Rebellious Tarot
13 posts
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angry-tarot · 9 months ago
a message from your pain
talking about suffering is hard, but ultimately necessary. welcome to this pac, I am here to shed light on your wounds in ways that are helpful. by the way, sorry if the artwork is triggering, I tried to find the perfect ones that really encapsulate what deep pain and despair feel like, but the messages might be more soothing than the pics lol.
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welcome to your reading ! just wanted to say thanks in advance for stopping by 🫡
Pile one 🖤
You're putting your sword down. Confrontation is a no no for you, isn't it? You rather die than pick up a fight again. You swallow your words, your boundaries are non existent, you're constantly on edge and anxious. Hear me out, pile one. When you're putting your sword down, you're not actually putting it down. You're shoving it right in your own stomach. I'm not telling you to become angry and start fighting everyone around you. But if you keep quiet, taking it all in, you're going to become sick. You want to keep the peace, but not your peace. You want to keep yourself small, not bothersome, for these people's comfort. If talking to the people around you is so conflict inducing, why bother having these people around at all? If your boundaries aren't heard or even allowed to be set, why bother having these people around you AT ALL? If you must live with them, consider moving somewhere more peaceful, like a family member. Take action if your words aren't welcomed. Leave. Remove yourself. Stop taking in poison, because the longer you do, the longer the healing will take. You're already feeling awful. Your suffering exist because you feel obligated to be around people who hurt you and demand you to be silent. Set yourself free. And don't try to talk to them about it. You will have to unpack all of this on your own, or with other people who will understand and hear you. Process everything you buried deep within you by journaling, speaking out loud, punching a pillow. Just let it all out. Short them you will have to slowly heal from all this crystalized, internalized abuse. Long term, recognize this pattern: whenever you feel the need to be quiet to not bother someone else, leave, and never go back to the people who did this to you.
Pile two 🖤
Oh, your pile actually resonates with the pic you chosen. I see an artist, a creative or someone who does something out of the norm. You could even be a witch, like me. The thing is, you have internalized a lot of criticism, and no longer feel as passionate as you did before. You want to create and be who you were before, but you lost your drive and motivation. It seems a lot of conflict used to exist or still exists because of your hobby, career or spirituality, and you felt like it lost the point. You could've tried to prove something to these people, you could've tried to argue, and nothing worked. Even your own progress wasn't matching to your expectations. So what if they were right? Your spark died, but now that you have worked so hard, it's hard to let go. It became your personality, it used to be your comfort, but now there's only a shadow of what it used to be. I'm not going to tell you whether you keep going or not, this is your decision. But you can regain the spark if you want to. But try to protect it better this time, whatever it is that you do. Hide it, if it is possible. Avoid taking about it to people who are committed to misunderstanding you. And go backwards. Reconnect with it, by understanding what made you so fascinated and entranced by it in the beginning. Maybe, that vision is no longer appealing, and if so, create another one. Restart from scratch, but have a vision, just like you did in the beginning. Say to yourself you are committed to falling in love again with your craft, if that's what you choose. If not, it's always ok to let it go. You can always find another something to be passionate about.
Pile three 🖤
Someone taught you that money was the only thing in life. That it defined your worth and value as a person. That nothing else was as important. That your safety was defined by the amount of money you had, from a young age or a very vulnerable period in your life. So your mind attached to the idea that if you didn't had money, you were in mortal danger, you were worthless and a nobody. Your relationship with money, regardless of how much you have or not, is distorted. You could be stable and still feel like it's not enough, or you could be just starting in adulthood and feeling very scared of the future. Money is important, yes. But it's exactly this fear, this pressure, this feeling like your life depends on it, it's paralyzing you, it's traumatizing and deeply agonizing. What will help you is basically lots of cbt. Ever heard of catastrophizing? Cognitive distortions? These could be playing a large role on your mindset and consequently, the amount of money you're able to make. These tools of cbt can help you relax and see things a bit more rationally. Since it's personal to each of you, I cannot fix your fears, but I can give you some of my tools for you to fix them yourself.
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angry-tarot · 10 months ago
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“I Consistently Say The Correct And Needed Thing”
Wear this sigil on you when your words may matter, preferably around the neck or Draw this sigil on a tube of lipstick or chapstick you wear
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angry-tarot · 10 months ago
Herbs and Flowers Magic Properties(tbc)
Rosemary - memory, anxiety, sleep, cleansing, purifying, learning, healing, love, lust, protection, wisdom, mental power
Turmeric - healing, strength, vitality, purification, abundance, joy, prosperity
allspice - healing, energy, love, luck
pepper - courage, protection
sage - health, immortality, longevity, protection against negativity, protection, purification, wisdom, wishes, anxiety
bay - divination, good fortune, healing, anxiety, money, prosperity, peace, protection, happiness, purification, love, tranquility
oregano - peace, love
parsley - protection, power, strength, lust, purification, prosperity
garlic - protection against evil eye
cinnamon - aphrodisiac, passion, love, luck, prosperity, success, spiritual vibrations, energy, purification, healing, protection
cayenne - healing, removing blockages, protection, strength, motivation, courage
clover - fidelity, protection, love, money, success, animal protection, luck
pine - health, healing
nutmeg - money, prosperity, good luck, protection, psychic abilities, happiness, love, health
cloves - healing, love, friendship, cleansing, protection, abundance
thyme - health, courage, eliminates nightmares, attracts loyalty, affection, psychic abilities
ginger - energy, speeding things up, love, prosperity, success, power, healing
mint - avoid jealousy, dreams, protecting, prosperity, joy, fertility, purification, love, success, lust, travel, money, luck
chamomile - love, healing, stress-relief, calming, sleep
lavender - purification, concentration, love, healing, sleep, dreams
jasmine - divination, innovation, attraction, dreams, love, beauty
mugwort - psychic powers, protection, lust, fertility, prophetic dreams, divination, relaxing, tranquility, banishing, consecration
peach blossoms - luck, prosperity, romance, love, passion, affection, harmony, peace, health, longevity
peony - protection from hexes, luck, prosperity, business success, attracts fairies
rose - divine love, self-love, friendship, healing, domestic happiness, lasting relationships, closeness with nature, divination, tranquility, harmony, psychic ability, spirituality, protection, luck
lemon grass - openness, communication, clear mind, love, luck, libido, psychic abilities, calming
chrysanthemum - longevity, mental clarity, optimism, protection, solving mysteries, soothing grief
pink Himalayan salt - purification, grounding, abundance, prosperity, self-love, cleaning, growth, protection, peace, calming
palo santo - cleansing, positivity, good fortune, creativity, love
sweet orange - optimism, charisma, confidence, restoring aura, attracting love, fertility, abundance
bergamot - protection, purification, calming
ylang ylang - sexual attraction, persuasiveness, peace, love, anxiety and depression relief, fairy magic
geranium - prosperity, happiness, healthy pregnancy and fertility
eucalyptus - purifying, cleansing, good health, protection, negativity
sandalwood - calming, anxiety, purification, protection, healing
anise - peace, tranquility, awakening of psychic awareness, luck, spiritual connection, psychic and magic power
jojoba - healing, protection, purification, grounding, meditation, love
frankincense - cleansing, energy, uplifting, inner peace, balance
peppermint - mental clarity, prophetic visions, success, prosperity,
cedarwood - love, growth, longevity, psychic powers, healing, money
tea tree - cleansing, protection, uplifting, energy, memory, love
vanilla - sex, calming, good luck, love, empowerment, happiness, growth
catnip - beauty, happiness, attraction, love, friendship
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angry-tarot · 10 months ago
Latin phrases to use as incantations.
This is gonna be a long list.
ab intra - from within
ab origine - from the source
absit iniuria - “let insult be absent”
absit invidia - “let envy be absent”
absit omen - “let omens be absent”
ab uno disce omnes - from one, learn all.
abyssus abyssum invocat - deep calleth unto deep
a capite ad calcem - from head to heel
acta non verba - actions not words
ad altiora tendo - “I strive to higher things”
ad astra - to the stars
ad fontes - to the sources
ad meliora - towards better things
ad oculos - to the eyes
ad undas - to the waves
ad victoriam - to victory
adsum - I am here
a fortiori - from the stronger/from strength
a mari usque ad mare - from sea to sea
audeamus - let us dare
audentes fortuna iuvat - fortune favors the bold
audi, vide, tace - hear, see, be silent
beatae memoriae - of blessed memory
bona fide - in good faith
bono malum superate - overcome evil with good
capax infiniti - holding the infinite
carpe diem - seize the day
carpe noctem - seize the night
cave - beware
ceteris paribus - all other things being equal
circa - around
citius, altius, fortius - faster, higher, stronger
clavis aurea - golden key
cogito ergo sum - I think, therefor I am
compos mentis - in control of the mind
concilio et labore - by wisdom and effort
concordia cum veritate - in harmony with truth
concordia salus - well-being through harmony
coniunctis viribus - with connected strength
consummatum est - it is complete
corruptus in extremis - corrupt to the extreme
crescit eundo - it grows as it goes
de novo - from the new
de profundis - from the depths
dies irae - day of wrath
dona nobis pacem - give us peace
ego te provoco - I challenge you
esse est percipi - to be is to be perceived  
esse quam videri - to be, rather than to seem
esto quod es - be what you are
ex animo - from the soul
ex luna scientia - from the moon, knowledge
ex scientia tridens - from knowledge, sea power
ex silentio - from silence
ex undis - from the waves of the sea
experientia docet - experience teaches
fac et spera - do and hope
fac fortia et patere - do brave deed and endure
faciam quodlibet quod necesse est - I’ll do whatever it takes
faciam ut mei memineris - I’ll make you remember me
facta, non verba - deeds, not words
fortis et liber - strong and free
fortis in arduis - strong in difficulties
gloriosus et liber - glorious and free
hic abundant leones - here lions abound
hic et nunc - here and now
hic sunt dracones - here there are dragons
hinc illae lacrimae - hence those tears
hinc itur ad astra - from here the way leads to the stars
igni ferroque - with fire and iron
in memoriam - into the memory
in nocte consilium - advice comes over night
libra - balance
littera scripta manet - the written words endure
locus standi - a right to stand
luceo non uro - I shine, not burn
luctor et emergo - I struggle and emerge
mare liberum - free sea
memento vivere - remember to live
more ferarum - like beasts
natura non contristatur - nature is not saddened
nec spe, nec metu - without hope, without fear
noli me tangere - do not touch me
ophidia in herba - a snake in the grass
pro se - for oneself
propria manu - by one’s own hand
quaere - to seek
quod abundat non obstat - what is abundant does not hinder
resurgam - I shall arise
semper ad meliora - always towards better things
semper anticus - always forward
semper apertus - always open
semper fortis - always brave
semper liber - always free
stet - let it stand
tuebor - I will protect
vera causa - true cause
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angry-tarot · 11 months ago
Banishing ingredients
Magical Spells & Exercises Masterpost
Household ingredients
Salt – will especially banish any spirits of death or the dead. Combine with water to make a cleanser or scrub that will weaken a spirit’s hold in any area or over any person. Bathe with ½ cup (4oz) salt to reduce a spirit’s control over you.
Vinegar – I don’t know why spirits don’t like it, but they don’t. Vinegar (white, apple cider, etc) is a powerful cleanser. Don’t use red wine vinegar as it will stain. Half a cup of vinegar mixed with your salt water will increase its effects. Use it to cleanse yourself or an area.
Ammonia – For very serious cases, add a tablespoon of ammonia to your bathwater. Use ammonia to clean a certain area if you believe a stubborn spirit is living there. Do not mix ammonia in with vinegar or any other cleanser.
Bleach – Do not add to bathwater. Do not mix with any other cleanser, especially ammonia. Use diluted bleach to scrub down an area where a spirit seems to have especially strong control. Sprinkle salt over the area when you are done, or rinse with saltwater. It is not my job to make sure you don’t accidentally bleach portions of your walls or carpets – use common sense!
Eggs – Place them in a room where a banishing has been performed or a spirit has been sighted. The egg will naturally absorb evil energies and help return a place to normal. Discard after a week, or if the egg begins to crack or go bad.
Mothballs – For some reason, spirits really do not like mothballs. Place three in each corner of a room which requires powerful protection from spirits (appreciatively sourced from Draja Mickaharic).
Incense and steam
If you cannot burn incense, try making a very strong tea with the herbs instead. Take the steaming tea to an area and let its scent diffuse through the air. This utilizes the cleansing powers of air and water, instead of air and fire. If you make a tea, you can add a bit of salt to it and use it as a cleanser, or add the tea to a bath to cleanse yourself. Ensure your herbal tea will not stain before you apply it to absorbent surfaces!
Bay laurel – Often just called ‘bay leaves’. A very powerful purifier. Burn as incense, or do as I do and just light the leaves on fire and wave them about like a madwoman.
Mullein – I find this in the ‘ethnic’ portion of my grocery store. It is said that where mullein is, no evil can live. It is good to combine with other herbs to increase their effects.
Rosemary – The scent of rosemary is very pleasing to spirits, but it is also very protective. Try burning this after you have performed your banishing in order to return things to normal.
Cinnamon – Another good strong protector. A cinnamon tea smells lovely and will work to push spirits out and away from its presence. Combine with cloves for an extra kick.
Cloves – Imagine cloves to be little soldiers working for you. As you burn them, their spirits are released and they become powerful warriors who will fight spirits on your command. ‘Feed’ the cloves incense to make them even stronger. Cloves are a good banisher and purifier.
Basil – Try combining with rosemary for a powerful exorcism incense. Basil is just a good all-around herb, and works excellently to exorcise evil spirits. Just as with mullein, ‘where basil is, no evil can live.’
Mint – A nice, very strong mint tea with salt added, and used as a scrub, will clean negative vibrations off of anything
Garlic – Unsurprisingly, garlic is a wonderfully protective plant (not just against vampires). Take a bath with some peeled garlic – even better, burn the garlic skins to ensure you always have some money! Roast some garlic and onions on the stove to make your house smell wonderful and chase away unwanted spirits.
Stones and other objects
Any stone which is naturally black, such as onyx, jet, and black tourmaline is said to be protective against spirits. Stones with a high iron content, such as hematite, are also very protective – especially against fey and the dead, or spirits of death. Purify these stones regularly and carry them with you for protection against spirits.
They can also be used to create ‘walls’ around a place. Put a stone in each corner of a room, and carry and incense or steaming tea to each corner. Imagine a powerful wall is created between the stones which purifies everything within, and blocks anything else from coming in.
Using thread, make an X shaped charm with two nails. Use this as a protective amulet. Cleanse and charge it with any of the above herbs.
Holey stones (stones with a natural hole in them) are said to be wonderful for protection. Carry one with you, or hang it in an area where energies need to be purified.
Other links:
Cross Protection
Protective Talisman
Stitch Protection
Return to Sender
Witch Bottle
Fire Sigil
Flying Devil Oil
War Water
Rosemary Protection Oil
Magically Protecting Your Home - Carin Method
Shielding Masterpost
Sea Salt Purification Jar
Self-Cleansing Through Ritual Bathing
How to energetically cleanse an item
How to spiritually cleanse yourself
Simple Shower Pick-Me-Up
Anti-Anxiety Amulet
Get the fuck out!
By Light of a Candle
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angry-tarot · 11 months ago
Apollo Offerings
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"Apollon (Apollo) is the Olympian God of prophecy and oracles, music, song and poetry, archery, healing, plague and disease, and the protection of the young."
Large Altars:
Sun water
Wine diluted with pure water
Olive oil
Herbal teas
Honey and honey cakes
Orange or lemon pastries
Lamb or goat meat
Golden objects such as gold bowls, gold wine cups, flakes of gold, etc.
Bows and arrows, real, toys, or art
Images or art of the sun
All musical instruments, especially stringed instruments
Wolf and/or dolphin imagery
Any images of birds, especially crows and swans
Yellow, gold, and white candles
Incense such as frankincense or myrrh
Small/Hidden Altars:
Chocolates with orange or lemon flavors
Laurel wreaths
Gems such as amber, sunstone, and yellow sapphires
Laurel tree branches or leaves
Lily of the valley
Aloe vera
Poetry you've written
Music you've written
Art you've drawn
Photos you've taken
Concert tickets
Golden jewelry or jewelry of the sun or arrows
LGBT+ flags
Divination items (tarot cards, pendulums, etc.)
Wolf and/or dolphin art, toys, or photos
All bird feathers, but especially swan and crow feathers
Devotional Acts:
Donate to medical charities
Support up-and-coming/indie artists and musicians
Sing to Him
Play musical instruments for Him
Hold dance parties
Make a playlist for Him and listen to it daily
Read poetry to Him
Take care of your mental health and remember to take your medicine, if you have any
Try archery
Try different types of divination
Try and wake up early and watch the sun rise
Go for a walk and feel the warmth from the sun
Let more sunlight into your home/room
Learn a musical instrument or how to sing
Learn simple medical care, like CPR
Learn about His history, His mother's history, and His sister's history
Learn about His lovers
Attend pride
Support LGBT+ rights
Wear yellow or orange clothing
Honor Leto and Artemis
Pray to Him and speak to Him often, things to consider praying for are guidance, healing/good health, inspiration, a prophecy or truth
Official artwork from Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson
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angry-tarot · 11 months ago
🐚 Seashell Correspondence (Masterpost)🐚
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This is my near completed masterpost of shells which I tried listing up some common and uncommon shells for the past few days! I might add more shell info in the future💕
Disclaimer: This list is of associations collected from various sources around the internet and a mix of my personal ones!
     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧      ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿       ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Abalone: love, healing, prosperity, luck, wealth, balance, peace, cleansing, meditation, psychic abilities, self-love, feminine energies, earth + water element
Angel’s Wing: determination, freedom, angelic energies, positive spiritual guidance, protection, aid in receiving and sending energies, air element
Auger: fertility, strength, courage, power, masculine energies, fire element
Ark Shell: safety, protection, finding strength in the outer world 
Bear’s paw: power, strength, vitality, nurturing, protection, warmth, feminine + masculine energies, earth + fire element 
(Banded) Tulip Shell: binding, friendships, relationships, social life, water element
Bonnet Shell: secrecy, the unknown, protection, mystery, trust, beauty, air element
Button Shell: connections, gatherings, friendships, spirituality, divination, air element
Bubble Shell: inspiration, creativity, happiness, curiosity, wished, intuitions, cleansing, hope, faith, psychic abilities, divination, air element 
Carrier Shell: overcoming shyness, helps getting out of your shell, courage, protection, strength, escaping from negative thoughts
Cat’s eye Shell:  protection against jealousy, gossips and negative energies
Cerith Shell: sexuality, fertility, masculine energies, fire element
Clam: purification, love, friendships, abundance, communication, healing, stability, vitality, protection, protecting emotions, truth, balance, peace, grounding, feminine energies, water element
Cockle: love, friendship, relationships, emotions, centering, gateway to a new life, new beginnings, feminine energies, water element
Conch: love, beauty, friendship, communication, feminine energies, truth, art , beauty, clarity, freedom grace, movement, speech, spirituality, strength summoning, trust, truth , vanity, feminine energies, air + water element
Cone Shell: protection, control, motivation
Cowrie: abundance, prosperity, fertility, love, wealth, pregnancy, growth, divination, sexuality, protection, beauty, menstruation problems, feminine energies, water element
Crown Conch: associated with crown chakra, meditation, divinity, intention, confidence, intuition
Drupe Shell: reflecting oneself, discover and being comfortable of who you are, self trust, confidence, bravery
Fig Shell: wisdom, creativity, peace, love, luck, fertility, divination, fortune, water + air element
Fighting Conch: aggression, defense, warding/shielding, protection, masculine energies, fire element
Frog Shell: moving forward, starting over, new beginnings
Harp Shell: secrecy, beauty, art, protection, feminine energies, water + air element
Helmet Shell: grounding, protection, strength, honor, masculine energies fire element
(Horned) Turban: protection, faith, trust
Horse Conch: beauty, freedom, grace, strength, progress, water + earth element
Jackknife Clam: (inner) strength, speed, warding, secrecy, masculine energies, air element
Janthina Shell: faith, peace, trust, moving forward, going with the flow, trust in the universe, air element
Jewel Box Clam: beauty, vanity, glamour, passion, (self) love, self care, feminine energies, water element 
Jingle Shells: wealth, prosperity, cleansing, positivity, trust, intuition, earth element
Junonia Shell: strength, beauty, marriage, fertility, childbirth, feminine energies, named after the Roman goddess Juno/Hera (Greek)
Keyhole Limpet: finding a way in/out in a situation, meditation, unblocking psychic/divination abilities  
Limpet: courage, confidence, strength, nurturing, self  trust, peace, endurance
Left-Handed Whelk: making drastic / positive changes in life, transformation, air element
Lightning whelk: awareness, banishing, intent, trust
Lion’s Paw: strength, courage, protection, inner strength, victory, pride, masculine energies, fire element
Miter Shell: peace, spirituality, grounding + centering, calm energies, spiritual introspection, lunar magick, feminine + masculine energies, water element
Moon Shell: purification, peace, protection, meditation, clarity, vitality, rebirth, cleansing + charging energies, psychic awareness, cycles, progress, warding, lunar magick, feminine energies, water element
Murex: protection, defense, binding, masculine energies
Mussels: communications, friendships, luck, health, travel, abundance, dedication, determination, community, life giving stability, enduring life’s hardships, feminine enegies, water element
Nautilus: focus, intentions, clarity, wisdom, growth, peace, endings + beginnings
Olive Shells: healing, hope, love, friendship, hope abundance, opportunity, water element
Oyster: love,luck, good fortune, prosperity, banishing, fertility, (hidden) beauty, vitality, passion, turning pain into beauty (pearls), lunar magick, feminine energies, water element
Oyster Drill: curses, warding/shielding, protection
Pear Whelk: control, life, progress, trust, strength, manifestation, fire element
Pen Shell: beauty, confidence, creativity, self-love, art, love, inspiration, feminine energies, water element
Periwinkle: grounding, intuitions, focus, friendships
Purple Snail Shell: beauty, divination, psychic abilities, air element
Pyram Shell: determination, hope, strength, air element
Scallops: travel, love, friendships, movement, beauty, grace, change, fertility, peace, healing, travel, spirituality, happiness, communication, patience, diversity, openess, all-purpose shell, feminine energies, water + air element
Slipper Shell: balance, generosity, transformation, healing, peace, community, helping others, air element
Snail Shell (Garden Snails): fertility, sexuality, travel, protection, home, feminine + masculine energies, earth + water element
Spider Conch: maturity, responsibility, self-defense, maintaining your position, fire element
Spindle Shell: inspiration, meditation, fate, change, karma, destiny, vitality
Strombus Shell: truth, communication, divination, speech, trust, air element
Star Limpet: strength, growth, beauty, art, water element
Sundial Shell: hope, success, victory, the sun, fire element
Thorny Oyster: defense, creativity, intuition, focus, beauty, art
Tooth Shell / Tusk Shell: wealth, business, abundance, strength, aggression, masculine energies fire element
Top Shell: spiral energies, centering, helping energy flow, control, air element
Triton Conch: happiness, intentions, prayers, helps clearing your voice/intentions, use to seek help/attention, air element
Turkey Wing: freedom, happiness, emotions, lifts bad moods, change emotions, water + air element
Venus Comb Murex: vanity, beauty, glamour, love, feminine energies, protection, water element
Wentletrap: creativity, inspiration, art, water element
Whelk: taking control, get a hold of a situation, life changes, good fortune, wisdom, guidance, control, positivity, understanding, spiritual development, air element
Whelk Egg Casing: abundance, new beginnings, faith, luck
Worm Snail Shell: tenacity, hope, life and death, creation, overcoming obstacles, hope, changes, earth element
                          ❤ Note: Please use/collect your shells ethically! ❤
    ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧      ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿       ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
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angry-tarot · 11 months ago
🐚🍑🌸 Seashell Magick + Correspondence II🐚🍑🌸
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🌷💗 Hello little rosebuds! For today’s post i want to show you folks on how i create correspondeces for seashells! At the near bottom of this post i selected some shells that i assign correspondence with my own personal thoughts and meaning. This is what i do when im bored, i find pictures of seashells that i like and i assign correspondences on them. 🌷💗
🕊 How i do it 🕊
Depending on shell I like to look up on the basic info on the shell and then I split into 7 categories: color, shape, name of the shell, feminine/masculine energies, element, animal behavior and uses in history/myths
Note: This applies to shells that haven’t had any magickal correspondences in them.
• Colors: depending on the most common color of the shell you can use existing color correspondence to assign the shells with it too! Some gastropods have nacre inside the shell this associates with beauty such as abalone and top shells.
• Shapes: there are a million kinds of shapes of shells, depending what’s it reminds you of. Most shells look similar and its totally okay to assign similar correspondence to them! Some shells can even resemble as human body parts and reproductive organs such as augers and cowries! You can use shells that are similar to any body parts to give it an extra boost!
• Shell name: most shells can be named after objects, figures or what they do. This is the first easy way to assign their correspondence to, since they’re practical depending on the name. Shells such as spindle shell and venus comb murex.
• Femmine/masculine energies: some shells can look nsfw-y depending on the shape or animal behavior. If the shell doesn’t look nsfw you can determine if the animal’s behavior. If the animal is aggressive you can assign it with masculine energy. If it’s calm and passive assign it with feminine energy.
• Element: depends on the feminine/masculine energies, how the shell is used, shell name, animal behavior or where the shell of the animal spends most of its time on.
• Animal behavior: most shells can be relaxed, they can bury themselves into sand, hiding/showing themselves off or come off as very aggressive. An interesting way to assign the shells with!
• History/myth: shells can be used throughout history such as jewellery making, using it as water vessels, divination, money, decorative objects and so on. Some Greek/Roman deities names can be featured on shells such as venus clams, junonia shells and triton’s conch, you can use deity symbols to align shells with. Plus you can also offer them shells that aligns with their names!
💐 Correspondence list 💐
• Baby’s Ear shell: purity, grace, innocence, ear health, aggression, warding/shielding, protection, masculine energies + air element
• Babylonia shell: peace, scavenging, protection, aggression, masculine energies + earth element (not to be confused with junonia shells)
• Bailer shell (Melo-Melo): beauty, purity, prosperity, aggression, can be used as a water vessel, feminine energies + water element
• Carrier snail: attraction, wealth, love, peace, luck, friendships, good health, can be used to attract anything, femmine + masculine energies, earth element
• Delphinula/Dolphin shell: loyalty, weatlh, abundance, wisdom, playfulness, protection, gentleness, feminine + masculine energies, air + water element
• Elegant venus clam: (actually looks like a vagina) fertility, love, pregnancy, growth, cycles, female sexuality, protection, beauty, menstruation problems, feminine energies + water element
• Kitten’s paw shell: youth, innocence, playfulness, protection for cats, feminine energies + water element
• Nacre/Mother of pearl: intuition, beauty, imagination, creativity, new ideas, clarity, new beginnings, harmony, balance, cycles, protection, healing, cleansing, motherhood feminine energies + water element
• Nerites shell: male beauty, youth, slowness, peace, tranquility, masculine energies + water element, Named after a minor greek sea god Nerites
• Red mouth rock shell: wealth, royaltly, hardwork, high status, abundance, strength, aggression, masculine energies + air element
• Strawberry top shell: beauty, (platonic) love, sweetness, compassion, attraction, healing, friendships, innocence, feminine energies + water element
• Top/turbo shells (general): spiral energies, beauty, art, centering, gentleness, helping energy flow, control, helps with breastfeeding, feminine energies + air/water element
• True heart cockle: true love, relationships, emotions, soulmates/twin flames, gateway to a new life, forming strong bonds, new beginnings, feminine energies + water element
🌷💕🐣 Enjoy ! 🌷💕🐣
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angry-tarot · 11 months ago
Aquatic Sigil Stones
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🌊 The Significance of Aquatic Sigil Stones:
Imbued with the essence of water, these stones are adorned with carefully crafted sigils, representing the fluid and transformative qualities of this elemental force. The Aquatic Sigil Stones harness the intrinsic power of water to enhance your magical workings, offering a profound connection to the depths of emotions, heightened intuition, and the uncharted territories of the subconscious mind.
💎 Crafting Your Aquatic Sigil Stones:
Stones: Select smooth, preferably river or ocean-tumbled stones for their receptive energy.
Water-Themed Sigils: Design or acquire sigils resonating with water's essence—fluidity, intuition, and emotional depth.
Ink or Paint: Choose a water-resistant medium for sigil application.
Cleansing Tools: Utilize cleansing herbs, saltwater, or moonlight for purifying the stones.
Stone Selection:
Gather stones of appropriate size, ensuring they evoke a sense of connection with the water element.
Sigil Design:
Delicately draw or paint water-themed sigils onto the stones, infusing each symbol with your intent and purpose.
Charging and Cleansing:
Purify the stones by placing them in a bowl of saltwater or exposing them to the light of the moon. This cleanses residual energies and prepares the stones for attunement.
Infusion of Intent:
As you charge the stones, focus on imbuing them with your specific magical intent, whether it be enhancing emotional clarity, deepening intuition, or exploring the mysteries of the subconscious.
Drying and Final Blessing:
Allow the stones to air-dry or pat them gently with a clean cloth. Conclude the process with a final blessing, expressing gratitude for the newfound synergy between the stones and your magical intentions.
🌟 Incorporating Aquatic Sigil Stones into Your Practice:
Meditative Focus:
Utilize the stones as focal points during meditation to enhance emotional awareness and intuitive insights.
Ritualistic Spellwork:
Integrate the Aquatic Sigil Stones into spellwork or rituals that involve the exploration of emotions, harnessing intuition, or delving into the subconscious realms.
Altar Decor:
Adorn your magical space with these stones, infusing the atmosphere with the harmonizing energies of water.
Elemental Alignments:
Combine the stones with other elemental representations to create a holistic and balanced ritual space.
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angry-tarot · 11 months ago
YoooooOOo I love your blog, you're badass and take shit from no-one, And Uh, i be needing some tips .3. See, i'm about 5 years into my Pagan craft and loving it, but most of the time i don't feel very witchy. I've lost my flair. Any,, advice?? I'm just not as inspired as i used to be.
I hear this a lot. More than you’d expect, really. I ran into a similar problem five or six years into my own practice, and I’ve gotten similar messages from other witches at around the same general period in their own journeys. (I think The Fifth-Year Slump might be a thing, but really it can happen anytime.)
We all get to a point where we feel like we’ve stalled somehow. We’ve learnt the basics, we’ve run out of Witchcraft 101 books to read, we’re looking for the next step and not finding it, we haven’t had a reason to cast a spell in a while…it could be any number of things. And it’s very frustrating. Makes a witch want to hang up their boots.
For those of us with mentors or a local witchy community to offer guidance, it’s a little easier. There are extra resources and knowledgeable people to turn to, and that can help buoy things along until the slump passes.
For solitary practitioners, even with an online support system, we can be left feeling like, “Well….now what?”
What I’ve found to be helpful is getting back to my roots. By this I don’t necessarily mean starting over, but instead, going back to the things that made me want to be a witch in the first place, the things that made me turn my face to the autumn wind and wonder if I could fly.
Here’s a short list of suggestions to help you work through your slump:
Try something new. If your current line of study isn’t doing anything for you, branch out! Curious about the history of magical practices? Always wanted to try divination? Go for it! There are lots of places like Sacred Texts and Project Gutenberg were you can read books for free. See if something new grabs your interest. Nothing revitalizes a practice like having something new to explore.
Play in the dirt. For witches whose practice revolves around plants, getting into the garden and working the soil can make a world of difference. Go out and pull weeds for a bit, or plant something new, or just sit and soak up the sun with your plants. Pick up a potted plant or some kitchen herbs that are easy to grow. Tend them and harvest them. Seeing little bundles of drying herbs and flowers hanging about always makes me feel better.
Get out of the house (if you can). Stir things up with a little fresh air and a mini road trip. Go visit a local park. Take a stroll through the woods. Visit a sacred site. Is there a particular spot within easy travel distance that makes you feel witchy and powerful? Go pay it a visit and see how you feel.
Attend a gathering. If time and energy and finances allow, see if there’s a pagan (or at least pagan-friendly) festival in your area. The largest concentration of gatherings usually happens in spring and fall, so these might be the best times to go looking. It doesn’t have to be a full-on rite or anything elaborate; it can be as simple as a local street fair. Sometimes just seeing and interacting with other practitioners, even on a momentary basis, can give us a helpful and refreshing boost.
Curl up with an old favorite. This one is going to sound silly to some folks, but I swear to you, this is probably the most effective method on the list. If you’ve hit a slump and nothing else is helping, pull out the books and movies and music that make you feel witchy.
Doesn’t matter what month it is, it’s always a good time for The Worst Witch or Halloweentown. Loved Practical Magic or The Craft? Watch them again. (Don’t be ashamed, I love them too.) Reread that book that made you want to cackle over a cauldron. Harry Potter? The Abhorsen Series? The Enchanted Forest Chronicles? The Discworld Witches? The Black Jewels? Do it. Put on a playlist with a witchy feel while you’re running errands or cleaning or chilling on the computer. Anything that floats your broomstick. There are plenty of them to be found on Spotify.
Whether it was hearing “Seven Wonders” at just the right time, or a poignant remark from Granny Weatherwax that really hit home, or that one episode of AHS: Coven, these things affected you in a profound way for a reason. Revisit them. Say hello. Don’t be surprised if the magic is still there. Because it’s still in you too.
You just need to find it again. :)
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angry-tarot · 11 months ago
Witchcraft Exercises
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Just a quick compilation of the posts I've made about exercises to help improve your craft. These can be used as journaling prompts, inspiration for activities, or as methods for pulling yourself out of a slump and recharging your witchy inspiration.
Witchcraft Exercise - Quantifying Your Craft
Witchcraft Exercise - Dig Through The Ditches
Witchcraft Exercise - The Book of Lessons
Witchcraft Exercise - Home Brews
Witchcraft Exercise - Witchy Inspo Journal
Witchcraft Exercise - Spring Cleaning
Witchcraft Exercise - Creating Correspondences
Witchcraft Exercise - Creating Your Own Runes
Witchcraft Exercise - Shakespearean Witchcraft
Witchcraft Exercise - Music To Witch By
Related Prompt - Music to Witch By
Witchcraft Exercise - Annual Review
Most of these are also available in the May 2021 bonus episode of Hex Positive (check your favorite podcatcher).
Happy Witching!
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar, tune in to my monthly show Hex Positive on your favorite podcast app, or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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angry-tarot · 11 months ago
Witchcraft Exercise - Creating Correspondences
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There are dozens of plant species in the arsenal of the green witch. Commonly-used varieties and usage varies somewhat between traditions, but most of us are fairly familiar with industry standards like basil, bay, rosemary, sage, and so on.
But what do you do when faced with a plant that has no listed magical correspondences anywhere that you can find in your witchcraft library? Simple - you create some.
Allow me to demonstrate with a little plant I found in my own backyard. It's a common weed called Virginia copperleaf (Acalypha virginica). But despite it's widespread range and abundant growth as a field weed, there are surprisingly few references to the plant in regional folk medicine and none at all that I could find in contemporary witchcraft.
So in order to incorporate this hardy little weed into my practice, I set about creating some correspondences for it.
First, I researched the physical properties of the plant. It is a small annual spurge with long taproots, a resistance to drought and many herbicides, and a reputation for fast growth and being difficult to eradicate from fields due to prolific seeding. The leaves turn coppery-red in the fall and small spiky flowers bloom among the foliage. It is also mildly poisonous. The juice of the plant may cause contact dermatitis or a mild rash in some people and if ingested, it may cause GI symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.
Next, I researched references to the plant in folk medicine. I could only find a single reference that cited copperleaf as a possible diuretic and expectorant. That does track with the previous mention of GI symptoms, but it doesn't mean the plant is safe to use. I did discover that an alternate name for the plant is three-seeded mercury or mercury weed, likely because of its' tendency for fast growth and the fact that it is propagated by the wind.
So now comes the business of creating the correspondences, using the physical properties of the plant as a basis.
The first and most obvious association is strength. Any weed that is resistant to drought and herbicide and uprooting is bound to be useful for spells involving tenacity and fortitude. Prosperity is also a likely use, both because of the name copperleaf and the way in which the plant grows and spreads quickly. Because of the alternate name mercury weed and the wind propagation, it could be used for wind magic or communication spells. (I often associate the element of air with communication and the name of a messenger god is right there as well, but your mileage may vary.)
The plant could also be used as an ingredient for baneful magic, either to bind and frustrate someone's efforts by consuming available ground where their ambitions might grow, or in its' capacity as a mild poison, to cause physical discomfort and stomach trouble.
So in the end, I have a handful of copperleaf and a listing in my witchbook that details the properties of the plant and notes that it could be useful for spells involving strength, tenacity, prosperity, wind, or communication, as well as possible baneful uses including binding, discomfort, and sickness.
This is my system for assigning correspondences to previously-unknown plants, and I encourage readers to use it as a template for their own practices or to create their own system. Either way, I recommend the use of a field guide or plant identification app like PlantNet to properly identify plants as you find them. Remember to forage and harvest responsibly, be a good steward of the land around you, and always label your plant cuttings.
Happy Witching! 💚🌿
(If you're enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. You can also check out my show Hex Positive wherever fine podcasts are heard. 😊)
More witchcraft exercises here:
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angry-tarot · 11 months ago
Witchcraft Exercise - Quantifying Your Craft
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Witchcraft is a complicated business. There are lots of moving parts, dozens of things to study, and so much information to try and keep straight in your head. It’s easy to become overwhelmed. Sometimes we forget things. Not just when the full moon is (although plenty of us do) but what it is we want to do with our craft.
And sometimes we feel like we’ve lost our drive. Like whatever moved us to become witches in the first place has somehow slipped away, leaving us with just the dregs. Sometimes we feel stuck, unable to make progress. It’s easy to become frustrated too, but it’s important to push on.
To that end, I offer this exercise.
Choose a journal or open a word document and begin quantifying your craft.
Start by outlining the broad concepts. Do you follow a particular path or tradition? How would you classify your craft, i.e. green witchcraft, cottagecraft, sea witch, lunar witch, and so on? Do you work with any deities, and if so, which ones? Do you work alone or with others? How long have you been practicing? What, to you, is the most important aspect of your craft?
Then get into your working space. Do you have an altar? If so, what’s on it and why? Do you have a dedicated workspace, or a place you go to work magic outside of your home? If you could describe your ideal workspace, what would it look like? 
Next, describe your tools. Do you have cards or runes or a wand or other specialized tools that you work with? What do you use most frequently? Do you have favorites? Do you make or grow any of your components? Where do you acquire the things you use in your magic, if you can’t make them at home? Do you have a personal library? What are your favorite sources of information? Do you have ritual garb or jewelry that connects you with your craft?
Sketch out your year as a witch. What holidays do you observe and how do you celebrate them? What seasonal festivals or special occasions do you mark? Which ones do you enjoy the most? Is there a time of year when you feel more energized?
Once you have all of this recorded, think back to what first interested you in magic and witchcraft and describe that. Was it a movie? A favorite book? A personal experience? Were you raised in the craft or did you come to it on your own? What made you decide to become a witch?
Then think about how you’ve progressed since you started. Have you achieved a particular goal you set when you began, or are you closer to achieving it then you were? What have you gotten really good at? Where are you still struggling? Where would you like to be a year from now? Are there things you’d like to try but haven’t yet?
And of course, if anything else occurs to you, record that too.
There is no need to share these thoughts with anyone if you don’t want to. This is purely a personal exercise, to help you understand where you are, where you’ve come from, and where you want to go. Quantifying this information might provide some much-needed inspiration, in addition to helping you solidify any nebulous thoughts that might be floating around. It’s much easier to progress in your craft if you have an outline for what you’re already doing.
Happy Witching!
Want more Witchcraft Exercises to help grow your craft? Check out the masterpost here.
If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊
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