#just played the demo yesterday and i really loved it!!!!
good morning!! <3
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scarletwinterxx · 1 month
every comma, every question mark - mark lee scenario
helloo🥺 it's been a while since I wrote a mark lee scenario, and this one was supposed to be out for his birthday but i only finished now, better than never😅😅hope you like it!
all song credits belong to NIKI btw!!! her songs are amazing and I'm a big fan. true story is when I first heard plot twist, all i can think of is how mark lee coded that song is so here we are🤍
and yes the ending may be a hint that there's a next for this (?) not sure tho hahaha anywayssss
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"You need to let him go, it's 5 in the morning. You've been here since yesterday!"
Your manager's loud voice resonated through the room, breaking you from your train of thoughts.
"You're distracting me, if you do more of that I will never get out of here" you told him, turning back to your laptop trying. The only other person in the room besides you and your manager is your co-producer. These two is your closest companions, like your two older brothers. You spend most of your time with them, and you being the introvert you don't really have that many friends in the industry.
"As your manager, I love this whole creative wave you're going through. But as a concerned citizen, I'm begging you. Go home. It's your birthday, why are you hauled in this dark room" your manager continues to rant but you pay him no mind
"Yo, you're just making this last longer than it already is. I'm just letting her find whatever it is she's even looking for" your producer say, he's been here with you since yesterday ready to help you out when you need it.
Those two guys know you take your craft very seriously, each and every song you put out is like your own child. Each and every word, every tune, every melody all came from your pretty little mind. They are both very in awe of the discography you have created throughout the years and you're still so young.
Your manager exits the room, muttering something about getting breakfast and coffee before closing the door to the studio.
"How about one of the songs in your vault? You have a lot of unreleased demos" your producer suggests
"I don't know if there's one fit for this"
"Girl you have tons, surely there's one for now. Let's have a hear"
The two of you go through unreleased tracks, some finished and some still on the works before landing on a few possible candidates
"What are we looking for anyways?"
"Not sure, but I promised my fans I was going to put something out just in time for my birthday. It's my birthday and here I am" you grumbled, then suddenly you come across a demo you've written a while back
"Uh this one's old" you say before clicking on it, the beat playing through the speakers in the room
Where have you been All of my life? It's all growin' dim, now That you've come to light And who could've known, who would've thought Between the wishbones and dot-dot-dots There was always gonna be you and I
"When did you write that?" he asks
Just like that, the exact memory of when and where you first wrote that verse came flooding in your head.
"Oh what?"
"I feel like this is the one but I don't know if I can release this" you say
"What do you mean? Why?"
"I wrote this like some time a few years back... about a guy.. I had a crush on"
He chuckles at your reasoning, "So? All songs are inspired by something. You gotta start somewhere"
"Yea but what will I say when people ask what's the story behind it? I'm suppose to perform this on my birthday event this month"
"Then say it, what's the worst that could happen?"
Turns out a lot of things could happen. On the day of your birthday event where you're going to release your new song, your manager informed you a few artists are also present to watch you.
"What?? Why???"
"Cause they like you?" your manager asks back
"Who is it?" you ask but then the prod team calls for you
"Hey Y/N, we need you backstage now"
You get on stage, go on with your show and a short interview. The host surprises you with a cake from your fans and the crowd sings you happy birthday.
"I know it's my birthday but I have a gift for you also" the crowd cheers
"So I wrote a song, I actually wrote it a while back. It's about those unexpected moments that happen in my all to normal life. To be honest with you guys, I've always liked plot twists. The good kind" you add, making the crowd laugh
"Yea and uh sometimes there's someone who comes in your life who you didn't expect and suddenly the sky is bluer or the sun shines just a tad brighter" you blush a bit while trying to explain the song
"Anyways here's the new song, I hope you like it. It's called Plot Twist"
Look what we got A thickening plot Just when I started getting used to The thought Of closing the book There you were, in every nook Of every word, every page And now I wanna stay and wait, 'cause Met every comma, every question mark Bored of how all of the chapters start But you feel like a brand new arc That I never knew, oh I'd like to think I know a thing or two Like every day the sky's a different blue And then along came you, oh
The crowd turns their flash on, it's like a sea of stars in front of you. This made you smile while singing the words
Where have you been All of my life? It's all growin' dim, now That you've come to light And who could've known, who would've thought Between the wishbones and dot-dot-dots There was always gonna be you and I
You get to the last part of the song, enjoying watching the crowd have fun. Unbeknownst to you, the one who inspired this song was in the crowd bopping his head as he listens to your melodic voice.
Who could've imagined? Who could've imagined you? Who could've imagined? Who could've imagined you?
You finish the song and say your final ment before bidding goodbye to everyone.
Your team welcomes you backstage. congratulating you on another successful event. You were busy talking with the band when your manager pulls you on the side, "There's a few people here who wanted to greet you"
"Huh? Oh okay" you follow behind him down the halls.
When you get there the first person you saw was Haechan, a member of a group you're a fan of.
Your first thought was, what is he doing here
The second being, if he's here then surely his member is also here and you already have a hunch on who it might be
"Y/N, you already know Haechan and Mark. They came to watch tonight" your manager say
"Uh yea, oh sorry I wasn't expecting this. I'm a big fan" you tell them, bowing your head down as a sign of respecting and greeting. The two boys doing the same
"Me too, Love your songs" Haechan says, then adds a greeting at the end
"Happy birthday, we uh wanted to come and see you play live since we're on a break. Usually our schedules clash so we can't go to your shows" Mark says
Not believing this is actually happening, you give yourself a pinch on the back. It hurt.
"Me too, I mean I'm a fan too and uh thanks for coming"
"It's Mark hyung's birthday too so this was my gift to him" Haechan jokes, earning a jab on the side from Mark
"I invited him" Mark clarifies, you just laugh at that.
"You guys want some snacks? Refreshments? Let's go to the lounge room" your manager leads the three of you to the lounge area. The two guys, Haaechan and your manager, have a conversation between them. Turns out they're neighbors and Haechan's manager are friends with yours.
"I uh like your new song" Mark clears his throat as he tells you this
"Thanks, it's been a while since I wrote that actually" you mumble, feeling shy all of sudden. You definitely did not expect Mark of all people to be here tonight.
The very person who inspired you to write the song.
"I love the way you write your songs. There's always a story to uncover, big fan of your word plays" he tells you with a smiles you know will haunt your dreams for nights to come and until you make another song about him again.
"One of the few songs I've written that isn't about a heartbreak. And this is from my own point of view, usually I write them imagining the scenario in my head"
"What a lucky guy" he says
You chuckle, looking down at your shoes "He's great, but that song was a confession I'd probably never tell him"
"How come? It's a great song, he should feel honored"
You smile at that, finding the situation all too unreal.
"If he does figure it out, then I'll take my chance"
For a moment you gather up the courage to look him in the eye as if confessing the words without saying it. Like you wanted him to know it's about him but you're not sure if you can ever admit that to him.
Maybe not now. Maybe some other time, you do after all think he's the biggest plot twist of your story.
Then he's looking back at you, a glint in his eyes you wanted to know more about before he smiles at you again. His voice already writing the words in your head, ready for the melody and for your creative genius. He tells you,
"He'd be a fool not to take a chance with you"
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brain-amoeba · 1 year
i was sent this ask:
"Hello, you! can there be a headcannon where, (Scout, Sniper, demo, and my favorite Texan, engi) hugging S/o and the merc is like: “Oh no I’m in love with them” as their face is all red? And, S/o is sorta worried about them and asking “you good?” this scenario has been itching my brain for a few days lol
Anon jilly🦭🌺"
and i believe you may have forgotten to turn anon on when submitting the ask, so i still saw your url. out of respect for your anonymity, i will answer here instead of from the inbox, so hopefully it still finds you well! also i hope you don't mind i do a mini scenario for these as opposed to HCs, just to give yall a little more content :3
Mercs Getting a Big Ole Hug
-You two always had a strong bond, and a dynamic like childhood friends. It was always fun and games with Scout, and when the time came, he knew how to comfort you and be there for you albeit in his own clumsy and Scout-y way.
-It wasn't until he noticed the way the other Mercs looked at you did he start to see you as more than just a friend--he now became acutely aware of how soft your skin felt when it brushed up against his, the way your hair perfectly framed your face, every small detail about you, and he couldn't believe he never noticed any of this before.
-It was your day off, and as usual, you spent it with Scout. The two of you tired yourselves out playing catch outside, as well as other fun roughhousing typical of your other pastimes. While running for the ball, you tripped and fell forward, but Scout was quick enough to catch you, and held you in a tight embrace. You instinctively wrap your arms around his torso and bury your head in his chest. He maintains his grip on you, but his face is as red as his uniform--all of a sudden the outside air feels cramped and he's getting clammy. It was like getting hit with his own Atomizer: all the times he's admired every little thing about you coming together all at once to beat him over the head with the realization that he was in love with you.
-You finally let him go, looking up at him and yelping a bit in surprise. "Scout?! What happened to you? Should we go see Medic?!" You ask frantically, concern showing on your scrunched features as you took in Scout's seemingly-ill state. "N-Nah, I'm okay, really! More than that, actually...I feel amazin'." He gazed at you with a softness you hadn't yet seen before, but it sparked a warmth in your heart and your tummy that you didn't oppose.
-Sniper wasn't exactly one for PDA, let alone physical touch. Just didn't tickle his fancy. But you, something about you gave Sniper the desire, for the first time in ages, to hold, touch, and generally be around someone of his own volition. But for some reason, he just couldn't find it in himself to act on those desires. Whether it be his own deeply-instilled professionalism or cowardice, he couldn't tell. Whatever it was, all he knew was him being afraid of scaring you off. So he did nothing. The minimal interactions with you now would suffice, and his imagination could do the rest.
-You weren't exactly having the best day. Just yesterday, you scuffed a one-on-one encounter with an enemy merc that cost your team the mission, and today's target practice was not kind to you either. You found yourself alone on the range, tears of frustration pooling in your [color] eyes as you trudged along to set up the target dummy Sniper once again. Overwhelmed by frustration, you found yourself hugging the Sniper dummy for even the slightest sense of comfort, dropping your rifle to the dust below with a thud. The real Sniper, who had volunteered to check on you, heard the sound of your rifle hitting the ground as he left the base. The impact immediately spiked his adrenaline and caused the worst thoughts to run through his mind. He quickened his pace, almost falling over in place once he beheld the scene. Sniper couldn't help but feel a tug on his heartstrings watching you embrace the dummy of him. A warm flush crept its way to his rugged features as he realized the depth of his feelings for you way-exceeded his expectations.
-It's now or never, he thought to himself, finally finding the courage to approach you. He put a large gloved hand on your shoulder, eliciting a fearful shriek from you. Your face reddened with embarrassment, stammering as you tried to come up with a good excuse for your behavior. Wordlessly, Sniper wrapped you up in a tight embrace which immediately soothed your worries. "Shhh. It's alright, roo. Don't cry, now." He spoke just above a whisper, and despite being there to comfort you, he himself was trembling with anxiety at what he's just done. When you finally gathered yourself and parted from the Aussie's embrace, your eyes widened. "Sniper! What's gotten into you?!" He looked down at you with a slight smile, as if it would conceal the way his heart pounded in his chest.
"You have, sheila."
-He wasn't always drunk! Okay, maybe he was, but that didn't mean he was always unaware. He was especially aware of a certain little merc who always took him to bed, always got him water, and always made sure to wish him a goodnight, even when the rest left him to drink himself to oblivion. He thought of you very fondly, like a close friend more than just a colleague. You were the first of the bunch to ever show a genuine compassion for him and actually attempt to care for him even in his drunken state (and he knew that was no easy feat).
-It was another night like always, the rest of the team off taking care of their own business while Demo had some precious one-on-one time with his scrumpy, this time accompanied by you! And you were actually drinking with him! It was the weekend, after all, and you decided what the hell, why not, and let your hair down a little. While not nearly as intoxicated as your Scottish companion, you definitely felt the buzzy warmth of drunkenness sneaking up on you. You felt more bubbly, confident, and silly. You gazed upon Demo fondly as he slurred through stories of missions, both failures and successes.
-Right as he was getting to the story's climax, he raised his arms above his head for dramatic affect, and you impulsively leapt into them. "Awwe Tavichhh, I wuv when you tell stowiesss" you mumbled into his chest, arms wrapped tightly around his torso as if he'd leave you any second. The sudden show of affection almost sobered Demo up a bit, but he quickly dropped his arms and returned your embrace. In his drunken state, the warmth of your body against his felt like fire, and he couldn't help but notice the way you fit perfectly into him. Demo soon grabbed your shoulders, moving you back to meet his gaze. The sudden serious look on his face sent a shiver down your spine. "D-demo! What's the matter?!" He took in your flushed face as if he were looking upon the Mona Lisa herself before finally speaking, "Oh it's nothin, lass. I just enjoy lookin' at ye."
-You were lucky enough to get some time off when you were informed this go-round of contracts did not include you. To your surprise, they didn't include Engie, either. You discovered this when you bolted for the workshop in a panic as you realized your prized headphones were destroyed! You were about to go on a walk before fishing them from your backpack and soon met with the disappointment of your prized possession in tatters--wires frayed, and hanging down almost mockingly.
-As you busted through the double doors of Engineer's workshop, he jumped in surprise, nearly dropping his wrench. "Well howdy to yourself too, darlin'!" He regained his bearings and approached you with a chuckle. "What's got you in such a tizzy, hm?" You simply raised the broken pair of headphones up*, looking at him like a lost puppy. "M-my headphones are destroyeeeddd!" You whined. Engie, behind his goggles, looked at you with a twinge of pain in his eyes just from hearing how distraught you were. Though he was empathetic to your "loss", he couldn't help but admire how adorable you sounded when you whimpered, and got a bit of an ego-boost from how you immediately came to him for aid. Engie took the headphones from you, inspecting them closely as he set them down on a nearby workbench. "Y'know, dear, these might not be a lost cause...let's see what some good ole fashioned Texan ingenuity can do!" He assured you with a sly smile.
-You fidgeted nervously as you watched over his shoulder while he tinkered away on your poor headphones. "Can I get you somethin' to drink darlin'? Maybe some water?" Engineer didn't take his eyes off the headphones as he spoke, currently re-twisting and wrapping wires before getting to work on the broken frame of the device. "I'm okay, thank you, Engie..." Truthfully, you were just too nervous to take your eyes off of the headphones while Engineer repaired them. Of course, you trusted his skillful hand, but with them being such a meaningful item to you, you couldn't help but hover over his shoulder and watch. Suddenly, Engie spoke up again, this time with a command-- "Close your eyes, dear." Nervously, you did as you were told. Engineer turned to face you, gently placing the repaired headphones on your head. Your eyes shot open and hands immediately went up to feel the newly repaired device now muffling your hearing.
-Without a second thought, you pulled Engie into a tight embrace. "Engie, you're the best!! Thank you so much!" You exclaimed, nuzzling his chest a bit as the two of you embraced. His large gloved hand gently caressed your back, giving it a slight pat in response to your praise. While Engineer typically maintained a relaxed exterior, internally, he was practically melting. A proper southern gentleman such as himself couldn't be indecent in the presence of a lady, but the fog on his goggles and pink in his cheeks said otherwise. You pulled away, removing the headphones. You went to inspect them further, but the sight before you stopped you dead in your tracks. "Engie?! You feeling alright??" He looked like he was about to pass out--and he felt like it, too.
-Engineer simply nodded, placing his ivory-colored cowboy hat on your head in response.
*this is exactly what i envisioned for this scene btw
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melodic-haze · 5 months
I HAD NO IDEA U WROTE FOR HSR OMG.. what do you think of bratty sub seele who just wants you to put her in her place?? i love her so bad i feel sick omfgjdksn
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Seele x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Reader has a cock/strap referred as such 🤷‍♀️, rough sex, impact play, dumbification, orgasm denial, vibrator use, implied public vibe play :3
☆ — NOTES: 🌈THE MORE YOU KNOW🌈 YES I DO WRITE FOR HSR!!! I've been on the grind recently too. Like initially I found it kinda boring but I came back bc of Acheron so now I have it running in auto the bg while I'm doing coursework. I'm waiting for Robin but I'm still in FUCKING XIANZHOU 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Bratty sub Seele ohhhhhmygod anon I think I'm going to COMBUST dude
All that bravado and what does she use it on? Fucking pissing you off to the high heavens above
She's a headstrong character!! She don't gaf ab what anyone thinks when she KNOWS she's in the right (and even when she's wrong she'll still put up a fight lmfao)
Unfortunately for you (or fortunately, whichever way you look at it 🤷‍♀️), she LOVES going out of her way to be deliberately infuriating too, making sure you're watching her all the while
You're glad that Seele and Bronya are enjoying themselves. Really, you are! Having Belobog united again proved to be a good decision, and having them spearhead the tides of change turned out to be more than beneficial.
..But for some reason, today just seemed off. You don't know why, but you felt irritated.
Maybe it was what you ate this morning, maybe it was something that happened yesterday.. or maybe it was how Seele behaved.
You accompanied her to help with the efforts to unify all of Belobog once again, but ypu feel yourself regretting it when you see how.. business seems to be conducted.
It started off as small touches here and there; the Wildfire member giving Belobog's brand new Guardian a pat on the back, or a touch on her shoulder to grab her attention when the latter was focused on the paperwork in front of her. But then it progressed—Seele leaning into Bronya's back to read something that caught her attention, holding her hand when it isn't really necessary...
Of course body contact isn't really rare between the two—they formed some kind of bond when Bronya was stuck in the Underground—but there was just something extra annoying to how your girlfriend had haphazardly draped herself on the Silvermane Commander's body.
You did feel bad for feeling this way, especially when Bronya was involved because the poor girl did nothing wrong! But when you see the Underworlder smirk right at you as she went to hug the new Guardian for a problem now solved?
It was really hard not to get annoyed.
What's worse is that it seems that Seele knew that well.
You try to drag her away for a little "break" and she fully denies ANYTHING she's done
"You know," she says with a smug grin, "if you're going to try and help, then you should probably start by analysing what we do less and helping us with the work more."
You crossed your arms, "Don't know if you've noticed, but I have been doing it. Oh, but you were practically all over Bronya, so it's no surprise you didn't notice a thing."
She shrugged, "I've just been showing my appreciation for her efforts. Being the Supreme Guardian seems like a hassle, so."
While you do agree, you can't help but feel your blood boil a little at the smug look on her face.
She knew what she was doing.
And you can't have that.
You don't drag her back home immediately, no. You did still have a job to do, and it'd be rude to leave Bronya alone last minute!!! But when you were basically allowed to go, you drag her back IMMEDIATELY. She's gonna be complaining all the while, and even if you snap at her and tell her to behave she won't. It's like she WANTS to be punished (she does 🤷‍♀️)
And when you do get home? Ohhh you need to take action right that very second bc she'd STILL a huge loudmouth, she won't shut her gob about how you're 'overreacting' or something........so you may as well use that mouth for something
Instead of snapping at her, snap your hips to her mouth 🥰 let that dick fill her mouth up, give her something else to do aside from constantly talk shit and essentially dig her grave even more than necessary!!! Don't hold back either, cuz if you do then she's gonna taunt you. "'s that the best you've got? Please," she'd go. Make her work on you before absolutely ABUSING her face, make her gag and forget whatever retort she had ready. Oh, she wanted you to be rougher?? She better not come crying to you by the time you're done 🫶
You pull out of her after a bit but you're not done. Oh NOnonono absolutely not lol you turn her around and push her down so she's on all fours with her back facing you. You have to punish her thoroughly, you can't just leave it half-assed!!! Slap her ass hard, do NOT hold anything back this bitch is gonna keep whining you like a little brat otherwise. You need to discipline her properly, so keep abusing her backside until it's all red and her eyes are glazing over
Oh, but what's this???? Despite the fact that she's yelping and screaming from every hit you inflict on her, when you palm her cunt you realise that she's soaking wet down there, and she only gets wetter the more you spank her. Is your poor little baby actually getting off on this?? Actually pathetic lol
Just like everything else in your session, fuck her fast and HARD. Absolutely abuse her hole down here just like you did her other one until she can't even form fucking words anymore. Don't stop spanking her either!!! So much would be happening at once and her tiny little brain won't be able to handle it, turning into mush as you fuck her sooooo dumb
The pace you went at was absolutely relentless, only ever stopping when you felt tired, not if she needed a break. And why would you ever ask her if she needed a break? Even as she kept begging you to stop because it feels too much, she can't think anymore, why would you ever consider actually thinking about her? If she really wanted you fo stop, you both know that the safeword is right there.
Plus with the way Seele looks right now—mouth agape as drool trailed down her chin, eyes rolled back, slick coating your cock and her thighs—you don't really think she wants to stop. Quite the opposite, actually.
"Is this.. what you wanted the entire time?" You grunted as you pulled her neckerchief up to get her closer to you and maybe cut off her breathing, but when you feel her buck against you with moan, you find that she isn't complaining in the least. Your force never falters as you spoke, "Me having my way.. with you.. and reminding you where you belong?"
You hadn't really expected an answer from her in this state, not like you cared when you were more concerned about essentially reducing her into nothing but your pretty little fleshlight, but you see her nod shakily.
When she hums out in agreement, it comes out as more of a whine when your tip hits that particular spot inside her, "Y-- Yeeeesss..! Fuuuck, I've been sss-- such a bad girl-- ohfuckfuckFUCK right thereee... I'll do whate-- whatever you want just pleasepleasepleaseeee don't stop I'm almost--"
You rolled her eyes, "If you wanted attention, all you had to do was say so.. but if you love this so much then what's stopping me from just--" you let go of her neckerchief and slipped yourself out while your palm hits her stinging skin particularly hard, "--taking it all away from you?"
There, she lets out the biggest fucking whine as she drops before she screams out, her legs quivering and her pussy fluttering around nothing. Her cum gushes out of her, wetting the surface underneath you, as her body shook at the force of her orgasm.
"I didn't give you permission to cum, baby."
"'m.. s-sorryyy... Please don't be mad, I--"
"'Sorry' this, 'please' that, you get the opportunity to be a dumb brat and you take it happily but the moment it's something you want, you try to be a good girl." You turn her around so that she's facing you and you hit her inner thigh with a glare, to which she sobs so pathetically, "You're being selfish, Seele. I think I need to break you in again, make you remember how you behave."
Her breath hitches and she looks at you with such wide and teary eyes, but you know with the way her pupils are blown wide that she more than wants this.
By the time you're near finished, you COULD actually have her cum on your terms.....OR you could absolutely deny her of that privilege because really, why would you ever reward her for being a little shit????
Pull out of her when she hits her peak and make her suck your cock as you put a vibrator in her pussy in the lowest possible fucking setting. She's gonna whine and plead you to help her finish but don't help her 🤷‍♀️ tell her to leave it in until tomorrow's day ends. If she doesn't act like a whore like she did today then you'll reward her greatly!!!! But if not? Then you'll be doing this all over again, having the vibe in her and stimulating her in public until she learns to behave
That's what she wanted after all—to be punished appropriately
She acts like she's against it too, but if she was then she would've made it genuinely known and she could take it out herself.....but when you see her put her clothes on the next day with the toy peeking out before she coves it up with her panties, well. Doesn't seem like she really hates it after all 🫶
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lemuriz · 2 months
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my fields of mistria character, plus thoughts!
I just want to share my early take on this game. I didn't play the demo, but I have played other farming sims like stardew valley and coral island.
I'm pretty early in the game still but so far it's been SUCH a blast. I have literally barely put it down since yesterday afternoon. Some tiny things I adore that are standout to me are, -the pronoun options instead of setting gender
- the ability to customize your character wherever you go
- in settings, being able to turn off eating and drinking sounds (I have never seen this before in a game, I have sensory issues related to this and it also triggers my tics aswell so it is very comforting to encounter!)
- having hourly cycles for everything, but buildings always being open to use.
- npc locations being marked on the map
- twice weekly events to round up npcs and shop (unsure if more that get unlocked as game progresses but there is 2 I have seen, Friday at the inn and Saturday market)
- in game tracker of loved and liked gifts (stardew only added it with an update, this is just a stardew comparison really. old players know the frustration of having to memorise them all.)
- outfits that rotate with seasons!!!!
Then, I have some small criticisms. First, it's a bit confusing on how to acquire the tools. I had no clue you had to go to the fishing hut to buy a fishing rod. there isn't really dialogue that hints at this, though to some it may just be obvious- I didn't even discover the location for a good while. Which brings me to my second point, the map is a bit confusing to navigate at first. I am unsure how this could be fixed? Once you get used to getting around, there is sufficient points to get from one zone to another though. My third point is then, WHY IS COMBAT SO HARD? maybe it's just me.. but the enemies are incredibly difficult because of the way the sword swings. it pushes you forward alot, which with constantly moving enemies makes it really hard to aim. they also do a LOT of damage. The rock/non green slimes I have the biggest problem with, because unlike the bounce slimes and lamps, they don't really have a vulnerability/cooldown period. you can attempt to dodge, but then you can't really move in to hit them. and the triple hit ones in the water area? brutal. My final point is the amount of items. The museum is GREAT. I love donating to it! but, it gets frustrating especially when I find an item that actually cannot be donated. I understand why this is, but for the amount of fish especially that are undonateable, the task of finding everything I do need to find is very difficult.
to sum up, acquiring tools is confusing, map is not explained, combat hard, too many items.
That is all! thanks for reading. If you haven't picked up the game yet, despite it being in early access- it's SO worth it! give it a try!
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tidalskii · 5 months
It was announced yesterday that LittleBigPlanet 3’s game servers would be closing indefinitely, putting an end to the remaining online support the original LBP trilogy still had. I’ve managed to collect my thoughts and pay my tributes to the series before I part ways with it.
This game series means the world to me, and I am extremely proud and honored to have been apart of it’s community. I started playing the games in 2010 with the demo for LittleBigPlanet on PS3 and… I wasn’t impressed. I got stuck before I even played the game! I had a second controller turned on somewhere so 6 y/o me was presented with the “Select Profile” screen.
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Having no clue why none of the buttons on my controller were working, I think I just turned it off and didn’t play it for months. Idk what got me to play it again, but I’m glad I did because I fell in LOVE with the game. Everything about how it controlled just… clicked with me. I thought it was genius, the sheer amount of expressiveness you could display; tilting the controller to move your head or your hips, using the D-Pad to change your facial expression, moving each individual arm with both sticks and the limb buttons on the back, it was all so intuitive and fun to do. Although, once me and my cousin learned how to slap each other in-game, it was over for my parents’ ears lol, we’d be screaming and yelling at each other. Sure enough that Christmas, I got the full game, specifically the special kind with some of the DLC pre-installed. That’s where the REAL fun began. Nearly every night after school I’d bring a couple of friends over and we’d try to play through as many levels as we could in one-sitting. The Metal Gear Solid DLC levels I often died immediately in and I would wait for an older kid I knew to get to a checkpoint and revive me. Regardless of how bad I was at the game, it was so much fun, especially now that we were able to experience the create mode. My mom actually started playing it, too. I don’t have any pictures of it sadly but she made a really expansive house with separate rooms and secret passages everywhere, it was really cool. I’d say I spent a good year or so playing the first game, then Christmas 2011 arrived. That’s when I got LittleBigPlanet 2.
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LBP2 is my favorite video game of all time, it does what every good sequel should do: expand on what made the first game so amazing without straying too far away from its core appeal. For starters, if you already owned LBP the game will ask you right off the bat if you wish to import all of your collected items, costumes, and levels into LBP2. This absolutely BLEW MY MIND and in a weird way it kind of made playing the first game obsolete. You mean to tell me EVERYTHING I’ve ever made is already here, I can just… continue working on it?! I can still rock the same costumes I had, I can play music from the FIRST game in the SECOND game?!?! That alone made LBP2 so much of a gem in my eyes, it was LITERALLY the first game and MORE. But the fun didn’t end there! It was around this time I got a PSN account, so I was able to experience everyone else’s creations online and… wow. A whole new world just opened up, a whole community to engage and interact with. I met so many amazing people, some of whom are my closest friends to this day, over a decade later. It was through a group of some older kids that I often tagged along with that started getting into anime and comics more. 2011-2014 was a magical time to be on LBP, those years really felt like “The Golden Years” of the online community. Oh yeah and LBP Karting and the portable games existed too, I guess. I played LBPK, I thought it was fun… I still own it, but I’ve barely touched it after all these years. From what I’ve heard PSP and Vita seemed like a lot of fun, I’ve just never played them. Around early-mid 2014, it was announced that there would be a third LBP game for both the PS3 and the newly-released PS4. New characters, 16-LAYERS in create-mode (!!!), and a weird purple lightbulb as the new main-antagonist of the story mode… “Newton”. I remember being so excited for it to release. We were FINALLY getting a THIRD LittleBigPlanet, for a new console, too! We sure did, alright.
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To this day, I’m still not sure how to feel about LittleBigPlanet 3, and it feels like the greater community more or less can’t ether. This game… SHOULD be better than the 2nd game, and you know what? Catch me on a good day and I might say that I prefer LBP3 to LBP2. Everything’s there, a new story, cross-compatibility with LBP and LBP2, a fleshed-out create mode, all of it’s there and what we have in the game is phenomenal, however there’s one big, glaring issue that distracts it from being superior to its predecessors… this game is BROKEN. I know people like to throw out that term a lot with somewhat buggy games but oh my god, LBP3 is DANGEROUSLY glitchy and exploitative. By this point, Media Molecule had moved on from the LBP series to continue developing new games, leaving Sumo Digital to oversee LBP3’s development. I feel so bad for Sumo Digital because it’s painfully obvious Sony rushed their time to complete the game for a holiday 2014 release date… and the quality of the final game reflects the time-crunch they must’ve gone through. Joining friends can take you up to a half-hour if you’re unlucky, it’s a gamble if the game will even function properly. Often you’ll be sent back to your pod after the game rapid-fires it’s loading screen (btw serious warning for anyone with epilepsy: DON’T play LittleBigPlanet 3, it does stuff like this all the time), but when the screen fades in, Sackboy doesn’t respawn, soft-locking the game. Fun! I’m not sure if anyone else suffered from this one specific, GAME-BREAKING bug as I’ve never seen anyone else talk about it, but around 2015 or so my game’s gravity just… freaked out, regardless if you were in hover-mode or not, Sackboy would float off to the left of the screen and phase through all of the walls. I tried restarting the game, cleaning off the physical disc the sink, but nothing would fix it, I literally had to reset my game progress. Very fun! Another weird thing I ran into is the inability to place down stickers with the PS Eye Camera Tool. It just stopped working entirely at one point, even in previous games like LBP2. No idea how THAT happened, very strange bug. Despite all this… I powered through, because truthfully I do think the content in LBP3 is superior to the previous games. The music is great, I found myself genuinely invested in the story and it’s characters, the DLC packs introduced in LBP3 were all very fun, and the create mode is a GODSEND compared to the first 2 games. Honestly, that’s one of the 2 reasons why I chose to stick around with LBP3, there is SO MUCH you can do with the tools it provides you. For those of you who don’t know, for the last couple years or so I’ve been building full working models of the Thomas the Tank Engine characters in LBP3, and that’s led to me gaining a humble but amazingly awesome following in the game. I love Thomas, I love LBP, I just wanted to put those two interests together and I’m very happy people seemed to have liked what I made, which is very wholesome and sweet.
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I am devastated that the game’s online services are now gone for good, but it was kind of inevitable. LBP3’s lack of quality opened the door for a lot of nasty exploitation and modifications people made to their games. The servers were hacked in 2021, and that led to the termination of the PS3’s servers. It wasn’t hard to deduce that PS4’s servers were running on borrowed-time. Regardless of how unfortunate it’s closure was, this franchise was supported for 16 years. That’s not a bad run at all. I would say I’m surprised it wasn’t closed sooner, but then again… I’m not surprised. The LittleBigPlanet community is so amazing and passionate over these games. When the 2021 server attacks happened we all rallied together online to keep it alive, if just for a little bit longer. Even at its very end, a lot of us had so much more creativity to share with the world. To all those out there listening, I hope you’re able to channel that creativity outlet even further beyond in the future, whenever and wherever that may be. As for me, I’m going to attempt to learn “Dreams”, Media Molecule’s spiritual successor to the LBP games, released on PS4/PS5. From what I’ve seen and played of that game, it scratches that itch LBP left on me. It’s so good.
Rest easy, Sackboy. Thank you for some of the best experiences I could have asked for in a video game. Here’s hoping for a LBP4 one day, old friend. ���
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light-wolf · 4 months
So we got another Monster Hunter Wilds trailer yesterday and, contrary to what I expected, it wasn't just an extended version of last week's trailer and instead featured mostly new stuff, although I'd say it was more of a "Trailer 1, Part 2" than a proper "Trailer 2" since it still only focused on (what I assume) is the opening segment of the game.
The most notable new thing was the new Leviathan: Balahara. I'm not sure what to think of this guy, to be honest. It's just... kinda creepy. Which isn't inherently a bad thing, but Doshaguma is also an ugly bastard, and Chatacabra isn't much better. I don't dislike these designs by themselves, but I don't love any of them (yet) and as a group they don't exactly have the "vibes" that I tend to like about MH monster designs. It doesn't help that the only returning monster we've seen so far is Rathalos. The mystery thunder monster they teased seems cool but I can't really form an opinion yet. I think I just need to see one new monster that appeals more to my tastes and that will alleviate my worries about the monster design direction in this game. Thank Gog we have Seikrets though, I love their design and that gives me hope that we'll see more cool creatures.
Other than that? More vague story and "cinematic" stuff. I can't say that's what I want out of MH, but I'll reserve judgement for the time being. I just hope we can change our hunter and Palico's voices. Please, Capcom. Also please let me have a real beard, Rise's facial hair options were pathetic (the ones in World were alright but I still want more).
Beyond the trailer stuff, having crossplay is incredible news! It's what I expected based on other recent Capcom games, but it's great to finally have confirmation. I love that I'll be able to play with anyone who has the game regardless of platform. Now I'll keep hoping that we get a Switch 2 version so I don't have to buy a PS5. xD
We'll get our next trailer in August, in Gamescom, where they'll also have a playable show floor demo. I'm hyped to finally see some proper gameplay and see how the new mechanics work. Hopefully we get to see a new area too, I'm getting kinda tired of the Windward Plains after three trailers there. And of course, some cool new monsters! Our flagship monster, maybe? In any case, while I have a few concerns, I'm still really hyped for Wilds!
I might go back to Sunbreak in the meantime and resume the Anomaly grind...
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howlingday · 2 years
Jaune: (Thinking) Weekends really are the best. I can just come out to these coffee places and just relax. It's usually empty this time of day, so I can come up with strategies all I want... and doodle. No professors, no bullies, and definitely no-
Nora: HA! No way, Ren~!
Jaune: Oh no... (Turns around) Of all the coffee shops in Remnant, she just had to walk into mine...
Jaune: At least she's not alone, so she won't focus on me. It's just her, and Ren, and... two guys? Wait, I recognize him! He's that hot guy who was hitting on Weiss! And stealing my nicknames for her, too...
Ren: (Sits down) You guys are in a band?
Sun: Eh, sort of. We mostly just practice whatever moves boy bands are doing nowadays. Though, my boy, Neptune here, can really jam out on the guitar!
Neptune: Aw, shucks...
Sun: Show 'em the demo, man!
Neptune: Alright, alright! (Shows demo tape) Have a listen, little lady~.
Sun: I'm gonna get a drink. (Gets up)
Ren: I will, too. (Gets up)
Neptune: (Plays demo) It's this whole new sound I'm working on. It's like rock, jazz, and pop all in one! Perfect for the art lover in any lady's heart~.
Jaune: Ugh... Not even I play the guitar that bad! It's like he just picked it up yesterday! And if he's showing Nora, then he's in for a world of hurt.
Jaune: She'll probably say, "It's a new sound alright! I don't think anyone's tried playing with a garbage disposal yet! Nya ha ha ha!"
Nora: ...Yeah, sorry. I just don't get it.
Neptune: O-Oh. W-Well, maybe guitar's just not your style.
Nora: No, I like guitar, but it sounds like you don't. I don't think you're putting enough of your heart into your work.
Neptune: O-Oh... (Clears throat) Uh, excuse me. I gotta go to the bathroom. (Leaves)
Jaune: That was weird. I thought she would have torn him down a lot louder than that. She didn't even laugh at him.
Sun: (Slides in) Yeah, sorry about him. He's not that great with picking up hints, like me. Honestly, I would have left him with the team if he didn't beg me to bring him along.
Nora: Mhm... Uh-huh... Yeah... Sure...
Jaune: Geez! Where'd you get your lines? Right out of a Pumpkin Pete's box?
Sun: You don't have to stonewall me like that. We can be friends, right? It'd be the first time I had a friend who was a girl. I went to a sort of all-dude training school. Never really knew any girls outside of my family. Heck, I've never even squeezed a girl's boobs before!
Nora: ...Oh, really?
Jaune: Here it comes! Nora's going to laugh at him! She'll probably say something like, "Are you serious?! What kind of loser hasn't touched a boob at your age?! Nya ha ha ha!"
Nora: Do you really think that's appropriate? Talking to a girl like that?
Sun: Uh...
Jaune: Wha... What the hell is going on with Nora?!
Ren: I'm back.
Sun: I... I gotta go... (Leaves)
Ren: Oh? You sent him away, too, huh? Is everything alright, Nora? I thought they were your type.
Nora: No, they weren't. Guys like them just annoy me. They're so... boring. And besides- (Grabs Ren's ear) I told you to stop getting involved in my love life.
Ren: (Winces, Strained) Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. They just seemed like your type. Please stop.
Jaune: What... the hell is going on?
Jaune: (Walking to the dorm) What was up with Nora? She's always up for teasing guys, isn't she? Unless... (Blushing) Am I the only guy she messes with?
Jaune: Ow!
Nora: About time you came to, Leader! I was calling your name, like, fifty times! You were staring off to space like a real sad sack again. Truly pathetic.
Jaune: Stop calling me pathetic, Nora.
Nora: Aw~! Is Leader getting all mad again~?
Jaune: H-Hey, Nora... Are you, uh... N-Nevermind. It's nothing.
Nora: What? Come on, tell me~!
Jaune: I said it's nothing!
Nora: Ooh! Leader's getting all mad again~!
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seraphinitegames · 2 years
Hiii it's so nice to finally meet you!!!! I feel like I need to write to you because you just shook my world of imagination, I started reading wayhaven the day before yesterday and I have already finished the first and the second book, as well as having already played the demo of the third book, I just want to say that I am amazed by it all and i can't stop talking about it to everyone. From the characters to the scenarios, they are fully detailed and very well done, like the detective's office is already so common in my head that I feel like I'm already at home, and the charm of all the characters makes me melt completely, they are so captivating and makes me want to know each one's story. Thank you so much for dedicating so much to this amazing work and thank you so much for sharing it with us, I'm looking forward to the third book and i hope you can finish it without any problems. Sending lots of love from Brazil 💗🥰👏
Olá! (I hope thats correct!)
Aah, what an incredible message!!
You don't know how happy it makes me to hear you say this! The idea that Wayhaven is so familiar to people that it feels like home? Aahhhhh! It makes my heart sing :D
Thank you so, so much for taking the time to send this wonderful message! I really appreciate it <3
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
GUYS the Alhaitham Demo. I can't stop smiling. Why is he so cool?You're probably sick of me talking about him already but how could I not when he is so perfect `(*>﹏<*)′
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The banter was so funny between Cyno, Tignari, and Kaveh and them talking about how strong he really is and that Alhaitham is just playing coy and is not the "feeble scholar" he says he is, hahaha.
And then he just comes in, first jabbing at Kaveh, then goes logically-explain-mode like "hurr durr process of elimination" and everyone just facepalms.
Pls, like I already said yesterday, he is so unintentionally funny.
I also love how everyone is just done with his shit LMAO.
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Less than 24 hours people!! ALHAITHAM NATION ARE WE READY?!
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Idol AU?! Who all is involved?
okay so me and @max-iwtaco have been brainrotting about it yesterday but we're trying to include as many characters as we can think of XD
i wanted amy to be the main character bc like. look at her...
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but okay so let me summarize what we talked about
-sonic and shadow both debuted when they were very young under competing labels. sonic does a lot of solo singing and rapping stuff, plays guitar, and dances (he specialized in breakdancing which is poggers), meanwhile shadow sings (he can do screamo if he wants. as a treat) and dances (he specializes more in interpretive type dance). theyve always been rivals, releasing albums around the same time and fighting for all the awards and stuff. and dont get me started on idol sports champio ships-
-so amy's dream has been to be an idol, and she took a lot of inspiration from sonic!! so she uses her tarot cards like in canon and it tells her to audition for the same label as sonic is under (tho im debating what to call it) and she does and makes it in!!!
-eggman runs a company. the one that team dark is under. team dark is a band with shadow on vocals and bass, rouge on vocals and electric guitar, and omega on drums. lets just say they have to buy new drums every performance.
-sonic also has a band with knuckles and tails, where he plays guitar, tails is on synthesizer, and knuckles is on drums.
-amy becomes a soloist but cream comes to all of her shows. she has special permission backstage to see her and be her emotional support. also they sometimes let cream on stage to sing a little song and the audience loves it. cream also has a kazoo
-knuckles's dad used to be the head of their company but knuckles inherited it. or something
-tails is a HUGE music theory nerd. he loves math rock
-amy dabbles in music composition (bc im projecting)
-tails and sonic knew each other since they were little and sonic would play guitar for him and tails started learning bc of him and then he got REALLY into music theory and became a big nerd. sonic cant actually read sheet music lmao
-sonic joined the company under the condition that tails joins with him and tails was so cute that they couldnt say no
-since knuckles takes care of the whole company now he doesn't actually perform concerts that often but when he does the audience goes WILD. you never know when youre gonna see knuckles. it's a gamble every time. on the times knuckles cant come play drums big will come to play instead
-big doesnt ever actually show upto practice bc hes too busy fishing. he just shows up and plays the concert and then he's gone again. froggy plays the cymbal
-froggy gets put on the concert posters and big doesnt bc big just shows up. froggy is the star of the show
-sonic raps while knuckles beatboxes. tails tries to rap and its adorable
-cream is the first to listen to amy's demos and comes to support her at the recording studio
-this quote from Max: "ALLSO she would give advice like "everything sounded VERY COOL but it would be even cooler if you added like DUMM DU DUMMM YDHVVJ TXFHVJJV at the end""
-blaze does classical music and plays the violin. silver does techno style stuff. they collab a lot and sound amazing together
-silver is super into composing and posts his stuff on bandcamp. he's not under any labels or anything
anyway. i love them
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Shawn Mendes and Niall Horan Timeline
Year 2017
FEB 2017
Feb 5 Niall posts on SnapChat:
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Feb 12 Fans see Niall and Shawn together at a Top Golf in LA. Niall posts a video of Shawn golfing. According to later interviews, they watched the Grammys together.
MAR 2017
Mar 2 An interview with Shawn in Japan that I can’t find an active link to:
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Mar 5 Shawn talking to an interviewer at the iHeart Awards: Totally [working on new music]. Yeah, and we also just hang out a bunch. He’s a really cool guy, so he’s been really sweet, and once we get the actual time to get to the studio, we’ll make some stuff happen.
Mar 7 Niall mentions The Collab at the Rays of Sunshine Event.
Mar 10 Niall talks to Pop Buzz about The Collab: Shawn Mendes. Again, we’re good mates and if we ever get the chance to – you know, he’s on tour here now. I go to America this week. It’s kinda like, back and forth. We spend a couple of days tog –
Interview: Busy, busy lads. (Hey dude, why’d you interrupt that, I need to know what he was going to say about them spending time together!)
Niall: Busy men! And we’d obviously love to but – you know it was great. Shawn’s new song, Holding Me Back, he played it to me – he wrote it the day before the Grammy’s and he played it to me – he had a demo, he played it to me in the car. We were driving up to my house, we’re going to watch the Grammy’s at my house, and he played it to me in the car. And he’s like ‘man, I really like this song, I wrote this yesterday.’ And then he posted a picture on his Instagram last week of the cover of his new single. And I sent him a voice note of me singing the song – I’d remembered it, I just remembered it saying “Holding Me Back” on his phone. It’s that catchy. Great song.
April 29 Shawn gets asked about The Collab: “There’s nothing happening yet, but I’m really good friends with ‘Noral.’”
MAY 2017
May 1 Shawn talks about The Collab with fans: Hopefully soon… I’m really, really good friends with him, actually. Probably one of my closest friends within the music industry. But we just don’t have the time, he’s working a lot. So, one day we will.
May 5 Nick Grimshaw brings up The Collab: You’re good friends with Shawn Mendes, right? And you’re going to work with him? ‘Cause I saw that video of you and him singing in a dressing room somewhere.
Niall: Yeah, that was actually my sitting room, thanks!
Nick: Was it really?!
Niall: Yeah – ‘your sitting room looks like a dressing room.’ […] After the AMAs, the American Music Awards. Yeah, I’d love to, but it’s just finding time. He’s over here touring, I’m about to go back to the States. It��s all a bit mad. Hopefully at some stage, do something together. He’s a good lad, too.
May 9 Shawn mentions The Collab at another Q&A: I haven’t seen Niall in a few months. We haven’t gotten to the studio yet, but one day, we’re going to be something. I know I keep saying that, but it’s not like we’re in the studio everyday, he’s on the other side of the world.
May 22 Niall talks about The Collab with fans: Whenever we get the chance. We’ve jammed a few times, like when we’re at the house and stuff like that, but… Yeah, and I keep finding like, ‘Shawn Mendes’ picks all over my house. Like loads of ‘em, just ones with ‘Shawn Mendes’ – how many times has he been to the house? Looks like he just emptied his pockets when he came in.
1075theriver miscaptions the video: NiallOfficial talking about finding photos of ShawnMendes around his house. Niall corrects them:
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JUNE 2017
June 2
Niall sees Shawn at the O2 Arena!
Christiaan Bezuidenhou
t posts a picture and we crop it:
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Jun 9 Niall chats with an interviewer about seeing Shawn at the O2: I’m good mates with Shawn Mendes and he was playing the O2 the other night, and I went to watch him. I’m 23 and I’m standing there, he’s 18. And I felt like a proud older brother in a way. He’s 18 and selling out arenas. I was thinking, ‘[One Direction was] doing that as well.’ It was a bit of a head-bender and it was good to see.
With another interviewer: Do you ever come up with some songs and you think 'we should release these’?
Niall: Yeah there was one time when me and Shawn Mendes were in my house and we started jamming out, and we had a few beers and forgot.
Jun 10 Shawn about Niall at the Summer Time Ball: I’m definitely going to see Niall. I don’t know where he is but I’m going to go find him now.
Jun 19 Niall talks about Shawn coming over to his house: we had a couple of beers, and we were jamming a little bit, and I played a couple of songs to him, and he seemed to like them!
Jun 20 About Shawn: I love Shawnie. He’s the man. He keeps saying to me: ‘I’m so new to this!’
Interviewer: So what kind of advice do you offer him?
Niall: He gets really nervous a lot. He’s 18 years old! We all forget ‘cause he’s 6′5 and looks like Michael Phelps doesn’t mean that he’s not 18.
AUG 2017
Aug 5 A fan asks who Shawn’s favorite member of One Direction is: 'I love Niall.’ (I’m the girl in the background saying ‘Niall’ like DUH.)
Aug 8 Niall posts: 
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It’s this fellas birthday ! Happy birthday shawnmendes .
Aug 20 Shawn confirms The Collab, once again, during Q&A
Aug 28 Niall posts to IG, 'watching the lad’ perform at the VMAs
SEP 7, 2017
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Awww... 🥰 
Oct 5 Again with The Collab: Seen him last week in LA, but we were just going for a beer, we didn’t go and write songs.
Oct 19 Niall for Dan Wootton: The fans would love it. He’s in the middle of his album at the minute so if we can get something rustled up in the next while, we’ll see what happens. But we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Oct 20 Niall does a Q&A – mentions wanting to collab with Shawn, and his favorite songs: “Obviously, Mendes’s got some big tunes out at the minute.”
The seating chart
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They sat next to each other.
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Stared lovingly into each other’s eyes. Shawn posted it to his IG, as one does:
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Bonus: Zedd is us and we are Zedd
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Dec 18 Fan asks Shawn a Need To Know question about Niall: If you were a girl, would you date Niall Horan? Oh, absolutely.
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lilyvalleygames · 1 month
Sorry for any mistakes in advance, english isn't my native language. OuO
I played “Crystalline Cage” yesterday and while I'm writing this, im replaying your game because i love reading in between the lines and gather as much MORE info as I can, im just thirsty for more since I really loved your game. 💜 I found it through my endless searching of looking for games like this one, it's really interesting how you can find a variation of games like these! And every single one of them is unique on it's own way and carefully crafted, I just love that.
I'm aware that you recently dropped your demo but... I'm really interested on knowing more of what's to come or any new characters that are going to appear on the “Day 2”? It's okay if you don't want to share anything too “spoiler-y” but i don't mind.
Will we learn how this fantasy world works? Asking since Vesta/MC seems so... Detached? Uninformed? Ignorant? Towards things like that but it makes sense since they are a servant who doesn't really go out.
Is the Countess Dantalion aware of her son's attachment or... interest towards Vesta/MC? She acts rather odd towards them and i don't know if it is only me but... It seemed like she wanted to imply something when going to see her...? [“I see. I supposed it's only to be expected that he'd come earlier than necessary...” “ (...) Johann does enjoy his little surprises, doesn't he?” 👀]
Are you thinking of adding more good or bad endings to the games? There's so many possibilities and outcomes... Since this is your first game and you working on it as much as you can, please do not overwork yourself, your game is beautiful as it is, mistakes can always be fixed, if you think is okay as it is, that's fine and that is what totally should matter!
I laughed a lot when Vesta/MC said that they ONLY every considered being the... NANNY??? of the new heir and Johann is just like.... “😧” BAHAHHAHAHAHA
Also, I would recommend you to add your Tumblr account to your itchio profile, you really need more reach and im telling you, people will LOVE your blog since a lot of individuals want to ask questions and just look around to find more about this game while it's still in development. 👻
There's so many questions I want to ask... But i think most of them will be answered on the next update or so . 💜 I'll be patiently waiting for it!
Stunning visuals, really interesting and captivating storytelling. I love it!
No need whatsoever to apologize for your English, you're doing great! :D
Ahhhh I'm so glad that you liked my game!!! And even more that you're replaying it! I wrote it out specifically so that different choices would provide different bits of information, and for a more cohesive picture to be built out through multiple play-throughs!
As for Day 2, there will be several new characters introduced! They're largely people Johann knows and personally invited to the upcoming inauguration, and they all have their own interesting relationship dynamics with each other! I won't go too deep into them and their backgrounds, but 3 of the new characters will be old school chums of Johann's, and the 4th new character will be an unanticipated guest :D
As for Countess Dantalion, good catch! She's been aware of Johann's... infatuation for some time, and isn't exactly a fan of her darling boy marrying so far below his station. She would prefer that he get into a political marriage that cements House Dantalion into a more elevated position--currently House Dantalion is considered in the capital to be frontier-adjacent, and not as 'cultured' as one might consider the capital to be.
Regarding endings, I certainly intend for there to be more good and bad endings! There are a lot of directions that I can take this in, and I intend for there to be a loooooooooot of different ways to end the game, depending on your relationship with Johann and others. There will even be romance-able routes for Roy and Bridgette, which I'm excited about! That said, I appreciate your comment about not overworking myself! I love to do a large variety of creative projects, so while I take a little break from game development I've been doing some painting and reorganizing my apartment and even doing fun little kitchen experiments! Currently I'm trying to ferment ginger with sugar and make it into a nice bubbly beverage! But I digress.
As for the fantasy world, I'm glad that you caught that! Vesta was intentionally made to be unaware of much of the world around her. This is because 1) players can benefit from having things explained to them via Vesta and 2) Vesta is indeed incredibly sheltered! Even her name was carefully chosen: Vesta is the Roman goddess of the hearth, the personification of home and comfort and family. And she's very much... at home. Especially as far as Johann is concerned haha. He really enjoys Vesta's lack of awareness-- he considers it to be a kind of "purity" that makes Vesta special to him.
That said, I'll still definitely be doing some fleshing out of CC's world! A lot of the new guests are more well-traveled, and will provide whole heaps of world building and fictional politics.
And I'm so glad you enjoyed the funny bits in CC! I just adore pairing humor with horror-- the contrast just makes the scarier parts so much scarier! At least, that's my opinion lol.
You're absolutely right, I should update my game page to include my Tumblr-- I'll do that just after answering this ask! Thank you again for reaching out! These asks are so incredibly satisfying to me-- it's such a great feeling when your creative work resonates with someone!!!
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himbeereule · 11 months
Hello hello! Tumblr recommended your blog to me today and I think tumblr is getting to understand me worryingly well because this? This is right up my alley and I cannot WAIT for the demo to drop (but take your time, no rush a masterpiece such as this one will surely take time to complete)!
My only thing against this is why are there so many ROs how am I meant to choose just one???? (/j)
Real talk though, all of the ROs seem amazing and I am already in love with at least half of them, so two questions for you - which one is your personal favourite, and whose route will have the most angst?
Hello hello hello, and thanks for the ask, as well as the nice words! Although I feel like I should ignore the weight of expectations here, lest I be crushed lol
This ask is a really weird double-coincidence, because a) I was thinking the same thing about tumblr recommendations yesterday (I had almost exclusively interacted with IF blogs I'm interested in, yet it suddenly started recommending me lots of Yuri stuff...); and b), I just woke up and my first thought was an imaginary discussion about your exact questions...
about my personal favourite: I'm in the same boat as you. There are several.
First off, Arseniy/Rozaliya. Enemies to lovers is always great imo, and they really, really despise you at the start. Plus, under certain circumstances, there's some major drama connected to them and your past with their brother...
Then, Jan/Jana. Master-servant relationship, slightly overprotective bodyguard, a sprinkle of Yandere... they play a major role even in some of the other routes (always supportive, though).
Also, Lyudmila. Love after marriage is a bit of a ✨problematic✨ trope obviously, but it's also a great setup for a really romantic romance.
Finally, probably the one I'd have chosen if I could only answer with one, Yakov/Liliya. Childhood friends to lovers is already nice, but it's a lot more than that, and if you both have the same gender, well... there will be more drama than in probably the rest of the entire game.
Which also makes it by far the route with the most angst, though some of the other routes are also pretty stacked in that regard.
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lantur · 1 year
Dropped off the face of the earth for a while, but I'm back! @wind-on-the-panes came to visit and we spent 10 days together doing excellent things.
We watched The Descent and Everything Everywhere All At Once. Both very different movies, and I loved both. EEAAO was emotionally hard hitting and compelling, and The Descent was great horror! I loved seeing a horror movie with an all-women cast, and I'm always a fan of horror with a good setting. The underground cave setting was great, and the interpersonal drama played so well with the horror.
We also played through the Scarlet Hollow visual novel, which is also great horror. 4/7 episodes have been released, and it's just such a good story with so many characters, plot threads, and mysteries. Every episode gets better. (We also played through the demo for the Slay the Princess visual novel, which looks frightening, disturbing, and intriguing!)
We watched What We Do In The Shadows, the movie, and the first season + the first few episodes of the second season. The movie was one of my faves, and I like the show 30000 times better. I'm obsessed. Derek and I have continued watching it :)
Other highlights: massive shopping sprees at the thrift store and the secondhand book store, visiting the Somali mall for henna and food, and visiting two art museums! We also went to one play at a local theatre together a couple of weekends ago, and I went to one play on my own last weekend. Derek and I used to go to plays all the time pre-Covid, but I haven't been to any local theatres since 2019. It felt SO good to be back supporting the local theatre scene, since it's one of my favorite things about living here.
Other other highlights: I got to have a lovely dinner with @broomchickabroom on Thursday night :) Yesterday I finished reading one of my favorite books of this entire year and perhaps one of my new favorite books ever - The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. I ADORE this book and I recommend it to anyone who is interested in historical fiction and the epistolary format, and anyone who likes humor, romance, and having their heart warmed.
Derek and I had a cozy and relaxing Friday night last night watching Abbott Elementary and WWDITS with Westin, and listening to the rain (before the rain turned into snow). Over the past few days, I've started doing yoga at night before bed vs. in the morning, which I used to do for months. I'm really enjoying this before-bed yoga routine.
It's a new month, and I've set my goals for the month around writing and other things like recipes, fitness, and managing my mental health and stress levels. I had a terrible time with anxiety around mid-month, but my mental health has been a lot better for the last 2 weeks, which is a huge relief. :)
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So I was scrolling through tiktok and got THE video of the trailer, immediately started playing which is surprising from me because I normally only procrastinate for everything, even for things I like. But yesterday was a good day it seems.
I started the game and after the short intro selected "the unnamed" backstory I think it's called?? I don't really remember but it was the one where you ran away from your cult village or whatever. For two reasons.
A. I didn't want to have exclusively witty one liners as my dialogue. (The criminal backstory)
B. I'm already playing the arcana (the mage backstory)
Of course I'll play the demo with each one of them later but rn I'm doing various play throughs with variations of what I feel like my own choices would be.
Now for how I like it overall, IT'S SO GOOOOODD!!! I loved everyone just from the trailer alone, everyone except vere, I just really hate his archetype. Let's say me and red haired otome guys have a long time beef, ancestral beef if you will (I'm looking at you castiel...). I just don't like the playboy who is also really mean for no reason and only flirts by making a fool out of you. Anyways, enough about someone I don't really like.
First KURAS, he's soooo my type 🤭 long hair, dark skin, calm and collected! Soo cute, I like his dialogue and interactions in the demo, I haven't unlocked his red option so I feel like he was a little too distant for my liking but I know that'll probably change with the full game (I assume he has one, I mean I got ais' and leander's without even trying).
Now Ais, tbh I tried to stay loyal to kuras but Ais is so hot, cool and kinda flirty... I WAS GIGGLING SO LOUD AND PUNCHING MY PILLOWS, I'm not always for bad boys bc it isn't really done right most of the time (in my opinion) but Ais is really something else.
And lastly Leander, he's hot and sweet, I don't really have much to say about him, I can tell he's the easiest route, at least for me. He's the type of character I can get the good ending of with my eyes closed. I mean we might as well be kissing him by the end of the demo. I still like him tho. I'm just more normal about him than I am about Kuras and Ais. And I can already see him being a fan favorite, so I better like him because all those fanarts are about to infest my feed.
As for mhin and vere. They're not really that interesting to me, I'd say my top would be like this
Kuras and Ais (yes, I just decided I like them both the same)
Ok now the fan girling is over. Time for SERIOUS BUSINESS!
Art Quality? 9.5/10 soo pretty, the street and city sheets could use a bit more work though. It's kind of underwhelming at the beginning when you see the city and it doesn't really stand out. But maybe it's just me.
Dialogue quality? 9/10 it doesn't feel repetitive, it's immersive and even when there's some corny lines here and there, I'd say it's vere's fault for being a devious bad boy archetype. Because that dialogue is only present with him 🧍‍♀️
And that's it. Even with the wall of text I just wrote I've only played once three routes with the cult(?) Backstory. I will probably write more text walls as I get deeper into the fandom and game.
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