#just random hc and story bits
mangaka-neko-chan · 1 year
🖊 + something about moggy~?
Yes, totally! I'm glad you're sending me another one~
Moggy is the creative of the squad. Growing up as a saint-polisher gave her a deep appreciation for architecture. Growing up on Crucis where many flock to in their pilgrimage gave her a fascination with other people and how they express themselves, which she studied in conversation and drawings. And never being capable to sit still plus the main thing in her home area being the body that is blessed gave her her love for dance. Moggy picked up many dances and was always eager to learn from people around the galaxy that were willing to teach her. She's really good, anything fast and expressive suits her best, though she even impresses with her calmer dances, though those are more rare. It helps her get out all these loud thoughts and strong emotions she carries around, a more peaceful option than combat. Not even the dark times of Crucis lower hive's crisis could take away what connects her deeply with her past and home.
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salemoleander · 7 months
At the end of Iskall's ep he's become fixated on fishing, sees a salmon floating on the water, and then gets a mending book
... and idk why bc that is So Much Less ominous or pointed than half the stuff that's happened, but for some reason that's what made me sure the fishing religion/big salmon stuff is becoming a capital-T Thing. Lore. Plot. Whatever you wanna call it. There's Stories Afoot.
(I don't know how the snail fits into it yet. I'm sure that will become evident in due time)
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firebirdsdaughter · 2 months
… Anyone else around here who's watched/read BLEACH… The one thing I could never figure out… When exactly did Urahara put the magic hollow orb inside Rukia???
I can't seem to remember that ever getting explained… Was it while she was still in the Rukongai? Now that I say that, actually, that might actually make sense, since I think they say the west area was where he hid/did most of his operations, and that's where Hisana and therefore Rukia was from. Certainly would make more sense than him somehow doing it more recently.
But if that's true I'm amazed we never got Aizen claiming he was responsible for Byakuya and Hisana meeting, lol.
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acgames · 9 months
Everytime I feel that I might overdo with my AssCreed OCs and headcanons, I only need to open Assassin's creed OC tag here on tumblr to realise that other people been writing/drawing much wilder shit than I am and still fully rolling with this like nothing...
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bamfkeeper · 15 days
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RQ: 'Hello! I adored you Dad!Nightcrawler story! And wanted to know if you could make this possible headcanon since it seemed funny. So Kurt's parents are Azazel&Mystique so what if his kid gets traits/mutations from them? (Like it skipped a gen) Like red skin from Azazel or Mystiques abilities/scales. It may be humorous to see/for Kurt to handle' -@aphrodite4lover
Pairing: Kurt Wagner x F!Reader // Warnings: None I think lol.
A/N: I love this, actually. I know his parents were re-written as Mystique & Destiny, but for the sake of this, Kurt's parents are originally Azazel & Mystique. Yes ofc here's some hcs. Added a few things to make it interesting. Also I know that's a red bamf not a baby just pretend it is okay 😭
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When your little one came out you were both surprised to see that they weren't blue like expected...but red.
As you held your little one, you were a bit confused, of course. You looked at the red infant, their little body soft but lacking Kurt's fuzz and instead had carefully placed soft scales. They adorned the baby's shoulders and upper arms, cheeks, a little on the forehead, down the spine and shoulder blades, and of course the thighs.
The signature spaded tail was there, and the baby did have three digits like Kurt, but nothing else resembled him at all.
You loved your baby, but you were just a little worried. Kurt wasn't sure what to think either. He knew you hadn't cheated, heavens no. Plus...mutations are random.
Azazel would have a field day if he heard that Kurt's child ended up red instead of blue. The asshole might even make a comment about mating you but...that's a whole other scenario.
The baby always favored you too, which he sort of understood since you were the mother, but your child always cried and he could never soothe them. "Ach, bitte....calm down, you have food and you are clean...why do you cry?" he tries to hard, rocking, bouncing, cradling.
He gets a little jealous when your baby calms instantly when in your arms. "They do not like me, liebling..." he frowns and pouts.
As your little baby grew, they proved themselves to be a little devil indeed. Kurt felt himself being run rampant, the toddler ran after him and Kurt could barely keep up. Your child was slippery and extremely cunning for a toddler.
Kurt tried to help them teleport, assuming your child inherited his mutant ability, but as they watched him disappear and reappear, they instead shifted from a red toddler to a blue one, taking on Kurt's appearance if he were a toddler again.
So...great. No teleporting, red skin, and his mother's ability?
He wasn't upset, just...very surprised. His shock made your baby laugh, giggling in amusement as they continued to shift into different appearances.
Not only people, but they could also shift into animals.
The baby did inherit his wall-crawling. You often found them hanging out on the ceiling, hanging from it and chasing each other around on the walls.
You felt a little insecure or worried, thinking Kurt might have some resentment towards you, even though you had zero control over the development and outcome of your child's mutation. Kurt could tell you felt bad, and he always reassured you.
"Mutations are so strange, liebe...please do not fret. I love unser Kind...they certainly were a chock when they came into the world." he teased lightly, kissing your cheek.
Your child was just as mischevious and troublesome during their teenage years. Very rebellious and the complete opposite of Kurt. It was rather entertaining, the two literally opposites in appearance and interests.
Your child took on a lot of bad habits, displaying both Mystique and Azazel's personality more than your own or Kurt's. It was hard to deal with at first, but you figured they were just trying to find themselves.
Your child struggled with identity, (take with that what you will it can be implied with whatever you like!), the shapeshifting and everything else was hard on them. Also the fact that they looked nothing like either of you made it hard. They felt like a red black sheep, and their behavior was just them trying to deal with it.
After you both sat down and spoke to them, you got to the bottom of why. It was an emotional night for you, Kurt, and your child, but it ended in tearful hugs and many 'I love you's.'
Kurt loves your child no matter what they look like and who they decide to me. They will always come home to you and Kurt.
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Thanks for reading.
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Dividers by @/adornedwithlight
Cover Image: Amazing X-Men (2014) #1
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iruiji · 5 months
SAGAU but Creator Reader has been tagging along with the Gourmet Supremos.
If you didn't know or have forgotten, Gourmet Supremos are one of those quest series that is randomized because some part of the questline can only be accessed with dailies (like Whispers in the Wind or Snezhnaya Does Not Believe in Tears or Garcia's Paean).
This questline spans from Inazuma up to Sumeru. I think there were 6-7 quests in total? I forgot. (it's 8).
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(These are Julie, Parvaneh and Xudong in order.) There are more characters that made a cameo in here but we'll just limit it with these three.
Context dropped, onto the short HCs.
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• Okay so, I didn't really read the whole story of this one so I'm just going to make some random HCs on the fly. I'm aiming for a goody-feel with this one so no heavy angst will be involved.
• Alright, so. Xudong is the leader of the Gourmet Supremos, and he only found you because when you land in Inazuma, you literally dropped into their camp and was about to steal a sausage from Julie's backpack (but there were so many ingredients there!!!)
• Xudong was fuming, lmao.
• Aight, geez, made you run a marathon there.
• The next time you've met, all three were together and they saw you roasting some lavender melon in some dilapidated tent you found while walking aimlessly. Hey, better than no shelter at all. For some unfathomable reason, your inventory only consists of food materials - with everything, and I mean everything, missing.
• God damn. It's like the heaven is telling you something. 🙄
• Anyways, yeah. So for some reason, the only access to the goddamn ingredients are locked, and you can't use it and you don't know when you would be able to use it, so you have to scrounge up whatever pitiful sources you can get.
• Sadly, it's mostly lavender melons.
• Like, you already made several dishes from this and it's really starting to grind on your gears, so you took a dive in one of the caverns and found some meat and was happily grilling it with the melons when the trio came out of nowhere.
The hell. "I didn't get the sausage, though."
"But you still tried to!"
"I mean, I was dying of hunger, so.. you know."
Julie, bless her heart, gets in between you two. "It's fine, Xudong. They needed help, did they not?"
This time, Parvaneh chimes in. "As they've told you, they didn't get anything, so let it go. And you." She points at you with calloused finger. "Who are you?"
That caught you off guard a little. Told them your name and, to Xudong's bewilderment, started chatting amicably with you. Some time later though, he softened a bit but still a little cautious. They traded cooking tips with you, and, to their utmost surprise, you exchanged many tips on cooking as well.
"How do you know all this?" Xudong asked as you finished explaining the difference between sauteing onion and garlic first.
"Oh. I'm uh, a professional chef back in our place. Been years though, so yeah." You replied as you took a bite of their chicken. "Holy shit, why is this so good?"
Julie and Parvaneh just smiled proudly.
• So like, you became a new addition to their team - but you actually specialize in desserts. Xudong has many a great views in cooking, as well as the two ladies, and together you journeyed the whole of Inazuma for rare ingredients and made some two or three journals that have been since published and loved by people. (The fangirling/fanboying is real when you saw Xiangling's message drooling about your own version of Tiramisu).
• One day, however, you lot came across a shrine - it doesn't look abandoned, oddly, but it looks really, really old. You asked them what's the deal with this one, and they explained about the Creator.
You're in SAGAU?
"People said they've come back, but we don't really know.."
Double shit.
• With that knowledge, you try and avoid the main cities as much as possible and only let the three buy on populated areas. Thank God they didn't really notice you suddenly covering half your face with a mask - which you only shrugged when asked.
"I like masks."
Fair enough, they suppose.
• ..oh fuck, is that Yae Miko?
"Ara, and who is this?"
Xudong, Julie and Parvaneh bows and you hastily followed.
"She is our new companion, Lady Miko."
She looks at you with an impish grin. "Oh?"
Dont act suspicious. Don't act suspicious.
• Coming across the main characters from the game are very, VERY rare. You can actually count on one hand the characters you've met:
Yae Miko;
Thoma (he was going around asking for favors as usual and you bump into each other and only had quick apologies as interaction);
Kujou Sara (she was patrolling the area and asked about your mask - which you replied that it's part of your outfit. damn, her glare was fucking menacing!);
Kuki Shinobu (you were side to side buying groceries once), and lastly;
Kamisato Ayato (you actually didn't meet - you just saw him giving speech in a podium for some event you just came across).
• You figured, hey, maybe you're NOT the creator or whatever. And just tried to live normally after some time. The mask stayed though, because you just survived the pandemic back here and was cautious.
• About a year and six months with the team, Xudong suggested you come all to Sumeru to expand your knowledge. Holy shit, yes please!
• ..and then you met the Traveler on your way.
"Your Grace..?"
Triple shit.
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😭 sorry for disappearing for about a year - i was too lazy finishing anything. And now, I added another idea not to finish on the list 💀 wrote this whole thing in like 30 minutes motivation really is a wonderful thing, huh?
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letorip · 3 months
tara carpenter hcs?
tara carpenter headcanons
so glad you all liked the headcanons i previously made and had a lot of fun doing, because it’s something i can do more frequently and consistently than my long form fics, which i promise i am hard at work doing. here are a few more :) also, kiss with a fist [ii] out soon
***also i wrote this and i think (?) i cooked? would you want this as an actual story at some point? cause i was doing this a bit lightheartedly and then i was like wait a minute- i usually struggle to think of plots but this came super free-flowing
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tara wants absolutely nothing to do with you at first. she doesn’t trust easy, and some random kid chad met in class is not going to quickly break down that barrier, no matter how not-fugly you are
but chad feels like he can really trust you. you grow to become best friends over time, and he's still healing from ethan's betrayal.
even after you've won everyone else over in the group, tara is the stubborn one who refuses to acknowledge your presence
it all changes at a singular party. you stand up for a girl being screamed at by her boyfriend and shoved, and even though he tries to fight you, you don't budge
he's a massive guy on the football team, known around campus for being super jacked and picking fights, and though you wouldn't win in a million years and she can see you're scared, you don't move a damn inch from in between them
she doesn't say anything to you while it's happening or while anyone else is around, but when you're on the roof, after chad's come to help you, staring out into the city, she finds you alone against her better judgement, and asks if you're okay
you give her a weak smile, say "no," and she nods and just sits next to you for a while. you don't say anything either, but you appreciate it
tara slowly opens up to you more. she actually starts to listen when you speak, and what she finds is that you're so much smarter, and sweeter, than she realised. you share a lot of similar interests she had missed until that point, and you bring her a sense of peace and happiness, whenever she sees you
even though sam still struggles to see you as one of them, tara finds herself defending you now, and with it, realising she just might want you more than as her friend
she hasn't had a crush that intensely childlike since amber, and now that you're there, she's a bit apprehensive
but you're you, and things happen, and you kiss one night, over at her apartment, while you're watching a movie. you're both with your eyes locked on the screen, until the music swells and suddenly you're looking at each other. It happens so quickly but it feels so right.
when you ask her if she's okay with this and if she's comfortable, it makes her heart flutter in a way she doesn't feel she deserves
she's definitely apprehensive about letting your relationship grow. ghostface has brought her life a hell that she doesn't want you to experience it. but you remind her thousands of hells are worth it to be with her every day
you finally get together on a warm summer day, right after your semester has ended
now that tara's experienced a life with you, she's upset that she had to live a life before
she clings to your chest and loves to lay on top of you, on the sofa. she doesn't seem like she would be, but she's a massive cuddler. she didn't have much physical affection as a child, with her mom and sam being gone, and so she makes up for lost time by hugging or hand holding whenever she can
you guys have silly arguments, where it's clear neither of you are taking your side especially seriously, and you argue the most outrageous things. you'll make her laugh until there are tears in her eyes and then tackle her in a hug
whenever you're running late for morning classes, ninety-nine percent of the time, it's because tara begged you for five more minutes to cuddle in bed, or just straight-up wouldn't roll off you, even when you reminded her you had to go.
she's little spoon sized, but she actually loves being big spoon, because she'll squeeze you against her and hold you tight. when she wakes up in a cold sweat, having a nightmare about woodsboro, you're right there, peacefully sleeping, and it helps her calm down and ground herself
she had a thing for a while, about not wanting you to see the scars on her stomach. she thought they meant she was damaged, and tara insisted you guys fucked in the dark for a while, until you asked her directly about it one day, like the good communicator you are
tara tends to bury her head in the sand when it comes to being direct to talk to you about something, but you communicate well
upon explanation, you insist nothing could make her ugly to you. she cries when you say you'll love her no matter what, and you see her completely in the light. your look of awe at her beauty, and your tender fingers reaching out to brush against it, just make her fall even harder
idk what else to put, did i yap for a long time?
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okay so i kind of want to make this a story now? would you be down
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hibiscusseaart · 7 days
So about Time Travel Tobirama
He gets back in his childhood, the period when Kawarama was already dead, but Itama still alive, just cuz I like Itama alive and well, ok. (also i love the idea of Itama the weed shinobi by @oh-no-its-bird so)
And he starts to think and strategise smth like "Ok, I need to kill Black Zetsu, but idk where he is. But he should be around Uchihas, so I must come closer. But I cant just go there, we're not in peace, they'd kill me. And I don't exactly know when Black Zetsu is gonna try to manipulate Madara. So I also have to monitor Madara and make sure Izuna doesn't ever dies, to ensure that Madara won't lose his shit".
So, he's really logical and his conclusion was "So the easiest way to monitor the Uchiha clan is to marry an Uchiha." But he can't just marry a random Uchiha, it'd be shitty for politics he is the clan heir after Hashirama after all + it'd be nice way to strengthen peace via marriage. Plus he needs to keep close eye to Madara. So. Marrying Madara it is. Or Izuna. But first of all, Izuna is annoying and second he still needs very carefully look for potential signs of Black Zetsu corruption and it's better to do that when they're in close quarters. So the best case scenario is Madara's hand in marriage.
Killing Madara might be easier, but Hashirama would be sad. Plus I think the ppl who helped him to be sent in the past (coughnaruto who said that) told him smth about that Madara and Hashirama are Indra and Ashura reincarnations and be like "What if daddy Sage gets angry..."
So yeah no killing Madara. Even though he kinda wants to.
And to be clear, he had this plan in the few days he's back in his baby body. He's like 10-12 or whatever, when Hashi starts running to the river to meet Madara. Oh and Itama is safe and sound cuz Tobi said fuck Butsuma and went to safe his baby brother.
So one day Tobirama follows his brother to the river to actually meet Madara before his father decides to fuck everything.
So, Tobirama's the most fucked up honeypot mission officially begun. Tobirama is gonna be like "Ok i need to impress a 12 yo... But I cant just show him a cool jutsu, he might think about me as a rival or whatever... Kids like praise and cool things... Maybe I can tell him that he's cute and find him a cool stick? Should I ask Anija to make a cool stick?"
He meets Madara (without a stick, Hashirama might've suspect smth) and be like "Wow, Anija who would've known you've made such a cute friend" (Tobirama is hard cringing in his head, he's not the best in honeypot missions) and Madara, being about 12 year old, is standing there covered in mud, cuz Hashirama threw him into river or whatever + the little hc that he's kinda ugly when he's in his teens. Like Madara thinks of himself as strong and cool, but not particularly handsome with his wild hair and eye bags.
So Madara is smitten cuz wow pretty boy with red eyes said that He's cute!!!
Tobirama looks at Madara's dopey smile and thinks of the first phase as a success. Now Tobirama starts to spend some time with Hashirama and Madara to monitor their surroundings from their clans, while Itama distracts their father, and also try to win over Madara when he is still an impressionable kid. Plus he starts hinting that they may be Senju and Uchiha and that they should be prepared. But well they're kids who wants to escape all that war and just play with a peer so.
Long story short, Madara be like "So we're gonna make a village and then I'm gonna marry Tobirama!"
Tobi "fuck yes, a bit ahead of the schedule, but sounds good, i'm in"
Hashirama is outraged bc THATS HIS LIL BROTHER!!!
So Tobirama plays hard and makes Madara promise to marry him when they're old enough.
But then well, they're still found out and they still have a fallout cuz of their clans. But Tobirama made them promise to try hard for peace (and marriage), so now they just have to wait til Butsuma dies and Hashirama can become a clan head.
Tobirama tries not to be so efficient at killing Uchihas cuz he will be their family later so he tries to avoid it and just knock out or use some non lethal methods. Hashirama mostly fights Madara and it's almost sparrings at this point. Itama works on his weed empire and learns healing.
Well one day Butsuma dies and Hashirama and Tobirama bully their Elders and rush to try for peace. Tajima (who I think is still alive) is suspicious of all of it and stalls af.
So one day on the battlefield Tobirama says "So, marriage when? You promised asshole", making all the Uchiha and Senju stumble and "HUH?!"
So now many of the Senju and Uchiha now know that Uchiha clan heir apparently proposed to the Senju heir ??? Everyone is confused.
Madara, still crushing hard on Tobirama, catches this opportunity and bullies everyone to allow peace and let him marry Tobirama. Uchiha allow it only cuz everyone knows how crazy Uchihas about loved ones and Madara is the strongest one. They kinda afraid that if they won't allow it, he'd go crazy (he would).
So Madara gets his trophy wife Tobirama, Tobirama gets his safari zone with Uchihas in their natural habitat.
Tobirama is a surprisingly good husband to Madara, cuz with all that Zetsu thing, he's attentive as hell. "Something bothering you, dear husband? Do tell me everything."
At first they think he'd learn things and will tell that all back to Senju, but Tobirama tries to assure them "I don't really care about details. Tell me about how it makes you feel." (he looks for the signs of Zetsu corruption)
So basically Tobirama marries Madara to become his therapist. Madara is very much in love and constantly brags how much his spouse loves him and that he always listens his worries.
Izuna is mad as fuck about all of it btw. He thinks that Tobirama has ulterior motives and hides something. (He's right. ) But Tobirama dutifully plays his part as an attentive spouse and makes plans for bettering Uchiha clan just so that the village won't suffer. He'd probably would prescribe them regular therapy for everyone who awoken Sharingan.
also @fashionredalert write a snippet for this au with madara in the mud! pls check it out!
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shhtickerbook · 14 days
CG! Stanley Pines Headcanons!
Inspired by @lttl3babybug ‘s Cg! Stanford hcs :)
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💰 Always happy to pull you onto his lap, often when he’s watching TV. He’ll involve you in what he was watching and explain things as they happen, making funny jokes and observations to make you laugh.
💰 Pets names such as “sweetie”, “pumpkin” and “kiddo”
💰 Involves you in his schemes, like letting you glue random appendages and horns to old taxidermy’s for new mystery shack attractions.
💰 Deathly protective, If somebody does anything to you or hurts your feelings he will hunt them down.
💰 Not really the best role model, if he catches you being naughty he’ll probably join you or at least help you cover it up before Ford finds out. (He is a CG that will lay down the rules)
💰 agrees to playing and games but ends up regretting it as it usually ends with him covered in makeup, glitter and a sore back. (From having to sit down on the ground to join a tea party)
💰 The only time he has would get serious and firm is if you were putting yourself in unsafe situations or being too reckless. It’s not much anger, it’s just the possibility of you being in danger scares him too much.
💰 Story time is much more fun with Grunkle Stan, often when he’s presented with a picture book he will attempt to read it. But he finds them a bit boring and sickeningly sweet, so he’ll add his own twists to the plot and characters to make you laugh.
💰 Always sneaking you little treats and candy, and conveniently leaving your sugar rush fuelled chaos to somebody else. (Usually poor Ford)
💰 If you hand him a piece of artwork, a response usually something like. “Wow! This is terrible. I can sell this.”
💰 He can’t do it for too long with his back, but he loves hitching you up onto his hip around the house and carrying you up to bed.
💰 Creates the BEST blanket forts, setting them up around his armchair so you can watch movies and cuddle up with snacks.
💰 If you fall over or hurt yourself he’ll be right over with a hug and bandaids. Letting you pick which ones you want and congratulating you on how brave you are, his tough kid.
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lxdymoon0357 · 10 months
Hi, Navi! May I request some headcanons for Felix Chamberlain from I have become the hero’s rival with a transmigrator!reader who just wants her favs to be happy and to have a peaceful life too, but somehow gets the magician’s attention anyway? It would be interesting if one of the original male leads had interest in the transmigrator!reader, though it’s all up to you! :)
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Felix Chamberlain X Transmigrator! Reader HCs
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▼ You were ECSTATIC to be a transmigrator and that to your special manhwa!! You were definitely gonna help Irene, Claudia and Felix and you really wanted to see Irene and Felix's love bloom in front of your eyes and luckily you were a middle-class person and you applied to be Claudia's playmate or something...
▼ You quickly got close with her and Irene and you three were the ICONIC trio!! and you quickly became friends with Felix as well, you'd help Claudia escape the male leads as much as you could by remembering the manhwa!
▼ And you slowly started developing feelings, before it was for him like a fictional character, but now for real....But you were afraid that after this finished, you'd be thrown back into your real world, so you didn't act on your feelings...
▼ You became very close with them and eventually told them about you being from another world, Irene was VERY happy to learn someone was from her world, and you couldn't bother to explain to her how she was also a part of the manhwa, so you went along with it!
▼ Also Irene was mean to end up with Felix, right? Yeah, it's not like the manhwas you read where you might end up with the character when their love interest is RIGHT THERE! But he seemingly never got close with Irene in a romantic path and neither did Irene...and this confused you...
▼ Felix would love to bond with you by asking you how you used to live, what you used to eat, where you lived, what you looked like...and whom you dated, yes he's jealous of them...don't worry...
▼ And soon you confessed and you started dating, it was such a big thing for Irene and Claudia who had been shipping you two since day 1 and Lerase himself was quite happy as he seemed to have taken a liking to you as well...
▼ He would love to hear stories about how you lived, how things are different in your world and whom you hated and loved and liked or some random stories from childhood...He wanted to know what you are like before you came into his arms in this world.
▼ He would have a portrait of you painted on what you looked like before, and he gets a smaller copy on a page and he sleeps with the smaller portrait beside his bed! He can not get over the fact you looked so cute!
▼ Irene and you would often reminisce on how life was before you came here and how much you miss things from back then, but you both are so utterly grateful to be here and be in love with the Chamberlains...Yes, Irene liked Claudia...
▼ Oh btw, Benjamin took a weird liking for you and Lerase apparently didn't like that....and crushed his skull in his bare hands, of-course you didn't see him crush his skull, but you were there during the aftermath and god in your eyes does Felix look hot covered in blood...
▼ Oh you got Irene and Felix and told them how in the original story, Irene and Felix were meant to be together and how they both....yeah...of-course those two looked a bit grossed out and a felt a bit weird, because first, they don't like each other, they like Claudia and you respectively and they can't honestly see themselves together, no matter what you say or do...and you honestly find it funny and bring it to make the two cringe up and look grossed out...
▼ Claudia loves to hear about the pretty dresses and what women can do and can't do in the modern world and how much people wanted her and Irene to get together and sh's happy to hear that
▼ In all honesty, it's a adventure everyday with the trio and you being with them! Double dates, double couples and quadrouple trouble~
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drexee · 4 months
And finally, Mikey!!!
Bayverse!Mikey x gn!Reader
Warnings: fluff, spelling maybe?
Raph | Leo | Donnie
Mikey Sleep HCs
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Michelangelo used to have a twin bed, actually! It really didn’t bother him! He would just face plant into the mattress and knock out
fun fact: that was the same bed he’d had since he was little! Yes, the bunk.
But it wasn’t until you came along that he thought maaaaaybe he should get a bigger bed😭
He’s rolled off the side one too many times when you slept in the same bed together 🥲
Now he has a queen sized bed! Very plush, you sink right in
He has a comfortable and large blanket, it’s tattered at the edges but, “It’s well loved! It adds character ;)”
Mikey has a LOT of pillows on his bed. And one (1) body pillow he did not nab from Donnie’s room
Also has clothes on his bed, clothes he’s been meaning to fold and put away, but he just… never got around to it
Honestly, when you first walked in, you didn’t even know he had a bed
But it’s there, trust
He’ll knock some off and boom! A bed!
He. Snores. LOUD.
like, hONK shooo HOONNK mimimimi 😪
If it weren’t for those thick cement walls, you’d be able to hear him clear across the lair!
But it mellows out the deeper he goes into sleep
Now, about the sleeping positions
He has no favorite!
if you’re in bed with him, he’s happy 🥹
Sometimes Michelangelo will have you wrapped up in his arms, other times he’ll be laying on his back (propped with a few pillows) and have you up against his side
It depends on how he’s feeling that night
But you always wake up with at least one of his limbs draped over you
If it’s been a long day, he’ll lay his head on your chest and listen to your heart beat
It gives him a chance to rest his eyes and his very busy brain for a bit, allowing himself to just focus on you and clear out everything else
Your fingers would draw lazy circles on the back of his head, and across his neck, over his carapace, down his shoulders and lightly scratch his jaw
Maybe even kiss his forehead too?
He’s Swooning, oh my god
He loves it
Mikey will be chirping and churring so much he’s practically vibrating
He’d also be drawing pictures with his hands over your skin, tracing your shape and committing it to his memory
He’d see the goosebumps that follow his fingers and he would go back and trace over them, slower
Mikey loves loves LOVES your voice, so he’ll ask you to talk to him while he’s cuddled up with you
Pillow talk is a big thing for him, from various topics to deep conversations to cracked out stories that have you both gasping and dying with laughter
And honestly the raw emotions that come out in the dead of night? When it’s just you and him bundled up together sharing every random thought that comes to mind until one of you drifts to sleep?
That’s what he lives for
It’s intimate in a way that nothing else could ever replicate
In the mornings, he will lay onto top of you
Like, he will CRUSH you. Lovingly. 😌
He wants to be close to you!! And soak up all your sunshine!!!
and he’s not above peppering every inch of you with as many kisses as he can
You have to literally shove him off of you to get him to stop😭
Even then, Mikey will grab your arm (or whatever you used you get him away) and start kissing that
And once you’re properly awake, he’ll have you two head over to the kitchen to have some breakfast together
Voila!! That’s all four! Sorry these took a bit! I have like, a full time job and I’m in school, and honestly only get these ideas when I’m right about to fall asleep 😭
Anyways! Hope you enjoyed! Til next time!
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love-marimo · 1 year
Sway Me More
ー dancing hcs of various genshin men
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Diluc, Zhongli, Ayato, Xiao, Albedo, Pantalone, Dainsleif
Waltz. They live for the romance in the way your bodies sway gently to such music filled with love. They think that slow dances like this allow them to really take all of you in the most romantic, whimsical and elegant way possible. They love the way you look up at them and turn away, a bashful look on your face. And the best part? When they twirl you around. They like making you feel like a princess regardless of your gender.
Alhaitham, Tighnari, Kaveh, Cyno
Sumerian Folk Dance. It's a friendship agreement between the four of them. Alhaitham doesn't dance unless there's you in it. As for the rest, they love indulging in their own cultures, and they (especially Kaveh and Cyno) will drag you into it. They want you to experience what it's like being a part of such a lovely region. They want to feel you enjoying their culture. Sumerian dances make them feel alive, but it becomes even better when you dance with them. You become alive, together.
Childe, Kaeya, Heizou, Aether, Kazuha
Ballroom. Ah, yes. It's the perfect blend of sweetness and liveliness. They love the sultriness of it. If you can't keep up with the pace, they'll do their best to dance with you. So you end up getting twirled around and getting swept off your feet. They can't help it, they just badly love flirting with you and making you flustered. And what if you're a great dancer? It becomes a story of who falls first (They do, and they fall hard for you).
Itto, Venti
Swing. These two are lovers of jazz and chaos. They like losing themselves in the moment with you. With each dance, they want you to feel like the world around you is a blur. They want you to feel like it's just you two in it. Itto teaches you all the grooves, and you end up having random dances each time you see one another. Venti likes dancing with you better when he's had a drink or two. It helps him get in the mood. But you have to watch them both before they get too rowdy.
He thinks dancing is pointless. He'd rather kiss you or take you somewhere nice as a date. But if you push his buttons and ease him into it, he'll pick up something or two. Maybe a little bit of swing or waltz. But honestly, you have to initiate it. Once you get him in the mood, he'll have this small smile on his face ー almost as if he feels free while dancing with you.
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ー Lolita
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artytaeh · 2 months
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for those who read a little of my panicking about how huge the original lorenzo berkshire headcanons post was— here it is: random hcs + lorenzo as your boyfriend.
this man is so carmen - lana del rey coded. i can't say if i love lorenzo berkshire or not, help.
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⭑ a big fan of herbology. to avoid some stupid comments, lorenzo insists that it's out of fascination for dangerous plants, like the devil's snare (enzo thinks that they're disgusting); in reality, lorenzo really likes to see different flora, being knowledgeable of the romantic language of flowers. one of his favorite plants are the ones meant to be pleasant and pretty.
⭑ so petty. if lorenzo has some nemesis or a rivalry, he would be try to mess up the guy's relationship, by convincing his girlfriend to cheat with enzo. prefers to punch someone emotionally rather than a physical scar.
⭑ if he has a rival that happens to be a girl, well, lorenzo finds it somewhat attractive to banter with someone. might be a one-sided rivalry, since the girl might genuinely mean those comments, while lorenzo is trying to flirt with her and get an angry make out session.
⭑ the biggest gossiper around school. as i've said before, lorenzo knows all versions of the story; might be the type of person who's a friend to all, friend to none (the slytherin boys are an exception). if you want to know something, you'll go to lorenzo berkshire. if he doesn't know, he'll know by the end of the afternoon.
⭑ became a prefect during his sixth year, because he hated umbridge with a burning passion— even though he put on a polite smile to keep himself away from umbridge's radar. even though he was offered the position of prefect at fifth year, and even had some slytherins trying to convince him to accept, lorenzo only took that place as soon as umbridge was gone.
⭑ the biggest fred and george weasley's fan. always had an eye out to testify their pranks, and gave side-eyes to draco whenever he was rude to the twins. their biggest defender, and a bit embarrassing whenever he tried to speak to those 'gryffindor legends', as he calls them.
⭑ became more of a fanboy during his fifth year, and didn't shut up about the twins until the end of the year, praising them for the chaos they created before running away from hogwarts. lorenzo is telling this story to his kids, i promise you that.
⭑ would genuinely try to become friends with his friends' girlfriends— if theodore brought his girlfriend to hang out with their group, lorenzo (and blaise) would be the first one to welcome her into the group. he sympathizes that new groups can be scary.
⭑ attends to every party, nevermind the house hosting it; as a slytherin he'll always claim that the snakes throw the best ones, even though he really likes hufflepuff's ambience. lorenzo stopped going to gryffindor parties as soon as the weasley twins left hogwarts; lorenzo tolerates any kind of music, but fuck, gryffindor makes his ears bleed out.
⭑ isn't that competitive with quidditch matches; if anything, lorenzo is the wise voice that keeps mattheo from hitting his bat straight to another player's skull. instead of being furious that slytherin lost, lorenzo has the tendency to blame himself.
⭑ could and would enter a fight if necessary. one of lorenzo's reasons to swallow his temper (in front of everyone, at least) is to keep his reputation; the other one is to keep his handsome face intact of cuts and bruises.
⭑ frequently excuses his worst actions by convincing himself that he'll change for the better, as soon as he meets the one. lorenzo would never hurt someone that badly — (maybe he's just as selfish as his mother, bellatrix lestrange, inheriting her tendency to abandon everything to pursue her own happiness. as soon as they she feels fulfilled, who cares if others get hurt?) — right? all of his bad habits, all of the things he's done; it will all be gone as soon as he's with her.
and since we're mentioning the one, lorenzo grows anxious in relationships; he contemplates whether this girl is his true match, and becomes paranoid that he's wasting his time on her, instead of the girl meant for him. to decide, lorenzo usually does a list of pros and cons about this recent fling— he'll decide to give it a week or longer than that, after considering what he wrote.
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⭑ criminally pretty. the slytherin boys made a scientific study about this infuriating talent of berkshire's heir: managing to look good in any. possible. photo. no matter if lorenzo tries to look silly— he ends up looking good. so unbothered if people take photos of him or keep silly ones; enzo knows that he looks good.
⭑ 'liquid smooth - mitski' vibes. lorenzo was born to be pretty— if he's no longer pretty, if he's not stunning, or not feeling like himself that day, he will have a breakdown and throw some things around the room. for all his masks, lorenzo wonders if the only genuinely good thing about him is his appearance— if he loses it too, what will be of him, with nothing else to love about lorenzo berkshire?
⭑ so unlucky with animals— care of magical creatures isn't the best subject for him, since they seem to smell lorenzo's bullshit miles away. there was this one ravenclaw's cat that almost clawed at his cheek, when he tried to kiss his owner... well. as much as lorenzo tries to win them over, cats give him a specially hard time.
⭑ that being said, lorenzo only has an owl as a pet, specifically to be able to send letters. even so, lorenzo makes sure that she (he named her artemis) is well groomed and taken care of. he always has treats for artemis back on his dorm room, to reward her hard work.
⭑ one of his hobbies is exploring muggle london, and other cities mainly occupied by muggles. lorenzo genuinely believes that the wizardy world is much more interesting, however, he likes to experience muggleborn's life as well— lorenzo is genuinely interested on their method of living.
⭑ his favorite places at hogsmeade are honeyduke's and zonko's; there is yet to be a hogsmeade trip where lorenzo doesn't bring some honeyduke's treats with him— he usually brings extra for his friends, if he notices that one of them is having a hard time.
⋯ ⋯ ﹒ 🪻 ’
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(n.) L. BERSKHIRE : as your boyfriend :
this man has experience and a big heart that wants to love, fueled by his (sometimes, extreme) expectations of falling in love.
gives gifts 'just because'; the berkshire family is wealthy, and lorenzo genuinely never had to look at a price tag before; he'll do it even less for the sake of your smile.
however, lorenzo finds more value in handmade gifts, perceiving them as having more emotional value and effort, than something bought at a store. in random days, he'll gift you something that reminded him of you— in special dates, like month anniversaries or your birthday, lorenzo will work on handmade gifts.
some examples are: love letters, bracelets that he got younger years teaching him how to make, photo albums of the two of you, etc.
would have matching plushies with you, though. lorenzo would try to find little outfits for them, specially wedding themed ones; if you happen to be upset with lorenzo, he'll take his plushie to your dorm, and put the two of them on top of your bed, ''kissing.''
not the type of guy that would yell and start a brawl, should someone flirt with you in front of him. lorenzo will open a smile, and say: 'i know, right? my girl is so attractive.' in a way that might leave the other guy embarrassed.
... the thing is, as soon as you're back to your dorm room, and lorenzo catches him alone— mysteriously, it seems like he was a bit unlucky. infirmary wing, unable to go to classes? lorenzo wonders what happened to him. specially because the guy wouldn't be an idiot to land lorenzo in detention, much less try his luck with you.
loud lover that feels no shame about his relationship with you. lorenzo is a romantic person, treating you how he seeks to receive the same treatment from you: he wants you to be a proud girlfriend, the same way he is, showing off his beloved, letting the whole school (and even scotland) know that you're his.
is very attentive about dates. lorenzo knows that life as student of hogwarts is never uneventful, and that your responsibilities grow with age. even so, lorenzo makes sure that you two have a full-on date, with dressing up + planned out activity, at least three times per month. it's a sacred rule to him, that allows your relationship to remain romantic and interesting for both of you.
some of the petnames that i see lorenzo using for his loved one are: sunshine, sweetheart, angel, pretty girl. only ever uses your name when it's a serious conversation or an argument.
heavy gossiper. so mean about it too— would laugh at other people's unfortunes then make a serious face and nod as soon as you reprimand him. he's still laughing inside. as soon as he gets new source of gossip, lorenzo is running to find you.
study dates don't work with the two of you. if he gets a glimpse of you, lorenzo gives up on reading whatever annotations to look at you with heart eyes.
if there's someone you don't like, lorenzo will probably find some bad stuff about that person— just in case, you know? if there's ever an argument between you and them, you already have ammunition to strike them with! lowkey loves badmouthing other people with you. it's his favorite thing to do.
has so many friends that are girls, however, doesn't give them any chance; lorenzo is aware of his reputation and that his many flings might leave you insecure. would genuinely distance himself from a girl for the sake of your relationship with him, or change his behavior near her.
gets nervous when you watch his quidditch practices; lorenzo finds it harder to focus on defending quaffles, knowing that you're there to watch him. will ask you what you thought about the practice— discreetly fishes for some praises here and there.
whenever there are slytherin matches that he plays as a keeper, lorenzo and you will match outfits; it doesn't matter if you're not a slytherin, you will wear slytherin's colors on that day, with lorenzo's jumper on your body and his surname, berkshire, written on your back.
speaking of matching outfits: loves to match with you, or at least wear the same palettes, at least whenever the two of you go for a date together. it's a simple yet cute way to show that hey! we're together! and a happy fashionable couple!
a really good person to go shopping with. not only does he cover any cost without looking at the price tag (lorenzo doesn't want you to spend your own money, since there's no reason to) but he's really good at giving opinions. as i said before, this man dresses so well, so he has a good sense of fashion and an instinct over what works, and doesn't work. what colors favor you, and others that don't you justice.
if you're cold, and it happens to be a chilly weather outside, instead of giving you his warm clothes for the rest of the date, lorenzo will temporarily give you his coat and seek for any clothing store to buy you something warm.
l : sunshine, are you cold? come on, let's buy you a pretty coat. warmer, preferably.
🗯️ : can i choose a scarf for you?
l : of course, sweetheart. let's see if we can find a scarf that matches this new coat of yours.
this becomes a fun game; if one of you buys something, then you'll get something matching for the other. not only does it had to your collection of couple-matching-clothes, but also feeds his large wardrobe. dating lorenzo berkshire comes with extra luggage to pack new clothes, i promise you.
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so patient when you're getting ready. lorenzo doesn't mind waiting longer until you're satisfied with your outfit— he knows the struggle, believe me. will help you and give you some opinions (if, and only if you ask.), not wanting you to stress over not feeling pretty enough. even if you had specific hours to leave the castle, enzo knows that any reservation can be postponed, so there's no stress on his part.
passive-aggressive. you know the term, right? unfortunately this is how conflict starts on your relationship; something deeply bothers lorenzo, he gatekeeps it to had some bitterness to his heart, then verbalizes that something is wrong by an unrelated comment.
has a hard time understanding when he's in the wrong, even though he will gladly apologize first to be in good terms with you — even if lorenzo isn't truly apologetic. he priorizes a good ambience in your relationship, than having the world knowing that he won a stupid argument.
kisses you silly. this man is so affectionate; sometimes you're just talking about whatever, and lorenzo will dissociate as he looks at you, cupping your face before peppering many kisses to you cheeks, nose, jaw, chin, lips— anywhere.
lorenzo prefers slow kisses, enjoying the moment without a rush, teasing you by giving you some glances and breaking off the kiss to smile, before tempting your lower lip. couldn't care less if it's in the middle of a hallway, or behind a tree in the courtyard— let people see that you're two teenagers in love!
speaking of physical contact: lorenzo is a bit picky over who touches his hair (he spends a stupid amount of time to make sure that it looks pretty), but loves it when you fix his hair for him. doesn't mind it if you twirl his hair between your fingers, he thinks that's sweet.
loves to hold hands, yet you'll find him walking around with his arm around your shoulders more frequently. also likes to have you sat on his lap, rests his chin on your shoulder and will have you there, even when he's spending time / chatting with his slytherin friends.
if someone's hostile with you, you have five counted seconds to defend yourself before lorenzo jumps to your defense. did someone point out an insecurity of yours? lorenzo is making a nonstop list of things that that person should be insecure about. won't apologize either— they're the one who started!
loves cliches. if you don't know how to dance, lorenzo will teach you during some sleepover to his dorm; helps you learn the steps by having your feet on top of his own, arm around your waist, hand caressing yours as you two giggle and tease each other for your clumsy first try.
would be so pouty and even pushy, if you don't feel like going to parties with him. lorenzo adores going to those— genuinely because he has fun, nevermind how chaotic it can get. besides, he wants to brag about his girlfriend! :( might suggest that you're embarrassed of him, and that is the reason why you'd rather stay in your dorm. (dramatic much, berkshire?)
walks you to classes, only failing to do so if he has classes with professors like snape, on the other end of the castle. this man is punctual, leaving slytherin's dorms early to walk you to the great hall, having breakfast together without a hurry, then walking to class while holding hands. genuinely gets better scores in assignments of classes that you don't have together— he gets distracted if you're there!
now that we're mentioning cliches, there was this one time in october, that you decided to spend the afternoon in the library to study, since it was raining outside. lorenzo came to your side, closed your books and gently took them from your grasp— then, he tugged you to follow him, lifting you by the waist to get the two of you under the rain.
lorenzo spins you on his arms; now that both are soaked with the cold rain, he makes a curtsy, asking you to dance, 'would you conceed me the honor of dancing with you, my lady?' only to kiss your hand, before tugging you closer to him, being that sickeningly sweet couple that brings jealousy to others.
not to your surprise, some other pairs did join you in the courtyard, dancing and jumping over the wet floor.
to mcgonagall's disapproval, she had way too many students skipping next day's classes for being sick.
⋯ ⋯ ﹒ 🪻 ’
౨ৎ the boys, the girls, they all like ▉, he laughs ♡ ͡
like god, his mind's like a diamond, he's still shining . . .
🪻 ; . . . fandom : harry potter.
— lorenzo berkshire is a topic that has been on my drafts during these last days. general headcanons of lorenzo were supposed to be posted first, but i'm still working on them </3 so i plan to post it tomorrow. 🗯️ tysm for reading. ♡
the headers + gifs + icons aren't mine. credits to the respective creators ! 🌷
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gunnerfc · 5 months
Dating Aitana Bonmatí Would Include (HCs);
⚡️Includes both SFW & NSFW
⚡️non spainish reader
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-> SFW <-
⚡️You two help each other with Spanish and English & you both joke around and get the other to say inappropriate things
⚡️Aitana’s camera roll is filled with pictures she’s taken of you when you weren’t paying attention
⚡️She loves posting pictures of you on her instagram story with very cheesy love songs attached
⚡️When you two first started dating, Aitana loved showing you around Barcelona and she still does even after you two have been together for a bit now
⚡️She loves hearing you call her ‘Tana’ especially in the mornings when you have just woken up and your voice is still a bit groggy
⚡️You’re always so proud of her and her accomplishments and you always travel with her to award shows when you can
⚡️You two hate when you have to play against each other with your national teams but it does make you two play better
⚡️She loves when you give her piggyback rides after training, she’s got a bright smile on her face and she’s very giggly
⚡️Aitana loves doing random things with you, she just loves spending time with you that it doesn’t matter what it is
⚡️She loves waking up early to watch the sunrise with you no matter where you two are
-> NSFW <-
⚡️Aitana is a switch and depending on which she is, she’s very different. If she’s on the receiving end, she’s more whiny and if she’s on the giving end, she’s more demanding
⚡️Aitana is such a tease regardless of if she’s giving or receiving and will leave you out of breath with just her words alone
⚡️She loves hearing you moan her name, it’s one of her favorite sounds in the world
⚡️Aitana loves getting herself off on your body when she’s fingering you, she loves how close your orgasms are to each other
⚡️Even though she’s a bit demanding when she’s in control, she’s not mean, she doesn’t have it in her to be mean to you
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suplicyy · 4 months
Could you please write some hcs of Kenma, and Nishinoya plus maybe anyone else you want with a gf who's like a tiny bit younger than them, shorter and is like really clingy. She's like constantly texting them, and takes every chance she can to hug them or just talk to them and is there even at their practices.
Haikyuu boys w/ a clingy gf
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— Summary: Relationship hcs about them having a clingy girlfriend.
— Characters: Nishinoya, Kenma
— Fluff
— Fem!Reader
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You're only a year younger than him, so it wasn't so difficult to make friends with him!! Little by little you would meet each other by chance during breaks or during free time in class, and these moments made you get closer and closer, until you started dating.
But as time went by, you opened up to him more and had the courage to be who you really are, as he has always made it clear that he likes you for who you are. And after that, you felt more confident to be more loving with him: with lots of physical touches, words of affirmation and lots of quality time!
You love your boyfriend very much and want to show it in the most affectionate way possible!
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The way you met is always told as a story at family lunches. You were passing by the gym by chance, and a ball he received flew out of the place and ended up in your face. He apologized a million times and even offered to buy you a popsicle for a whole week.
But after that you understood each other and became friends, until you got to where you are now!
He simply LOVES you to be clingy with him, as he returns your affections with the same intensity as you. People on the outside assume you were meant for each other since your personalities match up so well.
Anywhere and anytime you are always together in some way, whether it's clasping hands, hugging, kissing; you are rarely separated from each other.
But unfortunately there are times when you aren't always together, after all you don't live in the same house and you have your own clubs to go to. So you guys are always messaging each other on your cell phone!
If someone doesn't ask him to stop using his cell phone to talk to you, he could easily spend the whole day just sending you silly audios of him singing a random song he heard somewhere.
One day, you saw him playing one of your favorite games, so you started talking to him. And you spent a few days talking until you had the courage to ask for his phone number, which he gave you almost immediately (but he would never admit he was excited about it for you)
Kenma spoke more freely through messages than in person, so you almost always talked about various things: games you're playing at the moment, movies, series, about your day. And with that you ended up becoming closer, until you started dating.
You know that Kenma is someone who is quite shy, so at the beginning of the relationship you weren't so clingy in public with him. But when the two of you were alone, you loosened up a little and became much more affectionate.
At first he was always very shy when you initiated physical affection with him, but after a while he relaxed more and managed to adapt to your way of showing affection to him.
You would from time to time be seen literally clinging to each other, with him playing on his console and with his head resting on your shoulder, and you hugging him. As much as he doesn't like PDA that much, he finds your presence and your touches so comforting that he ends up giving in a little.
Kuroo once went to Kenma's house to get something he had left there the last time he went there, and when he entered he found him hugging you with his face buried in the crook of your neck. After some deadly glares from the boy, Kuroo promised he wouldn't tell anyone.
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A/N — Tysm for your request!! I wish I had added more characters, but recently I've been very busy so I was afraid it would take too long for me to do this one.💔💔
I hope you enjoyed it!
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kenananamin · 4 months
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HCs of what Nanami would do when you’re having a hard time personally, emotionally, etc.
a continuation of nanami being the best man ever
will try to distract you but in a soft redirecting manner instead of pretending that everything is fine
will ask you to build a bookshelf with him and do small tasks with him to get you moving after being in bed or on the couch for so long
sits next to you as you disassociate and bring you back by asking “what are you feeling? talk to me.”
offers to go with you to solve a problem. he’ll refuse to leave you alone especially in moments where he knows you’d prefer to not be alone
gives genuinely helpful advice on how to solve issues. If he does not know what to do or where to go, he will find answers for you
will ask you to tell him a story to get you talking and distracted. if you are stuck on what story to tell, he’ll tell you the most ridiculous and random story he can imagine
either makes you food or will run out to get you food, something light that won’t upset your stomach or make you feel queasy and nauseous 
if you have to go have a hard conversation with someone, he will ask if you want him to go with you. he will offer to sit next to you and keep his hand on your back or thigh to soothe you or will offer to sit somewhere you can see him
asks if you’d like to go on drives just to get you out of the house for a bit
holds your hand and traces the lines on the palm of your hand
rubs your back, soft or firm depending on what you need
lies down on your legs so you can play with his hair bc it always seems to calm you a bit
pulls you down to lie down on his chest to hear his heartbeat and tells you to breathe in and out with him
will wipe your tears with his sleeve if there’s no tissues around. will not get up if you are still crying to avoid leaving you alone, he’ll just keep wiping your cheeks and nose with his sleeve
offers to set up a bath for you. he’ll set up a candle lit bath for you to avoid turning on the harsh bathroom light and hurting your swollen eyes. will stay seated on the bathroom floor beside the tub if you’d prefer him to stay 
holds it together around you but might shed some tears from seeing you so sad and exhausted. will walk out of the room fine and ready to keep supporting you
will ask for you to spoon him at night to hear you chuckle/laugh but will turn around and wrap his arms around you
will send you cute and funny videos early in the morning so you have something lighthearted to look at when you wake up
brings you your coffee/tea in bed and plans a whole day in bed to watch anything you’d like or something you’d been planning to watch for a long time 
[a/n: soooo some crazy things just happened in my life lol and that got me wondering how nanami would act (this has been heavily inspired by my own boyfriend)]
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