#just picked my brain for my true feelings haha
77gigabytes · 3 days
Pinpricks {Miya Atsumu x Reader}
You know... All this brain juice should really be going into writing my assignments, but it’s whatever :D
Anyway, I'm thinking of posting a masterlist soon, there's not a whole lot, but please look forward for that! :D
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You and Atsumu have been friends for as long as you can remember.
Not too long ago, after he had won a championship game, you confessed your feeling to him.
“I’m sorry, YN, I just… I just asked another girl to a date a few days ago.”
A thousand needles. All over your body.
Tears prick at your eyes and you clench your hands to will yourself from letting them drop.
“That’s,” You give him your best smile, “That’s great!” You chuckle a little.
You both know it’s the kind of smile that doesn’t reach your eyes.
Who were you trying to fool?
You laugh a little - as a coping mechanism or from embarrassment, you don’t know.
“Hah, forget I ever said anything then.” You shy away from his gaze.
“YN.” He says as he reaches his hand out, “Look-”
“No,” You’re quick to cut him off. You tuck your hands around your waist and lean back ever so slightly, “I, uh…” You clear your throat to stop your voice from shaking, “I should get going.”
You turn to leave.
“YN, wait I-”
Act normal.
You’re fine.
You lift a hand to wave at him, “I’ll see you around, Tsu-” Your hand drops slowly. Tsumu? Could you even call him that anymore? You bet his new girlfriend would.
With these thoughts in mind you quickly correct yourself, “Atsumu.”
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You don’t think you’ve ever gone this long without talking to Atsumu. Well…Aside from greeting him like you normally would. Or at least as best as you can without breaking down.
In between classes, you take the most convoluted route possible. At break times, you hide yourself amongst your girl friends; forgoing the rooftop to eat in the crowded cafeteria.
In some classes it’s quite hard to avoid him when he literally sits next to you.
“Pssst. YN.” He leans towards you.
You spare him a glance, “Shh.” You give him your best glare, “I’m trying to write notes.” You speak while scribbling in your notebook, “You know this topic is hard for me.”
Not true... But it was your best excuse.
From the corner of your vision, you see him narrow his eyes.
With your eyes trained on your notes, all you can hear is a huff and tearing of paper.
Moments later said piece of paper lands on your desk.
I need to talk to you after class.
You turn to him, who already has his eyes trained on you.
You answer with a subtle shake of your head.
To which he replies with a frown before turning to write another note.
You’ve been avoiding me
You hold the note in your hands and stare at it for a few seconds.
You look up at the ceiling and blow out a breath before writing down a reply.
Fine. After class. 2 minutes.
Short and sharp.
You pass the note back to him and he looks to you with a smug smile.
But pins prick at your heart once again.
You once thought of confessing by passing a note to him like this...
After all, it was something you two did almost every day.
Just how long had you been harbouring these feelings?
It doesn't matter, it's too late now.
You don’t think you’ve ever dreaded the end of class as much as you have right now.
Everyone is speeding away, having thrown all their belonging into their bags to head to lunch.
But your hands are shaking as you pick up your notebooks.
What am I supposed to say to him?
Lost in thought, you don’t realise that Atsumu is holding your pencil case for you to pack away into your bag.
He’s standing in front of your desk with his bag slung over his shoulder, “YN?” He asks.
Snapped out of your trance, you look up from where your seated but don’t answer him.
“Let’s go,” He laughs lightly, “Ya only gave me two minutes, I gotta hurry.”
You take your pencil case, “Right…” You whisper, “Thank you.”
“C’mon.” He motions to the door with a nod of his head.
Languidly, you follow after him. Every step pinches at your heart.
“Look Astumu,” You try to beat him to the chase, “I-”
But he cuts you off, “You’ve been avoiding me.”
You bite your lips. Of course I have. You think.
He places a hand on your forearm, “I told you, you don’t have to be awkward with me.”
You almost scoff at him, “It doesn’t— I can’t just—” erase my feelings for you.
With a deep breath, you gather your thoughts, “I—” You look up at him, “I just need some time to get used to it.”
You gently cover his hand with your own, “I’m embarrassed enough as it is.” You admit and dip your head as you feel the tears rising, “I’ll—” You pull his hand away, “I’ll come to you when I’m ready, Atsumu.”
“And when will that be?” He whispers.
You can only shrug.
He sighs, “You’re my best friend, YN.”
That’s what makes it hurt more. You grit your teeth. Why can’t he understand that?
“I don’t want to lose my best friend.”
Again... A thousand needles. All over your body.
You close your eyes for a moment as the tears threaten to spill over.
“Neither do I.” You hate the way your voice shakes.
“Atsuuuu~” It’s his girlfriend’s sickly sweet voice.
You quickly wipe your tears and turn to leave, “I have to go.” You point behind you with your thumb, “I have to borrow PE clothes from a friend.”
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One thing that is both a blessing and a curse about being friends with Atsumu is that you inevitably become friends with his twin, Osamu.
“You know you can’t avoid him forever.” Osamu says, leisurely leaning back in his seat in front of you.
You scowl, “Watch me.”
You know this is misplaced anger, but this heavyhearted feeling is becoming too much to bear.
“Will you at least come for our birthday later this week?”
Your body goes slack.
You've never missed their birthday, and they've never missed yours.
It was an unspoken promise at this point, one that you, unfortunately, think you can no longer keep.
When the morning of their birthday arrives, you’re curled up in bed.
You’ve been vomiting all morning; feeling lightheaded with a fever but feeling so cold all the same.
Osamu came by a while ago. He was meant to pick you up and head back to their place to celebrate their birthday.
“Just take the presents.” You groan as you prop yourself up, “The blue one is for Atsumu. This black one is yours.”
You began preparing their presents months before today - collecting little volleyball trinkets that you think they would have liked.
You gather the blankets around your body and take small steps to the presents you prepared.
With all the strength you can muster, you give him a smile and say, “Happy birthday, Osamu.”
... and Atsumu
When Osamu arrives home, he delivers the present on your behalf, “Here, Tsumu. This is YN’s gift for you.”
He smiles when he takes the box, “Oh, nice. Thank you—” He looks around... Behind Osamu... To the door, “YN?” He says slowly as he tilts his head.
“She’s sick.” Osamu explains, “She was vomiting all of last night and this morning when I came to pick her up.”
Atsumu frowns at that, “What?”
Why didn’t she call me?
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When your eyes blink open, you see Atsumu sitting on your bed.
He lifts his hand to your forehead and greets you with concerned eyes.
I must be seeing things.
“I’m going crazy.” You mumble and turn your back to the figure. I guess I’m more ill than I thought.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” The voice is crystal clear in your ears.
“Nope.” You push your fingers into your ears, “Go away. I just need more sleep." You nod your head, "That’s probably it.”
Atsumu pulls one of your arms away, “Why didn’t you call me?” He asks, barely above a whisper.
You freeze at the realisation. It’s not a dream… He’s actually here.
“You always call me.” He mumbles and turns to tuck the blankets under your feet, “You hate being sick.” He states.
You watch him fix the blankets some more before asking, “What do you mean?” You croak out, “It’s your birthday…”
He turns to look at you, “So?”
You blink at him confused, “Soooo…” You drag out, “I’m not gonna call you to take care of me.”
He doesn’t speak, but his gaze is too tender to simply be concern for someone who is sick.
It makes you feel uneasy and you fidget under the blankets, “I’ll be fine. Where’s Osamu? You should head back.” You ramble.
You grunt as you sit up, “Go.” You urge him by pushing his shoulders with whatever strength you have left, “You’re missing out on your own birthday party. I’ll be fine.”
“YN…” It almost sounds like a plead.
“Just go.”
But, you can be just as headstrong as he is, “Just go, Atsumu.”
A few beats of silence passes and he stands up on his own accord.
You r gaze drops to your hands in your lap, but you can hear his footsteps fade followed by the click of the door.
You didn’t actually think he would leave.
But he was right, you hated being sick and he would always be the one to take care of you.
But things have changed between the two of you. He has someone else he has to take care of now.
Your body falls back onto the bed at the thought.
You pull the blankets closer to your body to muffle the cries that fall from your lips.
Crying when you were sick was always the worst. The tears feel so much hotter on your cheeks. Like little pinpricks to your eyes.
Atsumu used to be the one to wipe them away.
For now, they’ll just have to soak into your pillowcase.
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The first thing you feel when you wake up again is the cold towel on your forehead.
When you look around, you notice that there’s a humidifier on your nightstand and another blanket draped across your body.
As you try to make sense of the situation, a loud bang comes from behind the door followed by a string of curse words.
You groan as you sit up and your vision sways from having laid down all day.
As you stand, you have to brace yourself against the bed momentarily as your body aches in complaint.
When you exit your room, you’re greeted with the sight of Atsumu crouched down on the kitchen floor, rubbing the top of his head.
“You’re awake.” He says, “Ugghh,” He presses against the sore spot, “I was tryna cook, but damn, your rangehood is so low.”
You’re speechless for a moment, “Why… Why are you still here?”
He places a pot onto the stove as he answers, “Well, yer super sick, why wouldn’t I be here?”
You would be lying if you said you weren’t even the least bit happy to see him here, but of course you’ve got a traitorous mouth, “Atsumu, I told you that I’d be fine.’
He shakes his head, “You were 38 degrees before I left.” Then makes his way over to the dining table, rummaging through a plastic bag, “You need ta take some meds. Come here.” He beckons you over with a wave of his hand.
Your feet moved on their own and before you knew it, you were inches away from him.
But of course, you’re still at war with yourself, “Just go.” You bring a hand up to stop him, “I’ll take them later.” You assure him
But evidently, it does nothing of the sort.
He looks at you with a frown, “Why do you keep brushing me off? Telling me to go away?”
“Because it hurts seeing you here, okay?!” The words fly out of your mouth in a tone you didn’t quite like.
Your chest heaves as you admit it to him.
But your outburst is met with cold silence.
“I really can’t see you right now.” You say through clenched teeth, “I want to stay friends, I do. I want to go back to how we were before… Before all this.” Your hands motion between the two of you, “But it’s so hard, okay?” You look up at him, searching for anything in his eyes.
When he says nothing, you curl into yourself, “Just…Just leave me alone. You’ve done what you need to do.” You place a hand at his back in an attempt to guide him to the front door, “We can end everything here and I…”
You pause as he begins to push back against your hand, “I don’t want to see you again.” You mumble.
Swiftly, he turns around and grabs the plastic bag from the dining table
Oh, right… He can’t just leave without his stuff. You think
But he turns and grabs your wrist as well and leads you back to the bedroom.
“Atsumu! What are you— Let go!”
“Lay down.”
“You’re not in your right mind, right now.” He throws the blanket over you. “We can talk when you’re better.”
“— No.” He says sternly.
His tone is enough for you to cease your struggling.
“Sleep.” He guides you to lay down, “We’ll talk when you’re not sick.”
“ You—”
“Enough.” He cuts you off whilst jabbing the sheets between the bed and your body.
You huff in defeat and childishly untuck yourself, “You can’t just bulldoze your way—”
“I said enough.”
In anger you glare at him and it’s only then that you see the hurt that's masked behind his sharp tone.
It catches you off guard.
As he turns to leave, he says, “I’ll... I'll wake you up when I’m finished cooking.”
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Why do I hurt myself like this? hahahha
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magdasdolmaker · 20 days
Evil, But Lame
(Why I dislike Leighton more than Bailey or Whitney)
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DOL Character Analysis/Comparison (sort of)
This post contains Degrees of Lewdity (DOL) content and spoilers, as such sexual themes and violence. No minors allowed.
Please don't take the listed explanations below as 'excuses' for criminal behaviour. I am not defending or condoning the actions done by these fictional characters.
Also, the sprites are just the result of me fucking around Character Viewer + bad edits.
Everything and everybody sucks in DOLville (or my other favourite nickname - Rapechestershire), but in my books, Leighton deserves a special mention. 
This dastardly disgusting failure of an educator cultivated within me a personal vendetta and now I always make it a point to antagonise them and make them the butt-monkey in all my playthroughs. The reasons are as follows:
They love to power-trip and lord it over students and teachers alike.
Their demeanour is so slimy. Compared to two other ‘villains’, he’s all gross but no substance (at this rate, their personality can be used as mediocre lube). 
Bailey (the main villain) is impassive and mostly fearless, and Whitney (the school bully) is sometimes so over-the-top that it comes across as theatrical (which makes sense - they’re putting on a show for their gang and the nearby audience) that I don’t take them seriously (most of the time).
I currently have minimal info on Leighton’s backstory, but I have yet to see a ‘sympathetic’ reason for their actions and behaviour.
Leighton's victim count is high and he has been blackmailing/molesting students for decades, and it’s not a stretch to say that he’s probably a big reason why so many adults (Spoiler: D) in town are also traumatized or fucked up.
He revels in the current power structure and town dynamics, while Bailey (implicitly) and Whitney (explicitly) acknowledges how fucked up everything is.
Also, here’s a comparison (again, I only included Bailey and Whitney as these are the two ‘antagonistic’ characters I have the most interactions with):
Vs. Bailey
Bailey’s motivation is primarily money. They will blackmail you (among other things) for profit, whereas Leighton will blackmail you to satisfy his lust and ego.
I can respect Bailey's character (not his actions 😭) -  they’re callous and ruthless, but they’re also strong and reliable. Personality-wise, I like that they’re impassive, calculating, and dangerous, fitting for the overarching villain. Bailey generally won’t regard you lustfully, unless you go out of the way to do so (cough Troublemaker cough). While steep, their payments do have a cap. Also, I personally believe they dislike orphans who play it safe to gain money because they themselves got their hands really dirty to make money (like the PC, potentially).
Defeating Bailey is also incredibly difficult...because they're impossibly fit and tenacious.
Leighton is petty (they will retaliate if you blackmail him), weak-willed, complacent, (his computer is easier to break into and he easily gets distracted by his own lust), and a serial molester (with a high victim count and long track record - it’s not a stretch to say that he’s probably a big reason why so many adults in town are also fucked up).
Defeating Leighton is way easier and he’ll throw a lame insult at you afterwards.
In terms of administration, I dare say Bailey’s better at running the Orphanage than Leighton running the School.
Spoiler: IIRC, Bailey was also an Orphan, he made the Orphanage better since the last caretaker, and he also has debt. I believe the money they collect from the orphans goes into that debt.
Vs. Whitney:
There’s little revealed about Whitney’s actual motivations but their demanding and bullying behaviour is most likely because of their personal circumstances, the need to gain status, and maintain the approval of their gang. In the most sympathetic light, they’re a neglected teenager who thinks being bigger and badder is the best way to protect themselves in a shitty town. Private moments (esp as an LI and w/o his gang’s influence) show they can be rather responsible and capable of showing concern for the PC.
By contrast, Leighton is an adult authority figure who perpetuates systematic abuse and currently shows no sign of remorse as this helps to keep themselves in power. With their backstory unrevealed, they’re just a pervert who likes preying on the young and vulnerable. They either view you as “Oh, you’re still here?” or “I’m gonna have my fun with youuu”🤮
As shown in some Whitney scenes, Leighton still has some sort of control over Whitney (they give Whitney lighter punishments in exchange for keeping other students in control, and even Whitney won’t refuse a summon from the Headteacher) and most likely has the means to harshly punish Whitney if they’re not useful to them anymore.
You can make Whitney pay for their crimes or retaliate against them, but Leighton, as a major figure in town, can easily get off scot-free (in most cases).
While Whitney will pimp you out (which I hate, they're my primary LI ffs, I really hope this improves in future updates), you can escape some encounters (if you have high Athletics or they have Low Dom) and he mostly does so for the money (they even split the profit with you in one encounter lol). Leighton will force you to have noncon sex (with other students or a freaking dog) as a punishment.
Tbh, both are bad: Whitney can also force you into noncon but they can be fought off easily and they often do so in the spur-of-the moment if you defy them (please don't interpret this as excusing this unhinged behaviour), but Leighton plans their attack, coerces multiple students, and records it for blackmail, which I think is more damaging to multiple parties and harder to navigate (game-wise).
Honestly, Whitney, if left unchecked and goes the criminal route, can probably end up similarly like Leighton (abusing power), but I imagine they’d be more dangerous and calculating as an adult (more similar to Bailey, but cockier).
And if you guys are interested, here’s what I’ve done as revenge so far 😈:
Overpowered him (as a Tiny MC) during his spanking detentions with an audience
Humiliated him and made them cum (Feat: Leighton’s Nightmare)
Eloped with someone else during the aftermath of their card game victory 
Pegged them and took their butt v-card (in their own words: “Yes! Make me your strap-on bitch!”)
In progress: Sending him to the Pillory during the Police Infiltration quest
In conclusion: Leighton is a slime ball, currently has no sympathetic reasons for their behaviour, and is an old pervert with an ego. I also like picking on them but I have to say, my initial vehemence for them has now softened into petty annoyance (possibly even grudgingly fond).
If you read up to here, bless you. Gotta go make cream buns now.
~ Magda's Maker
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Roger Barel Main Route - Chapter 0
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there. Some dialogue's taken directly from the English version's prologue.
This world, it’s full of despair.
It comes in different forms, both big and small.
Even so, it wears down on the mind all the same, and can even take lives.
(I’ve been searching for a way to fight against it)
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Ellis: Thanks for queueing with me, Roger.
This morning, Ellis had asked me out of the blue to go with with him to a cafe that looked like something out of a picture book as a “favor”.
In a space that was full of women, Ellis and I drew curious glances.
Roger: So, what the hell is that “thing” making people queue up so early in the morning?
The cafe recently went through some renovations and the first 30 customers would get some kind of gift.
Ellis: A tin of biscuits. It’s something Harry wanted but since he’s on a mission, I came in his place.
Roger: Haha, so that’s it. Then I’ll give him my share too ‘cause having two will make him “happier” than having one.
The man sitting in front of me’s been busy making people happy today.
Ellis: By the way, I had some business at the pub yesterday and a woman asked me where Roger was. I gave her some excuse because I know you don’t like dealing with that kind of trouble.
I’m someone that doesn’t believe in romantic love.
It’s something that’s not scientifically proven. If “romantic love” does exist in this world, then…
(It’s a dysfunction of the brain or a misunderstanding caused by sexual desire)
Seems like Ellis knew me well.
Roger: You’re too good for Jude, you know. I’ll buy you drinks as thanks.
Ellis: Yippee. Ah, I think I’ll get something for Jude. I’m going to take a look around, okay?
Roger: Do what you want. Pick what would make Jude “happy”. 
As I watched Ellis make his way into the store with nimble steps—
I heard a voice cutting into this peaceful morning coming from the flower shop across the street
Flower shop owner: The delivery was delayed due to construction? Ha, how typical for a female postal workers.
I couldn’t see the face of the postwoman that was getting yelled at from here.
However, with my ears that let me pick up sounds 100 yards away, I could hear her heartbeat.
It was unsteady, probably because she was scared.
(“How typical for a female.” …What a bastard)
(If it escalates, I’ll step in—)
In the moment, her dignified voice rang out.
Kate: My sincerest apologies! I will be more careful in the future. For now, will you please accept this?
The man who was yelling is taken aback, likely feeling guilty after her apology.
Flower shop owner: Y-yeah… As long as you understand. Just be careful from now on.
I heard her let out a deep breath.
(So that postwoman’s someone that tries to be strong… Not bad)
Ellis: I’m back, Roger….Is something wrong?
Roger: No? Wow, you bought a lot?
Ellis: I wanted to get something for everyone. I’ll ask Victor to make tea and we can all have them together. Oh yeah, speaking of Victor…He said he has a mission for all of Crown.
Roger: Oh? Having us all together’s pretty rare. Could be an annoying one so let’s try not to get hurt.
Having said that, it ended without a single injury or incident.
—At least it was supposed to until an uninvited guest wandered in.
The woman standing there covered in blood, looking pale, was neither cursed nor a target. Just unlucky.
Jude: Tch…That’s why I toldja to lock the damn door!
Roger: Haha, well I didn’t think we’d have a trespasser! She’s a naughty lil’ thing, isn’t she?
My ears picked up an irregular heartbeat.
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(...This sound. …No way)
—But that hunch soon came true.
The lil’ lady called Kate who stumbled upon Crown was presented to the palace’s grim reaper like a main dish.
(Now that she knows some classified info, she can’t leave without consequences)
(Worst case scenario, what waits for her is—)
Then, the lil’ lady in her hopeless situation spoke up with a dignified voice.
Kate: I swear I’ll never tell anyone about anything I just heard!
Victor: Hmm…Hm? What’s this?
Kate: I swear to protect your secret. I-I’m a letter carrier, and we’ve been trained to…maintain strict confidentiality!
Victor and William: …
Kate: If you think you can’t trust me, then go ahead and keep me under watch until you believe you can! I promise I’ll prove it.
A brave and logical proposal.
However, despite her demeanor, her heartbeat continued pounding in my ears.
The sound that didn’t match the attitude—it had me convinced.
(Ah…so she’s the postwoman from that time)
Her loud heartbeat gave away her true feelings.
(“Please don’t kill me”)
Among the anxiety was the strong desire to live and fight against despair.
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(...Nice. This lil’ lady could be interesting)
I didn’t feel any sort of love or affection, but I felt this strange exhilaration in my heart.
So I thought—It'd be a shame to kill her.
(Come to think of it, at that time…)
I did “hear” her footsteps and heartbeat when she wandered in.
I could’ve made her avoid Crown.
(But I didn’t)
(Deep down, I was waiting for “something”...which is probably why I invited this heartbeat in)
I could imagine how angry this lil’ lady would be if she knew…
Victor: Well, well, what a good idea! I think we can actually make use of you. Accepted!
Kate: …Really?
Victor: Let’s see…All right, from today forward, you shall be Crown’s own personal…Fairytale Keeper!
Under the command of Victor, the Queen’s aide who controls Crown, enigmatic position of “Fairytale Keeper” was filled by Kate, saving her life.
Roger: Let’s try to get along this month, yeah?
Kate: Of course, Roger.
Ellis: Hey, Roger. Earlier, why did you look like you were having fun?
Roger: Earlier?
Ellis: When we were discussing whether or not to kill Kate.
(...This guy can really read people)
Roger: Well…I guess it’s ‘cause it’s been a while since I saw something interesting.
Ellis: Hehe, I see. Then… Would Kate being here overthrow your theory…and make you happier?
Basically he was asking if I’d fall in love with Kate and be happy.
Roger: Ellis, you’re aware of my curse…right?
Ellis: The double-crossing hunter from Snow White.
Roger: Right…The queen had ordered the hunter to bring her the heart of the detestable Snow White. But the hunter betrayed the queen by letting the girl go in the forest and instead, brought the queen a heart of an animal. After that, Snow White met a prince after her life was saved…And now here’s a question. Why do you think Snow White chose the prince instead of the hunter who saved her life?
Ellis: Huh?...I don’t know.
Roger: Because that’s just how it’s supposed to be. Because there’s supposed to be a happy ending.
Not to mention the fact that this is reality, not a fairy tale.
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A man who doesn’t believe in love and a little robin who’ll leave after the month’s up—the relationship won’t develop into love or affection.
(...That’s what I think)
(But then why does my heart beat weirdly when I look at the lil’ lady?)
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moooncats · 6 months
✿ Pick A Card : Your Toxic Traits ₍₍ (̨̡ ‾᷄ᗣ‾᷅ )̧̢ ₎₎ ✿
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✿ Pile 1 ✿
Popular Loner
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Detatched as fuuuuck. 💀 Oof pile 1, I'm hearing you convey the same energy as an Aquarius/Libra. You don't have to be that particular sign, but you do display simmilar traits. With that pile 1, you are very smart and you know that in some situations your words may cut like a knife... and yet you still full send them lmfao. This pile is goofy af, on top of that you are very hard to get a hold of. Deadass I'm seeing you tend to fall off the face of the planet, then randomly reactivate your social media's and positing again to see who missed you or whats buzzing. 🐝 ✨️ I'm hearing "Whats the tea 🍵?¿" Your card Pile 1 was the Queen of Swords. Althought it may seem like a favorful card, this is actually far from the truth. You are so in touch with your logic based brain that you are failing when it comes to connecting to your own emotions. They are turned off so you can percieve things as they actually are and continue to stay on the high pedstal that you put yourself on. Pile 1, I'm seeing here that so many people want to collaborate with you, but you love them at a distance. You rarely do anything else that isn't hanging out with your family doing errands, or working and stacking up silently. This may also be my piles who work from home. You prefer to be secluded in your own energy and most don't know that much about you. You may also be very "vocal" when it comes to your social media. This can lead to "trolling" or "fights" that happen. Pile 1 lets be honest, you like to stir the pot lmfao. Messsyyyy.
✿ Advice From Spirit ✿
Your Angel guides and spirits think you'll grow out of this phase. So that's good news right there pile 1. You may be on the Younger side, or have a youthful way of thinking. Honestly, you as a person is very likable. You tend to gravitate people towards you just from vibes alone, and people love that about you. I'm hearing, "You need to rationalize better, and use honesty in your everyday life with straightfowardness". With this type of living, your encounters will become enriched with trust from your own judgment and maintain integrity in your day to day life. I'm also hearing "Be there for people more, open up your boundaries and live life day by day, be present". Once you genuinely want to spend time with more people, you will reach the point of your life where you can be of guidance to others. Just like how the Queen of Swords was. Less Arguments, and more Growth. 🌱 (:
Channeled Songs:
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✿ Pile 2 ✿
Fight Club
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Why do you feel the need to even have to fight if you'll always come out right in the end? Like whats the use... I'm seeing someone who likes to get receipts, facts, everythinggggg before they start to go psycho mode and yell at people to defend their own ideals. Pile 2, your card was 5 of Swords. I'm hearing Smack a Bitch by Rico Nasty.
Especially when she say's "Don't work at MAC, but I'll beat a bitch's face". Bwahahaha Pile 2 you are fighters let's go! It reminds me of something my gamer girl friend always says "Violence is always the answer". While it may seem true to you; ya do know that sometimes it's better to let things settle and silence is always an answer as well? Why must you add more flames into the conversation just to set everything and everyone on fire? Contemplate on that thought pile 2 lmfao. You may think that you're very defensive and you wouldn't hurt a fly but babyyyy Tarot ain't lying here Lmao. Lemme call you out (with love ofc haha ♡). Pile 2 you are seen as a hot pan. Filled with oil and if one spec of water touches you, you'll go ape shit hahah. People around you have learned to just keep you happy and fed so you don't go all aggro on them. They know you hold grudges secretly until you kinda just dgaf then full send all those emotions that were held deep inside. Honey, you have to do some shadow work before you make everyone around you run. Trust me being lonely is not a flex. As human beings, we need to be surrounded by each other to function properly.
✿ Advice From Spirit ✿
Please look within yourself and ask for help from your loved ones. I'm hearing "We just want to know that you are okay". Giiiiirl, soooo many people are trying to reach out to you- yet you give them the cold shoulder and take on all this pain as your own... it is not. You are amazing, wonderful, LOVED. You have people around you who want to help, let them pile 2. I'm seeing that they are your soul tribe, and they will help you through the grief and pain you are going through. Your Angel Guides and Spirits want you to gain Fortitude during these times, it is great to be resillient and compassionate during these times. They also want me to bring up shadow work. It will help you a lot on your jouney here on earth. Please start journaling all those past trauma's so they can heal and you can be more level headed and yourself. (: Heres a hug pile 2, you'll get through it one day. ♡
Channeled Songs:
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✿ Pile 3 ✿
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You are it baby. Honey, You're a star did you know that?
All eyes are on you. You may have already known that from a young age, but I'm seeing here that you tend to dim your light so others can shine more. Why do you do that? Stars are meant to be seen. You are supposed to be guiding people, but instead you're making others guide randoms and they have nothing in common? Lmfao I'm seeing you being extremely friendly to everyone and when one bad person says something wrong about you, your whole friend group is broken up cause you trusted too easily and you made someone else their star. Giiiiirl get it together. You are deadass the main character without even trying, yet you feel insecurities that aren't even there. Seriously who says one star is better than the other? They are all equally beautiful. And like a snowflake, no two are like the other. Your card was The Star pile 3. ⭐️✨️ You are constantly putting bad eggs on the pedastal while you reduce yourself down to less than that of dirt. It's so sad to hear and see pile 3. People can clearly see that you are insecure, and you like to hold feelings like jealousy because you feel a sense of incomplete. Oof that was really deep pile 3, please let me know if I hit a nerve. This is coming from love I promise. ♡♡♡
✿ Advice From Spirit ✿
Pile 3, never let your dreams die. You know that you are on the right path when you are following it with clear conscice intentions. Your spirit already knows what to do. Just tap into your intuition and follow it. Embrace your unique talents and always let them shine brightly. Have faith in the universe and you will forever shine brightly like a star in the night sky. ♡ Please start listening to empowering songs that will make you feel amazing and great. I added in two from my playlist for you pile 3. Please make sure to read the lyrics and use it as a daily affirmation. You will 100% feel the difference in 2 weeks max. ♡
Channeled Songs:
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Mahalo for reading this! If you enjoyed it please leave a like and comment down below. Comments always make my day honestly. ♡ I hope what I said did not offend people. It was advice sent from spirit with love. ♡ You are all amazing, wonderful, rad individuals! (: Remember to drink and stay hydrated baby bats! 🦇 ^-^ Moooncats out! 🚀⭐️✨️
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spookberry · 6 months
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Shadow High series 3 my new beloved
I didnt even like most of em until i saw them in person, but the knowledge that they'll probably never be in the show has my brain in a "well its free realestate" kinda mood
Random list of information cuz ive been plotting out friend dynamics and background lore
-i like to pretend Rainbow High/Shadow High are actually Rainbow University/Shadow University cuz im in art college Right Now and i think it makes more sense with the whole dorm room situation. And also major makes more sense than focus IMO
-I changed Pinkie's major from film to just undeclared. I think she eventually does land on Film. She just has a lot of interests! Her dream has always been to one day direct films, and I think she comes to love them even more while developing ideas her with the group as she winds up in a Director/Producer position for most of them. BUT also every time she takes a class in a different program she cant help but fall in love with that way of making art too. So she has a hard time picking for a while and changed her major a couple times before landing on Film.
-Pinkie and Berrie bond a lot over a shared interest in vocal synths (tho Berrie knows more about them than her).
-The two made Pinkie's vtuber model together!
-the fandom wiki says PJ is from germany?? Idk how canon that is tbh but ive decided to embrace it i guess
-Rooney's canon name is Scarlet Rose, but i thought it was kinda lame especially when Rosie Redwood is also in this line sooo I renamed her! Stuck to the color name puns tho. Mar Rooney. Maroon. Haha
-Speaking on her though i love that shes from texas and likes writing scifi mystery type stuff and that being said i just Know deep in my bones that she was a Voltron Legendary Defender fan and Keith was/is 100% her favorite. She has a continued fondness for mothman specifically cuz of this.
-PJ and Rooney actually talk about fandom and shows/movies ALL the time. They dont have a ton of overlapping interests, but where they do? The two literally never shut up.
-Rosie is such a random character, like outside of her design she feels very poorly considered. So I scrapped the cosmetology thing and made her an illustrator instead! I think it works better with her love of making art in nature. I can see her being really into illustrated guide books. I think shes a bit snooty when it comes to art too. It takes being friends with other artists to become more open minded.
-I like the idea that Rosie is mainly friends with Rooney and Berrie ontop of that. The three of them often tag team storylines and how theyd interpret them into different mediums. Rosie will draw up a bunch of concept stuff while Rooney writes up a pitch bible and Berrie will start making shit move and throwing in her own ideas on camera angles and character designs.
-as an animation major Berrie was required to take a sound design class early on, which is where she met Oliver! Hes very laid back, and likes to go with the flow, but functions a little like the "mom" of the group. Often reminding the girls to take breaks, drink water, stop looking at their screens lest they get eye strain etc. He's multi-talented tbh but Music is his one true passion and he likes how the girls are always giving him collaboration opportunities.
-Oliver and Rosie like to talk sports a lot, both having played a bunch when they were younger and throughout high school.
-Lavender Lynn is Oliver's number one "person who needs constant reminders to settle down" she is in a constant buzz of trying to get the best shots and is utterly obsessed with the process of artistic documentation. Everything must be documented.
-the whole school loves her for this actually, she has a whole side gig where other students hire her to help photograph their projects. She saves everything she earns from this for her future dream plans to visit paris. She has it set really, many of the artists who she helps photograph now will remain steadfast clients of hers forever onward.
-PJ and Lynn actually took a print media class together at one point. Which didnt at the time spark an everlasting friendship. But it did give PJ an easier in to ask for Lynn's help documenting a project the group was working on. One of Lynn's first times photographing them work happened to fall on a day where Rosie had planned to trick everyone into going on a nature walk sans devices... Lynn wound up really appreciating this outing and decided to continue hanging around the group even after that project had ended.
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tinytalkingtina · 30 days
Wiggly 🧠🪱 Wednesday
@devondespresso Tagged me in this forever ago and I finally had one wiggle its way into my brain!
This week been fiddling with the idea of a true role reversal Steddie, with Eddie as the popular jock and Steve as the metalhead (as opposed to a punk). This got a little away from me, haha. No idea for a story or how other characters might fit in, but if anyone wants to take the concept and run with it feel free!
Eddie is still poor, and still lives with his uncle (let's pretend he had to repeat a grade due to the chaos of moving in with Wayne). But he's Hawkin's star track runner/lightweight wrestler, channeling his energy into sports and competition. His grades are probably still not great, but since he's winning awards at meets, teachers let a lot more slide, and he skates by most of his classes with low C's. If he's loud and excited, then well, that's just what jocks do, right?
Wayne works nights, so Eddie is usually left to his own devices. Sure, the trailer can't hold that many people (and maybe Eddie has a bit of a chip on his shoulder that he lives in the trailer park), but this is the Midwest, and Eddie is creative. He hosts big bonfire ragers out in the woods, deep enough that the cops can't easily break them up.
Eddie's "Munson Doctrine" is from the perspective of being a jock. Mixed with his insecurities, it becomes about staying on top, no matter what. That means dating around, taking girls out most Fridays. He likes girls and has plenty of fun. And if he occasionally slips in a fantasy or two about drug dealer Steve Harrington pinning him against a wall with that knife of his, no one needs to know.
Then we have Steve. Steve's had piano lessons since he was 5. A framed picture of him in his bow tie and tiny suit at his first recital sits on his mom's desk. He's good at sports and does Little League as a kid, but they don't hold his interest, not the way music does. When he hits middle school, him and his dad have a huge fight over him refusing to try out for any sports. The cracks were already there, because his parents are louder than they think when they argue. To drown them out, he turns on the radio, spinning the dials. By chance, he finds a Black Sabbath song. Something in it speaks to him, gives an outlet to the frustration and anger he's feeling.
Steve picks up drums to play in band at school, but he also borrows books from the library and teaches himself guitar after begging his mom for one for his 13th birthday. He makes a few friends, they start a band. As he enters high school his parents fight more. His grades, never great to begin with, slip further, so no more allowance for Steve. The first time he tries to steals a tape, he's caught almost immediately. But he gets better at it over time. Can't steal tattoos though, and Steve's not a great artist. So maybe he starts dealing. His parents work late most nights, so they don't need to know about his...extracurricular hobbies.
Even if he's not at the top of the high school food chain, Steve's still good at reading people and social situations. I don't think he would have the desire to DM AD&D, but I think Steve makes a good player, always solid at strategizing. In the hallways, he sees and overhears things, enough that he's able to keep the heat off him and his friends with some clever insinuation, and the threat to cut off anyone who tries something.
He sees the way that loudmouth jock Eddie Munson's eyes flick down to his lips when he buys weed off him at parties too, the guy isn't nearly as subtle as he thinks he is. Steve would love to take him down a couple pegs, if Eddie'd let him.
Thanks to @little-annie for some ideas on fleshing metalhead!Steve out more :D
Edit: check out the role reversal steddie tag for snippets of what Annie and I are writing now :)
No pressure tags to some folks (and if anyone wants to be tagged in the future let me know!): @augustjustice @hbyrde36 @puppy-steve @soaringornithopter
@hairstevington @eyesofshinigami
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guardian5tiger3 · 27 days
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Pick a group Tarot Read .
1 2
3 4
Picture one
You guys are needing some time to relax and find some peace and feel good . I'm picking up on a garden. And maybe you could listen to some calm music or some type of calming audio. You might also find it in your interest to visit some first of garden . This is especially for you if you're trying to quit or cut back on any addiction . At least for the mentality part of that, it is good when you get the mental side of a craving to find an activity that makes you feel good , of course that's the best distraction. I keep messing up on my words also and I'm not sure what it means do one of you have a crush cause I also am getting the vibe of like, school desks though .??? Maybe some of you need to mentally take it back to a time when you were younger and felt better in some way, or there might be something you find brings you nostalgia that you liked back then. Maybe some of you need to get yourself to a point where you can have a good cry. Also something about a milkshake . That does sound good if you like those there's an idea if you should make yourself feel better from something .
Picture two
Are you guys stoners or just real mellow types ?? Looks like you're running into some good luck . Y'all might find something and just like, get lucky somehow I don't know...
I think right now I can tell you guys the world is set up in some ways that you're frowned upon if you don't want to participate in things that doesn't even suite anybody and sometimes is completely immoral. Like literally money for instance as a bigger example. Or working a job. You guys might not be the types to naturally want to go with something like that at all and I think that the world is gonna say you're bad or horrible or wrong for that but I don't think you should care. I think it'll work out for you in true pot head fashion . Ride the waves my friends. But don't conform to something your soul doesn't like. I also keep thinking about Cheech and Chong and Scooby Doo ? Maybe you guys need a friend or have friends or maybe you have or are or will go through a phase of separation but you might not be separated forever though . You might also be loners and that's what you want to do then fine don't let the world tell you you have to have people around like that .
Picture three
Like half of you are in love with a person and with them half of you are in love with an activity or something you're learning or participating in somehow . Basically I'm seeing you might be being tested with random suitors or distractions but who or whatever you're in love with right now is the right and only one for you basically. Also picking up on snacks make sure you have those around especially for brain health and snacks uplift a person's mood for sure haha . One love. That's basically it .
Picture four
someone is selfish and also hates on you and wants to or has recently brought you to a place like McDonald's. DO NOT eat there . They put some awful things in their food and that's why they came out with things that are so cheap. Like waste being recycled and stuff and meat from animals you wouldn't want to eat and stuff. I'm gonna keep it real this person has a seemingly happy social life and probably family situation but you don't like them but for whatever reason are accompanying them but you might also fight or just judge them in your mind . They practice mind control and are a member of the cult going on in this world right now you know like from Hollywood to parts of the government (American) fast food and everything stuff like that also child abuse is big for them. I don't know what you want to call it illuminati or freemason's or just American cult or whatever I don't like them . Avoid watching TV instead watch YouTube or older movies . If you guys heal something for yourselves you will realize some type of lie or lies going on. You also some of you might be scared to get kicked out or be homeless . I'm also thinking of the movie the crow. The new one is disrespectful and I do not support it or condone it but the old 90's The Crow . Some of you not only are incarnated but maybe you were a popular person or considered important or well known somehow . Someone might know this about you . Probably your family or for one of you dude it's someone that is friends with your family and it's a man.
I know on my own time I'm realizing a lot about celebrity cloning and they've been doing that since at least 1969 . And basically if an influencer doesn't influence the way they want to influence they will clone them because it would be weird if everyone who did or said something new or against the government just died early asl. Anyway that's why it might be difficult for some of you to put together who you might have been . Maybe someone has told me maybe not outright maybe some fucking how but maybe there's just hints about it you know what I mean. Leave it to destiny I guess in the end though.
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Any talented fanfiction writers in the Heartstopper fandom who want to write my Charlie Proposes First headcanon?
So, it takes place around the time that Charlie graduates uni (Nick graduated a year prior) and they’re moving into their first place together.
Tao has joined Charlie to help him do some moving-house shopping, and they pass by a jewelry store and Tao wants to stop to get Elle something for her birthday. Charlie sees a ring that it just so perfectly Nick. (At this point marriage is still kind of a far-off concept in Charlie’s mind. Like they’ve talked about getting married at some point but in a very abstract off-in-the-future kind of way.) He casually points out the ring to Tao who is like, “Haha, you guys have basically been married for years now, are you finally ready to tie the knot?” and Charlie kind of laughs it off, but then they go home, and Charlie cannot stop thinking about the ring. He doesn’t tell anyone, but he goes back to buy it and decides he’ll just save it for when he and Nick are both finally ready. But then just having the ring makes marriage feel more real, like he realizes he’s actually going to get married to Nick Nelson one day and he starts to kind of obsess over it and how he might propose. He wants it to be a grand gesture but he also wants to make it special and personal but not too cheesy and also not too public but not too boring either. In true Charlie Spring fashion, he gets himself all worked up over it, and to calm himself down, he starts to carry the ring around with him, just so he’s ready if the opportunity ever presents itself.
Anyways, flash forward a handful of months and Nick and Charlie are home for the holidays staying with Nick’s mom, and they’ve offered to do the Christmas dinner shopping. They’re walking through the store, just chatting, and Charlie can feel the ring in his pocket. He just stops and looks at Nick and all of the sudden realizes “I am so in love with this man, and I want to be married to him, like, yesterday.” And without even really thinking about it, Charlie blurts out “We should get married” and Nick thinks he means like someday eventually, so he just says “Yeah?” and turns around all smiley like nothing’s happening, and then he sees how nervous Charlie looks and he realizes Charlie is serious. Meanwhile alarms are going off in Charlie’s brain because he’s starting to realize like, “Oh shit, I think I’m proposing right now?!!!!” And he scrambles in his pocket for the ring and is like “Yeah!” and fumbles out this unplanned but incredibly heartfelt proposal. Nick is completely stunned and isn’t really saying anything, and Charlie’s brain starts to spiral like “Oh shit I’ve fucked it up! What am I doing proposing to him here?! Charlie Spring, you complete idiot! Of course you would pick the least romantic place in the entire world to ask the love of your life to marry you. As if he would say yes to you in a Tesco! You couldn’t have thought this through more?!” And then Nick starts to tear up and fishes around in his own pocket and pulls out… you guessed it, a ring! And they both start sobbing, and say yes to each other.
Turns out Nick had bought a ring back in the summer too and had wanted to propose but didn’t want to add stress to Charlie’s already full plate with graduation and starting a new job and moving into a new place, so he had decided to wait. He’d been trying to work up the nerve to take Charlie to the beach where they had their first date and propose there, but just wasn’t sure when it would be the right time, and he didn’t want to rush Charlie into anything if he wasn’t ready to be married just yet. And Charlie’s like, “Oh my God, I am so sorry I ruined your proposal! And I asked in a Tesco of all places. I’m an idiot!” And Nick hushes him and is like “You’re not. It was perfect. You’re perfect.”
And then they go to the beach anyways to celebrate their engagement.
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little-tyrant-gortash · 10 months
✨ Look away, I'm saving myself some Gortash headcanons ✨
My favourite thing is that this is just lying around in the illithid colony, free to take just before you descend to fight Ketheric:
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I've been thinking about this a lot. My character said that "I feel... glorious" when they came near it. When Karlach left it, she said "Ah, right. Not happy, just psionicked".
And the design? It's a stone, but it has this casing which resembles... the head of a dragon.
Bane's favoured beast is the dragon. Which makes me believe Enver added the case around the stone, so he could set it down like that.
He definitely spends time here, more than in the Moonrise Towers; where Ketheric has his orderly office and chambers, and Balthazar has his chaotic, gruesome laboratory. I haven't found a room for Enver there, though. Which makes me believe that he really doesn't stay there for long. He works down here.
It makes sense he'd put that stone there... beside a "True Mind" and a "Willing Mind", Balthazar's notes, Mol's eyepatch, and the Letter for Forgiveness written by the Dark Urge. Which begs the question: the Dark Urge came here with Gortash? (I'd say a big fat yes to that.)
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Balthazar's notes confirm that Enver built a machine with which one could talk to the minds directly, and the head itself on that pedestal after you put one of the minds in the construct confirms that Gortash visits the place and asks the brains questions.
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Balthazar complains in his notes that Enver leaves the skull shavings along his workbench, and guess what, you find a severed head on the workbench beside it with other tools and devices. Let's talk about the sentimental value of the Prayer for Forgiveness; right under the tools Enver uses there, between a brain and a bottled eye...
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Now back with the Resonance Stone, which makes people feel "Steeped In Bliss":
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It affects their victims, of course, but it also affects them. I find it interesting that it makes you feel great, energized, but at the same time you end up having mental disadvantages and vulnerability. I still pick it up and bring it with me to the main chamber because boy, that last fight is tough and I definitely need advantage on physical checks. Thanks, Gortash! I'll thank you when we meet in Baldur's Gate!
Then, when you talk to the brains separately, this is the True Mind:
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And this is the Willing Mind:
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Beggar's Rest is in Waterdeep. Boy has been busy, travelling all across Faerûn, huh. Convincing innocent, unsuspecting girls to lend him their brains - and they're doing it for him, willingly, at that. It's insane how good he is at persuasion. 👀 (It worked even on me haha!)
Remember kids: even if you're a bard - he'd have use of your brain and voice. You could be his little bird in a cage (or rather, brain in a cage). Delightful, isn't it? 🖤
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vaguely-concerned · 1 year
BEHOLD! The list of evidence for my bold claim that Pan and Freddie dislike each other ferociously on sight because they are, in some key ways and despite appearances, very similar people: 
- First instinct upon seeing Grace sad is to try to make her laugh to cheer her up. (See: Freddie’s very first lines in the game starting off as she means to go on, and about half the things Pan ever says or does lol. In the last scene with him before The Trial you can even tell him you’re there just because you wanted to talk to him and have something cheer you up.) General sources of levity and fun and play in Grace’s life if you seek them out. 
- They react with similar anxiety to the idea of Grace being really angry with them (Freddie’s surprised/dismayed “Why are you angry at me?!” in the red route of ‘I Can Teach You’, the millenia-old god of the wild hiding behind a tree for ten minutes because he thinks Grace might be about to yell at him lmao <3)
- Both of them seem to have similar interpersonal insecurities in general, judging by the enforced choice between them in ‘I Can Teach You’ (I love you both so much but oh my god. is this a constructive use of time or energy under the circumstances lol), softened and alleviated by the fact that at the end of the day the most important thing to either of them is that Grace is happy. It isn’t possessiveness, but there is an element of underlying ‘Hey. Hey I am your favorite right?? 🥺’ insecurity there that trips them both up to begin with. Once you play the game and go back to look at this scene again knowing everyone’s real motivations, they’re even coming from the same place deep down — genuine fear for Grace’s safety and wanting to help her. (Freddie uncomplicatedly out of love🥹, and Pan at that stage probably more out of a guilty sense of responsibility, though he does seem to take a shine to Grace herself pretty quickly as well. Also he demonstrably isn’t, uh. Completely wrong in saying Freddie’s involvement in this whole mess is likely to end in tears, even if he is being a real dick about it) 
- If you don’t choose either in ‘I Can Teach You’, they both show up within minutes of each other to watch Grace’s back in the Medusa quest anyway. One brain cell ping pong and no one notices because they keep trying to swat each other with the racquets whenever Grace glances away for a second
Sidenote but flirting with both of them one after the other in that quest is fucking hilarious, they’re just taking turns ‘Really? Right in front of my salad?’-ing directly at the camera (...listen I feel that there is a chance that as long as they kept Grace between them the whole time there could be a thing here. I think a possible universe out there where it happens at least once does exist if one cared to go seek it out. That’s all I’m saying.) 
- Seems a bit obvious but what else am I here for: both very drawn to Grace no matter what main trait you choose. Whether this is true vice versa is of course player-dependent, but it is one way you can play the game. 
- Incredibly similar defensive reactions to being picked on or sniped at (and no hesitation whatsoever in subjecting each other to exactly that immediately anyway haha) 
- A bit dark when you think about it, but they both express the sentiment that it would be better for them to step in and die if it means Grace lives. (Freddie very directly of course ;______; and then in ‘It’s time’, Pan in ‘The Trial’ and the little talk you have with him later in Athena’s office.)  
Matching ‘ride or die’ instincts once awoken, is what I’m getting at. Freddie gets extra points for sheer longevity and constancy, Pan gets extra points for getting there in a week. You’re both unhinged (affectionate) 
- They’re the only ones among the main cast wearing green, right? I think I’ve got that right? Well, Charon does too, I suppose, but he’s a bit more peripheral. (Persephone and Aphrodite wear blue-green, but that seems more associated with death and the underworld and the river of grief everyone keeps using as a metaphor throughout the game.) Somehow I find the idea/metaphor that once you get Pan out from under like three layers of bullshit he’s the same colour as Freddie (who is inarguably The symbol of devotion and steadfastness in this game no matter your choices) quite sweet. 
- Nerds. You know I am right. Slightly different kinds of nerd (Freddie is distinctly geek-flavoured and Pan collects rare books for sport sort of distinction), but still. Oh my god. Freddie should get the whole cast together to play D&D in the Reliquary post-game. It would be absolute carnage. It would be glorious hilarity. *GASP* no wait not the Reliquary, let’s go to the Underworld so Charon gets to play too. For the love of all that is good give this to me now please I need it 
- The only two people who think Freddie losing control of her powers and causing a dance number at a funeral is hilarious
In short this is a recognition of the self through the other (derogatory) situation for both of them and neither of them decides to take that with any dignity or grace (ahaha) in the slightest, I love them very much,  thank you and goodnight 
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
Okay here's hoping tumblr isn't hungry haha
Soft steddie idea with soulmates, but instead of feeling the other person's pain you feel their joy and happiness. But steddie doesn't know who the other person is.
Eddie feels it when Steve was a kid and when he wins metals for winning in sports. Steve feels it when Eddie moves in with Wayne and gets his own mug from the collection.
Eddie feels it when Steve was with Nancy, and he never understood why he didn't feel hatred or jealously seeing them together, just a fond sense of happiness from somewhere deep inside him. (Eddie of course has a minor crush on Steve, I mean, how could he resist it?)
Steve feels it when Eddie gets his first acoustic from Wayne, a hand-me-down from his mother that was in storage. He feels the joy when he's learning to play and when he finally nails one of the songs his mother loved.
part 2
And then nothing for a bit from Steve, due to the Upside Down business, until a random summer night in 85'. Eddie's on stage playing a gig, the mood is a bit down because Eddie has to retake his senior year again, when suddenly he feels joy. So much joy he laughs and pushes himself and his guitar. The room responds and it's electric. Corroded Coffin were booked to play the same gig for weeks after that.
And in a Starcourt bathroom, Steve felt the response to his joy, an echoing he thought was due to finding his platonic soulmate.
And then they come together but it's stressful with the Upside Down and the murder charges. And they don't realize it but they're trying soothing each other. Steve's trying to take Eddie's mind off Chrissy's body floating and cracking, Eddie's trying to help Steve's burden of responsibility by making him laugh and complimenting him.
And then in the final battle, Steve throws the Molotov and feels a sudden burst of joy. It makes his aim true, and lights Vecna on fire.
And then nothing.
They say that the strongest feeling you'll get from your soulmate is their happiness. But Steve knows differently. It's the absence left behind the joy, when there's nothing left, and it feels like there's a block in your soul, taking pieces of you away.
It was the same feeling he got seeing Eddie's bloody body and Dustin crying over him.
It helped him ignore his own injuries and exhaustion as he picked Eddie up and ran to the gate, not stopping till he collapsed in the hospital when every was safe. Everyone but his joy.
The first thing Eddie felt when he woke up was happiness. Stronger than he'd ever felt before, and it empowered him to open his eyes.
Wayne was on his right and to his left, Steve.
He lifted a shaky hand to Steve's wet cheeks and smiled softly. "Hey sweetheart."
"You asshole, I told you not to be a hero." Steve sobbed and laughed.
"I knew you got me, my sunshine. My joy."
Wayne snorted, with eyes wet with tears. "You've always been a dramatic one, you get it from your mother."
Eddie hummed and closed his eyes.
He heard Dustin asking if he was alright and Steve answered for him.
"He'll be alright, he's happy."
Eddie squeezed Steve's hand tightly and smiled wider.
He was happy.
🤍🌷 THE END 🌷🤍
aaah oh my god??? feeling someone’s joy as the link?? (also not my angst brain getting stuck on eddie not feeling steve’s joy for months, if not a year!!! 🥺😭) BUT THEN THE ENDING!!!! god!! yes hhhh thank you so much they’re so!! 🥺🥹🤍 thank you for writing something for me!! 🌷
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fluffle-writes · 2 months
As I don’t know much about “weird core” what thought process do you tend to imply when designing the characters? You talked a bit about Epel’s wings being stone and Pomfoire being angelic cause of the strict rules, but what else do you tend to think? (Let me pick apart your brain! Your designs are so cool and I wanna know the ideas!)
Weirdcore AU Masterlist Here!
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Ehehe, okay so! From what I understand about the concept, Weirdcore is an aesthetic that's reminiscent of things being uncanny, almost like in a dream where things are familiar but different - in a way that may feel unnatural! Shadows may fall strangely, or beings encountered may not be 'constructed' in a way that makes logical sense!
Because of this, I try to make my edits a little uncanny! Ace's flower has a wide, staring eye in the centre of it and no discernable mouth. Cater has a false face and four eyes that seem more cold and calculating. Vil is large and imposing, and Rook has no discernable human face - just a shadow. All these features can make the edits feel more uncanny or not quite right, which is what I feel captures the essence of Weirdcore!
(I'll put the info for each of the dorms under the cut here since it got really long haha)
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As for the way I decide how to design the characters - I'm trying to keep each dorm on a theme! Heartslabyul, for example, will all have plants or flowers for heads, and a number of eyes that match their card number (I'm torn between giving Riddle no eyes - to represent his bling rage - or many eyes - to make it look like he's always watching/observing) the flowers I'm choosing will also have either references to flowers that may be associated with the characters in game (such as a rose for Riddle or a Violet/Clover for Trey) whereas others will be focused more on flower language or colours that suit them well - like Riddle and Cater.
Savannaclaw will have the heads of their respective animals - similar to what I did for Crewel - but I think I'm going to add skeletal designs to them like the spine/teeth I gave Ruggie! That way it can be a reference to how, under Scar's reign, the animals in the Lion king went through a drought and famine. I may go for a cooler colour scheme for Jack though, to make him seem somewhat separated from the other two in a reference to how he felt alienated by their plans in book 2, as well as using it as a way to reference how he grew up in a colder climate.
I'm less sure about Octavinelle - but I definitely want to include heart imagery for Jade and Floyd due to their UMs, and maybe a brain for Azul to have them all match. Perhaps it could be a joke that their hearts are visible when, in reality, they're not the types to 'have their heart on their sleeve' as the saying goes! I'll also likely use scale patterns and give Azul a few tentacles, but I'm not planning on giving them the heads of their respective merform species so they can feel more different to Savannaclaw.
Scarabia will have themes around precious materials and gems - I want to give Jamil Viper-like qualities, but I'll probably use overlays to give golden patterning to the scales to match Kalim. His details will be much less pronounced and more hidden though, to reference how he hides his true potential in order to avoid outshining Kalim. I feel like adding more eyes, either closed or open I'm not sure yet, could reference his observant behaviour as well as his UM since it works with eye contact.
Pomefiore, as you already know, has an angel theme. This is partially because of the restrictions that may be associated with angels - for example, some beliefs suggest that angels do not have free will so that they can fulfill the will of their god without error. However, I also chose angels because they're often described as being beautiful or otherworldly - something that cannot be truly perceived but is still believed to be pure and beautiful. This kind of references how I feel about Vil as a character - he's seen as beautiful on the outside, but many people fail to notice how caring he is and how much effort he puts into helping his peers become the best they can be.
Ignihyde, as you could probably guess, will be themed after technology. I'm gonna give Idia a CRT monitor for a head because I think they're cool - plus I can do fun things with his expressions using the screen! The tech thing is self-explanatory but the CRT thing could call back to how Idia holds onto his past and his Grief. Also CRT monitors may be more clumsy or awkward, which could work well alongside his awkwardness in social situations. I'm not too certain about Ortho though... I may make him slightly based on a doll - perhaps with a broken screen...
Diasomnia is one I'm having a little more trouble with - but I think I'll go for a theme of light/fire for them. Lilia has a lit candle for a head to represent how his life is burning down and may be snuffed out soon, Sebek will have something lightning-themed, and I feel like Silver could have a different appearance altogether, but I'm not entirely sure what I'll do for him yet... As for Malleus, I'm also struggling a little with him too, but I'll probably place a flame between his horns and add more Weirdcore elements to the rest of his design. I'll get there when I get there haha.
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I hope this was coherent lol! Feel free to ask for clarification on anything I may have accidentally missed!
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Lol, I can’t help but imagine how Wally would react to a gothic, kind of grungy, reader. Just someone who wears black and white all the time, maybe with hits of darker blues or reds. I just find the idea amusing since the neighborhood and characters are all bright, fun colors while there’s just this one gothic person wearing spikes or something.
Also, something I can picture is Wally painting them because they’re so different from everything else and the uniqueness of their style and makeup is so fun to draw and paint, and the reader feels the same way. I can just picture the two of them drawing each other or something.
(romantic or mutual crushes, please ^^ I've always been a sucker for opposite aesthetic couples)
HAHA!!! I’m also a sucker for opposite aesthetic couples HEHEHE… I’ll strike you a deal; I’ll write both (mutual crushes and romantic)! HAHA
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The Raven and The Kingfisher
Wally Darling x GN!Goth/Grunge!Reader
Headcanons Format, Mutual Crushes -> Romantic Relationship
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When you first moved in, to say Wally was interested would be an understatement.
He adored your style, he found it very!! Refreshing? He loves all his neighbours and he loves their town, but sometimes something new can be appreciated!! And you were something new, alright!! /pos
After just a few days of talking, he ended up asking if he could paint you— and he loves to paint all his neighbours! But he certainly wanted to give a shot at conveying your style.
All those darker coloured paints (ones that maybe only been slightly used to create new tones) could finally be used >:]
If you were to say no, he’d accept ! That’s alright ! But he’d probably still likely doodle something of your style in private— although not necessarily of you.
If you say yes? He’s over the moon.
He takes great care to make his paintings as accurate as he can!! He’d likely be on yours for a while, just because you introduce a lot of new colours he hasn’t worked with before— the closest reference he has had is Frank and the other things he’s doodled— so it might take a while longer than usual!! But it’s so delightfully fun to experiment and learn.
But the outcome is lovely, and he proudly hands the painting off to you.
He doesn’t make that the last time he’s drawn you, though, goodness no. It almost becomes a habit, to doodle you.
Which his friends begin to notice, when the litte sketchbook he drags around is practically filled with scribbles of you.
At some point, he is with Julie! She ends up glancing over, and giggles at seeing him doodle you yet again, with a soft “Oh, Wally..”
The two had just been sitting around lightly chatting and doing their own things— and Wally was drawing.
Confusedly, Wally would lift his head— what was funny? Had he done something funny with meaning to—?
“You’re drawing the new neighbour!”
He tilts his head. Why yes, he was? How is that funny—? Julie picks up and continues, though.
“You’ve been drawing them sooo mucchhh.. Do you like them, or something? I think you might like them— we all kinda do!“
He tilts his head again. “Of course.. I like them, they’re my friend..?”
But that interaction gets his brain spinning, and eventually— during a hangout with Frank— he just kind of. Pauses.
He mutters under his breathe, and soon whisks himself away with a rushed farewell to Frank— who is just left staring in confusion.
Ah, so maybe like is a loose term. Haha ooooops..
When he steps into Home, who creaks him a hello, the amount he’s been doodling you somewhat- hits him like a truck?
You’re in his sketchbooks, mainly, which— all of his friends were! But his sketchbooks were almost like a direct thread to his “subconscious”. He just doodles whatever comes to mind, or whatever he feels (and his true feelings have a tendency to alter how it presents itself— though really only in ways he can understand). He uses it very much as an outlet.
And you were, basically, on every single damn page of the thing.
.. whoopsie.
With the newfound knowledge that he, haha, maybe has developed a “teensy weensy itsy bitsy” crush—
Heee is now terrified to be around you.
If it was so obvious to everyone else, was it obvious to you?
He doesn’t let this anxiety stop him from talking to you, though. The thoughts of it made him sad— and the thought of him withdrawing making you sad made him ever sadder.
But from beyond this point, he’s a lot.. less collected.
When you two hang out, there’s a small shift in the air— that he is hyper-aware of, and you might be, too.
Wally always did stare— he liked eye contact, and he didn’t really care to learn where else he should be looking during conversations—
So him avoiding your gaze was almost off-putting due to how foreign it was.
He’d glance to his hands, or to his supplies, or To the sky.
Anywhere but you when you looked at him— he couldn’t!! Really bare your reaction!!
He knew it’d be the same way you look at him all of the time, but the thought it might be negative made him.. antsy.
Because, again, if his little crush was obvious to everyone else before it was even obvious to him— was it obvious to you, too?
This keeps up for a few days, and eventually— you just.. ask him what’s been up. You note his change in behaviour, and you express you’re confused— maybe even a bit concerned.
And the dam just comes flooding.
He gives some garbled twist of a confession, nervously wringing his fingers the entire time (something he almost never did).
He expresses it’s okay if it isn’t mutual, and that he just had to get it off his chest before he “exploded” (Barnaby used that word a lot in his jokes— so maybe it’d be funny if he used it, too?)
He’s overjoyed to hear you return the affections though, and immediately just sort of de-tenses and instead starts.. kicking his legs. Very quickly. Stimming. Hehe.
From there, you two fall into a relationship. You had already sort of been recognized as a “thing” by everyone else in the neighbourhood— as you were often seen together.
Now, you were practically always seen together— making the opposites in your aesthetic very noticeable. Two halves of a pair!
When you aren’t together, Wally has a tendency to.. maaaybe.. gush about you, a lil..
Specifically to Barnaby! He knows Barnaby doesn’t mind to listen (especially while consuming his.. “lovely” hot dogs (/sar)).
While the two stand around, Wally cupping his normal hotdog in two hands and Barnaby chewing on his abomination lovely creation, he’ll just go onnn and ooonn about you, or what the two of you have been up to, or what you plan to do later. His words are kinda hummed as he does, and he seems to idly be wiggling his head side to side.
Barnaby is happy to lend an ear! He’s got two very big ones, after all.
.. plus, it’s easier to lull Wally into kind of just.. handing his hotdog to him.. hehe..
Not that he wasn’t going to already give it! He just gets to receive it faster, and Wally pays no mind.
Overall, that little man is head over heels for you— absolutely smitten. He finds your aesthetic very, very pretty— and you in turn just as much.
Expect sappy love letters and even more paintings of you, dear. :]
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THis was super cute to write and I hope it was satisfactory!!! :D
Have a lovely day!!!!!
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according2thelore · 6 months
holy SHIT that excerpt was so good!!!!!! the elliott ness / hitler bit was hilarious. omg everything i ever could have dreamed and more…. inherent characteristic of dean of all ages is that he is a little shit, and also that he will kill himself for sam.
i also love that baby sam describes grownup sam as barely holding it together. i feel like hearing that would break older dean’s heart but older sam would really just take it as, like, yeah. a little bit true.
do you ever think of them interacting w other characters in this au? cas dropping by, or crowley or rowena or someone calling, lol. if this is set in an elongated season 11, lucifer would be horrific. or… hmm. I feel like claire would be funny, little dean tries to hit on her and she’s just absolutely disgusted.
omg omg omg anon i am kissing you kissing you kissing you kissing you thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!
and haha, thank you! it's so fun to see dean freak out in the moment about meeting his idols (dr. sexy, elliot ness) that i can only imagine how ES!Dean would react to the info that he would actually get to meet them one day! ES!Dean would lose his SHIT if he found out s1e1 that picking up sam from college would allow him to hit on daphne from scooby doo. could you fucking imagine??
LS!Dean would stare angstily into the distance about the "barely holding it together" comment but LS!Sam would say something equivalent to: "ha! yeah. fair enough."
in my idea of how this universe works, i think they would text all their friends a very clear do not come over!! leave us alone until we say it's okay!! we are safe!! personal business!! and everyone thinks they're having a crazy sex weekend, so they definitely do not want to come over. i think once we start adding more characters, this thing gets messy bc how the fuck are we going to explain to ES!Sam&Dean who JUST found out that vampires are real that their best friend is an angel and he also possessed his vessel's daughter claire, that's why she's here and also a hunter and also a child, say hi claire! huh? oh yeah this isn't cas's body, this is a guy named jimmy. no we don't think he's still in there. anyway. he was god for a bit but not anymore and hm? how? oh he ate a bunch of souls. because the king of hell told him to. no not the devil, the king of hell. who's the devil? well. funny story--
but hypothetically i can get down! i love the way your brain works!!! i think it's super fun to imagine all the characters interacting with these squeaky-toy versions of sam and dean who are even more insular and weird as the seasons go on. ES!Sam&Dean are so earnest! and excited! hypothetically speaking, i think it would go like this:
i have been harboring a secret little headcanon that sam and dean's souls look similar, since they're soulmates. to humans, they all just look like balls of light, but for angels or demons...
it makes me think about if cas pops by, he almost...doesn't notice? at first? it depends on the season, but if he's a full-graced angel, he sees the soul first, not the "vessel."
so he pops into the bunker, like "hello, dean. your soul is bright today. can i meet you and sam in the library?" and pops back out. and ES!Sam and LS!Dean are stood there, blinking. and LS!Dean is like. "well. fuck."
and when they all assemble in the war room, castiel looks back and forth between the four of them. for a minute and half of pure silence. "did you have kids?"
"identical kids?" LS!Sam asks, incredulous. "like spores?"
and castiel says "one second." and squints even harder and says. "oh. i see. there are four of you. why did you do that?"
and of course, LS!Sam&Dean are all, "did we do it? we thought someone--on your...ah. team. did this."
and ES!Dean's says, "who's this asshole? oh shit. is he blind? my bad."
"this is our best friend. castiel." LS!Dean says, trying not to laugh. "he has a...religious family."
"is this the friend that tried to be god?" ES!Dean asks, skeptically, and LS!Dean hits LS!Sam on the back of the head, hard.
"it's not my fault! he has big eyes!" LS!Sam says by way of explanation, like that means anything to anyone besides ES!Sam.
"it's very true." castiel agrees solemnly, and both sams trade a look about which thing cas is responding to.
ES!Dean and cas would get along like a house on fire, which is to say...the winchesters don't have a great track record with those. but ES!Sam and cas?? oh boy. best friend alert. if it slips that cas is an angel, ES!Sam is big-eyed, heart-thumping, breathless excited, which none of the other 3/4 are too jazzed about. cas is quite pleased. he preens like a peacock.
"why yes. my true form would melt your eyeballs, samuel." and ES!Sam is almost bouncing up and down in glee. cas never calls sam samuel, but he thinks it adds a biblical affect that ES!Sam clearly appreciates.
they have tea together.
read: sam spills boiling water over his hand while trying to make them tea and cas takes a great deal of satisfaction in healing it. by holding his hand.
read: LS!Dean kicks open the imaginary door of the kitchen like OKAY. THAT'S ENOUGH. HE'S A CHILD. DROP THE BABY.
crowley texts LS!Dean an ASMR video of someone reading threatening reddit comments (what fucked-up psychological warfare tactic is this??) and when ES!Dean sees the notification, he asks,
"who is the contact with the little devil picture and the...is that an egglant?"
"how did he change his name in my fucking phone? pizza hut. no one. what phone?" LS!Dean throws it across the room because he knows that without a shadow of a fucking doubt that crowley would unhinge his jaw and swallow ES!Sam&Dean whole if he got the chance. or at least desperately try to convince them into a threesome. 
there's no risk of that, but dean is NOT going to explain the 'king of hell' business, so he leaves it be.
maybe jody (that introduction actually goes smashingly) would bring claire around one day, and, yeah anon, you're right. ES!Dean is a limpet. he's pulling out all the stops. he leans seductively against the table in the war room. he winks a lot. he breaks eye contact coquettishly. claire is stuck between finding it amusing and being horrifically disgusted. she audibly gags when dean smolders.
claire starts to say, "you do know i'm--"
and ES!Dean cuts her off with a shit-eating grin, "if you're about to say your age, don't. i like plausible deniability."
and claire nods for a second before suddenly reaching out, grabbing him, and flipping him over her shoulder. she breaks a chair with his flying body. no one helps him up.
if anything, this makes her hotter, and ES!Dean sees LS!Sam get genuinely angry at him for the first time when he says so.
"back off, dean. i'm serious."
and ES!Dean gets so immediately, blindingly hard that he has to go sulk in his room for a minute or thirty or risk showing the exact shape of his dick to the room at large.
"yes sir. sammy. what the fuck? i'm gonna--" runs into the wall. "i've gotta. fuck. no-- i mean. hahahahahahahahah---" *fading into the distance as dean waddles awkwardly away*
(and hypothetically speaking, lucifer would be a fucking horror show. LS!Sam is literally covering ES!Sam with his body because didn't he get to ruin sam long enough? you don't get me any earlier. you can't touch him, i won't let you fucking touch him. ES!Dean can tell something is Not Good Bad Wrong Fucked and the sheer depth of terror, of trauma, scares the fucking shit out of him. he looks desperately to LS!Dean like a child looking at their father, can you fix this, how do we fix this? and no one has any answers. lucifer is obsessed. it's a nightmare.)
anyway, lol! i hope you liked! this one was super fun to think about! dean is always kind of a skeeze, but early seasons especially so lol. i think a lot of people would have a field day w that! and ES!Sam is so earnest and trusting!
thank you again for this ask anon! i always love hearing which part of fics/these posts are folks favourites! kissing you!
have a great day! :)
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tunamayojazz · 7 months
all of your inuokko art is so lovely it’s hard to pick just one!! i loved the ex-idol concept that was so perfect for inumaki, and the baseball and college aus are adorable too! we love mutual pining in this house 🥰
i just looked a the date in which this was sent and shrieked out loud 😭 i am so sorry and also happy new year!
thank you so much for your kind words ❤️ i'm so happy to hear you liked the ex-idol toge and baseball player yuta au hehe that was so much fun to do. now that you mention college aus (which i also LIVEEE for), would it not be cute if they used to crush on each other when they were college students!! music major toge was part of the dance club and spent a lot of time on campus for practice, same for yuta who had been a prodigy baseball player his whole life. from his club's practice spot, toge had a convenient view of watching yuta practice (as did many other students haha, man always had an audience). from observation and also through word of mouth, he knew that yuta was a very sweet person, friend and teammate. he took care of his team well and everyone looked up to him. toge was inspired by his drive and it motivated him to try his best too.
for yuta it was a much more private experience. while toge would sometimes just join the crowd watching yuta or sit somewhere alone on a day with less people, yuta was intensely shy. he came across his school's dance club profile on social media one fine day and that's when he first saw toge. 30 minutes of doom scrolling later on their page and it was over for him...let's just say toge was a really good dancer with lots of charm and personality in his style (and also has a little fanclub of his own!).
despite them mutually pining for one another from afar, they unfortunately only ever interacted once. they happened to both be on their way out of school, and it was the day before yuta and his team went off to the all japan university baseball championship. toge's got a good luck charm for him but is way too nervous to actually approach him. luckily for toge, yuta accidentally drops his student ID. and the little opportunist within toge comes alive and dives to grab it before yuta can even do it himself (he still cringes about this moment years later). yuta's brain is also doing an internal system crash but somehow doesn't combust when toge very calmly hands him his ID back with the charm underneath. he then walks off in what seems to be the fastest speed yuta has ever witnessed. after the moment is over, yuta uncovers the good luck charm tucked under his ID and then, he combusts.
it doesn't get better yet, they don't meet again for a long time. yuta and his team go on to win the championship, but when he returns to campus with all the glory and confidence in the world (to finally speak to toge), he can't find him anywhere. tldr: toge got scouted by a really good music label and got whisked away to trainee life at 19 in the period of time yuta was away for championships; it all happened very quickly bc toge was quite naive and dropped out of school for a shot at his dream career) (why do i feel like im writing a such a cliche romance plot !! haha)
we'll get to the bad parts immediately. toge knew trainee life would be hard, but he was willing to give it his all to debut. except things didn't really improve after debut. before he could even notice all the red flags, it all came crashing down at 23 when toge had been overworked to the point of damaging his vocal cords. he left the group shortly after, and eventually left the label all together. as for yuta, he was scouted to play for a foreign team and left japan. his career was a success overseas and he'd attained the status as japan's pride. all the things he'd dreamt of as a kid playing baseball with his dad had come true. but in true yuta nature, he was like, yknow what, i think i've done it all and i really miss my friends and family. so i'm gonna move my life back to japan! bye bye! (not gonna give him the successful athlete sustains career damaging injury plot no yuta closed the curtains with his own hands simply bc he missed his friends) i think at this point (age 25) he's only thought of toge from time to time as this sweet boy from his college days that was out of his league, he hasn't heard or seen him in forever either. that is until he returns to japan, gets like a million brand deals, collaboration offers and of course, invites to events and parties for the elites and celebs of japan.
a few weeks after he returned to tokyo, he's invited to a private party to celebrate team japan's success at the winter olympics, with his best friend rika as his plus one. he meets a lot of big name athletes there and quickly becomes friends with maki zenin, one of japan's best speed skaters, and yuji itadori, one of players of the national ice hockey team. (geez i wonder who maki's plus one is)
when he feels himself go past tipsy and approaching drunk, he excuses himself to the balcony for a breather. he's known to be extremely talkative after too much alcohol and he doesn't really feel like pissing off his new friends. when he steps out, he sees a single person smoking by themselves outside and cringes internally (he hates the smell!). but he finds that he won't be stepping back inside so soon, because somehow, he's met with the very beautiful face of inumaki toge.
yuta covers his mouth with his hands at the same time toge drops his cigarette.
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lgbtmi · 5 months
high council of vtm blogs who follow me: i need your help for Reasons i am cooking a new vampire in my brain, and now i have not one, but four ideas and i need help picking a guy.
any feedback or commentary is allowed, but if you have a fav, feel free to vote for them under the cut <3
1 - tzimisce. presumed to be a gangrel and thus fits into nightlife semi-normally, who's gonna notice they're slightly… off… right? runs an airbnb with a 'forbidden' basement, which also serves as their haven. idk, i've not gotten much further than 'haha tzimisce except everyone thinks it's a gangrel because bOY do i love vampires posing as a different clan u feel?
2 - hecata. this is very much built around the clan compulsion. they were a true crime youtuber before their embrace, and one day just stopped uploading videos. their fanbase is split - most think they just stopped enjoying youtube, but there are two camps who either A) think they were murdered or B) faked their own death. regardless, both these camps discuss the case on reddit and turn molehills into mountains - grasping at straws in an attempt to solve the case. the hecata themself is unsure of what happened to them, the memories are fuzzy, and sometimes they think they remember and actively get on the message boards under a fake account in an attempt to solve their own death also
3 - ministry. basically gossip girl. used to run a blog in high school where they'd spread creative rumours about people, and when they were embraced, they fell right back into that. their sire indicated that most vampires don't take too kindly to the internet, though, so instead they every so often go on rumour runs, where they deliver handwritten notes to high ranking vampires with either rumours about other vampires, or thinly veiled threats along the lines of 'i know what you did to [blank] a few nights back :D'
4 - caitiff. by all means, they should have been a nosferatu. they were embraced by a nosferatu after successfully hacking into personal records database to get around having to formally change their gender marker and name on their records. something went wrong, though, and the clan curse didn't fully take, which now leaves them without a home or a family to get back to. are police now after them for hacking the government? it's more likely than you think, but hey, it's not like they lived to tell the tale :3
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