#just laying there like a dry fish
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cambion-companion ¡ 1 year ago
Alright, it was put in my head that devils knot when mating/having sex. So...had to write this little ficlet.
Raphael x f!reader/Tav | SMUT | 18+ only
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Scorching tension, the aching coil of your muscles as they stretched and clenched to accommodate him. Your fingers sought purchase, something to tether you to reality as ecstasy rocked with every thrust.
“Raphael.”  His name tasted like honey, burnt like whiskey upon your lips.  Your tongue felt leaden as he claimed your mouth, swallowing your pleading as he claimed you.
Amidst the haze and the heat, you noticed what a mess you were making of the cambion’s lush bed. “The sheets…”  You murmured, attempting to sit up and regain some semblance of control.
Your hair stirred in the rush of wind the sudden beat of his wings created, the leather appendages stretching wide as Raphael pushed you by the throat back against the mattress. “Are replaceable.” Raphael’s sharp claws dug against the tender flesh of your thigh as he dragged your body closer to him, drunk on the sensation of you so pliable and wet around him. He grinned down at you before a rumble of pleasure dragged from his throat. “So willing, little mouse.”  He leaned over, the skin of his wings turning the ambient firelight into a red haze. “Take all of me.”
Your eyes widened, feeling the flush of heat and heady lust his words aroused. Your body became taught as a bowstring seconds before the kill, his name spilling from your panting mouth, sweet to the taste.
Raphael fought to keep composure, failing spectacularly, burying himself deep within you, his sinful orisons of pleasure echoing your own cries. You felt his seed spill, the painful heat of it overshadowed by the pleasure as your body drank him in.
Your skin stung and broke as Raphael’s teeth pierced where your shoulder and neck joined, marking you as his own outside as well as within. He continued rutting into you, stretching you as the infernal knot took hold. You whined and he silenced you with his fingers pushing into your mouth.
Hellfire eyes found yours, your foreheads pressed together in a semblance of twisted intimacy as you nearly choked on his long digits. “Good, little one. Take me.”  
You wanted nothing more than to give in. To whatever end. Pain and pleasure mixed, your whines muffled around his fingers until he withdrew them only to replace the void with his lips and tongue. He was anchored inside, the languid thrusts of his hips sent spasms along your spine as Raphael pressed your legs down against your chest.
The two of you remained interlocked, twin flames made one, until Raphael was satisfied you’d been properly mated.  When he finally withdrew, he dragged a single nail down your chest to your navel, pressing almost until he drew blood over your womb. His tail flicked against your side as he gave you a lazy, self-satisfied smile. “You’re the image of sin, my dear.”  His palm flattened against your abdomen possessively. “Now, go clean yourself.  I will join you shortly for a thorough examination of your progress.”
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nap-thym3 ¡ 8 months ago
Sebastian Solace(Pressure) x Reader/Self-Insert 🌊
Part-One /Fluff/1,886 Words
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Synopsis: In which when I first played pressure I just stood and stared at Sebastian’s character model for a solid five minutes. So this was born. yayayaya
Army crawling on your knees and elbows, your chest rattles with your wheezing breaths. Truth was, you’d never been an active person. The most legwork you’d gotten in a day was typically at work, and even then, that was minimal. Suffice to say, being thrust into this shitshow of a scenario where running from constant threats was the norm, the situation couldn’t be anymore dire.
You wave a hand about in front of yourself, fanning away the disrupted layers of dust that fluttered in the cramped ventilation shaft as your rasping coughs bounce off the walls and create a cacophony of god-awful racket. You mutter a slew of curses to yourself, clapping your palm over your nose and mouth in a pitiful attempt to stifle your coughing fit. It would be just your luck for a nearby eldritch-horror to overhear your pathetic, asthmatic-self in the vents and drag you out by the ankles. The thought alone brings an electrifying jolt of anxiety through your person, and if you had the space you’d be looking over your shoulder in paranoia. Alas, the best you could do was put your jittering nerves to use and crawl just that little bit faster. Honestly, it was an accomplishment in of itself that you managed to shimmy-shammy your adult self into such a claustrophobic passage in the first place. If you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve just marched straight past the most convenient and inviting looking vent in the world. Probably assuming it to be a blatant trap. Except, you did know better. Just a few feet ahead lay maybe the only place in the entire bowels of this hellscape where you felt you were well and truly safe.
Crawling out of the shaft like an NYC subway rat, you’re finally free to hack up your lungs in peace without fear of death by angler. At least, no death from this one in particular. Blindly you lean back to sit on your haunches, eyes straining to pick up any movement in the darkness.
“Oh. It’s you.” Your shoulder’s jump as a voice drawls from the far-side of the room. Soon after, a gentle glow begins to illuminate the occupied space.
Now with your gracious host offering you visibility, you blink your adjusting vision over to watch as Sebastian seemingly just wraps up whatever file he’d been perusing in the dark. Before you can even attempt to try and sneak a peek at whatever he’d been reading, said folder closes shut with a swift snap. The merchant then carefully tucks the item away into his inner-coat’s pocket. A shame, your snooping has been so swiftly shut down before it ever had a chance to begin- you pout at the missed opportunity. Sebastian catches your longing gaze fixated on his coat, and gives a condescending little pat to the area where you know the concealed document is to be hiding. Wordlessly daring you to even try. Cheeky fish.
“Not even a ‘Hello’ or ‘How are you’? I could’ve been dying in there!” You bemoan in a familiar way of greeting, gesticulating between yourselves wildly as you saunter forward. Sebastian, unphased by your usual eccentricities, drags an unimpressed eye over your much smaller form. Analyzing. Probably looking at your absolutely filthy diving suit- sweat-drenched and caked in dust, grime, and maybe even a little bit of blood as it was. At least you assumed so, if the distaste visibly evident in his features was anything to go by.
“I was hoping whoever it was would die a little more quickly.” Was his dry response, before turning his head in indifference; seeming to have found whatever it was he was looking for on your person.
You scoff, “I see chivalry really is dead.” You gripe without any real bite in your voice. Already beginning to survey the merchant’s wares. Out of the corner of your eye, you watch him as he begins to preen over his nails, pretending to be checking for dirt. Or blood, you didn’t know the guy well enough to say for certain what he did in his free-time. Your attention travels upwards, from his large hands up to his round face. The light emanating from his angler’s bulb casts an almost ethereal glow to his features. Especially with the way his eyes gleam that cerulean blue that’s quickly becoming a favorite color of yours. In addition to these qualities, there’s a very light sprinkling of bioluminescent freckles smattered across his cheeks. Sort of reminiscent to that of stars. Idly your fingers twitch, the sudden urge to reach up and map them like constellations startlingly strong. All these qualities make Sebastian feel so surreal, so out of this world. In juxtaposition to all of that, you’re confident to say that if he had the means, he’d be snobbishly turning his nose up at you right about now. The mental image brings a small, secretive smile to your face.
Sebastian rolls his eyes- or at least, you get the impression that he does. His lack of distinctive pupils makes it hard to tell.
“Are you going to actually buy something today?” He snips, cocking out a hip. “Or are you just going to keep gawking at me?” The merchant sneers through grit teeth(or maybe that was just his face?).
Snapping out of your reverie, caught with your hand in the proverbial cookie-jar, blood rushes to your head as you grin sheepishly up at his accusatory glare.
“Sorry, you’re just…” you wave a hand up beside yourself, willing the right words to come to you. Sebastian, amused by your silent floundering, quirks a knowing eyebrow at you. As if saying ‘Go on?’ The soundless goading sends you into a mental spiral- what did that mean? What did he think you were going to say? God- you don’t want to accidentally offend him, but you also don’t want to sound like a complete idiot. You gulp, mouth opening and closing a few times as you attempt to formulate words that will appease him.
Seemingly tired of you embarrassing yourself, Sebastian moved to speak, assumedly in an act of mercy from this sad display. Quickly, you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind, before he could beat you to the punch.
“You’re just really pretty.” Mortified, you clap your hands over your mouth. Yup. Those are. Definitely words that you just said. To his face.
Muscles tensing, you brace for his reaction. You’re not sure what you’re expecting, disgust, maybe? Mocking laughter, most probably. Any and all situations your brain can conjure up are absolutely humiliating in equal measure. However, as one moment drags into two, and the silence has still yet to be breached, you cautiously look Sebastian’s way. The sight that greets you is a rare one. The infamous Z-13, Sebastian Solace, is left speechless.
The Merchant’s smug expression falters, a look of genuine astonishment crossing his face. The dim light cast by his lure does little to mask the way his stature curls inwards slightly. A slight too much, in your opinion. You can see the muscles in his jaw clenching and unclenching- as though internally wrestling with a response. Just as you had been a moment prior. The knowledge that he was just as at a loss for words as you were eases the tension in your shoulders, if only by a hair. Miser so does love its company, after-all. There’s a brief pause, heavy and awkward, until he finally speaks, his voice softer than usual.
“Pretty?” he echoes, almost disbelievingly. He then swallows, visibly thrown off-kilter.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been called… At-At least- that is to say, not in a good long while.” The second half of his sentence is murmured, as if mostly said to himself. But you had overheard, and he looks as if to have noticed the way your brows pinch in a confusing whirlpool of emotions. Mostly sympathy, pity, among other emotions neither of you were too entirely ready to put out on the table. God forbid you two express emotional maturity and speak plainly like adults. Sebastian flexes his long tail, the serpentine appendage looking as if it were going to either pull or push you away. However, before it can make any progress in either endeavor, Sebastian, -noticeably uncomfortable- clears his throat.
“Silly little thing.” He croons, swooping down from his towering height to give you a patronizing pinch to the cheek with his clawed index and thumb. “You should be mindful of your tongue, hmmm?” As he speaks, his usual edge returns to his voice. Your head helplessly tilts side-to-side with the motion of his ‘affection’. Affronted, and a little whip-lashed with his quick recovery, you swat the offending hand away from your face.
“Jerk! I was trying to be nice!” Despite the biting words, you can’t help but feel relieved to be set back on familiar ground. Whatever emotional vulnerability present in the moment prior was slowly ebbing away, returning to your regularly scheduled squabbling. Sebastian chuckles, bodily retreating to his previous stature and re-clasping his hands before himself with an echoing ‘clap’. You rub at your reddened cheeks, whether their heat was due to Sebastian’s rough treatment or from an entirely other emotion, was only for you to know.
Sebastian continues on distractedly, seeming to have already recollected his composure. “Flattery will get you nowhere here, you know. But… thanks.” You think you see his eyes dart away for a brief moment, before locking onto yours again. A curl of his typical smirk splaying across his lips.
You gasp dramatically, a goofy smile erupting on your face. “The mighty Sebastian? Saying thanks?” You tease.
Sebastian waves a hand about in the air dismissively. “Yeah yeah, just don’t let it get to your head.” He says, crossing his arms defensively. He steamrolls on before you get anymore wise ideas to- eugh, compliment him. “Now hurry up and buy something already!” He snaps, motioning to the various goodies strapped to his person. Not having to be told thrice now, you hurry and make your selections. Eager to move on from everything and anything to do with word ‘cute’. Nothing major, just a few batteries for the road and a mobile hacker or two. Sebastian seems to approve of your choices, and if the price he demands of you seems a little cheaper than the usual- well. You certainly weren’t going to complain.
Getting everything tucked neatly away and ready to go, you begin to trek back towards the vent before being stopped once more by Sebastian.
“Oh! And Traveller?” He calls. With an answering hum, you look back to maybe your only friend down here. The merchant in question seems to look like he’s turning something over in his head, before continuing with a withering sigh.
“Try not to get yourself killed out there, alright? I’d hate to lose such a profitable costumer.” He sing-songs grimly. Despite the harsh words, you can’t help but notice a slight undertone of warm endearment. Feeling like a certified Sebastian-whisperer, you pride swells in your chest at being able to read between the lines. With a barely concealed snicker at his thinly-veiled concern, you toss a final farewell his way before retreating. All throughout the next dozen or so rooms, you journey forward with a skip in your step. Feeling invigorated with newfound determination knowing that a certain merchant was counting on your safe return.
eeeughh I’m so rusty with writing. Like. It’s not even funny how long this took me for just a one-shot? Idk I might continue this, I just suck so bad at staying motivated for fanfics. Anywho, hope any fellow Sebastian enjoyers out there liked this, there’s not enough content out there of him👍 please make more content guys pls I’m starved for the fics puh-LEASEE
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bi-writes ¡ 5 months ago
still wakes the deep au | soap x f!reader
Installment 2/?: Warning Signs
prompt: You're an environmental scientist conducting research on an off-shore oil rig with only a few days left before you're slated to leave. The eldritch creature they accidentally awaken throws a wrench in the works. masterlist
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Being alone feels different when there’s nowhere to run. Every wall looks the same, and the stench of must permeates in every room–the carpet must hold it in. Everything drips; the taste of salt won’t go away, and it makes your eyes dry out every time you close them and open them again. There are other people around you, men that are the cause of the knocks against the rig, but they are as alien as what lies beneath you. Every time you feel as if it’s too foreign, you remind yourself that there is nowhere to go.
The only way out of this place is by doing your job; but even that scares you all of the sudden.
Your bed is lumpy. The mattress feels dry, stiff, and it barely gives as you lay in it. You stare up at the bottom of the top bunk, trying not to think about the sound of sea water pelting your window like a threatening knock while you try to sleep.
Your mind barely gives. You keep the lamp that sits on your makeshift desk turned on. Without it, the black of nothingness from outside bleeds through the walls, and you swear you can see a thousand different shapes that claw their way out of the moonlight towards you. The rig doesn’t shake, but it breathes. It lives, somehow, deep legs connected to the seafloor to keep it from drifting off, from separating, from taking you with it, from suffocating you until your breaths are filled with water and your body is too cold to–
You jump when the lamp bursts. A jolt of electricity shatters the bulb, and you sit up in bed, clutching the sheets as you watch the lamp glow slightly before fizzling out. The room blankets into the dark, and you move shakily off your bed and pat around for your flashlight before clicking it on. The small circle of yellow light doesn’t do what you hoped; instead, it makes the shadows of every object longer and seem further away, and they start to move as your hand shakes, so much so that you cannot tell if something is coming towards you or if your mind is still convincing you of some sort of seasickness. One lodged into your brain, one that doesn’t make you nauseous but makes you paranoid that some hole in the ocean will open up and take you with it.
The thought of drowning is not as terrifying as finding out what lies beneath the surface of the water.
When you used to think of the ocean, it used to soothe you. When you closed your eyes, all you could see was crystal clear blue and tropical fish. You thought about running your fingers through warm water and kicking your feet as you watched dolphins fly beside you. When the sun penetrated the light, it shined until it showed the seafloor, where little creatures burrowed beneath bright sand, making it sparkle.
The ocean you know now is anything like it. You understand what they mean when they say “mother nature,” because only a woman scorned could eat the world the way she does. Waves touching taller than buildings. Animals so large, they would swallow you whole and let the acid of their insides quiet your screams for nutrition. An endless void, reaching miles towards the center of earth, a vast unknown that crushes heavy metals and defies physics the further and further you drop. She’s unforgiving. Mean. A terrifying, wonderful thing, and you are cheating death. You know it. She screams at you from just outside your thin walls, and you are pretending not to hear her. She’s telling you something, but you bury your nose in your books.
If it’s a warning she’s trying to give, you won’t know it until it’s too late.
The rig groans in the middle of the night. You can hear the pipes expanding, the water moving aggressively outside your window, the sounds of cranes and metal creaking that rattle off around you. Your hand shakes a little as you try and find your shoes, slipping them on as you open your door in search of a new source of light.
It’s the middle of the night, but there’s still a skeleton crew around, moving between their night shifts. You make your way down the hall, clicking off your flashlight, and you find yourself in the rec room in search of light bulbs in the utility closet there. You hear the doors swing open behind you, and you try to ignore the rowdy voices of men as you stand on your tiptoes and rummage the hundredth box for what you need. You try not to think about the whisps of something delicate you feel grazing your fingertips (because spiders wouldn’t be this far out from land, right?).
“Looks like ye need a little help, bonnie.”
You startle yourself nearly out of your skin. You trip off the ledge you’re standing on, trying to hold your hands out to brace yourself, but you never hit the ground. Strong hands grip you around the middle, breaking your fall and getting you back onto your feet, nice and steady. You spin around, clutching your flashlight to your chest, panting like an anxious puppy. You can make out his blue eyes even in the dark, bright and seemingly concerned as Soap tries to get a grip on you to keep you from swaying.
“‘S alright, lass, ‘s just me! Soap, it’s Soap.”
You put a hand over your chest, trying to calm your breathing, You shake your head, closing your eyes as you try and repeat the mantra you’ve been telling yourself since you got on this stupid rig.
Your feet are on solid ground. Your feet are on solid ground. Your feet are on solid ground.
“Sorry,” you whisper. “I…”
“What are ye doin’ up?” He asks, clicking his tongue. “‘S the middle of the night! Reckon ye need yer beauty sleep.”
You smile a bit, but it doesn’t reach your eyes. You do it to placate him. Men don’t always respond well to sharp teeth, and you haven’t decided how you feel about this one yet. He’s too comfortable. His hands are still around your arms, thumbs smoothing too easily over the bone of your shoulders. He’s too close; he steps just nearer to you, tongue sliding over that top row of teeth, and you try not to think about the way his pupils dilate at the terrified look on your face, the one your smile cannot hide. When he tilts his head to the side, you think he means to look curious, but you think it closer to prey playing with its food. The curls of his growing mohawk fall over his forehead, drawing a dark shadow over his eyes, and you can no longer try to see what might give him away in his gaze.
“The light in my…room. I need a new one, I–” You shake your head. “It’s stupid, but I just…I can’t sleep.”
“We’ll get ye all right fer bed, love,” Soap chuckles. “What’s broken, ye ken what kind ye need?”
You blink, biting your lip, thinking. He’s still touching you; he still has his hands around your arms, but now they’ve settled around your elbow, calloused fingers curled over where they rest.
“I’m not sure. The lamp on my desk, it’s–”
“Ach, those are hidin’, I’m sure o’ it,” he lets you go, reaching up and hoisting down a few boxes before reaching for what lies behind them. He carries them on his shoulder before dropping them onto the floor, and you try not to think about watching him work. He’s a large man. Strong, that much is evident, but there’s something off. You think his physical appearance hides what lies inside. He’s pretty, in a way that shouldn’t be allowed. Straight teeth, a killer smile, arms that do not give once they’re taut with use. Even the uniform he wears does nothing to hide thicker thighs and a solid middle; but you try not to let it distract you from what really remains. If he wasn’t so gorgeous, you don’t think he’d get away with that tick that must exist in his brain. The one that allows him to crowd your space without much resistance. The one that lets him smile like that, like he’s won something, like he’s gotten what he wanted not because he fought for it, but because it is what he is owed. 
He bends over and picks up a bulb that looks good enough and hands it to you. When he straightens his back, you try to catch that look in his eyes again. Maybe he knows you’re looking for it, and now he’s hiding it. Maybe he’s cooing in his own head about what a clever girl you are and trying to decide how he’ll play his game differently.
“Can walk ye back, put it in fer ye.”
You take it from him, drawing a shaky breath. You want to say no. You want to tell him you can do it all on your own, that you’re fine, but then the closet door swings open, and a group of tired-looking crew stare at the two of you as they snicker and nudge each other.
“Wot ye doin’, Soap, seven minutes in heaven with the fuckin’ feds?”
“Och–shut the fuck up, the lot o’ ye,” Soap bites back. “Just doin’ her fuckin’ job, just like the rest o’ ye, so get the fuck out the way. Middle of the night, bunch of gobshites.”
Soap puts a hand around the small of your back, guiding you past the group and out into the hallway. He follows you wordlessly back to accommodations, stopping in front of your door. Your name isn’t on it, but you don’t comment about how he knew this was yours. He waits for you to open the door for him before following you inside.
“A right mess, luvvie.”
He doesn’t let you help. He kicks your bin under the desk, carefully discarding of the pieces of glass that are scattered across your desk. He grumbles under his breath about it being too sharp and how he will do it better and how he can take care of ye. 
When the lamp clicks back on, it paints the room in that comforting orange light, and you relax as you take a seat on your bed, clutching the sheets to dry your clammy palms. He still invades your space, but somehow, with the light, it dampens the sentiment. He scares you just a little less, but if you give him just that much, how much will he use it to his advantage?
“Ye need anythin’, I’m…just down there,” Soap says finally. He points behind him, down the north end of the hallway, and all you can do is nod. “Don’t listen to the lot, bonnie,” Soap adds. “Bunch o’ old, tired bastards. Mean no harm. But if they do, ye come ta me, ye hear?”
“Uhm…Soap?” You call out as he’s leaving. You don’t know why you stop him. You don’t know why you’re talking to him; you’re certain he’s not a stranger to telling a good lie. He turns to face you, leaning against the doorway, and you clear your throat. No one should look this good on just a few hours of sleep, but he’s still blinking awake, unsettlingly calm. “This place…it’s safe, right? I mean…safe as it ought to be?”
Soap smiles, but it’s not like his other smiles. It feels unnatural. His teeth are duller. Lips drier. Maybe he’s just tired.
“It’s safe, love. Swear it. Got me on those rivets.”
You don’t know why, but when he comes close to you, you let him. You let him touch your face, thick fingers smoothing down your jaw just a little too rough, big thumb along your bottom lip rubbing just a little too hard. You hear his door shut nearby once he goes.
The ocean screams. You can hear her again now that his voice is no longer around. You fall asleep knowing he’s close, and you pretend not to notice her. Just like always.
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drgnflyteabox ¡ 6 months ago
red ochre [2]
series masterlist previous || part two -> woad and weld || part three -> orpiment
> summary: you recover from the boat, and wonder why you were taken > tags/warnings: pain, caretaking, food, stomach issues, threats, mean simon, fears of rape (doesn't happen), viking-typical slavery, unwanted cuddling / massage / touching, alcohol, scars, violence, hunting, laswell hello!, reader has some puritanical attitudes / assumptions but she was a nun so, power imbalance, dubcon comfort, crying, religious themes (dldr)
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You're a stone sunk to the bottom of the ocean, pulled under by exhaustion and turmoil. It's the sleep of the dead, dreamless and unreachable.
Vaguely, in moments of semi-consciousness, you hear voices and feel softness against your skin, warmth all around you. The brush of fingers against your cheeks.
When you do wake, it's like crossing between different worlds, with a head full of cotton and fog. Your sense of smell comes alive before anything else, the smell of food permeating the air around you.
Fish. Cream. Something herbaceous, something earthy. A fire crackles closeby, warming the air, warming you. You can feel fur touching your arms and legs, draped over you and flat underneath you.
It only serves to soften to blow of pain, overwhelming pain. True awareness comes then, waking you with a gasp that alerts-
"Did she just-"
"Sh!" Simon's voice, coming closer. "You awake?" his face comes into view above - you only recognize him by voice.
He's scarred, big and small, but the most eye-catching one bisects his face, splitting it into two from his cheekbone to his jaw on the other side. It's deep, raised, angry even if you can tell it's healed.
You scream.
It's a weak sound, the cry of somebody that knows it's pointless and yet can't help but shout into the void and hope that something will answer.
Before, that would have been god. You'd have prayed, lived as a hermit, sequestered yourself to a cave and live as one of the great ascetic saints. A life even further dedicated than nunhood.
Since he had refused to answer you on the boat, you turn away, and whimper like an injured dog when that scarred face turns to a mask of stone.
"Ha!" Johnny doesn't pick up on the tension that's rising, slowly, as you tremble under Simons gaze. Or maybe he does, and he doesn't care. "Havnae seen his ugly mug yet, have ye? Dinnae worry, lamb."
Guilt curls in your belly, dampening your fear. Simon doesn't look shamed, but you weren't afraid of his scars - truly, you were disoriented, barely clothed and towered over by the same man that took you.
"He won't bite," Johnny continues. He walks over and lays a hand on Simons waist, fingers curling in the off-white fabric. "Well, not ye."
A wink.
"Hush!" Simon barks. "Get her up, she needs to eat."
There's no hesitation. Johnny leans down to you, pulling you until you sit up with a wince. You bite your lips to keep from crying out again, pain lancing through your muscles. You're seized by muscle spasms, by the fiery hot pain of your chafed wrists and a gnawing, deep hunger in your stomach.
"How-" you choke, throat dry and voice unused. Johnny pauses helping you up to listen. "How long have I been asleep?"
"Few days, lass. It's the evening," he grins. "Ye should thank us. Kept ye warm, washed, slipped ye broth into that lovely mouth-"
Simon puts a wooden bowl down onto the table, louder than necessary. There's a grumble from Johnny, but he gets you up and waits while your legs get used to weight on them again.
You're half-dragged, mostly carried to the table. All you're wearing is that shirt, nipples pebbled against the front from the cold. Hard to care too much when your muscles scream even holding yourself sitting up.
You lean on Johnny as Simon ladles soup into bowls, hunched over the kitchen hearth, silent as the grave.
"Eat slowly," is all he says.
It smells good, herby and warm. Your stomach groans and gurgles and begs you to eat, but you're weary. Afraid. Only when the men eat that you pick up a carved wooden spoon and hesitantly slurp.
Heat. Satisfaction. Eating is incredible, and you discover the wonderous ingredients loaded into the soap; salmon, potatoes, a green herb that tastes like sharp, citrussy grass.
Then your stomach cramps, and you tilt with nausea.
"Too fast?" Johnny coos, rubbing a big palm up and down your back. "Awe."
"That's enough, then," Simon goes to take your bowl, but you're too fast. You pull it close to your chest, spilling a little onto the table and drops soak into your shirt. "You can have some later. I said that's enough."
You hold fast. Your stomach hurts, but you're desperate for some form of control. All the terror and all the uncertainty rises, rushing through your finally conscious brain into a battle of strength. You took me but I have agency! it says. You took me but I can take this!
He's too strong.
The wood bowl clatters against the ground with a crack, hot soup spilling on the floor. You heave with the force of your breathing, afraid and too-aware of your predicament.
Taken, snatched, at the mercy of men whose intentions are unclear.
You're too slow to cower when Simon's arm shoots forward and grabs your jaw, hard and mean, giving you a squeeze.
"Now we've been nice to you," he starts. His voice is as solid as his arm. You start to shake. "But I can just as easily put you over my knee. That what you want?"
You shake your head.
"That's what I thought."
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Johnny leaves after the soup is cleaned and you're tucked back into the bed again, muscles trembling still with the exertion of your first meal. Small, electric spasms make you wince every one in a while. Your wrists are bruised and scabbed, but healing. They feel hot and itchy, but Simon tells you as he rubs an ointment into the wound that they're healing well.
You try to shy away, hide yourself, when he notices your grimace and reaches for a calf. The look he gives you stops you, takes your breath, until he shakes his head and starts rubbing deep circles into the tenderest spot of your muscle.
"God!" you should. A wonder how badly you can hurt from just laying in bed. He snorts. "Ow!"
"Don't be dramatic," his thumb presses deeply, moving down, then back up. Squeezing. The bed dips with his weight as he scoots closer to you.
You take a moment to look around you. The cabin is made of wood, warmed by the fire, and is full to the brim. Clay pots, furs, tools, a couple barrels- they're everywhere, unorganized. Makes you wonder about the sacred items they'd stolen from your convent.
"Why did you take me?" someone bolder has possessed you. Your mouth twists when Simon's eyes find yours.
His hands don't stop moving. They switch legs, pulling the finished one onto his big thigh. It does feel better, relaxed and tender in a good sort of way, pain not so unbearable anymore.
"You're our spoils," he moves down, digging into your arch. You almost yelp. "D'you know what we gave up for you?"
Something in your chest squeezes, something scared and unpleasant. You open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.
"That's alright," Simon murmurs. Your anxiety fights against the comfort he's giving you. "You'll be alright."
He flits his gaze downwards, eyeing you. Your breath catches when you realize that the position has left your legs open, shirt ridden up, and he's looking right at your bare cunt.
"Ah!" you pull your knees shut, hands finding where you're exposed and folding over, cupping yourself, face ablaze. Tears prick at your eyes again, fear winning over comfort.
Simon doesn't let you panic for long.
"I won't force myself on you, pet," he grunts. "We won't."
There isn't much choice but to hang on to his words for dear life, to believe that he won't force you. The hope is fragile, but it's there. You take the chance to pull a soft, worn blanket over your body.
"Am I to be your slave?" your voice wavers.
"No," he says simply.
For a long time, you watch him. He putters about, moving things, unloading boxes no doubt full of supplies used for raids. You wonder if that means he doesn't intend to go on another one, then wonder what they'll do with you if they do leave.
Johnny comes back flushed, smiling. You smell sweetness under his sweat, something you can't recognize. His eyes crinkle when he sees you.
"Two nights," he breathes, looking at you but talking to Simon. "They'll celebrate in two nights."
Your stomach tenses, roiling, eyes fluttering with the effort to stay awake. Even a short time is much for you after your journey.
"Price's back?" Simon asks. He's pulling a sealskin from a burlap bag, smoothing it out with his hands onto the table. The silvery, spotted skin reflects the fireplace.
"Tomorrow," Johnny pulls leather boots off his feet, then thick socks. He wipes himself down with a rag from a tub, shuffling to the bed when he finishes. "Then we feast."
Your eyes are heavy slits, mouth open. You hardly move even when Johnny sits next to you and brushes a thumb over your cheek, smiling toothily down at you.
"Awe, she's precious," he says, lowering his voice. "Go to sleep now, little lamb."
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You wake the same way as before. A tilt of one world into the next, sliding down into consciousness as slow as thick porridge.
Only this time, you're surrounded by a warmth not brought by thick furs. It's skin, all around you, boxing you in. On your face you feel hair, prickly and soft, comforting and frightening all at once.
Behind you, a chest breaths against your back. Your eyes open, alarm cutting through grogginess.
Johnnys big hand is clutching your breast, squeezing every few moments, snuffling into your neck like a sleepy animal.
You try to extricate yourself, lifting yourself to find Simon looking down at you, eyes half lidded but aware. There's warning there, but there's also contentment. Scars big and small litter his skin, pocked and torn and scraped, all shapes and sizes. Some are silvery while others are such a deep red you'd think they were still fresh.
He looks past you at Johnny, and turns to his side.
"Weren't planning on running, where you?" his voice is low, so as to not wake the other man.
"No," you whisper. Johnny shuffles behind you, sliding a thigh between your legs. "Please help me." you wiggle, trying to move.
Simon sighs, sitting up. He shuffles to the edge of the bed, then reaches to peel Johnnys hands off you. His hand slides against the soft spring of your breast, hands sliding under Johnnys to pull, brushing your nipple on the way up.
"Thank you," you're still whispering, not wanting to wake Johnny up lest it irritate Simon. You roll until you're out of his grasp, body feeling less pained than it did the day before.
"Hungry?" Simon moves towards the kitchen. "Got one more day to relax."
The feast, you think. The divide, the celebration. Frissons climb your skin until your scalp prickles.
"Yes, please," you sit up, weary of Johnny finding your heat in the bed.
The smell of animal fat and the sound of sizzling fills the cottage then. You look around, noting an improvement for the clutter. The sealskin is gone, replaced by two standing up boots.
"They're yours," Johnny says. You startle, almost leap, but he catches you by the hips and puts his face into your hair. "Simon stayed up all night."
"Gets cold," he dismisses. Eggs jump in the pan in front of him, popping in the hot tallow.
You have to be helped again to the table, but it's not so bad this time. You arm goes around Johnnys waist, his under yours, fingers barely brushing the underside of your breast.
Breakfast is good. Fried eggs, seasoned by the fat, over gruel. It fills you with an internal sense of strength, and you can actually finish it all today.
"Good girl!" Johnny claps your back. "Gonnae be choppin all our wood for winter, eh?"
After, Simon has you change into a simple brown wool dress. You try to ignore them looking at your nakedness as you drop the other shirt, but the wool is nice and warm and there's even a soft pale shift to go underneath it.
Then he slips pants on your legs, tied at the waist under the dress, and wraps wool around your calves.
"You're gonna run errands with me," Simon says. He wraps your feet again in wool, securing them with leather twine. "Get your strength up."
His eyes find yours where he's kneeling, squinting at you, expression turning stormy.
"I don't want to re-injure your wrists," he motions to them, and you look at the healing scabs. "But if you try to run, I'll drag you back by your hair n' tie 'em back up. You pick."
Outside, you wince against the light. Simon holds you by the elbow, walking at your weak pace. It's a tight village, houses clumped together, shops close. It's a wonder you haven't heard anyone from inside Johnny and Simons home, until you see how thickly the walls are built when the door opens.
The street is wet with mud, and you're grateful for the footwraps. They're warm against the chill, sliding through the mud beneath you when you lose your footing, legs feeling as new as a fawn.
"Here," Simon leads you to a market-like stall. Dried meats hang from the ceiling in bunches. The smell is pungent.
"Nik!" He shouts. A huge, burly man steps out.
They talk like they've known each other a long time, though not quite friends. An image of two great bears crosses your imagination, both big and still respecting the other. A rare alliance.
Simon hangs a bag off of you, a salty-smelling bag full of cured and fermented meats. The man looks down at you and grins as you leave, laughing lowly.
You bristle, but follow - what else is there to do?
The next stop is a real shop, only you can see a homestead behind a wooden counter.
It's a girl this time, lovely and soft. She smiles at Simon, wordlessly fetching another man from the homestead behind the store.
"Big man!" it's one of the raiders - the young one. Gaz. "And the nun." his brown eyes find yours, friendlier than the last time you saw him.
They talk, too, more amicably than the other man. Gaz folds his forearms over the counter and laughs, peeking at you every once in a while with intense eyes.
"Right," he claps his hands together. "I won't keep you."
You're starting to feel tired, overexerted.
Gaz comes back out with a wrapped package, the soft girl from before on his arm. The apples of her cheeks are high with a smile.
"See you!" she sits back down on her stool, wide hips wiggling until she's comfortable.
"See ya around," Gaz says. He winks at you.
Simon carries this package himself, not looking at you as he leads you further into the village.
People make way for him, not in fear, but because of his size. He's bigger than most, even some of the other men.
The third and final place has you panting, hunched with the effort of keeping yourself up.
It's a house not unlike Simon and Johnny's, just bigger. A wide, squat wooden house with a wide open door and goats bleating from a pen closeby.
Simon glances at you out of the corner of his eye, putting his hand on your lower back as somebody steps out of the doorway.
"Hello again, Simon," it's Price. The leader, or perhaps the chief. It would make sense - his authority, his size, the number of scars on his skin. Nearly as many as Simon. "You bring your end of the bargain?"
Straight to the point then. Price doesn't look at you once, which doesn't do much to assuage the fear that you're the end of the bargain.
"If you've got yours," Simon leaves you behind to follow him inside, where you can hear them talking. Jovial, like old friends.
By the time you get back home, you're wiped. Exhaustion pulls at you like invisible strings dragging you to the bed. Even Johnny with his smarmy expression and his patting the mattress doesn't stop you from crashing.
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The men have brought you to a celebration. After letting you sleep a majority of the day after your errands, Simon dressed you in the same wool dress and wrapped a thick cape around your shoulders to ward off the chill.
It's a welcome home. Simon had been the first to see Price at his home - he and a band of fledgling warriors had sailed right past the village and gone hunting.
Price is not the chief, as you had assumed. He is a leader, an explorer, the ambitious spearhead of overseas raids. Nodding heads and a sense of respect, of deference, follows him wherever he goes. Even as an outsider you can see it.
The chief is a woman. It's not something you expected, not with the sheer size of the men around you, not with the brutality in which they regale their exploits. Many of them have wives that trail them, welcome them, carry their children on their hips, or are welcomed as fellow warriors.
These are the fledglings?
You're in a wild, barbaric place.
When you reach the longhouse, a building as short as all the others but stretched much farther and lit orange with light and the smell of honey, you're bathed in warmth.
No, not honey. Alcohol, sweet and cloying on the breath of each viking. Their depravity seems to know no bounds. It's the same sweet smell you'd smelled on Johnny that night he'd left - presumably to speak to the chief.
Laswell, they call her. The chief. She stands on a raised dais with Price, murmuring between themselves, nodding toward Simon and Johnny when they take their seats.
"Right here," Simon spreads his thighs. There are no other spaces on the bench.
"I don't mind standing," you try. He pinches the back of your knee until you buckle into him, tucked into the cradle of his arms. Your heart pounds in your chest.
"Not lettin' ye sit apart from us," Johnny brushes your cheek, and you look past him to the rest of the people gathered.
Decorated, scarred, hardened warriors. Price joins the group, taking a heavy seat by the man from before - Nik - and exchanging claps on the back. Gaz, a woman with dark hair, but Gaz's soft girl is nowhere to be found.
"Welcome!" Laswell shouts. The hall goes silent. "Drink, eat - celebrate a job well done by our boys."
Eruption; noise all around. She's a carefully controlled, steady woman, yet she's inspired this group of a few hundred into the loudest cacophony you've ever heard.
Simon cups his hands over your ears. You try not to be grateful.
Debauchery. You witness debauchery- drinking beyond your most twisted imagination, dancing surely enough to summon a demon, maybe the devil himself. It's enough to make you pray under your breath, turning away from public displays of affection.
Above you, in front of you, conversation. It doesn't slip your mind how high up on the table Simon and Johnny are, right across from Price and Gaz and next to Laswell at the head of the table.
Even she laughs, imbibes, discusses the distribution of goods with a content sort of smile.
"And the nun?" eyes turn to you. Laswell has focused her gaze on you, sharper than before. "You're satisfied with just her?"
Johnny takes a long pull of his mead, before pressing his shoulder to Simons.
"Thas'right!" he only slurs a little. "Found ourselves a proper little wife, we did."
A chill moves through you. A slow freezing. You tense in Simons lap, spine rigid, heart flipping in your chest. Carefully, you try not to show a reaction.
"Och! Sorry, lamb," he turns to you and takes your hands. "Didnae mean to ruin the surprise."
"Quite the surprise," Gaz chirps. His girl has found him, and he's made a place for her beside him. You're jealous of her autonomy, especially now. Taken as prisoner, as spoils, and now?
"You promised," you mumble. "You said you wouldn't."
"What's that, love?" Gaz again, but you aren't listening. Blood rushes through your ears.
"You said you wouldn't force me," you look up now, at Simon and his deeply scarred face. He betrays nothing. "Why lie?"
"Didn't lie," he grunts. "Now be quiet."
"When's that, then?" Price asks.
"Before next summer."
The walk back is silent except for the wet slaps of your feet against the mud. The chill is worse at night, biting at your nose and your fingers. At least your future husband - husbands - don't want you to freeze.
The thought hits you like a boulder, heavy and immovable. You stop walking, drawing the attention of the observant men.
"Too tired?" Johnny asks.
You run.
Or try to, as fast as you can.
It's hard in this terrain, slippery and with the cold burning your cheeks. You have no direction in mind, only obeying the mindless terror coursing through your blood, unleashed by this night of truths.
Simon is the one to catch up to you not ten feet from where you started, grabbing the back of your cape and pulling hard until you fall on your butt.
It hurts, the ground has slowly been freezing with the onset of fall and Simon is not nice as he captures you back.
"Ow," you sniffle, fingers wet and muddy.
"Yeah I bet that hurt," his voice has gone hard. "Where did you think you were going?" a laugh, harsh and grating.
"Didnae mean to scare ye," Johnny says. He helps Simon in dragging you back to to cottage.
"In!" Simon barks when you reach the door. You plant your feet, frustrated tears prickling hot and then falling down your cheeks in heavy droplets. "Stupid girl- get inside."
The insult adds salt to the wound as you stumble onto your hands and knees. Pain lances up your wrists.
"Did'ya think you'd be able to what, survive by yourself?" he scoffs. Johnny helps, but mostly just acts as if you're a doll, in removing your cape and sodden woolen dress.
The shift is wet, too. Less muddy than the dress, but still wet. Johnny slips it over your head and you cross your arms to hide your nakedness, still crying.
"Hey," Simon crouches. He puts his face close to yours, noses touching, eyes deadly. "I didn't lie. We won't force you, you'll come to us."
"You'll go to hell," you're upset now, but it only serves to make them shake their heads and laugh breathily, silently. "You stole me."
"Aye, we did," you're wiped dry by big hands. "And you'll be our wife."
Another slip goes over your head, thin and rough on your skin, well-worn.
"Get in bed."
Johnny listens and brings you with him, wiping the tears from your face as he lays you down. You're as helpless as a lamb.
"If I have any choice," you start. "I won't be your wife, and I won't-"
"Wheesht!" Johnny pulls you to him, hand over your mouth, making room for Simon. His other hand goes over your stomach, squeezing. Warmth surrounds you. "You're overexcited, ye need some rest."
God help you, you're so tired you do.
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thatdesigirl17 ¡ 23 days ago
all i need is you I part one
series masterlist. masterlist.
a/n: so the first part is up! it’s short and not that interesting as it just like sets the scene but I promise interesting things are coming ahead, hope you like the series, I’ll try to put the parts up asap and maybe even a playlist, there are no warnings I think except the curse words
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It all started in the third year when Y/N had lost her baby fat and had a glow-up, making her stand out in Hogwarts. So when Adrian Pucey asked her out she agreed to go on a date with him. Adrian was sweet until they reached back to the castle, he started getting a bit too comfortable which bothered Y/N. She politely declined all his advances and wouldn’t put out, which damaged Adrian’s fragile ego. He left her stranded in a courtyard and stormed to his dorm. She returned to her dorm, alone. 
Over the next few weeks, people started looking at her differently, judging her, whispering about her. Adrian and his friend group had spread rumours about Y/N having a one-night stand with all of them, earning her the reputation of being the Hogwarts’ in-house slut. No matter how much she tried to deny it and save her image, the damage was done and all her efforts reaped nothing. Instead, she decided the best option for her was to lay low and live with it. That’s when she decided she would never even talk to another Slytherin again. 
Being in Hogwarts was a blessing and a curse, since the whole incident Y/N had been on a few more dates but all of them ended badly with the boys wanting nothing more than to sleep with her. 
This had what happened with Cormac McLaggen and this was the reason Y/N was currently storming towards the Black Lake, late at night, after curfew with her clothes slightly dishevelled.
She reached the edge of the lake and slipped out of her shoes setting them aside and letting her bare feet dangle in the cold water. Her tears spilled and the voice of her sniffling filled the air. 
‘Waiting for your date, Y/L/N? What did you already use all the rooms inside the castle?’, a taunting voice came from behind. She didn’t even have to turn to recognise that voice. ‘Fuck off, Nott.’, she spat. She turned her head around looking at the beautiful Italian, standing behind her. Theodore Nott, the infamous pure blood who fit into every Slytherin stereotype, or so most thought. This was the reason that had made Y/N have a strong resolve against pursuing her crush on the boy. 
Theodore took in the tears that shined on her face in the moonlight as his gaze softened. ‘What happened?’, he asked as he fished out a handkerchief from his pocket and threw it in her direction. ‘Aren’t you a gentleman?’, she said sarcastically catching the piece of cloth. He rolled his eyes and his dead eyes stared into hers still waiting for an answer. ‘Don’t act like you care, Nott. I’m not going to fall for whatever sympathy act you might do, I’m not gonna sleep with you.’, she said, dabbing the soft cloth under her eyes drying her tears. 
‘As if I’m dying to sleep with you.’, he replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes again, ‘I don’t need you to sleep with me, love, I’ve plenty of girls ready for that.’ He leaned on one of the trees and lit up a cigarette.
She sighed and got up from the edge, turning over to face him, ‘I’ll leave you to it then.’ ‘You didn’t answer me, what happened? Found no guy to sleep with for the night? Want me to change that?’, he smirked taking a drag of his cigarette. 
‘For fuck’s sake.’, she murmured under her breath as she ignored him and started walking towards the castle. Theodore grabbed her wrist, turning her around to face him again. ‘You are so rude, Y/L/N. I ask you something and you just ignore me?’, he smirked, a playful hint to his voice that seemed to annoy Y/N further. ‘Come on, Y/L/N, please. Maybe I could help you.’, he pressed, stepping closer. ‘Yeah right.’, she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. She held his gaze and his determination did not seem to waver. 
‘You won’t understand, you’re just like everyone else.’, she sighed. ‘You wound me, let me assure you I’m not just like everyone.’, he said, feigning an injury on his chest. ‘You are. Even you believe those stupid rumours.’, she said, crossing her arms around her chest. ‘What rumours?’, Theodore asked, searching her eyes that seemed to well up at the mention. ‘Oh’, he sighed, ‘You did not sleep with them, did you? Adrian and his little friend group.’ She shook her head, gulping, trying to stop herself from tearing down. ‘Those fuckers.’, he scoffed. ‘What happened today?’, he pressed the matter further. Y/N couldn’t avoid his question anymore.
‘Nothing really. Just what always happens. Went on a date, he tried to sleep with me and got mad when I said I won't.’, she said, avoiding his gaze. ‘Who?’, he asked, the briefest hint of protectiveness in his voice. ‘McLaggen.’, she answered, her voice breaking. ‘You really know how to choose them, don’t you?’, he smirked, trying to lighten the mood, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. Y/N let out a shuddered breath, hugging herself tighter, trying to blink away her tears. ‘Hey, hey, hey, I was kidding, love.’, Theodore said, throwing his cigarette away and as he pulled her in, hugging her. ‘You aren’t wrong.’, she mumbled against his chest, breaking down. He comforted her, soothing her back. 
After a moment, the gravity of the situation settled into Y/N’s brain, registering what was happening as she stepped out of his embrace, ‘I’m sorry. I don’t know what got over me.’, she sniffled, wiping her tears from the back of her hand. ‘You don’t have to be sorry.’, he said quickly, putting his hands in his pockets and shrugging. 
The awkward silence surrounded them as she broke it, ‘I better get going.’ She gave him a short smile and turned walking back towards the castle. ‘Let me help you.’, he blurted out, stopping her in her tracks. ‘Help me? Help me how exactly?’, she said, turning to face him, confusion showcasing on her face. He pondered for a moment, ‘Be my girlfriend.’ ‘What?’, she scoffed in disbelief. ‘My fake girlfriend.’, he quickly corrected himself. ‘Fake girlfriend? What do you mean to say, Theo?’, she asked. ‘Let’s pretend that we’re dating. It’ll be a good thing for your reputation and if you do this, I can help you by making Adrian Pucey come clean about the rumours he started.’, he explained, shrugging and shoving his hands in his pocket. ‘Why help me? What’s in it for you?’, she asked, crossing her hands. ‘Let’s just say, I have someone to make jealous and doing this would accomplish that.’, he explained nonchalantly. ‘Who?’, she pressed. ‘None of your business’, he smirked as she glared at him, ‘Alright, Daphne.’ She chuckled hollowly but before she could speak, he interrupted, stepping closer, ‘Don’t make any rash decisions, sleep on it. Meet me tomorrow morning, near the quidditch fields with your answer.’ He tucked a strand of her stray hair behind her ear, winked and walked past her back to the castle. Y/N stood there dumbfounded her mind processing all of what had happened and the lingering question that Theodore had proposed.
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thebramblewood ¡ 24 days ago
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There's nothing Lilith loves more than a good scheme.
Previous / Next
Present day Lilith, narrating: When we made our escape, we were certain we’d never lay eyes on Forgotten Hollow again. For several years, we lived large on a stolen fortune we thought would never run out. How could we have known any better? We’d never handled our own money in our lives. Of course, our naive illusions were quickly shattered. The economy tanked. The war started. We were broke and terrified of exposure. We drifted aimlessly, staying in whatever shitty little hovel we could scrounge up the pennies for. I stalked and killed and thieved to keep us going, but the well was running dry. We finally landed in Brindleton Bay, a dreary seaside town that perpetually stank of fish, where we rented an overpriced yet barely habitable room. The situation was untenable. I began to hatch a plan.
Lilith: Sorry I couldn’t bring more. They have a guard posted outside the blood bank now. I… subdued him then grabbed what I could. It wouldn’t be wise to go back.
Caleb: Thank you. You don’t have to-
Lilith: But I do. You won’t accept it any other way — of course, even if you did, pickings are slim lately — and I hardly want to watch you die for your morals. [sighs wearily] I’m just so goddamn tired.
We’re both tired, Caleb. The only thing I hate more than the fact that you won’t hunt is that you can’t. It makes you too vulnerable.
Caleb: [dismissively] I’m fine.
Lilith: You’re not! I’m not! [pauses meaningfully] I think it’s time we go home.
Caleb: Home? Lilith, you know we can never-
Lilith: It’s been thirty years. Not to be crass, but Mother and Father are dead and all that money is surely going to waste.
Caleb: If we show our faces in Willow Creek looking just like the day we left, we’ll be driven out by mobs with pitchforks before sunrise.
Lilith: We’ll obviously not show up as ourselves. We’ll procure fake documents — death and birth certificates, social security numbers, that sort of thing. We can pose as our own children.
Caleb: Do you not hear how preposterous that sounds? Assuming we could even get our hands on those things, no one would believe us.
Lilith: They’d be even less likely to believe we’re vampires. People don’t like things they can’t explain. If we provide an explanation to them, no matter how flimsy, they’ll gladly take it.
Caleb: There’s still too much risk.
Lilith: What risk? We could eat all of Willow Creek alive if we wanted! It’s not up for debate, Caleb. We’re the true and rightful heirs. It’s time we claim what’s ours, and no one will stand in our way.
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gingerteafairy ¡ 3 months ago
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐬
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Carmy was a dream where everything could happen. He was your dream.
tags n warnings: carmen berzatto x fem!reader, arguing, cursing, angst, the bear background, dry humping, usual unprotected piv, oral (f! receiving). word count: 3.4k. masterlist
The dream of becoming a chef was practically in shambles, like fish bones discarded in a pot. The exhausting routine at The Beef, overdue paychecks, and the constant tension — Carmy’s harsh words, Sydney’s sharpness, and Richie’s ironically calm chaos — felt like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse heralding the end.
You couldn’t even tell what season it was anymore. The oppressive heat from the kitchen had blurred time. It was already 11 PM, and Carmen Berzatto was pacing like a caged animal, demanding speed for one of your dishes, his blue eyes sharp and unrelenting.
You chose an Italian Carrot Dish to impress him. Terrible decision. Perpetually dissatisfied, he hovered over you like a storm cloud, criticizing every movement. The way you chopped carrots, the angle of your knife, the thickness of your slices — everything was wrong to him.
He leaned over the counter, his hand gripping the edge tightly. “Why are you doing it like that again? Why are you doing it like that again?” Carmen barked, his voice cutting through the sizzling pans and clattering utensils. With a swift motion, he grabbed the cutting board, his jaw clenched, and unceremoniously tossed your carefully sliced carrots into the trash. “Do it over.”
Your hands froze mid-air, the knife trembling slightly in your grip. The exhaustion and frustration boiled over. “It’s the hundredth time you’ve made me do this shit, Carmen!” you snapped, your voice sharp enough to make Sydney glance up from her station.
Carmy’s brows furrowed, his jaw tightening even further as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Yeah? You’re right . This is shit. It's a fucking shit. You want to send out garbage? Be my guest. But not in my kitchen.”
“Yeah? Fuck you cause you are the shit here, Carmen,” you muttered under your breath, slamming the knife onto the cutting board. “What’s wrong with the way I’m doing it?”
“What’s wrong?” he echoed, his voice dripping with disbelief. He stepped closer, pointing at the trash can where your work now sat. “This isn’t just a carrot. It’s discipline. It’s focus. If you can’t get that right, how are you gonna handle a risotto? Or a plate of scallops? And don't fucking calm me Carmen.”
Your heart pounded in your chest, the heat from the stove and his words making it hard to breathe. “I’m not a mind reader! Maybe if you actually explained instead of throwing tantrums, we’d get somewhere. Fuck.”
“Hey, Chef. Take it easy,” Marcus tried to intervene, his usual calm demeanor intact, though there was hesitation in his voice.
“Marcus, don’t bother,” Tina cut in, grabbing his arm and pulling him back. “It’s not worth it.” Her voice was firm, her eyes darting between you and Carmen. This was fire against fire, and no one dared step into the middle of it. It would be absolute suicide.
For a brief moment, something flickered across his face — frustration, guilt, or maybe even exhaustion. But it vanished as quickly as it appeared, replaced by the same hard stare. “Just do it again,” he muttered, his voice lower this time, almost as if he didn’t have the energy to argue anymore.
Your hands clenched into fists at your sides before you reached for another carrot, biting back the words you wanted to say. The kitchen wasn’t just a battlefield; it was a prison, and Carmy Berzatto was the warden.
As you began chopping again, Richie’s voice cut through the tension like a knife. “Hey, Cousin, maybe lay off for a second? Poor girl’s about to combust.” He smirked, leaning casually against the counter, a toothpick dangling from his lips.
Carmy shot him a glare. “Stay out of it, Richie.”
But Richie only chuckled, shaking his head. “Sure thing, Chef. Keep barking orders. See where that gets you. I'm done with this. You guys are fucking insane. Fucking insane. But I love you, sweetie. You don't deserve the Carm shit.”
“Bye, Richie. Love you.” You couldn’t help the small, bitter laugh that escaped your lips as you continued chopping, your movements more aggressive now. The night wasn’t over, and neither was the chaos.
“We're going too… Chef, Jeff… goodnight.” Tina smiled, her motherly nature slightly soothing the moment. “Get some rest, okay?” She rubbed your shoulders and you smiled at the touch.
“I'll try.” you murmured, wiping your hands on your stained apron, your voice barely audible over the hum of the kitchen. “Goodnight, Tina. Marcus. Good job, guys.”
“Yeah… good job, everyone, you did great.” Carmen echoed, almost under his breath. He ran a hand over his face, his fingers pressing hard against his temples as he watched the team shuffle out through tired, half-lidded eyes. The room fell into a heavy silence until it was just you and him left in the kitchen.
You swallowed hard, forcing yourself back into motion. Silently, you picked up the cutting board and knife, grabbed more carrots, and started again. Alumette, brunoise, batonnet, julienne, mirepoix. Every possible cut danced beneath your blade as your sweat mixed with silent tears of frustration. The kitchen air felt suffocating, the heat and stress pressing down on your chest.
“Slower! You’re too slow! Dammit, this is painful to watch!” Carmy barked again, stepping closer, his voice grating and relentless. He slammed his own knife onto the counter, demonstrating cuts so precise they looked effortless, but the condescension in his tone stung like a burn.
It was too much. The tension snapped like a rubber band.
With a sharp exhale, you threw your knife and cutting board onto the floor, perfect pieces of vegetables scattering across the tiles like broken glass. The clatter echoed loudly, cutting through the silence.
“And you’re being an insufferable jerk, Carmen!” you shouted, your voice shaking with a mix of anger and exhaustion.
“Don't fucking call me Carmen, I told you.” he threaded, tooking a step forward pointing fingers to your face, that you slapped away, your movements sharp and deliberate.
“Why the hell are you being so irritating? What’s your problem?” Your chest heaved as you stared at him down, your frustration and defiance meeting his unrelenting glare.
He exploded, forking his fingers on his hair. “You’re pissing me off. You're making mistakes. Fucking my kitchen. You're fucking with me.”
“You're fucking with everyone.” you shouted. “Everyone is gone. No one stands between you and me anymore. Even Marcus is tired of this. Do you even know what that means?”
“Oh, I know…” His jaw tightened, and his hands moved to grab your shoulders, forcibly pushing you to face him. “Because of you! Fuck! You're making everything difficult.”
You shove him hard in the chest, your hands striking with frustration. He stumbles back, his eyes narrowing as he collides with the wall, but he doesn't resist.
"Why don't you fire me, Carm? Go ahead!" you challenge, your voice sharp and trembling with anger.
“I would've fired you months ago if I knew you were like this.” He continues, stepping closer, his face inches from yours.
"You're wrong. It's because no one else would put up with your nonsense. That's why you don't fire me. You. Just. Can't." Your fists clench at your sides, your breath quick and heavy, chest rising and falling as the tension builds.
"Feel better now?" he spat, his voice low, almost mocking. He straightens himself against the wall, brushing off his shirt as if your outburst was nothing more than a passing annoyance. “I swear to God, I'll shut your mouth one day. And you'll be just-"
"You know what? I'm gonna be honest with you." you interrupted, trembling as frustration spills out. "You're lucky you're the most talented chef I've ever met in my life. You're the best in the world for me. I had to make an effort.”
“Oh, you want a congratulation card?” He mocked, clapping his hands slowly. “Congratulations. You deserve it.”
“Listen to me, you piece of shit. I'm not done.” You growled, grabbing his hands. “Fuck, you're so fucking perfect in anything you do and still be a jerk. It's tiring. And for the worst, you're hot. Hot as hell and this is triggering for me. That's why I don’t leave this hellhole. This isn't a life, Carm." Your hands gesture wildly before falling to your sides, defeated.
He pauses stepping back, his jaw tightening as he runs a hand over his face, clearly at a loss for words. His fingers drum once on his hips before he exhales sharply through his nose, a faint smirk pulling at his lips. "You think I'm hot?" he echoed, his voice low, almost teasing.
For a moment, Carm stays silent, his gaze fixed on you. There's a flicker in his expression—anger, maybe even something else—usually quickly masked by his stressed composure breaking apart.
And that moment you felt what you've been trying to hide behind screams and what Carmy muffled on his curses. Explosive unnatural sexual tension. The reality of the situation is weighing between you both as you walk back to the counter and he follows you as a strong force tired of being ignored pulls him back to you.
You stare at him in disbelief, your mouth falling open. Trying to deny the obvious. Denying your need. "Is that all you got from what I just said?" you shoot back, pushing off the counter and stepping closer to him. “Yeah, that's what I said. You're a fucking hot pain in the ass. If you just…”
“You don't know when to stop?” he cut off as his patient ran thin. “You're fucking testing my limits, pushing me, tempting me. Fuck, I don't even know what I'm doing. I don't even know why I keep going back to you everytime. Every day. Here. At the same place, when everyone goes and leaves us both alone again.”
You exhale the air you didn't even know you were holding back. “You need me, asshole. Stop… fucking pretending you hate me.” your voice lowed on every word, til you whispered what he craved to hear for all these months. “I'm tired of pretending I don't want you.”
He sighs, as his gaze locks on yours, carefully stepping to the moment he pins you to the counter.
You expected everything from Carm except him trapping you this way and worse, in the kitchen. In his kingdom.
He grabs both of your wrists, caressing the whitened knuckles, moving his leg between your thighs. You gulp, directioning your eyes down. You shutted your mouth, every cell of you was alarmed. You were needy, more than that, you were starving Carmy Berzatto.
“Why do you want me?” He demanded softly, and you furrowed your eyebrows. How the hell are you supposed to respond to it? Carmy had a beauty to fill centuries of art museum collections.
He closed his eyes, landing his forehead on yours. Then you shutted yours as well. Your hands grip the edge of the counter, knuckles whitening as you try to steady your breathing.
“You're Carmy.” You replied weakly, slowly opening your eyes as you met his watery globe. Your fingers advanced on a slow dance from the counter to print his arm, chest and finally his face, resting your palm on his cheek where a silent tear fell. “There's no reason bigger than this. You're perfect, Carmy. Don't you see that? You’re…my fucking inspiration. You're my dream. You're the reason I do all of this. That's why I outburst when you scream at me.”
Your lips parted slightly, and his gaze flickered down to your lips before snapping back up to your eyes. You saw it, and your breath hitched. His face was close now, so close that you could feel his breath, warm and uneven.
His pulse quickened. He swallowed as a small red tint flashes his cheek, licking his lips to dissipate the nervousness. You shivered, your brain working to wonder how that talented tongue tasted your juice.
Your hands gripped his apron. The moment your lips touched his, they parted and his tongue teased yours. He wrapped his arms around you, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. the stress in his shoulders loosened as he just held you close.
He let out a quiet moan against your lips as he grabs your hips again and pushes your back against the counter as he kisses you hungrily.
He moves his kisses to your neck, biting and sucking the skin, humming while you tilted your head to guarantee access to him.
Your hand grabs his locks on your fingers, pushing those soft curls on your fingertips. You pursue his lips, nipping the bottom while you grind against his pelvis, humming on how his cock felt just right even clothed.
“Hmmm…this is good.” He groans, swaying, mimicking slow thrusts, his fingers catching your ass cheeks while you continually round your hips on his.
You mewl when you feel his hard tip right on your clit, proceeding to rub on that spot where he threw your head on your neck to pepper kisses and nip on the skin, leaving marks. His marks. “Yeah…it's…weirdly good.”
He whimpers, breath fanning as he brushes his nose on yours. His hands ran up to slap your ass, caressing as a sorry. Carmy was on a trip, where he never failed to surprise you, each fucking moment seemed meaningful.
“What we're doing… We shouldn't…This…We. It's risky.” He sighs, pulling you closer as your chests touch, guiding your movements. .
"Being with you is already a risk, Carm," you whispered, a faint smirk tugging at your lips. “Let's fuck, can't cum in this fucking dry humping, would ruin my reputation.”
“I wouldn't mind ruining mine by cumming on my jeans.” he says, and somehow it comforted you as a cool breeze in summer.
He peels the apron off simultaneously as you take off yours and tossed on the counter, stripping your jeans down your ankles, kicking it while he unbelt and unbutton his jeans, down to his thighs with the boxers.
You grasp the hem of your panties, but Carmy stops. “You sure of…”
“Fuck me, Carm.” You cut off and he nodded, blushing. Carm liked your orders more than he would like to admit. “Please…” but loved even more when you pleaded.
He placed the tip, rubbing softly on your pearl to spread your liquid on his pre-cum. You hummed, wiggling on it. “Fuck. I've always wanted to do it. Tastes together. Like…like cooking. Mixing flavors.” Carmy groaned, rocking his aching tip on your clit. “Fuck. I need to taste it”
He bent, kneeling on the floor, spreading your legs as he placed one of your thighs on his shoulders. So, in that moment, your eyes mingled on how Carmy seemed delighted as a chef, inhaling scents, kitten licking slowly as every taste bud memorized on every spot of his tongue how you tasted.
He hummed, sucking, going for the entrance to get more liquid, more lubrication, burying his face on your core, tantalizing your pussy by inserting one finger deep and pulling out to suck on his tongue, moaning again.
“Carm…stop teasing me. Please, bear…” you weeb, groggy at the pleasure roller coaster. He shivered by the name again, planting one last licking to get up again.
He wrapped his cock on his hand again, pressing the tip against your cunt with no resistance, pushing his length deep on you, lifting one of your legs to keep you close. “Fuck.” He breathes, sinking down on you.
“Yeah…fuck.” You echoed, ripping a grin from him. You capture his lips, wrapping your leg on his hip, cradling your arms around his neck while you sigh and cry on each thrust harder than the one before. “We should… be… doing it every time we fight, bear”
He nods, pursuing your lips, slides his hands down further, going for your ass to smack and squeeze tightly. “Now I know how to put you in your place.” he whispers.
You grin, your giggles paused between your moans on Carm’s cock popping in and out crazily fast. You threw your head back, disheveled, chased back again by his strong hands on the back of your neck, looking at him.
“So you don't mind?" he asks, his shoulders tensed as he looks at you with quiet hope between the foggy atmosphere, your so loved white shirt covered in sweat.
You opened your mouth, forcing your eyes to open. “About what?”
“About me.” He answers, groaning. His pace became slower, matching the intimate vulnerability of the moment. “About us. About…fucking everything.”
"Our relationship is already broken, right?" Your tone is soft but resolute, and for a moment, the weight of unspoken words lingers between you. You clench, feeling your so known vibrations.
“Is that what you call….fuck…, a relationship?” He managed, his right hand travelled to your throat, landing on the back of your neck, knuckles brushing on your jaw.
“What else would it be?” You smile amused, brushing your hands against his biceps scratching your nails. Your marks.
“A headache?” He constantes, pressing his lips trying to stifle a laugh, slipped out anyway. You couldn’t help but join him.
“You know that anger can be misunderstood with arousal, right?” You flashed a grin, muffled by him biting your lip, landing your eyes briefly at his mouth before back on his blue iris. “Maybe that's why we always screamed at each other and fuck Carmy m cumming”
“Fuck, let it out…let it all out.” He moans, sliding faster on your cunt, passionately fucking you til your back arch convulsing blissed out in ecstasy.
He swallows, driving his head back on your neck so he could hear every moan you let out on your climax, the ones he caused. And it was enough to make him pulse, spasming as he cummed on deep sways, colliding on you.
His chest rose heavy, pushing back to look at you, as a satisfied grin creeps his face. You lick your lips, smiling as well. And silently as the moment demanded, he popped his softened cock out, dressing again as you did the same. But first, he got his own apron to clean his mess carefully, kissing your forehead as a cherry on top.
You smiled as he lifted your pants, buttoned up and unshrink your shirt. "Thank you, chef," you mutter, your voice soft and sincere.
"Thank you, chef," he whispers back, leaning in until your foreheads touch again. His hand moves gently to the back of your neck, his thumb brushing soothing circles against your skin. "Let’s go home," he murmurs, his tone low and filled with a quiet longing.
"Okay, chef," you sigh, your fingers lightly tracing along his arm in response. He lingers for a moment, as if reluctant to let go, before tilting his head toward the door. You nod, taking off your apron and carefully turning off the lights before stepping outside with him.
Walking beside Carmy down the street, you steal a glance at him, your heart caught in a mixture of hope and uncertainty. He catches your gaze, holding it for a moment longer than usual before glancing away. You swallow hard, lifting a hand in a hesitant wave goodbye before taking a step forward.
He nods silently, his eyes following your retreating figure. "Chef," he calls out suddenly, his voice firm but tinged with something softer.
You stop in your tracks, glancing over your shoulder before turning to face him fully. He locks the restaurant door with deliberate slowness, then strides toward you, his steps purposeful.
"What is it?" you ask softly, your voice carrying a hint of worry as you search his face.
He stops just a breath away, his blue eyes meeting yours with an intensity that makes your heart stutter. After a pause, he speaks, his voice low and vulnerable. "You’re my dream too."
His lips curl into a tender smile as he takes your hand, his thumb tracing lazy patterns against your skin. The words sink into the quiet air between you, their weight undeniable.
Your breath hitches, and your eyes glisten as you fight back tears. You shake your head slightly, a shaky smile breaking through. "I still hate you, Carm," you tease, the words laced with warmth neither of you can deny.
He laughs, the sound soft and genuine, his hand still holding yours. "And you’re not half bad at chopping carrots," he quips, the corner of his mouth lifting into a grin as he releases your hand reluctantly.
"Goodbye, chef," you say, your voice quieter now, the words carrying an intimacy you don’t attempt to hide.
"Goodbye, chef," he replies, his eyes lingering on you as you walk away, the echo of your shared moment still hanging in the air.
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thetxtdevil ¡ 26 days ago
𝓣𝐡𝐞 𝓥𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐬 𝓞𝐟 𝓐𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐚
The Siren's Call
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Siren!Soobin x Human/Fish!Reader
synopsis: The siren couldn’t do it, he latched onto your body with different intensities. His instincts wanted his talons to tear your soft flesh until the sapphire water turned into a murky red. However, something in his chest scorched every time his grip on you tightened with harm. The siren couldn’t commit to his kill.
content(spoilers): MDNI smut, mysterious, fem.reader, reader isn't a mermaid but she isn't fully human... yeah idk, my version of Nosferatu but it's of siren soobin, merpeople, biting, scratching, descriptions of blood, clit stim, soobin has two dicks, double penetration, breeding kink
word count: 4k
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𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐔𝐏𝐎𝐍 𝐀 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄… In a land far far away, where the treetops touched the soft clouds of the sky, and the water sparkled under the glowing sun. Where mountains rose high and in which long, deep caves ran. Where the sea met the shore in a collision of tall waves. Where the undead walked among the living. Where the winged flew above the finned. In a land where things beyond any reason and rhyme existed. And amongst those very beings, within the veils of Aethera, there was…
A bright blue sky, reflecting the deep lapis ocean, becomes dark and dreary. The sun fights to shine through the grey clouds, causing parts of the atmosphere to look pink. The warm hue casts over your face, contrasting the cool waters below. It was a sight to see for the creatures in the sea to admire, something to crave for.
"Red skies at night, sailors' delight."
A groggy voice of the captain says behind you also taking a short break to look at the view. You turn your head to see all the sailors working hard on the deck of the ship. Hair flowing in the wind getting into your eyes you turn back to watch the sun disappear. A chill runs down your back, a feeling like ice water being dumped on you as a luring song reaches your ears.
A falsetto voice calls out to you, the melody is so soothing, that you touch your chest as if you could feel the song in your heart. A strong pull to the ocean had your lazy feet step closer to the railing of the ship. Your grip and feet almost felt like they were slipping, ready to fall into the salty depths. So close to reaching the unknown, you were taken away from your temptation feeling a hand grab onto you. You again turn your head to see the captain, "My lady, what are you doing?" You stutter over your words just to have the captain of the ship lose interest and continue to order the sailors around. His dark eyes rolled, and the feeling of judgment was not unfamiliar to you.
Yet you ask yourself. What were you doing? Why did you want to fall? Your worries and questions soon faded along with your memory of the beautiful song from the oceans.
Days of rocking on a ship were not for you, your eyes grew tired, and dry patches surrounded your young face. You were ready to meet your new home, to get away from the alluring sapphire waves. Thirsting to float among the sea life, but you knew you shouldn’t give in to your pleasures. The continuous nightly encounters of the same bewitching sound from the deep blue ocean weren't helping your resentment of jumping in. Every night, you couldn't help but get excited to hear the sweet sounds. It seemed to control your sleeping figure, unconsciously walking to the edge until a sailor on night duty had to drag you back to your chambers, but you would do it all over again just to hear the mystery.
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The candle-lit chamber was the only warmth you felt from the foggy day. Your maid straightens your long cream nightgown to lay nicely under the wool bedcover. She fixed your hair making sure it wouldn’t be messed up in the morning for it was your last night on the ship. “Now dear, I don’t want any of your suspicious outings tonight.” You nod your head obeying your maid’s wishes, she smiles, “Get some rest dear, you’ll be at your new home tomorrow.” Watching the woman’s lips purse huffing out the flame to your comforting candle, leaving you in the dark.
Clenching to the itchy blanket, the waves pick you and the world around you up and down. You felt used to the feeling by now; you would've been relaxed if it wasn’t for the piercing song drilling into your eardrum. Your clammy hands hooked onto the bedding, trying their best to stay put, which only made the call to you louder and more excruciating. Letting go of your stronghold on the blanket you cover your ears, clenching your eyes shut until tears were streaming down your sickly cheeks. You imagined yourself at the deck railing, lifting your fist in the pouring rain, telling the god-awful sound to stop calling for you and leave you in peace. Then the screeching melody stops.
Your body feels light. Softly opening your eyes, your breath catches in your throat, and you are in shock at your surroundings. Hunching over the wood of the deck’s rails, you were being pelted down by dagger-like raindrops. The fog was so thick the only thing you could see was the passing waters of the ocean against the ship. The wave smacks against the surface, making your body fall on the floor beneath you. You cry feeling your grip loosen, the strength of the wind and the slippery rain had your fingers shaking off of the railing. Looking back down at the crashing waves your eyes widen seeing a creature swimming near the ship with its dark long fishtail paired with sharp wings that could make it fly up and grab you. A strong gust of wind pushes the ship drastically making the floor go vertical causing you to slide down into the waters below.
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The high-pitched squawking of seagulls contrasts with the soothing tides of the beach you wake up on. Lifting your head off the sand, you wince at the aching feeling of your dry cracking skin. The environment around you was calm, the skies were a beautiful blue with fluffy peach clouds. The glitter-beige sand beneath you was soft and comforting, it almost made you want to sink in it and stay there. You scoot your bottom in the sand until you hear giggles as light as the waves. It is alluring in its way, but an unexplainable ache fills your heart, wishing your ears were filled with that falsetto song that haunted you.
Stretching out of the sand, your legs wobble fighting against gravity. You search for the uplifting giggle, it doesn’t take long to find something that leaves you astonished. Mermaids and mermen in the flesh, each sunbathing while unintentionally showing off their unique colored fishtail. Your mouth gaps like a fish out of water watching these creatures in front of you, they were something you’ve never seen before.
In the group of merpeople, you notice one merman had their attention on you. He was beautiful like a pearl sitting in a pile of rocks. He had bright, blonde hair that framed a soft face sculpted by the gods, and dewy skin that melted into the iridescent scales of his tail. The merman’s equally bright eyes look into yours, shooting worry of being caught. Your heart pounds against your chest, turning around on your heels, ready to run away until you hear a call from one of the merpeople.
“Ha! Easy pickings, stumbling into our circle.” said an indigo-tailed merman.
“This human will be fun to play with!” a yellow-tailed mermaid grins mischievously.
“S-she’s not human…” the pearl merman says, making all the merpeople’s heads turn, “Look at her, hair covered in sand, skin burnt from the sun, she’s not from the kingdom, I think she’s from a shipwreck.”
The beautiful merman’s observations made all of them look at your distant figure in intrigue. You washed up on a not-so-normal island, far from deserted, far from anything you know from your human life. The fact that you survived from wherever you came from and came upon the shore alive and in one piece could be enough to prove you weren’t like the humans hidden in the Kingdom of Aethera tucked on the island.
Stomping in the hot seaside, distraught by the predicament you have yourself in. Mind spiraling, your thoughts stumble like your feet in the wet sand. You let out a huff of defeat, feeling your face getting hot from the bubbling-up tears. The sway of the waves did nothing to calm you, canceling out your surroundings, not hearing the swishing water getting closer.
“If you’re not human, then what are you?” Your crouched body loses balance, falling into the shoreline. The yellow-tail mermaid lays on your stomach, elbows lifting her torso dripping from being in the ocean. You scrunch your eyebrows at her, not knowing what to do or say. “Where did you come from?”
You look away from the golden creature, collecting your thoughts. “I-uh, I don’t remember much,” your voice sounded spent but had the attention of the mermaid. “I was on a ship, moving to… to…” Your voice fades as if you triggered something. The siren’s call softly pierces your ears. You’ve become accustomed to looking for the creature making the sound, only to see the mermaid next to you shake her head.
Her dark spiral hair shakes with the disappointment on her face, “You must’ve been through a lot, you don’t even know how you got here.” You frown at the mermaid’s statement then hear a random giggle. “Let’s forget about the past, and play!”
Rejoining the merpeople’s circle, you thought that you had nothing else to lose. So you spent hours soaking in the sun listening to the stories of the merfolk and the island of Aethera. Eventually diving into the bright blue waters that you had been lured to yet avoiding ever since you woke up.
The chill ocean shivers up your spine, instantly cooling down your heated body. Diving into the blue water, soon being surrounded by a rainbow of tails. Splashing at each other's faces relishing in the cool breeze that naturally moved your group farther away from where you started. Passing a makeshift seaweed ball to one another, laughing at the frustrated little one who couldn’t reach for it. Everything felt nice, you felt content. You weren’t sinking in your thoughts anymore, and you were not haunted by anything.
Suddenly the water surface flushes above your head, and you are being dragged down. Fighting the capturer was no use, raising your hand to the merpeople above. They sink lower trying to reach for you until they see the dark tail and the webbed fingers that clawed at your legs. All the air escapes your lips when you watch the rainbow of tails flash away from your reach.
Drowning deep into the waters you were faced with the owner of the call that had haunted you. The creature’s talons trace the curve of your thighs to your waist, a long tail wrapping around your body. His razor teeth grin at the sight of you looking proud of his captured prey. Your mind becomes dizzy from the overwhelming events. In much need to take in air, but you can't. Your vision darkens from lack of oxygen making the creature watch your body go limp.
The siren analyzes you and your simple state, why did I pick the most beautiful human? He has been watching you for a while, admiring your interest in ocean life, smiling every time a fish jumps out of the water, and keeping count of the new barnacles that formed on the wood of the ship. Your beauty stunned the siren, how unique you looked compared to the others on deck, you danced through the crowd of men just to watch the wave pass by, salty water crinkled your blowing hair, and how alluring your eyes reflected the captivating color of the blue sea.
The siren couldn’t do it, he latched onto your body with different intensities. His instincts wanted his talons to tear your soft flesh until the sapphire water turned into a murky red. However, something in his chest scorched every time his grip on you tightened with harm. The siren couldn’t commit to his kill.
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An agonizing pain splits through your head, as you open them to the starry sky. It takes you time to remember what happened then you get a glimpse of the strange man or creature. He sat humming to himself, you were able to identify little details about him. Slouched over causing his dirty blond hair to hang over his eyes who watched as his talons traced shapes into the glistening sand. Onyx fishtail lifting at the tip, paired with bat-like wings lazily splayed out the bony structure curling in every time he breathed. His lip-biting made him look deep in contemplation.
To kill her or not to kill her.
By the state you observe yourself in, it looks like he has been fighting with himself all night. Clothes shredded and skin covered in bruises and scrapes. The scars aren't deep, bruises seem to be a mixture of love bites and forceful tugging. What did this creature want from you?
You lay there watching the siren, staring at the shoreline's roll-in. A small noise rises from his throat, a familiar song that again evokes you. It feels like mind control. Something in your chest feels like a rope is lifting you to get closer, but you feel too weak, and it hurts to get up. “W-what are you doing to me?” Your voice cracks through your dry throat.
The song abruptly pauses, and he looks back at you. You are reminded of his beauty yet you feel fear watching his wings widening in defense. His body twists on the beach, and his strong arms crawl towards you. His sharp pupils are on you, bouncing from one feature to another. You flinch when you see his taloned finger raising to your face, only to feel the light sensation of a caress.
You take another good look at the creature in the shadow of the dim night. The mixture of different species was so different, disgusting, you should hate it, but looking back at his big dark eyes you couldn’t help but melt under the gaze of his soft smile. Puffy eyes squint as he smiles, the smile that is knife-like but wide, showing off a handsome human feature of dimples. You both smile at each other like the world is somehow complete, was it because you are under the siren’s call, or was it just a rarity?
The shimmer of the damp Adam’s apple moves, and his plush lips open and close. After a while, a grunt finally forms from his mouth, “S-sor-ry” he points to himself while his eyes look over your distraught state, “f-for-give.”
Your eyes narrowed, trying to understand the siren. Your head was overwhelmed by thoughts once more. You wanted to curse yourself for feeling weak against your predator. Feeling weak to fall into the trap of forgiving him. “What do you want from me?” Your voice sounded like jagged rocks compared to the creature’s voice of smooth sand.
“I-i, t-to kill,” He pauses noticing your quicking breath rate, “b-but I can’t.” You two look into each other’s starkly different eyes. You thought to yourself, if he wanted to kill you, he could’ve done it already, unless he usually tortures his food like this. “There's something different… about you.”
You quirk your head to the side, the siren was hard to understand in general but that comment left you lost. Again, his pointed pupils rake through your body, only this time you watch as his pupils dilate into round orbs. His ragged-finned forearm lifts and taloned fingers graze your sides, big hands lightly squeezing your flesh, causing an intense warmth to build up in your stomach. His dimples pop, flashing his sharp teeth at your reaction, “S-so pretty.”
You grunt at the feeling you had from the unnerving complement. Then suddenly the creature’s teeth hid behind pursed lips, leaning in for a kiss. His surprisingly soft lips meet yours like how an ocean traces the shore. He moans tasting the salt against your cracked lips, he held himself back from using his fangs to cut your pretty lips. Breathlessly, you tear away from the siren's hold to see him pout. You felt like a lost cause, barely remembering your past, being torn away from the merpeople, stuck on an unusual island, and now you’re kissing a creature who’s put you under some type of spell. You gave up, letting the sea take you just like how it has always been, “Whatever happens to me, let me at least know your name.”
“Soobin” the siren sings his name before kissing you again. Pointed nails dig into your waist as his other webbed hand cups your face, keeping you close. A part of you was still screaming for freedom, to get away from the monster, yet you let it happen, you let Soobin do whatever he wanted. It wasn’t so torturous, the kisses traveling down your neck felt soothing with the sounds of the rising tides. Soobin’s grip on you tightens making an ache between your thighs and back arch. He clenched his fingers on your ruined dress, ripping it into shreds and leaving you exposed in front of the siren.
Every curve of your body had the creature salivating, he had never stopped to admire a human before. Soobin lowers his head, latching onto your hardened nipple. Your hands bury themselves into his sea-crisp hair, sounds bubbling in your throat. You couldn’t believe you could feel any better until you felt Soobin's nails scrape down your torso and between your legs. He made sure his talons didn’t poke at your sensitive flesh as the nubs of his fingers rubbed soft circles. The siren shivers at the wetness he discovers while touching you wanting nothing more than to have his dicks in it.
Whimpers passing through your plush lips were music to Soobin’s ears. His dimples were very evident as he cherished your withering state. Never having the pleasure of being touched, never in your wildest dream would you think it would be by such a dream before you. Your insides were tightening, you were seeing stars among the stars as your whole body shook. A cry of your orgasm awakens the quiet beach granting a smile from the siren.
You black out for a moment from the immense pleasure to be brought back to reality feeling Soobin’s tongue back to your tits. Stuttering his name you were faced with his dilated pupils that sparkled like the sky. The siren starts to hum against your skin, becoming more obsessed with you by the minute. The song fades in his throat before his deep voice asks, “Can you take me in, all of me?”
Again, you give Soobin a questioning look, not experienced with the creature and the situation. Scanning his prideful face, your eyes drift down to find something peculiar. Among the siren’s deep ebony tail, the scales around his v-line lifted to two erected dicks standing side by side. A deep gulp passes through your throat glazing back at the creature’s eyes. “C-can you?” He grunts, scooting impossibly closer to you, bodies molding into each other. You feel his bulges against your cunt causing your breath to hitch. His round nose outlines your cheek and leaves pecks waiting for your answer. A soft, “O-okay” made Soobin’s keen teeth flash in response to yours.
He hums the tune that has haunted you all the many nights before this one as he deeply kisses you. However, this time you didn’t get agitated by the vocals, instead you felt calm, knowing he was right there. He lines one of his dicks to your cunt, slowly slipping the tip in, not furthering his movements until he has his other pulsing cock line your ass. You whine loudly, eyes clenched tight, digging your nails into his arms. The siren kisses your neck soothing your nerves, while pushing into you. Soobin stayed still, he felt high off the feeling of your holes clenching around him, becoming addicted to your warmth and slickness. The creature couldn’t hold himself back any longer, and like how he swims in the deep sea, his hips skillfully thrusting into your two weeping holes
Overwhelmed by the mix of pain and pleasure, sweat accumulates on your burnt skin as you start to feel light-headed. The moon rises overcasting silver hues over you two. The wind picks up the shoreline getting closer to your connected bodies. Water splashes onto your form making you both gasp at the freezing temperature. Soobin’s furrowed eyebrows relax, opening his eyes, a crooked smile forms seeing your head thrown back moaning out to the gods. Eyes study your complexion to notice your goosebumps turning. “So, this is why I couldn’t kill you.” Too deep in your state of pleasure you don’t realize your changing appearance. Soobin grazes his fingers along your smooth skin that sporadically becomes bumpy, as red scales form. “Red skies at night, a siren’s delight.”
The sight would be alarming to the usual but Soobin was the unusual. He admired the gills splitting on your neck matched his dark love bites next to them. The glow of rubies on your skin caused hunger within the siren. Soobin wanted you more than he ever did. Pulling himself out, you whined loudly. The instant emptiness made you grab onto the siren above you. With both dicks in his webbed palm, he lines both of them into your cunt. Your eyes widen, “Soobin, I don’t think I can-”
“You can and you will.”
All this time he thought his instincts were encouraging to kill you, but now he realized this was different. Heat flushed through his body, groin aching to release inside of you. Needed you to take his seed, make you full and round, perfect to have his kind to sing through the sea. Your whole body felt like it was on fire, the drag of his two dicks had you screaming, overstimulated by the ache. Soobin clenches his fists in the sand, shoving all of him into you absorbing your gasps and whines against his lips. Your mouth opens feeling the siren consistently hit that perfect spot with both of his tips. His talons flow down your torse, lightly scraping the softness of your belly feel the bulging of your belly. Back arching, nails drawing cold blood from Soobin’s arms. The sea engulfs you two like a blanket, yet you feel warm, safe, and full.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
You surrendered, letting the siren consume you. This was a contract to stay in the Veils of Aethera forever. Accepting life on the unpredictable island that was haunted by demons that saved fallen angels, where witches cackled causing chaos, and a place where dragons can stretch their wings towards the cool blue sky. Just like how you felt about Soobin, you quickly learn that it wasn’t a bad place forever.
A cool morning breeze snaked up your spine, waking you up to the mixed sapphire and peach atmosphere. Stepping out of your small beach cabin, your feet sank in the damp sand from the shore flooding during the night. You took a moment to admire the view of crashing waves rolling in the rocking sound of serenity. Moving closer to the ocean, you slouch down, offering your hand to fill the salty liquid. Splashing it on your face, you hydrated the scarlet scales that still decorate your body.
A sorrowful sigh passes your lips as a weight fills your chest. For an island to be so unforeseen and full of the unusual you hate to wake up alone. The crashing sound of the ocean fades in your ears to be outcasted by the familiar falsetto song, but this time it is among multiple voices. The choir of the eerie melody brought warmth to your body, turning your head towards the call, you stop to smile.
In the distance, you can see your beloved siren sitting in the wet sand with smaller sirens surrounding him. An assortment of dury-colored fins, all sharing his complexion. One small fry on his lap, two sunbathing next to him, and three splashing their tails in the ocean. Heat rushes to your eyes seeing all of them together back to see you. The sirens call for you, like a rope tied around your heart leading you to them.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
As Always A Nuisance,
TxT’s Devil
taglist: @inkigayocamman, @biteyoubiteme, @izzyy-stuff, @hyukascampfire, @luvsicktyun, @beomiracles, @liverspaghett, @prince-jjae, @blue-moon-514
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kitkat13001 ¡ 2 months ago
⊹₊⟡⋆ 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚏𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 | pro-hero shoto todoroki x reader
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shoto has never been an explicitly complex person. he doesn’t care much for flashy looks or bright lights or glitter and bravado. his life is busy and he enjoys the simplicity of coming home in the evenings, especially the ones where it was raining and he would open the door and immediately be swallowed in the embrace of the precious being he called his fiancée. 
it always brings a smile to his face and he can’t help the almost giddy feeling inside him to see your beaming face. 
it makes it worth it when his aching muscles have to carry him up five flights of stairs. it makes it worth it when he has to jam his key into the lock and jiggle it until it finally opens. 
it smells like pine-scented detergent and coffee when shoto enters the apartment, and it smells like home. 
he sees the back of your head on the couch and you whip around to greet him with a grin.
you move to stand and immediately sink back down, your smile morphing into a wince. 
“ooh, shitshitshit. bad idea, bad idea.”
shoto frowns as he gets closer and notices the brace on your knee. 
“you got hurt during patrol?” he asks, taking a seat next to you. 
you shrug, setting your glass down and shifting to face shoto. 
“not a big deal. some idiot tried to get away with robbing a bank. hit me in the knee with a pipe. i’m fine, though. it just hurts a little.”
without you asking, shoto lays a gentle hand down on your knee. you sigh in relief as his hand drops in temperature, the icy touch relieving the ache in your knee. 
you drop your head on his shoulder, placing a kiss there as well. “you’re the best. i love you.”
shoto chuckles. “mm. i love you too.”
“i called shiozaki today. she’d love to help us out with the flowers. and yaomomo agreed on saturday to go looking for invitations.”
shoto hums, his nimble fingers gently massaging your knee. 
“sounds like a plan.”
a soft silence settles over you for a little while, both of you lost to thought.
“cold soba for dinner?” you ask, tracing patterns on shoto’s shoulder. 
he smiles to himself. you know him. the thought makes his heart warm and his cheeks pink. 
“i don’t deserve you,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your temple. 
you giggle, threading a hand in his hair. 
“you don’t deserve this hot mess? mm, too bad. maybe next time i’ll say yes to the sidekick who asked me out. think he’d deserve me?”
shoto leans back to give you a dry look. “you’re not funny.”
you snort with laughter, kicking your good leg. “i am too! but i was joking, ‘cause i am way out of that guy’s league.”
“ha ha,” shoto rolls his eyes. he gives you a devious smile. “maybe i should make an appearance at your agency, give ‘em all a reminder who you’re with.”
your face falls. “sho, you better not. we lost five sidekicks and two interns last time you made ‘an appearance’.”
now it’s shoto’s turn to laugh. you frown at his amused expression, pouting.
“it’s not funny, sho!” you whine, which only further spurs the widening grin on shoto’s face. 
“mhm. so how about that soba?”
“i changed my mind, i want teriyaki. ooh, no i want meat buns! oooh now i want udon. or ramen! shoto, i want sushiiii!”
“baby, you don’t even like fish,” he murmurs, smiling softly. you fix him with a pout and a cold stare. 
“how about this,” shoto muses, “we can get sushi and a combo noodle meal and pick up meat buns from the store on the corner. on the way back, we can pick up the teriyaki. you can pick a movie and we can sit on the floor and eat and take a nap on the couch when we’re full. how’s that?”
you beam, already standing and running down the hall for your shoes and undoubtedly one of shoto’s sweaters—sore knee long forgotten. 
“i can’t wait to marry you!” you shout from down the hall, the patter of your footsteps bringing a small smile to shoto’s face. 
he’s not keen on waiting either, but a few months doesn’t seem so bad when he gets to spend the rest of his life with you.  
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jinwoosbabyboo ¡ 5 months ago
𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚗 𝙼𝚊𝚣𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎
My headcanons of the lads men taking you on a corn maze date A/N: I don’t know how other states do their corn mazes, but in mine they have food trucks and games, sweets & treats and pumpkin patches along with the corn maze [Requested by: Anon]
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you mentioned wanting to go to a corn maze once and he planned his entire schedule around taking you to one
shows up outside your door telling you to get dressed
detours to try all the sweets “Zayne we need to get to the maze before it gets dark”
doesn’t let go of your hand the entire time even when you start stress squeezing it “If you hold my hand any tighter you’ll fracture it”
could easily find his way out but lets you lead
“are your feet getting tired?” carries you if you start getting tired
keeps you calm when you start to get nervous about being lost
takes over halfway through so he can go get more sweets after you said you’re kind of hungry
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hides in the cornfield to scare you
whines and wants to be babied when you accidentally slap him for jumping out at you “I’m sorry it was a reflex” “kiss it and make it better”
lets you lead and follows close behind either holding your hand or the hem of your shirt/jacket
mini photoshoot in the maze and in the pumpkin patch
critiques the cornfield “this looks dry” “you’re a fish not a farmer don’t judge something you know nothing about”
tries to turn the corn into popcorn
uses his fire evol to light the way for you if/when it gets dark
gets bored and starts playing with your butt to entertain himself “can you stop that” “it’s so jiggly”
runs around the pumpkin patch bringing you the biggest pumpkins he can find “we can paint them when we get home!” “Why not carve them?” “and have fruit flies all over my porch? I think not”
drags you to play every activity they have before even glancing at the corn maze
teases you in the maze “maybe we should have gone right instead of left like I said”
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picks the corn “Xavier stop you can’t take that” “the farmer won’t miss a few”
gets sleepy halfway through “we should take a nap here” “Get up”
prefers the pumpkin patch because he can lay on the hay bales
finds a tiny pumpkin and tells you it reminded him of you because it’s adorable
want to have a bite of every snack/food you get
shares all of his food with you ���just open your mouth and say ahh”
holds your hand tightly while taking the lead (he’ll always be your Grandis Knight through and through)
creates fireflies to light the way when it starts getting dark while you’re in the maze
drags you into the cornfield to make out “we can’t stay hidden forever” “Just one more kiss”
somehow loses you at one point in the maze so he creates a bright ass light so you can find him
carries you on his back the rest of the way through so he won't lose you
lets you direct him while you’re being carried
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“Anywhere is fine as long as I’m with you” happily accompanies you to a corn maze
brings the twins along because you said so
Luke & Kieran take off running in the maze (competing on who can get to the end first)
Sylus takes a bite of any food/snack you press to his lips
has a hand around your waist or holds your hand the whole day
watches with a smile as you and the twins scour the pumpkin patch for the biggest pumpkins
follows close behind while you lead the way through the maze
encourages you when you start overthinking and psyching yourself out
still teases you in the maze “oh look another dead end” “you could be more helpful you know”
lets you use Mephisto as your eyes in the sky when you get too frustrated
rubs your tummy when you eat too much
carries you to the car when you wear yourself out from running around with the twins
takes candid photos of you all day without you noticing
prints them out and keeps them in an album
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starlessea2 ¡ 9 months ago
That It Is (Astarion)
Pairing: Astarion x Reader [Baldur's Gate 3]
Summary: After a long day trudging through the sunlit wetlands, you discover your bedroll is waterlogged, and that Astarion has lost his in the swamp... AKA, the classic: ‘oh no, there’s one bed, whatever shall we do, darling?’ (Act 1 spoilers).
A/N This one has a tad more enemies-to-lovers vibe to it, but sweetness nonetheless. 
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Night was creeping over FaerĂťn.
After a day of toiling through the deep murk of the sunlit wetlands, your party had found refuge: an abandoned shack a little ways inland from the swamp. It was unassuming enough through the fog that Gale had tripped over its porch, and even Astarion’s darkvision had missed the contours of the old building tucked away. 
But once scoped, you found that the place was empty. Shadowheart deemed it safe enough for you to unpack your bedrolls and dry your waterlogged boots. So you did just that—even managing to rouse a fire with an ignis and a few pieces of damp wood. 
The flames took a few moments to blaze to life, but once they did, the warmth was heavenly on your skin. One by one, you started to shed your wet outer garments, laying them out by the fire.
“Oh, bloody hells!”
A voice rang out over the crackling hearth. You turned to find Astarion on his knees, rummaging through his supply pack half-deranged.  
He flung the contents out onto the floor: some soggy books, a cask of water, pristinely-folded clothes. Then he promptly turned the pack upside down, seemingly devestated to find nothing else inside.
The rogue threw his hands up. “Gone,” he declared, with a dejected sort of laugh. “Be it just my luck after trudging through this gods forsaken waste—”
From the corner of the room, Shadowheart stopped wringing out her gloves. She gave you a look. Deal with him, she said through the shared connection. 
With a sigh, you conceded. “What’s wrong, Astarion?” You stood over the pale elf, hand on hip, “Broken a nail?” 
Irritation painted his face, but his demeanour remained playful.“Ha! Hilarious as always, my dear,” he replied, without sparing you so much as a glance. “Alas, I’m afraid my situation is a tad more dire.” 
You clicked your tongue. “Go on.”
Astarion stood up, taking a moment to dust himself off. “It seems I’ve lost my bedroll somewhere in that bloody marsh,” he finally admitted. 
Somewhere across the room, Shadowheart’s snort was quickly covered up by a faux cough from Gale. “Oh?” you said, “I thought elves didn’t need to sleep.” 
Astarion shot you a glare. “And do you need to dry your clothes by the fire? Need to eat tonight or, gods forbid, drive us half mad with your infernal singing sometime tomorrow?” 
He stalked the cabin, pointing vivaciously at your drying garments, and menial rations you’d hoped wouldn’t spoil. 
You felt your brow furrow at his display. “No need to be rude,” you said shortly. “Today’s been hard on all of us.” Pushing past him, you quickly retrieved your own pack from its place near the door. “Here—just take mine.”
Fishing around the bag, you searched for your own bedroll before producing it for him. Astarion let out a sound of disgust. 
“You could at least try to be grateful, Astarion,” you started. Then you felt it; your trusted bedroll squelched in your hand. It was pasted with a layer of thick algae, and some other mysteries you couldn’t discern. “Son of a—” you cursed. How had you forgotten when it rolled into the marsh earlier in the day?
A hand found your shoulder. “Thanks for the generous offer, my dear, but I think I’ll pass,” Astarion said, proudly. He then flicked a rather large leech off your bedroll, causing Gale to shriek when it landed at his feet. “I’d like to remain the only bloodsucker around here.”
You were about to quip back, when Astarion stepped closer—enough so that his breath dusted your cheek when he spoke. “And I think I spy a bed in the other room. That should do me just fine.” 
It took you a moment to unravel his words. By the time you did, he’d already traipsed halfway across the cabin. “Hang on a moment,” you called after him,“I already staked my claim on that earlier!”
“Hmm?” the elf hummed, feigning ignorance.
The audacity. You shot a glance back at the wizard, who immediately threw his hands up in surrender. “Oh no, you don’t,” warned Gale, “I’m staying out of this one.”
To his left, Shadowheart looked equally unbothered by your plight. You scowled at them both. 
It was going to be a long night.
The cabin was quiet. It had been some time since you had rested in a place with a roof and four walls. There were no beasties lurking near your camp, or dangers beyond the trees. The only threat to your person was Gale’s snores coming from the main living space. He’d taken refuge on the floor, whilst Shadowheart seized the chaise lounge. 
It was a comfortable night. So in principle, you should have had no problem falling into a dreamless sleep. Especially given the feather bed at your back. 
“You know, my dear,” Astarion whispered, “I might have agreed to this arrangement, but that was under the condition that you get some sleep.”
You tried not to startle, but his words sounded so close to your ear. It made your skin prickle with anticipation—despite doing your utmost not to show it. 
“I think you’ll find I was the one who was forced to agree,” you countered, “and I’m trying. You just—” 
Shifting in the bed, you turned around to face the elf beside you. He was leaning on one arm, gazing up at the wooden ceiling as though he were watching the stars. His eyes found yours. “I what?” he asked. 
You could hear his grin; he was teasing you. But you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of backing down now. “You make me nervous,” you answered bluntly. 
He did not reply. Each second of silence that passed made you more and more uneasy. You couldn’t see him well in the dark. And as much as you tried to make out the contours of his face, you knew for sure discern every line on yours—every expression you hoped to conceal. “And why’s that?” he finally asked.
You let out a huff before falling onto your back. “You know why. Stop acting so smug—It doesn’t suit you."
Astarion’s laugh made its way to you. “Everything suits me, darling.” 
A witty remark alluded you, so you opted to stay quiet. Sleep was what you needed right now. The gods only know how deprived you were of it.
So you plumped your pillow and made yourself comfortable. Then you gathered some blankets to yourself. A yawn left you, but your mind felt anything but relaxed. You readjusted again, this time your body pressing into Astarion's. He moved to accomodate you; you stiffened in response.
“Will you stop wriggling around? I can’t so much as move without you flinching."
At his words, your breath hitched. You were midway through an apology before he interrupted.
“Look at me,” he said.
Despite the darkness, his thumb perfectly traced your jaw until it found the space just under your chin. Gently, he coaxed your head up.
“You know I’ve drank from you, right?” You gasped at his candidness. “I've felt your pulse on my tongue and your blood coat my teeth,” he went on. “Hells, I have your thoughts swimming in my head far more often than you probably realise.”
He paused for a moment, and in that time you breathed twice as fast as you ought to.
“You’ve allowed me that much, so sleeping beside me like this?” he said, with a lightness to his voice, “that shouldn’t matter, now should it.”
You couldn't reply. His words were likely meant to comfort, but they had only the opposite effect. As his fingers brushed your cheek, you immediately pulled back—hoping he did not feel the way you burned for him.
“No. I guess not?” you stuttered.
“Good,” came his reply. “Now sleep. I promise I won’t bite” 
He returned to his side of the bed, not overstepping the invisible boundary you'd drawn earlier that evening.
And on your side, you were left to press down whatever feelings threatened to bubble to the surface. You weren’t quite ready to let them out yet—not when you couldn’t see clearly the face he would make in response.
Right now, you just needed to sleep.
So you focused on the snores echoing from the other room, the rain pattering the windows, Astarion's breaths and your heart—which, without realising, had recently started to beat for him.
“Goodnight, Astarion,” you whispered into the dark.
“Yes, my dear," he said softly. "That it is."
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seokminfilm ¡ 29 days ago
it goes like | lee seokmin
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♫ pairing, lee seokmin x reader ♫ warnings, fluff, non-idol au, very short, gamer seokmin, lots of kissing and giggling, reader sits in seokmin's lap, one quick mention of wonwoo, seokmin calls reader pet names (darling is used the most), reader is called pretty, mentions of stardew valley, one mention of rizz (I'm sorry) ♫ synopsis, seokmin gives you the attention you had missed while playing stardew valley.
♫ author's note, hi everyone 😞 sadly I've been really busy w school and work so my updates have been dry.....as much as i want to write on tumblr i just don't have the time to anymore 😭 ANYWAYS thank you @realmofclouds for this cute request!! excuse me while i go insane over seokmin for a few minutes okay byeeee
♫ now playing, bus in these streets (thundercat)
♫ word count, 793 | for @kstrucknet
"i've never seen you so interested in a game as you are now, seok. what are you playing?" you sneak up behind your boyfriend, arms slung around his neck in a flash as you kiss and nibble on his earlobe.
seokmin huffs at your ministrations, giggling as he turns around in his swivel chair, shorts riding up on his legs as he smiles up at you.
"hi to you too, darling." seokmin stands up, pulling you to him as he pecks your lips. smothered in his love before you can even take off your shoes, you giggle, sighing happily as seokmin gives you another quick kiss. "how was your day trip?"
"fun, but really tiring. i just wanna lay down with you now." you sigh, stripping yourself of your shoes as seokmin falls back into his chair. his brown hair is fluffy, probably blowdried from a shower, and his face is fresh from his skincare, shining with the pc monitor as he admires you quietly.
"are you tired? i can stop playing if you want." seokmin looked at you with concern in his brown eyes, ready to stop everything to cater to your desires. smiling at him, you shake your head, hands on his face as you kiss his forehead.
"no, i'm not tired, seokmin. if anything, i wanna see what game you're playing. you're going all wonwoo mode right now." you giggle, and seokmin blushes, laughing with you.
you were right about it, too─usually, seokmin would come sprinting downstairs when he heard the door open, ready to greet you as soon as you step indoors. today, though, you had to go to him as he was so focused in on his game. it was cute, seeing your boyfriend so eager to play a game.
"wonwoo mode? i'm gonna tell him you said that," seokmin teases, eyeing you down as you shake your head, kissing his forehead again.
"i'm not lying though! you didn't even come greet me when i got home. my lovesick puppy wasn't waiting for me with big, brown puppy dog eyes." you say with a whine, and seokmin turns red, turning away from you as he mumbles, "lovesick puppy? come on."
"i'm just teasing, i'm just teasing." you reassure him, patting his lap as he smiles at you, nodding. "sit down on my lap, darling. i'm gonna teach you how to play."
nearly hopping up in the air out of happiness, you situate yourself on seokmin's thighs, holding onto the sides of the chair as seokmin pushes himself to the desk.
"this, my love, is stardew valley." seokmin says like he's introducing you to a brand new world─with the bright colors, pixelated style, and cheery music coming from the speakers, it is like a brand new world to you.
"wait, i've heard of this before. what's it like?" you ask, and seokmin takes a second to answer, currently planting some type of seed as he chews at his lip cutely.
"it's like minecraft, but cuter. the pixel style is cute too." seokmin sounds like a little child with the way his eyes sparkle when he calls the game 'cute', and you can't help but laugh, watching him as he walks down to a river, fishing rod out as he stops at the end of a pixelated pier.
"you wanna try?" seokmin asks, offering the mouse to you smile. "can i, seokkie?"
"of course, angel. give it a go." seokmin smiles, letting go of the mouse as he sets his chin on your shoulder, kissing your bare skin as you giggle.
"okay, ummm...so─wait, what do i do?" you ask confused, watching the animation play without being able to retrieve a fish. when you glance behind you, seokmin is smiling at you, seemingly trying to hold back a stream of laughter as you flush.
"why are you laughing at me? i'm trying, i really am," you sigh, and seokmin shakes his head, kissing your ear as he lets his left hand rest on your hips.
"it's nothing bad, darling. you're just really cute." seokmin smiles, and you can't help but grin, letting seokmin have the mouse back.
"you know, i'll just let my little farmer boyfriend do the fishing." you smile, and seokmin chuckles, hand giving your waist a little squeeze as he focuses.
"of course, darling. just sit here and look pretty for me." seokmin's voice is low, unintentionally sultry as he's paying attention to the game at the moment.
feeling your whole body flush with shyness, you sigh, tempted to cover your face before you just huff and whisper to yourself.
"stop trying to rizz me up and plant your beetroot seeds, lover boy."
seokmin giggles at that, and before you know it, you're keeling over in laughter, too.
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cosmiccrushes ¡ 4 months ago
Drowning Lessons
Lucanis x Rook || 2.2k words
notes: this is in honor of the number of times I accidentally walked Rook off a cliff
also on ao3 :)
“Rook!” Her name ripped from his throat as his blade ripped through the chest of the Venatori in front of him. Lucanis caught the barest line of sight to her, just enough to watch another Venatori cultist land a boot to her stomach, pushing her off the ledge to the ocean below. 
Lucanis deftly raises his sword, blocking an attack. 
“Davrin! Rook!” 
The Grey Warden answers in confusion, sword poised to strike. “What about her?” 
“She went over the edge! Closest to you!” Lucanis brings his blade down through one Venatori just to have them replaced by another. An endless see of rats swarming over them.  
“And?” Davrin shouts back. 
Mierda. “The ocean! She can't swim!”
Davrin doesn't miss a step against the shield-bearing Venatori charging him. “You're kidding me?” 
Lucanis dispatches two more agents. “No!” And he was going to give her- and Viago- an earful about it after he fished her out. “Cover me!” He orders Davrin.
Davrin huffs out between swings of his sword. “I'm. A. Bit. Busy.” 
But Lucanis is already sidestepping two more cultists descending on him, launching himself in a blur of shadowy feathers off the ledge Rook fell from. 
He hits the water's edge, cutting smoothly and silently under before gliding gracefully to the surface, ever the assassin. It wasn't hard to locate Rook where she thrashed inefficiently against the current, her head bobbing under waves. She coughed on choking mouthfuls of seawater.
Lucanis broke into swift strokes in her direction, calling her name. He made it a mere three strokes away before she lost the battle with gravity and was dragged down.
Fear seized his heart, Spite growled in fury. Dive, the demon hissed. Lucanis didn't need to be told once. He dove in Rook’s direction. Propelling himself forward until her mane of curls floated before him. Her eyes were wide, panicked and she released a precious breath of air in surprise when she saw him. She clawed at her own chest as if she could find air to grasp onto and shove into her lungs. 
Lucanis wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her upwards with him. He felt the moment she gasped out a breath and went too lank in his arms.
Faster…not going to make it, Spite threatened. 
Lucanis pushed against the oppressive current until at last he broke through to air. Rook's hair floated in the water around them, her lips a disastrous shade of blue, her eyes closed. 
“Rook! Stay with me!” He swam to the shore, dragging her onto the sand, where she lay- all the lifelessness of his worst nightmares. 
She isn't breathing, Lucanis thinks frantically, trying to recall what he'd learned about resuscitations. He was used to stealing life, not restoring it. Do something! Spite demands.  
One calming breath for himself before he presses his lips to Rook's. Chest compressions between pleas- and threats- for her to breathe. 
The fates grant mercy when Rook finally coughs up water, turning onto her side to vomit up more. Lucanis pats her back. She wipes a hand across her mouth. Pushes wet, clinging coils of hair out of her face, before giving him a watery smile. 
Lucanis hangs his head, a dry, haunted laugh dropping from his lips.
A sound like a scoff from Spite. Perhaps he and the demon were finally in agreement about something. 
“You have to learn to swim, Rook.” 
Rook rolls her eyes. “It's not that big of a deal.” 
“Not that big of a deal?” Lucanis repeats in exasperation. “Rook, you nearly drowned! All because you failed to block one kick to the face.” 
“First of all,” she places her hands on her hips. “It was a kick to the stomach. That's a way bigger target to hit-” Now it's Lucanis’ turn to roll his eyes. “And second of all, I hate the water.” 
Lucanis fights back a second eye roll at her petulant tone. “Wouldn't you hate for it to be your death, then?” He'll attempt to coax her with the promise of dishonor and shame if that's what it takes. He's not going through that again. Hasn't stopped thinking about how the weight of her too-still body had felt against his.
Rook narrows her eyes in thought. “I guess that would be pretty unfortunate to have written at my grave.” 
Lucanis nods mutely. 
“But there's no time! I don't have time to learn how to swim when our allies need constant support and, oh yeah, my ancient elven gods are still trying to blight the world.” Lucanis can hear her frustration and fear, like a current bending her goals and priorities. 
“There is always time,” Lucanis says softly, “For keeping you alive.” 
The cynical armor she dons for protection falls away as she looks at him, her tone turning solemn. “Thank you for jumping in after me, Lucanis. I know I would've died if you hadn't.” 
“Never on my watch.” He vows. 
Rook smiles. “I was careless today, distracted. We can't afford that. It's just-” She rubs a hand against the back of her neck. “Seeing those Shadow Dragons, strung up and left there… It’s wrong. I chose to go to Treviso. I chose my city. And the Shadows paid the price.” Her teeth sink into her bottom lip. 
“We all make choices and we all get distracted sometimes. Especially when people we care about are hurting.” Lucanis says gently, knowing her mind is whirling with thoughts of Neve. 
She sighs. “Yes, and that distraction nearly cost me my life today. Death by drowning.” Her head shakes with her irritation. “Not even run through with a blade like a proper failed assassin.” She ponders a moment more. “Okay, Lucanis. I'll learn to swim.” 
Lucanis smiles in relief.
“If,” Her typical mischievous flare returns. “You agree to be the one who teaches me.” 
A wet, distinctly unclothed Rook flashes through his mind. He inclines his head in acquiescence. “It would be my pleasure.”
Lucanis waits for Rook by a canal near his family home. He and Illario used to come here as boys in the summertime. He must be smiling at the memory when Rook strolls up. 
“What are you grinning about?” 
“Just thinking of fond childhood memories.” 
“Hmm,” Rook muses. “What are those like?”
Lucanis wants to ask her more questions, desperate to soak up every ounce of information he can about her, but she's already moving past him, looking warily down the stony steps that descend into the water. Dampness clings to the stones. 
“So we just…walk into the water?” 
Lucanis grins, starting to unbutton his layers of protective clothing. “Yes. And then we swim. The steps go down into the water a couple feet before dropping off. It's quite deep,” he warns. 
She worries at her bottom lip, apparently coming to a silent agreement with herself as she nods once and begins disposing of her gear. Lucanis tries not to stare, but, well, as she sheds down to her light undergarments, it can’t be helped. It has never been lost on him that she is beautiful. He'd registered that as soon as he'd met her. But seeing her like this…no armor, no swords or gleaming daggers. Looking vulnerable and more intimate than Lucanis knew whether he could deal with. 
She drops a last dagger on top of the pile of her clothes, glancing up to catch him watching her. He doesn't look away and is pleased when her eyes sweep over his bare chest and her cheeks blush a rosy hue.
She clears her throat, heading down the steps. “Promise you won't let me drown?” 
“We have a contract. One much better served if you're alive.” He aims for a playful tone.
“You and your contracts,” she mutters. “I'll be taking one out on you if I don't make it out of this canal alive.” 
Lucanis laughs. “You might have to fight Viago for that particular deal.” 
She laughs too, looking back at him. Her smile is wide and wild. “I think you're probably right!” She seems gleeful at the prospect of fighting her house leader for a contract. 
“Okay so, what do I do?” She cautiously dips a toe in the water before easing her foot onto the frist submerged step. 
Lucanis steps around her and makes a rather showy move of diving head first into the water. Spite loves the theatrics too. When Lucanis surfaces, shaking wet hair out of his eyes, Rook is glaring at him with her arms crossed. 
“I am not doing that.” 
“Mierda, no! Sit down on the step, let's ease you in.”
She does as instructed, scooting down the steps until she's chest deep in water. She tilts her head back as though she can escape the gently lapping waves. 
“You know you're going to have to get your hair wet to do this properly?” 
“I'm not worried about my hair. I'm worried about my mouth.” She finally registers his teasing tone. “Oh shut up!”
She reaches out a palm to shove his shoulder where he treads water in front of her and he strikes. Grasping her wrist against his skin and pulling her off the final step. She yelps, clings onto his shoulders. His hand at her waist presses her to him. The water is cold, but her skin is warm from the sun.
She catches her breath, beats a fist against his chest. “Lucanis! You absolute demon! How could you! I could've been killed!”
He leans his head back and laughs, the sound echoing off the stone walls. He feels the lightest he's felt since leaving the Ossuary.
Rook pauses her tirade as she seems to realize what's happening. She gives him a final shove, sending him away from her as she takes a step back, rising so the tops of her shoulders peek above the water line. 
“You said it was deep!” She points an accusatory finger at him. “You liar!”
“I thought it would be better to discover it's not as bad as you feared.” 
She huffs. “I hate that you're right.” 
He wades closer to her. “First thing, we teach you how to float.”
“Rook, you have to stop fighting the water,” Lucanis coaxes, his hand under her back offering support. Everytime he tries to move it away so she can float on her own, panic grips her. Her lower half drops like a stone and she is left flailing. 
“I'm trying. It's rather hard to relax around something trying to kill you.” 
“I am here. Nothing will kill you.” 
She sighs. “Okay. I'm really going to try. Close my eyes and concentrate. You can't let go.”
Lucanis agrees. Her eyes flutter closed. Her hair halos around them. He traces the planes of her face, committing them to memory. She looks so peaceful. Lucanis feels a frightening certainty that he would kill any god asked of him to protect this. 
He feels her go weightless above his palm. The rise and fall of her breath comes steady and sure. He pulls his palm down into the water, just enough to completely break contact with her back. It sets off a chain reaction. Her eyes burst open, her arms spasming out to the sides. The force of her surprise knocks him away and her body folds under. He's after her in the same breath, hauling her back up. She splutters and coughs out water before launching herself at him. He expects a blow. He goes rigid with shock when her arms wrap around his neck and she buries her face against him. 
He's seen her face down countless demons and Venatori. Never has she sounded more scared than she does now. 
“You said you wouldn't let go! You promised! You have to keep your promises!” She sounds dangerously close to tears. 
Lucanis cradles her against him. One hand around her lower back lifting her up out of the water, the other at the base of her neck, tangled in her hair. 
“I'm sorry, mi amor. I'm sorry.” He soothes, not registering what he's just called her. 
Slowly her shuddering subsides and she loosens her grip enough to draw back and look at him. “Mi amor?” She asks quietly. 
He considers lying, claiming she misheard. In the end he says, “Si.” 
She studies him for a moment. Reaches up a tentative hand to cup his cheek. His own breath is far from steady and sure. 
“Then we keep our promises.” He feels like she might mean more than just their swimming lessons. That she might be thinking of the larger threat looming over them and their promises to face it together, to make it through.
”Crows keep their contracts.” Looking into the depths of her eyes, he thinks she might be one contract he never wants to complete. The thought terrifies him. A feeling like he’s trapped in the Ossuary, the walls cracking around him ready to bury him in a watery grave. 
He can fight gods for her. But himself? The demon locked within? How could he possibly protect her from that?
“I think that's enough swimming lessons for today.” 
She rolls her eyes “More like drowning lessons.”
Ah yes, drowning indeed. 
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revelboo ¡ 3 months ago
Wishing you a very lovely new years eve & day, would you be willing & able for a Pharma update ? Please & much thanks ~
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Pulp Fiction Pt 3
Pharma x Reader
• “I swear if you purge on me again, I will chuck you in the incinerator.” Optics narrowing as you shy away from the compressed nutrient bar pinched between his servos, he growls. “There was nothing wrong with the last two.” Certain that the engineered food stuff was not only compatible, but more than adequate for your needs after scanning you. And you’d still purged up both previous batches. Maybe it’s the taste? The texture? Who knew.
• Not again. Scooting back when he thrusts another awful, rotten fish and snickerdoodle tasting bar at you to send you rolling to your hands and knees to run. Shrieking when he just grabs you and tries to force feed you while you twist your head away. And he just smushes it against your face until it’s eat the nasty thing or suffocate on it. Snatching it out of his servos and gagging as you make yourself choke down bites as he frowns at you like you’re the problem here. Swearing and dry heaving, hands clamped over your mouth when he hurriedly sets you down.
• Wings flexing as he watches your eyes water and little shudders wrack your tiny body, it’s a relief when you keep the food down this time. “Good. We’ll stick with that version, then.” Reaching out, he rubs the top of your soft head and listens to you chatter at him. Wrapping his servos around you, he heads back to his office with you, feeling the steady beat of your little heart. “I like you much better when you’re not purging on me, you know,” he mutters, gently tapping you on the nose with a servo.
• “Congratulations. You made it taste worse,” you groan as he murmurs his alien nonsense at you. “You’re a terrible pet owner.” Because you’re almost sure that’s what you are to him. A pet or an amusement. Talking at you, he retrieves a stack of weird looking textured pads and lays one on the floor and then sets you on top. Walking around and bouncing slightly, because the stuff is oddly springy, you look up at him. Bedding maybe? Staring blankly as he points, you figure you’re being told to stay. Except then he frowns.
• “Go.” He growls as you just blink up at him, little face confused. “Eliminate.” Venting, he reaches and pushes on your shoulder and you just sit down, chattering at him. “No, eliminate.” Because he’s not about to let you wander off somewhere and make a mess in a corner for him to find later. “Primus.” Definitely not the brightest, but you are almost adorable as you offer him a little smile.
• What does he want now? You’re sitting on the stupid pad. “I’m not going anywhere,” you mutter, pointing up at him when he points at you again and that frown wavers into almost a smile as he shakes his head and runs a big hand over his helm. And then he kneels and so carefully hooks a servo under your arm to tug you to your feet. “You don’t want me to sit?” Make up your mind, but then he tugs at the leg of your pants, taking them down as you stagger back in surprise and fall. Letting him yank them off and point at the pad, fussing at you as- no. Absolutely not. Mouth falling open, you’re not sure if you’re more mortified or furious as you realize you’re on a potty pad and he’s trying to house train you like a new puppy. “I’d rather die.”
164 notes ¡ View notes
thewintersoldierdisaster ¡ 3 months ago
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a/n: fic for #13 on the 13th! i love mat and squeaks so much and the fact that you guys love them so much too just makes my heart expand like the grinch’s 🤍 they’re my favorites to write for and i hope you guys enjoy this one! so much more mat and squeaks to come 🥰
word count: 6.4k
tw: mentions of past miscarriages, mentions of fertility issues, anxiety, mentions of vomiting, pregnancy and all that goes along with it
summary: you and mat have an early christmas gift for talia (and inadvertently, the rest of the family too)
It’s way too early in the morning, cold and dark outside when Mat finds you in the bathroom, head in the toilet while you vomit. He gathers back your hair in a fist and brushes the stray wisps off your forehead. Otherwise, he’s quiet, just providing support for you.
You finish with one last dry heave and he holds your hand while you get shakily to your feet, leaning your free hand on the countertop. He keeps a hand solid on your lower back while fishing out a miniature bag of oyster crackers from a drawer in the vanity and sliding the Listerine bottle closer to you.
One swish of mouthwash and a few oyster crackers later, you’re feeling better. Not even close to perfect or normal, but better.
Mat opens his arms for you to step in and lean your cheek against his shoulder. His arms wrap around your upper back and yours loop to rest at his lower back. He’s warm and smells like the bergamont and lime Aesop soap bar in your shower and Tide laundry detergent, a little like animal crackers too, which is probably leftover from Talia waking up after he got home from Toronto the night before and making him come lay in her bed with her until she fell back asleep. Of course, Mat had fallen asleep in the too-small bed, the both of them snoring quietly when you left your bed to go find him.
“Lucky number thirteen,” he mumbles against the top of your head. His breath ruffles your hair and you snuggle closer to his chest. The worn fabric of his undershirt is soft against your cheek.
“And three days,” you reply, stomach flipping slightly. Whether it’s nausea or anxiety, you’re not sure. Likely a healthy combination of both.
“And three days,” Mat agrees. His hands rub circles over your back and you’re soothed enough that you could go back to sleep. Too bad you have a million things to do today, things to check off your list with only three days to go before Christmas.
“Maybe we should wait,” you say after a beat of comfortable silence. “Maybe we should wait for fourteen or fifteen weeks. It’s longer.”
It’s safer, you think but don’t say.
Thirteen weeks is longer than any of your past pregnancies too, other than Talia’s. But it still feels so early and so fragile. You’re trying so hard to be excited, and you are, but that excitement is tamped down by fear and anxiety.
Mat kisses the crown of your head. “Doctor said everything looked really good last week. And you’ve still got morning sickness, which you —“ He cuts himself off, but you know what he was going to say.
‘Which you didn’t with the last few’ - your symptoms had disappeared so early and you thought it was a blessing, that you weren’t vomiting every morning, that you weren’t as tired as you’d been with Talia. Turned out to be nightmare after nightmare.
But you nod against his chest, feeling grateful for the morning sickness that’s shown no sign of stopping, as long as it means a happy, healthy baby in just over six months. June can’t come soon enough.
“We can wait to tell T,” Mat continues, picking up as if he hadn’t stopped mid-sentence. “If you want. But Doctor Harmon said we were okay to start telling people and I think she’ll really like that Christmas present.”
At a delightfully hilarious five and a half, Talia’s been asking about a sibling pretty consistently for two or so years now. Especially after hanging around the team and seeing all the siblings in action. You know she’ll be thrilled for a baby brother or sister and that’s what worries you a little. If it goes badly, if it ends like the others, it’s not just yours and Mat’s heartbreak. It’s Talia’s too.
And you can handle your heartbreak, but you never want Talia to experience that.
“I can hear you thinking,” Mat chuckles, squeezing you closer to his chest. “I know you’re worried, I am too. But how can we let that perfectly wrapped present go to waste?”
His joke lands and you giggle, knowing the box hidden under your bed with Talia’s gift is wrapped with messy corners and too much tape, a Mat Barzal specialty. He’d insisted on wrapping the gift, “contributing to the process” since you were keeping the real present all bubble wrapped and safe in your womb.
“Okay, yes, yeah,” you repeat a few times, convincing yourself. “Let’s tell T and just…just enjoy the ride.”
Just enjoying the ride is something you’d worked really hard on in therapy the last few years, some days easier than others - the pile of ratty Moleskine journals hidden away in your closet full of your every thought from the past five years, good and bad. The newest one, coincidentally started on the day you’d gotten a positive pregnancy test, is already a quarter full of your up and down thoughts and scribbles.
“That’s my girl,” Mat’s hands cup your cheeks, tilting your face up so he can kiss you, even as you protest, reminding him of your vomit breath. He laughs as he kisses you anyway, mumbling, “minty,” against your mouth.
You shake your head at him, smiling. He squeezes your cheek and guides you back into the bedroom, flipping the light switch off. You settle on the bed, dragging a pillow into your lap and watch Mat start to get dressed even though it’s so early.
“I’ve got practice at 9:30,” he says, voice muffled as he pulls his undershirt over his head. You unashamedly watch his stomach muscles work, ogling his chest even though your libido is temporarily dead and buried. “We can wake T up and tell her before I go or we can do it when I get back.”
“When are you getting back?” You wrap a blanket around your shoulders, smothering a yawn in the fabric. A wave of exhaustion hits and you blink slowly. It’s too early for you to be awake on a normal day, but the extra pregnancy hormones have you both exhausted and unable to sleep. There’s no chance you’ll go back to bed, not when you have to finish getting the house ready for your Christmas guests.
Mat shrugs. “Depends. But probably around eleven, eleven thirty?”
He rummages through his drawers for a pair of sweats and you remind him that he has to go and pick up both sets of parents and Liana from the airport in the afternoon. “So maybe we should tell her now?” You chew at your thumbnail.
Fully dressed in casual athleisure for his drive to the practice rink, Mat nods and reaches over to pull your thumb away from your mouth. You scowl at him.
“I’ll go wake her up,” he laughs. “Even though she definitely could use some more sleep.”
You wave him off. “She’ll nap when you’re gone,” you reply. “Unless, of course, she wants to help me get the house ready.”
Mat raises an eyebrow at you, laughs, and heads down to Talia’s room. You grin at his retreating back and get up to rinse your mouth with Listerine again and give your teeth a good brush. You always feel gross after vomiting. Once you feel fresher and more awake, you change out of your sweaty pajamas and into a Christmas-appropriate dark green waffle knit lounge set. You feel much more human with real clothes on and you pat your stomach, a faint outward curve already forming between your hipbones.
This pregnancy is showing quicker than all the others, physical proof that you’re holding onto for your sanity.
“Mommy,” Talia’s whine precedes her and you smile automatically when you see Mat come back into your room with Talia curled up in his arms. Her face is buried in his neck and her dark curls are wild with bedhead. One leg of her cartoon Grinch patterned pajama bottoms is pushed halfway up her skinny calf and her arms are locked around Mat’s neck, her hands fisted in the fabric of his shirt, bunching it between his shoulders.
“Hi, baby,” you reply quietly, reaching out your arms for her. Mat transfers her to your lap and she curls up like a little cat, her cheek squished against your breast. “Daddy woke you up, huh?”
You smooth back her hair, the soft scent of her watermelon L’Oreal Kids shampoo wafting up to your nose. The French braid you’d tied her hair into last night is a wreck and you know she’ll complain when you have to brush out the knots later. But right now she’s so soft and sweet with sleep, seeming much younger than her five and a half years. You trace the tip of your finger over the slope of her nose and she wrinkles it at your touch, face relaxing again almost instantly.
“He said I had a s’prise,” she mumbles, blinking up at you. “But Christmas isn’t today.”
“Nope,” you agree and the mattress dips when Mat sits down next to you. “Christmas is in three days, but Daddy and I do have a gift for you early.”
That perks her right up, predictably. Talia blinks like a little meerkat, scrambling to sit up on your lap. She looks over at Mat, who’s grinning widely, and then back up at you.
“A gift before Christmas?” She asks, her ‘s’ whistling a little from the space left behind from the front baby tooth she’d lost a few days ago. “How come?”
Mat pulls the box out from under the bed and places it on Talia’s lap. “Because it’s a special gift and we wanted to give it to you early, since you’ve been such an awesome kid all year,” Mat says and you can hear the slight tremble in his voice. It reminds you that all of your fertility issues and miscarriages weren’t just hard on you, they were hard on Mat and he was a rock throughout everything, no matter what you threw at him emotionally. You reach out and squeeze his knee, giving him a small smile. He returns it with a wink.
Talia pokes her fingers into the corner of the wrapping paper, her sparkly nail polish catching in the light, and gives Mat an impish little smile. “Daddy wrapped this,” she says. “The corners are all wrinkly.”
You laugh at the roast and Mat’s jaw drops in fake outrage.
“They are not!” He yelps, reaching out to tickle Talia’s sides. She shrieks and wiggles, laughter echoing around the room.
“No! No, Daddy! Stop tickling!” She shrieks between gasping laughter and Mat relents, laughing too as he leans back into his spot. Talia’s hair is even messier, her cheeks flushed from laughter, and you can’t wait to have another one running around the house. A lump of emotion clogs your throat.
“I don’t like tickling,” she grumbles adorably and Mat apologies. Talia forgives him and pulls at the paper on her gift again. “Can I open now?”
You and Mat both nod and Talia wastes no time in ripping into the paper. Scraps go flying and Mat gathers them up, crumpling the paper in a ball that he tosses back and forth between his hands. Talia stops briefly when she sees the gift box and then tosses the lid off the side of the bed. You roll your eyes slightly at her dramatics, but then she’s pulling the sweater out of its tissue paper and laying it over your legs.
“What’s it say?” She cocks her head. Immediately, she recognizes the first word, “big,” and then starts sounding out the next, “si-sis-sister?”
You’re holding your breath while she sounds it out, your heart pounding when she wrinkles her nose and repeats, “big sister?”
Talia looks at you and then Mat, frowning while the wheels turn in her head. It takes a second and she repeats, “big sister? Me?” pointing at herself. Her eyebrows lift on her forehead.
Mat nods and you grin at her, “you’re going to be a big sister, love bug.”
It’s a surprise when Talia bursts into loud, hiccuping sobs and you’re caught unprepared. Tears stream down her face and she chokes for air, holding the sweater in a death grip, turning her knuckles white. Mat looks at you, wide-eyed and terrified of Talia’s reaction, until she wails, “I always wanted a baby!”
“Oh,” you cuddle her close, stroking her hair and letting her cry and snot all over your shirt. “Oh, my baby, I know. You’re overwhelmed. It’s okay, shhh, it’s okay.”
“I get a baby?” She asks and you nod even though she can’t see you. Tears well up in your eyes.
Mat’s hand rubs circles on her back and he’s whispering quietly to her, inaudible over the blood rushing in your ears.
“You’re going to have a sibling, love bug,” you say into her hair, choking on your own overwhelming emotion. “It’s really big news, right?”
Talia nods against you and you hear her blow her nose against your shirt. It’s gross, but you don’t mind.
She keeps wailing, crying happy tears and mumbling about how she always wanted a baby sibling like all of her friends. It cracks your heart and mends it all at once, knowing how long she’s waited and how happy she is to be finally getting a built-in best friend.
Tears drip down your cheeks and you feel Mat’s hand on your back, pulling you close. You and Talia are folded into Mat’s embrace, his palms cupping each of your heads to keep you close. Her cries settle down to a few sniffles and eventually she pulls back from your chest to look up at you.
Her big hazel eyes, Mat’s eyes, are red rimmed and still watery. You push damp strands of hair off her cheeks and kiss her forehead.
“I’m so happy, Mommy,” she says simply, lunging to throw her arms around your neck and squeeze you in a hug.
“I’m so happy too, TB,” you reply, the easiest and most honest words you’ve ever said.
Mat, never one to be left out, laughs and chimes in, “I bet you’re not as happy as me.” He kisses the top of Talia’s head, ruffling her hair. You can see a suspiciously wet shine to his eyes.
Talia leans from your lap to Mat’s, hugging his neck to tight it almost looks painful. “Nuh-uh,” she shakes her head. “I’m the happiest. I’m the happiest cause it’s my baby.”
“Hey,” you tickle her sides lightly, “it’s mine and Daddy’s baby too.”
She shrugs and grabs for her sweater again, yanking it on over her head. She pushes her hair out of her eyes with the backs of her hands, looking for all the world like an electrocuted mad scientist. “I’m gonna wear this forever and tell everyone I’m a big sister like Reese and Winnie,” she announces proudly, a huge missing-toothed smile splitting her face.
Her smile melts your heart and she starts rolling around on the bed, chanting “big sister, big sister,” to make you and Mat laugh.
You lean against Mat’s chest, his hands coming to rest on your stomach. He whispers in your ear, “I’m so glad we told her.”
“Me too,” you murmur back. Talia rolls back over to you and smooshes her face up against your stomach and Mat’s hands.
“My baby’s in there?” She asks and without waiting for an answer, kisses your stomach and says, “hi baby, I’m Talia. I’m your big sister and I love you.”
And that’s all it takes for your waterworks to start, tears flowing free and fast, to the point where Talia looks a little spooked and Mat has to shepard her downstairs for breakfast while you follow along a few minutes later, still sniffling and wiping at your eyes.
Mat serves you up a plate of pancakes, plain and no syrup to be easier on your stomach, and you kiss his cheek in return. He looks incredulous, “I make celebration pancakes and I only get a kiss on the cheek? Wow, Squeaks, wow.”
You roll your eyes at him and plant a dramatic, loud kiss on his lips, making Talia giggle over her own pancakes. There’s already a smudge of chocolate on her Big Sister sweater’s collar and you can’t help but smile.
Mat’s off to practice a little bit later and then it’s just you and Talia since school is already closed for the two-week break. She’s surprisingly clingy while you get the guest rooms ready for everyone, following at your heels with a handful of Calico Critters clutched in each palm.
She asks a million questions about the baby - when is it coming? Is it a boy or a girl? Is it gonna live in her room? Can we name it Sparky? (Late June, it’s going to be a surprise just like she was, it will live first in yours and Mat’s room and then will get its own room, and no. Definitely not.)
You flip through the pile of Christmas cards that have gone unopened for a few days, enjoying looking through the family pictures sent by all the wives and girlfriends you’ve made friends with throughout the years. A particularly cute family photo of Matthew Tkachuk, his wife, and their son makes you smile. Talia climbs up on a stool to look at the cards with you, pointing out each player that she knows and recognizes.
(“Mommy, did we send a card of me?” “Yes, baby, remember when you took a picture with us and Santa at Daddy’s work? We sent that one out.” “Oh, we should’ve sent the picture of me and Minnie at Disney ‘cause I looked real cute in that, Nana said so.”)
At some point, Talia dumps the Calico Critters back in their designated box and picks up her Bitty Baby, carrying it around and hugging it tightly. The sight makes you wobbly, praying silently that this is the baby that stays.
Mat comes home from practice, wet hair shoved under his Stadium Series beanie, and barely drops his keys before he’s swooping Talia up into his arms and blowing raspberries on her cheeks. He’s got a giddy energy that isn’t just from a good practice.
“Big sister, ready to head to the airport in a little bit?” He asks, gamely accepting the minor blow to the head from a plastic Bitty Baby leg.
“Yes!” Talia shouts. “Let’s go now!”
You chime in, “you’d be so early! There’s still about two hours until the planes land. That’s four episodes of Bluey,” you add, anticipating Talia’s next question.
She frowns, but shrugs and tells Mat, “Mommy said we can’t name my baby Sparky. I like Sparky.”
Mat grins at you and winks. To Talia, he says, “how about we work on it? There’s a long time to come up with a good name.”
You know Talia’s likely not going to give up on Sparky, but over the next hour she offers up Princess Jasmine, Tweety Bird, and Bingo as alternatives. Every time she refers to it as “my baby” though, you feel like you could cry again. Mat was right, telling her was a really good idea.
Until it comes time for them to leave for the airport and you have to tell her, gently but firmly, not to spill the beans. You zip up her jacket, hiding the words on the sweater she still refuses to take off. She’d even refused the option to put another sweater over it. This kid.
“But I wanna tell ‘em,” she whines, batting at the hat you try to pull over her head.
“We will tell everyone,” you assure her, winning the battle. The knit cap is snug over her ears, flattening her dark hair against her forehead. She looks adorably grumpy, a miniature replica of Mat. “But Mommy and Daddy want to surprise them with a Christmas present, okay? It’s our secret. Can you promise?”
Talia hums and bounces from foot to foot, considering. You cross your fingers that she gets it.
“I guess,” she relents, grabbing up a Princess Jasmine doll in one hand and an Aladdin doll in the other. Bitty Baby has been relegated to her crib for a nap that’s lasted more than an hour and you’re nearly jealous of a baby doll.
Mat appears in the front hall with his car keys jangling and a grin on his face. “Ready to go, TB?”
She bounces around, nodding and chanting “yes yes yes” in response to Mat’s question.
You giggle and pat her on the butt. “Save that energy for the game tomorrow,” you tease, getting to your feet and holding the door open. It’s starting to flurry a bit, the light flakes swirling in the air prettily. Mat kisses you quickly on his way out, nudging Talia between the shoulder blades to get her moving.
“Bye, Mommy!” She shouts, waving over her shoulder. “Bye, Baby Sparky!”
You wave at them, closing the door just after watching Mat swing Talia around before opening the car door for her to climb inside.
By some Christmas miracle, all three incoming flights - your parents from North Carolina, Mat’s parents from Vancouver, and Liana from London - were scheduled to land within ten minutes of each other, so Mat only had to make one trip to LaGuardia.
He glides the Defender easily into an open spot at the Arrivals curb, praying that the trip from baggage claim to the car doesn’t take everyone that long.
“Remember,” he turns around in his seat, lowering the volume on the Disney Princess medley soundtrack Talia had insisted on, “Baby Sparky is a secret. So don’t tell everyone okay?”
“Okay, but what if I just told LeeLee?” She says, not looking at Mat, but playing with her dolls. “And then you and Mommy can tell everyone else.”
“No,” Mat laughs, despite himself. “You can’t tell LeeLee. Don’t say anything, okay, Tals?”
Talia shrugs and agrees. “Okay, I won’t say anythin’ about Baby Sparky.”
Mat reaches his hand out for a high five and Talia slaps his palm enthusiastically. She makes Mat turn the music back up while they wait and sings happily along to ‘Part of Your World’ until Mat’s phone vibrates with a text and he grins.
“Take a look out the window, T,” he says, pointing towards the airport. “We’ve got some visitors.”
Talia shrieks happily, kicking her legs and waving wildly at her grandparents and aunt as the five of them come into sight. Liana waves wildly back, making a silly face for good measure.
Mat gets out of the car to help with the luggage, accepting a hug and kiss from both moms. Liana punches his arm and then gives him a one-armed hug before helping him with the luggage at the trunk. They both wave off the parents for their help and gesture for them to get in the car.
“Hi Nana and hi Pop and hi Grandma and hi Grandpa,” Talia chirps excitedly as they all get in the car, in one breath in the way only little kids can manage. She tilts her cheek up to get kisses from her grandmothers as they climb into the third row of the car.
“Hi Talia,” Nadia grins, tweaking her cheek.
“Hi, sweetie,” your mom replies, cupping Talia’s chin between her thumb and index finger. “It’s so good to see you!”
“Hey, TB,” Liana calls from the back of the car, hoisting her suitcase into the trunk. “No hellos for your favorite aunt?”
Talia wiggles around in her booster seat to wave at Liana. “LeeLee! Did you know I’m gonna be a big sister?” She shouts the question and Mat freezes.
“Fuck,” he mutters quietly, remaining extremely still as all five family members turn to look at him. He gives his mother an awkward grin. All three women are aware of the issues you’ve had in the past, he knows. Liana especially since you’d confided everything in her during her visits and on multiple phone calls. When you couldn’t or wouldn’t talk to Mat, he was just grateful that you had Liana at least to confide in.
“Mat?” Nadia prods him for a response.
“Yeah!” Talia continues, oblivious. “Mommy said we can’t name the baby Sparky, but I wanna call it Sparky anyway.”
“Oh my god!” Liana yelps, reaching out to shake Mat’s arm. “Seriously?” She does a little dance in place.
Mat nods, laughing a little. “Yeah, seriously. We told T this morning, but,” he shoots the kindergartener a playful glare, “she wasn’t supposed to tell anyone yet.”
Talia’s still oblivious, chattering happily to her grandfathers, both of whom have huge grins on their faces. The moms are wiping away tears in the third row, reaching over into the trunk to hug Mat awkwardly.
“Oh, I’m so happy for you guys,” your mom sobs, overwhelmed.
Mat accepts the huge hug Liana forces on him and finishes getting the bags in the trunk, the honking already starting from other cars waiting at the curb.
Once everyone’s in the car, Liana wedged in the middle seat and already starting to entertain Talia, Mat lowers the music and whistles to get attention on him.
“Look, T wasn’t supposed to tell you guys about the baby,” he says, easing out into traffic. “We wanted to do something special on Christmas, so if you could all pretend that you know nothing, that would be very helpful.”
Your mom sighs from the third row. “It’s going to be so hard to pretend,” she tells Nadia, who agrees. They’d both been discussing a baby shower, which Mat definitely thinks is a little premature, but he can’t blame them for being excited. He’s beyond happy himself.
“I get that,” he replies. “I really do. But remember, I’ve got a fragile, hormonal pregnant wife and she really wanted to surprise you all. Please play along and ignore Talia.”
“Hey!” Talia pipes up, abandoning her doll to Liana’s lap. “It’s mean to ignore, Daddy!”
Mat catches her eye in the rearview mirror. “I’m sorry, TB. But you did promise Mommy not to mention the baby and here we are.”
Talia squints at him, scrunching her face up and making Liana laugh at the expression. She pouts and kicks at the back of Mat’s seat. “I was excited, Daddy! I was so excited I cried, ‘member?” She grumbles.
Liana tugs at one of her dark curls. “Yeah, she couldn’t help herself, Mat,” she teases. “We’ll all be on our best behavior, promise.”
There’s no doubt in Mat’s mind that the five adults in the car will absolutely ruin the surprise the second they get home, but he crosses his fingers and hopes anyway.
Traffic is light, surprisingly, and you’re waiting at the door when Mat pulls into the driveway less than two hours after he left. You wave as everyone piles out of the car, catching Talia in your arms when she runs up to you.
“Mommy! LeeLee said she brought me sou-soubeniers?” She yelps.
“Souvenirs,” you correct gently, helping her out of her jacket and frowning when you see the sweater you’d forgotten she was wearing. “Go wash your hands, baby.”
Talia scampers off and you hope that buys you a little time to get her changed before everyone sees.
Your parents and in-laws parade into the house, all four of them giving you extra tight hugs and kisses on the cheek. Your dad murmurs that it’s good to see you and Mike gives you a wide smile, hugging you for a moment longer than usual.
Nadia cups your cheeks in her hands and just looks at you for a few seconds before shaking her head and pulling you back in for a second hug. Strange.
Something prickles at the back of your neck and when your mom greets you with watery eyes, you know exactly what happened.
Liana shoots you a delighted smirk, wrapping one arm around you in a hug as she passes. “Merry Christmas,” she beams, kissing your cheek.
Mat is last, dragging suitcases behind him and wearing a sheepish expression. You hold the door open for him and deadpan, “blabbermouth junior told everyone, didn’t she?”
“Literally the second they got in the car,” Mat admits. To his credit, he doesn’t try and lie.
“I should’ve known,” you laugh, following him into the house. Your mom already has Talia on her hip, Big Sister sweater proudly front and center as she demonstrates to the grandparents that she can read the words. They all look up guiltily at you and you just laugh more. “Spoilsport ruined the news,” you say, flattening your hand on your stomach, “but Baby Barzal should be here in June. God willing.”
The sudden cheer overwhelms you and gets you teary eyed again before you’re enveloped in a hug that nearly smothers you. Mat’s grinning at you from the safety of the fridge, until he gets accosted by the moms. He pats them on the back, laughing.
After the excitement of the news, you fall into your usual visit routine - changing out of airplane clothes and placing an order from the Italian place that everyone loves before settling into the den to catch up.
“I was going to give you guys these on Christmas,” you start the sentence before you disappear upstairs and return with three boxes in your arms. “But might as well do it now.”
Talia whips her head around, abandoning the bag of pretzels she’d dug out of the pantry and is sharing with your dad and Mike. “More presents? For me?” She asks, clambering over the arm of the couch to fall into Nadia’s lap and poke at the wrapped gift. “Oh, Mommy wrapped this. It’s so pretty. It event has a ribbon,” she chirps, stroking the velvet bow loops.
“Ooh,” Liana laughs at Mat, “burned by your own kid.”
“Oh, ha ha,” Mat rolls his eyes at his sister and when he’s sure Talia’s distracted, flips her off.
“Behave,” Nadia chastises, tone firm even though she’s smiling. Talia’s already pulling the paper away from the box in her lap and Nadia lets her continue.
You curl up against Mat’s side and watch everyone open their gifts - Polaroid shaped Christmas ornaments with the baby’s sonogram in the little photo spot, Coming Soon scrawled in cursive over the bottom of it.
It would’ve been nice to surprise everyone on Christmas morning, but there’s something even nicer about doing it now. With everyone relaxed and excited and able to really enjoy the moment without the chaos of presents and breakfast and stockings.
“Wait?” Talia squints at the sonogram. She pokes her finger against the black and white image. “Is that my baby?”
“Mhm,” you hum watching your mom explain exactly which blurry blob is the baby. “That’s the first ever picture of the baby.”
“Do I have a picture like that?” She asks, appropriating Nadia and Mike’s ornament for herself and lying across their laps while she studies the image.
Mat nods. “Tons of them,” he replies. “We can show you later, if you want.”
She hums distractedly and you let the grandparents take over for a bit, spoiling her and distracting her while you relax against Mat’s side, his hand snaking down to rest on your stomach under your shirt. His palm is warm and dry and his fingers draw absent shapes against your skin. He turns the fireplace on from his phone and the room gets cozier, full of noise and laughter and joy.
It’s the best start to Christmas week that you could’ve ever imagined.
And it turns out that everyone knowing about the baby early is a blessing in disguise, because your mom and Nadia don’t let you do a single thing the next day. They get breakfast ready for everyone and the dads get the sidewalks and cars clean from the few inches of snow that had fallen over night.
You try to help, but are shooed away to the couch to rest. Liana and Talia join you intermittently. Your baby curls up on your lap with her Bitty Baby, listening as Liana fills you in on her love life in code that goes over Talia’s head.
Mat’s gone most of the day for morning skate and is back for his pre-game nap before disappearing again around 3:30.
Talia insists on wearing her Big Sister sweater again, but the combined powers of Liana and your mom work to get her to put an Islanders jersey over it for the game. The adults are decked out in gear too and you go for comfort over style in an oversized henley and vest with leggings. Your nod to team spirit is your custom Islander Nikes.
Since the whole family is there and it’s the last game before the holiday break, Mat sprung for a suite and you’re grateful for it because you can relax and not have to worry about Talia slipping away.
Periodically, the other girls pop in to join you and as much as you try to keep her distracted, Talia announces your news to everyone that stops in, chirping, “I’m gonna be a big sister!” with a big, chocolate smudged grin and a few bunny hops.
You’ve never been excitedly screamed at and hugged in your entire life, a permanent grin making your face hurt by the time the second is halfway done.
Mat finishes the game with a trip to the penalty box, a goal, two assist, and the team wins. Maxine Nightingale fills the arena and Talia shimmies along to the chorus, cheering for Mat as he’s announced as the first star and skates over to chat with Shannon.
“Congrats on the win,” Shannon grins and Talia hangs over the glass, waving at Mat. You hold the back of her jersey in a tight fist, ignoring the way your stomach swoops with anxiety every time she lunges forward.
“Thanks, Shannon,” Mat’s face is larger than life on the screen and his smile is megawatt. “Feels really good to get the two points at home.”
Shannon laughs and nods, “I bet! And with these two points and the Ranger loss last night, the Islanders are heading into the holiday break at the top of the Metro. Just another thing to celebrate, right?”
“Oh yeah!” Mat’s lips curl up in a cock smirk that has your dormant sex drive sparking slightly. “A lot to celebrate this year,” he looks up at the suites and you swear he makes eye contact with you, his smile growing more genuine. “Just really glad to get the win with my family here.”
“I’m sure they’re all waiting to start the holiday celebrations with you, Merry Christmas, Mat,” Shannon smiles and the interview ends with Mat wishing her the same and heading off down the tunnel.
“Bye, Daddy!!!” Talia shouts out, waving.
You snatch her back from the glass and she pouts at you briefly before skipping over to Liana to mooch some M&M’s off of her.
“Are we heading home before Mat or did you want to see him?” You ask, sitting down on one of the couches outside the suite. A yawn catches in the back of your throat and your mom brushes her hand over the top of your head. You lean into her touch like a cat, warmed by her affection.
“Let us take you home, baby,” she replies. “You look exhausted.”
“I’m okay,” you assure her, passing Liana a baby wipe from your bag so she can wipe the chocolate off of Talia’s face. “T likes to see Mat after the games, so we can all meet him out at the garage and split into the two cars.”
“I wanna see Daddy and Uncle Bo and Noah,” Talia calls out, wriggling away from Liana and the baby wipe she’s wielding.
“Jesus, stay still TB, you’ve got a chocolate five o’clock shadow,” Liana laughs.
Mat is waiting for you downstairs, immediately scooping Talia up and giving her a smacking kiss on the cheek. “My good luck charms!” He grins, hair damp.
“Daddy, where’s Noah?” Talia drapes herself over Mat’s shoulder, looking around for her favorite defenseman. “I wanna show him my sweater.”
“You already showed Alexa,” you remind her. “She’ll
show Noah the picture you posed for. And remember, you’re going to see everyone at Aunt Syd and Uncle Matt’s Christmas Eve party tomorrow.”
Somehow you manage to get Talia in her car seat in Mat’s car, the rest of the Barzals going with Mat too and leaving you to drive home with your parents. Mat kisses your forehead before he gets into the driver’s seat of his car and tells you to be safe.
You nod and end up in the back seat of your own car when your dad insists on driving home. You’re grateful for it, honestly, slumping against the door and yawning. It’s been a long day and you’re definitely ready to head to bed.
“I’m so happy for you, baby,” your mom murmurs over the Christmas music playing on the radio. She has her arm extended behind her so she can hold your hand. “Make sure you take care of yourself and if you need me to come and help, say the word. Whatever you need, right, hon?” That last bit is directed at your dad and he nods in agreement, a man of few words.
“Thanks, mom,” you can’t help the waver to your voice. Quieter, you continue, “I’m scared.”
“Oh, my girl,” your mom turns around in her seat and gives you a soft smile. “It’s only natural, after everything you and Mat have been through. But I’m going to go light a candle tomorrow and you’re going to stay positive and in June you’ll have a beautiful new baby to love on.”
You nod and wipe at your eyes, your free hand splayed on your stomach. In your purse, your phone vibrates and you pull it out to find a text from Liana - a video of Talia in her car seat, singing the wrong lyrics to ‘All I Want for Christmas’ loudly and proudly. She’s totally off key, but she’s having the time of her life. Before the video ends, you can hear Mat in the background laughing and saying, “T, next year you can teach Baby Sparky the lyrics.”
Tears flood your eyes again and the reality continues to hit - this time next year you’ll have a second baby all geared up to celebrate their first Christmas.
You can’t wait.
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honnelander ¡ 1 year ago
You know what I was thinking about? reader decides to make Sanji(thr rest of the crew are sleeping, and since she always helps him with the dishes they're always the last ones) she decides to make him her favorite desert from back home. She's not a great cook like Sanji, but she made with such love and care(plus it's really good) that he can't help but be with heart eyes all the time. What do you think?
hiii i loved this request! here is how go fish! Sanji would react to reader making him her favorite dessert:
(once again i get carried away lol)
"What's your favorite dessert?" you ask, completely out of the blue one night.
Sanji blinked a few times, trying to focus and gather his thoughts at your sudden question.
It was a typical Tuesday night on the Going Merry, where both of you were doing your unofficial nightly ritual of washing the dishes together after Sanji had served everyone another delicious evening meal, when you had broken the comfortable silence with your seemingly random question.
The blonde cook frowned slightly at the soapy sink water, sponge in hand as he continued scrubbing the saute pan. "Uh- I'm actually not too sure, love," he answered, rinsing off the pan with clean water before handing it over to you. "Why?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow slightly as he casted you a curious glance.
You took the dripping pan from him, shrugging. "Just curious," you hummed. "I like knowing things about you."
Sanji felt his heart flutter at your kind words as the corner of his mouth twitched upwards. "Ah, you're too kind to me Missus." He licked his bottom lip, trying his best to contain his ever-growing smile as he washed a plate. "What about you?"
"Huh?" You asked, drying the pan, like you snapped out of a daze.
Sanji had a full-blown smile now, laughing slightly. You were too cute for your own good. "Dessert," he replied patiently. He turned his head to look at you, bumping his hip with yours as he asked, "What's your favorite dessert?"
Now, sometimes Sanji couldn't help it. He just had to flirt with you. Sometimes you just made it too easy for him.
And damn if you didn't look cute when you blushed.
He leaned in towards you, his voice dipping lowly as he nearly purred, "Anything you see right now?"
"Well-" you sputtered, face turning scarlet as you nearly dropped the pan. "I, uh, I'm full. Actually."
Sanji tried his best to suppress his smile at your adorable antics as he resumed cleaning the plate in his hand. "Oh?"
"Yeah," you replied quickly. After a moment, you placed the dry pan on the dish mat. "But, um, maybe later?"
At your unsure question, Sanji felt his ears literally perk up as he repeated, "Later?"
He couldn't help it, his thoughts were running wild at the thought of you actually picking up what he was putting down. Was this really happening?
"Uh, yeah," you said, your reply sounding more like a question than an answer. You took a deep breath, your voice sounding more sure as you said, "Yeah. Later." You locked eyes with his surprised ones. "Come back here later. At midnight."
-------- ----
In his quarters, Sanji was wide awake. Laying on his bunk, he stared up at the ceiling as he mindlessly played with the cap on his lighter.
Were you serious? Did you actually ask him to meet up for a late-night rendezvous? Ahem- 'dessert'?
Ever since Nami had called him out on his, uh, crush on you, he was ashamed to admit that he found himself dreaming of something like this happening between you both for a while.
He liked to tease and flirt with you whenever he felt like it, loving the way you would just get so shy around him all of a sudden. It was just too cute for words. He was perfectly content at the moment with watching you from afar, when you were off in your own world, not realizing the beauty you emanated from purely existing.
And now you had picked up on his innuendo and were actually scheduling a meet-up?
Sanji could practically feel the nerves on his skin tingle from excitement, his heart beating faster than normal.
He's never actually had a woman return any kind of affection for him before, and if he laid here in bed any longer he felt like he was going to combust.
Clink. Sanji snapped his silver metal lighter shut as he sat up in bed, immediately finding the clock on the wall to read the time:
Ugh. It wasn't 12 exactly, but he simply couldn't just wait in his room any longer. It'd been hours since you both had finished up the dishes and these few hours of waiting had been absolute torture.
He got out of bed, wearing his usual pants and blue-striped button-down with a tie, even his shoes were on still, as he pocketed his lighter deciding to just go wait for you in the kitchen. You were pretty adamant about the meet-up time being 12 exactly, but he simply couldn't wait any longer.
Quietly, he opened the door of his room and carefully made his way towards the kitchen, trying to be as silent as he could. The ship was practically pitch-black since it was basically the middle of the night, but the closer he got towards the kitchen, he saw that a few lights were already on.
"Shit," he heard your whispered hiss. "I thought this would look better...oh my god. What if he hates this?"
His brows furrowed. Were you talking about him? Hating something you had done? He couldn't ever imagine that happening.
When he made it to the kitchen, the sight he was greeted with brought a smile to his face. There you were facing him, hunched over a whimsically decorated pink, yellow, white, and red cake, your face scrunched up in concentration, and the kitchen looking a bit of a mess.
As cute as the sight was, he couldn't help but be completely confused at what was going on. Didn't both of you just clean this entire kitchen only a few hours ago?......did you even go to bed at all?
This certainly wasn't the, uh, rendezvous he was expecting, but this was somehow better. He never knew what to expect with you and he loved that.
"Y/n?" he called out quietly.
You flinched at the sound of his voice, immediately straightening up, your eyes full of shock and surprise. "Sanji!" You put a hand over your heart. "Geez, you scared the hell out of me." You frowned slightly. "You were supposed to be here at 12."
The blonde cook took a couple of steps towards the counter, placing his hands on the edge as he leaned forward against it, examining the disarray before him, a small confused smile on his face. "What's going on here?"
"Um, well," you rubbed the back of your neck. "I wasn't quite ready yet...and I thought this would all look better...but, surprise..." you trailed off a bit lamely, slowly opening up your arms with an embarrassed smile.
Sanji cocked his head to the side. "Surprise for who?"
Now he was really confused. "Me?"
"Yeah." You were quiet for a moment, taking a deep breath and looked up at him, your expression soft and tender. "Happy anniversary Sanji."
"Well- I," Sanji stuttered. He was so terribly confused what you were on about but your expression didn't change. It was like you were waiting for him to realize what you were talking about. He let out a small breath. "I'm sorry, y/n. What are you talking about, sweetheart? What anniversary?"
Was he already dating you and it was an important anniversary for you both? Was he dreaming?
"Well, technically it's not your anniversary yet. But at midnight, it will be. It'll be ten years to the day..." you trailed off, looking down at the cake you made.
Ten years?
Suddenly, it all made sense to him. Everything. It was his ten-year anniversary....of being saved from that rock he was stranded on, with Zeff. The day that he would count as one of the happiest and hardest days of his life simultaneously.
He swallowed hard, trying to keep his voice from wavering as best he could. "Ten years from he day I was saved..." He took a steadying breath as he looked at you.
As hard as the day was for him, he couldn't believe that you actually remembered the date. He had told you part of his horrible back story months ago when he had met you, right around the time when he told Luffy that story. Never did he think that you would do so much as to even remember the month and day of when he had gotten saved. The day he got a second chance at life.
"You remembered?" he asked incredulously.
"Of course I did," you say simply, not offended by his question at all. You looked at him with a small smile, a twinkle in your eye. "It's the day that saved your life." In a quieter tone, you looked back down at your cake, a hint of embarrassment in your words, "If this day didn't happen ten years ago, I never would've met you. And I can't imagine never meeting you."
Sanji felt frozen in place as he stared at you. He felt his heartrate skyrocket.
But you weren't done with your sweet words. "Whenever you talked about that time in your life, you're always so sad over it. And rightfully so!" you quickly added, looking at him, your face flushing slightly. "But I don't want you to be sad over it anymore. So I figured I would make you your favorite dessert and surprise you with it so we could celebrate this day together but..."
You never told me what your favorite dessert was, were the unspoken words that hung in the air.
Truthfully, he wasn't a huge dessert person so he truly didn't have an answer when you had asked earlier but that didn't mean he didn't know a few desserts or two. He quickly scanned over your baked creation, looking at the details more closely and a smile twitched on his face when he realized the kind of cake you made.
"Is that a strawberry lemon cake?" he asked, his crooked smile growing wider when he saw your eyes light up.
Instantly, you looked up at him, immediately making eye contact with him, your face full of surprise. "Y-yes! It is...how'd you know..?"
"Ah, don't you know who you're talking to? The greatest chef in all of the four seas?" he asked playfully. "I know a strawberry lemon cake whenever I see one." Seeing the pair of forks and small plates you had already set out for you both, Sanji reached for a fork, looking at you with a raised brow. "May I?"
"Of course," you quickly nodded, gesturing for him to dig in.
As he took a forkful off the edge and put the dessert in his mouth, the sweetness and flavors immediately dancing on his tongue, you told him something sweet as he tasted something sweet.
"This is actually my favorite dessert," you admitted. Playing with hem of your apron (which he noted you looked so adorable in), you looked at him full of apprehension. "Do you like it? I think I could've done a better job..."
"This is the best thing I've ever tasted," he said without thinking.
And was he lying? Absolutely not. Since he was a cook, he was accustomed to so-called 'perfect meals' and all other 'amazing' creations. But this? A sweet cake made with love that was actually good? It was the truth: this was the best thing he'd ever had and he now had a favorite dessert, your strawberry lemon cakes.
"Ah, you're just saying that..."
"I'm serious." Sanji straightened up. "Something as good as this, made with love by you? And for such a...special occasion? I'm serious, y/n." He made sure he locked eyes with you, hoping you could feel everything he was feeling. "This is truly, the best thing I've ever had."
At his genuine compliment, he saw your apprehension melt away, that look being taken over by a look that radiated happiness. You were beaming. "Aw, Sanji," you said bashfully, waving him off slightly, a slight dusting of pink on your cheeks. "Well, thank you."
As he slowly made his way around the counter to be closer to you, he asked, "Wanna tell me how you made this incredible creation, Missus? I've never made one before."
At the opportunity to teach the Going Merry's chef something about food, an excited smile broke out across your face as you started explaining how you made your favorite dessert, launching into an animated explanation.
Once he was on the same side of the counter as you, practically a foot away but wanting to be closer, needing to touch you in some way but holding himself back, he listened to you explain every detail to him with a full feeling in his heart and a soft smile on his face.
Never before had someone done such a sweet and kind act for him, trying to help him heal from one of his traumas, but here you were, up all night practically so you could surprise him. The longer he looked at you, the more certain that yeah, Nami was right. He didn't like you as a friend. He liked you much more than a friend should.
He had feelings for you.
taglist: @mischiefmanaged71 @smolracoon25 @smol-book-nerd @shuujin @amanda08319 @nimtano @your-platonic-gay-lover @lovelymrvl @whiskeypowder @jovialcat123 @xtigerlily @shadowwolf1864 @quixscentsposts @guidingstarsstuff @ateliefloresdaprimavera @chexmixtrys @princettecharlie @amitydoodlez @the-maladaptive-daydreamers @abracarabbit @commanderfreethatdust @lordbugs @sweet-little-nothings @geisterfvhrer @kenkenmaaa @dazaisfavgf @fan-goddess @shadydeanmuffin @cherrypie5 @sauceonmyshorts @hhighkey @gimmebackmyskeeball @he4vens-ang3l @selcouthaesthetics @sapphireonline @dory-98 @redskull199987 @teenyforestfairy @acupnoodle @strwberryii @luna0713hunter @tinydonkeysforlife @rand0m--fangirl @stevenknightmarc
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