#just random thoughts and musings tbh
steamworksfairy · 9 months
Ya know, I think my favorite thing about KitTy is the angst. The gut-wrenching longing, the fact Ty's flower card says 'I have loved you and you haven't known it' and Kit's says 'Am I forgotten?' How in SoBH Ty asked Kit when he'd forgive him, and Kit said,"I don't know." And then Ty followed that up with,"But not now?"
It was the 'but not now' that broke me. I can’t get that moment out of my head. I'm a little scared to reread QoAaD now because the moment Kit gets his heart broken is gonna make me sob 😭
Of course, I say all this before having reread LoS. So their angst is still at the forefront of my mind.
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ukusreticence · 2 months
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tfw you have ideas in your noggin but can't properly convey them
ignore the yellowish doodles as it was just kinda brainstorming but the "fractures" thing and loose concept of the more concrete version is kinda what i really wanted to get out
exploring ideas on like, ig how to interpret God (for HH purposes)? dunno my brain kept thinking of The Stranger from Slay The Princess.
in a way of, i cant think of one idea of how to interpret them so fuck it its all of them
also kinda had the thought process of, well i still see them as a void being and its kinda funny imagining that if side b is forced to obey the whole equilibrium between "good" and "bad", then would be funny if God had to in a way as well but creates other beings (the angels) to do it for them so it just casually bypasses that
which is also really funny since the concept of good and bad likely came from them in the first place since its not like the void literally had anything like that beforehand
idk loose random brain rot brainstorming imma probably not come back to this concept again
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princekirijo · 1 year
I do really want to talk more about my OCs and stuff more consistently because I think I'm at the point now where it's like "this is my blog and if people get annoyed by it they'll just unfollow so go wild" but the problem now is I just. Don't know what to say 💀 like what do people want to know 💀
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decembermoonskz · 2 years
this is just a thought, but sometimes i wonder if the like button just one day vanished from tumblr and reblogging was the only option, just how much interaction ppl’s content would actually get, you know? like how dependent are ppl on the like button actually? bc if it was gone and they were forced to reblog in order to keep it, would they, or would they still avoid those green arrows like the plague? 
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fleurladari-a · 2 years
Love this blog. Literally nami yells about lysandre and that's it, is it rp? Sometimes.
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muse-stellium · 10 months
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Me when I started writing on here a few years back : "yeah.. I'm pretty bad at coming up w responses to sentence starter prompts tbh, so I don't think I'll post many."
Me now: *20+ sumthin sentence starter prompts waiting to be posted in my drafts*
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itsallyscorner · 1 year
Maple syrup, coffee, pancakes for two | H.S
pairing: boyfriend!Harry Styles x reader
summary: you unintentionally help Harry with a song he’s been struggling to write
warnings: a lil on the cheesy side tbh, but she’s cute. Mentions the pandemic
a/n: this was one from the drafts, originally written when Harry’s House was released and I finally got around to finishing it :)
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Sometime during 2020 and the pandemic
His soft murmurs and humming were the only sounds that can be heard in his makeshift studio. The occasionally creaking of the house or him clicking his pen would break the silence from time to time. His frame was hunched over on the burnt orange colored couch, with his knees almost pressed against his chest, the couch was far too small for his tall figure. However, he liked the couch and it was comfy to lay on when he took breaks from writing. The journal he used to jot down lyrics was balanced on his left knee while his right hand scribbled words on the paper sloppily.
He had just gotten off a zoom call with Kid, Mitch, and some other members who he’s been working with for his new album. While they were supposed to be working in the studio for today’s session, one of the writers had come down with a cold. While it wasn’t confirmed to be COVID, Harry and his team decided it would be safe if everyone just isolated themselves for a while until further notice. Harry actually enjoyed the thought of working on the album at his home. He considered this to be one of the most intimate albums he’s ever made. The artist in him believed that being in the place where he’s comfortable being vulnerable would allow him to write more personal songs. Being home also allowed him to be closer to his muse—you.
The small claw clip holding his fringe from his face began to feel a bit too tight and his eyes were straining against the warm toned light to look at the page on his journal. He had been stuck on a certain verse for a while now and couldn’t bring himself to just call it a day on writing. He had been on the grind when he first started it, but all of a sudden his verses were turning into single words waiting to be properly knitted into a song. So far, some words/phrases he had were:
Wine glass
Puff pass
Side boob ;)
Yellow sunglasses
They were the most random and absurd words to be grouped together, yet he knew he was going somewhere with whatever he had. His train of thought came to a halt when your voice rang through the room.
“Hey, you”
His eyes shifted towards your voice and there you were leaning against the door frame. You wore one of his old sweatshirts, which came up to your knees, and some socks on your feet. You weren’t wearing much but your presence and the soft smile gracing your features screamed comfort to him.
The slight frown on Harry’s face turned into a smile that resembled yours. Pushing off of the door frame, you slowly approached Harry’s spot on the couch.
“Hi angel.” He greeted you, spreading his legs out to make space for you. You happily make your way in between his legs and settle on the floor. You crossed your legs and sat so you were looking up at him. Harry craned his neck to place a kiss on your temple, his lips continuing to move down your face to spread little kisses all over your face. When he got to your lips he placed a soft peck on them with a smile on his own pinkish lips.
“Hope you don’t mind me bothering you.” You tease, the sweet smile still on your face. Harry scoffs playfully, “Y’never a bother to me. I missed you today, what’ve y’been up to?”
He’s been in the “studio” since the morning, having a quick breakfast with you and immediately hopping on zoom to work with his team. It was now 6pm and you couldn’t recall seeing or hearing your boyfriend leave the room throughout the day for a break or a snack—which led to you checking in on him.
“Not much, finished up some things for work and caught up on some Love Island.” You shrugged, Harry rolling his eyes jokingly at the mention of the reality tv show. “How ‘bout you? Was today’s session successful?” You ask. Harry hums, reaching for his journal.
“S’half ‘n half. We finished that track we wrote last month—don’t know if y’remember it—but it turned out really great. I have a good feeling ‘bout it once it’s out.” He began while still flipping back to the page he last wrote on. “I started writing another, b’now I’m just stuck. M’brain feels like it can’t think of anything else, s’blank.” He ranted using his hands to express his emotions. You let out a chuckle as you avoid one of his large hands waving around from hitting your face.
“Maybe it’s time for you to take a break, H. You’ve been here all day, god knows how long you’ve been slouched on this couch.” For emphasis, you nudge said couch, Harry shooting you a look.
“S’not a bad couch, leave m’couch alone.” He pouts, silently agreeing that it was definitely time for a break. You duck out of his arms and get up, walking towards the door. Harry follows, moving to get up but halts his movements when a crack comes from his back. You swiftly turn around with your eyes wide and an amused look.
“Oi m’back!” Harry exclaimed in shock. He stood there for second before making eye contact with you. The two of you burst out laughing.
“I fucking told you!” You pointed at him, only to be gently pushed out the door by Harry who was muttering for you to “shuddup”.
Despite the two of you being home, Harry linked his fingers with yours while you both walked to the kitchen. His large hand engulfed yours, his rough thumb stroking the top of your hand.
“I’m actually hungry.” Harry thought aloud once the kitchen came to view. He was wondering what he should eat, deciding between leftovers, cooking, or ordering in. However, he let out a gasp when he saw food already on the table.
He turned around to you beaming, “Y’made my favorite!” On the dining table were pancakes, hash browns, eggs, and coffee. Even though he was eating healthier, Harry believed that one can never go wrong with breakfast for dinner. The main reason why he loved it was because of a memory you both shared during the early stages of your relationship.
The two of you had overslept at his house after movie night and skipped dinner. By the time you both woke up, everything was closed. So the two of you ended up rummaging through his kitchen only to find eggs, pancake mix, frozen hash browns, and coffee. Harry loved that night so much because it was the moment you two truly got to know each other more and connected. It was like finally breaking the barrier of whatever was holding you back from one another. Till this day he remembers the sleepy haze behind your eyes as you shared stories from your past. Your mascara smudged beneath your eyes and your hair was a mess, but none of that mattered because he thought you were beautiful either way. Ever since that night, the two of you would have breakfast for dinner as a staple in your household.
While Harry piled two plates with eggs, pancakes, and hash browns, you filled up two mugs with coffee. Harry liked his black, while you liked yours with a bit of cream and sugar. The two of you settled in the living room, ditching the dining table because it just wasn’t comfy enough. You smiled down at your plate—which had maple syrup dripping down a tower of pancakes—as Harry picked a record to put on. Call it old school, but it was one of the normal things keeping you sane during this lockdown. He had chosen one of his Elvis ones. The same one he played that first night you had breakfast for dinner.
You sat across each other on the couch, feet nuzzled together and your knees bumping alongside the other. The sound of your forks and knives scratching against the plate filled the room along with Elvis’s voice on the record player.
Harry had forgotten he had been writing the entire day. Instead, he remembered all the places you traveled to and the memories you made together on those trips. Being stuck at home for months made the both of you crave the outside world and the normality of it all. Though as much as you wanted to book a trip to Italy, it wasn’t safe to leave the country.
It felt like the world was ending, but to Harry it didn’t feel like it because he was with you. You brought light to the darkness—yes, it was cheesy—but it was the only way Harry knew how to describe being with you.
You guys spent the night eating and reminiscing on past memories you made together. As the hours passed, your plates were now empty and on the coffee counter, while you had found your way into your lover’s arms. His arms held you close to him as your body rested perfectly against his. Your head laid upon his chest, allowing you to feel him breathe and hear the beating of his heart. You were surrounded by his warmth and it was truly all you ever wanted.
Harry could feel you dozing off, your sentences had gotten shorter and your voice had a slight slur. With his nose against your temple he whispered, “Y’know I’ll always love you, right?”
You shifted your head to look into his dark emerald eyes, “Yeah.”
His eyes squinted at you playfully, “How so?” He tested you.
“Because I know I’ll always love you too.”
Then just like that, a spark set off in his head, and all of a sudden the words he has jotted down earlier that day made sense.
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Secret Desires
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Sanemi x Fem!Reader, Giyuu x Fem!Reader (p sure I used she/her pronouns at one point but I don't think I use any descriptors really, so it could be read as GN!Reader, just wanted to tag as fem just in case)
Shinazugawa hates Tomioka, everyone knows this. But nobody knows the real reason behind this animosity-- or that it mostly has to do with you.
Warnings: angst, mentions of sex (no smut), OOC Sanemi tbh, cold/emotionless Giyuu (I put that as a warning bc it pains me. Giyuu is my lil cinnamon bun sweetie I hate making him that way 😔), very little plot outside the romance stuff lol.
WC: 5,182
A/N: I'm not rlly a huge fan of like, music-based fics but I have to admit I thought about the idea for this one when a Panic! At the Disco song came on shuffle the other day. These lines listed below in particular from "She Had the World" inspired this. Enjoy. As always, constructive criticism is much appreciated but please be kind.
“When I look in her eyes, well I just see the sky”
“I don’t love you, I’m just passing the time”
         It was no secret to any of the hashira that Shinazugawa hated Tomioka with a passion. To the few of them that had asked about this animosity outright Shinazugawa had given some lame answers before, like that Tomioka appeared to think of himself as better than the other hashira (true), that Tomioka had defeated him in all their 1v1 training sessions due to some really bullshit happenings that occurred each time and it was annoying (true), and that Tomioka had killed one of Shinazugawa’s pet beetles (not true). Though these were the reasons he gave for having such a hatred for the Water Pillar, they weren’t the real reason why Shinazugawa couldn’t stand the guy. The real reason that he would probably never reveal out loud to anyone else was simple: you.
         You were indeed the reason for the one-sided hatred between the two hashira. You didn’t know this, of course, but Shinazugawa absolutely couldn’t stand the fact that Tomioka had you. Though he never intended on telling you this, Shinazugawa had feelings for you. Deep, deep feelings that he actively had to push down when you talked to him with your bright smile, telling him another one of your stories about the crazy happenings of your day. He was no stranger to envy and not getting things that he wanted in life, so it wasn’t just the fact that Tomioka had you, but that he didn’t care for you as he should.
This was another secret Sanemi held closely-- not because he didn’t want to tell you, but because didn’t know how. He had found out Tomioka’s true feelings because Tomioka had gotten careless after one stressful week with back to back missions and left his personal notebook out in a common dining space. The only person around at the time to find it was Shinazugawa. He normally wouldn’t care about the personal musings of a random person but given whose notebook it was, he couldn’t resist reading a few tidbits. His jaw fell open in rage when he saw the way Tomioka had written about you there—not necessarily as if he didn’t care for you at all, but he was very clear in the fact that he had no romantic feelings toward you whatsoever. He was very clear in his musings that you were his partner simply as a way for Tomioka to relieve stress, seek out affection, and boost his own ego.
When Shinezugawa read this, he was beyond pissed. He was absolutely outraged. How could he? How was it that Tomioka of all people got to have someone as kind as you and he didn’t value you the way that he should? He could’ve killed Tomioka with his bare hands in that moment, but he knew that you were at his estate now, visiting your partner for the evening, and he knew that you hated unnecessary violence and animosity between fellow demon slayers. In the moment, he decided to place the notebook back where he had found it, and go on a walk to calm his anger. He would deal with Tomioka in due time, some way that wouldn’t have you angry at the both of them.
         In the weeks following this discovery, Sanemi could not shake the rage that filled him at the sight of Tomioka. And don’t get him started on how it felt seeing the both of you together. When you approached Sanemi alone, which you often did as you enjoyed talking to the typically prickly Wind Pillar, he forced his emotions down so that he didn’t burst forth with the knowledge he had on your little boyfriend. You absolutely deserved to know, but if he were to be the one to tell you he wanted to do it without anger, only with empathy and understanding. The way that you should be treated. Sanemi valued you deeply, and he never wanted to hurt you. It was his own deep-rooted care for you that made this situation so anguishing. He knew that he could treat you better—so much better. If only he had gotten closer to you first, then maybe....
         He tried not to linger on the maybes. He didn’t want to be your friend with any conditions attached—he never thought of himself as the most emotionally intelligent person, but he at least knew that wasn’t fair. So he let it play out, because although Sanemi didn’t necessarily believe in karma, he did believe that the truth always comes to light.
         As far as your relationship went, you were comfortable in it. While there were things that maybe had you desiring more, you couldn’t say that you weren’t content with Tomioka so that was good enough for you. Really, what more could you ask for? Your boyfriend was strong, handsome, perceptive to your needs, and your intimacy together was consistent. Sure, Tomioka wasn’t the most outspoken about your relationship or on board with PDA—or, when you thought about it, any kind of physical affection-- but you really didn’t have any complaints. I mean, is your relationship really in the trenches if your boyfriend doesn’t show you off? No, that wasn’t necessarily a deal breaker.
         But when you saw other couples together, you felt an ache in your chest. You couldn’t help but compare your relationship to the sugary sweet ones around you. You saw others who held hands on public pathways, fingers intertwined, and imagined what it must feel like to be in love so freely where everyone could see. You saw the way these couples would sneak pecks on each others’ cheeks or foreheads, and the way that they would blush at the acts of affection, and you sighed internally. You heard whispered vows of devotion and love, and couldn’t help but think about how Tomioka never professed his love to you. Not verbally at least. I mean, he had to love you of course, you two had been together for the better part of a year. He just didn’t show it that often. He was just subtle. That’s what you told yourself. You had muttered the three words to him before, but you usually only did it in moments of passion, when you could play it off as being really into the moment if he questioned it. He didn’t, but all you got in response to your proclamations were grunts in your ear or hums that you hoped were agreement. But honestly, not hearing those words from him hurt your feelings. You wanted a deep love; one that your mind never questioned because it was always made so clear to you how much you were valued. You wanted it so badly you dreamed of it, but you weren’t willing to end things with Tomioka just over feeling a little pathetic at not publicly being affectionate with him or hearing three words. Other than those desires of yours, you guys were perfectly fine, really.
         It only took about a month before the guilt and rage began chipping away at Sanemi’s resolve. He had to tell someone, even if it couldn’t be you—and Iguro was the only hashira Sanemi trusted with any tidbits of his personal life, so Iguro it was.
         He had invited the Serpent Hashira over for a training session one afternoon when he was particularly frustrated. Iguro pretty much knew the drill; when Shinazugawa invited him over for one-on-one training it usually meant he needed to rant about something and let off some steam. Since Iguro was more of the quiet type anyway, he didn’t mind keeping quiet and letting Shinazugawa grunt out his frustrations.
Sanemi may have thought that he was keeping his admiration for you a secret, but Iguro was much more perceptive than the Wind Pillar realized. When he finished telling his friend how shitty your relationship really was, he was shocked that his friend called him out instead of getting angry with him.
         “And you didn’t tell her this?” Iguro admonished Sanemi, “You’d keep such a secret from the girl you love?”
         “I...what? Love? I didn’t say anything-“ He cut himself off at the sharp look in Iguro’s eyes as he tried to deny his feelings.
“I can’t tell her, obviously! She would be angry not only at the situation but at me, for knowing now for a month that her relationship is a sham! You can’t just....just drop that on someone! I mean, did I even ask  for your opinion anyway? Geez!”
Iguro’s eyes peered sternly at Shinazugawa over his bandages. “You should have told her as soon as you knew. It wouldn’t have been easy, but it would have been easier than telling her now. Maybe she wouldn’t have been angry then, but she definitely will be now that you’ve known all this time, and you can’t blame her.” Iguro would never admit it, but he had grown fond of you over your time with the Demon Corps, and it was mostly contributed to how highly Shinazugawa, his friend, spoke of you. This whole situation now pissed him off as well.
         Sanemi found that he couldn’t meet his friend’s eyes.
“You think I don’t know that?! Know it all ass....” Sanemi mumbled, deflecting the shame he felt at being called out. “Look, whatever, I’ll tell her soon. I said already I should’ve told her before. God, this sucks.”
Iguro nodded in the affirmative, sheathed his sword and bid goodbye to his friend before heading back to his own estate, trusting that their training session had been helpful. And it turned out that it had been helpful, as it struck Sanemi to be called out so plainly by his typically cold friend, who he had not expected to scold him at their training earlier. I mean, what was that about? Iguro never spoke up when Sanemi ranted—it was like, an unspoken understanding of theirs. But hey, whatever. The longer Shinazugawa got to ponder on the oddity of the earlier conversation, the less he thought about what he was on his way to do.
Sanemi approached the residence of the Flame Pillar, who you were training under as his tsuguko. His steps faltered a bit as he saw that you were already outside and you spotted him quickly, giving him no more time to prepare his words. He forced a smile on his face that he hoped matched yours, and closed the distance between you.
“Y/n! Hey, how are you doing today?” He started out with some niceties, stalling.
“Oh well, I’m pretty good, Sanemi, how about you? I see you’re kind of flushed, if you need to come inside we can. It’s pretty hot out today. Here, let me get you some water as well!” As kind as always, you took him gently by the elbow and began walking him to the engawa nearby. As he was seated, he rubbed his sweaty palms on his pants. Gratefully accepting the water you held out to him, he drank deeply and sighed, knowing that the painful conversation had to begin.
“Y/n, I um... I came here to tell you something. I should’ve told you a long time ago, but I have been a coward, and I’m sorry for that.” He glanced sideways at your face, noticing already how the worry filled your eyes.
“About a month ago, I found some personal writings of Tomioka’s, and, well, they... they mentioned you, and...” He paused to take a deep breath, preparing to rip the metaphorical bandaid off. “He wrote in his notebook that he isn’t in love you”
Sanemi held his breath. It almost seemed in that moment as if the world held its breath too—he could feel a slight breeze but didn’t hear it move through the trees, and even birds that had been chirping had fallen silent. He forced himself to look at you and he immediately wished he hadn’t. Your mouth had fallen open in a delicate “o” shape, and your eyes sparkled with tears that had yet to fall. It appeared that you were trembling, and you couldn’t meet his eyes as they desperately tried to lock onto yours.
After a few moments of prolonged silence, Shinazugawa reached his hand out toward you, not knowing what to say but knowing he could offer you some physical comfort—and you jerked violently away from him.
“Go.” Your voice was low.
“Y- Y/n I’m—”
“I said go Shinazugawa,” you were practically growling at him.
“But wait, I-“
Your head whipped around so quickly he was startled, your expression as fierce as when you faced down a demon. “You knew. You knew for a month and you hid it from me. I thought we were friends, I- I thought that you cared for me!” The anger in your voice is exactly as he had feared.
He was going to lose you because of Tomioka—no, no.... he was going to lose you because of his own stupidity.
Not wanting to anger you further, he slipped down from the engawa and took a couple of steps away before speaking one last sentiment to you: “I am sorry, Y/n. I understand if you don’t wish to talk to me anymore, but my door is open to you if you ever change your mind.” He exited the estate and walked with a heavy heart back to his own mansion.
         You were devastated. Your deep fear had been confirmed by your friend, who had known long before you and chosen to deceive you. You had ignored Giyuu’s letters asking to meet for meals, and you had asked Rengoku to turn him away whenever he showed up at the estate’s entrance. You sobbed for a couple of days straight, then you could only lie in silence for the next day or two. Rengoku, the kind hearted man that he is, brought you all your favorite foods at mealtimes to try to entice you to eat, but your appetite was nonexistent despite his efforts. You finally reached a point where your sadness turned again to anger, but this time it was rightfully aimed toward the person who had deceived you longer than anyone—Giyuu. You finally instructed Rengoku to let him in after 5 days straight of the Water Hashira groveling outside. Rengoku, bless him, glared at Tomioka the entire time he marched to your door, though he knew not what was going on between the two of you.
         You had made an effort to clean your appearance up; you didn’t want to be disheveled in front of the man who had ripped your heart to shreds. Tomioka began the conversation, immediately starting to apologize, knowing how you had found out because Shinazugawa and Iguro had already ripped him a new one for it.
“Y/n please, I’m so so sorry. I can’t apologize enough for-“
“How could you?” You cut him off, not wanting to hear his bullshit apologies. If he were really sorry or guilty or whatever he would claim to you, why would he have kept his act up so long? Why pretend to care for you at all? If he wanted sex, it could have just been that. People make arrangements for situations to just enjoy sex all the time, there could have been some sort of understanding between you without the need for this senselessly cruel pain that you were put through.
“Y/n, I... I messed up. I was selfish, and I began a relationship with you knowing that a serious relationship wasn’t what I wanted, and I just.... I just hoped that somewhere along the line I would change my mind. I need you to understand though that it has nothing to do with you, you’re the best person I know, I just... I’m not someone who’s able to date right now. I don’t know if I’ll be able to ever, it’s just how I am. I should have told you that. I made excuse after excuse not to break things off. I enjoyed your affection and your attention, and I took advantage of it. I’m sorry.”
You listened to his small speech with a quivering lip.  He dated you for almost a year, with you thinking that you two were serious about each other, just because he liked your affection? You were almost more angry now that you’d heard his stupid explanation; it didn’t excuse this sham of a relationship. The silence stretched on as your tear-filled eyes glanced at the ground, at the trees behind him, at the birds in the sky....anywhere but at him, the man you thought you loved. Eventually, he broke the silence.
“You’re right to be angry. I would be too, anyone would be. You deserve better than me wasting your time. I’m so sorry. I know I never told you I loved you, because that felt like a lie, and I know you probably feel used. But y/n, if you ever forgive me, I know I could love you as my friend. I could be a much better friend to you than I ever was a lover. Please, take all the time you need. Even if you don’t forgive me, I’ll be willing to talk more whenever you’re ready.”
         He slowly began to turn around and step toward the estate’s main gate, and you watched him walk with slumped shoulders. At least you knew he truly felt bad about it all—Giyuu was not an actor. He couldn’t lie to save his life—not directly, like how he never said that he loved you. Once you were confident that he was out of earshot, you let out a sob that you hadn’t wanted him to hear, and turned to escape back into your bed for the remainder of the day.
         After a week of your grieving your future with Giyuu, in which luckily you had not been called on any missions, you finally felt okay enough to get ready and go to a group training session. Upon your arrival, you were approached by Sanemi, whose expression was more worried than you’d ever seen it.
“I came to check on you,” he said, eyes flicking between your own as if searching for a response there. You knew he had come to ask about you multiple times, maybe more times than Giyuu even, but Rengoku took his role as your protector seriously and turned Shinazugawa away even when he threatened violence.
“I wasn’t taking visitors.”
“Okay, yeah, I um—I get that. You needed time. Did you at least get my letters?”
You hadn’t realized he had been sending you letters also—you had instructed your crow not to deliver any messages to you unless they were from the master instructing you to go on a mission. Everything else could wait.
“Oh, my crow may have them stored away for me somewhere, but I didn’t want to read any letters last week either. Sorry.”
“Oh no, no, no need to be sorry,” He rushed to reassure you, placing his strong hand on your shoulder in a comforting gesture. You hadn’t realized how much you missed his company; how he effortlessly showed you his sweet side that others didn’t see. Your heart, having felt frozen solid for well over a week at this point, began to thaw out at the genuine warmth you felt from your friend. Overwhelmed with appreciation for him, you drew him into a hug, which he returned after a beat of hesitation.
         The training session went without a hitch as you slid right back into your regimen. Sanemi hardly left your side, and other slayers gave the two of you odd looks at the beginning when you had embraced. You couldn’t blame them—Sanemi was feared by many for his quick temper and how he resorted to violence in many situations that weren’t quickly and easily resolved with words. Though you’d never had to be fearful of him, you were able to see why others were.
         As you were gathering your things to head back to Rengoku’s estate, Sanemi asked if he could accompany you, which you accepted. You enjoyed his companionship too much to say no.
“Y/n, I want to apologize to you. I know you were upset with me for not telling you about Tomioka when I found out, and I should have. We’re... we’re friends, and I care about your feelings. I didn’t tell you because I was scared to hurt you, even though it wasn’t technically me who was doing the uh, hurtful thing? Look, I’m not good with words, so uh, I—” His cheeks blushed scarlet as you peered up at him in the evening sun. A tiny smile formed on your face before you cut him off.
“It’s okay, Sanemi. I know. And I know you probably wanted to tell me. I’m not angry with you really, you told me eventually. You’re a good friend to me. Thank you.”
         You looped your arm through his and continued walking, a comfortable silence between you.
Sanemi was the one to break it. “You deserve better, y/n. I always thought you did, but definitely with all this coming out you deserve better. You deserve someone to love you. I see other couples around, like, kissing and holding hands and stuff and... I don’t know, I just never saw him do any of that for you. The next person should do that and more. You should have someone who isn’t afraid to love you proudly. I know you have a lot of love to give, ‘cause that’s just who you are. You are love. So that’s what you deserve.”
You couldn’t say anything in response—you had never had someone tell you something so heartwrenchingly sweet before. You were coming up to your place, so you stepped on the engawa and turned to face Sanemi before dipping down to place a kiss on his cheek. His blush from before, barely having faded, returned with a vengeance.
“Thank you, Sanemi,” you said, voice barely more than a whisper. You hoped you conveyed how much you appreciated him. You smiled, and backed into your home, watching his lips turn up as he also backed toward the path leading to his home.
         Over the following months, you got back into your normal routine and felt much more at peace with your heartbreak. You had the support of the rest of the hashira, even if most of them didn’t know details of what happened between you and Tomioka—it wasn’t something that you were inclined to share. Not only would it cause more animosity to be directed toward him (he wasn’t the most popular slayer to begin with...), but it also caused you a bit of embarrassment that you were toyed with for so long. Regardless, you came to understand Tomioka’s reasoning for stringing you along, especially because of his lack of social life outside of you. You felt bad for him, knowing that now he truly had no one to spend time with; but you definitely weren’t ready to be on friendly terms with him anytime soon so you didn’t make efforts to see or speak with him.
         You had grown closer to Sanemi than you were before, which was a feat considering that you were already best friends really, even when you were with Tomioka. You both ate all of your meals together, trained together, often walked each other home, and confided in one another more than ever. Shinazugawa made you very comfortable around him. You were shocked when you realized one afternoon, head thrown back at the sky as you laughed at some clever quip from him, that he had single-handedly returned your smile to you after your heartbreak. You felt a tiny bit of warmth wiggling in your chest.
         Walking once again toward the Flame Hashira’s estate, your arms swayed gently by your sides. With Sanemi to your left, you felt very relaxed after a long day of training and goofing off with him and Iguro. You were looking forward to a nice meal and a hot bath. A sigh slipped from your lips at the pure contentment you felt in this moment.
         Sanemi’s head turned toward you, seeking your eyes.
“Everything alright?”
“Perfect, ‘Snemi,” your tongue was loose in relaxation and a strange version of his nickname slipped out, alongside a giggle at the slip-up.
         His face stretched into a smile, which was rare for anyone besides you to ever see. Walking down the bumpy path leisurely, the backs of your hands kept brushing. The warmth you’d felt in your chest since seeing Sanemi every day turned into a flutter everytime you touched his skin. As his knuckles bumped yours again, you decided to be bold—it was about time you started going for what you wanted, right? You caught his hand in yours and laced your fingers through his calloused ones. Your heart stuttered at the contact, and if you’d asked him how he felt he’d say the same. He squeezed your hand in his and rubbed his thumb in soft circles as you approached your residence.
“Y/n, I was actually wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow? With me? Well, duh, but you know...” Sanemi trailed off, his cheeks turning that shade of pink that delighted you so much. He was always so confident in every other situation—in fighting, in conversation with others, in his strengths, and he had been confident in flirting if what you’d seen in past years through your friendship was anything to go off of. His shyness with you was endearing; it told you that he cared what you thought of him. You knew he also had a level of comfort with you that he didn’t possess with anyone else, but you hoped in the near future you could express to him exactly just how much you valued him so that he no longer had reason to be so shy around you anymore.
  “Nemi, we hang out every day. Of course, I would love to see you again tomorrow.”
He kept meeting your eyes but then looking away. “Well yeah, yes, we do, but I kind of want to do something different, if that’s okay. Like if you wanted we could walk to the trees where the cherry blossoms are and I’ll bring a bunch of food and we’ll have, like, a picnic or something.” Your heart had to have swelled to twice its normal size.
         Still holding his hand, you gave him a reassuring squeeze. “I would love to.”
He finally met your gaze for more than half of a second and his still-pink cheeks broke into a grin wider than you think you’d ever seen on him. You didn’t know if you’d ever seen anything cuter. “Okay, then perfect! And, just to be clear, I wanted this to be a date. Like, romantically.”
You laughed again, throwing your arms around his neck and nuzzling into his broad chest. “Yes, Nemi. I want this to be a date too.”
Pulling back, you looked at his face, and you couldn’t help it. You were smitten with your friend. Well, soon to be more-than-friend, right?
“Can I kiss you?”
His face dropped into a look of pure shock, then elation as he breathed out, “Yes, y/n. I would like nothing more.”
So you leaned in, and he did the same, meeting in the middle. Sanemi may look rough around the edges to everyone else—but to you, he was nothing but soft and sweet. His lips were soft, not just in texture but in pressure, as if he wanted to make sure he wouldn’t be too rough with you. Your lips moved together as if you’d done this before. Thinking about how you knew now Sanemi’s true feelings for you made you smile into the kiss, and you felt his lips turn upwards too. Both of you were hesitant to part, but you had to pull away when it became difficult to breathe. His lips followed yours, not wanting to break.
Sanemi rested his forehead against yours and your peered up into his eyes. You didn’t think you’d ever seen him look so relaxed or blissful. “I should go,” you said after a moment, pulling a sigh from his mouth. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Sanemi. We’ll have more time together then.”
“Alright. If you must go,” he replied, pressing a sweet kiss to your brow before stepping away, off to his own estate. You watched him go. For the first time in several months, you could see yourself being happy again.
         A year later, you still walked everywhere with Sanemi, only now you two never went without your hands clasped tightly together. Your relationship with him had been completely different than the one before that had broken your heart. Sanemi held your hand with pride, he planted kisses on the top of your head and pecked your cheeks even when in the presence of others. When you became overwhelmed with how adorable your partner was and stretched up on your toes for a kiss, he still blushed if you two were in public, but he never turned down an opportunity to kiss his beloved. Not to mention, Sanemi never let a day go by without telling you he loved you. He didn’t really need to tell you in order for you to know—his actions spoke volumes about his true feelings—but each time he told you, you reveled in it and made sure to tell him the same back. And yes, you could say it to him anywhere, anytime without embarrassment or needing to play it off somehow.
His affection was shocking to others. The big, bad Wind Pillar who beat other slayers to a pulp at his trainings blushed when his girlfriend kissed him? He held her hand like his lifeline? His eyes weren’t full of hatred, but adoration? How could this be? Though this behavior was shocking to them when your relationship began, many were able to associate this new temperament to Shinazugawa fairly easily. While still rough in training sessions and prone to losing his temper, since he had been with you others could tell that he made a greater effort to hold his tongue or step away when upset rather than throw senseless punches. You made him want to do better for you, so he was better for you. He was a man of his word.
Now, when you walked Sanemi to a Hashira meeting, you placed a gentle kiss to his cheek and looked at the other hashira waiting in the Master’s garden. You waved first at Rengoku, who you’d see later on, then at Tomioka, who still hesitated to return your greetings even though you had released any anger you held toward him months ago. How could you hold anger toward your ex when you were so incredibly happy with Sanemi? Tomioka had taught you what you deserved, and Sanemi had been more than happy to put in work to be that for you. Now you could say with truth that you had no complaints.
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stllite · 1 year
hyunjin hc's ✧˚ · .
hwang hyunjin x gn!reader
word count 680
authors note i've had this in my drafts for a bit and thought i would post it until i wrote another fic...hope you enjoy! i love hyune sm <33
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you both appreciate the little things soooo much! if the moon looks pretty one night or there’s a pretty sunset, either one of you is tapping each other on the shoulder excitedly and pointing at the sight.
picturessss! he loves taking pictures of you and does it a lot when you don’t even notice. personally, those are his favorite! you’ll be looking over the pictures he took of that day and see one of you and point at it.  “when did you take this?” “oh, when we were at the lake. you looked so pretty i couldn’t help it.” you’ll definitely be blushing so hard.
you guys have the best dates! you love just taking walks with each other, trying new restaurants, going to different museums, or just driving around listening to music. you both love exploring new places with each other.
while you guys love exploring, you also love staying in. just being around each other is enough for the both of you. your favorite pastime together is usually when he’s painting with soft music in the background. you sit beside him and write in your journal or read a book. it’s calming and comforting and you both love it.
speaking of painting, you’re his biggest inspiration. if he’s not painting you exactly, he’s painting things that remind him of you. whether that’s a sunset you both saw together that you were geeking over, a bookstore he saw that reminded him of you, or even small little details about you. nevertheless, you’re his muse.
if you can't make it to one of his shows, he usually facetimes beforehand and talks to you for a little bit to calm his nerves down. but if you can make it to one of his shows he’s with you backstage almost the whole time. the boys tease him for it but you calm him down and keep him at ease.
one cute thing you love about your relationship is when you travel with him on a plane, train, or car! you two share headphones and listen to the playlist you two made together. and when you’re both dozing off, you rest your heads on each other's shoulders. the cutest thing fr!
he lovesssss animals, especially your dog! him and your dog are besties and tbh it gets you kind of jealous that your dog likes hyunjin more than you. butttt kkami is all over you when you’re over at hyunjin’s so it’s a win win. 
if you guys are apart for a while, he’ll send you songs that remind him of you and send you some of the drawings and paintings he did. he’ll text you good morning and good night and tries to fit a facetime call if he can. even if it’s a short one, he just loves hearing your voice. 
he loves his cuddles! he likes laying his head on your chest and lovessss when you play with his hair. but, he also loves wrapping his arms around you and holding you so so close. he honestly never wants to let go. 
baking! you two are adventurous when it comes to trying new things so you bake and cook a lot of goodies (usually late at night) when you’re bored. sometimes, felix will even join in! and when you guys are done with baking you’re goodies, you usually share them with the boys and get their opinion. (they love it every time)
speaking of the boys, they are like brothers to you! it makes hyunjin so happy to know you get along super well with his best friends. all of you are super important to him!
late night convosssss! you two are best friends before anything so you two rant to each other a lot or get into deep conversations about random things.
overall, you two have such a pure and genuine relationship. he loves you and you love him and you two are sure to remind each other any time and any way you can!
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missmielyhoran · 2 years
Bachelorette party
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in which you and Harry meet at your friend's Bachelorette party sleepover...
[Warning- Tooth rooting fluff, wedding, alcohol and cringe tbh I was feeling lonely]
Everyone was ready, clad in their matching silky pajamas. It was very uncommon to celebrate a Bachelorette party as a sleepover but everyone who knew Fiona knew that it wasn't.
Fiona was our bride-to-be marrying her long-term girlfriend Jade. Even though both of them had polar opposite personalities considering Jade was out getting drunk at a bar with their friends and Fiona insisted on staying home and having a sleepover they worked together well. Like they say opposite attracts.
You were in the kitchen making popcorn for movie nights while the rest of the girls, Avery, Emily and Sophie along with our bride-to-be were sitting in the living room fighting over which movie to watch.
The doorbell rang which confused you cause all of your friends were there. You heard chattering along with laughs and then a deep voice. A man was standing in Fiona's living room with his back to you, with curly hair, broad shoulders, a narrow waist, and tall height wearing matching PJs as all of you.
"Y/N come here" Fiona ran towards you and took the bowl out of your hands placing them down on the table. She gave you a smirk and then pulled you towards the man.
"Y/N this is Harry my cousin and Harry this is Y/N my bridesmaid and best friend" she introduced you two. You looked up at the towering man who had a charming smile on his face showing a dimple on his left cheek. He was pretty so pretty you didn't realize he had his hand extended to shake. It wasn't until Fiona nudged you that you saw his hand and shook it. Your face was beet red while he just chuckled.
Harry had never felt like this before, he doesn't know if it was the wine or the overall happy, lovey-dovey mood of the wedding but he can't seem to take his eyes off the pretty girl.
When Fiona asked him to join her Bachelorette party he thought she meant going to a party or something but knowing her a sleepover seemed more like it.
All of the girls were asleep except you and Fiona who was an inch away from drifting away. They were watching some random romcom on Netflix trying to marathon through them but most fell asleep before the first one ended.
"Bit of a cliché movie don't you think?" Harry leaned down a bit so he could whisper to not wake others. You smelled like cinnamon (maybe cause you ate a donut before this). Chills ran down your spine hearing his deep voice this close.
"I- um yeah a bit but I kind of like it?" You said but it came out more as a question. You pulled the blanket up trying to hide from the embarrassment. Why couldn't you just talk to a cute guy like normal?
"Really?" Harry hummed, "How so?" He asked genuinely curious about you. He wanted to know everything from why you liked cliché movies to what was your favorite colour.
You looked up finding his green eyes on yours, you immediately look away and start fiddling with your pajama bottoms.
"Well, it's just cute you know the fighting, the over-the-top love confession in the end by the main character" You chuckled, "or maybe it's just cause I never had those clichés so I find comfort in movies" You speak before thinking. You realized what you just said and you bit your tongue.
"Forget I said anything. I tend to talk a lot when I'm nervous" you closed your eyes and shook your head.
Harry on the other hand was very amused. He found you so cute the way your cheeks and nose went red when you got embarrassed and the way you scrunched your nose and the way your hair was falling perfectly on side of your face making you look like an angel in the tv lit room.
"Why are you nervous huh?" Harry asked fully turning his attention to you. "Am I scary?" He mused.
Your eyes went wide as you looked at him. "No no...Oh my god no quite the opposite I think you're very cute. I just don't know how to talk-" You cut yourself off by slapping your hands to your mouth. You fell on the sofa and groaned while Harry was having time of his life laughing.
"You find me cute huh?" He nudged you with his shoulder. While you just closed your eyes and laughed. "Go away" You fake whined.
"I don't think so Miss Y/N" He scooted a bit more toward her. She looked up finding him smirking down at her. "I think you're very cute too" he said flicking your nose. He smile when he saw you scrunch them adorably again.
You were blushing like crazy, the butterflies in your stomach were creating a storm and you felt dizzy. Oh god, you were fucked.
"Now what would I have to do for a cute girl to cuddle me while we finish this cliché movie she loves?" Harry asks tucking the hair behind her ear and feeling the smooth skin of her cheek against his fingertips.
You were sure your cheeks were burning at this point. "Just keep her warm" You giggle lightly and scooted closer, Harry draped his arm around your shoulder and you tucked your head against his chest.
The wedding was beautiful. It was held in a vineyard, the altar was under a big flower tree, petals falling down as the brides held hands saying their vows it was amazing.
But the only thing Harry cared about was you in the blue bridesmaid dress matching the blue shirt Fiona made him wear so he would be the unofficial bridesmaid. Your hair was in a loose low bun with pieces falling on your face.
Now, the same beautiful girl was in his arms dancing with him to a beautiful slow song.
"You look beautiful" Harry said looking down at you his hand on your waist gripping your dress to make anything feel like the moment was real.
"You have told me this like fifty times already" You laughed and shook your head.
"Well you do" He shrugged, his eyes flicking between yours as he collected the courage to ask what he wanted.
"Wha-" "Will you go on a date with me?" He asked closing his eyes as if that would stop you from rejecting him but when you didn't reply for long he opened his left one to peek.
You were looking at him shocked. "I- um- okay- yeah" You stumbled over your words. Harry laughed in relief and so did you. He rested his forehead on yours and you resumed dancing.
"You owe me 50" Fiona elbowed her wife reminding her of the bet she won. Jade rolled their eyes and breathed out a fine. They watched as the couple danced in the middle of the dance floor with their foreheads resting on each other laughing.
That wedding became the start of two new love stories.
It's a small one, I hope you liked it. Please tell me your thoughts here♡ or just talk
Like, Comment and Reblog please! Ily<33
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roguishcat · 1 month
✨Writing Interview Tag Game✨
Thank you for the tag @astarionancuntnin! 💕
When did you start writing?
Wrote my first story when I was 16 (original fantasy stuff that was just random scenes that I kept dreaming up when I listened to my sad girl music.) Then I started reading fanfiction and decided to have a go at writing fanfic when I was about 20. Was quite active in a couple of fandoms but gave it up when I was 25. And then BG3 happened and now I'm in my early 30s and having a great time writing fanfiction again!
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I love reading all sorts, drama, horror (but not dumb 'everyone dies just because' stuff), mystery, romance.
And I will write most things, not straight up gore though.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I used to try to be 'clever' with my writing until I realised that you have to be clever for that. 😁😂 I just stick to slightly quirky, light-hearted stuff with some angst thrown in.
So no, I don't think I get compared to any writers. 🙂
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I mostly write on my laptop wherever I am at the time. At work during breaks, at home on the sofa (nestled between my dog and my cat), pretty much anywhere.
I have enough books in my apartment to sink a battleship (according to my grandmother), so I suppose the whole place has a bit of a 'library' feel. So, in a way my writing space is a library.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Dreaming up stuff before I fall asleep. I overfixate when I listen to music and replay the same scene over and over. Daydreaming helps me write dialogue and get a general out line, and THEN I will listen to the same ten songs on repeat. 😁
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Cute fluff stuff. My last relationship was toxic and ended awfully, and just want to write about romantic tooth-rotting fluff. What can I say, I love love.
What is your reason for writing?
I work two jobs and very long hours, so just want to do something for myself. And I enjoy writing. Though sometimes I hate it too! Like when words are really not wording and I have to abandon something for a while before getting back into it.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I love all comments, although of course ones that go into detail about which parts readers liked are the best! Feedback is crucial. I realise that my writing is definitely not the best out there (I'm working on improving it!), but if readers find the story moving and enjoy the way I portray their favourite characters and tell me, it honestly makes me tear up sometimes.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I'm not sure exactly how to answer this tbh. 🙂 Approachable, respectful, friendly. I am not sure that this is exactly how I am come across, but I hope that everyone feels that they can send me a message/ask and not feel silly for it. I love chatting and doing challenges and things. If you sent me something and I did not respond, I'm either working on it or Tumbl didn't tag me properly.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Dialogue, at least this is the part that I enjoy writing. The banter between Astarion and other characters especially.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I feel dumb when I make dumb mistakes and notice them after posting. I try to spot them by reading out loud.
But I do love my stories because I love the characters. When I finished my first run of BG3 I immediately started writing. What a wonderful game to have inspired so many creatives!
I adore works by many writers, like Maugham (especially 'Theatre'), anything by Bradbury, Tolkien (of course), Maupassant etc. I cried when I read Gail Honeyman 'Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine'. But I don't think that I would ever try to write in their styles. Not for any particular reason, I just write better when I don't try to 'reach for the Moon', because then I just get upset that my writing is crap in comparison.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
Both, that's for sure. I write stuff and find it delightful and funny, and then remember that I find oddest things funny. And then I think, is this weird? Ah well, we ball!
No pressure tags 💖: @preciouslittlebhaalbae, @clazberryk,
@ladyduellist, @cinnamontails-ff,
@silent-words, @anacdoce, @bellasmumblingsandmusings,
@fangbangerghoul, @mellybaggins, @lavenderfluorite14, @waterdeep-weavemoss
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years
!Bakugou falling asleep with his s/o on video call!
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Scenario:-what if Reader and Bakugou fell asleep on a call/video chat?
Pairing:- bakugou x gn!reader
Type:- oneshot
A/N:-shout out to @cloudy-zephyr for bein my muse on this one too!couldnt do it without you babes😘
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Okie so it started at like 8pm
He wanted to finish ‘cos he had to go to bed by 9 and well he didnt wanna stay up too late
Dont get me wrong the boi loves ya but he NEEDS his eight hours😭
So eight pm rolls around and you join ur special zoom link🥰
but then while ur fuming cos NOW U ONLY HAVE 55MINS AND NOT 60
He comes into the chat and guess what homeboy’s wearin😭
This man is wearing a full three piece tux and is at his kitchen table(the lighting is perfect there)
And ur just like “BITCH WHERE HAVE YOU- oh wow well hello there~”
And he’s just 😏
And nowww u feel insecure and a lil embarrassed cos this bitch is in a tux and you’re in bed in your pjs with messy hair
Oh also as if on cue ur led lights just turn to red and it looks like u AND ur room are blushing
You ask him why he’s wearin a tux and he just says “gotta look presentable for my partner dont i😏”
And ur like “SIRRR you look amazing REGARDLESS”
But ofc u cant sayyy that so u just say “dam right😤”
You laugh and then move on
You talk about the most random shit and also talk abt some pieces of shit😅(i.e. people you both dont like~)
Eventually it becomes 8.55 and he seems a lil tired
So you ask him if yall should sign off
But HE say No~
but you dont complain
You go on for another 1.5 hrs and then he keeps his head on his arms and closes his eyes
He still replies durin ur convo
But hes slurring his words
And soon enough hes out like a light
And keep in mind this man is in a FULL FUCKIN TUX asleep on the kitches table~
For you🧡
So you keep ur computer on ur second pillow and cover up the laptop a little with your blanket too
And then you fall asleep while admiring ur boyfriend and his adorable features
Be starts to snore so u mute him and then before you forget you take plenty of screenshots
He wakes up the next day at 6 to find that hes still on call,hes still in his tux and-
He was starting to get annoyed with himself (he thought hed fallen asleep thinkin abt u after the call) but then he sees that ur still there and smiles
Maybe it was worth it after all~
Oh btw he DEFINITELY took screenshots of you too
Made it into a collage and gave it to u on ur birthday is what he did~😭
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Taglist open for anyone interested!
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readthephible · 6 months
120 misc ship questions | shaymien edition
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buckle the fuck up guys /pos
1. who rushes to open doors for the other?
2. who drives more often?
3. who is more eager to jump in the shower with the other?
4. who takes self care more seriously?
both but probably damien
5. what’s a song that reminds you of them?
starlight - muse / rather be - clean bandit / everywhere - fleetwood mac / j’s lullaby - delaney bailey + every song i’ve used to make an edit of them with (everything i know about love - laufey, end of beginning - djo, you & me song - the wannadies)
6. what’s another couple / duo (real or fictional) that reminds you of them?
ian and anthony tbh (also dan and phil but i don’t think anyone cares about my explanation)
7. which one keeps more things because they’re sentimental?
8. which one tells their parents about their partner first? how does it happen?
damien i feel like would be so excited bc he’s so fond of shayne that it would just accidentally slip
9. whose family are they more likely to stay with during holidays?
shayne’s maybe? bc az is closer?
10. whose parents are / were stricter?
11. who uses more emojis?
damien but like ironically
12. where was their first date?
so random soundstage /j uh idk maybe something casual so it wouldn’t feel do heavy at first. a restaurant they both enjoy or smthn
13. what’s their favorite game to play together (any kind)?
14. which one spams posts / links to the other?
damien “this reminded me of you” haas
15. who is the black cat and who is the golden retriever?
obviously damien black cat shayne golden retriever i mean come oN
16. what mythical creature / monster would they each be? (vampire, werewolf, dragon, fairy, etc.)
damien - vampire, shayne - something with lots of wisdom like druid idk
17. who urges the other to go sing a karaoke duet with them?
18. what is their karaoke song?
rather be or an emo one like panic or fob losers (me hitting my 10th year as an emo mark)
19. who is more likely to serenade the other at random moments?
20. who stares at the other from across the room?
21. who brings a shopping haul of clothes home and who watches their fashion show?
22. who insists on paying when they go out to eat?
23. who is more impulsive?
24. who is ‘everything’ and who is ‘just ken’? /ref
damien is everything, shayne is just ken (sorry bud)
25. whose main goal its it to make the other blush?
26. who is first to know about a new trend, meme, slang, etc.?
27. who gets up early to make the other breakfast?
28. who insists they are their pets’ parents?
29. do they have pets together? what kind, what names, etc.
mildy canon /s freyja and zelda
30. who is more of an animal whisperer / befriends wild animals?
31. who has more patience?
32. who insists on fixing something themselves, and who would rather call a repair service?
damien wants to fix himself, shayne wants to call service
33. who turns something into an innuendo first?
34. who takes longer to understand a joke or reference?
35. who hides in the other’s arms during a horror movie?
36. who is more jumpy / scared easily?
37. who makes more movie references?
38. who thinks die hard is a christmas movie, and who doesn’t?
damien thinks it is, shayne thinks it isn’t (idk for sure though this can probably be fact checked)
39. who talks more during a movie?
40. who carries the other bridal style?
41. what are their thoughts on marriage?
hmmm idk. hesitant but open?
42. what’s the last name situation when / if they get married? (who’s last name do they take, do they keep theirs, do they hyphenate)
haa stopp (like haha, stop) i’m so funny guys (haas-topp or topp-haas idfk)
43. who wants the less traditional wedding?
44. where do they get married, and where do they honeymoon?
probably in a more secluded pretty place in california, and they honeymoon in japan
45. where is their favorite place to travel?
46. what do they do on vacation?
do all the touristy things, shop at nerdy places for magazines and trinkets, get lost
47. which one overpacks and which one underpacks?
both overpack?
48. who is the yapper and who is the napper?
it depends on the topic, if it’s about sports then shayne is the yapper and damien is the napper, if it’s maybe voice acting roles or something damien is the yapper and shayne is the napper
49. which one is a lighter sleeper?
50. who is the moon and who is the sun?
damien moon shayne sun
51. who collects more? (figurines, pokemon cards, etc)
52. who is more excited to decorate for the next holiday / event?
53. who stopped believing in santa later than the other?
54. do they want kids together? give me all the details - names, what traits they inherit, etc.
in parent au i would think they maybe have 2 girls and 1 boy? alice, cheyenne, and ??? (on my sims they have 2 kids so far, klaus and alice)
55. who is a stricter parent and who is more lenient?
shayne maybe slightly stricter than damien
56. who reads a book, and who reads over the other’s shoulder while cuddling?
shayne reads, damien cuddles
57. which is booba and which is kiki? /ref
damien is booba, shayne is kiki
58. who believes in soulmates and who doesn’t?
neither but damien slightly believes more
59. who gets nostalgic more easily?
60. who is more of a perfectionist?
61. who hosts more parties?
62. who makes handmade gifts more often for the other?
both!!! (damien’s little wooden board for him, shayne maybe mini paintings or origami 🥺)
63. which one is more formal when answering emails?
64. who prefers skinny jeans and who prefers baggy jeans?
damien - skinny jeans, shayne - baggy jeans
65. who’s better at roasting the other?
66. who initiates more pda?
67. which one is better at censoring their language, and which has less of a filter?
damien can censor better (twitch) shayne just isn’t as used to it
68. who insists on being player one?
69. which one snores like “honk shoo” and which snores like “hoooonk mimimi”?
damien honk shoo, shayne hoooonk mimimi
70. who gives more forehead kisses to the other?
71. what does their future look like?
happy, content, open communication, side by side coexisting, love, support
72. which one believes in astrology more?
73. what was their first kiss like?
with both consent and surprise
74. who steals the other’s clothes more often?
75. who steals the other’s food more often?
76. do they believe in ‘celebrity hall passes’? if so, which celebrities are theirs?
damien maybe fictional characters, shayne pretty demispec so he doesn’t really have anyone to feel that way towards
77. what matching couples costumes do they wear?
something nerdy as fuckkkkkk from an anime or video game probably
78. who is naturally more cold / more hot?
shayne maybe cold for snuggles, damien for cute sleepy frustration of kicking the sheets off
79. which is more extroverted?
80. how do they celebrate valentine’s day?
maybe a small outing but mostly at home together enjoying company, touch, and sappy sex hehe
81. what’s a holiday tradition they have? (ex. presents before breakfast on christmas)
insisting they don’t need to splurge on each other’s presents but they each give at least one that’s pricey but thoughtful
82. what niche pet names do they have for each other?
for damien from shayne - slaymien yaas, deem beem, damienuhhh
for shayne from damien - baby bird, my guy, bitch
83. who hates small talk and would rather have deep conversations?
84. what’s their icebreaker / olive branch after a disagreement?
“i brought home food from canes for us”
85. what kind of food or restaurant is their favorite to get together?
86. who believes in conspiracies more?
87. which had their friends tries to set them up?
sorry matthew scott you will always be the wingman if it’s during so random days. if it’s during smosh days it’s courtney.
88. think of your favorite movie, then incorporate your pairing into it somehow and talk about it.
damien being jack skellington, shayne being sally née finklestein
89. when they’re separated in public, what do they yell out to find each other?
90. professors!au. what subjects would they teach?
damien - linguistics or history, shayne - psychology or botany
91. ghostmates!au. who is the ghost that haunts the other?
92. soulmates!au. how are they connected? do they have matching tattoos, names written on them, etc.
i haven’t finished my soulmates au fic but i did the stereotypical purple/black moon, yellow/blue sun
93. punk x pastel!au. which is which?
punk damien pastel shayne. this is canon
94. historical!au. what time period are they in? what are they up to?
probably victorian vampires like iwtv (gaaay)
95. hospital!au. who’s the doctor, who’s the patient, and how did they get in that situation?
shayne broke his ankle and doctor damien is confused how he got in that mess. or damien is a hypochondriac and doctor shayne is trying and failing to reassure him he is fine
96. massage parlor!au. who is the masseuse, who is getting the massage?
damien giver shayne receiver ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
97. angel x demon!au. who is the angel and who is the demon?
angel shayne demon damien
98. gender swap!au. what are their names? (ex. anthony is antoinette)
demia and shaniya?
99. superpowers!au. are they hero and sidekick? mortal enemies? villain duo? what powers do they have?
i love enemies to lovers villain damien hero shayne for some reason
100. timeloop!au. who is stuck and who helps them out of it?
shayne is stuck damien helps him out (read this fic now)
101. royalty!au. who is the royal and who is the knight / guard / maid etc.?
shayne is royal damien is the knight (read this fic now)
102. magic!au. what kind of magic do they use?
damien i can see either being a healer or persuasion. shayne again with wisdom like vast knowledge or nature powers idk
nsfw / suggestive ⚠️
you didn’t see me fill out any of this btw
1. what’s their favorite position?
missionary so they can keep taunting each other. or riding. or any way damien can touch shayne the most. or anywhere
2. who uses their mouth/teeth/tongue more?
3. who uses their hands/nails more?
4. who is a bit more adventurous?
hmmm. shayne?
5. who is more willing to go to a sex shop in person, and who is more embarrassed?
damien can wear a mask and somehow convince himself that he’s extroverted enough to small talk. shayne tried to just get him to order online
6. who is more into dirty talk?
7. who is more into eye contact?
8. what was their most risky / adventurous experience?
across the bed instead of up and down ? smoffice ? in the car in an empty parking lot ? idk
9. who likes to bite, and who likes to be bitten?
damien likes to bite. a lot. we have been over this (i was the one who made this question list)
10. what is their favorite sexual activity to do together / to the other?
damien marking shayne up, dirty talk, biting ^ shayne roleplay, appealing to senses, sense of mystery
11. which is more dominant / which is more submissive?
the d in damien stands for dominant and the s in shayne stands for submissive
12. what was their first time like?
very loving and gay and beautiful and sweet and sloppy
13. who likes to be spanked more?
14. who sends dirty texts more often?
15. mile high club? yes or no?
too sleepy or anxious so no
16. what’s something they reserve for special occasions?
17. how long into their relationship did it take for them to have sex?
i love the trope for them of like friends to lovers, so as soon as like, they decided they were gonna be more than platonic, it was pretty quick after. damien’s playful touches turned sensual very quickly
18. how often do they have sex?
pretty often bc damien’s pent up-ness will spill into other aspects (like being ‘horny’ in videos), and shayne just gets a lil irritable / attention seeking
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tewwor · 2 months
get to know the rper questionnaire .
tagging: stolt from @rcguish ! tagged by: EVERYONE!!
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NAME?: ro, kc, kermit, whatever yall want
PRONOUNS?: she/they
MOST ACTIVE MUSES?: uhhh cruor, jie, jackrabbit, spencer (?)
RPG CLASS I'D BE: a little bitch— bard, lets be so fr
FAVORITE COLOR: orange! green!!! purple.....
FAVORITE TYPE OF THREAD: now, if you take a look at my powerpoint and pie chart ( points to blog ) — the consensus is fighting/action, ridiculous silly scenarios, hidden angst, hallmark romance moments, found family, and integrating your muse into one of my lores :o)
FAVORITE THING ABOUT MY MUSE: i'm just going to blab about cruor, because jie's had his time on the other blog BUT LIKE —i just think he's neat! and it's interesting ( fucked up on my part ) how his phobia of blood wasn't innate, but rather a result of having experienced death first hand and coming to realize 'oh shit, i actually died, and i can still feel flashes of it in my head, and now i'm panicking'. also, how overachieving for him isn't something necessarily good. yes, it's wonderful that he's able to heal people. but to push himself beyond what the marked tell him to look after? just because there's this drive he's applied to himself to heal as much as he can, as if he can heal himself or his mother's grief in a way? yeah, no, it's doing more harm than good. and he's kind! the sort of kind that most people might think of a too much or silly. and he's shredded as hell, lets be real here.
HOW YOU LIKE TO RP: i'm holding everyone's hands as i say this.. it's just like consulting a magic 8 ball. i'm so serious ( pensive ). sometimes quick one liners work! other times random ask memes are good! half the time it takes some plotting and getting to know my writing partner's character a bit more! a lot of time it's just yelling in dms. just depends on my brain, your preference, and the stars aligning or something.
FAVORITE PLOTS: injured or sick + someone helping them....... oh shit, i guess we're stuck in a Situation....... literally any dumb hallmark scene ( i think it's so funny )........ fake! dating!!!!!!!!! arguing / trying to pull someone's head out of their ass to help them...... showing care, in just about any form.... horror :-)
WHERE YOU GET YOUR INSPIRATION FROM: ahem, ahem, YALL!!! we're all lil' creative generators here, even if it feels like you're in a slump! i can say with full confidence that all of my mutuals have wonderful, fantastic characters and worlds they bring to life!!! also, podcasts, the few films or tv shows i come by, books.. sometimes......... fever dreams and dreams in general tbh
FACT ABOUT YOU: the ogs know this, but i thought i could crack a glowstick with my teeth. i was right. i also happened to ingest half of the liquid inside because i bit into it too much :o)
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aellegro · 2 months
wait till you hear about this next nominee: MOON AERA, born on the 18th of JUNE, 1997 and bears a striking resemblance to LEE SAEROM. they’re a FIRST year BACHELOR OF MUSIC COMPOSITION student and HAVE BEEN IN MULTIPLE COMMERCIALS — impressed yet? rumor has it they’re hoping to be a FAMOUS CELEBRITY, but personally, i think they should aim a little higher — something like the king’s club, for one. now, that suits them a little more, don’t you think? guess we’ll just have to see if they’ve got the talent for it in our upcoming recruitment round.
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HIIIIIIIIIIIII i’m kon (she/her) and i’m so glad to finally meet and greet all of u and ur beautiful muses!! have been lurking but decided to bite the bullet and apply for bxc8!!! honestly did Not expect to be accepted so fast ejlfnjenwo kind of screamed... but i can’t wait to be writing and scheming with all of u... also!! i’m available to plot on either dms or dc (plzzzz add me on evermeow) so smash that like button <33 i’ll try my best to fill in the blanks but if u have any questions feel free to ask!!
she’s born the youngest of three, the first (and only) daughter after two sons, and the first granddaughter on both sides of the family
technically has 3 brothers if you count her cousin (son of the ent. company ceo) since he was an only child and liked hanging out with the siblings… considered himself one of them tbh
which made her uncle really grateful to their family for taking care of his son since he was busy taking care of the company and whatnot (also like… since he’s separated from his wife but that’s irrelevant)
back to her, she’s pretty much an angel in the eyes of literally everybody in her family like she can do no wrong 😇 and if she did the other person was probably at fault and started it first anyway
veeeery verrrrrry doted on and spoiled because of that which really all goes to her head and is internalised that she can get whatever she wants — 27 years and it hasn’t been disproven yet!
all things considered she pretty much cruised through school with the help of her brothers and anyone who wanted to get on her good side
it’s really only in the last year of high school where she was like! hey… maybe i don’t want to graduate as a nobody, marry some dickhead and be known only as his wife… hmm maybe i could be a celebrity… it’s nice to have people’s attention on me ❤️ and if i marry someone he’d be known as moon aera’s husband instead #feminism am i right
…it’s kind of strange to stick your guns to a random train of thought but it really did seem appealing to 18yo aera at the time and she’s nothing if not very determined to make her dreams reality + it seemed cool (also if that happened to include a little plastic surgery then so be it)
to her credit, she didn’t rely on her family from the jump. she went for multiple auditions by herself then announced it to her family after people got back to her about starring in the commercials… things definitely got chaotic in the moon household that day
got recruited by a company that wasn’t her uncle’s after a few of her commercials were released but trust that he definitely had a hand in ensuring that she’d get preferential treatment anyway
as for the king’s club… sensed the many, many opportunities that came with becoming a chessmaster and accepted right away
miiiiight have had something to do with the resignation of cho minah (the other black bishop initiate) but who’s to say she did? cho minah never complained either so all’s fair in war and all that good jazz… didn’t even become an aera anti after she debuted so that’s a #WIN for sure
speaking of initiates dropping out, she wasn’t close to noh hyungseo and was decidedly neutral in 2016 but if she had to choose, she’s definitely not his biggest fan. was definitely shocked during the incident but we move on… like how aera could give less of a shit about noh hyungseo and his death in 2024.
did really freaking well for herself after that if you just ignore all her haters and naysayers, and seemingly (since we all know it’s not just effort) girlbossed her way up until she became a household name, with her face plastered everywhere and her songs on repeat at any shop you enter
honestly… long live moon aera and her army
gemini sun, scorpio moon, virgo rising
[−] tends to be impulsive (see: auditioning without prior consultation), especially about what she wants. has a bit of a short fuse but usually gets over it quickly unless you really wrong her one way or another… then you’re doneeeee ⚰️ resentful like no other, kxe1 knows what i’m talking about. genuinely feels like the world revolves around her and that people should have the same amount of loyalty she does towards them.
[+] intuitive and observant. very flexible and is able to thrive in different environments, can make friends or at the very least find common ground with just about anyone anywhere.
in 2016: very affable, barrelling past any icy exteriors. perceptive enough to know which buttons to push and when, making it easy for her to make friends. for the most part, it’s not a facade at all which lends a little more credibility to how genuine she’s being with you. her sense of humour is snarky and a little crude but what else can you expect from growing up with a bunch of brothers. that one friend who has to stop and say hi to anyone who recognises them. but don’t be fooled because she’s still a self-serving bitch at the end of the day 😒
in 2024: with the passing years, she’s definitely mellowed out and uses most of her cheerfulness whenever she’s interacting with fans. is more or less the same, just a little bit more cynical and jaded due to her experience in the industry 🚬 but hey, that’s exactly what she signed up for. her circle of friends is much smaller now but everyone who’s met/worked with her all say she’s very nice and kind and would like to get to know her more.
her fans are called dear… i hope everyone here is a dear and streams her music
ever since she went solo, she’s had more creative control thanks to her uncle’s intervention and actively takes part in composing her songs and lyric writing
first brother: moon jaeyoung, 1991, chief prosecutor / second brother: moon daehyun, 1994, high school teacher (science) / cousin: moon yejun, 1995, head of artist development — if anyone wants a plot where aera plays matchmaker for your muse with any of them lmk
has a maltese named bada and she genuinely adores her dog so much like that’s her little baby. watch what you say about bada because she has her own separate fanbase i don’t make the rules
artist blurbs
ouiwish (위위시) was a girl group under GROOVE Media. The group consisted of 5 members: Dabin, Miso, Yume, Hanbyul, and Aera. The group originally debuted on August 10, 2015 with 4 members, with fifth member Aera joining the group on November 23, 2018 for their sixth comeback. GROOVE Media released an announcement stating that the group officially disbanded on 31 August, 2020.
Moon Aera (문애라) is an actress and soloist under DH Entertainment. She initially debuted as a member of ouiwish (위위시) before making her official debut as a soloist on 5 March, 2021 and made her acting debut in 2019 as a minor role in the drama ‘Love in Sadness’.
i’ll add more soon i’m kind of over this and want this out ASAP i’m sorryyyy we can fuse brains when we plot together
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raytm · 6 months
knowing your partner can potentially make writing together a lot easier.
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✧ NAME: ray !!! ✧ PRONOUNS: he / him & they / them. ( sometimes ) ✧  SEXUALITY: ur local questioning pan - ace something. ✧  TAKEN OR SINGLE: single dad to 2 cats ( they aren't actually mine )
✧ i am adhd brain very chronically. i forget things alot, i bounce around alot ?? my attention span is always quite short ?? without my meds im pretty suire i would be an atom floating in space ?? i am also autistic so you can probably see the issue i have with both of these 2 things bbeating heads all the time. ✧ i am australian, we are real, i do not sound like an aussie but also apparently i do which is ??? ✧ i am 4'8 i am very small ic annoty reach aznything pls send a tall person to make my life signifantly easier.
✧   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): i have been writing since fucking like before 2010. so a long ass time. ✧   PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: gaming websites, chatzy, discord, facebook, tumblr, random forums like rp.me idk what th at was about though. ✧   BEST EXPERIENCE: i meet alot of talented writers on tumblr so that's probably my best experience i think ?? i learn alot and get the chance to read some prettyt artistic writing and interesting hcs
✧   FEMALE OR MALE:i gravitate towards male muses ALOT but for some reason sparkle has got my by the throat rn. ✧  FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: i can and will writ4e all of these, i have a preference more towards angst & smut because fluff can become a little ?? meh after a while. but i do love me some domestics as a treat everynow and again. ✧   PLOTS OR MEMES: mermes mostly bc i suck ?? at plotting ?? so badly honestly i am allowed 1 thought every 100 hours and idk when that is coming tbh. so you can always ssend a meme in and we can continue it or just ?? slap me with ur muse like a fish. ✧   LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: i want to say usually 2-3 paragraphs but for some reason everytime i open google docs lately i end up writing 5-10 paragraphs which should be illegal. ✧   BEST TIME TO WRITE: after i take my adhd meds oml. usually morning - afternoon whyen the sun goes down so do it ✧ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): idk maybe >??>>> i guess ??? i feel l;ike this is a querstion i shoudl ask someone who knows me better OFONFNDCXN
TAGGED BY: mpo tags ypoui take it from me <3
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