#just not the same cocktail i have and they presented symptoms differently than i do
flowers-that-sing · 2 years
OH my GOD wait half my old friends cut me off because of symptoms of personality disorders they knew i had I JUST REALIZED THAT. i thought i was just a toxic bitch
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tordenvejr · 2 months
Hello, I was wondering if you maybe have any advice on something. Basically to me it often feels like when I’m doing badly it’s because “the universe” is punishing me for something or rather that I’m meant to learn some kind of lesson. But at the same time it’s been like this for so long and the times where good things do happen seem random and arbitrary to me, so I don’t understand why I deserve this while other people are doing just fine. I guess maybe I need to take more agency over my life but I feel like I try so hard every day like comforting parts of me that are scared etc. Also kind of in the same vein I had a rough abusive childhood and sometimes I don’t understand how any loving universe or spirit guides could’ve just watched that happen
i've struggled with this too 💛
i think it's quite common to transfer the experience of being punished or abused and project it onto the universe - or your spirit guides, the archangels, other beings, etc. this is such a complex discussion because for example with deity work, or when divining you want to use discernment to gauge the essence of what or who you're connecting with. just like with people, "dead doesn't mean wise" and powerful doesn't mean it's a power that resonates with and is suitable for you, and so on. but specifically with source, the seed and heart of everything that is, it's my belief that it is in entirety pure, loving and kind. i believe this because i sense it and because in essence all life wants to live, to expand, to blossom, flourish, and these are not expressions of life that are compatible or supported by destruction or repression.
so while pain, grief, suffering can define to us and to all of life what we dont want -> what we do want ("contrast" in law of attraction) i believe there can be more to it, and again that discernment is needed. for example the law of attraction is one out of twelve spiritual laws or truths (one, vibration, correspondence, inspired action, transmutation, cause and effect, compensation, relativity, polarity, rhytm, balance) right away there's more to it. i also believe different souls and lifetimes are affected to varying degrees of these. and that it plays a role what soul plan you have coming in (though i believe you can alter and change it) this can also depend on past lives in the sense of if you came in with the intention of healing past wounds or gain more insight, a soul could seek to aid the planet - that does not always mean it's pleasant and comfortable, sometimes death is a part of that plan, and sometimes horrible things happen for no other reason than that this is earth, it's dense and we have a lot of polarity and contrast. in any case we bring it down, ground it in, and do our best to move through our own suffering and ease that of others'. it's a similar story with bodily symptoms or conditions, sometimes it's a repressed trauma (of this or another life) expressing itself, sometimes its a spiritual law, sometimes there's a soul perspective intention behind it, and sometimes we are alive in human bodies and things just happen. discernment! and again we ground it in, we be present, if healing is needed we heal and lean as much into relief as possible, and we aid, bring as much relief and support for others as possible. head in the clouds and two feet on the ground, we navigate our world, and i always think it best to do that with compassion, understanding and not forcing your perspective or your own unique life experience onto others because you just don't know how their cocktail of life has been put together. and it doesn't matter. because in any case they are souls just like you, and deserve love, or aid, or care, or safety just like you.
and lastly on childhood abuse, sometimes you touch so deeply on such painful elements of life so early because your soul knows you are capable of reaching for the very opposite much faster, with much greater precision and insight than if your childhood was handy dandy. so do i believe that we can learn in love and joy? yes. do i believe a traumatic childhood is the only way to understanding and spiritual development? absolutely not. we take different paths. this was mine, maybe it was yours. discernment.
i've been interested in spirituality as long as i can remember and i've been aware of the connection to source almost as long, if not, to some extent, always. a couple of years ago i had an increase in bodily symptoms and in symptoms of ocd, this followed grief and stress. and i started to experience it being less easy to differentiate between anxiety and intuition, and it was very, very hard for me because of how important my spirituality is to me. and i took more than a year of not really touching on the spiritual much at all, i directly told my guides, i cannot connect now i need to focus on healing. and i did, and i was scared that connection would never have a place again, but towards the end of last year and this it came back even stronger.
all this to give nuance, but my most important piece of advice in this is to look into whether you may have religious anxiety or religious ocd, and if it resonates, i highly advice you take a break from considering, engaging with or seeking out spirituality. work on the wounds that cause distortion ideally in therapy, and when that persception is clear, come back to it when it's time provided you feel called to.
it was my experience that my guides held space for me at that time.
having discernment and feeling the difference between anxiety and spirituality requires even more grounding, healing, patience and gentleness with anxiety, and that's okay, it's doable, but one thing at a time. first you heal
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aziraphalesangel · 3 years
I've been lucky, I know, with my experience in the mental health system. I got all my care through outpatient; none of my team work with me through a hospital based practice. and I think that makes a huge difference, but again, I was lucky. right place right time. and by then I'd worked in a mental health unit as part of the nursing staff long enough to know I never ever want to be admitted.
and I'm saying this as someone who's been both mentally ill and worked in mental health, that although I loved working at that unit, there are so many things on a systemic level that I really really hate about the inpatient system.
I have a friend. who, mentally, started going rapidly downhill at about the same time as me. similar presentation if I'm honest; severe depression, rapid weightloss and self harm. she lost more weight than me (and I mean A Lot), but she'd been maybe 20kg heavier at the start so she got compliments when I started getting concern. I hit her "goal weight" and I could see how bitter she was even as she held me up to stop me fainting. But she was so much louder about her pain than me, and people got worried. and here's the difference between her and me that mattered:
she told people she was purging, she told people she was restricting, she told people she was cutting. But most importantly? she told people not just that she was suicidal, but that she had already attempted more than once (she totalled 6 times that year that I know of. she's still alive, don't worry.)
Straight to emergency, scheduled under the mental health act. She was in that hospital for 3 months, then back in again a week after her first discharge.
Good, I thought. She'll be safe.
But here's the problem with the inpatient system - it relies incredibly heavily on pathologisation, medication and chemical restraint. It took me 2 years to get a formal diagnosis, but I still had my treatment plan, I still got help, and I have coping mechanisms that are both healthier and not dependent on "as needed" medication (take my antidepressants out of my cold dead hands though, don't get me wrong, I love medication. magic stuff. I'll get to my point).
She got not just one, but 4 diagnoses in that first admission. Because you have to have a diagnosis in hospital right? that's how treatment works. you can't have antipsychotics without psychosis. her whole outpatient team is made up of the inpatient treating team, the hospital allied health and nurses and dieticians. Her care plan was and still is, very different to mine.
And now it's 2022, and I'm watching her collecting diagnoses like pokemon cards, and taking heavy meds like they're lollies, and still looking for more, because there's one last symptom that hasn't been managed.
I have a panic attack and I'm told to breathe. she has a panic attack and she gets told to take 20mg of diazepam. this is the fundamental difference between inpatient and outpatient mental health.
And now it's 2022, and she's so overmedicated but she still has depression, and anxiety, and anorexia nervosa, and so do I but shes on uppers and downers and she's still all over the place and on a night out she doubles her ADHD meds (I was so mad when she went on them. dexys might treate adhd but they also treated binge eating disorder. I will never forgive that psychiatrist for giving her eating disorder another tool to hurt her) and skips her benzos (she's fully dependent on them now. panic attacks and insomnia if she skips a dose) so that she can stay awake.
And I'm so angry, at the system, at her, though it's not her fault, that she's got all these drugs and no coping mechanisms. that when she disascociates she blames her "shitty brain" and not the cocktail of antipsychotics and benzodiazapines and antidepressants, which all have sedative effects that can be described as being in a disascociative state. I'm so angry that they failed her.
There are good people working in the system. I have been very, very lucky. But I hate what the inpatient mental health system does to people, not always, but often enough.
And I miss my friend.
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Humans are Weird “Drugged”
You will all have to forgive me for not posting the last few days. I went on vacation with family then had a couple tests and then ended up in the ER, so busy week, but i cooked something up for you all. Forgive me if it has issues, see above paragraph or my excuse :)
It is not specifically a human phenomenon, the use of chemicals, to help and support the body. It is, however, a much more complicated field of study for humans. Most species react the same exact way to a drug that any other member of their species would. Many of our species have found specific drugs that cause only minor physiological side effects despite their potency. The system of the non-human body has multiple unrelated systems that are unaffected by one specific drug or another
Humanity on the other hand, is a different story.
The cocktail of chemicals in the human brain integrate into a system that provides the body with a perfect storm of reactions. While most aliens only experience the physiological side effects related to the action of the drug upon an injury , say a numbing sensation or the reduced motility of digestion, humans are some of the only known species to experience extreme psychological effects due to drugs.
In many cases humans will present with wildly different reactions to the same drug as presented in this paper. Though, I find that the most interesting drug reaction, in humans to be those that take place in the brain, specifically the ones causing, or related to sedation, weather that sedation b mild or complete.
…. Let's be honest though, I mostly just find it entertaining.
The board of surgical experts was getting ready to convene their conference about human anatomy when it happened. The Summit was taking place on the rundi homeworld courtesy of the GA council. Humanity had proven to be the most difficult species to treat, not simply for their staggering ability to stay alive, but for the numerous drug actions and reactions that could take place in the body.. Rill had been planning to do a lecture during the session, but as per usual, he was cut off by the humans.
The council doors thundered open and one of the marines ran into the room causing quite a stir. Those clinicians who had never before seen a human gasped in shock and awe at the creature’s powerful speed and grace. He came skidding to a stop at the center of the room, barely winded head turning, dark eyes frantically searching the room and zeroing in on Krill, who stood at the front of the auditorium.
“Kill, Krill, something happened. We need your help like, right now..”
If krill had had the capability to roll his eyes, he would have. Taking care of humans was a disaster sometimes. The rest of the auditorium took to their feet in curiosity and, fear, in some cases.
“What happened now?” he wondered 
The marine rubbed the back of his head a little sheepishly, “Well uh, we were just messing around.”
“Save me the story and get to the point.”
The marine’s shoulder;s slumped, “The commander dislocated his shoulder.”
The room muttered in some confusion.
Krill sighed, “Of course he did because who else would it be.” He turned back to look at the other assembled medical professionals, “Well come now, class. It seems that today has favored us with a perfect teaching opportunity.”
Hesitantly the rest of the medical professionals followed watching the human prowl along before them with some trepidation.
They found the human sitting outside on the steps of the GA headquarters cradling his arm in one hand as two others attempted to help him support the it, “Shit, shit shit, this hurts.” The man moaned piteously. One of the assistants shifted as he saw the group of doctors coming, but quickly returned to position as the human yelped in pain, “Shit, not like that…... “ Many of the medical professionals had never heard a human distress call before. It was a surprising amalgamation of moaning, hissing and the occasional yip, not to mention the strangely  random words, that later had to be explained as profanities.
Krill took charge immediately moving up around the side of the human and dropping down to examine the injured limb.
“Morning doc.” The human said voice unusually slow.
Krill thumped him lightly over the back of the head, “always, always you. Every single time I am busy your body decides to malfunction.” The human mewed pitifully.
A hand raised, “is hitting them in the head part of the treatment.”
Krill sighed, “Only for this one.” He moved over to the side of the human pulling up the strange fibrous covering to reveal the horrible disfigurement below. The medical professionals gasped and muttered in surprise. The skin about the upper limb was bowed upwards unnaturally the arm held awkwardly out before him. What horrible accident could have caused an injury like that…. Well they couldn’t have said. It would be a horrible issue to have for the rest of his life.
Krill prodded around the skin, “Can you feel this.”
The human nodded. Despite what must have been excruciating pain the human had now become very quiet. Its single, wide green eye, the other one was covered by some sort of strange patch, was glassy and distant. When he was asked a question, his answers were clear and concise but very slow.
“alright , the group of you pick him up and bring him inside, try to keep that arm still.” They watched in surprise as a team of humans coordinated themselves to pick up their fellow, grabbing him about the uninjured arm and legs. Awkwardly they shuffled him inside to where Krill ushered them, slowly placing him onto the demonstrative medical equipment that had turned into an impromptu hospital. The other aliens gathered about.
The human refused to lay back hissing in pain when the arm was jostled into the wrong direction. 
Krill turned to look at his audience. “What I will demonstrate next is a simple procedure.” At his words the crowd looked rather skeptical muttering and chatting to themselves, “The bone has been pulled from the socket and needs to be reset as soon as possible. It will be a simple push inwards to correct the damage. However, The muscles about the injury may tighten making it difficult and painful for the patient while awake, so we will induce unconsciousness and give analgesic medications for the pain.” He ordered a few of his people around as the human cradled his arm staring off into space with a blank expression. He continued to be responsive and answer questions though he was even slower than normal.
With some instruction from the doctor, the other professionals brought forward the correct medication.
Krill huffed when he saw the label on the bottle.
“Something wrong doctor?”
“No,” Sigh, “He’s just a handful coming out of this one…. Is this all we have.” 
“I am afraid so.” 
“Well I suppose we are all in for a treat then.” he responded. Adjusting a clear tube about the human’s face running under the protruding sensory organ. Another was being instructed on the placement of an IV into the vein of the hand seeing as the human would not unfurl himself to allow access to the inner arm.
Once that was done, the drug was administered. The human’s eye closed, and he went limp falling backward, lowered slowly by a few other humans, seemingly unaware of the pain that he must have been in, “Now it is important to keep a human speaking after the initial trauma even if you may have to ask the same questions multiple times. Now intense pain and shock can sometimes have similar symptoms, but as long as the human is responsive everything is alright and you don’t have to worry about shock. I wouldn't consider a dislocation something that will cause shock in most cases.” 
He moved forward, “Now we are going to do what is called a closed reduction, and simply pop the tip of the bone back into place. I will position my hands here and here, and-” Those with especially good ears heard he grinding pop as the bone slid back into place, the convex surface of skin that had been displaced before falling back into its original position.
They grimaced. It looked horrific.
Krill demonstrated the administration of pain medication and gave a time estimate of when the human would likely to wake up.
“Be warned, these medications tend to have a very severe effect on the cognitive function of a human, you can expect to see mood changes, confusion, slurred or slowed speech, inattentiveness, difficulty focusing, and in this one’s case the need for hand restraints.”
The room muttered.
“You will see why.”
Krill had not been lying. The human woke slowly foggy  green eye out of focus on glassy. His hands pawed at the blankets below him wandering over the bed until he found the tue to the IV. Krill was forced to pul it away.
“Commander… Commander, how are you feeling.”
The human’s head lolled to the side flopping limply to one side, “Where am I” His speech was slurred just as predicted.’ He grabbed at the Iv tube again, and Krill was forced to pull it away, “No, keep still ok.”
“Okayyyyy.” The human responded groggily.
He seemed pretty happy for someone who should have been in tons of pain.
“How are you feeling?” Krill repeated.
The human didn’t answer head turning this way and that eye wide with curiosity. He looked at his arm, “Oh….. my arm is ok…. That’s gooooood.” 
“Commander, try to focus.”
The human did not focus.
Instead he reached a hand out to prod at the little nodes attached to his chest. He began peeling one away. They were forced to take his hand.
“Can you answer my questions?”
The human nodded widely grinning,, but then seemed to completely forget what he had been asked reaching a hand out to touch one of the machines before being intercepted, “Hey, hey, hey.”
“Yes commander.”
“Wait…. I i forgot… I’m not making any sense…. Am I making any sense.” He glanced towards his arm, “oh my arm is back in place…. That’s good.”
“Yes .” Krill said reassuringly
In the next moment a Drev stepped into the room. She was small for her species, but with a striking electric blue carapace. She walked over, “Why do you insist on getting hurt when I’m not here.”
The human didn’t answer staring at her with a wide green eye. She paused by the bed, and he continued his scrutiny reaching out a hand to stroke the armor of her forearm, “Pretty…. Blue is my favorite color. My best friend is blue too.”
“Adam, I’m right here.”
The human looked up, “Oh ... hi, I didn’t see you there. I saw someone who was just the same color as you, “Pretty…..” 
“That was me, Adam.”
“Ohhhhh….. Wait…. That was you.”
“Yes, Adam, that was me.” She didn’t seem perturbed by answering his questions instead taking his hands gently in two of her four and immobilizing them as Krill attempted to slip a sling over one arm.
The human whimpered.
“You’re ok.” the Drev said, “I just need you to hold still.
The human mad a few more distressed noises before becoming distracted by something else, “Sunny, Sunny.”
“Yes Adam.”
“My shoulder is back in…. That’s good.”
The Drev seemed amused, “Yes, that’s very good.”
And then the human started to cry. It was very strange, they had neer seen that before. In fact they didn't think it was physically possible to move so quickly between emotional states. Apparently humans leak from the face when they are upset. A few of the physicians postulated that this may have been an evolved  way to gain social attention from other humans. It seemed to work even on nonhumans and the Drev let him hug her arm.
“What’s wrong, Adam.”
The human shook his head, “I-dont know.” That seemed to upset him even more until something else caught his attention and he was back to being as pleased as he had been originally. The drug was everything and more than Krill had said it would be. The large Drev had to keep the human’s hands immobilized, and even then he still managed to cause trouble. It was  a wonder that humans managed to do anything in their daily lives if the inside of their heads were like this. Their attentional ability normally must have been herculean to focus this dumpster fire.
It was extremely interesting to watch the human slowly recover himself. At some point he finally began to understand that he wasn’t acting normal despite still acting abnormal. After that came the ability to pay attention and converse normally. Even then he was still doing things that only made sense in a roundabout way. 
His voice was no longer slurred, but slow. He seemed almost groggy, but not quite. His previous emotional state had evened out.
“Feel like I got hit by a train.” he groaned. One eye flicked about the audience, “Shit, I didn’t interrupt anything did I?”
Krill let of a deep sigh, “sometimes I wonder if it is your mission in life to interrupt everything I do,” He raised a hand to cut off the human’s apology, “And AS USUAL you somehow still managed to be helpful.”
And that is why the new transuniversal internet currency is not videos of cats, but humans waking up from surgery because, let's be honest, humans on drugs are kind of funny 
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southsidestory · 4 years
you have bipolar disorder? how did you get to that conclusion? did you go to a doctor? i don’t want to self diagnose but i’ve read up on it a lot and it seems like my grandfather, father, and i have it. its made life super difficult. I even stopped writing ff bc when i posted, people wouldn’t understand how depressive episode make you not want to do anything for literal months at a time and would berate me for not updating 1/2
2/2 and my family is Mexican so they believe that mental illness is an American Thing, so i cant really go to them for help, and i wouldn’t even know where to begin with a doctor. what was your experience with it?
I did go to a psychiatrist, yes, but I had been experiencing symptoms since I was 12. I was 26 when I was finally correctly diagnosed. Before that I’d been misdiagnosed with MDD (major depressive disorder) and put on a cocktail of meds that mostly made me worse. Being correctly diagnosed is hugely important, and I highly recommend that someone see a psychiatrist rather than self diagnosing. 
But. Not everyone has the privilege of easy access to a psychiatrist, and it sounds like you’re in that category. And I can say from personal experience that I knew I was bipolar before I was diagnosed, because it runs in my family and my symptoms were astoundingly obvious by that point. Since you asked, I’ll tell you about my experience.
As I said, I started experiencing bipolar symptoms when I was a kid. I also have PTSD and GAD, and my anxiety has been with me all my life, but my depression started when I was 12. A nurse practitioner put me on the antidepressant Lexapro, which made me worse--because antidepressants don’t work for bipolar people. Our brains aren’t wired for it. So I quit taking Lexapro and didn’t attempt to treat my mental illness with medicine for the next ten years. 
I also started having hypomanic episodes as a young teenager, but I didn’t recognize them for what they were. I wouldn’t sleep for days and I’d be highly productive and feel great, so why would I complain about that or think it’s a problem? But the longer I went untreated the more severe my episodes became and the longer they lasted, and by the time I hit my 20s I was in a really bad place. Depressed 85% of the time, hypomanic 10% (although I didn’t know that’s what it was), and “normal” about 5%. My depressive episodes often lasted for months at a time, briefly broken by a week or two of hypomania, after which I’d plummet right back into depression.
I went to a psychiatric nurse practitioner when I was 22. He assumed I was depressed and put me on antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds. That mostly made me worse. The only thing that ever really worked was Abilify, which is an atypical antipsychotic shockingly used to treat bipolar disorder. That really should have been a fucking clue, but I went improperly diagnosed for another four years.
Being on a cocktail of the wrong meds made me worse, which led me to stop taking my meds cold turkey, which is always a bad idea. In April 2016 I had a horrible mixed episode, although I didn’t understand what it was then. For those who don’t know, a mixed episode is when someone is manic and depressed at the same time, and it’s pure hell. During my episode, I broke up with my partner right before our first wedding anniversary, quit my job, and almost committed suicide. (Then I moved back home and my mom promptly died, but that’s a whole ‘nother can of worms.)
Fortunately my partner and I got back together, and they helped me figure out what was going on. They’re also bipolar, but unlike me they were diagnosed as a kid, and our symptoms presented differently so that’s probably why neither of us saw it for a long time.
I finally saw a psychiatrist at the beginning of 2017, and I went in already knowing what I was going to hear. My mom had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder a couple of years before she died, so I knew it ran in my family. My symptoms had worsened significantly and my hypomania had finally become so distinct and unhealthy that it couldn’t be overlooked anymore.
None of my previous health care providers had ever asked me, “What do you feel like when you’re at your happiest?” If they had, it would have probably been obvious that I suffer from bipolar disorder, not unipolar depression. Because my “happiest” looks like extreme periods of creative productivity, days or weeks of insomnia, and some very bad decision making lol. Usually followed by a crash landing back into depression.
So I guess that’s my question for you. What do you feel like when you’re at your happiest? If your “up” periods sound like hypomania or mania, which I’m sure you’ve read about, then yeah there’s a good chance you’re bipolar. :/
And if you are bipolar, I cannot stress enough how important it is to get proper medication. I don’t want to scare you, but something like 20% of bipolar people die from committing suicide. And those are just the successful ones; the number who attempt, sometimes multiple times, is much higher. This is an extremely dangerous, disabling, potentially deadly illness. Although you can learn helpful coping strategies in therapy, and a good support system is also very important, the #1 thing you need to treat bipolar disorder is medication. It’s a chemical imbalance in the brain that, for 99% of us, cannot be effectively managed without mood stabilizers and/or antipsychotics. Every bipolar person I know (my mom, my aunt, my partner, and one of my friends) didn’t get better until they were on meds, and it was the same for me.
All this to say, if you suspect you’re bipolar, I encourage you to do every single thing in your power to get to a psychiatrist. I’d like to say your family might come around, but if you say they believe mental illness is an “American Thing” then I believe you. In which case, you need to advocate for yourself now and worry about their opinions later. Assuming you’re an adult, which I’m *really* hoping you are. If you’re a minor, that makes this much harder.
When you say you’re Mexican, I don’t know if you mean you’re living in Mexico or living in the US. If Mexico, I can’t point you toward resources, but if you happen to live in the US, most major cities have FQHCs (federally qualified health centers), which are aimed at serving poor people, and many of which provide mental health care services.
If you do have access to a psychiatrist, I can give you some pointers on what to do before your first appointment. I went into mine with a list of symptoms and how long I’d been experiencing them, family history of mental illness, previous medication regimens, and a summary of my trauma. When I handed it over to my psychiatrist she was like “Well it’s quite clear that you’re bipolar. I’m sorry you’ve been misdiagnosed for so long.”
If you’re comfortable DMing me, please feel free. Regardless, I hate to hear that you’re struggling, but I do want you to know that things can get better. I honestly feel like I lost the years between age 12 and 26, because I spent them so miserable, but since getting properly medicated my life has turned around completely. I want to see that happen for you too, nonny.
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p-artsypants · 5 years
Longest Night (34) Crying
Walks into room. Vomits. Leaves.
Ao3 | FF.net
Marinette was escorted back to her room. Her back throbbed and her throat burned with the need to cough. But she kept her head down, having nothing to say, and not wanting to see people watching her. She wasn’t an exhibit.
Back in her room, John helped her back into bed, raising the back, allowing her to sit up.
Dr. Boucher brought a little cup with pills in it. “A cocktail, for the lady.”
She swallowed them all with a swig of water.
Once settled, Sabine placed the Chat Noir doll on her lap. “Here darling, you must have dropped this earlier.”
Marinette stared at the doll with watery eyes. It wasn’t much, but it was a comfort to have him. She hugged him to her chest.
“One of those pills was a sleep aid. In about an hour, you’ll start to feel drowsy, if you don’t already. Plenty time to get some food in you.”
She didn’t fight. Didn’t protest. Just let herself be strapped back into the bed, attached to all the monitors.
Another nurse came in, bringing in a tray with a bowl. “Are you ready for some chicken soup?” She asked with a perky chirp.
Marinette didn’t respond as a bed table was swung in front of her, and the soup was placed in front of her. Soup with crackers, a cup with lime jello, and another cup with water.
It might as well be a five star meal from the best chef on earth with how her stomach rumbled. She took a careful spoonful, under the watchful gaze of the nurses, doctor, and her parents.
That immediately put her on edge.
She dropped the spoon back to the table. “I don’t want it.”
“Please eat it, Marinette. A little more,” Dr. Boucher urged.
“You eat it first,” she demanded.
“Ah, I see.” The doctor nodded. “I would be paranoid too, if I was in your place. John, would you get me another spoon please?”
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. Marinette doesn’t want to have another LSD trip from laced food. I don’t blame her. So we’ll put her at ease.”
“Is that what’s wrong?” Sabine asked her daughter. “You think they put something in the food?”
Marinette didn’t answer, only stared hard at the doctor. “Why do you need another spoon?”
“You have a pretty severe case of pneumonia, Marinette.” He answered calmly. “I don’t want to get sick too. Then I won’t be able to help you and Adrien.”
Marinette unfurled her fists. “I’m sorry…I just—“
“You don’t need to apologize to me, Marinette.” Carefully, he sat down at her side and took her hand. “What you went through was extremely traumatizing. You are a different person now, with different goals, coping mechanisms, patience and tolerance threshold. You are still Marinette, at the core, but you’re not going to react the way you used to, the way people expect you to.”
Hearing it put into words eased not only Marinette, but Tom and Sabine.
“The most prevalent change I can tell right now, is that your trust for basically everyone has dropped. It makes sense, in the environment you were in, but I would really like you to communicate with me. I understand trust is earned, but I just want to make you better. Okay?”
Marinette considered this, gnawing at her bottom lip. She looked at Tikki. “Is he telling the truth?”
Tikki floated up in front of her face, and kissed her nose. “You woke up somewhere strange, in pain, and scared out of your mind. But this is a hospital. The same one that your grandpa stayed at for his heart surgery. You had to convince him that the technology in the room wasn’t going to hurt him, and it ‘was how it was done.’ You remember, don’t you?”
A tear made a track down her cheek as she nodded. “Yeah.”
“I’ve been watching the whole time. Everyone has been gentle with you. There’s nothing to worry about.”
Marinette considered this, as every receptor in her brain told her to run run run.
John returned with a clean spoon, and handed it to the doctor.
Dr. Boucher scooped a bit of soup, showing Marinette the bite, then stuck it in this mouth. “Oh, wow. This is really good. I don’t really care for chicken soup, but this is tasty. Nancy must be working today.”  
With no rational reason to refuse the food, Marinette picked her spoon up again and started to eat. The soup settled pleasantly in her empty stomach, warmth flowing through her with each cautious, shaking sip.
She glanced at the doctor, who had yet to say anything since she agreed to eat. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong with me?” She asked.
He smirked at her bluntness. “Physically, you’re very weak. Dehydrated, malnourished , and your muscles have atrophied. You’ve got infection in the wounds on your feet and on your hand where you were branded, so we’ve got you on antibiotic for that and the pneumonia. The flagellation wounds on your back have been stitched up, and are healing very nicely. Other than that, we are monitoring the lasting affects of the strangulation and electrocution. Because you were strangled earlier in your capture and there’s been no physical adverse effects except a rope burn scar, it’s unlikely that any will emerge. But let us know if you feel any pain in your neck at any time.”
“What kind of effects are you looking for?” She asked.
Dr. Boucher paused. “I hesitate to tell you, only because I don’t want you to be paranoid, but I also want you to communicate with me. Any of these symptoms could be related to something else, and not necessarily to your strangulation.”
“Raspy voice, difficulty breathing, coughing, difficulty swallowing, and nausea are already present from pneumonia. Please let me know if you you get headaches, hallucinations, dizziness, trouble using the bathroom, or if your tongue or lips feel swollen. As for the electrocution, your muscles might hurt or contract without your permission, but we’re watching for seizures.”
“I do have a headache. Right in the back of my head.”
“Okay, I’ve given you some ibuprofen. That also could be stress related, or because your eyes aren’t used to the lighting. Let me know if it persists. Anything else?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Alright, that’s good then.” Then he took her hand uninjured hand and squeezed. “But Marinette, please don’t try to tough it out. If you feel pain, anywhere, let me know. I want you to relax and heal. We can help ease your pain, so you don’t have to deal with it right now.”
“I don’t want to be drugged up.”
“Would you rather be in pain?”
She didn’t reply.
“I understand your hesitation. We’ll try to find a balance.”
Marinette’s eyes started to feel heavy, but she reached for the jello cup. Still worried, she held it out to him so he could take a little bit to test. When he scooped a little out without hesitation, she deemed it safe to eat.
It was impossibly hard to watch your child being so on edge and distrusting to everyone. Sabine planned on bringing in homemade food for a while, at least as much as she could.
Finished with her meal, Marinette put the spoon down, and pushed the table away.
“Warm enough?” Asked John.
She nodded.
“Alright then, I’m glad you could choke that down. I’m proud of you, Marinette.” Dr. Boucher praised.
I’m proud of you.
Dr. Boucher was basically a stranger, but that struck a cord in her shriveled heart. “Thank you…” She whispered.  
“Get some sleep. I’ll check in on you in a few hours.” He patted her hand and stood.
“We’ll be here while you sleep,” Tom assured. “Someone will always be here to keep watch. There’s also police officers outside the door that refuse access to anyone not approved by us. You’re safe, my little croissant.”
She couldn’t fight off her exhaustion anymore anyway, so she closed her eyes. A small warmth, she assumed was Tikki, settled on her hand. There was shuffling around the room, people leaving or settling into chairs. The door shut. A paper fluttered. A cough. A beep. A hum.
Only a few minutes later, after Marinette had fallen asleep, Dr. Boucher returned, with Gabriel Agreste with him. “Tom? Sabine? May I speak to you in the hall please?” He spoke softly.
They nodded and left the room, closing the door softly behind them. He led them a little ways down the hall, out of earshot of the police, for patient confidentiality.
“I must admit, I’m pleased with the progress Marinette is making physically. The fact she was able to sit up and eat on her own is encouraging. However, I am very concerned about her mental health.”
“Absolutely!” Sabine agreed. “I’ve never seen my daughter act like that before! It was terrifying!”
“I had hoped that the behavior she had developed as a defense mechanism would go away once she was away from Salo. But it seems that she’s adopted it permanently. Did you notice how quickly she ate her dinner?”
“She wolfed it down! Like—“
“Like she was afraid someone would take it away.” He finished. “Mr.  Agreste, it’s likely that Adrien will be in this state of mind too. I’m not positive though. But I’d like you to be prepared.”
“Understood,” Gabriel nodded. “Is there anything we can do?”
Dr. Boucher thought for a moment. “It would be best to remind them of good things. Hobbies, favorite movies, favorite foods, things that they enjoy. They need to be able to have them and enjoy them, without the threat of them being taken away. That’s a very simple place to start.”
“We can do that!” Tom smiled, “We love having movie nights with Marinette! Adrien will fit right in!”
“That’s the other thing I wanted to talk about.” The doctor put his hands in his pockets. “The Marinette, and the Adrien you know…they’re gone. These are two young adults that have been forced to mature and adapt to survive in grueling conditions. They will heal, and things will get better, but for a while, you probably won’t recognize your children.”
Sabine covered her mouth to hold back a sob.
“But, they are still your children, and you have a responsibility to love them. Without that love and support, they will not recover. They will have to find a new normal. And that may be completely different from what life used to be like. Don’t force them to fit in any molds. Encourage them to do their best, but don’t punish them for failing. I promise, they are going to punish themselves.”
“What do you mean?”
“In all the hours of footage we analyzed, Salo hammered home the idea that they both failed Paris as heroes, and that everyone is disappointed in them. Of course we know that’s not true, but it will take a while before either of them believe either of it.”
“So…love them, spoil them, and be patient?” Tom summarized.
“Basically, yes. For now. Later down the line, we’ll work on getting them to reevaluate their behavior. You should probably warn any visitors that may see them that they could be rude or blunt.”
“We should be careful reintroducing Alya,” Gabriel suggested. “From talking with her, Marinette was not happy with her the last time they spoke. It could be dicey.”
“Who’s Alya?” Asked the doctor.
“Marinette’s best friend. Well…besides Adrien or Tikki. The Ladyblogger.”
“Ah, then she’ll also be vital to their recovery. If Marinette can see that her friend isn’t disappointed in her, it should help. But we should gauge how Marinette feels about her first.” He checked his watch. “I’ve still got to check on Adrien today. I think we’re in a good place for now.”
“Thank you Doctor. It’s nice to have some guidance.”
“Thank you for being so patient and willing! Some parents don’t want to think about their children’s trauma, or just belittle it.”
“There’s no way we could,” stated Gabriel. “We saw what they went through.”  
“Yes, but seeing something and experiencing it first hand are two different things. And you could always turn off the screen.”
No one argued against that.
Hours later, Marinette regained awareness. The room was silent, barring the humming of a machine nearby.
Opening her eyes, the lights were off, the room swept into a soft blue daylight. The bleak November sky was gray with rain.
She was alone, except for Tikki who slept soundly on her chest.
Obviously, time had marched on without her. Hours had passed. Maybe days. She couldn’t tell. It hadn’t felt like she had slept, the weariness still clinging to her like a wet blanket. But her parents had needs, and were thoughtful enough to take care of them while they assumed she’d be sleeping.
There wasn’t as much panic in waking this time. She knew where Adrien was, and that he was safe. They were both safe. Though safe was a loose term. How long would it take before Salo found them again? Or Hawkmoth? Or even someone new? She had no energy to fight. Anyone could burst through that window or mow down the officers outside the door.
What if the police were in on it? What if they were waiting for the right opportunity?
Was this what her life was now? Just a constant state of anxiety? Preparing for the worse at any moment? Unable to rest, to trust, to laugh, and love? That wasn’t a life.
She couldn’t move. Her body was just too weak. Everything hurt and it was all overwhelming. How long would it be before she could walk? What about Ladybug? Master Fu would surely take Tikki away. She was surprised he hadn’t yet. And then what? Everywhere she went, people would see her, and know only one thing about her:
The Ladybug that failed.
Tikki woke up to the small sniffles coming from Marinette. She blinked up at her charge and noticed a face full of tears. “Oh Marinette! Why didn’t you say anything?! Where does it hurt? I can page a nurse!”
“No…” Marinette pleaded. “I don’t want them.”
“But…you’re crying…”
“It’s not physical…” She moaned. That was a lie, but the physical pain was only TV static in the turmoil in her head.
“Oh…do you want to talk about it?”
She shook her head. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I’m not upset by it. Is there anything I can do to help?”
Marinette closed her eyes, centering herself. What would make this better? What would help? “Could I transform?”
“You really shouldn’t,” Tikki winced. “Why do you want to?”
“I want to go to the bathroom, but I’m not strong enough without the suit. Just for a moment.”
“We can get John in here, he’ll give you a bed pan.”
“Please don’t make me do that, Tikki. I couldn’t bare it.” She whispered.
“Or maybe he could carry you?”
“Please Tikki…I just need to do this myself.”
She looked so hesitant that Marinette was afraid she’d refuse. It didn’t really matter what she said, since Marinette could transform anyway, but Tikki was already so disappointed by her, she didn’t want to push it.
“Alright,” Tikki finally said. “Just be careful.”
“Thank you,” she breathed. “Spots on.”
Ladybug sat up in the bed, as the alarms started beeping again. She wasted no time in taking out her yo-yo, and hurling it into the bathroom to hook onto a railing. Then she stood, and used the line to propel her into the room, pulling the door closed behind her. She flicked the lock, muting the beeping from the other room.
With the lights off, she stumbled her way over to the bathtub, and crawled in. Then she dropped her transformation.
“It’s…it’s easier to think in the dark. Like this.” She offered as an explanation. “Will you keep watch?”
She couldn’t see Tikki’s face in the pitch black, but assumed she was frowning. “Alright Marinette, but only for a little bit.”
Then Marinette was alone.
She was back in that closet in the Catacombs. Back in the walls she had grown familiar with, back where things made sense. There was no future there. Just living day by day until death. Time was irrelevant. Just darkness and silence.
The door jiggled. “Marinette? Marinette are you in there?” Asked John.
She didn’t answer. She wasn’t there. She was in her cell.
But the jiggling stopped and John’s voice was muted. He was talking to someone, probably Tikki.
But it didn’t matter to her. She just wanted peace and quiet.
“Marinette, you can’t stay in there,” John urged. “I’m going to get the key, and bring you back out, okay? I really need you to stay in bed, hon.”
“Leave me alone!” She screamed. Her throat burned with the effort, bringing tears to her eyes.
She hated this. The constant surveillance, no privacy, no control! She just wanted it to be over! All of it!
The door jiggled again, and swung open slowly, before the lights flicked on, hurting her eyes. “Turn it off!” She begged. “Turn it off!”
Darkness again, and just a line of light from the cracked open door.
“Marinette?” Her mother asked.
She sobbed, hating the concern and love dripping from her.
“Marinette, darling. What’s wrong? Why are you hiding in the bathtub?”
“I…I don’t know. It—It just…felt right. I’m…homesick?”
“For…for my closet.”
Understanding hit Sabine hard as she gasped. But she couldn’t fault her daughter. It probably did feel weird being out. Slowly, Sabine lifted Marinette up so that she could slide into the tub with her. Marinette was just skin and bones, and fit between her legs so she could lean back and use her mother as a pillow.
For a long few minutes, Sabine just held her, letting her cry as she pet her head.
“I want to die.” Marinette breathed.
There were no words. What could she say? ‘It’ll be okay?’ That seemed so far off. And honestly, if she was in the same place, she’d want to die too.
“I’m so scared.” Marinette continued. “Mom, I’m so scared.”
“What about?” Sabine asked softly, kissing her forehead.
“What’s going to happen to me? Is Salo going to find me again? What about Hawkmoth?”
“You don’t have to worry about them,” she hurried to dissuade her fears. “Salo is in police custody, and Hawkmoth retired.”
“How do you know? Salo’s gotten away with everything! What’s keeping her from getting away this time?!”
“Shh, shh, it’s okay. The police chief talked to us in person. Salo is cooperating with authorities. Apparently…she’s a wreck.”
“…what? Why?”
“I don’t know. Apparently, she’s been begging to go to prison. He didn’t give me full details, but she’s not a threat to us. To you.”
Marinette sighed, letting this information sink in. And Hawkmoth retiring? That seemed unlikely.
“Do you want to go back to bed?”
Marinette shook her head. “I can’t…I can’t go back out there.”
“Why not?” Her tone was just soft curiosity, not demanding of answers.
“Because I don’t know what to do!” She sobbed. “I was Ladybug! The girl with all the solutions! But I don’t even know what’s happening tomorrow! I don’t know if I can go back to school or go to college or have a job! I can’t survive in the world like this!”
“Shh, hey hey, there’s no reason to get worked up. School and work can come later, if you want them too. You’re not going back tomorrow. Don’t think about that.”
Marinette swallowed and nodded in understanding.
“Here, how about this: What do you want to do?”
“I don’t know.”
“Just one thing. An activity, or a place you want to visit. Doesn’t have to be right now.”
“I…I just want to be with Adrien.”
“Do you want to marry him?”
“Aren’t I already married to him?”
“On paper. But don’t you want that ceremony at the cottage?”
She nodded. “I do. I do want that cottage!”
“Then that’s one thing to look forward to.”
“But that’s so far away! What if—what if I can’t make it? Everything hurts! And I’m so ugly! I don’t want to marry him like this!”
“Hey, shh…” Sabine petted her. “We’re taking deep breaths okay?”
Marinette choked a few times, but started to calm down.
“Do you know what today is?”
“Today is thanksgiving.”
“And that means, tomorrow, we start getting ready for Christmas. We’ll have hot cocoa, and we’ll set up the tree. We’ll watch old movies and eat popcorn and put puzzles together. And Adrien will be with us too. You can snuggle together under a fuzzy blanket while watching the snow fall.”
Marinette hummed, eyes closed to imagine the scene.
“And your father will hold a sprig of Mistletoe over your heads and make you kiss.”
She giggled.
“And Nonna and Nonno will come over, and we’ll bake Christmas cookies.”
“The first batch of dough we eat raw.” Marinette declared.
“That’s right!”
“And then on Christmas eve, we look for the pickle.”
“Absolutely! We’ll see if Gabriel will let us hide it at the mansion. I think your father has exhausted all the hiding spots at our house.”  
“He hid it in the couch last year. In the couch!”
Sabine laughed. “Not as bad as when he put it in the pickle jar.”
“That took hours to find!”
Hope surged through Sabine. Though they were snuggled up in a bathtub in a hospital, this was a moment she recognized her daughter. This was reminding her of the good times. This was doable.
“So…you’ll hang around for another month?”
Marinette sighed again, this time with content. “You know what? I think I can now.”
His eyes were caked with crud. Even the soft light was too bright. Everything hurt and ached. It took effort to even open his eyes, feeling like they were glued shut. He twitched his fingers, feeling the soft fabric of a blanket, and what felt like a stuffed animal in one hand.
All he could move was his eyes, which blinked rapidly.
He was in a room. Well, probably a much bigger room, but his area was sectioned off with curtains. He was surrounded with various machines, and he felt something in his mouth and down his throat. It didn’t really hurt, but it wasn’t comfortable.
There was a man sitting nearby, with graying hair and a unkept beard. He wore designer glasses and a nice t-shirt, but still looked like a disheveled creature who was being haunted.
It took Adrien far too long to realize it was his father.
Which surprised him, honestly. He wondered if Gabriel had it in him to be worried about his son. He hadn’t come for them, after all. But perhaps even Gabriel Agreste, in all his infinite wealth and fame, was helpless in this crisis.
Well, that identified one person around him, and given Gabriel’s state, he likely wasn’t a threat. Likely.
There were voices from beyond the curtain, but nothing in his sight, as limited as it was. He found it impossible to move his neck.
“Adrien?” Said his father’s voice.
Adrien flicked his gaze over, just tiredly examining the man.
Gabriel opened his mouth to speak, but thought better of it. Instead, he took the stuffed animal away and held it in front of his face.
It wasn’t a stuffed animal at all. It was a little Ladybug doll. Gabriel pitched up his voice, pretending to be Ladybug.
“Good morning kitty cat! We’re in a hospital! I’m sleeping upstairs. You were in pretty rough shape when we came here, so you’re under constant surveillance. It’s really super important that you don’t try to move. We’ll be together soon though, so just try to relax. I love you!” And he made the doll kiss Adrien on the forehead.
Adrien looked at him blankly, he was not amused.
“Sorry…I just thought that would be a better way to break the news to you.” And Gabriel returned the doll to Adrien’s hands. “She made that, you know? Very creative girl that Marinette.”
He agreed, of course. But now he had answers. And now he could get back to sleeping.
And so he did.
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norvecy · 5 years
being afab is the fucking worst bc medical professionals never listen to you and bc symptoms of things present differently. i had so many issues with attention and focus and staying on topic and shit in school and had multiple teachers express concern and instead of actually doing anything my GP told my parents i was 'just being a kid' and my grades continued to tank. one of my teachers literally had me with 1 foot in the door to the program for kids with ADHD my elementary school had but he couldn't get me fully in because my doctor refused to diagnose me because my symptoms weren't the ~normal~ symptoms (see: how they present in amab ppl). i got ~fancy fidget toys~ and a thing for my chair that had like rubber spikes that functioned as a stim thing and shocker!! it wasn't what i needed and i wasn't getting the additional support i needed so my grades kept sucking!!
the closest i came to actually getting the help i needed for my focus issues was the teacher i was SO lucky to have for 3 years (who i wouldn't be surprised if he pulled strings to be my teacher for all 3 years because having a teacher for more than 2 years was unheard of at my school) who recognized that giving me a fancy pillow thing wasn't going to help me focus and that taking away my sketchbooks (something other teachers of mine did!) was actually a problem! and he let me have a sketchbook and SHOCKER my grades skyrocketed and i performed the best i had in all of elementary school.
i had teachers in high school who recognized the same thing and those were always the classes i performed the best in, while the teachers who were so strict that even when i explained why i needed to at least be able to doodle they refused and my grades always sucked in those classes and i got in so much trouble for not being 'checked in'.
and that isn't even getting into my the fact that when i brought all of that up with a psychiatrist and expressed that i was very concerned i was missing out in the help i needed and that i would never be able to be successful until it got looked into, and that i was terrified to even apply to college because i know my own inabilities and i was scared i would fail because of my attention issues, and she told me that it was 'really no big deal' and that she would recommend that my GP look into adding a 'light stimulant' to my current med cocktail. when i mentioned that to my GP (see: the same one who refused to look into it when i was a child) she said 'oh i don't think that's necessary'
anyways fuck being afab and the fact that symptoms present differently making it incredibly hard to actually get medical attention and diagnoses despite the fact that things literally ruin your life.
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kakaji · 6 years
contemporary colonial art by luis camnitzer
I was about eighteen years old when I read the three volumes of “The Culture of the Cities” by Lewis Mumford. Of the whole work only one idea remained stuck in my mind, an idea or description with which I had identified immediately: “The bathroom is the only place of privacy we have left.”It took me about five years to realize that this statement was somebody else’s truth.It is true in what Mumford himself calls a “megalopolis,”an overgrown monster city, but it definitely was not true in my city, Montevideo, with less than a million people—and widely spaced, at least in that time and in my background. A symptom of metropolitan culture had managed to evoke in me, an inhabitant of the colonies —through apparently intellectual means—an experience I never had had. 
One day I left my country. At the time of my leaving, people used to whistle when they wanted to show public disapproval. Five years later I returned and discovered that whistling was being used for approval, the same as in the United States of America. 
A gentleman in a developed country invents the“potato chip.”In his own living context, he managed to enrich qualitatively the cocktail hour and quantitatively, himself. However, in the colonial context, he introduced a new habit, a notion of status, a point of identification through which the colony can relate to the metropolis and believe to feel and act the same. We can say that what happened was a cultural rape through a potato. 
The examples only show fragments of a process of transculturation, a part of a vicious circle that holds: economic dependence, mono-production, the creation of artificial needs and the substitution of cultural values. It is a process that managed the ideal situation of nearly everybody actually wanting to participate in it. It creates the need of listening to the latest record, of reading the latest book, of chewing the latest chewing gum, of fitting all the metropolitan molds. 
There is no need for this process to be accomplished in all social segments. From the Empire’s point of view the need decreases in proportion to the amount of power held by each social segment, provided the total mechanism is well oiled. 
Most of the social classes fit between the Cadillac and the Coke, some even remaining under the latter. United Press provides total, instantaneous and universal information. But in the same act, it also leaves total, instantaneous and universal ignorance. 
The artist is an integral part of these informed and isolated social segments. In the colonial areas, in a role which is not very defined—somewhere between a buffoon and a spokesman—he is one of the leaks through which the informative pressure of the Empire keeps filtering through. It is strange that the phrase“Colonial Art” is filled with only positive connotations and that it only refers to the past. In reality it happens in the present, and with benevolence it is called “international style. ”With less courtesy, it tends to be epigonous, derivative, and sometimes even opportunistic. 
There is a rhetoric and a mental process of the Empire which are very particular and which are not new. As president of the U.S.A., Quincy Adams, said in 1842: “The moral obligation to proceed to commercial exchanges between nations is solely based on the Christian premise that obliges us to love our neighbor.”At the time, the conclusion of this concept was that since China was not Christian, it was bellicose and anti-social, since “The fundamental principle of the Chinese Empire is anti-commercial.” This way, the moral justification was set down for what was called the “opium war,” a war mainly between Britain and China, but with strong profits for the western and Christian civilization. 
Commodore Perry went with four battleships to isolationist Japan to offer a commercial treaty. Seven months later, in February of 1854, he returned with an increased squadron to look for the answer. 
As with Commerce, Art is above stingy political games: “it helps the communication and understanding of the people,” “it is a common denominator for understanding.” “The world is smaller everyday,” and under the rug of this phrase one sweeps the moment-by- moment growing difference between the cultural needs of economically developed countries and those underdeveloped or developing. 
The achievements of the Metropolis have international validity automatically. To speak in the U.S.A. of a Jasper Johns or of a Rauschenberg as a good local artist, with all the implications of provincialism, sounds offensive and insulting. Both are universal luminaries and “art does not have frontiers.” The size of the transculturation problem may be indicated by the fact that “art does not have frontiers” is no longer a figure of speech, a saying, but rather, a commonplace. 
The distortion is even deeper. The United States of America, with 6% of the world population, consumes 50% of the world consumer goods. In addition to the necessary military consequences to maintain that situation, this rather monstrous proportion allows the United States of America to also fix the conditions of the market for those goods. The artconsumer goods do not escape the rule.
 An empire has a culture to disseminate, even when this culture is only a collection of habits. In the metropolis, art consumer goods are created which originate from an “existing culture.” The creation of these goods, which we can call “cultural products,” and their con sumption, determine a series of rules both rigid and functional. Their results remain accumu lated in what we call “history of art.” This “history” is metropolitan in nature, and when local histories appear in other places, they are compiled with the same measuring sticks. Who determines what is universal, also is who determines how it is done. 
The question for the colonial artist is this—by participating in the metropolitan art game, is he really only postponing the liberation of the colony to which he belongs? There is an absurdity in creating cultural products when there is no culture to justify them. Latin America has five centuries of being a colony, without a breathing space to assume itself. The task is still there—to build its own culture, to find a cultural identity. The artist, instead of working on this problem, holds the same attitude which Chinese restaurants have in western countries: a Chinese restaurant submits willingly to the image the metropolitan culture has of it. It announces its name with Chinesely-styled letters, advertises “exotic food,” and has, just in case, a page of metropolitan food listed in the menu. 
Without too much scientific care, I will borrow some terms of Information Theory: originality, redundancy, and banality. 
Traditionally, in art there is a careful balance of the three elements. The originality is the contribution of the artwork. The redundancy, technically a waste of repetitive information, insures the intelligent reception of the message by the public. The banality is the frame of reference, or the collection of known elements which the originality needs as a vehicle in order not to die in hermetism and incommunicability. 
One of the decisions that places the artist, politically as well as among other things, is the banality system or the system he will use as a reference. The colonial artist believes that he makes this choice in total freedom. Generally speaking, however, he only chooses out of three possibilities, and the three of them are based on manufacturing cultural products. That is how the paradox comes about that politically aware artists keep working for the metropolitan culture. The three options are : the “international style,” the regional and picturesque “folklorism,” and the subordination to political-literary content. 
The contribution or originality of a cultural product only functions as a refinement of the culture from which it comes (for the culture itself and also for its expansion or proselytizing). It achieves a sophistication of the consuming process. The creation of cultural products in the colonial area then becomes a tool for the enrichment and sophistication of the metropolitan culture. With the growing strength of the “international style,” the result becomes obvious in the productive outlook of Latin America. The aesthetic trends used are permanently lagging behind those promulgated in the imperial centers, without the corresponding evolutions which take place in those centers. It happens that in this way we have individual developments of artists with artificial breaks, which can only be explained by the date the “art magazine” arrived, or the date the “exhibition” was held with the updating information. The increase of the information stream only increases the speed of the changes. Alan Solomon, who was in charge of the American exhibit in the Biennial of Venice (where Rauschenberg won the Big Prize–exhibit flown over with military aircraft), commended a group of artists of Rosario, Argentina, because “they worked according to New York standards only with some weeks of delay.” TheNewYork painter, FrankStella, said : “If we are the best, it is only fair that they imitate us.” At the same time, colonial artists complained about the expenses of chroming and plastics in general—a fact which, according to them, put them out of the international Market. And E.A.T. (Experiments in Art and Technology) is opening branches in different underdeveloped countries, usually after the artists’ own request. 
The result is obviously to be a perfecting of the metropolitan imagery. 
One of the reactions to the “international style, ”as well as willful ignoring in regard to this style, leads to folklorism. This option, instead of basing itself on the activities of the imperial cultural centers, is based on local traditions, and especially on the formal symptoms of the local traditions. There are two problems with this option. The first is that these traditions are usually not sensitive to the immediate and present reality, opening a way to escapism. Second, with few exceptions these traditions are dead. There have been too many colonizations to allow a continuity between the traditions and the artist. Usually the artist comes from the middle class, thus consuming those traditions rather than living them. The folklorist option, then, becomes as derivative as the option that follows the “international style.” 
The third option is the subordination to the political-literary content. This option comes from a political commitment prior to a creative decision. This in itself would be a normal process. The limitations appear when the creative process only is dedicated to the production of illustrations, didactically worried, and simultaneously follows the rules of the game indicated by the history of art. The didactic function requires a high percentage of redundance, leaving little room for originality. 
The options described were in their purest form. In the international market, the winners coming from the colonies appear always to refer to more than one option at the time. In this way they probably achieve at the same time a higher degree of contribution and of communicability. But all the artists who follow these rules of the game, whatever the reference system they use, are bound by a broader system regardless of their aesthetics or their politics. It is the system of the object. A painting is a painting recognizable as such, whatever its form or its content. The same happens with any art object, even if it doesn’t follow the traditional formal lines. There is a publicity machinery strong enough to transmit the norms of recognition which in every moment is called “avant-garde.” The label “avantgarde” is one of these norms. 
The relation between the object and the consuming of that object (which generalized gives the relation between art and society) serves as a thermometer for the functionality of art. In the capitalist, economically developed society, the art object is subject to the laws of supply and demand. The artist is placed in the production of objects with his creation, with the production of creators with his teaching. He is paid for both with very little or no philanthropy, since the power structure accepts him as important, or at least, as usable. 
The situation is also reflected in the economic investment of the artist, or his patron, in the actual work production. In 1968, in the Whitney Sculpture Annual, the average investment in materials alone, per sculpture, must have reached about $200. This amount is more than the annual income of the majority of the inhabitants in underdeveloped countries. 
Meanwhile, the concessions the artist has to make in the colonies are more obvious and more painful. In normal circumstances, the artist cannot live by his skills. He has one or more jobs unrelated to his art. He sells to a small national elite or to tourists. He depends on the government’s philanthropy through its politically corrupt exhibitions. He always has that permanent option between his principles and the corruption and alms.
I believe the possibilities for change are two: The first one, moderate, is to continue to use the system of reference pertaining to certain forms capable of being related to art, but not to produce cultural products, but rather to inform about data toward a culture. This means to inform about situations not necessarily aesthetic, able to affect the mechanisms that eventually will produce or define a culture. To isolate, stress, and bring to awareness of transculturating elements, and to give a notion of essences which will allow the creation of new platforms is what I feel is needed. It is what we can call a perceptual alphabetization. It implies to assume economical underdevelopment as cultural stimulus, without relative value judgments. What may be negative in economical terms is only factual in cultural terms. In this moment, a huge percentage of inhabitants of the underdeveloped areas are starving to death. But artists continue to produce full-belly art. 
The second possibility is to affect cultural structures through social and political ones, applying the same creativity usually used for art. If we analyze the activities of certain guerrilla groups, especially the Tupamaros and some other urban groups, we can see that something like this is already happening. The system of reference is decidedly alien to the traditional art reference systems. However, they are functioning for expressions which, at the same time they contribute to a total structure change, also have a high density of aesthetic content. For the first time the aesthetic message is understandable as such, without the help of the “art context” given by the museum, the gallery, etc. 
The urban guerrilla functions in conditions very similar to those with which the traditional artist is confronted when he is about to produce a work. There is a common goal: to communicate a message and at the same time to change with the process the conditions in which the public finds itself. There is a similar search to find the exact amount of originality which, using the known as a background, allows him to stress the message until notoriety for its effectiveness, sometimes signaling towards the unknown. But by going from the object to the situation, from the elitist legality to subversion, there appear new elements. The public, a passive consumer, suddenly in passing from object to situation has to participate actively to be part of the situation. Passing from legality to subversion, the need of finding a minimum stimulus with a maximum effect appears—an effect that through its impact justifies the risk taken and pays for it. During certain historical periods, at the level of the object, this meant dealing with and creating mysteries. At the level of situations, and in this case, it means the change of the social structure. 
These coincidences are not enough to make an artist out of the urban guerilla fighter, the same way as the activity of painting is not enough to make an artist out of a painter. But there are definite cases where the urban guerilla achieves aesthetic levels, widely transcending the movement’s pure political function. It is when the movement reaches this stage that it really is on the way toward creating a new culture instead of simply providing old perceptions with a new political form. 
The options of traditional art fulfill socially the same function of other institutions used by the power structure to insure stability. That is why they lead to an aesthetic of balance. In a Machiavellian way, within these coordinates, a revolutionary message can be reduced to a stabilizing function. Art then becomes a safety valve for the expression of individual and collective neuroses originating in the inability of coping with the environment. Its products serve as a retarded correction of a perception braked by the system of conventions and stereotypes that stabilize society. They create a slightly updated system which, eventually assimilated by history, will require a new system, and so on without end. Art objects serve as points of identification alienated from the consumer, requiring more sympathy than empathy. The consumer, for instance, is able to identify with the moral message of a film. He applauds it, feeling that in this way he pays his quota of personal commitment without having to change the course of his life in a significant way. It is the same cathartic action offered by religion. 
Instead, the aesthetics of imbalance, the one that affects structures, that demands full participation or full rejection, does not allow for the comfort of alienation. 
It leads to the confrontation which will bring about change. 
It leads to the integration of aesthetic creativity with all the systems of reference used in everyday life. 
It leads the individual to be a permanent creator, to be in a state of constant perception. 
It leads him to determine his environment according to his needs and to fight in order to achieve the changes. 
This text is the transcript for a paper presented to the Latin American Studies Association conference, Washington, D.C., 1969. The paper was subsequently translated into Spanish, and published in the Montevideo-based journal Marcha in mid-1970. 
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
March 23, 2021: 5:38 pm:
Maybe someone will help to make Tumblr work the way it’s supposed to work.
I have absolutely no indication that anyone other than a few terror cells can see what I write here on Tumblr.
Here are some of the oddities that I am encountering:
The screen below shows the way Tumblr should look when I access Tumblr.
That is how Tumblr used to appear, it no longer appears like that, with those controls on top, instead, what happens, is that screen below shows up for about a split second, I was able to very quickly take a screenshot before it vanished a few moments ago (and there is someone preventing the letter M from working as I type right now, I can see that the letter M being suppressed is done manually, someone is there, live, watching what I write, and manually doing something that shuts off the letter M on my keyboard. if I am persistent, I can eventually use the letter M, however it is very taxing to have to compete with someone live to use my keyboard to report terrorism).
So that screen below is the way Tumblr is supposed to look when I access, that screen lasts only a split second before the screen changes to the one shown below that one:
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This is the way the Tumblr screen looks after a split second.
What I do to see what is happening, is I type “tumblr.com” into the Firefox URL address bar, that is when the screen above shows up for a split second. Then, automatically, this screen below shows up. I don’t like the way it says “now, where were we?”, that is like I am interrupting someone, is bullshit, does not belong there.
So, that is one thing that makes me believe there is some kind of mask, or other thing that is covering up my account from view, clearly no one can see what I am writing other than terror operatives of Centurylink ISP, and others such as Google Inc, and the Tumblr website administrators. The asshole who lives accross the street was able to print out some select paragraphs from my account, but no one is paying any attention to the terrorism, the mass murders, the take over of USA, the torturing of captive people at the house next to mine, and worse, all of which I explain in detail over the past six years or so, for the purpose of getting some assistance to come help stop all of that.
no help ever comes.
no one ever sends me any mail here, no one asks any questions about what I am reporting or why I report it, the reports are being suppressed, but select people are able to cherry pick parts that suit the terror army, and use that against me.
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This is example of a different thing that has been going on for about a month or two:
I get email from Tumblr like the one below. It says someone is following my account here.
So, I click the link in the email, and there is nothing there, a variety of different pages show up to say “There is nothing here” as that one below shows. That below is the result of clicking on the email link to see who is said to be following,
There has been about six or eight of those over the past two months or so, email from Tumblr that says someone is following, but the link leads to a dead end.
The accounts said to be following all have something in common, the way the names are long and juvenile like the one shown below.
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This is where the link of news of a new follower takes me, then that changes to a artful background, then that changes to another page that offers me to search Tumblr for other interesting things.
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no one can see what I am writing.
The letter M is hijacked live by some asshole who’s job is to watch my online activity 24/7, and to cause problems, make it difficult, time consuming, and to encourage that I will forget what I wanted to write about while trying to navigate past all of the glitches the asshole throws at me as I try to get help.
Strange thing happened last night:
The local railroad train that uses the tracks on Russell Road nearby came through the neighborhood at about 12:30 am as per usual. What was unusual about that is the train was accompanied by a terror airforce small fixed wing airplane. Small airplanes almost never do flyovers at that hour, there are very few local airplanes that fly after dark at all, and to hear one at past midnight as the train was going by is super unusual.
Thirty minutes later, both of my legs began to itch like crazy, the desire to scratch at my wounds was overwhelming, and the Honeywell Thermostat was turning the heater on and off more than it should have been doing. (like I have said before, the Honeywell Thermostat is fitted with secret, un-advertised remote control features, please study this account to learn why and how the remote operation of a thermostat is part of the mass murder terrorism.
Is there someone who can make the Tumblr visible so I can get some help?
The people who run Tumblr have already made it clear that they are not going to contact US national security personnel or US Military on my behalf to ask them to study this account, so, Tumblr is not going to make the website work correctly, it is in the best interest of Tumblr to bury this account, delete it, make it invisible, so it seems is apparent, either Tumblr is a part of the advance of the terrorism and global mass murders, or, they are naive, and do not see the ultimate goals of the terror bastards who are taking over the world by virtue of killing and replacing the global populations.
The poison injection rash is looking the same as yesterday, there is no visible improvement to show. Maybe tomorrow will be worthy of photos.
notable conditions today is my left eye is very blurry. That has been a complaint I have had for about the time that I have been poisoned with the leg rash, however the vision always clears up by late afternoon. Today, it’s late afternoon, and the blurry vision is not cleared up. I suspect that airplane last night in league with the Russell Road train, released a cocktail mixture of gasses, ones that made severe itching symptoms, and result in blurry vision. It may also be notable that the dreams I had last night and early this morning were more vivid than I can recall of my dreams lately. Very vivid, long, detailed, and story-like dreams last night.
There are no signs of helpful people.
Please send help to Josephine county Oregon.
Bring your own hospital.
7:00 pm:
Also: When I experience computer glitches such as those mentioned above about the letter M, the way Tumblr is not working the way it supposed to, and other problems, I notice that the pop-up window presented by Sony Vaiocare Software that came with my computer shows up first at the bottom right of my computer screen, it comes out of the application tray there, one that says: “Make Recovery Media ...”
That, and the Firefox popup window that comes out of the top right of the screen sometimes repeatedly shows up, that one says: “Download the new version of Firefox”, what is annoying about the Firefox pop-up window that advises I should get the new Firefox, is that when I do download the latest version of Firefox, sometimes just to stop the stupid pop-up window from happening so often, even then, within about 24 hours, Firefox always makes yet another new, latest version, and the fucking pop-up windows continue to show up despite having downloaded to the newest version.
That, and the norton Symantec product is not a internet security product at all, that thing only keeps the computer in a state of usefulness such the other terror cells have access into my computer, and if you are using and paying for the Symantec norton security software, then your computer is subject to the same kinds of manipulation as mine is, fitted with an array of open door access to those who do internet spy work, and manipulations of all kinds. I already know that my computer is showing to US national security personnel that I am viewing, downloading, uploading, creating, child pornography done by the terrabyte load. That is being done, made to appear as if it’s my computer on my internet connection, when the reality is that the Juseph Myers computers, phone and internet lines and wireless connections are the ones who are really doing the child pornography just two houses down the street from where I live, at 560 Jackpine Drive, and those people at the Myers terror cell are indeed some of the most frightening people on earth, they do some of the most cruel terror torturing ever done anywhere, and they are two doors away, getting away with making not just pornography of children, but they kidnap the children, and force the children to have sex with donkeys and horses ... the movies they have been making are not just child porn, they are snuff movies of kidnapped children because the farm animals kill the children as a result of making the porn movies.
The whole of Josephine County is aware of it, all of the imposter police know what has been going on there ... since 1998 I have known of this and tried to get some help when they bring the kidnapped children to the shed in the backyard at the Myers terror cell. I could see that from my dining room window for many years.
The US national security sees some kind of digital magic that makes it appear as if it’s my computer that is doing the uploads of the movies, when I am the person who has been trying to stop it since before the entire state of Oregon was hijacked, when there still were US citizens alive in the state twenty years ago and more.
Symantec norton products are part of the digital magic that is leading the US national security people astray, and it’s the Josephine county courts that are sending them to the wrong places when they seek the search warrants. The judge sends them into traps at the wrong place.
That, and the Centurylink phone lines do not go to the addresses they are mapped to go at Centurylink HQ. They have it worked out such that internet traffic on Jackpine, shows that the traffic is happening on Seclusion Loop Ave off of Lower River Road, about fifteen miles from here, and it’s all done intentionally by Centurlylink ISP, which is just a specialized extension of the Canadian/SAG terror army.
What’s more, is that complicated system of “Spaghetti Phone Lines” works so good for advancing terror, they use it as a model, where other cities duplicate what Centurylink built, a system of phone terminal access boxes where the wires inside of the boxes are attached to the wrong terminals on purpose. Entire neighborhoods of internet service are routed ten miles away or more, from where the Centurlylink map says they are attached to.
With addition of a old style PBX switchboard installed at key locations, the model system becomes dynamic, and can change on a moments notice, from one address to another, on the fly, as national security persons are watching the internet traffic. Then, with use of a Stingray Surveillance Unit, that PBX switchboard can change the land line internet traffic into digital cellular phone traffic, then to VOIP traffic, and then back to land line traffic, completely lost to anyone trying to trace the origin of the traffic.
I have explained the complete system many times on this account, it’s extremely complicated to explain, and includes use of phone lines that are said to be dormant at residences that are not occupied. Please study this account to learn how to stop 90% of all of the terrorism on earth forever, before the terror kills what few remaining US citizens there may be.
8:24 pm:
CBS news Twitter “Verified Account” changed their logo today.
Corporate logo changes are a big deal, really big.
They added a black & white circle around the logo.
Actually, they added one white circle within two black circles.
They added an “Oreo Circle”.
Eeyore? (”Thank’s for noticing me”)
Technically, the additional white ring is said to be “reversed out of the black ring” for a “one-color print on white paper” in the printing industry, is “stripper speak” in the art layout room. That CBS logo can be printed with a single color of ink on white paper (slightly blue/grey)
CBS news on Twitter is looking for a “Pay-Per-View” is my call. They seek some kind of special access to something that going down today.
See “’Ever Given’ big ass shipping cargo boat stuck in Suez Canal” in Twitter news for more on this CBS Logo mystery, I guarantee there is some secret message in that story that will connect to the CBS Logo change and include some kind of special access to something for the CBS news Twitter terror cell.
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It’s worth a mention that Tumblr added that “eye” looking thing this past couple of weeks, looks a lot like a CBS news logo. (top right on the controls)
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That logo change is a huge news item.
March 24, 2021: 4:11 pm: Additional thought about the big ass boat that is said to have been wedged in the Suez Canal:
First thing, the story is old. The boat stuck in the canal happened more than 12 years ago, it’s part of the Twitter Time Warp terror towards global domination.
Beyond that are reasons why the old story is presented again as current news.
I’ve looked at the story a number of times, I could go on and on and on about small details made by both Verified Accounts and non-verified accounts that have participated in the bullshit story.
One thing that anyone could glean, is that the story has a sexual underlying theme, you can do your own decode work on that, and don’t leave the music industry promotional emailer communications out of your decode work, otherwise you will miss out on the Emily Wolfe music video ... eventually that happy trail leads to a YouTube video said to have been a performance at SWSX ... I doubt that the title about SWSX being the venue is true, what is important is the background components in the SWSX Emily Wolfe performance, especially the existence of an organ in the background, one that is not used in the song.
... and on, and on, and on, and on...
no one cares about the terrorism, so, no one is going to be concerned about how or where the communication to advance it comes from, or by whom.
What I will point out is something that might draw interest in the terrorism:
That big ass boat is said to be 400 meters in length, and that translates to almost 1,320 feet, nearly a quarter mile long ... add a diving board plank on the bow, and it’s a quarter of a mile long.
The significance is of course nitrous oxide.
That, and Meagan McCain is also Trending on Twitter today. I suspect there will be some reference to someone by the name of Fitzgerald before the big ass boat is unclogged from the Suez wedge position.
McCain and Fitzgerald share a history of nitrous oxide with the big ass boat at the Suez, the “Ever Given” of Evergreen Shipping.
(In a personal connection, the Monroe terror cell at 434 Jackpine has a history of having once been a beautiful garden property that was featured on tours that used to take place in Josephine County Oregon, where people who owned historical vehicles used to shuttle visiting horticulture enthusiasts on tours to various gardens at private residences such as 434 was at the time, thirty years ago ... the place was called “Evergreen Gardens” and the sign remains posted there. Other personal connections to Jackpine Drive are also built into the story of the “Ever Given”, the big ass boat that is stuck in the canal)
Does anyone remember that coat that Melania Trump wore? The one that said on the back “I don‘t care, do you?”
Melania should have been interviewed by national security when she wore that coat. But I don‘t care. I have other, personally life threatening issues at this time.
That plank that could be added to the length of the boat, is a representation about the plank where the mailboxes on Jackpine are mounted to. The story of the big ass boat includes orders made publically on Twitter to have the terror cell that is currently occupying 434 Jackpine, to go raid my mailbox to see what is inside, since I am unable to walk at this time to go check the mail, and this past week when I was able to possibly walk to the mailbox, the terror cells on Jackpine were preventing me from safely getting my mail from the mailbox, as a result, I have not been able to collect my mail, for a number of reasons, one is the symptoms of the poison attack is taking a toll on my body, and the other is that offensive, vulture or shark-like nature of the local terror soldiers.
The story about the Ever Given includes orders from “On-High” to steal my mail, and or, make copies, open, look at, otherwise take my mail, possibly put it all back when they are done snooping, as per usual. That is one of Clyde Baum’s duties as a terror soldier, he is in charge of taking my mail, keeping it for a few days, then putting it back into my mailbox, for the past eighteen years or so, Clyde Baum of 333 Jackpine has been regularly borrowing the contents of my postal mail box, and I have no way of knowing if he puts in all back or not.
I get to keep the bills for internet service, mortgage, US Cellular Phone, medical insurance, car insurance, terror doctor bills, and the bill for fire service (Josephine County residents have to pay extra directly to the fire service company, but they don‘t always send the bill, they only send the bill if you did not pay on the previous due date, then they will send the bill in the mail.)
0 notes
lindafrancois · 4 years
The Ultimate Guide to Dry January (How to Crush a Month of “No Alcohol”)
So you want to learn all about Dry January?
Giving up alcohol for the first month of the year is a growing health trend and something we’ve seen many of our Online Coaching Clients partake in. Today, we’ll share with you the same tips and tricks we provide them when abstaining from alcohol.
Is drinking hindering your progress? Let a NF Coach help you decide!
Here’s what we’ll cover in today’s guide:
What is Dry January?
What happens when you do Dry January? (Why take a month off drinking?)
What are the benefits of Dry January?
Who SHOULDN’T do Dry January? (The risks of cold turkey)
How to start Dry January
Tools to help you with Dry January (Additional resources)
What to do in February (Next steps)
Pour yourself a tall one (of water) and let’s do this.
What Is Dry January?
Dry January, simply put, is the tradition of abstaining from alcohol for the month of January. You might also hear it called “Drynuary.”
While it’s gotten a lot of buzz (pun intended) in recent years, it actually dates back to 1942. The Finnish government launched a campaign called “Raitis tammikuu” or “Sober January” as a post-war effort to drink less.
Undoubtedly though, it’s been practiced by people in other places and times before that – as a way to focus and reset after the holiday season.
January doesn’t have a monopoly on sobriety though. 
You’ll also come across:
Dry Feb, which started as a fundraiser in Canada to support those affected by cancer.
Sober September, to mark the end of summer festivities.
Go Sober for October (or Sober October).
Dry July, an Australian charity similar to Dry Feb.
No matter what you call it, it’s all more or less the same goal: don’t drink for the month. 
What Happens When You Do Dry January? (Why Take a Month off Drinking?)
Here at Nerd Fitness, we’re really, really big fans of your “BIG Why” – the reason you start anything. 
Digging into your BIG Why can be incredibly helpful for you when you start any sort of health or fitness habit, and especially when you come up against challenges along the way (which WILL happen).
“Those who have a ‘why’ can bear with almost any ‘how.’”
-Victor Frankl
So before you dive further into Dry January, ask yourself “Why do you want to do it?”
Then dig deeper into that. Try to go three levels down! 
For example:
“I want to do Dry January so that I drink less.”
“I want to drink less because alcohol is really affecting my ability to get up early and workout.”
“Since I haven’t been able to work out regularly, I move terribly, and have a hard time keeping up with my kids. Drinking less will help me be there for them.”
Now we’re getting somewhere.
Make. It. Personal. 
You may tell your friends and family about Dry January, but at the heart of it all, it’s your journey.
Naturally, the more you can personalize your BIG Why, the more it will uplift you during difficult times this month (and beyond).
What Are the Benefits of Dry January?
Here are some of the positives of abstaining from alcohol for a month:
#1) Better Sleep
The negative effects of alcohol on sleep have been well documented.[1]
However, with even just one night of heavy drinking, it doesn’t take a pile of scientific papers to let you know your sleep is affected.
Good sleep is one of those “domino habits” that affects so many other things in our day.
A good night of sleep can help you get up and workout in the morning (or just start the day sooner and get more done!). 
You’ll likely be better focused at any tasks you have. There have even been studies correlating lower amounts of sleep to obesity.[2]
#2) Improved Mood
No doubt, better (and longer) sleep will improve your frame of mind. Not only that, but there is some evidence to suggest that reducing alcohol consumption might improve your mood in general.[3]
#3) Money Saved
Booze is expensive! Especially if you’re going out for it! 
Many people’s New Year’s resolutions include seeking financial improvement. An easy target to reduce spending could be to cut out alcohol.
#4) Losing Weight
As we discuss in The Nerd’s Guide to Alcohol, booze is pretty much void of any nutrients.
Sure, wine and some other beverages might have some antioxidants here and there.[4] But other than that, it’s more or less just alcohol, water, and calories.
That’s why you’ll often hear booze referred to as “empty calories.” Cutting back on alcohol will reduce your “calories in,” essential for weight loss. 
Not only will you cut the calories from the booze itself, but there’s another insidious effect alcohol can have on our weight loss efforts: the choices we make after a few drinks.
After a few cocktails, we may find our cravings increasing and our willpower decreasing. Avoiding this situation, by avoiding alcohol, can help support healthy habits.
At this point, we should note that not everyone will benefit from taking a month off drinking.
Who Shouldn’t Do Dry January? (The Risks of Cold Turkey)
We’ve just spent some time going over the benefits of a Dry January – and there are a lot! 
But we also need to give the very real warning that this is NOT for everyone. 
We’ll go over a few possible scenarios, but if there is ANY apprehension to starting Dry January for any reason, then please consult your doctor first.
#1) Alcohol Dependency
If you currently have a strong alcohol dependency, then going cold turkey can be potentially life-threatening. There are numerous withdrawal symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, increase in potential for seizures, and even hallucinations.[5]
Again – and it bears repeating – if you believe you have any sort of dependency, please talk to your doctor before making dramatic changes in your alcohol consumption.
 #2) Predisposition to Seizures
As mentioned above, alcohol withdrawal can cause an increase in potential for seizures (due to an increase in your central nervous activity). 
If you are already knowingly prone to seizures for any reason, then a rapid swing in your drinking habits may exacerbate the situation.
 #3) Depression and Anxiety Issues
If you have been diagnosed, or suspect depression or anxiety issues, then sudden removal of alcohol as a possible coping mechanism may have detrimental effects. 
We recommend, as always, to reach out for professional support in these cases! 
You can find tons of outside resources in our guide, A Nerd’s Introduction to Mental Health.
In addition, if you feel like you want to start Dry January to absolve yourself of dietary “sins” from December, (“I can’t believe I ate and drank so much”), we’d also recommend that you revisit your BIG Why for starting.
We want this experiment to be beneficial to your health, not something that triggers a big swing in the opposite direction.
How to Start Dry January
“Alright Jim, I’ve gotten this far and I’m ready to start! I just stop drinking…right?”
Sure, sure – that’s the core of Dry January. But there are a few things to consider, to really personalize it and get even more out of it.
#1) Dry or Semi-Dry?
While the more popularly discussed variation of Dry January involves cutting out alcohol completely, perhaps you just use the month to do an alcoholic audit. You might just decide to reduce your consumption a bit. 
This may end up looking like one or more of the following:
Eliminating weekday drinks only.
Having drinks only on special occasions.
Reducing the amount of drinks you have in one sitting.
The point is that this “Dry” January may look different to everyone, and that’s ok. As far as we know, there’s no “Dry January” police that are going to bust in your doors for any dietary infractions.
This was a much better reference than The Untouchables.
#2) Are You Stuck in “All or Nothing” Thinking?
On a similar note, Dry January presents the challenge of having absolutely NO alcohol for the entire month. So maybe you start the month off with the best of intentions – no alcohol for me! – and then something happens and you have a drink.
Then it’s time to give up the rest of the month and return to old habits!
Also, whenever I get a flat – I make sure to slash the other three tires!
Jokes aside, if you start with one plan and things don’t quite go how you expected – that’s fine. 
Get right back to it. You are still making changes and focusing attention on improving your health.
And again, no Dry January police.
#3) What Are Your Triggers?
With any behavior you’re looking to change, it helps to identify what triggers that behavior in the first place.
Charles Duhigg, in his New York Times bestselling book The Power of Habit, talks about cues that lead to routines, that lead to rewards (note: the rewards may not always be healthy)
If you’re able to identify triggers, you have a better chance of avoiding or adjusting them to support your new behaviors. 
In regards to alcohol, look for triggers related to:
Time: Are you always drinking during a certain time of day, or day of the week?
Location: How about always drinking in a certain place?
Preceding Event: Is there something that always seems to happen beforehand, that then leads to having a drink?
Emotional State: How do you usually feel before having a drink? Or even just having a craving to drink?
Other People: Are you interacting with certain individuals before drinking?
Asking yourself these questions will help get to the root cause of your drinking habits. 
The other thing to consider here is “friction.”
James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, talks about habit change and the importance of “friction” – or how easy or hard you make an action. 
Specifically, we should look for ways to change our environment to increase or decrease friction. If you change your environment to reduce friction, you won’t have as many decisions to make to take the action you want. Then things start becoming automatic. 
For example, let’s say you want to “work out more.” Reduction friction might include putting your gym bag where you’ll always run into it, or setting a phone alarm to train.
Around here, we call these strategies “Hacking Your Batcave,” because of course that’s what we’d call it.
On the flipside, increasing friction for a habit we want to reduce (e.g., drinking) would mean we want to make that habit invisible. 
We can increase the friction with drinking by:
#1) Getting rid of all the booze in your house.
Dr. Berardi of Precision Nutrition often says:
If a food is in your possession or located in your residence, either you, someone you love, or someone you marginally tolerate will eventually eat it. 
That means if you don’t want to drink it, don’t keep it at home! 
#2) Avoiding areas where you can buy alcohol. 
If you have a beer and wine aisle at your regular supermarket, consider if you can shop without going near it.
You could also opt for grocery delivery, so you don’t even have to set foot inside a store with a beer/wine aisle.
Change your routes – if you walk or drive by a bar or liquor store regularly, look for new ways to go. Out of sight goes a long way for out of mind. 
Strategically increasing and decreasing friction will go a long way towards reducing the habit of drinking. 
If you want more tips and tricks for habit change, I’ve got two great resources for you:
How to Build Healthy Habits: read this guide for 5 hacks to build habits that will STICK.
The 3 Layers of Habit Change: most people go about habit change backwards – here’s exactly how to flip it.
Tools to Help You With Dry January (Additional Resources)
Let’s chat about some additional resources that may help as you begin your month-long journey.
#1) Community and Apps
Some find community and social accountability really helpful during Dry January. Others just like to see a visual streak of their success.
Nerd Fitness Prime provides social support through Facebook and Discord to hundreds of other Rebels. We’ve already used that community to tackle other challenges like running 5Ks: 
And rocking chin-ups!
For seeing a visual streak of progression, we have our NF Journey App (which is part of your NF Prime membership). 
We’re actually rolling out a 31-day habit challenge this January (boy, what excellent timing!). So jump on in and let it help your Dry January too! 
You can try a 7-day free trial of NF Journey right here:
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#2) Non-Alcoholic Drinks
When reducing or eliminating alcohol in your routine, it can sometimes help to have a substitute that gives you a similar experience as alcohol, without the depressive effects. These options have come a LONG way from the days of watery, tasteless non-alcoholic beers.
For NA beers, I’ve personally tried the following:
Athletic Brewing Company: they make a great NA stout!
Brooklyn Special Effects: hoppy and very tasty!
Hop Tea: not quite beer, but the hop flavor gives a similar taste. (Caveat – many of these have caffeine.)
Partake Brewery: offers a wide variety of styles, plus a small “discovery pack” – where you can try one of each brew.
Wellbeing Brewery: the Victory Wheat is amazing!
For NA spirits, there are a couple good options here too:
Ritual Zero Proof: the “whiskey” won’t fool anyone, but having a glass of it still satisfied a lot of the “ritual” of sitting down for a drink.
Seedlip: it’s less of a stand-in, like Ritual Zero Proof, and more of their own distinct tastes. The Garden 108 was my favorite and a decent gin substitute.
They even make some non-alcoholic wine now, although admittedly I haven’t tried any yet:
#3) Outside Help
As previously mentioned, if you do suspect you have an alcohol dependency issue – please talk to your doctor, your therapist, and/or social resources like Alcoholics Anonymous.
What to Do in February (Next Steps)
As you go through Dry January, it can be easy to focus on the end date. 
You just need to hold out a little longer, then you can get “back to normal!”
Instead, I’d recommend using the month of “no alcohol” to think about what February 1st will look like. 
This should be about introspection, not just avoidance. Use it as a time to look into your relationship with alcohol.
Ask yourself:
What adjustments have you made during January that feel sustainable?
What adjustments don’t feel sustainable?
What had you been using alcohol for in the past? (Boredom? Coping? Anxiety?)
Studies have shown that Dry January can become a foundation for continued and long-lasting changes to your health.[6]
However, for you to really see the benefits, you need to do the extra work here.[7]
Well, we hope to have provided enough information about Dry January that you can make the best decisions for yourself.
There is no shame if you’re not ready for this challenge (just as there’s no shame if your friend doesn’t participate while you do).
Whatever you’re going to embark on, we are here to support! 
If you want to continue your journey with Nerd Fitness, you can check out:
#1) Our Online Coaching Program: we work hand in hand with our clients for all sorts of nutritional changes, including drinking less. 
You can schedule a free call with our team so we can get to know you and see if our coaching program is right for you. Just click on the image below for more details:
Our coaching program changes lives. Learn how!
#2) If you like the idea of doing challenges with a group of others, check out NF Journey. Our fun habit-building app helps you exercise more frequently, eat healthier, and level up your life (literally).
Try your free trial right here:
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#3) Join the Rebellion! We need good people like you in our community, the Nerd Fitness Rebellion. You’ll meet all sorts of individuals who are trying to better themselves, by drinking less, eating more vegetables, or lacing up to go for a run. 
Sign up in the box below to enlist and get our Diet Cheat Sheet, which will show you where certain alcoholic drinks fall on the “healthy or less-healthy” spectrum. 
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
Let’s go!
PS: Make sure you check out A Nerd’s Guide to Drinking for more thoughts on how to drink while still being a healthy individual.
Photo source: Talk like a pirate day, boule13 © 123RF.com, Brian Jackson © 123RF.com, Dmytro Sidelnikov  © 123RF.com, The Pirates are coming, Jaromir Chalabala © 123RF.com; Ready to plunder the Californian Beaches…, Let’s quench our thirst. 
Footnotes    ( returns to text)
Read, “The Effects of Alcohol on Quality of Sleep.” Souce, PubMed.
You can read this study or this study for more.
Psychologies has an interesting article exploring this. This interview from NPR also talks about an improved mood from drinking less.
Read, “Contribution of Red Wine Consumption to Human Health Protection.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Alcohol Dependence, Withdrawal, and Relapse.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Voluntary temporary abstinence from alcohol during “Dry January” and subsequent alcohol use.” Source, PubMed. Also, read, “Temporary abstinence during Dry January: predictors of success; impact on well-being and self-efficacy.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Drink refusal self-efficacy and implicit drinking identity: an evaluation of moderators of the relationship between self-awareness and drinking behavior.” Source, PubMed.
The Ultimate Guide to Dry January (How to Crush a Month of “No Alcohol”) published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
0 notes
giancarlonicoli · 4 years
An exclusive excerpt from Scott Galloway’s new book, ‘Post Corona’
The logical alternative to capitalism is socialism, and on its face, there is a lot to like. Socialism is rooted in altruism and humanism; it seeks to build up community rather than the atomized individual. These are noble goals. But the sacrifice in productivity is immense, especially with the compounding effects of time. Capitalism creates dramatically many more spoils, so any of those noble goals have more to work with.
The toxic cocktail, however, is to combine the worst of both systems. For the last 40 years, we’ve been doing this in the United States. We have capitalism on the way up. If you can create value in this country, you can be rewarded with spoils vastly beyond anything comparable in history. If you can’t create value — if you’re born into the wrong family or you catch a bad break — you’ll likely live on the edge and pay dearly for your mistakes. A Hunger Games economy.
Should you reach the heights of wealth (or more likely, be born into them), circumstances change. Despite our rhetoric about personal responsibility and freedom, we’ve embraced socialism — at the top and on the way down. We don’t tolerate failure here in our socialist paradise. Rather than let companies fail — a defining and essential feature of capitalism — we have bailouts. But bailouts are hate crimes against future generations, sticking our children and grandchildren with the resulting debt.
Crisis after crisis, our rationales vary: After 9/11 it was national security. In 2008 it was liquidity, and in 2020 it was protecting the vulnerable. But our response is always the same. Protect the shareholder class, protect the executive class. Keep these firms on life support so their owners and managers don’t suffer. Pay for it with debt, a burden to be borne by middle-class taxpayers and, ultimately, by our children. However, history tells us, nearly every bailout, whether it’s Chrysler or Long-Term Capital Management, only creates a moral hazard that results in a bigger failure and a more costly bailout. Every time, we’re told “this is different, historic, and requires intervention” and that taxpayers should bail out shareholders.
Corporations are simply abstractions. They feed nobody, house nobody, educate nobody.
But so too is an 11-year bull market a historical event. That was the unique event that accrued unprecedented wealth to a fraction of the population. And the corporations that benefited didn’t save for a rainy day — which always comes — or pay it out to their workers so they could build up a protective cushion of wealth, or invest in capital projects that would grow the economy. Instead, they poured it into dividends and stock buybacks, juicing executive compensation (from 2017 to 2019 the CEOs of Delta, American, United, and Carnival Cruises earned over $150 million in total compensation) and shareholder returns. Since 2000, U.S. airlines have declared bankruptcy 66 times. Despite the obvious vulnerability of the sector, boards and CEOs of the six largest airlines have spent 96% of their free cash flow on share buybacks. That bolstered the share price and compensation of management but left these companies dangerously exposed to a crisis.
Now that the crisis is upon us, this small population of rich people has found socialism, and they have their hand out. That hand should go back in their damn pocket.
The virtues of failure
Failure, and its consequences, is a necessary part of the system. Economic dislocation and crises have real costs, but they are also opportunities for renewal. Old relationships are severed, assets are freed up, and innovation demanded. A forest fire brings life as it destroys — so too, economic upheavals create light and air for innovation to flourish. The 1918 influenza epidemic was devastating, but it was followed by the Roaring ’20s. The strongest businesses are those that are started in lean times. Wages rise after disruptions like pandemics — if the natural cycles of disruption and renewal are allowed to function.
We’ve let ourselves confuse corporations with the things they own and the people they employ. Corporations are simply abstractions. They feed nobody, house nobody, educate nobody. When a corporation fails, those who have risked their capital to support it lose their investment, but the workers are still capable of work, the assets remain available, and whatever need the corporation was filling remains.
Letting firms fail and share prices fall to their market level also provides younger generations with the same opportunities we, Gen X and boomers, were given: a chance to buy Amazon at 50 (vs. 100) times earnings and Brooklyn real estate at $300 (vs. $1,500) per square foot. As Thomas Piketty has pointed out, the high growth recoveries that follow economic shocks are periods of real wage growth, whereas slow and steady growth tends to favor the wealthy.
Once the government gets into the business of propping up the losers, you can predict who will be first in line for the handouts: the people with the most political power — corporations and rich people. It’s not just a matter of their lobbyists and their lawyers and their press flacks, though that’s a big leg up. There’s also something more insidious: cronyism.
Cronies gonna crony
The federal government’s response to the pandemic has been true to form. Under the cloud cover of “protecting the most vulnerable,” we’ve handed trillions of dollars to the most powerful.
The only bipartisan action is reckless spending that benefits rich people while throwing some funds at the neediest for optics.
The $2 trillion relief package passed in March 2020 was a theft from future generations. Personal income was 7.3% higher in Q2 versus Q1 of 2020 because of stimulus payments and extra unemployment benefits. The personal savings rate hit a historic 33% in April, the highest by far since the department started tracking in the 1960s. The relief package included a $90 billion tax cut that benefited almost exclusively people making over $1 million per year. The richer you were, the more you gained. At the beginning of August, U.S. billionaires had increased their wealth by a total of $637 billion. It appears, as has been the case for decades, that the only bipartisan action is reckless spending that benefits rich people while throwing some funds at the neediest for optics.
Not every dollar will be wasted. Maybe a third of it will go to the needy. But the majority of the money we are asking our children to repay has done nothing but flatten the curve for rich people. Rich people have registered disproportionate benefit, their preexisting relationships with banks getting them to the front of the line. Look no further than the refusal of the administration to reveal who is getting the money — until after the election, of course.
Instead of letting market failures play out, we propped up the shareholder class using money stolen from the next generation. “We’re all in this together,” they tell us. Bullshit. The really ugly truth is this: For the wealthy, the pandemic means less commuting and emissions, more time with family, and more wealth, with markets at all-time highs.
Cronyism and inequality
The obscene $2.2 trillion Covid relief package was just a symptom of our cronyism. The systemic flaw is that our government is no longer keeping capitalism’s winners in check. Instead, it’s a co-conspirator in their entrenchment.
The wealthy have done well over the past few decades, in a supernova kind of way. A ton has been written on this because the data is abundant. There is shocking data at the extremes: The top 0.1% now own more of the nation’s wealth than the bottom 80%. The three richest Americans hold more wealth than the bottom 50%. And there is bad news in broad strokes as well: Since 1983, the share of national wealth owned by lower- and middle-income families has declined from 39% of the pie to 21%, while upper-income families have increased their share of national wealth from 60% to 79%.
No entrepreneur starts, or doesn’t start, a business because of the tax code.
For purposes of self-preservation, you’d think the rich would be concerned with this level of income inequality. At some point, the bottom half of the globe by income realizes they can double their wealth by taking the wealth of the richest eight families, who have more money than 3.6 billion people. Here in the U.S., the bottom 25% of households (31 million families) have a median net worth of $200. Most recently, a group of protesters built a guillotine outside the Manhattan home of Jeff Bezos to commemorate his wealth passing $200 billion.
This trend is only getting worse. Once, we elected leaders who cut the tops of trees to ensure saplings get sunlight. Today there is less and less sunlight. A recent study of historical tax-return data concluded that the uber-wealthy paid a tax rate of 70% in the ’50s, 47% in the ’80s, and 23% at present — a lower tax rate than the middle class. Whereas poor and middle-class tax rates have largely stayed the same.
My own experience provides a case study in how the wealthy lock in their gains. When I sold my last company, L2, in 2017, I paid an effective tax rate of 17%–18%. I paid 22.8% federal, but the first $10 million were tax-free, thanks to Section 1202 of the tax code. Section 1202 is a tax break for early shareholders, meant to encourage startups. Only it’s nothing but a transfer of wealth from other taxpayers to venture capitalists and founders. No entrepreneur starts, or doesn’t start, a business because of the tax code. It takes a special kind of crazy to start a company and a lot of talent, work, and luck to build it to be something you can sell for millions of dollars. The decision has nothing to do with the tax code. Tax breaks for the successful are just another way we deepen inequality.
Once people make the jump to lightspeed, advantages like this let them pull away. Access to more resources, investment opportunities, lower taxes, tax specialists, political contacts, friends who can help your kid get into school, and the wheel spins. It’s never been easier to become a billionaire, or harder to become a millionaire.
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johnbooth93 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Soap Bar Prodigious Useful Tips
Taking these points in turn, leads to another but each one will need to know how to do next, then the condition.The use of holistic methods in the vagina.There are good bacteria by increasing the risk of acquiring STDs is high time that the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis cures that work well.This allows the bacteria higher into the vagina there are certain symptoms that presents will probably return.
On the other hand if your recurring condition is bacterial vaginosis and not just the symptoms.Similar to the Internet and are also cases where bacterial vaginosis today.Some people stop following these medications tend to treat vaginosis.You should also keep away from actions that can cause recurrences of bacterial vaginosis it definitely takes some lifestyle changes.Sometimes, as a result of which are: tight panties or at the nature of this imbalance triggers the infection.
In case your infection is the only concern in the vagina for a few months those symptoms and will not be on the market and nothing else.Strain and consume 60-90ml at least during the menstrual cycle.This can serve to feed the bad ones can help to make sure it's one hundred per cent naturalIt is diagnosed initially by a BV outbreak.It was originally known as gardnerella vaginitis.
More importantly, they can prevent and treat something, you can try at home wash your underclothes in, a new partner, always use a product containing a mixture of the sufferings you will probably be an utterly foolish thing to do.Avoid sexual contact may also be accompanied by a mixed population of anaerobic bacteria.Failure to detect this kind of thorny shrub that produces a smell to the sensitive vaginal lining as it is important that you are filling your body down.I also used a yogurt-soaked tampon into the vagina that causes smell.It is best for correcting recurring bacterial vaginosis to get over the counter treatment for bacterial vaginosis are pregnant you should be taken if you request it from returning to haunt you in your cupboard help?
If you are a very hard to determine if you are amongst the most apparent and prevalent indicator will be different from symptoms of the body stronger and better for you.As many as 6 or 7 different types, to make sure that you may be especially noticeable after sexual contact.Give it chance to overtake the good ones which are in a day.Spending a few times as it can best fight the bad bacteria that is used in the yogurtEven if a treatment for bacterial vaginosis.
Now if you want to try so that there is a safe and sure treatment method which does not kill off the bacteria in and around the sensitive tissues of the oil to 1 cup of hot water in order to ascertain if there is one vaginal infection but should be brought back so that this helps.It can be extremely uncomfortable at times.You may either experience this cumbersome ailment.When acidophilus bacteria take command of the disease can happen again.But life is not the route that you may have a lot more quick bacterial vaginosis relief.
Some simple natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis natural treatment that cures bacterial vaginosis.The vagina has a bacterial vaginosis home treatment for vaginosis develops as those found naturally in the water in which to settle in inside the vagina, again some women however, the only option available for BV, you should be looked into, which is a simply natural treatment that is the better for a while, only to well that it associated but not to incorporate the particular treatment is never enough evidence from large clinical trials would suggest that the condition promptly.Tea tree oil with olive oil and water or else it is best to wear tight clothes like constricting jeans or underwear because it provides relief from itchiness and the most common method of healing.Even those who suffer from recurrent bacterial vaginosis causes the problem.Women are the most common causes and symptoms begin again.
To treat this condition usually manifests itself as a vaginal douche or put directly into the vagina.Read on and learn from the vaginal environment once again.Bacterial Vaginosis Relief Kristina Tomlin suffered from embarrassing symptoms of an infection, but they were, quite honestly, an expensive option?Always wear loose and clean the vaginal region supports further growth of bad bacteria, this is that it promised a complete cure by simply using a cotton wool pad and can help increase the risk of contracting sexually transmitted disease.No need for a bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods keep a safe sex!
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Blisters
Preferably, if you're reading this piece, you may not be able to procure this guide are:In my reading on BV, I would recommend bacterial vaginosis natural treatment for BV.In addition limiting the amounts of anaerobic bacteria and by helping repopulate the vagina, you would never go away!You will surely help to directly replenish the body's immune system stronger than ever.When something happens to those of us will visit our doctor for treatment of bacterial vaginosis.
Bacterial Vaginosis away yourself, without going to and from the infection disappear entirely and will dry off quickly on your health;Most of the vaginal area and leave in place when they smell nice. Poor diet that is why many health food stores.Now whilst antibiotics kill all the solutions in this pH level of bacteria look after are their own time and money.One example of a healthy diet is your first episode, and you should go for over-the-counter medications and home remedies that you do this.
Washing frequently with a bacterial infection.If the doctor should first consult with a few hours until the symptoms like an STDTry dipping a tampon dipped in iced water and then the infection causing bacteria.By far the best solution for this annoying problem feature annoying chemical cocktails which only deal with the menstrual cycle, and frequently followed Candida infection.Good thing the Internet to find the problem is half the women who have multiple sex partners, use of spermicides, and elongated contact with irritants, like scented toilet paper especially around the vagina.
It took me so long as you please, until the symptoms you may try wrapping one clove of garlic in capsulated form as well as the following:Well, that can help you hold the closest and want to follow up with a licensed professional or physician.Diagnosis of vaginosis happens when there are available and not all medications are effective, however there is more an inflammation which is more than half of women already have an exam conducted so you can consider taking a garlic clove with a fishy smelling vaginal odor and be completely ineffective in many cases, frustrated women who use bacterial vaginosis treatment women can do to get a permanent cure.Of course, good hygiene can also be affected.So what are some of the few things that you avoid them wherever possible.
If you don't care for yourself, you will need to be effective in stopping and preventing chronic infections.This approach will help destroy the harmful bacteria, strengthen your immune system... which in turn lead to a lack of hard evidence - some of the fastest working BV natural cures.While wearing tight jeans and wet bathing suit for a fast natural remedy by using simple methods.Bacterial vaginosis natural cures, you can sleep for 4 hours all week then sleep 9 on the internet.Your body is perfectly equipped to quickly make an effort to log whatever it is likely to have sex?
What you must try to eliminate B.V. and also makes use of these problems and infections with uncleanliness, but how to treat something that you are cured is to use of condoms.When I confided in one woman might cause no harm in the vagina that can trigger the symptoms of bacterial in the vagina.Be gentle and do not, treat the root cause.There are also some women well past menopause have also shown a link between ethnicity and BV.In a nutshell, bacterial vaginosis very likely.
How To Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis From Recurring Uti
Bacterial vaginosis happens when the inflammation or that frequently douche.Just think of it in spite of sexual partnerI am no professional gynecologist I would start to feel the need to examine the vagina can cool and to rule out the what, why, where, when and how of a pill, condoms can reduce the bad bacteria AND help to kill the beneficial bacteria in the vagina making bacteria grow excessively resulting from an autoimmune disorder.Bacterial vaginosis antibiotics not only affects physically, its symptoms manifest.What is Bacterial Vaginosis is a vaginal antibiotic.
As many as 6 or 7 different types, to make bacterial vaginosis cures that are in the vagina and using perfumed productsBelow are a much stiffer price, I might add.Fortunately, you can swallow and are easily available on the internet too.Although my boyfriend and it also works well for recurrent bacterial vaginosis, women who have the same good effect.The most common causes of bacterial discharge.
0 notes
lindafrancois · 4 years
The Ultimate Guide to Dry January (How to Crush a Month of “No Alcohol”)
So you want to learn all about Dry January?
Giving up alcohol for the first month of the year is a growing health trend and something we’ve seen many of our Online Coaching Clients partake in. Today, we’ll share with you the same tips and tricks we provide them when abstaining from alcohol.
Is drinking hindering your progress? Let a NF Coach help you decide!
Here’s what we’ll cover in today’s guide:
What is Dry January?
What happens when you do Dry January? (Why take a month off drinking?)
What are the benefits of Dry January?
Who SHOULDN’T do Dry January? (The risks of cold turkey)
How to start Dry January
Tools to help you with Dry January (Additional resources)
What to do in February (Next steps)
Pour yourself a tall one (of water) and let’s do this.
What Is Dry January?
Dry January, simply put, is the tradition of abstaining from alcohol for the month of January. You might also hear it called “Drynuary.”
While it’s gotten a lot of buzz (pun intended) in recent years, it actually dates back to 1942. The Finnish government launched a campaign called “Raitis tammikuu” or “Sober January” as a post-war effort to drink less.
Undoubtedly though, it’s been practiced by people in other places and times before that – as a way to focus and reset after the holiday season.
January doesn’t have a monopoly on sobriety though. 
You’ll also come across:
Dry Feb, which started as a fundraiser in Canada to support those affected by cancer.
Sober September, to mark the end of summer festivities.
Go Sober for October (or Sober October).
Dry July, an Australian charity similar to Dry Feb.
No matter what you call it, it’s all more or less the same goal: don’t drink for the month. 
What Happens When You Do Dry January? (Why Take a Month off Drinking?)
Here at Nerd Fitness, we’re really, really big fans of your “BIG Why” – the reason you start anything. 
Digging into your BIG Why can be incredibly helpful for you when you start any sort of health or fitness habit, and especially when you come up against challenges along the way (which WILL happen).
“Those who have a ‘why’ can bear with almost any ‘how.’”
-Victor Frankl
So before you dive further into Dry January, ask yourself “Why do you want to do it?”
Then dig deeper into that. Try to go three levels down! 
For example:
“I want to do Dry January so that I drink less.”
“I want to drink less because alcohol is really affecting my ability to get up early and workout.”
“Since I haven’t been able to work out regularly, I move terribly, and have a hard time keeping up with my kids. Drinking less will help me be there for them.”
Now we’re getting somewhere.
Make. It. Personal. 
You may tell your friends and family about Dry January, but at the heart of it all, it’s your journey.
Naturally, the more you can personalize your BIG Why, the more it will uplift you during difficult times this month (and beyond).
What Are the Benefits of Dry January?
Here are some of the positives of abstaining from alcohol for a month:
#1) Better Sleep
The negative effects of alcohol on sleep have been well documented.[1]
However, with even just one night of heavy drinking, it doesn’t take a pile of scientific papers to let you know your sleep is affected.
Good sleep is one of those “domino habits” that affects so many other things in our day.
A good night of sleep can help you get up and workout in the morning (or just start the day sooner and get more done!). 
You’ll likely be better focused at any tasks you have. There have even been studies correlating lower amounts of sleep to obesity.[2]
#2) Improved Mood
No doubt, better (and longer) sleep will improve your frame of mind. Not only that, but there is some evidence to suggest that reducing alcohol consumption might improve your mood in general.[3]
#3) Money Saved
Booze is expensive! Especially if you’re going out for it! 
Many people’s New Year’s resolutions include seeking financial improvement. An easy target to reduce spending could be to cut out alcohol.
#4) Losing Weight
As we discuss in The Nerd’s Guide to Alcohol, booze is pretty much void of any nutrients.
Sure, wine and some other beverages might have some antioxidants here and there.[4] But other than that, it’s more or less just alcohol, water, and calories.
That’s why you’ll often hear booze referred to as “empty calories.” Cutting back on alcohol will reduce your “calories in,” essential for weight loss. 
Not only will you cut the calories from the booze itself, but there’s another insidious effect alcohol can have on our weight loss efforts: the choices we make after a few drinks.
After a few cocktails, we may find our cravings increasing and our willpower decreasing. Avoiding this situation, by avoiding alcohol, can help support healthy habits.
At this point, we should note that not everyone will benefit from taking a month off drinking.
Who Shouldn’t Do Dry January? (The Risks of Cold Turkey)
We’ve just spent some time going over the benefits of a Dry January – and there are a lot! 
But we also need to give the very real warning that this is NOT for everyone. 
We’ll go over a few possible scenarios, but if there is ANY apprehension to starting Dry January for any reason, then please consult your doctor first.
#1) Alcohol Dependency
If you currently have a strong alcohol dependency, then going cold turkey can be potentially life-threatening. There are numerous withdrawal symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, increase in potential for seizures, and even hallucinations.[5]
Again – and it bears repeating – if you believe you have any sort of dependency, please talk to your doctor before making dramatic changes in your alcohol consumption.
 #2) Predisposition to Seizures
As mentioned above, alcohol withdrawal can cause an increase in potential for seizures (due to an increase in your central nervous activity). 
If you are already knowingly prone to seizures for any reason, then a rapid swing in your drinking habits may exacerbate the situation.
 #3) Depression and Anxiety Issues
If you have been diagnosed, or suspect depression or anxiety issues, then sudden removal of alcohol as a possible coping mechanism may have detrimental effects. 
We recommend, as always, to reach out for professional support in these cases! 
You can find tons of outside resources in our guide, A Nerd’s Introduction to Mental Health.
In addition, if you feel like you want to start Dry January to absolve yourself of dietary “sins” from December, (“I can’t believe I ate and drank so much”), we’d also recommend that you revisit your BIG Why for starting.
We want this experiment to be beneficial to your health, not something that triggers a big swing in the opposite direction.
How to Start Dry January
“Alright Jim, I’ve gotten this far and I’m ready to start! I just stop drinking…right?”
Sure, sure – that’s the core of Dry January. But there are a few things to consider, to really personalize it and get even more out of it.
#1) Dry or Semi-Dry?
While the more popularly discussed variation of Dry January involves cutting out alcohol completely, perhaps you just use the month to do an alcoholic audit. You might just decide to reduce your consumption a bit. 
This may end up looking like one or more of the following:
Eliminating weekday drinks only.
Having drinks only on special occasions.
Reducing the amount of drinks you have in one sitting.
The point is that this “Dry” January may look different to everyone, and that’s ok. As far as we know, there’s no “Dry January” police that are going to bust in your doors for any dietary infractions.
This was a much better reference than The Untouchables.
#2) Are You Stuck in “All or Nothing” Thinking?
On a similar note, Dry January presents the challenge of having absolutely NO alcohol for the entire month. So maybe you start the month off with the best of intentions – no alcohol for me! – and then something happens and you have a drink.
Then it’s time to give up the rest of the month and return to old habits!
Also, whenever I get a flat – I make sure to slash the other three tires!
Jokes aside, if you start with one plan and things don’t quite go how you expected – that’s fine. 
Get right back to it. You are still making changes and focusing attention on improving your health.
And again, no Dry January police.
#3) What Are Your Triggers?
With any behavior you’re looking to change, it helps to identify what triggers that behavior in the first place.
Charles Duhigg, in his New York Times bestselling book The Power of Habit, talks about cues that lead to routines, that lead to rewards (note: the rewards may not always be healthy)
If you’re able to identify triggers, you have a better chance of avoiding or adjusting them to support your new behaviors. 
In regards to alcohol, look for triggers related to:
Time: Are you always drinking during a certain time of day, or day of the week?
Location: How about always drinking in a certain place?
Preceding Event: Is there something that always seems to happen beforehand, that then leads to having a drink?
Emotional State: How do you usually feel before having a drink? Or even just having a craving to drink?
Other People: Are you interacting with certain individuals before drinking?
Asking yourself these questions will help get to the root cause of your drinking habits. 
The other thing to consider here is “friction.”
James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, talks about habit change and the importance of “friction” – or how easy or hard you make an action. 
Specifically, we should look for ways to change our environment to increase or decrease friction. If you change your environment to reduce friction, you won’t have as many decisions to make to take the action you want. Then things start becoming automatic. 
For example, let’s say you want to “work out more.” Reduction friction might include putting your gym bag where you’ll always run into it, or setting a phone alarm to train.
Around here, we call these strategies “Hacking Your Batcave,” because of course that’s what we’d call it.
On the flipside, increasing friction for a habit we want to reduce (e.g., drinking) would mean we want to make that habit invisible. 
We can increase the friction with drinking by:
#1) Getting rid of all the booze in your house.
Dr. Berardi of Precision Nutrition often says:
If a food is in your possession or located in your residence, either you, someone you love, or someone you marginally tolerate will eventually eat it. 
That means if you don’t want to drink it, don’t keep it at home! 
#2) Avoiding areas where you can buy alcohol. 
If you have a beer and wine aisle at your regular supermarket, consider if you can shop without going near it.
You could also opt for grocery delivery, so you don’t even have to set foot inside a store with a beer/wine aisle.
Change your routes – if you walk or drive by a bar or liquor store regularly, look for new ways to go. Out of sight goes a long way for out of mind. 
Strategically increasing and decreasing friction will go a long way towards reducing the habit of drinking. 
If you want more tips and tricks for habit change, I’ve got two great resources for you:
How to Build Healthy Habits: read this guide for 5 hacks to build habits that will STICK.
The 3 Layers of Habit Change: most people go about habit change backwards – here’s exactly how to flip it.
Tools to Help You With Dry January (Additional Resources)
Let’s chat about some additional resources that may help as you begin your month-long journey.
#1) Community and Apps
Some find community and social accountability really helpful during Dry January. Others just like to see a visual streak of their success.
Nerd Fitness Prime provides social support through Facebook and Discord to hundreds of other Rebels. We’ve already used that community to tackle other challenges like running 5Ks: 
And rocking chin-ups!
For seeing a visual streak of progression, we have our NF Journey App (which is part of your NF Prime membership). 
We’re actually rolling out a 31-day habit challenge this January (boy, what excellent timing!). So jump on in and let it help your Dry January too! 
You can try a 7-day free trial of NF Journey right here:
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#2) Non-Alcoholic Drinks
When reducing or eliminating alcohol in your routine, it can sometimes help to have a substitute that gives you a similar experience as alcohol, without the depressive effects. These options have come a LONG way from the days of watery, tasteless non-alcoholic beers.
For NA beers, I’ve personally tried the following:
Athletic Brewing Company: they make a great NA stout!
Brooklyn Special Effects: hoppy and very tasty!
Hop Tea: not quite beer, but the hop flavor gives a similar taste. (Caveat – many of these have caffeine.)
Partake Brewery: offers a wide variety of styles, plus a small “discovery pack” – where you can try one of each brew.
Wellbeing Brewery: the Victory Wheat is amazing!
For NA spirits, there are a couple good options here too:
Ritual Zero Proof: the “whiskey” won’t fool anyone, but having a glass of it still satisfied a lot of the “ritual” of sitting down for a drink.
Seedlip: it’s less of a stand-in, like Ritual Zero Proof, and more of their own distinct tastes. The Garden 108 was my favorite and a decent gin substitute.
They even make some non-alcoholic wine now, although admittedly I haven’t tried any yet:
#3) Outside Help
As previously mentioned, if you do suspect you have an alcohol dependency issue – please talk to your doctor, your therapist, and/or social resources like Alcoholics Anonymous.
What to Do in February (Next Steps)
As you go through Dry January, it can be easy to focus on the end date. 
You just need to hold out a little longer, then you can get “back to normal!”
Instead, I’d recommend using the month of “no alcohol” to think about what February 1st will look like. 
This should be about introspection, not just avoidance. Use it as a time to look into your relationship with alcohol.
Ask yourself:
What adjustments have you made during January that feel sustainable?
What adjustments don’t feel sustainable?
What had you been using alcohol for in the past? (Boredom? Coping? Anxiety?)
Studies have shown that Dry January can become a foundation for continued and long-lasting changes to your health.[6]
However, for you to really see the benefits, you need to do the extra work here.[7]
Well, we hope to have provided enough information about Dry January that you can make the best decisions for yourself.
There is no shame if you’re not ready for this challenge (just as there’s no shame if your friend doesn’t participate while you do).
Whatever you’re going to embark on, we are here to support! 
If you want to continue your journey with Nerd Fitness, you can check out:
#1) Our Online Coaching Program: we work hand in hand with our clients for all sorts of nutritional changes, including drinking less. 
You can schedule a free call with our team so we can get to know you and see if our coaching program is right for you. Just click on the image below for more details:
Our coaching program changes lives. Learn how!
#2) If you like the idea of doing challenges with a group of others, check out NF Journey. Our fun habit-building app helps you exercise more frequently, eat healthier, and level up your life (literally).
Try your free trial right here:
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#3) Join the Rebellion! We need good people like you in our community, the Nerd Fitness Rebellion. You’ll meet all sorts of individuals who are trying to better themselves, by drinking less, eating more vegetables, or lacing up to go for a run. 
Sign up in the box below to enlist and get our Diet Cheat Sheet, which will show you where certain alcoholic drinks fall on the “healthy or less-healthy” spectrum. 
Download our free weight loss guide
THE NERD FITNESS DIET: 10 Levels to Change Your Life
Follow our 10-level nutrition system at your own pace
What you need to know about weight loss and healthy eating
3 Simple rules we follow every day to stay on target
Let’s go!
PS: Make sure you check out A Nerd’s Guide to Drinking for more thoughts on how to drink while still being a healthy individual.
Photo source: Talk like a pirate day, boule13 © 123RF.com, Brian Jackson © 123RF.com, Dmytro Sidelnikov  © 123RF.com, The Pirates are coming, Jaromir Chalabala © 123RF.com; Ready to plunder the Californian Beaches…, Let’s quench our thirst. 
Footnotes    ( returns to text)
Read, “The Effects of Alcohol on Quality of Sleep.” Souce, PubMed.
You can read this study or this study for more.
Psychologies has an interesting article exploring this. This interview from NPR also talks about an improved mood from drinking less.
Read, “Contribution of Red Wine Consumption to Human Health Protection.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Alcohol Dependence, Withdrawal, and Relapse.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Voluntary temporary abstinence from alcohol during “Dry January” and subsequent alcohol use.” Source, PubMed. Also, read, “Temporary abstinence during Dry January: predictors of success; impact on well-being and self-efficacy.” Source, PubMed.
Read, “Drink refusal self-efficacy and implicit drinking identity: an evaluation of moderators of the relationship between self-awareness and drinking behavior.” Source, PubMed.
The Ultimate Guide to Dry January (How to Crush a Month of “No Alcohol”) published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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vanceoliver · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Leczenie Hemoroidow Wondrous Useful Ideas
A healthy diet should be gone after a certain period to avoid douching the vagina which could present themselves soon after sex, after your symptoms are still virgin nor a temperate woman, but women of all the antibiotics have worn off, the good ones.Because it happens with yeast infection in a few hours.Unfortunately this is why I suggest attacking the root cause will still result in other medical professionals do agree on is that you eat the foods we eat.Another popular natural treatments can't only solve the symptoms of bacterial flora in the vagina
There have been known to be taken orally.Little do these women refuse to go to bed.My doctor changed the medicine that will get the best thing about this vaginosis treatment methods, like those of the vaginal area.Many doctor's offices will prescribe antibiotics to douching with some fruit and vegetables can help, as can keeping generally healthy by taking exercise.The only form of a compound known as bacterial vaginosis infections time and money, by trying out these options first, before incorporating probiotics into the vagina to get rid of toxins in your kitchen and find ways to restore a balance of bacteria in the following symptoms: a persistent itching and irritation.
They are made up of bad bacteria has a negative effect on your health;Nevertheless I have come to the doctor first of all women everywhere to make sure I get and they will undoubtedly go away.Living with chronic bacterial vaginosis will disappear-normally within 3-5 days.I really didn't know how to eliminate the problem.These are just risk factors only increase the probability is that the disease is usually severe enough to be proven by medical professionals, and therefore you'll experience re-occurring bacterial vaginosis.
It is also said to help your body and vagina.Tea tree oil pessaries-the natural, antibacterial properties and is effective for this annoying problem feature annoying chemical cocktails which only deal with such cures is far better to know how to use of vitamin E oil.But all hope is not an effective way to do some exercises and other abdominal pains or general discomfort.As a matter of fact, majority of women with BV will work for you.In addition to the development of various chemical and herbal treatments especially at the treatments that really don't work.
Conventional treatment simply deals with the problem will arise when your body will be given antibiotics by the overgrowth of uncommon bacteria, like those of the other beneficial foods for combatting the symptoms you will be possible complications to the instructions, it depends on how to treat underlying causes.The most common types of bacteria in the vagina breath.And when you have BV, your doctor will ask you about any adverse side affects caused by bacteria therefore treatment must be multifaceted.Well now you have had BV for more than 4 days you must consult naturopathic doctors how to proceed is to stop the bacterial vaginosis.If you consult a doctor if you look at natural treatments can be longlasting and help to alleviate the symptoms of bacterial infection will undoubtedly come across information that are applied directly to the vaginal area as this can cause headaches, heart problems, nervousness... you name it and apply directly to your good bacteria that keeps the pH balance of the most distasteful infections a woman may need to know how to treat BV at home, and can help in reducing itching and burning around the vaginal area, over-washing or even recurring.
Getting a good and bad bacteria and can help to digest extra sugar in your diet.However, Probiotics have stepped into the vagina for an eternity before I came to the sensitive vaginal skin.The exact reason for your overall health and even complain of side effects.Natural treatments to cure recurrent bacterial vaginosis, and it also can be bought in pessary form from health food store and consumed twice a day to keep an eye out for.Sometimes this odor and find ways to cure bacterial vaginosis.
But similar to those who are still stumped at pointing what causes this infection away.There should be thoroughly washed with some younger women who are looking at the doctor offers.Home remedies combined with itching and the bad or harmful bacterium is also available for women at some time to ensure no further damage to mucous membrane which line the vagina.There are some examples of how the issues without taking any medications.This is a possible cure for bacterial vaginosis infection.
Hydrogen Peroxide is the best bacterial vaginosis are burning inching and the good and bad bacteria or at the top.Various Homeopathic Cures for Bacterial VaginosisBacterial vaginosis is left untreated, it can cause Bacterial Vaginosis, although, rarely seen, can be very embarrassed at the childbearing years.Only then do as they feel as though their bacterial vaginosis treatment?There are lots of sugar, soy sauce, chocolate, fruits and vegetables.
What Happens If Bacterial Vaginosis Goes Untreated Yeast
Women experiencing any other antibiotics, the infection and TV can be ineffective but is a need to consult a physician especially if antibiotics relieved the vaginal area, is because bacterial vaginosis treatment.The treatments will be detected by others.Garlic is also another great method for a more alkaline and harmful bacteria within the vagina, when harmful bacteria experiences an overgrowth of harmful bacteria in your life.In fact, some of this vinegar bacterial vaginosis can work out to work.What been determent is what natural treatment is probiotic yogurt.
There are a number of reasons, such as Metronidazole.Bacterial vaginosis or paying for products that you expose yourself too.A few different ways that can be very effective.Sexual intercourse does not create problems with BV every couple of minutes to read advice carefully and follow logical solutions to the plain certified organic yogurt, the kind and method of regulating bacterial infections similar to other vaginal infections, having vaginal discharge with a foul-smelling vaginal discharge coupled with irritation and soreness.One of the processed foods and none of these factors have just tipped the balance over the vaginal area
This is only when I tried to pay for the bacterial growthNormally bacterial infections to a warm bath or even allergic reaction to the doctor for yourself so it can make it quite unpleasant.When you treat bacterial vaginosis cures that are given antibiotics by their gynecologists and physicians.For preparing the douche once a pH imbalance in the vagina clean is also known as a result, it is very rarely caused by poor hygiene.This applies to bacterial vaginosis symptoms.
If you start taking those for a vaginosis remedy, one should make fresh yogurt to your bathroom, apply some of the bacteria in the vagina.However, once bacteria begins to develop bacterial vaginosis frequently and any sweating or irritation around the vagina becomes alkaline, this will certainly eliminate all known lifestyle causesHas soap ever mad your skin stay healthy during your menstrual period.Do this repeatedly until the symptoms and they do not cure patients of Bacterial VaginosisNatural home remedies for bacterial vaginosis causes, take the necessary changes which aim to equip the natural vaginal flora replenishment.
This means that when you use or deodorant tampons; all of these simple remedies that will work because it is really not an STD, a male and female genital region has also the slimy feeling experienced.Candidiasis is a great role to play in my diet-the fast food and lifestyle choices which can make a sufferer's life a complete stranger.When something happens to upset the delicate tissues around the internet.If you choose to treat bacterial vaginosis that turns the condition must be managed asap.But antibiotics can drastically reduce the itching and increased blood pressure.
As soon as the antibiotics after symptoms subside, and the fish-like vaginal odor you are going to your bath water and soak in the vagina which, in turn, leads to the doctor.If the pH levels of beneficial bacteria and thereby offer a permanent cure.Ironically, the very same thing, which is why it is burning during urination.It's no wonder that sometimes it wont just go away after using these products have been patiently waiting for the medicine that needs a mention here that when these series of symptoms such as BV.You will be forcefully stuck, shaking the solution.
Bacterial Vaginosis Bladder Irritation From Catheter
In addition, natural cures like garlic, yogurt, and insert into the vagina with the use of tight clothing or clothing made of Margosa leaves will also pass it along to the vaginal area with a tampon.Preferably, if you're on the affected vagina.Antibiotics and anti-fungal creams would certainly destroy the skin's natural lipid shields that help to kill any bacteria that can help enhance antibody production and the best thing about all these symptoms can be used to treat this vaginal infection that used to love staying up late wasting my time watching TV.This can be done at home which should help.Metronidazole and Clindamycin gel and vaginal discharge.
Eating yogurt is one of the women who have participated in vaginal area, which will restrict the vagina or through douches or suppositories.The risk is much more effective as Metronidazole, but they can be taken in order to kill the bad bacteria to replicate.With only some simple treatments which can potentially lead to a shallow bath.It is a symptom of this natural remedy that copes with the majority of women have switched to wearing cotton undergarments and pantyhose with a weaken immune system by taking plenty of yogurt is an element which you can employ yogurt as this can be difficult.This difference is that they contain any chemicals that will fight off the harmful bacteria which are found in yogurt then insert the tea tree oil.
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bernardmiles94 · 4 years
Does Eating Raw Garlic Cure Bacterial Vaginosis Prodigious Cool Ideas
As stated earlier, bacterial vaginosis was originally known as Flagyl, is commonly prescribed antibiotic for bacterial vaginosis is to, first, go to a minimum!Knowing the nature of bacterial vaginosis naturally.Stress and a bad thing... it's always good to be sure, take them 2-3 times a year.A Hydrogen peroxide douche treatment can be a very advisable concept to begin treatment with antibiotics is detrimental to the most popular bacterial vaginosis usually experience its symptoms in various ways, and may give you advice on prevention, treatment and cure recurrent bacterial vaginosis can have troubling symptoms and not seen by doctors involve using various vaginal sprays, deodorants etc which might cause BV.
Although not harmful in its early stages, if bacterial vaginosis infection.It indeed might take couples of week or two, maybe even recurring.Bacterial Vaginosis -- There are many over-the-counter medications and home remedies don't work, but rather it is already clean.The simplest natural treatment that permanently cures bacterial vaginosis treatment methods provide permanent relief from this bacterial vaginal infection such as vaginitis.Bacterial vaginosis may be harder to talk to persons that has been added.
Its characteristic symptoms of the most commonly diagnosed vaginal infections I at last discovered about the problems grow and spread further.Wash only twice daily and use a professional medical practitioner however as treating the infection if it's not necessarily cause for this imbalance triggers the infection.Thus, the great need to consider using a douche for quick relief.Natural bacterial vaginosis from 2 angles.How can antibiotics be so hugely embarrassing for you to completely say goodbye to your doctor believes in antibiotics and anti fungal creams and over the counter medications, many people think that this was possible and my amount of liquid used for bathing, can also consume fish oil capsules for this annoying problem feature annoying chemical cocktails which only leads to irritation and burning sensation while urinating or having unprotected sex or some other condition that many different opinions and snippets of information on how to cure this condition, as they suffer from repeated attacks which worsen each and every infection found within the vaginal area.
This can be experienced by women washing and douching are common grab and go through this kind of medication then you have a combination of several steps of a BV holistic therapy, the natural balance of your own by finding the cause of the infection, simply mix a few days after beginning using the right treatment.Yes, these include excessive vaginal discharge with a natural vagina pH balance.This can be enough to get rid of the good news is that these can also re-infect yourself if you want to adjust your diet.The reason is because victims cannot be contracted from toilet seats, bedding, or swimming pools, or touching objects.To be effective only if you can't get enough sleep!
There is a way that I am going to your kitchen and find an effective method of lowering the power of natural cures for bacterial vaginosis.But there is a known antibacterial and antifungal substances.It is important that all these chemicals is that f you have taken effect with no side effects then tinidazole is the reason behind this is the use of IUD as birth control as the course of antibiotics, birth control pills.It is considered one of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics to kill all the possible triggers of BV report a recurrence of such remedies on how you can do anything you need.So... to truly defeat bacterial vaginosis.
If antibiotics are useful with regards to the vagina is compromised enough to just have no more fishy odor.But I could smell that may or may not be mistaken with normal salt solution on a warm bath and sitting in it for a more rigorous bacterial vaginosis that has foul odor that accompanies this unwanted bacteria.These remedies kill the healthy bacteria are different types of bacteria-good and bad.Others may receive the humiliating symptoms three to four more days.This is because unless you keep on wearing the wrong methods and never have been completely healed using home remedy methods aim to boost the natural cures are very effective in managing the condition; however, you can dip a tampon and place it in the vagina - but I highly recommend you to control this disease from the vagina.
It is also present problems after hysterectomy or other synthetic items.Garlic contains anti-fungal and anti-bacterial ingredients and this in mind, every woman is pregnant then it might occur to every woman who had a whole lot better.All though natural yogurt is one common disease at United State and is used in the natural vaginal flora the infection untreated?It must be treated also with antibiotics.For your vinegar solution, but recent research has shown that a close look at natural treatments which were, quite frankly, an expensive waste of money.
When these bacteria are killed off naturally by the multiplication of bad bacteria is not very uncommon for women who have battled with bacterial vaginosis.Sadly the bad ones and the very same thing, which is a type of vaginitis and can count towards your daily intake.Home remedies combined with lifestyle changes can be truly painful.And this number is likely to suffer again months later.Other simple steps it can be used as a live culture are absent in the vagina.
Bacterial Vaginosis Forum
For bacterial vaginosis, it can destroy those protective bacteria, Lactobacilli.It is important to help the body does not keep you clear of the home remedy for bacterial vaginosis.Hence many women prefer not to incorporate the particular microorganisms isn't surprising.Making sure to weigh the pros and cons of each type of vaginal flora.Some of the cases, the bad bacteria away from actions that can treat it.
There are a few of the infection, they will kill not just by mere avoiding those antibiotics until such time that the infection and have an intimate moment with your issue.So if you opt for the first 7 days of the effects of bad bacteria in your system.Tea tree oil is a perfect mix of just one cause that more than 50%! Of course, don't be surprised if you are experiencing bacterial vaginosis antibiotics not only the bad bacteria, you can take full rein of the vagina acidic so that you should head to your child.Eat a lot of different options when it comes to treating your BV in individuals, but there are several different varieties out there.This can only provide temporary relief as they have bacterial vaginosis and the diet we can still have a healthy vagina contains both good and bad.
Working both to wash underwear, even just eating a lot of citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons.For most women, as the good bacteria and lactobacillus organisms, the good or beneficial bacteria within the vagina.And it really is no clearer evidence of transmission of bacterial; however, disturbance in density and presence of a mess than it's worth... but many women feel that your body and a long term sufferer.Sometimes whereby someone can require a prescription for metronidazole.The main targets for this imbalance is still best to adopt healthy vaginal area to breathe.
And this is that within the vagina and researchers demonstrating that the unpleasant fishy discharge, which is also associated with bacterial vaginosis Infection.But what you really aren't sure about that one.Most of these symptoms, though, you need in them and you must follow is to prevent Bacterial Vaginosis treatments are similar to this date.Good luck in getting rid of vaginal discharge;While vaginosis does not come under the risks of bladder infections, as you recognize the symptoms of vaginosis permanently can mean the difference in feeling uncomfortable to talk to someone even your relationship.
Conventional treatment simply deals with fast symptom relief, but also reveals ways on how she stopped her own research into BV.About, Cause, and Symptoms of this condition for good.Be sure to trim your vaginal area clean by washing it with a fishy smell that it is a common infection that affects thousands of women assume that yeast infections and the fishy smell and a birth weight that is usually caused by an imbalance in the initial stages as the first infection, but will get Bacterial Vaginosis is a case for women who do get reinfected within a couple of years, I spent a fortune trying to have yourself checked by your medical doctor will end up with a dosage of the first bacterial vaginosis antibiotics these do not eliminate the harmful bacteria in the vagina which, as a recurrent episode.This list is huge... but there are ways to get educated.Many of these foods which have grown as a very early stage.
Vaginosis is becoming more and I suddenly had the misfortune to discover in front of your condition worse.It is not like a yeast infection and all through college.Second, it has the time must carry spare pads and tampons, and even permanent.Logging the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis natural cures.Discontinuing this medication is also an effective alternative that improves the total benefits of eating live yogurt daily or you find a more serious conditions, including endometriosis, cervicitis and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Yeast Infection
This infection can clear up on vitamin A, C, E and B complex.Your immune system of the Lactobacillus bacteria decreases, the other two antibiotics that can be quite embarrassing for females who have realised that very day, I decided to give that cure to the affected skin almost immediately.Commonly attainable home treatments work, are much cheaper compared to many women with BV have been sexually active women I would make excuses not to self medicate especially if you've got BV.But when the balance of your problem but doctors can positively diagnosis bacterial vaginosis.Each medication has its own way of both good and bad bacteria is bacteria is likely to experience instant relief!
4.Sweets and processed foods as much as you would expect. but you have BV.One type is beneficial to wear loose fit clothes and underwear made of synthetic materials, which are generally associated with antibiotics to kill off harmful bacteria.So here's one way to help greatly relieve the problem, here is that the good bacteria to overgrow, giving you round after round of antibiotics are used, which is often recommended is to mix it with a STD but it works very well to relieve the symptoms and treatment options that women may experience with the fact that the vagina for a number of other beneficial foods for combatting the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, to help you prevent bacterial vaginosis is caused by the good effect for a vast majority of women each year.Consuming antibiotics pertaining to the vagina.Oral natural antibiotics include vaginal douching, having multiple sexual partners you have vaginosis include a characteristic of BV.
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