m sorry “
“ nothing to be sorry for I do need to put you first and I will from now on —I will “
he pulled you back as he spoke “ i’ll start putting you first and taking your needs into account and you start speaking up and saying no to me instead of doing everything I do or want you to do “
he smiled as he held his pinkie out “ promise baby? “
you shook your head in a yes smiling up at him “ promise “
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qingxintea · 3 years
heartbreak avenue (3) || albedo x reader
heartbreak avenue (1) heartbreak avenue (2) -- tell me how, do you do this thing called living? when theres nothing more to gain. gn reader -- ignore the link below idk how tf to hyperlink on mobile but that’s ur part 4 ig
damn. imagine missing mond so much that you visit just for the vibes and accidentally become a one time vigilante for dominating over a couple abyss mages
how oddly specific!
you moment.
TO BE FAIR, you didn't mean to and also ur just strong with that 245% crit damage ugh yeah yeah get it ig
it was night time, like, idk 1am and you were in this cloak because idk look swaggy and comfortable
abyss mage went ŏ̸̡̡̹̘͉̫̬̬̭̘̙̝͐͒̆̈́̒̿̄́͠͝ǒ̸̧̺͕̣̬̝̱͈̭̭̻̮̈̏̔͆̑̀̍ǫ̵̡̜̲̭̠̤̰̹͍̣͎̤̈́̓̍͠ḩ̴̡͍̣̹̯̭̩̮̣̩̭́̔̀̍͊̂͒́̆͘͜͝͝ȃ̷̧̡̢̡̨̛̪͓̤̜͕̳̦̼͊̏̃͆̓̈́̈́̽̈́͌͐̋̚ͅh̸̡̩͍̟͕̥͚̰̰̟̮̖̪̉̈́͛͂̍̾a̸̧̢͕̙̞̳̩͈̲͉͕̒̆̎̐̎̍̀͊͘̚͝h̸̡̼͓̝͕̫̤̰̱̬̣̗͚̙̀͜ and you were like "lmao shut up"
and like it did! because you made it shut up and also mans diluc was watching in his dark knight hero thingy
of course you noticed his presence from the beginning, you just wanted to piss him off and act like he wasn't there at all
you walked. straight past him like he was actually on the bridge in the middle and you just w al ked .
i mean ofc he gonna say something. and he did. dude said "who r u"
stared at him directly in the eye and said "the embryo made of chewed bubblegum."
he stared. sh o ck ed . what were you even saying
"jk im a resident of mondstadt, visiting from my liyue trip."
"and how do i know you arent lying?"
you sighed and grabbed your dendro vision, letting him look at the frame. "its incased in a mondstadt styled frame." after a few seconds, you put it back. "if that is all, i'll be going."
"literally fuck off" you responded and walked inside.
sometimes you forget how rude mondstadt people are lmao loser.
ok so like this donna girl really went up to you like "JFKLSJFLKSDJFL NUMBER ??? HELLO ?? UMM THE WAY YOU SAVED MONDSTADT RLKDFFC" and you resisted every urge to flip her off on the spot.
you just stayed and let her talk, smiling through all of it. your hood was still on but it was quite windy s ooo
its been ten minutes. girl please let us go. you were literally begging for anyone to cut in because ur too nice (or unbothered) to tell her to shut up even though you totally went off on diluc aadahahhshdf
and someone did! not the one you expected though.
"good evening donna, and... oh? who would you be?"
ALBEDO LMAO GET STICKBUGGED? ? ? ?? AH a hjfkahfjah . im so funny .
guys i meant that ironically please
you got even more uncomfortable lmao and you just looked at him and smiled. what do you respond? "no one of importance."
he heard your voice, saw your eyes and it registered. it was you...
or was that what he wanted to believe?
cause this whole time hes been waiting for you, only using experiments as a thing to pass time. it got... a little more lonelier, because nothing could replace you.
he decided to not believe it. because 1) you knew well they welcomed you with open arms, so there would be no need to hide yourself
(which is also proof of how much the whole situation fucked up your thinking)
a second of silence before he continues on the conversation with normal evening meeting stuff things idk
then ur like "ahhshaaajk i must be taking my leave now for matters i will not disclose ahaha skidoosh"
so you go to the big venti statue next to the cathedral and just stand. stare. yikes
no ones out right now and theres nothing to do. but you remember this place because its where the both of yall would eat together whenever he had free time (which wasnt that often, but he still made the effort)
you look up to the sky, counting all the stars like you used to.
no ones gonna know that you're here, you decided on that. you only visited because you simply missed it, but after this, you were going back to liyue.
no ones gonna know. because no one needs to know. no one needs to know that you were here. that would only cause more trouble to the situation you tried to avoid
albedo ends up catching up to you later, still having some spark of hope left that it really was you
i mean lowkey there isnt really anything saying it wasnt. he wanted to believe that he was just overthinking when he thought it really wasnt you
like you look the same. sound the same. its just the reasoning of you coming here, but he can push that aside
you flinch but didnt react with anything else. he doesnt need to know that its you.
you turn around to meet his eyes as he was approaching you. slightly distancing yourself another inch away as you were not used to the proximity, you responded, "i'm afraid i'm not the one you're looking for."
albedo stops for a moment, and was about to apologize,, but then
yknow that wind i mentioned earlier? like right after donna started bothering you
yeah that same wind blew ur hood off! lmao L
okay time to get serious !
you stay composed and sighed, your breath visible in the cold air.
so your features are exposed, and its so obviously you, like theres literally no way it cannot be you
"it really is you..." he doesnt understand why youre not admitting to it. "(y/n), please.."
you shake your head and walk away but mans grabs your wrist gently
"(y/n), whats wr-" he starts, but youre quick to respond
"im not (y/n)." you flat out said it and looked right into his eyes. and you swear there were small tears even if he was deemed nonchalant.
he doesnt understand, its your physical features, and your same energy, there is no other person that completely matches it.
he pulls you closer to examine this black smudge on your hand, a small yelp of surprise coming from you.
"this is... ink," he studied the properties of the substance. "you responded to my letter a day ago. (y/n)... i know by now. there's no reason to hide it."
you step away, freeing your hand from his grasp. your voice broke, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. "i'm not... i'm not (y/n). i never will be. i'll never be so vulnerable again, i'll never be so naive again, i'll never be so lonely again, i will never ever be anything like they were again."
your vision blurred, but you werent oblivious to the tears streaming down his face as well. reaching to brush them away, you paused and let it drop to his shoulder instead.
"albedo. i... the (y/n) you knew... they're gone now. and if i could revert back to them any time, i would, i swear, but... i'm al-... they..." you buried your head in your hands. "i'm broken. to the point that i refuse to identify as the (y/n) you know me by."
doesnt know what to say, so he almost pulls you into a hug before you move out of the way. something you never did.
"don't... please. it never works out in the end." you shake your head, facing the other way. "for me at least."
"..we could work together, no?" he tried, still oblivious about your feelings towards him.
"only if you're willing to cross your moral boundaries," you looked back and tilted your head. taking a deep breath, you continued, "but you know that neither of us are willing to do that."
he couldn't say anything, because as much as he hated to admit something for once, you were right about that. at this point, he would've thought that literally any extent would've been fine to reach to bring you back.
yet in multiple situations where he's doubted himself before, theres always a line he will never cross.
"...i wish you the best. treat her well because i worked hard." you walked away without him stopping you this time. i worked hard. not we worked hard.
even if you had honestly felt that way, there was no chance the old you wouldve actually voiced that.
and so he watched you slip from his grasp again, only this time, he stopped himself from holding you back from his own will.
yet he swears- the next time he meets you again, he will bring you back.
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imagineurfavs · 4 years
E’LAST: Choi In A-Z
“Oh my god I saw you write for E'last and I've never seen someone that writes for them before! Can I please request a nsfw A-Z for Choi In? Thank you~!”
A/N: aaah finally an e’last request fgfg I’ve never seen anyone who writes for them either lol, tbh i wasnt sure there was even any e’last fans here dkdkj 
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A - Aftercare In’s idea of aftercare literally just consists of a big ‘ol cuddle lol. Just laying together and talking, laughing, just generally being cute dkdkdj
B - Body Part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner) On himself, he likes his mouth. He’s confident in his skills with his lips and he knows how much you like them too. On his partner he likes their stomach, he loves keeping his hands on the soft skin of your lower stomach as you ride him. He also thinks it looks super pretty covered in his cum oop.
C - Cum Kinda just like, lets it happen lol. He prefers to cum inside you just bc it feels more sweet and romantic to him lol, but it’s not something he’s too bothered with. As well as almost asking for permission to cum, he’ll ask you where you want him to cum so it all depends where you want it lol. “can i cum, please...where? Where do you want it? Can I-?”
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs) Mans wishes he was more dominant than he actually is. But he just doesn’t think he has it in him to be totally that way. Sometimes he wants to see you the whimpering mess he often ends up as, but he just cant do it. Or at least not seriously lol
E - Experience I mean...idk. He doesn’t strike me as someone who’s had a whole lot of experience but the man is 25 years old lol so he’s probably had some. I feel like, enough to know what he’s doing but he’s not gonna have tried everything he’s wanted to.
F - Favourite Position Mans a subby boi, so he likes it when you take control. He loves having you ride him; just keep him pinned down and maybe tie his wrists to the headboard too oop. There are times when he’s a bit more in control and he loves just snapping his hips into you from behind, but that’s usually when he’s just like, super needy and just needs to cum. 
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous etc) I dont think In is someone who could be 100% serious like...ever. He’s just so smiley and full of love I think that would definitely cross over into the bedroom. He just has such a sweet air to him that even when he’s like in the zone, he still likes to keep things light-hearted and fun. 
H - Hair (how well groomed are they) Super well groomed; aaaaalmost bare but not quite
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect) He’s not not intimate...if that counts for anything lol. He tends to like things to be more light and fun. He doesn't like the atmosphere to be too heavy. 
J - Jack Off (Masturbation) I’d say pretty often tbh. Whenever he does get the urge, even if its in the middle of the day, he gets so needy he has to go and take care of himself. Like he can’t focus on anything else until he’s moved his brain out of his dick and back into his head lol.
K - Kinks (one of more of their kinks) As I said before lol. This man is a sub; not 100% however, but like 9 times out of 10 he just wants to be totally under your control. He’s a well behaved sub though, he thrives on praise. Tell him how well he’s doing, how good he makes you feel and he’ll be a whimpery mess in no time. 
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do) Prefers to keep things within the bedroom largely for privacies sake. But if you had your own place to yourselves, I think he’d like be open to doing it literally anywhere lol. 
M - Motivation (What turns them on) Praise praise praise. Even in the most innocent of settings, just hearing “You’re doing so well!” “You’re so good at this!” just makes his brain go into obedient sub mode lmao like “yes...I am good, let me be good for you”
N - NO (something they won't do, turn offs) He’s not into anything involving pain, either giving or receiving. It’s just something he doesn’t see the point in. Like “why tf would you wanna hurt someone you’re supposed to be making feel good?” He just doesn’t get it.
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) When receiving, he honestly just turns to total jelly like, no matter what position y’all started in, he’ll end up laying on his back with his hand in your hair, just...a mess. When giving, he’ll start off a little shyly, but the second he starts to get a reaction from you, or if you give him some praise, he’ll go all in. He has zero shame in making the most lewd noises against you, he’ll keep going until the only thing you can say is his name. Honestly makes his ego swell like no other lol.
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc) It depends if he’s in sub mode or not lol. When you're taking control he likes it on the more slower side, like, much more kinda...sensual and deep movement lol. On the fewer occasions he’s not in sub mode, his pace is kinda erratic, like, short sharp thrusts, getting harder as he gets closer to finishing.
Q - Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc) Loooooves them. Boy gets so needy so quickly sometimes he just needs to take you both away somewhere and go at it lol. Even then he needs you to take control, hell be asking “please, please let me cum” “I need to cum fuck please”. Lowkey though, having you edge him in a situation like this is such a guilty pleasure of his too.
R - Risk (are they down to experiment, do they take risks?) Oh absolutely, for sure. He’ll give anything a go if it piques his interest enough lol. More often than not he’ll be the one who will bring things up to you that he wants to try, he’s probably got like a list of things that he’s slowly checking off that he wants to try lmao
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go, how long do they last? etc) He’s probably a one and done kinda guy lol. You might get a second round out of him but you’d have to give him a decent amount of time in between lmao
T - Toy (do they own toys do they use them on a partner or on themselves?) A big fan of sensory deprivation kinda toys; blindfolds, restraints etc. He’ll use them on you if you ask him to but he really loves being the one who's being restrained.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease) There are times when he wants to tease you, but he’s just really not very good at it lol. 
V - Volume (how loud are they, what type of sounds they make) Quiet little whimpery type noises, he’s quite shy about them so he usually buries his face in your neck or comes in for a kiss so they're not as loud. But jokes on him bc they're so v v pretty ;((((
W - Wild Card (a random headcannon) There have only been a handful of times he’s tried to be more dominant, and both times have ended in you both just being a laughing mess. He just can’t  take himself seriously like that. Like he’ll have you pinned beneath him, trying to say something dirty but he just can’t get the words out without laughing. Even whilst he’s trying to pound into you, he’s still letting out little giggles bc he can’t quite believe what he’s doing. If you praise him enough though, and tell him how much you like seeing him like this, he might just start getting used to being the one in control lol.
X - X-ray (what's going on inside those pants) pretty average I’d say, maybe a little smaller, on the slimmer side but lowkey a super pretty pink colour oop
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive) I wouldn’t say its overly high, but when he is in the mood, he gets so so needy. Like he’ll be whiney and grabby, pls give him what he needs ;((
Z - Zzz... (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards) He wont fall asleep for a good while afterwards tbh. He’ll be so happy and smiley that he’ll just wanna stay up with you forever lol. If he does actually go to sleep, he’ll be sure to wait for you to fall asleep first.
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ivyuns · 4 years
love me in a year ✰❆♣♞
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bang chan
genre: angst, fluff 
word count: 2.4k
warnings: kidnapping, restraints, y/n gets pregnant, grinding, drowning, weapons, a bit suggestive. if i missed anything lol oops
A/N: another shet show + from 365 dni (the ending isnt exactly like the movie btw)
for my gurlieeeee + happy birthday to @stanstraykidswoo​ <3
mafialeader!bangchan x fem!reader
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enjoying the summer breeze on the islands of hawaii, next to your friend made you feel relaxed. from all the work and stress you did, you finally earned yourself a vacation.
opening your eyes, you see your boyfriend (in a unhappy relationship) walks towards you. taking off your glasses and sitting up next to the pool, waiting what your boyfriend had to tell you. “i just got back from seeing the volcanoes babe! you shouldve seen it-” “we were supposed to go look at it together, dumbass” you cut your boyfriend off.
“w-wait y/n-” running away before he said anything, you got lost in a dark area. wasnt just sunny? seeing a group of guys look at you while trying to come closer. damn these outfits. your outfit consist of a short flowy, off the shoulder dress with heels. running with shaky legs, you looked around and saw everything get dark.
“are you lost babygirl?”
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waking up in a soft bed, you look over and look at the unfamiliar room youre in. “where am i?” you whispered softly. walking towards a door to the hallway, the door wont budge open. shaking the door knob, it still wont burst open. giving up, you go lay back down on the bed.
closing your eyes to relax, you hear the door unlocking. quickly putting on your heels, you open the door and see nobody. following to which ever door took you, it seem endless. the endless numbers of stairs and doors you went though, you came across to a massive painting of a portrait of yourself hanging on the dinning room’s wall.
“oh my god”
continuing to follow where your legs take you, you were yanked away from seeking to your freedom. “are you lost babygirl?”. feeling someones presence behind you, you see a man. someone who you never seen.
“who are you and what do you want from me” you say and slowly back away from him. “chris is the name. you see, five years ago, i saw you on a beach. then suddenly i got shot and all i could think was you. these pass five years, ive been trying to find you and now” chris pauses his sentence and walks to a cup of ice, making you suck on it. “now i have you”
spitting the ice out, you got angry. “so what? you think kidnapping me is some kind of way to have me?” chris gets angry after your tone of your voice you gave him. he pushes you on a chair and chokes you lightly.
“i will give you 365 days to make you fall in love with me. and if that doesnt work, i will release you.” chris slowly lets go of your neck and continues talking. “i promise i will not touch you without your permission.”
chris gets interrupt by his phone. reaching his pocket, he sees his mafia friend who works with him calling him for help in the front. running to where to meet him at, you gave a few minutes before running on your feet again, trying to escape.
finally outside with a big open field in front of you, where you will be free. running, you stop midway as you see chris kill a man. witnessing what happened, you pass out due to pressure from everything.
the next morning, you wake up in the same room before but a whole different dress on you and a shirtless chris sitting in a chair in front of you. “let me out of here now” you shouted at him. “i need to get back to my family, my boyfriend!”. “you really think he still loves you? take a look at this” chris says and throws a small stack of pictures. pictures of him fucking another girl.
“a-are you serious?”
“yes im serious. oh and we’ll be leaving this place tomorrow. be ready” chris says and exits the room. “where are we going?” you quickly grab his wrist and stops. “to australia”
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landing and going to the hotel. chris stops you and gives you the keycard to your room. “my room is next to yours if you need me”. nodding your head a yes, you enter your room and place your bags down and sighed. what is happening right now.
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chris walks out of his room to see you look like a goddess. “y/n” chris calls out. turning around, chris grins with his dimples showing and grabbing your hand to head to the place you two are meeting with. chris opens the passenger door for you and makes his way to the drivers seat after youre in. while driving, he places his hands on your thigh, making you want more of him. avoiding his hand, you close your eyes.
arriving at your destination, it turns out to a bar. entering the bar, chris leads you to a room. seeing people, you hide behind chris bc youre antisocial as fuck
“y/n, this is aeyeong. ayeong meet-” “y/n. yes i know her name” aeyeong says, looking at you then back to chris, seducing him. “you know y/n, me and chris used to talk.” walking up to you. “and fucked each other” aeyeongs whispers into your ear. feeling chris wrap his hands around yours, you push him away and left the room.
“this happened a long time ago-” feeling tense, chris was about to turn and find you til aeyeong grabbed his wrist. “i thought you said we would last forever hm? took you long enough to find her. even of all our messages.” aeyeong grabs her phone and pulls up their naked bodies in photos. sexting.
“enough aeyeong.” chris grabs her phone and throws it onto the floor. running out of the room to look for you, leaving aeyeong to laugh.
“mr bang!”
chris turns around and sees his partner running to him. “y-y/n. shes with aeyeongs boss. i just got a call from him-” “shut the fuck up and tell me which room” “room 325.”
chris runs to room 325 and sees you grind on the boss. “y/n” chris growls. not paying attention to chris, you feel aeyeong’s boss grope your ass and suddenly putting a knife towards your neck.
suddenly feeling someone pull you away from the man and unable seeing things, chris and the rest of his members pulls out their weapon.
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opening your eyes and see yourself on a yacht, you walk around and find chris. seeing chris talk shit about you to his other partner. “she just really had to run away-”
“im sorry chris” you spoke out. chris turns around and tells his partner to leave for a moment. “this is all your fault. youre the one who left the room and potentially tried to seduce him. do you not know what he couldve done?”
arguing on the boat and heading to the railings, you slip off and fall into the water. panicking, chris falls into the water and saves you. taking you out of the water and goes to lay you down on the bed and stands by your side.
a few minutes later, you wake up with water coming out of your mouth, coughing. chris turns around and goes to you with worried eyes. “y/n, i-im sorry. please dont leave me, i need you” chris softly says and strokes your hair with tears starting to fall down his cheeks.
lifting your weak hands up to caress his cheeks, you pushed him down and began kissing him roughly. regretting as soon as you saw the red in his eyes. “so now you want it?” chris growls and begins to attack you with kisses and hickies. feeling your clothes ripped away from you.
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a few weeks later, youre back in korea. chris leaves you for the day, saying he has business to attend to and will call you later. but hours flew by and still didnt have any calls. sighing, you call your best friend, minyeong who yells at you though the speakers after the first ring.
“are you kidding me y/n? you cant just leave me behind at hawaii?!”
“i know i know, ill explain if you come over”
after she hears you say the sentence, she hangs up and runs to your place. opening the door for her, she starts speaking nonsense and you just laughing at her.
“y/n, this is serious. stop laughing and tell me what happened.”
sitting down next to her, you tell her everything. even when you love him back. minyeong at first didnt like what chris did to you and what his job it, but you beg her for you to have happiness atlas. with minyeong wanting you to be the happiest, you two go to the bar.
feeling someones eyes on you, you told minyeong you were going to the restrooms as she continues dancing. almost at the door, someone slams you onto the wall. “y/n, baby. i missed you so much. im sorry-” feeling tears streaming as you remember the past events and pictures. you forced him to let go of you and run back to your place.
he follows you back to your apartment without you noticing and as you take a seat with his loud voice scares you. “baby please” he goes closer to you and tries to kiss you until a voice rang.
“im pretty sure she wants you to leave”
he looks at chris then back to you then slaps you. “you fucking whore. youve been cheating on me when you left me didnt you” shaking your head a no and the tears uncontrollably falling as you try to shield yourself from another slap.
receiving nothing, you look up and see chris holding his wrist to prevent him from hitting you. “if theres someone else who was cheating is you. now leave you fucker” chris whispers in his ears and runs away.
chris looks down and sees your shaking figure. he goes next to you and wraps his arms around you so you can start feel calm. reaching to that point, chris picks you up and lays you on the bed.
slowly kissing you from your lips to your chest. chris begins undressing you til you stop him. unbuttoning his top, you see the semi open wound from his business. grazing your fingers over it as you hear chris slightly whimper.
“chris, im in love with you”
chris smiles widely. “im in love with you too”. you two continue the heavy make out which turns into a passionate sex for you both.
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waking up with you on chris’ chest, you feel him showing a smile. he turns to the nightstand and grabs something small but worthy.
“y/n l/n, would you please marry me?”
nodding your head yes a bunch of times, you kiss chris on the lips.
heading back to hawaii, youre back into the palace where chris kept you in. waking up from your slumber, you go outside and talk to chris. chris sees you and tells his partner that he’ll be right back.
“hey hey babygirl, what happened? you alright?” chris leaves his seat to go to you as you start feeling shitty. “chris, i dont feel goo-” your eyes are shut closed and almost falls on the hard concrete til chris caught you.
“c-changbin! help!” chris yells out to whoever is out. your lips are slowly turning pale. changbin runs to chris with a blanket to cover your cold body and helps him carry you to the car. changbin speeds to the hospital with chris’ tears falling onto you, holding your hands and kissing the back of it. “please be okay, please please” chris whispers.
changbin parks at the emergency lot and chris grabs your body and puts you on the stretcher as the nurses sees you two. “please save her” the nurses all nodded their head and disappeared into the doors with a chris on the floor, sobbing his heart out, praying for you to be okay.
finally hours passed by and chris was left alone as he told changbin to go back to the palace. eyes all red and puffy with his legs shaking, full of anxiety. “mr bang?” the doctors call out chris. he stands up too quickly, making him almost loose his balance but the doctor helps him balance for a few seconds. thanking him, he follows the doctor to your room.
chris runs to your side as he sees your eyes open, with all type of wires attached to you. “y/n baby are you okay?”. nodding yes with a small smile, chris looks at the doctor.
“it looks like miss y/n was 1 month pregnant. and also looks like she wasnt taking care of herself either so mr bang, do y/n a favor and help not only her, but the baby”
you and chris nod your head, understanding as the doctor leaves you two. chris turns into his soft self. “i love you” he giggles. “i love you too chris”. scooting further away from him, you pat on the empty spot on the bed for him. chris smiles widely and goes to lay down next to you. you fall asleep from the warmth of your fiance as he hugs you. “and i love you too baby” he whispers and puts his free hand on your growing stomach. kissing your head and falling asleep next to the love of his life.
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END <3
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b00bconnoisseur · 3 years
Under the cut im just ranting abt my mom so you dont needa read or anything 🤷🏽
I am just so fed up w my mom and am so goddamn close to telling her bitch ass motherfuckin self off for how shit she is to everyone especially my lil sister who takes the absolute most shit from my mom cause shes so far gone wrapped into her mindgames that we can see that she doesnt. We see and know that shes a narcissistic abusive (emotionally, mentally, and even has been physically) gaslighting manipulative homophobic racist and annoying bitch ass motherfucker who calls herself a mother but aint shit. Shes so shitty so thats why she aint got any frens, over half her kids hate her, her husband dont like her, family members dont like her, her DAD dont even want her in his house and only lets us live there because his grandchildren (us) and has said multiple times that if it wasnt for us he wouldnt let her stay w him at all point blank, alotta strangers dont like her, even all the librarians i knew at the library didnt like her and she knows it, she also gets karma n wonders why she gets so much bad luck, etc. She aint got anyone and thats cause shes a cunt. Once we all leave her she'll have no one and will be alone and miserable and i cant wait to hear abt her breaking.
I just so bad want to just yell at her abt how shitty and manipulative and abusive she is and how bad of a mother she is and how i so bad want to leave her, like legit leave to across the country cause i wouldnt live in the same state as hee cause ik how crazy she is and she'd try n find me, and wanna cut her outta my life completely point blank
Like how does she expect me or anyone else to like her when she just uses people and gets mad when ppl dont do what she wants n doesnt get her way, yells n screams her lungs out abt EVERYTHING, etc. She feels so entitled and that shes such a victim at all times that literally when i finally CAME OUT AND ALSO SAID I HAD A GIRLFRIEND she had a full argument with me the next morning and when i was loudly balling my goddamn eyes out IN FRONT OF HER from how mean n shit she was being to me she was like "why are YOU crying?" and played victim and said i was being rude n not considerate of how she would feel abt me telling her i was gay and said she would've just wished i waited another like 6 months till i was 18 to say anything. And she still continues to be homophobic
Anyway not the point but LIKE. Shes so trash n i cant stand her omfg
And she has serious shit wrong w her and bothers everyone w her mental shit. Like its not even "hey can i talk to you about this?" Like she constantly every second of the day talks about herself. She tells every single thought that goes thru her brain at every second ABOUT THE DUMBEST SHIT LIKE "i had a thought about what if i got possessed or you got possessed or i switched bodies with this person in the tv or you or you did or anyone or any" to my SIBLINGS and if they arent listening or dont respond or are like "um" she gets so angry and plays victim. She acts lik a full blown child i cant stress this enough. Shes so annoying and im just. And like she literally annoys everyone and makes everyone uncomfortable and irritated with how much she just keeps talking abt every fucking tiny dumb thought she has and i literally starting crying cause i couldnt take it anymore. Like she was and is heavily affecting my mental health n i told her that and she was just like "um you hurt my feelings, youre so mean" and shes SO MUCH WORSE NOW. I literally cant take it. If she was someone else id block them or cut them out of my life for how toxic and shit she is. Theres a difference between talking abt your mental shit and then forcing everything youre feeling onto everyone and getting mad when theyre tired of hearing it. Like i definitely have mental issues of my own but i dont go to my gf or frens every second and tell all my shit cause who tf does that and also theyre gonna be annoyed to hell w me and be like "bitch please stop we're tired"
Anyway i hate my mom
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tscmu · 4 years
- double unrequited
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- the second years argued. a lot. youd think the lot of them were conjoined at birth. so it wasnt surprising when a girl came into the mix, and tore their hearts into pieces, huh?
w/c- 1717 pairing/s- atsumu x fem!reader, suna x fem!reader and a lil bit of osamu x fem!reader ;) genre- idk lmao but theres a lil angst ig warnings- secondhand embarassment, TINY mention of pornography, heartbreak a/n- THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE EHEHEH anyway my writers block’s kinda over????anyway read 2 da end for a surprise twist ;))) 
as the sun started to set over the small area of the hyogo prefecture, all was calm. birds chirped every now and then, flying through the cold skies, enjoying the october buzz in the air. trees’ leaves were littered over the pavement and roads, crunching whenever they were squashed by an oncoming boot. however, if you were to wander through the inarizaki high school grounds on that day, you would hear a buzz of arguing from a specific gym.
“for fucks sake! samu, help yer dear brother out here.. it's pronounced gif, not whatever this ‘jif’ crap is!” the blonde haired, tall setter of the volleyball team leaned backwards on the bench, staring at someone behind him. the latter was the similar looking, gray haired opposite hitter, who just rolled his eyes at the comment.
“first off, yer no calling me yet ‘dear brother’ again. you’re getting zip from me.” he said, taking a glug out of his bottle as the blondie yelped in shock. the slightly taller, brown haired middle blocker giggled to himself. “plus, its technically jif anyway, everyone just says gif because its what society projected onto us.”
“oh, shut up with all that logical bullshit.” the blondie rolled his eyes, standing up and slamming his bottle down onto the space that was left. “oi, kita, ‘s break over?”
“i mean, technically ‘s over whenever ya want it to be. just go spike some balls or something if you’re bored.. oh, hi!” the shorter, white-and-black haired captain slowed down talking, turning to look at the door. all the boys turned around shortly after him, staring at whoever was there.
as you stood against the door, your hair blowing slightly with the wind behind you, your face slightly sweaty having run all around the school, most of them were mesmerised. your face flushed a deeper shade of red after seeing all their eyes glued to you, and you laughed a little.
“oh, sorry, i’m trying to find the girls basketball gym!” you smiled, tilting your head a little. “is this volleyball? sorry, i’m new, i just got told to go to the basketball gym after school for the first practice, but i have no idea where i'm meant to be going!” you giggled slightly, making atsumu and suna go pink. “sorry for disturbing you!” you waved slightly, hopping back down the stairs up to the doors. however, you stopped after hearing footsteps and voices behind you.
“it’s oka-” kita started to say, before sighing, seeing what was happening before him.
“i’ll help you!” atsumu shouted after you, grabbing his jersey in case you were cold.
“i can show you!” suna also shouted, pushing atsumu out the way and grabbing his bottle.
“simps..” osamu and aran both said, shaking their heads as the two boys continued to shove each other.
“no, i will.” the former's voice turned serious, slowing down as they reached the top of the steps. suna frowned, and opened his mouth to say something else, but they both got distracted as they heard your mesmerising laugh again.
“you can both come, if you want, i really don’t mind!” you smiled, doing that little head tilt again. they both nodded instantly, before frowning at each other as soon as your back was slightly turned. “okay, so i’ve walked in on about ten other clubs..”
ever since that moment, it was just a competition of who could win you over. the rest of the boys had moved on, teasing them both for their pure urge to beat each other. all of the boys argued, but nothing was ever as heated as atsumu and suna’s debates. there was a new one every time they went to practice, from something as big as the death penalty to something as tiny as how much diluting juice you put in the glass before you add the water. it was stupid, but they‘d been like that for years now.
but with this argument, it appeared neither of them were actually ahead of the other, like it usually ended up.
suna went for a more romantic approach with you. offering to walk you home, waiting for you after classes, walks through random forest paths on sundays. it wasn’t what he was used to, he’d never paid that much attention to girls. they all seemed to fawn over the miya twins anyway. but it was when you seemed to pay genuine attention to him, it caught his interest. 
obviously he found girls attractive, but the girls he saw online were never the same as girls in real life. not even just porn or anything, even in romance films, they were all so secretive. he didn’t really have the charm either, so he found himself just waiting for a girl to make a move, and if she didn’t, he’d just.. give up. you were unique to him, though. it got to the point where you’d wait for him after class too, wait at the front doors for him to come out so you could walk home, texting him at 9 in the morning asking if he wanted to go on that one walk again you did about a month ago. it took him by shock a little, but he didn’t want it to stop.
whereas atsumu, on the other hand..
to be frank, girls weren’t a big deal to atsumu. he’d always had that blessing of girls fawning over him, so he’d never had to worry about ‘winning over’ a girl. but it hit him when he met you.. he was gonna have to fight for you, wasn’t he?
he visioned you as a more.. modern girl. he assumed suna would go more traditional, the man had no experience with girls, for god's sake. he basically assumed he would win you over.. who wouldn’t pick him over anyone? and so he started. he did with you what he did with every girl, midnight drinking on a random roof, random shopping trips into town, secret lunchtime conversations behind the school. he didn’t think much of it at first, why would he? you were just another girl he’d probably date for what, a week or so, then you’d dump him after actually realising what he’s like. he couldn’t picture himself settling down. but.. you changed him, in a way. he finally found something he wanted to work for.
what was the one thing in common with these stories though?
you never actually showed any form of romantic interest in either of them, throughout this whole ordeal.
so then, after what felt like years, two days before atsumu left for the training camp, they decided it was the day. the day to confess.
neither of them actually knew about the other's plans, it was just pure coincidence they saw this as the opportunity. atsumu because he could try to sweep you away with him to tokyo, suna because he could tease atsumu about it while he was gone. it was a good plan, on both sides., you had to admit, after hearing it a while later. 
“the fuck’re you murmuring for?” atsumu frowned, turning around to look at suna, whose head was in his hands.
“mind your business..” the latter muttered, murmuring under his breath again, making atsumu shake his head. he wasn’t scared, why would he be? you were bound to say yes, for the past few months you’d been spending time with him. you knew what he was like, as he did with you.
“eh, suit yourself. i need to find y/n..” he said, picking up his jacket.
“what? y/n? but i need to find her!” suna snapped back into reality, his eyes wide as atsumu glanced at him
“..yeah. well, you can speak to her tomorrow or something, this is important.” he said in a careless manner, starting to walk towards the door, but stopping short, seeing the door slide open.
“oh! hey, tsumu!” you appeared from outside, your faux fur hood tickling your neck as your beaming face came into the light from the slight darkness behind you. it couldn’t help but make him smile.. god, he couldn’t wait to call you his. suna, from behind him, felt himself smile too, you were stunning. “you ready?” you looked behind atsumu, but as he whipped his head around, he realised you weren’t actually looking at suna either.
“yeah, your place tonight?” oh. oh no. as atsumu realised what was happening, his mouth dropped open. osamu stood up from the bench, his jacket slung over his shoulder as he crossed past both suna and atsumu, kissing you on the forehead.
“you bet! god, my mum’s been so excited to meet you.. bye boys!” you waved at both suna and atsumu separately, going back to chattering to osamu.
“what.. the fuck?” suna said, frowning. atsumu joined him, still in a state of shock.
“yeah, what the fuck?” he turned around, mouth still open.
“oh, you didn’t know? they’re dating, have been for what, a month or something now?” kita smiled, while aran tried not to burst out laughing to his right. “during the christmas holidays, they hung out a bit. i think y/n came looking for atsumu, but he wasn’t in, so she decided to chat to osamu instead. did you seriously not know?” kita laughed a little, and atsumu’s shock turned to anger. ths, of course, made suna burst out laughing.
“what the fuck? no, what the actual fuck? how did i not know the girl i was in love with was dating my brother?” he looked around a little, looking for assistance, but all the boys were snickering at him.
“now i think of it, that was extremely obvious.” suna said, laughing more by the second. he was sad, of course he was! the girl he was falling drastically in love with had a boyfriend, and he had no idea, that would break anyone's heart. but.. this was extremely funny.
“fine, lets just go then.” atsumu humphed, dragging his feet as he walked to the door. “to be fair, she was looking for me. probably liked me more.” he said as they reached just outside the door, and suna shoved him into the wall. “oUCH! THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?” he yelled, making kita chuckle to himself.
these idiots.
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~I Will Always Catch You~
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A/N” One shot fic request: Fainting in Enobaria’s arms.
People knew very well not to underestimate Enobaria for how much a beautiful mysterious danger she was. - After all, she had not only a reputation for how she was the victor of the 62nd Hunger Games but the fact that she had f a n g s – teeth filed sharp enough to resemble deadly incisors. Anyone who got to close would see how intelligent, blunt, dangerous, fierce she was. No one knew she had a heart of gold deep down. No one knew she could be soft, gentle and vulnerable. Except you. Everyone loses a piece of themselves to these vile games that prey on the lives of young children , forcing them to fight to the death until one one them remains standing, bathed in riches that others could only dream of. All at the mercy of a capitol who punishes them for others long ago committed.
You and Enobaria were in a close relationship. Growing up in District 2 { one of the wealthy districts who are close to the Capitol in wealth, loyalty, etc. }, You two had been best friends whose mothers were best friends, father's worked together. You two went to the same school and could go to each other about anything. Well that was of course after the fact that she stood up to a bully for you. You had something happen to you that gave you an injury that needed time to heal, someone had made fun of you and wouldn't seem to stop. Enobaria being … well, herself? Formed a fist and landed a punch so strong to the boy's jaw that he had to have surgery to get his jaw back in place. A dangerous serious process that if went wrong, he would never be able to use his mouth again and have to be fed through a tube.
Not long after that, sexualities were questioned and accepted but you two are together, happily in love, each other's rock when the other wants and needs even if they might not realize it. Anyway, it was the morning of the day where You, her and the other victors of previous games would find out the next tributes for each district for this years Quarter Quell. Now remember when I said that these Games take a piece of someone. It isn't something you can get past after all, just a young child thrown into dangerous situations and made to fight, hurt, k I l l other scared ones like you, hardened into little soldiers by ones older using you for their own greed, for their own e n t e r t a I n m e n t. Ones meant to love and care for you, protect you and keep you safe. Lets just say that you like anyone else had developed PTSD and panic attacks. There you and Enobaria were, sitting on a luxurious couch of a house you two shared together. Soon enough, President Coriolanus Snow himself showed up on the screen and started to speak,
“Ladies and Gentleman, this is the time in which we will begin the 75th Hunger Games, where specially, we'd also have the Quarter Quell.” Anywhere around, people had their eyes glued to the screen, you and Enobaria among others who watched with bated breath, not out of excitement like some might by unease, a want to get this over with and try to live life the best possible in p e a c e. As if that could ever be completely achieved in the world in which they lived in. Amongst the cheering, President Snow continued,
“It was written in the charter of the games that every twenty-five years, there will be a Quarter Quell. Now on this , the 75th anniversary of our defeat of the rebellion, we celebrate the third Quarter Quell.” A drop in your stomach seemed to happen as you started into those eyes shown on the screen, you had a bad feeling about this. Not that you didn't seem to have them at times and always turn out to be right but those cold eyes as they addressed the nation, seemed to stare into the souls of everyone he made suffer. What you heard next was enough for you to intake a breath, rushing to your head resorting in a dizziness that had you fearing the idea of standing. You just might collapse, others would cry and unleash anger.
“As a reminder, that even the s t r o n g e s t cannot overcome the power of the Capitol. On this, the third Quarter Quell game, the male and female tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of Victors in each district.”
You could barely focus on Enobaria's hand tightening in yours as she arched upward to look into Snow's slow smirking face with a look so murderous one would shiver and fear for their life. Feeling the beginning of a panic attack, you felt the pain as it got harder and harder to breathe. It came out in pants as you tried to calm it, slipping your hand from your girlfriend as it clutched at your chest. Moving forward on your knee's , you fell to the ground in front of the couch, your hands at your fall. Your body felt numb as you tried to catch your breath, panic inside your body like the rapid fluttering of a hummingbird's wings.
Immediately you heard Enobaria yell your name then you felt her arms encircling you as she helped you the best she could to get you back to reality, to her where it was s a f e. “Y/N!”, came her serious worried voice. A strangled choked up noise seemed to happen, not even realizing it was your own tears spilling down your cheeks, voice not able to form the words they so badly wanted to express. Eyes blurry with wetness, you felt her cup your cheek, “Y/N, sweetheart, look at me please. Come on, show me those beautiful eyes.”, she began to slowly and gently speak. You looked up weakly at her as she wiped the tears from your eyes, seeing love for you in hers despite the anger she was feeling, the murderous anger that was barely contained. You really were her anchor bc she would put it aside so long as you were safe, happy and alright.
“How could- I thought that we- that's not su-”, you tried to speak but you would choke up, cough and tear, your voice would crack. She rubbed at your shoulders, shaking her head from you trying to speak more. If you continued to get out of control with your breathing, your heart would only race faster. You were weak and dizzy enough, she didn't want to see you pass out bc if you did, that wouldn't be anything good. You were relatively good with taking your anti-depressants but bc of the ptsd that you had experienced from your own games – you often had nights where you woke up screaming, where you would flinch at any beginning of violence, anything that reminded you of all that you went through like anyone else and you would be inconsolable. The only ones who could manage to bring you out of it IF NOT Enobaria were any of your family still around.
“i will not let anything happen to you, I promise you. You know I have always stood by that. Try not to think on it now and just lean on me baby, im here and I am never going to leave you. Breathe with me.. come on , that's it.. in and out.” and she started to do it with you as your hands remained comfortingly and gently on you as you kept your eyes on her, intaking a breath and releasing it after holding it for a little bit, getting air back into your lungs. Making your body go back into a stable state, you and her stayed like that for what seemed forever but may have only been a half hour, hour? When it seemed like things could be okay at least for the moment, you felt her arms around your waist, her hands clasping at your hands tightly “Come on, lets stand okay, lemme get us some water.”
You nodded, afraid to speak, any moment you felt like you could cry. Not just from anger, so much anger it could rival your girlfriend but unlike her, you didn't have fangs that could sink into another's throat with enough strength to rip it out, causing the unfortunate person to choke on their own blood and die. Maybe thats what Snow deserved. You felt your hands balling into fists at the mere thought of how someone could be so heartless, without remorse or pity. It made you sick to your stomach and you had enough of those kind of feelings what with having panic attacks. Hoping the water would help as it sometimes did and should, you kept your mouth shut, not wanting to spill any contents in your stomach onto your clothes and the floor as Enobaria helped you stand.
Still feeling slightly dizzy, you almost wondered if you should say something but you urged that you dealt with this before, feeling weak and dizzy. You only ever fainted if it got really bad and always someone was there. The only times that someone wasnt was a rare occasion but any unlucky person who came upon you with dark intentions would regret it, you were so protected. A darling of District 2. As you made to follow her into the kitchen, everything went black as you fell. Unconscious to the scream as Enobaria immediately caught your fainting body in her arms, worry on her face as she gently tried to shake you awake but only receiving no answer from you.
Not wanting to immediately jump to conclusions, she held you protectively in her arms as she went about the process of getting you medical help, refusing to leave your side. For those who suggested, one glint of her fangs in the light was enough for them to hold their tongue lest they want it ripped out. While they did the work to help you, she in a corner not to far from you , paced back and forth, w a I t I n g until she saw your beautiful eyes again. When you finally did flutter your eyes open, it was after the doctor's left you both to have some privacy, telling Enobaria that the reason you had fainted was not only from a possible slip up in taking medication, dehydration and stress, they advised you get plenty of water, rest, stay active in the medications and do anything relaxing to get rid of the stress. Maybe start talking to someone, it could help get the stress off your shoulders, as they say.
Once the door closed behind them, your { e/c } eyes seemed to flutter open, your lips parting to crack , “en..” you coughed, “enobaria?” She immediately rushed to your side, sitting down beside you and taking one of your hand in both of hers. “How are you feeling? “ she ended up scoffing, “Stupid question..” she looks at you, “i'm right here.” You smiled weakly, memories of what happened flashing before your eyes and tears started to well up. Immediately sensing the change in your, she cupped your face, 'Keep calm for me babygirl, im right here. Whatever happens, it's you and me always right? As we promised.”
Your heart raced but you forced it to slow, to even out and calm yourself down. You slowly nodded, clenching your throat as you swallowed, “Forever.”, you muttered softly, lovingly, with no hesitation. “Scoot over.”, she muttered as she stood, moving to remove the blanket a little from you. You weakly tried to move, an adorable frown forming on your face as you looked up at her, “Won't they sa-” She shook her head as she lied down beside you, gently pulling you into her arms so you could cuddle into her, the blanket over both of you now, “Just them try and stop me from holding the woman I love.”, You felt butterflies in your stomach, she was always so good to you – what did you do to deserve someone like her, Enobaria, the fierce badass everyone was scared to come into contact with but realize there was another side to her. A good side so worthy of the truest of loves, something you two found together. Like a home. She caresses your face, making you look at her, as if you wouldn't choose to willingly anyway,”
“Wherever you go, I will follow if you wish and anytime you fall, I will always catch you.”
You nodded, closing your eyes as you felt her arms encircle you more, holding you against her chest and your two’s legs entangling together under the blanket. Resting your head against her chest, you and her breathed together, your eyes closing shut once more and hers following suit not long after you. At some point you would be discharged to be able to go home but until then? You would find peace in the arms of the woman you loved. Everything would figure itself out one way or another. One day Snow would realize the wrongs for which he has done and pay for them accordingly. Taking one day at a time, you would make sure that you would be okay, that the ones you loved would be okay.
You would always say that you never deserved someone as fierce and dangerous as Enobaria who was sweet and romantic and cuddly deep down but truth was maybe it was the other way around with her feeling she didnt deserve you. Sometimes people didnt even approach her for the reputation she had but you weren’t like the others, You didn’t treat her like she was a monster to hold at arms length for fear of being ripped apart. You broke down all her walls and made her f e e l. She could never thank you for that, having someone as angelic as you but every rose has it’s thorns and she knew that together, you two could accomplish anything. Not just the best but the worst of times.
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theforce · 4 years
presumptive horrible rotten case of corona: symptoms
presumptive bc i couldnt get a god damn test i live in new york and while there are testing sites all over the state and our state govt is doing what they can now, i don’t want to be the person taking away a test from someone else especially now that i am mostly better, most of this went down at the beginning of the month and i’m still dealing with the effects of it. 
there was a lot of confusion here even as recent as 2 weeks and we are the state that’s testing more than the rest of the entire country so here is my account of what went down w me, and honestly, what might go down with you or someone you know as soon as this reaches your state
1) i threw up all night long, thought it was a stomach virus, had a lot of stomach issues for like 24 hours, very strange i haven’t had a stomach virus in YEARS since i was a literal child, anyways right before i started puking up my life i developed this weird cough, it felt like it was from my throat, like i was trying to clear it? but it was often and annoying 
2) after my 24 hours of hell i felt feverish and exhausted but i chalked it up to being on the floor of the bathroom all night, exerting my esophagus and body to throw up the devil himself, i tried to sleep it off, i woke up a few hours later in a fog, i was shivering but i was also burning up, i couldn’t tell left from right, up from down, my fever was 100.3, at this point i had my mom call my doctor and make an appointment, she made it for me w the receptionist, everything was fine until 20 minutes later i got a call back from my actual doctor not the receptionist who was like, oh no not you’re not coming here with those symptoms baby and i was like ?? ok cool thanks, she said to keep watching my symptoms, slam some tylenol and if i felt shortness of breath to call or text her personal cell phone and she would get me set up at the nearest hospital i said ok sounds fucked up i mean i didn’t say that bc i was too fucked up to even speak, she also gave my mom instructions to keep me in my room, to not go near me, to give me a designated bathroom, to have food and water delivered to my door, my mom was like u dont gotta tell me twice (she has lupus) during this time my cough become dry and horrible, i could feel my lungs rattle, i would cough so hard and for so long i’d wake from my feverish coma to kneel over my bed and just let loose on the world, it felt like i was drowning, i couldn’t get enough air everything hurt, everything was sore 
3) things continued on like this for 5 straight days, i was literally in and out of consciousness, my fever got up to 102 and my mom said that if it raised at all from there we were going to the fuckin hospital and i was like listen la rona i know u wanna take me out but i havent even ever eaten a krispy kreme donut, please let me survive this i can’t leave this way, in that moment i literally had a fever dream of god herself, i said take this from me and i’ll stop being such a cunt in life. i started slamming hot toddy’s, i’d drink as much water as possible in between the time i wasnt literally trying to expel my lungs by way of my mouth
4) woke up from that whole ordeal drenched in SWEAT from my feet to my head i was soaked, it was gross, at that point i still had a sense of smell so let me tell you my last and final symptom should have kicked in a bit earlier but i checked my temp and it was normal! i didn’t feel like my head was going to explode! but i had new things going on i had a new stuffy/runny nose, my cough was producing some liquid which i proceeded to throw up into a mcdonalds cup i took a shower, i brushed my teeth, i felt like a brand new woman, i had cold like symptoms but i can live with cold like symptoms, i had an appetite for the first time in a week, felt like i could eat my whole family out of house and home given the opportunity, i’d lost 20 pounds in less than 2 weeks and ya girl was honestly, looking good but THAT’S A BAD WAY OF THINKING disregard please thank you, at this point i went into my doctor with a full on mask, gloves, hair pulled back, she gave me every test you can think of, most importantly a flu test which is all she could do since getting a test was impossible at this pint, which of course came back negative 
5) things continued like this for weeks, up until right now actually, exhaustion was gone, fever gone, cough still here and there but not like how it was, i’ve put on makeup in my room, i’ve watched every season of law and order svu, i’ve gone on drives in my car just to drive, i’ve tried to keep myself as busy as possible, 3 days ago the strangest, most inexplicable and hopefully last symptom arrived, a complete loss of smell and bc of that taste, i’ve tried smelling candles, essential oils, laundry detergent, canned meat, my brother lit a match with my back turned and asked me what the smell was, i ate extra hot cheetos, raw onions, shot of vinegar, there’s nothing there, i just hope it comes back 
during this time i haven’t been even close to my mother, who has lupus or my sister, who has asthma, i stayed in my room, i’m still in my room actually 14 full days out from the last time i left the house, one month since this whole thing started, i eat in my room, i use a different bathroom than my whole family, everyone talks to me from my door frame besides my little brother who also was sick but recovered super fast, he bleaches the bathroom after i use it, he puts all my food on single use plates, he brings me jugs of water and reminds me of what it’s like to at least talk to another person. 
on a more serious note, i haven’t touched another person in 20 days nobody has even been within 6 feet of me besides my doctor who was administering the only tests she could administer, fully decked out in a hazmat suit, she was scared for me, i could tell, she was trying to put on a brave face and downplay the severity of my symptoms but thank god for her, she’s checked up on me, she’s tried everything, she’s put in calls, she’s made herself as available as possible even though she’s probably going through the same thing with countless other patients, i worry for her, i’ve worried for my family, i’ve stressed beyond the point of no return which has for sure slowed my recovery and i was one of the lucky ones! all of this and my case was considered mild because i never really had trouble breathing beyond being choked by my own coughing. 
people have been there for me during all of this, in ways that are further reaching than touch, i have been very vocal about not liking when people touch me but i do look forward to the day i can hug my mom, where i can tell my friend to take a sip of my drink to see if she likes it, to have someone pat me on the shoulder and tell me to keep my head up or whatever 
hopefully im on the other side of this, my more at risk family members are about to be 14 days from the last time any of them were near me or my brother, they’re at the end of a long tunnel and i’m just so happy that maybe soon we’ll all see the light 
take care of yourselves
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angeliclunaetic · 5 years
just thinking back to the day i met him, till now and,, there was always something about him. something that drew me in and everything just felt right. That day we met,, something about him just drew me in. idk if it was his sense of humor or just how polite n sweet and caring he was in general but it was,, something. idek why i even texted him in the first place. i just commented on his stuff and decided to text him. we talked for a few and then he showed me a pic of himself and i was just,, in awe. he really was the cutest thing ever. yes i had thought abt using him when i first saw him but,, i couldnt even if i had wanted to. i seen his pic and thought “yeah he looks like he’d be easy to use” but then by the end of texting him that night,, i fell so deeply for him. actually no. i already fell for him. way before we even met. that must be how everything felt so right. but just texting him a little bit that first night,, i just instantly wanted to know more about him. i never even talked abt someone else to my gc and for some reason i had the urge to talk about him,, like i knew he was the one but didn’t realize it. and then when we called for the first time,, i swear i had butterflies. even though i was otp with him and his friend,, i was so nervous to just talk to him. i had thought of him as my crush at that point. no one had ever made me feel that way. i never got so nervous to talk to anyone. i wanted to stay quiet that entire time so i wouldnt say something stupid and embarrass myself but something about him,, made me want to be so open. so i talked to him,, and when we got off the phone of our first call,, i was so incredibly sad. i wanted to talk to him more and more and i just wanted to call him again already,, but i wasnt sure how he had felt or if he even felt the same. i thought he did but i didnt wanna assume and make a fool out of myself. i wasnt sure if he had a crush or if he was just being nice. but after a while it was easy to realize. he was way too sweet and caring to me. more than a friend should be. he was there for me the night i was bawling otp w my ex. and he got mad and upset about how my ex was treating me in a way that was different than just my friends. and thats what made me fall for him even more. just him. being himself. him being so sweet. so caring. him just being there for me and not judging me and wanting others to treat me right. and when we videocalled that first time,,i was so nervous. i was worried he’d see what i look like and not be attracted to me anymore. but he still was. but i was so nervous anyways. but when i saw him on video call for the first time,, i was in shock. how could someone be so cute. so perfect. how could someone capture my heart just by simply smiling at me. i knew from then, that i, was in love with him. i wanted to be his so badly. but when he had asked me out i wanted to just scream yes at him,, but something in my mind told me to just calm down and wait,, however a part of me was worried that if i had made him wait that he’d find someone better and leave me. but he didn’t he stayed. even after that night i had told him everything. of how i used to use people and how i had originally planned to use him and he still stayed. i swear i felt my heart break that night and i was crying so much out of fear that he’d leave me before we even got together. i had such strong feelings for him and i wanted him to be mine. but i wanted to make sure i was away from,, that thing,, and that i fully loved him before i got into anything serious. i didnt wanna jump from relationship to relationship either. a part of me just wanted to be single and just have fun. but just,, talking to him and texting him,, i wanted him. i didnt care if i wasnt single. i just wanted him. but also a part of me didnt want to love again. or “love” as i should say considering i never loved anyone before him. i was mentally and emotionally exhausted and relationships are just so much work and you have to give someone such a large piece of yourself and i wouldnt be able to handle being broken again. so many thoughts ran through my head. “what if i dont love him, what if im just attracted to him because im going through things and he’s there for me” “what if he wont wait for me” “what if he doesnt like me “ “what if im using him and dont realize” “what if i get hurt” all these “what if’s” and i never once thought abt the reality of it all. that i, had feelings for him. that he felt the same. that he was willing to wait for me, even if it took years. that he would never hurt me and even allowed himself to be hurt by me if that meant even just getting a chance at me loving him. i guess i was just so worried and just in shock. no ones felt so deeply for me before.and that night that i had asked him out,,, i had seen a pic of my ex with this new girl and i felt absolutely nothing towards it. so then,, thats when i knew. i was over him. that emotional attachment was gone. and my feelings for sam were real. and we had called that night,, that entire night i was so nervous and got butterflies, and i realized i never stopped smiling once during that whole phone call. and after we got of,, i, once again, was extremely sad. i wanted to hear his voice talking to me for hours and hours. i wanted to smile and feel nervous and get butterflies. and at that point i was like,, fuck it. yes i was still worried that my feelings werent true. but what was the harm in trying. he was the only person to have caught my eye in like,, ever. he was on my mind that whole night and probably abt like 30 mins after we got off call i asked him out. my feelings for him were too strong. i was worried he wouldnt wait and i couldnt risk losing someone as special as him to someone else,, if i did, i wouldve never forgiven myself. im glad i asked him out. even though i had surprised myself by it,, i just couldnt wait any longer,, i needed to make him mine. and i did. and i wouldnt change it for the world. the first month for me was very,, rough. of course we were still getting to know each other and our boundaries,, and i of course made some mistakes. my fears of possibly not having true feelings were coming back. and it pushed him away because he didnt wanna get hurt. and he almost left me. those two nights that we had an issue and he had left me,, they broke me. they really did. that  was the worst i had ever been. the crying,, the screaming,, the anger and complete sadness i felt. i felt as if i had lost everything. i felt as if i had nothing left. if i didnt have him,, then,, who am i. im nothing without him. he’s my other half. my soulmate. and i thought i had lost him. im glad im so annoying and clingy otherwise i’d be so fucking heartbroken without him. we had only been together for less than a month those two times and yet i felt so strongly for him. nothing has ever made me feel this way. i had never wanted to keep someone in my life so bad before. it was like,, i needed him to breathe. i needed him to smile. i just,, needed him. i cant live without him. just thinking about a life without him makes me fucking sick. i want him and only him for the rest of our lives. no one can even compare to him. im just,, in shock. like im really in love with him and it just amazes me. im sitting here writing this as he’s sound asleep and i just. i miss him a lot. i guess all my feelings are coming out now since ive been distant the past month but,, i dont care. ill gladly shout from the rooftops how much i love him. god there’s so much more i could say about us. even before we started dating. i cant get over the rush i felt. the excitement, the nerves, the butterflies,, even all the “what if’s”,, i still get nervous and get butterflies when talking to him but ofc they’re not gonna be as strong as when we had met and declared our love for each other. speaking of love,, now im reminded of the day i had told him that i love him,, we had “argued” the day before and i thought i had lost him for good,, and that next day,,i wanted nothing more than to just hold him and kiss him and tell him that i love him. i know the words “i love you” is such a meaningful thing,, i couldnt help but tell him. its exactly how i felt. i loved him. i couldnt be apart from him,, even after only a week of dating him,, i was in love that night i thought he was leaving me for good,, absolutely broke me. and the next day i just wanted to hold him tight and never let him go. even though i was so nervous to tell him that i loved him,, i just,, i knew i was sure. no one had ever made me feel so strongly about them. yeah ive cried over my ex. but nothing could ever compare to just the complete distraught i felt that night. that crying so much it burned my throat and threw up,, the screaming,, just the complete sadness and anger i felt. after that,, i knew i loved him, and i wasnt afraid to tell him. i was nervous bc of how he’d react but i knew that i was never more sure of anything else in my life. i love him. and i want to be with him forever. 
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ff2-soda-pop · 5 years
watching ninjago season 10 and im writing down All The Thoughts:
Tv has text saying “Preparing For Playback” and anyway its making a HORRIBLE static sound
Actually no take it back - the static sound is just,, in the background and won’t go away
did they just lock lloyd in there jhgfds
jmhgf lmao why Should he trust him anyways?? he hasnt even CLEARLY said what the threat even was
there’s a mayor now????? last time it was more of a freaking monarchy. can we get SOME clarity on how this stuff works like did we just casually brush past how all known members of the family that was in charge just kinda all Died. when was this set up is this just specific to ninjago city if so why wasnt this established more when they introduced harumi and her family why-
“the bounty was-” kjhg and it literally Is the bounty
how the heck did someone get the blueprints actually
firstly, jays being adorable again, secondly im just- kai Please stop ohmygoddd
ok but Why is dareth here exactly??
nyas outfit looks like her old one!! but blue!! :0
oh ok so the tales from the monastery shorts were before this season but after the 9th one. ok that helps
“the tornado of creation? remember??” i mean. whens the last time they even used that
why is my first thought here “is the dragon dead”
is faith ok???? oh no?????
wait she said something??
jay thats not. a joke or anything. stop laughing.
see also: oh sorry but y’all thought the serpentine thing was just a “bedtime story” and look where that one went. why are you asking this like half the “legends” that get mentioned in this show end up being Actual Things
oh its a thing w/ borgs logo. can we see borg actually??
“nothing and nobody is getting in here” ok my memory is bad but,,, haven’t people gotten in there before???????
ohhh what is this
“someone must have wired the lever wrong” .......thats gonna be important later isnt it
“we only have tazors” oh my god
why are the police trying to do Anything like firstly thats a storm cloud thing you cant really fight it, secondly when do the ninjago police do like. ANYTHING TBH
its a storm cloud stop trying to attack it that wouldn’t work
OH NO????
ok nope we’re fine
“you can’t” thats is Not helpful
jhgfd lloyd looks So annoyed
the audio just cut off??? i mean it went to a commercial but?? the audio cut off???? why???
jhghgf this scene makes me miss season 1 aaaaaaa
“if master wu is right” where is he actually
can i ask what the actual point of shutting the engine off was
“THAT BUTTON IS LABELLED” where i didnt see a label anywhere
i started Feeling Things slightly too much so i had to get up and wander around aaaand the sound turned itself off again (it does that sometimes)
okay nope im feeling things and theres nothing i can do to stop it
cole thats a Horrible analogy
woah zane types Fast
could lloyd hypothetically go in the cloud without getting hurt??? he has oni blood in him right??
“a pillow!!” EVERYONE LOOKS SO ANNOYED/UNAMUSED JHGFGHJKHGFDFGHJHGFDSASDF’ (i like. actually laughed at that jghftd)
“you are PART oni” aren’t- ok you know what nevermind i gave up on understanding this stuff awhile ago
but i mean thats Still a valid point. its probably not a good idea to just blindly jump into Oni Death Clouds based on a “what if” idea
jays trying so hard,,,
“that side of you is weak” “its also stubborn” jkhgf
i mis-heard “cole” as “cloud” what the heck
it really just took like five seconds for this to get Super chaotic huh
is lloyd ok and also can he breathe in there
oh my god poor pixal!!!! D:
can we Please get an idea of how far the smoke cloud has spread
oh and we’re back with those slow motion scenes??? i thought they stopped doing those
“follow the darkness” uhhh have you noticed its literally Everywhere
oh what is that thing. I Hate That Thing.
i can barely understand the omega (is it time for captions?? probably)
garmadon: if anyone’s going to destroy ninjago its going to be ME | lloyd: *just looks Very Concerned™ in the background*
“i am a nindroid i can withstand the clouds affects” “you don’t know that!!” ......pixal,,
hgbfvd gayle is so serious about her job
oh no??? oh no??????
and the audio cut out again. ......why does it keep doing that??
c’mon they gotta make it!! they HAVE TO!!!
!!!! they made it!!!!!!!!!!!!
awwwee zane immidientally going over to pixal to make sure shes okay
oh no
im gonna Cry aren’t i???
aaand there it is. im crying over lego people Again but whats new there.
ohhh my god garmadon SHUT UP THIS IS SO NOT THE TIME
“You! nindroid!!” theres two i think you’ll need to be more specific than That
ohh hey theres the news people. i kinda forgot about them
hgfd vinny is acting So Excited
“Lots of things! Friendship, [...] and love, and harmony, and trust, and the truth, and courage,” jhgf awwwweee i love this
ok Theres wu
seriously cant figure out why some people dont like misako aaa??
oh theres faith! :0
theres so many oni omg
!!!!!!!!! its cole!!!!!!!!!!!!
wait i thought just being In the cloud turned people to stone?? y’know what nevermind
oh????? oh???????????
hey whats happening
hey whats with the echo
wait are they gonna
are they gonna do The Thing 👀
they’re gonna do the tornado!!!! they haven’t done this in forever!!!!!!
wait im confused. they need garmadon for this work this time?? they didnt last time
whats?? going on??
oh pretty location
wheres Everyone Else??
oh!! a dragon!! :O
whos talking who is this
OH!!! :O
i have. some question??
side-note: this is the first time in a Very Long Time lloyd’s been referred to by his Full Name
ohhh no??
hey PLEASE tell me that didnt imply dying
oh!!!! oh good!!!!
oh my god!! this dang show had me worried for a minute!!! :O
garmadon like 24/7: :|
....what does that say where’s the book where did i put the book
is that a “D” or is it something else i cant tell
....no wait yep its a “D”.
aaa?? that was So Good??? also im emotional AGAIN OHMYGOD
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just-homo-thingsxd · 6 years
Sensual (Finale?)
Vlad's clothes were now off except for his briefs which left very little to your imagination. Your clothes were tossed off to the side as well. This whole situation still felt like a dream. In bed with someone who you've grown close to this past month or so. Vlad stood with his arms around you, keeping you tightly against his body. Of course this meant that his lower half was also pressed into your stomach. There were several times you shuffled just a bit, and that movement caused his shaft to bounce a bit. He kept your lips pressed against his. He had lost his restraint it seemed. Not that you could blame him. Never have done this before you wanted to experience it all, and the teasing and gradual build up would make anyone eager. His hands were tightly gripped at your rear, spreading them and groping roughly as well. Vlad's breathing had become more ragged and deep. Given how he was forcing you against him his hot breath made your body tingle. Being that the situation had made your whole body sensitive at this point. After another brief moment of your lips and mouth being pressed against the larger males he finally split it.
"Heh. Sorry about that. Let my horniness get the better of me for a bit. How about you remove the last bit of your clothing? Similar to mine it definitely isn't hiding much."
You'd never done anything like this. Not in real life at least, just in your head. Reluctantly you slowly slipped out of your briefs and tossed them to the side. Now completely nude against Vlad your cheeks immediately burned, and you started to sweat even more than before. His eyes wondered downwards and he gave a soft growl.
"Not bad (Y/N) not bad at all. Certainly bigger than I expected."
You felt that familiar heat of embarrassment rise up through your body again as the large male spoke. You were packing a 5.5 inch shaft, definitely not small but not too large to be a bother either. Rather abruptly his hand reached down and grasped the tip and gave a soft squeeze. Taken aback you let out a moan and leaned your head against the males chest. He seemed rather pleased as he grunted, and wrapped one arm around you once again. He held you tightly against him as he laid back on his bed, bringing you down with him. You lay over top of him. Your shaft was pressed against his abs before you brought yourself up. Your arms were holding you up on the sides of him, and your knees were also on each side of him. Something was throbbing against your rear, and slowly grinding up and down. He still had his underwear on, and he kept one hand on it. Slowly creeping closer to the entrance with a finger. 
"W-wait a moment."
His finger immediately stopped and retracted a bit. He looked up to you, concern was written all over his face. You were a bit overwhelmed at how fast he was moving, but you understood why he was. You were so certain of how much you wanted him up until this moment. Even though Vlad had been so sweet, and understanding up to this point you could only hear that malevolent voice in the back of your head as Vlad got closer to that area. You hadn't taken notice, but you were biting your lip pretty roughly. It took Vlad to pull your head down towards his with a soft kiss to snap back to reality. With closed eyelids and a guilty heart you kissed him back. After a few moments he took his lips away from yours and looked up to you.
"I'm sorry.. I know 100% I want to do this with you, but it just..."
He put a finger up to your lips and warmly smiled.
"Don't fret. I understand. I'm sorry if I pushed you too fast."
You knew, if you did this right now that it would help you. You trusted this man with your life, and you knew without a doubt that he wouldnt do anything you weren't comfortable with. How could you not be intimate with him? No one else was like him, not even your father cared about you as much. If there was anyone to let yourself trust, it was Vlad King.
"My minds made up. Vlad, I want you to fuck me!"
This only earned a laugh from the man. From which made your body sweat from embarrassment.
"W-why're you laughing?"
He shook his head and looked up to you.
"Never heard you be so straightforward. You caught me off guard. However.... if that's what you wish. Allow me the pleasure to do so."
Your body tightened once more, but you nodded. You had let your fathers actions rule your life long enough. It was time to get back in control. Even if it's just something like this. It's important to start small. Which also happened to be the opposite of what you were really doing. Starting off big and thick. Oh well not everything can line up perfectly.
Quickly you caught your breath and gripped his shoulders tightly. His finger was tracing around your hole. He spoke in a soft and coaxing tone.
"Relax.. we aren't gonna get anywhere if you wont even let a finger in.."
You knew he was right. So with a deep breath and a deep exhale your body loosened up a bit. Then you felt it, and trying to remain the composure you had left he slid in with little difficulty. He kept it there for a moment before pushing in one knuckle to the next. It was much different than the last time. It felt so uncomfortable going in, but when he pulled back a bit. It made your body tingle with excitement. Growing eager for what the main event would feel like.
"You doing okay? You've certainly loosened up, and by the look of this guy.. I think you're enjoying this."
He pressed his index finger against the tip of your shaft. The sensation while amazing made your body tense up immediately from how sensitive it was. With you practically clinging to his finger he pulled back a bit which sent that same blissful pleasure through your body. Biting your lip and exhaling sharply to stifle the moan that almost escaped.
"Seems I've found a sensitive spot of yours. Maybe I can hit another real soon, make you moan out my name."
You felt completely embarrassed with what he was saying. He was completely right though. If the buttons were pressed you would most certainly be moaning out his name and other embarrassing things. Though if it was with anyone else you'd try to hide it, but with Vlad you didn't care. He could hear your most dirty thoughts and he'd still love you just the same. Maybe you'd spill a few. You weren't a crazy kinky guy. Mostly vanilla sex turned you on. However, the few kinks you had could certainly be alot. While it may be uncomfortable for you, it wasnt only about you in this. It wasnt entirely obvious if he was a kinky guy other than dirty talk which seemed to slip out whenever you did something he thought was cute.
"You'd like that wouldn't you? What sort of dirty things are you thinking of? I'm sure most involve me in you, huh? Maybe you dream of the other way around..?"
"Nuh-uh. With you I've always pictured myself on the bottom."
"So you've been thinking of this before now.. what a naughty man."
He was certainly quick that's for sure. You'd never guess it but it seemed this stuff was second nature to him. Perhaps from past experience, or maybe this was simply a side of him he kept hidden. Either way it didn't matter at the moment.
"Geez. You've certainly got a silver tongue. On you Vlad. I never would've guessed."
"How about you get on all fours and present yourself to me? Then I'll show you what else this tongue of mine can do."
There was no winning against him. He always had an answer it seemed. That didn't sound like a bad idea either though.
"F-fine. If you insist."
"Oh, I do. You've got quite the hot ass. Since we've been hanging out more it's something I've always noticed."
"Tch. Is that so? Maybe you'll have to behave yourself if you want it so badly."
"You say that now, but you'll be giving in far before I do. I know we both want each other. You in particular seem eager. After all, a moment ago you were about to let me eat your ass, no questions asked."
He wasnt wrong. You did want him, and badly. You slid off his finger and flipped yourself around. His face in front of your rear, and your face in front of his shaft. Definitely more intimidating this close up.
"Oh man. You want to 69? Yes, please. Don't get lazy down there. He could use some attention after all this teasing."
You simply nodded. You had really strung him along for a little bit now. It was time to get down to the serious business. Granted. This was your first time sucking a dick. So who knows of itll be recieved well or not. At least you can say you tried?
After a moment of simply gawking at how big and girthy he was. You stuck your tongue out and brought it up to the tip from the base. Earning you a shudder from Vlad. As well as a soft moan, and he wasnt wasting time either. A familiar yet unfamiliar feeling of a finger entered you once again. This time it felt more easier. You licked around his tip and your hand grasped his base. Opening up rather wide you let yourself go down on it for as long as you could till your gag reflex kicked in. About more than half. Not bad for a first time. You slowly began to bob your head up and down. Taking it slow till you found a rhythm, then stroking him similarly to said rhythm.
Vlad was letting out more deep moans and grunts as he took his finger out and you felt what you assumed to be his face and tongue now pressed against your rear. The wetness of his tongue was something you had to get used to, but it didn't feel bad. Just uncomfortable a bit. Then he spat a whole glob and worked it in with his finger. Even with spit it was amazing how easily you practically sucked his finger in. Becoming less and less painful and more rewarding. Each time felt better than the last, but it left you craving more. This hunk of beef's meat above all else. While it took a moment to notice as your attention had been focused elsewhere. He had managed to get another finger in. Opening you up more with the help of his spit.
He patted your back and you stopped sucking for a moment.
"This might seem weird to you, but can you get off me and continue to blow me on your knees?"
Without saying a word you happily obliged to his request. Getting up off of him you got down on the floor at the edge of the bed. He let his legs hang off as he looked down at you. His face was bright red and he was breathing deeply. You set yourself up in front of him now, and he placed his hand on the back of your head. You started off the same, licking at the base and tip before opening up and beginning to suck again. His grip on the back of your head tightened, though he made sure it wasn't enough to hurt you. He let out a sigh as he suddenly pushed you down further than you could take. Gagging slightly you looked up to him with one eye open. His face was to the ceiling and he continued to pant and breathe heavily. He definitely was enjoying this, and it could be worse. You kept both your eyelids half open as you unhinged your jaw and relaxed the best you could. It was during this time you realized just how muscular this man was. He was thick and beefy for sure. All over that front side was pure beef, definitely your type. Then again he was more than just a hook-up. Or a one night stand. 
As you got lost in thought with how lucky you were to meet this man he must've looked down and he let out a loud moan. Pulling you back slightly you felt several thin ropes of warm liquid. It didn't seem thick enough to be cum, and now he was panting heavily.
"D-damn, that was close. Your face was perfect, perfect mixture of cute and attractive. Nearly drove me over the edge."
You gulped it down and took yourself off his rod. 
"Didn't know I had that effect on you. You need a minute to catch your breath?"
He nodded and leaned back. Finally being able to catch his breath. You took the time to climb back up on him. Laying on top of him with your chest against his. You laid on those pecs and felt how fast his heart was racing. Though it slowed down after a moment of you on him. His arm wrapped around your waist while his hand found its way onto your rear.
"You ready for this? I can't guarantee It'll be painless. I'll be gentle though, so don't worry about that."
You had a knot in your chest. You've gone this far, but now of all times you became unsure if you were ready. Vlad must've noticed as he simply planted his lips against yours and brought you into a kiss. His hand that was on your rear found its way up to your chin where it held on to it. Scratching rather softly and sweetly. While your nervousness persisted you found it neigh impossible to say no now. Besides, it was something you wanted as well if not more.
"Give it to me, big boy."
"If you insist, little man."
Vlad grabbed his shaft and aimed it up towards your rear. You used your hands to keep it spread open wide. He ran his tip across your entrance. Before softly beginning to push it in. It felt much more thick than just his finger. Even two of his fingers were easier than this, but despite the pain you took deep breathes and relaxed. Making it much easier on Vlad to shimmy his way in. 
"Deep breaths, take it easy boy. Give it a minute and it will feel great. Remember what I said earlier? I'll find your other sensitive spot."
Even during moments like this he found a way too embarrass you. Though he wasn't just saying it to say it. He was pushing in more while he spoke. Distracting you from the pain that followed. 
"I'm eager for it.. I'll be honest."
He gave a grunt and pushed in a bit more rough now. Almost fully in.
"Damn right. I told you, you're gonna be moaning my name by the end of this. Listen, you don't cum till I tell you alright? So you better endure the pleasure."
It felt weird having Vlad say things like that, but you were obedient to his demands. You would hold off your climax till he told you it was alright.
"A-alright. I'll try."
"God. You're adorable, you know that?"
"I-I've been told."
"By who?"
"You only, of course."
"That's how it should stay. You're mine, (Y/N)."
You got a tingly feeling inside when he said that. He said it sternly, and it felt like he meant it with all his soul. There wasn't a doubt in your mind that he cared deeply enough for you to say something like that.
"Always, Kan."
He smiled a wide and toothy grin as he looked up to you lovingly. 
Now that he was fully in you could tell what he meant by he couldn't guarantee it would be painless. It was a searing pain that hit deep. Then again that was due to his size. You were tightly clung to him, both inside and out. Arms around his neck you continued to try and stay relaxed. While on the inside you could feel every bounce and throb his shaft did. He started to pull out a bit, and it felt much more pleasureful than when he went in. Then he thrusted back in quickly. Which was a mixture of both feelings. He did this a few more times before he started to become fluid in his movements. His hips started to move to the left and right slightly as he would go in and out. His execution of his promise was certainly amazing. Everywhere he hadn't been sent waves of pleasure up through your body as he explored. With a sudden, but precise thrust up you felt a huge burst of pleasure traveled through you body much more quicker.
"G-gah! V-Vlad.."
"Heh, found it. Now let me hear you beg for it. You wanna feel it again don't you?"
"O-of course I do! Kan, please do it again."
"That's a good boy."
As promised he thrusted up into that spot once again, this time more roughly which only made the pleasure more intense. This time you let out a loud moan as you tightened up around him. Both inside and out. 
"That's what I like to hear, you want more right?"
"Y-Yes! Kan please, I need it."
His movements had grown stiff once he found your spot, but now his fluidity came back to him.  Thrusting in and out pretty quick and deep now. He kept you guessing with every thrust as some weren't deep enough for the main pleasure, but it also made it even more rewarding when he was gracious enough to hit it. You moaned out over and over. It was an odd feeling, but your own shaft had grown so overwhelmed with pleasure that it almost felt numb. You didn't feel like you were close, but with all the stimulations going on at the moment there was no time to think and pay attention. Vlad however was a bit more easier to read. He was going in hard and fast. Making dirty sounds as his thighs slapped against your ass. He suddenly hilted himself against your spot as he let out a deep groan.
"Your so damn tight. It feels great (Y/N)"
In between pants you responded.
"I-I never knew stuff like this was possible to feel."
"Lets try a different angle. Get on your back on the bed spread your legs in the air."
Though you were pretty bashful about showing off your body like this. He'd already been inside you so it doesn't get more intimate than that really. You did as he said and turned your face away from him.
"Mmh. Looking good there."
"J-just keep going please."
He pulled you up a bit so your ass was completely open to him. He then thrusted right back in full. Catching you off guard you let out a rather loud moan.
Immediately he stopped and you covered your mouth. 
"Told you it would happen."
He then continued to thrust in and out. He must've been able to tell how embarrassed you were as he let it drop rather quickly. Vlad got his rhythm back up and from a different angle it felt similar, but your spot was much easier accessed. He leaned down over you. Showing just how flexible you didn't know you were. Your eyes met his and he quickly brought his face down to kiss you. Not that he let up his thrusting, but it made your heart throb a bit. Being this intimate with him. It didn't last long. He panted, all of his breath hitting your neck which felt especially sensitive right now.
"I'm getting close, boy. I can't keep this up much longer. If you need to cum, you're allowed to now. Also.. am I pulling out or..?"
In all honesty you had forgotten about that little bit, but you still didn't feel the need. 
"K-Keep going Kan, I don't care if you pull out, do whatever feels natural It's worked so far."
He smirked and he went faster than he had before. Now steadily pounding into you. It must've felt better than he imagined as he started to slow down and become pretty rough. Now slamming his weight against yours he let out a grunt before completely pushing against you as he forced himself even deeper and let out a guttural moan and you quickly felt yourself fill up. Either he had been pent up, or he just naturally shot a lot. After a long moment of catching his breath he pulled out and as did his cum. It was definitely an odd feeling to say the least.
His attention turned toward you and quickly shifted.
"You still gotta cum, eh boy?"
You'd practically been leaking pre this entire time like a faucet, but your shaft was still in that numbish state so it hadn't occurred to you. 
"Want me to suck you off?"
"N-no that's alright. J-just a hand?"
He nodded, somewhat pleased. He still needed his breath and he couldn't catch it as well if he was down on you. When his meaty hand made contact with your shaft you immediately felt a surge of pleasure almost overwhelm you. It was sudden enough to make you have to stop and catch your breath from leaving your lungs.
"I see, you haven't touched it at all so it's hyper sensitive with all that's happened. You'll definitely cum quickly."
You hadn't paid much attention to what he said. He now had your shaft gripped and you eagerly awaited for him to stroke. Though he had a different idea as he let go.
"You already made it clear you don't wanna be on top. Which is fine, but how about you try this." 
He got on his back and motioned for you to get on top. You did so, pretty confused.
"We've gotta shower anyway. So it's only fair if we both need to clean up, right?"
Still confused you nodded.
"Maybe I can change your mind on topping. For now, try this."
He pushed his pecs together and looked up to you with a dirty grin.
"Don't mind my face. I'll catch whatever comes up here. So do what I was doing to you, but between my chest. That's an order, boy."
It felt strange to do something like this. Regardless you placed your shaft between his pretty large pecs and began to thrust back and forth. It only took a moment before you were holding the urge to release. You used you hand to put down over top of your shaft to keep it from going up, naturally. Between his smooth pecs which felt heavenly and the pleasure from the main event. It only took a moment before you couldn't hold anymore and with a loud moan of Kan's name let yourself shoot onto his face and chest.
After showering you laid in bed clung to this mans side.
"That was amazing."
"Heh, yeah it was, because I got to share this experience with you. There's no one else I could imagine being this intimate with, (Y/N)."
Your heart melted a bit when he said that. Simply looking down at you with that same genuine toothy grin.
"I love you. I get the most pleasure just from being with you. Your smile, your personality everything about you is everything I could dream of and then some!"
"I don't know. Hearing you moan my name says otherwise."
"Don't ruin this you goober. I'm serious here."
His lips met yours for a soft, yet passionate kiss.
"I love you more Y/N. I feel the same way."
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humankoalaa · 6 years
freeland ive missed you!
everytime a recap starts with thundergrace a child is fed. don’t @ me.
im not even 30 seconds in the damn episode and im already dying 🤣🤣 lala and this same damn tracksuit with the pinky ring. BRO… who are you 😩
the fact that LALA shows up with a gun in hand. like can we give him another entrance? and also how many times has he resurrected now? 🤦🏾‍♀️
jefferson calling lala latavius still gets me everytime 🤣 how many times has that man said his name is lala Jeff? huh?
LMAOOO i ain’t even finish the initial sentence and lala once again tells Jeff his name is lala!
lemme find out cress tryna grow his hair out.
okay okay resurrected twice. got it.
this beat in the background lit tho.
this ninja done shot super dad.
jenn would be tryna make her suit cute 🤣🤣🤣🤣
“i shouldn’t have to sacrifice style for practicality” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 i love jenn so much.
she’s seriously talking about nice fabric for her suit. i can’t. this is just so jenn and these writers are just brilliant!
that old suit tho… hot garbage 🥴😩
this lab scene is everything tho 😭 the power of jenn!
who is earl tho?
awh lawd they done resurrected the entire unintentional suicide squad 🤦🏾‍♀️
oh nevermind lala seeing shit again.
lol sit down lala that chair ain’t do shit to you
jenn is the realest 😭
anissa in tears breaking my heart 😭
“just go find grace” OKAY?! say it louder!
best little sister ever.
nafessa tho 😍
lmao that fast little daughter of yours 😂 okay lynn. OK.
christine got the best fade tho.
agent rafiki back on his bullshit.
agent yoda: “do you understand what im saying?”… lynn: “you don’t like dogs?” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
who. is. earl.
“i will shoot you straight in the face” 😂😂 this is the blackest thing that’s ever been said on the cw 🤣
i like don’t care about any of this tho…
finally some damn action from the great value suicide squad.
wardrobe department…. why y’all got cress in these tight ass pants tho? 😩
is that earl?
lol i forgot todd died.
agent extra terrestrial needs to die.
nafessa looking fye again 😩😍
wait…. i know damn well that’s not grace growling. shit it better not be 😩 im scared of what’s behind that door and Anissa isn’t suited up like 🥴
🤣🤣 “i can hear someone in here” first of all … anissa… does it sound like whatever is in there human? like are you not hearing these growls? welll she didn’t see grace malfunctioning right in front of her so im actually not surprised but still 😩
“or at least i could” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 AKA im not leaving till you open the door.
we got tobias speaking to portraits, lala speaking to his … conscience..s? and now anissa talking through a door to whatever was growling.. i miss anyone?.. oh and jenn talking to her laptop. k.
OMGG HE SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME HOW AGGRESSIVE HE OPENED THAT DOOR 😩 least it’s wasnt grace growling but if this is her brother errr.. relax.
he rude as hell.
“trouble will find you if you do not leave this place” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the delivery took me out.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😩 that fly. where did that damn fly just appear from 😩
anissa so damn persistent. im here for this.
is she fucking glitching while shape shifting?! 😩 like what is she?! 😩😩
chantal looks beautiful 😭 well ..in her true… form?…. or .. well when she looks like grace. that hair is giving me life.
soooooo anissa now has no choice but to show up as thunder to save her girl who actually doesnt need saving from anyone… but herself 😭
oh hey earl. but like bye earl. this part of the episode is just annoying now 🙄 long ass drawn out ass scenes.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 but why earl look like a pokemon? snorlax to be exact.
jenn running in the lair excited for her suit 😭
lol more growling. like is grace just chillin inside her apartment as a lion? seems like something she would do.
i really wanna know how bad it smells in there tho 😂
WAIT. NEVERMIND. is that like a dead deer?
like is she just casually roaming around freeland with dead animals on her back or is she also a flying dinosaur with a invisibility cloak….
OMG wait 😩 this can’t be. no. just. NO.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 grace as this damn man and this voice i just can’t. im not mature enough for this.
they really bout to fight!
there better be at least one thunderclap 😤
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ okay jet li. i can’t take “him” serious. was that a knife hand? 😂
thunder using her ponytail as a weapon is next level extra 😂
fuck his ass up thunder!
🤣🤣🤣🤣 look right 🤦🏾‍♀️🤣🤦🏾‍♀️😩🤦🏾‍♀️ i just 😭 let me get this straight… you mean to tell me grace knew damn well that was anissa and instead of being like … “let’s go back to your place and talk about this horizontally in the nude preferably” she opted to beat the breaks off thunder then….turn …into a.. growling black animal with a tail?… and just… jumped… … out.. the …. window?… what type of shit is that 😩
like what kind of woman lover are you grace. it’s only one thing im doing if i found out my girlfriend was essentially the baddest motherfucker in the city… ima pounce on that ass and get to hunching 🤷🏾‍♀️
it’s like they’re set on making grace the next lolo jones and the queen of hide and seek. jesus. when will this end? im tied y’all. TIED. JUST TELL HER!!!
JENN 🤣🤦🏾‍♀️
…. the fuck.
yeah this shits getting real weird.
this dude breath gotta smell like shit. baking biscuits in the corners of his mouth and shit 🤮 all that damn spit 😩
lol agent looking like everyone’s morning shit might’ve just played himself. whatcha gon do if they lied tho? how you gon find out who else they told now that you’ve killed them? i hope they were lying 😩😩😩😩
but all in all this episode was solid. too many long ass filler scenes with lala but whatever.
until next time…. i must end this with… grace being a useless bisexual and anissa being a useless lesbian match made in heaven 😍 i still can’t believe grace jumped out the damn window KNOWING it was anissa under the damn suit. smh that window deserved better.
WAYMENT… i just realized something…. anissas bout to be mad ass hell grace beat the shit out of her 😂😂 K N O W I N G L Y at that 😩 she did hold back tho… which may make anissa even madder 😂🤦🏾‍♀️
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johnnysnostril · 5 years
You’ve Always Been Mine
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chapter 13
i instantly gasped and threw my hands up, as wonho hit the floor.
“what the hell are you doing?!” i yelled at jooheon.
i had never seen that look in his eyes before. it was almost as if he turned into someone else.
the music felt like it was coming from my chest and everything was moving in slow motion. i felt the bass in my heart, and my breathing became short- as jooheon had moved himself ontop of wonho, punching him in the face.
“oh my god- they’re fighting over a girl!” someone from the crowd shouted.
i didn’t know what to do. my feet were glued to the floor as people started to move and gather around the two boys. phones were now being pulled out, and videos were being recorded. wonnho was trying to block every punch that jooheon was throwing, but unfortunately- it wasn’t working.
all i could think to do, was run.
i started running back to the table, crying and shouting for misun. hyungwon was the first to notice me. he stood up immediately and reached out, grabbing my arm. “what happened?” he shouted. i fell into his embrace and wrapped my arms around him.
“w-wonho..” i mumbled into his chest. i was starting to have a panic attack.
misun quickly made her way over to me, pulling me away from hyungwon and cupped my cheeks.
“nori- it’s okay. breathe, honey.” she said calmly.
“what’s going on?” shownu questioned. hyungwon looked out towards the bar and shook his head. “those two idiots-“
the rest of the members raced over to the scene, with shownu following behind.
all i could see was black. i dont even remember what happened, or how this all started.
the next thing i felt, was being pulled up by my arms and thrown back against the bar. a few security guards surrounded the area and blocked it off- pushing everyone back. i blinked a few times, then saw wonho getting up from the floor, with a bloody nose and a busted lip.
my eyes widened at the scene.
did i really just do that?
shownu grabbed hold of my shirt and balled his fist up. “are you insane?” he snapped. “look what you’ve done.”
minhyuk was wiping the blood from wonho’s nose as i looked over at the rest of my members. they all had this disappointing look on their faces.
“where’s nori?” i said pushing him back.
everyone’s phones were out and shining with the flash. all i could see were people pointing and pushing their cameras closer to the scene.
shownu wasnt too fond on that gesture. the expression on his face was serious, and i thought there was going to be a round two.
“you better pray to god, that manager hyung gets to you before i do.”
with that, shownu turned his back to me and the rest of my members left- leaving me to stand in my shame.
leading nori out to the getaway car, i wrapped one arm around her waist as we walked. she had one hell of an emotional night. and if shownu didnt beat jooheon’s ass- then i was definitely going to do so.
her makeup was ruined from all the crying she was doing, and her dress was completely trashed with liquor stains.
i shook my head as i helped her into the car.
i turned around and shownu was running in my direction. it felt good to see his face. i wasnt even mad at him anymore. i ran to him and hugged him tightly.
“are you guys okay?” he said squeezing me.
i nodded and pulled back a little. “what’s going on? nori hasn’t talked yet.”
shownu sighed and shook his head. “i’ll tell you later. for now, i need you guys to go to a hotel. it’s not safe. everyone has seen you guys with us and im sure all this drama will catch wind, at any moment now.” he said rubbing my shoulders.
“what do you mean it’s not safe for us?” i said afraid.
“misun, just trust me okay?” shownu said firmly. he turned me around and pushed me into the car, handing me the seat belt to strap in.
he glanced over at nori.
“im so sorry, for all of this. i’ll meet up with you guys later.” shownu leaned in a gave me a quick kiss before shutting the door and giving the driver the address to the hotel.
as we pulled up, the driver got out and escorted us inside- as he was instructed to do. he checked us in, and lead us up to the room.
“just to insure your safety, there will be a bodyguard outside your door. if you ladies need anything, just knock twice and they will get whatever you need.” he said smiling warmly. he bowed then opened the door for us, revealing the suit.
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i stopped for a moment, admiring the beauty of this place.
“wow- thank you.” i announced. nori went straight to the couch and cuddle up with the pillows.
he bowed once again, then took his leave- shutting the door behind him.
i folded my arms as i looked back at nori- feeling more sorry for my bestfriend than anything. i didnt even know how to confront her.
i tossed my shoes off, leaving them on the floor- then joined nori on the couch, laying down next to her.
“wanna talk about what happened?” i asked softly.
she gently shook her head, not saying a word.
“we’ll talk when you’re ready then. no rush- how about i start a bath for you and make you some tea? yeah?” i said patting her cheek.
nori surprisingly agreed and i hoped up quickly, running to the bathroom
i thanked misun for the bath and tea, then she made her way out- shutting the bathroom door behind her.
i stripped myself of my clothes and shoes, along with the makeup and threw my hair up in a messy bun.
stepping into the water, i grabbed the teacup from the counter and sunk right in. i sighed and closed my eyes, taking a sip from the cup then setting it down.
i couldn't believe tonight. this entire thing was all seulgi’s fault.
jooheon and i would have never fought at the studio, if she didnt show up. which would have meant that we would’ve been talking before the stupid award show- and he could’ve invited me instead of her.
i didnt understand his obsession with her.
all of a sudden, kihyun’s words replayed in my brain.
“we all knew.”
how could shownu have known about jooheon taking seulgi- and not tell me. i wanted to be upset with him, but i just couldn't. he basically saved us from being mobbed by crazy fans tonight.
i leaned my head back and looked up towards the ceiling.
i wonder how wonho’s doing.
i sat in the waiting area of the emergency room, with my head leaned back against the wall. my phone had been blowing up all night. from the rest of the members calling about wonho, to my manager, then misun. it was non-stop.
i knew i was going to get in trouble for this. this was going to be everywhere and everyone was going to know about it.
i let out a frustrated sigh and ran my palms down my face.
shortly after, wonho came walking around the corner- all patched up. i stood to my feet and walked up to him.
“how bad is it?” i asked.
“not that bad, just a fracture.” he said shrugging.
“im glad you’re okay man. everyone’s worried about you.” i said giving him a quick handshake.
wonho shook his head and released a soft laugh.
“im fine. really- i just know we’re about to get in a lot of trouble.”
during the car ride back home, manager hyung called as said he was meeting us at the dorm. which wasnt good.
wonho and i hopped out and walked upstairs, opening the door to silence.
everyone was sitting on the couch, and our manager was standing right in the center of the living room.
he obviously wasnt happy with us.
“have a seat.” he said angrily.
wonho sat next to changkyun and just as i was about to sit- manager hyung stopped me.
“when i made you leader of this group, i expected you to take care of everyone on the team.” he said yelling.
i stood tall with my hands clasped behind my back- military style.
“this is your fault, shownu. you’re the oldest. this should have never happened in your presence.” he continued.
i bowed and agreed.
“i sincerely apologize- it was not my intentions to embarrass you or the company, sir.”
he shook his head in disbelief as i bowed once again. he signaled me to take a seat, and i did as i was told.
“everyone else is dismissed- shownu, wonho and jooheon- stay.”
the rest of the members filed off to their rooms and quickly shut the door.
“would anyone like to explain this?”
our manager pulled out his phone, revealing a picture of me kissing misun before she left- a picture of wonho and nori holding hands, and one of many, of jooheon and wonho’s fight.
“i thought i clearly told you that your plus one, was supposed to be in the entertainment business. i have NEVER seen these ladies before. explain yourselves.”
“the woman in my picture is actually a photographer for one of the companies you own, sir. her name is misun” i voiced.
“and you were kissing her, why?” he questioned harshly.
“we just started dating today. i didnt get a chance to tell you before the event.” i lied. it was the only way to save her from this mess.
manager hyung was quiet for a moment as he thought.
“you’ll be releasing an official statement tomorrow, so prepare for that. you better hope you dont lose any fans over this. now- wonho.” he said turning in his direction.
“her name is nori- she works at a coffee shop.” he said in an honest tone.
he shook his head and sighed.
“well, not anymore. you ruined that for her. do you understand why i’m so upset with you guys?” he questioned.
we all nodded.
“misun, she might be okay- but nori? she wont be able to go back to her normal life.”
we sat in silence as he tried to calm himself down a bit.
“shownu, why dont you take wonho to go check on your dates. see that they’re safe. i dont wanna see your faces until tomorrow.”
wonho and i got up at the same time and quickly left the dorm.
i rolled my eyes at wonho as he left with shownu. that was supposed to be me. how in the hell was wonho just snatching nori away from me like that.
the door closed and the room became silent, once again.
“you’re suspended from all activity until further notice.” my manager said angrily.
“what?!” i said jumping up from the couch. “how is that even possible, we’re getting ready to go on tour!” i shouted.
he lifted his brow and pointed down at the couch, signaling me to have a seat.
i sat back down, pushing the pillows off the couch.
“the rest of your band mates, are preparing for the tour. you, will not. you’ll be lucky if you ever perform on a stage again.” he said leaning forward.
“pictures from the event will be released tomorrow and im pretty sure some videos will be involved. i dont wanna hear a word from you, until this is all cleared up. once i find out more about what’s going to be released- i will handle everything with the lawyers. i dont need you on any social media. and i mean, NOTHING. you will not be allowed to leave the dorm without an escort and your exact location must be provided at all times. when im not around, im still there. my eyes and ears will be everywhere, so dont even THINK about pulling a fast one. do you understand?” he shouted.
i clenched my jaw together and snickered.
“yes, i understand.” i said looking off to the side.
turning on his heels, he left- slamming the door behind him.
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fairyscribbles · 6 years
Boiling Bite. (Chanyeol, Wolf!au) 2/2
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Hello guys! A few little changes!
I will try to again re-update a lot of the lists that I have here, because not only they were not up to date, they are a bit glitched, as I saw when uploading that Baekhyun story!
I also thought of putting up my ko-fi link again. I stopped doing it for a while because I was pretty content, but as I started working, my financial needs rose up as well, due to travel, food etc etc. I am also really shooting to go to the JLPTs again and obtain the highest level (N1). For that, I need the books for it. I already bought the grammar book, so I need the vocab, kanji and reading so I can prepare and hopefully go try out the summer dates of the test!
It’s also a bit hard to update for me now not only because of school but also because of the house renovation. My desk is really cluttered from all the things I’ve had on shelves and my laptop has been connected to the TV for about three weeks now and has been exclusively used for Netflix ^^’ I did go back to writing into notebooks though, and I’m biting through a few of the requests. Who knows, maybe once I’m done, I will open them again!
Well now, after this super long essay, let’s enjoy the second part of the Kris story I have posted a while back!
If you need to refresh your memory, here is the first part! If you like what you read, you can support me on ko-fi!
Everything burned and everything hurt. You didn’t remember when was the last time you were conscious for more than five minutes. The pain always knocked you out before you could go insane with it.
You could clearly remember that night... the dark alleyway... Kris’ mate crying into her phone, begging Kris to come and save you. 
The two vampires standing, ready to pounce. 
You stepping between the vampires and Kris’ mate.
And then the bite.
It was as if somebody suddenly poured acid into your veins and the blood carried it all over your body. It felt horrible. You wanted to die as you felt the ice cold fangs digging into you, sucking the life out of you.
It might’ve been gone in a few seconds, but it felt like hours to you.
They came and saved you. But it was too late, as you crumbled to the ground and you screamed in pain.
You felt someone, Chanyeol probably, picking you up and cradling you to him, but it didn’t do anything with the horrible pain that coursed through your body.
That’s when you blacked out the first time.
The first time you came to was when you felt someone settle down next to you.
“Ch-Chan…” your voice was too raspy for you to continue, a coughing fit interrupting your question.
“It’s me, ___.” Answered the voice that did not belong to your mate. Kyungsoo wiped at your forehead, the wet cloth gathering the sweat that trickled down your face.
“You were bitten. It’s the werewolf genes and vampire saliva that’s making you hurt.” You whimpered as the washcloth trailed down your face onto your neck, to the bite mark. A strangled scream ripped through your throat when the cloth dabbed at the wound and you immediately cowered from the pack’s healer. You heard him apologize, but everything was pronounced so slow and the way your eyelids seemed to drop, you knew you were out of it once again.
“Alright, ___. We need to get some of the bad blood out. This is going to hurt a lot, so we’re going to do it by bits, alright?”
You slowly grew accustomed to the pain, you were beginning to understand how it worked, how it always came in waves at you. It could’ve been two days since Kyungsoo’s visit, but it could’ve been two weeks as well.
You nodded shakily, tilting your head to the side and revealing your neck to him. Kyungsoo sighed, placing everything he was holding onto the nightstand before looming over you, his lips on your neck.
“Try to hold on as long as possible…” he mumbled quietly, his breath ghosting over your skin, before his lips closed over the wound. The first suck had you arching against him in a scream, your fists bunching in his shirt. You screeched, pleading for him to stop, trashing from side to side. You could feel the lift slipping from you from every suck by Kyungsoo’s lips. It ended just a few seconds after, yet it felt like eternity.
Kyungsoo spit out the blood he held in his mouth, its color a washed out red and more yellow than anything else.
“You did great, ___.” Kyungsoo gently stroked your cheek, trying to somehow calm you down.
“Chan…” you coughed heavily after that.
“What was it, ___?”
“Where…is…Ch-Chan…Chanyeol?” Kyungsoo fell silent for quite a while after that. Every passing second was like a dagger to your heart.
“He’s out hunting. He left three days ago, he didn’t come back yet.” Kyungsoo told you and yet you somehow knew it was a lie. You swallowed the tears that crept up on you and nodded to the tense Kyungsoo.
“You should try to get some sleep, ___-ah. We’ll try to get out more tomorrow.” His voice was gentle as if he was talking to a child. You nodded again, the grip of consciousness already slipping past your hands.
The last thing you thought of was Chanyeol’s voice, desperately calling your name.
Chanyeol sighed as he walked through the door. His body was full of kinks and soreness that wouldn’t be able to go away even after extended rest. As if he could do that, anyway.
For the past few days, he hadn’t thought about anything else, but revenge. He spent the past three days hunting down a vampire coven, making sure he would get every and single one of those suckers.
He kicked off his muddy boots and entered the house, his jacket a bloody pool on the floor. As he passed the mirror, he noticed the deep bags under his eyes and hallowed face.
He was only a ghost of what he used to be. He felt it, in his skin, his bones, in his very form, something changed. And he didn’t know how he would bring it back.
They switched every day. At first, only Kyungsoo would come, but later on, Suho replaced the healer, calling in Jongin to hold you down while sucking out the poison. The day after, the two switched and after that, Minseok and Luhan took their turns in trying to make you feel better.
You had already filled a whole glass with the yellowish substance and your mind was free from the sticky mist that clouded your senses.
It had its downfall, as it made the pain of healing clearer and the realization that since the night you’ve been bitten, Chanyeol hasn’t seen you once. Not a single time you felt his presence beside you and that made you tear up.
You probably disgusted him. You were bitten. And broken. Who in the right state of mind would want a broken mate? You thought as Kyungsoo gave your neck one hard last suck.
“Kyungsoo…” you choked out, stuttering over the lump in your throat.
“Yes? What is it?” he answered after cleaning his mouth, the poison still rocking slightly in the cup.
“K-Kill me.” You sobbed, the tears sneaking up on you. You could almost feel Kyungsoo freeze.
“What?” he wanted to you repeat as he slipped his hands around yours. You gripped him desperately.
“Please, just…let me have it over with. Just kill me and let that be…it.”
“Are you crazy? What about Chanyeol?” his voice sounded as if he still didn’t believe what you were saying. You swallowed the lump in your throat and looked at the ceiling, illuminated by moonlight.
“He…he doesn’t care about me anymore.” You had to wait a moment after saying that to calm yourself down. It was far too painful.
“I don’t blame him, though.” You added with a smile, even through the tears.
“Who would want a mate that is tainted by the enemy?” Kyungsoo squeezed your hand, rubbing circles into your skin with his thumb.
“That is the stupidest thing I’ve heard, ___. And I’m in a pack with Jongin, which means I’m listening to stupidities on a daily basis.” You could hear the smile in his voice and you couldn’t help but to chuckle shortly.
“Chanyeol wants you all the time. NO matter how you act, look or feel.”
“Then why isn’t he here?” Kyungsoo was quiet for a long time, weighing out his options. IN the end, he sighed, shaking his head.
“I would like to know that, too.” He rubbed your hand some more. It wasn’t the same thing as being comforted by your mate, but it came close.
“Just go to sleep, ___. You did good today.” You squeezed Kyungsoo’s hand one last time, before slowly rolling on your side. You instinctively awaited Chanyeol’s arms wrapping around you and pull you to him, but that never came.
Before Chanyeol could sigh and slip off his jacket, he was shoved back by a furious looking Kyungsoo.
“You need to start taking care of your mate.” He growled in a low tone, his eyes flickering gold.
“I am.” Chanyeol mumbled under his breath, trying to keep his cool.
“I’m avenging her. Killing every motherfucker I can get my eyes on.”
“She doesn’t need that. She needs you. But you’ve been too much of a pussy to face her.”
“What?” Chanyeol hissed, his beast stirring. Kyungsoo’s face showed he was being serious about what he said.
“I said, you’re too much of a pussy to look at her. You need to start taking care of her.”
“Do you even know how it fucking feels like? Being in my place?” Chanyeol asked, his tone menacingly passive as he came closer to Kyungsoo.
“Do you know the fucking feeling, when the person you love the most, the person you would die for, gets hurt? Like that? In front of your own fucking eyes?!” Chanyeol’s growl gradually turned into roaring.
“Do you even know how I feel when I walk around the room and I hear her screaming? Because I was unable to help her? Do you know the feeling?”
“And do you fucking know what you’re doing to her now? Did you even know that she asked me to kill her yesterday?” Kyungsoo’s words were like a thousand daggers, stabbing into his heart. As he heard about your wish to die, his knees buckled.
“W-What?” Kyungsoo smiled grimly as Chanyeol’s shock-ridden state.
“She thinks you don’t want her anymore. She told me that you probably think of her as disgusting since she was bitten by a vampire.” Chanyeol sighed deeply, sliding down the wall he was leaning against.
“Fucking hell…” he muttered, running his fingers through his hair. Kyungsoo knelt down next to him, laying his hand on Chanyeol’s shoulder.
“Look, I’m not going to try to convince you that it wasn’t your fault. You wouldn’t listen to me anyways. But killing vampires won’t help her. She needs you close. She needs to know that she’s still wanted.” Chanyeol sighed, nodding. He was too weak to say anything else.
“The sucking of the poison is very painful for her. She needs her mate. If you would do it, the poison will be gone in a few days.” When Chanyeol still didn’t answer, Kyungsoo patted his back once more and he stood to leave.
“Hmm?” he turned around to look at Chanyeol. Only then he noticed how the biting affected him. He looked like hell- there were big bags under his eyes, his clothing hung on his disappearing frame and his shoulders seemed slumped with eternal luggage.
“Thank you. For everything.” Kyungsoo smiled softly.
“We’re brothers, Chanyeol. I would do anything for you.” At this Chanyeol smiled slightly.
“Even so. Thank you so much.”
You stirred when your bed dipped with another weight settling on it. Your fever had gone up again, so you didn’t recognize what was happening until the unknown person cupped the back of your neck and tilted your head to the side. Your blood started running faster as you realized what’s happening.
“No, Kyungsoo…” you whimpered quietly, your fists balling into his shirt. The body seemed different from Kyungsoo’s though.
“Please, no more…” you tried to cover the wound by tilting your head, but he nudged it aside with his nose. As you tried to fight back, more weight settled over you.
“Calm down, ___-ah…” a low voice rumbled above you and you suddenly knew who it was.
“Chanyeol?” he answered you with a hum, as he lightly licked your neck. Your breath hitched and you wound your hands around his torso, bringing him close. Chanyeol swiped his tongue over the wound once more before he closed his lips around it, giving it an experimental suck. He shuddered when the bad blood entered his mouth, but it didn’t stop him from sucking harder. It was much different, the cleansing with your mate. It was almost pleasurable for the first seconds and you pushed him down onto you some more, panting quietly. Chanyeol paused a while to spit out the venom in his mouth before diving in for more. This time, it was more uncomfortable, and you squirmed against him, your hands bunching in his shirt and tugging on it, to pull him away. He stayed relentless though, as he sucked harder. The first hard suck was painful.
“Chanyeol…” you whimpered, squirming some more. Once again, he leaned away to spit out.
“One more time, baby.” He assured you, closing his mouth around the wound again.
It was painful the last time, just as it was with the others. You arched your back, trying to get him from you, you tried swinging your head from side to side, but Chanyeol’s hold on you was tight, not letting go until you actually screamed out.
He quickly spat out the remaining poison and had you in his arms in seconds, holding you against his chest securely.
“I’m so sorry, baby, I’m sorry…” he kept repeating in your hair, stroking it comfortingly.
It took a while for you to calm down and to realize that he was actually with you. After the week of separation, it seemed unnatural.
“I thought you didn’t want me anymore…” you mumbled under your breath, holding onto him tightly. He reciprocated the grip, kissing the crown of your head.
“Are you kidding me? You’re my mate. I warned you about this before you signed your soul- it’s a job for life.” You giggled tiredly- the cleansing always had a dizzying effect on you- maybe because you lost a lot of blood.
“Will you stay?” you asked, looking up at him. You didn’t let him have much of a choice. There was a small chance he would be able to get out of the grip you had on him, anyways.
“Forever.” He said, kissing your lips.
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