#just say ok i hear you or say you don't understand or whatever and let's press on i don't want to you to wedgie yourself about it
yuukiiqwq · 5 months
Satoru Gojo, the strongest, who cared only about dominating the court suddenly cared only about you. Him and his team were practicing for a game next week in the school gym when he noticed you sitting among the crowd of spectators. Whenever him and his team practice, the students in school will always come watch in their free time. He recognized some familiar faces, but you, he doesn't recognize you. He had never seen you here before, and something about you dragged his attention towards you.
Satoru, who never misses a shot when he has his hand on the ball, suddenly misses? Dead silence. His team stared at him with confusion and disbelief that the Satoru Gojo missed a shot. His best friend and teammate, Suguru, came up to him with concern in his eyes and asked– "Are you alright, Satoru?"
Satoru runs his hand through his hair and huffed out a fine to his best friend. What the fuck just happened to him? Must have been a fluke he said to himself as his eyes wandered towards the crowd who was gossiping about his failed shot. His eyes then wandered towards you who was staring right at him. His eyes widen when you caught him staring at you before quickly turning away. His heart racing in his chest in an uncontrollable pace. He noticed Suguru and his teammates still staring at him with concern in their eyes.
"C'mon, let's continue practice," he sighs. "I just got distracted. It won't happen again."
The team was reluctant to continue practice because no matter how distracted Gojo was, he had never missed a shot. He could practically play a game with his eyes closed and not miss, but all of a sudden, he missed? As practice continued, Satoru made no other mistakes. He didn't miss again, but every time he scores, his eyes always end up wandering towards you.
Fuck. What the fuck is happening to him? Why can't he stop his eyes from going towards you whenever he scores? Why is he so focused on the way your eyes light up in awe as he makes every shot? The way you wet your soft looking lips with your tongue as you stood at the edge of your seat. You were a sinful sight to behold.
When practice ended, Satoru quickly left the court to go to the locker room. As he pushed past his teammates, he noticed their confused expression. Their confusion was understandable because, normally, Satoru would be the last one to their locker room. Satoru loves attention, so he would always give out fan services when practice or a game ends. However, this time, Satoru was quickly pushing open the gym door to escape, and his eyes wander towards you one last time before completely exiting the gym. He doesn't like what he's feeling right now. It was suffocating, but it's ok, right? Today was just a one-time thing. Oh, how wrong he was.
Since that day, he noticed that you always were there during their practice. He knows you're not from his school because of your uniform, so who exactly were you? Who allowed you in? And why is it that he couldn't get enough of you? Why did you suddenly show up in his life out of nowhere?
Satoru sat down on the bench as the other continued the practice game, wiping his sweat with his towel as he secretly watched you. You who had his under some kind of spell. You who he hasn't spoken one word to since the day he saw you. He wanted you to say his name. Hear the syllables of his name come out of your soft looking lips. Gojo wasn't dumb. He just likes pretending to be, so it doesn't help that he knew exactly what was going on with him. He knew what he was feeling, and it was downright stupid. Fuck love at first sight. It shouldn't exist. He shouldn't want to kiss you. He doesn't even know your name! He groans as he run his hand through his hair again. He curse at himself before he felt something cold touch his cheeks.
"What caught your eyes, Captain?"
Satoru took the water bottle from Shoko's hand and took a big sip. "What are you doing here, Shoko? Don't you have that medical test or whatever to study for?"
Shoko rolled her eyes at his comment– "That was yesterday Gojo. So are you just going to ignore my question? Clearly, something is up for you to miss your shot a few days ago."
"No idea what you're talking about," Satoru replied as he fixed his hair. "Didn't miss nothing."
"Right. It's not like the whole school was gossiping about you missing for the first time."
"These people and their big mouths..." He mumbles. Funny coming from him since he himself would have done the same if the situation was flipped.
Shoko looked toward the place Gojo was eyeing and then saw you. She blinked once and then looked back at Gojo before huffing out a small laugh. Someone is going to be in for a surprise.
"That's his sister, y'know?"
"Not funny, Shoko," Satoru said before looking at Shoko's expression. She was serious. You and your brother look nothing alike. He sighs before mumbling a curse under his breath.
"Oh fuck indeed," Shoko laughs again as she turned towards the gym door. "Going to need some sweets?"
"Yeah, I'll pay you back later."
"Free of charge today. My compensation for this free entertainment. It's going to be an interesting few days." Satoru was now left to his own thoughts. He couldn't help but sigh at his predicament.
Satoru never got the chance to speak to you. Whenever he tries to go towards you, he stops and turns away. He couldn't help but be nervous when it comes to you. It's not his fault that he thinks he'll faint from hearing your voice. He'll talk to you one day when the opportunity arises. It seems fate had granted him his wish. Satoru had met you outside one morning right before his team game. You had accidentally bumped into him while rushing.
"Ouch!" You rubbed your nose from the sudden collision before looking up at him with your innocent and beautiful eyes. Oh fuck. Your voice was music to his ears. He just gone to heaven and what made it even worse was how you looked. Why the fuck do you look so pretty this early in the morning? He himself could barely get out of bed for today's game. His hair is messy and all over the place. His shirt is not all the way buttoned, and his tie is hanging loosely over his neck. If he didn't have a game today, he would be at school getting scold. He just looked like a mess compared to you. Sure, he is a hot mess right now, but this was not the impression he wanted to give when he talked to you. He listened to your endless apologies before interrupting with a question.
"You coming to the game?"
"Huh?" You stopped your apologies at his sudden question before his question clicked. You didn't know he noticed you during his practices. Your eyes instantly light up and grab his hand. "Yes, I am! I'm very excited since it's my first time witnessing a game! I've been to your practice for a while because of my brother's invitation. Oh, my brother is–"
As you continued your rambling, Satoru's eyes were fixated on the fact that you were holding his hands. Your small and soft hand holding his. He stopped your rambling by taking your hand and intertwining his fingers with yours. An intimate act. You looked up at him in confusion, and before you could say anything, he was tugging you along.
"Making sure you don't get lost on the way. Let's walk together to the stadium." An excuse to keep your hand in his even though you were practically strangers. He made sure you couldn't let go.
When the two of you finally arrived at the stadium, he had to let you go. He didn't want to let go, but he had to go towards the locker room so he could change into his game uniform.
"Name is Satoru Gojo. Call me Satoru. Let's hang out after the game today." He then brought your hand towards his lips and kissed it. His eyes moved up towards your eyes, holding your gaze as he whispered– "Keep your eyes on me." He then quickly left towards the locker room, his ears burning from his sudden boldness. While he can dominate the court, you have dominated his heart.
When he entered the locker room, his team was already getting ready for the big games. He quickly went to his locker beside his best friend and started to undress his school uniform. Suguru was already ready for the game, so he was sitting on the bench in the locker room, drinking some water.
"I'm in love with your sister," Satoru blurted out, causing Suguru to immediately spit out the water he was drinking. Confusion and disbelief were written all over his face.
Part 2
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lachrymimosaa · 1 year
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beatrixstonehill2 · 7 months
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"That's right," Dr. Klein said to Carolina. "You have to sign off on your next script since it's what's known as a life-altering or debilitating medical decision."
"Oh wow..... um, I'm not so sure I understand? Sorry, I'm so horny these days I can't think straight. All these different things you keep prescribing me! I can hardly keep up." She giggled, jiggling her hefty breasts.
"I know, you're not as sharp as you used to be. But that's OK, do you even remember being that skinny, flatchested aspiring lawyer who walked through my door last year?"
"Ummmm, I don't know?" She giggled. "Why did I want to be a lawyer?"
"Sweetheart, I'm not the one who would know."
"Oh! But you know everything! I feel so much better after coming to see you. Men are obsessed with my new curves. I have soooo much sex it's crazy. I let guys pump me full of their cum whenever they want!"
"That's wonderful to hear darling. See? And you were so skeptical about taking what I was recommending you..."
"I must've been soooo dumb back then!" She furrowed her brows. "Ummm, how do I spell my name? I think it starts with a C then an A? Can you help me....? I'm not a very good speller these days!"
"That's because you're down to an IQ of 46, from 172! Isn't that great news? My prescriptions are working wonders."
"Wow, is a forty-six really good?"
"It sure is, sweetie. Now let me help you." The doctor guided her hand, making her sign.
"Oh thank you so much! You made it look soooo easy! Mmmmm, I should thank you for being so nice...." She suddenly leaned in and started kissing him on the lips, but he pulled away.
"That's quite all right, Carol. Just be a good girl and take this new script to the pharmacy and take two a day."
"What's it for???"
"Well, you know how your breasts have gotten really big and bouncy?"
"Yep!" She jiggled them for the doctor.
"They're going to get much, much bigger. So big they'll fill your whole lap and be much too big for clothes of any kind...."
"Oh my! That sounds..... really hot! How will I carry them?"
"You might need a push cart, or someone might have to escort you in a wheelchair. You could easily lose the ability to walk...."
"Just from how big my boobs are? Mmmmm, guys are going to love that! I'll be so helpless, it'll be so fun, getting set out on a blanket or something at the park on a nice day.... My boobs exposed, too heavy for me to lift. I have to ask men to help me..... God I'm going to get fucked so good! If men find my body irresistible now...." She leaned back, patting her round pregnant belly. "Already five months along with batch two! Is it true when we met I said I had no interest in having kids?"
"Correct, but we fixed that little problem. Looks like you're going to stay pregnant from now on, huh?"
She giggled, shrugging. "What choice do I have? I'm always getting filled with cum everywhere I go...."
"Good girl. Just remember to keep taking these pills no matter how big your breasts get, OK? I'll see you in three months."
"Just in time to see me ready to pop with all these kids..... you're so naughty...."
"And I better not see you wearing any clothes up top, those things should be too big for them by then....."
"I'll stop wearing tops asap!" She removed hers, tossing it behind her. "Whatever you say, Dr. Klein! You're the professional!"
He patted her head. "I'm glad you finally agree."
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floydira · 9 months
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₊˚﹒✶﹒trolls headcanons .ᐟ
brozone, creek & king trollex with a reader going through a breakdown, overthinking and panicking and how they deal with them.
note ; I somehow(?) accidentally deleted the person's ask for this. I don't remember exactly what they asked word for word. (I'm down on my knees apologizing to you rn, I'm so sorry anon 🙏) so hopefully based on my memory this is at least close to what you asked for. I also hope this headcanon is to your liking.
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John Dory
erm. well. let's just say when it comes to dealing with other people's emotions, he's not really the best guy to depend on...
BUT considering he spent years by himself (and rhonda) with no other socialization, plus leaving his brothers behind and coming back to them after awhile out of conscious but seeing them nowhere to be found, he definitely felt lonely and HAD his own breakdowns before.
so he'd understand how you're feeling, or at least try to understand.
when he first saw you breaking down, his first instinct was to ask you questions "why are you breaking down?" "did something happen?"
if he doesn't get a reply from you, he'll respect your boundaries and not ask any further questions. he'll just focus on comforting you in the present, awkwardly patting your back and giving you words of affirmation that he thinks would work. like those motivational phrases or quotes online, maybe even those ones that facebook moms use.
if you do give a reply, he'll sit down next to you and hear you out. sipping a drink and lending his ears for you to vent. he'll keep quiet (internally, he's restraining himself from outing his own opinions on whatever you vented to him about).
In summary, he's a listener. If you let him voice his own opinions, he'll tell you his thoughts and views. more often than not, if he does give advice, it's probably best you don't actually follow them. I feel like he's bad at giving advice...
at least, he's got the spirit!
this troll has a wife and kids. I'm sure he's knowledgeable in comforting someone when they are breaking down or overthinks a lot.
if you're overthinking, he'll support you and keep you company but he's also honest that helps you actually evaluate your overthinking thoughts and not stress too much about them.
once you come to him looking vulnerable, he'll immediately try to soothe you by rubbing your back gently. yk like those back rubs that puts babies to sleep? yeah, he'll do that.
while he rubs your back, he urges you to take a deep breath and let it all out. so you do. unknowingly you ranted and ranted, every little detail spoken word to word. he just has that affect on people.
lets you know that what you're going through is valid.
once you're all done, he'll give you advice to ease you or if you're not looking for advice, he'll just comfort you until you feel better.
he literally is in a sad book club, he'll have the knowledge about it and how to deal with it. except...he's slightly bad at executing it.
he'll snap you out of overthinking by yelling positive stuff to you, that are actually...effective???
if you rant to him, he'll listen to you attentively and pat your head afterwards. it's just something natural that he does, honestly head pats are soothing ok.
if you're okay with physical touch, he'll caress your face while giving you actually reassuring words. (LIKE. have you SEEN him literally pinching and squishing branch's face when he first met him after 20 years?!) of course, it's effective, combined with his already nice vibe (I feel like he naturally has a healing presence, he's just a sweet little boring cutie)
his method of comforting you naturally makes you feel better. he doesn't have to try hard because just watching his body language and mannerisms are dorky enough that it'll make you smile. he's unknowingly comforting in a silly dorky way. even with how badly he persists to be a very "serious" guy.
he'll definitely give you a big warm hug after everything.
he's literally called the sensitive one. out of the brothers, he's definitely the one who understands you the most.
I don't think I even need to explain, you already know how perfect he is with dealing with stuff like that. like the time he talked to veneer about how his sister treats him and how he shouldn't let her be like that to him.
his face is full of worry if he sees you in a vulnerable state.
he literally gives the best hugs, it's canon, I know it's canon.
this emo mf knows exactly the right words to get you out of your vulnerable state for a while (bc the phrases he gives to others are probably what he wants to hear given to him).
he'll be really patient with you and help you with every step along the way even if you're having a hard time changing your bad traits.
he's also attentive at listening, he'll caress your hands with his thumb with a reassuring smile.
he'll be really sweet at tackling your situation and never makes you feel overwhelmed.
will cry with you tbh.
he's kind of helping himself when he helps you, because he's similar in a way.
branch was quite the panicker himself during the times when bergens ate trolls.
so he'd also know how to help you deal with it because he understands you.
he had to figure it out himself and was mostly alone to deal with his own vulnerability so he's happy to help you.
he'll look calm, composed and collected externally but even he, himself is slightly panicking on the inside. afraid that he'll let you down or he won't be of much help. don't worry though, he has it all put together after a bit.
If you're panicking, he'll help you focus, calm down and ease your hyperventilation.
"concentrate on your breathing, okay?"
once you've calmed down, he'll provide you with reassuring words.
he'll keep you company and stay with you until you feel composed enough to talk about it with him. he'll lend you an ear.
afterwards, he pats you on the shoulder and gives you advice that worked on him before.
as bad as he is, he's literally the best when it comes to relaxation. he has that zen-like wisdom, so he'll calm you down and help you relax if you're panicking or overthinking too much.
just like floyd, he also knows exactly what to say to reassure or cheer someone up.
he'll give you a more positive outlook on whatever happened to you so that you don't overthink it.
tbh his voice itself is enough to calm you down.
he encourages different methods and ways(that he knows of) to you that could help.
King Trollex
this sweet goober offers you all his emotional support.
he feels upset, if you're upset. he's all frowny when he sees you vulnerable.
"can I give you a hug?" ofc he asks for consent.
will hug you tightly (he thinks hugs are a remedy for everything, besides music), quiet sobs are heard as his face is smooshed against your chest. just like bruce, he'll also rub your back soothingly while hugging you.
Intertwines both of your hands and encourages you to put your thoughts into words so that he knows what's going on that head of yours that's overthinking a lot of stuff.
keeps eye contact with you as you rant to him.
"you can get through this." he'll say with his cute smile.
the most he can provide is listening and comfort. he wishes he could help you more.
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talaok · 1 year
The mission
Pairing: Joel miller x reader
Summary: Joel is the boss of a group of criminals in the QZ, and you're his little bunny everyone knows better than to look at, and this time, you wanna help him on a mission.
warnings: smut| the tiniest smudge of fingering, unprotected p in v sex, exhibitionism (yes again. dont look at me) and of course daddy kink
this is the fourth part to this but it can be read alone
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"you want to what!?"
"I wanna help" you repeated, leaning back on his desk so you were right in front of where he was sitting.
"absolutely not" he shook his head, not even listening to what you had to say.
You raised an eyebrow, getting ready to stand your ground.
"You need me" you said, making him look up at you, a mix of anxiety and frustration fogging his eyes.
"How would you even know?"
"David told me what you're planning to do"
You watched his fingers grip the edge of his chair to try and relieve some anger.
Fucking David. He was gonna have to teach him a lesson later.
"Still. We don't need you"
You huffed, crossing your arms,
"You need someone to distract the guard"
His eyes shut for a moment as he shrugged 
"I've got plenty of men who can do that"
A smug smirk tugged at your lips at his words "And that's exactly the problem"
You watched his brow arch in puzzlement
"You've got men" you explained "But what you need is a woman"
A chuckle fled his lips at your feeble attempt at convincing him "A man can distract a guard just fine, sweetheart"
"Yes" you agreed "But I could do it much better"
He leaned back in his chair, watching you closely.
"you could" he conceded "but not only would you distract the guard, but all my men. Me included"
You had to roll your eyes at that.
That must have been the worst excuse you'd ever heard
"You know I would be good at it" you continued 
"I know you would, baby, but you know I can't let you do that" he said, gentler now as his hand reached for your waist to draw slow patterns on it "You're too important, I can't let anything happen to you"
"but nothing has to happen to me, I just gotta distract a guard"
"it's still dangerous" he shook his head, "You've gotta understand baby, I-"
"please" you pouted, looking down at him with the best doe eyes you could muster
"bunny, I can't-"
That hadn't worked, so you had to retort to the only method you knew was fool-proof.
"please" you murmured again, placing your hands on his shoulder as you straddled his lap.
"please Daddy, just this once" you whispered, gently kissing his cheek before making your way to his neck.
"bunny..." he groaned, as his hands betrayed him and reached for your waist "I know what you're doing"
"'m not doing anything" you lied, going as far as grinding your core against his crotch while you kissed him right below his ear "I promise I'll be good"
"fuck- baby this ain't fair" he groaned again, his cock hardening in his jeans
"please daddy" you whimpered, passing a hand through his hair in that way you knew he loved "I'll do whatever you tell me to do" you promised "I'll follow all your instructions" The way your hot breath tickled his skin made him want to forget about everything and just take you right there and them "I'll be real good for you daddy"
And that was it.
He was 100% aware of having just been manipulated, but fuck- if you asked him with that sweet voice of yours, he would have agreed to jump off a cliff without a second thought.
"fuck me- fine" he sighed, inhaling your heavenly scent, as his fingers started already infiltrating underneath your top "But you're gonna do everythin' I tell you to do, ok? I don't wanna hear a single complaint"
Your grin resembled one of a child in a candy store
"yes daddy"
"and I know you don't like 'em but I'm givin' you a gun" he spoke, his attention not on your eyes but on your tits as he groped them underneath the fabric "we'll go over the basics again later" he spoke, before his gaze found yours, suddenly serious.
"and bunny, if anything goes wrong... if even one thing isn't how it's supposed to be, you run." he said "You get the fuck out of there, I don't care if it gets me and all my men killed. You save yourself first, we clear?"
You had to bite down the huge grin spreading on your face to try and at least look like you weren't jumping out of your skin in the excitement.
"Yes daddy" you nodded
"good" he murmured "Now c'mere you fuckin' smartass"
__ __ __
Joel had prepared you for the mission like you were about to go to war, you don't think he'd ever gone that long talking to you without touching some part of your body, and yet he'd spent a whole hour explaining to you what was gonna happen, and how everything was gonna proceed and most importantly, how no matter what, you had to "save yourself first"
But it was dumb really, your job was to do what you'd learned to do since you hit puberty: flirting with men to get what you want.
There's not a lot of ways a girl can survive on her own in a post-apocalyptic world, so the moment you understood the power you and your body held, you started using it to your advantage.
Which is why your task was a walk in the park.
The guard had forgotten all about what he was paid to do, which was paying attention to the security footage, from the moment you walked in, and all you needed to do was to put on a small little skirt and smile at everything he said.
There's only one thing men like more than a woman: a woman in distress.
Which is why you had made up this whole story about being new to the QZ and having gotten lost.
But hey thankfully, you'd stumbled upon this Fedra building and found "such a handsome, smart-looking man" that was more than eager to help you.
Joel and his crew had all the time in the world to steal whatever it was they were stealing, all the while you had fun.
You hadn't felt this ecstatic in years
You were basically skipping as you walked out of the building.
"there you are" you watched Joel breathe a sigh of relief as you walked over to where he was leaning on a black car "you got me scared for a moment bunny"
You frowned, peeking at the watch he'd insisted you wore.
"I was only one minute late"
He shook his head, grabbing your waist with both his hands to force you flush against him "and it was enough" he murmured, ignoring the fact that his whole crew was standing right beside you, and leaning in to kiss you as if he hadn't seen you for days.
You melted right into him, softly whimpering in his mouth when one of his hands traveled lower to grab one of your asscheeks.
You grinned widely as he leaned away, and he couldn't help but smile too watching that look on your face.
"get inside the car" he murmured, leaving another quick kiss on your lips before getting out of the way to open the door for you.
Surprisingly, he wasn't driving this time.
Just as you bent down to get inside, you heard him bark behind you at someone to his right "The fuck are you looking at?"
"N-nothing boss, I'm sorry"
Joel didn't answer, he only removed his hand from where he held his gun and got inside the car with you, shutting the door behind him.
You watched through the windshield, as the poor guy put a hand on his chest, probably checking if it was still beating.
"you scared him" you half scolded, half cooed as you wasted no time scooting closer to him
A soft smirk pulled at his lips as his thumb reached for your cheek to stroke it 
"what a shame" he murmured, kissing you.
As the kiss heated, his tongue infiltrating into your mouth as you moaned into his, you felt his hands take hold of your waist to guide you on top of him, and you gladly complied.
"hey there" you smiled
"hey b-"
An awkward cough made its way to both his ears
"Should I... give you some space?" the guy at the wheel asked.
Funny, you hadn't even noticed he was there.
"who's gonna drive the car if you do that?" Joel huffed a laugh 
"I just though-"
"start driving" Joel interrupted, already focused on you again "and keep your eyes on the road"
"yes boss"
And just like that, the car was moving.
"You don't mind Pike being here do you bunny? he's very discreet"
"I don't mind daddy" you murmured, not resisting anymore as you latched your mouth to that irresistible neck of his.
Just like every time you were in his arms, his scent and warmth wrapped around you like magic.
"good" he smiled, losing himself in your touch for a moment before he remembered something.
"What was the guy's name bunny?"
"mh?" you frowned, looking up at him confused.
"the guard, darlin', what was his name?"
You arched a brow as your left hand went to his hair as you inspected his face.
"why?" you asked suspiciously
"I'll need to take care of him"
"Daddy he didn't do anything wrong" you whispered, trying to reason with him.
"he looked at you didn't he?"
you couldn't help but roll your eyes "he needed to look at me to be able to talk to me"
"yeah but I'm sure he was doing a lot more than talking in that brain of his"
"daddy" you murmured, as your index finger traced his jaw "you can't kill every guy I come across on every mission "
"every mission? who said this is happening again?" he tilted his head, a soft amusement shining in his eyes
"I did"
"oh bunny," he smiled as he shook his head" this was a one-time thing"
But you both knew it really wasn't up to him.
Yes, he was his crew's boss, but you were the boss's boss.
"we'll see" You shut him up, crashing your mouth with his in a frenzy of clashing teeth and tongues.
The mission had gotten you so worked up you'd been wet since he first kissed you.
You couldn't help but grind on him to relieve some of the tension that had created between your thighs, before losing your patience and just deciding to get to the real thing.
He was groping your ass with one hand while the other busied itself with your tits when your left hand sneaked down his torso to find that hard tent straining from his jeans.
"Actually..." he breathed, as you undid his belt as quickly as you could "If this is what you going on missions gets me, I think I might have to take back what I said "
You let out a small giggle at that, "I thought you might say that"
He smiled too, but his mouth was back on yours as quickly as it had parted, tasting all that you would give him.
You made quick work of his zipper, and eagerly freed his cock from his boxers, making him groan loudly.
"fuck bunny" he breathed, glancing down to where you were stroking his cock with those heavenly soft hands of yours.
The fact that Pike was not even two meters away from you wasn't remotely crossing your minds.
You mimicked him and looked down at his manhood, and god it looked so delicious, but as much as you wanted a taste there wasn't really that much space for maneuver in the back of this car, and to be completely honest there was also the fact that your pussy had been screaming for any type of attention for some time now so-
You hadn't even realized his hand was in front of your mouth, but the moment you did, you complied.
You watched as that same now spit-filled hand made its way underneath your skirt and panties in no time.
He slathered the liquid all around your folds, making you squirm uncontrollably, before, without any type of warning, plunging two of his thick fingers deep inside your heat.
"she's ready" he decided, continuing to watch you as you slowly raised yourself to sink down on his cock.
"o-oh my god" you whimpered as your head fell to the crook of his neck.
He was stretching you so good... and god, but he was so deep
"fuck baby" he groaned, both his hands now on your ass to squeeze it however he pleased, "feel fucking perfect"
You softly smiled at that, kissing up his neck as you started moving with the help of his hands, which guided your movements a bit.
"I was good wasn't I?" you whispered onto his pulse point, before gently sucking on it
"the best" he promised, groaning a bit as you fastened your pace "my precious little bunny" he praised into your ear "always such a good girl"
The sound that was spreading around the car was filthy, but all either of you could think about was the other.
Your fingers were grabbing at the hair at the nape of his neck, while your other hand was grasping his shoulder for dear life as you bounced up and down on his cock.
"jesus you're so tight sugar" he groaned as you bit down on a spot on his neck "So perfect" he continued, watching you pleasure yourself on his dick "So beautiful" 
Your clit was grinding against his crotch and it was only making you reach your climax faster 
"and so fucking smart" he murmured "You're amazing bunny, you really are"
what before were soft breathy moans whispered in his ear, had now quickly evolved to higher and louder cries that were making poor Pike want to die.
"f-fuck daddy" you whimpered, leaning your forehead onto his to look at him in the eyes 
"you coming bunny?"
"mh-mh" was all you could muster
"yeah? then come for me baby" he ordered "Come around my cock"
And just like that, You did, you came, screaming his name at the top of your lungs as your movements got more and more sloppy
"Thank you daddy" was the only coherent sentence that came out of your mouth as your orgasm took over your body
"Whatever you want bunny" he promised, watching mesmerized as you came apart before him "fuck-whatever you want, you know that"
And you did know that, because as he'd proven times and times again, for you, there wasn't one thing he wouldn't do.
if you wanna read more of Bunny and Joel → here
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illubean · 8 months
Ok this is a bit hyper specific but I saw someone else request another writer to do this and I wanna see your take!
Do you this you could write a GN Reader who’s friends with one of the zoldyck kids (most likely Killua or Illumi) and while at the manner they pass by Silva/Zeno and Reader makes a remark like “damn… your dad/grandpa kinda fine…” and they hear?
Sorry if this is too specific….. ignore this if you don’t wanna write it!! <3
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Characters: Illumi Zoldyck, Silva Zoldyck Type: Crack, Short Oneshot, Gn!reader
Illumi is sick of your shit
Warnings: none
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Being friends with Illumi was...interesting to say the least. No one actually understands how you guys came to be acquainted, aside from the fact you both work in the same business. But somehow, you had gained the cold assassin's trust enough to go on joint missions with him and be invited over to his home.
And boy, were you glad that was the case.
Currently, you were sitting at the Zoldycks' grand dining table, discussing a potential ally-ship. Well; more like listening to Illumi and his father discuss it.
To be honest, you could care less about the technical side of things. For now all you could pay attention to was Illumi's absolute beefcake of a dad.
You were leaning against your arm that was propped up on the table with a smitten look on your face. Oh the things you would do if he wasn't married.
Glancing over at you, Illumi noticed the spacey look on your face, your eyes glued to his dad who was seated across the table.
"So Y/n, what do you say?"
Your brain didn't really comprehend the words spoken to you by the albino man, but you just nodded.
"Huh, yeah, whatever, that sounds good."
All that mattered right now was that he was looking at you.
You were snapped out of your daze at the feeling of Illumi kicking you from under the table. You jumped out of your slouched position and snapped your head to look at your companion, who was giving you the most dubious side eye you have ever seen.
After dinner, you and Illumi made your way down the corridor, about to leave the estate.
"Damn Illumi...you never told me your dad was so fine," you sigh, thinking back to the man you had just met moments ago. Your friend narrowed his eyes at you as the pair of you kept walking.
"Don't say that."
"Aw, come on, he's a total DILF! Do you need another dog? I can bark. Seriously, if he's interested in another spouse tell him to call me."
Illumi stopped walking, one of his eyes twitching slightly in annoyance. You took a few more steps before noticing he had stopped. You turned around to look at him as a beat of silenced passed.
The black haired man swiftly and wordlessly turned you around by your shoulders and began to push you down the hall.
"Hey! Let go of me- I can walk on my own y'know!"
After a while of being shoved towards the front door of the main estate, Illumi swings it open and throws you out before you hear a loud 'SLAM' behind you. You land with a quiet 'oof!' before getting off and dusting your pants. You huff before turning around and raising your fist to the door.
"You're just mad you got your looks from your mom!"
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flippinpancakes64 · 3 months
cullens with a drunk reader??
The Cullens with a Drunk Reader
Thank you for requesting and hopefully you like this!
Also quick disclaimer I have never been drunk before so this is just gonna be based on what I've seen in like movies or TV shows
Please tell me if I got something wrong <3
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He thinks you are hilarious
Whether you're a happy drunk, an angry drunk, or a sad drunk, he loves it all
When he hears your thoughts normally, he can hear all these things that you never say
Well when you're drunk it just sort of all comes out
Is more than happy to help you walk somewhere, get you more to drink, and hold your hair back (if it's long enough)
Eventually though he'll put a stop to it
If it gets to the point where he can't hear any more of your thoughts and knows that you are on the verge of blacking out, he is putting an end to the night
Will hold you close the rest of the night
And he is at your beck and call when you wake up the next morning
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Again, she thinks you're so funny
Every time that you trip, stumble, or slur your words she is laughing her ass off
Loves listening to whatever you have to say
She would love to take you places or have you try to do stuff
Of course, she wouldn't let you get hurt
But she would find endless amusement out of seeing you fall on the stairs
She's not one to stop your drinking
She has been able to see your future for the whole night
She sees that you are still gonna wake up with a hangover whether you have 5 or 10 drinks
So she just lets you have your fun
Again is preparing stuff for you in the morning though
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He gets just a little annoyed
Don't get him wrong he thinks you're amusing
But his idea of a fun Saturday night isn't making sure you don't break something or hurt yourself
So he mostly limits you to one room of the house + an activity
One time he got you to sit still for three hours while you were drunk just coloring in some old coloring book he found laying around
His favorite is karaoke night though
Will put a random sing-along song on the TV and watch you sing for hours
He'll stop you after a while though
With just a simple "okay enough fun go to bed"
Has something made for you to eat when you wake up
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Ok I have some thoughts about this one
We all know her backstory
A group of drunk men + her fiance violently and brutally SA'd her and killed her
So I don't think she would be too fond of alcohol
So you drinking around her would bring up those old memories
She tries not to take it out on you, though
Mostly would just leave the house
She'd be back in the morning though
If you drink excessively though, she would get angry and yell at you about it
But every once in a while she understands
Just don't drink around her
At least not for a while
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He loves it
He just finds it so funny
He can tease you endlessly and if you're too drunk all you'll be able to reply with is some slurred nonsense
He's an enabler though
Will challenge you to beer pong and other drinking games
Half of the drinks you take are from him
It's not that he means to get you blackout, it's just that he's having fun and forgets that you can't consume endless amounts of alcohol
He won't put a limit on you though
He would only notice that you need to stop if you pass out of throw up
And then he's in panic recovery mode
Is a little embarrassed and concerned the next morning that he let you get that out of hand
He repeats the cycle though
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I feel like she'd be a wine girly
Or like a brunch mimosa kinda girl
If she was alive, that is
I feel like that was her when she was alive, anyway
She wouldn't know what to do with someone who is fully drunk
Her past experiences have only been with people who were a little buzzed
She does think you're amusing though
But she'll be a lot more hover-y
Won't let you go anywhere on your own
You are in bed by 12 at the latest
You wake up to a feast and every single headache pill the local pharmacy had
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He's a little more concerned
He has people come into the clinic for alcohol related injuries (overconsumption, drunk driving, various accidents while intoxicated, etc.)
He knows the damage it can cause
Also if you are younger than 21 good try he is not letting you drink
But other than that he is a mama bear
Watching you very closely
Literally counting the ounces of alcohol you have to make sure you stay under a healthy limit
And don't even think about leaving the house
He's a bit too worried to find your shenanigans funny
But that's okay
He makes up for it by being there for you
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Bella Swan:
Another one who is just amused
She never got out much
She regrets never having drank alcohol while it could still affect her
Unfortunately that means she does live a little vicariously through you
Is playing bartender and giving you everything she makes
They're pretty bad
But you still drink them
Doesn't realize she's given you too much until you literally fall to the floor and pass out
Then she's like "oh shit"
Doesn't really know what to do though
So she has Carlisle take care of you
Apologizes profusely the next morning
Would still do it again though
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erwinsvow · 6 months
thank you cause i wouldn’t be able to handle that😰
ok maybe just a tiny little drabble... the link above
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like any other girl in the world, you were more than a little concerned that one of rafe's best friends was a girl. not just any girl, pretty girl, who was nothing but friendly to you, who could outdrink any of the boys and made everyone laugh. 
you were getting better about being insecure now that rafe was your boyfriend. he knew how to snap you out of it, and he was getting really good at understanding your cues—the sad expression in your eyes when you tried to convince you were fine, your polite smile when you didn't know how to tell him no, or that you just wanted to go home and be alone with him.
but as good as he was with you, you couldn't get over his relationship with his best friend. it sucked. she was nothing but nice, with a boyfriend of her own now but you still lingered over the very idea of some of the things kelce and topper had let slip to you through the past few months.
the fact that her and rafe used to sleep in his bed together, used to go out on the druthers alone, or even just the fact that he used to pick her up in the same truck he picked you up in. it all made your head spin, made you sad. and you weren't good at making yourself feel better.
luckily for you, that was your boyfriend's hidden talent—fucking the overthinking, the overwhelmed nature out of you. rafe keeps your wrists in place with his hand, pressed tightly against your back. you're on your knees, back arched infront of him while he slammed into you over and over again.
there's only so much you can take, head dropping onto the pillow while rafe kept going. between your moans and the sound of his bed at tannyhill creaking and thudding against the wall, you can't hear much, but you make out a few sentences.
"stop-" thrust. "thinking-" thurst. "about it." thrust. "why don't you jus' turn that brain off and let daddy think for you, hm? don't need you worryin' bout anythin' other than cumming all over my dick. got it, kid?"
you don't respond, helplessly moaning against his pillows while he pounds your pussy. your arms are sore from being twisted like this and your brain isn't processing anything but how good rafe feels inside you.
"got it?" he asks, yanking you up by your wrists, pressing your back firmly against his chest. he grips your tits, stopping until he gets an answer.
"yes, yes, yes, whatever you say, rafe-"
"hah. got that right. now stop thinkin' and take it."
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Hi, I saw you were asking for requests and I thought I'd give you an idea for Max Verstapppen x reader fic. I don't request much so if it's too detailed I'm sorry, you can change anything you want, it's just a scenario I've had in my head for a while. I was thinking about enemies to lovers, grumpy x sunshine (also I'm a sucker for angst with a happy ending) ❤️❤️❤️
Ok, so imagine this: Reader is a new redbull media person/photographer and Max has an instant crush on her but acts like an a**hole cause he can't understand his emotions towards the reader. Other drivers tease him about it. I imagine someone ask why he doesn't like her and Daniel just straight up says "cause he loooves her" and Max gets all flustered. The reader is an absolute sunshine and tries to make him like her, even tho she is hurt by his behaviour. At some point (maybe right before a race or smth) he says something about her and she overhears and is heartbroken and suddenly stops talking to him.
I don't have an idea for an ending except that if you are up to I would love some smut 😂
Behind your walls
Max Verstappen x Reader
Genre: grumpy x sunshine, smut, angst if you squint.
Request: yes and it made me so happy. I hope I did your idea justice! My requests are open (specifically for Charles, Max Lando, and Oscar). Please don't hesitate to send in an idea!
Summary: Max knows he loves you but can't admit it to anyone, including himself. What happens when you over hear something he say? Will he be able to finally be vulnerable?
Warnings: Max is a jerk (blame is on Jos), pining, mentions of anxiety and a panic attack, smut, fingering, oral (female receiving)
Notes: second pov, I got a bit carried away, and I've never written smut before, so figured crossed it's not as cringe to you as it is to me. I think I changed like one or two things about the request but tried to follow it as much as I could.
If you have the chance, please check out my other work. likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. I've started posting small snippets relating to my novel I'm currently editing, support for that is also always appreciated.
The following media is intended for those 18 and over. If you are underage, then please don't interact with this post.
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Max has never been the best at dealing with his emotions. Sure he’s had his fair share of girlfriends, but all of them ended in confusion and heartbreak because of father wanting him to dedicate his entire being to racing.
So he did the only logical thing and walled himself off. Only having the occasional fling and never letting himself get to attached.
Then everything changed when he met you. Your sweet personality hired to drag him around all of his PR duties.
He'd made several of his PR managers quit. Ironically, not because he was an asshole to them, but because he had a talent for hiding from the press. It drove his managers insane. Redbull hoped that hiring someone warm and gentle was that you could coax him into fulfilling his responsibilities.
Everyone seemed to love you. Wherever you went, smiles followed. You'd even managed to convince Daniel into being productive and out of whatever his next shenanigan was. Not that you minded them, often laughing along with him if the situation arose. And to everyone's surprise, Max did spend more time with the reporters.
This, however, came at a price. For some reason that nobody could understand, Max Verstappen despised you. Or that's what you thought.
Max himself just thought he was doing the right thing for himself. No matter how many delicious coffies you brought him for early mornings. No matter how many of his jokes caused you to laugh. No matter the praises for wins and comforts for losses. Not even the look of admiration and respect you had for him and how he wanted nothing more than to sweep you away from this terrible world. He would not fall in love.
So he became a jerk to you. Giving you the cold shoulder. He always made sparky remarks at your expense. He even went as far as verbally telling you to 'piss off' even though deep down it hurt him too. Yet you still never wavered. Merely brushing it off and going back to whatever you were previously.
One day during a race weekend, Max found himself with Daniel during his downtime. The two of them eating lunch and chatting about life. The conversation was pleasant until Daniel brought up you.
"I don't understand why you don't like her, mate." Daniel chuckled a little, but there was genuine curiosity behind his eyes. Then, a realization hit the Australian. "I bet you love her! Like a crush from a schoolboy!" He announces for everyone in the vicinity to hear.
Was he wrong? No. But Max wasn't going to tell him that.
"You're wrong, mate. I personally find her incredibly annoying." He scoffed. He was also trying to convince himself of this. It wasn't working like he'd been intending.
"Why do you think? She's like the sweetest person I've ever met." Daniel gives a confused look to Max, who is struggling to find a reason why.
He finally gives the Aussie and awnswer. "She thinks anyone will do whatever she wants cause she's so nice. It's aggravating to see people flit around at her beck and call like she owns the place."
Daniel's face falls, a frown now gracing his lips. "Damn, that's too bad, I think you would've liked her if you'd giver her the chance."
It's at this moment that Max felt a looming presence behind him. The grimace if Daniel's face apparent.
"Sorry for interrupting, Christian is looking for you, Max." Came your voice. Not the one he was used to, you sounded on the verge of crying.
You turned on your heels and swiftly left to find somewhere secluded to compose yourself.
You hadn't intended on eaves dropping. You caught the tail end of their conversation as you were walking up. There wasn't much other noise around, and it's not like either male knows the definition of quiet.
Max, on the other hand, knew he messed up. He placed his hands over his face, shaking his head repeatedly. "I am stupid. I am stupid." He mumbled.
After the race that he managed to win, despite a rough start, he found himself immediately looking for you. Then he looked for you from the podium. And again, when it was time to be harassed from the media.
When he couldn't find you anywhere, he decided to ask Christian. He was hoping to get the chance to explain himself. Maybe even opening up a little because you deserved it after what he said.
Christian looked at him skeptically when he asked. "I thought you'd been told. She went back to the hotel. Security found her hyperventilating, so I had Daniel drive her back."
The rest of the day went by in slow motion for Max. Daniel mentioned a couple of times that you had anxiety. He'd mentioned that you are a people pleaser. You just wanted everyone to smile.
He hadn't realized how much damage his statement had done at the time. The guilt is now settling into the pit of his stomach.
He had someone else following him around. Definitely not as nice as you. He knew he'd fallen for you but couldn't admit it to himself. He needed to make this right. He didn't care if you hated him forever, but he wasn't going to let you think he hated you any longer.
Finally he was able to escape the cameras and locate Daniel. "I need your help."
You had spent your time in the hotel watching the race under your blankets and calming yourself down. You wouldn't lie that you genuinely liked Max. He started as an aquintance, but then you picked up on any grain he would give you. Any story he would tell to fill the silence. You wanted him to enjoy your presence as much as you enjoyed his. You knew you couldn't force it, but it wasn't going to stop you from at least being nice. Had you pushed it too far anyway?
Daniel knew about your crush. He said he saw that way you would listen to his long wonded explanations with patience and understanding and new only someone who loved him could manage that.
However, Daniel had also given you a false sense of hope. The Australian said that he saw how Max wanted to make you laugh. How he followed every PR obligation so you could keep your job. He wanted you around, too.
The tears started rolling again at the thought.
It's evening now. You hadn't eaten since this morning, but your stomach had no intention of letting you nourish yourself. Your anxiety over needing to make everyone happy getting the best of you. You hadn't had a panic attack like that in awhile. Even going as far as to dry heave because of the intensity.
You were exhausted, to say the least.
You wanted to sleep, but Daniel had texted, saying he didn't care if you wanted it or not, he is on route to bring you comfort food.
You did your best to make yourself look presentable. Though when you looked in the mirror, you definitely didn't look happy.
The inevitable knock came. You didn't hesitate to swing open the door, ready to be greeted by a cheeky smile.
What you got was a Dutch with a sheepish smile holding your favorite food and some flowers.
"Before you say anything, please let me explain." He rushed out. He needed to, though, since you were trying to close the door on him. Instead, you pause, considering his offer, and let him inside without a word.
He steps in the door. Finally taking in your appearance and the state of your room. Both are in dissaray. You sit on the edge of the bed and patiently wait for him to gather his thoughts.
You'd always been patient with him. Another reason he loved you.
"I'm sorry for what I said."
You didn't want to believe him, but there was a genuine look behind his blue eyes. You don't say anything. Opting to just listen to him instead.
"I know I fucked up." Max continues. His voice shaking more than you'd ever heard. "And I know you may never forgive me for what I've done to you. But I am truly in love with you." He stares at the floor. Anxiety making him cast his eyes to the floor.
You are shocked, rendered completely speechless at the confession. "Why?" Wat the only thing you could get out.
Max sets down what he is holding and finds the spot next to you on the bed. "I know I treated you poorly. I thought that in pushing you away, I would protect myself. But I fell for you anyway."
He inhales sharply. Staring at your glassy eyes. How were you so calm? He felt exposed and vulnerable. "You don't have to talk to me ever again. But I couldn't let you go without telling you I love you."
"I love you too." You whisper. His head snaps up in surprise. Is he hearing things? "I have for a while."
Nope, he definitely heard right. He watches your lips twist upward into a small smile and let's out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"I know it'll take time, but please stick around. Let me show you hard I've fallen."
"It dosen't excuse how you treated me, but I'll give you a chance."
(AN: You can end here if you're not in the mood for spicy things or want to leave it at cute and fluffy... or not. Your choice )
The proximity between you two is so close now. Your foreheads practically touching.
Giving into the intense pull towards you, Max gives in and places his lips on yours. You taste sweet, exactly how he'd imagined. He could already tell he was going to become addicted. "Can I start tonight?" He might be pushing boundaries, but he'd be damned if he didn't at least ask.
He didn't hesitate to kiss you again when you gently nodded your head, yes. Giving him permission to continue for now.
This kiss was much more heated. Both of you hungry to act on all the pent-up emotions you had for each other.
You had one or two partners before Max. You know how to please. So immediately you moved to straddle him. Your inate need to put others first taking over.
It shocked you when Max pulled you off. Suddenly not knowing what to do with yourself. "Tonight is about you." He whispered in your ear. Planting kisses on your jaw as he lays you on the bed. "I'm going to show you how I've fallen for you." Kiss to your nose. "How much I love you." Kiss you your forehead. "And how much I need you." Puncuated by a slow sensual Kiss to your lips.
His lips move against yours with passion and lust. You open your mouth to give him access to your mouth, and he instantly begins exploring.
His hands gently caress the insides of your thighs and run up along your sides. Pulling your shirt up little bits at a time.
Your hand find themselves underneath his shirt. Your fingers are trying to memorize the feeling of his skin.
Max pulls away for you, panting heavily. "Can I take off some of your clothes?" He asks. His voice laced with new found confidence.
You'd never been treated like this. Often take advantage of because you are a giver. You gave constent sure, but this is a whole new level. You nod your head yes again, though looking skeptical.
Max picking up on this stops everything he's doing. "Are you ok? Your face is telling me something different."
"Yes, sorry, this is just a little new to me." You explain.
The shock hits Max once again. "Are you a virgin?!" His mind reeling that he was possibly going to take your virginity and he wouldn't have known.
He's more confused when you start laughing. "No, no! It's just that nobody has treated me so well before!"
"Oh, well if that's the case." A smirk finds its way onto his face as he straps you your shirt, then his. Then he takes your pants, your bra, and finally pauses. Laying kisses to every party of your body.
"I wish I hadn't closed myself off for so long. You're so beautiful. I've wanted you to myself like this for so long."
You pratically moan at his words. "Are you going to finish undressing?"
"What do you not get about me taking care of you." He places a finger over your lips to shush you. You sigh and comply. Letting him take control of the rhythm.
Max is over the top of you. Inching his way down. Sucking and leaving little marks as he goes.
He makes a pit stop at your chest. Gently taking your nipple and rolling it between his fingers. His tongue then finds the other one. Swirling it around, then sucking. Listening to you whimper beneath him.
"Do you like that lovely?" The cockiness in his voice not going unnoticed.
He trades sides with his hand and mouth. Trying to give equal attention to both your tits. His free hand now placed firmly on your hip to keep you still.
When he felt he'd given ample attention in one area, he made his way down lower. He stopped at your still clothed lower half. "Can I take these off you now?"
"If you don't I might cry."
Max has them off seconds layer. Now discarded with the rest of your clothes.
His gaze burns into you. His breathing erratic just looking at you. "Your are the most gorgeous thing on the planet."
You swallow hard as he finds a comfortable position. His head now in-between you thighs.
His finger gently rubs where you need him, and he places love bites to the insides of your thighs. "Glad to know I'm doing good so far." He smiles. His fingers are now coated in your slick substance.
You whimper again. His name falls from your lips like a prayer.
He licks the finger that was previously touching you. Savoring every bit of the tast he can. "Exactly like how I dreamed."
It was your turn to chuckle now. "You dreamed of me?"
"Almost every night. I got off in the morning to the memory."
You want to dwell on his dirty confession, but Max's tongue doesn't let you.
It doesn't take him long to have you writhing. His tounge unrelenting.
His fingers find their way inside of you. The act alone almost sends you off the edge. Instincts take over as you find yourself closer to utter bliss. Your arms struggle to push max away. His arms hooked under your thighs to hold you close keep you from doing so.
Your back arches as you release. Max is slowly coming to a stop as your ride out your high.
Both of you are breathing heavily. Max's fingers are still caressing your hips as you both catch your breath.
Realization hits you. "Don't you need something too?" You ask, voice laced with anxiety over not pleasing him also.
Max only smirks, laying his head against your leg. "I fine, don't you worry. Tonight, we cuddle, and tomorrow I take you for round two."
And that's exactly what you did. Max helped clean you up and put on your pajamas. Then you two curled up in bed together. Him telling you everything he had been wanting to since he laid eyes on you.
You know this road worh Max certainly wouldn't be easy. But you're patient, and you'll wait for him. As long as he needs to let himself fully tear down his walls.
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
rewrite the stars
Characters: Leona, Azul, Jade, Idia
Synopsis: if the stars say we're not meant to be, then why don't we just rewrite the stars?
Tags: horoscopes, reader is insecure, crack(?), fluff, comfort, not proofread
Word count: 1.4k+
Notes: rewrite the stars got stuck in my head then this idea popped up hehe
Disclaimer: i don't really know a lot about astrology, so most of the things i say are from google searches. in general, take astrology with a grain of salt yeah.
but also my sign and jade's sign are compatible hehehe
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it's not easy being confident in love, and sometimes when you get so lost in your fears, you let anyone and anything tell you what you fear to admit, without a care for how truthful those words may be.
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truthfully, if you were dead serious and broke up with him, he'd just grumble out a "whatever" and put up the façade that he doesn't care
but he'd actually be so mad at himself for pushing you away and how nothing in his life could ever go smoothly
but your eyes are swollen and tears are threatening to spill as you whisper those words
he silently approaches you, and instinctively reaches to brush your tears away, but his warm, calloused hand only makes you cry harder at how much you love the man before your eyes
he pulls you into his arms and holds you close as you sob into his chest
he doesn't say anything and waits for you to elaborate, there's a part of him that's afraid if he asked you why you wanted to break up with him, he couldn't bear how his own self-hatred
once you've calmed down, you start explaining how you two are incompatible in astrology, that he's a leo so it's easy for miscommunication to happen and other issues that have plagued you since you read about them
he's heard all this make believe astrology personality stuff before, but never before has he been glad of how ridiculous the idea is
you hear leona let out a big sigh, and the tension in his shoulders immediately lessens
pulls away from you to stare deep into your eyes, his face completely serious and solemn
"Herbivore, are you happy with me?" he asks. At you confused face, he repeats the question, his expression unchanging. When you nod firmly, he smiles slightly and asks again. "Then what else matters? As if I would let the souls of the past kings or some random star talk decide who I'm gonna love," he scowls at the idea. He leans forward and rests his forehead against yours. "You're stuck with me now, I'm not lettin' ya go that easily," he whispers.
He pulls you with him as he falls back onto the mattress, cradling you in his arms. "Sleep. You're not a baby anymore so don't go crying yourself to sleep," he teases, but he gently kisses the remainder of your tears away.
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azul.exe has stopped functioning
blubbering like a fish out of water (wait...) he's lost and hurt and confused and panicking all at the same time
"w-w-what have i done to upset you angelfish????"
the tweels walk into azuls office just to see the two of you crying and confused, azul trying to ask you why and he's sad and crying, you're stumbling over your words and sniffing and crying
ok after a glass of warm water (thank you jade) the two of you calm down to actually have a proper conversation, though azul is still very obviously tense
you explain that he's a Pisces and that means you two not compatible with how sensitive he is and he's a water sign and so on
azul is very confused about how stars can determine people's personalities, but he does fit the description of a Pisces, and if his beloved Angelfish is stressed over astrology, then it must be a reliable tell (azul no)
he asks for you to give him some time, to actually understand your reasonings and of course, to give him a chance and prove to you how willing he is to work out a relationship with you
the next day, azul visits you with very deep dark eye circles, but the glint in his eyes shows full determination and confidence
azul businessman mode on!
sits you down and pulls up a slideshow
azul ashengrotto is now an astrology expert!
he's determined to show you that you two have maximum compatibility and whatever issues you have? he'll always work them out with you
"Darling, you mentioned our Sun signs yesterday, but I think it's crucial to also discuss our rising, moon, and star signs." He declares as he points to a star chart. "Now, following the calculations of our birth dates and locations..."
An hour later, you sit completely convinced that astrology all but supports your relationship with Azul, and you can't help smile and jump into his arms. Azul, sleep deprived and running on anxiety, somehow manages to not fall over, but soon leans his weight on you. "See? We're perfectly compatible with each other," he murmurs against your ear. His arms wrap around you, squeezing you gently, "so please don't leave me, I wouldn't know what to do without you..."
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eyes wide slowly blinking like "... I beg your pardon?"
honestly jade doesn't look that surprised/hurt
but really he's suppressing the turmoil of emotions inside him
ever the logical thinker, he'd ask a calm "May I ask why, my dear?"
and you surprise him again with flowing tears and a trembling voice
though he's listening very patiently as he's diligently wiping away your tears with his handkerchief, soft careful movements to avoid causing discomfort
asks questions when he doesn't understand what in astrology is going on, genuinely making an effort to understand this field of academics
in a sense, he's distracting you from being upset with academic discussion
okay, he's a Scorpio, which makes him good at manipulating people??? and he's very bold??
now while he finds all this very interesting and slightly accurate, it still feels pretty whimsical that the time you're born in determines your personality
particularly as he's so different to Floyd! and they were born at the same time!
whichever the case, the more pressing issue is his dearest lover sniffing and whining that you could never be happy together with how incompatible you are
he pulls you into his chest for a bit, rubbing soothing circles into your back and leaving gentle kisses you until your sniffing quiets down
"Dearest, won't you look at me?" he murmurs against your ear. You look up to see the most tender expression you had ever seen on him, his mismatched eyes filled with warmth and affection.
"While it is indeed extremely unfortunate that our star signs are incompatible, I don't believe there's a single person out there who could love me better than you do," he says as he kisses your hand. "I promise that your happiness will always be my utmost priority, so won't you continue to love this silly eel?"
"Now, while I will always find you enchantingly beautiful, I do believe a smile shines the brightest on my lovely pearl," he smiles while brushing the remaining wetness away from your eyes.
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simply put, idia panics immediately
every day he thinks the fates have been far too kind to him for you to even reciprocate his feelings
he's always mentally preparing himself if you want to break up or you need to leave him
so he puts up a brave face when you say you can't be together
but wait... you actually look really upset and on the verge of tears???
"Hold up, why are you the one crying?"
please don't tell him those are tears of joy i think he'd die on the spot
through sobs and sniffs, you tell him that you were curious about your compatibility based on astrology
and okay...? he's a fire sign??? explains the hair
okay so you're telling him, you're breaking up with him solely because you think this thing might be right and not because you hate him, right?
brb gotta blow up some stars
starts mumbling about some plans to build space missiles and blow up some stars that make up his sign or something
he can't be an asparagus(??? idia no it's sagittarius doesn't matter) if the constellation no longer exists, right?
you stop him (thank god) by cupping both of his cheeks to make him stare straight at you
he's flushing up instantly and every fiber of his being yearned to turn away but your teary gaze makes him stop squirming
"You know," he begins, his voice earnest and steady, "everyday, I can't believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. If you're unworthy of me, then I'm unworthy of you."
He lets out a chuckle, that rumble echoing right into your ear. "I suppose I can put those star destroyer blueprints on hold, at least for the time being. But if the stars ever mess with us again, it's game over for them."
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hypewinter · 7 months
3 HC/AU Prompt Thingy (3)
1). Box Ghost hears he was powerful and feared I'm the Dan timeline, gets ripped
2). Jason, as a reverent can hit ectoplasm ghosts
3). Guys Night Out (choose whatever ghosts you want)
(I love making these and your the only one who writes for them, :))
Ok hear me out: Full DILF box ghost. Don't scroll away and just give me a second of your time ok?
Boxy gets swoll. Real swoll. His gimmick might still be dumb but now he's so strong that no one dares to point that out anymore. That being said, he is still the best dad ever to Boxed Lunch. I'm talking about helping her tie her shoes, being a willing participant in her tea parties, tucking her in at night, the works. He's such a good father that when Boxed Lunch asks for a super rare Orphan toy that was only ever distributed in Gotham, he immediately agrees to get it for her.
Johnny 13 hears about Box Ghost's little outing and invites himself along as he wants to get Kitty some new jewelry to make up for their last fight. Thus begins a wild night for Boxy and Johnny as they both have a heart to heart (now that Johnny 13 can't make fun of him for fear of being punted through a wall) plus they even bond over how much they love the women in their lives.
All is going well. The boys have done some fun stuff around the city, gotten up to a little mischief, and even picked up Johnny's apology jewelry. The only thing left is Boxed Lunch's toy. As they're scouring an abandoned warehouse full of discontinued toys that's when Jason drops it. He'd been getting reports of strange occurrences all night from his men and he'd finally been able to track it down to this warehouse. Of all the things Jason anticipated, it was not two weird looking metas going through boxes. But nevertheless he has a job to do.
He aims his gun at the two metas and demands they step away from the boxes. They don't. Why would they? They're ghosts, this human can't hurt them. Sure enough when Jason eventually fires at their knees after a couple of warning shots, the rubber bullets go right through. Jason is shocked to say the least. And now his mind is whirring a mile a minute trying to figure out how those two just did that. Meta powers? Hidden tech? How is he going to deal with this? He doesn't want to go through the embarrassment of calling for backup.
Johnny 13 on the other hand, is pretty peeved this guy won't leave them alone. He's ruining their night out! So he decides to scare him. Maybe that will make him leave. So Johnny gets right up in Jason's fac- er mask and lets out a pretty impressive ghostly howl if he does say so himself. Except instead of running away, Jason instinctively punches him. In the nose. And it hurts. A lot.
So now Johnny is reeling in pain, Jason realizes he can take care of these guys the old fashioned way and Boxy has finally found the Orphan toy. "Oh no!" I hear you say. "The fight of the century between Boxy and Jason is about to go down!" Actually no. Not really.
Box Ghost has been teaching Boxed Lunch about conflict resolution recently and he is not about to let his actions contradict his words. So he explains the situation to Jason. Jason for his part is a little miffed but understanding. You're just trying to be a good father. I get it. Besides these toys are just gonna collect dust in here anyways. Oh but you do have to return the jewelry. *Sad (and pained) Johnny 13 noises*
Jason kinda feels bad for the whole, punching Johnny in the nose thing (even though it was totally his fault) so he offers to take them to find non-stolen jewelry for Kitty instead. Thus the boys night continues! Now with extra shenanigans.
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angry-tarot · 6 months
a message from your pain
talking about suffering is hard, but ultimately necessary. welcome to this pac, I am here to shed light on your wounds in ways that are helpful. by the way, sorry if the artwork is triggering, I tried to find the perfect ones that really encapsulate what deep pain and despair feel like, but the messages might be more soothing than the pics lol.
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welcome to your reading ! just wanted to say thanks in advance for stopping by 🫡
Pile one 🖤
You're putting your sword down. Confrontation is a no no for you, isn't it? You rather die than pick up a fight again. You swallow your words, your boundaries are non existent, you're constantly on edge and anxious. Hear me out, pile one. When you're putting your sword down, you're not actually putting it down. You're shoving it right in your own stomach. I'm not telling you to become angry and start fighting everyone around you. But if you keep quiet, taking it all in, you're going to become sick. You want to keep the peace, but not your peace. You want to keep yourself small, not bothersome, for these people's comfort. If talking to the people around you is so conflict inducing, why bother having these people around at all? If your boundaries aren't heard or even allowed to be set, why bother having these people around you AT ALL? If you must live with them, consider moving somewhere more peaceful, like a family member. Take action if your words aren't welcomed. Leave. Remove yourself. Stop taking in poison, because the longer you do, the longer the healing will take. You're already feeling awful. Your suffering exist because you feel obligated to be around people who hurt you and demand you to be silent. Set yourself free. And don't try to talk to them about it. You will have to unpack all of this on your own, or with other people who will understand and hear you. Process everything you buried deep within you by journaling, speaking out loud, punching a pillow. Just let it all out. Short them you will have to slowly heal from all this crystalized, internalized abuse. Long term, recognize this pattern: whenever you feel the need to be quiet to not bother someone else, leave, and never go back to the people who did this to you.
Pile two 🖤
Oh, your pile actually resonates with the pic you chosen. I see an artist, a creative or someone who does something out of the norm. You could even be a witch, like me. The thing is, you have internalized a lot of criticism, and no longer feel as passionate as you did before. You want to create and be who you were before, but you lost your drive and motivation. It seems a lot of conflict used to exist or still exists because of your hobby, career or spirituality, and you felt like it lost the point. You could've tried to prove something to these people, you could've tried to argue, and nothing worked. Even your own progress wasn't matching to your expectations. So what if they were right? Your spark died, but now that you have worked so hard, it's hard to let go. It became your personality, it used to be your comfort, but now there's only a shadow of what it used to be. I'm not going to tell you whether you keep going or not, this is your decision. But you can regain the spark if you want to. But try to protect it better this time, whatever it is that you do. Hide it, if it is possible. Avoid taking about it to people who are committed to misunderstanding you. And go backwards. Reconnect with it, by understanding what made you so fascinated and entranced by it in the beginning. Maybe, that vision is no longer appealing, and if so, create another one. Restart from scratch, but have a vision, just like you did in the beginning. Say to yourself you are committed to falling in love again with your craft, if that's what you choose. If not, it's always ok to let it go. You can always find another something to be passionate about.
Pile three 🖤
Someone taught you that money was the only thing in life. That it defined your worth and value as a person. That nothing else was as important. That your safety was defined by the amount of money you had, from a young age or a very vulnerable period in your life. So your mind attached to the idea that if you didn't had money, you were in mortal danger, you were worthless and a nobody. Your relationship with money, regardless of how much you have or not, is distorted. You could be stable and still feel like it's not enough, or you could be just starting in adulthood and feeling very scared of the future. Money is important, yes. But it's exactly this fear, this pressure, this feeling like your life depends on it, it's paralyzing you, it's traumatizing and deeply agonizing. What will help you is basically lots of cbt. Ever heard of catastrophizing? Cognitive distortions? These could be playing a large role on your mindset and consequently, the amount of money you're able to make. These tools of cbt can help you relax and see things a bit more rationally. Since it's personal to each of you, I cannot fix your fears, but I can give you some of my tools for you to fix them yourself.
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ressonancee · 7 months
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♥ SYNOPSIS: Soonyoung is a man on a mission to get his ex back, even if this means enduring watching her going on dates in a reality TV show - ok maybe he didn't think it through when he thought it was a good idea to go on said tv show. Alternatively; Soonyoung love transit episode. ♥ GENRE: (this is me trying to do) comedy, romance, a little dash of angsty because they are exes and because it is me writting I guess. ♥ TEASER WORD COUNT: 437 words, FIC WORD COUNT: around 25k? I don't know it is getting out of hands ♥ FEATURING: Wen Junhui as Soonyoung's number one enemy, Xu Minghao, Lee Chan, Boo Seungkwan as a cranky panelist, Seo Changbin as a normal panelist, Girls Day Yura just because I love her, Pi Cheolin as a panelist that nobody knows why he has been cast but he makes it work. ♥ PLAYLIST: 1. VINTAGE - NIKI, 2. LAS JORDANS - TINI, 3. CALL ME - RENGGA JONES, 4. STILL INTO YOU - PARAMORE, 5. LOVE LIKE THAT - SAM KIM, 6. TENTA ACREDITAR - ANAVITÓRIA, 7. URS - NIKI ♥ LOVE TRANSIT MASTERLIST
“Do you know you have to think about other options too, right?” The producer asks him. The giant camera is way too close to his face and the producer is sitting just under it - in a little stool that looks utterly uncomfortable. Soonyoung wanted to face her, but she begged three different times to stare right at the camera. He is sitting so still that he can feel the energy accumulating on his body, making him almost quick in his seat.
“I am not interested in that,” Soonyoung answers - staring at the camera and trying to not blink too much even if the lights of the studio hurt his eyes. 
“But the point of this program is that you are open to dating other people and letting her date other people as well,” the producer insisted, and Soonyoung almost laughed. He knows that, for fucking sake he only got his date because he is a master in rock paper scissors and his ex went on a date with fucking Junhui. He knows the point of everything, he just doesn't really care.
“Like I said, I am not interested in that, my goal with this,” He tries to explain, using his hand to point at everything, the set actually looked way better on camera and it was very flimsy in real life, and every time he thinks he will break a fake wall. “Is that we get back together,” he grins confidently, “Sorry pd-nim but we will get back together before this end.” 
He hears the producer groan, he is pretty sure she shouldn’t be groaning and this won’t go to the final cut. He thinks the audio people will handle it, they probably will put a fade in music or whatever, they are professionals. 
“I mean,” Seungkwan starts with his broadcast voice, “does he understand the point of the program?”
“I don’t think he does,” Changbin answered him, “He still has feelings for her doesn’t he? Like he talked about her the whole date,” he said laughing.
“I am sorry,” Seungkwan pipes up again, “PD-nim are you sure that this guy is even trying? Are you guys even doing your job picking guys like this one?” 
“This one is definitely unique, he is not even trying,” Yura laughs, “But I really did like her dynamic with Jun, the date was super cute.”
“Me too, me too,” Pi Cheolin says, a little way too enthusiastic, “But I don’t think Soonyoung will let us see more of them together.” 
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
did you ever end up writing the phone call blurb?? i am STRUGGLING to find it and im so desperate 😭😭😭
called you again (extended)
a/n: ok so i never got to writing the actual phone call that transpires between carmy and reader, that gets her to chicago in the first place. and if i recall correctly, @cool-girl-is-hot was also patiently awaiting this phone call. since i'm doing the follower celebration, what a perfect time for me to bring this back, @bunnywritesmarvel.
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You answer the call before you can talk yourself out of it, immediately putting it on speaker. 
“Hi,” you say, your voice shaking a little. 
And it’s as if a fog clears, like you've been waiting to hear it for a long time.
“Hi,” he replies, his voice soft, yet hesitant.
You're met with a long silence on the end of the other line as the two of you dance around whatever it is Carmy called to say. There's a part of you that wants nothing more than to spill everything, lead the conversation like you always do, but after months of radio silence, you know you can't do that. If Carmy wants to reconnect, then he's got a whole of groveling to do considering he pretty much ghosted you since he moved back home.
"I uh. I heard," he finally says, in reference to your recent change of employment.
"Oh," you sound, your voice higher in pitch than you imagined it would be as you scramble to find a better word than 'oh.' "I... um. Yeah. My heart wasn't in it anymore."
What you want to say is, my heart moved to Chicago and forgot how his fucking phone works.
"Yeah," Carmy replies, and you can practically hear him pacing back and forth as he searches for something to say.
You share another silence, this one much more tense than the last, like a hot pot of water about to blow its lid off in pressure, as you wait for him to ask you something -- anything. How hard could it be?
How are you? What's been going on? Sorry I haven't called.
But he doesn't say anything of these things. Instead, when he finally speaks again, all he says is:
"So listen. I uh-, I got this guy. He’s- he’s self taught but he’s got a lot of potential,” Carmy explains, his delivery becoming more and more confident as he hides behind the work.
“He just needs a good teacher – someone to inspire him – give him some of the foundations he would’ve gotten in culinary school. I think uh, I think you'd like him.
So after four months of no contact he... needs something from you? You can't help the feelings of anger and disappointment that grow inside of you.
Was he upset that you quit the restaurant -- here to talk you into going back -- now that he needed a favor? A stage?
“Just for a week, maybe?" Carmy suggests, his voice going up at the end, almost as if it's a question.
"I can’t pay you much but uh, well we’ve got a little money, which is a whole other story, and I can talk to my brother-in-law. He can put you up somewhere… you know… if you want to. If that helps.” 
He's asking you to come to Chicago.
While it feels like it changes things, you're still ambivalent and you certainly don't want to get your hopes up.
"Carmy..." you trail off on an exhale. "I don't know."
"Sure," Carmy nods, chewing on his lip, suddenly feeling extremely self conscious about asking you in the first place.
He wants to take it all back, tell you it was a stupid idea, and apologize for even saying something in the first place. But he doesn't. He can't. Because after working himself up to call you for the last few hours, there's no way he's going to back out now.
Let it rip, Bear.
"I uh... well, I understand. If can't-. Don't want to. Maybe I shouldn't've uh..." Carmy stammers through, the heat rising to his cheeks.
"It's just uh. Tim told me... you might be looking for some inspiration."
You pause before asking:
"Can I... Can I think about it?"
"Yeah. Yeah, of course. Sure," Carmy is quick to answer, because he really wants to make this okay for you.
For the both of you.
And because hearing your voice for the first time in four months feels better than he ever could've imagined.
"Okay. I'll uh... I'll think about it," you drag out, because you know you'll need some time to process this.
"Listen, I uh. I'm late to meet Liz. But I'll let you know. Either way."
"Yeah, okay. Okay," he answers, nodding eagerly.
"Okay," you reply, listening to Carmy bid you a soft spoken goodbye before ending the call.
"Holy shit," you hiss, putting your phone down on the table, your hand folded over your heart as you can feel it race.
Well, you've got quite the decision to make.
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Giselle x Fem Reade - Do Me as a Favor
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Summary: Giselle was sick for a few days and missed practice. Having to stay overtime, she was anxious, exhausted, and frustrated. Luckily, you decided to stay behind with her and as her best friend, is your duty to help take her mind off of things.
Dynamics: Top!reader/Bottom!idol
Genre: Smut;
Warnings: +18; oral; fingering; (not much in this one)
Giselle was frustrated, it was always a bit stressful when you had to prepare award ceremony performances, but having missed 3 days of practice due to being sick, she had to make up for the lost time. Which resulted in staying behind after practice ended, she's been doing it for a week and was fed up. She couldn't sleep properly because her mind was always running with things that could go wrong and how the hell was she going to keep up with you girls. She didn't even have the time or energy to get herself off, the sexual frustration plus the exhaustion and anxiety were making her frustrated beyond belief.
- You girls can go ahead, I guess I'll stay behind with Aeri today. I want to go over some steps I'm still not confident in. - Aeri looks at you smiling widely from her sprawled on the floor like a starfish position.
- You're staying with me?!
- Yes, I am. Maybe we can help each other. You seem to have nailed the steps I'm insecure about. - you say, Aeri sits up and nods.
- For sure!
You said your goodbyes to the girls and started practicing right away.
(Almost 2 hours later)
- Let's take a break. - Aeri says pausing the music and taking a sip from her water bottle.
You sit on the floor with your back against the couch, breath harbored and Aeri offers you her water bottle. You thank her and take a big sip, a drop escaping from the corner of your mouth and running down your neck, Aeri follows every movement.
- Can I ask you something? - you nod. - Do me as a favor.
You blink twice before laughing.
- Don't you mean do you a favor?
- No. I mean exactly what I said.
- Is this a joke?
- No... You don't have to tho. Is just... I've been so frustrated lately and way to tired to do anything about it. You've always said I'm pretty so being attractive is not an issue. You've been with girls before and always talk about your crushes in women so I know for a fact you're not strai-
- I'll do it. - interrupting her rambling you answer her request.
- Really?! - her head perked up and you chuckled.
- Are you surprised? I've said it before, you're gorgeous, besides, we trust each other. I just need you to assure me that it won't become a problem between us later. I'm not willing to bet our friendship on some sexual relief. - you end it seriously.
- I promise it won't. I wouldn't bet our friendship on anything.
- Good. Come here. - you pat your lap for her to sit on it and she widens her eyes.
- What? N-now?
- Now is as good a time as any. Manager-unnie is coming to pick us up in a few and I have a feeling you're not the quietest person in bed so I don't think we can do that with anyone around. - she seems to understand your point and crawls to you, straddling your lap with her hands holding your shoulders. You hold her waist and look in her eyes. - Are you sure you wanna do this?
- Yes. - she doesn't hesitate in her answering so you don't hesitate to capture her lips in a kiss which she reciprocates sighing.
- How do you like it? - you ask kissing down her jaw, chin and neck.
- Hm? - you pull away only to be greeted with the sight of Aeri with her eyes closed, biting her bottom lip. It makes you smile
- Would you like it fast and rough or slow and sensual. - you graze your teeth on he earlobe and she sighs again squeezing your shoulders
- I want whatever you're willing to give me. Just give me something, anything. - at this point she was already rocking on your lap and you were starting to lose it.
- Ok. - grabbing a fistful of her hair you pull her into a bruising kiss, smiling into it when you hear her moan. Your other hand on her hip willing her to keep on moving .
She takes it upon herself to deepen the kiss swiping her tongue across your lips to which you let her in without hesitation, moaning when your tongues meet.
She pulls away panting, looking at you with hooded eyes while opening your oversized button up. Following her you pull her shirt over her head, noticing how her bra clasp was at the front, your hand goes for it but before opening you look at her for consent. She nods.
The sight before you makes your mouth water. The cold air of the aircon making her nipples instantly harden.
- I've always had a thing for your boobs y'know?
- Everybody knows that. You're always looking at them. - she says rolling her eyes, smiling teasingly and you smile back - Pervert
That's the last thing she says before throwing her head back with a moan when your mouth goes for her right nipple, your hand pulling on the left one.
You were having fun noticing she was growing desperate by how she was grinding harder against your lap. That is before her phone started ringing.
She groaned before picking it up from the ground and putting it against her ear without looking who it was.
- What?! - frustration evident in her voice. - oh, yes, unnie. Hm... yeah - your lips went back to nipple, your hand rubbing her pussy through her pants. Before she could hold herself back, she moans. Aeri slaps your back and you chuckle agaisnt her skin. - I'm fine, I just hit my knee... okay. We'll be waiting. Let us know when you get here.
- What is it?
- Manager-unnie is coming to get us. Guess fun is over. - she motions to get up and you pull her back.
- We just have to be quick. We have less than 15 minutes. - this time you don't wait to put your hand inside her panties moving your middle and ring fingers in circles on her clit.
- Oh fuck - her voice is breathy. Head thrown back giving you access to her neck where you give open-mouthed kisses and graze your teeth lightly so you leave no marks.
Her soft moans are like music to your ears. The way she moves her hips on your hand drives you crazy.
Pulling your hand away Aeri whines. Biting her lip when she sees you suck your fingers
- Sit on the couch - she does so with no questions, lifting her hips when you pull on her pants and panties altogether. - Open your legs for me.
Her cheeks are in a pink shade. Aeri feels shy all of a sudden but she knows there's no time for embarrassment now so she does as you ask. You look in her eyes yet again searching for some reassurance and she nods.
You close your eyes before running you flattened tongue from her entrance to her clit and you find yourself dripping by her smell and taste and the way her hole closes around nothing, you repeat the motion a few times. One of her hands gripping your hair the other one pulling on her nipple. You look at her face only to be greeted with an Aeri with her face flushed, eyes closed, eyes furrowed but what got to you was the way she smiled while biting her lip.
Pulling her to the edge of couch by her thighs you put her legs around your shoulder. One hand snaking around her leg, resting on the top of her mound pulling back so the hood of her clit no longer covers it. Again you flatten your tongue and rests it at the top of her clit moving ever so lightly so it doesn't hurt her. She hums in approval.
Your free hand travels up her leg, squeezing her inner thigh then positioning two fingers on her entrance. Pushing in slowly while kissing her inner thigh, she gasps when you suck on her inner thigh leaving a mark close to her crotch.
You move your fingers experimentally enjoying her moans.
- F-faster... please... - and you comply. Who are you not to do exactly what a pretty girl asks.
The faster you move the louder she gets. Pulling on her own nipples, her pussy squeezing your fingers, you knew she was close so you go back to suckling on her clit.
Her moans are borderline pornographic at this point and you were praying no one was around or close to the studio.
- I'm gonna cum... I'm gonna cum... please don't stop... Please.... - you didn't. If anything you moved your fingers faster and suckered harder. Letting out the longest moan she arches her back from the couch and you help her with her high.
You pull your fingers out just in time for her phone to vibrate again. You pick it up to let her recover.
- Hello? Ah, yes. We're coming. - turning off the call you look at her and smile. - we gotta go.
- okay. - Aeri stands up on shaky legs and you take it upon yourself to help her get dressed. Aeri looks at you and laughs, you follow her.
- what?
- Your chin. - she cleans her own cum from you lips and chin then peck your lip. - Thank you. Maybe I can return the favor later.
- Wanna shower together when we get home? - you offer.
- I'm dying to.
Taking her hand you pull her out of the door towards the elevator. Both running along the corridors of the building giggling like two teenagers.
Well, Giselle wasn't that frustrated anymore.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 5 months
Tw: episodes and stuff, uh thinking simeone is coming to get you or something
Teen reader that has episodes and they think that someone is coming to get them and they only way you can calm them down is like holding them?? Just comfort basically with Ben, Liu, and jeff, bc yes
Btw love your writing😊😊
Summary: Being comforted by creeps during an episode by having them hold you
Genre: Fluff, minor angst
Warnings: Mentions of episodes/general unhappy emotions
Credits: Ben, Liu, Jeff- Creepypasta, Divider- benkeibear, Cover picture- Pinterest
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Ben Drowned
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You had plans to play video games together that day since Ben was off work
And after video games, you were gonna read comics
Ben had went up to the library for a little bit to get said comics, and came back 30 minutes later
You had said you'd be in his room by then, but you weren't
He wasn't too concerned though, maybe you were just a little late
So he sets the books down on the floor next to his bed and heads over to your room
It is completely empty, and it looks like you had been trying to move somewhere fast by how disheveled the room was
He opens the door a little wider to step into the room, hoping to look for you when he hears a sharp gasp come from the bathroom
He raises a brow and steps over to the door, knocking and waiting for a response
When he doesn't get one he begins to get a little concerned "Y/n, are you ok in there?"
He then hears what sounds like a gun cocking, so he phases through the door without warning
When he does, he is immediately shot at by you, but of course the bullets go right through him
After maybe 3 shots, you drop the gun and begin to sob uncontrollably
You are curled up in your bathtub, knees to your chest and shaking violently
Ben comes to sit in the bath with you, hesitating before beginning to rub your back
"Woah, what's going on? What was the gun in here for?"
You try to speak but it all comes out jumbled and fast "Iwasscaredsomeonewasgonnagetmesoihidinthebathtubandgottheguntobesafe" You take a long breath "It was so scary!!"
Ben did not understand a word of what you had said, but he's not gonna make you repeat it because of how stressed you are
So he instead straightens out his legs and makes his form more physical and solid, so he can drag you up into his lap and cradle you
"Hey, let's calm down ok? Whatever happened, I'm here now, so you don't have to be scared. I promise" He says as he begins to wipe tears from your face
You already begin to calm down, your breathing slowing and the tears almost stopping entirely
A few minutes pass before he speaks again "See? You're alright. Barely even crying now" he says with a smile
"Come on, let's go play video games now. That always helps me feel less scared."
Homicidal Liu
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Liu, being a caretaker is almost always swarmed by kids
He tries his best to keep up with everyone, making sure they're taken care of and happy, but sometimes it's hard to get to everyone
It was mid-afternoon at this point, and he had thought that maybe he had some time to himself when he realized that he hadn't checked in on you today
Logically he knows that you are old enough to take care of yourself, but he still likes to check in and make sure you're ok
So he gets up and heads to your room, but when he arrives you aren't there
He thinks that maybe you had gotten out of bed to get food or something until he hears a shifting noise from the closet
With a piqued interest, he heads over and opens one of the doors cautiously
It takes him a moment to realize that you are on the floor, curled up in a ball with your head under your hands, and violently shaking
He frowns and crouches down, lowering his voice so he doesn't startle you "What are you doing in here? Are you ok?"
You shake your head but don't say anything, you can't
As a caretaker, he is told any necessary medical information about the children so he can do his job better
So he is aware that you can have episodes sometimes and how he can help
So seeing that you are currently in one, he begins to take off his cardigan, setting it to the side and pulling you into his lap
Once you are settled, he spreads his cardigan over you making sure you are all covered
He begins to stroke your hair and shush you, telling you that you are safe and that no one is coming for you
Once you are calm enough to communicate, he asks if you'd like any water, and if you'd like to stay with him for the rest of the day
The choice is yours as to what you do, and he will respect your decision either way
Jeff The Killer
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Jeff is a very naturally protective person, so he told you early on that if you ever felt like you were in danger that you needed to come find and tell him about it
He doesn't care what he's doing, you are always the most important thing
So when you feel the anxiety creeping in, you immediately head to his room to tell him about it
He is asleep, and is a very hard sleeper at that, but you know he'll be upset if you don't at least try to wake him up and tell him
So you crawl over to the side of the bed he's on and shake him a little
After a few moments of shaking him, he begins to wake up, squinting and sleepily asking what you want
You explain that you think you're about to have an episode, and he sighs loudly
He doesn't like being woke up, but he also really cares about you
So he sits up, rubs his face and beckons you into his arms
You silently crawl onto him, and once you are comfy he lays back down
"You know there's no body comin' to get ya" he mutters into your head
"I know, but my brain doesn't" you whisper
"Well just know that I'm scarier than anybody that could want to take you. Even if there was someone coming for you, I promise they'd never even get the chance to finish getting the idea through their head before I take care of 'em." He says
He then covers your eyes with his hands "Now go to sleep, nerd. I'm tired"
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